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愤怒:CAIR 对罗伯特·斯宾塞、青年美国基金会的战争



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Where are all the free-speech activists when you need them? Well, when it comes to protecting the free speech of those who criticize jihad and its apologists, the free-speech protectors are hiding under their bedcovers. Wetting their pants. Covering their ears, squeezing their eyes shut, and rocking themselves to sleep.

通过 布莱恩·普雷斯顿, read this threatening letter from the Council on American-Islamic Relations to the head of the Young America’s Foundation. YAF is holding its annual student conference this week in Washington. I spoke there yesterday, as did many other noted conservatives. Intrepid author and 圣战观赏 founder Robert Spencer is scheduled to speak there tomorrow.

CAIR is demanding that Spencer be shut down. Spread this letter far and wide. It tells you everything you need to know about CAIR’s anti-American contempt for free speech and legal bullying tactics:


罗伯特·斯宾塞 回应:

Note the personal smears, the attempt to bully and intimidate, and the non-specificity of the charges against me (they can’t be specific, because I don’t say anything inaccurate about them — or about Islam or jihad).

Note also the irony: this letter comes a day after CAIR’s Ibrahim Hooper slandered me on national television by ascribing to me hateful words written by someone else — which appeared on this site for about an hour, during which, lo and behold, someone at CAIR was watching.

I was speaking to a YAF official who told me that I was scheduled to speak as planned: “CAIR can go to Hell and they can take their 72 virgins with them.”

My own reply to CAIR: remember McAuliffe at Bastogne.

Bravo. It’s good to see YAF and Robert refuse to be intimidated. We’ll be covering the speech that CAIR doesn’t want you to hear at Hot Air. So stay tuned for that.

This is no isolated incident. CAIR has been targeting Spencer for years, and was successful in intimidating National Review into pulling a book from its book service for which Spencer had written an ad. CAIR has targeted several conservative talk radio hosts是, the anti-CAIR website, scholar Daniel Pipes, author/journalist 大卫弗鲁姆, and veteran conservative commentator 托马斯·卡尔 in a bid to silence dissent about its jihad-sympathizing ways.

Where have all the free-speech crusaders been? Yes, there they are:



Fun Fact from commenter Dersu: CAIR’s legal counsel, Joseph Sandler, is also the DNC’s counsel…

“From February 1993 until May 1998, Mr. Sandler served on the staff of the DNC as general counsel. He continues to serve in that position through his law firm.”

查尔斯·约翰逊 at LGF: “This group of Saudi-funded unindicted co-conspirators really is getting bold.”

相关: 斯坦利·库尔茨 notes efforts overseas by Saudi apologists for terror who are bullying publishers and silencing critics by demanding a purge of anti-jihad books from their shelves. Same m.o. here and there. Same need for vigilance here and there.


CAIR and its ilk thrive on appeasement, apathy, and the gutlessness of those in the academic and legal worlds who have made lucrative careers out of preaching the sanctity of free speech and thought–but haven’t the balls to defend them when push comes to jihadi shove.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: CAIR