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Photoshop中: 大卫·伦德

Left-wing bloggers have unearthed a new, Deep Important Issue to wield against Sarah Palin:

The personal tanning bed she installed at the governor’s mansion in Alaska.

She bought the used tanning bed from a health club with her own money.

那么,什么是 点?

Oh, wait, there is none.

But it’s a great opportunity for Palin-haters to mock her looks again and for Obama cultist publisher Jann Wenner to use Us Weekly to bash Palin again:

Some of the nutroots haters seriously argue that Palin’s tanning bed is a sign of “elitism” akin to John Edwards’ $400 haircuts.

这是 TPM 揭秘者 blog clucking its tongue:

“The news of Palin’s luxurious purchase — beds can cost as much as $35,000 — presents a sharp contrast to the blue-collar persona she projects on the campaign trail.”

Can they be more out of touch? Tanning beds have long been 痛骂 as “white trash”“redneck.”

The “elitist” thing to do would have been for Sarah to have hired a personal umbrella carrier her from the sun.

Next up: Us Weekly and company investigate the Sarah Palin’s eyebrow waxing appointments, Todd Palin’s beard grooming preferences, and the children’s dental hygiene habits.

America must know the truth!


真主权威 points out the health benefits of tanning beds non-Alaskans have ignored. Having lived in Seattle for more than three years, I know exactly what light deprivation does!


On a related note, Us Weekly has now gone to Amazon.com for help in boosting its sagging circulation after its Palin-bashing debacle. (Guess the five-free issue offer from the rag’s customer service department flopped.)

A reader sends the e-mail notice he received yesterday from Amazon.com.


• 类别: 思想 •标签: 萨拉·佩林