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In case Harry Reid was feeling left out of the fray as conservatives pound Do-Nothing Nancy, the American Future Fund has released an ad targeting the Senate Majority Leader’s vacation. Gone, but most definitely not forgotten:

Des Moines, IA – American Future Fund (AFF) today launched its latest radio ad, “Bargain,” which calls on Harry Reid to end his vacation and instead focus on the needs of Americans by scheduling a vote on S. 3202 to address high gas prices.

Reid adjourned the Senate last week, sending all 100 members on a five-week vacation, without holding a vote on this important piece of legislation.

The ad can be heard here: www.youtube.com/americanfuturefund .

“Weeks ago, AFF was calling on the Senate to stay until the job was finished, forgo their August vacation, and put in place a cohesive domestic energy policy,” said AFF Communications Director Tim Albrecht. “Unfortunately, the desire Americans have for the Senate to have a vote on this issue has fallen on deaf ears as Sen. Reid thought his vacation was more important than lowering gas prices.”

The ad buy runs statewide for two weeks in Nevada.

“Senator Reid’s refusal to do any work on this issue is a disservice to his constituents, and to every hard-working American family that finds themselves burdened with high energy prices,” said Albrecht.



The issue: out of control energy prices.

How’s Harry Reid using his position as Majority Leader to help lower gas prices?

Reid and Congress just took a five week vacation — instead of working to lower gas prices.

Congress found time to pass National Apple Month, but Reid continues to block votes to explore for energy in America.

America has huge energy reserves, but Congress has placed up to 85% of them off-limits.

Reid repeatedly blocks efforts to lift the moratorium on safe exploration off our coasts.

Reid opposes exploring a tiny portion of Alaska – less land than the Las Vegas airport – and he’s against developing our massive oil shale reserves.

Call Harry Reid: 702-388-5020. Tell him his vacation should end and the Senate should vote on S. 3202.

American Future Fund is responsible for the content of this ad. Paid for by American Future Fund. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. AmericanFutureFund.com.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 里德