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Yesterday, I posted video of Rahm’s first morning on the Chicago mayoral campaign trail — blocking commuters’ way and creating a paparazzi logjam.

Looks like the rest of the day didn’t go much better. Residents responded to Rahm’s “Telling It Like It Is” tour by giving him an earful. Choice bits from the “芝加哥论坛报”:

As the cameras rolled, Emanuel stood up and tried to quell the simmering scene, explaining how he felt the Obama administration had helped create jobs.

“You are going to be asked some hardball questions and get your bat out,” Paul Johnson, 49, eventually told Emanuel. “Welcome to Chicago.”

It wasn’t necessarily the welcoming Emanuel envisioned. After spending most of the last two years living in Washington, Emanuel begins his campaign trying to get voters to view him as a Chicagoan and not an interloper.

The open-borders crowd wasn’t much warmer:

Supporters of U.S. Rep. Luis Gutierrez and former Chicago Public School Board President Gery Chico rallied around the restaurant catcalling as Emanuel made his way down the block. Some local activists also handed out fliers ripping Emanuel for being part of a White House that some feel hasn’t been active enough on immigrant rights.

“Gutierrez si! Rahm no!” several people chanted outside, while Chico’s supporters gathered signatures to get their candidate on the ballot.

Caption contest photo of the day 点击此处.


According to Rahm’s blog, he ended his first day of campaigning at a 保龄球馆. No word on whether he beat his old boss’s anemic score. Such men of the people!

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 政治