 博客浏览米歇尔·马尔金(Michelle Malkin)档案
Savior Holds First Fear-Mongering Press Conference



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The wealth-redistributor-in-chief, his High Holiness, is set to begin his first official prime-time press conference at 8pm Eastern.

Will he go all 霍华德·迪恩?

Will he get 脾气暴躁的?

Drinking game buzzwords: “Bipartisan,” “crisis,” “get the economy moving again,” “create jobs.”


东部时间下午 8:05 更新。 President Obama. “It is only government that can break the vicious cycle.”

Jobs, jobs, jobs. Investment, investment, investment.

Gag. President Obama claims to be acting on behalf of my children and grandchildren.

Stop, thief.

东部时间下午 8:13 更新。 Obama dissing those who have criticized FDR’s growth-stifling interventions. Attempts to shut down and whitewash the economic dissenters. It’s the Obama way.

东部时间下午 8 点 15 分。 BOHICA. Obama says trillion-dollar porkulus is “just one step.” Mentions Geithner initiatives still to come…here comes the new mortgage entitlement.

东部时间下午 8 点 40 分。 Huffington Post has a seat in the WH press conference room. Nutroots membership has its privileges.

东部时间下午 8 点 58 分。 Obama lectures conservatives: “People need to break out of their ideological rigidity.”

Repeatedly insists that there is no dissent among economists about his porkulus.

我重复: President Obama, you can’t stifle this dissent.

Ends the press conference: “Thank you, guys.”

To quote Twitter conservative Lea Hendry Valle:”I’ll be holding onto my ideological rigidity until they pry it from my cold dead fingers.”

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 财政刺激计划