 博客浏览米歇尔·马尔金(Michelle Malkin)档案
表演时间:Troopathon 2009来了! 最终总奖金:超过$ 600,000美元!



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So many of you helped raise more than $1 million 去年 for the first-ever web-a-thon for the troops.

Beginning at 4pm Eastern and running for eight straight hours, Troopathon 2009 will broadcast across the Internet. You can watch right here on Ustream as Melanie Morgan and Andrew Breitbart co-host the show and welcome dozens of folks from Hollywood, talk radio, the blogosphere, and the military support community. I’ll update this post and will call in to the show later tonight. Don’t miss a huge line-up. Pitch in, tune in, and support a great cause. Honor the troops and their service:

Live TV : Ustream


更新: $250,000-plus in the first two hours!

更新: Hot Air Steamers raise 近$ 25,000 for Troopathon. Woo-hoo!

Update: Final total – more than $600,000! Thanks for your generosity.

I dedicated my troopathon battalion pkg to Fr. Tim Vakoc, Army chaplain who died on Sunday.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 值得的原因