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That’s the subject of my 新专栏.

这里的 where I first saw the Battle Staff Directive describing the incident at Tinker Air Force base on July 14 involving three men of Middle Eastern descent reportedly aiming a rocket launcher at low-flying aircraft. I confirmed the directive with Hill Air Force Base, which put out a warning last week to base personnel.

了解更多有关 Eagle Eyes program.

个人陈述 from Sen. Charles Schumer (I know, I know, but it’s useful information) on the MANPADS threat.

Thomas B. Hunter on the proliferation of MANPADS (via Jane’s Intelligence Review.)

Reader feedback from a retired Air Force captain:

[W]hat’s unintentionally funny about your article is that about 1987, three Air Force Security Policemen stole an entire F-16 jet engine on a trailer and tried to sell it to some people who turned out to be BATF agents. The episode went down in AF history as the day the 388th Wing Commander asked the Installation Commander, “General, are you s——g me?”

The Maintenance people in the 388th Fighter Wing had been asking for security cameras for years. They got them the next week.



Israelis know: Profiling works


Update: Curioser and curioser. The FBI, which is no longer returning my phone calls, has now gone public and deemed the Tinker AFB incident “不可信“–which is contrary to what Hill AFB personnel have been told, according to my interview with public affairs officer Capt. Sean Carter. Local Oklahoma City media outlets are reporting that law enforcement authorities have dismissed a witness to the incident as “crazy.” But the 鹰眼 participants don’t seem to be taking any chances. Tinker AFB officials are not commenting.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 恐怖袭击