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The myth that “green jobs” are a boon to the economy keeps getting pierced by failed green jobs boondoggle after failed green jobs boondoggle.

As I noted in April 2009, the truth about green jobs has been told all over the world. Case in point: Spain.

本月发布的一项新研究称,过去八年里,西班牙政府资金创造的每一个“绿色工作岗位”都会减少 2.2 个常规工作岗位,而且新创造的绿色工作岗位中只有十分之一成为永久性工作岗位。 该研究与奥巴马政府的绿色就业计划相似。

事实上,奥巴马总统已将西班牙的绿色倡议作为美国应如何利用联邦资金刺激经济的蓝图。 国会二月份通过的奥巴马经济刺激计划向绿色就业行业拨款数十亿美元。


“Spain’s experience (cited by President Obama as a model) reveals with high confidence, by two different methods, that the U.S. should expect a loss of at least 2.2 jobs on average, or about 9 jobs lost for every 4 created, to which we have to add those jobs that non-subsidized investments with the same resources would have created,” wrote Calzada in his report: Study of the Effects on Employment of Public Aid to Renewable Energy Sources.

latest green jobs failure in Massachusetts 毫不奇怪:

Evergreen Solar Inc., which received $58 million in state aid to open a factory in 2008 at the former military base in Devens, announced today it would shut the plant and let go 800 workers by the end of this quarter. The solar-panel plant is a cornerstone of Governor Deval Patrick’s efforts to make Massachusetts a hub for the emerging clean-energy industry…

The company lost $54 million through the first nine months of 2010, and has, since its founding in 1994, accumulated a total deficit of more than $630 million. Last month, it engineered a reverse stock split to maintain capital requirements for the main Nasdaq stock exchange. Before the split, Evergreen’s stock had been trading at about 50 cents.

Evergreen did not say what will happen to the solar-panel assembly work now done at Devens, but the company noted it will continue to operate facilities in China and Michigan.

But it was just a few short years ago the company was a darling in the eyes of the Patrick administration, which offered Evergreen a rich package of grants, land, loans, and other aid – some $76 million in all-to build a new facility at Devens. The company eventually accepted $58.5 million, one of the largest investments Massachusetts has made in a private company.

They should start calling them “brown jobs” — to reflect the color of the sewer down which untold millions have been flushed in the name of environmental stimulus.



11/23/10 非令人震惊的一天:绿色工作失败了

4/8/10 天气化毫无用处,redux

4/13/09 “西班牙的绿色工作失败了”

12 / 15 / 09, “Cash for Caulkers 又来了!” 更新:奥巴马:“绝缘很性感”

1/7/10 “绿色工作”= SEIU/工会工作”

1 / 8 / 10, “这是另一个价值数十亿美元的绿色就业计划”

3/2/10 “一个风电警示故事”

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 环境机智, 财政刺激计划, 政治