瓦莱丽·贾瑞特(Valerie Jarrett)和奥巴马(Obamacare):全民医疗保健在BRA中的意义



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礼貌 根, 又一个黑人不喜欢的光辉榜样 支付医疗费用:

奥巴马总统的高级顾问瓦莱丽·贾勒特 (Valerie Jarrett) 打破礼节,于周六晚在新奥尔良举行的全国黑人记者协会年度颁奖晚宴上发表了一场竞选式的演讲。


在这种场合,演讲者传统上希望组织好运并谈论新闻问题。 退伍军人表示,他们认为这些言论不恰当。
有人翻了个白眼。 “为什么不直接发送 [活动] 视频?” 一个说。 “那是不合时宜的,”另一个人随后说道。

NABJ 主席 Gregory H. Lee Jr. 和执行董事 Maurice Foster 各自表示,他们不知道 Jarrett 会说什么。

然而,福斯特补充说,贾勒特“一直是 NABJ 的好支持者。 . . . 她总是以积极的眼光和我们所做的好事来投射 NABJ 的形象。 她与我们的联系以及她与组织的家庭联系值得赞赏。” Jarrett 是已故的 Vernon Jarrett 的离异儿媳,Vernon Jarrett 是一位传奇的芝加哥记者,也是 NABJ 的创始人。

周六下午,贾勒特与非裔美国专栏作家特罗特集团的成员和地区记者进行了交谈,并再次概述了她认为奥巴马政府的成功之处,其中包括资助历史悠久的黑人学院和大学; 医疗改革,她说将不成比例地帮助非裔美国人; 并减少持有可卡因粉和可卡因粉的处罚之间的差异。


在一个真实的国家,全民医疗保健不会成为争论的焦点。 也不会在火星上建立殖民地。 在 Black-Run America (BRA), 资助 HBCU看看这些“院校”的毕业率 – 以及在私营部门雇用失业人员 通过公共/政府工作的黑人 是一个更大的任务。

劳伦斯·奥斯特 (Lawrence Auster) 写了什么 黑人对文明有贡献吗?:

你知道吗? 我没有。 我刚刚在维基百科的 刊文 关于拉尔夫·阿伯纳西(Ralph Abernathy),马丁·路德·金的继任者,南方基督教领袖会议的负责人:

“在阿波罗 11 号发射前夕,即 15 年 1969 月 XNUMX 日,阿伯纳西与数百名穷人一起抵达卡纳维拉尔角,抗议政府对太空探索的支出,而许多美国人仍然贫穷。 NASA 局长 Thomas O. Paine 会见了他,他告诉他,面对这样的苦难,太空飞行是一项非人道的优先事项,应该将资金用于“喂饱饥饿的人,赤身裸体的人,照顾病人,并安置无家可归者。” 潘恩先生告诉阿伯纳西,与人类极其困难的社会问题相比,太空探索的进步只是儿戏,并告诉他,“如果我们能够解决贫困问题,而不是按下明天将人类送上月球的按钮,那么我们就不会按下那个按钮。” 发射当天,阿伯纳西博士带领一小群抗议者来到航天中心的访客禁区,高呼“我们不是宇航员,但我们是人”。

所以你有它。 历史上最伟大的成就之一,第一次载人登月,以及最负盛名的黑人民权组织 SCLC 不希望它发生,因为他们认为它花费的钱可以更好地用于转移支付黑人。 这就是黑人作为一个有组织的社区必须为我们的文明做出贡献的全部内容:无休止地抱怨白人对黑人的不公正,以及对白人生产而黑人无法生产的财富和商品的无休止的要求。 再加上这次事件中没有出现的第三个“贡献”:如果黑人不按照他们的方式行事,暴力和骚乱的无休止威胁。


美国白人不欠黑人美国什么。 甚至没有医疗保健。 看看黑人是怎么对待的 亚特兰大格雷迪纪念医院,富尔顿县白人纳税人为黑人提供的虚拟免费诊所。


瓦莱丽·贾勒特 (Valerie Jarrett) 向 NABJ 吹嘘它。

然后,Newsone.com 上的 NABJ 成员吹嘘奥巴马医改是符合宪法的,这对黑人意味着什么(奥巴马的医疗保健对非裔美国人意味着什么,Lynette Holloway,28 年 2012 月 XNUMX 日):

民权领袖和立法者周四对美国最高法院做出的狭隘决定表示赞赏 支持巴拉克奥巴马总统具有里程碑意义的医疗保健法,它支持要求所有人都有健康保险的措施的核心。

“这是来自天堂的甘露,”美国众议员丹尼·K·戴维斯(D-Ill.)在奥巴马总统中午举行的关于该裁决的新闻发布会后不久告诉 NewsOne。 “我非常高兴,因为这将确保 32 万无法获得医疗保险的人现在拥有它。 虽然我赞成国家健康计划,但这还差一点。 它将大大有助于改善数百万美国人的生活质量。 ”


“自 1970 年代以来,我一直致力于医疗改革,这是非裔美国人和所有美国人的标志性立法,”戴维斯说。 “我们可能会看到减少的一件事是医疗补助。 那里的钱比我们希望的要少,但总的来说,我们对裁决感到满意。”
在一份准备好的声明中,NAACP 主席 Roslyn M. Brock 称该裁决“至关重要”:

最高法院今天做出了一项重要决定,以维护《平价医疗法案》的核心条款,”布洛克在新闻稿中说。 全国有色人种协进会长期以来一直支持全面、完整地实施该法律。 获得优质、负担得起的医疗保健是一项公民和人权,不应为富人或少数人保留。 这项法律涵盖的 32 万美国男人、女人和儿童现在可以更轻松地呼吸了。”

在准备 声明, 美国众议员 Charles B. Rangel (DN.Y.) 称这一决定是美国的胜利:

兰格尔说,当国会于 2010 年通过《平价医疗法案》时,我们取得了自 1912 年以来无法实现的成就。我将继续与我的民主党同事合作,捍卫巴拉克奥巴马总统的里程碑式立法,并反对共和党试图废除它的企图。 与此同时,是时候专注于刺激经济增长和让美国人重返工作岗位了。

自由失败了。 永远别忘了。

(从重新发布 BPDL 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 种族/民族 •标签: 健康防护 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 我们的共和国今天刚刚灭亡。安息吧美国。

  2. This sentiment is perfectly captured in black artist Faith Ringgold's piece "Flag for the Moon: Die Nigger."

    乌里克·瓦兰奇(Ulick Varange)

  3. On the eve of the Apollo 11 launch, July 15, 1969, Abernathy arrived at Cape Canaveral with several hundred members of the poor people to protest spending of government space exploration,

    That part of your post reminding me of this:


    Sadly, I have met many whites who hold the same attitude. When we stop reaching for the stars, humanity becomes just another animal. We reduce ourselves to simply existing; nothing more.

  4. 这是一场噩梦。 美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN) 简短报道称,该授权已被废除,随后更正称整个法律得到维护。 我一直点击刷新希望有另一个更新......

    现在,没有什么——绝对没有什么——是联邦政府做不到的。 考虑到国会已经放弃了权力,通过了广泛而模糊的立法,允许行政部门通过成文法(法规和授权)填补空白,白宫本质上是规则而不是治理。 欢迎来到暴政和独裁。



    如果您的下一辆车不是电动的,则需缴税。 10年不买新房要缴税。 如果你搬到一个不够多元化的地区,没有在少数族裔拥有的企业上花足够的钱,送你的孩子去私立学校,没有送你的孩子接受多元化/白人内疚/少数族裔不满培训,那么你就会被征税。 对任何拒绝举办同性婚礼的教堂或任何不提供节育服务的宗教组织征税。 如果您的员工或您的顾客和客户不够多元化,则需征税; 如果你没有对暴力黑人社区进行足够的宣传。 因不向孩子们介绍单枪匹马赢得二战胜利的塔斯基吉飞行员而征收的税。

    现在,每一种行为或不采取行动都应纳税。 总统依法行事。 谁能想到美国会变成这样。 专政。

  5. PKSBPDL 创下新低。



    2. 我们欠黑人太多——太多的蔑视。

  6. 范,同样的事情也发生在福克斯新闻上,先是被否决,然后又说维持。我简直不敢相信。我也同意你的完整评论。


    这是一场噩梦。美国有线电视新闻网 (CNN) 简短报道称,该授权已被废除,然后更正称整个法律得到维护”

  7. From SBPDL: "One of the greatest achievements in history, the first manned flight to the moon, and the most prestigious black civil rights organization, the SCLC, wanted it not to take place, because they thought the money it cost could be better spent on transfer payments to blacks."


  8. *一个国家的灭亡-

    套用 DW Griffith 的话,我提议发起一场互联网运动,于今年 4 月 XNUMX 日为美国宪法举行葬礼。 我的意思是字面上的意思是,我们都应该聚集在当地重要的地方,为宪法举行葬礼并真正埋葬它。

    我希望你能看到这种抗议形式的智慧,并希望 VFR 能够开始这场运动。 我认为我们有必要公开承认我们的国家已经灭亡。



    * 今天早上寄给劳伦斯·奥斯特的信。


    • 回复: @Anonymous

    Bobby my boy, that one of the most ridiculous ideas I ever read. Ok Bobby you first. Yeah I thought so all type , no balls.

  9. Friend, it's not a dictatorship. No one can make you do anything you don't wish to do. If a law requires you to do something immoral, simply ignore the law. If a fine for ignoring the law is imposed on you, ignore the fine. When they come to arrest you for ignoring the fine, ignore the arrest warrant and make them drag you to prison. If they require you to work in prison, refuse and let them slam you in solitary.

    Solitary. That's it. That's all they can do to you. I've been there. It's not so bad.

    Of course, doing all this will destroy your life and the lives of your children, but better that than to comply with an immoral law.

    If you are determined to avoid suffering in this life you are a slave of the Devil. God never said His people wouldn't suffer. He said "pick up your Cross and follow Me". If it falls to us to bear the cross, let us bear it in silent dignity and show them how a White, Christian man suffers.

    • 回复: @Anonymous

    Mr. Oculus has seen the light and followed the path that we all here on SBPDL should follow. His insight and actions speak true pride in self and our blog community. Take heed to his directional prodding and go down this glorious path layed out in grand splendor. Do not sit like a brown turd on the side of the road. Go forth in the "III"'s line of sight. Onward.

    , @Anonymous

    "Resist we mutch!"

  10. Just what I was thinking this morning with the SC upholding 0bama care. This is a transfer of wealth from the white private productive sector to the blacks, the illegal immigrants, the poor non-white immigrants who are legal and who are flooding in the USA, to the poor Hispanics. White will be taxed more. Whites will become the slaves of the aforementioned groups. To whites you can add some hard working Asians in the private sector although they are the biggest tax evaders on earth when in cash businesses such as motels and restaurants etc

    Male Hispanics are inclined to work their butts off even if their women suck off welfare. So the largest beneficiaries of 0-Care are sub-85 IQ blacks who incidentally will be staffing the f*****g Obama-Care Federal bureaucracy to administer this piece of crap. Private sector jobs in insurance companies will decrease (whites lose jobs) while blacks, gays, Hispanics and other minorities score the Federale jobs to administer 0-care. They will put their friends and relatives to the head of the line for fast health care with the better doctors. This will devolve into Robert Mugabe style health care

    • 回复: @Anonymous

    Yep. You are screwed.

  11. 不,不是独裁统治。更像是 .gov 作为黑手党:你支付保护费(税),否则你就会感受到他们的愤怒。作为命令或税收的暴政仍然是暴政。

  12. "To cover the costs associated with police, federal agents, and gunshot injuries, Congress can pass a law – or the IRS can simply mandate a tax – of several thousand a year to exercise your gun ownership rights, effectively killing the 2nd Amendment."

    In fact, this has ALREADY been accomplished via the 1934 National Firearms Act that placed a $200 tax on so-called automatic weapons. How many people in 1934 could afford a $200 tax?; such is the non-stop treachery of our government in subverting the 2nd Amendment.

  13. 我是一名社会主义者(惊讶!),但我知道福利是如何补充或帮助有荣誉、道德、耻辱的穷人的(想想在索马里人、刚果人和阿拉伯人开始进入社会之前,社会主义在斯堪的纳维亚半岛发挥了多么出色的作用)几代人的救济和大规模强奸)。


  14. 为什么耐克在黑人挨饿的时候还要生产Air Jordans?
    为什么苹果公司在黑人挨饿的时候还要生产 iPhone?
    为什么黑人挨饿时却生产 5 美元的轮圈?

    Magic thinking is easy. You just switch off your brain and type.

  15. “在一个真正的国家,全民医疗保健不会引起争论。在火星上建立殖民地也不会引起争论。”




    在芝加哥,第二期税款将在创纪录的提前时间内到期,因为“de chillen!” 在学校,准备吃“s'more”,准备“学习”,准备繁殖“s'more”......

  16. 你无法想象太空计划给我们带来的进步。我们认为理所当然的东西,如计算机、手机、核磁共振成像、CT 扫描仪和许多其他进步都来自太空计划。感谢上帝,我们拥有了它们。如果阿伯内西牧师还活着,他应该对我们所有人的这些进步表示感激。

  17. Robert B – I don't know that I even have the heart for a public funeral. I certainly won't be "celebrating" the 4th this year. As a commenter at Auster's noted, there's nothing left of the originally-proposed, constitutional representational democracy worth celebrating. I'm sorry to be such a despair diva, but I truly do despair. My husband chided me the other night for being so relentlessly depressing about political and social developments. He noted that he needs some shreds of hope to keep working hard to keep our family financially afloat. I apologized very sincerely, and I understand where he's coming from, but I just can't paste on a happy face at America's death throes.

    • 回复: @Anonymous

    Not celebrating The 4th. How disrespectful to our great country can you be. Shame on you Simon, excuse me, I mean Sheila. God Bless America, her allies and all of her citizens including you. You are so lucky to be American (if you really are and not a perpetrator), wake up to realization.

  18. Instead of being put out of its misery by SCOTUS, this is now a live issue that will be battled over all the way into November. In some ways, it is the better outcome. Hopefully, enough people see (and vote) in November. Put the right people in office, and you don't have to look to the courts….

    Magnifico said… Our republic just died today. RIP USA.

  19. The supreme court decision is just another one the endless examples of the fact that the great core White population has about one generation – 25 year's – in which to make Constitutional changes in order to protect us from the black and Mexican population explosion.

    Our White population has, by far, the greatest sense of proprietorship about America. A sense of we founded it, we built it, and we transformed it into greatest nation on Earth. Because of this, our politics is intensely patriotic and farsighted.
    Blacks, most Hispanics, and left-wing whites have smash-and-grab approach to politics which shortsighted and ruinous to our future.

    If we don't change the legal DNA of our country by constitutional amendments such as a Balanced Budget Amendment, the U.S.A. is doomed to become the u.s.s.a.

  20. There's so much wrong with this ruling today but I'm not surprised. I told my husband last night that there was no way they were going to deny another REVENUE STREAM from white America to the takers of our society.


  21. Federal welfare spending in fiscal year 2011 totaled $668 billion, spread out over 126 programs, while the poverty rate remains high at 15.1 percent, roughly where it was in 1965, when President Johnson declared a federal War on Poverty.

    In 1966, the first year after Johnson declared war on poverty, the national poverty rate was 14.7 percent, according to Census Bureau figures.


  22. BRA is out in full force today with their victory speeches. Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee Reacts to Supreme Court Decision: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EKyBSV18c3o

  23. 希拉-

    我不会轻易提出葬礼。 葬礼是一个严肃、悲伤的场合。 这个决定就包含了我们灭亡的种子。 我们现在可能被迫支付政府认为值得给予其他“被剥夺权利”群体的任何费用。 生意将会消失,保险公司看到了不祥之兆,将充分利用它的价值并将资金投资到国外。

    这是没有出路的——即使共和党接管并废除这项法律,“前进”的进程仍将继续。 我们现在只有一个选择——

    逐州废除并最终分裂。 为了做到这一点,我们都必须考虑将我们的选票合并到“红色”州,这样我们才能产生最大的效果。 我们并不是唯一考虑这个问题的人——自由州项目大约五年前在一个州进行了投票,此后已经将 20,000 多名法定年龄选民转移到了该州——新罕布什尔州。 查一下,亲自看看。 这是可以做到的,但我们都必须有毅力收拾行装——就像我们的祖先几代人以前所做的那样。 对我来说,那是1634年、1842年和1870年。如果他们能做到,跨越海洋进入一个非常不确定的地方,生活在边境并与敌对的印第安人打交道,我也能做到。

  24. 为什么耐克在黑人挨饿的时候还要生产Air Jordans?
    为什么苹果公司在黑人挨饿的时候还要生产 iPhone?
    为什么黑人挨饿时却生产 5 美元的轮圈?






  25. 反贫困战争已经打了47年,黑人却在欺负纳税人。



  26. Jarrett ticked off what she considered the Obama administration's accomplishments and said, "We need journalists who will make people think, who will connect the dots, look past the distractions."


  27. “反贫困战争已经持续了 47 年,黑人却在欺负纳税人。”


  28. On the eve of the Apollo 11 launch, July 15, 1969, Abernathy arrived at Cape Canaveral with several hundred members of the poor people to protest spending of government space exploration, while many Americans remained poor.

    This is such utter rubbish. Just like everybody else, America's Black poor have benefited immensely from the technical and medical advances that spun off of our space exploration.

    To have spent that money on Black uplift would not just have been―as history has now shown us―a study in futility but something that could have changed the balance of world power in some very dangerous ways.

    If JFK had any vision at all, it certainly can be summed up in America's space race. At that time, Communism was still spreading and had yet to be so thoroughly discredited as it is today.

    It was essential for the USA to prove that free market Capitalism was a superior economic model. The USSR's propaganda machine was much more finely tuned than America's and had to be since that was all that Soviet Russia really had to offer. Overcoming the Communists' portrayal of Americans as a bunch of exploited wage slaves was a vital part of debunking the supposed allure of a centrally planned economy like that of Red China or the Soviet Union.

    By doing so, it increased the likelihood that countries which were sitting on the fence about who to ally with could be persuaded into joining the American side. This was a crucial strategy in containing the spread of Communism.

    Faced with the USSR's stunning successes in launching Sputnik and, eventually, Yuri Gagarin, into space well ahead of America's ability to do so, landing an astronaut on the moon and safely returning him home was an absolute top priority.

    America's accomplishment of this goal was pivotal in convincing those fence-sitting countries that US manufactured goods and weapons would out-perform their Soviet equivalents. Capturing the lunar high ground went a long way towards sealing that argument.

    Returning to Abernathy's Trojan horse of NASA budgets supposedly depriving America's poor; Blacks have long contended―falsely, I might add―that they suffer disproportionate casualties on the battlefield. By that logic, defeating Communism through aerospace superiority theoretically 保存 Black lives that would otherwise have been lost in the numerous other Vietnam-style conflicts required to militarily overcome it on the ground.

    Of course, we all know that White soldiers are the ones who really take the hit on any battlefield and―in a fulfillment of America's technological prowess―they, more than just about anyone, benefited immensely from the improved armaments and telecommunications which were spawned by our exploration of space.

    So, please, never tolerate anyone calling the space race a waste of money. It's what makes those who claim the moon landings were faked such egregious rectal cavities. In reality, we didn't even have the technological capability to fake in such detail at that time.

    America's lunar landing was one of the most spectacularly profitable investments in our nation's history, if not that of the entire world. Had we continued our space exploration apace since the moon shot, it is almost impossible to over-exaggerate where we might be today.

    The millstone of Blacks that hangs on America's collective neck not only threatens to drown our economy, it has also grounded our reach for the stars in a way that only such a primitive and unheroic bunch of savages possibly could. The damage done to our nation by not remaining fully committed to space exploration is a tragedy that rivals the burning of Alexandria's library.

  29. 匿名: The supreme court decision is just another one the endless examples of the fact that the great core White population has about one generation – 25 year's – in which to make Constitutional changes in order to protect us from the black and Mexican population explosion.

    Our White population has, by far, the greatest sense of proprietorship about America. A sense of we founded it, we built it, and we transformed it into greatest nation on Earth. Because of this, our politics is intensely patriotic and farsighted.
    Blacks, most Hispanics, and left-wing whites have smash-and-grab approach to politics which shortsighted and ruinous to our future.

    If we don't change the legal DNA of our country by constitutional amendments such as a Balanced Budget Amendment, the U.S.A. is doomed to become the u.s.s.a.

    Too late, Anon. The USSA is here. Now. It's a Banksta Banana Republick and has been so since at least 1913. Today is a perfect example of how the dialectic flim-flam works upon the idiocracy. In 2000, countless Americans who desired limited, constitutional government voted for Jorge W. Busheron, Amurika's first Mexican president. Many voted in the belief that the Repuke would appoint judges to the Supreme Court who would uphold the constitution. The Repuke base is like Charlie Brown, forever falling prey to Lucy's football scam.

    Even though a couple of observers like the invaluable Larry Auster noted 严重的问题 with El Decider's appointment of Roberts as Chief Ayatollah, Conservatism, Inc. – including its evangelical amen corner – cheered the appointment. While I would not doubt for a minute that folks such as Rich Lowry and Jonah Goldberg are actually jubilant about this latest travesty, the moronic legions who follow their lead will now be raped and pillaged by the regime even more than previously. I wonder how many will start to see through the flim-flam they've been believing in all these years?

  30. 杰德教堂: 2. 我们欠黑人太多——太多的蔑视。

    We owe Blacks much more than just derision or contempt. They deserve the back of our collective White hand.


    Short of wholesale genocide there is little that they do not richly deserve. Were Blacks to endure the same degree of predation that they impose upon Whites, their howls of indignation would be cut short by the gurgle of their lungs filling with blood.

  31. I know this is a big deal, and the death of limited government and all that, but dang! Those HBCU graduation rates! My god!

  32. 美国好: (think how wonderful socialism worked in Scandinavia BEFORE the onslaught of somalis, congolese and arabs who started to be on the dole for generations and mass rapes).

    The only reason why "socialism worked in Scandinavia"―or anywhere else in Europe for that matter―was because America spent untold trillions of dollars on defending the continent. Had the European Socialists been forced to build up their own military forces to the same functional degree, the gravy train of medical, educational and social benefits would never have been affordable.

    Even after America bled itself white winning the Cold War, Europe still has the collective intelligence of a bag of hair by allowing themselves to become dependent on Russian natural gas. They have yet to learn their lesson. Perhaps the Muslims will teach it to them.

  33. 13岁犯罪团伙被警方抓获。


    当 13 岁时,多样性开始变得狂野起来,你就知道未来是地狱般的……


  34. 雷齐亚: You cannot imagine the advances that have come to us because of the space program. Things we so take for granted like computers, cell phones, MRI, CT scanners, and many other advances came from the space program. And thank God we have had them. Rev. Abernathy should, if he is still alive, be grateful for those advances for all of us.

    It's nice to see someone else voice these sentiments.

    @ssclowns like Abernathy are the very worst sort of ingrates. History has now shown us what a total waste of money it is to attempt Black uplift. Now, it's only a matter of opening peoples' eyes to this stark truth.

    I do not have enough hats to take off―and I have a serious collection of hats―out of respect for 保罗·克西's Herculean efforts at waking up America to Race Realism.

  35. Can't type what I want to say/do over this.

    We are close gentlemen.

    Prepare, Prepare, prepare

  36. 罗伯特·B: Funerals are a sober, sad occasion.

    Not if you're Irish.

    Although, I do have to agree with 清洁先生 about this issue waking people up come November.

    One small thought experiment:

    If companies with 50 or more employees are forced to provide health care plans, what will companies with 60 workers do?

    Mein Obama's plan will cause job destruction on an unimaginable scale.

  37. Zenster说...


  38. 法治基本上已经死了。 考虑:

    最高法院裁定国会可以将其税收权力用于任何目的。 他们甚至可以选择一种行为,并对选择不从事该行为的个人征税。 按照这个逻辑,他们当然可以对任何东西征税; 任何作为或不作为。

    法院还裁定,即使州地位与联邦地位相同,州也不能执行联邦法律; 不知何故,该州执行联邦法律的努力实际上破坏了上述联邦法律。

    与此同时,由于法院确实允许亚利桑那州警方检查嫌疑人的移民身份,总统裁定他的政府将不再协助亚利桑那州处理涉嫌非法外国人的案件。 他只是拒绝执行法律——这是他作为行政部门负责人的主要职责。 当然,法院明确表示,如果亚利桑那州似乎以涉及种族定性的方式执行法律,则需要进一步审查。 由于超过 75% 的非法移民来自中美洲,执法当然会产生不同的影响。


    我们不要忘记可怜的乔治·齐默尔曼。 遭到一名年轻暴徒的袭击,被迫自卫。 警方称齐默尔曼有机会“化解”局势,这就是他被指控谋杀的原因。 佛罗里达州的法律没有这样规定,但显然我们是边做边编的。 现在,如果 POS 暴徒感到您不尊重,您就有责任“化解”这种情况。 不管怎样,马丁离开现场只是为了回击齐默尔曼。 这是齐默尔曼的责任。

    欢迎来到法西斯主义。 我们边做边制定规则; 中央政府最清楚,并且不受任何限制。 至少意大利法西斯主义是为了对意大利人有利,而德国法西斯主义是为了对德国人有利(尽管两者都被误导了)。 在美国,法西斯主义的目的是让当地人为他人服务。

  39. The Dallas NAACP wants to shut down the Texas Lottery because those po black fokes just can't control themselves, and they are thus FORCED to buy lottery tickets! Maybe they should agitate and activize to force all white Texans to buy at least 15 lottery tickets per week. We demand equity n'sheeit!



    Dallas NAACP Wants Texas Lottery Shut Down

    6月27,2012 6:13 PM

    DALLAS (CBSDFW.COM) – The Dallas chapter of the NAACP wants to stop seeing low income Texans pumping money into the state lottery by putting it out of business.

    In poorer communities, though, the lottery seems to offer the chance at a life otherwise out of reach.

    A study paid for by the Texas Lottery Commission says the people most likely to play Pick 3 are those making $20,000 a year or less –– below the poverty line. And people who are unemployed are more likely to buy scratch-off tickets than those who have jobs or retirees, the study found.

    David Anderson collects disability but still spends a few dollars a week testing his luck. “It’s up to me, spend this five dollars or should I go buy a loaf of bread and hamburger to feed the kids,’ he said.

    But why stop something that’s raking in the money? So far in 2012 Texans have spent more than $3.3 billion in lottery tickets.

    “They have this delusion that they’re going to win,” said chapter president Dr. Juanita Wallace. “I want them to shut it down,” she said. “Our people are spending their little money, their life savings away in hopes of winning.” The group voted recently to urge state officials to do away with the lottery.

    Just compare the North Dallas Lottery District to the South Dallas Lottery District, where there are a greater percentage of minorities and low income homes.

    Not only are people in south Dallas more likely to play the lottery, they spend almost three times as much when they do.

    Occasional player, Paul Meupe, says he knows the odds are slim. “I bet if I buy a scratch off right now, I won’t win,” said Paul Meupe.

    He was right; he didn’t.

    Anderson, though, said it’s more than just a ticket people are buying, it’s hope.

    “The hope that they’re gonna hit and have nothing else to worry about,” he said.

  40. 范说…

    Welcome to fascism… At least Italian fascism was geared towards what was good for Italians, and German fascism towards what was good for Germans (however misguided both were). In the US, fascism is designed to subject the native population to serve others.

    Well stated. The federal deficit is a means to enslave future tax payers and the cost will never be borne by the 48% of the current citizens who pay no fed tax. Also excluded from the paying class are the current and future illegal aliens. The obamacare tax mandate will require the tax payers to buy medical care for the non-tax payers. The citizen tax payer is being forced, in the truest fascist sense, to support others. And finally, States can't defend their borders.

    The communist/progressive/race lobbyists are good. Got to admit that.

  41. If companies with 50 or more employees are forced to provide health care plans, what will companies with 60 workers do?

    Split into 2 companies of 30 workers each.  There's also a minimum size for compliance with EEOC mandates, which slips past another tentacle of BRA.  Still, we need to revoke laws like the 1964 Civil Rights Act and nullify rulings like Griggs (and Plyer and Shelly vs. Kraemer) or nothing is safe.

  42. HOORAY!!!! HOORAY!!!! Now that Ovomit Care has been upheld, I'll get to pay more taxes to support more parasites!! And additional government support of parasties means they'll procreate at even a faster rate!! HOORAY!! HOORAY!!!!

  43. 曾斯特-



    企业会像我和许多其他人在面对强制员工招聘行为的法律时所做的那样——不会发展到超出你必须遵守这些规定的程度。 保持规模较小,避免处罚和/或潜在的诉讼。 借助现代技术,您可以用 14 名员工做很多事情,具体取决于您选择的领域。 例如,一个六人重型设备团队每年可产生 2 至 3 万美元的收入。

  44. america ended today. The constitution is now officially the silly piece of paper the left kept telling us it always was. I am both outraged and depressed.

    We elected a negro who hates both america and whites. Some of us knew this was coming. Some of us warned about this, and were called racists. The black panthers are openly calling for white genocide, and nothing. The AG and POTUS should both be in chains, but are laughing at the white fools who put them there. Even after all of this, those who can see are still called racists.

    Meanwhile, I sit here and listen to the ridiculous Hugh Hewett beg for money for Romney. I want to laugh, but am filled with sadness for a nation of fools who watch Survivor, and have no idea what just happened.


  45. Just posted the same thing over at Ace of Spades. Am being attacked.

    Most people do not see the danger. The vast majority don't.

    Just three years of a black running the show, and the constitution has been rendered null and void. And they STILL REFUSE to see.


  46. Welcome to fascism. We make the rules up as we go along; the central government knows best and is not held to any constraints whatsoever. At least Italian fascism was geared towards what was good for Italians, and German fascism towards what was good for Germans (however misguided both were). In the US, fascism is designed to subject the native population to serve others.

    This isn't fascism. This is communism. Big, big difference. Don't be fooled into thinking that communism requires the presence of economic socialism, although it often uses socialism to it's advantage. Just like fascism, and any other movement on the political spectrum, ALL politically significant change occurs in the social sphere. Hence, this country began it's first large move toward communism when it adopted "The National Myth" of being 'A Land of Diverse Immigrants'. The second large step, it could be argued, was the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and the third was the civil rights movement.

    For fascism to be in place, a homogenous, conservative population must be present. Actually, fascism is the mechanism by which the government assures that society retains the conservative ideals potent enough to reject liberalism.

    You HAVE to pick fascism(the politics of the group) or communism(the politics of the individual). Each is the others' most potent antidote and a society is left vulnerable to the strongest political force on the other end if it doesn't adopt the opposing system. In other words, we are going to arrive at one or the other. There is no third choice that can stop the fruition of the other two.

    This is why our 'liberal democracy'(although an ineffective representative democracy) has been useless to stop our slide toward communism. Nay, it has been the system required to facilitate the slide. It celebrates the individual. It praises the political power myth of 'one man, one vote'. It dispossesses people of the correct notion that only groups, people working cooperatively, have power. 'Libertarianism' (the politic of the individual), just like any liberal philosophy, leads to the same thing. Liberalism and libertarianism are the politics of the uniqueness of the individual, and the rights of the individual over the rights of the majority. Hence, they lead to racial group destroying, conservative values destroying, and majority subjugating policy. 'Community' is the ideological enemy of liberals and libertarians, whether they are aware of this fact or not. If you are a libertarian, and aren't aware, then you haven't thought about your philosophy of you politics long and hard enough.


  47. 继续…

    Communism is absolutely inevitable under liberal democracy. Why do you think that we spend so much, militarily, to assure the 'spread of democracy'? What do the people of the USA care if Cameroon isn't democratic? Instead, similar to the crusades, we wage constant war to assure that our FOOBAR system of government, that dispossesses the entire majority of any meaningful political power, is installed in every country on Earth. It's not my crusade, it's not my neighbor's crusade, and it's not your crusade. It's 'their' crusade, and it's being carried out for motivations that do not truly care whether or not some tribesman in Africa gets a 'vote', other than that 'democratic' system leads the doors wide open for foreign groups to come in and grapple the country out of the hands of the people, or of the monarch/fascist ruler that, while ruling under a strict system, is doing so to keep his country's politics sovereign and strong against outside influence.

    The hard truth is that you have zero experience, nor the political perspective, to call fascism "misguided". You may just be be begging for fascism should the BRA rule for another 50 years. If you were smart, you would take that option now should it free you of another 50 year learning process under the BRA.

    Wow, imagine that: a conservative government that truly has the best interests of the majority at heart. What a terrible, terrible thing. Just don't discount any option, and consider the fact that if the people who hate you the most are in power, then EVERYTHING that you have been taught may be wrong. Look to the things that you have been programmed to believe are the most "evil", as the ideologies that put the most strength in your hands to save yourself. Question everything, especially what you think that you know about politics, religion (didn't Jesus command you to love everyone?) and history.

  48. 理智先生:

    If companies with 50 or more employees are forced to provide health care plans, what will companies with 60 workers do?

    Split into 2 companies of 30 workers each.

    Get real. Most companies of 60 people could not possibly afford the extra management and paperwork overhead that comes with dividing into two separate commercial entities.

    Easily 90% of the companies in question would simply lay off eleven people and have done with it.

    And you damn well know it so stop with the idiotic nitpicking already!

  49. if you stop and listen you can hear it! jefferson davis just said the stars and bars! battle hymn for the north west! it's time to take some pride back and start a new. our fore-fathers did it we can too! sure it will be hard. take what money you got in your 401k and move before you lose it anyway fellow whites. as sure as i'm still sane that ngr blowbama is comming for our guns then he'll go after your dough(401k) so i'm going to beat that bastard to the punch. yes i'm mad as hell and at the same fucking time i'm sad as hell also. so what are we gonna do fellow whites? seperation of white and colored before it's to late. then we can run a new america in the north west. hell it beats texas. cause that border is doomed! godspeed!!!

  50. 在我的上一篇文章中,当我的意思是“法规”时,我两次写了“地位”

  51. HA HA! the BLACK man win again. How it feel, white bitches????? You white devils need to get your checkbooks out and send us $$$$ because you owe us, WHITE BITCHES…go Brother Obama!!!!


    • 回复: @Ray Scissom

    The funny thing about black people is the way you're so proud to be a parasite. For decades, whites have been falling over themselves trying to find a way to raise you pathetic talking monkeys up from the shit existence you have everywhere on the planet. The little secret that they don't know, and that we do, is that eventually, you'll out-nigger yourselves and lose even their support. That's when you get to feel what real oppression is like. That's when you get to feel real racism. That's when you learn the lesson, and it'll be too late... for you. I'd bet money that you morons couldn't last two weeks in a war against white people, and that your "bros" will do half of our work for us.

    But since you're here... Could you tell me one reason why black people are necessary to whites (or anyone else)? When you finally destroy the system, who's going to rebuild it? What is it that makes you think that once you've served your purpose as useful idiots to the Marxist revolutionaries that pull your strings they'll keep you alive? What sort of work do you suppose you'll be capable of doing as a slave after everything collapses? Have you ever heard a white person say "nothing in life is free"? Did you understand why they said that?

  52. "As president, Mitt will nominate judges in the mold of Chief Justice Roberts…"

    Now will everyone pith in to elect Romney?

  53. I'm going to put a fake headstone out on July 4th that reads: "America – Born 4 July 1776, Died 28 June 2012."

  54. What a laff riot! A fundraiser for some Christian charity serving the homeless rings my doorbell.

    After telling him I've put in my time as chef at the local family homeless shelter and am not going to donate, I then lead him through the hoops of how Egyptian Coptic Christians are undergoing genocide by Muslims, how Christians and Jews were safer in the Iraq of Saddam Husein than its current shari'a government and, finally, into how Universalist American Christian churches are swamping this country with illiterate, criminally inclined Somali Muslim goat herders that cause assault and rape statistics to skyrocket.

    It's so much fun to watch when these people go all bug-eyed as they discover that "你所知道的一切都是错的!"

  55. I hear KFC stock is going throught the roof! Them fat momma's pigging out on evrything they can get they hands on:"Wha not? If ah gess diabetes,da white man gon pay fo it!" The black male,as he loses his youf and leaves behing his thug life,his drugs and sex and beatings and kbnock-out games and wakes up one day with his kidneys failing & his dick no longer working (no mo "trains" for you!) gotta get to the doctor and spend the rest of his life living off…da white man.

  56. 布拉库拉: HA HA! the BLACK man win again. How it feel, white bitches????? You white devils need to get your checkbooks out and send us $$$$ because you owe us, WHITE BITCHES…go Brother Obama!!!!

    Keep it up, asshole. Go ahead and drink all the blood you want, Chocula. What a great way to get AIDS, which you probably already have anyway.

    Don't give it a second thought as you keep on wishing for a world without Whitey you retarded fuckwit. Just don't dare start pissing and moaning when you suddenly discover what things look like when the Chinese and Russians are your cruel masters. You stupid niqqers will look back upon Apartheid, colonialism and slavery with a tearful nostalgia usually reserved for reminiscing about your very first booty call.

  57. 突变群,
    它于 1865 年 XNUMX 月去世。

    罗伯特 B 说得对。在这个反白人的环境中,小公司是好的,多元化发展成小公司,不要贪婪。记住:猪是被宰杀的。

  58. Now that the penalty for violation of the individual mandate has been officially labeled by the SCOTUS as just what it is, and what BO repeatedly said it was not, a tax, many more eyes will be opened. No representatives nor senators will want to go on record, as this battle rages on, voting for what is, as now clearly stated, a tax hike. Their constituents will make their feelings on this matter quite clear and if keeping their position is something they value, they will be forced to do the right thing. Newsflash: " People don't like tax increases."

  59. I recall reading that France has a lot of regulations that kick in at 50 employees, and therefore has a lot of companies with 49 employees. The laws may have changed since then, but the lesson hasn't.

  60. This is the Dred Scott decision. Opening Bell to Civil War.



    There is not enough money, even WITH explicit rationing to only Blacks, Hispanics, and elites, to cover ObamaCare. The act itself simply hollows out employment in the US, pushing nearly everything that can be overseas where there is no such health care cost per employee.

    So the burden will fall extremely rapidly on the White middle class. Which WILL fight over money if nothing else. Hence, civil war.

  61. 5, 10, 15 or even 50 years from now ObamaCare won't have had ANY effect on American blacks. American blacks with motivation and self-discipline will advance out of poverty, but the vast majority of blacks who currently display zero self-discipline, no capacity for self-governance, no ethics, less behavior control, and little or no shame or honor….those blacks will be worse off than they are today. Query what their sorry-ass excuse will be then? The crackers didn't give me a car? Whitey didn't smile at me just so. Math is racist. Self-control is unfair because it requires self-denial and forward-oriented thinking that many blacks are unwilling to demonstrate?

    IF you can't make a living for yourself in America, you're a fucking retard who doesn't deserve the freedom so many whites died to bequeath to you worthless negroes.

  62. For the person calling themselves Blacula:

    You are mighty flippant about these very serious matters, but I think today that the Supreme Court opened so many eyes with their decision and the fine working folks have had it.

    In truth and fairness, you are owed only a one way, paid in full repatriation ride back to Africa. You are antiquated farm equipment at best. And you remember this: blacks need whites, whites don't need you.

  63. "Like this boot-licking, talking-point regurgitating, sycophantic army of useful idiots could look up from tonguing their BBQ and watermelon-flavored, anatomically-correct rubber replicas of Barack's asshole for five minutes to hear her speak down to them."

    6月28,2012 2:08 PM

    Like they have enough brains to know when they are being spoke down too.

  64. 既然这是现在的法律,人们应该考虑如何利用它。 如果你擅长IT,可以考虑建立小型处理中心。 十几个人拥有 PC 就可以完成大量工作,而您却在雷达之下。

    与其在压抑的环境中工作,不如看看是否有办法在隔间之外进行合同工作。 您可以从任何地方进行远程通勤,而且美国红州小镇的生活很便宜——比东海岸便宜得多。

    如果您未满 35 岁,请搬到北达科他州并获得摇钱树。 这里的收入增长速度比世界上任何其他地方都快。 石油为王,而且没有州所得税。 仅此一点就可以抵消奥巴马的关怀。

    尽量不要赚太多钱,以免他们强迫你付费——以物易物。 成为政府必须不惜成本为其提供医疗保健的人。


    我有来自纽约州罗切斯特的新邻居。 在我笑着称这个社区为“白托邦”之后,他们告诉我,这里看起来比他们来自的地方“更加美国化”。 人们更友善、更诚实。 是的,我们只有3.5%的黑人,3%的亚洲人等等。85%的白人,当然感觉更像美国。 我想进一步向西移动。


  65. @Anonymous
    HA HA! the BLACK man win again. How it feel, white bitches????? You white devils need to get your checkbooks out and send us $$$$ because you owe us, WHITE BITCHES...go Brother Obama!!!!


    回复:@Ray Scissom



  66. SERIOUSLY! did anyone expect a different outcome? I bought some of the newly available tracer 5.56 rounds, I actually expect now to find a use for them.

  67. Zenster said: "Short of wholesale genocide there is little that they do not richly deserve"

    And do you seriously think genocide is off the table? It certainly IS NOT off of my table nor is it off the blacks' table. Genocide will work, when Civil War II starts we can initiate it because we Whites can make and execute a plan whereas blacks, muslims or spanics cannot. Is SPANICS a new word I just invented?

  68. What happened yesterday is further proof of PKs theory – America is now run for the benefit of those who contribute nothing to it. The provisions of this law all but guarantee we will end up with a single payer system. The penalty for not providing health insurance to an employee is much cheaper than the cost of insurance. Expect businesses with insurance to dump their plans. The refundable tax credit for purchasing insurance is the biggest tell that this is simply another massive wealth transfer scheme. Yesterday, I decided that since the people in this country want the government to wipe their ass, then I will no longer donate money or my time to charity. Why should I do anything more for the so called poor. At this point I feel more sorry for abused animals.

  69. @ Earthman92 –

    I suppose we could debate this. You say it died in 1865; I would say that that is when America was infected. America had some good days and bad days during its illness (we 做了 go to the moon), but ultimately the patient succumbed yesterday.

    You may be interested to know that the first black serial killers appeared in America shortly after the War Of Northern Aggression.

  70. 责备怀蒂没有采取足够的行动来缩小成就差距。



  71. Here is a cartoon that is on display at The Jim Crow Museum of Racist Memorabilia at Ferris State University in Michigan. If the director of that museum, who is Black, can show this to the public, then SBPDL should have the right to do the same.

    This cartoon says it all: http://www.ferris.edu/jimcrow/…

  72. "There is not enough money, even WITH explicit rationing to only Blacks, Hispanics, and elites, to cover ObamaCare. The act itself simply hollows out employment in the US, pushing nearly everything that can be overseas where there is no such health care cost per employee."

    Whiskey nails it. It can't be paid for because we are already broke.

    Negroids have no intention of paying into the system to keep it afloat and they will be the first ones to sue for any lack of perfection in the Health Care system. And these lawsuits are what we should fear the most. This is going to be the largest transfer of capital ever, short of a successful revolution. Read that last sentence again, because I'm serious.

    Think of it as the new Ghetto Lottery(TM), Health Care Edition. The local CBS station had a perfect example of what to expect as they interviewed a Mammy and her now 25 year old sprog who is confined to a wheelchair (with ventilator) due to a "gang shooting". The negress went on and on about how, because of the ACA, now she could get someone else to care for her sprog as it was too difficult for her! Unspoken was the fact that Welfare already covered the costs for her sprog, but now she planned for a in home care-giver. Great, care like that costs close to a million a year and with modern medical, unless pneumonia takes it, the sprog could last 50 years or more. The day it dies, the mammy will sue full bore for medical malpractice. The suit will cover, 1) lack of education on how to care for her sprog, even if was provided, due to "racism". 2) Lack of the most advanced medical procedures (EVEN IF THEY WOULD NOT HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE) due to "racism" 3) Lack of the "racist" system to provide proper care fast enough/in enough quantities/with the correct oversight/etc. to prolong the sprog. All presented in highly technical language to an all black jury.


  73. (继续)

    Negroids KNOW how to play the system and it will take only one victory to open the flood gates to billions in settlements. Imagine a million in damages to a million plaintiffs in Class Action Suit. It will be the Black Farmers all over again times a billion. Jesse J. called the ACA "Manna from Heaven", which it will be, because medicine is an art form and not a science and alternatives to one particular care scenario are completely expected and each is open to charges of "racism". Racism as a weapon, black juries, negroid wounded from their own internal conflicts, all will provide the tinder and the first Medical Malpractice win will provide the match. Just wait till there is a fat negress on the TV sitting in front of her million dollar house with pool, herself covered with bling, saying "well we won 20 million for D'Andre, cuse he done died due to da racist Doctors." The Welfare negresses will lunge for it, the Medical Mal lawyers will be straining at the leash, the ACA people will not care BECAUSE IT IS NOT THEIR MONEY and the black juries will break White Doctors left and right. Remember we are talking about a people who have to (or are at least shameless enough) to exploit their sprogs death to ask for burial donations. Any case that gets thrown out will be a subject to a March and a full DWL segment on the news channels and BET, Evidence be damned. Every doctor will given the full "Zimmerman" treatment as to background, associations, past papers, etc. Did the Doctor write a research paper on Human Racial differences? Wham! The Court Finds for the Plaintive. Did the Doctor once get a "B" instead of a "A", Wham! Did the Doctor once make a Joke about blacks late one night in the Emergency Room as an intern? Wham!

    Just the out of Court settlements will be astonishing. Also Medical Malpractice cases are notoriously expensive, with the lawyers taking sometimes 50%. Everybody wins! Except the Taxpayer, which is why the system will crash. None of this will be discussed outside of the Race Realist blogs, it will simply be "Understood", but never discussed. Everyone involved will know how the game is played and seek compromise or capitulation. Doctors don't want Marches outside of their offices or Hospitals destroying their practices by calling them "racist". Hospital administrators don't want the publicity, and the ACA administrators simply want "fairness", which means paying something to the negroids. All the advantage is on the side of the agitators, none on the defendants. Just to repel an accusation will cost millions in lawyer fees, lost wages, damaged reputation, lost time, even physical and mental hardship on the part of the Doctor.

    And so the System will crash.

    American Advanced White Medicine. You can have Artificial hearts right out of Star Trek (http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2012-02/no-pulse-how-doctors-reinvented-human-heart?page=all ) or you can have the new negro Wealth transferring ACA, but you can't have both.

  74. @ 10mm AUTO,

    Brilliant analysis. You put into words my unformed suspicions–and far better than I ever could have. Thank you.

    My friend, a woman in her mid-50s who's had breast cancer, voted for Obama because of the healthcare he promised. (She even believed the lie he told about his mother's expenses not being paid by her insurance company when she had cancer.) She's a very bright SWPL but as far as the real world goes, clueless. She honestly believes that Obamacare means she will have affordable medical care for the rest of her life. She's not looking for a free ride, just for good treatment priced so she can pay for it.

    She doesn't get that Obamacare wasn't designed for her and people like her. It was designed to make sure that blacks, who take such poor care of both their health and finances, will get free or virtually free health care, courtesy of hard-working white taxpayers like her*.

    I'm afraid she still has lots of company among white people.

    *Not really OT, black singer, Lauryn Hill, just pled guilty to tax evasion. Blacks like her and Wesley Snipes aren't even willing to pitch in and pay the taxes that disproportionately benefit their people.

  75. Anon at 2:25 AM: I don't think that you invented a new word. "Spanics" is just the long way to say "Spics".

  76. “这是来自天堂的吗哪”


    关于 Black Run America,人们还需要了解什么?这一切都是为了“访问”他们,但出于某种奇怪的原因,他们无法访问……不,他们被拒绝了,他们只是天堂甘露的一部分。



  77. Yesterday I saw two fatties tooling along in their powered wheelchairs, getting sporty and having fun. Fat yes, but not 300 pounds. They looked completely capable of walking to the store and back. Those chairs cost us over $6000 apiece, so a couple lardbutts could play bumper tag.

  78. 10 毫米自动: This is going to be the largest transfer of capital ever, short of a successful revolution. Read that last sentence again, because I'm serious.

    Read it just one more time.

    This will be the straw that breaks the camel's back. As 10 毫米自动 has already pointed out, Blacks are experts at gaming the system. The tireless work by DWLs to make accusations of "racism!" into a death knell for careers, elections and appointments has primed this entire legal mare's nest for gaming of the system by Blacks. And we all know how Blacks display a perverted genius for gaming just about any situation where something can be gotten for free.

    As 10 毫米自动 also pointed out, medical malpractice suits rank as some of the most costly of all legal proceedings. This abuse of the system will not just siphon off massive amounts of wealth.

    Believe it or not, this is also another arm of the Black 起义 against Whites. Constant lawsuits and gigantic awards will slowly, if not quickly, drive out competent (read: White) doctors from all forms of group health care. Those middle class Whites who cannot afford private care (read: almost all of them), will be left in the hands of marginally skilled minority or foreign born doctors who cannot be trusted to exercise the sort of medical diligence required to render the finest in health care.

    Be it due to employment cutbacks, as I noted earlier, poor medical treatment or reduced access to care as Blacks flood the medical system with their self-inflicted ailments and preexisting conditions, Whites will be the ones who suffer 然后死 因为它。

    0bamacare is the economic Fort Sumter of the 21st century.

  79. 匿名, your URL was truncated.  Try again, using HTML:

    <a title=”"URL_goes_here">Racist” href="URL_goes_here">Racist poster</a>

    Note:  the Preview button is your friend!

    10毫米自动, well-said.

  80. According to the Assessor of Property for Davidson County TN, the anti-white propagandist agitator Tim Wise lives in a house worth $639,300.

    The neighborhood he lives in, in Census Tract 134, is 97% white and ZERO PERCENT BLACK.


    Look him up for yourself:

    Current Property Mailing Address
    State TN
    Address 4405 WESTLAWN DR
    Zip 37209

    You can find the racial makeup (97& white, zero percent black) of Tim Wise's neighborhood in Census Tract 134 by using the "Mapping America" webpage from the New York Times, just enter in his address that I have provided above:


    Tim Wise is a hypocrite. He gets rich off of creating racial division and he doesn't practice what he preaches.

    "Diversity for thee, but not for me" is Tim Wise's real motto.

  81. @Anon June 29, 2012 7:12 AM:
    Your URL got truncated, but there was enough to follow. There are several sub-categories of classic pics and some of the text is downright lulz-worthy. From the 'Brute' category:
    ''Tyson became the wealthiest and best known athlete on earth. In his mind, he was a twenty-first century gladiator; to the American public, he was simply a black brute.''
    Whackopedia #1:
    ''While on the American talk show The View in early May 2010, Tyson revealed that he is now forced to live paycheck to paycheck.[138] He went on to say: "I'm totally destitute and broke. But I have an awesome life, I have an awesome wife who cares about me. I'm totally broke. I had a lot of fun. It (losing his money) just happened.''
    Whackopedia #2:
    ''Soon to become one of the most controversial events in modern sports,[74] the fight was stopped at the end of the third round, with Tyson disqualified[75] for biting Holyfield on both ears.''

  82. I: "Soon to become one of the most controversial events in modern sports,[74] the fight was stopped at the end of the third round, with Tyson disqualified [75] for biting Holyfield on both ears."

    Tyson's real troubles began when he attempted to write off expenses related to the 1997 Heavyweight Championship bout as a "Business Lunch".

  83. From the Jim Crow Museum's web page:

    Racism As Commodity

    All of the objects in the Jim Crow Museum have market values. In 2011, there were more than 50,000 collectors of "Black Americana," a category that includes racist artifacts. Generally, the more racist an object is, the higher the price it commands. [重点补充]

    Which just goes to show that racism has always brought value to those who practice it.

  84. Believe it or not, this is also another arm of the Black intifada against Whites. Constant lawsuits and gigantic awards will slowly, if not quickly, drive out competent (read: White) doctors from all forms of group health care.

    This is happening right now in the Veteran's Administration.  I know someone forced out because he was (a) competent, (b) hardworking, and (c) blew the whistle on melanin-enhanced employees who punched in daily and then walked out to work other jobs while collecting their government paychecks.

  85. HA HA white devils (Zenster) mad because they got to pony up the CASH to the Black Man!!! Just shut up and give us your CASH MONEY $$$ white bitches!!!!!!

    Whitey is now the Black Man's BITCH!! Keep sending me checks, white bitches HA HA HA HA


  86. 将这两篇最近(昨天和今天)西雅图犯罪新闻文章与社会民主党的实际警方报告进行比较和对比!


    有趣的是他们基本上是逐字复制警察报告的 除了那个“琐碎”的小细节!













  87. It's official: Blacula is my new favorite troll.

  88. Mickey Shea says:
    六月29,2012 9在:上午40

    Aren’t black folks lucky to have the NAACP to watch over them and their foolish ways?

    Another gem for Zenster's meme collection.

  89. So what happens when all of the ER doctors, physicians and their staff in the african/mexican inner city hospitals QUIT and REFUSE to work? What happens when these people just decide to relocate to a nice majority white area? The government cannot force a doctor to work in an african/mexican hell hole (at least not yet).

  90. SwampThizzle:“官方消息:Blacula 是我最喜欢的新巨魔。”


    $2,000 annual tax if 35% of your patients aren't minority. Or they could do what they did to the banks – to take on new patients in "privileged" areas, you must open a practice in an "underserved" area.

  91. 75 IQ (being generous) Blacula (hey at least he KNOWS he's a blood sucking parasite!) said:

    "HA HA white devils (Zenster) mad because they got to pony up the CASH to the Black Man!!"

    So I guess Black women are exempt? Good to know, I guess Obama figured black men are so financially responsible and such good fathers there was no reason to include transfer payments to black women!

  92. Anon (-Sweep the leg-) said:
    Just posted the same thing over at Ace of Spades. Am being attacked.
    Not suprising, 黑桃王牌 is hardcore neocon. Talk radio in blog form; ''Bush 43 was a genius!'', ''Iraq and Afghanistan are all 0bama's fault'', ''The 'arab spring' is wonderful!'', *呕吐* ''islam is a religion of peace'', ect. ect.

    Most people do not see the danger. The vast majority don't.

    Just three years of a black running the show, and the constitution has been rendered null and void. And they STILL REFUSE to see.

    A recent post by Auster got me to thinking:
    ''On September 14, 2005, I analyzed the John Roberts nomination fight in terms of one of VFR’s continuing themes of the Bush years: how the left, by attacking milquetoast “conservatives” as extreme right-wingers, convince the adrenaline-rich, brain-poor mainstream conservatives that the milquetoast types really are right wingers and thus worthy of their allegiance and support. ''.
    Years ago I coined the term ''Junk food conservatives'' to describe those who 'make a show' of their opposition to the left.
    喜欢 'junk food' it's a simulation of the real thing. We are about to see this again on (what used to be) ''Independence Day'' (now ''Death of America Day'').
    On the 4th there will be a lot of bunting, costumed characters, parades, and finally fireworks that have as much meaning as SBPDL #100. Renaissance Fairs do to what life was like in 'merry olde England' about 700 years ago or a First Civil War battle re-enactment does to what the First Civil War actually was.

  93. “政府不能强迫医生在非洲/墨西哥的地狱里工作(至少现在还不能)。”

    Well, excuse me, but can't the US government currently DRAFT MDs if they want?

    "On December 1, 1989, Congress ordered the Selective Service System to put in place a system capable of drafting "persons qualified for practice or employment in a health care and professional occupation", if such a special-skills draft should be ordered by Congress.[67] In response, Selective Service published plans for the "Health Care Personnel Delivery System " (HCPDS) in 1989 and has had them ready ever since. The concept underwent a preliminary field exercise in Fiscal Year 1998, followed by a more extensive nationwide readiness exercise in Fiscal Year 1999. The HCPDS plans include women and men ages 20–54 in 57 different job categories.[68] As of May 2003, the Defense Department has said the most likely form of draft is a special skills draft, probably of health care workers.[69]


  94. This has been an undeclared war for sometime. As of now the war has been declared anyone White or otherwise(many doctors being asian) who does not understand this is doomed.
    I predict there will be obvious and not so obvious attacks against the system. Just as blacks weasled their way into government jobs to only be utterly incompetent there by stresing the system wait until Whites make a deliberate attempt to stress and crash a system.

    Make no mistake this is war. Underground movements will appear tough times are ahead. Joe MacCarthy was right Communists have infiltrated all levels of education and government. We need to resist.

  95. Why not use the Cloward-Piven Strategy in reverse? The Cloward-Piven Strategy intended to overload the welfare system so that it would be replaced with a guaranteed annual income so that poverty would be ended.

    What if productive Whites did this to overload Obama-RobertsCare? Don't pay the penalty or tax, get the subsidized care and blatantly abuse it seeking treatment for the slightest (or imaginary) sniffle. It would overload the system, deny the parasites the benefits they think they should get. Think of it as civil disobedience.

  96. 匿名 所以 CAL 雪人说……
    So what happens when all of the ER doctors, physicians and their staff in the african/mexican inner city hospitals QUIT and REFUSE to work? What happens when these people just decide to relocate to a nice majority white area? The government cannot force a doctor to work in an african/mexican hell hole (at least not yet).

    29 年 2012 月 4 日下午 04:XNUMX"

    Got your Student Loans paid up there White Doctor? You remember that it was all rolled into Obama's (Peace be upon him) Health Care law. Those monthly payments, well you don't want it to go into default, eh? Be good and don't be racist or we will pull your DEA license and you won't be able to write Prescriptions. Ruin you? Why no! We just want to "review" your status. Cooperate comrade, or you will only be able to practice with a 5 year stint in the Peace Corps. Next we will pull your Hospital privileges in our Government run Hospitals. Oh, by the way, I hear the IRS would like to do a 5 year audit of you and your family.

    Oh you will cooperate! Great, just attend these sensitivity classes and if you pass, we will give you back your Medical License. Have a nice day, Whitey.

  97. There's no way to have a colony on Mars. Humans can't survive a journey through the Van Allen radiation belt…

  98. “政府不能强迫医生在非洲/墨西哥的地狱里工作(至少现在还不能)。”



  99. Just a rant:
    This is what it felt like before and after SBPDL. Before was before immersion, after is obvious.
    Watch the video, before immersion I bought into the WSJ bullshit. Then I saw what it meant to me.
    ''Paul Kersey'' do you think that the WSJ snobs give a shit about you?
    I do. And I pray you stay safe.
    But if necessary, flee CO.
    There are those who can help, just ask.

  100. I would PAY to see the Government "draft" doctors to go work in the inner city hell zones! Again they CANT FORCE THE DOCTORS TO WORK! If it came to the point where the government actually had to draft doctors to work with minorities, I think Affordable Health Care would be low on the list of worries.

    Van said: "$2,000 annual tax if 35% of your patients aren't minority"

    Could you please be more specific, that does not really tell me anything. Does that refer to private practice or Hospital care? Is it a tax on the hospital or the individual doctor?

  101. offtopic

    “Larry Brinkin Week” in honor of his advocacy.

    but I think since hes a major anti white figure….here goes

    San Francisco Examiner :
    Brinkin, who has a longtime partner and a teenage son, retired in 2010 after working for 22 years with the San Francisco Human Rights Commission
    Brinkin retired from the Human Rights Commission in 2010, and has been a beloved member of the gay community, with the Board of Supervisors even declaring the first week of February as "Larry Brinkin Week." At the time of his retirement, he earned more than $135,000 yearly.
    Upon his retirement, Dufty introduced a Board of Supervisors resolution declaring the first seven days of February 2010 “Larry Brinkin Week” in honor of his advocacy.
    Carmen Chandler, the vice president of that all-volunteer board, called Brinkin a “consummate professional” and said she was stunned when she heard about the arrest.
    We put in a call to Theresa Sparks, executive director of the Human Rights Commission, told us this allegation is "beyond hard to believe.""It's almost incredulous, there's no way I could believe such a thing," Sparks told us. "He's always been one of my heroes, and he's the epitome of human rights activist — this is man who coined phrases we use in our daily language. I support Larry 100 percent, hopefully it will all come out in the investigation."

    The warrant claims these e-mails contained images of children as young as perhaps a year old being sodomized by and performing oral sex on adult men. [!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!]
    [电子邮件保护] — whom the police allege is Brinkin — provided graphic commentary on the photos of interracial adult-child sex. Comments included "I loved especially the ni–er 2 year old getting nailed.
    Hope you'll continue so I can see what the little blond bitch is going to get. White Power! White Supremacy! White Dick Rules!"
    阅读《旧金山审查员报》了解更多信息: http://www.sfexaminer.com/local/crime/2012/06/child-porn-arrest-gay-rights-activist-stuns-san-francisco#ixzz1z7bPFoUE

  102. Off topic (but not really): Bullied Bus Monitor's Revenge:

    … the Greece Central School District announced four of the students involved will be suspended.

    A statement from the district reads:

    Following individual meetings this week with school and district administrators, each family waived their right to a hearing and agreed to one-year suspensions from school and regular bus transportation.

    In addition, each of the four children will be required to complete 50 hours of community service with senior citizens and complete an anti-bullying program. The boys have also issued apologies to Klein.

    The incident unleashed a flood of support for Klein, including an online campaign on Indiegogo.com where people can donate to send Klein on the "vacation of a lifetime." As of this writing, the campaign had raised a jaw-dropping $667,334.

    Again, being shackled in a room stocked with baseball bats still seems like the better option. A few "bunts" would get the message across.

  103. Humans can't survive a journey through the Van Allen radiation belt…

    Apollo missions 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 all sent humans through the Van Allen belts.  If you make the trip fast enough, you don't get enough radiation exposure to do harm.

    This is probably the sort of "nitpicking" that drives Zenster nuts, but if the voices of reality fail to oppose nonsense wherever it appears and swat it down, you wind up with things as disconnected from reality as the "anti-racist" part of the modern Left.

  104. Zenster说...

    "…Which just goes to show that racism has always brought value to those who practice it…"

    I'd like to practice racism by selling racism credits (you know, kind of like Al Gore and his goofy "carbon credits"). I think it would be a big hit with DWL's and SWPL whites.

    It works like this: Say you're at work, and you tell a, er, "American of proud African heritage" joke. You boss hears you, calls you into his office, and is getting ready to fire you. You whip out your MassaCard™ ("It be ever'where you be, yo"), and he runs it through the card reader. He looks at you and says, "This thing only has three credits left on it. Either charge it back up or watch your mouth. Go back to work."

  105. 匿名说...


    6月29,2012 6:11 PM


  106. @RobertB

    套用 DW Griffith 的话,我提议发起一场互联网运动,于今年 4 月 XNUMX 日为美国宪法举行葬礼。 我的意思是字面上的意思是,我们都应该聚集在当地重要的地方,为宪法举行葬礼并真正埋葬它。

    我希望你能看到这种抗议形式的智慧,并希望 VFR 能够开始这场运动。 我认为我们有必要公开承认我们的国家已经灭亡。



    * 今天早上寄给劳伦斯·奥斯特的信。



    Bobby my boy, that one of the most ridiculous ideas I ever read. Ok Bobby you first. Yeah I thought so all type , no balls.

  107. @Anonymous
    Friend, it's not a dictatorship. No one can make you do anything you don't wish to do. If a law requires you to do something immoral, simply ignore the law. If a fine for ignoring the law is imposed on you, ignore the fine. When they come to arrest you for ignoring the fine, ignore the arrest warrant and make them drag you to prison. If they require you to work in prison, refuse and let them slam you in solitary.

    Solitary. That's it. That's all they can do to you. I've been there. It's not so bad.

    Of course, doing all this will destroy your life and the lives of your children, but better that than to comply with an immoral law.

    If you are determined to avoid suffering in this life you are a slave of the Devil. God never said His people wouldn't suffer. He said "pick up your Cross and follow Me". If it falls to us to bear the cross, let us bear it in silent dignity and show them how a White, Christian man suffers.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ Anonymous

    Mr. Oculus has seen the light and followed the path that we all here on SBPDL should follow. His insight and actions speak true pride in self and our blog community. Take heed to his directional prodding and go down this glorious path layed out in grand splendor. Do not sit like a brown turd on the side of the road. Go forth in the "III"'s line of sight. Onward.

  108. @Anonymous
    Just what I was thinking this morning with the SC upholding 0bama care. This is a transfer of wealth from the white private productive sector to the blacks, the illegal immigrants, the poor non-white immigrants who are legal and who are flooding in the USA, to the poor Hispanics. White will be taxed more. Whites will become the slaves of the aforementioned groups. To whites you can add some hard working Asians in the private sector although they are the biggest tax evaders on earth when in cash businesses such as motels and restaurants etc

    Male Hispanics are inclined to work their butts off even if their women suck off welfare. So the largest beneficiaries of 0-Care are sub-85 IQ blacks who incidentally will be staffing the f*****g Obama-Care Federal bureaucracy to administer this piece of crap. Private sector jobs in insurance companies will decrease (whites lose jobs) while blacks, gays, Hispanics and other minorities score the Federale jobs to administer 0-care. They will put their friends and relatives to the head of the line for fast health care with the better doctors. This will devolve into Robert Mugabe style health care


    Yep. You are screwed.

  109. 威士忌酒: This is the Dred Scott decision. Opening Bell to Civil War.



    There is not enough money, even WITH explicit rationing to only Blacks, Hispanics, and elites, to cover ObamaCare. The act itself simply hollows out employment in the US, pushing nearly everything that can be overseas where there is no such health care cost per employee.

    So the burden will fall extremely rapidly on the White middle class. Which WILL fight over money if nothing else. Hence, civil war.

    Interesting point. I am doubtful, though. The white middle class has been looted steadily since 1965. They have no freedom of association at all. Their freedoms of speech and from unreasonable search and seizure are now vastly curtailed (and soon to disappear altogether) yet the best they could do was the laughable tea party – who managed to elect Republicans to congress who've essentially given D'Won Mocha Messiah everything he asks for and more. No spending cuts, Obamacare fully funded, no cutting of funds for Eric Holder's out-of-control DOJ. For maggot-encrusted icing on their fecal cake, they authorized the so-called "president" – a John Doe known as Barack Hussein Obama – to kill US citizens at his sole discretion anywhere on the planet (including within the USA) for any reason or no reason whatsoever. This is not even to mention the ramping up of the zebra intifada. How many whites have been slaughtered now as "justice for Trayvon"? 25? 30? 40?

    The white middle class is largely oblivious to all of this. As long as the ESPN, reality-shows, drugs, booze, and loans from Bankstas to buy crap they don't need continue to flow unabated they simply cannot be bothered to face reality. As Auster (once again) points out: The Repukes and the legions of dumbass dystopians who follow them are in full-blown denial of reality. Even the more politically involved ones are either in total la-la land or they are actually wolves in sheep's clothing. I suppose of they actually had to face starvation a few of them might wake up, but most will gladly choose to follow the recommendation of smiling negro DHS officer with the MP-5 machine gun to take a ride to the nice FEMA facility down the road for a free hot meal and medical checkup, courtesy of Dear Leader Obama. After all, the smiling negro to very polite and probably even wears a nice neat suit, is well-groomed and faithfully attends religious services all the time – just like his brethren in San Francisco back in 1974. Arbeit macht frei。

  110. @Sheila
    Robert B - I don't know that I even have the heart for a public funeral. I certainly won't be "celebrating" the 4th this year. As a commenter at Auster's noted, there's nothing left of the originally-proposed, constitutional representational democracy worth celebrating. I'm sorry to be such a despair diva, but I truly do despair. My husband chided me the other night for being so relentlessly depressing about political and social developments. He noted that he needs some shreds of hope to keep working hard to keep our family financially afloat. I apologized very sincerely, and I understand where he's coming from, but I just can't paste on a happy face at America's death throes.


    Not celebrating The 4th. How disrespectful to our great country can you be. Shame on you Simon, excuse me, I mean Sheila. God Bless America, her allies and all of her citizens including you. You are so lucky to be American (if you really are and not a perpetrator), wake up to realization.

  111. "SBPDL". Everyone blogging here seems extremely disgruntled. P.K. change the site name to something appropriate and reflective of your bloggers' sentiments. I honestly think your website's title is inaccurate.

  112. I suspect that most physicians already know that Darks are hopeless. Force them to deal with the dregs, and they'll do only the necessary minimum. But they can do much worse for the DWLs. Doctors make life and death decisions. How would like for your doctor to secretly hate your guts? I know that if I were in a position to save an enemy's life, I'd take a nap.

  113. To label the Negro race as worthless is to over value them. They drain the resources of every modern society unlucky enough to host them. They are less than worthless.

  114. Blackula Once upon a time Egypt was a leading civilisation then they got themselves black rulers. Can you spell D-E-T-R-O-I-T?

  115. SoCal Snowman: "Van said: "$2,000 annual tax if 35% of your patients aren't minority"

    你能说得更具体一点吗,这并没有真正告诉我任何事情。 这是指私人诊所还是医院护理? 是对医院征税还是对医生个人征税?”

    这确实更像是一个笑话。 但考虑到他们如何强力武​​装银行在少数族裔社区开设特许经营权,并向贫穷的黑人/拉丁裔提供贷款,而偿还的可能性很小,我认为没有什么是不可能的。


    黑人相对于白人的状况可以被视为需要政府采取大规模行动的“国家紧急状态”,这似乎并不是没有道理的。 或者,更具体地说,许多内城区的情况可能会被宣布为国家紧急状态。

  116. 那么,当非洲/墨西哥内城区医院的所有急诊医生、医师及其工作人员辞职并拒绝工作时,会发生什么呢?

    免费诊所预约。缺席是浪费县时间和金钱; “预约失败”的资金无法收回。每个人都输了。黑人不在乎。
    如果达到更多 SBPDL:已安排的医生预约。

  117. 嗯,在科罗拉多州,不会有 4 月 XNUMX 日庆祝活动。也好,因为我不再和孩子们一起参加大型聚会。这些天我们在安全距离观看烟花。另外,没有什么值得庆祝的,因为我们真正的自由早已被放弃。啊,但我们仍然有权在我们想要的时间、以我们想要的方式操我们想要的人——这是一个伟大的国家还是什么?!


    给自己 6 个月到一年的时间来达到良好的体形,但一定要这么做。如果你是个猪油屁股(像我一样),那就减肥吧!我减掉了 80 磅。从来没有感觉好过。只要去掉糖果和淀粉即可。


  118. 我不同意这里其他人对我们问题的真正严重程度的看法,并且并不真正同意“希望崩溃”的方法。 我一直希望通过政治进程来拯救我们的文明。

    我就 10mm 争论自卫射击后保护自己的最佳方法。 齐默尔曼被捕后,我不得不承认我们的情况比我想象的要糟糕得多。 他的被捕根本不是由于适用佛罗里达州现行法律,而是由于不守规矩的暴民的要求,以及追求自由主义者认为的更高道德善的愿望——促进所谓的受压迫人民战胜压迫者。

    我认为最高法院会将宪法适用于亚利桑那州移民和奥巴马医改案件。 任何诚实地阅读宪法都会让人发现,最高法院只是发明了一个理由来做出这样的裁决。 本周,最后的钉子已被钉入棺材。

    我从来都不是W的粉丝,但我认为他任命的法官(故意的小j)罗伯茨会做出正确的裁决。 我不是共和党的粉丝,但我认为还有足够多的真正的保守主义,通过大量的工作我们可以拯救共和国。 我不同意 Bogolyubski(他没有回应,伤害了我的电子感情)对此的看法。

    但齐默尔曼的被捕、最高法院(又是故意的)裁决、奥巴马关于移民的法令(DREAM 并对 AZ 指指点点)、总检察长叫停了南卡罗来纳州和得克萨斯州的选民身份法,并告诉佛罗里达州不要清除其选民名册(暂时允许)继续),已经表明我们根本没有生活在法治政府之下。

    不幸的是,崩溃不太可能严重到摧毁政府的存在。 不会出现《疯狂麦克斯》的场景。 这只是经济的崩溃、中产阶级的毁灭、实行戒严的必要性以及与枪支所有权等基本宪法权利相关的侵犯。



  119. 然而 another violent attack, this time on a white American in South Africa. Pretty amazing that the media actually reports the race and includes pictures this time. 😉

  120. Can we once and for all time, dispense with the belief (hope) that Republican appointees to the SCOTUS are a reason to vote Republican? I submit the following names:

    Charles Evans Hughes,
    David Souter and last but certainly not least,
    John Roberts.

  121. 变异群: You whip out your MassaCard™ ("It be ever'where you be, yo"), and he runs it through the card reader.


  122. So, we could have been on Mars and we 只是勉强 made it to the moon.

  123. 匿名说...


    我猜想你是在跟我说话。 但我还要向那位点名希拉的发帖者发表讲话。

    在我看来,美国宪法以及“美国”在 1930 年代受到了致命的打击,当时罗斯福威胁要收拾美国安全委员会,因为它几乎推翻了他所有的社会主义计划。 他们中没有一个人帮助结束了“大萧条”。 到了 70 年代末,几乎所有经济学家都认为他们的努力延长了这一时期。 但是,罗斯福和奥巴马一样,如愿以偿。 法院态度大转变,开始批准他的计划。 这最终导致了 1964 年的民权法案和 1965 年的反贫困战争。 我可以说,肯尼迪和他的兄弟鲍比都反对这两种做法。

    从1965年开始,我们就假装生活在“美国”。 我们打了一场又一场违反宪法的战争。 从那时起的每一天,在各级政府,我们的权利和对政府侵入我们生活的限制都在缓慢但肯定地被废除。 我们被迫资助黑人的恶毒行为。 被迫让他们进入或以前的白人社区学校。 当那些女学生被恶毒的黑人拉皮条时,他们被迫睁开眼睛。 当白人孩子在同样的学校里受到同样的黑人的掠夺时,他们被迫另眼相看。 当他们开始摧毁我们的社区时,我们被迫另眼相看。 我们被剥夺了自然的和上帝赋予的结社自由权。 我记得当波士顿的爱尔兰人试图反击(反对2004年宣布违宪的)“巴士”时,国民警卫队奉命殴打他们并击退他们。

    我记得很多。 我记得那时我们仍然享有言论自由,仍然被允许直言不讳,而不用担心失去工作或被永久排斥,我们的孩子也因为这些信仰而被迫遭受心理折磨。 我记得像阿尔·夏普顿这样的 POS 曾被公开嘲笑和嘲笑。 我记得有一段时间,强制洗脑研讨会是被禁止的——比如“多样性培训”。 当所有美国人都能看到其中的邪恶并会公开反对它时。 我记得当非法移民被拒绝享受公共福利时,他们被称为“湿背人”——因为他们游过河来到这里;“骡子”——因为他们将非法毒品运过边境。 我记得公开承认他们的集体堕落行为和暴力/犯罪行为。 我记得曾经热切地希望看到他们被捕并被驱逐,因为所有人都知道墨西哥是一个屎坑,因为墨西哥人住在那里。

    我记得有一段时间,总统只是一名总统,负责执行国家的法律。 现在他已经成为事实上的独裁者,制定的法律将摧毁这个“国家”中的白人。

    我可以一直说下去,因为这个清单确实是无穷无尽的,但我会总结一下。 我终于记得我们曾经是一个国家,一个87%是欧洲人的国家,一个美丽的国家,希望保留其欧洲面貌——它在1965年《移民改革法案》之前就被写入了移民法。 我们为我们的国家感到自豪,我们为自己是欧洲人而自豪,并很高兴保持这种状态。 现在,我们什么都不是了。 我们是一个暴政,它迫使“他者”的文化和令人憎恶的行为进入我们欧洲人的喉咙,并迫使我们的孩子屈服于人类的拒绝和虚假的历史。

    最高法院在过去两周所做的一切就是提醒我们,我们没有结社自由,以至于我们甚至无法决定谁可以或不可以进入我们的国家并从我们的孩子身上夺走东西。 他们提醒我们,我们不再按照法治生活,可能被迫为不属于这里的人的“福利”买单。

    美国,安息吧。 生于 4 年 1776 月 4 日,卒于 2012 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日。

  124. 对于那些怀疑我会在 4 月 XNUMX 日在公园里挖一个洞,所有人都在众目睽睽之下的人(因为我无法将 Anon 的帖子解读为挑战),我建议您在奥斯特的网站上搜索“罗伯特 B”古兰经” 看看几年前我把《古兰经》浸泡在培根脂肪中后焚烧的样子。劳伦斯有足够的勇气将它贴在图腾上。

    怎么这么大胆? 所有博客都会记录发帖者的ip。 劳伦斯使用他的真名和他的博客,由于“反恐”法律随时可能被入侵,并将海报公之于众。 对于电子邮件来说尤其如此。

  125. 我在这个线程上的最后一篇文章。


    这是为了迫使我们支付合法和非法移民的医疗费用。 这样做是因为,正如上面所指出的,他们正在打破他们所居住的美国每个县的财政负担。 为此,民主党人从 12 年前就开始呼吁改革。 如果美国人承认为无知的第三世界群众提供巨额医疗费用的真相,他们会更强烈地反击。 但他们在很多方面、形式和形式上都被欺骗了。 尤其是那些有保险的人,或者白人,如何被迫通过医院向移民提供超出收费的医疗保健补贴。

    法律之所以强制白人补贴保险公司,是因为保险公司参与了这种过度收费的行为,并威胁要曝光以保护自己。 我知道,我的兄弟 14 年前就在市一级参与了这项工作,因为即使是市政雇员也被迫补贴它。

  126. "Part of preparation is keeping yourself healthy. Lose that extra weight. Stop smoking. No drugs. Stop abusing alcohol. If you are white, you must remain in the best health possible moving forward."

    Excellent advice, Ivan.



    -If you're near-sighted, consider lasik surgery and keep a spare pair of glasses on hand.

    -Take care of your teeth

    -Take care of your feet

  127. 凯莉和伊万·沙托夫都是伟大的思想家,等等。几个月来我一直在努力恢复体形。 在看了内分泌科医生并获得了一些巨大的帮助后,我终于觉得我有能力减掉增加的体重。 我不断提醒自己,我需要身体强壮,必要时能够长途跋涉,能够应对即将到来的混乱。 你关于激光近视手术的观点也很好(我不需要它,但我们最近照顾了大儿子的眼睛)。 我不知道当剂量受到如此控制(而且成本如此高昂)时,人们如何储存药品,但我想知道,如果没有他们每天服用的混合药片来维持虚幻的“健康”,有多少人能够生存下来。 制造处方眼镜和药片是白人无法维持的另一项“魔法”。

    nameispointless – 关注医生的未来。 我在 Vox Popoli 上指出,这将像英格兰一样,至少一开始是这样。 奥巴马医改将配备全套菲律宾护士、尼日利亚医生以及其他各类巴基斯坦人和伊朗人。 那些选择继续经营的白人医生将完全私有化,只接受现金(一些人已经这样做了)。 一旦他们拒绝向那些不参加德旺计划的人发放医疗执照,许多白人医生就会在海外设立基地。 Vox 的一位评论者表示,他和他的妻子正在研究这一点——医疗旅游已经很多了,但都是外国医生。 这意味着那些想要优质白人医疗服务的美国人将不得不飞往哥斯达黎加或伯利兹并支付美国医生的全额费用。 那些无力承担费用的人可能无法在第一次遭遇严重疾病或创伤时幸存下来。

  128. @Anonymous
    Friend, it's not a dictatorship. No one can make you do anything you don't wish to do. If a law requires you to do something immoral, simply ignore the law. If a fine for ignoring the law is imposed on you, ignore the fine. When they come to arrest you for ignoring the fine, ignore the arrest warrant and make them drag you to prison. If they require you to work in prison, refuse and let them slam you in solitary.

    Solitary. That's it. That's all they can do to you. I've been there. It's not so bad.

    Of course, doing all this will destroy your life and the lives of your children, but better that than to comply with an immoral law.

    If you are determined to avoid suffering in this life you are a slave of the Devil. God never said His people wouldn't suffer. He said "pick up your Cross and follow Me". If it falls to us to bear the cross, let us bear it in silent dignity and show them how a White, Christian man suffers.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ Anonymous

    "Resist we mutch!"

  129. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    "It [Obamacare] was about forcing us to pay for the medical care of immigrants, both legal and illegal."

    So now we MUST make them legal so they can pay their "fair share."

    The US government [BRA] is a screw that goes in no matter which way it's turned.

  130. 不久 (7年1月2012日,上午7:19): So now we MUST make them legal so they can pay their "fair share."

    The fact that these "undocumented aliens" are here illegally automatically implies that they are willing to break the law. Presuming that by giving them documents they will magically become law-abiding citizens is foolish at best.

    Most illegal immigrants come from far more corrupt cultures and import that corruption to America with them. They then proceed to work under the table, understate their income, abuse the welfare system and game every last imaginable angle there is to be played.

    Thinking that these "illegals" will suddenly transform into productive, contributing citizens is the worst form of cultural relativism.

  131. 匿名说...

    This sentiment is perfectly captured in black artist Faith Ringgold's piece "Flag for the Moon: Die Nigger

    yes…another marxist college professor, being paid to f'up the usa.

    we owe them nothing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  132. Martial law can seriously drag down productivity but not in the way riots can. The USA is going to go through a long slow death scenario. Don't fall into the Phoenix myth; i.e., the idea that societies collapse and burn but rise again better than ever. Doesn't happen. Entropy will not be laughed at.
    There will still be a lot of party time left but the party goers will all arrive in old creaking busses and rusted out taxis. In two or three generations it'll seem normal. Beatings at roadblocks and shakedowns by cops will be the stuff of everyday conversation.

  133. Sorry to.go.off topic but President Obama is going to win a reelection.

  134. "On the eve of the Apollo 11 launch, July 15, 1969, Abernathy arrived at Cape Canaveral with several hundred members of the poor people to protest spending of government space exploration, while many Americans remained poor.

    This illustrates several things about Abernathy et alia:

    * They assume that poverty will be ended by massive government spending.
    * They do not see the answer in entrepreneurship or private enterprise on their own part.
    * They (apparently) see no connection between their own behaviors (illegitimacy, violent crime, lack of culture of education) and the perpetuation of poverty.
    * The behaviors cited above (illegitimacy, etc.) have all accelerated in the last 42 years.
    * Meanwhile, the USA has pretty much dismantled its manned space program, and has spent incredible amounts of public moneys on the war on poverty–yet the country ends up with major cities being trashed, e.g., Detroit.

  135. This 4th of July I will have my flag flying upside down in hopes of any neighbors stopping by to "correct" it. I will then explain why it's flying upside down.

  136. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Its funny, to tell you the truth no one I know like's black American's or white American's and i have traveled extensively. Just listen to you people. Absolutely disgusting. Everything has to be about race with you people. America is truly a hell hole that needs to fall. You are nothing but a set of divisive people.

    The uptighty whities are too busy stuck in the matrix bickering about right-wing or left wing, liberal or democrat when at the end of the day both sides are run by the same people. Your builderburgs, your rothschilds, your rockerfeller's and etc.

    The blackies are too busy gang banging in the streets to even pay attention to whats going on in the grand scheme of politrixs.

    You Americans should really look to your neighbors in the north for inspiration. Canada: Good whites, blacks, asians, browns, Hispanics get along in peace it is truly a beautiful place.

    Looks like the elite ruling class are doing a good job of alienating American whites, blacks, and Hispanics into thinking everyone is against them. Perfect for their impending race war. A bunch of useful idiots are we? sad.

  137. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    So it's not a worldwide problem with race, it's just the U.S.

    Heh. Maybe you need to read more Mark Steyn. Sorry, but the U.S., failing as it is under obeyme, does not need to look to Canada, which has problems of its own. One good thing abut them is that they (finally)seem to have a more conservative government than we do (without a treasonous foreigner at the head.) But if you really think all reaces get along and love each other in Canada….All I can say is, no, I'm not interested in that rainbow-colored unicorn you're trying to sell.

  138. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Oh, one more thing. Since you've done YOUR "gallup poll," and now want to inform us that "most of the world" doesn't like us, may I aslso recommend reading a little U.S. and world history along with that Mark Steyn assignment? Then come back and tell me why we should not be proud to be Americans, from the country that has done more for freedom than any other.

    P.S. Most of us don't care for people who insult our country and brag about themselves and their "extensive" travel. Learn some freakiong manners.

  139. Anon at 8:37 AM, July 9 says "Everything has to be about race with you people". No, silly, we come here to discus racial matters. We discus other things at other places. Do you think we do nothing with our lives but comment here? I'd hate to imagine how I'd keep my job and tend my garden if that were so.

    If Canadians are so content to see their country overrun with non-Whites, why does the government persecute dissenters?

    Of course, I don't believe for a minute that all these foreigners mix together nicely with Whites in Canada, any more than they do here. Just like here, they pull their crap and the regime calls it "diversity" and dares the White sheep to argue. Just watch, for example, the Chinese take over Vancouver, and see how welcome you are in that corner of your own country.



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