萨默斯误判了? 毕竟,他所说的是真理的核心



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所有军官都必须通过 PT 和徒手格斗课程才能从学院毕业!这些标准在所有方面都均匀适用,以便所有穿制服的人都有同等的能力来服务和保护! 这场悲剧可能发生在这座城市最优秀的人身上:

新奥尔良——一名因强奸案被通缉的流浪者制服了一名试图给他戴上手铐的24岁警察,然后开枪射击 这里 警方称,周一,她用自己的武器致死。




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  1. 这件事发生在不久前的亚特兰大。一名野蛮罪犯制服了一名女警卫,随后犯下更加令人发指的罪行。但AE,重要的是要记住,在通往多样性和平等的道路上,难免会发生一些意外。这确实太糟糕了,但为了安抚左翼分子、女权主义者、政治保守派、没有骨气的政客和不想受到负面新闻或指出现实的精英,杀人是我们必须付出的悲惨代价。

  2. 你知道,我不喜欢用这样的随机例子来证明一个观点,因为它们可以很容易地被扭曲来“证明”你想要的任何东西。


    这确实太糟糕了,但让人们被杀是我们必须付出的悲惨代价,以安抚右翼分子、不知道 NRA 中的 R 代表什么的 NRA 成员、枪迷、不愿意站立的没有骨气的政客到枪支大厅。”



    像这样的帖子让我担心你听了太多肖恩·汉尼蒂的话。 🙂

  3. The fact that a man overpowered and killed a female cop confirms the common wisdom that men are much better at a job like being a cop. Only liberals can't see the obvious right in front of their noses.

  4. 阿农

    那个 savage criminal was a guy named Brian Nichols.


    Look, I understand your appreciation of quantitative data, not anecdotes, to try to figure out why things turn out the way they do. And in my 'momentous' posts, I always go that route.

    But sometimes an example illustrates something so well that I feel it's worth pointing out, for the reasons Dennis says. Maybe I should've pointed out that this was a rough area in New Orleans.

    Military and police physcial testing has different requirements for males and females. That's problematic. Why would a lone female police officer be in a rough area like the one she was in?


    Heh, well, would you try to take his gun in hand-to-hand and use it against him?

  5. AP, someone, maybe Ilana Mercer, said that unprovoked tasings and teargassing disproportionately involve female officers, because they are more fearful, and less likely to be able handle someone once they become violent.

    I don't knoe if the numbers actually back her up, but it does seem likely.

    Does the Chuck Norris picture mean you endorse Huckabee? 🙂

  6. FK,

    Also, re: proving a point, I'm not trying to be definitive. This is merely a particularly demonstrative example of something that seems so intuitively foolhardy.


    I've read something similar (probably the same thing) in the past.

    As far as Norris, no, no. Anyway, I heard he was originally going to endorse Ron Paul but that concentration of awesomeness would cause some sort of rip in the fabric of the universe, and so he went with Huckabee for the sake of humanity!

  7. My favorite Chuck Norris fact is "Chuck Norris can divide by zero."

    I sent the website a few but I don't think they posted them. The only one I remember is "Chuck Norris can wear white after Labor Day."

    There were Kevin Federline facts around for a while. Like, "when K-fed goes swimming, he doesn't get wet, the water gets dirty.

  8. 我个人知道三起此类事件(女警察用自己的武器杀死)。 我还知道男性警察被解除武装并用自己的枪射击的事件。



  9. 任何带有查克·诺里斯 (Chuck Norris) 图片的帖子……都是好帖子。

    克服它,继续你的生活。 😉

  10. Rob & Mensa,

    What is the draw to him, or more specifically, the silly cult-like sites devoted to his purported omnipotence? That's not a rhetorical question, 'cause I like them, too (My favorite is "There's no chin under Norris' beard, just another fist").


    A quick google search doesn't turn up anything. It'd be hard to do, anyway, since there are so many factors to control for. I presume, for example, that most police forces don't send lone female officers into bad neighborhoods to question shady men thought to possibly be involved/witness to rapes.

  11. 我认为这是一个邪教真空。

    把它打扮成科学的装束……人类有一种崇拜的冲动,而在现代世界很容易做到这一点,也增加了一种崇拜喜剧的冲动。 有点下意识地承认偶像化的白痴,或者告诉自己“看,我不仅崇拜我崇拜的人,甚至是一些半随机的半成名的希克,所以,我控制着我崇拜的人!! "



  12. 门萨,

    Heh, I'm satisfied with that. Thanks!

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