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来自 洛杉矶时报:

California plan linking new housing to public transit rejected by state lawmakers

17年2018月6日| 下午40:XNUMX
| 萨克拉门托

A robust effort to attack California’s housing shortage was rejected Tuesday by a state legislative panel at the Capitol, felled in part by opponents who argued that it treated small cities and large ones like San Francisco the same way.

The defeat for Senate Bill 827 came in its first legislative hearing, a surprisingly early end for a bill that had attracted national attention. Sen. Scott Wiener (D-San Francisco) was attempting to tackle two of California’s most pressing issues: the rising cost of housing and the need for development that is consistent with the state’s ambitious goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

SB 827 would have allowed for the construction of buildings four to five stories tall within half a mile of rail stops in areas, such as parcels zoned for single-family homes, where they are currently not allowed. Additionally, the bill would have eliminated parking minimums in those locations as well as around bus stops with frequent service throughout the day. …

The bill could have had large effects in large coastal areas across the state that are ringed by mass transit. An earlier version would have affected 190,000 single-family parcels in Los Angeles — about half the total in in the city. Almost all of San Francisco would have been similarly impacted. …

In response to all of those concerns, Wiener narrowed the legislation. He reduced allowable height increases to five stories from eight. He also took away the height increases planned near frequently traveled bus routes. And he added measures, such as mandating that developers set aside a portion of their projects for low-income residents, in an effort to allow people of varying incomes to benefit from the new housing.

Those efforts weren’t enough to sway his colleagues, particularly fellow Democrats. Democratic lawmakers from Riverside, Marin, Napa and coastal Los Angeles were worried about the loss of local power to regulate development. They advocated for more low-income housing and fretted over historic preservation. The bill ended up earning four of the seven committee votes it needed to move forward — two Democrats and two Republicans.

截至 2017, the Democrats had 9 seats and the Republicans 4 on this committee, so Democrats voted about 7-2 against it while Republicans were split 2-2 (approximately).

  1. Idiots. They are blocking free-market forces, punishing renters, and denying the construction industry tens of thousands of jobs.

    • 回复: @詹纳·艾克汉姆·埃里坎

    Hmmm. The hyper-growth Bay Area YIMBYs are due for a Kali-yuga Karmic Krunch when the 大的一个 comes a knockin’.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    , An

    当然。因为没有人真正“想要”他们居住的地方的拥挤——密集的亚洲化——生活. 糟透了

    加州的人口是我小时候的两倍多,我认为这是一个很酷的地方,我可能会在那里做一些很酷的科学事情,天气很好,附近有山脉和海滩。我女儿现在在那里上医学院,但我已经告诉我所有的孩子“智商粉碎机”的概念,并说“除了加州以外的任何地方”。如果加州失去了天气、山脉和海滩的自然优势,人们就会疯狂地逃离那里,边境就会很危险。过去 50 年来,这种移民运动绝对没有带来任何积极的影响。



    回复:@Olorin,@Seth Largo

    , @几乎密苏里州


    public transit + low income housing = flash mobs on your doorstep.

    I would do the same thing in their shoes, tbh.

    Their labor-wranglers will shuttle the servants to where they want them to go, so you need not worry that the 0.1% will be without their 希梅纳技术手册.

    , @ 27岁

    Idiots. They are blocking free-market forces, punishing renters, and denying the construction industry tens of thousands of jobs
    Happy Autism Awareness Month!


  2. 继续输入更多人口,但禁止建造住房供他们居住。会出什么问题呢?


    • 同意: 自由基中心
    • 回复: @匿名的

    Presumably the problem is that these new properties wouldn't be affordable for the domestic and service sector workers that the wealthy need around. Those are the people the wealthy need housed.

    It was better in the past and during medieval times when the wealthy actually had to house their slaves or serfs on their land and had to defend the land themselves. Today the wealthy are much more parasitic and pass off and socialize the cost of their help onto the rest of society.


    , An

    我只是在史蒂夫博客的评论中指出了这一点五到十次,但是 大规模移民与几乎所有进步人士声称拥护的价值观相矛盾——经济因素和明显的环境因素一样多。对于以下情况为负值:
    - 工资
    -- 失业
    - 收入差距
    - 负担得起的房子
    - “社区”
    - 社会凝聚力
    -- 物种保护
    - 污染
    - 交通拥堵
    - 全球暖化


    你可以争论“交通”,因为越来越多的人聚集确实会增加交通的使用。但与此同时,“多样性”使得人们因为“公共”而不太愿意使用公共交通。 (如果你认为墨西哥人将黑人赶出某个地区,从而使交通更加安全,那么也许你可以为交通带来净积极影响。)


  3. Wiener is either doing this for show or is an idiot. A state bill that removes most zoning restrictions for half of LA and all of SF? Even if it passed, it would be dead by referendums and lawsuits before anything would be built.

    Now if this were restricted to merely the tenth mile around only rail stations, it might make some sense.

    • 回复: @匿名的

    Wiener is a political prostitute, happy to sponsor laws that even his colleagues prefer not to be associated with too publicly.

    He sponsored a similar law (SB35) that greatly simplifies massive local approval of high-density construction projects.

    Previously, Wiener came to wider attention by sponsoring a successful bill de-criminalize the act of INTENTIONALLY infecting others with HIV.

    回复:@Almost Missouri

    , @匿名的

    Wiener's housing bills were set up to distract the hoi polloi from noticing his other more important bill currently flying under the radar:

    SB 990 - Provides special rights & privileges for transgender/gender fluid individuals in prison.

    Wiener, an appropriately-named, openly gay man, is the epitome of California's batshit crazy left.

  4. They advocated for more low-income housing and fretted over historic preservation.

    I’m confused. If the Democrats want more low-income housing, why were they opposed to these development plans for more housing? Is it because the proposed developments would be too expensive for the low-income service employees that wealthy Democrats depend on?

  5. California plan linking new housing to public transit…

    Wouldn’t that tear the houses off their foundations? Light rail isn’t actually light, you know.

    Though sometimes the house wins.

    • 回复: @伯里克利斯

    Saltsjöbaden is one of the top affluent suburbs of Stockholm.

    The train somehow got running while being cleaned at night. At first the cleaner (white girl, see article below) was accused of taking some sort of bizarre joyride. Then the employers changed their minds.


    The cleaner according to her story tried to stop the train and was in the driver's cabin at the front of the train when it crashed. Bad choice of location, because she got nerve damage in her left leg, a fractured pelvis, nine broken ribs, both clavicles broken, a punctured lung, a half torn off ear, a fractured jaw, a couple of internal organs bleeding, and some glass splinter in her face. She doesn't look too squished in the picture taken three months later though.

    There was a subsequent investigation of the accident, of course. Apparently, the train had been parked in a garage with the brakes and dead-man switch disengaged to avoid freezing in place, because the regular de-icing gear was broken and there had been a month long organizational argument about who should fix it. For reasons unknown, the tracks were also switched to run the train onto the main line when started. Finally, it was apparently sufficient to start the train with 'the press of a button'. Somehow this happened. It's still not clear how from what I read, but presumably by accident; it might even be that the train was started remotely.

    She mentions that she was not initially alarmed because it was not unusual that trains were in motion while she was cleaning them, presumably being routed around the yard. Was this normally done with a driver or done automatically? Unclear. I didn't get a clear picture of where she was when the train got started either. In the driver's cabin? In one of the carriages? So the precise details of how it happened are still elusive. (Might be clearer in the official investigation report, but I haven't read that.)


    Personally, I wonder why the cleaner didn't locate and pull the emergency brake instead of going to or staying in the driver's cabin. There is normally one brake at each carriage side exit. But perhaps she wasn't thinking too clearly once things got serious. The whole thing apparently took place in just 1 min 40 seconds.


    , @皮尔当曼


    The picture of the locomotive is iconic, and used to be a college room wall poster. It's a locomotive that burst through the Montparnasse train station in Paris in 1895. Injuries were minor.



  6. And tonight Matt Yglesias will cry into his pillow.

  7. Linking the drinking age to public transit would bring young people back into the city. If you live near a bus or train stop, you could drink at 18 anywhere along where those lines took you.

    • 回复: @本克诺比

    Um, Reg? They killed the bill (vol 2) precisely because it bring more "young" people into the city. And now you propose we give 豪饮 to these God-damn things?!


  8. @阿农


    回复:@ Anonymous,@ AnotherDad

    Presumably the problem is that these new properties wouldn’t be affordable for the domestic and service sector workers that the wealthy need around. Those are the people the wealthy need housed.

    It was better in the past and during medieval times when the wealthy actually had to house their slaves or serfs on their land and had to defend the land themselves. Today the wealthy are much more parasitic and pass off and socialize the cost of their help onto the rest of society.

    • 回复: @阿农

    Dozens of companies are developing R2-D2 style robots that will eliminate pizza delivery drivers within large cities. That's hundreds to thousands of jobs gone, and presumably residents. We've had Roombas for quite some time, and its a matter of time until something like that is mowing lawns. Lawns could also be taxed out of existence given the recurring water shortages.



  9. The author of this piece, Liam Dillon, was subjected to a very funny smear campaign when he worked in San Diego, accused of racism by a local “community leader” who looks like the Tanning Mom:

    • 回复: @阿农
    @Dealin Filim

    The author of this piece, Liam Dillon, was subjected to a very funny smear campaign when he worked in San Diego, accused of racism by a local “community leader” who looks like the Tanning Mom.
    What set her off? There is nothing in Google's results about this micro-controversy. I went through Dillon's clips in the archives of the Voice of San Diego and couldn't find anything. Dillon covered a few topics that intersected with the black community, but in a matter-of-act way.

    Maybe this is an extreme example of Saul Alinsky's Rule 13 ("Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."). In the standard interpretation you pick one baddie and focus on him, not getting distracted by other baddies. Maybe this Kathleen chick decided that you didn't even have to worry whether you had chosen a baddie to begin with. Just choose someone at random.

    Replies: @Dealin Filim

    , @油炸圈饼
    @Dealin Filim

    She looks like Moms Mabley .

  10. Great supporters of increasing immigration just not into their neighborhood.

    • 回复: @tsotha

    There needs to be somebody who's poor enough to mow the lawn for cheap.

  11. So rich Whites and Asians do everything they can to protect their particular enclaves, yet insist on importing millions of low income Mexicans.

    They really want to live in New Brazil?

  12. @RegCæsar
    Linking the drinking age to public transit would bring young people back into the city. If you live near a bus or train stop, you could drink at 18 anywhere along where those lines took you.


    Um, Reg? They killed the bill (vol 2) precisely because it bring more “young” people into the city. And now you propose we give 豪饮 to these God-damn things?!

    • 回复: @RegCæsar

    Um, Reg? They killed the bill (vol 2) precisely because it would bring more “young” people into the city. And now you propose we give booze to these God-damn things?!
    Hey, I drank legally and responsibly at 18. But then, I'm an Easterner. We can handle it.
  13. All the gold in California is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills, in somebody else’s name….

    C’mon, Steve: Share your thoughts on Gorsuch’s appointment of the … ahem … 奇克索 with blonde hair (albeit from a bottle), alabaster skin, and no observable epicanthic folds as the second coming of Xochitl Hinojosa.

    Granted, “Tobi Young” at least in’t as misleading a name for <>, so there’s that….

    Oh, and what up wit ((Starbucks))? Dem coffee cups didn’t initiate enough conversations? Will Freeloading Wi-Fi While Black become A Thing now?

    • 回复: @Autochthon

    Gah! I should have anticipated this: the same features allowing hypertext also disallow my poor* man's «comillas angulares»: <>.

    *okay, okay: lazy....

    , @Autochthon

    Gah! I should have anticipated this: the same features allowing hypertext also disallow my poor* man's «comillas angulares»: <>.

    *okay, okay: lazy....

  14. This should be a local zoning issue with state funded tax incentives. Give larger state grants and transportation funding to local communities that vote to up-zone.

    A one-size-fits-all standard for a state as large and as diverse as California is simply bad legislation.

    • 回复: @贝尔纳多·比萨罗·科尔特斯·德尔卡斯特罗

    Very true... they should use incentives to push localities to change their zoning laws.

  15. Even if you support higher buildings “near” transit stops, the redefinition of “near” to half a mile is a scam. There would be a mile-wide circle of tall buildings around transit stops. Presumably these would intersect with one another, a la pedos-can’t-live-here zones. Change the law to 200 yards or some more reasonable definition of “near” and it might go through.

    • 回复: @别处

    But half a mile is a 10-minute walk, which is a reasonable distance to walk to a transit stop to commute somewhere.

  16. 我住在加利福尼亚州的一个小镇,我们计划委员会中一位雄心勃勃的左撇子一直在推动在这里建造一个 ACE 火车站。 这个提议吓坏了我; 很高兴看到它失败了。 如果投赞成票的两个共和党人之一是我的代表,我不会感到惊讶。

  17. Public transit is a no-go zone for White people in a diverse society. It is that way in France, in the UK, in Germany, and in the US.

    Look at the Blue Line. It might as well be No Whites Allowed, legally. Physically and practically it is the same. The LAT did an article about it ten plus years ago, it was a war zone then and has only gotten worse. With occasional dumb or homeless White people killed on the platforms or on the trains.

    The trains themselves are filled with various gangsta trash, Mexicans and Central Americans fresh from the border, lots of pirate DVDs sold, other merchandise, urine, vomit, and feces everywhere, as it belongs and is paid for by Whitey but conquered by NAMs. Beatings of various non-Whites are common, as are fights, robberies, and public sex. The police are conspicuously absent.

    There is no reason to think that any public transit will not reach the lowest common denominator of Shontavious and the sicario up from Jalisco.

    No sane White person EVER takes public transit. EVER.

    • 同意: unit472
    • 回复: @dwb

    Public transit is a no-go zone for White people in a diverse society. It is that way in France, in the UK, in Germany, and in the US.
    Sorry, but you should stick to fantasizing about alpha males. The idea that public transit is a "no-go zone for White people" is bunk.

    Lived for a few years in Paris (not that long ago; we repatriated in 2015). I used to ride the RATP ("metro") to and from work every day. I never had a problem.

    There are certain parts of the system that I would absolutely avoid (in Paris, the #13 train north of "La Fourche" for example), or the RER B line south of Paris. But the whole system?

    You have to turn Fox News off every now and then.

    Replies: @Autochthon, @Lurker, @Anon

    , @第三只眼睛

    Criminals are emboldened by low density usage of streets and other facilities. Crime in transit systems mostly occurs when usage is low. The notion that high density housing centered on transit would increase crime is a red herring.

    , @Excal

    I knew quite a few white people who commuted on the Blue Line. Definitely more knuckleheads there than on, say, the Gold Line, but never heard of anything bad going down.

    I frequently commuted on the Gold Line and during rush hour it was stacked to the rafters with white people. Nobody seemed to mind.

    , @查尔斯·欧文·威尔逊

    No sane White person EVER takes public transit. EVER.


    Oh come on. I have been riding the DC metro, and the L in Chicago, since the 90s. Never had any trouble on either.
  18. @Dealin Filim
    The author of this piece, Liam Dillon, was subjected to a very funny smear campaign when he worked in San Diego, accused of racism by a local "community leader" who looks like the Tanning Mom:




    回复:@ Anon,@ donut

    The author of this piece, Liam Dillon, was subjected to a very funny smear campaign when he worked in San Diego, accused of racism by a local “community leader” who looks like the Tanning Mom.

    What set her off? There is nothing in Google’s results about this micro-controversy. I went through Dillon’s clips in the archives of the Voice of San Diego and couldn’t find anything. Dillon covered a few topics that intersected with the black community, but in a matter-of-act way.

    Maybe this is an extreme example of Saul Alinsky’s Rule 13 (“Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”). In the standard interpretation you pick one baddie and focus on him, not getting distracted by other baddies. Maybe this Kathleen chick decided that you didn’t even have to worry whether you had chosen a baddie to begin with. Just choose someone at random.

    • 回复: @Dealin Filim

    I don't actually know what the controversy was about. Funny it's so hard to find info on it.

  19. OT:礼貌

    On Tuesday, a professor at Fresno State made highly outrageous comments celebrating the death of former First Lady of the United States Barbara Bush as she also took delight in the pain that George H.W. Bush is experiencing as a result of his wife’s death.

    Jarrar’s first tweet on Bush’s death stated: “Barbara Bush was a generous and smart and amazing racist who, along with her husband, raised a war criminal. F**k outta here with your nice words.”

    Jarrar continued, writing: “PSA: either you are against these pieces of s*** and their genocidal ways or you’re part of the problem. that’s actually how simple this is. I’m happy the witch is dead. can’t wait for the rest of her family to fall to their demise the way 1.5 million iraqis have. byyyeeeeeeee.”

    Jarrar went on to express how happy she was over Bush’s death because she knew that Bush’s husband was sad over her passing.


    Jarrar demonstrated a fair amount of arrogance, suggesting that people also notify the school’s president of the incident because she doesn’t think she will face any kind of repercussions for her actions.


    我在 Meatspace 的唯一朋友是文科教授,不太可能同情 House Bush,我无法想象他们在私人谈话中会这样说话。
    And, understand that this woman doesn’t care about Iraqis or about names. She hates white people. She is very fair-skinned herself but in her mind Barbara Bush’s main attribute is membership of an enemy tribe. This is not about what any Bushes did, this is about celebrating the death of white people.

    • 回复: @SanJoaquinSam

    "My only friends in meatspace are liberal arts professors, unlikely to be sympathetic to House Bush, and I cannot imagine them talking like this in a private conversation."

    Your friends' problem is that no one paying attention offers them this benefit of doubt any longer.

    Maybe take this as an opportunity to point out to your friends that a sizable number of people assume they're all like this and there isn't much evidence these days to the contrary. Plant the kernel in their brain that things need to change in academia.

    , 詹姆士·福雷斯特(James Forrestal)

    "And, understand that this woman doesn’t care about Iraqis or about names. She hates white people. She is very fair-skinned herself but in her mind Barbara Bush’s main attribute is membership of an enemy tribe. This is not about what any Bushes did, this is about celebrating the death of white people."

    Randa Jarrar is a good illustration of a rather remarkable inconsistency in The Narrative. She's apparently a 1/2 Palestinian, 1/2 Egyptian Muslim, so she she's at least a couple of steps up on the "progressive stack," with both non-White privilege and Muslim privilege. In America, she clearly needs to be protected from both "racism" and "Islamophobia" (as well as "fat-shaming," of course).

    But if she was back in the ME? No problem. Gun 'em down, bomb 'em, whatever. Of course it's OK if the Israelis do it -- what was the final total from sniping the recent Gaza protesters? 32 dead, 1700 wounded? Something like that. And this was all at long range -- none of the IDF troops were even threatened, much less injured. But those killed by US bombing, by 'our" government's Salafist terrorist proxies in Syria, or direct interventions like Iraq? Those are largely either invisible, or just shrugged off as irrelevant, too.

    Except when they're cited to justify the importation of more non-White "refugees" to America, of course. This narrative is sometimes permissible on the "Left" side of the mainstream, so long as it focuses on oil or generic US imperialism as the reasons for US involvement in the ME, and ignores Israel.

    But bring one of those same people over here, and suddenly Arabs go from being simply targets to a specially-protected class that is weaponized against us. Even hurting their feelz is a "hate crime." Very strange. It's almost as if Arabs causing trouble for a small Middle Eastern tribal country is very, very bad, but Arabs causing trouble for America is somehow self-evidently good. Or something.

    , @伊萨克

    The Bush family is anti-white so who could care? El Jefe "Jeb," Bush would probably like that tweet of it got him a few more Latino votes.

    , @马克

    This is not about what any Bushes did, this is about celebrating the death of white people.
    Barbara Bush made some snobby comments about black evacuees from New Orleans who were staying at a domed stadium in Houston after Hurricane Katrina, and people like Jarrarr are using her passing to illustrate their own far greater lack of tact and decorum.

    回复:@ J.Ross

    , @马尔科姆X-Lax

    She's not a fan of white belly dancers either. Can't possibly see why.



    P.S. You can bet your ass Fresno State is scraping the bottom of the affirmative action barrel for professors.


  20. 我对分区政策有矛盾。一方面,中产阶级白人需要更便宜的住房。另一方面,中产阶级白人需要不易被遗弃者入侵的良好社区。

    • 回复: @bjdubbs


    回复:@ gunner29

  21. @匿名的

    Presumably the problem is that these new properties wouldn't be affordable for the domestic and service sector workers that the wealthy need around. Those are the people the wealthy need housed.

    It was better in the past and during medieval times when the wealthy actually had to house their slaves or serfs on their land and had to defend the land themselves. Today the wealthy are much more parasitic and pass off and socialize the cost of their help onto the rest of society.


    Dozens of companies are developing R2-D2 style robots that will eliminate pizza delivery drivers within large cities. That’s hundreds to thousands of jobs gone, and presumably residents. We’ve had Roombas for quite some time, and its a matter of time until something like that is mowing lawns. Lawns could also be taxed out of existence given the recurring water shortages.

    • 回复: @匿名的

    There are already Roomba like robotic lawn mowers.

    Robots and automation aren't going to cut the wealthy's demand for service labor. The wealthy like having human meat to boss around. Having human meat to boss around is a good in and of itself to the wealthy, in addition to providing some actual service. Do you think that once robot lawnmowers are ubiquitous, the wealthy are going to fire Jose the lawn guy and take the robot lawnmower out for a spin each week by themselves? No, of course not. They're still going to want Jose interfacing between themselves and the robot, taking it out for a spin, overseeing it, maintaining it, fixing it or replacing parts when it's broken, etc.

    The way to cut down on demand for service labor is to reduce wealth concentration hence the wealthy and have a middle class, high human capital society where the average man is too skilled and economically independent and thus expensive to be hired to do menial work for the wealthy.

    Replies: @Sunbeam, @Rosamond Vincy, @stillCARealist, @Autochthon

  22. @Autochthon

    All the gold in California is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills, in somebody else's name....
    C'mon, Steve: Share your thoughts on Gorsuch's appointment of the ... ahem ... 奇克索 with blonde hair (albeit from a bottle), alabaster skin, and no observable epicanthic folds as the second coming of Xochitl Hinojosa.

    Granted, "Tobi Young" at least in't as misleading a name for <>, so there's that....

    Oh, and what up wit ((Starbucks))? Dem coffee cups didn't initiate enough conversations? Will Freeloading Wi-Fi While Black become A Thing now?

    回复:@ Autochthon,@ Autochthon

    Gah! I should have anticipated this: the same features allowing hypertext also disallow my poor* man’s «comillas angulares»: <>.

    *okay, okay: lazy….

  23. @Autochthon

    All the gold in California is in a bank in the middle of Beverly Hills, in somebody else's name....
    C'mon, Steve: Share your thoughts on Gorsuch's appointment of the ... ahem ... 奇克索 with blonde hair (albeit from a bottle), alabaster skin, and no observable epicanthic folds as the second coming of Xochitl Hinojosa.

    Granted, "Tobi Young" at least in't as misleading a name for <>, so there's that....

    Oh, and what up wit ((Starbucks))? Dem coffee cups didn't initiate enough conversations? Will Freeloading Wi-Fi While Black become A Thing now?

    回复:@ Autochthon,@ Autochthon

    Gah! I should have anticipated this: the same features allowing hypertext also disallow my poor* man’s «comillas angulares»: <>.

    *okay, okay: lazy….

  24. @罗斯

    周二,弗雷斯诺州立大学的一位教授在庆祝美国前第一夫人芭芭拉·布什 (Barbara Bush) 去世时发表了非常离谱的评论,同时她也为乔治 HW 布什 (George HW Bush) 因妻子去世而遭受的痛苦感到高兴。


    Jarrar 继续写道:“PSA:要么你反对这些 s*** 及其种族灭绝方式,要么你就是问题的一部分。这实际上是多么简单。我很高兴女巫已经死了。可以'不要等着她的其他家人像 1.5 万伊拉克人那样死去。byyyeeeeeeee。”



    Jarrar 表现出相当傲慢的态度,建议人们也将此事通知学校校长,因为她认为她的行为不会受到任何影响。

    我在 Meatspace 的唯一朋友是文科教授,不太可能同情 House Bush,我无法想象他们在私人谈话中会这样说话。
    而且,要知道这个女人不在乎伊拉克人或名字。 她讨厌白人。 她自己皮肤非常白皙,但在她看来,芭芭拉布什的主要特征是敌对部落的成员身份。 这与任何布什所做的无关,这是关于庆祝白人之死。

    回复:@SanJoaquinSam、@James Forrestal、@Issac、@MarcB.、@Malcolm X-Lax



    也许借此机会向您的朋友指出,相当多的人认为他们都是这样的,而现在没有太多相反的证据。 在他们的大脑中植入内核,即学术界需要改变。

  25. @阿农

    Dozens of companies are developing R2-D2 style robots that will eliminate pizza delivery drivers within large cities. That's hundreds to thousands of jobs gone, and presumably residents. We've had Roombas for quite some time, and its a matter of time until something like that is mowing lawns. Lawns could also be taxed out of existence given the recurring water shortages.



    There are already Roomba like robotic lawn mowers.

    Robots and automation aren’t going to cut the wealthy’s demand for service labor. The wealthy like having human meat to boss around. Having human meat to boss around is a good in and of itself to the wealthy, in addition to providing some actual service. Do you think that once robot lawnmowers are ubiquitous, the wealthy are going to fire Jose the lawn guy and take the robot lawnmower out for a spin each week by themselves? No, of course not. They’re still going to want Jose interfacing between themselves and the robot, taking it out for a spin, overseeing it, maintaining it, fixing it or replacing parts when it’s broken, etc.

    The way to cut down on demand for service labor is to reduce wealth concentration hence the wealthy and have a middle class, high human capital society where the average man is too skilled and economically independent and thus expensive to be hired to do menial work for the wealthy.

    • 回复: @阳光

    "The wealthy like having human meat to boss around."

    Not so sure. A lot of these new money types are too autistic to care about things like that. All about the numbers you see.

    It is occasionally noted, but there is something very odd about how culture (and in a lot of places besides America) is going. Even a lot of old money types seem to have transmogrified descendents.

    My take is guys like Zuckerberg don't get a hard on bossing the help around. If it is like a game of Minecraft, well that's more their thing.

    Which is actually far worse for the kind of people they insist on bringing in. Literally what are these new immigrants going to do? It doesn't make any sense, as you can literally see any market niches they might occupy disappearing before your eyes.

    Helluva price to pay for stacking the vote totals in your favor. Because as long as you at least pay lip service to Democracy, no matter how passive and detached these guys are as a political group, eventually they will elect Pols ... well like the Congressional Black Caucus, only Latino or something, you know?

    What do you do then? Find some more 3rd worlders somewhere to bring in? Or just finally say "Democracy - uh, we aren't doing that anymore. Just way too much work for the payoff."

    , @罗莎蒙德·文西(Rosamond Vincy)

    Yep. Can't remember where I read it, but there's an anecdote about some nouveau riche boasting about his then cutting-edge media center with remotes for everything.
    The Old Money guy one-upped him by summoning a servant to change the channel on his decades-old TV.

    , @stillCARalist

    Instead of robots I was kinda hoping American teenagers and younger could start to get some work experience doing yard work.

    the earlier comment about the banning of lawns, or the restriction of watering is likely more salient. Also, the newer homes have almost no yards to care for. Everybody's inside on the computer or phone rather than outside enjoying CA's constantly nice weather.

    , @Autochthon

    Speaking of robots and cheap labour, I'm interested in what Mr. Sailer may do with this gem:

    From Milking Cows to Writing Code: A Dreamer’s Journey

    I still remember the night when my dad led me and my siblings across the border. As we walked through a bunch of trees, I was told to cover my face with my arm. I only felt the branches hitting me, but the next morning I noticed that my arms were covered in little thorns.

    If I were to say, “I came to the U.S. at the age of ten,” I would be lying. In reality, I was brought here.

    I grew up in a small city in Mexico called Putla Villa de Guerrero Oaxaca. In Putla, I worked for a woman called Doña Estela, sweeping, mopping, doing the dishes, and milking her family’s cows. I got paid ten pesos (approximately one dollar) a day, enough for a torta and a cup of water at school. Instead of shoes, which I felt were uncomfortable and too expensive anyway, I wore 瓦拉什 soled with rubber tires.
    Ten pesos are currently worth about fifty-five cents; so how's sending to what used to be America those vanishingly few Mexicans numerate enough to program computers working out for the economy of the motherland...?

    This change from milking cows to writing code did not happen overnight. It was made possible by the individuals who took the time to reach out and guide me along the way. I am very thankful and appreciative of all the support and effort that made these opportunities possible, including the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program ("DACA").

    When I was growing up, my mom and dad would go to California to earn money, mostly weeding lettuce fields, leaving me with my grandma. Eventually, my mom remained in the U.S., and my dad came home with the intention of bringing me back to California with him. He told me I had two options: I could stay in Mexico with my grandma, but then it would be a long time before I saw my mom, or come with him and be reunited with her.
    Of course, this dilemma was wholly unrelated to the mother's decision to abandon her own child to invade a foreign nation for higher wages, and the easiest option of all, mother's return from California, is mysteriously omitted to create a phony conundrum.

    When I got to the U.S., my mom enrolled me in the fifth grade. I remember my first day of class. My mom took me to the classroom’s front door and knocked. A tall white guy opened the door and said something in English that, of course, I didn’t understand.
    The humanity! The perfidy! White people speaking English – in America!

    But every day while I was at school, I worried about getting arrested and deported. Or what if my parents were deported while I was at school?

    One Saturday morning in high school while I was weeding lettuce, I heard on the radio that ICE was in the city next to mine, taking people and deporting them. As we left work that day, my father worried about being pulled over and asked me to drive him and some of the other workers home. There are times when DACA holders are expected to go above and beyond, helping their family members who may not speak English as well. In this moment, I was responsible for ensuring the safety of all of us. I was scared the whole time, because if I messed up, seven people might be deported.

    My parents gave me detailed answers and suggestions on how I should live day-to-day to come to terms with these fears. For example, I always kept some cash with me so that if I was deported, I could take a taxi from wherever they sent me in Mexico to my tío’s (uncle’s) house. My parents told me to keep my eyes open, always watching out for trouble two blocks ahead, and to always follow the law so I wouldn’t be pulled over or end up in prison and then deported.
    Did his parents say everything in English except tío's? Why didn't they say "the house de mi tío?" – it strains credulity to think they had mastered the formation of possessive nouns without learning those same basic nouns themselves (common terms for close relatives are among the first vocabulary taught or learned for obvious reasons, and we are talking about 叔叔,不 mother-in-law's cousin three times removed). More likely, this superfluous insertion of the Spanish word and its condescending translation to English is just a flourish of okie-doke supposed to elicit sympathy or authenticity. Either write what they said in English with an aside that they actually said it in Spanish, or write it in Spanish, with a translation if appropriate.

    I digress. The more compelling bit from this excerpt is his law-breaking padres' (parents') admonition to always follow the law so as to avoid being incarcerated or deported. I can almost hear their charming patois – "Do as I say, not as I do, 儿子!"

    I’ve heard the accusations that immigrants take jobs that aren’t ours. Growing up in Mexico, my grandma taught me never to take something that is not mine unless it was offered.

    I was brought to this country and offered a public education, so I accepted it, gratefully.
    注: The people doing the bringing and those doing the offering were not the same.

    I registered for DACA during high school. Although I originally had no plans to go to college, the DACA program gave me a Social Security number and a work permit. With that status, I knew I could actually use a college education to get a job.
    As everyone knows, Mexico has no universities nor any employment whatsoever. Thank heavens for DACA. The piece drones on like this interminably, like some melodramatic hack's best efforts to invoke Horatio Alger, Jr. I cannot go on myself for the nausea, but I encourage anyone interested in understanding the nexus of Silly Valley and the immivasion vis-a-vis the stories they tell themselves and the squid-ink they spray to camouflage the realities of supply and demand (in the case of capital) and their righteous vindication by the Zeroth Amendment (in the case of the invading labour).
  26. 美国总统随时可以介入。利用联邦优先权来绕过分区和 CEQA


    与此同时,利用 EO 开放金银岛和 GGNAR 的联邦土地用于房车或汽车露营。应该有足够的空间/时间让心存感激的新居民登记投票罢免南希·佩洛西。另外,这还会破坏来自格林布雷/肯特菲尔德的芭芭拉·博克瑟 (Barbara Boxer) 和加文·纽瑟姆 (Gavin Newsome) 的视野。

  27. @阿农
    @Dealin Filim

    The author of this piece, Liam Dillon, was subjected to a very funny smear campaign when he worked in San Diego, accused of racism by a local “community leader” who looks like the Tanning Mom.
    What set her off? There is nothing in Google's results about this micro-controversy. I went through Dillon's clips in the archives of the Voice of San Diego and couldn't find anything. Dillon covered a few topics that intersected with the black community, but in a matter-of-act way.

    Maybe this is an extreme example of Saul Alinsky's Rule 13 ("Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."). In the standard interpretation you pick one baddie and focus on him, not getting distracted by other baddies. Maybe this Kathleen chick decided that you didn't even have to worry whether you had chosen a baddie to begin with. Just choose someone at random.

    Replies: @Dealin Filim

    I don’t actually know what the controversy was about. Funny it’s so hard to find info on it.

  28. @tcjfs



    • 回复: @ gunner29

    城市在没有分区的情况下表现得很好。分区并不能阻止被遗弃的人。 旧金山有大量无家可归者,并且有一些最严格的分区。



  29. 来自华尔街日报

    “Boise, Idaho, Feels the Growing Pains of a Surging Population
    Locals cope with rising home prices, traffic; ‘You have to plan ahead for restaurant reservations now’”

    Ex-Californians talk about safety and how kind the locals are.

    As I’ve said before, we are starting to see white flight on a continental level. Whites are leaving for places where they can continue to be a majority. Naperville, IL writ large.

    • 回复: @布鲁托

    How long before the whiter nations of South America begin to see massive influxes of white refugees?

    Replies: @Flip, @RadicalCenter, @Corn

    , @翻动

    From the comments section:

    “California’s once-unrivalled status as the country’s most educated state has long since disintegrated under the waves of low-skilled, low-social-capital Mexican and Central American immigrants. Now, California's K-12 system rivals Mississippi and Alabama as an education backwater. The state’s school-age population, now majority Hispanic, lacks competitive linguistic and math skills. California is becoming another Brazil, divided between fabulously wealthy elites hunkered down in their own coastal sanctuaries, and a poor, Third World population.” – Heather Mac Donald

    , An

    “Boise, Idaho, Feels the Growing Pains of a Surging Population
    Locals cope with rising home prices, traffic; ‘You have to plan ahead for restaurant reservations now’”

    Ex-Californians talk about safety and how kind the locals are.

    As I’ve said before, we are starting to see white flight on a continental level. Whites are leaving for places where they can continue to be a majority. Naperville, IL writ large.
    I think this is true. (I was having the same thought last night reading the "A Quiet Place" thread and the reviewer's hostility to rural whites.) I expect this trend to ramp up.

    However, the problem is ... they won't let us go! Whereever we racist whites go ... diversity will follow. Boise's an example. I've never lived there, but been through plenty times the last twenty. (I've got a brother-in-law in Denver and Boise is a nice--scenic--day's drive from Seattle.) As Boise grows, the Mexican population is ramping up. It's quite noticeable in the West end of the valley--Nampa-Caldwell. Idaho as state has in the last few decades gone from essentially all white with a few Indians, to 10% Mexican. (I give fair credit to the Mexicans--they really will go anywhere there's work, and whites create work.)

    There really isn't anywhere whites can run to where diversity won't follow.

    That's the spirit of the age. The rhetoric is almost amusing in it's logical incoherence. White's are racist, their mere presence oppresses others *and* white people can not be allowed to be alone and have their own stuff--neighborhoods or nations.

    Fundamental truth--you can not have nice things without a border. There is no substitute.
  30. 在特罗纳搭起一些帐篷城,用巴士把流浪汉运到指定地点,然后把他们安置在那片贫瘠的荒地上。问题结束。



    • 回复: @布法罗乔


  31. @汤姆
    Idiots. They are blocking free-market forces, punishing renters, and denying the construction industry tens of thousands of jobs.

    Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican, @AnotherDad, @Almost Missouri, @27 year old

    Hmmm. The hyper-growth Bay Area YIMBYs are due for a Kali-yuga Karmic Krunch when the 大的一个 comes a knockin’.

    • 回复: @史蒂夫·塞勒

    该法案,至少以其最初的形式,将使文图拉大道沿线的许多 8 层建筑合法化。位于旧金山谷,这可能是个好主意,但文图拉北侧的大部分地区都建在旧洛杉矶河沙石漫滩上,这些沙石在地震时会液化。



    回复:@res、@Charles Pewitt

  32. @詹纳·艾克汉姆·埃里坎

    Hmmm. The hyper-growth Bay Area YIMBYs are due for a Kali-yuga Karmic Krunch when the 大的一个 comes a knockin’.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    该法案,至少以其最初的形式,将使文图拉大道沿线的许多 8 层建筑合法化。位于旧金山谷,这可能是个好主意,但文图拉北侧的大部分地区都建在旧洛杉矶河沙石漫滩上,这些沙石在地震时会液化。


    The government has, very slowly, mapped the type of soil and thus the earthquake risk in LA block by block, but the real estate business doesn’t want to think about it. And the real estate professionals do a lot of thinking for people these days, so not many people think about it.

    • 回复: @res

    地图本身位于 https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/EQZApp/app/



    回复:@Steve Sailer,@danand

    , @查尔斯·佩维特

    The government has, very slowly, mapped the type of soil and thus the earthquake risk in LA block by block, but the real estate business doesn’t want to think about it. And the real estate professionals do a lot of thinking for people these days, so not many people think about it.


    The real estate business is big business. The real estate business is in the mass immigration and low interest rate business. The FIRE, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE business is in the business of grabbing every last buck there is before the inevitable global financial implosion.

    White Core American political leaders have to be in the AFFORDABLE FAMILY FORMATION business in order to win back the United States from the big business money-grubbers that are stealing it away. You all know that the newspapers, radio, internet and TV propaganda business is in bed with the real estate big business racket. When you run for office on a platform of reducing immigration to increase AFFORDABLE FAMILY FORMATION, expect to get rhetorically smashed by the shysters who run the local and national corporate media.

    婴儿潮一代戴维·伯恩(David Byrne)问:

    And you think you've had enough?

  33. Whodathunk that NIMBY trumps Diversity in a Blue State?

  34. @翻动

    “Boise, Idaho, Feels the Growing Pains of a Surging Population
    Locals cope with rising home prices, traffic; ‘You have to plan ahead for restaurant reservations now’”

    Ex-Californians talk about safety and how kind the locals are.

    As I’ve said before, we are starting to see white flight on a continental level. Whites are leaving for places where they can continue to be a majority. Naperville, IL writ large.

    Replies: @Bleuteaux, @Flip, @AnotherDad

    How long before the whiter nations of South America begin to see massive influxes of white refugees?

    • 回复: @翻动

    Doug Casey says that Argentina is more European than Europe these days.


    , @激进中心


    Before white Americans, the Germans, French, English, and Swedes are starting to flee, and the pace will likely accelerate drastically as Muslims rapidly grow to a real political and social force and get even more aggressive.

    , @玉米

    I hear Chile and Uruguay are lovely. Argentina is too, if a bit economically tumultuous.


  35. @RegCæsar

    California plan linking new housing to public transit...

    Wouldn't that tear the houses off their foundations? Light rail isn't actually light, you know.

    Though sometimes the house wins.







    Saltsjöbaden is one of the top affluent suburbs of Stockholm.

    The train somehow got running while being cleaned at night. At first the cleaner (white girl, see article below) was accused of taking some sort of bizarre joyride. Then the employers changed their minds.


    The cleaner according to her story tried to stop the train and was in the driver’s cabin at the front of the train when it crashed. Bad choice of location, because she got nerve damage in her left leg, a fractured pelvis, nine broken ribs, both clavicles broken, a punctured lung, a half torn off ear, a fractured jaw, a couple of internal organs bleeding, and some glass splinter in her face. She doesn’t look too squished in the picture taken three months later though.

    There was a subsequent investigation of the accident, of course. Apparently, the train had been parked in a garage with the brakes and dead-man switch disengaged to avoid freezing in place, because the regular de-icing gear was broken and there had been a month long organizational argument about who should fix it. For reasons unknown, the tracks were also switched to run the train onto the main line when started. Finally, it was apparently sufficient to start the train with ‘the press of a button’. Somehow this happened. It’s still not clear how from what I read, but presumably by accident; it might even be that the train was started remotely.

    She mentions that she was not initially alarmed because it was not unusual that trains were in motion while she was cleaning them, presumably being routed around the yard. Was this normally done with a driver or done automatically? Unclear. I didn’t get a clear picture of where she was when the train got started either. In the driver’s cabin? In one of the carriages? So the precise details of how it happened are still elusive. (Might be clearer in the official investigation report, but I haven’t read that.)


    Personally, I wonder why the cleaner didn’t locate and pull the emergency brake instead of going to or staying in the driver’s cabin. There is normally one brake at each carriage side exit. But perhaps she wasn’t thinking too clearly once things got serious. The whole thing apparently took place in just 1 min 40 seconds.

    • 回复: @甘德森

    Sara är mycket vacker!
    Or, as the great Howie Carr would say, “not guilty!”

  36. @匿名的

    There are already Roomba like robotic lawn mowers.

    Robots and automation aren't going to cut the wealthy's demand for service labor. The wealthy like having human meat to boss around. Having human meat to boss around is a good in and of itself to the wealthy, in addition to providing some actual service. Do you think that once robot lawnmowers are ubiquitous, the wealthy are going to fire Jose the lawn guy and take the robot lawnmower out for a spin each week by themselves? No, of course not. They're still going to want Jose interfacing between themselves and the robot, taking it out for a spin, overseeing it, maintaining it, fixing it or replacing parts when it's broken, etc.

    The way to cut down on demand for service labor is to reduce wealth concentration hence the wealthy and have a middle class, high human capital society where the average man is too skilled and economically independent and thus expensive to be hired to do menial work for the wealthy.

    Replies: @Sunbeam, @Rosamond Vincy, @stillCARealist, @Autochthon

    “The wealthy like having human meat to boss around.”

    Not so sure. A lot of these new money types are too autistic to care about things like that. All about the numbers you see.

    It is occasionally noted, but there is something very odd about how culture (and in a lot of places besides America) is going. Even a lot of old money types seem to have transmogrified descendents.

    My take is guys like Zuckerberg don’t get a hard on bossing the help around. If it is like a game of Minecraft, well that’s more their thing.

    Which is actually far worse for the kind of people they insist on bringing in. Literally what are these new immigrants going to do? It doesn’t make any sense, as you can literally see any market niches they might occupy disappearing before your eyes.

    Helluva price to pay for stacking the vote totals in your favor. Because as long as you at least pay lip service to Democracy, no matter how passive and detached these guys are as a political group, eventually they will elect Pols … well like the Congressional Black Caucus, only Latino or something, you know?

    What do you do then? Find some more 3rd worlders somewhere to bring in? Or just finally say “Democracy – uh, we aren’t doing that anymore. Just way too much work for the payoff.”

  37. @翻动

    “Boise, Idaho, Feels the Growing Pains of a Surging Population
    Locals cope with rising home prices, traffic; ‘You have to plan ahead for restaurant reservations now’”

    Ex-Californians talk about safety and how kind the locals are.

    As I’ve said before, we are starting to see white flight on a continental level. Whites are leaving for places where they can continue to be a majority. Naperville, IL writ large.

    Replies: @Bleuteaux, @Flip, @AnotherDad

    From the comments section:

    “California’s once-unrivalled status as the country’s most educated state has long since disintegrated under the waves of low-skilled, low-social-capital Mexican and Central American immigrants. Now, California’s K-12 system rivals Mississippi and Alabama as an education backwater. The state’s school-age population, now majority Hispanic, lacks competitive linguistic and math skills. California is becoming another Brazil, divided between fabulously wealthy elites hunkered down in their own coastal sanctuaries, and a poor, Third World population.” – Heather Mac Donald

  38. They have this in Manhattan. Hell you can build 50 storey condo towers most anywhere there. Has it led to more ‘affordable’ housing? Of course not. It costs more to build higher. In California you need sprinkler systems and elevators to name just two expenses when you have multi story buildings. It also cost more to build in dense urban neighborhoods.

    California needs more ‘trailer parks’ as they can put a lot of housing on very little land and the cost is more in line with what low income people can afford.Earthquake resistant too!

    • 回复: @ unit472
    @ unit472

    I might add that defunct shopping malls might be just the place to put trailer parks. They have already been graded and have utilities installed. Build an attractive highway type 'sound wall' around them to keep them separate from adjoining single family homes and bring in the single wide trailers. Sell the 'lots' to the residents so they have an incentive to keep their trailers presentable and you can house families for under $150,000 even in Orange County.

  39. @ unit472
    They have this in Manhattan. Hell you can build 50 storey condo towers most anywhere there. Has it led to more 'affordable' housing? Of course not. It costs more to build higher. In California you need sprinkler systems and elevators to name just two expenses when you have multi story buildings. It also cost more to build in dense urban neighborhoods.

    California needs more 'trailer parks' as they can put a lot of housing on very little land and the cost is more in line with what low income people can afford.Earthquake resistant too!

    回复:@ unit472

    I might add that defunct shopping malls might be just the place to put trailer parks. They have already been graded and have utilities installed. Build an attractive highway type ‘sound wall’ around them to keep them separate from adjoining single family homes and bring in the single wide trailers. Sell the ‘lots’ to the residents so they have an incentive to keep their trailers presentable and you can house families for under $150,000 even in Orange County.

    • 同意: 玉米
  40. @RegCæsar

    California plan linking new housing to public transit...

    Wouldn't that tear the houses off their foundations? Light rail isn't actually light, you know.

    Though sometimes the house wins.







    The picture of the locomotive is iconic, and used to be a college room wall poster. It’s a locomotive that burst through the Montparnasse train station in Paris in 1895. Injuries were minor.


    • 回复: @YetAnotherAnon

    I remember it. In the UK at any rate, the poster had a caption "Oh Sh*t".

    OT, Brit lefty mag New Statesman seems to be raising the white flag on genetics and intelligence, although I suppose there's always a chance of the author being forced to recant or the editor regretting the "lapse of judgement" and resigning.



  41. 匿名 [AKA "James_NYC"] 说:

    “The wealthy like having human meat to boss around. Having human meat to boss around is a good in and of itself to the wealthy, in addition to providing some actual service.”

    Ha, ha, ha. How many rich people do you personally know to be able to make this generalization? Let me tell you, rich people like dealing with human ‘help’ as much as you like dealing with DMV.

    • 回复: @激进中心

    Yeah, life is rough.

  42. @汤姆
    Idiots. They are blocking free-market forces, punishing renters, and denying the construction industry tens of thousands of jobs.

    Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican, @AnotherDad, @Almost Missouri, @27 year old


    Of course. Because no one actually *想要* the crowding–the dense Asianization–of the places they live–生活. 糟透了

    California has over twice the population it did when i was a kid and thought of it as a cool place to be where i’d probably end up, doing some cool sciency thing with great weather and the mountains and beach all close by. My daughter is there now, doing med school, but i’ve told all my kids the concept of “IQ shredders” and said “anywhere but California”. If California lost it’s natural advantage in weather, mountains and beach, there would be such a mad rush to get the heck outta there, it would be dangerous on the border. There has been absolutely nothing positive in what the immivasion has wrought this past 50 years.

    No support for the immivasion isn’t because anything is better about life under it–it’s way worse. It’s the usual suspects:
    — minoritarianism, anti-nationalism
    — political power for the left
    — greed, cheap labor!
    — ethnic chauvinism (more people like me! … even though i came here to escape people like me and live in a white-Western nation)

    But no one actually wants to “invite the world” into *他们的* neighborhood, so when it comes to accomodating the influx … there’s resistance. Hey we like what we have!

    • 同意: 自由基中心
    • 回复: @奥洛林

    Of course. Because no one actually *wants* the crowding–the dense Asianization–of the places they live–for life. It sucks.

    Consider, however:

    This bill to bring in millions of more units of new meat to CA was sponsored by Scott Weiner, who has no trouble with people deliberately giving other people HIV.


    Ah, but his hive plan would be good for real estate developers just as his HIV plan is good for the developers and sellers of Big Pharma's retrovirals! So bring it on! Bottom line uber alles!

    Just don't mess with the developers' and realtors' remote doom estancias in Montana, Wyoming, and Uruguay, thankyouverymuch!

    , @塞思·拉戈(Seth Largo)


    On one hand, he obviously pines for mid-century SoCal, so he can't be thrilled about turning the Valley into Brooklyn. On the other hand, he's a realist, so he must understand the need for denser housing so that his progeny can keep the Sailer name in the Valley and not need to move to Texas to afford a house. Also, he's not a socialist, so on principle, he probably dislikes seeing the state dictate who can build what, where.

    On the other other hand, he has a soft spot for old school conservationism, so I imagine he'd make an exception to his free market philosophy when it comes to paving over the scenery.

    I just don't know where he lands.

  43. @汤姆
    Idiots. They are blocking free-market forces, punishing renters, and denying the construction industry tens of thousands of jobs.

    Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican, @AnotherDad, @Almost Missouri, @27 year old


    public transit + low income housing = flash mobs on your doorstep.

    I would do the same thing in their shoes, tbh.

    Their labor-wranglers will shuttle the servants to where they want them to go, so you need not worry that the 0.1% will be without their 希梅纳技术手册.

  44. The usual conflicted desires of the Left, e.g. they want Diversity but without disparity and when their adolescent wish fulfillment fails to materialize they place the blame on whites/capitalism/patriarchy/colonialism.

  45. I don’t get the these gotcha articles.

    People of Color well know that the democratic party has its own issues with racism and white supremacy

  46. @阿农


    回复:@ Anonymous,@ AnotherDad


    我只是在史蒂夫博客的评论中指出了这一点五到十次,但是 大规模移民与几乎所有进步人士声称拥护的价值观相矛盾——经济因素和明显的环境因素一样多。对于以下情况为负值:
    - 工资
    — 失业
    - 收入差距
    - 负担得起的房子
    - “社区”
    - 社会凝聚力
    — 物种保护
    - 污染
    - 交通拥堵
    - 全球暖化


    你可以争论“交通”,因为越来越多的人聚集确实会增加交通的使用。但与此同时,“多样性”使得人们因为“公共”而不太愿意使用公共交通。 (如果你认为墨西哥人将黑人赶出某个地区,从而使交通更加安全,那么也许你可以为交通带来净积极影响。)

    • 同意: 水库, 特拉维斯, 密苏里州
    • 回复: @German_Reader2





    , @汉兰达


    , @最后的真正加尔文主义者




  47. @汤姆
    Idiots. They are blocking free-market forces, punishing renters, and denying the construction industry tens of thousands of jobs.

    Replies: @Jenner Ickham Errican, @AnotherDad, @Almost Missouri, @27 year old

    Idiots. They are blocking free-market forces, punishing renters, and denying the construction industry tens of thousands of jobs

    Happy Autism Awareness Month!

    • 回复: @潜伏者
    @ 27岁

    Thomm wants to free things up for his Asian buddies and screw those pesky, icky whites who get in the way.

  48. @匿名的

    There are already Roomba like robotic lawn mowers.

    Robots and automation aren't going to cut the wealthy's demand for service labor. The wealthy like having human meat to boss around. Having human meat to boss around is a good in and of itself to the wealthy, in addition to providing some actual service. Do you think that once robot lawnmowers are ubiquitous, the wealthy are going to fire Jose the lawn guy and take the robot lawnmower out for a spin each week by themselves? No, of course not. They're still going to want Jose interfacing between themselves and the robot, taking it out for a spin, overseeing it, maintaining it, fixing it or replacing parts when it's broken, etc.

    The way to cut down on demand for service labor is to reduce wealth concentration hence the wealthy and have a middle class, high human capital society where the average man is too skilled and economically independent and thus expensive to be hired to do menial work for the wealthy.

    Replies: @Sunbeam, @Rosamond Vincy, @stillCARealist, @Autochthon

    Yep. Can’t remember where I read it, but there’s an anecdote about some nouveau riche boasting about his then cutting-edge media center with remotes for everything.
    The Old Money guy one-upped him by summoning a servant to change the channel on his decades-old TV.

  49. @翻动

    “Boise, Idaho, Feels the Growing Pains of a Surging Population
    Locals cope with rising home prices, traffic; ‘You have to plan ahead for restaurant reservations now’”

    Ex-Californians talk about safety and how kind the locals are.

    As I’ve said before, we are starting to see white flight on a continental level. Whites are leaving for places where they can continue to be a majority. Naperville, IL writ large.

    Replies: @Bleuteaux, @Flip, @AnotherDad

    “Boise, Idaho, Feels the Growing Pains of a Surging Population
    Locals cope with rising home prices, traffic; ‘You have to plan ahead for restaurant reservations now’”

    Ex-Californians talk about safety and how kind the locals are.

    As I’ve said before, we are starting to see white flight on a continental level. Whites are leaving for places where they can continue to be a majority. Naperville, IL writ large.

    I think this is true. (I was having the same thought last night reading the “A Quiet Place” thread and the reviewer’s hostility to rural whites.) I expect this trend to ramp up.

    However, the problem is … they won’t let us go! Whereever we racist whites go … diversity will follow. Boise’s an example. I’ve never lived there, but been through plenty times the last twenty. (I’ve got a brother-in-law in Denver and Boise is a nice–scenic–day’s drive from Seattle.) As Boise grows, the Mexican population is ramping up. It’s quite noticeable in the West end of the valley–Nampa-Caldwell. Idaho as state has in the last few decades gone from essentially all white with a few Indians, to 10% Mexican. (I give fair credit to the Mexicans–they really will go anywhere there’s work, and whites create work.)

    There really isn’t anywhere whites can run to where diversity won’t follow.

    That’s the spirit of the age. The rhetoric is almost amusing in it’s logical incoherence. White’s are racist, their mere presence oppresses others *和* white people can not be allowed to be alone and have their own stuff–neighborhoods or nations.

    Fundamental truth–you can not have nice things without a border. There is no substitute.

    • 同意: 阳光
  50. @很多
    Wiener is either doing this for show or is an idiot. A state bill that removes most zoning restrictions for half of LA and all of SF? Even if it passed, it would be dead by referendums and lawsuits before anything would be built.

    Now if this were restricted to merely the tenth mile around only rail stations, it might make some sense.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ Anonymous

    Wiener is a political prostitute, happy to sponsor laws that even his colleagues prefer not to be associated with too publicly.

    He sponsored a similar law (SB35) that greatly simplifies massive local approval of high-density construction projects.

    Previously, Wiener came to wider attention by sponsoring a successful bill de-criminalize the act of INTENTIONALLY infecting others with HIV.

    • 回复: @几乎密苏里州

    " Wiener came to wider attention by sponsoring a successful bill de-criminalize the act of INTENTIONALLY infecting others with HIV."
    Yeah that one was pretty shocking: first degree murder in California is now a misdemeanor so long as you do it in a gay way.


  51. @匿名的

    There are already Roomba like robotic lawn mowers.

    Robots and automation aren't going to cut the wealthy's demand for service labor. The wealthy like having human meat to boss around. Having human meat to boss around is a good in and of itself to the wealthy, in addition to providing some actual service. Do you think that once robot lawnmowers are ubiquitous, the wealthy are going to fire Jose the lawn guy and take the robot lawnmower out for a spin each week by themselves? No, of course not. They're still going to want Jose interfacing between themselves and the robot, taking it out for a spin, overseeing it, maintaining it, fixing it or replacing parts when it's broken, etc.

    The way to cut down on demand for service labor is to reduce wealth concentration hence the wealthy and have a middle class, high human capital society where the average man is too skilled and economically independent and thus expensive to be hired to do menial work for the wealthy.

    Replies: @Sunbeam, @Rosamond Vincy, @stillCARealist, @Autochthon

    Instead of robots I was kinda hoping American teenagers and younger could start to get some work experience doing yard work.

    the earlier comment about the banning of lawns, or the restriction of watering is likely more salient. Also, the newer homes have almost no yards to care for. Everybody’s inside on the computer or phone rather than outside enjoying CA’s constantly nice weather.

  52. OT:

    Governor Jerry Brown agrees to send 400 National Guard troops to the Mexican border … with reservations:

    “But let’s be crystal clear on the scope of this mission. This will not be a mission to build a new wall. It will not be a mission to round up women and children or detain people escaping violence and seeking a better life. And the California National Guard will not be enforcing federal immigration laws.

    Here are the facts: there is no massive wave of migrants pouring into California. Overall immigrant apprehensions on the border last year were as low as they’ve been in nearly 50 years (and 85 percent of the apprehensions occurred outside of California).

    I agree with the Catholic Bishops who have said that local, state and federal officials should “work collaboratively and prudently in the implementation of this deployment, ensuring that the presence of the National Guard is measured and not disruptive to community life.”


    Jerry, being a good Jesuit like Pope Francis, seems to be pressing some familiar assumptions:

    1. All immigrants, especially in passels containing women and children, are escaping violence and/or seeking a better way of life. So, they deserve a “free pass”.

    2. Illegal border crossings are at historic lows. So, let’s just ignore them.

    3. The presence of the National Guard should not disrupt the community life of illegal immigrants already living in the United States; that is, although “federalized”, the National Guard troops should have nothing to do with enforcing Federal laws that negatively impact the expansion of illegal immigrant communities in California and the rest of the United States.

    As the epitome of irony, it appears that the Left is now advocating “states’ rights” along with reserving the right to “nullify” Federal laws. The Liberal Left has apparently made ideological peace with the slaveholders in the Deep South who, as we know, started a Civil War over these very same issues in 1860.

    The only difference, it seems, is the racial and ethnic profile of those who now have sacralized social and legal privileges and those who don’t. That 具有 改变。

  53. An

    我只是在史蒂夫博客的评论中指出了这一点五到十次,但是 大规模移民与几乎所有进步人士声称拥护的价值观相矛盾——经济因素和明显的环境因素一样多。对于以下情况为负值:
    - 工资
    -- 失业
    - 收入差距
    - 负担得起的房子
    - “社区”
    - 社会凝聚力
    -- 物种保护
    - 污染
    - 交通拥堵
    - 全球暖化


    你可以争论“交通”,因为越来越多的人聚集确实会增加交通的使用。但与此同时,“多样性”使得人们因为“公共”而不太愿意使用公共交通。 (如果你认为墨西哥人将黑人赶出某个地区,从而使交通更加安全,那么也许你可以为交通带来净积极影响。)





    • 回复: @German_Reader2


    - 言论自由

  54. @German_Reader2






    - 言论自由

    • 同意: 丹南
  55. @皮尔当曼


    The picture of the locomotive is iconic, and used to be a college room wall poster. It's a locomotive that burst through the Montparnasse train station in Paris in 1895. Injuries were minor.



    I remember it. In the UK at any rate, the poster had a caption “Oh Sh*t”.

    OT, Brit lefty mag New Statesman seems to be raising the white flag on genetics and intelligence, although I suppose there’s always a chance of the author being forced to recant or the editor regretting the “lapse of judgement” and resigning.


    • 回复: @RegCæsar

    If you remember an accident in 1895, then you are more impressive than Elliott Carter, or even Jeanne Calment.
  56. @罗斯

    周二,弗雷斯诺州立大学的一位教授在庆祝美国前第一夫人芭芭拉·布什 (Barbara Bush) 去世时发表了非常离谱的评论,同时她也为乔治 HW 布什 (George HW Bush) 因妻子去世而遭受的痛苦感到高兴。


    Jarrar 继续写道:“PSA:要么你反对这些 s*** 及其种族灭绝方式,要么你就是问题的一部分。这实际上是多么简单。我很高兴女巫已经死了。可以'不要等着她的其他家人像 1.5 万伊拉克人那样死去。byyyeeeeeeee。”



    Jarrar 表现出相当傲慢的态度,建议人们也将此事通知学校校长,因为她认为她的行为不会受到任何影响。

    我在 Meatspace 的唯一朋友是文科教授,不太可能同情 House Bush,我无法想象他们在私人谈话中会这样说话。
    而且,要知道这个女人不在乎伊拉克人或名字。 她讨厌白人。 她自己皮肤非常白皙,但在她看来,芭芭拉布什的主要特征是敌对部落的成员身份。 这与任何布什所做的无关,这是关于庆祝白人之死。

    回复:@SanJoaquinSam、@James Forrestal、@Issac、@MarcB.、@Malcolm X-Lax

    “And, understand that this woman doesn’t care about Iraqis or about names. She hates white people. She is very fair-skinned herself but in her mind Barbara Bush’s main attribute is membership of an enemy tribe. This is not about what any Bushes did, this is about celebrating the death of white people.”

    Randa Jarrar is a good illustration of a rather remarkable inconsistency in The Narrative. She’s apparently a 1/2 Palestinian, 1/2 Egyptian Muslim, so she she’s at least a couple of steps up on the “progressive stack,” with both non-White privilege and Muslim privilege. In America, she clearly needs to be protected from both “racism” and “Islamophobia” (as well as “fat-shaming,” of course).

    But if she was back in the ME? No problem. Gun ’em down, bomb ’em, whatever. Of course it’s OK if the Israelis do it — what was the final total from sniping the recent Gaza protesters? 32 dead, 1700 wounded? Something like that. And this was all at long range — none of the IDF troops were even threatened, much less injured. But those killed by US bombing, by ‘our” government’s Salafist terrorist proxies in Syria, or direct interventions like Iraq? Those are largely either invisible, or just shrugged off as irrelevant, too.

    Except when they’re cited to justify the importation of more non-White “refugees” to America, of course. This narrative is sometimes permissible on the “Left” side of the mainstream, so long as it focuses on oil or generic US imperialism as the reasons for US involvement in the ME, and ignores Israel.

    But bring one of those same people over here, and suddenly Arabs go from being simply targets to a specially-protected class that is weaponized against us. Even hurting their feelz is a “hate crime.” Very strange. It’s almost as if Arabs causing trouble for a small Middle Eastern tribal country is very, very bad, but Arabs causing trouble for America is somehow self-evidently good. Or something.

  57. @罗斯

    周二,弗雷斯诺州立大学的一位教授在庆祝美国前第一夫人芭芭拉·布什 (Barbara Bush) 去世时发表了非常离谱的评论,同时她也为乔治 HW 布什 (George HW Bush) 因妻子去世而遭受的痛苦感到高兴。


    Jarrar 继续写道:“PSA:要么你反对这些 s*** 及其种族灭绝方式,要么你就是问题的一部分。这实际上是多么简单。我很高兴女巫已经死了。可以'不要等着她的其他家人像 1.5 万伊拉克人那样死去。byyyeeeeeeee。”



    Jarrar 表现出相当傲慢的态度,建议人们也将此事通知学校校长,因为她认为她的行为不会受到任何影响。

    我在 Meatspace 的唯一朋友是文科教授,不太可能同情 House Bush,我无法想象他们在私人谈话中会这样说话。
    而且,要知道这个女人不在乎伊拉克人或名字。 她讨厌白人。 她自己皮肤非常白皙,但在她看来,芭芭拉布什的主要特征是敌对部落的成员身份。 这与任何布什所做的无关,这是关于庆祝白人之死。

    回复:@SanJoaquinSam、@James Forrestal、@Issac、@MarcB.、@Malcolm X-Lax

    布什家族是反白人,所以谁会在意呢? El Jefe “Jeb”,布什可能会喜欢这条推文让他获得了更多的拉丁裔选票。

  58. @罗德1963

    Seriously, these people are radioactive, a lot of them are crazy, drug addicts or scumbags. You have to keep them away from the general population. Trona is a harsh place and the homeless would get the message real fast that they aren't wanted in So Cal.


    回复:@Buffalo Joe

    Rod, Liberals in the Canadian government have already introduced legislation to “de-criminalize” all drugs. I would expect to see a migration of drug addled homeless to Canada. Trudeau is on record as being very welcoming to immigrants and refugees.

  59. @bjdubbs


    回复:@ gunner29

    城市在没有分区的情况下表现得很好。分区并不能阻止被遗弃的人。 旧金山有大量无家可归者,并且有一些最严格的分区。

    The homeless won’t be found in any middle class or above neighborhood in SF. The cops will make sure the bums won’t be using your property for an outhouse. Nothing about zoning, it’s the local gobt realizing those peeps pay most of the taxes and have to be accommodated.

    They infest commercial and the little industrial zoning that is left; as well as the low income neighborhoods. AND all the touristy areas, those are the best for pan-handling….


    • 同意: 土生土长
  60. This Bill (827) has been a hot topic here in San Francisco for weeks; virtually everyone outside the “YIMBY” crowd have been vocal opponents.

    I think that Scott Weiner knew it had no chance, but increasing “housing” is his perceived issue to get to the top. So, he can talk about how he tried to “solve” the crisis, even if his ideas are non-starters.

    Really, the cost of housing in California – and in San Francisco in particular – is beyond what most Americans can actually grasp. So many movies and television shows are shot in suburban LA, in houses that would be millions of dollars. The “Mrs Doubtfire” house (from the 25 year old movie) is maybe a mile and a half from where I live – it sold recently for 5 million dollars. Yet, the family living in it had an unemployed father and a woman who was an interior designer.

    The simple fact is that the city is 50 square miles, and a lot of that land is very steep hills and so building is impractical. There is just no way that San Francisco can accommodate a population of 1 million people (which is what YIMBYs and others have stated is their goal) without massive, Hongkong-style high rises.

    The locals just do not want that, and for obvious reasons.

    What I find ironic (and others point out) is how vocally the so-called “long term” San Franciscans (who honestly are defined flexibly as anyone who came before the last bubble) attack the “tech people,” whom they blame for driving up costs, yet they are at the same time all for open immigration. They all harbour this fantasy that the “tech people” are uniformly fraternity guys from the University of Illinois or something similar.

    First, they most assuredly are not – I do not think I need to tell the readers here how, demographically, the people working in places like Facebook or Google or even Apple skew.

    Second, it presumes that people from foreign countries (largely, Latin American) are somehow more “authentically San Franciscan” and thus have more “right” to be in the city than people from Illinois.

    It’s kind of funny, most of the time.

  61. 题外话:
    以 2018 年名人的标准来看,莫里西发布的采访相当令人惊讶。支持英国脱欧,呼吁禁止清真屠宰,称“种族主义”是一个毫无意义的词……

    莫里西:伦敦的酸袭击事件仅次于孟加拉国。所有的攻击都是非白人的,因此出于政治正确性,英国政府、大都会警察局或 BBC 无法如实解决这些问题。这意味着肇事者被视为与实际受害者一样的受害者。我们生活在暴行的时代。


  62. @布鲁托

    How long before the whiter nations of South America begin to see massive influxes of white refugees?

    Replies: @Flip, @RadicalCenter, @Corn

    Doug Casey says that Argentina is more European than Europe these days.

    • 回复: @隐身

    That's changing fast. The flight white is decimating Argentina, too.

  63. An

    我只是在史蒂夫博客的评论中指出了这一点五到十次,但是 大规模移民与几乎所有进步人士声称拥护的价值观相矛盾——经济因素和明显的环境因素一样多。对于以下情况为负值:
    - 工资
    -- 失业
    - 收入差距
    - 负担得起的房子
    - “社区”
    - 社会凝聚力
    -- 物种保护
    - 污染
    - 交通拥堵
    - 全球暖化


    你可以争论“交通”,因为越来越多的人聚集确实会增加交通的使用。但与此同时,“多样性”使得人们因为“公共”而不太愿意使用公共交通。 (如果你认为墨西哥人将黑人赶出某个地区,从而使交通更加安全,那么也许你可以为交通带来净积极影响。)



  64. @史蒂夫·塞勒

    该法案,至少以其最初的形式,将使文图拉大道沿线的许多 8 层建筑合法化。位于旧金山谷,这可能是个好主意,但文图拉北侧的大部分地区都建在旧洛杉矶河沙石漫滩上,这些沙石在地震时会液化。



    回复:@res、@Charles Pewitt

    感谢您的地震地图思想。最近的地图链接如下: https://la.curbed.com/2018/3/28/17174106/los-angeles-earthquake-fault-liquefaction-hazard-zone
    地图本身位于 https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/EQZApp/app/


    • 回复: @史蒂夫·塞勒

    在这张地图中,圣费尔南多谷的整个南部地区可能会在地震中液化。 SB 827 将使该区域的大部分地区符合建造 8 层公寓的条件。

    但有些部分甚至比其他部分更糟糕。 1994年,Moorpark南侧的许多公寓楼倒塌,但街道北侧的公寓楼倒塌较少,因为该街道最初建在洛杉矶河北岸。因此,街道南侧建在沙子和砾石上的建筑比北侧建在粘土或其他土壤上的建筑表现更差。

    我推测,几千年来,洪水渠道在 SFV 的南侧到处移动,就像洛杉矶河过去在玛丽安德尔湾注入太平洋一样,直到 1825 年向南移动 20 英里到达现在的洛杉矶港口。但是,最近修建的泄洪道可能是更糟糕的建筑工地。



    , @Danand.


  65. @伯里克利斯

    Saltsjöbaden is one of the top affluent suburbs of Stockholm.

    The train somehow got running while being cleaned at night. At first the cleaner (white girl, see article below) was accused of taking some sort of bizarre joyride. Then the employers changed their minds.


    The cleaner according to her story tried to stop the train and was in the driver's cabin at the front of the train when it crashed. Bad choice of location, because she got nerve damage in her left leg, a fractured pelvis, nine broken ribs, both clavicles broken, a punctured lung, a half torn off ear, a fractured jaw, a couple of internal organs bleeding, and some glass splinter in her face. She doesn't look too squished in the picture taken three months later though.

    There was a subsequent investigation of the accident, of course. Apparently, the train had been parked in a garage with the brakes and dead-man switch disengaged to avoid freezing in place, because the regular de-icing gear was broken and there had been a month long organizational argument about who should fix it. For reasons unknown, the tracks were also switched to run the train onto the main line when started. Finally, it was apparently sufficient to start the train with 'the press of a button'. Somehow this happened. It's still not clear how from what I read, but presumably by accident; it might even be that the train was started remotely.

    She mentions that she was not initially alarmed because it was not unusual that trains were in motion while she was cleaning them, presumably being routed around the yard. Was this normally done with a driver or done automatically? Unclear. I didn't get a clear picture of where she was when the train got started either. In the driver's cabin? In one of the carriages? So the precise details of how it happened are still elusive. (Might be clearer in the official investigation report, but I haven't read that.)


    Personally, I wonder why the cleaner didn't locate and pull the emergency brake instead of going to or staying in the driver's cabin. There is normally one brake at each carriage side exit. But perhaps she wasn't thinking too clearly once things got serious. The whole thing apparently took place in just 1 min 40 seconds.


    Sara är mycket vacker!
    Or, as the great Howie Carr would say, “not guilty!”

  66. 匿名 [AKA "CurrantYeer"] 说:
    Wiener is either doing this for show or is an idiot. A state bill that removes most zoning restrictions for half of LA and all of SF? Even if it passed, it would be dead by referendums and lawsuits before anything would be built.

    Now if this were restricted to merely the tenth mile around only rail stations, it might make some sense.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ Anonymous

    Wiener’s housing bills were set up to distract the hoi polloi from noticing his other more important bill currently flying under the radar:

    SB 990 – Provides special rights & privileges for transgender/gender fluid individuals in prison.

    Wiener, an appropriately-named, openly gay man, is the epitome of California’s batshit crazy left.

  67. @布鲁托

    How long before the whiter nations of South America begin to see massive influxes of white refugees?

    Replies: @Flip, @RadicalCenter, @Corn


    Before white Americans, the Germans, French, English, and Swedes are starting to flee, and the pace will likely accelerate drastically as Muslims rapidly grow to a real political and social force and get even more aggressive.

  68. @克利福德·布朗
    This should be a local zoning issue with state funded tax incentives. Give larger state grants and transportation funding to local communities that vote to up-zone.

    A one-size-fits-all standard for a state as large and as diverse as California is simply bad legislation.

    回复:@Bernardo Pizzaro Cortez Del Castro

    Very true… they should use incentives to push localities to change their zoning laws.

  69. @布鲁托

    How long before the whiter nations of South America begin to see massive influxes of white refugees?

    Replies: @Flip, @RadicalCenter, @Corn

    I hear Chile and Uruguay are lovely. Argentina is too, if a bit economically tumultuous.

    • 回复: @Travis

    My wife is from Chile, we have been going to Chile almost every years since 1999. It is amazing the progress they made from 1999-2015. We never would have considered relocating to Chile until 2012...her 3 brothers moved back in 2008 (with their 5 American born children) and live much better in Chile than they did in New Jersey. 15 years ago seeing a fat Chilean was rare, but today a significant number of the young people are over-weight. Tea time is a peculiar tradition Chile inherited from the British, who settled in Chile in the 1800s. 50,000 British settled in Chile, most of them in Valparaiso. During their War for independence, it was mainly the British who formed the Chilean Navy, under the command of Lord Cochrane. The First President of Chile was an Irishman names Bernardo O'Higgins.

    Chile is bigger than California, with a similar climate, but has half the population and no Blacks, they never had slavery. The roads are good but the public education system is poor. Crime is higher , have to watch out for pick pockets and Gypsies. . The police are professional , not corrupt like in Mexico. But they have allowed 100,000 Haitian refugees into their nation since 2016...I did not notice them during my last visit in 2016, as we spent no time in Santiago.

  70. An

    当然。因为没有人真正“想要”他们居住的地方的拥挤——密集的亚洲化——生活. 糟透了

    加州的人口是我小时候的两倍多,我认为这是一个很酷的地方,我可能会在那里做一些很酷的科学事情,天气很好,附近有山脉和海滩。我女儿现在在那里上医学院,但我已经告诉我所有的孩子“智商粉碎机”的概念,并说“除了加州以外的任何地方”。如果加州失去了天气、山脉和海滩的自然优势,人们就会疯狂地逃离那里,边境就会很危险。过去 50 年来,这种移民运动绝对没有带来任何积极的影响。



    回复:@Olorin,@Seth Largo

    Of course. Because no one actually *想要* the crowding–the dense Asianization–of the places they live–for life. It sucks.


    Consider, however:

    This bill to bring in millions of more units of new meat to CA was sponsored by Scott Weiner, who has no trouble with people deliberately giving other people HIV.


    Ah, but his hive plan would be good for real estate developers just as his HIV plan is good for the developers and sellers of Big Pharma’s retrovirals! So bring it on! Bottom line uber alles!

    Just don’t mess with the developers’ and realtors’ remote doom estancias in Montana, Wyoming, and Uruguay, thankyouverymuch!

  71. @史蒂夫·塞勒

    该法案,至少以其最初的形式,将使文图拉大道沿线的许多 8 层建筑合法化。位于旧金山谷,这可能是个好主意,但文图拉北侧的大部分地区都建在旧洛杉矶河沙石漫滩上,这些沙石在地震时会液化。



    回复:@res、@Charles Pewitt

    The government has, very slowly, mapped the type of soil and thus the earthquake risk in LA block by block, but the real estate business doesn’t want to think about it. And the real estate professionals do a lot of thinking for people these days, so not many people think about it.

    The real estate business is big business. The real estate business is in the mass immigration and low interest rate business. The FIRE, INSURANCE, REAL ESTATE business is in the business of grabbing every last buck there is before the inevitable global financial implosion.

    White Core American political leaders have to be in the AFFORDABLE FAMILY FORMATION business in order to win back the United States from the big business money-grubbers that are stealing it away. You all know that the newspapers, radio, internet and TV propaganda business is in bed with the real estate big business racket. When you run for office on a platform of reducing immigration to increase AFFORDABLE FAMILY FORMATION, expect to get rhetorically smashed by the shysters who run the local and national corporate media.

    婴儿潮一代戴维·伯恩(David Byrne)问:



  72. New York City libtards top themselves. They’re putting transgender men in women’s prisons.


    And the taxpayer is getting stuck supporting their offspring as usual.

  73. 这一切都是为了推高房价,以便中上阶层可以套现

    • 回复: @碳斑点



  74. @Dealin Filim
    The author of this piece, Liam Dillon, was subjected to a very funny smear campaign when he worked in San Diego, accused of racism by a local "community leader" who looks like the Tanning Mom:




    回复:@ Anon,@ donut

    She looks like Moms Mabley .

  75. @匿名的
    “The wealthy like having human meat to boss around. Having human meat to boss around is a good in and of itself to the wealthy, in addition to providing some actual service.”

    Ha, ha, ha. How many rich people do you personally know to be able to make this generalization? Let me tell you, rich people like dealing with human ‘help’ as much as you like dealing with DMV.


    Yeah, life is rough.

  76. 所有类型

    California Democrat Real Estate Zoning Law Hypocrisy

    Runs Right Through Chicago With The Pritzker Mob And Obama,

    And Right Through Chappaqua, New York, With Hillary Clinton.

  77. https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04-17/germany-cracks-down-middle-eastern-crime-families

    OT: German police can no longer control ME mafia clans.

    This will end either really badly or really well.

    The Germans are known for mass slaughter on an industrial scale but maybe even their balls are snipped….who was it on here who said that if the Muslims in Europe started declaring caliphates they probably could do it and the Europeans would be near impossible to stop it….

  78. @罗斯

    周二,弗雷斯诺州立大学的一位教授在庆祝美国前第一夫人芭芭拉·布什 (Barbara Bush) 去世时发表了非常离谱的评论,同时她也为乔治 HW 布什 (George HW Bush) 因妻子去世而遭受的痛苦感到高兴。


    Jarrar 继续写道:“PSA:要么你反对这些 s*** 及其种族灭绝方式,要么你就是问题的一部分。这实际上是多么简单。我很高兴女巫已经死了。可以'不要等着她的其他家人像 1.5 万伊拉克人那样死去。byyyeeeeeeee。”



    Jarrar 表现出相当傲慢的态度,建议人们也将此事通知学校校长,因为她认为她的行为不会受到任何影响。

    我在 Meatspace 的唯一朋友是文科教授,不太可能同情 House Bush,我无法想象他们在私人谈话中会这样说话。
    而且,要知道这个女人不在乎伊拉克人或名字。 她讨厌白人。 她自己皮肤非常白皙,但在她看来,芭芭拉布什的主要特征是敌对部落的成员身份。 这与任何布什所做的无关,这是关于庆祝白人之死。

    回复:@SanJoaquinSam、@James Forrestal、@Issac、@MarcB.、@Malcolm X-Lax

    This is not about what any Bushes did, this is about celebrating the death of white people.

    Barbara Bush made some snobby comments about black evacuees from New Orleans who were staying at a domed stadium in Houston after Hurricane Katrina, and people like Jarrarr are using her passing to illustrate their own far greater lack of tact and decorum.

    • 回复: @罗斯

    Right, she came off at worst like a thoughtless old lady, but not as malicious or vengeful. And I think that was a private statement that got publicized. Jarrar is being malicious publicly.

  79. A major consideration if we ever do the killer remodel / addition will be where to live while they are doing it. The logical way would be to buy or rent a Winnebago / trailer and live in the back yard. we know there is clean water hook up and electricity and we could use the shitter in the house. In the Bay Area were be live, it costs probably $5,000 per mo to rent so that could easily save $30 – 60K or the cost of a couple of new bathrooms or possibly one kitchen if we did it on the cheap.

    问题是我们的城市不允许这样做。他们知道,如果允许,将会有 5 代家庭居住在为 2 人建造的房屋中,或者人们会出租他们的房产,例如拖车停车场。

    • 回复: @ gunner29

    Get a new house; out of Kali. It's a shithole, and getting worse everyday.

    , @Danand.


    自 1986 年以来,加利福尼亚州就制定了祖母屋法。奶奶屋是指第二套住宅。该法规被称为《政府法典》第 65852.2 条第二单位法,旨在在人口密集地区提供经济适用房,缓解租赁住房赤字,增加财产税基数,并为房主提供额外收入

    今天早上来自哥伦比亚广播公司。有点邻避,在我看来是合理的。接近尾声的那个人说明了为什么我们可能注定要失败:尽管我的妻子和 12 岁的女儿因为我的注意而惩罚了我。

  80. @文尼
    Great supporters of increasing immigration just not into their neighborhood.


    There needs to be somebody who’s poor enough to mow the lawn for cheap.

  81. @res

    地图本身位于 https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/EQZApp/app/



    回复:@Steve Sailer,@danand

    在这张地图中,圣费尔南多谷的整个南部地区可能会在地震中液化。 SB 827 将使该区域的大部分地区符合建造 8 层公寓的条件。

    但有些部分甚至比其他部分更糟糕。 1994年,Moorpark南侧的许多公寓楼倒塌,但街道北侧的公寓楼倒塌较少,因为该街道最初建在洛杉矶河北岸。因此,街道南侧建在沙子和砾石上的建筑比北侧建在粘土或其他土壤上的建筑表现更差。

    我推测,几千年来,洪水渠道在 SFV 的南侧到处移动,就像洛杉矶河过去在玛丽安德尔湾注入太平洋一样,直到 1825 年向南移动 20 英里到达现在的洛杉矶港口。但是,最近修建的泄洪道可能是更糟糕的建筑工地。


    • 回复: @res

    Your ability to notice things like that is amazing. Here is a 1979 paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301557870_LIQUEFACTION_POTENTIAL_MAP_OF_SAN_FERNANDO_VALLEY_CALIFORNIA

    第 3 页的图 10 提供了液化潜力为高/中/低/极低的 SFV 地图。

    Figure 1 on page 5 has a soils map. Soil type R "Most recent Holocene sediments" fits nicely with your description. Table 2 on page 9 gives a nice and simple description of how sedimentary unit and ground water depth map to liquefaction potential. I wonder how ground water depth then compares to the present. I guess drought actually helps with liquefaction potential.

    令人着迷的是,40 年前的地图如何提供​​信息。现在他们混淆了它。

    我想知道是否有可能获得 GIS 数据,使我们能够查看我之前链接的地图的更细粒度版本。在地块级别查看会提供更多信息(尽管它并不是真正用于此类用途)。

    Comparing the maps more closely, the results look oddly inconsistent. If I read correctly, Canoga Park is a major area of high risk in the old map. But it looks like there are high risk areas in the old map that don't even show up in the new map? Perhaps you could take a look since you know the geography there far better than I do?

    Incidentally, it appears the online map is based on the 1998 map series. An example (large file) at: http://gmw.conservation.ca.gov/SHP/EZRIM/Maps/CANOGA_PARK_EZRIM.pdf
    The accompanying report is very informative about soil types, but has no maps I see: http://gmw.conservation.ca.gov/SHP/EZRIM/Reports/SHZR/SHZR_007_Canoga_Park.pdf

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    , @阿农

    All rivers naturally change course unless they flow through the Grand Canyon. They bring silt downstream and the riverbed rises. Eventually it rises so much that there's a spot where the left or right riverbank becomes the lowest egress and a new channel is formed.

    The Nile has been gradually moving more east of Alexandria for millennia. The Mississippi at some points is for all practical purposes is an elevated water channel like the Roman aqueducts, with rising levees as the banks and the riverbed higher than the surrounding land. The Mississippi is constantly dredged, for navigation, so that slows things down. Dams keep silt from flowing downstream, but then dams filling up with silt is its own problem. (Actually, dams are the original "sustainable energy" disaster.)

    Before the era of big cities and expensive port infrastructure it didn't matter if the river changed course from time to time. Nowadays you can't afford for it to happen.

    A great John McPhee story about the Mississippi from the New Yorker (no Trump mentions, from 1987):

    A more recent piece on the Mississippi from the Atlantic by Alexis Madrigal:

  82. @威士忌酒
    Public transit is a no-go zone for White people in a diverse society. It is that way in France, in the UK, in Germany, and in the US.

    Look at the Blue Line. It might as well be No Whites Allowed, legally. Physically and practically it is the same. The LAT did an article about it ten plus years ago, it was a war zone then and has only gotten worse. With occasional dumb or homeless White people killed on the platforms or on the trains.

    The trains themselves are filled with various gangsta trash, Mexicans and Central Americans fresh from the border, lots of pirate DVDs sold, other merchandise, urine, vomit, and feces everywhere, as it belongs and is paid for by Whitey but conquered by NAMs. Beatings of various non-Whites are common, as are fights, robberies, and public sex. The police are conspicuously absent.

    There is no reason to think that any public transit will not reach the lowest common denominator of Shontavious and the sicario up from Jalisco.

    No sane White person EVER takes public transit. EVER.

    Replies: @dwb, @Thirdeye, @Excal, @Charles Erwin Wilson

    Public transit is a no-go zone for White people in a diverse society. It is that way in France, in the UK, in Germany, and in the US.

    Sorry, but you should stick to fantasizing about alpha males. The idea that public transit is a “no-go zone for White people” is bunk.

    Lived for a few years in Paris (not that long ago; we repatriated in 2015). I used to ride the RATP (“metro”) to and from work every day. I never had a problem.

    There are certain parts of the system that I would absolutely avoid (in Paris, the #13 train north of “La Fourche” for example), or the RER B line south of Paris. But the whole system?

    You have to turn Fox News off every now and then.

    • 回复: @Autochthon

    Yes and no. It's not so very horrible that it isn't still largely down to the individual white person in question. I can and do ride transit, including intracity buses and trains, Greyhound, Amtrack, and so forth without much trepidation (but with caution and alertness), but then I can do so in many contexts (most especially Greyhound and certain intracity buses and trains – Amtrack is usually relatively safe outside a few shadier stations...) because I am a still relatively young male combat veteran in pretty good physical condition.

    I don't let my wife near public transit (Hell, I never let my blonde, blue-eyed girlfriend leave the apartment alone in Miami!)

    A twist on who is riding with whom, if you will.

    I expect my assessment and experiences are not uncommon. It's hardly insightful to note that things become too dangerous for the elderly, infirm, and female more quickly than for the young, hale, and male in any number of contexts besides crime and transit....

    (Please spare many any snark about being a controlling jerk; I write of letting women I love do this or that in the context of a caring, protective relationship: the ladies themselves had no desire to ride transit or be out in the city without me and they were and are very thankful for my solicitude.)


    , @潜伏者

    Ditto the UK. There are a few bus routes in London you might want to avoid but the system remains in control at the moment.

    , @阿农

    I think Whiskey may be overstating things, but he's right. In Japan you are absolutely comfortable riding any subway or train or bus. You can sleep. You can leave your stuff on the train and have a 95 percent chance of getting it back at the lost and found. (Young women may be groped at crowded commute times though, or so the media would have you believe.)

    On BART in the Bay Area, I was mostly OK, except for the black chick who pulled a gun on me after I reported a crazy schitzo black guy to train security and he was carted off. Putting up with crazy guy, or having a gun pulled on me? Which would I do now? Tough decision. Of course nowadays you have the marauding gangs of black youths on BART, who know they will never be caught. In Los Angeles, it's similar. There is a critical mass of down-and-outers. Basically you can ride it, but you'd rather not. The DC subway inspires a similar frisson of fear if you ride outside of commute hours.

    A big problem is that I think white people do not feel that they can rely on law enforcement any more for situations involving black perps. Witness the Starbucks incident. Witness BART not releasing surveillance video of black gangs on trains. Witness schools not disciplining black kids. Witness the nonenforcement against turnstile jumpers in New York. For fear of being accused of being racist or starting riots or boycotts, young black men (and gun-totting chicks) have got to kill you before they attract any notice.

    I think the growing distrust in the responsiveness of law enforcement is helping prevent any sort of increased gun control. Mayby you don't harbor fantasies of overthrowing a fascist government in the U.S., but you nevertheless want the gun to deter criminals (black youths) from targeting your house or your body. You just need enough to inspired them to move on to the next house or person.

  83. @马克

    This is not about what any Bushes did, this is about celebrating the death of white people.
    Barbara Bush made some snobby comments about black evacuees from New Orleans who were staying at a domed stadium in Houston after Hurricane Katrina, and people like Jarrarr are using her passing to illustrate their own far greater lack of tact and decorum.

    回复:@ J.Ross

    Right, she came off at worst like a thoughtless old lady, but not as malicious or vengeful. And I think that was a private statement that got publicized. Jarrar is being malicious publicly.

  84. @propagandist黑客

    回复:@Carbon blob



  85. @玉米

    I hear Chile and Uruguay are lovely. Argentina is too, if a bit economically tumultuous.


    My wife is from Chile, we have been going to Chile almost every years since 1999. It is amazing the progress they made from 1999-2015. We never would have considered relocating to Chile until 2012…her 3 brothers moved back in 2008 (with their 5 American born children) and live much better in Chile than they did in New Jersey. 15 years ago seeing a fat Chilean was rare, but today a significant number of the young people are over-weight. Tea time is a peculiar tradition Chile inherited from the British, who settled in Chile in the 1800s. 50,000 British settled in Chile, most of them in Valparaiso. During their War for independence, it was mainly the British who formed the Chilean Navy, under the command of Lord Cochrane. The First President of Chile was an Irishman names Bernardo O’Higgins.

    Chile is bigger than California, with a similar climate, but has half the population and no Blacks, they never had slavery. The roads are good but the public education system is poor. Crime is higher , have to watch out for pick pockets and Gypsies. . The police are professional , not corrupt like in Mexico. But they have allowed 100,000 Haitian refugees into their nation since 2016…I did not notice them during my last visit in 2016, as we spent no time in Santiago.

  86. @阿农
    Even if you support higher buildings "near" transit stops, the redefinition of "near" to half a mile is a scam. There would be a mile-wide circle of tall buildings around transit stops. Presumably these would intersect with one another, a la pedos-can't-live-here zones. Change the law to 200 yards or some more reasonable definition of "near" and it might go through.


    But half a mile is a 10-minute walk, which is a reasonable distance to walk to a transit stop to commute somewhere.

  87. @威士忌酒
    Public transit is a no-go zone for White people in a diverse society. It is that way in France, in the UK, in Germany, and in the US.

    Look at the Blue Line. It might as well be No Whites Allowed, legally. Physically and practically it is the same. The LAT did an article about it ten plus years ago, it was a war zone then and has only gotten worse. With occasional dumb or homeless White people killed on the platforms or on the trains.

    The trains themselves are filled with various gangsta trash, Mexicans and Central Americans fresh from the border, lots of pirate DVDs sold, other merchandise, urine, vomit, and feces everywhere, as it belongs and is paid for by Whitey but conquered by NAMs. Beatings of various non-Whites are common, as are fights, robberies, and public sex. The police are conspicuously absent.

    There is no reason to think that any public transit will not reach the lowest common denominator of Shontavious and the sicario up from Jalisco.

    No sane White person EVER takes public transit. EVER.

    Replies: @dwb, @Thirdeye, @Excal, @Charles Erwin Wilson

    Criminals are emboldened by low density usage of streets and other facilities. Crime in transit systems mostly occurs when usage is low. The notion that high density housing centered on transit would increase crime is a red herring.

  88. Japan had no such roadblocks to transit-centered development because their cities got flattened and burned during WWII. They also lacked the ridiculous zoning laws that popped up in the US after the war that prohibit neighborhood retail in residential areas, forcing everyone in them to be car dependent for their daily needs.

    My sense of what would happen if the proposal were adopted is that there would be a flood of Asian money invested in the allowed development, which would suit Asian sensibilities just fine. A good portion of the new developments would become Asian colonies like Irvine, Arcadia, and much of Vancouver B. C.

  89. 马克龙:欧洲进入“前所未有”的大规模移民时代,与非洲“共享命运”

    ‘Bombshell’ population growth in Africa means Europe is entering an “unprecedented” age of mass migration, Emmanuel Macron has said, asserting that the two continents’ destinies are “bound”.
    “The migratory phenomenon we are facing will be historic,” declared the French president in a television appearance Sunday night, when he announced that “great poverty”, “climate change”, and “geopolitical conflicts” will see Africans flooding into Europe “for many years to come”.

    To back up his point, Macron pointed to “bombshell” population gr0wth across the third world continent, which he added has been “tremendously well described” by French-American journalist and professor Stephen Smith in a recent book.

    “[Africans] are mostly turning to Europe because the continent [of Europe] is not an island, because of our location, and because Europe has its destiny bound with Africa,” stated the vehemently pro-EU French figure during a two-hour long interview.

    Smith, the Africa expert to whom Macron referred during his appearance on BFMTV, estimates that the number of Africans living in Europe will grow from nine million to between 150 million and 200 million within the next 30 years.

    In The Rush to Europe, the Duke University professor describes a massive, unprecedented population transfer still in its infancy, which he explains will — “paradoxically” — be triggered largely as a result 0f Western aid money financing would-be migrants’ journeys from Africa.


    “The most optimistic” of these — according to Le Figaro — is “Eurafrica”, which would see mass migration create a ‘welcoming’, multicultural Europe, which “would fully embrace being a ‘mixed-race land of immigration and interbreeding’”.


    • 回复: @罗斯

    A Europtimist I spoke to says this is not Macron surrendering, that he is advocating for the creation of a special office to come to grips with the problem, and that he is still the most pragmatic of the EU leaders. I felt like that's being the most pragmatic sommelier to Louis XVI.

  90. @罗斯

    周二,弗雷斯诺州立大学的一位教授在庆祝美国前第一夫人芭芭拉·布什 (Barbara Bush) 去世时发表了非常离谱的评论,同时她也为乔治 HW 布什 (George HW Bush) 因妻子去世而遭受的痛苦感到高兴。


    Jarrar 继续写道:“PSA:要么你反对这些 s*** 及其种族灭绝方式,要么你就是问题的一部分。这实际上是多么简单。我很高兴女巫已经死了。可以'不要等着她的其他家人像 1.5 万伊拉克人那样死去。byyyeeeeeeee。”



    Jarrar 表现出相当傲慢的态度,建议人们也将此事通知学校校长,因为她认为她的行为不会受到任何影响。

    我在 Meatspace 的唯一朋友是文科教授,不太可能同情 House Bush,我无法想象他们在私人谈话中会这样说话。
    而且,要知道这个女人不在乎伊拉克人或名字。 她讨厌白人。 她自己皮肤非常白皙,但在她看来,芭芭拉布什的主要特征是敌对部落的成员身份。 这与任何布什所做的无关,这是关于庆祝白人之死。

    回复:@SanJoaquinSam、@James Forrestal、@Issac、@MarcB.、@Malcolm X-Lax

    She’s not a fan of white belly dancers either. Can’t possibly see why.



    P.S. You can bet your ass Fresno State is scraping the bottom of the affirmative action barrel for professors.

    • 回复: @Autochthon

    This one is of a piece with "Native American." Every Amerindian I know (or know of) thinks the term "Native American" something between condescending or insulting and stupid or vapid. Likewise, I have been to plenty of restaurants run by actual Iranians, Turks, and such, enough to have gotten to befriend the owners and staff (usually one and the same). In many cases, the belly dancers in these joints were also the owners and staff (i.e., females in the family running the joint). Not only were these people authentic (i.e., they came from these places and had learned to dance there, as part of traditions going back centuries if not longer), but they would all be amazed to hear from Fresno the Hutt that they are not white.

    By the way: Does Mayte Garcia get a pass? I mean, she's "hispanic" and therefore "brown," right? – but she's from Alabama and not Lebanon, sooooo.... It's all so hard to keep up, I'm literally exhausted.

    回复:@Charles Erwin Wilson

  91. @匿名的

    There are already Roomba like robotic lawn mowers.

    Robots and automation aren't going to cut the wealthy's demand for service labor. The wealthy like having human meat to boss around. Having human meat to boss around is a good in and of itself to the wealthy, in addition to providing some actual service. Do you think that once robot lawnmowers are ubiquitous, the wealthy are going to fire Jose the lawn guy and take the robot lawnmower out for a spin each week by themselves? No, of course not. They're still going to want Jose interfacing between themselves and the robot, taking it out for a spin, overseeing it, maintaining it, fixing it or replacing parts when it's broken, etc.

    The way to cut down on demand for service labor is to reduce wealth concentration hence the wealthy and have a middle class, high human capital society where the average man is too skilled and economically independent and thus expensive to be hired to do menial work for the wealthy.

    Replies: @Sunbeam, @Rosamond Vincy, @stillCARealist, @Autochthon

    Speaking of robots and cheap labour, I’m interested in what Mr. Sailer may do with this gem:

    From Milking Cows to Writing Code: A Dreamer’s Journey

    I still remember the night when my dad led me and my siblings across the border. As we walked through a bunch of trees, I was told to cover my face with my arm. I only felt the branches hitting me, but the next morning I noticed that my arms were covered in little thorns.

    If I were to say, “I came to the U.S. at the age of ten,” I would be lying. In reality, I was brought here.

    I grew up in a small city in Mexico called Putla Villa de Guerrero Oaxaca. In Putla, I worked for a woman called Doña Estela, sweeping, mopping, doing the dishes, and milking her family’s cows. I got paid ten pesos (approximately one dollar) a day, enough for a torta and a cup of water at school. Instead of shoes, which I felt were uncomfortable and too expensive anyway, I wore 瓦拉什 soled with rubber tires.

    Ten pesos are currently worth about fifty-five cents; so how’s sending to what used to be America those vanishingly few Mexicans numerate enough to program computers working out for the economy of the motherland…?


    This change from milking cows to writing code did not happen overnight. It was made possible by the individuals who took the time to reach out and guide me along the way. I am very thankful and appreciative of all the support and effort that made these opportunities possible, including the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (“DACA”).

    When I was growing up, my mom and dad would go to California to earn money, mostly weeding lettuce fields, leaving me with my grandma. Eventually, my mom remained in the U.S., and my dad came home with the intention of bringing me back to California with him. He told me I had two options: I could stay in Mexico with my grandma, but then it would be a long time before I saw my mom, or come with him and be reunited with her.

    Of course, this dilemma was wholly unrelated to the mother’s decision to abandon her own child to invade a foreign nation for higher wages, and the easiest option of all, mother’s return from California, is mysteriously omitted to create a phony conundrum.

    When I got to the U.S., my mom enrolled me in the fifth grade. I remember my first day of class. My mom took me to the classroom’s front door and knocked. A tall white guy opened the door and said something in English that, of course, I didn’t understand.

    The humanity! The perfidy! White people speaking English – in America!

    But every day while I was at school, I worried about getting arrested and deported. Or what if my parents were deported while I was at school?

    One Saturday morning in high school while I was weeding lettuce, I heard on the radio that ICE was in the city next to mine, taking people and deporting them. As we left work that day, my father worried about being pulled over and asked me to drive him and some of the other workers home. There are times when DACA holders are expected to go above and beyond, helping their family members who may not speak English as well. In this moment, I was responsible for ensuring the safety of all of us. I was scared the whole time, because if I messed up, seven people might be deported.

    My parents gave me detailed answers and suggestions on how I should live day-to-day to come to terms with these fears. For example, I always kept some cash with me so that if I was deported, I could take a taxi from wherever they sent me in Mexico to my tío’s (uncle’s) house. My parents told me to keep my eyes open, always watching out for trouble two blocks ahead, and to always follow the law so I wouldn’t be pulled over or end up in prison and then deported.

    Did his parents say everything in English except tío’s? Why didn’t they say “the house de mi tío?” – it strains credulity to think they had mastered the formation of possessive nouns without learning those same basic nouns themselves (common terms for close relatives are among the first vocabulary taught or learned for obvious reasons, and we are talking about 叔叔,不 mother-in-law’s cousin three times removed). More likely, this superfluous insertion of the Spanish word and its condescending translation to English is just a flourish of okie-doke supposed to elicit sympathy or authenticity. Either write what they said in English with an aside that they actually said it in Spanish, or write it in Spanish, with a translation if appropriate.

    I digress. The more compelling bit from this excerpt is his law-breaking 神父的 (parents’) admonition to always follow the law so as to avoid being incarcerated or deported. I can almost hear their charming patois – “Do as I say, not as I do, 儿子

    I’ve heard the accusations that immigrants take jobs that aren’t ours. Growing up in Mexico, my grandma taught me never to take something that is not mine unless it was offered.

    I was brought to this country and offered a public education, so I accepted it, gratefully.

    注: The people doing the bringing and those doing the offering were not the same.

    I registered for DACA during high school. Although I originally had no plans to go to college, the DACA program gave me a Social Security number and a work permit. With that status, I knew I could actually use a college education to get a job.

    As everyone knows, Mexico has no universities nor any employment whatsoever. Thank heavens for DACA. The piece drones on like this interminably, like some melodramatic hack’s best efforts to invoke Horatio Alger, Jr. I cannot go on myself for the nausea, but I encourage anyone interested in understanding the nexus of Silly Valley and the immivasion vis-a-vis the stories they tell themselves and the squid-ink they spray to camouflage the realities of supply and demand (in the case of capital) and their righteous vindication by the Zeroth Amendment (in the case of the invading labour).

  92. @syonredux

    ‘Bombshell’ population growth in Africa means Europe is entering an “unprecedented” age of mass migration, Emmanuel Macron has said, asserting that the two continents’ destinies are “bound”.
    “The migratory phenomenon we are facing will be historic,” declared the French president in a television appearance Sunday night, when he announced that “great poverty”, “climate change”, and “geopolitical conflicts” will see Africans flooding into Europe “for many years to come”.


    To back up his point, Macron pointed to “bombshell” population gr0wth across the third world continent, which he added has been “tremendously well described” by French-American journalist and professor Stephen Smith in a recent book.

    “[Africans] are mostly turning to Europe because the continent [of Europe] is not an island, because of our location, and because Europe has its destiny bound with Africa,” stated the vehemently pro-EU French figure during a two-hour long interview.

    Smith, the Africa expert to whom Macron referred during his appearance on BFMTV, estimates that the number of Africans living in Europe will grow from nine million to between 150 million and 200 million within the next 30 years.

    In The Rush to Europe, the Duke University professor describes a massive, unprecedented population transfer still in its infancy, which he explains will — “paradoxically” — be triggered largely as a result 0f Western aid money financing would-be migrants’ journeys from Africa.


    “The most optimistic” of these — according to Le Figaro — is “Eurafrica”, which would see mass migration create a ‘welcoming’, multicultural Europe, which “would fully embrace being a ‘mixed-race land of immigration and interbreeding’”.

    回复:@ J.Ross

    A Europtimist I spoke to says this is not Macron surrendering, that he is advocating for the creation of a special office to come to grips with the problem, and that he is still the most pragmatic of the EU leaders. I felt like that’s being the most pragmatic sommelier to Louis XVI.

  93. @教授沃兰
    如果我们进行杀手级改造/加建,一个主要考虑因素将是他们在做这件事时住在哪里。合乎逻辑的方法是购买或租用温尼贝戈/拖车并住在后院。我们知道有干净的水源和电力,我们可以使用房子里的粪便。在湾区,租金可能为每月 5,000 美元,这样可以轻松节省 30 - 60 万美元,或者如果我们便宜的话,可以节省几间新浴室或可能一个厨房的费用。

    问题是我们的城市不允许这样做。他们知道,如果允许,将会有 5 代家庭居住在为 2 人建造的房屋中,或者人们会出租他们的房产,例如拖车停车场。


    Get a new house; out of Kali. It’s a shithole, and getting worse everyday.

  94. @史蒂夫·塞勒

    在这张地图中,圣费尔南多谷的整个南部地区可能会在地震中液化。 SB 827 将使该区域的大部分地区符合建造 8 层公寓的条件。

    但有些部分甚至比其他部分更糟糕。 1994年,Moorpark南侧的许多公寓楼倒塌,但街道北侧的公寓楼倒塌较少,因为该街道最初建在洛杉矶河北岸。因此,街道南侧建在沙子和砾石上的建筑比北侧建在粘土或其他土壤上的建筑表现更差。

    我推测,几千年来,洪水渠道在 SFV 的南侧到处移动,就像洛杉矶河过去在玛丽安德尔湾注入太平洋一样,直到 1825 年向南移动 20 英里到达现在的洛杉矶港口。但是,最近修建的泄洪道可能是更糟糕的建筑工地。




    你注意到这样的事情的能力是惊人的。这是一篇 1979 年的论文: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301557870_LIQUEFACTION_POTENTIAL_MAP_OF_SAN_FERNANDO_VALLEY_CALIFORNIA

    第 3 页的图 10 提供了液化潜力为高/中/低/极低的 SFV 地图。

    第 1 页的图 5 有一张土壤图。 R 型土壤“最新的全新世沉积物”非常符合您的描述。第 2 页的表 9 给出了沉积单元和地下水深度如何映射到液化潜力的简单明了的描述。我想知道当时的地下水深度与现在相比如何。我想干旱实际上有助于液化潜力。

    令人着迷的是,40 年前的地图如何提供​​信息。现在他们混淆了它。

    我想知道是否有可能获得 GIS 数据,使我们能够查看我之前链接的地图的更细粒度版本。在地块级别查看会提供更多信息(尽管它并不是真正用于此类用途)。


    顺便说一句,在线地图似乎是基于 1998 年的地图系列。示例(大文件)位于: http://gmw.conservation.ca.gov/SHP/EZRIM/Maps/CANOGA_PARK_EZRIM.pdf
    随附的报告有关土壤类型的信息非常丰富,但没有我看到的地图: http://gmw.conservation.ca.gov/SHP/EZRIM/Reports/SHZR/SHZR_007_Canoga_Park.pdf

    • 回复: @史蒂夫·塞勒


    圣费尔南多谷有很多相当标准化的建筑,因此 1994 年建筑受灾最严重的地方是对底层土壤的一个很好的考验。

    现在回想起来,政府应该把受灾最严重的地方买下来,改造成公园之类的。洛杉矶河修复的想法可以使用土地来防洪,让汹涌的河流蔓延到这片土地上,这将是 1994 年液化的沙地/砾石地。

    1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代中期的房地产低迷时期是实现这一目标的理想时机。

    那好吧 ...

  95. @翻动

    Doug Casey says that Argentina is more European than Europe these days.


    That’s changing fast. The flight white is decimating Argentina, too.

  96. @dwb

    Public transit is a no-go zone for White people in a diverse society. It is that way in France, in the UK, in Germany, and in the US.
    Sorry, but you should stick to fantasizing about alpha males. The idea that public transit is a "no-go zone for White people" is bunk.

    Lived for a few years in Paris (not that long ago; we repatriated in 2015). I used to ride the RATP ("metro") to and from work every day. I never had a problem.

    There are certain parts of the system that I would absolutely avoid (in Paris, the #13 train north of "La Fourche" for example), or the RER B line south of Paris. But the whole system?

    You have to turn Fox News off every now and then.

    Replies: @Autochthon, @Lurker, @Anon

    Yes and no. It’s not so very horrible that it isn’t still largely down to the individual white person in question. I can and do ride transit, including intracity buses and trains, Greyhound, Amtrack, and so forth without much trepidation (but with caution and alertness), but then I can do so in many contexts (most especially Greyhound and certain intracity buses and trains – Amtrack is usually relatively safe outside a few shadier stations…) because I am a still relatively young male combat veteran in pretty good physical condition.

    I don’t let my wife near public transit (Hell, I never let my blonde, blue-eyed girlfriend leave the apartment alone in Miami!)

    A twist on who is riding with whom, if you will.

    I expect my assessment and experiences are not uncommon. It’s hardly insightful to note that things become too dangerous for the elderly, infirm, and female more quickly than for the young, hale, and male in any number of contexts besides crime and transit….

    (Please spare many any snark about being a controlling jerk; I write of letting women I love do this or that in the context of a caring, protective relationship: the ladies themselves had no desire to ride transit or be out in the city without me and they were and are very thankful for my solicitude.)

    • 回复: @dwb

    As I said, the systems with which I am familiar (MUNI here in the SF Bay Area, the Paris reseaux (RATP, RER), the London Underground) have lines and stations that I absolutely would avoid, and/or are places I would not want to be at certain times of day. And as you say, your mileage may vary (I am now a mid-40s male).

    But the claim that "public transit is a no-go" for White people, uniformly, is absurd.

    The things that make it a dangerous place for elderly or female riders are true if you are an elderly black, white, or Asian rider.

    There are real problems in our cities. And our rulers seem eager to make them worse.

    But raising frankly idiotic objections undermines rather than supports attempts to stop them.

  97. An

    我只是在史蒂夫博客的评论中指出了这一点五到十次,但是 大规模移民与几乎所有进步人士声称拥护的价值观相矛盾——经济因素和明显的环境因素一样多。对于以下情况为负值:
    - 工资
    -- 失业
    - 收入差距
    - 负担得起的房子
    - “社区”
    - 社会凝聚力
    -- 物种保护
    - 污染
    - 交通拥堵
    - 全球暖化


    你可以争论“交通”,因为越来越多的人聚集确实会增加交通的使用。但与此同时,“多样性”使得人们因为“公共”而不太愿意使用公共交通。 (如果你认为墨西哥人将黑人赶出某个地区,从而使交通更加安全,那么也许你可以为交通带来净积极影响。)




    Progressivism has little to do with logic and planning. It’s a religious, utopian movement through and through.

  98. @马尔科姆X-Lax

    She's not a fan of white belly dancers either. Can't possibly see why.



    P.S. You can bet your ass Fresno State is scraping the bottom of the affirmative action barrel for professors.


    This one is of a piece with “Native American.” Every Amerindian I know (or know of) thinks the term “Native American” something between condescending or insulting and stupid or vapid. Likewise, I have been to plenty of restaurants run by actual Iranians, Turks, and such, enough to have gotten to befriend the owners and staff (usually one and the same). In many cases, the belly dancers in these joints were also the owners and staff (i.e., females in the family running the joint). Not only were these people authentic (i.e., they came from these places and had learned to dance there, as part of traditions going back centuries if not longer), but they would all be amazed to hear from Fresno the Hutt that they are not white.

    By the way: Does Mayte Garcia get a pass? I mean, she’s “hispanic” and therefore “brown,” right? – but she’s from Alabama and not Lebanon, sooooo…. It’s all so hard to keep up, I’m literally exhausted.

    • 回复: @查尔斯·欧文·威尔逊

    From time to time I decide to quit reading this blog because I have to endure so much horse she-ite, inanity, and stupidity that I am sure my time would be better spent elsewhere. And then you make me belly laugh with:

    Fresno the Hutt
    I spew my beer, and remember why I keep reading. :-)
  99. @ 27岁

    Idiots. They are blocking free-market forces, punishing renters, and denying the construction industry tens of thousands of jobs
    Happy Autism Awareness Month!


    Thomm wants to free things up for his Asian buddies and screw those pesky, icky whites who get in the way.

  100. @威士忌酒
    Public transit is a no-go zone for White people in a diverse society. It is that way in France, in the UK, in Germany, and in the US.

    Look at the Blue Line. It might as well be No Whites Allowed, legally. Physically and practically it is the same. The LAT did an article about it ten plus years ago, it was a war zone then and has only gotten worse. With occasional dumb or homeless White people killed on the platforms or on the trains.

    The trains themselves are filled with various gangsta trash, Mexicans and Central Americans fresh from the border, lots of pirate DVDs sold, other merchandise, urine, vomit, and feces everywhere, as it belongs and is paid for by Whitey but conquered by NAMs. Beatings of various non-Whites are common, as are fights, robberies, and public sex. The police are conspicuously absent.

    There is no reason to think that any public transit will not reach the lowest common denominator of Shontavious and the sicario up from Jalisco.

    No sane White person EVER takes public transit. EVER.

    Replies: @dwb, @Thirdeye, @Excal, @Charles Erwin Wilson

    I knew quite a few white people who commuted on the Blue Line. Definitely more knuckleheads there than on, say, the Gold Line, but never heard of anything bad going down.

    I frequently commuted on the Gold Line and during rush hour it was stacked to the rafters with white people. Nobody seemed to mind.

  101. @dwb

    Public transit is a no-go zone for White people in a diverse society. It is that way in France, in the UK, in Germany, and in the US.
    Sorry, but you should stick to fantasizing about alpha males. The idea that public transit is a "no-go zone for White people" is bunk.

    Lived for a few years in Paris (not that long ago; we repatriated in 2015). I used to ride the RATP ("metro") to and from work every day. I never had a problem.

    There are certain parts of the system that I would absolutely avoid (in Paris, the #13 train north of "La Fourche" for example), or the RER B line south of Paris. But the whole system?

    You have to turn Fox News off every now and then.

    Replies: @Autochthon, @Lurker, @Anon

    Ditto the UK. There are a few bus routes in London you might want to avoid but the system remains in control at the moment.

  102. @史蒂夫·塞勒

    在这张地图中,圣费尔南多谷的整个南部地区可能会在地震中液化。 SB 827 将使该区域的大部分地区符合建造 8 层公寓的条件。

    但有些部分甚至比其他部分更糟糕。 1994年,Moorpark南侧的许多公寓楼倒塌,但街道北侧的公寓楼倒塌较少,因为该街道最初建在洛杉矶河北岸。因此,街道南侧建在沙子和砾石上的建筑比北侧建在粘土或其他土壤上的建筑表现更差。

    我推测,几千年来,洪水渠道在 SFV 的南侧到处移动,就像洛杉矶河过去在玛丽安德尔湾注入太平洋一样,直到 1825 年向南移动 20 英里到达现在的洛杉矶港口。但是,最近修建的泄洪道可能是更糟糕的建筑工地。



    All rivers naturally change course unless they flow through the Grand Canyon. They bring silt downstream and the riverbed rises. Eventually it rises so much that there’s a spot where the left or right riverbank becomes the lowest egress and a new channel is formed.

    The Nile has been gradually moving more east of Alexandria for millennia. The Mississippi at some points is for all practical purposes is an elevated water channel like the Roman aqueducts, with rising levees as the banks and the riverbed higher than the surrounding land. The Mississippi is constantly dredged, for navigation, so that slows things down. Dams keep silt from flowing downstream, but then dams filling up with silt is its own problem. (Actually, dams are the original “sustainable energy” disaster.)

    Before the era of big cities and expensive port infrastructure it didn’t matter if the river changed course from time to time. Nowadays you can’t afford for it to happen.

    A great John McPhee story about the Mississippi from the New Yorker (no Trump mentions, from 1987):

    A more recent piece on the Mississippi from the Atlantic by Alexis Madrigal:

  103. @dwb

    Public transit is a no-go zone for White people in a diverse society. It is that way in France, in the UK, in Germany, and in the US.
    Sorry, but you should stick to fantasizing about alpha males. The idea that public transit is a "no-go zone for White people" is bunk.

    Lived for a few years in Paris (not that long ago; we repatriated in 2015). I used to ride the RATP ("metro") to and from work every day. I never had a problem.

    There are certain parts of the system that I would absolutely avoid (in Paris, the #13 train north of "La Fourche" for example), or the RER B line south of Paris. But the whole system?

    You have to turn Fox News off every now and then.

    Replies: @Autochthon, @Lurker, @Anon

    I think Whiskey may be overstating things, but he’s right. In Japan you are absolutely comfortable riding any subway or train or bus. You can sleep. You can leave your stuff on the train and have a 95 percent chance of getting it back at the lost and found. (Young women may be groped at crowded commute times though, or so the media would have you believe.)

    On BART in the Bay Area, I was mostly OK, except for the black chick who pulled a gun on me after I reported a crazy schitzo black guy to train security and he was carted off. Putting up with crazy guy, or having a gun pulled on me? Which would I do now? Tough decision. Of course nowadays you have the marauding gangs of black youths on BART, who know they will never be caught. In Los Angeles, it’s similar. There is a critical mass of down-and-outers. Basically you can ride it, but you’d rather not. The DC subway inspires a similar frisson of fear if you ride outside of commute hours.

    A big problem is that I think white people do not feel that they can rely on law enforcement any more for situations involving black perps. Witness the Starbucks incident. Witness BART not releasing surveillance video of black gangs on trains. Witness schools not disciplining black kids. Witness the nonenforcement against turnstile jumpers in New York. For fear of being accused of being racist or starting riots or boycotts, young black men (and gun-totting chicks) have got to kill you before they attract any notice.

    I think the growing distrust in the responsiveness of law enforcement is helping prevent any sort of increased gun control. Mayby you don’t harbor fantasies of overthrowing a fascist government in the U.S., but you nevertheless want the gun to deter criminals (black youths) from targeting your house or your body. You just need enough to inspired them to move on to the next house or person.

  104. @威士忌酒
    Public transit is a no-go zone for White people in a diverse society. It is that way in France, in the UK, in Germany, and in the US.

    Look at the Blue Line. It might as well be No Whites Allowed, legally. Physically and practically it is the same. The LAT did an article about it ten plus years ago, it was a war zone then and has only gotten worse. With occasional dumb or homeless White people killed on the platforms or on the trains.

    The trains themselves are filled with various gangsta trash, Mexicans and Central Americans fresh from the border, lots of pirate DVDs sold, other merchandise, urine, vomit, and feces everywhere, as it belongs and is paid for by Whitey but conquered by NAMs. Beatings of various non-Whites are common, as are fights, robberies, and public sex. The police are conspicuously absent.

    There is no reason to think that any public transit will not reach the lowest common denominator of Shontavious and the sicario up from Jalisco.

    No sane White person EVER takes public transit. EVER.

    Replies: @dwb, @Thirdeye, @Excal, @Charles Erwin Wilson

    No sane White person EVER takes public transit. EVER.

    Oh come on. I have been riding the DC metro, and the L in Chicago, since the 90s. Never had any trouble on either.

  105. @Autochthon

    This one is of a piece with "Native American." Every Amerindian I know (or know of) thinks the term "Native American" something between condescending or insulting and stupid or vapid. Likewise, I have been to plenty of restaurants run by actual Iranians, Turks, and such, enough to have gotten to befriend the owners and staff (usually one and the same). In many cases, the belly dancers in these joints were also the owners and staff (i.e., females in the family running the joint). Not only were these people authentic (i.e., they came from these places and had learned to dance there, as part of traditions going back centuries if not longer), but they would all be amazed to hear from Fresno the Hutt that they are not white.

    By the way: Does Mayte Garcia get a pass? I mean, she's "hispanic" and therefore "brown," right? – but she's from Alabama and not Lebanon, sooooo.... It's all so hard to keep up, I'm literally exhausted.

    回复:@Charles Erwin Wilson

    From time to time I decide to quit reading this blog because I have to endure so much horse she-ite, inanity, and stupidity that I am sure my time would be better spent elsewhere. And then you make me belly laugh with:

    Fresno the Hutt

    I spew my beer, and remember why I keep reading. 🙂

  106. @匿名的

    Wiener is a political prostitute, happy to sponsor laws that even his colleagues prefer not to be associated with too publicly.

    He sponsored a similar law (SB35) that greatly simplifies massive local approval of high-density construction projects.

    Previously, Wiener came to wider attention by sponsoring a successful bill de-criminalize the act of INTENTIONALLY infecting others with HIV.

    回复:@Almost Missouri

    ” Wiener came to wider attention by sponsoring a successful bill de-criminalize the act of INTENTIONALLY infecting others with HIV.”

    Yeah that one was pretty shocking: first degree murder in California is now a misdemeanor so long as you do it in a gay way.

    • 回复: @罗斯

    I remember long ago reading Christian propaganda about this being a gay extremist policy goal and thinking, oh come on.
    You will live to see Jack Chick recognized as the most reasonable and well-informed American of his time.

    , @YetAnotherAnon

    In the UK a pozzed Scotsman has just got minimum 12 years for going to Brighton (gay capital of UK) and deliberately infecting a number of people.


  107. @res

    Your ability to notice things like that is amazing. Here is a 1979 paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/301557870_LIQUEFACTION_POTENTIAL_MAP_OF_SAN_FERNANDO_VALLEY_CALIFORNIA

    第 3 页的图 10 提供了液化潜力为高/中/低/极低的 SFV 地图。

    Figure 1 on page 5 has a soils map. Soil type R "Most recent Holocene sediments" fits nicely with your description. Table 2 on page 9 gives a nice and simple description of how sedimentary unit and ground water depth map to liquefaction potential. I wonder how ground water depth then compares to the present. I guess drought actually helps with liquefaction potential.

    令人着迷的是,40 年前的地图如何提供​​信息。现在他们混淆了它。

    我想知道是否有可能获得 GIS 数据,使我们能够查看我之前链接的地图的更细粒度版本。在地块级别查看会提供更多信息(尽管它并不是真正用于此类用途)。

    Comparing the maps more closely, the results look oddly inconsistent. If I read correctly, Canoga Park is a major area of high risk in the old map. But it looks like there are high risk areas in the old map that don't even show up in the new map? Perhaps you could take a look since you know the geography there far better than I do?

    Incidentally, it appears the online map is based on the 1998 map series. An example (large file) at: http://gmw.conservation.ca.gov/SHP/EZRIM/Maps/CANOGA_PARK_EZRIM.pdf
    The accompanying report is very informative about soil types, but has no maps I see: http://gmw.conservation.ca.gov/SHP/EZRIM/Reports/SHZR/SHZR_007_Canoga_Park.pdf

    回复:@Steve Sailer


    圣费尔南多谷有很多相当标准化的建筑,因此 1994 年建筑受灾最严重的地方是对底层土壤的一个很好的考验。

    现在回想起来,政府应该把受灾最严重的地方买下来,改造成公园之类的。洛杉矶河修复的想法可以使用土地来防洪,让汹涌的河流蔓延到这片土地上,这将是 1994 年液化的沙地/砾石地。

    1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代中期的房地产低迷时期是实现这一目标的理想时机。

    那好吧 …

  108. @几乎密苏里州

    " Wiener came to wider attention by sponsoring a successful bill de-criminalize the act of INTENTIONALLY infecting others with HIV."
    Yeah that one was pretty shocking: first degree murder in California is now a misdemeanor so long as you do it in a gay way.


    I remember long ago reading Christian propaganda about this being a gay extremist policy goal and thinking, oh come on.
    You will live to see Jack Chick recognized as the most reasonable and well-informed American of his time.

  109. @YetAnotherAnon

    I remember it. In the UK at any rate, the poster had a caption "Oh Sh*t".

    OT, Brit lefty mag New Statesman seems to be raising the white flag on genetics and intelligence, although I suppose there's always a chance of the author being forced to recant or the editor regretting the "lapse of judgement" and resigning.




    If you remember an accident in 1895, then you are more impressive than Elliott Carter, or even Jeanne Calment.

  110. @本克诺比

    Um, Reg? They killed the bill (vol 2) precisely because it bring more "young" people into the city. And now you propose we give 豪饮 to these God-damn things?!


    Um, Reg? They killed the bill (vol 2) precisely because it would bring more “young” people into the city. And now you propose we give booze to these God-damn things?!

    Hey, I drank legally and responsibly at 18. But then, I’m an Easterner. We can handle it.

  111. @几乎密苏里州

    " Wiener came to wider attention by sponsoring a successful bill de-criminalize the act of INTENTIONALLY infecting others with HIV."
    Yeah that one was pretty shocking: first degree murder in California is now a misdemeanor so long as you do it in a gay way.


    In the UK a pozzed Scotsman has just got minimum 12 years for going to Brighton (gay capital of UK) and deliberately infecting a number of people.


  112. @res

    地图本身位于 https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/EQZApp/app/



    回复:@Steve Sailer,@danand


  113. @教授沃兰
    如果我们进行杀手级改造/加建,一个主要考虑因素将是他们在做这件事时住在哪里。合乎逻辑的方法是购买或租用温尼贝戈/拖车并住在后院。我们知道有干净的水源和电力,我们可以使用房子里的粪便。在湾区,租金可能为每月 5,000 美元,这样可以轻松节省 30 - 60 万美元,或者如果我们便宜的话,可以节省几间新浴室或可能一个厨房的费用。

    问题是我们的城市不允许这样做。他们知道,如果允许,将会有 5 代家庭居住在为 2 人建造的房屋中,或者人们会出租他们的房产,例如拖车停车场。



    自 1986 年以来,加利福尼亚州就制定了祖母屋法。奶奶屋是指第二套住宅。该法规被称为《政府法典》第 65852.2 条第二单位法,旨在在人口密集地区提供经济适用房,缓解租赁住房赤字,增加财产税基数,并为房主提供额外收入


    今天早上来自哥伦比亚广播公司。有点邻避,在我看来是合理的。接近尾声的那个人说明了为什么我们可能注定要失败:尽管我的妻子和 12 岁的女儿因为我的注意而惩罚了我。


  114. An

    当然。因为没有人真正“想要”他们居住的地方的拥挤——密集的亚洲化——生活. 糟透了

    加州的人口是我小时候的两倍多,我认为这是一个很酷的地方,我可能会在那里做一些很酷的科学事情,天气很好,附近有山脉和海滩。我女儿现在在那里上医学院,但我已经告诉我所有的孩子“智商粉碎机”的概念,并说“除了加州以外的任何地方”。如果加州失去了天气、山脉和海滩的自然优势,人们就会疯狂地逃离那里,边境就会很危险。过去 50 年来,这种移民运动绝对没有带来任何积极的影响。



    回复:@Olorin,@Seth Largo





  115. Interesting: California’s population (currently 39.7 million, incl. 3 million
    illegals) is still growing at the incredible rate of 240,000 a year, mostly due
    to being, like Texas, a point of entry for mass immigration.

    At this rate, basically adding a million people every 5 years, it should be
    building a new University of California campus (and a new CSU campus)
    every 20 years. Merced is not enough. But how can it if the present-day
    system is already strapped for cash? No wonder the educational attainment
    in California is one of the worst in the country, and is not likely to get any
    better anytime soon.

    SoCal should also create a new high-caliber private university to compete
    with USC and Cal Tech. But who is going to fund it? Corporations have been
    leaving SoCal – millions of functionally illiterate residents are one factor.
    It’s funny how back in the ’60s LA was slated to become a great metropolis,
    that would steal the crown from NYC as the new capital of book and magazine
    publishing. So what happened?

  116. @Autochthon

    Yes and no. It's not so very horrible that it isn't still largely down to the individual white person in question. I can and do ride transit, including intracity buses and trains, Greyhound, Amtrack, and so forth without much trepidation (but with caution and alertness), but then I can do so in many contexts (most especially Greyhound and certain intracity buses and trains – Amtrack is usually relatively safe outside a few shadier stations...) because I am a still relatively young male combat veteran in pretty good physical condition.

    I don't let my wife near public transit (Hell, I never let my blonde, blue-eyed girlfriend leave the apartment alone in Miami!)

    A twist on who is riding with whom, if you will.

    I expect my assessment and experiences are not uncommon. It's hardly insightful to note that things become too dangerous for the elderly, infirm, and female more quickly than for the young, hale, and male in any number of contexts besides crime and transit....

    (Please spare many any snark about being a controlling jerk; I write of letting women I love do this or that in the context of a caring, protective relationship: the ladies themselves had no desire to ride transit or be out in the city without me and they were and are very thankful for my solicitude.)


    As I said, the systems with which I am familiar (MUNI here in the SF Bay Area, the Paris reseaux (RATP, RER), the London Underground) have lines and stations that I absolutely would avoid, and/or are places I would not want to be at certain times of day. And as you say, your mileage may vary (I am now a mid-40s male).

    But the claim that “public transit is a no-go” for White people, uniformly, is absurd.

    The things that make it a dangerous place for elderly or female riders are true if you are an elderly black, white, or Asian rider.

    There are real problems in our cities. And our rulers seem eager to make them worse.

    But raising frankly idiotic objections undermines rather than supports attempts to stop them.


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