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来自 每日野兽:

所有这些似乎都导致了克林顿在 2016 年 XNUMX 月纽约筹款活动中称半数特朗普支持者为“一篮子可悲者”的破坏性视频。




......在华尔街中心豪华的旧证券交易所大楼为同性恋华尔街人士举行的筹款晚宴上,门票已售完。芭芭拉·史翠珊 (Barbra Streisand) 演唱了《请小丑来》(Send in the Clowns) 的更新版本,歌词解决了希拉里看来是竞选活动中最紧迫的问题:特朗普是不是 亿万富翁?


“在布鲁克林的所有助手中,珍·帕尔米耶里的床边态度最令人愉快,”乔齐克写道。 “这使她成为指定向希拉里传达坏消息的人。但这次不是。她告诉罗比,她不可能告诉希拉里她赢不了。就在那时,罗比和他的团队在希拉里套房走廊尽头的一个房间里观看结果,精疲力竭、泄气的罗比费力地走进半岛酒店的走廊宣布了这一消息。

希拉里似乎并不感到惊讶。 '我就知道。我知道这会发生在我身上……”希拉里说道,现在离他的脸只有几英寸了。 “他们永远不会让我当总统。”



……选举结束后,比尔散布了一个更荒唐的《纽约时报》阴谋:出版商与特朗普达成协议,如果他继续增加流量并推高公司股价,我们将在希拉里的电子邮件中摧毁她,以帮助他当选。 ”

  1. Who Will Do Our Stuff For Us?

    As more of our economy is digitized and desk based, American consumers increasingly rely on the manual labor of others to enable our cushy lifestyles. With almost-crippling labor shortages in everything from quick-service restaurants to handyman-style companies that clean, care, repair and renovate, who’s going to actually do this work as the labor pool shrinks even more?…

    The most fascinating was a program with its Archadeck brand where franchisees from northern states—where work tends to slow or shutdown during the snowy months—have shipped employees down to its booming Charlotte, North Carolina, market where they can demo and build throughout the year.
    That was the first I’ve heard of a franchise brand implementing such a large-scale labor effort, and something I imagine has been considered out of necessity by brands in several different industries.


    Tide goes in, tide goes out. Can’t explain that

  2. “After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected,”

    Does the NY Times really have that kind of influence? What fraction of voters even read this?

    Particularly in the states that were the battlegrounds.

    Really kind of curious as to where things go. If you buy a paper like Bezos did the Post, I’m really not sure he is getting much bang for his buck, other than the fact that people in the Beltway probably know what they wrote about any given day.

    But it’s not like controlling the Times or Post is going to light a fire under people’s butts in Peoria to impeach Trump – or vote for Hillary.

    Given the full court press the national media outlets have been putting on Trump, if they don’t produce a major scalp in either the midterms or 2020 (and probably both), I think a lot of well heeled types are going to ask themselves whether these media outlets are worth it at all.

    And despite the current hoopla, are there really definable benefits for companies to advertise on Google or use Facebook data? You’d think, but my understanding is that results seem to have been very sketchy so far.

    • 回复: @油炸圈饼

    The NYTs is a totem to the members of that group , it's part of their civic religion . The point isn't to believe it but to revere it .

    , @Ed

    One of the major blind spot of the Clinton machine was ignoring flyover country. They wanted to appeal to people that read the NYT and mass media culture. That’s why they had these ridiculous concerts with JayZ and LeBron James. They also did it to get out the black vote.

    Anyway the Trump people astutely bought ad time in small markets in key states. When Trump team switched out of buying ads in cities like Miami and instead bought in smaller markets, the media went beserk on Twitter. It was proof to them that Trump was running out of money and campaign was on life support. The concept of anyone bothering to reach people outside of large media markets was completely foreign.

    Also Trump’s team astutely made a deal with Sinclair broadcasting which is a major news provider in many local markets. They also bought ads in local papers and when he appeared at a rally in a town it of course dominated the news there. An astute journalist mentioned during the campaign that while the national media’s tone towards Trump was decidedly negative it was less so in local press.

    回覆:@Buffalo Joe,@先生。 安农

    , 哈里·鲍德温(Harry Baldwin)

    ...are there really definable benefits for companies to advertise on Google or use Facebook data?

    Having worked in advertising, I can assure you that we were not at all sure ourselves that there are definable benefits for companies to advertise at all. In some cases, obviously, yes. In many others, probably not.

    My wife has a small mail-order business and has recently given up on advertising in magazines. Their ad departments continue to hound her, of course, but she doesn't see a return and their page rates are too expensive. She now advertises on Facebook and she gets these encouraging reports on how may people looked at her ad, liked it, or shared it. But are these stats even reliable? We know Facebook does a lot of lying. However, she has noticed a small uptick in orders so she'll keep advertising on Facebook, largely because it's quite cheap.

    回复:@ J.Ross

    , @颂歌

    Sheesh. It's not that flyover reads the Times, it's that the rest of the media takes its leads from NYT (and WaPo). Why does local news suddenly start carrying one-off stories that have nothing to do with the locality? Usually some "issue" raised by their heroes back east.

    I think what Hillary really meant is that she expected NYT to carry the day for her, but they let her down. So screw 'em.

    , @本·蒂尔曼

    “After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected,”

    Does the NY Times really have that kind of influence?
    Yes, and then some.
    , @无神论者

    I’m really not sure he is getting much bang for his buck.

    The Post (and other papers) have been into same-day-delivery for over a century.

  3. Every article in the NYT was pro-Clinton and anti-Trump in the run up to the election. They and the rest of the mainstream media were absolutely in the tank for her.

    • 同意: 吉姆琼斯
    • 回复: 彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)

    They and the rest of the mainstream media were absolutely in the tank for her.

    Fox News is also "mainstream" and has far more political influence than the NYT. The New York Times reaches maybe 3M people, the vast majority of whom pick the NYT precisely becauses it reinforces the political views they already hold. Even if the NYT had convinced every one of its Republican readers to vote for Clinton instead of Trump it would make very little difference since almost all those Republican readers live in blue states.

    Replies: @Corvinus, @gcochran

    , @奥洛林

    But of course. They are in the consensus-with-each-other-for-establishment-careers biz.

    Their shock that something exists outside their bubble (or perhaps more accurately bell jar) has been delicious to observe.

    Ditto to observing Hillary being taken down by her own conniving, vanity-signalling oral cavity. Anyone that lustful after power, who would misjudge something as profound as calling half the electorate "deplorable," shouldn't be allowed anywhere near big concentrations of geopolitical power whose deployment should involve excellent diplomatic skills.

    Double that for a woman who has a miserable marriage and a Very Special Friend of daughter's age, whom she maneuvered into a similar-appearing grotesque mating sham.

  4. Perhaps just like the 2016 election, the first term will pull off a stunning win at the 11th hour.

    If that happens — can we please, 好漂亮 drive the damn left into the sea?

  5. 他们是谁”?


    • 回复: @克利福德·布朗

    The Old Ones.
    , @ 415原因

    The American people? White people?

    , @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi




    , @几乎密苏里州


    , @伯里克利斯

    The R-Russians ...

    , @河内巴黎希尔顿

    "They", huh? I can't believe how obtuse are some of Mr. Sailer's readers. The doofus-looking young guy, next to whom I'd guess is Tom Steyer or some other ur-PC lefty zillionaire (with Governor Moonbeam, no less, on Mr. Steyer's other side), is/was a Latinx UC Berserkeley student of indeterminate gender fluidity, whose "preferred pronoun" was/is "they". This was before, true to form, he went full-Berserk, and murdered another semi-well-known young woman enviro-vegan-SJW activist, and attempted to murder a second such woman. Sad.

    , @问心


    , @anonymous

    I've said it before and I'll say it again: Nixon in a pantsuit...complete with the paranoia and self-pity. The difference is that the Establishment hated him and loved her.

  6. 所有这些似乎都导致了克林顿在 2016 年 XNUMX 月纽约筹款活动中称半数特朗普支持者为“一篮子可悲者”的破坏性视频。


  7. OT 4chan continues to offer more actual news than the Kanye West Fan Club on NPR. Did you know that Nicaragua was on fire? Apparently the government had been raiding the local equivalent of Social Security, and the people found out, and now the army usbeing mobilized.
    But yeah for real Kanye West has been tweeting some of his best tweets of all time. NPR gave almost a whole segment to that.

  8. “在布鲁克林的所有助手中,珍·帕尔米耶里的床边态度最令人愉快,”乔齐克写道。

    哈哈,太搞笑了。想象一下,你被这个杯子吵醒,被告知你将把总统宝座输给 DJT

    • 回复: @罗斯

    Very subtle, sir. Like you don't see what she, Hillary, and Huma might have in common.

    , @俄亥俄州的凯文


    , @克利福德·布朗

    Revealing discussion by various Clinton and Trump campaign advisors, including Jennifer Palmieri, Robby Mook, Kellyanne Conway and Corey Lewandowski at Harvard.


    At 1:40:20 Jennifer Palmieri says that Clinton's "一篮子可怜人" speech was the highpoint of her campaign. Quite revealing. Dogma over strategy is exactly why Clinton lost. Palmieri said that she would rather lose an election the way Clinton did, than win the way Trump did. Kellyanne Conway provides an excellent refutation.

    Good recap from one commentator from Soundcloud.
    "A big shouting match goes from around 56:30-58:30. Also they argue about the idea of the Russian thing being real or not between 1:33:26-1:34:00. Start at 1:35:40-1:36:05 for a joke. Start at 1:36:05 to hear Conway talk about why Steve Bannon was hired. Things get heated from 1:43:35-1:44:30 and “you guys are bitter” is said. From 1:45:50-1:46:30 things get heated again. Beginning at 1:50:00 they begin talking about what happened in the last 10 days of the campaigns."

    Replies: @Unladen Swallow, @Malcolm X-Lax

    , @TTSSYF

    Not sure I believe this recounting of election night. Are we to believe that she went to bed and was sound asleep while it was playing out? If so, it was probably only because she was slamming down hard liquor all night, watching the returns. Her face that morning certainly looked like she hadn't had a minute of sleep.

    , @尼克G

    Likely carpet muncher.

  9. 当人权委员会输掉选举的那天晚上,上帝向美国微笑。

    • 回复: @豹

    God doesn't exist.

  10. The sad thing is that the one accomplishment Trump can claim, the tax cuts, exclusively benefit all those people who were laughing at the deplorables in Hamptons, Beverly Hills, Silicon Valley, Manhattan. All deplorables have gotten out of Trump is hot rhetoric.

    • 同意: 西蒙在伦敦
    • 回复: @TTSSYF

    You're repeating the so-called mainstream media's big lie. My net pay increased in February, and I'm as far removed from those enclaves you mention as one can be. In addition, we got a Constitutionalist on the Supreme Court and our SOB in the White House (we nominated a Boy Scout in 2012, and the Left turned him into an SOB...so this time, we saved them the effort and gave them the real thing).

    , @威廉·巴特怀特

    However "those people who were laughing at the deplorables in Hamptons, Beverly Hills, Silicon Valley, Manhattan" lost some pretty big state tax deductions.

    , 杰克·汉森(Jack Hanson)

    Oh boy, I see ShareBlue learned nothing from the election with this new wave of "argument by assertion" blackpill bots.

    Yeah tell me how taking out the mortgage tax deduction helped the blue states. All ears.

    , @波利尼克斯

    Not really. Parts of it penalizes high income individuals in high tax states (eg. California, NY, Illinois...).

    , @首选的命名法是...

    Do you prepare your own income tax return?

  11. I think Bill would be a very entertaining guy to quote off the cuff. I doubt Hillary is that way though.

  12. “他们永远不会让我当总统。”

    完全五音不全。 TPTB 确信 Cankles 已经把它藏在包里了,他们将其置于巡航控制系统上,然后在方向盘上睡着了。

    哈哈,太搞笑了。想象一下,你被这个杯子吵醒,被告知你将把总统宝座输给 DJT

    Yeah, now imagine you’re a crazy catty narcissistic yenta like Hillary; sending an ugly, post-menopausal, servile woman is the safe bet.

    • 回复: @布法罗乔

    Svigor....."Let me be president." That's major ballsy, but we let Obama be president and we didn't like that.

    , @贝纳尔达斯塔

    完全五音不全。 TPTB 确信 Cankles 已经把它藏在包里了,他们将其置于巡航控制系统上,然后在方向盘上睡着了。
    , @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    "The Uber self-driving presidency"

  13. @slumber_j


    回复:@Clifford Brown、@415 Reasons、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Almost Missouri、@Pericles、@Hanoi Paris Hilton、@Inquiring Mind、@anonymous


    The Old Ones.

  14. “Who is “They”?”

    The Deep State transgendered?

  15. ‘They’ Theory doesn’t work in 2016. It does work in 2008. That was supposed to be her year.

    But ‘they’ really did a job on her and pushed Obama to the top.

    Or maybe Pablo Gomez has powers we don’t know about.


    They Pride.

    That’s so They.

  16. Unz’s piece on conspiracy theories is one of the best because it goes straight to the problem that when you believe in it, it’s a distinct possibility or an untold story, and when I believe in it, it’s a lunatic conspiracy theory. Obviously the solution is to reject easy names and apply the exact same standards you would if no sanity was in doubt and no giggling was audible.
    >is there a source? How credible is that source?
    >How credible are the attacks on that source (cf Hitchens’ book on Mother Teresa being called “awful” but not “wrong”)?
    >does this follow or dramatically depart from established patterns?
    >Did three thousand twitter accounts just come out of nowhere at the same time to spread, or to discredit, this idea, using suspiciously similar language?
    I don’t think it makes me a thin-metal haberdasher to look at the Clintons as a ruling caste, top level group. They are part of the “they” and that renders absurd their attempt to use the word “they.” Especially in light of the establishment, academic, bureaucratic, and media wall of support for Hillary — and the totally baseless certainty that she would win — I cannot name a “they” who would have interfered with Her Turn. Last time I checked no “They” had an issue with a woman leading the IMF.
    With that said, just to be safe, maybe there really is a They who preferred a decade-project-upsetting chaos candidate with no political experience to a well-established clubmember. It upsets so many patterns that you can’t even visualize it.
    More likely, let’s connect this to the Starbucks Dark Roasting and the Night of Unbroken Bants: if Hillary don’ fee’ no ways tih’d talkin’ to black people in a caricature of their speech patterns, would it be beyond the pale for her to appeal to their weather-control notions of How Things Work?
    … that being said it is verifiably true that major establishment media brands were not only dying, but were shown to be lying about their readership, and that Trump Derangement Syndrome and Tweet Analysis has brought them back to having something of an audience. I can’t see that being the result of an arrangement with Trump, though.

    • 回复: @潜伏者

    a thin-metal haberdasher
    Excellent! I'll be using that.
  17. @卢加什

    哈哈,太搞笑了。想象一下,你被这个杯子吵醒,被告知你将把总统宝座输给 DJT


    回复:@J.Ross、@Kevin 在俄亥俄州、@Clifford Brown、@TTSSYF、@NickG

    Very subtle, sir. Like you don’t see what she, Hillary, and Huma might have in common.

  18. “他们”

    The American people. All progressives and leftists hope to get by the finish line with lies, envy and distortion. They all fear that the people will get wise and “they” will snatch victory away at the last moment.

  19. “They” are the Holy Trinity. Divine Providence gave us Trump.

  20. 每当有人因希拉里失败而流泪时,天使就会长出翅膀。

    • 同意: ic1000, 尼克
  21. @卢加什

    哈哈,太搞笑了。想象一下,你被这个杯子吵醒,被告知你将把总统宝座输给 DJT


    回复:@J.Ross、@Kevin 在俄亥俄州、@Clifford Brown、@TTSSYF、@NickG


  22. 他们是谁”?

    Occam would say the American* voters.

    But it’s unlikely she’d be grown up enough to concede that. The first draft of her (latest) memoir had her saying she lost because she wasn’t a member of the club. Someone wiser– maybe Miss Palmieri– whispered over her shoulder, and the final product admitted the truth. She lost because she very much a member of the club.

    *Or, to be precise, the voters of America’s constituent states; “Americans” don’t vote.)

  23. “他们永远不会让我当总统”
    APRIL 20,2018

    我想,如果有人知道克林顿夫人所指的那个阴险的“他们”是谁,就像一些无形的敌人军队(真实的和想象的)一样,运用其集体力量,导致她输掉了现代历史上最有可能获胜的总统选举, 那是我。





    • 回复: @阿农
    @MEH 0910

    oh my goodness, Hillary is right! These people are big ego, no brains!

    , @艾尔·达托(El Dato)
    @MEH 0910

    I don't understand this article.

    Is the author in a bubble or irreality where shadowy outside forces steal Hillary's victory and she (the author) is an accomplice in this for writing about Podesta's e-mail or is she saying it's all bullshit by navel-gazing irresponsible freaks in a hall of mirrors and the complainers should go f*ck themselves?

    , @乌鸦
    @MEH 0910


    回复:@MEH 0910

    , @CJ
    @MEH 0910

    The Bernie Bros and Mr. Trump’s Twitter trolls had called me a donkey-faced whore and a Hillary shill...

    Translation: the “donkey faced whore” epithet actually came from another progressive. To whom it never occurred that ze was using the Democrat mascot.

  24. If the Clintons believe the NY Times swung the election against Hillary to improve their share price. We dodged a bigger bullet than anyone could have realized. It can’t be that hard for people who them well to manipulate them if they are this paranoid and delusional.

  25. As a Christian I shouldn’t find satisfaction in another’s demise, but Hillary is such an evil bitch that I was so ecstatic at 3 a.m. Nov 9 and wanted to see that demon give a concession speech. She let me down. I watch replays of TYT or Maddow election night coverage to get that satisfaction. I’m not the only one judging by the # of views. She is truly hated, and now more and more by Dems as well.

    • 回复: @克里斯兹

    I agree that her refusal to deliver a concession speech was the culminating disgrace of her candidacy. And (also speaking as a Christian) it was delicious.

    My conclusion at the time is that she was simply unfit to do so: too drunk, too enraged. I don’t know if her lackies had to restrain her physically or medicinally, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Nothing I’ve read since then has caused me to alter that conclusion. Someone must have video of at least part of that night, though, and I look forward to its release.

    , @很多

    The day after Trump won I spent a few hours posting Pepes on left wing and MSM sites.

    Such optimism I had then.

    , @斯维格

    Hillary refusing to give a concession speech is the perfect icing on the "OMG Trump refused to promise to bow and scrape to Hillary if she wins" cake. A non-concession concession speech might've been better, though.

  26. Get ready. Hillary is going to run again in 2020. As long as she’s drawing breath, she’s running.

    She’s kryptonite now. A gift that keeps on giving.

    • 回复: @斯蒂芬·保罗·福斯特(Stephen Paul Foster)

    "Get ready. Hillary is going to run again in 2020."

    I think you are absolutely right! My friends (the Democrat ones especially) laugh at me, but she is Jason in Friday the 13th.

    , @布法罗乔

    Mo, I think that Hillary drained her well of donations last time around and I don't think the DNC is in her hip pocket anymore. Bernie will run again and the far left will shred themselves trying to decide if Corey Booker, Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris should get the nod.

    Replies: @SunBakedSuburb, @Alfa158, @Cato

    , @克劳弗德缪尔

    She’s kryptonite now. A gift that keeps on giving.
    A gift, one might say, of great Giftigkeit.
    , @凯文·奥基夫(Kevin O'Keeffe)

    Get ready. Hillary is going to run again in 2020. As long as she’s drawing breath, she’s running.
    She may well run, but she won't be the nominee.
  27. Clinton’s speculations about the NYT being in cahoots with Trump make him sound as clueless and conspiracy minded as the guy on the next bar stool over.

    On the other hand, there is no doubt that Trump drove traffic and ratings, so he was a kind of catnip the media couldn’t resist.

  28. I was going to write something,but when I saw this tweet I knew I could not express my sentiments about this post any better:

    对我来说令人难以置信的是,有人被交上了参议院议席,然后毫无理由地宣布了私有化,然后为她推举了提名的道路,然后得到了她所推动的确切对手……还是像这样的谈话。 总的。 pic.twitter.com/Zy27DP2SJs— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) 2018 年 4 月 20 日

    • 同意:
    • 回复: @贝蒂

    She was made SOS to placate the neoliberals in the party. Otherwise they would have stabbed Obama in the back and he never would have gotten health care done.

    , An

    对我来说令人难以置信的是,有人被交上了参议院议席,然后毫无理由地宣布了私有化,然后为她推举了提名的道路,然后得到了她所推动的确切对手……还是像这样的谈话。 总的。

    实际上,情况甚至更糟。 希拉里要么平庸,要么在她一生中的每个职位上经常彻底失败。

    -国家安全局(Sec of State)-整体失败,孟加拉灾难以及电子邮件丑闻

    它实际上是持续的无能和失败的记录。 但是她仍然相信,因为她失败了,所以以某种方式“支付了自己的会费”或“有了简历”,并且 值得 成为第一位女总统。

    人们期望实际上的想法 *履行**优秀* 在一个特殊的位置上当之无愧的下一个职位似乎超出了她。

    希拉里可能会感到惊讶,但实际上,实际上有相当多的美国男人和女人在工作上做得很好—也许是他们偶尔从中学到的失误—然后慢慢地爬上去。 大多数人不会反复搞砸并且“失败”。

    回覆:@Jim Don Bob,@ Murray,@ Old fogy

    , @笑道

    I was going to write something,but when I saw this tweet I knew I could not express my sentiments about this post any better:

    Incredible to me that someone who was handed a Senate seat and then for no reason at all made secstate and then had the path to a nomination bulldozed for her and then got the exact opponent she pushed for…still talks like this. Gross. pic.twitter.com/Zy27DP2SJs— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) April 20, 2018
    Entertaining tweet. Slugfest in the comments, though. Hell hath no fury like a highly indignant prog!
    , @斯维格

    What's really trippy is the women who buy into her "I'm doing this for all women"/"a blow against me is a blow against all women"/"first woman president" schtick. Like how bad does a candidate have to be before women overwhelmingly laugh this stuff off, or condemn it? Would she need horns and a tail and red skin to make women get the picture?


  29. 他们是谁”?

    They’s the Vast, Right-Wing, Genderqueer, Menshevik-Bolshevik-Cossack Conspiracy. Clearly they has a hold of your bodily fluids.

  30. @istevefan
    I was going to write something,but when I saw this tweet I knew I could not express my sentiments about this post any better:

    Incredible to me that someone who was handed a Senate seat and then for no reason at all made secstate and then had the path to a nomination bulldozed for her and then got the exact opponent she pushed for...still talks like this. Gross. pic.twitter.com/Zy27DP2SJs— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) 2018 年 4 月 20 日

    Replies: @Berty, @AnotherDad, @Laugh Track, @Svigor

    She was made SOS to placate the neoliberals in the party. Otherwise they would have stabbed Obama in the back and he never would have gotten health care done.

  31. I have always thought Hillary Clinton is a masochist. She shares that trait with Nixon. Nixon wrote a book about his Six Crises, but they were all entirely of his own making, and he could have stayed out of trouble if he wanted it.

    Clinton has the exact same trait. She has gotten into an incredible amount of messes entirely of her own making, and and she has never been able to stay out of trouble for any particular length of time.

    For a masochist, being in trouble is a psychological necessity. They seek it deliberately. I’m glad she didn’t become president, because she’s probably get us nuked.

    I think it started with her father, who browbeat her thoroughly when she was young, and she soon began to associate parental love–and then love in general–with being pushed around. That’s why she started out as a Goldwater girl, which is lunacy if you’re a feminist. Then in the late 60s, she went to the other extreme, when the hippies were beginning to wear out their welcome. If you wanted to become unpopular with the majority at that particular time, being a hardcore left-wing hippie was the way to do it. That’s why Nixon got elected. The majority were scared by all the crazy left-wingers.

    Then she married a guy whom she had to know was a womanizer. Bill Clinton chased every woman in sight, and she has stuck by him despite his infidelities, which is classic masochism. She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons’ finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.

    She ran against Obama, and got beaten like a donkey by him, and what did she do? She went to work for him. Classic masochism. She wanted more suffering. She knew perfectly well when it came to a lightweight like Obama, she would take the blame for his mistakes. She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya, and got into trouble for that, even though she could have avoided it by using a little common sense. Of course you have to protect your Embassy when a country is falling apart. Any idiot knows that.

    Then she blithely put all her classified emails on an unprotected server. Any rational person could guess she would be spied on. She stuffed her pockets via the Clinton Foundation with as much loot as she could, thoroughly disgracing herself in the eyes of anyone concerned with financial malfeasance. This is why Bernie Sanders made such inroads among Democrats. Any politician with any common sense knows you get rich after you’re out of office, not before. Doing so beforehand makes you look like a greedy hog on the take and ruins your reputation and your chance to get elected.

    Even now, she’s doing the rounds complaining and carrying on in such a sour old bag manner that she has spoiled her reputation even among Democrats, and they’re so sick of her they will never pick her to run in 2020. Clinton is complaining longer and more relentlessly than any other loser in any other presidential election that we’ve ever had. This is Clinton deliberately choosing to sabotage herself again.

    All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She’s doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble.

    • 回复: @伯里克利斯

    She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya


    It wouldn't have collapsed without a good solid push from the West though. A bit like Syria (ongoing).
    , @anonymous

    I believe you may be right. Well considered and said.

    , @TTSSYF

    Could also be described as a martyr for the feminist cause. I think, by "they", she means the male power structure, whether Left or Right.

    , @第三双胞胎

    "I think it started with her father..."

    And it ended with Tim Kaine, a guy who looks like her father.


    , @木瓜SF

    Everything you write fits except for the cattle futures, which was a bribe/payoff of some sort. The commodities dealer was crooked, and simply assigned her the winning trades and some other client the losing trades. He was later convicted of exactly that (though not in her case). That's why she made a big score just once and never did commodities trading again.

    回复:@Jim Don Bob,@ anonymous

    , @空腹燕子

    Its not because of masochism, it's hubris. She constantly overestimates her own abilities and intelligence. Bill was a necessary evil to make her a front runner presidential candidate, so was serving as Obama's SofS.

    , @索尔

    So glad that bitch is not president.

    "All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She’s doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble."

    Not because she's a narcissist? Or has BPD?

    , @杰克D

    She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons’ finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.
    The way she did it, it wasn't risky at all. It was just a pure bribe (any Republican would be in jail for this). The way it worked was that the brokers bribing her (her husband actually) already knew the results of the trades involved. They assigned the winning trades to her and the losing trades to some poor schmuck client of theirs.

    The Clintons are probably the most corrupt couple ever to occupy the White House. That the Democrat Party hitched their wagon to them is breathtaking. Trump is no angel either but he never pretended to be one. Generally speaking, all over the world the voter don't really give a damn about corruption as long as they perceive the candidates as being on their side. If Candidate X is helping out the average person, the fact that he keeps a little for himself is only a just reward. The problem with Hillary is that she was not interested in helping out the average American either. She didn't even pretend to be, as her husband did.

    回复:@匿名,@ keuril

  32. @卢加什

    哈哈,太搞笑了。想象一下,你被这个杯子吵醒,被告知你将把总统宝座输给 DJT


    回复:@J.Ross、@Kevin 在俄亥俄州、@Clifford Brown、@TTSSYF、@NickG

    Revealing discussion by various Clinton and Trump campaign advisors, including Jennifer Palmieri, Robby Mook, Kellyanne Conway and Corey Lewandowski at Harvard.


    At 1:40:20 Jennifer Palmieri says that Clinton’s “一篮子可怜人” speech was the highpoint of her campaign. Quite revealing. Dogma over strategy is exactly why Clinton lost. Palmieri said that she would rather lose an election the way Clinton did, than win the way Trump did. Kellyanne Conway provides an excellent refutation.

    Good recap from one commentator from Soundcloud.
    “A big shouting match goes from around 56:30-58:30. Also they argue about the idea of the Russian thing being real or not between 1:33:26-1:34:00. Start at 1:35:40-1:36:05 for a joke. Start at 1:36:05 to hear Conway talk about why Steve Bannon was hired. Things get heated from 1:43:35-1:44:30 and “you guys are bitter” is said. From 1:45:50-1:46:30 things get heated again. Beginning at 1:50:00 they begin talking about what happened in the last 10 days of the campaigns.”

    • 回复: @空腹燕子

    Was told in Feburary 2016 by guys in Democratic PR firm that Hilary would find a way to lose the election. Their take is that Hilary thinks she is better at everyone's job than they are, and if you disagree strongly with her it validates that opinion and she fires you.

    , @马尔科姆X-Lax

    My understnding is that Bill warned them about ignoring white working-class voters. But Hillary rejected that idea in favor of Robby Mook’s . Good move, HC. Afterall, what would Bill know about winning national elections? Maybe Steve can weigh in but i would bet that Bill has 10-15 IQ points on Hillary or Obama. Of course, Hillary’s real problem is a deep dislike for the white working class. And the thought of trying to appeal to them, especially the men, completely repulsive to her.

    Replies: @Authenticjazzman, @Clifford Brown, @gcochran

  33. 完全OT:

    I saw the movie “300” this week for the first time, based on the repeated references to the movie here in the comments section. I cannot believe this movie somehow got made. Wow. Is this the most subversive Hollywood movie every made? Simply incredible.

    • 回复: 席尔瓦

    Subversive of what? Because "Iranians are monsters" is a (((pretty standard))) line.


    , @布法罗乔

    布鲁,我对你的评论感到困惑。 《300勇士》有历史基础,有足够的血腥内容满足塔伦蒂诺的血腥粉丝的需求,有足够的健壮的身体适合同性恋市场和好色的女孩,有强奸场景,还有一点点裸体来增添一点温柔。谁不支持这部电影?


    , @简单歌

    I knew some Persians who were super angry about that movie. Their primary complaint was that the Persian emperor Xerxes looked black.

  34. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/04/us/politics/hillary-clinton-fundraising.html

    一位自信的克林顿夫人笑着说:“我站在你和世界末日之间,”向包括加尔文·克莱因和哈维·温斯坦在内的,对唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)担任总统的人展示了自我意识和幽默感。太可怕了。


    如前所述,希拉里·克林顿 (Hillary Clinton) 选择与邻居哈维·韦恩斯坦 (Harvey Weinstein) 和林恩·德·罗斯柴尔德 (Lynn De Rothschild) 等大捐助者一起在汉普顿度过 2016 年 XNUMX 月和 XNUMX 月的第一周,而不是在密歇根州威斯康星州的蓝领地区穿行。 、俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州。

    • 回复: 席尔瓦

    我不知道为什么韦恩斯坦当时会担心-因为总的来说,特朗普对犹太人非常优秀,这并不难预见。 他是否针对好莱坞,这是可以预见的吗?

    Replies: @Castlereagh, @Castlereagh

  35. 希拉里 *是* weird and icky. In related news, the “wholesome” Allison Mack of TV’s “Smallville” fame has been arrested for being part of a sex cult that had her branding women on the private parts with the initials of the cult leader while telling them to think of their master. She was lured into the cult by co-star Kristin Kreuk and Richard Branson was allegedly also part of the cult.

    Point being, random celebrities seem weird and icky. Just image how weird and icky Hillary! really is – this is a big part of the revolt of the Deplorables. The internet exposes even the most minor random celebrity as being .. well downright weird.

    By contrast Trump seems a man of normal appetites. Not weird. Not icky.

    Imagine, Hillary as the candidate of Gay Wall Streeters. Babura singing like a Mecha Streisand. A more perfect Hillary! moment cannot be imagined.

    • 回复: @罗莎蒙德·文西(Rosamond Vincy)

    You do have a point. I gave no credit to planted rumors that he liked underage girls or twisted activities, if only because his predilection for bosomy models and showgirls is so well-known. He's a dawg, alright, but a fairly conventional one.

    , @Neoconned


    This is really good reading....

    You can build you a harem of dumb white women just by spouting eat pray live mumbo jumbo and by being into BDSM type stuff.

    I bet the women who turned him in were mad because he wouldn't spend enough time w him and we're just jealous.....

    回复:@El Dato

  36. 他们是谁”?

    Koch Brothers, Russian Trolls, Haven Monahan, David Duke …

    You know, the people who run the country.

  37. Trump has many, many faults. I often think that he is nothing more than a bullshit artist who is in waaaay over his head.

    That being said, every time I see the arrogant, narcissistic, fat-assed, drunken Hillary stumbling around and breaking bones and whining and bitching and moaning and fantasizing about how she really should be president but got shafted by all the white men who browbeat women and Negroes into voting against her, I thank God Almighty for delivering Donald Trump to save the Republic from her… if only temporarily.

    But the people who voted for Hillary are coming back with a vengeance in 2020 and beyond, and I fear that it is asking too much to pin our entire future on Trump’s success or failure. Trump is a very, very flawed savior… sooner or later this is going to get settled in the streets.




    • 同意: MBlanc46
    • 回复: @伦敦鲍勃

    What was the 9/11 memorial collapse all about?

    Impressive how the media thought they weren't tough enough on Trump, or how the Russia thing has metamorphisised.

  38. In conspiracy that turned out to be true news, today there were follow-on arrests for the surgically branded Hollywood starlet slaves of NXIVM (pronounced “Nexium,” which I’m pretty sure is a brand name prescription medication), after the cult leader was arrested earlier in Mexico. They have ties to Spirit Cooking performance artist Marina Abramovic and to a son of a former president of Mexico, and claim to have hosted thousands at their seminars. Like Scientology or the Gulen “cult,” they were less of a religion and more of a pseudo-psychological self-actualization scam.
    But this wasn’t so fat fetched. Hollywood women love cults and will often join them if their careers go sideways. Much easier to believe than somebody letting Hillary be Senator and the worst secretary of state in the entire history of the office to include Teapot Dome, but somehow not President.

    • 回复: @高级有神论者

    NXIVM's founder, Keith Raniere, reportedly credits Ayn Rand's writings as a source of his ideas.

    Rand's original cult has had a funny way of inspiring spinoff cults: John Williamson's Sandstone Retreat, which focused on nudism and free love (Gay Talese profiles him in is book, 你的邻居的妻子); Anton LaVey's Church of Satan; Frank Wallace's Neo-Tech (a friend of mine called Wallace's writings "Ayn Rand on acid"); and now Raniere's operation.

    , @鹪

    Check this guy's sex cult out, if you haven't already (the pics alone are worth the click):


    Replies: @Stebbing Heuer, @J.Ross

    , @匿名的

    Can you provide a link to a reputable source?

    回复:@ J.Ross

    , @乌图

    Sara and Clare Bronfman, daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram, former World Jewish Congress president) allegedly put $150 millions of their money in to this cult.

    The Heiresses and the Cult

    Replies: @J.Ross, @YetAnotherAnon, @Mr. Anon

    , @克劳弗德缪尔


    “祭坛上铺着长长的黑色天鹅绒棺材,皇家情妇在其上赤裸地躺着。点燃了六支黑色蜡烛,司仪穿着长袍,上面绣着用银、金制成的深奥文字。帕顿和圣杯被放置在活祭坛裸露的腹部上 [...] 除了亵渎的礼拜仪式中低沉单调的低语声外,一切都很安静 [...] 一名助手蹑手蹑脚地走上前,怀里抱着一个婴儿。尸体被举在祭坛上,脖子上有一道锐利的伤口,一声压抑的哭声,温热的水滴落入圣杯,流到下面的白色人物身上。尸体被交给了拉沃赞,后者冷酷地把它扔进了为此目的而制作的烤箱中。它在凶猛中发出白热的光芒。”


    大约 2500 名婴儿的遗骸被发现埋在 La Voisin 的场地内。根据一些说法,被牺牲或堕胎的儿童的身体部位偶尔会被出售用于各种神秘用途。


    回复:@El Dato、@Millennial、@J.Ross

  39. The general problem with high level Democrats is that they live in such a tightly sealed bubble that they actually don’t realize how much ordinary Americans despise them, and this has been the case for decades. Pauline Kael’s notorious observation “I don’t know a single person who voted for Richard Nixon” is now almost fifty years old, and things have only gotten worse.

    One of the major problems for Democrats is that the Press, Academia, and Hollywood have become so obsequious in shilling for Democratic candidates that they get no quality information about issues, campaigns, opponents, really much of anything but self serving fantasies about how wonderful Democrats are, and how much everyone loves them. (Republicans are actually improved by Press hostility – weak candidates are weeded out, strong candidates become even stronger.) So when Democrats lose, they actually cannot believe it. Since the voters looooove them, and they are told this every day, there has to be SOME explanation other than voter rejection for their losses.

    The Democrats, apparently through chicanery, nominated a Candidate who has worked paying jobs for maybe ten years of her life, but was worth a quarter of a billion; had more unflattering nicknames than every other Presidential Candidate in US history combined; and was running on a ticket for a Party that had spent eight years nuking coal country while deliberately pursuing racial divisiveness on every level; but CLEARLY she lost because she was cheated.


    • 回复: @布法罗乔

    theMann, Obama's work resume' was thinner than Hillary's but he was the niche candidate, the first black president. Hillary was the next niche up, the first female president, to be followed by the first Hispanic, gay, trans whatever.

    , @正宗爵士人

    It all boils down to one single word, one single expression which the democrats wield with relentless fervor and zeal, and which, this one single word, has handed them every unearned victory since FDR, and just what is this one specific word, okay I won't torture you any longer, this word is :


    They have monopolized and rode this expression 24/7 for the last eighty years, in spite of the blatent BS, lies, distortion, and hypocracy behind their employment of this expression.

    In every school, university and religious entity, they have been propagandizing the hapless, clueless public to believe, and accept that they , the democrats are : Fair, and the evil republicans are unfair, and this sums it all up, of course also taking into consideration the myriads of offshoots from this one specific word.

    Authenticjazzaman "Mensa" qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz musician.

  40. @罗斯
    In conspiracy that turned out to be true news, today there were follow-on arrests for the surgically branded Hollywood starlet slaves of NXIVM (pronounced "Nexium," which I'm pretty sure is a brand name prescription medication), after the cult leader was arrested earlier in Mexico. They have ties to Spirit Cooking performance artist Marina Abramovic and to a son of a former president of Mexico, and claim to have hosted thousands at their seminars. Like Scientology or the Gulen "cult," they were less of a religion and more of a pseudo-psychological self-actualization scam.
    But this wasn't so fat fetched. Hollywood women love cults and will often join them if their careers go sideways. Much easier to believe than somebody letting Hillary be Senator and the worst secretary of state in the entire history of the office to include Teapot Dome, but somehow not President.

    Replies: @advancedatheist, @wren, @Anonymous, @utu, @Crawfurdmuir

    NXIVM’s founder, Keith Raniere, reportedly credits Ayn Rand’s writings as a source of his ideas.

    Rand’s original cult has had a funny way of inspiring spinoff cults: John Williamson’s Sandstone Retreat, which focused on nudism and free love (Gay Talese profiles him in is book, 你邻居的妻子); Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan; Frank Wallace’s Neo-Tech (a friend of mine called Wallace’s writings “Ayn Rand on acid”); and now Raniere’s operation.

  41. @罗斯
    In conspiracy that turned out to be true news, today there were follow-on arrests for the surgically branded Hollywood starlet slaves of NXIVM (pronounced "Nexium," which I'm pretty sure is a brand name prescription medication), after the cult leader was arrested earlier in Mexico. They have ties to Spirit Cooking performance artist Marina Abramovic and to a son of a former president of Mexico, and claim to have hosted thousands at their seminars. Like Scientology or the Gulen "cult," they were less of a religion and more of a pseudo-psychological self-actualization scam.
    But this wasn't so fat fetched. Hollywood women love cults and will often join them if their careers go sideways. Much easier to believe than somebody letting Hillary be Senator and the worst secretary of state in the entire history of the office to include Teapot Dome, but somehow not President.

    Replies: @advancedatheist, @wren, @Anonymous, @utu, @Crawfurdmuir

    Check this guy’s sex cult out, if you haven’t already (the pics alone are worth the click):


    • 回复: @斯蒂伯·豪雅(Stebbing Heuer)

    Woah. Where do I sign up?

    , @罗斯

    This is one of many stories that popped up at 4chan at first as rumor (or in this case, the obsession of a particular blogger who was accused of being in love with Raniere's stable), then wouldn't go away, and finally resulted in real prosecutions. There will be more like this. There have already been many more pedophile arrests than was normal under Obama. Raniere is kind of low hanging fruit because he's a wierdo, his victims are attractive and famous women, and he apparently didn't have much of a krysha.
    What the -- Haaretz is blaming 穆斯林 for this guy?

  42. That Clinton had only won a ‘gimme’ Senate seat in New York on her ‘own’ always made her a problematic presidential candidate. While JFK and Obama managed to win the presidency from a Senate seat they were the exception not the rule. Being a Governor or Vice President was the more likely route to the presidency.

    The why of this is curious. Perhaps being Governor gives one more executive experience and less national ‘overexposure’. Same with Vice president. You have name recognition but not a lot of negatives that come with being responsible for events during your vice presidency.

  43. @罗斯
    In conspiracy that turned out to be true news, today there were follow-on arrests for the surgically branded Hollywood starlet slaves of NXIVM (pronounced "Nexium," which I'm pretty sure is a brand name prescription medication), after the cult leader was arrested earlier in Mexico. They have ties to Spirit Cooking performance artist Marina Abramovic and to a son of a former president of Mexico, and claim to have hosted thousands at their seminars. Like Scientology or the Gulen "cult," they were less of a religion and more of a pseudo-psychological self-actualization scam.
    But this wasn't so fat fetched. Hollywood women love cults and will often join them if their careers go sideways. Much easier to believe than somebody letting Hillary be Senator and the worst secretary of state in the entire history of the office to include Teapot Dome, but somehow not President.

    Replies: @advancedatheist, @wren, @Anonymous, @utu, @Crawfurdmuir

    Can you provide a link to a reputable source?

    • 回复: @罗斯

    When I have a discreet off-topic story without a source it's because it's big enough that it's all over; BBC Radio talked about this in today's hourly headline recap. I will try to dig up that one blogger who was really doing most of the heavy lifting for this story for years and must now feel quite vindicated.
    (I search "NXIVM," first suggestion is "NXIVM women pictures." Truly we deserve the fire. And yes there are actual pictures of the 内部 branding, and you probably don't want to see them.)
    I think this is the guy, this is from a year ago, there was sparse MSM attention quoted here but the cult angle wasn't really a story anyone else was following:

  44. @slumber_j


    回复:@Clifford Brown、@415 Reasons、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Almost Missouri、@Pericles、@Hanoi Paris Hilton、@Inquiring Mind、@anonymous

    The American people? White people?

  45. Hillary! is narcissistic even for a politician. And stone paranoid to boot.

    • 回复: @SunBakedSuburb

    Don't be too hard on the old gal; she suffers from Kuru.


  46. Didn’t Jackie Kennedy blame “them” shortly after her husband’s demise? I’m sure I read an Ed Driscoll piece about that. 这里的 a similar one. It doesn’t mention Mrs. Kennedy but does focus more broadly on the tendency of the American left toward paranoia and “fear and loathing” of the right. “Vast right-wing conspiracy” indeed.

  47. “在汉普顿的客厅聊天中,在玛莎葡萄园的星空下的晚宴上,在比佛利山庄的开胃小菜上,以及在硅谷的日落鸡尾酒会上,可悲的人们总是会开怀大笑,”乔齐克继续说道。

    Lots and lots of cocktails.

    … At a sold out fundraising dinner for gay Wall Streeters in the lavish Old Stock Exchange building in the heart of Wall Street.

    The Democratic Party’s core constituency: homosexual investment bankers.

  48. I don’t get it. How the hell could a homicidal Mexican tranny freak like They interfere in a national election?

    • 哈哈: 巴斯·莫霍克
  49. 您错过了最有趣的部分。 我只记得主要报价,但实际上有3个篮子。


    篮子#3:可悲的。 这个篮子包括“种族主义者,性别歧视,同性恋恐惧症,仇外心理,伊斯兰恐惧症-随便你说吧。”

    I think I fit into all 3 baskets, at least in terms of no Democrat worrying about white people and straight white men in particular. The Democrats are the anti-white party and have been since Obama at least. All of those baskets follow from that point. With mass immigration and PC the third basket is a fait accompli. I don’t agree with the terms but as far as the attitudes in reaction to the white genocide program, that’s what they call us.


    • 回复: 哈里·鲍德温(Harry Baldwin)

    The Deplorables. This basket includes ‘the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it.’

    considered Deplorable are all the racist, sexist, homophobic, and Islamophobic blacks, Muslims, or Mexicans who can be counted on to vote Democrat. It goes without saying.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ Anonym

    , @CK

    Does anyone think, for the smallest minute, that he wanted to have to play second fiddle to that woman, in public, as the First "Gentleman"?

    Replies: @Anonym, @Anonymous, @Alden

    , @布法罗乔

    Anonym, the democrats have exactly the same baskets if you think about it , especially Basket #1. The dem's Basket #2 should actually be filled with all the blacks that have labored on their political plantation and have never been allowed in the Masta's house. Basket #3 would be filled with all the fringe element dems who hate anyone who doesn't agree with them.


  50. “他们永远不会让我当总统。”


    The Bastards, of course. The Ones Who Killed Kenny.

    Well, it’s as good as any of Hillary’s theories.

    • 同意: 本基诺比
  51. @罗斯
    In conspiracy that turned out to be true news, today there were follow-on arrests for the surgically branded Hollywood starlet slaves of NXIVM (pronounced "Nexium," which I'm pretty sure is a brand name prescription medication), after the cult leader was arrested earlier in Mexico. They have ties to Spirit Cooking performance artist Marina Abramovic and to a son of a former president of Mexico, and claim to have hosted thousands at their seminars. Like Scientology or the Gulen "cult," they were less of a religion and more of a pseudo-psychological self-actualization scam.
    But this wasn't so fat fetched. Hollywood women love cults and will often join them if their careers go sideways. Much easier to believe than somebody letting Hillary be Senator and the worst secretary of state in the entire history of the office to include Teapot Dome, but somehow not President.

    Replies: @advancedatheist, @wren, @Anonymous, @utu, @Crawfurdmuir

    Sara and Clare Bronfman, daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram, former World Jewish Congress president) allegedly put $150 millions of their money in to this cult.

    The Heiresses and the Cult

    • 回复: @罗斯

    姓氏: 伊什塔尔, now this. The Bronfman estate should have appointed to oversee it some nice Hannish boy who loves his mother (and ancestors).

    , @YetAnotherAnon

    That sounds remarkably like a 70s/80s Brit thing called Exegesis, run by one Robert D'Aubigny, born Robert Fuller. Specialised in turning middle class hippies into pushy telesales people and thrusting business types, perfect for the Thatcher years. People like Mike Oldfield and Tony Visconti joined.


    "You are the cause" was their strapline. I guess the breaking people down thing is common to a lot of cults. "The day is progressively spent confronting personal fears" - from literature about their seminars.

    A South African hippie/alternative girl I knew joined an unrelated commune in I think Austria in the late 70s, they sent her to Amsterdam where she was earning seven figures on the markets and handing it to the commune founder!

    , @先生。 安农

    Sara and Clare Bronfman, daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram, former World Jewish Congress president) allegedly put $150 millions of their money in to this cult.
    Oh - right - you're talking about NXIVM. At first I thought you were referring to the Hillary for President campaign.
  52. Though Trump hasn’t been the President we hoped for, it’s nice of the Beast to cheer us up by reminding us who ISN’T President.

    utu had a realistic comment on that glorious night.

    ” Media are the most important. They need to be retaken. Also we may expect provocations here in the US and abroad. Sucking America in any military conflict will kill any chances for change. Keep in mind that G.W. Bush during election was against interventions and nation building.”

    I find that when I’m down, or troubled, and I need a helping hand, or nothing is going right, reading the Guardian’s coverage of that night always puts the smile back. Lately, sadly, they seem to have removed it and replaced it with coverage of the anti-Trump protests when he was elected.

    • 回复: @YetAnotherAnon

    Ah, found it. Fair play to the Guardian, they rarely actually delete stuff. 22,000 comments!


  53. 有点担心史蒂夫已经忘记了他们(众所周知的白人女性仇恨者),他在 2017 年 11 月 14 日报道了他们的案件。

    • 回复: @米什拉

    谁说他忘记了?注意他问“谁 is 他们“不是”谁 ,那恭喜你, 他们”....

    你必须遵循 细微之处 在这个游戏中,你知道......


  54. 我认为对上次总统选举的所有反思和分析都只是合理化:

    1. MSM——他们承认自己错了,这让他们很痛苦,因为他们不断向所有人保证特朗普不可能击败希拉里。


    3. 政治阶层——特朗普的当选对他们来说是令人厌恶的,因为他是一个局外人。从未担任过任何公职的人不应当选总统。这是不可想象的!!


    • 回复: 西蒙·图格顿(Simon Tugmutton)

    我可以借用它来做 T 恤标语吗?


  55. 她认为,这是为数代美国人精心追求的梦想:选举该国第一位女总统。”

    Hillary is significantly less intellectually serious than the silliest Daily Stormer-esque Nazi troll on the internet – all whom would probably vote for any sex/race/religion if that individual was sure to pursue the right policies.




    “'哦,那是什么意思? 他们永远不会喜欢我,”希拉里告诉这个朋友。

    They’d like you, if you did something good for them. Or at least if you stopped stomping on their face while crying about how you’re the victim.

    Heck, half of the people on this site would name/rename their daughters ‘Hillary Rodham” if you’d campaign for the following 3 policies:




    '我就知道。 我知道这会发生在我身上……。 希拉里说,现在距离他的脸只有几英寸。 “他们永远不会让我当总统。””


    • 回复: @prusmc

    Didn't Obama tell her, "you are likeable enough, Hillary".

    , @常春藤

    这次选举对那些存有希拉里商品的商人来说是残酷的,仅此而已。 希拉里的垃圾箱加入了其余的垃圾箱,其销量甚至比奥萨马(Osama)或卡达菲(Khadaffi)少。 叫希拉里(Hillary)或什至奇怪的罗德姆(Rodham)的小女孩越来越少,新父母要讨价还价,然后才是苦头。 现在这是一个严酷的世界,她也错过了晋级机会。

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @YetAnotherAnon

  56. 席尔瓦
    有点担心史蒂夫已经忘记了他们(众所周知的白人女性仇恨者),他在 2017 年 11 月 14 日报道了他们的案件。


    Who says he forgot? Notice he asked “Who is they” not “Who ,那恭喜你, they”….

    你必须遵循 细微之处 in this game, you know….

    • 回复: 席尔瓦

    That was the joke I intended - but did I miss the article having a picture of They, or was it edited in after publication?

  57. “Who is “They”?”

    Is she it? – “He now was his greatetst 敌人“… (Austrian songsmith Wolfgang Ambros about an – at times (=once) – glamorous loser.

  58. It’s still fun to troll Hillary fans by pointing out that they were in favor of starting World War III over Syria.

  59. Hillary came pretty close to pulling it off.

    She’s old and she is ugly. Laying off the pants suits might have helped.

    But what would have really helped would have been a judicious bit of plastic surgery. She should have found out what surgeon Debbie Harry went to and went to him: whoever he is, he’s good.

    She looks about as good as a 72 year old is going to:

    I’d also suspect Stevie Nicks has had some pretty good work recently inasmuch as she wasn’t all that hot to begin with and now looks pretty good at 68. By contrast, Chrissie Hynde is 66 and looks it, probably because she has been a vegan for five decades and the collagens from her face are gone.

    • 回复: @吉姆·唐·鲍勃

    By contrast, Chrissie Hynde is 66 and looks it, probably because she has been a vegan for five decades and the collagens from her face are gone.
    Why do vegans lose collagen?
  60. They= her stupid campaign manager and his team. She was surrounded by cronies and sycophants, not pros.
    Also, Hillary has so many skeletons in her closet, it’s unbelievable the DNC let her run. Furthermore, neither the spirit-cooking and witchy pedo connections didn’t help, nor her poor health. Why vote for an obnoxious political has-been old hag who clearly belonged more in a retirement home than the White House?

    • 回复: @匿名的
    @ BB753

    I thought the spirit cooking thing was hilarious, but then I'm not very religious. However I understand that a lot of devout Christians (including many blacks and Hispanics) were genuinely horrified by it and refused to vote for her because of it. It may have made the decisive difference.

    There's zero mention of any of this on Wikipedia of course.

    回复:@ BB753

  61. 纽约时报记者 艾米·乔齐克(Amy Chozick)密切关注克林顿的记者告诉美国广播公司(ABC News),当她开始掩护克林顿时,她对克林顿的饮酒程度感到惊讶。

    “She likes to drink,” Chozick said. “We were on the campaign trail 在2008 and the press thought she was just taking shots to pander to voters in Pennsylvania. Um, no.”


    • 回复: @蛇眼

    这使我认为这本书可能值得一读。 艾米·乔齐克(Amy Chozick)注意到有关HRC的一些有趣的事情,并撰写了有关它们的文章。

    , @默里

    希拉里与罗比·穆克(Robby Mook)的对话听起来像是我在漫长的调酒日子里经常听到的那种话:






    希拉里很着迷,仅仅是为了证明左派人格崇拜的力量。 实际上,她是一个无聊的无实体主义者,是一个女人,她被任命担任的每个重要(无礼)角色都在受挫,而她一生似乎从未有过任何独到的见解。 然而,对于全世界数以千万计的人来说,她是“有史以来担任总统职位的最有资格的人”,也是进步的英勇道者,而在他们不断增长的名单中,他们无法摆脱她那无休止的掠夺。谁死了她应得的王冠。

    回复:@ gcochran,@ anonymous,@ Ivy

  62. @博士X
    Trump has many, many faults. I often think that he is nothing more than a bullshit artist who is in waaaay over his head.

    That being said, every time I see the arrogant, narcissistic, fat-assed, drunken Hillary stumbling around and breaking bones and whining and bitching and moaning and fantasizing about how she really should be president but got shafted by all the white men who browbeat women and Negroes into voting against her, I thank God Almighty for delivering Donald Trump to save the Republic from her... if only temporarily.

    But the people who voted for Hillary are coming back with a vengeance in 2020 and beyond, and I fear that it is asking too much to pin our entire future on Trump's success or failure. Trump is a very, very flawed savior... sooner or later this is going to get settled in the streets.






    What was the 9/11 memorial collapse all about?

    Impressive how the media thought they weren’t tough enough on Trump, or how the Russia thing has metamorphisised.

  63. @布鲁托


    回复:@Silva、@Buffalo Joe、@SimpleSong


    • 哈哈: 小组
    • 回复: @潜伏者

    The Agenda™ 最重要的方面是视觉方面。波斯军队被描述为大部分非白人。好人都是白人。这在今年是具有颠覆性的。

  64. @slumber_j


    回复:@Clifford Brown、@415 Reasons、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Almost Missouri、@Pericles、@Hanoi Paris Hilton、@Inquiring Mind、@anonymous

    “I think she may be even weirder than she thinks we think she is.”


    • 回复: @常春藤
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    希拉里(Hillary)经常陷入递归思考的境地,最终追逐自己的直肠。 想象一下可怜的工作人员贴上了帮助她康复的标签!

  65. “Who is “They”?”

    Only they know who they are. Not to be confused with “Them”.

    • 回复: @艾尔·达托(El Dato)
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    Someone please edit Jimbo's Stash of Postmodern Knollij. There is nothing of relevance.


    回复:@ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

  66. @克利福德·布朗

    一位自信的克林顿夫人笑着说:“我站在你和世界末日之间,”向包括加尔文·克莱因和哈维·温斯坦在内的,对唐纳德·J·特朗普(Donald J. Trump)担任总统的人展示了自我意识和幽默感。太可怕了。

    如前所述,希拉里·克林顿 (Hillary Clinton) 选择与邻居哈维·韦恩斯坦 (Harvey Weinstein) 和林恩·德·罗斯柴尔德 (Lynn De Rothschild) 等大捐助者一起在汉普顿度过 2016 年 XNUMX 月和 XNUMX 月的第一周,而不是在密歇根州威斯康星州的蓝领地区穿行。 、俄亥俄州和宾夕法尼亚州。



    • 回复: @卡斯尔雷


    , @卡斯尔雷


  67. OT: Elmwood Café closed, as 2015 racism charge gets new life with Starbucks arrest


    After closure, Elmwood Café owner says worker co-op, nonprofit could take over


    This is my neighborhood and this sudden closure came out of left field and is a big shock around here. And on 4/20 no less. If you look at the comments you’ll see that some of Berkeley’s fine liberals are pretty pissed off at the loss of a busy neighborhood spot and feel this is a case of racial grievance politics going too far.

    BTW this is a few blocks up the hill from where Pablo “They” Gomez committed murder.

    • 回复: @罗斯

    >Pablo They Gomez
    OF COURSE! Staring us in the face all along! How could we forget who They is?


    , @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    After closure, Elmwood Café owner says worker co-op, nonprofit could take over

    [Elmwood owner Michael Pearce] said those efforts had “included hosting a community forum, development of an implicit bias employee training curriculum, and the hiring of an outside expert to train our employees.”


    The commissars will do an audit later...

    in the midst of the national conversation about the arrest of two black men in a Philadelphia Starbucks.


    Those national conversations are fantastic.

    Opinion: Whatever the reason it closed, the Elmwood Café missed a real opportunity to be a force for change in Berkeley

    W. Kamau Bell, who lives in Berkeley, is a sociopolitical comedian and the host and executive producer of the Emmy Award winning docu-series "United Shades of America with W. Kamau Bell," premiering Sunday April 29, 10:15 p.m. on CNN.

    So, I categorically reject the assertion that is in today’s Berkeleyside article, and in numerous media outlets that covered the closing of the Elmwood Café, that the racism that my wife, my baby daughter, and I experienced at the Elmwood Café is just something that I am “claiming” occurred. The racism has been admitted to, proven, discussed, and finally — and most troublingly — ignored by the Elmwood Café. For more than three years

    So I shed no tears — nor do I hold a celebration — at the closing of the Elmwood Café. I’m more bummed about Jeremy’s and the frozen yogurt shop. Jeremy’s had some good clothing deals. And my kids love frozen yogurt. If anything, I hope Mrs. Dalloway’s bookstore, which shares a wall with the old Elmwood Café, can expand into it. Because while I don’t know if the world needs another coffee shop, I’m always happy to see big independent bookstores.
    Unless they carry racist books, I imagine.

    At community forum in Berkeley, W. Kamau Bell and Elmwood Café launch ‘implicit bias’ training initiative

    The comedian, who is African-American, made public on his blog how he was asked to leave the café on College Avenue while he was talking to his wife and her friends, who are all white, at an outdoor table.


    Novella Coleman said the law does a poor job of dealing with racism. “One of huge failures of the law is that it doesn’t recognize implicit bias,” she said. “The law requires that you prove [an act of racism] is intentional. The law doesn’t recognize that biases are harbored without people knowing about them. People see themselves as progressive but they still buy into those racial biases and situations can trigger them.” She said that if employee accused of racism can provide a race-neutral explanation for their act, “then the law is good with that.”
    Badthink should carry fines or prison time.

    During the evening’s discussion about implicit bias Bell spoke about how he himself had had “homophobia in him” before he moved to the Bay Area but that it was “worked out of him.”


    At the forum, an audience member asked Bell, via a written question, what made him so sure the Jan. 26 incident was a racially motivated act, and not one directed at the homeless population that is to be found around the café. Bell responded: “So what if I was homeless? Even if I’m homeless I’m a black homeless person — you can’t take that part away from me.”
    Just say that you are waiting for the Jewish Businessman.

    回复:@ stillCARealist,@ Anonymous

    , 马蒂

    Is Dream Fluff donuts still going strong?

    回复:@Ripple Earthdevil

  68. @匿名的

    纽约时报记者 艾米·乔齐克(Amy Chozick)密切关注克林顿的记者告诉美国广播公司(ABC News),当她开始掩护克林顿时,她对克林顿的饮酒程度感到惊讶。

    “她喜欢喝酒,”乔齐克说。 “我们在竞选活动中 在2008 媒体认为她只是在向宾夕法尼亚州的选民们拍照。 不。”


    回复:@ SnakeEyes,@ Murray

    这使我认为这本书可能值得一读。 艾米·乔齐克(Amy Chozick)注意到有关HRC的一些有趣的事情,并撰写了有关它们的文章。

  69. @鹪

    Check this guy's sex cult out, if you haven't already (the pics alone are worth the click):


    Replies: @Stebbing Heuer, @J.Ross

    Woah. Where do I sign up?

  70. @米什拉

    谁说他忘记了?注意他问“谁 is 他们“不是”谁 ,那恭喜你, 他们”....

    你必须遵循 细微之处 在这个游戏中,你知道......



  71. I’d like to see hideous Hillary
    Her frenzied face framed by a pillory;
    Each deplorable hick
    Given license to kick
    Her buttocks, so bloated and billowy.

    • 回复: @他们称Desanex的那个

    I’d like to see hideous Hillary
    Her frenzied face framed by a pillory;
    Each deplorable hick
    Given license to kick
    Her buttocks, so bloated and billowy.

  72. 他们非常忙于将希拉里排除在椭圆形的办公室之外,并且显然限制了黑人天才。



    • 回复: @ Tom-in-VA

    让我为您提供John Derbyshire的Universal Black Journalism Translator。
    嗡嗡声。 。 嘟。

    , @涟漪地魔

    Au contraire, black genius is Duke Ellington, John Coltrane, Wayne Shorter, and the impossibly brilliant and esoteric saxophonist/composer Anthony Braxton.


  73. @鹪

    Check this guy's sex cult out, if you haven't already (the pics alone are worth the click):


    Replies: @Stebbing Heuer, @J.Ross

    This is one of many stories that popped up at 4chan at first as rumor (or in this case, the obsession of a particular blogger who was accused of being in love with Raniere’s stable), then wouldn’t go away, and finally resulted in real prosecutions. There will be more like this. There have already been many more pedophile arrests than was normal under Obama. Raniere is kind of low hanging fruit because he’s a wierdo, his victims are attractive and famous women, and he apparently didn’t have much of a krysha.
    What the — Haaretz is blaming 穆斯林 for this guy?

  74. @乌图

    Sara and Clare Bronfman, daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram, former World Jewish Congress president) allegedly put $150 millions of their money in to this cult.

    The Heiresses and the Cult

    Replies: @J.Ross, @YetAnotherAnon, @Mr. Anon

    姓氏: 伊什塔尔, now this. The Bronfman estate should have appointed to oversee it some nice Hannish boy who loves his mother (and ancestors).

  75. “After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected, if he kept driving traffic and boosting the company’s stock price.”

    From Publisher to (Jewish) Punisher in a single deal.


  76. @匿名的

    Can you provide a link to a reputable source?

    回复:@ J.Ross

    When I have a discreet off-topic story without a source it’s because it’s big enough that it’s all over; BBC Radio talked about this in today’s hourly headline recap. I will try to dig up that one blogger who was really doing most of the heavy lifting for this story for years and must now feel quite vindicated.
    (I search “NXIVM,” first suggestion is “NXIVM women pictures.” Truly we deserve the fire. And yes there are actual pictures of the 内部 branding, and you probably don’t want to see them.)
    I think this is the guy, this is from a year ago, there was sparse MSM attention quoted here but the cult angle wasn’t really a story anyone else was following:

  77. Rendered through these three artists, the sweat and gristle of black genius—which is to say, the bone-tough work of black genius—was nearly impossible to escape, online and off. (…) Black artistic genius is a statement or body of work that exists in the absolute; it is singular brilliance that, even if consumed by the masses, was nurtured in and speaks to the pulse of black life. (…) Black genius work is transformative and transcendent, illuminating both the interior self and the behaviors of the exterior world.

    Art Student Let Out His Cage Alert. Only reading Hegel can be worse.

    Meanwhile, actual Black Scientist in Quanta Mag: A Revealer of Secrets in the Data of Life and the Universe

    • 回复: @罗莎蒙德·文西(Rosamond Vincy)
    @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    This sounds almost exactly like Nazi propaganda about the Herrenvolk.

  78. @涟漪地魔
    OT: Elmwood Café closed, as 2015 racism charge gets new life with Starbucks arrest


    After closure, Elmwood Café owner says worker co-op, nonprofit could take over


    This is my neighborhood and this sudden closure came out of left field and is a big shock around here. And on 4/20 no less. If you look at the comments you'll see that some of Berkeley's fine liberals are pretty pissed off at the loss of a busy neighborhood spot and feel this is a case of racial grievance politics going too far.

    BTW this is a few blocks up the hill from where Pablo "They" Gomez committed murder.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @El Dato, @Marty

    >Pablo They Gomez
    OF COURSE! Staring us in the face all along! How could we forget who They is?

    • 回复: @他们称Desanex的那个


  79. @YetAnotherAnon
    Though Trump hasn't been the President we hoped for, it's nice of the Beast to cheer us up by reminding us who ISN'T President.

    utu had a realistic comment on that glorious night.

    " Media are the most important. They need to be retaken. Also we may expect provocations here in the US and abroad. Sucking America in any military conflict will kill any chances for change. Keep in mind that G.W. Bush during election was against interventions and nation building."
    I find that when I'm down, or troubled, and I need a helping hand, or nothing is going right, reading the Guardian's coverage of that night always puts the smile back. Lately, sadly, they seem to have removed it and replaced it with coverage of the anti-Trump protests when he was elected.


    Ah, found it. Fair play to the Guardian, they rarely actually delete stuff. 22,000 comments!


  80. @阳光
    "After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected,"

    Does the NY Times really have that kind of influence? What fraction of voters even read this?

    Particularly in the states that were the battlegrounds.

    Really kind of curious as to where things go. If you buy a paper like Bezos did the Post, I'm really not sure he is getting much bang for his buck, other than the fact that people in the Beltway probably know what they wrote about any given day.

    But it's not like controlling the Times or Post is going to light a fire under people's butts in Peoria to impeach Trump - or vote for Hillary.

    Given the full court press the national media outlets have been putting on Trump, if they don't produce a major scalp in either the midterms or 2020 (and probably both), I think a lot of well heeled types are going to ask themselves whether these media outlets are worth it at all.

    And despite the current hoopla, are there really definable benefits for companies to advertise on Google or use Facebook data? You'd think, but my understanding is that results seem to have been very sketchy so far.

    Replies: @donut, @Ed, @Harry Baldwin, @carol, @ben tillman, @athEIst

    The NYTs is a totem to the members of that group , it’s part of their civic religion . The point isn’t to believe it but to revere it .

  81. @slumber_j


    回复:@Clifford Brown、@415 Reasons、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Almost Missouri、@Pericles、@Hanoi Paris Hilton、@Inquiring Mind、@anonymous


  82. @涟漪地魔
    OT: Elmwood Café closed, as 2015 racism charge gets new life with Starbucks arrest


    After closure, Elmwood Café owner says worker co-op, nonprofit could take over


    This is my neighborhood and this sudden closure came out of left field and is a big shock around here. And on 4/20 no less. If you look at the comments you'll see that some of Berkeley's fine liberals are pretty pissed off at the loss of a busy neighborhood spot and feel this is a case of racial grievance politics going too far.

    BTW this is a few blocks up the hill from where Pablo "They" Gomez committed murder.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @El Dato, @Marty

    After closure, Elmwood Café owner says worker co-op, nonprofit could take over

    [Elmwood owner Michael Pearce] said those efforts had “included hosting a community forum, development of an implicit bias employee training curriculum, and the hiring of an outside expert to train our employees.”

    The commissars will do an audit later…

    in the midst of the national conversation about the arrest of two black men in a Philadelphia Starbucks.

    Those national conversations are fantastic.

    Opinion: Whatever the reason it closed, the Elmwood Café missed a real opportunity to be a force for change in Berkeley

    W. Kamau Bell, who lives in Berkeley, is a sociopolitical comedian and the host and executive producer of the Emmy Award winning docu-series “United Shades of America with W. Kamau Bell,” premiering Sunday April 29, 10:15 p.m. on CNN.

    So, I categorically reject the assertion that is in today’s Berkeleyside article, and in numerous media outlets that covered the closing of the Elmwood Café, that the racism that my wife, my baby daughter, and I experienced at the Elmwood Café is just something that I am “claiming” occurred. The racism has been admitted to, proven, discussed, and finally — and most troublingly — ignored by the Elmwood Café. For more than three years

    So I shed no tears — nor do I hold a celebration — at the closing of the Elmwood Café. I’m more bummed about Jeremy’s and the frozen yogurt shop. Jeremy’s had some good clothing deals. And my kids love frozen yogurt. If anything, I hope Mrs. Dalloway’s bookstore, which shares a wall with the old Elmwood Café, can expand into it. Because while I don’t know if the world needs another coffee shop, I’m always happy to see big independent bookstores.

    Unless they carry racist books, I imagine.

    At community forum in Berkeley, W. Kamau Bell and Elmwood Café launch ‘implicit bias’ training initiative

    The comedian, who is African-American, made public on his blog how he was asked to leave the café on College Avenue while he was talking to his wife and her friends, who are all white, at an outdoor table.


    Novella Coleman said the law does a poor job of dealing with racism. “One of huge failures of the law is that it doesn’t recognize implicit bias,” she said. “The law requires that you prove [an act of racism] is intentional. The law doesn’t recognize that biases are harbored without people knowing about them. People see themselves as progressive but they still buy into those racial biases and situations can trigger them.” She said that if employee accused of racism can provide a race-neutral explanation for their act, “then the law is good with that.”

    Badthink should carry fines or prison time.

    During the evening’s discussion about implicit bias Bell spoke about how he himself had had “homophobia in him” before he moved to the Bay Area but that it was “worked out of him.”


    At the forum, an audience member asked Bell, via a written question, what made him so sure the Jan. 26 incident was a racially motivated act, and not one directed at the homeless population that is to be found around the café. Bell responded: “So what if I was homeless? Even if I’m homeless I’m a black homeless person — you can’t take that part away from me.”

    Just say that you are waiting for the Jewish Businessman.

    • 回复: @stillCARalist
    @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    Dear old Berkeley. Sounds like it hasn't changed a bit from the 80's... or maybe the 50's...

    the homeless were a gigantic problem for businesses always. They want to use the bathroom, they want to sit in the restaurant/cafe and buy nothing. They're filthy, crazy, high, fetid, and they have loads of crap with them. Plus, they have more rights than normal people who want to either buy food or sell it in hygienic peace. No amount of money could induce me to open a business in a location where law and order are not maintained, and Berkeley is the pinnacle of that.

    , @匿名的
    @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    Around the time when W. Kamau Bell had his "incident", I had a low-status job that one day involved me interacting with him in his capacity as some sort of minor public figure. I had no idea who he was, apart from thinking that I might have heard of him before (and it turns out that I had, since I had several times watched a clip of a guest on one of his shows, a clip that I found funny). In the few minutes I dealt with him, he struck me as an insufferable prick, and I was glad to hand him off to other employees, although I felt for them, since it seemed he immediately started to be a prick to them too. I say this as a response to his overall demeanor throughout the "working" interactions that he had with me and others.

    As for the given incident, my guess is that he was offended that someone failed to recognize him as an "important" person.


  83. Very interesting to compare Hillary’s private remark with some of Trump’s (in Comey’s summer camp diary):

    When talking about the free media (as Comey puts it, and we can assume he means the internet, ) Trump corrects or contradicts him by calling it the ‘earned media’. For Trump, in that moment, people’s interest in him is something he earns, and is not given to him for being him (mostly)- at least in his own eccentric head. It shows some minimal level of respect that other people- normal, voting, blogging people- have their own agency which he must “win” over; no matter how great he finds himself (and it’s safe to say he is not lacking a generous self-conception.)

    Contrast this with Hillary. Hillary imagines there is some shadowy, amorphous ‘they’, which prevents her desires and blunts her ambitions out of spite, and for no other reason. She is a passive observer waiting for this ‘they’ to finally relent and let her ‘have’ what she deserves (to which she is entitled). When she doesn’t get it, it’s open season for self-pity because this cabal has worked all her life to prevent her from having the good things like ice cream and the presidency. This cabal, being as devious as it is, is a constantly shifting conspiracy of enemies- mostly deplorables and frogs- and abstractions which never quite take human form. Humans, for Hillary, are just as passive dancing partners as she is- everyone slugs around on the dance floor until the ‘theys’ of the world recognize their inherent greatness- but mostly, Hillary’s.

    • 回复: @几乎密苏里州


    Another thing I still find strange is that on what was supposed to be the biggest night of her life (and of all Feminism), a night for which all candidates and all their staff, as far as I can ever remember, have always stayed awake, Hillary was apparently already in bed--not just napping on the couch, but deeply abed such that her minions feared to wake her.

    Is her physical infirmity so profound? Or is it her contempt for those who work for her? Or both?

    Replies: @prusmc, @PapayaSF, @Mr. Anon

    , A

    Earned media is a biz term for media one doesnt pay for

  84. @阿农
    I have always thought Hillary Clinton is a masochist. She shares that trait with Nixon. Nixon wrote a book about his Six Crises, but they were all entirely of his own making, and he could have stayed out of trouble if he wanted it.

    Clinton has the exact same trait. She has gotten into an incredible amount of messes entirely of her own making, and and she has never been able to stay out of trouble for any particular length of time.

    For a masochist, being in trouble is a psychological necessity. They seek it deliberately. I'm glad she didn't become president, because she's probably get us nuked.

    I think it started with her father, who browbeat her thoroughly when she was young, and she soon began to associate parental love--and then love in general--with being pushed around. That's why she started out as a Goldwater girl, which is lunacy if you're a feminist. Then in the late 60s, she went to the other extreme, when the hippies were beginning to wear out their welcome. If you wanted to become unpopular with the majority at that particular time, being a hardcore left-wing hippie was the way to do it. That's why Nixon got elected. The majority were scared by all the crazy left-wingers.

    Then she married a guy whom she had to know was a womanizer. Bill Clinton chased every woman in sight, and she has stuck by him despite his infidelities, which is classic masochism. She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons' finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.

    She ran against Obama, and got beaten like a donkey by him, and what did she do? She went to work for him. Classic masochism. She wanted more suffering. She knew perfectly well when it came to a lightweight like Obama, she would take the blame for his mistakes. She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya, and got into trouble for that, even though she could have avoided it by using a little common sense. Of course you have to protect your Embassy when a country is falling apart. Any idiot knows that.

    Then she blithely put all her classified emails on an unprotected server. Any rational person could guess she would be spied on. She stuffed her pockets via the Clinton Foundation with as much loot as she could, thoroughly disgracing herself in the eyes of anyone concerned with financial malfeasance. This is why Bernie Sanders made such inroads among Democrats. Any politician with any common sense knows you get rich after you're out of office, not before. Doing so beforehand makes you look like a greedy hog on the take and ruins your reputation and your chance to get elected.

    Even now, she's doing the rounds complaining and carrying on in such a sour old bag manner that she has spoiled her reputation even among Democrats, and they're so sick of her they will never pick her to run in 2020. Clinton is complaining longer and more relentlessly than any other loser in any other presidential election that we've ever had. This is Clinton deliberately choosing to sabotage herself again.

    All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She's doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble.

    Replies: @Pericles, @anonymous, @TTSSYF, @Thirdtwin, @PapayaSF, @Unladen Swallow, @SOL, @Jack D

    She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya

    It wouldn’t have collapsed without a good solid push from the West though. A bit like Syria (ongoing).

  85. @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi
    "Who is “They”?"

    Only they know who they are. Not to be confused with "Them".

    回复:@El Dato

    Someone please edit Jimbo’s Stash of Postmodern Knollij. There is nothing of relevance.


    • 回复: @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi
    @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    Relevance is fleeting, direct statements are timeless.

    "And that's all I have to say about that"--F. Gump

  86. @MEH 0910
    APRIL 20,2018

    我想,如果有人知道克林顿夫人所指的那个阴险的“他们”是谁,就像一些无形的敌人军队(真实的和想象的)一样,运用其集体力量,导致她输掉了现代历史上最有可能获胜的总统选举, 那是我。





    回复:@Anon、@El Dato、@The Craw、@CJ

    oh my goodness, Hillary is right! These people are big ego, no brains!

  87. @乌图

    Sara and Clare Bronfman, daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram, former World Jewish Congress president) allegedly put $150 millions of their money in to this cult.

    The Heiresses and the Cult

    Replies: @J.Ross, @YetAnotherAnon, @Mr. Anon

    That sounds remarkably like a 70s/80s Brit thing called Exegesis, run by one Robert D’Aubigny, born Robert Fuller. Specialised in turning middle class hippies into pushy telesales people and thrusting business types, perfect for the Thatcher years. People like Mike Oldfield and Tony Visconti joined.


    “You are the cause” was their strapline. I guess the breaking people down thing is common to a lot of cults. “The day is progressively spent confronting personal fears” – from literature about their seminars.

    A South African hippie/alternative girl I knew joined an unrelated commune in I think Austria in the late 70s, they sent her to Amsterdam where she was earning seven figures on the markets and handing it to the commune founder!

  88. OT: Natalie Portman targeted for termination:

    Natalie Portman ‘unworthy of any honor’ says Israeli politician

    An Israeli government minister has called for actress Natalie Portman to be stripped of her Israeli citizenship, after she refused to attend the Genesis Award ceremony, citing “extremely distressing” recent events.

    “From the outset, the idea of granting the Genesis Prize to Natalie Portman was complete craziness,” Member of Knesset (MK) Oren Hazan said, as cited by Arutz Sheva. “She’s an actress, but she is unworthy of any honor in the State of Israel.”

    He called Portman a Jewish Israeli who “cynically uses her birthplace to advance her career” while expressing pride in the fact that she never served in the Israeli military.

    “I call on Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (Shas) to rescind Portman’s Israeli citizenship. She left Israel at age four, and has no real connection to the state,” added Hazan, a member of the ruling Likud party.

    Revealing that he says “state” not “nation”. But maybe these things are the same in Hebrew?

    • 回复: @卡尔
    @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    89 El Dato > he says “state” not “nation”. But maybe these things are the same in Hebrew?


    There is the "State of Israel" ("medinat yisrael") which is different than "the ethnics people of Israel" ("ahm yisrael") which existed well before the creation of the current Sovereign country.

    I don't think it's strange. Poland didn't exist for any number of years, yet the Polish ethnic people didn't imagine that they had ceased to exist.

    I happen to like Arafat's advice that Israel change its regime-indicator to "Hebrew Republic", because it's a quite accurate description of the culture here. You can be generic-non-Jewish or even Muslim, and still be rather high up in the, uh, local Deep State - if you can tell off-color jokes to the cops and the troops in Hebrew

    You Americans will find out after you go into exile for the first time


  89. @阿农
    I have always thought Hillary Clinton is a masochist. She shares that trait with Nixon. Nixon wrote a book about his Six Crises, but they were all entirely of his own making, and he could have stayed out of trouble if he wanted it.

    Clinton has the exact same trait. She has gotten into an incredible amount of messes entirely of her own making, and and she has never been able to stay out of trouble for any particular length of time.

    For a masochist, being in trouble is a psychological necessity. They seek it deliberately. I'm glad she didn't become president, because she's probably get us nuked.

    I think it started with her father, who browbeat her thoroughly when she was young, and she soon began to associate parental love--and then love in general--with being pushed around. That's why she started out as a Goldwater girl, which is lunacy if you're a feminist. Then in the late 60s, she went to the other extreme, when the hippies were beginning to wear out their welcome. If you wanted to become unpopular with the majority at that particular time, being a hardcore left-wing hippie was the way to do it. That's why Nixon got elected. The majority were scared by all the crazy left-wingers.

    Then she married a guy whom she had to know was a womanizer. Bill Clinton chased every woman in sight, and she has stuck by him despite his infidelities, which is classic masochism. She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons' finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.

    She ran against Obama, and got beaten like a donkey by him, and what did she do? She went to work for him. Classic masochism. She wanted more suffering. She knew perfectly well when it came to a lightweight like Obama, she would take the blame for his mistakes. She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya, and got into trouble for that, even though she could have avoided it by using a little common sense. Of course you have to protect your Embassy when a country is falling apart. Any idiot knows that.

    Then she blithely put all her classified emails on an unprotected server. Any rational person could guess she would be spied on. She stuffed her pockets via the Clinton Foundation with as much loot as she could, thoroughly disgracing herself in the eyes of anyone concerned with financial malfeasance. This is why Bernie Sanders made such inroads among Democrats. Any politician with any common sense knows you get rich after you're out of office, not before. Doing so beforehand makes you look like a greedy hog on the take and ruins your reputation and your chance to get elected.

    Even now, she's doing the rounds complaining and carrying on in such a sour old bag manner that she has spoiled her reputation even among Democrats, and they're so sick of her they will never pick her to run in 2020. Clinton is complaining longer and more relentlessly than any other loser in any other presidential election that we've ever had. This is Clinton deliberately choosing to sabotage herself again.

    All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She's doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble.

    Replies: @Pericles, @anonymous, @TTSSYF, @Thirdtwin, @PapayaSF, @Unladen Swallow, @SOL, @Jack D

    I believe you may be right. Well considered and said.

  90. @翻动
    Every article in the NYT was pro-Clinton and anti-Trump in the run up to the election. They and the rest of the mainstream media were absolutely in the tank for her.

    Replies: @Peter Akuleyev, @Olorin

    They and the rest of the mainstream media were absolutely in the tank for her.

    Fox News is also “mainstream” and has far more political influence than the NYT. The New York Times reaches maybe 3M people, the vast majority of whom pick the NYT precisely becauses it reinforces the political views they already hold. Even if the NYT had convinced every one of its Republican readers to vote for Clinton instead of Trump it would make very little difference since almost all those Republican readers live in blue states.

    • 回复: @科维努斯
    彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)

    "Fox News is also “mainstream” and has far more political influence than the NYT. The New York Times reaches maybe 3M people, the vast majority of whom pick the NYT precisely becauses it reinforces the political views they already hold."

    You don't NOTICE that some people who read the NYT may not be politically minded, or may actually be Republicans who read other parts of the paper for information, sports, etc. And perhaps you also didn't NOTICE that a great deal of those views were watch Fox News are also having their positions hardened as well. It's called confirmation bias.

    And our beloved host neglected to NOTICE--he has been doing that lately--that the use of "cuck" and "race realist" by the Alt Right on white people have a similar impact to that of Shitlery sneering at "deplorables".

    Furthermore, why no direct insight on the investigation of Trump by Mr. Sailer in the viewing audience? That's easy. Mr. Sailer does not want any potential blowback should the dozens of allegations, some of which have substantial and credible evidence behind them, stain his reputation. Cagey on his part to not even NOTICE it.

    回复:@ Anonym,@ ben tillman

    , @gcochran
    彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)

    The New York Times is the major influence on an enormous number of other media outlets.

  91. @MEH 0910
    APRIL 20,2018

    我想,如果有人知道克林顿夫人所指的那个阴险的“他们”是谁,就像一些无形的敌人军队(真实的和想象的)一样,运用其集体力量,导致她输掉了现代历史上最有可能获胜的总统选举, 那是我。





    回复:@Anon、@El Dato、@The Craw、@CJ

    I don’t understand this article.

    Is the author in a bubble or irreality where shadowy outside forces steal Hillary’s victory and she (the author) is an accomplice in this for writing about Podesta’s e-mail or is she saying it’s all bullshit by navel-gazing irresponsible freaks in a hall of mirrors and the complainers should go f*ck themselves?

    • 同意: 安倍晋三
  92. @吉姆·唐·鲍勃



  93. @阳光
    "After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected,"

    Does the NY Times really have that kind of influence? What fraction of voters even read this?

    Particularly in the states that were the battlegrounds.

    Really kind of curious as to where things go. If you buy a paper like Bezos did the Post, I'm really not sure he is getting much bang for his buck, other than the fact that people in the Beltway probably know what they wrote about any given day.

    But it's not like controlling the Times or Post is going to light a fire under people's butts in Peoria to impeach Trump - or vote for Hillary.

    Given the full court press the national media outlets have been putting on Trump, if they don't produce a major scalp in either the midterms or 2020 (and probably both), I think a lot of well heeled types are going to ask themselves whether these media outlets are worth it at all.

    And despite the current hoopla, are there really definable benefits for companies to advertise on Google or use Facebook data? You'd think, but my understanding is that results seem to have been very sketchy so far.

    Replies: @donut, @Ed, @Harry Baldwin, @carol, @ben tillman, @athEIst

    One of the major blind spot of the Clinton machine was ignoring flyover country. They wanted to appeal to people that read the NYT and mass media culture. That’s why they had these ridiculous concerts with JayZ and LeBron James. They also did it to get out the black vote.

    Anyway the Trump people astutely bought ad time in small markets in key states. When Trump team switched out of buying ads in cities like Miami and instead bought in smaller markets, the media went beserk on Twitter. It was proof to them that Trump was running out of money and campaign was on life support. The concept of anyone bothering to reach people outside of large media markets was completely foreign.

    Also Trump’s team astutely made a deal with Sinclair broadcasting which is a major news provider in many local markets. They also bought ads in local papers and when he appeared at a rally in a town it of course dominated the news there. An astute journalist mentioned during the campaign that while the national media’s tone towards Trump was decidedly negative it was less so in local press.

    • 回复: @布法罗乔

    Ed, you know, a lot of NYT articles only get read because people like Steve publish them. They are red meat to people like us and nourish our dislike for the fringe left.

    , @先生。 安农

    One of the major blind spot of the Clinton machine was ignoring flyover country. They wanted to appeal to people that read the NYT and mass media culture. That’s why they had these ridiculous concerts with JayZ and LeBron James. They also did it to get out the black vote.
    Even when appealing to the black vote, they seemed tone deaf. Remember that big last minute concert/rally in Philadelphia? With Bruce Springsteen headlining. Is The Boss really that popular with black people?
  94. @摩西
    Get ready. Hillary is going to run again in 2020. As long as she's drawing breath, she's running.

    She's kryptonite now. A gift that keeps on giving.

    Replies: @Stephen Paul Foster, @Buffalo Joe, @Crawfurdmuir, @Kevin O'Keeffe

    “Get ready. Hillary is going to run again in 2020.”

    I think you are absolutely right! My friends (the Democrat ones especially) laugh at me, but she is Jason in Friday the 13th.

  95. 席尔瓦

    我不知道为什么韦恩斯坦当时会担心-因为总的来说,特朗普对犹太人非常优秀,这并不难预见。 他是否针对好莱坞,这是可以预见的吗?

    Replies: @Castlereagh, @Castlereagh

    I'm convinced Harvey would still be doing his thing if Hillary was elected. 左派必须假装自己关心特朗普在任时好莱坞的堕落。 没关系,在玛丽亚·奥巴马(Malia Obama)为维恩斯坦(Wienstein)进行实习的前一天,左派(Left)一直在挤牛奶好莱坞的摇钱树以争取竞选捐款。

  96. 席尔瓦

    我不知道为什么韦恩斯坦当时会担心-因为总的来说,特朗普对犹太人非常优秀,这并不难预见。 他是否针对好莱坞,这是可以预见的吗?

    Replies: @Castlereagh, @Castlereagh

    I'm convinced Harvey would still be doing his thing if Hillary was elected. 左派必须假装自己关心特朗普在任时好莱坞的堕落。 没关系,在玛丽亚·奥巴马(Malia Obama)为维恩斯坦(Wienstein)进行实习的前一天,左派(Left)一直在挤牛奶好莱坞的摇钱树以争取竞选捐款。

  97. @罗斯

    >Pablo They Gomez
    OF COURSE! Staring us in the face all along! How could we forget who They is?


  98. @阳光
    "After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected,"

    Does the NY Times really have that kind of influence? What fraction of voters even read this?

    Particularly in the states that were the battlegrounds.

    Really kind of curious as to where things go. If you buy a paper like Bezos did the Post, I'm really not sure he is getting much bang for his buck, other than the fact that people in the Beltway probably know what they wrote about any given day.

    But it's not like controlling the Times or Post is going to light a fire under people's butts in Peoria to impeach Trump - or vote for Hillary.

    Given the full court press the national media outlets have been putting on Trump, if they don't produce a major scalp in either the midterms or 2020 (and probably both), I think a lot of well heeled types are going to ask themselves whether these media outlets are worth it at all.

    And despite the current hoopla, are there really definable benefits for companies to advertise on Google or use Facebook data? You'd think, but my understanding is that results seem to have been very sketchy so far.

    Replies: @donut, @Ed, @Harry Baldwin, @carol, @ben tillman, @athEIst

    …are there really definable benefits for companies to advertise on Google or use Facebook data?

    Having worked in advertising, I can assure you that we were not at all sure ourselves that there are definable benefits for companies to advertise at all. In some cases, obviously, yes. In many others, probably not.

    My wife has a small mail-order business and has recently given up on advertising in magazines. Their ad departments continue to hound her, of course, but she doesn’t see a return and their page rates are too expensive. She now advertises on Facebook and she gets these encouraging reports on how may people looked at her ad, liked it, or shared it. But are these stats even reliable? We know Facebook does a lot of lying. However, she has noticed a small uptick in orders so she’ll keep advertising on Facebook, largely because it’s quite cheap.

    • 回复: @罗斯
    哈里·鲍德温(Harry Baldwin)

    Last year YouTube and Facebook were caught exaggerrating numbers and had a decline in sales; those energetic reports might be part of a reaction to that.
    There is a whole book's worth of news about social media that is under-reported by the legacy media, and overshadowed by babbling about Russians. Theresa May just called Maryam ("SyrianGirl") a bot!

  99. Hilary is such a gift – her off-the-charts level of hubris and total inability to take any responsibility for the fact that her unpopularity is almost entirely a product of her own behavior over three decades in the national spotlight reminds even Democrats of what a massive mistake it is to just assume the arc of history will deliver the outcome you desire.

    That said, I doubt the GOP and Trump will get to fight on such favorable terrain in 2020.

    • 回复: 杰克·汉森(Jack Hanson)

    Nah, 2020 will be a blowout in favor of Trump barring any madness in the next two years.

    I know a lot of people get the vapors here over Kamela Harris, but imagine all the negatives of Hillary magnified through black megalomania and sans the "good times" memories of a Bill Clinton to attach yourself to.

    Yeah. That's the leading contender for 2020. Her deploreables moment will be telling a hard scrabble white farmer in his 60s that he needs to "check his privilege".


  100. @化名
    您错过了最有趣的部分。 我只记得主要报价,但实际上有3个篮子。


    篮子#3:可悲的。 这个篮子包括“种族主义者,性别歧视,同性恋恐惧症,仇外心理,伊斯兰恐惧症-随便你说吧。”
    我想我适合所有3个篮子,至少就民主党而言,没有人担心白人,尤其是白人白人。 民主党是反白人政党,至少自奥巴马以来就已经存在。 从那时起,所有这些篮子都随之而来。 随着大规模移民和个人电脑的发展,第三个篮子已成定局。 我不同意这些术语,但是就对种族灭绝种族计划的反应而言,这就是他们所说的。


    回覆:@Harry Baldwin,@ CK,@ Buffalo Joe

    The Deplorables. This basket includes ‘the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it.’

    considered Deplorable are all the racist, sexist, homophobic, and Islamophobic blacks, Muslims, or Mexicans who can be counted on to vote Democrat. It goes without saying.

    • 回复: @匿名的
    哈里·鲍德温(Harry Baldwin)

    Not considered Deplorable are all the racist, sexist, homophobic, and Islamophobic blacks, Muslims, or Mexicans who can be counted on to vote Democrat. It goes without saying.


    Those are "Implorables".
    , @化名
    哈里·鲍德温(Harry Baldwin)

    Her baskets as messaging were on the nose, and as analysis they weren't great but even as mediocre as they were, she still didn't take it to the logical conclusion.

    Taken on face value, that sort of analysis at best should tell you who you are going to focus on in order to pry away votes to either vote for you or at least not vote for Trump. Baskets 1 and 3 are obviously never going to vote for Hillary (her analysis). To recap on basket 2:

    So what did she do for them?

    'Bill didn't buy the excuse that Comey would cost Hillary the election,' said the source. 'As far as he was concerned, all the blame belonged to [campaign manager Robby] Mook, [campaign chairman John] Podesta and Hillary because they displayed a tone-deaf attitude about the feeble economy and its impact on millions and millions of working-class voters.
  101. @slumber_j


    回复:@Clifford Brown、@415 Reasons、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Almost Missouri、@Pericles、@Hanoi Paris Hilton、@Inquiring Mind、@anonymous

    The R-Russians …

  102. @提利昂2




    “'哦,那是什么意思? 他们永远不会喜欢我,”希拉里告诉这个朋友。
    如果您对他们有好处,他们会喜欢您的。 或者至少,如果您停止哭泣他们的脸,而又哭诉您是受害者的话。





    '我就知道。 我知道这会发生在我身上……。 希拉里说,现在距离他的脸只有几英寸。 “他们永远不会让我当总统。””

    回复:@ prusmc,@ Ivy

    Didn’t Obama tell her, “you are likeable enough, Hillary”.

  103. This ‘they’ business is another indicator of her thinking process. She could never take responsibility for the results of her own behavior or conceive that she may have shortcomings. She has the self-centeredness of a sociopath.

  104. @全是滚珠轴承
    As a Christian I shouldn't find satisfaction in another's demise, but Hillary is such an evil bitch that I was so ecstatic at 3 a.m. Nov 9 and wanted to see that demon give a concession speech. She let me down. I watch replays of TYT or Maddow election night coverage to get that satisfaction. I'm not the only one judging by the # of views. She is truly hated, and now more and more by Dems as well.

    Replies: @ChrisZ, @Lot, @Svigor

    I agree that her refusal to deliver a concession speech was the culminating disgrace of her candidacy. And (also speaking as a Christian) it was delicious.

    My conclusion at the time is that she was simply unfit to do so: too drunk, too enraged. I don’t know if her lackies had to restrain her physically or medicinally, but it wouldn’t surprise me. Nothing I’ve read since then has caused me to alter that conclusion. Someone must have video of at least part of that night, though, and I look forward to its release.

  105. 哈里·鲍德温(Harry Baldwin)

    The Deplorables. This basket includes ‘the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it.’

    considered Deplorable are all the racist, sexist, homophobic, and Islamophobic blacks, Muslims, or Mexicans who can be counted on to vote Democrat. It goes without saying.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ Anonym

    Not considered Deplorable are all the racist, sexist, homophobic, and Islamophobic blacks, Muslims, or Mexicans who can be counted on to vote Democrat. It goes without saying.

    Those are “Implorables”.

  106. Just to be fair, I think someone like Hillary Clinton has a pretty dependable sense of who “They” are, and she is not talking about any creatures of flesh and blood. Those who sell their souls for earthly power often realize, sometimes quite early, that the Devil hates those who serve him no less than others, that he destines them for the same miserable end he would fain visit upon everyone; and this is the mark of their damnation, that knowing things to be so, they embrace all his pomps and empty promises nonetheless.

    • 回复: @anonguy

    Those who sell their souls for earthly power often realize, sometimes quite early, that the Devil hates those who serve him no less than others, that he destines them for the same miserable end he would fain visit upon everyone; and this is the mark of their damnation, that knowing things to be so, they embrace all his pomps and empty promises nonetheless.
    Dude, this is so good I had to come out of comment retirement to give you an attaboy.

    Only thing I can say is I hope you have a wider audience for your output. iSteve is a fun place and all but at heart a bunch of carping dead-enders whose world ended decades ago and isn't coming back any more than the South is going to.

    回复:@先生。 安农

  107. 彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)

    They and the rest of the mainstream media were absolutely in the tank for her.

    Fox News is also "mainstream" and has far more political influence than the NYT. The New York Times reaches maybe 3M people, the vast majority of whom pick the NYT precisely becauses it reinforces the political views they already hold. Even if the NYT had convinced every one of its Republican readers to vote for Clinton instead of Trump it would make very little difference since almost all those Republican readers live in blue states.

    Replies: @Corvinus, @gcochran

    “Fox News is also “mainstream” and has far more political influence than the NYT. The New York Times reaches maybe 3M people, the vast majority of whom pick the NYT precisely becauses it reinforces the political views they already hold.”

    You don’t NOTICE that some people who read the NYT may not be politically minded, or may actually be Republicans who read other parts of the paper for information, sports, etc. And perhaps you also didn’t NOTICE that a great deal of those views were watch Fox News are also having their positions hardened as well. It’s called confirmation bias.

    And our beloved host neglected to NOTICE–he has been doing that lately–that the use of “cuck” and “race realist” by the Alt Right on white people have a similar impact to that of Shitlery sneering at “deplorables”.

    Furthermore, why no direct insight on the investigation of Trump by Mr. Sailer in the viewing audience? That’s easy. Mr. Sailer does not want any potential blowback should the dozens of allegations, some of which have substantial and credible evidence behind them, stain his reputation. Cagey on his part to not even NOTICE it.

    • 巨魔: 另一个阿农
    • 回复: @化名

    Oh C'OyVeynus, lovin' the concern troll.


    , @本·蒂尔曼

    Furthermore, why no direct insight on the investigation of Trump by Mr. Sailer in the viewing audience?
    When did Steve start investigating the President?
  108. @卢加什

    哈哈,太搞笑了。想象一下,你被这个杯子吵醒,被告知你将把总统宝座输给 DJT


    回复:@J.Ross、@Kevin 在俄亥俄州、@Clifford Brown、@TTSSYF、@NickG

    Not sure I believe this recounting of election night. Are we to believe that she went to bed and was sound asleep while it was playing out? If so, it was probably only because she was slamming down hard liquor all night, watching the returns. Her face that morning certainly looked like she hadn’t had a minute of sleep.

  109. @indocon
    The sad thing is that the one accomplishment Trump can claim, the tax cuts, exclusively benefit all those people who were laughing at the deplorables in Hamptons, Beverly Hills, Silicon Valley, Manhattan. All deplorables have gotten out of Trump is hot rhetoric.

    Replies: @TTSSYF, @William Badwhite, @Jack Hanson, @Polynikes, @The preferred nomenclature is...

    You’re repeating the so-called mainstream media’s big lie. My net pay increased in February, and I’m as far removed from those enclaves you mention as one can be. In addition, we got a Constitutionalist on the Supreme Court and our SOB in the White House (we nominated a Boy Scout in 2012, and the Left turned him into an SOB…so this time, we saved them the effort and gave them the real thing).

  110. It’s not just that I don’t hate Trump as I do the Hildabeast (but just have started to think he is incompetent). It’s just such a relief to know that she’s probably not the 敌基督, knowing that an AntiChrist would be able to fix a presidential election, were he any kind of AntiChrist worth his salt, anyway.

    I will really enjoy perusing the comments later on today.

  111. @阿农
    I have always thought Hillary Clinton is a masochist. She shares that trait with Nixon. Nixon wrote a book about his Six Crises, but they were all entirely of his own making, and he could have stayed out of trouble if he wanted it.

    Clinton has the exact same trait. She has gotten into an incredible amount of messes entirely of her own making, and and she has never been able to stay out of trouble for any particular length of time.

    For a masochist, being in trouble is a psychological necessity. They seek it deliberately. I'm glad she didn't become president, because she's probably get us nuked.

    I think it started with her father, who browbeat her thoroughly when she was young, and she soon began to associate parental love--and then love in general--with being pushed around. That's why she started out as a Goldwater girl, which is lunacy if you're a feminist. Then in the late 60s, she went to the other extreme, when the hippies were beginning to wear out their welcome. If you wanted to become unpopular with the majority at that particular time, being a hardcore left-wing hippie was the way to do it. That's why Nixon got elected. The majority were scared by all the crazy left-wingers.

    Then she married a guy whom she had to know was a womanizer. Bill Clinton chased every woman in sight, and she has stuck by him despite his infidelities, which is classic masochism. She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons' finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.

    She ran against Obama, and got beaten like a donkey by him, and what did she do? She went to work for him. Classic masochism. She wanted more suffering. She knew perfectly well when it came to a lightweight like Obama, she would take the blame for his mistakes. She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya, and got into trouble for that, even though she could have avoided it by using a little common sense. Of course you have to protect your Embassy when a country is falling apart. Any idiot knows that.

    Then she blithely put all her classified emails on an unprotected server. Any rational person could guess she would be spied on. She stuffed her pockets via the Clinton Foundation with as much loot as she could, thoroughly disgracing herself in the eyes of anyone concerned with financial malfeasance. This is why Bernie Sanders made such inroads among Democrats. Any politician with any common sense knows you get rich after you're out of office, not before. Doing so beforehand makes you look like a greedy hog on the take and ruins your reputation and your chance to get elected.

    Even now, she's doing the rounds complaining and carrying on in such a sour old bag manner that she has spoiled her reputation even among Democrats, and they're so sick of her they will never pick her to run in 2020. Clinton is complaining longer and more relentlessly than any other loser in any other presidential election that we've ever had. This is Clinton deliberately choosing to sabotage herself again.

    All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She's doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble.

    Replies: @Pericles, @anonymous, @TTSSYF, @Thirdtwin, @PapayaSF, @Unladen Swallow, @SOL, @Jack D

    Could also be described as a martyr for the feminist cause. I think, by “they”, she means the male power structure, whether Left or Right.

  112. @阳光
    "After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected,"

    Does the NY Times really have that kind of influence? What fraction of voters even read this?

    Particularly in the states that were the battlegrounds.

    Really kind of curious as to where things go. If you buy a paper like Bezos did the Post, I'm really not sure he is getting much bang for his buck, other than the fact that people in the Beltway probably know what they wrote about any given day.

    But it's not like controlling the Times or Post is going to light a fire under people's butts in Peoria to impeach Trump - or vote for Hillary.

    Given the full court press the national media outlets have been putting on Trump, if they don't produce a major scalp in either the midterms or 2020 (and probably both), I think a lot of well heeled types are going to ask themselves whether these media outlets are worth it at all.

    And despite the current hoopla, are there really definable benefits for companies to advertise on Google or use Facebook data? You'd think, but my understanding is that results seem to have been very sketchy so far.

    Replies: @donut, @Ed, @Harry Baldwin, @carol, @ben tillman, @athEIst

    Sheesh. It’s not that flyover reads the Times, it’s that the rest of the media takes its leads from NYT (and WaPo). Why does local news suddenly start carrying one-off stories that have nothing to do with the locality? Usually some “issue” raised by their heroes back east.

    I think what Hillary really meant is that she expected NYT to carry the day for her, but they let her down. So screw ’em.

  113. @斯维格

    完全五音不全。 TPTB 确信 Cankles 已经把它藏在包里了,他们将其置于巡航控制系统上,然后在方向盘上睡着了。

    哈哈,太搞笑了。想象一下,你被这个杯子吵醒,被告知你将把总统宝座输给 DJT

    回复:@Buffalo Joe、@Bernardista、@El Dato

    Svigor…..”Let me be president.” That’s major ballsy, but we let Obama be president and we didn’t like that.

  114. @科维努斯
    彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)

    "Fox News is also “mainstream” and has far more political influence than the NYT. The New York Times reaches maybe 3M people, the vast majority of whom pick the NYT precisely becauses it reinforces the political views they already hold."

    You don't NOTICE that some people who read the NYT may not be politically minded, or may actually be Republicans who read other parts of the paper for information, sports, etc. And perhaps you also didn't NOTICE that a great deal of those views were watch Fox News are also having their positions hardened as well. It's called confirmation bias.

    And our beloved host neglected to NOTICE--he has been doing that lately--that the use of "cuck" and "race realist" by the Alt Right on white people have a similar impact to that of Shitlery sneering at "deplorables".

    Furthermore, why no direct insight on the investigation of Trump by Mr. Sailer in the viewing audience? That's easy. Mr. Sailer does not want any potential blowback should the dozens of allegations, some of which have substantial and credible evidence behind them, stain his reputation. Cagey on his part to not even NOTICE it.

    回复:@ Anonym,@ ben tillman

    Oh C’OyVeynus, lovin’ the concern troll.

    • 回复: @科维努斯

    "Oh C’OyVeynus, lovin’ the concern troll."

    Exactly what I expect a Coalition of the Fringe adherent to say. It's not about "concern", it's about being honest with oneself and admitting that this group in particular seeks information to confirm their beliefs. Anything else that threatens the narrative is discounted.

  115. And have you not NOTICED your own biases, Corvinus? Do you really think your pretending to be objective and even-handed in your analysis is believed by anyone here?

    Post again when Trump is in handcuffs for one of the credible allegations you so fervently want to believe is true. Yeah, a real objective and even-handed observer you are!

    In the future, please NOTICE what a supercilious hypocritical douchebag you have become. And cuck. Yeah, that’s right, you are a cuck too.

    • 回复: @科维努斯

    "And have you not NOTICED your own biases, Corvinus?"

    More than you will ever know or care to admit.

    "Do you really think your pretending to be objective and even-handed in your analysis is believed by anyone here?"

    I am observably much more objective and even-handed compared to you and others here.

    "Post again when Trump is in handcuffs for one of the credible allegations you so fervently want to believe is true. Yeah, a real objective and even-handed observer you are!"

    NOTICE that I said allegations. NOTICE that there is indeed evidence and sources that make it certainly appear that the Trump team engaged in a boatload of illegal activity. Why not actually immerse yourself into the narrative rather than close your eyes and put your hands over your ears and like a little girl say "No, it's not true, I'm not listening, it's all a lie". But feel free to be an ostrich with your head in the sand.

    "In the future, please NOTICE what a supercilious hypocritical douchebag you have become. And cuck. Yeah, that’s right, you are a cuck too."

    Again, the word "cuck" is overused and observably means next to nothing. It has lost its cache.

    回复:@ Svigor,@ Alden

  116. @化名
    您错过了最有趣的部分。 我只记得主要报价,但实际上有3个篮子。


    篮子#3:可悲的。 这个篮子包括“种族主义者,性别歧视,同性恋恐惧症,仇外心理,伊斯兰恐惧症-随便你说吧。”
    我想我适合所有3个篮子,至少就民主党而言,没有人担心白人,尤其是白人白人。 民主党是反白人政党,至少自奥巴马以来就已经存在。 从那时起,所有这些篮子都随之而来。 随着大规模移民和个人电脑的发展,第三个篮子已成定局。 我不同意这些术语,但是就对种族灭绝种族计划的反应而言,这就是他们所说的。


    回覆:@Harry Baldwin,@ CK,@ Buffalo Joe


    • 回复: @化名


    并非真正如此,但作为王位背后的力量和获得权力的手段将是值得的。 他显然很想要它-到目前为止,我已经链接了几次我的《每日邮报》文章。 记住亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)所说的话:“力量是最终的壮阳药”。 而且,作为一个看起来比较典型的犹太人,比Bibi的外表还不那么好看,他更适合评估壮阳药的功效。

    如果您非常渴望获得权力,那么您需要做的就是赢得胜利。 你有克林顿的Bodycount作为他们赢得胜利的证据,然后希拉里忽略了两次总统(双语无意,但我喜欢它),支持湿漉漉的耳朵罗比Mook。 哑的。

    回复:@ MBlanc46

    , @匿名的





    比尔很可能已经通过剪纸的方式对某些Comey戏剧的重新发送电子邮件等进行了阶段管理。 实际上,如果比尔与特朗普团队和双方有钱的支持者按照这些方针达成协议,就不足为奇了。


    , @奥尔登


  117. @摩西
    Get ready. Hillary is going to run again in 2020. As long as she's drawing breath, she's running.

    She's kryptonite now. A gift that keeps on giving.

    Replies: @Stephen Paul Foster, @Buffalo Joe, @Crawfurdmuir, @Kevin O'Keeffe

    Mo, I think that Hillary drained her well of donations last time around and I don’t think the DNC is in her hip pocket anymore. Bernie will run again and the far left will shred themselves trying to decide if Corey Booker, Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris should get the nod.

    • 回复: @SunBakedSuburb

    Don't forget Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder. Wall Street instrument Holder is also an extreme racialist. It could be Holder and Harris, the brown ticket that will make white liberals drool. Californians know Harris is an empty pants suit; but Holder is a different beast altogether. Should he get executive power it'll be bad for Whitey.

    回复:@Buffalo Joe

    , @ Alfa158

    It’s interesting to watch the Democrats trying to develop their challenger for 2020. So far the leading prospects are the three you mentioned, who are almost guaranteed to lose to Trump, and Biden who is too pale and male to win the nomination. I wonder if this is because the present co-chairs of the DNC are a pair of idiots? A few cycles back Chuck Schumer, who is actually bright, won the Senate back for the Democrats by holding his nose and putting up centric candidates for Senate seats, who may not be ideologically pure enough, but once in office would vote as directed to by the party commissars.
    Perhaps right now, the faithful aren’t concerned about the competitiveness of their next Presidential candidate because they figure they are going to sink Trump before the election and anyone they nominate will just waltz in. Having three hard Leftists; a closeted dim-bulb black gay, an open gay, and an angry dim-bulb mystery meat, as the front-runners doesn’t presently alarm anyone. If Trump survives maybe the party will have to get serious, Schumer will take the lead, and they will pick an attractive, mildly left-center candidate like Kirsten Gillibrand who could most likely beat Trump.

    回复:@Buffalo Joe

    , @卡托

    The Democrats don't know whether to turn right or left, and could well just go on with the same old message, and the same old Hillary.

    But Trump has been such a disappointment that one can imagine a successful Republican challenger who has grabbed bits and pieces of the Trump message. Not that hard really, to show greater sensitivity to the damage illegal immigration has done to working class Americans, or to appreciate the value of peace in the Middle East.


  118. @istevefan
    I was going to write something,but when I saw this tweet I knew I could not express my sentiments about this post any better:

    Incredible to me that someone who was handed a Senate seat and then for no reason at all made secstate and then had the path to a nomination bulldozed for her and then got the exact opponent she pushed for...still talks like this. Gross. pic.twitter.com/Zy27DP2SJs— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) 2018 年 4 月 20 日

    Replies: @Berty, @AnotherDad, @Laugh Track, @Svigor

    对我来说令人难以置信的是,有人被交上了参议院议席,然后毫无理由地宣布了私有化,然后为她推举了提名的道路,然后得到了她所推动的确切对手……还是像这样的谈话。 总的。


    It’s actually even worse. Hillary has been either a mediocrity or, often, an outright failure at every position she has occupied her whole life.

    — lawyer — Whitewater
    — Arkansas first lady — cattle futures
    — Health care task force leader — disaster
    — First lady — a net negative for her husband
    — NY Senator — ok, this one is just mediocre, nothing of note
    — Pres candidate #1 — frontrunner, blew it
    — Sec of State — overall failure, bengazi disaster, plus email scandal

    It’s actually a record of continual incompetence and failure. And yet believes because she’s failed upward, that she’s somehow “paid her dues” or “has the resume” and 值得 成为第一位女总统。

    人们期望实际上的想法 *履行**优秀* 在一个特殊的位置上当之无愧的下一个职位似乎超出了她。

    Hillary might be surprised but there are actually a fair number of American men and women who actually do superb work at their jobs–maybe an occasional misstep they learn from–and slowly climb up. Most folks don’t get to screw up repeatedly and get to “fail up”.

    • 同意: 特拉维斯
    • 回复: @吉姆·唐·鲍勃

    This is evergreen: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/926404/posts

    J. Bradford DeLong is a professor of economics at Berkeley. DeLong worked with Hillary Clinton on the health-care taskforce of 1993-94. Here are his thoughts about Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions:

    “我的两分钱的价值-我认为这是1993年至1994年为克林顿政府医疗改革工作的每个人的两分钱-是希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿必须与白宫一生都是她的事业,领导医疗改革是她曾经尝试做过的唯一主要行政工作,而且她完全失败了,她既不掌握政策内容,也不掌握管理技巧,她也没有足够的智慧去意识到自己已经过了头,不得不迅速摆脱Health Czar的角色。

    "So when senior members of the economic team said that key senators like Daniel Patrick Moynihan would have this-and-that objection, she told them they were disloyal. When junior members of the economic team told her that the Congressional Budget Office would say such-and-such, she told them (wrongly) that her conversations with CBO head Robert Reischauer had already fixed that. When long-time senior hill staffers told her that she was making a dreadful mistake by fighting with rather than reaching out to John Breaux and Jim Cooper, she told them that they did not understand the wave of popular political support the bill would generate. And when substantive objections were raised to the plan by analysts calculating the moral hazard and adverse selection pressures it would put on the nation's health-care system... [ellipses in original]

    "Hillary Rodham Clinton has already flopped as a senior administrative official in the executive branch--the equivalent of an Undersecretary. Perhaps she will make a good senator. But there is no reason to think that she would be anything but an abysmal president"

    , @默里

    This is leftist credentialism in a nutshell. It doesn't matter how poorly you performed, what matters is that it was 选择您 liberal bum warming that seat. That, in and of itself, makes you "qualified".

    , @老雾蒙蒙

    非常好的评论,乔。 太棒了

  119. @布鲁托


    回复:@Silva、@Buffalo Joe、@SimpleSong

    Bleu, I am confused by your comment. “300” had a base in history, enough gore for the Tarantino blood porn fans, enough buff bodies for the gay market and horny gals, a rape scene and just a touch of nudity to add a little tenderness. Who wouldn’t back this movie?

    • 回复: 席尔瓦

    You mean shitting on history (not just in the depiction of Iranians)? I wouldn't.

  120. 哈里·鲍德温(Harry Baldwin)

    The Deplorables. This basket includes ‘the racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic—you name it.’

    considered Deplorable are all the racist, sexist, homophobic, and Islamophobic blacks, Muslims, or Mexicans who can be counted on to vote Democrat. It goes without saying.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ Anonym

    Her baskets as messaging were on the nose, and as analysis they weren’t great but even as mediocre as they were, she still didn’t take it to the logical conclusion.

    Taken on face value, that sort of analysis at best should tell you who you are going to focus on in order to pry away votes to either vote for you or at least not vote for Trump. Baskets 1 and 3 are obviously never going to vote for Hillary (her analysis). To recap on basket 2:


    So what did she do for them?

    消息人士说:“比尔没有为科米花掉希拉里大选的借口,” “就他而言,所有责任归咎于[竞选经理Robby] Mook,[竞选主席John] Podesta和Hillary,因为他们对疲弱的经济及其对数以百万计的劳动者的影响表现出了聋哑的态度,阶级选民。


  121. @theMann
    The general problem with high level Democrats is that they live in such a tightly sealed bubble that they actually don't realize how much ordinary Americans despise them, and this has been the case for decades. Pauline Kael's notorious observation "I don't know a single person who voted for Richard Nixon" is now almost fifty years old, and things have only gotten worse.

    One of the major problems for Democrats is that the Press, Academia, and Hollywood have become so obsequious in shilling for Democratic candidates that they get no quality information about issues, campaigns, opponents, really much of anything but self serving fantasies about how wonderful Democrats are, and how much everyone loves them. (Republicans are actually improved by Press hostility - weak candidates are weeded out, strong candidates become even stronger.) So when Democrats lose, they actually cannot believe it. Since the voters looooove them, and they are told this every day, there has to be SOME explanation other than voter rejection for their losses.

    The Democrats, apparently through chicanery, nominated a Candidate who has worked paying jobs for maybe ten years of her life, but was worth a quarter of a billion; had more unflattering nicknames than every other Presidential Candidate in US history combined; and was running on a ticket for a Party that had spent eight years nuking coal country while deliberately pursuing racial divisiveness on every level; but CLEARLY she lost because she was cheated.


    Replies: @Buffalo Joe, @Authenticjazzman

    theMann, Obama’s work resume’ was thinner than Hillary’s but he was the niche candidate, the first black president. Hillary was the next niche up, the first female president, to be followed by the first Hispanic, gay, trans whatever.

  122. @化名
    您错过了最有趣的部分。 我只记得主要报价,但实际上有3个篮子。


    篮子#3:可悲的。 这个篮子包括“种族主义者,性别歧视,同性恋恐惧症,仇外心理,伊斯兰恐惧症-随便你说吧。”
    我想我适合所有3个篮子,至少就民主党而言,没有人担心白人,尤其是白人白人。 民主党是反白人政党,至少自奥巴马以来就已经存在。 从那时起,所有这些篮子都随之而来。 随着大规模移民和个人电脑的发展,第三个篮子已成定局。 我不同意这些术语,但是就对种族灭绝种族计划的反应而言,这就是他们所说的。


    回覆:@Harry Baldwin,@ CK,@ Buffalo Joe

    Anonym, the democrats have exactly the same baskets if you think about it , especially Basket #1. The dem’s Basket #2 should actually be filled with all the blacks that have labored on their political plantation and have never been allowed in the Masta’s house. Basket #3 would be filled with all the fringe element dems who hate anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

    • 回复: @化名

    Anonym, the democrats have exactly the same baskets if you think about it , especially Basket #1. The dem’s Basket #2 should actually be filled with all the blacks that have labored on their political plantation and have never been allowed in the Masta’s house. Basket #3 would be filled with all the fringe element dems who hate anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

    Basket #2 is the only one that matters in a campaign. You are not going to peel off enough of them in an election to matter, they are the most polarized voting bloc there is. Gibsmedats determine it, and you'd lose far too many whites to go after them. Blacks are either in #1 or #3, not #2 (in commercial quantities, you get the occasional Diamond and Silk but they won't win an election for you except to persuade cuckservatives... maybe).

    Steve's analysis of elections in terms of things like marriage gap, white men and married women versus coalition of fringes, is far better (trenchant in the words of Marx... *spit*). Trump campaigned on the Sailer Strategy and won. Like Babe Ruth pointing to the stands, Steve pointed this one out back in 2001. Even wikipedia gives him props.


    回复:@Buffalo Joe

  123. @Ed

    One of the major blind spot of the Clinton machine was ignoring flyover country. They wanted to appeal to people that read the NYT and mass media culture. That’s why they had these ridiculous concerts with JayZ and LeBron James. They also did it to get out the black vote.

    Anyway the Trump people astutely bought ad time in small markets in key states. When Trump team switched out of buying ads in cities like Miami and instead bought in smaller markets, the media went beserk on Twitter. It was proof to them that Trump was running out of money and campaign was on life support. The concept of anyone bothering to reach people outside of large media markets was completely foreign.

    Also Trump’s team astutely made a deal with Sinclair broadcasting which is a major news provider in many local markets. They also bought ads in local papers and when he appeared at a rally in a town it of course dominated the news there. An astute journalist mentioned during the campaign that while the national media’s tone towards Trump was decidedly negative it was less so in local press.

    回覆:@Buffalo Joe,@先生。 安农

    Ed, you know, a lot of NYT articles only get read because people like Steve publish them. They are red meat to people like us and nourish our dislike for the fringe left.

  124. She makes the Dems look over the hill, whiny and out of touch so I hope she continues.

    Meanwhile the GOP is positioning itself to lose the midterms in spite of DNC odiousness. The stupid party is back.

    • 同意: 凯莉
  125. @阿农
    Very interesting to compare Hillary's private remark with some of Trump's (in Comey's summer camp diary):

    When talking about the free media (as Comey puts it, and we can assume he means the internet, ) Trump corrects or contradicts him by calling it the 'earned media'. For Trump, in that moment, people's interest in him is something he earns, and is not given to him for being him (mostly)- at least in his own eccentric head. It shows some minimal level of respect that other people- normal, voting, blogging people- have their own agency which he must "win" over; no matter how great he finds himself (and it's safe to say he is not lacking a generous self-conception.)

    Contrast this with Hillary. Hillary imagines there is some shadowy, amorphous 'they', which prevents her desires and blunts her ambitions out of spite, and for no other reason. She is a passive observer waiting for this 'they' to finally relent and let her 'have' what she deserves (to which she is entitled). When she doesn't get it, it's open season for self-pity because this cabal has worked all her life to prevent her from having the good things like ice cream and the presidency. This cabal, being as devious as it is, is a constantly shifting conspiracy of enemies- mostly deplorables and frogs- and abstractions which never quite take human form. Humans, for Hillary, are just as passive dancing partners as she is- everyone slugs around on the dance floor until the 'theys' of the world recognize their inherent greatness- but mostly, Hillary's.

    Replies: @Almost Missouri, @Ace9


    Another thing I still find strange is that on what was supposed to be the biggest night of her life (and of all Feminism), a night for which all candidates and all their staff, as far as I can ever remember, have always stayed awake, Hillary was apparently already in bed–not just napping on the couch, but deeply abed such that her minions feared to wake her.

    Is her physical infirmity so profound? Or is it her contempt for those who work for her? Or both?

    • 回复: @prusmc

    Possibly, too many cosmapolitans or white wines.

    , @木瓜SF

    Alcohol can do that.

    , @先生。 安农

    ..................Hillary was apparently already in bed–not just napping on the couch, but deeply abed such that her minions feared to wake her.

    Is her physical infirmity so profound? Or is it her contempt for those who work for her? Or both?
    Sort of like how Hitler's aides were afraid to wake him on D-Day.
  126. An

    对我来说令人难以置信的是,有人被交上了参议院议席,然后毫无理由地宣布了私有化,然后为她推举了提名的道路,然后得到了她所推动的确切对手……还是像这样的谈话。 总的。

    实际上,情况甚至更糟。 希拉里要么平庸,要么在她一生中的每个职位上经常彻底失败。

    -国家安全局(Sec of State)-整体失败,孟加拉灾难以及电子邮件丑闻

    它实际上是持续的无能和失败的记录。 但是她仍然相信,因为她失败了,所以以某种方式“支付了自己的会费”或“有了简历”,并且 值得 成为第一位女总统。

    人们期望实际上的想法 *履行**优秀* 在一个特殊的位置上当之无愧的下一个职位似乎超出了她。

    希拉里可能会感到惊讶,但实际上,实际上有相当多的美国男人和女人在工作上做得很好—也许是他们偶尔从中学到的失误—然后慢慢地爬上去。 大多数人不会反复搞砸并且“失败”。

    回覆:@Jim Don Bob,@ Murray,@ Old fogy

    这是常绿的: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/926404/posts

    J. Bradford DeLong is a professor of economics at Berkeley. DeLong worked with Hillary Clinton on the health-care taskforce of 1993-94. Here are his thoughts about Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions:

    “我的两分钱的价值-我认为这是1993年至1994年为克林顿政府医疗改革工作的每个人的两分钱-是希拉里·罗德姆·克林顿需要与白宫保持非常远的距离在她的余生中。 领导医疗改革是她曾经尝试做过的唯一主要行政工作。 她完全失败了。 她既没有政策要领,管理技巧也没有政治才能来完成当时的工作。 而且她还不够聪明,无法意识到自己已经过了头,不得不迅速摆脱Health C沙皇的角色。

    “So when senior members of the economic team said that key senators like Daniel Patrick Moynihan would have this-and-that objection, she told them they were disloyal. When junior members of the economic team told her that the Congressional Budget Office would say such-and-such, she told them (wrongly) that her conversations with CBO head Robert Reischauer had already fixed that. When long-time senior hill staffers told her that she was making a dreadful mistake by fighting with rather than reaching out to John Breaux and Jim Cooper, she told them that they did not understand the wave of popular political support the bill would generate. And when substantive objections were raised to the plan by analysts calculating the moral hazard and adverse selection pressures it would put on the nation’s health-care system… [ellipses in original]

    “Hillary Rodham Clinton has already flopped as a senior administrative official in the executive branch–the equivalent of an Undersecretary. Perhaps she will make a good senator. But there is no reason to think that she would be anything but an abysmal president”

  127. I just knew that the people who I just called racists, bigots and homophobes wouldn’t let me be president.

  128. @阿农
    I have always thought Hillary Clinton is a masochist. She shares that trait with Nixon. Nixon wrote a book about his Six Crises, but they were all entirely of his own making, and he could have stayed out of trouble if he wanted it.

    Clinton has the exact same trait. She has gotten into an incredible amount of messes entirely of her own making, and and she has never been able to stay out of trouble for any particular length of time.

    For a masochist, being in trouble is a psychological necessity. They seek it deliberately. I'm glad she didn't become president, because she's probably get us nuked.

    I think it started with her father, who browbeat her thoroughly when she was young, and she soon began to associate parental love--and then love in general--with being pushed around. That's why she started out as a Goldwater girl, which is lunacy if you're a feminist. Then in the late 60s, she went to the other extreme, when the hippies were beginning to wear out their welcome. If you wanted to become unpopular with the majority at that particular time, being a hardcore left-wing hippie was the way to do it. That's why Nixon got elected. The majority were scared by all the crazy left-wingers.

    Then she married a guy whom she had to know was a womanizer. Bill Clinton chased every woman in sight, and she has stuck by him despite his infidelities, which is classic masochism. She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons' finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.

    She ran against Obama, and got beaten like a donkey by him, and what did she do? She went to work for him. Classic masochism. She wanted more suffering. She knew perfectly well when it came to a lightweight like Obama, she would take the blame for his mistakes. She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya, and got into trouble for that, even though she could have avoided it by using a little common sense. Of course you have to protect your Embassy when a country is falling apart. Any idiot knows that.

    Then she blithely put all her classified emails on an unprotected server. Any rational person could guess she would be spied on. She stuffed her pockets via the Clinton Foundation with as much loot as she could, thoroughly disgracing herself in the eyes of anyone concerned with financial malfeasance. This is why Bernie Sanders made such inroads among Democrats. Any politician with any common sense knows you get rich after you're out of office, not before. Doing so beforehand makes you look like a greedy hog on the take and ruins your reputation and your chance to get elected.

    Even now, she's doing the rounds complaining and carrying on in such a sour old bag manner that she has spoiled her reputation even among Democrats, and they're so sick of her they will never pick her to run in 2020. Clinton is complaining longer and more relentlessly than any other loser in any other presidential election that we've ever had. This is Clinton deliberately choosing to sabotage herself again.

    All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She's doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble.

    Replies: @Pericles, @anonymous, @TTSSYF, @Thirdtwin, @PapayaSF, @Unladen Swallow, @SOL, @Jack D

    “I think it started with her father…”

    And it ended with Tim Kaine, a guy who looks like her father.


  129. @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    After closure, Elmwood Café owner says worker co-op, nonprofit could take over

    [Elmwood owner Michael Pearce] said those efforts had “included hosting a community forum, development of an implicit bias employee training curriculum, and the hiring of an outside expert to train our employees.”


    The commissars will do an audit later...

    in the midst of the national conversation about the arrest of two black men in a Philadelphia Starbucks.


    Those national conversations are fantastic.

    Opinion: Whatever the reason it closed, the Elmwood Café missed a real opportunity to be a force for change in Berkeley

    W. Kamau Bell, who lives in Berkeley, is a sociopolitical comedian and the host and executive producer of the Emmy Award winning docu-series "United Shades of America with W. Kamau Bell," premiering Sunday April 29, 10:15 p.m. on CNN.

    So, I categorically reject the assertion that is in today’s Berkeleyside article, and in numerous media outlets that covered the closing of the Elmwood Café, that the racism that my wife, my baby daughter, and I experienced at the Elmwood Café is just something that I am “claiming” occurred. The racism has been admitted to, proven, discussed, and finally — and most troublingly — ignored by the Elmwood Café. For more than three years

    So I shed no tears — nor do I hold a celebration — at the closing of the Elmwood Café. I’m more bummed about Jeremy’s and the frozen yogurt shop. Jeremy’s had some good clothing deals. And my kids love frozen yogurt. If anything, I hope Mrs. Dalloway’s bookstore, which shares a wall with the old Elmwood Café, can expand into it. Because while I don’t know if the world needs another coffee shop, I’m always happy to see big independent bookstores.
    Unless they carry racist books, I imagine.

    At community forum in Berkeley, W. Kamau Bell and Elmwood Café launch ‘implicit bias’ training initiative

    The comedian, who is African-American, made public on his blog how he was asked to leave the café on College Avenue while he was talking to his wife and her friends, who are all white, at an outdoor table.


    Novella Coleman said the law does a poor job of dealing with racism. “One of huge failures of the law is that it doesn’t recognize implicit bias,” she said. “The law requires that you prove [an act of racism] is intentional. The law doesn’t recognize that biases are harbored without people knowing about them. People see themselves as progressive but they still buy into those racial biases and situations can trigger them.” She said that if employee accused of racism can provide a race-neutral explanation for their act, “then the law is good with that.”
    Badthink should carry fines or prison time.

    During the evening’s discussion about implicit bias Bell spoke about how he himself had had “homophobia in him” before he moved to the Bay Area but that it was “worked out of him.”


    At the forum, an audience member asked Bell, via a written question, what made him so sure the Jan. 26 incident was a racially motivated act, and not one directed at the homeless population that is to be found around the café. Bell responded: “So what if I was homeless? Even if I’m homeless I’m a black homeless person — you can’t take that part away from me.”
    Just say that you are waiting for the Jewish Businessman.

    回复:@ stillCARealist,@ Anonymous

    Dear old Berkeley. Sounds like it hasn’t changed a bit from the 80’s… or maybe the 50’s…

    the homeless were a gigantic problem for businesses always. They want to use the bathroom, they want to sit in the restaurant/cafe and buy nothing. They’re filthy, crazy, high, fetid, and they have loads of crap with them. Plus, they have more rights than normal people who want to either buy food or sell it in hygienic peace. No amount of money could induce me to open a business in a location where law and order are not maintained, and Berkeley is the pinnacle of that.

  130. @鹪



    回复:@ Tom-in-VA,@Ripple Earthdevil

    让我为您提供John Derbyshire的Universal Black Journalism Translator。
    嗡嗡声。 。 嘟。

  131. @匿名的

    纽约时报记者 艾米·乔齐克(Amy Chozick)密切关注克林顿的记者告诉美国广播公司(ABC News),当她开始掩护克林顿时,她对克林顿的饮酒程度感到惊讶。

    “她喜欢喝酒,”乔齐克说。 “我们在竞选活动中 在2008 媒体认为她只是在向宾夕法尼亚州的选民们拍照。 不。”


    回复:@ SnakeEyes,@ Murray








    • 回复: @gcochran


    , @anonymous

    克拉伦斯·托马斯 (Clarence Thomas) 在最高法院听证会上击败安妮塔·希尔 (Anita Hill) 后,媒体沸腾了。随之而来的是希拉里·克林顿——韦尔斯利学院、耶鲁大学法学院、“百强审判律师”(顺便说一句,没有这样的事情)等等,等等,等等——完美的女权主义火炬手。首先、最后、永远——她是媒体的产物,是我们这个时代的症状。

    , @常春藤

    每当我看到那句话时,我也会看到 华盛顿,亚当斯,杰斐逊和麦迪逊,例如,互相问 “先生们,谁让我们建立的国家沦落到这样的地步?”。 可悲的是,对于那些甚至一秒钟都认为希拉里应该被提及具有这种比较能力的人来说,这是可悲的。
  132. @威士忌酒
    Hillary *IS* weird and icky. In related news, the "wholesome" Allison Mack of TV's "Smallville" fame has been arrested for being part of a sex cult that had her branding women on the private parts with the initials of the cult leader while telling them to think of their master. She was lured into the cult by co-star Kristin Kreuk and Richard Branson was allegedly also part of the cult.

    Point being, random celebrities seem weird and icky. Just image how weird and icky Hillary! really is - this is a big part of the revolt of the Deplorables. The internet exposes even the most minor random celebrity as being .. well downright weird.

    By contrast Trump seems a man of normal appetites. Not weird. Not icky.

    Imagine, Hillary as the candidate of Gay Wall Streeters. Babura singing like a Mecha Streisand. A more perfect Hillary! moment cannot be imagined.

    Replies: @Rosamond Vincy, @Neoconned

    You do have a point. I gave no credit to planted rumors that he liked underage girls or twisted activities, if only because his predilection for bosomy models and showgirls is so well-known. He’s a dawg, alright, but a fairly conventional one.

  133. An

    对我来说令人难以置信的是,有人被交上了参议院议席,然后毫无理由地宣布了私有化,然后为她推举了提名的道路,然后得到了她所推动的确切对手……还是像这样的谈话。 总的。

    实际上,情况甚至更糟。 希拉里要么平庸,要么在她一生中的每个职位上经常彻底失败。

    -国家安全局(Sec of State)-整体失败,孟加拉灾难以及电子邮件丑闻

    它实际上是持续的无能和失败的记录。 但是她仍然相信,因为她失败了,所以以某种方式“支付了自己的会费”或“有了简历”,并且 值得 成为第一位女总统。

    人们期望实际上的想法 *履行**优秀* 在一个特殊的位置上当之无愧的下一个职位似乎超出了她。

    希拉里可能会感到惊讶,但实际上,实际上有相当多的美国男人和女人在工作上做得很好—也许是他们偶尔从中学到的失误—然后慢慢地爬上去。 大多数人不会反复搞砸并且“失败”。

    回覆:@Jim Don Bob,@ Murray,@ Old fogy

    简而言之,这就是左派的凭证主义。你表现得多么糟糕并不重要,重要的是它是 选择您 自由派流浪汉温暖了那个座位。这本身就使您“合格”。

  134. @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    Rendered through these three artists, the sweat and gristle of black genius—which is to say, the bone-tough work of black genius—was nearly impossible to escape, online and off. (...) Black artistic genius is a statement or body of work that exists in the absolute; it is singular brilliance that, even if consumed by the masses, was nurtured in and speaks to the pulse of black life. (...) Black genius work is transformative and transcendent, illuminating both the interior self and the behaviors of the exterior world.
    Art Student Let Out His Cage Alert. Only reading Hegel can be worse.

    Meanwhile, actual Black Scientist in Quanta Mag: A Revealer of Secrets in the Data of Life and the Universe

    回复:@Rosamond Vincy

    This sounds almost exactly like Nazi propaganda about the Herrenvolk.

  135. @克利福德·布朗

    Revealing discussion by various Clinton and Trump campaign advisors, including Jennifer Palmieri, Robby Mook, Kellyanne Conway and Corey Lewandowski at Harvard.


    At 1:40:20 Jennifer Palmieri says that Clinton's "一篮子可怜人" speech was the highpoint of her campaign. Quite revealing. Dogma over strategy is exactly why Clinton lost. Palmieri said that she would rather lose an election the way Clinton did, than win the way Trump did. Kellyanne Conway provides an excellent refutation.

    Good recap from one commentator from Soundcloud.
    "A big shouting match goes from around 56:30-58:30. Also they argue about the idea of the Russian thing being real or not between 1:33:26-1:34:00. Start at 1:35:40-1:36:05 for a joke. Start at 1:36:05 to hear Conway talk about why Steve Bannon was hired. Things get heated from 1:43:35-1:44:30 and “you guys are bitter” is said. From 1:45:50-1:46:30 things get heated again. Beginning at 1:50:00 they begin talking about what happened in the last 10 days of the campaigns."

    Replies: @Unladen Swallow, @Malcolm X-Lax

    Was told in Feburary 2016 by guys in Democratic PR firm that Hilary would find a way to lose the election. Their take is that Hilary thinks she is better at everyone’s job than they are, and if you disagree strongly with her it validates that opinion and she fires you.

  136. @几乎密苏里州


    Another thing I still find strange is that on what was supposed to be the biggest night of her life (and of all Feminism), a night for which all candidates and all their staff, as far as I can ever remember, have always stayed awake, Hillary was apparently already in bed--not just napping on the couch, but deeply abed such that her minions feared to wake her.

    Is her physical infirmity so profound? Or is it her contempt for those who work for her? Or both?

    Replies: @prusmc, @PapayaSF, @Mr. Anon

    Possibly, too many cosmapolitans or white wines.

  137. @indocon
    The sad thing is that the one accomplishment Trump can claim, the tax cuts, exclusively benefit all those people who were laughing at the deplorables in Hamptons, Beverly Hills, Silicon Valley, Manhattan. All deplorables have gotten out of Trump is hot rhetoric.

    Replies: @TTSSYF, @William Badwhite, @Jack Hanson, @Polynikes, @The preferred nomenclature is...

    However “those people who were laughing at the deplorables in Hamptons, Beverly Hills, Silicon Valley, Manhattan” lost some pretty big state tax deductions.

  138. 由于民主党正在起诉特朗普竞选,俄罗斯和维基解密干预选举,阴谋论已成为希拉里损失的法律解释。

  139. @布法罗乔

    Mo, I think that Hillary drained her well of donations last time around and I don't think the DNC is in her hip pocket anymore. Bernie will run again and the far left will shred themselves trying to decide if Corey Booker, Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris should get the nod.

    Replies: @SunBakedSuburb, @Alfa158, @Cato

    Don’t forget Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder. Wall Street instrument Holder is also an extreme racialist. It could be Holder and Harris, the brown ticket that will make white liberals drool. Californians know Harris is an empty pants suit; but Holder is a different beast altogether. Should he get executive power it’ll be bad for Whitey.

    • 回复: @布法罗乔

    SBS, nice reply Thank you.

  140. @克苏鲁
    Hillary! is narcissistic even for a politician. And stone paranoid to boot.


    Don’t be too hard on the old gal; she suffers from Kuru.

    • 回复: @克苏鲁

    Don’t be too hard on the old gal; she suffers from Kuru.


    Hillary! as cannibal; I like it!
    (And kuru is transmitted by eating infected brains, so...she’s a zombie too!)
  141. @摩西
    Get ready. Hillary is going to run again in 2020. As long as she's drawing breath, she's running.

    She's kryptonite now. A gift that keeps on giving.

    Replies: @Stephen Paul Foster, @Buffalo Joe, @Crawfurdmuir, @Kevin O'Keeffe

    She’s kryptonite now. A gift that keeps on giving.

    A gift, one might say, of great Giftigkeit.

  142. @鹪



    回复:@ Tom-in-VA,@Ripple Earthdevil

    Au contraire, black genius is Duke Ellington, John Coltrane, Wayne Shorter, and the impossibly brilliant and esoteric saxophonist/composer Anthony Braxton.

    • 回复: @鹪

    Thanks, I will look more into Wayne Shorter and Anthony Braxton.

    I can enjoy jazz genius much more than hiphop celebrities.

    I met and played with some of the jazz greats in my high school jazz band before I was mature enough to appreciate it.


  143. @摩西
    Get ready. Hillary is going to run again in 2020. As long as she's drawing breath, she's running.

    She's kryptonite now. A gift that keeps on giving.

    Replies: @Stephen Paul Foster, @Buffalo Joe, @Crawfurdmuir, @Kevin O'Keeffe

    Get ready. Hillary is going to run again in 2020. As long as she’s drawing breath, she’s running.

    She may well run, but she won’t be the nominee.

  144. @istevefan
    I was going to write something,but when I saw this tweet I knew I could not express my sentiments about this post any better:

    Incredible to me that someone who was handed a Senate seat and then for no reason at all made secstate and then had the path to a nomination bulldozed for her and then got the exact opponent she pushed for...still talks like this. Gross. pic.twitter.com/Zy27DP2SJs— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) 2018 年 4 月 20 日

    Replies: @Berty, @AnotherDad, @Laugh Track, @Svigor

    I was going to write something,but when I saw this tweet I knew I could not express my sentiments about this post any better:

    Incredible to me that someone who was handed a Senate seat and then for no reason at all made secstate and then had the path to a nomination bulldozed for her and then got the exact opponent she pushed for…still talks like this. Gross. pic.twitter.com/Zy27DP2SJs— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) April 20, 2018

    Entertaining tweet. Slugfest in the comments, though. Hell hath no fury like a highly indignant prog!

  145. @indocon
    The sad thing is that the one accomplishment Trump can claim, the tax cuts, exclusively benefit all those people who were laughing at the deplorables in Hamptons, Beverly Hills, Silicon Valley, Manhattan. All deplorables have gotten out of Trump is hot rhetoric.

    Replies: @TTSSYF, @William Badwhite, @Jack Hanson, @Polynikes, @The preferred nomenclature is...

    Oh boy, I see ShareBlue learned nothing from the election with this new wave of “argument by assertion” blackpill bots.

    Yeah tell me how taking out the mortgage tax deduction helped the blue states. All ears.

  146. @涟漪地魔
    OT: Elmwood Café closed, as 2015 racism charge gets new life with Starbucks arrest


    After closure, Elmwood Café owner says worker co-op, nonprofit could take over


    This is my neighborhood and this sudden closure came out of left field and is a big shock around here. And on 4/20 no less. If you look at the comments you'll see that some of Berkeley's fine liberals are pretty pissed off at the loss of a busy neighborhood spot and feel this is a case of racial grievance politics going too far.

    BTW this is a few blocks up the hill from where Pablo "They" Gomez committed murder.

    Replies: @J.Ross, @El Dato, @Marty

    Is Dream Fluff donuts still going strong?

    • 回复: @涟漪地魔

    Is Dream Fluff donuts still going strong?
    It is indeed. It will outlast everything in the Elmwood.
  147. 对于比尔的阴谋论,实际上有一个简单的答案:他只是在胡说八道。 有人真的认为他相信吗? 我也不会把他放在这里绕着他的尾巴圈。

  148. @布法罗乔

    Mo, I think that Hillary drained her well of donations last time around and I don't think the DNC is in her hip pocket anymore. Bernie will run again and the far left will shred themselves trying to decide if Corey Booker, Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris should get the nod.

    Replies: @SunBakedSuburb, @Alfa158, @Cato

    It’s interesting to watch the Democrats trying to develop their challenger for 2020. So far the leading prospects are the three you mentioned, who are almost guaranteed to lose to Trump, and Biden who is too pale and male to win the nomination. I wonder if this is because the present co-chairs of the DNC are a pair of idiots? A few cycles back Chuck Schumer, who is actually bright, won the Senate back for the Democrats by holding his nose and putting up centric candidates for Senate seats, who may not be ideologically pure enough, but once in office would vote as directed to by the party commissars.
    Perhaps right now, the faithful aren’t concerned about the competitiveness of their next Presidential candidate because they figure they are going to sink Trump before the election and anyone they nominate will just waltz in. Having three hard Leftists; a closeted dim-bulb black gay, an open gay, and an angry dim-bulb mystery meat, as the front-runners doesn’t presently alarm anyone. If Trump survives maybe the party will have to get serious, Schumer will take the lead, and they will pick an attractive, mildly left-center candidate like Kirsten Gillibrand who could most likely beat Trump.

    • 回复: @布法罗乔
    @ Alfa158

    Alf, I agree with almost all of what you wrote but Kirsten Gillibrand, Schumer's sock pocket, isn't a viable national candidate. She is obviously a woman, but I think the left wants a candidate that checks at least two or more boxes, i.e., minority woman. Kamala Harris, for instance, can check woman, minority and with some fudging, #MeToo victimhood.

    回复:@ prusmc,@ Alden

  149. @克利福德·布朗

    Revealing discussion by various Clinton and Trump campaign advisors, including Jennifer Palmieri, Robby Mook, Kellyanne Conway and Corey Lewandowski at Harvard.


    At 1:40:20 Jennifer Palmieri says that Clinton's "一篮子可怜人" speech was the highpoint of her campaign. Quite revealing. Dogma over strategy is exactly why Clinton lost. Palmieri said that she would rather lose an election the way Clinton did, than win the way Trump did. Kellyanne Conway provides an excellent refutation.

    Good recap from one commentator from Soundcloud.
    "A big shouting match goes from around 56:30-58:30. Also they argue about the idea of the Russian thing being real or not between 1:33:26-1:34:00. Start at 1:35:40-1:36:05 for a joke. Start at 1:36:05 to hear Conway talk about why Steve Bannon was hired. Things get heated from 1:43:35-1:44:30 and “you guys are bitter” is said. From 1:45:50-1:46:30 things get heated again. Beginning at 1:50:00 they begin talking about what happened in the last 10 days of the campaigns."

    Replies: @Unladen Swallow, @Malcolm X-Lax

    My understnding is that Bill warned them about ignoring white working-class voters. But Hillary rejected that idea in favor of Robby Mook’s . Good move, HC. Afterall, what would Bill know about winning national elections? Maybe Steve can weigh in but i would bet that Bill has 10-15 IQ points on Hillary or Obama. Of course, Hillary’s real problem is a deep dislike for the white working class. And the thought of trying to appeal to them, especially the men, completely repulsive to her.

    • 回复: @正宗爵士人

    BC is hovering around 100, and not an inkling higher. HC and BO both around 95, period.

    They are, the lot of them actually quite stupid, and lacking any wisdom to speak of.

    These individuals are nowhere near the intellectual niveau afforded them by the media and PTB.

    1973年以来,正宗爵士乐演奏家“ Mensa”获得资格,经过空中训练的美国陆军兽医和专业爵士乐演奏家。

    , @克利福德·布朗


    Days before the election, Bill Clinton was allegedly so frustrated with Hillary Clinton's and Robert Mook's ignoring of White Working Class Democrats that he threw his cellphone from the upper floors of his Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas. No way of knowing if this story is apocryphal or not.

    Goes without saying that Hillary wanted to do it "她的方式" out of Bill's shadow. Mook's algorithm and Hillary dogmatic hubris lead her campaign astray.

    Bill Clinton was not only extremely intelligent, but in his prime, in-person, Bill Clinton, had an almost mutant-like sense of charisma and empathy. In contrast, Hillary's charisma was a negative with anyone that was not on the high-roller donor list.

    Clinton and Carville were also ruthless Southern Boys from back when Democrats still won Down South. Even Bill Clinton's intro video at the 2016 DNC is like a portal to an alternative Democratic Party.


    回复:@Malcolm X-Lax

    , @gcochran

    Hillary's IQ was ≥ 140 when she was young, but she's never been right about anything.

  150. @阿农
    I have always thought Hillary Clinton is a masochist. She shares that trait with Nixon. Nixon wrote a book about his Six Crises, but they were all entirely of his own making, and he could have stayed out of trouble if he wanted it.

    Clinton has the exact same trait. She has gotten into an incredible amount of messes entirely of her own making, and and she has never been able to stay out of trouble for any particular length of time.

    For a masochist, being in trouble is a psychological necessity. They seek it deliberately. I'm glad she didn't become president, because she's probably get us nuked.

    I think it started with her father, who browbeat her thoroughly when she was young, and she soon began to associate parental love--and then love in general--with being pushed around. That's why she started out as a Goldwater girl, which is lunacy if you're a feminist. Then in the late 60s, she went to the other extreme, when the hippies were beginning to wear out their welcome. If you wanted to become unpopular with the majority at that particular time, being a hardcore left-wing hippie was the way to do it. That's why Nixon got elected. The majority were scared by all the crazy left-wingers.

    Then she married a guy whom she had to know was a womanizer. Bill Clinton chased every woman in sight, and she has stuck by him despite his infidelities, which is classic masochism. She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons' finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.

    She ran against Obama, and got beaten like a donkey by him, and what did she do? She went to work for him. Classic masochism. She wanted more suffering. She knew perfectly well when it came to a lightweight like Obama, she would take the blame for his mistakes. She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya, and got into trouble for that, even though she could have avoided it by using a little common sense. Of course you have to protect your Embassy when a country is falling apart. Any idiot knows that.

    Then she blithely put all her classified emails on an unprotected server. Any rational person could guess she would be spied on. She stuffed her pockets via the Clinton Foundation with as much loot as she could, thoroughly disgracing herself in the eyes of anyone concerned with financial malfeasance. This is why Bernie Sanders made such inroads among Democrats. Any politician with any common sense knows you get rich after you're out of office, not before. Doing so beforehand makes you look like a greedy hog on the take and ruins your reputation and your chance to get elected.

    Even now, she's doing the rounds complaining and carrying on in such a sour old bag manner that she has spoiled her reputation even among Democrats, and they're so sick of her they will never pick her to run in 2020. Clinton is complaining longer and more relentlessly than any other loser in any other presidential election that we've ever had. This is Clinton deliberately choosing to sabotage herself again.

    All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She's doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble.

    Replies: @Pericles, @anonymous, @TTSSYF, @Thirdtwin, @PapayaSF, @Unladen Swallow, @SOL, @Jack D

    Everything you write fits except for the cattle futures, which was a bribe/payoff of some sort. The commodities dealer was crooked, and simply assigned her the winning trades and some other client the losing trades. He was later convicted of exactly that (though not in her case). That’s why she made a big score just once and never did commodities trading again.

    • 回复: @吉姆·唐·鲍勃

    Right. It's called front running. And it was a bribe.

    , @anonymous

    Mmm....possibly. The comparisons to Nixon are certainly valid (see my earlier post). The cattle futures, however, were clearly a bribe--and the reasons she gave for hitting home runs in cattle futures fooled nobody and were flat-out clumsly and in retrospect were harbingers of things to come. My own take on her is that she is basically amoral and at least as narcissistic as the person to whom she lost, possibly even more. As a politician she was a zero who alienated fully half the electorate with her barely concealed contempt for them.

  151. @几乎密苏里州


    Another thing I still find strange is that on what was supposed to be the biggest night of her life (and of all Feminism), a night for which all candidates and all their staff, as far as I can ever remember, have always stayed awake, Hillary was apparently already in bed--not just napping on the couch, but deeply abed such that her minions feared to wake her.

    Is her physical infirmity so profound? Or is it her contempt for those who work for her? Or both?

    Replies: @prusmc, @PapayaSF, @Mr. Anon

    Alcohol can do that.

  152. @布鲁托


    回复:@Silva、@Buffalo Joe、@SimpleSong

    I knew some Persians who were super angry about that movie. Their primary complaint was that the Persian emperor Xerxes looked black.

  153. @全是滚珠轴承
    As a Christian I shouldn't find satisfaction in another's demise, but Hillary is such an evil bitch that I was so ecstatic at 3 a.m. Nov 9 and wanted to see that demon give a concession speech. She let me down. I watch replays of TYT or Maddow election night coverage to get that satisfaction. I'm not the only one judging by the # of views. She is truly hated, and now more and more by Dems as well.

    Replies: @ChrisZ, @Lot, @Svigor

    The day after Trump won I spent a few hours posting Pepes on left wing and MSM sites.

    Such optimism I had then.

  154. ……这周老秃鹰看起来年轻了 5 岁……

  155. Completely off topic. I just watched this sad video of protestors harrassing DA employees in Sacremento (Justice for Stephon!).

    There’s a young dread-locked thug preventing a woman from leaving the employee parking lot and true to form, the cops nearby let it happen, again and again. She’s obviously afraid since she tries to squeez between two parked cars to get away, doesn’t.

    James Fields, anyone?

    At about the three minute mark, a woman filming the mayhem from inside the DA’s office building says, “What are we supposed to do?”

    Another woman says, “We’re supposed to stay inside.”

    The first woman says, “No, I mean WE as a collective.”


  156. @阿农
    I have always thought Hillary Clinton is a masochist. She shares that trait with Nixon. Nixon wrote a book about his Six Crises, but they were all entirely of his own making, and he could have stayed out of trouble if he wanted it.

    Clinton has the exact same trait. She has gotten into an incredible amount of messes entirely of her own making, and and she has never been able to stay out of trouble for any particular length of time.

    For a masochist, being in trouble is a psychological necessity. They seek it deliberately. I'm glad she didn't become president, because she's probably get us nuked.

    I think it started with her father, who browbeat her thoroughly when she was young, and she soon began to associate parental love--and then love in general--with being pushed around. That's why she started out as a Goldwater girl, which is lunacy if you're a feminist. Then in the late 60s, she went to the other extreme, when the hippies were beginning to wear out their welcome. If you wanted to become unpopular with the majority at that particular time, being a hardcore left-wing hippie was the way to do it. That's why Nixon got elected. The majority were scared by all the crazy left-wingers.

    Then she married a guy whom she had to know was a womanizer. Bill Clinton chased every woman in sight, and she has stuck by him despite his infidelities, which is classic masochism. She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons' finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.

    She ran against Obama, and got beaten like a donkey by him, and what did she do? She went to work for him. Classic masochism. She wanted more suffering. She knew perfectly well when it came to a lightweight like Obama, she would take the blame for his mistakes. She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya, and got into trouble for that, even though she could have avoided it by using a little common sense. Of course you have to protect your Embassy when a country is falling apart. Any idiot knows that.

    Then she blithely put all her classified emails on an unprotected server. Any rational person could guess she would be spied on. She stuffed her pockets via the Clinton Foundation with as much loot as she could, thoroughly disgracing herself in the eyes of anyone concerned with financial malfeasance. This is why Bernie Sanders made such inroads among Democrats. Any politician with any common sense knows you get rich after you're out of office, not before. Doing so beforehand makes you look like a greedy hog on the take and ruins your reputation and your chance to get elected.

    Even now, she's doing the rounds complaining and carrying on in such a sour old bag manner that she has spoiled her reputation even among Democrats, and they're so sick of her they will never pick her to run in 2020. Clinton is complaining longer and more relentlessly than any other loser in any other presidential election that we've ever had. This is Clinton deliberately choosing to sabotage herself again.

    All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She's doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble.

    Replies: @Pericles, @anonymous, @TTSSYF, @Thirdtwin, @PapayaSF, @Unladen Swallow, @SOL, @Jack D

    Its not because of masochism, it’s hubris. She constantly overestimates her own abilities and intelligence. Bill was a necessary evil to make her a front runner presidential candidate, so was serving as Obama’s SofS.

  157. @乌图

    Sara and Clare Bronfman, daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram, former World Jewish Congress president) allegedly put $150 millions of their money in to this cult.

    The Heiresses and the Cult

    Replies: @J.Ross, @YetAnotherAnon, @Mr. Anon

    Sara and Clare Bronfman, daughters of Edgar Bronfman Sr. (Seagram, former World Jewish Congress president) allegedly put $150 millions of their money in to this cult.

    Oh – right – you’re talking about NXIVM. At first I thought you were referring to the Hillary for President campaign.

  158. @indocon
    The sad thing is that the one accomplishment Trump can claim, the tax cuts, exclusively benefit all those people who were laughing at the deplorables in Hamptons, Beverly Hills, Silicon Valley, Manhattan. All deplorables have gotten out of Trump is hot rhetoric.

    Replies: @TTSSYF, @William Badwhite, @Jack Hanson, @Polynikes, @The preferred nomenclature is...

    Not really. Parts of it penalizes high income individuals in high tax states (eg. California, NY, Illinois…).

  159. @罗斯
    In conspiracy that turned out to be true news, today there were follow-on arrests for the surgically branded Hollywood starlet slaves of NXIVM (pronounced "Nexium," which I'm pretty sure is a brand name prescription medication), after the cult leader was arrested earlier in Mexico. They have ties to Spirit Cooking performance artist Marina Abramovic and to a son of a former president of Mexico, and claim to have hosted thousands at their seminars. Like Scientology or the Gulen "cult," they were less of a religion and more of a pseudo-psychological self-actualization scam.
    But this wasn't so fat fetched. Hollywood women love cults and will often join them if their careers go sideways. Much easier to believe than somebody letting Hillary be Senator and the worst secretary of state in the entire history of the office to include Teapot Dome, but somehow not President.

    Replies: @advancedatheist, @wren, @Anonymous, @utu, @Crawfurdmuir


    When I read about cults and strange practices like “spirit cooking” amongst the rich and politically connected, I am reminded of the “Affair of the Poisons” at the court of Louis XIV in the late seventeenth century. This centered around a fortune-teller called La Voisin, who catered to the idle women of the court, and in the course of her business found out all about their worries and problems. To deal with these she could provide poisons to dispose of husbands and fathers whose longevity had proven inconvenient to her clients, procure abortions, and dispose of unwanted babies. The latter were used in black masses, most famously one celebrated over the naked body of Mme de Montespan, one of the king’s mistresses, who feared that her career was about to “go sideways.” In these ceremonies La Voisin partnered with a crooked priest, the abbé Guibourg:

    “A long black velvet pall was spread over the altar, and upon this the royal mistress laid herself in a state of perfect nudity. Six black candles were lit, the celebrant robed himself in a chasuble embroidered with esoteric characters wrought in silver, the gold paten and chalice were placed upon the naked belly of the living altar […] All was silent save for the low monotonous murmur of the blasphemous liturgy […] An assistant crept forward bearing an infant in her arms. The child was held over the altar, a sharp gash across the neck, a stifled cry, and warm drops fell into the chalice and streamed upon the white figure beneath. The corpse was handed to la Voisin, who flung it callously into an oven fashioned for that purpose which glowed white-hot in its fierceness.”


    The remains of some 2500 infants were found buried on La Voisin’s premises. According to some accounts, body parts of the sacrificed or aborted children were occasionally sold for various occult uses.

    Hollywood has made movies glorifying abortion, e.g., “The Cider House Rules” or “Vera Drake.” Perhaps the next will be one portraying La Voisin as a protomartyr of feminism, a veritable precursor of Planned Parenthood!

    • 回复: @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    i have never heard of this.

    Very Lovecraftian indeed.

    , @千禧

    令人难以置信的故事。不过,毫不奇怪,17 世纪的披萨门事件涉及 骑士. Montespan wasn't simply a royal mistress - like the later Pompadour, she had real influence at court.

    Funny thing is, some people still can't comprehend why, only a few years after 代办, certain Englishmen were less than thrilled at the prospect of a Stuart-run Versailles-on-Thames, or why English colonists in the midst of a war with France (and her "tawny savage" proxies) would take the concept of witchcraft seriously.

    Replies: @Hibernian, @Alden, @Alden

    , @罗斯

    Well, have you seen 巫婆 (promoted idiotically as Vvitch), which is, among other things, the purest example of the new sociopathic school of propaganda? People tolerate the shock in this school because they read-in disapproval of things it clearly approves. We start with a white Christian nuclear family in rural colonial New England. The normie viewer notes establishing details; the pinkhair views these exact same details as a subtler form of the provocations or gratuitous a-hole behavior in the first act of an action or horror film. To this we grant that witchcraft as understood then was totally real, justified in an amoral naturalistic sense (appropriately enough, Satanic morality), and victorious. It's like if a Satanic feminist used 死亡之愿, 别动队 or 投资回收期 as a template, made the colonists the gangsters, and made the hero a magic-using, devil-compacting witch. It mocks the victims as it mocks their beliefs -- for your sexism, you deserve to meet an real witch. Like 敲敲, 出去,或 清除 franchise, this is a Puritanically moralistic film pretending to be neutral.

    回复:@El Dato

  160. @弧光
    Hilary is such a gift - her off-the-charts level of hubris and total inability to take any responsibility for the fact that her unpopularity is almost entirely a product of her own behavior over three decades in the national spotlight reminds even Democrats of what a massive mistake it is to just assume the arc of history will deliver the outcome you desire.

    That said, I doubt the GOP and Trump will get to fight on such favorable terrain in 2020.

    回复:@Jack Hanson

    Nah, 2020 will be a blowout in favor of Trump barring any madness in the next two years.

    I know a lot of people get the vapors here over Kamela Harris, but imagine all the negatives of Hillary magnified through black megalomania and sans the “good times” memories of a Bill Clinton to attach yourself to.

    Yeah. That’s the leading contender for 2020. Her deploreables moment will be telling a hard scrabble white farmer in his 60s that he needs to “check his privilege”.

    • 回复: @弧光
    杰克·汉森(Jack Hanson)

    I don't know - I feel we are overdue for a recession and that always gets blamed on the incumbent, plus I do think the Dems will nominate Harris or someone else who is not white to boost black turnout, which could be decisive in PA, MI, and WI. Now it's possible some white voters who pulled the lever for Hilary vote for Trump in 2020 but I am not very optimistic about that absent some more BLM-inspired riots and property damage in a major city or two. On the other hand, I did read something the other day about how some elements in the Democratic party are starting to talk about pushing through reparations if they take over Congress and the presidency, and broadcasting that early and often could be enough to push more white voters away from the Dems in a national election.

    回复:@杰克·汉森,@ Anon

  161. @几乎密苏里州


    Another thing I still find strange is that on what was supposed to be the biggest night of her life (and of all Feminism), a night for which all candidates and all their staff, as far as I can ever remember, have always stayed awake, Hillary was apparently already in bed--not just napping on the couch, but deeply abed such that her minions feared to wake her.

    Is her physical infirmity so profound? Or is it her contempt for those who work for her? Or both?

    Replies: @prusmc, @PapayaSF, @Mr. Anon

    ………………Hillary was apparently already in bed–not just napping on the couch, but deeply abed such that her minions feared to wake her.

    Is her physical infirmity so profound? Or is it her contempt for those who work for her? Or both?

    Sort of like how Hitler’s aides were afraid to wake him on D-Day.

  162. @Ed

    One of the major blind spot of the Clinton machine was ignoring flyover country. They wanted to appeal to people that read the NYT and mass media culture. That’s why they had these ridiculous concerts with JayZ and LeBron James. They also did it to get out the black vote.

    Anyway the Trump people astutely bought ad time in small markets in key states. When Trump team switched out of buying ads in cities like Miami and instead bought in smaller markets, the media went beserk on Twitter. It was proof to them that Trump was running out of money and campaign was on life support. The concept of anyone bothering to reach people outside of large media markets was completely foreign.

    Also Trump’s team astutely made a deal with Sinclair broadcasting which is a major news provider in many local markets. They also bought ads in local papers and when he appeared at a rally in a town it of course dominated the news there. An astute journalist mentioned during the campaign that while the national media’s tone towards Trump was decidedly negative it was less so in local press.

    回覆:@Buffalo Joe,@先生。 安农

    One of the major blind spot of the Clinton machine was ignoring flyover country. They wanted to appeal to people that read the NYT and mass media culture. That’s why they had these ridiculous concerts with JayZ and LeBron James. They also did it to get out the black vote.

    Even when appealing to the black vote, they seemed tone deaf. Remember that big last minute concert/rally in Philadelphia? With Bruce Springsteen headlining. Is The Boss really that popular with black people?

  163. @艾尔·达托(El Dato)
    @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    Someone please edit Jimbo's Stash of Postmodern Knollij. There is nothing of relevance.


    回复:@ Yojimbo / Zatoichi

    Relevance is fleeting, direct statements are timeless.

    “And that’s all I have to say about that”–F. Gump

  164. @theMann
    The general problem with high level Democrats is that they live in such a tightly sealed bubble that they actually don't realize how much ordinary Americans despise them, and this has been the case for decades. Pauline Kael's notorious observation "I don't know a single person who voted for Richard Nixon" is now almost fifty years old, and things have only gotten worse.

    One of the major problems for Democrats is that the Press, Academia, and Hollywood have become so obsequious in shilling for Democratic candidates that they get no quality information about issues, campaigns, opponents, really much of anything but self serving fantasies about how wonderful Democrats are, and how much everyone loves them. (Republicans are actually improved by Press hostility - weak candidates are weeded out, strong candidates become even stronger.) So when Democrats lose, they actually cannot believe it. Since the voters looooove them, and they are told this every day, there has to be SOME explanation other than voter rejection for their losses.

    The Democrats, apparently through chicanery, nominated a Candidate who has worked paying jobs for maybe ten years of her life, but was worth a quarter of a billion; had more unflattering nicknames than every other Presidential Candidate in US history combined; and was running on a ticket for a Party that had spent eight years nuking coal country while deliberately pursuing racial divisiveness on every level; but CLEARLY she lost because she was cheated.


    Replies: @Buffalo Joe, @Authenticjazzman

    It all boils down to one single word, one single expression which the democrats wield with relentless fervor and zeal, and which, this one single word, has handed them every unearned victory since FDR, and just what is this one specific word, okay I won’t torture you any longer, this word is :


    They have monopolized and rode this expression 24/7 for the last eighty years, in spite of the blatent BS, lies, distortion, and hypocracy behind their employment of this expression.

    In every school, university and religious entity, they have been propagandizing the hapless, clueless public to believe, and accept that they , the democrats are : Fair, and the evil republicans are unfair, and this sums it all up, of course also taking into consideration the myriads of offshoots from this one specific word.

    Authenticjazzaman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and pro jazz musician.

  165. @马尔科姆X-Lax

    My understnding is that Bill warned them about ignoring white working-class voters. But Hillary rejected that idea in favor of Robby Mook’s . Good move, HC. Afterall, what would Bill know about winning national elections? Maybe Steve can weigh in but i would bet that Bill has 10-15 IQ points on Hillary or Obama. Of course, Hillary’s real problem is a deep dislike for the white working class. And the thought of trying to appeal to them, especially the men, completely repulsive to her.

    Replies: @Authenticjazzman, @Clifford Brown, @gcochran

    BC is hovering around 100, and not an inkling higher. HC and BO both around 95, period.

    They are, the lot of them actually quite stupid, and lacking any wisdom to speak of.

    These individuals are nowhere near the intellectual niveau afforded them by the media and PTB.


  166. @大地之敌

    1. MSM——他们承认自己错了,这让他们很痛苦,因为他们不断向所有人保证特朗普不可能击败希拉里。


    3. 政治阶层——特朗普的当选对他们来说是令人厌恶的,因为他是一个局外人。从未担任过任何公职的人不应当选总统。这是不可想象的!!


    回复:@Simon Tugmutton


    我可以借用它来做 T 恤标语吗?

    • 回复: @大地之敌
    西蒙·图格顿(Simon Tugmutton)



  167. 杰克·汉森(Jack Hanson)

    Nah, 2020 will be a blowout in favor of Trump barring any madness in the next two years.

    I know a lot of people get the vapors here over Kamela Harris, but imagine all the negatives of Hillary magnified through black megalomania and sans the "good times" memories of a Bill Clinton to attach yourself to.

    Yeah. That's the leading contender for 2020. Her deploreables moment will be telling a hard scrabble white farmer in his 60s that he needs to "check his privilege".


    I don’t know – I feel we are overdue for a recession and that always gets blamed on the incumbent, plus I do think the Dems will nominate Harris or someone else who is not white to boost black turnout, which could be decisive in PA, MI, and WI. Now it’s possible some white voters who pulled the lever for Hilary vote for Trump in 2020 but I am not very optimistic about that absent some more BLM-inspired riots and property damage in a major city or two. On the other hand, I did read something the other day about how some elements in the Democratic party are starting to talk about pushing through reparations if they take over Congress and the presidency, and broadcasting that early and often could be enough to push more white voters away from the Dems in a national election.

    • 回复: 杰克·汉森(Jack Hanson)

    Blacks running up the vote in Philly and Chicago (I.e. places the R was never gonna win anyway) is an overrated fear. It was white rust belt voters who saw another four years of W in McCain and voted for Obama, and then stayed home in the face of Romney that got Obama through both times.

    Whites, hell, even bugmen, are going to look at Kamela Harris and Cory Booker and see angry black woman and a gay underqualified mulatto. We already virtue signalled one of the former into power and that worked out poorly.

    Harris is the type of head snapping black woman people hate to deal with (even other blacks!). The Dem strategy for the presidency seems to be to run in pawns for queens and then act shocked when checkmate ends the game.

    As far as a recession I think fears of that are overblown. Trump already seems to be getting in front of the 8ball regarding the gas price creep.

    , @阿农

    If the DNC succeeds in defenestrating all the white guys who run everything, I predict the coup plotters will run amok with even more crazy left-wing nonsense that turns off voters.

  168. @SunBakedSuburb

    Don't be too hard on the old gal; she suffers from Kuru.


    Don’t be too hard on the old gal; she suffers from Kuru.

    Hillary! as cannibal; I like it!
    (And kuru is transmitted by eating infected brains, so…she’s a zombie too!)

  169. @克劳弗德缪尔


    “祭坛上铺着长长的黑色天鹅绒棺材,皇家情妇在其上赤裸地躺着。点燃了六支黑色蜡烛,司仪穿着长袍,上面绣着用银、金制成的深奥文字。帕顿和圣杯被放置在活祭坛裸露的腹部上 [...] 除了亵渎的礼拜仪式中低沉单调的低语声外,一切都很安静 [...] 一名助手蹑手蹑脚地走上前,怀里抱着一个婴儿。尸体被举在祭坛上,脖子上有一道锐利的伤口,一声压抑的哭声,温热的水滴落入圣杯,流到下面的白色人物身上。尸体被交给了拉沃赞,后者冷酷地把它扔进了为此目的而制作的烤箱中。它在凶猛中发出白热的光芒。”


    大约 2500 名婴儿的遗骸被发现埋在 La Voisin 的场地内。根据一些说法,被牺牲或堕胎的儿童的身体部位偶尔会被出售用于各种神秘用途。


    回复:@El Dato、@Millennial、@J.Ross

    i have never heard of this.

    Very Lovecraftian indeed.

  170. @涟漪地魔

    Au contraire, black genius is Duke Ellington, John Coltrane, Wayne Shorter, and the impossibly brilliant and esoteric saxophonist/composer Anthony Braxton.


    Thanks, I will look more into Wayne Shorter and Anthony Braxton.

    I can enjoy jazz genius much more than hiphop celebrities.

    I met and played with some of the jazz greats in my high school jazz band before I was mature enough to appreciate it.

    • 回复: @正宗爵士人

    Wayne shorter yeah, Braxton, no thanks.

    "Hip Hop" is garbage and has nothing in common with real music.

    "I met and played with some of the Jazz greats"

    And I shared an apartment for years with a trapsman, who had in fact played with Coltrane, Chet Baker, Jimmy Woode, and many other of the "legends".

    1973年以来一直担任Authenticjazzman“ Mensa”的资格,经过机师培训的美国陆军兽医和专业爵士艺术家。

  171. @弧光
    杰克·汉森(Jack Hanson)

    I don't know - I feel we are overdue for a recession and that always gets blamed on the incumbent, plus I do think the Dems will nominate Harris or someone else who is not white to boost black turnout, which could be decisive in PA, MI, and WI. Now it's possible some white voters who pulled the lever for Hilary vote for Trump in 2020 but I am not very optimistic about that absent some more BLM-inspired riots and property damage in a major city or two. On the other hand, I did read something the other day about how some elements in the Democratic party are starting to talk about pushing through reparations if they take over Congress and the presidency, and broadcasting that early and often could be enough to push more white voters away from the Dems in a national election.

    回复:@杰克·汉森,@ Anon

    Blacks running up the vote in Philly and Chicago (I.e. places the R was never gonna win anyway) is an overrated fear. It was white rust belt voters who saw another four years of W in McCain and voted for Obama, and then stayed home in the face of Romney that got Obama through both times.

    Whites, hell, even bugmen, are going to look at Kamela Harris and Cory Booker and see angry black woman and a gay underqualified mulatto. We already virtue signalled one of the former into power and that worked out poorly.

    Harris is the type of head snapping black woman people hate to deal with (even other blacks!). The Dem strategy for the presidency seems to be to run in pawns for queens and then act shocked when checkmate ends the game.

    As far as a recession I think fears of that are overblown. Trump already seems to be getting in front of the 8ball regarding the gas price creep.

  172. @马尔科姆X-Lax

    My understnding is that Bill warned them about ignoring white working-class voters. But Hillary rejected that idea in favor of Robby Mook’s . Good move, HC. Afterall, what would Bill know about winning national elections? Maybe Steve can weigh in but i would bet that Bill has 10-15 IQ points on Hillary or Obama. Of course, Hillary’s real problem is a deep dislike for the white working class. And the thought of trying to appeal to them, especially the men, completely repulsive to her.

    Replies: @Authenticjazzman, @Clifford Brown, @gcochran


    Days before the election, Bill Clinton was allegedly so frustrated with Hillary Clinton’s and Robert Mook’s ignoring of White Working Class Democrats that he threw his cellphone from the upper floors of his Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas. No way of knowing if this story is apocryphal or not.

    Goes without saying that Hillary wanted to do it “她的方式” out of Bill’s shadow. Mook’s algorithm and Hillary dogmatic hubris lead her campaign astray.

    Bill Clinton was not only extremely intelligent, but in his prime, in-person, Bill Clinton, had an almost mutant-like sense of charisma and empathy. In contrast, Hillary’s charisma was a negative with anyone that was not on the high-roller donor list.

    Clinton and Carville were also ruthless Southern Boys from back when Democrats still won Down South. Even Bill Clinton’s intro video at the 2016 DNC is like a portal to an alternative Democratic Party.

    • 回复: @马尔科姆X-Lax

    As it so happens, I met and conversed with HRC back in 1992 when she came to my Nor Cal college campaigning for Bill. I and 3 or 4 other students spent about 5 minutes talking with her. She was cold and unengaged, like she would have rather been somewhere else. Not that i blame her but she was no natural politician like Bill was.

  173. Trump will lose if he doesn’t start getting his head out of his ass and developing an actual strategy and vision. As things stand if Biden is the nominee he’ll get clobbered.

    • 回复: @翻动

    Both Biden and Trump will be too old.


    , 杰克·汉森(Jack Hanson)

    Would you like to bet money on that lmfao.

  174. 马蒂

    Is Dream Fluff donuts still going strong?

    回复:@Ripple Earthdevil

    Is Dream Fluff donuts still going strong?

    It is indeed. It will outlast everything in the Elmwood.

  175. @化名

    Oh C'OyVeynus, lovin' the concern troll.


    “Oh C’OyVeynus, lovin’ the concern troll.”

    Exactly what I expect a Coalition of the Fringe adherent to say. It’s not about “concern”, it’s about being honest with oneself and admitting that this group in particular seeks information to confirm their beliefs. Anything else that threatens the narrative is discounted.

  176. @阿农
    And have you not NOTICED your own biases, Corvinus? Do you really think your pretending to be objective and even-handed in your analysis is believed by anyone here?

    Post again when Trump is in handcuffs for one of the credible allegations you so fervently want to believe is true. Yeah, a real objective and even-handed observer you are!

    In the future, please NOTICE what a supercilious hypocritical douchebag you have become. And cuck. Yeah, that's right, you are a cuck too.


    “And have you not NOTICED your own biases, Corvinus?”

    More than you will ever know or care to admit.

    “Do you really think your pretending to be objective and even-handed in your analysis is believed by anyone here?”

    I am observably much more objective and even-handed compared to you and others here.

    “Post again when Trump is in handcuffs for one of the credible allegations you so fervently want to believe is true. Yeah, a real objective and even-handed observer you are!”

    NOTICE that I said allegations. NOTICE that there is indeed evidence and sources that make it certainly appear that the Trump team engaged in a boatload of illegal activity. Why not actually immerse yourself into the narrative rather than close your eyes and put your hands over your ears and like a little girl say “No, it’s not true, I’m not listening, it’s all a lie”. But feel free to be an ostrich with your head in the sand.

    “In the future, please NOTICE what a supercilious hypocritical douchebag you have become. And cuck. Yeah, that’s right, you are a cuck too.”

    Again, the word “cuck” is overused and observably means next to nothing. It has lost its cache.

    • 回复: @斯维格

    I am observably much more objective and even-handed compared to you and others here.
    Your being here belies your (stupid) message of moderation. Moderates aren't interested in fringe sites.

    You're here to do the bidding of leftism under the (laughable) aegis of moderation.
    , @奥尔登

    You’re always demanding that people provide sources and links to everything they write.

    So please come up with some actual illegal activities Trump committed

    Please don’t just say obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is interfering with an investigation of a crime. For “justice” to be obstructed , an actual crime must be committed and an investigation must begin by the proper authorities.

    So come up with an actual crime and the statutes that define the crime.

    Meeting with Russians is not collusion with anything. Trump or his subordinates would have to do something illegal while meeting with the Russians.

    So find the crime. Hildabeast the media academia big business and the demon ocrats have been trying since November 2016 and haven’t come with a thing.


  177. @克劳弗德缪尔


    “祭坛上铺着长长的黑色天鹅绒棺材,皇家情妇在其上赤裸地躺着。点燃了六支黑色蜡烛,司仪穿着长袍,上面绣着用银、金制成的深奥文字。帕顿和圣杯被放置在活祭坛裸露的腹部上 [...] 除了亵渎的礼拜仪式中低沉单调的低语声外,一切都很安静 [...] 一名助手蹑手蹑脚地走上前,怀里抱着一个婴儿。尸体被举在祭坛上,脖子上有一道锐利的伤口,一声压抑的哭声,温热的水滴落入圣杯,流到下面的白色人物身上。尸体被交给了拉沃赞,后者冷酷地把它扔进了为此目的而制作的烤箱中。它在凶猛中发出白热的光芒。”


    大约 2500 名婴儿的遗骸被发现埋在 La Voisin 的场地内。根据一些说法,被牺牲或堕胎的儿童的身体部位偶尔会被出售用于各种神秘用途。


    回复:@El Dato、@Millennial、@J.Ross

    令人难以置信的故事。不过,毫不奇怪,17 世纪的披萨门事件涉及 骑士。蒙特斯潘不仅仅是一位皇室情妇——就像后来的蓬巴杜一样,她在宫廷中拥有真正的影响力。

    有趣的是,仅仅几年后,有些人仍然无法理解为什么 代办,某些英国人对斯图亚特统治的泰晤士河畔凡尔赛宫的前景并不感到兴奋,或者为什么在与法国的战争中英国殖民者(以及她的“黄褐色野蛮人”代理人)会认真对待巫术的概念。

    • 回复: @希伯来语



    , @奥尔登








    , @奥尔登

    英国殖民者直到 1756 年才卷入与法国的战争,即女巫哈布吉布斯 (Habgibgs) 事件发生 60 年后。而把殖民主义者拖入其中的正是英国。





    回复:@匿名,@ Millennial

  178. the most subversive movie ever made is “Hail Ceaser” by the Coen brothers, not even subtle in the messaging, I didn’t find the subtlety of 300 nearly as subversive as the explicit theme of “Hail Ceaseer”, deeply devout Catholic and All American cowboy try to keep communists out of Hollywood while dealing with degenerate and corrupt folks that run Hollywood…

  179. 哈里·鲍德温(Harry Baldwin)

    ...are there really definable benefits for companies to advertise on Google or use Facebook data?

    Having worked in advertising, I can assure you that we were not at all sure ourselves that there are definable benefits for companies to advertise at all. In some cases, obviously, yes. In many others, probably not.

    My wife has a small mail-order business and has recently given up on advertising in magazines. Their ad departments continue to hound her, of course, but she doesn't see a return and their page rates are too expensive. She now advertises on Facebook and she gets these encouraging reports on how may people looked at her ad, liked it, or shared it. But are these stats even reliable? We know Facebook does a lot of lying. However, she has noticed a small uptick in orders so she'll keep advertising on Facebook, largely because it's quite cheap.

    回复:@ J.Ross

    Last year YouTube and Facebook were caught exaggerrating numbers and had a decline in sales; those energetic reports might be part of a reaction to that.
    There is a whole book’s worth of news about social media that is under-reported by the legacy media, and overshadowed by babbling about Russians. Theresa May just called Maryam (“SyrianGirl”) a bot!

  180. @阳光
    "After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected,"

    Does the NY Times really have that kind of influence? What fraction of voters even read this?

    Particularly in the states that were the battlegrounds.

    Really kind of curious as to where things go. If you buy a paper like Bezos did the Post, I'm really not sure he is getting much bang for his buck, other than the fact that people in the Beltway probably know what they wrote about any given day.

    But it's not like controlling the Times or Post is going to light a fire under people's butts in Peoria to impeach Trump - or vote for Hillary.

    Given the full court press the national media outlets have been putting on Trump, if they don't produce a major scalp in either the midterms or 2020 (and probably both), I think a lot of well heeled types are going to ask themselves whether these media outlets are worth it at all.

    And despite the current hoopla, are there really definable benefits for companies to advertise on Google or use Facebook data? You'd think, but my understanding is that results seem to have been very sketchy so far.

    Replies: @donut, @Ed, @Harry Baldwin, @carol, @ben tillman, @athEIst

    “After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected,”

    Does the NY Times really have that kind of influence?

    Yes, and then some.

  181. @艾尔·达托(El Dato)
    OT: Natalie Portman targeted for termination:

    Natalie Portman ‘unworthy of any honor’ says Israeli politician

    An Israeli government minister has called for actress Natalie Portman to be stripped of her Israeli citizenship, after she refused to attend the Genesis Award ceremony, citing “extremely distressing” recent events.

    “From the outset, the idea of granting the Genesis Prize to Natalie Portman was complete craziness,” Member of Knesset (MK) Oren Hazan said, as cited by Arutz Sheva. “She's an actress, but she is unworthy of any honor in the State of Israel."

    He called Portman a Jewish Israeli who “cynically uses her birthplace to advance her career” while expressing pride in the fact that she never served in the Israeli military.

    "I call on Interior Minister Aryeh Deri (Shas) to rescind Portman's Israeli citizenship. She left Israel at age four, and has no real connection to the state," added Hazan, a member of the ruling Likud party.
    Revealing that he says "state" not "nation". But maybe these things are the same in Hebrew?


    89 El Dato > he says “state” not “nation”. But maybe these things are the same in Hebrew?


    There is the “State of Israel” (“medinat yisrael”) which is different than “the ethnics people of Israel” (“ahm yisrael”) which existed well before the creation of the current Sovereign country.

    I don’t think it’s strange. Poland didn’t exist for any number of years, yet the Polish ethnic people didn’t imagine that they had ceased to exist.

    I happen to like Arafat’s advice that Israel change its regime-indicator to “Hebrew Republic”, because it’s a quite accurate description of the culture here. You can be generic-non-Jewish or even Muslim, and still be rather high up in the, uh, local Deep State – if you can tell off-color jokes to the cops and the troops in Hebrew

    You Americans will find out after you go into exile for the first time

    • 回复: @匿名的

    How about "The Israelite Hebrew Jewish Talmudic Republic of Israel" ?

  182. @威士忌酒
    Hillary *IS* weird and icky. In related news, the "wholesome" Allison Mack of TV's "Smallville" fame has been arrested for being part of a sex cult that had her branding women on the private parts with the initials of the cult leader while telling them to think of their master. She was lured into the cult by co-star Kristin Kreuk and Richard Branson was allegedly also part of the cult.

    Point being, random celebrities seem weird and icky. Just image how weird and icky Hillary! really is - this is a big part of the revolt of the Deplorables. The internet exposes even the most minor random celebrity as being .. well downright weird.

    By contrast Trump seems a man of normal appetites. Not weird. Not icky.

    Imagine, Hillary as the candidate of Gay Wall Streeters. Babura singing like a Mecha Streisand. A more perfect Hillary! moment cannot be imagined.

    Replies: @Rosamond Vincy, @Neoconned


    This is really good reading….

    You can build you a harem of dumb white women just by spouting eat pray live mumbo jumbo and by being into BDSM type stuff.

    I bet the women who turned him in were mad because he wouldn’t spend enough time w him and we’re just jealous…..

    • 回复: @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    Nicki Clyne quite her acting career to become a sex-slaver. She is a slave to Allison Mack to whom she is reportedly married.
    Nooooo ... Cally!
  183. @科维努斯
    彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)

    "Fox News is also “mainstream” and has far more political influence than the NYT. The New York Times reaches maybe 3M people, the vast majority of whom pick the NYT precisely becauses it reinforces the political views they already hold."

    You don't NOTICE that some people who read the NYT may not be politically minded, or may actually be Republicans who read other parts of the paper for information, sports, etc. And perhaps you also didn't NOTICE that a great deal of those views were watch Fox News are also having their positions hardened as well. It's called confirmation bias.

    And our beloved host neglected to NOTICE--he has been doing that lately--that the use of "cuck" and "race realist" by the Alt Right on white people have a similar impact to that of Shitlery sneering at "deplorables".

    Furthermore, why no direct insight on the investigation of Trump by Mr. Sailer in the viewing audience? That's easy. Mr. Sailer does not want any potential blowback should the dozens of allegations, some of which have substantial and credible evidence behind them, stain his reputation. Cagey on his part to not even NOTICE it.

    回复:@ Anonym,@ ben tillman

    Furthermore, why no direct insight on the investigation of Trump by Mr. Sailer in the viewing audience?

    When did Steve start investigating the President?

  184. 彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)

    They and the rest of the mainstream media were absolutely in the tank for her.

    Fox News is also "mainstream" and has far more political influence than the NYT. The New York Times reaches maybe 3M people, the vast majority of whom pick the NYT precisely becauses it reinforces the political views they already hold. Even if the NYT had convinced every one of its Republican readers to vote for Clinton instead of Trump it would make very little difference since almost all those Republican readers live in blue states.

    Replies: @Corvinus, @gcochran

    The New York Times is the major influence on an enormous number of other media outlets.

  185. @默里

    希拉里与罗比·穆克(Robby Mook)的对话听起来像是我在漫长的调酒日子里经常听到的那种话:






    希拉里很着迷,仅仅是为了证明左派人格崇拜的力量。 实际上,她是一个无聊的无实体主义者,是一个女人,她被任命担任的每个重要(无礼)角色都在受挫,而她一生似乎从未有过任何独到的见解。 然而,对于全世界数以千万计的人来说,她是“有史以来担任总统职位的最有资格的人”,也是进步的英勇道者,而在他们不断增长的名单中,他们无法摆脱她那无休止的掠夺。谁死了她应得的王冠。

    回复:@ gcochran,@ anonymous,@ Ivy

    “Mook, with grave trepidation: “Madame Secretary [or Your Satanic Majesty, or whatever they called her], I have bad news…” Steiner.

  186. @马尔科姆X-Lax

    My understnding is that Bill warned them about ignoring white working-class voters. But Hillary rejected that idea in favor of Robby Mook’s . Good move, HC. Afterall, what would Bill know about winning national elections? Maybe Steve can weigh in but i would bet that Bill has 10-15 IQ points on Hillary or Obama. Of course, Hillary’s real problem is a deep dislike for the white working class. And the thought of trying to appeal to them, especially the men, completely repulsive to her.

    Replies: @Authenticjazzman, @Clifford Brown, @gcochran

    Hillary’s IQ was ≥ 140 when she was young, but she’s never been right about anything.

  187. @克劳弗德缪尔


    “祭坛上铺着长长的黑色天鹅绒棺材,皇家情妇在其上赤裸地躺着。点燃了六支黑色蜡烛,司仪穿着长袍,上面绣着用银、金制成的深奥文字。帕顿和圣杯被放置在活祭坛裸露的腹部上 [...] 除了亵渎的礼拜仪式中低沉单调的低语声外,一切都很安静 [...] 一名助手蹑手蹑脚地走上前,怀里抱着一个婴儿。尸体被举在祭坛上,脖子上有一道锐利的伤口,一声压抑的哭声,温热的水滴落入圣杯,流到下面的白色人物身上。尸体被交给了拉沃赞,后者冷酷地把它扔进了为此目的而制作的烤箱中。它在凶猛中发出白热的光芒。”


    大约 2500 名婴儿的遗骸被发现埋在 La Voisin 的场地内。根据一些说法,被牺牲或堕胎的儿童的身体部位偶尔会被出售用于各种神秘用途。


    回复:@El Dato、@Millennial、@J.Ross

    Well, have you seen 巫婆 (promoted idiotically as Vvitch), which is, among other things, the purest example of the new sociopathic school of propaganda? People tolerate the shock in this school because they read-in disapproval of things it clearly approves. We start with a white Christian nuclear family in rural colonial New England. The normie viewer notes establishing details; the pinkhair views these exact same details as a subtler form of the provocations or gratuitous a-hole behavior in the first act of an action or horror film. To this we grant that witchcraft as understood then was totally real, justified in an amoral naturalistic sense (appropriately enough, Satanic morality), and victorious. It’s like if a Satanic feminist used 死亡之愿, 别动队 or 投资回收期 as a template, made the colonists the gangsters, and made the hero a magic-using, devil-compacting witch. It mocks the victims as it mocks their beliefs — for your sexism, you deserve to meet an real witch. Like 敲敲, 出去,或 清除 franchise, this is a Puritanically moralistic film pretending to be neutral.

    • 回复: @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    It’s like if a Satanic feminist used Death Wish, Commando or Payback as a template, made the colonists the gangsters, and made the hero a magic-using, devil-compacting witch. It mocks the victims as it mocks their beliefs — for your sexism, you deserve to meet an real witch. Like Knock Knock, Get Out, or the Purge franchise, this is a Puritanically moralistic film pretending to be neutral.


    How can it be Puritanically Moralistic if it promotes Feminism and Satanic Witchcraft as a liberating force?


    回复:@ J.Ross

  188. @布法罗乔

    布鲁,我对你的评论感到困惑。 《300勇士》有历史基础,有足够的血腥内容满足塔伦蒂诺的血腥粉丝的需求,有足够的健壮的身体适合同性恋市场和好色的女孩,有强奸场景,还有一点点裸体来增添一点温柔。谁不支持这部电影?



  189. @CK

    Does anyone think, for the smallest minute, that he wanted to have to play second fiddle to that woman, in public, as the First "Gentleman"?

    Replies: @Anonym, @Anonymous, @Alden


    Not really but as a power behind the throne and as access to power it would have been worth it. He obviously wanted it – see my Daily Mail article that I have linked to several times to date. Remember what Henry Kissinger said – “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac”. And as a fairly typical looking Jewish guy not as good looking as say, Bibi, he would be better placed to appraise the efficacy of aphrodisiacs.

    如果您非常渴望获得权力,那么您需要做的就是赢得胜利。 你有克林顿的Bodycount作为他们赢得胜利的证据,然后希拉里忽略了两次总统(双语无意,但我喜欢它),支持湿漉漉的耳朵罗比Mook。 哑的。

    • 回复: @ MBlanc46

    Not only power. Money. Lots and lots of money. Bill and Hill love money.

  190. 西蒙·图格顿(Simon Tugmutton)

    我可以借用它来做 T 恤标语吗?



    • 回复: @化名


    , @米什拉





  191. @布法罗乔

    Anonym, the democrats have exactly the same baskets if you think about it , especially Basket #1. The dem's Basket #2 should actually be filled with all the blacks that have labored on their political plantation and have never been allowed in the Masta's house. Basket #3 would be filled with all the fringe element dems who hate anyone who doesn't agree with them.


    Anonym, the democrats have exactly the same baskets if you think about it , especially Basket #1. The dem’s Basket #2 should actually be filled with all the blacks that have labored on their political plantation and have never been allowed in the Masta’s house. Basket #3 would be filled with all the fringe element dems who hate anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

    Basket #2 is the only one that matters in a campaign. You are not going to peel off enough of them in an election to matter, they are the most polarized voting bloc there is. Gibsmedats determine it, and you’d lose far too many whites to go after them. Blacks are either in #1 or #3, not #2 (in commercial quantities, you get the occasional Diamond and Silk but they won’t win an election for you except to persuade cuckservatives… maybe).

    Steve’s analysis of elections in terms of things like marriage gap, white men and married women versus coalition of fringes, is far better (trenchant in the words of Marx… *吐*). Trump campaigned on the Sailer Strategy and won. Like Babe Ruth pointing to the stands, Steve pointed this one out back in 2001. Even wikipedia gives him props.


    • 回复: @布法罗乔

    Anonym, thank you for the well thought out response. I appreciate.

  192. @大地之敌
    西蒙·图格顿(Simon Tugmutton)



  193. @阿农
    I have always thought Hillary Clinton is a masochist. She shares that trait with Nixon. Nixon wrote a book about his Six Crises, but they were all entirely of his own making, and he could have stayed out of trouble if he wanted it.

    Clinton has the exact same trait. She has gotten into an incredible amount of messes entirely of her own making, and and she has never been able to stay out of trouble for any particular length of time.

    For a masochist, being in trouble is a psychological necessity. They seek it deliberately. I'm glad she didn't become president, because she's probably get us nuked.

    I think it started with her father, who browbeat her thoroughly when she was young, and she soon began to associate parental love--and then love in general--with being pushed around. That's why she started out as a Goldwater girl, which is lunacy if you're a feminist. Then in the late 60s, she went to the other extreme, when the hippies were beginning to wear out their welcome. If you wanted to become unpopular with the majority at that particular time, being a hardcore left-wing hippie was the way to do it. That's why Nixon got elected. The majority were scared by all the crazy left-wingers.

    Then she married a guy whom she had to know was a womanizer. Bill Clinton chased every woman in sight, and she has stuck by him despite his infidelities, which is classic masochism. She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons' finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.

    She ran against Obama, and got beaten like a donkey by him, and what did she do? She went to work for him. Classic masochism. She wanted more suffering. She knew perfectly well when it came to a lightweight like Obama, she would take the blame for his mistakes. She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya, and got into trouble for that, even though she could have avoided it by using a little common sense. Of course you have to protect your Embassy when a country is falling apart. Any idiot knows that.

    Then she blithely put all her classified emails on an unprotected server. Any rational person could guess she would be spied on. She stuffed her pockets via the Clinton Foundation with as much loot as she could, thoroughly disgracing herself in the eyes of anyone concerned with financial malfeasance. This is why Bernie Sanders made such inroads among Democrats. Any politician with any common sense knows you get rich after you're out of office, not before. Doing so beforehand makes you look like a greedy hog on the take and ruins your reputation and your chance to get elected.

    Even now, she's doing the rounds complaining and carrying on in such a sour old bag manner that she has spoiled her reputation even among Democrats, and they're so sick of her they will never pick her to run in 2020. Clinton is complaining longer and more relentlessly than any other loser in any other presidential election that we've ever had. This is Clinton deliberately choosing to sabotage herself again.

    All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She's doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble.

    Replies: @Pericles, @anonymous, @TTSSYF, @Thirdtwin, @PapayaSF, @Unladen Swallow, @SOL, @Jack D

    So glad that bitch is not president.

    “All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She’s doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble.”

    Not because she’s a narcissist? Or has BPD?

  194. @slumber_j


    回复:@Clifford Brown、@415 Reasons、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Almost Missouri、@Pericles、@Hanoi Paris Hilton、@Inquiring Mind、@anonymous

    “他们”,是吗?我不敢相信塞勒先生的一些读者竟然如此迟钝。那个看起来傻乎乎的年轻人,我猜他旁边是汤姆·斯泰尔(Tom Steyer)或其他一些你的保守派左翼亿万富翁(斯泰尔先生的另一边还有州长月光),是/曾经是加州大学伯瑟克莱分校的拉丁裔学生不确定的性别流动性,其“首选代词”是“他们”。这是以前的事,一如往常,他完全发狂,谋杀了另一位半知名的年轻女性环境素食主义者 SJW 活动家,并试图谋杀第二个这样的女性。伤心。

  195. @木瓜SF

    Everything you write fits except for the cattle futures, which was a bribe/payoff of some sort. The commodities dealer was crooked, and simply assigned her the winning trades and some other client the losing trades. He was later convicted of exactly that (though not in her case). That's why she made a big score just once and never did commodities trading again.

    回复:@Jim Don Bob,@ anonymous

    Right. It’s called front running. And it was a bribe.

  196. @他们称Desanex的那个
    I’d like to see hideous Hillary
    Her frenzied face framed by a pillory;
    Each deplorable hick
    Given license to kick
    Her buttocks, so bloated and billowy.


    I’d like to see hideous Hillary
    Her frenzied face framed by a pillory;
    Each deplorable hick
    Given license to kick
    Her buttocks, so bloated and billowy.

  197. @SunBakedSuburb

    Don't forget Obama's attorney general, Eric Holder. Wall Street instrument Holder is also an extreme racialist. It could be Holder and Harris, the brown ticket that will make white liberals drool. Californians know Harris is an empty pants suit; but Holder is a different beast altogether. Should he get executive power it'll be bad for Whitey.

    回复:@Buffalo Joe

    SBS, nice reply Thank you.

  198. @化名

    Anonym, the democrats have exactly the same baskets if you think about it , especially Basket #1. The dem’s Basket #2 should actually be filled with all the blacks that have labored on their political plantation and have never been allowed in the Masta’s house. Basket #3 would be filled with all the fringe element dems who hate anyone who doesn’t agree with them.

    Basket #2 is the only one that matters in a campaign. You are not going to peel off enough of them in an election to matter, they are the most polarized voting bloc there is. Gibsmedats determine it, and you'd lose far too many whites to go after them. Blacks are either in #1 or #3, not #2 (in commercial quantities, you get the occasional Diamond and Silk but they won't win an election for you except to persuade cuckservatives... maybe).

    Steve's analysis of elections in terms of things like marriage gap, white men and married women versus coalition of fringes, is far better (trenchant in the words of Marx... *spit*). Trump campaigned on the Sailer Strategy and won. Like Babe Ruth pointing to the stands, Steve pointed this one out back in 2001. Even wikipedia gives him props.


    回复:@Buffalo Joe

    Anonym, thank you for the well thought out response. I appreciate.

  199. 史蒂夫,

    Sorry be a buttinski, but:
    would love to see your essay on the demise of the alt-right. You always kept yourself aloof from that stuff even though I am certain that your influence on the movement was very significant indeed.


    Alright, dammit: please and pretty please.


  200. @卡尔
    @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    89 El Dato > he says “state” not “nation”. But maybe these things are the same in Hebrew?


    There is the "State of Israel" ("medinat yisrael") which is different than "the ethnics people of Israel" ("ahm yisrael") which existed well before the creation of the current Sovereign country.

    I don't think it's strange. Poland didn't exist for any number of years, yet the Polish ethnic people didn't imagine that they had ceased to exist.

    I happen to like Arafat's advice that Israel change its regime-indicator to "Hebrew Republic", because it's a quite accurate description of the culture here. You can be generic-non-Jewish or even Muslim, and still be rather high up in the, uh, local Deep State - if you can tell off-color jokes to the cops and the troops in Hebrew

    You Americans will find out after you go into exile for the first time


    How about “The Israelite Hebrew Jewish Talmudic Republic of Israel” ?

  201. @Neoconned


    This is really good reading....

    You can build you a harem of dumb white women just by spouting eat pray live mumbo jumbo and by being into BDSM type stuff.

    I bet the women who turned him in were mad because he wouldn't spend enough time w him and we're just jealous.....

    回复:@El Dato

    Nicki Clyne quite her acting career to become a sex-slaver. She is a slave to Allison Mack to whom she is reportedly married.

    Nooooo … Cally!

  202. @罗斯

    Well, have you seen 巫婆 (promoted idiotically as Vvitch), which is, among other things, the purest example of the new sociopathic school of propaganda? People tolerate the shock in this school because they read-in disapproval of things it clearly approves. We start with a white Christian nuclear family in rural colonial New England. The normie viewer notes establishing details; the pinkhair views these exact same details as a subtler form of the provocations or gratuitous a-hole behavior in the first act of an action or horror film. To this we grant that witchcraft as understood then was totally real, justified in an amoral naturalistic sense (appropriately enough, Satanic morality), and victorious. It's like if a Satanic feminist used 死亡之愿, 别动队 or 投资回收期 as a template, made the colonists the gangsters, and made the hero a magic-using, devil-compacting witch. It mocks the victims as it mocks their beliefs -- for your sexism, you deserve to meet an real witch. Like 敲敲, 出去,或 清除 franchise, this is a Puritanically moralistic film pretending to be neutral.

    回复:@El Dato

    It’s like if a Satanic feminist used Death Wish, Commando or Payback as a template, made the colonists the gangsters, and made the hero a magic-using, devil-compacting witch. It mocks the victims as it mocks their beliefs — for your sexism, you deserve to meet an real witch. Like Knock Knock, Get Out, or the Purge franchise, this is a Puritanically moralistic film pretending to be neutral.

    How can it be Puritanically Moralistic if it promotes Feminism and Satanic Witchcraft as a liberating force?


    • 回复: @罗斯
    @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    Satan's not a free agent or a random motile object.

  203. @slumber_j


    回复:@Clifford Brown、@415 Reasons、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Almost Missouri、@Pericles、@Hanoi Paris Hilton、@Inquiring Mind、@anonymous


  204. @贝蒂
    Trump will lose if he doesn't start getting his head out of his ass and developing an actual strategy and vision. As things stand if Biden is the nominee he'll get clobbered.

    回复:@ Flip,@ Jack Hanson

    Both Biden and Trump will be too old.

    • 回复: @TTSSYF

    Biden, probably. Trump, no.

  205. @slumber_j


    回复:@Clifford Brown、@415 Reasons、@Yojimbo/Zatoichi、@Almost Missouri、@Pericles、@Hanoi Paris Hilton、@Inquiring Mind、@anonymous

    I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Nixon in a pantsuit…complete with the paranoia and self-pity. The difference is that the Establishment hated him and loved her.

  206. @提利昂2




    “'哦,那是什么意思? 他们永远不会喜欢我,”希拉里告诉这个朋友。
    如果您对他们有好处,他们会喜欢您的。 或者至少,如果您停止哭泣他们的脸,而又哭诉您是受害者的话。





    '我就知道。 我知道这会发生在我身上……。 希拉里说,现在距离他的脸只有几英寸。 “他们永远不会让我当总统。””

    回复:@ prusmc,@ Ivy

    这次选举对那些存有希拉里商品的商人来说是残酷的,仅此而已。 希拉里的垃圾箱加入了其余的垃圾箱,其销量甚至比奥萨马(Osama)或卡达菲(Khadaffi)少。 叫希拉里(Hillary)或什至奇怪的罗德姆(Rodham)的小女孩越来越少,新父母要讨价还价,然后才是苦头。 现在这是一个严酷的世界,她也错过了晋级机会。

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123



    , @YetAnotherAnon



  207. @ Yojimbo / Zatoichi




    希拉里(Hillary)经常陷入递归思考的境地,最终追逐自己的直肠。 想象一下可怜的工作人员贴上了帮助她康复的标签!

  208. @默里

    希拉里与罗比·穆克(Robby Mook)的对话听起来像是我在漫长的调酒日子里经常听到的那种话:






    希拉里很着迷,仅仅是为了证明左派人格崇拜的力量。 实际上,她是一个无聊的无实体主义者,是一个女人,她被任命担任的每个重要(无礼)角色都在受挫,而她一生似乎从未有过任何独到的见解。 然而,对于全世界数以千万计的人来说,她是“有史以来担任总统职位的最有资格的人”,也是进步的英勇道者,而在他们不断增长的名单中,他们无法摆脱她那无休止的掠夺。谁死了她应得的王冠。

    回复:@ gcochran,@ anonymous,@ Ivy

    The media was seething after Clarence Thomas bested Anita Hill in the SCOTUS hearings. Along comes Hillary Clinton –Wellesley College, Yale Law , “Top 100 trial lawyers” (no such thing, by the way) blah, blah, blah–the perfect feminist torch carrier. First, last and always–she was a creation of the media and a symptom of our times.

  209. @木瓜SF

    Everything you write fits except for the cattle futures, which was a bribe/payoff of some sort. The commodities dealer was crooked, and simply assigned her the winning trades and some other client the losing trades. He was later convicted of exactly that (though not in her case). That's why she made a big score just once and never did commodities trading again.

    回复:@Jim Don Bob,@ anonymous

    Mmm….possibly. The comparisons to Nixon are certainly valid (see my earlier post). The cattle futures, however, were clearly a bribe–and the reasons she gave for hitting home runs in cattle futures fooled nobody and were flat-out clumsly and in retrospect were harbingers of things to come. My own take on her is that she is basically amoral and at least as narcissistic as the person to whom she lost, possibly even more. As a politician she was a zero who alienated fully half the electorate with her barely concealed contempt for them.

  210. @贝蒂
    Trump will lose if he doesn't start getting his head out of his ass and developing an actual strategy and vision. As things stand if Biden is the nominee he'll get clobbered.

    回复:@ Flip,@ Jack Hanson

    Would you like to bet money on that lmfao.

  211. @CK

    Does anyone think, for the smallest minute, that he wanted to have to play second fiddle to that woman, in public, as the First "Gentleman"?

    Replies: @Anonym, @Anonymous, @Alden

    Does anyone else suspect that Hillary made plans to have Bill “offed” in dramatic fashion around November 6, 2018?



    Bill – the REAL master politician – will have anticipated such attempts and no doubt took real precautions to stay away after mid-October.

    Some of the Comey drama re emails etc. may well have been stage-managed by Bill through cut-outs. In fact, it would not be surprising if Bill was party to a deal along these lines with Team Trump and both parties’ moneyed backers.

    • 回复: @奥尔登

    Could be. I wouldn’t put anything past Hildabeast. I think more likely the revelation of a kidnap plot of that grand baby by the KKK NEO NAZI WN deplorable.

    Remember pictures of her and Bill pushing the baby buggy around Manhattan trying to show she has a human heart? She was twice the size of Bill.

  212. @默里

    希拉里与罗比·穆克(Robby Mook)的对话听起来像是我在漫长的调酒日子里经常听到的那种话:






    希拉里很着迷,仅仅是为了证明左派人格崇拜的力量。 实际上,她是一个无聊的无实体主义者,是一个女人,她被任命担任的每个重要(无礼)角色都在受挫,而她一生似乎从未有过任何独到的见解。 然而,对于全世界数以千万计的人来说,她是“有史以来担任总统职位的最有资格的人”,也是进步的英勇道者,而在他们不断增长的名单中,他们无法摆脱她那无休止的掠夺。谁死了她应得的王冠。

    回复:@ gcochran,@ anonymous,@ Ivy


    每当我看到那句话时,我也会看到 华盛顿,亚当斯,杰斐逊和麦迪逊,例如,互相问 “先生们,谁让我们建立的国家发展成为那个国家?” 可悲的是,对于那些甚至一秒钟都认为希拉里应该被提及具有这种比较能力的人来说,这是可悲的。

  213. I’d like to see hideous Hillary,
    Her frenzied face framed by a pillory;
    Each deplorable hick
    Given license to kick
    Her buttocks, so bloated and billowy.

  214. @常春藤

    这次选举对那些存有希拉里商品的商人来说是残酷的,仅此而已。 希拉里的垃圾箱加入了其余的垃圾箱,其销量甚至比奥萨马(Osama)或卡达菲(Khadaffi)少。 叫希拉里(Hillary)或什至奇怪的罗德姆(Rodham)的小女孩越来越少,新父母要讨价还价,然后才是苦头。 现在这是一个严酷的世界,她也错过了晋级机会。

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @YetAnotherAnon

    I knew that I shouldn’t have bought those Hillary4Pres urinal cakes.

    • 回复: @常春藤


  215. @克利福德·布朗


    Days before the election, Bill Clinton was allegedly so frustrated with Hillary Clinton's and Robert Mook's ignoring of White Working Class Democrats that he threw his cellphone from the upper floors of his Presidential Library in Little Rock, Arkansas. No way of knowing if this story is apocryphal or not.

    Goes without saying that Hillary wanted to do it "她的方式" out of Bill's shadow. Mook's algorithm and Hillary dogmatic hubris lead her campaign astray.

    Bill Clinton was not only extremely intelligent, but in his prime, in-person, Bill Clinton, had an almost mutant-like sense of charisma and empathy. In contrast, Hillary's charisma was a negative with anyone that was not on the high-roller donor list.

    Clinton and Carville were also ruthless Southern Boys from back when Democrats still won Down South. Even Bill Clinton's intro video at the 2016 DNC is like a portal to an alternative Democratic Party.


    回复:@Malcolm X-Lax

    As it so happens, I met and conversed with HRC back in 1992 when she came to my Nor Cal college campaigning for Bill. I and 3 or 4 other students spent about 5 minutes talking with her. She was cold and unengaged, like she would have rather been somewhere else. Not that i blame her but she was no natural politician like Bill was.

  216. @斯维格

    完全五音不全。 TPTB 确信 Cankles 已经把它藏在包里了,他们将其置于巡航控制系统上,然后在方向盘上睡着了。

    哈哈,太搞笑了。想象一下,你被这个杯子吵醒,被告知你将把总统宝座输给 DJT

    回复:@Buffalo Joe、@Bernardista、@El Dato

    完全五音不全。 TPTB 确信 Cankles 已经把它藏在包里了,他们将其置于巡航控制系统上,然后在方向盘上睡着了。


  217. @约翰尼·沃克123




  218. @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    After closure, Elmwood Café owner says worker co-op, nonprofit could take over

    [Elmwood owner Michael Pearce] said those efforts had “included hosting a community forum, development of an implicit bias employee training curriculum, and the hiring of an outside expert to train our employees.”


    The commissars will do an audit later...

    in the midst of the national conversation about the arrest of two black men in a Philadelphia Starbucks.


    Those national conversations are fantastic.

    Opinion: Whatever the reason it closed, the Elmwood Café missed a real opportunity to be a force for change in Berkeley

    W. Kamau Bell, who lives in Berkeley, is a sociopolitical comedian and the host and executive producer of the Emmy Award winning docu-series "United Shades of America with W. Kamau Bell," premiering Sunday April 29, 10:15 p.m. on CNN.

    So, I categorically reject the assertion that is in today’s Berkeleyside article, and in numerous media outlets that covered the closing of the Elmwood Café, that the racism that my wife, my baby daughter, and I experienced at the Elmwood Café is just something that I am “claiming” occurred. The racism has been admitted to, proven, discussed, and finally — and most troublingly — ignored by the Elmwood Café. For more than three years

    So I shed no tears — nor do I hold a celebration — at the closing of the Elmwood Café. I’m more bummed about Jeremy’s and the frozen yogurt shop. Jeremy’s had some good clothing deals. And my kids love frozen yogurt. If anything, I hope Mrs. Dalloway’s bookstore, which shares a wall with the old Elmwood Café, can expand into it. Because while I don’t know if the world needs another coffee shop, I’m always happy to see big independent bookstores.
    Unless they carry racist books, I imagine.

    At community forum in Berkeley, W. Kamau Bell and Elmwood Café launch ‘implicit bias’ training initiative

    The comedian, who is African-American, made public on his blog how he was asked to leave the café on College Avenue while he was talking to his wife and her friends, who are all white, at an outdoor table.


    Novella Coleman said the law does a poor job of dealing with racism. “One of huge failures of the law is that it doesn’t recognize implicit bias,” she said. “The law requires that you prove [an act of racism] is intentional. The law doesn’t recognize that biases are harbored without people knowing about them. People see themselves as progressive but they still buy into those racial biases and situations can trigger them.” She said that if employee accused of racism can provide a race-neutral explanation for their act, “then the law is good with that.”
    Badthink should carry fines or prison time.

    During the evening’s discussion about implicit bias Bell spoke about how he himself had had “homophobia in him” before he moved to the Bay Area but that it was “worked out of him.”


    At the forum, an audience member asked Bell, via a written question, what made him so sure the Jan. 26 incident was a racially motivated act, and not one directed at the homeless population that is to be found around the café. Bell responded: “So what if I was homeless? Even if I’m homeless I’m a black homeless person — you can’t take that part away from me.”
    Just say that you are waiting for the Jewish Businessman.

    回复:@ stillCARealist,@ Anonymous

    Around the time when W. Kamau Bell had his “incident”, I had a low-status job that one day involved me interacting with him in his capacity as some sort of minor public figure. I had no idea who he was, apart from thinking that I might have heard of him before (and it turns out that I had, since I had several times watched a clip of a guest on one of his shows, a clip that I found funny). In the few minutes I dealt with him, he struck me as an insufferable prick, and I was glad to hand him off to other employees, although I felt for them, since it seemed he immediately started to be a prick to them too. I say this as a response to his overall demeanor throughout the “working” interactions that he had with me and others.

    As for the given incident, my guess is that he was offended that someone failed to recognize him as an “important” person.

    • 回复: @匿名的

    I just read further on this Berkeley incident, and had some thoughts on a more general level that relate to the recent Starbucks incident, but also to a more general theme repeatedly mentioned here.

    One of the topics that Steve does a good job of drawing attention too is how, on the local government level, many standard leftist "ideological" points have the actual function of keeping the riffraff out, or of getting the riffraff removed. I don't think it ever even occurred to me that this was, on some level, the actual 目标 of many such ideological lines until reading here.

    But... how does this work on the level of individual businesses (local or corporate) and individual non-profit venues (small or large)? It does not matter what your political views are, or how cool and multi-racial your associates are: if your venue is viewed as a fully open to the riffraff, you WILL NOT SUCCEED (and I think nearly EVERYONE who runs any venue on a local level adjacent to large populations of riffraff grasps this in some way, unless they are running a venue that has NO function other than directly serving the riffraff by providing food, shelter, etc.) Of course, this is largely a forbidden topic of discussion.

    My sense is that the actual front-line task of policing the riffraff falls to a class of workers comprised of people who regard themselves as underemployed, presentable working class people (often black, but sometimes white), and immigrants. They can all be thrown under the bus if needed. (The "underemployed" will not protest, since most are SJW-sympathetic, and do not regard the job as their real life.) In most large institutions, both for-profit and non-profit, there seems to be a level of "take no crap" managers who will enforce rules on keeping out the riffraff. They know that their jobs depend on this. (By contrast, the local "chiefs" that I have encountered, both for-profit and non-profit, even if almost always fairly SJW, have always seemed to have some degree of internal realism regarding these matters.) That said, many would be likely to grovel if actually accused of wrongdoing, since they think they are being accused by people on "their side". In larger organizations, like universities or global corporations, I suspect a division exists between middle managers who are just "doing a job" and top people who view their "job" as expressing fundamental moral views. But the mid-level "enforcers" 不能 be thrown under the bus. They are crucial to the functioning of the endeavor. The low-level workers can be sacrificed however. That seems to be what happened in Mr. Bell's Berkeley case and in the recent Philly Starbucks case.

    I think this is a useful topic for further theoretical reflection, and I'd hope that in times to come, anyone fired or induced to resign for following explicit or implicit policy will resort to lawfare.

  219. @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    It’s like if a Satanic feminist used Death Wish, Commando or Payback as a template, made the colonists the gangsters, and made the hero a magic-using, devil-compacting witch. It mocks the victims as it mocks their beliefs — for your sexism, you deserve to meet an real witch. Like Knock Knock, Get Out, or the Purge franchise, this is a Puritanically moralistic film pretending to be neutral.


    How can it be Puritanically Moralistic if it promotes Feminism and Satanic Witchcraft as a liberating force?


    回复:@ J.Ross

    Satan’s not a free agent or a random motile object.

  220. Hillary is (not a joke) the most naturally gifted politician of this age. Just not with ordinary people you deplorables you. But with people who MATTER … gay Wall Streeters, Barbara Streisand, Martha’s Vineyard and the Hamptons billionaires, the oligarchs in Hollywood, Academia, Wall Street, and Business who run this country and have run it since Ike at least.

    As we can see with Trump, they’re not going to tolerate you deplorables you and are working hard to remove him.

    Hillary won this group, not just by shared HATE HATE HATE of the White working AND middle class but by building a massive political machine that employs much of the TV/Media people, political operatives, and the “super delegates” who control the Nomination of the Democratic Party. If Hillary wants to run again its hers, as primary votes don’t matter as Bernie Bros found out — its all Super Delegates now. And these are Hillary’s people — far more so than Bill who never really got along with them the way Hillary did in their shared disdain of ordinary White people. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Immelt, and Bob Iger all love love love Hillary. Do you have a few spare billion lying around you deplorable you?

    Trump’s victory was a victory, stunning, over the oligarchs who have run this country since Ike. It is why Trump’s voters have to be punished as much as Trump. To teach us deplorables a lesson by our betters.

    [Who are all pretty much weird and debased and a step away from branding some “slave” on the private parts.]

    IF and only IF Kamala Harriss or Corey Booker or Eric Holder (My People) get the support of Hollywood, Academia, and various oligarchs through the creation of a machine backed by a Zuck or Bezos with limitless money, they have a shot of taking the nomination away from Hillary!

    But lets be honest, Trump has been a disaster, he’s riled up every NAM, Pussy-hat wearing loon (that’s about 90% of White middle and upper class women right there), gun grabber, power twink, and oligarch and its the latter who are dangerous. They run almost all business, the entire government, the military, the cops, all of the Universities, Hollywood, and the media. Trump got them angry and in a punishing mood towards the Deplorables without doing anything to energize the Deplorables. Napoleon ended constant revolution in France by giving most of the Peasantry some small holdings carved out of the nobility, and creating battlefield promotions and en-nobling which got the peasants to turn out in the millions for his campaigns. Yes, people will fight for a few acres of land and some petty title and social honor when they have had nothing. All Trump has done is get Cackling Gun Grabber Dianne Feinstein literally rubbing her hands in glee and empower all the gun grabbers who are now media stars.



    我环顾四周,原始的,政治的,社会的,经济的和军事的力量在哪里引起寡头的恐惧,不确定性和怀疑? 希拉里真正要做的就是让寡头带领她越过目标线,最终她将成为总统。 您的银行中有250亿美元吗? 埃里克·霍尔德(Eric Holder)或卡玛拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)哎呀? 只有奥普拉(Oprah)可以在超级代表大战中击败希拉里(Hillary),因为她有更多的钱和对所有NAM和白人女性选民的巨大控制权。

    • 回复: @正宗爵士人

    " KH, CB, EH, my people", This statement alone mykes me want to puke, these people are horrid scumbags.

    "But let's be honest Trump has been a disaster". Bullshit, he most certainly has not been a "disaster", considering the siege, and gauntlet he is is dealing with 24/7.

    "He's riled up every NAM, Pussy hat wearing loon" . Nonsense, they are riled up because they, and the total deranged democrat machine, had mistakenly assumed that they finally had the ETERNAL "progressive" leftist choke-hold on the US gov in the bag : THIS is why they are "riled" simply because they did not get into the WH forever, and not because of DT.

    Obviously you are still in great pain because your leftist, progressive lunatic buddies did not permanently take the WH, so just start counting the days til Nov 4 2024, and then you can try again .

    1973年以来一直担任Authenticjazzman“ Mensa”的资格,经过机师培训的美国陆军兽医,也是专业爵士乐艺术家。


    , @克劳弗德缪尔

    But lets be honest, Trump has been a disaster, he’s riled up every NAM, Pussy-hat wearing loon (that’s about 90% of White middle and upper class women right there), gun grabber, power twink, and oligarch and its the latter who are dangerous.
    As a thought-experiment, can you name any Republican primary candidate other than Trump, who, had he won the party's nomination and then the general election, would not have provoked the same sort of hysterical response? I can't. The specifics of the attack might be different - had (for example) Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio won, the left would not use the exact tropes and tactics against either one of them that it has against Trump, but its attack would be just as vigorous.

    George W. Bush now seems to enjoy "strange new respect" among the chattering class, because he has recently made unflattering remarks about Trump, but has everyone already forgotten how he (just like Trump) was routinely compared to Hitler, and how the "Patriot Act" was about to plunge the country into totalitarianism? Such talking points are hardy perennials in leftist propaganda - everyone to their right is a "fascist."

    Think about how Mitt Romney was attacked during the general election campaign of 2012 as a callous billionaire, a prep-school bully, and an animal abuser. Harry Reid alleged that he paid no income taxes. Had Romney been elected one can only imagine the pretexts that would have been contrived for Congressional investigation of his business affairs.

    The bitterness and stridency of the anti-Trump contingent is not so much the result of Trump's election as it is of Hillary Clinton's defeat. The fix was supposed to be in - all the prognosticators said she would win. Then, against all expectations, she lost.

    "Earth's Potentates and pow'rful States,
    Captains and Men of Might,
    Are quite abasht, their courage dasht,
    At this most dreadful sight.
    Mean men lament, great men do rent
    Their Robes and tear their hair:
    They do not spare their flesh to tear,
    Through terrible despair."

    It would have been so had 任何 Republican prevailed against Hillary - though I wonder if anyone other than Trump could have done.

    What's unique about Trump is that the predictable leftist hysterics were joined by those of the NeverTrump 大豆 conservatives, e.g., at 国家评论. That wouldn't have happened had (say) ¡Jeb! or Rubio or even Cruz been the Republican candidate. The reasons for that are a subject for another time.

    回复:@Jack D

    , @奥尔登

    Still aren’t getting laid by any color of woman. Your sexual frustration is obvious.

  221. @弧光
    杰克·汉森(Jack Hanson)

    I don't know - I feel we are overdue for a recession and that always gets blamed on the incumbent, plus I do think the Dems will nominate Harris or someone else who is not white to boost black turnout, which could be decisive in PA, MI, and WI. Now it's possible some white voters who pulled the lever for Hilary vote for Trump in 2020 but I am not very optimistic about that absent some more BLM-inspired riots and property damage in a major city or two. On the other hand, I did read something the other day about how some elements in the Democratic party are starting to talk about pushing through reparations if they take over Congress and the presidency, and broadcasting that early and often could be enough to push more white voters away from the Dems in a national election.

    回复:@杰克·汉森,@ Anon

    If the DNC succeeds in defenestrating all the white guys who run everything, I predict the coup plotters will run amok with even more crazy left-wing nonsense that turns off voters.

  222. “Hillary didn’t seem all that surprised. ‘I knew it. I knew this would happen to me….’ Hillary said, now within a couple of inches of his face. ‘They were never going to let me be president.’”

    Indeed! Who exactly is “they”? Does Hillary refer to the Ruling Class, the Deep State, and such? But as Amy Chozick reminds us, Hillary knows these people and they smile on her face. Or simply to the Usual List of Suspects: the Republicans, the Russians, the FBI, and, above all, Barack Obama? Is that it? Hillary will always blame Mr. Obama, (its HIS Justice Department and FBI that attacked her after all), but can never say so for fear of ostracism.

  223. @匿名的
    @艾尔·达托(El Dato)

    Around the time when W. Kamau Bell had his "incident", I had a low-status job that one day involved me interacting with him in his capacity as some sort of minor public figure. I had no idea who he was, apart from thinking that I might have heard of him before (and it turns out that I had, since I had several times watched a clip of a guest on one of his shows, a clip that I found funny). In the few minutes I dealt with him, he struck me as an insufferable prick, and I was glad to hand him off to other employees, although I felt for them, since it seemed he immediately started to be a prick to them too. I say this as a response to his overall demeanor throughout the "working" interactions that he had with me and others.

    As for the given incident, my guess is that he was offended that someone failed to recognize him as an "important" person.


    I just read further on this Berkeley incident, and had some thoughts on a more general level that relate to the recent Starbucks incident, but also to a more general theme repeatedly mentioned here.

    One of the topics that Steve does a good job of drawing attention too is how, on the local government level, many standard leftist “ideological” points have the actual function of keeping the riffraff out, or of getting the riffraff removed. I don’t think it ever even occurred to me that this was, on some level, the actual 目标 of many such ideological lines until reading here.

    But… how does this work on the level of individual businesses (local or corporate) and individual non-profit venues (small or large)? It does not matter what your political views are, or how cool and multi-racial your associates are: if your venue is viewed as a fully open to the riffraff, you WILL NOT SUCCEED (and I think nearly EVERYONE who runs any venue on a local level adjacent to large populations of riffraff grasps this in some way, unless they are running a venue that has NO function other than directly serving the riffraff by providing food, shelter, etc.) Of course, this is largely a forbidden topic of discussion.

    My sense is that the actual front-line task of policing the riffraff falls to a class of workers comprised of people who regard themselves as underemployed, presentable working class people (often black, but sometimes white), and immigrants. They can all be thrown under the bus if needed. (The “underemployed” will not protest, since most are SJW-sympathetic, and do not regard the job as their real life.) In most large institutions, both for-profit and non-profit, there seems to be a level of “take no crap” managers who will enforce rules on keeping out the riffraff. They know that their jobs depend on this. (By contrast, the local “chiefs” that I have encountered, both for-profit and non-profit, even if almost always fairly SJW, have always seemed to have some degree of internal realism regarding these matters.) That said, many would be likely to grovel if actually accused of wrongdoing, since they think they are being accused by people on “their side”. In larger organizations, like universities or global corporations, I suspect a division exists between middle managers who are just “doing a job” and top people who view their “job” as expressing fundamental moral views. But the mid-level “enforcers” 不能 be thrown under the bus. They are crucial to the functioning of the endeavor. The low-level workers can be sacrificed however. That seems to be what happened in Mr. Bell’s Berkeley case and in the recent Philly Starbucks case.

    I think this is a useful topic for further theoretical reflection, and I’d hope that in times to come, anyone fired or induced to resign for following explicit or implicit policy will resort to lawfare.

  224. @布法罗乔

    Mo, I think that Hillary drained her well of donations last time around and I don't think the DNC is in her hip pocket anymore. Bernie will run again and the far left will shred themselves trying to decide if Corey Booker, Gavin Newsom or Kamala Harris should get the nod.

    Replies: @SunBakedSuburb, @Alfa158, @Cato

    The Democrats don’t know whether to turn right or left, and could well just go on with the same old message, and the same old Hillary.

    But Trump has been such a disappointment that one can imagine a successful Republican challenger who has grabbed bits and pieces of the Trump message. Not that hard really, to show greater sensitivity to the damage illegal immigration has done to working class Americans, or to appreciate the value of peace in the Middle East.

    • 回复: @TTSSYF

    I don't know why you think Trump's been such a disappointment. I support him more than ever, as does everyone I know who voted for him. He was elected with a majority in both houses of Congress and should have been able to move quickly on so many critical issues that were part of his agenda. It's many of the so-called "Republicans", including Sessions and the despicable Rand Paul, who have been the disappointment.

  225. @indocon
    The sad thing is that the one accomplishment Trump can claim, the tax cuts, exclusively benefit all those people who were laughing at the deplorables in Hamptons, Beverly Hills, Silicon Valley, Manhattan. All deplorables have gotten out of Trump is hot rhetoric.

    Replies: @TTSSYF, @William Badwhite, @Jack Hanson, @Polynikes, @The preferred nomenclature is...

    Do you prepare your own income tax return?

  226. An

    对我来说令人难以置信的是,有人被交上了参议院议席,然后毫无理由地宣布了私有化,然后为她推举了提名的道路,然后得到了她所推动的确切对手……还是像这样的谈话。 总的。

    实际上,情况甚至更糟。 希拉里要么平庸,要么在她一生中的每个职位上经常彻底失败。

    -国家安全局(Sec of State)-整体失败,孟加拉灾难以及电子邮件丑闻

    它实际上是持续的无能和失败的记录。 但是她仍然相信,因为她失败了,所以以某种方式“支付了自己的会费”或“有了简历”,并且 值得 成为第一位女总统。

    人们期望实际上的想法 *履行**优秀* 在一个特殊的位置上当之无愧的下一个职位似乎超出了她。

    希拉里可能会感到惊讶,但实际上,实际上有相当多的美国男人和女人在工作上做得很好—也许是他们偶尔从中学到的失误—然后慢慢地爬上去。 大多数人不会反复搞砸并且“失败”。

    回覆:@Jim Don Bob,@ Murray,@ Old fogy

    非常好的评论,乔。 太棒了

  227. @阿农
    Very interesting to compare Hillary's private remark with some of Trump's (in Comey's summer camp diary):

    When talking about the free media (as Comey puts it, and we can assume he means the internet, ) Trump corrects or contradicts him by calling it the 'earned media'. For Trump, in that moment, people's interest in him is something he earns, and is not given to him for being him (mostly)- at least in his own eccentric head. It shows some minimal level of respect that other people- normal, voting, blogging people- have their own agency which he must "win" over; no matter how great he finds himself (and it's safe to say he is not lacking a generous self-conception.)

    Contrast this with Hillary. Hillary imagines there is some shadowy, amorphous 'they', which prevents her desires and blunts her ambitions out of spite, and for no other reason. She is a passive observer waiting for this 'they' to finally relent and let her 'have' what she deserves (to which she is entitled). When she doesn't get it, it's open season for self-pity because this cabal has worked all her life to prevent her from having the good things like ice cream and the presidency. This cabal, being as devious as it is, is a constantly shifting conspiracy of enemies- mostly deplorables and frogs- and abstractions which never quite take human form. Humans, for Hillary, are just as passive dancing partners as she is- everyone slugs around on the dance floor until the 'theys' of the world recognize their inherent greatness- but mostly, Hillary's.

    Replies: @Almost Missouri, @Ace9

    Earned media is a biz term for media one doesnt pay for

  228. @常春藤

    这次选举对那些存有希拉里商品的商人来说是残酷的,仅此而已。 希拉里的垃圾箱加入了其余的垃圾箱,其销量甚至比奥萨马(Osama)或卡达菲(Khadaffi)少。 叫希拉里(Hillary)或什至奇怪的罗德姆(Rodham)的小女孩越来越少,新父母要讨价还价,然后才是苦头。 现在这是一个严酷的世界,她也错过了晋级机会。

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @YetAnotherAnon

    I’m surprised not to have seen examples on Twitter of remaindered Hillary merchandise.

    • 回复: @克莱德

    I’m surprised not to have seen examples on Twitter of remaindered Hillary merchandise.
    These are nothing compared to ¡¡¡¡Yebs¡¡¡¡ leftover guac bowls. A Miami warehouse has thousands of them for making *sensei* level guacamole.
  229. @斯维格

    完全五音不全。 TPTB 确信 Cankles 已经把它藏在包里了,他们将其置于巡航控制系统上,然后在方向盘上睡着了。

    哈哈,太搞笑了。想象一下,你被这个杯子吵醒,被告知你将把总统宝座输给 DJT

    回复:@Buffalo Joe、@Bernardista、@El Dato

    “The Uber self-driving presidency”

    • 哈哈: 威格
  230. @MEH 0910
    APRIL 20,2018

    我想,如果有人知道克林顿夫人所指的那个阴险的“他们”是谁,就像一些无形的敌人军队(真实的和想象的)一样,运用其集体力量,导致她输掉了现代历史上最有可能获胜的总统选举, 那是我。





    回复:@Anon、@El Dato、@The Craw、@CJ


    • 回复: @MEH 0910


  231. @大地之敌
    西蒙·图格顿(Simon Tugmutton)



    Recent encounters with local government had me using the word “gangsters” as well. Of course they’re worse than the other kind of gangsters, because 1) you have to finance them without recourse 2) they hold the monopoly on what they call the “legitimate use of force” and 3) they use 1 & 2 to divest you of your freedom as well as your property if you cross them.

    Most government is essentially what Steve calls a self-licking ice cream cone. It exists simply to consume tax dollars and produce nothing. That’s the harmless part, relatively speaking.

    At least with the other kind of gangsters you have the option of taking your business over to competing gangsters down the street. Not so with government. They’re the ultimate strong-arm monopoly, and believe you me they know it.


  232. @威士忌酒
    Hillary is (not a joke) the most naturally gifted politician of this age. Just not with ordinary people you deplorables you. But with people who MATTER ... gay Wall Streeters, Barbara Streisand, Martha's Vineyard and the Hamptons billionaires, the oligarchs in Hollywood, Academia, Wall Street, and Business who run this country and have run it since Ike at least.

    As we can see with Trump, they're not going to tolerate you deplorables you and are working hard to remove him.

    Hillary won this group, not just by shared HATE HATE HATE of the White working AND middle class but by building a massive political machine that employs much of the TV/Media people, political operatives, and the "super delegates" who control the Nomination of the Democratic Party. If Hillary wants to run again its hers, as primary votes don't matter as Bernie Bros found out -- its all Super Delegates now. And these are Hillary's people -- far more so than Bill who never really got along with them the way Hillary did in their shared disdain of ordinary White people. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Immelt, and Bob Iger all love love love Hillary. Do you have a few spare billion lying around you deplorable you?

    Trump's victory was a victory, stunning, over the oligarchs who have run this country since Ike. It is why Trump's voters have to be punished as much as Trump. To teach us deplorables a lesson by our betters.

    [Who are all pretty much weird and debased and a step away from branding some "slave" on the private parts.]

    IF and only IF Kamala Harriss or Corey Booker or Eric Holder (My People) get the support of Hollywood, Academia, and various oligarchs through the creation of a machine backed by a Zuck or Bezos with limitless money, they have a shot of taking the nomination away from Hillary!

    But lets be honest, Trump has been a disaster, he's riled up every NAM, Pussy-hat wearing loon (that's about 90% of White middle and upper class women right there), gun grabber, power twink, and oligarch and its the latter who are dangerous. They run almost all business, the entire government, the military, the cops, all of the Universities, Hollywood, and the media. Trump got them angry and in a punishing mood towards the Deplorables without doing anything to energize the Deplorables. Napoleon ended constant revolution in France by giving most of the Peasantry some small holdings carved out of the nobility, and creating battlefield promotions and en-nobling which got the peasants to turn out in the millions for his campaigns. Yes, people will fight for a few acres of land and some petty title and social honor when they have had nothing. All Trump has done is get Cackling Gun Grabber Dianne Feinstein literally rubbing her hands in glee and empower all the gun grabbers who are now media stars.

    Hillary could beat Trump like a drum next election, particularly if he's under indictment (thats if the Deep State does not just remove him) by the simple expedient of making millions of "Instant Americans" (just add water) by legalization of all the illegals or even State officials just saying illegals can vote ...


    I look around and where is the raw, political, social, economic, and military power create fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the oligarchs? Really all Hillary has to do is let her oligarchs carry her over the goal line and she'll be the President finally. Do you have $250 million in the bank? Heck does Eric Holder or Kamala Harris? Only Oprah can defeat Hillary in the Super Delegate fight because she's got more money and huge hold over all NAM and White female voters.

    Replies: @Authenticjazzman, @Crawfurdmuir, @Alden

    ” KH, CB, EH, my people”, This statement alone mykes me want to puke, these people are horrid scumbags.

    “But let’s be honest Trump has been a disaster”. Bullshit, he most certainly has not been a “disaster”, considering the siege, and gauntlet he is is dealing with 24/7.

    “He’s riled up every NAM, Pussy hat wearing loon” . Nonsense, they are riled up because they, and the total deranged democrat machine, had mistakenly assumed that they finally had the ETERNAL “progressive” leftist choke-hold on the US gov in the bag : THIS is why they are “riled” simply because they did not get into the WH forever, and not because of DT.

    Obviously you are still in great pain because your leftist, progressive lunatic buddies did not permanently take the WH, so just start counting the days til Nov 4 2024, and then you can try again .

    1973年以来一直是Authenticjazzman“ Mensa”的资格,经过机师培训的美国陆军兽医,也是专业爵士乐艺术家。

    • 回复: @Neoconned

    Jazzman you are severely underestimating both Hillary and the well financed and oiled Clinton political machine.

    Hillary almost won. Ted Cruz is facing a serious Democrat challenge in Texas and the state is 60% non white....the only reason Trump won Texas is because of the notorious voter apathy that Steve likes to point out that Hispanics tend to have.

    Trump lied. He lies to the Ohio/Pennsylvania/Michigan etc voters saying not only that he would repatriate their factories and jobs but their union power and mass middle class culture that was there in the 70s-90s that outsourcing, insourcing of scab illegal labor and the online Amazon exonomy have so viciously snuffed out....

    Those factories aren't coming back and his voter margins in thise Midwestern states he lied to aren't that large...

    "It's the exonomy stupid".....but he's too worried about Syria and Twitter wars with fame seeking FBI bureaucrats and media idiots at CNN.

    He should propose a moderate New Deal type program and aim most of the jobs at the swing States that supported him.. if Schumer etc opposenhim say WHAT YOU OPPOSE UNION JOBS??

    If Schumer says yes Trump re wins the Midwest. Otherwise bar a stroke or health event on Hillary's part shell coast to victory in 2020 in a landslide as white women back their sister up over the orange oaf who reminds them of their ex husbands who cheated on them with strippers. .

    Replies: @BB753, @Authenticjazzman, @J.Ross, @Alden

  233. @鹪

    Thanks, I will look more into Wayne Shorter and Anthony Braxton.

    I can enjoy jazz genius much more than hiphop celebrities.

    I met and played with some of the jazz greats in my high school jazz band before I was mature enough to appreciate it.


    Wayne shorter yeah, Braxton, no thanks.

    “Hip Hop” is garbage and has nothing in common with real music.

    “I met and played with some of the Jazz greats”

    And I shared an apartment for years with a trapsman, who had in fact played with Coltrane, Chet Baker, Jimmy Woode, and many other of the “legends”.

    1973年以来一直是Authenticjazzman“ Mensa”的资格,经过机师培训的美国陆军兽医,也是专业爵士乐艺术家。

  234. “Quem Iuppiter vult perdere, dementat prius”

    “Whom the gods (Jupiter) would destroy they first make mad”

    Hubris brought down Hillary and her team, led by the clueless gay Mook.

    • 回复: @化名
    @ BB753

    Here's how the Bill Clinton vs Robbie Mook campaign advice might have gone down in a medieval setting.

    Mook: What racist bigot would do such a thing?
    Bill: If he could win the rust belt, he could take the presidency...
    Mook: We would stop him!
    Bill: Who is this person who speaks to me as though I needed his advice?
    Hillary: I have declared Mook my campaign advisor!
    Bill: Is he qualified?
    Mook: I am skilled in the arts of campaigns and electoral tactics, sire.
    Bill: Are you? Then what advice would you offer on the, uh, present, uh situation?


  235. @卢加什

    哈哈,太搞笑了。想象一下,你被这个杯子吵醒,被告知你将把总统宝座输给 DJT


    回复:@J.Ross、@Kevin 在俄亥俄州、@Clifford Brown、@TTSSYF、@NickG

    Likely carpet muncher.

  236. @翻动

    Both Biden and Trump will be too old.


    Biden, probably. Trump, no.

  237. @卡托

    The Democrats don't know whether to turn right or left, and could well just go on with the same old message, and the same old Hillary.

    But Trump has been such a disappointment that one can imagine a successful Republican challenger who has grabbed bits and pieces of the Trump message. Not that hard really, to show greater sensitivity to the damage illegal immigration has done to working class Americans, or to appreciate the value of peace in the Middle East.


    I don’t know why you think Trump’s been such a disappointment. I support him more than ever, as does everyone I know who voted for him. He was elected with a majority in both houses of Congress and should have been able to move quickly on so many critical issues that were part of his agenda. It’s many of the so-called “Republicans”, including Sessions and the despicable Rand Paul, who have been the disappointment.

  238. @ Alfa158

    It’s interesting to watch the Democrats trying to develop their challenger for 2020. So far the leading prospects are the three you mentioned, who are almost guaranteed to lose to Trump, and Biden who is too pale and male to win the nomination. I wonder if this is because the present co-chairs of the DNC are a pair of idiots? A few cycles back Chuck Schumer, who is actually bright, won the Senate back for the Democrats by holding his nose and putting up centric candidates for Senate seats, who may not be ideologically pure enough, but once in office would vote as directed to by the party commissars.
    Perhaps right now, the faithful aren’t concerned about the competitiveness of their next Presidential candidate because they figure they are going to sink Trump before the election and anyone they nominate will just waltz in. Having three hard Leftists; a closeted dim-bulb black gay, an open gay, and an angry dim-bulb mystery meat, as the front-runners doesn’t presently alarm anyone. If Trump survives maybe the party will have to get serious, Schumer will take the lead, and they will pick an attractive, mildly left-center candidate like Kirsten Gillibrand who could most likely beat Trump.

    回复:@Buffalo Joe

    Alf, I agree with almost all of what you wrote but Kirsten Gillibrand, Schumer’s sock pocket, isn’t a viable national candidate. She is obviously a woman, but I think the left wants a candidate that checks at least two or more boxes, i.e., minority woman. Kamala Harris, for instance, can check woman, minority and with some fudging, #MeToo victimhood.

    • 回复: @prusmc

    Kirsten might get the VP spot with Cory Booker, Erick Holder or Devall Patrick. KAMALA Harris takes her out of contention for either place on the ticket. There must be a male/female combo and a minority presence, begrudgingly possibly for second chair.
    My thinking is Bernie/Kamala or more likely Biden/Kamala or if Kamala is the main entry then Murphy of CT as VP.

    , @奥尔登

    She and Willie Brown; beauty and a 6 inches shorter beast

  239. @ BB753
    "Quem Iuppiter vult perdere, dementat prius"

    "Whom the gods (Jupiter) would destroy they first make mad"

    Hubris brought down Hillary and her team, led by the clueless gay Mook.


    Here’s how the Bill Clinton vs Robbie Mook campaign advice might have gone down in a medieval setting.

    Mook: What racist bigot would do such a thing?
    Bill: If he could win the rust belt, he could take the presidency…
    Mook: We would stop him!
    Bill: Who is this person who speaks to me as though I needed his advice?
    Hillary: I have declared Mook my campaign advisor!
    Bill: Is he qualified?
    Mook: I am skilled in the arts of campaigns and electoral tactics, sire.
    Bill: Are you? Then what advice would you offer on the, uh, present, uh situation?

    • 哈哈: BB753
  240. @阿农
    I have always thought Hillary Clinton is a masochist. She shares that trait with Nixon. Nixon wrote a book about his Six Crises, but they were all entirely of his own making, and he could have stayed out of trouble if he wanted it.

    Clinton has the exact same trait. She has gotten into an incredible amount of messes entirely of her own making, and and she has never been able to stay out of trouble for any particular length of time.

    For a masochist, being in trouble is a psychological necessity. They seek it deliberately. I'm glad she didn't become president, because she's probably get us nuked.

    I think it started with her father, who browbeat her thoroughly when she was young, and she soon began to associate parental love--and then love in general--with being pushed around. That's why she started out as a Goldwater girl, which is lunacy if you're a feminist. Then in the late 60s, she went to the other extreme, when the hippies were beginning to wear out their welcome. If you wanted to become unpopular with the majority at that particular time, being a hardcore left-wing hippie was the way to do it. That's why Nixon got elected. The majority were scared by all the crazy left-wingers.

    Then she married a guy whom she had to know was a womanizer. Bill Clinton chased every woman in sight, and she has stuck by him despite his infidelities, which is classic masochism. She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons' finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.

    She ran against Obama, and got beaten like a donkey by him, and what did she do? She went to work for him. Classic masochism. She wanted more suffering. She knew perfectly well when it came to a lightweight like Obama, she would take the blame for his mistakes. She failed to show due diligence in a country that was collapsing and undergoing utter chaos, namely Libya, and got into trouble for that, even though she could have avoided it by using a little common sense. Of course you have to protect your Embassy when a country is falling apart. Any idiot knows that.

    Then she blithely put all her classified emails on an unprotected server. Any rational person could guess she would be spied on. She stuffed her pockets via the Clinton Foundation with as much loot as she could, thoroughly disgracing herself in the eyes of anyone concerned with financial malfeasance. This is why Bernie Sanders made such inroads among Democrats. Any politician with any common sense knows you get rich after you're out of office, not before. Doing so beforehand makes you look like a greedy hog on the take and ruins your reputation and your chance to get elected.

    Even now, she's doing the rounds complaining and carrying on in such a sour old bag manner that she has spoiled her reputation even among Democrats, and they're so sick of her they will never pick her to run in 2020. Clinton is complaining longer and more relentlessly than any other loser in any other presidential election that we've ever had. This is Clinton deliberately choosing to sabotage herself again.

    All the above are not examples of stupidity. Hillary Clinton is not stupid. She's doing things like this deliberately to make trouble for herself because she gets a psychological kick out of being in trouble.

    Replies: @Pericles, @anonymous, @TTSSYF, @Thirdtwin, @PapayaSF, @Unladen Swallow, @SOL, @Jack D

    She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons’ finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.

    The way she did it, it wasn’t risky at all. It was just a pure bribe (any Republican would be in jail for this). The way it worked was that the brokers bribing her (her husband actually) already knew the results of the trades involved. They assigned the winning trades to her and the losing trades to some poor schmuck client of theirs.

    The Clintons are probably the most corrupt couple ever to occupy the White House. That the Democrat Party hitched their wagon to them is breathtaking. Trump is no angel either but he never pretended to be one. Generally speaking, all over the world the voter don’t really give a damn about corruption as long as they perceive the candidates as being on their side. If Candidate X is helping out the average person, the fact that he keeps a little for himself is only a just reward. The problem with Hillary is that she was not interested in helping out the average American either. She didn’t even pretend to be, as her husband did.

    • 同意: 凯莉
    • 回复: @匿名的

    Voters don't really want honest government.

    When Clinton was in the White House, I talked to some people from Arkansas. They said that to succeed in Arkansas politics, a candidate has to be seen as corrupt, because if he isn't, they figure that either he's too stupid or that he's got some angle going that they haven't figured out and that could be really bad. Bill Clinton, when running for governor, was known to be corrupt, but he astonished them because they never figured anyone would be that corrupt and that brazen.

    Nevertheless they voted for him for President to get him the hell out of the state.

    I was a libty in those days and was big on Ron Paul.

    Ron Paul was the one guy that really scared them, they said, because they figured he REALLY WAS honest and that could cause all hell to break loose. They didn't know what and they didn't want to find out.


    , @keuril

    They assigned the winning trades to her and the losing trades to some poor schmuck client of theirs.
    Makes sense that the trades were assigned after the fact, but I would assume the losing trades were assigned to the broker’s house account. Therefore the house account could eat $100K in losses, exactly corresponding to the alleged payment to Hillary. It seems enough to allege $100K bribery, laundered through futures trading. It’s another thing entirely to suggest that the brokerage funded the bribery payment by stealing from its own clients. As if they wouldn’t notice. I’m gonna guess you’ve never traded futures.
  241. I can’t say I’m shocked that the same people who whiffed on the election are laying down insane markers on what happens in 2020.

  242. @布法罗乔
    @ Alfa158

    Alf, I agree with almost all of what you wrote but Kirsten Gillibrand, Schumer's sock pocket, isn't a viable national candidate. She is obviously a woman, but I think the left wants a candidate that checks at least two or more boxes, i.e., minority woman. Kamala Harris, for instance, can check woman, minority and with some fudging, #MeToo victimhood.

    回复:@ prusmc,@ Alden

    Kirsten might get the VP spot with Cory Booker, Erick Holder or Devall Patrick. KAMALA Harris takes her out of contention for either place on the ticket. There must be a male/female combo and a minority presence, begrudgingly possibly for second chair.
    My thinking is Bernie/Kamala or more likely Biden/Kamala or if Kamala is the main entry then Murphy of CT as VP.

  243. @YetAnotherAnon



    I’m surprised not to have seen examples on Twitter of remaindered Hillary merchandise.

    These are nothing compared to ¡¡¡¡Yebs¡¡¡¡ leftover guac bowls. A Miami warehouse has thousands of them for making *sensei* level guacamole.

  244. @乌鸦
    @MEH 0910


    回复:@MEH 0910

  245. @全是滚珠轴承
    As a Christian I shouldn't find satisfaction in another's demise, but Hillary is such an evil bitch that I was so ecstatic at 3 a.m. Nov 9 and wanted to see that demon give a concession speech. She let me down. I watch replays of TYT or Maddow election night coverage to get that satisfaction. I'm not the only one judging by the # of views. She is truly hated, and now more and more by Dems as well.

    Replies: @ChrisZ, @Lot, @Svigor

    Hillary refusing to give a concession speech is the perfect icing on the “OMG Trump refused to promise to bow and scrape to Hillary if she wins” cake. A non-concession concession speech might’ve been better, though.

  246. @威士忌酒
    Hillary is (not a joke) the most naturally gifted politician of this age. Just not with ordinary people you deplorables you. But with people who MATTER ... gay Wall Streeters, Barbara Streisand, Martha's Vineyard and the Hamptons billionaires, the oligarchs in Hollywood, Academia, Wall Street, and Business who run this country and have run it since Ike at least.

    As we can see with Trump, they're not going to tolerate you deplorables you and are working hard to remove him.

    Hillary won this group, not just by shared HATE HATE HATE of the White working AND middle class but by building a massive political machine that employs much of the TV/Media people, political operatives, and the "super delegates" who control the Nomination of the Democratic Party. If Hillary wants to run again its hers, as primary votes don't matter as Bernie Bros found out -- its all Super Delegates now. And these are Hillary's people -- far more so than Bill who never really got along with them the way Hillary did in their shared disdain of ordinary White people. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Immelt, and Bob Iger all love love love Hillary. Do you have a few spare billion lying around you deplorable you?

    Trump's victory was a victory, stunning, over the oligarchs who have run this country since Ike. It is why Trump's voters have to be punished as much as Trump. To teach us deplorables a lesson by our betters.

    [Who are all pretty much weird and debased and a step away from branding some "slave" on the private parts.]

    IF and only IF Kamala Harriss or Corey Booker or Eric Holder (My People) get the support of Hollywood, Academia, and various oligarchs through the creation of a machine backed by a Zuck or Bezos with limitless money, they have a shot of taking the nomination away from Hillary!

    But lets be honest, Trump has been a disaster, he's riled up every NAM, Pussy-hat wearing loon (that's about 90% of White middle and upper class women right there), gun grabber, power twink, and oligarch and its the latter who are dangerous. They run almost all business, the entire government, the military, the cops, all of the Universities, Hollywood, and the media. Trump got them angry and in a punishing mood towards the Deplorables without doing anything to energize the Deplorables. Napoleon ended constant revolution in France by giving most of the Peasantry some small holdings carved out of the nobility, and creating battlefield promotions and en-nobling which got the peasants to turn out in the millions for his campaigns. Yes, people will fight for a few acres of land and some petty title and social honor when they have had nothing. All Trump has done is get Cackling Gun Grabber Dianne Feinstein literally rubbing her hands in glee and empower all the gun grabbers who are now media stars.

    Hillary could beat Trump like a drum next election, particularly if he's under indictment (thats if the Deep State does not just remove him) by the simple expedient of making millions of "Instant Americans" (just add water) by legalization of all the illegals or even State officials just saying illegals can vote ...


    I look around and where is the raw, political, social, economic, and military power create fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the oligarchs? Really all Hillary has to do is let her oligarchs carry her over the goal line and she'll be the President finally. Do you have $250 million in the bank? Heck does Eric Holder or Kamala Harris? Only Oprah can defeat Hillary in the Super Delegate fight because she's got more money and huge hold over all NAM and White female voters.

    Replies: @Authenticjazzman, @Crawfurdmuir, @Alden

    But lets be honest, Trump has been a disaster, he’s riled up every NAM, Pussy-hat wearing loon (that’s about 90% of White middle and upper class women right there), gun grabber, power twink, and oligarch and its the latter who are dangerous.

    As a thought-experiment, can you name any Republican primary candidate other than Trump, who, had he won the party’s nomination and then the general election, would not have provoked the same sort of hysterical response? I can’t. The specifics of the attack might be different – had (for example) Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio won, the left would not use the exact tropes and tactics against either one of them that it has against Trump, but its attack would be just as vigorous.

    George W. Bush now seems to enjoy “strange new respect” among the chattering class, because he has recently made unflattering remarks about Trump, but has everyone already forgotten how he (just like Trump) was routinely compared to Hitler, and how the “Patriot Act” was about to plunge the country into totalitarianism? Such talking points are hardy perennials in leftist propaganda – everyone to their right is a “fascist.”

    Think about how Mitt Romney was attacked during the general election campaign of 2012 as a callous billionaire, a prep-school bully, and an animal abuser. Harry Reid alleged that he paid no income taxes. Had Romney been elected one can only imagine the pretexts that would have been contrived for Congressional investigation of his business affairs.

    The bitterness and stridency of the anti-Trump contingent is not so much the result of Trump’s election as it is of Hillary Clinton’s defeat. The fix was supposed to be in – all the prognosticators said she would win. Then, against all expectations, she lost.

    “Earth’s Potentates and pow’rful States,
    Captains and Men of Might,
    Are quite abasht, their courage dasht,
    At this most dreadful sight.
    Mean men lament, great men do rent
    Their Robes and tear their hair:
    They do not spare their flesh to tear,
    Through terrible despair.”

    It would have been so had 任何 Republican prevailed against Hillary – though I wonder if anyone other than Trump could have done.

    What’s unique about Trump is that the predictable leftist hysterics were joined by those of the NeverTrump 大豆 conservatives, e.g., at 国家评论. That wouldn’t have happened had (say) ¡Jeb! or Rubio or even Cruz been the Republican candidate. The reasons for that are a subject for another time.

    • 回复: @杰克D

    Arguably, since the Dems are going to scream and cry and wail like hysterical children no matter what, you might as well give them the real thing. Jeb or Little Marco would not have known how to fight back. Trump thrives on this sort of combat.

  247. Yes, people have already forgotten the anti-Bush hysteria of the last decade, which actually began when he “stole” the election from Gore in 2000, and only increased in volume when he invaded Iraq in 2003.

  248. @克劳弗德缪尔

    But lets be honest, Trump has been a disaster, he’s riled up every NAM, Pussy-hat wearing loon (that’s about 90% of White middle and upper class women right there), gun grabber, power twink, and oligarch and its the latter who are dangerous.
    As a thought-experiment, can you name any Republican primary candidate other than Trump, who, had he won the party's nomination and then the general election, would not have provoked the same sort of hysterical response? I can't. The specifics of the attack might be different - had (for example) Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio won, the left would not use the exact tropes and tactics against either one of them that it has against Trump, but its attack would be just as vigorous.

    George W. Bush now seems to enjoy "strange new respect" among the chattering class, because he has recently made unflattering remarks about Trump, but has everyone already forgotten how he (just like Trump) was routinely compared to Hitler, and how the "Patriot Act" was about to plunge the country into totalitarianism? Such talking points are hardy perennials in leftist propaganda - everyone to their right is a "fascist."

    Think about how Mitt Romney was attacked during the general election campaign of 2012 as a callous billionaire, a prep-school bully, and an animal abuser. Harry Reid alleged that he paid no income taxes. Had Romney been elected one can only imagine the pretexts that would have been contrived for Congressional investigation of his business affairs.

    The bitterness and stridency of the anti-Trump contingent is not so much the result of Trump's election as it is of Hillary Clinton's defeat. The fix was supposed to be in - all the prognosticators said she would win. Then, against all expectations, she lost.

    "Earth's Potentates and pow'rful States,
    Captains and Men of Might,
    Are quite abasht, their courage dasht,
    At this most dreadful sight.
    Mean men lament, great men do rent
    Their Robes and tear their hair:
    They do not spare their flesh to tear,
    Through terrible despair."

    It would have been so had 任何 Republican prevailed against Hillary - though I wonder if anyone other than Trump could have done.

    What's unique about Trump is that the predictable leftist hysterics were joined by those of the NeverTrump 大豆 conservatives, e.g., at 国家评论. That wouldn't have happened had (say) ¡Jeb! or Rubio or even Cruz been the Republican candidate. The reasons for that are a subject for another time.

    回复:@Jack D

    Arguably, since the Dems are going to scream and cry and wail like hysterical children no matter what, you might as well give them the real thing. Jeb or Little Marco would not have known how to fight back. Trump thrives on this sort of combat.

  249. @istevefan
    I was going to write something,but when I saw this tweet I knew I could not express my sentiments about this post any better:

    Incredible to me that someone who was handed a Senate seat and then for no reason at all made secstate and then had the path to a nomination bulldozed for her and then got the exact opponent she pushed for...still talks like this. Gross. pic.twitter.com/Zy27DP2SJs— Seth Mandel (@SethAMandel) 2018 年 4 月 20 日

    Replies: @Berty, @AnotherDad, @Laugh Track, @Svigor

    What’s really trippy is the women who buy into her “I’m doing this for all women”/”a blow against me is a blow against all women”/”first woman president” schtick. Like how bad does a candidate have to be before women overwhelmingly laugh this stuff off, or condemn it? Would she need horns and a tail and red skin to make women get the picture?

    • 回复: @激进中心

    Let’s see Hillary distribute say, half of the tens of millions of dollars she has, to lower- and middle-income women — the people she claims to care so much about in particular. Waiting. Cue the Derbyshire Crickets....


  250. @正宗爵士人

    " KH, CB, EH, my people", This statement alone mykes me want to puke, these people are horrid scumbags.

    "But let's be honest Trump has been a disaster". Bullshit, he most certainly has not been a "disaster", considering the siege, and gauntlet he is is dealing with 24/7.

    "He's riled up every NAM, Pussy hat wearing loon" . Nonsense, they are riled up because they, and the total deranged democrat machine, had mistakenly assumed that they finally had the ETERNAL "progressive" leftist choke-hold on the US gov in the bag : THIS is why they are "riled" simply because they did not get into the WH forever, and not because of DT.

    Obviously you are still in great pain because your leftist, progressive lunatic buddies did not permanently take the WH, so just start counting the days til Nov 4 2024, and then you can try again .

    1973年以来一直担任Authenticjazzman“ Mensa”的资格,经过机师培训的美国陆军兽医,也是专业爵士乐艺术家。


    Jazzman you are severely underestimating both Hillary and the well financed and oiled Clinton political machine.

    Hillary almost won. Ted Cruz is facing a serious Democrat challenge in Texas and the state is 60% non white….the only reason Trump won Texas is because of the notorious voter apathy that Steve likes to point out that Hispanics tend to have.

    Trump lied. He lies to the Ohio/Pennsylvania/Michigan etc voters saying not only that he would repatriate their factories and jobs but their union power and mass middle class culture that was there in the 70s-90s that outsourcing, insourcing of scab illegal labor and the online Amazon exonomy have so viciously snuffed out….

    Those factories aren’t coming back and his voter margins in thise Midwestern states he lied to aren’t that large…

    “It’s the exonomy stupid”…..but he’s too worried about Syria and Twitter wars with fame seeking FBI bureaucrats and media idiots at CNN.

    He should propose a moderate New Deal type program and aim most of the jobs at the swing States that supported him.. if Schumer etc opposenhim say WHAT YOU OPPOSE UNION JOBS??

    If Schumer says yes Trump re wins the Midwest. Otherwise bar a stroke or health event on Hillary’s part shell coast to victory in 2020 in a landslide as white women back their sister up over the orange oaf who reminds them of their ex husbands who cheated on them with strippers. .

    • 回复: @ BB753

    Do you seriously believe Hillary will run again? I mean, she's barely alive and/or functional and she's not getting better in 2 years. Also, the DNC won't let her.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ Neoconned

    , @正宗爵士人

    " He lies to the Ohio,Pennsylvania,Michigan voters"

    Pure bullshit. I was born and raised in Michigan, and Michiganders, with the exception of the nut-house called Detroit, are extremely aware and intolerant of "Liars".
    My sister lives in suburban Detroit, Bloomfield Hills , to be exact, and she clearly states the the economy has greatly improved since DT assumed office.

    Look friend you can't BS myself, as I recognize a BC/HC/BO worshiper, across continents, so just calm down and start counting the days til Nov 4, 2024, and then maybe your party of blue-haired nut-cases will get back into the WH and then be able to resume their drive to convert the US into a northern version of Venezuela.

    1973年以来,正宗爵士乐演奏家“ Mensa”获得资格,接受过空降训练的美国陆军兽医,并且是职业爵士乐音乐家。

    , @罗斯

    There has been undeniable improvement and hiring in manufacturing, which was never going to be possible with the Solyndra model of monolithic public-private sector dealmaking, amid unapologetic globalization. As far as specific factories, obviously that's much more complex.

    , @奥尔登

    I’m all for a moderate new deal job creation program.

    We’ve had them since the Great society and all the jobs, administrative positions and goodies go to blacks browns and nowadays probably FOB immigrants.

    If by chance some highly skilled licensed experience White mena are hired, the ADL, AJC $PLC LARAZA etc etc all backed by billions from all the charitable educational foundations will immmediately sue to prevent White men from being hired.

    An injunction against hiring White men for the program will be issued a few days after filing. The case will wander through the courts until at last the anti White men and probably women rulings will be upheld.

    All government programs, ESPECIALLY the military are just hire the retarded useless blacks browns and tans.

  251. @科维努斯

    "And have you not NOTICED your own biases, Corvinus?"

    More than you will ever know or care to admit.

    "Do you really think your pretending to be objective and even-handed in your analysis is believed by anyone here?"

    I am observably much more objective and even-handed compared to you and others here.

    "Post again when Trump is in handcuffs for one of the credible allegations you so fervently want to believe is true. Yeah, a real objective and even-handed observer you are!"

    NOTICE that I said allegations. NOTICE that there is indeed evidence and sources that make it certainly appear that the Trump team engaged in a boatload of illegal activity. Why not actually immerse yourself into the narrative rather than close your eyes and put your hands over your ears and like a little girl say "No, it's not true, I'm not listening, it's all a lie". But feel free to be an ostrich with your head in the sand.

    "In the future, please NOTICE what a supercilious hypocritical douchebag you have become. And cuck. Yeah, that’s right, you are a cuck too."

    Again, the word "cuck" is overused and observably means next to nothing. It has lost its cache.

    回复:@ Svigor,@ Alden

    I am observably much more objective and even-handed compared to you and others here.

    Your being here belies your (stupid) message of moderation. Moderates aren’t interested in fringe sites.

    You’re here to do the bidding of leftism under the (laughable) aegis of moderation.

  252. @智能此在
    Just to be fair, I think someone like Hillary Clinton has a pretty dependable sense of who "They" are, and she is not talking about any creatures of flesh and blood. Those who sell their souls for earthly power often realize, sometimes quite early, that the Devil hates those who serve him no less than others, that he destines them for the same miserable end he would fain visit upon everyone; and this is the mark of their damnation, that knowing things to be so, they embrace all his pomps and empty promises nonetheless.


    Those who sell their souls for earthly power often realize, sometimes quite early, that the Devil hates those who serve him no less than others, that he destines them for the same miserable end he would fain visit upon everyone; and this is the mark of their damnation, that knowing things to be so, they embrace all his pomps and empty promises nonetheless.

    Dude, this is so good I had to come out of comment retirement to give you an attaboy.

    Only thing I can say is I hope you have a wider audience for your output. iSteve is a fun place and all but at heart a bunch of carping dead-enders whose world ended decades ago and isn’t coming back any more than the South is going to.

    • 回复: @先生。 安农

    Only thing I can say is I hope you have a wider audience for your output. iSteve is a fun place and all but at heart a bunch of carping dead-enders whose world ended decades ago and isn’t coming back any more than the South is going to.
    A guy shouting damnation at Satan 是不是 a "carping dead-ender"?


    When did your World end?

    As for me, I know that "my World" ended decades ago. As far as I can tell, just being aware of that already gives me an advantage over millions of my generation who are not aware of it. So, I am now interested in the World to come (and, no, I am not referring to some heavenly reward).
  253. @Neoconned

    Jazzman you are severely underestimating both Hillary and the well financed and oiled Clinton political machine.

    Hillary almost won. Ted Cruz is facing a serious Democrat challenge in Texas and the state is 60% non white....the only reason Trump won Texas is because of the notorious voter apathy that Steve likes to point out that Hispanics tend to have.

    Trump lied. He lies to the Ohio/Pennsylvania/Michigan etc voters saying not only that he would repatriate their factories and jobs but their union power and mass middle class culture that was there in the 70s-90s that outsourcing, insourcing of scab illegal labor and the online Amazon exonomy have so viciously snuffed out....

    Those factories aren't coming back and his voter margins in thise Midwestern states he lied to aren't that large...

    "It's the exonomy stupid".....but he's too worried about Syria and Twitter wars with fame seeking FBI bureaucrats and media idiots at CNN.

    He should propose a moderate New Deal type program and aim most of the jobs at the swing States that supported him.. if Schumer etc opposenhim say WHAT YOU OPPOSE UNION JOBS??

    If Schumer says yes Trump re wins the Midwest. Otherwise bar a stroke or health event on Hillary's part shell coast to victory in 2020 in a landslide as white women back their sister up over the orange oaf who reminds them of their ex husbands who cheated on them with strippers. .

    Replies: @BB753, @Authenticjazzman, @J.Ross, @Alden

    Do you seriously believe Hillary will run again? I mean, she’s barely alive and/or functional and she’s not getting better in 2 years. Also, the DNC won’t let her.

    • 回复: @匿名的
    @ BB753

    Unless embalmed or incarcerated, she'll run. How far she will get is another question.

    , @Neoconned
    @ BB753

    Yes, Hillary Clinton is running in 2020 bar a stroke that leaves her with a noticable droop or a heart attack that leaves her too weak to move or pure death.....shell run for the white house with one foot in the casket...who else do they have? Kamala Harris?

    There are no viable younger Bernie's not bought and sold by corporations and Bernie may run but the banks, insurance companies etc would NEVER allow him to win. They'd Oswald and JFK him first and find some mental case like the Waffle House shooter to be the Patsy. Then they'll get some low level felon or mafia type to shoot him to shut him up....

    What else are those ex Blackwater Merc dudes going to do now that the ME wars are drying up? I guess Putin could hire them....


  254. @阳光
    "After the election, Bill would spread a more absurd Times conspiracy: The publisher had struck a deal with Trump that we’d destroy Hillary on her emails to help him get elected,"

    Does the NY Times really have that kind of influence? What fraction of voters even read this?

    Particularly in the states that were the battlegrounds.

    Really kind of curious as to where things go. If you buy a paper like Bezos did the Post, I'm really not sure he is getting much bang for his buck, other than the fact that people in the Beltway probably know what they wrote about any given day.

    But it's not like controlling the Times or Post is going to light a fire under people's butts in Peoria to impeach Trump - or vote for Hillary.

    Given the full court press the national media outlets have been putting on Trump, if they don't produce a major scalp in either the midterms or 2020 (and probably both), I think a lot of well heeled types are going to ask themselves whether these media outlets are worth it at all.

    And despite the current hoopla, are there really definable benefits for companies to advertise on Google or use Facebook data? You'd think, but my understanding is that results seem to have been very sketchy so far.

    Replies: @donut, @Ed, @Harry Baldwin, @carol, @ben tillman, @athEIst

    I’m really not sure he is getting much bang for his buck.

    The Post (and other papers) have been into same-day-delivery for over a century.

  255. @杰克D

    She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons’ finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.
    The way she did it, it wasn't risky at all. It was just a pure bribe (any Republican would be in jail for this). The way it worked was that the brokers bribing her (her husband actually) already knew the results of the trades involved. They assigned the winning trades to her and the losing trades to some poor schmuck client of theirs.

    The Clintons are probably the most corrupt couple ever to occupy the White House. That the Democrat Party hitched their wagon to them is breathtaking. Trump is no angel either but he never pretended to be one. Generally speaking, all over the world the voter don't really give a damn about corruption as long as they perceive the candidates as being on their side. If Candidate X is helping out the average person, the fact that he keeps a little for himself is only a just reward. The problem with Hillary is that she was not interested in helping out the average American either. She didn't even pretend to be, as her husband did.

    回复:@匿名,@ keuril

    Voters don’t really want honest government.

    When Clinton was in the White House, I talked to some people from Arkansas. They said that to succeed in Arkansas politics, a candidate has to be seen as corrupt, because if he isn’t, they figure that either he’s too stupid or that he’s got some angle going that they haven’t figured out and that could be really bad. Bill Clinton, when running for governor, was known to be corrupt, but he astonished them because they never figured anyone would be that corrupt and that brazen.

    Nevertheless they voted for him for President to get him the hell out of the state.

    I was a libty in those days and was big on Ron Paul.

    Ron Paul was the one guy that really scared them, they said, because they figured he REALLY WAS honest and that could cause all hell to break loose. They didn’t know what and they didn’t want to find out.

    • 回复: @正宗爵士人

    " Voters don't really want honest government"

    Wrong : The great majority of democrat voters and a segment of republican voters don't CARE whether gov is honest or not, rather they are looking at what's in it for themselves indvidually.

    A long time Hebrew buddy of mine, and a very wealthy guy, voted for BC because he, BC, promised to bring about free prescription drugs for seniors : Which never came to pass.

    Authenticjazzman "Mensa" qualified since 1973, airborne trained Us Army vet, and pro jazz artisit.


  256. @ BB753

    Do you seriously believe Hillary will run again? I mean, she's barely alive and/or functional and she's not getting better in 2 years. Also, the DNC won't let her.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ Neoconned

    Unless embalmed or incarcerated, she’ll run. How far she will get is another question.

    • 哈哈: BB753
  257. @MEH 0910
    APRIL 20,2018

    我想,如果有人知道克林顿夫人所指的那个阴险的“他们”是谁,就像一些无形的敌人军队(真实的和想象的)一样,运用其集体力量,导致她输掉了现代历史上最有可能获胜的总统选举, 那是我。





    回复:@Anon、@El Dato、@The Craw、@CJ

    The Bernie Bros and Mr. Trump’s Twitter trolls had called me a donkey-faced whore and a Hillary shill…

    Translation: the “donkey faced whore” epithet actually came from another progressive. To whom it never occurred that ze was using the Democrat mascot.

  258. @罗斯
    Unz's piece on conspiracy theories is one of the best because it goes straight to the problem that when you believe in it, it's a distinct possibility or an untold story, and when I believe in it, it's a lunatic conspiracy theory. Obviously the solution is to reject easy names and apply the exact same standards you would if no sanity was in doubt and no giggling was audible.
    >is there a source? How credible is that source?
    >How credible are the attacks on that source (cf Hitchens' book on Mother Teresa being called "awful" but not "wrong")?
    >does this follow or dramatically depart from established patterns?
    >Did three thousand twitter accounts just come out of nowhere at the same time to spread, or to discredit, this idea, using suspiciously similar language?
    I don't think it makes me a thin-metal haberdasher to look at the Clintons as a ruling caste, top level group. They are part of the "they" and that renders absurd their attempt to use the word "they." Especially in light of the establishment, academic, bureaucratic, and media wall of support for Hillary -- and the totally baseless certainty that she would win -- I cannot name a "they" who would have interfered with Her Turn. Last time I checked no "They" had an issue with a woman leading the IMF.
    With that said, just to be safe, maybe there really is a They who preferred a decade-project-upsetting chaos candidate with no political experience to a well-established clubmember. It upsets so many patterns that you can't even visualize it.
    More likely, let's connect this to the Starbucks Dark Roasting and the Night of Unbroken Bants: if Hillary don' fee' no ways tih'd talkin' to black people in a caricature of their speech patterns, would it be beyond the pale for her to appeal to their weather-control notions of How Things Work?
    ... that being said it is verifiably true that major establishment media brands were not only dying, but were shown to be lying about their readership, and that Trump Derangement Syndrome and Tweet Analysis has brought them back to having something of an audience. I can't see that being the result of an arrangement with Trump, though.


    a thin-metal haberdasher

    Excellent! I’ll be using that.

  259. 席尔瓦

    Subversive of what? Because "Iranians are monsters" is a (((pretty standard))) line.


    The Agenda™ 最重要的方面是视觉方面。波斯军队被描述为大部分非白人。好人都是白人。这在今年是具有颠覆性的。

  260. @Neoconned

    Jazzman you are severely underestimating both Hillary and the well financed and oiled Clinton political machine.

    Hillary almost won. Ted Cruz is facing a serious Democrat challenge in Texas and the state is 60% non white....the only reason Trump won Texas is because of the notorious voter apathy that Steve likes to point out that Hispanics tend to have.

    Trump lied. He lies to the Ohio/Pennsylvania/Michigan etc voters saying not only that he would repatriate their factories and jobs but their union power and mass middle class culture that was there in the 70s-90s that outsourcing, insourcing of scab illegal labor and the online Amazon exonomy have so viciously snuffed out....

    Those factories aren't coming back and his voter margins in thise Midwestern states he lied to aren't that large...

    "It's the exonomy stupid".....but he's too worried about Syria and Twitter wars with fame seeking FBI bureaucrats and media idiots at CNN.

    He should propose a moderate New Deal type program and aim most of the jobs at the swing States that supported him.. if Schumer etc opposenhim say WHAT YOU OPPOSE UNION JOBS??

    If Schumer says yes Trump re wins the Midwest. Otherwise bar a stroke or health event on Hillary's part shell coast to victory in 2020 in a landslide as white women back their sister up over the orange oaf who reminds them of their ex husbands who cheated on them with strippers. .

    Replies: @BB753, @Authenticjazzman, @J.Ross, @Alden

    ” He lies to the Ohio,Pennsylvania,Michigan voters”

    Pure bullshit. I was born and raised in Michigan, and Michiganders, with the exception of the nut-house called Detroit, are extremely aware and intolerant of “Liars”.
    My sister lives in suburban Detroit, Bloomfield Hills , to be exact, and she clearly states the the economy has greatly improved since DT assumed office.

    Look friend you can’t BS myself, as I recognize a BC/HC/BO worshiper, across continents, so just calm down and start counting the days til Nov 4, 2024, and then maybe your party of blue-haired nut-cases will get back into the WH and then be able to resume their drive to convert the US into a northern version of Venezuela.

    1973年以来一直是Authenticjazzman“ Mensa”的资格,经过机师培训的美国陆军兽医,也是专业爵士乐音乐家。

  261. @匿名的

    Voters don't really want honest government.

    When Clinton was in the White House, I talked to some people from Arkansas. They said that to succeed in Arkansas politics, a candidate has to be seen as corrupt, because if he isn't, they figure that either he's too stupid or that he's got some angle going that they haven't figured out and that could be really bad. Bill Clinton, when running for governor, was known to be corrupt, but he astonished them because they never figured anyone would be that corrupt and that brazen.

    Nevertheless they voted for him for President to get him the hell out of the state.

    I was a libty in those days and was big on Ron Paul.

    Ron Paul was the one guy that really scared them, they said, because they figured he REALLY WAS honest and that could cause all hell to break loose. They didn't know what and they didn't want to find out.


    ” Voters don’t really want honest government”

    Wrong : The great majority of democrat voters and a segment of republican voters don’t CARE whether gov is honest or not, rather they are looking at what’s in it for themselves indvidually.

    A long time Hebrew buddy of mine, and a very wealthy guy, voted for BC because he, BC, promised to bring about free prescription drugs for seniors : Which never came to pass.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained Us Army vet, and pro jazz artisit.

    • 回复: @奥尔登

    They are almost free, like $2.50 copay for seniors depending on what programs they are in.

  262. @千禧

    令人难以置信的故事。不过,毫不奇怪,17 世纪的披萨门事件涉及 骑士. Montespan wasn't simply a royal mistress - like the later Pompadour, she had real influence at court.

    Funny thing is, some people still can't comprehend why, only a few years after 代办, certain Englishmen were less than thrilled at the prospect of a Stuart-run Versailles-on-Thames, or why English colonists in the midst of a war with France (and her "tawny savage" proxies) would take the concept of witchcraft seriously.

    Replies: @Hibernian, @Alden, @Alden

    England was led by Catholic kings for many years when both England and France were Catholic. This included the time of the Hundred Year’s War. Then “The Reformation” came along.

    • 回复: @罗斯

    >sectarian tensions help to explain the conflict leading into the Civil War and Glorious Revolution, especially considering that nearby examples of countries adhering to a religion would be taken as cautionary tales. Look at those French: theology aside, we don't want to be like them, now do we?
    >oh yeah what about Henry V? I guess you will not be called his brother.


    , @千禧

    The antics at Versailles are a perfect example of the sort of "Catholic" behavior that caused the Reformation.

  263. @anonguy

    Those who sell their souls for earthly power often realize, sometimes quite early, that the Devil hates those who serve him no less than others, that he destines them for the same miserable end he would fain visit upon everyone; and this is the mark of their damnation, that knowing things to be so, they embrace all his pomps and empty promises nonetheless.
    Dude, this is so good I had to come out of comment retirement to give you an attaboy.

    Only thing I can say is I hope you have a wider audience for your output. iSteve is a fun place and all but at heart a bunch of carping dead-enders whose world ended decades ago and isn't coming back any more than the South is going to.

    回复:@先生。 安农

    Only thing I can say is I hope you have a wider audience for your output. iSteve is a fun place and all but at heart a bunch of carping dead-enders whose world ended decades ago and isn’t coming back any more than the South is going to.

    A guy shouting damnation at Satan 是不是 a “carping dead-ender”?


    When did your World end?

    As for me, I know that “my World” ended decades ago. As far as I can tell, just being aware of that already gives me an advantage over millions of my generation who are not aware of it. So, I am now interested in the World to come (and, no, I am not referring to some heavenly reward).

  264. @翻动
    Every article in the NYT was pro-Clinton and anti-Trump in the run up to the election. They and the rest of the mainstream media were absolutely in the tank for her.

    Replies: @Peter Akuleyev, @Olorin

    But of course. They are in the consensus-with-each-other-for-establishment-careers biz.

    Their shock that something exists outside their bubble (or perhaps more accurately bell jar) has been delicious to observe.

    Ditto to observing Hillary being taken down by her own conniving, vanity-signalling oral cavity. Anyone that lustful after power, who would misjudge something as profound as calling half the electorate “deplorable,” shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near big concentrations of geopolitical power whose deployment should involve excellent diplomatic skills.

    Double that for a woman who has a miserable marriage and a Very Special Friend of daughter’s age, whom she maneuvered into a similar-appearing grotesque mating sham.

  265. @ BB753

    Do you seriously believe Hillary will run again? I mean, she's barely alive and/or functional and she's not getting better in 2 years. Also, the DNC won't let her.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ Neoconned

    Yes, Hillary Clinton is running in 2020 bar a stroke that leaves her with a noticable droop or a heart attack that leaves her too weak to move or pure death…..shell run for the white house with one foot in the casket…who else do they have? Kamala Harris?

    There are no viable younger Bernie’s not bought and sold by corporations and Bernie may run but the banks, insurance companies etc would NEVER allow him to win. They’d Oswald and JFK him first and find some mental case like the Waffle House shooter to be the Patsy. Then they’ll get some low level felon or mafia type to shoot him to shut him up….

    What else are those ex Blackwater Merc dudes going to do now that the ME wars are drying up? I guess Putin could hire them….

    • 回复: @奥尔登

    Look at the pictures of her at the Barbara Bush funeral. She is short. I’m pretty good at estimating weight. I’d say she’s well over 250 pushing 300 pds.

    For a 5’2 to 5’ 4 woman that’s about 160 pds overweight. She’s really like some old legend about someone who sold her soul to the devil as a teen and achieved almost everything she wanted.

  266. @Neoconned

    Jazzman you are severely underestimating both Hillary and the well financed and oiled Clinton political machine.

    Hillary almost won. Ted Cruz is facing a serious Democrat challenge in Texas and the state is 60% non white....the only reason Trump won Texas is because of the notorious voter apathy that Steve likes to point out that Hispanics tend to have.

    Trump lied. He lies to the Ohio/Pennsylvania/Michigan etc voters saying not only that he would repatriate their factories and jobs but their union power and mass middle class culture that was there in the 70s-90s that outsourcing, insourcing of scab illegal labor and the online Amazon exonomy have so viciously snuffed out....

    Those factories aren't coming back and his voter margins in thise Midwestern states he lied to aren't that large...

    "It's the exonomy stupid".....but he's too worried about Syria and Twitter wars with fame seeking FBI bureaucrats and media idiots at CNN.

    He should propose a moderate New Deal type program and aim most of the jobs at the swing States that supported him.. if Schumer etc opposenhim say WHAT YOU OPPOSE UNION JOBS??

    If Schumer says yes Trump re wins the Midwest. Otherwise bar a stroke or health event on Hillary's part shell coast to victory in 2020 in a landslide as white women back their sister up over the orange oaf who reminds them of their ex husbands who cheated on them with strippers. .

    Replies: @BB753, @Authenticjazzman, @J.Ross, @Alden

    There has been undeniable improvement and hiring in manufacturing, which was never going to be possible with the Solyndra model of monolithic public-private sector dealmaking, amid unapologetic globalization. As far as specific factories, obviously that’s much more complex.

  267. @希伯来语



    >sectarian tensions help to explain the conflict leading into the Civil War and Glorious Revolution, especially considering that nearby examples of countries adhering to a religion would be taken as cautionary tales. Look at those French: theology aside, we don’t want to be like them, now do we?
    >oh yeah what about Henry V? I guess you will not be called his brother.

    • 回复: @Neoconned

    What's your favorite anime, Ross?

    回复:@ J.Ross

  268. @Neoconned

    Jazzman you are severely underestimating both Hillary and the well financed and oiled Clinton political machine.

    Hillary almost won. Ted Cruz is facing a serious Democrat challenge in Texas and the state is 60% non white....the only reason Trump won Texas is because of the notorious voter apathy that Steve likes to point out that Hispanics tend to have.

    Trump lied. He lies to the Ohio/Pennsylvania/Michigan etc voters saying not only that he would repatriate their factories and jobs but their union power and mass middle class culture that was there in the 70s-90s that outsourcing, insourcing of scab illegal labor and the online Amazon exonomy have so viciously snuffed out....

    Those factories aren't coming back and his voter margins in thise Midwestern states he lied to aren't that large...

    "It's the exonomy stupid".....but he's too worried about Syria and Twitter wars with fame seeking FBI bureaucrats and media idiots at CNN.

    He should propose a moderate New Deal type program and aim most of the jobs at the swing States that supported him.. if Schumer etc opposenhim say WHAT YOU OPPOSE UNION JOBS??

    If Schumer says yes Trump re wins the Midwest. Otherwise bar a stroke or health event on Hillary's part shell coast to victory in 2020 in a landslide as white women back their sister up over the orange oaf who reminds them of their ex husbands who cheated on them with strippers. .

    Replies: @BB753, @Authenticjazzman, @J.Ross, @Alden

    I’m all for a moderate new deal job creation program.

    We’ve had them since the Great society and all the jobs, administrative positions and goodies go to blacks browns and nowadays probably FOB immigrants.

    If by chance some highly skilled licensed experience White mena are hired, the ADL, AJC $PLC LARAZA etc etc all backed by billions from all the charitable educational foundations will immmediately sue to prevent White men from being hired.

    An injunction against hiring White men for the program will be issued a few days after filing. The case will wander through the courts until at last the anti White men and probably women rulings will be upheld.

    All government programs, ESPECIALLY the military are just hire the retarded useless blacks browns and tans.

  269. @千禧

    令人难以置信的故事。不过,毫不奇怪,17 世纪的披萨门事件涉及 骑士. Montespan wasn't simply a royal mistress - like the later Pompadour, she had real influence at court.

    Funny thing is, some people still can't comprehend why, only a few years after 代办, certain Englishmen were less than thrilled at the prospect of a Stuart-run Versailles-on-Thames, or why English colonists in the midst of a war with France (and her "tawny savage" proxies) would take the concept of witchcraft seriously.

    Replies: @Hibernian, @Alden, @Alden







    • 回复: @千禧


    Of course, there were Jews who invested in William's invasion. Why wouldn't they? The outcome was a foregone conclusion. James II was near universally despised by his people. The Dutch had the best army and navy on the Continent at the time. The Dutch allies: Hanoverians, Danes, Prussians - were top-notch troops.


    As for W and M being "front monarchs", legislation passed immediately after the Glorious Revolution specifically stated that traditional English liberties (like gun ownership, religious toleration, etc.) applied to:

  270. @千禧

    令人难以置信的故事。不过,毫不奇怪,17 世纪的披萨门事件涉及 骑士. Montespan wasn't simply a royal mistress - like the later Pompadour, she had real influence at court.

    Funny thing is, some people still can't comprehend why, only a few years after 代办, certain Englishmen were less than thrilled at the prospect of a Stuart-run Versailles-on-Thames, or why English colonists in the midst of a war with France (and her "tawny savage" proxies) would take the concept of witchcraft seriously.

    Replies: @Hibernian, @Alden, @Alden

    英国殖民者直到 1756 年才卷入与法国的战争,即女巫哈布吉布斯 (Habgibgs) 事件发生 60 年后。而把殖民主义者拖入其中的正是英国。





    • 同意: 吉姆·唐·鲍勃
    • 回复: @匿名的

    This happened a couple of years before the Salem affair:


    In May 1690, four hundred to five hundred French and Indian troops under the command of Joseph-François Hertel de la Fresnière and Baron de St Castin attacked the settlement [Falmouth, Maine] Grossly outnumbered, the settlers held out for four days before surrendering. Eventually two hundred were murdered and left in a large heap a few paces from what is now the popular Benkay sushi restaurant. Davis was taken prisoner to Quebec. A relief expedition under command of Shadrach Walton came too late to save the people from the massacre.
    , @千禧

    No, the first French and Indian War was called King Williams War in the colonies - it began in 1689 and lasted about a decade. It was basically the American theater of the War of the Grand Alliance.


    Using Indian allies to massacre rival European settlers was a staple of --French--policy beginning in the 1690s.

    威廉姆斯国王战争 1690 年代
    Queen Anne's War 1700s first decade
    Dummer's War 1720s
    King George's War 1740s

    These were the "French and Indian Wars" that occurred prior to the "big one" that everyone knows about.

    You're right about the 1763 Proclamation business.

  271. @Neoconned
    @ BB753

    Yes, Hillary Clinton is running in 2020 bar a stroke that leaves her with a noticable droop or a heart attack that leaves her too weak to move or pure death.....shell run for the white house with one foot in the casket...who else do they have? Kamala Harris?

    There are no viable younger Bernie's not bought and sold by corporations and Bernie may run but the banks, insurance companies etc would NEVER allow him to win. They'd Oswald and JFK him first and find some mental case like the Waffle House shooter to be the Patsy. Then they'll get some low level felon or mafia type to shoot him to shut him up....

    What else are those ex Blackwater Merc dudes going to do now that the ME wars are drying up? I guess Putin could hire them....


    Look at the pictures of her at the Barbara Bush funeral. She is short. I’m pretty good at estimating weight. I’d say she’s well over 250 pushing 300 pds.

    For a 5’2 to 5’ 4 woman that’s about 160 pds overweight. She’s really like some old legend about someone who sold her soul to the devil as a teen and achieved almost everything she wanted.

  272. @科维努斯

    "And have you not NOTICED your own biases, Corvinus?"

    More than you will ever know or care to admit.

    "Do you really think your pretending to be objective and even-handed in your analysis is believed by anyone here?"

    I am observably much more objective and even-handed compared to you and others here.

    "Post again when Trump is in handcuffs for one of the credible allegations you so fervently want to believe is true. Yeah, a real objective and even-handed observer you are!"

    NOTICE that I said allegations. NOTICE that there is indeed evidence and sources that make it certainly appear that the Trump team engaged in a boatload of illegal activity. Why not actually immerse yourself into the narrative rather than close your eyes and put your hands over your ears and like a little girl say "No, it's not true, I'm not listening, it's all a lie". But feel free to be an ostrich with your head in the sand.

    "In the future, please NOTICE what a supercilious hypocritical douchebag you have become. And cuck. Yeah, that’s right, you are a cuck too."

    Again, the word "cuck" is overused and observably means next to nothing. It has lost its cache.

    回复:@ Svigor,@ Alden

    You’re always demanding that people provide sources and links to everything they write.

    So please come up with some actual illegal activities Trump committed

    Please don’t just say obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is interfering with an investigation of a crime. For “justice” to be obstructed , an actual crime must be committed and an investigation must begin by the proper authorities.

    So come up with an actual crime and the statutes that define the crime.

    Meeting with Russians is not collusion with anything. Trump or his subordinates would have to do something illegal while meeting with the Russians.

    So find the crime. Hildabeast the media academia big business and the demon ocrats have been trying since November 2016 and haven’t come with a thing.

    • 回复: @科维努斯

    There is an ongoing investigation that is supremely complex. Prosecutors keep their cards close to the vest. Everything will play out in due time.

    "For “justice” to be obstructed , an actual crime must be committed and an investigation must begin by the proper authorities."

    No, an alleged crime was thought to be committed, hence there is a need for an investigation.


  273. @正宗爵士人

    " Voters don't really want honest government"

    Wrong : The great majority of democrat voters and a segment of republican voters don't CARE whether gov is honest or not, rather they are looking at what's in it for themselves indvidually.

    A long time Hebrew buddy of mine, and a very wealthy guy, voted for BC because he, BC, promised to bring about free prescription drugs for seniors : Which never came to pass.

    Authenticjazzman "Mensa" qualified since 1973, airborne trained Us Army vet, and pro jazz artisit.


    They are almost free, like $2.50 copay for seniors depending on what programs they are in.

  274. @布法罗乔
    @ Alfa158

    Alf, I agree with almost all of what you wrote but Kirsten Gillibrand, Schumer's sock pocket, isn't a viable national candidate. She is obviously a woman, but I think the left wants a candidate that checks at least two or more boxes, i.e., minority woman. Kamala Harris, for instance, can check woman, minority and with some fudging, #MeToo victimhood.

    回复:@ prusmc,@ Alden

    She and Willie Brown; beauty and a 6 inches shorter beast

  275. @威士忌酒
    Hillary is (not a joke) the most naturally gifted politician of this age. Just not with ordinary people you deplorables you. But with people who MATTER ... gay Wall Streeters, Barbara Streisand, Martha's Vineyard and the Hamptons billionaires, the oligarchs in Hollywood, Academia, Wall Street, and Business who run this country and have run it since Ike at least.

    As we can see with Trump, they're not going to tolerate you deplorables you and are working hard to remove him.

    Hillary won this group, not just by shared HATE HATE HATE of the White working AND middle class but by building a massive political machine that employs much of the TV/Media people, political operatives, and the "super delegates" who control the Nomination of the Democratic Party. If Hillary wants to run again its hers, as primary votes don't matter as Bernie Bros found out -- its all Super Delegates now. And these are Hillary's people -- far more so than Bill who never really got along with them the way Hillary did in their shared disdain of ordinary White people. Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeffrey Immelt, and Bob Iger all love love love Hillary. Do you have a few spare billion lying around you deplorable you?

    Trump's victory was a victory, stunning, over the oligarchs who have run this country since Ike. It is why Trump's voters have to be punished as much as Trump. To teach us deplorables a lesson by our betters.

    [Who are all pretty much weird and debased and a step away from branding some "slave" on the private parts.]

    IF and only IF Kamala Harriss or Corey Booker or Eric Holder (My People) get the support of Hollywood, Academia, and various oligarchs through the creation of a machine backed by a Zuck or Bezos with limitless money, they have a shot of taking the nomination away from Hillary!

    But lets be honest, Trump has been a disaster, he's riled up every NAM, Pussy-hat wearing loon (that's about 90% of White middle and upper class women right there), gun grabber, power twink, and oligarch and its the latter who are dangerous. They run almost all business, the entire government, the military, the cops, all of the Universities, Hollywood, and the media. Trump got them angry and in a punishing mood towards the Deplorables without doing anything to energize the Deplorables. Napoleon ended constant revolution in France by giving most of the Peasantry some small holdings carved out of the nobility, and creating battlefield promotions and en-nobling which got the peasants to turn out in the millions for his campaigns. Yes, people will fight for a few acres of land and some petty title and social honor when they have had nothing. All Trump has done is get Cackling Gun Grabber Dianne Feinstein literally rubbing her hands in glee and empower all the gun grabbers who are now media stars.

    Hillary could beat Trump like a drum next election, particularly if he's under indictment (thats if the Deep State does not just remove him) by the simple expedient of making millions of "Instant Americans" (just add water) by legalization of all the illegals or even State officials just saying illegals can vote ...


    I look around and where is the raw, political, social, economic, and military power create fear, uncertainty, and doubt in the oligarchs? Really all Hillary has to do is let her oligarchs carry her over the goal line and she'll be the President finally. Do you have $250 million in the bank? Heck does Eric Holder or Kamala Harris? Only Oprah can defeat Hillary in the Super Delegate fight because she's got more money and huge hold over all NAM and White female voters.

    Replies: @Authenticjazzman, @Crawfurdmuir, @Alden

    Still aren’t getting laid by any color of woman. Your sexual frustration is obvious.

  276. @匿名的





    比尔很可能已经通过剪纸的方式对某些Comey戏剧的重新发送电子邮件等进行了阶段管理。 实际上,如果比尔与特朗普团队和双方有钱的支持者按照这些方针达成协议,就不足为奇了。


    Could be. I wouldn’t put anything past Hildabeast. I think more likely the revelation of a kidnap plot of that grand baby by the KKK NEO NAZI WN deplorable.

    Remember pictures of her and Bill pushing the baby buggy around Manhattan trying to show she has a human heart? She was twice the size of Bill.

  277. @CK

    Does anyone think, for the smallest minute, that he wanted to have to play second fiddle to that woman, in public, as the First "Gentleman"?

    Replies: @Anonym, @Anonymous, @Alden


  278. @罗斯

    >sectarian tensions help to explain the conflict leading into the Civil War and Glorious Revolution, especially considering that nearby examples of countries adhering to a religion would be taken as cautionary tales. Look at those French: theology aside, we don't want to be like them, now do we?
    >oh yeah what about Henry V? I guess you will not be called his brother.


    What’s your favorite anime, Ross?

    • 回复: @罗斯

    大概 天使节拍 because it's a Westerner-friendly explanation of Buddhist morality with nice music (not completely family friendly, and deals with death, especially at the end), or 女孩和坦克 because it's got good animation, good stories, good character development, and is literally unapologetically traditionalist and edifying (family friendly apart from one group bathing scene: they are Japanese, it's not as bad as it sounds, and the rest of the series is solid). If I had a daughter I would all but make her watch, and it is to be preferred over decadent Western trash every time. They bring up a favorite SJW idea -- that the other side is cheating, which in SJW terms means all the rules go out the window -- and turn it on its head, insisting on playing through and by the rules, even if that means losing. They trash the idea of acceptable sluttiness, but in a gentle way ("I was just lying to sound cool"). They spend a lot of time on family reconciliation and loyalty. There is no recent or current Western TV show, certainly not for kids, with values like this. And it's got the adorable StuG III. If you have kids consider it.

  279. @匿名的
    Hillary came pretty close to pulling it off.

    She's old and she is ugly. Laying off the pants suits might have helped.

    But what would have really helped would have been a judicious bit of plastic surgery. She should have found out what surgeon Debbie Harry went to and went to him: whoever he is, he's good.

    She looks about as good as a 72 year old is going to:


    I'd also suspect Stevie Nicks has had some pretty good work recently inasmuch as she wasn't all that hot to begin with and now looks pretty good at 68. By contrast, Chrissie Hynde is 66 and looks it, probably because she has been a vegan for five decades and the collagens from her face are gone.

    回复:@Jim Don Bob

    By contrast, Chrissie Hynde is 66 and looks it, probably because she has been a vegan for five decades and the collagens from her face are gone.

    Why do vegans lose collagen?

  280. @杰克D

    She then invested in cattle futures, which is insanely risky and could have destroyed the Clintons’ finances entirely, and she ended up having to be rescued by people who wanted to do the Clintons a favor.
    The way she did it, it wasn't risky at all. It was just a pure bribe (any Republican would be in jail for this). The way it worked was that the brokers bribing her (her husband actually) already knew the results of the trades involved. They assigned the winning trades to her and the losing trades to some poor schmuck client of theirs.

    The Clintons are probably the most corrupt couple ever to occupy the White House. That the Democrat Party hitched their wagon to them is breathtaking. Trump is no angel either but he never pretended to be one. Generally speaking, all over the world the voter don't really give a damn about corruption as long as they perceive the candidates as being on their side. If Candidate X is helping out the average person, the fact that he keeps a little for himself is only a just reward. The problem with Hillary is that she was not interested in helping out the average American either. She didn't even pretend to be, as her husband did.

    回复:@匿名,@ keuril

    They assigned the winning trades to her and the losing trades to some poor schmuck client of theirs.

    Makes sense that the trades were assigned after the fact, but I would assume the losing trades were assigned to the broker’s house account. Therefore the house account could eat $100K in losses, exactly corresponding to the alleged payment to Hillary. It seems enough to allege $100K bribery, laundered through futures trading. It’s another thing entirely to suggest that the brokerage funded the bribery payment by stealing from its own clients. As if they wouldn’t notice. I’m gonna guess you’ve never traded futures.

  281. @ BB753
    They= her stupid campaign manager and his team. She was surrounded by cronies and sycophants, not pros.
    Also, Hillary has so many skeletons in her closet, it's unbelievable the DNC let her run. Furthermore, neither the spirit-cooking and witchy pedo connections didn't help, nor her poor health. Why vote for an obnoxious political has-been old hag who clearly belonged more in a retirement home than the White House?


    I thought the spirit cooking thing was hilarious, but then I’m not very religious. However I understand that a lot of devout Christians (including many blacks and Hispanics) were genuinely horrified by it and refused to vote for her because of it. It may have made the decisive difference.

    There’s zero mention of any of this on Wikipedia of course.

    • 回复: @ BB753

    The spirit-cooking was just for show in art galleries. Marina Abrahamovic, the spirit-cooking performance artist, (before jumping to conclusions, she's a Serbian Orthodox) has stated that they perform actual rituals behind closed doors, following the tradition of Alesteir Crowley and the OTO sect. Doubtless, she's a real satanic witch and she's not even hiding it. Now, the Podestas are creepy guys and devout followers of Marina Abrahamovic. Remember, John Podesta used to be Bill Clinton's chief of staff, Obama adviser and ran Hillary's 2016 presidential campaign. And just the other day, Hillary openly joined a witches' coven (I'm not making this up, google the news). Then connect the dots. It's not a matter of whether you believe in that stuff, but whether they themselves believe in it. For those people Satanism is real, and they act accordingly, animal and human sacrifices included. It's in Crowley's book, The Book of the Law.
    BTW, Allison Mack, charged with three counts of child trafickink, forced labor, etc) had ties to people close to Hillary, such as Marina Abrahamovic and the late Edgar Bronfman. You don't wanna know what these people have been up to.

  282. @奥尔登

    英国殖民者直到 1756 年才卷入与法国的战争,即女巫哈布吉布斯 (Habgibgs) 事件发生 60 年后。而把殖民主义者拖入其中的正是英国。





    回复:@匿名,@ Millennial

    This happened a couple of years before the Salem affair:


    In May 1690, four hundred to five hundred French and Indian troops under the command of Joseph-François Hertel de la Fresnière and Baron de St Castin attacked the settlement [Falmouth, Maine] Grossly outnumbered, the settlers held out for four days before surrendering. Eventually two hundred were murdered and left in a large heap a few paces from what is now the popular Benkay sushi restaurant. Davis was taken prisoner to Quebec. A relief expedition under command of Shadrach Walton came too late to save the people from the massacre.

  283. @Neoconned

    What's your favorite anime, Ross?

    回复:@ J.Ross

    大概 天使节拍 because it’s a Westerner-friendly explanation of Buddhist morality with nice music (not completely family friendly, and deals with death, especially at the end), or 女孩和坦克 because it’s got good animation, good stories, good character development, and is literally unapologetically traditionalist and edifying (family friendly apart from one group bathing scene: they are Japanese, it’s not as bad as it sounds, and the rest of the series is solid). If I had a daughter I would all but make her watch, and it is to be preferred over decadent Western trash every time. They bring up a favorite SJW idea — that the other side is cheating, which in SJW terms means all the rules go out the window — and turn it on its head, insisting on playing through and by the rules, even if that means losing. They trash the idea of acceptable sluttiness, but in a gentle way (“I was just lying to sound cool”). They spend a lot of time on family reconciliation and loyalty. There is no recent or current Western TV show, certainly not for kids, with values like this. And it’s got the adorable StuG III. If you have kids consider it.

  284. @匿名的
    @ BB753

    I thought the spirit cooking thing was hilarious, but then I'm not very religious. However I understand that a lot of devout Christians (including many blacks and Hispanics) were genuinely horrified by it and refused to vote for her because of it. It may have made the decisive difference.

    There's zero mention of any of this on Wikipedia of course.

    回复:@ BB753

    The spirit-cooking was just for show in art galleries. Marina Abrahamovic, the spirit-cooking performance artist, (before jumping to conclusions, she’s a Serbian Orthodox) has stated that they perform actual rituals behind closed doors, following the tradition of Alesteir Crowley and the OTO sect. Doubtless, she’s a real satanic witch and she’s not even hiding it. Now, the Podestas are creepy guys and devout followers of Marina Abrahamovic. Remember, John Podesta used to be Bill Clinton’s chief of staff, Obama adviser and ran Hillary’s 2016 presidential campaign. And just the other day, Hillary openly joined a witches’ coven (I’m not making this up, google the news). Then connect the dots. It’s not a matter of whether you believe in that stuff, but whether they themselves believe in it. For those people Satanism is real, and they act accordingly, animal and human sacrifices included. It’s in Crowley’s book, The Book of the Law.
    BTW, Allison Mack, charged with three counts of child trafickink, forced labor, etc) had ties to people close to Hillary, such as Marina Abrahamovic and the late Edgar Bronfman. You don’t wanna know what these people have been up to.

  285. @斯维格

    What's really trippy is the women who buy into her "I'm doing this for all women"/"a blow against me is a blow against all women"/"first woman president" schtick. Like how bad does a candidate have to be before women overwhelmingly laugh this stuff off, or condemn it? Would she need horns and a tail and red skin to make women get the picture?


    Let’s see Hillary distribute say, half of the tens of millions of dollars she has, to lower- and middle-income women — the people she claims to care so much about in particular. Waiting. Cue the Derbyshire Crickets….

    • 回复: @anonymous

    That's what the "Clinton Foundation" is supposed to be for. Watch the dollars find their way into the pocketbooks of those grocery store checkout ladies. As John Wayne's Ethan Edwards said in The Searchers "That'll be the day."

  286. @激进中心

    Let’s see Hillary distribute say, half of the tens of millions of dollars she has, to lower- and middle-income women — the people she claims to care so much about in particular. Waiting. Cue the Derbyshire Crickets....


    That’s what the “Clinton Foundation” is supposed to be for. Watch the dollars find their way into the pocketbooks of those grocery store checkout ladies. As John Wayne’s Ethan Edwards said in The Searchers “That’ll be the day.”

  287. @奥尔登












  288. @奥尔登

    英国殖民者直到 1756 年才卷入与法国的战争,即女巫哈布吉布斯 (Habgibgs) 事件发生 60 年后。而把殖民主义者拖入其中的正是英国。





    回复:@匿名,@ Millennial

    不,第一次法印战争在殖民地被称为“威廉国王战争”——它始于 1689 年,持续了大约十年。它基本上是大联盟战争的美国战场。


    从 1690 年代开始,法国政策的主要内容就是利用印度盟友屠杀竞争对手的欧洲定居者。

    威廉姆斯国王战争 1690 年代
    安妮女王战争 1700 年代第一个十年
    傻瓜战争 1720 年代
    1740 年代乔治国王战争


    你对 1763 年公告业务的看法是对的。

  289. @希伯来语




  290. @化名


    并非真正如此,但作为王位背后的力量和获得权力的手段将是值得的。 他显然很想要它-到目前为止,我已经链接了几次我的《每日邮报》文章。 记住亨利·基辛格(Henry Kissinger)所说的话:“力量是最终的壮阳药”。 而且,作为一个看起来比较典型的犹太人,比Bibi的外表还不那么好看,他更适合评估壮阳药的功效。

    如果您非常渴望获得权力,那么您需要做的就是赢得胜利。 你有克林顿的Bodycount作为他们赢得胜利的证据,然后希拉里忽略了两次总统(双语无意,但我喜欢它),支持湿漉漉的耳朵罗比Mook。 哑的。

    回复:@ MBlanc46

    Not only power. Money. Lots and lots of money. Bill and Hill love money.

  291. @奥尔登

    You’re always demanding that people provide sources and links to everything they write.

    So please come up with some actual illegal activities Trump committed

    Please don’t just say obstruction of justice. Obstruction of justice is interfering with an investigation of a crime. For “justice” to be obstructed , an actual crime must be committed and an investigation must begin by the proper authorities.

    So come up with an actual crime and the statutes that define the crime.

    Meeting with Russians is not collusion with anything. Trump or his subordinates would have to do something illegal while meeting with the Russians.

    So find the crime. Hildabeast the media academia big business and the demon ocrats have been trying since November 2016 and haven’t come with a thing.


    There is an ongoing investigation that is supremely complex. Prosecutors keep their cards close to the vest. Everything will play out in due time.

    “For “justice” to be obstructed , an actual crime must be committed and an investigation must begin by the proper authorities.”

    No, an alleged crime was thought to be committed, hence there is a need for an investigation.

    • 回复: @阿农

    You're an alleged child molester. Disprove it.

  292. @科维努斯

    There is an ongoing investigation that is supremely complex. Prosecutors keep their cards close to the vest. Everything will play out in due time.

    "For “justice” to be obstructed , an actual crime must be committed and an investigation must begin by the proper authorities."

    No, an alleged crime was thought to be committed, hence there is a need for an investigation.


    You’re an alleged child molester. Disprove it.


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