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这是一位澳大利亚新闻播音员和他的摄影师被追赶 500 米穿过威斯敏斯特,伦敦和英国国家的中心, 一群和平抗议者 一群和平抗议的慢跑者。

  1. The criminal element is seeing its opportunity, worldwide.

    • 回复: @肯特国民党

    Just call them 'blacks'; it's shorter

    回复:@Amerimutt Golems

    , @几乎密苏里州

    Yeah, it's not just the UK. It's everywhere that the authorities will let it.


    回复:@Almost Missouri

    , @理查德·B

    Thousands of People March Against Racism
    should be changed to

    Thousands of People March Against a High Level Abstraction
    One sure fire rule of history is;

    The higher the level of abstraction, the greater the violence.

    Abstractions like God, Love, Justice, Equality, Human Rights, Racism, etc.


    What is there in the world that the word (in this case, Racism) directs us to locate?


    As long as it remains unquestioned it becomes assumed to be true.

    The longer it's assumed to be true the more it becomes a morality.

    The longer it becomes a morality, the more unquestioning faith is put in the word.

    The more unquestioning faith the more it can never be questioned.

    And now we're back to the one sure fire rule of history.

    The whole movement of higher education from the late 19th to even the mid-20th century was to ween us from this dependency and addiction to high level abstractions.

    But higher education was rejected. Because it was either considered "Elitist" or had nothing to do with making money.

    No one say higher education for what it really is - high level problem-solving.

    And now, well, just turn on the news.

  2. 英国和欧洲的智者和伟人眺望大西洋彼岸的美国种族关系的可悲状况并说道:“我们想要一些这样的东西!”并故意引入一个他们以前没有的问题,但现在永远不会离开他们。

    在西欧,尤其是在美国,TPTB——尤其是包括大众媒体的所有者——一直在全力以赴地引进尽可能多的不满者,并将他们浸泡在 24/7/365 的宣传活动中将人为制造的仇恨升级为白热化的脾气。

    现在,结果即将出来。我怀疑这一切会很快结束。请记住,当他们袭击您的家时(他们已经袭击了我的办公室):如果您没有处于无可争议的生命危险中,则您无权对入侵者使用致命武力。 (即使你喜欢“城堡主义”,你最终也会面对法官或陪审团。)当然,当风险无可争议时,已经太晚了。你不会被记住。更有可能你会 DIS会员。


    • 同意: 潜伏者, 吉姆琼斯
    • 谢谢: 黑海, 锤杰克, 温特伊
    • 回复: @阿尔泰



    , @SunBakedSuburb




  3. @麦肯纳先生
    The criminal element is seeing its opportunity, worldwide.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @Almost Missouri, @Richard B

    Just call them ‘blacks’; it’s shorter

    • 回复: @Amerimutt 魔像

    Imported pets just want 'gibs' like in 2011 when one of their own a black or mulatto career criminal was killed by the police.

  4. 永远记住种族只是一种社会结构,多样性是我们最大的优势。

  5. It’s almost as if allowing traumatized, dysfunctional people with an average IQ of 85 to immigrate from their hell hole, strife-ridden country to England was a really, really, bad idea!

    Ah, well. The Brits aren’t allowed to have guns, so I guess there’s only one choice for them..

    Run from the Negroes, step in time!!

    • 回复: @匿名的

    Run from the Negroes, step in time!!

    LOL! I loved this song when I was a kid. Truly insane times.

  6. 英国的多元文化主义进展如何?

    • 回复: @戈多

    非常糟糕,非常糟糕,我们奇怪的小领袖鲍里斯承诺通过进口 3 万中国人来加倍努力。
  7. America may be turning into an authoritarian dystopia, but democracy is still strong in Australia.

    Local man tells prime minister to get off his lawn. Prime minister agreeably complies, .

  8. Amusing to hear his colleagues search for inoffensive ways to describe what he was going through.

  9. 慢跑


    Acceptable form is joggaz.

    Well, at least in the US, it will make people more pro-immigration. People will feel, “better dreamers than screamers.”

  10. I doubt the camera crew had a running loicense, and I doubt the rioters had a protesting loicense, so where are the lesbian bobbies to dispense the Queen’s justice?

    • 哈哈: 密苏里州
  11. I want this guy aa police chief

  12. 高度信任社会终结的挽歌

    位于曼哈顿中城广场酒店对面的全玻璃 Apple Store 昨日被封上并加固。

    • 回复: @史蒂夫·塞勒
    @迈克·皮尔森(Mike Pierson),达文波特校长,中场球员


    , @博士杀
    @迈克·皮尔森(Mike Pierson),达文波特校长,中场球员

    There's nothing keeping these retailers from hiring private security. They are all in it together.

  13. 英国国家警察局长委员会感动地发布了一份新闻稿:



    没有关于 BLM 抗议活动中有人被捕的报道。

    • 回复: @YetAnotherAnon





    官员们再次采取谨慎的态度,试图让这群人驱散。他们显然无意这样做,因此确实导致 19 人被捕,另有 XNUMX 人被发出定额罚款通知书。”


    , @罗斯


  14. As long as we’re going absolutely batshit crazy, might as well share one more act of complete mindless insanity…

    And I HOPE the “protesters” decide to visit at the Public Theatre. I want to see that place afterwards.

    • 回复: @史蒂夫·塞勒


  15. A lot of the focus of “White oppression” are on things like the police. Professions where you have a lot of White Gentiles, especially of a working class professions.

    I wonder if the focus of Black rage might move to other areas? Say, hedge fund managers. The mainstream media. Silicon Valley. Even the White academics.

    I mean, they have way more influence over what happens in this country. Seems like Black activists (or even some tricksters) might steer things that way.

    • 回复: @哈默杰克

    Sure thing buddy! We'll get the "brain trust" on it pronto. Oh, here it is:

    Obama urges George Floyd protesters to push for change, 'make people in power uncomfortable'


    You know, there was 有人 in a uniquely advantageous position to do just that for several years. His name's escaping me just now


  16. @肯特国民党

    Just call them 'blacks'; it's shorter

    回复:@Amerimutt Golems

    Imported pets just want ‘gibs’ like in 2011 when one of their own a black or mulatto career criminal was killed by the police.

  17. Meanwhile there were no protests for Emily Jones and even more outrageous – British 警察 地方当局怂恿对数百万儿童进行可怕的大规模强奸。


    A paedophile grooming gang was left to roam the streets of Manchester – and police knew who they were and exactly what they were doing

    Telford abuse victim was raped by 500 men from 11 – but cops chose to prosecute her

    • 回复: @博马格
    @Amerimutt 魔像


    If there is any hope left, one hopes that history will judge and mete out some consequences for these perps and enablers.

    , @戈多
    @Amerimutt 魔像

    A paedophile grooming gang was left to roam the streets of Manchester – and police knew who they were and exactly what they were doing
    If we ever get power back in our countries we should look at the names of those who issued stand down orders.
    , @安东尼
    @Amerimutt 魔像


  18. The common thread in these media muggings is the reporter’s lack of experience with Blacks. They appear to fallen hook, line and sinker for the Diversity & Inclusion gibberish.

    Expect to see a follow up with the Aussie journalist blaming racism. And for extra credit at the next mandatory D&I training, he’ll blame it on his own racism.

    • 同意: BOMAG
  19. Saw a small group of female protesters board the city bus yesterday afternoon, carrying homemade Sharpie placards and dutifully clad in Cuomovirus masks and “Impeach” shirts of course. While not 90-lbs porcelain-skinned photogenic waifs as the media prefers to showcase in BLM adventure stories — these ladies (if straight) might have even been in antifa guys’ league — neither did they seem like seasoned community organizers on Soros payroll, which is the de rigeur right-wing glib assessment lately. Setting is southern TX, high 90s and mind-numbingly “sultry” this week, where any sane unemployed dissident would rather be that way indoors with AC. Yet the religious revival sweeping the land is strong

  20. 与此同时,在 BBC 世界。

    Original Sin. I don’t disagree that to move forward America would need to uplift it’s urban black underclass. Yet I don’t see how you’d begin to do that whilst simultaneously having massive unskilled immigration.

    It’s like having a policy to bail water out of a boat while drilling as many holes in the bottom as possible.


    In a broader sense it’s the ultimate triumph of depoliticisation.

    • 回复: @博马格

    I don’t disagree that to move forward America would need to uplift it’s urban black underclass.
    Egads, man; how much 沼泽 will it take? They are at historically high rates of wealth and privilege, both relative and absolute.

    This unrest is agitation to make crime the next civil right for Blacks. After this is achieved, they will move on to agitate for the next thing on the endless list.
    , @ Up2Drew

    I find it amusing that Great Britain deigns to lecture us about race relations when we ended slavery in 1865 and GB still held a quarter of the planet under colonial rule well into the last century. We're a little bit ahead of you on that scoreboard, guv'nor.

    You don't get to control a quarter of the planet's land mass by being nice guys.

    Replies: @Gordo, @Ray P, @TomSchmidt, @The Alarmist, @Anonymous

  21. @麦肯纳先生
    The Wise and the Wonderful in Britain and Europe looked over the Atlantic at the deplorable state of race relations in the USA and said, "We want some of that!" And deliberately imported a problem they didn't have before, but which will never leave them now.

    In Western Europe and especially in America, TPTB--especially including the owners of the mass media--have been on a full-tilt campaign to import as many disaffected people as they can, and marinate them in a 24/7/365 propaganda campaign to ramp up manufactured hatred to a white-hot temper.

    Now, the results are coming in. And I doubt it'll be over anytime soon. Remember when they attack your home (they've already attacked my office): if you're not in indisputable danger of your life, you are not authorized to use lethal force against intruders. (Even if you enjoy 'castle doctrine' you'll end up in front of a judge or jury.) And, of course, by the time the risk is indisputable, it's too late. You won't be remembered. More likely you'll be DIS会员。


    回复:@ Altai,@ SunBakedSuburb


    Yes, perhaps there is something there that is of value, something you’d like to keep for future generations?

    • 同意: BOMAG
  22. @匿名的
    As long as we're going absolutely batshit crazy, might as well share one more act of complete mindless insanity...

    And I HOPE the "protesters" decide to visit at the Public Theatre. I want to see that place afterwards.


    回复:@Steve Sailer


  23. @迈克·皮尔森(Mike Pierson),达文波特校长,中场球员


    位于曼哈顿中城广场酒店对面的全玻璃 Apple Store 昨日被封上并加固。

    回复:@Steve Sailer,@ dr kill


  24. Welp… there goes the ol’ Star Wars franchise.

    But I guess it’s worth invoking Worldwide fan discord in the interests of hearing what wisdom a 28 year old black multimillionaire affirmative action actor has to share.

    • 回复: @不仅愤怒

    Boyega often refers to his parents, always admiringly. “My dad is the man I want to be. He’s the living example of who I’d like to embody. He is a very good, genuine man.”

    Does your father think you are a good man? “He thinks I’m all right for the stage I’m at. I speak to him about everything. He knows there are certain elements that I need to work on, but I’m only 25.” What like? “More of an awareness of my spirituality. Not being controlled by emotions in the moment.”

    Seems like Boyega's Nigerian preacher Dad is a wise man. It must be hard to have to turn to religion in order to learn self-control though.

    The very fact of the rioting, the incoherent demands and the speeches, mostly expressed through physical convulsions, proves this to be a great challenge.

    There should be understanding of those in this struggle and praise for those who manage through it.


    Sure, not being controlled by your emotions in the moment comes easier to some people - that's their privilege - but we must appreciate those who are currently broadcasting to the world their inability 不能 to be tossed about by every breeze.

    They all need to be heard and need to be seen. If they can't contain their emotions then they need others to step up and make themselves the safe spaces that will those abundant emotions easily flow.

    Looked at this way, the protests are a form of group therapy and their pain must be made to be our pain too.

    Isn't that the point of most of the intersectional agenda?

    I imagine that the Japanese are watching this wonderful gift that Western societies are receiving and are already planning diversity visa programmes, so that they too can share in all of this.

    After all, if Western liberals can feel as if they are elected by supporting this routine then so too could Japanese. And isn't that what life is about? Facing other people's demons so you don't have to face your own?

    , @SunBakedSuburb

    "Welp ... there goes the ol' Star Wars franchise."

    Demonic Disney Corp. will roll out a new line of toys and the angry fanboys will be pacified. The whole point of the Star Wars franchise is merchandising.

    , @几乎密苏里州



  25. Horrible scenes in London yesterday, on the Daily Mail they had a gif on the front page of some vicious evil black beating a white man to a pulp, and then when the white man tried to run away heavily bloodied, the evil negro chased after him and knocked him out cold from behind.

    Big problems coming to the UK, this country is more fucked than America is.

  26. They are not “protestors”, but they are certainly not “rioters” either. Instead, these fine folk are 凯恩斯主义者。

    It is obvious that they really care about a lot of things and so perhaps this has led them to cooly assess our economic situation.

    Their diagnosis may be that we are in a deep recession, so they have benevolently decided to break windows, destroy property and steal, in order to create a strong demand-side stimulus for the economy.

    Nobel prizes are often given to more than one person. I am therefore certain that, this year, the Nobel prize for economics must be given to all of these so-called “looters.”

    This would celebrate many people’s efforts who clearly need to be celebrated and it would do wonders for representation.

    • 回复: @哈默杰克

    What a dilemma. They clearly deserve the economics prize and the peace prize as well. Is there a precedent for this glorious event?

    , @ seneca44

    This may not be too far out of the realm of possibility in a world where the likes of Yasir Arafat and Barack Obama have won the Peace Prize.

    , @不仅愤怒

    Woke Capital gets to offload it's unsold stock from before lockdown.

    Looters get free stuff.

    Government will bail out insurers with free money.



  27. Black American culture is a horrible export.

    • 回复: @匿名的

    Blacks are blacks everywhere, I don't think UK black "culture" is particularly similar to African-American "culture", but just as violent.

  28. @阿尔泰
    与此同时,在 BBC 世界。


    原罪。 我不同意美国要向前发展就需要提升它的城市黑人下层阶级。 然而,我不明白你如何在同时拥有大量非技术移民的同时开始这样做。





    I don’t disagree that to move forward America would need to uplift it’s urban black underclass.

    Egads, man; how much 沼泽 will it take? They are at historically high rates of wealth and privilege, both relative and absolute.

    This unrest is agitation to make crime the next civil right for Blacks. After this is achieved, they will move on to agitate for the next thing on the endless list.

  29. @理查德·泰勒
    A lot of the focus of "White oppression" are on things like the police. Professions where you have a lot of White Gentiles, especially of a working class professions.

    I wonder if the focus of Black rage might move to other areas? Say, hedge fund managers. The mainstream media. Silicon Valley. Even the White academics.

    I mean, they have way more influence over what happens in this country. Seems like Black activists (or even some tricksters) might steer things that way.


    Sure thing buddy! We’ll get the “brain trust” on it pronto. Oh, here it is:

    Obama urges George Floyd protesters to push for change, ‘make people in power uncomfortable’

    You know, there was 有人 in a uniquely advantageous position to do just that for several years. His name’s escaping me just now

    • 回复: @纽迪

    Obama urges George Floyd protesters to push for change, ‘make people in power uncomfortable’
    Hey, Obama, cool it with the anti-semitism.
  30. @Ed
    Black American culture is a horrible export.


    Blacks are blacks everywhere, I don’t think UK black “culture” is particularly similar to African-American “culture”, but just as violent.

  31. @匿名的
    It’s almost as if allowing traumatized, dysfunctional people with an average IQ of 85 to immigrate from their hell hole, strife-ridden country to England was a really, really, bad idea!

    Ah, well. The Brits aren’t allowed to have guns, so I guess there’s only one choice for them..

    Run from the Negroes, step in time!!



    Run from the Negroes, step in time!!

    LOL! I loved this song when I was a kid. Truly insane times.

  32. @匿名的
    Welp... there goes the ol' Star Wars franchise.

    But I guess it’s worth invoking Worldwide fan discord in the interests of hearing what wisdom a 28 year old black multimillionaire affirmative action actor has to share.


    Replies: @Not Only Wrathful, @SunBakedSuburb, @Almost Missouri

    Boyega often refers to his parents, always admiringly. “My dad is the man I want to be. He’s the living example of who I’d like to embody. He is a very good, genuine man.”

    Does your father think you are a good man? “He thinks I’m all right for the stage I’m at. I speak to him about everything. He knows there are certain elements that I need to work on, but I’m only 25.” What like? “More of an awareness of my spirituality. Not being controlled by emotions in the moment.”

    Seems like Boyega’s Nigerian preacher Dad is a wise man. It must be hard to have to turn to religion in order to learn self-control though.

    The very fact of the rioting, the incoherent demands and the speeches, mostly expressed through physical convulsions, proves this to be a great challenge.

    There should be understanding of those in this struggle and praise for those who manage through it.


    Sure, not being controlled by your emotions in the moment comes easier to some people – that’s their privilege – but we must appreciate those who are currently broadcasting to the world their inability 不能 to be tossed about by every breeze.

    They all need to be heard and need to be seen. If they can’t contain their emotions then they need others to step up and make themselves the safe spaces that will those abundant emotions easily flow.

    Looked at this way, the protests are a form of group therapy and their pain must be made to be our pain too.

    Isn’t that the point of most of the intersectional agenda?

    I imagine that the Japanese are watching this wonderful gift that Western societies are receiving and are already planning diversity visa programmes, so that they too can share in all of this.

    After all, if Western liberals can feel as if they are elected by supporting this routine then so too could Japanese. And isn’t that what life is about? Facing other people’s demons so you don’t have to face your own?

  33. @Amerimutt 魔像
    与此同时,艾米丽·琼斯没有提出抗议,更令人愤慨的是——英国人 警察 地方当局怂恿对数百万儿童进行可怕的大规模强奸。



    特尔福德虐待受害者被 500 名男子中的 11 名男子强奸,但警察选择起诉她



    If there is any hope left, one hopes that history will judge and mete out some consequences for these perps and enablers.

  34. Amazing to see all the BLM posters which appeared overnight in one of the hipster-infested areas of Glasgow. On streets with plenty of CCTV cameras. Almost like it is a government-approved movement.

    Whatever it takes to protect the rentiers, I imagine.

    • 回复: @汤姆·施密特(TomSchmidt)

    "Whatever it takes to protect the rentiers, I imagine."

    Think about owning property in a country like Germany where the population was declining by about 400k annually. My God! The poor might get a break on rents. It could be a disaster for the rich like the aftermath of the Black Death.

    Cue "refugees."


  35. “Ben’s dropped his microphone.”

    • 哈哈: 油炸圈饼
    • 回复: @科尔特斯
    @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)

    “Ben, you’re always running here and there...”

    , @底特律的史蒂夫
    @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)


  36. On first glance I thought the title mentioned London Zoo.

    • 回复: @雷P

    Welcome to the monkey house.


  37. @阿尔泰
    与此同时,在 BBC 世界。


    原罪。 我不同意美国要向前发展就需要提升它的城市黑人下层阶级。 然而,我不明白你如何在同时拥有大量非技术移民的同时开始这样做。





    我觉得有趣的是,当我们在 1865 年结束奴隶制时,英国屈尊向我们讲述种族关系,而英国在上个世纪仍将地球上四分之一的土地置于殖民统治之下。 guv'nor,我们在记分牌上比你领先一点。


    • 同意: 自大
    • 回复: @戈多
    @ Up2Drew

    当我们在 1865 年废除奴隶制时,英国屈尊向我们讲述种族关系,这让我觉得很有趣
    历史 101:奴隶制于 1812 年在整个大英帝国被废除。

    回复:@Ancient Briton,@Bragadocious,@Ancient Briton,@vinteuil

    , @雷P
    @ Up2Drew


    , @汤姆·施密特(TomSchmidt)
    @ Up2Drew

    背信弃义的阿尔比恩。 帝国并没有让大多数英国人受益,但如果你是印度的殖民地管理员,你可能会赚很多钱(或者只是拥有很多地位,因为大公鸡根据从当地人那里提取的税收对当地人进行统治)帝国。

    回想一下,英国害怕俄罗斯进军亚洲,并且迫切希望将俄罗斯的注意力转移到别处。 所以在 1907 年,格雷勋爵让他们把注意力集中在欧洲的斯拉夫人身上,并与德国对抗。 他们设置了导致第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战和 1 年布尔什维克主义的级联,这样他们就可以保住流向顶层人民的帝国特权。

    近几年这里也一样。 由于我们拥有全球储备货币,我们通过向海外汇款赚了很多钱。 这有两个作用:掏空我们的商业工业经济,同时要求我们拥有一个庞大的军工联合体,这样我们就可以去任何地方(入侵世界)威胁那些挑战美元霸权的人。

    除了:对于所有当前债务,我们现在支付的利息将超过我们的净借款,威胁到预算的可自由支配部分。 就像 MIC,谁真的不想放弃所有的钱。 从这个角度来看,他们为什么要搞垮声称反对中东战争的特朗普就很清楚了。 他们为什么想要拜登也很清楚:他已经表明他愿意让他们推翻政府,只要他的儿子能弄湿他的嘴。


    回复:@SunBakedSuburb,@Sam Malone

    , @警报者
    @ Up2Drew

    鉴于英国人将奴隶制带到了最初的殖民地,英国向美国宣讲奴隶制的原罪尤其令人难堪。 也许当他们完成向香港大部分地区授予公民身份后,他们可以向受压迫的非裔美国人提供公民身份,以帮助减轻他们的痛苦。

    , @匿名的
    @ Up2Drew

    我的理解是,美国“在国界之外有大约 800 个军事基地”。 即使这个数字减少了 50%,它仍然令人印象深刻。


    至于“nice guys”,我最近听美国人说了很多,但我不记得“nice guys”是其中之一。 也许是疏忽?

    (NB: 没有 这就是说我不喜欢美国:我不喜欢。 我相信,尽管存在所有问题,美国仍然是世界的一个伟大希望。 这当然就是为什么这么多团体渴望看到它被摧毁的原因:如果美国消失,其他国家就无法再与它相提并论。)

    然而,无论我如何看待美国,我认为公平地指出美国在帝国野心上很难说是不足的。 问问俄罗斯人,他们与詹姆斯·贝克三世就北约东扩问题达成的“君子协定”结果如何(仅举一个例子)。

    并不是说美国人是坏人。 相反,问题在于美国难以理解他们的行动(及其军事基地)对其他国家的看法。 人们更容易相信一个国家有良好的意图,当他们 拥有环绕地球的一圈军事基地,而不是他们这样做的时候。
  38. @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)


    “Ben, you’re always running here and there…”

  39. 保罗
    How's that multiculturalism thing working out in Britain?



    非常糟糕,非常糟糕,我们奇怪的小领袖鲍里斯承诺通过进口 3 万中国人来加倍努力。

  40. @Amerimutt 魔像
    与此同时,艾米丽·琼斯没有提出抗议,更令人愤慨的是——英国人 警察 地方当局怂恿对数百万儿童进行可怕的大规模强奸。



    特尔福德虐待受害者被 500 名男子中的 11 名男子强奸,但警察选择起诉她


    A paedophile grooming gang was left to roam the streets of Manchester – and police knew who they were and exactly what they were doing

    If we ever get power back in our countries we should look at the names of those who issued stand down orders.

  41. @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)



  42. @ Up2Drew

    I find it amusing that Great Britain deigns to lecture us about race relations when we ended slavery in 1865 and GB still held a quarter of the planet under colonial rule well into the last century. We're a little bit ahead of you on that scoreboard, guv'nor.

    You don't get to control a quarter of the planet's land mass by being nice guys.

    Replies: @Gordo, @Ray P, @TomSchmidt, @The Alarmist, @Anonymous

    当我们在 1865 年废除奴隶制时,英国屈尊向我们讲述种族关系,这让我觉得很有趣

    历史 101:奴隶制于 1812 年在整个大英帝国被废除。

    • 回复: @古代英国人

    Slave trading: 1807
    Slavery: 1834


    , B

    Uh, no. 1834 is the appropriate date, unless you think the Jamaican uprising of 1831 was about the price of rum. So that's the British claim to fame: "we ended slavery 29 years before the Yanks." Ah, but there's more. After they emancipated the slaves in Jamaica, they compensated the slaveowners, not the slaves. Come on Jamaicans in Britain (I know there are a lot of you), time to riot! Bust some cracka heads until you get what's rightfully yours.


    , @古代英国人

    US Philipines: 1898 - 1948
    Porto Rica : whenever

    , @vinteuil

    历史 101:奴隶制于 1812 年在整个大英帝国被废除。
    Colonial Rule, on the other hand...
  43. But the protesters really ,那恭喜你, peaceful. CNN tells us that about every ten seconds.

    • 回复: @男孩格伦·米勒(Glenn Miller)的演奏方式

    But the protesters really are peaceful. CNN tells us that about every ten seconds

    The irony escapes most people. "Following a protest that was 大多是和平的..." . "Mostly peaceful" means that violence was a feature. Would anyone buy a package of hot dogs that asserted "very few rodent hairs" ?
  44. @托夫



    没有关于 BLM 抗议活动中有人被捕的报道。



    “Deputy Assistant Commissioner Laurence Taylor said: ‘With the easing of restrictions we fully expected open spaces to be busy this weekend.

    ‘It was pleasing to see that people were largely compliant with the Government guidance. Where they weren’t, and after we engaged with them, they quickly were.

    ‘It was disappointing that a relatively small group in Hyde Park came together to protest the regulations in clear breach of the guidance, putting themselves and others at risk of infection.

    ‘Officers once again, took a measured approach and tried to engage the group to disperse. They clearly had no intention of doing so, and so it did result in 19 people being arrested, and a further ten being issued with a fixed penalty notice.’”

    There was a huge police presence – the caption said ‘more police than protesters’.


  45. @不仅愤怒
    They are not "protestors", but they are certainly not "rioters" either. Instead, these fine folk are 凯恩斯主义者。

    It is obvious that they really care about a lot of things and so perhaps this has led them to cooly assess our economic situation.

    Their diagnosis may be that we are in a deep recession, so they have benevolently decided to break windows, destroy property and steal, in order to create a strong demand-side stimulus for the economy.

    Nobel prizes are often given to more than one person. I am therefore certain that, this year, the Nobel prize for economics must be given to all of these so-called "looters."

    This would celebrate many people's efforts who clearly need to be celebrated and it would do wonders for representation.

    Replies: @HammerJack, @Seneca44, @Not Only Wrathful

    What a dilemma. They clearly deserve the economics prize and the peace prize as well. Is there a precedent for this glorious event?

  46. @麦肯纳先生
    The criminal element is seeing its opportunity, worldwide.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @Almost Missouri, @Richard B

    Yeah, it’s not just the UK. It’s everywhere that the authorities will let it.


    • 回复: @几乎密苏里州


    Montreal, which is allegedly in Canada:


  47. Mass incarcerated in 109 countries and every single time it was the other guy’s fault.

    • 回复: @比格迪克尼克

    is it time for a public figure to go full race realist? you're already considered a neo-nazi if you say all lives matter. Why not go whole hog and start quoting the Bell Curve? Maybe bring up the fact that many US based racial patterns are actually world wide patterns and thus difficult to lay at the feet of muh redlining?

    Steve King should go full nuclear option on his way out of congress although I know he won't.

  48. Unlike CoronaHoax, these peaceful riots appear to be growing exponentially worldwide.

  49. @ Up2Drew

    I find it amusing that Great Britain deigns to lecture us about race relations when we ended slavery in 1865 and GB still held a quarter of the planet under colonial rule well into the last century. We're a little bit ahead of you on that scoreboard, guv'nor.

    You don't get to control a quarter of the planet's land mass by being nice guys.

    Replies: @Gordo, @Ray P, @TomSchmidt, @The Alarmist, @Anonymous


  50. @科尔特斯
    Amazing to see all the BLM posters which appeared overnight in one of the hipster-infested areas of Glasgow. On streets with plenty of CCTV cameras. Almost like it is a government-approved movement.

    Whatever it takes to protect the rentiers, I imagine.


    “Whatever it takes to protect the rentiers, I imagine.”

    Think about owning property in a country like Germany where the population was declining by about 400k annually. My God! The poor might get a break on rents. It could be a disaster for the rich like the aftermath of the Black Death.

    Cue “refugees.”

    • 回复: @科尔特斯


    Imagine your own young people being able to contemplate forming families of their own, secure in the belief that they can provide a good future for their children. An abundance of high quality housing stock available at prices and rent levels consistent with domestic demand.

    Or the current hypnosis.

  51. @ Up2Drew

    I find it amusing that Great Britain deigns to lecture us about race relations when we ended slavery in 1865 and GB still held a quarter of the planet under colonial rule well into the last century. We're a little bit ahead of you on that scoreboard, guv'nor.

    You don't get to control a quarter of the planet's land mass by being nice guys.

    Replies: @Gordo, @Ray P, @TomSchmidt, @The Alarmist, @Anonymous

    背信弃义的阿尔比恩。 帝国并没有让大多数英国人受益,但如果你是印度的殖民地管理员,你可能会赚很多钱(或者只是拥有很多地位,因为大公鸡根据从当地人那里提取的税收对当地人进行统治)帝国。

    Recall that Britain feared Russia’s move into Asia, and was desperate to turn that power’s attention elsewhere. So in 1907, Lord Grey got them to focus on Slavs in Europe, and to confront Germany. They set in place the cascade that led to WW1, WW2, 84 years of Bolshevism just so they could hold on to the privileges of empire that flowed to the people at the top.

    近几年这里也一样。 由于我们拥有全球储备货币,我们通过向海外汇款赚了很多钱。 这有两个作用:掏空我们的商业工业经济,同时要求我们拥有一个庞大的军工联合体,这样我们就可以去任何地方(入侵世界)威胁那些挑战美元霸权的人。

    Except: with all the current debt, we will now pay out more in interest than we net borrow, threatening discretionary parts of the budget. Like the MIC, who REALLY don’t want to give up all that money. Looked at in this light, it’s clear why they would try to take out Trump, who claimed to oppose Mideast Wars. It’s also clear why they would want Biden: he has already shown he was willing to let them overthrow governments so long as his son could wet his beak.

    The violence in the USA won’t end until the violence overseas ends, by defunding the military-industrial-intelligence complex.

    • 回复: @SunBakedSuburb

    "Empire did NOT benefit most Britons.

    Mostly the corrupt aristocracy. But the hardy lads from Scotland and Northern England got to see the world in uniform.


    , @山姆·马龙


  52. @亨利的猫
    On first glance I thought the title mentioned London Zoo.

    回复:@Ray P

  53. @哈默杰克

    Sure thing buddy! We'll get the "brain trust" on it pronto. Oh, here it is:

    Obama urges George Floyd protesters to push for change, 'make people in power uncomfortable'


    You know, there was 有人 in a uniquely advantageous position to do just that for several years. His name's escaping me just now


    Obama urges George Floyd protesters to push for change, ‘make people in power uncomfortable’

    Hey, Obama, cool it with the anti-semitism.

    • 哈哈: 锤杰克
  54. @麦肯纳先生
    The Wise and the Wonderful in Britain and Europe looked over the Atlantic at the deplorable state of race relations in the USA and said, "We want some of that!" And deliberately imported a problem they didn't have before, but which will never leave them now.

    In Western Europe and especially in America, TPTB--especially including the owners of the mass media--have been on a full-tilt campaign to import as many disaffected people as they can, and marinate them in a 24/7/365 propaganda campaign to ramp up manufactured hatred to a white-hot temper.

    Now, the results are coming in. And I doubt it'll be over anytime soon. Remember when they attack your home (they've already attacked my office): if you're not in indisputable danger of your life, you are not authorized to use lethal force against intruders. (Even if you enjoy 'castle doctrine' you'll end up in front of a judge or jury.) And, of course, by the time the risk is indisputable, it's too late. You won't be remembered. More likely you'll be DIS会员。


    回复:@ Altai,@ SunBakedSuburb

    “All of it is according to plan.”

    There is linkage between the Chinese virus and George Floyd’s Reign of Terror. As ridiculous as Donald Trump is, he is still a threat to the ministers of night. It’s connected to trade policy with China and the river of gold filling the accounts of the American elites who have financial connections with the CCP. Paranoia* also tells me the desire for the Chinese model (market economy/police state) to be imposed on God Bless the USA (the Bush family’s favorite song) is also a factor.


  55. @汤姆·施密特(TomSchmidt)
    @ Up2Drew

    背信弃义的阿尔比恩。 帝国并没有让大多数英国人受益,但如果你是印度的殖民地管理员,你可能会赚很多钱(或者只是拥有很多地位,因为大公鸡根据从当地人那里提取的税收对当地人进行统治)帝国。

    回想一下,英国害怕俄罗斯进军亚洲,并且迫切希望将俄罗斯的注意力转移到别处。 所以在 1907 年,格雷勋爵让他们把注意力集中在欧洲的斯拉夫人身上,并与德国对抗。 他们设置了导致第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战和 1 年布尔什维克主义的级联,这样他们就可以保住流向顶层人民的帝国特权。

    近几年这里也一样。 由于我们拥有全球储备货币,我们通过向海外汇款赚了很多钱。 这有两个作用:掏空我们的商业工业经济,同时要求我们拥有一个庞大的军工联合体,这样我们就可以去任何地方(入侵世界)威胁那些挑战美元霸权的人。

    除了:对于所有当前债务,我们现在支付的利息将超过我们的净借款,威胁到预算的可自由支配部分。 就像 MIC,谁真的不想放弃所有的钱。 从这个角度来看,他们为什么要搞垮声称反对中东战争的特朗普就很清楚了。 他们为什么想要拜登也很清楚:他已经表明他愿意让他们推翻政府,只要他的儿子能弄湿他的嘴。


    回复:@SunBakedSuburb,@Sam Malone

    “Empire did NOT benefit most Britons.

    Mostly the corrupt aristocracy. But the hardy lads from Scotland and Northern England got to see the world in uniform.

    • 回复: @潜伏者

    Aristocrats may have got in on some of the action - but I think the trader, merchant, financier types probably did best.

  56. @匿名的
    Welp... there goes the ol' Star Wars franchise.

    But I guess it’s worth invoking Worldwide fan discord in the interests of hearing what wisdom a 28 year old black multimillionaire affirmative action actor has to share.


    Replies: @Not Only Wrathful, @SunBakedSuburb, @Almost Missouri

    “Welp … there goes the ol’ Star Wars franchise.”

    Demonic Disney Corp. will roll out a new line of toys and the angry fanboys will be pacified. The whole point of the Star Wars franchise is merchandising.

  57. @汤姆·施密特(TomSchmidt)

    "Whatever it takes to protect the rentiers, I imagine."

    Think about owning property in a country like Germany where the population was declining by about 400k annually. My God! The poor might get a break on rents. It could be a disaster for the rich like the aftermath of the Black Death.

    Cue "refugees."



    Imagine your own young people being able to contemplate forming families of their own, secure in the belief that they can provide a good future for their children. An abundance of high quality housing stock available at prices and rent levels consistent with domestic demand.

    Or the current hypnosis.

  58. “It’s good to see police there now”, she said.

  59. @不仅愤怒
    They are not "protestors", but they are certainly not "rioters" either. Instead, these fine folk are 凯恩斯主义者。

    It is obvious that they really care about a lot of things and so perhaps this has led them to cooly assess our economic situation.

    Their diagnosis may be that we are in a deep recession, so they have benevolently decided to break windows, destroy property and steal, in order to create a strong demand-side stimulus for the economy.

    Nobel prizes are often given to more than one person. I am therefore certain that, this year, the Nobel prize for economics must be given to all of these so-called "looters."

    This would celebrate many people's efforts who clearly need to be celebrated and it would do wonders for representation.

    Replies: @HammerJack, @Seneca44, @Not Only Wrathful

    This may not be too far out of the realm of possibility in a world where the likes of Yasir Arafat and Barack Obama have won the Peace Prize.

  60. @匿名的
    Welp... there goes the ol' Star Wars franchise.

    But I guess it’s worth invoking Worldwide fan discord in the interests of hearing what wisdom a 28 year old black multimillionaire affirmative action actor has to share.


    Replies: @Not Only Wrathful, @SunBakedSuburb, @Almost Missouri

    • 回复: @安东尼


  61. @几乎密苏里州

    Yeah, it's not just the UK. It's everywhere that the authorities will let it.


    回复:@Almost Missouri


    Montreal, which is allegedly in Canada:

    • 回复: @ Technite78

    Well, that makes my plan of escaping New York for Quebec look somewhat less advantageous.


  62. @麦肯纳先生
    The criminal element is seeing its opportunity, worldwide.

    Replies: @Kent Nationalist, @Almost Missouri, @Richard B

    Thousands of People March Against Racism

    should be changed to

    Thousands of People March Against a High Level Abstraction

    One sure fire rule of history is;

    The higher the level of abstraction, the greater the violence.

    Abstractions like God, Love, Justice, Equality, Human Rights, Racism, etc.


    What is there in the world that the word (in this case, Racism) directs us to locate?


    As long as it remains unquestioned it becomes assumed to be true.

    The longer it’s assumed to be true the more it becomes a morality.

    The longer it becomes a morality, the more unquestioning faith is put in the word.

    The more unquestioning faith the more it can never be questioned.

    And now we’re back to the one sure fire rule of history.

    The whole movement of higher education from the late 19th to even the mid-20th century was to ween us from this dependency and addiction to high level abstractions.

    But higher education was rejected. Because it was either considered “Elitist” or had nothing to do with making money.

    No one say higher education for what it really is – high level problem-solving.

    And now, well, just turn on the news.

  63. Shame the crew didn’t have a couple pick-up trucks.

  64. @不仅愤怒
    They are not "protestors", but they are certainly not "rioters" either. Instead, these fine folk are 凯恩斯主义者。

    It is obvious that they really care about a lot of things and so perhaps this has led them to cooly assess our economic situation.

    Their diagnosis may be that we are in a deep recession, so they have benevolently decided to break windows, destroy property and steal, in order to create a strong demand-side stimulus for the economy.

    Nobel prizes are often given to more than one person. I am therefore certain that, this year, the Nobel prize for economics must be given to all of these so-called "looters."

    This would celebrate many people's efforts who clearly need to be celebrated and it would do wonders for representation.

    Replies: @HammerJack, @Seneca44, @Not Only Wrathful

    Woke Capital gets to offload it’s unsold stock from before lockdown.

    Looters get free stuff.

    Government will bail out insurers with free money.



  65. @几乎密苏里州


    Montreal, which is allegedly in Canada:


    Well, that makes my plan of escaping New York for Quebec look somewhat less advantageous.

    • 回复: @匿名的
    @ Technite78

    Montreal's not perfect, but the policing still beats de Blasio's NYC (or Toronto) by far. The rest of Quebec is great, but difficult without speaking French.

  66. @ Up2Drew

    I find it amusing that Great Britain deigns to lecture us about race relations when we ended slavery in 1865 and GB still held a quarter of the planet under colonial rule well into the last century. We're a little bit ahead of you on that scoreboard, guv'nor.

    You don't get to control a quarter of the planet's land mass by being nice guys.

    Replies: @Gordo, @Ray P, @TomSchmidt, @The Alarmist, @Anonymous

    It is particularly galling for the UK to lecture the USA about the original sin of slavery, given that the English brought it to the original colonies. Maybe when they’re done granting citizenship to most of Hong Kong, they can offer citizenship to oppressed African Americans to help ameliorate their pain.

  67. @比格迪克尼克
    Mass incarcerated in 109 countries and every single time it was the other guy's fault.


    is it time for a public figure to go full race realist? you’re already considered a neo-nazi if you say all lives matter. Why not go whole hog and start quoting the Bell Curve? Maybe bring up the fact that many US based racial patterns are actually world wide patterns and thus difficult to lay at the feet of muh redlining?

    Steve King should go full nuclear option on his way out of congress although I know he won’t.

  68. @Amerimutt 魔像
    与此同时,艾米丽·琼斯没有提出抗议,更令人愤慨的是——英国人 警察 地方当局怂恿对数百万儿童进行可怕的大规模强奸。



    特尔福德虐待受害者被 500 名男子中的 11 名男子强奸,但警察选择起诉她



  69. @几乎密苏里州




  70. How much of the difference in homicide or crime rates in European vs. East Asian countries, is driven by the older population of countries like Japan, a lack of young people to commit crime, as seen by their TFR, in places like Korea, Hong Kong, or Taiwan, vibrant youths driving the crime rate upwards in countries like Sweden, or homicides being classified as suicides in East Asian countries, and much more lenient sentences for petty crime such as vandalism, pickpocketing, and petty theft in Western Europe? And you have countries like Norway, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Italy where the homicide rate is the same or lower than East Asian countries like Taiwan, Korea, or China.

  71. @戈多
    @ Up2Drew

    当我们在 1865 年废除奴隶制时,英国屈尊向我们讲述种族关系,这让我觉得很有趣
    历史 101:奴隶制于 1812 年在整个大英帝国被废除。

    回复:@Ancient Briton,@Bragadocious,@Ancient Briton,@vinteuil

    Slave trading: 1807
    Slavery: 1834

    • 回复: @戈多

    Yes I got the wrong date.

  72. @戈多
    @ Up2Drew

    当我们在 1865 年废除奴隶制时,英国屈尊向我们讲述种族关系,这让我觉得很有趣
    历史 101:奴隶制于 1812 年在整个大英帝国被废除。

    回复:@Ancient Briton,@Bragadocious,@Ancient Briton,@vinteuil

    Uh, no. 1834 is the appropriate date, unless you think the Jamaican uprising of 1831 was about the price of rum. So that’s the British claim to fame: “we ended slavery 29 years before the Yanks.” Ah, but there’s more. After they emancipated the slaves in Jamaica, they compensated the slaveowners, not the slaves. Come on Jamaicans in Britain (I know there are a lot of you), time to riot! Bust some cracka heads until you get what’s rightfully yours.

    • 回复: @戈多

    Yes I got the wrong date.

  73. @戈多
    @ Up2Drew

    当我们在 1865 年废除奴隶制时,英国屈尊向我们讲述种族关系,这让我觉得很有趣
    历史 101:奴隶制于 1812 年在整个大英帝国被废除。

    回复:@Ancient Briton,@Bragadocious,@Ancient Briton,@vinteuil

    US Philipines: 1898 – 1948
    Porto Rica : whenever

  74. @ Technite78

    Well, that makes my plan of escaping New York for Quebec look somewhat less advantageous.


    Montreal’s not perfect, but the policing still beats de Blasio’s NYC (or Toronto) by far. The rest of Quebec is great, but difficult without speaking French.

  75. @约翰尼·斯莫金斯
    But the protesters really ,那恭喜你, peaceful. CNN tells us that about every ten seconds.

    回复:@男孩格伦·米勒(Glenn Miller)的演奏方式

    But the protesters really are peaceful. CNN tells us that about every ten seconds


    The irony escapes most people. “Following a protest that was 大多是和平的…” . “Mostly peaceful” means that violence was a feature. Would anyone buy a package of hot dogs that asserted “very few rodent hairs” ?

  76. @汤姆·施密特(TomSchmidt)
    @ Up2Drew

    背信弃义的阿尔比恩。 帝国并没有让大多数英国人受益,但如果你是印度的殖民地管理员,你可能会赚很多钱(或者只是拥有很多地位,因为大公鸡根据从当地人那里提取的税收对当地人进行统治)帝国。

    回想一下,英国害怕俄罗斯进军亚洲,并且迫切希望将俄罗斯的注意力转移到别处。 所以在 1907 年,格雷勋爵让他们把注意力集中在欧洲的斯拉夫人身上,并与德国对抗。 他们设置了导致第一次世界大战、第二次世界大战和 1 年布尔什维克主义的级联,这样他们就可以保住流向顶层人民的帝国特权。

    近几年这里也一样。 由于我们拥有全球储备货币,我们通过向海外汇款赚了很多钱。 这有两个作用:掏空我们的商业工业经济,同时要求我们拥有一个庞大的军工联合体,这样我们就可以去任何地方(入侵世界)威胁那些挑战美元霸权的人。

    除了:对于所有当前债务,我们现在支付的利息将超过我们的净借款,威胁到预算的可自由支配部分。 就像 MIC,谁真的不想放弃所有的钱。 从这个角度来看,他们为什么要搞垮声称反对中东战争的特朗普就很清楚了。 他们为什么想要拜登也很清楚:他已经表明他愿意让他们推翻政府,只要他的儿子能弄湿他的嘴。


    回复:@SunBakedSuburb,@Sam Malone


    • 谢谢: 汤姆·施密特
  77. @迈克·皮尔森(Mike Pierson),达文波特校长,中场球员


    位于曼哈顿中城广场酒店对面的全玻璃 Apple Store 昨日被封上并加固。

    回复:@Steve Sailer,@ dr kill

    没有什么能阻止这些零售商雇佣私人保安。 他们都在一起。

  78. @戈多
    @ Up2Drew

    当我们在 1865 年废除奴隶制时,英国屈尊向我们讲述种族关系,这让我觉得很有趣
    历史 101:奴隶制于 1812 年在整个大英帝国被废除。

    回复:@Ancient Briton,@Bragadocious,@Ancient Briton,@vinteuil

    历史 101:奴隶制于 1812 年在整个大英帝国被废除。

    Colonial Rule, on the other hand…

  79. @托夫



    没有关于 BLM 抗议活动中有人被捕的报道。


    We are approaching levels of “IT’S OBVIOUSLY ALL A LIE” which ought not to be possible.

    • 同意: BB753
  80. 和平抗议者也在伦敦肆虐

    Does “running amok” constitute cultural appropriation? Why can’t they just go berserk?

    What’s the Origin of the Phrase “Run Amok”?

  81. @SunBakedSuburb

    "Empire did NOT benefit most Britons.

    Mostly the corrupt aristocracy. But the hardy lads from Scotland and Northern England got to see the world in uniform.


    Aristocrats may have got in on some of the action – but I think the trader, merchant, financier types probably did best.

  82. B

    Uh, no. 1834 is the appropriate date, unless you think the Jamaican uprising of 1831 was about the price of rum. So that's the British claim to fame: "we ended slavery 29 years before the Yanks." Ah, but there's more. After they emancipated the slaves in Jamaica, they compensated the slaveowners, not the slaves. Come on Jamaicans in Britain (I know there are a lot of you), time to riot! Bust some cracka heads until you get what's rightfully yours.


    Yes I got the wrong date.

  83. @古代英国人

    Slave trading: 1807
    Slavery: 1834


    Yes I got the wrong date.

  84. “我不在乎原因是什么,也不管愤怒有多深,根本没有理由诋毁纪念碑,这座战争纪念碑是为了纪念为当今一代人视为理所当然的自由而牺牲的数百万人。”

    自由? 他到底在说什么? 与这些人死去时相比,今天的英国人拥有的自由要少得多。 这是对纪念碑的诋毁,比某些喷漆严重一百万倍。

  85. @ Up2Drew

    I find it amusing that Great Britain deigns to lecture us about race relations when we ended slavery in 1865 and GB still held a quarter of the planet under colonial rule well into the last century. We're a little bit ahead of you on that scoreboard, guv'nor.

    You don't get to control a quarter of the planet's land mass by being nice guys.

    Replies: @Gordo, @Ray P, @TomSchmidt, @The Alarmist, @Anonymous


    My understanding is that America has “around 800 military bases outside of the nation’s borders.” Even if that number is off by 50%, it’s still quite impressive.


    As for “nice guys,” I have heard the Americans called a great many things of late, but I don’t recall “nice guys” being one of them. An oversight, perhaps?

    (NB: 没有 of this is to say that I dislike America: I don’t. I believe that, for all of its problems, America still remains the world’s One Great Hope. This, of course, is why so many groups are eager to see it destroyed: if America disappears, other countries can no longer be compared to it.)

    However, regardless of how I might view the US, I think it only fair to point out that America can hardly be said to be deficient in imperial ambition. Ask the Russians how the “gentlemen’s agreement” they made with James Baker III over NATO expansion has worked out (to give just one example).

    It’s not that Americans are bad people. Rather, the problem lies in America’s difficulty in appreciating how their actions (and their military bases) may appear to other countries. It is much easier to believe a country has good intentions when they 拥有环绕地球的一圈军事基地,而不是他们这样做的时候。


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