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最快的 试用 自去年以来 公报 on the raping and pimping of underage English girls in Rotherham is underway, with 5 Muslim pimps and two white madams charged. Some of the crimes go all the way back to the 1980s.

It’s important to keep a few things in mind:

First, there’s not much evidence that Rotherham is unusual, other than that it was the first city in England to publish an honest inquiry into what has been going on all over England for decades. Indeed, I spent a few days in 2013 researching the general topic of Pakistani grooming of English adolescent girls for a 塔基的. But when the Rotherham report came out in 2014, I had literally never heard of Rotherham. I actually thought my readers emailing me must be confused about how to spell Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

Second, the general topic of Muslim sexual exploitation of English adolescent girls was covered up for more than a decade for reasons of anti-racist ideology. In practice, it often turns out that:

Political Correctness = Rape

Third, journalists are highly dependent upon government reports and legal records. When I looked into Pakistani grooming in 2013, it was obvious what was going on. But most people aren’t very good at pattern recognition, especially when they are told over and over that noticing is evil.

But give journalists an official document to quote and they’re a lot more likely to be good to go. If you pay careful attention to Tom McCarthy’s pretty good new movie 聚焦 about some 波士顿环球报 reporters investigating sexual abuse by gay Catholic priests in the Boston archdiocese, you’ll notice the same thing as in Britain with the Pakistani pimps. I won’t say more because I’ll possibly write a longer review at some point, especially if 聚焦 gets a lot of Oscar nominations. But, for now, let me just say: to make sense of what’s really happening, don’t get too intrigued by the journalists’ 史蒂夫-like statistical analysis. Instead, keep an eye on the plaintiff’s lawyer character who is played by Stanley Tucci in a wig.

  1. • 回复: @探戈人




    , @NJ通勤通勤者


    Regarding the Yale frat party alleged racism, it should be obvious to anyone paying attention that this is all agitprop.

    UVA, Mizzou, Yale, Rowan, Harvard Law, all of it.

    It serves two purposes. One is the traditonal function of agitprop: creating false incidents in order to implement measures that wouldn't be otherwise. The second is to serve as a filter. Any people, groups and mass media that accept these incidents as real are allies, anyone who doesn't is the enemy.

    , @匿名

    It was kind of stupid to investigate anyway. I mean, what kind of proof could there have been even if it was true? Unless the bouncer or whoever admitted it, they'd never be able to prove it anyway.

    Of course, the BLM types realize this. It'll go down in their mythology and stay there forever. They'll still claim it happened, but it just couldn't be proven one way or the other.

    I always wonder why people would make up stories so dumb. Could anyone at Yale really be so stupid as to ADMIT that they were not allowing black people in, in a day and age when everything you say could easily be recorded?

    But that's probably why. Because it doesn't matter to the other activist types that it's a stupid story. It'll still serve its purpose for as long as they want it to.


    , @打呼噜

    IIRC the frat brother at the door was black.

  2. For people who want to understand the scale of it there’s a map here which links to all – or at least a lot of – the local newspaper reports.


    nb the vast majority of these cases aren’t reported nationally – only locally – so most people have no idea of the true scale.

    nb obviously these are also only the cases that went to trial since 2012 when the story finally got into the media.

    • 回复: @比尔B.

    Pakistani rape gangs are absolutely an example of predatory, exploit-any-softness, low-trust people living in high-trust societies that value individualism and the restrained self.

    A toxic clan heritage, marinaded in an intolerant and spiteful religion, and combined with straight-forward racism, has been permitted to hunt freely at a moment when, for various reasons, the west has defended itself badly against those who do not play by the rules.

    So: 1) where Pakistanis and their ilk can do it they will do it 2) there will eventually be a reaction.

    , @狂战士

    Thanks. Perhaps one should start mapping incidents in Germany. A dynamic map with time stamps would be informative with each incident linked to local reports. Information about migrant crime is being actively suppressed by the government, so any numbers would be underestimates.

  3. This is off-topic, but you’ve written a bit how the dominant coalition in the Democratic party now is quite distant from the stance of Jefferson & Jackson (which was not the case earlier in the 20th century). Matthew Yglesias recently wrote about the history of that intellectual shift 此处.

    • 回复: @SFG

    They even got rid of the dinners!

    Then again, the Republican party was formed to oppose slavery, so...

    回复:@ Ivy,@ RegCæsar

  4. Political Correctness = Rape

    Trump probably knows about Rotherham. Get Trump to say it.

  5. @匿名的
    ot/ a yale frat racism update


    Replies: @TangoMan, @NJ Transit Commuter, @anon, @snorlax

    I’d love to be a frat leader there and convince the bros to take this position:

    Hey, Ms. Yale Administrator, we didn’t throw such a party and there is no evidence that we did but we want you to move forward on the presumption that we did take such a position and find a rationale to justify your call that Yale administrators have grounds to police the sexual preferences of Yale students. If our frat brothers want to nail white Yale girls, why should we have to admit black women when none of us is interested in nailing a black chick?

    • 回复: @杰格

    I would like for the issue of whether it's racist to be sexually interested only in members of one race to become a big time front page issue. It may be the only way to get across to the public at large of how ridiculous the overuse of the term racist has become. If you can't sexually respond to a particular race, no amount of diversity training is going to be able to turn this around.

    , @安德鲁

    Mr. Frat Leader,

    If you don't want to nail black chicks then you are forbidden from nailing any chicks.


    Seriously though, although American blacks do not rank even in my list of Top 100 Favorite Ethnic Groups, I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.

    Replies: @The most deplorable one, @Truth, @Anonymous

  6. hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。

    • 回复: @匿名

    我不记得有一个 HBD 人说种族就是一切。 如果我们这样做了,我们将不得不解释为什么黑人凶杀率在 XNUMX 年代突然飙升,而他们的基因并不是在一夜之间突然改变的。

    回复:@Wilkey、@guy、@Reg Cæsar

    , @威尔基

    “hbd 人的问题是,为什么锡克教徒和印度教徒等其他南亚人不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。”

    为什么这是一个问题? 现在的德国人比纳粹德国人好。 现在的南方人比战前、持有奴隶的南方人要好。 这里有没有人否认意识形态可以使人变得讨厌和卑鄙而独立于遗传? 我不这么认为。

    在某种程度上,伊斯兰狂热似乎确实存在遗传性、HBD 因素:阿拉伯和非洲穆斯林似乎远比欧洲和东南亚穆斯林差。

    南亚穆斯林表现出的一些特征在非穆斯林的南亚人身上也很明显:例如,狂热的民族中心主义。 在印度,穆斯林和印度教徒可能互相咬牙切齿,但在美国,他们似乎常常为共同的事业而努力。


    , @国际犹太人

    从我在软件行业的角度来看,随着我们在过去 10 到 15 年间提高录取率,印度移民的平均素质有所下降。 我在 90 年代遇到的印度人似乎取得了更高的成就 - 与 H1B 计划的官方理由合理对应。 最近来的大多是文凭工厂的毕业生,他们显然是为了取代入门级的美国人。

    印度的亚精英印度人会做一些令人讨厌的事情,比如在穆斯林社区横冲直撞。 随着他们在这里的孩子长大,预计会遇到更多麻烦。

    回复:@Reg Cæsar、@anon、@Erik Sieven、@Cryptogenic

    , @hbd小妞

    与印度教徒或锡克教徒相比,南亚穆斯林之间的近亲近亲繁殖(即表亲婚姻)要密切得多。 见表 此处 关于印度的婚姻,并注意按宗教划分的表亲结婚率(穆斯林为 21.4%,印度教徒为 8.5%,锡克教徒为 1.2%——那是在 90 年代)。 并且知道巴基斯坦的表亲结婚率是 大约 50%.


    , @约翰尼·沃克123

    这是因为英国-巴基斯坦穆斯林在性方面更受挫。 未婚的巴基斯坦女孩被关在家里,大约一半的英国巴基斯坦人嫁给了她们的表妹。 不是性满足的男人的食谱。 想象一下,如果你在 20 多岁的时候嫁给了你的堂兄,你的性生活会是什么样子。 印度教徒和锡克教徒没有表亲婚姻,对婚前性活动的限制也没有那么严格。 所以我认为他们的性生活会更好。

    另一个因素是印度教徒和锡克教徒属于中产阶级。 巴基斯坦人中有很大比例的低收入者居住在补贴的议会住宅区附近。 卖淫在这些地区很常见。 我的猜测是,很多巴基斯坦人出于机会主义的原因卷入了卖淫活动。 他们看到了机会(低收入女孩为了毒品/酒精/金钱而出卖自己)并加以利用。 最初,我打赌巴基斯坦人是白人皮条客和夫人的客户,但后来一些更狡猾的巴基斯坦人决定他们也可以成为皮条客。

    当工党于 1997 年上台时,他们让英国穆斯林从国内引进新娘变得更加容易。 这可能会增加表亲婚姻和性挫败男性的流行率。


    , 哈帕隆·卡西迪(Hapalong Cassidy)

    我可以给你两个 HDB 理由:

    1. 穆斯林比锡克教徒和印度教徒更能接受近亲繁殖。 当然,近亲繁殖是基因缺陷的。

    2. 当伊斯兰教第一次传播到印度时,大量的皈依者来自不可接触的种姓,由于几个世纪以来在其种姓内的选择性交配,他们已经出现了基因缺陷。

    , @安德鲁

    如前所述,不仅没有认真的 HBD 思想家甚至暗示环境因素在文化中没有作用,而且这些穆斯林可能比他们的印度教信仰的远亲近亲更近亲。 所以不,这里没有问题。

    , @本·蒂尔曼

    hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。
    你指的是人类生物多样性的一个例子。 为什么这对“人类生物多样性”的人来说会是一个问题?
  7. Proving, once again, that just looking for ties to terrorism isn’t really going to cut it. I bet every single one of those guys would have been clean as a whistle, legally.

    If anyone wants to read anything really depressing:


  8. You are correct to point out that sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is by gay priests, not so-called “pedophiles.” The media distorts the reality.

    • 回复: @安德鲁

    What? Not all gays are pedophiles. Not all gay priests are pedophiles. The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.

    Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @anon, @Percy Gryce, @Bill

    , @乔纳森·梅森

    我想你是对的。媒体对“被天主教神父虐待的儿童”的报道本质上含糊不清,没有明确这些儿童主要是婴儿、小孩还是青少年,以及男孩和女孩所占的比例。人们从詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)到保罗·塞鲁克斯(Paul Theroux)的文学和回忆录中得到的印象是,大多数是男性牧师和祭坛男孩,而不是修女和新手。



  9. @狼
    hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。

    回复:@anon、@Wilkey、@International Jew、@hbd 小鸡、@JohnnyWalker123、@Hapalong Cassidy、@AndrewR、@bentilman

    I don’t recall a single HBD person saying that race was simply EVERYTHING. If we did, we would have had to explain why the black homicide rate suddenly shot up in the sixties, when it’s not like their genes suddenly changed overnight.

    • 回复: @威尔基

    "I don’t recall a single HBD person saying that race was simply EVERYTHING. If we did, we would have had to explain why the black homicide rate suddenly shot up in the sixties, when it’s not like their genes suddenly changed overnight."

    Precisely - or the rapid decline in birthrates, which is not entirely explicable by the invention of the pill.

    , @家伙

    穆斯林群体的近亲繁殖率远高于他们不同宗教的种族亲属,这可能导致我们看到的许多行为问题。 然而,伊斯兰教是最重要的因素(如果排除非洲人后裔)

    , @RegCæsar

    I don’t recall a single HBD person saying that race was simply EVERYTHING. If we did, we would have had to explain why the black homicide rate suddenly shot up in the sixties, when it’s not like their genes suddenly changed overnight.


    Or, as I've pointed out a few times here, why today's white bastardy rate is nearly twice the black rate of 1960. That would be rapid genetic collapse. Most of us assume it's environmental.
  10. Political Correctness = Rape

    Same sh*t in collegiate athletics, different country.

    That’s your rape culture, right there.

  11. And it has all happened before.

    例如,参见 The Great War on White Slavery, or, Fighting for the Protection of Our Girls, from 1911, which begins:

    When in 1885 William T. Stead published his famous 裸露 of London immorality and vice in the “Pall Mall Gazette,” and when a few years later at the suggestion of Mr. Charles N. Crittenton, Mrs. Charlton Edholm published her widely circulated book in this country, “The Traffic in Girls,” and when both declared there existed an actual trade in our girls whereby they were trapped, ensnared, and sold into houses of shame, and there virtually imprisoned, the world was shocked and startled, but it gave little heed, and, indeed, did little more than pause long enough to ask “Can these things be true?”

    威廉·T·斯特德裸露 有权 现代巴比伦的处女贡品.

    In those days, too, the tendency to look the other way was blamed on the political correctness of the times: the taboo against discussing sex.

    But, after all, they were only working class girls.

  12. @狼
    hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。

    回复:@anon、@Wilkey、@International Jew、@hbd 小鸡、@JohnnyWalker123、@Hapalong Cassidy、@AndrewR、@bentilman

    “the problem for hbd people is why the other south Asian people like Sikhs and Hindus don’t commit these crimes at the same rate.”

    Why is that a problem? Present-day Germans are better than Nazi Germans. Present-day Southerners are better than antebellum, slave-holding Southerners. Does anyone here deny that ideology can make people nasty and mean independent of genetics? I don’t think so.

    在某种程度上,伊斯兰狂热似乎确实存在遗传性、HBD 因素:阿拉伯和非洲穆斯林似乎远比欧洲和东南亚穆斯林差。

    Some of the traits exhibited by South Asian Muslims are also pretty strong in South Asians who aren’t Muslim: rabid ethnocentrism, for example. In India Muslims and Hindus may be at each other’s throats, but in America they often seem to make common cause with each other.

    • 回复: @ rec1man

    BJP type hindus in USA are extremely anti-muslim and have allied with jewish Kahanist organisations in an anti-muslim front

    Many BJP Hindus are active supporters of Pamela Gellar and Robert Spencer

    Many of my UK Hindu friends donated to BNP - Nick Griffin

    Leftist Hindus are pro-muslim


    , @隐秘

    "Present-day Southerners are better than antebellum, slave-holding Southerners."

    Speak for yourself. Cf. Mencken's "The Sahara of the Bozart."

  13. @匿名

    我不记得有一个 HBD 人说种族就是一切。 如果我们这样做了,我们将不得不解释为什么黑人凶杀率在 XNUMX 年代突然飙升,而他们的基因并不是在一夜之间突然改变的。

    回复:@Wilkey、@guy、@Reg Cæsar

    “I don’t recall a single HBD person saying that race was simply EVERYTHING. If we did, we would have had to explain why the black homicide rate suddenly shot up in the sixties, when it’s not like their genes suddenly changed overnight.”

    Precisely – or the rapid decline in birthrates, which is not entirely explicable by the invention of the pill.

  14. @匿名

    我不记得有一个 HBD 人说种族就是一切。 如果我们这样做了,我们将不得不解释为什么黑人凶杀率在 XNUMX 年代突然飙升,而他们的基因并不是在一夜之间突然改变的。

    回复:@Wilkey、@guy、@Reg Cæsar

    穆斯林群体的近亲繁殖率远高于他们不同宗教的种族亲属,这可能导致我们看到的许多行为问题。 然而,伊斯兰教是最重要的因素(如果排除非洲人后裔)

  15. Here’s another quote from the introduction of the above mentioned book:

    To such grievances as society cannot readily cure, it usually forbids utterance on pain of its scorn; this scorn being only a sort of tinseled cloak to its deformed wickedness

    While they knew how to turn a phrase in the old days, a lot of it is rather sensationalised.

    Off topic aside: speaking of turning a phrase in the old days, Malthus’ original essay on the ‘Principle of Population’ is worth reading, I thought.

  16. • 回复: @先生。 安农


    Check out the Chinese poster for the new Star Wars:"

    I don't see what the big deal is with a black character in Star Wars. The last movies had one: Samuel L. "Loud Black Man" Jackson playing Mace Dindu.

  17. @狼
    hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。

    回复:@anon、@Wilkey、@International Jew、@hbd 小鸡、@JohnnyWalker123、@Hapalong Cassidy、@AndrewR、@bentilman


    Seen from my perspective in the software industry, the average quality of Indian immigrants has declined as we ramped up our rate of intake these last 10-15 years. The Indians I met in the 90s seemed to be a lot more high-achieving — reasonably corresponding to the official rationale for the H1B program. The more recent arrivals are mostly diploma-mill graduates brought over plainly to replace entry-level Americans.

    印度的亚精英印度人会做一些令人讨厌的事情,比如在穆斯林社区横冲直撞。 随着他们在这里的孩子长大,预计会遇到更多麻烦。

    • 回复: @RegCæsar

    Sub-elite Indians in India do nasty things like rampage through Muslim neighborhoods. Expect to see more trouble as their kids here grow up.


    Maybe we should let those Indians in-- they'd dissuade the Moslems from coming. Backhanded Trumpism!
    , @匿名

    Sub-elite Indians in India do nasty things like rampage through Muslim neighborhoods. Expect to see more trouble as their kids here grow up.

    Don't they typically do that in response to things like the Mumbai bombing? Then, it was their way of making sure the Muslims knew who was in charge. Do they do it other times too, though. I admit my knowledge of what goes on in India is pretty limited.

    Replies: @epebble, @Travis

    , @埃里克·西文(Erik Sieven)

    yes Hindu Indians have a little bit more resistance to dogmatic antiracism than Westerners

    , @隐秘

    "The Indian Genius" is one of the most pernicious modern myths. There are over a billion Indians on the subcontinent, the overwhelming majority of them distinctly not brilliant. Oftentimes just acknowledging matters of scale and over/under-representation is enough to prove a "controversial" HBD point.

    回复:@Francis G.

  18. @匿名

    我不记得有一个 HBD 人说种族就是一切。 如果我们这样做了,我们将不得不解释为什么黑人凶杀率在 XNUMX 年代突然飙升,而他们的基因并不是在一夜之间突然改变的。

    回复:@Wilkey、@guy、@Reg Cæsar

    I don’t recall a single HBD person saying that race was simply EVERYTHING. If we did, we would have had to explain why the black homicide rate suddenly shot up in the sixties, when it’s not like their genes suddenly changed overnight.

    Or, as I’ve pointed out a few times here, why today’s white bastardy rate is nearly twice the black rate of 1960. That would be rapid genetic collapse. Most of us assume it’s environmental.

  19. @国际犹太人

    从我在软件行业的角度来看,随着我们在过去 10 到 15 年间提高录取率,印度移民的平均素质有所下降。 我在 90 年代遇到的印度人似乎取得了更高的成就 - 与 H1B 计划的官方理由合理对应。 最近来的大多是文凭工厂的毕业生,他们显然是为了取代入门级的美国人。

    印度的亚精英印度人会做一些令人讨厌的事情,比如在穆斯林社区横冲直撞。 随着他们在这里的孩子长大,预计会遇到更多麻烦。

    回复:@Reg Cæsar、@anon、@Erik Sieven、@Cryptogenic

    Sub-elite Indians in India do nasty things like rampage through Muslim neighborhoods. Expect to see more trouble as their kids here grow up.

    Maybe we should let those Indians in– they’d dissuade the Moslems from coming. Backhanded Trumpism!

  20. 从你的塔基的文章:

    早在 2001 年,BNP 的领导人尼克·格里芬(Nick Griffin)就对亚洲美容团伙提出了指控。 2004 年,他在 BBC 为电视纪录片《秘密特工》秘密录制的一次演讲中重复了这些指控。 他被捕并被控煽动种族仇恨。

    How a British person could live in Britain today, and not be in a state of white-hot rage most of the time, is beyond me.

    In the US, the SJWs would just gang up on you and get you fired from your job, which is bad enough, but to go to jail over it? It must be one of those subtle cultural differences, like eating baked beans for breakfast.

    And outside the Anglosphere, most people don’t seem to have a problem with this kind of thing at all.

    Loretta Lynch wants to make it a crime here too. That would be the end of free speech. There wouldn’t be anywhere in the world anymore where you could say the kind of stuff Nick Griffin said. It bothered me when I first heard about that, but it didn’t really sink in at first. It would be like killing off the last of some majestic endangered species, and all because she wanted to pander to Muslims after they attacked us.

  21. @国际犹太人

    从我在软件行业的角度来看,随着我们在过去 10 到 15 年间提高录取率,印度移民的平均素质有所下降。 我在 90 年代遇到的印度人似乎取得了更高的成就 - 与 H1B 计划的官方理由合理对应。 最近来的大多是文凭工厂的毕业生,他们显然是为了取代入门级的美国人。

    印度的亚精英印度人会做一些令人讨厌的事情,比如在穆斯林社区横冲直撞。 随着他们在这里的孩子长大,预计会遇到更多麻烦。

    回复:@Reg Cæsar、@anon、@Erik Sieven、@Cryptogenic

    Sub-elite Indians in India do nasty things like rampage through Muslim neighborhoods. Expect to see more trouble as their kids here grow up.

    Don’t they typically do that in response to things like the Mumbai bombing? Then, it was their way of making sure the Muslims knew who was in charge. Do they do it other times too, though. I admit my knowledge of what goes on in India is pretty limited.

    • 回复: @卵石

    I think there is a lot of latent hatred for Islam and Muslims due to hundreds of years of Dhimmitude suffered and also due to violence due to partition. This is very similar to Jewish attitudes towards Islam/Muslims and current/future attitudes of U.S. non-Muslims towards Islam & Muslims.

    This is an excellent article on the origins of hate (of Americans toward Islam) http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/428349/hidden-reason-why-americans-dislike-islam-david-french


    , @Travis

    A 50-year-old man in northern India has been killed in a mob lynching allegedly over rumours that his family had been consuming beef at home.

    Mr Akhlaq, a farm worker, was asleep next to his son when a mob burst in wielding sticks, swords and pistols. The villagers accused the nine-member family of having slaughtered and consumed a cow. Mr Akhlaq and his son were beaten with bricks, kicked and stabbed repeatedly.

    The incident happened in a village, near the Indian capital, Delhi. Some meat found in the fridge was held to be proof that beef had been eaten. Later, tests confirmed it was goat meat not beef.



  22. 嘿,说到强奸,你们向我保证,媒体会把这种案件写成新闻;是什么赋予了?


    • 回复: @匿名

    They can call him white in the newspapers but he doesn't look white enough for TV.

    I guess they learned their lesson after assuming someone with a name like Zimmerman would be white.

    good attempted deflection though - well not really - in either sense of the word

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Truth, @ben tillman

    , @RegCæsar

    I can think of three reasons they'd sit on this story:

    The guy can plead insanity-- after all, he's going to bed, or floor or wall, with a string of black women he doesn't know. Most of us don't want to go there.

    Maybe he's white, but he looks a lot like Jon Gosselin in that photo. Would that make him a "white Korean"?

    Finally, a rapist cop… Hmmm, does that remind us of any recent office holders inexplicably popular with Journolist types? Who happen to be married to other recent office holders just as popular?

    That's the last thing they want to bring to the public mind right now!

    , @Kudzu鲍勃

    Nope, he's a hapa. His own father is genetically closer to any random white he happens to pass on the street than to this guy.



    , @匿名

    Missed it by THAT much (--> | | <--), Truth!

  23. @真相


    回复:@anon、@Reg Cæsar、@Kudzu Bob、@anon

    They can call him white in the newspapers but he doesn’t look white enough for TV.

    I guess they learned their lesson after assuming someone with a name like Zimmerman would be white.

    good attempted deflection though – well not really – in either sense of the word

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123

    His dad is white and his mom is apparently Japanese.



    , @真相

    What "lesson" did the press learn with Zimmerman? I'm not following?


    , @本·蒂尔曼

    I guess they learned their lesson after assuming someone with a name like Zimmerman would be white.
    They didn't presume he was white because of his name; they presumed it because the police report said he was white.


  24. @匿名

    Sub-elite Indians in India do nasty things like rampage through Muslim neighborhoods. Expect to see more trouble as their kids here grow up.

    Don't they typically do that in response to things like the Mumbai bombing? Then, it was their way of making sure the Muslims knew who was in charge. Do they do it other times too, though. I admit my knowledge of what goes on in India is pretty limited.

    Replies: @epebble, @Travis

    I think there is a lot of latent hatred for Islam and Muslims due to hundreds of years of Dhimmitude suffered and also due to violence due to partition. This is very similar to Jewish attitudes towards Islam/Muslims and current/future attitudes of U.S. non-Muslims towards Islam & Muslims.

    This is an excellent article on the origins of hate (of Americans toward Islam) http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/428349/hidden-reason-why-americans-dislike-islam-david-french

    • 回复: @RegCæsar

    They didn't call them sandniззers for nothing. (Or was that the "first" Gulf War"?)

    Note, too, that Likud's electoral strength comes from the segment with the longest family memories of life among the Arabs. No Frankfurt School fluff for them.

  25. @狼
    hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。

    回复:@anon、@Wilkey、@International Jew、@hbd 小鸡、@JohnnyWalker123、@Hapalong Cassidy、@AndrewR、@bentilman

    与印度教徒或锡克教徒相比,南亚穆斯林之间的近亲近亲繁殖(即表亲婚姻)要密切得多。 见表 此处 关于印度的婚姻,并注意按宗教划分的表亲结婚率(穆斯林为 21.4%,印度教徒为 8.5%,锡克教徒为 1.2%——那是在 90 年代)。 并且知道巴基斯坦的表亲结婚率是 大约 50%.

    • 回复: @伦敦鲍勃

    伊斯兰教为低种姓的印度教徒提供了一条出路。 较低质量的源材料。 印度教徒仍然比不上帕西人。

  26. @威尔基

    “hbd 人的问题是,为什么锡克教徒和印度教徒等其他南亚人不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。”

    为什么这是一个问题? 现在的德国人比纳粹德国人好。 现在的南方人比战前、持有奴隶的南方人要好。 这里有没有人否认意识形态可以使人变得讨厌和卑鄙而独立于遗传? 我不这么认为。

    在某种程度上,伊斯兰狂热似乎确实存在遗传性、HBD 因素:阿拉伯和非洲穆斯林似乎远比欧洲和东南亚穆斯林差。

    南亚穆斯林表现出的一些特征在非穆斯林的南亚人身上也很明显:例如,狂热的民族中心主义。 在印度,穆斯林和印度教徒可能互相咬牙切齿,但在美国,他们似乎常常为共同的事业而努力。


    BJP type hindus in USA are extremely anti-muslim and have allied with jewish Kahanist organisations in an anti-muslim front

    Many BJP Hindus are active supporters of Pamela Gellar and Robert Spencer

    Many of my UK Hindu friends donated to BNP – Nick Griffin

    Leftist Hindus are pro-muslim

    • 回复: @SFG
    @ rec1man

    I had...never heard this. Once they're here they seem to melt into an undifferentiated 'brown' mass, largely because Americans can't tell the difference (and ran around attacking Sikh and Hindu temples as a result, which I think is awful).

    It is true Israel and India are friends for the obvious reason (common enemy), and Hindu Americans seem to hold Jews in high regard (basically using them as a template for their own community's road to success, largely successfully from what I've seen), but I've never heard of a united front. Is this a British thing?

    回复:@ rec1man

    , @卵石
    @ rec1man

    so BJP ~ 'Republican'/'Trump' and Leftist Hindu ~ 'Democrat'/Clintonista ?

    回复:@ rec1man

  27. @真相


    回复:@anon、@Reg Cæsar、@Kudzu Bob、@anon

    I can think of three reasons they’d sit on this story:

    The guy can plead insanity– after all, he’s going to bed, or floor or wall, with a string of black women he doesn’t know. Most of us don’t want to go there.

    Maybe he’s white, but he looks a lot like Jon Gosselin in that photo. Would that make him a “white Korean”?

    Finally, a rapist cop… Hmmm, does that remind us of any recent office holders inexplicably popular with Journolist types? Who happen to be married to other recent office holders just as popular?

    That’s the last thing they want to bring to the public mind right now!

  28. @匿名

    Sub-elite Indians in India do nasty things like rampage through Muslim neighborhoods. Expect to see more trouble as their kids here grow up.

    Don't they typically do that in response to things like the Mumbai bombing? Then, it was their way of making sure the Muslims knew who was in charge. Do they do it other times too, though. I admit my knowledge of what goes on in India is pretty limited.

    Replies: @epebble, @Travis

    A 50-year-old man in northern India has been killed in a mob lynching allegedly over rumours that his family had been consuming beef at home.

    Mr Akhlaq, a farm worker, was asleep next to his son when a mob burst in wielding sticks, swords and pistols. The villagers accused the nine-member family of having slaughtered and consumed a cow. Mr Akhlaq and his son were beaten with bricks, kicked and stabbed repeatedly.

    The incident happened in a village, near the Indian capital, Delhi. Some meat found in the fridge was held to be proof that beef had been eaten. Later, tests confirmed it was goat meat not beef.


    • 回复: @匿名

    OK. Well, I guess that answers that. Thanks. I had no idea.

  29. Those old books on white slavery are probably dismissed, these days, as Victorian prudery against prostitution, or even against women’s sexual freedom, and the exaggeration of the innocence of the girls and force used to keep them in prostituion as mere propaganda towards that end. Given the parallels with the muslim abuse of white girls today, I am inclined to give the anti-white slavery activists more of the benefit of doubt.

    The Traffic in Girls,1900:

    Thousands of young, innocent girls are trapped each year and sold like cattle to the highest bidder, and by promises of good positions, misrepresentation, cajolery, threats, fake marriages, coercion, persuasion, drugging, gentle means, and brutal force, lured into a life of shame. They are guarded watched, beaten, threatened, ruined, robbed, and they are driven into an early age. Hundreds of fiends in the form of men are engaged in this form of work.

    We know that many of the english girls, even if—having been bribed and cajoled—they were knowing and willing at first, were later threatened, forced and drugged. Neither do I, like a Victorian, think it was right even if they were knowing and willing.

    Until recently, business men and the plain people generally could not believe that systematic commerce in women and girls existed. Missionaries and prosecutors who sounded the alarm were thought to be suffereing from an overheated imagination or possibly seeking notoriety and free advertising.

    At least they weren’t, as Nick Griffin was, brought up on criminal charges for trying to draw attention to it.

  30. @匿名

    They can call him white in the newspapers but he doesn't look white enough for TV.

    I guess they learned their lesson after assuming someone with a name like Zimmerman would be white.

    good attempted deflection though - well not really - in either sense of the word

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Truth, @ben tillman

    • 回复: @匿名

    and he doesn't look white.

    , @匿名的

    His dad is white and his mom is apparently Japanese.

    Wow, is that his mother?? She looks young! Holtzclaw played linebacker at Eastern Michigan from 2005-2008 and was the second leading tackler in team history.

    回复:@ 5371

  31. @卵石

    I think there is a lot of latent hatred for Islam and Muslims due to hundreds of years of Dhimmitude suffered and also due to violence due to partition. This is very similar to Jewish attitudes towards Islam/Muslims and current/future attitudes of U.S. non-Muslims towards Islam & Muslims.

    This is an excellent article on the origins of hate (of Americans toward Islam) http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/428349/hidden-reason-why-americans-dislike-islam-david-french


    They didn’t call them sandniззers for nothing. (Or was that the “first” Gulf War”?)

    Note, too, that Likud’s electoral strength comes from the segment with the longest family memories of life among the Arabs. No Frankfurt School fluff for them.

  32. @狼
    hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。

    回复:@anon、@Wilkey、@International Jew、@hbd 小鸡、@JohnnyWalker123、@Hapalong Cassidy、@AndrewR、@bentilman

    It’s because British-Pakistani Muslims are more sexually frustrated. Unmarried Paki girls are kept locked up at home and about half of British Pakis marry their cousin. Not a recipe for sexually contented men. Imagine what your sex life would be like if you married your cousin in your mid 20s. The Hindus and Sikhs have no cousin marriage and less strict constraints on premarital sexual activity. So I’d assume their sex lives are better.

    另一个因素是印度教徒和锡克教徒属于中产阶级。 巴基斯坦人中有很大比例的低收入者居住在补贴的议会住宅区附近。 卖淫在这些地区很常见。 我的猜测是,很多巴基斯坦人出于机会主义的原因卷入了卖淫活动。 他们看到了机会(低收入女孩为了毒品/酒精/金钱而出卖自己)并加以利用。 最初,我打赌巴基斯坦人是白人皮条客和夫人的客户,但后来一些更狡猾的巴基斯坦人决定他们也可以成为皮条客。

    When the Labor party came to power in 1997, they made it a lot easier for British Muslims to import brides from back home. That’s probably had the effect of increasing the prevalence of cousin marriage and sexually frustrated men.

    • 回复: @化名


    This whole sexual frustration bit is overblown. According to Islam infidel women are fair game. It is not wrong in their religion, part of the spoils of Jihad. Seriously, why not just read the Koran? It is shorter than the New Testament.

    , @匿名

    Cousin marriage has two effects on this imo.

    1) It seems to make people tighter with their in-group but more hostile to out-groups. This is the hbd part.

    2) Enforcing very strict cousin marriage requires a lot of cultural control on the women. So all these cultural behaviors: FGM, honor killing etc are a part of that cultural control. Another aspect of that control mechanism is it's considered okay to rape a woman who isn't covered up adequately or a woman who is outside on her own without a male relative.

    3) I don't think it technically applies outside of open war situations like Isis but the Koran says it's okay to rape non-muslim women as part of jihad. However this may be more of an excuse than a reason imo.

  33. @真相


    回复:@anon、@Reg Cæsar、@Kudzu Bob、@anon



    • 回复: @凯莉(Kylie)


    回复:@Steve Sailer

  34. @Kudzu鲍勃

    Nope, he's a hapa. His own father is genetically closer to any random white he happens to pass on the street than to this guy.




    • 回复: @史蒂夫·塞勒



  35. sexual abuse by gay Catholic priests in the Boston archdiocese

    No Behind Left Behind

  36. @真相


    回复:@anon、@Reg Cæsar、@Kudzu Bob、@anon

    Missed it by THAT much (–> | | <–), Truth!

  37. 美国有机会学习英国的例子并防止它发生。


    • 回复: @JimboHarambe

    Dearborn is 40% Arab but most of them are Christians from Lebanon. I live near Dearborn and actually it's a pretty nice place (lot nicer than nearby Detroit).


  38. @约翰尼·沃克123

    His dad is white and his mom is apparently Japanese.



    and he doesn’t look white.

  39. @匿名的
    ot/ a yale frat racism update


    Replies: @TangoMan, @NJ Transit Commuter, @anon, @snorlax


    Regarding the Yale frat party alleged racism, it should be obvious to anyone paying attention that this is all agitprop.

    UVA, Mizzou, Yale, Rowan, Harvard Law, all of it.

    It serves two purposes. One is the traditonal function of agitprop: creating false incidents in order to implement measures that wouldn’t be otherwise. The second is to serve as a filter. Any people, groups and mass media that accept these incidents as real are allies, anyone who doesn’t is the enemy.

  40. @Travis

    A 50-year-old man in northern India has been killed in a mob lynching allegedly over rumours that his family had been consuming beef at home.

    Mr Akhlaq, a farm worker, was asleep next to his son when a mob burst in wielding sticks, swords and pistols. The villagers accused the nine-member family of having slaughtered and consumed a cow. Mr Akhlaq and his son were beaten with bricks, kicked and stabbed repeatedly.

    The incident happened in a village, near the Indian capital, Delhi. Some meat found in the fridge was held to be proof that beef had been eaten. Later, tests confirmed it was goat meat not beef.



    OK. Well, I guess that answers that. Thanks. I had no idea.

  41. Political correctness = terrorism.

    Breitbart had an article about a whistleblower who claims he would have stopped the San Bernardino terrorism, but he was shut down before he could.

    The article needs editing, but here is one part:

    This Deobandi network had a branch in San Bernardino, which rang bells with Haney the moment he saw news reports about a terrorist attack there.

    I found that individuals who were in the case, from three years ago, had come to that mosque. So, if I had still been active duty, working on the case, and everything had been going as it was, I would have linked that mosque to the initiative, simply because people that were already in the database were going there. Therefore, either Syed would have been put on the no-fly list, because of his close affiliation with it, or his pending fiancee would not have been given a visa, because she was affiliated with somebody who was tied to that mosque.

    But he wasn’t on the case any more… because his initiative was deemed politically incorrect and shut down by the Department of Homeland Security’s Civil Rights and Civil Liberties division.

    “They came into the National Targeting Center, either physically or through emails and correspondence, and said that we could not develop cases based on association with Tablighi Jamaat, and/or any Islamic group,” Haney revealed.

    He charged this decision, which runs counter to the very purpose of the Department of Homeland Security and its charter to demolish the wall of separation between law enforcement agencies, was made because “this Administration is more concerned about the civil rights and civil liberties of foreign Islamic groups and foreign nationals than securing the freedom and security of the American public.”


  42. I reread my previous comments.
    Pro tip: If you want to revise a sentence, delete it and start anew. If you try to revise it piecemeal you’ll inevitably screw up your grammar and muddle your meaning.

  43. @匿名的
    ot/ a yale frat racism update


    Replies: @TangoMan, @NJ Transit Commuter, @anon, @snorlax

    It was kind of stupid to investigate anyway. I mean, what kind of proof could there have been even if it was true? Unless the bouncer or whoever admitted it, they’d never be able to prove it anyway.

    Of course, the BLM types realize this. It’ll go down in their mythology and stay there forever. They’ll still claim it happened, but it just couldn’t be proven one way or the other.

    I always wonder why people would make up stories so dumb. Could anyone at Yale really be so stupid as to ADMIT that they were not allowing black people in, in a day and age when everything you say could easily be recorded?

    But that’s probably why. Because it doesn’t matter to the other activist types that it’s a stupid story. It’ll still serve its purpose for as long as they want it to.

    • 回复: @hhsiii

    I'll bet they said "hot chicks only". Sounds similar and could have a similar effect depending on the makeup of the crowd. I guarantee some ugly white girls didn't get in either. Anyone who has ever been to a nightclub with a velvet rope knows this score.

    And the plain girls would be just as disgusted. Another example of Steve's argument on retconning.

  44. @国际犹太人

    从我在软件行业的角度来看,随着我们在过去 10 到 15 年间提高录取率,印度移民的平均素质有所下降。 我在 90 年代遇到的印度人似乎取得了更高的成就 - 与 H1B 计划的官方理由合理对应。 最近来的大多是文凭工厂的毕业生,他们显然是为了取代入门级的美国人。

    印度的亚精英印度人会做一些令人讨厌的事情,比如在穆斯林社区横冲直撞。 随着他们在这里的孩子长大,预计会遇到更多麻烦。

    回复:@Reg Cæsar、@anon、@Erik Sieven、@Cryptogenic

    yes Hindu Indians have a little bit more resistance to dogmatic antiracism than Westerners

  45. As I said before, in the long run ‘PC will eat itself’, just as ‘pop’ has ‘eaten itself’.

    Basically all that PC amounts, when you strip out the bullshit, is for women, blacks, gays, lesbians, Pakistanis etc etc etc to gang up against heterosexual white men as a political bloc – the movement has always been the handmaiden, if you will, of modern leftism, in order to strip the said straight white men of any ‘wealth, power and influence’ they might have, and then to redistribute the said goodies amongst themselves.
    In essence, it’s just a straight forward zero-sum game, command and conquest, and all that, the sort of thing that Genghis Khan, Flashman, the barnyard rooster or even George Orwell himself would have instantly and instinctively recognised.
    – Animal pecking order behavior. No more, no less.

    Anyhow, the grand scheme came unstuck in Rotherham, just like it will do, inevitabally, everywhere else dumb and pussy whipped enough – Sweden, I’m looking at you – to let the madness run riot.
    Eventually the sacralized groups will fall out amongst themselves – and the white man Devil will be nowhere to be seen or blamed.
    Consequently, the ‘more victim than thou’ mantra – the basis of all PC, will be invoked.
    Alas, PC has no solution to ‘more victim than thou’, so fatal impasses – and the consequent tyranny – are a built in feature.

  46. @约翰尼·沃克123

    这是因为英国-巴基斯坦穆斯林在性方面更受挫。 未婚的巴基斯坦女孩被关在家里,大约一半的英国巴基斯坦人嫁给了她们的表妹。 不是性满足的男人的食谱。 想象一下,如果你在 20 多岁的时候嫁给了你的堂兄,你的性生活会是什么样子。 印度教徒和锡克教徒没有表亲婚姻,对婚前性活动的限制也没有那么严格。 所以我认为他们的性生活会更好。

    另一个因素是印度教徒和锡克教徒属于中产阶级。 巴基斯坦人中有很大比例的低收入者居住在补贴的议会住宅区附近。 卖淫在这些地区很常见。 我的猜测是,很多巴基斯坦人出于机会主义的原因卷入了卖淫活动。 他们看到了机会(低收入女孩为了毒品/酒精/金钱而出卖自己)并加以利用。 最初,我打赌巴基斯坦人是白人皮条客和夫人的客户,但后来一些更狡猾的巴基斯坦人决定他们也可以成为皮条客。

    当工党于 1997 年上台时,他们让英国穆斯林从国内引进新娘变得更加容易。 这可能会增加表亲婚姻和性挫败男性的流行率。



    This whole sexual frustration bit is overblown. According to Islam infidel women are fair game. It is not wrong in their religion, part of the spoils of Jihad. Seriously, why not just read the Koran? It is shorter than the New Testament.

  47. 有些罪行可以追溯到 1980 年代。

    他们直接回到了第一批抵达英国的浓缩者。 他们可能在 1980 年代以工业规模开始,一旦富人意识到当局、女权主义者和儿童福利机构站在他们一边。


    罗瑟勒姆不是一座城市,而是一座城镇。 在适当的城市,同样的事情发生在更大的范围内。 在坚定的以色列之友、罗瑟勒姆工党议员丹尼斯麦克沙恩因欺诈被判入狱后,他被一名妇女取代,她说:

    人们担心,英国可能有多达一百万的儿童性剥削受害者。 罗瑟勒姆的工党议员莎拉冠军将其描述为“国家灾难”,并要求一个工作组与“恐怖”作斗争。 在接受《每日镜报》独家采访时,这位摇摇欲坠的国会议员告诉她,在受害者向她寻求帮助后,她“几乎失去理智”——无法信任警察或地方议会。



    一份报告称,西米德兰兹郡的儿童性剥削 (CSE) 与罗瑟勒姆的虐待模式有“重大相似之处”。 西米德兰兹警方的报告称,在 210 年 2014 月至 500 月期间,已有 XNUMX 名年轻人被确定为受害者或面临 CSE 风险。该报告于去年汇总,但刚刚根据信息自由要求发布。 上个月,另一份报告称,这些数字实际上可能要高得多。 在前内政部总干事斯蒂芬·里默 (Stephen Rimmer) 的带领下,在伯明翰和布莱克国家 (Black Country) 的七个地方当局以及警方的委托下,调查发现多达 XNUMX 名儿童可能处于危险之中。


    远远超过 500 人。谢菲尔德、曼彻斯特和伦敦也是如此。 你猜怎么着? 在那些因参与这些罪行而应该被起诉和绞死的人中,有一个说话快的苏格兰爱尔兰女人:

    今天报告帮派性虐待的作者反击了政府对她的调查结果的批评,即亚裔群体没有特别的问题。 儿童事务副专员苏·贝雷洛维茨 (Sue Berelowitz) 的研究得出了有争议的结论,尽管她自己报告中的数据显示,当局已知的以帮派为基础的虐待儿童的肇事者中有超过四分之一是亚洲人。 白厅高级官员称这份报告“歇斯底里”和“情绪化”。 昨晚,一位政府消息人士表示,部长们对报告结论的蔑视“很难夸大其词”。 NSPCC 表示,该报告暴露了对滥用者种族“视而不见”的危险。 贝雷洛维茨小姐说,以白人女孩为目标的亚洲男性的“模式”只是“众多模式”中的一个,并警告说,如果调查人员专注于这些模式,受害者可能会落网。 今天她挑战部长们认真对待她的报告,警告他们这是一个“警钟”。


    更多关于 Sue the Scotch-Irish:

    前儿童事务副专员苏·贝雷洛维茨 (Sue Berelowitz) 因每天 960 英镑的合同违反政府规定而被迫辞去利润丰厚的咨询工作。 儿童保护负责人与儿童事务专员办公室 (OCC) 的合同被取消,因为白厅规定要求任何超过 20,000 英镑的顾问支出都必须得到内阁办公室的批准。 贝雷洛维茨女士在自愿裁员后于 99,332 月 30 日辞去了她每年 XNUMX 英镑的职位。


  48. @匿名的
    ot/ a yale frat racism update


    Replies: @TangoMan, @NJ Transit Commuter, @anon, @snorlax

    IIRC the frat brother at the door was black.

  49. @匿名

    They can call him white in the newspapers but he doesn't look white enough for TV.

    I guess they learned their lesson after assuming someone with a name like Zimmerman would be white.

    good attempted deflection though - well not really - in either sense of the word

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Truth, @ben tillman

    What “lesson” did the press learn with Zimmerman? I’m not following?

    • 回复: @CK

    They forgot that the famous Zimmerman telegram was sent to Mexico. They remembered the German name only.

  50. @匿名
    For people who want to understand the scale of it there's a map here which links to all - or at least a lot of - the local newspaper reports.


    nb the vast majority of these cases aren't reported nationally - only locally - so most people have no idea of the true scale.

    nb obviously these are also only the cases that went to trial since 2012 when the story finally got into the media.

    Replies: @Bill B., @berserker

    Pakistani rape gangs are absolutely an example of predatory, exploit-any-softness, low-trust people living in high-trust societies that value individualism and the restrained self.

    A toxic clan heritage, marinaded in an intolerant and spiteful religion, and combined with straight-forward racism, has been permitted to hunt freely at a moment when, for various reasons, the west has defended itself badly against those who do not play by the rules.

    So: 1) where Pakistanis and their ilk can do it they will do it 2) there will eventually be a reaction.

  51. @匿名



    迪尔伯恩 40% 是阿拉伯人,但其中大部分是来自黎巴嫩的基督徒。 我住在迪尔伯恩附近,实际上这是一个非常好的地方(比附近的底特律好得多)。

    • 回复: @安德鲁

    世界上几乎任何地方都比底特律好。 至少在世界上任何地方都没有底特律大多数人口的许多同族。

    迪尔伯恩比底特律好,因为贝鲁特比底特律好。 但这真的一点也不多说。

  52. @匿名
    For people who want to understand the scale of it there's a map here which links to all - or at least a lot of - the local newspaper reports.


    nb the vast majority of these cases aren't reported nationally - only locally - so most people have no idea of the true scale.

    nb obviously these are also only the cases that went to trial since 2012 when the story finally got into the media.

    Replies: @Bill B., @berserker

    Thanks. Perhaps one should start mapping incidents in Germany. A dynamic map with time stamps would be informative with each incident linked to local reports. Information about migrant crime is being actively suppressed by the government, so any numbers would be underestimates.

  53. @凯莉(Kylie)


    回复:@Steve Sailer


    • 回复: @凯莉(Kylie)

    I take it you were addressing Kudzu Bob.

    IIRC, he was busy on a project and said he'd be back when he had more time. I hope so.


  54. @探戈人





  55. @TGGP
    This is off-topic, but you've written a bit how the dominant coalition in the Democratic party now is quite distant from the stance of Jefferson & Jackson (which was not the case earlier in the 20th century). Matthew Yglesias recently wrote about the history of that intellectual shift 此处.


    They even got rid of the dinners!

    Then again, the Republican party was formed to oppose slavery, so…

    • 回复: @常春藤

    You could also do a whole routine on all the Unz writers and readers that didn't get a dinner.

    Ron Unz, who bankrolled the whole deal, didn't get a dinner.
    Steve Sailer, who persevered in obscurity for years in the face of great odds and Progressive invective, didn't get a dinner.
    JayMan, who introduced so many to popular genetics, didn't get a dinner.
    Derbyshire, Karlin, Khan, et al, who keep us amused and agitated at the same time, didn't get a dinner.
    Syon, IJ, Priss, Reg, Truth, Whiskey and countless others of us, we get to wash the dishes.

    回复:@ Tom-in-VA

    , @RegCæsar

    Then again, the Republican party was formed to oppose slavery, so…


    Actually, it was formed to combat "those twin relics of barbarism
    — Polygamy, and Slavery."

    That's right out of the 1856 platform:

  56. @狼
    hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。

    回复:@anon、@Wilkey、@International Jew、@hbd 小鸡、@JohnnyWalker123、@Hapalong Cassidy、@AndrewR、@bentilman

    我可以给你两个 HDB 理由:

    1. 穆斯林比锡克教徒和印度教徒更能接受近亲繁殖。 当然,近亲繁殖是基因缺陷的。

    2. 当伊斯兰教第一次传播到印度时,大量的皈依者来自不可接触的种姓,由于几个世纪以来在其种姓内的选择性交配,他们已经出现了基因缺陷。

  57. @ rec1man

    BJP type hindus in USA are extremely anti-muslim and have allied with jewish Kahanist organisations in an anti-muslim front

    Many BJP Hindus are active supporters of Pamela Gellar and Robert Spencer

    Many of my UK Hindu friends donated to BNP - Nick Griffin

    Leftist Hindus are pro-muslim


    I had…never heard this. Once they’re here they seem to melt into an undifferentiated ‘brown’ mass, largely because Americans can’t tell the difference (and ran around attacking Sikh and Hindu temples as a result, which I think is awful).

    It is true Israel and India are friends for the obvious reason (common enemy), and Hindu Americans seem to hold Jews in high regard (basically using them as a template for their own community’s road to success, largely successfully from what I’ve seen), but I’ve never heard of a united front. Is this a British thing?

    • 回复: @ rec1man

    One of the closest associates of Pam Gellar and Robert Spencer was the late Narain Kataria, a senior leader of Overseas Friends of BJP - Narain got driven out of Pakistan in 1948 and knows muslim tendencies

    Narain, obituary was put up on the website of both Pam Gellar and Jihadwatch

    The VHP ( religious wing of BJP ) has a strong overseas branch in many countries from Myanmar to UK to Canada to USA ( VHP-America )

    So Hindu kids go to weekend sunday school, summer camps and hopefully get the facts of life regarding muslims explained to them

    Most congress type hindus are leftist and pro-Muslim

    In UK, a Sikh joined the BNP to prove it wasnt a racist party

    In UK, and India, there is a lot of sexual predation by muslims on Hindu and Sikh and Christian girls, called
    Love Jihad ( grooming ) - and wherever BJP is strong, there are reprisals - Some BJP activists in India, when they catch these Love Jihadi have made them actually eat sh*t

    In parts of South India, the Christians have aligned with BJP to stop love jihad

    Very few Hindus or Sikhs socialise with muslims anywhere in the world
    Most Hindus , Sikhs, Jains, Christians, wont even rent to a muslim all over India

  58. 罗瑟勒姆的名字对于每个英国人来说都是众所周知的,因为自 1925 年以来,每周的足球赛果中都会读出罗瑟勒姆联足球队的名字。




    Whether the numbers have been exaggerated, I do not know, (I kind of suspect it), but it seems probable that this pattern of behavior has been widespread across the country, especially in socially deprived areas with a lot of unemployment. However I can remember encountering similar setups in England as long ago as the 1960’s involving runaway teenage girls, train drivers, and so on.

    • 回复: @伯里克利斯


  59. One thing you notice about a lot of the Paki groomers is that they don’t look particularly handsome,
    tough, or stylish. Lots of them look like older men with limited fashion sense, even more limited looks, and pudgy bodies. Not stereotypical pimps.

    Compare them to American pimps.

    转到 8:20。

  60. Perhaps what needs to be investigated more is not so much the ethnicity of pimps, but the connection between cab drivers and private hire companies and prostitutes, not just in Rotherham, but worldwide. For example in many tourist destinations, strip clubs and brothels will offer commissions to taxi drivers who bring in customers. Call girls usually rely on trusted drivers to transport them to appointments and look out for their security.

  61. The link here is to a story about reforms regarding the licensing of taxi drivers in Rotherham.


  62. @约翰尼·沃克123

    His dad is white and his mom is apparently Japanese.



    His dad is white and his mom is apparently Japanese.


    Wow, is that his mother?? She looks young! Holtzclaw played linebacker at Eastern Michigan from 2005-2008 and was the second leading tackler in team history.

    • 回复: @ 5371

    It must have been in his football days that he got hooked on black women.

  63. I am not surprised you hadn’t heard of Rotherham. I lived there for several years. It is unremarkable in lots of ways in being a mid-size northern England town whose former heavy industry — mining and steel — had long since disappeared. Today the population, which is mostly unemployed (and some definitely unemployable) whites, has large groups of muslims who in the tradition of their kind devote their time to not integrating and running their own businesses to provide for their own kind. I have seen dirty vans going round selling meat and vegetables from the back, and only calling at muslim houses.

    The white locals do not think much of the muslims (I have been spat at on the street by one for not reason other than he could) and the Pakistani-origin males employ themselves driving taxis or running, as mentioned, muslim-preferred businesses. White young women, for some reason no one of my age can understand, seem to be attracted to the relatively uncultured muslim males and seem to think they make good sexual partners or even husbands, whereupon they must obey the rules by covering their hair and legs and following the man around a couple of paces behind.

    I know of a girl who was murdered for wanting to tell her Pakistani-origin boyfriend’s family that she was pregnant (family honour must be preserved, even if life isn’t) while I also know of at least one case where the Rotherham social services thought a child fostered by a (white) couple should have the child removed from their care because these parents ‘went to church’ and that was judged by these (white, dhimmi-loving officials) as a toxic environment. This is the same social services set-up that somehow failed to notice the ongoing open and widespread abuse of young females in their care (and equally had the ability to ignore complaints by worried people) by mostly muslim men, for well over ten years.

    It is also place where the police were quick to arrest a white girl who recognised one of her abusers on the street and shouted at him, charging her with ‘disturbing the peace’ while the abuser walked away untroubled. But then, he was a muslim and the whole thrust of the town’s socialist, Labour-controlled council is to praise muslims no matter what they do and turn their gaze away from any anti-social behaviour by Pakistani-origin men.

    I was also told of a case where a normal, healthy young muslim female was sent to Pakistan by her ‘caring’ family to marry a retarded male and have him brought back to the UK where he can live on benefits. One can imagine that her life now is less than ideal, but as it was agreed between families what did it matter what she wanted?

    Rotherham is just one of many northern English (and therefore largely impoverished) places who has to put up with this sort of thing. All over the north former industrial and mining towns now have large populations of muslims, the men of which are denied contact with their own women so they turn to the available option of teen girls in social care with no one seemingly bothered about protecting the white females.

    • 回复: @匿名的

    As you said, Rotherham was a town built on mining and steel.
    During the boom years of the 1960s, presumably, the mining and steel industries were short of labor.

    Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty damned certain that *not one single first generation immigrant Pakistani man to Rotherham, or any other Pakistani, for that matter, ever worked down a coal pit in Rotherham, or indeed anywhere else in England, Wales or Scotland*.
    Perhaps some might have worked in the steel mills.

    Now, if Pakistanis were NOT imported into Rotherham to 'fill desperately needed labor industrial jobs back in the day', what the Hell were they imported for?

    Was there really a national shortage of taxi-drivers and kebab shop owners back in the Wilson years that held back the British 'battle for exports'?

    Please reply. I'm deeply curious.


    , @约翰尼·沃克123



    回复:@Expletive 已删除、@Broken Britain、@anon、@Anonymous

  64. @威尔基

    “hbd 人的问题是,为什么锡克教徒和印度教徒等其他南亚人不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。”

    为什么这是一个问题? 现在的德国人比纳粹德国人好。 现在的南方人比战前、持有奴隶的南方人要好。 这里有没有人否认意识形态可以使人变得讨厌和卑鄙而独立于遗传? 我不这么认为。

    在某种程度上,伊斯兰狂热似乎确实存在遗传性、HBD 因素:阿拉伯和非洲穆斯林似乎远比欧洲和东南亚穆斯林差。

    南亚穆斯林表现出的一些特征在非穆斯林的南亚人身上也很明显:例如,狂热的民族中心主义。 在印度,穆斯林和印度教徒可能互相咬牙切齿,但在美国,他们似乎常常为共同的事业而努力。


    “Present-day Southerners are better than antebellum, slave-holding Southerners.”

    Speak for yourself. Cf. Mencken’s “The Sahara of the Bozart.”

  65. @国际犹太人

    从我在软件行业的角度来看,随着我们在过去 10 到 15 年间提高录取率,印度移民的平均素质有所下降。 我在 90 年代遇到的印度人似乎取得了更高的成就 - 与 H1B 计划的官方理由合理对应。 最近来的大多是文凭工厂的毕业生,他们显然是为了取代入门级的美国人。

    印度的亚精英印度人会做一些令人讨厌的事情,比如在穆斯林社区横冲直撞。 随着他们在这里的孩子长大,预计会遇到更多麻烦。

    回复:@Reg Cæsar、@anon、@Erik Sieven、@Cryptogenic

    “The Indian Genius” is one of the most pernicious modern myths. There are over a billion Indians on the subcontinent, the overwhelming majority of them distinctly not brilliant. Oftentimes just acknowledging matters of scale and over/under-representation is enough to prove a “controversial” HBD point.

    • 回复: @弗朗西斯·G。

    Yes, my otherwise intelligent father for the longest time thought India must be a land of geniuses because every Indian grad student he met in the physics department at Berkeley was indeed brilliant. He was totally ignorant of the concept of "selection bias".


  66. @探戈人




    Mr. Frat Leader,

    If you don’t want to nail black chicks then you are forbidden from nailing any chicks.



    Seriously though, although American blacks do not rank even in my list of Top 100 Favorite Ethnic Groups, I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.

    • 回复: @最可悲的一个

    I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.
    Well, they could be hot in the abstract.

    However, the hottest tend to have a large amount of white admixture.
    , @真相

    I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.
    I always wonder myself when I read these comments. And they're often from guys I think are in their 20's.

    At the very least it sheds some light on why you guys have such a low birthrate.

    回复:@anon,@Bill B。

    , @匿名的

    I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.
    Question away dear boy. People have had sex with animals too which doesn't exactly bolster their heterosexual credentials. They don't like them them they don't care for them, it's up to them what they consider attractive.
  67. @真相

    What "lesson" did the press learn with Zimmerman? I'm not following?


    They forgot that the famous Zimmerman telegram was sent to Mexico. They remembered the German name only.

  68. @狼
    hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。

    回复:@anon、@Wilkey、@International Jew、@hbd 小鸡、@JohnnyWalker123、@Hapalong Cassidy、@AndrewR、@bentilman

    如前所述,不仅没有认真的 HBD 思想家甚至暗示环境因素在文化中没有作用,而且这些穆斯林可能比他们的印度教信仰的远亲近亲更近亲。 所以不,这里没有问题。

  69. Wasn’t the American Mann Act an early anti-human trafficking law? In current PC renditions of history it was just something with which to persecute the noble black heavyweight boxer Jack Johnson.

  70. @翻动
    You are correct to point out that sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is by gay priests, not so-called "pedophiles." The media distorts the reality.

    回复:@AndrewR、@Jonathan Mason

    What? Not all gays are pedophiles. Not all gay priests are pedophiles. The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.

    • 回复: @乔纳森·梅森

    The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.
    Good one! Just purely coincidental that they entered a profession that forbids marriage to women. What is the age cut off for victims between pedophilia and gayness. If a priest gets a blowjob from a choirboy who is fifteen years of age, is he gay or pedophile? What about fourteen? Thirteen?


    , @匿名

    Except that none of these priests actually was a "pedophile" as the term usually means. Their victims were almost entirely teenage boys, not boys who hadn't hit puberty.

    I haven't seen the movie Steve's talking about, but I do remember the media talking about them as being pedophiles, while not mentioning the fact that they were gay men. If you don't know much about the Catholic Church (and lots of Americans don't), then you probably don't know that Catholic priests are largely gay today. Back in the seveties, seminaries starting accepting large numbers of gay men who, from what I've heard, started creating a very gay culture there.

    But people didn't want to admit that, so they kept asking what was wrong with the Catholic church, and how could this be stopped, when the real, obvious answer was that you were encouraging a lot of gay men to take a job where they would be around lots of adolescent males. What did they think was going to happen?


    , @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)

    What? Not all gays are pedophiles. Not all gay priests are pedophiles. The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.
    You're missing the point. The vast majority of the cases of Catholic clerical "abuse" (a term which encompasses a huge variety of activities, including sex talk and a pat on the bottom) were not instances of pedophilia, which generally means sexual activity with children aged 11 or younger. According to the John Jay report, almost 68% of the cases involved minors aged 12-17, the great majority of them young males. A man who sexually pursues male youths is not a pedophile but rather a homosexual. The media's obfuscation on this point was critical to their dual goals of demonizing the Catholic Church and promoting the homosexual agenda.
    , @账单

    "Not all gays are pedophiles."

    No, not all. However, gays have a much greater orientation towards youth than do normal men. Not all blacks are stupid.

    "The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. "

    No, they are pretty much standard issue faggots. They act the way faggots act. Those stereotypes about chicken hawks and recruitment? Like most stereotypes, they are true.

    "Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality."

    Of course not. It's a well known principle of psychiatry that having one mental illness in no way makes it more likely that you have other mental illnesses. Also, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease have nothing to do with one another.


  71. @JimboHarambe

    Dearborn is 40% Arab but most of them are Christians from Lebanon. I live near Dearborn and actually it's a pretty nice place (lot nicer than nearby Detroit).


    世界上几乎任何地方都比底特律好。 至少在世界上任何地方都没有底特律大多数人口的许多同族。

    迪尔伯恩比底特律好,因为贝鲁特比底特律好。 但这真的一点也不多说。

  72. I’m not buying your week excuses guys. For years you have told me that the press was FALLING ALL OVER ITSELF to VILLIFY any white man who gave a black man a cross look. You always talk about NAMS meaning NON-ASIAN minorities (meaning that Asians are pretty much whites).

    YOU LIED TO ME!!!!

    • 回复: @匿名

    For years you have told me that the press was FALLING ALL OVER ITSELF to VILLIFY any white man who gave a black man a cross look. You always talk about NAMS meaning NON-ASIAN minorities (meaning that Asians are pretty much whites).

    It doesn't matter how we talk about them, because we're not the ones running CNN and the New York Times. The Democratic party is the party of the fringes, and despite their high IQs, low crime rate, and general quality of life, Asians are still part of the "fringe", meaning that the Democratic media isn't falling all over themselves to cover their misdeeds.

  73. @ rec1man

    BJP type hindus in USA are extremely anti-muslim and have allied with jewish Kahanist organisations in an anti-muslim front

    Many BJP Hindus are active supporters of Pamela Gellar and Robert Spencer

    Many of my UK Hindu friends donated to BNP - Nick Griffin

    Leftist Hindus are pro-muslim


    so BJP ~ ‘Republican’/’Trump’ and Leftist Hindu ~ ‘Democrat’/Clintonista ?

    • 回复: @ rec1man

    BJP = Hindu Nationalist, free market

    Congress = pro-Muslim, socialist

  74. @约翰尼·沃克123

    这是因为英国-巴基斯坦穆斯林在性方面更受挫。 未婚的巴基斯坦女孩被关在家里,大约一半的英国巴基斯坦人嫁给了她们的表妹。 不是性满足的男人的食谱。 想象一下,如果你在 20 多岁的时候嫁给了你的堂兄,你的性生活会是什么样子。 印度教徒和锡克教徒没有表亲婚姻,对婚前性活动的限制也没有那么严格。 所以我认为他们的性生活会更好。

    另一个因素是印度教徒和锡克教徒属于中产阶级。 巴基斯坦人中有很大比例的低收入者居住在补贴的议会住宅区附近。 卖淫在这些地区很常见。 我的猜测是,很多巴基斯坦人出于机会主义的原因卷入了卖淫活动。 他们看到了机会(低收入女孩为了毒品/酒精/金钱而出卖自己)并加以利用。 最初,我打赌巴基斯坦人是白人皮条客和夫人的客户,但后来一些更狡猾的巴基斯坦人决定他们也可以成为皮条客。

    当工党于 1997 年上台时,他们让英国穆斯林从国内引进新娘变得更加容易。 这可能会增加表亲婚姻和性挫败男性的流行率。


    Cousin marriage has two effects on this imo.

    1) It seems to make people tighter with their in-group but more hostile to out-groups. This is the hbd part.

    2) Enforcing very strict cousin marriage requires a lot of cultural control on the women. So all these cultural behaviors: FGM, honor killing etc are a part of that cultural control. Another aspect of that control mechanism is it’s considered okay to rape a woman who isn’t covered up adequately or a woman who is outside on her own without a male relative.

    3) I don’t think it technically applies outside of open war situations like Isis but the Koran says it’s okay to rape non-muslim women as part of jihad. However this may be more of an excuse than a reason imo.

  75. @安德鲁

    What? Not all gays are pedophiles. Not all gay priests are pedophiles. The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.

    Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @anon, @Percy Gryce, @Bill

    The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.

    Good one! Just purely coincidental that they entered a profession that forbids marriage to women. What is the age cut off for victims between pedophilia and gayness. If a priest gets a blowjob from a choirboy who is fifteen years of age, is he gay or pedophile? What about fourteen? Thirteen?

    • 回复: @RegCæsar

    If a priest gets a blowjob from a choirboy…
    I thought those priests were 给予 the blowjobs. The choirboy is more likely to go along with that.

    回复:@Jonathan Mason

  76. @翻动
    You are correct to point out that sexual abuse in the Catholic Church is by gay priests, not so-called "pedophiles." The media distorts the reality.

    回复:@AndrewR、@Jonathan Mason


    I think you are right. Media reports are airily vague in nature about “children being abused by Catholic priests” without making it clear whether these are mostly infants, small children, or adolescents and what proportion are boys and girls. The impression one gets from literature and memoirs from James Joyce to Paul Theroux is that it is mostly male priests and altar boys, not nuns and novices.


    • 回复: @Readerfrom希腊

    Your theory doesn't work because the Eastern Orthodox Church has always permitted parish priests to marry, and early (pre-Schism) Christian clergymen were largely married. That said, you could probably find sexual abuse in any rigidly hierarchical institution, but all the more in an environment of enforced celibacy. Both monks and nuns have been haunted by accusations of sexual abuse of boys and girls, respectively, and I assume it's less because of a proclivity to homosexuality or certain ages than, to put it rawly, what beings are available, powerless, and easily silenced.

    回复:@Percy Gryce

  77. @hbd小妞

    与印度教徒或锡克教徒相比,南亚穆斯林之间的近亲近亲繁殖(即表亲婚姻)要密切得多。 见表 此处 关于印度的婚姻,并注意按宗教划分的表亲结婚率(穆斯林为 21.4%,印度教徒为 8.5%,锡克教徒为 1.2%——那是在 90 年代)。 并且知道巴基斯坦的表亲结婚率是 大约 50%.


    Islam offered a way out for lower caste Hindus. Lower quality source material. Hindus still don’t match up to Parsis either.

  78. @匿名的
    I am not surprised you hadn't heard of Rotherham. I lived there for several years. It is unremarkable in lots of ways in being a mid-size northern England town whose former heavy industry -- mining and steel -- had long since disappeared. Today the population, which is mostly unemployed (and some definitely unemployable) whites, has large groups of muslims who in the tradition of their kind devote their time to not integrating and running their own businesses to provide for their own kind. I have seen dirty vans going round selling meat and vegetables from the back, and only calling at muslim houses.

    The white locals do not think much of the muslims (I have been spat at on the street by one for not reason other than he could) and the Pakistani-origin males employ themselves driving taxis or running, as mentioned, muslim-preferred businesses. White young women, for some reason no one of my age can understand, seem to be attracted to the relatively uncultured muslim males and seem to think they make good sexual partners or even husbands, whereupon they must obey the rules by covering their hair and legs and following the man around a couple of paces behind.

    I know of a girl who was murdered for wanting to tell her Pakistani-origin boyfriend's family that she was pregnant (family honour must be preserved, even if life isn't) while I also know of at least one case where the Rotherham social services thought a child fostered by a (white) couple should have the child removed from their care because these parents 'went to church' and that was judged by these (white, dhimmi-loving officials) as a toxic environment. This is the same social services set-up that somehow failed to notice the ongoing open and widespread abuse of young females in their care (and equally had the ability to ignore complaints by worried people) by mostly muslim men, for well over ten years.

    It is also place where the police were quick to arrest a white girl who recognised one of her abusers on the street and shouted at him, charging her with 'disturbing the peace' while the abuser walked away untroubled. But then, he was a muslim and the whole thrust of the town's socialist, Labour-controlled council is to praise muslims no matter what they do and turn their gaze away from any anti-social behaviour by Pakistani-origin men.

    I was also told of a case where a normal, healthy young muslim female was sent to Pakistan by her 'caring' family to marry a retarded male and have him brought back to the UK where he can live on benefits. One can imagine that her life now is less than ideal, but as it was agreed between families what did it matter what she wanted?

    Rotherham is just one of many northern English (and therefore largely impoverished) places who has to put up with this sort of thing. All over the north former industrial and mining towns now have large populations of muslims, the men of which are denied contact with their own women so they turn to the available option of teen girls in social care with no one seemingly bothered about protecting the white females.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ JohnnyWalker123

    As you said, Rotherham was a town built on mining and steel.
    During the boom years of the 1960s, presumably, the mining and steel industries were short of labor.

    Now, correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty damned certain that *not one single first generation immigrant Pakistani man to Rotherham, or any other Pakistani, for that matter, ever worked down a coal pit in Rotherham, or indeed anywhere else in England, Wales or Scotland*.
    Perhaps some might have worked in the steel mills.

    Now, if Pakistanis were NOT imported into Rotherham to ‘fill desperately needed labor industrial jobs back in the day’, what the Hell were they imported for?

    Was there really a national shortage of taxi-drivers and kebab shop owners back in the Wilson years that held back the British ‘battle for exports’?

    Please reply. I’m deeply curious.

    • 回复: @匿名

    Now, if Pakistanis were NOT imported into Rotherham to ‘fill desperately needed labor industrial jobs back in the day’, what the Hell were they imported for?
    Cheaper night shift workers for the textile mills (that closed down soon after).
  79. @SFG

    They even got rid of the dinners!

    Then again, the Republican party was formed to oppose slavery, so...

    回复:@ Ivy,@ RegCæsar

    You could also do a whole routine on all the Unz writers and readers that didn’t get a dinner.

    Ron Unz, who bankrolled the whole deal, didn’t get a dinner.
    Steve Sailer, who persevered in obscurity for years in the face of great odds and Progressive invective, didn’t get a dinner.
    JayMan, who introduced so many to popular genetics, didn’t get a dinner.
    Derbyshire, Karlin, Khan, et al, who keep us amused and agitated at the same time, didn’t get a dinner.
    Syon, IJ, Priss, Reg, Truth, Whiskey and countless others of us, we get to wash the dishes.

    • 回复: @ Tom-in-VA

    Thank you, Red Buttons.

  80. @匿名的
    I am not surprised you hadn't heard of Rotherham. I lived there for several years. It is unremarkable in lots of ways in being a mid-size northern England town whose former heavy industry -- mining and steel -- had long since disappeared. Today the population, which is mostly unemployed (and some definitely unemployable) whites, has large groups of muslims who in the tradition of their kind devote their time to not integrating and running their own businesses to provide for their own kind. I have seen dirty vans going round selling meat and vegetables from the back, and only calling at muslim houses.

    The white locals do not think much of the muslims (I have been spat at on the street by one for not reason other than he could) and the Pakistani-origin males employ themselves driving taxis or running, as mentioned, muslim-preferred businesses. White young women, for some reason no one of my age can understand, seem to be attracted to the relatively uncultured muslim males and seem to think they make good sexual partners or even husbands, whereupon they must obey the rules by covering their hair and legs and following the man around a couple of paces behind.

    I know of a girl who was murdered for wanting to tell her Pakistani-origin boyfriend's family that she was pregnant (family honour must be preserved, even if life isn't) while I also know of at least one case where the Rotherham social services thought a child fostered by a (white) couple should have the child removed from their care because these parents 'went to church' and that was judged by these (white, dhimmi-loving officials) as a toxic environment. This is the same social services set-up that somehow failed to notice the ongoing open and widespread abuse of young females in their care (and equally had the ability to ignore complaints by worried people) by mostly muslim men, for well over ten years.

    It is also place where the police were quick to arrest a white girl who recognised one of her abusers on the street and shouted at him, charging her with 'disturbing the peace' while the abuser walked away untroubled. But then, he was a muslim and the whole thrust of the town's socialist, Labour-controlled council is to praise muslims no matter what they do and turn their gaze away from any anti-social behaviour by Pakistani-origin men.

    I was also told of a case where a normal, healthy young muslim female was sent to Pakistan by her 'caring' family to marry a retarded male and have him brought back to the UK where he can live on benefits. One can imagine that her life now is less than ideal, but as it was agreed between families what did it matter what she wanted?

    Rotherham is just one of many northern English (and therefore largely impoverished) places who has to put up with this sort of thing. All over the north former industrial and mining towns now have large populations of muslims, the men of which are denied contact with their own women so they turn to the available option of teen girls in social care with no one seemingly bothered about protecting the white females.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ JohnnyWalker123

    Really? I thought White British women hated South Asian and Muslim men. From what I’ve heard, if they interracially mix, they’re mostly into Afro-Carribean guys.

    The reason for all the sex grooming gangs is because the men can’t get laid through regular means.

    • 回复: @Expletive已删除

    He's discussing the infamous brit "underclass".
    ".. obey the rules by covering their hair and legs".
    Which in this case will be the same thing.

    I say I say I say, why do sumo wrestlers shave their legs?
    So they don't get mistaken for Yorkshirewomen.

    , @破碎的英国

    I don't live in Rotherham but I have lived in a similar northern English town. The post above is correct. Young Pakistan men are seen as a catch by some white women. As far as I can work out it boils down to money and looks.




    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous, @JohnnyWalker123

    , @匿名

    The grooming gangs particularly target 12-13 year old girls from children's homes.



    Anywhere there's an enclave it will be happening because it's effectively a side effect of the culture.


    Anyway the main point is there's a whole other layer below terrorism which the US has a chance of avoiding.


    , @匿名的

    As you must know, judicious bribes of cash - and in the case of Rotherham, hard liquor, cigarettes, illicit drugs of all sorts - including cocaine and heroin -, and not to mention 'free' doner kebabs with chips, and yes probably 'chili sauce' , do wonders everywhere to breakdown 'natural female modesty and apprehension of men'.
    Even if the men are popularly characterized as 'alien, smelly, dirty, primitive, foreign, strange, nerdy etc'.

    'This the story of the human condition, as viewed through male eyes.


  81. 最可悲的一个 [又名“启示录的第四位门卫”] 说:

    Mr. Frat Leader,

    If you don't want to nail black chicks then you are forbidden from nailing any chicks.


    Seriously though, although American blacks do not rank even in my list of Top 100 Favorite Ethnic Groups, I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.

    Replies: @The most deplorable one, @Truth, @Anonymous

    I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.

    Well, they could be hot in the abstract.

    However, the hottest tend to have a large amount of white admixture.

  82. Wilkey–“There does seem to be a genetic, HBD element to Islamic fanaticism, to some degree: Arabian and African Muslims seem to be far worse than European and Southeast Asian Muslims.”

    Seems to be, huh. Do you have any source material to substantiate your claim?

    International Jew–“Sub-elite Indians in India do nasty things like rampage through Muslim neighborhoods.”

    Actually, Muslims there rampage against Christians, who rampage against Hindus, who rampage against Muslims, etc.

    Johnny Walker123–“It’s because British-Pakistani Muslims are more sexually frustrated…The Hindus and Sikhs have no cousin marriage and less strict constraints on premarital sexual activity. So I’d assume their sex lives are better.”

    Do you have any links that lend credibility to your hypothesis?

    • 回复: @吉米

    India does not have the same level of sex segregation and female cloistering as Pakistan (though more than USA). Relatively easy to have sex outside of marriage with people you are not related to. Though there is a strong social stigma against it.

  83. @约翰尼·沃克123



    回复:@Expletive 已删除、@Broken Britain、@anon、@Anonymous

    He’s discussing the infamous brit “underclass”.
    “.. obey the rules by covering their hair and legs”.
    Which in this case will be the same thing.

    I say I say I say, why do sumo wrestlers shave their legs?
    So they don’t get mistaken for Yorkshirewomen.

  84. @安德鲁

    What? Not all gays are pedophiles. Not all gay priests are pedophiles. The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.

    Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @anon, @Percy Gryce, @Bill

    Except that none of these priests actually was a “pedophile” as the term usually means. Their victims were almost entirely teenage boys, not boys who hadn’t hit puberty.

    I haven’t seen the movie Steve’s talking about, but I do remember the media talking about them as being pedophiles, while not mentioning the fact that they were gay men. If you don’t know much about the Catholic Church (and lots of Americans don’t), then you probably don’t know that Catholic priests are largely gay today. Back in the seveties, seminaries starting accepting large numbers of gay men who, from what I’ve heard, started creating a very gay culture there.

    But people didn’t want to admit that, so they kept asking what was wrong with the Catholic church, and how could this be stopped, when the real, obvious answer was that you were encouraging a lot of gay men to take a job where they would be around lots of adolescent males. What did they think was going to happen?

    • 回复: @RegCæsar

    …then you probably don’t know that Catholic priests are largely gay today.
    You'd better explain that one. The old liberal seminaries are moribund. No one wants to commit to a mush church anymore. The priests ordained in the '7os are due for retirement.

    I just answered an appeal from a very conservative nunnery facing a "vocations crisis"-- they ran out of room to house all their young postulants. Seminaries are in the same position. The serious ones are not in trouble, and have little tolerance for the gay life.

    The future of the Church is not pink.


  85. @常春藤

    You could also do a whole routine on all the Unz writers and readers that didn't get a dinner.

    Ron Unz, who bankrolled the whole deal, didn't get a dinner.
    Steve Sailer, who persevered in obscurity for years in the face of great odds and Progressive invective, didn't get a dinner.
    JayMan, who introduced so many to popular genetics, didn't get a dinner.
    Derbyshire, Karlin, Khan, et al, who keep us amused and agitated at the same time, didn't get a dinner.
    Syon, IJ, Priss, Reg, Truth, Whiskey and countless others of us, we get to wash the dishes.

    回复:@ Tom-in-VA

    Thank you, Red Buttons.

  86. @SFG
    @ rec1man

    I had...never heard this. Once they're here they seem to melt into an undifferentiated 'brown' mass, largely because Americans can't tell the difference (and ran around attacking Sikh and Hindu temples as a result, which I think is awful).

    It is true Israel and India are friends for the obvious reason (common enemy), and Hindu Americans seem to hold Jews in high regard (basically using them as a template for their own community's road to success, largely successfully from what I've seen), but I've never heard of a united front. Is this a British thing?

    回复:@ rec1man

    One of the closest associates of Pam Gellar and Robert Spencer was the late Narain Kataria, a senior leader of Overseas Friends of BJP – Narain got driven out of Pakistan in 1948 and knows muslim tendencies

    Narain, obituary was put up on the website of both Pam Gellar and Jihadwatch

    The VHP ( religious wing of BJP ) has a strong overseas branch in many countries from Myanmar to UK to Canada to USA ( VHP-America )

    So Hindu kids go to weekend sunday school, summer camps and hopefully get the facts of life regarding muslims explained to them

    Most congress type hindus are leftist and pro-Muslim

    In UK, a Sikh joined the BNP to prove it wasnt a racist party

    In UK, and India, there is a lot of sexual predation by muslims on Hindu and Sikh and Christian girls, called
    Love Jihad ( grooming ) – and wherever BJP is strong, there are reprisals – Some BJP activists in India, when they catch these Love Jihadi have made them actually eat sh*t

    In parts of South India, the Christians have aligned with BJP to stop love jihad

    Very few Hindus or Sikhs socialise with muslims anywhere in the world
    Most Hindus , Sikhs, Jains, Christians, wont even rent to a muslim all over India

  87. @卵石
    @ rec1man

    so BJP ~ 'Republican'/'Trump' and Leftist Hindu ~ 'Democrat'/Clintonista ?

    回复:@ rec1man

    BJP = Hindu Nationalist, free market

    Congress = pro-Muslim, socialist

  88. @约翰尼·沃克123



    回复:@Expletive 已删除、@Broken Britain、@anon、@Anonymous





    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123




    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

    , @匿名的




    , @约翰尼·沃克123




  89. @安德鲁

    What? Not all gays are pedophiles. Not all gay priests are pedophiles. The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.

    Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @anon, @Percy Gryce, @Bill

    What? Not all gays are pedophiles. Not all gay priests are pedophiles. The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.

    You’re missing the point. The vast majority of the cases of Catholic clerical “abuse” (a term which encompasses a huge variety of activities, including sex talk and a pat on the bottom) were not instances of pedophilia, which generally means sexual activity with children aged 11 or younger. According to the John Jay report, almost 68% of the cases involved minors aged 12-17, the great majority of them young males. A man who sexually pursues male youths is not a pedophile but rather a homosexual. The media’s obfuscation on this point was critical to their dual goals of demonizing the Catholic Church and promoting the homosexual agenda.

    • 同意: 吉姆·唐·鲍勃
  90. @约翰尼·沃克123



    回复:@Expletive 已删除、@Broken Britain、@anon、@Anonymous

    The grooming gangs particularly target 12-13 year old girls from children’s homes.



    Anywhere there’s an enclave it will be happening because it’s effectively a side effect of the culture.


    Anyway the main point is there’s a whole other layer below terrorism which the US has a chance of avoiding.


  91. In India “pimping” is considered to be a Muslim business. The silver-tongue Muslim pimp, seducing vulnerable girls is an archetype and a Bollywood stock figure:

  92. @隐秘

    "The Indian Genius" is one of the most pernicious modern myths. There are over a billion Indians on the subcontinent, the overwhelming majority of them distinctly not brilliant. Oftentimes just acknowledging matters of scale and over/under-representation is enough to prove a "controversial" HBD point.

    回复:@Francis G.

    Yes, my otherwise intelligent father for the longest time thought India must be a land of geniuses because every Indian grad student he met in the physics department at Berkeley was indeed brilliant. He was totally ignorant of the concept of “selection bias”.

    • 回复: @desiderius.

    Well, you take a billion people of roughly Indo-European stock the tail will be relatively fat, even out to the genius range.

    My favorite is this guy:


  93. @乔纳森·梅森
    罗瑟勒姆的名字对于每个英国人来说都是众所周知的,因为自 1925 年以来,每周的足球赛果中都会读出罗瑟勒姆联足球队的名字。




    我不知道这些数字是否被夸大了(我有点怀疑),但这种行为模式很可能在全国范围内普遍存在,特别是在失业大量的社会贫困地区。然而,我记得早在 1960 年代就在英国遇到过类似的场景,涉及离家出走的少女、火车司机等等。



  94. @弗朗西斯·G。

    Yes, my otherwise intelligent father for the longest time thought India must be a land of geniuses because every Indian grad student he met in the physics department at Berkeley was indeed brilliant. He was totally ignorant of the concept of "selection bias".


    Well, you take a billion people of roughly Indo-European stock the tail will be relatively fat, even out to the genius range.

    My favorite is this guy:


  95. So I don’t understand something. An invader tribe brutally raped thousands of young teenage British girls. Why haven’t there been thousands of severe, torturous beatings by lower-middle class British young men against these smelly invaders? Sure, for retribution, but also because it would be a lot of fun.

    Yeah, they’d get arrested. So what? Sometimes you need to be a man.

    • 回复: @匿名
    @马蒂(Marty T)

    There used to be. One of the most famous pastimes of the old skinheads was "Paki-bashing".

    Supposedly, this was due to racism, pure and simple. But given the fact that I only know about it from the media, how would I really know if it WAS done as a form of retaliation?

    If you believe what the modern media tells you, you'd think that lynching had nothing to do with crimes committed by blacks, and was just a bunch of stupid white guys killing blacks for no reason.

    , @匿名的
    @马蒂(Marty T)

    Mainly because the entire government, police/state apparatus of Britain - up to and including the full military firepower of the army, not to mention the entirety of the press, BBC, ITV, Sky News, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Cardinal of Westminster, the heads of the Methodist and Baptist churches, the House of Lords, the House of Commons, and outside Britain the UN, the EU, the European Court, NATO, and the biggie the President and Congress of the USA and thus the might of the Pentagon and the CIA, and lastly and lastly the shrill buttholes of the NYT, the WSJ, Time and the arch-wankers at The Economist, will be utterly UNANIMOUS in their expressed desire to *destroy* those whites with 'extreme prejudice'.

    - and I'm not joking or exaggerating.

  96. @科维努斯
    Wilkey--"There does seem to be a genetic, HBD element to Islamic fanaticism, to some degree: Arabian and African Muslims seem to be far worse than European and Southeast Asian Muslims."

    Seems to be, huh. Do you have any source material to substantiate your claim?

    International Jew--"Sub-elite Indians in India do nasty things like rampage through Muslim neighborhoods."

    Actually, Muslims there rampage against Christians, who rampage against Hindus, who rampage against Muslims, etc.

    Johnny Walker123--"It’s because British-Pakistani Muslims are more sexually frustrated...The Hindus and Sikhs have no cousin marriage and less strict constraints on premarital sexual activity. So I’d assume their sex lives are better."

    Do you have any links that lend credibility to your hypothesis?


    India does not have the same level of sex segregation and female cloistering as Pakistan (though more than USA). Relatively easy to have sex outside of marriage with people you are not related to. Though there is a strong social stigma against it.

  97. @史蒂夫·塞勒



    I take it you were addressing Kudzu Bob.

    IIRC, he was busy on a project and said he’d be back when he had more time. I hope so.

    • 回复: @真相

    IIRC, he was busy on a project and said he’d be back when he had more time. I hope so.
  98. @破碎的英国

    I don't live in Rotherham but I have lived in a similar northern English town. The post above is correct. Young Pakistan men are seen as a catch by some white women. As far as I can work out it boils down to money and looks.




    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous, @JohnnyWalker123


    Here’s a video of a British Pakistani wedding. They don’t particularly Greek or Italian to me. They look like Indians, but with a slightly lighter skin color.

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123

    Here's another video with a large crowd of British Pakistanis. They tend to have the same skinnyfat bodies and unaesthetic faces you see in Indians, but their skin color is a bit lighter.


    Even the young men seem to have facial deformities, particularly if you look at their noses.

    Replies: @anon, @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous, @Percy Gryce

  99. @约翰尼·沃克123




    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

    Here’s another video with a large crowd of British Pakistanis. They tend to have the same skinnyfat bodies and unaesthetic faces you see in Indians, but their skin color is a bit lighter.

    Even the young men seem to have facial deformities, particularly if you look at their noses.

    • 回复: @匿名

    It's very simple and I don't understand why people don't get it - maybe a person needs a predatory instinct themselves to understand the obvious.

    12-13 year old girls especially from children's homes are easy targets because they are desperate for love.

    That's it. Not complicated.

    Predators target them on that basis. For some reason muslim populations seem have a much higher percentage of those kind of predators than others.

    The people whose job it is to protect them won't do it because of political correctness.

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

    , @约翰尼·沃克123


    No offense, but if your young women are attracted to that, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. We have a moderate sized South Asian population in North America. Most women (white, black, Asian, Hispanic) won't consider them. Indian/Paki men are the omega males of America and Canada. Even below East Asians, who are pretty low on the ladder themselves.

    Perhaps British women have different standards of beauty?

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Jonathan Mason, @epebble, @ben tillman

    , @匿名的

    You might call them 'deformities' but to them, they are normal and typical facial features.

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

    , @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)

    They tend to have the same skinnyfat bodies and unaesthetic faces you see in Indians

  100. @匿名的

    As you said, Rotherham was a town built on mining and steel.
    During the boom years of the 1960s, presumably, the mining and steel industries were short of labor.

    Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty damned certain that *not one single first generation immigrant Pakistani man to Rotherham, or any other Pakistani, for that matter, ever worked down a coal pit in Rotherham, or indeed anywhere else in England, Wales or Scotland*.
    Perhaps some might have worked in the steel mills.

    Now, if Pakistanis were NOT imported into Rotherham to 'fill desperately needed labor industrial jobs back in the day', what the Hell were they imported for?

    Was there really a national shortage of taxi-drivers and kebab shop owners back in the Wilson years that held back the British 'battle for exports'?

    Please reply. I'm deeply curious.


    Now, if Pakistanis were NOT imported into Rotherham to ‘fill desperately needed labor industrial jobs back in the day’, what the Hell were they imported for?

    Cheaper night shift workers for the textile mills (that closed down soon after).

  101. @约翰尼·沃克123

    Here's another video with a large crowd of British Pakistanis. They tend to have the same skinnyfat bodies and unaesthetic faces you see in Indians, but their skin color is a bit lighter.


    Even the young men seem to have facial deformities, particularly if you look at their noses.

    Replies: @anon, @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous, @Percy Gryce

    It’s very simple and I don’t understand why people don’t get it – maybe a person needs a predatory instinct themselves to understand the obvious.

    12-13 year old girls especially from children’s homes are easy targets because they are desperate for love.

    That’s it. Not complicated.

    Predators target them on that basis. For some reason muslim populations seem have a much higher percentage of those kind of predators than others.

    The people whose job it is to protect them won’t do it because of political correctness.

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123


    I'm just pointing out there's a difference between:

    A. Saying white women like Pakis
    B. Saying vulnerable girls are getting preyed on by adults, most of whom are Paki/Muslim

    I'm arguing against A), but agree with B).

    One other factor that I forgot to point out was drug addiction. Lots of drug dealers in the UK these days are Pakis. So I suppose that could explain why drug addicted underaged girls gravitate toward them to begin with. It's like an alcoholic gravitating toward the liquor store. I remember in one of the articles, some girl claimed that the grooming problem was directly tied in to drug addiction.

  102. @约翰尼·沃克123

    Here's another video with a large crowd of British Pakistanis. They tend to have the same skinnyfat bodies and unaesthetic faces you see in Indians, but their skin color is a bit lighter.


    Even the young men seem to have facial deformities, particularly if you look at their noses.

    Replies: @anon, @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous, @Percy Gryce

    No offense, but if your young women are attracted to that, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. We have a moderate sized South Asian population in North America. Most women (white, black, Asian, Hispanic) won’t consider them. Indian/Paki men are the omega males of America and Canada. Even below East Asians, who are pretty low on the ladder themselves.

    Perhaps British women have different standards of beauty?

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123

    This study of British sexual behavior found the following:


    A survey of more than 11,000 adults aged between 16 and 44, published today in The Lancet, reveals that white women claim to have had an average of five sexual partners, black Caribbeans four, black Africans three, and both Indians and Pakistanis one.

    Among men, those of black Caribbean and African descent both average nine lovers in their lifetime, followed by whites with six, Indians two and Pakistanis one.
    Dr Kevin Fenton of University College London, the study's lead author, says this was the first research among the general population.


    When men were asked about whether they had ever been diagnosed with a STI, 10.9 per cent of whites, 19.7 cent of black Caribbeans and 16.2 per cent of black Africans said they had. The figures for Indian and Pakistani males were 3.4 and 3.2 per cent.

    Despite claiming to have had fewer partners, black women report more STIs, with 22.7 per cent of those of Caribbean descent and 14.1 per cent of those of African descent admitting to at least one. The proportions among whites, Indians and Pakistanis are 12.4, 7.8 and 3.6 per cent respectively.
    Even with the grooming, STI (formerly STD) rates are pretty low for the Pakistanis.

    Here's another study -

    This is data taken from England. It comes from the National Chlamydia Screening Program, which is a STI-screening program coordinated by the NHS. The sample size is over 400,000. The participants are in the 15-24 age range.


    British South Asian men have very low rates of chlamydia relative to whites. Blacks are higher though. Interestingly, South Asian women are higher than South Asian men in chlamydia infection, but still lower than white&black women.

    回复:@匿名,@ 5371

    , @乔纳森·梅森

    Did Jemima Goldsmith not marry Imran Khan. Some of those Pakistani men are handsome beasts, and let's face it, British women are about the least attractive of any race, at least if female parliamentarians are anything to go by.

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Mr. Anon, @ben tillman, @5371

    , @卵石

    Actually I know many Indians (and a Bangladeshi) married to nice white husbands/wives. Many men and women have different expectations. In many cases the usual desire seems to be, for many men, a more 'feminine' (i.e. less aggressive) domestic oriented person. Many STEM men/women also marry fellow STEM women/men, so this becomes assortative. STEM white women are few; so white STEM men select Asian STEM women. For many white women, the desire is stability (i.e. long term marriage, monogamy) and reliable earning power. In case of the white woman who married the Bangladeshi (the guy is a chip designer), the woman unhesitatingly mentioned that most white men she knows are dumb (my guess is she may be from Bakersfield - Fresno area - interior CA ). So, it is not always beauty!

    By the way, they have a really smart and good looking daughter, Arianna Afsar, who is a beauty queen and actress https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianna_Afsar

    See pic. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3334138/

    回复:@PV van der Byl

    , @本·蒂尔曼

    Perhaps British women have different standards of beauty?
    It sounds more like they like Pakis because the Pakis are socially dominant. They are the victors in teh ethnic conflict, while Englishmen are the vanquished.

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

  103. @乔纳森·梅森

    我想你是对的。媒体对“被天主教神父虐待的儿童”的报道本质上含糊不清,没有明确这些儿童主要是婴儿、小孩还是青少年,以及男孩和女孩所占的比例。人们从詹姆斯·乔伊斯(James Joyce)到保罗·塞鲁克斯(Paul Theroux)的文学和回忆录中得到的印象是,大多数是男性牧师和祭坛男孩,而不是修女和新手。




    • 回复: @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)



  104. @SFG

    They even got rid of the dinners!

    Then again, the Republican party was formed to oppose slavery, so...

    回复:@ Ivy,@ RegCæsar

    Then again, the Republican party was formed to oppose slavery, so…

    Actually, it was formed to combat “those twin relics of barbarism
    — Polygamy, and Slavery.”

    That’s right out of the 1856 platform:


  105. @乔纳森·梅森

    The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.
    Good one! Just purely coincidental that they entered a profession that forbids marriage to women. What is the age cut off for victims between pedophilia and gayness. If a priest gets a blowjob from a choirboy who is fifteen years of age, is he gay or pedophile? What about fourteen? Thirteen?


    If a priest gets a blowjob from a choirboy…

    I thought those priests were 给予 the blowjobs. The choirboy is more likely to go along with that.

    • 回复: @乔纳森·梅森

    I thought those priests were giving the blowjobs. The choirboy is more likely to go along with that.
    I put it the other way around on purpose to challenge people's thinking. I have worked with sex offenders and there is no end to human depravity. The emperor Tiberius was supposed to have obtained oral sex from unweaned infants, and I personally know of a similar case in Florida. Is a priest giving a blow job to an adolescent a gay or a pedophile, and how does one know the difference?


  106. @约翰尼·沃克123


    No offense, but if your young women are attracted to that, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. We have a moderate sized South Asian population in North America. Most women (white, black, Asian, Hispanic) won't consider them. Indian/Paki men are the omega males of America and Canada. Even below East Asians, who are pretty low on the ladder themselves.

    Perhaps British women have different standards of beauty?

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Jonathan Mason, @epebble, @ben tillman

    This study of British sexual behavior found the following:


    A survey of more than 11,000 adults aged between 16 and 44, published today in The Lancet, reveals that white women claim to have had an average of five sexual partners, black Caribbeans four, black Africans three, and both Indians and Pakistanis one.

    Among men, those of black Caribbean and African descent both average nine lovers in their lifetime, followed by whites with six, Indians two and Pakistanis one.
    Dr Kevin Fenton of University College London, the study’s lead author, says this was the first research among the general population.

    When men were asked about whether they had ever been diagnosed with a STI, 10.9 per cent of whites, 19.7 cent of black Caribbeans and 16.2 per cent of black Africans said they had. The figures for Indian and Pakistani males were 3.4 and 3.2 per cent.

    Despite claiming to have had fewer partners, black women report more STIs, with 22.7 per cent of those of Caribbean descent and 14.1 per cent of those of African descent admitting to at least one. The proportions among whites, Indians and Pakistanis are 12.4, 7.8 and 3.6 per cent respectively.

    Even with the grooming, STI (formerly STD) rates are pretty low for the Pakistanis.

    Here’s another study –

    This is data taken from England. It comes from the National Chlamydia Screening Program, which is a STI-screening program coordinated by the NHS. The sample size is over 400,000. The participants are in the 15-24 age range.

    British South Asian men have very low rates of chlamydia relative to whites. Blacks are higher though. Interestingly, South Asian women are higher than South Asian men in chlamydia infection, but still lower than white&black women.

    • 回复: @匿名的

    Self reported statistics regarding sexuality cannot be trusted.

    I wager that black 'British' rates of promiscuity and infection are an order of magnitude higher than that.
    As for Pakistanis, that's more nuanced. Not promiscuity per se, but a heavy, secret, male usage of prostitutes. I would also wager that female Pakistanis are as damned near a 'chaste' and 'faithful' population that you will find anywhere.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ ben tillman

    , @ 5371

    I don't for a moment believe that black "British" women are more chaste than white. Certainly US surveys with a much higher number of participants tell a different story.

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

  107. @匿名

    Except that none of these priests actually was a "pedophile" as the term usually means. Their victims were almost entirely teenage boys, not boys who hadn't hit puberty.

    I haven't seen the movie Steve's talking about, but I do remember the media talking about them as being pedophiles, while not mentioning the fact that they were gay men. If you don't know much about the Catholic Church (and lots of Americans don't), then you probably don't know that Catholic priests are largely gay today. Back in the seveties, seminaries starting accepting large numbers of gay men who, from what I've heard, started creating a very gay culture there.

    But people didn't want to admit that, so they kept asking what was wrong with the Catholic church, and how could this be stopped, when the real, obvious answer was that you were encouraging a lot of gay men to take a job where they would be around lots of adolescent males. What did they think was going to happen?


    …then you probably don’t know that Catholic priests are largely gay today.

    You’d better explain that one. The old liberal seminaries are moribund. No one wants to commit to a mush church anymore. The priests ordained in the ‘7os are due for retirement.

    I just answered an appeal from a very conservative nunnery facing a “vocations crisis”– they ran out of room to house all their young postulants. Seminaries are in the same position. The serious ones are not in trouble, and have little tolerance for the gay life.

    The future of the Church is not pink.

    • 回复: @匿名

    All right, maybe they aren't now, but for a long time, they were. At the time these priests were getting ordained, they were.

    If the church has learned its lesson, then that's great. Maybe they can be part of the great Noticing Revolution.

  108. @匿名的

    Check out the Chinese poster for the new Star Wars:


    回复:@先生。 安农


    Check out the Chinese poster for the new Star Wars:”

    I don’t see what the big deal is with a black character in Star Wars. The last movies had one: Samuel L. “Loud Black Man” Jackson playing Mace Dindu.

  109. I don’t imagine that the british film or TV industry is any more likely to make a “Spotlight” like movie about Rotherham than Hollywood is to make a movie about the alleged wide-spread sexual abuse of child-actors in Hollywood.

  110. @RegCæsar

    …then you probably don’t know that Catholic priests are largely gay today.
    You'd better explain that one. The old liberal seminaries are moribund. No one wants to commit to a mush church anymore. The priests ordained in the '7os are due for retirement.

    I just answered an appeal from a very conservative nunnery facing a "vocations crisis"-- they ran out of room to house all their young postulants. Seminaries are in the same position. The serious ones are not in trouble, and have little tolerance for the gay life.

    The future of the Church is not pink.


    All right, maybe they aren’t now, but for a long time, they were. At the time these priests were getting ordained, they were.

    If the church has learned its lesson, then that’s great. Maybe they can be part of the great Noticing Revolution.

  111. @RegCæsar

    If a priest gets a blowjob from a choirboy…
    I thought those priests were 给予 the blowjobs. The choirboy is more likely to go along with that.

    回复:@Jonathan Mason

    I thought those priests were giving the blowjobs. The choirboy is more likely to go along with that.

    I put it the other way around on purpose to challenge people’s thinking. I have worked with sex offenders and there is no end to human depravity. The emperor Tiberius was supposed to have obtained oral sex from unweaned infants, and I personally know of a similar case in Florida. Is a priest giving a blow job to an adolescent a gay or a pedophile, and how does one know the difference?

    • 回复: @RegCæsar

    Is a priest giving a blow job to an adolescent a gay or a pedophile, and how does one know the difference?
    Those are clinical terms-- and 恋童癖 is an abuse of Greek.

    The Church would say he suffers from a moral disorder, and is unfit to be a priest, or even be in communion with the Church, until he repents and reforms.

    On paper, that is. Actual results may vary by jurisdiction.
  112. @约翰尼·沃克123


    No offense, but if your young women are attracted to that, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. We have a moderate sized South Asian population in North America. Most women (white, black, Asian, Hispanic) won't consider them. Indian/Paki men are the omega males of America and Canada. Even below East Asians, who are pretty low on the ladder themselves.

    Perhaps British women have different standards of beauty?

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Jonathan Mason, @epebble, @ben tillman

    Did Jemima Goldsmith not marry Imran Khan. Some of those Pakistani men are handsome beasts, and let’s face it, British women are about the least attractive of any race, at least if female parliamentarians are anything to go by.

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123

    Okay, but Imran Khan was the world's top cricketer back a few decades ago. Yao Ming used to get groupies throwing themselves at him. Yet I wouldn't extrapolate from that and claim that Chinese men are very popular with girls.

    Pakis look like Indians. Handsome beasts? Come on.


    , @先生。 安农

    "British women are about the least attractive of any race"

    Absolute crap. British women are as beautiful as those of any race, and moreso than those of many.

    , @本·蒂尔曼

    Did Jemima Goldsmith not marry Imran Khan. Some of those Pakistani men are handsome beasts, and let’s face it, British women are about the least attractive of any race....
    I haven't spent much time in Britain, but there's no doubt that British-美国人 women are the most beautiful in the world.
    , @ 5371

    It wasn't for nothing that electoral politics was called showbiz for ugly people.

  113. @真相
    I'm not buying your week excuses guys. For years you have told me that the press was FALLING ALL OVER ITSELF to VILLIFY any white man who gave a black man a cross look. You always talk about NAMS meaning NON-ASIAN minorities (meaning that Asians are pretty much whites).

    YOU LIED TO ME!!!!


    For years you have told me that the press was FALLING ALL OVER ITSELF to VILLIFY any white man who gave a black man a cross look. You always talk about NAMS meaning NON-ASIAN minorities (meaning that Asians are pretty much whites).

    It doesn’t matter how we talk about them, because we’re not the ones running CNN and the New York Times. The Democratic party is the party of the fringes, and despite their high IQs, low crime rate, and general quality of life, Asians are still part of the “fringe”, meaning that the Democratic media isn’t falling all over themselves to cover their misdeeds.

  114. @乔纳森·梅森

    Did Jemima Goldsmith not marry Imran Khan. Some of those Pakistani men are handsome beasts, and let's face it, British women are about the least attractive of any race, at least if female parliamentarians are anything to go by.

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Mr. Anon, @ben tillman, @5371

    Okay, but Imran Khan was the world’s top cricketer back a few decades ago. Yao Ming used to get groupies throwing themselves at him. Yet I wouldn’t extrapolate from that and claim that Chinese men are very popular with girls.

    Pakis look like Indians. Handsome beasts? Come on.

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123

    Rewatch the videos I posted. Find one handsome guy in any of those tapes. I bet you can't.

    Pakis are Indians with slightly lighter skin and (perhaps due to cousin marriage) a little more in facial deformity.

    , @布鲁图塞尔

    I'm sure some women would disagree:


    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

  115. @匿名

    It's very simple and I don't understand why people don't get it - maybe a person needs a predatory instinct themselves to understand the obvious.

    12-13 year old girls especially from children's homes are easy targets because they are desperate for love.

    That's it. Not complicated.

    Predators target them on that basis. For some reason muslim populations seem have a much higher percentage of those kind of predators than others.

    The people whose job it is to protect them won't do it because of political correctness.

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123


    I’m just pointing out there’s a difference between:

    A. Saying white women like Pakis
    B. Saying vulnerable girls are getting preyed on by adults, most of whom are Paki/Muslim

    I’m arguing against A), but agree with B).

    One other factor that I forgot to point out was drug addiction. Lots of drug dealers in the UK these days are Pakis. So I suppose that could explain why drug addicted underaged girls gravitate toward them to begin with. It’s like an alcoholic gravitating toward the liquor store. I remember in one of the articles, some girl claimed that the grooming problem was directly tied in to drug addiction.

  116. @约翰尼·沃克123

    Okay, but Imran Khan was the world's top cricketer back a few decades ago. Yao Ming used to get groupies throwing themselves at him. Yet I wouldn't extrapolate from that and claim that Chinese men are very popular with girls.

    Pakis look like Indians. Handsome beasts? Come on.


    Rewatch the videos I posted. Find one handsome guy in any of those tapes. I bet you can’t.

    Pakis are Indians with slightly lighter skin and (perhaps due to cousin marriage) a little more in facial deformity.

  117. @马蒂(Marty T)
    So I don't understand something. An invader tribe brutally raped thousands of young teenage British girls. Why haven't there been thousands of severe, torturous beatings by lower-middle class British young men against these smelly invaders? Sure, for retribution, but also because it would be a lot of fun.

    Yeah, they'd get arrested. So what? Sometimes you need to be a man.


    There used to be. One of the most famous pastimes of the old skinheads was “Paki-bashing”.

    Supposedly, this was due to racism, pure and simple. But given the fact that I only know about it from the media, how would I really know if it WAS done as a form of retaliation?

    If you believe what the modern media tells you, you’d think that lynching had nothing to do with crimes committed by blacks, and was just a bunch of stupid white guys killing blacks for no reason.

  118. @安德鲁

    Mr. Frat Leader,

    If you don't want to nail black chicks then you are forbidden from nailing any chicks.


    Seriously though, although American blacks do not rank even in my list of Top 100 Favorite Ethnic Groups, I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.

    Replies: @The most deplorable one, @Truth, @Anonymous

    I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.

    I always wonder myself when I read these comments. And they’re often from guys I think are in their 20’s.

    At the very least it sheds some light on why you guys have such a low birthrate.

    • 同意: AndrewR
    • 回复: @匿名

    At the very least it sheds some light on why you guys have such a low birthrate.

    Do you see any connection to our relatively low STD rate?


    , @比尔B.

    Yeah. Black American women turn into such lithe babes after the age of 25. Irrisistible.

  119. @凯莉(Kylie)

    I take it you were addressing Kudzu Bob.

    IIRC, he was busy on a project and said he'd be back when he had more time. I hope so.


    IIRC, he was busy on a project and said he’d be back when he had more time. I hope so.

  120. @真相

    I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.
    I always wonder myself when I read these comments. And they're often from guys I think are in their 20's.

    At the very least it sheds some light on why you guys have such a low birthrate.

    回复:@anon,@Bill B。

    At the very least it sheds some light on why you guys have such a low birthrate.

    Do you see any connection to our relatively low STD rate?

    • 回复: @真相

    Well of course, I think that would go without saying. Little sex = fewer SEXUALLY transmitted diseases (for better or worse).

  121. @真相

    I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.
    I always wonder myself when I read these comments. And they're often from guys I think are in their 20's.

    At the very least it sheds some light on why you guys have such a low birthrate.

    回复:@anon,@Bill B。

    Yeah. Black American women turn into such lithe babes after the age of 25. Irrisistible.

  122. @乔纳森·梅森

    Did Jemima Goldsmith not marry Imran Khan. Some of those Pakistani men are handsome beasts, and let's face it, British women are about the least attractive of any race, at least if female parliamentarians are anything to go by.

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Mr. Anon, @ben tillman, @5371

    “British women are about the least attractive of any race”

    Absolute crap. British women are as beautiful as those of any race, and moreso than those of many.

  123. @约翰尼·沃克123



    回复:@Expletive 已删除、@Broken Britain、@anon、@Anonymous

    As you must know, judicious bribes of cash – and in the case of Rotherham, hard liquor, cigarettes, illicit drugs of all sorts – including cocaine and heroin -, and not to mention ‘free’ doner kebabs with chips, and yes probably ‘chili sauce’ , do wonders everywhere to breakdown ‘natural female modesty and apprehension of men’.
    Even if the men are popularly characterized as ‘alien, smelly, dirty, primitive, foreign, strange, nerdy etc’.

    ‘This the story of the human condition, as viewed through male eyes.

    • 回复: @RegCæsar

    judicious bribes of cash – and in the case of Rotherham, hard liquor, cigarettes, illicit drugs of all sorts – including cocaine and heroin -, and not to mention ‘free’ doner kebabs with chips, and yes probably ‘chili sauce’ ,
    You left out chocolates.


  124. @破碎的英国

    I don't live in Rotherham but I have lived in a similar northern English town. The post above is correct. Young Pakistan men are seen as a catch by some white women. As far as I can work out it boils down to money and looks.




    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous, @JohnnyWalker123



    • 回复: @破碎的英国

    Look at pictures of Notis Sfakianakis and Imran Khan. Do they look like people from different races? I don't think so. Because of Alexander the Great I imagine many Pakistanis have some Greek blood.


    Another factor which makes Pakistani men attractive to some British women is the fact that they will have a good car. That car will probably not be insured and the driver will probably not have passed his driving test legally but that will just make the driver more exiting and interesting in the woman's eyes. These young Pakistani men drive very fast and dangerously. Most of the time you read in the UK of some kid or old person being knocked down by a car going too fast the driver will be a young Muslim male.

    Someone above mentioned that Muslims did not work in the steel mills. Well, I can tell you that I worked for British Steel and we already had special Muslim toilets - i.e. without seats - in 1971. At the time we laughed at them, but one of my co-workers said that it won't be long before all toilets will be like that. At work the Muslims used to put in the hours but the ones I knew didn't put in much effort.

    Replies: @5371, @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous

  125. @马蒂(Marty T)
    So I don't understand something. An invader tribe brutally raped thousands of young teenage British girls. Why haven't there been thousands of severe, torturous beatings by lower-middle class British young men against these smelly invaders? Sure, for retribution, but also because it would be a lot of fun.

    Yeah, they'd get arrested. So what? Sometimes you need to be a man.


    Mainly because the entire government, police/state apparatus of Britain – up to and including the full military firepower of the army, not to mention the entirety of the press, BBC, ITV, Sky News, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Cardinal of Westminster, the heads of the Methodist and Baptist churches, the House of Lords, the House of Commons, and outside Britain the UN, the EU, the European Court, NATO, and the biggie the President and Congress of the USA and thus the might of the Pentagon and the CIA, and lastly and lastly the shrill buttholes of the NYT, the WSJ, Time and the arch-wankers at The Economist, will be utterly UNANIMOUS in their expressed desire to *破坏* those whites with ‘extreme prejudice’.

    – and I’m not joking or exaggerating.

  126. @匿名

    It was kind of stupid to investigate anyway. I mean, what kind of proof could there have been even if it was true? Unless the bouncer or whoever admitted it, they'd never be able to prove it anyway.

    Of course, the BLM types realize this. It'll go down in their mythology and stay there forever. They'll still claim it happened, but it just couldn't be proven one way or the other.

    I always wonder why people would make up stories so dumb. Could anyone at Yale really be so stupid as to ADMIT that they were not allowing black people in, in a day and age when everything you say could easily be recorded?

    But that's probably why. Because it doesn't matter to the other activist types that it's a stupid story. It'll still serve its purpose for as long as they want it to.


    I’ll bet they said “hot chicks only”. Sounds similar and could have a similar effect depending on the makeup of the crowd. I guarantee some ugly white girls didn’t get in either. Anyone who has ever been to a nightclub with a velvet rope knows this score.

    And the plain girls would be just as disgusted. Another example of Steve’s argument on retconning.

  127. @约翰尼·沃克123

    Here's another video with a large crowd of British Pakistanis. They tend to have the same skinnyfat bodies and unaesthetic faces you see in Indians, but their skin color is a bit lighter.


    Even the young men seem to have facial deformities, particularly if you look at their noses.

    Replies: @anon, @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous, @Percy Gryce

    You might call them ‘deformities’ but to them, they are normal and typical facial features.

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123

    I'm sure aborigines find themselves attractive.

  128. @约翰尼·沃克123

    This study of British sexual behavior found the following:


    A survey of more than 11,000 adults aged between 16 and 44, published today in The Lancet, reveals that white women claim to have had an average of five sexual partners, black Caribbeans four, black Africans three, and both Indians and Pakistanis one.

    Among men, those of black Caribbean and African descent both average nine lovers in their lifetime, followed by whites with six, Indians two and Pakistanis one.
    Dr Kevin Fenton of University College London, the study's lead author, says this was the first research among the general population.


    When men were asked about whether they had ever been diagnosed with a STI, 10.9 per cent of whites, 19.7 cent of black Caribbeans and 16.2 per cent of black Africans said they had. The figures for Indian and Pakistani males were 3.4 and 3.2 per cent.

    Despite claiming to have had fewer partners, black women report more STIs, with 22.7 per cent of those of Caribbean descent and 14.1 per cent of those of African descent admitting to at least one. The proportions among whites, Indians and Pakistanis are 12.4, 7.8 and 3.6 per cent respectively.
    Even with the grooming, STI (formerly STD) rates are pretty low for the Pakistanis.

    Here's another study -

    This is data taken from England. It comes from the National Chlamydia Screening Program, which is a STI-screening program coordinated by the NHS. The sample size is over 400,000. The participants are in the 15-24 age range.


    British South Asian men have very low rates of chlamydia relative to whites. Blacks are higher though. Interestingly, South Asian women are higher than South Asian men in chlamydia infection, but still lower than white&black women.

    回复:@匿名,@ 5371

    Self reported statistics regarding sexuality cannot be trusted.

    I wager that black ‘British’ rates of promiscuity and infection are an order of magnitude higher than that.
    As for Pakistanis, that’s more nuanced. Not promiscuity per se, but a heavy, secret, male usage of prostitutes. I would also wager that female Pakistanis are as damned near a ‘chaste’ and ‘faithful’ population that you will find anywhere.

    • 回复: @匿名的

    Due to a medical problem involving my vision, I used to make many visits to an 'outpatient clinic' housed in a large 'teaching hospital' in southwest London, which I shall abbreviate as 'St.G's', a world famous medical institution.
    This hospital, a giant concern, has many varied clinics and wards all housed in a large sprawling campus type affair. Basically, a newcomer is likely to get lost in there, wandering around to find his particular clinic.

    Anyhow, on more than one occasion I was asked by a black male patient for directions to the 'VD clinic'.

    , @本·蒂尔曼

    I wager that black ‘British’ rates of promiscuity and infection are an order of magnitude higher than that.
    You'd wager that more than 100% of whites in Britain have had an STI?

  129. I seem to recall that one of Princess Diana’s lovers was a Pakistani.

    • 回复: @卵石

    Actually she had at least two well known Muslim lovers. Hasnat Khan was a Paki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasnat_Khan Dodi Fayed was Egyptian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodi_Fayed

  130. @安德鲁

    Mr. Frat Leader,

    If you don't want to nail black chicks then you are forbidden from nailing any chicks.


    Seriously though, although American blacks do not rank even in my list of Top 100 Favorite Ethnic Groups, I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.

    Replies: @The most deplorable one, @Truth, @Anonymous

    I would question the heterosexuality of anyone who categorically rejected the idea that any black girls could be hot.

    Question away dear boy. People have had sex with animals too which doesn’t exactly bolster their heterosexual credentials. They don’t like them them they don’t care for them, it’s up to them what they consider attractive.

  131. @匿名的

    Self reported statistics regarding sexuality cannot be trusted.

    I wager that black 'British' rates of promiscuity and infection are an order of magnitude higher than that.
    As for Pakistanis, that's more nuanced. Not promiscuity per se, but a heavy, secret, male usage of prostitutes. I would also wager that female Pakistanis are as damned near a 'chaste' and 'faithful' population that you will find anywhere.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ ben tillman

    Due to a medical problem involving my vision, I used to make many visits to an ‘outpatient clinic’ housed in a large ‘teaching hospital’ in southwest London, which I shall abbreviate as ‘St.G’s’, a world famous medical institution.
    This hospital, a giant concern, has many varied clinics and wards all housed in a large sprawling campus type affair. Basically, a newcomer is likely to get lost in there, wandering around to find his particular clinic.

    Anyhow, on more than one occasion I was asked by a black male patient for directions to the ‘VD clinic’.

  132. @乔纳森·梅森

    I thought those priests were giving the blowjobs. The choirboy is more likely to go along with that.
    I put it the other way around on purpose to challenge people's thinking. I have worked with sex offenders and there is no end to human depravity. The emperor Tiberius was supposed to have obtained oral sex from unweaned infants, and I personally know of a similar case in Florida. Is a priest giving a blow job to an adolescent a gay or a pedophile, and how does one know the difference?


    Is a priest giving a blow job to an adolescent a gay or a pedophile, and how does one know the difference?

    Those are clinical terms– and 恋童癖 is an abuse of Greek.

    The Church would say he suffers from a moral disorder, and is unfit to be a priest, or even be in communion with the Church, until he repents and reforms.

    On paper, that is. Actual results may vary by jurisdiction.

  133. @匿名的

    As you must know, judicious bribes of cash - and in the case of Rotherham, hard liquor, cigarettes, illicit drugs of all sorts - including cocaine and heroin -, and not to mention 'free' doner kebabs with chips, and yes probably 'chili sauce' , do wonders everywhere to breakdown 'natural female modesty and apprehension of men'.
    Even if the men are popularly characterized as 'alien, smelly, dirty, primitive, foreign, strange, nerdy etc'.

    'This the story of the human condition, as viewed through male eyes.


    judicious bribes of cash – and in the case of Rotherham, hard liquor, cigarettes, illicit drugs of all sorts – including cocaine and heroin -, and not to mention ‘free’ doner kebabs with chips, and yes probably ‘chili sauce’ ,

    You left out chocolates.

    • 回复: @匿名的


    Chocolates are for 'romancing' along with roses and perfume.
    I don't think that any of that went on.
    The closest thing to 'perfume' was the rancid stink of old congealed lamb-meat turning around a spit. And 'spit' is the operative word.


  134. @匿名的







    上面有人提到穆斯林不在钢厂工作。好吧,我可以告诉你,我在英国钢铁公司工作,我们在 1971 年就已经有了特殊的穆斯林厕所,即没有座位。当时我们嘲笑他们,但我的一位同事说这不会太久之前所有的厕所都会这样。穆斯林过去常常在工作中投入大量时间,但我认识的穆斯林并没有付出太多努力。

    • 回复: @ 5371


    , @约翰尼·沃克123










    , @匿名的


  135. @RegCæsar

    judicious bribes of cash – and in the case of Rotherham, hard liquor, cigarettes, illicit drugs of all sorts – including cocaine and heroin -, and not to mention ‘free’ doner kebabs with chips, and yes probably ‘chili sauce’ ,
    You left out chocolates.



    Chocolates are for ‘romancing’ along with roses and perfume.
    I don’t think that any of that went on.
    The closest thing to ‘perfume’ was the rancid stink of old congealed lamb-meat turning around a spit. And ‘spit’ is the operative word.

    • 回复: @匿名的

    Consider the case of one Charlotte Downes, from Blackpool, England.

    Charlotte, who I believe was around 15 years old, apparently 'vanished off the face of the earth' a good few years ago.
    She was strongly implicated in a Syrian/Pakistani/Afghan or whatever prostitution ring centered around the 'Mr. Beanz' kebab house in Blackpool - that fast-food joint was enlived by an advertising storefront featuring the image of Rowan Atkinson - he should sue.

    Anyhow, the local police suspected and still suspect 'foul play' from the fast food joint owners/workers. A police phone tap revealed the statement that the owner of the joint, 'filleted Charlotte's body and ground the 'meat' down into kebabs'. Apparently, the police did not take this as a 'joke'.
    The great British justice system awarded the defendants huge cash sums as 'compensation' for various technicalities, although the police are damned near certain that a murder, never mind total body disposal, did take place.

  136. @Readerfrom希腊

    Your theory doesn't work because the Eastern Orthodox Church has always permitted parish priests to marry, and early (pre-Schism) Christian clergymen were largely married. That said, you could probably find sexual abuse in any rigidly hierarchical institution, but all the more in an environment of enforced celibacy. Both monks and nuns have been haunted by accusations of sexual abuse of boys and girls, respectively, and I assume it's less because of a proclivity to homosexuality or certain ages than, to put it rawly, what beings are available, powerless, and easily silenced.

    回复:@Percy Gryce


    Not quite. The rule in the Orthodox churches is that married men may be ordained to the diaconate and the priesthood, but a man already ordained to those orders may not marry. Thus a widowed or divorced deacon or priest may not remarry. Additionally, bishops are always selected from among the monastic class and thus are never married–and, of course, cannot wed after being consecrated as bishops. The pre-Schism episcopate was almost uniformly celibate.

    • 回复: @Readerfrom希腊
    @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)


    Actually, many ranks of bishops can be widowed, though not divorced. If I understood correctly, Jonathan Mason's original comment inferred that one of the "perks" of early Christianity was that the very male-populated and celibate environment attracted a lot of homosexual men (perhaps free from the pressure to marry and produce children?). That's what I think doesn't seem likely, given that Eastern Orthodox priests can be married. And you'll actually find that the majority do get married, and there is a common tradition of many generations of priests in a family, from father to son(s). Yes, there are various strict marital rules and limitations, but the ability to be recognized as a sexual being (without the atonement for that inherent sin, as in the Catholic church) and work for the church has been present since the earliest forms of Christianity.


  137. @约翰尼·沃克123

    Here's another video with a large crowd of British Pakistanis. They tend to have the same skinnyfat bodies and unaesthetic faces you see in Indians, but their skin color is a bit lighter.


    Even the young men seem to have facial deformities, particularly if you look at their noses.

    Replies: @anon, @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous, @Percy Gryce

    They tend to have the same skinnyfat bodies and unaesthetic faces you see in Indians


  138. @匿名的


    Chocolates are for 'romancing' along with roses and perfume.
    I don't think that any of that went on.
    The closest thing to 'perfume' was the rancid stink of old congealed lamb-meat turning around a spit. And 'spit' is the operative word.


    Consider the case of one Charlotte Downes, from Blackpool, England.

    Charlotte, who I believe was around 15 years old, apparently ‘vanished off the face of the earth’ a good few years ago.
    She was strongly implicated in a Syrian/Pakistani/Afghan or whatever prostitution ring centered around the ‘Mr. Beanz’ kebab house in Blackpool – that fast-food joint was enlived by an advertising storefront featuring the image of Rowan Atkinson – he should sue.

    Anyhow, the local police suspected and still suspect ‘foul play’ from the fast food joint owners/workers. A police phone tap revealed the statement that the owner of the joint, ‘filleted Charlotte’s body and ground the ‘meat’ down into kebabs’. Apparently, the police did not take this as a ‘joke’.
    The great British justice system awarded the defendants huge cash sums as ‘compensation’ for various technicalities, although the police are damned near certain that a murder, never mind total body disposal, did take place.

  139. @约翰尼·沃克123


    No offense, but if your young women are attracted to that, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. We have a moderate sized South Asian population in North America. Most women (white, black, Asian, Hispanic) won't consider them. Indian/Paki men are the omega males of America and Canada. Even below East Asians, who are pretty low on the ladder themselves.

    Perhaps British women have different standards of beauty?

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Jonathan Mason, @epebble, @ben tillman

    Actually I know many Indians (and a Bangladeshi) married to nice white husbands/wives. Many men and women have different expectations. In many cases the usual desire seems to be, for many men, a more ‘feminine’ (i.e. less aggressive) domestic oriented person. Many STEM men/women also marry fellow STEM women/men, so this becomes assortative. STEM white women are few; so white STEM men select Asian STEM women. For many white women, the desire is stability (i.e. long term marriage, monogamy) and reliable earning power. In case of the white woman who married the Bangladeshi (the guy is a chip designer), the woman unhesitatingly mentioned that most white men she knows are dumb (my guess is she may be from Bakersfield – Fresno area – interior CA ). So, it is not always beauty!

    By the way, they have a really smart and good looking daughter, Arianna Afsar, who is a beauty queen and actress https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianna_Afsar

    See pic. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3334138/

    • 回复: @PV Van der Byl


    Arianna is a real winner!

  140. @破碎的英国

    I don't live in Rotherham but I have lived in a similar northern English town. The post above is correct. Young Pakistan men are seen as a catch by some white women. As far as I can work out it boils down to money and looks.




    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous, @JohnnyWalker123



  141. @匿名

    At the very least it sheds some light on why you guys have such a low birthrate.

    Do you see any connection to our relatively low STD rate?


    Well of course, I think that would go without saying. Little sex = fewer SEXUALLY transmitted diseases (for better or worse).

  142. @匿名的

    You might call them 'deformities' but to them, they are normal and typical facial features.

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

    I’m sure aborigines find themselves attractive.

  143. @狼
    hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。

    回复:@anon、@Wilkey、@International Jew、@hbd 小鸡、@JohnnyWalker123、@Hapalong Cassidy、@AndrewR、@bentilman

    hbd 人的问题是为什么其他南亚人如锡克教徒和印度教徒不会以同样的速度犯下这些罪行。

    You’re pointing to an example of human biodiversity. Why would that be a problem for “human biodiversity” people?

  144. @约翰尼·沃克123

    Okay, but Imran Khan was the world's top cricketer back a few decades ago. Yao Ming used to get groupies throwing themselves at him. Yet I wouldn't extrapolate from that and claim that Chinese men are very popular with girls.

    Pakis look like Indians. Handsome beasts? Come on.


    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123

    Those pictures are photshopped.

    Here's what he really looks like:


    Greek/Spanish lothario.


  145. @匿名

    They can call him white in the newspapers but he doesn't look white enough for TV.

    I guess they learned their lesson after assuming someone with a name like Zimmerman would be white.

    good attempted deflection though - well not really - in either sense of the word

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Truth, @ben tillman

    I guess they learned their lesson after assuming someone with a name like Zimmerman would be white.

    They didn’t presume he was white because of his name; they presumed it because the police report said he was white.

    • 回复: @匿名

    My mistake, ty.

    The conclusion is the same though. The media started an anti-white lynching with Zimmerman and then couldn't back down when they realised that the guy only looking half-white was making white people think the media is driven by anti-white racism - which they are - so they're not making the same mistake with Holztclaw.

    回复:@ben tillman

  146. 安·库尔特转发了罗瑟勒姆丑闻。

    1) Good for her. She realises the significance.

    nb “Rotherham” is a good label but it’s important to realise it’s not just one town. The media try to corral it to Rotherham because they want to pretend it was a specific failure in one town. They are lying. It is all over the UK (and western Europe).


    2) A lot of people want to try and deflect the blame onto the girls because they realise how damaging the story is to the pro-immigration agenda.

    3) The true story is it fits a version of jihad that revolves around rape and forced marriage that is going on from Egypt to England – low level religious warfare.

  147. @约翰尼·沃克123


    No offense, but if your young women are attracted to that, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. We have a moderate sized South Asian population in North America. Most women (white, black, Asian, Hispanic) won't consider them. Indian/Paki men are the omega males of America and Canada. Even below East Asians, who are pretty low on the ladder themselves.

    Perhaps British women have different standards of beauty?

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Jonathan Mason, @epebble, @ben tillman

    Perhaps British women have different standards of beauty?

    It sounds more like they like Pakis because the Pakis are socially dominant. They are the victors in teh ethnic conflict, while Englishmen are the vanquished.

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123

    the Pakis are socially dominant.



    Pakis and whites have similar arrest rates.

    Also, commenter "Simon in London" said this:


    Good gangs are brown-belt, eg Tamil is good, they only kill each other.
    Muslim gangs are not nearly as bad as (non-Muslim) black gangs – they may seduce & molest the teenage daughters of the white working class, but they very rarely attack strangers on the street. HOWEVER this may be changing as our established Pakistani gangs are now joined by Arabs, who are much more dangerous to lone women, boys etc. The Pakistani gangs fight each other and deal drugs, but pretty well never mug strangers on the street. Black gangsters do it all the time. Areas with heavy black gang presence do have brave white settlers, but their behaviour is highly constrained and no one wants to raise children there.
    Part of social street dominance is beating up strangers to mark your territory. That's often been associated with blacks, but I'm not sure if that's associated with the South Asian Muslims.

    South Asians, by the way, were underrepresented during the 2011 British riots.


    查看那些暴徒的照片并将它们汇总到电子表格中——人口统计数据是 60% 的黑人,35% 的白人,5% 的南亚人。

    伯明翰市(拍摄来源)的人口统计学是 – ” 70.4% 的人口是白人(包括 3.22% 的爱尔兰人和 1.49% 的其他白人),19.5% 的英国亚裔,6.1% 的黑人或英国黑人,0.52%华人,2.9% 的混血儿和 0.63% 的其他民族血统。”

    因此,将混血和黑人合并,我们的人均代表水平为白人 – 0.5,黑人(以美国方式将黑人和混血儿合并)– 6.7 和南亚人 – 0.25(假设他们都是巴基斯坦人和孟加拉国人,那么他们将有大约 0.35 的代表)。

    现在,由于少数民族周围的人口统计数据更年轻,而白人的人口年龄更大,我想说它可能正常化为黑人中 6-8 倍的白人代表水平和南亚人中 1/4 倍的白人代表水平(你可以接受它作为穆斯林中 1/2 的白人代表性水平,如果您假设他们都是穆斯林,则相应地假设 0 印度教代表性)。


  148. @本·蒂尔曼

    I guess they learned their lesson after assuming someone with a name like Zimmerman would be white.
    They didn't presume he was white because of his name; they presumed it because the police report said he was white.


    My mistake, ty.

    The conclusion is the same though. The media started an anti-white lynching with Zimmerman and then couldn’t back down when they realised that the guy only looking half-white was making white people think the media is driven by anti-white racism – which they are – so they’re not making the same mistake with Holztclaw.

    • 回复: @本·蒂尔曼


  149. @乔纳森·梅森

    Did Jemima Goldsmith not marry Imran Khan. Some of those Pakistani men are handsome beasts, and let's face it, British women are about the least attractive of any race, at least if female parliamentarians are anything to go by.

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Mr. Anon, @ben tillman, @5371

    Did Jemima Goldsmith not marry Imran Khan. Some of those Pakistani men are handsome beasts, and let’s face it, British women are about the least attractive of any race….

    I haven’t spent much time in Britain, but there’s no doubt that British-美国人 women are the most beautiful in the world.

  150. @匿名的

    Self reported statistics regarding sexuality cannot be trusted.

    I wager that black 'British' rates of promiscuity and infection are an order of magnitude higher than that.
    As for Pakistanis, that's more nuanced. Not promiscuity per se, but a heavy, secret, male usage of prostitutes. I would also wager that female Pakistanis are as damned near a 'chaste' and 'faithful' population that you will find anywhere.

    回复:@ Anonymous,@ ben tillman

    I wager that black ‘British’ rates of promiscuity and infection are an order of magnitude higher than that.

    You’d wager that more than 100% of whites in Britain have had an STI?


  151. @乔纳森·梅森

    Did Jemima Goldsmith not marry Imran Khan. Some of those Pakistani men are handsome beasts, and let's face it, British women are about the least attractive of any race, at least if female parliamentarians are anything to go by.

    Replies: @JohnnyWalker123, @Mr. Anon, @ben tillman, @5371

    It wasn’t for nothing that electoral politics was called showbiz for ugly people.

  152. @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)





    • 回复: @特蕾西


    不知道你从哪里得到教会认为神职人员和宗教人士“不是性生物”的想法,但事实并非如此。发生性行为是问题,而不是成为一个人,所有人都具有性。 IOW,作为性存在,不存在任何“罪孽”——固有的或其他的——可以“赎罪”。


  153. @匿名的

    His dad is white and his mom is apparently Japanese.

    Wow, is that his mother?? She looks young! Holtzclaw played linebacker at Eastern Michigan from 2005-2008 and was the second leading tackler in team history.

    回复:@ 5371

    It must have been in his football days that he got hooked on black women.

  154. @约翰尼·沃克123

    This study of British sexual behavior found the following:


    A survey of more than 11,000 adults aged between 16 and 44, published today in The Lancet, reveals that white women claim to have had an average of five sexual partners, black Caribbeans four, black Africans three, and both Indians and Pakistanis one.

    Among men, those of black Caribbean and African descent both average nine lovers in their lifetime, followed by whites with six, Indians two and Pakistanis one.
    Dr Kevin Fenton of University College London, the study's lead author, says this was the first research among the general population.


    When men were asked about whether they had ever been diagnosed with a STI, 10.9 per cent of whites, 19.7 cent of black Caribbeans and 16.2 per cent of black Africans said they had. The figures for Indian and Pakistani males were 3.4 and 3.2 per cent.

    Despite claiming to have had fewer partners, black women report more STIs, with 22.7 per cent of those of Caribbean descent and 14.1 per cent of those of African descent admitting to at least one. The proportions among whites, Indians and Pakistanis are 12.4, 7.8 and 3.6 per cent respectively.
    Even with the grooming, STI (formerly STD) rates are pretty low for the Pakistanis.

    Here's another study -

    This is data taken from England. It comes from the National Chlamydia Screening Program, which is a STI-screening program coordinated by the NHS. The sample size is over 400,000. The participants are in the 15-24 age range.


    British South Asian men have very low rates of chlamydia relative to whites. Blacks are higher though. Interestingly, South Asian women are higher than South Asian men in chlamydia infection, but still lower than white&black women.

    回复:@匿名,@ 5371

    I don’t for a moment believe that black “British” women are more chaste than white. Certainly US surveys with a much higher number of participants tell a different story.

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123
    @ 5371

    Black women self-report fewer partners than White British women, but self-report a higher rate of lifetime STI infection.


    It implies black women are underreporting the number of sexual partners they've had. This is likely due to cultural stigma against promiscuous women.

  155. @安德鲁

    What? Not all gays are pedophiles. Not all gay priests are pedophiles. The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.

    Replies: @Jonathan Mason, @anon, @Percy Gryce, @Bill

    “Not all gays are pedophiles.”

    No, not all. However, gays have a much greater orientation towards youth than do normal men. Not all blacks are stupid.

    “The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. ”

    No, they are pretty much standard issue faggots. They act the way faggots act. Those stereotypes about chicken hawks and recruitment? Like most stereotypes, they are true.

    “Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality.”

    Of course not. It’s a well known principle of psychiatry that having one mental illness in no way makes it more likely that you have other mental illnesses. Also, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease have nothing to do with one another.

    • 回复: @安德鲁

    Interesting how Steve allows the unhinged and unemployed, like our pitiful friend Bill here, to pollute what is supposed to be an intellectual space with childish, hateful slurs like "faggot", while deleting other, far less toxic comments due to... I don't know, really.

    But keep begging hat in hand for donations, Steve. It's enjoyable to watch.


  156. I hate actually spelling it out because under normal circumstances it’s a good thing if a lot of people are too stupid to figure it out themselves but as this is quite important I suppose it has to be said.

    A situation that revolves around 12-13 year old girls from children’s homes or broken homes has nothing to do with
    - 吸引力
    – social dominance
    – alpha males.

    12-13 year old girls from children’s homes can be manipulated into anything if you tell them you love them.

    That is it. Nothing else.

    Under normal circumstances I’d be glad a lot of people are too stupid to understand this but in a politically correct society I suppose it has to be spelled out because predators are taking advantage of that fact and the people who should be protecting these girls while they’re at their most vulnerable, aren’t doing it.

    and again, the critical point is the US has a chance to prevent this happening.

  157. @破碎的英国

    Look at pictures of Notis Sfakianakis and Imran Khan. Do they look like people from different races? I don't think so. Because of Alexander the Great I imagine many Pakistanis have some Greek blood.


    Another factor which makes Pakistani men attractive to some British women is the fact that they will have a good car. That car will probably not be insured and the driver will probably not have passed his driving test legally but that will just make the driver more exiting and interesting in the woman's eyes. These young Pakistani men drive very fast and dangerously. Most of the time you read in the UK of some kid or old person being knocked down by a car going too fast the driver will be a young Muslim male.

    Someone above mentioned that Muslims did not work in the steel mills. Well, I can tell you that I worked for British Steel and we already had special Muslim toilets - i.e. without seats - in 1971. At the time we laughed at them, but one of my co-workers said that it won't be long before all toilets will be like that. At work the Muslims used to put in the hours but the ones I knew didn't put in much effort.

    Replies: @5371, @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous


  158. @布鲁图塞尔

    I'm sure some women would disagree:


    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

    Those pictures are photshopped.

    Here’s what he really looks like:

    Greek/Spanish lothario.

    • 回复: @布鲁图塞尔

    Yeah, unlike the shots of every leading man and starlet in Hollywood, right?

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

  159. I don’t for a moment believe that black “British” women are more chaste than white.

    Bear in mind “black” in the UK used to just mean Caribbean but in the last 16 years or so there was an explosion from Africa including a lot of north and east African moslems. They do FGM for a reason.

    (By that I just mean the “black” average in the UK is in a process of transition. I don’t know where it currently is.)


    Consider the case of one Charlotte Downes, from Blackpool, England.


    An addendum to that is the police were ignoring the grooming same as everywhere else. The only reason the grooming / murder connection came about was because MI5 had the guys involved under surveillance as possible jihadist suspects and they joked about the murder / dismemberment on tape.

    The police had been pretending it was a missing person case but the info leaked and they had to turn it into a murder investigation even though all they had was the tape which wasn’t enough on its own in the context of joking.

    There is probably more evidence out there but locked inside a community that won’t talk.

    • 回复: @ 5371


  160. @约翰尼·沃克123

    Those pictures are photshopped.

    Here's what he really looks like:


    Greek/Spanish lothario.


    Yeah, unlike the shots of every leading man and starlet in Hollywood, right?

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123

    That guy is supposed to represent the apex of South Asian handsomeness. There may be a lot of ugly Hollywood actors, but most of them are far better looking. Even our ugly guys are still well above him. If that's the best you can find, then my point stands.

    Anyway the videos I posted earlier contain a more representative cross section of what the men look like. I really doubt anyone could find those men appealing. Though, as has been pointed out, a drug addicted woman might find any man attractive if he's got cocaine and heroin.

  161. Salman Khan looks a bit like Keith Allen (UK actor who is good looking in a battered sort of way).

    Caste probably has something to do with this. One of the factors in this whole debate is the western political elite are deliberately dealing from the bottom of the deck because they want cheap labor.

    • 回复: @约翰尼·沃克123

    Keith Allen looks like a washed up drunk.

  162. @账单

    "Not all gays are pedophiles."

    No, not all. However, gays have a much greater orientation towards youth than do normal men. Not all blacks are stupid.

    "The abuser priests are pedophiles who happen to be gay. "

    No, they are pretty much standard issue faggots. They act the way faggots act. Those stereotypes about chicken hawks and recruitment? Like most stereotypes, they are true.

    "Their pedophilia has nothing to do with their homosexuality."

    Of course not. It's a well known principle of psychiatry that having one mental illness in no way makes it more likely that you have other mental illnesses. Also, high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease have nothing to do with one another.


    Interesting how Steve allows the unhinged and unemployed, like our pitiful friend Bill here, to pollute what is supposed to be an intellectual space with childish, hateful slurs like “faggot”, while deleting other, far less toxic comments due to… I don’t know, really.

    But keep begging hat in hand for donations, Steve. It’s enjoyable to watch.

    • 回复: @匿名

    to pollute what is supposed to be an intellectual space with childish, hateful slurs like “faggot”, while deleting other, far less toxic comments due to… I don’t know, really.

    Excessive prissiness, perhaps?

    Why didn't you respond to his points?

  163. @安德鲁

    Interesting how Steve allows the unhinged and unemployed, like our pitiful friend Bill here, to pollute what is supposed to be an intellectual space with childish, hateful slurs like "faggot", while deleting other, far less toxic comments due to... I don't know, really.

    But keep begging hat in hand for donations, Steve. It's enjoyable to watch.


    to pollute what is supposed to be an intellectual space with childish, hateful slurs like “faggot”, while deleting other, far less toxic comments due to… I don’t know, really.

    Excessive prissiness, perhaps?

    Why didn’t you respond to his points?

  164. @ 5371

    I don't for a moment believe that black "British" women are more chaste than white. Certainly US surveys with a much higher number of participants tell a different story.

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

    Black women self-report fewer partners than White British women, but self-report a higher rate of lifetime STI infection.


    It implies black women are underreporting the number of sexual partners they’ve had. This is likely due to cultural stigma against promiscuous women.

  165. @匿名
    Salman Khan looks a bit like Keith Allen (UK actor who is good looking in a battered sort of way).

    Caste probably has something to do with this. One of the factors in this whole debate is the western political elite are deliberately dealing from the bottom of the deck because they want cheap labor.

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

    Keith Allen looks like a washed up drunk.

  166. @布鲁图塞尔

    Yeah, unlike the shots of every leading man and starlet in Hollywood, right?

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

    That guy is supposed to represent the apex of South Asian handsomeness. There may be a lot of ugly Hollywood actors, but most of them are far better looking. Even our ugly guys are still well above him. If that’s the best you can find, then my point stands.

    Anyway the videos I posted earlier contain a more representative cross section of what the men look like. I really doubt anyone could find those men appealing. Though, as has been pointed out, a drug addicted woman might find any man attractive if he’s got cocaine and heroin.

  167. @乔纳森·梅森
    I seem to recall that one of Princess Diana's lovers was a Pakistani.


    Actually she had at least two well known Muslim lovers. Hasnat Khan was a Paki https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hasnat_Khan Dodi Fayed was Egyptian https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dodi_Fayed

  168. @破碎的英国

    Look at pictures of Notis Sfakianakis and Imran Khan. Do they look like people from different races? I don't think so. Because of Alexander the Great I imagine many Pakistanis have some Greek blood.


    Another factor which makes Pakistani men attractive to some British women is the fact that they will have a good car. That car will probably not be insured and the driver will probably not have passed his driving test legally but that will just make the driver more exiting and interesting in the woman's eyes. These young Pakistani men drive very fast and dangerously. Most of the time you read in the UK of some kid or old person being knocked down by a car going too fast the driver will be a young Muslim male.

    Someone above mentioned that Muslims did not work in the steel mills. Well, I can tell you that I worked for British Steel and we already had special Muslim toilets - i.e. without seats - in 1971. At the time we laughed at them, but one of my co-workers said that it won't be long before all toilets will be like that. At work the Muslims used to put in the hours but the ones I knew didn't put in much effort.

    Replies: @5371, @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous


    Anyway, Khan’s ancestors are originally from Afghanistan, so he’s not even ethnically Pakistani. He’s a Pashtun. Almost all British Pakistanis are Kasmiri or Panjabi, not Pathan.





    • 回复: @杰斐逊

    "A lot of the Pakis have light olive skin, but Indian features. Not Meditteranean features."

    The lightest skin Pakistanis look like Gulf Arabs from Dubai. The darkest skin Pakistanis look like Slum Dog Millionaire.

    This is why even people with a broader definition of White do not generally include Pakistanis in their definition of White, let alone people with a stricter narrow definition of White.

  169. @本·蒂尔曼

    Perhaps British women have different standards of beauty?
    It sounds more like they like Pakis because the Pakis are socially dominant. They are the victors in teh ethnic conflict, while Englishmen are the vanquished.

    回复:@ JohnnyWalker123

    the Pakis are socially dominant.


    Pakis and whites have similar arrest rates.

    Also, commenter “Simon in London” said this:


    Good gangs are brown-belt, eg Tamil is good, they only kill each other.
    Muslim gangs are not nearly as bad as (non-Muslim) black gangs – they may seduce & molest the teenage daughters of the white working class, but they very rarely attack strangers on the street. HOWEVER this may be changing as our established Pakistani gangs are now joined by Arabs, who are much more dangerous to lone women, boys etc. The Pakistani gangs fight each other and deal drugs, but pretty well never mug strangers on the street. Black gangsters do it all the time. Areas with heavy black gang presence do have brave white settlers, but their behaviour is highly constrained and no one wants to raise children there.

    Part of social street dominance is beating up strangers to mark your territory. That’s often been associated with blacks, but I’m not sure if that’s associated with the South Asian Muslims.

    South Asians, by the way, were underrepresented during the 2011 British riots.


    查看那些暴徒的照片并将它们汇总到电子表格中——人口统计数据是 60% 的黑人,35% 的白人,5% 的南亚人。

    伯明翰市(拍摄来源)的人口统计学是 – ” 70.4% 的人口是白人(包括 3.22% 的爱尔兰人和 1.49% 的其他白人),19.5% 的英国亚裔,6.1% 的黑人或英国黑人,0.52%华人,2.9% 的混血儿和 0.63% 的其他民族血统。”

    因此,将混血和黑人合并,我们的人均代表水平为白人 – 0.5,黑人(以美国方式将黑人和混血儿合并)– 6.7 和南亚人 – 0.25(假设他们都是巴基斯坦人和孟加拉国人,那么他们将有大约 0.35 的代表)。

    现在,由于少数民族周围的人口统计数据更年轻,而白人的人口年龄更大,我想说它可能正常化为黑人中 6-8 倍的白人代表水平和南亚人中 1/4 倍的白人代表水平(你可以接受它作为穆斯林中 1/2 的白人代表性水平,如果您假设他们都是穆斯林,则相应地假设 0 印度教代表性)。

    • 同意: 冰雹
  170. @Readerfrom希腊
    @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)


    Actually, many ranks of bishops can be widowed, though not divorced. If I understood correctly, Jonathan Mason's original comment inferred that one of the "perks" of early Christianity was that the very male-populated and celibate environment attracted a lot of homosexual men (perhaps free from the pressure to marry and produce children?). That's what I think doesn't seem likely, given that Eastern Orthodox priests can be married. And you'll actually find that the majority do get married, and there is a common tradition of many generations of priests in a family, from father to son(s). Yes, there are various strict marital rules and limitations, but the ability to be recognized as a sexual being (without the atonement for that inherent sin, as in the Catholic church) and work for the church has been present since the earliest forms of Christianity.





    Not sure where you’re getting the idea that the Church sees clergy and religious as “not sexual beings,” but that’s not the case. Having sex is the issue, not being a human being, all of whom being sexual. IOW, there is no “sin” — inherent or otherwise — to “atone for” in being a sexual being.

    • 回复: @Readerfrom希腊

    I didn't say the Catholic church doesn't view all people as sexual beings, but (with the exception of some converts) it mandates celibacy from its clergy, and it views any sexual act that's not between two spouses not just as wrong, but as inherently evil and severely immoral. Its language and doctrines on sexual morality are far more harsh, laden with evil and shame, than in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and a critical exploration of that, in addition to the other institutional problems shared by most other Christian churches, would go a long way in understanding why it's been plagued by so many sexual abuse scandals.

    回复:@Percy Gryce

  171. @破碎的英国

    Look at pictures of Notis Sfakianakis and Imran Khan. Do they look like people from different races? I don't think so. Because of Alexander the Great I imagine many Pakistanis have some Greek blood.


    Another factor which makes Pakistani men attractive to some British women is the fact that they will have a good car. That car will probably not be insured and the driver will probably not have passed his driving test legally but that will just make the driver more exiting and interesting in the woman's eyes. These young Pakistani men drive very fast and dangerously. Most of the time you read in the UK of some kid or old person being knocked down by a car going too fast the driver will be a young Muslim male.

    Someone above mentioned that Muslims did not work in the steel mills. Well, I can tell you that I worked for British Steel and we already had special Muslim toilets - i.e. without seats - in 1971. At the time we laughed at them, but one of my co-workers said that it won't be long before all toilets will be like that. At work the Muslims used to put in the hours but the ones I knew didn't put in much effort.

    Replies: @5371, @JohnnyWalker123, @Anonymous

    If you really and truly can’t distinguish a Greek from a Pakistani, then I have nothing more to say on this matter.

  172. @匿名

    I don’t for a moment believe that black “British” women are more chaste than white.
    Bear in mind "black" in the UK used to just mean Caribbean but in the last 16 years or so there was an explosion from Africa including a lot of north and east African moslems. They do FGM for a reason.

    (By that I just mean the "black" average in the UK is in a process of transition. I don't know where it currently is.)


    Consider the case of one Charlotte Downes, from Blackpool, England.


    An addendum to that is the police were ignoring the grooming same as everywhere else. The only reason the grooming / murder connection came about was because MI5 had the guys involved under surveillance as possible jihadist suspects and they joked about the murder / dismemberment on tape.

    The police had been pretending it was a missing person case but the info leaked and they had to turn it into a murder investigation even though all they had was the tape which wasn't enough on its own in the context of joking.

    There is probably more evidence out there but locked inside a community that won't talk.

    回复:@ 5371


  173. @特蕾西


    不知道你从哪里得到教会认为神职人员和宗教人士“不是性生物”的想法,但事实并非如此。发生性行为是问题,而不是成为一个人,所有人都具有性。 IOW,作为性存在,不存在任何“罪孽”——固有的或其他的——可以“赎罪”。



    • 回复: @珀西·格莱斯(Percy Gryce)

    不,这也不正确。天主教会在其东方教会中拥有已婚神职人员,包括执事和神父,而在西方教会中,过去 40 年一直任命已婚男子为执事。仅在美国就有超过 13,000 名已婚天主教执事。
  174. @卵石

    Actually I know many Indians (and a Bangladeshi) married to nice white husbands/wives. Many men and women have different expectations. In many cases the usual desire seems to be, for many men, a more 'feminine' (i.e. less aggressive) domestic oriented person. Many STEM men/women also marry fellow STEM women/men, so this becomes assortative. STEM white women are few; so white STEM men select Asian STEM women. For many white women, the desire is stability (i.e. long term marriage, monogamy) and reliable earning power. In case of the white woman who married the Bangladeshi (the guy is a chip designer), the woman unhesitatingly mentioned that most white men she knows are dumb (my guess is she may be from Bakersfield - Fresno area - interior CA ). So, it is not always beauty!

    By the way, they have a really smart and good looking daughter, Arianna Afsar, who is a beauty queen and actress https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arianna_Afsar

    See pic. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3334138/

    回复:@PV van der Byl


    Arianna is a real winner!

  175. @Readerfrom希腊

    I didn't say the Catholic church doesn't view all people as sexual beings, but (with the exception of some converts) it mandates celibacy from its clergy, and it views any sexual act that's not between two spouses not just as wrong, but as inherently evil and severely immoral. Its language and doctrines on sexual morality are far more harsh, laden with evil and shame, than in the Eastern Orthodox Church, and a critical exploration of that, in addition to the other institutional problems shared by most other Christian churches, would go a long way in understanding why it's been plagued by so many sexual abuse scandals.

    回复:@Percy Gryce


    No, that’s not correct either. The Catholic Church in its Eastern churches has a married clergy, both deacons and priests, and in the Western churches married men have been ordained to the diaconate for the last 40 years. There are over 13,000 married Catholic deacons in the United States alone.

  176. @约翰尼·沃克123










    “A lot of the Pakis have light olive skin, but Indian features. Not Meditteranean features.”

    The lightest skin Pakistanis look like Gulf Arabs from Dubai. The darkest skin Pakistanis look like Slum Dog Millionaire.

    This is why even people with a broader definition of White do not generally include Pakistanis in their definition of White, let alone people with a stricter narrow definition of White.

  177. @匿名

    My mistake, ty.

    The conclusion is the same though. The media started an anti-white lynching with Zimmerman and then couldn't back down when they realised that the guy only looking half-white was making white people think the media is driven by anti-white racism - which they are - so they're not making the same mistake with Holztclaw.

    回复:@ben tillman



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