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来自 纽约时报 专栏页面:

作者:HERBERT J. 甘斯 11 年 2017 月 XNUMX 日

几年前,人口普查局开始预测,到 2040 年代,美国将成为一个以少数民族为主的国家——非洲裔和亚裔美国人以及拉丁美洲人的数量将超过非西班牙裔白人。 去年的人口普查强调了其预测,宣布 1 岁以下的非西班牙裔白人婴儿已经占少数。

对于白人来说,这些数字已成为一个方便的数据点,他们担心自己受到越来越多的深色皮肤人群的威胁和“淹没”。 通过这种方式,人口普查可能无意中增加了白人种族主义,从而证明共和党长期以来将自己变成白人优先党的战略是合理的。 白人的恐惧甚至可能帮助唐纳德特朗普赢得 2016 年大选。

尽管如此,“少数占多数”的预测,正如通常所解释的那样,很可能被证明是错误的。 白人不仅可以在本世纪中叶之后仍然占多数,而且在此之后很久,他们仍将保持对国家的政治、经济和文化控制。

简而言之,人口统计学家没有考虑到未来几年对种族的看法可能会发生怎样的变化。 例如,白人已经将一些亚洲和拉丁裔移民的后代视为与他们相似。

事实上,期间 我爱露西 时代,非西班牙裔白人倾向于认为西班牙裔比现在更白。 西班牙裔精英希望被视为白人,而白人则包容了他们:例如,1950 年和 1960 年的人口普查根本没有将西班牙裔人划分出来,只是将几乎所有的人都与白人混为一谈。 只有在民权运动中,政府才在 1970 年重新将它们分开计算。

因此,白人将他们视为白人。 这种“美白”过程在未来只会越来越多。

甘斯博士 90 岁生日快乐,但我不禁想到他没有注意到现代的“白人飞行”。 美国不像他 1940 年作为纳粹难民抵达美国时那样,谨慎地淡化你的多样性。

自 1969 年以来,政府和文化向自称多元化的人发放平权行动资金和奖品,因此自利的混血人种往往会努力争取获得最高回报的身份。

例如,最近有一个案例,一个夏威夷出生的人在 20 多岁之前,在很大程度上被他的朋友认为是“另一个混血儿”或“国际”或“多元文化”。 但他最终决定强调自己的黑人血统,写了一本 150,000 字的回忆录,讲述了他与他几乎不认识的非洲父亲的关系,名为“来自父亲的梦想:种族和继承的故事”。

事情对他来说真的很好。 白人喜欢这个由白人和亚洲人抚养长大但在 2010 年人口普查中自称是黑人的人。 他们甚至让他成为总统,然后每次演讲付给他 400,000 万美元。

毫不奇怪,被官方归类为白人的群体一直要求政府将他们算作非白人。 南亚人于 1982 年从高加索人转移到东方/亚洲人,以使他们有资格获得政府的少数族裔商业发展特权。 阿拉伯人一直在努力让自己在 2020 年人口普查中被宣布为非白人。 没有一个蓝血的征服者美国团体曾经提出放弃他们合法的少数族裔身份,因为他们为自己的白人感到自豪。

然而,在政治上,事情要复杂一些。 民主党的基本策略是利用移民来扩大边缘联盟,并通过将仇恨集中在邪恶的 CisHet 白人男性身上来保持他们的团结。 在媒体妖魔化白人的时代(例如,不断报道仇恨恶作剧是真正的仇恨犯罪),共和党人将被困在白人党的地位。

但是,黑人仍有可能通过不良行为、狂妄自大和权利感将一些亚洲人和西班牙裔人赶出民主党。 民主党人在 2016 年付出了代价,因为黑人不愿意大量出来投票给非黑人。

民主党最终可能会被视为黑人党。 对于很多白人来说,忠于黑人党听起来可能很棒,但我怀疑只有一小部分西班牙裔和亚洲人有这种感觉。

•标签: 美国征服者, 从怀特飞 
  1. “But, there is some possibility that blacks will still manage to drive off some Asians and Hispanics from the Democratic Party via bad behavior, megalomania, and feelings of entitlement.”

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。


    • 回复: @syonredux

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。

    And "Hapas" (European-East Asian mixes) tend to be perceived as White. Cf people like Dean Cain, Meg and Jennifer Tilly, Phoebe Cates, etc


    Place of Birth: Mount Clemens, Michigan, USA


    * 37.5%日语
    * 62.5% 欧洲人(包括英语、法语-加拿大语、爱尔兰语、威尔士语)




    * 75%的阿什肯纳兹犹太人
    *25% 中文



    出生日期:14 年 1960 月 XNUMX 日


    出生姓名:Jennifer Ellen Chan




    Replies: @Stealth, @Flip, @3g4me, @Jefferson

    , @JW贝尔



    , @老雾蒙蒙

    Good news! Thanks for letting us know.

    , @帕特·博伊尔

    It is appropriate that Asians ally with Caucasians. Democrats often try to split off Asians from whites by referring to blacks, browns and yellows as 'people of color'. But that makes little sense either racially, historically or socially.

    Luigi Cavalli-Sforza speaks of the five major races of humanity as a hand. On that hand Europeans and Asians are fingers but the Africans are the thumb - meaning the appendage most different from the others. China and Europe are far apart geographically but not so much genetically.

    Another way to think of this is historically. Mankind developed in Africa but some groups split off. The groups that left early became Denisovans and Neanderthals. Later - only a few tens of thousands of years ago - anatomically modern humans arose in Africa and sent out another pulse of humans. The Africans stayed behind. So now we have a world with high IQ northern peoples (Europeans and East Asians) and we still have lower IQ people who never left.

    Then when you look at modern America one way to classify people is to divide the educated high income people from those who struggle in both school and the workplace. Chinese, Japanese and Koreans currently vote Democratic. But that is not likely to continue for long. All these East Asians were until quite recently oppressed by the white establishment (see old episodes of 'Kung Fu'). But today my doctor is Korean and a lot of local stock brokers are Chinese (San Francisco Bay Area).

    iSteve is probably right - they will gravitate toward whites. There were no Japanese in the streets of Ferguson or Baltimore. The last time anyone can remember Asians in a riot were the Korean grocers on top of their stores during the Rodney King riots, shooting at the blacks.

    , @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)


    Why Legal Chinese Immigrants Support Trump

    And as noted, the Chinese elite tend to support Trump as bemoaned by one liberal commentator because "they lack understanding of political correctness."

  2. It’s like the NY Times (“Punch anyone who works for white rights! They’re Nazis!”) realized that white worries about demographic replacement isn’t something to shout “racist!” at or laugh about or taunt whites with, but attempt to dismiss using left-wing jiu-jitsui rhetoric.

    Shorter NY Times:

    “Pay no attention to the immigrants behind the curtain!”

    Unfortunately for those violent chuckleheads, no one concerned about white demographic replacement is listening to the NY Times.

    • 回复: @帕特·博伊尔

    Drawing an analogy between modern day America and the Nazis requires that you can't count.

    I was born in Washington DC our capital city. It is a black majority city. In the country as a whole there is about thirteen percent of the population who are negroes. But in 1933 Germany Jews were only about three quarters of one percent of German people and their capital city Berlin which had the highest concentration of Jews had only about four percent Jewish citizens.

    The Nazis picked on a tiny fraction of their people. It would be as if we decided to move against the Eskimos.

    , @阿农

    Race-ists are noble Placists. They have a sense of place.

    Globalists are ugly Replacists. They deny a people their right of place.

    Replacism is just softer form of Ethnic Cleansing.

  3. The census has been pushing the narrative for the last 5 years.

    MAY 17, 2012 – NY Times
    WASHINGTON — After years of speculation, estimates and projections, the Census Bureau has made it official: White births are no longer a majority in the United States.

    Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 49.6 percent of all births in the 12-month period that ended in July 2011, according to Census Bureau data made public on Thursday, while minorities — including Hispanics, blacks, Asians and those of mixed race — reached 50.4 percent, representing a majority for the first time in the country’s history….Minorities accounted for 92 percent of the nation’s population growth in the decade that ended in 2010, Mr. Frey calculated, a surge that has created a very different looking America from the one of the 1950s, when the TV characters Ozzie and Harriet were a national archetype.

    • 回复: @syonredux

    Mr. Frey calculated, a surge that has created a very different looking America from the one of the 1950s, when the TV characters Ozzie and Harriet were a national archetype.
    It is positively amazing how fixated SJWs are on Ozzie and Harriet.....

    Replies: @stillCARealist, @Travis, @Kevin O'Keeffe

  4. 例如,最近有一个案例,一个夏威夷出生的人在 20 多岁之前,在很大程度上被他的朋友认为是“另一个混血儿”或“国际”或“多元文化”。 但他最终决定强调自己的黑人血统,写了一本 150,000 字的回忆录,讲述了他与他几乎不认识的非洲父亲的关系,名为“来自父亲的梦想:种族和继承的故事”。


    • 回复: @whorefinder





  5. ‘… Hispanic elites wanted to be seen as white…’

    Um, Mozart’s third concerto for bongos? I don’t think so:

    • 回复: @syonredux
    @ anony-mouse

    ‘… Hispanic elites wanted to be seen as white…’

    Um, Mozart’s third concerto for bongos? I don’t think so:
    Simple test, dear fellow. Had Desi Arnaz been regarded as non-White in the '50s, the 我爱露西 show would never have been broadcast.....


    , @卡尔
    @ anony-mouse

    I'm just old enough to have seen 我爱露西 在广播电视上重播。根据我的记忆,大多数人认为墨西哥人像德西一样是白色的,或者像你在西部片中看到的那样是棕色的(黝黑的)。最主要的是,人们认为西班牙裔拥有不同的文化,而不是种族差异。中美洲原住民从未被太多人看到或想到。

    正如 syonredux 所说,如果 Desi 被视为 POC,那么该节目就永远不会播出。

    Replies: @PiltdownMan, @Old Palo Altan, @Jefferson

    , @亚历克·利马斯
    @ anony-mouse


    It's a Criollo Cuban playing African/Indian fusion music.

    , @翻动
    @ anony-mouse

    He looks like he could be from Spain, Italy, or Greece.

    , @desiderius.
    @ anony-mouse

    That was one smooth dude.

    , @匿名的
    @ anony-mouse

    Watching White-As-The-Driven-Snow Desi playing the bongos (origin: possibly Central Africa) only serves as a reminder of the fact that Kooba was always controlled by whites up to and including the Fidel era while the Negros cut sugar cane, played "beisbol" and ate rice and beans. Arnaz himself came from a family with mucho dinero , so "Loosie" knew a deep pocket when she saw one.

  6. The issue is not that they are darker.
    The issues are that they are more violent, indolent and more parasitic upon the productive who pay the taxes.

    Anybody ever seen a breakout of taxes paid by race?

  7. LOL. “…majority minority…”

    如果一个国家没有多数群体,那么这个国家就是百分百少数群体,而不是 多数 少数民族。他们是怎么想出这种废话的?

    Oh, I forgot; liberals have their own definition of that word, that they created out of thin air without consulting the rest of us. They’re really bad about that, you know. They’ll take a common word and change the meaning of it. For instance, “refugee” simply means “immigrant.”

    This is especially true of words and expressions originated by enemies of the left. At one point, “immigration reform” meant putting an end to illegal immigration and reducing the legal kind. Now it means putting illegal immigrants already in the country on a Path to Citizenship and dramatically increasing the number of legal immigrants. “Politically correct” referred to white guilt and other toxic BS liberals shoved down our throats, but the liberals got a hold of that one, too, and before you knew it Bill Maher was using 政治上不正确 作为他的电视节目的标题。我猜他们认为这意味着直言不讳之类的。


    • 回复: @嘎吱嘎吱

    Yes, and eg NPR was well down the road of calling illegals, just, 'immigrants' for a while. I think they had to step back to be clear as to who Trump was deporting.

  8. Steve countering Dr. Gans by highlighting the phenomenon of the retreat from white by non-European Caucasian groups actually goes to the heart of a few key points that I’ve been making on this blog and elsewhere, in particular something which I referred to as the 21st century’s Great Cultural Divergence.

    Not surprisingly, groups that were officially classified as white have been demanding to have the government count them as nonwhite. South Asians got themselves moved from Caucasian to Oriental/Asian in 1982 to make them eligible for minority business development privileges from the government.

    This kind of ties into the point I’ve been making that the so called hijacking of the SJW movement by Asians is actually disproportionately by Caucasian South Asian ethnic groups, hence a phenomenon that I uh referred to as Caucasian-on-Caucasian crime. Or to amend Steve’s explanation of the situation, “Non-Asian Non-Tiger Cub Caucasians”, along with fellow Hispanic and black Americans in this country more or less own the SJW racket. Apart from a handful of Jeff Guos, East Asian Americans mostly skew towards STEM and away from all of that other silliness, including business, politics, and media.

    Now going back to the phenomenon of the retreat from white and the general prevalence of left wing insanity in this country. Using multi-racial America as a microcosm for the global whole, it’s become fairly apparent to me and to others like Tiger Mom, etc. that postmodern leftist memes have hijacked and colonized the minds of non-East Asians in a way that East Asians have largely been immune to. I offered up the example of the Asian guy in the library to illustrate exactly the heart of this increasing schism between Confucian and non-Confucian cultures, a schism that I argued could indeed have importance consequences over the coming decades in the 21st century.

    Dr. Gans thinks that the future of America won’t be nearly so bad as some on the right fear because of increasing acceptance of and self identification by traditionally non-white groups as white or at the very least white enough. First as Steve argues, there’s an increasing tendency for non-white Caucasian groups to identify as non-white as opposed to white, thus empirically contradicting the thrust of Mr. Gans’ argument that the opposite would happen and that that would lead to increased unity in this country.


    But alas, all of this misses the point. That America may well be on the path towards devolving into another Brazil 100 years from now is really just the symptom of the memetic colonization of rational minds by the deadliest and most virulent of parasites. This colonization is itself the actual underlying disease, the “browning” of America merely one of the manifested symptoms. I may need to make the argument more forcefully both here and elsewhere, but really the cure for all of this insanity isn’t right white populism or white nationalism or whatever else the media seems to believe has risen in response to the liberal status quo in America. It’s Confucianism.

    But, there is some possibility that blacks will still manage to drive off some Asians and Hispanics from the Democratic Party via bad behavior, megalomania, and feelings of entitlement.

    What we really need and what the national conversation really should be directed towards is a fundamental reorientation of our national mindset. Tiger Mother was merely the opening salvo in what I believe may be the last best hope for curing ourselves of the pervasive sickness that seems to have afflicted so many people in this country. Confucianism, or at least a form modified for the cultural idiosyncrasies of specific non-Confucian cultures may be just what the doctor ordered. It’s not that America should distance itself from black cultural proclivities as a way of moving forward in the 21st century, but rather that we should all strive to be moving away from postmodern leftist insanity towards the saner and more fertile grounds inhabited by such individuals as Tiger Mom, Yan Shen, Asian guy in the library etc etc.

    • 回复: @匿名的

    Confucianism has good and bad points, but in the context of America it doesn't matter.

    America will never be Confusion. I think it's safe to say there has never been a society in human history that is less in tune with Confucius than the contemporary USA.

    There is a better chance conservative Christianity will make a sudden comeback and correct the current ills - Instead of the zero percent possibility with Confusianism we are perhaps looking at a .00000000001 % possibility.


    , @西娅

    why adopt a foreign philosophy when we had a form of Christianity for our people that sustained us for centuries? Few Americans understand let alone embrace Confucius.

    We either return to our roots or we are finished.

    , An


    I already debunked you claim that Confucianism is some sort of unique inoculation against civilizational destruction. It is not Confucianism that is immune, rather it's the West--WEIRD socities--that are susceptible.

    As to your love of Confucianism--great. But we actual Americans do not live in a Confucian society and have zero interest in becoming one. If you love Confucianism so much--have this intense ethno-racial connection to your people's Confucian heritage--then you should just go live in China.

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.

    Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @Jason Liu, @dfordoom, @dfordoom

  9. Mr.Sailer @ 6 minute mark and forward:


    • 回复: @新路由器

    here too:


    , An

    Thanks newrouter. I'm more of a reading guy than video guy, and Steve has covered this territory in depth. But i'm slightly under the weather so sucking down my afternoon tea listen to Mr. Steyn laying out the demographic disaster for Europe, was as "pleasurable"--not quite the right word given how depressing--a time-killer as any other.

  10. “Perception of race,” huh. You see, it’s not browning … it’s whitening! This is just another iteration of the kosher sandwich: demonize whites while constantly distorting their official classification.

  11. Well, I am here.

    • 回复: @隐身
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Your comment reminds me of that Powers Boothe line in Tombstone.

    Replies: @Broski, @Daniel Chieh

  12. @Travis
    The census has been pushing the narrative for the last 5 years.

    MAY 17, 2012 - NY Times
    WASHINGTON — After years of speculation, estimates and projections, the Census Bureau has made it official: White births are no longer a majority in the United States.

    Non-Hispanic whites accounted for 49.6 percent of all births in the 12-month period that ended in July 2011, according to Census Bureau data made public on Thursday, while minorities — including Hispanics, blacks, Asians and those of mixed race — reached 50.4 percent, representing a majority for the first time in the country’s history....Minorities accounted for 92 percent of the nation’s population growth in the decade that ended in 2010, Mr. Frey calculated, a surge that has created a very different looking America from the one of the 1950s, when the TV characters Ozzie and Harriet were a national archetype.


    Mr. Frey calculated, a surge that has created a very different looking America from the one of the 1950s, when the TV characters Ozzie and Harriet were a national archetype.

    It is positively amazing how fixated SJWs are on Ozzie and Harriet…..

    • 回复: @stillCARalist

    yeah, i've never even seen an episode of O and H. How old now are the people who watched it?

    As to Ricky Ricardo and that drum number, it's pretty darn foreign. I like hearing it once, but that's enough. Definitely not sustainable, at least for this whitey.

    Replies: @syonredux, @Old fogey, @ScarletNumber

    , @Travis

    I have never seen Ozzie and Harriet.
    The 50s shows have seen - Leave it to Beaver, I love Lucy and the Honeymooners. They were on TV on the VHF channels in the 80s. We did not have cable until 1987.

    I am 47 , probably nobody under the age of 50 has seen Ozzie and Harriet.

    回复:@Old Palo Altan

    , @凯文·奥基夫(Kevin O'Keeffe)

    It is positively amazing how fixated SJWs are on Ozzie and Harriet…..
    I'm 46 years old, and have never encountered "Ozzie and Harriet" in any context, other than as a sort of leftoid critique of normal family life. People half my age will dismissively reference "Ozzie and Harriet," and I'm pretty darn sure that none of them have ever seen the show. They've been deploying this trope for as long as I can recall ie., since about 1980. I suspect it was already pretty stale, even at that time.


  13. @亚历克·利马斯

    例如,最近有一个案例,一个夏威夷出生的人在 20 多岁之前,在很大程度上被他的朋友认为是“另一个混血儿”或“国际”或“多元文化”。 但他最终决定强调自己的黑人血统,写了一本 150,000 字的回忆录,讲述了他与他几乎不认识的非洲父亲的关系,名为“来自父亲的梦想:种族和继承的故事”。
    I know a classmate of Obama's at Punahou who after the first inauguration told me that Barry was thought of as Polynesian by his classmates, including her. He could pass for a mixed Polynesian/Melanesian Fijian type.



    That was probably Barry’s schtick to get laid back before he moved to the mainland U.S. He was trying to “pass” so that various girls who wouldn’t date a black would date him. Non-whites are ruthless in their exclusion of blacks as possible boyfriends/dates/lovers, especially when their families are around. The non-white population of Hawaii (native Hawaiian, Japanese, Samoan, etc.) would have been, ahem, more than little upset at a black kid moving in on their girls.

    (And even if he was trying to play for the other team, this would’ve played better. Gays are ruthlessly racist)

    It wasn’t till Barry got to Occidental/Columbia that he dropped this schtick because being the Corporate Negro ,, as many (((whites))/lefty whites preferred having a token black friend/boyfriend over a polynesian buddy. And then the political benefits kicked in.

    • 回复: @阿农

    Which is so strange. Who wouldn't want a polynesian buddy? They are about the nicest, most laid back people in the world. Very funny, and obviously absolute terrors in a bar brawl. I've always been grateful for my hawaiian/samoan friends.


  14. @新路由器
    Mr.Sailer @ 6 minute mark and forward:



  15. @ anony-mouse



    回复:@syonredux、@CAL、@Alec Leamas、@Flip、@Desiderius、@Anonymous

    ‘… Hispanic elites wanted to be seen as white…’

    Um, Mozart’s third concerto for bongos? I don’t think so:

    Simple test, dear fellow. Had Desi Arnaz been regarded as non-White in the ’50s, the 我爱露西 show would never have been broadcast…..

    • 回复: @奥尔登

    如果露西和德兹年轻 30 岁,并在 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代制作该剧,西班牙裔刻板印象监督组织就会在第一集之后就让该剧停播。

    想象一下,里卡多夫人是一位英国红发女郎!他们的朋友是盎格鲁人。! Ricky 的黑发和口音很刻板!瑞奇是白人而不是印度人!

    回复:@Alec Leamas

  16. @匿名的

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。


    回复:@syonredux、@JW Bell、@Old foley、@Pat Boyle、@Daniel Chieh

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。


    And “Hapas” (European-East Asian mixes) tend to be perceived as White. Cf people like Dean Cain, Meg and Jennifer Tilly, Phoebe Cates, etc


    Place of Birth: Mount Clemens, Michigan, USA


    * 37.5%日语
    * 62.5% 欧洲人(包括英语、法语-加拿大语、爱尔兰语、威尔士语)




    * 75%的阿什肯纳兹犹太人
    *25% 中文



    出生日期:14 年 1960 月 XNUMX 日


    出生姓名:Jennifer Ellen Chan




    • 回复: @隐身

    Meg Tilly used to be HAWT in a vacant looking kind of way. Might still be. If not, don't tell me about it.

    回复:@ syonredux,@ Jim Don Bob

    , @翻动

    Kate Beckinsale is one eighth Burmese but you can't really see it.

    , @ 3g4me

    Civic nationalists, adherents to Steve's "citizenism," and the Alt-lite may consider them White, but fundamental to the genuine Alt-Right is truth. Not A can never be A. Adopting a protective coloration or even claiming one's adherence to a particular culture or ideology does not alter one's genetic heritage.

    Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @Travis, @syonredux, @AnotherDad

    , @杰斐逊

    "And “Hapas” (European-East Asian mixes) tend to be perceived as White. Cf people like Dean Cain, Meg and Jennifer Tilly, Phoebe Cates, etc"

    I remember Keanu Reeves was called a Whiteboy in the Vibrantly Diverse urban inner city film Street Kings.

  17. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)
    Well, I am here.


    Your comment reminds me of that Powers Boothe line in Tombstone.

    • 回复: @布罗斯基

    我花了半个小时在 IMDB 上寻找相关报价,但一无所获。 对于那些不知道 Boothe 是谁的人,我不知道,他扮演了 Doc Holiday(Val Kilmer)的死对头约翰尼·林戈。

    回复:@Stumpy Pepys、@syonredux、@Malcolm X-Lax、@Jenner Ickham Errican、@Captain Tripps

    , @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Brevity is the soul of wit and all. Tombstone was a great movie.

  18. @syonredux

    Mr. Frey calculated, a surge that has created a very different looking America from the one of the 1950s, when the TV characters Ozzie and Harriet were a national archetype.
    It is positively amazing how fixated SJWs are on Ozzie and Harriet.....

    Replies: @stillCARealist, @Travis, @Kevin O'Keeffe

    yeah, i’ve never even seen an episode of O and H. How old now are the people who watched it?

    As to Ricky Ricardo and that drum number, it’s pretty darn foreign. I like hearing it once, but that’s enough. Definitely not sustainable, at least for this whitey.

    • 回复: @syonredux

    yeah, i’ve never even seen an episode of O and H. How old now are the people who watched it?
    I was born in 1980, and I've never seen a single episode. I have, though, seen some episodes of 留给海狸.....but, for some odd reason, SJWs never mention 留给海狸.....

    Replies: @Neil Templeton, @snorlax, @Malcolm X-Lax

    , @老雾蒙蒙

    I saw a few Ozzie and Harriet shows, but never cared for them. There were a number of programs at that same time that featured silly and bumbling father figures with all-knowing mothers. None of them rang true to me. Oh, and I'm in my 80th year.


    , @ScarletNumber

    讽刺的是 Ozzie和Harriet历险记 being forgotten is that it is the longest-running live-action American television sitcom at 14 years


  19. @syonredux

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。

    And "Hapas" (European-East Asian mixes) tend to be perceived as White. Cf people like Dean Cain, Meg and Jennifer Tilly, Phoebe Cates, etc


    Place of Birth: Mount Clemens, Michigan, USA


    * 37.5%日语
    * 62.5% 欧洲人(包括英语、法语-加拿大语、爱尔兰语、威尔士语)




    * 75%的阿什肯纳兹犹太人
    *25% 中文



    出生日期:14 年 1960 月 XNUMX 日


    出生姓名:Jennifer Ellen Chan




    Replies: @Stealth, @Flip, @3g4me, @Jefferson

    Meg Tilly used to be HAWT in a vacant looking kind of way. Might still be. If not, don’t tell me about it.

    • 回复: @syonredux

    Meg Tilly used to be HAWT in a vacant looking kind of way. Might still be. If not, don’t tell me about it.
    Caught her in 心理II (1983) a few weeks back. She was pretty cute.
    , @吉姆·唐·鲍勃

    Colin Firth was banging Meg back in the 80s - early 90s and they have a kid together.

  20. In Germany, you now have a mixed-race major celebrity rapper who is a genuine (not fake) ultra-nationalist reactionary:

    Xavier Kurt Naidoo (born October 2, 1971), also known by his stage name Kobra, is a German Soul and R&B singer/songwriter, record producer, and occasional actor.

    Naidoo’s father Rausammy is from India, who has half Indian and half German origins and his mother is of South African descent.[7]

    Political views[edit]
    Xavier Naidoo has blamed the Rothschild family for Germany’s 20th century history[8][9] and has spoken at a meeting of the Reichsbürgerbewegung, the right-wing movement that seeks to restore Germany’s pre-1918 borders, denies the legal existence of the Federal Republic of Germany and claims Germany is a country occupied by enemy, foreign forces.

    Naidoo gave similar opinions in a live interview on ARD Morgenmagazin, public service breakfast television.[10]

    However his lyrics have also featured anti-Semitic slurs[12] and homophobic sentiments. His 2012 song Wo sind implied that homosexuals were paedophiles.[13]

  21. 但是,黑人仍有可能通过不良行为、狂妄自大和权利感将一些亚洲人和西班牙裔人赶出民主党。 民主党人在 2016 年付出了代价,因为黑人不愿意大量出来投票给非黑人。

    民主党最终可能会被视为黑人党。 对于很多白人来说,忠于黑人党听起来可能很棒,但我怀疑只有一小部分西班牙裔和亚洲人有这种感觉。

    Certainly a possibility. Blacks do prize their status as “the greatest victim of White racism.” And the Black university activists that I’ve encountered tend to simply not count East Asians when it comes time to measure diversity…..

    An anecdote: I attended a seminar on “race and the media” recently, and a speaker (Black) brought up the show AGENTS OF SHIELD, decrying its lack of diversity, as it had only one POC actor as a regular (a Black man). Someone then mentioned that the show was actually fairly diverse, as it had two East Asian women as part of the cast. The speaker grudging accepted Ming-Na Wen as a fellow POC, but doubted the POC credentials of the half-European Chloe Bennett…

    出生姓名:Chloe Wang


    出生日期:18 年 1992 月 XNUMX 日


    • 回复: @阿尔泰

    An anecdote: I attended a seminar on “race and the media” recently, and a speaker (Black) brought up the show AGENTS OF SHIELD
    They smell blood from Josh Whedon. Otherwise why would anyone bring up a terrible tv show nobody watches. I have a hard time believing the speaker represents the target demo. Agents of Shield is literally the last place I'd go to in making a point about the media landscape of American media. It's got a tiny audience and is one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Though the gay airforce general that's not supposed to be funny made me laugh just walking into a room.


    Replies: @syonredux, @syonredux, @BB753

    , @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    我认为,大多数东亚男性都知道,除非他们表现出与好白人类似的美德信号,否则他们不会被普通多元化人群接受为 POC。我确实认为,这涉及种族和阶层的结合。

    回复:@Peter Johnson

  22. If you’ve been listening to me expounding upon the theory of the Great Cultural Divergence, you’ll realize that Confucians are the greatest allies in the battle against postmodernist insanity! Your empirical observation is precisely what such a theory would predict.

    • 回复: @严燕


    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。


    回复:@Stationary Feast

  23. @syonredux

    但是,黑人仍有可能通过不良行为、狂妄自大和权利感将一些亚洲人和西班牙裔人赶出民主党。 民主党人在 2016 年付出了代价,因为黑人不愿意大量出来投票给非黑人。

    民主党最终可能会被视为黑人党。 对于很多白人来说,忠于黑人党听起来可能很棒,但我怀疑只有一小部分西班牙裔和亚洲人有这种感觉。
    Certainly a possibility. Blacks do prize their status as "the greatest victim of White racism." And the Black university activists that I've encountered tend to simply not count East Asians when it comes time to measure diversity.....

    An anecdote: I attended a seminar on "race and the media" recently, and a speaker (Black) brought up the show AGENTS OF SHIELD, decrying its lack of diversity, as it had only one POC actor as a regular (a Black man). Someone then mentioned that the show was actually fairly diverse, as it had two East Asian women as part of the cast. The speaker grudging accepted Ming-Na Wen as a fellow POC, but doubted the POC credentials of the half-European Chloe Bennett...

    出生姓名:Chloe Wang


    出生日期:18 年 1992 月 XNUMX 日



    回复:@ Altai,@ Daniel Chieh

    An anecdote: I attended a seminar on “race and the media” recently, and a speaker (Black) brought up the show AGENTS OF SHIELD

    They smell blood from Josh Whedon. Otherwise why would anyone bring up a terrible tv show nobody watches. I have a hard time believing the speaker represents the target demo. Agents of Shield is literally the last place I’d go to in making a point about the media landscape of American media. It’s got a tiny audience and is one of the worst shows I’ve ever seen. Though the gay airforce general that’s not supposed to be funny made me laugh just walking into a room.

    • 回复: @syonredux

    从我在 SJW 网站上读到的各种评论来看,韦登这些天的气味很不好。我实际上在有关的文章中看到过“有问题”这个词 吸血鬼猎人巴菲.....


    , @syonredux

    Though the gay airforce general that’s not supposed to be funny made me laugh just walking into a room.
    Played by Adrian Pasdar. He's half-Iranian, but no ones counts him as POC


    出生地: 美国,马萨诸塞州,皮茨菲尔德

    出生日期:30 年 1965 月 XNUMX 日



    , @ BB753

    It's not such a bad show. I'm very picky when it comes to tv shows but Agents of Shield can be pretty entertaining, sometimes in a cheesy way. It reminds me of the distant times when tv shows weren't supposed to be deep, sarcastic or gritty and when there was action, actual plots and a slight attempt at acting and depicting human emotions.
    By far, the stupidest character is Mae, the female Chinese fifty-something years old pint-sized butt-kicking babe who's also a top airplane pilot.
    Anyway, I'd rather watch a show about super-spies than about superheroes.

    回复:@ syonredux,@ whorefinder

  24. James Petras’ hero Richard Nixon created the Hispanic race by executive order just in time for the 1970 census. A bit later he ordered his EEOC to make Hispanics affirmative action beneficiaries.

    A bit later Nixon’s Philadelphia Plan destroyed written apprenticeship testing in the construction unions which opened the way for residential and even some commercial construction to be done by illegals from the Home Depot parking lot.

    Then there were the CETA, EEEP and other programs that poured black panthers and black Muslims straight out of prison into training programs for government jobs.

    Nixon and Johnson were the presidents that made White cis Americans unemployable, despised untouchables

  25. @stillCARalist

    yeah, i've never even seen an episode of O and H. How old now are the people who watched it?

    As to Ricky Ricardo and that drum number, it's pretty darn foreign. I like hearing it once, but that's enough. Definitely not sustainable, at least for this whitey.

    Replies: @syonredux, @Old fogey, @ScarletNumber

    yeah, i’ve never even seen an episode of O and H. How old now are the people who watched it?

    I was born in 1980, and I’ve never seen a single episode. I have, though, seen some episodes of 留给海狸…..but, for some odd reason, SJWs never mention 留给海狸.....

    • 回复: @尼尔·邓普顿(Neil Templeton)

    Ancient truths, derived from anecdotal evidence of 1950's television.

    , @打呼噜

    SJWs mention 留给海狸 all the time, usually along the lines of "far from the idealized portrayals of the archetypal white, middle-class nuclear family on shows such as 交给海狸吧 scratching beneath the surface of the 1950's reveals a decade where beautiful black baby bodies were used as firewood and women were beaten with golf clubs if they didn't have a meatloaf dinner on the table by 5:30 PM."

    回复:@ syonredux,@ PiltdownMan

    , @马尔科姆X-Lax

    I have to underscore what snorlax said. Leave it to Beaver has for decades been used as the all-purpose go-to for anyone who thinks safe, clean, family-friendly neighborhoods represent all that is evil and boring. O and H is a close second.


  26. “the longstanding Republican strategy of turning itself into a whites-first party”

    Lies. Lies. So many lies all the time.

    • 回复: @desiderius.

    Yeah, they care about being post-white more than literally anything else.

  27. @隐身

    Meg Tilly used to be HAWT in a vacant looking kind of way. Might still be. If not, don't tell me about it.

    回复:@ syonredux,@ Jim Don Bob

    Meg Tilly used to be HAWT in a vacant looking kind of way. Might still be. If not, don’t tell me about it.

    Caught her in 心理II (1983) a few weeks back. She was pretty cute.

  28. @syonredux
    @ anony-mouse

    ‘… Hispanic elites wanted to be seen as white…’

    Um, Mozart’s third concerto for bongos? I don’t think so:
    Simple test, dear fellow. Had Desi Arnaz been regarded as non-White in the '50s, the 我爱露西 show would never have been broadcast.....


    如果露西和德兹年轻 30 岁,并在 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代制作该剧,西班牙裔刻板印象监督组织就会在第一集之后就让该剧停播。

    想象一下,里卡多夫人是一位英国红发女郎!他们的朋友是盎格鲁人。! Ricky 的黑发和口音很刻板!瑞奇是白人而不是印度人!

    • 回复: @亚历克·利马斯

    I don't think this sort of racial grievance mongering among people other than blacks really caught steam until the mid 1990s. That's about when the word "Diversity" became ubiquitous. In truth, it wasn't nearly as bad among blacks back then either.

    1980s Television Hispanics included "Mexican" Ricardo Montalban on Fantasy Island and in the fictional Dallas/Dynasty/The Colbys Universe.

  29. @ anony-mouse



    回复:@syonredux、@CAL、@Alec Leamas、@Flip、@Desiderius、@Anonymous

    我只是年纪大了才看到 我爱露西 在广播电视上重播。根据我的记忆,大多数人认为墨西哥人像德西一样是白色的,或者像你在西部片中看到的那样是棕色的(黝黑的)。最主要的是,人们认为西班牙裔拥有不同的文化,而不是种族差异。中美洲原住民从未被太多人看到或想到。

    正如 syonredux 所说,如果 Desi 被视为 POC,那么该节目就永远不会播出。

    • 回复: @皮尔当曼


    , @老帕洛阿尔坦

    我已经足够大了,可以观看了 我爱露西 当它是新的。


    , @杰斐逊


    那么,早在 1950 世纪 XNUMX 年代,当塞萨尔·查韦斯 (Cesar Chavez) 成为墨西哥民权活动家时,他在北欧金发白人外国佬眼中就被视为白人了?



  30. The biggest intersectionality in US politics.

    Both parties totally for Israel.

  31. 娇琴纱 说:

    事情对他来说真的很好。 白人喜欢这个由白人和亚洲人抚养长大但在 2010 年人口普查中自称是黑人的人。 他们甚至让他成为总统,然后每次演讲付给他 400,000 万美元。

    One of the very saddest things of our victim culture is the way to which people at the top manipulate it so that they *仍然* win. Will always win. The inverse exemplar of Barack Obama and the type of person who will always rank below these at-least-99.9%-white “paragons of virtue” is Sheriff David Clarke. Trouble is, 90% of all Blacks, mulattos specifically, will relate more to Clarke than Obama. But, they can’t win. The “paragons of virtue” set them up for failure. Condemned by their genes, class, and realism-by-stint-of-class, they will always be seen as sub-human by the liberal 99.9% white people who can bathe in their idealism from lack of want.

    I remember about 10 years ago, just before this victim culture really ramped up, a very moral woman responded to the trend, “don’t deny victims their victimhood.” I thought it utterly profound, perfectly in keeping with the virtue of humility. Unfortunately, it turns out, a culture can both embrace victimhood and venality, so we got the worst of both worlds.

    • 回复: @巴克·特吉森(Buck Turgidson)

    I say Sheriff David Clarke for FBI Director

  32. @阿尔泰

    An anecdote: I attended a seminar on “race and the media” recently, and a speaker (Black) brought up the show AGENTS OF SHIELD
    They smell blood from Josh Whedon. Otherwise why would anyone bring up a terrible tv show nobody watches. I have a hard time believing the speaker represents the target demo. Agents of Shield is literally the last place I'd go to in making a point about the media landscape of American media. It's got a tiny audience and is one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Though the gay airforce general that's not supposed to be funny made me laugh just walking into a room.


    Replies: @syonredux, @syonredux, @BB753


    Judging from various comments that I’ve read on SJW sites, Whedon is in bad odor these days. I’ve actually seen the word “problematic” used in articles about 吸血鬼猎人巴菲.....

    • 回复: @IAmCorn


    回复:@ syonredux,@ Jim Don Bob

  33. @阿尔泰

    An anecdote: I attended a seminar on “race and the media” recently, and a speaker (Black) brought up the show AGENTS OF SHIELD
    They smell blood from Josh Whedon. Otherwise why would anyone bring up a terrible tv show nobody watches. I have a hard time believing the speaker represents the target demo. Agents of Shield is literally the last place I'd go to in making a point about the media landscape of American media. It's got a tiny audience and is one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Though the gay airforce general that's not supposed to be funny made me laugh just walking into a room.


    Replies: @syonredux, @syonredux, @BB753

    Though the gay airforce general that’s not supposed to be funny made me laugh just walking into a room.

    Played by Adrian Pasdar. He’s half-Iranian, but no ones counts him as POC


    出生地: 美国,马萨诸塞州,皮茨菲尔德

    出生日期:30 年 1965 月 XNUMX 日


    • 回复: @隐身

    My favorite of Pasdar's movies was Near Dark. Good one.


  34. @whorefinder





    Which is so strange. Who wouldn’t want a polynesian buddy? They are about the nicest, most laid back people in the world. Very funny, and obviously absolute terrors in a bar brawl. I’ve always been grateful for my hawaiian/samoan friends.

    • 回复: @whorefinder

    Barry realized that, on the mainland, there was a lot more upside to being a Black Greivancemonger than being a Polynesian political dude.

    As Steve has often pointed out, Barry's career seemingly groomed him for a nice cushy job at an American embassy as a diplomat/attache, but because he smartly played the Blackity-Black card he vaulted about three stratospheric levels beyond his realm of competence.

    The CIA hit the jackpot with Barry. He was an early recruit who paid dividends to them. Instead of just a foreign diplomat covering for CIA operations in his backwater, he covered for CIA operations world-wide as president--and many times authorizing them directly.

  35. @阿尔泰

    An anecdote: I attended a seminar on “race and the media” recently, and a speaker (Black) brought up the show AGENTS OF SHIELD
    They smell blood from Josh Whedon. Otherwise why would anyone bring up a terrible tv show nobody watches. I have a hard time believing the speaker represents the target demo. Agents of Shield is literally the last place I'd go to in making a point about the media landscape of American media. It's got a tiny audience and is one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Though the gay airforce general that's not supposed to be funny made me laugh just walking into a room.


    Replies: @syonredux, @syonredux, @BB753

    It’s not such a bad show. I’m very picky when it comes to tv shows but Agents of Shield can be pretty entertaining, sometimes in a cheesy way. It reminds me of the distant times when tv shows weren’t supposed to be deep, sarcastic or gritty and when there was action, actual plots and a slight attempt at acting and depicting human emotions.
    By far, the stupidest character is Mae, the female Chinese fifty-something years old pint-sized butt-kicking babe who’s also a top airplane pilot.
    Anyway, I’d rather watch a show about super-spies than about superheroes.

    • 回复: @syonredux
    @ BB753

    By far, the stupidest character is Mae, the female Chinese fifty-something years old pint-sized butt-kicking babe


    Here fights scenes are some of the most ludicrous things that I have ever seen. It's amazing that the stuntmen can keep a straight face as they pretend that she's tossing them around:

    , @whorefinder
    @ BB753

    I had a thing for that actress, Ming-Na Wen, when she was on ER back in the 1990s, before she abruptly left after the first season (she came back later in the show, but the magic was gone). I was so enthralled that when she went and appeared on The Single Guy I began watching that sitcom just for her, even though she was a secondary charatcer. The weird things a good-looking woman can do to a guy....

    Anyway, she's aged quite nicely, as Asian women are wont to do. A few years ago an Asian actress sued IMDB because it gave her real birth date, which was about a decade younger than what she was claiming, which the actress claimed hurt her career; she legitimately looked a decade younger, and had gotten younger-women parts, so the birth date release was inhibiting. I also know a couple of other Asian women (one an actress) who consistently lie and tell people (potential employers, potential boyfriends, etc. ) that they are about 10 years younger than they are---and get away with it.

    Anyway, despite looking younger and fitter, there's little rational excuse for tiny Asian women beating up a bunch of six foot tall guys. What's wrong with just being eye candy? As history demonstrates, eye candy ladies have been pretty powerful!

    Replies: @jim jones, @BB753, @ScarletNumber

  36. @严燕
    If you've been listening to me expounding upon the theory of the Great Cultural Divergence, you'll realize that Confucians are the greatest allies in the battle against postmodernist insanity! Your empirical observation is precisely what such a theory would predict.

    回复:@Yan Shen


    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。



    • 回复: @平稳的盛宴

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

  37. @syonredux

    Though the gay airforce general that’s not supposed to be funny made me laugh just walking into a room.
    Played by Adrian Pasdar. He's half-Iranian, but no ones counts him as POC


    出生地: 美国,马萨诸塞州,皮茨菲尔德

    出生日期:30 年 1965 月 XNUMX 日



    My favorite of Pasdar’s movies was Near Dark. Good one.

    • 回复: @syonredux

    My favorite of Pasdar’s movies was Near Dark. Good one.
    Yeah. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow. An excellent blend of horror and neo-Western. Bill Paxton had some great scenes:

  38. @隐身
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Your comment reminds me of that Powers Boothe line in Tombstone.

    Replies: @Broski, @Daniel Chieh

    I spent half an hour looking for a relevant quote on IMDB and found nothing. For those who don’t know who Boothe is, as I didn’t, he played Doc Holiday’s (Val Kilmer) arch nemesis Johnny Ringo.

    • 回复: @Stumpy佩皮斯

    Wrong!! Michael Biehn played Johnny Ringo not Powers Boothe...... Steve!! Just got my tax return back so I will be sending you a donation via a Vanilla Visa gift card. Keep up the great work you menace to polite society.

    , @syonredux

    墓碑 has some great scenes:


    , @马尔科姆X-Lax

    Nope. That was Michael Biehn who played Johnny Ringo. Boothe played the other guy whose name I can't recall. He also played Jim Jones in the movie about the Jonestown Massacre.

    Replies: @whorefinder, @Broski, @Anonymous

    , @詹纳·艾克汉姆·埃里坎

    Gotta help a Broski out: “那就再见啦。”


    , @Trips船长

    For those who don’t know who Boothe is, as I didn’t, he played Doc Holiday’s (Val Kilmer) arch nemesis Johnny Ringo.
    Nah. Boothe played the part of Curly Bill Brosius:


    Michael Biehn played the part of Johnny Ringo:

  39. @隐身

    My favorite of Pasdar's movies was Near Dark. Good one.


    My favorite of Pasdar’s movies was Near Dark. Good one.

    Yeah. Directed by Kathryn Bigelow. An excellent blend of horror and neo-Western. Bill Paxton had some great scenes:

  40. White fears probably even helped Donald Trump win the 2016 election.

    I wonder if those white fears of being overwhelmed would be so prevalent if Democrats hadn’t spent so much time over the past decade or so openly bragging about how they were going to overwhelm whites with brown people. That was their own plan, and they weren’t even all that shy about telling us so. It takes balls to criticize us as paranoid just because we took them at their word.

    • 同意: 吉姆·唐·鲍勃
  41. @ BB753

    It's not such a bad show. I'm very picky when it comes to tv shows but Agents of Shield can be pretty entertaining, sometimes in a cheesy way. It reminds me of the distant times when tv shows weren't supposed to be deep, sarcastic or gritty and when there was action, actual plots and a slight attempt at acting and depicting human emotions.
    By far, the stupidest character is Mae, the female Chinese fifty-something years old pint-sized butt-kicking babe who's also a top airplane pilot.
    Anyway, I'd rather watch a show about super-spies than about superheroes.

    回复:@ syonredux,@ whorefinder

    By far, the stupidest character is Mae, the female Chinese fifty-something years old pint-sized butt-kicking babe

    Here fights scenes are some of the most ludicrous things that I have ever seen. It’s amazing that the stuntmen can keep a straight face as they pretend that she’s tossing them around:

  42. Tens of thousands of leftists riot nationwide, take anti-free speech positions that alarm even leftist academics and scholars, chant “Not My President!” after months of accusing the right of not being willing to accept a Clinton presidency, make incessant claims of “fake news” after the election, even though the NYT openly apologized for it’s own biased coverage of the election…

    …and the right is hysterical.

  43. @syonredux

    yeah, i’ve never even seen an episode of O and H. How old now are the people who watched it?
    I was born in 1980, and I've never seen a single episode. I have, though, seen some episodes of 留给海狸.....but, for some odd reason, SJWs never mention 留给海狸.....

    Replies: @Neil Templeton, @snorlax, @Malcolm X-Lax

    Ancient truths, derived from anecdotal evidence of 1950’s television.

  44. Confucius? I thought he was dead!

  45. @syonredux

    yeah, i’ve never even seen an episode of O and H. How old now are the people who watched it?
    I was born in 1980, and I've never seen a single episode. I have, though, seen some episodes of 留给海狸.....but, for some odd reason, SJWs never mention 留给海狸.....

    Replies: @Neil Templeton, @snorlax, @Malcolm X-Lax

    SJWs mention 留给海狸 all the time, usually along the lines of “far from the idealized portrayals of the archetypal white, middle-class nuclear family on shows such as 交给海狸吧 scratching beneath the surface of the 1950’s reveals a decade where beautiful black baby bodies were used as firewood and women were beaten with golf clubs if they didn’t have a meatloaf dinner on the table by 5:30 PM.”

    • 回复: @syonredux

    SJWs mention Leave it to Beaver all the time, usually along the lines of “far from the idealized portrayals of the archetypal white, middle-class nuclear family on shows such as Leave it to Beaver, scratching beneath the surface of the 1950′s reveals a decade where beautiful black baby bodies were used as firewood and women were beaten with golf clubs if they didn’t have a meatloaf dinner on the table by 5:30 PM.”
    I'll have to take your word on that. Personally, I can't recall reading an SJW reference to 留给海狸. Whenever I come across an SJW reference to a '5os TV family, it always seems to be Ozzie and Harriet....
    , @皮尔当曼

    SJWs depend solely on the accounts of second-wave feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan for their information about life in America before 1965. A place where the washing-machine and the vacuum cleaner had made it housekeeping both trivially easy as well as a satanic dungeon to which women were kept chained, thanks to the scheming of the patriarchy.


  46. @布罗斯基

    我花了半个小时在 IMDB 上寻找相关报价,但一无所获。 对于那些不知道 Boothe 是谁的人,我不知道,他扮演了 Doc Holiday(Val Kilmer)的死对头约翰尼·林戈。

    回复:@Stumpy Pepys、@syonredux、@Malcolm X-Lax、@Jenner Ickham Errican、@Captain Tripps

    错误的!! Michael Biehn 扮演 Johnny Ringo 而不是 Powers Boothe……史蒂夫!! 刚刚拿到我的纳税申报表,所以我将通过 Vanilla Visa 礼品卡向您发送捐款。 继续你对上流社会构成威胁的伟大工作。

  47. @卡尔
    @ anony-mouse

    I'm just old enough to have seen 我爱露西 在广播电视上重播。根据我的记忆,大多数人认为墨西哥人像德西一样是白色的,或者像你在西部片中看到的那样是棕色的(黝黑的)。最主要的是,人们认为西班牙裔拥有不同的文化,而不是种族差异。中美洲原住民从未被太多人看到或想到。

    正如 syonredux 所说,如果 Desi 被视为 POC,那么该节目就永远不会播出。

    Replies: @PiltdownMan, @Old Palo Altan, @Jefferson


  48. @打呼噜

    SJWs mention 留给海狸 all the time, usually along the lines of "far from the idealized portrayals of the archetypal white, middle-class nuclear family on shows such as 交给海狸吧 scratching beneath the surface of the 1950's reveals a decade where beautiful black baby bodies were used as firewood and women were beaten with golf clubs if they didn't have a meatloaf dinner on the table by 5:30 PM."

    回复:@ syonredux,@ PiltdownMan

    SJWs mention Leave it to Beaver all the time, usually along the lines of “far from the idealized portrayals of the archetypal white, middle-class nuclear family on shows such as Leave it to Beaver, scratching beneath the surface of the 1950′s reveals a decade where beautiful black baby bodies were used as firewood and women were beaten with golf clubs if they didn’t have a meatloaf dinner on the table by 5:30 PM.”

    I’ll have to take your word on that. Personally, I can’t recall reading an SJW reference to 留给海狸. Whenever I come across an SJW reference to a ‘5os TV family, it always seems to be Ozzie and Harriet….

  49. @布罗斯基

    我花了半个小时在 IMDB 上寻找相关报价,但一无所获。 对于那些不知道 Boothe 是谁的人,我不知道,他扮演了 Doc Holiday(Val Kilmer)的死对头约翰尼·林戈。

    回复:@Stumpy Pepys、@syonredux、@Malcolm X-Lax、@Jenner Ickham Errican、@Captain Tripps

    墓碑 has some great scenes:

  50. @打呼噜

    SJWs mention 留给海狸 all the time, usually along the lines of "far from the idealized portrayals of the archetypal white, middle-class nuclear family on shows such as 交给海狸吧 scratching beneath the surface of the 1950's reveals a decade where beautiful black baby bodies were used as firewood and women were beaten with golf clubs if they didn't have a meatloaf dinner on the table by 5:30 PM."

    回复:@ syonredux,@ PiltdownMan

    SJWs depend solely on the accounts of second-wave feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan for their information about life in America before 1965. A place where the washing-machine and the vacuum cleaner had made it housekeeping both trivially easy as well as a satanic dungeon to which women were kept chained, thanks to the scheming of the patriarchy.

    • 回复: @whorefinder

    SJWs depend solely on the accounts of second-wave feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan for their information about life in America before 1965. A place where the washing-machine and the vacuum cleaner had made it housekeeping both trivially easy as well as a satanic dungeon to which women were kept chained, thanks to the scheming of the patriarchy.
    Thank you for backing me up. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills the way pop culture history has painted women's life following WW2 till the commies took over in the 1960s.


  51. @阿农

    Which is so strange. Who wouldn't want a polynesian buddy? They are about the nicest, most laid back people in the world. Very funny, and obviously absolute terrors in a bar brawl. I've always been grateful for my hawaiian/samoan friends.


    Barry realized that, on the mainland, there was a lot more upside to being a Black Greivancemonger than being a Polynesian political dude.

    As Steve has often pointed out, Barry’s career seemingly groomed him for a nice cushy job at an American embassy as a diplomat/attache, but because he smartly played the Blackity-Black card he vaulted about three stratospheric levels beyond his realm of competence.

    The CIA hit the jackpot with Barry. He was an early recruit who paid dividends to them. Instead of just a foreign diplomat covering for CIA operations in his backwater, he covered for CIA operations world-wide as president–and many times authorizing them directly.

  52. @皮尔当曼

    SJWs depend solely on the accounts of second-wave feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan for their information about life in America before 1965. A place where the washing-machine and the vacuum cleaner had made it housekeeping both trivially easy as well as a satanic dungeon to which women were kept chained, thanks to the scheming of the patriarchy.


    SJWs depend solely on the accounts of second-wave feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan for their information about life in America before 1965. A place where the washing-machine and the vacuum cleaner had made it housekeeping both trivially easy as well as a satanic dungeon to which women were kept chained, thanks to the scheming of the patriarchy.

    Thank you for backing me up. Sometimes I feel like I’m taking crazy pills the way pop culture history has painted women’s life following WW2 till the commies took over in the 1960s.

    • 回复: @皮尔当曼

    You're welcome. I really should have edited that post for its scrambled syntax—I got called away and the edit window closed.

    , @syonredux

    SJWs depend solely on the accounts of second-wave feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan for their information about life in America before 1965. A place where the washing-machine and the vacuum cleaner had made it housekeeping both trivially easy as well as a satanic dungeon to which women were kept chained, thanks to the scheming of the patriarchy.

    Thank you for backing me up. Sometimes I feel like I’m taking crazy pills the way pop culture history has painted women’s life following WW2 till the commies took over in the 1960s.
    RE: Friedan,

    Friedan was born Bettye Naomi Goldstein[1][2][3] on February 4, 1921 in Peoria, Illinois,[4] to Harry and Miriam (Horwitz) Goldstein, whose Jewish families were from Russia and Hungary.[5][6] Harry owned a jewelry store in Peoria, and Miriam wrote for the society page of a newspaper when Friedan's father fell ill. Her mother's new life outside the home seemed much more gratifying.
    As a young girl, Friedan was active in both Marxist and Jewish circles; she later wrote how she felt isolated from the latter community at times, and felt her "passion against injustice...originated from my feelings of the injustice of anti-Semitism".[7] She attended Peoria High School, and became involved in the school newspaper. When her application to write a column was turned down, she and six other friends launched a literary magazine called Tide, which discussed home life rather than school life.
    She attended all-female Smith College in 1938. She won a scholarship prize in her first year for outstanding academic performance. In her second year she became interested in poetry, and had many poems published in campus publications. In 1941, she became editor-in-chief of the college newspaper. The editorials became more political under her leadership, taking a strong antiwar stance and occasionally causing controversy.[7] She graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in 1942 with a major in psychology.
    In 1943 she spent a year at the University of California, Berkeley on a fellowship for graduate work in psychology with Erik Erikson.[8] She became more politically active, continuing to mix with Marxists (many of her friends were investigated by the FBI)。[7

    The anti-war stance in '41 is pretty interesting, particularly coming from a Jew. Presumably, as a committed commie, she was anti-war until Hitler invaded the USSR....
  53. @布罗斯基

    我花了半个小时在 IMDB 上寻找相关报价,但一无所获。 对于那些不知道 Boothe 是谁的人,我不知道,他扮演了 Doc Holiday(Val Kilmer)的死对头约翰尼·林戈。

    回复:@Stumpy Pepys、@syonredux、@Malcolm X-Lax、@Jenner Ickham Errican、@Captain Tripps

    Nope. That was Michael Biehn who played Johnny Ringo. Boothe played the other guy whose name I can’t recall. He also played Jim Jones in the movie about the Jonestown Massacre.

    • 回复: @whorefinder

    Boothe played the other guy whose name I can’t recall.
    Boothe did a great job voicing Gorilla Grodd in the 正义联盟 cartoon series. In a series full of absolutely fantastic voice work---including Clancy Brown's butt-kicking version of Lex Luthor----Boothe was (perhaps) the best.


    回复:@ FPD72

    , @布罗斯基

    Thank you. I have been corrected. I would have acknowledged Stumpy Pepys's correction, but it had too many exclamation marks.

    回复:@Malcolm X-Lax

    , @匿名的

    Powers Boothe was Curly Bill Brocius in Tombstone.

    回复:@Pat Boyle

  54. @syonredux

    yeah, i’ve never even seen an episode of O and H. How old now are the people who watched it?
    I was born in 1980, and I've never seen a single episode. I have, though, seen some episodes of 留给海狸.....but, for some odd reason, SJWs never mention 留给海狸.....

    Replies: @Neil Templeton, @snorlax, @Malcolm X-Lax

    I have to underscore what snorlax said. Leave it to Beaver has for decades been used as the all-purpose go-to for anyone who thinks safe, clean, family-friendly neighborhoods represent all that is evil and boring. O and H is a close second.

    • 回复: @syonredux

    I have to underscore what snorlax said. Leave it to Beaver has for decades been used as the all-purpose go-to for anyone who thinks safe, clean, family-friendly neighborhoods represent all that is evil and boring. O and H is a close second.
    Maybe I notice references to Ozzie and Harriet more because I've never seen an episode, and the unfamiliarity makes it leap out.....
  55. @whorefinder

    SJWs depend solely on the accounts of second-wave feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan for their information about life in America before 1965. A place where the washing-machine and the vacuum cleaner had made it housekeeping both trivially easy as well as a satanic dungeon to which women were kept chained, thanks to the scheming of the patriarchy.
    Thank you for backing me up. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills the way pop culture history has painted women's life following WW2 till the commies took over in the 1960s.


    You’re welcome. I really should have edited that post for its scrambled syntax—I got called away and the edit window closed.

  56. @ BB753

    It's not such a bad show. I'm very picky when it comes to tv shows but Agents of Shield can be pretty entertaining, sometimes in a cheesy way. It reminds me of the distant times when tv shows weren't supposed to be deep, sarcastic or gritty and when there was action, actual plots and a slight attempt at acting and depicting human emotions.
    By far, the stupidest character is Mae, the female Chinese fifty-something years old pint-sized butt-kicking babe who's also a top airplane pilot.
    Anyway, I'd rather watch a show about super-spies than about superheroes.

    回复:@ syonredux,@ whorefinder

    I had a thing for that actress, Ming-Na Wen, when she was on ER back in the 1990s, before she abruptly left after the first season (she came back later in the show, but the magic was gone). I was so enthralled that when she went and appeared on The Single Guy I began watching that sitcom just for her, even though she was a secondary charatcer. The weird things a good-looking woman can do to a guy….

    Anyway, she’s aged quite nicely, as Asian women are wont to do. A few years ago an Asian actress sued IMDB because it gave her real birth date, which was about a decade younger than what she was claiming, which the actress claimed hurt her career; she legitimately looked a decade younger, and had gotten younger-women parts, so the birth date release was inhibiting. I also know a couple of other Asian women (one an actress) who consistently lie and tell people (potential employers, potential boyfriends, etc. ) that they are about 10 years younger than they are—and get away with it.

    Anyway, despite looking younger and fitter, there’s little rational excuse for tiny Asian women beating up a bunch of six foot tall guys. What’s wrong with just being eye candy? As history demonstrates, eye candy ladies have been pretty powerful!

    • 回复: @吉姆·琼斯

    The other day I was in the checkout queue behind a Chinese woman buying some booze and the cashier asked for some ID. The woman laughed and said she was thirty-eight, going by her skin and hair I would have said early twenties.

    , @ BB753

    Not only does she kick asses, she's supposed to be one Shield's most dangerous martial arts fighters! And she's a top pilot as well. Come on, what are they trying to prove? Is this some kind of psy-ops to morally castrate boys into believing women are better than them?
    Though I have to agree the Asian actress doesn't look her age, she's well over fifty!

    , @ScarletNumber

    A few years ago an Asian actress sued IMDB because it gave her real birth date, which was about a decade younger than what she was claiming
    Don't you mean older?
  57. @匿名的

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。


    回复:@syonredux、@JW Bell、@Old foley、@Pat Boyle、@Daniel Chieh


    • 回复: @匿名的


  58. @马尔科姆X-Lax

    Nope. That was Michael Biehn who played Johnny Ringo. Boothe played the other guy whose name I can't recall. He also played Jim Jones in the movie about the Jonestown Massacre.

    Replies: @whorefinder, @Broski, @Anonymous

    Boothe played the other guy whose name I can’t recall.

    Boothe did a great job voicing Gorilla Grodd in the 正义联盟 cartoon series. In a series full of absolutely fantastic voice work—including Clancy Brown’s butt-kicking version of Lex Luthor—-Boothe was (perhaps) the best.

    • 回复: @ FPD72

    Booth was incredible as Jim Jones in the CBS biopic miniseries. I think he won an Emmy for the role. I had listened to the Jamestown tapes on PBS earlier and the similarity was eerie. He didn't so much portray Jones as channel him.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

  59. @马尔科姆X-Lax

    I have to underscore what snorlax said. Leave it to Beaver has for decades been used as the all-purpose go-to for anyone who thinks safe, clean, family-friendly neighborhoods represent all that is evil and boring. O and H is a close second.


    I have to underscore what snorlax said. Leave it to Beaver has for decades been used as the all-purpose go-to for anyone who thinks safe, clean, family-friendly neighborhoods represent all that is evil and boring. O and H is a close second.

    Maybe I notice references to Ozzie and Harriet more because I’ve never seen an episode, and the unfamiliarity makes it leap out…..

  60. @匿名的

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。


    回复:@syonredux、@JW Bell、@Old foley、@Pat Boyle、@Daniel Chieh

    Good news! Thanks for letting us know.

  61. @布罗斯基

    我花了半个小时在 IMDB 上寻找相关报价,但一无所获。 对于那些不知道 Boothe 是谁的人,我不知道,他扮演了 Doc Holiday(Val Kilmer)的死对头约翰尼·林戈。

    回复:@Stumpy Pepys、@syonredux、@Malcolm X-Lax、@Jenner Ickham Errican、@Captain Tripps

    Gotta help a Broski out: “那就再见啦。”

    • 回复: @隐身


  62. @whorefinder

    SJWs depend solely on the accounts of second-wave feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan for their information about life in America before 1965. A place where the washing-machine and the vacuum cleaner had made it housekeeping both trivially easy as well as a satanic dungeon to which women were kept chained, thanks to the scheming of the patriarchy.
    Thank you for backing me up. Sometimes I feel like I'm taking crazy pills the way pop culture history has painted women's life following WW2 till the commies took over in the 1960s.


    SJWs depend solely on the accounts of second-wave feminists like Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan for their information about life in America before 1965. A place where the washing-machine and the vacuum cleaner had made it housekeeping both trivially easy as well as a satanic dungeon to which women were kept chained, thanks to the scheming of the patriarchy.

    Thank you for backing me up. Sometimes I feel like I’m taking crazy pills the way pop culture history has painted women’s life following WW2 till the commies took over in the 1960s.

    RE: Friedan,

    Friedan was born Bettye Naomi Goldstein[1][2][3] on February 4, 1921 in Peoria, Illinois,[4] to Harry and Miriam (Horwitz) Goldstein, whose Jewish families were from Russia and Hungary.[5][6] Harry owned a jewelry store in Peoria, and Miriam wrote for the society page of a newspaper when Friedan’s father fell ill. Her mother’s new life outside the home seemed much more gratifying.
    As a young girl, Friedan was active in both Marxist and Jewish circles; she later wrote how she felt isolated from the latter community at times, and felt her “passion against injustice…originated from my feelings of the injustice of anti-Semitism”.[7] She attended Peoria High School, and became involved in the school newspaper. When her application to write a column was turned down, she and six other friends launched a literary magazine called Tide, which discussed home life rather than school life.
    She attended all-female Smith College in 1938. She won a scholarship prize in her first year for outstanding academic performance. In her second year she became interested in poetry, and had many poems published in campus publications. In 1941, she became editor-in-chief of the college newspaper. The editorials became more political under her leadership, taking a strong antiwar stance and occasionally causing controversy.[7] She graduated summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa in 1942 with a major in psychology.
    In 1943 she spent a year at the University of California, Berkeley on a fellowship for graduate work in psychology with Erik Erikson.[8] She became more politically active, continuing to mix with Marxists (many of her friends were investigated by the FBI)。[7


    The anti-war stance in ’41 is pretty interesting, particularly coming from a Jew. Presumably, as a committed commie, she was anti-war until Hitler invaded the USSR….

  63. Agents of Shield is not too bad, I was prepared to hate the other dude named Luna who played Ghostrider briefly, but he did a fine job. Bennett specifically does not trade on her Asian heritage to be cast race-neutral and speaks fluent Mandarin and had a decent singing career in China. Her Chinese father and White mother also adopted a couple of Black kids, who are her adopted brothers. The show itself has a fine actor Henry Simmons, a huge Black dude with perfect comic timing and has had numerous Black actors on as semi-regulars such as Blair Underwood.

    Whedon? He’s made Twitter comments about some female teen cancer survivors meeting Paul Ryan, to the wording of Ryan did not sexually assault the girls because they were not hot. Or something. Such a feminist! Way to ruin a kid suffering from cancer’s thrill at meeting a famous person. But that’s typical Hollywood, so much epic butt kissing that people think they are gods.

    Agents of Shield has had on it Reed Diamond, Powers Boothe, Bill Paxton (who was GREAT as usual), Kyle Mclatchlan, Ruth Negga, and John Hanna to name a few. That’s a pretty good set of actors.

  64. @stillCARalist

    yeah, i've never even seen an episode of O and H. How old now are the people who watched it?

    As to Ricky Ricardo and that drum number, it's pretty darn foreign. I like hearing it once, but that's enough. Definitely not sustainable, at least for this whitey.

    Replies: @syonredux, @Old fogey, @ScarletNumber

    I saw a few Ozzie and Harriet shows, but never cared for them. There were a number of programs at that same time that featured silly and bumbling father figures with all-knowing mothers. None of them rang true to me. Oh, and I’m in my 80th year.

    • 回复: @desiderius.

    It was (and is) a common joke for that generation.

    The problem is that their kids, male and female, took them seriously.


  65. As far as White Identity goes, you can’t call back the bullet. Every other race has had its own Identity mongering, one of the worst things Martin Luther King Jr. did was emphasize Black group rights that belong only to Blacks, in particular Civil Rights (which Whites have none) and Affirmative Action (which Whites also have none). Instead of Individual Rights which could be shared out in a spoils system to invest Whites into the current system.

    What has held sway has been upward mobility into the Gentry which has allowed Nice White Ladies and Single White females to push non-group White loyalty and “respectable” (i.e. anti-White) opinion on the theory that any real Alpha Male will be nicely seen by being successful with a massive handicap. The Peacock tail mating strategy.

    The upward mobility has now ceased: Blacks and Muslims and Gays and an unending stream of immigrants legal and illegal have taken the place of upwardly mobile Boomers. Leaving people “free” in the words of Janis Joplin (actually Kris Kristofferson who wrote it) that Freedom’s Just Another Word For Nothing Left to Lose. Moreover the sex-first on Alpha attitudes, relationship later method of young White women has left the social pressures to conform to Nice White Ladyism irrelevant. Since it is how Alpha one appears in the Bar that matters, nothing else. Marie Le Pen took nearly 50% of the White youth vote; and Trump seems to be doing even better. There are finally young White men more than willing to mix it up with Soros’s Anti-Fa rent-a-mob.

    In places like California, which is now minority White, and markedly so, Whites have no incentive to do anything but be prepared to fight for their life at a moments notice, and that tends to create a frontier mentality. If the government won’t protect you (it won’t) — that leads to both gunslinger mentality and various informal packs on race and culture. The only people who can’t flee from White is Whites … so Fight is inevitable.

  66. @严燕


    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。


    回复:@Stationary Feast

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。



    • 回复: @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)




  67. Being the least white western country, the US shows the problems with party-based representative democracy in a pluralistic society. If the US has an alternative form of democracy, where citizens had a more direct influence on policy making, racial activists wouldn’t be such a problem.

    Blacks and whites could unite in pushing for immigration restrictionism. Working class whites, blacks and Hispanics could join together to promote East Asian-style government-subsidised healthcare. Liberals, nationalists and traditionalists could join together to reduce unnecessary spending on the military. As it is, party-driven democracy means America is extremely divided around artificial tribes called Democrats and Republicans and the winners are wealthy Anglo Jews, upper middle-class urban liberals and squeaky wheel minority activists

    19th Century style party-driven democracy was originally designed to stop working and lower middle class people (“the Mob” ) from electing despots who might persecute wealthy urban liberals. It’s now a hazard to the majority of citizens. The West need to start looking at alternatives.

  68. @马尔科姆X-Lax

    Nope. That was Michael Biehn who played Johnny Ringo. Boothe played the other guy whose name I can't recall. He also played Jim Jones in the movie about the Jonestown Massacre.

    Replies: @whorefinder, @Broski, @Anonymous

    Thank you. I have been corrected. I would have acknowledged Stumpy Pepys’s correction, but it had too many exclamation marks.

    • 回复: @马尔科姆X-Lax

    I saw that about two minutes after it was too late to delete the comment. Sorry 'bout that.

  69. 匿名 [AKA "Franz Alkan Scriabin"] 说:

    Nope. That was Michael Biehn who played Johnny Ringo. Boothe played the other guy whose name I can't recall. He also played Jim Jones in the movie about the Jonestown Massacre.

    Replies: @whorefinder, @Broski, @Anonymous

    Powers Boothe was Curly Bill Brocius in Tombstone.

    • 回复: @帕特·博伊尔

    Another Curly Brocius was Jon Voight in "The Hour of the Gun" with James Garner as Earp.

    You might also remember that only three men were killed at the OK Corral. Whereas there have been many times that many Hollywood movies about the events of that day. Current day Chicago has a less favorable ratio - hundreds shot in the streets each year and no movies.

    回复:@Neil Templeton

  70. @严燕
    Steve countering Dr. Gans by highlighting the phenomenon of the retreat from white by non-European Caucasian groups actually goes to the heart of a few key points that I've been making on this blog and elsewhere, in particular something which I referred to as the 21st century's Great Cultural Divergence.

    Not surprisingly, groups that were officially classified as white have been demanding to have the government count them as nonwhite. South Asians got themselves moved from Caucasian to Oriental/Asian in 1982 to make them eligible for minority business development privileges from the government.
    This kind of ties into the point I've been making that the so called hijacking of the SJW movement by Asians is actually disproportionately by Caucasian South Asian ethnic groups, hence a phenomenon that I uh referred to as Caucasian-on-Caucasian crime. Or to amend Steve's explanation of the situation, "Non-Asian Non-Tiger Cub Caucasians", along with fellow Hispanic and black Americans in this country more or less own the SJW racket. Apart from a handful of Jeff Guos, East Asian Americans mostly skew towards STEM and away from all of that other silliness, including business, politics, and media.

    Now going back to the phenomenon of the retreat from white and the general prevalence of left wing insanity in this country. Using multi-racial America as a microcosm for the global whole, it's become fairly apparent to me and to others like Tiger Mom, etc. that postmodern leftist memes have hijacked and colonized the minds of non-East Asians in a way that East Asians have largely been immune to. I offered up the example of the Asian guy in the library to illustrate exactly the heart of this increasing schism between Confucian and non-Confucian cultures, a schism that I argued could indeed have importance consequences over the coming decades in the 21st century.

    Dr. Gans thinks that the future of America won't be nearly so bad as some on the right fear because of increasing acceptance of and self identification by traditionally non-white groups as white or at the very least white enough. First as Steve argues, there's an increasing tendency for non-white Caucasian groups to identify as non-white as opposed to white, thus empirically contradicting the thrust of Mr. Gans' argument that the opposite would happen and that that would lead to increased unity in this country.

    But alas, all of this misses the point. That America may well be on the path towards devolving into another Brazil 100 years from now is really just the symptom of the memetic colonization of rational minds by the deadliest and most virulent of parasites. This colonization is itself the actual underlying disease, the "browning" of America merely one of the manifested symptoms. I may need to make the argument more forcefully both here and elsewhere, but really the cure for all of this insanity isn't right white populism or white nationalism or whatever else the media seems to believe has risen in response to the liberal status quo in America. It's Confucianism.

    But, there is some possibility that blacks will still manage to drive off some Asians and Hispanics from the Democratic Party via bad behavior, megalomania, and feelings of entitlement.
    What we really need and what the national conversation really should be directed towards is a fundamental reorientation of our national mindset. Tiger Mother was merely the opening salvo in what I believe may be the last best hope for curing ourselves of the pervasive sickness that seems to have afflicted so many people in this country. Confucianism, or at least a form modified for the cultural idiosyncrasies of specific non-Confucian cultures may be just what the doctor ordered. It's not that America should distance itself from black cultural proclivities as a way of moving forward in the 21st century, but rather that we should all strive to be moving away from postmodern leftist insanity towards the saner and more fertile grounds inhabited by such individuals as Tiger Mom, Yan Shen, Asian guy in the library etc etc.


    Confucianism has good and bad points, but in the context of America it doesn’t matter.

    America will never be Confusion. I think it’s safe to say there has never been a society in human history that is less in tune with Confucius than the contemporary USA.

    There is a better chance conservative Christianity will make a sudden comeback and correct the current ills – Instead of the zero percent possibility with Confusianism we are perhaps looking at a .00000000001 % possibility.

    • 回复: @desiderius.


    If America becomes a backwater of Chinese empire in the 22nd Century, many will adopt the dominant ethos of their rulers.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh,@ Seth Largo

  71. Actually, during the I Love Lucy era, non-Hispanic whites tended to see Hispanics as more white than they do now.

    My impression is that is because Hispanics in the US were in fact, for the most part, white back then. Most prominent Hispanics in the US were Mexicans and Cubans of Spanish ancestry. The big influx of Mexicans and Central Americans of indigenous stock started in the 1970s and really picked up speed in the 1980s due to the increase of violence in the region.

    • 回复: @res
    彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)

    Perhaps most, but remember the Puerto Rican immigration in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s: http://lcw.lehman.edu/lehman/depts/latinampuertorican/latinoweb/PuertoRico/1950s.htm

    I am assuming most of this was to the US, and yes one can make an argument about whether this is "immigration" given that they have citizenship.

    Replies: @AP, @Travis

  72. Identity politics only works if the government has benefits to hand out to favored minorities. This era is over as governments are out of money. After paying for healthcare, pensions, interest on the debt and defense it has nothing left. This is the left’s problem all over the Western world. They can no longer promise government ‘goodies’ as everything that can be spent has been and then some thus the debt mountains and unfunded pension obligations that loom everywhere from Los Angeles to Athens!

  73. @whorefinder
    @ BB753

    I had a thing for that actress, Ming-Na Wen, when she was on ER back in the 1990s, before she abruptly left after the first season (she came back later in the show, but the magic was gone). I was so enthralled that when she went and appeared on The Single Guy I began watching that sitcom just for her, even though she was a secondary charatcer. The weird things a good-looking woman can do to a guy....

    Anyway, she's aged quite nicely, as Asian women are wont to do. A few years ago an Asian actress sued IMDB because it gave her real birth date, which was about a decade younger than what she was claiming, which the actress claimed hurt her career; she legitimately looked a decade younger, and had gotten younger-women parts, so the birth date release was inhibiting. I also know a couple of other Asian women (one an actress) who consistently lie and tell people (potential employers, potential boyfriends, etc. ) that they are about 10 years younger than they are---and get away with it.

    Anyway, despite looking younger and fitter, there's little rational excuse for tiny Asian women beating up a bunch of six foot tall guys. What's wrong with just being eye candy? As history demonstrates, eye candy ladies have been pretty powerful!

    Replies: @jim jones, @BB753, @ScarletNumber

    The other day I was in the checkout queue behind a Chinese woman buying some booze and the cashier asked for some ID. The woman laughed and said she was thirty-eight, going by her skin and hair I would have said early twenties.

  74. @syonredux

    Mr. Frey calculated, a surge that has created a very different looking America from the one of the 1950s, when the TV characters Ozzie and Harriet were a national archetype.
    It is positively amazing how fixated SJWs are on Ozzie and Harriet.....

    Replies: @stillCARealist, @Travis, @Kevin O'Keeffe

    I have never seen Ozzie and Harriet.
    The 50s shows have seen – Leave it to Beaver, I love Lucy and the Honeymooners. They were on TV on the VHF channels in the 80s. We did not have cable until 1987.

    I am 47 , probably nobody under the age of 50 has seen Ozzie and Harriet.

    • 回复: @老帕洛阿尔坦

    I watched all the shows you mentioned as a boy, not thinking much of 留给海狸, but loving the other two, although I had many other favorites, and liked 礼帽 best of all. 奥兹和哈里特 was not a favorite, but for some reason 天空之王 made a big impression on me.
    Oh yes: I'm 68.


  75. @奥尔登

    如果露西和德兹年轻 30 岁,并在 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代制作该剧,西班牙裔刻板印象监督组织就会在第一集之后就让该剧停播。

    想象一下,里卡多夫人是一位英国红发女郎!他们的朋友是盎格鲁人。! Ricky 的黑发和口音很刻板!瑞奇是白人而不是印度人!

    回复:@Alec Leamas

    我认为直到 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代中期,这种在黑人以外的人群中散播种族不满的行为才真正流行起来。就在那时,“多样性”这个词变得无处不在。事实上,当时黑人的情况也没有那么糟糕。

    1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代的西班牙裔电视节目中包括《幻想岛》中的“墨西哥人”里卡多·蒙塔尔班以及虚构的达拉斯/王朝/科尔比宇宙。

  76. @ anony-mouse



    回复:@syonredux、@CAL、@Alec Leamas、@Flip、@Desiderius、@Anonymous



  77. 问题:

    Is the anger over the US “takeover” of “Mexican territory” and the desire to “take back” the southwest as widespread and strong among whiter, more Spanish Hispanics, or among more Amer-Indian Hispanics?

  78. “But he eventually decided to emphasize his black ancestry, writing…”

    Steve maybe this should read:

    But he eventually decided to emphasize his black ancestry, *having someone else write for him*...

    obozo does not impress me as much of an intellect and certainly not a writer. He is pretty good at dramatically reading a teleprompter, and a good flim flammer. IMO that is about the extent of his depth and substance.

    Sorry, but I have seen the guy talk when his teleprompter goes on the fritz. He has a hard time stringing together words into coherent (uh uh if if if if if uh uh uh) sentences.

  79. @大丽花

    事情对他来说真的很好。 白人喜欢这个由白人和亚洲人抚养长大但在 2010 年人口普查中自称是黑人的人。 他们甚至让他成为总统,然后每次演讲付给他 400,000 万美元。


    One of the very saddest things of our victim culture is the way to which people at the top manipulate it so that they *still* win. Will always win. The inverse exemplar of Barack Obama and the type of person who will always rank below these at-least-99.9%-white "paragons of virtue" is Sheriff David Clarke. Trouble is, 90% of all Blacks, mulattos specifically, will relate more to Clarke than Obama. But, they can't win. The "paragons of virtue" set them up for failure. Condemned by their genes, class, and realism-by-stint-of-class, they will always be seen as sub-human by the liberal 99.9% white people who can bathe in their idealism from lack of want.

    I remember about 10 years ago, just before this victim culture really ramped up, a very moral woman responded to the trend, "don't deny victims their victimhood." I thought it utterly profound, perfectly in keeping with the virtue of humility. Unfortunately, it turns out, a culture can both embrace victimhood and venality, so we got the worst of both worlds.

    回复:@Buck Turgidson

    I say Sheriff David Clarke for FBI Director

  80. another reason America will remain whiter than the leftist narrative – The census data will classify a newborn as Hispanic and Asian even when the father is white.

    of the 10 million hispanics born in the United States over the last decade, about 2 million have white fathers. To name some examples..The Children of Ryan Gosling, Mathew McConaughey and Matt Damen are considered hispanic. The last 3 children of Alec Baldwin and the youngest child of Clint Eastwood are all hispanic. 25% of hispanic women marry white guys and 37% of East Asian women marry white guys.

  81. @ anony-mouse



    回复:@syonredux、@CAL、@Alec Leamas、@Flip、@Desiderius、@Anonymous

    He looks like he could be from Spain, Italy, or Greece.

  82. @syonredux

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。

    And "Hapas" (European-East Asian mixes) tend to be perceived as White. Cf people like Dean Cain, Meg and Jennifer Tilly, Phoebe Cates, etc


    Place of Birth: Mount Clemens, Michigan, USA


    * 37.5%日语
    * 62.5% 欧洲人(包括英语、法语-加拿大语、爱尔兰语、威尔士语)




    * 75%的阿什肯纳兹犹太人
    *25% 中文



    出生日期:14 年 1960 月 XNUMX 日


    出生姓名:Jennifer Ellen Chan




    Replies: @Stealth, @Flip, @3g4me, @Jefferson

    Kate Beckinsale is one eighth Burmese but you can’t really see it.

  83. @布罗斯基

    我花了半个小时在 IMDB 上寻找相关报价,但一无所获。 对于那些不知道 Boothe 是谁的人,我不知道,他扮演了 Doc Holiday(Val Kilmer)的死对头约翰尼·林戈。

    回复:@Stumpy Pepys、@syonredux、@Malcolm X-Lax、@Jenner Ickham Errican、@Captain Tripps

    For those who don’t know who Boothe is, as I didn’t, he played Doc Holiday’s (Val Kilmer) arch nemesis Johnny Ringo.

    Nah. Boothe played the part of Curly Bill Brosius:


    Michael Biehn played the part of Johnny Ringo:


  84. 史蒂夫有一个 评论 on the Times article, and I would encourage anyone with a Times account to go and recommend it.

    In fact I think Steve should make a general practice of linking to his comments from his blog posts (if necessary updating his posts when a comment appears after the post has been written) and encouraging his readers to recommend them. Or at minimum, Steve or one of his readers should do what I’ve just done here in the blog comments; noting that a Times comment has appeared, and linking to it. Getting a couple dozen upvotes from iSteve readers would go a long way towards boosting Steve’s comments towards the top of the Reader Picks list, which would in turn help make people more aware of Steve’s blog. Come on guys — this is a cheap and easy way to show support!

    • 回复: @新路由器

    so snarky Mr. Sailer:

    Steve Sailer America 1 day ago

    Happy 90th birthday to Dr. Gans, but I can't help but think that he's missed noticing the modern "Flight from White." America isn't like it was when he arrived as refugee from Nazis in 1940 and it was prudent to downplay your diversity.

    自 1969 年以来,政府和文化向自称多元化的人发放平权行动资金和奖品,因此自利的混血人种往往会努力争取获得最高回报的身份。

    For example, there was the recent case of a Hawaiian-born individual who until his mid-20s was largely thought of by his friends as "just another mixed kid" or "international" or "multicultural." But he eventually decided to emphasize his black ancestry, writing a 150,000 word memoir about his ties to the African father he barely knew called "Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance."

    And things worked out really well for him. White people loved this guy who was raised by whites and Asians but who claimed to be black on the 2010 Census. They even made him President and paid him $400,000 per speech.

  85. @严燕
    Steve countering Dr. Gans by highlighting the phenomenon of the retreat from white by non-European Caucasian groups actually goes to the heart of a few key points that I've been making on this blog and elsewhere, in particular something which I referred to as the 21st century's Great Cultural Divergence.

    Not surprisingly, groups that were officially classified as white have been demanding to have the government count them as nonwhite. South Asians got themselves moved from Caucasian to Oriental/Asian in 1982 to make them eligible for minority business development privileges from the government.
    This kind of ties into the point I've been making that the so called hijacking of the SJW movement by Asians is actually disproportionately by Caucasian South Asian ethnic groups, hence a phenomenon that I uh referred to as Caucasian-on-Caucasian crime. Or to amend Steve's explanation of the situation, "Non-Asian Non-Tiger Cub Caucasians", along with fellow Hispanic and black Americans in this country more or less own the SJW racket. Apart from a handful of Jeff Guos, East Asian Americans mostly skew towards STEM and away from all of that other silliness, including business, politics, and media.

    Now going back to the phenomenon of the retreat from white and the general prevalence of left wing insanity in this country. Using multi-racial America as a microcosm for the global whole, it's become fairly apparent to me and to others like Tiger Mom, etc. that postmodern leftist memes have hijacked and colonized the minds of non-East Asians in a way that East Asians have largely been immune to. I offered up the example of the Asian guy in the library to illustrate exactly the heart of this increasing schism between Confucian and non-Confucian cultures, a schism that I argued could indeed have importance consequences over the coming decades in the 21st century.

    Dr. Gans thinks that the future of America won't be nearly so bad as some on the right fear because of increasing acceptance of and self identification by traditionally non-white groups as white or at the very least white enough. First as Steve argues, there's an increasing tendency for non-white Caucasian groups to identify as non-white as opposed to white, thus empirically contradicting the thrust of Mr. Gans' argument that the opposite would happen and that that would lead to increased unity in this country.

    But alas, all of this misses the point. That America may well be on the path towards devolving into another Brazil 100 years from now is really just the symptom of the memetic colonization of rational minds by the deadliest and most virulent of parasites. This colonization is itself the actual underlying disease, the "browning" of America merely one of the manifested symptoms. I may need to make the argument more forcefully both here and elsewhere, but really the cure for all of this insanity isn't right white populism or white nationalism or whatever else the media seems to believe has risen in response to the liberal status quo in America. It's Confucianism.

    But, there is some possibility that blacks will still manage to drive off some Asians and Hispanics from the Democratic Party via bad behavior, megalomania, and feelings of entitlement.
    What we really need and what the national conversation really should be directed towards is a fundamental reorientation of our national mindset. Tiger Mother was merely the opening salvo in what I believe may be the last best hope for curing ourselves of the pervasive sickness that seems to have afflicted so many people in this country. Confucianism, or at least a form modified for the cultural idiosyncrasies of specific non-Confucian cultures may be just what the doctor ordered. It's not that America should distance itself from black cultural proclivities as a way of moving forward in the 21st century, but rather that we should all strive to be moving away from postmodern leftist insanity towards the saner and more fertile grounds inhabited by such individuals as Tiger Mom, Yan Shen, Asian guy in the library etc etc.


    why adopt a foreign philosophy when we had a form of Christianity for our people that sustained us for centuries? Few Americans understand let alone embrace Confucius.

    We either return to our roots or we are finished.

  86. Musings while perusing Sailer’s writing:

    (“Happy 90 birthday to Dr. Gans,…”) — So the goddamn geezer is soon to croak and he don’t give a shit about the cultural and societal destruction caused by mass immigration and the acceleration of those problems going forward, screw him.

    (“America isn’t like it was when he arrived as a refugee from Nazis in 1940…”)




    Mass immigration has produced a low-level civil war in many European Christian nations and it is soon to cause full-scale civil wars in many. The demographic destruction caused by mass immigration will be stopped. The only question is how brutal the civil wars will be and of what duration the civil wars will be.

  87. How did this ‘non-Hispanic white’ stuff’ get popularized? It’s an awkward phrase. How about non-black, non-Asian white? I don’t recall ever being asked what to be termed; ‘non-Hispanic white’ wouldn’t be at the top of the list.

    • 回复: @syonredux

    How did this ‘non-Hispanic white’ stuff’ get popularized? It’s an awkward phrase. How about non-black, non-Asian white? I don’t recall ever being asked what to be termed; ‘non-Hispanic white’ wouldn’t be at the top of the list.
    Personally, I favor White Anglo as the term to go with.
  88. @詹纳·艾克汉姆·埃里坎

    Gotta help a Broski out: “那就再见啦。”



  89. 彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)
    Actually, during the I Love Lucy era, non-Hispanic whites tended to see Hispanics as more white than they do now.

    My impression is that is because Hispanics in the US were in fact, for the most part, white back then. Most prominent Hispanics in the US were Mexicans and Cubans of Spanish ancestry. The big influx of Mexicans and Central Americans of indigenous stock started in the 1970s and really picked up speed in the 1980s due to the increase of violence in the region.


    Perhaps most, but remember the Puerto Rican immigration in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s: http://lcw.lehman.edu/lehman/depts/latinampuertorican/latinoweb/PuertoRico/1950s.htm

    I am assuming most of this was to the US, and yes one can make an argument about whether this is “immigration” given that they have citizenship.

    • 回复: @AP

    Puerto Ricans are of about 50% European ancestry. They may have been seen to a certain extent as rivals/peers of urban "dark" whites such as Italians (i.e., West Side Story)


    , @Travis

    It is interesting that Puerto Ricans had been accepted as white and always rejected being classified as Black since the average Puerto Rican is 20% African genetically.

    but it explains why my cousin did not mind being called a Puerto Rican, although her father was African American. My Aunt (100% Irish) had a child with a Mulatto in 1959. my grandfather prevented her from marrying the guy. She was usually mistaken for being Puerto Rican, which certainly pleased my father and Grandfather. She attended an all white grammar school in a working class town. The High School was about 1% Black, but 99% of her friends were white. Luckily she was born in the 50s...if she was born after 1965 she may have embraced her African heritage.

  90. @whorefinder
    @ BB753

    I had a thing for that actress, Ming-Na Wen, when she was on ER back in the 1990s, before she abruptly left after the first season (she came back later in the show, but the magic was gone). I was so enthralled that when she went and appeared on The Single Guy I began watching that sitcom just for her, even though she was a secondary charatcer. The weird things a good-looking woman can do to a guy....

    Anyway, she's aged quite nicely, as Asian women are wont to do. A few years ago an Asian actress sued IMDB because it gave her real birth date, which was about a decade younger than what she was claiming, which the actress claimed hurt her career; she legitimately looked a decade younger, and had gotten younger-women parts, so the birth date release was inhibiting. I also know a couple of other Asian women (one an actress) who consistently lie and tell people (potential employers, potential boyfriends, etc. ) that they are about 10 years younger than they are---and get away with it.

    Anyway, despite looking younger and fitter, there's little rational excuse for tiny Asian women beating up a bunch of six foot tall guys. What's wrong with just being eye candy? As history demonstrates, eye candy ladies have been pretty powerful!

    Replies: @jim jones, @BB753, @ScarletNumber

    Not only does she kick asses, she’s supposed to be one Shield’s most dangerous martial arts fighters! And she’s a top pilot as well. Come on, what are they trying to prove? Is this some kind of psy-ops to morally castrate boys into believing women are better than them?
    Though I have to agree the Asian actress doesn’t look her age, she’s well over fifty!

  91. @布罗斯基

    Thank you. I have been corrected. I would have acknowledged Stumpy Pepys's correction, but it had too many exclamation marks.

    回复:@Malcolm X-Lax

    I saw that about two minutes after it was too late to delete the comment. Sorry ’bout that.

  92. @res
    彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)

    Perhaps most, but remember the Puerto Rican immigration in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s: http://lcw.lehman.edu/lehman/depts/latinampuertorican/latinoweb/PuertoRico/1950s.htm

    I am assuming most of this was to the US, and yes one can make an argument about whether this is "immigration" given that they have citizenship.

    Replies: @AP, @Travis

    Puerto Ricans are of about 50% European ancestry. They may have been seen to a certain extent as rivals/peers of urban “dark” whites such as Italians (i.e., West Side Story)

    • 回复: @Travis

    according to DNA testing Puerto Ricans are 70% European, 20% African and 10% Native American on average.

    Thus Puerto Ricans are more European than the illegal Mexicans and Central American who have crossed our borders over the last 30 years. The average illegal alien from Mexico is over 55% Native American , 5% Afrrican and just 40% European.


  93. @隐身
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Your comment reminds me of that Powers Boothe line in Tombstone.

    Replies: @Broski, @Daniel Chieh

    Brevity is the soul of wit and all. Tombstone was a great movie.

  94. @res
    彼得·阿库利耶夫(Peter Akuleyev)

    Perhaps most, but remember the Puerto Rican immigration in the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s: http://lcw.lehman.edu/lehman/depts/latinampuertorican/latinoweb/PuertoRico/1950s.htm

    I am assuming most of this was to the US, and yes one can make an argument about whether this is "immigration" given that they have citizenship.

    Replies: @AP, @Travis

    It is interesting that Puerto Ricans had been accepted as white and always rejected being classified as Black since the average Puerto Rican is 20% African genetically.

    but it explains why my cousin did not mind being called a Puerto Rican, although her father was African American. My Aunt (100% Irish) had a child with a Mulatto in 1959. my grandfather prevented her from marrying the guy. She was usually mistaken for being Puerto Rican, which certainly pleased my father and Grandfather. She attended an all white grammar school in a working class town. The High School was about 1% Black, but 99% of her friends were white. Luckily she was born in the 50s…if she was born after 1965 she may have embraced her African heritage.

  95. @平稳的盛宴

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    My guess he’s referring to a general love of order and fairness, the notion that rules should be applied fairly and equally.

    I don’t think is very useful though. The cuckservatives tried that and it did absolutely nothing to stem liberalism. I mean, look at the entire cultural appropriation nonsense. If we applied it fairly, I can’t use this computer anymore because I’m appropriating white person technology(or at least should pay royalties to white people).


  96. @syonredux

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。

    And "Hapas" (European-East Asian mixes) tend to be perceived as White. Cf people like Dean Cain, Meg and Jennifer Tilly, Phoebe Cates, etc


    Place of Birth: Mount Clemens, Michigan, USA


    * 37.5%日语
    * 62.5% 欧洲人(包括英语、法语-加拿大语、爱尔兰语、威尔士语)




    * 75%的阿什肯纳兹犹太人
    *25% 中文



    出生日期:14 年 1960 月 XNUMX 日


    出生姓名:Jennifer Ellen Chan




    Replies: @Stealth, @Flip, @3g4me, @Jefferson

    Civic nationalists, adherents to Steve’s “citizenism,” and the Alt-lite may consider them White, but fundamental to the genuine Alt-Right is truth. Not A can never be A. Adopting a protective coloration or even claiming one’s adherence to a particular culture or ideology does not alter one’s genetic heritage.

    • 回复: @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)
    @ 3g4me

    While I understand their point, taking to its natural conclusion easily goes to logical but ridiculous stretches. To actually work with the notion that it has to be Western Europeans west of the Hajanal line, you need to exclude all Eastern Europeans, Italians, and other traditionally white population. Following Amerika's Brett Stevens logic, you need to exclude the Irish as well - apparently because he considers them an admixture Southern European race.

    Its ideologically interesting, but unrealistic - even the actual Nazis had to compromise on this.

    , @Travis
    @ 3g4me

    true but i suspect the main point is that America will remain more white despite the non-white births being below 50% because the only true minority is Blacks and most Hispanics identify as white, as do the rising number of Half Asians.

    willHalf Asians continue to be seen as white ? Half Mexicans ? a significant portion of the "Asians" will be half white and a majority of the hispanics in America are genetically over 60% European and 25% of hispanic women marry white men.

    Would the children of Ted Cruz be considered white ? Cruz himself has 3 European grandparents. His Paternal grandmother was also mostly European, although born in Cuba. His children, nevertheless, are considered non-white despite having 15 of their 16 Great Great grandparents born in Europe.

    Yet the children of Ted Cruz will qualify for affirmative action and other racial preferences due to having a Grandfather who was born in Cuba (to a spanish born father).

    , @syonredux
    @ 3g4me

    Civic nationalists, adherents to Steve’s “citizenism,” and the Alt-lite may consider them White, but fundamental to the genuine Alt-Right is truth. Not A can never be A. Adopting a protective coloration or even claiming one’s adherence to a particular culture or ideology does not alter one’s genetic heritage.
    Well, in the case of Hapas, we are are talking about people who are half-European.....
    , An
    @ 3g4me

    Not A can never be A. Adopting a protective coloration or even claiming one’s adherence to a particular culture or ideology does not alter one’s genetic heritage.
    You first statement is a mathematical tautology, and the 2nd is obviously true.

    However, your understanding is too mechanical and static--essentially not not biological enough. Men, even from superior conquering tribes/nations have always ... ahem ... "incorporated" some DNA from those they triumphed over. This is actually useful in terms of providing genes for selection to work on and for a race to move forward.

    None of this is static. Even pure "white people" are not the same "white people" we were 2000 years back. We've had two millenia of selection working on us.

    The real issue is ... 数字.

    Could American whites have just swallowed up (merged with) American blacks-- in say 1865 and moved forward as white people? (Even if they'd wanted to?) No. I don't think so. The genetic and cultural gulf is too great. Even with the ratio, the dilution would have left us a mulatto nation that was significantly less capable. We'd really no longer been a white nation anymore. For all the conflict, one drop was the better program.

    Could American whites swallow up the American mestizos now? Not sure. Maybe. If the influx stopped immediately. And if we could develop and implement social policies to restore eugenic fertility and gradually drain off the "mestizoness".

    Could American whites swallow up the Asian American population now? Sure. Again if immigration stopped. Then it wouldn't even be much of an issue. The cultural traits are not wildly out of sync and in a few generations it would be like the typical American had one Asian great-great-grandparent. Really a non-issue.

    The key requirement to any more harmonious future: "if immigration stopped".

    Immigration is simply a disaster. Things are much worse now than when i was born in the post-War golden age. But they aren't completely intractable. But numbers matter! In another generation ... we're doomed. At best we'll be a somewhat smarter, sort of "high rent" Brazil.
  97. “Actually, during the I Love Lucy era, non-Hispanic whites tended to see Hispanics as more white than they do now”.

    That’s because they were. The majority of Hispanics in the US were of largely Spanish stock in the 2oth Century, and that may be why illegal immigration from South of the Border was tolerated. People living far away from Border States may have gotten the impression that “White Hispanic” was the default. But instead of droves Ricardo Montalbán’s and Fernando Lamas’ jumping the fence, they discovered it was armies of George Lopez’s and Danny Trejo’s.

  98. @ anony-mouse



    回复:@syonredux、@CAL、@Alec Leamas、@Flip、@Desiderius、@Anonymous

    That was one smooth dude.

  99. @匿名的

    Confucianism has good and bad points, but in the context of America it doesn't matter.

    America will never be Confusion. I think it's safe to say there has never been a society in human history that is less in tune with Confucius than the contemporary USA.

    There is a better chance conservative Christianity will make a sudden comeback and correct the current ills - Instead of the zero percent possibility with Confusianism we are perhaps looking at a .00000000001 % possibility.



    If America becomes a backwater of Chinese empire in the 22nd Century, many will adopt the dominant ethos of their rulers.

    • 回复: @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    And the "Confucianism" of the 22nd century will be pretty different. I guess the one thing that we know for certain is that religion will remain with us, whether Progressivism or Christianity.

    The rate things are going, I'm putting up pretty high odds for a new Caliphate.


    , @塞思·拉戈(Seth Largo)

    I will happily be colonized and ruled by East Asians. A great improvement over progressive white Americans.

  100. @老雾蒙蒙

    I saw a few Ozzie and Harriet shows, but never cared for them. There were a number of programs at that same time that featured silly and bumbling father figures with all-knowing mothers. None of them rang true to me. Oh, and I'm in my 80th year.


    It was (and is) a common joke for that generation.

    The problem is that their kids, male and female, took them seriously.

    • 回复: @客人

    The stupid father, suffering wife cliche is endemic to sitcoms, and has certainly gotten more pronounced over time. Even when the wife is stupid, as in All in the Family, she's much more sympathetic than the also-stupid husband.

    Take Everybody Loves Raymond, for instance, where the wife calls the husband an idiot explicitly at least once per episode. She's not altogether sympathetic, but the mother is a veritable genius, and even when she's wrong she's right. The father, on the other hand, is presented as subhuman.

  101. @布罗斯基
    "the longstanding Republican strategy of turning itself into a whites-first party"

    Lies. Lies. So many lies all the time.


    Yeah, they care about being post-white more than literally anything else.

  102. @desiderius.


    If America becomes a backwater of Chinese empire in the 22nd Century, many will adopt the dominant ethos of their rulers.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh,@ Seth Largo

    And the “Confucianism” of the 22nd century will be pretty different. I guess the one thing that we know for certain is that religion will remain with us, whether Progressivism or Christianity.

    The rate things are going, I’m putting up pretty high odds for a new Caliphate.

    • 回复: An
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    The rate things are going, I’m putting up pretty high odds for a new Caliphate.
    New Caliphate--maybe. But it won't be ruling the world.

    The later 21st and 22nd Century will belong to the Chinese. They have the demographic weight and IQ. The West--America, the rest of the Anglo-sphere and Europe--have the weight, IQ and culture to have been in balance with them. But we are on a suicidal path.

    The Chi-coms have been really slow and pretty pathetic about addressing some of their demographic issues. (I've thought up better programs for them than what they've done.) But long term, because they are unburdened by "progressivism" or Christianity, the Chinese are going to get around to doing what they need to do. In terms of fertility, eugenics, direct genetic manipulation. Even just pushing people around. Wouldn't surprise me--once the West is neutered--for the Chinese to just colonize parts of Africa that they feel like taking over. What's to stop them? (They might address Steve's "most important graph in the world", by flying over and spraying some fertility suppressant, but simply conquest to provide lebensraum would do the trick.) The Chinese will be the world's big swinging dick. (Irony yes ;-)

    It's hard to predict exactly what the heck is going to happen in Europe on the downslope. Personally i don't think it's going to be a smooth handover. I think once it's just brutally clear that genocide/culturecide-submission is what's in store, there's going to be a reaction. Civil war? Partitioning? Expulsions? All very hard to predict. But one thing i don't see is a Caliphate with any weight to balance or push back the Chinese. Islam is just a religion, but the reality remains the actual practitioners of Islam are simply way too stupid to compete with the Chinese. A brown mulatto-Arab Europe is way too stupid.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

  103. @ 3g4me

    Civic nationalists, adherents to Steve's "citizenism," and the Alt-lite may consider them White, but fundamental to the genuine Alt-Right is truth. Not A can never be A. Adopting a protective coloration or even claiming one's adherence to a particular culture or ideology does not alter one's genetic heritage.

    Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @Travis, @syonredux, @AnotherDad

    While I understand their point, taking to its natural conclusion easily goes to logical but ridiculous stretches. To actually work with the notion that it has to be Western Europeans west of the Hajanal line, you need to exclude all Eastern Europeans, Italians, and other traditionally white population. Following Amerika’s Brett Stevens logic, you need to exclude the Irish as well – apparently because he considers them an admixture Southern European race.

    Its ideologically interesting, but unrealistic – even the actual Nazis had to compromise on this.

  104. @syonredux

    但是,黑人仍有可能通过不良行为、狂妄自大和权利感将一些亚洲人和西班牙裔人赶出民主党。 民主党人在 2016 年付出了代价,因为黑人不愿意大量出来投票给非黑人。

    民主党最终可能会被视为黑人党。 对于很多白人来说,忠于黑人党听起来可能很棒,但我怀疑只有一小部分西班牙裔和亚洲人有这种感觉。
    Certainly a possibility. Blacks do prize their status as "the greatest victim of White racism." And the Black university activists that I've encountered tend to simply not count East Asians when it comes time to measure diversity.....

    An anecdote: I attended a seminar on "race and the media" recently, and a speaker (Black) brought up the show AGENTS OF SHIELD, decrying its lack of diversity, as it had only one POC actor as a regular (a Black man). Someone then mentioned that the show was actually fairly diverse, as it had two East Asian women as part of the cast. The speaker grudging accepted Ming-Na Wen as a fellow POC, but doubted the POC credentials of the half-European Chloe Bennett...

    出生姓名:Chloe Wang


    出生日期:18 年 1992 月 XNUMX 日



    回复:@ Altai,@ Daniel Chieh

    Its pretty well known, I think, by most East Asian men that they’re not accepted as POC by your average diversity crowd unless they engage in similar virtue signaling as goodwhites. There’s a combination of both race and class involved, I do think.

    • 回复: 彼得·约翰逊(Peter Johnson)
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    The family structure and child-raising behaviours of East Asians are at the other end of the r-k reproduction strategy spectrum from most POC groups. The Tiger Mom phenomenon is completely inconsistent with POC cultural norms. So East Asians are "more white than whites" by some key criteria. Maybe someone could convince the SJWs and MSM to include East Asians as white. We could swap the Muslim middle east ethnicity out and East Asians in to the white category. It would make more sense.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

  105. @desiderius.


    If America becomes a backwater of Chinese empire in the 22nd Century, many will adopt the dominant ethos of their rulers.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh,@ Seth Largo

    I will happily be colonized and ruled by East Asians. A great improvement over progressive white Americans.

  106. The flight from white is reaching new heights of insanity.

    Alex Laughlin, a half-Asian waif recently wrote this in the WP:

    Growing up, the only Disney character I felt any relation to was Mowgli, from “The Jungle Book.” With my short brown hair and dark skin, I thought I looked just like him.

    With my dark skin . . .

    请允许我为您介绍一下 亚历克斯·劳克林

    • 回复: @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)
    @塞思·拉戈(Seth Largo)

    There's something seriously wrong with popular culture and education where the number of role models seems to have gone kaput, and people seem to randomly pick characters from movies in order to identify with.

    Growing up, I identified with General Stonewall Jackson*, of all people. I realized that he might have rejected my existence if taken to the present day, but yet he seemed a brave, honorable and religious man of temperance. He seemed like someone I would like to grow up as, though I turned out not very religious at all - but there was something about faith to admire, nonetheless. If I was to pick a person of color, I probably would have said Booker T Washington, who seemed erudite and well-spoken.

    I never really thought to identify with someone because his or her skin color matched my shade closer.

    *Incidentally, I wondered why I had such admiration for Thomas Jackson above Lee, when arguably the latter was a better strategic general. My conclusion is perhaps that tactical victories were more dramatic and more romantic, and I can be a sucker for that.

    回复:@Seth Largo

  107. @AP

    Puerto Ricans are of about 50% European ancestry. They may have been seen to a certain extent as rivals/peers of urban "dark" whites such as Italians (i.e., West Side Story)


    according to DNA testing Puerto Ricans are 70% European, 20% African and 10% Native American on average.

    Thus Puerto Ricans are more European than the illegal Mexicans and Central American who have crossed our borders over the last 30 years. The average illegal alien from Mexico is over 55% Native American , 5% Afrrican and just 40% European.

    • 回复: @AP

    I guess it depends on the study.


  108. @隐身

    Meg Tilly used to be HAWT in a vacant looking kind of way. Might still be. If not, don't tell me about it.

    回复:@ syonredux,@ Jim Don Bob

    Colin Firth was banging Meg back in the 80s – early 90s and they have a kid together.

  109. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    我认为,大多数东亚男性都知道,除非他们表现出与好白人类似的美德信号,否则他们不会被普通多元化人群接受为 POC。我确实认为,这涉及种族和阶层的结合。

    回复:@Peter Johnson

    东亚人的家庭结构和育儿行为与大多数 POC 群体相比处于 rk 繁殖策略谱的另一端。虎妈现象完全不符合POC文化规范。因此,从某些关键标准来看,东亚人“比白人更白”。也许有人可以说服 SJW 和 MSM 将东亚人视为白人。我们可以将中东穆斯林种族换成白人,将东亚人换成白人。这会更有意义。

    • 回复: @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)
    彼得·约翰逊(Peter Johnson)

    关于亚洲人特权的议论颇多,这似乎引发了很多善良亚洲人的抱怨:“不要恨我们!我们更恨白人!我们是受压迫的有色人种!”实在是太蠢了。作为品味、爱好、文化等的连续体,东亚人与白人的共同点比其他人多得多,这不是什么新发现。我的意思是,白人在 1800 年代有威慑——一位 1800 年代的欧洲游客声称“[日本]剑是世界上最伟大的”,这让我感到非常可笑。

    我可以随口说出我自己和下棋的朋友、痴迷日本动漫的白人、以及不断流行的“东方哲学”。 POC 人群中很少有人对此类事情表现出兴趣。


    回复:@Old Palo Altan、@Jason Liu

  110. @ 3g4me

    Civic nationalists, adherents to Steve's "citizenism," and the Alt-lite may consider them White, but fundamental to the genuine Alt-Right is truth. Not A can never be A. Adopting a protective coloration or even claiming one's adherence to a particular culture or ideology does not alter one's genetic heritage.

    Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @Travis, @syonredux, @AnotherDad

    true but i suspect the main point is that America will remain more white despite the non-white births being below 50% because the only true minority is Blacks and most Hispanics identify as white, as do the rising number of Half Asians.

    willHalf Asians continue to be seen as white ? Half Mexicans ? a significant portion of the “Asians” will be half white and a majority of the hispanics in America are genetically over 60% European and 25% of hispanic women marry white men.

    Would the children of Ted Cruz be considered white ? Cruz himself has 3 European grandparents. His Paternal grandmother was also mostly European, although born in Cuba. His children, nevertheless, are considered non-white despite having 15 of their 16 Great Great grandparents born in Europe.

    Yet the children of Ted Cruz will qualify for affirmative action and other racial preferences due to having a Grandfather who was born in Cuba (to a spanish born father).

  111. @塞思·拉戈(Seth Largo)
    The flight from white is reaching new heights of insanity.

    Alex Laughlin, a half-Asian waif recently wrote this in the WP:

    Growing up, the only Disney character I felt any relation to was Mowgli, from “The Jungle Book.” With my short brown hair and dark skin, I thought I looked just like him.
    With my dark skin . . .

    请允许我为您介绍一下 亚历克斯·劳克林

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    There’s something seriously wrong with popular culture and education where the number of role models seems to have gone kaput, and people seem to randomly pick characters from movies in order to identify with.

    Growing up, I identified with General Stonewall Jackson*, of all people. I realized that he might have rejected my existence if taken to the present day, but yet he seemed a brave, honorable and religious man of temperance. He seemed like someone I would like to grow up as, though I turned out not very religious at all – but there was something about faith to admire, nonetheless. If I was to pick a person of color, I probably would have said Booker T Washington, who seemed erudite and well-spoken.

    I never really thought to identify with someone because his or her skin color matched my shade closer.

    *Incidentally, I wondered why I had such admiration for Thomas Jackson above Lee, when arguably the latter was a better strategic general. My conclusion is perhaps that tactical victories were more dramatic and more romantic, and I can be a sucker for that.

    • 回复: @塞思·拉戈(Seth Largo)
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I agree. As a 10 year old nerd, I identified equally with Han Solo and Lando Calrissian.

    In seriousness, you're absolutely right that almost all cultural touchstones---role models included---are pulled from popular movies rather than from history or, hell, even from literature.

    Also, I understand wanting some historical/cultural role models who look like you and share your ancestral heritage (though Asians and Muslims who complain about this are just retarded), but that's a different thing from what Laughlin and her ilk seem to be saying, which is, "I can 仅由 look up to people who look like me."

  112. @anonymous
    How did this 'non-Hispanic white' stuff' get popularized? It's an awkward phrase. How about non-black, non-Asian white? I don't recall ever being asked what to be termed; 'non-Hispanic white' wouldn't be at the top of the list.


    How did this ‘non-Hispanic white’ stuff’ get popularized? It’s an awkward phrase. How about non-black, non-Asian white? I don’t recall ever being asked what to be termed; ‘non-Hispanic white’ wouldn’t be at the top of the list.

    Personally, I favor White Anglo as the term to go with.

  113. @syonredux

    Mr. Frey calculated, a surge that has created a very different looking America from the one of the 1950s, when the TV characters Ozzie and Harriet were a national archetype.
    It is positively amazing how fixated SJWs are on Ozzie and Harriet.....

    Replies: @stillCARealist, @Travis, @Kevin O'Keeffe

    It is positively amazing how fixated SJWs are on Ozzie and Harriet…..

    I’m 46 years old, and have never encountered “Ozzie and Harriet” in any context, other than as a sort of leftoid critique of normal family life. People half my age will dismissively reference “Ozzie and Harriet,” and I’m pretty darn sure that none of them have ever seen the show. They’ve been deploying this trope for as long as I can recall ie., since about 1980. I suspect it was already pretty stale, even at that time.

    • 回复: @工人阶级
    @凯文·奥基夫(Kevin O'Keeffe)

    I'm 72. I was raised by Ozzie and Harriet. In retrospect I see that it was wonderful.

  114. @ 3g4me

    Civic nationalists, adherents to Steve's "citizenism," and the Alt-lite may consider them White, but fundamental to the genuine Alt-Right is truth. Not A can never be A. Adopting a protective coloration or even claiming one's adherence to a particular culture or ideology does not alter one's genetic heritage.

    Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @Travis, @syonredux, @AnotherDad

    Civic nationalists, adherents to Steve’s “citizenism,” and the Alt-lite may consider them White, but fundamental to the genuine Alt-Right is truth. Not A can never be A. Adopting a protective coloration or even claiming one’s adherence to a particular culture or ideology does not alter one’s genetic heritage.

    Well, in the case of Hapas, we are are talking about people who are half-European…..

  115. 彼得·约翰逊(Peter Johnson)
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    The family structure and child-raising behaviours of East Asians are at the other end of the r-k reproduction strategy spectrum from most POC groups. The Tiger Mom phenomenon is completely inconsistent with POC cultural norms. So East Asians are "more white than whites" by some key criteria. Maybe someone could convince the SJWs and MSM to include East Asians as white. We could swap the Muslim middle east ethnicity out and East Asians in to the white category. It would make more sense.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    There’s been quite a bit of rumbling about Asian privilege, which seems to trigger a lot of caterwauling by the goodAsians: “Don’t hate on us! We hate whitey even more! We’re oppressed people of color!” Its really fricking dumb. As continuum of tastes, hobbies, culture, etc, East Asians have far more in common with whites than others and this isn’t like a new discovery. I mean, whites had weaboos in the 1800s – I was terribly and hilariously amused by an 1800s European visitor who claimed “[Japanese] swords are the greatest in the world.”

    Offhand I can name off myself and friends who play chess, whites who obsess over Japanese anime, and the repeated rise of popularity of “Eastern Philosophy.” Very few of the rest of the POC crowd demonstrates interest in such things at all.

    Probably we should encourage the diversicrats to wail on East Asians more, so maybe they see that bashing on Whitey doesn’t save them.

    • 回复: @老帕洛阿尔坦
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I, a person who considers race to be of paramount importance, have never had anything but the highest regard for Japan and the Japanese. I am proud of the fact that my ancestor Isaac Titsingh was one of those late 18th Century figures who both appreciated and was in turn appreciated by the learned and intellectually curious Japanese of his day.
    There is no comparison between the Japanese and other East Asians and the populations of other non-European lands, Africa least of all. You are a highly civilised race, and I do not believe that you will, as a body, join with your inferiors against us, your equals.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    , @杰森·刘
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Asian privilege is a good thing, as are all forms of privilege. I would very much like some.

    If Asian privilege isn't real, we should make it real.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

  116. 对于白人来说,这些数字已成为一个方便的数据点,他们担心自己受到越来越多的深色皮肤人群的威胁和“淹没”。 通过这种方式,人口普查可能无意中增加了白人种族主义,从而证明共和党长期以来将自己变成白人优先党的战略是合理的。 白人的恐惧甚至可能帮助唐纳德特朗普赢得 2016 年大选。

    Of course, Ganz fails to note the other side of the equation, as SJWs, eager to see the destruction of White America, welcome the census projections……

  117. @卡尔
    @ anony-mouse

    I'm just old enough to have seen 我爱露西 在广播电视上重播。根据我的记忆,大多数人认为墨西哥人像德西一样是白色的,或者像你在西部片中看到的那样是棕色的(黝黑的)。最主要的是,人们认为西班牙裔拥有不同的文化,而不是种族差异。中美洲原住民从未被太多人看到或想到。

    正如 syonredux 所说,如果 Desi 被视为 POC,那么该节目就永远不会播出。

    Replies: @PiltdownMan, @Old Palo Altan, @Jefferson

    我已经足够大了,可以观看了 我爱露西 当它是新的。

    • 回复: @syonredux

    '50s TV Shows that I have seen:

    Have Gun-Will Travel (The all-time best TV Western)



    The Twilight Zone (started in '59, so it counts)









  118. @Travis

    I have never seen Ozzie and Harriet.
    The 50s shows have seen - Leave it to Beaver, I love Lucy and the Honeymooners. They were on TV on the VHF channels in the 80s. We did not have cable until 1987.

    I am 47 , probably nobody under the age of 50 has seen Ozzie and Harriet.

    回复:@Old Palo Altan

    I watched all the shows you mentioned as a boy, not thinking much of 留给海狸, but loving the other two, although I had many other favorites, and liked 礼帽 best of all. 奥兹和哈里特 was not a favorite, but for some reason 天空之王 made a big impression on me.
    Oh yes: I’m 68.

    • 回复: @syonredux

    Meant for this to go here:

    ’50s TV Shows that I have seen:

    Have Gun-Will Travel (The all-time best TV Western)



    The Twilight Zone (started in ’59, so it counts)









    Replies: @Old Palo Altan, @3g4me

  119. I was born a nice Iowa boy way back in ’44. I didn’t get to the deep south until the 90’s. I was (somewhat) surprised to find that D and R meant black and white respectively. After the Democrats year long 24/7 attack on white people I expect the whole county will be like the south. Not that I care. I hate both parties. D’s and R’s ruined the country. At the national level they are thieves, liars, murderers and traitors.

  120. @凯文·奥基夫(Kevin O'Keeffe)

    It is positively amazing how fixated SJWs are on Ozzie and Harriet…..
    I'm 46 years old, and have never encountered "Ozzie and Harriet" in any context, other than as a sort of leftoid critique of normal family life. People half my age will dismissively reference "Ozzie and Harriet," and I'm pretty darn sure that none of them have ever seen the show. They've been deploying this trope for as long as I can recall ie., since about 1980. I suspect it was already pretty stale, even at that time.


    I’m 72. I was raised by Ozzie and Harriet. In retrospect I see that it was wonderful.

  121. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)
    彼得·约翰逊(Peter Johnson)

    关于亚洲人特权的议论颇多,这似乎引发了很多善良亚洲人的抱怨:“不要恨我们!我们更恨白人!我们是受压迫的有色人种!”实在是太蠢了。作为品味、爱好、文化等的连续体,东亚人与白人的共同点比其他人多得多,这不是什么新发现。我的意思是,白人在 1800 年代有威慑——一位 1800 年代的欧洲游客声称“[日本]剑是世界上最伟大的”,这让我感到非常可笑。

    我可以随口说出我自己和下棋的朋友、痴迷日本动漫的白人、以及不断流行的“东方哲学”。 POC 人群中很少有人对此类事情表现出兴趣。


    回复:@Old Palo Altan、@Jason Liu

    I, a person who considers race to be of paramount importance, have never had anything but the highest regard for Japan and the Japanese. I am proud of the fact that my ancestor Isaac Titsingh was one of those late 18th Century figures who both appreciated and was in turn appreciated by the learned and intellectually curious Japanese of his day.
    There is no comparison between the Japanese and other East Asians and the populations of other non-European lands, Africa least of all. You are a highly civilised race, and I do not believe that you will, as a body, join with your inferiors against us, your equals.

    • 回复: @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I did not know of Isaac Titsingh. Thanks for linking me to know him!

    回复:@Old Palo Altan

  122. @匿名的

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。


    回复:@syonredux、@JW Bell、@Old foley、@Pat Boyle、@Daniel Chieh

    It is appropriate that Asians ally with Caucasians. Democrats often try to split off Asians from whites by referring to blacks, browns and yellows as ‘people of color’. But that makes little sense either racially, historically or socially.

    Luigi Cavalli-Sforza speaks of the five major races of humanity as a hand. On that hand Europeans and Asians are fingers but the Africans are the thumb – meaning the appendage most different from the others. China and Europe are far apart geographically but not so much genetically.

    Another way to think of this is historically. Mankind developed in Africa but some groups split off. The groups that left early became Denisovans and Neanderthals. Later – only a few tens of thousands of years ago – anatomically modern humans arose in Africa and sent out another pulse of humans. The Africans stayed behind. So now we have a world with high IQ northern peoples (Europeans and East Asians) and we still have lower IQ people who never left.

    Then when you look at modern America one way to classify people is to divide the educated high income people from those who struggle in both school and the workplace. Chinese, Japanese and Koreans currently vote Democratic. But that is not likely to continue for long. All these East Asians were until quite recently oppressed by the white establishment (see old episodes of ‘Kung Fu’). But today my doctor is Korean and a lot of local stock brokers are Chinese (San Francisco Bay Area).

    iSteve is probably right – they will gravitate toward whites. There were no Japanese in the streets of Ferguson or Baltimore. The last time anyone can remember Asians in a riot were the Korean grocers on top of their stores during the Rodney King riots, shooting at the blacks.

  123. “the longstanding Republican strategy of turning itself into a whites-first party”

    I wish that had been its longstanding strategy. But no, Republicans were way, way late to the identity politics game, and actually spent decades running away from it. This guy has Republicans confused with the propaganda of their opponents.

    Either that, or a “whites-first” political strategy is a disparate impact sort of thing, and any time you don’t go out of your way to deliberately favor nonwhites, you’re de facto strategizing on a whites-first basis.

  124. @whorefinder
    It's like the NY Times ("Punch anyone who works for white rights! They're Nazis!") realized that white worries about demographic replacement isn't something to shout "racist!" at or laugh about or taunt whites with, but attempt to dismiss using left-wing jiu-jitsui rhetoric.

    Shorter NY Times:

    "Pay no attention to the immigrants behind the curtain!"

    Unfortunately for those violent chuckleheads, no one concerned about white demographic replacement is listening to the NY Times.

    回复:@Pat Boyle,@ Anon

    Drawing an analogy between modern day America and the Nazis requires that you can’t count.

    I was born in Washington DC our capital city. It is a black majority city. In the country as a whole there is about thirteen percent of the population who are negroes. But in 1933 Germany Jews were only about three quarters of one percent of German people and their capital city Berlin which had the highest concentration of Jews had only about four percent Jewish citizens.

    The Nazis picked on a tiny fraction of their people. It would be as if we decided to move against the Eskimos.

  125. @desiderius.

    It was (and is) a common joke for that generation.

    The problem is that their kids, male and female, took them seriously.


    The stupid father, suffering wife cliche is endemic to sitcoms, and has certainly gotten more pronounced over time. Even when the wife is stupid, as in All in the Family, she’s much more sympathetic than the also-stupid husband.

    Take Everybody Loves Raymond, for instance, where the wife calls the husband an idiot explicitly at least once per episode. She’s not altogether sympathetic, but the mother is a veritable genius, and even when she’s wrong she’s right. The father, on the other hand, is presented as subhuman.

  126. @匿名的

    Powers Boothe was Curly Bill Brocius in Tombstone.

    回复:@Pat Boyle

    Another Curly Brocius was Jon Voight in “The Hour of the Gun” with James Garner as Earp.

    You might also remember that only three men were killed at the OK Corral. Whereas there have been many times that many Hollywood movies about the events of that day. Current day Chicago has a less favorable ratio – hundreds shot in the streets each year and no movies.

    • 回复: @尼尔·邓普顿(Neil Templeton)

    Interesting observation. My take is that the OK Corral myth is Hollywood sustainable because it provides a vehicle for the event of man taking gun to dispatch evil for the sake of righteousness. No doubt, many of the lives taken annually in Chicago are the result of struggles for the mantle of righteousness, but where is the artist who can create nobility from the image of futility? What poet can wend epic from the rhymes of rap? More likely our age has decayed long past the point where nobility has a shred of meaning beyond its ability to pluck, for a brief moment, the residual shadow of our former admiration and need for courage.

  127. @ anony-mouse



    回复:@syonredux、@CAL、@Alec Leamas、@Flip、@Desiderius、@Anonymous

    Watching White-As-The-Driven-Snow Desi playing the bongos (origin: possibly Central Africa) only serves as a reminder of the fact that Kooba was always controlled by whites up to and including the Fidel era while the Negros cut sugar cane, played “beisbol” and ate rice and beans. Arnaz himself came from a family with mucho dinero , so “Loosie” knew a deep pocket when she saw one.

  128. @JW贝尔




  129. @老帕洛阿尔坦

    我已经足够大了,可以观看了 我爱露西 当它是新的。


    ’50s TV Shows that I have seen:

    Have Gun-Will Travel (The all-time best TV Western)



    The Twilight Zone (started in ’59, so it counts)









  130. @老帕洛阿尔坦

    I watched all the shows you mentioned as a boy, not thinking much of 留给海狸, but loving the other two, although I had many other favorites, and liked 礼帽 best of all. 奥兹和哈里特 was not a favorite, but for some reason 天空之王 made a big impression on me.
    Oh yes: I'm 68.


    Meant for this to go here:

    ’50s TV Shows that I have seen:

    Have Gun-Will Travel (The all-time best TV Western)



    The Twilight Zone (started in ’59, so it counts)









    • 回复: @老帕洛阿尔坦

    Gracie Allen made that show. Too bad she, and not her lewd and unfunny husband, wasn't the one who lived to be a hundred.

    , @ 3g4me

    @131 Syon Redux:

    Perhaps because I had an older brother who generally determined what was on t.v., and/or I remember quite a bit from an early age {i.e. 2-4} I clearly recall Ozzie and Harriet, Make Room for Daddy, and particularly clearly Car 54 Where Are You. I realize some of these continued into the '60s, but I specifically remember watching them in our "old" house which we lived in until 1963.



  131. @匿名的

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。


    回复:@syonredux、@JW Bell、@Old foley、@Pat Boyle、@Daniel Chieh


    Why Legal Chinese Immigrants Support Trump

    And as noted, the Chinese elite tend to support Trump as bemoaned by one liberal commentator because “they lack understanding of political correctness.”

  132. @新路由器
    Mr.Sailer @ 6 minute mark and forward:



    Thanks newrouter. I’m more of a reading guy than video guy, and Steve has covered this territory in depth. But i’m slightly under the weather so sucking down my afternoon tea listen to Mr. Steyn laying out the demographic disaster for Europe, was as “pleasurable”–not quite the right word given how depressing–a time-killer as any other.

  133. Professor Gans should be careful what he wishes for.

    If even half of Latinos/Asians really do assimilate into whiteness and stop voting based on race, the American left is done. They’d have to rely only on blacks a solid minority base, and the black population is barely growing.

    • 回复: @辛西娅·库兰(cynthia curran)

    Also, a lot of the illegal immigrants are middle aged now not young. The average age for immigrants in Santa Ana is about 43 years old and 22 for native born, their offspring or grandchildren. If Trump can cut off illegal immigration and get some to go home. Mexicans and other Latins may break away from the Dems by 10 years.

  134. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)
    彼得·约翰逊(Peter Johnson)

    关于亚洲人特权的议论颇多,这似乎引发了很多善良亚洲人的抱怨:“不要恨我们!我们更恨白人!我们是受压迫的有色人种!”实在是太蠢了。作为品味、爱好、文化等的连续体,东亚人与白人的共同点比其他人多得多,这不是什么新发现。我的意思是,白人在 1800 年代有威慑——一位 1800 年代的欧洲游客声称“[日本]剑是世界上最伟大的”,这让我感到非常可笑。

    我可以随口说出我自己和下棋的朋友、痴迷日本动漫的白人、以及不断流行的“东方哲学”。 POC 人群中很少有人对此类事情表现出兴趣。


    回复:@Old Palo Altan、@Jason Liu

    Asian privilege is a good thing, as are all forms of privilege. I would very much like some.

    If Asian privilege isn’t real, we should make it real.

    • 回复: @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Didn't you use to post on Quora as a top writer until they banned you? You weren't very right-wing then, just a bit right of center. I guess you didn't appreciate being speech controlled.

    回复:@Jason Liu

  135. @syonredux

    Meant for this to go here:

    ’50s TV Shows that I have seen:

    Have Gun-Will Travel (The all-time best TV Western)



    The Twilight Zone (started in ’59, so it counts)









    Replies: @Old Palo Altan, @3g4me

    Gracie Allen made that show. Too bad she, and not her lewd and unfunny husband, wasn’t the one who lived to be a hundred.

  136. @杰森·刘
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Asian privilege is a good thing, as are all forms of privilege. I would very much like some.

    If Asian privilege isn't real, we should make it real.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    Didn’t you use to post on Quora as a top writer until they banned you? You weren’t very right-wing then, just a bit right of center. I guess you didn’t appreciate being speech controlled.

    • 回复: @杰森·刘
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I've never posted on Quora.

  137. These numbers have become a handy data point for whites fearful that they are being threatened and “overwhelmed” by a growing tide of darker-skinned people.

    What’s always missing is any actual 推理 for why “there’s anything wrong with that”, much less why we are mistaken? It’s always this weird–anti-biological–assertion that’s its just wrong to care.

    Again, my thinking is we need more forthright challenging of the liberal\Jewish\establishment narrative here that wanting our nation to be 我们的 nation is wrong. In fact–it’s 正常.

    Secondly we need a more forthright declaration of who exactly is assaulting/infringing-upon whom. It is the establishment who is the aggressor, who is assaulting us, not vice-versa. We did not ask to give up our nation to foreigners, to live with foreigners. They are forcing us against our will.

    Thirdly demand an end to this assault–one way or another. The key word is “separation”. If these folks really want to live in an open borders utopia … fine! But they have no right to demand that the rest of us live in it too. (Again it’s an assault.) So let’s just separate. We’ll live in America, they can live in globutopia.

    Of course, letting us go is of course *不是* what they want. They want to feast on the white man’s labor while riding white gentile nations down into the ground. They want the 结束 of American, Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Sweden … not some sort of comparative/competitive battle of nations and demographic systems. What’s really desired here is white genocide.

    But we have to force the issue of assault and separation to the fore to shine a bright light on what’s going on.

  138. @严燕
    Steve countering Dr. Gans by highlighting the phenomenon of the retreat from white by non-European Caucasian groups actually goes to the heart of a few key points that I've been making on this blog and elsewhere, in particular something which I referred to as the 21st century's Great Cultural Divergence.

    Not surprisingly, groups that were officially classified as white have been demanding to have the government count them as nonwhite. South Asians got themselves moved from Caucasian to Oriental/Asian in 1982 to make them eligible for minority business development privileges from the government.
    This kind of ties into the point I've been making that the so called hijacking of the SJW movement by Asians is actually disproportionately by Caucasian South Asian ethnic groups, hence a phenomenon that I uh referred to as Caucasian-on-Caucasian crime. Or to amend Steve's explanation of the situation, "Non-Asian Non-Tiger Cub Caucasians", along with fellow Hispanic and black Americans in this country more or less own the SJW racket. Apart from a handful of Jeff Guos, East Asian Americans mostly skew towards STEM and away from all of that other silliness, including business, politics, and media.

    Now going back to the phenomenon of the retreat from white and the general prevalence of left wing insanity in this country. Using multi-racial America as a microcosm for the global whole, it's become fairly apparent to me and to others like Tiger Mom, etc. that postmodern leftist memes have hijacked and colonized the minds of non-East Asians in a way that East Asians have largely been immune to. I offered up the example of the Asian guy in the library to illustrate exactly the heart of this increasing schism between Confucian and non-Confucian cultures, a schism that I argued could indeed have importance consequences over the coming decades in the 21st century.

    Dr. Gans thinks that the future of America won't be nearly so bad as some on the right fear because of increasing acceptance of and self identification by traditionally non-white groups as white or at the very least white enough. First as Steve argues, there's an increasing tendency for non-white Caucasian groups to identify as non-white as opposed to white, thus empirically contradicting the thrust of Mr. Gans' argument that the opposite would happen and that that would lead to increased unity in this country.

    But alas, all of this misses the point. That America may well be on the path towards devolving into another Brazil 100 years from now is really just the symptom of the memetic colonization of rational minds by the deadliest and most virulent of parasites. This colonization is itself the actual underlying disease, the "browning" of America merely one of the manifested symptoms. I may need to make the argument more forcefully both here and elsewhere, but really the cure for all of this insanity isn't right white populism or white nationalism or whatever else the media seems to believe has risen in response to the liberal status quo in America. It's Confucianism.

    But, there is some possibility that blacks will still manage to drive off some Asians and Hispanics from the Democratic Party via bad behavior, megalomania, and feelings of entitlement.
    What we really need and what the national conversation really should be directed towards is a fundamental reorientation of our national mindset. Tiger Mother was merely the opening salvo in what I believe may be the last best hope for curing ourselves of the pervasive sickness that seems to have afflicted so many people in this country. Confucianism, or at least a form modified for the cultural idiosyncrasies of specific non-Confucian cultures may be just what the doctor ordered. It's not that America should distance itself from black cultural proclivities as a way of moving forward in the 21st century, but rather that we should all strive to be moving away from postmodern leftist insanity towards the saner and more fertile grounds inhabited by such individuals as Tiger Mom, Yan Shen, Asian guy in the library etc etc.



    I already debunked you claim that Confucianism is some sort of unique inoculation against civilizational destruction. It is not Confucianism that is immune, rather it’s the West–WEIRD socities–that are susceptible.

    As to your love of Confucianism–great. But we actual Americans do not live in a Confucian society and have zero interest in becoming one. If you love Confucianism so much–have this intense ethno-racial connection to your people’s Confucian heritage–then you should just go live in China.

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.

    • 回复: @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I'm waiting for Confucianism to actually show it can resist liberal memes before I advocate that it can do anything at all. Sadly, I don't think it'll actually prove much more resistant to progressive ideas than Christianity. Progressivism is one heck of an adaptable virus.

    I have a theory that intelligence is actually anti-survival, for better or worse.

    Replies: @RSDB, @Anonymous, @snorlax, @dfordoom

    , @杰森·刘

    China isn't terribly Confucian in practice, and Confucian values are not really held up as some gold standard. They have as much sway on East Asian culture as Christian values do in the west -- somewhat, but not totally. It's legalism that sets China apart from western political thinking.

    To be honest, Mr. Yan's comment history shows rather strange orientalist views, and uses too many tropes and stereotypes.

    Yan Shen, if you're reading this: East and West are certainly not the same. But we're not from different planets either.

    , @dfordoom

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.
    The problem with western nations is that westerners do not want to save their own society. As long as they have their internet porn, and cheap smartphones, and comic-book movies, they don't care.

    If you look at Europe, even among the small minority who vote for nationalist parties most are liberals. They are worried that Muslims will be mean to homosexuals and won't put up with the feminist nonsense of modern women. Among Americans, even among Trump voters most are liberals (and Trump is a liberal).

    The best thing that could happen to the West is a good hard dose of sharia law. It might purge the poison of liberalism. I'm looking forward to it. White Europeans are too weak to deserve to survive.

    回复:@Charles Erwin Wilson

    , @dfordoom

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.
    Western society has been diseased since the 18th century. The Enlightenment was the beginning of the end. Western civilisation was worth saving up until that point.
  139. An


    I already debunked you claim that Confucianism is some sort of unique inoculation against civilizational destruction. It is not Confucianism that is immune, rather it's the West--WEIRD socities--that are susceptible.

    As to your love of Confucianism--great. But we actual Americans do not live in a Confucian society and have zero interest in becoming one. If you love Confucianism so much--have this intense ethno-racial connection to your people's Confucian heritage--then you should just go live in China.

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.

    Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @Jason Liu, @dfordoom, @dfordoom

    I’m waiting for Confucianism to actually show it can resist liberal memes before I advocate that it can do anything at all. Sadly, I don’t think it’ll actually prove much more resistant to progressive ideas than Christianity. Progressivism is one heck of an adaptable virus.

    I have a theory that intelligence is actually anti-survival, for better or worse.

    • 回复: @RSDB
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Confucianism isn't exactly a rival to Christianity, being a philosophic framework akin to the ones we had in the pagan West. Christianity can be erected on this framework, as was done by Ricci and the Jesuits, though things later didn't work out so well for them. I haven't been able to get a copy of the Tianzhu Shiyi, regrettably.

    Christendom is the laboratory from which the liberal plague was launched; it might also be the source of the vaccine, though things now hardly look good for that hypothesis.

    , @匿名的
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    According to Confucian ethics, people owe loyalty to parents, siblings, rulers, children and spouses. Outside of that they owe nothing to anyone. Christians by contrast are expected to show charity to all needy people everywhere. This is why the West goes out of its way to import the wretched poor of the world and why wealthy Asian countries will never do likewise.

    , @打呼噜
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I have a theory that intelligence is actually anti-survival, for better or worse.
    It's certainly associated with all manner of neuroses — in the East Asian context there's (among other things) all the obsessive-compulsive cultural practices (tea ceremonies and such).
    , @dfordoom
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I have a theory that intelligence is actually anti-survival, for better or worse.
    The problem is the High IQ idiots. Moderately high IQ combined with common sense and a respect for tradition is useful.

    To believe in really really dumb self-destructive ideas seems to require a high IQ. Who was it who said that some things are so stupid that only an educated person could believe them?

    The problem with Europeans is too much education. Only a tiny minority of people need a university education. For most people a university education is dangerous and harmful.

    This might be true of East Asians as well? Especially when they're exposed to what passes for education in the West.
  140. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Didn't you use to post on Quora as a top writer until they banned you? You weren't very right-wing then, just a bit right of center. I guess you didn't appreciate being speech controlled.

    回复:@Jason Liu

    I’ve never posted on Quora.

  141. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)
    @塞思·拉戈(Seth Largo)

    There's something seriously wrong with popular culture and education where the number of role models seems to have gone kaput, and people seem to randomly pick characters from movies in order to identify with.

    Growing up, I identified with General Stonewall Jackson*, of all people. I realized that he might have rejected my existence if taken to the present day, but yet he seemed a brave, honorable and religious man of temperance. He seemed like someone I would like to grow up as, though I turned out not very religious at all - but there was something about faith to admire, nonetheless. If I was to pick a person of color, I probably would have said Booker T Washington, who seemed erudite and well-spoken.

    I never really thought to identify with someone because his or her skin color matched my shade closer.

    *Incidentally, I wondered why I had such admiration for Thomas Jackson above Lee, when arguably the latter was a better strategic general. My conclusion is perhaps that tactical victories were more dramatic and more romantic, and I can be a sucker for that.

    回复:@Seth Largo

    I agree. As a 10 year old nerd, I identified equally with Han Solo and Lando Calrissian.

    In seriousness, you’re absolutely right that almost all cultural touchstones—role models included—are pulled from popular movies rather than from history or, hell, even from literature.

    Also, I understand wanting some historical/cultural role models who look like you and share your ancestral heritage (though Asians and Muslims who complain about this are just retarded), but that’s a different thing from what Laughlin and her ilk seem to be saying, which is, “I can 仅由 look up to people who look like me.”

  142. An


    I already debunked you claim that Confucianism is some sort of unique inoculation against civilizational destruction. It is not Confucianism that is immune, rather it's the West--WEIRD socities--that are susceptible.

    As to your love of Confucianism--great. But we actual Americans do not live in a Confucian society and have zero interest in becoming one. If you love Confucianism so much--have this intense ethno-racial connection to your people's Confucian heritage--then you should just go live in China.

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.

    Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @Jason Liu, @dfordoom, @dfordoom

    China isn’t terribly Confucian in practice, and Confucian values are not really held up as some gold standard. They have as much sway on East Asian culture as Christian values do in the west — somewhat, but not totally. It’s legalism that sets China apart from western political thinking.

    To be honest, Mr. Yan’s comment history shows rather strange orientalist views, and uses too many tropes and stereotypes.

    Yan Shen, if you’re reading this: East and West are certainly not the same. But we’re not from different planets either.

  143. @whorefinder
    It's like the NY Times ("Punch anyone who works for white rights! They're Nazis!") realized that white worries about demographic replacement isn't something to shout "racist!" at or laugh about or taunt whites with, but attempt to dismiss using left-wing jiu-jitsui rhetoric.

    Shorter NY Times:

    "Pay no attention to the immigrants behind the curtain!"

    Unfortunately for those violent chuckleheads, no one concerned about white demographic replacement is listening to the NY Times.

    回复:@Pat Boyle,@ Anon

    Race-ists are noble Placists. They have a sense of place.

    Globalists are ugly Replacists. They deny a people their right of place.

    Replacism is just softer form of Ethnic Cleansing.

  144. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I'm waiting for Confucianism to actually show it can resist liberal memes before I advocate that it can do anything at all. Sadly, I don't think it'll actually prove much more resistant to progressive ideas than Christianity. Progressivism is one heck of an adaptable virus.

    I have a theory that intelligence is actually anti-survival, for better or worse.

    Replies: @RSDB, @Anonymous, @snorlax, @dfordoom

    Confucianism isn’t exactly a rival to Christianity, being a philosophic framework akin to the ones we had in the pagan West. Christianity can be erected on this framework, as was done by Ricci and the Jesuits, though things later didn’t work out so well for them. I haven’t been able to get a copy of the Tianzhu Shiyi, regrettably.

    Christendom is the laboratory from which the liberal plague was launched; it might also be the source of the vaccine, though things now hardly look good for that hypothesis.

  145. @ 3g4me

    Civic nationalists, adherents to Steve's "citizenism," and the Alt-lite may consider them White, but fundamental to the genuine Alt-Right is truth. Not A can never be A. Adopting a protective coloration or even claiming one's adherence to a particular culture or ideology does not alter one's genetic heritage.

    Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @Travis, @syonredux, @AnotherDad

    Not A can never be A. Adopting a protective coloration or even claiming one’s adherence to a particular culture or ideology does not alter one’s genetic heritage.

    You first statement is a mathematical tautology, and the 2nd is obviously true.

    However, your understanding is too mechanical and static–essentially not not biological enough. Men, even from superior conquering tribes/nations have always … ahem … “incorporated” some DNA from those they triumphed over. This is actually useful in terms of providing genes for selection to work on and for a race to move forward.

    None of this is static. Even pure “white people” are not the same “white people” we were 2000 years back. We’ve had two millenia of selection working on us.

    The real issue is … 数字.

    Could American whites have just swallowed up (merged with) American blacks– in say 1865 and moved forward as white people? (Even if they’d wanted to?) No. I don’t think so. The genetic and cultural gulf is too great. Even with the ratio, the dilution would have left us a mulatto nation that was significantly less capable. We’d really no longer been a white nation anymore. For all the conflict, one drop was the better program.

    Could American whites swallow up the American mestizos now? Not sure. Maybe. If the influx stopped immediately. And if we could develop and implement social policies to restore eugenic fertility and gradually drain off the “mestizoness”.

    Could American whites swallow up the Asian American population now? Sure. Again if immigration stopped. Then it wouldn’t even be much of an issue. The cultural traits are not wildly out of sync and in a few generations it would be like the typical American had one Asian great-great-grandparent. Really a non-issue.

    The key requirement to any more harmonious future: “if immigration stopped“。

    Immigration is simply a disaster. Things are much worse now than when i was born in the post-War golden age. But they aren’t completely intractable. But numbers matter! In another generation … we’re doomed. At best we’ll be a somewhat smarter, sort of “high rent” Brazil.

  146. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    And the "Confucianism" of the 22nd century will be pretty different. I guess the one thing that we know for certain is that religion will remain with us, whether Progressivism or Christianity.

    The rate things are going, I'm putting up pretty high odds for a new Caliphate.


    The rate things are going, I’m putting up pretty high odds for a new Caliphate.

    New Caliphate–maybe. But it won’t be ruling the world.

    The later 21st and 22nd Century will belong to the Chinese. They have the demographic weight and IQ. The West–America, the rest of the Anglo-sphere and Europe–have the weight, IQ and culture to have been in balance with them. But we are on a suicidal path.

    The Chi-coms have been really slow and pretty pathetic about addressing some of their demographic issues. (I’ve thought up better programs for them than what they’ve done.) But long term, because they are unburdened by “progressivism” or Christianity, the Chinese are going to get around to doing what they need to do. In terms of fertility, eugenics, direct genetic manipulation. Even just pushing people around. Wouldn’t surprise me–once the West is neutered–for the Chinese to just colonize parts of Africa that they feel like taking over. What’s to stop them? (They might address Steve’s “most important graph in the world”, by flying over and spraying some fertility suppressant, but simply conquest to provide lebensraum would do the trick.) The Chinese will be the world’s big swinging dick. (Irony yes 😉

    It’s hard to predict exactly what the heck is going to happen in Europe on the downslope. Personally i don’t think it’s going to be a smooth handover. I think once it’s just brutally clear that genocide/culturecide-submission is what’s in store, there’s going to be a reaction. Civil war? Partitioning? Expulsions? All very hard to predict. But one thing i don’t see is a Caliphate with any weight to balance or push back the Chinese. Islam is just a religion, but the reality remains the actual practitioners of Islam are simply way too stupid to compete with the Chinese. A brown mulatto-Arab Europe is way too stupid.

    • 回复: @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    You're assuming that China is immune to self-destructive progressive memes as the West is. Evidence for this isn't absolute; other Asian countries such as Korea, Japan and Taiwan all have plunging TFR and some have subscribed heavily to liberal Western values such as Korea. In all of those countries, too, including China, there's at least a substantial minority that wants to mimic the West in all things.

    Dr. Daniel A Bell, for example, tried to equate Confucianism with "if compassion is the greatest virtue, then government should be staffed with gay men and women" and attempted to advance this to the CCP. So far, yes, it hasn't been very successful but there's a lot of the youth that want to pursue more individualistic interests and lobby for "freedom" such as same-sex marriage and transgender rights.

    The government, large portions which do seem to be aware that this is a problem, is struggling just to even stem this "influence of Western universalist values" before they can really do much else. The truth is that progressive values do manage to penetrate higher IQ societies pretty well, mutating as they might have to be; the very values of say, long time value and focus on education, can gradually spin out to increase childlessness. Ever greater urbanization increases crowding, which in itself can reduce family values. Higher status and independence for women results in less marriage, as well as increased lesbianism, etc.

    It may very well be that high IQ is in itself toxic. Perhaps in a world with enough resources, the winners are women who are too dumb or too religious to use protection correctly and men who do not care for their offspring.

  147. @syonredux

    从我在 SJW 网站上读到的各种评论来看,韦登这些天的气味很不好。我实际上在有关的文章中看到过“有问题”这个词 吸血鬼猎人巴菲.....



    • 回复: @syonredux

    毫无疑问。但这是 SJW 变得多么毛主义的另一个迹象,他们总是准备好谴责最轻微的犯罪思想……
    , @吉姆·唐·鲍勃

    是的,但是 Firefly 很棒,因为有这样的对话:


  148. @老帕洛阿尔坦
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I, a person who considers race to be of paramount importance, have never had anything but the highest regard for Japan and the Japanese. I am proud of the fact that my ancestor Isaac Titsingh was one of those late 18th Century figures who both appreciated and was in turn appreciated by the learned and intellectually curious Japanese of his day.
    There is no comparison between the Japanese and other East Asians and the populations of other non-European lands, Africa least of all. You are a highly civilised race, and I do not believe that you will, as a body, join with your inferiors against us, your equals.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    I did not know of Isaac Titsingh. Thanks for linking me to know him!

    • 回复: @老帕洛阿尔坦
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)


  149. @帕特·博伊尔

    Another Curly Brocius was Jon Voight in "The Hour of the Gun" with James Garner as Earp.

    You might also remember that only three men were killed at the OK Corral. Whereas there have been many times that many Hollywood movies about the events of that day. Current day Chicago has a less favorable ratio - hundreds shot in the streets each year and no movies.

    回复:@Neil Templeton

    Interesting observation. My take is that the OK Corral myth is Hollywood sustainable because it provides a vehicle for the event of man taking gun to dispatch evil for the sake of righteousness. No doubt, many of the lives taken annually in Chicago are the result of struggles for the mantle of righteousness, but where is the artist who can create nobility from the image of futility? What poet can wend epic from the rhymes of rap? More likely our age has decayed long past the point where nobility has a shred of meaning beyond its ability to pluck, for a brief moment, the residual shadow of our former admiration and need for courage.

  150. @IAmCorn


    回复:@ syonredux,@ Jim Don Bob


    Without a doubt. But it’s another sign of how Maoist the SJWs have become, always ready to denounce the slightest hint of crimethink…..

  151. @jb
    史蒂夫有一个 评论 on the Times article, and I would encourage anyone with a Times account to go and recommend it.

    In fact I think Steve should make a general practice of linking to his comments from his blog posts (if necessary updating his posts when a comment appears after the post has been written) and encouraging his readers to recommend them. Or at minimum, Steve or one of his readers should do what I've just done here in the blog comments; noting that a Times comment has appeared, and linking to it. Getting a couple dozen upvotes from iSteve readers would go a long way towards boosting Steve's comments towards the top of the Reader Picks list, which would in turn help make people more aware of Steve's blog. Come on guys -- this is a cheap and easy way to show support!


    so snarky Mr. Sailer:

    Steve Sailer America 1 day ago

    Happy 90th birthday to Dr. Gans, but I can’t help but think that he’s missed noticing the modern “Flight from White.” America isn’t like it was when he arrived as refugee from Nazis in 1940 and it was prudent to downplay your diversity.

    自 1969 年以来,政府和文化向自称多元化的人发放平权行动资金和奖品,因此自利的混血人种往往会努力争取获得最高回报的身份。

    例如,最近有一个案例,一个夏威夷出生的人在 20 多岁之前,在很大程度上被他的朋友认为是“另一个混血儿”或“国际”或“多元文化”。 但他最终决定强调自己的黑人血统,写了一本 150,000 字的回忆录,讲述了他与他几乎不认识的非洲父亲的关系,名为“来自父亲的梦想:种族和继承的故事”。

    And things worked out really well for him. White people loved this guy who was raised by whites and Asians but who claimed to be black on the 2010 Census. They even made him President and paid him $400,000 per speech.

  152. An
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    The rate things are going, I’m putting up pretty high odds for a new Caliphate.
    New Caliphate--maybe. But it won't be ruling the world.

    The later 21st and 22nd Century will belong to the Chinese. They have the demographic weight and IQ. The West--America, the rest of the Anglo-sphere and Europe--have the weight, IQ and culture to have been in balance with them. But we are on a suicidal path.

    The Chi-coms have been really slow and pretty pathetic about addressing some of their demographic issues. (I've thought up better programs for them than what they've done.) But long term, because they are unburdened by "progressivism" or Christianity, the Chinese are going to get around to doing what they need to do. In terms of fertility, eugenics, direct genetic manipulation. Even just pushing people around. Wouldn't surprise me--once the West is neutered--for the Chinese to just colonize parts of Africa that they feel like taking over. What's to stop them? (They might address Steve's "most important graph in the world", by flying over and spraying some fertility suppressant, but simply conquest to provide lebensraum would do the trick.) The Chinese will be the world's big swinging dick. (Irony yes ;-)

    It's hard to predict exactly what the heck is going to happen in Europe on the downslope. Personally i don't think it's going to be a smooth handover. I think once it's just brutally clear that genocide/culturecide-submission is what's in store, there's going to be a reaction. Civil war? Partitioning? Expulsions? All very hard to predict. But one thing i don't see is a Caliphate with any weight to balance or push back the Chinese. Islam is just a religion, but the reality remains the actual practitioners of Islam are simply way too stupid to compete with the Chinese. A brown mulatto-Arab Europe is way too stupid.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    You’re assuming that China is immune to self-destructive progressive memes as the West is. Evidence for this isn’t absolute; other Asian countries such as Korea, Japan and Taiwan all have plunging TFR and some have subscribed heavily to liberal Western values such as Korea. In all of those countries, too, including China, there’s at least a substantial minority that wants to mimic the West in all things.

    Dr. Daniel A Bell, for example, tried to equate Confucianism with “if compassion is the greatest virtue, then government should be staffed with gay men and women” and attempted to advance this to the CCP. So far, yes, it hasn’t been very successful but there’s a lot of the youth that want to pursue more individualistic interests and lobby for “freedom” such as same-sex marriage and transgender rights.

    The government, large portions which do seem to be aware that this is a problem, is struggling just to even stem this “influence of Western universalist values” before they can really do much else. The truth is that progressive values do manage to penetrate higher IQ societies pretty well, mutating as they might have to be; the very values of say, long time value and focus on education, can gradually spin out to increase childlessness. Ever greater urbanization increases crowding, which in itself can reduce family values. Higher status and independence for women results in less marriage, as well as increased lesbianism, etc.

    It may very well be that high IQ is in itself toxic. Perhaps in a world with enough resources, the winners are women who are too dumb or too religious to use protection correctly and men who do not care for their offspring.

  153. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I'm waiting for Confucianism to actually show it can resist liberal memes before I advocate that it can do anything at all. Sadly, I don't think it'll actually prove much more resistant to progressive ideas than Christianity. Progressivism is one heck of an adaptable virus.

    I have a theory that intelligence is actually anti-survival, for better or worse.

    Replies: @RSDB, @Anonymous, @snorlax, @dfordoom

    According to Confucian ethics, people owe loyalty to parents, siblings, rulers, children and spouses. Outside of that they owe nothing to anyone. Christians by contrast are expected to show charity to all needy people everywhere. This is why the West goes out of its way to import the wretched poor of the world and why wealthy Asian countries will never do likewise.

  154. @Travis

    according to DNA testing Puerto Ricans are 70% European, 20% African and 10% Native American on average.

    Thus Puerto Ricans are more European than the illegal Mexicans and Central American who have crossed our borders over the last 30 years. The average illegal alien from Mexico is over 55% Native American , 5% Afrrican and just 40% European.


    I guess it depends on the study.



  155. @杰森·刘
    Professor Gans should be careful what he wishes for.

    If even half of Latinos/Asians really do assimilate into whiteness and stop voting based on race, the American left is done. They'd have to rely only on blacks a solid minority base, and the black population is barely growing.

    回复:@cynthia curran

    Also, a lot of the illegal immigrants are middle aged now not young. The average age for immigrants in Santa Ana is about 43 years old and 22 for native born, their offspring or grandchildren. If Trump can cut off illegal immigration and get some to go home. Mexicans and other Latins may break away from the Dems by 10 years.

  156. An


    I already debunked you claim that Confucianism is some sort of unique inoculation against civilizational destruction. It is not Confucianism that is immune, rather it's the West--WEIRD socities--that are susceptible.

    As to your love of Confucianism--great. But we actual Americans do not live in a Confucian society and have zero interest in becoming one. If you love Confucianism so much--have this intense ethno-racial connection to your people's Confucian heritage--then you should just go live in China.

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.

    Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @Jason Liu, @dfordoom, @dfordoom

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.

    The problem with western nations is that westerners do not want to save their own society. As long as they have their internet porn, and cheap smartphones, and comic-book movies, they don’t care.

    If you look at Europe, even among the small minority who vote for nationalist parties most are liberals. They are worried that Muslims will be mean to homosexuals and won’t put up with the feminist nonsense of modern women. Among Americans, even among Trump voters most are liberals (and Trump is a liberal).

    The best thing that could happen to the West is a good hard dose of sharia law. It might purge the poison of liberalism. I’m looking forward to it. White Europeans are too weak to deserve to survive.

    • 回复: @查尔斯·欧文·威尔逊

    White Europeans are too weak to deserve to survive.
    You have no understanding of human nature at all. And your best case will sweep away everything you care about. Then you will spend your remaining days lamenting the world that once was.
  157. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I did not know of Isaac Titsingh. Thanks for linking me to know him!

    回复:@Old Palo Altan


  158. An


    I already debunked you claim that Confucianism is some sort of unique inoculation against civilizational destruction. It is not Confucianism that is immune, rather it's the West--WEIRD socities--that are susceptible.

    As to your love of Confucianism--great. But we actual Americans do not live in a Confucian society and have zero interest in becoming one. If you love Confucianism so much--have this intense ethno-racial connection to your people's Confucian heritage--then you should just go live in China.

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.

    Replies: @Daniel Chieh, @Jason Liu, @dfordoom, @dfordoom

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.

    Western society has been diseased since the 18th century. The Enlightenment was the beginning of the end. Western civilisation was worth saving up until that point.

  159. @syonredux

    Meant for this to go here:

    ’50s TV Shows that I have seen:

    Have Gun-Will Travel (The all-time best TV Western)



    The Twilight Zone (started in ’59, so it counts)









    Replies: @Old Palo Altan, @3g4me

    @131 Syon Redux:

    Perhaps because I had an older brother who generally determined what was on t.v., and/or I remember quite a bit from an early age {i.e. 2-4} I clearly recall Ozzie and Harriet, Make Room for Daddy, and particularly clearly Car 54 Where Are You. I realize some of these continued into the ’60s, but I specifically remember watching them in our “old” house which we lived in until 1963.


    • 回复: @dfordoom
    @ 3g4me

    I clearly recall Ozzie and Harriet, Make Room for Daddy, and particularly clearly Car 54 Where Are You.
    I'm the same age as you. I remember all those sitcoms. And the drama series of the late 50s - Peter Gunn (which wasn't very good), Mickey Spillane's Mike Hammer (the one with Darren McGavin which was excellent), Dragnet (the original 50s version), Hawaiian Eye, 77 Sunset Strip, Maverick, Gunsmoke, Wagon Train, Rawhide, etc.

    There were some terrible series as well, like The Twilight Zone (non-stop liberal propaganda).
  160. @146 AnotherDad:

    Excellent comment and valid points, none of which I dispute. I think a clear distinction needs to be made between “who” is regarding “whom” as “White.” Among citizenists, any % down to 0 is okay, as long as they technically identify as superficially “American” and claim to revere Western Civilization. Among Christian Alt-Lite, pretty much the same definition {i.e. millions of Nigerians would be good for “America” as long as they were “Christian”}. For the left, any % of non-White genetic heritage sufficient to be noticeable and a history of aggressive ethnic advocacy and anti-White/anti-Western agitation seems to be sufficient to be considered part of “people of color,” although there remain gradations and the darker Negro women will never cease to resent the lighter {for which reason the lighter are generally the more militantly in favor of Whites being miscegenated out of existence}.

    The Alt-Right has its own factions. The Alt-White crowd varies, with some who reject southern Italians and others who are okay with a small % of mystery meat and mischlings as long as they keep quiet and have a history of aiming left. The Alt-Reich recognizes only North Europeans
    {Germans and Scandinavians} as genuine Whites. The Alt-West is similar to the Alt-White in practice although it adds Christianity as an absolute prerequisite along with Roman/Greek historical culture and European White people as the three elements of Western Civilization. Again, most are willing to accept a certain % of mixed or Asian people, as long as White Europeans are a significant and dominant majority {generally 85 – 95%}.

    Please note I write not from self interest, as I am a special snowflake {and my spouse has 9-16% Jewish ancestry per 23andMe}, but too many here among Steve’s commentariat fail to clearly define their terms and consider mere recognition of Negro dysfunction makes them Alt-Right, regardless of their Jewish, Asian, Mulatto, or other heritage. Specificity has its place and can be over-emphasized, but ignoring it altogether tends to lead to playing fast and loose with truth and factual reality.

  161. @whorefinder
    @ BB753

    I had a thing for that actress, Ming-Na Wen, when she was on ER back in the 1990s, before she abruptly left after the first season (she came back later in the show, but the magic was gone). I was so enthralled that when she went and appeared on The Single Guy I began watching that sitcom just for her, even though she was a secondary charatcer. The weird things a good-looking woman can do to a guy....

    Anyway, she's aged quite nicely, as Asian women are wont to do. A few years ago an Asian actress sued IMDB because it gave her real birth date, which was about a decade younger than what she was claiming, which the actress claimed hurt her career; she legitimately looked a decade younger, and had gotten younger-women parts, so the birth date release was inhibiting. I also know a couple of other Asian women (one an actress) who consistently lie and tell people (potential employers, potential boyfriends, etc. ) that they are about 10 years younger than they are---and get away with it.

    Anyway, despite looking younger and fitter, there's little rational excuse for tiny Asian women beating up a bunch of six foot tall guys. What's wrong with just being eye candy? As history demonstrates, eye candy ladies have been pretty powerful!

    Replies: @jim jones, @BB753, @ScarletNumber

    A few years ago an Asian actress sued IMDB because it gave her real birth date, which was about a decade younger than what she was claiming

    Don’t you mean older?

  162. @stillCARalist

    yeah, i've never even seen an episode of O and H. How old now are the people who watched it?

    As to Ricky Ricardo and that drum number, it's pretty darn foreign. I like hearing it once, but that's enough. Definitely not sustainable, at least for this whitey.

    Replies: @syonredux, @Old fogey, @ScarletNumber

    讽刺的是 Ozzie和Harriet历险记 being forgotten is that it is the longest-running live-action American television sitcom at 14 years

    • 回复: @打呼噜

    看起来像 杰克班尼计划 just beats it at 15 years (though with fewer episodes filmed, 343 vs 435). And I think one can make a convincing argument that the title-holder ought to be 芝麻街 (47 years and 4,386 episodes so far), which seems to fit all the criteria: a live-action show featuring a stable cast of recurring characters in situations intended to be comedic (to the target audience).

    Apologies for being an annoying pedant.

  163. @IAmCorn


    回复:@ syonredux,@ Jim Don Bob

    是的,但是 Firefly 很棒,因为有这样的对话:

    Captain Mal Reynolds” “You don’t know me, son, so let me explain this to you once: If I ever kill you, you’ll be awake, you’ll be facing me, and you’ll be armed.”

  164. @ScarletNumber

    讽刺的是 Ozzie和Harriet历险记 being forgotten is that it is the longest-running live-action American television sitcom at 14 years


    看起来像 杰克班尼计划 just beats it at 15 years (though with fewer episodes filmed, 343 vs 435). And I think one can make a convincing argument that the title-holder ought to be 芝麻街 (47 years and 4,386 episodes so far), which seems to fit all the criteria: a live-action show featuring a stable cast of recurring characters in situations intended to be comedic (to the target audience).

    Apologies for being an annoying pedant.

  165. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I'm waiting for Confucianism to actually show it can resist liberal memes before I advocate that it can do anything at all. Sadly, I don't think it'll actually prove much more resistant to progressive ideas than Christianity. Progressivism is one heck of an adaptable virus.

    I have a theory that intelligence is actually anti-survival, for better or worse.

    Replies: @RSDB, @Anonymous, @snorlax, @dfordoom

    I have a theory that intelligence is actually anti-survival, for better or worse.

    It’s certainly associated with all manner of neuroses — in the East Asian context there’s (among other things) all the obsessive-compulsive cultural practices (tea ceremonies and such).

  166. @ 3g4me

    @131 Syon Redux:

    Perhaps because I had an older brother who generally determined what was on t.v., and/or I remember quite a bit from an early age {i.e. 2-4} I clearly recall Ozzie and Harriet, Make Room for Daddy, and particularly clearly Car 54 Where Are You. I realize some of these continued into the '60s, but I specifically remember watching them in our "old" house which we lived in until 1963.



    I clearly recall Ozzie and Harriet, Make Room for Daddy, and particularly clearly Car 54 Where Are You.

    I’m the same age as you. I remember all those sitcoms. And the drama series of the late 50s – Peter Gunn (which wasn’t very good), Mickey Spillane’s Mike Hammer (the one with Darren McGavin which was excellent), Dragnet (the original 50s version), Hawaiian Eye, 77 Sunset Strip, Maverick, Gunsmoke, Wagon Train, Rawhide, etc.

    There were some terrible series as well, like The Twilight Zone (non-stop liberal propaganda).

  167. @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I'm waiting for Confucianism to actually show it can resist liberal memes before I advocate that it can do anything at all. Sadly, I don't think it'll actually prove much more resistant to progressive ideas than Christianity. Progressivism is one heck of an adaptable virus.

    I have a theory that intelligence is actually anti-survival, for better or worse.

    Replies: @RSDB, @Anonymous, @snorlax, @dfordoom

    I have a theory that intelligence is actually anti-survival, for better or worse.

    The problem is the High IQ idiots. Moderately high IQ combined with common sense and a respect for tradition is useful.

    To believe in really really dumb self-destructive ideas seems to require a high IQ. Who was it who said that some things are so stupid that only an educated person could believe them?

    The problem with Europeans is too much education. Only a tiny minority of people need a university education. For most people a university education is dangerous and harmful.

    This might be true of East Asians as well? Especially when they’re exposed to what passes for education in the West.

  168. @dfordoom

    America is a Western society and its patriots want to save it as such.
    The problem with western nations is that westerners do not want to save their own society. As long as they have their internet porn, and cheap smartphones, and comic-book movies, they don't care.

    If you look at Europe, even among the small minority who vote for nationalist parties most are liberals. They are worried that Muslims will be mean to homosexuals and won't put up with the feminist nonsense of modern women. Among Americans, even among Trump voters most are liberals (and Trump is a liberal).

    The best thing that could happen to the West is a good hard dose of sharia law. It might purge the poison of liberalism. I'm looking forward to it. White Europeans are too weak to deserve to survive.

    回复:@Charles Erwin Wilson

    White Europeans are too weak to deserve to survive.

    You have no understanding of human nature at all. And your best case will sweep away everything you care about. Then you will spend your remaining days lamenting the world that once was.

  169. @whorefinder

    Boothe played the other guy whose name I can’t recall.
    Boothe did a great job voicing Gorilla Grodd in the 正义联盟 cartoon series. In a series full of absolutely fantastic voice work---including Clancy Brown's butt-kicking version of Lex Luthor----Boothe was (perhaps) the best.


    回复:@ FPD72

    Booth was incredible as Jim Jones in the CBS biopic miniseries. I think he won an Emmy for the role. I had listened to the Jamestown tapes on PBS earlier and the similarity was eerie. He didn’t so much portray Jones as channel him.

    • 回复: @史蒂夫·塞勒
    @ FPD72

    Is Powers Booth related to the 19th Century acting Booths?

    回复:@ FPD72

  170. @ FPD72

    Booth was incredible as Jim Jones in the CBS biopic miniseries. I think he won an Emmy for the role. I had listened to the Jamestown tapes on PBS earlier and the similarity was eerie. He didn't so much portray Jones as channel him.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    Is Powers Booth related to the 19th Century acting Booths?

    • 回复: @ FPD72

    Not that I know of. Actually, I misspelled his name; it should have been "Boothe." He grew up on a farm near Snyder, Texas, in the heart of cotton and oil country. It's a very hard scrabble place; not where I would expect the descendants of southern theatrical aristocracy to end up.

  171. @史蒂夫·塞勒
    @ FPD72

    Is Powers Booth related to the 19th Century acting Booths?

    回复:@ FPD72

    Not that I know of. Actually, I misspelled his name; it should have been “Boothe.” He grew up on a farm near Snyder, Texas, in the heart of cotton and oil country. It’s a very hard scrabble place; not where I would expect the descendants of southern theatrical aristocracy to end up.

  172. @隐身
    哈哈。 “……多数少数……”

    如果一个国家没有多数群体,那么这个国家就是百分百少数群体,而不是 多数 少数民族。他们是怎么想出这种废话的?


    关于左派敌人的词和表达尤其如此。曾经,“移民改革”意味着结束非法移民并减少合法移民。现在,这意味着让已经在该国的非法移民走上公民身份的道路,并大幅增加合法移民的数量。 “政治正确”指的是白人的罪恶感和其他有毒的BS自由派强行塞进我们的喉咙,但自由派也掌握了这一点,在你意识到之前比尔·马赫正在使用它 政治上不正确 作为他的电视节目的标题。我猜他们认为这意味着直言不讳之类的。


    回复:@the cruncher


  173. @syonredux

    在我就读的加州大学,亚洲人倾向于保护白人免受黑人和西班牙裔学生在学校 Facebook 页面上的言语攻击和政治迫害。

    And "Hapas" (European-East Asian mixes) tend to be perceived as White. Cf people like Dean Cain, Meg and Jennifer Tilly, Phoebe Cates, etc


    Place of Birth: Mount Clemens, Michigan, USA


    * 37.5%日语
    * 62.5% 欧洲人(包括英语、法语-加拿大语、爱尔兰语、威尔士语)




    * 75%的阿什肯纳兹犹太人
    *25% 中文



    出生日期:14 年 1960 月 XNUMX 日


    出生姓名:Jennifer Ellen Chan




    Replies: @Stealth, @Flip, @3g4me, @Jefferson

    “And “Hapas” (European-East Asian mixes) tend to be perceived as White. Cf people like Dean Cain, Meg and Jennifer Tilly, Phoebe Cates, etc”

    I remember Keanu Reeves was called a Whiteboy in the Vibrantly Diverse urban inner city film Street Kings.

  174. @卡尔
    @ anony-mouse

    I'm just old enough to have seen 我爱露西 在广播电视上重播。根据我的记忆,大多数人认为墨西哥人像德西一样是白色的,或者像你在西部片中看到的那样是棕色的(黝黑的)。最主要的是,人们认为西班牙裔拥有不同的文化,而不是种族差异。中美洲原住民从未被太多人看到或想到。

    正如 syonredux 所说,如果 Desi 被视为 POC,那么该节目就永远不会播出。

    Replies: @PiltdownMan, @Old Palo Altan, @Jefferson


    那么,早在 1950 世纪 XNUMX 年代,当塞萨尔·查韦斯 (Cesar Chavez) 成为墨西哥民权活动家时,他在北欧金发白人外国佬眼中就被视为白人了?




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