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ACORN Watch:项目投票、党派滑稽动作和非法行为



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Photoshop 信用:Leo Alberti

Well, lookee here. The New York Times, of all places, reports on an internal assessment of ACORN’s shady relationships with its affiliates and its inextricable ties to Obama’s old employers at Project Vote. For months, ACORN watchers have laid out the incestuous ties between the two groups.

Now, ACORN’s own inside review lays out the questions of illegality. Oh, and there’s that million-dollar embezzlement issue. And the IRS breathing down the fraud-friendly group’s neck.




社区组织 Acorn 的律师的一份内部报告提出了一个问题,即其 174 个附属机构之间的关系网络是否可能导致违反联邦法律。


共和党人试图就参议员巴拉克奥巴马与该组织的关系提出问题,他在 1995 年的一场诉讼中代表了该组织。奥巴马竞选团队否认与 Acorn 的选民登记活动有任何联系。

华盛顿律师伊丽莎白·金斯利 (Elizabeth Kingsley) 于 18 月 XNUMX 日撰写的报告阐明了她对可能将慈善资金用于政治目的的不当使用的担忧; 关联方之间的资金转移; 以及为多个关联公司工作的员工造成的潜在冲突等。

它还提供了关于 Acorn 创始人韦德·拉斯克 (Wade Rathke) 的兄弟挪用近 1 万美元的不同说法,与该组织在 XNUMX 月份窃取消息公之于众时的说法不同。

“对潜在责任的全面分析需要咨询知识渊博的白领刑事律师,”金斯利女士在谈到 2000 年发生的挪用公款时写道,但直到今年夏天才被披露。

No connection, eh, Barry O?

她的报告已分发给 Acorn 和 10 家附属公司,在特别困难的时候披露给该组织增加了压力。 除了对其选民登记工作进行调查外,Acorn 还面临国税局和各州税务机关要求补缴税款的要求。 与此同时,支持 Acorn 的基金会正在拒绝支持。

金斯利女士对 Acorn 附属公司合作方式的担忧可能会引发对 Acorn 选民登记工作的争议,这些工作主要由附属慈善机构 Project Vote 承保。 Project Vote 聘请 Acorn 代表其进行选民登记工作,这两个团体表示他们今年已经登记了 1.3 万名选民。

作为联邦免税慈善机构,Project Vote 受到党派政治活动的禁止。 但 Acorn 是路易斯安那州法律规定的非营利性会员公司,虽然要缴纳联邦税,但不受相同限制的约束。

“Project Vote 和 Acorn 有一份书面协议,规定所有工作都是无党派的,”Project Vote 的新执行董事迈克尔·斯莱特 (Michael Slater) 在回答有关双方关系的电子邮件问题时写道。


但金斯利女士发现,Project Vote 和 Acorn 之间的紧密关系使得无法证明 Project Vote 的资金以严格无党派的方式使用。 在去年夏天贪污丑闻爆发之前,Project Vote 的董事会完全由 Acorn 员工和 Acorn 成员组成。


She wrote that the same people appeared to be deciding which regions to focus on for increased voter engagement for Acorn and Project Vote. Zach Pollett, for instance, was Project Vote’s executive director and Acorn’s political director, until July, when he relinquished the former title. Mr. Pollett continues to work as a consultant for Project Vote through another Acorn affiliate.

“As a result, we may not be able to prove that 501(c)3 resources are not being directed to specific regions based on impermissible partisan considerations,” Ms. Kingsley said, referring to the section of the tax code concerning rules for charities.

Project Vote, for example, had only one independent director since it received a federal tax exemption in 1994, and he was on the board for less than two years, its tax forms show. Since then, the board has consisted of Acorn staff members and two Acorn members who pay monthly dues.

是的,这个 is ACORN Obama knows.

Waiting for Team Obama to condemn the Times for publishing another right-wing, negative smear distraction…

• 类别: 思想 •标签: ACORN手表, 选民欺诈