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Mike Krempasky at Red State, patron saint of the blogosphere, keeps you up-to-date on the FEC rulemaking process regarding Internet/blog speech over at fec.redstate.org. Like you needed another reason to stick pins in your John McCain voodoo doll. There’s three days left to send comments.

See also Scared Monkeys’ post, “Should blogs trust the FEC?“

The answer is no. Hell, no.

更新: The Online Coalition has released its official comment to the FEC regarding proposed blog regulation. I’m honored to be among the non-partisan group’s signatories.



Keep your hands off our blogs

The FEC vs. blogs

How big is the FEC threat to blogs?

The Gray Lady covers the FEC controversy

Sens. McCain and Feingold

Volokh on optional free speech protections

Left and right bloggers united

FEC vs. blogs update

Blogger TV and the FEC

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 约翰·麦凯恩