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坚果根弹道:我们要求进行沉闷的辩论! 要不然!



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Oh, the left-wing bloggers are in high dudgeon over the Democrat 辩论.

How could ABC News do it? Behold the teeth-gnashing.hair-pulling.foot-stomping.

How dare the ABC moderators ask questions about topics that are, you know, 专题?

How dare they ask questions that–gasp!–保守派 are asking.

How dare they explore questions of character, truthfulness, and judgment?

Don’t you know you’re supposed to do the Schoolmarm thing or the Suck-Up thing 或者 Bogus Plant thing?

Don’t you know you’re supposed to just let the candidates bloviate about 感同身受 or 地球暖化 or 多元化 or some other MSM-designated Important Issue?

Don’t you know you’re supposed to ask the same, old, recycled softball questions in order to allow the candidates to recite the same, old, recycled answers about their health plans, their housing plans, their Iraq withdrawal plans?

Why, this just proves the MSM is in cahoots with Fox News! (Or “Fix News,” as the pastor who shall not be named likes to call it.)

Charles Gibson is Rush Limbaugh’s puppet!

George Stephanopoulos is a traitor!

The nutroots campaign against ABC has 开始. A Daily Kossack fumes:

President Barack should pull their Broadcasting License…We expect Objectivity George! We’re Watching you!

If they can’t have back their stultifyingly dull Democrat debates, dammit, they are going to get all Rumpelstiltskin and jump up and down ’til they burn a hole in the ground.

No more pesky questions about candidates’ lies and shady associations.

Call in Suzanne Malveaux and let’s get back to “Do you prefer diamonds or pearls?”


批评家 29Victor beat me to it: “Talk about bitter. So are all of these lefties going to turn to God, guns and prejudice now?”
