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White House press secretary Scott McClellan is getting mauled over the delay in the public disclosure of Vice President Dick Cheney’s hunting accident. NBC’s David Gregory is fuming (I know, what else is new). Other reporters are shouting and interjecting.



Ok, here’s a taste of the MSM hunt:


Download and watch video (Windows 媒体 .wmv 文件)。

暴露左派 有更多视频。


拜伦·约克 sums up the controversy at NRO.

编辑和发行人 raises more questions.


约翰·波德洛兹(John Podhoretz):

This story is a very big deal, despite all the mitigating factors — the accident involved a friend, his medical team was right there to help, and all that. Something like this has never happened before, and it is a genuinely disturbing thing to think that the vice president of the United States actually shot somebody last weekend, even for fans of his. It’s disturbing as well that there was a news blackout that lasted nearly a day about this serious incident. It seems beyond question that the vice president is going to have to go before the cameras, explain what happened, and show genuine remorse for his actions, however inadvertent. It’s a difficult challenge for someone as reticent as Dick Cheney. But unless he does so, and makes a good showing of it, he will be damaged goods for the remainder of the Bush presidency.

布莱恩·普雷斯顿 dissects left-leaning Editor and Publisher’s coverage over at Junkyard Blog and says “Get a grip.”

Sheez Louise, “genuinely disturbing,” “news blackout”, “remorse for his actions”? It may well be the other guy’s fault. When you’re out hunting and you get shot, it’s usually because you were unclear about your intented movements or because you snuck up on somebody who was amped up looking for the quarry. I’m not saying it’s Whittington’s fault, but it may well be. So how can Cheney express remorse for some other guy’s mistake, if that’s what it was? JPod wants Cheney to shed Sally Field tears in front of a snarling Washington press corps. That sounds like a bad idea to me.

Along the lines of Bryan’s point about uncertainty over whose fault the accident was, 杰夫·H sends along some important info included in Fox News’s coverage:

According to Armstrong, who is friends with both the Cheneys and the Whittingtons and set up the two for the hunting trip on her property, a group of hunters was traveling in a vehicle on the ranch when it spotted a covey of quail in the late afternoon.

Armstrong, who remained in the car, said Whittington shot a bird and went to look for it in the tall grass, while Cheney and a third hunter walked to another spot and found a second covey.


Armstrong told FOX News that Cheney, thinking he was the last hunter on the right of the party, turned and fired at a quail. Whittington was standing on lower ground with the sun to his back. He was knocked to the ground, but not knocked out. All members of the hunting party were wearing blaze orange, she said.

“Mr. Whittington decided to join them. He came up from behind the other two hunters, and unfortunately, he did not announce to the hunters he was there and trying to join the line ,” Armstrong said. “The vice persident and other hunter believed that Whittington was 200 yards away, when, in fact, he was 30 yards and behind the line.”

蒂姆·格雷厄姆 on how liberals can overdo the Cheney gun story.

Dan at 同性恋爱国者:

Scott McClellan calmly made clear that the Vice President, not on an official trip, was not traveling with his normal entourage and that the first priority of those there was tending to Harry Whittington, the man injured. There’s no scandal here, no attempt to cover up. It doesn’t seem a decision was made not to report this, but that the Vice President’s staff handled this in a clumsy manner. Given that this is not a matter of government policy nor of national consequence, it is only a minor misdeed. For the hunting accident is merely an indication that the Vice President, like all his predecessors, is human and makes mistakes.

I would hope the White House Situation Room serves to address issues of national security and domestic policy — and not the imperfections of the Vice President on his own time. The press’s persistent baiting of Mr. McClellan says far more about them than it does about the Vice President or the delay in reporting the story. From the tone of their questioning to the content of those questions, it seemed they were certain this delay amounted to scandal.

That the Vice President — and his staff — did all in their power to see to the health of Mr. Whittington after the accident occurred is evidence enough that there is no scandal here, merely a good man concerned for the health of a hunting companion whom he had accidentally injured. With angry Islamicists stirring up Muslims and an anti-American tyranny trying to get nuclear arms, the press should not dwell so much on an inconsequential delay in reporting an error (unrelated to his official duties) the Vice President made on his own time. And so we add one example of the MSM’s bias against this Administration — and its zeal to find scandal in every Administration mistake.

什么是 马克·莱文 说过:

The local sheriff’s office has investigated and concluded it was an accident — which, of course, it was. And don’t give me “the public’s right to know.” Not from this media — which still refuses to publish those Danish cartoons. I’ll leave it to others to split hairs about who knew what and when, as I know they will, but I just don’t care.

托贾修女 有一个综述。



Cheney’s hunting accident

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 丹麦卡通, 迪克·切尼