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我提到了我的 直播博客 of the POTUS/TOTUS show that President Obama got testy when asked by Ed Henry why his administration took so long to respond publicly to the AIG bonus botch. 垃圾收集站 clipped the video:

OBAMA: “It took us a couple of days because I like to know what I’m talking about before I speak.”

File that one away for the future. It explains a lot.


Ed Morrissey designates this moment “The Obamateurism of the Day.”

The problem with this is that it took him a couple of days — and he still got it wrong. If you’ll recall, Obama and his team first claimed to know nothing about the bonuses, and then modified that claim to knowing nothing about the amendment in the omnibus plan that allowed them to get paid. Subsequently, we discovered that not only did Tim Geithner and Congress discuss the bonuses on March 3rd (and that Geithner wrote an e-mail about them while with the New York Fed in November), but that it was Geithner and his staff that directed Chris Dodd to make the necessary changes to the amendment that enabled the bonuses. In otherwords, Outraged Obama made the bonuses possible.

Even the press laughed at this Obamateurism. Even after a couple of days on an issue, Obama doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: AIG, 美国总统奥巴马