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I’m working on a special fun project this afternoon (stay tuned tomorrow) and then doing family stuff–the most important stuff of all.

Playing catch up:

I’m tickled to learn mm.com is part of the Banned By The Department of Interior list, via Gates of Vienna.

你知道吗 South Park mocked the 9/11 conspiracy crowd?

And now from the Religion of Perpetual Outrage: The Apple Jihad。 它 永远不会结束。

Here’s the Harry Reid hang-up, if you haven’t heard it yet. 埃德·莫里西 还有更多。

More on Walid Shoebat’s Columbia shut-out event, from a lucky insider who was able to attend, via Daily Infidel.

Carole Sussman sends the latest horse hockey from CU president Lee Bollinger:

I’m an alumni and a current employee, so I get the poo flung straight from the source:

Dear fellow members of the Columbia community,

I am writing to follow up on actions the University is taking in response to the disruption that occurred at the October 4 event in Lerner Hall. We are moving ahead in three broad areas: discussions throughout the community on the rights and responsibilities associated with freedom of speech on the campus, initiation of University disciplinary proceedings, and responses to any misconduct by

individuals who are not affiliated with Columbia. Additionally, the University’s review of student-sponsored event management and procedures continues.

Tuesday, I had the first of what will be a series of intensive conversations with student government and student organization leaders. As always happens, I left the discussion deeply impressed with the thoughtfulness of our students and their commitment to share responsibility for developing our basic principles as a University and for seeing that they are adhered to. It is not possible here to

recount all of the good suggestions that emerged from the conversation, but I do want to say that I am heartened by the expressed willingness to work through potential problems before they become real problems. I should also say there are many similar discussions taking place across the campus with administrators and students on these issues.

The investigation into the disruption continues. This week, Senior Vice Provost Stephen Rittenberg, who serves as rules administrator, will send letters to students who have been identified to date as having participated in acts that might have violated the Rules of University Conduct. In the letters, Dr. Rittenberg will inform students that they may face charges of rules violations and ask them to meet with him. I have noted before the need not to prejudge the actions of any individuals; the University Rules have established standards and procedures that provide for a thorough review and hearing to ensure that all members of the community are treated fairly. This, like free speech, is a core value of the University.

We are also investigating the actions of particular individuals who are not members of the Columbia community and will inform those whom we find to have committed violent or disruptive acts last Wednesday that they will not be allowed on the campus again.

I want to thank the many people in the University who have devoted time and energy to repairing the injury our community has sustained and to strengthening our shared academic values.



… same old, same old. And considering that they can’t keep dogs off

campus, I’d love to see how Columbia Security starts checking for

violent interlopers.

Happy 10th anniversary, NRO (scroll through on the front page for a neat retrospective)! Mixed up my dates and missed the star-studded soiree last night while I was at Colgate, but Bryan Preston was there.

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 里德