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(Photoshop 来源:Leo Alberti)

Tons of groups and individuals are stepping up to the plate in the wake of last week’s anti-stimulus/anti-entitlement protests and the call for a nationwide Tea Party.

PJTV 的抗议信息交换所是 此处.

新美国茶党页面来自“一个由关注政府近期财政鲁莽趋势的公民和组织组成的联盟……致力于华盛顿特区的努力,由美国观察家、哈特兰研究所、美国税收改革协会、国家纳税人联盟、美国繁荣组织和青年保守党联盟” 此处.

#TCOT folks have a site 此处#别走 有每个已确认的芝加哥茶党的官方 Facebook 活动(和一些非 Facebook)页面的链接列表。

格伦·雷诺兹 has good round-ups of the Overland Park, KS protest over the weekend organized by mm.com commenter Huskergirl Amanda Grosserode (congrats on a fabulous turnout!) and here’s some advice from a media producer. Yes, it’s good to be prepared — but I would caution against taking too much advice from the “professionals.” It’s the grass-roots nature of these events that make them so compelling. Too much “professional” advice will turn them into…mealy-mouthed GOP Beltway press conferences.

From reader George S., this is my favorite Overland Park KS protest pic:

And my second fave:

Good blog report from Kansas Meadowlark 此处.

还有更多 after-action reports and pics from talk show host Darla Jaye.

A nice pic of Amanda:

There will be another protest in Kansas City, Mo. next Saturday 2/28 with a march to Sen. Claire McCaskill’s office.

If you can’t find an event listed at one of the many sites above, start your own.

一个人 能够 做出改变。


Get your “Tea Party” swag. Business is booming. At least Obama stimulated 东西...


Leslie from Team Sarah asked me to post this for Louisiana folks:

“Tea Party” and “Anti-Pork” Protest Rally in Lafayette, Louisiana

Time: March 7, 2009 from 1pm to 3pm

Location: Veterans Park, 200 Feu Follett Road, Lafayette

Organized By: Leslie A.


Team Sarah Louisiana and Louisiana Resistance to Host “Tea Party” and “Anti-Pork” Rally in Lafayette

Lafayette, LA, February 24, 2009—Team Sarah Louisiana and its affiliate group, Louisiana Resistance, will host a “Tea Party“ and “Anti-Pork” protest rally on Saturday, March 7, 2009, at 1:00 pm in Veterans Park, 200 Feu Follett Road, in Lafayette.

The rally is for the purpose of protesting the massive, 787 billion dollar “porkulus” legislation just passed that will bankrupt the country and incur massive new debt for generations of Americans.

Attendees are encouraged to create signs and personal symbols expressing their outrage at this unprecedented waste of taxpayer dollars and violation of the public trust.


Team Sarah (www.teamsarah.org) is a diverse coalition of Americans dedicated to advancing the values Sarah Palin represents in the political process. Team Sarah has gained over 65,000 members nationwide since its inception in the fall of 2008. Louisiana Resistance (www.resist.net) is the Louisiana arm of the Patriotic Resistance, another idea-based network for battling the Obama agenda. For more information, call 337-258-8852 or email [电子邮件保护].

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 财政刺激计划, 猪肉