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来自 “纽约时报” 新闻栏目:



2020 年 5 月 6 日

华盛顿——凤凰城本周气温预计将达到 105 度。萨克拉门托最近已经打破了高温记录,德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿、盐湖城和佛罗里达州迈尔斯堡也是如此。

但城市用来保护最弱势群体免受高温影响的通常策略——鼓励人们聚集在图书馆或娱乐中心等公共建筑中降温——在冠状病毒和社会疏远的时代并不奏效。因此,全国各地的城市都在竞相测试其他想法。 ……

在洛杉矶,该市应急管理部门主任阿拉姆·萨哈基安 (Aram Sahakian) 正在努力让冷却中心尽可能防病毒。

90 月底气温降至 XNUMX 多度时,萨哈基安的办公室开设了五个降温中心,但条件很严格:任何试图进入的人都要接受体温测量。然后,人们获得了必须始终佩戴的口罩、手套和消毒剂。保安人员确保人们保持至少六英尺的距离。

“我们想测试这个系统,”萨哈基安先生说。 “公共卫生部对我们应该没事感到放心。”

洛杉矶县一千万居民的传统降温做法是开车到该县 75 英里的海岸线,在凉爽的海水(目前温度为 63 度)旁边或水中放松身心。以下是圣费尔南多谷内陆伍德兰希尔斯五天气温预报:


但洛杉矶县禁止前往海滩,因此您最好直接进入官方的冷却中心。这是一个 现场摄像头 圣莫尼卡海滩的照片,显示没有人敢将脚趾踩在沙滩上:


  1. Pangolin scales can be good for treating heat stroke…

    • 回复: @匿名

    ...if mixed with bat soup.

    , An

    Ok 337, i did laugh out loud.

    But this is one of the few things--e.g. smoking, ventilators--where the evidence is coming in contrary to what i assumed up front. I was 95-5 for wet market over lab at the beginning. Now from the evidence people have come up with, i'd say it's flopped the other way. Sloppiness, a screwup at the lab seems more likely.

  2. Michigan’s governor has banned travel to vacation and beach homes. A bit chilly now, but Michigan has miles of lakefront property. Why wouldn’t your vacation home be considered essential to your well being. Don’t ask me, a judge will soon decide that. Around here we are happy that you can now visit a golf course and enjoy a round, if you’re able to walk and carry your back or pull a cart. My grand kids in Ohio are now finished with the school year a few weeks early.

    • 回复: @詹姆斯讲

    Yeah, banning travel to get away - to get out into the countryside, is really creepy.

    Is there something they don't want us to see?
    Have the aliens landed yet?
    Bodies mysteriously disappearing al la excess deaths at home.

    Stay where you are. The government will take care of you.

    So, we've been told that that there is no reality, that we are a 2d holographic image for the amusement of the real 3d entities. If so, is this a horror movie in real life?

    (paranoid mode off)

    回复:@先生。 安农

    , @阿农

    Banning interregional travel is the best sort of restriction in a pandemic. Japan just had its first "Golden Week" ever that didn't involve half the nation traveling from Tokyo to hometowns everywhere. This slows down the spread and gives the the often older and less medically served rural population some extra time to await the development of effective treatments.

    Yuma reopened barbershops and restaurants without thinking that corona-mulletted guys from 200 miles away would crowd in for a haircut and a grilled cheese sandwich before heading home. Whoops!

    回复:@Buffalo Joe

    , @麦肯纳先生

    As it happens, the WSJ has just published a paean to waterfront living, and since 1) I like interiors of varnished wood 2) readers may enjoy a quick, rustic respite from their quotidian existence and 3) may not enjoy full WSJ access, I'll post a few pics below the fold here. No telling how many Ron'll let through though.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin






    Lake Glen (Lake George), New York:


    Hayden Lake, Idaho:



    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Reg Cæsar, @Buffalo Joe

    , @Anon7

    Michigan's governor has unclenched her iron fist just a bit, and now you can go to your cabin Up North. I tolerate her because so far she's done everything possible to bring out the vote for Trump this fall, regardless of what polls say.

    She wants to be Biden's pick for (vice)President. She won election in Michigan because she promised to "fix the damn roads". Which she really hasn't done.

    How can a woman who can't get the potholes fixed in a backwoods state's roads run the US of A?

  3. Two-thirds of New Yorkers hospitalized with the coronavirus were admitted from their homes, a “shocking” statistic that defies social-distancing logic….The same survey found that 46 percent were unemployed, and 37 percent retired……..“So, that says they’re not working, they’re not traveling,” said Cuomo. “These people were literally at home.” https://nypost.com/2020/05/06/new-york-coronavirus-survey-reveals-shocking-stats/

    seems that not working and staying sequestered at home may be the most dangerous place to cathc coronavirus. Maybe they are not getting enough vitamin D to protect themselves.

  4. 不久[218]• 免责声明 说:

    OT: Brits whine about more non-white doctors dying of Covid than white. However, a Daily Mail article points out that: “Of all working-age Black Africans, a third are employed in these roles (medical) – 50 per cent more than the white British population. Meanwhile Pakistani, Indian and Black African men are 90 per cent, 150 per cent and 310 per cent -more likely to work in healthcare than white British men, respectively.”

    So that’s why they’re dying. There are more minorities in the field than white doctors. The British government wanted cheap doctors and imported a lot of minorities. However, I suspect that if they’d stayed home, they would have been just as likely to die when Covid hit their home countries.


    • 谢谢: 麦肯纳先生
  5. 测量那些过热的人的体温以寻求庇护有什么目的?拒绝入场就保证中暑?

    • 同意: 油炸圈饼
    • 哈哈: 虚拟机
    • 回复: @vhrm




  6. A little more beach activity over at Del Mar:


    My wife just moments ago informed me that most Cisco employees will be working remotely until October (was end of May).

    • 回复: @吉姆·唐·鲍勃

    ...that most Cisco employees will be working remotely until October...
    Great. Maybe they can fix the POS that is Webex.
  7. @匿名的
    Pangolin scales can be good for treating heat stroke...


    …if mixed with bat soup.

  8. So close but so far away

  9. @布法罗乔
    Michigan's governor has banned travel to vacation and beach homes. A bit chilly now, but Michigan has miles of lakefront property. Why wouldn't your vacation home be considered essential to your well being. Don't ask me, a judge will soon decide that. Around here we are happy that you can now visit a golf course and enjoy a round, if you're able to walk and carry your back or pull a cart. My grand kids in Ohio are now finished with the school year a few weeks early.

    Replies: @James Speaks, @Anon, @Mr McKenna, @Anon7

    Yeah, banning travel to get away – to get out into the countryside, is really creepy.

    Is there something they don’t want us to see?
    Have the aliens landed yet?
    Bodies mysteriously disappearing al la excess deaths at home.

    Stay where you are. The government will take care of you.

    So, we’ve been told that that there is no reality, that we are a 2d holographic image for the amusement of the real 3d entities. If so, is this a horror movie in real life?

    (paranoid mode off)

    • 同意: 布法罗·乔
    • 回复: @先生。 安农

    Yeah, banning travel to get away – to get out into the countryside, is really creepy.
    When Gretchen Whitmer orders all the city dwellers to move to the country, that will be the time to really get scared.

    Don't wear your eye-glasses.

    Replies: @Che Blutarsky, @BenKenobi

  10. 匿名[274]• 免责声明 说:

    2016 年的特朗普展示了通过移民问题设置政治棘轮的技巧。


    Now the 2020 Trump is on the wrong side of the political ratchet — after failing to take the key anti-chaos position in the covid crisis.

    He should’ve called for demanded data transparency from the start (law & order). Instead he went ahead with an intrinsically corrupt healthcare bureaucrat + healthcare administrator alliance that gamed the hell out of the covid death count data.

    虚假死亡人数不断上升。骗子的目标是选举日之前死亡人数超过 200,000 万。这种疯狂行为将继续恐吓全国大部分地区并抑制经济,直到特朗普醒来并谴责所有参与这一马戏团的人的腐败行为。



    • 回复: @ MBlanc46

    Because he fired Steve Bannon.


    , @alt适中

    True, outsiders like Salvini and Le Pen are more likely to benefit from this crisis than those who are in power (like Trump and Bolsonaro) However, Trump's anti-China stance does mitigate things somewhat. Trump has consistently warned about various threats from China since 2015, and his backers like Bannon have been on about China for many years. While the lab conspiracy theory is probably rubbish, there is no denying that a lot of viruses have come from China, and that Chinese cultural practices in relations to animals leave a lot to be desired.


  11. The cooler temperatures by the water might be great for California natives, but as a vacationer at Huntington beach last year I found it quite chilly sitting on the beach. I came to California from the perpetually cold Pacific Northwest specifically to warm up.
    Please correct this before my next visit.

    • 回复: @史蒂夫·塞勒

    I'll get working on it!

  12. In the category of “You can’t make this shit up” the Buffalo News on line has this headline for an article…”She would have made it to 105 but Covid-19 killed 99 year old.”

    • 哈哈: 鱼露
    • 回复: @特雷兰


    R.I.P. Florian


    回复:@McKenna先生,@ RegCæsar

  13. @匿名
    The cooler temperatures by the water might be great for California natives, but as a vacationer at Huntington beach last year I found it quite chilly sitting on the beach. I came to California from the perpetually cold Pacific Northwest specifically to warm up.
    Please correct this before my next visit.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    I’ll get working on it!

  14. 湿T恤

    你热吗? 你有T恤吗? 好吧,穿上那件T恤; 冲个澡; 打开冷水; 全身湿透。 现在,你会感觉凉爽多了。 如果有电扇,请坐在电扇前。


  15. 不久[205]• 免责声明 说:
    Michigan's governor has banned travel to vacation and beach homes. A bit chilly now, but Michigan has miles of lakefront property. Why wouldn't your vacation home be considered essential to your well being. Don't ask me, a judge will soon decide that. Around here we are happy that you can now visit a golf course and enjoy a round, if you're able to walk and carry your back or pull a cart. My grand kids in Ohio are now finished with the school year a few weeks early.

    Replies: @James Speaks, @Anon, @Mr McKenna, @Anon7

    Banning interregional travel is the best sort of restriction in a pandemic. Japan just had its first “Golden Week” ever that didn’t involve half the nation traveling from Tokyo to hometowns everywhere. This slows down the spread and gives the the often older and less medically served rural population some extra time to await the development of effective treatments.

    Yuma reopened barbershops and restaurants without thinking that corona-mulletted guys from 200 miles away would crowd in for a haircut and a grilled cheese sandwich before heading home. Whoops!

    • 回复: @布法罗乔

    Anon 205, Japan is a country of mass transportation, not private cars. So I get the point when talking about Japan. Michigan probably has more fresh water shoreline than any other state. Cottages usually aren't built back from the lake to urban density. How about a cabin in the Upper Peninsula on let's say 100 acres of woods? All this ends when we can get tested. And please don't make too many daring leaps without a safety net. Who is going to drive 400 miles round trip for a haircut? I was looking at a lakefront property in the Adirondaks. Sleeps 16 on 600 acres, so you know, a family retreat. Now just need to raise $3 mil.

    回复:@Paleo Liberal

  16. The current soft lockdown is obviously not going to eliminate the virus. Therefore, I suggest that everyone, essential worker or not, take the next 30 days and stay at home. Hospital workers, power plant workers, food industry workers, everybody. That’s the only way to get rid of this.

    Now, I’m not saying that if we do this we won’t get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than 100 million to 200 million killed by doing this, tops.

    • 回复: 保罗·乔利夫(Paul Jolliffe)

    Che Blutarsky said:

    "Now, I’m not saying that if we do this we won’t get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than 100 million to 200 million killed by doing this, tops."

    Depending on the breaks.

    "Perhaps, it might be better, Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American people than with your image in the history books . . ."

  17. Our public officials at almost all levels are complete idiots.

  18. @布法罗乔
    In the category of "You can't make this shit up" the Buffalo News on line has this headline for an article..."She would have made it to 105 but Covid-19 killed 99 year old."



    R.I.P. Florian

    • 回复: @麦肯纳先生

    Since all of your posts in this thread have been videos I think it's only fair to warn you that a number of us have videos turned off (it's a javascript setting) so we don't really know what it is you might be saying, or singing, or showing, or whatever.

    , @RegCæsar

    The "Kevorkian remix" label is confusing; it refers to François, not Jack. The surname is simply a patronymic for "George", so it mist be common.

    A Very Still Life: The Art and Music of Jack Kevorkian

    But Jack knew his way around music as well, and his lawyer's late little brother headed up the Knack.



  19. I am strictly an East Coast guy but when I visited LA for 10 days you better believe I went out to Long Beach an jumped into the Pacific ocean for a while. I think there were hazy Compton oil refineries in the background. Was 1986 when we wuz Kangz baby! With a non existent trade deficit. An get this. I flew on Freddy Laker airlines/ @ 100$ each way

  20. @小姐马普尔





  21. @匿名的
    2016 年的特朗普展示了通过移民问题设置政治棘轮的技巧。


    现在,2020 年的特朗普在政治上站在了错误的一边——未能在新冠危机中采取关键的反混乱立场。


    虚假死亡人数不断上升。骗子的目标是选举日之前死亡人数超过 200,000 万。这种疯狂行为将继续恐吓全国大部分地区并抑制经济,直到特朗普醒来并谴责所有参与这一马戏团的人的腐败行为。



    回复:@MBlanc46、@alt 右温和

    Because he fired Steve Bannon.

    • 回复: @RegCæsar
    @ MBlanc46

    Because he fired Steve Bannon.
    But he still has Steve's Uncle Race:

  22. @詹姆斯讲

    Yeah, banning travel to get away - to get out into the countryside, is really creepy.

    Is there something they don't want us to see?
    Have the aliens landed yet?
    Bodies mysteriously disappearing al la excess deaths at home.

    Stay where you are. The government will take care of you.

    So, we've been told that that there is no reality, that we are a 2d holographic image for the amusement of the real 3d entities. If so, is this a horror movie in real life?

    (paranoid mode off)

    回复:@先生。 安农

    Yeah, banning travel to get away – to get out into the countryside, is really creepy.

    When Gretchen Whitmer orders all the city dwellers to move to the country, that will be the time to really get scared.

    Don’t wear your eye-glasses.

    • 回复: @车布鲁塔斯基
    @先生。 安农

    Don't overreact there, Mr., Governor Whitmer is no where close to turning into Pol Pot. That's at least a good couple months away.

    , @本克诺比
    @先生。 安农

    Currently the Corona-Chan debacle is more accurately titled The Shilling Fields

  23. As we move into the summer months, we will find out that heat-stroke is also a symptom of COVID-19

  24. Cant these people just fly to florida and remotely stay at home ?

    – M. Pritzker

  25. @先生。 安农

    Yeah, banning travel to get away – to get out into the countryside, is really creepy.
    When Gretchen Whitmer orders all the city dwellers to move to the country, that will be the time to really get scared.

    Don't wear your eye-glasses.

    Replies: @Che Blutarsky, @BenKenobi

    Don’t overreact there, Mr., Governor Whitmer is no where close to turning into Pol Pot. That’s at least a good couple months away.

  26. @特雷兰


    R.I.P. Florian


    回复:@McKenna先生,@ RegCæsar

    Since all of your posts in this thread have been videos I think it’s only fair to warn you that a number of us have videos turned off (it’s a javascript setting) so we don’t really know what it is you might be saying, or singing, or showing, or whatever.

  27. @布法罗乔
    Michigan's governor has banned travel to vacation and beach homes. A bit chilly now, but Michigan has miles of lakefront property. Why wouldn't your vacation home be considered essential to your well being. Don't ask me, a judge will soon decide that. Around here we are happy that you can now visit a golf course and enjoy a round, if you're able to walk and carry your back or pull a cart. My grand kids in Ohio are now finished with the school year a few weeks early.

    Replies: @James Speaks, @Anon, @Mr McKenna, @Anon7

    As it happens, the WSJ has just published a paean to waterfront living, and since 1) I like interiors of varnished wood 2) readers may enjoy a quick, rustic respite from their quotidian existence and 3) may not enjoy full WSJ access, I’ll post a few pics below the fold here. No telling how many Ron’ll let through though.

    • 回复: @史蒂夫·塞勒

    Why does varnished wood go with a lake house? It looks nice, I'm just wondering if there's a reason.

    回复:@布法罗·乔(Buffalo Joe),@麦肯纳先生(Mr McKenna)

    , @RegCæsar, @布法罗乔

    Mr. McK, Thank you. There is an Adirondak look that is famous for "rustic" living, even if your cabin costs $4 million.

  28. @匿名的
    Pangolin scales can be good for treating heat stroke...


    Ok 337, i did laugh out loud.

    But this is one of the few things–e.g. smoking, ventilators–where the evidence is coming in contrary to what i assumed up front. I was 95-5 for wet market over lab at the beginning. Now from the evidence people have come up with, i’d say it’s flopped the other way. Sloppiness, a screwup at the lab seems more likely.

  29. @匿名的
    2016 年的特朗普展示了通过移民问题设置政治棘轮的技巧。


    现在,2020 年的特朗普在政治上站在了错误的一边——未能在新冠危机中采取关键的反混乱立场。


    虚假死亡人数不断上升。骗子的目标是选举日之前死亡人数超过 200,000 万。这种疯狂行为将继续恐吓全国大部分地区并抑制经济,直到特朗普醒来并谴责所有参与这一马戏团的人的腐败行为。



    回复:@MBlanc46、@alt 右温和



  30. “ the cool ocean water (currently 63 degrees)”
    A friend of mine who was a part time lifeguard in LA told me the guards could sometimes tell who were first time visitors to SoCal. They would come down to the beach on a hot day and throw themselves into the water expecting the water temperature to be commensurate with a hot sunny climate. Various surprised reactions would follow.

    • 回复: @史蒂夫·塞勒
    @ Alfa158

    Central California, which starts at Point Concepcion west of Santa Barbara, has really cold water. That's why the the premier town of the region, San Luis Obispo, is ten miles inland.

  31. The traditional cooling practice of the ten million residents of Los Angeles County is to drive to the County’s 75 mile coastline and relax next to or in the cool ocean water (currently 63 degrees).

    But going to the beach is forbidden in L.A. County so you’d better shove into an official Cooling Center instead


    One struggles to come to grips with the sheer genius of the American (Democrat) establishment’s approach to a flu-like viral respiratory epidemic.

    Instead of “Hey everyone’s got to wear masks when you’re inside public venues”, they went with “Masks are useless (except for medical personnel). We’re shutting the economy down … and everyone stay inside out of the sunshine!”.

    I’ll grant this doesn’t quite have the same tightly gelled, stupid, insulting, nastiness as “nation of immigrants”. (Too high a bar.) But it definitely gives off a whiff of that odor.

  32. well there you go, that is the MESSAGE-
    “you” do not know how to run your own life, so WE will do it for you!

  33. @先生。 安农

    Yeah, banning travel to get away – to get out into the countryside, is really creepy.
    When Gretchen Whitmer orders all the city dwellers to move to the country, that will be the time to really get scared.

    Don't wear your eye-glasses.

    Replies: @Che Blutarsky, @BenKenobi

    Currently the Corona-Chan debacle is more accurately titled The Shilling Fields

  34. @布法罗乔
    Michigan's governor has banned travel to vacation and beach homes. A bit chilly now, but Michigan has miles of lakefront property. Why wouldn't your vacation home be considered essential to your well being. Don't ask me, a judge will soon decide that. Around here we are happy that you can now visit a golf course and enjoy a round, if you're able to walk and carry your back or pull a cart. My grand kids in Ohio are now finished with the school year a few weeks early.

    Replies: @James Speaks, @Anon, @Mr McKenna, @Anon7

    Michigan’s governor has unclenched her iron fist just a bit, and now you can go to your cabin Up North. I tolerate her because so far she’s done everything possible to bring out the vote for Trump this fall, regardless of what polls say.

    She wants to be Biden’s pick for (vice)President. She won election in Michigan because she promised to “fix the damn roads”. Which she really hasn’t done.

    How can a woman who can’t get the potholes fixed in a backwoods state’s roads run the US of A?

    • 谢谢: 布法罗·乔
  35. @ MBlanc46

    Because he fired Steve Bannon.


    Because he fired Steve Bannon.

    But he still has Steve’s Uncle Race:

  36. @麦肯纳先生

    As it happens, the WSJ has just published a paean to waterfront living, and since 1) I like interiors of varnished wood 2) readers may enjoy a quick, rustic respite from their quotidian existence and 3) may not enjoy full WSJ access, I'll post a few pics below the fold here. No telling how many Ron'll let through though.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin






    Lake Glen (Lake George), New York:


    Hayden Lake, Idaho:



    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Reg Cæsar, @Buffalo Joe

    Why does varnished wood go with a lake house? It looks nice, I’m just wondering if there’s a reason.

    • 回复: @布法罗乔

    Steve, for what it's worth, the old classic Chris Craft boats all had a varnish finish, so maybe it has to do with the salt air or damp air. And natural wood has a richer patina if you varnish it or shellac it, paint hides the grain. The "Great Camps" in the Adirondaks usually feature varnished or stained, not painted, wood.

    , @麦肯纳先生

    Along with the nautical connotations Joe mentions, there's also a distinctively rustic vibe, particularly with knotty pine and similar species. Sort of ironic, though, since stain-grade wood is usually considerably more expensive than paint-grade of the same species, and takes more effort and expertise to finish properly.

    Arts & Crafts interiors are known for varnished wood trim, showing that it doesn't have to imply rusticating, but it does tend away from stiffly formal. Another reason for its broad appeal.


  37. @特雷兰


    R.I.P. Florian


    回复:@McKenna先生,@ RegCæsar

    The “Kevorkian remix” label is confusing; it refers to François, not Jack. The surname is simply a patronymic for “George”, so it mist be common.

    A Very Still Life: The Art and Music of Jack Kevorkian

    But Jack knew his way around music as well, and his lawyer’s late little brother headed up the Knack.


    • 谢谢: el烷
  38. @麦肯纳先生

    As it happens, the WSJ has just published a paean to waterfront living, and since 1) I like interiors of varnished wood 2) readers may enjoy a quick, rustic respite from their quotidian existence and 3) may not enjoy full WSJ access, I'll post a few pics below the fold here. No telling how many Ron'll let through though.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin






    Lake Glen (Lake George), New York:


    Hayden Lake, Idaho:



    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Reg Cæsar, @Buffalo Joe

  39. @ Alfa158
    “ the cool ocean water (currently 63 degrees)”
    A friend of mine who was a part time lifeguard in LA told me the guards could sometimes tell who were first time visitors to SoCal. They would come down to the beach on a hot day and throw themselves into the water expecting the water temperature to be commensurate with a hot sunny climate. Various surprised reactions would follow.

    回复:@Steve Sailer

    Central California, which starts at Point Concepcion west of Santa Barbara, has really cold water. That’s why the the premier town of the region, San Luis Obispo, is ten miles inland.

  40. It is 45 degrees currently in New York. Friday, temperatures will be in the thirties. This is one of the coldest springs in memory in New York.

  41. The police in the US and UK barely have a grip on keeping things under control in normal times. By bullying the average citizenry like they have recently, all they are going to achieve is tipping things into anarchy. When SWAT teams show up to empty bars and mounted police to empty local parks, it won’t be long before IEDs start to become a feature of everyday life in Lockdown Land.

  42. 你为什么不听话的洛杉矶人大声抗议或对加塞蒂和纽瑟姆提起几起诉讼,让你的海滩(有点)像奥兰治县那样开放? 洛杉矶到底去哪些海滩? 圣莫尼卡和威尼斯? 我知道 IE 909-ers 倾向于直接击落纽波特的 55。

    在一个相关主题上,UCSD 希望对所有学生进行大规模测试。 有趣的是,大规模测试将在比尔盖茨新家附近的一所大学开始。 他的指纹遍布这场灾难。


    学校的实验性“回归学习”计划将于 11 月 5,000 日开始,届时 UCSD 将开始对目前住在校园宿舍的 XNUMX 名学生进行自我管理测试。 测试是自愿的; 学生必须选择加入。

    如果该计划有效,UCSD 官员计划每月对大约 65,000 名学生、教职员工进行测试。

    UCSD 将成为加州大学系统中的第一个校园,也是美国第一个广泛测试学生冠状病毒的校园之一——这是一项非常适合做的工作。 它经营加州大学圣地亚哥分校健康中心,其中包括两家主要医院和许多诊所,所有这些都与美国最大的医学研究项目之一有关……

    加州大学圣地亚哥分校周二表示,最初将对 5,000 名本科生和研究生进行基于鼻腔拭子的冠状病毒测试,并将检查住房废水和地表收集物中是否有病毒迹象。

    加州大学圣地亚哥分校在一份声明中说,学生“将前往校园内的几个指定地点之一,在标本收集容器中取出干净的鼻拭子”。 “在智能手机上使用下载的条码阅读器应用程序,参与者将扫描容器上的唯一条码,将他们的手机号码链接到样本并生成时间戳。

    “然后参与者将擦拭自己的鼻子内部,将拭子放入容器中,然后将其留在收集箱中,由项目协调员捡起。 拭子将在加州大学圣地亚哥分校健康高级实验室医学中心接受新型冠状病毒 SARS-CoV-2 的检测。”

    该大学预计将在大约 24 小时内产生测试结果。 如果该计划有效,校园范围内的测试可能会在 XNUMX 月初开始。

    UCSD 说,如果一个人的检测结果呈阳性,该学生将收到通知并转介给公共卫生团队,该团队将确定该参与者是否与其他人有过密切接触。 该大学强调,“在某些情况下,将向居住在校园内的感染病毒的学生提供专用的校园宿舍,在那里他们可以在支持下自我隔离,直到不再具有传染性。”

    不知道为什么他们不开始为孩子们进行抗体测试。 测试你什么时候可以在一天 -ve 和下一天 +ve 似乎没用,更不用说这是对病毒影响很小的年龄人群。 我几乎会相信这是为了保护婴儿潮一代的教授,但由于他们只是从住在校园宿舍的 5,000 名孩子开始,这种说法站不住脚。 加利福尼亚似乎正在努力进行接触和追踪——请参阅最近的文图拉县新闻发布会,关于他们将如何将人们从家中带走以隔离他们——但从我正在阅读的论坛上的评论来看,人们并没有这样做. 如果我的孩子在加州大学圣地亚哥分校,我会建议他不要选择这个,但现在大多数大学生不仅听话而且焦虑不安,所以他们可能会得到很好的投票率。

  43. Not sure why they’re not starting with antibody tests for the kids. It seems useless to test when you could be -ve one day and +ve the next, not to mention this is the age population that sees little impact from the virus

    They aren’t–directly–doing a research study to determine past infection and immunity, they are trying to be able to keep tabs on any epidemic outbreak.

    Virus testing is the right approach for that. But the once a month thing doesn’t sound super helpful. The continuous nature of the program randomly distributed should allow you to see “hotspots” breaking out. But seems to me you have to be down to once a week minimum to really get a handle on what’s going on with individuals in ways you can react to. And really every couple three days if you want to ID and squelch cases immediately.

    Given the “cordwood” nature of college life i don’t see how colleges will reopen in the fall, without a similar protocol to this one.

  44. Are Blackouts coming this summer? Home HVAC is almost always less efficient than commercial HVAC. People at home during the day will turn their inefficient ACs in their smaller less insulated homes using more electricity than if they were at work or at the mall.

  45. @阿农

    Banning interregional travel is the best sort of restriction in a pandemic. Japan just had its first "Golden Week" ever that didn't involve half the nation traveling from Tokyo to hometowns everywhere. This slows down the spread and gives the the often older and less medically served rural population some extra time to await the development of effective treatments.

    Yuma reopened barbershops and restaurants without thinking that corona-mulletted guys from 200 miles away would crowd in for a haircut and a grilled cheese sandwich before heading home. Whoops!

    回复:@Buffalo Joe

    Anon 205, Japan is a country of mass transportation, not private cars. So I get the point when talking about Japan. Michigan probably has more fresh water shoreline than any other state. Cottages usually aren’t built back from the lake to urban density. How about a cabin in the Upper Peninsula on let’s say 100 acres of woods? All this ends when we can get tested. And please don’t make too many daring leaps without a safety net. Who is going to drive 400 miles round trip for a haircut? I was looking at a lakefront property in the Adirondaks. Sleeps 16 on 600 acres, so you know, a family retreat. Now just need to raise $3 mil.

    • 回复: @古自由主义

    This is why we can’t have nice things:

    The restrictions on travel to vacation homes was due to rich jerks from big cities coming into these towns and clearing out the grocery stores. Some of these places had zero cases until the vacation home owners came. In some cases, rich sociopaths who knew they had Coronavirus came to these towns and refused to quarantine themselves. The most famous example being Chris Cuomo.

    Do these restrictions make any sense? That is arguable.

    But the reasons were complaints from the year-round residents who didn’t like infectious summer residents coming in March and April.

    回复:@Buffalo Joe

  46. @麦肯纳先生

    As it happens, the WSJ has just published a paean to waterfront living, and since 1) I like interiors of varnished wood 2) readers may enjoy a quick, rustic respite from their quotidian existence and 3) may not enjoy full WSJ access, I'll post a few pics below the fold here. No telling how many Ron'll let through though.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin






    Lake Glen (Lake George), New York:


    Hayden Lake, Idaho:



    Replies: @Steve Sailer, @Reg Cæsar, @Buffalo Joe

    Mr. McK, Thank you. There is an Adirondak look that is famous for “rustic” living, even if your cabin costs $4 million.

  47. @布法罗乔

    Anon 205, Japan is a country of mass transportation, not private cars. So I get the point when talking about Japan. Michigan probably has more fresh water shoreline than any other state. Cottages usually aren't built back from the lake to urban density. How about a cabin in the Upper Peninsula on let's say 100 acres of woods? All this ends when we can get tested. And please don't make too many daring leaps without a safety net. Who is going to drive 400 miles round trip for a haircut? I was looking at a lakefront property in the Adirondaks. Sleeps 16 on 600 acres, so you know, a family retreat. Now just need to raise $3 mil.

    回复:@Paleo Liberal

    This is why we can’t have nice things:

    The restrictions on travel to vacation homes was due to rich jerks from big cities coming into these towns and clearing out the grocery stores. Some of these places had zero cases until the vacation home owners came. In some cases, rich sociopaths who knew they had Coronavirus came to these towns and refused to quarantine themselves. The most famous example being Chris Cuomo.

    Do these restrictions make any sense? That is arguable.

    But the reasons were complaints from the year-round residents who didn’t like infectious summer residents coming in March and April.

    • 回复: @布法罗乔

    Paleo, well thought out reply and those same year round residents will be front and center, hat in hand, when their summer income vanishes. Stay Safe

  48. @史蒂夫·塞勒

    Why does varnished wood go with a lake house? It looks nice, I'm just wondering if there's a reason.

    回复:@布法罗·乔(Buffalo Joe),@麦肯纳先生(Mr McKenna)

    Steve, for what it’s worth, the old classic Chris Craft boats all had a varnish finish, so maybe it has to do with the salt air or damp air. And natural wood has a richer patina if you varnish it or shellac it, paint hides the grain. The “Great Camps” in the Adirondaks usually feature varnished or stained, not painted, wood.

  49. @古自由主义

    This is why we can’t have nice things:

    The restrictions on travel to vacation homes was due to rich jerks from big cities coming into these towns and clearing out the grocery stores. Some of these places had zero cases until the vacation home owners came. In some cases, rich sociopaths who knew they had Coronavirus came to these towns and refused to quarantine themselves. The most famous example being Chris Cuomo.

    Do these restrictions make any sense? That is arguable.

    But the reasons were complaints from the year-round residents who didn’t like infectious summer residents coming in March and April.

    回复:@Buffalo Joe

    Paleo, well thought out reply and those same year round residents will be front and center, hat in hand, when their summer income vanishes. Stay Safe

  50. @车布鲁塔斯基
    The current soft lockdown is obviously not going to eliminate the virus. Therefore, I suggest that everyone, essential worker or not, take the next 30 days and stay at home. Hospital workers, power plant workers, food industry workers, everybody. That's the only way to get rid of this.

    Now, I'm not saying that if we do this we won't get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than 100 million to 200 million killed by doing this, tops.

    回复:@Paul Jolliffe

    Che Blutarsky said:

    Now, I’m not saying that if we do this we won’t get our hair mussed. But I do say no more than 100 million to 200 million killed by doing this, tops.”

    Depending on the breaks.

    “Perhaps, it might be better, Mr. President, if you were more concerned with the American people than with your image in the history books . . .”

  51. @Danand.
    A little more beach activity over at Del Mar:


    My wife just moments ago informed me that most Cisco employees will be working remotely until October (was end of May).

    回复:@Jim Don Bob

    …that most Cisco employees will be working remotely until October…

    Great. Maybe they can fix the POS that is Webex.

  52. I LOVE California’s definition of “heat”…..the ONLY THING I’ve EVER FELT near the “devil’s crotch” humid heat of Florida/New Orleans was when I was in Phoenix in late June three summers ago. It was some kinda record they said…120F….that was about the July equivalent of NOLA in July. I mean I walked around and my sandals MELTED on the sidewalk.

    Seriously dry heat is awesome. 90F w dry heat feels like 65-70F with humidity….

    The breeze hitting you in the face in Santa Monica is about as close to heaven on this miserable earth as you can get….

  53. @史蒂夫·塞勒

    Why does varnished wood go with a lake house? It looks nice, I'm just wondering if there's a reason.

    回复:@布法罗·乔(Buffalo Joe),@麦肯纳先生(Mr McKenna)

    Along with the nautical connotations Joe mentions, there’s also a distinctively rustic vibe, particularly with knotty pine and similar species. Sort of ironic, though, since stain-grade wood is usually considerably more expensive than paint-grade of the same species, and takes more effort and expertise to finish properly.

    Arts & Crafts interiors are known for varnished wood trim, showing that it doesn’t have to imply rusticating, but it does tend away from stiffly formal. Another reason for its broad appeal.


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