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Haven’t been following it closely, so will refrain from commenting on it myself.



Matt Forney (who is currently living in Hungary) 很乐观 on Fidesz/Orban.

Some comments from region expert 驯鹿 在过去一个月中:


The most reputable Hungarian analyst thinks Fidesz will win 绝大多数 在星期天。 但是由于不确定的原因,他不确定,这可能是菲德兹的失利(尽管反对派可能无法组建政府),或者在最佳情况下甚至可能是菲德兹的绝大多数。 (仅列出一份清单:区域数据很少且不可靠;有关“战略投票”的问题,反对派支持者投票给其他反对党,尤其是乔布比克与左翼分子;最近几周普遍对菲德斯不利的趋势;菲德斯最近被测得比实际值更强,无论它是否仍然成立;等等。)



匈牙利大选似乎难以预测,因为几乎没有公开可用的详细辖区级别数据,而且还因为很难衡量第二优先级以及人们对候选人的投票权,而不是他们最喜欢的政党的投票权。 这也很难预测投票率,而Fidesz的胜利或其规模很大程度上取决于投票率:基本上,投票率越低,投票给Fidesz的票数就越高。 最有可能的猜测仍然是没有赢得多数席位的Fidesz胜利,尽管总是有Fidesz多数席位以及Fidesz失利的机会。 15月XNUMX日,奥尔班(Orbán)的演讲威胁要报复一些未指明的人,这无济于事,因为它可以动员反对派选民。 现在看来似乎有可能击败他,这一事实很可能也会动员反对派选民。


几乎可以肯定的是,“不知道”的选民将主要投票支持一个反对党。 他们比平时更多,尤其是在大选临近时(通常选民已经确定他们是否要投票以及为谁投票)。

奥班(Orbán)很好(这些年来他的工作似乎越来越多),但是他的腐败以及他无能为力的骇客和sy夫的包围倾向将使他无能为力。 如我所写,我仍然期望他这次获胜,但他将不再占多数。

关于移民,如果Jobbik成为联盟的一部分,那么我就不会期望有大的变化。 甚至有一半的左翼选民反对第三世界移民。 但是我不确定这种热情是否会持续下去。

另外,奥尔班(Orbán)在他的竞选活动中过度使用了移民话题,尤其是当他的腐败出现时。 它只会使我不喜欢这个话题。

我仍然希望他能设法改变。 正如您所写,他可能是任何国家中最有基础的白人领袖。



Jobbik已移至左侧。 现在它可能位于Fidesz的左侧,或者至少不明显位于右侧。 它与任何左派政党的关系都比菲德斯更好。 顺便说一句,Orbán试图使他们无法竞选。 因此,他们现在也讨厌Orbán。 而且它们绝对不比Fidesz握手。 他们已经在同左翼政党进行会谈。 实际上,“新左派”政党(不受2002-10年的统治)实际上更像是乔布比克,而不是社会党或DK(社会党派的分离党,其政客人数最少,但仍挂在国民议会上)。


That has happened in all of the by-elections since 2014. Fidesz lost each of them. I’m not saying it will happen everywhere, but if Fidesz loses over half the districts…

让我重复一遍:我仍然认为Fidesz将赢得这一奖项。 但是,除非它们发生重大变化(并且我不确定它们是否有能力这样做),否则它们将在2022年惨败。很可能已经在欧洲大选期间出现。 甚至是市政选举(我认为是在2019年)。 他们可能要到2022年才能继续执政。(现在他们有可能在8月XNUMX日就已经失败了。)

他们的选民不到一半,任何没有明确选民的人都讨厌他们。 即使您是该国最大的聚会,也不是一件好事……


您必须记住他是一个年轻,新鲜的领导者。 (Fidesz这个名字最初来自FIDESZ的缩写,代表年轻民主主义者联盟。它在1990年代初期是一个自由党,直到1992年,35岁以上的新成员都无法被接受……)

自2010年上台以来,他的随行人员发生了很大变化。它朝着向右偏右的方向移动了一点,也就是说,它变得更加怪异。 多年来,他的许多较普通的保守派盟友离开了他,或开始保持低调,而他开始雇用愚蠢的中尉。 自2010年以来,但尤其是自2014年以来,他才真正成为他的政党领袖,他周围的大多数人都是sy夫。 到2014年,他似乎已经相信自己是一位可靠的天才,而且匈牙利的任何人都不可能再击败他了。

他的中尉现在要么是愚蠢的,要么是腐败的,或者两者皆是。 他本人并非首当其冲:他的女son于2010年发起了一项腐败计划,在2014年之前已经被认为是一个丑闻缠身的丑闻人物,但最近出现了新的细节。 由于这些阴暗的交易,匈牙利可能不得不向欧盟偿还一些钱(我的意思是,当您试图对欧盟采取立场时窃取欧盟的资金一定是愚蠢的……)。 在过去的8年中,他的家乡市长成为该国最富有的人之一(他是个简单的煤气装配工),现在许多人怀疑他的财富实际上属于奥尔本。 老实说,这并非不可行。



自2014年以来,匈牙利的选举制度既是首任以来的选举,又是比例代表制(在较小程度上)。 (即使后者偏爱获胜者。)在Orbán对其进行更改之前,它具有类似的系统,但是MP区域进行了第二轮投票,除非有人获得了大多数选票。 因此,当事方可以分开运行,然后在第一轮投票后可以结成同盟。

Orbán改变了体制,因为他知道反对派(即使没有Jobbik也是分裂的)将需要结成同盟才能具有竞争力。 但是,在大多数选民的眼中,一些左翼政党被抹黑(乔布比克的选民和左翼分子常常是不相容的),因此一个联盟将摧毁其他左翼政党的很大一部分吸引力。 (更不用说Jobbik)了。

但是,这似乎已经改变了。 此外,甚至与Jobbik都有“交叉投票”的公开讨论,因此在许多地方,政党甚至都不必结成同盟(在选举前不到三周,他们仍然没有做任何事情),每个地区的选民将投票选出最受欢迎的反对党候选人(现在似乎包括Jobbik),并且他们鼓励选民这样做。

这是一个问题,实际上有多少选民会这样做,但我认为闸门已经在某种程度上打开了。 自2014年以来,菲德斯(Fidesz)失去了所有补选,这并不令人感到鼓舞。 通常将它们解释为当地情况不寻常的产物,但是在很多地方会发生这种情况的可能性越来越大。



尽管我仍然希望奥尔班在四月份获胜,但最近几周他的赔率已大大恶化。 菲德斯(Fidesz)现在很有可能无法获得多数席位。 我不知道那之后会发生什么。 从理论上讲可能有一个联盟,但是现在,无论是Fidesz-Jobbik联盟,还是Jobbik左派联盟,似乎都不可行。 甚至左派政党似乎也一样憎恨菲德兹。



我认为这不会好得多。 特别是从长远来看。 奥班(Orbán)忽略了教育,这具有使老师讨厌他的副作用。 无论如何,教师往往都是左派分子,但在最近几年中,他们似乎已变得势不可挡。 高中生现在经常在抗议政府,他们曾对奥尔班进行过示威游行(名义上是关于教育的一些问题,但显然这是政治上的,包括一些口号等),所以这可能是一个错误,将使其腐烂从长远来看会取得成果。


我不了解的是,匈牙利在足球比赛中的表现如何如此差劲。 奥班(Orbán)投入了很多钱(他建立了许多闪亮的体育馆,同样的烂队在这里踢烂足球……),但我们一无所获。 显然,匈牙利的教练(包括那些培养年轻球员的教练)的素质很差,停留在1970年代左右,而且很难改变这一点,因为年纪大的教练会教年轻的教练。 该系统也非常腐败,通过向它投入资金,奥尔班只能使它永存。 球员们喜欢现在他们可以以与德国第二联赛相似的收入留在匈牙利,但由于工作或表现较少,所以他们更喜欢呆在家里。 具有讽刺意味的是,这可能会在未来几年中压抑匈牙利国家队。


• 类别: 思想 •标签: 选举, 匈牙利, 欧尔班 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Im keeping the thumbs for Orban. If he goes down, our position will be much worse. He is practically the only reliable ally Poland has now.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    I don’t think he’s very reliable because he isn’t strong enough. But he’d obviously like to help if it was possible.

    I don’t know about Jobbik. It tried to move left, but on the other hand, it was connected to the nuttiest elements of Hungarian nationalism. (The Sumerian etc. thingy.) So I’m both wary of its right wing self and its newer left wing self. Among the opposition parties it’s the only one which might be friendly to the present Polish government. Actually, it might be better because it’s not an EPP member and so doesn’t need to toe the EPP line at all. Anyway, they have usually promised not to change immigration policies.


    , @Dmitry

    I am reading about this Orban now.

    He seems probably to have the right mix of policies for navigating a small country in this situation.

    Neo-liberal economic policy to encourage investment in the country, combined with sensible approach to non-EU immigration - and while also still taking advantage of the EU benefits and free money from staying in that club.

  2. Is there any particular reason we as Russians should care? It’s a small and unimportant country, that will always toe the line on EU sanctions no matter what government it has.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor
    @费利克斯·凯维里奇(Felix Keverich)

    You have complained about Russia not having enough soft power. But you don’t seem to have a great talent for creating soft power. You only want to enjoy soft power, but don’t seem to realize what it takes to get it.

    I’m afraid this kind of behavior is all too common. Probably often mixed with caring for the elections in Venezuelan or Brazil, because those are bigger and more important countries, worthy of Russian attention.

    回复:@Felix Keverich

    , @Anatoly Karlin
    @费利克斯·凯维里奇(Felix Keverich)

    Well, strictly speaking, I think something like 60% to 70% of my readers here are Americans. :)

    , @Mr. Hack
    @费利克斯·凯维里奇(Felix Keverich)

    Who cares about the sanctions? Obviously Russia doesn't, otherwise it citizenry would criticize its leadership for putting their country in such a precarious situation. It's also clear that Putler really doesn't care much either. The sanctions have made Putler seem like a great nationalist hero who doesn't take any crap from the West, and has created an atmosphere where Russia has been able to jump start and speed forward some industries (especially agriculture) that had previously been mundane and slow to develop. The sanctions are good for everyone!

  3. 由于民主如此缓慢和费力,所以它只是对民主幻灭了。

  4. @szopen
    Im keeping the thumbs for Orban. If he goes down, our position will be much worse. He is practically the only reliable ally Poland has now.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Dmitry

    I don’t think he’s very reliable because he isn’t strong enough. But he’d obviously like to help if it was possible.

    I don’t know about Jobbik. It tried to move left, but on the other hand, it was connected to the nuttiest elements of Hungarian nationalism. (The Sumerian etc. thingy.) So I’m both wary of its right wing self and its newer left wing self. Among the opposition parties it’s the only one which might be friendly to the present Polish government. Actually, it might be better because it’s not an EPP member and so doesn’t need to toe the EPP line at all. Anyway, they have usually promised not to change immigration policies.

    • 回复: @Beckow

    connected to the nuttiest elements of Hungarian nationalism. The Sumerian etc. thingy.
    That one is nutty, but exploring it is interesting. Sumerians are not a mystery - their language and culture were a major part of the Indian Ocean early advanced civilization that encompassed Sumer, Elam, Indus Valley, Kushites, etc... invented writing, structured divinity, trade, boats, copper and bronze. After they lost vigour they were displaced by invading Semites, Indo-Europeans, and eventually Turkic people. The last remains retreated to southern India (and a few isolated pockets in between) and today we can see them in the Dravidian civilisation.

    There are puzzling linguistic links in Magyar to ancient Sumerian that can probably be explained by Sumerian trade links to Volga-Ural region. The attempt to read more into it by some Hungarian nationalists betrays a sense of inferiority ('backward Ural tribes, no, we were contenders, we were linked with ancient civilisations like Sumer').

    On Sunday the nationalists will win and the left ('socialist') will lose. This has been happening for a few years in all elections. It is Orban or Jobbik, they will outperform. There can be no 'left' with uncontrolled borders, no state benefits, no social solidarity - so the modern 'left' is done. The only question is whether the winning nationalists will march around in uniforms or not. Longer this gets delayed by the establishment, more likely this will go the uniform route. And that really cannot be good for anybody.

  5. @Felix Keverich
    Is there any particular reason we as Russians should care? It's a small and unimportant country, that will always toe the line on EU sanctions no matter what government it has.

    Replies: @reiner Tor, @Anatoly Karlin, @Mr. Hack

    You have complained about Russia not having enough soft power. But you don’t seem to have a great talent for creating soft power. You only want to enjoy soft power, but don’t seem to realize what it takes to get it.

    I’m afraid this kind of behavior is all too common. Probably often mixed with caring for the elections in Venezuelan or Brazil, because those are bigger and more important countries, worthy of Russian attention.

    • 回复: @Felix Keverich

    "Soft-power" is a currency, a tool that could be used to achieve our goals. But what goals could we possibly have in Hungary? Don't take it the wrong way, but the country is a tiny backwater.

    回复:@reiner Tor

  6. If Orban loses, it will be spun as a victory for the open borders crowd (they’ll ignore the local corruption issues and claim it’s because he’s too nationalist, I’ve already seen hints of that line in German media), so I really hope it won’t come to that.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    If he loses, it will be due to the following issues:

    1) corruption
    2) neglected public healthcare and education
    3) meanwhile spending a lot of money on football in a totally ineffectual and incompetent way
    4) using the immigration issue in an extremely lowbrow way to deflect from any and all of the above points

    In recent weeks some of my pro-Fidesz friends got more active on Facebook. But I think overall opposition supporters are way more active than in 2014 and Fidesz supporters seem less active than before. But it’s a small sample, so maybe doesn’t mean much.

    回复:@Anatoly Karlin

  7. @Felix Keverich
    Is there any particular reason we as Russians should care? It's a small and unimportant country, that will always toe the line on EU sanctions no matter what government it has.

    Replies: @reiner Tor, @Anatoly Karlin, @Mr. Hack

    Well, strictly speaking, I think something like 60% to 70% of my readers here are Americans. 🙂

  8. Fidesz was overmeasured in 2014 and I think in most by-elections, too. So the polls probably need to be adjusted downwards.

    In Hungary pollsters usually give two measures, percentage among total number of voters and among those who are sure to vote. The former category contains vast numbers of unsure undecided voters, who will under the current circumstances almost surely decide against Fidesz, if they do vote. (Many might simply be afraid to say they are planning to vote for the opposition.) The numbers you show are I think the Fidesz share among sure voters, but if turnout gets higher, it could get substantially lower.

    With a turnout below 60%, Fidesz will get a supermajority. I think they are almost sure to lose with a turnout of 80% (though it’s difficult to know with any level of certainty, it’s also unlikely turnout will be so high). Right now I think the most likely thing is a 65-70% turnout with Fidesz getting maybe 55-60% of the seats in the National Assembly.

    It’s a bit more optimistic for Fidesz than my recent assessment.

    Should Fidesz lose, there will almost certainly be a new election soon. The other parties are unlikely to form a coalition. Interestingly, the biggest divide is not between Jobbik and the leftists, but between Jobbik and the new leftist parties formed since 2009 on one hand and the old leftist parties (which have their roots in the old communist party) on the other.

  9. @reiner Tor
    @费利克斯·凯维里奇(Felix Keverich)

    You have complained about Russia not having enough soft power. But you don’t seem to have a great talent for creating soft power. You only want to enjoy soft power, but don’t seem to realize what it takes to get it.

    I’m afraid this kind of behavior is all too common. Probably often mixed with caring for the elections in Venezuelan or Brazil, because those are bigger and more important countries, worthy of Russian attention.

    回复:@Felix Keverich

    “Soft-power” is a currency, a tool that could be used to achieve our goals. But what goals could we possibly have in Hungary? Don’t take it the wrong way, but the country is a tiny backwater.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor
    @费利克斯·凯维里奇(Felix Keverich)

    The US back in the day spent a lot of effort on cultivating Hungary. And many other countries. Having soft power in Hungary helps you get soft power in Poland, and vice versa. Similar with Austria. If you have many such countries, it will get progressively more difficult for the usual suspects to push for more sanctions.

    Russia recently sold us a nuclear plant. If the deal goes through, it will be a good reference (in an EU-country) for the Russian nuclear industry. Orbán is corrupt so you could sell some other things like metro cars. (Though they were actually not very good, unlike the nuclear plant.) It’s not much, but probably worth more than countries where you sell things without getting paid, or where you have to forgive old Soviet era debts (and give new ones, which I guess your next regime will forgive later).

  10. @German_reader
    If Orban loses, it will be spun as a victory for the open borders crowd (they'll ignore the local corruption issues and claim it's because he's too nationalist, I've already seen hints of that line in German media), so I really hope it won't come to that.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    If he loses, it will be due to the following issues:

    1) corruption
    2) neglected public healthcare and education
    3) meanwhile spending a lot of money on football in a totally ineffectual and incompetent way
    4) using the immigration issue in an extremely lowbrow way to deflect from any and all of the above points

    In recent weeks some of my pro-Fidesz friends got more active on Facebook. But I think overall opposition supporters are way more active than in 2014 and Fidesz supporters seem less active than before. But it’s a small sample, so maybe doesn’t mean much.

    • 回复: @Anatoly Karlin

    I like triggering shitlibs as much as anybody, but there are better and 更坏 ways to go about it.

    Although Poland might be even more hyperbolic about it, but most of the venom is against Hungary.



  11. Just a question to reiner. You write:

    尽管我仍然希望奥尔班在四月份获胜,但最近几周他的赔率已大大恶化。 菲德斯(Fidesz)现在很有可能无法获得多数席位。

    Correct me if I am wrong, but didnt Orban change the constitution back in 2011 to pave the way for some kind of hybrid FPTP system wherein you can get a greater share of seats than your vote, in other words, no longer proportional?

    In 2014 he got 44% of the vote, which is somewhat less than his polling average now, but ended up with a legislative majority anyway. In the light of this, I do not understand some of your skepticism given his decent polling numbers.

    Sure, there’s always the by-election argument but these by-elections are often not dictated by national trends and can often be strong-armed but a nimble political operation and a compelling candidate. A weak actor can pull that off once in a while. Doing so on a national basis is a different story. If it had repercussions on the national trendline, wouldn’t we have seen that in the data?

    I’m not a big fan of ‘unskewered poll’ arguments, which were common in 2012 among GOP diehards. Even the polls in 2016 were not as bad as people said. They predicted a slight Clinton win and that is what she got (based on popular vote). It’s just the electoral system in the US which is somewhat wonky and the particular math of how that vote was parlayed translated into a Trump win.

    I don’t think Hungary has anything like that, and to the extent it favors anyone, it is probably the incumbent, no?

    Maybe I am too sanguine and maybe I am missing something, but it seems to me that the odds of Fidesz losing all their marbles on the finish line appears to be of marginal probability.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Pollsters incomprehensibly measure 13-25% for Jobbik. Meaning, some pollster (Századvég) measures 13, another one (Iránytű) 25%. So saying that the pollsters must be correct is unfortunately meaningless here. I also bet Jobbik will get 13-25% of the party vote. With Fidesz, it’s something like 41-52% (The high numbers, 51 and 52, coming from Századvég and Nézőpont, respectively, while Republikon and Iránytű measure 41-41 both.) For the socialists, it’s 11-19%.

    So the polls are not very useful here. I’d guess something like 45% for Fidesz.

    The difficulties only start here. In Hungary you can cast not one, but two separate votes. One is for an individual candidate of the district. Half the seats get decided this way in a first past the post system. Then there’s the party list vote. You’d think the other half is awarded according to the party list votes (among parties above the 5% limit, or 10% for party alliances), wouldn’t you? Well, you’d be wrong, because the losing candidates’ votes get added in a complicated way, so that the party list vote only decides roughly a third (I think) of the seats in the National Assembly.

    So you can predict that Jobbik will get 13-25% and Fidesz 41-52% of the party list vote, which is cool, but then two thirds of the seats will be decided by the district level candidates’ votes. You’d need to know the district level polls. Of course, they’d be even less reliable than the national level polls. (I’m exaggerating, many districts are easier to predict than the national level. But those districts won’t decide anything, you need to know about the swing districts.)


    , @LondonBob

    The US polls were well off in 2016, ignore California. Only Trafalgar and Richard Baris at PPD had Trump to win Michigan and Pennsylvania, places like Ohio the polls were well off and some even had Clnton ahead 12 points at some point. It was a complete mess, and I think this was partly a deliberate pysop to depress Trump turnout.

    回复:@Polish Perspective

    , @reiner Tor

    Most pollsters predicted that low turnout could mean a supermajority for Fidesz, while a very high turnout could mean that they won’t even get absolute majority. But it all depends on how much leftist and Jobbik voters are willing to vote for each other’s more popular candidates. It never happened in 2014, but it will happen this time a lot. It’s a little bit uncharted territory for pollsters (even the election system is quite new with little experience), so they aren’t very confident in their own models.

  12. @Felix Keverich

    "Soft-power" is a currency, a tool that could be used to achieve our goals. But what goals could we possibly have in Hungary? Don't take it the wrong way, but the country is a tiny backwater.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    The US back in the day spent a lot of effort on cultivating Hungary. And many other countries. Having soft power in Hungary helps you get soft power in Poland, and vice versa. Similar with Austria. If you have many such countries, it will get progressively more difficult for the usual suspects to push for more sanctions.

    Russia recently sold us a nuclear plant. If the deal goes through, it will be a good reference (in an EU-country) for the Russian nuclear industry. Orbán is corrupt so you could sell some other things like metro cars. (Though they were actually not very good, unlike the nuclear plant.) It’s not much, but probably worth more than countries where you sell things without getting paid, or where you have to forgive old Soviet era debts (and give new ones, which I guess your next regime will forgive later).

    • 同意: Anatoly Karlin
  13. Does Jobbik have any (real or imagined) ties to Russia?

    Because I find the fact that they drifted to the left to be funny, as I remember back in the days Jobbik and the Bulgarian “Ataka” were mentioned together as the most dangerous “far-right” parties in Europe, but Ataka has also drifted significantly to the left.

    Ataka changed its tune in order to be handshakeworthy with their friends in Russia – its leader used to write conspiracy books about the jews but then started to attack Ukrainians for “anti-semitism”, instead of protesting against the gypsies they started to warn that some mysterious forces (CIA etc) are trying to provoke ethnic conflict and we should not fall to provocations, etc.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Jobbik does have some hilarious Russian ties. One of its former MEPs (left the party recently) married a Soviet spy (okay, a “journalist” who had married a Japanese and then an Austrian guy before him, and had traveled a lot, which is not something most Soviet citizens could do; she was unable to produce any evidence of her journalistic work), participated in the Crimea referendum as part of a group of EP observers (all members of fringe parties), led some Russia-Europe EP group, and in general was highly friendly to Russia.

    I don’t know anything about their recent contacts with Russia. (This former MEP got them a lot of money, I guess from Russia, though he was a businessman so theoretically he could provide it himself, and he had some motivation if he was influenced by his Russian wife or by the fact he had lived in the USSR for years, and then later once again in Russia in the late 90s and early 00s. But who knows.)

    I think their shift to the left has more to do with some internal Hungarian development. Orbán used to be financed by a businessman called Simicska. (Simicska was not a totally legitimate businessman, his wealth was based on the enormous amounts of public contracts he received 1998-2002 during Orbán’s first stint as prime minister.) In 2014 Orbán had a fallout with Simicska, so he started financing Jobbik, but probably he demanded that they move to the left. (It’s difficult to tell how much to the left they are. It’s certainly easier to imagine them in coalition with the new leftist parties than with Fidesz, and they have said so much. But they still seem to be solid on immigration.)

  14. @reiner Tor

    If he loses, it will be due to the following issues:

    1) corruption
    2) neglected public healthcare and education
    3) meanwhile spending a lot of money on football in a totally ineffectual and incompetent way
    4) using the immigration issue in an extremely lowbrow way to deflect from any and all of the above points

    In recent weeks some of my pro-Fidesz friends got more active on Facebook. But I think overall opposition supporters are way more active than in 2014 and Fidesz supporters seem less active than before. But it’s a small sample, so maybe doesn’t mean much.

    回复:@Anatoly Karlin

    I like triggering shitlibs as much as anybody, but there are better and 更坏 ways to go about it.

    Although Poland might be even more hyperbolic about it, but most of the venom is against Hungary.

    • 回复: @German_reader

    but most of the venom is against Hungary.
    Orban has been demonized for years, but his actions regarding the "refugee" invasion were seen as a direct challenge to the Western liberal consensus. He's also tried to cultivate relations with some Western politicians, notably in Austria, but also with the Bavarian CSU (which imo is totally fake on the CSU's side, but still, those contacts exist) which raises the spectre of a wider antiliberal bloc for open borders enthusiasts. So it's not surprising Orban's Hungary gets special attention. Poland has been less involved in the migration crisis, and the Polish right seems absorbed in its historical grievances against Germany (notice the parts about 德国 in your pic above) and Russia which are neither interesting nor threatening to Western liberals.
  15. @Anatoly Karlin

    I like triggering shitlibs as much as anybody, but there are better and 更坏 ways to go about it.

    Although Poland might be even more hyperbolic about it, but most of the venom is against Hungary.



    but most of the venom is against Hungary.

    Orban has been demonized for years, but his actions regarding the “refugee” invasion were seen as a direct challenge to the Western liberal consensus. He’s also tried to cultivate relations with some Western politicians, notably in Austria, but also with the Bavarian CSU (which imo is totally fake on the CSU’s side, but still, those contacts exist) which raises the spectre of a wider antiliberal bloc for open borders enthusiasts. So it’s not surprising Orban’s Hungary gets special attention. Poland has been less involved in the migration crisis, and the Polish right seems absorbed in its historical grievances against Germany (notice the parts about 德国 in your pic above) and Russia which are neither interesting nor threatening to Western liberals.

  16. @Polish Perspective
    Just a question to reiner. You write:

    尽管我仍然希望奥尔班在四月份获胜,但最近几周他的赔率已大大恶化。 菲德斯(Fidesz)现在很有可能无法获得多数席位。
    Correct me if I am wrong, but didnt Orban change the constitution back in 2011 to pave the way for some kind of hybrid FPTP system wherein you can get a greater share of seats than your vote, in other words, no longer proportional?

    In 2014 he got 44% of the vote, which is somewhat less than his polling average now, but ended up with a legislative majority anyway. In the light of this, I do not understand some of your skepticism given his decent polling numbers.

    Sure, there's always the by-election argument but these by-elections are often not dictated by national trends and can often be strong-armed but a nimble political operation and a compelling candidate. A weak actor can pull that off once in a while. Doing so on a national basis is a different story. If it had repercussions on the national trendline, wouldn't we have seen that in the data?

    I'm not a big fan of 'unskewered poll' arguments, which were common in 2012 among GOP diehards. Even the polls in 2016 were not as bad as people said. They predicted a slight Clinton win and that is what she got (based on popular vote). It's just the electoral system in the US which is somewhat wonky and the particular math of how that vote was parlayed translated into a Trump win.

    I don't think Hungary has anything like that, and to the extent it favors anyone, it is probably the incumbent, no?

    Maybe I am too sanguine and maybe I am missing something, but it seems to me that the odds of Fidesz losing all their marbles on the finish line appears to be of marginal probability.

    Replies: @reiner Tor, @LondonBob, @reiner Tor

    Pollsters incomprehensibly measure 13-25% for Jobbik. Meaning, some pollster (Századvég) measures 13, another one (Iránytű) 25%. So saying that the pollsters must be correct is unfortunately meaningless here. I also bet Jobbik will get 13-25% of the party vote. With Fidesz, it’s something like 41-52% (The high numbers, 51 and 52, coming from Századvég and Nézőpont, respectively, while Republikon and Iránytű measure 41-41 both.) For the socialists, it’s 11-19%.

    So the polls are not very useful here. I’d guess something like 45% for Fidesz.

    The difficulties only start here. In Hungary you can cast not one, but two separate votes. One is for an individual candidate of the district. Half the seats get decided this way in a first past the post system. Then there’s the party list vote. You’d think the other half is awarded according to the party list votes (among parties above the 5% limit, or 10% for party alliances), wouldn’t you? Well, you’d be wrong, because the losing candidates’ votes get added in a complicated way, so that the party list vote only decides roughly a third (I think) of the seats in the National Assembly.

    So you can predict that Jobbik will get 13-25% and Fidesz 41-52% of the party list vote, which is cool, but then two thirds of the seats will be decided by the district level candidates’ votes. You’d need to know the district level polls. Of course, they’d be even less reliable than the national level polls. (I’m exaggerating, many districts are easier to predict than the national level. But those districts won’t decide anything, you need to know about the swing districts.)

    • 回复: @Talha

    Off topic, reinerTor, but have you heard of these people before or come across them:


    回复:@reiner Tor

  17. @reiner Tor

    Pollsters incomprehensibly measure 13-25% for Jobbik. Meaning, some pollster (Századvég) measures 13, another one (Iránytű) 25%. So saying that the pollsters must be correct is unfortunately meaningless here. I also bet Jobbik will get 13-25% of the party vote. With Fidesz, it’s something like 41-52% (The high numbers, 51 and 52, coming from Századvég and Nézőpont, respectively, while Republikon and Iránytű measure 41-41 both.) For the socialists, it’s 11-19%.

    So the polls are not very useful here. I’d guess something like 45% for Fidesz.

    The difficulties only start here. In Hungary you can cast not one, but two separate votes. One is for an individual candidate of the district. Half the seats get decided this way in a first past the post system. Then there’s the party list vote. You’d think the other half is awarded according to the party list votes (among parties above the 5% limit, or 10% for party alliances), wouldn’t you? Well, you’d be wrong, because the losing candidates’ votes get added in a complicated way, so that the party list vote only decides roughly a third (I think) of the seats in the National Assembly.

    So you can predict that Jobbik will get 13-25% and Fidesz 41-52% of the party list vote, which is cool, but then two thirds of the seats will be decided by the district level candidates’ votes. You’d need to know the district level polls. Of course, they’d be even less reliable than the national level polls. (I’m exaggerating, many districts are easier to predict than the national level. But those districts won’t decide anything, you need to know about the swing districts.)


    Off topic, reinerTor, but have you heard of these people before or come across them:


    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    I cannot watch it right now, but is it the Magyarabs? There are occasional news stories about them in Hungary. They are known.


  18. @Spisarevski
    Does Jobbik have any (real or imagined) ties to Russia?

    Because I find the fact that they drifted to the left to be funny, as I remember back in the days Jobbik and the Bulgarian "Ataka" were mentioned together as the most dangerous "far-right" parties in Europe, but Ataka has also drifted significantly to the left.

    Ataka changed its tune in order to be handshakeworthy with their friends in Russia - its leader used to write conspiracy books about the jews but then started to attack Ukrainians for "anti-semitism", instead of protesting against the gypsies they started to warn that some mysterious forces (CIA etc) are trying to provoke ethnic conflict and we should not fall to provocations, etc.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    Jobbik does have some hilarious Russian ties. One of its former MEPs (left the party recently) married a Soviet spy (okay, a “journalist” who had married a Japanese and then an Austrian guy before him, and had traveled a lot, which is not something most Soviet citizens could do; she was unable to produce any evidence of her journalistic work), participated in the Crimea referendum as part of a group of EP observers (all members of fringe parties), led some Russia-Europe EP group, and in general was highly friendly to Russia.

    I don’t know anything about their recent contacts with Russia. (This former MEP got them a lot of money, I guess from Russia, though he was a businessman so theoretically he could provide it himself, and he had some motivation if he was influenced by his Russian wife or by the fact he had lived in the USSR for years, and then later once again in Russia in the late 90s and early 00s. But who knows.)

    I think their shift to the left has more to do with some internal Hungarian development. Orbán used to be financed by a businessman called Simicska. (Simicska was not a totally legitimate businessman, his wealth was based on the enormous amounts of public contracts he received 1998-2002 during Orbán’s first stint as prime minister.) In 2014 Orbán had a fallout with Simicska, so he started financing Jobbik, but probably he demanded that they move to the left. (It’s difficult to tell how much to the left they are. It’s certainly easier to imagine them in coalition with the new leftist parties than with Fidesz, and they have said so much. But they still seem to be solid on immigration.)

  19. @Talha

    Off topic, reinerTor, but have you heard of these people before or come across them:


    回复:@reiner Tor

    I cannot watch it right now, but is it the Magyarabs? There are occasional news stories about them in Hungary. They are known.

    • 回复: @Talha

    Yes the Magyarabs; the video states near the last two minutes that they have a general level of acceptance in Hungary, the ones that have moved there that is.


  20. @reiner Tor

    I cannot watch it right now, but is it the Magyarabs? There are occasional news stories about them in Hungary. They are known.


    Yes the Magyarabs; the video states near the last two minutes that they have a general level of acceptance in Hungary, the ones that have moved there that is.


  21. @Felix Keverich
    Is there any particular reason we as Russians should care? It's a small and unimportant country, that will always toe the line on EU sanctions no matter what government it has.

    Replies: @reiner Tor, @Anatoly Karlin, @Mr. Hack

    Who cares about the sanctions? Obviously Russia doesn’t, otherwise it citizenry would criticize its leadership for putting their country in such a precarious situation. It’s also clear that Putler really doesn’t care much either. The sanctions have made Putler seem like a great nationalist hero who doesn’t take any crap from the West, and has created an atmosphere where Russia has been able to jump start and speed forward some industries (especially agriculture) that had previously been mundane and slow to develop. The sanctions are good for everyone!

  22. I don’t know how to embed pictures.

    A couple new polls have arrived, here are the latest polls:

    Hungarian polls right before the election 2018

    • 回复: @Polish Perspective

    I don’t know how to embed pictures.
    You just paste the direct link into the comment section. Imgur has a "gallery view" and a direct link view. Since most people only upload one picture at a time, they mistake gallery view for the direct view. Gallery view is the default view that you get right off the bat.

    The way to get direct link is to right-click on the image and click on "open in new tab". In most browsers, you'll get nothing but the image. Here it is:


    Some browsers also have "copy image adress" in the options. That typically also works. Finally, there are also some uploaders onto Imgur which provide you with the direct link to the image without any clutter.

    A couple new polls have arrived


    So it seems like he'll get somewhere between low-to-mid 40s, but more importantly anyone other than Jobbik isn't getting anything else than low teens. I don't see how he'll be anything but prime minister, especially considering the post-2011 election law changes which favours the big parties.

    P.S. I imagine that most people have heard of today's terrorist attack in Münster, but for those who didn't, 5 people (and counting) are dead and scores injured. My reaction is that likely not much will change. If it didn't after the much bigger attacks in Paris and Nice, it won't now. I don't subscribe to the theory that people "wake up" after somekind of magical threshold. Look at South Africa. Unfortunately people have an easy way to adapting/coping with deteriorating circumstances. There's no shortcut than to do the hard work in the trenches (kulturkampf).


  23. @reiner Tor
    I don’t know how to embed pictures.

    A couple new polls have arrived, here are the latest polls:


    回复:@Polish Perspective

    I don’t know how to embed pictures.

    You just paste the direct link into the comment section. Imgur has a “gallery view” and a direct link view. Since most people only upload one picture at a time, they mistake gallery view for the direct view. Gallery view is the default view that you get right off the bat.

    The way to get direct link is to right-click on the image and click on “open in new tab”. In most browsers, you’ll get nothing but the image. Here it is:

    Some browsers also have “copy image adress” in the options. That typically also works. Finally, there are also some uploaders onto Imgur which provide you with the direct link to the image without any clutter.

    A couple new polls have arrived

    So it seems like he’ll get somewhere between low-to-mid 40s, but more importantly anyone other than Jobbik isn’t getting anything else than low teens. I don’t see how he’ll be anything but prime minister, especially considering the post-2011 election law changes which favours the big parties.

    P.S. I imagine that most people have heard of today’s terrorist attack in Münster, but for those who didn’t, 5 people (and counting) are dead and scores injured. My reaction is that likely not much will change. If it didn’t after the much bigger attacks in Paris and Nice, it won’t now. I don’t subscribe to the theory that people “wake up” after somekind of magical threshold. Look at South Africa. Unfortunately people have an easy way to adapting/coping with deteriorating circumstances. There’s no shortcut than to do the hard work in the trenches (kulturkampf).

    • 回复: @German_reader

    P.S. I imagine that most people have heard of today’s terrorist attack in Münster
    German media are now claiming it was some mentally disturbed 48-year old German...if that's true, probably not a jihadi attack. I guess it will be useful for the pc narrative ("look, it's not just immigrants or Muslims who are doing horrible things!").
    But even if it's just some psycho, a worrying sign of the times...there seem to be an awful lot of mentally ill people with violent tendencies around.

    回复:@Polish Perspective

  24. @Polish Perspective

    I don’t know how to embed pictures.
    You just paste the direct link into the comment section. Imgur has a "gallery view" and a direct link view. Since most people only upload one picture at a time, they mistake gallery view for the direct view. Gallery view is the default view that you get right off the bat.

    The way to get direct link is to right-click on the image and click on "open in new tab". In most browsers, you'll get nothing but the image. Here it is:


    Some browsers also have "copy image adress" in the options. That typically also works. Finally, there are also some uploaders onto Imgur which provide you with the direct link to the image without any clutter.

    A couple new polls have arrived


    So it seems like he'll get somewhere between low-to-mid 40s, but more importantly anyone other than Jobbik isn't getting anything else than low teens. I don't see how he'll be anything but prime minister, especially considering the post-2011 election law changes which favours the big parties.

    P.S. I imagine that most people have heard of today's terrorist attack in Münster, but for those who didn't, 5 people (and counting) are dead and scores injured. My reaction is that likely not much will change. If it didn't after the much bigger attacks in Paris and Nice, it won't now. I don't subscribe to the theory that people "wake up" after somekind of magical threshold. Look at South Africa. Unfortunately people have an easy way to adapting/coping with deteriorating circumstances. There's no shortcut than to do the hard work in the trenches (kulturkampf).


    P.S. I imagine that most people have heard of today’s terrorist attack in Münster

    German media are now claiming it was some mentally disturbed 48-year old German…if that’s true, probably not a jihadi attack. I guess it will be useful for the pc narrative (“look, it’s not just immigrants or Muslims who are doing horrible things!”).
    But even if it’s just some psycho, a worrying sign of the times…there seem to be an awful lot of mentally ill people with violent tendencies around.

    • 回复: @Polish Perspective

    German media are now claiming it was some mentally disturbed 48-year old German…if that’s true, probably not a jihadi attack.
    Yeah, I saw it on social media being circulated and was just about to update.

    Still, let's not kid ourselves. This is a complete outlier. Nevertheless, it brings us to your point about:

    I guess it will be useful for the pc narrative (“look, it’s not just immigrants or Muslims who are doing horrible things!”).

    There will now be moral brow-beating for days about muh Islamophobiamuh stereotyping. This is how the left operates and the liberals, including the cuckservatives, will be too frightened to put up a fight. This is why I despise the center-right more than the left, because at least the latter are ruthless and know how to fight while the former are just a bunch of spineless cowards who run away from trouble the moment they see it.

    Ultimately, in the long run, I don't expect this event be devastating either for our side and our talking points. My skepticism on these spectacular events' capacity to change the fundamental social and cultural dynamic remains rooted.


  25. OT from the BBC:

    Three people have been killed in the western German city of Muenster after a van drove into people sitting outside a popular restaurant.

    The driver of the vehicle died after shooting himself, police said. They are not looking for more suspects . . .

    Another police spokesman, Andreas Bode, said it was still too early to declare the incident an attack and could not confirm the suspect’s identity. German media has reported that the driver may be a German national with mental health problems.

  26. @German_reader

    P.S. I imagine that most people have heard of today’s terrorist attack in Münster
    German media are now claiming it was some mentally disturbed 48-year old German...if that's true, probably not a jihadi attack. I guess it will be useful for the pc narrative ("look, it's not just immigrants or Muslims who are doing horrible things!").
    But even if it's just some psycho, a worrying sign of the times...there seem to be an awful lot of mentally ill people with violent tendencies around.

    回复:@Polish Perspective

    German media are now claiming it was some mentally disturbed 48-year old German…if that’s true, probably not a jihadi attack.

    Yeah, I saw it on social media being circulated and was just about to update.

    Still, let’s not kid ourselves. This is a complete outlier. Nevertheless, it brings us to your point about:

    I guess it will be useful for the pc narrative (“look, it’s not just immigrants or Muslims who are doing horrible things!”).

    There will now be moral brow-beating for days about muh Islamophobiamuh stereotyping. This is how the left operates and the liberals, including the cuckservatives, will be too frightened to put up a fight. This is why I despise the center-right more than the left, because at least the latter are ruthless and know how to fight while the former are just a bunch of spineless cowards who run away from trouble the moment they see it.

    Ultimately, in the long run, I don’t expect this event be devastating either for our side and our talking points. My skepticism on these spectacular events’ capacity to change the fundamental social and cultural dynamic remains rooted.

    • 回复: @German_reader

    This is why I despise the center-right more than the left
    Oh, I agree, in Germany it's CDU people I hate the most, they're just opportunist, careerist scum.
    I agree with you that terror attacks and the like won't bring about any change...such incidents are too rare, and jihadis aren't really that common (tbh even most Muslims in Europe aren't in favour of jihadi terrorism). I'm not so sure about the steady drip of rapes, stabbings, violent assaults and murders committed by "refugees" and immigrants though, they should be good material for a law and order campaign and for denouncing the establishment as being soft on crime. An excessive focus on Islam is somewhat of a diversion anyway and not always that convincing.
  27. @Polish Perspective

    German media are now claiming it was some mentally disturbed 48-year old German…if that’s true, probably not a jihadi attack.
    Yeah, I saw it on social media being circulated and was just about to update.

    Still, let's not kid ourselves. This is a complete outlier. Nevertheless, it brings us to your point about:

    I guess it will be useful for the pc narrative (“look, it’s not just immigrants or Muslims who are doing horrible things!”).

    There will now be moral brow-beating for days about muh Islamophobiamuh stereotyping. This is how the left operates and the liberals, including the cuckservatives, will be too frightened to put up a fight. This is why I despise the center-right more than the left, because at least the latter are ruthless and know how to fight while the former are just a bunch of spineless cowards who run away from trouble the moment they see it.

    Ultimately, in the long run, I don't expect this event be devastating either for our side and our talking points. My skepticism on these spectacular events' capacity to change the fundamental social and cultural dynamic remains rooted.


    This is why I despise the center-right more than the left

    Oh, I agree, in Germany it’s CDU people I hate the most, they’re just opportunist, careerist scum.
    I agree with you that terror attacks and the like won’t bring about any change…such incidents are too rare, and jihadis aren’t really that common (tbh even most Muslims in Europe aren’t in favour of jihadi terrorism). I’m not so sure about the steady drip of rapes, stabbings, violent assaults and murders committed by “refugees” and immigrants though, they should be good material for a law and order campaign and for denouncing the establishment as being soft on crime. An excessive focus on Islam is somewhat of a diversion anyway and not always that convincing.

  28. Offtopic, but do any of you guys use Hungarian Wizz Air?

    This is a very cheap, good Hungarian airline. I’m using it all the time (every few months) to fly in Europe for the last years and always have a good experience. Also the Hungarian stewardesses who work on this airline are usually more charming than on Russian airlines.

    Ural airlines is still my favourite value for money, but the destinations available in Europe have much more choice with Wizz Air. It is a real Hungarian success story and contribution to humanity (when you realize how cheaply you can go on holiday to all these places).

    • 回复: @Anatoly Karlin

    I usually just use Sky Scanner (actually more just Google now) to find the best prices and those. Aeroflot is usually competitive.

    There's a small chance I'll be in Hungary this year - will almost certainly be in Romania in early June, after which I might as well tick some of the V4 nations off the list.


    , @Matra

    Offtopic, but do any of you guys use Hungarian Wizz Air?

    I flew out of Budapest six weeks ago and judging by the departure board Wizzair looked to be the biggest airline there.

    Anyway, the one time I did fly on Wizzair I thought the seats were even tighter than on Ryanair and easyjet, but everything went well. They have a great selection of direct flights to medium sized cities in the old Eastern bloc countries at great prices but make sure you read the fine print before booking.

    I was also in Gdansk in February and was seriously tempted to fly to Sweden just for the day. Booking only a couple of days before the flight the prices were less than 30E each way. At that price it's hard to complain about lack of leg room.

    With Ryanair changing its mind on Ukraine Wizzair are really the only budget option for last minute flights to Lviv and Kiev.

    回复:@ Dmitry,@瑞典家庭

  29. @Dmitry
    Offtopic, but do any of you guys use Hungarian Wizz Air?

    This is a very cheap, good Hungarian airline. I’m using it all the time (every few months) to fly in Europe for the last years and always have a good experience. Also the Hungarian stewardesses who work on this airline are usually more charming than on Russian airlines.

    Ural airlines is still my favourite value for money, but the destinations available in Europe have much more choice with Wizz Air. It is a real Hungarian success story and contribution to humanity (when you realize how cheaply you can go on holiday to all these places).

    回覆:@Anatoly Karlin,@ Matra

    I usually just use Sky Scanner (actually more just Google now) to find the best prices and those. Aeroflot is usually competitive.

    There’s a small chance I’ll be in Hungary this year – will almost certainly be in Romania in early June, after which I might as well tick some of the V4 nations off the list.

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    I recommend Wizz Air a lot if you haven't tried it. The only problem is that their flights from Moscow and Peter are extremely limited (they only go to Hungary).

    But if you are already living in Europe, then there is nice variety of choices. The prices are budget, and they don't give you any food. Also you have to pay extra if you want onboard luggage. But if you just bring hand luggage (they always allow me to bring a large luggage bag (sports bag) and never weigh it, or check its size), then it can be really cheap (e.g. sometimes under $50).

    , @Dmitry

    There’s a small chance I’ll be in Hungary this year – will almost certainly be in Romania in early June, after which I might as well tick some of the V4 nations off the list.


    Moscow to Budapest - currently €44 on some days in June on Wizz Air.

    回复:@ g2k

  30. @Anatoly Karlin

    I usually just use Sky Scanner (actually more just Google now) to find the best prices and those. Aeroflot is usually competitive.

    There's a small chance I'll be in Hungary this year - will almost certainly be in Romania in early June, after which I might as well tick some of the V4 nations off the list.


    I recommend Wizz Air a lot if you haven’t tried it. The only problem is that their flights from Moscow and Peter are extremely limited (they only go to Hungary).

    But if you are already living in Europe, then there is nice variety of choices. The prices are budget, and they don’t give you any food. Also you have to pay extra if you want onboard luggage. But if you just bring hand luggage (they always allow me to bring a large luggage bag (sports bag) and never weigh it, or check its size), then it can be really cheap (e.g. sometimes under $50).

  31. @Anatoly Karlin

    I usually just use Sky Scanner (actually more just Google now) to find the best prices and those. Aeroflot is usually competitive.

    There's a small chance I'll be in Hungary this year - will almost certainly be in Romania in early June, after which I might as well tick some of the V4 nations off the list.


    There’s a small chance I’ll be in Hungary this year – will almost certainly be in Romania in early June, after which I might as well tick some of the V4 nations off the list.

    Moscow to Budapest – currently €44 on some days in June on Wizz Air.

    • 回复: @g2k

    Debrecen will be even cheaper, but the airport there is a joke. Was a Soviet military base that they turned into an airport without actually building a terminal. Very close to Romania though.

    Wizz are good if you can get a good deal; standard budget airline. I went to Kutaisi with them a few months ago from London which really tested my tolerance for discomfort to the limit though.


  32. @Dmitry

    There’s a small chance I’ll be in Hungary this year – will almost certainly be in Romania in early June, after which I might as well tick some of the V4 nations off the list.


    Moscow to Budapest - currently €44 on some days in June on Wizz Air.

    回复:@ g2k

    Debrecen will be even cheaper, but the airport there is a joke. Was a Soviet military base that they turned into an airport without actually building a terminal. Very close to Romania though.

    Wizz are good if you can get a good deal; standard budget airline. I went to Kutaisi with them a few months ago from London which really tested my tolerance for discomfort to the limit though.

    • 回复: @Dmitry
    @ g2k

    I prefer it to Ural airlines, which is the one I use to visit my parents. In Ural airlines, they don't think they're a lowcoster and wake you up when you are sleeping, to force their disgusting food on you. Stewardesses are also rude.

    In Wizz Air, the Hungarian stewardess are always friendly. Yes, it's a bit uncomfortable for your legs though. (I've flown quite far on them before)

    You always have to check-in online as well (they charge a lot of money if you want to check in at the airport).

    The worst experience I've had so far was with American Airlines, who are basically pirates. I was flying from San Francisco to San Diego. I arrived on time, but they didn't allow me on their flight, because some other people had arrived and paid more (something like this? - they didn't even explain it). Instead they booked me into a hotel, and made me take another plane at 6am the next day.

    回复:@Anatoly Karlin

  33. 问题是,在所有左翼政党的竞选活动中,是否有任何一个迹象显示出支持匈牙利并拒绝支持非白人的移民议程。 只是想知道谁可以扎根(如果有的话)。 希望明天能与奥尔比克获得第二名的明确的Orban胜利。

  34. @reiner Tor

    I don’t think he’s very reliable because he isn’t strong enough. But he’d obviously like to help if it was possible.

    I don’t know about Jobbik. It tried to move left, but on the other hand, it was connected to the nuttiest elements of Hungarian nationalism. (The Sumerian etc. thingy.) So I’m both wary of its right wing self and its newer left wing self. Among the opposition parties it’s the only one which might be friendly to the present Polish government. Actually, it might be better because it’s not an EPP member and so doesn’t need to toe the EPP line at all. Anyway, they have usually promised not to change immigration policies.


    connected to the nuttiest elements of Hungarian nationalism. The Sumerian etc. thingy.

    That one is nutty, but exploring it is interesting. Sumerians are not a mystery – their language and culture were a major part of the Indian Ocean early advanced civilization that encompassed Sumer, Elam, Indus Valley, Kushites, etc… invented writing, structured divinity, trade, boats, copper and bronze. After they lost vigour they were displaced by invading Semites, Indo-Europeans, and eventually Turkic people. The last remains retreated to southern India (and a few isolated pockets in between) and today we can see them in the Dravidian civilisation.

    There are puzzling linguistic links in Magyar to ancient Sumerian that can probably be explained by Sumerian trade links to Volga-Ural region. The attempt to read more into it by some Hungarian nationalists betrays a sense of inferiority (‘backward Ural tribes, no, we were contenders, we were linked with ancient civilisations like Sumer’).

    On Sunday the nationalists will win and the left (‘socialist’) will lose. This has been happening for a few years in all elections. It is Orban or Jobbik, they will outperform. There can be no ‘left’ with uncontrolled borders, no state benefits, no social solidarity – so the modern ‘left’ is done. The only question is whether the winning nationalists will march around in uniforms or not. Longer this gets delayed by the establishment, more likely this will go the uniform route. And that really cannot be good for anybody.

  35. 梅德, are you from the Urals?

    • 回复: @Dmitry
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    Lol yes. But it's not because of that, that I take Ural airlines. Our shit airline has taken over the world in the last two years, you can now take it from anywhere to anywhere

    回复:@Greasy William

  36. @g2k

    Debrecen will be even cheaper, but the airport there is a joke. Was a Soviet military base that they turned into an airport without actually building a terminal. Very close to Romania though.

    Wizz are good if you can get a good deal; standard budget airline. I went to Kutaisi with them a few months ago from London which really tested my tolerance for discomfort to the limit though.


    I prefer it to Ural airlines, which is the one I use to visit my parents. In Ural airlines, they don’t think they’re a lowcoster and wake you up when you are sleeping, to force their disgusting food on you. Stewardesses are also rude.

    In Wizz Air, the Hungarian stewardess are always friendly. Yes, it’s a bit uncomfortable for your legs though. (I’ve flown quite far on them before)

    You always have to check-in online as well (they charge a lot of money if you want to check in at the airport).

    The worst experience I’ve had so far was with American Airlines, who are basically pirates. I was flying from San Francisco to San Diego. I arrived on time, but they didn’t allow me on their flight, because some other people had arrived and paid more (something like this? – they didn’t even explain it). Instead they booked me into a hotel, and made me take another plane at 6am the next day.

    • 回复: @Anatoly Karlin

    No complaints with AA, they once upgraded me to business class for free while flying to DC.

    That said, they do have an awful reputation.


  37. @Dmitry
    @ g2k

    I prefer it to Ural airlines, which is the one I use to visit my parents. In Ural airlines, they don't think they're a lowcoster and wake you up when you are sleeping, to force their disgusting food on you. Stewardesses are also rude.

    In Wizz Air, the Hungarian stewardess are always friendly. Yes, it's a bit uncomfortable for your legs though. (I've flown quite far on them before)

    You always have to check-in online as well (they charge a lot of money if you want to check in at the airport).

    The worst experience I've had so far was with American Airlines, who are basically pirates. I was flying from San Francisco to San Diego. I arrived on time, but they didn't allow me on their flight, because some other people had arrived and paid more (something like this? - they didn't even explain it). Instead they booked me into a hotel, and made me take another plane at 6am the next day.

    回复:@Anatoly Karlin

    No complaints with AA, they once upgraded me to business class for free while flying to DC.

    That said, they do have an awful reputation.

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    To be fair, American Airlines was a very nice plane, once they eventually let me on the plane. I also have a good experience on United Airlines from Moscow.

  38. @Greasy William
    梅德, are you from the Urals?


    Lol yes. But it’s not because of that, that I take Ural airlines. Our shit airline has taken over the world in the last two years, you can now take it from anywhere to anywhere

    • 回复: @Greasy William

    Is Anatoly Karpov a huge hero to people in the Urals?


  39. @Dmitry
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    Lol yes. But it's not because of that, that I take Ural airlines. Our shit airline has taken over the world in the last two years, you can now take it from anywhere to anywhere

    回复:@Greasy William

    Is Anatoly Karpov a huge hero to people in the Urals?

    • 回复: @Dmitry
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    He's from Chelyabinsk - only gopnik cattle live there. I guess he's some kind of freak exception.

  40. @Anatoly Karlin

    No complaints with AA, they once upgraded me to business class for free while flying to DC.

    That said, they do have an awful reputation.


    To be fair, American Airlines was a very nice plane, once they eventually let me on the plane. I also have a good experience on United Airlines from Moscow.

  41. @Greasy William

    Is Anatoly Karpov a huge hero to people in the Urals?


    He’s from Chelyabinsk – only gopnik cattle live there. I guess he’s some kind of freak exception.

  42. @Dmitry
    Offtopic, but do any of you guys use Hungarian Wizz Air?

    This is a very cheap, good Hungarian airline. I’m using it all the time (every few months) to fly in Europe for the last years and always have a good experience. Also the Hungarian stewardesses who work on this airline are usually more charming than on Russian airlines.

    Ural airlines is still my favourite value for money, but the destinations available in Europe have much more choice with Wizz Air. It is a real Hungarian success story and contribution to humanity (when you realize how cheaply you can go on holiday to all these places).

    回覆:@Anatoly Karlin,@ Matra

    Offtopic, but do any of you guys use Hungarian Wizz Air?

    I flew out of Budapest six weeks ago and judging by the departure board Wizzair looked to be the biggest airline there.

    Anyway, the one time I did fly on Wizzair I thought the seats were even tighter than on Ryanair and easyjet, but everything went well. They have a great selection of direct flights to medium sized cities in the old Eastern bloc countries at great prices but make sure you read the fine print before booking.

    I was also in Gdansk in February and was seriously tempted to fly to Sweden just for the day. Booking only a couple of days before the flight the prices were less than 30E each way. At that price it’s hard to complain about lack of leg room.

    With Ryanair changing its mind on Ukraine Wizzair are really the only budget option for last minute flights to Lviv and Kiev.

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    Yes it's a miracle for all cheap inter-EU flying.

    With some provisos, like not packing glass souvenirs in your luggage:


    回复:@ g2k

    , @Swedish Family

    With Ryanair changing its mind on Ukraine Wizzair are really the only budget option for last minute flights to Lviv and Kiev.
    The deal finally went through a few weeks ago.


  43. @Matra

    Offtopic, but do any of you guys use Hungarian Wizz Air?

    I flew out of Budapest six weeks ago and judging by the departure board Wizzair looked to be the biggest airline there.

    Anyway, the one time I did fly on Wizzair I thought the seats were even tighter than on Ryanair and easyjet, but everything went well. They have a great selection of direct flights to medium sized cities in the old Eastern bloc countries at great prices but make sure you read the fine print before booking.

    I was also in Gdansk in February and was seriously tempted to fly to Sweden just for the day. Booking only a couple of days before the flight the prices were less than 30E each way. At that price it's hard to complain about lack of leg room.

    With Ryanair changing its mind on Ukraine Wizzair are really the only budget option for last minute flights to Lviv and Kiev.

    回复:@ Dmitry,@瑞典家庭

    Yes it’s a miracle for all cheap inter-EU flying.

    With some provisos, like not packing glass souvenirs in your luggage:

    • 回复: @g2k

    That's got nothing to do with the airline, those guys are hired by the airport. Though AFAIK there aren't any non-budget airlines that use Luton.

    Wizz are very good for Ukraine, because their aviation laws over there still don't allow airlines to offer anything other than full service, so no baggage fees or airport checkin fees. Zhulyany is also better connected than borispol.

  44. John Morgan of Counter-Currents, who lives in Hungary, has a lot of insightful comments here: “For Europe: Hungary’s 2018 National Election设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    Morgan endorses Orban:

    Viktor Orbán certainly deserves a great deal of praise, and he is the closest to a “true Right” figure that one can find among national leaders within the European Union today. He acted swiftly, decisively, and effectively to put an end to the inflow of migrants into Hungary in 2015. Since then, he has made himself the chief spokesman for opposition to Brussels over the issue of migrant quotas. […] His government has made a point of making use of the sorts of rhetoric that are condemned as “extremist” in the West, talking of white genocide, the preservation of Christian values, the incompatibility of large numbers of immigrants from non-Western origins…

    with this caveat:

    one must take a nuanced view of Fidesz and Orbán. They should not be seen as ideologically committed Rightists. Orbán is a quintessential populist; he is acting as the opposition on the migrant issue because he knows that this is a popular viewpoint among Hungarians

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    I think Orbán seriously believes in his anti-immigration viewpoints. But he’s also massively corrupt, and it starts looking like he’s not far from personal enrichment himself.

    He also doesn’t believe in intellectual arguments. Lowbrow arguments are necessary and useful, but in themselves they have the opposite effect on the educated. He’s not much of an intellectual himself, and has a healthy disdain for intellectuals in general, but it shouldn’t cloud his understanding of the importance of convincing the intellectuals.

  45. Hungarian communist leader running in this election slams Gypsies, Muslims, says “we should defend the borders of Hungary, [and] we should save Europe and European civilization.” (–Gyula Thürmer)

  46. Government (Fidesz) campaign poster said to be all over Budapest:

  47. Massive turnout already at 7AM. Not very good for Fidesz.

  48. @Hail
    John Morgan of Counter-Currents, who lives in Hungary, has a lot of insightful comments here: "For Europe: Hungary’s 2018 National Election."

    Morgan endorses Orban:

    Viktor Orbán certainly deserves a great deal of praise, and he is the closest to a “true Right” figure that one can find among national leaders within the European Union today. He acted swiftly, decisively, and effectively to put an end to the inflow of migrants into Hungary in 2015. Since then, he has made himself the chief spokesman for opposition to Brussels over the issue of migrant quotas. [...] His government has made a point of making use of the sorts of rhetoric that are condemned as “extremist” in the West, talking of white genocide, the preservation of Christian values, the incompatibility of large numbers of immigrants from non-Western origins...
    with this caveat:

    one must take a nuanced view of Fidesz and Orbán. They should not be seen as ideologically committed Rightists. Orbán is a quintessential populist; he is acting as the opposition on the migrant issue because he knows that this is a popular viewpoint among Hungarians

    回复:@reiner Tor

    I think Orbán seriously believes in his anti-immigration viewpoints. But he’s also massively corrupt, and it starts looking like he’s not far from personal enrichment himself.

    He also doesn’t believe in intellectual arguments. Lowbrow arguments are necessary and useful, but in themselves they have the opposite effect on the educated. He’s not much of an intellectual himself, and has a healthy disdain for intellectuals in general, but it shouldn’t cloud his understanding of the importance of convincing the intellectuals.

  49. Record turnout.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    I don’t what’s the “p” abbreviation, but p1 means first round, p2 second round. Since 2014 there’s just one round.

    回复:@reiner Tor

  50. @reiner Tor
    Record turnout.


    回复:@reiner Tor

    I don’t what’s the “p” abbreviation, but p1 means first round, p2 second round. Since 2014 there’s just one round.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    I just realized that the “p” just means parliamentary election.

    Anyway, before 2014 there was a second round, now it’s just one round.

  51. @reiner Tor

    I don’t what’s the “p” abbreviation, but p1 means first round, p2 second round. Since 2014 there’s just one round.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    I just realized that the “p” just means parliamentary election.

    Anyway, before 2014 there was a second round, now it’s just one round.

  52. @Dmitry

    Yes it's a miracle for all cheap inter-EU flying.

    With some provisos, like not packing glass souvenirs in your luggage:


    回复:@ g2k

    That’s got nothing to do with the airline, those guys are hired by the airport. Though AFAIK there aren’t any non-budget airlines that use Luton.

    Wizz are very good for Ukraine, because their aviation laws over there still don’t allow airlines to offer anything other than full service, so no baggage fees or airport checkin fees. Zhulyany is also better connected than borispol.

  53. One way Fidesz could be hugely helped by the high turnout is if the smaller leftist parties fail to reach the 5% limit. In an extreme case it could be a three- or even two-party parliament. (The socialists formed a coalition, so they have to reach 10% instead of just 5.)

    A two-party parliament with just Fidesz and Jobbik would be awesome, it’s a pity it won’t happen.

    Anyway, Fidesz is still most likely to win.

  54. Turnout until 11AM is still massive, but no longer record, only 29.83%.

    Well, it’s a record if we don’t count second rounds. The second rounds were not fully national, because many districts were already decided in the first round.

    One hopeful sign for Fidesz is that traditionally Fidesz-voting districts have the highest turnout.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Though the high turnout was very bad in the traditional Fidesz district last month where the mayoral by-election was held. The turnout is once more very high there.

  55. @reiner Tor
    Turnout until 11AM is still massive, but no longer record, only 29.83%.

    Well, it’s a record if we don’t count second rounds. The second rounds were not fully national, because many districts were already decided in the first round.

    One hopeful sign for Fidesz is that traditionally Fidesz-voting districts have the highest turnout.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    Though the high turnout was very bad in the traditional Fidesz district last month where the mayoral by-election was held. The turnout is once more very high there.

  56. @Matra

    Offtopic, but do any of you guys use Hungarian Wizz Air?

    I flew out of Budapest six weeks ago and judging by the departure board Wizzair looked to be the biggest airline there.

    Anyway, the one time I did fly on Wizzair I thought the seats were even tighter than on Ryanair and easyjet, but everything went well. They have a great selection of direct flights to medium sized cities in the old Eastern bloc countries at great prices but make sure you read the fine print before booking.

    I was also in Gdansk in February and was seriously tempted to fly to Sweden just for the day. Booking only a couple of days before the flight the prices were less than 30E each way. At that price it's hard to complain about lack of leg room.

    With Ryanair changing its mind on Ukraine Wizzair are really the only budget option for last minute flights to Lviv and Kiev.

    回复:@ Dmitry,@瑞典家庭

    With Ryanair changing its mind on Ukraine Wizzair are really the only budget option for last minute flights to Lviv and Kiev.

    The deal finally went through a few weeks ago.


  57. @Polish Perspective
    Just a question to reiner. You write:

    尽管我仍然希望奥尔班在四月份获胜,但最近几周他的赔率已大大恶化。 菲德斯(Fidesz)现在很有可能无法获得多数席位。
    Correct me if I am wrong, but didnt Orban change the constitution back in 2011 to pave the way for some kind of hybrid FPTP system wherein you can get a greater share of seats than your vote, in other words, no longer proportional?

    In 2014 he got 44% of the vote, which is somewhat less than his polling average now, but ended up with a legislative majority anyway. In the light of this, I do not understand some of your skepticism given his decent polling numbers.

    Sure, there's always the by-election argument but these by-elections are often not dictated by national trends and can often be strong-armed but a nimble political operation and a compelling candidate. A weak actor can pull that off once in a while. Doing so on a national basis is a different story. If it had repercussions on the national trendline, wouldn't we have seen that in the data?

    I'm not a big fan of 'unskewered poll' arguments, which were common in 2012 among GOP diehards. Even the polls in 2016 were not as bad as people said. They predicted a slight Clinton win and that is what she got (based on popular vote). It's just the electoral system in the US which is somewhat wonky and the particular math of how that vote was parlayed translated into a Trump win.

    I don't think Hungary has anything like that, and to the extent it favors anyone, it is probably the incumbent, no?

    Maybe I am too sanguine and maybe I am missing something, but it seems to me that the odds of Fidesz losing all their marbles on the finish line appears to be of marginal probability.

    Replies: @reiner Tor, @LondonBob, @reiner Tor

    The US polls were well off in 2016, ignore California. Only Trafalgar and Richard Baris at PPD had Trump to win Michigan and Pennsylvania, places like Ohio the polls were well off and some even had Clnton ahead 12 points at some point. It was a complete mess, and I think this was partly a deliberate pysop to depress Trump turnout.

    • 回复: @Polish Perspective

    The US polls were well off in 2016
    This is a myth that refuses to die. FiveThirtyEight adressed this in their early 2017 围捕:

    Another myth is that Trump’s victory represented some sort of catastrophic failure for the polls. Trump outperformed his national polls by only 1 to 2 percentage points in losing the popular vote to Clinton, making them slightly closer to the mark than they were in 2012. Meanwhile, he beat his polls by only 2 to 3 percentage points in the average swing state. Certainly, there were individual pollsters that had some explaining to do, especially in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where Trump beat his polls by a larger amount. But the result was not some sort of massive outlier; on the contrary, the polls were pretty much as accurate as they’d been, on average, since 1968.

    They wrote at length on this topic in a separate article which you can read in full here:


    My personal pet theory is that part of the reason why "it was da pollz" narrative was spun up is because something had to be used in order to save face for an extremely smug pundit class which almost all had discounted Trump and his chances, so instead of doing some soul-searching about their own (in)competency they decided to blame the pollsters.

    Furthermore, polling is not an exact science. It can only give you a narrow band at best, and this is what the 2016 polls did on aggregate. The fact that pundits earning many hundreds of thousands per year cannot understand basic mathematical concepts like margin of error should perhaps not surprise us, given that the vast majority of them are utterly useless and just end up parroting whatever conventional wisdom is out there. Whether it is "Trump is doomed" or "Russia is Ebil". Few if any do any independent analysis and even fewer are even remotely numerate.


  58. @LondonBob

    The US polls were well off in 2016, ignore California. Only Trafalgar and Richard Baris at PPD had Trump to win Michigan and Pennsylvania, places like Ohio the polls were well off and some even had Clnton ahead 12 points at some point. It was a complete mess, and I think this was partly a deliberate pysop to depress Trump turnout.

    回复:@Polish Perspective

    The US polls were well off in 2016

    This is a myth that refuses to die. FiveThirtyEight adressed this in their early 2017 围捕:

    Another myth is that Trump’s victory represented some sort of catastrophic failure for the polls. Trump outperformed his national polls by only 1 to 2 percentage points in losing the popular vote to Clinton, making them slightly closer to the mark than they were in 2012. Meanwhile, he beat his polls by only 2 to 3 percentage points in the average swing state. Certainly, there were individual pollsters that had some explaining to do, especially in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where Trump beat his polls by a larger amount. But the result was not some sort of massive outlier; on the contrary, the polls were pretty much as accurate as they’d been, on average, since 1968.

    They wrote at length on this topic in a separate article which you can read in full here:


    My personal pet theory is that part of the reason why “it was da pollz” narrative was spun up is because something had to be used in order to save face for an extremely smug pundit class which almost all had discounted Trump and his chances, so instead of doing some soul-searching about their own (in)competency they decided to blame the pollsters.

    Furthermore, polling is not an exact science. It can only give you a narrow band at best, and this is what the 2016 polls did on aggregate. The fact that pundits earning many hundreds of thousands per year cannot understand basic mathematical concepts like margin of error should perhaps not surprise us, given that the vast majority of them are utterly useless and just end up parroting whatever conventional wisdom is out there. Whether it is “Trump is doomed” or “Russia is Ebil”. Few if any do any independent analysis and even fewer are even remotely numerate.

    • 回复: @LondonBob

    National polls are meaningless, who knows where those votes in California came from. Except for PPD and Trafalgar they got almost all the swing states wrong. The pollsters were very wrong no matter what spin is put on it. Nate Silver being perhaps the biggest joke.

  59. PSA: After inexplicably dragging their feet, the mods of /r/Europe finally decided to open a megathread on the Hungarian elections. You can find it here:

    Hungarian Election MEGATHREAD欧洲

  60. Viktor Orban is a lot like Trump.

    Frustrating, but necessary.

    If the Visegrad 4 survive in their current ideological orientation for a few more years, immigration restriction will seem normal in Europe. Bridgeheads are already spreading outside of Mitteleuropa, most notably in Austria. Not only did Sebastian Kurz campaign on immigration restriction and form a coalition government with Joerg Haider’s old party, but he declined to attend the faggot parade and instead got married to his beautiful fiance in a Catholic Church. Very trad.

    From Russia’s point of view the reason to care about Orban is that we Western nationalists tend to be Russophilic, at least outside of Poland. Hungary itself isn’t powerful, but through Hungary you may one day get a Russophilic government in Germany for the first time since Schroeder.

  61. Regarding airlines all of the legacy American carriers other than Delta are terrible. Delta is the only one which even pretends to offer a competitive transatlantic business class product (American and United don’t even have lay flat bed seats), and Delta has a better on time record than the others.

    American carriers also rarely have hot stewardesses which is extremely irritating. I don’t want to be waited on by an overweight middle aged woman, or worse a homosexual.

    Best choice is Aer Lingus, because Dublin has US immigration & customs preclearance. The business class product is competitive, and because they fly 757s (single aisle) you can get an entire row for yourself. The cuisine isn’t as good as other European carriers (best here is Austrian Airlines) who fly larger aircraft, but it’s still quite good.

    The Luftwaffe is also a nice choice because they operate the 787 on their Chicago – Munich route, so you arrive feeling much more refreshed owing to the greater cabin pressure and humidity. The business class product is inferior to other European flag carriers, but it’s still good.

    Avoid London Heathrow and Paris CDG at all costs. Don’t fly SAS unless you need nonstop Chicago to Stockholm.

    Worst transatlantic carrier is Air India. Got food poisoning on an empty 747 flying from NYC to London. Later when I got to know Indians they told me Air India has a terrible reputation in India itself and Indian businessmen refuse to fly on it.

    I hear great things about the Emirati carriers, but I refuse to fly them as it offends me that Arabs are allowed to own airlines. The British executives who run these airlines should be regarded as traitors.

    Looking forward to trying the Asian carriers. Next time I visit India I’ll go transpacific for that reason.

    Within Europe itself I prefer taking the train unless distances are truly great. E.g. Aeroflot has a direct flight from Nice to Moscow–not going to bother with the train for something like that.

    In the USA I prefer legacy carriers as they have domestic first class unlike the budget airlines, but my main priority is the avoidance of bad airports. Smaller airports outside of big metropolitan areas are generally much more pleasant.

    The carrier Allegiant offers nonstop flights between various small airports as a competitive strategy. They for instance offer a direct flight from Rockford, IL to Punta Gorda, FL. This allows the complete avoidance of nightmarish hellscape airports like Chicago O’Hare, Atlanta Hartfield, or Miami.

    Downside is Allegiant is a budget airline which not only doesn’t have first class, but the seats don’t recline! Fortunately you can buy an exit row seat which helps.

    And as Karlin said, use Google Flights. Just remember that Southwest refuses to work with them. For a complicated itinerary use Flight Fox.

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    American carriers also rarely have hot stewardesses which is extremely irritating. I don’t want to be waited on by an overweight middle aged woman


    Still it's a good indication if they are providing the stewardess as a kind of 'career for life', so that they will take it seriously. Also you would hope they are treating the same way pilots, technicians, etc - which show professionalism.


  62. Looks like the high turnout is mostly in pro-Fidesz or pro-Jobbik places. (The two are not nearly identical.)

    So it’s quite possible that the high turnout will not be beneficial for the leftist parties. Especially not for the smaller ones, which might drop out of parliament as a result. We’ll know in a couple minutes.

  63. The idea that elections in the EU countries are considered locally relevant on an official level, is conspiracy theory pushed by the EU and Western media, in order to try to undermine various candidates by associating them with Russia (it’s the typical election tactic of accusing your opponent of being ‘fifth column’)/.

    Really there was little coverage about Hungary election anywhere – except reported in the BBC.

  64. @Polish Perspective
    Just a question to reiner. You write:

    尽管我仍然希望奥尔班在四月份获胜,但最近几周他的赔率已大大恶化。 菲德斯(Fidesz)现在很有可能无法获得多数席位。
    Correct me if I am wrong, but didnt Orban change the constitution back in 2011 to pave the way for some kind of hybrid FPTP system wherein you can get a greater share of seats than your vote, in other words, no longer proportional?

    In 2014 he got 44% of the vote, which is somewhat less than his polling average now, but ended up with a legislative majority anyway. In the light of this, I do not understand some of your skepticism given his decent polling numbers.

    Sure, there's always the by-election argument but these by-elections are often not dictated by national trends and can often be strong-armed but a nimble political operation and a compelling candidate. A weak actor can pull that off once in a while. Doing so on a national basis is a different story. If it had repercussions on the national trendline, wouldn't we have seen that in the data?

    I'm not a big fan of 'unskewered poll' arguments, which were common in 2012 among GOP diehards. Even the polls in 2016 were not as bad as people said. They predicted a slight Clinton win and that is what she got (based on popular vote). It's just the electoral system in the US which is somewhat wonky and the particular math of how that vote was parlayed translated into a Trump win.

    I don't think Hungary has anything like that, and to the extent it favors anyone, it is probably the incumbent, no?

    Maybe I am too sanguine and maybe I am missing something, but it seems to me that the odds of Fidesz losing all their marbles on the finish line appears to be of marginal probability.

    Replies: @reiner Tor, @LondonBob, @reiner Tor

    Most pollsters predicted that low turnout could mean a supermajority for Fidesz, while a very high turnout could mean that they won’t even get absolute majority. But it all depends on how much leftist and Jobbik voters are willing to vote for each other’s more popular candidates. It never happened in 2014, but it will happen this time a lot. It’s a little bit uncharted territory for pollsters (even the election system is quite new with little experience), so they aren’t very confident in their own models.

  65. @Thorfinnsson
    Regarding airlines all of the legacy American carriers other than Delta are terrible. Delta is the only one which even pretends to offer a competitive transatlantic business class product (American and United don't even have lay flat bed seats), and Delta has a better on time record than the others.

    American carriers also rarely have hot stewardesses which is extremely irritating. I don't want to be waited on by an overweight middle aged woman, or worse a homosexual.

    Best choice is Aer Lingus, because Dublin has US immigration & customs preclearance. The business class product is competitive, and because they fly 757s (single aisle) you can get an entire row for yourself. The cuisine isn't as good as other European carriers (best here is Austrian Airlines) who fly larger aircraft, but it's still quite good.

    The Luftwaffe is also a nice choice because they operate the 787 on their Chicago - Munich route, so you arrive feeling much more refreshed owing to the greater cabin pressure and humidity. The business class product is inferior to other European flag carriers, but it's still good.

    Avoid London Heathrow and Paris CDG at all costs. Don't fly SAS unless you need nonstop Chicago to Stockholm.

    Worst transatlantic carrier is Air India. Got food poisoning on an empty 747 flying from NYC to London. Later when I got to know Indians they told me Air India has a terrible reputation in India itself and Indian businessmen refuse to fly on it.

    I hear great things about the Emirati carriers, but I refuse to fly them as it offends me that Arabs are allowed to own airlines. The British executives who run these airlines should be regarded as traitors.

    Looking forward to trying the Asian carriers. Next time I visit India I'll go transpacific for that reason.

    Within Europe itself I prefer taking the train unless distances are truly great. E.g. Aeroflot has a direct flight from Nice to Moscow--not going to bother with the train for something like that.

    In the USA I prefer legacy carriers as they have domestic first class unlike the budget airlines, but my main priority is the avoidance of bad airports. Smaller airports outside of big metropolitan areas are generally much more pleasant.

    The carrier Allegiant offers nonstop flights between various small airports as a competitive strategy. They for instance offer a direct flight from Rockford, IL to Punta Gorda, FL. This allows the complete avoidance of nightmarish hellscape airports like Chicago O'Hare, Atlanta Hartfield, or Miami.

    Downside is Allegiant is a budget airline which not only doesn't have first class, but the seats don't recline! Fortunately you can buy an exit row seat which helps.

    And as Karlin said, use Google Flights. Just remember that Southwest refuses to work with them. For a complicated itinerary use Flight Fox.


    American carriers also rarely have hot stewardesses which is extremely irritating. I don’t want to be waited on by an overweight middle aged woman

    Still it’s a good indication if they are providing the stewardess as a kind of ‘career for life’, so that they will take it seriously. Also you would hope they are treating the same way pilots, technicians, etc – which show professionalism.

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson

    It's an indication that the airline is old and unionized, that's it.

    Compensation for airline staff, including pilots, has been in decline in America ever since air travel was deregulated. In the regulated era the airlines did not face much competition, and their fares were regulated by the Civil Aeronautics Board. Airfares were as a result very high and the airlines competed on service (which, according to older businessmen I talk to, was spectacular).

    This gave organized labor a lot of power, so unions got very generous compensation packages. The legacy airlines as a result still have a lot of the staff they had a generation ago.

    Ever since deregulation the legacy carriers have been under constant pressure from budget airlines.

    Used to be that chair force and navy pilots resigned their commissions to make more money as airline pilots, but now staying in the armed forces is generally a better financial decision. Plus the workload is much lower (and the planes more fun).


  66. @szopen
    Im keeping the thumbs for Orban. If he goes down, our position will be much worse. He is practically the only reliable ally Poland has now.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Dmitry

    I am reading about this Orban now.

    He seems probably to have the right mix of policies for navigating a small country in this situation.

    Neo-liberal economic policy to encourage investment in the country, combined with sensible approach to non-EU immigration – and while also still taking advantage of the EU benefits and free money from staying in that club.

  67. @Dmitry

    American carriers also rarely have hot stewardesses which is extremely irritating. I don’t want to be waited on by an overweight middle aged woman


    Still it's a good indication if they are providing the stewardess as a kind of 'career for life', so that they will take it seriously. Also you would hope they are treating the same way pilots, technicians, etc - which show professionalism.


    It’s an indication that the airline is old and unionized, that’s it.

    Compensation for airline staff, including pilots, has been in decline in America ever since air travel was deregulated. In the regulated era the airlines did not face much competition, and their fares were regulated by the Civil Aeronautics Board. Airfares were as a result very high and the airlines competed on service (which, according to older businessmen I talk to, was spectacular).

    This gave organized labor a lot of power, so unions got very generous compensation packages. The legacy airlines as a result still have a lot of the staff they had a generation ago.

    Ever since deregulation the legacy carriers have been under constant pressure from budget airlines.

    Used to be that chair force and navy pilots resigned their commissions to make more money as airline pilots, but now staying in the armed forces is generally a better financial decision. Plus the workload is much lower (and the planes more fun).

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    I don't support over-unionization.

    But my impression with old air stewardesses, is that they have been given a career for life at the same airline (in other words, they should take the job seriously, and see it as their lifelong career - rather than some kind of student holiday job). I would also hope the same from the aircraft technicians and pilots.

    I also remember American planes had only old stewardesses, and my view was they seemed professional and gave a good service, without the rudeness of some planes (although you would expect this considering how much the ticket costs).


  68. Fidesz was probably running a very efficient get out the vote effort. That’s part of the reason for the high turnout.

    Apparently a lot of Gypsies voted. For those who don’t know, they are all bought and paid for votes by Fidesz. The Gypsy voivod gets paid, and provides the Gypsy vote. The precinct is often 90% Gypsy, so it’s easy to know if he delivered or not. (It boggles the mind that leftists and liberals know this, are complaining about this, and yet call you a Nazi for mentioning that Gypsies shouldn’t be allowed to vote.)

    • 回复: @John Gruskos

    The Gypsies save Europe!


    Unlike Jews, Gypsies are a diaspora people who 得益 their host nation!

    Gypsies good, Jews bad. That is the lesson of this election, and I will love shoving it in the face of the likes of Cofnas from now till the end of time.

    Also glad to hear Vona is retiring, hopefully he will take Vambery's absurd Turanism with him when he goes. It was painful to watch Jobbik reflexively taking sides with Turkey against Armenia and Cyprus.

    By the way, compared to Trump's 3 am tweets about Miss Venezuela's weight, Orban's speeches seem very high brow indeed. Is Orban is a Hungarian Nixon or Reagan, with some Hungarian Buchanan writing his speeches for him?

    回复:@reiner Tor

  69. OT, perhaps of some importance.

    The official reaction of the Leader of the Free World to the latest Putin-inspired atrocity in Syria, following that in Salisbury:

    在叙利亚的化学袭击中,许多人丧生,包括妇女和儿童。 暴行区处于封锁之中,并被叙利亚军队包围,这使得外界完全无法进入。 普京总统,俄罗斯和伊朗负责支持动物阿萨德。 大价钱

    Will be interesting to see what the “big price” is.

    By the way, for those not having kept up to date on the Skripal case, here are a 3 articles explaining the state of the art as to: (i) how it was done: (ii) why the Skripals didn’t die; and (iii) what is to become of the Skripals:




    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    You have to love the detailed descriptions of the secret Russian labs where they specifically design the weakened boutique form of the nerve agent only for murder. (I guess for at most a few murders only, since after a few cases most hospitals in the first world will be equipped with antidotes and easy ways to identify the symptoms.) When it's obvious that it's all conjecture. The more plausible sounding details there are (without any evidence), the more believable the whole story becomes.

    It's a simple conspiracy theory at this point, where any and all details can only further confirm what the conclusion had been before we even started to investigate. I mean, the fact that such a highly sophisticated military grade (i.e. very clean, highly poisonous) nerve agent was produced was proof that it must have been a state actor - a simple chemist in a university lab would've killed himself. Later it emerges that it was a highly watered down version of the poison, i.e. not so dangerous, but we don't need to revisit our previous conclusion that it was a state actor. No. The fact that it was a deviously poisonous poison is now further proof that it must've been the evil Russians - because no one else would've been so devious as to produce a less poisonous version of the most poisonous poison ever.

    The fact that the method was in fact quite primitive (put some poison on the door handle - if anyone else touched the door handle for any reason, than that would've foiled the plans completely; not that the plan worked that way), or that the not very poisonous version of the most poisonous poison in fact seems to be just a "watered down" (i.e. not quite military grade) version of it is not proof that it was cooked up in some home lab by less sophisticated actors, it just deepens the plot.

    I cannot really imagine any new developments which will shake the convictions of these people. They will keep adjusting their unfalsifiable theory until it fits the facts (sort of).

    The Syrian chemical attack is also very strange. The Russians warned previously about a planned false flag. You gotta love how these stupid Syrians commit a militarily totally ineffectual chemical attack (which only manages to kill a few dozens or hundreds of children for the cameras, but no combatants ever) just at the time when President Trump publicly expresses his wish to disengage from Syria. Last time it was a few days after Tillerson said Assad could stay, now it's a few days after Trump told his generals to prepare to pull out of Syria. It's also curious that they would go on to win the civil war regardless.

  70. @Polish Perspective

    The US polls were well off in 2016
    This is a myth that refuses to die. FiveThirtyEight adressed this in their early 2017 围捕:

    Another myth is that Trump’s victory represented some sort of catastrophic failure for the polls. Trump outperformed his national polls by only 1 to 2 percentage points in losing the popular vote to Clinton, making them slightly closer to the mark than they were in 2012. Meanwhile, he beat his polls by only 2 to 3 percentage points in the average swing state. Certainly, there were individual pollsters that had some explaining to do, especially in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania, where Trump beat his polls by a larger amount. But the result was not some sort of massive outlier; on the contrary, the polls were pretty much as accurate as they’d been, on average, since 1968.

    They wrote at length on this topic in a separate article which you can read in full here:


    My personal pet theory is that part of the reason why "it was da pollz" narrative was spun up is because something had to be used in order to save face for an extremely smug pundit class which almost all had discounted Trump and his chances, so instead of doing some soul-searching about their own (in)competency they decided to blame the pollsters.

    Furthermore, polling is not an exact science. It can only give you a narrow band at best, and this is what the 2016 polls did on aggregate. The fact that pundits earning many hundreds of thousands per year cannot understand basic mathematical concepts like margin of error should perhaps not surprise us, given that the vast majority of them are utterly useless and just end up parroting whatever conventional wisdom is out there. Whether it is "Trump is doomed" or "Russia is Ebil". Few if any do any independent analysis and even fewer are even remotely numerate.


    National polls are meaningless, who knows where those votes in California came from. Except for PPD and Trafalgar they got almost all the swing states wrong. The pollsters were very wrong no matter what spin is put on it. Nate Silver being perhaps the biggest joke.

  71. • 回复: @Polish Perspective

    Ironically enough, he was actually criticised by liberals on Twitter for giving Trumps "too high" a chance before the election, because those supposed experts thought that such numbers would give a moral boost to the Trump campaign.

    In reality, his numbers were eminently reasonable. He has to work on what public information there is available. He doesn't commission his own polls. Based on the polls - which I remind you were within the post-1968 historical averages - there was indeed a strong chance that Hillary would have won.

    Don't forget that Trump lost the popular vote by 2 million. In some of the key swing states he literally hung onto by the skin of his teeth. Michigan had a margin of just some thousands of votes, same in Pennsylvania. It's always easy to be a smartass with 20/20 hindsight, but in truth his win 真正 was an upset and a surprise. Silver's estimates were reasonable, very reasonable, given the available information and in fact gave Trump better chances than most MSM outlets.

    It's also not correct to claim that polls did a very bad job, they did about as well as most polls did in the last 50 years. Notably, the 2012 polls actually did worse according to the FiveThirtyEight aggregate database than the 2016 ones did. Yet you did not hear that whining about polls in the media. Can you guess why? Because the favored candidate won.

  72. 63.21% until 1700. Please note that it’s not directly comparable to previous years, because previously they disclosed turnout data until 1730, so it’s a little shorter time period.

  73. @for-the-record
    OT, perhaps of some importance.

    The official reaction of the Leader of the Free World to the latest Putin-inspired atrocity in Syria, following that in Salisbury:

    Many dead, including women and children, in mindless CHEMICAL attack in Syria. Area of atrocity is in lockdown and encircled by Syrian Army, making it completely inaccessible to outside world. President Putin, Russia and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad. Big price...
    Will be interesting to see what the "big price" is.

    By the way, for those not having kept up to date on the Skripal case, here are a 3 articles explaining the state of the art as to: (i) how it was done: (ii) why the Skripals didn't die; and (iii) what is to become of the Skripals:




    回复:@reiner Tor

    You have to love the detailed descriptions of the secret Russian labs where they specifically design the weakened boutique form of the nerve agent only for murder. (I guess for at most a few murders only, since after a few cases most hospitals in the first world will be equipped with antidotes and easy ways to identify the symptoms.) When it’s obvious that it’s all conjecture. The more plausible sounding details there are (without any evidence), the more believable the whole story becomes.

    It’s a simple conspiracy theory at this point, where any and all details can only further confirm what the conclusion had been before we even started to investigate. I mean, the fact that such a highly sophisticated military grade (i.e. very clean, highly poisonous) nerve agent was produced was proof that it must have been a state actor – a simple chemist in a university lab would’ve killed himself. Later it emerges that it was a highly watered down version of the poison, i.e. not so dangerous, but we don’t need to revisit our previous conclusion that it was a state actor. No. The fact that it was a deviously poisonous poison is now further proof that it must’ve been the evil Russians – because no one else would’ve been so devious as to produce a less poisonous version of the most poisonous poison ever.

    The fact that the method was in fact quite primitive (put some poison on the door handle – if anyone else touched the door handle for any reason, than that would’ve foiled the plans completely; not that the plan worked that way), or that the not very poisonous version of the most poisonous poison in fact seems to be just a “watered down” (i.e. not quite military grade) version of it is not proof that it was cooked up in some home lab by less sophisticated actors, it just deepens the plot.

    I cannot really imagine any new developments which will shake the convictions of these people. They will keep adjusting their unfalsifiable theory until it fits the facts (sort of).

    The Syrian chemical attack is also very strange. The Russians warned previously about a planned false flag. You gotta love how these stupid Syrians commit a militarily totally ineffectual chemical attack (which only manages to kill a few dozens or hundreds of children for the cameras, but no combatants ever) just at the time when President Trump publicly expresses his wish to disengage from Syria. Last time it was a few days after Tillerson said Assad could stay, now it’s a few days after Trump told his generals to prepare to pull out of Syria. It’s also curious that they would go on to win the civil war regardless.

  74. Reiner can tell us more about who did you vote for and what are the qualities and opinions of Orban (why is he so popular?).

    I read his Wikipedia page and he seems very sensible. But you probably have more subtle information about him.

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    He seems especially good in economic policy. It mentions in Wikipedia, the two-year budget. This is a very good idea.

    回复:@reiner Tor

  75. @Dmitry
    Reiner can tell us more about who did you vote for and what are the qualities and opinions of Orban (why is he so popular?).

    I read his Wikipedia page and he seems very sensible. But you probably have more subtle information about him.


    He seems especially good in economic policy. It mentions in Wikipedia, the two-year budget. This is a very good idea.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    The two-year budget was back in 2000. I don't think he did it later. The reason for this was that his parliamentary majority was thinning out (his coalition partner the Smallholders' Party was breaking up), and so he needed to have the budget for the year 2002 accepted earlier, before his majority would completely disappear. (I think it did finally disappear for the last few weeks before the elections, but it didn't matter any more.)

    The healthcare system and education were both neglected. (I have already explained why neglecting the educations was a strategic mistake. I'm not sure if he'd have had money for both, but since he spent enormous amounts on football, building stupid stadiums for shitty teams, he could've provided more money for both. And it's a bit different when you can point out that you have no more money, than if your opponents can point out that you wasted billions on vanity projects, which eventually came to naught.)

    He was very corrupt, probably even personally. His close family members (especially his oldest daughter and son-in-law) enriched themselves, and one of his cronies, a gas fitter called Lőrinc Mészáros, became something like a top 10 richest person in the country. Mészáros had no wealth to speak of until 2010, and his special talent seems to be getting profitable public contracts. Interestingly, his holding company went public early last year, and as of last December (when BTC was at its highest) it proved a better investment than Bitcoin. (I guess it looks still better now.) Because Mészáros seems to be basically an uneducated hick (he doesn't give interviews, but that's the impression one gets from the few public appearances he makes), many suspect he's actually just a front man for Orbán himself. (Or maybe for Fidesz, or maybe for a number of Fidesz potentates, or something similar.)

    Now his extremely lowbrow anti-immigrant campaign would've been okay, if he was principled about it, and if he started a parallel highbrow campaign to explain the reasons for it. First, he wasn't principled: he started (and in a typical manner, his cronies profited from) a program where foreigners could easily get Hungarian immigration visas in exchange for having bought a quarter of a million euros worth Hungarian government bonds. (Yes, bonds, which he still owned. I'm not sure if there were safeguards against him selling the bonds immediately.) Apparently a number of high profile criminals got immigration visas that way under Orbán's watch. Another problem was that the lowbrow campaign was used to deflect from any charges against him. Orbán's primitive, idiotic propagandists (they clearly could've learned a lot from Goebbels) basically shared any anti-immigrant fake news, many of which were easily disproven by the leftists. It's questionable how effective it was for the 85 IQ target audience, but it was probably counter-productive among the highly educated. Now we have an educated class which is inherently skeptical of any stories about the problems of immigration in Western Europe. They have been inoculated against it.

    Just an example: they shared yesterday stories claiming that the attacker in Münster was a Muslim. Later they had to retract (which they did by simply ceasing to talk about it at all), but of course many people can speak English, so people know. Also, at least half the media is still leftist, so they wrote it in Hungarian. It's just embarrassing, they share stories without checking.

    We should soon get results. I think they will win despite all this, but I hope they can get their act together for the next four years.

    Jobbik is the only opposition party with solid views on immigration (and at least initially they'd probably be less corrupt), and two leftist parties (LMP and Momentum, the latter probably won't be in parliament) are at least open to anti-immigration arguments (but their instincts would lead them to opening the borders anyway).

    The turnout seems to have been lower for the last couple hours, so it's probably not a record turnout. This means I think Fidesz cannot lose.


  76. @Thorfinnsson

    It's an indication that the airline is old and unionized, that's it.

    Compensation for airline staff, including pilots, has been in decline in America ever since air travel was deregulated. In the regulated era the airlines did not face much competition, and their fares were regulated by the Civil Aeronautics Board. Airfares were as a result very high and the airlines competed on service (which, according to older businessmen I talk to, was spectacular).

    This gave organized labor a lot of power, so unions got very generous compensation packages. The legacy airlines as a result still have a lot of the staff they had a generation ago.

    Ever since deregulation the legacy carriers have been under constant pressure from budget airlines.

    Used to be that chair force and navy pilots resigned their commissions to make more money as airline pilots, but now staying in the armed forces is generally a better financial decision. Plus the workload is much lower (and the planes more fun).


    I don’t support over-unionization.

    But my impression with old air stewardesses, is that they have been given a career for life at the same airline (in other words, they should take the job seriously, and see it as their lifelong career – rather than some kind of student holiday job). I would also hope the same from the aircraft technicians and pilots.

    I also remember American planes had only old stewardesses, and my view was they seemed professional and gave a good service, without the rudeness of some planes (although you would expect this considering how much the ticket costs).

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson

    Yes, they are very professional and service is good. But that's also true of young stewardesses here and frankly just American business in general.

    The pilots and technicians are very, very good.

    It's easy for me to complain about things since I live here, but fundamentally most things in America very well.


  77. @Dmitry

    He seems especially good in economic policy. It mentions in Wikipedia, the two-year budget. This is a very good idea.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    The two-year budget was back in 2000. I don’t think he did it later. The reason for this was that his parliamentary majority was thinning out (his coalition partner the Smallholders’ Party was breaking up), and so he needed to have the budget for the year 2002 accepted earlier, before his majority would completely disappear. (I think it did finally disappear for the last few weeks before the elections, but it didn’t matter any more.)

    The healthcare system and education were both neglected. (I have already explained why neglecting the educations was a strategic mistake. I’m not sure if he’d have had money for both, but since he spent enormous amounts on football, building stupid stadiums for shitty teams, he could’ve provided more money for both. And it’s a bit different when you can point out that you have no more money, than if your opponents can point out that you wasted billions on vanity projects, which eventually came to naught.)

    He was very corrupt, probably even personally. His close family members (especially his oldest daughter and son-in-law) enriched themselves, and one of his cronies, a gas fitter called Lőrinc Mészáros, became something like a top 10 richest person in the country. Mészáros had no wealth to speak of until 2010, and his special talent seems to be getting profitable public contracts. Interestingly, his holding company went public early last year, and as of last December (when BTC was at its highest) it proved a better investment than Bitcoin. (I guess it looks still better now.) Because Mészáros seems to be basically an uneducated hick (he doesn’t give interviews, but that’s the impression one gets from the few public appearances he makes), many suspect he’s actually just a front man for Orbán himself. (Or maybe for Fidesz, or maybe for a number of Fidesz potentates, or something similar.)

    Now his extremely lowbrow anti-immigrant campaign would’ve been okay, if he was principled about it, and if he started a parallel highbrow campaign to explain the reasons for it. First, he wasn’t principled: he started (and in a typical manner, his cronies profited from) a program where foreigners could easily get Hungarian immigration visas in exchange for having bought a quarter of a million euros worth Hungarian government bonds. (Yes, bonds, which he still owned. I’m not sure if there were safeguards against him selling the bonds immediately.) Apparently a number of high profile criminals got immigration visas that way under Orbán’s watch. Another problem was that the lowbrow campaign was used to deflect from any charges against him. Orbán’s primitive, idiotic propagandists (they clearly could’ve learned a lot from Goebbels) basically shared any anti-immigrant fake news, many of which were easily disproven by the leftists. It’s questionable how effective it was for the 85 IQ target audience, but it was probably counter-productive among the highly educated. Now we have an educated class which is inherently skeptical of any stories about the problems of immigration in Western Europe. They have been inoculated against it.

    Just an example: they shared yesterday stories claiming that the attacker in Münster was a Muslim. Later they had to retract (which they did by simply ceasing to talk about it at all), but of course many people can speak English, so people know. Also, at least half the media is still leftist, so they wrote it in Hungarian. It’s just embarrassing, they share stories without checking.

    We should soon get results. I think they will win despite all this, but I hope they can get their act together for the next four years.

    Jobbik is the only opposition party with solid views on immigration (and at least initially they’d probably be less corrupt), and two leftist parties (LMP and Momentum, the latter probably won’t be in parliament) are at least open to anti-immigration arguments (but their instincts would lead them to opening the borders anyway).

    The turnout seems to have been lower for the last couple hours, so it’s probably not a record turnout. This means I think Fidesz cannot lose.

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    Thanks for the detail. It's often the case, that politicians that seem good from a distance, are less impressive when you hear detail from people who live in the country.

    When I read on Wikipedia the overall 'broad' strategy and ideological mix of Orban, it seems to be very similar to what I would argue for if I was Hungarian person.

    It's not a case like Obama, or Trudeau, where their political/ideological orientation is wrong on every issue compared to my view.

    Or of Putin - where he is sensible on some or issues, and obviously wrong on others to my view.

    When I look at underlying views of Orban (obviously you can correct me on his poor execution of them), then I think to myself that all seems like the right general choices or goals for the country.

    Now whether he is acting in an incompetent or corrupt way, that's another issue from the goals he sets for himself, or personal ideology.

  78. The first estimates show a parliament with 116 Fidesz seats (of 199 or 200). But a lot of seats hand in the balance with just a 1-2% or less advantage, so the estimate is not very reliable.

    Because the turnout was less spectacular after 1700, I’d be highly surprised if Fidesz lost. They’d have needed at least 75% turnout to lose.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Sorry, those estimates are based on some pre-election extra-large polls, not actual exit-polls. I remember once (maybe in 2002) they didn't even do exit-polls at all. I hope we'll know about them, but I think no exit poll data can be legally released as long as voting was still going on.

    Not very reliable estimates anyway.

  79. Actually, the vote is not yet over, because in a lot of precincts there are so long lines that they have to keep them open longer. (They cordon off the people who arrived earlier, so no new voters can arrive, but those who arrived before 1900 will not be sent away until they can cast their votes. This means that voting is actually still going on.)

  80. There’s a possibility in the Hungarian constitution that ethnic minorities can also get seats in parliament using less votes than is normally required for a vote. However, people would have to register for the ethnic minority lists, and usually few people do this. (I would abolish this rule anyway, why should ethnic minorities’ votes be more valuable than anyone else’s?) This year apparently the German minority will be able to elect an MP (which is why the number of MPs would go up to 200 from 199), and the guy will probably be a Fidesz member. (So, it was probably a Fidesz GOTV organization effort.)

  81. @reiner Tor
    The first estimates show a parliament with 116 Fidesz seats (of 199 or 200). But a lot of seats hand in the balance with just a 1-2% or less advantage, so the estimate is not very reliable.

    Because the turnout was less spectacular after 1700, I'd be highly surprised if Fidesz lost. They'd have needed at least 75% turnout to lose.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    Sorry, those estimates are based on some pre-election extra-large polls, not actual exit-polls. I remember once (maybe in 2002) they didn’t even do exit-polls at all. I hope we’ll know about them, but I think no exit poll data can be legally released as long as voting was still going on.

    Not very reliable estimates anyway.

  82. @LondonBob

    This is what Silver forecast.

    回复:@Polish Perspective

    Ironically enough, he was actually criticised by liberals on Twitter for giving Trumps “too high” a chance before the election, because those supposed experts thought that such numbers would give a moral boost to the Trump campaign.

    In reality, his numbers were eminently reasonable. He has to work on what public information there is available. He doesn’t commission his own polls. Based on the polls – which I remind you were within the post-1968 historical averages – there was indeed a strong chance that Hillary would have won.

    Don’t forget that Trump lost the popular vote by 2 million. In some of the key swing states he literally hung onto by the skin of his teeth. Michigan had a margin of just some thousands of votes, same in Pennsylvania. It’s always easy to be a smartass with 20/20 hindsight, but in truth his win 真正 was an upset and a surprise. Silver’s estimates were reasonable, very reasonable, given the available information and in fact gave Trump better chances than most MSM outlets.

    It’s also not correct to claim that polls did a very bad job, they did about as well as most polls did in the last 50 years. Notably, the 2012 polls actually did worse according to the FiveThirtyEight aggregate database than the 2016 ones did. Yet you did not hear that whining about polls in the media. Can you guess why? Because the favored candidate won.

  83. Some folks over at the /r/Europe megathread made the argument that it not only matters if there is strong turnout but 哪里 the turnout is. Some Hungarians were claiming – presumably on Hungarian news outlets and similar sources – that a lot of this turnout was coming from rural areas.

    Obviously I am not Hungarian, so I can’t confirm, but if this is true then it would mean that Fidesz could outperform the somewhat negative expectations that at least reiner built up over the past few weeks. I guess I was not that worried given their decent polling average, coupled with the 2011 election law changes which mixes a proportional with a FPTP system, which favours big parties. That’s how Fidesz got 2/3 the seats with 44% of the vote.

    It’s extremely unlikely that they won’t end up with a majority this time again.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Some folks over at the /r/Europe megathread made the argument that it not only matters if there is strong turnout but where the turnout is. Some Hungarians were claiming – presumably on Hungarian news outlets and similar sources – that a lot of this turnout was coming from rural areas.
    Yes. See comments #63 and #70 above.
    , @reiner Tor

    It’s extremely unlikely that they won’t end up with a majority this time again.
    Please note that my prediction was a narrow Fidesz win. This now looks a bit overly pessimistic, and based on what we know now they are likely to win a solid majority (but it still doesn’t look like a supermajority). At least that seems to be the consensus in Hungary for the moment. We don’t yet have exit polls.

    Fidesz got 2/3 the seats with 44% of the vote.
    Back then no Jobbik voter thought of voting for a leftist candidate if the leftist had a higher chance of being elected, and vice versa. Since 2014 this has become the norm, especially after Fidesz tried to basically outlaw Jobbik using some highly questionable legal pretext. So it’s unlikely they will be able to repeat the 2014 performance with only 44% of the vote.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @reiner Tor

    You were correct, I overworried it. It could be a supermajority for Fidesz.

    Now I’m going to sleep, since I was traveling this morning and had to get up at 5AM.


  84. @Dmitry

    I don't support over-unionization.

    But my impression with old air stewardesses, is that they have been given a career for life at the same airline (in other words, they should take the job seriously, and see it as their lifelong career - rather than some kind of student holiday job). I would also hope the same from the aircraft technicians and pilots.

    I also remember American planes had only old stewardesses, and my view was they seemed professional and gave a good service, without the rudeness of some planes (although you would expect this considering how much the ticket costs).


    Yes, they are very professional and service is good. But that’s also true of young stewardesses here and frankly just American business in general.

    The pilots and technicians are very, very good.

    It’s easy for me to complain about things since I live here, but fundamentally most things in America very well.

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    Yes, they are very professional and service is good. But that’s also true of young stewardesses here and frankly just American business in general.

    The pilots and technicians are very, very good.

    It’s easy for me to complain about things since I live here, but fundamentally most things in America very well.


    Yes it's my impression of America - a very high degree of competence in professional life, even where I am averse to many aspects of the wider culture.
  85. @Polish Perspective
    Some folks over at the /r/Europe megathread made the argument that it not only matters if there is strong turnout but 哪里 the turnout is. Some Hungarians were claiming - presumably on Hungarian news outlets and similar sources - that a lot of this turnout was coming from rural areas.

    Obviously I am not Hungarian, so I can't confirm, but if this is true then it would mean that Fidesz could outperform the somewhat negative expectations that at least reiner built up over the past few weeks. I guess I was not that worried given their decent polling average, coupled with the 2011 election law changes which mixes a proportional with a FPTP system, which favours big parties. That's how Fidesz got 2/3 the seats with 44% of the vote.

    It's extremely unlikely that they won't end up with a majority this time again.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor

    Some folks over at the /r/Europe megathread made the argument that it not only matters if there is strong turnout but where the turnout is. Some Hungarians were claiming – presumably on Hungarian news outlets and similar sources – that a lot of this turnout was coming from rural areas.

    Yes. See comments #63 and #70 above.

  86. @Polish Perspective
    Some folks over at the /r/Europe megathread made the argument that it not only matters if there is strong turnout but 哪里 the turnout is. Some Hungarians were claiming - presumably on Hungarian news outlets and similar sources - that a lot of this turnout was coming from rural areas.

    Obviously I am not Hungarian, so I can't confirm, but if this is true then it would mean that Fidesz could outperform the somewhat negative expectations that at least reiner built up over the past few weeks. I guess I was not that worried given their decent polling average, coupled with the 2011 election law changes which mixes a proportional with a FPTP system, which favours big parties. That's how Fidesz got 2/3 the seats with 44% of the vote.

    It's extremely unlikely that they won't end up with a majority this time again.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor

    It’s extremely unlikely that they won’t end up with a majority this time again.

    Please note that my prediction was a narrow Fidesz win. This now looks a bit overly pessimistic, and based on what we know now they are likely to win a solid majority (but it still doesn’t look like a supermajority). At least that seems to be the consensus in Hungary for the moment. We don’t yet have exit polls.

    Fidesz got 2/3 the seats with 44% of the vote.

    Back then no Jobbik voter thought of voting for a leftist candidate if the leftist had a higher chance of being elected, and vice versa. Since 2014 this has become the norm, especially after Fidesz tried to basically outlaw Jobbik using some highly questionable legal pretext. So it’s unlikely they will be able to repeat the 2014 performance with only 44% of the vote.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    In 2014 the fptp voting system was still new, and there was very little strategic voting. Usually, like in the old system, people voted for the local candidate of their chosen party, even if he had no chance of winning. There was very little cross voting even among voters of leftist parties. Now it will be more widespread.

  87. @reiner Tor

    It’s extremely unlikely that they won’t end up with a majority this time again.
    Please note that my prediction was a narrow Fidesz win. This now looks a bit overly pessimistic, and based on what we know now they are likely to win a solid majority (but it still doesn’t look like a supermajority). At least that seems to be the consensus in Hungary for the moment. We don’t yet have exit polls.

    Fidesz got 2/3 the seats with 44% of the vote.
    Back then no Jobbik voter thought of voting for a leftist candidate if the leftist had a higher chance of being elected, and vice versa. Since 2014 this has become the norm, especially after Fidesz tried to basically outlaw Jobbik using some highly questionable legal pretext. So it’s unlikely they will be able to repeat the 2014 performance with only 44% of the vote.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    In 2014 the fptp voting system was still new, and there was very little strategic voting. Usually, like in the old system, people voted for the local candidate of their chosen party, even if he had no chance of winning. There was very little cross voting even among voters of leftist parties. Now it will be more widespread.

  88. Rumors have it that Fidesz is going very strong among rural voters, whereas the left is very strong in the big cities, especially in Budapest.

  89. @Thorfinnsson

    Yes, they are very professional and service is good. But that's also true of young stewardesses here and frankly just American business in general.

    The pilots and technicians are very, very good.

    It's easy for me to complain about things since I live here, but fundamentally most things in America very well.


    Yes, they are very professional and service is good. But that’s also true of young stewardesses here and frankly just American business in general.

    The pilots and technicians are very, very good.

    It’s easy for me to complain about things since I live here, but fundamentally most things in America very well.

    Yes it’s my impression of America – a very high degree of competence in professional life, even where I am averse to many aspects of the wider culture.

  90. @reiner Tor

    The two-year budget was back in 2000. I don't think he did it later. The reason for this was that his parliamentary majority was thinning out (his coalition partner the Smallholders' Party was breaking up), and so he needed to have the budget for the year 2002 accepted earlier, before his majority would completely disappear. (I think it did finally disappear for the last few weeks before the elections, but it didn't matter any more.)

    The healthcare system and education were both neglected. (I have already explained why neglecting the educations was a strategic mistake. I'm not sure if he'd have had money for both, but since he spent enormous amounts on football, building stupid stadiums for shitty teams, he could've provided more money for both. And it's a bit different when you can point out that you have no more money, than if your opponents can point out that you wasted billions on vanity projects, which eventually came to naught.)

    He was very corrupt, probably even personally. His close family members (especially his oldest daughter and son-in-law) enriched themselves, and one of his cronies, a gas fitter called Lőrinc Mészáros, became something like a top 10 richest person in the country. Mészáros had no wealth to speak of until 2010, and his special talent seems to be getting profitable public contracts. Interestingly, his holding company went public early last year, and as of last December (when BTC was at its highest) it proved a better investment than Bitcoin. (I guess it looks still better now.) Because Mészáros seems to be basically an uneducated hick (he doesn't give interviews, but that's the impression one gets from the few public appearances he makes), many suspect he's actually just a front man for Orbán himself. (Or maybe for Fidesz, or maybe for a number of Fidesz potentates, or something similar.)

    Now his extremely lowbrow anti-immigrant campaign would've been okay, if he was principled about it, and if he started a parallel highbrow campaign to explain the reasons for it. First, he wasn't principled: he started (and in a typical manner, his cronies profited from) a program where foreigners could easily get Hungarian immigration visas in exchange for having bought a quarter of a million euros worth Hungarian government bonds. (Yes, bonds, which he still owned. I'm not sure if there were safeguards against him selling the bonds immediately.) Apparently a number of high profile criminals got immigration visas that way under Orbán's watch. Another problem was that the lowbrow campaign was used to deflect from any charges against him. Orbán's primitive, idiotic propagandists (they clearly could've learned a lot from Goebbels) basically shared any anti-immigrant fake news, many of which were easily disproven by the leftists. It's questionable how effective it was for the 85 IQ target audience, but it was probably counter-productive among the highly educated. Now we have an educated class which is inherently skeptical of any stories about the problems of immigration in Western Europe. They have been inoculated against it.

    Just an example: they shared yesterday stories claiming that the attacker in Münster was a Muslim. Later they had to retract (which they did by simply ceasing to talk about it at all), but of course many people can speak English, so people know. Also, at least half the media is still leftist, so they wrote it in Hungarian. It's just embarrassing, they share stories without checking.

    We should soon get results. I think they will win despite all this, but I hope they can get their act together for the next four years.

    Jobbik is the only opposition party with solid views on immigration (and at least initially they'd probably be less corrupt), and two leftist parties (LMP and Momentum, the latter probably won't be in parliament) are at least open to anti-immigration arguments (but their instincts would lead them to opening the borders anyway).

    The turnout seems to have been lower for the last couple hours, so it's probably not a record turnout. This means I think Fidesz cannot lose.


    Thanks for the detail. It’s often the case, that politicians that seem good from a distance, are less impressive when you hear detail from people who live in the country.

    When I read on Wikipedia the overall ‘broad’ strategy and ideological mix of Orban, it seems to be very similar to what I would argue for if I was Hungarian person.

    It’s not a case like Obama, or Trudeau, where their political/ideological orientation is wrong on every issue compared to my view.

    Or of Putin – where he is sensible on some or issues, and obviously wrong on others to my view.

    When I look at underlying views of Orban (obviously you can correct me on his poor execution of them), then I think to myself that all seems like the right general choices or goals for the country.

    Now whether he is acting in an incompetent or corrupt way, that’s another issue from the goals he sets for himself, or personal ideology.

  91. @Polish Perspective
    Some folks over at the /r/Europe megathread made the argument that it not only matters if there is strong turnout but 哪里 the turnout is. Some Hungarians were claiming - presumably on Hungarian news outlets and similar sources - that a lot of this turnout was coming from rural areas.

    Obviously I am not Hungarian, so I can't confirm, but if this is true then it would mean that Fidesz could outperform the somewhat negative expectations that at least reiner built up over the past few weeks. I guess I was not that worried given their decent polling average, coupled with the 2011 election law changes which mixes a proportional with a FPTP system, which favours big parties. That's how Fidesz got 2/3 the seats with 44% of the vote.

    It's extremely unlikely that they won't end up with a majority this time again.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor

    You were correct, I overworried it. It could be a supermajority for Fidesz.

    Now I’m going to sleep, since I was traveling this morning and had to get up at 5AM.

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson

    Thank you for your contributions on this subject, it was genuinely helpful.

    And congratulations on the election win. Your country will continue to resist the colored tide.

  92. @reiner Tor

    You were correct, I overworried it. It could be a supermajority for Fidesz.

    Now I’m going to sleep, since I was traveling this morning and had to get up at 5AM.


    Thank you for your contributions on this subject, it was genuinely helpful.

    And congratulations on the election win. Your country will continue to resist the colored tide.

  93. No different to Brexit and Trump, the international jew will not simply accept this and move on, they will double down and try even more to destroy Hungary with mass immigration.

  94. 中立,您可能是正确的,但政治结果很重要。 Imagine if Tony Blair and new Labour hadn't been elected in 1997, and instead the bad (but not catastrophically horrible) Tory immigration policies of the 80's and 90's been continued. 今天的英国今天的状况会好得多。 或看看丹麦对瑞典的移民政策。 在丹麦,进步党可以帮助其他党派保持亲丹麦的立场,这比没有丹麦的情况要多得多,结果丹麦的普通城市的状况要好于瑞典城市。

    • 回复: @Beckow

    从短期看。 丹麦比瑞典好,特朗普比克林顿好,英国脱欧是一个加号。 但是我还没有发现人口替代和逐步实现第三世界的总体大规模方向的真正变化。 也许它变慢了,也许有几个地方延迟了它,甚至暂时避免了它,但是大规模的迁移仍在继续。 而且由于物理上的渗透,新移民最终将扩散到目前仍在抵抗的地方。 欧盟的全部要点是,任何人都可以搬到任何地方,在马尔默少数“富有进取心”的新移民决定科恩哈根(Coenhagen)变得更好之前需要多长时间? 一旦他们有了文件-并且瑞典人正在给他们文件-他们就可以在欧盟的任何地方。


    回复:@ Thorfinnsson,@ Polish Perspective,@ Pericles

  95. @truthman
    Neutral, you might be right, but political outcomes matter. Imagine if Tony Blair and new Labour hadn't been elected in 1997, and instead the bad (but not catastrophically horrible) Tory immigration policies of the 80's and 90's been continued. The UK today would be in a lot better shape today. Or look at Danish immigration policy vs Sweden. In Denmark you have the Progress Party helping to keep the other parties much more pro-Danish than would have been the case without them, with the result that the average Danish city is in a lot better shape than a Swedish city.



    In the short run. Denmark is better than Sweden, Trump is better than Clinton, and Brexit was a plus. But I have not detected a real change in the overall massive direction of population replacement and gradual Third-Worldization. Maybe it is slower, maybe a few places delay it, even avoid it for now, but the massive migration continues. And is with osmosis in physics, the new migrants will eventually spread to the places that re currently resisting. The whole point of EU is that anyone can move anywhere, how long before s few ‘enterprising’ newcomers in Malmo decide that Coenhagen is better? Once they have documents – and Swedes are giving them documents – they can go anywhere in EU.


    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson

    The whole point of EU is that anyone can move anywhere, how long before s few ‘enterprising’ newcomers in Malmo decide that Coenhagen is better? Once they have documents – and Swedes are giving them documents – they can go anywhere in EU.
    Sooner or later someone is going to realize that the EU is a paper tiger. The EU is not the United States federal government. There is no EU army, no EU police, and no EU court system.

    Any country in the EU could simply ignore EU rules about the free movement of people and announce this publicly.

    Then what does the EU do?

    I agree with this. Immigration reduction is well and good, but it needs to be reversed as Enoch Powell proposed.


    , @Polish Perspective

    They are not symbolic. Orban winning will have a decisively positive impact on the V4 at least. If his opposition would have won, it would definitely worsen things in a direct and material way.

    However, you're correct that ultimately what we're doing now is slowing rather than reversing the tide. This will continue to happen even if we were to exit the EU. It would make movement harder, but geography is like parents: you don't choose it. Even if we were to leave the EU and/or disobey the EU freedom of movement, then these people would crawl into our countries sooner or later.

    It is only a combined Western/Eastern effort at full-scale repatriation that would fix this and for that you need a large political change in Western Europe. I do not subscribe to the idea that EE can ride this one out alone.

    , @Pericles

    The whole point of EU is that anyone can move anywhere, how long before s few ‘enterprising’ newcomers in Malmo decide that Coenhagen is better? Once they have documents – and Swedes are giving them documents – they can go anywhere in EU.


    That's been going on for years, and not only originating in Sweden either. Tip to the enterprising asylum seeker: you can pretty easily get gibs from multiple countries, set up collections of wives in multiple countries, etc. And in case one fails, move on.
  96. @Beckow

    从短期看。 丹麦比瑞典好,特朗普比克林顿好,英国脱欧是一个加号。 但是我还没有发现人口替代和逐步实现第三世界的总体大规模方向的真正变化。 也许它变慢了,也许有几个地方延迟了它,甚至暂时避免了它,但是大规模的迁移仍在继续。 而且由于物理上的渗透,新移民最终将扩散到目前仍在抵抗的地方。 欧盟的全部要点是,任何人都可以搬到任何地方,在马尔默少数“富有进取心”的新移民决定科恩哈根(Coenhagen)变得更好之前需要多长时间? 一旦他们有了文件-并且瑞典人正在给他们文件-他们就可以在欧盟的任何地方。


    回复:@ Thorfinnsson,@ Polish Perspective,@ Pericles

    The whole point of EU is that anyone can move anywhere, how long before s few ‘enterprising’ newcomers in Malmo decide that Coenhagen is better? Once they have documents – and Swedes are giving them documents – they can go anywhere in EU.

    Sooner or later someone is going to realize that the EU is a paper tiger. The EU is not the United States federal government. There is no EU army, no EU police, and no EU court system.

    Any country in the EU could simply ignore EU rules about the free movement of people and announce this publicly.

    Then what does the EU do?


    I agree with this. Immigration reduction is well and good, but it needs to be reversed as Enoch Powell proposed.

    • 回复: @Beckow

    Any country in the EU could simply ignore EU rules about the free movement of people and announce this publicly.
    I agree that EU is a paper tiger, no teeth. But what we are facing is not just Brussels 'commisars', we are also facing endless NGO comprador elites in most countries that are obsessively devoted to 'open borders' EU dream. They tend to dominate the capital cities, even in this election Budapest went against Orban (and no other region did). They control the media, the universities, the public discourse. They are effectively sell-outs in a much more significant way than the alleged 'corruption' of Orban and people like him. They are the ultimate sell-outs, because they are willingly selling the future of their nations for a job, or an internship, or often just a free airline ticket with a crappy hotel.

    They might account to less than 5% in most countries, and get 10-15% in elections (old ladies like to be 'nice'), but they dominate 90% of media, 90% of discussions, etc... Until that changes we are truly f..ed.

    回复:@Polish Perspective

  97. @Thorfinnsson

    The whole point of EU is that anyone can move anywhere, how long before s few ‘enterprising’ newcomers in Malmo decide that Coenhagen is better? Once they have documents – and Swedes are giving them documents – they can go anywhere in EU.
    Sooner or later someone is going to realize that the EU is a paper tiger. The EU is not the United States federal government. There is no EU army, no EU police, and no EU court system.

    Any country in the EU could simply ignore EU rules about the free movement of people and announce this publicly.

    Then what does the EU do?

    I agree with this. Immigration reduction is well and good, but it needs to be reversed as Enoch Powell proposed.


    Any country in the EU could simply ignore EU rules about the free movement of people and announce this publicly.

    I agree that EU is a paper tiger, no teeth. But what we are facing is not just Brussels ‘commisars’, we are also facing endless NGO comprador elites in most countries that are obsessively devoted to ‘open borders’ EU dream. They tend to dominate the capital cities, even in this election Budapest went against Orban (and no other region did). They control the media, the universities, the public discourse. They are effectively sell-outs in a much more significant way than the alleged ‘corruption’ of Orban and people like him. They are the ultimate sell-outs, because they are willingly selling the future of their nations for a job, or an internship, or often just a free airline ticket with a crappy hotel.

    They might account to less than 5% in most countries, and get 10-15% in elections (old ladies like to be ‘nice’), but they dominate 90% of media, 90% of discussions, etc… Until that changes we are truly f..ed.

    • 回复: @Polish Perspective

    we are also facing endless NGO comprador elites in most countries that are obsessively devoted to ‘open borders’ EU dream
    Ñot only this, but we face a hostile and often foreign media. A significant chunk of our media is owned by Germans. There was even a scandal where one of the editors of one such large media outlet sent out a memo to his journos about how they need to side with the EU over Poland in a recent dispute and how this is "really good for Poland in the long run".

    Obviously this got leaked and a huge firestorm ensued, but after the initial days of rage and mea culpas, not much happened because PiS dare not openly confiscate media the way Orban did early on(though he handed some of them to his trusted oligarchs, to avoid too much screeching). But most of these moves of Orban were done during the years of austerity, when the gaze of Europe was fixed on Southern Europe, not the Eastern one. It was also before the 2015 refugee wave.

    To truly become independent, we'd have to do a full rootcanal of not just NGOs but also the media. However, the political space to do this now is limited since after Russia, the neoliberal/neo-Cohenist obsession with Hungary and Poland are a close second. Orban has also been in power for much longer and he is a more skilled politician than whatever PiS can offer.

    Finally, Hungary is a more conservative country. All the right-wing parties get around 45% in total in Poland, in Hungary it is closer to 65%. Their good example will be a great model for us to follow in purging the subversive elements who are working for hostile and foreign agendas.

    But all that said, today's election was a good development.
  98. Fidesz / Jobbik的投票在布达佩斯进行得很顺利,但是Fidesz失去了一些席位,因为左翼政党将他们的行动聚集在一起,并且在少数席位中只竞选了一个候选人,如果他们不是Fidesz会保留大部分布达佩斯席位的话。 我很惊讶他们的表现和那里的一样好。 在某个时间点,左派可能会赢得那里的所有地区席位,但仍然被全国的Fidesz或Jobbik地区所包围。

  99. @reiner Tor
    Fidesz was probably running a very efficient get out the vote effort. That’s part of the reason for the high turnout.

    Apparently a lot of Gypsies voted. For those who don’t know, they are all bought and paid for votes by Fidesz. The Gypsy voivod gets paid, and provides the Gypsy vote. The precinct is often 90% Gypsy, so it’s easy to know if he delivered or not. (It boggles the mind that leftists and liberals know this, are complaining about this, and yet call you a Nazi for mentioning that Gypsies shouldn’t be allowed to vote.)

    回复:@John Gruskos

    The Gypsies save Europe!


    Unlike Jews, Gypsies are a diaspora people who 得益 their host nation!

    Gypsies good, Jews bad. That is the lesson of this election, and I will love shoving it in the face of the likes of Cofnas from now till the end of time.

    Also glad to hear Vona is retiring, hopefully he will take Vambery’s absurd Turanism with him when he goes. It was painful to watch Jobbik reflexively taking sides with Turkey against Armenia and Cyprus.

    By the way, compared to Trump’s 3 am tweets about Miss Venezuela’s weight, Orban’s speeches seem very high brow indeed. Is Orban is a Hungarian Nixon or Reagan, with some Hungarian Buchanan writing his speeches for him?

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    I’m sure Orbán would’ve won without the Gypsies. It’s a huge enough victory.

  100. @Beckow

    Any country in the EU could simply ignore EU rules about the free movement of people and announce this publicly.
    I agree that EU is a paper tiger, no teeth. But what we are facing is not just Brussels 'commisars', we are also facing endless NGO comprador elites in most countries that are obsessively devoted to 'open borders' EU dream. They tend to dominate the capital cities, even in this election Budapest went against Orban (and no other region did). They control the media, the universities, the public discourse. They are effectively sell-outs in a much more significant way than the alleged 'corruption' of Orban and people like him. They are the ultimate sell-outs, because they are willingly selling the future of their nations for a job, or an internship, or often just a free airline ticket with a crappy hotel.

    They might account to less than 5% in most countries, and get 10-15% in elections (old ladies like to be 'nice'), but they dominate 90% of media, 90% of discussions, etc... Until that changes we are truly f..ed.

    回复:@Polish Perspective

    we are also facing endless NGO comprador elites in most countries that are obsessively devoted to ‘open borders’ EU dream

    Ñot only this, but we face a hostile and often foreign media. A significant chunk of our media is owned by Germans. There was even a scandal where one of the editors of one such large media outlet sent out a memo to his journos about how they need to side with the EU over Poland in a recent dispute and how this is “really good for Poland in the long run”.

    Obviously this got leaked and a huge firestorm ensued, but after the initial days of rage and mea culpas, not much happened because PiS dare not openly confiscate media the way Orban did early on(though he handed some of them to his trusted oligarchs, to avoid too much screeching). But most of these moves of Orban were done during the years of austerity, when the gaze of Europe was fixed on Southern Europe, not the Eastern one. It was also before the 2015 refugee wave.

    To truly become independent, we’d have to do a full rootcanal of not just NGOs but also the media. However, the political space to do this now is limited since after Russia, the neoliberal/neo-Cohenist obsession with Hungary and Poland are a close second. Orban has also been in power for much longer and he is a more skilled politician than whatever PiS can offer.

    Finally, Hungary is a more conservative country. All the right-wing parties get around 45% in total in Poland, in Hungary it is closer to 65%. Their good example will be a great model for us to follow in purging the subversive elements who are working for hostile and foreign agendas.

    But all that said, today’s election was a good development.

  101. @Beckow

    从短期看。 丹麦比瑞典好,特朗普比克林顿好,英国脱欧是一个加号。 但是我还没有发现人口替代和逐步实现第三世界的总体大规模方向的真正变化。 也许它变慢了,也许有几个地方延迟了它,甚至暂时避免了它,但是大规模的迁移仍在继续。 而且由于物理上的渗透,新移民最终将扩散到目前仍在抵抗的地方。 欧盟的全部要点是,任何人都可以搬到任何地方,在马尔默少数“富有进取心”的新移民决定科恩哈根(Coenhagen)变得更好之前需要多长时间? 一旦他们有了文件-并且瑞典人正在给他们文件-他们就可以在欧盟的任何地方。


    回复:@ Thorfinnsson,@ Polish Perspective,@ Pericles


    They are not symbolic. Orban winning will have a decisively positive impact on the V4 at least. If his opposition would have won, it would definitely worsen things in a direct and material way.

    However, you’re correct that ultimately what we’re doing now is slowing rather than reversing the tide. This will continue to happen even if we were to exit the EU. It would make movement harder, but geography is like parents: you don’t choose it. Even if we were to leave the EU and/or disobey the EU freedom of movement, then these people would crawl into our countries sooner or later.

    It is only a combined Western/Eastern effort at full-scale repatriation that would fix this and for that you need a large political change in Western Europe. I do not subscribe to the idea that EE can ride this one out alone.

  102. @John Gruskos

    The Gypsies save Europe!


    Unlike Jews, Gypsies are a diaspora people who 得益 their host nation!

    Gypsies good, Jews bad. That is the lesson of this election, and I will love shoving it in the face of the likes of Cofnas from now till the end of time.

    Also glad to hear Vona is retiring, hopefully he will take Vambery's absurd Turanism with him when he goes. It was painful to watch Jobbik reflexively taking sides with Turkey against Armenia and Cyprus.

    By the way, compared to Trump's 3 am tweets about Miss Venezuela's weight, Orban's speeches seem very high brow indeed. Is Orban is a Hungarian Nixon or Reagan, with some Hungarian Buchanan writing his speeches for him?

    回复:@reiner Tor

    I’m sure Orbán would’ve won without the Gypsies. It’s a huge enough victory.

  103. 希望看到维谢格拉德(Visegrad)国家发展民族主义组织,民族主义新闻,学术界,出版,电影等真正的右翼(在民族主义,反全球主义的意义上)文化霸权,开始真正的文化/政治,政治改革之窗键入反击。

  104. Is there a collection of liberal media crying yet to make up a collection for schadenfreude?

  105. In my district, the vote share of Fidesz dropped by 15%. It’s a traditionally Fidesz-voting district, it voted conservative (not Fidesz) already in 1990 and 1994 (when Fidesz was still a liberal party), and started consistently voting Fidesz in 1998.

    Perhaps one reason why I thought Fidesz was significantly weakening: because in my social circle (and wider area), it was. (This included this significantly pro-Fidesz area.) It was also the belief of most analysts.

    In Budapest as a whole, it’s a mixed bag. Fidesz would’ve lost if the country was Budapest only, whereas I think it’d have a small majority in 2014. (It won 10 districts out of 18 then, now it won only 6. And then, the major leftist parties formed a coalition, whereas now it was limited to a few districts.) But I’ll have to check the overall number of votes (unfortunately I haven’t found aggregate numbers for the whole of Budapest, only electoral district level data) once I have time.

    • 回复: @Beckow

    Fidesz would’ve lost if the country was Budapest only
    This persistent gap between the metropolis and the rest of the country is in one way puzzling. People in Budapest - or London, Vienna, Prague - experience the costs of Third World mass migration more. Crime, squalor, cost of housing, the general dirty crumminess that results when large migrant ghettoes are created, menacing subways become, hustlers from Tunisia or Nigeria hanging around centers - it happened first in the large cities, and it would also happen in Budapest first.

    Many people in capitals benefit economically - government social jobs, NGO's, foreign owned media, increase in real estate values. But it is selling one's future for transient benefits (yeah, I know, also the 'ethnic food' that Londoners swear by and justify all else when they run out of rational arguments).

    If liberal-left-progressives would come to power in Hungary, they would quickly apologize to Brussels and quietly accept their share of migrants. The same pattern that destroyed Western capitals would then follow: first few thousand would come, start bringing in their relatives, small ghettoes would form with those 'great ethnic' restaurants. Then the less respectable in-laws and cousins would show up, crime would rise, locals would move out, and within 10-20 years Budapest would have a few 'no-go' zones and expensive welfare and crime ghettoes. At that point there would be no civilised way to address it - it would be a bumpy, unpleasant ride into a Third World oblivion (but with that 'unforgivable' Pakistani cousine).

    Don't the elites in Budapest see it? Or are they so short-sided and greedy that it simply doesn't matter to them?

    Replies: @Thorfinnsson, @reiner Tor, @szopen, @Authenticjazzman, @g2k

  106. @reiner Tor
    In my district, the vote share of Fidesz dropped by 15%. It’s a traditionally Fidesz-voting district, it voted conservative (not Fidesz) already in 1990 and 1994 (when Fidesz was still a liberal party), and started consistently voting Fidesz in 1998.

    Perhaps one reason why I thought Fidesz was significantly weakening: because in my social circle (and wider area), it was. (This included this significantly pro-Fidesz area.) It was also the belief of most analysts.

    In Budapest as a whole, it’s a mixed bag. Fidesz would’ve lost if the country was Budapest only, whereas I think it’d have a small majority in 2014. (It won 10 districts out of 18 then, now it won only 6. And then, the major leftist parties formed a coalition, whereas now it was limited to a few districts.) But I’ll have to check the overall number of votes (unfortunately I haven’t found aggregate numbers for the whole of Budapest, only electoral district level data) once I have time.


    Fidesz would’ve lost if the country was Budapest only

    This persistent gap between the metropolis and the rest of the country is in one way puzzling. People in Budapest – or London, Vienna, Prague – experience the costs of Third World mass migration more. Crime, squalor, cost of housing, the general dirty crumminess that results when large migrant ghettoes are created, menacing subways become, hustlers from Tunisia or Nigeria hanging around centers – it happened first in the large cities, and it would also happen in Budapest first.

    Many people in capitals benefit economically – government social jobs, NGO’s, foreign owned media, increase in real estate values. But it is selling one’s future for transient benefits (yeah, I know, also the ‘ethnic food’ that Londoners swear by and justify all else when they run out of rational arguments).

    If liberal-left-progressives would come to power in Hungary, they would quickly apologize to Brussels and quietly accept their share of migrants. The same pattern that destroyed Western capitals would then follow: first few thousand would come, start bringing in their relatives, small ghettoes would form with those ‘great ethnic’ restaurants. Then the less respectable in-laws and cousins would show up, crime would rise, locals would move out, and within 10-20 years Budapest would have a few ‘no-go’ zones and expensive welfare and crime ghettoes. At that point there would be no civilised way to address it – it would be a bumpy, unpleasant ride into a Third World oblivion (but with that ‘unforgivable’ Pakistani cousine).

    Don’t the elites in Budapest see it? Or are they so short-sided and greedy that it simply doesn’t matter to them?

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson

    There is a theory in biology and in religion known as costly signaling. The religious application is relevant here.

    The idea is that religious rituals which impose substantial personal burdens on the observant proves that he is is faithful and loyal to the group.

    Putting up with the burdens of "diversity" is costly, stressful, and even dangerous. By claiming to piously worship the invaders, one demonstrates fealty to the one truth faith of liberalism-progressivism or whatever it ought to be called. This religious cult also polices non-observance by punishing those guilty of the taboo of "racism".

    People who live in metropolitan areas are mostly more ambitious, so they are both more personally willing and find it more professionally necessary to participate in this rubbish religion of self-annihilation.

    It's the same everywhere. For instance in the American state of California whites voted for Hillary over Trump, even though their state has basically been destroyed by immigration.

    This is why Reiner Tor is right to point out that lowbrow populism is inadequate. We need something compelling to offer to elites--and especially elite aspirants. And I mean something more than the highbrow, empirical arguments you can find on this website.

    We need something people can believe in. National myths and the old religions are one obvious place to look, but it seems like we'll need more than that to capture the Davos wannabes. I think the NRx people were onto something with their technofeudalism and open embrace of elitism, though obviously they were too autistic and LARPy to be taken seriously.

    , @reiner Tor

    In the present Hungarian election the incomprehensible thing was that the capital and rural areas were moving in an opposite direction. Budapest got more leftist, while the rest of the country (mostly the rural areas, not even the bigger cities) got more pro-Fidesz. Usually there’s a difference, but at least there’s correlation.


    , @szopen

    I was thinking about it too. I propose that:

    (1) In a large city you do not have really a community, even by - unfortunately - low CEE standards. Without a community, you don't really get what's this nationalism is all about.

    (2) It's not like living in big city you experience negative consequences of immigration. Yes, on average criminality might go up; the costs of living might go up; but it might not be discernible from the point of view of average Joe until it's too late.

    (3) The boiled frog theory. If you live in a big city when the change is gradual, you compare current situation to the past year, past two years, and then you do not really see that much a change. When, in contrast, if you go from the province to the big city you might experience a huge shock. A lot of my Polish friends go back from the West racist and islamophobic, while westerners living there for years seem to not care about Londonistan having larger homicide rate than New York.

    回复:@Anatoly Karlin

    , @Authenticjazzman

    " Don't the elites in Budapest see it"

    Of course they see it, however this is precisely what they want to happen which then will then justify the establishment of the "solution", namely : Communism.

    The "elites" ( professors) world-wide have but one goal in mind as the ( innefective) cure for all of mankinds, from their viewpoint, flaws : Communism.

    This is what the total academic field in every country on planet mirth is relentlessly striving towards, as crazy as it seems, however not hard to comprehend when ones realizes that they are all insane.

    Authenticjazzman "Mensa" qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and proJazz artist.

    , @g2k

    In the case of London, they're either homeowners whove been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the last couple of decades or they're renters who live there by choice, knowing full well what living there entails. Besides "diversity" is quite misleading. You tend to get the right tail ends of all nationalities heading to the capital(s). The dregs go to the crappy, depressed provincial towns where there's a surplus of housing.


  107. @Beckow

    Fidesz would’ve lost if the country was Budapest only
    This persistent gap between the metropolis and the rest of the country is in one way puzzling. People in Budapest - or London, Vienna, Prague - experience the costs of Third World mass migration more. Crime, squalor, cost of housing, the general dirty crumminess that results when large migrant ghettoes are created, menacing subways become, hustlers from Tunisia or Nigeria hanging around centers - it happened first in the large cities, and it would also happen in Budapest first.

    Many people in capitals benefit economically - government social jobs, NGO's, foreign owned media, increase in real estate values. But it is selling one's future for transient benefits (yeah, I know, also the 'ethnic food' that Londoners swear by and justify all else when they run out of rational arguments).

    If liberal-left-progressives would come to power in Hungary, they would quickly apologize to Brussels and quietly accept their share of migrants. The same pattern that destroyed Western capitals would then follow: first few thousand would come, start bringing in their relatives, small ghettoes would form with those 'great ethnic' restaurants. Then the less respectable in-laws and cousins would show up, crime would rise, locals would move out, and within 10-20 years Budapest would have a few 'no-go' zones and expensive welfare and crime ghettoes. At that point there would be no civilised way to address it - it would be a bumpy, unpleasant ride into a Third World oblivion (but with that 'unforgivable' Pakistani cousine).

    Don't the elites in Budapest see it? Or are they so short-sided and greedy that it simply doesn't matter to them?

    Replies: @Thorfinnsson, @reiner Tor, @szopen, @Authenticjazzman, @g2k

    There is a theory in biology and in religion known as costly signaling. The religious application is relevant here.

    The idea is that religious rituals which impose substantial personal burdens on the observant proves that he is is faithful and loyal to the group.

    Putting up with the burdens of “diversity” is costly, stressful, and even dangerous. By claiming to piously worship the invaders, one demonstrates fealty to the one truth faith of liberalism-progressivism or whatever it ought to be called. This religious cult also polices non-observance by punishing those guilty of the taboo of “racism”.

    People who live in metropolitan areas are mostly more ambitious, so they are both more personally willing and find it more professionally necessary to participate in this rubbish religion of self-annihilation.

    It’s the same everywhere. For instance in the American state of California whites voted for Hillary over Trump, even though their state has basically been destroyed by immigration.

    This is why Reiner Tor is right to point out that lowbrow populism is inadequate. We need something compelling to offer to elites–and especially elite aspirants. And I mean something more than the highbrow, empirical arguments you can find on this website.

    We need something people can believe in. National myths and the old religions are one obvious place to look, but it seems like we’ll need more than that to capture the Davos wannabes. I think the NRx people were onto something with their technofeudalism and open embrace of elitism, though obviously they were too autistic and LARPy to be taken seriously.

  108. @Beckow

    Fidesz would’ve lost if the country was Budapest only
    This persistent gap between the metropolis and the rest of the country is in one way puzzling. People in Budapest - or London, Vienna, Prague - experience the costs of Third World mass migration more. Crime, squalor, cost of housing, the general dirty crumminess that results when large migrant ghettoes are created, menacing subways become, hustlers from Tunisia or Nigeria hanging around centers - it happened first in the large cities, and it would also happen in Budapest first.

    Many people in capitals benefit economically - government social jobs, NGO's, foreign owned media, increase in real estate values. But it is selling one's future for transient benefits (yeah, I know, also the 'ethnic food' that Londoners swear by and justify all else when they run out of rational arguments).

    If liberal-left-progressives would come to power in Hungary, they would quickly apologize to Brussels and quietly accept their share of migrants. The same pattern that destroyed Western capitals would then follow: first few thousand would come, start bringing in their relatives, small ghettoes would form with those 'great ethnic' restaurants. Then the less respectable in-laws and cousins would show up, crime would rise, locals would move out, and within 10-20 years Budapest would have a few 'no-go' zones and expensive welfare and crime ghettoes. At that point there would be no civilised way to address it - it would be a bumpy, unpleasant ride into a Third World oblivion (but with that 'unforgivable' Pakistani cousine).

    Don't the elites in Budapest see it? Or are they so short-sided and greedy that it simply doesn't matter to them?

    Replies: @Thorfinnsson, @reiner Tor, @szopen, @Authenticjazzman, @g2k

    In the present Hungarian election the incomprehensible thing was that the capital and rural areas were moving in an opposite direction. Budapest got more leftist, while the rest of the country (mostly the rural areas, not even the bigger cities) got more pro-Fidesz. Usually there’s a difference, but at least there’s correlation.

    • 回复: @Mitleser

    Budapest is more exposed to the EU mainstream narrative, isn't it?

    回复:@reiner Tor

  109. @Beckow

    Fidesz would’ve lost if the country was Budapest only
    This persistent gap between the metropolis and the rest of the country is in one way puzzling. People in Budapest - or London, Vienna, Prague - experience the costs of Third World mass migration more. Crime, squalor, cost of housing, the general dirty crumminess that results when large migrant ghettoes are created, menacing subways become, hustlers from Tunisia or Nigeria hanging around centers - it happened first in the large cities, and it would also happen in Budapest first.

    Many people in capitals benefit economically - government social jobs, NGO's, foreign owned media, increase in real estate values. But it is selling one's future for transient benefits (yeah, I know, also the 'ethnic food' that Londoners swear by and justify all else when they run out of rational arguments).

    If liberal-left-progressives would come to power in Hungary, they would quickly apologize to Brussels and quietly accept their share of migrants. The same pattern that destroyed Western capitals would then follow: first few thousand would come, start bringing in their relatives, small ghettoes would form with those 'great ethnic' restaurants. Then the less respectable in-laws and cousins would show up, crime would rise, locals would move out, and within 10-20 years Budapest would have a few 'no-go' zones and expensive welfare and crime ghettoes. At that point there would be no civilised way to address it - it would be a bumpy, unpleasant ride into a Third World oblivion (but with that 'unforgivable' Pakistani cousine).

    Don't the elites in Budapest see it? Or are they so short-sided and greedy that it simply doesn't matter to them?

    Replies: @Thorfinnsson, @reiner Tor, @szopen, @Authenticjazzman, @g2k

    I was thinking about it too. I propose that:

    (1) In a large city you do not have really a community, even by – unfortunately – low CEE standards. Without a community, you don’t really get what’s this nationalism is all about.

    (2) It’s not like living in big city you experience negative consequences of immigration. Yes, on average criminality might go up; the costs of living might go up; but it might not be discernible from the point of view of average Joe until it’s too late.

    (3) The boiled frog theory. If you live in a big city when the change is gradual, you compare current situation to the past year, past two years, and then you do not really see that much a change. When, in contrast, if you go from the province to the big city you might experience a huge shock. A lot of my Polish friends go back from the West racist and islamophobic, while westerners living there for years seem to not care about Londonistan having larger homicide rate than New York.

    • 回复: @Anatoly Karlin

    A lot of my Polish friends go back from the West racist and islamophobic...
    I indirectly know of a Belorussian nationalist (one of those "zmagar" types who believe Belarus to be a descendant of the Commonwealth), strongly anti-Russian, anti-Lukashenko, and adored the West and especially the UK.

    Spent a couple of years in the UAE and a few months in London before returning to Belarus.

    Still an anti-Russian Belorussian nationalist, but now also hates Arabs, hates Britain, hates the West, and adores Lukashenko.


  110. @szopen

    I was thinking about it too. I propose that:

    (1) In a large city you do not have really a community, even by - unfortunately - low CEE standards. Without a community, you don't really get what's this nationalism is all about.

    (2) It's not like living in big city you experience negative consequences of immigration. Yes, on average criminality might go up; the costs of living might go up; but it might not be discernible from the point of view of average Joe until it's too late.

    (3) The boiled frog theory. If you live in a big city when the change is gradual, you compare current situation to the past year, past two years, and then you do not really see that much a change. When, in contrast, if you go from the province to the big city you might experience a huge shock. A lot of my Polish friends go back from the West racist and islamophobic, while westerners living there for years seem to not care about Londonistan having larger homicide rate than New York.

    回复:@Anatoly Karlin

    A lot of my Polish friends go back from the West racist and islamophobic…

    I indirectly know of a Belorussian nationalist (one of those “zmagar” types who believe Belarus to be a descendant of the Commonwealth), strongly anti-Russian, anti-Lukashenko, and adored the West and especially the UK.

    Spent a couple of years in the UAE and a few months in London before returning to Belarus.

    Still an anti-Russian Belorussian nationalist, but now also hates Arabs, hates Britain, hates the West, and adores Lukashenko.

    • 回复: @DFH

    one of those “zmagar” types who believe Belarus to be a descendant of the Commonwealth
    He sounds great, I didn't know such people even existed.
  111. @reiner Tor

    In the present Hungarian election the incomprehensible thing was that the capital and rural areas were moving in an opposite direction. Budapest got more leftist, while the rest of the country (mostly the rural areas, not even the bigger cities) got more pro-Fidesz. Usually there’s a difference, but at least there’s correlation.


    Budapest is more exposed to the EU mainstream narrative, isn’t it?

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    It’s also higher IQ, more people can speak and read English, etc.

    I read the analyses about Fidesz being overmeasured, and it matched my personal experience of people getting progressively more anti-Fidesz. Which was, of course, true of Budapest only. The rural areas were moving in the opposite direction.

  112. @Anatoly Karlin

    A lot of my Polish friends go back from the West racist and islamophobic...
    I indirectly know of a Belorussian nationalist (one of those "zmagar" types who believe Belarus to be a descendant of the Commonwealth), strongly anti-Russian, anti-Lukashenko, and adored the West and especially the UK.

    Spent a couple of years in the UAE and a few months in London before returning to Belarus.

    Still an anti-Russian Belorussian nationalist, but now also hates Arabs, hates Britain, hates the West, and adores Lukashenko.


    one of those “zmagar” types who believe Belarus to be a descendant of the Commonwealth

    He sounds great, I didn’t know such people even existed.

  113. @Beckow

    Fidesz would’ve lost if the country was Budapest only
    This persistent gap between the metropolis and the rest of the country is in one way puzzling. People in Budapest - or London, Vienna, Prague - experience the costs of Third World mass migration more. Crime, squalor, cost of housing, the general dirty crumminess that results when large migrant ghettoes are created, menacing subways become, hustlers from Tunisia or Nigeria hanging around centers - it happened first in the large cities, and it would also happen in Budapest first.

    Many people in capitals benefit economically - government social jobs, NGO's, foreign owned media, increase in real estate values. But it is selling one's future for transient benefits (yeah, I know, also the 'ethnic food' that Londoners swear by and justify all else when they run out of rational arguments).

    If liberal-left-progressives would come to power in Hungary, they would quickly apologize to Brussels and quietly accept their share of migrants. The same pattern that destroyed Western capitals would then follow: first few thousand would come, start bringing in their relatives, small ghettoes would form with those 'great ethnic' restaurants. Then the less respectable in-laws and cousins would show up, crime would rise, locals would move out, and within 10-20 years Budapest would have a few 'no-go' zones and expensive welfare and crime ghettoes. At that point there would be no civilised way to address it - it would be a bumpy, unpleasant ride into a Third World oblivion (but with that 'unforgivable' Pakistani cousine).

    Don't the elites in Budapest see it? Or are they so short-sided and greedy that it simply doesn't matter to them?

    Replies: @Thorfinnsson, @reiner Tor, @szopen, @Authenticjazzman, @g2k

    ” Don’t the elites in Budapest see it”

    Of course they see it, however this is precisely what they want to happen which then will then justify the establishment of the “solution”, namely : Communism.

    The “elites” ( professors) world-wide have but one goal in mind as the ( innefective) cure for all of mankinds, from their viewpoint, flaws : Communism.

    This is what the total academic field in every country on planet mirth is relentlessly striving towards, as crazy as it seems, however not hard to comprehend when ones realizes that they are all insane.

    Authenticjazzman “Mensa” qualified since 1973, airborne trained US Army vet, and proJazz artist.

  114. @Beckow

    从短期看。 丹麦比瑞典好,特朗普比克林顿好,英国脱欧是一个加号。 但是我还没有发现人口替代和逐步实现第三世界的总体大规模方向的真正变化。 也许它变慢了,也许有几个地方延迟了它,甚至暂时避免了它,但是大规模的迁移仍在继续。 而且由于物理上的渗透,新移民最终将扩散到目前仍在抵抗的地方。 欧盟的全部要点是,任何人都可以搬到任何地方,在马尔默少数“富有进取心”的新移民决定科恩哈根(Coenhagen)变得更好之前需要多长时间? 一旦他们有了文件-并且瑞典人正在给他们文件-他们就可以在欧盟的任何地方。


    回复:@ Thorfinnsson,@ Polish Perspective,@ Pericles

    The whole point of EU is that anyone can move anywhere, how long before s few ‘enterprising’ newcomers in Malmo decide that Coenhagen is better? Once they have documents – and Swedes are giving them documents – they can go anywhere in EU.

    That’s been going on for years, and not only originating in Sweden either. Tip to the enterprising asylum seeker: you can pretty easily get gibs from multiple countries, set up collections of wives in multiple countries, etc. And in case one fails, move on.

  115. 提防问题,
    关于为什么某些农村地区对Jobbik的影响比其他地方强的想法? 另外,关于布达佩斯犹太人支持哪个左翼政党的任何想法,以及对Fidesz或Jobbik有多少想法?

    • 回复: @reiner Tor


    , @reiner Tor

    我只能告诉你,绝大多数犹太人都支持左翼政党。 他们每个人都有一些犹太人的支持。

    近年来,许多著名的犹太知识分子一直主张与Jobbik进行某种形式的协调。 Jobbik本身对与LMP联盟开放,LMP是唯一一个成功进入议会的新左派政党。 不幸的是,由于其创始领导人席弗(Schiffer)辞职(他主要是犹太血统,但有趣的是对工人阶级敏感,并且从不痴迷于诸如所谓的奥尔班反犹太主义之类的犹太问题),他们很快就开始漂移成为传统的左翼政党。 。 他们仍然比其他人更接受Jobbik。


    , @Art Deco

    匈牙利约有50,000名犹太人,约占人口的0.3%。 他们为什么会投票引起很多兴趣? 对稀疏的人口进行轮询将需要耐心和大量劳动的程序来构建概率样本并处理数据。

  116. @Beckow

    Fidesz would’ve lost if the country was Budapest only
    This persistent gap between the metropolis and the rest of the country is in one way puzzling. People in Budapest - or London, Vienna, Prague - experience the costs of Third World mass migration more. Crime, squalor, cost of housing, the general dirty crumminess that results when large migrant ghettoes are created, menacing subways become, hustlers from Tunisia or Nigeria hanging around centers - it happened first in the large cities, and it would also happen in Budapest first.

    Many people in capitals benefit economically - government social jobs, NGO's, foreign owned media, increase in real estate values. But it is selling one's future for transient benefits (yeah, I know, also the 'ethnic food' that Londoners swear by and justify all else when they run out of rational arguments).

    If liberal-left-progressives would come to power in Hungary, they would quickly apologize to Brussels and quietly accept their share of migrants. The same pattern that destroyed Western capitals would then follow: first few thousand would come, start bringing in their relatives, small ghettoes would form with those 'great ethnic' restaurants. Then the less respectable in-laws and cousins would show up, crime would rise, locals would move out, and within 10-20 years Budapest would have a few 'no-go' zones and expensive welfare and crime ghettoes. At that point there would be no civilised way to address it - it would be a bumpy, unpleasant ride into a Third World oblivion (but with that 'unforgivable' Pakistani cousine).

    Don't the elites in Budapest see it? Or are they so short-sided and greedy that it simply doesn't matter to them?

    Replies: @Thorfinnsson, @reiner Tor, @szopen, @Authenticjazzman, @g2k

    In the case of London, they’re either homeowners whove been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the last couple of decades or they’re renters who live there by choice, knowing full well what living there entails. Besides “diversity” is quite misleading. You tend to get the right tail ends of all nationalities heading to the capital(s). The dregs go to the crappy, depressed provincial towns where there’s a surplus of housing.

    • 回复: @Dmitry
    @ g2k

    In London, it depends a lot on the area of the city. In East side, or South of the River Thame, it feels like a disaster zone.

    But in the rich parts of London, everything is very civilized, even with the multi-national atmosphere (it's mainly civilized behaving people from other parts of the world living there - as well as civilized tourists including from the most civilized countries like Japan).

    回复:@ g2k

  117. @g2k

    In the case of London, they're either homeowners whove been one of the biggest beneficiaries of the last couple of decades or they're renters who live there by choice, knowing full well what living there entails. Besides "diversity" is quite misleading. You tend to get the right tail ends of all nationalities heading to the capital(s). The dregs go to the crappy, depressed provincial towns where there's a surplus of housing.


    In London, it depends a lot on the area of the city. In East side, or South of the River Thame, it feels like a disaster zone.

    But in the rich parts of London, everything is very civilized, even with the multi-national atmosphere (it’s mainly civilized behaving people from other parts of the world living there – as well as civilized tourists including from the most civilized countries like Japan).

    • 回复: @g2k

    That generally wasn't my experience when I lived there for a year. Unlike in provincial cities, where housing projects/sink estates were built on big tracts of then peripheral land, those in London tended to be high density, small in area and dotted around randomly. Supposedly left wing councils are in the process of "redeveloping" them (isteve has extensively covered this phenomena in the states). There are quite a few nasty private hmos/bedsits/kommunalkas though. If you're talking about "rich" parts, I'll have to disagree. Land values are absolutely
    astronomical in every inch of the place, and the countryside beyond.

  118. @Dmitry
    @ g2k

    In London, it depends a lot on the area of the city. In East side, or South of the River Thame, it feels like a disaster zone.

    But in the rich parts of London, everything is very civilized, even with the multi-national atmosphere (it's mainly civilized behaving people from other parts of the world living there - as well as civilized tourists including from the most civilized countries like Japan).

    回复:@ g2k

    That generally wasn’t my experience when I lived there for a year. Unlike in provincial cities, where housing projects/sink estates were built on big tracts of then peripheral land, those in London tended to be high density, small in area and dotted around randomly. Supposedly left wing councils are in the process of “redeveloping” them (isteve has extensively covered this phenomena in the states). There are quite a few nasty private hmos/bedsits/kommunalkas though. If you’re talking about “rich” parts, I’ll have to disagree. Land values are absolutely
    astronomical in every inch of the place, and the countryside beyond.

  119. @truthman
    关于为什么某些农村地区对Jobbik的影响比其他地方强的想法? 另外,关于布达佩斯犹太人支持哪个左翼政党的任何想法,以及对Fidesz或Jobbik有多少想法?

    Replies: @reiner Tor, @reiner Tor, @Art Deco


  120. @truthman
    关于为什么某些农村地区对Jobbik的影响比其他地方强的想法? 另外,关于布达佩斯犹太人支持哪个左翼政党的任何想法,以及对Fidesz或Jobbik有多少想法?

    Replies: @reiner Tor, @reiner Tor, @Art Deco

    我只能告诉你,绝大多数犹太人都支持左翼政党。 他们每个人都有一些犹太人的支持。

    近年来,许多著名的犹太知识分子一直主张与Jobbik进行某种形式的协调。 Jobbik本身对与LMP联盟开放,LMP是唯一一个成功进入议会的新左派政党。 不幸的是,由于其创始领导人席弗(Schiffer)辞职(他主要是犹太血统,但有趣的是对工人阶级敏感,并且从不痴迷于诸如所谓的奥尔班反犹太主义之类的犹太问题),他们很快就开始漂移成为传统的左翼政党。 。 他们仍然比其他人更接受Jobbik。


  121. @Mitleser

    Budapest is more exposed to the EU mainstream narrative, isn't it?

    回复:@reiner Tor

    It’s also higher IQ, more people can speak and read English, etc.

    I read the analyses about Fidesz being overmeasured, and it matched my personal experience of people getting progressively more anti-Fidesz. Which was, of course, true of Budapest only. The rural areas were moving in the opposite direction.

  122. Opposition supporters now increasingly claim that the election was stolen.

    • 回复: @German_reader

    What's their reasoning? Is there evidence for any fraud at all?

    回复:@reiner Tor

  123. @reiner Tor
    Opposition supporters now increasingly claim that the election was stolen.


    What’s their reasoning? Is there evidence for any fraud at all?

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    There seems to have been some incompetence. I'll write examples later when I have time.

    I'm sure it's just a conspiracy theory, but on the surface there are plausibly enough sounding anecdotes.

  124. @German_reader

    What's their reasoning? Is there evidence for any fraud at all?

    回复:@reiner Tor

    There seems to have been some incompetence. I’ll write examples later when I have time.

    I’m sure it’s just a conspiracy theory, but on the surface there are plausibly enough sounding anecdotes.

  125. @truthman
    关于为什么某些农村地区对Jobbik的影响比其他地方强的想法? 另外,关于布达佩斯犹太人支持哪个左翼政党的任何想法,以及对Fidesz或Jobbik有多少想法?

    Replies: @reiner Tor, @reiner Tor, @Art Deco

    匈牙利约有50,000名犹太人,约占人口的0.3%。 他们为什么会投票引起很多兴趣? 对稀疏的人口进行轮询将需要耐心和大量劳动的程序来构建概率样本并处理数据。

  126. Jobbik怎么这么糟糕?


    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    避免核战争后,我将详细介绍。 还涉及对选举欺诈的指控。

  127. @Hector_St_Clare


    回复:@reiner Tor

    避免核战争后,我将详细介绍。 还涉及对选举欺诈的指控。


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