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至少,持不同政见的印度学教授 Koenraad Elst 在 2016 年 XNUMX 月是这么说的: 莫迪政府是印度人民党世俗主义的倡导者.


尽管拥有更同质的多数,但它不愿意做任何支持印度教或被视为反少数派的事情。相反,它的首要行动之一就是颁布了对伊斯兰学校的新补贴法令。松散的大炮(阿克谢·马哈拉吉、乔蒂·尼兰詹)发表的一些印度教特性的言论随后被政府发言人撤回、谴责,以及亲莫迪的记者(塔夫林·辛格、斯瓦潘·达斯古普塔)的愤怒影射。盟军 VHP 的公开转变受到媒体的大力宣传和妖魔化,但很快就遭到政府的劝阻。不过,从瓦杰帕伊 2004 年的失败中吸取了教训后,莫迪确实“让锅沸腾了”,确实经常向他的支持者扔一些无关紧要的印度教象征主义的碎屑,同时却没有正式改变任何事情。

然而,如果许多印度人民党工人对本届政府感到失望,并不是因为它做了什么,而主要是因为它一直没有做什么。因此,它没有引入具有强烈意识形态特征的人物(Arun Shourie,Subramanian Swamy)。同样,一些跨界的公众人物(例如马杜·基什瓦尔)显然没有得到奖励——这里没有考虑这一事实是出于不满的自我原因,而是为了说明印度人民党缺乏战略:它并没有让那些真正为人民党做出牺牲的人得到回报。印度人民党可以任意使用,同时将有影响力的职位授予纯粹出于机会主义动机的不可靠的新人。虽然印度教议程上的某些事情要么对印度教毫无用处(例如宣布“印度教总统府”),而另一些则会引起暴力抗议,媒体肯定会指责莫迪(例如共同民法典,尽管“世俗”卓越) ,其他的都是完全可行的,而且,结果对印度教的繁荣最有影响。


注意到什么熟悉的东西了吗? 🙂


• 类别: 思想 •标签: 傻瓜主义, 印度, 民族主义 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. It is probably more useful to view an elected politician as the ring master of a circus than a general conducting a campaign. Modi is doing a wonderful job running the Hindutva circus to the delight of his audience and for the benefit of the financial interests backing his production.

  2. 印度已经被困了几千年了。大约 4000 年前进入这片土地的雅利安人与深色皮肤的当地人混居。如果不根除卑鄙保守主义,印度的最终结果将是世界其他地方的最终结果。

    • 回复: @gate666

    我不认为雅利安人在 4000 年前就到达了。你应该读一下拉齐布。

    , @Anonymous

    That happened in Europe as well. Invaders from the steppe mixed with hunter gatherers and Middle Eastern farmers.

  3. The two Gypsy entities are in equilibrium. Their border hasn’t shifted in decades, indicating that Pakis are matching, or at least nearly matching, the military abilities of India. In this context, it’s difficult for BJP to be excessively Hindu, as that would trigger the Muslin minority, and perturb that equilibrium.

    However, let me know when any Indian state ban pig slaughters. Paying for Muslim schools merely creates several thousand sinecures without any impact on Indian Muslims. Tax a little so that billionaires are not upset, and spend it all on pointless sinecures – that is classical Indian gov mantra.

    No wonder Pakis are their match.

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
    @达西安·朱利安·索罗斯(Dacian Julien Soros)

    Both countries get a lot of their fresh water from Kashmir, so the 事实上的 border there is likely to go nowhere short of outright nuclear war settling the matter.

  4. In addition to the article being correct, right-wing Indians simply do not understand what they’re up against.

    They disdain SJWs as “NGO types”, but unlike China and Russia little thought is given to stopping foreign-funded NGOs from operating in the country and poisoning the well.

    Indians are shocked when I describe the sexual marketplace in the West to them, and Indian newspapers are full of salacious articles describing the dark consequences of premarital cohabitation and dating outside one’s “community”. But nothing is done to restrain India’s ongoing sexual revolution, nor is any thought given to it.

    The campaign to “educate” females has also been successful. Half of India’s medical school graduates are now women. Plenty of Indian students you meet abroad are women as well. You now even find married Indian women who kept their maiden names.

    India’s diaspora is completely useless as well. Other non-Western diasporas have noticed many of the harmful things going on in the West and actively warn their compatriots about this. For instance, Anatoly Karlin. Because Indians are so incredibly insular, they do not do this at all. Indians within the West don’t even know what’s going on around them.

    In short there is not much reason to expect that India will avoid the terrible consequences of “progress”.

    • 回复: @neutral

    There is some hope, they are not as terrified when it comes to anything regarding Hitler:

    Here is an ice cream brand from India

    Here is a clothing store in India:

    They even have a bollywood movie with his name



    , @anonymous

    Did you bang any of the women while there?

    , @YetAnotherAnon

    "Indians within the West don’t even know what’s going on around them."

    My Tamil colleagues in England (on six month contracts, equivalent to H1B in the States) were pretty shocked by the local High Street on a Friday night - the drunkenness, aggression and shameless half-dressed thottery - sampled once and then avoided.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Thorfinnsson, @Dmitry

    , @Reg Cæsar

    Other non-Western diasporas have noticed many of the harmful things going on in the West and actively warn their compatriots about this. For instance, Anatoly Karlin.
    Many Somalis, too.
    , @Yevardian

    Indians are shocked when I describe the sexual marketplace in the West to them, and Indian newspapers are full of salacious articles describing the dark consequences of premarital cohabitation and dating outside one’s “community”. But nothing is done to restrain India’s ongoing sexual revolution, nor is any thought given to it.
    Is that really true though? It seems whenever an Indian gets upset at white people on the internet they let loose with a laundry list of pornographic performers and accounts of Western degeneracy (usually misspelled and in ALLCAPS).

    I have noticed however that of all the immigrant groups where I live, Indians seem to have by far the fewest relationships outside of their race. Chinese, Koreans, Blacks and even Muslims with whites are seen commonly enough, but Indians very rarely. When I meet a mixed Indian their white ancestry almost always dates from colonial times.
  5. @neutral
    印度已经被困了几千年了。大约 4000 年前进入这片土地的雅利安人与深色皮肤的当地人混居。如果不根除卑鄙保守主义,印度的最终结果将是世界其他地方的最终结果。


    我不认为雅利安人在 4000 年前就到达了。你应该读一下拉齐布。

  6. @Thorfinnsson
    In addition to the article being correct, right-wing Indians simply do not understand what they're up against.

    They disdain SJWs as "NGO types", but unlike China and Russia little thought is given to stopping foreign-funded NGOs from operating in the country and poisoning the well.

    Indians are shocked when I describe the sexual marketplace in the West to them, and Indian newspapers are full of salacious articles describing the dark consequences of premarital cohabitation and dating outside one's "community". But nothing is done to restrain India's ongoing sexual revolution, nor is any thought given to it.

    The campaign to "educate" females has also been successful. Half of India's medical school graduates are now women. Plenty of Indian students you meet abroad are women as well. You now even find married Indian women who kept their maiden names.

    India's diaspora is completely useless as well. Other non-Western diasporas have noticed many of the harmful things going on in the West and actively warn their compatriots about this. For instance, Anatoly Karlin. Because Indians are so incredibly insular, they do not do this at all. Indians within the West don't even know what's going on around them.

    In short there is not much reason to expect that India will avoid the terrible consequences of "progress".

    Replies: @neutral, @anonymous, @YetAnotherAnon, @Reg Cæsar, @Yevardian

    There is some hope, they are not as terrified when it comes to anything regarding Hitler:

    Here is an ice cream brand from India

    Here is a clothing store in India:

    They even have a bollywood movie with his name

    • 回复: @songbird

    I think Hitler would have made a pretty good corporate trademark. He had a unique name and a unique, slightly comical appearance, like a more realistic Charlie Chaplin, or grown-up Alfalfa from Little Rascals.

    Of course, all that other stuff happened, so it would be hard to find an advertising firm in the West who would try to sell the stuff, and if they did all the commercials would be about miscegenationing gays, just like they are now.

  7. @Thorfinnsson
    In addition to the article being correct, right-wing Indians simply do not understand what they're up against.

    They disdain SJWs as "NGO types", but unlike China and Russia little thought is given to stopping foreign-funded NGOs from operating in the country and poisoning the well.

    Indians are shocked when I describe the sexual marketplace in the West to them, and Indian newspapers are full of salacious articles describing the dark consequences of premarital cohabitation and dating outside one's "community". But nothing is done to restrain India's ongoing sexual revolution, nor is any thought given to it.

    The campaign to "educate" females has also been successful. Half of India's medical school graduates are now women. Plenty of Indian students you meet abroad are women as well. You now even find married Indian women who kept their maiden names.

    India's diaspora is completely useless as well. Other non-Western diasporas have noticed many of the harmful things going on in the West and actively warn their compatriots about this. For instance, Anatoly Karlin. Because Indians are so incredibly insular, they do not do this at all. Indians within the West don't even know what's going on around them.

    In short there is not much reason to expect that India will avoid the terrible consequences of "progress".

    Replies: @neutral, @anonymous, @YetAnotherAnon, @Reg Cæsar, @Yevardian

    Did you bang any of the women while there?

  8. @neutral

    There is some hope, they are not as terrified when it comes to anything regarding Hitler:

    Here is an ice cream brand from India

    Here is a clothing store in India:

    They even have a bollywood movie with his name



    I think Hitler would have made a pretty good corporate trademark. He had a unique name and a unique, slightly comical appearance, like a more realistic Charlie Chaplin, or grown-up Alfalfa from Little Rascals.

    Of course, all that other stuff happened, so it would be hard to find an advertising firm in the West who would try to sell the stuff, and if they did all the commercials would be about miscegenationing gays, just like they are now.

  9. The article was written in 2016 and you can tell that even without looking on its date. The Modi government began with a lot of Anglophile technocrats. The previous time the BJP were in power, it was essentially a conservative-liberal government which a lot of people who could fairly be viewed as liberal. This time around, it began much the same but has ended a lot differently. Many Western-educated technocrats have been purged, much to the whining of the Anglophile media and the English-speaking establishment.

    Hindi has been promoted at the expense of English. Hinduism has taken a more prominent role. Even the Congress party has been forced onto the same path, with their ‘soft Hindutva’ change of direction (which they’ve come under fire from their left flank, but it shows where the center of gravity is going).

    Still, on issues such as feminism, homosexuality and (some) core hindutva tenets, the BJP has not done so well, especially the former two where they have essentially capitulated to the left-liberal paradigm.

    OTOH, they have been quite hardline on illegal muslim migration from Bangladesh into Assam and other places, which the previous government totally lost the ball on. They’ve also built a Big Beautiful Wall on their eastern border. India also has extremely strict citizenship laws, which have gotten stricter.

    So, all in all, they’ve done quite a lot more than the previous time the BJP was in office but there’s always room for improvement. Google ‘Yogi Adityanath’ if you want to see who the next likely BJP leader is. The BJP itself is undergoing an internal radicalisation and this will take time before its full effect is in full flowering.

  10. @neutral
    印度已经被困了几千年了。大约 4000 年前进入这片土地的雅利安人与深色皮肤的当地人混居。如果不根除卑鄙保守主义,印度的最终结果将是世界其他地方的最终结果。


    That happened in Europe as well. Invaders from the steppe mixed with hunter gatherers and Middle Eastern farmers.

  11. that’s just one administration though. most hindus are nationalists, which is fair play. and if you ever work with or encounter lots of the indians in the US, it would be impossible to not come away with the idea they feel the same in america. they are politically active and seek to take over whatever they are interested in. as soon as they come into power, the other people go out, and all the new people in are indian.

    • 同意: YetAnotherAnon
  12. @Thorfinnsson
    In addition to the article being correct, right-wing Indians simply do not understand what they're up against.

    They disdain SJWs as "NGO types", but unlike China and Russia little thought is given to stopping foreign-funded NGOs from operating in the country and poisoning the well.

    Indians are shocked when I describe the sexual marketplace in the West to them, and Indian newspapers are full of salacious articles describing the dark consequences of premarital cohabitation and dating outside one's "community". But nothing is done to restrain India's ongoing sexual revolution, nor is any thought given to it.

    The campaign to "educate" females has also been successful. Half of India's medical school graduates are now women. Plenty of Indian students you meet abroad are women as well. You now even find married Indian women who kept their maiden names.

    India's diaspora is completely useless as well. Other non-Western diasporas have noticed many of the harmful things going on in the West and actively warn their compatriots about this. For instance, Anatoly Karlin. Because Indians are so incredibly insular, they do not do this at all. Indians within the West don't even know what's going on around them.

    In short there is not much reason to expect that India will avoid the terrible consequences of "progress".

    Replies: @neutral, @anonymous, @YetAnotherAnon, @Reg Cæsar, @Yevardian

    “Indians within the West don’t even know what’s going on around them.”

    My Tamil colleagues in England (on six month contracts, equivalent to H1B in the States) were pretty shocked by the local High Street on a Friday night – the drunkenness, aggression and shameless half-dressed thottery – sampled once and then avoided.

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar

    My Tamil colleagues in England (on six month contracts, equivalent to H1B in the States) were pretty shocked by the local High Street on a Friday night – the drunkenness, aggression and shameless half-dressed thottery – sampled once and then avoided.
    That would disturb Americans as well. The street drunkenness of Britain and Scandinavia is not looked upon well here, save for the occasional sports celebration or Shrove Tuesday observation. Otherwise, it could get you killed.
    , @Thorfinnsson

    Sampled once and then avoided.


    They don't get it.

    , @Dmitry

    Because in the front of the mind, is more the London gentlemen and Harry Potter.

    Maybe the Oxford High Table


    Or singing on the River Cam


    And then they go to England and more likely where they go the less glamorous people which are not described in the guidebook





  13. Modi does “keep the pot boiling”, does regularly throw crumbs of inconsequential Hindu symbolism to his support base

    Like those city names which sound ridiculous in English?

    Really, we should start calling it “Mollywood”, and see how they like it.

  14. @Thorfinnsson
    In addition to the article being correct, right-wing Indians simply do not understand what they're up against.

    They disdain SJWs as "NGO types", but unlike China and Russia little thought is given to stopping foreign-funded NGOs from operating in the country and poisoning the well.

    Indians are shocked when I describe the sexual marketplace in the West to them, and Indian newspapers are full of salacious articles describing the dark consequences of premarital cohabitation and dating outside one's "community". But nothing is done to restrain India's ongoing sexual revolution, nor is any thought given to it.

    The campaign to "educate" females has also been successful. Half of India's medical school graduates are now women. Plenty of Indian students you meet abroad are women as well. You now even find married Indian women who kept their maiden names.

    India's diaspora is completely useless as well. Other non-Western diasporas have noticed many of the harmful things going on in the West and actively warn their compatriots about this. For instance, Anatoly Karlin. Because Indians are so incredibly insular, they do not do this at all. Indians within the West don't even know what's going on around them.

    In short there is not much reason to expect that India will avoid the terrible consequences of "progress".

    Replies: @neutral, @anonymous, @YetAnotherAnon, @Reg Cæsar, @Yevardian

    Other non-Western diasporas have noticed many of the harmful things going on in the West and actively warn their compatriots about this. For instance, Anatoly Karlin.

    Many Somalis, too.

  15. @YetAnotherAnon

    "Indians within the West don’t even know what’s going on around them."

    My Tamil colleagues in England (on six month contracts, equivalent to H1B in the States) were pretty shocked by the local High Street on a Friday night - the drunkenness, aggression and shameless half-dressed thottery - sampled once and then avoided.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Thorfinnsson, @Dmitry

    My Tamil colleagues in England (on six month contracts, equivalent to H1B in the States) were pretty shocked by the local High Street on a Friday night – the drunkenness, aggression and shameless half-dressed thottery – sampled once and then avoided.

    That would disturb Americans as well. The street drunkenness of Britain and Scandinavia is not looked upon well here, save for the occasional sports celebration or Shrove Tuesday observation. Otherwise, it could get you killed.

  16. @Dacian Julien Soros
    The two Gypsy entities are in equilibrium. Their border hasn't shifted in decades, indicating that Pakis are matching, or at least nearly matching, the military abilities of India. In this context, it's difficult for BJP to be excessively Hindu, as that would trigger the Muslin minority, and perturb that equilibrium.

    However, let me know when any Indian state ban pig slaughters. Paying for Muslim schools merely creates several thousand sinecures without any impact on Indian Muslims. Tax a little so that billionaires are not upset, and spend it all on pointless sinecures - that is classical Indian gov mantra.

    No wonder Pakis are their match.

    回复:@The Alarmist

    Both countries get a lot of their fresh water from Kashmir, so the 事实上的 border there is likely to go nowhere short of outright nuclear war settling the matter.

  17. The BJP doesn’t need to be hardcore, they are flanked by smaller organizations that do the dirty work. Western countries have no equivalent because the left easily out-organizes the right in the West.

    But aside from that India is far too diverse, messy, and democratic to truly sustain actionable nationalism. Modi would probably be much tougher on NGOs or domineering foreign companies if he was an autocrat.

  18. @YetAnotherAnon

    "Indians within the West don’t even know what’s going on around them."

    My Tamil colleagues in England (on six month contracts, equivalent to H1B in the States) were pretty shocked by the local High Street on a Friday night - the drunkenness, aggression and shameless half-dressed thottery - sampled once and then avoided.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Thorfinnsson, @Dmitry

    Sampled once and then avoided.



  19. @YetAnotherAnon

    "Indians within the West don’t even know what’s going on around them."

    My Tamil colleagues in England (on six month contracts, equivalent to H1B in the States) were pretty shocked by the local High Street on a Friday night - the drunkenness, aggression and shameless half-dressed thottery - sampled once and then avoided.

    Replies: @Reg Cæsar, @Thorfinnsson, @Dmitry

    Because in the front of the mind, is more the London gentlemen and Harry Potter.

    Maybe the Oxford High Table

    Or singing on the River Cam

    And then they go to England and more likely where they go the less glamorous people which are not described in the guidebook


  20. Most countries are “cuckservative”.

    Federal budget of the Russian Federation one of the greatest examples, where the largest budget deficit recipients are regions with majority non-Russian populations.

    But the officials are often the opposite of cuckservative, in their actual life. And this is similar to many Western countries.

    I believe Israel is also one of the most “cuckservative” in the world – Islamic Israeli politicians say in the parliament they want Israel to be destroyed, while they receive $110,000 salaries as employees of the Israeli government. Appointed Deputy Mayor of Israel’s third largest city (Haifa), is a supporter of Hezbollah. And they have affirmative action and scholarships for Arab students who are exempt from the army, while not for the Jews, who are in the army.

    In Israel, Arabs and Haredim avoid taxes and army, and have very high birthrates, but live from the Israelis who pay taxes and place their children in the army.

    Countries which are not “cuckservative”? Perhaps Poland and Hungary. These receive the EU funding, and yet avoid the problematic EU policies like immigration amnesty.

    However, a significant part of their population are working in low level positions in Western Europe.

    • 回复: @songbird

    This is the interesting question: can you cuck internally without it eventually leading to opening the borders?

    In the case of India, it is a democracy, where upper caste Hindus make up a small slice of the population, ipso facto it cucks internally. How could it be otherwise? So, will it open the borders eventually? Well, there's plenty of cheap labor in India. There's actually a kind of instability because of it. But they brought in blacks before. Siddis and Sheedis.

    China sort of also cucks (perhaps psuedo-cucks?) but also has cheap labor, and perhaps more importantly, a political monopoly. Social credit system and surveillance state probably makes it easier to round aliens up. I wonder how many blacks could even circumvent the firewall, to tell their African cousins how much they like China. I suppose there are always phone calls.

    In the case of America, cucking obviously came from blacks already there. ( though there was a small amount from feather Indians) Not just the political pressures, but certain people probably already had their brains primed - wired more effectively by repeated stimulus - from cucking to blacks and getting a dopamine fix.

  21. @Dmitry
    Most countries are "cuckservative".

    Federal budget of the Russian Federation one of the greatest examples, where the largest budget deficit recipients are regions with majority non-Russian populations.


    But the officials are often the opposite of cuckservative, in their actual life. And this is similar to many Western countries.



    I believe Israel is also one of the most "cuckservative" in the world - Islamic Israeli politicians say in the parliament they want Israel to be destroyed, while they receive $110,000 salaries as employees of the Israeli government. Appointed Deputy Mayor of Israel’s third largest city (Haifa), is a supporter of Hezbollah. And they have affirmative action and scholarships for Arab students who are exempt from the army, while not for the Jews, who are in the army.

    In Israel, Arabs and Haredim avoid taxes and army, and have very high birthrates, but live from the Israelis who pay taxes and place their children in the army.


    Countries which are not "cuckservative"? Perhaps Poland and Hungary. These receive the EU funding, and yet avoid the problematic EU policies like immigration amnesty.

    However, a significant part of their population are working in low level positions in Western Europe.


    This is the interesting question: can you cuck internally without it eventually leading to opening the borders?

    In the case of India, it is a democracy, where upper caste Hindus make up a small slice of the population, ipso facto it cucks internally. How could it be otherwise? So, will it open the borders eventually? Well, there’s plenty of cheap labor in India. There’s actually a kind of instability because of it. But they brought in blacks before. Siddis and Sheedis.

    China sort of also cucks (perhaps psuedo-cucks?) but also has cheap labor, and perhaps more importantly, a political monopoly. Social credit system and surveillance state probably makes it easier to round aliens up. I wonder how many blacks could even circumvent the firewall, to tell their African cousins how much they like China. I suppose there are always phone calls.

    In the case of America, cucking obviously came from blacks already there. ( though there was a small amount from feather Indians) Not just the political pressures, but certain people probably already had their brains primed – wired more effectively by repeated stimulus – from cucking to blacks and getting a dopamine fix.

  22. 根据印度和伊斯兰教,我仍在等待伟大的印度小说。
    一个恰当的标题可能是——“1000 年在一起”

  23. @Thorfinnsson
    In addition to the article being correct, right-wing Indians simply do not understand what they're up against.

    They disdain SJWs as "NGO types", but unlike China and Russia little thought is given to stopping foreign-funded NGOs from operating in the country and poisoning the well.

    Indians are shocked when I describe the sexual marketplace in the West to them, and Indian newspapers are full of salacious articles describing the dark consequences of premarital cohabitation and dating outside one's "community". But nothing is done to restrain India's ongoing sexual revolution, nor is any thought given to it.

    The campaign to "educate" females has also been successful. Half of India's medical school graduates are now women. Plenty of Indian students you meet abroad are women as well. You now even find married Indian women who kept their maiden names.

    India's diaspora is completely useless as well. Other non-Western diasporas have noticed many of the harmful things going on in the West and actively warn their compatriots about this. For instance, Anatoly Karlin. Because Indians are so incredibly insular, they do not do this at all. Indians within the West don't even know what's going on around them.

    In short there is not much reason to expect that India will avoid the terrible consequences of "progress".

    Replies: @neutral, @anonymous, @YetAnotherAnon, @Reg Cæsar, @Yevardian

    Indians are shocked when I describe the sexual marketplace in the West to them, and Indian newspapers are full of salacious articles describing the dark consequences of premarital cohabitation and dating outside one’s “community”. But nothing is done to restrain India’s ongoing sexual revolution, nor is any thought given to it.

    Is that really true though? It seems whenever an Indian gets upset at white people on the internet they let loose with a laundry list of pornographic performers and accounts of Western degeneracy (usually misspelled and in ALLCAPS).

    I have noticed however that of all the immigrant groups where I live, Indians seem to have by far the fewest relationships outside of their race. Chinese, Koreans, Blacks and even Muslims with whites are seen commonly enough, but Indians very rarely. When I meet a mixed Indian their white ancestry almost always dates from colonial times.

  24. You do know there is a lot of healthy middle ground between a drunken open-air brothel and putting kids into arranged marriages based on a local astrologer comparing their horoscopes (Hindus infamously believe in that nonsense)? Normal life in the traditional West involved independent romantic relationships.

    Inevitably, informal betrothals and alliances arose; temporary relationships were entered into in good faith and broken when the couple moved on or found alternative partners. A verbal promise of marriage or “hand-fasting,” could be enough to licence physical relations, as proved the downfall of Katherine Howard, Henry VIII’s fifth queen. Less than two years after her marriage, it was discovered that she had enjoyed two lovers in her youth, which she had omitted to mention to her new husband. With one Francis Dereham, she had exchanged promises, gifts and spent many nights together in a shared dormitory as husband and wife. Witnesses famously recalled how they had “hung together” by the belly “like two sparrows.” Katherine might still have kept her head at this point but unfortunately for her, these enquiries led to the uncovering of her later adulterous affair and she went to the block in February 1542. Hand-fasting could even override later marriages in church, even if consummation had not taken place, as Henry tried to prove in the case of Anne Boleyn’s precontract to Henry Percy and successfully established to extract himself from an unwanted union with Anne of Cleves. Earlier, Anne Boleyn had conceived Elizabeth in December 1532, before her secret marriage to Henry took place in the new year. Promises could be made any time or any place: bedrooms, kitchens and fields witnessed secret agreements: it wasn’t until 1563 that the Council of Trent declared a marriage was void if not celebrated in front of a priest, although English law did not catch up until the eighteenth century.

    • 回复: @Anonny

    So to make the west look trad compared to even a degenerating India, you need half millenia old examples.

    Christianity is a feminist religion

  25. @Toronto Russian
    You do know there is a lot of healthy middle ground between a drunken open-air brothel and putting kids into arranged marriages based on a local astrologer comparing their horoscopes (Hindus infamously believe in that nonsense)? Normal life in the traditional West involved independent romantic relationships.

    Inevitably, informal betrothals and alliances arose; temporary relationships were entered into in good faith and broken when the couple moved on or found alternative partners. A verbal promise of marriage or “hand-fasting,” could be enough to licence physical relations, as proved the downfall of Katherine Howard, Henry VIII’s fifth queen. Less than two years after her marriage, it was discovered that she had enjoyed two lovers in her youth, which she had omitted to mention to her new husband. With one Francis Dereham, she had exchanged promises, gifts and spent many nights together in a shared dormitory as husband and wife. Witnesses famously recalled how they had "hung together" by the belly "like two sparrows." Katherine might still have kept her head at this point but unfortunately for her, these enquiries led to the uncovering of her later adulterous affair and she went to the block in February 1542. Hand-fasting could even override later marriages in church, even if consummation had not taken place, as Henry tried to prove in the case of Anne Boleyn’s precontract to Henry Percy and successfully established to extract himself from an unwanted union with Anne of Cleves. Earlier, Anne Boleyn had conceived Elizabeth in December 1532, before her secret marriage to Henry took place in the new year. Promises could be made any time or any place: bedrooms, kitchens and fields witnessed secret agreements: it wasn’t until 1563 that the Council of Trent declared a marriage was void if not celebrated in front of a priest, although English law did not catch up until the eighteenth century.


    So to make the west look trad compared to even a degenerating India, you need half millenia old examples.

    Christianity is a feminist religion

  26. Indian PM is declared international terrorist by US


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