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So, Obama showed up to a $30k +/person fundraiser last night and told his wealthy Democrat friends that he needs his batteries recharged. 再次!


The fundraiser — $30,400 per person — was at the home of Linda Douglass, the former CBS and ABC News reporter who joined the Obama White House to sell national health care to a skeptical public. Douglass is now a top executive at Atlantic Media, the Washington-based company that runs The Atlantic, National Journal, and other publications. Douglass’ husband, John Phillips, is a wealthy lawyer, and according to a White House pool report, he introduced Obama tonight by saying, “I can remember walking down those snowy streets of Des Moines in the primary…We sleep much better knowing that you are our president at this difficult time.”

According to the pool report, Obama thanked Phillips for the work he and his wife have done for Team Obama. Then the president mentioned that Phillips and Douglass have an opulent place in Italy and wondered why there had been no invitation to visit. “I’d appreciate a little break and some Tuscan sun,” the president said, according to the pool report.

Guess he wants to add some Italian scenery to his “恢复之夏”剪贴簿 (由我们精彩的剪贴簿沙皇 Doug Powers 提供!):


闪回 2010 年 XNUMX 月: “Barack Obama in crisis: Zzzz.”

This is Obama in crisis: disengaged, put upon and impatient to get back to Me Time.

粗暴的人随时准备维护和捍卫我们的福祉和安全。 结束后有人叫醒奥巴马总统。

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 美国总统奥巴马, 政治