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H/t AP for this beauty. It is for 2012.



It speaks for itself so comprehensively that I’m not sure it’s worth commenting further on my part here. Let’s leave that to the comments section.

(从重新发布 达·鲁索菲尔(Da Russophile) 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 人口, 人口增长, 俄罗斯 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 阿拉胡·阿克巴尔

    • 回复: @Yakutiaisnotmuslim


  2. @Tory Torrison

    Replies: @Yakutiaisnotmuslim


  3. Indeed. There is a lot of ethnic Russian territory outside European Russia (as well as the Cossack lands in southern European Russia) with excellent population demographics.

    Ukraine’s demographic problem is that while its Western 1/5 is worse than but similar to ethnic Russia beyond the Urals, the other 4/5 is like European Russia (actually even a little worse, although in the same league).

  4. At first glance I found the colouring of the map confusing. On maps such as this one the colour red is usually used to indicate problem areas, and at a time when the planet’s human population is over 7 billion and rising fast, I would have thought that generally ‘less is better’. But of course ‘generally’ doesn’t apply to Russia which has not yet recovered from Yeltsin’s Pinochetismo and its all-out attack on the Russian people. Millions have withered away before their time, unreported and unmourned, because misery and abject poverty were the direct consequences of the greed, the sanctioned theft and the unregulated capitalism Yeltsin’s locusts have inflicted on the Russian people (with the help of the IMF, the World Bank and the CIA). No surprise then, that under such conditions a country’s birthrate plummets.

    I do hope that over time Russia will recover from this crisis. But I’m not optimistic. There’s still far too much good will towards and trust in the West’s way of ‘doing business’. Putin is wasting his time in office with populist antics instead of tackling the most serious domestic issues by abolishing Yeltsin’s gangster capitalism. And if his successor is someone like Medvedev (or worse) the whole vicious cycle of the 1990s might start all over again …

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    @Lumpy Gravy

    Completely agree. Immigrants and coolies from central Asia are not going to make Russia into a great and powerful nation let alone a rival of the United States. When you consider that after the last big Soviet cohort have passed fertile years, there's going be another big drop, it just seems things aren't turning around quick enough. I think a lot will hinge on who succeeds Putin. The best of all outcomes would be someone like Rogozin who would make boosting European births #1 priority. If its another Putin, Russia might still have a fighting chance but if its a pro-West liberal then Russia's stagnation and decline are assured. It's too late in the day for another Medvedev.

  5. @Lumpy Gravy
    At first glance I found the colouring of the map confusing. On maps such as this one the colour red is usually used to indicate problem areas, and at a time when the planet's human population is over 7 billion and rising fast, I would have thought that generally 'less is better'. But of course 'generally' doesn't apply to Russia which has not yet recovered from Yeltsin's Pinochetismo and its all-out attack on the Russian people. Millions have withered away before their time, unreported and unmourned, because misery and abject poverty were the direct consequences of the greed, the sanctioned theft and the unregulated capitalism Yeltsin's locusts have inflicted on the Russian people (with the help of the IMF, the World Bank and the CIA). No surprise then, that under such conditions a country's birthrate plummets.

    I do hope that over time Russia will recover from this crisis. But I'm not optimistic. There's still far too much good will towards and trust in the West's way of 'doing business'. Putin is wasting his time in office with populist antics instead of tackling the most serious domestic issues by abolishing Yeltsin's gangster capitalism. And if his successor is someone like Medvedev (or worse) the whole vicious cycle of the 1990s might start all over again ...


    Completely agree. Immigrants and coolies from central Asia are not going to make Russia into a great and powerful nation let alone a rival of the United States. When you consider that after the last big Soviet cohort have passed fertile years, there’s going be another big drop, it just seems things aren’t turning around quick enough. I think a lot will hinge on who succeeds Putin. The best of all outcomes would be someone like Rogozin who would make boosting European births #1 priority. If its another Putin, Russia might still have a fighting chance but if its a pro-West liberal then Russia’s stagnation and decline are assured. It’s too late in the day for another Medvedev.

  6. Hi…i read your articles for several years and I’m glad that you were right about demographic situation in Russia and that your projections were correct. Although I do not agree with you on many issues (your skepticism about the EU, sometimes your anti-Western attitude, satisfaction with the demographic problems in other European countries), this site is great and I love to read your projections, and also hope that your optimism for Russia will prove correct.
    Did you read this http://www.mpg.de/4411213/1_6_Children_per_Woman?filter_order=LT&research_topic=KG-SW ? Can you say something more about this? What you think? And perhaps you might consider that for your future projections? Whether it can change the view of the situation in Russia?

  7. • 回复: @Anatoly Karlin

    You're right... I've noticed a few discrepancies. Maybe he did it for Jan-Oct or something?

    然而, 总体上, it is accurate and reflects well overall georgraphic trends.

  8. 我不明白为什么这是这样的问题?吉尔吉斯斯坦和哈萨克斯坦不是基因上都是北蒙古人种吗?即使他们是穆斯林,他们在基因上也与北汉族、朝鲜族和维吾尔族相似。前苏联的许多穆斯林都是伊朗人或蒙古人,几乎没有索马里人或巴基斯坦人。考虑到它们的混合,我可以看到这些国家在未来表现得很好,就像哈萨克斯坦现在一样。利用 HBD 原则,如果有更多的投资和发展,这些国家可以以非洲永远不会的方式快速发展。

  9. @Anonymous
    Nice map but false. Did you try to compare it with actual data? Such as http://www.gks.ru/bgd/regl/b12_106/IssWWW.exe/Stg//%3Cextid%3E/%3Cstoragepath%3E::|d04/tab03.xls

    回复:@Anatoly Karlin

    You’re right… I’ve noticed a few discrepancies. Maybe he did it for Jan-Oct or something?

    然而, 总体上, it is accurate and reflects well overall georgraphic trends.

  10. Most of Central Asia’s populations are growing by the same rate that Russia’s ethnic Russian population is declining. Central Asia will soon be colonizing (as if it isn’t already with gastarbeitery) the former master! HAHAHAAHAHAH

  11. I thought I’d throw this in here, I just came across it:

    Map of abortion rates, by state/oblast. It looks like Luhansk (in the Donbas) is, along with some areas in Romania, the abortion capital of Europe. Can’t vouch for the sources for this map but it seems correct based on 1999 figures I’ve seen for Ukraine, by oblast.

  12. I think Bollywood is amazing and fun and over-the-top, and I love to be involved with a lot of things that are over-the-top, so I think
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