星期五绒毛 – 19 年 2010 月 XNUMX 日



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1. 首先,一个 过去的帖子: 各随其性,各随其性.

2. 本周奇怪的搜索查询:“克隆家庭价值观。”

3. 本周评论,回应 纯合性在家族中遗传(或不遗传):



5)最后,您每周 绒毛修复:

(从重新发布 探索/ GNXP 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 科学 •标签: 博客, 星期五绒毛 
  1. Cats. Obviously.

    I always try to stick my finger in my cats’ mouth when they yawn like that, but I’m never fast enough.

  2. 当猫打哈欠时,我曾多次将手指伸进猫的嘴里。这很有趣 每周 时间。


  3. 4. Specifically, two dogs – the dingo who was my childhood companion, and a kelpie sheep dog I worked with. They were both so brilliant that I have always felt no other dog could measure up.

    Plus I’m allergic to cats, so it was always out of the question to have one as a pet. But I regard a barn cat as essential if you are storing seed wheat.

  4. Dogs all the way.

  5. Matt B.: “I’ve stuck my finger in a cat’s mouth when it yawns plenty of times. And it’s funny every time.”
    I would never even think of trying that. Cats have filthy, bacteria ridden mouths. When I was 17, my sister’s cat bit me while I was breaking up a fight between the cat and my dog. The bite was nothing, little more than a pinprick, but I developed cellulitis and had to spend two days in the hospital. The doctor advised me to always go for the dog when attempting to intervene in a dog vs cat fight. Dogs are much, much less likely to bite you, and, if they do bite you, a dog’s mouth is far cleaner.

  6. Can a cat go on point for a game bird, or flush it when you’re within range and then retrieve it to you unruffled, even from within heavy cover or in the water? Dogs absolutely.

  7. #7,如果他们愿意的话,他们可以。我两个都爱,并且都住在一起。我们曾经有一只浅黄色的母猫,它训练一只黑色的大拉布拉多犬,通过发出一点痛苦的喵喵声来赶走另一只家猫。


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