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WORDSUM是 一般社会调查。 这是一个10字的词汇测试。 满分为10分。 分数为0表示您不知道任何词汇。 WORDSUM与...的相关系数为0.71 一般情报。 换句话说,WORDSUM的变化可以解释一般智力的50%的变化。 左侧是2000年代WORDSUM结果的分布。 如您所见,得分为7是模态得分。 在以下处理中,我将标签0-4“哑”,5-7“非哑”和8-10“聪明”。 谁说我不慈善? 您可能还知道,一般智力与收入和财富之间存在一定的关联。 但是到什么程度呢? 可以查看此情况的一种方法是检查GSS中的SEI变量,该变量将货币和非货币状态与成就结合在一起,并查看其与WORDSUM的关系。 相关系数是0.38。 在那儿,但是没有 强大。

为了进一步探讨这个问题,我想重点关注两个 GSS 变量:财富和收入。 WEALTH是2006年问的,有很多感兴趣的类别。自 1974 年以来,收入一直被问及,但不幸的是,其最高类别为 25,000 美元及以上,因此在非低端范围内没有太多信息(至少以当前美元价值计算)。

下面您可以看到 WEALTH 与 WORDSUM 的交叉。我已经展示了加起来为 100% 的列和行。然后您会看到 INCOME 与 WORDSUM 交叉。我刚刚创建了两个类别:低类别和非低类别(低于 25,000 美元及以上)。此外,由于样本量很大,我将收入限制在 50 岁及以上的人身上。

列= 100%
低于 40 万美元 40-100 万美元 100-250 万美元 250-500 万美元 超过 500 万美元
22 14 12 13 5
不傻 55 65 63 57 48
智能 23 22 25 31 47
行= 100%
低于 40 万美元 40-100 万美元 100-250 万美元 250-500 万美元 超过 500 万美元
50 13 18 16 4
不傻 32 16 24 18 10
智能 29 11 20 20 20
列= 100%
32 11
不傻 50 50
智能 18 39
行= 100%
58 42
不傻 32 68
智能 17 83

在低收入者中,大约五分之一的人聪明。 在那些聪明的人中,五分之一的人是贫困的。 请记住,这是针对50岁以上的人群,而不是大学生。 我想也许退休人员可能会歪曲这一点。将其限制为 50-64 会显着改变结果。五分之一的穷人仍然聪明,但聪明人中只有十分之一是穷人。至于富人哑巴,就得看财富了。我注意到,当财富超过 1 万美元时,财富大幅下降。而且,财富在 5 万到 1 万美元之间的人中有很大一部分是愚蠢的。我认为我们可能会看到 10 年代的房地产繁荣。

无论如何,我在quant-blogger的最新贴子之后就开始想到这一点 大胆的Epigone, 按职业划分的平均智商(根据中位数收入估算)。 这是他所做的:

…无论如何,这绝不应该是通过职业来衡量智商的精确指标,因为它完全基于平均年收入数字。 换句话说,这是一张收入表,其值已转换为IQ分数…。

…下表仅根据职业生涯中期收入水平估算出各职业的平均智商得分。 (律师助理的工资)中位数被认为与100的智商相对应。一个标准差被假定为15智商点……。

您可以在上看到完整列表 大胆的Epigone的位置,但以下是我发现的有趣选择:

职业 从中位数收入估算智商
外科 234
中医师 161
CEO 148
牙医 140
法律服务 128
石油工程师 126
药剂师 126
物理学家 125
天文学家 125
理财规划师 123
核工程师 121
验光师 121
航空工程师 120
数学家 120
经济学家 117
软件工程师 117
学校原则 116
电气工程师 115
Web开发人员 115
施工工头 115
地质学家 114
兽医 114
机械工程师 113
生物学家 111
统计员 111
建筑师 111
化学家 109
股票经纪人 109
注册护士 107
历史学家 107
哲学家 106
会计 106
农民 105
动物学家 104
作者 103
殡仪馆 103
图书馆 103
人类学家 103
营养师 102
考古学家 102
生理学家 102
讲师 102
警官 101
演员 101
电工 100
律师助理 100
水管工人 100
牧师 98
社会工作者 97
木匠 97
机械师 96
核净化技术员 96
焊机 95
屋顶工 95
公车司机 95
农业科学家 95
打字员 94
旅行社 93
屠夫 92
理发师 90
看门人 90
女仆 88
洗碗机 88

我想说的是,低收入方向上最高的脱节就是神职人员。 这是 特别 适用于美国的罗马天主教和主教新教教派,他们的牧师对学历有中等严格的要求。 我认为另一个方向上最大的是外科医生和医生,他们进入了一个 越来越少 实际价格信号,由劳动力控制未来劳动力的供应,并影响竞争性职业(例如护士)可以提供的服务范围。

(从重新发布 探索/ GNXP 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 科学 •标签: 数据分析, 智商, 文字总和 
  1. 殡葬承办人比考古学家更聪明。哈!什么是农业科学家?一个有大学学历的农民?他们似乎不太聪明,收入也不高。

  2. Agree. There are small number of surgeons who thought neoplasm only cancer and clean surgical resection as treatment of lymphoma. These surgeons have been reduced to simple operators without much medical knowlage in their heads any more. Yet, they still make big bucks.

    Certainly majority of surgeons are brilliant despite of those stupid outliers.

    (FYI, neoplams include both benign and malignant tumors. Lymphoma is whole body disease which should be treated with chemotherapy and radiation).

  3. 我想知道 wordsum 的重测相关性是什么?我的意思是,这是一项更大调查的 10 个字。我想很多人可能会犯错,如果他们今天过得很糟糕或者在调查的这一部分上分心的话。

    调查通常发现,当提供选择时,5-10% 的人会给出完全愚蠢的答案。我想知道这是否真实反映了世界上低能儿的数量。

  4. INCOME has been asked a since 1974, but unfortunately its highest category is $25,000 and more, so there’s not much information at the non-low end of the scale (at least in current dollar values).

    REALRINC is the inflation adjusted income variable.

    (Also CONRINC)

  5. Here is academic measurement of IQ/profession.


    Compare to Audacious Epigone Average IQ by occupation (estimated from median income) listed above by Razib.

    Obviously quite a lot of occupations do not deserve what they get.

    On the other hand, not all smart people want to become surgeons or physicians. So income is only correlated with IQ but not equal to IQ.

  6. And of those who are smart, 1 out of 5 are smart..

    I see. So, 80% of those who are smart are not smart? I really don’t feel comfortable with logic that does not rely on the law of the excluded middle. Perhaps you could restate this in other terms that are more easy to interpret. Perhaps you meant, “And of those who 认为他们 are smart, 1 out of 5 are smart.” This would fit the world that I know and experience every day, though how you get that from these numbers is not clear to me.

    Perhaps I’m being too smart (or too cute)?

  7. “换句话来说,WORDSUM 50% 的变异可以解释一般智力 50% 的变异。”应该读作“换句话说,WORDSUM 的变异可以解释 50% 的一般智力变异。”

  8. || An undertaker is smarter than an archaeologist. Hah!

    Look at their success rates at the same task. They are both trying to dig a hole with a body at the bottom: an archaeologist might get it right one time in a hundred, but the undertaker does it every time.

  9. richard, thanks. marcel, i shouldn’t write fast before i go to sleep. but can’t resist the temptation. is that smart or dumb? 🙂

  10. Obviously quite a lot of occupations do not deserve what they get.

    deserve is a loaded word. i mean, why do morticians make good money? no one wants to do their job. that is not the case with some professions which have high credentialing barriers, and those barriers are controlled by the professionals themselves. the key is this: are there great marginal returns for having a pool of dentists who score above a particular score the DAT? i doubt it.

  11. ||也就是说,WORDSUM的变异可以解释一般智力变异的50%~~Razib


  12. Of the many veterinarians (115) I’ve known, their income (or wealth) had very little correlation to their intellect. Unlike other healthcare professionals, they must generally fill the roles of physician (161), surgeon (234), pathologist (not listed), pharmacist (126), CEO (148), dentist (140), ophthalmologist (not listed), anesthesiologist (not listed), dietitian (102), physiologist (102), physical therapist (not listed), and radiologist (not listed). They must be competent in each these requirements–not just for a single species as in human medicine–but for a wide variety of species. And, they must be able to diagnose and treat without the aid of the verbal language that a human patient can provide. The fact that they are willing to do all of this for a fraction of what they could earn in many of the component professions listed is a testament that either they do what they do out of love, or that it is possible to have great intellect and still be pretty dumb.

  13. I’d be curious to know if there was a sex bias in the GSS data, particularly in the over 50 age group. The prevailing meme is that assortive marriage is becoming more common, and hence may not have been as common in the over 50 group as it is today.

    If that meme is correct, one would expect more affluent but not smart women than men in that age group than in the sample overall.

  14. I’m not a statistician, but it seems like the results here might be skewed if the correlation between WORDSUM and IQ were different for populations at different income/wealth levels. What if, say, poorer people don’t tend to learn as many words per IQ point as wealthier people do? I’m not, of course, saying that I know that to be true.

  15. The probability of someone having an IQ of above 220 is around 1 in 10 quadrillion (10^16 – my statistical software couldn’t handle an IQ of 234 – it gave a probability of zero). It seems there are more surgeons than this probability suggests. The same problem applies to physicians (although not as seriously).

    I expect this is a result of incomes not being normally distributed.

  16. I wonder what fraction of ‘smart poor’ have underlying psychological conditions. Intelligence can help you compensate, but not completely.

  17. Less than $40k is not poor. The American standard of living is very high, and there’s a point of diminishing returns for consumption. A lot of people make their livings one way or another and then devote their real energies to something not lucrative. Someone with a fascination with logic systems will go into IT type stuff and make tons of money. An equally smart person with a fascination with dead languages might make no money at all from it.

  18. @12. Sandi:

    We mainly do it out of love. Sometimes I realize how dumb and futile it all is in the grand scheme of the universe, so at least we’re not naïve. 🙂


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