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1280px-高尔顿_实验几周前,我在太浩湖附近徒步旅行,在当地的一家咖啡店里,我不禁听到一群中年妇女狂热地热衷于一项新服务,该服务可以根据你的基因档案将你与某人相匹配。 他们注意到我的眼神,所以我不再听,但老实说,我有点担心他们如此轻信。 一种 石板 , 在线约会网站使用 DNA 进行完美匹配。 它真的有效吗?,解决了我在使用这些服务时遇到的大多数主要问题。 正如在 石板 回顾试图将 MHC 配置文件与吸引力相关联的各种结果充其量是混合的(即,它们似乎并不特别可靠)。 但对我来说更大的问题是 即使存在具有潜在进化基础的适度的人口范围效应,它也不太可能成为影响关系成功的参数之一。 我的意思是,即使免疫配置文件匹配(或缺乏匹配)很重要,它也远不如其他更明显和明显的变量重要。 例如,身体吸引力和文化兼容性。

遗传学是真实的。 它很强大。 这很重要。 而这也就意味着,各式各样的蛇油推销员将开始进入这个领域赚钱。 没有惊喜。 现实情况是,对于大多数重要的事情,你已经知道可能的遗传结果。 看看父母。

• 类别: 科学 •标签: 遗传力 
  1. Speaking of snake oil, I was notified by a friend about a company (the gene guru) promoting a diet based on your DNA. They claim that they’ll use your 23andme detected SNPs (or do the genotyping themselves from a sample) to optimize a diet for you. They were offering free analyses for people who signed up this past summer.

    I can no longer access the website and their twitter profile and that of the CEO’s has been deleted (how my friend discovered it). IIRC, some of the profiles of the workers were PhDs from schools in the Northeast.

  2. In fairness, it’s not just the DNA idea that is suspect, the whole concept of searching for a long-term partner through online dating doesn’t really make sense.

    In the real world people go on casual dates with people they meet while doing other activities. If they like them then they go out with again. They don’t read a cheesy online description of someone and then try and decide if they are potential long-term partner material.

    It surprising there aren’t more companion-focused dating sites. Instead of looking specifically for a partner, why not just look for someone to to do an activity with on a casual basis, eg, a partner for dance class or someone to show you around a new town. This would be a more natural way of meeting potential partners.

  3. I’m with you on this unpc. The forced nature of dating for a partner is unnecessary in my view. The idea of searching out ways to pursue your interests first and foremost seems the better bet. Finding people there with similar interests and outlook feels a more ‘natural’ way to go.


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