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ffddpm.jpg种子Space Lee Billings 先生有一个有趣的作品, 远射:

“如果在半人马座阿尔法星周围发现行星,我很清楚会发生什么,”马西说。 “美国宇航局将立即召集一个由最深思熟虑的太空推进专家组成的委员会,他们将尝试确定是否可以在那里安装一个探测器,这个探测器只不过是一台数码相机,可以说是光速的十分之一。他们将计划有史以来的第一次星际任务。”

这个前提似乎接近科幻小说。但很多科学 可以 如果不是事实,那就是虚构的。无论如何,一些观点:
半人马座阿尔法星距离地球的距离是目前火星距离的 136,379 倍。
发现 宜居行星将是最容易的部分。等待 WolframAlpha的 变得有知觉以便能够完成这次旅行是困难的部分。

(从重新发布 探索/ GNXP 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 科学 •标签: 太空 
  1. 0.1 c? WTF????
    There are so many orders of magnitude between our best theoretical propulsion and 30,000 kps that the discussion is meaningless for the forseeable future.
    And propulsion is the part. Now try to figure out having anything (not any一种, that’s insane) survive the trip as more than a 500 kg dinosaur killer.
    For that matter, a 30 kps interstellar probe would be a serious challenge on both fronts, and the long transit time (as long or longer than our species has been around) of course has problems of its own. Don’t wait for the results, among others.

  2. Perhaps sending man-made sentience to another planet that may have life would be a bad idea?

  3. Love the Frazetta painting. Apparently John Carter can still say, “I still live!”

  4. Thanks for the link-love, Razib. I really appreciate it!

  5. I wonder what they would name the world. There are quite a few possible names from Science Fiction stories…. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_Centauri_in_fiction%5D

  6. I have to disagree with comment #1. 1/10 c is probably doable for a very small payload even with today’s technology though at fierce expense. In fact Project Orion could probably have done it with 1980s technology had it not previously been made impossible due to financial and political considerations.

  7. DC 会议:
    对于飞越探测器来说 0.1c 应该是可行的。这里已经提到了猎户座计划,但它也可以用“常规”核火箭来实现。

  8. after reading this article, i can’t help but think…
    what if there is advanced organic life on one of the potential planets of Centauri B star , and we send a probe that crashes there 🙂
    In about 50.000 years you’d see a tribal society worshipping a probe sent by us to that system 😀

  9. anyway, the fastest probe ever launched up till now was new horizons at a speed of ~57000 km/h , meaning ~960 km/s . at that speed, a probe would reach alpha centauri in roughly 137 years. i don’t think that a nasa-made probe could last that long unfortunately. we all know how nasa does things. maybe jaxa would be able to really pull off such a thing, but i doubt it too. the technology probably exists, but the old geezers at top don’t want to spend money on something useful. they just want their retirement fund 🙁

  10. 你好奇吗?你是批评家吗?任何争论的两个重要方面都可以用 2 个词来概括,NOOBS! 1年前,地球是平的,地球是万物的中心。 500 年前,我们了解到飞行是可能的,并最终突破了音速(还记得吗?)。然后我们登上了月球。我想这就是目前为止的情况吧?心胸狭隘的批评家总是极度缺乏记忆力和远见。 “你做不到,这是不可能的!”我确实很想凝视他们用来决定未来的水晶球。我们可能到达某个遥远的地方,然后我们也可以破坏那个环境。菜鸟!我们都是一体的。

  11. People have known the world is a sphere for thousands of years, talk about lack of memory. Even Columbus knew the world was round before he ever set sail, probably because he didn’t rely on colonialist white mythology for his history lessons.
    Alpha Centauri is just another distant shore and, like Columbus, we probably wont even be the first to get there, but we’ll sure teach our kids we were.


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