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在我点击“发布”后 如下。, 欢呼语言的统一性,我意识到也许应该对明显的缺点说一句话。 人口众多可能会刺激创新,因为 智能分数 达到临界质量。 但更密集的人口也引发了许多传染病。 旅行是交流的福音,但也传播疾病。 人口越多,人口之间的联系越紧密,病原体的机会就越大。 同样,尽管从全球贸易和共同资本市场中获益,它也会产生同步的商业周期(并且可能加剧波动)。 好的东西通常都有缺点。 因此,随着语言统一性的兴起: 一个能够清晰地与数十亿人沟通的煽动者,以及微妙的暗示力量,将成为可能。

(从重新发布 GNXP.com 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 科学 •标签: 社会科学 
  1. I can’t imagine exampes of transnational demagogues in English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese. Hitler in Austria and among Czech and other external Germans (but not the Swiss AFAIK) is the only example I can think of. Demagogues usually sieze existing state structures.  
    Movements of any kind tend to fragment by state — non-German fascists mostly set up their own fascist movements and states rather than just asking Hitler to come in, and Communism fractionated. International Communism in E. Europe was a function of Soviet state power.

  2. Linguistic uniformity equates to memetic population density, with attendant flowering of political and social diseases? (Sorry to mention the m-word if it’s deprecated, not sure what else to call it.)

  3. The obvious possibility for demagoguery is China. With the mainland having the most Chinese, there is still an international romance of a greater chinese civilization. Even anti-communists and Taiwanese pro-independence types share a notion of a unified Chinese culture. Given the right circumstances in which some other threat could be seen as a challenge to Chinese-ness, a good demagogue could rally support for an imperializing China throughout Asia and receive some support from US and European Chinese.

  4. 呃,我们难道还没有看到至少一位受语言统一和现代通信技术支持的跨国煽动者,即奥萨马·本·拉登吗?

  5. al Qaeda is aimed at Saudi Arabia, and after nthat, any other country that can be taken over.  
    I suppose that you can compare al Qaeda to international communism, but in practice, communism only amounted to much when it took over state structures, and when that happened, it schismed state by state. Tha State really suffocates ideology. 
    But I suppose you could see more movements of that kind. Falun Gong is sort of trying.

  6. 拉齐卜: 
    Neither global trade nor common capital markets 
    are in any way responsible for business cycles.

  7. 受多种疾病病原体的影响可能对整个民族来说是一大福音。 想一想瘟疫和天花是如何为欧洲人带来数千次战争可能没有的效果的。 简而言之,“坚固”或“坚固”的 tpe 只能在“易变”和多样化的环境中创建。 因此,对于人们的长期健康而言,经验、环境和波动性的多元化是可取的。

  8. Neither global trade nor common capital markets 
    are in any way responsible for business cycles.
    go back to reading comprehension school gene. i’m not a moron.

  9. 我不认为可以有意义地回答语言统一是否好的问题。 无论如何都没有人的目标——大多数人不想看到自己的文化消亡。


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