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我终于在这里找到了海纳·林德曼(Heiner Rindermann)的《认知资本》。希望很快会添加到 詹姆斯·汤普森(James Thompson)埃米尔·柯克郭尔 评论。


诺瓦克·德拉斯科维奇 翻译 我的乌克兰大文章 翻译成塞尔维亚语: Украјина још није умрла, а кад ће не знамо



* 大教堂编年史:

* SJWS 强制阿尔斯特大学 剥夺 理查德·林恩 (Richard Lynn) 的荣誉退休身份。

* 巴瑶人具有独特的适应性 用于长时间的深海潜水 (更大的脾脏,更好的水下视力)。但我们都知道人类的进化在五万年前就停止了!?

*布莱恩·卡普兰: 国际收养的奇迹:瑞典成人智商

国际收养并不能消除国际智商差距,但有可能将其缩小一半。请记住,与 Head Start 等经典的儿童干预措施不同,这种收益会持续到成年而不是消失。还有什么其他可行、持久的低智商治疗方法能同样有效呢?

似乎证实了直观的推论 全球化 黑白差距是 50/50 环境和遗传。

* 英国政府称俄罗斯疫情蔓延 假新闻 通过 Twitter 机器人,它引用的唯一 Twitter“机器人”实际上是两个真实的人,其中之一是著名的 @PartisanGirl。

* 2018 年叙利亚袭击后果:


强大的 wh40k 氛围。

* 俄罗斯军事历史博主报道了俄罗斯国防部赞助的叙利亚赫梅米姆空军基地之旅。你不需要俄语就能欣赏这些照片。

*埃米尔·柯克高(Emil Kirkegaard): 乌鸦座情报


*安德烈斯·戈麦斯·埃米尔森和迈克·约翰逊: 2018 年意识科​​学反思

* NBF: 激光的威力每 3 年就会增强十倍,很快 Exawatt 激光器将实现核聚变等。这是我以前没有意识到的有趣且重要的趋势。



* 概要 俄罗斯预算政策 未来几年:减少军费开支;更多基础设施、医疗保健、教育 花费.

* Roskomnadzor无能 对 Telegram 的攻击 继续。

  • 相近 20万个IP 连续被封锁[usher2.club]
  • 影响企业使用的云服务
  • VPN 知识从阅读边缘自由主义和民族主义网络杂志的政治怪胎传播到普通人
  • 未能阻止 Telegram 本身
  • 有趣的是,许多上述自由主义和民族主义网络杂志现在不再被屏蔽[ping 管理员]

我怀疑如果普京政权做了什么,那就是这种愚蠢和制度退化。请注意 Roskomnadzor 的年度预算 超过10% 俄罗斯科学院的。

*保罗·罗宾逊 评论 蒂莫西·斯奈德(Timothy Snyder)关于俄罗斯(普京、杜金、格拉济耶夫(!)、普罗汉诺夫(!))作为法西斯主义的宣传书。

*萨尔基相总理 辞职了 亚美尼亚抗议活动结束后。这是例行的权力转移还是颜色革命很快就会见分晓(我的赌注仍然是前者)。

* 俄罗斯可能 开设军事基地 在索马里兰。如果这是真的,这将会有一些令人着迷的 历史先例.

*马克·费金有 被取消律师资格。由于他是一位伪装成律师的政治活动家,而且利用他的客户来推进他的政治目标,因此 来得太晚了5年.

* 大量地图和信息图表 关于俄罗斯 2018 年总统选举 [俄语]。

*生意人报: 以色列Repats [在俄罗斯],通过德米特里。

* 即使是相对优秀的俄罗斯观察家也常常不知道最基本的事情:



*波兰视角 评论 关于减少欧盟对波兰的补贴以及为什么它可以帮助波兰发挥更加独立的作用。

史蒂夫·塞勒(Steve Sailer):

*大胆的Epigone: 彩虹国度变暗


*大胆的Epigone: 没有人像犹太人那样恐惧俄罗斯。对查尔斯·鲍斯曼有争议的论文的一些统计支持。

* 华凯:

* Leonid Bershidsky: 匈牙利的欧尔班不是另一个普京



* Gwern的 三月通讯.

* 理查德·林恩、福斯特和柯克加德 (2018) – 22 个国家的智力区域差异及其经济、社会和人口相关性:综述。它在 Sci-Hub 上。

* 詹姆斯·汤普森 (James Thompson) 开始制作有关智商研究现状的视频。 第一个在这里.


* 世界上最长寿的人的年龄 稳步攀升.

* 技术回顾: 研究人员正在让猪脑在体外保持活力。无畏舰石棺我们来了。

* Picus 新闻我们来了:




* 正如托芬森所说,这个男人嫁得很好。


* 巅峰/r/政治?

* 格鲁吉亚的维多主义:


忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 我真的懒得去了解欧尔班最近否决欧盟与非洲协议背后的真正原因,有人知道吗?该协议旨在减少来自非洲的移民流量。

  2. * 正如托芬森所说,这个男人嫁得很好。


    • 回复: @German_reader

    Daniel Chieh(他的妻子不仅允许他玩电子游戏……显然她自己也玩……书呆子的梦想成真!)。

    回复:@reiner Tor、@yevardian、@Daniel Chieh

  3. @reiner Tor

    * 正如托芬森所说,这个男人嫁得很好。


    Daniel Chieh(他的妻子不仅允许他玩电子游戏……显然她自己也玩……书呆子的梦想成真!)。

    • 回复: @reiner Tor



    , @yevardian

    可惜《文明 IV》是 Firaxis 最后一款值得玩的游戏。

    , @Daniel Chieh

    她确实是个宝。我也计划很快在《文明 6》中制作《让我们来玩俄罗斯占领世界》。


  4. @German_reader

    Daniel Chieh(他的妻子不仅允许他玩电子游戏……显然她自己也玩……书呆子的梦想成真!)。

    回复:@reiner Tor、@yevardian、@Daniel Chieh


    • 回复: @German_reader

    我真的很想知道 Reddit 的评论是否真实……真的有普通大众吗? 反俄?

    NBF:激光的功率每 3 年增强 XNUMX 倍,很快 Exawatt 激光将解锁聚变等等

    回复:@Singh、@Anatoly Karlin

  5. @reiner Tor



    我真的很想知道 Reddit 上的评论是否属实……是否真的有普通公众 反俄?

    NBF:激光的功率每 3 年增强 XNUMX 倍,很快 Exawatt 激光将解锁聚变等等


    • 回复: @Singh

    类似的想法在 ww3 评论中流传。


    , @Anatoly Karlin


    这也许是你的例子:https://np.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/5mttx2/fuck_ Russia/


  6. @German_reader

    我真的很想知道 Reddit 的评论是否真实……真的有普通大众吗? 反俄?

    NBF:激光的功率每 3 年增强 XNUMX 倍,很快 Exawatt 激光将解锁聚变等等

    回复:@Singh、@Anatoly Karlin

    类似的想法在 ww3 评论中流传。


  7. 我一点也不相信布莱恩·卡普兰,但是,如果一切都视为理所当然,那么“环境”一词在某种程度上就会变得相当荒谬。例如,如果你需要用白人完全包围黑人,即使是在家里,而且它在任何其他形式(学校教学)中都是不可复制的——好吧,那么,从技术上来说,这可能是环保的,但这对于社会。事实上,这可能比 100% 遗传造成的差距更糟糕,因为平等主义者会希望通过强迫黑人和白人在一起来缩小这种差距。

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
    • 回复: @Pericles


    所以,基本上,如果社会最多有 1% 的黑人,那么黑人就可以了 比较 好吧,除非他们聚集在一起。嗯,也许这可以用作政策指导。


  8. 巴瑶人确实很有趣。他们是被水域选择的。您能想象北海周围的人们逐渐适应轻装潜水吗?不,这太冷了。死海怎么样?里面没有任何可以作为食物的东西。

    如果不同的水可以改变我们的 DNA,那么很明显不同的土壤也可以。然而很多人仍然认为人是可以互换的。他们想把文明押在上面。

  9. 读伯希德斯基关于欧尔班的文章令人痛苦地提醒我们,西方媒体对中东欧的报道是多么糟糕——不是因为列昂尼德的文章不好,而是恰恰相反。即使对于那些不同意欧尔班的人来说,他也能明智地做到这一点,同时也承认支撑欧尔班成功的真正问题。如今,在西方主流媒体中几乎不可能找到这一壮举。




    • 回复: @Duke of Qin



    正如史蒂夫·赛勒(Steve Sailer)指出的那样,媒体由于吸引该行业的女性过多而比传统上男性主导的行业更容易遭受性虐待。与直觉相反,在那里工作的女性越多,掌握权力的男性就越有可能利用它。


    回复:@Polish Perspective

    , @jeppo


    但即使在这一点上,俄罗斯和匈牙利之间也存在重要分歧。托特估计,15% 至 24% 的政府采购存在腐败行为。 2017年上半年,俄罗斯财政部发现,国有企业采购合同总额的42.5%是在没有经过竞争程序的情况下分发的,这清楚地表明这些都是腐败交易。马丁表示,腐败和任人唯亲的企业在匈牙利经济中所占的比例在 5% 到 10% 之间;在俄罗斯,根据司法部长亚历山大·科诺瓦洛夫 (Alexander Konovalov) 2015 年的估计,腐败每年导致官方经济产出损失 10% 至 20%。




    根据 CPI 指数,匈牙利在 57 个腐败国家中排名第 176 位,俄罗斯排名第 131 位。









  10. 我一直关注的主题之一是中国精英与印度精英。前者思想更加独立。本周我们又得到了另一个例子。


    一些背景:中兴手机上周刚刚在美国被禁止。中兴通讯的手机也落败。他们的网络设备带来了大笔收入。他们还与中国安全机构关系密切——就像亚马逊一样 为中央情报局工作 和其他 SV 公司已经与各种 USG 实体建立了联系。


    但说实话,中国的推动已经开始了 方式 在最近的争议之前。中国已承诺投入 150 亿美元建设国内半导体产业。马云指的其实是芯片本身,比如高通或ARM技术出售的芯片(现在技术上归日本软银所有,但日本本身就是西方殖民地)。所以我们这里有一个多层次的方法。一方面,实际制造芯片的产业能力。如今,三个国家基本上占据主导地位。是美国(英特尔和GloFo)、台湾(台积电)和韩国(三星)。他们可能拥有分散在全球各地的小型制造工厂,但核心研发是在这三个国家完成的。其他人基本上都不重要。中国现在将努力成为第四个主要参与者。

    除此之外,它还试图进军芯片业务。我有 之前注意到 e 表示他们正在努力在 CPU 领域快速追赶,同时也正在开发 GPU。当我们进入 5G 时代时,制作小芯片显然至关重要。

    现在印度做什么呢? Flipkart 是少数几家有规模推动国内创新的“国内”电子商务公司之一,现在陷入了关于将业务出售给哪家美国公司的内部争论。有人讨论过要像中国一样采取保护性政策,但没有成功。印度精英过于西化,不可能发生这种情况。


    最后,中国最著名的科技人士都是像马云或马化腾(腾讯)这样的业主企业家,这不是很讽刺也很能说明问题吗?最著名的印度科技人士是他们自己不拥有的美国公司的首席执行官。印度最大的国内科技公司 Flipkart 现在将出售给沃尔玛或亚马逊。真令人沮丧。我当然想要更多的非西方竞争对手,这对于我们这些想要多元化科技格局的人来说意味着更多的竞争和选择,其中美国政府的突发奇想和美国的 SJW 文化是主导趋势。我曾对印度抱有希望,但它的精英们似乎过于顺从,而且倾向于成为乞求者。中国就是这样。

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson


    本土半导体设计和制造行业的技术独立性还不止于此。半导体制造所需的资本设备和材料均来自美国和日本(唯一的例外是荷兰公司 ASML)。例如,半导体硅只能从信越化学公司获得(孟山都和瓦克化学已于 90 年代退出市场)。

    印度的民族主义心态比你想象的还要强烈。印度政府发起了 在印度制造 2014 年,印度电子产品进口量首次超过石油进口量后,印度发起了鼓励本土制造和创新的运动。



    但是,是的,允许 Flipkart 出售给美国人,并以充当西里佐格谷寡头的契约苦力为傲,并没有什么帮助。

    Prichai 和 Nadella 也无能。微软的收入现在停滞不前,谷歌的疯子们正在接管庇护所,而皮查伊的老板们则把股东的钱浪费在一系列无休无止的幼稚的愚蠢行为上。苹果公司的同性恋首席执行官蒂姆·库克虽然不是印度人,但他也是一个不值得赞扬的平庸之人。苹果公司的收入也停滞不前,不久之后,它的年度净利润就会被伯克希尔哈撒韦公司超越——伯克希尔哈撒韦公司是一家非科技公司,实际上缴纳了大量的企业所得税,其最大的单一运营部门是……一家铁路。

    无论微软喜欢与否,它都需要接受自己现在是一家企业软件公司的事实。明显的举措是考虑在该领域进行收购,例如 Salesforce.com、Intuit、SAP、Oracle 等。或者,它可能会放弃增长并转向收购。 大规模 在削减成本的同时增加回购和股息。这样的商业模式并没有什么问题——3G资本让它运行得非常好。

    谷歌受益于数字广告支出的增长速度持续快于整体经济增长的事实,但这种情况将在未来十年停止。它需要承认这只是一个他妈的广告平台,摆脱书呆子太空营的狗屎,解雇所有的 SJW,然后开始考虑大规模裁员。不过,它的企业产品(例如 G Suite)很好,不应该被放弃。谷歌在未来十年也可能比微软面临更大的危险,因为越来越多地使用个人助理进行搜索,并没有提供明显的广告销售方式(他们会雇用年老的电台 DJ 在 Alexa 上推销二手车吗?)。

    顺便问一下,Waymo 的商业计划是什么?谷歌不是汽车制造商,不太可能进入这样一个资本密集型和竞争激烈的行业。我怀疑谷歌的水果蛋糕、铅笔脖子和敏感的灵魂能否应对一个充满竞争和要求苛刻的客户的行业。他们是否计划将技术出租给传统汽车制造商?


    1 - 接受它是一个豪华消费电子品牌,并开始收购索尼消费电子部门、Bang & Olufsen 等资产。你可能会说,收购 Beats 耳机表明他们接受了这一点,尽管世界上最富有的公司被一位推销产品的说唱歌手欺骗了。对于那些抢夺苹果实际客户的人来说,耳机并不是一个好兆头。

    2 - 复活史蒂夫·乔布斯,以便他们能够再次创造新产品。请让僵尸史蒂夫·乔布斯远离水果!

    3 - 为微软建议的股东喜爱模型。炸毁末日大厅虚荣总部并将其注销,然后将公司运营实际需要的工人重新安置到里诺郊区的一系列不起眼的钢结构建筑中。解雇蒂姆·库克并取而代之的是文斯·麦克马洪——一个真正懂得如何上演精彩表演的人。立即制定计划,开始将 300 亿美元的现金储备返还给股东。


    IBM - 一家专利流氓和咨询机构,伪装成一家科技公司,其主要产品是其股票

    惠普 - 一家犯罪企业,憎恨和害怕其产品是后过的客户

    亚马逊 - 一家涉足媒体的零售商和网络托管公司,绝对鄙视利润

    Facebook - 不喜欢


    回复:@songbird、@neutral、@anonymous coward

  11. 未来可能是猪脑无人机在整个西方追捕伊斯兰恐怖分子。

    • 哈哈: reiner Tor
    • 回复: @reiner Tor


  12. @songbird

    回复:@reiner Tor


  13. 我只是对匈牙利在国外的报道感兴趣。我的猜测为零。

    匈牙利游泳联合会前主席(1993-2016),现任国际泳联副主席,也是一位有影响力的左翼媒体大亨(直到 2009 年,他在欧尔班上台之前失去了大部分媒体影响力),上周被捕(他已被逮捕)因与 24 年另一位左翼媒体大亨的合同谋杀案有关而被释放,但必须 7/1998 佩戴 GPS 设备并定期向警方报到。长期以来一直有传言是他下令谋杀的(他们是商业对手,个人互相仇恨,而在受害人的众多有影响力的竞争对手中,长期传闻他与黑社会有联系),所以我当然确信他确实是这么做的(真凶几年前就已经被定罪,但尚不清楚幕后黑手是谁。



    • 回复: @for-the-record



    回复:@Greasy William、@reiner Tor

  14. @Polish Perspective


    一些背景:中兴手机上周刚刚在美国被禁止。中兴通讯的手机也落败。他们的网络设备带来了大笔收入。他们还与中国安全机构关系密切——就像亚马逊一样 为中央情报局工作 和其他 SV 公司已经与各种 USG 实体建立了联系。


    但说实话,中国的推动已经开始了 方式 在最近的争议之前。中国已承诺投入 150 亿美元建设国内半导体产业。马云指的其实是芯片本身,比如高通或ARM技术出售的芯片(现在技术上归日本软银所有,但日本本身就是西方殖民地)。所以我们这里有一个多层次的方法。一方面,实际制造芯片的产业能力。如今,三个国家基本上占据主导地位。是美国(英特尔和GloFo)、台湾(台积电)和韩国(三星)。他们可能拥有分散在全球各地的小型制造工厂,但核心研发是在这三个国家完成的。其他人基本上都不重要。中国现在将努力成为第四个主要参与者。

    除此之外,它还试图进军芯片业务。我有 之前注意到 e 表示他们正在努力在 CPU 领域快速追赶,同时也正在开发 GPU。当我们进入 5G 时代时,制作小芯片显然至关重要。

    现在印度做什么呢? Flipkart 是少数几家有规模推动国内创新的“国内”电子商务公司之一,现在陷入了关于将业务出售给哪家美国公司的内部争论。有人讨论过要像中国一样采取保护性政策,但没有成功。印度精英过于西化,不可能发生这种情况。


    最后,中国最著名的科技人士都是像马云或马化腾(腾讯)这样的业主企业家,这不是很讽刺也很能说明问题吗?最著名的印度科技人士是他们自己不拥有的美国公司的首席执行官。印度最大的国内科技公司 Flipkart 现在将出售给沃尔玛或亚马逊。真令人沮丧。我当然想要更多的非西方竞争对手,这对于我们这些想要多元化科技格局的人来说意味着更多的竞争和选择,其中美国政府的突发奇想和美国的 SJW 文化是主导趋势。我曾对印度抱有希望,但它的精英们似乎过于顺从,而且倾向于成为乞求者。中国就是这样。



    本土半导体设计和制造行业的技术独立性还不止于此。半导体制造所需的资本设备和材料均来自美国和日本(唯一的例外是荷兰公司 ASML)。例如,半导体硅只能从信越化学公司获得(孟山都和瓦克化学已于 90 年代退出市场)。

    印度的民族主义心态比你想象的还要强烈。印度政府发起了 在印度制造 2014 年,印度电子产品进口量首次超过石油进口量后,印度发起了鼓励本土制造和创新的运动。



    但是,是的,允许 Flipkart 出售给美国人,并以充当西里佐格谷寡头的契约苦力为傲,并没有什么帮助。

    Prichai 和 Nadella 也无能。微软的收入现在停滞不前,谷歌的疯子们正在接管庇护所,而皮查伊的老板们则把股东的钱浪费在一系列无休无止的幼稚的愚蠢行为上。苹果公司的同性恋首席执行官蒂姆·库克虽然不是印度人,但他也是一个不值得赞扬的平庸之人。苹果公司的收入也停滞不前,不久之后,它的年度净利润就会被伯克希尔哈撒韦公司超越,伯克希尔哈撒韦公司是一家非科技公司,实际上缴纳了大量的企业所得税,其最大的单一运营部门是……一家铁路。

    无论微软喜欢与否,它都需要接受自己现在是一家企业软件公司的事实。明显的举措是考虑在该领域进行收购,例如 Salesforce.com、Intuit、SAP、Oracle 等。或者,它可能会放弃增长并转向收购。 大规模 在削减成本的同时增加回购和股息。这样的商业模式并没有什么问题——3G Capital 让它运行得非常好。

    谷歌受益于数字广告支出的增长速度持续快于整体经济增长的事实,但这种情况将在未来十年停止。它需要承认这只是一个他妈的广告平台,摆脱书呆子太空营的狗屎,解雇所有的 SJW,然后开始考虑大规模裁员。不过,它的企业产品(例如 G Suite)很好,不应该被放弃。谷歌在未来十年也可以说比微软面临更大的危险,因为越来越多地使用个人助理进行搜索,并没有提供明显的广告销售方式(他们会雇用年老的电台 DJ 在 Alexa 上推销二手车吗?)。

    顺便问一下,Waymo 的商业计划是什么?谷歌不是汽车制造商,不太可能进入这样一个资本密集型和竞争激烈的行业。我怀疑谷歌的水果蛋糕、铅笔脖子和敏感的灵魂能否应对一个充满竞争和要求苛刻的客户的行业。他们是否计划将技术出租给传统汽车制造商?


    1 – 接受它是一个豪华消费电子品牌,并开始收购索尼消费电子部门、Bang & Olufsen 等资产。你可能会说,收购 Beats 耳机表明他们接受了这一点,尽管世界上最富有的公司被一位推销产品的说唱歌手欺骗了。对于那些抢夺苹果实际客户的人来说,耳机并不是一个好兆头。

    2 – 复活史蒂夫·乔布斯,以便他们能够再次创造新产品。请让僵尸史蒂夫·乔布斯远离水果!

    3 – 为微软建议的股东喜爱模型。炸毁末日大厅虚荣总部并将其注销,然后将公司运营实际需要的工人重新安置到里诺郊区的一系列不起眼的钢结构建筑中。解雇蒂姆·库克并取代他的是文斯·麦克马洪——一个真正懂得如何上演精彩表演的人。立即制定计划,开始将 300 亿美元的现金储备返还给股东。


    IBM – 一家专利流氓和咨询机构,伪装成一家科技公司,其主要产品是其股票



    Facebook – 不喜欢


    • 回复: @songbird



    , @neutral



    , @anonymous coward

    不,他们计划亏本出售,然后通过监视你的驾驶模式来收回成本。 (同样的犯罪计划成功地让 Android 占据主导地位。)
  15. 关于激光的事情是它开启了基于激光的导弹防御的可能性。

    但不要太兴奋,五角大楼表示在 2070 年之前不会部署针对中程火箭/导弹的激光防御系统。


    编辑:SyrianGirl 或她现在自称的任何东西都是混蛋

    • 回复: @anonymous coward
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    a) 用核弹进行大规模屠杀没有任何军事意义。

    b) 战术核武器的威力不如大型常规炸弹。




    回复:@Anatoly Karlin

    , @RadicalCenter
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


  16. @Polish Perspective







    正如史蒂夫·赛勒(Steve Sailer)指出的那样,媒体由于吸引该行业的女性过多而比传统上男性主导的行业更容易遭受性虐待。与直觉相反,在那里工作的女性越多,掌握权力的男性就越有可能利用它。


    • 回复: @Polish Perspective






  17. @Thorfinnsson


    本土半导体设计和制造行业的技术独立性还不止于此。半导体制造所需的资本设备和材料均来自美国和日本(唯一的例外是荷兰公司 ASML)。例如,半导体硅只能从信越化学公司获得(孟山都和瓦克化学已于 90 年代退出市场)。

    印度的民族主义心态比你想象的还要强烈。印度政府发起了 在印度制造 2014 年,印度电子产品进口量首次超过石油进口量后,印度发起了鼓励本土制造和创新的运动。



    但是,是的,允许 Flipkart 出售给美国人,并以充当西里佐格谷寡头的契约苦力为傲,并没有什么帮助。

    Prichai 和 Nadella 也无能。微软的收入现在停滞不前,谷歌的疯子们正在接管庇护所,而皮查伊的老板们则把股东的钱浪费在一系列无休无止的幼稚的愚蠢行为上。苹果公司的同性恋首席执行官蒂姆·库克虽然不是印度人,但他也是一个不值得赞扬的平庸之人。苹果公司的收入也停滞不前,不久之后,它的年度净利润就会被伯克希尔哈撒韦公司超越——伯克希尔哈撒韦公司是一家非科技公司,实际上缴纳了大量的企业所得税,其最大的单一运营部门是……一家铁路。

    无论微软喜欢与否,它都需要接受自己现在是一家企业软件公司的事实。明显的举措是考虑在该领域进行收购,例如 Salesforce.com、Intuit、SAP、Oracle 等。或者,它可能会放弃增长并转向收购。 大规模 在削减成本的同时增加回购和股息。这样的商业模式并没有什么问题——3G资本让它运行得非常好。

    谷歌受益于数字广告支出的增长速度持续快于整体经济增长的事实,但这种情况将在未来十年停止。它需要承认这只是一个他妈的广告平台,摆脱书呆子太空营的狗屎,解雇所有的 SJW,然后开始考虑大规模裁员。不过,它的企业产品(例如 G Suite)很好,不应该被放弃。谷歌在未来十年也可能比微软面临更大的危险,因为越来越多地使用个人助理进行搜索,并没有提供明显的广告销售方式(他们会雇用年老的电台 DJ 在 Alexa 上推销二手车吗?)。

    顺便问一下,Waymo 的商业计划是什么?谷歌不是汽车制造商,不太可能进入这样一个资本密集型和竞争激烈的行业。我怀疑谷歌的水果蛋糕、铅笔脖子和敏感的灵魂能否应对一个充满竞争和要求苛刻的客户的行业。他们是否计划将技术出租给传统汽车制造商?


    1 - 接受它是一个豪华消费电子品牌,并开始收购索尼消费电子部门、Bang & Olufsen 等资产。你可能会说,收购 Beats 耳机表明他们接受了这一点,尽管世界上最富有的公司被一位推销产品的说唱歌手欺骗了。对于那些抢夺苹果实际客户的人来说,耳机并不是一个好兆头。

    2 - 复活史蒂夫·乔布斯,以便他们能够再次创造新产品。请让僵尸史蒂夫·乔布斯远离水果!

    3 - 为微软建议的股东喜爱模型。炸毁末日大厅虚荣总部并将其注销,然后将公司运营实际需要的工人重新安置到里诺郊区的一系列不起眼的钢结构建筑中。解雇蒂姆·库克并取而代之的是文斯·麦克马洪——一个真正懂得如何上演精彩表演的人。立即制定计划,开始将 300 亿美元的现金储备返还给股东。


    IBM - 一家专利流氓和咨询机构,伪装成一家科技公司,其主要产品是其股票

    惠普 - 一家犯罪企业,憎恨和害怕其产品是后过的客户

    亚马逊 - 一家涉足媒体的零售商和网络托管公司,绝对鄙视利润

    Facebook - 不喜欢


    回复:@songbird、@neutral、@anonymous coward



  18. @Thorfinnsson


    本土半导体设计和制造行业的技术独立性还不止于此。半导体制造所需的资本设备和材料均来自美国和日本(唯一的例外是荷兰公司 ASML)。例如,半导体硅只能从信越化学公司获得(孟山都和瓦克化学已于 90 年代退出市场)。

    印度的民族主义心态比你想象的还要强烈。印度政府发起了 在印度制造 2014 年,印度电子产品进口量首次超过石油进口量后,印度发起了鼓励本土制造和创新的运动。



    但是,是的,允许 Flipkart 出售给美国人,并以充当西里佐格谷寡头的契约苦力为傲,并没有什么帮助。

    Prichai 和 Nadella 也无能。微软的收入现在停滞不前,谷歌的疯子们正在接管庇护所,而皮查伊的老板们则把股东的钱浪费在一系列无休无止的幼稚的愚蠢行为上。苹果公司的同性恋首席执行官蒂姆·库克虽然不是印度人,但他也是一个不值得赞扬的平庸之人。苹果公司的收入也停滞不前,不久之后,它的年度净利润就会被伯克希尔哈撒韦公司超越——伯克希尔哈撒韦公司是一家非科技公司,实际上缴纳了大量的企业所得税,其最大的单一运营部门是……一家铁路。

    无论微软喜欢与否,它都需要接受自己现在是一家企业软件公司的事实。明显的举措是考虑在该领域进行收购,例如 Salesforce.com、Intuit、SAP、Oracle 等。或者,它可能会放弃增长并转向收购。 大规模 在削减成本的同时增加回购和股息。这样的商业模式并没有什么问题——3G资本让它运行得非常好。

    谷歌受益于数字广告支出的增长速度持续快于整体经济增长的事实,但这种情况将在未来十年停止。它需要承认这只是一个他妈的广告平台,摆脱书呆子太空营的狗屎,解雇所有的 SJW,然后开始考虑大规模裁员。不过,它的企业产品(例如 G Suite)很好,不应该被放弃。谷歌在未来十年也可能比微软面临更大的危险,因为越来越多地使用个人助理进行搜索,并没有提供明显的广告销售方式(他们会雇用年老的电台 DJ 在 Alexa 上推销二手车吗?)。

    顺便问一下,Waymo 的商业计划是什么?谷歌不是汽车制造商,不太可能进入这样一个资本密集型和竞争激烈的行业。我怀疑谷歌的水果蛋糕、铅笔脖子和敏感的灵魂能否应对一个充满竞争和要求苛刻的客户的行业。他们是否计划将技术出租给传统汽车制造商?


    1 - 接受它是一个豪华消费电子品牌,并开始收购索尼消费电子部门、Bang & Olufsen 等资产。你可能会说,收购 Beats 耳机表明他们接受了这一点,尽管世界上最富有的公司被一位推销产品的说唱歌手欺骗了。对于那些抢夺苹果实际客户的人来说,耳机并不是一个好兆头。

    2 - 复活史蒂夫·乔布斯,以便他们能够再次创造新产品。请让僵尸史蒂夫·乔布斯远离水果!

    3 - 为微软建议的股东喜爱模型。炸毁末日大厅虚荣总部并将其注销,然后将公司运营实际需要的工人重新安置到里诺郊区的一系列不起眼的钢结构建筑中。解雇蒂姆·库克并取而代之的是文斯·麦克马洪——一个真正懂得如何上演精彩表演的人。立即制定计划,开始将 300 亿美元的现金储备返还给股东。


    IBM - 一家专利流氓和咨询机构,伪装成一家科技公司,其主要产品是其股票

    惠普 - 一家犯罪企业,憎恨和害怕其产品是后过的客户

    亚马逊 - 一家涉足媒体的零售商和网络托管公司,绝对鄙视利润

    Facebook - 不喜欢


    回复:@songbird、@neutral、@anonymous coward




  19. @reiner Tor

    匈牙利游泳联合会前主席(1993-2016),现任国际泳联副主席,也是一位有影响力的左翼媒体大亨(直到 2009 年,他在欧尔班上台之前失去了大部分媒体影响力),上周被捕(他已被逮捕)因与 24 年另一位左翼媒体大亨的合同谋杀案有关而被释放,但必须 7/1998 佩戴 GPS 设备并定期向警方报到。长期以来一直有传言是他下令谋杀的(他们是商业对手,个人互相仇恨,而在受害人的众多有影响力的竞争对手中,长期传闻他与黑社会有联系),所以我当然确信他确实是这么做的(真凶几年前就已经被定罪,但尚不清楚幕后黑手是谁。



    回复:@ for-the-record



    • 回复: @Greasy William


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?

    回复:@German_reader、@Seamus Day、@RadicalCenter

    , @reiner Tor







    好吧,最后一个是一个完全晦涩难懂的来源,没有人听说过。他谋杀的那个人名叫亚诺斯·芬尼 (János Fenyő),是犹太人。我不确定贾法斯本人。

    回复:@ for-the-record

  20. @for-the-record



    回复:@Greasy William、@reiner Tor


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?

    • 回复: @German_reader
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    回复:@Greasy William

    , @Seamus Day
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?
    3)这是一个新教的想法,并且是一个相对较新的想法(19世纪)。它当然不是历史的、礼拜仪式的基督教的一部分。圣经无误的观念建立在新教唯独圣经的基本原则之上,即圣经是基督教真理的支柱和基础的观念。这是愚蠢的,因为圣经本身说:“教会是真理的柱石和堡垒。” (提摩太前书 1:3,修订标准版)。当然,教会先于圣经正典而存在,并且是教会无误地决定了哪些书籍将包含在圣经正典中(次经书籍,例如西拉赫等人)以及哪些书籍将被排除在外(伪书)作品,例如彼得福音)。所有天主教教义都源自圣经,包括圣母升天。而且天主教会对于《圣经》的热爱并不比新教徒少,毕竟那是天主教会的书。


    1)我认为现代宇宙学认为大爆炸发生在10^9年前。这是一位比利时天主教神父和理论物理学家神父。乔治·勒梅特 (Georges Lemaître),被认为是大爆炸理论的鼻祖。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Lemaître


    回复:@Greasy William、@Seamus Day、@Thorfinnsson、@RadicalCenter

    , @RadicalCenter
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    1. 我们通过运用理性和科学方法所发现的一切,都是关于我们星球年龄的发现。每当神创造它时,他就创造它。

    2. 不。

    3. 不。





  21. @Greasy William


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?

    回复:@German_reader、@Seamus Day、@RadicalCenter


    • 回复: @Greasy William




  22. @German_reader
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    回复:@Greasy William



    • 回复: @German_reader
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    不确定你会在 AK 的评论员中找到很多信徒,但也许有人会回答你的问题,这可能很有趣。
    , @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)




    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    那么,是什么让你皈依了这个宗教,而这个宗教的信徒自愿、公开地承担了你前任导师流血的责任(马太福音 27:24-25)?

    回复:@DFH、@Greasy William

  23. 不用说,俄罗斯很幸运没有在非洲建立任何殖民地。与此同时,德国很幸运在第一次世界大战期间失去了殖民地,但其统治阶级却浪费了第一次世界大战的一个成果,这对德国来说是积极的。

    • 回复: @Mitleser




  24. @Greasy William





    不确定你会在 AK 的评论员中找到很多信徒,但也许有人会回答你的问题,这可能很有趣。

  25. 激光:
    如果文章中的图表正确的话,他们在 1 年左右就达到了 1995PW,并希望在 10 年达到 2018PW。
    这不是 10 年内的 3 倍,而是 10 年内的 23 倍(希望的倍数)。
    然而他们很快就谈到了另一个 100 的因数。

    遗憾。他们认为 30PW(以及更高的频率)可能会实现聚变——但我没有看到关于是否存在启动聚变的发电能力的评论。


  26. @German_reader

    我真的很想知道 Reddit 的评论是否真实……真的有普通大众吗? 反俄?

    NBF:激光的功率每 3 年增强 XNUMX 倍,很快 Exawatt 激光将解锁聚变等等

    回复:@Singh、@Anatoly Karlin

    • 回复: @German_reader


  27. @Anatoly Karlin


    这也许是你的例子:https://np.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/5mttx2/fuck_ Russia/



  28. @Greasy William


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?

    回复:@German_reader、@Seamus Day、@RadicalCenter


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?

    3)这是一个新教的想法,并且是一个相对较新的想法(19世纪)。它当然不是历史的、礼拜仪式的基督教的一部分。圣经无误的观念建立在新教唯独圣经的基本原则之上,即圣经是基督教真理的支柱和基础的观念。这是愚蠢的,因为圣经本身说:“教会是真理的柱石和堡垒。” (提摩太前书 1:3,修订标准版)。当然,教会先于圣经正典而存在,并且是教会无误地决定了哪些书籍将包含在圣经正典中(次经书籍,例如西拉赫等人)以及哪些书籍将被排除在外(伪书)作品,例如彼得福音)。所有天主教教义都源自圣经,包括圣母升天。而且天主教会对于《圣经》的热爱并不比新教徒少,毕竟那是天主教会的书。


    1)我认为现代宇宙学认为大爆炸发生在10^9年前。这是一位比利时天主教神父和理论物理学家神父。乔治·勒梅特 (Georges Lemaître),被认为是大爆炸理论的鼻祖。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Lemaître


    • 回复: @Greasy William
    @Seamus 日



    回复:@Seamus Day

    , @Seamus Day
    @Seamus 日



    , @Thorfinnsson
    @Seamus 日



    , @RadicalCenter
    @Seamus 日



  29. @Seamus Day
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?
    3)这是一个新教的想法,并且是一个相对较新的想法(19世纪)。它当然不是历史的、礼拜仪式的基督教的一部分。圣经无误的观念建立在新教唯独圣经的基本原则之上,即圣经是基督教真理的支柱和基础的观念。这是愚蠢的,因为圣经本身说:“教会是真理的柱石和堡垒。” (提摩太前书 1:3,修订标准版)。当然,教会先于圣经正典而存在,并且是教会无误地决定了哪些书籍将包含在圣经正典中(次经书籍,例如西拉赫等人)以及哪些书籍将被排除在外(伪书)作品,例如彼得福音)。所有天主教教义都源自圣经,包括圣母升天。而且天主教会对于《圣经》的热爱并不比新教徒少,毕竟那是天主教会的书。


    1)我认为现代宇宙学认为大爆炸发生在10^9年前。这是一位比利时天主教神父和理论物理学家神父。乔治·勒梅特 (Georges Lemaître),被认为是大爆炸理论的鼻祖。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Lemaître


    回复:@Greasy William、@Seamus Day、@Thorfinnsson、@RadicalCenter



    • 回复: @Seamus Day
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


  30. @Seamus Day
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?
    3)这是一个新教的想法,并且是一个相对较新的想法(19世纪)。它当然不是历史的、礼拜仪式的基督教的一部分。圣经无误的观念建立在新教唯独圣经的基本原则之上,即圣经是基督教真理的支柱和基础的观念。这是愚蠢的,因为圣经本身说:“教会是真理的柱石和堡垒。” (提摩太前书 1:3,修订标准版)。当然,教会先于圣经正典而存在,并且是教会无误地决定了哪些书籍将包含在圣经正典中(次经书籍,例如西拉赫等人)以及哪些书籍将被排除在外(伪书)作品,例如彼得福音)。所有天主教教义都源自圣经,包括圣母升天。而且天主教会对于《圣经》的热爱并不比新教徒少,毕竟那是天主教会的书。


    1)我认为现代宇宙学认为大爆炸发生在10^9年前。这是一位比利时天主教神父和理论物理学家神父。乔治·勒梅特 (Georges Lemaître),被认为是大爆炸理论的鼻祖。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Lemaître


    回复:@Greasy William、@Seamus Day、@Thorfinnsson、@RadicalCenter


    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
    @Seamus 日

    根据《利未记》第 20 章,同性恋者应被处死,这是神的话无误吗?所有的翻译似乎都清楚地包含了这个元素。这是否意味着上帝会处死他们(艾滋病毒?) 或者其他人应该杀死他们?

    根据诗篇 137:9,将敌人婴儿的头砸在岩石上以示报复,这是上帝无误的话语吗?


  31. @Greasy William
    @Seamus 日



    回复:@Seamus Day


  32. @Duke of Qin



    正如史蒂夫·赛勒(Steve Sailer)指出的那样,媒体由于吸引该行业的女性过多而比传统上男性主导的行业更容易遭受性虐待。与直觉相反,在那里工作的女性越多,掌握权力的男性就越有可能利用它。


    回复:@Polish Perspective






  33. @Seamus Day
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?
    3)这是一个新教的想法,并且是一个相对较新的想法(19世纪)。它当然不是历史的、礼拜仪式的基督教的一部分。圣经无误的观念建立在新教唯独圣经的基本原则之上,即圣经是基督教真理的支柱和基础的观念。这是愚蠢的,因为圣经本身说:“教会是真理的柱石和堡垒。” (提摩太前书 1:3,修订标准版)。当然,教会先于圣经正典而存在,并且是教会无误地决定了哪些书籍将包含在圣经正典中(次经书籍,例如西拉赫等人)以及哪些书籍将被排除在外(伪书)作品,例如彼得福音)。所有天主教教义都源自圣经,包括圣母升天。而且天主教会对于《圣经》的热爱并不比新教徒少,毕竟那是天主教会的书。


    1)我认为现代宇宙学认为大爆炸发生在10^9年前。这是一位比利时天主教神父和理论物理学家神父。乔治·勒梅特 (Georges Lemaître),被认为是大爆炸理论的鼻祖。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Lemaître


    回复:@Greasy William、@Seamus Day、@Thorfinnsson、@RadicalCenter


    • 回复: @RadicalCenter




    新教关于 RC 崇拜玛丽的废话。还有关于玛丽是圣灵的配偶、神职人员与教会联姻等令人毛骨悚然的RC言论。




    行话。该死的行话。 RC 和浸信会这两个我们都熟悉的教派有很多奇怪的、令人反感的行话,常常无法说明问题。它可能被用来让事情听起来更戏剧化、更重要、更令人印象深刻、更有权威,但它只是让人困惑并且听起来很荒谬。行话还被用来让信徒感觉他们是一个非会员无法理解的特殊精英俱乐部的一部分。

    回复:@German_reader、@German_reader、@Anatoly Karlin、@Thorfinnsson

  34. @for-the-record



    回复:@Greasy William、@reiner Tor

    • 回复: @for-the-record



    回复:@reiner Tor

  35. @Thorfinnsson


    本土半导体设计和制造行业的技术独立性还不止于此。半导体制造所需的资本设备和材料均来自美国和日本(唯一的例外是荷兰公司 ASML)。例如,半导体硅只能从信越化学公司获得(孟山都和瓦克化学已于 90 年代退出市场)。

    印度的民族主义心态比你想象的还要强烈。印度政府发起了 在印度制造 2014 年,印度电子产品进口量首次超过石油进口量后,印度发起了鼓励本土制造和创新的运动。



    但是,是的,允许 Flipkart 出售给美国人,并以充当西里佐格谷寡头的契约苦力为傲,并没有什么帮助。

    Prichai 和 Nadella 也无能。微软的收入现在停滞不前,谷歌的疯子们正在接管庇护所,而皮查伊的老板们则把股东的钱浪费在一系列无休无止的幼稚的愚蠢行为上。苹果公司的同性恋首席执行官蒂姆·库克虽然不是印度人,但他也是一个不值得赞扬的平庸之人。苹果公司的收入也停滞不前,不久之后,它的年度净利润就会被伯克希尔哈撒韦公司超越——伯克希尔哈撒韦公司是一家非科技公司,实际上缴纳了大量的企业所得税,其最大的单一运营部门是……一家铁路。

    无论微软喜欢与否,它都需要接受自己现在是一家企业软件公司的事实。明显的举措是考虑在该领域进行收购,例如 Salesforce.com、Intuit、SAP、Oracle 等。或者,它可能会放弃增长并转向收购。 大规模 在削减成本的同时增加回购和股息。这样的商业模式并没有什么问题——3G资本让它运行得非常好。

    谷歌受益于数字广告支出的增长速度持续快于整体经济增长的事实,但这种情况将在未来十年停止。它需要承认这只是一个他妈的广告平台,摆脱书呆子太空营的狗屎,解雇所有的 SJW,然后开始考虑大规模裁员。不过,它的企业产品(例如 G Suite)很好,不应该被放弃。谷歌在未来十年也可能比微软面临更大的危险,因为越来越多地使用个人助理进行搜索,并没有提供明显的广告销售方式(他们会雇用年老的电台 DJ 在 Alexa 上推销二手车吗?)。

    顺便问一下,Waymo 的商业计划是什么?谷歌不是汽车制造商,不太可能进入这样一个资本密集型和竞争激烈的行业。我怀疑谷歌的水果蛋糕、铅笔脖子和敏感的灵魂能否应对一个充满竞争和要求苛刻的客户的行业。他们是否计划将技术出租给传统汽车制造商?


    1 - 接受它是一个豪华消费电子品牌,并开始收购索尼消费电子部门、Bang & Olufsen 等资产。你可能会说,收购 Beats 耳机表明他们接受了这一点,尽管世界上最富有的公司被一位推销产品的说唱歌手欺骗了。对于那些抢夺苹果实际客户的人来说,耳机并不是一个好兆头。

    2 - 复活史蒂夫·乔布斯,以便他们能够再次创造新产品。请让僵尸史蒂夫·乔布斯远离水果!

    3 - 为微软建议的股东喜爱模型。炸毁末日大厅虚荣总部并将其注销,然后将公司运营实际需要的工人重新安置到里诺郊区的一系列不起眼的钢结构建筑中。解雇蒂姆·库克并取而代之的是文斯·麦克马洪——一个真正懂得如何上演精彩表演的人。立即制定计划,开始将 300 亿美元的现金储备返还给股东。


    IBM - 一家专利流氓和咨询机构,伪装成一家科技公司,其主要产品是其股票

    惠普 - 一家犯罪企业,憎恨和害怕其产品是后过的客户

    亚马逊 - 一家涉足媒体的零售商和网络托管公司,绝对鄙视利润

    Facebook - 不喜欢


    回复:@songbird、@neutral、@anonymous coward


    不,他们计划亏本出售,然后通过监视你的驾驶模式来收回成本。 (同样的犯罪计划成功地让 Android 占据主导地位。)

  36. @Greasy William

    但不要太兴奋,五角大楼表示在 2070 年之前不会部署针对中程火箭/导弹的激光防御系统。


    编辑:SyrianGirl 或她现在自称的任何东西都是混蛋




    a) 用核弹进行大规模屠杀没有任何军事意义。

    b) 战术核武器的威力不如大型常规炸弹。

    大型核武器的军备竞赛是一个历史产物——在 60 年代和 70 年代,精确制导导弹还不存在,因此必须用原始破坏力来弥补精度的缺乏。



    • 回复: @Anatoly Karlin


    1. 当然,人口中心是目标(对价)。是的,在全面战争中,消灭敌方人口无疑是一个主要好处,即使仅次于攻击敌方核力量(反作用力)、常规军事资产和工业基础。


    最小的战术核武器系统 曾经 建造了装满10-20吨TNT的M-388弹头,由戴维·克罗克特无后坐力炮发射。它于 1960 世纪 1 年代末退役。现代战术核武器通常装载 100 至 1,000 吨,即 100,000 至 XNUMX 吨 TNT。比 MOAB/FOAB 强大许多数量级..

  37. @Greasy William







    • 回复: @reiner Tor



    回复:@for-the-record、@anonymous coward、@songbird

  38. @Greasy William





    那么,是什么让你皈依了这个宗教,而这个宗教的信徒自愿、公开地承担了你前任导师流血的责任(马太福音 27:24-25)?

    • 回复: @DFH

    1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

    “我们不是私生子,”他们抗议道。 “我们唯一的父亲就是上帝自己。”
    John 8:39-45
    , @Greasy William

    那么,是什么让你皈依了这个宗教,而这个宗教的信徒自愿、公开地承担了你前任导师流血的责任(马太福音 27:24-25)?
    我没有转换。我是犹太人,母亲是犹太人。碰巧的是,我妈妈非常讨厌犹太教,所以我是在我的 WASP 父亲半途而废的美式基督教中长大的,尽管也有一些非常零星的犹太节日庆祝活动。



    回复:@ for-the-record

  39. @reiner Tor







    好吧,最后一个是一个完全晦涩难懂的来源,没有人听说过。他谋杀的那个人名叫亚诺斯·芬尼 (János Fenyő),是犹太人。我不确定贾法斯本人。

    回复:@ for-the-record



    • 哈哈: reiner Tor
    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    好的。我女儿病了,我需要大约两倍的睡眠时间。从评论的早期就可以看出。 (应转换为 CET。)


  40. Epigon 图表...

  41. @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)




    回复:@reiner Tor




    • 回复: @for-the-record



    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @anonymous coward


    留意这个领域,我打赌我们最终会在未来 25 年内看到战术核武器的使用,这没什么大不了的。
    , @songbird



  42. @songbird
    我一点也不相信布莱恩·卡普兰,但是,如果把一切都视为理所当然,那么“环境”一词在某种程度上就会变得相当荒谬。例如,如果你需要用白人完全包围黑人,即使是在家里,并且它在任何其他形式(学校教学)中都是不可复制的 - 好吧,那么,它在技术上可能是环保的,但这对于社会。事实上,这可能比 100% 遗传造成的差距更糟糕,因为平等主义者会希望通过强迫黑人和白人在一起来缩小这种差距。



    所以,基本上,如果社会最多有 1% 的黑人,那么黑人就可以了 比较 好吧,除非他们聚集在一起。嗯,也许这可以用作政策指导。

    • 回复: @songbird


  43. @for-the-record



    回复:@reiner Tor

    好的。我女儿病了,我需要大约两倍的睡眠时间。从评论的早期就可以看出。 (应转换为 CET。)

    • 回复: @RadicalCenter


  44. 俄罗斯军事历史博主撰写了有关俄罗斯国防部赞助的叙利亚赫梅米姆空军基地之行的文章。你不需要俄语就能欣赏这些照片。



  45. @reiner Tor



    回复:@for-the-record、@anonymous coward、@songbird



    • 回复: @reiner Tor


  46. @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    那么,是什么让你皈依了这个宗教,而这个宗教的信徒自愿、公开地承担了你前任导师流血的责任(马太福音 27:24-25)?

    回复:@DFH、@Greasy William

    1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

    “我们不是私生子,”他们抗议道。 “我们唯一的父亲就是上帝自己。”
    John 8:39-45

  47. @for-the-record



    回复:@reiner Tor


  48. • 回复: @Mr. Hack

    Ja ne rozume,proshe Pana? Cso za 'Wololo' i jaki to ksiadz?杰库耶!

  49. @reiner Tor



    回复:@for-the-record、@anonymous coward、@songbird



    留意这个领域,我打赌我们最终会在未来 25 年内看到战术核武器的使用,这没什么大不了的。

  50. @Polish Perspective



    回复:@先生。 哈克

    Ja ne rozume,proshe Pana? Cso za 'Wololo' i jaki to ksiadz?杰库耶!

  51. @Greasy William

    但不要太兴奋,五角大楼表示在 2070 年之前不会部署针对中程火箭/导弹的激光防御系统。


    编辑:SyrianGirl 或她现在自称的任何东西都是混蛋



  52. @reiner Tor



    回复:@for-the-record、@anonymous coward、@songbird



  53. @Greasy William


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?

    回复:@German_reader、@Seamus Day、@RadicalCenter

    1. 我们通过运用理性和科学方法所发现的一切,都是关于我们星球年龄的发现。每当神创造它时,他就创造它。

    2. 不。

    3. 不。





  54. @Seamus Day
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    2. 你觉得玛丽在天主教堂中受到的崇拜程度是否超出了彻底崇拜的范围?

    3. 你接受圣经的内在性吗?
    3)这是一个新教的想法,并且是一个相对较新的想法(19世纪)。它当然不是历史的、礼拜仪式的基督教的一部分。圣经无误的观念建立在新教唯独圣经的基本原则之上,即圣经是基督教真理的支柱和基础的观念。这是愚蠢的,因为圣经本身说:“教会是真理的柱石和堡垒。” (提摩太前书 1:3,修订标准版)。当然,教会先于圣经正典而存在,并且是教会无误地决定了哪些书籍将包含在圣经正典中(次经书籍,例如西拉赫等人)以及哪些书籍将被排除在外(伪书)作品,例如彼得福音)。所有天主教教义都源自圣经,包括圣母升天。而且天主教会对于《圣经》的热爱并不比新教徒少,毕竟那是天主教会的书。


    1)我认为现代宇宙学认为大爆炸发生在10^9年前。这是一位比利时天主教神父和理论物理学家神父。乔治·勒梅特 (Georges Lemaître),被认为是大爆炸理论的鼻祖。 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georges_Lemaître


    回复:@Greasy William、@Seamus Day、@Thorfinnsson、@RadicalCenter



  55. @reiner Tor

    好的。我女儿病了,我需要大约两倍的睡眠时间。从评论的早期就可以看出。 (应转换为 CET。)



    • 同意: German_reader
  56. @Seamus Day
    @Seamus 日



    根据《利未记》第 20 章,同性恋者应被处死,这是神的话无误吗?所有的翻译似乎都清楚地包含了这个元素。这是否意味着上帝会处死他们(艾滋病毒?) 或者其他人应该杀死他们?

    根据诗篇 137:9,将敌人婴儿的头砸在岩石上以示报复,这是上帝无误的话语吗?


  57. @Thorfinnsson
    @Seamus 日






    新教关于 RC 崇拜玛丽的废话。还有关于玛丽是圣灵的配偶、神职人员与教会联姻等令人毛骨悚然的RC言论。




    行话。该死的行话。 RC 和浸信会这两个我们都熟悉的教派有很多奇怪的、令人反感的行话,常常无法说明问题。它可能被用来让事情听起来更戏剧化、更重要、更令人印象深刻、更有权威,但它只是让人困惑并且听起来很荒谬。行话还被用来让信徒感觉他们是一个非会员无法理解的特殊精英俱乐部的一部分。

    • 回复: @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Thorfinnsson

    , @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor,@匿名co夫

    , @Anatoly Karlin

    你还没习惯他的伎俩吗? ;)

    , @Thorfinnsson


  58. @Pericles


    所以,基本上,如果社会最多有 1% 的黑人,那么黑人就可以了 比较 好吧,除非他们聚集在一起。嗯,也许这可以用作政策指导。



  59. @RadicalCenter




    新教关于 RC 崇拜玛丽的废话。还有关于玛丽是圣灵的配偶、神职人员与教会联姻等令人毛骨悚然的RC言论。




    行话。该死的行话。 RC 和浸信会这两个我们都熟悉的教派有很多奇怪的、令人反感的行话,常常无法说明问题。它可能被用来让事情听起来更戏剧化、更重要、更令人印象深刻、更有权威,但它只是让人困惑并且听起来很荒谬。行话还被用来让信徒感觉他们是一个非会员无法理解的特殊精英俱乐部的一部分。

    回复:@German_reader、@German_reader、@Anatoly Karlin、@Thorfinnsson


    • 回复: @reiner Tor


    , @Thorfinnsson




  60. @RadicalCenter




    新教关于 RC 崇拜玛丽的废话。还有关于玛丽是圣灵的配偶、神职人员与教会联姻等令人毛骨悚然的RC言论。




    行话。该死的行话。 RC 和浸信会这两个我们都熟悉的教派有很多奇怪的、令人反感的行话,常常无法说明问题。它可能被用来让事情听起来更戏剧化、更重要、更令人印象深刻、更有权威,但它只是让人困惑并且听起来很荒谬。行话还被用来让信徒感觉他们是一个非会员无法理解的特殊精英俱乐部的一部分。

    回复:@German_reader、@German_reader、@Anatoly Karlin、@Thorfinnsson



    • 回复: @reiner Tor



    , @anonymous coward


    你相信只有一位神。好的!就连恶魔也相信这一点——并且不寒而栗。 (詹姆斯2:19)

    回复:@ German_reader,@ for-the-record

  61. @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor,@匿名co夫



    • 回复: @German_reader


    你至少会看到一些来自东方教会的人物(例如尼尼微的以撒)提到了谁 据称 相信普遍和解。

  62. @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Thorfinnsson


  63. @reiner Tor




    你至少会看到一些来自东方教会的人物(例如尼尼微的以撒)提到了谁 据称 相信普遍和解。

  64. 是的,祝你女儿早日康复,莱纳

    • 回复: @reiner Tor
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


  65. @Polish Perspective






    但即使在这一点上,俄罗斯和匈牙利之间也存在重要分歧。托特估计,15% 至 24% 的政府采购存在腐败行为。 2017年上半年,俄罗斯财政部发现,国有企业采购合同总额的42.5%是在没有经过竞争程序的情况下分发的——这清楚地表明这些都是腐败交易。马丁表示,腐败和任人唯亲的企业在匈牙利经济中所占的比例在 5% 到 10% 之间;在俄罗斯,根据司法部长亚历山大·科诺瓦洛夫 (Alexander Konovalov) 2015 年的估计,腐败每年导致官方经济产出损失 10% 至 20%。



    两国都在半神话般的哈伊纳尔线之外,但如果有的话,这可能会发挥作用 *反对* 民族刻板印象,狡猾、纵容的马扎尔人通常被认为不如厚重但认真的斯拉夫人值得信赖。

    根据 CPI 指数,匈牙利在 57 个腐败国家中排名第 176 位,俄罗斯排名第 131 位。







    欧尔班将被铭记为(或 *这*)他那个时代富有远见的政治家,席卷西方的民族主义民粹主义革命的先知。普京将因主持了一个腐败和停滞的世纪末时代而被人们铭记,就像后来的勃列日涅夫或路易十六一样。

    • 回复: @Mitleser





  66. @songbird



    • 回复: @songbird


  67. @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor,@匿名co夫


    你相信只有一位神。好的!就连恶魔也相信这一点——并且不寒而栗。 (詹姆斯2:19)

    • 回复: @German_reader





    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @for-the-record



    雅各:“你们看,人称义是因着他所做的事,并不是单因着信。”(雅各书 2:24)

    保罗:“我们说,人称义是因着信,不在乎遵行律法……”(罗马书 3:28)

    回复:@Greasy William,@Anon

  68. @jeppo


    但即使在这一点上,俄罗斯和匈牙利之间也存在重要分歧。托特估计,15% 至 24% 的政府采购存在腐败行为。 2017年上半年,俄罗斯财政部发现,国有企业采购合同总额的42.5%是在没有经过竞争程序的情况下分发的,这清楚地表明这些都是腐败交易。马丁表示,腐败和任人唯亲的企业在匈牙利经济中所占的比例在 5% 到 10% 之间;在俄罗斯,根据司法部长亚历山大·科诺瓦洛夫 (Alexander Konovalov) 2015 年的估计,腐败每年导致官方经济产出损失 10% 至 20%。




    根据 CPI 指数,匈牙利在 57 个腐败国家中排名第 176 位,俄罗斯排名第 131 位。














    • 回复: @jeppo








  69. @anonymous coward


    你相信只有一位神。好的!就连恶魔也相信这一点——并且不寒而栗。 (詹姆斯2:19)

    回复:@ German_reader,@ for-the-record






    • 回复: @reiner Tor


  70. @German_reader





    回复:@reiner Tor


  71. @Mitleser





  72. 一名俄罗斯人、一名乌克兰人、一名格鲁吉亚人和一名鞑靼人走上舞台:

  73. @Greasy William

    回复:@reiner Tor


  74. @RadicalCenter




    新教关于 RC 崇拜玛丽的废话。还有关于玛丽是圣灵的配偶、神职人员与教会联姻等令人毛骨悚然的RC言论。




    行话。该死的行话。 RC 和浸信会这两个我们都熟悉的教派有很多奇怪的、令人反感的行话,常常无法说明问题。它可能被用来让事情听起来更戏剧化、更重要、更令人印象深刻、更有权威,但它只是让人困惑并且听起来很荒谬。行话还被用来让信徒感觉他们是一个非会员无法理解的特殊精英俱乐部的一部分。

    回复:@German_reader、@German_reader、@Anatoly Karlin、@Thorfinnsson

    你还没习惯他的伎俩吗? 😉

  75. @anonymous coward
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    a) 用核弹进行大规模屠杀没有任何军事意义。

    b) 战术核武器的威力不如大型常规炸弹。




    回复:@Anatoly Karlin


    1. 当然,人口中心是目标(对价)。是的,在全面战争中,消灭敌方人口无疑是一个主要好处,即使仅次于攻击敌方核力量(反作用力)、常规军事资产和工业基础。


    最小的战术核武器系统 曾经 建造了装满10-20吨TNT的M-388弹头,由戴维·克罗克特无后坐力炮发射。它于 1960 世纪 1 年代末退役。现代战术核武器通常装载 100 至 1,000 吨,即 100,000 至 XNUMX 吨 TNT。比 MOAB/FOAB 强大许多数量级..

  76. @anonymous coward


    你相信只有一位神。好的!就连恶魔也相信这一点——并且不寒而栗。 (詹姆斯2:19)

    回复:@ German_reader,@ for-the-record



    雅各:“你们看,人称义是因着他所做的事,并不是单因着信。”(雅各书 2:24)

    保罗:“我们说,人称义是因着信,不在乎遵行律法……”(罗马书 3:28)

    • 同意: German_reader
    • 回复: @Greasy William




    , @Anon

    魂斗罗 路德、雅各布不是“稻草书信”,教会教义也不那么简单:http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10202b.htm

  77. @Mitleser












  78. 普京默默地决定保护德里帕斯卡;不要将美国对俄罗斯铝业公司的攻击称为战争行为;并通过提出有限停战协议来考验美国人。与俄罗斯企业关系密切的国际银行家认为,与美国的停战不可能是暂时的,这是俄罗斯的一种幻想;消息人士补充说,追求这一目标是对美国意图的误判。他们警告说新的袭击将会到来。消息人士称,“这些寡头们将被美国人挤出市场,除非他们选择——要么返回俄罗斯,面临与他们迄今为止所享受的截然不同的未来;要么返回俄罗斯,面对与他们迄今为止所享受的未来截然不同的未来;或者离开俄罗斯,加入美国一边;将他们在俄罗斯拥有的东西归国家所有。没有中间位置。这就是美国经济战略的意义。现代尚无此类攻击的先例。普京还没有准备好。”



    • 回复: @reiner Tor





    回复:@German_reader、@Anatoly Karlin、@Mitleser

  79. @Mitleser



    回复:@reiner Tor





    • 回复: @German_reader



    , @Anatoly Karlin


    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @Mitleser





    回复:@reiner Tor

  80. @reiner Tor





    回复:@German_reader、@Anatoly Karlin、@Mitleser



    • 回复: @Mitleser

    随后,25 月 2 日,美军闯入俄罗斯驻西雅图领事馆。这是美国第二次对俄罗斯驻美国外交领土发动此类袭击;较早的一次是2017年XNUMX月XNUMX日,当时俄罗斯驻旧金山领事馆,同时俄罗斯驻华盛顿和纽约贸易代表团办事处。



  81. @for-the-record



    雅各:“你们看,人称义是因着他所做的事,并不是单因着信。”(雅各书 2:24)

    保罗:“我们说,人称义是因着信,不在乎遵行律法……”(罗马书 3:28)

    回复:@Greasy William,@Anon



    • 回复: @German_reader
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)




  82. @Greasy William







  83. @German_reader



    随后,25 月 2 日,美军闯入俄罗斯驻西雅图领事馆。这是美国第二次对俄罗斯驻美国外交领土发动此类袭击;较早的一次是2017年XNUMX月XNUMX日,当时俄罗斯驻旧金山领事馆,同时俄罗斯驻华盛顿和纽约贸易代表团办事处。



    • 回复: @German_reader


  84. @reiner Tor





    回复:@German_reader、@Anatoly Karlin、@Mitleser


    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    在奥巴马政府的最后几周,他们非法关闭了一个外交大院。 我认为尽管它归俄罗斯所有,但他们仍然没有归还。 西雅图大楼也继续为俄罗斯政府所有。 他们不能只是移除锁并闯入它。 至少他们可以要求合作。

    他们对俄罗斯的态度显然比对苏联严厉得多。 唯一能与更强大国家的待遇进行比较的是他们对待日本帝国和纳粹德国的方式。 当然,他们对俄罗斯的严厉程度仍不及对伊朗的严厉。 但对伊朗的待遇也有些反常。 他们在冷战期间是否曾单方面对任何国家实施过如此严厉的制裁?


  85. @Mitleser

    随后,25 月 2 日,美军闯入俄罗斯驻西雅图领事馆。这是美国第二次对俄罗斯驻美国外交领土发动此类袭击;较早的一次是2017年XNUMX月XNUMX日,当时俄罗斯驻旧金山领事馆,同时俄罗斯驻华盛顿和纽约贸易代表团办事处。




  86. 你们高估了作为美国大战略一部分的恐俄症。





    • 回复: @German_reader
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    回复:@Greasy William、@Mitleser

    , @Mitleser
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

  87. 俄罗斯未来几年预算政策概要:减少军费开支;更多的基础设施、医疗保健、教育支出。



  88. @Greasy William





    回复:@ German_reader,@ Mitleser



    • 回复: @Greasy William



    , @Mitleser



  89. @Greasy William





    回复:@ German_reader,@ Mitleser



  90. @German_reader
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    回复:@Greasy William、@Mitleser


    • 回复: @Mitleser
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)



    回复:@Greasy William

  91. @German_reader
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    回复:@Greasy William、@Mitleser





  92. @Greasy William





    • 回复: @Greasy William


  93. @Mitleser
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)



    回复:@Greasy William




  94. @RadicalCenter




    新教关于 RC 崇拜玛丽的废话。还有关于玛丽是圣灵的配偶、神职人员与教会联姻等令人毛骨悚然的RC言论。




    行话。该死的行话。 RC 和浸信会这两个我们都熟悉的教派有很多奇怪的、令人反感的行话,常常无法说明问题。它可能被用来让事情听起来更戏剧化、更重要、更令人印象深刻、更有权威,但它只是让人困惑并且听起来很荒谬。行话还被用来让信徒感觉他们是一个非会员无法理解的特殊精英俱乐部的一部分。

    回复:@German_reader、@German_reader、@Anatoly Karlin、@Thorfinnsson


  95. @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Thorfinnsson




  96. 我认为这只是在美国——2018 年人们对宗教的争论如此激烈,对神学的了解如此之多。至少他们没有把这个纳入 GRE 考试中。

    • 回复: @Greasy William



    回复:@AaronB、@Thorfinnsson、@reiner Tor、@Dmitry

  97. @Dmitry
    我认为这只是在美国——2018 年人们对宗教的争论如此激烈,对神学的了解如此之多。至少他们没有把这个纳入 GRE 考试中。

    回复:@Greasy William



    • 同意: AP
    • 回复: @AaronB
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)



    , @Thorfinnsson
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    回复:@ for-the-record

    , @reiner Tor
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)




    , @Dmitry
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)





  98. @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    那么,是什么让你皈依了这个宗教,而这个宗教的信徒自愿、公开地承担了你前任导师流血的责任(马太福音 27:24-25)?

    回复:@DFH、@Greasy William

    那么,是什么让你皈依了这个宗教,而这个宗教的信徒自愿、公开地承担了你前任导师流血的责任(马太福音 27:24-25)?

    我没有转换。我是犹太人,母亲是犹太人。碰巧的是,我妈妈非常讨厌犹太教,所以我是在我的 WASP 父亲的半途而废的美式基督教中长大的,尽管有一些非常零星的犹太节日庆祝活动。



    • 回复: @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)



    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Dmitry

  99. @Greasy William



    回复:@AaronB、@Thorfinnsson、@reiner Tor、@Dmitry



    • 同意: Greasy William
  100. 健康的繁荣取决于对上帝的信仰




    • 回复: @AaronB



    我认为仔细阅读历史就会发现,你的每个例子都紧接着一段衰退时期。约翰·格鲁布 (John Glubb) 对 8 世纪和 9 世纪巴格达的社会衰落发表了一些非常中肯且具有启发性的评论,这些评论惊人地反映了我们在伊斯兰扩张之后的时期的社会衰落,甚至到了女权主义(!),当然,众所周知,黄金时代征服美洲后不久,西班牙的财富和权力就衰落了。




  101. @Greasy William



    回复:@AaronB、@Thorfinnsson、@reiner Tor、@Dmitry


    • 回复: @for-the-record



  102. @German_reader

    “对上帝的信仰”是一种只有美国人才能使用的镇痛术语……正如艾森豪威尔所说,“我们的政府没有任何意义,除非它建立在深刻的宗教信仰之上,而我不在乎它是什么” 。如果你不想谈论具体的神学,那么谈论上帝有什么意义呢?







    我认为仔细阅读历史就会发现,你的每个例子都紧接着一段衰退时期。约翰·格鲁布 (John Glubb) 对 8 世纪和 9 世纪巴格达的社会衰落发表了一些非常中肯且具有启发性的评论,这些评论惊人地反映了我们在伊斯兰扩张之后的时期的社会衰落,甚至到了女权主义(!),当然,众所周知,黄金时代征服美洲后不久,西班牙的财富和权力就衰落了。



    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson


    1 - 回归均值
    2 - 帝国的成功会导致其他人加强他们的游戏并结成联盟来对抗你



    或者摘自我们宏伟的《钦定版圣经》箴言 16:18:



  103. @Anatoly Karlin


    回复:@reiner Tor

    在奥巴马政府的最后几周,他们非法关闭了一个外交大院。 我认为尽管它归俄罗斯所有,但他们仍然没有归还。 西雅图大楼也继续为俄罗斯政府所有。 他们不能只是移除锁并闯入它。 至少他们可以要求合作。

    他们对俄罗斯的态度显然比对苏联严厉得多。 唯一能与更强大国家的待遇进行比较的是他们对待日本帝国和纳粹德国的方式。 当然,他们对俄罗斯的严厉程度仍不及对伊朗的严厉。 但对伊朗的待遇也有些反常。 他们在冷战期间是否曾单方面对任何国家实施过如此严厉的制裁?

    • 回复: @Mitleser


    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @yevardian



    , @JL


    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @Bukephalos



    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @utu


    回复:@reiner Tor

  104. @reiner Tor

    在奥巴马政府的最后几周,他们非法关闭了一个外交大院。 我认为尽管它归俄罗斯所有,但他们仍然没有归还。 西雅图大楼也继续为俄罗斯政府所有。 他们不能只是移除锁并闯入它。 至少他们可以要求合作。

    他们对俄罗斯的态度显然比对苏联严厉得多。 唯一能与更强大国家的待遇进行比较的是他们对待日本帝国和纳粹德国的方式。 当然,他们对俄罗斯的严厉程度仍不及对伊朗的严厉。 但对伊朗的待遇也有些反常。 他们在冷战期间是否曾单方面对任何国家实施过如此严厉的制裁?



    • 回复: @reiner Tor



    美国人最终没有因为古巴而发动第三次世界大战(尽管这几乎发生了),但他们完全有权利生气。如果 3 年发生第三次世界大战,那绝对不会是美国单方面的侵略。




  105. @Mitleser


    回复:@reiner Tor



    美国人最终没有因为古巴而发动第三次世界大战(尽管这几乎发生了),但他们完全有权利生气。如果 3 年发生第三次世界大战,那绝对不会是美国单方面的侵略。



    • 回复: @Mitleser




    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @for-the-record






    在巴拉克·奥巴马总统准备下个月访问古巴之际,美国继续对被指控违反美国对该岛禁运的公司处以罚款。 。 。

    最新被罚款的公司是法国地球科学公司 CGG Services,该公司为石油和天然气勘探以及地震勘探提供备件、服务和设备。 。 。





    回复:@reiner Tor

  106. @reiner Tor



    美国人最终没有因为古巴而发动第三次世界大战(尽管这几乎发生了),但他们完全有权利生气。如果 3 年发生第三次世界大战,那绝对不会是美国单方面的侵略。









    • 回复: @reiner Tor





  107. @German_reader

    Daniel Chieh(他的妻子不仅允许他玩电子游戏……显然她自己也玩……书呆子的梦想成真!)。

    回复:@reiner Tor、@yevardian、@Daniel Chieh

    可惜《文明 IV》是 Firaxis 最后一款值得玩的游戏。

  108. @Mitleser




    回复:@reiner Tor





    • 回复: @Mitleser





    回复:@reiner Tor

  109. @reiner Tor

    在奥巴马政府的最后几周,他们非法关闭了一个外交大院。 我认为尽管它归俄罗斯所有,但他们仍然没有归还。 西雅图大楼也继续为俄罗斯政府所有。 他们不能只是移除锁并闯入它。 至少他们可以要求合作。

    他们对俄罗斯的态度显然比对苏联严厉得多。 唯一能与更强大国家的待遇进行比较的是他们对待日本帝国和纳粹德国的方式。 当然,他们对俄罗斯的严厉程度仍不及对伊朗的严厉。 但对伊朗的待遇也有些反常。 他们在冷战期间是否曾单方面对任何国家实施过如此严厉的制裁?



    • 回复: @utu

    给谁做榜样?伊朗太大了。摧毁伊朗或许应该成为伊朗的教训。伊朗最大的罪行是,尽管 1979 年伊朗革命受挫,但它的运作相对良好。考虑一下伊朗革命的目的是为了阻止国王统治下伊朗的发展,因为拥有一个强大的伊朗并不意味着伊朗的发展。计划。尽管沙阿与美国和以色列关系都很好,但强大的伊朗让以色列感到紧张。从以色列的角度来看,伊朗与美国发生冲突是最理想的结果。

    奥巴马与伊朗达成的协议是他最伟大、最勇敢的成就,而最后的最后一击是不否决联合国针对以色列的决议。奥巴马确实不喜欢内塔尼亚胡和游说团体,当然,正如他在埃及的演讲所表明的那样,他想做更多的事情,但他受到了阻碍。瓦莱丽·贾雷特 (Valerie Jarret) 是白宫最重要的人物,她住在伊朗,会说帕西语,她可能在这笔交易中发挥了重要作用。


    回复:@reiner Tor,@Mitleser

  110. @reiner Tor










    • 回复: @reiner Tor




  111. @Mitleser





    回复:@reiner Tor




  112. @Greasy William



    回复:@AaronB、@Thorfinnsson、@reiner Tor、@Dmitry



    • 回复: @German_reader

  113. @reiner Tor

    在奥巴马政府的最后几周,他们非法关闭了一个外交大院。 我认为尽管它归俄罗斯所有,但他们仍然没有归还。 西雅图大楼也继续为俄罗斯政府所有。 他们不能只是移除锁并闯入它。 至少他们可以要求合作。

    他们对俄罗斯的态度显然比对苏联严厉得多。 唯一能与更强大国家的待遇进行比较的是他们对待日本帝国和纳粹德国的方式。 当然,他们对俄罗斯的严厉程度仍不及对伊朗的严厉。 但对伊朗的待遇也有些反常。 他们在冷战期间是否曾单方面对任何国家实施过如此严厉的制裁?



    • 回复: @reiner Tor



  114. @JL


    回复:@reiner Tor


    • 回复: @AP


    回复:@reiner Tor

  115. @yevardian




    给谁举例?伊朗太大了。摧毁伊朗也许应该成为伊朗的教训。伊朗最大的罪行是,尽管 1979 年伊朗革命受挫,但它的运作相对良好。考虑一下伊朗革命的目的是为了阻止国王统治下伊朗的发展,因为拥有一个强大的伊朗并不意味着伊朗的发展。计划。尽管沙阿与美国和以色列都关系良好,但强大的伊朗让以色列感到紧张。从以色列的角度来看,伊朗与美国发生冲突是最理想的结果。

    奥巴马与伊朗达成的协议是他最伟大、最勇敢的成就,而最后的最后一击是不否决联合国针对以色列的决议。奥巴马确实不喜欢内塔尼亚胡和游说团体,当然,正如他在埃及的演讲所表明的那样,他想做更多的事情,但他受到了阻碍。瓦莱丽·贾雷特 (Valerie Jarret) 是白宫最重要的人物,她住在伊朗,会说帕西语,她可能在这笔交易中发挥了重要作用。


    • 回复: @reiner Tor





    , @Mitleser



  116. @Greasy William

    那么,是什么让你皈依了这个宗教,而这个宗教的信徒自愿、公开地承担了你前任导师流血的责任(马太福音 27:24-25)?
    我没有转换。我是犹太人,母亲是犹太人。碰巧的是,我妈妈非常讨厌犹太教,所以我是在我的 WASP 父亲半途而废的美式基督教中长大的,尽管也有一些非常零星的犹太节日庆祝活动。



    回复:@ for-the-record



    • 回复: @reiner Tor


    回复:@ for-the-record

    , @Dmitry



    到目前为止,我们有 Ron Unz(美国犹太人)、记录在案的(乌克兰犹太人)和 Greasy(美国犹太人?)。


    后记 - 我也是犹太血统,但到了第三代 - 1 祖父通过他的母亲(即犹太曾祖母)。

    回复:@Greasy William、@German_reader、@for-the-record

  117. @Thorfinnsson
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    回复:@ for-the-record



    • 同意: Thorfinnsson
  118. @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)



    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Dmitry


    • 回复: @for-the-record


    别以为我曾经说过我是英国人,尽管我确实有 1/4 英国血统。


    回复:@reiner Tor

  119. @reiner Tor

    在奥巴马政府的最后几周,他们非法关闭了一个外交大院。 我认为尽管它归俄罗斯所有,但他们仍然没有归还。 西雅图大楼也继续为俄罗斯政府所有。 他们不能只是移除锁并闯入它。 至少他们可以要求合作。

    他们对俄罗斯的态度显然比对苏联严厉得多。 唯一能与更强大国家的待遇进行比较的是他们对待日本帝国和纳粹德国的方式。 当然,他们对俄罗斯的严厉程度仍不及对伊朗的严厉。 但对伊朗的待遇也有些反常。 他们在冷战期间是否曾单方面对任何国家实施过如此严厉的制裁?



    在上面链接的 Valdai Club 文章 Anatoly 中,演讲者陈东晓表示:“美国本身,社会不稳定正在加剧,正在成为世界上最不稳定的国家。 ”这不是事实陈述吗?

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    他们的行为不受惩罚。 与此同时,他们正在给俄罗斯带来巨大的经济代价,俄罗斯几乎没有办法进行报复,而俄罗斯因为害怕招致更多制裁而没有采取任何可能的报复措施。

    你把疯狂误认为软弱。 美国还是很强大的。 即使十年后它会崩溃(我怀疑,但谁知道),目前它仍然非常强大。 就像苏联几乎在它崩溃的那一刻甚至更远的时候都非常强大:美国精英花了几年时间才鼓起勇气开始引诱熊。


  120. @utu

    给谁做榜样?伊朗太大了。摧毁伊朗或许应该成为伊朗的教训。伊朗最大的罪行是,尽管 1979 年伊朗革命受挫,但它的运作相对良好。考虑一下伊朗革命的目的是为了阻止国王统治下伊朗的发展,因为拥有一个强大的伊朗并不意味着伊朗的发展。计划。尽管沙阿与美国和以色列关系都很好,但强大的伊朗让以色列感到紧张。从以色列的角度来看,伊朗与美国发生冲突是最理想的结果。

    奥巴马与伊朗达成的协议是他最伟大、最勇敢的成就,而最后的最后一击是不否决联合国针对以色列的决议。奥巴马确实不喜欢内塔尼亚胡和游说团体,当然,正如他在埃及的演讲所表明的那样,他想做更多的事情,但他受到了阻碍。瓦莱丽·贾雷特 (Valerie Jarret) 是白宫最重要的人物,她住在伊朗,会说帕西语,她可能在这笔交易中发挥了重要作用。


    回复:@reiner Tor,@Mitleser





    • 回复: @Dmitry






    , @Anon

    , @utu





    伊朗是盟国以色列的通缉犯。 IT GOT沙特阿拉伯
    据我们所知,伊农计划当时尚未正式制定,但也许已经在制定中了。所有世俗的中东国家都被视为威胁。为什么不是伊朗?从长远来看,以色列是否希望拥有一个强大的伊朗,同时又与西方友好?不,以色列对来自沙特阿拉伯的可以在 24 小时内卷起来的 nincompoops 更放心。



    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @yevardian



    回复:@reiner Tor

  121. @reiner Tor



    美国人最终没有因为古巴而发动第三次世界大战(尽管这几乎发生了),但他们完全有权利生气。如果 3 年发生第三次世界大战,那绝对不会是美国单方面的侵略。









    在巴拉克·奥巴马总统准备下个月访问古巴之际,美国继续对被指控违反美国对该岛禁运的公司处以罚款。 。 。

    最新被罚款的公司是法国地球科学公司 CGG Services,该公司为石油和天然气勘探以及地震勘探提供备件、服务和设备。 。 。




    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    我没有密切关注古巴的情况,所以我在这里可能是错的,但在阅读维基百科后,我得到的印象是我是正确的,在冷战期间,制裁几乎没有治外法权,但它们始于 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代,冷战结束后:

    1992 年 1996 月的《古巴民主法》(“托里拆利法”)和 XNUMX 年的《古巴自由与民主团结法》(称为赫尔姆斯-伯顿法)加强了封锁,该法通过阻止在古巴开展业务的外国公司受到惩罚。他们在美国做生意



    回复:@ for-the-record

  122. @Bukephalos



    回复:@reiner Tor

    他们的行为不受惩罚。 与此同时,他们正在给俄罗斯带来巨大的经济代价,俄罗斯几乎没有办法进行报复,而俄罗斯因为害怕招致更多制裁而没有采取任何可能的报复措施。

    你把疯狂误认为软弱。 美国还是很强大的。 即使十年后它会崩溃(我怀疑,但谁知道),目前它仍然非常强大。 就像苏联几乎在它崩溃的那一刻甚至更远的时候都非常强大:美国精英花了几年时间才鼓起勇气开始引诱熊。

    • 回复: @Bukephalos


    为什么谷歌会降低 RT 文章的排名,或者如果你相信他们对一个事件的版本,为什么你被称为俄罗斯特工? 是否与他们不得不上演三个 CW 剧院作为干预叙利亚的触发器有关,每次都更加荒谬和难以置信,但他们仍然继续。 第四是魅力,也许? 虽然叙利亚政府仍然坐着,政权更迭的魔力肯定已经消失了。

    回复:@reiner Tor、@reiner Tor、@Thorfinnsson

  123. @reiner Tor


    回复:@ for-the-record


    别以为我曾经说过我是英国人,尽管我确实有 1/4 英国血统。


    • 回复: @reiner Tor


  124. @reiner Tor

    他们的行为不受惩罚。 与此同时,他们正在给俄罗斯带来巨大的经济代价,俄罗斯几乎没有办法进行报复,而俄罗斯因为害怕招致更多制裁而没有采取任何可能的报复措施。

    你把疯狂误认为软弱。 美国还是很强大的。 即使十年后它会崩溃(我怀疑,但谁知道),目前它仍然非常强大。 就像苏联几乎在它崩溃的那一刻甚至更远的时候都非常强大:美国精英花了几年时间才鼓起勇气开始引诱熊。


    现在看到美国政治生活的显着特征,例如俄罗斯之门或审查制度的增长趋势 - 它可以被解释为意识形态驱动,即疯狂。 然而,我相信这是恐惧。

    为什么谷歌会降低 RT 文章的排名,或者如果你相信他们对一个事件的版本,为什么你被称为俄罗斯特工? 是否与他们不得不上演三个 CW 剧院作为干预叙利亚的触发器有关,每次都更加荒谬和难以置信,但他们仍然继续。 第四是魅力,也许? 虽然叙利亚政府仍然坐着,政权更迭的魔力肯定已经消失了。

    • 回复: @reiner Tor



    俄罗斯不可能在经济疲软的同时保持军事强大和政治稳定。 苏联在第三世界一直保持胜利,直到它崩溃,而第一次世界大战的德国也一直在获胜,直到它在一场快速的战役后突然崩溃。 同样,他们在二战中不断获胜,而在战争生产方面却落后了,但最终他们开始输了。



    , @reiner Tor

    所以呢。 斯大林的恐怖在很大程度上也是由恐惧驱动的——对外国势力和国内反对派的恐惧。 然而,认为他软弱是错误的。 希特勒是这么认为的,但他错了。


    , @Thorfinnsson

    害怕的是内部的反对者,即可悲的人。 我们是一个新兴的统治阶级,它试图取代现有的僵化(以及极度腐败和邪恶的)统治阶级。


    大教堂(Moldbug 的术语)是天主教堂。 可悲的是新教改革。




  125. @for-the-record






    在巴拉克·奥巴马总统准备下个月访问古巴之际,美国继续对被指控违反美国对该岛禁运的公司处以罚款。 。 。

    最新被罚款的公司是法国地球科学公司 CGG Services,该公司为石油和天然气勘探以及地震勘探提供备件、服务和设备。 。 。





    回复:@reiner Tor

    我没有密切关注古巴的情况,所以我在这里可能是错的,但在阅读维基百科后,我得到的印象是我是正确的,在冷战期间,制裁几乎没有治外法权,但它们始于 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代,冷战结束后:

    1992 年 1996 月的《古巴民主法》(“托里拆利法”)和 XNUMX 年的《古巴自由与民主团结法》(称为赫尔姆斯-伯顿法)加强了封锁,该法通过阻止在古巴开展业务的外国公司受到惩罚。他们在美国做生意




    • 回复: @for-the-record


    - 禁止进口完全或部分由古巴材料制造的任何产品,即使是在其他国家制造的;





    回复:@reiner Tor

  126. @for-the-record


    别以为我曾经说过我是英国人,尽管我确实有 1/4 英国血统。


    回复:@reiner Tor


  127. @Bukephalos


    为什么谷歌会降低 RT 文章的排名,或者如果你相信他们对一个事件的版本,为什么你被称为俄罗斯特工? 是否与他们不得不上演三个 CW 剧院作为干预叙利亚的触发器有关,每次都更加荒谬和难以置信,但他们仍然继续。 第四是魅力,也许? 虽然叙利亚政府仍然坐着,政权更迭的魔力肯定已经消失了。

    回复:@reiner Tor、@reiner Tor、@Thorfinnsson



    俄罗斯不可能在经济疲软的同时保持军事强大和政治稳定。 苏联在第三世界一直保持胜利,直到它崩溃,而第一次世界大战的德国也一直在获胜,直到它在一场快速的战役后突然崩溃。 同样,他们在二战中不断获胜,而在战争生产方面却落后了,但最终他们开始输了。


    • 回复: @Mitleser



    回复:@reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor

    , @Thorfinnsson









    YouTube 上的 Binkov's Battlegrounds 制作了一个有趣的三部分系列,模拟了 3 年假想的第三次世界大战:





    回复:@Thorfinnsson、@reiner Tor、@AP

  128. @Bukephalos


    为什么谷歌会降低 RT 文章的排名,或者如果你相信他们对一个事件的版本,为什么你被称为俄罗斯特工? 是否与他们不得不上演三个 CW 剧院作为干预叙利亚的触发器有关,每次都更加荒谬和难以置信,但他们仍然继续。 第四是魅力,也许? 虽然叙利亚政府仍然坐着,政权更迭的魔力肯定已经消失了。

    回复:@reiner Tor、@reiner Tor、@Thorfinnsson


    所以呢。 斯大林的恐怖在很大程度上也是由恐惧驱动的——对外国势力和国内反对派的恐惧。 然而,认为他软弱是错误的。 希特勒是这么认为的,但他错了。

    • 回复: @Bukephalos

    这不是存在的恐惧。 只是害怕统治地位减弱,失去帝国。

  129. @reiner Tor



    俄罗斯不可能在经济疲软的同时保持军事强大和政治稳定。 苏联在第三世界一直保持胜利,直到它崩溃,而第一次世界大战的德国也一直在获胜,直到它在一场快速的战役后突然崩溃。 同样,他们在二战中不断获胜,而在战争生产方面却落后了,但最终他们开始输了。







    • 回复: @reiner Tor






    , @reiner Tor



  130. @reiner Tor

    我没有密切关注古巴的情况,所以我在这里可能是错的,但在阅读维基百科后,我得到的印象是我是正确的,在冷战期间,制裁几乎没有治外法权,但它们始于 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代,冷战结束后:

    1992 年 1996 月的《古巴民主法》(“托里拆利法”)和 XNUMX 年的《古巴自由与民主团结法》(称为赫尔姆斯-伯顿法)加强了封锁,该法通过阻止在古巴开展业务的外国公司受到惩罚。他们在美国做生意



    回复:@ for-the-record


    — 禁止进口完全或部分由古巴材料制造的任何产品,即使是在其他国家制造的;

    — 禁止向任何向古巴提供援助的国家提供援助

    — 将所有参与与古巴贸易的船只列入黑名单,无论其所在国家/地区如何



    • 回复: @reiner Tor



  131. @Mitleser



    回复:@reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor






    • 回复: @Mitleser








    回复:@reiner Tor

  132. @Mitleser



    回复:@reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor



    • 回复: @for-the-record



    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @Mitleser



    回复:@reiner Tor

  133. @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)



    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Dmitry



    到目前为止,我们有 Ron Unz(美国犹太人)、记录在案的(乌克兰犹太人)和 Greasy(美国犹太人?)。


    后记 – 我也是犹太血统,但到了第三代 – 1 祖父通过他的母亲(即犹太曾祖母)。

    • 回复: @Greasy William


    到目前为止,我们有 Ron Unz(美国犹太人)、记录在案的(乌克兰犹太人)和 Greasy(美国犹太人?)。
    我没有指责你是“Hasbara 用户”。我感谢您对以色列和犹太人民的支持。





    , @German_reader

    你记错了,你被utu和AaronB iirc指责为Hasbara。


    , @for-the-record





  134. @reiner Tor










  135. @Dmitry



    到目前为止,我们有 Ron Unz(美国犹太人)、记录在案的(乌克兰犹太人)和 Greasy(美国犹太人?)。


    后记 - 我也是犹太血统,但到了第三代 - 1 祖父通过他的母亲(即犹太曾祖母)。

    回复:@Greasy William、@German_reader、@for-the-record


    到目前为止,我们有 Ron Unz(美国犹太人)、记录在案的(乌克兰犹太人)和 Greasy(美国犹太人?)。

    我没有指责你是“Hasbara 用户”。我感谢您对以色列和犹太人民的支持。




    • 回复: @Dmitry
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    在哪里?最初的帖子 - 我正在解释以色列是自由主义的 - 我认为这对于他的长期生存来说可能过于自由主义。*

    我写了一个准确的描述,有一些个人知识,而且我似乎比我在这里交谈过的任何人都更了解这个国家(为了方便起见,这里的一半用户是摩萨德的秘密特工),这导致了“我的权威” ,即使是自称的,关于这个话题。

    我不打算决定最初的观点,阿拉伯人或犹太人一开始在以色列的道德上是对还是错,我也不关心这些问题。 (当然,我会关心无辜者是否被杀——但我对其他不影响我的生活或朋友的道德说教形式不太同情)。

    *看看本周晚些时候划定 בג"ץ 权力的提案的情况将会很有趣。
  136. @for-the-record


    - 禁止进口完全或部分由古巴材料制造的任何产品,即使是在其他国家制造的;





    回复:@reiner Tor



  137. @Greasy William



    回复:@AaronB、@Thorfinnsson、@reiner Tor、@Dmitry





  138. @Greasy William


    到目前为止,我们有 Ron Unz(美国犹太人)、记录在案的(乌克兰犹太人)和 Greasy(美国犹太人?)。
    我没有指责你是“Hasbara 用户”。我感谢您对以色列和犹太人民的支持。







    我写了一个准确的描述,有一些个人知识,而且我似乎比我在这里交谈过的任何人都更了解这个国家(为了方便起见,这里的一半用户是摩萨德的秘密特工),这导致了“我的权威” ,即使是自称的,关于这个话题。

    我不打算决定最初的观点,阿拉伯人或犹太人一开始在以色列的道德上是对还是错,我也不关心这些问题。 (当然,我会关心无辜者是否被杀——但我对其他不影响我的生活或朋友的道德说教形式不太同情)。

    *看看本周晚些时候划定 בג”ץ 权力的提案的情况将会很有趣。

  139. @reiner Tor
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)






  140. @Dmitry



    到目前为止,我们有 Ron Unz(美国犹太人)、记录在案的(乌克兰犹太人)和 Greasy(美国犹太人?)。


    后记 - 我也是犹太血统,但到了第三代 - 1 祖父通过他的母亲(即犹太曾祖母)。

    回复:@Greasy William、@German_reader、@for-the-record

    你记错了,你被utu和AaronB iirc指责为Hasbara。

    • 同意: utu
    • 回复: @Dmitry



  141. @reiner Tor





    • 回复: @reiner Tor





    现在,几年后(我想说最迟到 1989 年),越来越明显的是,经济改革没有发挥作用(经济开始萎缩),而政治改革则导致政治解体(华沙两党)条约和苏联本身)。



    回复:@ for-the-record

  142. @reiner Tor







  143. @reiner Tor










    伊朗是盟国以色列的通缉犯。 IT GOT沙特阿拉伯

    据我们所知,伊农计划当时尚未正式制定,但也许已经在制定中了。所有世俗的中东国家都被视为威胁。为什么不是伊朗?从长远来看,以色列是否希望拥有一个强大的伊朗,同时又与西方友好?不,以色列对来自沙特阿拉伯的可以在 24 小时内卷起来的 nincompoops 更放心。



    • 回复: @reiner Tor



  144. @for-the-record



    回复:@reiner Tor





    现在,几年后(我想说最迟到 1989 年),越来越明显的是,经济改革没有发挥作用(经济开始萎缩),而政治改革则导致政治解体(华沙两党)条约和苏联本身)。



    • 回复: @for-the-record

    如果你还没有读过,我强烈推荐 Matlock 的 帝国的尸检,我需要自己回去重新读一遍。

  145. @Dmitry



    到目前为止,我们有 Ron Unz(美国犹太人)、记录在案的(乌克兰犹太人)和 Greasy(美国犹太人?)。


    后记 - 我也是犹太血统,但到了第三代 - 1 祖父通过他的母亲(即犹太曾祖母)。

    回复:@Greasy William、@German_reader、@for-the-record




    • 回复: @Dmitry










  146. @utu





    伊朗是盟国以色列的通缉犯。 IT GOT沙特阿拉伯
    据我们所知,伊农计划当时尚未正式制定,但也许已经在制定中了。所有世俗的中东国家都被视为威胁。为什么不是伊朗?从长远来看,以色列是否希望拥有一个强大的伊朗,同时又与西方友好?不,以色列对来自沙特阿拉伯的可以在 24 小时内卷起来的 nincompoops 更放心。



    回复:@reiner Tor






  147. @reiner Tor





    现在,几年后(我想说最迟到 1989 年),越来越明显的是,经济改革没有发挥作用(经济开始萎缩),而政治改革则导致政治解体(华沙两党)条约和苏联本身)。



    回复:@ for-the-record

    如果你还没有读过,我强烈推荐 Matlock 的 帝国的尸检,我需要自己回去重新读一遍。

  148. @reiner Tor




    • 回复: @reiner Tor



  149. @for-the-record



    雅各:“你们看,人称义是因着他所做的事,并不是单因着信。”(雅各书 2:24)

    保罗:“我们说,人称义是因着信,不在乎遵行律法……”(罗马书 3:28)

    回复:@Greasy William,@Anon

    魂斗罗 路德、雅各布不是“稻草书信”,教会教义也不是那么简单: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10202b.htm

  150. @German_reader

    你记错了,你被utu和AaronB iirc指责为Hasbara。




  151. @AaronB



    我认为仔细阅读历史就会发现,你的每个例子都紧接着一段衰退时期。约翰·格鲁布 (John Glubb) 对 8 世纪和 9 世纪巴格达的社会衰落发表了一些非常中肯且具有启发性的评论,这些评论惊人地反映了我们在伊斯兰扩张之后的时期的社会衰落,甚至到了女权主义(!),当然,众所周知,黄金时代征服美洲后不久,西班牙的财富和权力就衰落了。





    1 – 回归均值
    2 – 帝国的成功会导致其他人加强他们的游戏并结成联盟来对抗你



    或者摘自我们宏伟的《钦定版圣经》箴言 16:18:


    • 回复: @for-the-record



    回复:@Thorfinnsson、@random rand

    , @DFH


  152. @AP


    回复:@reiner Tor


    • 回复: @JL



    回复:@reiner Tor

  153. @for-the-record














  154. @Bukephalos


    为什么谷歌会降低 RT 文章的排名,或者如果你相信他们对一个事件的版本,为什么你被称为俄罗斯特工? 是否与他们不得不上演三个 CW 剧院作为干预叙利亚的触发器有关,每次都更加荒谬和难以置信,但他们仍然继续。 第四是魅力,也许? 虽然叙利亚政府仍然坐着,政权更迭的魔力肯定已经消失了。

    回复:@reiner Tor、@reiner Tor、@Thorfinnsson



    大教堂(Moldbug 的术语)是天主教堂。可悲的是新教改革。




  155. @reiner Tor

    在奥巴马政府的最后几周,他们非法关闭了一个外交大院。 我认为尽管它归俄罗斯所有,但他们仍然没有归还。 西雅图大楼也继续为俄罗斯政府所有。 他们不能只是移除锁并闯入它。 至少他们可以要求合作。

    他们对俄罗斯的态度显然比对苏联严厉得多。 唯一能与更强大国家的待遇进行比较的是他们对待日本帝国和纳粹德国的方式。 当然,他们对俄罗斯的严厉程度仍不及对伊朗的严厉。 但对伊朗的待遇也有些反常。 他们在冷战期间是否曾单方面对任何国家实施过如此严厉的制裁?




    • 同意: reiner Tor
    • 回复: @reiner Tor





  156. @reiner Tor



    俄罗斯不可能在经济疲软的同时保持军事强大和政治稳定。 苏联在第三世界一直保持胜利,直到它崩溃,而第一次世界大战的德国也一直在获胜,直到它在一场快速的战役后突然崩溃。 同样,他们在二战中不断获胜,而在战争生产方面却落后了,但最终他们开始输了。










    因此这个计划: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Days_to_the_River_Rhine

    YouTube 上的 Binkov's Battlegrounds 制作了一个有趣的三部分系列,模拟了 3 年假想的第三次世界大战:





    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson






    , @reiner Tor



    , @AP

    Twinkie解释说,如果没有希特勒的干涉,德国仍然有很大的机会通过榨干苏联人的血来获胜(弹性防御 - 第三次哈尔科夫战役);希特勒迫使德国人采取更加固定的阵地,这并没有发挥出他们的实力,注定了失败。
  157. @Thorfinnsson


    1 - 回归均值
    2 - 帝国的成功会导致其他人加强他们的游戏并结成联盟来对抗你



    或者摘自我们宏伟的《钦定版圣经》箴言 16:18:





    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson






    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @random rand



  158. @Thorfinnsson









    YouTube 上的 Binkov's Battlegrounds 制作了一个有趣的三部分系列,模拟了 3 年假想的第三次世界大战:





    回复:@Thorfinnsson、@reiner Tor、@AP






  159. @for-the-record



    回复:@Thorfinnsson、@random rand






    • 回复: @reiner Tor


    显然,新的共识是,德国人早在 1940 年就已经将几乎所有可用资源投入到战争生产中,但他们并没有以有效的方式做到这一点,因为德国军方不断要求武器的多种变型、手工质量和持续的生产能力。改进,并扼杀了大规模生产。


    第三个问题(与前一个相关)是,他们将做好充分的战争准备,所有能力都已上线,主要武器系统已开发并投入使用。战争的早期爆发阻止了这一点,战争使德国没有全套武器。 (直到 1942 年底才出现重型坦克,没有重型轰炸机或运输机,没有完全机动化的军队,但无论如何没有合成燃料厂为其提供燃料,没有足够的钢铁产能,还有很多其他瓶颈等等)



  160. @utu


    回复:@reiner Tor




    • 回复: @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @utu


    , @Mitleser


    回复:@reiner Tor

  161. @reiner Tor







    • 回复: @reiner Tor




  162. @reiner Tor

    所以呢。 斯大林的恐怖在很大程度上也是由恐惧驱动的——对外国势力和国内反对派的恐惧。 然而,认为他软弱是错误的。 希特勒是这么认为的,但他错了。


    这不是存在的恐惧。 只是害怕统治地位减弱,失去帝国。

  163. @reiner Tor








  164. @Thorfinnsson






    回复:@reiner Tor



    显然,新的共识是,德国人早在 1940 年就已经将几乎所有可用资源投入到战争生产中,但他们并没有以有效的方式做到这一点,因为德国军方不断要求武器的多种变型、手工质量和持续的生产能力。改进,并扼杀了大规模生产。


    第三个问题(与前一个相关)是,他们将做好充分的战争准备,所有能力都已上线,主要武器系统已开发并投入使用。战争的早期爆发阻止了这一点,战争使德国没有全套武器。 (直到 1942 年底才出现重型坦克,没有重型轰炸机或运输机,没有完全机动化的军队,但无论如何没有合成燃料厂为其提供燃料,没有足够的钢铁产能,还有很多其他瓶颈等等)


    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson



    *这位 H 人决心将德国平民的生活水平保持在第一次世界大战的水平之上,这种决心一直持续到 1943 年,当时他将国内事务交给了戈培尔、鲍曼和拉默斯
    *直到 1943 年才能够正确整合被征服领土和盟国的工业人才,特别是工程人才(例如,参见德国空军 5 年对优秀的意大利系列 1943 战斗机的评价)
    *一个荒谬的决定 减少 巴巴罗萨之前的贝壳生产(?!)
    *1940 年中期下令暂停武器计划的开发,该计划需要超过 XNUMX 个月才能完成


    还应该指出的是,在某些方面,德国人比盟国和苏联人采用了更多的标准化。例如,德国空军部严格限制特定飞机类别的型号数量和生产的发动机设计数量。人们通常会提到生产限制,尤其是发动机方面的限制,但直到 1942 年,德国实际上拥有比美国更多的机床和机械师(但公平地说,几乎所有其他类型的生产能力都比德国少)。

    陆军标准化程度较低的部分原因是德国没有充分重新武装或做好战争准备。结果,战利品被迫投入使用,而劣质设计则留在生产中。例如,海因茨·古德里安 (Heinz Guderian) 亲自保留了劣质 PzKw IV 的生产(与神话相反,它实际上并不比黑豹更可靠,而且只贵 10%)。

    其他问题是教义问题。例如,重型坦克是苏联和法国(以及英国在某种程度上的“步兵坦克”)学说的一部分,但不是德国的。德国的装甲战学说是在战争失败的基础上发展起来的。 皇帝施莱克特 1918 年。由于德国陆军卓越的战术素质,德国始终能够在不使用坦克的情况下突破盟军防线。但它无法利用主要运营层面的突破。




    德国重型坦克是根据先进(火力和武器装备)苏联和法国坦克的应对战斗经验而开发的,尽管瓦芬纳姆特早在 30 年就对 1937 吨坦克感兴趣。

    重型轰炸机也是类似的情况。瓦尔特·韦弗的去世和秃鹰行动的经历导致美国放弃战略轰炸,直到美国参战。事实上,德国四引擎重型轰炸机于 1935 年首次试飞,与 B-17 同年,而且远远早于任何英国重型轰炸机。

    重型运输机是另一个理论决定。 1938年之前,德国准备作战的对手是法国、波兰和捷克斯洛伐克。还应该指出的是,盟军和苏联在 1930 世纪 54 年代都没有开发出任何数量的重型运输机。 C-1942 直到 24 年才问世,而将 B-307 和波音 XNUMX 改装为军用运输机等工作也直到那一年才开始实施。

    鉴于战前德国汽车行业规模不足,德国军队的全面机动化可能始终是一个不切实际的目标。拥有更发达(生产能力)汽车行业的苏联,尽管也收到了租借卡车,但在战前或战争期间也未能完全实现机动化。直到 1950 世纪 XNUMX 年代末,德国才真正拥有了庞大的汽车行业。


    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @DFH

    显然,新的共识是,德国人早在 1940 年就已经将几乎所有可用资源投入到战争生产中,但他们并没有以有效的方式做到这一点,因为德国军方不断要求武器的多种变型、手工质量和持续的生产能力。改进,并扼杀了大规模生产。
    它仍然比英国的同等工业要好得多。 1 年,尽管发生了轰炸,德国飞机工厂的生产率仍比英国同行高出约 4/1944。

    回复:@reiner Tor

  165. 在所有地方的 /pol/ 上找到了这个。这本身就意味着必须非常谨慎地对待它,但尽管如此,地图仍然很有趣。有人看到任何异常的东西吗?

    快速浏览之后,巴黎对我来说显得低得可笑。尽管正如一些人在 /pol/ 线程中所写的那样,它可能包括所有的 banelieus。

    • 回复: @songbird

    没有什么明显不诚实的地方,但我认为南美与美国可能有不同的标准。美国是非西班牙裔白人,而我可能是错的,我相当怀疑布宜诺斯艾利斯的人口大约有70%是纯欧元。大概 70% 的人都相当白,但是纯洁吗?我对此表示怀疑。

    到 97 世纪 1950 年代,波士顿 89% 是白人。那些说美国一度有 95% 是白人的人基本上是错误的。到了 97 年代和 40 年代,像波士顿这样的大多数重要城市的白人比例为 50-XNUMX%,这仅意味着整个北方的白人比例要高得多。当您走进波士顿公共图书馆并看到壁画与图书馆里的人们时,您真的会感到震惊。

    回复:@Polish Perspective

    , @for-the-record

    华盛顿特区似乎明显偏离(太低),因为 2017 年白人的比例估计为 44.6%。当我上学时(河对岸的弗吉尼亚州北部),华盛顿特区 70% 以上是黑人。有趣的是,1950年至1970年间,白人人口从65%下降到28%,而最近的飞速上升都是在2000年后。



    对于巴黎来说,这些数字是针对法兰西岛的,该地区的人口接近 12 万,而巴黎本身的人口略高于 2 万。

  166. @Thorfinnsson









    YouTube 上的 Binkov's Battlegrounds 制作了一个有趣的三部分系列,模拟了 3 年假想的第三次世界大战:





    回复:@Thorfinnsson、@reiner Tor、@AP



  167. @Polish Perspective
    在所有地方的 /pol/ 上找到了这个。这本身就意味着必须非常谨慎地对待它,但尽管如此,地图仍然很有趣。有人看到任何异常的东西吗?


    快速浏览之后,巴黎对我来说显得低得可笑。尽管正如一些人在 /pol/ 线程中所写的那样,它可能包括所有的 banelieus。

    回复:@ songbird,@ for-the-record

    没有什么明显不诚实的地方,但我认为南美与美国可能有不同的标准。美国是非西班牙裔白人,而我可能是错的,我相当怀疑布宜诺斯艾利斯的人口大约有70%是纯欧元。大概 70% 的人都相当白,但是纯洁吗?我对此表示怀疑。

    到 97 世纪 1950 年代,波士顿 89% 是白人。那些说美国一度有 95% 是白人的人基本上是错误的。到了 97 年代和 40 年代,像波士顿这样的大多数重要城市的白人比例为 50-XNUMX%,这仅意味着整个北方的白人比例要高得多。当您走进波士顿公共图书馆并看到壁画与图书馆里的人们时,您真的会感到震惊。

    • 回复: @Polish Perspective

    我认为南美与美国可能有不同的标准。美国是非西班牙裔白人,而我可能是错的,我相当怀疑布宜诺斯艾利斯的人口大约有70%是纯欧元。大概 70% 的人都相当白,但是纯洁吗?我对此表示怀疑。
    是的,这听起来似乎有道理。正如史蒂夫·塞勒在他最近关于巴西平权行动的文章中反复指出的那样,拉丁美洲不存在“一滴规则”。人们开玩笑说 Amerimutt,但实际上,美国的大多数白人 白色,我们谈论的是平均 98% 或更多。



    那些说美国一度有 89% 是白人的人基本上是错误的。


    根据美国人口普查数据,80 多岁的白人人数最多。你关于波士顿的说法可能没有错。美国在其历史的大部分时间里都处于极度种族隔离的状态。如果你住在新英格兰,你可能生活在一个非白人人口占 12% 的国家,但几乎看不到非白人。直到30世纪40年代和XNUMX年代所谓的“大迁徙”,这种情况才开始改变。


    另外,请记住,88% 的白人比例包括 2-3% 的犹太人,甚至当时还包括一些阿拉伯人和其他未计算在内的人,尽管我们最多谈论不超过 10-20 个基点。

    1965 年后,即使有大量非欧洲移民,美国也没有更快地实现非白人化,原因是生育率高得离谱。我的意思是,即使在 1960 世纪 3 年代,每个女性的 TFR 也达到了 3.5 到 1990,这太疯狂了。直到最近,该数字在结构上仍高于(北欧)欧洲。这使得这个过程可以拖得更久。否则你可能在 XNUMX 世纪 XNUMX 年代就已经达到目前的阶段了。



  168. @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor



    • 回复: @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor

  169. @reiner Tor






    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    好吧,如果你愿意就叙利亚发动一场核战争(尽管是以半心半意的方式——我保证世界将在半心半意的核战争中被毁灭,就像以狂热方式发动的核战争一样彻底),为什么不呢?让威胁完全可信?你可以与叙利亚签署共同防御条约,对抗美国的侵略。 (美国,因为就像 1939 年英国与苏联一样,俄罗斯可能希望避免与以色列发生不必要的战争。)


    通过明确地做出承诺,您实际上会降低未来遭受美国袭击的风险。一个推论是,如果普京真的愿意发动核战争(但他愿意在其他方面保持理性,而不是咄咄逼人——就像他那样),那么爆发此类战争的可能性实际上会下降。冷战期间,没有任何一个掌权者会产生在 1956 年与美军一起帮助匈牙利革命的愚蠢想法。在叙利亚问题上也应该采取同样的心态。

    哦,不要指望局势缓和。无论如何,它不会很快到来。你可能会毁掉一些桥梁。针对美国的域外制裁摧毁了俄罗斯一家大公司,我们做出了强有力的回应,比如立即向伊朗出售 S-400 系统,甚至免费提供。


    回复:@ German_reader,@ utu

  170. @reiner Tor


    显然,新的共识是,德国人早在 1940 年就已经将几乎所有可用资源投入到战争生产中,但他们并没有以有效的方式做到这一点,因为德国军方不断要求武器的多种变型、手工质量和持续的生产能力。改进,并扼杀了大规模生产。


    第三个问题(与前一个相关)是,他们将做好充分的战争准备,所有能力都已上线,主要武器系统已开发并投入使用。战争的早期爆发阻止了这一点,战争使德国没有全套武器。 (直到 1942 年底才出现重型坦克,没有重型轰炸机或运输机,没有完全机动化的军队,但无论如何没有合成燃料厂为其提供燃料,没有足够的钢铁产能,还有很多其他瓶颈等等)





    *这位 H 人决心将德国平民的生活水平保持在第一次世界大战的水平之上,这种决心一直持续到 1943 年,当时他将国内事务交给戈培尔、鲍曼和拉默斯
    *直到 1943 年才能够正确整合被征服领土和盟国的工业人才,特别是工程人才(例如,参见德国空军 5 年对优秀的意大利系列 1943 战斗机的评价)
    *一个荒谬的决定 减少 巴巴罗萨之前的贝壳生产(?!)
    *1940 年中期下令暂停武器计划的开发,该计划需要超过 XNUMX 个月才能完成


    还应该指出的是,在某些方面,德国人比盟国和苏联人采用了更多的标准化。例如,德国空军部严格限制特定飞机类别的型号数量和生产的发动机设计数量。人们通常会提到生产限制,尤其是发动机方面的限制,但直到 1942 年,德国实际上拥有比美国更多的机床和机械师(但公平地说,几乎所有其他类型的生产能力都比德国少)。

    陆军标准化程度较低的部分原因是德国没有充分重新武装或做好战争准备。结果,战利品被迫投入使用,而劣质设计则留在生产中。例如,海因茨·古德里安 (Heinz Guderian) 亲自保留了劣质 PzKw IV 的生产(与神话相反,它实际上并不比黑豹更可靠,而且只贵 10%)。

    其他问题是教义问题。例如,重型坦克是苏联和法国(以及英国在某种程度上的“步兵坦克”)学说的一部分,但不是德国的。德国的装甲战学说是在战争失败的基础上发展起来的。 皇帝施莱克特 1918 年。由于德国陆军卓越的战术素质,德国始终能够在不使用坦克的情况下突破盟军防线。但它无法利用主要运营层面的突破。





    德国重型坦克是根据先进(火力和武器装备)苏联和法国坦克的应对战斗经验而开发的,尽管瓦芬纳姆特早在 30 年就对 1937 吨坦克感兴趣。

    重型轰炸机也是类似的情况。瓦尔特·韦弗的去世和秃鹰行动的经历导致美国放弃战略轰炸,直到美国参战。事实上,德国四引擎重型轰炸机于 1935 年首次试飞,与 B-17 同年,并且远远早于任何英国重型轰炸机。

    重型运输机是另一个理论决定。 1938年之前,德国准备作战的对手是法国、波兰和捷克斯洛伐克。还应该指出的是,盟军和苏联在 1930 世纪 54 年代都没有开发出任何数量的重型运输机。 C-1942 直到 24 年才问世,而将 B-307 和波音 XNUMX 改装为军用运输机等工作也直到那一年才开始实施。

    鉴于战前德国汽车行业规模不足,德国军队的全面机动化可能始终是一个不切实际的目标。拥有更发达(生产能力)汽车行业的苏联,尽管也收到了租借卡车,但在战前或战争期间也未能完全实现机动化。直到 1950 世纪 XNUMX 年代末,德国才真正拥有了庞大的汽车行业。


    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    我认为有计划将合成燃料生产能力提高到比 1942 年实际达到的水平高出几乎一个数量级......


    H 人决心将德国平民的生活水平保持在第一次世界大战的水平以上
    他们在第一次世界大战中挨饿,我认为这不是一个糟糕的决定。饥饿人口导致 GDP 下降(我认为到 1 年为-30%),从而使其他一切变得更加困难。




  171. @for-the-record



    回复:@Thorfinnsson、@random rand


    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson

    与美国、英国和荷兰海军相比,日本海军在太平洋战争初期的表现相当引人注目。例如,威尔士亲王号的沉没是战争期间仅由其他飞机击沉正在航行的战列舰的极少数事件之一,而且是用少量飞机完成的,而不是大和号被 400 架战机攻击。珍珠港袭击虽然受到英国袭击塔兰托的启发,但却是一次更令人印象深刻的行动。


    日本海军执行的 更好 比已经参战两年多的英国皇家海军给人留下了深刻的印象。



    强烈推荐Combined Fleet网站了解详情:http://combinedfleet.com/kaigun.htm

  172. @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor

    好吧,如果你愿意就叙利亚发动一场核战争(尽管是以半心半意的方式——我保证世界将在半心半意的核战争中被毁灭,就像以狂热方式发动的核战争一样彻底),为什么不呢?让威胁完全可信?你可以与叙利亚签署共同防御条约,对抗美国的侵略。 (美国,因为就像 1939 年英国与苏联一样,俄罗斯可能希望避免与以色列发生不必要的战争。)


    通过明确地做出承诺,您实际上会降低未来遭受美国袭击的风险。一个推论是,如果普京真的愿意发动核战争(但他愿意在其他方面保持理性,而不是咄咄逼人——就像他那样),那么爆发此类战争的可能性实际上会下降。冷战期间,没有任何一个掌权者会产生在 1956 年与美军一起帮助匈牙利革命的愚蠢想法。在叙利亚问题上也应该采取同样的心态。

    哦,不要指望局势缓和。无论如何,它不会很快到来。你可能会毁掉一些桥梁。针对美国的域外制裁摧毁了俄罗斯一家大公司,我们做出了强有力的回应,比如立即向伊朗出售 S-400 系统,甚至免费提供。


    • 回复: @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor

    , @utu



    回复:@reiner Tor,@ for-the-record

  173. @random rand



    与美国、英国和荷兰海军相比,日本海军在太平洋战争初期的表现相当引人注目。例如,威尔士亲王号的沉没是战争期间仅由其他飞机击沉正在航行的战列舰的极少数事件之一,而且是用少量飞机完成的,而不是大和号被 400 架战机攻击。珍珠港袭击虽然受到英国袭击塔兰托的启发,但却是一次更令人印象深刻的行动。


    日本海军执行的 更好 比已经参战两年多的英国皇家海军给人留下了深刻的印象。



    强烈推荐Combined Fleet网站了解详情: http://combinedfleet.com/kaigun.htm

  174. @reiner Tor

    好吧,如果你愿意就叙利亚发动一场核战争(尽管是以半心半意的方式——我保证世界将在半心半意的核战争中被毁灭,就像以狂热方式发动的核战争一样彻底),为什么不呢?让威胁完全可信?你可以与叙利亚签署共同防御条约,对抗美国的侵略。 (美国,因为就像 1939 年英国与苏联一样,俄罗斯可能希望避免与以色列发生不必要的战争。)


    通过明确地做出承诺,您实际上会降低未来遭受美国袭击的风险。一个推论是,如果普京真的愿意发动核战争(但他愿意在其他方面保持理性,而不是咄咄逼人——就像他那样),那么爆发此类战争的可能性实际上会下降。冷战期间,没有任何一个掌权者会产生在 1956 年与美军一起帮助匈牙利革命的愚蠢想法。在叙利亚问题上也应该采取同样的心态。

    哦,不要指望局势缓和。无论如何,它不会很快到来。你可能会毁掉一些桥梁。针对美国的域外制裁摧毁了俄罗斯一家大公司,我们做出了强有力的回应,比如立即向伊朗出售 S-400 系统,甚至免费提供。


    回复:@ German_reader,@ utu


    • 回复: @reiner Tor






  175. @Thorfinnsson



    *这位 H 人决心将德国平民的生活水平保持在第一次世界大战的水平之上,这种决心一直持续到 1943 年,当时他将国内事务交给了戈培尔、鲍曼和拉默斯
    *直到 1943 年才能够正确整合被征服领土和盟国的工业人才,特别是工程人才(例如,参见德国空军 5 年对优秀的意大利系列 1943 战斗机的评价)
    *一个荒谬的决定 减少 巴巴罗萨之前的贝壳生产(?!)
    *1940 年中期下令暂停武器计划的开发,该计划需要超过 XNUMX 个月才能完成


    还应该指出的是,在某些方面,德国人比盟国和苏联人采用了更多的标准化。例如,德国空军部严格限制特定飞机类别的型号数量和生产的发动机设计数量。人们通常会提到生产限制,尤其是发动机方面的限制,但直到 1942 年,德国实际上拥有比美国更多的机床和机械师(但公平地说,几乎所有其他类型的生产能力都比德国少)。

    陆军标准化程度较低的部分原因是德国没有充分重新武装或做好战争准备。结果,战利品被迫投入使用,而劣质设计则留在生产中。例如,海因茨·古德里安 (Heinz Guderian) 亲自保留了劣质 PzKw IV 的生产(与神话相反,它实际上并不比黑豹更可靠,而且只贵 10%)。

    其他问题是教义问题。例如,重型坦克是苏联和法国(以及英国在某种程度上的“步兵坦克”)学说的一部分,但不是德国的。德国的装甲战学说是在战争失败的基础上发展起来的。 皇帝施莱克特 1918 年。由于德国陆军卓越的战术素质,德国始终能够在不使用坦克的情况下突破盟军防线。但它无法利用主要运营层面的突破。




    德国重型坦克是根据先进(火力和武器装备)苏联和法国坦克的应对战斗经验而开发的,尽管瓦芬纳姆特早在 30 年就对 1937 吨坦克感兴趣。

    重型轰炸机也是类似的情况。瓦尔特·韦弗的去世和秃鹰行动的经历导致美国放弃战略轰炸,直到美国参战。事实上,德国四引擎重型轰炸机于 1935 年首次试飞,与 B-17 同年,而且远远早于任何英国重型轰炸机。

    重型运输机是另一个理论决定。 1938年之前,德国准备作战的对手是法国、波兰和捷克斯洛伐克。还应该指出的是,盟军和苏联在 1930 世纪 54 年代都没有开发出任何数量的重型运输机。 C-1942 直到 24 年才问世,而将 B-307 和波音 XNUMX 改装为军用运输机等工作也直到那一年才开始实施。

    鉴于战前德国汽车行业规模不足,德国军队的全面机动化可能始终是一个不切实际的目标。拥有更发达(生产能力)汽车行业的苏联,尽管也收到了租借卡车,但在战前或战争期间也未能完全实现机动化。直到 1950 世纪 XNUMX 年代末,德国才真正拥有了庞大的汽车行业。


    回复:@reiner Tor


    我认为有计划将合成燃料产能提高到比 1942 年实际达到的水平高出几乎一个数量级……


    H 人决心将德国平民的生活水平保持在第一次世界大战的水平以上

    他们在第一次世界大战中挨饿,我认为这不是一个糟糕的决定。饥饿人口导致 GDP 下降(我认为到 1 年为-30%),从而使其他一切变得更加困难。




    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson

    他们在第一次世界大战中挨饿,我认为这不是一个糟糕的决定。饥饿人口导致 GDP 下降(我认为到 1 年为-30%),从而使其他一切变得更加困难。

    事实上,仅 Miele 在 22,000 年“仅”生产了 1940 台洗衣机,这一事实就是这个问题的一个很好的例子。

    回复:@reiner Tor

  176. @reiner Tor

    我认为有计划将合成燃料生产能力提高到比 1942 年实际达到的水平高出几乎一个数量级......


    H 人决心将德国平民的生活水平保持在第一次世界大战的水平以上
    他们在第一次世界大战中挨饿,我认为这不是一个糟糕的决定。饥饿人口导致 GDP 下降(我认为到 1 年为-30%),从而使其他一切变得更加困难。




    他们在第一次世界大战中挨饿,我认为这不是一个糟糕的决定。饥饿人口导致 GDP 下降(我认为到 1 年为-30%),从而使其他一切变得更加困难。


    事实上,仅 Miele 在 22,000 年“仅”生产了 1940 台洗衣机,这一事实就是这个问题的一个很好的例子。

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    生产任何洗衣机或冰箱等都是愚蠢的,尽管我认为共识是它只占产量的几个百分点。 (仍然。)



  177. @Thorfinnsson


    1 - 回归均值
    2 - 帝国的成功会导致其他人加强他们的游戏并结成联盟来对抗你



    或者摘自我们宏伟的《钦定版圣经》箴言 16:18:




  178. @reiner Tor


    显然,新的共识是,德国人早在 1940 年就已经将几乎所有可用资源投入到战争生产中,但他们并没有以有效的方式做到这一点,因为德国军方不断要求武器的多种变型、手工质量和持续的生产能力。改进,并扼杀了大规模生产。


    第三个问题(与前一个相关)是,他们将做好充分的战争准备,所有能力都已上线,主要武器系统已开发并投入使用。战争的早期爆发阻止了这一点,战争使德国没有全套武器。 (直到 1942 年底才出现重型坦克,没有重型轰炸机或运输机,没有完全机动化的军队,但无论如何没有合成燃料厂为其提供燃料,没有足够的钢铁产能,还有很多其他瓶颈等等)



    显然,新的共识是,德国人早在 1940 年就已经将几乎所有可用资源投入到战争生产中,但他们并没有以有效的方式做到这一点,因为德国军方不断要求武器的多种变型、手工质量和持续的生产能力。改进,并扼杀了大规模生产。

    它仍然比英国的同等工业要好得多。 1 年,尽管发生了轰炸,德国飞机工厂的生产率仍比英国同行高出约 4/1944。

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    我想那不是在 1940 年,当时英国生产的飞机比德国还多。

    到了 1944 年,这一切都不再重要了,而且英国只占盟军战争生产的一小部分。


  179. @German_reader


    回复:@reiner Tor






  180. @Thorfinnsson

    他们在第一次世界大战中挨饿,我认为这不是一个糟糕的决定。饥饿人口导致 GDP 下降(我认为到 1 年为-30%),从而使其他一切变得更加困难。

    事实上,仅 Miele 在 22,000 年“仅”生产了 1940 台洗衣机,这一事实就是这个问题的一个很好的例子。

    回复:@reiner Tor

    生产任何洗衣机或冰箱等都是愚蠢的,尽管我认为共识是它只占产量的几个百分点。 (仍然。)


    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson




    结果经济 尺寸增加了一倍 战争期间,这不仅取决于经济复苏,因为美国到 1929 年恢复了 1939 年的 GDP。


  181. @DFH

    显然,新的共识是,德国人早在 1940 年就已经将几乎所有可用资源投入到战争生产中,但他们并没有以有效的方式做到这一点,因为德国军方不断要求武器的多种变型、手工质量和持续的生产能力。改进,并扼杀了大规模生产。
    它仍然比英国的同等工业要好得多。 1 年,尽管发生了轰炸,德国飞机工厂的生产率仍比英国同行高出约 4/1944。

    回复:@reiner Tor

    我想那不是在 1940 年,当时英国生产的飞机比德国还多。

    到了 1944 年,这一切都不再重要了,而且英国只占盟军战争生产的一小部分。

    • 回复: @DFH

    我想那不是在 1940 年,当时英国生产的飞机比德国还多。
    我相当肯定他们是。根据 Correlli Barnett 的《战争审计》,英国的产量峰值为每天 1.28 磅,而整个战争期间德国的平均产量为 1.5 磅。如果有的话,这低估了德国的优势,因为英国生产的更多产品用于轰炸机,每磅所需的工时更少。
  182. @reiner Tor

    好吧,如果你愿意就叙利亚发动一场核战争(尽管是以半心半意的方式——我保证世界将在半心半意的核战争中被毁灭,就像以狂热方式发动的核战争一样彻底),为什么不呢?让威胁完全可信?你可以与叙利亚签署共同防御条约,对抗美国的侵略。 (美国,因为就像 1939 年英国与苏联一样,俄罗斯可能希望避免与以色列发生不必要的战争。)


    通过明确地做出承诺,您实际上会降低未来遭受美国袭击的风险。一个推论是,如果普京真的愿意发动核战争(但他愿意在其他方面保持理性,而不是咄咄逼人——就像他那样),那么爆发此类战争的可能性实际上会下降。冷战期间,没有任何一个掌权者会产生在 1956 年与美军一起帮助匈牙利革命的愚蠢想法。在叙利亚问题上也应该采取同样的心态。

    哦,不要指望局势缓和。无论如何,它不会很快到来。你可能会毁掉一些桥梁。针对美国的域外制裁摧毁了俄罗斯一家大公司,我们做出了强有力的回应,比如立即向伊朗出售 S-400 系统,甚至免费提供。


    回复:@ German_reader,@ utu




    • 回复: @reiner Tor



    让某人停止某种行为(停止轰炸叙利亚)总是比让他不开始某种行为(比如让美国不要养成轰炸叙利亚的习惯)更困难。所以我会让以色列轰炸叙利亚,但不会让美国轰炸。 (也许一年前,我还会向叙利亚提供 S-300,以回应美国的一些新制裁。让美国知道,通过制裁俄罗斯,他们也会让以色列的日子变得更加困难。)




    , @for-the-record



    回复:@reiner Tor

  183. @reiner Tor

    生产任何洗衣机或冰箱等都是愚蠢的,尽管我认为共识是它只占产量的几个百分点。 (仍然。)






    结果经济 尺寸增加了一倍 战争期间,这不仅取决于经济复苏,因为美国到 1929 年恢复了 1939 年的 GDP。


  184. 乔迪最近就像一座金矿。这让我有些惊讶。


    法国很有趣。提出的问题是 30 年的视角。大多数人可能不记得这一点——也不记得,因为我当时还没有出生,但我可以查阅统计数据——即30年前的法国即使不比(西德)更富有,也同样富有。它是 领先于英国。





    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    自 1998 年以来,斯洛伐克的表现相当不错,比匈牙利好得多。但我认为,以前的表现并不好。事实上,由于捷克斯洛伐克的很多共产主义重工业和军备工业都集中在那里,我认为他们在1990世纪XNUMX年代遭到了残酷的打击。


    回复:@Polish Perspective

    , @utu




  185. @utu



    回复:@reiner Tor,@ for-the-record



    让某人停止某种行为(停止轰炸叙利亚)总是比让他不开始某种行为(比如让美国不要养成轰炸叙利亚的习惯)更困难。所以我会让以色列轰炸叙利亚,但不会让美国轰炸。 (也许一年前,我还会向叙利亚提供 S-300,以回应美国的一些新制裁。让美国知道,通过制裁俄罗斯,他们也会让以色列的日子变得更加困难。)



    • 同意: Anatoly Karlin
    • 回复: @utu

    让某人停止某种行为(停止轰炸叙利亚)总是比让他不开始某种行为(比如让美国不要养成轰炸叙利亚的习惯)更困难。 所以我会让以色列轰炸叙利亚 但不是美国。 (也许一年前,我还会向叙利亚提供 S-300,以回应美国的一些新制裁。让美国知道,通过制裁俄罗斯,他们也会让以色列的日子变得更加困难。)





    回复:@Greasy William

    , @utu


    回复:@reiner Tor

  186. @Polish Perspective



    法国很有趣。提出的问题是 30 年的视角。大多数人可能不记得这一点 - 也不记得,因为我当时还没有出生,但我可以获得统计数据 - 即法国三十年前与(西德)一样富有,甚至更富有。它是 领先于英国。






    回复:@reiner Tor,@ utu

    自 1998 年以来,斯洛伐克的表现相当不错,比匈牙利好得多。但我认为,以前的表现并不好。事实上,由于捷克斯洛伐克的很多共产主义重工业和军备工业都集中在那里,我认为他们在1990世纪XNUMX年代遭到了残酷的打击。


    • 回复: @Polish Perspective

    那很有意思。我承认我对斯洛伐克的了解有限——这在波兰是一种常见的刻板印象,因为我们对南方的好邻居普遍无知——但据我了解,他们在 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代基本上有一个软性的半独裁领导层,在梅恰尔。他们有一个短暂的空位期,这显然主要是为了安抚西方观察家/自由主义者批评明显缺乏真正的民主。

    直到 1990 世纪 1990 年代末,真正的民主化才出现,梅恰尔和他的寡头们(在某种程度上)放弃了控制权。 XNUMX 世纪 XNUMX 年代的独裁阶段恰逢 非常 直到 1990 世纪 1990 年代末才逐步私有化,这意味着增长可能会比较平稳。随后出现了大规模的私有化浪潮。到那时,已经进行了足够的调整,这就是斯洛伐克在XNUMX世纪XNUMX年代表现得很好的原因。


    我认为关键线索可能就在问题本身。它要求:有机会取得成功 更平等?人们可以合理地说,总体生活已经改善了很多 仍然 说不平等问题并没有变得不那么重要。它们不需要相互抵消,而且确实可以共存。这可能更接近事实,因为我经常听说斯洛伐克的经济机会严重局限于布拉迪斯拉维亚地区。斯洛伐克东部地区基本上没有完全缩小经济差距,甚至可能进一步落后。这可能是他们做出令人惊讶的负面反应的原因之一。

    相比之下,华沙对波兰的统治程度几乎没有达到同样的程度。事实上,有些人甚至声称与大多数国家的中位数比例相比,华沙人口稀少。大伦敦地区人口占英国人口的 20%。相比之下,华沙的这一比例仅为 5%。地区不平等仍然存在,但已经有所改善。对于斯洛伐克来说可能并非如此。当然,这只是猜测。

    回复:@reiner Tor

  187. @reiner Tor

    我想那不是在 1940 年,当时英国生产的飞机比德国还多。

    到了 1944 年,这一切都不再重要了,而且英国只占盟军战争生产的一小部分。


    我想那不是在 1940 年,当时英国生产的飞机比德国还多。

    我相当肯定他们是。根据 Correlli Barnett 的《战争审计》,英国的产量峰值为每天 1.28 磅,而整个战争期间德国的平均产量为 1.5 磅。如果有的话,这低估了德国的优势,因为英国生产的更多产品用于轰炸机,每磅所需的工时更少。

  188. @reiner Tor





    • 回复: @reiner Tor



    在象征性较小的案例中,例如对俄罗斯铝业公司的制裁,他们确实 不能 (或很少)报复。




  189. @songbird

    没有什么明显不诚实的地方,但我认为南美与美国可能有不同的标准。美国是非西班牙裔白人,而我可能是错的,我相当怀疑布宜诺斯艾利斯的人口大约有70%是纯欧元。大概 70% 的人都相当白,但是纯洁吗?我对此表示怀疑。

    到 97 世纪 1950 年代,波士顿 89% 是白人。那些说美国一度有 95% 是白人的人基本上是错误的。到了 97 年代和 40 年代,像波士顿这样的大多数重要城市的白人比例为 50-XNUMX%,这仅意味着整个北方的白人比例要高得多。当您走进波士顿公共图书馆并看到壁画与图书馆里的人们时,您真的会感到震惊。

    回复:@Polish Perspective

    我认为南美与美国可能有不同的标准。美国是非西班牙裔白人,而我可能是错的,我相当怀疑布宜诺斯艾利斯的人口大约有70%是纯欧元。大概 70% 的人都相当白,但是纯洁吗?我对此表示怀疑。

    是的,这听起来似乎有道理。正如史蒂夫·塞勒在他最近关于巴西平权行动的文章中反复指出的那样,拉丁美洲不存在“一滴规则”。人们开玩笑说 Amerimutt,但实际上,美国的大多数白人 白色,我们谈论的是平均 98% 或更多。



    那些说美国一度有 89% 是白人的人基本上是错误的。



    根据美国人口普查数据,80 多岁的白人人数最多。你关于波士顿的说法可能没有错。美国在其历史的大部分时间里都处于极度种族隔离的状态。如果你住在新英格兰,你可能生活在一个非白人人口占 12% 的国家,但几乎看不到非白人。直到30世纪40年代和XNUMX年代所谓的“大迁徙”,这种情况才开始改变。


    另外,请记住,88% 的白人比例包括 2-3% 的犹太人,甚至当时还包括一些阿拉伯人和其他未计算在内的人,尽管我们最多谈论不超过 10-20 个基点。

    1965 年后,即使有大量非欧洲移民,美国也没有更快地实现非白人化,原因是生育率高得离谱。我的意思是,即使在 1960 世纪 3 年代,每个女性的 TFR 也达到了 3.5 到 1990,这太疯狂了。直到最近,该数字在结构上仍高于(北欧)欧洲。这使得这个过程可以拖得更久。否则你可能在 XNUMX 世纪 XNUMX 年代就已经达到目前的阶段了。




  190. @reiner Tor

    自 1998 年以来,斯洛伐克的表现相当不错,比匈牙利好得多。但我认为,以前的表现并不好。事实上,由于捷克斯洛伐克的很多共产主义重工业和军备工业都集中在那里,我认为他们在1990世纪XNUMX年代遭到了残酷的打击。


    回复:@Polish Perspective

    那很有意思。我承认我对斯洛伐克的了解有限——这在波兰是一种常见的刻板印象,因为我们对南方的好邻居普遍无知——但据我了解,他们在 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代基本上有一个软性的半独裁领导层,在梅恰尔。他们有一个短暂的空位期,这显然主要是为了安抚西方观察家/自由主义者批评明显缺乏真正的民主。

    直到 1990 世纪 1990 年代末,真正的民主化才出现,梅恰尔和他的寡头们(在某种程度上)放弃了控制权。 XNUMX 世纪 XNUMX 年代的独裁阶段恰逢 非常 直到 1990 世纪 1990 年代末才逐步私有化,这意味着增长可能会比较平稳。随后出现了大规模的私有化浪潮。到那时,已经进行了足够的调整,这就是斯洛伐克在XNUMX世纪XNUMX年代表现得很好的原因。


    我认为关键线索可能就在问题本身。它要求:有机会取得成功 更平等?人们可以合理地说,总体生活已经改善了很多 仍然 说不平等问题并没有变得不那么重要。它们不需要相互抵消,而且确实可以共存。这可能更接近事实,因为我经常听说斯洛伐克的经济机会严重局限于布拉迪斯拉维亚地区。斯洛伐克东部地区基本上没有完全缩小经济差距,甚至可能进一步落后。这可能是他们做出令人惊讶的负面反应的原因之一。

    相比之下,华沙对波兰的统治程度几乎没有达到同样的程度。事实上,有些人甚至声称与大多数国家的中位数比例相比,华沙人口稀少。大伦敦地区人口占英国人口的 20%。相比之下,华沙的比例仅为 5%。地区不平等仍然存在,但已经有所改善。对于斯洛伐克来说可能并非如此。当然,这只是猜测。

    • 回复: @reiner Tor



  191. @reiner Tor

















    • 回复: @reiner Tor




  192. @reiner Tor





    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    我太夸张了。总是存在一些问题。但还没有达到 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代末苏联生存危机的规模。

  193. @JL



    回复:@reiner Tor



    在象征性较小的案例中,例如对俄罗斯铝业公司的制裁,他们确实 不能 (或很少)报复。



    • 回复: @AP


    回复:@reiner Tor

  194. @Mitleser



    回复:@reiner Tor

    我太夸张了。总是存在一些问题。但还没有达到 1980 世纪 XNUMX 年代末苏联生存危机的规模。

  195. @reiner Tor






    • 回复: @reiner Tor





  196. @Mitleser








    回复:@reiner Tor



    • 回复: @Mitleser

  197. @Polish Perspective
    在所有地方的 /pol/ 上找到了这个。这本身就意味着必须非常谨慎地对待它,但尽管如此,地图仍然很有趣。有人看到任何异常的东西吗?


    快速浏览之后,巴黎对我来说显得低得可笑。尽管正如一些人在 /pol/ 线程中所写的那样,它可能包括所有的 banelieus。

    回复:@ songbird,@ for-the-record

    华盛顿特区似乎明显偏离(太低),因为 2017 年白人的比例估计为 44.6%。当我上学时(河对岸的弗吉尼亚州北部),华盛顿特区 70% 以上是黑人。有趣的是,1950年至1970年间,白人人口从65%下降到28%,而最近的飞速上升都是在2000年后。



    对于巴黎来说,这些数字是针对法兰西岛的,该地区的人口接近 12 万,而巴黎本身的人口略高于 2 万。

  198. @Mitleser


    回复:@reiner Tor




    • 回复: @Mitleser



  199. @utu



    回复:@reiner Tor,@ for-the-record



    • 回复: @reiner Tor





  200. @Polish Perspective



    法国很有趣。提出的问题是 30 年的视角。大多数人可能不记得这一点 - 也不记得,因为我当时还没有出生,但我可以获得统计数据 - 即法国三十年前与(西德)一样富有,甚至更富有。它是 领先于英国。






    回复:@reiner Tor,@ utu




  201. @reiner Tor



    让某人停止某种行为(停止轰炸叙利亚)总是比让他不开始某种行为(比如让美国不要养成轰炸叙利亚的习惯)更困难。所以我会让以色列轰炸叙利亚,但不会让美国轰炸。 (也许一年前,我还会向叙利亚提供 S-300,以回应美国的一些新制裁。让美国知道,通过制裁俄罗斯,他们也会让以色列的日子变得更加困难。)




    让某人停止某种行为(停止轰炸叙利亚)总是比让他不开始某种行为(比如让美国不要养成轰炸叙利亚的习惯)更困难。 所以我会让以色列轰炸叙利亚 但不是美国。 (也许一年前,我还会向叙利亚提供 S-300,以回应美国的一些新制裁。让美国知道,通过制裁俄罗斯,他们也会让以色列的日子变得更加困难。)





    • 回复: @Greasy William

    因为像 99% 的非穆斯林一样,莱纳和阿纳托利并不真正关心叙利亚。他们两人都比大多数人更加支持叙利亚。



    关于 s-300:如果 s-300 供应给叙利亚,我怀疑它是否会被用来对付以色列飞机。以色列国防军通常发出克制的声音,现在真的非常非常希望与叙利亚和伊朗开战,即使不惜与俄罗斯发生直接冲突。


    回复:@ utu,@ Dmitry

  202. @reiner Tor






  203. @reiner Tor



    让某人停止某种行为(停止轰炸叙利亚)总是比让他不开始某种行为(比如让美国不要养成轰炸叙利亚的习惯)更困难。所以我会让以色列轰炸叙利亚,但不会让美国轰炸。 (也许一年前,我还会向叙利亚提供 S-300,以回应美国的一些新制裁。让美国知道,通过制裁俄罗斯,他们也会让以色列的日子变得更加困难。)






    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    我并没有提议去弄乱一个爱沙尼亚人的一根头发。我的建议是认真对待一场(核战争或非核战争)战争的准备工作(这是一种比外交官空话更有效、更可信的威胁方式,而且好处是你不必坚持到底,因为这根本不是威胁)。这只是正常战争准备工作的一部分——你问你的邻居,如果美国侵略引发战争,他们是否允许美国使用他们的领空或基地。 (或者,如果爱沙尼亚人不愿意使用这个表达方式,则在美国无端攻击俄罗斯或盟军而引发战争的情况下。)



    我明确提议开始为难以色列,作为对美国制裁的不对称反应。首先,向真主党运送小武器。正式宣布这是对美国制裁的回应。然后当比比愤怒地打电话时,告诉他,如果进一步制裁,就会送来重型武器。最终,俄罗斯可能会受到制裁,导致真主党获得适当的防空和空军。 (我的知识不够,不知道这是否是一个可行的策略。真主党可能不是一个足够可靠的组织。那么只有叙利亚应该获得这种武器。但不是作为对美国导弹袭击的回应,而是作为回应制裁 - 俄罗斯对此没有对称的答案,例如向伊朗发送武器等。)

  204. @reiner Tor







  205. @Polish Perspective

    那很有意思。我承认我对斯洛伐克的了解有限——这在波兰是一种常见的刻板印象,因为我们对南方的好邻居普遍无知——但据我了解,他们在 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代基本上有一个软性的半独裁领导层,在梅恰尔。他们有一个短暂的空位期,这显然主要是为了安抚西方观察家/自由主义者批评明显缺乏真正的民主。

    直到 1990 世纪 1990 年代末,真正的民主化才出现,梅恰尔和他的寡头们(在某种程度上)放弃了控制权。 XNUMX 世纪 XNUMX 年代的独裁阶段恰逢 非常 直到 1990 世纪 1990 年代末才逐步私有化,这意味着增长可能会比较平稳。随后出现了大规模的私有化浪潮。到那时,已经进行了足够的调整,这就是斯洛伐克在XNUMX世纪XNUMX年代表现得很好的原因。


    我认为关键线索可能就在问题本身。它要求:有机会取得成功 更平等?人们可以合理地说,总体生活已经改善了很多 仍然 说不平等问题并没有变得不那么重要。它们不需要相互抵消,而且确实可以共存。这可能更接近事实,因为我经常听说斯洛伐克的经济机会严重局限于布拉迪斯拉维亚地区。斯洛伐克东部地区基本上没有完全缩小经济差距,甚至可能进一步落后。这可能是他们做出令人惊讶的负面反应的原因之一。

    相比之下,华沙对波兰的统治程度几乎没有达到同样的程度。事实上,有些人甚至声称与大多数国家的中位数比例相比,华沙人口稀少。大伦敦地区人口占英国人口的 20%。相比之下,华沙的这一比例仅为 5%。地区不平等仍然存在,但已经有所改善。对于斯洛伐克来说可能并非如此。当然,这只是猜测。

    回复:@reiner Tor



  206. @utu

    让某人停止某种行为(停止轰炸叙利亚)总是比让他不开始某种行为(比如让美国不要养成轰炸叙利亚的习惯)更困难。 所以我会让以色列轰炸叙利亚 但不是美国。 (也许一年前,我还会向叙利亚提供 S-300,以回应美国的一些新制裁。让美国知道,通过制裁俄罗斯,他们也会让以色列的日子变得更加困难。)





    回复:@Greasy William

    因为像 99% 的非穆斯林一样,莱纳和阿纳托利并不真正关心叙利亚。他们两人都比大多数人更加支持叙利亚。



    关于 s-300:如果 s-300 供应给叙利亚,我怀疑它是否会被用来对付以色列飞机。以色列国防军通常发出克制的声音,现在真的非常非常希望与叙利亚和伊朗开战,即使不惜与俄罗斯发生直接冲突。


    • 回复: @utu
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    就像 99% 的非穆斯林 [...] 并不真正关心叙利亚







    回复:@for-the-record、@Greasy William、@Thorfinnsson

    , @Dmitry
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)



    象征性的反应是关闭城市中的以色列文化中心,这对俄罗斯不会产生任何负面影响 - (这在大约 15 年前就发生过)

    经济反应 - 限制对以色列的石油供应(会因失去市场份额而损害俄罗斯)。


    向叙利亚供应S-300 - 可能会在未来几年内导致某种爆炸事件(并需要外交回应)。因此,让叙利亚付出代价比免费提供更有意义。

    回复:@Greasy William

  207. @utu

    给谁做榜样?伊朗太大了。摧毁伊朗或许应该成为伊朗的教训。伊朗最大的罪行是,尽管 1979 年伊朗革命受挫,但它的运作相对良好。考虑一下伊朗革命的目的是为了阻止国王统治下伊朗的发展,因为拥有一个强大的伊朗并不意味着伊朗的发展。计划。尽管沙阿与美国和以色列关系都很好,但强大的伊朗让以色列感到紧张。从以色列的角度来看,伊朗与美国发生冲突是最理想的结果。

    奥巴马与伊朗达成的协议是他最伟大、最勇敢的成就,而最后的最后一击是不否决联合国针对以色列的决议。奥巴马确实不喜欢内塔尼亚胡和游说团体,当然,正如他在埃及的演讲所表明的那样,他想做更多的事情,但他受到了阻碍。瓦莱丽·贾雷特 (Valerie Jarret) 是白宫最重要的人物,她住在伊朗,会说帕西语,她可能在这笔交易中发挥了重要作用。


    回复:@reiner Tor,@Mitleser



  208. @German_reader

    Daniel Chieh(他的妻子不仅允许他玩电子游戏……显然她自己也玩……书呆子的梦想成真!)。

    回复:@reiner Tor、@yevardian、@Daniel Chieh

    她确实是个宝。我也计划很快在《文明 6》中制作《让我们来玩俄罗斯占领世界》。

    • 回复: @German_reader
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    很好,请告诉我们您是否将其上传到某个地方。我确信 AK 会感兴趣:-)

  209. @Greasy William

    因为像 99% 的非穆斯林一样,莱纳和阿纳托利并不真正关心叙利亚。他们两人都比大多数人更加支持叙利亚。



    关于 s-300:如果 s-300 供应给叙利亚,我怀疑它是否会被用来对付以色列飞机。以色列国防军通常发出克制的声音,现在真的非常非常希望与叙利亚和伊朗开战,即使不惜与俄罗斯发生直接冲突。


    回复:@ utu,@ Dmitry

    就像 99% 的非穆斯林 […] 并不真正关心叙利亚









    • 回复: @for-the-record









    , @Greasy William

    1. 我 do 关心叙利亚。我恨它。
    2. 我不是一个“动摇的”犹太人,我什至不知道这意味着什么。
    3. 你是投射的人。走进现实世界并与一些真实的人交谈。在互联网之外,没有人会浪费时间思考叙利亚、伊朗或巴勒斯坦人。伊斯兰世界以外每一个试图以“拯救巴勒斯坦人/叙利亚人/伊朗人”为纲领的政党都遭遇了灾难性的失败,这表明了这一点。马琳·勒庞甚至不得不将自己的父亲踢出国民阵线,因为巴勒斯坦/伊朗的事情正在杀死他们和法国选民。

    犹太教 发明 普遍规律。基督徒和穆斯林从我们那里得到了它,甚至东方的人民也只是从他派到那里的亚伯拉罕的孩子们那里得知了它。


    1. 迪莫纳到底和什么有关系?
    2、俄罗斯用常规武器摧毁以色列的能力为0。没有任何。自 1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来,他们就没有这样的能力。俄罗斯摧毁以色列的唯一方法是发动核攻击。
    3. 这就引出了以色列的核理论,即“一经警告就发射核”。这意味着俄罗斯向以色列发射洲际弹道导弹的那一刻,杰里科就向乌拉尔以西的每个主要俄罗斯人口中心发射。俄罗斯最终将被其邻国瓜分,并不再作为一个国家存在。
    4. 俄罗斯对以色列的核攻击将辐射整个邻近地区,包括叙利亚和黎巴嫩的大部分地区。

    普京和俄罗斯在叙利亚取得了巨大胜利。 20年后,美国将消失,俄罗斯将成为活跃在中东的唯一超级大国。他正在打一场持久战。碰巧他的议程不是你的议程。

    回复:@ Jon0815

    , @Thorfinnsson





    回复:@Greasy William

  210. @Daniel Chieh

    她确实是个宝。我也计划很快在《文明 6》中制作《让我们来玩俄罗斯占领世界》。


    很好,请告诉我们您是否将其上传到某个地方。我确信 AK 会感兴趣 🙂

  211. @Greasy William

    因为像 99% 的非穆斯林一样,莱纳和阿纳托利并不真正关心叙利亚。他们两人都比大多数人更加支持叙利亚。



    关于 s-300:如果 s-300 供应给叙利亚,我怀疑它是否会被用来对付以色列飞机。以色列国防军通常发出克制的声音,现在真的非常非常希望与叙利亚和伊朗开战,即使不惜与俄罗斯发生直接冲突。


    回复:@ utu,@ Dmitry



    象征性的反应是关闭城市中的以色列文化中心,这对俄罗斯不会产生任何负面影响——(这种情况在大约 15 年前就发生过)




    • 回复: @Greasy William



  212. @utu
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    就像 99% 的非穆斯林 [...] 并不真正关心叙利亚







    回复:@for-the-record、@Greasy William、@Thorfinnsson








    • 回复: @Mitleser


    回复:@ for-the-record

    , @utu



  213. @utu
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    就像 99% 的非穆斯林 [...] 并不真正关心叙利亚







    回复:@for-the-record、@Greasy William、@Thorfinnsson


    1. 我 do 关心叙利亚。我恨它。
    2. 我不是一个“动摇的”犹太人,我什至不知道这意味着什么。
    3. 你是投射的人。走进现实世界并与一些真实的人交谈。在互联网之外,没有人会浪费时间思考叙利亚、伊朗或巴勒斯坦人。伊斯兰世界以外每一个试图以“拯救巴勒斯坦人/叙利亚人/伊朗人”为纲领的政党都遭遇了灾难性的失败,这表明了这一点。马琳·勒庞甚至不得不将自己的父亲踢出国民阵线,因为巴勒斯坦/伊朗的事情正在杀死他们和法国选民。


    犹太教 发明 普遍规律。基督徒和穆斯林从我们那里得到了它,甚至东方的人民也只是从他派到那里的亚伯拉罕的孩子们那里得知了它。




    1. 迪莫纳到底和什么有关系?
    2、俄罗斯用常规武器摧毁以色列的能力为0。没有任何。自 1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来,他们就没有这样的能力。俄罗斯摧毁以色列的唯一方法是发动核攻击。
    3. 这就引出了以色列的核理论,即“一经警告就发射核”。这意味着俄罗斯向以色列发射洲际弹道导弹的那一刻,杰里科就向乌拉尔以西的每个主要俄罗斯人口中心发射。俄罗斯最终将被其邻国瓜分,并不再作为一个国家存在。
    4. 俄罗斯对以色列的核攻击将辐射整个邻近地区,包括叙利亚和黎巴嫩的大部分地区。

    普京和俄罗斯在叙利亚取得了巨大胜利。 20年后,美国将消失,俄罗斯将成为活跃在中东的唯一超级大国。他正在打一场持久战。碰巧他的议程不是你的议程。

    • 回复: @Jon0815
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    3. 这就引出了以色列的核理论,即“一经警告就发射核”。这意味着俄罗斯向以色列发射洲际弹道导弹的那一刻,杰里科就向乌拉尔以西的每个主要俄罗斯人口中心发射。俄罗斯最终将被其邻国瓜分,并不再作为一个国家存在。


    但假设以色列确实设法发射了每一枚洲际弹道导弹,目的是杀死尽可能多的俄罗斯人。并进一步假设他们设法突破莫斯科的反导防御(不太可能)。这种可能无法执行的方案会导致最多约 15% 的俄罗斯人口死亡,类似于俄罗斯在二战中的损失。显然,这并没有摧毁俄罗斯。

    不,以色列不具备对抗俄罗斯的 MAD 能力,甚至相差甚远。在俄罗斯先发制人后,以色列在报复性打击中很难杀死俄罗斯1%的人口,而在以色列先发制人后,俄罗斯当然可以彻底摧毁以色列。
  214. @utu
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    就像 99% 的非穆斯林 [...] 并不真正关心叙利亚







    回复:@for-the-record、@Greasy William、@Thorfinnsson





    • 回复: @Greasy William

  215. @Dmitry
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)



    象征性的反应是关闭城市中的以色列文化中心,这对俄罗斯不会产生任何负面影响 - (这在大约 15 年前就发生过)

    经济反应 - 限制对以色列的石油供应(会因失去市场份额而损害俄罗斯)。


    向叙利亚供应S-300 - 可能会在未来几年内导致某种爆炸事件(并需要外交回应)。因此,让叙利亚付出代价比免费提供更有意义。

    回复:@Greasy William


    • 回复: @Dmitry
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)






    以色列在俄罗斯的文化中心于 2002 年因“技术原因”而关闭。经过6年的谈判,它们于2008年重新开放。作为回应,以色列最终允许俄罗斯在以色列开设一个(效率低得多的)俄罗斯文化中心,但该中心不提供任何有用的项目。


    , @utu
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    回复:@Greasy William

  216. @for-the-record










    • 回复: @for-the-record




  217. 爆炸发生后不久,欧洲-地中海地震中心表示,爆炸在该地区引发了2.6级地震。

    猜猜通常 100% 有效的叙利亚防空系统错过了这些 1970 年代的巡航导弹。

    • 回复: @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    猜猜通常 100% 有效的叙利亚防空系统错过了这些 1970 年代的巡航导弹。


    回复:@reiner Tor

  218. 中国必须结束台湾分裂主义当局。

    台北(台湾新闻)—台北市市长柯文哲周六表示,台北市已与土耳其签署协议,将在台湾首都建造第三座清真寺,可容纳 50,000 万名穆斯林。

    该市第一座清真寺位于新生南路,靠近大安森林公园,周末庆祝其成立 58 周年。另一座清真寺位于新海路。

    该国本土穆斯林人口有限,但超过 100,000 万外籍工人来自以穆斯林为主的印度尼西亚。



    • 同意: Anatoly Karlin
    • 回复: @German_reader



  219. @Mitleser


    回复:@ for-the-record





  220. @Greasy William

    猜猜通常 100% 有效的叙利亚防空系统错过了这些 1970 年代的巡航导弹。

    回复:@ for-the-record

    猜猜通常 100% 有效的叙利亚防空系统错过了这些 1970 年代的巡航导弹。


    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    更可能的解释是,14 月 XNUMX 日的防空系统是由俄罗斯人操作的,但在袭击发生后,又将其交还给了原来的叙利亚人员。

    回复:@ for-the-record

  221. 你必须了解以色列政治才能理解这些袭击。

    比比不惜一切代价想要和平。这些袭击是以色列国防军与 DM Lieberman 合作、违背内塔尼亚尤意愿而进行的,不是出于防御原因,而是为了挑起叙利亚和伊朗与以色列开战。这与以色列国防军在 1967 年违背当时以色列政府意愿所玩的游戏相同。




  222. @Mitleser

    台北(台湾新闻)—台北市市长柯文哲周六表示,台北市已与土耳其签署协议,将在台湾首都建造第三座清真寺,可容纳 50,000 万名穆斯林。

    该市第一座清真寺位于新生南路,靠近大安森林公园,周末庆祝其成立 58 周年。另一座清真寺位于新海路。

    该国本土穆斯林人口有限,但超过 100,000 万外籍工人来自以穆斯林为主的印度尼西亚。




    • 回复: @for-the-record



    Taiwan Turns Light on 1947 Slaughter by Chiang Kai-shek’s Troops



    , @songbird

    I wouldn't worry too much about the aborigines directly. There aren't that many in relation to the Han and they aren't really that alien in the way "your skin is your uniform." A worrisome sign though if you draw parallels to other countries like Canada or Australia though.

    Indonesian migration is a problem, IMO. Some people even call it a "back migration", since Austronesians supposedly set out from Taiwan and settled Indonesia. You would think the Chinese would be wary of them, since their experience with affirmative-action in Indonesia, but there probably is not a lot of honest communication between overseas and domestic Chinese, just as there wasn't between Americans and Europeans.


  223. @Thorfinnsson





    回复:@Greasy William


    I do too. He’s a total badass.

  224. @Greasy William




    Russia is third-party, but which – due to various commitments and now sunk costs – risks various embarrassment and loss of authority if there is not some kind of response or appearance of response to Israel.


    I’m wondering about how it would operate, if there was a desire to close the Israeli cultural centers as the symbolic response.


    The Israeli cultural centers in Russia were closed in 2002, for ‘technical reasons’. It took 6 years of negotiations, and they were re-opened in 2008. And in response Israel finally allowed Russia to open a (much less effective) Russian cultural center in Israel, which doesn’t offer any useful programs.


  225. @for-the-record










    If Putin wants to be a big boy he must read the riot act to Netanyahu. It can be all hush hush but Putin’s will (if he has it) must be conveyed unambiguously so Natanyahu knows of consequences: (1) Russia extends protective umbrella over the whole Syria and (2) any Russia’s assets harmed nuclear retaliation on territory of Israel.

  226. @German_reader





    Taiwan Turns Light on 1947 Slaughter by Chiang Kai-shek’s Troops


    • 回复: @German_reader

    Some bad things certainly happened and historians should research and write about that, but it seems quite decadent to me to make a big deal in national remembrance of it, that's merely adopting the Western cult of the victim. Besides, I just feel the Kuomintang were kind of the good guys (or at least the lesser evil) in the context of the times.

    , @Thorfinnsson

    The 228 incident was not a crime.

    It was a necessary use of violence to suppress the only thing that passed for a legitimate government on Taiwan at the time, and it was instigated by petty nationalists (or splittists in Chinese terminology) and communists.

    In fact the immediate impetus for the uprising was...black market cigaretteers upset over being prosecuted by the state.

    回复:@ for-the-record

  227. @Greasy William




    Apparently diplomatic responses do not work. Israel does not listed or pretends that it does not hear. A misbehaving child must be at some point threatened with a severe punishment. Russia does not have enough conventional power in the Syrian theater to deter Israel that’s why Israel is trying to provoke and escalate. Russia has no other choice but to deter Israel with the threat of nuclear strike.

    • 回复: @Greasy William

    Russia has no other choice but to deter Israel with the threat of nuclear strike.
    Only according to your priorities. No more than a handful of Russians are willing to commit suicide to protect Syria and Iran. Nothing you ever say will change that.


  228. @for-the-record



    Taiwan Turns Light on 1947 Slaughter by Chiang Kai-shek’s Troops



    Some bad things certainly happened and historians should research and write about that, but it seems quite decadent to me to make a big deal in national remembrance of it, that’s merely adopting the Western cult of the victim. Besides, I just feel the Kuomintang were kind of the good guys (or at least the lesser evil) in the context of the times.

  229. @utu
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    回复:@Greasy William

    Russia has no other choice but to deter Israel with the threat of nuclear strike.

    Only according to your priorities. No more than a handful of Russians are willing to commit suicide to protect Syria and Iran. Nothing you ever say will change that.

    • 回复: @utu
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    No more than a handful of Russians are willing to commit suicide to protect Syria and Iran.
    Again you are not getting the law of symmetry. You think that Jews are exempt form it? How many Israelis are willing to commit suicide by insisting to have the right to bomb anything they like in Syria at will? Do you really believe that Russians will just walk away or look the other way while Israel is bombing Syria any time it wants? If Putin decides to draw a line everything will be OK. Nobody will have to die and nobody will have to commit suicide if only Israel stops bombing Syria. Don't you get it that it is really up to you.

    回复:@reiner Tor

  230. Besides, I just feel the Kuomintang were kind of the good guys (or at least the lesser evil) in the context of the times.

    The more I read about the KMT and their activities, unfortunately the less sure I am of this.

    Also, one needs to keep in mind that “Taiwanese” have a separate issue with the KMT, as they effectively saw one heavy-handed colonial ruler replaced by another. Local languages were suppressed for decades, something which even the Japanese hadn’t done.

    During the postwar period, the Kuomintang (KMT) administration on Taiwan was repressive and extremely corrupt compared with the previous Japanese rule, leading to local discontent. Anti-mainlander violence flared on 28 February 1947, prompted by an incident in which a cigarette seller was injured and a passerby was indiscriminately shot dead by Nationalist authorities.[81] During the ensuing crackdown by the KMT administration in what became known as the February 28 Incident, tens of thousands of people were killed or arrested, and the incident became a taboo topic of discussion for the entire martial law era.

    • 回复: @German_reader

    Local languages were suppressed for decades, something which even the Japanese hadn’t done.
    I thought the Japanese had strong assimilationist policies during the colonial era (basically wanting to turn Koreans and Taiwanese into some kind of Japanese), so it surprises me the Kuomintang are supposed to have been 更坏...but I can't exactly claim to be that well-informed about the issue.
    Anyway, I'm not in favour of covering up historical crimes, but given similar phenomena in Western countries (e.g. the Spanish left and its obsession with the civil war which seems rather vindictive to me) I'm deeply suspicious of organized politics of memory.

    回复:@ utu,@ Daniel Chieh

    , @Thorfinnsson

    Local languages are loser languages and should be gotten rid of.

    , @reiner Tor

    The more I read about the KMT and their activities, unfortunately the less sure I am of this.
    It's enough to recognize that Mao was more horrible for China.
  231. @German_reader



    I wouldn’t worry too much about the aborigines directly. There aren’t that many in relation to the Han and they aren’t really that alien in the way “your skin is your uniform.” A worrisome sign though if you draw parallels to other countries like Canada or Australia though.

    Indonesian migration is a problem, IMO. Some people even call it a “back migration”, since Austronesians supposedly set out from Taiwan and settled Indonesia. You would think the Chinese would be wary of them, since their experience with affirmative-action in Indonesia, but there probably is not a lot of honest communication between overseas and domestic Chinese, just as there wasn’t between Americans and Europeans.

    • 回复: @German_reader

    You would think the Chinese would be wary of them, since their experience with affirmative-action in Indonesia
    Even I can vaguely remember how they had pogroms against Chinese in Indonesia in the late 1990s, it's weird if Chinese aren't influenced by that in their perceptions of Indonesia.
  232. @for-the-record
    Besides, I just feel the Kuomintang were kind of the good guys (or at least the lesser evil) in the context of the times.

    The more I read about the KMT and their activities, unfortunately the less sure I am of this.

    Also, one needs to keep in mind that "Taiwanese" have a separate issue with the KMT, as they effectively saw one heavy-handed colonial ruler replaced by another. Local languages were suppressed for decades, something which even the Japanese hadn't done.

    During the postwar period, the Kuomintang (KMT) administration on Taiwan was repressive and extremely corrupt compared with the previous Japanese rule, leading to local discontent. Anti-mainlander violence flared on 28 February 1947, prompted by an incident in which a cigarette seller was injured and a passerby was indiscriminately shot dead by Nationalist authorities.[81] During the ensuing crackdown by the KMT administration in what became known as the February 28 Incident, tens of thousands of people were killed or arrested, and the incident became a taboo topic of discussion for the entire martial law era.

    Replies: @German_reader, @Thorfinnsson, @reiner Tor

    Local languages were suppressed for decades, something which even the Japanese hadn’t done.

    I thought the Japanese had strong assimilationist policies during the colonial era (basically wanting to turn Koreans and Taiwanese into some kind of Japanese), so it surprises me the Kuomintang are supposed to have been 更坏…but I can’t exactly claim to be that well-informed about the issue.
    Anyway, I’m not in favour of covering up historical crimes, but given similar phenomena in Western countries (e.g. the Spanish left and its obsession with the civil war which seems rather vindictive to me) I’m deeply suspicious of organized politics of memory.

    • 回复: @utu

    It was Kuomintang that blew it with their grandiose insistence that they represented the whole China (yes, they were egged on by the US). When the mainland China was weak Taiwan had a chance of becoming an independent country and could get international recognition if only Kuomintang stepped aside and let the pre-Kuomintang Chinese who were more loyal to Japan than China and the native population rule. Now it is too late.

    回复:@ Mitleser,@ Daniel Chieh

    , @Daniel Chieh

    The Co-Prosperity Sphere was supposed to be assimilationist, but the Japanese rule in pretty much everywhere except Taiwan was incredibly brutal. There's a couple of American reviews on Korea, for example, which pretty much established that North and Southern Koreans were perfectly happy to put aside their significant differences if they could kill Japanese soldiers.

    For a variety of reasons, Japanese rule in Taiwan was much more established and therefore they were able to utilize less brutal measures, but they also replaced local languages with Japanese education. Taiwan was supposed to be a kind of showcase colony to demonstrate the presumed benevolence of the Imperial Japanese as well to future members. It was enough for them to run a loss, since its purpose was to encourage other future colonies to give up peacefully.

    The KMT, on the other hand, needed to establish order and setup for economic stability while dealing with the very real dual threat of invasion from the mainland and internal sympathizers to the Communists. As I mentioned before, whatever the KMT crimes might have been, they had goals which they needed to establish. Its hard to see what the TaiDu rivals wanted to accomplish, then or now. TaiDu has been in power for some time, and as far as I can see, they've only accomplished in simultaneously provoking China while making no serious efforts at either political or military resistance.

    As far as I can tell, their greatest accomplishment has been to elect a cat lady to be their leader.

    Tsai is unmarried and has no children. Tsai is known to be a cat lover, and her two cats, "Think Think" and "Ah Tsai", featured prominently in her election campaign. In October 2016, she adopted three retired guide dogs, named Bella, Bunny and Maru.

    The KMT descendants remain the overwhelming majority of the military as well, while the non-KMT politicians are the ones agitating to get an invasion from China. There is this entire scenario of simultaneous idiocy and cowardice that I can't really forgive.


  233. @songbird

    I wouldn't worry too much about the aborigines directly. There aren't that many in relation to the Han and they aren't really that alien in the way "your skin is your uniform." A worrisome sign though if you draw parallels to other countries like Canada or Australia though.

    Indonesian migration is a problem, IMO. Some people even call it a "back migration", since Austronesians supposedly set out from Taiwan and settled Indonesia. You would think the Chinese would be wary of them, since their experience with affirmative-action in Indonesia, but there probably is not a lot of honest communication between overseas and domestic Chinese, just as there wasn't between Americans and Europeans.


    You would think the Chinese would be wary of them, since their experience with affirmative-action in Indonesia

    Even I can vaguely remember how they had pogroms against Chinese in Indonesia in the late 1990s, it’s weird if Chinese aren’t influenced by that in their perceptions of Indonesia.

  234. @for-the-record



    Taiwan Turns Light on 1947 Slaughter by Chiang Kai-shek’s Troops



    The 228 incident was not a crime.

    It was a necessary use of violence to suppress the only thing that passed for a legitimate government on Taiwan at the time, and it was instigated by petty nationalists (or splittists in Chinese terminology) and communists.

    In fact the immediate impetus for the uprising was…black market cigaretteers upset over being prosecuted by the state.

    • 回复: @for-the-record

    In fact the immediate impetus for the uprising was…black market cigaretteers upset over being prosecuted by the state.

    You mean like the Boston Tea Party?


  235. @Thorfinnsson

    The 228 incident was not a crime.

    It was a necessary use of violence to suppress the only thing that passed for a legitimate government on Taiwan at the time, and it was instigated by petty nationalists (or splittists in Chinese terminology) and communists.

    In fact the immediate impetus for the uprising was...black market cigaretteers upset over being prosecuted by the state.

    回复:@ for-the-record

    In fact the immediate impetus for the uprising was…black market cigaretteers upset over being prosecuted by the state.

    You mean like the Boston Tea Party?

    • 回复: @Thorfinnsson


    Most of the stated reasons for the American Revolution were bullshit.

  236. @for-the-record
    Besides, I just feel the Kuomintang were kind of the good guys (or at least the lesser evil) in the context of the times.

    The more I read about the KMT and their activities, unfortunately the less sure I am of this.

    Also, one needs to keep in mind that "Taiwanese" have a separate issue with the KMT, as they effectively saw one heavy-handed colonial ruler replaced by another. Local languages were suppressed for decades, something which even the Japanese hadn't done.

    During the postwar period, the Kuomintang (KMT) administration on Taiwan was repressive and extremely corrupt compared with the previous Japanese rule, leading to local discontent. Anti-mainlander violence flared on 28 February 1947, prompted by an incident in which a cigarette seller was injured and a passerby was indiscriminately shot dead by Nationalist authorities.[81] During the ensuing crackdown by the KMT administration in what became known as the February 28 Incident, tens of thousands of people were killed or arrested, and the incident became a taboo topic of discussion for the entire martial law era.

    Replies: @German_reader, @Thorfinnsson, @reiner Tor

    Local languages are loser languages and should be gotten rid of.

  237. @for-the-record

    In fact the immediate impetus for the uprising was…black market cigaretteers upset over being prosecuted by the state.

    You mean like the Boston Tea Party?



    Most of the stated reasons for the American Revolution were bullshit.

  238. Local languages are loser languages and should be gotten rid of.

    Than if Taiwanese Hokkien with its 15 million native speakers is to be gotten rid of, what fate do you suggest for Swedish?

    • 回复: @Greasy William

    why are you taking Taiwan's side?

    回复:@ for-the-record

    , @Thorfinnsson

    Sweden has been an independent state for its entire history (Kalmar Union was a personal union) and Sweden has made great contributions to the world.

    That said I support a Nordic federation of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Estonia. Each country would continue to have its own language but English would be the lingua franca.

    Alternatively the Nazi scheme to subsume the Scandinavian countries into Greater Germany doesn't seem like a bad idea.

  239. @for-the-record
    Local languages are loser languages and should be gotten rid of.

    Than if Taiwanese Hokkien with its 15 million native speakers is to be gotten rid of, what fate do you suggest for Swedish?

    回复:@Greasy William,@ Thorfinnsson

    why are you taking Taiwan’s side?

    • 回复: @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    why are you taking Taiwan’s side?

    1. I like local languages and culture.

    2. Not very enthusiastic about the KMT, which is not "native" to Taiwan, I am sympathetic to those who complain about what happened in the not-too-distant past.

    On the other hand, I have nothing against the "reunification" of Taiwan with the mainland, indeed can see certain aspects where this might well be advantageous.

  240. @Greasy William

    Russia has no other choice but to deter Israel with the threat of nuclear strike.
    Only according to your priorities. No more than a handful of Russians are willing to commit suicide to protect Syria and Iran. Nothing you ever say will change that.


    No more than a handful of Russians are willing to commit suicide to protect Syria and Iran.

    Again you are not getting the law of symmetry. You think that Jews are exempt form it? How many Israelis are willing to commit suicide by insisting to have the right to bomb anything they like in Syria at will? Do you really believe that Russians will just walk away or look the other way while Israel is bombing Syria any time it wants? If Putin decides to draw a line everything will be OK. Nobody will have to die and nobody will have to commit suicide if only Israel stops bombing Syria. Don’t you get it that it is really up to you.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    There's no symmetry, because they have bombed Syria for so long that it's now the status quo. You can say that it's not fair that they have been bombing Syria with impunity, but it's also not fair that Neanderthals are extinct or what I complained about in the other thread that Czechoslovakia got 100% ethnically Hungarian areas (still the best arable land in Slovakia) and then deported many of them (including some of my relatives) in 1945 because they were disloyal. It's also unfair that I was poorer than you when growing up and my parents only had a Wartburg when your parents as Americans undoubtedly had a huge V6 or V8 engined car or truck and a bigger house. Oh, of course it's also unfair that I was richer than the vast majority of African children - they didn't have enough to , and probably thought that it's only soldiers and presidents who have cars. In fact, I was richer than the majority of Hungarian children - a lot of them were cramped into smaller (occasionally much smaller) apartments than us.

    Life is unfair.

    Now that we've established that Israel has been there bombing Syria, we know that they would call your bluff. Except, of course, in your case it wouldn't be bluff because (as you wrote) you'd be delighted if there was a nuclear war between Russia and Israel.

    Since unlike you I don't want a nuclear war, I would set my goals and red lines so that there's a very good chance others would respect them. And only then would I be willing to die or go down fighting for those goals and red lines.

  241. @German_reader

    Local languages were suppressed for decades, something which even the Japanese hadn’t done.
    I thought the Japanese had strong assimilationist policies during the colonial era (basically wanting to turn Koreans and Taiwanese into some kind of Japanese), so it surprises me the Kuomintang are supposed to have been 更坏...but I can't exactly claim to be that well-informed about the issue.
    Anyway, I'm not in favour of covering up historical crimes, but given similar phenomena in Western countries (e.g. the Spanish left and its obsession with the civil war which seems rather vindictive to me) I'm deeply suspicious of organized politics of memory.

    回复:@ utu,@ Daniel Chieh

    It was Kuomintang that blew it with their grandiose insistence that they represented the whole China (yes, they were egged on by the US). When the mainland China was weak Taiwan had a chance of becoming an independent country and could get international recognition if only Kuomintang stepped aside and let the pre-Kuomintang Chinese who were more loyal to Japan than China and the native population rule. Now it is too late.

    • 回复: @Mitleser

    That is not a problem for the KMT.
    They would not mind closer ties to the PRC.


    , @Daniel Chieh

    It wasn't ever realistic to become part of Japan(and post-war Japan was not about to get any more territory), and the pre-KMT Chinese are the ones in TaiDu now running around and being idiots. Its not really like they're doing anything useful nor did it really seem like they ever had a plan.

    KMT had their faults - overt ambition and a bullheaded refusal to give up on taking over the mainland among them, but at least they didn't think that they could gain independence through supporting same-sex marriage and other complete nonsequitors which presumably will bring "international attention." The degree of "not a serious country" and utter divorce from reality is hard to comprehend.


  242. @reiner Tor





    I don’t have an opinion one way or the other, but a very large number of Iranians believe this theory, from all sections of society. Curiously, Israel was the only major country in the world supporting them during the Imposed War. The motive is easy: enemies mutually destroying each other. Don’t forget Israel nurtured Hamas for decades.

    Iran was becoming increasingly hostile towards Israel and independent of America in the Shah’s later years. The notion does have legs.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Okay, I cannot claim to be knowledgeable enough about the issue, so maybe you guys do have a point.

  243. @for-the-record
    Local languages are loser languages and should be gotten rid of.

    Than if Taiwanese Hokkien with its 15 million native speakers is to be gotten rid of, what fate do you suggest for Swedish?

    回复:@Greasy William,@ Thorfinnsson

    Sweden has been an independent state for its entire history (Kalmar Union was a personal union) and Sweden has made great contributions to the world.

    That said I support a Nordic federation of Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Estonia. Each country would continue to have its own language but English would be the lingua franca.

    Alternatively the Nazi scheme to subsume the Scandinavian countries into Greater Germany doesn’t seem like a bad idea.

  244. Coming apart

  245. How many Israelis are willing to commit suicide by insisting to have the right to bomb anything they like in Syria at will?

    About 85% of Israeli Jews.

    Do you really believe that Russians will just walk away or look the other way while Israel is bombing Syria any time it wants?

    If the only alternative is launching a nuclear war that will end Russia as a state? Yes. Absolutely.

    Don’t you get it that it is really up to you.

    It’s up to Putin, not us. We’ve already drawn a line in the sand: No Iranians in Syria. That line has been violated but we have no invaded and will not invade. We will continue to strike at them wherever and whenever we want, however. We are anxious and willing to do so in a way that doesn’t jeopardize Russian personnel and without threatening the security of the Assad regime. If that’s not good enough for Russia and they want to start a nuclear war over it, that’s on them.

    • 回复: @AaronB
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    Greasy, you know you're talking nonsense :)

    Israel can barely handle a few casualties in Gaza. It's very risk averse.

    I know this Jewish tactic well - pretend you're crazy, with lots of bravado. Back down when it doesnt work, however humiliating. There's a reason Jews survived two thousand years of exile - you're not the heroic type. Jews think long term. Survival is worth any humiliation in Jewish thinking - you will grovel at Putin's knees before risking annihilation.

    I'm not trying to insult Jews here - it's just a different kind of culture, tough and tenacious in its own way, but not descended from the knightly-aristocratic European culture, and not ashamed to plead for its life.

    I do appreciate the show you're putting on, though :)

    I don't think you have anything to worry about, because I don't think Putin is likely to threaten Israel with annihilation.

    , @utu
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    It’s up to Putin, not us. We’ve already drawn a line in the sand: No Iranians in Syria. That line has been violated but we have no invaded and will not invade. We will continue to strike at them wherever and whenever we want, however. We are anxious and willing to do so in a way that doesn’t jeopardize Russian personnel and without threatening the security of the Assad regime.
    Syria is a sovereign state and under no international law Israel has any right to impose conditions on who Syria invites in to help her fight the civil war. Furthermore Israel was not neutral in this war by providing refuge, support and medical care to rebels and engaged in bombing of one of Syria allies. Case is closed. Israel is in the wrong. Russia on the other hand by the rule of international law can draw a line and threaten Israel for violating Syria sovereignty by conducting military strike on Syria territory.
    , @Anatoly Karlin
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    This is a stupid debate. Greasy is of course right.

    Well, I don't know if he's right on Israel, but he's right on Russia in this case. A minority would fight a nuclear war over Donbass. A negligible percentage would fight a nuclear war over Syria. And the only man in Russia who would fight a nuclear war over Syria, but not over Donbass, is Israel Shamir.

    I mostly certainly don't want to fight a nuclear war over a training arena for the Russian Air Force.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @utu, @Dmitry, @reiner Tor

  246. @utu

    It was Kuomintang that blew it with their grandiose insistence that they represented the whole China (yes, they were egged on by the US). When the mainland China was weak Taiwan had a chance of becoming an independent country and could get international recognition if only Kuomintang stepped aside and let the pre-Kuomintang Chinese who were more loyal to Japan than China and the native population rule. Now it is too late.

    回复:@ Mitleser,@ Daniel Chieh

    That is not a problem for the KMT.
    They would not mind closer ties to the PRC.

    • 回复: @utu

    I know that is not a problem for KMT but they blew it for Taiwan.


  247. @Mitleser

    That is not a problem for the KMT.
    They would not mind closer ties to the PRC.


    I know that is not a problem for KMT but they blew it for Taiwan.

    • 回复: @Mitleser

    Why let their opponents win everything?


    The KMT has never wanted an independent Taiwan.


  248. @Greasy William

    How many Israelis are willing to commit suicide by insisting to have the right to bomb anything they like in Syria at will?
    About 85% of Israeli Jews.

    Do you really believe that Russians will just walk away or look the other way while Israel is bombing Syria any time it wants?


    If the only alternative is launching a nuclear war that will end Russia as a state? Yes. Absolutely.

    Don’t you get it that it is really up to you.
    It's up to Putin, not us. We've already drawn a line in the sand: No Iranians in Syria. That line has been violated but we have no invaded and will not invade. We will continue to strike at them wherever and whenever we want, however. We are anxious and willing to do so in a way that doesn't jeopardize Russian personnel and without threatening the security of the Assad regime. If that's not good enough for Russia and they want to start a nuclear war over it, that's on them.

    Replies: @AaronB, @utu, @Anatoly Karlin

    Greasy, you know you’re talking nonsense 🙂

    Israel can barely handle a few casualties in Gaza. It’s very risk averse.

    I know this Jewish tactic well – pretend you’re crazy, with lots of bravado. Back down when it doesnt work, however humiliating. There’s a reason Jews survived two thousand years of exile – you’re not the heroic type. Jews think long term. Survival is worth any humiliation in Jewish thinking – you will grovel at Putin’s knees before risking annihilation.

    I’m not trying to insult Jews here – it’s just a different kind of culture, tough and tenacious in its own way, but not descended from the knightly-aristocratic European culture, and not ashamed to plead for its life.

    I do appreciate the show you’re putting on, though 🙂

    I don’t think you have anything to worry about, because I don’t think Putin is likely to threaten Israel with annihilation.

  249. @Greasy William

    How many Israelis are willing to commit suicide by insisting to have the right to bomb anything they like in Syria at will?
    About 85% of Israeli Jews.

    Do you really believe that Russians will just walk away or look the other way while Israel is bombing Syria any time it wants?


    If the only alternative is launching a nuclear war that will end Russia as a state? Yes. Absolutely.

    Don’t you get it that it is really up to you.
    It's up to Putin, not us. We've already drawn a line in the sand: No Iranians in Syria. That line has been violated but we have no invaded and will not invade. We will continue to strike at them wherever and whenever we want, however. We are anxious and willing to do so in a way that doesn't jeopardize Russian personnel and without threatening the security of the Assad regime. If that's not good enough for Russia and they want to start a nuclear war over it, that's on them.

    Replies: @AaronB, @utu, @Anatoly Karlin

    It’s up to Putin, not us. We’ve already drawn a line in the sand: No Iranians in Syria. That line has been violated but we have no invaded and will not invade. We will continue to strike at them wherever and whenever we want, however. We are anxious and willing to do so in a way that doesn’t jeopardize Russian personnel and without threatening the security of the Assad regime.

    Syria is a sovereign state and under no international law Israel has any right to impose conditions on who Syria invites in to help her fight the civil war. Furthermore Israel was not neutral in this war by providing refuge, support and medical care to rebels and engaged in bombing of one of Syria allies. Case is closed. Israel is in the wrong. Russia on the other hand by the rule of international law can draw a line and threaten Israel for violating Syria sovereignty by conducting military strike on Syria territory.

  250. @Greasy William

    How many Israelis are willing to commit suicide by insisting to have the right to bomb anything they like in Syria at will?
    About 85% of Israeli Jews.

    Do you really believe that Russians will just walk away or look the other way while Israel is bombing Syria any time it wants?


    If the only alternative is launching a nuclear war that will end Russia as a state? Yes. Absolutely.

    Don’t you get it that it is really up to you.
    It's up to Putin, not us. We've already drawn a line in the sand: No Iranians in Syria. That line has been violated but we have no invaded and will not invade. We will continue to strike at them wherever and whenever we want, however. We are anxious and willing to do so in a way that doesn't jeopardize Russian personnel and without threatening the security of the Assad regime. If that's not good enough for Russia and they want to start a nuclear war over it, that's on them.

    Replies: @AaronB, @utu, @Anatoly Karlin

    This is a stupid debate. Greasy is of course right.

    Well, I don’t know if he’s right on Israel, but he’s right on Russia in this case. A minority would fight a nuclear war over Donbass. A negligible percentage would fight a nuclear war over Syria. And the only man in Russia who would fight a nuclear war over Syria, but not over Donbass, is Israel Shamir.

    I mostly certainly don’t want to fight a nuclear war over a training arena for the Russian Air Force.

    • 回复: @Greasy William

    How do you think Russians would feel about the way that western Russophiles feel that Russia is morally obligated to launch a nuclear attack on Israel because Israel killed some Iranians?

    On Southfront, the Russian posters are becoming increasingly frustrated with the ingratitude of their Arab and Russophile allies.

    For the record, I have never talked about attacking Russian soldiers or toppling Assad and nobody in Israel is talking about that either.


    As a Jew, I hope for friendship with Russia and the Russian people and am willing to give very much to bring that about. But as for the Russophiles, not one shall remain alive.



    I know this Jewish tactic well – pretend you’re crazy, with lots of bravado.
    Jews have a tendency to fear their own shadows but I can't think of any case of them pretending otherwise. You are hallucinating.

    However, when Jews are threatened with annihilation and proceed to return to G-d, they cannot be intimidated. Read the Torah.

    Replies: @AaronB, @reiner Tor, @Felix Keverich

    , @utu

    Nobody wants to fight a nuclear war. But you have to be ready. If you are not you have already lost.


    , @Dmitry

    It's Iran which is going to respond, or not, physically for the attacks - (or through Hezbollah, Iran).

    Predicting the response of Kremlin leadership is more complicated, and there will probably be different points of view there, from seeing Israel's attacks as a humiliation that needs a reaction, to seeing attacks as an opportunity to increase influence in Syria.

    Also in relation to war between Iran and Israel - in some sense Russia is in a parallel position on the board as in relation to the Armenia vs Azerbaijan conflict. Although with differences, such as that Israel is more firmly in an American, enemy, camp, than Azerbaijan is yet. And the scale of the war between these two would be a far larger war, and less desirable even for third-players (although the increase in oil price would not be bad).

    , @reiner Tor

    A minority would fight a nuclear war over Donbass. A negligible percentage would fight a nuclear war over Syria. And the only man in Russia who would fight a nuclear war over Syria, but not over Donbass, is Israel Shamir.
    As I wrote, from a game theory viewpoint, those who are not willing to wage a nuclear war over more trivial issues will be condemned to wage them over their lives.

    That said, other than utu (who - as he wrote - would be delighted at the thought of a nuclear war between Israel and Russia), I don't think it'd be sensible to go to the nuclear brink over Israel bombing Syria.

    I do think that Israel's bad habit of bombing Syria needs to be broken (and perhaps longer term, after Assad's victory, Iran's presence in Syria should be reduced?), but it takes patience and certainly nuclear brinkmanship is not the way to do it.
  251. @Anatoly Karlin
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    This is a stupid debate. Greasy is of course right.

    Well, I don't know if he's right on Israel, but he's right on Russia in this case. A minority would fight a nuclear war over Donbass. A negligible percentage would fight a nuclear war over Syria. And the only man in Russia who would fight a nuclear war over Syria, but not over Donbass, is Israel Shamir.

    I mostly certainly don't want to fight a nuclear war over a training arena for the Russian Air Force.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @utu, @Dmitry, @reiner Tor

    How do you think Russians would feel about the way that western Russophiles feel that Russia is morally obligated to launch a nuclear attack on Israel because Israel killed some Iranians?

    On Southfront, the Russian posters are becoming increasingly frustrated with the ingratitude of their Arab and Russophile allies.

    For the record, I have never talked about attacking Russian soldiers or toppling Assad and nobody in Israel is talking about that either.


    As a Jew, I hope for friendship with Russia and the Russian people and am willing to give very much to bring that about. But as for the Russophiles, not one shall remain alive.



    I know this Jewish tactic well – pretend you’re crazy, with lots of bravado.

    Jews have a tendency to fear their own shadows but I can’t think of any case of them pretending otherwise. You are hallucinating.

    However, when Jews are threatened with annihilation and proceed to return to G-d, they cannot be intimidated. Read the Torah.

    • 回复: @AaronB
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    Perhaps you're right about religious Jews, Greasy.

    I can believe religious Jews have an inner strength lacking in their secular brethren.

    , @reiner Tor
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    western Russophiles feel that Russia is morally obligated to launch a nuclear attack on Israel because Israel killed some Iranians?
    I prefer calling him "utu," since "western Russophiles" is too long. It's also a somewhat misleading name, implying that it's actually "western Russophiles" instead of just utu.

    回复:@Greasy William

    , @Felix Keverich
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    For the record, I have never talked about attacking Russian soldiers or toppling Assad and nobody in Israel is talking about that either.

    Israel minister calls for assassination of Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad

    I say we retaliate by striking at Israeli airfields, and then the Jews in Israel will get to make a choice between a Holocaust 2.0 or a climbdown.

    回复:@Greasy William

  252. @Greasy William

    How do you think Russians would feel about the way that western Russophiles feel that Russia is morally obligated to launch a nuclear attack on Israel because Israel killed some Iranians?

    On Southfront, the Russian posters are becoming increasingly frustrated with the ingratitude of their Arab and Russophile allies.

    For the record, I have never talked about attacking Russian soldiers or toppling Assad and nobody in Israel is talking about that either.


    As a Jew, I hope for friendship with Russia and the Russian people and am willing to give very much to bring that about. But as for the Russophiles, not one shall remain alive.



    I know this Jewish tactic well – pretend you’re crazy, with lots of bravado.
    Jews have a tendency to fear their own shadows but I can't think of any case of them pretending otherwise. You are hallucinating.

    However, when Jews are threatened with annihilation and proceed to return to G-d, they cannot be intimidated. Read the Torah.

    Replies: @AaronB, @reiner Tor, @Felix Keverich

    Perhaps you’re right about religious Jews, Greasy.

    I can believe religious Jews have an inner strength lacking in their secular brethren.

  253. @Anatoly Karlin
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    This is a stupid debate. Greasy is of course right.

    Well, I don't know if he's right on Israel, but he's right on Russia in this case. A minority would fight a nuclear war over Donbass. A negligible percentage would fight a nuclear war over Syria. And the only man in Russia who would fight a nuclear war over Syria, but not over Donbass, is Israel Shamir.

    I mostly certainly don't want to fight a nuclear war over a training arena for the Russian Air Force.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @utu, @Dmitry, @reiner Tor

    Nobody wants to fight a nuclear war. But you have to be ready. If you are not you have already lost.

    • 回复: @utu

    I could have said this: A weak state like Russia can take political advantage of nuclear weapons it possesses only if the other side is convinced that Russia will use them when Russia says it would. Even if Russia's imposed conditions would be frivolous or unreasonable. If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed. If Russia was believed it could stop Israel intrusions into Syria with one short phone call. The problem here is not that Russia is not believed but that Russia like everybody here is telling me is not even trying to be believed. So the consensu here is:

    Let Israel bomb Syria.
    Those of you who live in Russia should get ready for the triumphant return to Russia not of Russian troop because they will come back with their tails between legs but for the return of Khodorkovsky and the rest of them.

    Replies: @Felix Keverich, @AaronB, @reiner Tor

  254. Greasy is talking nonsense about Israel, although – I feel like everyone was bullying unfairly him today. So I will add he seems to know more about Russia.

    Any small conflict for Israel, crashes the economy for at least 1 economic quarter, destroys tourist industry several years, stresses a population, encourages the Russian-speaking olim to plan the emigration to Canada (while the Africans and Arabs stay unaffected and will never leave), and leads to destruction of their country reputation around the world and mass marches inside Paris.

    They have less tolerance for conflict even many their neighbours, since they are actually reaching the first world standard expectations for life style, the country is tiny, the rockets hit every side in the frightening way which maybe only East Ukrainians can imagine. In addition, their economy does well whenever there is peace, and vice-versa. In addition, their kids are in the army, everyone knows each other, and someone who will die in the conflict.

    As for Russia intervention in Syria. Intervention was marketed as being low cost, like training exercise and advertisement for weapons systems, and not to be like Afghanistan (or Americans in Vietnam). Overall this was achieved, although sunk costs were probably higher than expected, with the number of soldiers killed rising over the last year. So there is a lot of sunk costs now, which makes exit a little more complicated.

    Despite this, due to geographical distance, and having less in the balance in Syria compared to local Middle Eastern countries – it will obviously not have the same level of commitment to the conflict of the Middle Eastern countries, including Iran, Turkey, Israel (the Middle Easterners will be operating for a longer-term in Syria, as they be living in the region for all eternity, long after America and Russia have gone home).

  255. @Anatoly Karlin
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    This is a stupid debate. Greasy is of course right.

    Well, I don't know if he's right on Israel, but he's right on Russia in this case. A minority would fight a nuclear war over Donbass. A negligible percentage would fight a nuclear war over Syria. And the only man in Russia who would fight a nuclear war over Syria, but not over Donbass, is Israel Shamir.

    I mostly certainly don't want to fight a nuclear war over a training arena for the Russian Air Force.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @utu, @Dmitry, @reiner Tor

    It’s Iran which is going to respond, or not, physically for the attacks – (or through Hezbollah, Iran).

    Predicting the response of Kremlin leadership is more complicated, and there will probably be different points of view there, from seeing Israel’s attacks as a humiliation that needs a reaction, to seeing attacks as an opportunity to increase influence in Syria.

    Also in relation to war between Iran and Israel – in some sense Russia is in a parallel position on the board as in relation to the Armenia vs Azerbaijan conflict. Although with differences, such as that Israel is more firmly in an American, enemy, camp, than Azerbaijan is yet. And the scale of the war between these two would be a far larger war, and less desirable even for third-players (although the increase in oil price would not be bad).

  256. @utu

    Nobody wants to fight a nuclear war. But you have to be ready. If you are not you have already lost.


    I could have said this: A weak state like Russia can take political advantage of nuclear weapons it possesses only if the other side is convinced that Russia will use them when Russia says it would. Even if Russia’s imposed conditions would be frivolous or unreasonable. If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed. If Russia was believed it could stop Israel intrusions into Syria with one short phone call. The problem here is not that Russia is not believed but that Russia like everybody here is telling me is not even trying to be believed. So the consensu here is:

    Let Israel bomb Syria.

    Those of you who live in Russia should get ready for the triumphant return to Russia not of Russian troop because they will come back with their tails between legs but for the return of Khodorkovsky and the rest of them.

    • 回复: @Felix Keverich

    Russia is not weak. But it's a "one-dimentional power", meaning that the use military is the only way for Russia to have its voice heard and its interests respected. If Russia is not willing to use its guns, nobody in the world will pay much attention to the Kremlin. We might as well pack up from Syria and go home.


    , @AaronB

    You see here why Jews are ascendant, and the West in decline.

    Greasy William has passion and fierceness, conviction, willing to sacrifice himself and his country for his cause. He is not "reasonable", but irrational, emotion, loyal. He has what the Greeks called "thumos" - the source of all motivation. Greasy William may be wrong, but he's admirable.

    Now a milquetoast like reiner tor will take talk to you about "game theory", reasonableness, how America is just too powerful and all the other defeatist stuff. You get the sense he's too reasonable to have emotions, and will wilt if exposed to too much sunlight.

    And so it is for most white commenters on this blog. Insipid.

    This is the difference between having a religion and not having one. And there is nothing to be done about it - one can only hope the next generation will be raised with a religion. There is nothing to expect from the older generation of white people. They are not worth arguing with or taking seriously.

    Replies: @Anon, @for-the-record, @Dmitry, @German_reader

    , @reiner Tor

    I found that proposal interesting. (And wrong, of course.)

    if the other side is convinced that Russia will use them when Russia says it would. Even if Russia’s imposed conditions would be frivolous or unreasonable. If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed.
    Well.. if you were the Israeli Prime Minister, or US President, and Russia demanded that you dance naked on the street and upload the video to YouTube, and you firmly believed that the Russians would really nuke your country if you didn't, would you

    A) dance naked, and upload it to YouTube
    B) prepare for a nuclear war with Russia (while of course hoping they're not as insane to start a nuclear war over this)
    C) other (write what you'd do)


    I guess most people (at the very least most people who had enough drive to power to become actually, like, powerful) would choose B). And the politicians would have no problem convincing the people to follow them to nuclear war. You propose most (or all?) people would choose A).

    I think your theory of the mind is wrong.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ utu

  257. Russia/Putin getting absolutely ripped apart by the Russophiles on social media. Lot’s of talk about how Hitler should have finished Russia off. The Arabs/Iranians are even more extreme, saying that Russia is just as bad as Israel and America; presumably because Russia has a moral obligation to fight Syria and Iran’s wars. Noticeable frustration from pro-Putin Russians over how ungrateful and worthless their allies are.

    I’m seeing 3 strategies being advocated for as to how to get rid of Israel in the aftermath of this latest attack:

    1. The most popular is for a military coup in Russia to replace Putin with a leader who will… I’m not really sure. I guess the new Russian nationalist leader will launch a nuclear strike on Israel but I haven’t seen it spelled out yet.

    2. Iran should just develop it’s own super weapons and then use them to conquer Israel.

    3. Do nothing because this is just Putin playing 4d chess. Putin wants Israel to blow up Iranian bases in Syria because doing so actually strengthens Iran and Syria while weakening Israel. Some are comparing this to Russia’s scorched earth retreat against Napoleon. This line of thought is proving extremely unpopular with Arabs and Iranians.

    I’ll make sure to keep you guys posted on the latest developments in Russophile strategy.

    edit: Should have included Magnier’s take, as he is the Russophile king, they all worship him. He is saying that Iran’s refusal to retaliate (for the 8 billionth time) is strategic brilliance because Iran knows that Israel is trying to lure them into a war. Keep in mind that only 2 months ago Magnier said that Iran and Syria wanted war with Israel and that Israel would do anything to avoid such a conflict.

    • 哈哈: Anatoly Karlin
    • 回复: @Mitleser
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    Keep in mind that only 2 months ago Magnier said that Iran and Syria wanted war with Israel and that Israel would do anything to avoid such a conflict.
    Well, you said that this is exactly what the leader of Israel wants and it is the Zahal who is warmongering.

    回复:@Greasy William

    , @Anatoly Karlin
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    1. Zradniks
    2. Svidomy (Arab-Iranian version)
    3. Mnogokhodovochniks

    回复:@Greasy William

  258. @for-the-record
    Besides, I just feel the Kuomintang were kind of the good guys (or at least the lesser evil) in the context of the times.

    The more I read about the KMT and their activities, unfortunately the less sure I am of this.

    Also, one needs to keep in mind that "Taiwanese" have a separate issue with the KMT, as they effectively saw one heavy-handed colonial ruler replaced by another. Local languages were suppressed for decades, something which even the Japanese hadn't done.

    During the postwar period, the Kuomintang (KMT) administration on Taiwan was repressive and extremely corrupt compared with the previous Japanese rule, leading to local discontent. Anti-mainlander violence flared on 28 February 1947, prompted by an incident in which a cigarette seller was injured and a passerby was indiscriminately shot dead by Nationalist authorities.[81] During the ensuing crackdown by the KMT administration in what became known as the February 28 Incident, tens of thousands of people were killed or arrested, and the incident became a taboo topic of discussion for the entire martial law era.

    Replies: @German_reader, @Thorfinnsson, @reiner Tor

    The more I read about the KMT and their activities, unfortunately the less sure I am of this.

    It’s enough to recognize that Mao was more horrible for China.

  259. @utu
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    No more than a handful of Russians are willing to commit suicide to protect Syria and Iran.
    Again you are not getting the law of symmetry. You think that Jews are exempt form it? How many Israelis are willing to commit suicide by insisting to have the right to bomb anything they like in Syria at will? Do you really believe that Russians will just walk away or look the other way while Israel is bombing Syria any time it wants? If Putin decides to draw a line everything will be OK. Nobody will have to die and nobody will have to commit suicide if only Israel stops bombing Syria. Don't you get it that it is really up to you.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    There’s no symmetry, because they have bombed Syria for so long that it’s now the status quo. You can say that it’s not fair that they have been bombing Syria with impunity, but it’s also not fair that Neanderthals are extinct or what I complained about in the other thread that Czechoslovakia got 100% ethnically Hungarian areas (still the best arable land in Slovakia) and then deported many of them (including some of my relatives) in 1945 because they were disloyal. It’s also unfair that I was poorer than you when growing up and my parents only had a Wartburg when your parents as Americans undoubtedly had a huge V6 or V8 engined car or truck and a bigger house. Oh, of course it’s also unfair that I was richer than the vast majority of African children – they didn’t have enough to , and probably thought that it’s only soldiers and presidents who have cars. In fact, I was richer than the majority of Hungarian children – a lot of them were cramped into smaller (occasionally much smaller) apartments than us.

    Life is unfair.

    Now that we’ve established that Israel has been there bombing Syria, we know that they would call your bluff. Except, of course, in your case it wouldn’t be bluff because (as you wrote) you’d be delighted if there was a nuclear war between Russia and Israel.

    Since unlike you I don’t want a nuclear war, I would set my goals and red lines so that there’s a very good chance others would respect them. And only then would I be willing to die or go down fighting for those goals and red lines.

  260. @yevardian



    回复:@reiner Tor

    Okay, I cannot claim to be knowledgeable enough about the issue, so maybe you guys do have a point.

  261. @utu

    It was Kuomintang that blew it with their grandiose insistence that they represented the whole China (yes, they were egged on by the US). When the mainland China was weak Taiwan had a chance of becoming an independent country and could get international recognition if only Kuomintang stepped aside and let the pre-Kuomintang Chinese who were more loyal to Japan than China and the native population rule. Now it is too late.

    回复:@ Mitleser,@ Daniel Chieh

    It wasn’t ever realistic to become part of Japan(and post-war Japan was not about to get any more territory), and the pre-KMT Chinese are the ones in TaiDu now running around and being idiots. Its not really like they’re doing anything useful nor did it really seem like they ever had a plan.

    KMT had their faults – overt ambition and a bullheaded refusal to give up on taking over the mainland among them, but at least they didn’t think that they could gain independence through supporting same-sex marriage and other complete nonsequitors which presumably will bring “international attention.” The degree of “not a serious country” and utter divorce from reality is hard to comprehend.

    • 回复: @utu
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I found the idea of independent Taiwan appealing when it was explicated to me by my Taiwanese friends many years ago. Some of them felt more affinity to Japan than China though they did not want to be a part of Japan. But even then they were realistic that it was already too late and they blamed KMT's grandiosity for the missed opportunity. Taiwan will become a part of China sooner or later. Whatever is happening in Taiwan now is not really important. The independence activist or whatever they are will not change the course of things to come.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

  262. @German_reader

    Local languages were suppressed for decades, something which even the Japanese hadn’t done.
    I thought the Japanese had strong assimilationist policies during the colonial era (basically wanting to turn Koreans and Taiwanese into some kind of Japanese), so it surprises me the Kuomintang are supposed to have been 更坏...but I can't exactly claim to be that well-informed about the issue.
    Anyway, I'm not in favour of covering up historical crimes, but given similar phenomena in Western countries (e.g. the Spanish left and its obsession with the civil war which seems rather vindictive to me) I'm deeply suspicious of organized politics of memory.

    回复:@ utu,@ Daniel Chieh

    The Co-Prosperity Sphere was supposed to be assimilationist, but the Japanese rule in pretty much everywhere except Taiwan was incredibly brutal. There’s a couple of American reviews on Korea, for example, which pretty much established that North and Southern Koreans were perfectly happy to put aside their significant differences if they could kill Japanese soldiers.

    For a variety of reasons, Japanese rule in Taiwan was much more established and therefore they were able to utilize less brutal measures, but they also replaced local languages with Japanese education. Taiwan was supposed to be a kind of showcase colony to demonstrate the presumed benevolence of the Imperial Japanese as well to future members. It was enough for them to run a loss, since its purpose was to encourage other future colonies to give up peacefully.

    The KMT, on the other hand, needed to establish order and setup for economic stability while dealing with the very real dual threat of invasion from the mainland and internal sympathizers to the Communists. As I mentioned before, whatever the KMT crimes might have been, they had goals which they needed to establish. Its hard to see what the TaiDu rivals wanted to accomplish, then or now. TaiDu has been in power for some time, and as far as I can see, they’ve only accomplished in simultaneously provoking China while making no serious efforts at either political or military resistance.

    As far as I can tell, their greatest accomplishment has been to elect a cat lady to be their leader.

    Tsai is unmarried and has no children. Tsai is known to be a cat lover, and her two cats, “Think Think” and “Ah Tsai”, featured prominently in her election campaign. In October 2016, she adopted three retired guide dogs, named Bella, Bunny and Maru.

    The KMT descendants remain the overwhelming majority of the military as well, while the non-KMT politicians are the ones agitating to get an invasion from China. There is this entire scenario of simultaneous idiocy and cowardice that I can’t really forgive.

    • 回复: @songbird
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    People wonder why Japan has such a low amount of crime. Many interpretations, some obvious. One not as obvious would be that they killed a lot of people for minor transgressions until fairly recently (August, 1945.) If I recall, in Korea, (pre-war) they used to chop off people's limbs with swords. Korea did develop under them, but probably didn't need them.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

  263. @utu

    I know that is not a problem for KMT but they blew it for Taiwan.


    Why let their opponents win everything?

    The KMT has never wanted an independent Taiwan.

    • 回复: @songbird

    Is it really an "authoritarian legacy?" Is Taiwan authoritarian today? Not by the standard of the writer, I'd guess, which makes it sort of an illogical construction. A similar thing could be said about South Korea.

    I've known a few people from Taiwan or with Taiwanese parents. None of them thought of Taiwan as being wholly separate. I wonder if the expats living in the West and observing are less pozzed than the people on the island.

  264. @Greasy William

    why are you taking Taiwan's side?

    回复:@ for-the-record

    why are you taking Taiwan’s side?

    1. I like local languages and culture.

    2. Not very enthusiastic about the KMT, which is not “native” to Taiwan, I am sympathetic to those who complain about what happened in the not-too-distant past.

    On the other hand, I have nothing against the “reunification” of Taiwan with the mainland, indeed can see certain aspects where this might well be advantageous.

  265. @Anatoly Karlin
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    This is a stupid debate. Greasy is of course right.

    Well, I don't know if he's right on Israel, but he's right on Russia in this case. A minority would fight a nuclear war over Donbass. A negligible percentage would fight a nuclear war over Syria. And the only man in Russia who would fight a nuclear war over Syria, but not over Donbass, is Israel Shamir.

    I mostly certainly don't want to fight a nuclear war over a training arena for the Russian Air Force.

    Replies: @Greasy William, @utu, @Dmitry, @reiner Tor

    A minority would fight a nuclear war over Donbass. A negligible percentage would fight a nuclear war over Syria. And the only man in Russia who would fight a nuclear war over Syria, but not over Donbass, is Israel Shamir.

    As I wrote, from a game theory viewpoint, those who are not willing to wage a nuclear war over more trivial issues will be condemned to wage them over their lives.

    That said, other than utu (who – as he wrote – would be delighted at the thought of a nuclear war between Israel and Russia), I don’t think it’d be sensible to go to the nuclear brink over Israel bombing Syria.

    I do think that Israel’s bad habit of bombing Syria needs to be broken (and perhaps longer term, after Assad’s victory, Iran’s presence in Syria should be reduced?), but it takes patience and certainly nuclear brinkmanship is not the way to do it.

  266. @Greasy William
    Russia/Putin getting absolutely ripped apart by the Russophiles on social media. Lot's of talk about how Hitler should have finished Russia off. The Arabs/Iranians are even more extreme, saying that Russia is just as bad as Israel and America; presumably because Russia has a moral obligation to fight Syria and Iran's wars. Noticeable frustration from pro-Putin Russians over how ungrateful and worthless their allies are.

    I'm seeing 3 strategies being advocated for as to how to get rid of Israel in the aftermath of this latest attack:

    1. The most popular is for a military coup in Russia to replace Putin with a leader who will... I'm not really sure. I guess the new Russian nationalist leader will launch a nuclear strike on Israel but I haven't seen it spelled out yet.

    2. Iran should just develop it's own super weapons and then use them to conquer Israel.

    3. Do nothing because this is just Putin playing 4d chess. Putin wants Israel to blow up Iranian bases in Syria because doing so actually strengthens Iran and Syria while weakening Israel. Some are comparing this to Russia's scorched earth retreat against Napoleon. This line of thought is proving extremely unpopular with Arabs and Iranians.

    I'll make sure to keep you guys posted on the latest developments in Russophile strategy.

    edit: Should have included Magnier's take, as he is the Russophile king, they all worship him. He is saying that Iran's refusal to retaliate (for the 8 billionth time) is strategic brilliance because Iran knows that Israel is trying to lure them into a war. Keep in mind that only 2 months ago Magnier said that Iran and Syria wanted war with Israel and that Israel would do anything to avoid such a conflict.

    回复:@ Mitleser,@ Anatoly Karlin

    Keep in mind that only 2 months ago Magnier said that Iran and Syria wanted war with Israel and that Israel would do anything to avoid such a conflict.

    Well, you said that this is exactly what the leader of Israel wants and it is the Zahal who is warmongering.

    • 回复: @Greasy William

    What's the Zahal? Is that what Russians call the IDF?

    Well, you said that this is exactly what the leader of Israel
    Bibi, want war? Are you kidding me? Hell no Bibi doesn't want war.

    The IDF wants war because they have lost their fucking minds. I'm happy to provide you guys with analysis of Israel but I can't explain the IDF's thinking on this or any other subject. They do things their own way and always have.

    But Israel, Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Bibi and the IDF aren't important. What's important is that Magnier is gay.

    edit: Oh now I understand what you're saying. It's hypocritical of me to bash Magnier for saying something when I myself just said the exact same thing.

    I see why you would think that, but you need to keep in mind that... hey, what's that over there! ::runs away::

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Dmitry

  267. @Greasy William

    How do you think Russians would feel about the way that western Russophiles feel that Russia is morally obligated to launch a nuclear attack on Israel because Israel killed some Iranians?

    On Southfront, the Russian posters are becoming increasingly frustrated with the ingratitude of their Arab and Russophile allies.

    For the record, I have never talked about attacking Russian soldiers or toppling Assad and nobody in Israel is talking about that either.


    As a Jew, I hope for friendship with Russia and the Russian people and am willing to give very much to bring that about. But as for the Russophiles, not one shall remain alive.



    I know this Jewish tactic well – pretend you’re crazy, with lots of bravado.
    Jews have a tendency to fear their own shadows but I can't think of any case of them pretending otherwise. You are hallucinating.

    However, when Jews are threatened with annihilation and proceed to return to G-d, they cannot be intimidated. Read the Torah.

    Replies: @AaronB, @reiner Tor, @Felix Keverich

    western Russophiles feel that Russia is morally obligated to launch a nuclear attack on Israel because Israel killed some Iranians?

    I prefer calling him “utu,” since “western Russophiles” is too long. It’s also a somewhat misleading name, implying that it’s actually “western Russophiles” instead of just utu.

    • 回复: @Greasy William

    are you not on social media? The Russophiles/Arabs/Iranians have gone from "Russia will nuke Israel!" to "Russia is morally obligated to nuke Israel and they are treacherous criminals for refusing to fulfill their sacred duty".

    Hell hath no fury like a Russophile scorned.


    utu's all right. I initially wasn't a fan but he has grown on me. I don't consider him a true Russophile.

    I agree he is being rude to you, though.


    I'm glad that most people here have changed their original position of starting a nuclear war. The good news is that it sounds like Trump really is serious about leaving Syria, Deep State be damned.

    I think it's a mistake but all the Trump haters here will have no choice but to give Trump credit and admit that I was right in my claim that Trump was committed to peace.

    回复:@reiner Tor

  268. @utu


    回复:@reiner Tor

    I didn’t propose to ruffle a single hair on the head of a single Estonian. My proposal was to take seriously preparations for a (nuclear or not) war (which is a more effective and credible way of threatening with it than empty words by diplomats, and the bonus is you don’t have to follow through on it, since it’s not a threat at all). It’s simply part of the normal preparations for war – you ask your neighbors if they’d allow their airspace or bases to be used by the US in the event of a war which was started by a US aggression. (Or if Estonians are unwilling to use the expression, in the event of a war started by an unprovoked US attack on Russian or allied forces.)

    If there was going to be a war between the US and Russia, sure the Russian government would’ve needed the information. Maybe they shouldn’t have singled out Estonia, instead asked all European NATO members, or all NATO member countries bordering Russia, or all countries bordering Russia (like Ukraine), etc.


    You mean taking shit to Israelies? You either didn’t read my other comments or you’re just lying.

    I explicitly proposed to start making life difficult for Israel as an asymmetric response to American sanctions. First, sending small arms to Hezbollah. Officially announce this was a response to American sanctions. Then when Bibi angrily calls, tell him that heavy weapons will be sent in the event of further sanctions. Eventually Russia could be sanctioned to the point of Hezbollah getting a proper air defense and air force. (I’m not knowledgeable enough to know if this would be a viable strategy. Hezbollah might not be a reliable enough group for this. Then only Syria should get such weapons. But not as a response to US missile attacks, but as a response to sanctions – for which Russia has no symmetric answer. Similarly, sending weapons to Iran. Etc.)


  269. @reiner Tor
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    western Russophiles feel that Russia is morally obligated to launch a nuclear attack on Israel because Israel killed some Iranians?
    I prefer calling him "utu," since "western Russophiles" is too long. It's also a somewhat misleading name, implying that it's actually "western Russophiles" instead of just utu.

    回复:@Greasy William

    are you not on social media? The Russophiles/Arabs/Iranians have gone from “Russia will nuke Israel!” to “Russia is morally obligated to nuke Israel and they are treacherous criminals for refusing to fulfill their sacred duty”.

    Hell hath no fury like a Russophile scorned.


    utu’s all right. I initially wasn’t a fan but he has grown on me. I don’t consider him a true Russophile.

    I agree he is being rude to you, though.


    I’m glad that most people here have changed their original position of starting a nuclear war. The good news is that it sounds like Trump really is serious about leaving Syria, Deep State be damned.

    I think it’s a mistake but all the Trump haters here will have no choice but to give Trump credit and admit that I was right in my claim that Trump was committed to peace.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    he is being rude to you
    He’s wrong. Which is even worse.
  270. @Mitleser
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    Keep in mind that only 2 months ago Magnier said that Iran and Syria wanted war with Israel and that Israel would do anything to avoid such a conflict.
    Well, you said that this is exactly what the leader of Israel wants and it is the Zahal who is warmongering.

    回复:@Greasy William

    What’s the Zahal? Is that what Russians call the IDF?

    Well, you said that this is exactly what the leader of Israel

    Bibi, want war? Are you kidding me? Hell no Bibi doesn’t want war.

    The IDF wants war because they have lost their fucking minds. I’m happy to provide you guys with analysis of Israel but I can’t explain the IDF’s thinking on this or any other subject. They do things their own way and always have.

    But Israel, Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Bibi and the IDF aren’t important. What’s important is that Magnier is gay.

    edit: Oh now I understand what you’re saying. It’s hypocritical of me to bash Magnier for saying something when I myself just said the exact same thing.

    I see why you would think that, but you need to keep in mind that… hey, what’s that over there! ::runs away::

    • 哈哈: reiner Tor
    • 回复: @reiner Tor
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    What’s the Zahal? Is that what Russians call the IDF?
    “The Israel Defense Forces, commonly known in Israel by the Hebrew acronym Tzahal...”
    , @Dmitry
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    What’s the Zahal? Is that what Russians call the IDF?


    Lol Greasy you have to be a troll when you comment on Israel.

    Zaba (or tzaba) = military
    hahaganah = the defense
    l'yisrael = to Israel

    This is the official name ('IDF' is the English translation, that is only in America).

    Even Indian fanboys who post on youtube, seem to call it Zahal -

  271. @Greasy William

    are you not on social media? The Russophiles/Arabs/Iranians have gone from "Russia will nuke Israel!" to "Russia is morally obligated to nuke Israel and they are treacherous criminals for refusing to fulfill their sacred duty".

    Hell hath no fury like a Russophile scorned.


    utu's all right. I initially wasn't a fan but he has grown on me. I don't consider him a true Russophile.

    I agree he is being rude to you, though.


    I'm glad that most people here have changed their original position of starting a nuclear war. The good news is that it sounds like Trump really is serious about leaving Syria, Deep State be damned.

    I think it's a mistake but all the Trump haters here will have no choice but to give Trump credit and admit that I was right in my claim that Trump was committed to peace.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    he is being rude to you

    He’s wrong. Which is even worse.

  272. @Greasy William

    What's the Zahal? Is that what Russians call the IDF?

    Well, you said that this is exactly what the leader of Israel
    Bibi, want war? Are you kidding me? Hell no Bibi doesn't want war.

    The IDF wants war because they have lost their fucking minds. I'm happy to provide you guys with analysis of Israel but I can't explain the IDF's thinking on this or any other subject. They do things their own way and always have.

    But Israel, Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Bibi and the IDF aren't important. What's important is that Magnier is gay.

    edit: Oh now I understand what you're saying. It's hypocritical of me to bash Magnier for saying something when I myself just said the exact same thing.

    I see why you would think that, but you need to keep in mind that... hey, what's that over there! ::runs away::

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Dmitry

    What’s the Zahal? Is that what Russians call the IDF?

    “The Israel Defense Forces, commonly known in Israel by the Hebrew acronym Tzahal…”

  273. @for-the-record
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    猜猜通常 100% 有效的叙利亚防空系统错过了这些 1970 年代的巡航导弹。


    回复:@reiner Tor

    更可能的解释是,14 月 XNUMX 日的防空系统是由俄罗斯人操作的,但在袭击发生后,又将其交还给了原来的叙利亚人员。

    • 回复: @for-the-record

    Yes, that thought had occurred to me as well.

  274. @for-the-record



    回复:@reiner Tor


    Yes. I cannot see an argument against delivering it (Dmitry said it’d be destroyed by Israel anyway, but I didn’t believe it), but maybe Putin knows something I don’t.


    1) Don’t threaten with things you’re unwilling to do.

    2) Be willing to do things you’re threatening with.

    If you regularly break this, don’t expect your word to be taken seriously. If there are things for which you truly are willing to wage a nuclear war, then such a policy will greatly increase the risk of a nuclear war, because when that point arrives, no one will take your threats seriously.

  275. What is the possibility of a color revolution in Kazakhstan?
    Nazarbayev is getting very old.

  276. @reiner Tor

    更可能的解释是,14 月 XNUMX 日的防空系统是由俄罗斯人操作的,但在袭击发生后,又将其交还给了原来的叙利亚人员。

    回复:@ for-the-record

    Yes, that thought had occurred to me as well.

  277. • 回复: @for-the-record

    Interesting how the case has seem to have gone silent.

    Perhaps not coincidentally, it seems that the British press is operating under the restriction of a DSMA notice (familiarly referred to as a D notice) regarding certain aspects of the case, notably its possible connection via Pablo Miller to the Trump "pee" dossier.

    From Craig Murray (former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan):


    At the very beginning of the of the Skripal incident, the security services blocked by D(SMA) notice any media mention of Pablo Miller and told the media not to look at Orbis and the Steele dossier on Trump, acting immediately to get out their message via trusties in the BBC and Guardian . . .

    We still have no idea of who attacked Sergei Skripal and why. But the fact that, right from the start, the government blocked the media from mentioning Pablo Miller, and put out denials that this has anything to do with Christopher Steele and Orbis, including lying that Miller had never been connected to Orbis, convinces me that this is the most promising direction in which to look.

    It never seemed likely to me that the Russians had decided to assassinate an inactive spy who they let out of prison many years ago, over something that happened in Moscow over a decade ago. It seemed even less likely when Boris Johnson claimed intelligence showed this was the result of a decade long novichok programme involving training in secret assassination techniques. Why would they blow all that effort on old Skripal?

    That the motive is the connection to the hottest issue in US politics today, and not something in Moscow a decade ago, always seemed to me much more probable. Having now reviewed matters and seen that the government actively tried to shut down this line of inquiry, makes it still more probable this is right.

    Rule number one of real investigative journalism: look where they tell you not to look.


    回复:@reiner Tor

  278. @reiner Tor
    Some Skripal stuff:


    回复:@ for-the-record

    Interesting how the case has seem to have gone silent.

    Perhaps not coincidentally, it seems that the British press is operating under the restriction of a DSMA notice (familiarly referred to as a D notice) regarding certain aspects of the case, notably its possible connection via Pablo Miller to the Trump “pee” dossier.

    From Craig Murray (former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan):


    At the very beginning of the of the Skripal incident, the security services blocked by D(SMA) notice any media mention of Pablo Miller and told the media not to look at Orbis and the Steele dossier on Trump, acting immediately to get out their message via trusties in the BBC and Guardian . . .

    We still have no idea of who attacked Sergei Skripal and why. But the fact that, right from the start, the government blocked the media from mentioning Pablo Miller, and put out denials that this has anything to do with Christopher Steele and Orbis, including lying that Miller had never been connected to Orbis, convinces me that this is the most promising direction in which to look.

    It never seemed likely to me that the Russians had decided to assassinate an inactive spy who they let out of prison many years ago, over something that happened in Moscow over a decade ago. It seemed even less likely when Boris Johnson claimed intelligence showed this was the result of a decade long novichok programme involving training in secret assassination techniques. Why would they blow all that effort on old Skripal?

    That the motive is the connection to the hottest issue in US politics today, and not something in Moscow a decade ago, always seemed to me much more probable. Having now reviewed matters and seen that the government actively tried to shut down this line of inquiry, makes it still more probable this is right.

    Rule number one of real investigative journalism: look where they tell you not to look.


    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Interesting how the case has seem to have gone silent.
    I guess all of the independent journalists and editors of the free press and media just decided — independent of each other or of any unduly outside influence — that, with Russia’s guilt being established beyond a reasonable doubt, there was nothing else to investigate or write about. So they just stopped reporting. Which only shows, if anything, the strength of the British government’s case, and also the independence of the press and media, in that they are absolutely free of conspiracy theorizing and fake news or propaganda.

    So I think we should just move on to some other, more interesting topics, as there is nothing to see here.
  279. @for-the-record

    Interesting how the case has seem to have gone silent.

    Perhaps not coincidentally, it seems that the British press is operating under the restriction of a DSMA notice (familiarly referred to as a D notice) regarding certain aspects of the case, notably its possible connection via Pablo Miller to the Trump "pee" dossier.

    From Craig Murray (former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan):


    At the very beginning of the of the Skripal incident, the security services blocked by D(SMA) notice any media mention of Pablo Miller and told the media not to look at Orbis and the Steele dossier on Trump, acting immediately to get out their message via trusties in the BBC and Guardian . . .

    We still have no idea of who attacked Sergei Skripal and why. But the fact that, right from the start, the government blocked the media from mentioning Pablo Miller, and put out denials that this has anything to do with Christopher Steele and Orbis, including lying that Miller had never been connected to Orbis, convinces me that this is the most promising direction in which to look.

    It never seemed likely to me that the Russians had decided to assassinate an inactive spy who they let out of prison many years ago, over something that happened in Moscow over a decade ago. It seemed even less likely when Boris Johnson claimed intelligence showed this was the result of a decade long novichok programme involving training in secret assassination techniques. Why would they blow all that effort on old Skripal?

    That the motive is the connection to the hottest issue in US politics today, and not something in Moscow a decade ago, always seemed to me much more probable. Having now reviewed matters and seen that the government actively tried to shut down this line of inquiry, makes it still more probable this is right.

    Rule number one of real investigative journalism: look where they tell you not to look.


    回复:@reiner Tor

    Interesting how the case has seem to have gone silent.

    I guess all of the independent journalists and editors of the free press and media just decided — independent of each other or of any unduly outside influence — that, with Russia’s guilt being established beyond a reasonable doubt, there was nothing else to investigate or write about. So they just stopped reporting. Which only shows, if anything, the strength of the British government’s case, and also the independence of the press and media, in that they are absolutely free of conspiracy theorizing and fake news or propaganda.

    So I think we should just move on to some other, more interesting topics, as there is nothing to see here.

  280. @Thorfinnsson









    YouTube 上的 Binkov's Battlegrounds 制作了一个有趣的三部分系列,模拟了 3 年假想的第三次世界大战:





    回复:@Thorfinnsson、@reiner Tor、@AP


    Twinkie explained how Germany still had a very good chance of winning by bleeding the Soviets dry (elastic defense – third Battle of Kharkov) if not for Hitler’s interference; Hitler forced the Germans to adopt more fixed positions, which did not play to their strength, and guaranteed the loss.

  281. @reiner Tor



    在象征性较小的案例中,例如对俄罗斯铝业公司的制裁,他们确实 不能 (或很少)报复。




    It may be illegal but are you sure? Embassies are one thing, but do countries have some sort of legal right to have real estate in other countries? Were these privately owned buildings where Russia had some sort of title, or not? I have the impression that such buildings aren’t taxed and are considered “foreign soil” at the discretion of the country they are in but I could be completely wrong here.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    A quick search returned this result:


    The closure of the compound in Maryland, though, represents the end of a more than four-decade Russian presence in the area. The former Soviet Union purchased the 45-acre property in Centreville, Maryland, in 1972 as a resort for Soviets living in the U.S. The compound in New York hasn’t been identified publicly, but the Russians have such a compound in Riverdale in the Bronx, which opened as a diplomatic residence in 1974. Obama said both compounds were being used for intelligence-related purposes.
    While the status of the New York compound is unclear (but I'd bet dollars to donuts it was purchased, too), the Maryland compound was clearly purchased, that is, acquired in exchange for money. I think it's close to freezing an asset of a state in US territory, and I'm sure there were times not so long ago when it would have been considered 宣战.

    Anyway, unlike the sanctions or military strikes, these measures are largely just symbolic.
  282. @AP


    回复:@reiner Tor

    A quick search returned this result:


    The closure of the compound in Maryland, though, represents the end of a more than four-decade Russian presence in the area. The former Soviet Union purchased the 45-acre property in Centreville, Maryland, in 1972 as a resort for Soviets living in the U.S. The compound in New York hasn’t been identified publicly, but the Russians have such a compound in Riverdale in the Bronx, which opened as a diplomatic residence in 1974. Obama said both compounds were being used for intelligence-related purposes.

    While the status of the New York compound is unclear (but I’d bet dollars to donuts it was purchased, too), the Maryland compound was clearly purchased, that is, acquired in exchange for money. I think it’s close to freezing an asset of a state in US territory, and I’m sure there were times not so long ago when it would have been considered 宣战.

    Anyway, unlike the sanctions or military strikes, these measures are largely just symbolic.

  283. 1. I still think Russia did it. If the media is no longer covering it, it is probably because they realized that Russia was well within their rights to do so and because so much other shit has happened since then. I actually had completely forgotten about it until you brought it up.

    2. Why are Sunni Arabs outside of Syria so hostile to Iran? The war with Iraq was 40 years ago and Iran hasn’t done anything to them since.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    I still think Russia did it.
    I've always argued it was a possibility. But the official British story as it is doesn't stand up to scrutiny. They are clearly not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Why are Sunni Arabs outside of Syria so hostile to Iran?
    I think many of them have Shiite minorities (who are occasionally stirred up, unclear how independent of Iranian propaganda), and anyway, it's just a rival (often considered heretical) sect, which in itself might be enough to hate it.
  284. @Greasy William
    1. I still think Russia did it. If the media is no longer covering it, it is probably because they realized that Russia was well within their rights to do so and because so much other shit has happened since then. I actually had completely forgotten about it until you brought it up.

    2. Why are Sunni Arabs outside of Syria so hostile to Iran? The war with Iraq was 40 years ago and Iran hasn't done anything to them since.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    I still think Russia did it.

    I’ve always argued it was a possibility. But the official British story as it is doesn’t stand up to scrutiny. They are clearly not telling the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

    Why are Sunni Arabs outside of Syria so hostile to Iran?

    I think many of them have Shiite minorities (who are occasionally stirred up, unclear how independent of Iranian propaganda), and anyway, it’s just a rival (often considered heretical) sect, which in itself might be enough to hate it.

  285. @Greasy William

    How do you think Russians would feel about the way that western Russophiles feel that Russia is morally obligated to launch a nuclear attack on Israel because Israel killed some Iranians?

    On Southfront, the Russian posters are becoming increasingly frustrated with the ingratitude of their Arab and Russophile allies.

    For the record, I have never talked about attacking Russian soldiers or toppling Assad and nobody in Israel is talking about that either.


    As a Jew, I hope for friendship with Russia and the Russian people and am willing to give very much to bring that about. But as for the Russophiles, not one shall remain alive.



    I know this Jewish tactic well – pretend you’re crazy, with lots of bravado.
    Jews have a tendency to fear their own shadows but I can't think of any case of them pretending otherwise. You are hallucinating.

    However, when Jews are threatened with annihilation and proceed to return to G-d, they cannot be intimidated. Read the Torah.

    Replies: @AaronB, @reiner Tor, @Felix Keverich

    For the record, I have never talked about attacking Russian soldiers or toppling Assad and nobody in Israel is talking about that either.


    Israel minister calls for assassination of Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad

    I say we retaliate by striking at Israeli airfields, and then the Jews in Israel will get to make a choice between a Holocaust 2.0 or a climbdown.

    • 回复: @Greasy William
    @费利克斯·凯维里奇(Felix Keverich)

    I say we retaliate by striking at Israeli airfields, and then the Jews in Israel will get to make a choice between a Holocaust 2.0 or a climbdown.
    You're not gonna do shit.
  286. @Felix Keverich
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    For the record, I have never talked about attacking Russian soldiers or toppling Assad and nobody in Israel is talking about that either.

    Israel minister calls for assassination of Syria’s Bashar Al-Assad

    I say we retaliate by striking at Israeli airfields, and then the Jews in Israel will get to make a choice between a Holocaust 2.0 or a climbdown.

    回复:@Greasy William

    I say we retaliate by striking at Israeli airfields, and then the Jews in Israel will get to make a choice between a Holocaust 2.0 or a climbdown.

    You’re not gonna do shit.

  287. @utu

    I could have said this: A weak state like Russia can take political advantage of nuclear weapons it possesses only if the other side is convinced that Russia will use them when Russia says it would. Even if Russia's imposed conditions would be frivolous or unreasonable. If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed. If Russia was believed it could stop Israel intrusions into Syria with one short phone call. The problem here is not that Russia is not believed but that Russia like everybody here is telling me is not even trying to be believed. So the consensu here is:

    Let Israel bomb Syria.
    Those of you who live in Russia should get ready for the triumphant return to Russia not of Russian troop because they will come back with their tails between legs but for the return of Khodorkovsky and the rest of them.

    Replies: @Felix Keverich, @AaronB, @reiner Tor

    Russia is not weak. But it’s a “one-dimentional power”, meaning that the use military is the only way for Russia to have its voice heard and its interests respected. If Russia is not willing to use its guns, nobody in the world will pay much attention to the Kremlin. We might as well pack up from Syria and go home.

    • 回复: @Dmitry
    @费利克斯·凯维里奇(Felix Keverich)

    As well as being on the five permanent members of the UN security council, which is the only real power center in international diplomacy (China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States).

    In addition, world's largest supplier of oil, world's largest supplier of gas. By far the largest populated country in Europe (146 million people, compared to second place Germany with around 80 million).

    And the world's largest nuclear weapons capacity.

    All that said, I don't really see relevance of the power-balance to this issue.

    At UN security council, there was an attempt to condemn the US/French/UK airstrikes in Syria earlier in month. US/French/UK are powerful countries.

    But there has been no attempt to condemn Israeli airstrikes (conducted by a vastly weaker power).

    So it's not clear, and the best information we get is from reading the foreign media - what the actual viewpoint is of this kind of airstrike (which involves conflict between Iran and Israel inside Syria).

  288. @Greasy William
    Russia/Putin getting absolutely ripped apart by the Russophiles on social media. Lot's of talk about how Hitler should have finished Russia off. The Arabs/Iranians are even more extreme, saying that Russia is just as bad as Israel and America; presumably because Russia has a moral obligation to fight Syria and Iran's wars. Noticeable frustration from pro-Putin Russians over how ungrateful and worthless their allies are.

    I'm seeing 3 strategies being advocated for as to how to get rid of Israel in the aftermath of this latest attack:

    1. The most popular is for a military coup in Russia to replace Putin with a leader who will... I'm not really sure. I guess the new Russian nationalist leader will launch a nuclear strike on Israel but I haven't seen it spelled out yet.

    2. Iran should just develop it's own super weapons and then use them to conquer Israel.

    3. Do nothing because this is just Putin playing 4d chess. Putin wants Israel to blow up Iranian bases in Syria because doing so actually strengthens Iran and Syria while weakening Israel. Some are comparing this to Russia's scorched earth retreat against Napoleon. This line of thought is proving extremely unpopular with Arabs and Iranians.

    I'll make sure to keep you guys posted on the latest developments in Russophile strategy.

    edit: Should have included Magnier's take, as he is the Russophile king, they all worship him. He is saying that Iran's refusal to retaliate (for the 8 billionth time) is strategic brilliance because Iran knows that Israel is trying to lure them into a war. Keep in mind that only 2 months ago Magnier said that Iran and Syria wanted war with Israel and that Israel would do anything to avoid such a conflict.

    回复:@ Mitleser,@ Anatoly Karlin


    1. Zradniks
    2. Svidomy (Arab-Iranian version)
    3. Mnogokhodovochniks

    • 回复: @Greasy William

    I'm reading Zhirinovsky's wiki for the first time now. Are we sure he isn't some type of long running controlled opposition? He reads like a western liberal's caricature of a Russian nationalist.

    This guy actually has support?

    Replies: @DFH, @Anatoly Karlin, @yevardian

  289. @Daniel Chieh

    The Co-Prosperity Sphere was supposed to be assimilationist, but the Japanese rule in pretty much everywhere except Taiwan was incredibly brutal. There's a couple of American reviews on Korea, for example, which pretty much established that North and Southern Koreans were perfectly happy to put aside their significant differences if they could kill Japanese soldiers.

    For a variety of reasons, Japanese rule in Taiwan was much more established and therefore they were able to utilize less brutal measures, but they also replaced local languages with Japanese education. Taiwan was supposed to be a kind of showcase colony to demonstrate the presumed benevolence of the Imperial Japanese as well to future members. It was enough for them to run a loss, since its purpose was to encourage other future colonies to give up peacefully.

    The KMT, on the other hand, needed to establish order and setup for economic stability while dealing with the very real dual threat of invasion from the mainland and internal sympathizers to the Communists. As I mentioned before, whatever the KMT crimes might have been, they had goals which they needed to establish. Its hard to see what the TaiDu rivals wanted to accomplish, then or now. TaiDu has been in power for some time, and as far as I can see, they've only accomplished in simultaneously provoking China while making no serious efforts at either political or military resistance.

    As far as I can tell, their greatest accomplishment has been to elect a cat lady to be their leader.

    Tsai is unmarried and has no children. Tsai is known to be a cat lover, and her two cats, "Think Think" and "Ah Tsai", featured prominently in her election campaign. In October 2016, she adopted three retired guide dogs, named Bella, Bunny and Maru.

    The KMT descendants remain the overwhelming majority of the military as well, while the non-KMT politicians are the ones agitating to get an invasion from China. There is this entire scenario of simultaneous idiocy and cowardice that I can't really forgive.


    People wonder why Japan has such a low amount of crime. Many interpretations, some obvious. One not as obvious would be that they killed a lot of people for minor transgressions until fairly recently (August, 1945.) If I recall, in Korea, (pre-war) they used to chop off people’s limbs with swords. Korea did develop under them, but probably didn’t need them.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh

    Gene-culture co-evolution. At any rate, Japan seemed like they were spazzing out with massacres such as Nanking which didn't earn them any admiration.

    I think had the Japanese been less ambitious and had better control of their soldiers, they might have done much better.


  290. @Anatoly Karlin
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)


    1. Zradniks
    2. Svidomy (Arab-Iranian version)
    3. Mnogokhodovochniks

    回复:@Greasy William

    I’m reading Zhirinovsky’s wiki for the first time now. Are we sure he isn’t some type of long running controlled opposition? He reads like a western liberal’s caricature of a Russian nationalist.

    This guy actually has support?

    • 回复: @DFH
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    Are we sure he isn’t some type of long running controlled opposition?
    Did anyone ever think he wasn't?
    , @Anatoly Karlin
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    Genuine support? No. He does sometimes say nationalist sounding things - much more so than anybody else - so some nationalists vote for him. Others vote for him for the entertainment. But there's no real cultural or intellectual strength behind him and the LDPR.

    There are approximately three major real nationalist locuses:

    1. Various Soviet dinosaurs - Dugin, Limonov, Prokhanov. Leftist, USSR friendly, anti-Semitic, anti-Ukrainian. Influence is on the wane.

    2. "National democrats" - pro-Westernist, pro-Ukrainian, racialists (in the idiotic Nazi larping sense, not the HBD sense), sort of anti-Semites but cavorted a lot with liberal Jews. Were discredited after 2014.

    3. Various White Guardists - Central locus is Sputnik & Pogrom. Strictly Russian national interests, so Semitic-neutral and Western-neutral; anti-Soviet, anti-Ukrainian. Not a mass movement, but seem to have the most influence in the elites (e.g. Voloshin and Chubais (! of all people) have come out as readers).

    Also many more minor factions and subfactions.

    I intend to write a comprehensive mega-post about Russian nationalist factions sometime this year.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    , @yevardian
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    He may have been somewhat serious back in '93 where he managed to gain a plurality of the vote, mainly due to Yeltin and that Zyuganov, despite having good points, is one of the most boring men alive.
    Zhirik, despite his clowning, is actually very intelligent, after resigning any serious attempt to win, he's played his role of court-jester with gusto ever since, occasionally mixing in serious proposals between OTT trolling in a Shakespearean manner. He certainly has a better grasp of high culture than most Russian politicans, I was looking for his 'Gogol' speech but couldn't find it with subtitles.

  291. @Greasy William

    What's the Zahal? Is that what Russians call the IDF?

    Well, you said that this is exactly what the leader of Israel
    Bibi, want war? Are you kidding me? Hell no Bibi doesn't want war.

    The IDF wants war because they have lost their fucking minds. I'm happy to provide you guys with analysis of Israel but I can't explain the IDF's thinking on this or any other subject. They do things their own way and always have.

    But Israel, Russia, Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Bibi and the IDF aren't important. What's important is that Magnier is gay.

    edit: Oh now I understand what you're saying. It's hypocritical of me to bash Magnier for saying something when I myself just said the exact same thing.

    I see why you would think that, but you need to keep in mind that... hey, what's that over there! ::runs away::

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ Dmitry

    What’s the Zahal? Is that what Russians call the IDF?

    Lol Greasy you have to be a troll when you comment on Israel.

    Zaba (or tzaba) = military
    hahaganah = the defense
    l‘yisrael = to Israel

    This is the official name (‘IDF’ is the English translation, that is only in America).

    Even Indian fanboys who post on youtube, seem to call it Zahal –

  292. @Mitleser

    Why let their opponents win everything?


    The KMT has never wanted an independent Taiwan.


    Is it really an “authoritarian legacy?” Is Taiwan authoritarian today? Not by the standard of the writer, I’d guess, which makes it sort of an illogical construction. A similar thing could be said about South Korea.

    I’ve known a few people from Taiwan or with Taiwanese parents. None of them thought of Taiwan as being wholly separate. I wonder if the expats living in the West and observing are less pozzed than the people on the island.

  293. @utu

    I could have said this: A weak state like Russia can take political advantage of nuclear weapons it possesses only if the other side is convinced that Russia will use them when Russia says it would. Even if Russia's imposed conditions would be frivolous or unreasonable. If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed. If Russia was believed it could stop Israel intrusions into Syria with one short phone call. The problem here is not that Russia is not believed but that Russia like everybody here is telling me is not even trying to be believed. So the consensu here is:

    Let Israel bomb Syria.
    Those of you who live in Russia should get ready for the triumphant return to Russia not of Russian troop because they will come back with their tails between legs but for the return of Khodorkovsky and the rest of them.

    Replies: @Felix Keverich, @AaronB, @reiner Tor

    You see here why Jews are ascendant, and the West in decline.

    Greasy William has passion and fierceness, conviction, willing to sacrifice himself and his country for his cause. He is not “reasonable”, but irrational, emotion, loyal. He has what the Greeks called “thumos” – the source of all motivation. Greasy William may be wrong, but he’s admirable.

    Now a milquetoast like reiner tor will take talk to you about “game theory”, reasonableness, how America is just too powerful and all the other defeatist stuff. You get the sense he’s too reasonable to have emotions, and will wilt if exposed to too much sunlight.

    And so it is for most white commenters on this blog. Insipid.

    This is the difference between having a religion and not having one. And there is nothing to be done about it – one can only hope the next generation will be raised with a religion. There is nothing to expect from the older generation of white people. They are not worth arguing with or taking seriously.

    • 回复: @Anon

    Greasy William has passion
    Indeed, many-directed and frequently expressed.
    , @for-the-record

    Now a milquetoast like reiner tor . . . one can only hope the next generation will be raised with a religion. There is nothing to expect from the older generation of white people. They are not worth arguing with or taking seriously.

    You're really fixated on this, as if your generation (and those that follow) will be blessed (by God no doubt) with all the wisdom that those older than you lack. Do you really think that religion is the solution to all problems?

    Personally, you come across as an insufferable arrogant little shit, but then again I'm just your typical passionless insipid milquetoast.

    回复:@ AaronB,@ AaronB

    , @Dmitry

    I think Greasy, nice fellow as he seems otherwise, is trolling us.

    He doesn't know (or pretends he doesn't know) what is almost the most pervasive and commonly heard Hebrew word that can exist and you can hear in Israel - "Zahal". At the same time he claims to be a true Jewish believer (which is a person who reads only in Hebrew, at least when reading the holy texts of the religion of Judaism).


    , @German_reader

    Greasy William has passion and fierceness, conviction, willing to sacrifice himself and his country for his cause.
    Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with a willingness to sacrifice oneself and one's country for a cause...
    You almost sound like the people who were enthusiastic about going to war in 1914 (Greasy does as well with his disturbing hope for a general Mideast war). Didn't turn out that great, and did more to reduce Europe to its present weakness than any loss of religion ever could have.

    回复:@ AaronB,@ songbird

  294. @Greasy William

    I'm reading Zhirinovsky's wiki for the first time now. Are we sure he isn't some type of long running controlled opposition? He reads like a western liberal's caricature of a Russian nationalist.

    This guy actually has support?

    Replies: @DFH, @Anatoly Karlin, @yevardian

    Are we sure he isn’t some type of long running controlled opposition?

    Did anyone ever think he wasn’t?

  295. @utu

    I could have said this: A weak state like Russia can take political advantage of nuclear weapons it possesses only if the other side is convinced that Russia will use them when Russia says it would. Even if Russia's imposed conditions would be frivolous or unreasonable. If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed. If Russia was believed it could stop Israel intrusions into Syria with one short phone call. The problem here is not that Russia is not believed but that Russia like everybody here is telling me is not even trying to be believed. So the consensu here is:

    Let Israel bomb Syria.
    Those of you who live in Russia should get ready for the triumphant return to Russia not of Russian troop because they will come back with their tails between legs but for the return of Khodorkovsky and the rest of them.

    Replies: @Felix Keverich, @AaronB, @reiner Tor

    I found that proposal interesting. (And wrong, of course.)

    if the other side is convinced that Russia will use them when Russia says it would. Even if Russia’s imposed conditions would be frivolous or unreasonable. If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed.

    Well.. if you were the Israeli Prime Minister, or US President, and Russia demanded that you dance naked on the street and upload the video to YouTube, and you firmly believed that the Russians would really nuke your country if you didn’t, would you

    A) dance naked, and upload it to YouTube
    B) prepare for a nuclear war with Russia (while of course hoping they’re not as insane to start a nuclear war over this)
    C) other (write what you’d do)


    I guess most people (at the very least most people who had enough drive to power to become actually, like, powerful) would choose B). And the politicians would have no problem convincing the people to follow them to nuclear war. You propose most (or all?) people would choose A).

    I think your theory of the mind is wrong.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Though maybe you're right about some type of people.

    I always wondered about crimes like that:

    "the Carrs forced their hostages to strip naked and then bound them. They then repeatedly raped the two women, and forced the men to engage in sexual acts with the women and the women with each other."

    I don't know how I'd react in a situation like this, but I'd assume if they were forcing me to engage in sexual acts in front of them, then they won't let me out alive. Why give them their fun?

    Anyway, threatening with a nuclear war is not exactly the same type of situation. I certainly wouldn't engage in sexual acts if I also had a gun.
    , @utu

    Try to read more carefully next time. In the sentence

    If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed.

    the key phrase is "if Russia was believed."

    回复:@reiner Tor

  296. @AaronB

    You see here why Jews are ascendant, and the West in decline.

    Greasy William has passion and fierceness, conviction, willing to sacrifice himself and his country for his cause. He is not "reasonable", but irrational, emotion, loyal. He has what the Greeks called "thumos" - the source of all motivation. Greasy William may be wrong, but he's admirable.

    Now a milquetoast like reiner tor will take talk to you about "game theory", reasonableness, how America is just too powerful and all the other defeatist stuff. You get the sense he's too reasonable to have emotions, and will wilt if exposed to too much sunlight.

    And so it is for most white commenters on this blog. Insipid.

    This is the difference between having a religion and not having one. And there is nothing to be done about it - one can only hope the next generation will be raised with a religion. There is nothing to expect from the older generation of white people. They are not worth arguing with or taking seriously.

    Replies: @Anon, @for-the-record, @Dmitry, @German_reader

    Greasy William has passion

    Indeed, many-directed and frequently expressed.

  297. @AaronB

    You see here why Jews are ascendant, and the West in decline.

    Greasy William has passion and fierceness, conviction, willing to sacrifice himself and his country for his cause. He is not "reasonable", but irrational, emotion, loyal. He has what the Greeks called "thumos" - the source of all motivation. Greasy William may be wrong, but he's admirable.

    Now a milquetoast like reiner tor will take talk to you about "game theory", reasonableness, how America is just too powerful and all the other defeatist stuff. You get the sense he's too reasonable to have emotions, and will wilt if exposed to too much sunlight.

    And so it is for most white commenters on this blog. Insipid.

    This is the difference between having a religion and not having one. And there is nothing to be done about it - one can only hope the next generation will be raised with a religion. There is nothing to expect from the older generation of white people. They are not worth arguing with or taking seriously.

    Replies: @Anon, @for-the-record, @Dmitry, @German_reader

    Now a milquetoast like reiner tor . . . one can only hope the next generation will be raised with a religion. There is nothing to expect from the older generation of white people. They are not worth arguing with or taking seriously.

    You’re really fixated on this, as if your generation (and those that follow) will be blessed (by God no doubt) with all the wisdom that those older than you lack. Do you really think that religion is the solution to all problems?

    Personally, you come across as an insufferable arrogant little shit, but then again I’m just your typical passionless insipid milquetoast.

    • 同意: German_reader
    • 回复: @AaronB

    Good! You should be angry, and you should find me insufferable. It means there may - may - be a spark of life in you yet.

    When the highest type of men hear the Tao (truth), they try hard to live in accordance with it.

    When the mediocre type hear the Tao, they seem to be aware and yet unaware of it.

    When the lowest type hear the Tao, they break into loud laughter–if it were not laughed at, it would not be Tao.
    , @AaronB

    And yes, I do think religion is the answer - literally the only answer.

    To flip Ibsen on his head, "the weakest man is he who stands most alone". An individualist can only ever be a milquetoast, slowly wilting away. If you want to be motivated and self-confident, connect to something larger than yourself.

  298. • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Netanyahu: Iran had secret 'Project Amad' to design, produce and test warheads



  299. @for-the-record

    Now a milquetoast like reiner tor . . . one can only hope the next generation will be raised with a religion. There is nothing to expect from the older generation of white people. They are not worth arguing with or taking seriously.

    You're really fixated on this, as if your generation (and those that follow) will be blessed (by God no doubt) with all the wisdom that those older than you lack. Do you really think that religion is the solution to all problems?

    Personally, you come across as an insufferable arrogant little shit, but then again I'm just your typical passionless insipid milquetoast.

    回复:@ AaronB,@ AaronB

    Good! You should be angry, and you should find me insufferable. It means there may – may – be a spark of life in you yet.

    When the highest type of men hear the Tao (truth), they try hard to live in accordance with it.

    When the mediocre type hear the Tao, they seem to be aware and yet unaware of it.

    When the lowest type hear the Tao, they break into loud laughter–if it were not laughed at, it would not be Tao.

  300. @AaronB

    You see here why Jews are ascendant, and the West in decline.

    Greasy William has passion and fierceness, conviction, willing to sacrifice himself and his country for his cause. He is not "reasonable", but irrational, emotion, loyal. He has what the Greeks called "thumos" - the source of all motivation. Greasy William may be wrong, but he's admirable.

    Now a milquetoast like reiner tor will take talk to you about "game theory", reasonableness, how America is just too powerful and all the other defeatist stuff. You get the sense he's too reasonable to have emotions, and will wilt if exposed to too much sunlight.

    And so it is for most white commenters on this blog. Insipid.

    This is the difference between having a religion and not having one. And there is nothing to be done about it - one can only hope the next generation will be raised with a religion. There is nothing to expect from the older generation of white people. They are not worth arguing with or taking seriously.

    Replies: @Anon, @for-the-record, @Dmitry, @German_reader

    I think Greasy, nice fellow as he seems otherwise, is trolling us.

    He doesn’t know (or pretends he doesn’t know) what is almost the most pervasive and commonly heard Hebrew word that can exist and you can hear in Israel – “Zahal”. At the same time he claims to be a true Jewish believer (which is a person who reads only in Hebrew, at least when reading the holy texts of the religion of Judaism).

    • 回复: @AaronB

    I am sure Greasy knows the word Tzahal. Maybe he objected to the absence of a t.

    Incidentally, the French media uses the word tzahal, while the British media frequently uses IDF, while the American press most often used Israeli army. Interesting the differences.


  301. @Greasy William

    I'm reading Zhirinovsky's wiki for the first time now. Are we sure he isn't some type of long running controlled opposition? He reads like a western liberal's caricature of a Russian nationalist.

    This guy actually has support?

    Replies: @DFH, @Anatoly Karlin, @yevardian

    Genuine support? No. He does sometimes say nationalist sounding things – much more so than anybody else – so some nationalists vote for him. Others vote for him for the entertainment. But there’s no real cultural or intellectual strength behind him and the LDPR.

    There are approximately three major real nationalist locuses:

    1. Various Soviet dinosaurs – Dugin, Limonov, Prokhanov. Leftist, USSR friendly, anti-Semitic, anti-Ukrainian. Influence is on the wane.

    2. “National democrats” – pro-Westernist, pro-Ukrainian, racialists (in the idiotic Nazi larping sense, not the HBD sense), sort of anti-Semites but cavorted a lot with liberal Jews. Were discredited after 2014.

    3. Various White Guardists – Central locus is Sputnik & Pogrom. Strictly Russian national interests, so Semitic-neutral and Western-neutral; anti-Soviet, anti-Ukrainian. Not a mass movement, but seem to have the most influence in the elites (e.g. Voloshin and Chubais (! of all people) have come out as readers).

    Also many more minor factions and subfactions.

    I intend to write a comprehensive mega-post about Russian nationalist factions sometime this year.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh

    I think you said that his core supporters include "trolls." I can't deny that its hard not to find him utterly entertaining.

    I think he won me around the time he supported both strip clubs and Orthodox values without a single hint of contradiction in him. This is a man of taste and conviction.

  302. @for-the-record

    Now a milquetoast like reiner tor . . . one can only hope the next generation will be raised with a religion. There is nothing to expect from the older generation of white people. They are not worth arguing with or taking seriously.

    You're really fixated on this, as if your generation (and those that follow) will be blessed (by God no doubt) with all the wisdom that those older than you lack. Do you really think that religion is the solution to all problems?

    Personally, you come across as an insufferable arrogant little shit, but then again I'm just your typical passionless insipid milquetoast.

    回复:@ AaronB,@ AaronB

    And yes, I do think religion is the answer – literally the only answer.

    To flip Ibsen on his head, “the weakest man is he who stands most alone”. An individualist can only ever be a milquetoast, slowly wilting away. If you want to be motivated and self-confident, connect to something larger than yourself.

  303. @reiner Tor

    I found that proposal interesting. (And wrong, of course.)

    if the other side is convinced that Russia will use them when Russia says it would. Even if Russia’s imposed conditions would be frivolous or unreasonable. If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed.
    Well.. if you were the Israeli Prime Minister, or US President, and Russia demanded that you dance naked on the street and upload the video to YouTube, and you firmly believed that the Russians would really nuke your country if you didn't, would you

    A) dance naked, and upload it to YouTube
    B) prepare for a nuclear war with Russia (while of course hoping they're not as insane to start a nuclear war over this)
    C) other (write what you'd do)


    I guess most people (at the very least most people who had enough drive to power to become actually, like, powerful) would choose B). And the politicians would have no problem convincing the people to follow them to nuclear war. You propose most (or all?) people would choose A).

    I think your theory of the mind is wrong.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ utu

    Though maybe you’re right about some type of people.

    I always wondered about crimes like that:

    “the Carrs forced their hostages to strip naked and then bound them. They then repeatedly raped the two women, and forced the men to engage in sexual acts with the women and the women with each other.”


    I don’t know how I’d react in a situation like this, but I’d assume if they were forcing me to engage in sexual acts in front of them, then they won’t let me out alive. Why give them their fun?

    Anyway, threatening with a nuclear war is not exactly the same type of situation. I certainly wouldn’t engage in sexual acts if I also had a gun.

  304. @Dmitry

    I think Greasy, nice fellow as he seems otherwise, is trolling us.

    He doesn't know (or pretends he doesn't know) what is almost the most pervasive and commonly heard Hebrew word that can exist and you can hear in Israel - "Zahal". At the same time he claims to be a true Jewish believer (which is a person who reads only in Hebrew, at least when reading the holy texts of the religion of Judaism).


    I am sure Greasy knows the word Tzahal. Maybe he objected to the absence of a t.

    Incidentally, the French media uses the word tzahal, while the British media frequently uses IDF, while the American press most often used Israeli army. Interesting the differences.

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    I think the better transliteration is with 'z' instead of 'tz', because as צ is at the beginning of the sentence, this sound of the word is more like 'zahal'. The 'tz' sound comes more when you put the letter inside a sentence e.g. 'in army' (בצבא) when it sounds more like 'betzava' to me.

    Zaba (or tzaba) = military


    Lol I actually made a mistake here with ב. (It is zava/tzava)所示。


  305. @Felix Keverich

    Russia is not weak. But it's a "one-dimentional power", meaning that the use military is the only way for Russia to have its voice heard and its interests respected. If Russia is not willing to use its guns, nobody in the world will pay much attention to the Kremlin. We might as well pack up from Syria and go home.


    As well as being on the five permanent members of the UN security council, which is the only real power center in international diplomacy (China, France, Russian Federation, the United Kingdom, and the United States).

    In addition, world’s largest supplier of oil, world’s largest supplier of gas. By far the largest populated country in Europe (146 million people, compared to second place Germany with around 80 million).

    And the world’s largest nuclear weapons capacity.

    All that said, I don’t really see relevance of the power-balance to this issue.

    At UN security council, there was an attempt to condemn the US/French/UK airstrikes in Syria earlier in month. US/French/UK are powerful countries.

    But there has been no attempt to condemn Israeli airstrikes (conducted by a vastly weaker power).

    So it’s not clear, and the best information we get is from reading the foreign media – what the actual viewpoint is of this kind of airstrike (which involves conflict between Iran and Israel inside Syria).

  306. I’m surprised nobody else here seems to think the Bajau thing is important. IMO, it might be the most important HBD discovery in many years. A lot of the other mutational adaptations seem fairly minor by comparison.

    What makes the Bajau case so interesting is that it is directly about resource acquisition in a certain environment, but not about resource acquisition through the gut, skin, or by digestion, or by survivability to pathogens. Not only does that have massive implications, but it is a very easy example to understand, and even picture.

    To take one obvious implication, already theorized many years ago, if people in one area had soft soil where women could use a hoe to farm and others had hard soil where men had to be behind a plow. Well, then, those people are probably going to be really different. If the Bajau were influenced by their waters, it is a virtual certainty that others were influenced by their soils.

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    No I read your comment a few days ago and was searching about them on youtube.


  307. @AaronB

    I am sure Greasy knows the word Tzahal. Maybe he objected to the absence of a t.

    Incidentally, the French media uses the word tzahal, while the British media frequently uses IDF, while the American press most often used Israeli army. Interesting the differences.


    I think the better transliteration is with ‘z’ instead of ‘tz’, because as צ is at the beginning of the sentence, this sound of the word is more like ‘zahal’. The ‘tz’ sound comes more when you put the letter inside a sentence e.g. ‘in army’ (בצבא) when it sounds more like ‘betzava’ to me.

    Zaba (or tzaba) = military

    Lol I actually made a mistake here with ב. (It is zava/tzava)所示。

    • 回复: @AaronB

    No Israeli pronounces it with a z. That would suggest an accent. It's definitely a 'ts' sound. צ is always a 'ts' sound. Zayin is a z sound.

    Check out YouTube.


  308. @songbird
    I'm surprised nobody else here seems to think the Bajau thing is important. IMO, it might be the most important HBD discovery in many years. A lot of the other mutational adaptations seem fairly minor by comparison.

    What makes the Bajau case so interesting is that it is directly about resource acquisition in a certain environment, but not about resource acquisition through the gut, skin, or by digestion, or by survivability to pathogens. Not only does that have massive implications, but it is a very easy example to understand, and even picture.

    To take one obvious implication, already theorized many years ago, if people in one area had soft soil where women could use a hoe to farm and others had hard soil where men had to be behind a plow. Well, then, those people are probably going to be really different. If the Bajau were influenced by their waters, it is a virtual certainty that others were influenced by their soils.


    No I read your comment a few days ago and was searching about them on youtube.

  309. @AaronB

    You see here why Jews are ascendant, and the West in decline.

    Greasy William has passion and fierceness, conviction, willing to sacrifice himself and his country for his cause. He is not "reasonable", but irrational, emotion, loyal. He has what the Greeks called "thumos" - the source of all motivation. Greasy William may be wrong, but he's admirable.

    Now a milquetoast like reiner tor will take talk to you about "game theory", reasonableness, how America is just too powerful and all the other defeatist stuff. You get the sense he's too reasonable to have emotions, and will wilt if exposed to too much sunlight.

    And so it is for most white commenters on this blog. Insipid.

    This is the difference between having a religion and not having one. And there is nothing to be done about it - one can only hope the next generation will be raised with a religion. There is nothing to expect from the older generation of white people. They are not worth arguing with or taking seriously.

    Replies: @Anon, @for-the-record, @Dmitry, @German_reader

    Greasy William has passion and fierceness, conviction, willing to sacrifice himself and his country for his cause.

    Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with a willingness to sacrifice oneself and one’s country for a cause…
    You almost sound like the people who were enthusiastic about going to war in 1914 (Greasy does as well with his disturbing hope for a general Mideast war). Didn’t turn out that great, and did more to reduce Europe to its present weakness than any loss of religion ever could have.

    • 回复: @AaronB

    You make a good point, and I was thinking that when I wrote my comment. Too much thumos, unrestrained by religion, is also problematic.

    But what strange and fatal defect of the West makes it swing constantly between extremes? Either you have an excess of thumos and do stupid things like 1914 and the Peloponnesian War, or you swing to the other extreme and let yourself get invaded and raped.

    Yes, 1914 is problematic - but do you think the current milquetoast situation is better? We know that in the West religion has led to strife, so we tried no-religion - " pas de zele", as Voltaire said. We now know that is not a solution - it merely dries up all sources of motivation, all springs of action, and all desire to live.

    So Western culture is now poised to go into a new stage - maybe, heaven forefend, balance? But to restore balance right now means restoring passion, community, and religion - this time in a balanced fashion. Nationalism but not empire. Religion but no contempt for other religions.

    It has become clear we cannot hide in the shadows because passion and religion are dangerous - because lack of these things, history has shown, is equally dangerous. Life is dangerous. Avoidance is not the answer. Learning to navigate danger is a task we cannot run from.

    回复:@ German_reader,@ AaronB

    , @songbird

    The way that I view WWI, it was mostly about a willingness to sacrifice one's own countrymen. Not only from the perspective of the elites, but also on much lower levels. Teachers who knew they were too old to go to the front, tried to teach boys that war was a good thing. Similarly, many women encouraged men to fight. And all that was before the outbreak.


  310. @reiner Tor

    I found that proposal interesting. (And wrong, of course.)

    if the other side is convinced that Russia will use them when Russia says it would. Even if Russia’s imposed conditions would be frivolous or unreasonable. If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed.
    Well.. if you were the Israeli Prime Minister, or US President, and Russia demanded that you dance naked on the street and upload the video to YouTube, and you firmly believed that the Russians would really nuke your country if you didn't, would you

    A) dance naked, and upload it to YouTube
    B) prepare for a nuclear war with Russia (while of course hoping they're not as insane to start a nuclear war over this)
    C) other (write what you'd do)


    I guess most people (at the very least most people who had enough drive to power to become actually, like, powerful) would choose B). And the politicians would have no problem convincing the people to follow them to nuclear war. You propose most (or all?) people would choose A).

    I think your theory of the mind is wrong.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ utu

    Try to read more carefully next time. In the sentence

    If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed.

    the key phrase is “if Russia was believed.”

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Well, the more outlandish and frivolous and the less reasonable the demands, the less likely it would be believed, obviously. But let me remove the phrase which made you misunderstand my comment. So please answer this:

    Well... if you were the Israeli Prime Minister, or US President, and Russia demanded that you dance naked on the street and upload the video to YouTube, and you firmly believed that the Russians would really nuke your country if you didn’t, would you

    A) dance naked, and upload it to YouTube
    B) prepare for a nuclear war with Russia
    C) other (write what you’d do)


    I’d choose B), and I think you’d choose B), too. I believe there’s no self-respecting government or head of state which would do otherwise. It’d also be pretty irrational to choose A).

  311. @Dmitry

    I think the better transliteration is with 'z' instead of 'tz', because as צ is at the beginning of the sentence, this sound of the word is more like 'zahal'. The 'tz' sound comes more when you put the letter inside a sentence e.g. 'in army' (בצבא) when it sounds more like 'betzava' to me.

    Zaba (or tzaba) = military


    Lol I actually made a mistake here with ב. (It is zava/tzava)所示。


    No Israeli pronounces it with a z. That would suggest an accent. It’s definitely a ‘ts’ sound. צ is always a ‘ts’ sound. Zayin is a z sound.

    Check out YouTube.

    • 回复: @Dmitry

    The צ in tzahal, is pronounced like 'Zahal' at the start of the sentence. It sounds like 'tz' if you put another word in front of it.

    So the issue of correct transliteration - both are used, but I think 'Zahal' is probably less misleading.

    As for letters 'zayin' - that's because there's plenty of redundancies with the consonants (tet and tav, samekh and shin, vav and bet, and even kaf and qof - in different contexts, these can all have the same sounds as each other, although there are grammatical rules for which are used).

  312. @AaronB

    No Israeli pronounces it with a z. That would suggest an accent. It's definitely a 'ts' sound. צ is always a 'ts' sound. Zayin is a z sound.

    Check out YouTube.


    The צ in tzahal, is pronounced like ‘Zahal’ at the start of the sentence. It sounds like ‘tz’ if you put another word in front of it.

    So the issue of correct transliteration – both are used, but I think ‘Zahal’ is probably less misleading.

    As for letters ‘zayin’ – that’s because there’s plenty of redundancies with the consonants (tet and tav, samekh and shin, vav and bet, and even kaf and qof – in different contexts, these can all have the same sounds as each other, although there are grammatical rules for which are used).

  313. @German_reader

    Greasy William has passion and fierceness, conviction, willing to sacrifice himself and his country for his cause.
    Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with a willingness to sacrifice oneself and one's country for a cause...
    You almost sound like the people who were enthusiastic about going to war in 1914 (Greasy does as well with his disturbing hope for a general Mideast war). Didn't turn out that great, and did more to reduce Europe to its present weakness than any loss of religion ever could have.

    回复:@ AaronB,@ songbird

    You make a good point, and I was thinking that when I wrote my comment. Too much thumos, unrestrained by religion, is also problematic.

    But what strange and fatal defect of the West makes it swing constantly between extremes? Either you have an excess of thumos and do stupid things like 1914 and the Peloponnesian War, or you swing to the other extreme and let yourself get invaded and raped.

    Yes, 1914 is problematic – but do you think the current milquetoast situation is better? We know that in the West religion has led to strife, so we tried no-religion – ” pas de zele”, as Voltaire said. We now know that is not a solution – it merely dries up all sources of motivation, all springs of action, and all desire to live.

    So Western culture is now poised to go into a new stage – maybe, heaven forefend, balance? But to restore balance right now means restoring passion, community, and religion – this time in a balanced fashion. Nationalism but not empire. Religion but no contempt for other religions.

    It has become clear we cannot hide in the shadows because passion and religion are dangerous – because lack of these things, history has shown, is equally dangerous. Life is dangerous. Avoidance is not the answer. Learning to navigate danger is a task we cannot run from.

    • 回复: @German_reader

    But to restore balance right now means restoring passion, community, and religion – this time in a balanced fashion. Nationalism but not empire.
    I actually agree with a lot of that...though I still find your enthusiasm for "religion" (which immediately raises the question "What kind of religion?") somewhat strange. I don't think a return to the premodern state of affairs is either possible or desirable in this regard.


    , @AaronB

    Also, I would point out that 1914 was itself a consequence of the steady erosion of religion, to where people felt bored and restless with the mechanical and materialistic life being offered them, with comfort as the highest ideal, and yet with nowhere for their energy and desire for transcendence to go.

    The solution is not to neuter peeople, castrate them, make them milquetoast s - but to provide them illegitimate religious outlets for their desire for transcendence.

  314. @German_reader

    Greasy William has passion and fierceness, conviction, willing to sacrifice himself and his country for his cause.
    Yeah, what could possibly go wrong with a willingness to sacrifice oneself and one's country for a cause...
    You almost sound like the people who were enthusiastic about going to war in 1914 (Greasy does as well with his disturbing hope for a general Mideast war). Didn't turn out that great, and did more to reduce Europe to its present weakness than any loss of religion ever could have.

    回复:@ AaronB,@ songbird

    The way that I view WWI, it was mostly about a willingness to sacrifice one’s own countrymen. Not only from the perspective of the elites, but also on much lower levels. Teachers who knew they were too old to go to the front, tried to teach boys that war was a good thing. Similarly, many women encouraged men to fight. And all that was before the outbreak.

    • 回复: @German_reader

    是的, 守望先锋 等等。
    Is somewhat of a problem for me, obviously I'm in favour of patriotic sentiment, but one has to recognize that it can lead to pretty disastrous results.

  315. @AaronB

    You make a good point, and I was thinking that when I wrote my comment. Too much thumos, unrestrained by religion, is also problematic.

    But what strange and fatal defect of the West makes it swing constantly between extremes? Either you have an excess of thumos and do stupid things like 1914 and the Peloponnesian War, or you swing to the other extreme and let yourself get invaded and raped.

    Yes, 1914 is problematic - but do you think the current milquetoast situation is better? We know that in the West religion has led to strife, so we tried no-religion - " pas de zele", as Voltaire said. We now know that is not a solution - it merely dries up all sources of motivation, all springs of action, and all desire to live.

    So Western culture is now poised to go into a new stage - maybe, heaven forefend, balance? But to restore balance right now means restoring passion, community, and religion - this time in a balanced fashion. Nationalism but not empire. Religion but no contempt for other religions.

    It has become clear we cannot hide in the shadows because passion and religion are dangerous - because lack of these things, history has shown, is equally dangerous. Life is dangerous. Avoidance is not the answer. Learning to navigate danger is a task we cannot run from.

    回复:@ German_reader,@ AaronB

    But to restore balance right now means restoring passion, community, and religion – this time in a balanced fashion. Nationalism but not empire.

    I actually agree with a lot of that…though I still find your enthusiasm for “religion” (which immediately raises the question “What kind of religion?”) somewhat strange. I don’t think a return to the premodern state of affairs is either possible or desirable in this regard.

    • 回复: @AaronB

    You say we cannot "return" - that is because you are captured by modern myths like evolution and progress. In fact, history is cyclical - rise and fall. Returns happen all the time. I wonder if the Romans thought they could never return to a less advanced state. We have already returned to a pre-modern state in many ways - loss of free speech, taboos, collapse in science, loss of interest in objectivity.

    If modernity is maladaptive, then not only is return possible, it is inevitable. Nothing is "frozen".

    My emphasis on religion is not strange, but crucial. There is no need to have a too restrictive view of it, however, nor is it necessary to abandon everything about modernity, although that may happen.

    As to what religion? Good point. The essence of a religion is that it is not chosen for rational reasons. We cannot analyze our way into it. As science collapses, and the obsession with over rational and hyper conscious control subsides, a religious synthesis will emerge, choosing us. It may emerge from the ruins of Christianity, or not.

    In the meangime, we can connect to something larger than ourselves now - God, community, other people. Recognize we are not individuals, logic is not final, and the divine is real. Draw inspiration from sacred texts. Cultivate morality. The precise rituals, traditions, etc will emerge over time in a non rational, communal process.

    But we must take the first step, even if it is our fate to be a transitional generation.

  316. @AaronB

    You make a good point, and I was thinking that when I wrote my comment. Too much thumos, unrestrained by religion, is also problematic.

    But what strange and fatal defect of the West makes it swing constantly between extremes? Either you have an excess of thumos and do stupid things like 1914 and the Peloponnesian War, or you swing to the other extreme and let yourself get invaded and raped.

    Yes, 1914 is problematic - but do you think the current milquetoast situation is better? We know that in the West religion has led to strife, so we tried no-religion - " pas de zele", as Voltaire said. We now know that is not a solution - it merely dries up all sources of motivation, all springs of action, and all desire to live.

    So Western culture is now poised to go into a new stage - maybe, heaven forefend, balance? But to restore balance right now means restoring passion, community, and religion - this time in a balanced fashion. Nationalism but not empire. Religion but no contempt for other religions.

    It has become clear we cannot hide in the shadows because passion and religion are dangerous - because lack of these things, history has shown, is equally dangerous. Life is dangerous. Avoidance is not the answer. Learning to navigate danger is a task we cannot run from.

    回复:@ German_reader,@ AaronB

    Also, I would point out that 1914 was itself a consequence of the steady erosion of religion, to where people felt bored and restless with the mechanical and materialistic life being offered them, with comfort as the highest ideal, and yet with nowhere for their energy and desire for transcendence to go.

    The solution is not to neuter peeople, castrate them, make them milquetoast s – but to provide them illegitimate religious outlets for their desire for transcendence.

  317. @utu

    Try to read more carefully next time. In the sentence

    If Russia said it will nuke you for jaywalking the jaywalking would stop immediately if Russia was believed.

    the key phrase is "if Russia was believed."

    回复:@reiner Tor

    Well, the more outlandish and frivolous and the less reasonable the demands, the less likely it would be believed, obviously. But let me remove the phrase which made you misunderstand my comment. So please answer this:

    Well… if you were the Israeli Prime Minister, or US President, and Russia demanded that you dance naked on the street and upload the video to YouTube, and you firmly believed that the Russians would really nuke your country if you didn’t, would you

    A) dance naked, and upload it to YouTube
    B) prepare for a nuclear war with Russia
    C) other (write what you’d do)


    I’d choose B), and I think you’d choose B), too. I believe there’s no self-respecting government or head of state which would do otherwise. It’d also be pretty irrational to choose A).

  318. @Daniel Chieh

    It wasn't ever realistic to become part of Japan(and post-war Japan was not about to get any more territory), and the pre-KMT Chinese are the ones in TaiDu now running around and being idiots. Its not really like they're doing anything useful nor did it really seem like they ever had a plan.

    KMT had their faults - overt ambition and a bullheaded refusal to give up on taking over the mainland among them, but at least they didn't think that they could gain independence through supporting same-sex marriage and other complete nonsequitors which presumably will bring "international attention." The degree of "not a serious country" and utter divorce from reality is hard to comprehend.


    I found the idea of independent Taiwan appealing when it was explicated to me by my Taiwanese friends many years ago. Some of them felt more affinity to Japan than China though they did not want to be a part of Japan. But even then they were realistic that it was already too late and they blamed KMT’s grandiosity for the missed opportunity. Taiwan will become a part of China sooner or later. Whatever is happening in Taiwan now is not really important. The independence activist or whatever they are will not change the course of things to come.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh

    但是, 有东西 they can do.

    They can run the country in a competent, even impressive way which will make Beijing second-guess themselves if acquisition or pressure is the right thing to do. Beijing does respect competence; they would get far more autonomy if they demonstrated competence. The problem is that Taiwan is an economic basket case on top of everything else; college students are graduating to less than $15k USD where mainland workers are earning between $30k to $80k for the same work.

    The Taiwanese problems are not primarily caused by China at the moment. It is the result of extensive incompetence currently being masked by cargo-culting Western values.


  319. @songbird

    The way that I view WWI, it was mostly about a willingness to sacrifice one's own countrymen. Not only from the perspective of the elites, but also on much lower levels. Teachers who knew they were too old to go to the front, tried to teach boys that war was a good thing. Similarly, many women encouraged men to fight. And all that was before the outbreak.


    是的, 守望先锋 等等。
    Is somewhat of a problem for me, obviously I’m in favour of patriotic sentiment, but one has to recognize that it can lead to pretty disastrous results.

  320. @German_reader

    But to restore balance right now means restoring passion, community, and religion – this time in a balanced fashion. Nationalism but not empire.
    I actually agree with a lot of that...though I still find your enthusiasm for "religion" (which immediately raises the question "What kind of religion?") somewhat strange. I don't think a return to the premodern state of affairs is either possible or desirable in this regard.


    You say we cannot “return” – that is because you are captured by modern myths like evolution and progress. In fact, history is cyclical – rise and fall. Returns happen all the time. I wonder if the Romans thought they could never return to a less advanced state. We have already returned to a pre-modern state in many ways – loss of free speech, taboos, collapse in science, loss of interest in objectivity.

    If modernity is maladaptive, then not only is return possible, it is inevitable. Nothing is “frozen”.

    My emphasis on religion is not strange, but crucial. There is no need to have a too restrictive view of it, however, nor is it necessary to abandon everything about modernity, although that may happen.

    As to what religion? Good point. The essence of a religion is that it is not chosen for rational reasons. We cannot analyze our way into it. As science collapses, and the obsession with over rational and hyper conscious control subsides, a religious synthesis will emerge, choosing us. It may emerge from the ruins of Christianity, or not.

    In the meangime, we can connect to something larger than ourselves now – God, community, other people. Recognize we are not individuals, logic is not final, and the divine is real. Draw inspiration from sacred texts. Cultivate morality. The precise rituals, traditions, etc will emerge over time in a non rational, communal process.

    But we must take the first step, even if it is our fate to be a transitional generation.

  321. @reiner Tor
    Meanwhile in Israel...


    回复:@reiner Tor

    Netanyahu: Iran had secret ‘Project Amad’ to design, produce and test warheads


    • 回复: @German_reader

    "We've shared this material with the United States and the United States can vouch for its authenticity," Netanyahu said.
    Sure, who could ever suspect the Israelis or Americans of lying...
    Really looks like they're planning for a re-run of Iraq 2003.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor

  322. @reiner Tor

    Netanyahu: Iran had secret 'Project Amad' to design, produce and test warheads



    “We’ve shared this material with the United States and the United States can vouch for its authenticity,” Netanyahu said.

    Sure, who could ever suspect the Israelis or Americans of lying…
    Really looks like they’re planning for a re-run of Iraq 2003.

    • 同意: reiner Tor
    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Apparently they got some documents from Iran. I don’t know what or how they got, but I’m sure it’s less than what they make it out to be.

    回复:@ for-the-record

    , @reiner Tor

    The sickening part is Putin will not help Iran much. He should already start sending them weapons.

  323. @German_reader

    "We've shared this material with the United States and the United States can vouch for its authenticity," Netanyahu said.
    Sure, who could ever suspect the Israelis or Americans of lying...
    Really looks like they're planning for a re-run of Iraq 2003.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor

    Apparently they got some documents from Iran. I don’t know what or how they got, but I’m sure it’s less than what they make it out to be.

    • 回复: @for-the-record

    I don’t know what or how they got

    As I understand it, it concerns Iran's pre-2003 programme and may be nothing new at all.


    回复:@reiner Tor

  324. @German_reader

    "We've shared this material with the United States and the United States can vouch for its authenticity," Netanyahu said.
    Sure, who could ever suspect the Israelis or Americans of lying...
    Really looks like they're planning for a re-run of Iraq 2003.

    回复:@reiner Tor,@ reiner Tor

    The sickening part is Putin will not help Iran much. He should already start sending them weapons.

  325. @utu
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    I found the idea of independent Taiwan appealing when it was explicated to me by my Taiwanese friends many years ago. Some of them felt more affinity to Japan than China though they did not want to be a part of Japan. But even then they were realistic that it was already too late and they blamed KMT's grandiosity for the missed opportunity. Taiwan will become a part of China sooner or later. Whatever is happening in Taiwan now is not really important. The independence activist or whatever they are will not change the course of things to come.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    但是, 有东西 they can do.

    They can run the country in a competent, even impressive way which will make Beijing second-guess themselves if acquisition or pressure is the right thing to do. Beijing does respect competence; they would get far more autonomy if they demonstrated competence. The problem is that Taiwan is an economic basket case on top of everything else; college students are graduating to less than $15k USD where mainland workers are earning between $30k to $80k for the same work.

    The Taiwanese problems are not primarily caused by China at the moment. It is the result of extensive incompetence currently being masked by cargo-culting Western values.

    • 回复: @utu
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Thanks for the info. I do not follow what is happening in Taiwan so I was not aware that they were not doing well. Nevertheless I have known more Taiwanese than Mainlanders perhaps because I found Taiwanese less foreign more universal and most importantly not tainted with the Chinese chauvinism that I find rather scary though understandable but unpleasant enough to preclude closer relations with them. Just like I could not imagine close relationship with Bronze Age troglodytes of Greasy W. ilk though I understand where are they coming from.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

  326. @Daniel Chieh

    但是, 有东西 they can do.

    They can run the country in a competent, even impressive way which will make Beijing second-guess themselves if acquisition or pressure is the right thing to do. Beijing does respect competence; they would get far more autonomy if they demonstrated competence. The problem is that Taiwan is an economic basket case on top of everything else; college students are graduating to less than $15k USD where mainland workers are earning between $30k to $80k for the same work.

    The Taiwanese problems are not primarily caused by China at the moment. It is the result of extensive incompetence currently being masked by cargo-culting Western values.


    Thanks for the info. I do not follow what is happening in Taiwan so I was not aware that they were not doing well. Nevertheless I have known more Taiwanese than Mainlanders perhaps because I found Taiwanese less foreign more universal and most importantly not tainted with the Chinese chauvinism that I find rather scary though understandable but unpleasant enough to preclude closer relations with them. Just like I could not imagine close relationship with Bronze Age troglodytes of Greasy W. ilk though I understand where are they coming from.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh

    The Taiwanese do tend to be more pleasant, but I wonder if it is in part due to the lack of thymos that they've been saddled with now. What is the driving philosophy of the Party to its mainlanders?

    "The Dragon will rise again! Sacrifice for the great rejuvenation of China, to claim our rightful place in the world as a superpower."

    What was the KMT promise, as grandiose as it was?

    "We must save our mainland cousins from the red bandits! We shall return even if we have to do it by infiltrating the Party and turning it into our values."

    And what does Taidu say?

    "...we are a democracy...our gays have more rights...we have human rights as understood by the UN..."

  327. @songbird
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    People wonder why Japan has such a low amount of crime. Many interpretations, some obvious. One not as obvious would be that they killed a lot of people for minor transgressions until fairly recently (August, 1945.) If I recall, in Korea, (pre-war) they used to chop off people's limbs with swords. Korea did develop under them, but probably didn't need them.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    Gene-culture co-evolution. At any rate, Japan seemed like they were spazzing out with massacres such as Nanking which didn’t earn them any admiration.

    I think had the Japanese been less ambitious and had better control of their soldiers, they might have done much better.

    • 回复: @songbird
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    The brutality of the Japanese during WW2 was really amazing. Easy to dismiss along the lines innertribal vs. extratribal, but I can't help but feel there was something more to it. Maybe, the geography of Japan made it much more hierarchical. I wonder if anyone ever did Stanley Milgram in Japan.

    That runaway ambition aspect of it is really fascinating. I know it is really cliche to compare people to Hitler or Tojo, etc., but the example of them both attacking the US is just so mindbogglingly stupid. I don't care what others say - Japan did not need to attack the US. I can't help but feel that there are many non-militaristic parallels to this elite hubris, among the globalists. Where it comes from, (the isolation? how they are selected?), and how to combat it is a very important matters which concern us all.

    Replies: @for-the-record, @Daniel Chieh, @German_reader

  328. @Anatoly Karlin
    @格拉西·威廉(Greasy William)

    Genuine support? No. He does sometimes say nationalist sounding things - much more so than anybody else - so some nationalists vote for him. Others vote for him for the entertainment. But there's no real cultural or intellectual strength behind him and the LDPR.

    There are approximately three major real nationalist locuses:

    1. Various Soviet dinosaurs - Dugin, Limonov, Prokhanov. Leftist, USSR friendly, anti-Semitic, anti-Ukrainian. Influence is on the wane.

    2. "National democrats" - pro-Westernist, pro-Ukrainian, racialists (in the idiotic Nazi larping sense, not the HBD sense), sort of anti-Semites but cavorted a lot with liberal Jews. Were discredited after 2014.

    3. Various White Guardists - Central locus is Sputnik & Pogrom. Strictly Russian national interests, so Semitic-neutral and Western-neutral; anti-Soviet, anti-Ukrainian. Not a mass movement, but seem to have the most influence in the elites (e.g. Voloshin and Chubais (! of all people) have come out as readers).

    Also many more minor factions and subfactions.

    I intend to write a comprehensive mega-post about Russian nationalist factions sometime this year.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    I think you said that his core supporters include “trolls.” I can’t deny that its hard not to find him utterly entertaining.

    I think he won me around the time he supported both strip clubs and Orthodox values without a single hint of contradiction in him. This is a man of taste and conviction.

  329. @utu
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Thanks for the info. I do not follow what is happening in Taiwan so I was not aware that they were not doing well. Nevertheless I have known more Taiwanese than Mainlanders perhaps because I found Taiwanese less foreign more universal and most importantly not tainted with the Chinese chauvinism that I find rather scary though understandable but unpleasant enough to preclude closer relations with them. Just like I could not imagine close relationship with Bronze Age troglodytes of Greasy W. ilk though I understand where are they coming from.

    回复:@Daniel Chieh

    The Taiwanese do tend to be more pleasant, but I wonder if it is in part due to the lack of thymos that they’ve been saddled with now. What is the driving philosophy of the Party to its mainlanders?

    “The Dragon will rise again! Sacrifice for the great rejuvenation of China, to claim our rightful place in the world as a superpower.”

    What was the KMT promise, as grandiose as it was?

    “We must save our mainland cousins from the red bandits! We shall return even if we have to do it by infiltrating the Party and turning it into our values.”

    And what does Taidu say?

    “…we are a democracy…our gays have more rights…we have human rights as understood by the UN…”

  330. @reiner Tor

    Apparently they got some documents from Iran. I don’t know what or how they got, but I’m sure it’s less than what they make it out to be.

    回复:@ for-the-record

    I don’t know what or how they got

    As I understand it, it concerns Iran’s pre-2003 programme and may be nothing new at all.


    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Most likely. I cannot imagine it’s anything more serious than a the Iraq WMD “evidence.” Not because I cannot imagine Iran secretly working on a nuclear program, but it’s always easier to lie than to truly find such secret evidence. And they being inveterate liars, there’s nothing to stop them from lying. So probably they are lying.

    回复:@ for-the-record

  331. US-led jets bombed pro-Assad forces advancing on Deir Ezzor: Report

    Last update: Monday 30 April 2018 12:58 UTC

    US-led coalition fighter jets reportedly bombarded pro-Syrian government forces on Sunday, rolling back their advance into oil-rich areas held by the Syrian Democratic Forces in eastern Syria.

    At least nine pro-government fighters were killed in the operation, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights activist group said, hours after the Syrian army claimed it had “liberated” four villages in Deir Ezzor province from the US-backed SDF.

    If confirmed, the attack would be a significant departure from the international coalition’s stated mission of battling the Islamic State group (IS) in Syria, instead seeing the US-led force fighting over territory not currently contested by the group.


    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    How is it any different from the previous incident with the Russian Wagner mercenaries?

  332. @for-the-record

    I don’t know what or how they got

    As I understand it, it concerns Iran's pre-2003 programme and may be nothing new at all.


    回复:@reiner Tor

    Most likely. I cannot imagine it’s anything more serious than a the Iraq WMD “evidence.” Not because I cannot imagine Iran secretly working on a nuclear program, but it’s always easier to lie than to truly find such secret evidence. And they being inveterate liars, there’s nothing to stop them from lying. So probably they are lying.

    • 回复: @for-the-record

    My take is that their not lying really, just trying to make a mountain out of a molehill with regard to documents about a previous programme, which they will try to argue was not fully disclosed and hence represents the greatest sin since Eden.

    回复:@reiner Tor

  333. @reiner Tor

    Most likely. I cannot imagine it’s anything more serious than a the Iraq WMD “evidence.” Not because I cannot imagine Iran secretly working on a nuclear program, but it’s always easier to lie than to truly find such secret evidence. And they being inveterate liars, there’s nothing to stop them from lying. So probably they are lying.

    回复:@ for-the-record

    My take is that their not lying really, just trying to make a mountain out of a molehill with regard to documents about a previous programme, which they will try to argue was not fully disclosed and hence represents the greatest sin since Eden.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    Yes, but I’d call that lying. Since obviously they know that this is not really an active Iranian nuclear program, and they also are fully aware that they are making it sound like one.

  334. @for-the-record

    My take is that their not lying really, just trying to make a mountain out of a molehill with regard to documents about a previous programme, which they will try to argue was not fully disclosed and hence represents the greatest sin since Eden.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    Yes, but I’d call that lying. Since obviously they know that this is not really an active Iranian nuclear program, and they also are fully aware that they are making it sound like one.

  335. @for-the-record

    US-led jets bombed pro-Assad forces advancing on Deir Ezzor: Report

    Last update: Monday 30 April 2018 12:58 UTC

    US-led coalition fighter jets reportedly bombarded pro-Syrian government forces on Sunday, rolling back their advance into oil-rich areas held by the Syrian Democratic Forces in eastern Syria.

    At least nine pro-government fighters were killed in the operation, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights activist group said, hours after the Syrian army claimed it had "liberated" four villages in Deir Ezzor province from the US-backed SDF.

    If confirmed, the attack would be a significant departure from the international coalition's stated mission of battling the Islamic State group (IS) in Syria, instead seeing the US-led force fighting over territory not currently contested by the group.


    回复:@reiner Tor

    How is it any different from the previous incident with the Russian Wagner mercenaries?

  336. @Daniel Chieh

    Gene-culture co-evolution. At any rate, Japan seemed like they were spazzing out with massacres such as Nanking which didn't earn them any admiration.

    I think had the Japanese been less ambitious and had better control of their soldiers, they might have done much better.


    The brutality of the Japanese during WW2 was really amazing. Easy to dismiss along the lines innertribal vs. extratribal, but I can’t help but feel there was something more to it. Maybe, the geography of Japan made it much more hierarchical. I wonder if anyone ever did Stanley Milgram in Japan.

    That runaway ambition aspect of it is really fascinating. I know it is really cliche to compare people to Hitler or Tojo, etc., but the example of them both attacking the US is just so mindbogglingly stupid. I don’t care what others say – Japan did not need to attack the US. I can’t help but feel that there are many non-militaristic parallels to this elite hubris, among the globalists. Where it comes from, (the isolation? how they are selected?), and how to combat it is a very important matters which concern us all.

    • 回复: @for-the-record

    I assume you have read John Toland's 旭日? I found it probably the best single book I have read in terms of understanding the Japanese "side", and the absolute suicidal nature of what they did (though many, perhaps even a majority, were against it). The amazing thing about the book, published in 1970,, is that Toland was able to interview so many of the actual participants, from "grunts" to political leaders (such as Marquis Kido, the Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal and intimate of Hirohito) to the principal Japanese spy at Pearl Harbor, important military personnel, Yamamoto's widow, etc.; and on the American side leaders such as Nimitz and John McCoy (Asst. Secretary of War).


    , @Daniel Chieh




    回复:@random rand

    , @German_reader

    Japan did not need to attack the US
    Could they actually have gobbled up the European colonies in Southeast Asia without the US declaring war on them?
    I know they already had troops in French Indochina and Thailand before Pearl Harbor, but how would the US have reacted if they had invaded British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies without attacking American forces in the Philippines?

    Replies: @for-the-record, @Daniel Chieh, @songbird

  337. @songbird
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    The brutality of the Japanese during WW2 was really amazing. Easy to dismiss along the lines innertribal vs. extratribal, but I can't help but feel there was something more to it. Maybe, the geography of Japan made it much more hierarchical. I wonder if anyone ever did Stanley Milgram in Japan.

    That runaway ambition aspect of it is really fascinating. I know it is really cliche to compare people to Hitler or Tojo, etc., but the example of them both attacking the US is just so mindbogglingly stupid. I don't care what others say - Japan did not need to attack the US. I can't help but feel that there are many non-militaristic parallels to this elite hubris, among the globalists. Where it comes from, (the isolation? how they are selected?), and how to combat it is a very important matters which concern us all.

    Replies: @for-the-record, @Daniel Chieh, @German_reader

    I assume you have read John Toland’s 旭日? I found it probably the best single book I have read in terms of understanding the Japanese “side”, and the absolute suicidal nature of what they did (though many, perhaps even a majority, were against it). The amazing thing about the book, published in 1970,, is that Toland was able to interview so many of the actual participants, from “grunts” to political leaders (such as Marquis Kido, the Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal and intimate of Hirohito) to the principal Japanese spy at Pearl Harbor, important military personnel, Yamamoto’s widow, etc.; and on the American side leaders such as Nimitz and John McCoy (Asst. Secretary of War).

    • 回复: @songbird

    I've not read the book, but I'll put it on my reading list.

  338. @songbird
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    The brutality of the Japanese during WW2 was really amazing. Easy to dismiss along the lines innertribal vs. extratribal, but I can't help but feel there was something more to it. Maybe, the geography of Japan made it much more hierarchical. I wonder if anyone ever did Stanley Milgram in Japan.

    That runaway ambition aspect of it is really fascinating. I know it is really cliche to compare people to Hitler or Tojo, etc., but the example of them both attacking the US is just so mindbogglingly stupid. I don't care what others say - Japan did not need to attack the US. I can't help but feel that there are many non-militaristic parallels to this elite hubris, among the globalists. Where it comes from, (the isolation? how they are selected?), and how to combat it is a very important matters which concern us all.

    Replies: @for-the-record, @Daniel Chieh, @German_reader




    Getting dragged into the long and expensive war in China would cost them resources and began the long march toward attacking the United States. None of it really made any sense; Japanese internal documents showed that they were quite aware that their population was not in any place or position to try to occupy the extensive area that was China, so all they could hope for was…miracles, really.

    • 回复: @random rand
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    Even more hilarious is that apparently Kanji Ishiwara didn't even want to expand the war with China after taking Manchuria. The dude seems to be a true believer of East Asian cooperation. From a geopolitical point of view, Japan wanting Manchuria is understandable since they had to drastically expand their industrial base if they wanted to be taken seriously as a world power. Expanding their invasion into the rest of China is bizarre. IIRC the KMT was willing to give up Manchuria, was even willing to come to a settlement with Japan after Shanghai, but any settlement basically became impossible after Nanjing.

  339. @songbird
    @丹尼尔·齐(Daniel Chieh)

    The brutality of the Japanese during WW2 was really amazing. Easy to dismiss along the lines innertribal vs. extratribal, but I can't help but feel there was something more to it. Maybe, the geography of Japan made it much more hierarchical. I wonder if anyone ever did Stanley Milgram in Japan.

    That runaway ambition aspect of it is really fascinating. I know it is really cliche to compare people to Hitler or Tojo, etc., but the example of them both attacking the US is just so mindbogglingly stupid. I don't care what others say - Japan did not need to attack the US. I can't help but feel that there are many non-militaristic parallels to this elite hubris, among the globalists. Where it comes from, (the isolation? how they are selected?), and how to combat it is a very important matters which concern us all.

    Replies: @for-the-record, @Daniel Chieh, @German_reader

    Japan did not need to attack the US

    Could they actually have gobbled up the European colonies in Southeast Asia without the US declaring war on them?
    I know they already had troops in French Indochina and Thailand before Pearl Harbor, but how would the US have reacted if they had invaded British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies without attacking American forces in the Philippines?

    • 回复: @for-the-record

    Could they actually have gobbled up the European colonies in Southeast Asia without the US declaring war on them?

    Almost certainly not, but they could have simply stuck with Manchuria.


    , @Daniel Chieh

    Even with just Korea and Taiwan, they would have been in an excellent position territorially.

    , @songbird

    There are two separate issues:

    Political: The US had a strong isolationist streak. Despite the machinations of FDR, real war (total commitment) at that time, IMO, needed real provocation. Something like the Lusitania, to stir up the public. I think the good example would be Germany - Germany was in strategic position to harm the US in much more realistic way than Japan was, being so much closer. But the US did not declare war. The US was pretty resource-independent, at least on the level of the Western hemisphere, and I don't see why they would have declared war on Japan and not Germany.

    FDR was already a three-term president, and there was a lot of dislike and resistance to him, in part because of it. There were people switching parties and even mainstream Hollywood movies that seemed to tacitly show displeasure. I think he understood there were limits to his power. Not to mention, Congress would not have been corralled. WW2 was the last time the US was totally committed to war on an economic level. Vietnam and Korea were only partial affairs, destructive dabblings.

    Then there is the economic side for Japan: Japan didn't really need the resources - unless they were fighting the US. There wasn't any other power that could realistically challenge them at the time. They could have tightened their belts, found alternatives, endured a recession, and shown there was a limit to their territorial ambitions, while making peace overtures, even through a public campaign, which would have made it darn near impossible for war to break out.


  340. @German_reader

    Japan did not need to attack the US
    Could they actually have gobbled up the European colonies in Southeast Asia without the US declaring war on them?
    I know they already had troops in French Indochina and Thailand before Pearl Harbor, but how would the US have reacted if they had invaded British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies without attacking American forces in the Philippines?

    Replies: @for-the-record, @Daniel Chieh, @songbird

    Could they actually have gobbled up the European colonies in Southeast Asia without the US declaring war on them?

    Almost certainly not, but they could have simply stuck with Manchuria.

    • 回复: @German_reader

    Almost certainly not, but they could have simply stuck with Manchuria.
    Yes, but by 1941 they were bogged down in their war in China, and if I understand correctly the American oil embargo would have severely hindered (crippled?) their war effort, so they felt they had to acquire the oil (and other resources like rubber) of Southeast Asia...otherwise they would have needed to end their imperial project.
    Of course it would have been better if they had never even begun with it.

    回复:@ for-the-record

  341. @German_reader

    Japan did not need to attack the US
    Could they actually have gobbled up the European colonies in Southeast Asia without the US declaring war on them?
    I know they already had troops in French Indochina and Thailand before Pearl Harbor, but how would the US have reacted if they had invaded British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies without attacking American forces in the Philippines?

    Replies: @for-the-record, @Daniel Chieh, @songbird

    Even with just Korea and Taiwan, they would have been in an excellent position territorially.

  342. @for-the-record

    Could they actually have gobbled up the European colonies in Southeast Asia without the US declaring war on them?

    Almost certainly not, but they could have simply stuck with Manchuria.


    Almost certainly not, but they could have simply stuck with Manchuria.

    Yes, but by 1941 they were bogged down in their war in China, and if I understand correctly the American oil embargo would have severely hindered (crippled?) their war effort, so they felt they had to acquire the oil (and other resources like rubber) of Southeast Asia…otherwise they would have needed to end their imperial project.
    Of course it would have been better if they had never even begun with it.

    • 回复: @for-the-record

    The US would in fact have accepted a "withdrawal" to Manchuria. Unfortunately Hull's "ultimatum" of 26 November was poorly worded: he insisted on a withdrawal from "China", which for him did not include Manchuria; the Japanese understood it to require withdrawal from Manchuria, which was a total nonstarter for them.

    John Toland (旭日)采访了参与最终战争审议的多位日本高级官员,当他们得知这一误解时,他们的反应虽然并不完全一致,但强烈表明与美国的战争完全可以避免。


  343. @German_reader

    Japan did not need to attack the US
    Could they actually have gobbled up the European colonies in Southeast Asia without the US declaring war on them?
    I know they already had troops in French Indochina and Thailand before Pearl Harbor, but how would the US have reacted if they had invaded British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies without attacking American forces in the Philippines?

    Replies: @for-the-record, @Daniel Chieh, @songbird

    There are two separate issues:

    Political: The US had a strong isolationist streak. Despite the machinations of FDR, real war (total commitment) at that time, IMO, needed real provocation. Something like the Lusitania, to stir up the public. I think the good example would be Germany – Germany was in strategic position to harm the US in much more realistic way than Japan was, being so much closer. But the US did not declare war. The US was pretty resource-independent, at least on the level of the Western hemisphere, and I don’t see why they would have declared war on Japan and not Germany.

    FDR was already a three-term president, and there was a lot of dislike and resistance to him, in part because of it. There were people switching parties and even mainstream Hollywood movies that seemed to tacitly show displeasure. I think he understood there were limits to his power. Not to mention, Congress would not have been corralled. WW2 was the last time the US was totally committed to war on an economic level. Vietnam and Korea were only partial affairs, destructive dabblings.

    Then there is the economic side for Japan: Japan didn’t really need the resources – unless they were fighting the US. There wasn’t any other power that could realistically challenge them at the time. They could have tightened their belts, found alternatives, endured a recession, and shown there was a limit to their territorial ambitions, while making peace overtures, even through a public campaign, which would have made it darn near impossible for war to break out.

    • 回复: @German_reader

    The US had a strong isolationist streak. Despite the machinations of FDR, real war (total commitment) at that time, IMO, needed real provocation.
    That's what I was wondering about...if the Japanese hadn't attacked US forces (and actually on US territory at that, Pearl Harbor was as provocative as one could get), but just invaded British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, would Roosevelt have managed to bring about a declaration of war in reaction to that? European colonialism wasn't popular with the US public, so many Americans might not have cared that much about a change of colonial masters in Southeast Asia. I've never seen a discussion of such a counter-factual though, so I don't know if such a scenario was even remotely likely.

    They could have tightened their belts, found alternatives, endured a recession, and shown there was a limit to their territorial ambitions, while making peace overtures, even through a public campaign
    That would certainly have been the most prudent course of action.
    As I understand it, Japanese strategy depended to a large extent on the perception that Germany was winning the war in Europe, which of course turned out to be a serious miscalculation.

    回复:@ for-the-record

  344. @for-the-record

    I assume you have read John Toland's 旭日? I found it probably the best single book I have read in terms of understanding the Japanese "side", and the absolute suicidal nature of what they did (though many, perhaps even a majority, were against it). The amazing thing about the book, published in 1970,, is that Toland was able to interview so many of the actual participants, from "grunts" to political leaders (such as Marquis Kido, the Lord Keeper of the Privy Seal and intimate of Hirohito) to the principal Japanese spy at Pearl Harbor, important military personnel, Yamamoto's widow, etc.; and on the American side leaders such as Nimitz and John McCoy (Asst. Secretary of War).


    I’ve not read the book, but I’ll put it on my reading list.

  345. @songbird

    There are two separate issues:

    Political: The US had a strong isolationist streak. Despite the machinations of FDR, real war (total commitment) at that time, IMO, needed real provocation. Something like the Lusitania, to stir up the public. I think the good example would be Germany - Germany was in strategic position to harm the US in much more realistic way than Japan was, being so much closer. But the US did not declare war. The US was pretty resource-independent, at least on the level of the Western hemisphere, and I don't see why they would have declared war on Japan and not Germany.

    FDR was already a three-term president, and there was a lot of dislike and resistance to him, in part because of it. There were people switching parties and even mainstream Hollywood movies that seemed to tacitly show displeasure. I think he understood there were limits to his power. Not to mention, Congress would not have been corralled. WW2 was the last time the US was totally committed to war on an economic level. Vietnam and Korea were only partial affairs, destructive dabblings.

    Then there is the economic side for Japan: Japan didn't really need the resources - unless they were fighting the US. There wasn't any other power that could realistically challenge them at the time. They could have tightened their belts, found alternatives, endured a recession, and shown there was a limit to their territorial ambitions, while making peace overtures, even through a public campaign, which would have made it darn near impossible for war to break out.


    The US had a strong isolationist streak. Despite the machinations of FDR, real war (total commitment) at that time, IMO, needed real provocation.

    That’s what I was wondering about…if the Japanese hadn’t attacked US forces (and actually on US territory at that, Pearl Harbor was as provocative as one could get), but just invaded British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, would Roosevelt have managed to bring about a declaration of war in reaction to that? European colonialism wasn’t popular with the US public, so many Americans might not have cared that much about a change of colonial masters in Southeast Asia. I’ve never seen a discussion of such a counter-factual though, so I don’t know if such a scenario was even remotely likely.

    They could have tightened their belts, found alternatives, endured a recession, and shown there was a limit to their territorial ambitions, while making peace overtures, even through a public campaign

    That would certainly have been the most prudent course of action.
    As I understand it, Japanese strategy depended to a large extent on the perception that Germany was winning the war in Europe, which of course turned out to be a serious miscalculation.

    • 回复: @for-the-record

    would Roosevelt have managed to bring about a declaration of war in reaction to that?

    There are reports (originating from the British side) that Roosevelt had promised US intervention in this case (the so-called ADB or ABC conversations). Whether he would have been able to deliver on this via a declaration of war is a very good question, given the anti-war sentiment in the US. Fortunately for him he did not have to face this problem, as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (and the Philippines) was literally manna from heaven. Whether or not FDR knew specifically about the planned attack on Pearl Harbor (and many believe he did), an even stronger case can be made that his actions were designed to provoke a Japanese attack on the US (most likely in the Philippines).

  346. @German_reader

    Almost certainly not, but they could have simply stuck with Manchuria.
    Yes, but by 1941 they were bogged down in their war in China, and if I understand correctly the American oil embargo would have severely hindered (crippled?) their war effort, so they felt they had to acquire the oil (and other resources like rubber) of Southeast Asia...otherwise they would have needed to end their imperial project.
    Of course it would have been better if they had never even begun with it.

    回复:@ for-the-record

    The US would in fact have accepted a “withdrawal” to Manchuria. Unfortunately Hull’s “ultimatum” of 26 November was poorly worded: he insisted on a withdrawal from “China”, which for him did not include Manchuria; the Japanese understood it to require withdrawal from Manchuria, which was a total nonstarter for them.

    John Toland (旭日)采访了参与最终战争审议的多位日本高级官员,当他们得知这一误解时,他们的反应虽然并不完全一致,但强烈表明与美国的战争完全可以避免。

    • 回复: @German_reader

    That's interesting, I didn't know about those discussions.
    I find it surprising that the Japanese considered ending their war in China, since their ambitions there were long-standing (they had already tried to turn China into a quasi-protectorate during WW1 through the 21 demands) and they did control many of the coastal areas. But starting a war with the US (and then in such a provocative manner which was sure to enrage the American public) was pretty insane in any case, given the disparity in industrial power.


  347. @for-the-record

    The US would in fact have accepted a "withdrawal" to Manchuria. Unfortunately Hull's "ultimatum" of 26 November was poorly worded: he insisted on a withdrawal from "China", which for him did not include Manchuria; the Japanese understood it to require withdrawal from Manchuria, which was a total nonstarter for them.

    John Toland (旭日)采访了参与最终战争审议的多位日本高级官员,当他们得知这一误解时,他们的反应虽然并不完全一致,但强烈表明与美国的战争完全可以避免。


    That’s interesting, I didn’t know about those discussions.
    I find it surprising that the Japanese considered ending their war in China, since their ambitions there were long-standing (they had already tried to turn China into a quasi-protectorate during WW1 through the 21 demands) and they did control many of the coastal areas. But starting a war with the US (and then in such a provocative manner which was sure to enrage the American public) was pretty insane in any case, given the disparity in industrial power.

    • 回复: @for-the-record

    I find it surprising that the Japanese considered ending their war in China,

    The problem is that one can't really talk about "the" Japanese -- there was essentially no political control over the military (which literally had a veto power over the government) and even within the military there was only limited control over what officers did in Manchuria and China. But there was a faction within the military that was willing to end the war in China, although for them to act it would have required a firm indication from the US that this would end the embargo.

    , @Mitleser

    But starting a war with the US (and then in such a provocative manner which was sure to enrage the American public) was pretty insane in any case, given the disparity in industrial power.
    You have to remember that Imperial Japan did repeatly challenge and fight greater powers and countries and get away with it.
    If you so often manage to get away with provoking others and keep winning, even something insane seems acceptable.

    回复:@reiner Tor

  348. @German_reader

    The US had a strong isolationist streak. Despite the machinations of FDR, real war (total commitment) at that time, IMO, needed real provocation.
    That's what I was wondering about...if the Japanese hadn't attacked US forces (and actually on US territory at that, Pearl Harbor was as provocative as one could get), but just invaded British Malaya and the Dutch East Indies, would Roosevelt have managed to bring about a declaration of war in reaction to that? European colonialism wasn't popular with the US public, so many Americans might not have cared that much about a change of colonial masters in Southeast Asia. I've never seen a discussion of such a counter-factual though, so I don't know if such a scenario was even remotely likely.

    They could have tightened their belts, found alternatives, endured a recession, and shown there was a limit to their territorial ambitions, while making peace overtures, even through a public campaign
    That would certainly have been the most prudent course of action.
    As I understand it, Japanese strategy depended to a large extent on the perception that Germany was winning the war in Europe, which of course turned out to be a serious miscalculation.

    回复:@ for-the-record

    would Roosevelt have managed to bring about a declaration of war in reaction to that?

    There are reports (originating from the British side) that Roosevelt had promised US intervention in this case (the so-called ADB or ABC conversations). Whether he would have been able to deliver on this via a declaration of war is a very good question, given the anti-war sentiment in the US. Fortunately for him he did not have to face this problem, as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor (and the Philippines) was literally manna from heaven. Whether or not FDR knew specifically about the planned attack on Pearl Harbor (and many believe he did), an even stronger case can be made that his actions were designed to provoke a Japanese attack on the US (most likely in the Philippines).

  349. @German_reader

    That's interesting, I didn't know about those discussions.
    I find it surprising that the Japanese considered ending their war in China, since their ambitions there were long-standing (they had already tried to turn China into a quasi-protectorate during WW1 through the 21 demands) and they did control many of the coastal areas. But starting a war with the US (and then in such a provocative manner which was sure to enrage the American public) was pretty insane in any case, given the disparity in industrial power.


    I find it surprising that the Japanese considered ending their war in China,

    The problem is that one can’t really talk about “the” Japanese — there was essentially no political control over the military (which literally had a veto power over the government) and even within the military there was only limited control over what officers did in Manchuria and China. But there was a faction within the military that was willing to end the war in China, although for them to act it would have required a firm indication from the US that this would end the embargo.

  350. @Greasy William

    1. 我 do 关心叙利亚。我恨它。
    2. 我不是一个“动摇的”犹太人,我什至不知道这意味着什么。
    3. 你是投射的人。走进现实世界并与一些真实的人交谈。在互联网之外,没有人会浪费时间思考叙利亚、伊朗或巴勒斯坦人。伊斯兰世界以外每一个试图以“拯救巴勒斯坦人/叙利亚人/伊朗人”为纲领的政党都遭遇了灾难性的失败,这表明了这一点。马琳·勒庞甚至不得不将自己的父亲踢出国民阵线,因为巴勒斯坦/伊朗的事情正在杀死他们和法国选民。

    犹太教 发明 普遍规律。基督徒和穆斯林从我们那里得到了它,甚至东方的人民也只是从他派到那里的亚伯拉罕的孩子们那里得知了它。


    1. 迪莫纳到底和什么有关系?
    2、俄罗斯用常规武器摧毁以色列的能力为0。没有任何。自 1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来,他们就没有这样的能力。俄罗斯摧毁以色列的唯一方法是发动核攻击。
    3. 这就引出了以色列的核理论,即“一经警告就发射核”。这意味着俄罗斯向以色列发射洲际弹道导弹的那一刻,杰里科就向乌拉尔以西的每个主要俄罗斯人口中心发射。俄罗斯最终将被其邻国瓜分,并不再作为一个国家存在。
    4. 俄罗斯对以色列的核攻击将辐射整个邻近地区,包括叙利亚和黎巴嫩的大部分地区。

    普京和俄罗斯在叙利亚取得了巨大胜利。 20年后,美国将消失,俄罗斯将成为活跃在中东的唯一超级大国。他正在打一场持久战。碰巧他的议程不是你的议程。

    回复:@ Jon0815

    3. 这就引出了以色列的核理论,即“一经警告就发射核”。这意味着俄罗斯向以色列发射洲际弹道导弹的那一刻,杰里科就向乌拉尔以西的每个主要俄罗斯人口中心发射。俄罗斯最终将被其邻国瓜分,并不再作为一个国家存在。

    Israel’s Jericho ICBMs are presumably targeted at Iran, or at the ocean (like the US and Russian arsenals), not at Russia. The few minutes warning Israel would have before the Russian missiles hit, would not be sufficient time to retarget its Jerichos at Russia.


    But suppose that somehow Israel does manage to launch every one of its ICBMs, targeted to kill as many Russians as possible. And further suppose that they manage to penetrate Moscow’s ABM defenses (unlikely). This probably impossible-to-execute scenario results in a maximum of around 15% of Russia’s population killed, similar to what Russia lost in WWII. And obviously, that did not destroy Russia.


    No, Israel does not have MAD capability vs. Russia, not even close. After a Russian first strike, it would be difficult for Israel to kill even 1% of Russia’s population in a retaliatory strike, while of course Russia could still completely destroy Israel after an Israeli first strike.

  351. @Daniel Chieh




    回复:@random rand


  352. @Greasy William

    I'm reading Zhirinovsky's wiki for the first time now. Are we sure he isn't some type of long running controlled opposition? He reads like a western liberal's caricature of a Russian nationalist.

    This guy actually has support?

    Replies: @DFH, @Anatoly Karlin, @yevardian

    He may have been somewhat serious back in ’93 where he managed to gain a plurality of the vote, mainly due to Yeltin and that Zyuganov, despite having good points, is one of the most boring men alive.
    Zhirik, despite his clowning, is actually very intelligent, after resigning any serious attempt to win, he’s played his role of court-jester with gusto ever since, occasionally mixing in serious proposals between OTT trolling in a Shakespearean manner. He certainly has a better grasp of high culture than most Russian politicans, I was looking for his ‘Gogol’ speech but couldn’t find it with subtitles.

  353. @German_reader

    That's interesting, I didn't know about those discussions.
    I find it surprising that the Japanese considered ending their war in China, since their ambitions there were long-standing (they had already tried to turn China into a quasi-protectorate during WW1 through the 21 demands) and they did control many of the coastal areas. But starting a war with the US (and then in such a provocative manner which was sure to enrage the American public) was pretty insane in any case, given the disparity in industrial power.


    But starting a war with the US (and then in such a provocative manner which was sure to enrage the American public) was pretty insane in any case, given the disparity in industrial power.

    You have to remember that Imperial Japan did repeatly challenge and fight greater powers and countries and get away with it.
    If you so often manage to get away with provoking others and keep winning, even something insane seems acceptable.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    I think they did it twice.

    The first one was the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95, where Japan was smaller and at least nominally weaker. It's usually forgotten in retrospect, because in hindsight after the 1930s Sino-Japanese War and the Japanese victories against Russia and in the early period of the Pacific War we consider Japan to be a highly capable and strong military power, while in light of the poor Chinese performance in all their wars against Western or Japanese forces until 1945 we consider China to be a total basket case. (Which was largely true.) But in the early 1890s Japan just barely started to industrialize, so the difference between the Chinese and Japanese economies wasn't huge qualitatively, while quantitatively China was still vastly bigger than Japan. It must be noted that most of their weapons were imported anyway, so I think both Chinese and Japanese vessels were mostly built in British (or other European) shipyards (the Japanese had a few Japanese built warships), and the Chinese had some battleships which were bigger than anything the Japanese had at the time. Of course it turned out during the war that the Chinese vessels were obsolescent and not well maintained, and especially their guns were inferior. The Chinese navy also didn't have good training or tactics. But these things weren't well known in advance, the Japanese navy commanders were apprehensive of the situation.

    Then they attacked Russia. This time they were more confident, especially because the attack on Port Arthur was very similar to the attack on Pearl Harbor - a surprise attack without a formal declaration of war. Although it's well known that the Russian Empire was unstable and the revolution did them in, but were it not for the revolution, Japan would surely have lost eventually in a sustained conflict, as they did in 1941-45, because Russia had a vastly bigger economy.

    Basically in 1941 they were hoping for a similar outcome as in 1904-5, so the stronger party unwilling to fight on and granting them a favorable peace. They also thought that the direct American losses would be relatively small (other than the Philippines, which was already promised independence, just a few small islands), the Americans were not a martial race anyway, so, whatever.


  354. Taiwanese separatists and their foolish cat lady got cucked again.

    The Dominican Republic’s government has announced it is establishing diplomatic relations with Beijing and breaking ties with Taipei.

    The decision is the latest setback for Taiwan in the Caribbean and Latin America. Panama dropped its long-time ties with Taipei last year and established relations with mainland China, which considers Taiwan to be Chinese territory.

    The number of countries that maintain full diplomatic ties with Taiwan has now been reduced to 19, mainly small, developing countries, 10 of them in Latin America.

    After Panama cut relations with Taiwan, the former Taiwanese foreign minister David Lee visited the Dominican Republic last July as part of a campaign to shore up its relations and propose new cooperation projects.

    During his stay, Lee also met with Taiwan’s ambassadors in Latin America to discuss strategies to avoid losing more allies.

    The Dominican Republic has received millions of dollars in donations for development programmes from Taiwan, but the government also started commercial and political contacts with mainland China in the middle of the last decade.


    Well, I thought Vatican would be first, but can’t say I’m surprised at all with Dominican Republic. The worst part was that the ROC had recently gave an aid package worth $35MM USD, consisting of two UH-1H helicopter, 90 hummer, 100 motorcycle and various parts.

    • 回复: @songbird

    Well, now, they still have Haiti don't they? LMAO

    But seriously, though I can appreciate a certain formalism when it comes to diplomacy, I think it serves as a good demonstration that foreign aid is nearly utterly worthless to the donor.

  355. @Mitleser

    But starting a war with the US (and then in such a provocative manner which was sure to enrage the American public) was pretty insane in any case, given the disparity in industrial power.
    You have to remember that Imperial Japan did repeatly challenge and fight greater powers and countries and get away with it.
    If you so often manage to get away with provoking others and keep winning, even something insane seems acceptable.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    I think they did it twice.

    The first one was the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95, where Japan was smaller and at least nominally weaker. It’s usually forgotten in retrospect, because in hindsight after the 1930s Sino-Japanese War and the Japanese victories against Russia and in the early period of the Pacific War we consider Japan to be a highly capable and strong military power, while in light of the poor Chinese performance in all their wars against Western or Japanese forces until 1945 we consider China to be a total basket case. (Which was largely true.) But in the early 1890s Japan just barely started to industrialize, so the difference between the Chinese and Japanese economies wasn’t huge qualitatively, while quantitatively China was still vastly bigger than Japan. It must be noted that most of their weapons were imported anyway, so I think both Chinese and Japanese vessels were mostly built in British (or other European) shipyards (the Japanese had a few Japanese built warships), and the Chinese had some battleships which were bigger than anything the Japanese had at the time. Of course it turned out during the war that the Chinese vessels were obsolescent and not well maintained, and especially their guns were inferior. The Chinese navy also didn’t have good training or tactics. But these things weren’t well known in advance, the Japanese navy commanders were apprehensive of the situation.

    Then they attacked Russia. This time they were more confident, especially because the attack on Port Arthur was very similar to the attack on Pearl Harbor – a surprise attack without a formal declaration of war. Although it’s well known that the Russian Empire was unstable and the revolution did them in, but were it not for the revolution, Japan would surely have lost eventually in a sustained conflict, as they did in 1941-45, because Russia had a vastly bigger economy.

    Basically in 1941 they were hoping for a similar outcome as in 1904-5, so the stronger party unwilling to fight on and granting them a favorable peace. They also thought that the direct American losses would be relatively small (other than the Philippines, which was already promised independence, just a few small islands), the Americans were not a martial race anyway, so, whatever.

    • 回复: @German_reader

    Basically in 1941 they were hoping for a similar outcome as in 1904-5, so the stronger party unwilling to fight on
    If I understand correctly, their idea was to establish a defensive perimeter in the Pacific and make reconquest so costly for the Americans that the American public, being casualty-averse and supposedly non-martial, would lose interest and force a negotiated end to the war, leaving Japan in control of its conquests.
    It was a pretty stupid plan imo.


  356. Meanwhile, regarding Netanyahu and Iran, I read somewhere that a possible course of action would be to bomb Iran out of Syria in a coordinated US-Israeli-French (?) action.

    Will Putin fold, if it happens? I don’t know, but by folding last time, he surely created the expectation that he would do so again.

    His foreign minister also foolishly said that he thinks it’s absolutely impossible that Putin and Trump would “allow” a nuclear war to happen. This will mean that nuclear blackmail will be less effective (the bluff will be more likely to be called), because it won’t be nearly as credible as before Lavrov opened his foolish mouth. (I really wonder why otherwise brilliant diplomats have to say such stupid things.)

    Now I guess the Russian leadership is still “studying” the possibility of sending the S-300 to Syria. I also guess they are really thorough in those studies, as they shouldn’t jump to quick conclusions. Hopefully they will reach a conclusion after thorough studies sometime during the next decade, and they will release the results of those studies sometime before I die, so that I could at last learn what they came to. Obviously, the Russian contingent will be forced to leave Syria by that time.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor


    Bibi should be let known that in the unfortunate event of a US-Russian nuclear conflagration, top US allies would also be targeted, and that his country is on the list. Not a threat or even something likely to happen, just letting him know.


  357. German_reader 说:
    @reiner Tor

    I think they did it twice.

    The first one was the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-95, where Japan was smaller and at least nominally weaker. It's usually forgotten in retrospect, because in hindsight after the 1930s Sino-Japanese War and the Japanese victories against Russia and in the early period of the Pacific War we consider Japan to be a highly capable and strong military power, while in light of the poor Chinese performance in all their wars against Western or Japanese forces until 1945 we consider China to be a total basket case. (Which was largely true.) But in the early 1890s Japan just barely started to industrialize, so the difference between the Chinese and Japanese economies wasn't huge qualitatively, while quantitatively China was still vastly bigger than Japan. It must be noted that most of their weapons were imported anyway, so I think both Chinese and Japanese vessels were mostly built in British (or other European) shipyards (the Japanese had a few Japanese built warships), and the Chinese had some battleships which were bigger than anything the Japanese had at the time. Of course it turned out during the war that the Chinese vessels were obsolescent and not well maintained, and especially their guns were inferior. The Chinese navy also didn't have good training or tactics. But these things weren't well known in advance, the Japanese navy commanders were apprehensive of the situation.

    Then they attacked Russia. This time they were more confident, especially because the attack on Port Arthur was very similar to the attack on Pearl Harbor - a surprise attack without a formal declaration of war. Although it's well known that the Russian Empire was unstable and the revolution did them in, but were it not for the revolution, Japan would surely have lost eventually in a sustained conflict, as they did in 1941-45, because Russia had a vastly bigger economy.

    Basically in 1941 they were hoping for a similar outcome as in 1904-5, so the stronger party unwilling to fight on and granting them a favorable peace. They also thought that the direct American losses would be relatively small (other than the Philippines, which was already promised independence, just a few small islands), the Americans were not a martial race anyway, so, whatever.


    Basically in 1941 they were hoping for a similar outcome as in 1904-5, so the stronger party unwilling to fight on

    If I understand correctly, their idea was to establish a defensive perimeter in the Pacific and make reconquest so costly for the Americans that the American public, being casualty-averse and supposedly non-martial, would lose interest and force a negotiated end to the war, leaving Japan in control of its conquests.
    It was a pretty stupid plan imo.

    • 回复: @songbird

    the American public, being casualty-averse and supposedly non-martial, would lose interest and force a negotiated end to the war, leaving Japan in control of its conquests
    IMO, a very poor reading of American history (or just history in general) up until 1941, and very wishful, delusional thinking on the part of the regime. Perhaps, Teddy Roosevelt secretly helped draw America into WW2 by helping to negotiate a peaceful settlement between Japan and Russia in 1905.

    If Ho Chi Minh had led a surprise attack on America without a declaration of war, he'd have been dead as a doornail. And not only would there not be a city bearing his name, the communist party would be banned in Vietnam and there would be American bases there today.

    回复:@ for-the-record

  358. @Mitleser
    Taiwanese separatists and their foolish cat lady got cucked again.

    The Dominican Republic’s government has announced it is establishing diplomatic relations with Beijing and breaking ties with Taipei.

    The decision is the latest setback for Taiwan in the Caribbean and Latin America. Panama dropped its long-time ties with Taipei last year and established relations with mainland China, which considers Taiwan to be Chinese territory.

    The number of countries that maintain full diplomatic ties with Taiwan has now been reduced to 19, mainly small, developing countries, 10 of them in Latin America.

    After Panama cut relations with Taiwan, the former Taiwanese foreign minister David Lee visited the Dominican Republic last July as part of a campaign to shore up its relations and propose new cooperation projects.

    During his stay, Lee also met with Taiwan’s ambassadors in Latin America to discuss strategies to avoid losing more allies.

    The Dominican Republic has received millions of dollars in donations for development programmes from Taiwan, but the government also started commercial and political contacts with mainland China in the middle of the last decade.



    Well, I thought Vatican would be first, but can't say I'm surprised at all with Dominican Republic. The worst part was that the ROC had recently gave an aid package worth $35MM USD, consisting of two UH-1H helicopter, 90 hummer, 100 motorcycle and various parts.


    Well, now, they still have Haiti don’t they? LMAO

    But seriously, though I can appreciate a certain formalism when it comes to diplomacy, I think it serves as a good demonstration that foreign aid is nearly utterly worthless to the donor.

  359. @German_reader

    Basically in 1941 they were hoping for a similar outcome as in 1904-5, so the stronger party unwilling to fight on
    If I understand correctly, their idea was to establish a defensive perimeter in the Pacific and make reconquest so costly for the Americans that the American public, being casualty-averse and supposedly non-martial, would lose interest and force a negotiated end to the war, leaving Japan in control of its conquests.
    It was a pretty stupid plan imo.


    the American public, being casualty-averse and supposedly non-martial, would lose interest and force a negotiated end to the war, leaving Japan in control of its conquests

    IMO, a very poor reading of American history (or just history in general) up until 1941, and very wishful, delusional thinking on the part of the regime. Perhaps, Teddy Roosevelt secretly helped draw America into WW2 by helping to negotiate a peaceful settlement between Japan and Russia in 1905.

    If Ho Chi Minh had led a surprise attack on America without a declaration of war, he’d have been dead as a doornail. And not only would there not be a city bearing his name, the communist party would be banned in Vietnam and there would be American bases there today.

    • 同意: German_reader
    • 回复: @for-the-record

    Perhaps, Teddy Roosevelt secretly helped draw America into WW2 by helping to negotiate a peaceful settlement between Japan and Russia in 1905.

    And one that favoured Japan, whose personal envoy (Baron Kaneko) was Teddy Roosevelt's personal guest throughout most of 1904-5. According to Kaneko, this was the message given to him on parting, to be conveyed to Emperor Meiji:

    Japan is the only nation in Asia that understands the principles and methods of Western civilization . . . All the Asiatic nations are now faced with the urgent necessity of adjusting themselves to the present age. Japan should be their natural leader in that process, and their protector during the transition stage, much as the United States assumed the leadership of the American continent many years ago, and by means of the Monroe Doctrine, preserved the Latin American nations from European interference, while they were maturing their independence . . .The future policy of Japan towards Asiatic countries should be similar to that of the United States toward their neighbors on the American continent. A 'Japanese Monroe Doctrine' in Asia will remove the temptation to European encroachment, and Japan will be recognized as the leader of the Asiatic nations, and her power will form the shield behind which they can reorganize their national systems.


  360. @songbird

    the American public, being casualty-averse and supposedly non-martial, would lose interest and force a negotiated end to the war, leaving Japan in control of its conquests
    IMO, a very poor reading of American history (or just history in general) up until 1941, and very wishful, delusional thinking on the part of the regime. Perhaps, Teddy Roosevelt secretly helped draw America into WW2 by helping to negotiate a peaceful settlement between Japan and Russia in 1905.

    If Ho Chi Minh had led a surprise attack on America without a declaration of war, he'd have been dead as a doornail. And not only would there not be a city bearing his name, the communist party would be banned in Vietnam and there would be American bases there today.

    回复:@ for-the-record

    Perhaps, Teddy Roosevelt secretly helped draw America into WW2 by helping to negotiate a peaceful settlement between Japan and Russia in 1905.

    And one that favoured Japan, whose personal envoy (Baron Kaneko) was Teddy Roosevelt’s personal guest throughout most of 1904-5. According to Kaneko, this was the message given to him on parting, to be conveyed to Emperor Meiji:

    Japan is the only nation in Asia that understands the principles and methods of Western civilization . . . All the Asiatic nations are now faced with the urgent necessity of adjusting themselves to the present age. Japan should be their natural leader in that process, and their protector during the transition stage, much as the United States assumed the leadership of the American continent many years ago, and by means of the Monroe Doctrine, preserved the Latin American nations from European interference, while they were maturing their independence . . .The future policy of Japan towards Asiatic countries should be similar to that of the United States toward their neighbors on the American continent. A ‘Japanese Monroe Doctrine’ in Asia will remove the temptation to European encroachment, and Japan will be recognized as the leader of the Asiatic nations, and her power will form the shield behind which they can reorganize their national systems.

    • 回复: @songbird

    And he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for it, but I suppose it is not as crazy as some of the later ones.

  361. @for-the-record

    Perhaps, Teddy Roosevelt secretly helped draw America into WW2 by helping to negotiate a peaceful settlement between Japan and Russia in 1905.

    And one that favoured Japan, whose personal envoy (Baron Kaneko) was Teddy Roosevelt's personal guest throughout most of 1904-5. According to Kaneko, this was the message given to him on parting, to be conveyed to Emperor Meiji:

    Japan is the only nation in Asia that understands the principles and methods of Western civilization . . . All the Asiatic nations are now faced with the urgent necessity of adjusting themselves to the present age. Japan should be their natural leader in that process, and their protector during the transition stage, much as the United States assumed the leadership of the American continent many years ago, and by means of the Monroe Doctrine, preserved the Latin American nations from European interference, while they were maturing their independence . . .The future policy of Japan towards Asiatic countries should be similar to that of the United States toward their neighbors on the American continent. A 'Japanese Monroe Doctrine' in Asia will remove the temptation to European encroachment, and Japan will be recognized as the leader of the Asiatic nations, and her power will form the shield behind which they can reorganize their national systems.


    And he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for it, but I suppose it is not as crazy as some of the later ones.

  362. @reiner Tor
    Meanwhile, regarding Netanyahu and Iran, I read somewhere that a possible course of action would be to bomb Iran out of Syria in a coordinated US-Israeli-French (?) action.

    Will Putin fold, if it happens? I don't know, but by folding last time, he surely created the expectation that he would do so again.

    His foreign minister also foolishly said that he thinks it's absolutely impossible that Putin and Trump would "allow" a nuclear war to happen. This will mean that nuclear blackmail will be less effective (the bluff will be more likely to be called), because it won't be nearly as credible as before Lavrov opened his foolish mouth. (I really wonder why otherwise brilliant diplomats have to say such stupid things.)

    Now I guess the Russian leadership is still "studying" the possibility of sending the S-300 to Syria. I also guess they are really thorough in those studies, as they shouldn't jump to quick conclusions. Hopefully they will reach a conclusion after thorough studies sometime during the next decade, and they will release the results of those studies sometime before I die, so that I could at last learn what they came to. Obviously, the Russian contingent will be forced to leave Syria by that time.

    回复:@reiner Tor



    Bibi should be let known that in the unfortunate event of a US-Russian nuclear conflagration, top US allies would also be targeted, and that his country is on the list. Not a threat or even something likely to happen, just letting him know.

    • 回复: @utu

    US-Russian nuclear conflagration
    Russia will do nothing, so do not worry too much. Russia does not have what it takes. Russia after all follows your brilliant and daring strategic plan: "Let Israel bomb Syria." So why not let Israel and US bomb Iran, right?

    回复:@reiner Tor

  363. @reiner Tor


    Bibi should be let known that in the unfortunate event of a US-Russian nuclear conflagration, top US allies would also be targeted, and that his country is on the list. Not a threat or even something likely to happen, just letting him know.


    US-Russian nuclear conflagration

    Russia will do nothing, so do not worry too much. Russia does not have what it takes. Russia after all follows your brilliant and daring strategic plan: “Let Israel bomb Syria.” So why not let Israel and US bomb Iran, right?

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    It's either dishonest or stupid not to understand my arguments why letting Israel bomb Syria is different from letting the US bomb Syria or letting Israel bomb Iran. You are in bad faith here, which is not conducive to discussing the topic at hand - which would be the purpose of an online forum like this one.

    Nevertheless, good to see you here, utu. Now you might answer the question I asked in #317, which you must have overlooked back then.


  364. Sinotriumphalism – lithium battery edition

  365. @utu

    US-Russian nuclear conflagration
    Russia will do nothing, so do not worry too much. Russia does not have what it takes. Russia after all follows your brilliant and daring strategic plan: "Let Israel bomb Syria." So why not let Israel and US bomb Iran, right?

    回复:@reiner Tor

    It’s either dishonest or stupid not to understand my arguments why letting Israel bomb Syria is different from letting the US bomb Syria or letting Israel bomb Iran. You are in bad faith here, which is not conducive to discussing the topic at hand – which would be the purpose of an online forum like this one.

    Nevertheless, good to see you here, utu. Now you might answer the question I asked in #317, which you must have overlooked back then.

    • 回复: @utu

    (A) Suppose you come back after long absence like from being separated from your wife and family because you wanted to be back together and provide support to your family. You discover that your son has been bullied by my son for a long time during your absence. You decide to do nothing because there is no symmetry (you used this term in your argument) and your son kind of got used to be bullied by my son but all what you do is to sternly wag your finger and draw the line that you will step in if I try to bully your son as well. I may consider you a wimp and go and beat up your son and then you retaliate. And we all die.

    (B) Now a reverse the situation. It is me who is coming back to discover that your son is bullying my son. I go to your son and tell him that I will kill him if he does it ever again. If he stops, nothing happens but if he continues I indeed kill him. Then it is up to you whether you retaliate and face mutual annihilation or not. So you may think twice and rather find consolation in the fact that you also have a daughter and want to live and perhaps plot revenge for later.

    Chances of mutual annihilation in (B) and (A) might be similar though probably lower in (B) and (B) guarantees that the bullying stops. In (A) your survival depends on continuation of bullying.

    As far as your #317 comment I do not see what point you are trying to make. Perhaps that's why I have ignored it. It must have been it because I usually try to respond to sensible comments directed to me. And in cases when my comments are ignored I do not sweat it.

    回复:@reiner Tor

  366. @reiner Tor

    It's either dishonest or stupid not to understand my arguments why letting Israel bomb Syria is different from letting the US bomb Syria or letting Israel bomb Iran. You are in bad faith here, which is not conducive to discussing the topic at hand - which would be the purpose of an online forum like this one.

    Nevertheless, good to see you here, utu. Now you might answer the question I asked in #317, which you must have overlooked back then.


    (A) Suppose you come back after long absence like from being separated from your wife and family because you wanted to be back together and provide support to your family. You discover that your son has been bullied by my son for a long time during your absence. You decide to do nothing because there is no symmetry (you used this term in your argument) and your son kind of got used to be bullied by my son but all what you do is to sternly wag your finger and draw the line that you will step in if I try to bully your son as well. I may consider you a wimp and go and beat up your son and then you retaliate. And we all die.

    (B) Now a reverse the situation. It is me who is coming back to discover that your son is bullying my son. I go to your son and tell him that I will kill him if he does it ever again. If he stops, nothing happens but if he continues I indeed kill him. Then it is up to you whether you retaliate and face mutual annihilation or not. So you may think twice and rather find consolation in the fact that you also have a daughter and want to live and perhaps plot revenge for later.

    Chances of mutual annihilation in (B) and (A) might be similar though probably lower in (B) and (B) guarantees that the bullying stops. In (A) your survival depends on continuation of bullying.

    As far as your #317 comment I do not see what point you are trying to make. Perhaps that’s why I have ignored it. It must have been it because I usually try to respond to sensible comments directed to me. And in cases when my comments are ignored I do not sweat it.

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    It was obvious what my point was - that it does matter how frivolous or how unreasonable the demand is. The less reasonable the demand, the more insane you look like (with whom it's impossible to talk to, and so with whom a nuclear war is inevitable anyway), and so the less likely they are to budge. So your statement about "it doesn't matter how frivolous or unreasonable the demand" needs to be qualified. That was the point I was making.

    As to your analogies. They are bad analogies. Bashar is not Putin's son, obviously. Putin didn't much care for Bashar's wellbeing, his reasons were to

    - stop the American encroachment into Russia's sphere of influence (in this case, make it impossible for the Americans to kick the Russians out of their Mediterranean military base in Syria)
    - get live combat experience for trying out Russian weapons systems to help design better doctrines for existing systems and to help design better systems in the future
    - get live combat experience for Russian pilots
    - advertise Russian weapons abroad by showing off their capabilities and their effectiveness

    Bashar was already being bombed by Israel. It was a fight Bashar has had with Israel since time immemorial, basically they've been in a state of war since Israel (or Syria, for that matter) became internationally recognized independent states.

    Putin came there to help, but obviously qualified his help - he helped Bashar against the American/Qatari/Saudi/etc. supported rebels (who were easy to fight), and also provided a shield against the Americans (who had not yet gotten directly involved in the fight), but not in the ongoing fight against Israel (which would've required either a huge number of military assets or a dangerous nuclear blackmail), because it would've been costly. I agree with Putin's assessment, and it looks like you also agree.

    Another problem with your analogy is that the harm caused by Israel bombing Syria is relatively minor: Israel is too small in itself to make Bashar lose the civil war. The same is untrue of America. So it's not simply someone "bullying" a boy, it's someone occasionally humiliating him, but not causing him physical harm, and another guy potentially killing him. Is it important to stand up to the first? Maybe, but it's definitely more important to stand up to the second.

    If you've ever tried to help someone in a fight, you know that by simply showing up you can make the opponent of your friend calm down, that is, before a fight started. But I got kicks and punches when I tried to help a friend already engaged in a fight. (His opponents friends were also there...) So it's inherently much more dangerous to help your friend already engaged in a fight, than helping him before the fight started just by showing up and signaling your willingness to trade punches if it comes to that. (I'm a relatively small and thin guy, and was very thin at the time I visited bars where my friends got into altercations and occasionally fights, but I think my relatively limited experience in bar fights can be generalized: it's easier to prevent a fight than stopping one. The fact that even a harmless looking guy like I am will be taken seriously as an extra danger before a fight starts shows how easy it is to prevent a fight - but when it's already started, you really will be required to join in and kick and punch and take kicks and punches.)

    To sum it up, Bashar is only important to Russia to the extent that he can provide some trial ground for Russian weapons and the Russian military base, Israel is already in the habit of bombing Bashar (unlike the US, at least before April 2017), and so would be more difficult to stop, and Israel is not doing much harm to Russian objectives, while the US is much more dangerous to those objectives. This is why Putin was willing to let Israel bomb Assad, but was less willing to let the US bomb Assad. (He was stupid enough to let it happen a couple of times nevertheless, and as I wrote, that was a mistake.)

  367. @utu

    (A) Suppose you come back after long absence like from being separated from your wife and family because you wanted to be back together and provide support to your family. You discover that your son has been bullied by my son for a long time during your absence. You decide to do nothing because there is no symmetry (you used this term in your argument) and your son kind of got used to be bullied by my son but all what you do is to sternly wag your finger and draw the line that you will step in if I try to bully your son as well. I may consider you a wimp and go and beat up your son and then you retaliate. And we all die.

    (B) Now a reverse the situation. It is me who is coming back to discover that your son is bullying my son. I go to your son and tell him that I will kill him if he does it ever again. If he stops, nothing happens but if he continues I indeed kill him. Then it is up to you whether you retaliate and face mutual annihilation or not. So you may think twice and rather find consolation in the fact that you also have a daughter and want to live and perhaps plot revenge for later.

    Chances of mutual annihilation in (B) and (A) might be similar though probably lower in (B) and (B) guarantees that the bullying stops. In (A) your survival depends on continuation of bullying.

    As far as your #317 comment I do not see what point you are trying to make. Perhaps that's why I have ignored it. It must have been it because I usually try to respond to sensible comments directed to me. And in cases when my comments are ignored I do not sweat it.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    It was obvious what my point was – that it does matter how frivolous or how unreasonable the demand is. The less reasonable the demand, the more insane you look like (with whom it’s impossible to talk to, and so with whom a nuclear war is inevitable anyway), and so the less likely they are to budge. So your statement about “it doesn’t matter how frivolous or unreasonable the demand” needs to be qualified. That was the point I was making.

    As to your analogies. They are bad analogies. Bashar is not Putin’s son, obviously. Putin didn’t much care for Bashar’s wellbeing, his reasons were to

    – stop the American encroachment into Russia’s sphere of influence (in this case, make it impossible for the Americans to kick the Russians out of their Mediterranean military base in Syria)
    – get live combat experience for trying out Russian weapons systems to help design better doctrines for existing systems and to help design better systems in the future
    – get live combat experience for Russian pilots
    – advertise Russian weapons abroad by showing off their capabilities and their effectiveness

    Bashar was already being bombed by Israel. It was a fight Bashar has had with Israel since time immemorial, basically they’ve been in a state of war since Israel (or Syria, for that matter) became internationally recognized independent states.

    Putin came there to help, but obviously qualified his help – he helped Bashar against the American/Qatari/Saudi/etc. supported rebels (who were easy to fight), and also provided a shield against the Americans (who had not yet gotten directly involved in the fight), but not in the ongoing fight against Israel (which would’ve required either a huge number of military assets or a dangerous nuclear blackmail), because it would’ve been costly. I agree with Putin’s assessment, and it looks like you also agree.

    Another problem with your analogy is that the harm caused by Israel bombing Syria is relatively minor: Israel is too small in itself to make Bashar lose the civil war. The same is untrue of America. So it’s not simply someone “bullying” a boy, it’s someone occasionally humiliating him, but not causing him physical harm, and another guy potentially killing him. Is it important to stand up to the first? Maybe, but it’s definitely more important to stand up to the second.

    If you’ve ever tried to help someone in a fight, you know that by simply showing up you can make the opponent of your friend calm down, that is, before a fight started. But I got kicks and punches when I tried to help a friend already engaged in a fight. (His opponents friends were also there…) So it’s inherently much more dangerous to help your friend already engaged in a fight, than helping him before the fight started just by showing up and signaling your willingness to trade punches if it comes to that. (I’m a relatively small and thin guy, and was very thin at the time I visited bars where my friends got into altercations and occasionally fights, but I think my relatively limited experience in bar fights can be generalized: it’s easier to prevent a fight than stopping one. The fact that even a harmless looking guy like I am will be taken seriously as an extra danger before a fight starts shows how easy it is to prevent a fight – but when it’s already started, you really will be required to join in and kick and punch and take kicks and punches.)

    To sum it up, Bashar is only important to Russia to the extent that he can provide some trial ground for Russian weapons and the Russian military base, Israel is already in the habit of bombing Bashar (unlike the US, at least before April 2017), and so would be more difficult to stop, and Israel is not doing much harm to Russian objectives, while the US is much more dangerous to those objectives. This is why Putin was willing to let Israel bomb Assad, but was less willing to let the US bomb Assad. (He was stupid enough to let it happen a couple of times nevertheless, and as I wrote, that was a mistake.)

  368. @reiner Tor





    回复:@German_reader、@Anatoly Karlin、@Mitleser


    Accept Kudrin’s proposal.





    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    But what would be the policies?

    What policies would lead to a dismantlement of the sanctions? My guess is there'd be no immediate dismantlement. For example, a lot of the sanctions were nominally introduced as a result of the Crimea annexation. Would Kudrin immediately return Crimea to Ukraine? Some of the sanctions were in response to "Russian meddling" in the US presidential elections. Will they also be lifted?

    But as I said, Putin seems to be weak anyway, so some kind of capitulation is in the cards. It's just that - fittingly - the Russian elites won't be able to reap many benefits of the capitulation. It will take a long time to dismantle the sanctions (some of which need an act of Congress, for example), so I'm just skeptical capitulation would actually work for its intended purpose of reinvigorating the Russian economy.



  369. @Mitleser





    回复:@reiner Tor

    But what would be the policies?

    What policies would lead to a dismantlement of the sanctions? My guess is there’d be no immediate dismantlement. For example, a lot of the sanctions were nominally introduced as a result of the Crimea annexation. Would Kudrin immediately return Crimea to Ukraine? Some of the sanctions were in response to “Russian meddling” in the US presidential elections. Will they also be lifted?

    But as I said, Putin seems to be weak anyway, so some kind of capitulation is in the cards. It’s just that – fittingly – the Russian elites won’t be able to reap many benefits of the capitulation. It will take a long time to dismantle the sanctions (some of which need an act of Congress, for example), so I’m just skeptical capitulation would actually work for its intended purpose of reinvigorating the Russian economy.


    • 回复: @Mitleser

    But what would be the policies?

    What policies would lead to a dismantlement of the sanctions?

    He also means to implement sharp cuts in defence spending, and a policy of withdrawal from the Ukraine and Syrian fronts on the terms demanded by Washington. He favours a massive sell-off of state assets to the oligarchs, whose capital export Kudrin has long protected, and whose bailout by the state banks Kudrin directed in 2008 with his longtime ally, German Gref (lead image, 2nd from left), chief executive of Sberbank. When Kudrin uses the word reform, he means a privatization of the state’s assets to the oligarchs, and nationalization of the oligarchs’ losses and liabilities.

    For example, a lot of the sanctions were nominally introduced as a result of the Crimea annexation.
    Crimea sanctions do not matter much.
    Donbass (and other newer sanctions) matter.

    Will they also be lifted?
    Even during Kudrin's time in office, Russia was sanctioned.
    They might be lessened for concessions like the arrest and transfer of certain people to America or elsewhere

    回复:@reiner Tor

  370. @reiner Tor

    But what would be the policies?

    What policies would lead to a dismantlement of the sanctions? My guess is there'd be no immediate dismantlement. For example, a lot of the sanctions were nominally introduced as a result of the Crimea annexation. Would Kudrin immediately return Crimea to Ukraine? Some of the sanctions were in response to "Russian meddling" in the US presidential elections. Will they also be lifted?

    But as I said, Putin seems to be weak anyway, so some kind of capitulation is in the cards. It's just that - fittingly - the Russian elites won't be able to reap many benefits of the capitulation. It will take a long time to dismantle the sanctions (some of which need an act of Congress, for example), so I'm just skeptical capitulation would actually work for its intended purpose of reinvigorating the Russian economy.



    But what would be the policies?

    What policies would lead to a dismantlement of the sanctions?

    He also means to implement sharp cuts in defence spending, and a policy of withdrawal from the Ukraine and Syrian fronts on the terms demanded by Washington. He favours a massive sell-off of state assets to the oligarchs, whose capital export Kudrin has long protected, and whose bailout by the state banks Kudrin directed in 2008 with his longtime ally, German Gref (lead image, 2nd from left), chief executive of Sberbank. When Kudrin uses the word reform, he means a privatization of the state’s assets to the oligarchs, and nationalization of the oligarchs’ losses and liabilities.

    For example, a lot of the sanctions were nominally introduced as a result of the Crimea annexation.

    Crimea sanctions do not matter much.
    Donbass (and other newer sanctions) matter.

    Will they also be lifted?

    Even during Kudrin’s time in office, Russia was sanctioned.
    They might be lessened for concessions like the arrest and transfer of certain people to America or elsewhere

    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    They might be lessened for concessions like the arrest and transfer of certain people to America or elsewhere
    They might. Or they might not.

    I agree a capitulation is in the cards. It's just difficult to see what kind of concessions you are talking about.

    Arresting Russian citizens and extraditing them to America is theoretically forbidden by the Russian constitution, and I don't think Russian elites want to go there anyway. They like this provision, and they liked it already in the 1990s, when some oligarchs were already sanctioned.

    Are you talking about Snowden?

    What other concessions do you have in mind? How could the West guarantee that the sanctions won't continue despite Russia giving up Donbass? What to do about "election meddling" sanctions? What can Russia do? Officially accept that it "meddled" (whatever that means) in the US elections, apologize, and..? Will the Americans accept that, or, smelling weakness, amend their demand list?

    Remember that Gorbachev also wanted economic concessions (perhaps aid worth hundreds of billions of dollars) in exchange for giving up the empire. In the end, he didn't receive much. Nor did Yeltsin.

    回复:@Anatoly Karlin

  371. @Mitleser

    But what would be the policies?

    What policies would lead to a dismantlement of the sanctions?

    He also means to implement sharp cuts in defence spending, and a policy of withdrawal from the Ukraine and Syrian fronts on the terms demanded by Washington. He favours a massive sell-off of state assets to the oligarchs, whose capital export Kudrin has long protected, and whose bailout by the state banks Kudrin directed in 2008 with his longtime ally, German Gref (lead image, 2nd from left), chief executive of Sberbank. When Kudrin uses the word reform, he means a privatization of the state’s assets to the oligarchs, and nationalization of the oligarchs’ losses and liabilities.

    For example, a lot of the sanctions were nominally introduced as a result of the Crimea annexation.
    Crimea sanctions do not matter much.
    Donbass (and other newer sanctions) matter.

    Will they also be lifted?
    Even during Kudrin's time in office, Russia was sanctioned.
    They might be lessened for concessions like the arrest and transfer of certain people to America or elsewhere

    回复:@reiner Tor

    They might be lessened for concessions like the arrest and transfer of certain people to America or elsewhere

    They might. Or they might not.

    I agree a capitulation is in the cards. It’s just difficult to see what kind of concessions you are talking about.

    Arresting Russian citizens and extraditing them to America is theoretically forbidden by the Russian constitution, and I don’t think Russian elites want to go there anyway. They like this provision, and they liked it already in the 1990s, when some oligarchs were already sanctioned.

    Are you talking about Snowden?

    What other concessions do you have in mind? How could the West guarantee that the sanctions won’t continue despite Russia giving up Donbass? What to do about “election meddling” sanctions? What can Russia do? Officially accept that it “meddled” (whatever that means) in the US elections, apologize, and..? Will the Americans accept that, or, smelling weakness, amend their demand list?

    Remember that Gorbachev also wanted economic concessions (perhaps aid worth hundreds of billions of dollars) in exchange for giving up the empire. In the end, he didn’t receive much. Nor did Yeltsin.

    • 回复: @Anatoly Karlin

    And this is why that FT article strikes me as being wishful thinking, or a plant by Kudrin.

    I don't consider the kremlins to be clever, but nor do I think they're 笨。

    Also the personal relations between Kudrin and Medvedev are hostile. I am not sure they have the capacity to coordinate a scheme like that.

    回复:@reiner Tor

  372. @reiner Tor

    They might be lessened for concessions like the arrest and transfer of certain people to America or elsewhere
    They might. Or they might not.

    I agree a capitulation is in the cards. It's just difficult to see what kind of concessions you are talking about.

    Arresting Russian citizens and extraditing them to America is theoretically forbidden by the Russian constitution, and I don't think Russian elites want to go there anyway. They like this provision, and they liked it already in the 1990s, when some oligarchs were already sanctioned.

    Are you talking about Snowden?

    What other concessions do you have in mind? How could the West guarantee that the sanctions won't continue despite Russia giving up Donbass? What to do about "election meddling" sanctions? What can Russia do? Officially accept that it "meddled" (whatever that means) in the US elections, apologize, and..? Will the Americans accept that, or, smelling weakness, amend their demand list?

    Remember that Gorbachev also wanted economic concessions (perhaps aid worth hundreds of billions of dollars) in exchange for giving up the empire. In the end, he didn't receive much. Nor did Yeltsin.

    回复:@Anatoly Karlin

    And this is why that FT article strikes me as being wishful thinking, or a plant by Kudrin.

    I don’t consider the kremlins to be clever, but nor do I think they’re 笨。

    Also the personal relations between Kudrin and Medvedev are hostile. I am not sure they have the capacity to coordinate a scheme like that.

    • 同意: reiner Tor
    • 回复: @reiner Tor

    And this is why that FT article strikes me as being wishful thinking, or a plant by Kudrin.

    Or a plant by a Kudrin enemy? Possibly to make Kudrin look suspicious in the eyes of Putin?

  373. @Anatoly Karlin

    And this is why that FT article strikes me as being wishful thinking, or a plant by Kudrin.

    I don't consider the kremlins to be clever, but nor do I think they're 笨。

    Also the personal relations between Kudrin and Medvedev are hostile. I am not sure they have the capacity to coordinate a scheme like that.

    回复:@reiner Tor

    And this is why that FT article strikes me as being wishful thinking, or a plant by Kudrin.

    Or a plant by a Kudrin enemy? Possibly to make Kudrin look suspicious in the eyes of Putin?


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