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Has Russia’s Vladimir Putin pulled Barack Obama’s chestnuts out of the fire for a second time?

Will the shaky cease-fire in Ukraine that began this weekend hold up and end a conflict that was threatening a nuclear war between the United States and Russia?

The answer to the first question is yes. Remember back in 2013 when the Obama White House was threatening to attack Syria over allegations it was using poison gas?

As it turned out, the UN found it was the US-backed Syrian rebels who were likely to have used chemical weapons rather than the Damascus regime.

Noble Peace Prize Winner Obama and his lady strategists almost got the US into a war in Syria that could have led to direct clashes with Russia, which was backing the Damascus government.

Along came that unlikely man of peace, Russia’s Vlad Putin, who charted a diplomatic course out of the Syria mess for the bumbling White House which had talked itself into corner.

Now, it seems the much-reviled Russian leader is doing it again. The cease-fire agreement forged in Minsk late last week may end or at least de-escalate the conflict in eastern Ukraine that was drawing the US and Russia into a direct confrontation. Whether the cease-fire/truce holds up is uncertain but the absolute necessity of a negotiated settlement over the Ukraine crisis could not be more clear. Nuclear-armed powers must never, ever clash militarily.

President Putin proposed the solution over a year ago: autonomy in a federal state and the right to speak Russian for eastern Ukraine. Most important, Ukraine would never join NATO. Doing so would have put Russia’s vital naval base at Sevastopol under NATO control – as unthinkable for Moscow as for the US to see Norfolk, Virginia or Houston under Russian or Chinese control.

Ukraine’s fierce nationalists and their US backers rejected Putin’s plan and set about trying to impose Kiev’s total control by military force.

It’s ironic that the US has given total support to Kiev’s war against what it calls “rebels” and “terrorists” while arming and financing Syria’s Sunni rebels whom Damascus brands “rebels” and “terrorists.”

A peace deal comes not an hour too soon. A full battalion of US Army troops is scheduled to arrive in western Ukraine to “train” government troops and lead them into battle. This hare-brained scheme has a potential clash with Russia written all over it.

Imagine if Russian troops arrived outside Montreal to train Canadian forces. The US has no strategic interests in Ukraine, which was part of the Soviet Union/Russia until 1991. The whole crazy scheme was promoted by neocons as a way of undermining Russia and putting Ukraine into their ideological orbit.


Ukraine, like the whole Charlie Hebdo circus, has been very useful politically. Canada’s rightist prime minister, Stephen Harper, shamelessly pandered to voters of Ukrainian background (there are over one million in Canada) by making all sorts of warlike threats against Moscow even though militarily feeble Canada would be hard-pressed to hold its own against Luxembourg. Pure political theater.

Interesting, the iron-fisted ruler of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko, long the target of western media invective, has become a key moderate force in the Ukraine crisis, in part blocking efforts by Poland’s anti-Russian rightwingers to intensify the crisis.

Putin’s goal is clearly not to annex Ukraine to Russia – at least not now. He simply wants to ensure that Ukraine does not become a NATO dagger pointed at the heart of Russia or the Black Sea. Ukraine has been a bankrupt failed state since 1991 run by incompetent politicians, gangsters and oligarchs.

The US-directed International Monetary Fund is now preparing an emergency $17.5 billion loan just to keep Ukraine afloat. Another $40 billion is seen as urgent in the near future. Kiev just managed to pay off half its $2.2 billion gas debt to Moscow, likely with US aid. But the winter will be long and cold.

Russia’s economy is staggering under rock-bottom oil prices and the US-led trade embargo. The last thing Moscow needs is to have to finance bankrupt Ukraine. Interestingly, western Europe appears to be suffering more pain from the US-led trade sanctions and is clamoring for them to be lifted.

Putin has gotten Crimea back and Ukraine is in confusion. Most important, the march to war in Ukraine between nuclear-armed Russia and the US has been averted. Match to Putin.

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• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 俄罗斯, 乌克兰 
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  1. 俄罗斯只是英语恐怖主义联盟主宰、奴役和统治人类的第二条阵线,另一条阵线是保守的伊斯兰教和任何拒绝文化灭绝​​的人。

    • 回复: @JP
  2. JP 说:

    “自 1991 年以来,乌克兰一直是一个破产失败的国家,由无能的政客、黑帮和寡头统治。” 俄罗斯也是如此,你的观点是什么?

  3. War for Blair Mountain [又名“比尔·暴雪和他的手下”] 说:

    In other words, you want Nuland…Rice….Powers…to go full-speed ahead with murdering Eastern Ukrainian Russians with full knowledge that Russia will send in the tanks at some point in time and very soon afterwards go at it with the US Military in the Western Ukraine leading directly to a nuclear war.

    The Conservative Orthodox Christian Russian People have a God Given Right to defend themselves against against Nuland..Rice…Powers. The three of them should be put on trial for crimes against humanity.

    What is happening in the Ukraine so far should be considered a direct attack on Russia by the Obama administration. We are one second before midnight. The Obama Administration is openly provoking Russia into sending the Tanks into Eastern Ukraine with the intent of having an open confrontation between Russian Troops and US Troops…..You must be insane…

  4. Dismayed 说:


    (1) 粗略地浏览一下欧洲历史就会发现,俄罗斯有很多“历史原因”对她的邻国保持警惕,就像他们对她保持警惕一样。几个世纪以来,欧洲人之间一直在枪支问题上发生争执。俄罗斯人并不比其他人差。你的无知暴露无遗。

    (2) 俄罗斯联邦没有破产。他们甚至不是 远程 濒临破产。俄罗斯联邦政府与发放美元贷款的俄罗斯企业不是同一回事。你的无知暴露无遗。


    (4) 他们腐败吗? 有可能,但如果是的话,与那些运行我们文明的公开贿赂的拜金妓女相比,他们要谨慎得多。 你的无知暴露无遗。

    (5) 虽然黑帮和寡头仍然在俄罗斯商业阶层中占很大一部分(如果不是占主导地位的话),但说他们“经营”商业阶层是不正确的。普京反革命的全部目的就是尽量减少他们在克里姆林宫的影响力。俄罗斯联邦由保守的基督徒,尤其是民族主义者领导。俄罗斯寡头们知道,如果他们为了金钱而过度出卖自己的国家,他们将面临国家的全部权力。你的无知暴露无遗。

    • 回复: @BG
  5. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    ” So is Russia, what´s your point?…”


  6. War for Blair Mountain [又名“比尔·暴雪和他的男人” 说:

    What a great post!!! It’s a long complicated history….at times, Sweden, and Poland were Military-Top-Dog Powers kicking Russia’s ass in.

    Larger point…Western Ukranian Teenage Males want to hang out with their attractive girlfriends, go to rock concerts, and not be canon fodder for the Kenyan Foriegner Dear Leader….and later, the violent psychopathic testosterone-flushed bulldyke Hillary.

    • 回复: @War for Blair Mountain
  7. Realist 说:

    “Putin Heads Off a US-Russia War”
    Probably only temporarily.

  8. War for Blair Mountain [又名“比尔·暴雪和他的男人” 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    great post=Dismayed

    My Northern Irish Catholic Cousin…from Derry… was murdered by Protestant Death Squads(skull crushed in)….his Family wasn’t consumed with revenge lust…they wanted the Northern Irish conflict to be resolved peacefully…which it was.

    I am Irish(ex-Catholic)….I never had mass murder revenge Fantasies against the English because of Oliver’s Army and the Irish Potatoe Famine. F the Western Ukraine Neo-Nazis….Putin will be a strong barrier…he already is…. to Western Ukrainian Women being forced into sexual slavery servicing Bill Clinton,Alan Dershowitz, and Jeffrey Sachs….

  9. BG 说:


  10. Putin was ready to let the current momentum continue. All Putin did was follow the lead of Merkel, the details of deeper agreements we are not privy to.

    Merkel is probably OK with a multipolar world order without the US hegemon wreaking havoc everywhere (who wouldn’t be?).

    Russia is afforded a neutral buffer zone of nations as all nations attend to their slice of the global economic challenge.

    Only the folks in DC, NYC, & London would want anything else. They are the real enemy.

  11. Matra 说:


    很高兴在这里见到你 Dan Quayle!

    The English weren’t responsible for the famine despite what Tony Blair and the MOPEs claim. Even much of the Cromwell story is ripe for revision: ‘Cromwell was framed’

    The Holodomor is fresher in the memories of Ukrainians than the potato blight is to the Irish – actual Irish, not chip on the shoulder Irish-Americans. Also, unlike Russia the English haven’t been annoying their neighbours for a century. In Northern Ireland British governments consistently restrained the ethnically British side (ie the Protestant Unionists) whom they considered intransigent nuisances. Virtually all Irish Nationalists now understand that and have wisely changed their focus from shooting the symbols of the state to winning over the Protestants or at least lessening their hostility to a united Ireland over the long run. Russia is doing the opposite in Donbass. It created the violent rebellion as opposed to restraining the Russian side. I wouldn’t be surprised though if Moscow puts a lid on it at some point as it has bigger fish to fry. Of course, neocons could be right (for once) and Putin is only just getting started. It’s very unpredictable.

    埃里克·马戈利斯(Eric Margolis): …the US has given total support to Kiev’s war against what it calls “rebels” and “terrorists” …

    It has given full support to Kiev, that is true. But it has only provided political, not military, support. It has done virtually nothing to help the Ukrainians actually fight the war – you know, the hard part.

    BTW it is interesting to see Margolis siding with Russia given his decades long track record of always siding against Russia and especially its Serbian friends. I’m guessing the War on Terror turned him so completely against the US government that he now sees Russia as a useful check on US power and ambitions, especially in the Middle East.

  12. @Matra

    Who do you expect to handle US military aid? Not the regular forces, I think, with all of 6% of current conscripts voluntarily reporting to duty. Rather, it will be people stupid enough to believe in such a concept as “ethnically pure Ukrainian” which, even if you indulge, is not supported by numbers. Transcarpathia would sooner rejoin Hungary than have any part in Kiev’s ethnic cleansing, and if Galician favorite son Zbigniew Brzezinski (whose obvious racism either eludes or doesn’t bother Obama) had his way, that whole area would go back to Poland, so his family could reclaim its former aristocratic privilege.

  13. War for Blair Mountain [又名“比尔·暴雪和他的男人” 说:

    Are you willing to go on record and state that you are in favor of the narcissistic Kenyan Foriegner Administrations obvious attempt to provoke a war with Russia? Because if you are in favor of exterminating even more Russian speaking Ukrainians…this is where its all going… the extermination campaign will lead to a direct military confrontation between the US Military and the Russian Military(could happen any day at sea). The Western Ukranian teenagers don’t seem to be eager to slug it out with the Russians. Perhaps Victoria Nuland can parachute “Commander” Matra in?
    The most prominent Irish Potato Famine Sob Story Teller IRA-IRA enthusiast in the US Congress recently hung out with the Muslims at their Mosque…and has always voted thumps up for the H-1 and L-1 B Asian scab labor program and for increasing Muslim Immigration the years prior to 9/11…he is aslo very good friends with Irish “Patriot” Jerry Adams who has moved on to being an enthusiast for flooding Northern Ireland with Sihks…Pakistani Muslims….and Hindus.

    What next?…The Kenyan Foriegner is really trying to promote democracy in Russia with his lesbian porn star friends Pussy Riot.

    In a relative comparison…Putin is a Saint on the issue of not wanting to risk a nuclear war compared to the narcissistic Kenyan Foriegner Dear Leader….he and his classy femminst foreign policy advisors…Nualnd…Rice…Powers…are the number one threat to the survival of the Human Species. You are a sicko..

    • 回复: @Matra
  14. @JP

    Vladimir Putin is NO oligarch, JP; he’s a democrat with a small “d”. Oligarchs (mostly Jews) had free rein in Russia under the incompetent, drunken Boris Yeltsin for nearly a decade; but, after having taken the reins from Yeltsin, Putin immediately launched reforms in Russia, imprisoning the worst of the Oligarchs in Siberia after prosecuting him, and sending the rest of them packing, albeit, without their assets. In less than a decade, he raised the standard of living for the Russian people far beyond what Yeltsin had done (which was nothing). The seized assets of the Oligarchs were used to help the ordinary citizenry out of extreme poverty; while on the other hand, both Bush ’43 and Obongo have done the opposite with USSA citizens.
    Obongo should thank Putin for pulling his chestnuts out of the fire over a year ago when the Russian leader offered to help the Syrian gov’t of Bashar al-Assad dispose of Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile; yet, he hasn’t. Putin may have pulled Obongo’s chestnuts out of the fire again, helping to bring about another ceasefire in the Donbas region of Ukraine; but will the Narcissist-in-Chief thank him? Not, if he hasn’t yet to thank him for the Damascus rescue.
    Putin defends Russia’s interests and its people; do Obongo and the other Western leaders do the same for European interests and their people? The answer to that question is a definite NO.

  15. JP 说:
    @Proud Srbin




    • 回复: @Pshr
  16. JP 说:

    另一方面,我不相信普京是民主党人,甚至连d小调都不是。 我也不相信他皈依东正教。 在他“皈依”之后,前克格勃和联邦安全局的支持者也“皈依”了,所以对我来说这只是为了内部宣传。

    戴斯迈德可能会对我对俄罗斯、乌克兰和波兰的评论感到不安,但很明显,俄罗斯是侵略者; 这两个词不断出现在我的脑海中:Holomodor/Katyn。

    我还注意到这里正在发生某种弥赛亚主义,我可以预料它来自俄罗斯人,但来自西方人? 也许人们太关注杜金了。



  17. Matra 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    Are you willing to go on record and state that you are in favor of the narcissistic Kenyan Foriegner Administrations obvious attempt to provoke a war with Russia?

    Obama doesn’t care about Ukraine…or any white country for that matter. He’s all about race and himself. (He seems to have put more effort this past two weeks into posing for selfies than doing something about Putin violating the sovereignty of a European state). He opposed sending arms to Ukraine when it could’ve made a difference. I note the the fat smug greedy Germans played a role in that.

    Because if you are in favor of exterminating even more Russian speaking Ukrainians…this is where its all going…

    Strange then that most of Russian-speaking Ukraine are on the Ukrainian side. You’re obviously getting all your information from Russian media. Initially I also thought much of Russian-speaking Ukraine would be happy enough to be part of Russia but in the past year opposition to Putin’s plans even from places like Odessa and Kharkiv have made me realise I had underestimated their attachment to Ukraine. Russian propaganda is everywhere.

    The Western Ukranian teenagers don’t seem to be eager to slug it out with the Russians.

    There’s a power imbalance. The separatists of heavy Russian tanks and artillary and are being well trained whereas the ragtag Ukrainian army has little (not to mention being hamstrung by an incompetent leader in Poroshenko). There was no real rebellion in Donetsk last spring when it looked hopeless but then when Russia sent organizers, soldiers, and weapons…

    Perhaps Victoria Nuland can parachute “Commander” Matra in?

    Nuland can’t even get her president to help Ukraine. She’s a useless neocon but I repeat myself.

    The most prominent Irish Potato Famine Sob Story Teller IRA-IRA enthusiast in the US Congress recently hung out with the Muslims at their Mosque…and has always voted thumps up for the H-1 and L-1 B Asian scab labor program and for increasing Muslim Immigration the years prior to 9/11…he is aslo very good friends with Irish “Patriot” Jerry Adams who has moved on to being an enthusiast for flooding Northern Ireland with Sihks…Pakistani Muslims….and Hindus.

    Who? Congressman Peter King?

    What next?…The Kenyan Foriegner is really trying to promote democracy in Russia with his lesbian porn star friends Pussy Riot.

    I doubt anyone in Ukraine, certainly not the right wing militia men who’ve been fighting the Russian invasion, give a damn about Pussy Riot. The people of central and eastern Europe overwhelmingly reject Western depravity but Putin’s thuggery is giving all “traditionalists” a bad name and pushing them further into EU/American arms. (Yesterday Putin laid a wreath at a Soviet army cemetery in Budapest. Among those buried there were those who got killed crushing the 1956 uprising against de facto Soviet rule. Typical Russian chauvinism).

    J.P: I also note some kind of messianism going on here, I can expect it coming from Russians, but from westerners? Maybe people are paying too much atention to Dugin.

    Putin’s Western supporters are freaks. Worshipping Russia is nothing new among marginal disillusioned Westerners. In the 1800s many religious Europeans saw Russia as the great hope for a Christian revival. In the 20th century Russian communism inspired even more westerners…for a while. Today is no different. However, from century to century this hope in Russia as the saviour always ends in bitterness and disappointment.

  18. @JP


    • 回复: @JP
  19. JP 说:
    @Proud Srbin



  20. Pshr 说:






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