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我刚刚在澳门和香港呆了一个星期,这是西方在亚洲的最后两个领地。 在那里,我听到了菲律宾作家 Charlson Ong 的一个印度笑话,“你们英国人认为你们可以来拿我们的印度鸡肉串和唐杜里鸡肉吗? 不,我们陪你!”

殖民主义的一大讽刺是,与殖民者相比,许多被殖民国家设法保持了更加连贯、完整和真实的自己,因此,例如,在印度人赶走英国人七年后,印度本质上仍然是印度,如果并非如此,而英格兰已经变得越来越不那么英语了。 尽管殖民主义及其后果带来了身心上的暴力,摩洛哥、阿尔及利亚、柬埔寨、老挝和越南仍然保留了比法国更多的遗产,这令人难以置信。

Ong和我作为亚太作家和翻译会议的嘉宾在澳门。 为了准备我的旅行,我去 Duolingo 学习了一些葡萄牙语,这是一项完全不必要的任务,因为经过几天在澳门各个街区走了好几英里,我一次都没听过葡萄牙语。





在大教堂教区,我确实看到了一些穿着制服的葡萄牙学童,因为澳门葡萄牙学校就在那里。 由于这些 女孩 正坐在长椅上,忙着自己的事,我没有走近去偷听他们嘴里说的话。 新闻,“越美混混在澳门被捕,因将不洁的耳朵对准受惊的白人青少年,目前正在医院康复。”

在阿拉米达 Dr Carlos d'Assumpção 的 Hou Fung Cafe,有一位身材高大的女服务员,看上去是土生土长的人。 其余的员工显然是中国人,所有的顾客也是。 菜单上有“葡萄牙特色菜”,所以我尝试了 bacalhau 和土豆泥砂锅,然后是葡萄牙炒饭,里面有一些葡萄牙香肠、洋葱、西红柿和一个黑橄榄。

会议组织者之一是葡萄牙人 Helder Beja,但他是新移民,在澳门回归中国很久之后才抵达。 街上的白人很可能是游客。 我敢肯定,澳门的菲律宾人比葡萄牙人还多,因为我看到到处都是菲律宾人,在酒店、赌场和酒吧工作。 在以美国为主题的 Roadhouse,有菲律宾调酒师和 菲律宾乐队,演唱 Dire Straits、Eric Clapton 等经典摇滚歌曲。 (旁注:当我们小组的其他人坐在桌子旁时,我发现自己和 Ed 和 Ravi Shankar 一起在酒吧里,虽然我们都不是白人,但我们是美国人,该死的,美国男人倾向于坐在高脚凳上在酒吧。华裔 Ed 出生于底特律,每天从燕麦开始,他不得不在澳门大量购买。)

长久以来的广东城市,澳门现在被 大陆 访客,大部分 省级,根据他们的判断 俗气的 服装,但对于任何地方的大多数赌场游客来说都是如此。 在Rua de São Domingos,我站在一个身穿黑色T恤和运动裤的中年男子身边 天鹅绒画,有着耀眼的黄色太阳、老虎和玫瑰,脖子上挂着一个黑色的大钱包。 一个女人穿着一件鲑鱼色连帽衫,上面印有一个年轻的白人女孩侧身伸出舌头,“你必须在你的生活中远离下水道。 唯一的交易,WITR 喷泉。” 我是不是刚看到白色 T 恤上的黄色美洲虎,上面写着“谢谢 有一个美好的一天”原色? 带有蓬松臂孔的露肩躲猫猫衬衫显然很时尚。 身穿粉色 T 字裤的大个子,“比 SATAN BIEBRE [原文如此] 还要大。” 吃面条,女人 在婴儿车旁边,蹒跚学步的男孩穿着熟悉的军用平头剪裁。

傻子们,他们被宏伟的环境迷住了,所以蜂拥而入赌场挥霍他们辛苦赚来的人民币,或者他们挥霍 闪闪发光的 名牌精品店,一些穿着西装的高大英俊的白色迎宾员。 这些农民睁大眼睛在假宫殿里游荡,很高兴被剥削,所以他们可以回家夸耀自己去过澳门,那里有 公爵宫, 里亚托桥, 圣马克 钟楼, 旺多姆广场, 凯旋门和 艾菲尔铁塔等。他们去过类似的地方 欧洲. 还有美国。 在 兜风,他们可以坐在敞篷车上大口大口地吃汉堡、热狗或正宗的冰淇淋圣代。 他们都看到了。

1966 年 212 月,澳门华人游行示威,反抗他们的葡萄牙霸主。 暴徒推倒了文森特·尼古拉斯·德·梅斯基塔上校的雕像,并折断了其中一位豪尔赫·阿尔瓦雷斯的手臂。 他们撕毁市政厅墙上的油画肖像,将书籍和唱片扔到街上,放火焚烧。 在XNUMX名抗议者被警察打死、XNUMX人受伤后,四艘中国军舰出现在近海,数千名红卫兵威胁要入侵。 被迫退缩,葡萄牙总督在毛泽东画像下签署了一封道歉信,不少于。 随后,葡萄牙外交部长将葡萄牙在澳门的角色描述为“外国监管下的公寓看守人”。

Vox populi,所以这些人在澳门必须是中国人,而不是在中国政府的统治下受苦。 文化大革命没有强奸他们。

在香港、澳门、新加坡和其他地方,他们独自做生意,中国人一直在蓬勃发展,长期以来,中国展示城市是香港,许多人会认为它仍然是,有些人声称它是简直就是最好的他妈的城市,无论何时何地,因为它和任何地方一样精致和美丽,所有设施一应俱全,而且非常安全。 直到最近,就是这样。

香港比新加坡或东京更热闹,天气比伦敦好得多,并且不会受到纽约或巴黎必须躲避的破败或沉闷街区的影响。 诚然,它没有世界一流的博物馆,但很少有人住在靠近伟大艺术的地方。 餐厅对日常生活更重要,而在满足感方面,香港是首屈一指的 咀嚼,我们不只是在说话 粤语版, 当然。 在 SoHo 区的短暂漫步中,我经过了人满为患的餐厅,提供 波斯融合, 秘鲁人, 希腊语, 意大利语, 意大利裔美国人,法国人, 越南语, 马来西亚人, 日本人, 葡萄牙语美国 烟房 和加州菜等。

在西湾的高街,范围更有限,但仍然非常多样化和令人印象深刻,甚至还有越南精酿啤酒。 我乘火车去了青衣的一些普通购物中心。 在那里,我可以选择台湾、泰国、日本、韩国、马来西亚、美国牛排、西式海鲜或意大利等。不到 9 美元,我吃了一盘相当不错的意大利细面条,配上牛排条和蘑菇,配上加厚的香蒜酱帕尔马干酪。 与我在越南吃的意大利面相比,这是涅槃。


在温德姆街,我注意到 弗兰克的,意大利裔美国人,所以不得不走进去。在费城,我经常出没的地方之一是肮脏的弗兰克,我在南费城的意大利人中生活了二十多年。 香港的 Frank's 是新泽西州的两个兄弟所有,我很快就发现了,但他们不是意大利人。 厨师是来自皇后区的黑人,经理是华裔加拿大人。 特色啤酒是布鲁克林淡啤酒。 酒吧里有一个中年黑人,所以我对他说:“我们可能比这些混蛋都更意大利!”


大卫在萨斯喀彻温省的农村出生和长大,他在韩国教了 18 年英语,所以说一口流利的韩语,他说,刚刚搬到长春。 大卫断言,中国很好,但就世俗而言,上海或北京无法触及香港。

所以香港享有最好的多元文化,来自各地的种类繁多的食物,而不必进口许多外国人。 百分之九十二的香港人是汉族人。 相比之下,大约 40% 的伦敦人是在外国出生的。

在香港街头,最显眼的外来者是菲律宾人和印尼人。 其中许多是家庭佣人,根据法律,他们必须与雇主住在一起,星期天是他们唯一的休息日。 需要摆脱日常的束缚,却没有自己的庇护所,这些女性 聚集 在任何大型公共场所,他们坐在或躺在纸板上,聊天, 打牌,化妆,做头发,睡觉或只是盯着太空。 这对游客来说是一个惊人的景象,一开始,人们自然会认为他们无家可归,直到有人注意到他们太干净整洁了,不能成为长期的人行道居民。

香港有 7.4 万居民,大约有 2,000 无家可归 与美国城市相比,人口数量少得惊人。 纽约有 8.5 万人口,其中 61,000 人,洛杉矶(人口 4 万)有 59,000 人。 大约 200,000 名香港人必须忍受狭小甚至肮脏的生活空间,然而,床、厨房和厕所都在一个房间里,所以要洗澡,必须蹲下并将淋浴头靠近自己骨瘦如柴的身体,以免水溅到自己身上白菜什么的。 许多人根本没有空间,只有像隔间一样的棺材或床周围的铁丝网,像鸡舍。

那么是什么导致了香港的抗议/骚乱,现在已经超过六个月了? 引发它的引渡法案听起来不无道理,因为任何嫌疑人都应​​该在犯罪发生的地方受到审判,因此香港不能成为金融犯罪分子的避风港。 该领土是银行业恶作剧的主要中心。 这项法案并不意味着中国的安全暴徒可以进入香港抓持持不同政见者或任何人,尽管这显然发生在 2015 年的英国公民李波身上,他与 Mighty Current 有关联,Mighty Current 是一家专门研究政治、个人和性问题的出版社。中国共产党领导层中的污点。 巨流的另外四位导演也同时失踪,其中一位从他在泰国的家中被拖走,其余的则在中国被捕。

引渡法案废除后,唯一实质性的要求是立法会和行政长官选举的普选,即直接民主,但即使承认这一点,我怀疑这种抗议还会继续,否则其他人会爆发就这个简单的原因,很多香港人无法忍受被中国吸收的想法,而美国正是利用这种情绪来挑衅和抹黑中国。 尽管许多抗议者向美国求助,甚至有人挥舞着美国国旗,但山姆大叔更希望他们被中国屠杀,越多越好,让中国被谴责为道德贱民。

知道这一点,中国没有干预,抗议/骚乱拖得越久,普通香港人对它的支持就越少,因为他们已经必须应对 破损 或关闭地铁站、瘫痪机场、封锁街道、减少营业收入和随时随地爆发的混乱,所有这些都是由抗议者/暴徒煽动的。

凭借其无国界的法外处决,以及现在著名的政治对手朱利安·阿桑奇 (Julian Assange) 的俘虏和公开羞辱,美国应该是最后一个就狡猾的引渡对任何人进行训诫的国家。

涂鸦, ”永远免费,” “免费香港,” “没有中国,” “安蒂奇纳兹,” “香港是 不是中国,”但当然,香港是中国,不仅在法律上,而且在地理上、历史上,最重要的是人口上。 香港不仅是中国人,也是 中国,而且不是新加坡,甚至不是台湾。 你必须记住,香港没有自治的历史。 被英国占领,它总是有一个由伦敦任命的英国总督。 香港人虽然享有自由,但从来都不是民主的。 挥舞英国国旗的香港抗议者正在向全世界尖叫,“我们想念我们的白人爸爸”,这种行为太可悲了,我有点怀疑是北京特工干的。


在澳门会议上,有一个小组,多面的中国,这就是官方节目中的描述,“中国可能表面上看起来是单一的,但内在却是思想、写作和观点的深刻多样性——这种多样性因过多而进一步复杂化。居住在亚洲和世界各地的华人社区。 通过这个由代表中国写作和经验各个方面的获奖作家和学者组成的小组,领略这个国家在 21 世纪的广阔和矛盾。”

其中一位特邀作家是一位非常年轻的女性沉星洲,她立即表示不明白自己为什么会出现在这个小组中,因为她觉得自己不是很中国人,坦率地说,她不觉得自己在做什么。虽然她曾在上海、香港、伦敦和新加坡生活过,但她并不属于这些城市中的任何一个。 而且,她更希望那些地方,她的踪迹,都快消失不见。


后来,我遇到了一个更加无根的作家,这是他在节目中的简介,“Kiran Bhat 是一个全球公民,出生在美国佐治亚州亚特兰大郊区,父母来自印度南卡纳拉。 作为一名世界旅行者、通晓多种语言、教师和数字游民,他去过大约 130 个国家,在 18 个不同的地方生活过,会说 12 种语言。 无论是用他的母语卡纳达语,还是像普通话或葡萄牙语这样在智力上遥不可及的语言,他都利用这些经验来消除文学边界并创造全球化的艺术。 “他现在打电话回家太多地方,无法公正地列出一份清单,但他认为孟买是他唯一想定居的地方。他目前住在墨尔本。”

沈星洲又名乔乔。 休息的时候,我绕过她,问这个引人注目的女人,“那么乔乔,你接下来要去哪里?”





在香港一家高档购物中心发现的 Gucci 广告展示了一位穿着华丽的中国女人。 站在美国西南部沙漠的中央,她拿着一块硬纸板搭便车,“某处。” 开放道路的美国浪漫已经被起草来美化普遍的异化。

在整个地球上冲浪,Jojo 和 Khiran 代表了最新一代的理想。 两年前,我在墨西哥托卢卡遇到了一位 23 岁的诗人,他的英语几乎完美无瑕。 “没有什么比从酒店房间搬到酒店房间更好的了,”奥斯卡·科尔特斯 (Oscar Cortes) 说。 除了几个青春痘,他的脸非常光滑,没有任何痕迹,没有皱纹,也没有疤痕。



“当然,你是。 你们都认为你可以在任何地方待在家里。 他告诉我他会说 12 种语言,但我敢肯定那是胡说八道。 没有人能做到这一点。 尽管如此,他还是会从一个地方搬到另一个地方,就像你一样,是一个全球公民。”




在澳门,我们都住在同一家酒店, 大拉帕,其特色是令人印象深刻的自助早餐,包括中式、英式、葡萄牙式和美式菜肴。 我们把自己塞进了一个宏伟的高天花板房间里,房间里有通风的拱门、凹槽柱、百叶窗、双耳瓶形栏杆和软垫藤椅。 每张桌子上都有鲜花,从每张桌子都可以看到外面的亚热带郁郁葱葱。

令我永远感到耻辱的是,我必须承认,每天早上,我都迫不及待地想尝尝带有番茄酱的薯饼,然后是烤豆。 不过,乔乔总是喜欢吃粥、点心或炒米粉,我注意到,她从来没有碰过任何西餐。

就像香港抗议者一样,她本质上是明确无误且永远的中国人,尽管有些不安。 林语堂:“什么叫爱国,不爱小时候吃的东西?”

琳·丁(Linh Dinh) 最新的书是 来自美国末日的明信片。 他维护着一张定期更新的照片 新闻.

• 类别: 文化/社会 •标签: 中国, 香港, 澳门 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 卡纳达语? 这是他们在亚特兰大的拼写方式吗? 这是某种模因吗? 这家伙以为他是谁,Don Cherry?

  2. Of note, the Ong family are Chinese-Filipinos of Hakkan descent from Cebu. So technically, Charleson was probably an ethnic Chinese himself.

    As for Portuguese in Macau, or Spanish in Philippines, the natives seem to have mixed-feelings towards them.

    Unlike the stiff Brits, who were stuffy queers who liked to import staid English wives or more often have sex with one another in their gin palaces, the Portuguese and Spanish quickly created a mixed-blood class of landowners.

    So Macau and Philippines have a well-entrenched mixed-race landowning class.

  3. Haha 说:


    So perceptive, so tender, as you look at the world and some of its Chinese and global citizens. Loved your observation “The American romance of the open road has been drafted to glamorize universal alienation”. True and profound. Equals tomes of social psychology texts in wisdom and perception.


    “She didn’t feel very Chinese, and frankly didn’t feel like she was anything at all, and though she had lived in Shanghai, Hong Kong, London and Singapore, she didn’t belong to any of those cities. Moreover, she wished that all traces of her in all those places would just disappear.” Alienated and depressed – and completely devoid of any sense of responsibility and belonging. A true atomic individual of our global age. She is perhaps outdone in selfish irresponsibility by “Kiran Bhat, a global citizen formed in a suburb of Atlanta, Georgia, in the USA, to parents from South Canara, in India. A world traveler, polyglot, teacher, and digital nomad, he has travelled to about 130 countries, lived in 18 different places. .. he considers Mumbai the only place that he wants to settle down in. He currently lives in Melbourne.”

    Could this kind of selfish, alienated globalism, made up of unstable atomic individuals, be the reason for the rise in woke ideologies, SJWs, and the dismantling of reason and common sense? If I can be here, there, and everywhere, then surely I can don any identity, take on whatever gender I feel like today, pick fights over what bathroom I wish to use, and fight battles to bring down borders so more people like me can flood in. Does it not seem to hang together – the age of decay and the age of global citizens?

  4. Haruto Rat 说:

    Did I just see a yellow jaguar on a white T-shirt, with “THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY” in primary colors?

    No, that’s a slightly tortured Puma logo:

  5. PPB 说:



    • 同意: Blinky Bill
    • 回复: @White Monkey
  6. 摧毁西方的是历史上前所未有的繁荣的过程。它在工业革命后获得了这种繁荣。实验室已经研究了等效过程,请参阅卡尔霍恩的“鼠标乌托邦”。



    • 同意: Marshall Lentini
  7. Beautiful writing as always, Linh. Thanks.

    Some weeks ago Israel Shamir posted this about the HK riots https://www.unz.com/ishamir/house-niggers-mutiny/ and it sounds very true.

    • 回复: @Muggles
  8. @Haha


    You shall know horrors beyond your imagination.

    • 同意: Marshall Lentini
  9. I stood near a middle-aged man in matching T-shirt and sweatpants that were like black velvet paintings

    Man, you can write.

    • 同意: Blinky Bill
  10. Liberate Hong Kong from globo-homo imperialism.

    Send in the tanks and send Hong Cucks to the gulag.

  11. unit472 说:

    I was somewhat taken aback by the xenophobia of the Hong Kong protestors. Apparently Taiwanese students had to be evacuated as their version of Chinese was mistaken as Mandarin and Cantonese is the native tongue in Hong Kong. Of course the ‘xenophobia’ was not anti foreigner but anti China which the people of Hong Kong do not wish to be ruled by. “One Country Two Systems” was a delicate bit of diplomatese by which the British could relinquish sovereignty to China and avoid the messy problem of who rules Hong Kong.

    Like Taiwan, Hong Kong has no living memory of Chinese rule and see no need for it today especially now that China has made clear it will remain a one party dictatorship. Unlike Taiwan, Hong Kong has no ocean between it and China and cannot fight back. I do applaud the restraint China has shown so far but the rioting will test that. Its a long time between now and 2047 and the people of Hong Kong need to husband their demands and not provoke China to seize control of their city.

  12. Well…two comments here. I’m just coming off of revising my daughter’s English essay, so forgive me: I’m feeling professorial this morning.

    First, the piece starts out talking about how various former colonies retain more of their pre-colonial character than their erstwhile colonizers do — then rather inconsistently lurches into a description of Macau — was there even a Macau before the Portuguese? If there was, it most assuredly didn’t even resemble what Linh describes. Macau most definitely is not an example of a place retaining its pre-colonial character.

    Second, I disagree with the whole thesis. Linh may 察觉 Algeria et al as having retained more of their pre-colonial character than France, Britain, etc.

    I think that’s bumph. Linh is just focusing on what has remained in the one case, but what has changed in the other. I think an eighteenth century Algerian bey would find modern Algeria at least as alien as an eighteen century Parisian burgher would find modern Paris. Whatever Viet Nam was like before the French showed up, it is 不能 like what is there now. Linh has a very clear idea of what Britain, France, and the West used to be like — and notices how much they’ve changed. He has a much hazier notion of Mughal India, etc, etc — and fails to realize just how radically those societies have been transformed.

    He tells of his life in modern Viet Nam — where he seems to feel entirely comfortable. Indeed, he describes several whites who feel comfortable there as well. Does he think this would still be the case if the could be teleported back to the Viet Nam of the early nineteenth century? If he must go back there, wouldn’t he really find it much easier to adjust to a Dublin coffee house? If we have changed, they have changed at least as much — and I suspect more.

    • 回复: @yakushimaru
  13. Muggles 说:
    @Rev. Spooner

    A note about Rev. Spooner’s link to “Israel Shamir’s” article.

    我怀疑这位作者是众多中国大陆宣传团队的笔名,他们在 Unz 上发表文章并发表评论。他们通常使用假的非中国名字,我怀疑他们被组织成团队(中国共产党喜欢团队合作),并且在他们的文章中总是对任何批评零容忍,始终坚持亲中国。


    This doesn’t mean what they say is always false or worthless. They often make valid points. But Hitler’s autobahns were pretty good too.

    I wonder how much the Chinese government spends on this sort of “internet work?”

  14. Muggles 说:

    Another very interesting and readable article by Mr. Linh. He has the poet’s eye for language and insightful observations.

  15. @Haha


    • 同意: Alfred
  16. AaronB 说:

    Sounds like the classic Buddhist ideal, the “homeless life” that is recommended so strongly in Buddhism as the quintessence of the spiritual life.



    I feel so sorry for those who cannot revel in freedom but need to feel “attached” – all the spiritual traditions warm this is the source of suffering, but many people cannot learn.

    在禅宗中,理想的生活是无处可去。 但这对某些人来说太过分了。

    Why is it that those, like Linh Dinh, who sing the praises of “attachment” are always the most gloomy and depressed, cantankerous and surly?

    Well, it is just as the Buddha said – attachment is the source of suffering.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Colin Wright
    , @PPB
    , @gT
  17. jo6pac 说:


  18. Anonymous[253]• 免责声明 说:

    Attachment is suffering, but non-suffering is non-existence. I, and I don’t think the buddha did either, will make a judgement on which is good or bad. But I think the emphasis on removal of suffering leads to a removal of joy or being.



    Rootlessness really is only bearable if you have enough money for a nice life where you go. but if you’re poor and you don’t fit in or find community within any community. life sucks. This is based on the assumption that humans are social animals that need roots and familiar faces


    Here is a nice video you might like to see https://digitalcollections.lib.rochester.edu/ur/future-self-march-1987

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @animalogic
  19. @Haha

    The common thread between them all is that there are all broke. Nothing buy over-educated coolies, without the self-reflection to realize it. True tools of the capitalistic nightmare. The ‘rolling stone grows no moss’ parable is merely an edit from the entire statement. The basic idea is that the moss, and related biome are growths related to one sinking roots and growing in a fertile field. The rolling stone has nothing but whatever rolls with it. These ‘people’ are examples of such rolling stones. They have nothing and aspire to nothing. Living from hotel to hotel? We used to call those people homeless. The Federal definition still is. To aspire to short term lifestyles is to question the worth of the human spirit. These are merely examples of random and useless people, nothing to aspire to. Life without meaning, life without living.

    • 回复: @Haha
  20. @AaronB

    ‘… In Zen, the ideal life is to be Nobody, from Nowhere. But this is too much for some.

    Why is it that those, like Linh Dinh, who sing the praises of “attachment” are always the most gloomy and depressed, cantankerous and surly?’

    So you’re abandoning your Jewish identity and cancelling your plans to return to Israel?

    …or are you just full of shit?

    • 回复: @AaronB
  21. AaronB 说:









    因此,从 60 世纪 XNUMX 年代开始的所有革命都是为了反对现代生活的压抑。

  22. @Global citizen

    Hah, Don Cherry. Odd you mentioned the great hockey player, as he was recently fired from his media gig for suggesting immigrants to Canada should assimilate. How dare them. What’s next genocide?

    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
    , @bike-anarkist
  23. PPB 说:

    为什么不让优质的艺术和手工艺为自己说话,尤其是当艺术是朴素的,而手艺是没有技巧的——这种技能只有少数有创造力的精英人才掌握到这里展示的程度。 为什么不简单地给予应得的荣誉,而不是强迫性地将“精神”理想强加于人类世界所有坚韧不拔的特殊性和怪癖的精彩书写,丰富多彩(并且在所有情况下,富有同情心)的展示和弱点,以及它的欢乐、挣扎和失望——好像这部神/人喜剧至少不是你通过看似对比而美化的无法定义和无法量化的现实的创造性表达,好像超脱和无人需要一些斧头磨削或需要某种谩骂来支持他们。

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Colin Wright
  24. @Haha

    I don’t know about you, but as an expat in Asia I was not going to spend my life in Southeast Michigan AKA the anus of the Rustbelt.


    Tried Phoenix, but there were too many Cholos. Minorities aside, you have to contend with redneck white trash as a lower middle class male in the US. Like the pot dealer next door in my college apartment. Or the meth-addled tweaker who used to follow me outside my apartment in Tempe. The scum of US society cannot travel. You’re never going to see some whigger overdosing on Opoids in Hong Kong or Manila or Dubai.

    Its like this, man. Every so often I would communicate with people I knew in Michigan. What happened to Scott the off-campus pot dealer? Oh, he went to jail. What happened to Stanley from Flint? Oh, he’s stuck in a house nobody will buy in Flint drinking poisonous sludge. What happened to Tasha? Oh, she got pregnant and the father went to jail. What happened to so and so?


  25. Anon[291]• 免责声明 说:

    Rootlessness is the source of unhappiness. People who are rooted among their own extended family and who are religious are the happiest. Most of these people don’t make much money either, but they have a community, passed down through generations. Read: Tim Carney’s 异化的美国.

    Rootless cosmopolitans in big metropolitan areas, the well educated and immigrants can never be truly happy, no matter how much money they make. Rootlessness = soullessness. Trouble with money is, the more you make, the more you want, and the more you want, the unhappier you get. Also the amount of education one gets is in inverse proportion to happiness. The more educated you are, the less happy you get.

    • 回复: @Stonehands
  26. AaronB 说:

    Why are you trying to police what I can and cannot say 🙂

    我对 Linh Dinh 有我的看法,你也有你的看法。 我对你表达你的观点、为他辩护、庆祝他平庸的散文等没有异议。给你更多的力量。

    我从来不理解那些试图让别人闭嘴的人。 它暴露了一种根本的不安全感。 我可能会鄙视 Dinh 和他的小气,但我不想让他闭嘴或让他停止写作。

    I think my take on Lin’s views can be a useful counterpoint to what he is offering as necessary for human happiness. There is an alternative tradition that celebrates the homeless life.


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Daniel Chieh
    , @PPB
  27. AaronB 说:
    @Colin Wright

    No. I believe both rootedness and rootlessness have their place.

    And I am following the advice of the Sixth Patriarch of Zen. When someone celebrates rootlessness, talk about roots. When someone celebrates roots, talk about rootlessness.

    As they say in the Zen monasteries in Japan – the opposite of a great truth is also true.

    I am and will remain a Jew – those are my roots. But we Jews have also been the greatest rootless nomads in history. We are both the most rooted and least rooted people on earth.

    But you will not understand any of this Colin 🙂 You are a simple man, and know only how to hate.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Colin Wright
  28. @AaronB

    My objection is with people who have never traveled, much less been expats, commenting on people who actually get off their backside and liquidate and take the plunge overseas and adapt to other countries.

    What does a person know if they are 30 and have lived on the same street in the same community their entire lives? What do they know about being employed in other countries?

    It is all well and good to talk about “roots” when you are some middle class American who has lived in the same suburb your entire life in a crime free community. But try talking to the black retiree in the Philippines who could choose between a nice tropical setting and clean bungalow or the Hood.

    • 回复: @Haha
    , @AaronB
  29. animalogic 说:

    Great comment, haha.
    “They epitomize our age of decadence and alienation, irresponsibility and selfishness.
    “She didn’t feel very Chinese, and frankly didn’t feel like she was anything at all”
    I suspect she’s just an egotist & narcissist. “look at me, look at me! I’m sooooo cosmopolitan…how dare you think you know ME! ”

  30. @Colin Wright

    You at age 50 is different from you at age 15.

    You go through war and torture and amputation also makes you a different person.

    They are different differences.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  31. animalogic 说:

    Bang! Spot on —
    “Rootlessness really is only bearable if you have enough money for a nice life where you go. ”

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @TKK
  32. @Muggles

    I suspect this author is a pseudonym for the numerous mainland Chinese propaganda teams

    The author, Linh, writes extensively and take pictures. If you cannot see the authenticity and sincerity, I cannot believe you have solid conviction in freedom and democracy and all that. The moment someone disagrees with you, you label them a spy.

    • 回复: @Muggles
  33. @AaronB

    … But you will not understand any of this Colin…”

    You are just full of shit.

  34. @AaronB

    ‘… I think my take on Lin’s views can be a useful counterpoint to what he is offering as necessary for human happiness. There is an alternative tradition that celebrates the homeless life…’

    This explains why you’ve decided against returning to Israel.

  35. @PPB

    ‘Why not let quality art and craftsmanship speak for themselves, especially when the art is artless and the craftsmanship without artifice— a skill that only a small elite of creative individuals have mastered to the extent on display here. Why not…’

    为什么不? 因为亚伦完全不诚实。 他只是以他能想到的任何方式攻击 Linh Dinh,他这样做是因为 Dinh 批评犹太人和以色列。 几个月前,Dinh 袭击了以色列,因此 Aaron 抓住一切机会攻击 Dinh。 如果 Dinh 曾经赞美以色列并表达过对犹太人的爱,Aaron 会同意他刚刚写的每一个字。

    None of this has anything to do with anything Dinh has said here, and Aaron doesn’t believe a word he had said himself.

    你需要意识到这个人是多么绝对和完全不诚实。 只有当你这样做时,他写的东西和他为什么写它才会变得容易理解。

    He’s a glib little pea-brain with an IQ of about 115, a need to pretend that its actually about 150, a compulsion to defend the indefensible, and a need to assuage his awareness of his own utter mediocrity by substituting an identity as one of an imaginary race of Jewish 海伦沃克 因为他自己的个性荒诞不经。


    • 同意: Poco
    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Anonymous
  36. swamped 说:

    “就像香港抗议者一样,她本质上是明确无误且永远的中国人”……可怜的孩子! ”林语堂,'什么是爱国而不是对小时候食物的热爱?'”……那么从肥胖水平来看,美国的爱国主义正处于历史新高。 很高兴知道我们可以用自己的方式来热爱国家。 那些倒下的英雄们都为酷爱和果冻献出了自己的生命?
    一个非常爱国的帖子——它以食物开始和结束——一路上我们正在尝试“bacalhau和土豆泥砂锅,然后是葡萄牙炒饭,里面有一些葡萄牙香肠、洋葱、西红柿和一个黑橄榄”; 然后大口“吃汉堡、热狗或正宗的冰淇淋圣代”; 然后是“一盘非常好的意大利细面条,配牛排条和蘑菇,用帕尔马干酪调味”;接下来,用“相当令人印象深刻的自助早餐,提供中式、英式、葡萄牙式和美式菜肴”; 在如此贪婪的努力之后仍然不满意,爱国的“迫不及待地想尝尝带有番茄酱的土豆煎饼,然后是烤豆。” 呼,看起来像美国式的张开嘴浪漫是为了美化无处不在的暴饮暴食。 还要多久,那些纤细的亚洲人都开始像金正恩了?

    • 回复: @Haha
  37. Biff 说:

    So what’s causing the Hong Kong protest/riot, now over six-months-old?

    Follow the money – it leads you too a CIA front group called the NED(National Endowment for Democracy) among other alphabet soup U.S. government agencies.

    The (NED Financed) Hong Kong Riots


    National Democratic Institute for International Affairs – $460,000
    To foster awareness regarding Hong Kong’s political institutions and constitutional reform process and to develop the capacity of citizens – particularly university students – to more effectively participate in the public debate on political reform, NDI will work with civil society organizations on parliamentary monitoring, a survey, and development of an Internet portal, allowing students and citizens to explore possible reforms leading to universal suffrage.

    • 同意: Agent76
  38. @animalogic

    You can live better in the Philippines for $1000 a month than you could for $3000 a month in the US.

    Ask any pensioner who lives there.

    My brother, an urban planner, makes a ton more money than I do. But he had to leave LA to send his kids to a decent public school because a private school was more expensive. That is not a problem I have with mine in Asia. They are not going to be bullied or sexually harassed in Asian schools.

    My brother would actually call me and tell me that my grandmother’s property value for her condo in Greater Detroit had plummeted to 1/5 of what she paid in 1986-twenty years earlier. Again, in Asia property values only rise.

  39. Haha 说:
    @Rafeal Ismael

    We are very much on the same page here. Loved your line “These ‘people’ are examples of such rolling stones. They have nothing and aspire to nothing. Living from hotel to hotel? We used to call those people homeless”. Homeless and soulless comes to mind.

  40. Haha 说:

    “Phew, looks like the American romance of the open mouth has been drafted to glamorize universal overeating everywhere.” LOL, well observed and even better said. LOL!

  41. Haha 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    My critique of the rootless, global footloose lost souls was not intended to apply to people who make conscious decisions to work as expats based on rational considerations of income and life style. The expat does have to demonstrate loyalty to work (he better perform or there goes his work visa), the laws and social customs of the locale, and a coherent life of work, perhaps specialized sort of work that gets you expat pay packets.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  42. gT 说:


    另一方面,脾气暴躁的人总是有问题,并试图找到解决这些问题的方法,因此他们更有创造力。 甚至脾气暴躁的人可能对人类更有益。 想象一个穴居人,用长矛打猎。 通常的技术是用长矛刺入动物,尼安德特人风格,但动物很快,穴居人很慢。 所以有一天,一个穴居人非常生气,他把长矛扔向正在逃跑的动物,杀死了它。 然后其他一些脾气暴躁的人发明了弓箭,因为动物经常远离投掷的长矛。 所以脾气暴躁导致进步,导致改变。

    “依恋”的人总是担心其他人会窃取他们的土地,取代他们的语言和文化等等。他们这样想是正确的,因为历史上就是这样,除非达到足够的抵抗水平。 “依恋”的人都是支持民族主义的,不想向全球化磕头。 因此香港的广东人不喜欢普通话。

    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @AaronB
  43. @yakushimaru

    ‘You at age 50 is different from you at age 15.

    You go through war and torture and amputation also makes you a different person.

    They are different differences.

    Yeah — but common threads continue. I’ve had a fairly traumatic life — but Colin at sixty is identifiably the same Colin that existed at six. I’ve come to express some of them differently; but I still have the same strengths, and the same weaknesses.

    Ditto, say, for sixteenth century France and twenty first century France. Many of the same features, good and bad.

    On the other hand, modern Mexico really owes very little to Aztec Mexico. India is more dogged by her pre-British past than characterized by it. Does China still have a landlord class, a government staffed by academics, and a cultural center-tributary relationship with everyone in the immediate vicinity?

    This is one of those discussions where one could take either side and cheerfully maintain it forever — but I hold that Dinh’s notion that the colonized have changed less than the colonizers is mistaken. It’s a function of Dinh’s familiarity with the objects in question and his perspective, not of anything inherent in them.

    • 回复: @yakushimaru
  44. @AaronB

    There is also a tradition of tossing people like you into wells. It can bring much celebration.

    • 哈哈: AaronB
  45. AaronB 说:

    No, the thing is to be a cheerful pessimist. What is the point of life, if it isn’t fun?

    You’ll just be this miserable unhappy person like Linh Dinh or Daniel Chieh, if you take things seriously. The thing is to accept the world can seem pretty awful, but to not really care, to not take it all seriously. That none of it is really real. That’s the Buddhist attitude.

    Your attitude is exactly the misery creating attitude – being too concerned with “survival”, taking it all seriously.

    So yes, absolutely you gotta be a pessimist – that’s the first step in being spiritual. The world seems awful. But dig a bit deeper, and the world seems marvellous. And none of it is serious, or real, beneath the surface.

    Only the dull witted – like Daniel Chieh – take it seriously 🙂

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @craig nelsen
  46. AaronB 说:



    I guess your basic mistake – and this is huge – is that you think being cheerful must be a result of things going well, and being unhappy the result of things going poorly.



    A different person than Linh Dinh, would not mind his poverty and failure, would see it as a joke or an adventure, and wouldn’t break down in Jew hatred and nurse revenge fantasies of white people getting humiliated.

  47. Muggles 说:

    Re: yakushimaru’s comment.

    My comment to which he is responding about “this author….” etc. is not about Linh. He is definitely who he says he is.

    My original comment was responding to @Rev. Spooner’s comment and link to an article written by one “Israel Shamir.” My comment about “this author” was referencing “Israel Shamir”, not Linh. Sorry if this was unclear.

    If you go to that article Rev. Spooner linked to (by “Shamir”) you will find it extremely pro CCP and anti HK protest. I found that article so one sided and propagandistic that it prompted my comment. I don’t label everyone I disagree with a spy. But when you find rather stilted and one sided items that lack any kind of balance, in this instance by an author using what seems to be a pseudonym suggesting a non Chinese writer, I suspect a Trojan author.

    One “Godfree Roberts” contributes on Unz and also comments. He is clearly Chinese and another commentator and defender of “Mr. Roberts” claimed in response on my comment about him that he is actually a Chinese national living in Thailand. I still doubt that. You can judge for yourself about authorship and hidden agendas. What is true is that the CCP employs tens of thousands of Chinese, if not more, to scour the Internet in China and elsewhere looking for things the government doesn’t like.

    The easily available (in China) Chinese Internet is heavily censored and names of dissenters carefully monitored, censored and sanctioned for “incorrect” thoughts. I suspect teams of such censors also look at websites outside of China to monitor opinion and post commentary pro CCP. Other nations may do this but not to the massive extent of mainland China. My hunch is that these folks operate under work teams using various pseudonyms with non Chinese names.

    They can be sometimes spotted because the content is well written but lacks personality and the ones I’ve noticed are devoid of any of the slightest acknowledgement of any faults in China. This is not how regular people write. You might choose to defend your national policies but when doing so normal people would also acknowledge flaws and obvious room for change/improvements. Since most Unz articles and comments are written by Americans, you would have nothing here at all if the comments and articles were all slavishly pro American government policy.


    • 同意: LoutishAngloQuebecker
    • 巨魔: d dan
  48. @AaronB

    ‘…Only the dull witted – like Daniel Chieh – take it seriously’

    You certainly manage to abuse a lot of people. Where do you get the chutzpah to accuse others of ‘only knowing how to hate’?

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  49. AaronB 说:
    @Colin Wright

    While I admit analyzing me is endlessly fascinating Colin, do you have anything to contribute to the actual topic? 🙂

    What do you think about the themes of this essay – do people need roots, or is the Buddhist/Hindu idea of the “homeless life” ultimately more satisfying if embraced enthusiastically? Or perhaps both, at different times of life?

    What about the ancient Stoic and Epicurean idea that “nothing human is alien to me”, and wherever I lay my head is home.

    The idea of being a global citizen ultimately comes from ancient Greek/Roman culture, at least in the West.

    Were the Romans right?

    And the conversation took a fascinating turn, Colin, when we began discussing the relationship of pessimism to happiness, and whether the world should be taken seriously in the end at all.

    This is all fascinating stuff, Colin, and I’d love to hear your contributions.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  50. @Colin Wright

    He’s just working to get the gumption to part with his material earnings for Mr. Karlin as I gently encourage him toward enlightenment to become the great Buddha incarnation Prince Sattva.

    He is correct on one thing: it is a mistake to engage with him seriously. He’s not really trying to say anything substantial, appearances to the otherwise. He’s simply trying to provoke a reaction.

    Pretty much in summation, that’s why people like him get tossed into wells, although lately I’ve been thinking of solar ovens for a more modern version of burnings.


    Imagine the poetry of the rising sunbeams melting away the annoying hypocrite. I think it’ll be a lot of fun, and what’s the point of life if it isn’t to be fun?

    • 回复: @AaronB
  51. AaronB 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I agree. I appreciate roots, but I love travel and have traveled extensively.

    I think the narrative about needing roots is a bit simple minded. People who haven’t traveled don’t know what its like in other parts of the world.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  52. @Muggles

    One “Godfree Roberts” contributes on Unz and also comments. He is clearly Chinese and another commentator and defender of “Mr. Roberts” claimed in response on my comment about him that he is actually a Chinese national living in Thailand

    Godfree is not Chinese – he’s posted in many places, not just here. He’s pretty passionate, but he’s not Chinese. He’s an old-school communist. Those exist, you know.

    Actual Chinese nationalistic accounts are dang emotional for self-evident reasons. Denk is a good example.

  53. AaronB 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    I am completely serious, and also completely not serious. But you are too thick witted to grasp this – you probably also believe in the law of non contradiction lol 🙂

    Now, people, I realize you poor slow witted fools find me extremely fascinating because I am too elusive for your blunt intellects, but how about actually discussing the themes raised in Linh’s magnificent meditation on the need for roots?

    I’ve already made seminal contributions on this thread – which, frankly, should be published in book form – and developed dimensions of the problem you nitwits could not even have suspected existed, not to mention provided crucial historical references and perspectives from the history of religion.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  54. @Muggles


  55. @Haha

    Every subject in Linh’s article has made a rational decision to live overseas. The black guy who owns the Macau restaurant saw the size of his pension, saw the Section 8 neighborhood he lived in in the US and decided to become an expat.

    You’re wrong about the visa-most expats don’t get jobs on the local labor force except as English teachers and they either own their own business or work for other expats.

    You’re also incorrect about adapting the local language and customs. I know Americans who lived in Dubai for decades and are not Muslim and don’t speak Arabic.

    As for making more money than locals, this is sometimes the case but the motivation of the American is JUST TO GET THE HELL OUT.

    For example, I knew an African-American who operated a hot dog vending business in the Philippines. He did not make a great deal of money but was not living in a Section 8 ghetto. He would have had to in the US.

    But in Asia with the currency exchange, you can live in a nice bungalow or modest apartment.

    When you think about it, the US is just an awful place to live for many people. Imagine being a black retiree. You live in some hood with subarctic winters. Crime is constant. Cops are rude and uncivil. Junkies and gangs are everywhere.

    Much is made about Americans going to Southeast Asia for sex but this is not the reason. The reason is that for many people America is a dark and dangerous place to live with a cold climate.

    Of course young posters here who live in the suburbs with their parents will not know anything about this. And I was born middle-class and only slipped into the lower middle-class as an adult so I’ve lived in both middle-class and lower-class urban environments. I know the difference. Your average exurban white might not have as much reason to move to Southeast Asia.

    • 回复: @follyofwar
  56. jbwilson24 说:

    “A great irony of colonialism is that many of the colonized nations have managed to stay more coherent, intact and true to themselves than the colonizers”

    What a weird statement.

    Is Mongolia not Mongolian anymore? They had the world’s largest Empire.

    Is the Arab world full of black citizens on welfare? They had a pretty big empire.

    Is Turkey no longer Turkish?

    The authors seems to omit rather prominent colonizers.

  57. @AaronB

    Expats fit a profile. They are mostly male. Generally, you don’t meet many Western women overseas. There are virtually zero white women permanently based in the Philippines.

    They are usually of above average IQ and education. The truly dim from the depths of the lower class end up with kids out-of-wedlock to support at an early age, or are in minor trouble with the law (Probation, parole), or strung out on drugs, or just plain lethargic. You cannot be any of these things and run a business in Asia or be employable in Dubai.

    Expats are usually individualistic. But then again, what is the point of being community-orientated when the ruling elite do not care about you anyhow? Urban working class whites stuck in places like Flint, Michigan will tell you that the state government does not care. Americans operate under the assumption that society and the government cares. It doesn’t. It does not care if you did not sell your house in time and are trapped somewhere like Flint. It does not care if your neighborhood has become a gang-infested barrio. It does not care if your 12 year old daughter is sexually bullied in public schools.

    Also, certain groups have little attachment to the host culture anyhow. A black expat from the Hood never belonged to a country club or the Jaycees or any other civic organization. Their community is lousy anyhow. So what do they lose by moving overseas?

    Much is made about Jews being rootless or whatever but actually Jews tend to be very attached to New York, for example. Take Long Island. Jews are as rooted there as Native Americans. I’ve never met a single Jewish woman who lived overseas. Jewish women tend to be attached to their community. Israelis, of course, are more mobile. Even so, I have met very few in Asia and none were female. I personally never found Jews to be “rootless cosmopolitans”. The Jew I knew in Philippines from Long Island just wanted to get back there. He felt uncomfortable outside his familiar surroundings.

    Your average American expat won’t be Jewish. Jews have a pretty good gig in the US.

    • 回复: @yakushimaru
  58. @Jeff Stryker





  59. @alex in San Jose AKA Digital Detroit

    有趣的是,除了有关夏威夷当地人讨厌 Haole 的故事之外,我从未听说过任何其他事情。

    If you’re looking to be around fellow Europeans in the US it won’t be California. It has to be the Upper Midwest or East Coast.


    Where have white people been responsible for the majority of chimp outs in public? I’m not saying that there are not some godawful white tweakers out there but out of curiosity, where was this?

  60. @Jeff Stryker

    Expats fit a profile. They are mostly male. Generally, you don’t meet many Western women overseas. There are virtually zero white women permanently based in the Philippines.

    Barack Obama’s mother.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  61. @Muggles

    I suspect teams of such censors also look at websites outside of China

    I used to believe that a site like unz.com was probably off the radar of CCP until one day a few months ago I saw on sina.com.cn a crop of a screenshot with Anatoly Karlin’s icon picture up there. If I remember, the name was mosaic’d but the icon pic was unmistakable. I forget the content now. Probably some nice witty things said by Karlin about China.

    Now thinking back, I think it’s Karlin’s twitter instead of his unz content. I still tend to believe that unz.com is simply too small and too much off the western mainstream to attract any CCP attention.

    A recent example was in a Chinese translation of some article. The Chinese translator clearly did not know, for example, what R-Ohio means and assumed it to be a somebody’s name like Tom R. Ohio. I cannot remember where I saw this but it’s in a major China website. What I mean is, those people hired by CCP to do this kind of jobs, their English skill and all around talent cannot be too high given the job opportunities in China.

    So, this and other examples and considerations make me think that, still, unz.com is probably off the radar of CCP. I mean, regarding the commenters. The situation for the authors is of course different.

  62. @Jeff Stryker

    ‘Funny, I have never heard anything but stories about Haole-hating natives in Hawaii.’

    As a note, my wife and I lived in rural Hawaii for a year and a half.

    I can think of a couple of incidents of intangible hostility, and one definitely sulky neighbor — but personally, that really was it. Generally, and only in our experience, the locals on Hawaii are very…different, but perfectly good natured and friendly.

    Others, of course, have had worse experiences.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  63. TKK 说:

    And even then, you can still be lonely and miserable at The Peninsula in Bangkok, ordering $12 glasses of orange juice in luxury- by yourself.

    One of our most ancient needs is to have someone care if we don’t show up at the end of the day- someone to leave the fire burning for you.

    That rootlessness prevents connection- unless its based on commerce. The desk clerk might feign concern when you have a problem, but you are just another face to manage and perhaps hustle a few more dollars before his shift ends.

  64. Agent76 说:

    Nov 9, 2019 Hong Konger Gets His Ear Bitten Off | Carrie Lam is here to stay: Xi Jinping

    The situation in Hong Kong is getting worse. Protester Chow Tsz-lok fell to his death during a police encounter.

    • 巨魔: d dan
    • 回复: @Biff
  65. @Haha

    speed up the popular revolution, blue collar and working class, relentlessly ordinary…popular revolution, its success and ideological wholesomeness should destabilize terminally, on all levels of their existence, Jojo, Kiran and their ilk with their bags of ‘Woke’ watever.

    the open road as romance and american? hhhhmm!

    I don’t know about that: maybe the development of a strand of flavor, a romantic aside that is american relative to the open road and what it has meant to everyone everyone all times.

    I came from far from America and a lot smaller but the roads there were open too and they struck me hard as a boy same way. and those roads caught me whole then as a little boy, gripped my soul instituted its meaning deeply. even now as I speak I remember as a little boy climbing up on a box by the window to watch the road that passed my house, sparse flow so that I could count and remember how many had passed by that day

    my conception of the road for a long time had nothing to do with American road romance…never occurred within my event horizon until much much later. but open it was.. and the possibilities!! maaan! the possibilities in and of that road, all roads were the stuff of my dreams..all the dreams of all I knew for a long time.

    the road as romance seems to me to be universal and opens onto the heavens. now the possibilities of the heavens and the travel and possibilities inherent strike me as of those ancient days and my dreams of going to the end of my country, then any country, the end of the world.

    the americans know the open road and their flavor is unique. but there is more to the open road than just the american flavor. the road was always there, everywhere..will always be there, everywhere, here and now, open and ready………..

  66. @Colin Wright

    There’s this one great Chinese, Wang Guowei, his China included the institution, mannerism, and style, and things that’s clearly beyond my English skill to describe. When the modernization flared up in all seriousness, he’s so sad he killed himself in 1927. Wang was the first Chinese to seriously study Schoppenhauer. He knew and can appreciate the West, way more than most of the other elite Chinese of his time.

    Then there’s Cheng Yinke, a younger friend of Wang. Unlike virtually all of his contemporaries, he’s about the only one who understood Wang’s suicide and yet he himself put less weight on the old institutions etc. His China was about the people, the land, and the heritage, or memory, or the very Chinese emphasis on or even reverance of History. He studied in America and Europe extensively and was regarded as a great scholar. When 1949 came, he had every opportunity to escape and yet he decided to not go, for he knew that CCP was different and he would not be able to come back. His China cannot be without the land. He stayed and eventually died a horrible death in Cult Revolution.

    Among Cheng’s early colleagues, there’s Zhao Yuanren, a one of a kind, extremely talented linguist. His China was less than that of Cheng. For example, Zhao advocated giving up the Chinese language, using Latin letters to remake it, like in Viet Nam. He cannot be ignorant of the consequent cutting off of Chinese history when it would be very hard for later Chinese people to read it. He thought it would’ve helped the people.

    Later on, among the younger generation, there’s Yu Yinshi. When he moved from HK to the US in the 1950s, he felt the anxiety, but he soon found comfort in being persuaded by an older Chinese friend in Harvard so he’s able to study China like a museum piece. His China can be without the people, the land, and a lively practice of ways of China in any scale bigger than his desk.

    Today we have an even more extreme example in Andrew Yang. Unlike Gary Locke, Yang was barely American, heritage wise. We might say, his China completely vanished.

    So, what’s all this got to do with Dinh’s the Colonized and the Colonizers? You see there’s a long and tortured Chain. Up and down, the relations can be like a bird and a dinosaur, a chimp and a man, or a wolf and a dog, it can be wildly unrecognizable but each link on the chain is strong and you can trace it. The absurdity is to believe that from Andrew Yang, one can trace back, link after link, to Thomas Jefferson. Even Barack Obama had to marry Michelle.

    China is still China, so far, good and bad, and strange. But there is no China among a group of, no matter how great, China Study scholars when it is only a subject matter. If, in the future, the Andrew Yang’s of the world win and they rule, their world would be as alienated to us as if it’s a world of robots. They might be smarter, stronger, more beautiful, and even morally superior, like I care.

    So, it is not familiarity on a personal scale. You touch your mother. You love her. It is not because she is a great woman or that you stay with her often.

    • 回复: @Sol
  67. awry 说:

    Could this kind of selfish, alienated globalism, made up of unstable atomic individuals, be the reason for the rise in woke ideologies, SJWs, and the dismantling of reason and common sense? If I can be here, there, and everywhere, then surely I can don any identity, take on whatever gender I feel like today, pick fights over what bathroom I wish to use, and fight battles to bring down borders so more people like me can flood in. Does it not seem to hang together – the age of decay and the age of global citizens?

    Look up the SF novels of Iain M. Banks for example, especially his “the Culture” series, he is an exemplary of this feeling. No wonder he is so much liked by many leftists.

  68. @Colin Wright

    What is the ratio of real genuine native Hawaiians to outsiders (mainland Americans, Filipinos, Koreans, Japs, etc.)? Maybe they’re right to feel resentful if they have been turned into a minority in their own homeland.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  69. follyofwar 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    What’s wrong with colder climates? For many of us used to a change of seasons with snow in the winter, living in Florida or the tropics year round would be like living in Hell.

    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
    , @Dumbo
  70. Curmudgeon 说:
    @the grand wazoo

    He wasn’t a great hockey player, he was very average. His claim to fame was coaching a talent laden Boston Bruins teams to the Stanley Cup a couple of times in the 70s.

    (((Rebel Media))) 还有一个超过 90k

  71. follyofwar 说:
    @alex in San Jose AKA Digital Detroit

    If whites are hated in Hawaii, that is yet another reason why it should have never been made a state. Apparently, from what I’ve read, many native Hawaiians think so as well. Now they are again thinking of granting statehood to Puerto Rico, whose people also hate white America. The USA has a death wish.

  72. Vincente? I thought the Portuguese spelled that name “Vicente.” Sure enough:


    And notice that “Nicolas” changes to “Nicolau.” However, the Vincente spelling does have a presence on the Internet, so it’s not wrong, but I can’t think why it was changed.

  73. @Commentator Mike

    ‘What is the ratio of real genuine native Hawaiians to outsiders (mainland Americans, Filipinos, Koreans, Japs, etc.)? Maybe they’re right to feel resentful if they have been turned into a minority in their own homeland.’

    They’re worse than a minority — actual, full-blooded Hawaiians are quite rare.

    The inhabitants of Hawaii are a polyglot blend of everyone: ask a random non-white his ancestry and you’ll get something like ‘Filipino, Portuguese, Scots, Japanese…and oh yeah, Hawaiian.’ We lived up the road from Milolii — a genuine original Hawaiian fishing village, and about as aboriginal as you could get.

    Even discounting the white immigrants, it was a lot of things genetically — but not particularly ‘Hawaiian.’ Pele, the rather large woman I sold my generator to when I left, was actually Samoan. Spider — who I nicknamed ‘the great brown hunter’ — well, his last name was “Gomes.’ His wife/girlfriend looked essentially white, or maybe kind of Hispanic. My barber was Japanese — genetically. Etc.

    It’s one of the irritating things about the whole ‘Aloha’ schick. You might as well give everything Mohawk names in upstate New York. That isn’t the people, it isn’t the culture, and it’s not much to do with many at all. There’s certainly a distinctive culture on the islands — but it owes little to the Hawaiians who were there two hundred years ago, and less to their way of life and beliefs.

    Another sore point: the whole ‘aloha’ thing. People say it all the time — but I counted. In a year and a half, I heard exactly four people say it who weren’t saying it in the course of trade. So what does ‘aloha’ mean?

    出于所有实际目的,这意味着, ‘I’m being paid to say aloha.’

    不错的地方,但充满了它 很多 的方式。

    …and another thing. The precious frigging Hawaiians aren’t even the original inhabitants. They were the second wave. The first wave was from the Marquesas. Our Hawaiians appear to have exterminated 那些 完全是当地人。

    …plus, they practiced human sacrifice…and had a nobility that calmly worked the population of commoners to death when it transpired the fruits of their labor could be exchanged for whiskey.

    Things are tough all over, as they say. It’s interesting, and if someone had told me we had to stay there for the rest of our lives, I wouldn’t have been too disturbed by the prospect, but please — no guilt trips about the poor ‘Hawaiians.’ Hell, they can get a special deal on land. Look up ‘Hawaiian homelands.’ They’re doing fine — all twelve of them.

  74. Anon[147]• 免责声明 说:

    I’ve been to HK, and I live in an area where there are many recent mainland Chinese transplants. I honestly don’t know which group is worse. All are such crass, classless, unpleasant people. If mainland China and HK both sink to the bottom of the ocean tomorrow, no one will miss those billion plus people much. In fact, the world might become a nicer place to live. I’m glad we finally have a president with enough balls to take on this trade war with China. It’s time for a total, complete decoupling, and it’s time to send the Chinese locusts packing. Stop giving them student visas, tourist visas, work visas, business visas, investor visas or green cards. Stop the invasion of this toxic invasive species on the West.

    • 巨魔: d dan
  75. @Curmudgeon

    Thanks for the links. I signed the petition. And, your right, Cherry wasn’t great. Just solid. I’m a Sabres fan, and Boston is our nemesis,

    • 回复: @bike-anarkist
  76. @follyofwar

    ‘If whites are hated in Hawaii, that is yet another reason why it should have never been made a state.’

    Well, first off, whites aren’t ‘hated’ — not that I saw. There’s a kind of cultural apartheid, and some serious culture clashes, but ‘hate’? You take the blacks on the mainland — I’ll take the Locals on Hawaii any day. Of course, I spent all my time on the Big Island. Maybe things are different in Honolulu.

    Secondly, the white/non-white division is hardly the only one. The Japanese — who run everything — form a very distinct group. Then there are also very noticeable ‘Portuguese,’ and Filipino communities, and various discrete groups from elsewhere in Polynesia. Chinese, a bit of an Indian presence — and finally, the vast, indeterminate pool of offspring of all of the above known as ‘locals.’ And oh yeah — a few Hawaiians.

    …and if people can be resentful of whites, they say the ‘Portuguese’ (I’m not sure what they actually are, but they don’t Portuguese) are thieves, and the Filipinos are vermin.

    So it’s lotsa fun — but they’re all ‘Hawaiian,’ all united, and all hate whites? Not exactly. On the whole, pretty nice, but they can be decidedly light-fingered. Lock up your tools, and leave your house vacant.

    Someone’s likely to move into it. Aloha.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Sol
    , @follyofwar
  77. @the grand wazoo

    No! Don Cherry was NOT a great player! He palyed only1 (one) game in the NHL!
    But was a great coach, and had some of the greatest players of the time on the Boston Bruins. On “Coaches Corner”, the media gig, he knew his hockey.

    He got de-platformed becuase he stated his disappointment in Canadians that do not wear the Rememberance Day poppy, but he used a phrase, “you people”, added a vague indication that the “you people” also included immigrants.

    So the reverse-bigot-meisters got offended, like they will, and through all the hand wringing and lack of self-reflection, had pressured the network to fire him.

    • 回复: @Escher
  78. Dumbo 说:

    A great irony of colonialism is that many of the colonized nations have managed to stay more coherent, intact and true to themselves than the colonizers, so that seven decades after the Indians kicked out the Brits, for example, India is still essentially India, if not more so, while England has become relentlessly less English

    The colonized countries changed externally – architecture, roads, etc. But they kept most of their traditions and original population. (Referring here to Indian, African and Asian countries; Latin America is a different issue because colonization was much longer). But the colonizer countries changed internally – they kept their architecture (except where it is being replaced by modernist trash), but their tradition was erased and now their population is suffering a replacement. So in the end it was/is worse for them. Of course, the “great replacement” could have happened without colonialism, but it seems unlikely; it seems that “invade the world-invite the world” is an inseparable duo.


    I can relate to this feeling, even though I don’t necessarily like it, and I think most people really want to “belong”. To something. A nation, a community, a sect, or just a criminal gang.

    The problem is that now with globalization, even if you’re a native in your own “home country” you’re no longer at home, but also if you’re an immigrant, there are so many other immigrants that even if you sincerely love or admire the country, what difference does it make?

    For instance, someone who is not French but loves France and French culture, in the 1930s he could go there and have that experience of living in France and loving French culture even if he was an expat, but if a Hemingway-wannabe goes to live in Paris now, he will live among a large number of non-whites, a lot of non-French food restaurants, not to mention McDonald’s, Starbucks, and all the elements of globalized culture.

    Soon all places start to look the same. So even if you want to experience different cultures and “not belong anywhere”, you end up belonging to the inescapable globo-world.

  79. Anon[147]• 免责声明 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Hawaii is turning into a third world shit hole, looking more and more like Manila by the day, only a lot more expensive. That’s what happens when you import too many Filipinos(or any third world vermins), you slowly turn into their home country. And given their stupid left wing politicians and judges like Mazie Hirono and Derrick Watson, I say it’s time to cut them loose, give them their independence.

  80. @AaronB

    Only the dull witted – like Daniel Chieh – take it seriously”

    You certainly seem to take it seriously, because, on nearly every Linh Dinh article, here you are, lashing out in comments strewn all over the comments thread. Doesn’t seem very cheerful. Your comments are like shopping carts people leave strewn about the parking lots of grocery stores. Unsightly, empty, but no real hazard. It just means everyone else has to walk a little farther to get what we came for.

    • 同意: Colin Wright
    • 哈哈: Pincher Martin
    • 回复: @AaronB
    , @Johan
  81. GFHÄNDEL 说:





  82. AaronB 说:
    @craig nelsen

    Well, of course I take it seriously – I said as much. I also don’t take it seriously 🙂 I see this is really difficult for squares to understand.

    As for what you came here for, it obviously isn’t to discuss the interesting themes raised by Dinh in his essay.


    The need for roots is a fascinating topic. The perennial appeal of the nomadic life that has historically inspired so many adventurous souls, is also a fascinating topic. The connection between spirituality and the wandering homeless life is also fascinating. And finally, whether life is really serious at all – or, like the Hindus thought, just God playing a game – is also fascinating.

    I am dismayed that so many people would rather snipe at me that actually discuss what could have been – and maybe still can be – one of the most interesting threads on the history of this site.

    If the philosophers and wits of 乌兹网 could take a break from sniping at me long enough to think about these topics, maybe some we can put together some good insights.

  83. Johan 说:

    They are strong representatives of a global phenomenon. Oscar Wilde already noted over a century ago that modernity is always old-fashioned. Meaning that everything changes very fast, that said over a century ago, during the twentieth century it has been accelerating.
    We are all to some extent rootless, the whole world is on drift, cult, hype and bubbles everywhere. This is represented already in consumer goods, low quality stuff which is soon outdated or of low quality, goods glamorized through marketing. It is represented in the ubiquitous grip of a vast commerce and marketing industry which adds glamour to things (an industry of fiction and glamour which is x times larger than the production industry), represented in targeted gigantic value creation (climate change hoax for instance), represented in the screens everywhere, in the financial industry, the tech cult, in the media, in politics, aesthetics, modern arts and etc.
    The world today is one big market place of hyped products, artificially created values, theories and ideas, bubbles of glamour in a world likely to crash big time one day. Then ephemeral, decadent and rootless modernity will burst into oblivion.
    These digital nomads are merely pretentious vagabonds parasiting on the situation, floating in a bubble, a temporary phenomenon.

    • 回复: @Haha
  84. @Lord Palmerston

    Doubt China would ever go through that phase. They don’t have a hostile foreign power/religion controlling the media and information flow, creating a narrative that is akin to suicide.


  85. @AaronB

    It just means this anonymous handle of yours has too strong of a zionist stink stemming from your comment history.

    Good conversation requires two sincere participants.

  86. Anon[427]• 免责声明 说:

    Trouble with the Asians, they love to eat but don’t care about cleanliness. They could eat in the filthiest of places, but as long as the food is good, they seem completely oblivious to all the filth around them. That’s why all of Asia is so disgustingly filthy, from Southeast Asia to China/HK to South Asia. And they bring that filthy habit with them wherever they go. Most Asian restaurants in the US have filthy bathrooms and kitchens, they also spit and litter. They also don’t know ambiance if it hits them in the face. All Asian restaurants are always so loud and noisy, not just people talking loudly while they eat, but the bus boys always make sure they make as much noise as possible while they clear the table. It’s as if they are all half deaf.

    The only exception is the Japanese. They’re the only clean/polite/pleasant/orderly people in Asia.

    • 同意: Marshall Lentini
    • 巨魔: d dan
    • 回复: @Anon
  87. Johan 说:

    “the age of global citizens”

    The global citizen does not exist in itself, individuality which is required for citizenship is rooted per definition in the local and the particular. It grows like a tree from the richness and particulars of locality. The ‘global citizen’ is an invention of political and commercial marketing, he is merely a self-image, a package delivered by marketeers, it is created for him in order that instead of the hard road of developing individuality, the global citizen can easily obtain (buy) a ready made but customizable package, a package of glamour which allows him a self-image of being more evolved than those allegedly petty small local crawlers.

    It is a crowd package for the uprooted and that which has no individual character, they do not ‘walk the lanes’ on real soil:

    “The witness for the truth – who naturally will have nothing to do with politics, and to the utmost of his ability is careful not to be confused with a politician – the godfearing work of the witness to the truth is to have dealings with all, if possible, but always individually, to talk with each privately, on the streets and lanes – to split up the crowd, or to talk to it, not to form a crowd, but so that one or another individual might go home from the assembly and become a single individual.” – Kierkegaard


  88. @follyofwar

    ‘… If whites are hated in Hawaii, that is yet another reason why it should have never been made a state…’

    As I’ve said, in my experience too much is made of this. However, to the extent that there is resentment, I think it’s something we ourselves have told the locals to feel.

    This is almost pure speculation, but I was watching a segment of 疯子 in which Don Draper visits the Hawaii of the Sixties. Hula dancers, Mai Tais, and sexy Hawaiian women (ahem).

    …and they tried to comply. In the Sixties, Hawaii was all about beaches, bikinis, and little paper umbrellas in your drink. A hundred years ago it was about working in that sugar cane field. A hundred years before that it was about dressing like a Christian and going to church. Now it’s about Hawaiian culture and resentment.

    My theory is that they’re always just doing as they’re told. All that changes is what we tell them to do.

    So if you get ‘stink eye’ from a local, hey. You told him to do that. What’s your complaint?

  89. Johan 说:
    @craig nelsen

    ” It just means everyone else has to walk a little farther to get what we came for.”

    On the democratic publication system called the internet, due to the ubiquitous noise of the masses, you have to walk a thousand extended miles to get what you came for anyway. More likely you will never arrive. So far for blaming one individual…

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  90. Anon[427]• 免责声明 说:

    Asians’ lack of care for their environment goes beyond restaurants. Chinatowns all over the world are run down, filthy and disgusting. Wherever Asians live, their homes and their neighborhoods begin to go downhill. Even when they move into million dollar homes, these people do not take care of their yards, or their roofs, power wash their driveways, paint their fences or even clean their gutters. No matter how rich or well educated they are, they live like trailer trash. That’s why the more of them we let in, the more they’ll turn the US into the turd world from whence they came.

    • 巨魔: d dan
  91. Johan 说:

    Always entertaining and interesting, these travel narratives from Linh Dinh. His stomach and its appetite is always there too, sort of fundamental.

  92. Wally 说:

    “This doesn’t mean what they say is always false or worthless. They often make valid points. But Hitler’s autobahns were pretty good too. ”

    You’re trying to say something, please do.

    Be forewarned, free speech allowed at this site.

  93. Stonehands 说:

    Excellent, my friend!

    ….but all l hear are crickets amongst the “educated” bon vivants, here at the big U..

  94. aspnaz 说:

    Although Hongkongers enjoyed freedoms, it was never democratic. Hong Kong protesters who wave the British flag are screaming out to the world, “We’re missing our white daddy,” and this act is so pathetic, I half suspect it’s done by Beijing agents.

    Arrogance and ignorance flowing off the page.

    Did you speak to any protesters? You were there for a week and they have at least two protests a week.

    Do you understand the relationship between the British and the Hong Kongers, most of whom were born under British rule? Your simplistic interpretation of an appeal to the west is somewhat disturbing: loathing of the white man combined with disgust at a Hong Konger calling out for help from a white man.

    Why did the Hong Kongers prefer British rule? They did not have democracy, but the people of Singapore do not have democracy but are happy. Why?

    Your very appealing writing style belies an inadequate thought process.

  95. Haha 说:

    Yes, as you astutely perceive, our hyper-commercialized age does foster decadence and rootless modernity. Perhaps also the oxymoron claims to being “global citizens”. But I am not sure it is a temporary phenomena. It could be the evolutionary path of mankind. Evolution need not always be for the better, it is a trial and error process, with many false paths that could lead to the extinction of the species or its major modification. Perhaps our atomic, self-absorbed, gender-neutral homo sapiens are the first evolutionary step towards non-social homo sapiens?

  96. @alex in San Jose AKA Digital Detroit

    I guess you’re going to tell that same tale a few more times yet. Face it: nobody gives a shit whether or not you hate white people, least of all any white people.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  97. Sol 说:
    @Colin Wright

    How are the social dynamics of such a multiethnic/multicultural society? I notice the Japanese-Americans in California may socialize with other groups but tend to marry their own.

    • 回复: @Pincher Martin
    , @Dainagon
  98. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Lord Palmerston


    事情是,香港的抗议有一个真正的原因:香港在繁荣、经济、金融、科学、教育和年轻人的前景方面正在失去与上海的竞争。 真正的悲剧在于,越是年轻的香港流氓“抗议”,他们就越是毁了香港的前景,香港追上上海的可能性也就越小。 在香港,美国再次支持这匹失败的马。 我想这就是中国中央当局没有做太多事情的主要原因:当你看到你的敌人自杀时,不要干涉。

    • 回复: @Frankie P
  99. ‘How are the social dynamics of such a multiethnic/multicultural society? ‘

    They’re pretty awful.

    I subsequently moved to provincial Oregon — and the contrast is refreshing.

    These aren’t precisely my people, but at least I fairly quickly acquired some idea of what to expect from them, and in turn, what the expectations were I should meet. Of course, I’m white and so are they, but still…

    Hawaii’s not like that. In some intangible sense, it’s a Tower of Babel. What worsens matters is a lot of the whites who move there are fairly screwy to start with — and come in multiple flavors themselves.

    Hawaii’s okay — but it’s definitely not a community. There’s no getting away from that.

  100. @Sol

    How are the social dynamics of such a multiethnic/multicultural society? I notice the Japanese-Americans in California may socialize with other groups but tend to marry their own.

    Not true. From the 2018 article “Patterns of Interracial and Interethnic Marriages among Foreign-Born Asians in the United States”

    “Among all foreign-born Asian groups, Japanese were most likely to marry interracially and interethnically [which means to marry other Asians rather than Japanese], while Asian Indians had the lowest rates of interracial marriage and interethnic marriage.”

    I doubt the Japanese in California are somehow special in the way they are likely to marry.

  101. Rootless? Yea, we saw this in American college kids post 9/11. It was fashionable to declare oneself a “citizen of the world” and hold oneself at a intellectual distance from their family and nation in mourning. Most of these now 40 year olds are still rootless, bouncing from job to job, town to town, relationship to relationship….all of it coming with some grand explanation how they are “free”.

  102. @Twodees Partain

    ‘I guess you’re going to tell that same tale a few more times yet. Face it: nobody gives a shit whether or not you hate white people, least of all any white people.’

    What’s interesting is that for the first time in my life, I’m living in an overwhelmingly white environment, and…

    I’ve decided I like white people! They’re really great!

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  103. @Anon

    ‘Asians’ lack of care for their environment goes beyond restaurants..’

    So Japan isn’t in Asia?

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Twodees Partain
  104. Biff 说:

    Nov 9, 2019 Hong Konger Gets His Ear Bitten Off

    I can’t hear you!!!

    • 回复: @Agent76
  105. SurfingUSA 说:



  106. Anon[681]• 免责声明 说:
    @Colin Wright

    The Japs are the only exception.

    d dan is a typical thin skin Chinese, can’t handle any criticism, completely lacks introspection, like the typical over sensitive Jew.

    • 回复: @d dan
    , @Colin Wright
  107. Biff 说:

    Asians’ lack of care for their environment goes beyond restaurants. Chinatowns all over the world are run down, filthy and disgusting. Wherever Asians live, their homes and their neighborhoods begin to go downhill. Even when they move into million dollar homes, these people do not take care of their yards, or their roofs, power wash their driveways, paint their fences or even clean their gutters. No matter how rich or well educated they are, they live like trailer trash. That’s why the more of them we let in, the more they’ll turn the US into the turd world from whence they came.

    Some people only see what they to see to confirm their prejudice.

    I’ve never power washed my driveway either.

  108. Frankie P 说:

    你的大部分评论在准确性上都像激光一样。 我的主要分歧是你如何构建你的第一个陈述。 做这样的表面分析是不对的,比如香港正在失去与上海的竞争。 必须正确看待情况,以促进民众之间更深入的了解。 也就是说,香港多年来受益于其“通往中国的门户”的地位。 在中国加入世贸组织之前,寻求最小化风险的跨国公司将其地区总部设在香港,以利用英国法院系统的稳定性。 不过要明白一件事:这些公司是从中国的崛起中获利,而不是从英国或香港的崛起中获利。 当然,香港人也从中获利,在外国经营的公司获得好工作,在世界上最繁忙的港口工作(1997 年),从事来自中国的产品流的交易。 一些事实:

    这个数字现在低于 3%。
    1997年,中国大约50%的国际贸易曾经通过香港。 现在已经下降到 12% 左右。
    直到大约 20 年前,香港股市的规模是中国其他股市的两倍。 这已经改变了,今天香港的市场已经被上海的市场所绕开,而深圳的市场也将黯然失色。 直到大约 15 年前,香港的港口还是世界上最大的港口。 今天,中国境内有上海、宁波和深圳三个较大的港口,青岛正在迅速赶上香港。 一个新的港口即将在广州开放,这也将对香港的港口产生很大的影响。

    因此,说香港正在失去竞争并不十分准确。 更准确地说,由于中国的增长和国际社会接受的自然后果,香港失去了令人羡慕的特权经济地位。

    暴力抗议者如果对自己的处境感到愤怒,就应该烧毁世贸组织、国际货币基金组织和世界银行的香港办事处。 你是对的,北京将让暴力抗议者摧毁香港的未来,而不是遵循合乎逻辑的行动方针,即与不断增长的珠江三角洲经济区进行经济融合,珠江三角洲经济区是世界上最繁荣的经济区之一。 与深圳、广州一起成长,还是在衰败的美帝国的支持下陨落,你的选择是什么?

    • 回复: @AnonFromTN
    , @d dan
    , @Daniel Chieh
  109. @Johan

    ‘More likely you will never arrive. So far for blaming one individual…’

    Yeah, but some stand out…really, really stand out.

  110. @Jeff Stryker





    我不认为人们能够真正摆脱现代英语世界的狗咬狗的社会达尔文主义,除非真正离开它,这需要学习另一种语言并采用另一种文化,而这是 99.95% 的美国人永远不会做的事情。


  111. @follyofwar



  112. @Colin Wright

    我想念的夏威夷已经很久很久了。 我们以前只去恐龙湾。 现在你必须看电影,支付你可以吃一个星期的费用,等等。

    任何棕色人种,无论是西班牙裔还是中东裔,都可以在夏威夷下飞机时受到比 1840 年代全家搬到夏威夷并一直居住在那里的白人更受欢迎的待遇。

    • 回复: @LoutishAngloQuebecker
  113. AnonFromTN 说:
    @Frankie P

    你说得对,香港失去了作为通往中国的非中国门户的独特地位。 我说的是同一枚硬币的另一面:如果没有这个独特的地位,香港就无法与中国其他城市竞争。 香港的抗议活动成功的机会与反对地球引力的抗议活动一样多。 事实上,流氓正在加速其灭亡。 我想这就是为什么中国政府会另眼相看:香港会变得无关紧要,作为额外的好处,美国会再次表现出它的无知。 这基本上就像在吉卜林的丛林书中一样:阿克拉错过了。 除了帝国已经错过了好几次。 即使是屈从的沙特人也注意到并开始认真谈判购买俄罗斯 S-400。

  114. d dan 说:
    @Frankie P

    The economic situation you described is correct and probably the concerns of the majority of Hong Kongers. But I doubt those terrorists (a.k.a. “protesters”) care much about them – just look at their “5 demands”, none of them is about economic issue. They should just be thrown to prison for a long time, don’t need to listen to their stupid demands.

  115. Stonehands 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    In the U. S. the malice and sorrow of the small businessman begins and ends with the unlimited capacity of .gov to harass and hector through ever increasing procedures, policies and protocols.

    Survivors will be greeted with weekly/ monthly/quarterly/yearly extractions of plunder, e.g.- 15.2% SS, 3% Medicaid, 25%fed, 10% state/city/local, as well as sales tax ( I’m an unpaid tax collector), sugar tax, property tax, and so on-and so forth. A good accountant (my “minder”)will claw back some, and he’ll glom a grand or two for the pleasure.

    With all that said, there are still opportunities in the “penumbra” – partial and imperfect properties- that through the power of the internet are to be exploited while sitting on my ass here in my pizzeria in Philly. I bought property for 17k ( 5 yrs ago)and rehabbed it myself and live in hoi poloi elegance ( l am now the self crowned King of duh row home, lol) with my wife and son-who is off in college. No mortgage, no college debt, great neighbors- we are truly blessed.

    From our bolt hole, wifey and l will travel- dear friends in metro Manila, Cambodia and family in China. If people would curb their vanities- and realize less is truly more- there are practical ways to become unfettered from the Western Condition.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  116. d dan 说:

    “d dan is a typical thin skin Chinese, can’t handle any criticism…”

    Don’t flatter yourself. You are not even capable of writing a “criticism”.

    p/s: I am “replying” only because I am running out of Troll flag.

  117. I think that it’s wrong to think HK was the last Western colony in Asia. There are tens of thousands of Americans in Korea and Japan. The Koreans are now circumcised Christians. And worse, there’s Taiwan.

    • 回复: @Pincher Martin
  118. @Frankie P


    You can’t save people who don’t want to be saved. The entire point was economic integration but the HK’ers were upset at the idea of losing their specialness.

    There really wasn’t a lot Beijing could have done.

  119. Stonehands 说:

    Aaron, I just finished a fascinating biography about Quanah Parker- the Rise and Fall of the Comanches -the Most Powerful Indian nation- by S.C. Gwynn “Empire of the Summer Moon.”

    It is about cultural pollution and the cross- cultural pollination that decayed and degenerated the wild Comanches of the plains, the last truly nomad, stone- age People in the Americas.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  120. @AaronB

    It’s fine to talk about Buddhism and not being tied down, but conflating it with “Shen Xingzhou” and “Kiran Bhat” is an injustice to the very idea.

    People like that haven’t attained selflessness, much less nirvana; they’re young, pampered self-promoters who happen to have enough money to travel endlessly, slyly touting their race as a credential. You won’t find takers for the notion of resembling them here.

    Having said that, now that nearly every white nation has been destroyed, self-respecting white men with no attachments at home have no choice but to go abroad.

    Someone who really wants to lose himself goes to Laos to find an obscure ārāma, or works on a reindeer farm in Sápmi, or even, like Dinh, travels around destroying his body and writing funny articles full of self-deprecation.

    They don’t have weird little biographies they hawk at bullshit “conferences”.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  121. @follyofwar

    For me, Florida was very much hell on earth. Hard to think of a more antithetical environment and I regret almost every hour I spent there.

  122. SafeNow 说:

    Great travel writing — the telling anecdotes, the place descriptions, a bit of history, and the engaging style. I am reminded of Paul Theroux, the greatest travel writer of modern times. I wonder if Linh read Theroux’s works to polish his own God-given knack for this.

  123. @Dacian Julien Soros

    And worse, there’s Taiwan.

    Why is it worse? There are neither U.S. soldiers nor very many Christians in Taiwan. Nor is there an official U.S. policy mandating that it must come to Taiwan’s aide if it is attacked by China, even if some people assume that is the case.

  124. @Anon

    ‘The Japs are the only exception.’

    Isn’t Singapore the place where you fined for littering — I mean, you really do get fined?

    Then, too, I vaguely recall Thailand as being pretty clean. Of course, that was forty years ago.

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  125. @yakushimaru

    Very, very rarely a white woman will marry a foreigner and move overseas as a result. Outside matrimony, few white women choose to live overseas. And I have met no African-American female expats in Southeast Asia. Zero. And no Mexican-Americans. Definitely no Mexican women.

  126. @Stonehands

    I wouldn’t know. I never owned an apartment. And to be honest, my grandmother’s condo in Greater Detroit was $400,000 when she bought it in 1986 and when it was sold twenty years later we got $70,000. And my brother told me we were lucky to get that much.

    城市经历了复兴。 我记得汤姆·斯凯里特的老电影《反击战》把费城描绘成一个犯罪猖獗的地狱,当然吉姆·戈德对此没有什么好写的(而且他似乎也不喜欢意大利裔美国人)。





    • 回复: @Dumbo
    , @Stonehands
  127. Hacienda 说:

    Lin Yutang, “What is patriotism but love of the foods one had as a child?”

    I think I like White Castle, like most midwesterners. I think I like the corny architecture, the grease, the fluffiness. I know I like the nostalgia of White Castle. If you go to a White Castle in parts of Indianapolis, you’ll see whitey and blackie (crackers and niggers) sometimes eating together and talking about real estate. I think it’s the Jews that turned White Castle into some racial aspirational meme. And just for fuck’s sake, not because Jews are Satanic, although some are crazy. Real estate is all about patriotism too. Real estate is all about territories, the more and bigger you own, the bigger man you are, at least in your own head. Real estate can make people autistic, too, but is a great tonic for the social media world. I buy frozen White Castle at Walmart now, since I live in California. There’s a lot of Californians with residual “love” for White Castle, the food one “loves” as a child. Do people really “love” the foods of their childhood? I call bullshit. Only in mass communication settings do people “love” the foods of their youth. Dunkin Donuts are starting to pop up in Southern California, will White Castles too? I hope so. My guess is that Mexicans would take to White Castle, seeing as the experience of a slider resembles a taco. A kind of midwesterner, low flavor profile whitey taco. Asians would take to White Castle, too. Whatever, nothing hangs on it. If no White Castles come to California, I wouldn’t care.

    • 回复: @utu
  128. Anon[707]• 免责声明 说:

    “A great irony of colonialism is that many of the colonized nations have managed to stay more coherent, intact and true to themselves than the colonizers, so that seven decades after the Indians kicked out the Brits, for example, India is still essentially India, if not more so, while England has become relentlessly less English.”

    In reality, large parts of India do not resemble the old India at all. There are many more mosques in India than during the British rule, and the Muslim and Christian population is growing at a much faster pace than the Hindu population each year. Like in Europe, Islam could become the majority religion in India in the near future. And the eastern and western parts of India (Pakistan and Bangladesh) certainly are not anymore “essentially India”.

    I wonder if the rest of the article contains similar falsehoods, or if this is just a one-off.

    • 回复: @Dumbo
  129. @PPB


  130. Dumbo 说:

    None of those changes have to do with British colonialism, having happened after the English left. The point is that the former colonizer countries changed much more. I’ve never been to India, but it seems to me that it still pretty much Indian and does not attract many immigrants.

  131. utu 说:

    You can have White Castle in California if you give us In-N-Out.

    • 回复: @Hacienda
  132. Dumbo 说:

    Florida is too hot, too humid, has bugs, etc. And hurricanes. I don’t know how people lived in Florida before AC. Best weather in the U.S. is in SoCal (similar to Mediterranean climate in Europe), because it’s warm but drier, and you have at least some semblance of seasons, or you can go to the mountains if you really want snow. On the other hand, California has a water shortage problem, and traffic, and earthquakes. And the worst, Californians.

    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  133. Dainagon 说:

    I am of the demographic you are referencing. What you say may have been true 50 years ago… it isn’t now.

  134. follyofwar 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Not being any kind of expert on Hawaii, I had no idea that the Japanese ran things there. Apparently, they not only won the battle of Pearl Harbor, but, after war criminal Truman needlessly dropped the two Big Bombs near the end of the war, they got their revenge by coming back to take over the islands. Good for them, I say.

    The democrats must love the one-party state of Hawaii. It hasn’t voted GOP since Reagan in 1984, when all but one state did the same. I’ll bet they won’t make that mistake again. Poor Tulsi Gabbard. If she was from a contested continental state like mine (PA), I think she’d be doing much better.

    I saw that Mad Men segment too. That was when flying was sexy and fun.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  135. Escher 说:

    Immigrants are assimilating in the only way that matters, by embracing the religion of mindless consumerism and debt slavery.

  136. @Colin Wright

    China has pretty clean streets now too.

    That said, there does seem to be a certain attitude difference toward cleanliness, even as it is gradually shifted these days via force. Attitudes toward cleanliness are definitely something I think would be worth researching in. China was indeed mentioned even historically as being less excited about cleanliness, while the Japanese were much more focused on it. Dinh has mentioned at least one restaurant where debris in Vietnam is littered on the floor with little concern, and even in the West, prior to labor-saving devices, specific standards of cleanliness were quite different.

    Ultimately, cleanliness is a function of societal standards, enforcement ability and free time to upkeep. Societies heavily emphasized on conformity with unspecified but potentially ruthless punishment for stepping out of line – very Puritan societies, and very collectivistic societies, do well at it and ultimately this is why China can do well at it too.

    Dinh often celebrates against that, for better or worse. He does not particularly celebrate the domestication and mechanization of humanity(though that is, in some ways, the very force of civilization).

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  137. Hacienda 说:

    That’s a deal. But, the midwest already has (Bob’s) Big Boy, which is much better.

  138. GARY SMITH 说:

    HaHa (lol?) astute observation on Linh and our current global denizens too. Sometimes I learn more see more and now know more by reading Linh’s work than sitting in a classroom for a year (or two). Your comment is very perceptive too. Thanks for posting it.

  139. @follyofwar

    ‘Not being any kind of expert on Hawaii, I had no idea that the Japanese ran things there. Apparently, they not only won the battle of Pearl Harbor, but, after war criminal Truman needlessly dropped the two Big Bombs near the end of the war, they got their revenge by coming back to take over the islands. Good for them, I say.’

    No; these are the Japanese who had been there since the end of the nineteenth century; first as sugar cane workers, then as the owners of small stores, then as local politicians.

    They were (and are) the largest ethnic group in Hawaii, and they vote. Look at the list of Hawaii’s senators: one has always been white, one Japanese. Always. What’s more, they’ve always been firm supporters of Israel. There’s a definite deal with the mainland power structure there. Why the f____ should ethnic Japanese on islands in the middle of the Pacific care about Israel?

    Got me. But meanwhile, back at the ranch…

    As a neighbor of mine put it, if you want to change anything, you’ll run into the County Board of Supervisors — and that is a bunch of old Japanese guys saying ‘we gotta follow the general plan.’

    …which, of course, they themselves wrote. But there’s no particular connection to modern Japan. These people would be more like the Boers of South Africa as compared to the modern Dutch. About the only similarity is a knack for politely getting their own way — but getting their own way.

    It’s okay with me. Just don’t take those promotional clips on the flight over too seriously. That’s not Hawaii. It never was Hawaii.

  140. @Daniel Chieh

    ‘… Ultimately, cleanliness is a function of societal standards, enforcement ability and free time to upkeep…’

    Incongruously, cleanliness can also be a function of extreme poverty. Compare modern Turkey and Morocco. There is 没有 litter in Morocco. On the other hand, one of my memories of Turkey is of frigging 漂流 of empty plastic water bottles.

    Why? Are Moroccans just naturally clean and Turks filthy?

    No. It’s because Morocco is so poor that for any given article of litter, there is someone who is making a living picking it up — if only as kindling for fires. Turks have yet to all learn they mustn’t litter — but they have become affluent enough so that they can afford bottled water yet no one is reduced to gathering up the empties.

    …It’s actually kind of interesting to compare Turkey and China. In both cases, the ordinary citizen — as opposed to the members of the elite — is finally acquiring a measure of prosperity. Moreover, in both cases, the nations are ceasing to simply mindlessly obey the ideological dictates of the West and are starting to pick out their own paths. Of course, China’s path is far more secular than Turkey’s, which is taking the form of the one of the more constructive developments of Islam going on at the moment — but there are similarities in terms of what stage of historical evolution this would be.

    My impression is that Turkey at least is rapidly becoming a nation culturally dominated by a burgeoning lower middle class and those who at least aspire to join it. Is China at the same place?

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  141. stevecel 说:


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  142. JUAN 说:

    你说“纽约有 61,000 名”无家可归者,但《纽约时报》最近发表了一篇关于约 120,000 名无家可归并上学的儿童的文章。除此之外,和往常一样,一切都非常有趣。做得好。

  143. @Muggles

    我读到了 1920 年代的德国以及犹太人在那里造成的破坏。老实告诉我,到底是德国人的种族主义有错还是犹太人有错?

    • 同意: Sunshine
    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  144. Richard B 说:


    Self-Righteousness is always a cover for Self-Loathing.

  145. AaronB 说:
    @Marshall Lentini

    That’s a great point. These people certainly aren’t Nobodies from Nowhere, and I’m not suggesting they are any kind of Buddhist ideal.


    现在旅行的人比以往任何时候都多,并且正在以前所未有的规模进行大规模的朝圣。 也有比以往更多的外籍人士和数字游牧民族等。

    这是一种非同寻常的现象,我常常觉得只是从一个方面来审视。 但是游牧民族的真正兴奋却被忽视了。 根源可能令人窒息和压迫,逃离它们可能是最令人难以置信的解脱。

    To elaborate on the underlying Buddhist theme here, there is an analogous situation with regard to our attitude towards concepts and thoughts. There are many people who feel a need to cling to concepts and ideas. They need to feel “rooted” and secure in concepts, which they take as reality. Otherwise they feel terrified and adrift.

    Daniel Chieh is such a person, and perhaps a majority of people on this site (in the world, most humans are mediocre). But Buddhism suggests that being “rooted” in concepts and ideas is not just illogical and superficial, but that there is an extraordinary freedom and liberation in not clinging to concepts, in recognizing their contingency.

    So “rootlessness”, from anything and everything, from physical place or from mental place, from the Buddhist perspective, is the source of the most exhilarating freedom one could have.

    Which is not to say, of course, that roots don’t have their place, just as concepts are necessary and serve a function for us. The thing is to not take either too seriously – to not reify either. Use concepts to order the world, sure, but realize they don’t really represent reality, which cannot be grasped. Have roots and a sense of place, but don’t idolize them, and appreciate the need for freedom from roots as well or they will become stifling and oppressive.

    In the end, Buddhism is the Middle Way – any time you completely choose one side over another, you are clinging to something that does not exist on its own and so cannot be clung to.

  146. AaronB 说:

    Interesting. I will take a look at it. I’m fascinated by the American Indians in general. Lately I am spending more time in the West and its incredible landscapes, and I find myself more and more thinking about the American Indians.

    Thomas Merton has a great little book of essays on American Indians and the Mayan world as well, topics he doesn’t usually write about.

    I think there is a correlative between spirituality and the Stone Age lifestyle – they almost seem to imply each other, just as logical realism implies the modern world of technology. And Buddhist and Eastern spiritual works recommend essentially a Stone Age lifestyle, hermits and wanderers in the mountains and forests etc.

    在犹太教中,理想的生活也是一种温和的田园或游牧无政府主义,没有国王,每个人都在他的帐篷里或在他的葡萄树下,做他认为正确的事情,与自然和谐相处。 某些犹太节日,如 Succot,试图回忆理想化的石器时代的游牧无庇护生活。


  147. Betty Hung 说:

    Dinh feigns the perceptive abilities of a retarded child. 100% of social media essayists who work for state intelligence play moron in real time for your thoughts and feelings. Missing is the discussion of gender identity problems the young people in the street are facing because of China. Hong Kong has super modern security as a police state. Unless of course you’re Ed Snowden who made a daring escape completely undetected.

    • 哈哈: Daniel Chieh
    • 巨魔: Twodees Partain
    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  148. @Colin Wright

    So do I…at least the few of them I know, I like. The first time I ever saw a white people, I said, “Dad, is that a white people guy?”. Now I see a few of them a month.

  149. @Colin Wright

    “So Japan isn’t in Asia?”

    Of course not. It’s a bunch of islands out in the ocean somewhere. Sheesh.

  150. @Dumbo

    “And the worst, Californians.”

    That’s the real deal breaker for me. The trouble with California is the fucking Californians, and always has been.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  151. @Colin Wright

    Chinese culture is not heavily influenced by the lower middle class, I’ll say. Its pretty messy, but its some mixture of modern attitudes(often Western), classical ideas(typically all called Confucian), and whatever is the latest fad that the CCP is adopting. There’s a lot of “technological optimism.”

  152. PPB 说:


    世界上谁在做这种事情,我为什么有兴趣这样做? 你是怎么把这些读到我贴出来的字里去的? 和不安全的归咎??? 那一个是哪里来的?

    我的意图是为 Linh 辩护——从我的角度来看是公正的——免受批评,这些批评似乎更多地源于某种过去的怨恨,而不是他当前文章的内容。

    因此,这里可能需要少一点灵性和多一点慷慨的精神。 前者,就其最真实的意义而言,很少因为小论战服务而得到加强。

    • 回复: @AaronB
  153. @AaronB

    You’ll be much closer to the Stone Age if you gave away all of your material possessions to Mr. Karlin.

    • 回复: @AaronB
  154. AaronB 说:
    @Daniel Chieh

    If that were true, I’d gladly do it.

    But I would just become a destitute homeless person in a modern technological civilization – which, while it may have an underappreciated appeal (there is an interesting article about street kids in San Francisco who love the life), isn’t quite living a Stone Age lifestyle.

    All of society needs to participate. What say you and I form the nucleus of this new movement….

  155. AaronB 说:


    但在这里工作的不仅仅是对 Linh 的小怨恨。

    他的人生态度,他的玄学,在我看来特别小气、心胸狭隘、没有幽默感,特别缺乏欢乐、视野和胸襟。 他对犹太人的仇恨只是一个预期的必然结果。

    Here is someone who is writing about the side of life Henry Miller did – yet with how much more gusto and joie de vivre did Miller write about these things! How much joy, generosity, and sense of beauty in the seedy and ugly!

    So I guess you can say I am peculiarly offended by Linh – he takes precisely the wrong approach, the pathetic approach. Miller can make a pigsty seem full of vigor and fascination – Linh makes Japan seem depressing and dull.


    That being said, Linh wrote essay after essay against Jews, but no complaint from you – but you imagine I have a grudge against him on this score, and only this bothers you.


    Finally, I agree I should be generous spirited, but how to convey that the ugly underseam of life can be beautiful, without making clear Linh’s depressing attitude is rather pathetic?

    • 回复: @PPB
    , @Jeff Stryker
  156. @AaronB

    Don’t hesitate, action is of the essence. Embrace the fluidity of change. You too can find cheer and joy among the modern day scavengers of derelict and ruin. Leave the material to the dull and foolish like Karlin and myself.

  157. PPB 说:

    “话虽如此,Linh 写了一篇又一篇反对犹太人的文章,但你没有抱怨。”

    虽然我与犹太人的互动、交往和友谊总体上是积极的,在最好的情况下远不止于此,我没有任何关于抽象或作为集体的犹太人的问题或议程,比我做的更多将任何一个大群体作为一个整体来看,其中的一些成员不可避免地会比其他人在他们的群体身份上更加沙文主义。 因此,我宁愿置身于关于“犹太人问题”的有争议的对话之外,其中最重要的原因是我真的没有任何可以代表一方或另一方发言的内容,甚至从更平衡的角度来看。 我也不喜欢对我可能不同意的每一条评论或态度表示异议,Linh 的或任何其他人的。 个人有权为自己说话,无论多么清晰和令人信服,或者多么愚蠢。 所以虽然我偶尔会被发现在花生画廊狙击,但我不想浪费我的弹药。

    “有人在写亨利·米勒 (Henry Miller) 生活的另一面——但米勒 (Miller) 对这些事情写得更热情、更快乐! 在肮脏和丑陋的事物中,有多少快乐、慷慨和美感!”

    虽然我欣赏米勒的写作、精神和风格——尤其是在我年轻的时候,当我仍然是这种写作自然会吸引的冒险探索者时,它甚至有时让我觉得有点强迫,就像涉及对并不总是自然呈现的能量和角色的刻意适应。 另一方面,我怀疑很少有人去看克林特·伊斯特伍德西部片,期待克林特扮演克林特以外的任何人。 所以我对米勒做同样的事情没有意见。 尽管我必须补充一点,我发现 Linh 的这件最新作品充满魅力地肯定了生活。 也许你必须在字里行间阅读才能理解其中的一部分,或者欣赏东亚天才的省略号,而米勒对生活的肯定更为明显,就像在啤酒酒吧吃一顿丰盛的饭。 重要的是,我有足够的空间来处理这两种方法。

  158. Stonehands 说:

    You can also unpack the history of civilization and the erasure of the hunter- gatherers in Daniel Quinn’s gem 伊斯梅尔。 What we call civilization is not, as most of us have been trained to believe, an evolutionary pinnacle at the tip of a human-advancement graph with our club-wielding antecedents at one end and machine-human-hybridism at the other. Rather, it is a single, unsustainable lifestyle that in ten thousand years metastasized over the earth, erasing from memory other forms of life in its path. And this slavery-dependent, earth-destroying civilization is doomed to collapse.

    I am familiar with Gods admonition to the Hebrews through the aging prophet Samuel, (The Hebrews didn’t trust that God would act through Samuels sons-who didn’t walk in his ways) when they petitioned him to appoint a King, “ just like the other nations. “
    God warns them of the tax burden they will be saddled with, military conscription, their women being enticed and enslaved to become confectioners, bakers, and perfumers for the King.
    Prior to this we have the book of judges, and as you have noted, a pastoral anarchic life, each man under his own vine and fig tree.

    This theme repeats among indigenous people worldwide. In Hinduism, the Sannyasa stage of life, the retreat to the forest, the toning down of desire, status, and attachment. ( This theme is developed for the Western mind through Ernst Jungers the “Forest Dweller”) There is also the earlier initiation of this stage of life- and the stilling of sexual desire-among the Brahmacharya.

    The creation myth, our culture, and our gods, are a story ( game) that we enact in concordance with the rest of The Community of Life.

    Agriculture- ( and the teeming well-armed cities that are based on it)is the consequence of eating from the tree of Good and Evil (and “imagining” that we have the power to decide who lives and who dies) and the subsequent ejection/fall from the Garden ( where God bore the burden of this knowledge) and the pastoral life-has indeed left nature conquered and bloodied at our feet.

  159. PPB 说:

    有时我想知道,在模糊感知和潜意识神话化的“过去”中暗示更纯粹或更完整的存在方式的早期怀旧是否有时不会使我们贬低文明发展的某些祝福,好像后者是仅仅是某种宇宙错误或明确的人类失败。 这并不是要忽视这种发展的负面后果和它经常采取的错误切线,而是指出一种可能导致将婴儿和洗澡水一起倒掉的情感偏见,好像我们不得不要么吞下整个后任何文明的辣酱玉米饼馅,或者完全放弃它,当一点洞察力和分寸感可能会带来更充实和服务于人类的平衡时。 还有什么能比让人类在最旺盛的岁月里充实地生活和探索生活的文化基础更自然地淡化晚年的欲望,逐渐提炼已经生活和经历的一切?

  160. @AaronB

    There is a difference between an expat running a business in Hong Kong or Philippines and a “crusty punk” (As they were referred to in the late nineties when I was young) who begs for change outside stores so he can do heroin.

    I knew a crusty punk-an awful one-in my twenties when I lived in Phoenix. He was a friend of my roommate Mike, himself a NOFX-loving beer-swilling punk. This punk was banned from donating blood for money after becoming convinced the plasma worker was hitting on him and assaulting him right in the office. He was incredibly anti-social and violent and we actually kicked Mike out simply so that his crusty friends would not drop by our apartment.

    Crusty punks are another American specimen I was glad to get away from by moving overseas.

    You cannot compare expats-all of whom are educated and intelligent enough to make a living and adapt overseas-to useless American dropouts who glom change for heroin or cheap liquor outside convenience stores in the US.

    Most people from the lower classes and working classes would not and cannot travel overseas. They don’t have the money for a plane ticket because they always have child support payments to make, or are marginally employed, or on probation or parole. Or they are too drunk or have drug addictions to support.

    Expats are not the same. Expats build new lives somewhere else.

    As a young man on the margins of US society myself for a short period of time after college and before fleeing to Dubai, I knew “crusty punks” and other US dropouts. Believe me, none of them would last five minutes overseas.

    They are too poorly socialized, too uneducated, too dependent upon substances, too possessed of a bad attitude…

    Remember, I know of what I speak. I intentionally left America to get away from these sorts of people. As an adult in lower middle class circumstances in Phoenix Arizona (Though not Michigan, which was too cold for crusty punks) you ran into crusty punks a great deal. Some were heroin addicts but most were just sullen potentially violent drunks.

  161. @stevecel

    ‘Asiatics, Chinese in particular, are too obsessed with food. Food explains much of their history. Until they get past that they will never amount to anything and be continually beaten down.’

    All this suggests is that you come from a people that can’t cook. Scots? Jewish?

  162. @Rev. Spooner

    ‘… I read about Germany in the 1920’s and the havoc caused by the Jews there…’

    一直对那个话题感兴趣。任何 可信的 时期的来源?

  163. @AaronB

    ‘… In the end, Buddhism is the Middle Way – any time you completely choose one side over another, you are clinging to something that does not exist on its own and so cannot be clung to.’

    Aaron’s back to ‘Buddhism’ again. He always seems to revert to this after he trots ‘Jewish supremacist Aaron’ out and gets a bloody nose.

    Go ahead. Poke your muzzle out again. Maybe no one will be watching. Damn, I love smacking that snout…

  164. @AaronB

    Actually, it is unusual for an Asian-American to harbor antipathy towards Jews.

    In some ways, both are similar. Jews and Asians are both primarily urban and cluster in cities on the East Coast and West Coast axis. Jews and Asians are usually intelligent in IQ on average. Jews and Asians tend to be educated and white collar. Jews and Asians are usually middle-class and often high earners. Jews and Asians are both accused of being cunning and underhanded. Jews and Asians have both been unpopular as store owners and landlords in the black ghetto.

    Asians and Jews both have low indexes of commonplace social pathology. Out-of-wedlock birthrates, street crime, family dysfunction, drug addiction, homelessness are generally low for both groups.

    You get out of expat life what you put into it. Personally, all I care about is not having to witness chimpouts on buses by 300 pounders on the way to work. That won’t happen in Asia. Another Cholo Mestizo gang member won’t be menacing me in Asia. I won’t share an apartment with some beer-drunk whose friends are “crusty punks”. Gone are the swaggering hillbillies I met in Southeast Michigan. Gone are the meth-addled homeless who would follow me and hassle me.

    If all you wish is to get away from these people, then living overseas is a paradise for a lower middle class white American male.

    I’ve known many white Americans on disability pensions in Philippines. So why live in a trailer or bad apartment in the frigid Midwest when the currency exchange allows you to live in a nice bungalow in Philippines? The weather is nicer, you are not living in complete squalor etc.

    But Mr. Linh’s expectations were clearly higher. Having won the PEW Award, he was poised to be the next great literary voice of Asian-America-sort of an authorial love child of Amy Tan and Bob Seger.

  165. @AaronB

    ‘Interesting. I will take a look at it. I’m fascinated by the American Indians in general. Lately I am spending more time in the West and its incredible landscapes, and I find myself more and more thinking about the American Indians…’


    There I was, thinking, ‘who is this idiot?’

    …and I looked up at the name. Should I get you a wind catcher for Christmas, you pathetic jerk-off?

  166. denk 说:

    Whiteys 不断地告诉我们他们的 jp女神, the only Asians resembling human beings, in fact, the only Asians worthy of the ‘尊敬的怀特 作用。

    然而whiteys就是不能 留下吧。...
    抢劫 jp 土地并玷污他们的女人。


    ‘ the islanders have had enough. “The soldiers get drunk and crash their cars. There are four accidents a day; two rapes a month. Almost every person on Okinawa has a family member who has been assaulted. Then the soldiers go off to kill poor people in Iraq and Afghanistan. It makes my blood boil.”


    ‘U.S. retreat not soon enough how much of the world’s population longs to see such a sight in their homeland


  167. @Twodees Partain

    ‘“And the worst, Californians.”

    That’s the real deal breaker for me. The trouble with California is the fucking Californians, and always has been.’

    其实我们挺好的受过教育,作为一项规则,但不做作。 几乎没有阶级。 相对容易接受其他种族的人。

    然而,我们早已离去。 您可能还指的是成吉思汗消灭的某些种族。

    • 同意: Pincher Martin
  168. denk 说:

    Rubio, Pompeo, BOlton, Trump, Pence, Bannon, Pelsoi,…….
    YIKES !
    所有的 沼泽的东西 in the Washington 狗屎洞 have ‘shown solidarity’ to their ‘HK freedom fighters’.
    HIllary [we come, we see, he dies] Clinton of course isnt gonna left behind.

    when The hapless OKinawans , after exhausting all available means without success, wrote a letter appealing to mdm 陪葬者 Clinton’s ‘conscience’ [cough cough] the bitch didnt even bother to reply.
    根据一个 leaked doc, the bitch dumped the letter straight into the basket without opening.


    As if we need more proof of [[[五位骗子]]] hypocrisy.

  169. @AaronB

    ‘… But I would just become a destitute homeless person in a modern technological civilization – which, while it may have an underappreciated appeal…’


    It’s a really good idea. Trust me.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  170. @Colin Wright

    In my opinion, that is Mestizos. Wherever there are Mexicans, a Banana Republic life-is-cheap drug-gangs-are-everywhere machismo-is-everything tinpot dictatorship cloud rolls in.

    Californian whites never had a chance. Mexicans moving North into the East Coast were up against deeply-entrenched competing white ethnic cartels like the Irish, Italians, Jews, Slavs. The Sicilian mafia held their gangs in check (Though now that RICO has put them away MS-13 is roaming Long Island with machetes) and controlled the drug trade leaving small-time Latino gangs no economy to stand on. Polish, Jews, Italians, Russians, Germans like Frederick Trump could all agree to speak English.

    And most importantly, the East Coast had an insurmountable class system. These were all discouraging to Mexicans.

    But California, as you say, is classless and egalitarian. So the whites did not stand a chance.

    Also, it has a contiguous boundary with Mexico.

  171. @denk

    我同意登克。 让日本自己跑。 问题是,你们其余的亚洲人担心日本人会再次变得军国主义(他们可能会)并像他们在南京所做的那样横冲直撞(他们可能会这样做)。


    在我看来,维持日本治安应该是你的工作。 意思是中国、韩国、新加坡。

    • 回复: @denk
    , @Daniel Chieh
  172. @Colin Wright

    其实我们挺好的受过教育,作为一项规则,但不做作。 几乎没有阶级。 相对容易接受其他种族的人。

    我的家人都是多代加州白人。 该州曾经是一个宜居的地方,保守派在这里有很强的发言权。 该州是紫色的,但在某些情况下保守派可能会获胜。 这是里根和尼克松的家。 与身份政治相比,民主党人通常更担心工人的福利和建设伟大的基础设施。

  173. denk 说:


    '我钦佩那些 非暴力 一周又一周走上街头为自由和民主而战的抗议者”




    见鬼,他们穿得像个 一批荣誉!



    • 回复: @Stonehands
  174. PPB 说:
    @Colin Wright

    “其实,我们相处得很好。 受过教育,作为一项规则,但不做作。 几乎没有阶级。 相对容易接受其他种族的人。”

    是的——很好的表征。 那些日子在加利福尼亚生活是值得欣赏和感激的。


    这是一个起伏但渐进的(无意讽刺)下滑,有几个缓刑,不出所料地恰逢经济衰退,这至少有利于驱散一群地毯包和释放交通。 在过去十年或更长时间内离开该州的我们中很少有人对此感到遗憾,尽管 CA 仍然有一些美丽的广阔土地,相对未受到整体文化/政治/公民衰退的影响。

  175. Jason Liu 说:

    普选是绝对不能接受的,政府在任何情况下都不应该给予普选。 我宁愿在香港穿解放军靴子,也不愿完全民主。 另一方面,如果香港只是想要文化和地区的同质化,保留粤语,减少大陆移民,那是完全可行的。 但他们需要放弃这种亲吻自由民主的狗屁行为。

    • 同意: dfordoom
    • 回复: @denk
  176. @Colin Wright



    正如我所提到的,一个人在康涅狄格州的一个冬天死气沉沉的冬天检查了一个无家可归的设施,当他躺在他的小床上时,一个巨大的黑色疯子在他的头上自慰。 另一个人在公园里呆了一会儿,只是告诉我,我也不知道大多数中产阶级的人在美国任何一个城市晚上当野生动物出来时会发生什么。

    菲律宾的许多外籍人士在美国将无家可归。 他们的社会保障支票不足以支付食物和租金。

    虽然我在美国从来没有无家可归或完全赤贫,但我在凤凰城的贫困线附近足以遇到最糟糕的城市白人下层阶级,其中许多人都很可怕。 一个知道我是破败公寓大楼里为数不多的受雇的、受过大学教育的白人之一的毒贩每天都会跟着我到公交车站要钱。 他没有打我,只是因为我是一个肌肉发达,但又矮又深的马克沃尔伯格型德国人,25 岁​​时二头肌有 18 英寸。

    两个 Cholo Mestizos——两个兄弟——会从我在 Tempe 的低租金公寓大楼旁边的 Guadalupe barrio 出来,无缘无故地攻击中产阶级的盎格鲁人。 他们属于当时在坦佩街道上的一个混血帮派“布朗骄傲”。


    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
  177. denk 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    分而治之 头骨术。

    大叔骗局的那一刻, 专业纵火犯离开亚洲,东部战线不会有战争。

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  178. @denk

    李光耀不这么认为。 作为华裔新加坡人,你应该知道这一点。

    • 回复: @denk
  179. Anonymous[112]• 免责声明 说:

    果然有アメリカ反対! 人群,但很多日本人喜欢美国,就像很多美国人喜欢日本一样。 许多日本人喜欢美国武装部队。

    • 回复: @denk
  180. Anon[123]• 免责声明 说:


    “这些变化都与英国殖民主义无关,发生在英国人离开之后。 关键是前殖民国家发生了更大的变化。 我从未去过印度,但在我看来,它仍然几乎是印度人,并没有吸引多少移民。”


    我只是说印度自独立以来发生了变化,变得不再那么印度了,这与本文作者希望我们相信的相反。 例如,在英属印度期间,印度的基督教化程度要小得多,当时英国经常阻止传教士活动。 像克什米尔、喀拉拉邦或西孟加拉邦这样的印度国家在很大程度上都已经伊斯兰化,只有原始印度文化的痕迹,更不用说该国的西部和东部地区(现在称为巴基斯坦和孟加拉国)。 印度也吸引了来自孟加拉国的大量非法移民,如果将印度与其他贫困水平相似的国家进行比较,合法移民也很大。

  181. @AaronB

    事实上,我几乎完全同意你的看法,尽管更多的是对意识形态和佛教意义上的“概念”的依恋,而不是地方; 尽管在我自己的生活中,我或多或少地在地理上不情愿地无根,并且在我为某事放弃一件事的冲动中“扎根”,如果不是别的的话。


    我现在比从孩提时代起就更扎根于某个地方,甚至有相当不错的机会来改善事物,而且我发现很难适应。 我脑子里的压力似乎每天都在增加,只是知道就是这样,我在这里,现在不能去任何地方。 我知道我已经习惯了移动, 准备逃跑,但我并没有完全理解它的深度。

    所以我的生活也是这种现象的例证。 有一天读到我祖父的讣告,其中间接报道了他的餐厅因我们现在所说的“多元化”而关闭,我意识到自己是如何在知道它有名字之前很久就成为受害者的。

    虽然我通过尼采对形而上学的驳斥而“没有概念”,但我当然承认佛教的一致性,尤其是小乘。 当然还有来自印度的更极端的 Cārvāka 学派,它更符合 Sextus Empiricus 和 Carnap。

    至于更多的人旅行和现代“游牧”的普遍事实,这是一个迟早会随着现代文明本身而破裂的泡沫。 这当然不适用于从辐射区北部迁徙而来的非白人移民。 看不到尽头,而且情况可能会变得更糟。

    无论如何,我不确定 Unz 的评论是进行此类讨论的最佳场所。 我猜你是犹太人,所以你在这里说的任何话都会被贴上撒旦的误导标签。

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  182. Stonehands 说:

    我们不需要无耻 批次。

    • 回复: @denk
  183. @Jeff Stryker

    是的。 这是一部不同于其他任何国家的恐怖剧。

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  184. @AaronB



    卡尔顿·库恩—— 狩猎民族
    柯克帕特里克销售 – 伊甸园之后


    后者有点异想天开,但它为直立人作为一种前语言但与环境保持平衡的精神物种提出了令人信服的论据,如戈尔丁的 继承人。 当我读到它时几乎哭了,一个冬天在我的驯鹿几乎无家可归,困扰着蒂姆霍顿的清晨取暖。

    我可能不需要告诉你,但 YouTube 上的“原始技术”很棒。

  185. Dumbo 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Jim Goad 对此没有什么好写的(而且他似乎也不喜欢意大利裔美国人)。



    我在 2000 年代初访问过那里,在我看来它并没有多少复兴,或者我可能去错了社区。 Linh 过去住在哪里? 我想我去过那里。

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  186. Anonymous[343]• 免责声明 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Aaron 完全不诚实。 他只是以他能想到的任何方式攻击 Linh Dinh,他这样做是因为 Dinh 批评犹太人和以色列。

    哦是 为什么呢?

    你需要意识到这个人是多么绝对和完全不诚实。 只有当你这样做时,他写的东西和他为什么写它才会变得容易理解。

    这似乎是犹太人的事情。 他们对真理的理想似乎与我们不同。 我们的目标是客观,他们的目标是“什么对犹太人有好处?”

  187. @Marshall Lentini

    我在印度遇到过无家可归的人,他们可以从树上摘水果过日子。 但是你的普通白人最终在美国任何地方的街道上都无家可归……他很糟糕。

    印度和菲律宾有数百万人无家可归,但很少有人被强奸。 而在美国任何一个城市无家可归的白人妇女迟早都会被黑人强奸。 有时无家可归的男性会被强奸。 哎呀,理查德斯佩克是一个丑陋的白人连环杀手,他在监狱里被黑人反复强奸。

    此外,第三世界国家的当局正在接受无家可归者,因为他们占人口的很大一部分。 整个印度种姓无家可归。

    在美国,如果您无家可归并试图从美国城市搬到农村地区,在那里可能更安全,当地警察会给您提供 Rambo 得到的老警长 Teasle 待遇。 免费乘车出城和“我们不想要流浪汉”的演讲。 此外,农村地区没有施粥所或庇护所。 这意味着如果你突然无家可归,你就会被困在美国城市最糟糕的地方。

    美国是一个比澳大利亚或西欧更穷的地方。 资本主义在美国更为原始。 更多的人更有可能在美国无家可归。

    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
  188. denk 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    LKY 担心 jp 重新军事化是正确的。
    jp 当时亚洲的军事/经济大国。

    FFW 2019。
    除非得到美国领导的QUAD支持,否则东京不敢与中国重赛 拥有.

    IOW,亚洲没有美国更安全,一个臭名昭著的 狗屎搅拌器/



  189. denk 说:



    • 回复: @Stonehands
  190. @Dumbo


    直到我成为贫困线的成年人,我才真正意识到下层阶级的生活,这主要是戈德对自己的描述。 他们有年轻而贫穷的孩子,然后虐待他们。 他们的孩子,比如 Goad,在很小的时候就开始吸毒。 Goad 花了多年的时间做各种事情,从 PCP 到可卡因再到酸,一路上有很多糟糕的经历。

    是的,好吧,当我 XNUMX 多岁的时候住在一个糟糕的地区,我每天至少被提供两次冰毒和冰毒。 但我没有成为瘾君子,而是登上了飞往迪拜的飞机,并尽快成为了生活中的外籍人士。

    留在海外是一项艰苦的工作,一份合同的生活。 你必须非常想远离黑人、墨西哥人和白人垃圾。 但有意愿的地方就有方法。

    你不必像 Goad 那样,在人生的黄金时期滥用你能接触到的每一种药物(大多数人在大学里就放弃了药物实验)并在你的日常生活中殴打你的女性伴侣。

    你可以直接离开美国。 我做到了。 那么警察不拥有你,法院不拥有你,黑人和白人垃圾和墨西哥人不会威胁你......你是自由的。

    我本可以做出糟糕的选择。 我本可以在凤凰城接受免费提供的海洛因或冰毒。 我每天都被提供。 我可能会陷入糟糕的人际关系。

    菲律宾的许多外国人本可以留在美国,无家可归或离他们很近。 相反,他们上了飞机。 在宿雾一个月六百美元是一笔不小的钱——你可以住在海滩上漂亮干净的平房里,有一个有吸引力的性伴侣,拥有一辆摩托车,吃得好。


    对不起,但我对那些一生都在令人不满意的情况下并像吉姆·戈德那样抱怨的人没有太大的耐心。 滚开你的屁股离开。 我做到了。

    自从搬到海外后,我对 Cholos 或拖车垃圾或在美国城市地狱中让我如此厌恶的黑人没有任何问题。 我再也没有遇到像 Goad 袭击的糟糕的贫民窟的问题(在亚利桑那州,我发现我的房东试图打破水槽,这样我就会失去我的保证金)。 当我到达迪拜时,海洛因成瘾者、毒贩和疯子都消失了。

    你可以选择直接离开。 我做到了。 就我个人而言,我在亚洲比 Linh 看起来要快乐得多。 细节对我来说真的不重要。

    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
  191. @Jeff Stryker

    这可能会不可避免地发生,特别是如果中国恢复到卓越的地位。 这就是它在 1800 年代之前的工作方式。

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  192. @Curmudgeon

    我要补充的是,Cherry 的波士顿队输给了由 Scotty Bowman 执教的强大的蒙特利尔队。




  193. denk 说:

    这不是“爱”你的 jp 女神的方法!

    ' 冲绳的一名学校老师最近的一项调查发现,他的高中女学生中有三分之一遭到美军士兵的性骚扰,违反了 美国基地军官经常被斥为调情,因为男孩子就是男孩子“。


    至于日本人对 murikkans 的热爱……
    曾听说过 Stockholm综合征 ?
    那是一种 变态.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  194. @Daniel Chieh

    平心而论,李光耀是日本战俘。 我不怪他的忧虑。

    到这种情况发生时,美国作为超级大国将早已不复存在。 一些“帕尔多”三种族将进入白宫,萨尔瓦多卡特尔将从五角大楼出售海洛因。 美国正在迅速滑入恶劣天气的巴西。 甚至以色列也将陷入困境,因为不再出生纳税的生产性工作公民。


    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  195. @Jeff Stryker

    我曾经在奥斯汀看到一个老黑人从树上摇下一些核桃。 由于它的稀有性,它一直留在我的记忆中。

  196. @Jeff Stryker


    我最近在波兰工作后回去整理一些东西。 再也不。

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  197. @Marshall Lentini

    '...无论如何,我不确定 Unz 的评论是否是进行此类讨论的最佳场所。 我猜你是犹太人,所以你在这里说的任何话都会被贴上撒旦的误导标签。

    如果亚伦 撒旦,我们都可以放松一下了。

    • 哈哈: Biff
  198. @denk

    '然而,whiteys 就是不能独自离开。......



    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @denk
  199. @Colin Wright

    最著名的 GI 在日本横冲直撞的案例涉及一名尼日利亚人,他在美国军队中服役以获得绿卡。

    白人强奸是罕见的。 他们发生了。 杰弗里·达默 (Jeffrey Dahmer) 是德国化学家和挪威裔美国妇女的儿子,在德国强奸了几名 GI 同事。 但是被白人警察强奸的情况很少见。

    但白人强奸犯往往表现出强迫性的手淫仪式幻想。 他们倾向于在服兵役后的平民生活中这样做。 Gary Ridgeway、David Berkowitz、Jeffrey Dahmer 都有普通的服役记录。 军事强奸通常是“肇事逃逸”。 一方面,有宵禁。 黑人强奸只是一种突如其来的冲动犯罪,其动机是想要渗透其他种族的女性。 没有驱动杰弗里达默的心理因素。

  200. @denk

    “至于日本人对 murikkans 的热爱……

    我认为日本人在某些深层次上可能仍在努力接受这样一个事实: ,那恭喜你, 世界上不是日本人的人。

    当然,所有国籍都有处理“他们”和“我们”之间差距的方法。 美国人倾向于假设,只要他们能做到,每个人都会成为美国人——而且在我们的慷慨之下,我们通常会尝试帮助他们在亚洲开设第一个软冰淇淋摊,等等。不成功——但这往往是我们的方法。 德国人似乎认为每个人都在努力成为德国人并且失败得很厉害,法国人认为每个人都在欣赏他们是理所当然的。

    等等。但日本人可能还没有找到一种可以让外国人融入的范式。 我听过的一个故事是,在第二次世界大战中,普通的日本士兵根本无法理解与他们打交道的人不会说日语。 认为存在另一种语言这种东西的想法是他们以前从未遇到过的。

    ……从那以后,他们可能还没有取得太大进展。 外国人在日本还是非常少见的。 2015 年,我和妻子在九州待了一个星期,然后我们又见到了另一个西方人。

    • 同意: Marshall Lentini
  201. Dumbo 说:


    嗯? ......也许他是一个疯狂的恋足癖精神病患者的事实? 黑人强奸犯通常更喜欢女性,并且并不总是在之后杀死她们。 现在,美国军队中的异性强奸白人可能很少见。 但它们可能存在。

  202. @Marshall Lentini

    “我最近在波兰工作后回去整理一些东西。 再也不。'

    嗯,承租人。 总的来说,我花了一年时间在海外旅行,去过二十七个国家,但总体上更喜欢美国,所以也许我是一个很好的选择来扮演恶魔的代言人。 让我总结一下美国仍然具有的优势。


    友好、乐于助人、诚实的人 谁说英语。 当然,您必须谨慎选择您所在的地区。

    不拥挤。 世界其他地方到处都是游客……这里还不错。

    枪。 你可以有枪。 枪不错。

    你可以到处钓鱼和打猎。 美国的默认设置是,如果有水体,您可以尝试捕捉其中的鱼。 我仍然无法理解这样一个事实,比如在英国,情况并非如此。 你是什​​么意思我不能钓到那条鳟鱼? 这是荒谬的…




    少盲目崇拜 认知度. 欧洲人永远不会选举特朗普。 对他们来说更糟。 在这里,甚至没有人听喋喋不休的课程。 无论是好是坏,它都是最完整意义上的民主。

    言论自由。 好的,这在下降——但在美国仍然假设你 应该 能够说任何你想说的。 其他地方根本不是这种情况。

    夏威夷。 夏威夷是美国的一部分 - 并配备了所有便利设施。 如果您住在那里或犯了去瓦胡岛的错误,这些缺点将会由您承担,否则……

    荒谬的。 始终为 75 度,美丽温暖的热带海洋,价格合理的露营地和租车。 连蛇都没有,看在克里斯的份上。 你还能想要什么?

    我看过加那利群岛的照片。 像夏威夷一样,但人多,贵一倍,而且 毒蛇。 我们有夏威夷。 你好烂。

    美国有很多缺点,当然……不需要清单。 我不否认。 只是它并不都是负面的。

    • 回复: @Stonehands
    , @Jeff Stryker
    , @Biff
  203. Stonehands 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    嘿杰夫,我是意大利裔美国人; 我的妻子和继子来自重庆。 我也有一个来自前一段婚姻的成年女儿,这是一个有约束力的严重领带; 并让我找到了一种更好、更实惠的方式在这里茁壮成长。
    我去过中国,你说的亚洲公共行为的温和和礼貌都是真的,但是,通过我们的信仰和“互联网的力量”,我能够获得完全的财产所有权和无债长租业务。 你当然必须有一定的“好垃圾”倾向才能成为这里的居民,但我认为这是我的娱乐!

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  204. Stonehands 说:
    @Colin Wright

    在费城的中心,我可以走几个街区,在特拉华州放下霍普金斯大学的插头,在我们出色的春季跑步期间每天钓 2 条 20 – 26 英寸的条纹鲈鱼。 您还可以驱车 1 小时出城,前往阿米什乡村,细细品味实际的另类生活方式。
    我们每个州都与大多数其他国家一样大,使任何方向的“公路旅行”成为一种乐趣。 沿着也许是 Skyline Drive 微风,在阿巴拉契亚小径上露营。 我可以继续下去。

  205. '你陈述了一些不寻常和有先见之明的优势。
    在费城的中心,我可以走几个街区,在特拉华州放一个霍普金斯插头,在我们出色的春季跑步期间每天钓 2 条 20 – 26 英寸的条纹鲈鱼……”

    我仍然需要抓住一个像样的脱衣舞娘。 那个,我的第一只鹿,一个自由的巴勒斯坦,我可以快乐地死去。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  206. @Colin Wright

    我会列出它们。 我是美国侨民。 诚然,我自己 XNUMX 岁出头是一段非常不快乐的时光,我很高兴搬到迪拜。 我自己对美国的看法被我自己的经历所笼罩。

    ....确实,美国的部分地区并非不拥挤。 这些地方没有真正体面的公共交通工具,您需要一辆车。 欧洲和大多数其他国家/地区都有公共交通工具,但在美国,您必须拥有一辆车。

    ……枪。 嗯,是。 但是隐藏携带许可证很难获得,而且麻烦通常发生在街上。 在欧洲,当然在亚洲,你可以在家里放一把枪。 但是在您家中需要枪支的可能性比在街上的可能性要小。

    …西班牙的部分地区完全不拥挤。 他们在那里拍摄了克林特·伊斯特伍德的意大利西部片。 美国城市很拥挤。 或者有时不是,因为像底特律这样的许多人现在半途而废。 纽约市很拥挤。

    …您可以在亚洲钓鱼和打猎。 我一直在用鱼叉捕鱼。 当我访问英国时,我在威尔士钓鱼。 如果您痴迷于投篮 XNUMX 分,那么就没有什么可打的了。 我的家人在北密歇根州北部有一栋小屋,我祖父在那里杀死了一只驼鹿。 但是北密歇根州的经济非常糟糕。 在美国农村的大部分地区,经济都很糟糕。 没钱创业。

    ……在美国,人们不崇拜行家。 他们崇拜那些对任何事情都一无所知的混蛋名人。 以卡戴珊姐妹为例。 Lady Gaga。 阿姆。 欧洲不那么民主吗? 当然,在西欧,穷人的境况更好,可以接受免费教育。

    ……在英国不能钓鱼? 那是不真实的。 我不会在底特律甚至我长大的安娜堡钓鱼。 你在密歇根东南部吃一条鲶鱼,你可能会死。 当然,北密歇根不同。 我小时候在那里钓到过鲈鱼、蓝鳃鱼,甚至是鲈鱼。 但是,嗯,没有人有工作。

    …言论自由? 嗯,我可以在亚洲说任何我想说的,而且经常这样做。 当然不是关于他们。 一个人在美国有什么言论自由? 如果一个同性恋同事打你,而你称他为“同性恋”,你可能会被解雇。

    餐厅的免费水? 是的,这弥补了美国城市或郊区公立学校的危险和暴力程度。 当然,如果您的学校有一个 4-H 俱乐部,那么这不是什么大问题。

    美国哪些地区是温暖的? 我在密歇根东南部长大,相比之下,西欧的冬天比较温和。 当然,如果您住在佛罗里达群岛,情况并非如此。 然而,温暖州的问题在于他们有太多的拉丁裔。 我在凤凰城度过了一年,冬天很温和,但那里的混血儿特别糟糕。 温暖的州主要是 Cholo Mestizo。 哪里有混血儿,哪里就有帮派。 我不小心穿越了凤凰城的“布朗骄傲”的道路。 看,这就是黑人和西班牙裔之间的区别。 黑人是有分区的。 混血帮派出现在最奇怪的地方。 如果你付钱给我,我就不会住在边境州。 而这些是最温暖的。

    美国有夏威夷? 好的,是的。 欧洲没有夏威夷。 这就是为什么美国白人是白人——我假设你自己也是白人。

    当然,我对美国的看法与你不同。 我是一名来自后工业时代的密歇根州铁锈带的白人中产阶级,在亚利桑那州生活在接近贫困线的一段时间。 我与各种肤色的罪犯有过不愉快的经历,但我遇到的 Brown Pride 帮派成员是最致命的。 我知道一些严重的城市白人下层白人垃圾。 我没有去迪拜特别想念它。 我没有错过公共巴士上的黑猩猩。 我没有错过在公共汽车站换钱的黑人暴徒的威胁气氛。 我没有错过持续提供的快克、海洛因。 我并没有错过那些在冰毒上连线的白色调整者。 事实上,我没有错过种族暴力的威胁,这在美国需要更多的外交才能避免,而不是我在海外开展业务所需的外交。 我认识一些白人女孩,她们的生活在他们飘入黑人暴徒的轨道时被毁了。

    现在不要误会我的意思。 住在爱达荷州中产阶级郊区的人没有这些问题。 如果您的孩子去有 4-H 俱乐部的公立学校,那么走廊很可能不会充斥着帮派或毒品。 美国的城市和农村体验非常不同。

  207. denk 说:
    @Colin Wright




    这立即被他们称呼他们的方式所掩盖......日本鬼子 !
    japs, chinks, gooks, ragheads ...!
    它拼写 鄙视 !

    美国在世界各地有大约 200 个基地,但只有在日本,我们才听说过所有这些袭击、虐待、连环强奸和混乱!

    伊恩弗莱明的概率定律说这一定是 敌人的行动。 !

    murkkans 将这些 yahoos 运送到 jp..

    使用 jp 作为社会不适应者的倾销场大肆谈论白人' 的 jp 女神 。

  208. @Stonehands

    我对费城的唯一了解来自汤姆·斯凯里特 (Tom Skerrit) 的那部老电影《反击》,在那里他扮演了成为义警的意大利熟食店老板。 我没在城里待过。

    我只从在密歇根州东南部长大的人的角度说话。 我想念的地方很少。 经济不景气,实际上我在海外的工作比我在密歇根的工作要好。 那里没有人有钱。

    只需少量资金,您就可以在亚洲开展业务。 我认识一些美国人,他们晚年在东南亚做得很好。


    但是,未来的外籍人士应该注意。 45 岁时,我在美国从未拥有过任何东西。 我无家可归。 我在美国没有妻子或孩子。 我在亚洲存钱。 成年人所做的一切——买房子、创业、结婚、生孩子——我在海外做过。 我 25 年离开时只有 1999 岁。

    所以积极的一面是我错过了严峻的布什时代。 我没有经历过 9-11 的偏执(我在迪拜,但从未感到偏执)。 我避免了大萧条,这并没有影响我在迪拜的工作。 我搬到了东南亚,再也没有经历过寒冷的冬天。

    但是在国外度过了一生之后,我在美国几乎没有。 当有机会移居海外时,我没有回头。 但是避免离婚强奸、乡下人、黑人暴徒、Cholo Mestizos、税收、财产价值下降等的缺点是,我在美国的收入为零。

    • 回复: @Stonehands
  209. 我可以重复甚至放大杰夫,因为我年纪大了,在底层有更多的经验,但我会坚持你的观点。


    不是我的人不能拥有枪支,所以就这样了; 并不是说我什至想与 groids 或 cholos 进行枪战,这几乎就是如此。 从来没有想过“包白尾”。 此外,我从未有过购买枪支的可支配收入。

    钓鱼很棒,希望我能做得更多,但在执照、装备、去那里需要的卡车或车辆等之间,它相当昂贵。 虽然不像在美国那样容易完成,但我现在所在的地方有更多的钓鱼机会。

    免费自来水无疑是一种不错的选择,因为我讨厌在餐厅收取 2 美元的水费。 而且我承认随身携带背包和水瓶并不是我理想的出行方式。

    在我所在的地方使用厕所并不像西欧那样棘手。 这可能需要做一些事情,但令人惊讶的是,这里的社会信任度相对较高,所以要么他们不问你在做什么,要么你用语言中的一些礼貌的话来润滑车轮:问题已解决。

    我想几乎每个人都喜欢说自己的语言,但我不会错过美国方言,那里充斥着讽刺、回避、被动攻击、PC Tourette's 以及我什至不想去想的各种其他狗屎关于。

    我什至不会把“夏威夷”作为理由。 正如杰夫暗示的那样,白人不会整天躺在阳光下,即使我愿意,我也不会乘坐越洋航班去做。 此外,东南亚是一个更好的交易,不是我关心它,并且没有对“haolis”或那些肥胖的弱智untermenschen所说的仇恨。


    – 您可以隐藏,短期或长期; 其他大部分地方连挖鼻孔漏水都难找地方,人口密度比较大
    – 如果需要,更容易入店行窃
    ——美国人守时、直率、高效、开朗、诚实; 在我所在的地方,效率受到根深蒂固的需要或悲惨的行为的影响
    – 几乎所有种族的每个人都遵守对线条的尊重
    – 黑人令人讨厌但很有趣:我想念和兄弟们一起胡说八道,我想念姐妹们的甜蜜和幽默,当他们不说话时
    – 便宜的墨西哥食物,起诉我

  210. 好吧,你年纪大了,但我支持我在美国有更多的糟糕经历,因为你比我早离开了。

    没什么可回去的,一样。 从来没有什么开始。 这里的大多数人都假设有什么东西,并且很难理解什么都没有。 但是我遇到了越来越多的人,他们开始了解美国对白人来说有多糟糕。

  211. 很多关于美国多么伟大的谩骂都来自那些已经拥有它的人,通常是婴儿潮一代或年龄相近的人。 但是,如果您不制作它,则永远不会制作。 除非你是拉特里诺什么的。


    毕竟,Joe Everyman 有三份工作,五辆卡车,十张嘴要吃饭,每晚只睡四个小时,做综合格斗和举重,每天喝十加仑咖啡。 他是模特。 如果你不是他,那是你自己该死的错。

    比沮丧和沮丧更糟糕的一件事是,富人不断告诉你这是你的错,这几乎是美国资本主义修辞的唯一合乎逻辑的选择。 你怎么不完全自我实现,能负担得起我能买得起的一切,你他妈的失败者。 这是美国。



  212. Stonehands 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    我完全明白。 我厌倦了这里的拜占庭合规系统,纯粹是胡说八道。 除了人们默许脖子上的电子靴外,信用卡使用率高达80%。 这使没收税最大化。
    如果你自己在这里断了关系,你在这里没有家人,那么谁在乎有什么可以回去呢? 如果你回来,你将有一个潜在的税收噩梦,不要这样做!

    我已经研究了在柬埔寨开展业务的各个角度 - 我在金边有一些朋友。 柬埔寨商务签证是每年最容易在当地旅行社收取少量费用的签证。 有了互联网,我可以在 PP、Kep、Kampot 甚至西哈努克城搜索某人餐厅的真实情况。 我最初来自纽约,当商业气氛变得过于沉闷时,我放弃了一切,在经过多次轮胎踢球后定居在费城。 关键是——我和你一样用脚投票。
    虽然这里的政治和零售环境绝对是个坑,但我仍然很喜欢这里的海岸和波科诺斯,以及快速驾驶和钓鱼以及这里所有的好东西。 但每年在菲律宾、巴厘岛或越南冲浪一两个月也不错。 你的想法是正确的 - 在亚洲的任何地方都是一种完全不同的氛围,告别西方已经变成的整个集群总是一个选择。

  213. Biff 说:
    @Colin Wright


    不要叫我世俗,但美国是我所知道的唯一国家 有销售税(他们让买家支付!)。 美国有许多不同的税种,它们以特定的名称分类,在全世界最大、最复杂的税收结构中——这不是竞争。 这是我最讨厌美国的地方——缴纳所有税款,而当你碰巧遇到国家官员时,你会被当作垃圾袋对待。 我他妈的不会再玩那个游戏了。 祝你好运,万事如意。

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  214. Anonymous[343]• 免责声明 说:
    @Colin Wright

    我仍然需要抓住一个像样的脱衣舞娘。 那个,我的第一只鹿,一个自由的巴勒斯坦,我可以快乐地死去。



    • 巨魔: Colin Wright
    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  215. Anonymous[343]• 免责声明 说:

    你一定是在开玩笑。 我可以想到许多征收销售税的国家。 在英语国家,有时称为 GST,有时称为 VAT

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Biff
  216. @Anonymous

    同意。 我在加拿大住过。

    但问题是为什么美国的税收如此浪费。 我们的基础设施很糟糕。 桥梁倒塌。 机场有坑洼。 底特律回归自然。




    为什么澳大利亚的普通公民比普通美国人过得更好? 考虑到税收,为什么美国的基础设施如此糟糕。


  217. @Anonymous



    我愿意。 请张贴您最近的照片以及您的家庭住址。

  218. @Jeff Stryker


    你在这开玩笑吗? 你想不出这一切都去哪儿了?

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  219. @Marshall Lentini

    我什至不会把“夏威夷”作为理由。 正如杰夫暗示的那样,白人不会整天躺在阳光下,即使我愿意,我也不会乘坐越洋航班去做。 此外,东南亚是一个更好的交易,不是我关心它,并且没有对“haolis”或那些肥胖的弱智untermenschen所说的仇恨。


    非常友好的当地人,有利的汇率,大量的潜水/浮潜,异国情调的文化遗址和美味的食物。 如果您突然想体验典型的西方体验,这里有足够多的澳大利亚侨民和优质的汉堡店。


  220. @Jeff Stryker



    在美国,官僚作风、浪费和欺诈比 TPTB 所相信的要多得多。

    我作为一个在国防工业中工作了近 20 年的人这么说。



    • 回复: @Loremipsum
  221. @The Wild Geese Howard

    是的,它很受俄罗斯人欢迎。 我不是热带人,但也许我应该重新考虑一下。

  222. Global Citizen [又名“全球主义公民”] 说:
    @East Indian

    非常感谢! 我已经谷歌了。 卡纳达语是多伦多一个充满活力的街区。 唐·切里(Don Cherry)来自那里,讲那种方言。

  223. Anonymous[343]• 免责声明 说:
    @Marshall Lentini



    缺点:更多的俄罗斯人,更少的真正的当地人,更难的语言,更少的美景,没有 indomaret/alfamart。

  224. @Jeff Stryker


    • 同意: dfordoom
  225. @Marshall Lentini




    努沙岛和吉利岛也值得一游。 我在地球上最大的住宿费用是努沙蓝梦岛的一个家庭经营的小地方。

  226. Biff 说:


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  227. denk 说:




    我们生活在一个流氓、骗子、野蛮人和暴徒的时代。 他们中的许多人为美国政府工作。


    问唐纳德特朗普。 他对怪物了如指掌。

  228. @The Wild Geese Howard


    无论你去美国哪里,那个经济体制下的普遍情况都是一样的。 同样的税收,同样的文化退化,同样的 911 后老大哥偏执狂,同样在阿富汗拖了 18 年的长期战争,在很多人都知道为什么它首先发生之后(你能想象在 2001 年仍然在格林纳达 83美国在 2001 年入侵多年后?我不可能在 XNUMX 年有),同样的统治精英富豪,同样的文化战争……好吧,黑人暴徒和乔洛人少了(虽然看一眼狗赏金猎人节目就会发现夏威夷有他们)但仍然是同样的白人调整者和充满敌意的当地人,他们真的不喜欢 Haole 或任何被称为白人的人。



    此外,您可以在亚洲开办微型企业,但夏威夷完全属于公司所有。 对我来说,这就是我不会住在美国的原因之一。 无论如何,这些天公司不会为他们的员工做千斤顶。 没有医疗保健,CEO 在需要纾困时偷取 401K(就像我们在大衰退中看到的那样)……等等。

    所以夏威夷是热带的事实与我无关。 迪拜和后来的东南亚的天气比大底特律好这一事实是一个奖励,但几乎不是激励因素。 亚利桑那州的天气比密歇根州东南部的天气好,如果你每年付给我六位数,我就不会靠近那个 Cholo Mestizo Aztec Zombie Red Indian Scalper 杂交和吸毒的乡下人出没的地方。

    外籍人士住在海外不是为了女性——有些人希望你这么想,以免激怒那些别无选择只能坚持在他们出生地生活的爱国城镇,因为他们缺乏移居海外的金钱、自由或适应技能。 或者为了天气。 或者对于当地文化。

    在内心深处,我们只想远离我们的出生地。 这里的一些外籍海报经历了长达十年的糟糕经历。 在 25 年 1999 岁的一次机会邀请到迪拜让我永远离开美国之前,我只经历了几年的糟糕经历。

    一些美国人在出国时发生了奇怪的转变。 一些美国人想家了。 他们希望尽快回到他们的社区和社区。 然后你让人们处于中间位置; 他们去海外,有有趣的经历,享受自己,但五年后,这些只是他们在家里书房的照片……然后是像我这样的第三组,他们在国外呆了一天不想回美国无论如何,他们将用余生做任何工作合同,甚至经营少女酒吧,只是为了永远不再回到美国。


    例如,大多数长期外派人员是工人阶级或中下层男性,而不是上层中产阶级。 我们更有可能是单身汉,一开始就没有多少美国梦。

    这对于宁愿住在菲律宾的 Neepah Hut 而不是 Hood 的黑人退休人员来说最为明显,因为这样更安全。 我见过的非洲裔美国人很少关心美国。 他们为什么要? 他们会错过什么? 胡德通常比东南亚更像是第三世界。

    我住在海外,因为对我来说,对于像我这样收入微薄的人来说,美国从根本上是低人一等的,从根本上来说是令人不快的。 在国外,我不回答任何人。 我对那些抱怨好莱坞形成他们的观点的海报嗤之以鼻……一个外籍人士除了他们所看到的外,什么都不相信。 我对 MSM 提出的概念嗤之以鼻。 我不会在美国再呆一天,因为害怕街头的黑猩猩。 虽然我并不完全害怕贫民窟的黑人或 Cholo Mestizos,我只是蔑视白人垃圾捣乱者,但我无法忍受再花一个小时和他们一起坐公共汽车的想法。 人生苦短,必须把自己的潜能发挥到极致。 如果像我这样的中产阶级在密歇根东南部工作,没有人会这样做。

    想象一下,如果每个白人都像我或 Linh 先生帖子中的其他一些海报一样。 或者每个亚裔美国人。 如果我们都离开了怎么办? 如果我们有一半人离开美国会怎样。 就我个人而言,我不知道为什么像密歇根这样的地方有更多像我这样的工人阶级或中下阶层的白人不只是清算并打包并移居海外。

  229. @Marshall Lentini


    我总结: '当然,美国有很多缺点......不需要清单。 我不否认。 只是它并不都是负面的。

    你说: “你的论点归结为美国更好……”

    不,我没有那样说。 我说了我说的。 这他妈的很难接受吗?

    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
  230. @Jeff Stryker

    缺乏文化或榜样/沉没成本谬误。 无论如何,密歇根州的那些人和印第安人一样迷失了。 让他们去吧。

  231. Anonymous[343]• 免责声明 说:

    如何区分这两个概念? 孤立无援是没有意义的。

    • 回复: @Biff
  232. Anonymous[343]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jeff Stryker


    您可以将其推广到大部分西方国家。 普遍且普遍执行的法律和法规阻碍了小企业家并有利于大企业。 亚洲模棱两可的法律和选择性执法为小到可以被忽视的企业提供了优势,这些企业可以非法经营,直到他们积累了足够的资金来正确地做事。 这是一个很棒的鼓励增长的系统。


    因为他们肯定没有什么可失去的,但仍有足够的动力和金钱买票过来。 大多数人要么能够忍受生活并继续下去,要么非常沮丧或贫困,以至于他们不再有办法逃脱。

  233. aspnaz 说:


    这里有一个建议,下次您在发生政治事件的城市时,为什么不尝试与所涉及的当地人交谈,然后再将他们置于如此消极的境地? 从选举结果可以看出,你没有和任何人说话? 坚持aspnaz,我是谁来告诉你该怎么做,我是一名读者,而你是一名专业记者。

    惭愧,因为我曾经喜欢你的写作风格。 只是为了满足我自己的好奇心,你是真的去香港还是只是艺术许可?

    • 回复: @Showmethereal
  234. Biff 说:

    如何区分这两个概念? 孤立无援是没有意义的。

    如果一件商品标有 10.00 美元,而您将其带到柜台付款,而他们希望为已在原来的 8 美元内添加增值税的产品额外支付 10.00% 的费用,您称之为额外的 8% %?

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  235. @Marshall Lentini

    尽管税收可与社会主义国家相媲美,但美国到处都是无家可归者,基础设施破败,桥梁倒塌,就业人口极度贫困,城市游击战,邪恶帮派统治的可怕公立学校,MS-13 漫游长岛郊区挥舞砍刀,后像底特律这样的工业荒地,阿兹特克野蛮人的大规模非法移民……

    为什么美国没有像日本那样的子弹头列车来支付它花费的所有税收。 许多地方甚至根本没有公共交通工具。 甚至没有城市公交车。




    • 回复: @dfordoom
  236. @Marshall Lentini


    不需要那个。 当我看到你的帖子时,我以为你是在虐待我。

  237. @Jeff Stryker

    哇。 感谢您的扩展,详细的答复。

    信不信由你,我也是在密歇根州长大的一个 GenX 白人男性,在手套的尖端。


    我在北非当了 4 年的外籍人士。 我非常想念它。





    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Anonymous
  238. @The Wild Geese Howard

    密歇根 vs 海外?


    唔。 我在安娜堡出生并成长为中产阶级。 我在海外度过了我的一生,并有一个有效的意见。

    如果您住在霍顿湖或阿尔皮纳,您将不会遇到太多犯罪。 但是冬天有五英尺的雪,你在室内呆了六个月。 冬天的黑冰和折断卡车是您最需要担心的。 尽管如此,农村贫困仍然相当严重。 四十岁的大学毕业生从事零售业。

    黑人暴力并没有比三城更北。 但是,它具有潜在的致命性。 而且经常是无缘无故的。 当黑人暴徒袭击时,他们打算造成严重的伤害或死亡。 这在东南亚乃至阿拉伯世界都是罕见的。 在密歇根州的城市,很常见。 在密歇根州的城市中,白人女性被强奸也很常见,黑人人口众多,而且是随机的、闪电式的。

    在亚洲,以谋杀为目的的随机恶性暴力更为罕见。 换句话说,我从来没有因为它而感到危险。

    在 Central 之后的几年里,我和我从弗林特认识的一位名叫斯坦利的波兰裔美国人谈过话。 他为 CMU 踢足球,因为他让一个波兰天主教女孩怀孕而退学。 他对弗林特的描述是黯淡的。 我问他为什么留在那里,他告诉我他不能把房子送人。 这就是像 Flint 或 Ypsi 这样的城市的问题。 如果你出生在那里,你就不能放弃你的房子。

    我祖母在沃伦-底特律边境的公寓售价仅为她 20 年购买时价值的 1986%。

    我只去过开罗。 所以我不太了解北非,虽然我很喜欢埃及。 同样,开罗不是很危险,是一个繁荣的城市。 密歇根州的城市即使在不危险的情况下也是暗淡和破败的。 密歇根州的道路很糟糕。

    美国的问题之一是取决于你的收入,你总是处于危险之中。 除非你想住在霍顿湖上五英尺厚的雪中。 好的。 但在那种情况下,你就像《闪灵》中的杰克尼科尔森一样。 隔离的。

    1000 年,我住在凤凰城,每月 1998 美元——这是当时的入门级工资——并且不止一次受到墨西哥乔洛斯的威胁。 Brown Pride 和其他墨西哥帮派在低收入地区出没。

    当然,美国是成为中上阶层的好地方。 土地便宜又丰富。 郊区非常好。 工资低,所以员工可以得到微薄的报酬。 小城镇常常是田园诗般的。 但美国下层阶级的墨西哥人和黑人是致命的。 他们是世界上最致命的人。 不受约束的白色城市垃圾也可能是致命的。

    但是告诉我你真的希望你的女儿去普通的弗林特或底特律公立学校。 美国的公立学校很糟糕。 XNUMX 岁的黑人暴徒仍在九年级游荡,在中学走廊里对七年级的白人女孩进行性欺凌。 或者任何女孩。

    密歇根州的城市一片黯淡。 奇怪的是,它们的不祥品质是人口不足而不是人口过多。 我去过印度和亚洲人口过多的城市。 但密歇根州的城市是半荒芜/废弃的亚北极鬼城。 底特律因此而闻名于世。

    密歇根等州的有趣之处在于,它们不像南方或纽约的居民那样对地方和爱国主义产生同样的狂热热爱。 例如,密歇根州是如此凄凉,以至于即使是在那里出生和长大的人也不会像德克萨斯人那样热爱这个地方。 密歇根州的外籍人士不像美国其他地方的人那样充满爱国主义和对出生地的热爱……很难爱上密歇根州。

    • 同意: Marshall Lentini
  239. @Jeff Stryker


    但至少军工综合体做得非常好。 这才是真正重要的。

  240. utu 说:
    @Marshall Lentini

    我想几乎每个人都喜欢说自己的语言,但我不会错过美国方言,那里充斥着讽刺、回避、被动攻击、PC Tourette's 以及我什至不想去想的各种其他狗屎关于


    很好的观点。 这是人们喜欢旅行并与他们不了解的人在一起的原因之一。 有点解脱。 你越了解他们说什么,你就越不尊重他们。 熟悉会产生蔑视。

    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
  241. @Marshall Lentini

    我想几乎每个人都喜欢说自己的语言,但我不会错过美国方言,那里充斥着讽刺、回避、被动攻击、PC Tourette's 以及我什至不想去想的各种其他狗屎关于。



    • 回复: @Marshall Lentini
  242. Chinaman 说:


    谢谢你,先生。 在海外生活并在世界各地做生意后,我得出了与土生土长的香港人相同的结论。 你也注意到,即使政府松口,抗议也不会停止,因为问题的根源是根深蒂固的,在基因层面。 香港人是上世纪动乱中逃离中国的人的后裔。 他们背弃了祖国,拒绝了自己的中国人身份。

    他们对中国人的恨就是他们对自己的恨。 范思哲这个犯规的大陆人让他们想起了太多自己。 他们卑微的开始和屈辱的过去。 正如以色列沙米尔所说,黑鬼综合症。

    解决办法是把所有这些孩子都送到美国住一段时间。 亲眼看看费城、布朗克斯和底特律,并获得一些视角。 他们都会带着对世界上最好的城市的新发现的欣赏感爬回来......就像我一样。

    如果你再次来到香港。 我很想给你买杯啤酒,带你看看香港的另一面。 我们得到一艘游艇,然后前往 Repluse 海湾,在乡村俱乐部用餐。 这将是我的荣幸。 你会明白他们为什么反感。


  243. @Chinaman




    哎呀,Linh 遇到的大多数外籍人士都很高兴住在香港。

  244. @utu


    • 回复: @AaronB
  245. @The Wild Geese Howard

    绝对地。 我相信你已经经历过这种情况,但是在几个月没听到美国女性之后听到它说话是非常刺耳的。 我的女朋友无法相信它的存在。

  246. @Chinaman


    这是我的电子邮件, [电子邮件保护] . 我很想对香港有更好的了解。 令人惊叹的地方,让我们希望它会保持这种状态,无论如何。

  247. @Chinaman

    你对布朗克斯的想法已经过时了。 费城和底特律仍然一团糟……但布朗克斯已经重建。 很多中国人现在已经搬进了东哈莱姆区——这是以前的禁区。 像其他团体一样,他们会短途跳入布朗克斯。 也就是说——在布朗克斯最糟糕的 70 年代——香港也充斥着街头暴力、政府腐败和许多地方的肮脏住房。 人们往往以某种方式对历史有偏见。 英属香港的乌托邦从未存在过。 但它确实为中国人提供了一个资本主义的避风港和安全的地方,让他们努力奋斗并取得成就。 但是是的,现在大陆接受了资本主义,他们中的许多人现在比香港人更有钱——是的,仇恨发展了。 他们曾经是悲伤和可怜的大陆人——甚至到了 80 年代末和 90 年代初。 确实 - 事情变化的速度有多快。

    • 回复: @Daniel Chieh
  248. @aspnaz

    这就是选举的有趣之处之一。 除了特朗普之外,你将有数以百万计的人会投票给任何人。 就像你有数以百万计的人会为在奥巴马执政 8 年后不是民主党人的任何人提供帮助一样。 选民就像绵羊。 许多人都知道专业人士没有解决方案。 这就是为什么他们在立法委员会中是少数。 自2014年以来,世界突然天翻地覆了吗??? 你有占领骚乱,现在有这些引渡骚乱。 中国人是务实的。 香港选民今年只是投票支持民主党,只是希望骚乱能停止。 暴徒把一切都归咎于政府。 所以羊的心态一直存在。 你还没有经历过足够多的选举,知道他们很少涉及实质内容,主要是关于不正确的情绪……???

  249. Anonymous[343]• 免责声明 说:

    我称之为两种不同的税收。 有销售税的国家通常(但并非总是)将其包含在价格中。 它因销售点和相关国家/地区而异,但我想两种单独的销售税很少见。

  250. Anonymous[343]• 免责声明 说:
    @The Wild Geese Howard


    这听起来很有趣。 这些马格里布女孩怎么样? 在纸面上,这是一种穆斯林文化,但我很想听听现实。

  251. @Chinaman

    不幸的是,这不会有太大变化。 他们的自恨比我们想象的更根深蒂固。

  252. @Global citizen

    它不是加拿大的国家。 这甚至不符合上下文。

    • 回复: @Global Citizen
  253. AaronB 说:
    @Marshall Lentini




  254. Global Citizen [又名“全球主义者公民”] 说:

    你好。 对于我可能造成的任何歧义,我非常谦虚地道歉。 那个家伙说他来自美国亚特兰大,但会说卡纳达语。 我以为有拼写错误。

    卡纳达语是加拿大的一种方言,在多伦多名义上的加拿大卡纳达语区使用。 加拿大多伦多的卡纳达语居民讲卡纳达语。 加拿大的卡纳达方言在加拿大的冰球之夜由 CBC 使用。 它被认为是非常男性化的。


  255. Loremipsum 说:
    @The Wild Geese Howard

    我可能与你们中的许多人在不同的船上,但我得出的结论与@jeffstryker 非常相似。

    4年前我离开了美国。 我是稳固的中上阶层:作为一家大型媒体公司的高级经理,在纽约每年赚 380 万,就在美国宣传的中心。 老婆赚了100万。 所以每年接近 XNUMX 万美元,住在曼哈顿,我们过得很好。 无论如何,我并不觉得富有,但我从来不必考虑我的银行账户余额。


    12 小时天。 一整天都在电话中,接收来自我的老板、CEO 的电子邮件。 令人作呕的“派对”,孩子们在我面前受到虐待,我不得不假装很享受。 永远向为我工作的 100 人撒谎,说事情有多棒,公司有多令人兴奋,我们都有多创新。 我无法将欺骗与蔓延的道德败坏相提并论。 更不用说我收入的 50% 都捐给了政府。 为了什么? 轰炸牧羊人?

    于是我出去了。 搬到“国外”。 在过去的 4 年里,我有幸能够选择我住的地方。 我们还太年轻,不能退休(都是 40 岁),所以在过去 50 年里我们访问了 4 个左右的国家,试图决定我们的下一步行动。

    也许我的观点已经改变了,但我没有想念美国。 我很少在当地的英文报纸上读到一篇关于以色列的文章。 我在当地图书馆没有遇到变性故事时间。 我从来没有感到不安全(除了我小镇上的几条狗)。 我不必看恶心的肥胖者(除非我访问芭堤雅或安吉利斯)。 如果要求某人澄清他们在说什么,那是因为他们说的是我试图理解的合法外语,而不是 Ebonics 或 Adorno-inflected #metoo 垃圾。

    SEA 仍然是物有所值的最佳选择。 我每天最多工作 2-3 小时。 我们都远程一年挣 100 万左右。 由于我们不返回美国,因此我们不为此纳税。 如果你很聪明的话,200k 在 SEA 可以让你像一个小独裁者一样生活。 我们将储蓄存入实际赚取利息的银行账户。 我有足够的从投资到实际 投资 在那些没有微不足道的国家,并伪造了 2% 的 GDP 增长。 你曾经住在 GDP 为 7% 或 8% 的地方吗? 很消沉


    旅行从未如此简单。 在国外寻找长期公寓不需要学习语言。 只需单击一个按钮。 您甚至不必向出租车司机解释您要去哪里。 再次单击一个按钮。

    在曼谷、深圳、伊斯坦布尔、吉隆坡、台北、釜山等城市,我有更高的生活质量和更有趣的体验,更不用说班斯科、巴统、都灵或安塔利亚等小城镇了。 只是没有可比性。


    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  256. @Loremipsum


    ......我永远不会成为任何中产阶级。 或者中下阶层。 我差点嫁给一个大学里的女孩,她成为了一名科学老师。 几年后,我们在社交媒体上取得了联系,并进入了我作为外籍人士的职业生涯。 她告诉我她的简历。 在密歇根州东南部底特律郊外的公立学校里教孩子们的一系列糟糕经历之后,当一名黑人九年级学生在课堂上挥舞着刀时,我们俩都来自那里,事情达到了最低点。 她搬到爱达荷州,现在在一个小镇任教。 美好的。 美国的农村地区如此偏远和孤立,城市下层阶级不会因为缺乏公共交通等便利设施而住在那里……但我喜欢生活在热闹的城市,不想像杰克尼科尔森一样被孤立和大雪覆盖在《闪灵》中。 亚洲城市相当安全,总是充满活力,天气宜人。 美国的农村生活可能很崎岖。 你必须拥有一个四轮。 你早上醒来,把车上的雪铲掉。 你住在一些通风良好的农舍里,沿着一条有车辙的土路驱车一英里到达城镇。

    您提出的第二点是关于 ME 战争中无休止的费用。 将美国的基础设施与迪拜——一个我生活了十年的中东国家的基础设施进行比较。 在美国在 ME 抽水马桶上的支出给美国留下了烂桥、倒塌的基础设施、道路上的巨大坑洼、腐朽的建筑物……迪拜和其他石油丰富的国家繁荣昌盛的时候。 我知道,因为我在迪拜和阿曼工作过。 将 1999 年的美国预算盈余与现在的赤字进行比较。 特朗普谈论入侵墨西哥? 好主意。

    当这个网站上的成年人来到这里并抱怨好莱坞正在形成他们的观点时,这很可怜。 可怜。 一群恋童癖的可乐头在马里布或圣费尔南多的龙舌兰酒射手上写左翼的胡言乱语,在那里恶棍总是由莎士比亚英国演员扮演,比如 DIE HARD,黑人和墨西哥人是英雄,成年人相信垃圾。 花一天时间在美国任何一个城市乘坐公共巴士,看看现实是多么不同。 谁有时间坐下来看一些名叫莎拉·西尔弗曼的中年荡妇滔滔不绝地谈论她变态性生活的肮脏细节,以及有多少像吉米·金梅尔这样的外邦人对她进行性剥削? 我宁愿去探索一个新的国家,谢谢。 当我这样做时,我没有花时间看莎拉·西尔弗曼 (Sarah Silverman) 谈论外邦人如何滥用她的肛门和直肠。 当我还是美国的年轻人时,色情是为连环杀手和性欲强的青少年提供的暴民资助业务,现在美国人抱怨“沉迷于色情”。

    当我还是个年轻人时,人们在大学毕业后就戒烟了。 任何在 30 岁以后每天被石头打死的人都是失败者。 Pot 是为十几岁的 Sean Penn 冲浪者和大学时代的嬉皮士准备的。

    我年轻时离开了美国。 我当时只有 25 岁。现在我很感激我的大学女朋友和我分手了。 她可以成为爱达荷州小镇的八年级科学老师,并在一年六个月的早晨铲除汽车上的积雪。 或者学习西班牙语,这样她就可以生活在佛罗里达或亚利桑那等温暖的州。 新墨西哥州领导贩毒集团的方式很快就会从州长官邸出售海洛因。

    我离开美国的那一年,他们选出了一个酗酒的流浪汉,这似乎让我走下坡路。 二十年后,每个城市的白人家庭都无家可归。 回到 1999 年,唯一无家可归的白人是疯子和酒鬼。 没有人负担得起上大学。 回到 1990 年代我年轻的时候,任何人都可以从文凭工厂毕业。 哈佛对大多数人来说太贵了,但任何人都可以上密歇根中央大学。 早在 1999 年,只有纯白色垃圾才有非婚生子女。 现在每个人都是。

    我从来没有富裕过,但无论如何我觉得很幸运。 当我年轻时,一个机会让我出国,没有配偶、家属、抵押贷款、债务或其他任何东西让我留在美国。

    这也是我的预测。 许多 X 世代和 Y 世代男性将清算并最终在东南亚或东欧退休。 他们将别无选择。 他们将负担不起在美国退休的费用,当您可以在东南亚的热带海滩上闲逛时,您可以与其他退休人员分享一些破旧的合作社,在您身边看着太阳消失在海中时,您会看到昏暗的美景?

    再过 20 年,亚洲和东欧的经济将扩张,​​因为数百万月生活费为 1000 美元的 X 一代退休人员涌入菲律宾。

  257. @Muggles

    我也在 Facebook 上注意到了这一点。 当文章是关于移民和类似主题时,它就会出现。 一般是本地新闻报道。

    你会看到账户用普通的白人名字发表评论——例如“丹·史密斯”。 他们总是以某种方式发表亲全球主义的评论,用奇怪的、过度抛光的英语来表达你对蓝领白人的期望。

    我被这个稍微偏离英语的人激怒了,所以我检查了帐户。 在这些账户中的每一个中,都有一些看起来像普通人账户上的照片——房子、雪人、湖泊、某人的背影。 但很明显,他们没有真正的身份。 我看到它们一遍又一遍地出现。 不同的名字。 同样的东西。

    保持警惕。 我不知道他们是中国人、印度人还是加拿大人。 但是肯定有很多全球主义付费巨魔。 感谢您提出这个问题。

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  258. @alex in San Jose AKA Digital Detroit



    如果你有一个紧密联系的社区,坦率地说,外部团体对你的看法并不重要。 白人似乎有一种老式的观点,他们认为国家或州将成为他们的社区。 但现在是 2019 年,每个人都讨厌我们(包括模范少数族裔),所以是时候意识到我们需要组建自己的社区了。

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  259. @LoutishAngloQuebecker

    我是白人,但住在印度,许多模仿白人的海报都是印度人。 他们实际上与政治无关,从未离开过印度,几乎不了解所讨论的问题。

    中国人? 可能。 但中国人不在乎白人对他们的看法。 印度人会。 一些中国人是偏执狂,他们认为美国会入侵中国——这永远不会发生——但大多数人自认为是中国人。

    有些是伪装成蓝领成年白人的白人青少年。 那个自称是 60 岁兽医的家伙实际上是 17 岁,他的房间是锁着的,所以他的父母不会发现他在自慰。

    一些是专业的社会正义战士。 他们是这个网站上使用种族诽谤的人,而且通常过于强烈。 我感觉很多都是女性。

  260. @LoutishAngloQuebecker

    好吧,意大利人和希腊人和犹太人形成了民族社区。 多伦多有一些。 意大利人并没有像其他群体那样受到反白人的蹂躏。


    例如,17 世纪移民到魁北克的布列塔尼移民从未预见到蒙特利尔会发生一场针对白人的战争。

  261. Loremipsum 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    我认为这是帮助其他人逃脱的巨大机会。 不仅作为一种商业或致富的来源,而且作为一种道德和政治清算。

    只要美元还有一定的名义价值,那些年轻有技能的人,或者中年有技术的人,就可以在海外建立真正的企业。 或者投资套利。



    腐烂没有政治解决办法。 腐烂已经吞噬了一切。 它已成为结构。

    也许这是一个婴儿潮一代的谬论,或者真的是一种祈祷形式,每四年一个红队的受膏老人会以某种方式使生活比蓝队的另一个老人更好。 我不敢相信人们仍然会为之倾倒,但他们确实如此。 有些人能够看穿它。 更多的将随之而来。

    据说我是在美国成功的。 美国前两所学校的MBA和本科生。 银行账户中的 8 位数流动性。 对于我的税收农业大师来说,我是一个很好的小家伙。

    但我认为,当像我这样的人揭开帷幕,看看另一边是什么时,就会发生两件事之一:我们要么努力争取更多,要么深入了解堕落。 或者我们感到恶心并逃跑。


    在美国,我担心的还有很多。 好人,成功的男人,背负着 30 年的抵押贷款,自闭症儿童,“慢性疼痛综合症”,带着毫无意义的钱包收藏的妻子。 用处方药杀死自己,用 Netflix 的“狂欢观看”麻痹好奇的智力,用红色/蓝色的政治剧院来满足他们的无能为力。

    如果他们可以离开,他们就会离开。 但是他们已经瘫痪了。 这不是意外。

    但是仍然有很多可以达到的。 那是有帮助的。 我并不特别。 我刚看完。 我想其他人也会。

  262. @Jeff Stryker

    再过 20 年,亚洲和东欧的经济将扩张,​​因为数百万月生活费为 1000 美元的 X 一代退休人员涌入菲律宾。

    他们最好先访问东欧再做决定。 如果你是说俄罗斯,他们最好在这里住上一整年再做决定。 只有波兰是真正正常的,最终会落入西方部落。

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  263. @Marshall Lentini


    他无怨无悔。 离开底特律,他欣喜若狂。

    相信我......你已经知道了......没有比被困在像底特律这样半废弃的锈带汽车城镇的波兰老人所遭遇的命运更糟糕了。 除了可能是南非的布尔人。


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