2022 年,圣路易斯 95% 的已知凶杀案嫌疑人是黑人:圣路易斯市是 49% 黑人/43% 白人......

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在318,000人中,圣路易斯是49.2%的黑色43.9%的白色 (截至2010年美国人口普查)。

我们在圣路易斯市警察局的好朋友不是 只发布了一份按种族细分的犯罪年度报告,但每周分析每年的犯罪率。


对于 2022 年,在乔治·弗洛伊德 (George Floyd) 的幽灵在全国范围内赢得“黑人的命也是命”这一欢乐的一年之后的两年,圣路易斯的凶杀案中有多少百分比是黑人嫌疑人。


黑人生活很重要。 正确的?

在圣路易斯 2022 年全年,有 77 起凶杀案没有嫌疑人。

  • 有 19 名白人受害者和只有 XNUMX 名白人嫌疑人(这意味着大多数白人是跨种族暴力的受害者)
  • 92%的受害者是黑人(178名受害者中的200名)



如果圣路易斯没有黑人人口,该市到 2022 年会发生多少起凶杀案? 在这个没有黑人人口的假设中(当它的人口目前是 圣路易斯是49.2%的黑色43.9%的白色?





忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. maybe whites should be called ‘lacks’.

    so, it’s blacks and lacks.

    lacks lack color, courage, will, agency, sense, and sanity.

    lacks are lackeys of globalism, homomania, negrolatry, and etc.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  2. trevor 说:


    With a population hovering around 300,000 and a homicide rate of around 200 per year, that puts St. Louis in the top 10 murder cities in the world per capita, at an astounding 67 murders per 100,000 population. 


    Because St. Louis now is only 49% black, we can adjust the per capita rate of 67 to about 137 for a theoretically all-black St. Louis. If East St. Louis were included the rate per 100,000 population would be even higher.

    For comparison, here are the murder rates in the world’s most dangerous countries.


    Tbe St. Louis negroes are on another level.

    A theoretically all-black 137 and even the actual half-black 67 greatly exceed El Salvador 52, Jamaica 44, South Africa 36, and Nigeria 35.

    • 谢谢: Non PC Infidel
    • 回复: @nokangaroos
  3. Among White suspects: nearly 50% were female

    Among Black suspects: 14% are female

    I ask this: why ?

    In no other population do women approach nearly half of murder suspects.

    And, white women are 11% of the female murder suspect total. White men were 4% of male murder suspects.

    And keep in mind; blacks are a lot younger than whites in st louis.

    All black women in ST LOUIS have to do is commit 15 fewer homicides next year, and they’re equal to white women in murder tendencies.

    Also, how about this chart? Incarceration rates for white women increasing, for colored women decreasing.

    • 回复: @nokangaroos
  4. Clark Kent 说:

    It’s only a matter of time until crime by race statistics are abolished. This has already happened, as has been reported here.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  5. dixonsyder 说:

    同样的歌曲,同样的舞蹈只是不同的乐队(城市)。 不幸的是,白人男性是问题所在,白人至上主义者是问题所在,全国步枪协会成员是问题所在,白人保守派是问题所在,而且最令人不安的是,许多白人政客都是问题所在,因为他们迎合了泥人提出的每一个荒谬要求。

  6. HT 说:

    Any city that is 50% black might as well be 100% black. It is crime ridden with high poverty and little commerce. It is not a livable place if you want to be safe and secure. There is nothing there but danger and misery. Decent people and businesses have been driven out by the blacks.

  7. Anonymous[371]• 免责声明 说:
    @Clark Kent

    Why would they be, though?

    No, really. Why?

    People have been quoting black crime stats year after year, and the public doesn’t even care enough to vote Republican much less pick up an AR-15 and start popping skulls.

    The government is perfectly fine with you guys pointing out the black murder rate all day online. After all, they already know 99% of people on the net are just watching rap videos. In fact the government probably wants you posting about black crime all day since it’s a really addicting way to keep you sitting in your chair where they want you.

    Keep talking about black crime. It doesn’t matter what you “know” as long as you’re sitting in that chair like a good little pansy.

  8. usNthem 说:

    Whites have absolutely lost decisiveness and/or desire and/or ability and/or the stones to deal with black criminality, violence and dysfunction as it needs to be. Years of soft glove approach and coddling, to say nothing of allowing blacks into positions of power throughout society, has resulted in this out of control demographic. What was needed way back when, and frankly is today, is total, and I mean absolute separation from these creatures. Sure, the majority of blacks are law abiding or relatively so, but way too large a percentage aren’t. Whites can’t or won’t deal with the problem, so put all the darkies together and let them deal with their fellow creatures as they will – and I’m sure they would.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Augustus
  9. Anon[994]• 免责声明 说:

    如今,黑人的入狱率、刑期长短以及警察对黑人的搜身/拘留都比 1960 世纪 70 年代和 XNUMX 年代更加普遍。

    请参阅帖子 #3 中的图表。黑人男性的入狱率仍明显高于 1980 年。

  10. usNthem 说:

    Yes, but trending in the wrong direction as the violence continues to worsen. It was a pressure cooker with a iffy lid that Whites were able to manage when they were the supermajority with the will to deal with the issue of black dysfunction. Now at majority minority status, including a lack of decisive will, it’s pretty much an untenable issue for Whites. Maybe all the various flavors of bean flooding over the border will deal with it eventually, but it won’t ultimately help us.

    • 回复: @Anon
  11. Dr. X 说:

    141 of 148 homicide suspects were black, or 95%

    Statistics are racist, bigot. Comrade Biden told me that “MAGA semi-fascist white supremacists” are the greatest threat to our nation.

    Off to gulag with you…

  12. 这句话已经说过一千遍了,但这是真的——唯一的解决办法就是彻底彻底的隔离。正如人们所说,日落小镇的存在是出于非常真实且完全合法的原因。


    • 同意: NotaLib, Oil 'n Water
    • 哈哈: AR in Illinois
    • 回复: @usNthem
    , @Piglet
  13. usNthem 说:
    @Non PC Infidel

    是的,但所有这些视频都将存档在 YT 上,以供未来的喜剧娱乐,并提醒我们所有人为什么我们首先要忍受它们!

  14. @trevor

    It´s a tad unfair to compare one outlier city with a country –
    in the US the (melanin-corrected) city murder rate is about one order
    of magnitude above the rural, it´s probably similar elsewhere.
    What shocked me more is that Kigali (Rwanda!) is at 6 and falling.

    • 回复: @loren
    , @trevor
  15. Piglet 说:
    @Non PC Infidel

    然后我们也可以忘记黑人希兹里·孟夫并取消马丁·路德·金的假期。作为奖励,DWL 将不再参加以白人为主的 MLK 日游行,因为不会有兽人迎合和乞求宽恕。

  16. @Asking Questions

    ad 1) White Men Can´t Jump

    ad 2) It´s called De Legassy of O´Bummer; to my knowledge he was the first
    公然 (in Lizardville; surprise, surprise) extend the legal doctrine of
    “dissperate impack” to incarceration i.e. whenever there are too many 黑色的!
    rapists and murderers you better drive 非常 小心。

  17. Augustus 说:

    The problem is how White people think. I read recently that about 15% of White people think racially, while 50 to 80% of other races do so. They know the races are different. In short, they want their share from other races, while whites naively blunder through life thinking we are all alike, motivated by the same desires, believe the same, and will treat other races as they would want to be treated.
    When confronted with racial hate and bigotry, Whites think it is justified from other races because of slavery, poverty, systemic racism, institutional racism, and any number of other make believe terms. If Whites EVER develop a racial consciousness anywhere near that of other races, the earth would shudder. I think that will happen as multi/culti societies melt down across the globe, but it may take a long time. Whites are very slow to anger compared to other races, but the planet’s most effective, inventive, and disciplined killers when finally awakened.

    • 同意: usNthem, Cauchemar du Singe
    • 回复: @anonymouseperson
  18. trevor 说:

    That I was comparing a city to countries had occurred to me so I looked at some other cities and found that the adjusted for race rate of 137 exceeded all of them and the unadjusted 67 exceeded most.

    In fact, St. Louis ranks with Capetown, South Africa for the highest murder rate in the world after the ultra-violent Mexican drug cartel cities. If you adjust for racial composition, negroes in St. Louis are about twice as violent as negroes in Capetown.


    It is interesting that Baltimore and Detroit, like St.Louis, also make the list of the world’s highest murder rate cities. The reason is obvious.

  19. Wokechoke 说:

    What whites could do is commit an orgy of absolute “exterminative” violence and end this once and for all. But they will not. So get picked off one by one until it transforms into South Africa.

  20. Bite Moi 说:

    HT—————The black on black homicide rate concerns me not a whit. The black birth rate is the problem.

    • 回复: @HT
  21. Trinity 说:

    “Da Lou” keeping it real, yo.

  22. @Augustus


    • 回复: @Inverness
    , @Bite Moi
  23. Inverness 说:




  24. Inverness 说:

    确切地。 100 年前,白人实际上有某种种族意识,就像其他种族一样。这是自然而正常的。



  25. @loren

    Unlikely – but I guess a case for 该清除 could be made 😛

  26. @trevor

    Cape Town so precipitously taking Jo´burg´s crown has been something of a surprise;
    it seems the latter has become too expensive and well-secured (it is after all where
    the business be, and still the best university in Africa).
    In the US they have no excuses – Affirmative Action American standard of living
    overtook the Swedish decades ago.

  27. @Anon

    The imprisonment rate of black men is still significantly higher than it was in 1980.

    Yeah, and eggs now cost 10 dollars a dozen.. It’s all just statistics unless we start doing something about it.. Clearly with the obvious uptick in black brutality in this country and many other places, we’re clearly not incarcerating enough of these knuckle dragging heathens.

  28. Nat X 说:

    This is known as ‘culling the herd.’ When “the day of the rope” arrives we need serious strong dindoos, not these trifling street dindoos.

  29. @trevor

    It is interesting that Baltimore and Detroit, like St.Louis, also make the list of the world’s highest murder rate cities. The reason is obvious.

    Hush, if you don’t stop this talk a certain someone will start telling you about all of the violent crime committed by whitey (Lol) in Albuquerque NM.

  30. Hrw-500 说:

    我开始怀疑圣路易斯是否发生过黑色航班? 如果我们相信 2020 年的人口普查,黑人从 49 年的 2010% 下降到 43%,西班牙裔人口从 5.1 年的 2020% 增加到 3.5 年的 2010%。 https://data.indystar.com/census/total-population/total-population-change/st-louis-city-missouri/050-29510/

  31. HT 说:
    @Bite Moi

    HT—————The black on black homicide rate concerns me not a whit. The black birth rate is the problem.

    Problem is any area that has high black on black crime will also have high black on white crime if whites are present. Yes, the fact we are paying blacks through welfare to continually repopulate has been a problem for awhile now.

    • 回复: @Bite Moi
  32. Bite Moi 说:

    anonymouseperson————“Only whites are subjected to Jewish brainwasing,……..” Uhh,i don’t know about that,blacks seen to now believe that Wakanda is real. P.S. Females don’t need a real brainwashing. A light rinse of one semester at Air Head U programs them for life.

  33. Bite Moi 说:

    HT————-Paying low quality,low IQ females of any race to go into reproductive over drive has consequences.I refer you to the 80s movie “Idiocracy”.

    • 同意: Augustus
  34. @HT

    But if it was 100% black, then theoretically they’d all take each other out, right? Problem solved.

  35. AnalogMan 说:

    The high murder rate in Cape Town, you may be surprised to learn, is not due to Africans, but to the Cape Coloured gangs of the Cape Flats. These are mixed-race descendants of the indigenous Hottentot (Khoi-San) inhabitants of the Cape, plus Malay slaves and White settlers. Being smarter than blacks, they combine organization with viciousness for a really toxic mix.

    Second to Cape Town is former Port Elizabeth, now known, I believe, as Nelson Mandela (spit!) Bay, with similar demographics.

  36. PlayBall 说:

    The real issue here is white libs speciously posturing how badly they feel for blacks. We all know they’re simply projecting how they REALLY feel; which is utter disdain for the 3/5 demo. The consequences have been rather deadly, actually.


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