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下一任美国总统几乎肯定会被以色列游说团收购和支付。 希拉里·克林顿 已经声明 that when she is elected president she intends to take relations with Israel “to the next level” and has also promised to invite Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to visit on her very first day in office. 很难想象美国对以色列利益的卑躬屈膝的下一个层次实际上会是什么,所以她或许应该谨慎对待自己所做的事情。 内塔尼亚胡可能会在访问期间感到有权留在椭圆形办公室,也可能将以色列议会搬到华盛顿,因此如果以色列的预算有点短缺,并且与五角大楼隔河相望,那么它会更靠近美国财政部。所有那些可以用来杀死巴勒斯坦儿童的漂亮武器。

希拉里(Hillary)对以色列的忠贞誓言是在 萨班论坛,是布鲁金斯学会(Brookings Institute)主办的,来自各个政治和社会领域的美国和以色列领导人之间的年度对话,该学会还设有中东政策中心,该中心以前也以萨班(Saban)命名。 同名的 Saban 是以色列人 Haim Saban 谁赚了数十亿美元 在美国的电视和娱乐行业。 他最著名的品牌是 Mighty Morphin Power Rangers。 他一直是民主党最大的捐助者之一,在 10-2001 年度捐款 2 万美元,其影响美国政治的既定公式是向政治家和政党捐款、建立智库和控制媒体信息。 他代表以色列努力完成这三项工作,包括为华盛顿的民主党全国委员会总部支付费用。

萨班与民主党的交易显然已经 不被抑制 他与以色列情报部门摩萨德的合作。 2009年国会议员简·哈曼 被联系了 由一名以色列情报“特工”发起,据报道,在当时正在进行的对被指控的美国以色列公共事务委员会 (AIPAC) 间谍史蒂夫·罗森和基思·韦斯曼的审判中,他同意试图影响减少间谍指控。 作为回报,哈曼的联系人承诺支持她竞选众议院情报常设委员会主席。 一些怀疑是海姆·萨班本人的以色列人表示,如果哈曼没有得到这个职位,他将威胁众议院议长南希·佩洛西,以阻止萨班的政治捐款。 哈曼后来被称为中央情报局局长的可能候选人,如果没有佩洛西知道的 FBI 对她的电话交谈的录音,她可能会连续获得一个职位或两个职位。

萨班长期以来也与克林顿夫妇有联系,他和一群志同道合的捐助者可能确实构成了希拉里政治基础中最重要的财务部分。 当比尔担任总统时,萨班是白宫的常客。 他承诺将花费“ 2016年选举希拉里所需的一切,因为”与美国和以色列的关系将得到显着加强。” 萨班一再声称“我是一个单一问题的人,我的问题是以色列。” 希拉里和比尔似乎同意,甚至有人可能会争辩说,比尔对来自以色列间谍的钱财情有独钟,目睹他的 宽恕 2001 年逃犯马克·里奇 (Marc Rich) 的故事。所以,如果你愿意,把它放在一起,如果你认为华盛顿和特拉维夫之间的狗关系现在很糟糕,那就等着吧,因为如果希拉里elected.

那么谁在为美国人民的利益站出来呢? 显然没有人。 参议员特德克鲁兹在他的网站上有不少于 69 篇新闻稿,承诺支持以色列。 杰布·布什已承诺在美国禁止大多数人认为是言论自由的亲巴勒斯坦抵制撤资和制裁 (BDS) 运动。 每一位共和党候选人也继续直接和亲自迎合本杰明内塔尼亚胡,包括唐纳德特朗普,他计划访问比比,但由于对他对穆斯林的评论的反应而不得不取消这次旅行。 特朗普还告诉纽约市的犹太共和党观众,他们不会支持他,因为他不需要他们的钱,这也引起了一定的骚动。 想象一下特朗普的脸颊将犹太人与金钱与购买影响联系起来! 无论如何,反诽谤联盟(ADL)的首席执行官乔纳森·格林布拉特(Jonathan Greenblatt) 决心 特朗普的评论不是反犹太主义,因为他们被误解了,我感到欣慰的是,我们有一个像 ADL 这样勇敢而开明的组织,可以让我们在潜在的仇恨言论方面保持警觉。

乔治华盛顿无法想象金钱腐蚀美国政治的方式。 国会议员抱怨说他们的大部分时间都花在筹款上,在这样的系统中,最慷慨的捐助者不可避免地能够从政治阶层那里获得青睐。 有些人成为大使,即使他们是 完全不合格. 其他人选择推动某些立法议程,包括 税收减免 以及使他们个人富裕的救助计划。

但现在,我们有了一些远不止这些的东西,新一代的巨富、巨富的亿万富翁能够很好地利用他们的资源来支持愿意接受金钱并出卖他或她的原则的政治候选人。促进外国利益的人。 我们现在即将有一位满洲人候选人总统。

去年 XNUMX 月,一个名为以色列-美国委员会 (IAC) 的组织在华盛顿举办了首次庆祝活动,该组织表面上代表居住在美国的以色列侨民。 目前是 萨班和谢尔顿·阿德尔森(Sheldon Adelson)分享舞台. Adelson 是 IAC 的主要资助者,他出生在美国,住在拉斯维加斯,但在以色列也有家,可能拥有以色列公民身份。 他的妻子是以色列人,他 已经说过 他后悔在第二次世界大战中在美国军队服役,同时也表达了一个热切的愿望,希望有一个儿子可以担任以色列军事狙击手。 出于经济原因,阿德尔森(Adelson)和萨班(Saban)本质上都是以色列人,他们居住在美国。 斯科特·麦康奈尔 已经描述了它们 因为“对以色列的忠诚度最高,对美国的忠诚度最低”。

阿德尔森是萨班的共和党版本。 他认为美国应该将伊朗作为“谈判策略” 估计 23.8 亿美元的财富主要来自拉斯维加斯和亚洲的赌场。 他是那些促进美国无限支持以色列的潜在候选人的共和党资助者。 他为纽特·金里奇和米特·罗姆尼在 2012 年竞选共和党提名提供了总计 150 亿美元的资金,并在 10 年的国会竞选中为共和党候选人捐款 2014 万美元。 作为回报,纽特·金里奇在外交政策声明中称赞以色列,对伊朗采取强硬立场,并将巴勒斯坦人描述为“被发明的民族”。

阿德尔森和萨班的 “热烈的公众讨论” 在 IAC 中包括了许多 zingers 广泛报道 在另类媒体中。 萨班评论说,如果华盛顿和德黑兰之间就后者的核计划(以色列所定义的糟糕)达成“糟糕”的协议,内塔尼亚胡“应该炸掉那些狗娘养的”。 阿德尔森指出,“巴勒斯坦人存在的目的是摧毁以色列”,然后驳斥了包括阿拉伯人和犹太人在内的民主国家的可能性,并回答说“所以以色列不会成为一个民主国家,那又怎样?” 他补充说,托拉中没有提到民主。 两人还开玩笑说要梳理自己的资源来买 “纽约时报” 通过提出支付“超过其价值”的费用,使其对以色列的报道比现在更有利。 萨班补充说,他甚至使用“威胁”来获得有关以色列的有利媒体报道。 据报道,观众中的七百名“以色列裔美国人”以“热烈的掌声”回应了谈话。

阿德尔森和萨班 总结 会议主席肖恩·埃文海姆(Shawn Evenhaim)在结论中开玩笑说,“在谈到以色列时,没有对与左之分”,“在 2016 年大选之后,你们中的一个人会让我私人参观白宫。” 这个笑话是有针对性的。 在这一点上,几乎可以肯定,无论谁成为共和党和民主党候选人,萨班和阿德尔森都将成为最大的单一捐助者。 正如希拉里克林顿已经证明的那样,这将为他们带来巨大的访问量。 鉴于这一现实,人们不得不接受这样一个显而易见的结论,即这两位以色列亿万富翁很可能能够从根本上界定华盛顿与穆斯林世界之间的关系,从而对以色列有利。

阿德尔森和萨班可能私下认为他们已成为政治造王者是一回事,但在公共论坛上发表如此多的言论却令人难以置信。 他们的真实身份应该得到承认:外国政府的代理人,司法部没有理由要求他们根据 1938 年的《外国代理人注册法》进行注册。他们与以色列政府的密切和持续关系可以毫无疑问,证实索赔并注册为外国代理人将使他们向美国政客提供资金是非法的。

一旦开始承认外国倡导团体的身份,其他组织如 IAC、华盛顿近东政策研究所 (WINEP) 和 AIPAC 也应被要求注册为以色列政府的代理人。 还有更多这样的组织,一个虚拟的字母汤。 注册将要求其资金透明,并终止其作为教育免税组织的虚假身份。

不需要任何特殊的天才就可以意识到,一个人生活在一个国家而偏爱另一个国家的利益并不是一个理想的公民,但我们至少保留了一些言论自由的表面,任何人都应该能够倡导任何事情。 但是,如果我们两个可敬的民族政党能够一度占据制高点并采取可敬的行动,那么改变就好了。 我建议民主党全国委员会和共和党全国委员会可以考虑发展一些骨干,并联合发表联合声明,拒绝在当前的选举周期中接受阿德尔森或萨班的任何捐款。 它可以将相当大的影响力兜售和以色列本身从选举过程中移除,这将是一个福音。 它可能真的发生吗? 几乎可以肯定不是。

忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. literally almost every single politician is leashed by israel. no exception.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Trump man
  2. I’m guessing if Netanyahu makes it to the Oval Office for his visit , Hilary will likely have to pull a Lewinsky and hide her dress.

    Or…maybe take it to the next level means maybe ….anal

  3. I wouldn’t wish to appear as approving of the ‘amigos’ and so consider the open nature of their buying the USA to be chutzpah as opposed to straight up honest about what they’re up to. When considering the influence of John Roberts’ SCOTUS has played in opening American politics to practically unlimited influence buying, it does well to note it would appear on its face it is not only lax enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act has opened the virtually endless vaults to our halls of congress; but the Christian Zionists on the right of the highest bench in DC enabled this (noting the Jewish justices sit on the left or minority opinion in the decision “Citizens United”)

    Then, it recalls John Roberts close buddy Shannen Coffin served as vice presidential counsel to Dick Cheney…

  4. Mega-billionaire crypto-Israelis like Adelson and Sabin (as well as countless, pro-Zionst NGOs) dominate Washington and enjoy extraordinary influence in London, in Paris, in Frankfurt and in Brussels. Additionally, there are politically-active Jewish communities in virtually all of the world’s developed nations. And they stay in touch with one another.

    At the same time, Zionists hold most of the key positions of power in Hollywood as well as throughout America’s news media.

    Wall Street is similarly pro-Israel, with big checks being written for an array of candidates just so long as none deviate from the Zionist script. No deviation is allowed. Even a ‘whiff’ of antisemitism will not be tolerated. Hitler, remember.

    See for yourself: no candidate seeking high US office is hostile to Zionism, even though tiny, recalcitrant Israel consumes a disproportionate amount of Washington’s energy, depletes our treasury, initiates wars, and dominates America’s political landscape. Being pro-Israel is nevertheless Washington’s most essential litmus test. Non-conformity is not an option.

    In fact, any rising pol that exhibits ‘hostility’ to the Israeli-Washington special relationship is preemptively scrubbed before they run for county clerk. It’s part and parcel of what our two political parties do. There will be no exceptions. This political value also permeates mainstream news and entertainment. Hitler, remember.

    This is Israel’s ongoing policy of ‘preemption’ in America. It has been with us for decades. And it is now more entrenched than ever.

    With that in mind, a case can be made that it is Israel–not Washington–that is the world’s foremost superpower.

    • 同意: Orville H. Larson, Realist
    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  5. none of this is new. Every “democrat” prez since Truman ’48 has been a Zionist-owned property. Every “republican” prez since Bush41 has been a Zionist-owned property. That’s why it is a one-party state: Jew$$$$

    • 回复: @Orville H. Larson
  6. Maj. Kong 说:

    Bibi lives in your head. The foreign agents law is based upon the agent being paid by a foreign government. Any cursory evaluation of AIPAC would note that they receive support from donors in this country. To challenge that problem we would have to abolish dual citizenship, on the presumption that every Jew is an automatic citizen of Israel.

    What they do is no different than Phil’s pro-Iran sentiment, just with far more money. And if Iran offered Phil a seven figure salary to lobby for them, I’m betting he’d take it. But Iran is under sanctions, so they can’t do that right now.

    You want to see the real problem, look beyond some arrogant PM despised by half of his country.


    • 回复: @Philip Giraldi
    , @KA
    , @bjondo
  7. LondonBob 说:

    Not even JFK campaigned with a hostile position towards Israel, it would be too damaging to one’s electoral prospects. It is what you do when you get there.

  8. @Maj. Kong

    No Kong, I am not and have never been a advocate for Iran and would not go on their payroll under any circumstances. You confuse demanding basic objectivity in our foreign policy with advocacy. And you are wrong about FARA. This is what the website says: “FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents.” They don’t have to be on the payroll. Your link regarding Stanley Fischer is, however, well taken.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  9. Kiza 说:

    This was really sad to read. The US, “The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave” has become “The Land of the Slave and the Home of the Ass-Kisser”. 99.99% of US citizenry still has no idea whose slaves they are.

    I wanted to ran a little wager against my friends: who is going to win to become POTUS, but 100% said Hitlary. There is only one candidate in the race.

    Things are not much different in UK, France, Italy, Denmark, and so on.

    • 回复: @boogerbently
  10. “At this point it is almost certain that both Saban and Adelson will become the largest single donors for whoever becomes the GOP and Democratic candidates. That will buy them enormous access, as Hillary Clinton has already demonstrated. Given that reality one has to accept the obvious conclusion that the two Israeli billionaires might well be able to substantially define the relationship between Washington and the Muslim world, to Israel’s benefit.”

    Amplified by the latest investigative salvo from the perennially credible Seymour Hersh, who reveals that the pernicious policies that are bought are so contrary to U.S. strategic interests, that the military brass has had enough and is actively undermining them:


    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @RobinG
  11. @Philip Giraldi

    I’m here to quibble though your articles carry weight with credit. On a relatively trivial matter I am sorry that you undermined your standing as a sage and heavyweight pundit with “the nifty weapons that can be used to kill Palestinian children”.

    Apart from that…. what reason is there to suppose Hillary would stay bought? Especially in a second term?

    On the question of who is a foreign agent who should register you have failed to sew up your case. It is not enough just to quote what is said about the relevant legislation: if you want to be sure and make others sure about its proper interpretation you need to quote the actual statute.

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Dave Pinsen
  12. KA 说:

    “Every kind of inter-Arab confrontation will assist us in the short run and will shorten the way to the more important aim of breaking up Iraq into denominations as in Syria and in Lebanon.”
    (Yoded Yinon)

    The civil war that Israel helped foster fractured Lebanon for a decade and a half. It was Lebanon’s chaotic fragmentation that Yinon cited as the model for the rest of the Arab world.

    (New York Times 2013)

    The West may become a Global Israel, forever occupying, forever dispossessing, forever bombing, and forever insecure. And the Middle East may become a Global Palestine, forever occupied, forever dispossessed, forever bombed, and forever desperately violent. That is how war is realizing the Israelizing of the world.”


  13. Ragno 说:

    It might take decades; it might take centuries; hell, it might require Martian historians to get a truthful, untainted account….but I feel quite secure in history’s judgment affixing the date of the beginning of the end of Western Civilization at 1948.

    From that point on, unfortunately for the other 98% of us – the rest of it wrote itself.

  14. bjondo 说:
    @Maj. Kong

    i am pro iran and advocate for iran since iran has proven to be a more decent, fair, humane, eqalitarian country than the u.s. (great amurderka) or israel or england or france or turkey.

  15. Was Trump dis-invited to israel because of his comments about Islam or because he has rejected Democratic and Republican interventionist policy in the Middle East, including stating the obvious that Iraq and Libya have been disasters for all concerned? And Trump supports the Putin/Assad campaign against ISIS, something which is an anathema to Washington pro israel group thinkers on both sides of the aisle. Perhaps Bibi doesn’t want to force his friend Hillary to have to explain to the American people in a debate with the Donald why she has been an advocate of American intervention in Iraq, Libya and Syria.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  16. Andrei Martyanov [AKA“ SmoothieX12”] 说: • 您的网站
    @Mark Green

    With that in mind, a case can be made that it is Israel–not Washington–that is the world’s foremost superpower.

    True, in many important aspects. But the question remains–how did it come to it? It is one thing to state more or less obvious facts, totally another is to answer why did it happen. Answering this question could be a true trial.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  17. Rehmat 说:

    Mr. Giraldi knows well that as long as America’s corrupt and immoral Christian politicians are at the payroll of Jewish oligarchs – Israel will keep winning – not only politically but also keep robbing US taxpayers of trillions of dollars.

    As for “Iranophobia” is concerned – it’s as much a myth as Antisemitism.

    In September 2015, American vice-president Joe Biden admitted this fact. The only thing that would satisfy (US-Iran nuclear) deal opponents including Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is a regime change that could only come with US power, Biden said during a speech at the Ahavath Achim synagogue in Atlanta.

    No idiots can call Joe Biden an anti-Semite – as both his son-in-law and daughter-in-law are Jewish.


    • 回复: @schmenz
  18. Rurik 说:

    the date of the beginning of the end of Western Civilization at 1948.


    Dec, 23rd in fact. The day Rothschild was given the keys to the Treasury

    from then on the ascendancy of the tribe and the genocidal destruction of the West was assured

    we’re living on borrowed time unless we find a way to end the Fed

  19. alexander 说:


    It seems there is one candidate, who presents himself as ” not ” a wholly owned subsidiary of the ” Beyond-the-law Billionaires bellowing for even more Belligerence” ……That candidate seems to be Donald Trump.

    Is it a mistake to see” The Donald”, in being wealthy enough to fund his “own” campaign, as being independent enough to speak his “own” mind ?

    • 回复: @Rehmat
  20. @Fran Macadam

    I read the Hersh article. What is missing (in my estimation) is the taboo subject of the split in the American military officer corps itself; the division between secular and Christian dominion officers. There is ample evidence of this developed by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, which has received direct feedback at the general officer level in the command structures explaining any push-back against the hardcore Christians pushing forward their agenda within our military can be a career ending move. So now, you have what? General officers who see the middle east conflict as a crusade and religious duty and general officers who see through a secular geopolitical lens. Until this tension is resolved, I doubt we’re going to see any clear and stable policy. Maybe a clue to the “mystery” Hersh closes with?

    And perhaps it can get even more sticky than that; considering the highly classified circumstance where CIA officers are concurrently American military officers in a career cover…

  21. RobinG 说:
    @Fran Macadam

    But it’s interesting to note*, Fran, that one alleged ally of our military brass were none other than Israeli intelligence, who are apparently less pernicious than our own civilian government. Go figure.

    *In Seymour Hersh’s article (worth reading)

  22. Sherman 说:

    “He has said he regrets serving in the U.S. Army in World War Two while also expressing a fervent desire to have a son who would serve as an Israeli military sniper”

    I checked Giraldi’s link for the source of this information about Adelson. His source is a pro-Palestinian and viciously anti-Israel website.

    Their source for this information is a dead link.

    I did a Google search for any information in which Adelson expressed any regret for serving his country. Funny, absolutely NOTHING came up besides this pro-Palestinian site that Giraldi gets his information from. (Trust me, I found plenty of negative stuff about Adelson out there).

    I highly doubt that “Electronic Intifada” is the most reliable or objective source of information relating to news about Israel.

    If Giraldi wants to make his living bashing Jews and Israel that’s his right. However, he should be able to responsibly back up the sources of his venom.

    Grimaldi is simply rehashing and regurgitating outright lies. He is lazy and irresponsible.

    • 回复: @Rehmat
    , @Mr. Anon
    , @Rurik
  23. Mr. Anon 说:

    This article aptly described the carrot that is dangled before American politicians and media figures. But what about the stick? Not just the smearing in the media they can expect if they represent their own country rather than another country (witness the way that Ron Paul was treated). Blackmail. Amdocs was an Israeli company, and its ownership is still, I belive in the hands of those sympathetic to Israel. As the primary telephone biller in the US, Amdocs had the means to cultivate targets for blackmail. Of course, there are many more ways of doing so now. For example, one can wonder exactly who or for what the NSA actually works.

    Our politicians are bought, but they are more than just bought. They are coerced.

  24. geokat62 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    On the question of who is a foreign agent who should register you have failed to sew up your case. It is not enough just to quote what is said about the relevant legislation: if you want to be sure and make others sure about its proper interpretation you need to quote the actual statute.

    Ok, WofP, ask and you shall receive. Here is an excerpt of the said Act:



    § 611. Definitions

    (b) The term ‘‘foreign principal’’ includes—
    (1) a government of a foreign country and a

    foreign political party;
    (2) a person outside of the United States, un-

    less it is established that such person is an in- dividual and a citizen of and domiciled within the United States, or that such person is not an individual and is organized under or cre- ated by the laws of the United States or of any State or other place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States and has its principal place of business within the United States; and

    (3) a partnership, association, corporation, organization, or other combination of persons organized under the laws of or having its prin- cipal place of business in a foreign country.

    (c) Expect1 as provided in subsection (d) of this section, the term ‘‘agent of a foreign principal’’ means—

    (1) any person who acts as an agent, rep- resentative, employee, or servant, or any per- son who acts in any other capacity at the order, request, or under the direction or con- trol, of a foreign principal or of a person any of whose activities are directly or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or subsidized in whole or in major part by a for- eign principal, and who directly or through any other person—

    (i) engages within the United States in po- litical activities for or in the interests of such foreign principal;

    (ii) acts within the United States as a pub- lic relations counsel, publicity agent, infor- mation-service employee or political con- sultant for or in the interests of such foreign principal;

    (iii) within the United States solicits, col- lects, disburses, or dispenses contributions, loans, money, or other things of value for or in the interest of such foreign principal; or

    (iv) within the United States represents the interests of such foreign principal before any agency or official of the Government of the United States; and

    (2) any person who agrees, consents, assumes or purports to act as, or who is or holds him- self out to be, whether or not pursuant to con- tractual relationship, an agent of a foreign principal as defined in clause (1) of this sub- section.

    (d) The term ‘‘agent of a foreign principal’’ does not include any news or press service or as- sociation organized under the laws of the United States or of any State or other place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, or any newspaper, magazine, periodical, or other publi- cation for which there is on file with the United States Postal Service information in compliance with section 36112 of title 39, published in the United States, solely by virtue of any bona fide news or journalistic activities, including the so- licitation or acceptance of advertisements, sub- scriptions, or other compensation therefor, so long as it is at least 80 per centum beneficially owned by, and its officers and directors, if any, are citizens of the United States, and such news or press service or association, newspaper, mag- azine, periodical, or other publication, is not owned, directed, supervised, controlled, sub- sidized, or financed, and none of its policies are determined by any foreign principal defined in subsection (b) of this section, or by any agent of a foreign principal required to register under this subchapter;

    (e) The term ‘‘government of a foreign coun- try’’ includes any person or group of persons ex- ercising sovereign de facto or de jure political jurisdiction over any country, other than the United States, or over any part of such country, and includes any subdivision of any such group and any group or agency to which such sov- ereign de facto or de jure authority or functions are directly or indirectly delegated. Such term shall include any faction or body of insurgents within a country assuming to exercise govern- mental authority whether such faction or body of insurgents has or has not been recognized by the United States;

    (f) The term ‘‘foreign political party’’ includes any organization or any other combination of individuals in a country other than the United States, or any unit or branch thereof, having for an aim or purpose, or which is engaged in any activity devoted in whole or in part to, the es- tablishment, administration, control, or acquisi- tion of administration or control, of a govern- ment of a foreign country or a subdivision there- of, or the furtherance or influencing of the polit- ical or public interests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a subdivi- sion thereof;

    (g) The term ‘‘public-relations counsel’’ in- cludes any person who engages directly or indi- rectly in informing, advising, or in any way rep- resenting a principal in any public relations matter pertaining to political or public inter- ests, policies, or relations of such principal;

    (h) The term ‘‘publicity agent’’ includes any person who engages directly or indirectly in the publication or dissemination of oral, visual, graphic, written, or pictorial information or matter of any kind, including publication by means of advertising, books, periodicals, news- papers, lectures, broadcasts, motion pictures, or otherwise;

    (i) The term ‘‘information-service employee’’ includes any person who is engaged in furnish- ing, disseminating, or publishing accounts, de- scriptions, information, or data with respect to the political, industrial, employment, economic, social, cultural, or other benefits, advantages, facts, or conditions of any country other than the United States or of any government of a for- eign country or of a foreign political party or of a partnership, association, corporation, organi- zation, or other combination of individuals orga- nized under the laws of, or having its principal place of business in, a foreign country;

    (j) Repealed. Pub. L. 104–65, §9(1)(A), Dec. 19, 1995, 109 Stat. 699.

    (k) The term ‘‘registration statement’’ means the registration statement required to be filed with the Attorney General under section 612(a) of this title, and any supplements thereto re- quired to be filed under section 612(b) of this title, and includes all documents and papers re- quired to be filed therewith or amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto, whether at- tached thereto or incorporated therein by ref- erence;

    (l) The term ‘‘American republic’’ includes any of the states which were signatory to the Final Act of the Second Meeting of the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the American Republics at Habana, Cuba, July 30, 1940;

    (m) The term ‘‘United States’’, when used in a geographical sense, includes the several States, the District of Columbia, the Territories, the Canal Zone, the insular possessions, and all other places now or hereafter subject to the civil or military jurisdiction of the United States;

    (n) The term ‘‘prints’’ means newspapers and periodicals, books, pamphlets, sheet music, visiting cards, address cards, printing proofs, engravings, photographs, pictures, drawings, plans, maps, patterns to be cut out, catalogs, prospectuses, advertisements, and printed, en- graved, lithographed, or autographed notices of various kinds, and, in general, all impressions or reproductions obtained on paper or other mate- rial assimilable to paper, on parchment or on cardboard, by means of printing, engraving, li- thography, autography, or any other easily rec- ognizable mechanical process, with the excep- tion of the copying press, stamps with movable or immovable type, and the typewriter;

    (o) The term ‘‘political activities’’ means any activity that the person engaging in believes will, or that the person intends to, in any way influence any agency or official of the Govern- ment of the United States or any section of the public within the United States with reference to formulating, adopting, or changing the do- mestic or foreign policies of the United States or with reference to the political or public inter- ests, policies, or relations of a government of a foreign country or a foreign political party;

    (p) The term ‘‘political consultant’’ means any person who engages in informing or advising any other person with reference to the domestic or foreign policies of the United States or the po- litical or public interest, policies, or relations of a foreign country or of a foreign political party.


    For those who are unaware, there have been several previous attempts to get Israel Lobby groups registered under FARA:

    ZOA 被命令七次注册为以色列外国代理人——司法部解密档案

    华盛顿,21 年 2012 月 XNUMX 日 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/——以下由研究所发布:中东政策:

    The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) was ordered on seven separate occasions to register under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) according to newly declassified Department of Justice (DOJ) files. On October 17, 2012 the National Archives and Records Administration released under FOIA the long-secret files, now available online at the Israel Lobby Archive.

    ZOA incorporated on April 14, 1920 in New York. DOJ officials determined in 1947 that ZOA was controlled by the World Zionist Organization (WZO), a global entity composed of dues-paying members committed to the Zionist program for a Jewish state in Palestine. ZOA activities, negotiations with governments and NGOs were all subject to WZO approval. ZOA regarded WZO as the ultimate disciplinary and dispute resolution authority. ZOA was also beholden to WZO orders for unspecified “political actions of another kind.”

    In 1956 ZOA Pittsburgh chapter President Zalman Shapiro incorporated the Nuclear Material and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) which operated a nuclear processing facility on the Apollo Industries steel site. Future ZOA national president Ivan Novick was an original Apollo Industries founder. The FBI investigated excessive NUMEC losses of weapons-grade uranium and Shapiro’s 1960s interactions with Rafael Eitan, an Israeli spymaster who later ran Jonathan Pollard against the United States. NUMEC established a joint venture with the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, later revealed by researcher Avner Cohen to be a front for Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons program. A 2001 Energy Department audit found that NUMEC lost more weapons-grade uranium (337 kilograms) than any other facility in U.S. history. Declassified CIA and FBI files reveal US officials believed NUMEC illegally diverted nuclear material to Israel.

    The newly released DOJ files reveal a secret 1948 meeting where the Attorney General promised to exempt ZOA from all FARA registration and prosecutions in exchange for changes to ZOA/WZO governing documents. However reports filed by Justice Department staff responsible for FARA enforcement reveal that even by 1960 the promised changes had not been made. ZOA is currently attempting to regain tax-exempt status revoked by the IRS in 2011.

    The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation’s record keeper. It retains 1%-3% of the most important documents of business conducted by the United States Federal government. The Israel Lobby Archive, http://IRmep.org/ila 是华盛顿中东政策研究所的一个单位。


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  25. Ben 说:


  26. Rehmat 说:

    That’s another White Supremacist BS. Trump is financed by his Jewish friend Adelson – something he admitted himself. Do you believe Trump became billionaire without Jewish help? May be you should put that question to supporters of Trump’s anti-Muslim crap like Pat Buchanan and Dr. Kevin MacDonald.

  27. Rehmat 说:

    Okay, okay …… you don’t like pro-Palestinian bug – so how about an American Jewish bug – The Washington Post?

    “What are we going to negotiate about? What I would say is, ‘Listen, you see that desert out there? I want to show you something,’” Adelson said at Yeshiva University. “You pick up your cellphone, and you call somewhere in Nebraska, and you say, ‘okay, let it go.’ So there’s an atomic weapon goes over — ballistic missiles — in the middle of the desert that doesn’t hurt a soul.”

    Adelson continued: “Then you say, ‘See? The next one is in the middle of Tehran.’ So, we mean business. You want to be wiped out? Go ahead and take a tough position and continue with your nuclear development.

    Now, tell me who study Holy Talmud – Adelson or Netanyahu?

    27 年 2015 月 310,000 日,亚瑟·托普汉姆 (Arthur Topham) 在不列颠哥伦比亚省法院出庭,捍卫自己的言论自由权。 B'nai B'rith 指控他煽动对加拿大犹太社区(该国 35 万人口中的 32,000 万)的仇恨。 BC 省居住着 XNUMX 名犹太人。

    Topham 还被指控相信反犹太的“阴谋论”,如 The Protocols、9/11 等,并从其他网站重新发布反以色列文章。 如果罪名成立,托普汉姆将在监狱中度过一段时间,此外还会被处以重罚,他的网站 Radical Press 将被从互联网上删除——就像英国牧师斯蒂芬·塞泽 7 个月前的个人博客一样。

    前反仇恨犯罪小组侦探特里·威尔逊指责亚瑟·托普汉姆引用了伊丽莎白·迪林斯 (Elizabeth Dillings) 的著作《犹太宗教:今天的影响》中的反犹太人言论。 在盘问时,托普汉姆的辩护律师问威尔逊是否读过迪林斯女士的书,他回答说他读过。 当进一步质疑他是否与塔木德交叉核对这本书的指控时,威尔逊承认他从未阅读过塔木德。 然而,威尔逊称赞《塔木德》是犹太人的“圣书”之一,并试图说服陪审团对它的任何负面批评都只是纯粹的反犹太主义和仇恨(此处)。


    • 回复: @Sherman
  28. Sherman 说:



    • 回复: @geokat62
  29. bjondo 说:

    off topic: my comments seem to be deleted at steve sailor.

    any body else with this problem.

    of course could be comments are not worthy

    enough detour

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  30. Mr. Anon 说:

    “American politicians favoring a friendly democracy over the various totalitarian polities in the region? Shocking!”

    I see little evidence that the government of Israel is “friendly” to the United States. Indeed, corrupting our politicians and interfering in our internal affairs are hardly the actions of a friend.

    • 回复: @Orville H. Larson
  31. Mr. Anon 说:

    “I did a Google search for any information in which Adelson expressed any regret for serving his country. Funny, absolutely NOTHING came up besides this pro-Palestinian site that Giraldi gets his information from. (Trust me, I found plenty of negative stuff about Adelson out there).”

    Perhaps you are incompetent. I googled the following text string: “sheldon adelson regrets serving in the US army” and the third hit I came up with was this:


    “The uniform I wore in the military unfortunately was not an Israeli uniform, it was an American uniform………..”

    • 回复: @Sherman
  32. Andrei Martyanov [AKA“ SmoothieX12”] 说: • 您的网站

    Phil, I believe it is a typo–not to serve in US Army in WW II (Adelson was a boy then) but simply in US Army.

  33. 美国太重要了,不能孤立无援。特殊的国家需要特殊的人的特殊监督。

  34. @bjondo

    Nothing new, Sailor comes across as a narcissist whose shallow personality brooks little criticism. He self-moderates and might delete anything showing someone else is pointedly informed on the subject at hand… such as the time I elucidated a bit on Native American rights relating to the USA border with Canada (Sailor hadn’t done his homework) per the Jay Treaty. Don’t waste your time there (my advice)

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @bjondo
  35. @Ronald Thomas West

    ps, Sailor’s other trick is to leave a comment waiting moderation until it will be buried by other comments – chickenshit method

  36. iffen 说:

    Jews hedging their political bets. Wow! If they ever apply that to financial assets they could get rich.

  37. geokat62 说:


    Sherm, straight from the פערד ס (horse’s) mouth:

    • 回复: @Sherman
    , @bunga
  38. bjondo 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    you could be right. not that familiar with him.
    just revisited and comments are there again.

  39. @Andrei Martyanov

    & 马克格林, Dec 22 2015


    it is Israel–not Washington–that is the world’s foremost superpower.

    True, in many important aspects. But the question remains–how did it come to it?


    王子, (1532), ch. III

    And on these matters I spoke at Nantes with Rouen, when Valentino, as Cesare Borgia, the son of Pope Alexander, was usually called, occupied the Romagna, and on Cardinal Rouen observing to me that the Italians did not understand war, I replied to him that the French did not understand statecraft, meaning that otherwise they would not have allowed the Church to reach such greatness.

    And in fact it has been seen that the greatness of the Church and of Spain [ of Israel] in 意大利 [ in United States and in Palestine] has been caused by 法国 [ the United States], and her ruin may be attributed to them.

    From this a general rule is drawn which never or rarely fails: that he who is the cause of another becoming powerful is ruined; 因为这种主导地位要么是由机敏造成的,要么是由武力造成的,而这两者都不受上位者的信任。


  40. So some people are upset because a certain ethnic group has gained control of a mechanism designed specifically to control people. ‘Tis a pity.

    A parasite parasitizing a parasite? Hypocrisy? Irony? Obliviousness? Hereditary group genetics failure?

    Frustrated control freaks cheated out of their vicarious control fix?

  41. Sherman 说:
    @Mr. Anon

    First of all, being that Adelson was 12 years old when WWII ended, I don’t see how he could have possibly served in this war (as Giraldi claims).

    其次,阿德尔森从未对在美军服役表示“遗憾”。 他只是说他从未在以色列军队服役是“不幸的”。

    Third, as far as wishing that his “son” becomes a sniper for the IDF Adelson simply jokes that maybe someday his young grandchild will join the IDF.

    Adelson’s comments might be stupid or even offensive but Giraldi has taken them wildly out of context.

    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
  42. Sherman 说:

    Actually, “ferd” is Yiddish for horse.

    “Soos” is Hebrew for horse.

    However, I respect your command of Jewish languages. You must have been at the top of your class in Hebrew school.

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @chris
  43. bunga 说:


  44. @geokat62

    Thanks. A half-decent tax lawyer could skim that at the bar after golf and assure his friend that his organisation had a gateway provided through which five chariots could drive side by side….

    • 回复: @geokat62
  45. joe webb 说:

    ” no matter who wins….”?? this suggested to me that an analysis of Trump and his attitudes toward the Judenstaat would be provided.

    Truth in advertising please. We need an analysis of Trump, not more of the same old stuff about Billary and Bibi, etc.


    PS I saw that Trump stated that we should just get out of the MW wars….that does not support more of the same per Girardi.

    let us have something that is not just recycled last decade’s news.

  46. @Sherman

    It’s a worry that Giraldi has blotted his copybook in this post so much. But maybe it’s a good thing for those of us who give him too much credit.

  47. schmenz 说:


    Calling America’s corrupt politicians “Christian” is patently ridiculous and you should know better. If they were truly Christian they wouldn’t be doing what they are doing.


    • 回复: @bunga
  48. @Ronald Thomas West

    Don’t you think moderators might not be playing tricks but simply giving low priority to checking some comments in a busy day – like “OMG not another tendentious RTW essay to mark”.

  49. @Wizard of Oz

    Hello troll by consensus, long time no hear. My virtual middle finger .!. to you and yours…

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  50. @Ronald Thomas West

    ahah, he pulled the same trick twice on my comments, and I finally called him out on it.

    why can’t he just tell commentators straight out to stop commenting on his blogs? afraid of showing his true colors I bet.

  51. @Wizard of Oz

    if you don’t understand something, it is better to keep your mouth shut. unless you want to give confirmation to your stupidity?

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  52. geokat62 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    …his organisation had a gateway provided through which five chariots could drive side by side….

    WofP, why do you think I appended (after the FARA section) the newswire story that underlines your point?:

    For those who are unaware, there have been several previous attempts to get Israel Lobby groups registered under FARA [but to no avail]:

    ZOA 被命令七次注册为以色列外国代理人——司法部解密档案

    华盛顿,21 年 2012 月 XNUMX 日 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/——以下由研究所发布:中东政策:

    The Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) was ordered on seven separate occasions to register under the 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) according to newly declassified Department of Justice (DOJ) files. On October 17, 2012 the National Archives and Records Administration released under FOIA the long-secret files, now available online at the Israel Lobby Archive.

    ZOA incorporated on April 14, 1920 in New York. DOJ officials determined in 1947 that ZOA was controlled by the World Zionist Organization (WZO), a global entity composed of dues-paying members committed to the Zionist program for a Jewish state in Palestine. ZOA activities, negotiations with governments and NGOs were all subject to WZO approval. ZOA regarded WZO as the ultimate disciplinary and dispute resolution authority. ZOA was also beholden to WZO orders for unspecified “political actions of another kind.”

    In 1956 ZOA Pittsburgh chapter President Zalman Shapiro incorporated the Nuclear Material and Equipment Corporation (NUMEC) which operated a nuclear processing facility on the Apollo Industries steel site. Future ZOA national president Ivan Novick was an original Apollo Industries founder. The FBI investigated excessive NUMEC losses of weapons-grade uranium and Shapiro’s 1960s interactions with Rafael Eitan, an Israeli spymaster who later ran Jonathan Pollard against the United States. NUMEC established a joint venture with the Israel Atomic Energy Commission, later revealed by researcher Avner Cohen to be a front for Israel’s clandestine nuclear weapons program. A 2001 Energy Department audit found that NUMEC lost more weapons-grade uranium (337 kilograms) than any other facility in U.S. history. Declassified CIA and FBI files reveal US officials believed NUMEC illegally diverted nuclear material to Israel.

    The newly released DOJ files reveal a secret 1948 meeting where the Attorney General promised to exempt ZOA from all FARA registration and prosecutions in exchange for changes to ZOA/WZO governing documents. However reports filed by Justice Department staff responsible for FARA enforcement reveal that even by 1960 the promised changes had not been made. ZOA is currently attempting to regain tax-exempt status revoked by the IRS in 2011.

    The National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) is the nation’s record keeper. It retains 1%-3% of the most important documents of business conducted by the United States Federal government. The Israel Lobby Archive, http://IRmep.org/ila 是华盛顿中东政策研究所的一个单位。


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  53. geokat62 说:

    You must have been at the top of your class in Hebrew school.

    No, Sherm. I was actually at the top of my class in Yiddish school… hence my preference for “ferd.”

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  54. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    A deeply disturbing article. Israel is to America what Serbia was to Tsarist Russia. We all know how well that worked out for Nicholas and company. What is so desperately needed is campaign finance reform.

  55. Priss Factor [又名“普里斯工厂”] 说: • 您的网站

    It’s more than ‘Israel wins’.
    It is ‘Jews win’. Israel is but a small piece of the Jewish Global Empire.

    Jews want it all. They want the Force. They hate China, Russia, and Iran cuz they remain independent.

    Anyone who favors ideology over identity is a fool. Jews own both ‘ideologies’ in the US cuz they want the power, and this power is really to serve their identity.

    One thing for sure, most of history was not about this -ism or that -ism.

    It was about the ruling elites or radical rebels invoking whatever -ism to seek power.

    Most people are clueless about -isms of all kind.

    The prevailing -ism happens to be whatever is promoted by the ruling elites. It can change if the ruling elites adopt a different ideology or if they are overthrown by radical rebels who become the new elites and use media power to enforce the new prevailing -ism. And most people will go along since they don’t think and don’t want to think. They just wanna believe whatever is told to them and whatever is taught to them in schools. People are sheep, and sheepdom is more effective than ever cuz of mass media, social networking, PC education, and globalism. Look how fast ‘gay marriage’ craze spread among the masses, not least through celebrity worship.

    Oftentimes, when we focus on this-ism or that-ism, we lose sight of those with the power to control which -ism should prevail and how.

    Also, all -isms are at the mercy of those who control it. The same -ism can be very different depending on WHO controls it.
    ‘Capitalism’ can mean lots of things. There is no pure practice of any ‘ism’.
    Jewish democracy in Israel and Turkish democracy in Turkey work very differently even though both are said to be ‘democratic’. What Jews mean by ‘free speech’ is different from what Russians mean by ‘free speech’. In France, badmouthing Jews means jail time. In the UK, free speech doesn’t allow making funny tweets about Mandela. In Russia, free speech doesn’t protect calling Soviet troops of WWII a bunch of drunken rapists(as many 0f them were).

    Communism can come in many flavors. Surely, Trotsky’s communism and Stalin’s communism were at odds. So was Khrushchev’s communism and Mao’s communism. So, who-had-the-power mattered more than the nature of communism. If Mao said communism is pro-Russian and anti-American, it was. If he then said communism is anti-Russian and pro-American, it was the new truth.

    Indeed, when Jews complain that Russia isn’t a ‘liberal democracy’, they really mean that Russia politics isn’t controlled by Jews.

    Suppose Russia were to adopt genuine liberal democracy but suppose the vast majority of voters were to elect a right-wing populist-nationalist government in Russia. Would Jews then be happy with Russia’s liberal democracy? No, of course not. Jews are less interested in ideology than in who gets to control the ideology.

    There is no single liberal democracy, just like there was no single communism or fascism. Indeed, some of the most fanatical and toughest Polish resistance fighters against Nazi fighters were far-right nationalists.

    And some of the toughest anti-Russian forces in current Ukraine are far-right nationalists. But Jews don’t complain about them because those right-wingers are working with globalist Jews. Jews also don’t complain about the anti-liberal Saudis because Saudis are allied with US and Israel. Jews bitch that Putin has been working with people like Assad and the enemies of the US, but US is allied with arch-reactionary nations like Saudi Arabia that kills journalists and has no use for liberal democracy. Actually, Assad is more liberal than the rulers of Saudi Arabia, but Jews who claim to care so much about liberal democracy prefer the Saudis over the secular Assad.

    So, all this stuff about -ism misses the point. It’s really about who has the control.

    When Liberal Democracy was firmly controlled by Wasps in the US, many Jews turned to socialism/Marxism and were against democracy and capitalism. But once Jews took over the American system, they’ve been championing ‘liberal democracy’ while dumping Marxism.

    So, wasp-ruled ‘liberal democracy’ was bad, but Jewish-ruled ‘liberal democracy’ is good.

    When Jews controlled communism, many Jews liked it. But when communism grew independent of Jewish influence, Jews came to hate it. Jews prefer the value of power over the value of any ideology. And even when Jews use ideology, it is to make it serve their power. In contrast, naive dumb white liberals use power to serve an ideology(that is really manipulated by Jews).

    So, Jews were always more about tribal power than about the purity of any ideology.

    And this is why Jews hate fascism. Fascism developed as an adaptive, malleable, and flexible meta-ideology and strategy of power that didn’t fixate on a single ideology. It took ideas from socialism, capitalism, nationalism, imperialism, traditionalism, futurism, modernism, and etc in the service of the Power of the Nation and Race. In a way, fascism is a gentile form of Judaism. Jews have been very adaptive and flexible in using all kinds of ideas and all forms of organization to gain more power and wealth.

    Via fascism, gentiles learned to do the same thing. Jews hate gentiles most when gentiles act most like Jews. Gentiles who act like Jews have learned the secret of power from the Jews. Don’t fixate on any ideology. Fixate on your race and nation and then use whatever ideas that are useful to further your own interest. Paradoxically, Jews hate gentiles who think and strategize most like Jews. Jews want others to fixate on ideologies while they themselves fixate on the power. Jews want others to use their power to serve an ideology(shaped and molded by Jews) while Jews always use ideologies to serve their power.

    Fascism wasn’t anti-ideological but it wasn’t subservient to any single idea. Ideas were subservient to identity, race, and vision.

    It’s like the ultimate obsession in STAR WARS is the Force. It is not ‘equality’, ‘diversity’, ‘progress’, ‘tradition’, ‘tolerance’, ‘free enterprise’, ‘individualism’, etc. It is the Force. Force can come in the shape of anything but it is always more than any one ideology, any single viewpoint, any single cause.

    The Force is a fascist idea because it cannot be explained with a single ideology, viewpoint, or philosophy. It has a light side, a dark side, and so many facets. The thing is to have it. You can do good with it or do bad with it. But unless you have it, you aint got shit.

    It looks like with the new Star Wars, Jews finalized what they’ve been working toward for a long time. They’ve come to own the fascist aesthetics as their own. FF Abrams looks like Sergei Eisenstein and uses images like Riefenstahl.

    Lucas is a political Lib but he was obsessed with fascist-Nazi imagery and modern rightist mythology. The idea behind Star Wars is very ‘modern rightist’ with its immersion in the Irrational, sacred, and mystical. In the 20th century, the Left was into rationalism and materialism. The modern Right was into romanticism, spiritualism, the power of the irrational, etc. Himmler was into the Occult. Hitler drew inspiration from Wagner and partly from Nietzsche. Americans in WWII were about democracy and industry. Japanese were into Shinto, Bushido, vision of Japan as a sacred land, identity of Japanese as part of a sacred race. Americans believed in the might of arms. Japanese hung their hope on the spirit world: kamikaze and pure faith of warriors.

    The Left was supposed to have simple rational and material answers for everything. In the realm of science and medicine, materialism and rationalism won. But in the realm of art and culture, the appeal of the romantic, occult, mysterious, magnificent, and magical was undeniable. It couldn’t be suppressed. But such themes were associated with the Nazis and the style of fascist narcissism, and Jews were nervous about playing with them.

    But the success of STAR WARS showed that this stuff was appealing to many many many people all over the globe. It wasn’t just somewhat successful but the making of the biggest movie hit of all time.

    Jews tried to suppress this kind of aesthetic initially, but it was too bankable, too profitable. So, they decided to appropriate fascist imagery and themes but ostensibly in the name of fighting fascism.

    So, the new SW is very multi-culti. But if we look at the nature of its struggle for power, it’s really about multi-culti fascism vs mono-racial fascism. It is about micro-fascism vs macro-fascism. The good guys are obsessed about the Force, the power of the occult, the themes of unity and sacrifice, the need for iron discipline and warrior honor, the heroic ideal. The female hero is like the heroine of many Riefenstahl mountain-climbing movies.

    Susan Sontag was right to note that fascist themes are not exclusively intrinsic to Nazism or Europeans. its themes can be found or imposed on any people. For example, Riefenstahl’s celebration of warrior culture among the Nuba of Africa was in keeping with her cult of the health and virility in her Nazi films. (Where Sontag was completely wrong was in assuming that the fascist aesthetics was totally out of fashion and gone for good. During the early 70s of New Hollywood defined by Altman, Scorsese, and others, it really did seem as though there was no more appeal to fascist grandeur in the arts. But her kind was totally blindsided by STAR WARS and how it would popularize fascist aesthetics.)



    Jews want to own fascist aesthetics cuz it’s so bankable and profitable, so appealing to people around the world. But Jews also know that such aesthetic has long been associated with anti-Jewish Nazis and the far-right Europeans.

    So, what the new SW does is to give fascist aesthetics a ‘progressive multi-culti’ sheen.

    It’s like the fascist robot Terminator was reprogrammed to be ‘good’ and ‘progressive’ in part 2. But he was still the badass Aryan robot warrior.

    Likewise, the new SW keeps with all the fascist themes of heroism and superiority and irrational cult of holiness. After all, the very notion of the Jedis is exclusive and hierarchical, and the very idea of the Force is Nietzschean-Jungean.

    It is not about equality or tolerance but about a special elect with special superior powers. It is like the samurai, or the Nazi SS.

    So, how can this fascist idea be made palatable? By making the story ‘interracist’ and ‘feminist’.

    But it is ultimately about feminist fascism. it is not about a girl fighting for equality for all women but gaining super power to be superior to everyone else. And it is about a Negro going from a storm-trooper(who was equal with other storm troopers) to a holy warrior imbued with special superior powers. It is about both of them gaining superiority over the rest. So, as they will surely mate and have a mulatto child(as the new Obama-like savior of the universe), it is not about equality but about interracism as the new form of supremacism. The mulatto Jedi kid of their union will be regarded as SUPERIOR because his parents are this SUPERIOR white girl and this SUPERIOR Negro.

    This way, the Jews came to own fascist themes and aesthetics. They appropriated elements of Fascism and National Socialism to serve the agenda of globalist Jews(who, of course, are Jewish supremacists who believe that Jews as the Chosen and Elect should rule the world).

    • 同意: dfordoom
  56. Svigor 说:


    这部剧《鸭子王朝》将保守的南方白人中上层家庭变成了更粗野、更朴实的“乡巴佬”。 一路到银行。





    因为事实并非如此。 一年多前,我在一些 MSM 抹布上读到了它(以“揭露”的形式)。 不知何故,这种无用的、阿谀奉承的评论是有密切关系的,符合拉齐布严格的智力标准,但指出“敏锐的观察”不是拉齐布的,杰曼可能会称之为“无知的批评”。 于是,拉齐布删除了它。

    白人对这种事情感到尴尬(为了准确地贬低不劳而获的赞扬而在“言论自由”网站上审查某人是粗俗的)。 南亚人似乎缺乏这种基因。

    • 回复: @iffen
  57. Svigor 说:

    从字面上看,几乎每一个政客都受到以色列的束缚。 没有例外。

    “以色列”这个词本身似乎是“犹太人”的委婉说法,因为害怕出现同样的情况而使用。 这不像以色列经营或资助游说团。

  58. Svigor 说:


    其次,阿德尔森从未对在美军服役表示“遗憾”。 他只是说他从未在以色列军队服役是“不幸的”。


  59. @Mr. Anon

    “I see little evidence that the government of Israel is ‘friendly’ to the United States. Indeed, corrupting our politicians and interfering in our internal affairs are hardly the actions of a friend.”



  60. Svigor 说:

    一贯可信的西摩·赫什(Seymour Hersh)的最新调查火力放大了这一点,他透露,所购买的有害政策与美国的战略利益背道而驰,军方高层已经受够了,正在积极破坏这些政策

    将这篇文章读到底; 破坏已经成为过去时。 国防部已经来到耶和华面前。

  61. Reading these comments, I wonder: why are you guys so obsessed with Jews ? True, they are over-represented in many areas of US socio-economic & cultural life, but they don’t “own” the US. Nobody does that.

    1.有关阿德尔森和萨班的文字刚刚复制粘贴到一篇新文章中。 为什么 ?

    2. why do you think that Trump would be a puppet to Israel ? No US president has been so far. Trump is an American nationalist & Netanyahu is on the same wave-length (himself being, like Trump is, a race realist & a nationalist)- and that’s all. Trump was booed by American Jews when he told them explicitly that he wouldn’t recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

    3. 无论我和你如何看待奥巴马,很明显他不是以色列的傀儡。 伊朗协议不仅对内塔尼亚胡,而且对全球任何地方的鹰派犹太人来说都是明显的失败。

    The real problem with most writers & commentators here is that you conflate two groups, leftist liberals & Jews, and on top of that, you equate the decadent phase of Western civilization with imagined malign influence of “Jews”.

    Jews are not that important nor influential nor malign….. This obsession is unhealthy.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Rdm
  62. bunga 说:

    别担心。穆斯林正在讨好犹太复国主义者。沙特人正在寻求以色列的保护。卡塔尔人正在讨论如何在被占领土上与以色列进行经济整合。 阿塞拜疆已经在那里了。 ?巴基斯坦。我不会感到惊讶。


  63. Svigor 说:


    我应该写“聪明、受过教育的白人”。 低等白人垃圾当然会做这种事。

    • 回复: @iffen
  64. chris 说:

    and “Soros” is english for horse’s ass

  65. Rurik 说:

    Adelson expressed any regret for serving his country.

    “serving his country”

    If Sheldon had to choose between Israel and the US, no one believes for one second that he’d be loyal to the US, but he has the nads to openly manipulate our presidential politics in the service of another country with wildly conflicting values.

    He should be tarred and feathered and sent packing to ‘his country’

  66. @Svigor

    why aren’t you using the reply button? do you like monologues that much?

    害怕什么? 这就是互联网。

  67. “… but they don’t “own” the US. Nobody does that. ”

    It would be more appropriate to say that elites “pwn” the U.S. population, although Jewish voices of critique show that it is domination by a class more than a purely ethnic or religious one. There is a confederacy of corporate thieving.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  68. Rurik 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    a puppet to Israel ? No US president has been so far.

    ever heard of George W. Bush?

    ever heard of a war on Iraq?

    ever heard of Obama’s war on Syria?

    how many billions do we send to Israel every year?

    how has our special relationship with Israel benifited the American people?

    we go to endless wars and our young people come back in bags or worse. We slaughter innocents and destroy entire countries and create refugees by the millions upon millions. We facilitate the daily humiliations and use of Palestinians as walking organ storage units for Israelis so that if they need a kidney, they just shoot a teenager and remove it. They buy and sell smuggled Eastern European young women who’ve been raped and drugged like chattel on the block to pimps who treat them worse than animals.
    They steal other people’s land, like the Golan Heights and settlement in the West Bank and generally act like monsters to their victims who’re at their mercy. And we’re forced to fund all of that because of Jewish influence on our politics. Jews own our media and they own Hollywood and they produce movies that relentlessly promote degeneracy.

    There are a lot of things that Jews are doing that are objectionable. Is it misguided to point that out?

    Is it misguided to point out the incident of the USS Liberty and 911 and the treachery behind those singular events?

    What about Wall Street and the Fed and how between Goldman Sachs and the Federal Reserve Bank and the US Treasury there’s an obvious incestuous gang of super thieves looting this country dry? Is that something we should all carefully use our blinders to avoid seeing, or certainly mentioning?

    Many Jews are extraordinary people and have done extraordinary things. Some of them good. Jonas Salk for instance. But some of them very, very bad. Jonathon Pollard for instance.

    The reason Jews are often singled out for comment is because their collective influence on our countries and culture and societies often times is notable.

  69. geokat62 说:
    @Fran Macadam

    It would be more appropriate to say…it is domination by a class…

    Spoken like a true Marxist, Fran. So it is the bourgeoisie that dominate US foreign policy?

    You should have suggested that Noam Chomsky write a new book as a rebuttal to Mearsheimer and Walt’s, The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy. I got a great idea for the title… how ’bout, The Bourgeoisie and US Foreign Policy?

  70. geokat62 说:

    I got to hand it to you, Rurik. Your energy to take on these ziotrolls is boundless. It’s nice to know we have someone like you defending the city gates, while the rest of us trying to get some rest for the battle that lies ahead.

  71. @Rurik

    The Iraq & Afghan wars were fought on multiple levels, and Israeli component was just one among many others (more important included Haliburton and British Petroleum); Obama’s “war on Syria” has more to do with the blockade of Russian Fleet in Syrian ports & is simply a mess many hubristic politicians wade off into frequently; most money sent to Israel is from military-industrial complex that wants to sell even more military equipment to rich Arab Gulf countries- no Israeli lobby is as strong as are US military equipment producers; “special relations” are not that special. Real special relations are with those countries belonging to the Anglosphere (five eyes), where Israel is still not permitted to enter.

    Most of the rest is just an unsubstantiated rant, peppered with gory Frankenstein details I’m well acquainted with from Serbian propaganda during 1990s. You people better try to get some grip on real history’s why & hows: read Raymond Aron, Zbig Brzezinski, Henry Kissinger, the 1st book by William Engdahl (the rest is paranoia), …

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
    , @NoseytheDuke
  72. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I allways, especialy after the reunification of Germany , resisted the nonsens of ” the jews are guilty of … that and that, the jews rule the world, the jews buy everything and everybody” etc etc. But slowly I get the impression, reading the above article, that all these people where not that wrong after all. Offcurse it’s not ” the jews”, these are a small number of very rich people of jewish religion who work, and thats quite sure, in the interest of the israeli Government. But I can understand less educated people, especialy here in Germany and belief you me thats the majority here, that they get proven right in there opinion by pointing at exactly people like those mentioned in the article. By doing , what they probably thinking it’s service for Israel, the do in reality a very bad job for there country.

  73. @geokat62

    Sorry I thought my saying thanks was probably enough to say I was agreeing with you.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  74. Rurik 说:

    Obama’s “war on Syria” has more to do with the blockade of Russian Fleet in Syrian ports & is simply a mess many hubristic politicians wade off into frequently


    Do you know who’s drilling for oil there right now?

    But is it their land?

    So yes, it does have to do with oil and weapons too! And there are other actors involved, not 只是 Israel. But to pretend that Israel wields negligible influence on American foreign policy especially as regards the wars on Iraq and Syria is disingenuous, to say the least.

    Have you ever heard of the neocons Bardon?

    do you know who Pearl and Wolfowitz are? How about Netanyahu, have you heard of him?

    Do you know that Netanyahoo had the nads to lecture our president from the podium of the capital in front of an obsequious congress, and demand that they do more to foment war with Iran?

    How’s that for chutzpah, eh?

    I suppose if you were talking to a middle schooler or a watcher of Faux “News” and were trying to convince them of this twaddle, that perhaps you’d get somewhere. But this site is pretty darn savvy, and your comments just come off as so much shilling for the Likudniks.


    (thanks Geok ; )

    • 回复: @Ivan
  75. iffen 说:


  76. @Svigor

    Yes but…. It also reflects if only incidentally the fact that the Israel firsters are by no means a majority of US Jews. Mind you I don’t know where the small sample of American Jews I met earlier this year in Israel (my first visit) would stand. I expect they would confound most of the vigorous oversimplifying generalisations found on this blog. What, for example, to expect of one from the NE who accepted “Jewish atheist” as a description of himself when I mentioned Bertrand Russell’s writing of the difference between Protestant and Catholic atheists and asked him if he was a Jewish atheist. Also he was totally laid back about two non-observant daughters married to (presumably lapsed) Catholics. My own Jewish inlaws in the UK are highly critical of Israel without being fashionable London lefties.

  77. iffen 说:

    你是做什么的? 你是 对白人有意见的人吗? 你是白人吗?

  78. @geokat62

    Well it certainly wasn’t a Khazar ancestor which lost that German “p”. Or maybe I could adopt the wilful complicator mode of the conspiracy theorist and say that it was because of the illiteracy or foreignness of the Khazars that they took to German words with an axe.

    • 回复: @Old Jew
  79. geokat62 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Sorry I thought my saying thanks was probably enough to say I was agreeing with you.

    I would have thought that too, WoP, but I guess I misconstrued the “five chariots driving side by side” as an indication that you disagreed.

  80. @Astuteobservor II

    Maybe your question mark is just a tease so I won’t fall for being so pompous as to lecture you on the courtesy of clarity to save people’s time. But, as well as your question mark, I have trouble knowing what you are trying to say when I offered my gentle tease with possible element of truth that some of the moderators’ habits complained of may be just the human failing of not being able to find 36 vigorous hours of activity in a day. Maybe you were saying something about moderators but, if so, it isn’t clear.

  81. @Ronald Thomas West

    I’m disappointed. I would have hoped my gentle jest (a jest, but also pointing to something worth saying to those who hadn’t put themselves in the shoes of busy moderators whom they criticise) deserved a more sophisticated and civilised response. When I am accused with more or less justice and more or less courtesy of talking too much I try to respond with something that has at least the tone of “But surely you will be pleased to know that I have enough breath left for another hour without paragraph breaks”. As I have reason to know about PR and those that employ it I could proffer advice but let it go at suggesting that there is little point in crudity.

    As you weren’t bothered with any subtleties or precision I don’t suppose you chose the words “troll by consensus” much thought but I would be intrigued to know what you intended to convey. Surely RTW isn’t deciding to form a view about me because of a handful of highly inconsistent blog statements have accused me of being some kind of troll, especially as that small handful aren’t really in your camp. But equally it is hard to believe he has paid serious attention to my output and concluded that it is itself a consensus view of a gang of trolls.


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  82. @Wizard of Oz

    Apologies that this browser doesn’t always allow editing. I prefer to edit as a matter of courtesy to readers even if it is only to insert “with” before “much thought”. And I could have added inverted commas and ensured consistency of grammatical person.

  83. Priss Factor [又名“普里斯工厂”] 说: • 您的网站

    Will you get a load of this? I know Trump is a joker, and a great nation deserves someone better than the likes of him, but what kills me is the notion among some Americans that they are still living in a dignified nation and that the likes of him are just too low and vulgar for national pride. Hardy harhar.


    美国人尴尬了? 真的吗? 美国人还有羞耻心吗?

    After Clinton the pimp, Bush the moron, and Obama the sleazebag, Americans have any pride left? They still have any dignity left to feel outraged? Really? A nation that makes ‘gay marriage’ law of the land still has pride left? A nation where the president praises a man, Bruce Jenner, for putting on a dress and getting a boob job still has pride left? A nation where people like Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor are appointed to the Supreme Court still has pride left? Come on. US has no pride left. Trump or no Trump, US should be embarrassed of itself.

    Only a moron nation has rap music as its national culture. Only a moron nation makes STAR WARS over and over to fool and milk the dummies. Only a moron nation promotes someone like Miley Cyrus as role model for kids. Only a moron nation has a foreign policy that totally messes up the Middle East. Only a moron nation shuts down entire cities to have massive homo pride parades. Only a moron nation restarts the Cold War because globalist Jewish elites don’t like Russia’s ban on ‘gay’ pride parades.
    Only a moron nation has most Conservatives getting their news from talk radio and Fox news. Only a moron has most Liberals getting their news from the likes of Jon Stewart(now replaced by some glib Jewgro from South Africa) and Stephen Colbert.
    Only a moron nation destroys businesses cuz they won’t bend over to the homo agenda. Only a moron nation has University presidents and deans fired because of loud black thugs, bitchy homos and trannies, and deranged feminists.

    This is a nation where Rolling Stone magazine, the rag of young dolts everywhere, gave us the UVA rape hoax story and still refused to fire that lowlife rotten hag bitch Sabrina Rubin Erderly.

    I think part of Trump’s appeal is as a scapegoat. Americans without dignity, culture, and pride look at him as the ‘crazy guy’ & ‘clown’, and by denouncing him they make themselves feel more intelligent, sane, and dignified than they really are.
    It’s how morality works on sensational talk shows. You bring on some ‘crazy personality’ and the audience members smugly and glibly feel sane and superior because the guy on stage seems so ‘beyond the pale’.

    • 回复: @joe webb
  84. Can anyone point to case studies of how many owners the average Congressman has? I mean it would be possible to be fully funded (and funding really is the key for most Congressmen I suppose, more now than ever) by say Disney for copyright, X for biofuels, Y for farm price supports and Israel firsters for Israel. And that’s without elementary pork barrelling for the home territory.

  85. @Haxo Angmark

    It was Harry Truman–the failed haberdasher, the “Senator from Pendergast”–who recognized Israel in 1948 in return for $2 million in campaign contributions from pro-Zionist sources.

  86. joe webb 说:
    @Priss Factor

    “I know Trump is a joker, and a great nation deserves someone better than the likes of him,”

    Prissy, my dear child, my naughty daughter with a potty mouth. I have changed my mind about just about everything regarding the ladies, the loopy ladies. Nothing is ever Enough, nothing is good enough for the Princess. Blemish is the game, one little blemish and NO!

    Now what every princess (or the occasional prince) needs to know is that throwing tantrums, particularly those with Big Words in them, only signals people that , in this case, they got a spoiled child in their midst who needs a time out, or even standing in the corner, which seems to have gone out of fashion, but always worked for me, although i rarely got it, because it communicates very well that one has hit the wall, usually of one’s narcissism, pride, and insolence to just about everybody.

    Nothing is good enough. All or Nothing…that is the female negotiating position. Sort of like Hillary, the Bitch of all bitches in the national memory. Even now despised by a large portion of females themselves.

    Trump is the Only persona we got, and you trash him cuz he plays the game to some degree to get elected. You cannot wait until he is elected ….you are really an amateur tyrnant, the worst kind, because a successful tyrant at least negotiates with his tribe and supporters, and of course dissembles to his Enemies. But you will not even tolerate that ..your holiness.

    Women should never have gotten the vote. bBecause of hysterics like yourself


    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
  87. Mr. Anon 说:

    “Secondly, at no point does Adelson express “regret” for serving in the U.S. military. He simply says it is “unfortunate” that he never served in the Israeli military.”

    No, a patriotic American who is proud of his service in the US army would not say ““The uniform I wore in the military unfortunately was not an Israeli uniform, it was an American uniform………..”. The sole mention of his service in American arms was as an “unfortunate” contrast to what he (said) he really would have liked to have done. It was implicitly derogatory.

    You are wrong. You were wrong. You may as well admit it. And – as you elided over – those were his own words, not hard to find either. But you chose to ignore that hit. Your objection, on that accout anyway, was disingenuous.

  88. @Wizard of Oz

    Generally, politicians don’t get “bought” by donors, in the sense of getting bribed to advocate a certain policy. What usually happens instead is that donors give money to politicians who already agree with their policy priorities.

    If you doubt that, answer this question: when’s the last time a wealthy pro-life donor has bought off a formerly pro-choice Democrat? Or consider this thought experiment: how much money would you have to donate to Hillary to make her become pro life?

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  89. Realist 说:

    “Secondly, at no point does Adelson express “regret” for serving in the U.S. military. He simply says it is “unfortunate” that he never served in the Israeli military.”

    You are rewriting Adelson’s comment.

  90. Realist 说:

    You left Clinton off your list.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  91. At least the oligarchs are out in the open about their intentions so no one is under the impression that their vote matters. The only hope I have now concerning foreign policy is that the US military will not go for something completely stupid. If Seymour Hersh and Chalmers Johnson are right then the US military has its limits (war with Iran/supporting Salafi Jihadist). That will be the only check on the next president’s psychopathy. Hillary is unapologetic concerning the evil she has done. She might very well fulfill all of Saban’s desires if she is unopposed.

  92. KenH 说:

    It’s not even in dispute anymore that Israel wins no matter who gets elected president of the U.S. I assure you the Izzies aren’t biting their fingernails when it comes to the next president. And even if by some miracle America elected a president that put America first we have all the whores in Congress who are owned by AIPAC and thus act/vote like the American Knesset where Israel is concerned.

    The fundamentalist Christians are insufferable when it comes to supporting Israel and are so worshipful that it becomes treason and disloyalty to America. A prime example is Ted Cruz who won’t stand with anyone who won’t stand with Israel. And Sarah Palin loudly proclaimed that she loved Israel during the 2008 vice presidential debate with Joe Biden.

  93. @Bardon Kaldian

    Reasonable premises all, having grown up through the military and commercial side of Military Industrial in the DC area, I concur all. No one is stronger than defense contractors and security/Intel types. They get the toys and strategies they request without fail it seems. It’s a parallel government, governed by no one and if you aren’t inside, you are most assuredly are not invited. I feel that the Bushes, Obamas, Clintons and Reagans of the White House are other-ruled in many items of the duties of Executive Branch.

    And so I ask Bardon, having read Brzezinski, Kissinger and Engdahl, when you look out over the foreign landscape, are we screwed, or do we always prevail? And especially, within our own borders, how do you see it all coming out, say, 50 years out? Brzezinski and Kissinger have woven themselves into and out of the very top for many decades now, I have my opinions on them, but whatever you think of them, when they talk, you must listen. All these years, they always seem to have the ear of folks that have a rather large say in “things”.

    What do you think, Berdon?

    • 回复: @Bardon Kaldian
  94. Rurik 说:

    hey Realist,

    Since Wilson, they’ve all been complicit with the money men after Woodrow handed Rothschild the keys to the Treasury

    But for a while there was some semblance of sanity. Clinton singlehandedly demolished the principle of International Law when he bombed Serbia into submission, but at least he didn’t go further than that by destroying entire countries for the tribe. But then if his gorgon wife gets back into the White House, this planet will become an inferno of wars

    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Realist
  95. Svigor 说:


    正确的。 在南亚人(尤其是其他人)的口中,言论自由只是一句空洞的、自私的陈词滥调。 对拉齐布的阿谀奉承,无内容=非常重要的数据(为了拉齐布的自负)。 纠正这种赞扬是对拉齐布以外的人的赞扬=“搞乱了线索”和“无知”。 明显地。

    美国人尴尬了? 真的吗? 美国人还有羞耻心吗?

    当然。 每当媒体告诉他们时。

  96. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    if his [Clinton’s] gorgon wife gets back into the White House, this planet become an inferno of wars


    • 回复: @Rurik
  97. Svigor 说:

    无论谁当选美国总统,以色列都会获胜,这一点甚至不再存在争议,我向你保证,在谈到下一任总统时,伊兹家族不会咬指甲。 即使美国奇迹般地选出了一位把美国放在第一位的总统,我们国会中的所有妓女都属于美国公共事务委员会(AIPAC),因此在涉及以色列的问题上,他们的行为/投票就像美国议会一样。

    原教旨主义基督徒在支持以色列方面令人难以忍受,并且如此崇拜以色列,以至于这成为对美国的叛国和不忠诚。 一个典型的例子是特德·克鲁兹,他不会与任何不与以色列站在一起的人站在一起。 莎拉·佩林在 2008 年与乔·拜登的副总统辩论中大声宣称她爱以色列。

    是的,原教旨主义基督徒是令人难以忍受的。 他们应该受到责备。


    哈哈。 以色列必须是一个原教旨主义基督教种族隔离国家。 AIPAC 必须是一个原教旨主义基督教组织。


    • 回复: @KenH
  98. Rurik 说:

    if his [Clinton’s] gorgon wife gets back into the White House, this planet will become an inferno of wars


    there are a lot of people who look back on WWII with horror

    Sixty million Russians, Germans, Poles, Ukrainians, British, Americans and others were horrifically burned alive or ripped apart by lead and shrapnel, or raped and/or tortured or starved to death in that orgy of Satanic slaughter that engulfed much of Europe and Russia and left it reduced to smoking ashes.

    Then there are also a lot of people who contemplate all of that and believe it was a good start, but it has to get finished!

    as long as there are Germans who are happy and Russians who are strong and British who are out ridding or playing cricket, there will be some whose souls are twisted into tormented wraiths. Agonizing at the sounds of laughter and the sight of ruddy cheeked youth.

    For them these minor skirmishes that only get a few millions ground up here and there is foreplay. They can mollify their angst by droning a wedding here and there or blowing up a commercial jet in the sky, but it only puts salve on their soul-wounds – but does nothing to sate that eternal imperative surging in their veins.

    The followers of Leo Strauss understand that to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs. And the omelet they have in mind is something from Moloch’s abyss.

    So if you think the wars in the Middle East are something, wait until that gorgon gets in there and tells her newly confirmed State Dept. that job number one is to “得到 Putin”. No matter the costs or consequences.

    然后 we’ll see some carnage like you’ve never dreamed of

    And she’s just the vicious hag to see it though, believe me ; )

    why do you think they picked her?

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @RobinG
  99. geokat62 说:

    The followers of Leo Strauss understand that to make an omelet, you have to break some eggs. And the omelet they have in mind is something from Moloch’s abyss.

    Rurik, your comment about Strauss reminded of an exchange I had with another Unz commenter, a couple of years ago:

    其他评论者:我一直在想,美国被那些拒绝传统道德的 Thrasymachus 和 Callicles 模棱两可的人劫持了。”

    geokat62:您是少数了解新保守主义意识形态哲学根源的人之一。 新保守主义之父是列奥·施特劳斯,他向古人,尤其是柏拉图和他的高贵谎言概念寻求灵感。 这种意识形态的基本信条是“道德没有理性的基础……一切都是为了利他利己; 这样做没有客观原因,只有今生的奖赏和惩罚。”

    这是有关施特劳斯的精彩访谈– http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article5010.htm

  100. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    why do you think they picked her?

    they picked her because she is damaged goods and they picked her when she was damaged goods. They — you know who They are — saw the right combination of simmering ambition and seething humiliation and offered her the realization of a revenge fantasy served up from a bottomless bowl. It’s about the money, but it’s so much more than the money.

    Hillary is the prime example of the banality of evil.

    Same goes for Congress — it’s money, but more than money. The Straussians know how to make their Mark part of the “in-crowd;” when you’re on-board the Straussian-zionist train, you are In. You have Power, baby.

    Speaking of the banality of evil — what troubles me most is how our young people have been turned into agents to work out the genocidal rage of the Straussians: the brightest of our young engineers are seduced to work for their spy organizations. The best of our young historians will NOT see an acceptance letter from a publisher, nor from one of the formerly fine universities that old-line Americans built with their hard-earned dollars and ideals, unless they megaphone the Straussian narrative. America’s own young people are turned against it in their idealistic quest to be part of the nation, and their psychological need to compete and achieve.

  101. @Jim Christian

    It is, of course, impossible to predict anything on that level. But, looking from our vantage point, I would say that the most important thing is to win a war on ideas, the culture war demonizing Euro-Americans & their identity and heritage. The affirmation of the American nation as basically white, or having roots in broader Western culture ( Greco-Roman heritage; Enlightenment & Rationalism; mostly Christian and, perhaps, post-Christian spiritual culture & official American English language) would end in a “browner” US, but still a recognizable historical country.

    If not, the US will become a mega-Brazil (not South Africa) with nukes and, eventually, fall apart into a few ethno- states. Other scenarios are possible, of course, but neo-liberal imperialism cannot last. History has taught us something Pat Buchanan has aptly summarized: “Race matters. Ethnicity matters. History matters. Faith matters. Nationality matters. While they are not everything, they are not nothing. Multiculturalism be damned, this is what history teaches us.”

    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  102. RobinG 说:

    This is a keeper, Rurik. I can imagine you reading this at a poetry slam…..or a Trump rally.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  103. Realist 说:

    “Since Wilson, they’ve all been complicit with the money men after Woodrow handed Rothschild the keys to the Treasury ”


  104. Priss Factor [又名“普里斯工厂”] 说: • 您的网站

    Sovereignty or Suzerainty?

    That is the question of the 21st century for most nations around the world.

    The Jewish-controlled US will not tolerate the sovereignty of any nation.

    If it says ‘someone must go’, that someone must go. Jews say Assad must go. (But the thug Netanyahu can go on taking land from Palestinians and killing Arabs. And demanding billions more from the US.)

    The real crime of Syria is that it’s been a sovereign state allied with nations like Russia and Iran, both hated by Jews. Its sovereignty will not be tolerated.

    To break the hold the Zio-globalist Suzerainty all over the world, white gentiles must first emerge from Jewish elite domination. Jewish power is enabled by white gentile collaboration. Indeed, if white gentiles were to overthrow the Jewish yoke, Jews would not be able to cause so much trouble and suffering all over the world via finance capitalism, military interventions, subversion, cultural degeneration, and etc.

    But why is Jewish domination to difficult to break?

    1. Jews control the media and can destroy anyone’s reputation in a sec.

    2. Jews control finance and can destroy anyone’s wealth in a sec.

    3. Jews control the academia and mold elite minds of gentiles.

    4. Jews use Holocaust guilt to mute any criticism of Jewish power.

    5. Jews ally with people-of-color(ennobled by the Narrative as the perennial victims of white ‘racism’ and ‘imperialism’) and play on ‘white guilt’ to prevent the emergence of any white power movement. For white power movement to emerge, whites must feel victimized, wronged, dispossessed, and oppressed, thus justified in their demand for power.
    And many whites are beginning to feel this way under the power of Jewish-global-domination. Jews fear this, so they buy off elite whites as comprador-collaborators and vilify angry middle class/working class/poor whites as deranged, ‘racist’, ‘xenophobic’, and etc.

    This is why Jews need diversity to play on white guilt. Suppose there were only whites and Jews in a nation and suppose whites were to notice that Jews have great power and privilege over them. Despite the Holocaust cult, whites will eventually come to see Jews as the ruling elites. White Guilt will gradually ebb away as it becomes ever more apparent to whites that Jews rule over them and that Jewish power must be challenged.
    So, in order to play on ‘white guilt’ in regards to ‘white privilege’, it is helpful to Jews to have a big population that is poorer than whites. That way, Jews can badger whites and say, “Look at those unfortunate blacks and browns. They are poorer and worse off than you whites, so that must mean you whites have white privilege over them.” Thus, as whites are made to feel ‘guilty’ for having more than blacks and browns, the fact that Jews have more than whites is pushed to the back while Jews encourage blacks to scream BLM.

    In a world of only Jews and whites, it would become obvious to whites that their sovereignty has been taken away as they live under a state of suzerainty under the Jewish elites. So naturally, the masses of whites will look upon Jews as the rulers whose power should be challenged.

    In order for Jews to keep their suzerain power over whites, they must convince whites that they, the whites, got all the power in the world and are ruling over everyone else. Thus, whites are distracted from demanding their own sovereignty(independent of Jewish power) and instead made to obsess about their ‘white guilt’ and ‘white privilege’ over blacks and browns, to whom so much is owed.

  105. alexander 说:


    Has anyone taken the time to ask any of the extremely wealthy patrons of Israel who are bankrolling their American President of choice, whether they have a “peace plan”. ?

    Do any purport to actually having a plan for resolving the conflict that does not involve, war, occupation, land grabbing, and the expulsion and/or extermination of Palestinians?

    Does Mr Netanyahu, as a leader, have a “plan” for peace ?

    Does Israel, as a nation, have a plan for peace ?

    Is there currently a ten point” peace plan”…. somewhere…… sponsored by the Israeli government,that shows specific resolutions to all the outstanding issues within the conflict ?

    If there is , I would like to see it.

    I am well aware of the entire international communities requirements for peace as spelled out most succinctly in U.N.S.C. resolutions 242 and 338

    I am well aware of the 2002 Arab peace plan…which conforms wholly with the U.N.S.C. mandates.

    I am well aware that the Palestinians have accepted nearly all ,if not all ,the Security Council resolutions, as well as those enumerated within the Arab peace initiative.

    But where is Israel ?

    Has Israel articulated to anyone, anywhere ” their” peace plan ?

    Mr Giraldi,……. I need to ask you this, in complete honesty….

    If” you” are the guy who has “No” plan for peace….how can the “other guy” be the terrorist ?

    If “you ” are the guy who wants “war”….and the other guy has “accepted” all the peaceful resolutions to the conflict…..how is it “he” can be the terrorist…and “not” you?

    I need to understand how it is possible that this may be so.


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  106. Art 说:

    “Adelson’s comments might be stupid or even offensive but Giraldi has taken them wildly out of context..”

    Gee Sherm.

    You left out the anti-Semite charge?$$#%^%?

    Hate to see it, but your hasbara supervisor is going to dock you.


    p.s. Get it back — go ahead – hit me with everything you got.

  107. @Astuteobservor II

    Well I see this wasn’t a product of your deepest thoughts and tightest editing (literally almost every v. no exceptions) but I invite you to consider how many paymasters can buy or leash one politician – and for your list of exceptions.

    Obviously a Senator Rockefeller is prima facie not owned/leashed and maybe there are other names that come to mind from recent decades but for those in serious need of money and of there being no well financed opponent even or especially in the primaries how does it work?

  108. @alexander

    Good question(s) but I think there are two possible lines of argument that negate your premise to some extent. One is that Israel would say that it is all too complicated to have a single credible peace plan. There are so many avowed enemies who want the destruction of Israel that there is no choice but to be nimble, flexible, strong, adaptable and opportunistic in the realistic expectation that peace in the sense enjoyed by most countries outside the ME is unlikely. The other (and no doubt there are others) is that they take the Daniel Pipes realist view that there will only be peace when the Palestinians are defeated and recognise that they are defeated. There is obviously much more to say but gotta run.

    • 回复: @alexander
  109. @Kiza

    “I wanted to ran a little wager against my friends: who is going to win to become POTUS, but 100% said Hitlary.”

    I’ve got to believe that the same number of Dems are tired of “business as usual” as conservatives.

    The same media that is swearing Hitlery beats all GOP choices is the same govt media that lies about everything else.

  110. @Bardon Kaldian

    I like everything about your comment except the faith part.

    • 回复: @Art
  111. alexander 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Yes, Mr Oz,

    Well, I don’t want the destruction of Israel…..that would be terrible.

    but I don’t want the destruction of Palestine either….how is that not equally tragic ?

    If the Holocaust of Jews in Nazi Germany was an abomination…which it was…how can the holocaust of Palestine …today…be no less so ?

    Two wrongs can never make a right.

    Can they… Mr Oz ?

    Israel needs a “peace plan”…and it needs it fast.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Avery
  112. Art 说:

    “The same media that is swearing Hitlery beats all GOP choices is the same govt media that lies about everything else.”Through the day I monitor the news aggregators – every story all the time is negative to Trump.”

    In all the news aggregators – every story all the time is negative to Trump.

    The Jew controlled MSM’s most effective way to stop someone is to ignore them. But Trump makes them too much money.

    I think that they will stop giving him an open mic – that they will only use edited video stories.

    Prevail – do not be put off – Elect him.

  113. Art 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    “I like everything about your comment except the faith part.”

    Sorry the universe does not work that way. Things evolve because they produce something that can survive.

    What you love evolved out of the Christian faith. Western freedom and Western science evolved out of the Christian faith.

    Is it not obvious that as we get away from that faith – things get worse and worse.

    Do one and one still make two?

    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  114. KenH 说:


    哈哈。 以色列必须是一个原教旨主义基督教种族隔离国家。 AIPAC 必须是一个原教旨主义基督教组织。

    You lost me because not only am I not an anti-Zionist leftist, but I assumed most readers on this site are acutely aware of the scope of Jewish power and influence in America and how they’ve co-opted groups such as the dispensationalist Christians/fundamentalists/evangelicals to become their enablers along with many politicians.


  115. @Art

    are you seriously trying to attribute everything the western civilization has accomplished to christian faith? not despite of it?

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Jim Christian
  116. @alexander

    You are saying I think that Israel needs to be seen by the big players in the world to have a peace plan if it is not to be regarded as a pariah that, in the end, cannot count on support for its survival if any hostile power in the ME becomes powerful enough to defeat it.

    Or are you just saying that morally Israel ought to be putting forward proposals for a peace agreement in good faith (that is not one that is designed to fail) even if it is vanishingly unlikely that all the necessary parties will accept? Who btw do you think are the necessary parties?

    • 回复: @alexander
  117. Avery 说:

    {If the Holocaust of Jews in Nazi Germany was an abomination…which it was…how can the holocaust of Palestine …today…be no less so ?}

    How are the war crimes committed by the State of Israel against Palestinians remotely comparable to the Holocaust ?
    What the heck are you talking about ?
    Nazis systematically murdered 6 million (or so) Jews in an industrial scale, meticulously organized program.
    (amongst millions of other Untermenschen, e.g. Slavs)
    Jews came close to being wiped out from the face of the Earth.
    How may Palestinians has the state of Israel killed and murdered since its founding?
    30,000 max ?
    The population of the Palestinian Territories (W. Bank and Gaza) is about 4.5 million.
    In 1970 it was about 1 million.
    Population of both has been growing handsomely.
    Yes: from 1970 to 2015 population of PT grew from 1 million to 4.5 million.
    What holocaust are you talking about.

    Apartheid practices by Israel ? Yes.
    暴行? 是的。
    Land theft ? Yes.
    Murder ? Yes.
    Ethnic cleansing ? Yes.
    War crimes ? Yes.

    Holocaust ? Give me a break.
    Do you even know the meaning of the word ?

  118. Art 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    “are you seriously trying to attribute everything the western civilization has accomplished to christian faith? not despite of it?”

    Yes – I am saying that despite the priests and preachers and their exclusion and inclusion hate games – that Christianity has been a big plus for humanity.

    That plus comes in the form of the volitional Western Christian philosophy for living. This philosophy has little to do with God – it is a prescription for free living. It takes the form of a set of ideals to live by – it says – live with hope, respect life, seek the truth, forgive, love your neighbor as you love yourself, regardless of who your neighbor is. Aren’t those the ideals that drive Western culture?

    No one is perfect, but if we work towards these ideals 80% of the time – 80% of the time things will work out. The world does not need perfect, it needs better. Living out ideals does that.

    Have there been major failures – of course – tribal waring still churns our souls. But in the private world (the non-state world) Western life is steadily improving. As the state gains more power over its private citizens, things turn the other way. Force will never ever bring a better world.

    • 回复: @Astuteobservor II
  119. @Art

    I guess I disagree with you on a fundamental level. I understand the need for religion in the dark ages. when everything is shit, any semblance of order is a good thing. Why the hell would we need it now? the last few hundred years? in 2016 no less? are you saying you need the stupid bible to tell you not to kill or steal? If so, then we have a bigger problem on our hands as a min of 40% of the american population identified with your beliefs.

    it will soon be 2016. if you need the bible to lead your life, you might as well just end your self. If the entire western civilization truly depends the bible and adheres to it, what the hell have we been doing the last 25 years in the middle east?

    • 回复: @Art
  120. alexander 说:


    Israel has no peace plan, none that I have seen, but if you know of one, please oblige me.

    Israel has made no indications to anyone that it plans to recognize Palestine at all,ever.

    The last leader who seemed to be genuine about recognizing Palestine,Yitzhak Rabin, was exterminated by a Jewish terrorist for suggesting it.

    Rather It seems Israel is very interested in consuming” all” the Palestinian territories, and using as much of the land and resources it can for itself.

    It seems Israel wants to reclaim all of “Judea and Samaria” as part of its greater nation state, in the process remaindering Palestine to the dust bin of history.

    In subsuming all the territory from river to the sea, Israel will exterminate Palestine as an viable national entity.

    That, Mr Avery, can only be defined as the Holocaust of Palestine.

    How would you define it? Liquidate? erase? disintegrate ? eradicate?

    I think Israel will deal with the “demographic threat of a potential Palestinian majority within a democratic “Greater Israel” through expulsion and extermination. I think Israel will try to have Jordan and Egypt absorb massive numbers of Palestinians, to perhaps minimize the amount of extermination that is required for a substantive Jewish majority in the newly expanded “greater Israel”.

    I think Israel is doing everything in its power to initiate a new Intifada, right now, as a pretext to exterminate Palestinians in massive numbers.

    I think Israel would like to Initiate a world war between the United States and Iran within the next decade, and use that as a pretext to exterminate Palestinians in massive numbers.

    I think Israel has a thirty year time horizon for the completion of the holocaust of Palestine, it may take longer, I cannot be sure.

    If you feel I am wrong about this,please illuminate me as to what plans Israel has for Palestine, or for that matter what plans Israel has for Peace.

    At the moment, I see none.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  121. @Avery

    Apartheid practices by Israel ? Yes.
    暴行? 是的。
    Land theft ? Yes.
    Murder ? Yes.
    Ethnic cleansing ? Yes.
    War crimes ? Yes.

    Holocaust ? Give me a break.

    Well as long as they’re only guilty of a few little peccadilloes like apartheid, atrocities, land theft, murder, ethnic cleansing and war crimes that’s OK then. Such minor blemishes are hardly worth mentioning.

  122. Old Jew 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Yiddish is spelled with Hebrew letters. In Hebrew the consonant “Pey” is pronounced P or F pending on where it is located in the written word.

    To transcribe the German “Pferd” as Pey, Phey, Ayin, Reysh, Dalet goes against the spirit of Hebrew..

    To have two Pey one after another at the beginning of a word? Nah!

    An Ivrit speaker, may read your spelling of Horse as Perd not Ferd.


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Sam Shama
  123. Svigor 说:



    我纠正了。 当然那只是因为我把它从你身上拖出来了......

    纳粹以工业规模、精心组织的计划系统性地屠杀了 6 万(左右)犹太人。

    废话,真的。 胡图族主要使用砍刀,大幅领先纳粹。 从效率、规模和组织来看,“最终解决方案”就是一个笑话。

  124. @Bardon Kaldian

    Open your eyes and tell me what you see beside polyps.

  125. @joe webb

    C’mon Joe, The Priss Factory has a gift. A rare gift that cuts right through bullshit and calls it like it is in a way very few others can or do. I’ve copied some Priss comments and forwarded them to a prim little church lady I know, seriously. She’s shocked but finds “a lot of truth in it”.

    If The Donald ever becomes President it will indicate just how awful things actually are “in the land of the free and the home of the brave” but I do agree Clinton will be a disaster. So very sad.

    • 回复: @alexander
  126. @Avery

    Doesn’t the word Holocaust mean Burnt Offering? Hasn’t white phosphorous been used on civilians in Gaza? Pretty nasty burns there. The 25 – 30 thousand numbers you toss out like it’s insignificant but they are people too. No doubt the numbers differ but the morality?

    On the subject of numbers, somewhere between 50 and 60 million people were killed in WWII, many of them innocents. It was a tragedy in every sense but why does the number 6 million keep coming up and rarely the number 60 million?

    There are other similarities too… collective punishments for one. Just wrong!

    One could make the argument that the term Chosen People isn’t very far adrift from Master Race.

    I don’t think opinion towards Jews in general is helped when people defend the indefensible when it comes to Israel.

    • 回复: @Avery
  127. @Old Jew

    Thanks I love it. Cheerful in the spirit of a Merry Christmas:)

    On words… My south slav bookkeeper was complaining about the time wasted in writing Happy New Year after Merry Christmas so I explained that there was an old-fashioned English class distinction involved. My mother had met lots of upper class English girls in the 1920s so passed on the (Nancy Miford approved) preference for “Happy Christmas” to me. Googling got me more or less confirmatory information – though Merry Christmas (with its overtones of drunken revelry dates back to the 16th century). Then I came across two over 30s men of English upper middle class background who both said Happy Christmas whereas a younger one admitted that his usage was probably that of the the standard Christmas Card. I’m not sure what my English fellow atheist, fellow grandfather, Jewish friend and I will say to each other on the telephone tomorrow:)

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  128. @alexander

    Some of your words are a bit loose. “Exterminate in massive numbers”. How could a new intifada lead to anything remotely describable as an extermination? One per cent of that 4.5 million would be 45,000. Is it even thinkable (and it’s hardly an exterminatory percentage) – taking into account the decisions that would have to be taken on both sides?

    Also you seem to be unaware of the (typically Jewish?) forcefully expressed differences of opinion amongst Israelis. Certainly there are some who would like to push policy and practice towards enlarging Israel at Palestinian expensive and no doubt many more that would go along with it passively. But you can take it that Israeli governments from time to time will have a range of options and preferences that they keep in mind and occasionally push for depending on opportunity and cost. All will share the priority of Israel’s survival as a Jewish state since the overwhelming majority of Jewish Israeli voters would regard both loss in war and a single state solution where Arabs might become a majority as totally unacceptable. Whatever we think that’s standard ME thinking.

  129. alexander 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I think Israel should accept the borders of the state in which it is recognized by the majority of the world.
    I think the Palestinian refugees, who were expelled (or forced to flee) from their homes in what is now “Israel “..should give up their right of return, but they should be compensated for doing so.
    they should be allowed to settle in Palestine, not Israel.

    I think if Israel wants to retain the use of the Golan heights, and it is recognized as “Syrian sovereign territory” by the whole world , then it should offer to “lease’ the land from Syria, on a hundred year basis…much like Hong Kong was leased to the Brits.

    I think if Israel wishes to build a New Solomon’s Temple”, that is fine, but why does it have to be built on the dome of the rock ? I think Israel would be better served to pick a new spot for it, and accept a percentage of the tourist income from Palestine for all the Muslims that wish to visit the Al-Aqsa Mosque every year.

    I think Israel should trade its desalinization technology for a percentage of the gas reserves owned by Gaza within Gaza’s territorial waters. Gaza gets clean water and Israel gets cheap gas.

    I think settlers who wish to live in what was once Judea and Samaria, should be entitled to do so..but they need to find a Palestinian who wishes to sell his property and buy it..But if the Palestinian does not wish to sell it…he should not have to. End of story.

    I think all the illegal settlement blocks beyond the green line should be abandoned, or integrated into Palestine,of which Settlers could retain dual citizenship…they could be Israeli citizens but pay property taxes to Palestine. if Israel wishes to retain large blocks as part of Israel, they should offer to purchase the land from Palestine.

    I think the enormous income and good will from entering into a durable peace deal would overwhelm Israel with positive energy…..like they have never seen or felt before..Jerusalem would be swarming with tourists….bursting in fact…..It would be a very exciting time for Israel and the world.

    Mr Netanyahu is always talking about “security”…”security”….what better security could Israel have than being at peace with its neighbors ?

    It could be a new golden age of peace and prosperity …..What would that feel like ?

    Aren’t you curious to find out ?

    • 回复: @Old Jew
  130. 给和平一个改变。


  131. @Astuteobservor II

    Indeed he is. Faith provided a cohesion, provided rules. Faith, when observed, kept the women in their place. Faith demanded men behave as men. It provoked standards and where standards failed, punishment. A framework of basic morality under which great things happen, inventions and advancement are supported.

    When faith fails, society loses a point of cohesion, the morals fly off in all directions, loyalties die, the women and depravity are elevated. When a society’s faith fails, women are permitted to rise to their level of incompetence, softening and weakening the fabric of the nation. Who could argue this? The faith dies, women are elevated, the men dispensed with, the birthrate falls, and stronger forces move in to fill the vacuum of weakness provided by the women. Gee, Europe is a case in good point. Further, the women in power, given their weakness, make terrible decisions, see:Merkle.

    Who could argue the loss of faith in the United States, the abject rejection of faith by the women, who have been elevated, “liberated” to ruin the dialog in the legislatures, the board rooms, the House and Senate of the United States, reducing them to a screeching, toxic catfighting, petty revenge-fest. Loss of faith and the elevation of the women here in the U.S. also led to low birth rates. From there flows the vacuum of weakness into which flows the stronger, more faithful Hispanics and now, Muslims from various countries.

    And both groups maintain two binding, common characteristics: 1) Faith; 2)They haven’t elevated the women; the women are largely breeder stock and maintainers of home and hearth.

    Faith isn’t everything, but the strength of your culture, the strength of your men is maintained in strong cultures by the rules and laws of your faith in a higher power to which your society deems itself accountable to. And the Faith has rules regarding the women, this is why it is so important for women’s groups and feminism at-large to dispense with the Faith as quickly as possible. Where a very few men still maintain a Christian houshold, feminism infects even that. Religious figures of the past knew a society declines when you allow woman to rise above her core competencies. It’s out there to see in the weakening societies and it is there to see in the societies on the march.

    Faith. It’s not everything in and of itself, but where observed, from faith flows the strength of a society.

  132. Avery 说:

    Don’t conflate everything.
    Go back and read my post again: where did I say anything about “Chosen People”.
    I meticulously listed the crimes committed by the State of Israel: a Jewish state.

    { The 25 – 30 thousand numbers you toss out like it’s insignificant but they are people too.}

    The 25K-30K was not tossed out. It is an accurate estimate of Palestinians killed and murdered by Israel since its founding. It was written in context to contrast it with the inaccurate, hyperbolic use of the word ‘Holocasut’ in that context.

    The word ‘Holocaust’ (capitalized) has come to describe the Genocide of Jews at the hands of Nazis. [‘holocaust’ (lower case) holókaustos: hólos, “whole” and kaustós, “burnt”]
    Jews use it instead of the technical term ‘Genocide’ to keep it separate from other genocides. They consider their Genocide unique: I don’t (I am Armenian). But that’s the word they use.
    When everything is labeled a ‘Holocaust’ or ‘Genocide’, then nothing is.

    { On the subject of numbers, somewhere between 50 and 60 million people were killed in WWII, many of them innocents. It was a tragedy in every sense but why does the number 6 million keep coming up and rarely the number 60 million?}

    Quite correct. 50-60 million human beings were killed, murdered, exterminated, starved to death,….
    USSR lost about 18 million 老百姓: ~9 million as result of direct military action, and ~9 million indirectly (famine, disease,..).
    Overwhelming majority of those 18 million killed and murdered were Slavs. (Soviet Union was mostly Slavic people)
    Hitler openly declared his intention to wipe out the inhabitants of the lands he intended for his 栖息地.
    So why don’t Slavs constantly remind people about those 18 million mostly Slavic civilians killed and murdered by Nazis ?
    I have no idea: but is it the fault of Jews that they do for their own ?
    There is a party. Lots of kids. Your kid too. Parents just outside. Then there is a scream. You rush inside. Whose kid are you rushing to save: yours or somebody else’s ?

    Note: the technical, legal term ‘Genocide’ was coined after WW2 by a Polish Jew, Dr. Raphael Lemkin.

    • 同意: Sam Shama
  133. Art 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    it will soon be 2016. if you need the bible to lead your life, you might as well just end your self. If the entire western civilization truly depends the bible and adheres to it, what the hell have we been doing the last 25 years in the middle east?

    Oh great – now that the West has been more or less civilized – where life is respected and a measure of freedom has been attained, we can just dump what got us there. That makes sense – WRONG. We are doing that. and things are going into the toilet.

    I agree with you 100% if you are talking about the Old Testament – there is little, if any value in it – it is what we are living the last 65 years in the ME. The tribalness in the OT is abhorrent. The OT takes us deeper and deeper into hateful tribalism. The preachers who teach it, are being anti Christian.

    Loving your neighbor as you love yourself, regardless of who your neighbor is — is the superior Christian way. Should we abandon that – don’t we still need to hear that​?

    • 回复: @Junior
  134. Sam Shama 说:
    @Old Jew

    Anachnu lo mevinim ma ze ‘perd’, raq ‘soos’
    ve arbe ben notsrim she medaberim po yesh le’hem bayot
    al tedaberu arbe it am

    Wiz of Oz – hu ben adam chacham

    • 回复: @Old Jew
  135. Sam Shama 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    [I’m not sure what my English fellow atheist, fellow grandfather, Jewish friend and I will say to each other on the telephone tomorrow:)]

    well in the spirit of the season and depending entirely on whether the lafite verticals agreed with you 🙂 , possibly consider “Happy Christmas and Hanukka Sameach!”


  136. Junior [又名“ Jr.”] 说:

    now that the West has been more or less civilized – where life is respected and a measure of freedom has been attained, we can just dump what got us there. That makes sense – WRONG. We are doing that. and things are going into the toilet.

    It is the Constitution not the Bible that has gotten us to the greatness of our past. It is the corrupting of our politics and no longer following the Constitution that is causing our nation to be flushed down the toilet currently, unless we stop it. And if you are going to say that the Constitution is rooted in the Bible, well then I think that there are a quite a few Greek Philosophers that would say that you are looking at a branch and calling it the root. I think even Plato would say that his teachings were influenced and so even Greek Philosophy isn’t the root. It is rooted in Universal Truths. If you are going to say that it is rooted in anything(only because it is the earliest proof we have), I would say that it is rooted in the Code of Hammurabi.

    It is our moving away from the Constitution, which codify the Declaration’s Universal Truths of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, that is our problem. Not our moving away from the Bible.

    And on that note, Merry Christmas… oops I mean Merry Christmas AND Happy Holidays EVERYBODY… oops again! I almost forgot, and to Jehovahs Witnesses… I guess, Happy Vacation from Work 😉

  137. alexander 说:

    He does have a gift Mr Duke, can’t really argue with that,

    But he is overcome with an acute case of “ethnicism”…perceiving the world, events, occurrences and interactions through the lens of “ethnic” groups, gender groups, “sex” groups and the like…..which, for arguments sake, has some” weight”, as all “gifted “arguments do…….but in the end , he falls trap into the self same space as his protagonists…….and makes victim of us all , by surrendering the rights of the”individual “..and its most sacred freedom- to” become” what it chooses…to the banal and cloistered realm of its gender/ ethnicity.

    Kinda sad…no?

  138. @Avery


    The death and suffering on all sides was staggering. But as many as 12 million Germans died during the War. Therefore, it’s unbalanced to focus only on just one group’s losses. After all, no fewer than 40 million humans perished in this war (perhaps more). And the alleged number of Jewish causalities remains forensically unsubstantiated.



    So the claim of six million Jews were deliberately ‘murdered’ while being held captive by Germany might be a gross and politicized exaggeration. After all, many concentration camp victims died of disease, starvation and malnutrition towards the war’s end. And there was never a census of Jews in Europe before WWII or immediately after.

    Nevertheless, just doubting the ‘official’ number of Jewish deaths in WWII is now a criminal offense in much of the Western world, including Canada. A criminal offense.

    Indeed, it’s ‘Holocaust Denial’ that is now treated like one of the world’s Great Crises. This is absurd. But revealing. It reminds us again of who dominates TV, ‘mainstream’ news and opinion, Hollywood, publishing, and our political universe.

    Today, vast speech restrictions have been implemented in most of Europe to combat ‘hate speech’. Yet there are no restrictions on advocating ‘preemptive’ war. Who benefits?

    Anti Fee Speech laws (strategic censorship) exist in some 18 Western countries. They also criminalize ‘Holocaust Denial’ and ‘anti-Semitism’.

    As for the actual number of Jewish dead in WWII, ‘facts’ should require no legal protection. Should we arrest ‘creationists’ for denying evolution? Absurd.


    Therefore, Jewish intolerance of dissent concerning this one vital ‘fact’ of WWII is highly suspicious. It’s clear that Israel needs ‘The Holocaust’ to justify its Mideast colonizati0n since ‘The Holocaust’ helps make Jews unassailable.


    Claims of ‘six million Jews’ being slaughtered go back to the 19th century. The 19th century. And those claims were false. Totally false.

    Published claims of ‘six million Jews’ being killed were also common during WWI. That’s even more false claims. (See: ‘The First Holocaust’).

    It was Jewish activists who cooked up these fabrications. These libelous charges received wide and respected coverage in numerous US newspapers. It’s a fact. Easy to prove. Do you doubt this? Google it. See the archival newspapers themselves. ‘Six million Jews’. Before WWII.

    Jewish claims about Jewish genocide prior to WWII are as common and clear and as the widespread (but largely unknown) Jewish involvement in the slave-trade during the 17th, 18th and early 19th century. It’s all ugly and it’s all undeniably true.

    Nation of Islam published a book that shows dozens of archival slave posters which prove this ‘special relationship’ between blacks and Jews. This is not to single out Jews for sins that were widely committed. But this insufferable ‘always innocent’ myth must be put to rest. Jewish ethnocentrism has reached epic proportions.

    至于第二次世界大战,大约 XNUMX 万德国人在那场战争中丧生。 也许更多。 也许更少。 此外,还有八百万乌克兰人和可能多达两千万俄罗斯人被杀。 为什么他们的生命如此不重要?

    Indeed, the artificial centrality of ‘The Holocaust’ trivializes the suffering of humanity.

    In the book, ‘Out of Control’, author and statesman, Zbigniew Brezinski, estimated that some 220,000,000 people died in wars in the 20th century alone. Two hundred and twenty million. Why is this staggering fact of so little interest? And so unknown?

    It should be remembered that books were published before WWII which advocated total German annihilation. (See: ‘Germany Must Perish’). Propaganda of this kind only helped bring on WWII. Should we not strive to look at the complete picture?

    Today, we have Jewish-dominated ‘think tanks’, billionaire donors, mega-rich ‘philanthropists’ and concentrated media conglomerates that endorse, justify, help orchestrate, and spearhead Zio-America’s globe-trotting ‘War on Terror’, not to mention violent ‘regime-change’ in nations deemed hostile to you-know-who.


    If these operatives have their way, Assad’s Syria is going down and after that, Iran. Lebanon and Putin’s Russia are also in the cross-hairs. Who benefits?


    As early as 1933, Jews spearheaded a global economic war on Germany. Economic war on Germany. 1933. Early on. Preemption. Not unlike Iraq in 2003 and Libya in 2011. But ‘first strike’ wars are criminal.

    As for Germany, millions of helpless civilians were decimated via wholesale arial bombing campaigns. Hundreds of thousands of German women and children were burned alive in Dresden, in Hamberg, in Berlin and dozens of other cities. Entire families and communities were annihilated. This, too, was a holocaust. Many of these horrific crimes preceded Hitler’s ‘death camps’.

    During WWII, Jews were highly active and influential in Washington, NY, London, Paris and in the pro-war media. Just like now. Aviator and soldier, Charles Lindbergh, complained about this. So did Henry Ford. Even the Kennedy’s.

    Zio-Washington’s present course of action is wrong. Serial, pr0-Zionist wars must be halted. Washington’s ‘blank check’ for Israel must be revoked. America must regain its sovereignty.

    • 同意: SolontoCroesus
    • 回复: @Avery
    , @Ivan
    , @Ivan
    , @Rurik
  139. Avery 说:
    @Mark Green

    {the alleged ‘gassing’ and murder of ‘six million Jews’.}

    If the murder of “six million Jews” is alleged, then everything else you allege is also alleged.

    {The death and suffering on all sides was staggering. But as many as 12 million Germans died during the War. Therefore, it’s unbalanced to focus only on just one group’s losses. After all, no fewer than 40 million humans perished in this war (perhaps more).}

    See my post #138, re WW2.
    And, don’t conflate everything re Jews: I am well aware of Zionists, Neocon Jews, etc, etc.

    It is too bad 12 million Germans were killed in WW2 (more common estimate is about 8 million Germans, not 12 million: 5 million soldiers, 3 million civilians) . Germans were killed because Nazi Germans invaded USSR, amongst other countries Nazis invaded. Nazis Germans killed and murdered ~18 million Soviet civilians, mostly Slavs.

    Stop shedding crocodile tears: nobody forced Nazis to invade USSR and cause the deaths of approx 30 million human beings (soldiers and civilians).

    • 同意: Kiza, Sam Shama
    • 回复: @RobinG
  140. Old Jew 说:


    预言图像。 伟大的愿景。





    在少数情况下,巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人声称一些定居点土地为私有财产。 这主要是定制的。 很少有人能够获得这些土地的所有权。


    阿拉伯村庄位于山谷深处。 山谷里有天然流淌的泉水。

    山上荒芜。 抽水后(用电),山顶的沉降成为可能
    驱动泵)问世。 这意味着现代人。 犹太人。

    The Arab villages date to earlier more pastoral eras. Before electricity. Very bucolic. …and ecological..[ as long the population does not grow in leaps and bounds].

    因此,定居者和阿拉伯人并没有踩到对方的脚趾。 只要定居者只在自己当地的工业中工作,或者在以色列工作并将定居点用作廉价住房,就不会有冲突。

    冲突是由牧场引起的。 在奥斯曼帝国时代,阿拉伯人(数量比今天少得多)在国有土地上放牧羊群。 定居者可能想要这片土地来饲养他们的牛群。 毕竟他们是纳税人(巴勒斯坦人不是),所以他们为什么要优先考虑阿拉伯人。


    我没有办法解决这个泥潭。 尽管如此,我还是希望你的愿景能够实现。


    • 回复: @Kiza
    , @Ivan
  141. RobinG 说:

    “….nobody forced Nazis to invade USSR and cause the deaths of approx 30 million human beings (soldiers and civilians).”

    Exactly, but tell this to Rurik and S2C (and others, presumably).

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
    , @Avery
  142. Kiza 说:
    @Old Jew

    The only positive thing in your write up is that you hope that alexander’s vision would come through, which is at least some (half good) solution. The rest of your write up is the typical settler bull, big bull. Without going through your settler bull point by point, let me ask you one simple question – who gave the right to any Jew to settle any “government and public land” or to pump water from the valleys onto the hill tops? Let me answer: your “right” came through tanks, bombs and guns of the state of Israel (this is why it owns this land, as you write). Thus what makes you “modern” is that you are more apt at stealing other people’s property. Are you referring to taxes settlers pay, which cover about 20% of the cost of those tanks, bombs and guns, whilst the US taxpayer covers about 80% of this cost?

    I am sincerely glad that you are delivering this settler BS here so that everyone can see. It is proof that there are no reasonable people of your kind. At least you are not a Hasbara troll like so many of yours here to manipulate things. You are completely open in claiming your right over something you have no right over, just because you are “modern”.

    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @Old Jew
  143. @RobinG

    better yet, take it up with Viktor Suvorov



    The sermon at Christmas Eve candlelight service made the usual comments. But it included this simple reality: The only way to turn an enemy into a friend is not by killing but by loving.

    • 回复: @Kiza
    , @L.K
  144. Avery 说:

    A savage Ukrainian mother and her child savagely murdering a helpless German soldier, who was just visiting Ukraine to take in the sites.


  145. RobinG 说:

    Thank you Kiza for exposing Old Jew’s settler BS. But I do not subscribe to Alexander’s vision, although I appreciate clarification of his Zionism (his defense of violent land grabs, his dubious aspiration to a fairer racism).

    For one thing, a right of return is just that – a right. Those granted that right may opt for some other kind of settlement (financial or alternate property) on a case by case basis, but they are entitled to Palestinian citizenship.

    For another, whatever goodwill the “majority of the world” may have had for Israel (based on Holocaust pity) has been squandered by their abominable behavior. There’s no reason to assume there will be overwhelming objection to the end of the Jewish State in the Levant.

    • 同意: Kiza
    • 回复: @alexander
  146. Kiza 说:

    This was a good comedy show. This character is truly on the level of what in the West passes for a “historian”, no surprise there. But I did not know if I was supposed to laugh at the audience or at the “historian”. He kept repeating that he was a Russian spy to gain credibility for his comedy show. If spies can be US presidents, perhaps they are also qualified to be historians. Put a quasi-historical show together and make money off it, simple enough. There will be many in the West calling you a historian, because you are telling them what they want.

    • 同意: Sam Shama
  147. alexander 说:


    I think you foresee a one state solution (which we all know basically exists right now) in which Palestinians demand and eventually achieve “all the rights ” as citizens, which they deserve.

    I think you see a one state solution where every refugee’s ROR is fully respected and honored by the state.

    I think you foresee one state that is truly democratic, granting full rights to all its citizens, including every Palestinian, every Palestinian refugee, and every individual who resides , or has the right to reside within that state.

    I think you foresee a state with an overwhelming majority of Palestinians, which, if it is truly democratic, will allow the voters to decide who its leaders are,and who its representatives should be.

    I think you foresee a Palestinian Prime Minister, Palestinian President ,and vast majority of Palestinians within control of the Knesset body..if they so choose to continue to call it “the Knesset”.

    I see a” democratic vote” taking place, within the entire state, by all its citizens, who, by a preponderance of a majority, will change the name of this “one state” from Israel to Palestine.

    But just as I see it, and you see it, Israel sees it too.

    Israel will not let it happen.

    What will happen, Dear Robin, is something quite different….there will be “one state” from the river to the sea, as you envision, it will be democratic as you envision, but it will be Israel and it will stay Israel…Do you know why?

    Because Israel will” kill” enough Palestinians to make sure it stays that way..and ..Israel may just kill them all.

    Then what do you have…a Greater Israel…..the complete dissolution of Palestine…and six million dead Palestinians…..and , subsequently, a world locked in a permanent state of war lasting one hundred years if not more.

    Robin , rethink it….and let me know what you come up with….because that is where we are headed…and its coming like a steamroller….and I would much rather find a smarter use of my tax dollars…. and our countries solvency….then fighting a 50 trillion dollar…100 year war.


  148. @Junior

    Good stuff through & through Jr.

    For those Christians who doubt the wisdom of our forefathers demand religion play no role in the affairs of state, I recommend…


    …by a conservative Christian who actually ‘gets it’ insofar as the dangers of politicized religion.

  149. Art 说:

    “It is the Constitution not the Bible that has gotten us to the greatness of our past”


    这句话直接出自基督教哲学。 这是基督教的声明——句号。 它不是犹太教,不是穆斯林,不是印地语,不是混乱,也不是佛教

    每一个伟大的运动或宗教都有两个方面——第一个方面是关于个人应该如何与神——上帝建立联系。 每个宗教的第二个方面是我们作为个体应该如何相互联系。 每个宗教都有一种共处的哲学。

    《独立宣言》中的这一陈述就是基督教哲学 101。

    你不必成为一名虔诚的基督徒才能践行这种说法或哲学。 (尽管它有帮助。)

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @Junior
  150. @Art

    “The government of the United States is in no sense founded upon the Christian religion” -John Adams

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @Art
  151. @Ronald Thomas West

    ps, here’s Thomas Paine’s essay on ‘Deism’, a principle accepted by most (and what’s more, embraced by some, e.g Thomas Jefferson) our founders:


    Every person, of whatever religious denomination he may be, is a DEIST in the first article of his Creed. Deism, from the Latin word Deus, God, is the belief of a God, and this belief is the first article of every man’s creed.

    It is on this article, universally consented to by all mankind, that the Deist builds his church, and here he rests. Whenever we step aside from this article, by mixing it with articles of human invention, we wander into a labyrinth of uncertainty and fable, and become exposed to every kind of imposition by pretenders to revelation.

    The Persian shows the Zend-Avesta of Zoroaster, the lawgiver of Persia, and calls it the divine law; the Bramin shows the Shaster, revealed, he says, by God to Brama, and given to him out of a cloud; the Jew shows what he calls the law of Moses, given, he says, by God, on the Mount Sinai; the Christian shows a collection of books and epistles, written by nobody knows who, and called the New Testament; and the Mahometan shows the Koran, given, he says, by God to Mahomet: each of these calls itself revealed religion, and the only true Word of God, and this the followers of each profess to believe from the habit of education, and each believes the others are imposed upon.

    But when the divine gift of reason begins to expand itself in the mind and calls man to reflection, he then reads and contemplates God and His works, and not in the books pretending to be revelation. The creation is the Bible of the true believer in God. Everything in this vast volume inspires him with sublime ideas of the Creator. The little and paltry, and often obscene, tales of the Bible sink into wretchedness when put in comparison with this mighty work.

    The Deist needs none of those tricks and shows called miracles to confirm his faith, for what can be a greater miracle than the creation itself, and his own existence?



    Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties -托马斯·杰斐逊



    “一个单一的命题证明它对意见的保护是普遍的。 在序言宣称强制是背离我们宗教的神圣作者的计划的地方,提出了一项修正案,通过插入“耶稣基督”一词,使其应为“背离耶稣基督的计划,我们宗教的神圣作者,”这一插入被绝大多数人拒绝,以证明他们打算在其保护范围内理解犹太人和外邦人、基督徒和伊斯兰教徒、印度教徒和每个教派的异教徒” -托马斯·杰斐逊,对弗吉尼亚州议会的议事情况发表评论。

  152. geokat62 说:

    我认为有相当多的希腊哲学家会说你正在看一个分支并称其为根。 我想即使是柏拉图也会说他的教义受到了影响,所以即使 希腊哲学不是根源。 它植根于普遍真理。

    Hi, Jr. Have you ever had the opportunity to read Rebecca Goldstein’s, “Plato at the Googleplex”? I highly recommend it. Here’s an excerpt:

    … the most famous slogan of philosophy emerges: the unexamined life is not worth living. Some… might bristle at a sensed elitism. But Socrates’ statement is only elitist if one assumes that only the few have it in them to examine their lives. 十八世纪的民主再次成为地球上最大胆的政治实验,它体现了我们许多人也拥有民主的希望。 与其指责他的城市大胆的民主实验, 苏格拉底的陈述可以被理解为提出了一个严格的条件,只有这个条件才能让民主蓬勃发展。 也许柏拉图最终确实得出了一种观点,即排除许多人能够根据真、美、善来思考他们的生活。 但苏格拉底的一生,包括柏拉图所描述的他受审的那一天,都证明了苏格拉底继续对我们许多人抱有希望。

    • 回复: @Junior
    , @alexander
  153. L.K 说:


    Though your comments tend to be good, your ignorant attack on Viktor Suvorov tells me you have no idea what you are talking about… or worse.

    二战“历史”,无论是英美版本还是苏联版本,都是纯粹的谎言。 胜利者的一堆自私的谎言。 任何有脑子的人都明白,历史是由胜利者书写的,而且总是为了他们自己的利益。
    正如“控制过去的人就控制了未来”。 谁控制了现在,谁就控制了过去。”——乔治·奥威尔,1984。


    You, Kiza, would very much wish that Suvorov was the only historian making such points about the “great patriotic war”… or at least the only Russian.
    关于二战期间苏德冲突的官方废话是站不住脚的。 这就是俄罗斯新立法反对“修改”二战历史的原因。 不,我不是在谈论全息骗局,而是在谈论战争本身。 就像全息一样,真相不需要受到审查。 此外,那个时代的大多数苏联档案仍然处于密封状态。
    正如 DWMichaels 所写:
    二战历史上最早的俄罗斯修正主义者之一是彼得·格里戈连科(Pyotr Grigorenko),他是一位苏联陆军少将,在伏龙芝军事学院任教并获得高度荣誉的退伍军人。[……]他是第一个提出修正主义论点的苏联主要人物。在 1980 年代和 1990 年代,有关斯大林准备对德发动侵略战争的文章广为人知。 在提交给苏联主要期刊的一篇文章中(但遭到拒绝,后来在国外发表),格里戈连科指出,1941 年苏联军队的数量远远超过德国军队。就在 22 年 1941 月 XNUMX 日德国袭击之前,超过一半的苏军驻扎在比亚韦斯托克附近和西部地区,即波兰占领区的深处。 格里戈连科写道:“这种部署只能是合理的,前提是这些部队是为了发动突然进攻而部署的。 一旦敌人进攻,这些部队很快就会被包围。” 这正是发生的事情。

    自1990世纪XNUMX年代以来,随着苏联档案的部分开放(再次关闭),许多俄罗斯历史学家完善了斯大林侵略目标的证据。 此类俄罗斯历史学家/研究人员的不完整名单包括:
    前苏联情报官员弗拉基米尔·博格丹诺维奇·雷孙(维克多·苏沃罗夫)、俄罗斯历史学家米哈伊尔·梅尔秋霍夫博士、VA·涅维任、VD·丹尼洛夫上校、伊戈尔·布尼奇、伊琳娜。 V. Pavlova、VL Doroshenko、M.Solonin、Constantine Pleshakov、Dr.Alexander Pronin、Prof. Dr. Maria Litowskaja、Colonel Kiselev、Dschangir Nadschafow 博士,俄罗斯科学院通史研究所主任
    自1990年代以来,许多西方历史学家也得出了类似的结论。 美国人,如 Albert Weeks、Richard Raack、John Mosier、RHS Stolfi。 德国和奥地利历史学家,例如 Joachim Hoffmann 博士、Ernst Topitsch、Ernst Nolte、Werner Maser 博士、Lothar Rühl、Fritz Becker、Walter Post 博士、Max Klüver 博士、Wolfgang Strauss、Heinz Magenheimer、法国 Stéphane Courtois、François Furet , 等等。
    Btw, Prof.Weeks wrote of Suvorov’s “The Chief Culprit”: “A remarkable book. A delayed bombshell that includes very pertinent new research and discoveries Suvorov has made since 1990…. None of the ‘new Russian’ historians can match his masterful sweep of research and analysis.”

    W.Strauss 在他的著作《Unternehmen Barbarossa und der russische Historikerstreit》(我强烈推荐那些能够阅读德语的人)(来自 D.Michaels 的评论)中列出了上面列出的几位俄罗斯研究人员的发现:
    - 斯大林想要一场全面的欧洲精疲力竭战争,苏联将在政治和军事上最有利的时刻进行干预。 斯大林的主要意图可见于他在 19 年 1939 月 XNUMX 日对政治局的讲话。
    - 为了点燃这一点,斯大林使用了 [1939 年 XNUMX 月] 苏德互不侵犯条约,该条约:a) 引发了希特勒对波兰的攻击,以及 b) 引发了英国和法国对德国宣战。 但不是反对苏联,苏联也占领了波兰的一半。
    -在法国迅速被德国击败的情况下,斯大林策划了法国的“苏维埃化”。 “共产主义革命似乎是不可避免的,我们可以利用这一点来达到我们自己的目的,急于援助法国并使她成为我们的盟友。 因此,在胜利的德国‘保护’下的所有国家都将成为我们的盟友。”
    - 从一开始,斯大林就认为要与德国开战,以及苏联征服德国。 为此,斯大林集中在苏联作战进攻部队的西部边界,这些部队在坦克、飞机和大炮方面比国防军强五到六倍。
    ——在西部各军区充实兵力; 支持前沿战略的机场和供应基地将直接建在边境后方; 将在乌克兰建立60个师的攻击部队,并建立一个山地师和一个降落伞兵团进行攻击行动。
    - 苏联第16、19、21、22和25集团军从内陆转移到西部边境,并部署在起飞点进行计划中的进攻。
    - 斯大林在 5 年 1941 月 XNUMX 日对学院毕业生的讲话中说,与德国的战争是不可避免的,并将其描述为不仅是防御性的战争,而且是进攻性的战争。
    此外,“爱好和平”和“中立”的苏联概念的问题在于,它在 39 年就已经入侵了波兰和芬兰,1940 年就入侵了爱沙尼亚、拉脱维亚、立陶宛和罗马尼亚,甚至在德苏战争开始后他们也入侵了并于 1941 年 2 月(与英国一起)占领伊朗。 在第二次世界大战期间,保加利亚在欧洲轴心国中处于独特的地位,因为它在 22 年 1941 月 1944 日之后没有与苏联开战。希特勒向鲍里斯三世寻求军事援助,但他拒绝了。 保加利亚君主甚至不允许想要入伍的个人招募武装党卫军。 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月,在通过罗马尼亚进入保加利亚边境后,保加利亚政府提醒苏联,它在德苏冲突中保持中立。 无论如何,苏联军队入侵了。
    日本和苏联都是互不侵犯条约的签署国,日本遵守该条约,拒绝了德国向苏联后方开辟新战线的呼吁。 但这并没有阻止苏联在欧洲战争结束后在适合他们的情况下攻击日本。

    数百万苏联人的生命损失主要归咎于斯大林及其政权, 无论是在和平时期还是在战争时期,他都是斯拉夫人(和其他苏联族群)的大屠杀凶手。 人们可以对确切的数字提出质疑,这些数字可能永远不会为人所知,但所知道的,其中大部分来自仅部分公开的苏联档案,已经足够可怕了。
    战争开始前,希特勒集中营系统内的人数不足三万人。 古拉格已经吸收了数百万人,更不用说大规模枪击、大规模驱逐等.

    “卫国战争”是一个方便的民族神话,用来团结俄罗斯人。 我可以理解,所有胜利者都做同样的事情,利用“历史”作为推进他们议程的工具,但这并不能改变伟大的卫国战争叙事是错误的这一事实。


    Russia emerged weak after the break up of the Soviet Empire. It was brutally plundered by the Zio-american empire and those special interests which rule it and by the “Russian” oligarchs. The country was deeply infiltrated by a 5th column, as some Russians refer to them, interested in parking the Russian Federation into the Zio-american empire orbit.
    因此,伟大的卫国战争神话构成了当今俄罗斯民族主义的基石,因为它把俄罗斯人民塑造成“英雄解放者”的角色,为他们提供了一个夸张、扭曲和自以为是的英雄形象和反对邪恶的主要抵抗者的形象。二战期间的“法西斯主义”。 毕竟,正如宣传所说,他们从“邪恶的纳泽”食人者的手中“拯救了世界”,这些食人者“试图消灭”“低等种族”并接管世界。
    剥去神话,他们最终会得到什么? 事实。 但事实并不能构成良好的民族神话。

    • 回复: @schmenz
    , @Kiza
    , @Avery
  154. L.K 说:

    Solonto, the only problem is that Suvorov only understands the politics of the USSR, concentrates on the Soviet-German relation, but totally overlooks the machinations of the FDR administration and those of the Churchill war party in England. In fact, if Erkki Hautamaki’s theory is correct,( based on the so-called Mannerheim-files, a number of documents in the possession of the Finnish leader ), the secret machinations of the Americans, French and Brits, together with the Soviets, may have been even more sinister.

    Merry Christmas and take care.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  155. Old Jew 说:


    你高估我了。 我一生中从未开过枪,上次我在约旦河西岸是在 1987 年第一次起义之前。 我有一个议程。 我希望犹太人活下去。 我对阿拉伯村民表示同情。 当军队命令他们留在围墙/栅栏的东侧时,他们在当局面前就像我的祖父母在 1941 年被命令带着手提箱登上开往德涅斯特河沿岸的火车一样无助。 我出生一个月后。



    БЕИ ЖИДОВ СПАСИ РОСИЮ (“Smash the Kikes, Save Russia”).

    为什么你要为第 23 个阿拉伯国家:巴勒斯坦而战? 现有的22个阿拉伯国家还不够吗?

    我不理解你们,也不理解那些定居者。 我是世俗的。 我不相信上帝赋予了殖民耶胡达和肖姆龙的权利。
    军队所做的一切更多地是软弱的表现,而不是力量的表现。 试图用棍棒交换苍蝇。 他们不是超人。 不是中东超级大国,而是一个肮脏(不安全)的小国家。

    关于山丘和山谷的故事,只是说:没有重叠。 没有发生冲突的理由。

    你有权不喜欢犹太人。 或者恨我们。


    All you have to do, to keep your “White Arian Race” survive and flourish is to father more children.


    Israelis are “Modern”. All your arguments about “rights” are Modern. The Arabs conquering
    拜占庭人的圣地并没有要求当地人的权利。 事实上,罗马人、亚历山大或奥斯曼人也没有。

    You apply the rights theory of John Locke and the Declaration of Independence, and mix it with the theory of the Noble Savage and his “undeniable” rights.

    不管怎样,访问以色列(或者无论你怎么称呼它)。 这将是值得您花费时间和费用的。


    • 回复: @Ivan
    , @Kiza
  156. Art 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    ““The government of the United States is in no sense founded upon the Christian religion” -John Adams”


    什么样的生活方式产生了这些情感和言语? 这些话是无中生有吗? 这不是智力进步的运作方式。 这些话出自一种理想主义心态,出自一种关于如何对待彼此的理想主义哲学——“人人平等——扩大权利——保护生命——促进自由——寻求幸福。”

    难道没有一种既定的主流心态让这些理想主义的词语发挥作用——这种哲学心态不是基督教的吗? 难道持有这些理想的人不相信这些话吗?

    我们的祖先非常害怕建立国教。 这就是亚当斯说出他所做的事情的原因。 这就是发生的事情。


    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @RobinG
  157. @Art

    I think you’re ignoring Paine’s deism at you peril. Jefferson, who authored the Declaration, also said:

    “一个单一的命题证明它对意见的保护是普遍的。 在序言宣称强制是背离我们宗教的神圣作者的计划的地方,提出了一项修正案,通过插入“耶稣基督”一词,使其应为“背离耶稣基督的计划,我们宗教的神圣作者,”这一插入被绝大多数人拒绝,以证明他们打算在其保护范围内理解犹太人和外邦人、基督徒和伊斯兰教徒、印度教徒和每个教派的异教徒” -托马斯·杰斐逊,对弗吉尼亚州议会的议事情况发表评论。

    How do you reconcile the two except Jefferson embraced Paine’s Deism? There is nothing in the declaration at odds with Paine’s radical interpretation of ‘natural rights’ where discovering deity can spring from multiple sources or religions but only a single source, creation itself, is valid and shared within all religions.

    • 同意: Sam Shama
    • 回复: @Art
  158. @L.K


    I agree that FDR etc. was sinister — make that evil — to a depth not even Dante knew to plumb.

    尽管有早些时候的嘲笑,但时间并不是无底的商品。 此外,5 分钟的知情评论需要 5 天的集中阅读和研究。 当努力到达现实*时,它会被堆积如山的谎言所困惑,这些谎言必须被反驳、解开,并重新组装整个大厦。 您对 Kiza 的回复 (#160) 反映了我半辈子的工作,我和 Unz 论坛都欠您的恩。

    罗纳德·托马斯·韦斯特正在讨论美国开国元勋。 我的假设是,罗斯福使美国人民和宪政共和主义的形式远离了国父们开辟的道路,以至于很难考虑是否或如何纠正这种转移。 我的意大利祖先更喜欢谈论 复兴运动 而不是革命; 我认为美国需要重新发现其与生俱来的权利。

    • 回复: @L.K
  159. Ivan 说:

    Further to your points, let Bardon do this thought experiment: Suppose that while Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported deposing Assad while Israel was totally against it, how does he think this would fly among the whores in Congress? Surely in the interests of tiny, beleaguered Israel, they would do an about turn. Suddenly the newspapers will be full of articles of how the Assads are a modern progressive family. Mrs Assad is seen nowhere with a hijab, and is quite the looker. And life interest articles will be full of the Assads celebrating Christmas with the Christians in Damascus. But since it does not suit the interests of Israelis, the chant is repeated “Assad must go”, since he is close to the Iranians.

    犹太复国主义者彻底、全面的谎言确实搞砸了中东数百万人的生活。 国际原子能机构关于(不存在的)伊朗核计划的最新报告,举例说明了以色列人在过去 12 年里肆无忌惮地撒谎。 他们渴望杀死数千名伊朗人,但这些家伙会为此道歉吗? 不,他们会举起大屠杀抹布,让所有人闭嘴。

    如果哈斯巴拉致力于将原子能机构总干事与福岛灾难联系起来,以破坏他的可信度,我也不会感到惊讶,因为这一直是他们的行事方式。 挑选一些琐事,并为此创作一首歌和舞蹈。

    • 回复: @Rurik
  160. Ivan 说:
    @Mark Green

    Further to your points, let Bardon do this thought experiment: Suppose that while Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar supported deposing Assad while Israel was totally against it, how does he think this would fly among the whores in Congress? Surely in the interests of tiny, beleaguered Israel, they would do an about turn. Suddenly the newspapers will be full of articles of how the Assads are a modern progressive family. Mrs Assad is seen nowhere with a hijab, and is quite the looker. And life interest articles will be full of the Assads celebrating Christmas with the Christians in Damascus. But since it does not suit the interests of Israelis, the chant is repeated “Assad must go”, since he is close to the Iranians.

    犹太复国主义者彻底、全面的谎言确实搞砸了中东数百万人的生活。 国际原子能机构关于(不存在的)伊朗核计划的最新报告,举例说明了以色列人在过去 12 年里肆无忌惮地撒谎。 他们渴望杀死数千名伊朗人,但这些家伙会为此道歉吗? 不,他们会举起大屠杀抹布,让所有人闭嘴。

    如果哈斯巴拉致力于将原子能机构总干事与福岛灾难联系起来,以破坏他的可信度,我也不会感到惊讶,因为这一直是他们的行事方式。 挑选一些琐事,并为此创作一首歌和舞蹈。

  161. Ivan 说:
    @Mark Green

    直到大约二十年前,我们才确信奥斯威辛集中营有 4 万人死亡,此数字已被修正为 1.1 万人。 为了真相,大屠杀行业应该告诉我们如何进行如此重大的修改,相反,他们选择加倍努力,声称“集中营”的数量超过了 40,000 个,因此可能存在 4 – 1.1 = 2.9 万人死亡的差异遍布德国。

    我有一个更简单的解释; 德国人承认了一切,因为那些在纽伦堡执行正义的人首选的方法是压碎被告的睾丸。 可以合理地假设,在这种情况下,一般被告都会承认强奸了他的祖母、母亲和女儿。

  162. Ivan 说:
    @Old Jew

    犹太复国主义者声称,由于阿拉伯人共有的土地,例如游乐场和开阔的田野,不属于任何人,因此这些土地应该张贴在以色列一侧,这是犹太复国主义者的一个古老而陈旧的伎俩。分类账,因为他们是非常伟大的人。 现在,如果我来到以色列,并声称内盖夫沙漠的很大一部分不属于任何人,你会接受吗? 如果有一片长长的海滩“不属于任何人”,我可以拥有它吗? 我可以以类似的理由去美国并声称对落基山脉拥有主权吗?

    至于你暗示的说法,即阿拉伯人是沙漠游牧民族,而犹太复国主义者是伟大的现代化推动者,他们让“沙漠绽放花朵”。 英国当局对巴勒斯坦进行的全面调查证实了这一谎言。 在那里你会发现巴勒斯坦阿拉伯人在各个层面都具有竞争力,事实上在生产力和进取心方面都击败了犹太人


  163. Ivan 说:
    @Old Jew

    我个人祝愿以色列人一切顺利。 但他们应该停止继续窃取巴勒斯坦人的土地,并将其余土地变成受控制的班图斯坦。 虽然毫无疑问穆斯林是野蛮人等等,但如果换句话说,犹太人也会做同样的事情。 没有人喜欢被欺骗或被迫离开自己的土地。

    • 回复: @Old Jew
  164. Art 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    “我认为你无视潘恩的自然神论,后果自负。 该宣言的起草者杰斐逊也表示:”

    托马斯·潘恩是一位大英雄——我是自然神论者——我相信上帝是创造者——我相信上帝不会在宇宙中玩耍。 我不是一个宗教信仰者——我是一个哲学基督徒。

    你一直在谈论宗教——宗教——宗教。 我一直在谈论哲学——哲学——哲学。

    上帝的宇宙为我们人类提供了一些非常特别的东西——在生物物种中独一无二的东西。 我们可以用语言来描述我们的周围环境和我们自己。 我们可以创造知识。 这些知识渊博的话语让我们的生活变得更加轻松。 我们可以将这些话语代代相传,不断积累更准确的知识。 关于我们人类,可以说的最好的事情之一就是,我们通过以他们的名字命名新知识来表彰那些创造新知识的人。

    哲学是一个完整的总结,一个思想体系,一个关于我们如何理解宇宙的全面知识观点。 我们每个人都有一种生活哲学——我们用它来指导我们当前的行动,从而创造明天的可能性。 显然,有些哲学比其他哲学更有效。

    毫无疑问,耶稣基督将自己视为一个宗教人物——他将自己与充满希望、宽恕的上帝联系在一起。 他是他那个时代的产物。 仁慈的上帝是全人类的梦想。

    但耶稣所做的不仅仅是为我们提供了一位仁慈的上帝——他给我们留下了一些生活的哲学话语。 他用语言表达了一系列需要付诸行动的理想。 充满希望地生活,尊重生命,寻求真理,宽恕,爱你的邻居就像爱你自己一样。 毫无疑问——当我们按照这些理想行事时,生活会变得越来越好。 这些话里没有任何说到神的事。 这些词本质上都是暂时的。 它们是哲学词汇。

    “像爱自己一样爱你的邻居”这句话隐含着这样的观念:你的邻居可以是与你不同的人。 这意味着不同的部落、不同的教派、不同的社会地位。 难道这个理想不能让写出《独立宣言》、序言中的“我们人民”、《权利法案》成为可能吗?



    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  165. schmenz 说:


    有趣的是我刚刚读完最近重新出版的书 国家机密 已故的莱昂·德庞钦伯爵 (Comte Leon de Poncins) 撰写的文章涵盖了类似的内容并证实了您所写的大部分内容。


  166. Kiza 说:
    @Old Jew

    I really do not want to engage in one of those endless discussions common on unz.com. What I wrote before I stand by. I would only add to your:


    没有人拥有上帝赋予的通过杀害他人来“生存”的权利。 小偷和杀人犯通常会说他们这样做是为了自卫,而这正是你所写的,这并不奇怪。 因此,你们刚刚在“现代性”中加上了“生存权”,作为你们在巴勒斯坦的盗窃和谋杀的理由。

    如果您充分阅读我的评论,您就会明白我既不是俄罗斯人也不是美国纳税人。 但是,如果你称吉拉尔迪反犹太人,而不是反利库德尼克集团对美国的影响,那么我的评论就没有任何意义。 回到你廉价但令人安慰的口号,比如:“БЕИ ЖИДОВ СПАСИ РОСИЮ”。 这是犹太复国主义者的普遍策略——总是指责反犹太复国主义者反犹太主义,因为你们犹太复国主义者是犹太宗教/种族中最好的部分。 我们都恨你的自由。

    • 回复: @Old Jew
  167. Kiza 说:


    哎呀,我领导了维克多·苏沃洛夫粉丝俱乐部。 我只是在这个长周末感到太放松了,无法解决你写的长篇准历史。 历史上,有时尚,就像衣服和鞋子一样。 你是追随者,我不是。 如果你认为我是在为斯大林的可怕罪行辩护,那么要么是我没有说清楚,要么你只是在找人进行口头攻击。

    最后,我想问大家两个相关的问题: 你是傻子吗……或者更糟糕的是,你没有注意到苏沃洛夫在他的廉价历史喜剧节目中交替使用苏联和俄语 (苏沃洛夫有没有提到银行劫匪的国籍是什么)? 这不正是西方自1991年以来一直在其宣传中所做的事情吗?


    • 回复: @L.K
  168. Old Jew 说:


    事实上,我是犹太复国主义者和美国纳税人。 我不是定居者,很难理解他们。

    约旦河西岸公共土地的权利不是上帝授予的,而是约旦政府在 1967 年袭击以色列时授予的。

    西岸的阿拉伯居民应享有所有可以想象到的个人权利,但不享有国家的民族权利。 我希望世界银行归还约旦,并与约旦谈判所有领土问题。 但没人问我。

    由加沙和约旦河西岸两个独立领土组成的国家是不可行的。 (正如哈马斯所说)建立一个可行的巴勒斯坦国的真正目标是或应该是取代以色列。

    我非常确信,这也是你的目标。 (出于你想象的最崇高和公正的原因)。




    • 回复: @Kiza
  169. Old Jew 说:



    请参阅我对 Kiza 的回复。

    不公正已经发生了。 来自巴勒斯坦的阿拉伯人对大屠杀无罪/不负有责任。

    1945 年之后,犹太人成为濒临灭绝的物种,因此联合国(1947 年)决定在圣地为他们建立一个天然避难所。 没有与阿拉伯人协商,也没有推翻他们。

    大多数以色列军队出生在以色列。 他们该回哪里,是母亲的波兰,还是父亲的摩洛哥?



    无论是否“被盗土地”,以色列士兵都不会将他们的公寓归还给 1948 年阿拉伯难民的孙辈。



    • 回复: @L.K
  170. Kiza 说:
    @Old Jew



    约旦河西岸公共土地的权利不是上帝授予的,而是约旦政府在 1967 年袭击以色列时授予的

    从那时起,你们就一直在进行惩罚,夺取越来越多的土地、越来越多的水、越来越多的石油和天然气。 永无休止的惩罚,直到你拥有一切值得拥有的东西。

    第三,谁给了你决定由加沙和约旦河西岸组成的国家是否可行的权利。 犹太复国主义者不是通过用瑞士奶酪制成瑞士奶酪而使这样的国家无法生存,而定居者总是攫取最好的部分吗?

    第四,唯一威胁以色列生存的是犹太复国主义者、新保守派和利库德尼克派的行为。 很能说明问题的是,您认识到您在像我这样完全不相关的政党中向真主党投射了类似的“目标”。 每个人都反对你,每个人都威胁可怜的受害者以色列。 例如,杀害在海滩上踢足球的巴勒斯坦儿童总是出于自卫。 还是叫“割草”? 即使所有的草都被砍掉了,你最终还是会从以色列得到面包,就像我们的国家通过穆斯林从他们祖先的土地上获得面包一样,而你们的犹太复国主义者用美国的炸弹帮助对我最后剩下的人民进行种族清洗。

    最后,无论你我多大,我们都可能在俄罗斯和犹太复国主义傀儡美国之间的核战争中灭亡,这一切都是为了你想要获得不属于你的东西的野心,当然,总是出于自卫。 如果穆斯林停止人口过多,如果犹太复国主义者停止出于自卫而掠夺他人的财产,这个世界将会变得更加美好。

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Old Jew
  171. @Art



    这种错误的主张深深地感染了基督教至上主义的理解,或者可以说是一种“宗教”价值观。 实际上,离宗教裁判所并不遥远。

    托马斯·托尔克马达 |ˌtôrkəˈmädə, ˌtôrkāˈmäT͟Hä|
    (c.1420–98),西班牙神职人员和大审判官。 他是多米尼加修道士,也是斐迪南和伊莎贝拉的忏悔神父,是 1478 年宗教裁判所和 1492 年开始将犹太人驱逐出西班牙的主要推动者。


    • 回复: @schmenz
    , @Art
  172. Junior [又名“ Jr.”] 说:

    感谢您的摘录,Geokat! 我还没有读过它,但看起来我一定要把它添加到我的列表中。 有趣的东西。

    我正在查找有关孔子的一些资料,看到这篇文章,这让我立即想起你在《柏拉图在 Googleplex》中的一段话。

    “学习和定期练习不是一种乐趣吗? 更何况,有朋自远方相见,何尝不是一件令人高兴的事情呢? 这是古代博雅教育先驱的语录小集《论语》的开场白。 孔子所说的“学”,不仅注重书本知识,更注重社会关系,更注重“仁”的大德。 了解“仁”,并努力在生活中体会“仁”,尤其是与大道同路人为伴,让我们充满喜悦。 孔子厌恶始终做正确事的“良民”。 问题是,真正的村民这样做是为了社会认可,而不是为了自我修养。 “正乡”不是“欢喜德”,而是窃取德,并用它作为外衣。 孔子也许是最早主张我们有能力改变自己的人。 这是一个极具颠覆性的立场,特别是因为他坚持认为他的追随者有能力成为“纯子”,即贵族,这个头衔最初指的是贵族的儿子。 对于孔子来说,你的父母是谁并不重要。 如果你不修养人性,你就配不上“君子”的称号,更没有资格为政府服务。


  173. alexander 说:





  174. Avery 说:



    [希特勒消灭波兰人的计划首次在他 1927 年的著作《我的奋斗》中阐述。 他呼吁德国人放弃夺回前殖民地(第一次世界大战后失去的殖民地)的企图,转而恢复古老的“向东推进”(Drang nach Osten),以便为德国扩张征服新领土(“Lebensraum”)。波兰。 十二年后,22 年 1939 月 XNUMX 日,希特勒在对德国武装部队领导人的一次讲话中下令:“毫不怜悯或怜悯地杀死所有具有波兰血统或语言的男人、女人或儿童。 只有这样,我们才能获得我们所需要的生存空间(Lebensraum)。 摧毁波兰是我们的首要任务。 目的是……消灭生命力量。” ](扬科夫斯基)


    [早在 1939 年 15 月,即战争爆发前四个月,德国政治警察“盖世太保”就在莱因哈特·海德里希的领导下成立了“Zentralstelle IIP Polen”(波兰中央单位 IIP),以协调对所有波兰人的种族清洗。 两年后,在臭名昭著的万西会议上,莱因哈特·海德里希协调了杀害所有犹太人的最终解决方案。 对波兰人的种族清洗的代号是“坦能堡”,以德国一个村庄的名字命名,600世纪初,一位波兰国王在这里击败并击退了中世纪德国的“东进”运动。 显然,XNUMX 年后,这段记忆仍让一些德国人心生怨恨。 ](扬科夫斯基)


    [起初,也就是在第二次世界大战爆发之前,居住在德国的 2,000 名波兰人被送往集中营,再也没有回来。 在 61,000 年 1 月 1939 日德国进攻波兰之前,Zentralstelle 准备了一份包含 1936 名波兰领导人的特别名单“Sonderfahndungsbuch Polen”(波兰特别起诉书)。 在战争的最初几个月内,Zentralstelle 名单上的所有波兰人都被直接杀害或送往集中营等死。 他们包括贵族、牧师、大学教授、教师、医生、律师和其他社区领袖,甚至还有一位在 1939 年柏林奥运会上获得该类别金牌的著名运动员。 20,000 年 310 月的第一天,为了为了恐吓民众,在 1939 起大规模谋杀行动中,另外 50,000 名随机抓获的非犹太波兰人在波兰田野和街道上被杀害,其中包括我自己的家乡。大教堂前的大广场。 与此同时,XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月,华沙围城期间的狂轰滥炸导致约 XNUMX 名平民丧生,并选择了明显标记的医院作为第一目标。*在那里,我第一次受了二战时期的伤。 该市百分之九十五的建筑物被摧毁或损坏。 这座城市看起来如此可怕,以至于我的父亲——一名参加了一战四年的老兵——在第一次大规模空中轰炸后从地窖里出来时,泪水从脸上流下来。 随后发生了更多此类爆炸事件。](Jan Moor-Jankowski 博士 * 星号表示作者自己的经历)

    {22 年 1939 月 XNUMX 日,就在入侵波兰之前,希特勒明确允许他的指挥官“毫不怜悯或怜悯地杀害所有​​具有波兰血统或语言的男人、女人和儿童”。
    将对波兰人民进行系统性的种族灭绝:7 年 1939 月 12 日,莱因哈德·海德里希表示,所有波兰贵族、神职人员和犹太人都将被杀害。 15月1940日,威廉·凯特尔将知识分子列入名单。 1940 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日,希姆莱表示:“所有波兰专家都将在我们的军工联合体中受到剥削。 稍后,所有波兰人将从这个世界上消失。 伟大的德意志民族必须把消灭所有波兰人民作为首要任务。” XNUMX 年底,希特勒确认了他的声明,要求清算“所有领导}


  175. Avery 说:


    希特勒将保卫德国历史古城斯大林格勒的光荣使命交给了由保卢斯将军(后来的陆军元帅)领导的第六集团军。 保卢斯麾下有 6 万顽强而和平的纳粹保卫者。
    这座历史名城的和平纳粹保卫者与红军入侵者进行了英勇的战斗。 但最终,即使对于高贵的纳粹捍卫者来说,这也太过分了。 1,000万纳粹谋杀败类中,除少数300,000人外,全部被歼灭。

  176. schmenz 说:


    我在LK的评论中没有看到任何对纳粹主义愚蠢行为表示同情的内容。 我在他的评论中看到了对不少人的同情,包括德国人,但没有看到任何意识形态。 有趣的是,在我偶尔评论的另一个网站上,我对俄罗斯或俄罗斯人民表达的任何同情都会受到声称我是加密共产主义者的评论的欢迎。

    反正我的 2 美分。

    • 回复: @Junior
  177. @Avery



    “直到2002年,我才得知囚犯定期在KLW的毒气室和火葬场被处决。 记录显示,1945 年德国人逃离后,营地及其周围的大片区域立即被摧毁; 下水道和沙井里发现充满了灰烬和磨碎的人骨。 然而,1945 年,NKWD 几乎立即接管了该集中营,并继续使用其毒气室和火葬场来杀害反对苏联接管的波兰人。 2002年,波兰现任当局停止了波兰法官玛丽亚·特兹辛斯卡(Maria Trzcinska)对集中营历史的调查。 她自 1973 年以来一直在调查 KLW,最近一次是为波兰国家纪念研究所进行调查。 然而,现任波兰政府的许多成员都是前共产主义“权贵”,他们可能希望自己过去与内务人民民主联盟的关系不为人所知。 特兹辛斯卡法官独立公布了她的调查结果。 该出版物在波兰引起轩然大波。 这是一个例子,说明即使在今天,要确定波兰大屠杀的真相仍然存在困难。”


    艾弗里——我个人敏锐地意识到德国人对波兰人造成的破坏 布尔什维克。 我的学校老师是圣弗朗西斯勋章的波兰修女。 她们被训练成家庭佣人——为神父和修会的修女们做管家。 他们的英语不太好,教学技能也完全缺乏,但他们却在美国中西部的一个波兰天主教教区教小学生。 他们幸存下来并到达了美国。 他们的知识分子阶层却没有。

    扬科夫斯基的两句话引用了希特勒 1939 年的演讲。格德·舒尔茨-朗霍夫 (Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof) 在 1939 年:有许多父亲的战争。 关于八月份的演讲,舒尔茨-罗恩霍夫在演讲中写道:

    “自 1939 年初以来,希特勒在但泽和走廊问题上的努力没有取得任何进展。 他向波兰提出了谈判的提议,并最终以战争相威胁。 。 。 。
    [一大群将军已聚集在上萨尔茨堡参加演讲。 他们希望了解希特勒是否想要不惜一切代价发动战争,或者他是否在战争威胁的巨大压力下试图从波兰手中夺取德国城市但泽。 。 。 。

    希特勒在演讲开始时宣布,他现在决定对波兰发动战争。 但随着帝国政府和波兰之间的讨论继续进行,这些话很可能只属于希特勒的威胁情景。 就捷克而言,半年前,希特勒仅仅宣布入侵就达到了他的目的。 当时没有开枪。”

    舒尔茨-朗霍夫研究的八月演讲的第二个关键要素是演讲的各种翻译,以及它们在纽伦堡的使用方式。 这 CYA 规则完全有效。 此外,正如本评论中引用的第一段所表明的那样——NKWD 接续了德国人停下来的地方,即使在今天,俄罗斯人也有兴趣隐瞒他们在屠杀波兰人中所扮演的角色——纽伦堡演讲的版本(大概是 Jankowski 设计的)被选来遮盖这个或那个特定的屁股,无论是德国将军还是 NKWD 的臀部 装置.

    舒尔茨-朗霍夫用了十页的篇幅来“比较(演讲的)笔录,就像侦探小说的一部分”。 尽管德国教科书和学童们都被灌输“希特勒亲口引用的名言”,但他“怀揣着征服世界的计划”,这一点在哈尔德上将和赫尔曼·伯姆海军上将的两套演讲笔记中得到了证实。事实上,伯姆将军和他提交的上级雷德尔驳斥了许多“爆炸性”陈述,例如扬科夫斯基在其律师录制并提供给纽伦堡的审讯录音中逐字逐句地驳斥了这些陈述。法官(他驳回了传唤雷德尔和博姆作为证人的动议)。

    “[西默斯律师提交]审讯记录。 。 伯姆的听证会记录在当天的法庭审理笔录中。 。 .及文件编号,但未出现在IMT文件卷中 [国际军事法庭]。 =



    “希特勒在这次演讲中宣布了他很快对波兰发动战争的动机。 。 。
    '很明显 。 。 .目前与波兰的政治关系从长远来看是不可持续的。 。 。 妥协的尝试被英国破坏,英国陷入歇斯底里,并促使波兰采取无礼的照会和军事措施。 。 。 然而,对于英国来说,过去和现在都希望(波兰和德国之间)有一段持续的不稳定时期,以便当它自己想要进攻时,它能够随时释放另一边的波兰。 ”

    正如伯姆记录的那样,希特勒的评估得到了罗斯福政府和丘吉尔政府之间的沟通以及这些权力所采取的决定和行动的支持。 英美历史学家奈杰尔·汉密尔顿在讨论罗斯福在二战中的军事领导时说:

    “丘吉尔和罗斯福都知道,鉴于英国的崩溃,这将是非常非常困难的——尽管英国因德国入侵波兰而向希特勒宣战——但实际上英国完全不可能击败希特勒1940年法国陷落后,丘吉尔寻求与美国结盟。 。 。 。
    鉴于 1942 年和 1943 年德国人的实力,我认为丘吉尔从未梦想过美国和英国能够解放波兰。是他们的盟友。
    因此,对此有很多讨论,因为显然,在知道俄罗斯人会做什么的情况下向他们投降是一种悲剧。 我的意思是,罗斯福和丘吉尔都知道是俄罗斯人在卡廷谋杀了数万名波兰军官。 而且你知道
    为了维护联合国以及与苏联的联盟,我们不得不假装德国人对卡廷大屠杀负有责任,但罗斯福和丘吉尔都非常清楚,这是俄罗斯人干的。 呃,有消息称,纽约红衣主教斯佩尔曼——罗斯福曾在 1943 年夏天说过,他非常抱歉,但是……。 。 。 看起来,1943年,我们将击败第三帝国,但我们无法拯救波兰,波兰可能需要几十年才能获得自由。 这句话很有预言性。 ” http://www.c-span.org/video/?319420-4/roosevelts-role-preparing-dday


    雷德尔被判处终身监禁; 他原以为自己会被处决。 对纽伦堡对赫尔曼·伯姆海军上将的处置的搜索并没有得出结论:哈佛大学档案包括优生学家赫尔曼·伯姆博士在纽伦堡的证词,但没有关于伯姆海军上将的证词。 舒尔茨-朗霍夫引用西默斯律师的文件作为伯姆和雷德尔驳斥审判中使用的希特勒演讲的歪曲笔录的来源。 人们认为扬科夫斯基依赖的是精心挑选的、大量复制的但错误的事件版本,而不是西默斯论文中记录的版本。


    德国对波兰和斯大林格勒的进攻是一场德国人不希望发生的战争(见诺曼·芬克尔斯坦关于这一点 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDe65-nF3FQ )但罗斯福需要(参见英国历史学家尼古拉斯·瓦普肖特 http://www.amazon.com/Sphinx-Franklin-Roosevelt-Isolationists-World/dp/039308888X/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1451241142&sr=8-2&keywords=nicholas+wapshott )并从 1933 年上任后不久就开始准备(参见 Jean Edward Smith, 罗斯福),尽管英国人既没有财力、军事能力,也没有道德能力来发动他们挑起的战争,但丘吉尔是收受报酬并被引诱挑起的。 尽管如此,被释放的狗还是做了战犬受过训练的事情。

    如果希特勒能够通过但泽走廊,是否会爆发战争? 我认为帕特·布坎南的结论是“不”,这是一场不必要的战争,是由罗斯福和丘吉尔以及他们对波兰的不负责任、实际上是邪恶和背叛的承诺挑起的。

    如果你和扬科斯基博士有意见,艾弗里,请向罗斯福和丘吉尔以及他们的犹太/犹太复国主义同事,包括菲利克斯·法兰克福、路易斯·布兰代斯、伯纳德·巴鲁克、亨利·摩根索、塞缪尔·翁特迈耶、拉比斯蒂芬·怀斯提出意见 除其他外,。 他们让火车开动了。

    • 回复: @Avery
  178. L.K 说:






    多项研究得出的结论是,历史上的安纳托利亚土著群体是当今土耳其人口的主要来源……此外,各种研究表明,尽管早期突厥入侵者进行了具有文化意义的入侵,包括引入古安纳托利亚土耳其语(现代土耳其语的前身)和伊斯兰教, 来自中亚的遗传贡献可能非常小.k[›][132][136] 根据《美国体质人类学杂志》(2008 年),今天的土耳其人与巴尔干地区人口的关系比与中亚地区人口的关系更为密切,[137][138] 以及一项研究调查等位基因频率表明,蒙古人和土耳其人之间缺乏遗传关系,尽管他们的语言有历史关系(土耳其人和德国人与所有三个蒙古人的距离同样遥远)。 [139] 多项研究提出了一种精英文化主导驱动的语言替代模型来解释安纳托利亚土著居民采用土耳其语的原因。” 等等等等

    • 回复: @Avery
  179. Junior [又名“ Jr.”] 说:


    这句话直接出自基督教哲学。 这是基督教的声明——句号。 它不是犹太教,不是穆斯林,不是印地语,不是混乱,也不是佛教

    我认为 RTW 的说法是绝对正确的,你的观点有一定程度的“基督教至上主义理解”。 无论是犹太人的“生命权”哲学不可杀人”来自托拉或穆斯林自由权哲学“在信仰问题上不得强迫”出自《古兰经》或佛教追求幸福的哲学“如果一个人以清净的思想说话或行动,幸福就会如影随形,永不离开。从《法句经》来看,这些是超越整个精神哲学范围的普遍真理,而不是某一特定宗教向他们揭示的一些特殊的隐藏知识。 我认为它更多的是一种纪念或利用和下载普遍知识,而不是一种启示,但为了讨论宗教的目的,我将其称为启示。 在我看来,普遍永恒真理的精神哲学“在这个地球上从一个时代到另一个时代系统地揭示”,然后由有组织的宗教从一个时代到另一个时代系统地隐藏在这个地球上。

    虽然我同意你选择更多地从哲学基督教的角度来看待这个问题和生活(我同意这一点,因为在我看来,它更多地是关于灵性而不是宗教),但我不同意你的归因我们基金会的原则的伟大之处仅在于基督教,并且想知道您如何将这种信仰与一些更明显的灵感(例如希腊哲学或启蒙运动)相协调。 我也很好奇你对共济会(前光明会)对我们的建国原则的影响有何看法。


  180. L.K 说:


    除了你对苏沃洛夫和我自己进行愚蠢的人身攻击之外, 你什么也没有.


    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  181. Junior [又名“ Jr.”] 说:


    反正我的 2 美分。

    我想你的意思是“无论如何我的 2 卢布”。 典型的加密货币共产主义策略,总是假装使用美元系统。 我就看上你了,施门茨! 😉

  182. L.K 说:




    1000 年夏天,来自意大利各地的 2015 名音乐家齐聚一堂,演奏了 Foo Fighters 的《Learn to Fly》,邀请 Dave Grohl 前往意大利切塞纳演奏:

  183. @L.K







    • 回复: @Rurik
  184. L.K 说:
    @Old Jew

    即使关于 6 万人死亡和毒气室杀人的全息故事是真的,也不是真的,美国和其他地方仍然有大量的犹太人。
    2003 年,以色列人口统计学家塞尔吉奥·德拉·佩尔戈拉 (Sergio Della Pergola) 在一份以色列官方报告中指出: 1.092,000年,世界上有2003名犹太大屠杀幸存者。 这些巨大的数字意味着战争结束时还有数百万犹太“大屠杀幸存者”。
    7 年,联合国没有授权将一半以上的巴勒斯坦土地交给欧洲犹太移民,这些移民拥有的土地不到 30%,仅占总人口的 1948% 左右。
    你抱怨以色列人归还他们的公寓,但没有提到这些公寓是建在被盗土地上的。 更不用说被盗的巴勒斯坦房屋了,其中许多房屋至今仍然存在,并且居住着“以色列人”。 一些巴勒斯坦难民仍然拥有房屋钥匙。

  185. alexander 说:




    这也很令人着迷……在美国,没有一位记者,没有任何主要新闻机构的一位成员,没有一位专家,没有一位国会议员,参议员,州长或市长,没有一位军事将领,没有一位国家成员部门,没有一位国务卿曾对以色列在巴勒斯坦领土上掠夺土地的行为进行过限定……就其本质而言…… Lebensraum。




    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  186. geokat62 说:


    嗨,基扎。 我从上面推断你是塞尔维亚人对吗?

  187. Old Jew 说:







    大多数富有的美国人不是犹太人。 只要不影响对以色列的政策

    一旦它影响到他们,或者让他们相信对以色列的政策影响了他们的利益或安全,犹太人就会被压制住。 吉拉尔迪非常努力地让美国统治阶级相信,亲以色列的政策是有害的。


    他可能会说服支持BDS的左翼大学生。 也许当他们这一代人




    这一切导致的结果是:“去抓住他们!” 。 [以及大量的附带受害者。]



    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Junior
  188. geokat62 说:
    @Old Jew

    吉拉尔迪非常努力地试图说服美国统治阶级, 亲以色列政策具有破坏性.



    米尔斯海默和沃尔特呢? 你为什么不告诉我们他们的论点(亲以色列的政策正在损害美国的国家利益)是如何不足的?


    • 回复: @Junior
    , @Old Jew
  189. @alexander




    适用于德国的“生存空间”模因被炒作、过度、夸大和宣传,目的是妖魔化德国。 总体规划 是学者——智囊团的产物。 希特勒抓住了这一点,并在 我的奋斗,故事就是这样。 但他和纳粹党领导层/军方都没有制定明确的实施计划。 德国从未实施过 总体规划.

    另一方面,以色列一直在经营一种不精确的衍生品 总体规划 大约自 1907 年以来,它不仅仍在窃取巴勒斯坦土地并驱逐土著人民,而且还加剧了该计划的残酷性。

    因此,有理由猜测像国土报这样的报纸不会称以色列犹太复国主义为土地盗窃、文化灭绝、扩张主义和种族清洗 我的生存空间 因为这不是一个明智的比较。 事实上,这是一个愚蠢的比较,其目的只是为了煽动和刺激世界习惯性与之联系在一起的所有负面情绪。 纳粹 希特勒.

    这是一种最低公分母的争论; 这是愚蠢的,而且会适得其反。

    提出这样的论点试图让以色列承担责任,使得人们不太可能了解一战、魏玛和二战时期谁对谁、何时、为何以及如何做了什么的真相。 适用于以色列的生存空间概念让内塔尼亚胡这样的人感到高兴——它让顽固的犹太复国主义者感到不舒服,尽管它强化了使犹太复国主义者达到高潮的纳粹=邪恶的叙述。

    除此之外 -

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  190. Rdm 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    2. 为什么你认为特朗普会成为以色列的傀儡? 迄今为止还没有美国总统这样做过。

    无论是谁,美国总统都将成为以色列的傀儡。 否认这一事实就像否认世界是圆的。

    1. 您看过好莱坞制作的关于犹太人密谋成为犹太复国主义者的电影吗? 有什么事吗? 任何你能想象到的,甚至是假设的,你都可以在好莱坞体验到。 三K党的电影? 你打赌。 纳粹电影? 你打赌。 屠杀犹太人来博取你们的同情? 有很多这样的。 俄罗斯人和中国人的恶棍? 别担心。 恶棍白人将成为美国总统? 看看纸牌屋。

    犹太人试图建立一个犹太复国主义世界? 你在哪里可以找到那个? 犹太人密谋统治世界? 没什么。

    2. “分而治之”是精英主义者心中的座右铭。 媒体宣传白人反对黑人,黑人反对白人,那么你在哪里可以找到犹太人针对黑人的种族主义者呢? 在控制权力方面,白人是“D和C”游戏中的棋子。 没有犹太人被称为种族主义者。 他们以白人的身份生活在一个被称为“伪装”的安全可靠的地方,但同时又避免以“种族主义者”的身份对待黑人。

    即使普林斯顿伍德罗·威尔逊雕像被拆,即使每一位白人总统都被斥为“种族主义者”,犹太人也不用担心与之抗争。 你知道为什么? 这是因为


    如果迈克尔·杰克逊的雕像因为猥亵儿童而被拆除,你认为黑人会高兴吗? 虽然他是流行音乐之王?

    如果林登·约翰逊因在日本领土上使用原子弹而被判处无期徒刑,你认为美国白人会感到高兴吗? 谁对谁错并不重要。 或者

    想一想。 犹太人和他们一样快乐,因为与他们的历史和这个新世界的历史无关。 他们没有雕像可以拆除,他们毫不犹豫地被称为“奴隶贩子”。 他们在这个国家拥有绝对的受害者盾牌,同时伪装成“白人”。

    3. 美国的亲以色列犹太人就像生活在巨大巨人体内的病毒。 它们的复制宿主是以色列。 它们保护、培育、喂养宿主,同时试图感染宿主身体的其他部位。


    这些天你读到的所有世界事件,犹太人都不在乎。 他们没有既得利益,除非涉及他们的生存,这一切都导致了他们的复制宿主——以色列。



    那和犹太人有什么关系呢? 100%纯正犹太人? 他们去哪儿了?

    你想知道为什么他们要为自己的生存而战,以色列是一个流氓国家。 随着时间的推移,他们相信这将意味着某种意义,一个圣地。

  191. Junior [又名“ Jr.”] 说:
    @Old Jew

    我有预感,我会后悔自己鼓励了即将发生的混乱局面,但我无法控制自己。 所以,我提前向大家道歉。 钩子真是太闪亮太诱人了🙂


    例如? 我很想看看你提到的吉拉尔迪先生的谎言的一些例子。 请分享一下,哦。

    @ geokat62

  192. Junior [又名“ Jr.”] 说:

    我在上面的帖子中“多么美好的一天,形势逆转”行之前添加了@geokat62,但看起来它没有出现。 只是想澄清一下,因为我希望你能从中得到乐趣,geo。 所以……简洁,Shmevity。 冗余是智慧的灵魂 🙂


    • 回复: @geokat62
  193. Old Jew 说:







    • 回复: @geokat62
  194. geokat62 说:

    所以……简洁,Shmevity。 冗余是智慧的灵魂

    小杰,你在嘲笑我吗? 哈哈

    • 回复: @Junior
  195. @山姆沙玛



    ^ 称其为“当事情发生时”(俄罗斯不会袖手旁观,这很可能是正确的)

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  196. @SolontoCroesus

    希特勒抓住了这一点,并在 我的奋斗,故事就是这样。 但他和纳粹党领导层/军方都没有制定明确的实施计划。 德国从未实施过 总体规划东。


    栖息地 在 Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof 的作品中出现 43 次 1939 年:有许多父亲的战争。 (目前我只读了一半。)

    希特勒 做了 在 1933 年 XNUMX 月的一次会议上向国防军领导人提到了这个概念,但它并没有引起听众的警觉,而且随后几年做出的决定表明“没有明确的实施计划”。 例如,当德国人开始重新武装时,他们只计划购买两引擎轰炸机,而不是如果英国或苏联成为战略目标则需要四引擎轰炸机。
    另一方面,在 1937 年 181 月与军事规划者的谈话中,希特勒“首次下令制定未来征服捷克斯洛伐克的计划,并‘从而解决德国太空问题’。” ” [页。 XNUMX]

    舒尔茨-朗霍夫 (Schultze-Rhonhof) 观察到,20 世纪初期,所有发挥作用的力量都经历了人口增长以及粮食和其他资源供应的压力; 我的生存空间 是日本、意大利、殖民国家以及美国和俄罗斯的首要关切。 美国解决了需要 我的生存空间 美国在其领土上大规模征服了不如自己文明的人民,但美国仍然对菲律宾、波多黎各等许多其他土地和人民保持着统治地位。作者进一步指出,美国加剧了他们所经历的压力,即日本、意大利和德国,通过限制其贸易、金融和其他养活其人民的重要系统。

    富兰克林·D·罗斯福在这方面尤其具有报复性和破坏性。 正如前面提到的,罗斯福带领美国走上了一条与乔治·华盛顿在告别演说中所建议的道路截然不同的道路。 美国外交政策尚未从严重偏离建国原则的情况中恢复过来。

    如前所述,我还没有阅读舒尔茨-罗恩霍夫提出的所有参考文献 我的生存空间 无论是否由纳粹党实施,但到目前为止,总体要点仍然是:以色列对巴勒斯坦人的征服和剥夺,无论在质量上还是在时间上,都属于不同的范畴,与德国的“占领”理念不同。 lebensraum, 并比较德国 我的生存空间 在我看来,以色列针对巴勒斯坦人的行动的概念是不恰当的,而且会适得其反。 犹太复国主义是其独特的邪恶烙印。

  197. Rurik 说:

    假设土耳其、沙特阿拉伯和卡塔尔支持推翻阿萨德,而以色列则完全反对,他认为这会如何在国会的妓女中流传呢? 当然,为了小小的、陷入困境的以色列的利益,他们会做出彻底的转变。


    让数千名伊朗人被杀 但这些家伙会为此道歉吗? 不,他们会举起大屠杀抹布,让所有人闭嘴。


  198. Rurik 说:
    @Mark Green


    即使你相信他们的话,大屠杀也是人道地进行的,因为它是人类可能杀人的。 有点像Soylent Green安乐死场景

    当他们递上毛巾去“洗澡”时,小提琴正在演奏,然后死亡就在这种情况下尽可能地是良性的。 这是毒气室最糟糕的情况,我记得小时候就向我们展示过。 与德累斯顿相比,德累斯顿是无可争议的,并且是可以想象的蓄意残忍和虐待狂。 然后还有一些。

    但它是 德国 每个人都谴责他的不人道行为

  199. Rurik 说:




    我对第二次世界大战的发动者的看法是布尔什维克。 我一直说纳粹是布尔什维克恶魔种族灭绝的直接后果。




  200. Junior [又名“ Jr.”] 说:

    一点也不! 只是想通过嘲笑自己来获得一些笑声并传播一些节日的欢乐 🙂

  201. Avery 说:








    维基百科与此有什么关系?这张照片有什么争议,你这个新纳粹白痴? 这只是一张历史照片的维基链接,你这个头脑简单的新纳粹鼻涕虫。

  202. RobinG 说:

    不要忘记西班牙在南美洲以基督教的名义进行的屠杀。 现在基督徒正在残酷地对待ME(即使是为了犹太人,这只是动机的一部分),但拒绝处理后果。

    感谢“迦太基”,这是一个链接 –
    “为了让‘耶稣的信息’得以传播,世界各地有数亿人死去。 现在仍有数百万人死去,因此基督教原教旨主义者可以毫无抵抗地操纵、统治和掠夺世界。”

    • 回复: @Avery
    , @schmenz
    , @Art
  203. alexander 说:







    许多以色列人对他们的“生存空间”使命如此不知所措,以至于否认巴勒斯坦和巴勒斯坦人的存在,已经成为促进这一行动的近乎先决条件……从良心上来说,夺走某人的村庄、家园和农场要容易得多。 ,如果你“拿走”的人不存在,并且根本不存在。


    今天,多亏了互联网,人们可以轻松地改写任何涉及以色列的《纽约时报》故事,该故事通过在清算时抹去巴勒斯坦人的名字和面孔,系统性地非人化巴勒斯坦人……用高度真实的“时代扭曲”,它具有基本的道德正派,( 《纽约时报》应该“代表”),实际上将巴勒斯坦人视为“人民”。






    只有当继巴黎和圣贝纳迪诺之后,“西方”的血管里流淌着大量的仇恨和复仇的渴望时,《泰晤士报》才会“选择”发布“打破沉默”的证词。 因此,巧妙地操纵读者的情绪,在适当的时候向其提供以色列暴行的证词,“西方”就会最同情它。

    你似乎被迫重新整理西方对纳粹主义的看法,你似乎想通过引入证据来说服,据我所知,这些证据本质上可能是修正主义的,纳粹主义从一开始就从来没有那么糟糕。 纳粹主义名声不好。 如果大屠杀真的发生过,那也是发生在德累斯顿燃烧弹轰炸中的德国人身上,而不是奥斯威辛和达豪集中营中的犹太人。






    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  204. Avery 说:




    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  205. Avery 说:

    如果基督教如此可怕,为什么那数百万叙利亚“难民” 所有 前往基督教欧盟国家?



    你当然知道,例如,土著阿兹特克人早在西班牙人在南美洲进行“屠杀”之前就已经从事活人祭祀和同类相食的活动。 受害者的器官(例如心脏)通常在活着时被切除。


    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  206. @Avery



    在谷歌搜索中使用所有格形式“基督教的强迫皈依”可以提供相当多的信息; 在今天的中非共和国,从过去到当代强迫穆斯林皈依的例子有很多。

  207. schmenz 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    为了对托尔克马达有更开明、更彻底的概述——他实际上做了什么以及宗教裁判所的原因是什么——我强烈推荐威廉·托马斯·沃尔什的《宗教裁判所的人物》。 本书完成的研究令人难以置信,非常值得您细读。

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  208. @Avery



    1。 在 1932 美国军事规划者确定,欧洲的下一场(不可避免的)战争将是用飞机摧毁民用基础设施和平民——英国“必须”通过空袭伊拉克部落成员的村庄来安抚他们,直到他们停止傲慢的行为。

    2。 通过 中期1938 (水晶之夜前)罗斯福和小亨利·摩根索开始制定对德国进行空中轰炸的计划。

    3. 在达格威,美国空军、标准石油公司、犹太建筑师和好莱坞工作室设计师设计、建造和布置了典型德国工人阶级平民居住的房屋的精确复制品。 (它被称为德国村,这座建筑仍然矗立在达格威。)然后,他们练习使用飞机投掷燃烧弹和炸弹,制造火焰风暴,摧毁这些住宅和其中的德国平民——男人、女人、儿童。

    4. 美国内政部编写了这份关于德国村的报告:


    卧室里,单人床成对摆放, ■与婴儿床相邻,反映了一个有婴儿的年轻家庭。

    在用假炸弹进行初步渗透测试时,除了地毯外,所有家具都被拆除,门窗都关闭了。 (标准石油开发公司特殊奶头家具规格,1943 年 1943 月;标准石油开发公司家具检查报告,713 年 1943 月;TDMR 第 XNUMX 号,XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月)。 。 。

    建筑师; Eric Mendelsohn [咨询建筑师,纽约]

    更糟糕的是——悲惨地更糟糕,以及美国及其犹太追随者对中东人民犯下的罪行的道德(不道德?)基础——是,你指控的那些德国士兵 冷血地杀害了带着婴儿的母亲 那些因罪行而受到严厉惩罚的美国领导人——甚至在慕尼黑之前就计划杀害“婴儿床上的婴儿”,以及对德国进行地毯式轰炸的士兵,不仅是 从未被要求对自己的罪行负责 但他们却因此变得更加大胆,并在战后的岁月里不断重复对巴勒斯坦、南美、越南、伊拉克、利比亚、叙利亚和加沙的“带着婴儿的母亲”进行蓄意和肆意的破坏。

  209. schmenz 说:


  210. @schmenz




    • 回复: @schmenz
  211. Sam Shama 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    早上好,来自纽约。 感谢您提供有关此事的链接。 几周前我就在推动这个问题。 逊尼派势力正在迅速崛起,除了一家媒体网站外,似乎还没有一家媒体网站注意到这一点。

    如果油价长期保持在 50 美元以下,很难判断俄罗斯能够或将能够做什么。 而那些惯常嫌疑人的顽劣行为仍然在高速运转,被 MSM 的嗡嗡声所掩盖。


    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  212. @alexander






    让我们将 #210 分为三个部分:
    A. 生存空间(第 1-3 段)
    B. 对以色列自卸卡车的严厉批评(第 4-14 段)
    C. 注射齐奥卡因 © 后,爬进干衣机并在 HI 上设置旋转周期(第 15 – 20 段)

    A. 我们能否同意 A. 的主旨是“什么是 我的生存空间,”你回答:“通过征服获得领土;” 这是二战后公约所禁止的,但以色列却无视。
    您可以用以下语句结束 A 部分:


    令人高兴的是,你,亚历山大,在 B 部分中提供了反驳论点。
    在 B 部分中,您阐述了激励犹太复国主义者窃取巴勒斯坦人土地的想法,然后列出了以色列为追求该意识形态而采取的犯罪行为的几个例子。



    这些——观念/意识形态、行为都不适用于德国人的情况——或者其他寻求这一目标的国家。 我的生存空间 在19世纪末20世纪初。


    如果你能原谅这个度假村(颤抖) 证据德国战略家敏锐地意识到他们所关心的各个领土上的人民,以及他们错综复杂的敌意和亲和力。 格德·舒尔茨-朗霍夫 (Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof) 详尽地描述了它们; 例如,波兰人民长期以来对乌克兰人怀有仇恨; 新成立的捷克拒绝尊重同一土地上的德国本土人等少数群体的“自决”,要求少数群体自决是周围犹太顾问的主要要求之一伍德罗·威尔逊在凡尔赛宫。

    德国并没有打算 征服 为了毁灭他地的土地和人民; 该提案是解决德国太空问题的一种方法,德国与意大利和英国都面临这个问题:人口不断增长,土地和资源却不断减少。 殖民时代,意大利、比利时、法国等都试图通过殖民来解决这个问题。 雪上加霜的是,凡尔赛和约剥夺了德国的殖民地——法国、比利时、意大利等国纷纷声称从德国夺取的殖民地。 希特勒对这种令人尴尬的领土贪婪表现的回应是向德国人民保证“我们不需要非洲的殖民地;我们不需要非洲的殖民地”。 我们将在离家更近的地方殖民。”

    波兰获得了德国的一大片土地,其中包括数千名已经在那里居住了几个世纪的德语人士——有点像加沙的巴勒斯坦人。 但泽被宣布为自由邦。 波兰本应尊重少数德国人的权利,但事实并非如此——波兰人屠杀德国“带着婴儿的母亲”的画面与艾弗里所激起的画面不相上下。
    此外,波兰还发出信号,表示它对新获得的德国领土并不满意,但会利用德国战后的弱点和凡尔赛强制裁军。 “6 年 1933 月 XNUMX 日,波兰在但泽自由州登陆了一个海军步兵营。” 德国得到了这样的信息:波兰将利用出现的机会。


    犹太复国主义是 特殊的。
    在我看来,使用 纳粹, 希特勒, 等等类比和修辞会适得其反; 此类引用的基础几乎总是错误的,并且源自宣传而不是(可怕的)证据; 因此,他们更多的是故意煽动而不是告知。 最后,这种类比对哈斯巴拉特人来说更有用,他们的方法是基于情感诉求而不是理性:概念的使用 我的生存空间 是一个带有新电池的假阳具,用于以色列自慰话语办公室。




    • 回复: @L.K
  213. 为什么不直接让以色列正式成为第 51 个国家呢? 我相信美国人不会反对。

  214. Art 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West


    这种错误的主张深深地感染了基督教至上主义的理解,或者可以说是一种“宗教”价值观。 实际上,离宗教裁判所并不遥远。

    用宗教裁判所之类的东西来评判整个基督教是否正确? 还有一亿件其他的坏事是以耶稣基督的名义所做的,但本质上不是基督教的。 人类思想所想到的每一个好主意都被渴望统治他人的权力所滥用。 100 年的今天,原始部落性仍然以一种非常糟糕的方式存在于我们身边。 “与上帝站在一边”发动战争的统治者永远地欺骗了人类。

    人们可以理解托马斯·潘恩对基督教国教和一般宗教的彻底厌恶。 教皇、教派领袖和国王利用宗教作为统治人民的途径。 他们做这些事情是因为那是那个时代的运作方式——没有其他办法。 个别的牧师和传教士建立了自己的小领地,为自己的品牌声称正义,从信徒那里给予或夺走上帝。

    但是,尽管存在所有这些自上而下的坏事,但还是有一些好的东西发展出来,个别基督徒仍然接受耶稣的哲学理想。 他们看到了好的一面。 他们看到了拥有希望、珍视所有生命、寻求真理、宽恕以及爱你的邻居就像爱自己一样的好处,无论你的邻居是谁。 他们可以利用这些想法来改善自己的生活——它们确实有效。 这些理想是普遍的——它们是每个教派的共同部分。 任何人都可以持有它们——无论是否是基督徒。 这些理想是有史以来最伟大的社会思想。


    这些顽固的非基督教精英只是一个寻求权力的新教派吗? 他们是否被一个复仇心重的旧世界部落所欺骗,蚕食了自己的文化?

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  215. @Art

    你的前提很糟糕。 我不属于任何一神论宗教,并且在美洲原住民社区度过了我生命中的大部分时光。 以下是印第安人传统酋长和口述历史学家 Duncan Standing Rock 的 Rocky Boy's Chippewa 乐队的一段话:

    “在传教士出现之前(即在我们听说耶稣之前),我们就生活在耶稣的教导之中。 我们照顾寡妇和穷人。 我们对邻居好是一种习惯。 每个人都应该诚实、慷慨和善良。 只是在我们被迫皈依基督教之后,我们的人民才变得贪婪和暴力。”

    关键是,耶稣并没有锁定激励人们走向社会公益的道路,在“基督徒”带着他们所有的包袱到来之前,其他人也过着基本相同的想法。 Jr 还指出了其他非基督教文化中优秀的社会戒律。 我认为耶稣会是一个好的佛教徒,考虑到佛陀生活在耶稣之前 600 年,这可能就是历史上耶稣思想的来源。


    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Art
  216. @Sam Shama




  217. Art 说:

    “为了让‘耶稣的信息’得以传播,世界各地有数亿人死去。 现在仍有数百万人死去,因此基督教原教旨主义者可以毫无抵抗地操纵、统治和掠夺世界。”

    RobinG – 请参阅帖子 221 – 对基督教历史的贫乏解释。

    纵观人类历史,部落一直统治着人类。 今天也不例外。 一直以来都有两个权力中心。 酋长和巫医。 酋长通过建立强大家族的等级秩序来实际控制部落成员。 巫医为了统治者的利益而控制部落成员的思想。 酋长控制着已知的世俗世界,而巫医则控制着未知的众神世界。 不知何故,众神总是支持酋长?


    是 100% 基督徒——或者 50/50——还是主要是为了寻求黄金?

    嗯——你觉得怎么样——把一切都归咎于基督教公平吗? (现在把一切都推向基督教在政治上是正确的。)

    耶稣是否说过“使人和睦的人有福了”? 他有说过“靠刀剑生,死于刀剑”吗?

    什么是真正的哲学基督教之路? 和平还是战争?

    • 回复: @geokat62
  218. geokat62 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West




    基督教是西方最重要的世界观。 柏拉图是西方最重要的哲学家。 但两者的共同点远不止重要性——事实上,柏拉图帮助为早期教会奠定了思想舞台。


    “柏拉图主义是基督教神学重要结构的一部分。 。 。 。 [如果人们阅读致力于调和柏拉图主义与圣经的普罗提诺],他们就会更好地理解旧文化与新宗教之间真正的连续性,并且他们可能会意识到,在不将基督教撕成碎片的情况下,将柏拉图主义从基督教中剔除是完全不可能的。 加利利福音出自耶稣之口,无疑没有受到希腊哲学的影响。 。 。 。 但[早期基督教]从一开始就是犹太教和希腊宗教思想的融合形成的。” (强调已添加)


    柏拉图认为自我分为身体和灵魂,灵魂与善良和真理关系更密切; 这使得基督教后来的灵魂与身体的划分更容易理解。 (一些早期的基督徒,比如殉道者贾斯汀,甚至认为柏拉图主义者是不知情的原始基督徒,尽管这个结论后来被拒绝了。)
    两种世界观都假定存在绝对真理和不变的现实; 柏拉图的思想再次帮助人们为基督教做好准备。
    奥古斯丁在从柏拉图开始一直到普罗提诺的影响脉络的末端,将逻辑和推理(涉及绝对真理的学科)理解为信仰的重要补充,而不是敌人。 至少克尔凯郭尔认为,这种信仰与理性的伙伴关系将成为基督教的特征。 (弗朗西斯·谢弗认为,早期存在主义者认为基督教只有通过超越推理的信仰飞跃才能接近,从而使现代性跨越了“绝望线”。)



    “柏拉图的言论,是所有哲学中最纯粹、最明亮的言论,驱散了错误的乌云…… 。 ”。





    ”。 。 。 在主降临之前,希腊人需要哲学才能获得正义。 现在它变得有利于虔诚; 是对成佛者的一种预备训练。 。 。 。 因为神是所有美好事物的原因,但主要是某些事物的原因,例如旧约和新约; 以及其他人的结果,作为哲学。 或许,哲学也是直接且主要地传授给希腊人的。 。 。 。 因为[哲学]是一位带来“希腊思想”的校长。 。 。 归向基督。 因此,哲学是一种准备,为在基督里变得完美的人铺平道路。”(添加了强调)

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  219. schmenz 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    谢谢你的报价。 这正是我用来支持正在提出的案例的。 当然,你没有提供这句话的历史背景、当时西班牙发生的事情、沃尔什等人发现的证据等等。那些令人不舒服的事实会打乱你的苹果车。


    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  220. @geokat62

    关于柏拉图和教会,你大约说对了 1/2。 东正教拒绝天主教(和新教)新柏拉图思想:


    在我看来,更重要的是,量子力学反驳了柏拉图的客观性,并暗示了西欧对现实的理解; 当考虑阿尔弗雷德·诺斯·怀特海(Alfred North Whitehead)的“欧洲是柏拉图的脚注”(释义)时,与以下内容对比:

    “世界由存在独立于人类意识的物体组成的学说被证明与量子力学和实验所建立的事实相抵触” -Bernard d'Espagnat(理论物理学家)

    ^ 这一短暂事实发现的全部含义是深远的。 实际上,所有基于笛卡尔-柏拉图思想的科学都是基于误解。 太可怕了,不敢思考?


    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @RobinG
  221. geokat62 说:

    一直以来都有两个权力中心。 酋长和巫医。


    标题文章讨论了哲学史,特别强调兰德认为在此过程中犯下的严重失误和错误。 她用两个术语来描述在哲学史上发挥作用的最臭名昭著的人物:“阿提拉”和“巫医”。 她将人类历史上的各种参与者(在她看来是邪恶力量)归类为“阿提拉”或“巫医”。 “阿提拉”是历史上使用体力(“蛮力”)来实现目标的人。 “巫医”是指使用书面或口头语言说服人们违背理性思维的人(通常是哲学家、宗教人士或其他类型的知识分子),这通常对“阿提拉”有利。目前掌权。

    她在标题文章的结尾表示,她希望一种“新知识分子”能够脱颖而出。 新知识分子将提倡使用理性来说服他人,而不是依靠武力或武力威胁,通过恐惧来说服他人。

    • 回复: @Art
  222. L.K 说:


    我会补充我的两分钱关于 Lebensraum 的废话。

    希特勒在 1920 年代甚至还不是德国领导人时写了一本书,谈论俄罗斯的生存空间,这一事实并不意味着他正在概述对苏联的入侵。

    当希特勒写《我的奋斗》时,他认为新的苏联即将解体,因为当时它主要由犹太人领导,“犹太人不是组织的元素,而是分解的发酵剂”(《希特勒,我的奋斗》,第 655 页) )。
    我指的是 对德国的致命海上封锁一直持续到 1919 年,其中包括食品,造成数十万德国人死亡.

    随着形势的变化,政治也会发生变化。 到 1941 年,苏联并没有像 20 世纪希特勒所认为的那样即将解体,而是非常巩固且军事强大。 正如苏沃洛夫所说,这里已经变成了一个巨大的武装营地。

    巴巴罗萨,当事情发生时, 与俄罗斯的生存空间概念无关,一切都与相当绝望的局势有关,即两线战争的前景,因为希特勒政权与背信弃义的阿尔比恩通过谈判合理结束战争的所有尝试都被拒绝了。



    “‘生存空间’这个词经常被误解。 1939 年 XNUMX 月,之后

    这是真的。 但他这么写是因为他认为苏联

    夺取了错位的苏联蛋糕的一部分。 但这并不意味着
    《我的奋斗》写作 17 年后联合。

    *阿道夫·希特勒演讲 – 1939.01.30 – 2:40 左右 / Eng. 潜艇

    « 事实是,波兰收到的唯一真正的安全提议
    1938 年和 1939 年由希特勒发出。 他提出保证
    在这一点上毫无疑问; 他在 1938/39 年向波兰提出的建议是
    他以和平方式修订凡尔赛条约的六年努力。 »

    « 波兰 30 年 1939 月 XNUMX 日的决定是全面
    不流血的胜利。 »
    – Kazimierz Sosnkowski,波兰将军和政府
    流放者的总司令,31 年 1943 月 XNUMX 日。

    – 内维尔·亨德森爵士,英国驻柏林大使,16 年 1939 月 XNUMX 日。

    « 希特勒最不想要的就是发动另一场大战。
    头脑。 »
    - 先生。 巴兹尔·利德尔·哈特,第二次世界大战的历史。

    « 1939 年德国的军备状况有力地证明了这一点
    根本不。 »
    – AJP Taylor 教授,《第二次世界大战的起源》,第 267 页。 XNUMX.

    « 即使在 1939 年,德国军队也没有为长期战争做好准备;
    除了领导力之外的一切。 »
    – AJP Taylor 教授,《第二次世界大战的起源》,第 104 页。 5-XNUMX。


    “如果希特勒计划在胜利后让德国人居住在这些地区,他难道不会停止遣返所有居住在帝国边境之外的德国人的行动(“Heim Ins Reich”——帝国之家行动)吗?”


    • 回复: @alexander
  223. @schmenz

    老兄,“犹太人杀了耶稣”是基督教仇恨信息的根源,这就是为什么有大屠杀的历史,并最终要为反动的以色列国负责。 这就是许多犹太人激进化的原因。

    • 回复: @FLOR solitaria
    , @L.K
  224. geokat62 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West



    “世界是由物体组成的学说,这些物体的存在独立于人类意识,这一学说与量子力学和通过实验建立的事实相冲突”-Bernard d'Espagnat(理论物理学家)


    ^ 这一短暂事实发现的全部含义是深远的。 实际上,所有基于笛卡尔-柏拉图思想的科学都是基于误解。 太可怕了,不敢思考?

    太可怕了,不敢思考? 试试我吧。




    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  225. alexander 说:



    居住在帝国境外(“Heim ins Reich”- 帝国之家-






    LK 这有意义吗……还是我错过了什么?

    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @L.K
  226. @geokat62

    我确实尝试过你。 你失败了。 再看看 d'Espagnat 所说的话:


    谁提出了这个学说? 柏拉图。 该学说的基础是什么? 笛卡尔-柏拉图思想。 西方科学从何而来? _____________。 [填空]

    难怪西方“文明”或“西方”世界的 20% 人口消耗了世界上 85% 的资源,每天早上醒来,好像生活还会继续……而名义上聪明的人(你自己)却看不到史诗般的景象即使直接指出,他们的模型也会失败。







    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @geokat62
  227. RobinG 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West



    我刚刚访问过您的网站(西摩·赫什与神话)。 你当然会毫不留情。 本来以为你可能想让雷·麦戈文在你的信上联署(他在德国有很多联系人),但既然你认为他的聚会时间有限,也许不需要。 🙂

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  228. Art 说:



    我没有广泛阅读艾因·兰德的书。 印第安酋长和巫医的想法是我从另一个来源得到的。 该来源可能是从兰德那里得到的???

    这个想法有很多实际意义。 对于大众来说,这两个人是强有力的一对二击倒对手。 不服从的巫医被谋杀了——托马斯·贝克特。

    共产主义是知识分子试图在没有统治家族的情况下将权力交给巫医。 结果对人类来说更加糟糕。

    我不是无政府资本主义者,也不是社会主义者/共产主义者。 走极端往往是错误的。 “中庸之道”是一个有价值的哲学工具。


    ps 《源泉》是一部很棒的老电影。 很棒的表演,很棒的对话。 它证明了个人力量的正确性——只是它给予了个人很大的信任——很少有人能完全靠自己做出伟大的事情。 艾萨克·牛顿说“他站在巨人的肩膀上”。

  229. RobinG 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    显然我也失败了,一次很大的失败。 你为什么选择这个:


    如果这是真的(即如果你接受量子力学和“事实”的权威),那么接下来的就是 “如果没有人类意识(人类),那么就不会有物体的世界。” 但这当然是错误的,我们有证据。 (在没有人类意识的时代,存在着恐龙和其他“物体”的世界。)


    (请不要对我用澳大利亚威兹尔的语言。🙂 当他深奥的胡言乱语受到实际逻辑的挑战时,他无法忍受。)

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  230. 感谢您回答自己的问题,(来自#210)亚历山大 -

    如果大屠杀真的发生过,那是发生在德累斯顿(以及盟军轰炸的其他 130 个德国城镇)的德国人身上,而不是犹太人身上

    您重新阐述了 L.K 的声明并提出:


    正如我之前发布的,根据拉比斯蒂芬·怀斯的自传,14 年 1933 月 XNUMX 日或之前——希特勒被任命为总理后不到两周,在他被确认担任该职位之前,路易斯·布兰代斯 (Louis Brandeis),标记为他的犹太弟兄 从hofju ——一位有权完成任务的犹太人领袖指示说 “所有犹太人都必须离开德国。 。 。 任何犹太人都不应该留在德国。”
    当怀斯提出抗议时,“我们如何将 587,000 名犹太人全部赶出德国?” 布兰迪斯摆开反对意见,重复了他的指示: “我敦促所有犹太人离开德国。”


    毕竟,正如怀斯本人至少从 1900 年以来一直在抱怨的那样,俄罗斯和/或波兰的 6 万犹太人正面临迫害、灭绝、饥饿或以上所有情况。

    正如之前所表明的那样,罗斯福和丘吉尔都是布兰代斯的密友,他们很清楚斯大林领导下的布尔什维克俄罗斯在一年前就开始了对俄罗斯人的大规模屠杀。 难道你不认为布兰代斯会更关心将犹太人赶出俄罗斯而不是德国吗?根据布莱特曼和利希特曼的说法,德国“在巩固权力后,国家社会党平息了针对犹太人的暴力……”。 。 。 从希特勒崛起到 1938 年 XNUMX 月下旬,没有犹太人遭受过人身暴力或被送进集中营。”

    德国的犹太人相对安全。 德国犹太人给怀斯和其他美国犹太复国主义者写了数百封信,恳求他们停止挑衅德国政府。 怀斯不再打开他们的信。



    In 1932 美国军事策划者确定欧洲战争将涉及空中轰炸。

    In 1937-38 “犹太建筑师”埃里希·门德尔松 (Erich Mendelsohn) 在巴勒斯坦雷霍瓦斯 (Rehovath) 为哈伊姆·魏茨曼 (Chaim Weizmann) 设计并建造了一座豪华住宅。哈伊姆·魏茨曼是犹太复国主义领导人、以色列第一任总统,对《贝尔福宣言》负有最大责任。

    On 1938 年 10 月 17 日 (在“水晶之夜”,即“开始大屠杀”的[假旗]事件之前),罗斯福和财政部长小亨利·摩根索会面,计划收购工厂来制造轰炸机。

    In 1942 埃里希·门德尔松开始设计位于犹他州沙漠的德国村,美国空军将在该设施中练习和完善对德国(和日本)工人阶级平民住房的轰炸,这是一场蓄意的“恐怖轰炸”或“士气轰炸”运动。

    On 1944 年 6 月 11 日 特拉维夫犹太机构委员会领导人大卫·本-古里安撰写了这封信,总结了委员会的决定 不能要求盟军轰炸奥斯维辛,因为委员会不想对“一个犹太人的死亡”负责。


    2. 路易斯·布兰代斯安排将犹太人赶出德国,因为他知道德国将被摧毁。

    布兰代斯 想要清除 德国 “全部”的 犹太人……所以当它开始消灭行动时 德国……它会有一个“犹太人 免费“杀戮场”工作,不用担心被轰炸 犹太人,或者让他们被谋杀或扣为人质 德语 武装分子,响应 我是盟军及其犹太同伙的肆意屠杀,当它“割草 对德国进行了大屠杀。=


  231. Art 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    关键是,耶稣并没有锁定激励人们走向社会公益的道路,在“基督徒”带着他们所有的包袱到来之前,其他人也过着基本相同的想法。 Jr 还指出了其他非基督教文化中优秀的社会戒律。 我认为耶稣会是一个好的佛教徒,考虑到佛陀生活在耶稣之前 600 年,这可能就是历史上耶稣思想的来源。


    嗯——美洲印第安人能声称自己在科学和生活水平方面的进步可以与基督教西方文化相媲美吗? 混乱怎么样,印地语怎么样,佛教徒怎么样,——哦,我知道穆斯林?

    看来你完全忽略了90%的现实。 大多数非西方人民想要更好、更自由的西方生活方式——西方知识界对此却束手无策。



    • 回复: @RobinG
  232. RobinG 说:


    问题在于相关性与因果性不同。 相关性是指两个或多个事物或事件往往几乎同时发生并且可能彼此关联,但不一定通过因果关系连接。

    假设相关性意味着因果关系是一个逻辑谬误。 相关性并不能证明因果关系。

    三位一体、童贞女诞生以及所有其他神话故事并不比托尔和洛基、阿尔忒弥斯、海王星更理性或更有利于科学进步。 (艺术,小基督徒,黑暗时代有多少个世纪?)

    正如RTW所说,“基督徒不能要求更高的戒律和道德权威,那只是自欺欺人。” 可怜的小基督徒。 令人讨厌的一点是——你反对基督徒不比其他人更好的想法。 你是多么“被选中”啊。

    • 回复: @Art
  233. L.K 说:






    • 回复: @alexander
  234. geokat62 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West


    是的,我打破了休战协议,因为我愿意以公平和诚实的方式辩论这个话题。 但你似乎没有兴趣这样做。

    这太糟糕了,因为我的下一个问题是,既然西方模型出现了史诗般的失败(因为它基于柏拉图式思维),那些真正聪明的人提出的替代模型是什么[你自己] ] 而不仅仅是名义上的聪明[我自己]?



  235. @RobinG

    还有另一种看待罗宾的方式。 物体有意识……在这种情况下,忽略这个事实(经过客观性训练)会产生什么影响。你可能不知道,因为你的思维在过去的两千五百年里一直没有朝着正确的方向发展。

    • 回复: @RobinG
  236. @RobinG


    雷已经看到了。 我收到了其中一位 VIPS 的来信,表示他们已按照提供的地址将信函发送给德国人,并通过我本人就此事向所有 VIPS 成员发送了一封邮件。 如果他发现这是值得的努力,他会利用这个机会做一些事情(我不会屏住呼吸)

  237. alexander 说:





    • 回复: @L.K
    , @alexander
  238. L.K 说:


  239. alexander 说:







    他们的身体将会变得消瘦…… 憔悴。。而且变色了。。





    回到美国后,马克斯·布卢门撒尔将手持麦克风四处采访美国参议员和国会议员,讨论有关加沙的问题……当被问到时,他们都会做出回应……。 就像“霍根斯英雄”中的“舒尔茨”……“我知道 nuthink!”……



    就是这样,伙计们……巴勒斯坦的彻底解体将会发生……胜利者的荣耀,大以色列将绽放它的光芒……。 金色……羊角号……宽……和……远。

    • 回复: @geokat62
  240. Art 说:

    “假设相关性意味着因果关系是一个逻辑谬误。 相关性并不能证明因果关系。”

    哦 – 我明白了 – 阿拉伯人是这样的,因为他们是穆斯林 – 中国人是这样的,因为他们是孔子,印度是这样的,因为他们是印地语 – 但西方就是西方 – 好吧,只是因为。

    基督教与西方思想或其繁荣的兴起无关。 也许如果耶稣从未经历过人类生活,他可能在 2,000 年前就做到了这一点? 对邻舍的爱在全世界蔓延开来,而耶稣阻止了它。


    ps 据说讨厌云思——嗯。

    • 回复: @RobinG
  241. geokat62 说:
    @Old Jew


  242. geokat62 说:

    ……胜利者的荣耀,大以色列将绽放它的光芒……。 金色……羊角号……宽……和……远。

    我不得不再三确认这是谁写的……我本来还想看到油腻的威廉的名字。 抛开开玩笑不谈,我认为这个评论值得邀请参加即将举行的百万人游行,即以色列独立宣言。 亚历山大. 如果您对免费咖啡感兴趣,请告诉我。

    PS我注意到我在之前的评论中弄乱了提议的日期。 与其说是 2017 年,不如说是 2020 年夏天,也就是 XNUMX 月总统选举之前。 这应该给基拉里足够的时间来完成新保守派/以色列先行者通过改变那些被认为敌视犹太复国主义项目的国家的政权来重塑中东的战略,所有这些都是为了加强丛林别墅的安全。

    • 回复: @alexander
  243. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    请注意 Philip Giraldi 文章的标题,即将到来的周日,即 3 年 2016 月 61 日,梅尔·吉布森 (Mel Gibson) 将庆祝他的 0 岁生日。 至少可以说,吉拉尔迪先生的失败主义是否有些为时过早? 如果读者能原谅我的陈词滥调,那么我们默金斯是否应该尝试“跳出框框思考”,即跳出客厅网络电视屏幕的思考? 吉拉尔迪先生本人是否会考虑加入“NomCom”或提名委员会,专门起草一位“_sans peur et sans reproche_”的新候选人? 当然,仅在这个国家就有数以千万计的人,他们宁愿看到所有目前公开的0-XNUMX的伪装者被安全地困在门窗上装有铁栅栏的联邦住房中。 旧政权的食肉小丑游行队伍享用从被谋杀的巴勒斯坦儿童尸体上撕下的肉,以及从离家较近的其他小孩身上撕下的肉,例如塔米尔·赖斯和阿亚娜·斯坦利-琼斯。 哪个诚实的人能否认这个简单而可怕的事实呢?

    由于吉拉尔迪先生省略了当前假民粹主义希望伯尼·桑德斯的名字,我将陈述 A) 在 GM'14 或加沙大屠杀中,比比谋杀了超过 500 名儿童,连同他们的数千名亲友,所有无助的囚犯; B) 作为对这一巨大暴行的回应,美国参议院一致(!)投票通过向以色列额外拨款一亿美元。 C) 因此,我们必须得出结论,参议员桑德斯、伊丽莎白·沃伦、兰德·保罗以及他们在华盛顿臭名昭著的小议会上议院的 97 名同谋,根据美国和世界法律,犯有严重的战争罪。 当然,可怜的一百人只是应受起诉者名单中的一小部分。

    我们美国乃至全世界的正义之士现在会反思一下我们希望看到我们的候选冠军是什么样的节目吗? 例如,我们是否敢于揭露数十年前的一大群黑色行动?

    顺便说一句,梅尔出生于纽约州皮克斯基尔。 如果任何一个人拥有克服美国选举政治中的障碍所需的技能,例如那些使参议员休伊·P·朗、约翰·F·肯尼迪总统及其兄弟和儿子以及从约翰·列侬到戴安娜王妃等许多其他名人下台的障碍——那么除了《MAD MAX》的创造者之外,我们更应该称呼谁呢?

    只是在说' …。

  244. RobinG 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West


    另一种看什么的方式? 也许我需要在汗水小屋呆上几个小时(或几天),然后才能“明白”这是如何从你最初的陈述中推导出来的。

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  245. RobinG 说:



    至于你特别诽谤性的断言,即我的思想被仇恨所笼罩,你自己想想吧。 显然,您将不将基督教提升到优越地位等同于仇恨。 那是你的问题。

    最后,让我们来看看你伟大的西方“对邻居的爱……”哈哈。 怎么样
    我们可以看到我们的基督教政权更迭者和新的冷战战士如何对待叙利亚、也门、伊朗、乌克兰、俄罗斯等。没有任何真正的基督教或任何其他正派的哲学。 。

    没有时间回应每一个哈斯巴拉巨魔,但既然你是 Unz, Art 的常客,请注意我不能接受这样的诽谤。

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Art
    , @schmenz
  246. L.K 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    “伙计,‘犹太人杀了耶稣’是基督教仇恨信息,这就是为什么有大屠杀的历史,并最终要为反动的以色列国负责。 这就是很多犹太人变得激进的原因。”

    RTW,完全是废话!! 你太无耻了!

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @schmenz
  247. @L.K

    谈到社会心理学,LK 并不是火箭科学家:



    • 回复: @L.K
  248. Art 说:




    大多数有思想的人不会攻击某人的实际信仰租户。 这样做的人,大多都是可恶的人。




    ps 我将在另一篇文章中回复您的其余评论。

  249. Art 说:

    我发表了关于基督教哲学及其对西方思想及其最终繁荣的影响的积极言论。 这是历史上无可争议的。


    这是一个非常愚蠢的说法。 (这样可以吗?)

    它对过去 2,000 年来新思想如何蓬勃发展和发展的了解为零。 在最初的 1,000 年里,科学的顶峰统治着基督教。 希腊科学被用来支持基督教神学。 在接下来的 1000 年里,基督教拼贴中的基督教学者开始质疑希腊科学以及随后的基督教神学。 结果就是我们今天所享受的。 基督的理想主义社会话语也是如此。 基督教的最初 1,000 年实际上是人类相对和平的时期。 当大国发展时,基督教让位于民族主义。 这些都是事实。

    看来你已经接受了我们这个时代的政治正确性。 看来你是一个追随者。 为你难过!

    • 回复: @RobinG
  250. RobinG 说:


    你刚才说,基督教一千年是骑在“希腊科学”的背上的。 在接下来的一千年里,基督教被推到了后座……所以,所有辉煌的科学进步都是为了民族主义。


  251. L.K 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    显然,您对犹太人和外邦人之间的冲突(及其原因)一无所知,这实际上是 早于基督教.



    但事实上,我们已经知道 RTW 先生,你太胆怯了,不会考虑可能会颠覆你教条的信息。

  252. alexander 说:



  253. schmenz 说:

    ”。 我们可以看到我们的基督教政权更迭者和新冷战战士对叙利亚、也门、伊朗、乌克兰、俄罗斯等所做的事情。”

    罗宾称那些做这种事的人为“基督徒”,他忽视了现实情况。 没有基督徒会容忍这种破坏。 你可以随意称呼自己,但那些宣扬如此可怕的事情却仍然自称基督徒的人是在自欺欺人。

    是的,我知道你和我可以指出一些基督教媒体,他们提倡更多的破坏,就像你提到的那样——他们让我感到恶心,就像他们让你感到恶心一样——但这仅仅意味着他们再次欺骗自己。 例如,叙利亚的基督徒因为阿萨德保护他们而支持他们,他们严厉谴责美国和以色列对中东的所作所为。 马龙派红衣主教 Bechara Rai 的评论将为您提供我所指内容的一个很好的例子。

    问题不是真正的基督教,而是真正的基督教。 你可能会说问题在于基督教的“以色列化”。 基督教犹太复国主义者是这群人中最糟糕的。 他们都是为了让中东的无辜人民遭受更多的死亡和破坏。



    • 回复: @RobinG
  254. schmenz 说:


    RTW 的这句话——最初是针对我的——是太多人思想中的巨大无知和傲慢的完美例子……这就是为什么我从来不费心去回复它。


    • 回复: @anonymous
  255. anonymous • 免责声明 说:


    RTW 有一个真正的“烦扰他的屁股” https://www.unz.com/article/no-matter-who-becomes-president-israel-wins/#comment-1276536 关于基督教。

    呵呵。 很可能,这位作家正在投射 RTW 的内心恶魔!

    任何在一神论教堂待了超过 10 分钟的人都会遇到心怀不满的天主教徒、心怀不满的基督徒、心怀不满的犹太人,他们都渴望分享他们在天主教、基督教、犹太教的成长经历是多么卑鄙,并且很高兴找到了一个“教会之家”,他们的伙伴和牧师将同时验证他们的敌意,同时重申同样的启示宗教教义。

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  256. RobinG 说:

    好吧,我不介意你打断我来表达你自己的观点,但你在这里断章取义地用我来作为陪衬。 你为什么不复制下一句话,“没有一克真正的基督教 或任何其他正派的哲学 关于它”。 这使得你的观点变得多余。 (我不想花时间在那些与我观点一致的人面前为自己辩护。)

    到 2021 年,以色列将不再作为犹太国家存在。

    • 回复: @schmenz
  257. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    到 2021 年,以色列将不再作为犹太国家存在。

    2021 年有什么魔力?它能加速吗?

    • 回复: @Junior
    , @Junior
    , @RobinG
  258. @anonymous

    “people view the experiences of others through their own experiences”

    Astute observation. Here’s a bit of perspective on mine…


    …a retrospective on Christians or the ‘meanest people on earth’

    • 回复: @Art
  259. schmenz 说:

    谢谢罗宾的更正。 我承认我错过了这一点。


  260. Art 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    Judging Christians by Michelle Bachmann is like judging America by David Duke.


    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  261. @Art

    No, actually they belong to America in it’s Christian incarnation. The essay is more than about Michele Bachmann, refusing to look beyond that is what’s dishonest. Here’s a collection on Christian civilization:



    • 回复: @Art
  262. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I think Donald Trump says he 100% supports Israel as he knows to not do so would be political suicide.If he should win I do not think he would let Bibi speak in front of our Congress trying to incite us to go after Iran while Israel reaps the benefits.He understands the power they wield in America and how they control our politicians,media,financial institutions and legal profession and I do not think he likes it.They manipulated us into the Iraq way which cost us trillions and 500,000 lives but worse an entire religion,if that what you want to call it, that hates us and wants to seek revenge.Should he win which I fully support we will see many things happen very quickly that will put America on the path of recovery.If he does not I will lose hope.

  263. Art 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    Hey West – you taking Christian scalps today?

    Doing a little hi tech (Christian invented) scalping with your keyboard?

    You hate Christian tribalism – but you yourself are a proud Indian tribal member.

    Tribalism is OK for some – but evil in others – what?

    I myself do not like Christian tribalism or any other tribalism.

    As a tribal loser – why do you not embrace Christian philosophical idealism – it is anti tribalism.

    The philosophical Christian says “love your neighbor as you love yourself regardless of who your neighbor is.” The problem is that our tribalists, that are just like you, override our philosophical idealists. But this will not be forever so.

    The best — Art

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  264. @Art

    Which tribe do you belong to Art?

    Methodist / Wesleyan
    Mormon / Latter-Day Saints
    Congregational/United Church of Christ
    Orthodox (Eastern)
    Apostolic/New Apostolic
    Christian Reform
    Independent Christian Church
    Foursquare Gospel

    It is the year 64 AD. A small, (reputedly) ugly, angry man, an apostate Jew and Roman citizen, Saul of Tarsus, is imprisoned in Nero’s Rome. Following trial, he is executed in 67 AD.

    In a time before it was common concept to believe in a ‘single’ god, the theology Saul invented by perverting the Greek ‘mystery religions’ animal sacrifice into idea the mortal son of a god had been murdered and eaten as an act of sacrament was too much for the Roman populace to grasp as anything other than these ‘Christian’ people were the 1st Century AD equals of Jeffery Dahmer and John Gacy. Small wonder they began feeding Christians to lions, not only crucified and beheaded them.

    How’s that wafer taste Art? Drinking the ‘Blood of the (human) Lamb as well? Speaking of primitive tribalism, headhunters have nothing on your belief –

    • 回复: @Art
  265. Art 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    much for the Roman populace to grasp as anything other than these ‘Christian’ people were the 1st Century AD equals of Jeffery Dahmer and John Gacy. Small wonder they began feeding Christians to lions, not only crucified and beheaded them.

    Say West,

    When the Christians took over Rome did they feed the Romans to the lions? Why not? Hmm?

    Jeffery Dahmer and John Gacy — really — you make life easy for us idealistic philosophical Christian defenders – thanks.


    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  266. @Art

    You take quotes out of context, following on an accusation of intellectually dishonest?

    In a time before it was common concept to believe in a ‘single’ god, the theology Saul invented by perverting the Greek ‘mystery religions’ animal sacrifice into idea the mortal son of a god had been murdered and eaten as an act of sacrament was too much for the Roman populace to grasp as anything other than these ‘Christian’ people were the 1st Century AD equals of Jeffery Dahmer and John Gacy. Small wonder they began feeding Christians to lions, not only crucified and beheaded them.

    As though Christians were not only honest but hadn’t murdered entire cultures…

  267. Junior [又名“ Jr.”] 说:

    Too funny! Thanks for the laugh, Gramps 🙂

  268. Junior [又名“ Jr.”] 说:

    到 2021 年,以色列将不再作为犹太国家存在。

    2021 年有什么魔力?它能加速吗?

    Maybe try blowing a ram’s horn and marching around its apartheid fence 7 times 🙂

    So what is it though that’s special about 2021, RobinG?

  269. RobinG 说:

    Gramps and Jr. — — —

    “what’s magic about 2021 and can it be accelerated?”

    I made it up, but the way things are going, we’ll be lucky if any of us make it to the end of the year. 🙁

  270. @Dave Pinsen

    Valid comments but they do rather undermine the force of criticism about a politician being bought or whatever the term used was.

  271. Trump man 说:
    @Astuteobservor II

    Trump gave j ews the middle finger and told them he will Not visit Israel until after the election!!
    No one has ever done this
    He also told them he didn’t want their filthy sheckels
    Somehow you missed this
    He refers in the debates as ” our allies” when discussing cutbacks

  272. hp 说:


  273. Jazman 说:


    “Example “german guns and german bullets were used” Yes because Soviet guns kept jamming and breaking down from shooting so many people. and yes because Russia captured German weapons and ammo.
    Therefore 1. the questions you posed have been answered, Soviet admitted to using german weapons and ammo. and 2. Polish government is not repeating the same mistake of leading the politics of 2 enemies German and Russia, they do so by ignoring the German crimes which is easier due to a number of reasons. 1. relations with Germany are more beneficial than with Russians. 2. Germany admitted to all of its crimes, and 3 there is a common economic zone and free movement zone. Nobody in Germany denies atrocities committed against polish nation, while in Russia propagation of alternative history as fact is common. Recent example of Putin accusing Poland of starting WW2 was one such example. ”


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