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Thank God for the Charlottesville Nazis! For a moment there, it was looking like we were actually going to have a few days to stop and reflect on the state of America without being subjected to some new form of manufactured mass hysteria. Seriously, just a few short weeks ago, as the corporatist ruling classes’ ridiculous attempt to convince the world that Donald Trump is some sort of Russian sleeper agent appeared to be finally fizzling out, a significant number of leftist types were beginning to wonder if maybe, just maybe, the fact that the United States government is controlled by a global corporate plutocracy that has no allegiance to any nation, or people, or to anything other than itself, and that is in the process of demonizing and potentially deposing an elected president … that maybe that might be something to focus on, not exclusively, by any means, but alongside other vital issues, like defending the rights of transgender drone pilots and purging syllabi of oppressive pronouns.

Fortunately, thanks to the Nazis of Charlottesville, this dangerous moment of doubt has now passed. If you were listening closely on August 11, you could hear the collective sigh of relief whooshing out of Resistance quarters like a hypnagogic idiot wind as roughly one hundred white supremacists marched into town with their tiki torches barking N.S.D.A.P. slogans and otherwise making asses of themselves. Corporate media apparatchiks, mandarins of the Internet Left, professional and amateur Naziologists, and assorted other Nazi experts immediately went to DEFCON 1, signaling imminent Nazi invasion. Photos of bug-eyed, torch-bearing Nazis, their mouths wide open in mid-Nazi shriek, veins bulging out of their Nazi necks, were released to the public and circulated widely. Millions of conflicted leftists (many of whom had been feeling uneasy about collaborating with the corporate plutocracy in their efforts to delegitimize Trump, and every last American who voted for him), upon seeing glossy, color close-ups of these Nazis waved in front of their faces, responded as every 好美国人 has been conditioned to respond since early childhood. They instantly switched off their critical faculties and began reenacting the Second World War … or rather, the mythical version of it wherein the USA defeated the Nazis, which is one of Americans’ favorite pastimes.

Look, I don’t mean to make light of Charlottesville. We’re talking actual neo-Nazis, with actual Nazi flags and haircuts, shouting actual Nazi slogans, and the Ku Klux Klan, and heavily-armed militia, and just garden variety racist rednecks … all of which have been standard features of American life for decades不再, but this is no time to reflect on history, or try to put things into perspective. Also, one of these Nazi morons ran over people with his car the next day, killing one woman, and injuring many others, which renders any critical thinking about the actual size of the Nazi menace (which remains ridiculously small, as ever) or the motives of the corporate media in blowing it up all out of proportion tantamount to Nazi sympathizing, and I’m already in enough trouble as it is.

Plus, Charlottesville was just the beginning … kind of like a Nazi Tet Offensive. Just one week later, on August 19, literally forty to fifty Nazis (cleverly disguised as Trump supporters, libertarians, and right-wing oddballs) occupied a public gazebo in Boston, and were right on the verge of expressing virulent Nazi views to the cops surrounding them. Luckily, just in the nick of time, a contingent of approximately forty thousand anti-fascist Resistance members arrived on the scene to deny them a platform, and chase down anyone wearing one of those MAGA hats and verbally abuse them.

You’d think the Nazis would have gotten the message … but no, last Sunday, August 27, another ten or eleven Nazis (many of them posing as “Trump supporters,” as if that didn’t make them Nazis, and some of them even going so far as to attempt to pass themselves off as “Latinos”) audaciously tried to assemble in Berkeley. The Resistance showed them no mercy this time. Thousands of peaceful counter-protesters quickly frightened the Nazis away, then squads of masked-up anti-fascists hunted down any Nazi-looking stragglers, “apparent alt-righters,” and nosy photographers, and stomped the living Hitler out of them. This alarmed the more liberal Resistance, which set about branding the anti-fascists who beat the crap out of the folks the liberals had branded Nazis “domestic terrorists.”

Elsewhere in America, Resistance members were frantically tearing down Confederate monuments, which had suddenly become intolerably offensive, and searching through online business directories for anyone named after Robert E. Lee以李将军的马命名的马, or the horses of other racist Nazis. That, and hastily organizing the upcoming March to Confront White Supremacy (presumably in order to make a mockery of the 1963 March on Washington), and penning lengthy explications of the evils of racism, white supremacy, and all other forms of Naziism associated with Donald Trump … and otherwise whipping people up into a sputtering frenzy of Nazi hysteria.

Now, you have to hand it to the fake Resistance … this Nazi hysteria is good for everyone. Not only is it an easier sell than that ridiculous Russian hacking nonsense (because Trump really is a racist, of course), but it’s something the broader Left can embrace, as it plugs straight into identity politics, which is pretty much all we’ve got these days.

See, up to now, the dilemma we’ve been facing (or some of us have been facing, anyway) is how to respond to the ruling establishment’s concerted campaign to “regime-change” Trump. On the one hand, Trump is a living embodiment of everything the Left opposes. On the other hand, going after Trump has meant carrying water for the fake Resistance, i.e., that global corporatocracy (which, by the way, does not mean “the Jews.” I always like to slip that in to piss off my anti-Semitic readers.) This has been a bit awkward for some of us, restraining our impulse to stick it to Trump (at least on whatever talking points the Resistance is currently putting out) because in doing so we would align ourselves with the ruling establishment’s attempt to demonize, and eventually depose an American president who isn’t playing ball with them properly. If we oppose regime change in other countries, shouldn’t we also oppose it at home? Or do the ruling classes get a pass this time because Trump is such an exceptional monster? But wait … wasn’t Saddam a monster? And Gaddafi? And all the other “Hitlers” that wouldn’t play ball with the corporatocracy? And Assad? Isn’t he a monster?

You can see how confusing all this gets … when you’re trying to figure out how to oppose both the supranational corporatocracy that is superseding sovereign nations as the hegemonic power in the world and the neo-nationalist reaction against it, which is essentially fascist in nature, and which the corporatocracy also opposes … and desperately wants you to help them oppose by buying their manufactured hysteria about Russians, or Nazis, or whatever scary monster they wave in front of your face. After a while, your brain starts to hurt, and you just want someone to make things simple.

Charlottesville Nazis to the rescue! How much simpler could it possibly get? Corporatocracy? What corporatocracy? We got goddamned Nazis coming out of the woodwork! Racist Nazis! Confederate Nazis! Nazi apologists! Nazi sympathizers! This is no time to worry about who’s actually wielding political power, or how they’re manufacturing hysteria and otherwise manipulating people (not you, of course … other people). No, what we need to do now is censor the Internet, and other venues for Nazi hate speech, and round up all these racist Nazis and subject them to anti-Nazi therapy, or anti-racist empathy programs, or just gang up on them and beat them senseless.

OK, sure, that might sound extreme, or authoritarian, or just plain old creepy, but keep in mind that This Is Not Normal! And racism and Naziism is very, very bad. And Love Trumps Hate! And Scope Kills Germs! And we never literally meant that Trump was an actual Russian agent or anything. Forget about all that Russia stuff now. Trump is Hitler. Trump has always been Hitler. America has always been at war with Hitler. America will always be at war with Hitler.

Oh, yeah, and I almost forgot, today’s edition of the Two Minutes Hate will begin in approximately fifteen minutes. Please assemble in the usual location. Thank you for your cooperation.

CJ霍普金斯 是位于柏林的屡获殊荣的美国剧作家,小说家和讽刺作家。 他的剧本由英国的Bloomsbury Publishing和美国的Broadway Play Publishing出版。 他的处女作, 区23,由Snoggsworthy,Swaine&Cormorant出版。 他可以到达 cjhopkins.com网站 or acceptantfactory.org.

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  1. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I’m glad to see another article here by Mr. Hopkins. What the Establishment may fear more than anything else is not being taken seriously. They want us fighting with each other, but Americans should be ridiculing the corrupted institutions in our country.

    Question authority?

    Mock authority!

  2. 我一直在努力收集尽可能多的夏洛茨维尔目击者证词,但没有一个另类右翼播客或集会观众知道那两个(?)举着纳粹旗帜的家伙是谁。他们似乎一直在附近拍照(完美的构图),然后在暴力开始之前就消失了。

    他们不隶属于任何组成团体,最坏的情况是,他们并非不可能是挑衅者。一位(黑人)YouTuber 声称,有目击者称,旅游巴士将“穿着三K党 T 恤”和 Antifa 装备的人卸下来。由于八月集会上没有三K党,目击者可能混淆了他们的白人符号。但要点仍然是:有些事件有可能是上演的。

    据我所知,唯一可能被指控展示纳粹象征主义的团体是 NSM(美国国家社会主义运动),但他们之前在其徽标中用奥丁符文取代了万字符,并明确告诉成员不得使用纳粹装备。因此,如果没有任何团体(LOS、TWP、NSM、IE 等)和组织者都不知道这些人是谁,那么他们要么是无关联的个人。 。 。或植物。


    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @wayfarer
    , @LauraMR
  3. anonymous • 免责声明 说:


    Good call, friend. It’s all fake, all staged. When one looks into the history of these splashy events that are publicized so widely one starts to see that there’s signs of provocateurs in all of them. They’ve all been heavily infiltrated so just about all sides, pro, anti, whatever, are being guided. One never knows the real story behind these things. The media has been passing this narrative off as real and suckering the American public, hyping things up.

  4. Parbes 说:

    CJ Hopkins 写的很棒又搞笑的文章……荣誉!

    • 同意: The Scalpel
  5. Wally 说: • 您的网站





    –犹太复国主义者犹太人Anita Gray,反诽谤联盟地区总监。
    必读: https://www.unz.com/article/how-the-jews-won-the-battle-of-charlottesville/





    尤里(Yulee)在美国参议院的煽动性的奴役言论,为他赢得了“佛罗里达食火者”的绰号。 他辞去参议院议席以支持邦联。

    and of course this destabilizes the entire effort:

    there were the ‘Nazis’ with the impossible ‘6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’ and there were the ‘Nazis’ without the impossible ’6M Jews, 5M others, & gas chambers’.

    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。

    • 回复: @Anon
  6. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    You’ve been shown that the Soros quote is a fake. You have no interest in the truth. You just want to bash Jews. You petty little man.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @jilles dykstra
    , @Wally
  7. Ahh, C. J. Hopkins -interesting – well written, fun even – – great read, thanks!

    This one is interesting, too, I was quite impressed –

    – – — trigger warning – one of the Charlottesvilles – ehe – Lesbian Hitler-Nazis is speaking all by herself

    Avialae S. Horton

  8. One thing for sure, the Proglob is not about equality.

    So-called ‘left’ is for the supremacism of the holy three: Jews, blacks, and homos. The system has been rigged that way.

    After all, why would Jews want to be treated equally with Palestinians? Then, AIPAC would lose power and Israel could be sanctioned for the Occupation. Also, why would Jews in Wall Street want equal power with white ‘deplorable’ working class wiped out by globalism?

    And why would blacks want to be treated equally? Without ‘affirmative action'(which is pro-black discrimination), they would lose out in so many fields by rules of merit. Also, if we applied rules of DIOS(diversity is our strength) to all fields, then there would have to be AA for NBA and NFL where blacks dominate. For the sake of diversity, would blacks support making NBA and NFL more diverse with AA for non-black players?

    And why would homos want to be treated equally with others? Then, there would be no special attention to homo this, homo that, homomania, homo ‘pride’, homo month, homo agenda as queertianity. Homos are vain. They want marriage rules to be twisted to serve them. But you don’t see Homos calling for Same-Family Marriage or Incest Marriage.

    One of the biggest failing of the Right is to confuse the ‘left’ as being about egalitarianism when it’s about the supremacism of the Holy Three: Jews, blacks, and Homos.

    After Charlottesville, the powerful globalist Jews are not for equality of free speech for all. They are for Speech Supremacism for the Holy Three and their revolving allies: feminists, Muslims, Asians, Illegals, and etc who are in and out of favor depending on the agenda of the Holy Three.

    Alt Right is just a Pan-European Independence Movement that wants OUT from this servile obeisance to the demands of Zionists, blacks, and homos.

    • 回复: @Alden
  9. El Dato 说:

    You are now reading this exellent résumé of the 2017 August of Nazifire in the voice of 哈里·普林克特(Harry S.Plinkett).

    (And what the hell is going down with the FBI checking the Soviet, sorry, Russian consulate in San Fran? Are they looking for abductees like in the good old times?)

  10. Mr. Anon 说:

    Der ewige Nazi.

    By the way, Mr. Hopkins, that was an amusing bit of satire.

  11. wayfarer 说:

    Could it have been a deceitfully engineered propaganda operation, manufactured for the likes of the USHMM (https://www.ushmm.org/) and company?


  12. wayfarer 说:

    Is it just a figment of my overly suspicious imagination, or does this seemingly staged photo appear to be that of a pouting and clinically depressed Golda Meir, carefully PSYOP framed within brand spanking new “white supremacist!” paraphernalia, that’s just been recently overnighted to Charlottesville Virginia, via an Amazon Prime order for some trending “alt-right swag!”?


  13. Is Counterpunch counter-signaling the wrong way?

  14. Wally 说:

    IOW, you are a redneck Zionist and hope no one notices.

    Problem is that they have noticed. Pay attention.

    The quote is real, you’re lying as all Zionists do.

    Soros and his Zionists support strict Israeli immigration laws which specify JEWS ONLY, while they demand massive 3rd world immigration into the US & Europe.


    –犹太复国主义者犹太人Anita Gray,反诽谤联盟地区总监。
    必读: https://www.unz.com/article/how-the-jews-won-the-battle-of-charlottesville/,


  15. @Anon

    The Soros quote may be a fake, but Soros’ deeds in Hungary make it pretty clear he wants to destroy Hungarian culture, society.
    His Open Society movement is in opposition to the present Hungarian government that wants to keep Hungarian society, therefore is not only at odds with Soros, as with Brussels.
    Brussels tries to impose on Hungary, an orthodox catholic country, to accept Muslim immigrants, and that while most ‘old’ Europeans, also in W Europe, see no possibility to integrate Muslims.

    • 同意: Alden
  16. WHAT 说:

    >oy vey natzeee
    >bad fixation on the torches

    You can find literally dozens of articles all kvetching about the same insignificant fluff, in the same exact manner. Then you open 增强现实网 and see comments form accounts nobody has seen before parroting the same thing. As if it all was dictated from above, hehehe.

  17. Manufactured Consent & the Homogeneity of Public Discourse

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Hu Mi Yu
  18. Isn’t it amazing that shortly after the Russian hack story got exposed as BS, that Americans were flooded with stories about Nazis and how Trump was one?

    That got beat into our minds until it’s shelf life expired, then North Korea’s Kim came to the MSM rescue, making mating noises that Herr Trump responded to with a barrage of Tweets, ramping up a nothing burger into a whopper.
    All the while, keeping Americans filled with fear, doubt and anger at something, not quite sure what, best stay home and watch CNN and DON’T ask any questions, just STFU and hate.

    Amazing how that works, simply amazing!

  19. @Priss Factor

    As was to be expected, the objective judges of the European High Court decided that the E European countries, most of them very poor, must take migrants, Muslims.
    No Muslim wants to go to poor countries, with bad benefits, or no benefits at all, Slovak truckers complain that they are slaves.
    I now wonder what will happen, refusal of the countries, refusal of the Muslims, or severe discrimination, or worse.

  20. i.e., that global corporatocracy (which, by the way, does not mean “the Jews.” I always like to slip that in to piss off my anti-Semitic readers.)

    YOU may not mean “The Jews” but maybe you’re ignorant, or you’re their tool, but looking at the boards and CEOs of the entire sweep of media, banking, defense industries and Wall Street, all Jews. Look at the thefts, the looting, the avarice and greed. 2 % of the population over-represented in holding of wealth to the tune of 90%. Jews are real big on guilting the rest of us into Affirmative Action, but until they do a little of that to themselves, we Gentiles have the right to notice and speak up about it. We’re a Jewish Junta in this country at the end of the day after all. And the Gentile Trump must be removed, one way or the other. Who but Jews runs the media? Oh, Slim Shady, he finances the Times, Jews hold the boards and editorials. Bezos runs WashPost. The studios? Need we mention? The Junta, attempting a coup. Worked for Kennedy, both Bob and Jack.

    What, Hopkins, we’re not supposed to notice? Yew Jews are a funny lot. Not only are we supposed to ignore, be quiet about and cooperate with the destruction wrought by the Jews of the 1/10th of the 1% in the Global arena and the United States, we’re supposed to be Happy about it. And to voice recognition of the situation earns a label of “anti-Semitic”. Yet another invented term of endearment that just makes us Gentiles feel all warm and fuzzy and quiet and docile.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @tjm
  21. Hu Mi Yu 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Oversimplified but excellent video that humorously mirrors what I see in the media. Fortunately we have the internet. Unz is a stop along the way to finding other sites with views that differ from the MSM. The list of foreign sites in English is good, but best if you can read another language besides English. I can’t wait to see the full video on the CFR.

  22. 左派是企业集团和上层阶级的手臂……



  23. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Do you support the murder of Jews?
    Do you want Jews to die?
    Behind your cut and paste comments, what do you really want?
    What did Jews ever do to you?
    Did a loved one get jilted?
    Did you lose face or money somewhere?
    You are a mysterious yet transparent commenter.
    Let the Unz readers know who you are.

  24. Using ridicule to defeat an opponent is a classic propaganda technique. The problem is that it reveals that the person using it is actually sacred by the thing they’re trying to ridicule. It would appear that what’s scaring Mr Hopkins is Russiagate.

    • 回复: @Wally
  25. Desert Fox 说:

    To see the Zionist game plan read THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION, this is all part of their template for a Zionist NWO.

  26. wayfarer 说:

    Typographical Error Corrected:
    Expert False Flag Busters, Expose Charlottesville Hoax!

  27. You forgot to mention the Nazi hurricanes (they look like stylized swastikas when seen from space), that are without a doubt the direct result of Trump’s reckless and criminal decision to back out of the Paris Accord.

  28. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    We note your use of ‘anonymous’, so then ….. LOL !!

    I rather don’t like liars, and you?

    No doubt you support the lies against white gentiles, because you and those like you profit.

    为什么这么多人希望“ 6万犹太人和5M其他人”死? 修正主义者没有。


    好吧,有“纳粹”的人没有不可能的“ 6万犹太人,5万其他人和毒气室”,也有“纳粹”的人没有不可能的“ 6万犹太人,5万其他人和毒气室”。

    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。

    “只有一个事实,即人们可能不会质疑犹太人的“大屠杀”,而且犹太人的压力已在民主社会上施加法律以防止问题-同时不断提倡和灌输同一场无可争议的“大屠杀”,这使这场比赛无处可寻。 证明这一定是谎言。 为什么不容许有人质疑呢? 因为它可能冒犯了“幸存者”? 因为它“使死者感到耻辱”? 几乎没有充分的理由禁止讨论。 不会,因为暴露这种头号谎言可能引发对其他许多谎言的质疑,并使整个摇摇欲坠的捏造过程崩溃。”

    – Gerard Menuhin /正义的修正主义者犹太人,著名小提琴家的儿子

  29. Wally 说:
    @Michael Kenny

    You proof for ‘Russiagate’ is where?

  30. Twitter bans non-racialist Sargon whose views are actually libertarian.

  31. Alden 说:

    I’ll tell you what Jewish attorneys did to me and every White goy in the country.

    Affirmative action, school integration and school busing.

    • 回复: @Jake
    , @Corvinus
    , @schrub
  32. Wally 说:

    You’re surrounded. The world is on to you and yours.



  33. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    “The tide is turning.”

  34. Jake 说:

    C.J.Hopkins may well become a recipient of antifa attention, which will want to rearrange his face and teach him not to make fun of righteous opposition to the speech and people they hate in the names of tolerance, diversity, and free speech.

  35. Jake 说:

    LBJ, Nixon, and even Eisenhower did their fair share, with help from the many Ivy League educated WASP lawyers who served them.

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Alden
  36. it’s been awhile since I read Protocols of Zion
    but the Hebrew bible is also a good place to check out the Zionist game plan —

    The book of Joshua describes how Hebrews first sent spies into Jericho, then compromised a prostitute (name was Rahab iirc; I think that’s Hebrew for “Hillary Clinton”), then they march around the town in silence — i.e. stealthily, gathering information, inserting themselves into the life of the community, ‘fitting in,’ THEN, upon the command of the head Jew, they sound the ram’s horn, march around the city/country/nation seven times, then go in for the kill.

    ALSO remember that the ancient Hebrews were defeated by the similarly ancient Assyrians, a Semitic tribe that was particularly accomplished in martial arts, deception, invasion, and strategizing to use the adversary’s forces to carry out the military exercise that would benefit the Assyrians rather than the actual fighters.

    EEvangelikal Christians think this is all gawd’s own plan for speerr-ritual salvation.
    To the extend Jews = high IQ, it’s only because the competition is soooo very low.

    Wise up, people.

    • 回复: @Alden
  37. @anonymous

    do you support your children being taught lies about their own history, and the use of your tax dollars to pay for it?

    the holocaust hoax is the law of the educational universe; no alternative viewpoint is tolerated, no critical analysis of holocaust hoax is permissible —


    (Reuters) – A California school district drew condemnation from Jewish rights groups over a writing assignment asking eighth graders to argue whether the Holocaust happened.
    Students in the Rialto Unified School District near Los Angeles were asked to write an essay on whether the Holocaust was “merely a political scheme created to influence public emotion and gain,” the Simon Wiesenthal Center, a Jewish human rights group, said on Monday.
    “This assignment mistakenly provides moral equivalency between history and bigotry,” said Rabbi Abraham Cooper, Associate Dean of the Los Angeles-based center.
    Mainstream public debate about the veracity of the Holocaust, in which an estimated 6 million Jews died, is almost unheard of in the United States.
    Local media said death threats were made against a school system spokeswoman and an interim superintendent after the assignment was publicized, which the Rialto Police Department could not confirm.
    [all in the name of protecting free speech & inquiry, we’re sure] In what it called a clarification, the school district said on Monday in a statement on its website that there was no offensive intent in the assignment, which was designed to “exercise the use of critical thinking skills.”
    Media reports also said teachers would revise the assignment.
    (Reporting by Eric M. Johnson in Seattle; Editing by John Stonestreet)

    • 回复: @Alden
  38. 毫不掩饰的可信度。

    A temp alliance between Anglin and a crazy Negro? LOL.


  39. 仅仅是我,还是清除邦联雕像使人想起了复活节岛和神灵破碎的头颅之一,这些雕像使人们因对他们的敬拜无动于衷而使人民失望。 是的,经过多年的掠夺,资源已经枯竭。 现在,岛民需要新的神灵来恢复美好的岁月。 las,事实并非如此。
    必须清除美国崇拜的古老神灵,并用更符合当前趋势的东西代替。 怎么办,怎么办。
    小猫和小狗的雕像怎么样? 谁会反对? 当然,他们不是神灵或英雄。 但是宠物是人类愚蠢的中立观察者。

  40. peter 说:


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  41. Wally 说: • 您的网站
    @Jim Christian

    And this enables it all:


    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。

    The ‘holocaust’ narrative doesn’t hold up to scrutiny so the usual enemies of free speech call for more censorship and arrests of those who engage in free speech & scrutiny of the impossible ‘holocaust’ storyline.
    Only liars do that.

    “只有一个事实,即人们可能不会质疑犹太人的“大屠杀”,而且犹太人的压力已在民主社会上施加法律以防止问题-同时不断提倡和灌输同一场无可争议的“大屠杀”,这使这场比赛无处可寻。 证明这一定是谎言。 为什么不容许有人质疑呢? 因为它可能冒犯了“幸存者”? 因为它“使死者感到耻辱”? 几乎没有充分的理由禁止讨论。 不会,因为暴露这种头号谎言可能引发对其他许多谎言的质疑,并使整个摇摇欲坠的捏造过程崩溃。”

    – Gerard Menuhin /正义的修正主义者犹太人,著名小提琴家的儿子

    我们所说的是所谓的“ 6万犹太人和5M其他人”……11,000,000万。
    尽管犹太人声称仍然存在,但没有一个可验证的挖掘出的巨大坟墓,其内容实际上是被展示的,而不仅仅是被宣称的(请记住,埋葬在Treblinka的900,000,在奥斯威辛集中营的1,250,000,在Sobibor的250,000,在Babi Yar的34,000)。并声称确切知道这些所谓的巨大坟墓在哪里。

  42. Wally 说:


    Or are we still talking about country clubs.

    “我们世界革命的历史使命是重新组织新的人类文化,以取代以前的社会制度。 全球社会的这种转变和重组需要两个基本步骤:首先,破坏旧的既定秩序,其次,设计和实行新秩序。 第一阶段要求消除所有边界,国家和文化,公共政策的道德障碍和社会定义,然后才能用我们新秩序强加的系统要素代替被破坏的旧系统要素。

    我们世界革命的首要任务是破坏。 传统社会创造的所有社会阶层和社会形态都必须消灭,男人和女人必须从祖先的环境中摆脱出来,摆脱自己的本土环境,任何形式的传统都不得被保留为神圣不可侵犯的传统传统社会规范。仅被视为要根除的疾病,新秩序的裁定是; 没有什么好事,所以一切都必须受到批评和废除,过去的一切都必须消失。”

    来自:纳胡姆·戈德曼(Nahum Goldmann)的“军国主义精神”

    • 回复: @Anon
  43. Corvinus 说:

    “Let’s not forget that a great many of these ‘Nazis’ were paid plants and/or government agents sent in to either concoct out of whole cloth this scenario, or ratchet up an otherwise insignificant showing!”

    Thank for demonstrating clearly the United States of Manufactured Hysteria. Proceed to claim your prize in the back room. For our next contestant…

  44. Corvinus 说:

    “I’ll tell you what Jewish attorneys did to me and every White goy in the country. Affirmative action, school integration and school busing.”

    [Laughs] And I bet you read it one of your hundreds of thousands of history books, huh.

    Listen, these political actions were untaken by a myriad of people, including Jews. To imply that this group is squarely the reason for what they “did to you” is manufactured outrage.

    • 回复: @Alden
  45. Redman 说:

    Great piece. But just one problem.

    I get how big corporations have swallowed up small businesses. I get how they’ve outsourced jobs to cut costs. I get how they could give a shit about the effects of their economic decisions on the masses, and on the national culture. But corporations are not people. They’re entities whose main concern is profit. They also aren’t the only interest group in America effectin policy. Certainly not foreign policy.

    I don’t see the hard evidence that these souless corporations are dictating these changes in policy or culture. If anything, the mass of individuals who make up the media (and academia) have more impact on the national dialogue. And the leftists (and neocons) who comprise those groups deserve more attention and criticism than the chamber of commerce. Let’s know who the real enemy is.

    • 同意: SMK
    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Digital Samizdat
  46. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    You’re obsessed. It’s nauseating.

  47. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    I asked about what you support.
    You should be able to answer those questions Yes or No without resorting to more cut and paste or deflection.
    Otherwise you are just another variation on the Hasbara-type deflectors that people decry.
    See also the following.

    I support the truth, documented facts, not false historic narratives or lies.

    • 回复: @Alden
  48. tjm 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Very well said, it says a lot that the worst thing to call a Jew is a Jew, because they like to work in anonymity, yet they brand the rest of us based on our race…

    They are the most racist and biggest hypocrites on the planet, AND THAT IS THERE GOOD POINTS.

  49. tjm 说:

    Last week’s meeting of the Federal Reserve, must see!

  50. Alden 说:

    Actually, I sat down at the computers in the local federal court house. I looked on the clerk’s attorney list on every affirmative action case every filed in the federal court system. I looked at the attorney list in every school desegregation and school busing case ever filed going back to Brown vs Topeka. 90 percent of the attorneys on the anti Whire side of those cases had obviously Jewish names. Even the plaintiff in Brown vs Topeka was Esther Brown a Jewish ultra leftist attorney, not a black kid who wanted to go to a White school.

    Then I subscribed to a legal data base and looked at all the state school busing and affirmative action cases. Again, 90 percent obviously Jewish names. I didn’t count names like Kaufman, Becker, anything ending in ski that could or could not be Jewish.

    90 percent of the anti White attorneys from 1956 to 1998. It’s easy. When a suit is filed the clerks start a list of the attorney, firm and address. When the response is filed the respondent attorneys and firms are added to the list.
    As more filings are added and more attorneys get involved their names are added to the list. What with the amicus briefs and endless appeals hundreds of attorneys are added to that one list.

    The affirmative action act of 1968 went into effect January 1969. Nixon appointed Jewish men named Bloomrosen and Levine to head the EEOC. Within months they turned do not discriminate against QUALIFIED blacks to SHALL hire and admit to college unqualified blacks instead of qualified Whites.

    Lyndon Johnson may have been a WASP but as one can see by reading the USS Liberty attack post Johnson was a total puppet of Jews at least in the liberty incident. Affirmative action and smuggling Jewish immigrants into Galveston Tx during the 1930s.

    The 5 towns Jewish times has an April 2013 article claiming Lyndon Johnson was a Jew. Maybe

    But Johnson was a very crooked politician, the kind who could be bribed and blackmailed into anything. And he had a lot to be blackmailed about.

    When I started copying the names of the anti Whire attorneys I had no idea they would be overwhelmingly Jewish. But they were, especially the amicus briefs from the do gooder non profit foundations.

    I looked at the names, hundreds of names, mostly Jews.

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  51. Alden 说:

    Have you noticed TV advertising with the White man as always the doofus lectured by a loudmouth black woman?

    Noticed that almost every couple is White woman black man? Only the major corporations can afford nationwide advertising.

    The advertising agencies don’t come up with those scenarios. The marketing division of the companies decide that half the actors in the ads be black and superior to the White man.

    Ad people from the corporation supervise the ad agency every step of the way.

    National Review used to publish the contributor lists to ACLU, NAACP, MALDEF* gays, feminazis the free speech for pornography and numerous liberal anti White organizations.

    *maldef hispanic pressure group created by the Ford Foundation. supported by every national corporation in America.

  52. Alden 说:

    Read my post 57. I sat down at the federal court house computers and made a list of all the anti Whire attorneys 90 percent Jewish.

    For the state cases I subscribed to a legal data base. I looked at the clerk’s attorney pages. same thing, mostly Jewish attorney in the anti White side.

    The most anti White Judge, the vicious minion of Satan was not Jewish, the monster Justice Brennan in Griggs vs Duke Power. The rotten Judge destroyed the merit system of employment.

  53. Alden 说:

    Wally’s a little over wrought. But he’s right. The zionists started talking about 6 million back in the 1800s.

    And the 6 million is now only 1.5 million. In 1946 the Red Cross estimated a few hundred thousand.

    The Jewish publications don’t blame the Germans any more. Now they blame every country in Europe including the neutral ones. But especially Poland because Auschwitz is in Poland.

    Holocaust Hustlers even sued IBM because of a 1934 picture of a big old adding machine as they were called then in a German government office.

    The adding machines, type writers, phones and furniture were probably installed before 1933 when Hitler was appointed Chancellor but IBM settled anyway.

    Just imagine the Holocaust Hustlers putting pictures of Nazi Germany under microscopes searching for brand names so they can sue companies. The Holocaust Hustlers went after a Brazilian bank that lent money to rubber farmers because some of the rubber eventually might have been used for German army tires, fan belts, hoses etc.

  54. Alden 说:

    The Book of Dinah is the absolute worst.

    The Hebrew tribe cons a Goyim tribe into converting. That means all men and boys get circumcised. No sterile procedure in those days. On the third day when all the Goyim men were laid low with fever, the Hebrew tribe slaughtered all the men and boys and got the oasis and schiksas for themselves.

  55. Alden 说:

    8th grade? I bet the kids haven’t been taught that the Holofraud occurred during WW2, in what century WW2 occurred, what country killed Jews, which countries fought in WW2 and the causes and results of WW2.

    I had a tenant, some kind of part time instructor in liberalology at a top university who was convinced the republicans were the Confederates and the democrats freed the slaves. She had a PHD in something or other.

  56. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    If anything, the mass of individuals who make up the media (and academia) have more impact on the national dialogue. And the leftists (and neocons) who comprise those groups deserve more attention and criticism than the chamber of commerce. Let’s know who the real enemy is.

    What are the media? Just more corporations. Have you noticed that the 帖子 is now owned by Jeff Bezos, and the is now owned by Carlos Slim? And where do universities get their grants from? Often from corporations. Ditto think-tanks and political campaigns.

    Don’t kid yourself: the big multinationals are all completely on board with the multi-culti project. They are not being dragged into it kicking and screaming. I realize that, for Libertarians, the idea that corporations aren’t here to free mankind is a very hard pill to swallow, but it’s time for you to begin to fathom that big business is not on the side of ‘liberty’.

  57. Grace & Steel Ep 91 – Go On, Bust the Trusts

  58. Corvinus 说:

    “Actually, I sat down at the computers in the local federal court house. I looked on the clerk’s attorney list on every affirmative action case every filed in the federal court system. I looked at the attorney list in every school desegregation and school busing case ever filed going back to Brown vs Topeka.”

    [Laughs] you make the claim that you have read 200,000 history books in your lifetime (which I did the math on in another post), and now you double down SJW style by offering another one of your “accomplishments”. Every single case, huh?

    “90 percent of the attorneys on the anti Whire side of those cases had obviously Jewish names. Even the plaintiff in Brown vs Topeka was Esther Brown a Jewish ultra leftist attorney, not a black kid who wanted to go to a White school.”

    You are now flying off the rails. It is not an “anti-white” side, only the side of justice. But hey, the train is still fine.

    “Then I subscribed to a legal data base and looked at all the state school busing and affirmative action cases. Again, 90 percent obviously Jewish names. I didn’t count names like Kaufman, Becker, anything ending in ski that could or could not be Jewish.”

    Since I’m sure you keep such meticulous records, why don’t you copy and paste this exhaustive list as proof of your research on this here blog. So, have the case, case number, year, type of court (distict, state, federal, appeals), names of the litigants, the attorneys/their law firm. Go!

    Now, let us assume that 90% of the lawyers involved in these cases are Jewish. The question, so what? Should not people seek an expert in the law regardless of their race or ethnic background? Furthermore, if you found that these lawyers were European (white), would you have a similar disdain for them?

    “When I started copying the names of the anti Whire attorneys I had no idea they would be overwhelmingly Jewish. But they were, especially the amicus briefs from the do gooder non profit foundations.”

    Then provide us with the list and/or photocopies. You have them handy, right?

  59. schrub 说:

    That is nothing to what these “lawyers” have done to white gentiles in South Africa. They have applied pressure to governments worldwide to not even allow the now marginalized, white, South African gentiles to leave there. Obama apparently supported this ban.

    Even white Boer farmers, who have been subject to years of bloody genocide, are not allowed to migrate to Holland, the country of their ancestors. Attempts to move to there on grounds of bloody persecution in South Africa are simply ignored. Here is a petition to allow Boers the right to leave South Africa.


    Yet Muslims, on the other hand, are allowed to immigrate and stay in The Netherlands. South African whites who try to migrate to other countries are routinely turned down because they are considered “inherently racist”.

    I have seen claims that since the end apartheid Jews in South Africa have increasingly gained absolute control of the economy there. On the other hand, white, previously middle class gentiles cannot find jobs because of the numerous affirmative action and quota laws that favor blacks in both government jobs and private jobs dependent on government contracts. As a result these white gentiles are slowly slipping into poverty. Jews seem to, curiously enough, to be immune to these laws by operating in milieu of Jews only monopolies (diamonds etc.) which the black South African government seems to be afraid to clamp down on.

    South African Jews are also becoming increasingly tribal and insular. Most are now observant Orthodox. Their children usually attend Jewish schools (yeshivas) which conveniently limits their contact to the very same black South Africans whose revolution they had previously championed. The ultra orthodox group and virulently anti gentile group Chabad has been great inroads there as well.

    (BTW: Jared and Ivanka Kushner attend a Chabad synagogue in NYC).

    The ruling African National congress is now as much sway of Israel and its supporters as are Republican and Democrat politicians in the US.

    It is as if the Jews in South Africa have managed, yet again, to establish a country within a country. White gentiles are tolerated there only because it is widely known that their skills actually keep the country functioning. The Jews know this and aren’t about to let them leave.

  60. No surprise. If you read and reflect you will see the form is sort of biblical, and not in good way.

    The stupidity is that there aren’t many KKK types around, and a lot of people who were there have no sympathy with them, but have a legitimate interest in their side.

    You might take some back bearing and see the the whinging Gary Cohn as part of the ugly bigoted and finally racist narrative.

  61. annamaria 说:

    Ziocons puppet Nikki Haley working tirelessly for Israel (and against the US interests): http://mondoweiss.net/2017/04/tillerson-brought-sheldon
    “Adelson, a Las Vegas casino mogul, sent $250,000 to Haley’s A Great Day SC three weeks before the June primaries. Adelson’s one issue is Israel… In 2013 at Yeshiva University in New York, he called on the United States to nuke Iran…
    Haley had come through for Adelson in 2015, when she passed the first law against boycotts of Israel— about the same time as Adelson convened an anti-BDS summit in Las Vegas. And Haley was the belle of the ball at the AIPAC conference last month, when she went on and on about kicking Israel’s enemies with her high heels and stomping on BDS and UN apartheid reports and even moderate Palestinian appointees at the U.N.”
    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikki_Haley: “Nimrata “Nikki” Haley (née Randhawa; born January 20, 1972) is the 29th and current United States Ambassador to the United Nations. She served as the 116th governor of South Carolina from January 2011 to January 2017. Before her tenure as governor, Haley was a member of the South Carolina House of Representatives.”
    Nikki Haley is a ziocon plant at U. N. and cheerleader for more wars for Israel.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  62. woodNfish 说:


  63. RobinG 说:

    O.T. — The Imran Awan scandal. Is there DWS link to AIPAC or Mossad?

    独家:警方报告显示 Wasserman Schultz IT 助手植入计算机供调查人员查找

    There seems to be assumption that Imran Awan left [planted] the laptop in the “phone booth” but after reading, it could have been someone else, no?

    • 回复: @Chris Dakota
  64. @RobinG




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