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谁针对乌克兰航空752航班? 伊朗击落,但故事可能还有更多

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声称卡塞姆·索莱马尼少将是“恐怖分子”是为了执行“迫在眉睫”的袭击而杀死数百名美国人,事实证明这是一个谎言,所以为什么人们应该相信与伊朗和伊朗最近的事态发展有关的任何其他事情?伊拉克? 可以肯定的是,乌克兰国际航空752号班机于8月XNUMX日上午从德黑兰的伊玛目霍梅尼国际机场出发th 伊斯兰共和国政府已经承认,机上有176名乘客和机组人员被伊朗防空部队击落,但有关美国甚至可能是以色列政府进行的网络战的故事可能还有很多。

可以肯定的是,伊朗防空系统处于高度戒备状态,担心在美国政府的袭击之后,美国会发动袭击。 索莱马尼遇刺 在3一月rd 随后伊朗发动导弹袭击,打击了美国在伊拉克的两个基地。 尽管紧张局势和局势升级,伊朗政府并未关闭该国领空。 民用客机仍在起飞和抵达德黑兰,几乎可以肯定,机场当局的判断是错误的。 莫名其妙的是,即使在752航班被击落后,民用飞机仍继续起降。

航班上有​​XNUMX名乘客是伊朗裔加拿大人,导致总理贾斯汀·特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)将矛头指向伊朗政府的粗心大意以及华盛顿,愤怒地观察到特朗普政府已经 刻意和鲁ck地寻求 通过在巴格达机场附近发动的袭击,“加剧与伊朗的紧张关系”,而忽略了对该地区旅客和其他平民的影响。

然而,似乎是错误的判断和人为错误的情况,确实包括一些尚待解释的要素。 据报道,伊朗的导弹操作员经历了相当大的“干扰”,飞机的应答器 关掉 并停止传送 几分钟前 导弹 发布了。 也有问题 通讯网络 可能与防空司令部有关。

来自未知来源的电子干扰意味着将防空系统置于人工操作下,需要人工干预才能发射。 人为的作用意味着操作员只能在压力时刻做出快速判断,在这种情况下,他只有片刻可以做出反应。 关闭应答器,这将自动向操作员和Tor电子设备发出信号,告知飞机是民用飞机,而是自动表明飞机处于敌对状态。 在向操作员特别介绍了美国巡航导弹飞入的可能性后,机长开了枪。

使飞机坠落的两枚导弹来自北约指定的SA-15型俄罗斯制造系统,俄国人称其为Tor。 它的八枚导弹通常安装在履带车上。 该系统包括用于检测和跟踪目标的雷达以及独立的发射系统,该系统包括能够识别呼号和应答器信号以防止事故的识别朋友或敌人(IFF)系统功能。 考虑到当天上午德黑兰发生的一切,可以假设某人或某人故意干扰了伊朗的防空系统和飞机上的应答器,可能是由于试图制造航空事故的一部分,原因可能是伊朗政府。

伊朗使用的SA-15 Tor防御系统具有一个主要漏洞。 有可能 被黑或“被欺骗” 允许入侵者冒充合法用户并取得控制权。 据报道,美国海军和空军已经开发出了“可以用虚假的和欺骗性的移动目标欺骗敌方雷达系统的技术”。 愚弄系统还意味着要欺骗操作员。 卫报还 独立报告 美国军方长期以来一直在开发可以从远处改变伊朗现有导弹的电子设备和目标的系统。

当然,可以使用相同的技术来更改或掩盖民用客机上的应答器,其方式为发送有关身份和位置的虚假信息。 美国具有网络和电子战能力,既可以干扰也可以改变与客机应答机和伊朗防空系统有关的信号。 以色列大概具有相同的能力。 乔·奎因(Joe Quinn) 索特网 还注意 一个有趣的背景故事 照片和录像 出现在 “纽约时报” 其他地方则显示了伊朗的导弹发射,飞机撞击以及坠机后的遗骸,包括导弹遗骸。 他们出现在9月XNUMX日th,在名为“德黑兰的有钱人'。 奎因(Quinn)询问Rich Kids在6月8日凌晨XNUMX点在“郊区(在机场附近)的一个低收入住宅区中碰巧”th 摄像机及时对准天空的右部,以捕获一枚击中乌克兰客机的导弹……?”

综合一下“富翁儿童”计划和电子战的可能性,这一切都预示着一场有预谋和精心计划的活动 索莱马尼遇刺 只是一部分。 飞机被击落后,伊朗发生骚乱,指责政府的无能。 大街上的一些人显然呼吁美国和以色列长期追求的目标,即“政权更迭”。 如果没有别的话,被广泛视为杀害索莱马尼的受害者的伊朗,在许多国际媒体上都被描绘成只不过是另一名无原则的演员,手上沾满了鲜血。 关于乌克兰国际航空公司752航班坠机的原因还有很多要解释。

菲利普·吉拉迪(Philip M.在中东。 网站是 Councilforthenationalinterest.org, 地址为PO Box 2157,Purcellville VA 20134,其电子邮件为 [电子邮件保护].

(从重新发布 美国先驱论坛报 经作者或代表的许可)
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 鉴于这个消息,任何公正的观察者至少都会接受 可能性 事实真相,特别是考虑到美国/以色列犯下此类罪行的长期记录。



  2. Sean 说:

    伊朗驻英国大使哈米德·拜伊丁贾德(Hamid Baeidinejad)几小时前接受英国新闻频道四频道采访时表示,尽管伊朗需要时间来确定发生了什么,但它现在已经承担了责任,将支付赔偿金,并向向飞机开枪的人表示歉意。将受审。


    特朗普和伊朗政权都有充分的国内不安理由重新考虑各自奉行的对抗政策。伊朗和美国可能会在这方面走得更近。我觉得 可预测 暗杀和灾难性生命损失事件的不可预测性使得虚假标记的价值值得怀疑。

    我为什么要抢银行? 因为我喜欢它。 我爱它。 与一生中其他任何时候相比,当我在银行里抢劫时,我还活着。 我非常喜欢它的一切,所以一两个星期后,我会出去寻找下一份工作。 但是对我来说,钱就是筹码,仅此而已。

    (Sutton W、Linn E:《钱在哪里:银行抢劫犯的回忆录》。维京出版社 (1976),第 160 页)


    • 同意: Z-man
    • 回复: @Z-man
    , @romar
    , @GermanINAus
  3. “......社交媒体上许多人都在问的一个大问题是:为什么这位“摄像师”早上六点左右站在德黑兰郊外的一个废弃工业区,用手机摄像头以固定角度拍摄黑暗的天空? 客机几乎看不见,但天空观察者已将相机对准并准备在事件发生前几秒钟拍摄最戏剧性的事件。 这强烈暗示着预知。”

    “伊朗飞机灾难设置 - 谁是神秘的摄影师?:”

    我想补充一点:我们如何知道这些视频是真实的? [答案:我们不知道,目前这只是一个未经证实的假设]。


    • 回复: @Zumbuddi
    , @Anonymous
    , @Lurker
    , @Ppghi
  4. anonymous[150]• 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @animalogic
    , @Johnny Rico
  5. ZOG 参与了客机击落事件

    与 ZOG 参与 9/11 的可能性差不多。


    距离第一架飞机撞击北塔还有 20 分钟。

  6. Lot 说:

    俄罗斯导弹,伊朗人发射,显然是犹太人的劣迹! 菲尔和他的孩子们本能地知道这一点,并立即开始在互联网上搜索证据。

    • 同意: Momus
    • 巨魔: Alfred, Art, Iris
  7. 这架客机在空中飞行不久就被击落。客机不能合法地使用有期限的转发器发射,因此如果声称它提前“几分钟”停止传输,那么它在退出时就已经落在了地面上。


    • 同意: Momus
    • 不同意: GMC
  8. Beb 说:


  9. 据报道,伊朗导弹操作员经历了相当大的“干扰”,飞机应答器在导弹发射前几分钟关闭并停止传输。

    我依稀记得关于击落 MH-17 期间出现转发器问题的报道。

  10. anonymous[405]• 免责声明 说:


    伊朗政府应该为让飞机继续在空中飞行而受到指责,这要么是出于邪恶的原因(延迟反击),要么是出于经济原因(每年近 1 亿美元的飞越费用)。



    两班 乘坐 土耳其航空 飞往 伊斯坦布尔

    卡塔尔航空 两班飞往多哈和香港(货运)

    Atlas Global 飞往 伊斯坦布尔

    俄罗斯航空到 莫斯科


    汉莎航空 飞往 法兰克福

    第一枚导弹于 22:30 左右(UTC,非当地时间)击中伊拉克。

    2020-01-07 23:12:30 LH601 A333 法兰克福

    2020-01-08 00:05:15 TK875 A321 伊斯坦布尔

    2020-01-08 00:53:37 OS872 A320 维也纳

    2020-01-08 01:01:29 SU513 A320 莫斯科

    2020-01-08 01:31:28 QR491 A333 多哈

    2020-01-08 01:37:28 TK873 A321 伊斯坦布尔

    2020-01-08 01:47:16 KK1185 A321 伊斯坦布尔

    2020-01-08 02:09:39 QR8408 B77L 香港

    2020-01-08 02:42:19 PS752 B738 基辅

  11. Anon[230]• 免责声明 说:

    该系统既包括探测和跟踪目标的雷达,又包括独立的发射系统,其中包括 识别朋友或敌人(IFF) 系统功能能够读取呼号和应答器信号以防止事故发生。

    显然,您不知道IFF的运作方式,也没有商机上也没有IFF。 对于这架SAM运营商而言,每架商用飞机都像敌人一样。

    另外,您还需要说明欺骗会造成假轨道的RADAR欺骗会导致击落的可能性。 导弹只会将目标对准错误的轨道,而不是真正的飞机。

    您还需要说明如何对旧的SAM导弹站点进行黑客攻击或欺骗,以击落民用客机。 特别是没有模式S或ADS-B功能而只有无线电通信功能的旧型号。


  12. Anon[200]• 免责声明 说:

    即使这显然是伊朗的错误,美国和以色列仍然因击落这架飞机而手上沾满鲜血。 这些导弹是为了回应对一名伊朗将军的定点杀戮而发射的。 如果没有发生这种情况,这些导弹永远不会发射。

    特朗普、彭斯、蓬佩奥、库什纳、内塔尼亚胡对这 176 人的生命损失负有最终责任。 我怀疑 MBS 也是该计划的一部分。 正是他的虚假和平提议首先将苏莱马尼引诱到伊拉克。 在这一点上我支持特鲁多。

    • 回复: @lavoisier
  13. Onlooker 说:

    在称某人为白痴之前,最好先听听马克·吐温的建议。仔细阅读后发现,并没有发现客机上安装了 IFF 的说法。评论者确实推测可能的欺骗涉及对真实客机的错误归属,而不是创建虚假客机和雷达跟踪。也许你熟悉“旧”电子对抗措施,而不熟悉美军暗示的“新”、“绝密”和华丽的版本?

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @AnonStarter
  14. Ozymandias 说:


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @anonymous
  15. 我认为 PG 在发布之前没有充分考虑这一点。摩萨德可能会做什么我暂且不谈,但美国怎么可能打假旗呢?


    因此,我们推测一些松散的大炮对中央情报局有足够的控制力,导致飞机被击落,并可靠地掩盖了它。不,这完全难以置信,除非 PG 可以声称有一些特殊的内部接触作为他的消息来源。

    • 回复: @Verymuchalive
    , @Curmudgeon
  16. 36 ulster 说:


  17. @Quartermaster


    来自 索特链接:

    当它爬升至距地面 4,600 英尺的高度时,飞机的应答器在早上 6.14 左右突然停止工作, 起飞后2分钟左右。 [重点添加]


  18. Anon[230]• 免责声明 说:

    评论者确实推测可能的欺骗涉及 真实客机的错误归属 不是制造虚假的客机和雷达轨迹。


    也许您熟悉“旧”电子对抗措施,而不是 “新”、“绝密”和漂亮版本 美军暗示?

    有哪些新的漂亮版本?准确解释这些“新”、“绝密”和漂亮的版本如何欺骗这个旧技术的移动伊朗 SAM 导弹基地操作员击落一架乌克兰客机。如果你说这是绝密,那么我会得出结论,你和作者一样,不知道自己在说什么。

    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Onlooker
  19. @Ozymandias



    • 同意: Moi
    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Lazz
  20. Mark James 说:


  21. @Onlooker




    • 同意: Alfred, anaccount
  22. gotmituns 说:


    • 回复: @anonymous
  23. JimDandy 说:
    @Colin Wright


    • 回复: @barr
  24. @Quartermaster


    该航班于世界标准时间 02:42 (当地时间06:12),Flightradar24 网络于 02:44 UTC 接收到最后一个 ADS-B 信号(当地时间 06:14)。据报道,飞机爬升至 8000 英尺高度,然后右转返回机场,并于 UTC 时间 02:48 坠毁(当地时间06:18)——Flightradar24 网络收到最后一个 ADS-B 信号后四分钟。 - 来源 飞行雷达24


    据报道,伊朗导弹操作员遭遇严重“干扰”,飞机应答器关闭并停止传输 导弹发射前几分钟。 防空司令部的通讯网络也出现了问题,可能也有关系。

    应答器关闭 4 分钟后,飞机坠毁.

    如果没有[适当]访问 FDR 和 CVR,就不可能准确确定飞机何时被击中以及坠毁需要多长时间。

    这架飞机仅在 8,000 英尺高度飞行[其正常飞行高度为 30,000 英尺及以上],因此其速度相对较低[巡航速度约为 400 至 500 节(460 – 575 英里/小时/740 – 930 公里/小时),但乌克兰飞机仍在爬升]并且相对较快地落回地球。


    因此,吉拉尔迪先生的主张“……导弹发射前几分钟......“ 技术上是正确的,直到 FDR 和 CVR 的数据证明错误为止,

  25. utu 说:

    Tor 系统太原始,无法被黑客攻击。它是一个独立、自主且大部分是模拟的系统。它生成的雷达信号显示在模拟电子管屏幕上。

    俄罗斯向以色列提供伊朗代码的故事(根据维基解密,根据一些墨西哥警察与 Stratfor 的电子邮件)或美国人吹嘘他们在这些系统中放置了恶意软件,这些故事只是以色列媒体和网站通常传播的心理战的一部分。 Tor 系统不是 iPhone。以色列和美国喜欢吹嘘自己的无所不能。他们的敌人会买账吗——我对此表示怀疑,但它在互联网阴谋爱好者中引起了关注。伊朗会决定用这个虚假故事来推卸这场悲剧的责任吗?我对此表示怀疑。尽管伊朗的偏执情绪高涨,但他们意识到没有一个重要的人会买它,而且他们会被嘲笑,而且他们不想承认自己的弱点。


  26. bobhammer 说:

    这一虚假说法故意指责总统下令谋杀了近 200 名无辜者,但也暗示空军也将承担责任。

  27. Ghali 说:

    P. Giraldi 的有趣理论。然而,令我感到非常惊讶的是,以色列/摩萨德在这些恐怖主义行为中所扮演的角色从未被提及。我们知道特朗普是犹太复国主义仆人,并按照他的犹太支持者的指示行事。我们知道,特朗普缺乏认真思考的能力。


  28. GMC 说:

    伊朗人受到了打击,因为他们的导弹摧毁了客机。然后,他们就可以阻止西方媒体为接下来的六个月哭泣。这让他们有时间聘请其他中立调查员来查看证据并提出合乎逻辑的场景。黑匣子没有交给任何其他人拥有是有原因的——因为他们仍然记得 MH 6 的骗局调查。我飞行了 17 多年的飞机——每个受控/雷达机场都会要求我打开我的黑匣子。应答器(如果没有打开)——他们每个人。这架飞机不仅来自乌克兰,而且很容易成为任何英特尔大国的黑客攻击目标。这里的大故事是,今天飞行的大多数飞机 - 都会产生相同类型的后果!因为西方战争机器。

  29. @Quartermaster

    基于Flightradar24的应答器数据。 该数据在飞行大约三分半钟后突然中断,飞机的高度为8,000英尺。

    • 回复: @Alfred
  30. @Anon


    “收到的最终ADS-B数据是在出发后不到两分钟的06:14:45。” – Flightradar24博客。 8年2020月XNUMX日。

  31. anonymous[174]• 免责声明 说:


  32. @Anon

    这一切都取决于论据,但你的第一手资料似乎很有说服力。现在,关于事件的旋转和重新旋转是另类媒体和 MSM 一样蓬勃发展的原因。最好只是选择角度,苏莱曼尼事件在乌兹别克斯坦这里是冠军。足球里叫中场传球,助攻,然后瞄准球门,这当然是下选。事情并没有更进一步。


  33. iffen 说:



    6 月 8 日早上 XNUMX 点,富家子弟们如何碰巧出现在“市郊(机场附近)的一个低收入住宅区,摄像机对准天空右侧,及时捕捉到一枚导弹击中的画面”一架乌克兰客机……?”

    不用等了!又到了 9/11。

    • 回复: @Johnny Smoggins
  34. lysias 说:


  35. @Anon

    特朗普、彭斯、蓬佩奥、库什纳、内塔尼亚胡对这 176 人的生命损失负有最终责任。 我怀疑 MBS 也是该计划的一部分。 正是他的虚假和平提议首先将苏莱马尼引诱到伊拉克。 在这一点上我支持特鲁多。



    • 回复: @Curmudgeon
    , @Steve Naidamast
  36. @bobhammer




    斯蒂芬·祖恩斯(Stephen Zunes)




  37. anonymous[245]• 免责声明 说:


    “仔细阅读后发现,客机上没有安装 IFF 的说法。”


  38. @bobhammer




    • 同意: Daniel Rich
  39. Anonymous[308]• 免责声明 说:

    这被称为a 诺代特 在 9/11 后的新闻摄影中,这是一种在重大事件发生之前知道将相机瞄准何处的神秘实践。 在这最新的案例中,数百名 跳舞的以色列人 在美国的新闻编辑室和新保守派办公室里都能看到。

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  40. @iffen



  41. anon[230]• 免责声明 说:




    由于他正在操作的 Tor-M1 系统配备了 IFF(敌友识别)功能, 他甚至可以看到他们的呼号。

    这是绝对错误的。 敌我识别(IFF)查看呼号的能力为零。如果飞机配备了敌我识别系统,敌我识别系统只能确定飞机是敌是友。 没有商业客机机上配备 IFF。


    但黑客同样有可能将数据直接注入飞机的 ADS-B。以便它传输有关其身份、位置、速度和方向的虚假数据。

    这个老了移动, 伊朗语 SAM 站点接收 ADS-B 数据的能力为零。因此,无论能或不能操作 ADS-B 数据,都无关紧要。

    任何在分析中使用 IFF 或 ADS-B 一词的人都不知道他们在说什么,应该被忽略

    • 回复: @Stefan
    , @Stefan
  42. @Lot


    是的,伊朗人受到以色列特工的电子误导,而一些人也在场“记录这一事件”。 犹太流氓国家的 9/11 事件给中东乃至全世界带来了恐怖主义。

  43. Eugene 说:


  44. “……人们确实想知道为什么 138 人会从德黑兰经基辅前往加拿大,但这只是与这次事故相关的众多问题之一。 更奇怪的是在坠机事件发生的同一天媒体上出现的加拿大遇难者纪念活动。 ……”

    “……坠机地点也有问题。 碎片散落在大片区域,但几乎没有被烧毁。 尽管大部分飞机应该已经被找到,但新闻片段中几乎看不到飞机的任何部分。 波音 737-800 有 162 至 189 个座位,但镜头中看不到一个飞机座位……”

    “……出现了几件行李,但远远没有达到应有的数量,纸张、水瓶、相册和儿童读物幸存下来。 我们确实有鞋子,很多单鞋——这是全球恶作剧事件的标志……”


    “......没有一个“业余”视频可以被认为是真实的,就像媒体上的故事不可信一样。 然而,综合起来,证据表明不是一场飞机失事,而是一场假事件,可能涉及一枚导弹,大量碎片被卡车运来并存放在摄像机中……”

    参见:“乌克兰 752 号航班在伊朗离奇坠毁”


  45. Z-man 说:

    尽管我鄙视犹太复国主义实体、AIPAC、新保守派世界等等,但我还是忍不住同意 肖恩 上面这里。

    仅供参考,当谈到我的反犹太复国主义立场时,我不是阿拉伯人,我什至与一两个巴勒斯坦美国人发生过冲突。我认为自己是一个 失效 天主教徒(咧嘴笑),但我是 SSPX 和好主教威廉姆森的粉丝。反对“联合国”的土地 分区’我必须追随真相,不要被受控媒体、愚蠢的基督教犹太复国主义教条,甚至是我愤世嫉俗的领导人唐纳德·特朗普斯蒙蔽了双眼。

    • 回复: @Iris
  46. @anonymous

    是的。特别是因为这些塔是被俄罗斯 SA-15 击落的。你忘记了这种相似性。

  47. Truth3 说:


  48. Truth3 说:



  49. 你举起任何一块石头,你都会看到下面藏着一个犹太人。

    • 同意: druid55
  50. Rurik 说:



    事实上,一千个“叹息”。 (老实说,我刚才‘叹了口气’,准备打字)

    你是一个我非常尊敬的人,G. 先生,正是因为这个原因,我对你的描述感到恼火。 为什么 那些人正在骚乱。



    所以让我在这里说得非常清楚。他们(理所应当)感到愤怒、骚乱的原因是这个政权 *撒谎* 向他们讲述飞机失事的原因。

    我们曾经 所有 当伊朗政权连续几天要求并坚持说,无论飞机发生什么情况,他们都能向我们保证什么,并向世界、向受害者家属、向伊朗人民、向安拉本人保证时,他们撒谎了,就是伊朗没有人击落这架飞机。有人告诉我们,我们可以把这些钱带到银行。我们都被告知,这是伊朗政权可以向世界保证的唯一确定。

    然后当很明显有证据表明伊朗击落了飞机时, 然后 他们决定说实话。最后,在拥有了 利德 关于这件事好几天了。





    至于你文章的主旨,我倾向于同意,伊朗的防御系统以某种方式被“黑客攻击”,因为对于 TOR 系统如何将客机误认为巡航导弹,确实没有其他解释。


    • 回复: @Ron Unz
  51. Ozymandias 说:





    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  52. Anonymous[401]• 免责声明 说:


    一些评论报告称,可中断的远程控制允许地面人员从正在飞行的飞机上的飞行员手中夺取对飞行员应该驾驶的飞机的控制,例如在恐怖分子进入驾驶舱的情况下。我没有读过制造商的文献,也没有关于任何这些飞机的设备清单的个人知识,清单表明它们都是飞机,不仅配备了 UAP,而且它们都是由同一制造商制造的飞机。我只是重复我访问过的网站上所陈述的事实。

    许多人正在寻找证据,证明远程装备的不间断自动驾驶仪正在被用作 遥控武器化无人机。想象一下,一名飞行员在伦敦地面或某处停放他/她的远程地空控制车辆并接管飞行控制,包括打开/关闭应答器[<=它告诉每个人飞机在飞行过程中的位置]从伊朗德黑兰机场飞行、降落或起飞的飞机?

    我个人的经验是,在飞机飞行过程中,转发器关闭后,一般不到2分钟,战斗机就会到达护航转发器失效的飞机;因此,保护​​民用飞机并让军方知道飞机是民用的整个系统,依赖于安装在飞机上的应答器,在飞行过程中不断发出应答器的确切位置,以便每个人都可以识别飞行并跟踪飞机在飞行过程中。每个陆基控制塔、ATC 控制系统中心和军事设施都依赖机载应答器来跟踪商用和私人飞机从起飞到着陆的航路进度。

    对上述清单的另一条评论声称配备不间断自动驾驶仪 [UAP] 的飞机曾卷入无法解释的飞行事故/失踪事件(我对这些飞机上的设备没有个人了解,我只是在这里重复其他人在其他地方所说的话,请自行验证这些声明或提供验证)。

    (4 @911) <=UAP 允许无人飞行,无需飞行员登机即可飞行。

    这真的是值得思考的事情吗?一直以来的问题是,四名来自伊朗的军官在佛罗里达接受了几周的喷气式飞机驾驶训练,他们是如何成功通过四个不同位置的美国运输安全管理局 (TSA) 登机口的飞行员检查,驾驶飞机和乘客进入 9/11 事件的。阴谋论表明,由于不需要飞行员,因此 TSA 就没有飞行员进行筛查。地面遥控将飞机飞向目的地。

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
    , @Alfred
  53. 所以,它又像往常一样回到了第一个方向……多么典型啊!

  54. Trinity 说:


    差不多就说完了不是吗?我们在这里面对什么样的人?当然,只有那些白痴仍然被这些虚假旗帜所愚弄。即使到了 2020 年,这些白痴仍然相信 ZOG 的 9-11 童话故事,并将任何其他理论贴上“阴谋”的标签。说到阴谋,最大的白痴们比那些相信 ZOG 叙述的人或那些相信 ZIO 控制的虚假信息傀儡(如亚历克斯·琼斯)所发布的完全古怪的东西的人还要大。

    乌克兰商业航空公司?除了伊朗之外,ZOG 还针对哪些国家?是俄罗斯吗?

    战争靠欺骗?对于剩下两个脑细胞的人来说几乎没有。这些傻瓜以前就被抓过,他们没那么聪明。他们的本质受到一个由政客收买和支付的财团的保护。他们被抓到袭击自由号,他们被抓到轰炸美国和英国在埃及的设施,罗森伯格夫妇和波拉德被钉牢,但当然,尽管如此,美国及其领导人仍然将以色列视为朋友和盟友。对于像以色列这样的朋友来说,他们需要敌人。当然,我们还有这样的故事:我们的 5 个跳舞的小以色列人在被发现跳舞并庆祝世贸中心双塔倒塌后在纽约被捕。所以你的意思是,一群来自以色列的以色列人,这个据称是美国“朋友”的国家,当美国受到攻击,数千人被活活烧死或从街道上方数百英尺处跳下身亡时,他们认为这是搞笑且值得庆祝的? ?当然,“我们的”媒体很快就为庆祝的以色列人开脱,并比普通家猫埋葬自己的粪便更快地埋葬了这个故事。


    • 同意: druid55
  55. BL 说:

    对于这个消息,任何公正的观察者至少都会认为其真实性的可能性。 。 。



    洛克比空难就是我在这里谈论的一个例子,它看起来确实像是伊朗对文森斯击落伊朗 655 航班的报复,但美国政府与伊朗一样有兴趣接受指责利比亚的“证据”。





    乌克兰航空 752 航班很早就显示出与卡舒吉谋杀案的早期相似之处,即伊朗政府很快——比沙特更快——发现它必须承认一般责任,而不是遭受一滴滴、一滴滴、一滴滴的泄漏,而这种情况即将结束。无论如何,无论是国际上还是国内的公众舆论,都在同一个地方。




    • 回复: @barr
  56. @bobhammer



  57. Desert Fox 说:

    在我看来,摩萨德或中央情报局或两者联合黑客控制了飞机的飞行控制系统,这可以在所有波音飞机上完成,因为它们有一个背负式后门,可以远程接管飞行系统就像无人机一样飞行,这样做的借口是飞机可以在被劫持的情况下被控制并飞行,当德国发现这一点时,他们从所有波音飞机上拆除了遥控系统购买后,该系统自 1990 世纪 XNUMX 年代起就已安装在波音飞机上。


  58. El Dato 说:



    特朗普不可能,倒霉的埃斯珀(一身油腔滑调的蠢货,现在 宪法第二条“发现”纳粹般的杀戮权力;显然,最高法院不再需要在该文本中发现“新权力”),威慑蓬佩奥的黑手党死亡海牛会自己想出这一打击。


    到目前为止,在“Total Clusterfuck 行动”指挥链上还没有任何一个该死的“告密者”挺身而出,将军队视为傻瓜的工具,这一事实也说明了很多事情。

    • 回复: @Tucker
  59. Realist 说:




    • 回复: @Herald
  60. follyofwar 说:




    • 同意: Desert Fox, Rurik, nickels
  61. Pindos 说:


    敌友识别 (IFF) 是一种基于雷达的识别系统,专为指挥和控制而设计。它使用应答器侦听询问信号,然后发送识别广播公司的响应。它使军用和民用空中交通管制询问系统能够将飞机、车辆或部队识别为友方,并确定其与询问器的方位和范围。军用和民用飞机均可使用敌我识别。

    • 回复: @anon
  62. @Anonymous

    我的,我的,匿名#401,我感谢您谦虚地分享的有意义且专业的评论,这些评论源于“我的个人经历”。 🤗

    无论如何,以应有的尊重回应 #401,👍,所传达的学习经验向我(一名斯克兰顿校车司机)表明,你知道在 UR 文章或其他地方匿名评论,继续让人们受到狡猾的国际监视操作人员;即800部队“恶人”。


    下面链接的视频以及令人毛骨悚然的音乐,👹显示 —
    重量级击球手(犹太人),阿农·米尔坎 (Arnon Milchan) 制作,是他怪异而受欢迎的有线电视 TalmudVision 的“热门作品”《X 档案》的衍生作品,2001 年 401 月,😲 发布了该节目的首集(“预测编程”)被称为“孤独的枪手”。非常感谢,祝你旅途愉快,#XNUMX。呃,直到我们再次见面?

  63. Adam Smith 说:






    • 回复: @druid55
  64. Trinity 说:

    “让我们永远不要容忍有关 9-11 袭击事件的令人发指的阴谋论。”


  65. 我不太了解。 但是据我所知,飞机没有应答器。 仅机场有应答器。 应答器正在将有关方位角和位置的数据发送到飞行员的仪表板。 飞行员还与塔楼进行人声交流。
    一旦飞行员达到理想的巡航高度并且正确的方位角飞行员会随意停止与塔架的所有通信。 一旦接近下一个可用的塔,他通常会联系该塔并切换到新的应答器,以接收来自该塔的位置和方位角信号。

    • 回复: @Alfred
  66. Alfred 说:
    @Reality Check


  67. 只是一个很棒的有根据的猜测。




    • 回复: @Rurik
  68. unit472 说:



    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Brewer
  69. Alfred 说:

    四名来自伊朗的军官在佛罗里达州接受了几周驾驶喷气式飞机的训练,他们是如何成功通过四个不同位置的 TSA 飞行员安检门,驾驶飞机和乘客进入 9/11 事件的?

    请让伊朗远离 9/11。他们与此无关。


    四名来自沙特阿拉伯的军官在佛罗里达接受了数周的喷气式飞机驾驶训练,他们是如何成功通过四个不同位置的 TSA 飞行员安检门,驾驶飞机和乘客进入 9/11 事件的

    • 回复: @Herald
  70. Onlooker 说:


    • 回复: @Momus
  71. 您如何看待该视频中的解释?


    • 回复: @Klaus Fejsa
  72. Rurik 说:
    @John Chuckman





    毫无疑问,你指的是拉冯事件、自由号和 9/11,你讽刺地暗示这些都是 美国人 假旗,而不是懦弱和奸诈的犹太复国主义者的作品。正如我们现在都知道的那样。


  73. Wally 说:
    @Colin Wright



    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
    , @Skeptikal
  74. 有时,无辜者会选择较轻的指控,而不是接受审判,从而冒着被判犯有更严重罪行的风险。

  75. druid55 说:


  76. A1 说:

    关于转发器——你引用的第二个来源中的一条评论指出,转发器在第一次导弹袭击之后和由于第一次导弹袭击而熄灭。 如果是这种情况,并且你意识到了这一点,那么你也许正在做一些你自己的扭曲?

  77. scrub 说:

    任何认为美国和以色列不可能上演伊朗击落客机这样可怕事件的人都没有关注惠特尼·韦伯的连续文章,这些文章可以在 UNZ 上找到。 以色列似乎已渗透到全球几乎所有计算机安全计划中。

    韦伯的文章提到了大型国防承包商戴尔计算机与以色列政府的密切联系。 戴尔电脑负责人迈克尔·戴尔亲自为以色列国防军之友这一好奇的“慈善机构”做出了巨大贡献,甲骨文软件负责人拉里·埃里森也是如此。 有趣的是,他们两人都没有为美国退伍军人做出相应大的贡献。


    迈克尔·戴尔可能是来自德克萨斯州(戴尔计算机的故乡)的共和党最大(或最大)单一捐助者之一。 拉里·埃里森(Larry Ellison)(也是大型政府计算机承包商)也是共和党最大的贡献者之一。

    然而,埃里森向共和党捐款的 5.5 万美元与他最近向以色列国防军之友捐款总额(截至目前) 31 万美元(或更多)相比显得相形见绌。


    男性及其公司是否存在安全风险? 对此是否有任何疑问,或者现在对与外国军队有关的慈善事业的捐款是否被简单地视为善意和无辜?

    • 同意: Iris
  78. @Wally

    🙄 一如典型,呆板的沃利认为:“当然,正是奥巴马的多次攻击为特朗普的行为开创了先例。


    当然,你给了共和党 ZUS 新保守派总统 GW Bush 通行证,因为他为奥巴马的不必要和不道德的攻击开创了 GWOT 先例。

    获得一致的 Holo Wall,否则 Codah 会给你通行证

  79. barr 说:




  80. anonymous[290]• 免责声明 说:


  81. anonymous[290]• 免责声明 说:


  82. anon[230]• 免责声明 说:


    敌友识别 (IFF) 是一种基于雷达的识别系统,专为指挥和控制而设计。它使用应答器侦听询问信号,然后发送识别广播公司的响应。它使军事和 民用空中交通管制询问系统 识别飞机、车辆或部队是否为己方,并通过询问器确定它们的方位和范围。军用和民用飞机均可使用敌我识别。

    您的维基百科片段绝对不正确。 IFF 仅用于军用飞机。如果你想证明我错了:

    提供任何民用飞机的链接 最低设备清单 需要 IFF

    • 同意: Alfred
  83. barr 说:


  84. Rurik 说:










    如果你目光短浅,你就不会注意到美国在文化和精神上堕落到堕落的幕后黑手是谁。 (更不用说永恒的战争了,只有白痴才能假装没有注意到((谁))在他们后面)。



    • 同意: druid55, Parfois1
  85. Alfred 说:


    我同意。这是您评论中唯一有效的部分。请不要用废话来扰乱这个地方。请把技术细节留给比你和我更了解的人。谢谢。 🙂

  86. Herald 说:



  87. barr 说:

    Hpw 是否证明“直飞”指令对 MH 17 造成致命伤害


    在因导弹袭击而导致坠机事故发生的前几分钟,AI飞行员还听到了管制员给马来西亚飞机MH17所谓的“直接航线”。 这使飞机可以直飞,而不必跟踪通常是从一个地面导航辅助装置或航路点到另一个导航点的曲折轨迹的常规路线。 “直接路由节省了燃料和时间,是飞行员的首选。 在这种情况下,事实证明是致命的。


    1 印度是否受到压力否认近距离接触,2 印度是否受到压力否认听到管制员向 MH 17 发出指令???

  88. Herald 说:


    • 谢谢: Alfred
  89. Herald 说:


    • 回复: @Realist
  90. romar 说:


    • 回复: @Sean
  91. Saggy 说: • 您的网站


    FAA 法规要求,在美国控制空域飞行高度为 10,000 英尺或更高的所有飞机,无论是军用还是民用,都必须配备能够自动报告高度的运行中的 IFF 应答器系统(这就是其中两种模式是军用和民用飞机均使用)。


    • 回复: @A123
    , @DaveE
    , @Saggy
    , @anonymous
  92. DaveE 说:




    • 同意: Alfred, Republic
  93. BL 说:



    在这一点上,我认为这甚至不是一个有争议的问题,自特朗普就任总统以来,伊朗的外交关系表现出了灾难性的表现。这并不令我感到意外,因为除了中国之外,中国因重新开启谈判而损失最大,事实上,它在 2003-16 年期间取得了惊人的进展。

  94. Realist 说:



  95. @Rurik



    • 回复: @DaveE
    , @Rurik
    , @Ron Unz
    , @Lot
    , @Parfois1
  96. 那天早上,那个将相机对准黑暗天空的人在沙特阿拉伯一家新闻机构工作。来自“灰色地带” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBGw5GMXb4c&feature=em-uploademail

    • 回复: @Sean
    , @Franklin Ryckaert
  97. @Wizard of Oz


  98. wdg 说:

    崔博诺? 以色列及其新保守主义第五纵队在美国和整个西方世界活动。

    • 回复: @JimDandy
  99. Trinity 说:


    就像你提到的,美国人愿意为之而死的同一个部落,也是希望通过强迫同化和让来自第三世界的敌对非白人群体淹没我们的国家来摧毁西方文化和种族灭绝白人的同一个部落。这实在是太可悲了,以至于很多白人都无法看透这一点。某些粪便世界污水池中的一些青春期前的孩子可以告诉你,犹太人和以色列拥有美国和西方其他国家,但太多的美国人仍然一无所知,尽管所有的信息都表明犹太人不仅决定“我们的” ”外交政策,还有“我们的”国内政策。


  100. Iris 说:


    就在几个月前,一架以色列喷气式飞机侵犯了叙利亚领空, 刻意庇护 落后于一架俄罗斯伊利乌钦 IL-20,被叙利亚防空部队击落。



    • 谢谢: Parfois1
  101. druid55 说:
    @Adam Smith


    • 回复: @Adam Smith
  102. A123 说:




    — 标准民用应答器代码 = 美国军用模式 3。
    — 标准民用应答器高度报告 = 美国军用模式 C。



  103. Nero 说:


  104. DaveE 说:

    如果 IFF 应答器是可选的,那么它到底有什么意义呢?

    “哦,别介意刚刚用核武器袭击西雅图的那架飞机。我们本想把它击落,但可怜的航空公司无力承担 IFF 选项,所以我们花了很长的午休时间。”

    • 回复: @anon
  105. Saggy 说: • 您的网站



    这架波音飞机通常会广播民用 ADS-B 信号,但人们必须预料到美国的巡航导弹也能够并且将会做同样的事情。


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  106. DaveE 说:
    @Just passing through




  107. 应答器通过驾驶舱内的开关打开和关闭。吉拉尔迪是否暗示该应答器可以从外部控制?应答器已关闭的断言来源?他能说出任何具有此功能的商业应答器吗?他了解电战吗?这听起来像是阴谋论的诞生。

    • 回复: @Iris
    , @FB
    , @ploni almoni
    , @anonymous
  108. JimDandy 说:

    但具体有什么好处呢? 这让伊朗看起来像是一个在压力下搞砸的国家?

    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  109. Robjil 说:

    自 1945 年以来,这个 XNUMX 万个故事就一直催眠着欧洲白人。我们自由的“锡安控制”媒体不断地向我们灌输这个故事。这是正在全世界摧毁欧洲白人文化的致命弱点。


    至少在伽利略时代,他只需接受地球是宇宙中心的说法即可。自 1945 年以来,我们必须承认,6 万个故事是整个宇宙的中心,而且永远不会结束。


    这个 6 万个故事让锡安/犹太文化凌驾于世界万物之上而不受惩罚。它不能被审视、批评甚至注意到。这样做是反S的。这就是锡安犹太黑手党的实力,一言难尽。它在黑暗中生长。光,在任何地方大声谈论它,都会在一秒钟内摧毁它。


    当我听说乌克兰飞机被击中时,这一定是一场锡安比赛。纽兰的乌克兰已经参与了两场大型的锡安“自由”新闻活动。一是 2014 年马来西亚飞机在乌克兰被击落,二是 2019 年特朗普被弹劾。这将是第三个。事情通常是三连的。

    现在对锡安保持沉默的世界就像一个巨大的集中营。大门上的标志是 Zion Macht Frei。这就是锡安在其“自由”媒体中推行的目标。

    • 回复: @Just passing through
  110. Brewer 说:



    伊朗政府坚称文森斯在知情的情况下击落了民用飞机。 [7]伊朗航空 IR655 航班每天从阿巴斯港(一个民用兼军用机场)搭乘定期客运航班,使用既定航线飞往迪拜。意大利海军和另一艘美国军舰“赛德斯”号护卫舰证实,在导弹袭击时,飞机正在爬升,而不是俯冲攻击。美国无线电警告仅在 121.5 MHz 而非空中交通管制频率上广播,并且错误地识别了飞机的高度和位置,因此,如果空中客车机组人员监视“警卫”,可能会将警告误解为指的是另一架飞机。赛德斯的机长大卫·卡尔森后来说,客机的毁坏“标志着罗杰斯侵略性的可怕顶峰”。

    ICA0 报告指出,有关使用 A59 的商业航班的信息可在 Vincennes 上获得,该航班的作战信息中心 28 中提供了截至 1988 年 3 月 XNUMX 日的最新民用航班时刻表。
    由于已公布的航班时刻表已于 3 年 1988 月 655 日早上 IR 655 起飞前为文森夫妇所知,因此文森夫妇知道 IR 4 预计会在飞往迪拜的途中随时经过,但并没有这样做。 XNUMX 这是当天清晨唯一一架从阿巴斯港起飞穿越波斯湾的航班。
    根据文森斯号上的时间表,IR 655 计划于 0620 至 0715 之间过境波斯湾。事实上,IR 655
    – 国际商会报告

    3年1988月XNUMX日上午,美国部署了三艘强大的军舰 伊斯兰共和国附近的领海
    气道 A59。
    – 国际商会报告


    鉴于以下事实:(a) 航班正在轨道上,并且文森斯号机组人员已知该航班;(b) 文森斯号非法进入伊朗领海,我建议: “在海湾军事对抗期间距离太近” 纯粹是胡说八道。

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @ivan
  111. @DaveE

    在英国,有趣的事情是,MSM 评论部分的许多人会谈论“亚洲”,或更具体地说,“穆斯林”儿童强奸团伙,因为这些团伙都是穆斯林,可以使用形容词“穆斯林”来称呼他们。

    但当你指出,那些为伊朗战争鼓掌、成功地让美国和英国在中东陷入旷日持久的战争的人大多是犹太人,正如以色列报纸上的这篇文章所证明的那样 “国土报”...


    我还怀疑人们对穆斯林的可以理解的敌意在某种程度上使他们更加同情以色列。例如,汤米·罗宾逊 (Tommy Robinson) 的资金来自富有的犹太人,例如 Rebel Media 的埃兹拉·莱万特 (Ezra Levant) 和罗伯特·J·希尔曼 (Robert J. Shillman)(后者是该公司的董事会成员) 以色列国防军之友 – 以色列的先令。现在,西方非犹太人一听到穆斯林就开始口吐白沫,认为像伊朗这样的国家是邪恶的,想要摧毁西方,这是一种可笑的说法。

  112. Iris 说:



    叙利亚东正教幼发拉底教区主教莫里斯·阿姆西 (Mor Maurice Amsih) 示威抗议苏莱马尼将军被谋杀,称苏莱马尼及其同伴“ 烈士 “现在是谁” 天国圣人》 他们为将叙利亚人民从齐奥支持的恐怖分子手中解放出来而流血。 [@0:25]

    • 谢谢: Z-man, ChuckOrloski
    • 回复: @Z-man
  113. Anonymous[230]• 免责声明 说:



    这架波音飞机通常会广播民用 ADS-B 信号,但人们必须预料到美国的巡航导弹也能够并且将会做同样的事情。


    这完全无关紧要 由于伊朗的 SAM 导弹发射器太旧了,甚至无法检测和解码 ADS-B 信号。请注意, ADS-B 应答器的要求 今年才生效.

  114. 需要考虑的一些附加信息:

    IRGC 公布乌克兰飞机意外击落的详细信息



    1. 在飞机被击落之前,美国人曾威胁要袭击伊朗的52个地点。
    2. 这些威胁使伊朗的防空系统处于最高警戒级别。
    3. 有报道称,向伊朗发射了巡航导弹。
    4. 尽管伊斯兰革命卫队要求清除空域内的商业航班,但这些要求并未得到满足。
    5. 防空部队在752公里外识别出19航班为巡航导弹,但仍需获得批准才能对其进行射击。
    6. 当操作员试图获得批准时,由于其通信系统“中断”而无法获得批准。
    7. 操作员被迫在 10 秒的时间窗口内做出独立决定并向飞机开火。

    罗素·本特利(Russell Bentley)然而,指出

    1. SA-15系统在其雷达系统中内置有敌我识别询问器,
    2. 波音 737 飞机配备两个 IFF 应答器,在起飞前设置并激活,并且
    3. 飞机可以在没有 IFF 应答器运行的情况下起飞。
    4. 尽管如此,飞行录音 FLIGHTRADAR24.COM,证明应答器已开启并正在工作。
    5. 即使没有敌我识别信号,SA-15/TOR M-1 操作员仍然可以确定潜在目标的位置、方位、速度和大小。
    6. SA-15 还具有自动全天候昼/夜 NV/IR 光电瞄准系统 (EOTS),用于目标交战和火力控制,通过该系统可以轻松识别飞机。
    7. 752 航班仅凭外部灯光就应该被识别为商业客机。

    根据这些信息,他得出的结论是,要么伊朗境内存在寻求促成政权更迭的叛徒,要么坠落 752 航班是通常嫌疑人实施的假旗行动。


    • 回复: @A123
    , @anonymous
  115. JOHN ZAC 说:


  116. @Trinity


    除非你和一个了解这些事情的家庭成员一起长大,否则如果没有一些帮助,比如 Unz 和其他替代媒体等网站的帮助,你很难看到它。许多人对政治一无所知,而真正关心政治的人大多局限于像 Reddit 这样的地方,他们在那里就跨性别主义和唐纳德·特朗普“拥有自由党”等毫无意义的事情来回争论。我个人对犹太权力有一些想法,但将这些视为反犹太主义的胡言乱语,直到杰里米·科尔宾反犹太主义传奇开始,看到如此强烈的攻击针对一个唯一犯罪就是反对以色列的人,真是令人惊讶,事实0.5%人口的不满突然在全国性报纸上播出,其中大多数人由于拥有广泛而有影响力的网络而在收入和机会方面享有很高的特权。

    正如你提到的,美国人愿意为之而死的同一个部落,也是希望通过强迫同化和让来自第三世界的敌对非白人群体淹没我们的国家来摧毁西方文化和种族灭绝白人的同一个部落。这实在是太可悲了,以至于很多白人都无法看透这一点。 某个粪便世界污水池中的某个青春期前的孩子可以告诉你,犹太人和以色列拥有美国和西方其他国家,但是太多的美国人仍然一无所知,尽管所有的信息都清楚地表明犹太人不仅决定了“我们的”外交政策,而且还决定了“我们的”国内政策。

    大多数白人下意识地认为这些人是“愚蠢的”或“被伊斯兰教洗脑的”,因此他们将这些人对 ZOG 理论的支持视为其荒谬的证据,我的意思是只有狂热的伊斯兰狂热分子才会认为西方是犹太人的吧?




    • 同意: Colin Wright
  117. anon[230]• 免责声明 说:


    如果 IFF 应答器是可选的,那么它到底有什么意义呢?

    “哦,别介意刚刚用核武器袭击西雅图的那架飞机。我们本来会把它击落的,但是 这家可怜的航空公司买不起 IFF 选项,所以我们花了很长的午休时间。”

    敌我识别系统是使用机密技术的军用设备。 商业客机即使想买也买不到IFF。

    • 回复: @DaveE
  118. Sean 说:
    @Marvin Sandnes



    简而言之,这整件事并没有对以色列有利,而这是事先可以预见的。使用最先进的 ECM 来欺骗伊朗击落一架刚刚从本国机场起飞的客机,听起来并不是使用这种能力的最佳方式(而且这种操作只能使用一次)。我认为,制作虚假旗帜是为了让被指控的国家看起来狡猾和恶毒,而不是愚蠢和倒霉。

  119. @Robjil

    这是正在全世界扼杀白人欧洲文化的核心。如果白欧元被锡安“自由”媒体完全消灭,我看不到锡安的希望。 非欧元不会沦为宇宙中心的6万故事.







    • 回复: @Robjil
  120. Iris 说:
    @Frederick V. Reed


    通用航空应答器以已知的标准频率 1,090 MHz 向空中交通二次雷达发出应答信号;因此它们很容易被卡住并从外面消失。


  121. roonaldo 说:


    一本很棒的读物:《击落:007 航班与美国的联系》,1983 年,RW Johnson 所著。我们从事这种肮脏的生意已经很长时间了。

  122. Sean 说:


  123. Pandora 说:

    ADS-B(美国从 2020 年起强制执行)根据船上安装的传感器自动广播数据(比 PSR/SSR 雷达更好? – 并非如此)

    • 任何拥有 ADS-B 接收器的人都可以访问实时飞行数据
    • 精度:位置 92,6 m / 速度 10m/s 更新:每秒 (1 Mbps) ADS-B 输出
    • 非常容易受到电子战的影响(无加密,开放协议)

    ADS-B 在 1980 世纪 90 年代至 XNUMX 年代开发时,主要关注点是可靠性、准确性、范围、作战能力等。

    安全不是问题: FAA 进行了 SCAP(安全认证和认可程序)研究,但结果从未公布;相反,FAA 表示“使用 ADS-B 数据时不会增加风险……

    GPS 生成的导航数据也容易受到 DOS 攻击(“干扰”)和信号伪造(“欺骗”)

    2012 年:FAA 对 GNSS(全球导航卫星系统)进行威胁评估——……结果再次未公布

    ADS-B 广播可用于针对乘客 AC 进行动能电子攻击(即“恶意注入”)

    近乎完美的真实 GPS 信号的伪造很容易;没有安全规定(加密等) GPS 信号定义是公开的

    例如(这确实发生过)从欺骗设备发送到(100 万美元)无人机 POS 信号的错误位置提示:“垂直向上上升”
    • 反应:无人机下降至“保持高度”
    • 结果:无人机坠毁(未吸取教训:计算机不是——也永远不会——具有思考能力的人脑)

    如果没有 GPS 信号,“失联”协议(返回基地和陆地)也无法执行(无人机是“自闭的”)

    ADS-B 在“不可信”环境中运行:无论使用什么加密硬件、软件和密钥,恶意方(迟早)都可以访问 ...

    这里的关键要素是(在我看来) 没有求救信号 已收到……但正如有人已经指出的那样,我们需要知道 CVR(驾驶舱语音记录器)揭示了什么……

  124. @Marvin Sandnes

    以色列、美国和沙特阿拉伯联手策划针对伊朗的阴谋。 也许以色列人担心他们的“事件记录”会被发现(就像9/11),因此他们将其外包给沙特人。

  125. Thomasina 说:


    无论谁拍摄了 752 航班被击落的过程,都必须处于最佳位置才能拍摄视频片段。哎呀,就好像他们已经预料到了,就像 9-11 事件一样。谁会在周日早上 6:00 起床,将相机对准黑暗的天空并在准确的位置捕捉​​这一精彩瞬间?

    9·11 事件发生时谁在场,预见到了混乱?如果它像鸭子一样走路……

    • 同意: Trinity, ChuckOrloski
    • 回复: @A123
  126. Rurik 说:
    @Just passing through






  127. anonymous[393]• 免责声明 说:


    FAA 法规要求,在美国控制空域飞行高度为 10,000 英尺或更高的所有飞机,无论是军用还是民用,都必须配备能够自动报告高度的运行中的 IFF 应答器系统(这就是其中两种模式是军用和民用飞机均使用)。




    这里 是 FAA 网站的链接,其中包含飞机飞行所需的最低设备。所有飞机的最低设备清单都在那里。尝试在任意列表中查找 IFF。提示:它不存在。

    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @Alfred
  128. @Anonymous


  129. A123 说:

    7. 操作员被迫在 10 秒的时间窗口内做出独立决定并向飞机开火。


    我不确定外面的人如何判断操作员是错误地还是出于恶意而进行了发射。毫无疑问,船员们将受到理查德·朱厄尔(Richard Jewell)的待遇,以试图转移宗教阶层的责任。


  130. Robjil 说:
    @Just passing through





  131. Ron Unz 说:
    @Just passing through










  132. A123 说:

    谁会在周日早上 6:00 起床,将相机对准黑暗的天空并在准确的位置捕捉​​这一精彩瞬间?





    • 回复: @Marc Veilleux
    , @Thomasina
    , @Biff
  133. anonymous[393]• 免责声明 说:

    1. SA-15系统的雷达系统中内置有IFF询问器,


    2.波音737飞机配备了两架 IFF应答器, 在起飞前已设置并激活的功能,以及

    不正确 波音737飞机有两个ATC应答器,只有其中一个在起飞前被激活。 仅当第一个ATC应答器发生故障时,第二个ATC应答器才被激活。 ATC应答器不是IFF应答器。


    不正确。 运行正常的ATC应答器是波音737最低设备清单的一部分 点击此处。乌克兰航空机组人员绕过这一要求的唯一方法是在其飞行路线上获得伊朗民航局和其他每个国家的西西尔航空局的事先许可,但我可以保证你不会同意。

    5.即使没有IFF信号,SA-15 / TOR M-1操作员仍可以确定 位置,方位,速度 和潜在目标的规模。

    不正确 操作员可以确定范围,范围率。 并确定应答器是否无法正常工作。

    6. SA-15还具有自动全天候昼夜模式 红外/红外 用于目标接合和火力控制的电光瞄准系统(EOTS),通过该系统可以轻松识别飞机。

    飞机至少在1.5英里外(8000英尺高)。 您将获得一对夜视/红外瞄准镜,并查看如何从该距离识别不同的飞机。

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  134. Desert Fox 说:

    同意,正如内森·罗斯柴尔德臭名昭著地说的那样;我不在乎英国王位上有什么傀儡,控制货币供应的人就控制了大英帝国,而我就是那个人;在 ZUS 也是如此,罗斯柴尔德家族控制着美国。

  135. PeterMX 说:

    “飞机被击落后,伊朗发生骚乱,人们指责政府无能。一些街头人士明确呼吁实现美国和以色列长期以来追求的目标,即“政权更迭”。是的,美国主流媒体对此进行了报道。假设这是真的(考虑到消息来源,这很可能是谎言,但我们假设它可以得到验证),这让我认为街上有人组织骚乱,不仅敌视伊朗政府,而且忠于美国、以色列或其他一些对伊朗怀有敌意的外国政府。我什至不是伊朗人,但我同意加拿大特鲁多的观点,我相信美国对这场悲剧负有很大责任(让伊朗对苏莱马尼的谋杀保持高度警惕),所以我想知道美国或其他人是否有人这样做伊朗参议员约翰·麦凯恩(John McCain)和维多利亚·纽兰(Victoria Nuland)在乌克兰的抗议活动中所做的事情,导致了几年前针对乌克兰政府的政变。

    • 回复: @Franklin Ryckaert
  136. @bobhammer

    所以你是一名空军近距离空中支援专家和一名 FAC。这是否意味着您接受过培训来了解当前事件中什么是可能的、什么是不可行的?





  137. 一个由专家组成的国际委员会应该质问用测谎仪射杀飞机的伊朗人,以证明该人确实看到了威胁,并让他准确描述他看到了什么和没有看到什么!


  138. @Ron Unz

    以色列报纸《国土报》上发表的一篇好文章向人们展示了以色列游说团对美国对伊拉克发动战争的决定的影响,标题为 白人的负担 带有以下副标题;

    伊拉克战争是由25位新保守派知识分子构想的,其中大多数是犹太人,他们正在推动布什总统改变历史进程。 其中两个是记者威廉·克里斯托(William Kristol)和查尔斯·克劳特汉默(Charles Krauthammer),说有可能。 但是另一位记者托马斯·弗里德曼(Thomas Friedman,不属于该组织)对此表示怀疑。


    我发现联合国的评论很难简单地向现实生活中的人们推荐,因为它所报道的故事具有挑衅性。这 美国真理报 系列当然内容非常丰富,但这些文章需要相当多的时间来阅读和检查文章本身中的超链接。如果听起来不像一个有优越感的人,大多数人都无法阅读并掌握这么多信息。许多人不会接触与否认大屠杀或种族有关的文章。

    但无论如何,您先生在这个网站的维护和故事选择方面做得非常出色,我祝您未来一切顺利。它确实为我提供了大量信息,我可以用这些信息来反驳许多问题上的主流叙述。尽管我在现实生活中的努力并不是很成功,但我在主流新闻网站上的网络活动似乎确实取得了一些成功,我能够提供清晰而令人信服的叙述,并链接到信誉良好的网站,而不会遇到作为一个狂热的疯子 大约兹.

    • 回复: @Ron Unz
    , @artichoke
    , @barr
  139. Curmudgeon 说:


    • 回复: @Anonymous
  140. Curmudgeon 说:


  141. @Rurik

    对于恐怖分子爱好者,我觉得所谓的 反圣战 运动非常成功地向人们灌输了这种心态,要么你支持以色列,要么你必须和那些疯狂的穆斯林恐怖分子在一起。像汤米·罗宾逊这样的人接受了埃兹拉·莱万特和罗伯特·J·希尔曼等犹太复国主义者的资助,这证明了妖魔化穆斯林的真正目的——提高对以色列的同情。



  142. @A123

    冬天,在这颗陨石坠落的乌拉尔中部,太阳在早上 8 点后升起。所以当这颗陨石坠落时,所有的工人都站起来并堵塞在交通中。

  143. DeepState America 的宣传工作比任何人都好。他们经营反舌鸟媒体已有 50 多年了。

    美利坚帝国已经结束了。在 2.0 革命摧毁美国之前,是时候清理国内的烂摊子了,就像 1917 年的俄罗斯那样。

  144. @lavoisier



  145. Curmudgeon 说:
    @Wizard of Oz

    美国随后袭击了真主党旅,造成 24 人死亡。随后,人们向美国大使馆投掷石块——投掷者一定是伊朗人,因为伊拉克人永远不会因为自己的同胞被外国占领者杀害而感到不安。

    • 回复: @JimDandy
  146. @bobhammer

    前国务卿马德琳·奥尔布赖特 (Madeliene Albright) 坚称,上世纪 90 年代对伊拉克的制裁是合法的,尽管造成了 500、000 人死亡。制裁包括无法在国际“商店”购买商品。因此,伊拉克无法购买基本的抗生素来治疗常见的传染病。老人和年轻人死于可治疗的疾病。集体惩罚是一种战争罪。奥尔布赖特和比尔“爱泼斯坦没有杀死自己最好的朋友”克林顿一样都是战犯。
    苏莱马尼将军率领的是矛尖——圣城军。 2006年,当以色列入侵黎巴嫩进行杀戮和残害时,他们是支持真主党的战斗力量。


    • 回复: @Desert Fox
  147. Thomasina 说:


    这一切都取决于角度,不是吗?如果这些“富家子弟”已经在机场附近,他们的拍摄角度是不是会有所不同呢? IOW,他们的相机必须指向更“向上”(更陡的角度)的位置并进入黑暗的天空,并且精确地指向 360 度网格上的正确位置?


    • 回复: @A123
    , @Alfred
  148. JimDandy 说:



    • 同意: Wizard of Oz
    • 回复: @Based Inquisitor
  149. “但故事可能还有更多”


  150. @anonymous

    除了发出识别信号外,所有民用飞机都具有这些闪烁的灯,在1,5 Ft高度处8000英里外应该清晰可见。 那么,这里出了什么问题?

    • 回复: @awry
  151. A123 说:





    • 回复: @Thomasina
  152. Sean 说:


    是。 报复行为不太可能发生,如果我没记错的话,一位美国记者在 2006 年黎巴嫩战争中说过,以色列不干涉真主党的火箭队,这样就有借口敲响黎巴嫩的七个钟声。他们想要摧毁基础设施,以便黎巴嫩为容忍耶路撒冷部队的保护者付出最惨重的代价





  153. Dannyboy 说:



    • 同意: Trinity
    • 不同意: artichoke
  154. Desert Fox 说:

    联合国报告称,美国对萨达姆·侯赛因的战争估计造成 1.7 万平民死亡,其中估计有 500 万至 6 万儿童。

  155. Ron Unz 说:
    @Just passing through

    美国真理报 系列当然内容非常丰富,但这些文章需要相当多的时间来阅读和检查文章本身中的超链接。如果听起来不像一个有优越感的人,大多数人都无法阅读并掌握这么多信息。


    • 回复: @Kapyong
    , @Brewer
  156. DaveE 说:




    • 同意: artichoke
    • 回复: @AnonStarter
    , @anon
  157. Thomasina 说:


    也不买那个。 他们的反应不会足够快,除非他们真的预料到了。


    这有点像有人在等待,有人提前发出警告:周日早上 6:00,在黑暗中,手里拿着相机,相机以正确的角度瞄准正确的方向。



    • 回复: @onebornfree
  158. Phil Giraldi 谈到“有针对性的乌克兰航空公司”,Ron Unz 则针对“特定的细分市场”。都好!

    尽管如此,在下面链接的文章中,当地的《纽约时报》发出了一封信,针对的是一所被认为具有反以色列主义的特定大学。 😲



  159. @PeterMX

    摘自《耶路撒冷邮报》,13 年 2020 月 XNUMX 日:



    社交媒体上流传的视频显示,伊朗学生在接近大旗帜时分开,并尽力避免踩到它们。 一些确实走过旗帜的人遭到该地区抗议者的嘘声,高喊着“你们真丢脸”。


    希勒尔·诺伊尔(Hillel Neuer)


    亲爱的@EU_eeas @JosepBorrellF:

    这些勇敢的伊朗学生拒绝践踏美国和以色列国旗,代表着对更美好中东的希望。 与他们接触并促进他们而不是他们的压迫者,也许伊朗支持的整个地区的战争和恐怖将会结束。 https://twitter.com/UNWatch/status/1216350041193041921 ......“




    • 回复: @artichoke
    , @ivan
    , @renfro
    , @PeterMX
  160. @AnonStarter


    • 回复: @AnonStarter
  161. niceland 说:

    问题: 这看起来像是从 TorM1 系统发射的吗?据我所知,Tor 是一个垂直发射器。 “导弹从运载火箭垂直弹出,然后快速旋转……”


    请参阅此处有关 TorM1 的简单说明:

    从视频来看,这两枚导弹不是垂直发射的,很可能来自其他物体。也许是 2012 年部署的 RAAD 系统

    • 回复: @artichoke
  162. Skeptikal 说:



    • 回复: @JimDandy
  163. artichoke 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert



    • 回复: @barr
  164. artichoke 说:



  165. artichoke 说:
    @Just passing through


  166. Anonymous[230]• 免责声明 说:


    不正确。民用 ATC 应答器和军用 IFF 应答器以完全相同的频率运行——接收频率为 1030MHz,发射频率为 1090MHz。



    • 回复: @artichoke
    , @Curmudgeon
  167. @Super Dark Secrets


    你和鲍勃哈默一起刚刚加入了 UR 的一次性马甲旅的行列。

  168. JimDandy 说:



    • 回复: @Skeptikal
  169. ivan 说:


    • 回复: @Herald
  170. barr 说:
    @Just passing through





  171. ivan 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    无论这些伊朗人选择走在以色列还是美国国旗上,他们都会发现,就像黎巴嫩基督徒和库尔德人发现的那样,他们只不过是犹太复国主义者的炮灰。 犹太复国主义者及其美国同伙的卑鄙本质并不在于他们在方便的时候轻易地背叛了他们迄今为止所支持的人

    • 同意: Colin Wright
    • 回复: @L.K
  172. barr 说:


  173. @DaveE


    我知道您可能没有时间完全解决这些问题,但是您能对匿名者的任何陈述发表意见吗 点击此处?

  174. Lot 说:
    @Just passing through




    • 回复: @barr
  175. @Thomasina

    托马西娜说:“这就像有人在等待,有人提前发出警告:周日早上 6:00,在黑暗中,手里拿着相机,相机以正确的角度瞄准正确的方向。”

    我们如何知道所指控的视频是真实的? – 它们可能是 100% 假的,通过计算机 [CGI] 预制的。 就算是真实的镜头,谁能说是那天晚上拍的呢? – 可能是几个月前,或者几年前。 真的,我没有充分的理由相信完全无法证实的、所谓的事件的镜头,其中已经嵌入了其他摄影造假的例子——请参阅我之前的文章[48]中的链接,以获取揭露众多漏洞的文章在官方故事中。


    • 回复: @Thomasina
  176. Kapyong 说:
    @Ron Unz



  177. barr 说:


    以色列国防军司令承认以色列向叙利亚恐怖分子提供武器以色列陆军参谋长承认向戈兰高地的“叙利亚叛军”提供武器和支持多么高尚:即将退休的以色列参谋长告诉纽约时报:“我们袭击了数千个目标,但没有声称负责或寻求功劳”以色列国防军参谋长艾森科特声称以色列在叙利亚的行动遏制了伊朗,《真主党外交政策》杂志12月报道称,以色列向藏身于叙利亚南部的至少75个反叛组织提供武器并提供资金。据报道,这一安排包括以色列官员除了向叛乱分子领导人从黑市购买武器获得的资金外,还向叛乱分子提供每人每月 XNUMX 美元的津贴


  178. Z-man 说:

    感谢您的回复和视频,但需要明确的是,我不是在道歉,而是在澄清。正如我多次说过的那样,基督教犹太复国主义,一个狂热的传统教派,是 OXY 的最佳定义白痴.

  179. Ron Unz 说:

    所以让我在这里说得非常清楚。他们(理所应当)感到愤怒、骚乱的原因是这个政权 *撒谎* 向他们讲述飞机失事的原因。

    好吧,我不是这起不幸事故所涉及的所有问题的专家,但我仍然认为你对伊朗政府太严厉了。这是 Saker 写的一篇非常明智的文章,我们可能应该在几天前重新发布:


    • 回复: @Brewer
    , @L.K
    , @Wizard of Oz
    , @Rurik
  180. geokat62 说:
    @Ron Unz


    正如 ADL 和其他 JSO 无疑意识到的那样,您的《美国真理报》系列对于持不同政见者群体来说是无价的。一个拥有像你这样的教育背景、知识和经验的人,能够写出深入的文章,这些文章的来源主要是那些以说真话而闻名的人所写的书籍,这会给那些敢于挑战“当权者”最权威的人带来巨大的可信度。珍贵的圣牛,例如大屠杀、9/11、肯尼迪等。虽然他们可能相对容易地将大多数持不同政见者视为反犹太主义疯子,但他们会更困难地对你做同样的事情。


    • 同意: Daniel Rich, secondElijah
  181. Brewer 说:
    @Ron Unz


  182. L.K 说:


    费雷什泰·萨德吉 (Fereshteh Sadeghi)


    本周抗议者的社会阶层主要是中上层阶级、大学生。 我告诉一两个朋友,他们来自同一阶层,曾大量参加 2 年选举后的抗议活动。 我称他们为政治抗议者。 他们通常住在德黑兰。

    这些👆抗议者与2018年冬季和2019年XNUMX月参加全国(小城市)或大城市郊区示威的示威者完全不同,而德黑兰则远离他们。 我称他们为经济抗议者。










    • 回复: @ivan
  183. Brewer 说:
    @Ron Unz


  184. geokat62 说:





    为了实现这一目标,我们做了很多工作。 我们恢复了国家的统一。 我们已经克服了政府某些权力基本上被寡头集团篡夺的局面。





    对总统候选人的要求必须更加严格。 我建议正式制定一项要求,规定总统候选人必须在俄罗斯拥有至少 25 年永久居留权,并且没有外国公民身份或居留许可,不仅在竞选期间如此,而且在竞选之前的任何时间也是如此。 我知道人们正在讨论宪法规定一个人不能连续担任俄罗斯联邦总统超过两届。 我不认为这是一个原则问题,但我仍然支持并同意这个观点。

  185. renfro 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert


    美国国务院一直在资助伊朗虚假信息项目……他们与 FFD 和美国之音以及美国之音的 MEK 记者 Masih Alinejad 签订了合同。

    • 回复: @Franklin Ryckaert
  186. Alfred 说:

    A123 显然是为以色列工作的巨魔。我的建议是不要在他身上浪费时间。

    • 谢谢: L.K
    • 巨魔: A123
  187. L.K 说:
    @Ron Unz


    而且你可以 100% 确定“rurik”都不是。


    俄罗斯军事网站 Avia.pro 讨论了 737 月 8 日乌克兰波音 179 飞机(从德黑兰起飞)起飞几分钟后坠毁的“人为失误”问题,导致 XNUMX 名乘客和机组人员死亡。

    该报告根据军事专家的说法暗示,该事件与 20 年 2018 月在叙利亚拉塔基亚摧毁一架俄罗斯 IL-XNUMX 飞机的情况(逐点)非常相似。

    以色列战斗机和紧随其后的叙利亚导弹使用俄罗斯飞机作为盾牌,即使这意味着飞机被摧毁并造成 15 名乘客死亡。

    俄罗斯军事网站引用了一项独立调查,该调查得出的结论是,美国对 8 月 XNUMX 日的悲剧“至少负有部分责任”:





    “自从飞行员掉头后,美国的网络攻击很可能也集中在乌克兰波音飞机的导航系统上。这并不是美国人第一次采取此类行动。”Avia.pro 表示。


  188. anon[230]• 免责声明 说:

    戴夫 说:


    我在波音公司工作了很短一段时间,我可以告诉你 IFF 应答器与起落架一样需要.


    又一个无知的装腔作势者。 如果您知道自己在做什么,则只需不到一分钟。飞机上所需的所有设备均在美国联邦航空管理局 (FAA) 提供的最低设备清单中。 737 的最低设备清单如下:


    您不会在此列表中找到 IFF,这意味着它不是必需的。 您会发现 ATC 应答器,它不是 IFF。

  189. @geokat62

    美国也应该采取同样的政策,甚至更强硬。 美国和以色列双重公民不仅不应该被允许担任任何官方职务,还应该取消他们的美国公民身份,并将他们驱逐到以色列。 他们是外国和(加密)敌对国家的特工。

  190. L.K 说:

    由 ICH 和机构提供

    16 年 2020 月 XNUMX 日“信息交换所”——伊朗正在调查美国的网络攻击为何可能是伊朗武器系统运营商将客机误认为巡航导弹的原因。




    • 回复: @ivan
  191. @renfro


    • 回复: @Rurik
  192. @geokat62

    普京 : “……我们已经克服了政府中某些权力基本上被寡头集团篡夺的局面……”

    “寡头家族”,读作:犹太黑帮。 禁止具有双重国籍或居住权的人进入政府的举措旨在排除具有俄罗斯和以色列双重国籍的犹太人。 再想一想,有人坚持认为普京“为犹太人工作”。

    • 同意: Colin Wright
  193. ivan 说:




  194. ivan 说:



    可能性的平衡是,一支特定的伊朗部队没有经过适当的训练,发射的不是一枚而是两枚导弹(第二枚导弹是在相当长一段时间后)击落了不幸的乌克兰客机。看起来好像 TOR 系统很大程度上是模拟的(根据 utu 的说法),除了有人实际更改部件之外,黑客攻击的可能性是不存在的。

  195. ivan 说:


    • 回复: @L.K
  196. 考虑一下:伊朗接近美国,或者美国通过秘密渠道悄悄接近伊朗。已经确定的是,某位将军的活动会产生适得其反的效果。他阻碍了任何停战的机会,或者即使进行了谈判,也很快就会导致这种可能性的失败。

    在双方都认为这名将军是一个政治问题,如果伊朗人将他除掉可能会导致内部混乱之后,双方同意如果美国除掉这名将军,伊朗将发射几枚报复性导弹,只会产生良性结果。 ......导弹落下无害,美国悄悄吸收了这次打击。

    那么伊朗的领导层,即伊朗的建制派,并没有被废除——它仍然掌权。对当权派的内部威胁被消除。 ......以及某种障碍





  197. Alfred 说:

    在这里的 100 多条评论中,没有人提到乌克兰国际航空公司的真正所有权。

    Kolomoisky 是乌克兰最大航空公司的最终受益者之一(2015 年)








    如果一架载有 200 名乘客的以色列客机在未来 12 个月内“消失”,请不要感到惊讶。这就是美国人玩这个“游戏”时泛美航空发生的事情

    • 谢谢: Iris
  198. Biff 说:



    • 巨魔: A123
  199. PeterMX 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert




    • 回复: @PeterMX
    , @Franklin Ryckaert
  200. Momus 说:

    重点是,如果预计该机场 24 小时内不会有民用航班入境。


    • 回复: @anon
  201. PeterMX 说:

    我读过 PCR 的文章,它解释了很多。我一直想知道为什么我遇到了不止一位不能忍受普京总统的俄罗斯年轻人,但当我问一个白痴是否熟悉叶利钦时,他说他对他一无所知。

  202. Thomasina 说:



    • 回复: @onebornfree
  203. @Ron Unz


    • 同意: Colin Wright
  204. 那么让我看看我是否理解。美军有能力干扰/关闭敌方领土上空的商用飞机转发器,同时干扰敌方防空系统,却无法阻止对数百英里外己方军事基地的精确打击?这次罢工似乎向美国纳税人、盟友和国防承包商客户表明,在防空盾牌上花费的数十亿美元已经浪费在虚假技术上。

  205. @geokat62



    • 哈哈: geokat62
  206. HBM 说:

    我同意菲尔的怀疑态度,并且不排除伊朗人实际上没有这样做。 在我看来,这是伊朗的错误,就像美国、以色列或沙特负有直接责任一样。

    我仍然想知道以色列是否没有直接刺杀苏莱马尼。 特朗普可能是一个愿意的参与者。 或者,蓬佩奥和捐助团伙可能会欺骗和哄骗无知的特朗普,这可以解释特朗普对整件事明显感到惊讶的原因。 或者,也许是以色列隐形无人机做到了。 也许以色列对特朗普愿意与伊朗接触并不满意,他们看到了杀死苏莱马尼的机会并抓住了这个机会,敢于向美国喊话。 一开始,伊朗人声称华盛顿邀请苏莱马尼与沙特阿拉伯进行某种缓和,但遭到背叛。 比比无端站出来,百分百否认以色列参与其中。 伊朗的导弹报复显然是一场戏剧; 美国的基地已经得到了预先警告,这在我看来就像是美国批准的为伊朗保全面子的行动,与特朗普因阿萨德的“毒气袭击”而袭击叙利亚机场的行动完全不同。 (特朗普很快就声称伤亡为零,尽管有些人现在声称有 100 名美国人受伤。)埃斯珀公开反驳特朗普所谓的伊朗“有计划的袭击”,并为暗杀辩护。 最近,政府声称这次袭击并不意外,而是“已经计划了几个月”。 当然,媒体没有兴趣去大力追究事件的真相,因为以色列从中受益。

  207. Stefan 说:

    “敌我识别系统只有在飞机配备了敌我识别的情况下才能确定飞机是敌是友。没有商业客机机上配备 IFF。”



    • 回复: @anon
  208. @PeterMX

    是的,无论他们是定居在马达加斯加还是比罗比詹,他们都会破坏邻近地区的稳定。 当然,这一切都是出于“自卫”。 这就是这个民族的本性。

  209. Stefan 说:

    “没有商业客机机上配备 IFF。”





    • 回复: @anon
  210. Parfois1 说:
    @Just passing through



    我正在尝试粘贴亚当·柯蒂斯 (Adam Curtis) 的《自我的世纪》纪录片的链接,但有些东西阻碍了我的努力。你必须进行搜索,但对于那些没有看过的人来说这是值得的。篇幅比较长,分三部分,大概三个小时。



    • 谢谢: Iris
  211. @The Company


    “当特朗普在乔·Q(少)公众面前谈论大男子主义时,他采取了不同的方式,愤怒但 秘密地尝试与伊朗人修复关系,敦促他们降级,再次证实了我一直归于他的MO——为白痴非犹太人说一件事,以保护自己免受犹太人的彻底攻击,同时在相反的方向上工作

    4 月 52 日,即伊朗最高军事领导人卡西姆·苏莱马尼 (Qassem Soleimani) 被杀两天后,特朗普在推特上愤怒地表示,如果美国因伊朗袭击而遭受损失,他将打击包括伊朗遗产地在内的 XNUMX 个目标,以便进行潜在的报复,并警告说“那些人”目标,以及伊朗本身,将受到非常快、非常重的打击”,美国总统忙着秘密使用加密的秘密渠道,将世界从战争边缘拉回来。

    据《华尔街日报》报道,就在美国发动袭击导致伊朗少将卡西姆·苏莱马尼身亡数小时后, 特朗普政府向德黑兰发出紧急秘密信息:“不要升级。” 美国官员告诉《华尔街日报》,加密的传真信息是通过瑞士驻伊朗大使馆发送的,这是两国之间为数不多的直接、保密通信方式之一。 随后,尽管美国和伊朗高层领导人正在煽动爱国情绪和民族主义热情,但在疯狂地试图缓和紧张局势的同时,白宫和伊朗领导人在接下来的几天里交换了进一步的信息,两国官员称这些信息远比美国和伊朗领导人更加谨慎。政客们公开发表的激烈言辞


    因此,特朗普秘密与伊朗人达成协议,允许他们进行报复,但不能造成受害者。 这样伊朗就可以“保住面子”,而不必迫使美国发动战争。 这意味着特朗普并不完全受犹太人控制。 他们于今年秋天成立,但特朗普没有咬紧牙关。

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  212. 应答器停止发射的概率?不知道,但我们假设是 1 %
    早上 6 点,一名旁观者携带方便的夜间摄像机在拦截现场下方行走的概率?也不知道,但我们诚实地假设最多为 10%。
    现在,如果这两个事件是“独立的”(正如它们应该的那样),那么这两个事件同时发生的概率,或者简化为接近同时发生的概率,就是 1/100 * 1/10 = 1 out 1000 opportunity 。低的 !

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  213. Herald 说:


  214. @Thomasina







  215. sally 说:

    你可能会看一下这个分析..因为它说两枚导弹击中了飞机,一枚恐怖分子导弹,另一枚友善地开火.. https://logik-idee.com/2020/01/16/iran-plane-crash-ps-572-a-terror-attack-what-caused-last-explosion-4-seconds-before-plane-crash/..很好的分析..

  216. 我在16月XNUMX日发表的博客上写了一篇类似的文章,并提出了许多相同的观点。制作了一个名为“飞机真相”的视频。



  217. @DaveE

    谷歌改变了他们的搜索算法,忽略或隐藏了非犹太洁食结果,我在 17 年前创建的一个网站上亲眼目睹过这种情况,该网站的内容对以色列提出了严厉批评。突然之间,在过去的一两年内,只有搜索机器人访问该网站。

    YouTube 通过从其推荐视频和搜索结果中删除被视为“阴谋论”等的视频内容来实现同样的目标。

    我知道 Facebook 和 Twitter 上也发生了类似的事情。


    再加上最近的反 BDS 立法,以及如果有学生因亲巴勒斯坦抗议活动(现在在新扩大的定义中被视为“反犹太主义”)而冒犯,则拒绝向大学提供联邦资助。


    并且“似乎没有人注意到......似乎没有人关心……”——乔治·卡林 <——这一切中最糟糕的部分

  218. anon[230]• 免责声明 说:

    “敌我识别系统只有在飞机配备了敌我识别的情况下才能确定飞机是敌是友。 没有商业客机机上配备 IFF。”



    证明给我看。 在 faa.gov 网站上提供 FAA 实际法规的链接,该法规要求在 737 上配备 IFF。

    • 回复: @Kapyong
  219. anon[105]• 免责声明 说:


  220. anon[230]• 免责声明 说:

    “没有商业客机机上配备 IFF。”


    正确的 商用飞机上功能正常的应答器将传输其独特的尖叫代码 当敌我识别雷达询问时,将其识别为非军事目标。

    以下是美国联邦航空管理局 (FAA) 关于尖叫代码的实际规定的链接。


    如果您仔细阅读该文件,您会发现尖叫代码不能识别非军用飞机,甚至是唯一分配的 而是飞机处于哪个飞行阶段和空域或者飞机是否出现紧急情况。


  221. @onebornfree

    onebornfree 说:“几乎所有对这类事件的‘严肃’、‘科学’、‘另类’调查都是从这样一个未经证实的假设开始的,甚至是‘调查员’承认这样一个[最终]重要的假​​设一开始就已经被制造出来了。”

    傻我啊! 措辞不正确。 😠




  222. Kapyong 说:

    “证明给我看。在 faa.gov 网站上提供 FAA 实际法规的链接,该法规要求 737 飞机配备敌机识别功能。”


    商用飞机没有 IFF 应答器的说法有证据支持 - 例如您发布的列表,它确实显示了 ATC 应答器,但没有 IFF。网上的快速搜索似乎也证实了这一点。


    我怀疑这两种类型的应答器之间存在一些混淆 - 我了解军用飞机可以使用商用和军用 ATC / IFF 代码,但商用飞机不能使用军用 IFF 代码(对吗?)

    • 回复: @anon
    , @A123
  223. Adam Smith 说:







  224. @onebornfree





  225. Tucker 说:
    @El Dato


    我记得早在 2000 年代初就读到过,来自得克萨斯州克劳福德的可卡因脑损伤、撒谎大规模杀伤性武器的叙述兜售战犯和大屠杀者,让他的军人跟踪阿富汗牧羊人的手机——一旦他们转身他们打开手机,确定自己的确切位置,然后向这些坐标发射无人机导弹。



    • 回复: @L.K
  226. Rurik 说:
    @Ron Unz


    我在您的网站上有相当多的评论概要,“6,748 条评论• 1,614,500 字”,可以追溯到 2013 年。

    在所有这些评论中,我从未对伊朗现任政府表达过任何敌意。事实上恰恰相反,因为我一直是伊朗、其政府和人民的直言不讳的捍卫者,特别是当我在世界舞台上看到他们受到我所说的“恶魔”的威胁时 – ZOG 。

    我今天对伊朗政权的批评,特别是对飞机发生的事情撒谎,或者,正如我提到的,如果他们的军事领导人对向政权撒谎毫无悔意,而该政权只是重复他们的军事领导人所说的谎言如果他们,那么我认为该政权已经失去了军队的尊重,因此是无能的。 (这显然比撒谎要好。)

    所以,我不认为我有丝毫不公平。我可以把自己想象成一个伊朗人,自 1979 年以来一直支持政府(并且仍将支持革命),但仍然会要求在飞机上撒谎的人必须下台。


    像伊朗抗议者一样,我 得到 那。我还惊讶地发现,有多少人似乎并不认为自己或他们的军事领导人是否撒谎并不重要。



    这个人 [Rurik ;] 有什么知识? ] 拥有像防空系统这样具体的东西?没有任何。





    这是一个明智的决定吗?因为 “到目前为止,我们掌握的所有信息都过于零散,在这种情况下这是可以预料到的。” ?



    或者没有人可能知道发生了什么,因为伊朗处于高度戒备状态,(因为鲁里克 美国人,刚刚刺杀了他们的将军,现在正在威胁他们的文化遗址!)。类似的东西,也许是LK?


    现在 认为, LK其实说得很好。





    我想我最近读到了这架乌克兰喷气式飞机与以色列/乌克兰寡头伊霍尔·科洛莫伊斯基(Ihor Kolomoyskyi)有联系。我情不自禁地想起他对 MH17 被击落以及数百人丧生的反应,认为这是“一件小事”。





    但它确实符合我的一切 do 了解今天的乌克兰(自纽兰/卡根齐奥政变以来日本至上主义者占领的领土)。

    ~ 向 Unz 先生致歉,因为我用我给你的回复也回复了.. emm,其他评论者。

    • 巨魔: L.K
  227. anon[230]• 免责声明 说:

    我怀疑这两种类型的应答器之间存在一些混淆 - 我了解军用飞机可以使用商用和军用 ATC / IFF 代码,但商用飞机不能使用军用 IFF 代码(对吗?)

    正确的!! 现代军用敌我识别应答器支持所有民用未加密模式以及加密军用模式,让您能够辨别敌友。

  228. Rurik 说:
    @Franklin Ryckaert


    这就是难题。 随着敬爱的将军被暗杀,伊朗人民似乎团结起来对抗他们的共同威胁——祖萨。









    ..那么崩溃的后果将针对((西方))。 坠机事件给政权带来问题的唯一方法就是他们撒谎,然后真相大白,每个人都知道他们撒了谎。


    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  229. A123 说:

    我怀疑这两种类型的应答器之间存在一些混淆 - 我了解军用飞机可以使用商用和军用 ATC / IFF 代码,但商用飞机不能使用军用 IFF 代码(对吗?)



    — 标准民用应答器代码 = IFF 军用模式 3。
    — 标准民用应答器高度报告 = IFF 军用模式 C。




  230. @AnonStarter




  231. KenH 说:




  232. FB 说: • 您的网站
    @Frederick V. Reed

    [吉拉尔迪先生]是否了解电子战? 这听起来像是阴谋论的诞生。




    然而,干扰或干扰托尔导弹系统来击落客机将需要UFO级别的技术……仅仅是因为所涉及的距离……如果你看一下地图,德黑兰距离美国电子战飞机可以到达的任何地方都有数百公里可能运行……即使是美国库存中最强大的此类飞机,基于 C-130 的“指南针呼叫”飞机的有效飞行距离也可能达到几十公里……

    对 Tor 或被击落的飞机进行电子干扰的唯一方法是从地面本地进行……也许是由一些破坏者……这可能最多涉及无线电语音通信……

    这架注定失败的航班是通过流行的基于网络的跟踪系统进行跟踪的[该系统由几乎所有商用飞机现在使用的新一代 ADS-B 应答器实现,并且传输飞机的位置、速度和飞行方向……这就是为什么它是这样的。任何拥有接收器的人都可以基本上看到 ATC 看到的内容……]

    飞机似乎确实失去了 ADSB 信号,但不清楚这是在飞机被击中之前还是之后……如果是在击中之后,可能是飞行员试图通过将应答器设置为“来遵循程序”大声喊出紧急代码……但错误地把它关掉了……


    它不会做任何事情来迷惑 Tor…欺骗应答器信号,使 Tor 看起来它正在朝不同的方向前进,理论上再次可以使用附近的地面设备…尽管这将涉及极其专业的设备…我会说在那里确实这种可能性为零……

    无论如何,都不可能欺骗 Tor 雷达,让其认为波音 737 是小型巡航导弹……欺骗不是这样工作的……它使用所谓的数字射频存储器 [DRFM] 来捕获敌方雷达信号并发送它会稍微改变……方向、速度等……例如模仿多普勒频移的小延迟,雷达从中获取有关目标的方向信息……


    至于“欺骗”Tor 系统……这是完全不可能的,因为它不仅有两个非常复杂的雷达系统,还有用于可见光和热的视觉成像传感器……这是一个 Tor 在其显示屏上拾取了一架小型四轴飞行器……



  233. Alfred 说:



  234. Thomasina 说:





    • 同意: Alfred
    • 回复: @Desert Fox
    , @onebornfree
  235. Wally 说:



  236. Skeptikal 说:

    阅读汤姆·隆戈 (Tom Luongo) 所说的关于民主党和他自己的“团队”如何玩弄特朗普的内容。
    根据 Luongo 的说法,他们现在可以让特朗普在他们想要的地方。

    • 回复: @artichoke
  237. Trinity 说:

    有人说,可萨理论已经被正式揭穿,但如果这些人——自称是犹太人——没有古代可萨人的怪癖、怪癖、偏执和好战倾向,那该死的。大多数所谓的德系犹太人看起来根本不像中东人。他们看起来确实和来自东欧的人一模一样。但话又说回来,如果我们将旧约视为历史文本,即使是圣经中的犹太人也经常与其他部落发生战争。一方面,我不认为这些“德系犹太人”是圣经中所说的犹太人,他们当然看起来不像那个地区的人,但这可能是由于与欧洲人的种族混合而发生的。知道或者谁真正关心。重要的是这些人不会也似乎不能与任何其他种族、宗教或信仰和平相处。他们已被驱逐出不同国家和地区百余次,自巴勒斯坦土地被盗以来,这些人在中东期间不断滋事,给巴勒斯坦人、叙利亚人、黎巴嫩人甚至黎巴嫩人造成了难以估量的伤害。该地区的老人、妇女和儿童。不要忘记,这些人在自由号和拉冯事件上的故意暴力行为也夺去了英国和美国人的生命。这些人还直接和间接地对多年来在美国乃至现在在欧洲激起的种族分裂和仇恨负有责任。 100 年代我们学院和大学所教授的大多数反白人仇恨的发起者几乎都是犹太人主导的议程,犹太教授向年轻人和易受影响的人倾诉他们的仇恨。这不是教育,这是灌输。即使在今天,当你听到或读到美国或国外某所大学的某些教授所拥护的一些过分且公开的反白人言论时,你几乎可以保证该教授很可能是犹太人,时不时地撒上象征性的非白色,以达到良好的效果。

  238. Mike-SMO 说:

    你们玩得太开心了。 一般的搞砸理论有很多道理。

    移动导弹部队必须通过无线电进行通信。 严格的无线电纪律是绝对必要的。 当“每个人”说话时,没有人说话。


    此外,ATC 应答器受到多个站点(ATC、AA 防御、可能是附近的战斗机)的质询/询问,可能会“过载”应答器,使其看起来已关闭/消失。 我不认为应答器有“忙”信号。

    任何防御性对空站点都不会相信应答器的返回,因为它太容易被欺骗。 仅当导弹操作员获得预定时间时,它才可能建议使用民用飞机。


    未知目标的高度太高。 正如叙利亚所表明的那样,令人讨厌的东西出现在“树顶”。 一名乘坐 BUFF(B-52)的家庭成员开玩笑说,翼下塔架上有树叶和树枝,而且不得不在乡村道路上的停车标志处停车。

    就摄像头图像而言,“每个人”都有多摄像头监控系统。 我昨天路过当地的沃尔玛,那里挂满了摄像头,还有一个拖车/桅杆系统和另一个摄像头系统。 我见过的家庭安全系统有多个摄像头,可以通过 DVD 转盘下载到录像机。 在伊朗,很明显可能会发生一些事情,并且附近有某种设施,因此业余技术人员可能会在该地区安装一个指向整个天空的摄像机集群。 如果没有什么的话,DVD 很便宜,不像传统电影。 他/她/他们很幸运地拥有一台相机。 卖这些图片可能赚了很多钱。

    伊斯兰革命卫队/圣城军招募士兵是为了忠诚和服从,而不是为了“聪明”。 建立和运行飞机交通控制系统和防空系统需要相当多的“智能”。 在主要民用机场的作战区域内运行防空系统充其量是很棘手的。 将所有民用交通从宝贵的军事设施上转移出去是“明智的”。 以喷气式飞机和巡航导弹的速度,操作员没有太多时间来解决歧义或冲突。 防御导弹系统操作员也可能面临在“下一枚”巡航导弹击中发射器(使用它或释放它)之前射击的压力。


    考虑邪恶的阴谋可能很有趣,但这似乎是传统的“哎呀”级联。 普通的无能似乎比超级复杂的阴谋/渗透/诡计更有可能。

  239. awry 说:

    地对空导弹操作员没有看到飞机,而是坐在车内,只看到雷达屏幕。显然,他们的上级与民用空中管制部门失去了联系,因此他们没有告诉他们有一架客机正在起飞。 Tor-M1 SAM 复合体无法询问民用应答器,只能询问苏联/俄罗斯的敌我识别器。它是在苏联设计和制造的(或者在 90 年代的俄罗斯,但是同一件事)。当然,伊朗人可能对其进行了修改,但可能只是为了使其与他们的军机使用的敌我识别系统兼容。

  240. @The Company

    '……但它无法阻止对数百英里外自己的军事基地的精确打击? '



  241. @Franklin Ryckaert



    • 回复: @The Company
  242. @Christophe GJ

    '...现在,如果这两个事件是“独立的”(理应如此),那么这两个事件同时发生的概率,或者简化为接近同时发生的概率,就是 1/100 * 1/10 = 1 out 1000 opportunity 。低的 !'



  243. artichoke 说:

    如果ATC使用不同的频率进行接收和发射,飞机如何听到其他飞机与ATC通信?如果无论位置如何都是相同的频率,为什么一个 ATC 中心会给出飞机联系下一个 ATC 中心的频率?

    • 回复: @A123
  244. artichoke 说:

    他罢免了约翰·博尔顿并拒绝攻击伊朗,这让新保守派陷入了中风。他们想要针对背道的什叶派发动圣战,他们会得到它。迈克·彭斯(Mike Pence)将成为他们的化身,直到他通过 2020 年的虚假选举被罢免。

    也就是说,新保守派希望对伊朗发动一场失败的战争。就像我们在 9/11 事件后加强伊朗的行动一样,他们希望我们再次失败。还记得约翰·麦凯恩在中东与各种卑鄙的人交往吗?


  245. Desert Fox 说:


  246. @Rurik

    ZUS 是一种永久的、双重目的的恶习/美德实践,通过让伊朗领导层保持更高的道德标准来分散评论者的注意力,🙄Rurik 训诫 Franklin Ryckaert:

    鲁里克,我很抱歉你给自己造成了信誉“危机”。顺便说一句,ZUS 承认无论是防守还是进攻都没有弱点。

    • 同意: FB, L.K, Iris
    • 回复: @Rurik
  247. A123 说:

    如果ATC使用不同的频率进行接收和发射,飞机如何听到其他飞机与ATC通信?如果无论位置如何都是相同的频率,为什么一个 ATC 中心会给出飞机联系下一个 ATC 中心的频率?


    空中交通管制 [ATC] 音频 为每个“中心”和地面站(例如机场)使用不同的保留频率。选择这些是为了避免相互干扰。我认为这是您所询问的 ATC 中心“到下一个中​​心”的声音切换。

    ATC 的频率 雷达 与保留的音频频段 100% 不同,但在所有 ATC 位置都相同。使用单独的接收和发射频率有助于防止更强的询问信号意外淹没尖叫响应。


    • 回复: @ploni almoni
  248. L.K 说:



  249. L.K 说:

    2006 年以色列战败几年后,管理严密的真主党在其军事部门内部捣毁了一个犹太复国主义渗透组织。


    14 年 2020 月 XNUMX 日作者:Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich

    这位匿名摄像师拍摄了这段 19 秒的视频,视频显示,PS752 航班于早上 6.15 左右从德黑兰伊玛目霍梅内伊机场起飞后不久,一枚导弹击中了该航班。 这个人在拍摄过程中保持沉默,一边抽烟(烟雾在屏幕上短暂飘过),他站在帕兰德郊区,向西北方向望去。 《纽约时报》使用卫星数据证实了他的位置。 该报快速整合技术资源的方式引发了一个奇怪的问题:看似随机提交的视频如何获得如此细致的关注。



    事实证明,收到该视频并被《纽约时报》称赞为提交视频的纳里曼·加里布 (Nariman Gharib) 是一位大声疾呼的反伊朗政府异见人士,他并不住在伊朗。他在社交媒体帖子中热心推动政权更迭。 ……

    • 回复: @ivan
  250. Rurik 说:




    2 + 2 4

    2 + 2 不= 5,也不= 3.5

    2 + 2 = ? 4

    我不在乎有多少议程驱动的人愿意在这一事实上妥协,因为他们怀有一个与 2 + 2 = 5 一致的个人议程,只要它是 提出索赔的人。







    如果是这样,那么至少知道这就是分数是件好事,当领导者撒谎时,这完全取决于你是否 喜欢 他们在做出判断时。

  251. @Thomasina

    托马西娜说:“好点。 谢谢。 今天有太多谎言被散布,很难辨别哪些是真的,哪些是假的,而且这是由所谓的可信来源(政府、联邦调查局、司法部)完成的,所以大多数人相信这一定是真的。”


    我知道这些的唯一原因是通过我调查 9/11 的经历。 孤独的研究员西蒙·沙克(Simon Shacks)进行了令人难以置信的研究,才让我了解到那天早上事件的所有“现场”美国 MSM 镜头,包括佛罗里达州。 175 对 WTC2 的“袭击”,以及随后 *WTC 2、然后 1、然后 7 的倒塌,实际上是预先制作的、计算机生成的 [CGI] 虚假“现场”镜头,然后在当天早上错误地播放为真实的镜头“现场”录像:

    参见:“9/11 骗局——伪造的“实时”MSM 图像”:

    一旦个人跨越了那个特定的“卢比孔河”,即使相信 MSM 甚至“另类”媒体发布的任何图像的真实性,也不会立即返回到[包括本文开头的图像,该图像出现在我熟练的眼睛看来,这是一张假照片,原因有很多,在之前的文章中已经给出了]。


    • 回复: @artichoke
  252. Curmudgeon 说:


    • 回复: @anon
  253. Ben_C 说:

    菲尔号商用飞机被击落后,伊朗并没有发生“骚乱”。 正如我们一再被告知的那样,目前正在进行的最“和平”的“抗议”刚刚恢复。

  254. 嗨,留里克!

    仅供参考,1981 年 XNUMX 月*,在多个中东国家*,胜利的里根政府一定非常喜欢(未受限制的)合作的伊朗谈判官员,因为阿亚图拉霍梅尼在卡特被击败后释放了美国人质。 🙄 另一个从未讲述过的最伟大历史故事的例子,是鲁里克吗?

    伊朗伊斯兰共和国,政府时代精神,1980 年左右;



    2. 美国/以色列 + 2. 战争目标伊拉克/伊朗 =
    4-实现逊尼派/什叶派团结。 👹

    (叹息)你最好成为大以色列,否则你就完了!因此,对伊朗的“撒谎”感到愤怒,是吧,鲁里克? 🙄 好吧,好吧,但是请参阅下面的更多世界犹太人大会代数?

    1. 乌克兰客机坠落 + 1. 特朗普大型喷气式飞机因弹劾被击落 = 齐奥·拜登版本的 PNAC 新政的 1 个启动。

    因此,继续对撒谎的伊朗做出判断,Rurik,👍,同时,天选之人将祝福他的 ZUS 弹药。
    艾德·默罗(Ed Murrow)的“祝你好运”,菲尔·吉拉尔迪(Phil Giraldi)的“晚安美国”。

    * 1981年,当我在被占领的伯利恒街道上漫步时,我和一位聪明的巴勒斯坦导游一起,礼貌地向他询问了有关犹太人和公开展示基督教符号、艺术的情况。该男子回答说:“年轻人,我告诉你实话,以色列人甚至讨厌市场上出现加号(+),因为这会在人们的脑海中唤起一个十字➕。”

    • 回复: @Rurik
  255. ivan 说:

    我认为 Mike-SMO, 251 已经涵盖了这一点。它很可能来自静态监控摄像头。

    • 不同意: L.K
  256. Parfois1 说:







    • 同意: FB, Brewer, Robjil
    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
    , @Rurik
  257. Rurik 说:

    因此,继续对撒谎的伊朗做出判断,留里克,同时,天选之人将祝福他的 ZUS 弹药。


    但你有点表达了我的观点,即我以最严厉的措辞谴责伊朗的不诚实行为,这是我的习惯,这只有助于支持以色列的议程。真的。 (如果我的泡沫除了一些读者的惊愕之外还有任何意义的话)。

    但是, I 不是那个决定告诉世界这件事的人,而是伊朗。










    伊朗通过撒谎所做的事情当然不会上升到战争罪的程度(至少据我们所知),但是通过在像击落事件这样重大的事情上撒谎,他们所做的事情对我们来说是灾难性的。 所有 我们想要的。地区和平。祖斯 *出去* 那里。




    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  258. @Parfois1


    Reckon Rurik 认为伊朗最高领袖在 ZUS 和吸血鬼乌贼触手的包围下经营着一座修道院或类似的东西。


  259. Rurik 说:




    正如我刚才提到的,我至少对我们仍然被告知有关 MH17 的明显谎言持同样尖锐的态度。我是否应该使用双重标准,取决于我是否喜欢或赞成这个说谎的政权?


    他们没有说他们不知道。 (那就太好了)。他们毫不含糊地说,伊朗确实做到了 *不是* 击落飞机。明确地说。时期。


    他们确实知道。他们 做了 它。人们不会在没有意识到的情况下从天上射出一架喷气式飞机。






    根据记录,据我所知,击落飞机并不是战争罪;而是战争罪。 (以色列的电话卡)。这看起来要么是一个错误,要么是一些更秘密/邪恶的事情。我对伊朗的批评,这不是飞机被击落吗,(除了正常的WTF,你在开玩笑吗?你分不清刚从德黑兰机场起飞的客机和来袭的巡航导弹之间的区别?! ?!!)






    • 回复: @Parfois1
    , @anonymous
  260. @Rurik




    哈哈。在齐奥共和党-参议院的过道上,人们看到尊敬的亚当·希夫 (Adam Schiff) 👹 对说谎和那些有用的说谎者表示极大的尊重和宽容。 (注:谢谢你,zio 废黜的 Al Franken,提供有关你在 9/11 收到选择性 Odigo 消息警告的消息😲)


    经文后:伊朗最高领袖可以一本正经地向斯克兰顿学校的孩子们讲述关于年轻的华盛顿传说中不会说谎的故事。 😇

    • 回复: @Rurik
  261. anon[400]• 免责声明 说:

    你的意思是,在攻击时,所有军事应答器信号都会打开,以将他们识别为敌人。如果真是这样的话, “隐形”飞机不会是隐形的.

    是的,他们仍然是隐秘的。 IFF 加密军事模式 4 和 5,即指示朋友的 IFF 模式,只有在收到正确格式的加密询问时才回复(传输)。否则,他们就会沉默。空中交通管制无法让敌我识别军事模式回复,敌方 SAM 站点也无法回复,因为他们不知道加密密钥。此外,友方战士和友方地对空导弹站点审讯员不会不断扫描入侵者以确定他们是朋友还是敌人。他们只会在击落入侵者之前询问敌我识别军事模式 4 和 5。正如您所看到的,即使 IFF 应答器军事模式 4 和 5 处于打开状态,它们也是完全安静的,除非友军即将击落它们。

  262. Parfois1 说:






    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Rurik
  263. @Parfois1

    我认为你认为他们给出的初步反应反映了他们对自己的道德观念,这是合理的,但最初的错误更有可能是由于军事指挥官理解或假设他的政治主人会希望尽快得到决定性的答案而造成的。结果,他在询问得太少后就采取了行动。如果讨论涉及“好吧,你已经错了一次:现在让我们知道你知道真相”和“我们是否有可能坚持谎言而不被发现?”,那么任何后续的拖延都是可以理解的。 [在我看来显然不是]。

  264. 阅读科林·赖特的回复
    归根结底,《False Flag》是一种风格。并不是每个想要成为它的专家。

    还记得一两年前发生在叙利亚天空的一架商用客机和一架F-16之间的事件吗? F-16 试图接近“融化”雷达信号(我具体不知道,我不是专家),以从波音公司的法律不可侵犯性中受益,也许以乘客生命为代价……让人觉得一个事情是另一回事。假旗的核心与Theran – 乌克兰波音不完全相同,但狡猾、鬼祟、风格相同……我知道,它证明不了什么,但它是一条线索,是一长串线索中的另一个线索。

  265. anonymous[245]• 免责声明 说:




    • 回复: @Rurik
  266. @FB

    乌克兰飞机的灯亮着。 比光消失了几分之一秒,只有可见的爆炸,

    • 回复: @FB
  267. Igor Bundy 说:


    为什么我们不利用法律地位.. 谁对杀害韦科近 100 名平民负责..

    • 谢谢: ChuckOrloski
  268. Rurik 说:








    最近我发布了Press TV(伊朗媒体)的一篇报道,从报道中可以看出,伊朗领导人声称他们从未参与过“错误信息”,在我看来,这是试图改写历史。


    你会 然后, 谴责他们的不诚实,或者伊朗总是能获得通过,因为我们都应该支持他们的领导人, 无论 ?

    我确实支持伊朗(郑重声明),而且一直如此。但仅仅因为像伊朗这样的国家(或巴勒斯坦、顿巴斯、委内瑞拉或任何其他受到 ZOG 威胁的国家或人民,成为受害者并经常被一时兴起谋杀),并不意味着他们的领导人都会得到(或者应该得到,恕我直言)对应受谴责的行为的通过。尤其是当这些应受谴责的行为直接影响其领导人的可信度时。




    • 回复: @Parfois1
  269. Rurik 说:









    我开始发现不诚实和欺骗在我们的社会中变得无处不在。如果您去杂货店,不想食用加工过的化学品,并看到标签上用粗体字母写着“所有天然成分”,封面上有蓝莓的大图片,那么它很可能是高果糖玉米糖浆,而不是高果糖玉米糖浆。配料中含有一颗蓝莓。我开始变得愤世嫉俗。当然,我们的政客都撒谎,这似乎就是政客所做的,但伊朗应该是不同的,所以在个人层面上,这确实让我生气。我知道唐纳德·特朗普每一次呼吸都在撒谎,我们的媒体和所有肮脏的政客也是如此,但当普京讲话时,我实际上给了这个人一些可信度。或阿萨德或马杜罗,或许多成为 ZUS 连环谎言和背叛行为受害者的国家和人民。







    彭斯?佩洛西?民主党候选人之一?唯一有正直和正派指出美国及其他地区的灾难以及((永恒战争))的邪恶的民主党人是图尔西·加巴德(Tulsi Gabbard),她被腐败的民主党全国委员会((机器) )。

    因此,对于拜登或锡安的其他妓女之一,我们会遇到更多永恒的战争, AND 开放边境,提供“免费”医疗保健和 EBT 卡以及免费赠品 所有 地球上的数十亿人!!


    特朗普似乎蔑视可悲者,但左派和 The Squad、Maxine 和 Adam Schiff 以及其他人似乎对美国传统怀有一种精神错乱的种族灭绝仇恨。

    因此,当我亲眼目睹这么多人对特朗普个人的踌躇、溃烂、疯狂的敌意和恶意时,每次你打开某个地方的某些媒体时,这些人实际上都精神错乱,而且离谱,因为他们 讨厌特朗普的胆量,他的胆量就像一千个爆炸的太阳一样沸腾!!!



    他们 开始 他们也用谎言犯下了叛国罪,为美国的头号敌人服务。布什主持的“9/11”假旗袭击旨在将美国变成世界舞台上流口水、血迹斑斑的暴徒,大规模屠杀、公开折磨成千上万的无辜者。同时将美国变成一个全面监控的警察国家。但我不记得我在特朗普身上看到过对他个人的疯狂、疯狂的仇恨。奥巴马也是如此,他摧毁了利比亚,让叙利亚陷入人间地狱……公开呼吁将叙利亚轰炸到石器时代,就像利比亚一样。













    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
    , @anonymous
  270. Rurik 说:





  271. Learner 说:


  272. Trinity 说:

    也许一大群人应该参加下一次特朗普斯坦 KIG 集会,并开始用 ZSA-ZSA-ZSA 淹没美国-美国-美国的口号,特别是当特朗普斯坦提到与以色列的这些战争或将美国大使馆迁往耶路撒冷有关的任何事情时。你能想象特朗普斯坦脸上的表情或者特朗普一家脸上困惑的表情吗?这些特朗普狂犬中的大多数都是如此的旅鼠,他们甚至可能开始附和 ZSA 的口号。哈哈哈。



    • 回复: @geokat62
  273. Sparkon 说:



    考虑到这一点,FB 在他的 #245 中声称 Tor 的雷达不会被干扰或欺骗:

    无论如何,不​​可能欺骗 Tor 雷达,让其认为波音 737 是小型巡航导弹



    美国空军还拥有像 MALD 这样的诱饵无人机,它们能够通过模仿其电子签名和飞行剖面来伪装成巡航导弹或任何其他飞机。

    的基本概念 欺骗是电子版的冒充。您可以将其视为电子身份盗窃。手机可以被欺骗,网络可以被欺骗,ATM机可以被欺骗。当然,美国空军和其他空军会试图欺骗敌方防御系统,让他们向橡皮鸭而不是真正的战鸟射击。从 雷神公司的网站:

    MALD 诱饵是一种灵活的模块化系统……一种消耗性空射飞行器,看起来像美国或盟军的飞机来对付敌方综合防空系统(IADS)。

    美国及其盟国可以通过向敌方空域派遣 MALD 诱饵编队来迷惑和欺骗敌方 IADS。该武器重量不到 300 磅,射程约为 500 海里(575 法定英里)。从主机发射后,MALD 诱饵会执行预先设定的任务。
    MALD-J 诱饵是基本诱饵的干扰器变体,也是首款投入生产的替代干扰器。在干扰电子设备时,无人 MALD-J 诱饵的导航和操作距离比传统电子战更接近受害雷达……而且,它能够在目标区域长时间徘徊——有足够的时间来完成任务。

    再说一遍,这完全是我自己的猜测,只是为了阐明这个概念,但是当 PS 572 起飞时,一枚战斧巡航导弹以正确的模式在德黑兰国际机场附近飞行,可能会向 SAM 雷达发出警报,提醒其存在巡航导弹可能会再次躲出雷达覆盖范围并飞走,也许是为了在里海上空自毁,让注定失败的乌克兰 737 直接飞入 SAM 的十字准线,而 SAM 刚刚接到警报称有一枚导弹正在逼近。巡航导弹。

    当然,事件发生的时间和顺序会让人注意到,在伊朗导弹袭击美国驻伊拉克基地后,美国显然没有做出任何强烈或公开的军事反应,除非人们愿意考虑乌克兰 737击落是最好的诡计,你可以在全世界都在注视的情况下,欺骗敌人搬起石头砸自己的脚,从而获得最后一击。

    • 回复: @FB
  274. Parfois1 说:







    • 同意: FB, Robjil
    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @ChuckOrloski
    , @Rurik
  275. 嘿留里克!

    仅供参考,我很喜欢 PG 的文章标题如何强调“……也许这个故事还有更多内容。”


    随后,fyr,链接到下面(通向地狱),是一篇文章,描述了遵守塔木德真理的纽约孩子们,穿着合身的 ZUS 士兵并庆祝普珥节。 😇。忠实的查巴德·卢巴维奇 (Chabad Lubavitch) 孩子们对布什新保守派试点 PNC 计划谎言的非凡奉献,随着伊拉克的“解放”很快开始而受到表彰。👹

    几个问题,呃,圣雄鲁里克。 😉

    1. 我们寻求真理的UR“祖国人”是否受到较低或更高的召唤?🇮🇱 2. 你认为ADL围捕“暴徒小队”会对你目前因撒谎而对伊朗人采取的怜悯态度吗?

    例如,在被弹劾的斯克兰顿,天选之人特朗普斯坦要求我按照他的国际至上主义犹太人的世界观表达对“真相”的尊重和效忠? (Zigh)你#2,Rurik,无论你在哪里,你早就被弹劾了。

    而且(啊),随着 ADL 反犹太主义指控迅速迫近,我和不合作的美国人有义务粉碎里克·怀尔斯和纳撒尼尔兄弟的基督徒鄙视的 TruthThink?

    UnPontius飞行员内塔尼亚胡,“我们从不撒谎,愚蠢的非犹太人真相又是什么狗屎?”好主意,🤚Bibi 和 Pence 在 The Big Fucking 🍎 的下一场普珥节化装舞会上?参考下面的文章。


    • 回复: @Rurik
  276. FB 说: • 您的网站


    MALD 中的“M”代表“微型”……这是一种非常小的飞行器,长约八英尺,直径六英寸,重约 100 磅(目前实际使用的版本,不是雷神网站上的蒸汽件) ……

    它由微型涡轮喷气发动机提供动力……它基本上是一种非常小的巡航导弹,设计作为敌方防空系统发射的诱饵……其部署将作为 SEAD 行动(压制敌方防空系统)的一部分进行……




    他们如何知道何时启动它,以扰乱无法以所需的精确时间确定性预测起飞时间的航班……?……[乌克兰 737 起飞比预定时间晚了 60 多分钟……]


    我并没有说 Tor 导弹系统不能被干扰……事实上,我竭尽全力解释任何使用射频的设备都可能被干扰或以其他方式干扰……根据定义,这包括任何地对空导弹系统 [SAM ]…由于任何设计用于追踪移动目标的导弹,都必须使用某种雷达来固定移动目标…从而使其容易受到无线电干扰…

    正如我所解释的那样,欺骗是通过发送虚假信号来进行的 位置、方向和速度……


    至于发射一枚战斧导弹,试图以某种方式欺骗托尔机组人员摧毁一架客机……这同样愚蠢,出于同样的原因……T-hawks 不会“在雷达下”飞行……他们会被看到接近国家领空……




    • 回复: @Sparkon
  277. @JimDandy

    我可能会报复,并向伊朗发出警告信息。 “如果你用导弹攻击我们,我们有一千种方法让你付出代价。”这也向伊朗表明,他们自己的防空系统很容易受到操纵。此外,它还在世界舞台上羞辱伊朗。

    • 回复: @JimDandy
  278. FB 说: • 您的网站



    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  279. @Rurik

    我向您致以最深切的敬意,先生。 (或者可能是女士。}

    • 哈哈: FB
    • 回复: @Rurik
  280. Sparkon 说:






  281. Iris 说:

    亲伊朗的阿拉伯媒体“Al Mayadeen”报道了《纽约时报》如何编造乌克兰 752 航班被两枚导弹击落的突发新闻报道。

    《纽约时报》在 14 月 8 日版中制作了一段视频,据称记录了 18 月 10 日的悲剧,但掩盖了实际日期:2019 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日。

    这可能没有任何真正的重要性,但《纽约时报》记者随后陷入了令人惊讶的巨大痛苦,试图解释这个错误的日期应该是波斯历的日期,实际上是 17-10 (Dey)-1398,因此也有不正确的。

    有人问了一个关于安全录像上的日期的好问题。我相信这是波斯历。坠机日期为公历 8 月 18 日,波斯语翻译为 10 月 2019 日 (10-18-2019)。安全时钟可能会延迟一天(10-17-XNUMX)。
    - Malachy Browne (@malachybrowne) 14 年 2020 月 XNUMX 日

    • 回复: @Parfois1
    , @Ebarhim
  282. @FB

    谢谢! (确实是 Iris 在地下室声称拥有核武器。)

    • 回复: @Iris
  283. geokat62 说:



  284. geokat62 说:

    也许一大群人应该参加下一次特朗普斯坦 KIG 拉力赛,并开始用 ZSA-ZSA-ZSA 淹没美国-美国-美国的口号……



    • 谢谢: ChuckOrloski
    • 哈哈: Trinity, Rurik
  285. Iris 说:

    乌克兰波音坠机事件:据报道在伊朗边境附近发现至少六架 F-35

    谢尔盖·拉夫罗夫在年度外交报告中表示,在德黑兰袭击美国驻伊拉克基地后不久、乌克兰波音 35 坠毁前不久,美国 F-737 喷气式飞机出现在伊朗边境附近,这证明了当时局势的紧张程度。地址。

    “有报道称,[美国驻伊拉克基地]袭击事件发生后,伊朗人预计美国会再次发动袭击。他们不知道具体形式是什么,但至少有六架 F-35 在伊朗边境上空飞行。我认为这些信息仍然需要仔细检查。但我只是想强调,在这种情况下总是会出现紧张情绪,”这位外交官说。


  286. Iris 说:

    确实是 Iris 在地下室声称拥有核武器


    至于我,我不会再声称任何事情,因为我现在明白没有人(除了艾里伯斯)对 9/11 到底发生了什么感兴趣。此致。

  287. Iris 说:

    泛阿拉伯新闻频道“Al Mayadeen”向阿拉伯语读者报道了吉拉尔迪博士的这篇文章,标题为:




  288. @Parfois1


    我对你对“好人”鲁里克的干预尝试表示赞赏。 👍!

    在周四的《纽约时报》专栏中,以色列左倾犹太复国主义伦理学家托马斯·L·弗里德曼 (Thomas L. Friedman) 猛烈抨击了特朗普用于指定善恶 ZUS 军事英雄(尚未以色列地面的靴子)的犹太复国主义道德标准。😲

    弗里德曼恼怒地表示:“特朗普也没有道德框架。” (糟糕)托马斯 L. 忘记了特朗普斯坦的利库德集团犹太人不道德框架。

    A. = 既不是吉拉尔迪家族,也不是翁兹家族。哈哈,😲,(Zigh)。

    现在严肃地说,汤姆·弗里德曼报道说,特朗普斯坦号欢迎海军海豹突击队爱德华·加拉格尔和他的妻子。 👸 托马斯·L. 抱怨加拉格尔如何在 ZUS 军事法庭因 GWOT 🇮🇱战争罪受审。

    犹太企业媒体去锡安阿马奇安左翼散文家托马斯·L·弗里德曼 (Thomas L. Friedman) 透露了割草的秘密🇵🇸,并写道:“爱德华·加拉格尔的海豹突击队的一名成员告诉调查人员,“你可以看出(埃德)完全同意杀人。任何正在移动的人。”


    下面链接和fyr是一段罕见的“真实新闻”视频😳,其中展示了为摄影师摆姿势的英雄西尔·加拉格尔(Seal Gallagher)如何抓住一名年轻但被俘虏且已死亡的伊斯兰国战士的毛茸茸的头,“并分享了杀鹿的过程和别人合影。”

    (Zigh) 祝来自不当 Shabbos Goy Trumps 的 😈 圣诞快乐!

    • 回复: @Desert Fox
    , @Parfois1
  289. Late-Rush 说:


  290. 当第一个导弹击中飞机的视频出现时,质疑它的出处以及为什么拍摄它可能是合理的:它的位置是在白天确认的(任何看过该地区卫星视图的人都会承认它毫无疑问),并且闪光和爆炸声之间的延迟可以估计距离(我自己对此做了详细的计算,考虑到拍摄地点的高度,飞机的航迹) Flightradar24 数据(上次报告中其爬升速度接近 3,000 英尺/分钟)以及影响声速的温度)。

    但我们至少有 3 个导弹视频。第二个来自固定闭路电视摄像机,该摄像机正在监视第一个导弹拦截点正下方的停车场。停车场里几辆间距相当大的车辆都闪烁着危险信号灯,因为它们的警报已被拉响。然后我们看到导弹的明亮火焰划向天空,拦截爆炸的闪光几乎就在头顶上方。然后我们有来自 Bidkaneh 附近的 2 分 3 秒的安全闭路电视视频,显示了整个事件:第一枚导弹的发射(它的轨道划过天空,直到发动机烧坏,大约 6 秒后爆炸,大约 18 秒后)发射),第二枚导弹发射前暂停约 12 秒,第一枚导弹爆炸后约 24 秒爆炸。应该清楚的是,第一枚导弹发出的音爆和耀斑将提醒飞行路径下的人员注意一些异常情况,并且可能是触发汽车警报的原因,如第二个视频所示。我们对为什么拍摄“第一个”视频有自己的解释。如果我们获取飞行数据并估计最后一次传输和第二次导弹爆炸之间的飞行时间,我们会发现第一次导弹爆炸将在最后一次传输后大约一秒发生。所以我们有两次导弹袭击的相当精确的位置。根据 Tor/SA15 导弹的飞行特性,可以估计每枚导弹从发射到爆炸的飞行距离,以及距离弧交叉的位置给出发射地点。一旦我们找到视频 2 的拍摄地点,我们就可以从视频 3 和 3 中了解发射地点。这样导弹电池的位置就确定了。我们还从第三个视频中注意到,直到第二次导弹袭击后一段时间,飞机才明显起火。


    武装部队的内部调查得出的结论是,令人遗憾的是 导弹 发射 由于人为错误 造成乌克兰飞机惨烈坠毁,造成 176 名无辜者死亡。


    接下来,请看伊斯兰革命卫队 (IRGC) 航空航天部队指挥官阿米尔·阿里·哈吉扎德 (Amir-Ali Hajizadeh) 的完整声明,完整翻译文字记录和字幕视频如下:


    显然,导弹连是为了应对日益紧张的局势而新部署的,并未纳入更广泛的防空系统。事实上,他表示他们处于 3 级警戒状态,并有随意开火的指令。他非常清楚,这起事件是在战争迷雾下发生的,他并不想责怪任何人,或指责任何人干扰防御。伊朗人确信这是一个不幸的错误。这是一个完全可信的结论。他唯一没有提到的是发射了两枚导弹(他是在第三个视频出现之前说的)。他制作了一张事件地图来确认电池的位置。他解释说,雷达在 2 公里的范围内捕获了目标,根据其余信息,将其定位为刚刚飞越帕兰德发电站(肯定比任何美国巡航导弹或隐形轰炸机袭击的许多目标更有可能) )并靠近德黑兰-萨维高速公路。根据飞行数据检查,导弹发射前大约有 19 秒。另外,请注意,天色非常暗:当地时间 16:04 几乎是满月。



  291. @Iris



    问题,待定,🙏正是塔楼非凡的弹药地点在哪里。 “地下室”?不能排除核武器存在的可能性,“做到了。”👹


    • 回复: @Iris
  292. @Iris

    7 号楼被控制拆除拆除。
    如果您观看破坏的视频(甚至不仔细),您将看到建筑物底层的第一次破坏和崩溃。 比你看到的建筑物几乎完好无损地慢慢下降,而不是在建筑物的底层摇摇欲坠。
    如果地下发生大爆炸,破坏模式将与建筑物#7 相似。

  293. Desert Fox 说:


  294. Iris 说:

    问题在于,塔楼的非凡弹药位置究竟在哪里。 “地下室”?


    无论如何,从正确、科学的角度来看待这个问题需要回答以下问题:世贸中心地下室里有什么东西辐射的热量相当于 900 MVA 核反应堆的热量?


    我觉得 3000 名美国平民在自己的国家被外国犹太复国主义实体用核武器杀害,在他们所谓的政府的照顾下,这绝对是令人反感和心碎的。但我想我更容易保持清醒,因为我不是美国人。愿上帝保佑你们作为一个民族,我同情你们,并且讨厌你们所遭受的一切。

    • 谢谢: ChuckOrloski
  295. JimDandy 说:
    @Based Inquisitor


  296. I女士你好!


    艾里斯,我不明白的是,也许只有少数美国普通 UR 评论者可能不太关心 9/11 客机,它没有摧毁世贸中心的 3 座塔楼,袭击五角大楼,更令我沮丧的是,可怕的、不必要的“跳舞的以色列人”,他们被迫按照仪式记录不可避免的事情。并且完全不用担心被 ZUS 警察执法所夹。

    9/11 事件仅由犹太复国化的美国司法部门解除调查,并获得以色列/Zelikow 的批准。



    • 谢谢: Iris
  297. Okhotnik 说:

    但是……考虑到全国智商高达 84 以及他们近亲结婚的倾向(接近 40%),“哎呀”无疑是他们击落飞机的最合乎逻辑的推理。

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  298. Parfois1 说:



  299. @Okhotnik


    鉴于您经过 zio 测试和认可的高智商分数,😳我想您会很高兴购买一套 ZUS 2020 年总统国际象棋,视频广告链接如下,其中包括伟大的 Shabbos 戈伊典当人物、W. 布什和切尼!

    促销优惠:在普珥节之前立即购买,因为国际象棋中的至上主义犹太人“老鼠”仍然是美国国王和王后。保证愚蠢的非犹太人满意,否则你会得到一个犹太四分卫!🏈 还免费且未经批准的姆努钦运输。

  300. @ChuckOrloski


    我买了电视2020国际象棋套装;太棒了,因为贾里德·库什纳是一名皈依主教,骑着一匹苍白的马而来。 🤗

    • 哈哈: Parfois1
  301. Anon[127]• 免责声明 说:

    尽管局势紧张且事态升级, 伊朗政府没有关闭该国领空。民用客运航班仍在德黑兰起降,几乎可以肯定机场当局的判断出现了错误。


    MH17 也出现了同样的错误:”MH17坠机前几天,基辅无视欧盟关闭乌克兰东部领空的要求=


  302. @Sean


    应答器数据,无论被关闭或被伪造,都是数字化的,并且所有数字化的东西都可以被伪造。 这就是数字化的风险: 一个人可以建造的每一堵墙,另一个人都可以拆除。我对吉拉尔迪先生的坦诚感到困惑。 Si_I_Ay的人不是需要得到许可才能承认他们以前的工作,并且他们所说的一切都得到批准或者生活在危险之中吗?

  303. @Colin Wright


  304. @FritztheCat




    但这种感觉仍然只体现在一张 21 MB 的图片中(您可以缩放、缩放、缩放……)



    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
    , @Klaus Fejsa
  305. Parfois1 说:

    读到你对国际阴谋​​集团的愤怒和厌恶以及对内部 ziorats 和类似害虫的尖锐倒刺总是很高兴,尽管我必须承认有时我很难破译你的信号(我的错,一个吸收有点慢)。



    “人最珍贵的财产是生命,既然生命只给他一次,他就必须活得不会在毫无目的的岁月里感到痛苦的遗憾;生活得这样,才不会因为过去的懦弱和琐碎的耻辱而感到焦灼。如此活着,临终时他可以说:我的一生和我的全部力量都献给了世界上最美好的事业——人类的解放”。 (合资企业)


    • 谢谢: Iris
    • 回复: @geokat62
  306. geokat62 说:



    快速提问:字母 JVD 代表什么?

    当我查找这句话时,我发现它的始作俑者是尼古拉·阿列克谢耶维奇·奥斯特洛夫斯基。因此,人们会期望在引文末尾看到字母 NAO。

    讽刺的是,这就是维基百科列出的他的职业:小说家, 核数师,共产党员。


    • 回复: @Parfois1
  307. @A123

    You seem to have access to inside information. Could you ask around and confirm that one of our Jewish boys with a manpad missile hit the Ukrainian passenger plane first, while his chums filmed, and then Iranian air defense fired another missile by mistake thinking something hostile appeared in the sky when the Ukrainian plane lost its transponder?

  308. @ChuckOrloski

    Where do you find these, Chuck!!

    I’m holding out for the Brutus-model Ginsu knife; must be rated for Backstabbing.
    “It dices, it slices, it even chops nuts.”

    • 哈哈: Assad al-islam
  309. @Klaus Fejsa

    False Flag: Flight 752 in Iran Was Shot Down by US Allies with a Stinger Missile, Not by an Iranian Missile
    Robert Lindsay blog
    [who is Robert Lindsay? I DON’T KNOW. Appropriate question is, Does the sequence make sense?]


  310. @Klaus Fejsa

    Sorry, I was wrong in the geolocation.

    I changed now the content of my link to the picture with my false conclusions.
    But your system displays still the old Content of this my link, because the picture seems to be uploaded.
    My correct picture now starts on top with “Correction”

    So I now used a new link

    What remains is my argumentation about the Pantsir.

    Please erase my wrong picture with my false argumentation and therefor wrong accusations in my last post.

  311. Trinity 说:

    Where is George Soros and Sheldon Adelson? Where is Sir Rothschild? And where is our President of JEW-SA, Baby Nut&Yahoo? Trump, Obama, Reagan, Pelosi and all the other shabbos goys should be the pawns. One comment on the YouTube video said this piece of crap was made in China.

    (((They))) are really laughing now. This chess set is a total mockery of what the former United States has a become. One poster said that after the 2020 election these pieces of crap would be available at The Dollar Store. You know what, I think that poster is right.

  312. Trinity strongly made move,🤗 and determined:
    “This chess set is a total mockery of what the former United States has become. One poster said that after the 2020 election these pieces of crap would be available at The Dollar Store. You know what, I think that poster is right.”

    l reckon that a Dollar Store sale, marked down to $1.00/unit 800 🇮🇱 for each mocking 2020 Presidential chess set, shall go big among targeted Amerikan dumb goyim consumers who have potential uses for toy Zion soldiers & empty eggheads as affordable children Easter bunny gifts.

    Hoppity hop and Trump White House’s hands-off pet, Barron The Purple Dinosaur’s, Purim Boppity Bop?😳

    P.S.: Added chess set value; Patriotic U.S.A.-colored chessboard’s multi-use utility as either cocaine or wrist cutting surfaces.

    • 哈哈: Trinity
    • 回复: @Trinity
  313. @Frederick V. Reed

    Don’t be silly. Conspiracies don’t exist, especially in freedom loving democracies. What are you doing here anyway? Shouldn’t you be reading the New York Times or the New Yorker where you will learn the truth? Stick to your own kind.

  314. anonymous[245]• 免责声明 说:
    @Frederick V. Reed

    “ .. 阴谋论。”

    你在 TUR 上的第 65 条评论,但在你自己的专栏下没有一条评论,你也喜欢在其中骂人(“Truther”等),然后溜走。


  315. Trinity 说:

    Maybe someone could come up with a Jew World Order aka “Globalist” aka “The Deep State” vs. Nationalist chess set. The JWO and/or “Globalist” side would have the usual suspects from past and present like Jacob Schiff, Leon Trotsky and Vladimir Lenin ( only part Jew, at least that is what we are told), Henry Kissinger,Soros, the Rothschild clan as the power pieces like the rooks, kings, queens, bishops, etc. I guess you could put some rabbis in there for the bishop pieces. The pawns would have to be the super duper shabbos goys of past and present like Churchill, FDR, LBJ, Clintons, Trump, Lindsey Graham etc.

    No doubt that the “Nationalist” side would have to have the ultimate manufactured boogey man, Hitler, as the king with lesser “monsters” like Putin, Hussein, Gaddifi, David Duke as possible “power pieces.” The pawns could be little KKK figures or little “Nazi” soldiers. lmao.

  316. Haha, (Zigh). Looks like the Rothschild Way street smart-smart & ZUS current President Trumpstein is wisely dissing the start of his zionized & mass entertainment, Senate impeachment trial.🙃 Please refer to the MSNBC report, linked below?


    Instead, he goes to Davos🤗 in order to cosy up to fellow global elites who share his skewed Supremacist Jew One World vision.
    And who the hell really knows the names of the empowered culprits who dare risk being seen with the Populist (🤥) Trumpstein?

    Haha. Would get real Zio nuts if James Biden gets caught breaking bread 💰 with Donald J. while luxuriating at the Atlanticist Integrationists & special guest watering hole, the Russia House? 😳

  317. 优秀的文章,经过深入研究,引人注目。不用说,无论你代表真理和正义写什么,通常的一群狂吠的狗——齐奥大厅的小托儿和哈斯巴拉特——都会追捕你。

    这就是他们得到报酬的原因,不是吗?但正如卡尔·施密特(Carl Schmitt,1888-1985)所写:“真相有时可能会被淹没,但它不会被淹没。” (Die Wahrheit geht manchmal unter, aber sie ertrinkt nicht)。

  318. Parfois1 说:

    快速提问:字母 JVD 代表什么?

    That is the riddle, and the idea is to take the mickey out of… whoever! Anyway, full marks for your ‘noticing’.

    By the way, forgot to explain “don’t be fooled by Greeks crying ‘Darius aggression’ ” . Athens and other city states helped/promoted the Ionian rebellion and Darius retaliated.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  319. Jeshurun Tsarfat [又名“ JT”] 说: • 您的网站

    I’m no expert in this field, but your ability to point out this or that flaw in an argument doesn’t convince me you are either.

    You link to a Tor video picking up a quadrone, without distinguishing model number. The Scott article distinguishes 29 Tor-M1, and M2E, with Tor-M1 being compromised.

    You seem unaware of Suter and its abilities, nor of a proven track record of Israeli spoofing of Syrian radar (Gasparre).

    You are no repository of secret military knowledge.

    although this would involve extremely specialized equipment…I would say there is really zero chance of that…

    we have to take your word for it.

    Don’t count on mine. Including for the various ways radar systems pick up vs. represent the size, speed, direction of potential targets, and the degree to which all of this is not immune to manipulation.

    Last I checked, Tehran is less than 100 km off coast of Caspian. How well does it control the airspace there, and the waters? There is a place called Sitalchay. Look it up. AZ SOM missile history suggests some interesting relationships. Mary-2 airfield can’t be ruled out either.

    If Raptors and F22 are worth their money, so is RQ-180, RQ-170, and a slew of other stealths. (Israel’s IAI Harop proved capable of taking out much more sophisticated Pantsir systems.) Half of which have been regularly criss-crossing Iran for at least 24 months.

    Oh, and even gyrostabilized navsystems require pre-launch programmed alignment, and there are at least four other major guidance systems we can go into.

    Frankly, the motive, opportunity, and means, reasonably suggestcutting edge EW, or simpler cyberwar playing some role. More telling, was Trump’s refusal to respond. Very uncharacteristic. Very calculated.

    bringing up 9/11 is an association fallacy. You know better than Engineers for 9/11 truth why Building 7s collapsed, or why the recent (relatively) revelation of “Dancing Israelis,” is irrelevant to the 9/11 story?

    All this being said, the Iranian regime is outdated, and may it soon disappear off the face of the earth. It is responsible for shoot-down either way, since it failed to shut-down air-space. It is responsible for stifling the creative genius of the Persian people.

    If the shoot-down was a sophisticated spoof, it remains ethnically acceptable, since Iran is the one who pulled the trigger.

    • 回复: @ploni almoni
    , @FB
  320. geokat62 说:

    Athens and other city states helped/promoted the Ionian rebellion and Darius retaliated.

    Ionian rebellion? What on earth could they have been rebelling against?

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
    , @Daniel Rich
  321. 嘿,geokat!

    Linked below, I trust you have already watched Brother Nathanael’s latest & perhaps greatest video to date, “Whose war is it?”

    OMG! Brother Nathanael launched a transcontinental Ground-Based-Missive which shook my Scranton pad.

    Reckon Trumpstein would love “doing” B.N
    now, 💀and afterward, make the claim that “Real Jew News” was a terrorist organization, which provoked attacks at Adelson’s casinos & gave ideological comfort to General Soleimani. 💀

    WOW. While listening to my zionized “Homeland” Commander in Chief’s tongue hiss (on the Brother’s video), the sound reverberated like a stalking snake whose prepared and anxious for “service” in The Blue &,White Horror House’s Waiting Room of Killer Reptiles.

    “Well, you know there’s lots of killers in the world,” right, shiksa? 🖤


    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @anonymous
  322. @geokat62

    Will try & help Parfois1 here, geo.

    Ionians rebelled against the Zionion protons.

    • 哈哈: geokat62
    • 回复: @Parfois1
  323. geokat62 说:

    Linked below, I trust you have already watched Brother Nathanael’s latest & perhaps greatest video to date, “Whose war is it?”

    I hadn’t, Chuck. Thanks for bringing it to our attention.

    Brother Nathanael is calling out Trumpstein for doing the bidding of his Jewish Supremacist masters.

    I especially enjoyed his concluding paragraphs to his off the cuff remarks:

    Look, we’ve got a problem.

    Trump’s latest actions are just a symptom of the problem.

    It’s a ‘Jewish problem.’

    All the civil, financial, educational, political, and federal positions held by Jews are leading our country into destruction.

    Make America Sane Again is my motto.

    Help me do it!

    The full transcript to Whose War Is It Anyways?


    General Trump’s footprints now stretch from DC all the way to the minarets of Tehran.
    And as a business man he’s now CEO of Murder Inc.
    Lots of killers out there you know. [Clip]

    We believe you, yet you’re committing the very same mistakes which makes you a killer too.
    First you assassinated—to please the Jewish Lobby—General Soleimani, a senior state official of Iran.
    Then you put America on a war footing despite your promise. [Clip]

    And an endless comedy of terrors. [Clip]

    He means Trump won’t cut and run every time Sheldon Adelson threatens to cut off his campaign money.
    Targeted assassinations are the Israeli thing to do.
    But this time Netanyahu assigned Adelson AND Kushner to get Trump to pull the trigger.
    Not secretly, like the Israelis do, but brazenly, giving the Jewish Lobby a larger stake in America’s perpetual mistakes.
    The Jewish Lobbies you see—and there are hundreds of them—infix themselves in power positions as Israel’s ‘Policy Police.’
    For instance, the “Foundation For The Defense Of Democracies”—with its head Mark Dubowitz and sponsors Paul Singer and Bernard Marcus—plant its agents in high places to set up a hit.
    FDD’s Richard Goldberg, in this case, had embedded himself in the White House National Security Council staff in an arrangement made with John Bolton.
    His expertise, that is, his ‘craft’ in agitating hate toward Iran, was to navigate, it could be, Trump into assassinating Soleimani.
    All with the aim to put Trump on a war footing in the Middle East.
    Pleasing the Jews is the reason we’re in the region.
    Like Trump says, “We’ve killed a lot of people.”
    Are we now killing people who just might fight back?
    And with Pompeo’s “Deterrence Strategy”—”deterrence” inclusive of assassinating Russian and Chinese generals, or any high official the Jews don’t like—World War 3 will be just an asinine mistake away.
    This time it will be killing top officials of two great powers, China and Russia, able to inflict painful tit-for-tat retaliations and some very convincing “deterrences” of their own.
+BN off the cuff
    You know, With all Trump’s talk of pulling out of the Middle East and ending all the endless wars, he held a fundraiser to a bunch of deep pocketed Jews at Mar Largo last Friday night.
    While bragging how he took out Soleimani, I mean murdered him in an “Israeli-style” targeted assignation OPENLY, he promised the warmongers, mostly Jews, that he will increase the military budget by another 2.5 trillion.
    Yeah, he said it in his bravado rant and all the Jewish donors were rejoicing with glee.
    Then the blood-thirsty Jews got from Trump a blow by blow account of how he took out Soleimani and the Iraqi commander Muhandis and his entire entourage.
    It’s a basketful of deplorable arrogance. [Clip]

    And the deep pocketed Jews ate it all up and brought out their checkbooks.
    Look, we’ve got a problem.
    Trump’s latest actions are just a symptom of the problem.
    It’s a ‘Jewish problem.’
    All the civil, financial, educational, political, and federal positions held by Jews are leading our country into destruction.
    Make America Sane Again is my motto.
    Help me do it!


  324. Okhotnik 说:

    Hahaha….I have no affinity for Jews, especially American Jews, but your paranoia expressed by seeing one under every rock and hiding behind every bush is nothing short of laughable.
    Yes they own and operate way too many businesses and corporations that have had a major impact in destroying the moral fiber and virtues that made America great and yes their dominance in the media, education, politics and the legal system is beyond disturbing. That alone is enough to cause massive consternation; there is no need to pursue tin hat fabrications.

    • 回复: @ploni almoni
  325. anonymous[245]• 免责声明 说:

    How disgusting. Mr. Trump’s recorded speech available via the bitchute link is, given the days he had to prepare for it, worse than Mrs. Clinton’s spontaneous cackling over the death of Libya’s Mr. Gaddafi. No decent person can listen to it and not think less of the President.

    What will it take for Americans to quit rationalizing “lesser of two evils” political support for these Washington warmongers?

    Voting for any of them gets us nothing but more of the same.

    • 回复: @ploni almoni
  326. anonymous[245]• 免责声明 说:

    Please tell me what you think after listening to the recording of Mr. Trump’s speech last Friday. See #334.


    • 同意: ChuckOrloski, Assad al-islam
    • 回复: @Assad al-islam
    , @Rurik
  327. @Jeshurun Tsarfat

    Sure, whatever is good for the Jews is ethically acceptable. Well said. Mazeltov.

  328. @anonymous

    How you say, you have to fight fire with fire?

  329. geokat62 说:

    Folks, tomorrow could be Charlottesville X 10!

    I’m referring to the mass 2nd amendment rally scheduled to take place tomorrow in Richmond, Virginia.



    Henrik is joined by former navy SEAL Matt Bracken to discuss the upcoming Pro 2nd Amendment Protest in Richmond, Virginia. Likelihood is that Intelligence services will hijack the event just like they did during the Charlottesville protest in 2017…

    In the interview, Henrik Palmgren discusses the content of the article written by Matt Bracken, RICHMOND: THE MOTHER OF ALL BUFFALO JUMPS:

    Here’s the introductory paragraph:

    The more I ponder the mass demonstration being promoted by the Virginia Citizens Defense League for the annual Lobby Day at the Richmond Capitol, the more it looks like a disaster in the making. I wish it were otherwise, but I see many times more downside risk than possible upside benefit.


    I’ll leave you with a couple of quotes by Matt Bracken from the Red Ice interview:

    It’s a battle b/w Globalists and Nationalists…

    This is a necessary step. Before you can have Lexington and Concord, you have to have the Boston massacre.

  330. Sparkon 说:

    FB wrote:





    Just for the record, long ago I was in the USAF for two hitches where I worked with signals intelligence, and wrote reports about it on a daily basis, sometimes many reports.

    What are your credentials FB?

    Now you’ve claimed that a cruise missile can’t loiter, but this is what Wikipedia says about the Tomahawk:

    Tomahawk Block IV introduced in 2006 adds the strike controller which can change the missile in flight to one of 15 preprogrammed alternate targets or redirect it to a new target. This targeting flexibility includes the capability to loiter over the battlefield awaiting a more critical target. The missile can also 发送 battle damage indication 图像 and missile health and status messages via the two-way satellite data link...



    So clearly FB, what you think you know is wrong.



    • 回复: @ploni almoni
  331. Parfois1 说:

    Ionians rebelled against the Zionion protons.

    Not far off the mark Chuck – the (dia)tribe was just down the road plotting something or another under the guidance of the Rabbit-in-Chief at the time (about 500BC), probably a regime change operation.

    Thanks for covering my flank – geokat was attempting a sneaky attack on my weak spot and forcing me to surrender by admitting the Persians were the hegemon du jour. How could that be? They were not the “Chosen”.

    • 哈哈: ChuckOrloski, Assad al-islam
  332. @anonymous

    Please tell me what you think after listening to the recording of Mr. Trump’s speech last Friday. See #334.

    Mr. Rurik asked me some questions about Shia Islam, which I answered to him in good faith. Then he came after me with a vengeance, and at that time a good Shia Muslim “MEexpert” cautioned him that he was the one who asked the questions, and they were answered in good faith.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  333. @Sparkon

    Wikepedia also says: Gas Chambers: The Höfle Telegram, a decoded telegram to Berlin from the deputy commander of Aktion Reinhard, Hermann Höfle, 15 January 1943, listing the number of arrivals in Aktion Reinhard extermination camps. In this document, the 1942 total for Treblinka of 71355 is considered to be a transcription error for 713,555, which would yield a total of 1,274,166, matching the total in the telegram.

    After undressing, the newly arrived Jews were beaten with whips to drive them towards the gas chambers; hesitant men were treated particularly brutally. Rudolf Höss, the commandant at Auschwitz, contrasted the practice at Treblinka of deceiving the victims about the showers with his own camp’s practice of telling them they had to go through a “delousing” process. According to the postwar testimony of some SS officers, men were always gassed first, while women and children waited outside the gas chambers for their turn. During this time, the women and children could hear the sounds of suffering from inside the chambers, and they became aware of what awaited them, which caused panic, distress, and even involuntary defecation.

    Many survivors of the Treblinka camp testified that an officer known as ‘Ivan the Terrible’ was responsible for operating the gas chambers in 1942 and 1943. While Jews were awaiting their fate outside the gas chambers, Ivan the Terrible allegedly tortured, beaten, and killed many of them. Survivors witnessed Ivan beat heads open with a pipe, slice people’s flesh with a sword or a bayonet, cut off noses and ears, and gouge out eyes. One survivor testified that Ivan killed an infant by bashing it against a wall; and another claimed that he raped a young girl before cutting her abdomen open and letting her bleed to death.

    • 回复: @Sparkon
    , @Trinity
  334. @Okhotnik

    I take it you have not looked in a mirror lately?

  335. Sparkon 说:
    @ploni almoni

    So what? I’m discussing cruise missiles, not what happened in WWII. Try to stick to the point, or is that too much for you?

    Most things in Wikipedia ,那恭喜你, accurate, and attacking the source is 时刻 逻辑谬误, but nice job trying to muddy the waters.

    In any event, one can easily check the footnotes to the Wikipedia article on the Tomahawk, and find the source is this press release from Raytheon, the Tomahawk’s lead manufacturer, so I’ve already covered my tail, and I’m way ahead of you, snail.

    Navy Posts Successful Test of Raytheon’s Block IV Tomahawk Cruise Missile

    Dec 14, 2006, 00:00 ET from Raytheon Company

    TUCSON, Ariz., Dec. 14, 2006 /PRNewswire/ — A U.S. Navy Tomahawk Block IV cruise missile built by Raytheon Company (NYSE: RTN) was successfully launched Dec. 6 from USS Milius (DDG-69), an Arleigh Burke class destroyer, on the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division Sea Test Range off the coast of Southern California.

    After launch from the vertical launch system, the Tomahawk, equipped with an inert warhead, completed the launch sequence and transitioned to cruise flight. It flew a fully guided 869-mile course using global positioning satellite and digital scene matching area correlator navigation to a target site on the Naval Air Systems Command land range at China Lake, Calif.
    The new capabilities that Block IV Tomahawk brings to the Navy’s sea strike capability are derived from the missile’s two-way satellite data link that enables the missile to respond to changing battlefield conditions.

    The strike controller can “flex” the missile in flight to preprogrammed alternate targets or redirect it to a new target. This targeting flexibility includes the capability to loiter over the battlefield awaiting a more critical target.

    The missile can also transmit battle damage indication imagery and missile health and status messages via the satellite data link. Firing platforms, for the first time, will have the capability to plan and execute GPS-only missions. Block IV also has an improved anti-jam GPS receiver for enhanced mission performance.

    Raytheon Company, with 2005 sales of $21.9 billion, is an industry leader in defense and government electronics, space, information technology, technical services, and business and special mission aircraft. With headquarters in Waltham, Mass., Raytheon employs 80,000 people worldwide.

    Alan D. Fischer

    SOURCE Raytheon Company

    (Ratheon’s press release, my bolds and edits for typographic perfection, and brevity)


    • 回复: @ploni almoni
  336. Rurik 说:

    Hello Parfois,

    Your “scenario” is very similar to what has happened. But you attribute the admission of wrongdoing to the fact that a contradictory proof has emerged, proving their guilt.


    Hasn’t the fact that Iran has now, (after foreign proof was proffered), admitted that they did, in fact, shoot the plane down, (after days of denials), reason to question their veracity?

    Unless you think that Iran had no way of knowing, and that all their investigative capabilities led them to believe (days after the shoot-down) that the jet suffered some mechanical problems. – A theory that I personally doubt.

    That is a supposition on your part – that what motivated Iran’s confession was their inability to hide behind a lie. If your supposition is correct, that they deliberately lied to avoid culpability for their action, then it was reproachable. Can you prove your supposition as fact?

    It’s simple really. Is there any viable argument out there, that a reasonable person could accept, for believing that Iran had no way of knowing that its military shot the plane down.

    IOW, is it reasonable to accept, that Iran’s military and its government, are not on the same page, and that there are rogue elements in the military, (not to mention staggering levels of incompetence), which the leaders of Iran are incapable of controlling? Or expecting a straight answer from?

    Are you comfortable with an Iran, whose military shoots down a civilian passenger jet
    (either by mistake or otherwise), and which acts outside of the parameters of its leaders in the Iranian government? And that when such an act takes place, that it would be too much to expect those military leaders to own up to their mistakes, within several days of the shoot-down?

    IOW it was either the Iranian government, who lied, or the military.

    Unless you believe that there was just no way of knowing what had happened, days afterwards. – A theory I personally find dubious.

    … a unified mind with perfect knowledge of everything that took place leading to the shootdown, not a large assembly of many actors with their own different roles, ideas, perspectives and intentions.

    That is quite the extremist view, Parfois. That either it’s all controlled by a single, omniscient entity, / or it’s utter and complete anarchy. How about something in between. When a passenger jet is shot out of the sky, by a modern nation’s military, that it’s likely that some people in the higher-ups in its military, knew about it, either as it happened, or immediately afterwards.

    And that in Iran’s case, it seems unlikely that those higher-ups in the military, would be willing to go rogue, and try a cover up. Lying to their government superiors about what had happened.

    But nevertheless, I have always accepted the possible (if improbable) explanation for the government’s insistence for days, that they didn’t shot it down, (because they were lied to by their military leaders).

    But if that’s the case, then is Iran ready for nukes? If this is the level of their military / civilian command structure?

    ‘Ok, so it seems our military blasted a passenger jet out of the sky, a few moments out from our capital’s airport, but you can’t expect us to be accountable for such things! How could we have known?! Rogue elements are operating within our military, after all. We can’t be expected to know what happened, unless the West’s spy satellites are brought to bear, to point it out to us.’

    Then: ‘OK, fine. We did it. But we never tried to misrepresent what happened!’


    particularly when we apply ethical absolutism principles in a very complex world riddled with institutionalized evil malice.

    Well, if you’ve ever read my comments, Parfois, you’d know that I routinely apply ‘ethical absolutism principles’ (war crimes are 错误, murder and assassination are , lying about things and trying to slaughter untold innocents on behalf of an ((evil regime)), is 错误, etc…), almost on a weekly basis. It’s just that usually I’m condemning the war crimes and atrocities, (frequently the atrocities against the truth) that my own government and media commit daily. It’s even become a rather tiresome routine, because my government and media commit so many crimes and atrocities against the truth, that one gets almost inured to it all.

    But, just because my government and media, are rotten and duplicitous and murderous, does not mean their enemies get a pass. It isn’t always a case of ‘the enemy of my enemy = is always righteous and virtuous and good’. (or something like that ‘ ).

    No, when otherwise good people do wrong, I will call them out. No matter who they are.

    Consider; Ron Paul is a hero of mine. I was a zealous supporter of his presidential campaigns, and remain a loyal fan. I was glad when his son Rand, was elected to the Senate. But it was on one of Ron Paul’s articles to Unz (if I’m not mistaken), that I excoriated his son Rand, applying “ethical absolutism principles”, because Rand had betrayed those principles, when he lied about Iran.

    Iran has said it will not pursue nuclear weapons technology, because they consider it against the principles and teaching of Islam. (not sure we can always believe what Iran says anymore, following this incident), but I took them at their word, and figured they were telling the truth.

    But then I read where Rand Paul had claimed, (something to the effect) that Iran had ‘reversed its nuclear intentions, because of threats from the U.S., which I’m convinced was a lie.

    Someone like Rand Paul would have known, what Iran’s stated position was vis-a-vis nuclear weapons. And that it wasn’t because of zio-threats, that Iran had cravenly appeased, but rather principled positions on nuclear weapons based on the teachings of Islam.

    So I condemned Rand’s lies, because of principles of verity that I consider of great consequence.

    If you’re false, then you’re rotten. And if you’re rotten, no one possibly can or should have any respect for you, or especially anything you say. Man, or regime.

    In such world, we cannot expect that a person or country can survive if imposing on itself standards of morality derided by its enemies

    Well, as I said, I ‘impose’ certain standards on all the people I deal with, all my friends and all my family and anyone with whom I have any respect for.

    If they turn out to be false and given to lies, (then I won’t respond in kind), but rather will forgo any future possible dealings. And, perhaps, let them know what I think of their treachery and guile.

    Iran – with a very long history of minding its own business … … is the closest one can think of a country deserving respect and admiration.

    I have always felt so. And, as I’ve said, with pushing two million words on this forum, over many years, have always said so.

    Just as with Rand Paul, it is when I’ve held men or nations in high esteem, that my disappointment, (and pen) are sometimes most scathing, when I sense deception, and betrayal.

    Not an angel, for sure; if it were one, it would not exist. But whatever misdeeds they do in their fight for survival, they deserve our moral support. After all Iran is the only bulwark against the vilest axis of evil in our times.

    They do deserve our moral and otherwise support, but only insofar as they too are not given to treachery and duplicity.

    I don’t follow men, I follow principles. That is the distinction between men and the jungle. Men honor laws and principles that guide our dealings with each other. Jungle animals have no honor, and respect only raw power. I refuse to be reduced to compromising on principles, without which, we’re little more than animals.

    If Iran had lied to the ZUSA, then that would be understandable, because the ZUSA is a den of snakes. But they didn’t just lie to the snake, they also lied to their own people. I consider that reprehensible, to say the least.

    We’re on the same page, Parfios. We both (所有 people of good will), want an end to the madness, and horrors and Eternal Wars for Israel. We just have different views on how to get there.

    I don’t think descending to their level is the way. Even if Iran tried, they’ll never in a million years ever be able to respond in kind to the fiend. The fiend has been honing duplicity and genocidal treachery for thousands of years. Trying to beat them at their own game, will only alienate your people, who, unlike the zio-thugs, actually do honor the truth.

    Sticking to the truth, even when it’s politically inconvenient, is the way Ron Paul has done it for his entire career. So it can be done, and you can even come out on the other end, with your soul intact.

    Hopefully his son has learned that, and with any luck, Iran’s leadership. We’re going to be counting on both, in the years and decades to come, if our planet is going to find any relief from madness taking us all into the abyss.


  337. @Rurik


    Below is your “hero,” Rand Paul,” performing his obligatory homage at the Western Wall “abyss.”

    Cheers, (Zigh).

  338. Trinity 说:
    @ploni almoni

    Yeah and for decades we all believed the lie that Germans made soap and lampshades out of Jewish fat and skin. Both have been PROVEN to be nothing but CRAZY AND FAR FETCHED WAR TIME PROPAGANDA. The SOAP LIE was even pushed in the best selling, “The Rise And Fall Of The Third Reich.” William Shirer’s work was a huge bestseller that was read by countless serious historians and history buffs, so people astonishingly believed these ridiculous claims of making bars of soap out of human fat and lampshades out of human skin. Even in WWI, the (((American media))) were publishing reports of German soldiers throwing babies into the air and spearing them with their bayonets. Only a sick and twisted mind of a sick and twisted person would even think about something so horrific and then try to pin their own sickness on someone else. Seeing as how the so-called, “holocaust” has been made by the usual suspects and their lackeys to be a taboo subject that must be believed and can’t even be debated, even punishable by imprisonment if you don’t believe the Jewish narrative in some countries, there are still people today who believe in the lampshade and bars of soap propaganda. During the time when Shirer’s bestseller was published the lampshade and soap bars were probably being touted as FACT and anyone who disputed it was labeled “Nazis,” “kooks”, “spawns of Satan,” blah, blah, blah… Even today despite the “official” number being lowered in Auschwitz camp from 4 million to 1.2 million, we are still constantly told that “6-million Jews perished in the “holocaust.” Not sure if the number has been lowered in the other camps, but now it has been “officially” lowered by nearly 3 million so why do we still keep reading and hearing about “6 million?” I was told growing up that if someone lies about one thing that they will lie about everything.

    “But it was real in my mind.” hahahaha.

  339. Rurik 说:

    1. 我们寻求真理的 UR“本土人”是否受到较低较高的召唤? 2. 你认为 ADL 综述“打手小队”会因为你现在抓住伊朗人的脚而撒谎而对你有所怜悯吗?


    试图安抚 ADL?

    例如,在被弹劾的斯克兰顿,我被选中的特朗普斯坦召唤,根据他的国际至上主义者犹太人的世界观,尊重和效忠于“真相”? (Zigh)你#2,Rurik,不管你在哪里,你早就被弹劾了。


    在 11:00 分钟,请查看此视频,该视频最近由 Priss 发布在另一个线程上。

    这个人并不像一个狂热的比比情人/绥靖者。 然而,伊朗人民对被“欺骗”的愤怒是“合法的、公开的愤怒”。

    然后恰克,就在16:00到17:20刚过,他就露出了真面目! 他是一个比比崇拜者和特朗普的情人!!!!

    创新中心 他不会堆积如山,称特朗普为他的反基督!!!!

    这是一个线索:当然,特朗普是一个 zio-whore。 他们都是!



    因为政治岛屿两边的犹太人流氓要求我们用尽最后一滴美国的鲜血和财富为锡安的永恒战争而死。 正如我们一百多年来所做的那样。

    你有时听起来好像你期望特朗普在四年任期内结束这个周期。 在某种程度上,我想你比我们大多数人更想特朗普。

    一个“好人”,留里克。 !





    But life is more nuanced than that, and I appreciated the moderator at that forum, pointing out that all of the evil of the world didn't begin on the day Trump was elected potus. 他只是一个可怕的失望,但不像其他人那么糟糕。


    • 同意: Ilyana_Rozumova
    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  340. @Rurik

    You confuse the absolute and the relative, and the political and the divine. You can’t lie about the absolute and you can’t lie to God. The rest is negotiable. We have to lie all the time, anyway. To do otherwise would be be absurd and children’s fairy tales. It is a problem that autistics encounter all the time.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  341. Rurik 说:


    你说那就像一个 事情。

  342. @Sparkon

    It is just a game, Sparkon, don’t take it seriously. Wikipedia was just a red herring and Raytheon, an industry leader, is a font of truth, just like the Talmud.

  343. Rurik 说:

    Please tell me what you think after listening to the recording of Mr. Trump’s speech last Friday. See #334.

    I’ve been a fan of Brother Nathanial for many, many years. Long before I showed up here.

    What did he say that contradicts one thing I’ve ever said?

    I’ve said all along, that Trump is a whore of Zion. Duh.

    That is not in question. I’ll tell you what I think is going on..

    A yes, sort of child-like ‘our team good, their team evil’, kind of thing. When we look at the world in a black and white way, without considering the nuances:

    Trump is a zio-whore, but less murderous than Bush or Obama were.

    Iran is a good guy, but that doesn’t mean that can’t make disastrous mistakes.

    But in the cartoon world of ‘we’re good, and they’re evil!, such nuanced versions of reality are too complicated for some people, it seems. Iran must NEVER be criticized, because they’re part of the ‘good guy’ team, and Trump must be considered the worst evil man who’s ever sold out his nation to Zion, for a few shekels, because he’s the ‘orange clown’, and has divided the country!’, blah, blah, blah.

    How about he’s a compromised man, who has disappointed us all, with his slavish, murderous fealty to Israel, and its assorted Jewish supremacist$, just like they all do.

    In fact, by blaming Trump personally for all the evils being done by the ZUSA, is sort of giving a pass to the Zionists, who’re behind the curtain, hoping no one pull the curtain back, and sees them there pulling the levers and turning the dials.

    It’s all Trump!

    他是 doing it!!

    While Sheldon and Haim Saban carefully dial in the next move..

    • 回复: @anonymous
  344. Trinity 说:

    Muh Wars For Israel are “Making America Great Again” “because they are jealous of our way life.”

    Dubya & The Donald cosign.

    • 回复: @Desert Fox
  345. Rurik 说:
    @Assad al-islam

    Mr. Rurik asked me some questions about Shia Islam, which I answered to him in good faith. Then he came after me with a vengeance,

    Perhaps there was more to it than that.

    I know this fellow, and I doubt he’d act that way simply because you answered a question in good faith.

    He can be ‘excitable, but he’s generally not irrational.

    • 回复: @Assad al-islam
  346. @Rurik

    With coherency Rurik babbled: “All we can hope for, is that Trump is somewhat less of a war-mongering whore of Zion, than he otherwise would be, were it not for the American people holding his feet to the fire, and demanding NO WAR WITH IRAN.”

    Tyt, Rurik, & when you can name any American “people” who holds whorey Trumpstein’s “feet to the fire, and demanding NO WAR WITH IRAN,” please let me know?

    也许马克格林可以帮助你的脚保持温暖 - 在这里燃烧?


    • 回复: @Rurik
  347. Desert Fox 说:

    The ZUS is a feeder system that supplies cannon fodder for the zionist wars and Israel will fight to the last American.

  348. anonymous[245]• 免责声明 说:


    By voting for him in 2016, and doing so again in November, you are enabling the Establishment against which you so passionately rail.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  349. Rurik 说:
    @ploni almoni

    We have to lie all the time, anyway. To do otherwise would be be absurd and children’s fairy tales. It is a problem that autistics encounter all the time.

    Telling little lies about if your wife looks great in that dress, or if your boss is a good manager, are certainly forgivable, if expected.

    Telling the world that you didn’t shoot down a commercial passenger jet, full of civilians, moments after it took flight from your capital’s airport, is not the same thing.

    After MH17, the professional liars of the ((Western world)), were screeching that ‘Putin shot down the plane!!!’.

    That was reprehensible, but like Pravda, we’ve all come to expect nothing but lies from our media and governments.

    But what if it turned out that Putin, (the Russian military), was actually at fault for the tragedy?

    And that there was proof, that Russian SAMs systems, operated by Russians, shot down the plane, and then tried to cover it up with lies?

    I personally like Putin. (I consider him the most important bulwark against the fiend on the world’s stage. He may turn out to be the savior of the West, much as he turned out to be the savior of Russia, at least for now). But if following the shoot-down of MH17, he had lied to the world, and to the Russian and Ukrainian people and everyone else, about what had happened, I rather suspect that I’d be calling- collectively, along with millions of Russians and Ukrainians and so many others, for his repudiation.

    Something I was thinking about, over this.. is how some think I’m expecting too much in the way of principles, vis-a-vis this tragedy. But I wonder..

    What, if not principles, were the motivating foundation for the 1979 Iranian Revolution?

    It took an heroic level of patriotism and self-sacrifice for the (especially young, collage age) Iranians to take on SAVAK, and the Shah’s regime thugs, in order to free Iran and it’s people from the clutches of the fiend. No mean feat, that.

    But what would their chances of success have been, if they had said ‘it’s not about any faith in Islam, or any principles thereupon agreed, but rather we want to replace the men in power now, with some other men, who will then make up their own principles as they go.


    What is a nations state, of not something built upon iron principles?

    Would the founders of this country, have been willing to sacrifice their lives, to kill the British soldiers, if it means simply submission to a different set of men?

    Or did it require a set of iron principles, agreed to by all, that the republic for which they were willing to die, would rule based upon certain, outlined principles?

    I wasn’t there at the Iranian revolution, but I suspect it was the same kind of thing.

    Without principles, what/who are we?

    I’ll tell you who..

  350. Rurik 说:

    American “people” who holds whorey Trumpstein’s “feet to the fire, and demanding NO WAR WITH IRAN,” please let me know?

    Didn’t you see Trump engetically doing damage control after the assassination/murder?

    Claiming that he did it specifically to avoid war. A lie, of course, he did it to appease his Zionist masters, but he also understood the tenor of the nation, vis-a-vis the Endless Wars.

    Few people on the planet, are more hostile to more wars, that the American Alt-right. – A segment of the public who’re putatively aligned with Trump’s base; Heritage America. – Conservative, generally Christian, gun-owning, middle and working class Americans of all races and creeds, who’re opposed to the radial leftists of Hillary/Pelosi/The Squad/Homomania/war mongers, losers, and fools.

    Iow, the people who called their congresscritters over Obama’s designs to get a congressional mandate to bomb Syria, and said Hell No!

    Americans want to 结束 the Eternal Wars – zio-scumbags, the media and fecal government- notwithstanding.


    • 回复: @Desert Fox
    , @ChuckOrloski
  351. Rurik 说:

    By voting for him in 2016, and doing so again in November, you are enabling the Establishment against which you so passionately rail.


    The establishment have been apoplectic over the advent of ‘Trump’.

    They’ve screeched and blubbered and displayed enough butt-hurt psychic angst to send Preparation H’s stock to the stratosphere, of it could only sooth 情绪化 butt-hurt.

    I don’t see or hear an organ of the Establishment bleeding out of its orifices every time Trump’s name is mentioned.

    There was no one more aligned with the goals of the Establishment, than Hillary Clinton.

    Wars, massive and transformational out, and in-sourcing. Not just destroying the middle and working class in fly-over America, but rubbing their faces in the manure pile, every chance they got.

    It wouldn’t just have been Epstein and Weinstein and homos of every stripe, all treating Heartland America’s kids like their personal little amusements, but the whole culture would have taken a Weimar-American plunge off the cliff into moral depravity beyond comprehension.

    This guys expression, sort of says it all

    And those are the men and women that Trump has routed from the highest echelons of federal law enforcement. It’s almost terrifying to think that these types of men, were running our federal intelligence and investigative operations.

    Moral letches and depraved, arrogant scum. From Clapper to Brennan to Comey and on and on..

    So please don’t pretend that Trump represents the Establishment. He sucks Bibi’s and Sheldon’s ****, because that’s who control the purse-strings and access to ‘favorable’ media treatment, such as it is, for Trump.

    And if Hillary ran against Trump tomorrow, and was the only alternative, I’d clamor over armies and walk though fiery pits of Hell, to pull the lever for Trump. Not for anything he is, (empty suit of pure vanity and ambition, in service to America’s premier ((enemy))), but for what he isn’t. Hillary R. Clinton.

  352. @Rurik



    在你问我一些关于什叶派伊斯兰教的问题后,我真诚地回答了你,你报复了我。 带有“MEexpert”句柄的什叶派海报,甚至指责你。 从那以后,我再也没有回复过你的任何帖子。 但是我坚信给某人三次机会,而您已经用完了其中两次,而这一次是您的最后一次机会。 你似乎对伊朗政府的要求非常非常高。 作为政府,他们的任务是照顾伊朗及其公民的安全和福祉。 伊朗政府没有注意到什叶派,甚至代表所有什叶派。 希望我下面的解释能帮助你理解。

    Wilayat al-Faqih : 伊斯兰法学家的监护权(伊玛目)

    Since the death of the Prophet and while his body was still warm and not buried yet, Islam was hijacked. Since then the Shia until very recently (read Iran) have refused to be “The Government” as any government leads to abuses and lust of power. The Shia wanted to have their cake and eat it too! They were always happy for Sunni to form the government and then target them for misrule. What about the Shia Fatimid Dynasty in Egypt where all Egyptians were Shia! And, after the fall of Fatimid they were all converted by sword to Sunni. How about the Safavid Dynasty in Iran! These were all dynasties and nothing to do with Shia 12er Religion.

    伊玛目阿亚图拉 赛义德 霍梅尼和阿亚图拉一样是玛尔雅人 赛义德 Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei 因父亲布什而被萨达姆砍倒。 或阿亚图拉 赛义德 阿里西斯塔尼成为继阿亚图拉之后最高的玛尔雅人 赛义德 Abu al-Qasim al-Khoei。 赛义德 Khoei 和他的学生 赛义德 西斯塔尼在什叶派中拥有最高的追随者。 阿訇 赛义德 Khomeini was a different cattle of fish, even though he didn’t have the highest following, today he is considered by majority of Muslims, as “Renewer of Islam”. A renewer comes once every century and he is recognized as renewer 50 to 70 years later. Islam was dead both in Iran and the Arab World due to Shah of Iran. Fashion magazines in Persian language were molded after the American fashion magazines, which introduced to the Muslims’ World the Mighty Mini Skirts. During Khomeini the modesty of Islam came back and out were Mini Skirts. He also came out with vengeance against Wahhabism.

    伊朗主要是什叶派,决定组建基于民主的政府。 这是什叶派首次尝试组建政府。 谁来监督民主? 所以他选择了 Wilayat al-Faqih,这在什叶派伊斯兰教中被讨论了几个世纪。 什叶派世界一片哗然,他怎么可能是瓦利(卫士、伊玛目、总督) 赛义德 Khoei 拥有最多的追随者。 是 赛义德 霍梅尼让自己成为教皇。 有人解释说,这种模式仅适用于伊朗,每个什叶派国家都可以从其人民那里采用这种模式。 由于 Marjas 遍布世界各地,没有任何 Marja 可以高于任何其他 Marja。 他们都是独立的, 赛义德 霍梅尼即使在伊朗也不是伊朗的玛哈斯头目。

    人们认为是伊朗人向世界传授了什叶派伊斯兰教。 阿拉伯世界的大多数人大多是什叶派。 即使在他们大部分被 SWORD 转变为逊尼派之后,就像整个埃及一样。 包括古兰经在内的大部分伊斯兰教书籍都是阿拉伯语。 什叶派的首都是伊拉克而不是伊朗,尤其是纳杰夫(伊拉克)而不是库姆(伊朗)。 伊玛目阿里将伊斯兰首都迁至伊拉克纳杰夫,他被安葬在那里。 伊玛目侯赛因被埋葬在伊拉克的卡尔巴拉,另外还有大约 3 位什叶派伊玛目被埋葬在伊拉克,占 11 位已故伊玛目的大部分。 只有一位伊玛目被埋葬在伊朗库姆。 标题 赛义德 意味着他们是先知(锯子)的直系后裔,是阿拉伯人。 所以伊朗的两位最高领导人都是阿拉伯人,而不是伊朗人。

    我认为伊朗政府、阿拉伯政府、美国和俄罗斯都在勾结,因为他们都厌倦了以色列。 对于穆斯林来说,那里有什么。 那么以色列会得到照顾。 像塞西将军这样的阿拉伯君主很高兴哈里发系统已经尘埃落定。 伊斯兰国的哈里发国(巴格达迪)是天赐之物,因为它向世界特别是穆斯林展示了伊斯兰教和哈里发国的丑陋面孔。 伊玛目侯赛因 (Imam Hussain) 照顾了它 600 年,允许对他自己和先知 (saws) 的整个家庭犯下战争罪。 在 12 世纪,伊本·泰米亚出现了,他甚至对逊尼派来说也有毒,以至于他们把他关起来,把钥匙扔进海里。 600 年后的 18 世纪,阿卜杜勒·瓦哈卜 (Abdul Wahhab) 出现并复兴了伊本·泰米亚 (ibn Taymiyyah)。

    What is in for Shia. There is lot of fog over the German history, as it is not available. But the True Islamic History is available in all Muslims’ Books. However, not many Muslims on the other side are aware of this history, as it is disguised in fog by their Mullahs. Even those few on the other side know the history, they disguise it with Taqiyya and Excuses. However, the True History of Islam is slowly, slowly being introduced. It might take a generation, but it will kill sectarianism in Islam. Just like the German History and HoloFake cannot be taught overnight.

  353. Desert Fox 说:

    When Trump gets reelected the zionists are going to do a false flag and blame Iran and Trump is going to bomb Iran and it makes no difference if a demon-rat gets elected, the plan is the same, and also Trump will go after our guns, same deal if a demon-rat get in, both are zionist goals, war with Iran and seize the guns.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  354. @Rurik


    Try to recognize sarcasm!

  355. Trinity 说:

    Lest we kid ourselves, there is NO VISIBLE “America First” candidate running for POTUS on the repuke side and there damn sure isn’t one running on the side of the rabidly anti-White demshevik side, at least not as far as anyone with a realistic shot at winning the election. This is WHY I lay a lot of blame on Whites themselves. WE were the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY and WE ALLOWED THIS CRAP TO HAPPEN.

    Creepy Joe Biden is as anti-White as black Corey Booker or Jewish Bernie Sanders. Can you imagine any Black, Hispanic, or Jew going against their own kind or applauding the destruction of their own race and culture? Obama would not have been elected were it not for tens of millions of white traitor trash psychopathic cretins voting for him. Obama was proven to be anti-White before he was elected and yet all those self hating White morons still voted for him. And then look at the two “white men” who ran against Obama, both Romney and McAmnesty were the personification of how a white traitor trash cuckservative acts and behaves. The display these two traitor trash cucks put on and continued to put on years later was pathetic. How in the hell are you going to vote your way out this mess when there is absolutely little or no difference between these two corrupt, anti-White, pro-Zionist and pro-multicultural parties??

    Cowardly Whites scorned anyone who even appeared to be slightly pro-White in the past and they were all for these candidates to be painted as kooks, “nazis,” and anti-American. Legit and credible candidates like Dr. David Duke were probably scorned more by their fellow traitorous kinsmen than Jews or nonwhites. Before Trump, you had George Wallace. George Wallace rallies made those earlier Trump rallies look tame by comparison. You think Trump had protestors? Take a look back at some of those Wallace rallies. Even lukewarm pro-White candidates like Pat Buchanan were demonized. lmao. IF Pat Buchanan is considered a “white nationalist” and an “anti-Semite” than Jesse Jackson is a REAL “reverend” who has read the Bible 5 times.

    Even now in the year 2020, not one single solitary white male or white female politician who is at least nationally known or in a prominent position has the cojones to promote any sort of pro-White agenda, condemn Black on White rape, talk about Jewish power and influence or stand up for civil rights of Whites in this country. We arrived at this point largely because of White traitorous behavior, White greed, White selfishness ( not caring about their kinsmen or the future of the country), etc. Good luck with the 2020 election because I will probably use my vote to write in a relatively unknown pro-White candidate or Donald Duck for President.

  356. @Rurik

    Okay, okay, Rurik.

    Reckon there are Americans 😊who are compelled to hold Trumpstein’s “feet to fire” and persuade him to not launch catastophic regime change in Iran.

    Nonetheless, Rurik, I suggest this:

    Russians under President Putin’s leadership & intimidating foreign policy goals did more to hold back Trumpstein’s trigger finger & did a helluva lot more than, and in your pie-in-THE Blue & Whitewashed Sky words,
    “Trump’s base; Heritage America. – Conservativegenerally Christian, gun-owning, middle and working class Americans of all races and creeds, who’re opposed to the radial leftists of Hillary/Pelosi/The Squad/Homomania/war mongers, losers, and fools.”

    P.S.: Haha. The MAGA populist,Trumpstein, is temporarily unchained from the Zio impeacment Squad, and is now off to attend Davos seances.🙄

    • 哈哈: Assad al-islam
    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Iris
  357. @Rurik

    I know this fellow, and I doubt he’d act that way simply because you answered a question in good faith.

    He can be ‘excitable, but he’s generally not irrational.

    Salam Rurik, one question or bunch of questions.

    LOL Rurik, trying to soften it! And, then you try to hold the Iranian Government at a higher standard! Tut, tut….

  358. Rurik 说:
    @Assad al-islam

    As-salamu alaikum, Assad al-islam,

    After you asked me some question on Shia Islam which I answered you in good faith, you came down on me with a vengeance. The Shia poster with the handle of “MEexpert”, even faulted you.

    Well, I’m, familiar with MEexpert, and consider him a very reasonable sort, so perhaps I was unfair to you, but it is not my wont to be rude to people who participate in ‘good faith’, so I suspect there must have been a misunderstanding of some kind. If I fell short of courtesy, then you have my apologies. (but I would still like to see it in context).

    and this one your last chance.

    You see, that’s the kind of tone for which I’m not well suited. I’ve even taken a measured umbrage at ultimatums.

    But in this case, I’ll put it down to cultural fault.

    Since the death of the Prophet and while his body was still warm and not buried yet, Islam was hijacked. Since then the Shia until very recently (read Iran) have refused to be “The Government” as any government leads to abuses and lust of power.

    Heavy-duty stuff, there.

    I’m not even a neophyte on the scholarship, tenets, conflicts or current rifts of Islam. Or any religion or philosophy for that matter. I know enough about the minutia of my niche in the tech world, but beyond that, I’m way too ignorant to agree or disagree with the momentous debates that are so intractable (if tragic) for so many Muslims. Not that I like it that way, but I’ve never been an intellectual heavyweight, (or even lightweight ; ), so you’ll forgive me if I simply don’t posses the depth to weigh in on those difficult matters.

    Islam was dead both in Iran and the Arab World due to Shah of Iran. Fashion magazines in Persian language were molded after the American fashion magazines,

    本篇, I get.

    As I’ve mentioned, (perhaps because of my limitations) I use an infallible metric to glimmer the good guys from the bad guys, in government, and beyond. It doesn’t always work to know who the good guys are, but it does for the bad guys. I think you even saw me mention it, (or someone with a name like yours) on another thread. Anyways, if a regime is friendly to Zion, (beyond the normal diplomatic courtesies), and invites in members of the Mossad (or their stooges at the CIA and MI6), to run herd on their citizens, then that regime is going to be the enemy of their people. That’s how I discovered that the Shah was an enemy of Iran, (and Islam), because he was a friend of Zion. Like the Saudis today. And so many others. So for simple people like me, using useful metrics like that, can be very helpful.

    For an American, it works the same. The closer to AIPAC a politician is, the more treasonous and perfidious that politician is.

    My belief is that the Iranian Government, Arab Governments, USA and Russia are in cahoots as they all are sick of Israel.

    Well then, they certainly have a strange way of showing it.

    In 12th Century, came ibn Taymiyyah who was so toxic even to Sunnis, that they locked him up and threw the keys in the sea. Another 600 years later in 18th Century came Abdul Wahhab and revived ibn Taymiyyah.

    Please understand, it is with all respect, that I want to point out to you that much of what you’re saying, is no doubt said in earnest and good-faith, but to a Westerner, not immersed in the minutia of Islam, our eyes glaze over, and it sound like so much obscure scholarship to be hashed out and poured over by theologians and clerics.

    I wonder, are you suggesting that you consider there to be an intractable flaw in Iran’s government, based on their interpretation of Islam?

    Is the Saudi interpretation, (and its manifestations upon the Muslim world), any better?

    • 回复: @Assad al-islam
  359. Rurik 说:
    @Desert Fox

    When Trump gets reelected the zionists are going to do a false flag and blame Iran and Trump is going to bomb Iran and it makes no difference if a demon-rat gets elected, the plan is the same, and also Trump will go after our guns, same deal if a demon-rat get in, both are zionist goals, war with Iran and seize the guns.

    Well Desert Fox, I certainly consider those predictions to be well within the possibilities of our fate.

    The good news, if there is any, is that while I do consider those steps as possible, I will say they seem to me to be more on the pessimistic side, as opposed to the other.

    Or, another way is saying it, is that those are the worst-case scenarios. The best case-scenario, is that if Trump gets his second term, he’ll put in place safeguards against being ‘JFK’d’, and then go after all the deepstate scum who’ve made his life so miserable for so many years. John Brennan for instance.

    I really don’t know which scenario is more likely, but I hope it’s the latter. Even if that seems a bit Pollyanna.

    Yes, you could be right, but then there are a lot of Deplorables that would not take too kindly to being asked to hand in their guns, and things could get tricky.

    • 回复: @Desert Fox
  360. Rurik 说:

    Russians under President Putin’s leadership & intimidating foreign policy goals did more to hold back Trumpstein’s trigger finger

    So, let me ask you Chuck, do you think Trump was/is keen to bomb Syria, and remove Assad, and it was only Putin’s intimidation that thwarted Trump’s intention of destroying and occupying Syria for perpetuity?

    Can you read Trump’s heart?

    P.S.: Haha. The MAGA populist,Trumpstein, is temporarily unchained from the Zio impeacment Squad,

    Please Chuck, for the sake of us mediocrities, use less esoteric coding in your prose.

    Is it a ruse, that Pelosi and Schumer, and the Squad hate Trump’s guts, and that really, they’ve been working in cahoots from day one?

    Perhaps it isn’t four dimensional chess that he’s playing, but sixteen?

    • 回复: @Assad al-islam
  361. Iris 说:


    This alleged “report” of US casualties in Ain Al Asad military base is being circulated on the Internet.
    The figures are so high it seems it could only be fake.


    • 回复: @Brewer
    , @ChuckOrloski
  362. To me, Rurik asked: “So, let me ask you Chuck, do you think Trump was/is keen to bomb Syria, and remove Assad, and it was only Putin’s intimidation that thwarted Trump’s intention of destroying and occupying Syria for perpetuity?”


    Rurik’s next question: “Can you read Trump’s heart?”

    Answer: No. Am Polish but not Conrad, and Trumpstein’s heart is simply too dark.

  363. @Rurik

    Heavy-duty stuff, there.

    I’m not even a neophyte on the scholarship, tenets, conflicts or current rifts of Islam. Or any religion or philosophy for that matter.


    No, it is not Heavy-duty stuff. I am discussing the rifts in Islam. Due to my ignorance I used to think that Hitler was a monster until I studied the history of WW2 for myself. You are a very intelligent person and someone who is interest in the Truth. So, I am basically saying to you to study the Islamic history for yourself. You will find out that the Prophet (saws) didn’t marry a child of six years. The child is signing her own songs claiming as such and whom the Quran calls a liar and destined for Hell.

    Well then, they certainly have a strange way of showing it.

    Not really, it is not sooo easy to defeat the snake.

    Please understand, it is with all respect, that I want to point out to you that much of what you’re saying, is no doubt said in earnest and good-faith, but to a Westerner, not immersed in the minutia of Islam, our eyes glaze over, and it sound like so much obscure scholarship to be hashed out and poured over by theologians and clerics.

    Not really, I am pretty sure that you know Abdul Wahhab and Wahhabism. As a person interest in Truth and who hate lies, you cannot feign ignorance. Neither you can feign ignorance of Caliph Abu Bakr Baghdadi, which is again based on Wahhabism.

    I wonder, are you suggesting that you consider there to be an intractable flaw in Iran’s government, based on their interpretation of Islam?

    Is the Saudi interpretation, (and its manifestations upon the Muslim world), any better?

    As Shia, we are very excited in the governance of Iranian Model. As I mentioned earlier this is the first time, the Shia have accepted to govern. God bless Khomeini who had the charisma and power to institute this kind of government model in Iran. All Muslims (read Sunnis and Shias) consider Khomeini as a Renewer of Islam for the 20th Century. It seems a successful model and would be nice it is implemented in Iraq, but I am afraid the USA will not allow it and Sistani keeps away from politics.

  364. @Rurik

    So, let me ask you Chuck, do you think Trump was/is keen to bomb Syria, and remove Assad, and it was only Putin’s intimidation that thwarted Trump’s intention of destroying and occupying Syria for perpetuity?


    Like I said that they all are in cahoots. Even Obama didn’t wanted to remove Asad, as it was the excuse to bring Iran at the doorsteps of Israel. Also, allowed Iran a land supply line to Hezbollah. When Russia walked in and took over Crimea, at that I said on the Saker’s blog that both Obama and Putin are in cahoots, and Obama gave Crimea to Russia on a silver platter. People taught at that time I being a camel jockey, I don’t know what cahoots means. I am very sure that you are aware of the significance of Crimea to Russia. They can now control the Mediterranean Sea and denying Israel the access anytime. On the other side, meaning the Red Sea the access too is now controlled by Iran (Houtis in Yemen) at Bab al-Mandeb.

    I was surprised that how can Iran being surrounded by sanctions, they could have developed a precise missile guided system which strike dead center of their targets. Now Russia is claiming that they provided these missiles to Iran. Iran technology is very backward especially, when it comes to air. They gave USA prior knowledge of this strike and ofcourse Israel was aware of it, thus the downing of Ukraine Airplane.

  365. Desert Fox 说:

    I hope I am wrong , however Trump is hand in glove with the deep state swamp, and his AG Barr is not only a zionist but is as corrupt as they come and was involved in gun and drug running when he was GHW Bushes AG, with Oliver North and Clinton, when Clinton was governor of Arkansas , see the book Compromised Clinton, Bush and the CIA by Vietnam veteran Terry Reed and see his videos on youtube, they are all swamp creatures and crooked as hell.

    Also I believe that Epstein is alive and I believe Barr had a major hand in getting Epstein out of the country. The book can be had on amazon.com and Barr’s undercover name in this book is Robert Johnson and Barr is also CIA and has been CIA for decades. This book reads like a novel, but it is all true and they even tried to kill Terry Reed.

  366. @Iris


    Am incentivuzed to never trust the zionized Pentagon, especially since Zio Secretary Rumsfeld publically announced $trillions of M.I.A. dollars, and Amerikans got a spitoon accounting. 😞

    Consequently, official reports on the ZUS’s GWOT casualties can fluctuate (hout to hour) and according to the Pentagon’s predilection.


  367. @Assad al-islam

    I am discussing the rifts in Islam.

    Correction, it should read I am 不是 discussing the rifts in Islam.

  368. @Rurik

    我确实是抱着希望说的。 (团结)

    • 同意: Assad al-islam
    • 回复: @Rurik
  369. @Assad al-islam


  370. @geokat62

    Ionian rebellion? What on earth could they have been rebelling against?

    Greek , [z]ionized yogurt.

    • 哈哈: ChuckOrloski
    • 回复: @geokat62
  371. geokat62 说:
    @Daniel Rich

    [z]ionized yogurt.

    Speaking of [z]ionized yogurt, a little trivial pursuit:

    Danone was founded by Isaac Carasso, a Sephardic Jewish doctor, who began producing yogurt in Barcelona, Spain in 1919. The brand was named Danone, which translates to “little Daniel”, after his son Daniel Carasso.


  372. artichoke 说:

    That video is nonsense. The “proof” ignores the rules of perspective: when you move, the near objects appear to move the opposite way more than the distant ones do! The same mistake is made over and over purporting to “prove” something.

    I don’t know a lot of things about 9/11. But that video is nonsense.

  373. artichoke 说:
    @Assad al-islam

    It appears that the young generation of Iranians isn’t liking it very much either. You can be excited about it, so why don’t you go live under that government?

    Muslims are told by their religious texts to export their Ummah, forcibly. We don’t want it. We’ll push you back out. You’re vigilant and aggressive and sneaky, so we must be more vigilant and more aggressive because we’re less sneaky.

    • 回复: @Assad al-islam
  374. @Assad al-islam

    Systems of solipsistic insanity can include any number of people who reinforce each other’s fantasies. They always perceive themselves as victims of the ignorant and uncomprehending majority which is malevolently unwilling to see the blinding truth of their assertions. Ali knew he was making mistakes but it was noble and deep to make mistakes. Husayn was making mistakes and and going off a cliff, but it was noble to make mistakes and go off a cliff. You see this in the population all the time in individual cases but when it is the whole tribe or nation that exists in a mirror world it is astonishing. Amazingly, everyone now and then someone escapes from this collective insanity.

  375. Rurik 说:
    @Assad al-islam

    Salaam Assad al-islam,


    …study the Islamic history for yourself. You will find out that the Prophet (saws) didn’t marry a child of six years. The child is signing her own songs claiming as such and whom the Quran calls a liar and destined for Hell.

    Well, that sort of seems extreme, both the ‘marriage’ and the damnation of a child that young.

    But I don’t take religious texts literally. I’ve seen stuff in the Bible that would curdle the blood of a scorpion. I’ve read things about Judaism, where the Talmud apparently permits a rabbi to have sex with three year old toddlers, provided he waits one day beyond her third birthday.

    But I don’t extrapolate the moral atrocities sanctioned in the Bible, as defaming Christians, any more than the moral horrors rampant in the Talmud, paint all Jews.

    So I would hardly be inclined to use obscure passages in the Quran, to give a blanket condemnation of Islam or Muslims. Most of whom, seem like good and decent people to me. Just as most Jews and Christians are law-abiding, decent people, who don’t go around raping toddlers.

    For me, the ancient religious texts are general guides, often to be taken poetically and symbolically, rather than literally. The Bible says God created the earth and the heavens in six days, but I don’t take that literally. Any more than I believe the earth is some five or so thousand years old.

    Some people, far more pious than myself, might condemn my soul for such a casual reading of ‘God’s word’, but I don’t feel too threatened by that. I’m very forgiving of human frailties, we’re all mortal, after all, and imperfect.

    it is not sooo easy to defeat the snake.


    Neither you can feign ignorance of Caliph Abu Bakr Baghdadi, which is again based on Wahhabism.

    Isn’t that the fellow seen here with John McBloodstain?

    Khomeini as a Renewer of Islam for the 20th Century. It seems a successful model and would be nice it is implemented in Iraq, but I am afraid the USA will not allow it and Sistani keeps away from politics.

    What ever the USA allows or doesn’t allow, is entirely dependent upon what a handful of Zionist, Jewish supremacists consider in their best interest. That much, I 知道了。

    But from everything I can glimmer, Iran, (pre-, and post the zio-rat Shah), has been an exemplary nation of exemplary people. Much to be admired, and emulated, insofar as they’re a repudiation of the head-slicing orcs of ISIS, or the journalist-torturing BFF of Bibi and Zion. (I’m not a fan of the Saudi regime, attempting to starve to death the children of Yemen, in order to impose their corruption and rapine as far and wide as possible). The Saudis are a friend of Zion, and using my metric, that tells me all I need to know about them.

    Obama didn’t wanted to remove Asad, as it was the excuse to bring Iran at the doorsteps of Israel. Also, allowed Iran a land supply line to Hezbollah. … and Obama gave Crimea to Russia on a silver platter.

    Well, here we have to agree to disagree.

    I consider Obama nothing more than a tool of Zion. If his ((masters)) said bomb Libya, he obeyed like the cur he was and is. I don’t give Obama credit for Iran’s supply line to Hezbollah or Russia’s securing of Crimea, in any way, shape or form. Those very positive developments are due to Iran’s leadership, Hezbollah’s heroics, and Putin’s savvy and genius. The only possitive thing I can think of that Obama did, was the Iran deal. Which I suspect had something to do with (black man) Obama bristling at his domination by an arrogant white-man uber-prick, Bibi. – I did enjoy that spectacle, of a black supremacist racist – Obama, being ordered around like a dog, by a Jewish supremacist racist – Bibi. Obama, unlike Trump, didn’t like being Bibi’s dog. Trump seems to feel right at home, at Bibi’s feet. He knows his place.

    Salaam Assad al-islam,

    Always a pleasure to learn from people with vastly wide-ranging experiences and viewpoints. Which is part of the reason I’m here. Also, I’d like to think that though dialogue, many of our seemingly intractable differences, can be mollified though understanding. I especially feel this way about the rifts in Islam, which I consider tragic, insofar as Muslim kills Muslim, especially at the behest of Zion. As you mention Hitler, I consider the betrayals of Germany following the Armistice, and the carnage of WWII, as nothing more than Christian slaughtering Christian, at the behest of Zion. We two people’s, (Muslim and Christian), must not allow Zion to get us slaughtering each other, as the fiend giggles and exclaims ‘Such a deal!’

    That is my hope, and my sincere goal.


  376. Rurik 说:




    请原谅我的错误,但我从各个角度(从我尊重的许多人那里)都受到了打击,因为我只是表达了我衷心的意见,没有恶意或诡计。 然而,谴责从四面八方涌来。 我不知道下一个弹弓和箭会从哪里飞进来……


    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  377. Lurker 说:

    Were any of these ‘Rich Kids’ seen dancing at the time of the shootdown?

  378. @Rurik

    To Ilyana, a good man, Rurik wrote: “Please forgive my mistake, but I was getting hammered from every angle, (from many whom I respected) for simply expressing my heartfelt opinions, without malice or guile.”

    Re, above; No, no, Rurik. No “slings & arrows” flown at you! With objectivity, please return & reconsider the comment exchange?

    From me in particular, all you really got was recyclable “Caution” signs and a floating a Fig Leaf which together were meant as a signal to not judge the Iranians who daily get stoned by the ZUS and Israeli Pharisees.

    Thanks for Solidarnosz? 👌

    P.S.: Had Jacques Sheete been around, am fairly certain he’d try to grab your humane hand, & prior to your going down a Gadarene cliff.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  379. Rurik 说:

    a signal to not judge the Iranians who daily get stoned by the ZUS and Israeli Pharisees.

    I was not judging the Iranians, but the leaders who lied. And I continue to think, expound and caution, that lying, deception and duplicity, are not statecraft, if you’re going to rally your people and allies to your (admittedly noble) cause.

    I miss Jacques.

    Cheers Chuck.

  380. 亲爱的主席先生,

    Why the concerted effort to link electronic jamming etc with the aircraft transponder failure?

    No such devilishly clever measures were required to accomplish that end.

    Boeing aircraft have been specifically DESIGNED to have their electronic systems TAKEN OVER by US government and military agencies. All done remotely, by satellite link. As plain and simple as that. It’s no big secret, although none of the parties involved advertise it.

    This design “feature” was incorporated into post-9-11 Boeing aircraft as a “security” feature, allegedly to prevent any more nasty “hijackers” getting control of more planes after the (government orchestrated and military implemented) 9-11 False Flag.

    Of course, being the silly lemmings that we all are, no-one thought to question the rationale or the true motives for the Deep State, military & MIC getting arbitrary remote control of any and all Boeing aircraft flying around the world.

    The Turkish plane was a Boeing, and it’s transponder got switched off. No fancy radar spoofing or top-secret electronic warfare tricks required. Just a satellite signal sent to the aircraft as it took off. All timed like clockwork for the boys with their phone-cameras to get good footage from their pre-positioned vantage point.

    And remember that other Boeing that went missing over the Indian Ocean? Yeah, that’s right…

    • 回复: @Rurik
  381. @Rurik

    Well, that sort of seems extreme, both the ‘marriage’ and the damnation of a child that young.

    Salam Brother Rurik,

    First I have made correction to my above post 376 to you, in my post 381, which reads: “I am 不是 discussing the rifts in Islam. Secondly, you are an excellent writer but a bad reader, which 90% of the population is. Please don’t take this an insult to you until you have finished reading this post and reflected on it.



    Now, a brief 50 years of Islamic history after the death of the Prophet (saws) unit 战争罪 against his family, meaning his grandson Hussein were committed. I believe, you have participated in the latest Pepe’s article on this forum.

    At the death of the Prophet, while his body was being prepared for burial, a group of nine people left the burial procession and went into a different town. Travels in those days was not in cars, but camels, horses and donkeys. They decided to nominate a successor to the Prophet as they claimed that the Prophet failed to do so. When they came back at night, the Prophet was already buried. The nominated successor sneaked in Prophet’s room and slept there. In the morning, he was the First Caliph of Islam and according to them the Prophet failed in his job to appoint a successor, so it became incumbent on them to nominate a successor.

    What happened then was a 50 years of civil wars within Islam. Rebellion after rebellion. Everything was reversed what Prophet built during his life, some of the things.
    Prophet words hearsay (hadiths) are higher than Quran which was/is a revelation from God.
    We don’t need Prophet’s hadiths as we have Quran to guide us (contradiction).
    Prophet’s hadiths were burned.
    The Quran was compiled in non-chronological order.
    It was compiled with Old Arabic lacking grammar and could not be read. The proper Quran was revealed in Quranic Classical Arabic with pure grammar.
    Slavery was back in business and raping of war captured women was in.
    Yemen being complete Muslim Country refused the rule of the First Caliph, the first civil war was waged againt them and they were taken as slaves and their women raped.
    Anyone who stood againt them were called apostate and were murdered, contrary to Islamic Freedom in Quran, “There should be no compulsion in religion”
    Islam was spread by SWORD for mammon, and put a knife in Christianity which helped Islam and provided protection to early adherents of the Prophets.
    The Evil Woman waged a war against the Fourth Caliph Ali, which is called, “War of Camel”.
    Ali was murdered by the son of abu Sufyan Omayyad, the arch enemy of Islam. His son who murdered Ali, become the Fifth Caliph and from then on the Caliphate become the Dynasty of Omayyad.
    The son of Fifth Caliph (grandson of abu Sufyan Omayyad) became the Sixth Caliph, who committed WAR CRIMES against the Prophet’s family, i.e. Imam Hussein.

    On and on, but I am sure by now you have caught my drift. After Ali’s death when most of the Prophet’s companions were dead, the Prophet’s hearsay (hadiths) were cooked and cooked again. Mostly contradictory hadiths which were transmitted verbally. In Islam Prophet’s life is for Muslims to emulate. If the Caliph or his friends are Pedophiles, cook a hearsay (hadith) that Prophet married a six years old child, so it is OK for any Old, Old man to marry a child in this day and age.

    The cooked hearsay (hadiths) were compiled in writing in six books (each book is voluminous, like Talmud) 250 years later after the death of the Prophet. These six books are called “Sahih Sitta”, meaning Six Authenticated Books of Hadiths and are higher than Quran as being the Prophet’s Traditions.

    You don’t have to take my words for it, as History is there for you to learn. With such high standards and morals, you cannot sit on the edge by saying, “current rifts of Islam” . You have to come down the wall and to take a stand what is right and wrong, what is truth and lie.

    I hope, I didn’t insult you by calling you not a good reader, especially on forums like this where English is not the mother tongue of the many posters.

    With respect, peace and salam to dear brother Rurik,


    • 回复: @Rurik
  382. @Rurik


    But I don’t take religious texts literally.

    Neither do I. The most famous verse in Quran which is displayed in most Muslims’ house is as follow:


    Allah! There is no deity but Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who could intercede in His presence without His permission? He knoweth that which is in front of them and that which is behind them, while they encompass nothing of His knowledge except what He wills. His throne includeth the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Tremendous.

    If you remember properly as I told you earlier that we Shias don’t believe A Creator can be a creation. Everything we see around us is creation, including the Quran, for which the Shias were murdered for believing that the Quran is a creation like everything. So, God doesn’t have body, shape. form, spirit and so forth as these are all creations. Also, He/She/It (no sexual organs as no body) is not bound by time and space, as both time and space being creations too. So, the above verse is nothing but 寓言.

    The Bible says God created the earth and the heavens in six days, but I don’t take that literally.

    In Quran it says too. But Bible is a translation of Jesus spoken language Aramaic. In Arabic, “Yom” means a day, whereas “Ayam” means days, periods, seasons and so forth. Instead of six days, it could mean six periods. Having said this, in Quran there is another way the creation of the earth and the heavens is explained as God is not bound by time and space. It say, Allah wills and it instantly happens. Again, instantly involves time, but no time is involved.

    In Quran it says that God is forever expanding the Universe, the recent science bears witness to that. Islam is not Christianity nor Judaism.

    I especially feel this way about the rifts in Islam, which I consider tragic, insofar as Muslim kills Muslim, especially at the behest of Zion.

    No brother this is not at the behest of Zion. It started happening while the dead body of the Prophet was still warm and not buried yet. After 50 years of his death it accumulated in war crimes against the complete family of the Prophet, not against the so called child-wife and any other wives. The Omayyad Dynasty continued this persecution of the Shia till today. Abu Taymiyyah, Abdul Wahhab, Wahhabism are part of these persecution. The ISIS theology is not new and it started with the death of the Prophet while his body was still warm and continued till today. I saw you ignored my comments regarding ISIS and blamed the Jews. To me the ISIS is Godsend, as it showed the ignorant Muslims the dark face of Islam.

    You should read Abdul Wahhab history that in three consecutive he went to Iraq from KSA, killed more than 40,000 Shia pilgrimage and looted the gold they brought for charity. We cannot remain ignorant in this day and age and remain on fence!


  383. Rurik 说:
    @Ultrafart the Brave

    All timed like clockwork for the boys with their phone-cameras

    Yes, turning off the transponder and even commandeering the jet’s controls, I think we all agree are well within the capabilities (technical and moral) of zion. But how do you get the Iranian SAMs systems to shoot the jet down?

    Even without its transponder, a Russian built, Iranian Tor system can differentiate between a commercial passenger jet and a cruise missile.

    There are a number of speculations.

    Mine has been that perhaps, Ukraine outfitted that jet with electronics to purposely fool the Tor system. Ukraine is a full-on zio-occupied nation. Being zio, they would have every motivation to want to kill Iranians and embarrass the government. And being zio, they wouldn’t have cared one whit about the Ukrainian crew, unless killing the Iranian passengers killing the Ukrainian crew, would have been seen as a bonus.

    Then there is the theory that one or more of the passengers were inconvenient somehow to the Iranian government, and so that’s why the plane was shot down.

    The only other alternative that I know of, is that the Tor operator was too incompetent to operate the system, and so scared that he acted like a nervous mouse, and shot down the first thing he saw, even as it was moments out from Tehran’s commercial airport.

    That scenario beggars belief. And isn’t aligned with the camera man standing there at the ready.

    But if the plane was intended to be shot down, (either by Ukrainian or Iranian chicanery), then that would solve all the other dilemmas.

    Personally, I happen to consider the government of Iran, as being far less likely to shoot down a plane full of people, in order to kill one or more inconvenient persons. Because I more or less consider the government of Iran, as somewhat moral. (Even if they lied about what happened), but governments are governments, after all, and so I put nothing past a government.

    But Ukraine is run by full-blown Zionists. The president is a stooge of Zionist oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, who I suspect was responsible for shooting down MH17. He has his own military. And the pilot who flew the jet that is suspected of shooting down MH17, committed “suicide”.



    It would make perfect sense, all around, if Ukraine was responsible for the shoot-down.

    Their government has been installed by the worst of the worst set of zio-scum on the planet; the Kagan cabal. Including that most execrable toady of zion of all, John McCain. [Rot in Hell]

    Ever since the zio-putsch to install their cronies, Ukraine has been at war with Russia.

    (this is why the Ukraine is receiving so much funding and arms from the ZUS, al la the idiocy going on now with the impeachment farce).

    So it would serve zion’s agenda perfectly, for Ukraine to outfit one of its passenger jets (that is known to fly to Tehran), to imitate a cruise missile, in order to embarrass Iran, get some Iranians killed, and ultimately put pressure on Iran to submit to zion. Especially coming on the heals of the popular general’s assassination, that we all know was orchestrated by zion.

    • 不同意: Assad al-islam
    • 回复: @Robjil
  384. @Rurik


    Well, here we have to agree to disagree.

    As you mention Hitler, I consider the betrayals of Germany following the Armistice, and the carnage of WWII, as nothing more than Christian slaughtering Christian, at the behest of Zion.

    The Caliphate of ISIS was Godsend and it showed majority of the ignorant Muslims, the evil and dirty face of Islam. The masses are asking questions, where did this theology in Islam came from. And slowly, slowly the Mullah on the other side, the majority side are reeducating the masses that this theology came form the Omayyad Dynasty of Caliphate, carried on by the Abbasid Dynasty of Caliphate, carried to the recent Ottoman Dynasty of Caliphate and on to ISIS Caliphate. This reeducation is slow and might take a generation but cannot be done over night, just like if the World decided to reeducate the masses regarding the true history of Germany, it cannot done over night and might take a generation.

    Also, the Arab Spring brought true democracy in Egypt under Muslim Brotherhood, who are very humble and good Muslims. It was a farce, and it ensured people willing to accept the Monarchies again, like The Monarchy of General Sisi in Egypt. Fortunately, the Caliphate is thrown under the bus, along with the aspiration for Caliphate by majority Muslims. Goods times are ahead for Muslims and this reeducation of True History of Islam will rid Islam of Sectarianism. Amen!

    Don’t underestimate the World, your leaders and your military men as they are not all sell out, including Trump. Also, don’t underestimate the Muslims, the Arabs and the Iranians, the Sunnis and the Shias who lived together even the heavy persecution of the latter by the former. After WWI, WWII and especially the Kennedy’s murder, the world decided to get rid of the ZION. Getting rid of the SNAKE is not so easy, satan plans and God Plans, and God is the best of the Planner. The 29 standing ovation to Bibi in the USA congress at the end of Obama term was to inflate the ego. The balloon is so full of air, it will take just a slight prick. Don’t believe me, then study what Israel is going through lately and Imam Sayyid Ruhollah Khomeini quote that 70 years is a page in history.

    Keep your belief strong in HOPE!

  385. @artichoke

    It appears that the young generation of Iranians isn’t liking it very much either. You can be excited about it, so why don’t you go live under that government?

    I am an Arab and I live in my own country which is part of GCC. I am married for 45 years to a WASP, a hick like me from Arkansas, and we both live in my own county. We both decided that living in USA is like living in a rat’s hole. I was in USA for 13 years, and USA is a Great Country, with very Great People. God bless USA, and God bless all His children (creation).

    Muslims are told by their religious texts to export their Ummah, forcibly.

    I am a Shia Muslim and we don’t believe in exporting the Ummah, let alone by force.



  386. Rurik 说:
    @Assad al-islam

    Salaam, Assad al-islam

    I appreciate your heartfelt examinations of Islam, and the rift, (as I innocently call it), between the Sunnis and the Shias. This is something I’ve been curious about, since so much suffering has resulted from it, and continues to, even today.

    You don’t have to take my words for it, as History is there for you to learn. With such high standards and morals, you cannot sit on the edge by saying, “current rifts of Islam” . You have to come down the wall and to take a stand what is right and wrong, what is truth and lie.

    Oh my goodness, Assad al-islam. Consider, I was raised a protestant Christian, and many of my extended family are Catholics. As are many of my friends and associates. I’m also well aware of the wars waged and the mindless slaughters of so many in Europe, over the respective doctrines of Catholic vs. protestant. But even so, I would not deign in a million years to presume to tell Catholics or protestants that their faith is in error, (even as I do condemn their corrupt leaders) because I simply don’t possess that kind of wisdom. So it would be folly of the worst sort, for me to presume to weigh in on the minutia of Islam, and their respective interpretations. All I can do, is hope that they can sort our their differences peacefully. It pains me to no end to see Sunni fighting Shia, as Zion laughs all the way to their demonic ‘third temple’.

    To me the ISIS is Godsend, as it showed the ignorant Muslims the dark face of Islam.

    I once had a ‘rift’ of sorts with one of the participants here, when I speculated that perhaps there are Muslims that would be sanguine over the deaths of other Muslims, so long as those deaths advanced an agenda of Muslims.

    He chastised me thoroughly, until I agreed that such was not the case.

    I do admit that it seems somewhat callous to me, to laud the advent of ISIS, considering all the suffering they caused. And at the end of the day, did their reign, and repudiation- have a significant effect on the ongoing challenges inside Islam?

    No brother this is not at the behest of Zion. It started happening while the dead body of the Prophet was still warm and not buried yet.

    Yes, going back. But I’m talking about today. I see the entire reign of ISIS as having been orchestrated and funded and armed and fomented in the wretched id of zion’s bowels.

    It was zion, that destroyed Libya, and it was zion that sent the orcs who lynched Gadaffi into Syria, armed with Libya’s’ weapons, to rampage and slaughter and head-slice their way across the terrified, blood-drenched Levant.

    But what saddens me, genuinely was how many Muslims were all too giddy to get in on the action.

    Turkey, and Saudis and so many others, were all keen to see Syria destroyed, its ancient treasures profaned, its men, old and young, tortured and then hacked to death. It’s women, well.. never mind.

    It was all just so revolting, and tragic, especially to see so many Muslims partake in it all. That’s what I mean about zion pulling those strings, and fomenting so much suffering. (which, is what they do, after all), but why do so many Muslims play into their schemes?!

    It seems to me that the only nation that hates Iran more than Israel, is Saudi Arabia. Fellow Muslims! The only one more keen to see Syria dismembered, is Turkey, fellow Muslims.

    To me, it seems so damn tragic. Please Islam, get your house in order. That’s my prayer to Allah.

    We cannot remain ignorant in this day and age and remain on fence!

    Are you familiar with Talha?

    He has been my instructor here at Unz, on some of the tenets and principles of Islam, over the years. He is of the Sunni school, (if I’m not mistaken), and I wonder if you and he would find common cause, with your respective outlooks on Islam and beyond.

    Peace be to you, Assad al-islam

  387. Including that most execrable toady of zion of all, John McCain. [Rot in Hell]


    I consider both senators McCain and Graham to be USA heroes, who act like dumb Americans to serve their country. As I said earlier, Crimea was given to Putin by Obama on a Silver Platter. Obama didn’t act alone, he did it with the help of Senator McCain. God rest his soul in peace!

    In my 13 years of living in USA, I found out that the Americans are very knowledge but act dumb, especially to a foreigner. Try to connect dots from the death of President Kennedy, until lately. God rest his soul in peace too!


    I know that 9/11 happened and I know that no way 19 box cutters would have done it. How it was done? There are lots of theories and to me it doesn’t matter how it was done. You will see people posting here with copy and paste, like they are experts posts after posts. I know Iran is a very weak country, but they have decided to get into it. So, it doesn’t matter to me who downed the plane, how it was downed as all parties are guilty. Period! I don’t sit on a high horse, like some do! And, I don’t make the Jews boogieman! But I keep my mouth shut for the goodness of mankind.

    It seems to me that the only nation that hates Iran more than Israel, is Saudi Arabia. Fellow Muslims! The only one more keen to see Syria dismembered, is Turkey, fellow Muslims.

    Wrong! You seem to consider people brainless. The central recurring theme over and over in Quran is that humans are persecutors and oppressors. But at the same time, the humans are better creation than angels. No fallen angels in Islam. So, when God asked the angels to bow to Adam. They bragged, “are we bow to someone who shed blood on earth”. How did the angels knew that Adam (humans) will shed blood on earth? Unless, there were other humans before Adam and the angels are talking from past experience.

    I don’t want to condemn anyone, but my desire for you is to learn, especially the history of first 50 years Islam after the death of the Prophet. I want you to come down from your high horse.

    The War of Camel, which Wikipedia calls The Battle of Camel was fought by the so called child bride, after the third Caliph Osman (Ottoman) was killed by the Islamic troops and was not allowed to be buried for days. The troops were ragtags, who were fighting wars after wars for 17 years spreading Islam by SWORD on the behest of the third Caliph Osman (Ottoman) for mammon, while the Caliph was busy in nepotism and building palaces.


    Read the Wikipedia article not with a grain of salt but with a fistful of salt, as it is written by the majority. And, it is Wikipedia!

    Today and earlier people had/have bad view of Islam. They are justified to have this view due to War Crimes committed by Islam. Until the Muslims take responsibility for their aristocracies, there will be further wars. In Shai Islam, we don’t believe any Marja (Ayatollah), meaning Tom, Dick and Harry have the authority to issue a fatwa to fight in the Way of God for defensive purposes, let alone for offensive purposes. Talha believe that even today any Tom, Dick and Harry can issue a fatwa to fight in the Way of God, even for offensive purpose, the fatwa is valid. Don’t take my word, read his posts. Beware, Muslims will fight you tomorrow again, a never ending cycle of wars.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @ploni almoni
  388. Rurik 说:
    @Assad al-islam

    Salaam Assad al-islam,

    I consider both senators McCain and Graham to be USA heroes,

    You have some very interesting ideas, and your passion is impressive.

    I hope that with our continued efforts at understanding and humility, we can both do our part for peace and mutual respect.

    Part of that process will mean agreeing to disagree, as in the quote I provided above.



    • 同意: Assad al-islam
  389. Parfois1 说:

    I have been busy elsewhere oblivious of the intellectual mayhem left behind from an innocuous remark about ethical absolutism being the guiding light of those seeking the moral truth, Rurik being the torchbearer.

    I am reminded of a cute observation made the hardheaded empiricist who said “Communism is what we create”, that is, existence precedes essence, which flies against the idealist school template forged in Academy by Plato and his disciples and revived by the German school of Kant and Hegel searching for the absolute perfection.

    (A disclaimer; I’m not a philosopher – the closest I came to be one was producing a daughter who is. So please spare me the rod for epistemological errors).

    You can see the lines being drawn between Rurik’s idealism and my existential/materialistic/relativist conception of reality. This of course comes apropos the “lying Iran” for denying the downing of the airliner, and my attempts at exonerating the culprits on the grounds of situation exigencies, besides the fundamental question of what is truth and whether it is knowable. This brings to mind the joke I read sometime ago about a philosopher’s gathering being visited by a fairy who asked the leader to choose one of three gifts: wisdom, beauty or $10 million. Unhesitantly, the dean chose wisdom. What followed was a flash of lightning, a cloud of smoke and the master emerging with stunned countenance. Urged on by a fellow to speak, he said: “I should have taken the money”.

    If we take a walk from the Academy to the Lyceum and back again we can see along the path of dialogues the distant but ever receding Platonic “form” as the unreachable absolute perfection, the model from which we drawn imperfect samples, never the real absolute. If we did reach it, we would destroy it or, at least, would contaminate it with our defects. Better to leave it alone, immutable, absolute, unreachable; a beacon to guide us but not to command unquestioning obedience, especially when matters of, in ascending order, convenience, pragmatism and survival must take precedence over the imperative of absolute ethics and epistemic truth..

    Along that path in our walk we budding philosophers test our assumptions towards the truth by common garden variety questions derived from our experience and existence, as Plato and disciples did without realizing that, by doing so, they were creating the “form” ; therefore, as somebody well-known but little understood among our confreres at UR, said: we “turn Hegel on his head”. It is our understanding based on our existential reality that tests and shapes our idealistic creations of truth, wisdom, beauty and morality. Lying, for instance, comes almost naturally to any self-respecting politician as job requirement.

    We are not intimate with the Iran’s leadership’s knowledge about the myriad of problems they are facing, that is, their reality is superior to ours because it is based on their own experiences, capabilities and understanding of selves and others and their intentions and actions. We cannot impartially judge their reality for it is beyond our grasp and our subjectivism interferes with our judgement.

    We lie and test all the time the boundaries of our morality. “How are you” we ask daily. We never, or seldom, say: “Feel dreadfully miserable, utter nihilistic, lousy, or ecstatically happy”. We go through life gaily lying or hiding the truth about facts our culture deems inappropriate without blinking an eyelid. Sometimes we feel guilty about so much lying and put up a posture of conscientious virtue because we have to live with its gnawing at our self-image and -respect. But when you are commanding a platoon assaulting and enemy stronghold you try as much as you can to deceive them because the end justify the means. When you are commanding the ship of state, especially when you are under siege and your whole nation’s survival is at stake, your imperative is not obedience to abstract moral principles but the harsh reality on the ground, tested and verifiable by centuries or millenia.

    To all contributors to this discussion (of course Rurik stands out for his verve, verbosity, elan and brio, and insights} thank you.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  390. Parfois1 说:

    From me in particular, all you really got was recyclable “Caution” signs and a floating a Fig Leaf which together were meant as a signal to not judge the Iranians who daily get stoned by the ZUS and Israeli Pharisees.

    We, normal readers followers of the black-letter writing signage, are somehow limited by the parameters set by a system of communication inherited from the Gutenberg’s invention, which reduced the symbols to the bare minimum of expediency for mass production. Thrown out were the accessory characters still available to the monks in their scriptoria to illustrate in vivid colour and idiosyncratic taste their production.

    Are you trying to revive the art of illuminated texts in the digital age? The trouble is that we, the pedestrian variety with a foot in the grave, have to adjust our brains to newer symbols and meanings or take a course in Semiotics. You must be forgiving if we miss it sometimes. Anyway it is fun and brakes the tedium of sameness. By the way, where/how do you get the decorations? Cheers.

    • 回复: @Parfois1
  391. Parfois1 说:

    Another glitch. Comment above #404 was addressed to ChuckOrloski.

  392. Robjil 说:


    When I heard it was a Z ukraine, I was quite skeptical about it. Something is very fishy about it being an Z ukrainian plane. In ZUS at the same time, Z ukraine is being used to impeach ( push Trump to Zion Macht Frei). Mh17 was an Z ukraine center event with Russia being demonized. Three times is too much for Z ukraine to be at the center of world politics. The odds are too high for it not being some manipulation by the Zio world.

    Kolomoisky, a Jewish Ukrainian Oligarch, is at the center of all three of these events. He owns a good part of this Z ukraine airline. He pushed for Zelensky to be president in Z ukraine. He was involved in Mh17 as noted in this video.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  393. Rurik 说:

    First, I must say you had some kind, (if verbose ; ) things to say, and for that, I’m humbled. And I’ll reply to that, that you’re obviously intelligent and erudite. However..

    We lie and test all the time the boundaries of our morality.

    I confess I was appalled at your comments on another thread, that I think do immeasurable damage to your general credibility.


    Nevertheless, thank you for your citations on this thread.

    I suppose time will tell, whether or not Iran’s liberties with veracity will prove to be a mistake, or not.

  394. Rurik 说:

    Kolomoisky, a Jewish Ukrainian Oligarch, is at the center of all three of these events.

    Z ukraine center event with Russia being demonized.

    Who can possibly doubt that Ukrainian, ((Alexander Vindman)) didn’t betray his oath to serve the Commander in Chief of the United States, because he was alarmed that Trump was holding back military aid to Ukraine, which is fighting a zio-war (using goyim cannon fodder, of course ; ) against Russia.

    We all know where Vindman’s loyalties lie, and why he would betray his Commander, and his oath to honor and serve the Constitution. That shit is all fine and good, until it conflicts with serving Jewish supremacist goals.

    So yea, I suspect that this Ukrainian jet, full to the brim with ethnic Iranians, and taking off from Tehran airport, immediately following an international uproar over the assassination/murder, may very well have been tinkered with to make it look like a threat to Iran’s SAMs systems.

    A bunch of Iranians get killed, a few Ukrainian goyim, (“a trifle”) Iran gets embarrassed, Ukraine (and Canada and others) get to demand hundreds of millions in reparations from a reeling Iran, gets the whole world to condemn Iran’s actions, right on the heals of the assassination, when Iran had the sympathy of the world.

    It could not have played out for Zion better, than if they had orchestrated it themselves.


    • 同意: Robjil
  395. Ppghi 说:

    视频片段记录了第二次导弹袭击。 该地区的摄像师目睹了第一次爆炸,因此能够在第二枚导弹击中飞机时记录下受损的飞机。
    任何拥有任何帐户的人都可以注册德黑兰富家子弟团体。 只需要有点聪明!

  396. @Ron Unz

    “Virus” is indeed the Jewish way. Enter into the nucleus of a cell and pretend to be a part of it until you take over the reproduction mechanism and then use the cell to multiply your DNA instead of the cell’s DNA. And it is true that it takes a virus to stop a virus. That is, after all, what vaccination is. And it is not the first time that nature has used this to neutralize a virus. Some religions have also done just that: used some Dualism, or partial Dualism in their makeup to inhibit radical Dualism.

  397. @Assad al-islam

    Today’s case study is a typical Tel Aviv Mark III troll, or what the Bible calls a Sicarii. Notice he says “I don’t care how 9/11 was done.” Only a troll who is dancing on the beach doesn’t care and does not want you to care either, as long as it is done, since there are many more 9/11s and Notre Dames to come before the world is made the way G-d wants it to be. And our troll is glad that ISIS, a creation of the Light of the Nations, showed the world the “dirty face of Islam.” Is our troll a self hating Muslim? His assignment is to make you blind to the noble face of Moses and to carry on wars programmed for you. What the Lion of Judah knows about Islam is what he learned in the Wikipedia Cheder—which he cites! (You remember, don’t you? The Devil will cite scripture for his purpose.) The Devil wants you to think that evil is good and good is evil, and to do this he distorts and says the exact opposite. Further down another troll tells you that the “Videographer noticed the Ukrainian plane being hit by a missile.” He then reached into his kit bag pulled out a phone, turned it on, aimed it all in time to video a “second missile.” Try that in real life. The Teheran Videographer was in place to film the first, Israeli, missile. In the Teheran case the bonus was that a second missile was fired in the fog of war at the plane which lost its identifying transponder. But this also shows who fired the first missile, namely, the accomplice of the Videographer, the way brother Jules was in place, with a video recorder, investigating a phony “smell of gas” with firemen at 8:20 am, who did not know they were being set up, except, of course for the leaders, who did know, so he could film a sequence into which CGI would be inserted to show a plane. In the meantime brother Gideon was already at the WTC. Watch them work and keep your eyes open. Hear them say, with a typical accent “a plane hit the building!” There are terrorists all around us. Keep your eyes open and stay awake.

    • 回复: @Assad al-islam
  398. @ploni almoni

    Notice he says “I don’t care 形成一种 9/11 was done.”

    English is not my mother tongue, but it appears it is also not your mother tongue too. I am not interested in “怎么样” it was done. My interest is “WHO” done the 9/11. With little bit of brain any one knows no Muslims or Muslims’ countries could have done as they lack the technology. Maybe Russia, but I doubt it due to “MAD”. That leaves USA and their Masters, the dancing happy ones.

    I am not interest in “how” it was done. These trolls are hijacking the thread discussing umpteen technologies which they don’t know or have any clue of it. The whole thread gets full with “怎么样” it was done. It is nano technology; no it is macro terminology; no the building was wired, no it was minute nuclear; and on and on with “cut and paste” filling the thread and taking stands!

    I want the masses to know “who” done it! Fill the thread that Israel was culprit and was/is responsible for 9/11. We need to discuss “怎么样” we are going to educate the masses, so the whole country hold them responsible and rise up against their Zion Masters.

    If you believe in HOPE, it could be done very easily. Don’t underestimate the Muslims, whether Arabs and/or Iranians as they will never sell out the Rock of Done. I live in the heartland of Islam, and we Muslims are not fighting with each other. Not even Yemen! As President tRump says, most of the news is FAKE.

  399. FB 说: • 您的网站
    @Jeshurun Tsarfat

    Just saw your silly comment now…a bit late in the game for this subject, but since it is clear to me I’m dealing with a simpleton who gets his ‘knowledge’ of aviation from popular kiddie books like National Interest or the Drive…I feel compelled to debunk your foolishness…for the sake of the readers here…

    The Scott [sic] article distinguishes 29 Tor-M1, and M2E, with Tor-M1 being 妥协.

    ‘Compromised’ how exactly…?

    Do have the faintest idea how any of this stuff actually works…like surface to air missile systems [SAMs] or the tools used to engage them…?

    That’s a rhetorical question because it is clear you do not…

    That Sott article is written by a person who has zero knowledge or professional credentials in the field of combat aviation…

    They pass along a RUMOUR that Russia gave Israel ‘codes’ for the Tor…the source of this being the jackass disinfo outfit Stratfor and the Jerusalem Post…two outfits with zero credibility…

    And what kind of ‘codes’ are we talking about…a ‘code’ can be anything from the Da Vinci Code, to the pin number you use at the ATM…


    Even if the Russians had been inclined to act in such an unacceptable [and uncharacteristic] way and pass along any kind of information about the systems it just sold a client, this would only help make combat jet tactics more effective and less dangerous…it is not some kind of ‘magic key’ that lets you take control of the system…such technology does not exist…

    The information would be things like the radio frequencies of the Tor radar, which for instance Israel would need to ascertain on its own, almost certainly using aviation…this would be only a beginning step as part of a well-planned SEAD campaign [suppression of enemy air defenses]…

    This type of electronic reconnaissance would be very dangerous however…

    –Meeting of Israeli air force chief Gen Peled and Kissinger during the Oct 1973 war

    You will note that Israel lost 102 state of the art US and French fighter jets to the SA6 SAM, a forerunner to more modern and much more capable systems like the Tor…

    You may also deduce from this exchange how costly it can be for enemy aircraft to gain even radio frequency information about a SAM…

    So how credible is this bullshit that Russia passed along that kind of information…arms exports are extremely valuable to Russia and I can tell you [professionally] that no arms exporting country would undermine a client in this way…even the French did not do that with sensitive info about the SAM systems they sold Iraq when the US asked for it in the runup to the Gulf War…

    So what makes you think you can take a piece of diarrhea from the Jerusalem Post and throw it up here like it actually means something…?

    Frankly, the motive, opportunity, and means, reasonably suggestcutting edge EW [electronic warfare]…

    This proves what a pathetic fucking dork you are…first you say you’re no expert…then suddenly you make an authoritative sounding conclusion that is based on what knowledge specifically…?

    你知道吗 范围 of EW reach of the Compass Call, which was used in the 1999 SEAD campaign against Serbia…

    The Air Force used EC-130 Compass Call electronic warfare (EW) aircraft to intercept and jam enemy voice communications, thus allowing the EA-6Bs to concentrate exclu­sively on jamming the enemy’s early warning radars.

    NATO aircraft operating over Serbia and Kosovo were always within the engagement envelopes of enemy SA-3 and SA-6 missiles— envelopes that extended as high as 50,000 feet.

    Because of that persistent threat, mission planners had to place such high-value surveillance-and-reconnaissance platforms as the U-2 and JSTARS in less-than-ideal orbits to keep them outside the lethal reach of enemy SAMs. 即使在行动的最后一周,北约发言人也承认,他们可以确认破坏行动已经完成。 只有三个 塞尔维亚大约 25 块已知的移动 SA-6 电池。

    –Dr Benjamin Lambeth writing in the 2002 Aerospace Power Journal, the USAF’s flagship professional publication…pages 11 and 16, respectively…

    The SA6 has a range of only 24 km…the SA3 slightly more at 35 km…now as described by Lambeth, electronic warfare operations were compromised by the fact that aircraft like the Compass Call, U2 and JSTARS could not take a chance on penetrating into that kill zone…taken together with the above information where Israel lost 102 fighter jets just to get the SA6 radio frequencies…perhaps you are beginning to learn something about the real world of attack aircraft versus SAMs…

    Last I checked, Tehran is less than 100 km off coast of Caspian. How well does it control the airspace there, and the waters?

    The Caspian is a ‘gated community’ in terms of access to non-littoral states…ie if you are not one of the five states that have signed the Convention on the Legal Status of the Caspian Sea…you have no right to be there in any way shape or form…plus even if the US wanted to send combat aircraft there, they would have to get overflight permission from countries like Kazakhstan, which is a member of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, a military alliance led by Russia…good luck with that…

    Even were all that to actually happen and US combat jets gained access to the Caspian airspace [the classical snowball’s chance], they would quickly be toast, considering Iran’s very capable air defense system…Remember that $200 million Grumman Triton MQ4 that the Iranians plinked like a sitting duck a couple months back…at an incredible flight altitude of 65,000 ft…twice as high as cruise altitude of a passenger jet…and they did it using their own missile [and a medium range on at that]…

    I think that’s enough to put you in your place [the back row with the Dunce Cap]…

    PS…I would bet dollars to donuts that you are some kind of hasbara troll…probably employed by the Jewish Internet Defense Force (JIDF)…

    连结至 a Hebrew language twitter account as your ‘website’ is probably not the best idea…DUNCE

    • 回复: @Parfois1
  400. Parfois1 说:

    Thank you for the lesson on SAMs and idiots – indeed I found it improbable that the Russians would divulge sensitive and critical information to a state of doubtful credentials, to say the least…


  401. They always overplay their hand, as if they are bragging about how crafty they are!
    Transponder used since the Liberty,many times .

    K murders plural bookending LBJ Presidency ,assisted by CIA GWB1(used same hit team forJFK,Martin and, CheG ) sold as lone wolf aka known wolf gunman, modified to lone pilot for TexasInst Engineers on MH70

    Rich kids video evidence just like the lucky Naudet Bros and their 63 coincidences on that day that changed our world!!

    But usually a tell , this time it’s why didn’t Shanksville or Pentagon look like this debris field?
    Forest for the trees!! Iran knows , are getting their revenge with their new tech compressive shock wave missiles via 36 head injuries, also via the T in Afghan taking out CI a chief there, while pushing the US to admit the casualties ,which they cannot unless the MIC want to show their hand!!
    Remember everyone ,Persisans invented statecraft, and Chess!!

  402. Ebarhim 说:

    Thanks for your useful comment/explanation here!
    The second picture with real date is has higher resolution than the first one. Is it an edited capture? Or it is captured from original clip that has higher resolution?
    Could you please write for me about original clip, its website, date of first release? and where I can watch/download it?


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