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“当美国回应对其权力、地位和威望的挑战时,不会出现任何法律问题。” 艾奇逊院长,1962 年,在美国国际法学会上发言。

艾奇逊院长51年前就宣称,权力、地位和威望是国家安全的组成部分,国家安全高于法律。 在美国,民主让位于“国家安全”,这是政府行政部门的特权。




美国历史上曾有过一些时期,例如林肯总统为防止分裂而发动的战争、第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战,当时负责任的政府受到了损害。 这些都是违反宪法的短暂事件,宪法在战后恢复。 然而,自克林顿政权以来,政府的问责制已经下降了二十多年,比三场战争的总和还要长。

在法律上有逆权管有的概念,俗称“占屋者权利”。 一个非所有者成功地占据了一块财产或他人的权利一段时间而没有被驱逐,就享有转让给他的所有权。 理由是,所有者不捍卫自己的权利,表明他不感兴趣,实际上放弃了自己的权利。

在三任总统任期内,美国人都没有捍卫美国宪法赋予他们的权利。 克林顿政权对非法袭击塞尔维亚没有被追究责任。 布什政权没有为非法入侵阿富汗和伊拉克追究责任。 奥巴马政权没有对其再次袭击阿富汗、非法袭击利比亚、巴基斯坦和也门以及其代理人对叙利亚的袭击负责。

我们还有其他政府没有被追究责任的严重违法和违宪行为。 布什政权的酷刑、无限期拘留和无证间谍行为,以及奥巴马政权的无限期拘留、无证间谍和未经正当程序谋杀美国公民的行为。 由于奥巴马政权谎报连篇,我们无从知晓酷刑是否仍在实施。

如果美国政府在三任总统任期内的这些无数罪恶行径成为历史,美国政府将在无法无天的情况下获得擅自占地者的权利。 据报道,正如乔治·W·布什总统所宣称的那样,美国宪法将成为“一张废纸”。

无法无天是警察国家实施的暴政的标志。 在警察国家,法律不是权利的保护者,而是政府手中的武器。 [参见 Roberts & Stratton, The Tyranny of Good Intentions] 被告无权追索指控,不需要向法庭出示证据。 被告仅因指控而有罪,并且可以像斯大林统治下那样从后脑勺开枪,或者像奥巴马统治下那样被无人机导弹炸死。


正如劳伦斯·斯特拉顿和我在我们关于法律如何失传的书中所展示的那样,自由派和保守派追捕他们最喜欢的恶魔,例如虐待儿童和贩毒者,以及致力于定罪而不是正义的检察官、法官和警察,逐渐随着时间的推移侵蚀了法律作为保护无辜者的概念,随着 9/11 造成的威胁气氛,以保护我们免受恐怖分子侵害的名义迅速实现了对法律保护功能的最终破坏。



能否重获自由? 可能不会,但如果美国人具备必要的人格力量,就有机会。 机会来自现在已知的事实,即新保守主义布什/切尼政权完全基于谎言将美国及其傀儡国家带到阿富汗和伊拉克发动战争。 正如所有证据所证明的那样,这些战争不是错误情报的结果。 它们是故意谎言的产物。

武器检查员告诉布什政权,伊拉克没有大规模杀伤性武器。 尽管这是众所周知的事实,布什政权还是派国务卿科林·鲍威尔带着捏造的证据到联合国,让世界相信萨达姆·侯赛因拥有“大规模杀伤性武器”并对世界构成威胁。 即使这种武器在伊拉克存在,许多国家也拥有它们,包括美国和以色列,而且根据纽伦堡法律,武器的存在并不能成为对拥有者进行无端侵略的理由。 根据纽伦堡法律,无端的军事侵略是战争罪,而不是许多国家拥有的武器。 战争罪行是美国及其“自愿联盟”犯下的,而不是萨达姆侯赛因犯下的。


至于入侵阿富汗,我们从奥萨马·本·拉登 2001 年 9 月的最后一段视频中得知,经专家证明,这是一名死于肾功能衰竭和其他疾病的人的最后一次露面,他宣称他对 11 /9 并且美国人应该向他们自己的政府求助。 我们知道,据报道,如果布什政权提供证据表明本·拉登应对此事负责,阿富汗塔利班愿意将奥萨马·本·拉登移交给华盛顿。 布什政权拒绝交出(不存在的)证据,并在腐败懦弱的国会和专制媒体的支持下,在没有任何法律依据的情况下袭击阿富汗。 请记住,联邦调查局已公开声明,它没有证据表明奥萨马·本·拉登应对 11/9 事件负责,这就是为什么联邦调查局通缉本·拉登的罪行不包括对 11/XNUMX 袭击负责的原因。

战争宣传运动准备充分。 黄丝带贴花被分发给宣称“支持军队”的汽车。 换句话说,任何提出明显问题的人都不是在支持军队。 直到今天,漫不经心的美国人还在他们的汽车上炫耀这些贴纸,却不知道他们支持的是谋杀外国妇女、儿童和村长,美国士兵的死亡和身心残废,以及美国声誉在世界范围内的破坏,美国的主要竞争对手中国现在呼吁建立一个“去美国化的世界”。


Now that we have complete proof that the criminal Bush regime took our country to wars in Afghanistan and Iraq solely on the basis of intentional lies, how can the legal institutions, the courts, the American people possibly tolerate the Obama regime’s ignoring of the obvious crimes? How can America simply accept Obama’s statement that we mustn’t look back, only move ahead? If the US government, which has committed the worst crimes of our generation, cannot be held accountable and punished, how can federal, state, and local courts fill up American prisons with people who smoked pot and with people who did not sufficiently grovel before the police state.

Doubtless, the Obama regime, should it obey the law and prosecute the Bush regime’s crimes, would have to worry about being prosecuted for its own crimes, which are just as terrible. Nevertheless, I believe that the Obama regime could survive if it put all the blame on the Bush regime, prosecuted the Bush criminals, and desisted from the illegal actions that it currently supports. This would save the Constitution and US civil liberty, but it would require the White House to take the risk that by enforcing US law, US law might be enforced against its own illegal and unconstitutional acts by a succeeding regime.

The Bush/Cheney/John Yoo neoconservative regime having got rid of US law, no doubt the Obama regime thinks it is best to leave the situation as it is, rid of law.

Without accountability, America is finished. Not only will Americans live in a police state with no civil liberties, but the rest of the world is already looking at America with a jaundiced eye. The US is being reconstituted as an authoritarian state. All it takes is one failure of accountability for the police state to become entrenched, and we have had numerous failures of accountability. Does anyone really believe that some future government is going to make restitution to persecuted truth-tellers, such as Bradley Manning, Julian Assange, and Edward Snowdon, as was done for Japanese Americans?

Now that we know for a certain fact that the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq were based on propaganda and lies, Congress and the world media should demand to know what was the real secret agenda. What are the real reasons for which Afghanistan and Iraq were invaded?

No truthful explanation for these wars exists.

Paul O’Neill, the Bush regime’s first Treasury Secretary, is on public record stating that at the very first cabinet meeting, long prior to 9/11, the agenda was a US attack on Iraq.

In other words, the Bush regime’s attack on Iraq had nothing whatsoever to do with 9/11.

What was the Bush regime’s secret agenda, kept secret by the Obama regime, that required an illegal, war criminal, attack on a sovereign country, an action for which officials of Hitler’s government were executed? What is the real purpose of Washington’s wars?

It is totally and completely obvious that the wars have nothing to do with protecting Americans from terrorism. If anything, the wars stir up and create terrorists. The wars create hatred of America that never previously existed. Despite this, America is free of terrorists attacks except for the ones orchestrated by the FBI. What the fabricated “terror threat” has done is to create a thorough-going domestic police state that is unaccountable.

Americans need to understand that they have lost their country. The rest of the world needs to recognize that Washington is not merely the most complete police state since Stalinism, but also a threat to the entire world. The hubris and arrogance of Washington, combined with Washington’s huge supply of weapons of mass destruction, make Washington the greatest threat that has ever existed to all life on the planet. Washington is the enemy of all humanity.

(从重新发布 保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 对外政策 •标签: 民权