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The Holocaust Debate

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For those interested in continuing their debate on the Holocaust, I’m providing this Open Thread.

Here are several of my own articles closely-related to this subject:

Also, here’s a link to an HTML version of Arthur Butz’s book:

I personally found Nicholas Kollerstrom’s book 2014 book Breaking the Spell quite persuasive, and here’s his video interview on Red Ice:

Video Link

As for other analysis, I found the evidence of John Beaty’s book very strong:

Some years ago, I came across a totally obscure 1951 book entitled Iron Curtain Over America by John Beaty, a well-regarded university professor. Beaty had spent his wartime years in Military Intelligence, being tasked with preparing the daily briefing reports distributed to all top American officials summarizing available intelligence information acquired during the previous 24 hours, which was obviously a position of considerable responsibility…

Beaty also sharply denounced American support for the new state of Israel, which was potentially costing us the goodwill of so many millions of Muslims and Arabs. And as a very minor aside, he also criticized the Israelis for continuing to claim that Hitler had killed six million Jews, a highly implausible accusation that had no apparent basis in reality and seemed to be just a fraud concocted by Jews and Communists, aimed at poisoning our relations with postwar Germany and extracting money for the Jewish State from the long-suffering German people…

Then as now, a book taking such controversial positions stood little chance of finding a mainstream New York publisher, but it was soon released by a small Dallas firm, and then became enormously successful, going through some seventeen printings over the next few years. According to Scott McConnell, founding editor of The American Conservative, Beaty’s book became the second most popular conservative text of the 1950s, ranking only behind Russell Kirk’s iconic classic, The Conservative Mind.

Moreover, although Jewish groups including the ADL harshly condemned the book, especially in their private lobbying, those efforts provoked a backlash, and numerous top American generals, both serving and retired, wholeheartedly endorsed Beaty’s work, denouncing the ADL efforts at censorship and urging all Americans to read the volume. Although Beaty’s quite explicit Holocaust Denial might shock tender modern sensibilities, at the time it seems to have caused barely a ripple of concern and was almost totally ignored even by the vocal Jewish critics of the work…

Beaty’s huge national bestseller attracted enormous attention as well as massive criticism from Jews and liberals, yet although they energetically attacked him on every other issue, none of them challenged him when he dismissed the Holocaust as merely a notorious wartime propaganda-hoax that few still believed. Furthermore, a long list of our top World War II military commanders strongly endorsed Beaty’s book making that claim.

So a huge early 1950s national bestseller casually ridiculed the Jewish Holocaust as long-debunked wartime propaganda and Jewish activists and liberals ferociously attacked it on all possible grounds except for that one.

I’d be very curious if anyone can find any American mainstream media discussion of the Holocaust between roughly 1946 and 1960. If people actually believed in its reality during the first 15 years after WWII, such silence would seem rather peculiar.

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  1. John Wear writes on another posting:

    My response: I will make comments for the Defense as needed.

    Great. Just to go over the situation…this will be a mock *civil* trial, not a mock *criminal* trial.

    I’m not a lawyer, but based on general knowledge and my *one* experience sitting on the jury of a civil trial, the biggest difference between the two is that a civil trial has a burden of proof of “a preponderance of evidence”. That is, if the juror(s) think that it is more likely than not (i.e. greater than a 50% chance) that one side is right, they should vote for that side. In contrast, a criminal trial requires proof “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

    The most famous example of the difference is the O.J. Simpson criminal trial for murder of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman, and the O.J. Simpson civil trial for “wrongful deaths” of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman. Simpson was found “not guilty” in the criminal trial (because the jurors apparently agreed there wasn’t proof “beyond a reasonable doubt”) but was found liable for wrongful deaths in the civil trial, and forced to pay damages to the families of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

    From the original posting, here is the Complaint:

    OK, here is my *preliminary* complaint, as the Plaintiff’s lawyer. The defendants (Nazis), between 1942 and January 1945, engaged in at least 40,000 instances of:

    1) Kidnapping (from Yugoslavia and Greece);
    2) Wrongful transport of my clients out of their countries;
    3) Wrongful imprisonment in Auschwitz;
    4) Wrongful death;
    5) Wrongful death specifically through use of Zyklon B in a homicidal gas chamber.

    Note: I separated the complaint so the jury can decide whether there was any wrongful death at all, and specifically whether it was wrongful death by Zyklon B in a homicidal gas chamber.

    My clients include (but are not limited to): Shlomo Venezia, a Sephardic Jew who was taken from Greece to Auschwitz with his two sisters and mother; the family of Reuven and Gershon Fogel and their mother, who were taken to Auschwitz in 1944; the family of Gerty Ackerman and her sister Wally and their mother, who were also taken from Hungary to Auschwitz in 1944; and 40,000 Jewish children who were taken from Hungary to Auschwitz from May to July 1944.

    • Thanks: meamjojo
    • Replies: @Derer
  2. OK, here is my *preliminary* complaint, as the Plaintiff’s lawyer. The defendants, between 1942 and January 1945, engaged in at least 40,000 instances of:

    1) Kidnapping (from Yugoslavia and Greece);
    2) Wrongful transport of my clients out of their countries;
    3) Wrongful imprisonment in Auschwitz;
    4) Wrongful death;
    5) Wrongful death specifically through use of Zyklon B in a homicidal gas chamber.

    Note: I separated the complaint so the jury can decide whether there was any wrongful death at all, and specifically whether it was wrongful death by Zyklon B in a homicidal gas chamber.

    My clients include (but are not limited to): Shlomo Venezia, a Sephardic Jew who was taken from Greece to Auschwitz with his two sisters and mother; the family of Reuven and Gershon Fogel and their mother, who were taken to Auschwitz in 1944; the family of Gerty Ackerman and her sister Wally and their mother, who were also ; and 40,000 Jewish children who were taken from Hungary to Auschwitz from May to July 1944.

  3. I’d like to have discussion constituting a “mock trial” for Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz. However, my comments on this post do not seem to be showing up.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  4. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Holocaust revisionists state that: 1) there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of the German concentration camps; 2) Germany did not have a program of genocide against the Jews; and 3) the standard estimate of 6 million Jews who died during World War II is a ridiculous exaggeration.

    These are the issues I would like to focus on in this mock trial. I and most other Holocaust revisionists do not dispute the first three charges in your complaint.

    In regard to your first three charges, the Allies committed these crimes and much more against Germans after the war. These Allied crimes vastly exceed the crimes Germany committed against Jews and other people during the war. Let’s examine what the Allies did to the Germans after World War II.

    German deaths after the war can be divided into three groups of people. The first group is the German POWs in both Europe and the Soviet Union. The second group is the German expellees, and the third group is the Germans already residing in Germany. While no one will ever know how many Germans died from 1945 to 1950, it is certain that the deaths far exceed most traditional estimates. The great majority of these deaths were caused by the lethal policies imposed by the Allies on Germany after the war.

    As documented in Chapter 5 of my book “Germany’s War”, a conservative estimate of German deaths in the Allied prisoner-of war (POW) camps is 1.5 million. This includes over 517,000 POW deaths in the Soviet Union, 100,000 POW deaths in Yugoslavia, Poland and other countries, with the remaining POW deaths in U.S. and French camps. The Germans who died in these Allied POW camps suffered miserably from exposure, disease, and slow starvation. This well-documented Allied atrocity is still denied by most historians today.

    As discussed in Chapter 6 of my book “Germany’s War”, probably a minimum of 2.1 million German expellees died in what was supposed to be an “orderly and humane” transfer. The estimate of 2.1 million German expellee deaths is acknowledged to be valid by most traditional historians. Notable authorities have estimated a much higher number of German expellee deaths.

    For example, Konrad Adenauer, the first Chancellor of West Germany, estimated that 6 million German expellees died. Adenauer stated:

    “According to American figures a total of 13.3 million Germans were expelled from the Eastern parts of Germany, from Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and so on. 7.3 million [German expellees] arrived in the Eastern zone and the three Western zones, most of these in the latter. Six million Germans have vanished from the earth. They are dead, gone. Most of the 7.3 million who stayed alive are women, children, and old people.” (Source: Adenauer, Konrad, Memoirs, 1945-1953, translated by Beate Ruhm von Oppen, Chicago: Henry Regnery Co., 1966, p. 148).

    An estimated 5.7 million Germans already residing in Germany also died from the starvation policies implemented by the Allies. James Bacque details how this 5.7 million death total is calculated:

    “The population of all occupied Germany in October 1946 was 65,000,000, according to the census prepared under the ACC. The returning prisoners who were added to the population in the period October 1946-September 1950 numbered 2,600,000 (rounded), according to records in the archives of the four principal Allies. Births according to the official German statistical agency, Statistisches Bundesamt, added another 4,176,430 newcomers to Germany. The expellees arriving totaled 6,000,000. Thus the total population in 1950 before losses would have been 77,776,430, according to the Allies themselves. Deaths officially recorded in the period 1946-50 were 3,235,539, according to the UN Yearbook and the German government. Emigration was about 600,000, according to the German government. Thus the population found should have been 73,940,891. But the census of 1950 done by the German government under Allied supervision found only 68,230,796. There was a shortage of 5,710,095 people, according to the official Allied figures (rounded to 5,700,000).” (Source: Bacque, James, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians under Allied Occupation, 1944-1950, 2nd edition, Vancouver, British Columbia: Talonbooks, 2007, pp. 115-116).

    Bacque’s calculations have been confirmed by Dr. Anthony B. Miller, who is a world-famous epidemiologist and Head of the Department of Preventive Medicine and Biostatistics at the University of Toronto. Miller read the whole work, including the documents, and checked the statistics, which he says “confirms the validity of [Bacque’s] calculations…” Miller states: “These deaths appear to have resulted, directly or indirectly, from the semi-starvation food rations that were all that were available to the majority of the German population during this time period.” (Source: Ibid., pp. xvii-xviii).

    The sum of 1.5 million German POWs, 2.1 million German expellees, and 5.7 million German residents equals the minimum estimate of 9.3 million Germans who died needlessly after the war. This is far more Germans than died during the Second World War. Millions of these Germans slowly starved to death while the Allies withheld available food. The majority of these postwar dead Germans were women, children and very old men. Their deaths have never been honestly reported by the Allies, the German government, or most historians.

    The German dead do not tell the entire story of the tragedy that was inflicted on Germany after World War II. Millions of German women who had been repeatedly raped had to bear the physical and psychological scars for the rest of their lives. Millions of German expellees who lost all of their real estate and most of their personal property were never compensated by the Allies. Instead, they had to live in abject poverty in Germany after the expulsion from their homes. Millions of other Germans had their property stolen or destroyed by Allied soldiers. The Allied postwar treatment of Germany is surely one of the most brutal, criminal, and unreported tragedies in world history.

    So, I want to focus in this mock trial on what Holocaust revisionists actually contest: 1) that there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of the German concentration camps; 2) Germany did not have a program of genocide against the Jews; and 3) the standard estimate of 6 million Jews who died during World War II is a ridiculous exaggeration.

    • Replies: @HdC
  5. HdC says:
    @John Wear

    Mr Wear, I am with you on your areas of concern.

    And I want it to be a criminal trial, nothing less!

    Why? Because in a civil trial the Preponderance of the Evidence can be quite nebulous.

    I gather from Mr Bahner’s postings that for him Preponderance of Evidence is the number of people he can line up on his side to shout “Germans baaad”, they killed my third cousin thrice removed in…

    Before I enter into any dialogue with him I want him to answer the three main concerns I posted in the other forum.

    As a matter of fact, I want him to answer all the points you raised in your article about the Zundel trials in Toronto.

    I’m certain that without this path we would only have another thread with 2300 posts, but no answers, as happened on the much earlier thread in Mr Unz’s American Pravda section.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  6. How can there be Holocaust debate when you go to jail in more and more countries when you say the “wrong” things?
    The debate is over. Gods chosen psychos have won. And don’t you dare to ask for God’s proof.

    • Thanks: HdC, John Wear
  7. Europa the last battle 10 part doc i thought really sumed it up from me along with audio speeches from george lincoln rockwell from the 60’s and an article from andrea carter from describing the jews hatred for whites and y they use the so called holocaust narritive to basically have an excuse kill whites and kill white nations so the power jews can enslave the rest and have their own utopia..

  8. kb_2 says:

    Dear ladies and gentlemen!

    For your interest – information on past debates concerning this topic (what I found).

    1) Weber – Shermer (report)

    2) Dalton – Cockerill

    Bonus 1: A page from well-known blog that includes discussions (indistinct) with Dr. Dalton.

    Bonus 2: An audio debate concerning revisionism between Friedrich P. Berg and Roberto Muehlenkamp (I didn’t listen- I’m not very good at listening to spoken English)

    P.S. I see no a priori reason not to trust people, so Dr. Dalton will remain a doctor in this post, even though it is a pseudonym.

    Good luck to the debaters – let truth prevail

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  9. @Mark Bahner

    I know we’re not on speaking (writing) terms any longer, but we are all anxiously waiting for your opening statement. In all seriousness. Do you need a continuance already?

    I promise to shut up once proceedings begin.

    • Replies: @Kali
  10. @kb_2

    Do we know who was responsible for sorting through clothing/material after de-lousing and if there were any established protocols for that process?

    I can’t find anything on it.

    • Replies: @Haxo Angmark
    , @kb_2
  11. Aldonichts says: • Website

    The holocaust debate? It is a fact that’s never existed. The debate should be why and who wants us to believe it.

  12. meamjojo says:

    You really are a self-hating Jew, Ron. So sad…

  13. @Mark Bahner

    How do you know the defendants engaged in those things? You’ve now remembered it 70 years later but were saying nothing 5, 10, 20 years afterwards?

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  14. @meamjojo

    You sickening troll, meandodo. You lot, the ones who intrinsically hate all others, enlessly accuse others of hate, hate speech etc. So typical! Ron Unz is doing a magnificent job because… because he hates himself? What a laugh! Oddities? Wow!

  15. @Ron Unz

    Perhaps you could include a link to the CODOH – Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website.

    It is pretty much the reference for Holocaust revisionism and even historical revisionism in general, these days.

    They have a big library with many articles, videos and other documents.

    It is also worth mentioning their blog Inconvenient History and the Castle Hill Publishers website which sells probably every Holocaust revisionist book worth reading.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  16. I have personal matters (selling my parents’ house and settling their estate, getting a mountain of their photographs digitized, and other things) that simply have to start taking higher priority in my life. So I’ll probably be commenting less in the coming days/weeks. However, I’ve already given a *preliminary* list of the evidence that I plan to present at the trial. (It’s preliminary, because I haven’t seen yet what evidence the Defense plans to present…also, I’m still reading material that I may want to use to add to my evidence list.)

    The only person who has agreed to be a juror (“littlereddot”) hasn’t shown up here yet, but that’s fine. Hopefully, he’ll come eventually. He did express concern that the trial might last too long, which I think is an absolutely legitimate concern.

    One way to avoid the trial being too long is to *know* in advance what evidence both the Plaintiff and the Defendant plan to present. That’s why I think it’s so important that the Plaintiff’s side gets a *preliminary* list of what evidence the Defendant’s side plans to present. Then we can agree to limit whatever evidence is presented to an amount the Jury accepts. Or, another possibility is to simply release “littlereddot” from the jury, and have the “trial” without a jury…just leave each reader to decide what side won.

    Here was the *preliminary* list of evidence I presented a few days ago:

    1) Ruldolf Hoess
    a) Confession of Hoess, May 14, 1946
    b) Section of Hoess memoirs where he recaculates death toll at Auschwitz to 1.13 million.
    c) Statements from Hoess’s memoirs that make it clear he wasn’t suffering from torture either in May 1946 or while he was writing his memoirs.
    d) Further statements from Hoess memoirs that show he personally witnessed many instances of operation of the gas chambers

    2) Testimony from Nazi doctor Fritz Klein at his trial (at which he was convicted)

    3) Excerpts from book, “Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account”, by Jewish prisoner/doctor, Dr. Miklos Nyiszli

    4) Conviction of Auschwitz SS guard Oskar Groening for 300,000 counts of accessory to murder
    a) News reports of the conviction
    b) Interview in which he describes knowing about the gassings, but only accidentally personally witnessing one gassing.

    5) Conviction of SS guard Reinhold Hanning for 170,000 counts of accessory to murder

    6) Layout of the gas chambers at Auschwitz and explanation for the procedures used
    a) Plot plans of the Auschwitz I, Birkenau, and Morowicz
    b) Plot plans of Crematoria II, III, IV, and V
    c) Language from

    7) Description of the preparations at Auschwitz for “Aktion Hoess,” the Hungarian Jewish extermination
    a) Reports to Berlin on the number of Hungarian Jews put on trains over time (totaling 437,000)
    b) Construction of the “burn pits” with channels for collecting human grease
    c) Description of the procedures from the book of Sonderkommando Filip Muller, “Eyewitness Auschwitz”

    8) Explanation for why Hungarian Jewish children and old people must have been murdered and their bodies burned
    a) Explanation of the concept of Occam’s Razor
    b) Reports to Berlin of number of Hungarian Jews transported (437,000 by July 15)
    c) Accounts of multiple people, including Shlomo Venezia, Irene Fogel of how they last saw family members on the train platform (and that their family members couldn’t work)
    d) Explanation of the desperate plight of the Nazis at the time
    e) Explanation why it would be illogical to deport children and old people from Hungary to Auschwitz, and then deport them again to other places within the Reich.
    f) Explanation how there is no evidence of an increase in population in Auschwitz that could account for the importation of 437,000 people in less than 2 months without most of them being murdered and cremated

  17. John Wear says:
    @A Portuguese Man

    You write: “Perhaps you could include a link to the CODOH – Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust website.”

    My response: On the right side of this screen you will see a section titled Selected Alternative Media.

    This section has a line titled Inconvenient History. If you click on this line, near the top right of the screen you will see CODOH. You can click on CODOH to be taken to the CODOH website.

  18. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “Or, another possibility is to simply release “littlereddot” from the jury, and have the “trial” without a jury…just leave each reader to decide what side won.”

    My response: Let’s not have a jury and let each reader decide which side won.

    You start with Ruldolf Hoess as your first witness. So, I will begin with him, and establish why his testimony is not credible.

    The British after the war attempted unsuccessfully for many months to find Höss. Frustrated by their inability to locate Höss, the British decided to intimidate his wife and their five children. On March 7, 1945, Jewish British Cpt. Howard Harvey Alexander arrested Höss’s wife Hedwig and interrogated her in a prison cell, but she refused to reveal her husband’s hiding place. Alexander then interrogated Höss’s children, all minors (3 to 16 years old), who had been left behind alone on their farm. Not getting the answers he wanted, Alexander jailed them as well. Hedwig, however, still would not talk. (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, Commandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2017, p. 18).

    Since their tactics of imprisonment and intimidation had failed, the British soldiers decided to use a new approach. A noisy old steam train was driven past the rear of the prison. Alexander burst into Hedwig’s cell and informed her that this train was about to take her son to Siberia, and that she would never see him again. Waiting a few moments to let his message sink in, Alexander told Hedwig that she could prevent her son’s deportation if she told him where her husband was living and under what alias. Alexander left Hedwig sitting on her cot with a piece of paper and a pencil. When Alexander returned 10 minutes later, Hedwig had written a note with Höss’s location and his alias. (Source: Ibid., pp. 18-19).

    In 1983, the anti-National Socialist book “Legions of Death” by Rupert Butler documented that Sgt. Bernard Clarke and other British officers tortured Rudolf Höss into making his confession. The torture of Höss was exceptionally brutal. Neither Bernard Clarke nor Rupert Butler finds anything wrong or immoral in the torture of Höss. Neither of them seems to understand the importance of their revelations. Bernard Clarke and Rupert Butler prove that Höss’s confession was obtained by torture. (Source: Faurisson, Robert, “How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 1986-87, pp. 392-399).

    Moritz von Schirmeister, a former associate of Joseph Goebbels, confirmed that Höss’s confession was obtained by torture. At Nuremberg, von Schirmeister sat in the backseat of a car together with Höss, with whom he could speak freely during transit. He remembered Höss’s following statement:

    “On the things he is accused of, he told me: ‘Certainly, I signed a statement that I killed two and a half million Jews. But I could just as well have said that it was five million Jews. There are certain methods by which any confession can be obtained, whether it is true or not.’” (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, Commandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2017, p. 16).

    British Pvt. Ken Jones also confirmed that the British used sleep deprivation to break Höss. Jones stated:

    “We sat in the cell with him, night and day, armed with axe handles. Our job was to prod him every time he fell asleep to help break down his resistance. When Höss was taken out for exercise, he was made to wear only jeans and a thin cotton shirt in the bitter cold. After three days and nights without sleep, Höss finally broke down and made a full confession to the authorities.” (Source: Ibid., pp. 16-17).

    The International Military Tribunal (IMT) began on November 20, 1945, four months before Höss’s arrest. Whitney Harris, a young American prosecutor at the IMT, was desperate to find a high-ranking German willing to confirm what had taken place in the concentration camps. At Harris’s request, the manacled Höss was transported 300 miles south to Nuremberg. (Source: Harding, Thomas, Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013, pp. 248-251).

    On April 1, 1946, Höss was taken to a small office to be interviewed by Harris. The three weeks in British captivity had taken their toll on Höss. Höss’s eyes were bloodshot, his cheeks were unshaven and gaunt, and his frame appeared to be fragile. Expecting to meet a larger man, someone who exuded power and brutality, Harris instead observed that Höss was a shrunken man. (Source: Ibid., p. 252).

    While Höss waited in his cell to be called as a witness, he was visited by psychologist Dr. Gustave Gilbert, a New Yorker born to Jewish-Austrian immigrants. Gilbert wrote about Höss:

    “In all of the discussions Höss is quite matter-of-fact and apathetic, shows some belated interest in the enormity of his crime, but gives the impression that it never would have occurred to him if somebody hadn’t asked him. There is too much apathy to leave any suggestion of remorse and even the prospect of hanging does not unduly distress him. One gets the general impression of a man who is intellectually normal but with the schizoid apathy, insensitivity and lack of empathy that could hardly be more extreme in a frank psychotic.” (Source: Gilbert, Gustave M., Nuremberg Diary, New York: Farrar, Straus and Company, 1947, p. 260).

    Dr. Gilbert later wrote after Höss’s testimony at the IMT: “He gave his testimony in the same matter-of-fact, apathetic manner as he had related it to me in his cell.” (Source: Ibid., p. 264). In my opinion, Höss’s “schizoid apathy” and “apathetic manner” were caused by his brutal torture by British soldiers. Höss was not usually described as apathetic before he was tortured.

    Maj. Leon Goldensohn, a U.S. Army psychiatrist, also remarked that “Höss looked blank and apathetic.” (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, Commandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2017, pp. 119, 329).

    On April 15, 1946, Höss appeared in court at the IMT. Ernst Kaltenbrunner’s defense lawyer, Dr. Kurt Kauffmann, asked Höss a series of questions designed to prove that Kaltenbrunner had never visited Auschwitz. Höss affirmed that Kaltenbrunner had never visited Auschwitz, and that Kaltenbrunner didn’t ordered the execution of Jews at this camp. (Source: Harding, Thomas, Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013, p. 257).

    U.S. prosecutor Col. John Amen next started reading from an affidavit Höss had signed in front of Whitney Harris on April 5, 1946. Höss’s testimony at the IMT was probably the most important and striking evidence presented there of a German extermination program. Höss in his testimony said that more than two and a half million people were exterminated in the Auschwitz gas chambers, and that another 500,000 inmates had died there of other causes. (Source: Taylor, Telford, The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials: A Personal Memoir, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992, p. 363). No defender of the Holocaust story today accepts these inflated figures, and other key portions of Höss’s testimony at the IMT are widely acknowledged to be untrue.

    No legitimate court would ever allow testimony from someone who has been brutally tortured to be entered into evidence. Not only should Rudolf Höss’s testimony not be allowed into evidence, it could also be grounds for declaring a mistrial of the IMT.

    While Höss was appearing as a witness at the IMT, the Polish government sent word that they intended to try Höss for crimes committed in their country. Höss was eventually transported to a tiny basement cell in a prison on the outskirts of Krakow. Dr. Jan Sehn, the leading investigator in the Polish war crimes trials, asked Höss to write about Auschwitz’s operations and many other war-related matters. Sehn eventually persuaded Höss to write his memoirs. (Source: Harding, Thomas, Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013, pp. 262-267).

    Höss’s trial began March 11, 1947, before the Supreme National Tribunal of Poland in Warsaw. Dr. Tadeusz Cyprian, the lead prosecutor, presented statements from a large number of camp inmates to prove Höss’s guilt. By contrast, neither Höss nor his attorneys introduced any witnesses, relying entirely on the witnesses put forward by the prosecution. As he had done at Nuremberg, Höss remained stoic, answering all questions in a brief, precise manner, without emotions. Similar to Dr. Gustave Gilbert and Dr. Leon Goldensohn at Nuremberg, both Dr. Shen and Dr. Cyprian described Höss as being apathetic. (Source: Primomo, John W., Architect of Death at Auschwitz: A Biography of Rudolf Höss, Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, Inc., 2020, pp. 166-167, 187).

    Höss’s trial ended on March 29, 1947. As expected, on April 2, 1947, Höss was found guilty and sentenced to death by hanging. Höss was hanged on April 16, 1947, in front of the old crematorium at the Auschwitz main camp. (Source: Ibid., pp. 167, 196).

    So, we have established the following facts:

    1. Rudolf Höss’s family members had all been imprisoned and intimidated by British soldiers prior to Höss’s capture.
    2. Höss was subject to brutal torture by British soldiers.
    3. Höss was also subject to sleep deprivation by British soldiers.
    4. Dr. Gustave Gilbert and Dr. Leon Goldensohn both described Höss as being blank and apathetic at the IMT.
    5. Dr. Jan Sehn and Dr. Tadeusz Cyprian both described Höss as being apathetic at the Polish trial.
    6. Neither Höss nor his attorneys introduced any witnesses at the Polish trial, relying entirely on the witnesses put forward by the prosecution.
    7. Key portions of Höss’s testimony at the IMT are widely acknowledged to be untrue. Höss was merely repeating the Allied propaganda at the time.

    Since Höss’s confessions and testimony had been obtained by torture, sleep deprivation, and fear for his family’s safety, they never should have been allowed into evidence at the IMT and later Polish trial. Höss’s testimony also calls into question the legitimacy of both the IMT and later Polish trial.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Scorpion
  19. @Ann Nonny Mouse

    How do you know the defendants engaged in those things? You’ve now remembered it 70 years later but were saying nothing 5, 10, 20 years afterwards?

    No, you’ve got it 180 degrees backward. It’s the revisionists who are claiming, 70+ years later, that what the people who witnessed and participated in the crimes said occurred, did not really occur.

    For example, here is digitized version of a Guardian newspaper article dated October 2, 1945, reporting on the testimony of Dr. Charles Bendel:,,127738,00.html

    From that article:

    The prosecution put forward an unexpected witness in Charles Bendel, a Rumanian doctor resident in Paris for many years, who was arrested there in 1943 for not wearing the yellow star and was sent to Auschwitz. Here he worked at a crematorium as doctor to the special Kommando of prisoners required to dispose of bodies from the gas chamber and who were kept under lock and key lest details of what went on became known in the rest of the camp.

    At eleven o’clock in the morning, witness went on, the chief of the political bureau would arrive on his motor-cycle to say that a new batch of prisoners had arrived. There would be between 800 and 1,000 of them, some on foot and others, usually too ill to walk, in tip-up trucks, from which, to the amusement of the drivers, they were spilled out without warning. They were taken into the courtyard or, in winter, to a large hall of the crematorium and required to undress under the pretext that they were to take a bath followed by hot coffee.


    At Berkenau, a sector of the main camp, there were, stated witness, four crematoriums, each equipped with two gas chambers. But their capacity became insufficient and an additional system was devised by digging large trenches, some 12 yards by six, in which the bodies were burned, and to expedite matters channels were cut at the bottom of the trenches to drain away the human fat.

    It was part of his Kommando’s work to prepare these pits each day by laying huge wood fires saturated with petrol, and by this system it was possible to dispose of one thousand bodies an hour as against one thousand a day in a crematorium.

    At eleven o’clock in the morning, witness went on, the chief of the political bureau would arrive on his motor-cycle to say that a new batch of prisoners had arrived. There would be between 800 and 1,000 of them, some on foot and others, usually too ill to walk, in tip-up trucks, from which, to the amusement of the drivers, they were spilled out without warning. They were taken into the courtyard or, in winter, to a large hall of the crematorium and required to undress under the pretext that they were to take a bath followed by hot coffee.

    Then came a wait for the gas to arrive, said the witness. Raising his voice, he exclaimed that for a doctor the greatest insult was to have the cylinders delivered in a Red Cross ambulance in which, on occasion, he had seen the prisoner Klein.

    Then the doors of the two-roofed gas chambers would be opened and the victims, who by this time realised that they were going to their death, herded in with blows from whips and sticks. Finally the guards would succeed in locking the doors. “You would hear cries and shouts as the people within began to fight against each other and to beat at the walls. This goes on for two minutes-then complete silence, nothing more.”

    About twenty minutes later, said Dr. Bendel, the main task of the special Kommando began. With the opening of the doors the bodies, tightly jammed inside, would fall out. Often it was almost impossible to separate one from another and one had the impression that they had fought terribly against death. Anyone who had seen a gas chamber filled to a height of four feet with corpses would never forget it. before they were dragged by their wrists to the ghats, barbers and dentists would shear off the hair and go over the teeth.

    And here is a photograph of a mimeographed affidavit of Dr. Bendel:

    From that affidavit:

    There were two gas chambers, underground, roughly 10 meters long, 5 meters wide, and 1 1/2 meters high, each one. These two chambers supplied corpses to crematorium 1 and 2.

    For crematoriums 3 and 4 there were two other gas chambers measuring each one 6 meters long and 3 meters wide and 1 1/2 meters high.

    In the case of gas chambers for crematoriums 1 and 2 the gas was poured in through the roof. In the case of the gas for crematoriums 3 and 4 the gas was put in through small windows in the wall.

    At BIRKENAW the gas used for killing people was prussic acid, also called ZYKLON B.

    It is the people of 2023, who deny that hundreds of thousands of people were murdered at Auschwitz with Zyklon B, and then their bodies cremated, who are just like the people of today who claim that the Apollo 11 moon landing was faked.

    • Replies: @ChuckLynch
  20. As a man living in a community where many former Axis soldiers lived, I was given two sides of the WW Two-story. I had always been skeptical of the genocide propaganda, especially the legends generated by the so-called Holocaust survivors. But, it wasn’t until the two Zundel trials in the 80s that I became convinced that British and Soviet psychological warfare had become the historical narrative. The Holocaust narrative was designed to be a reparations scam, and, a cudgel to continue beating the Germans, and basically all of Christian Europe. One only needs to read the preposterous Nuremberg testimonies to understand the weakness of the holocaust story. This phantasmagorical nonsense has now become a religion with penalties for us, the nonbelievers.

  21. You write: “Or, another possibility is to simply release “littlereddot” from the jury, and have the “trial” without a jury…just leave each reader to decide what side won.”

    My response: Let’s not have a jury and let each reader decide which side won.

    You start with Ruldolf Hoess as your first witness. So, I will begin with him, and establish why his testimony is not credible.

    John, you’re presenting your evidence before either of us had even made an opening statement! 🙂 (And I hadn’t even presented my evidence regarding Rudolf Höss, so your response was to evidence that the Plaintiff hasn’t even presented yet.)

    In fact, you haven’t even said what evidence *you’ll* be presenting. In Comment #16, I provided a *preliminary* list of the evidence I planned to present. (And I forgot to include Dr. Charles Bendel’s court testimony and affidavit in my evidence list…because I only recently found the 1945 newspaper article.) Do you plan to do anything more than just respond to my evidence?

    For example, is there anything from the Zundel trial that you think is strong evidence for your case? In particular, “littlereddot” said the testimony by the cremation guy (I’m too lazy to look up his name) at the Zundel trial seemed persuasive. Do you plan to present anything from Fred Leuchter or the German chemist guy (again, too lazy to look up his name). Is there anything from Carlo Mattogno specific to Auschwitz that seems persuasive to you?

    It’s fine if you don’t have time or energy to present a list of evidence you plan to present. You could do the whole mock trial just responding to evidence I present. But it would be very unfortunate if, at the end of the mock trial, you wrote something like, “We never even touched on “X”, “Y,” or “Z,” which prove there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.”

    So again, look at my *preliminary* list of evidence (note: I’m going to add reports on the testimony and a copy of the affidavit of Dr. Charles Bendel to my list of evidence). Based on the preliminary list, is there something you plan to present, like sampling for Prussian Blue or cyanide? Or perhaps something about cremation capacity from the Zundel trial? Or anything else from the Zundel trial? Or anything from your website specific to Auschwitz, and why you think homicidal gas chambers did not exist there?

    The standard order of events in a trial where there’s no jury might be:

    1) Both sides share with each other the evidence they plan to present (does not have to be detailed, just a general list, like I prepared for you).

    2) Both sides make an opening statement.

    3) Both sides present their evidence (including discussion of what their evidence means) and the other side responds.

    One huge problem I think will be that this whole thing will be far too long. That’s why I want to know what evidence you’ll present. We can agree that I’ll cut out some things, if it looks like the trial will be too long…i.e. too many words.

  22. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You have provided nothing but a list of suppositions and allegations, none of which you can back up with authenticated forensic evidence or other scientific proof.

    You have been unwilling or unable (more than likely) to critique Mr Wear’s article on the Zundel trials in Toronto which, in my not so humble opinion, would be the best place to start your mock trial.

    You as an engineer should know that when fundamental scientific and engineering principles have to be swept aside in order to make any testimony believable, the whole house-of-cards testimony is false.

    Yet you persist in promoting such false testimony.

    I say start with the scientific and engineering principles that must be met for any alleged holocost actions to have occurred. All the rest will fall into place or by the wayside.

    • Agree: John Wear
  23. John Wear says:

    You write: “John, you’re presenting your evidence before either of us had even made an opening statement! 🙂 (And I hadn’t even presented my evidence regarding Rudolf Höss, so your response was to evidence that the Plaintiff hasn’t even presented yet.) In fact, you haven’t even said what evidence *you’ll* be presenting.”

    My response: The following is the evidence I will be presenting:

    1. Chapter Eight of my book “Germany’s War”, which is available on this website at

    2. All of my articles on Inconvenient History dealing with the so-called Holocaust. You can read these articles at

    3. All of my articles on my website dealing with the so-called Holocaust. You can read these articles at

    There is considerable overlap on these three sites, so it is not quite as much reading material as it might first appear.

    My opening statement is as follows:

    The Holocaust story is a fraud. Dr. Arthur Robert Butz has aptly stated: “The ‘Holocaust’ is such a gigantic fraud that it is a cornucopia of absurdities.”

    So, now you have my opening statement and where I will get my information from. I will now proceed to respond to your evidence in comment #16. If you need more time for family matters or to do more research, please let me know and we can reconvene at a later date at your convenience.

  24. You have been unwilling or unable (more than likely) to critique Mr Wear’s article on the Zundel trials in Toronto which, in my not so humble opinion, would be the best place to start your mock trial.

    Is this John Wear’s “article on the Zundel trials” to which you’re referring?

    If so, *this trial* is only about what happened at Auschwitz, not what happened elsewhere.

    And much of the wording in that article is about witnesses at the Zundel trial. For example, John Wear wrote:

    Another prosecution witness at this trial was Dennis Urstein, who claimed he saw bodies hauled out of the gas chamber at Auschwitz…

    Well, Dennis Urstein’s testimony isn’t in my preliminary list of evidence. The people mentioned in my preliminary list of evidence are:

    1) Rudolf Höss,
    2) Nazi doctor Fritz Klein,
    3) Jewish prisoner Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, who wrote the book: “Auschwitz, A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account”
    4) Auschwitz SS guard Oskar Groening, convicted of 300,000 counts of accessory to murder,
    …and some others.

    NOTE: I will be withdrawing any mention or presentation of evidence regarding Reinhold Hanning, and will substitute evidence regarding Dr. Charles Bendel.

    For Dr. Bendel, I’ll basically be writing, “See my pre-trial comments to a spectator in Comment #19”. Then John can provide any rebuttal to that…WHEN THE EVIDENCE IS PRESENTED. 🙂

    No offense to anyone, but I probably shouldn’t have even made that comment…I should have saved it for the trial. I don’t want to be discussing things before I’ve even seen a list of evidence that the Defense plans to present. And before both sides even present their opening statements. 🙂

    • Replies: @John Wear
  25. Hi John,

    You write,

    My response: The following is the evidence I will be presenting:

    1. Chapter Eight of my book “Germany’s War”, which is available on this website at

    2. All of my articles on Inconvenient History dealing with the so-called Holocaust. You can read these articles at

    3. All of my articles on my website dealing with the so-called Holocaust. You can read these articles at

    But *this trial* is about these five Complaints (see my comment #1):

    The defendants (Nazis), between 1942 and January 1945, engaged in at least 40,000 instances of:

    1) Kidnapping (from Yugoslavia and Greece);
    2) Wrongful transport of my clients out of their countries;
    3) Wrongful imprisonment in Auschwitz;
    4) Wrongful death;
    5) Wrongful death specifically through use of Zyklon B in a homicidal gas chamber.

    You’ve already conceded your clients are liable for the first three items in the Complaint. (Although, please feel free to withdraw that concession before the trial begins, if you wish.)

    So this trial is only about Item #4 and #5, with respect to Hungarian Jews and Sephardic Jews of Greece, deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau from 1942 to 1945.

    My opening statement is as follows:

    The Holocaust story is a fraud. Dr. Arthur Robert Butz has aptly stated: “The ‘Holocaust’ is such a gigantic fraud that it is a cornucopia of absurdities.”

    Again, this trial isn’t about the entire Holocaust. It’s only about what happened at Auschwitz-Birkenau to Hungarian Jews and Sephardic Jews of Greece from 1942 to 1945. (Note that what happened to Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz didn’t start until May of 1944.)

    I don’t want to make your opening statement for you, but maybe you’d want to make something along the lines of, “There were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, so obviously no Hungarian Jews or Greek Jews were murdered there by use of homicidal gas chambers.”…???

    • Replies: @John Wear
  26. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    In comment #16, you refer to “Testimony from Nazi doctor Fritz Klein at his trial (at which he was convicted).”

    My response: The Belsen trial was conducted by the British in the autumn of 1945. This trial was concluded in November, just as the International Military Tribunal (IMT) was beginning. Fritz Klein did not receive a fair hearing at this trial.

    We know that many of the defendants at the Belsen trial were tortured, sometimes to the point of begging to be put to death. (Source: Belgion, Montgomery, Victors’ Justice, Hillsdale, Ill.: Henry Regnery, 1949, pp. 80-81).

    British journalist Alan Moorehead, for example, described the treatment of camp personnel at Bergen-Belsen after the British takeover of the camp:

    “As we approached the cells of the SS guards, the [British] sergeant’s language became ferocious…. The sergeant unbolted the first door and…strode into the cell, jabbing a metal spike in front of him. “Get up” he shouted. “Get up. Get up, you dirty bastards.” There were half a dozen men lying or half lying on the floor. One or two were able to pull themselves erect at once. The man nearest me, his shirt and face splattered with blood, made two attempts before he got on to his knees and then gradually on to his feet. He stood with his arms stretched out in front of him, trembling violently.

    ‘Come on. Get up’ the sergeant shouted [in the next cell]. The man was lying in his blood on the floor, a massive figure with a heavy head and bedraggled beard… ‘Why don’t you kill me?’ he whispered. ‘Why don’t you kill me? I can’t stand it anymore.’ The same phrases dribbled out of his lips over and over again. ‘He’s been saying that all morning, the dirty bastard,’ the sergeant said.” (Source: Moorehead, Alan, “Belsen” in Cyril Connolly (ed.), The Golden Horizon, London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1953, p. 105f).

    I do not know of any crimes that Fritz Klein committed at Bergen-Belsen.

    Dr. Russell Barton, an English physician who later became an American psychiatrist, entered Bergen-Belsen with British forces as a young medical student on May 2, 1945. Dr. Barton’s first impression of the camp was one of horror; some inmates were dead and piled up outside the huts, others were in various stages of dying, disease and dehydration. Barton examined the camp’s well-equipped kitchens and found record books listing the food that had been cooked and distributed going back to 1942. Dr. Barton determined from his examination of the camp records that there had been no deliberate policy of starvation at Bergen-Belsen.

    Dr. Barton made inquiries with inmates, including Jewish doctors, who told him that Bergen-Belsen had not been too bad until the autumn of 1944. Then, as the Russian armies were advancing, the inmates said they had been given the choice of remaining in the camps about to be overrun by the Soviets or being repatriated back to Germany. Many chose to return to Germany. As a result, from the autumn of 1944 to early 1945, some 53,000 people were moved into Bergen-Belsen, which had room for only 3,000 inmates. The overcrowding was extreme and the staff at the camp resented it. Josef Kramer, the commandant of Bergen-Belsen, and Dr. Fritz Klein, the medical doctor at the camp, didn’t know what to do with the huge influx of inmates. Dr. Barton concluded that the horrific conditions at Bergen-Belsen were attributable to overcrowding and the collapse of the German economy at the end of the war rather than to an intentional program of extermination. (Source: Kulaszka, Barbara, (ed.), Did Six Million Really Die: Report of Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd., 1992, pp. 175-176).

    As far as any crimes Dr. Klein might have committed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, I also do not know of any. This is something we can discuss at a later date.

  27. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “I don’t want to make your opening statement for you, but maybe you’d want to make something along the lines of, “There were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, so obviously no Hungarian Jews or Greek Jews were murdered there by use of homicidal gas chambers.”…???”

    My response: That is close enough for me. My opening statement is:

    “There were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, so obviously no Hungarian Jews or anyone else were murdered there by use of homicidal gas chambers.”

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  28. @John Wear

    My response: That is close enough for me. My opening statement is:

    “There were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, so obviously no Hungarian Jews or anyone else were murdered there by use of homicidal gas chambers.”

    Thinking about it more, it would be a good idea for you to summarize the evidence you’re going to present, like the chemical evidence regarding Prussian Blue, or the gas chamber doors, or why all evidence I’m presenting by doctors will be lies, or whatever.

  29. John Wear says:

    Mark Bahner,

    You write: “Thinking about it more, it would be a good idea for you to summarize the evidence you’re going to present, like the chemical evidence regarding Prussian Blue, or the gas chamber doors, or why all evidence I’m presenting by doctors will be lies, or whatever.”

    My response: The evidence I have against there being homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau are contained in my two articles at and

  30. @ Mark Bahner ( + @ anyone here & elsewhere)

    Browsing thru the 1700 comments of Roy Unz WW II article I read you asked somewhere who wired the 911 towers / I can´t find it any more / but since you are an adherent to holocaustianity you will never answer 911 whodunnit ( although you know…)

    I posted a comment yesterday but it did not get thru the Unz Review filter / I did not save it somewhere else / it was closing time in the cybershop where I did my online job yesterday…

    @ Roy Unz : a pity / why the holocaust joke of WWII is intertwined with the Twin Towers 911 joke / both are ultra sick j. jokes of the satanic j. bankers cabal – who financed all sides of WW II

    Now as we all know they are about to launch the CBDC coupled with the vaccination passport by the WHO / funny enough / it got anounced the day after I flew back to Spain – no “vaxx & test” needed- by the WHO lackey on the payroll of crypto j. Bill Gates of Hell.

    The RotSchild money moneymonopolists who run the BIS in Basel / the Central Bank of all Central Banks in the world / Basel is in French Bale ( pronounced Baal)…

    Most people here or elsewhere will not have entered that deeply into their occult Baal territory as I have – I can assure you / it is not an enviable job & dont try this at home / I am one of the few ( so not the only one ) & am still breathing ( not excatly to their amusement).

    check out: the gj comment 14 June 2022

    ” A project we did in New York / ten years ago / because New York is a good place to do shows” says Florian Reithner in the very beginning of this vid….He is a j. from Austria & one of the Urhebers of the Gelatin B. group who wired the Twin Towers for destruction / if we don’t mention the beast by its name / we can forget the feast….”

    Btw I am in favor of the “no planes hypothesis” / did you ever see a blue beam holographic show…

    But the Whodunnit is most important / the jaws naturlich with umlaut ( no typo) / but in a country like the USA which has since 1978 the National Education Day dedicated to that insane chabad lubavitch rebbe Schneerson that answer will never be televised (like they whodid911 did on 911)…..

    CIA O

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  31. @ Roy Unz I hope you will at least let your readers / posters see this vid / in answer to holocaustianity addict Mark Bahner who asked for it in the 1700 comments WW II article


    the gj comment of 14 juni 2022

    ” A project we did in New York / ten years ago / because New York is a good place to do shows” says Florian Reithner in the very beginning of this vid….He is a j. from Austria & one of the Urhebers of the Gelatin B. group who wired the Twin Towers for destruction / if we don’t mention the beast by its name / we can forget the feast….”

    4045 Gaschambers – 6 million- & 911 are two sick kabbala jokes / in a country like the USA with its National Education Day dedicated to chabad rebbe Schneerson – since 1978 / absolutely insane – you can´t hope that the Deagle´s pro/gnosis will not become factual….

    CIA O

  32. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “Excerpts from book, “Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account”, by Jewish prisoner/doctor, Dr. Miklos Nyiszli.”

    My response: Carol Mattogno has written an entire book about Dr. Miklos Nyiszli. This book is titled “An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account: The Bestselling Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed.”

    The Jewish Hungarian physician Miklos Nyiszli published a book of memoirs shortly after World War II about his experiences at Auschwitz. These memoirs have been used by mainstream historians as the primary source of Mengele’s alleged crimes at Auschwitz. Nyiszli’s memoirs, however, contain numerous errors and weaknesses that call into question the veracity of his claims. (Source: Mattogno, Carlo and Nyiszli, Miklos, An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account: The Bestselling Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed, Uckfield: Castle Hill Publishers, 2020, pp. 9-16).

    Dr. Nyiszli said that he wrote innumerable autopsy reports and signed them with his tattoo number. These reports were signed by his superior, Dr. Mengele, and then shipped to a medical center in Berlin-Dahlem. Nyiszli also wrote that he sent countless autopsy specimens to Berlin-Dahlem, and that he received replies about them with detailed scientific commentary or instructions. Based on descriptions in his book, Nyiszli performed at least 170 autopsies while at Auschwitz. Despite these autopsy reports allegedly written and signed by Nyiszli, and the “countless” packages of autopsy specimens sent to a medical institute in Berlin-Dahlem, there is not a single piece of paper in the documentary record bearing Nyiszli’s signature. (Source: Ibid., pp. 9, 12-13, 19).

    Nyiszli also alleged in his book that, starting in August 1944, he was the doctor of the Sonderkommando for the Birkenau crematoria. The Romanian Jewish physician Charles Sigismund Bendel made the same claim at the Belsen trial in late 1945. Despite the fact that these two doctors spent at least four months together in the same place, they were totally ignorant of each other. They also produced totally contradictory testimony in regard to their experiences at the Birkenau crematoria. (Source: Ibid., pp. 13, 304-308).

    Nyiszli made numerous false claims in his memoirs about the alleged homicidal gas chambers and crematoria at Birkenau. For example, Nyiszli wrote regarding a crematorium at Birkenau that “what is really impressive is the column of fire 8-10 meters high which gushes from its mouth between the lightning rods at its four corners.” (Source: Ibid., p. 22).

    As documented by many researchers, it is technically impossible for flames to gush from crematoria.

    Nyiszli wrote about the aftermath of gassings at Birkenau:

    “The bodies do not lie all over the length and breadth of the room but rather in a single, story-high heap. The explanation for this is that the fallen gas granules first permeate the air layer above the concrete floor with their deadly vapors and only gradually saturate the higher layers of air in the room. This forces the unfortunate victims to trample each other, to climb over one another. In the higher layers the gas thus reaches them later. What a terrible struggle for life must take place there, and yet the time won is only one or two minutes in all!” (Source: Ibid., p. 41).

    Nyiszli totally invented these gassings results. Since hydrocyanic vapors are slightly lighter than air, the diffusion of gas in the gas chambers would not rise from the floor to the ceiling. The gassing victims would have no need to climb over one another to escape the poison gas. (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, “Dr. Mengele’s ‘Medical Experiments’ on Twins in the Birkenau Gypsy Camp,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2013).

    Nyiszli also incorrectly wrote that the crematoria were located two kilometers from the Birkenau Camp. In reality, the crematoria were located inside the camp. (Source: Ibid).

    The unreliability of Nyiszli’s testimony is shown by the fact that he was not used as a witness at the I.G. Farben trial at Nuremberg. Charles D. Provan wrote: “Although Dr. Nyiszli was summoned to Nuremberg to testify in the I.G. Farben trial, he was not called to the stand, presumably because he was only at Monowitz for about two weeks, and could provide little in the way of useful evidence. At some point in the trial, he was allowed to return home to Romania.” (Source: Provan, Charles D., “New Light on Dr. Miklos Nyiszli and His Auschwitz Book,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 20, No. 1, Jan./Feb. 2001, p. 29).

    Carlo Mattogno writes in regard to Nyiszli: “It is impossible to ascribe good faith to this ‘eyewitness,’ who was and remains a mere impostor. In consequence, the essential eyewitness testimony of Dr. Mengele’s alleged crimes at Auschwitz crumbles inexorably, and the rest of the legend along with it.” (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, “Dr. Mengele’s ‘Medical Experiments’ on Twins in the Birkenau Gypsy Camp,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2013).

    Mattogno concludes:

    “Dr. Mengele’s alleged crimes are not proven by any document. No document shows that Mengele ever killed even one single child, or that one single child was ever killed on his orders. The essential and sole witness, the one upon whose testimony the whole accusation was based, was an extraordinarily creative imposter. Dr. Mengele’s closest collaborators, including the presumed essential witness, and at least 543 of his “victims” were allowed to live: but how, then, are we to believe seriously in the fairy tale of the “Angel of Death” of Auschwitz?” (Source: Ibid).

    • Thanks: HdC
    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Mark Bahner
  33. Canute says:

    Post WWII Zionism is heavily dependent upon two charades – a) the holocaust story – Jewish victimhood in general, and b) the flag events of 9/11 which proved turned US military and economic power over to Israel in a single afternoon. The Jews lie. It is what they do. If their lies are exposed – they will be destroyed and they know it. This is why any threats to the maintenance of their lies are met with ruthless murders. Modern Ashkenazi Judaism is totally devoid of any moral anchor. It is purely Satanic materialism that not only eschews all manner of spirituality, it must destroy and or eat it to survive. This repeated Jewish effort throughput history is the foundation of all pogroms. If they fail this time – most all of global humanity will respond. Hence – the continuous effort they are making for total control of the US and the entire western world. If people awaken before they are finished with their work – they will be annihilated and they know it.

  34. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “4) Conviction of Auschwitz SS guard Oskar Groening for 300,000 counts of accessory to murder
    a) News reports of the conviction
    b) Interview in which he describes knowing about the gassings, but only accidentally personally witnessing one gassing.”

    My response: I do not regard Oskar Gröning as a credible witness to homicidal gassings at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I will review why it has been dangerous for Germans after World War II to contest the official Holocaust narrative.

    Thies Christophersen was a witness who said that the alleged genocide of Jews during the war never happened. Christophersen supervised about 300 workers, many of them Jewish, at Auschwitz from January to December 1944. On a number of occasions during this period he visited Birkenau where allegedly hundreds of thousands of Jews were being gassed to death. In a memoir first published in Germany in 1973, “The Auschwitz Lie”, Christophersen wrote that during the time he was at Auschwitz he did not notice the slightest evidence of mass gassings. In March 1988, at the Ernst Zündel trial in Toronto, he also successfully answered numerous pointed questions by the prosecuting attorney about his experiences at Auschwitz.

    After “The Auschwitz Lie” was published, Christophersen received thousands of letters and calls. He wrote in regard to these letters and calls:

    “Many of those who contacted me can confirm my statements, but are afraid to do so publicly. Some of those are SS men who were brutally mistreated and even tortured in Allied captivity. I also immediately contacted those who claimed to know more about mass gassings. My experiences were precisely the same as those of French professor Paul Rassinier. I have not found any eyewitnesses. Instead, people would tell me that they knew someone who knew someone else, who talked about it. In most cases the alleged eyewitnesses had died. Other supposed eyewitnesses would quickly begin to stammer and stutter when I asked a few precise questions. Even Simon Wiesenthal had to finally admit before a Frankfurt district court that he was actually never in Auschwitz. All of the reports I have heard about are contradictory. Everyone seemed to tell a different story about the gas chambers. They couldn’t even agree about where they were supposed to have been located. This is also true of the so-called scholarly literature, which is full of contradictions.…” (Source: Christophersen, Thies, “Reflections on Auschwitz and West German Justice,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1985, p. 118).

    Another eyewitness who did not see any evidence of genocide of the Jews is Dr. Wilhelm Stäglich. Dr. Stäglich, a German judge, visited Auschwitz several times during the Second World War as a German orderly officer of an Anti-aircraft Detachment. Dr. Stäglich published the following account of his visits to Auschwitz:

    ” On none of these visits did I see gassing installations, crematoria, instruments of torture, or similar horrors. The camp gave one the impression of being well-kept and very well-organized…The camp reminded me of the German Labor Front camp in which I served out my six-month stretch in the Labor Service, except that Auschwitz was, of course, considerably larger…None of the inmates behaved as though they were in fear of mistreatment, let alone death.

    On the later point, one encounter with inmates especially sticks in my memory. As some comrades and I were standing near the camp one evening, we caught sight of a big gang of inmates returning to camp from work in the industrial plants. They were escorted by a relatively small contingent of SS-men—mostly older people—and seemed to be thoroughly undisciplined. They talked loudly among themselves, laughing all the while. Two or three inmates dropped out of line when they spotted us, opened their flies, and made water. Although this gesture could have been interpreted as a sign of contempt for German men in uniform, the SS guards ignored it completely. Later, whenever I heard that mortal terror prevailed in the concentration camps, I had to recall this incident. That is hardly the way people who are in constant fear of death behave.” (Source: Stäglich, Wilhelm, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, Institute for Historical Review, 1990, p. 293).

    The historical blackout forces have sought to intimidate German eyewitnesses from writing about their observations in the German concentration camps. When Thies Christophersen published “The Auschwitz Lie” in 1973, he was charged with “popular incitement,” “contempt against the state,” and defamation of the Jews. Christophersen spent a year in prison even though the charge of popular incitement was eventually dropped. All Christophersen had done was to write about his experiences while he was working in Auschwitz in 1944. (Source: Christophersen, Thies, “Reflections on Auschwitz and West German Justice,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1985, p. 117).

    German Judge Wilhelm Stäglich’s public challenge to the official version of life at Auschwitz brought forth severe reprisals from the German government. Stäglich was induced to resign his job as a judge in Hamburg, his health having been affected by a harassment campaign against him. German authorities also attempted to deprive Stäglich of his pension, eventually settling on a 20% reduction in his pension over a five-year period. Finally, in a crowning absurdity, Stäglich was deprived of the doctoral degree he had earned at the University of Göttingen in 1951. (Source: Stäglich, Wilhelm, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, Institute for Historical Review, 1990, pp. vii-viii, 292).

    Prematurely retired, Stäglich worked for several years on an extensive study of the evidence supposedly substantiating systematic murder by gassing at Auschwitz. The book resulting from his study, “Der Auschwitz Mythos”, disputes the various “proofs” offered for the Auschwitz myth and is a damning analysis of the postwar trials staged by the Allies. The publication of “Der Auschwitz Mythos” in West Germany in 1979 caused the defenders of the Holocaust story to censor Stäglich’s book. Nevertheless, all but seven of the 10,000 copies of the first edition of “Der Auschwitz Mythos” had been sold by the time the book was ordered seized by the German government.

    Wilhelm Stäglich wrote in 1984 concerning the intellectual subservience and guilt inculcated in most Germans since the end of World War II:

    “We Germans, in spite of the repeated assurances to the contrary of our puppet politicians, are politically and intellectually no longer a sovereign nation since our defeat in the Second World War. Our political subservience, which is apparent in the fact of the breaking up of the Reich and the incorporation of the individual pieces into the extant power blocks of the East and of the West, has had as its consequence a corresponding intellectual subservience. Escape from this intellectual subservience is prevented primarily by the guilt complex inculcated in most Germans through the “reeducation” instituted in 1945. This guilt complex is based primarily on the Holocaust Legend. Therefore for we Germans the struggle against what I have called the “Auschwitz Myth” is so frightfully important.” (Source: Stäglich, Wilhelm, “Der Auschwitz Mythos: A Book and its Fate in the German Federal Republic,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 1984, p. 65).

    Germany passed laws soon after the publication of Stäglich’s book making it a felony to dispute any aspect of the Holocaust story. Similar laws were eventually passed in the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, France, Greece, Hungary, Israel, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, and the European Union. (Source: Thorn, Victor, The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century’s Biggest Lie, Washington, D.C.: The Barnes Review, 2012, p. 2 of Foreword).

    Defenders of the Holocaust story have also taken extreme measures to prosecute perpetrators of the alleged crimes. John Demjanjuk, for example, was found not guilty by the Israeli Supreme Court in 1993 of being Ivan the Terrible at Treblinka. Demjanjuk returned to his home in Cleveland, Ohio and looked forward to a peaceful retirement after spending years on death row in Israel. Unfortunately, in 2001, Demjanjuk was charged again on the grounds that he had instead allegedly been a guard named Ivan Demjanjuk at the Sobibór camp in Poland.

    On May 11, 2009, Demjanjuk was deported from Cleveland to be tried in Germany. On May 12, 2011, Demjanjuk was convicted by a German criminal court as an accessory to the murder of 27,900 people at Sobibór and sentenced to five years in prison. No evidence was presented at Demjanjuk’s trial linking him to specific crimes. Instead, Demjanjuk was convicted under a new line of German legal thinking that a person who served at an alleged death camp can be charged as an accessory to murder because the camp’s sole function was to kill people. No proof of participation in a specific crime is required. Demjanjuk died in Germany before his appeal could be heard by a German Appellate Court. (Source: The Dallas Morning News, May 7, 2013, p. 9A).

    This new line of German legal thinking is breathtaking in its unfairness. It incorrectly assumes that some German concentration camps were used for the purpose of exterminating people when, in fact, none of them was. Moreover, this proposed German law finds a person guilty merely for being at a certain camp. People can be found guilty of a crime even when no evidence is presented that they committed a crime. The Simon Wiesenthal Center has been looking to help prosecute and convict other elderly German guards under this line of German legal thinking. (Source: Ibid.).

    The Holocaust story is being used to increasingly restrict free speech. Moshe Kantor, President of the European Jewish Congress, spoke at the International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the European Parliament ceremony in Brussels on January 27, 2014. Kantor rejected free speech arguments over what he called the worldwide spread of anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitism is “not an opinion—it’s a crime,” he said. Kantor apparently wants to criminalize any speech, symbols, or gestures that Jews consider to be anti-Semitic. (Source: The Dallas Morning News, Jan. 28, 2014, p. 2A).

    So, with this historical perspective, I do not find Oskar Gröning’s testimony to be credible. Gröning could not state the truth that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. This defense is a felony in modern-day Germany. Gröning’s only possible defense was to accept that there was a mass extermination program at Auschwitz-Birkenau, but claim that as a lowly bookkeeper he had nothing to do with it.

    • Thanks: HdC, Jett Rucker
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  35. @Mark Bahner

    Item 1 should have read:

    1) Kidnapping (from Hungary and Greece)

  36. gay troll says:

    John Wear is winning.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  37. @John Wear

    You write: “4) Conviction of Auschwitz SS guard Oskar Groening for 300,000 counts of accessory to murder

    John, please wait to respond until I actually *present the evidence*. You’re writing very long comments containing responses that have no real relevance to the evidence I plan to present. And I haven’t even finished my opening statement yet.

    • Replies: @Kali
  38. Ron Unz says:

    I’d closed with the following remarks:

    I’d be very curious if anyone can find any American mainstream media discussion of the Holocaust between roughly 1946 and 1960. If people actually believed in its reality during the first 15 years after WWII, such silence would seem rather peculiar.

    That question led someone to bring an interesting book to my attention. In 1961, future Watergate Special Prosecutor Leon Jaworski published After Fifteen Years, with an introduction by Vice President Lyndon Johnson, obviously a very high-profile book. It contains a chapter on Dachau, including discussion of the numerous inmates killed in the Dachau gas chamber, possibly making it the first mainstream text presenting a Holocaust narrative, and obviously a very prominent work given the endorsement by our Vice President.

    Yet ironically enough, these days no one claims that Dachau was a death camp or that anyone died in a Dachau gas chamber. For example, here’s a short excerpt from the official website of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum:

    In 1942, the crematorium area was constructed next to the main camp. It included the old crematorium and the new crematorium (Barrack X) with a gas chamber. There is no credible evidence that the gas chamber in Barrack X was used to murder human beings.

    So I certainly find it very “intriguing” that the earliest Holocaust narrative presented in a high-profile mainstream book seems to have been totally fraudulent.

    • Agree: John Wear
  39. @Gabreal Jones

    Btw I am in favor of the “no planes hypothesis” / did you ever see a blue beam holographic show…

    Evidently you haven’t seen this video (especially watch the 30 secs or so beginning at 2:00):


    Listen also to the comments from 2:00 – 6:00 in this video of the REAL people who witnessed the whole event (no, not crisis actors), that saw this REAL PLANE impact with WTC2 in REAL TIME.

    Of course, what you’re witnessing in that video is not the real UA175 that was alleged to have impacted with the South tower. (The real planes with real passengers and crew were electronically commandeered and landed elsewhere).
    What you see in that video is a remotely guided DRONE 767 that has the United Airlines external livery/markings to mimic UA175.
    Said drone is likely a super lightweight stripped down 767 with higher output engine configuration (enabling a much improved power-to-weight ratio and thus enabling it to easily travel at over 500 knots at sea level with much better handling/manoeuvrability dynamics).

    FACT: A minimum of tens of thousands (and perhaps even hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers and tourists/visitors to NYC that day), say REAL PLANES impact with WTC1 & 2 that day.

    How anyone could believe that blue beams/holographic images could be projected into a BRIGHTLY LIT sky to simulate extremely fast moving aircraft at altitude (and simultaneously be sharply in focus when viewed from ANY direction up to several miles away), is hard to fathom.

    You’d have to be pretty gullible to fall for that.

  40. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “NOTE: I will be withdrawing any mention or presentation of evidence regarding Reinhold Hanning, and will substitute evidence regarding Dr. Charles Bendel.”

    My response: Pursuant to your comment #37, I will now keep my responses brief.

    Dr. Charles Bendel served as a kind of professional witness. He testified for the prosecution during the Belsen trial, during which he was interrogated by Col. Backhouse at the hearing on October 1, 1945. Bendel then participated in the Tesch trial, during which he was interrogated by Major Draper on March 2, 1946. Bendel also appeared as a witness for the prosecution during the I.G. Farben trial on March 18, 1948. (Source: Mattogno, Carlo and Nyiszli, Miklos, An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account: The Bestselling Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed, Uckfield: Castle Hill Publishers, 2020, pp. 304-305).

    When we later present evidence, I plan to show some inconsistencies and incongruities in Dr. Charles Bendel’s testimony.

  41. Kali says:

    Not only does “the court” (lol) require opening statements, it also requires full disclosure. What evidence do the parties intend to present, what witnesses do they intend to call, etc.

    Does Council for the prosecution have any idea what so ever of the “courts” (lol) rules of procedure? Does anyone?

    Where’s/who’s the judge? How can the jury be sure that the rules are being properly applied, and the law properly stated, sans a legally/lawfully qualified judge?


    As far as I’m concerned, the jury (me) is already out and the verdict already in: There was no “holocaust”, as such,(programme to exterminate all European Jews, 6,000,000 exterminated Jews).

    The “holocaust”, as such, is nothing more than a political construct, in keeping with the political manifestos, the Torah, the Talmud(s) and the Kabalah, which has, like the others, taken on a religious mantle, henseforth “holicaustianity” with the demonstrable aim of granting Jews political and social/societal predominance throughout Western societies, and granting “Israel” carte blanche to steal , plunder, murder, maim and genocide the ancient land and people of Palestine, whilst harassing and threatening it’s regional neighbours.

    And if I were a silly-Bahner-sausage, I’d insist that a “trial” proceed, with the above paragraph as charges for the holocaustians to defend against!

    I’m somewhat flabbergasted that anyone actually agreed to put revisionism on “trial” here given the monumental lack of evidence for the “holocaust”! Surely, SURELY, the boot should be on the other foot?!

    Forgive me if I’m mistaken about what’s going on here. I missed the last 300 or so comments in the previous thread due to technical difficulties (aka being busy). I think I’ve got the general idea though.

    I hope this finds everyone well, happy and full of the joys of summer. 😁

    Best regards,

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  42. BuelahMan says:

    What is to love about jews?

  43. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Pursuant to your request in comment #37 to keep my comments short, I will combine your items #6, 7, and 8 in your comment #16 into this short response.

    I plan to prove that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I also plan to prove that the crematoria capacity at Auschwitz-Birkenau was not sufficient to cremate the Hungarian Jews in the short time period claimed by “Holocaust” historians. Finally, Allied aerial photographs taken at the height of the alleged extermination of the Hungarian Jews at Birkenau show an uneventful camp devoid of any evidence of a mass extermination program.

    Given these facts, I plan to show that there was no program of mass extermination of the Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    • Thanks: Ann Nonny Mouse
  44. @John Wear

    For some reason I read your reply to Mark Bannerman and was puzzled to find this

    Nyiszli totally invented these gassings results. Since hydrocyanic vapors are slightly lighter than air, the diffusion of gas in the gas chambers would not rise from the floor to the ceiling. The gassing victims would have no need to climb over one another to escape the poison gas. (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, “Dr. Mengele’s ‘Medical Experiments’ on Twins in the Birkenau Gypsy Camp,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2013).

    What am I t infer from the fact that you have asserterted something which, on the face of it, is clearly wrong? With some hesitation I offer you the chance to show that you understand the problem as well as explain it.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  45. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    “All rise!”

    1. The court accepts the “defendants” (why??) submition and hereby disqualifies the witness Hoss/Hoess as unreliable.

    2. The court requests the plaintiff clarify how the bodies of dead Jews “fell out” of chambers with inward opening doors. (Ref: comment 19/Guardian 1945 article.)

    3. The court requests that the plaintiff refrain from playing the role of the judge. “This isn’t a game, My Bahner!” 🧐

    4. The court thanks counsel HdC for clarifying the matter and insists that the plaintiff demonstrate that the alleged crime was even possible. “What physical forensic evidence do you intent to offer, Mr Bahner?” 🤔

    5. The court thanks lead counsel for the “defence” (why??) John Wear for his evidence. “You make a very strong case that there is no case to answer, Mr Wear. Most intriguing.”

    5.a. The court expects the prosecution to make it’s case in a timely manner, lest the courts time be wasted. “Mr Bahner, you have brought this case before the court. I suggest you, if you are unable to present your case personally, appoint another counsel to do so. You are already sailing very close to a charge of malicious prosecution, wasting the courts time and contempt of court, sir. Proceed with caution, Mr Bahner. This is not a game!” 🤨

    6. The court is dismayed that the prosecution has altered it’s list of witnesses without so much as a ‘by your leave’ to the court. The court rules that witnesses will not be substituted without consent and without good reason. “This is Not a Game, Mr Bahner! And this is not Nuremberg, sir! You may not substitute witnesses on a whim. Either present your case or withdraw it, sir! The court will not be triffled with!” 🥸

    7. The court, once again, is perplexed by prosecution counsels insistence on determining the courts procedural rules, and rules of evidence.”Mr Bahner, I again remind you that this is not a game! This game… errr… I mean trial is in regards to the alleged “holocaust”, sir, a central plank of which is what happened at Auschwitz. You may not rule that Auschwitz is somehow ‘out of bounds’ sir, as without it your entire allegation of mass extermination of Jews in homicidal gas Chambers falls on its head. In fact you may not rule anything at all, Mr Bahner, as that is the perogative if the court! Any more of this sort of thing, Mr Bahner, and your case will be dismissed and you, sir, will be held in contempt and possibly sentenced to a severe trolling!” 😠

    8. The court thanks the witness Dr Barton for his testimony. A most credible witness.

    9. “Mr Bahner! I suggest you present your own case for the prosecution, and allow defense to shred… I mean defend, of course, such evidence as you can muster. In the meantime, please refrain from playing all sides in this gam… errr trial. I, the jury…judge, will rule what evidence and procedures will carry forward. Thank you” 🙃

    10. The court is relieved to note that at least one side is very well prepared for this trial. “Thank you, Mr Wear.” 😇

    11. The court agrees with counsel for the deffence that Oskar Groning’s testimony is not credible.

    12. The court finds the tardiness and lack of preparedness of prosecution counsel to be obstructive to justice. “This is not a game, Mr Bahner! You are not at Nuremberg now sir! Please present your case or kindly admit that you have none.” 😵‍💫

    All rise!
    Judge Kali. 😁

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: John Wear
  46. Kali says:

    So, who want’s to fill me, and other readers in on who is being charged with what in this trial.

    Presumably Mark Bahner is charging “the Germans” with the mass murder of “the Jews”?

    But has that trial not already taken place, and “the Germans” found guilty?

    So should this not, after all, be an appeal against wrongful conviction? And even a counter-claim in tort law, given the massive harms done to the German people as a result of the unspeakable miscarriage of justice and misrepresentation of history and their place in it?

    Best regards,

    • Agree: HdC, Adam Smith
  47. @John Wear

    The fact that Howss’s confession should have been held inadmissible because of torture doesn’t get you very far. His evidence in the Kaltenbrunner trial was not similarly disqualified The issue there for present purposes is different, namely that he made up figures and, apparently, was not called out on them though he may have been hoping later to use their patent absurdity to his advantage. By the time of the Polish trial he had apparently reconciled himself to his fate and been persuaded to write accurate memoirs. So why shouldn’t his memoirs be accepted as a true confession?

    BTW I note here – and probably elsewhere – the fact that there is quite enough evidence in human history to conclude that there is nothing particularly surprising about Nazi genocide or gas chambers as part of it. How about Abu Ghreib, the murders by Americans that got Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange into trouble and Rwanda and Srebrenizca as more recent proofs?

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @HdC
  48. John Wear says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    You write: “What am I to infer from the fact that you have asserted something which, on the face of it, is clearly wrong? With some hesitation I offer you the chance to show that you understand the problem as well as explain it.”

    My response: Since hydrocyanic vapors are slightly lighter than air, these vapors would already be toward the top of the alleged homicidal gas chamber. Therefore, the gassing victims would have no need to climb over one another to escape the poison gas.

    I will quote from Carlo Mattogno’s article at to give a more complete explanation:

    “The gassing technique described by Nyiszli is completely invented, based on the erroneous supposition that Zyklon B (the alleged homicidal agent) was chlorine (rather than hydrocyanic acid). Since chlorine is heavier than air, Nyiszli imagined that, in an area in which it was released in large quantities, the chlorine would spread from the floor to the ceiling, as if the area were being filled with water. As a result, he claims that the bodies, in the “gas chamber”, “were piled up in a mass up to the ceiling”, because “the gas first fills the lowers strata of air and then moves slowly upwards”. The victims therefore climbed on each others’ shoulders to get closer to the ceiling and escape the gas so as to survive for a short time longer. But hydrocyanic acid vapors are slightly lighter than air, therefore the diffusion of the gas as described by Nyiszli is physically impossible.”

    “This absurdity was later appropriated lock, stock and barrel by the plagiarist Filip Müller, another self-described “eyewitness” who shamelessly plagiarized Nyiszli’s work.”

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  49. @Ron Unz

    You say “totally fraudulent” Possibly. But you neglect to spell out reasons for regarding it as worse than “probably erroneous”. Can you please give us more?

    BTW You will not be surprised that I repeat here what I said to John Wear but preferably considered by you

    BTW I note here – and probably elsewhere – the fact that there is quite enough evidence in human history to conclude that there is nothing particularly surprising about Nazi genocide or gas chambers as part of it. How about Abu Ghreib, the murders by Americans that got Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange into trouble and Rwanda and Srebrenizca as more recent proofs?

    • Replies: @Kali
  50. tanabear says:

    David Irving in his book, Nuremberg: The Last Battle, talks about the origin of the six million in 1945. Robert Jackson, who would be the lead American prosecutor at the International Military Tribunal (IMT)at Nuremberg, met with a few Jewish organizations before he left for Europe. They wanted a hand in running the trial and wished to prosecute Nazi philosopher Alfred Rosenberg. Robert Jackson asked about the Jewish losses during the war and was told six million. This included everyone from the English Channel to Stalingrad. Jackson wrote in his diary that night,

    I was particularly interested in knowing the source and reliability of his estimate as I know no authentic data on it.”

    Jackson was obviously surprised by such a number so it could not have been in wide circulation at that time. These Jewish organizations asked for the right to have an amicus curiae in Jackson’s courtroom to ‘represent the six million slaughtered.’

    It seems like there was a great deal of lobbying effort to get this number into the official record of the Nuremberg trials. Robert Jackson in his opening speech at the IMT in Nuremberg said,

    Five million seven hundred thousand Jews are missing from the countries in which they formerly lived, and over 4,500,000 cannot be accounted for by the normal death rate nor by immigration; nor are they included among displaced persons. History does not record a crime ever perpetrated against so many victims or one ever carried out with such calculated cruelty.”

    It appears that the lobbying effort paid off.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: Jett Rucker
  51. I’d be very curious if anyone can find any American mainstream media discussion of the Holocaust between roughly 1946 and 1960. If people actually believed in its reality during the first 15 years after WWII, such silence would seem rather peculiar.

    (I hope the thread is still open): Some time ago (maybe about two years ago) Haaretz published an article that has to do with this theme (I think someone here posted the link to the article). The article (if I still remember relevant details) said that a historian had (finally) discovered who came up with this number 6 million. According to him it was a man who had been in a camp, had left Germany and made a long trip to Palestine. In the beginning of 1944 (in January) there was a meeting in Palestine where he proposed this number which became the official number. It should reflect the reality of 1943, when he must have started his trip from Germany to Palestine.

    But we are not informed about how he established this number, what kind of information he had. Nothing. The question of the source of his information should be an important question because it seems to be a fact that Jews generally didn’t have any idea about what was happening. A recent article in The Guardian tells the story of a man who was in Ausschwitz and according to the article it seems that (many) people outside camps had no idea what was going on and even inside the camp the whole thing seemed to be unknown for people. Once I saw on TV an interview with a man who was presented as a survivor from a camp and he said that he only learned about the Holocaust after the war. But the number 6 million was probably put into circulation already during the war, although it may have taken time afterwards until it became widely know. From the article in The Guardian:

    Plenty of testimonies from the time suggest Jews not only had no inkling of the fate that awaited them when they arrived in Auschwitz, but also that they chose to repress the knowledge once they had acquired it.

    Perl says that he didn’t know people were being gassed, their bodies being turned into smoke and ash, even when he was inside Auschwitz…..

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  52. @Kali


    Plaintiff had me removed from court, but I would speculate he knows less than I do about the particular details of the Nuremberg proceedings, if that’s possible.

    I previously knew enough to know it was a tribunal of retribution based more on Talmudic Migo than actual truth or justice.

    Any attempt by anyone, anywhere, to throw off the yoke of Jewish influence and treachery in gentile society is returned with a vendetta, so encompassing as to include the innocent among their own people, that defies belief; they will have their pound of flesh, one way or another.

    They whine about being relegated to “ghettos”, but conveniently neglect to mention this practice is preferred and supported by Rabbis, to prevent assimilation; there is a word for this practice that escapes me at the moment, but it’s true nonetheless. Their communities/history are filled with these sorts of contradictions; no opportunity to muddy the waters goes unexploited.

    A study of history, going back as far as possible, reveals the same observations and accusations against their habits and deeds, made by nearly every society unfortunate enough to “let them in.” A reasonable person will ask, “is everyone, everywhere, always wrong?”

    On a comedic note, Ron White, a great Texan comedian has a 30 second bit about this phenomena; google “Ron White-maybe it’s me.” Maybe he can join the jury panel.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Kali
  53. Opening Statement for the Plaintiffs: Friends and Families of Hungarian Jewish and Greek Jewish Children Under 12 and Elderly Adults “Not Fit for Work” vs. Nazis Operating Auschwitz-Birkenau Camp

    I’m representing the Plaintiffs in this mock civil trial. My clients are the Hungarian Jewish and Greek Sephardic Jewish children under 12 years old and elderly adults (i.e. those “not fit to work”). The details of the complaint are:

    The defendants (Nazis), between 1942 and January 1945, engaged in at least 40,000 instances of:

    1) Kidnapping (from Yugoslavia and Greece);
    2) Wrongful transport of my clients out of their countries;
    3) Wrongful imprisonment in Auschwitz;
    4) Wrongful death;
    5) Wrongful death specifically through use of Zyklon B in a homicidal gas chamber.

    The Defense has already agreed that the Nazis kidnapped the Plaintiffs, wrongly transported them out of their countries, and wrongfully imprisoned them in Auschwitz (also called Auschwitz-Birkenau). Therefore, the only disputed claims are #4 (wrongful death) and #5 (wrongful death specifically through use of Zyklon B in homidal gas chambers).

    The burden of proof in a civil trial is “a preponderance of evidence.” The preponderance of evidence standard comes into play when the plaintiff satisfies the burden of proof by offering evidence that demonstrates their claims have a greater than 50% chance to be true. In other words, if a claim can be demonstrated to be more likely to be true than not true, the burden of proof is met.

    This case is very simple. As the Plaintiffs’ counsel, I will present overwhelming evidence that the Nazis at Auschwitz-Birkenau operated homicidal gas chambers that resulted in far, far more than 40,000 wrongful deaths. (In fact, the number of wrongful deaths at Auschwitz-Birkenau is likely one million or more).

    My evidence will include:

    1) Sworn affidavits and sworn testimony of the Nazis themselves;
    2) Excerpts from the memoirs of Rudolf Höss, a Commandant of Auschwitz when the very first homicides with Zyklon B were performed, and the man who led “Aktion Höss,” which resulted in approximately 400,000 Hungarian Jews being murdered in gas chambers in Birkenau in 1944;
    3) Writings of men (Sonderkommandos) who performed significant portions of the operations of homicidal gas chambers, including removing bodies and moving them to the crematorium ovens or to large “burn pits” (when the crematoriums could not handle the large number of bodies being produced by the gas chambers);
    4) The location of the homicidal gas chambers and the “burn pits”, as well as constuction information showing that they were intended to be used as homicidal gas chambers;
    5) Details of the preparations for and execution of “Aktion Höss” in which the vast majority of the 437,000 Hungarian Jews arriving from May-July 1944 were killed in homicidal gas chambers, and their bodies cremated in crematoria and “burn pits.”
    6) An explanation, using simple arithmetic and logic, to show why the majority of the 437,000 Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May to July 1944 absolutely must have been murdered, and their bodies cremated.

    Again, this is a very simple case. The Plaintiffs will simply point to a tiny fraction of the absolutely overwhelming evidence that the Nazis murdered approximately 1 million people using homicidal gas chambers employing Zyklon B from 1942 to 1945. This overwhelming evidence is why not one single legitimate historical organization doubts that homicidal gas chambers existed to carry out mass exterminations at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    • Replies: @UncommonGround
    , @Kali
  54. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Plaintiff had me removed from court,…

    Bullshit. I invited you to be a juror. You declined.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  55. John Wear says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    You write: “The fact that Hoess’s confession should have been held inadmissible because of torture doesn’t get you very far. His evidence in the Kaltenbrunner trial was not similarly disqualified.”

    My response: Ernst Kaltenbrunner was tried and convicted at the IMT. No evidence was presented at the IMT that Rudolf Höss had been tortured. Therefore, Höss was regarded as a credible witness by the judges at the IMT.

    Höss’s testimony at the IMT was also regarded by the world press as being credible, and was reported by the press around the world. A New York Times article described it as the “crushing climax to the case.” The Times in Britain said of Höss’s signed testimony: “Its dreadful implications must surpass any document ever penned.” (Source: Harding, Thomas, Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013, pp. 259-260).

    Höss was regarded as the star prosecution witness at the IMT, and his testimony has become the framework for the official Holocaust story. (Source: Butz, Arthur R., The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, Newport Beach, Cal: Institute for Historical Review, ninth printing, 1992, p. 101).

    You write: “BTW I note here – and probably elsewhere – the fact that there is quite enough evidence in human history to conclude that there is nothing particularly surprising about Nazi genocide or gas chambers as part of it.”

    My response: I know of no other instances where homicidal gas chambers using Zyklon B were used to carry out mass executions of humans. If you know of any other instances, please let me know.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  56. @UncommonGround

    This thread was for debate between plaintiffs and defendants, but as usual, we are wandering off topic/premise, myself included. This is from a Jewish Holocaust site:

    “ The ethical implication of any theological position about the Holocaust is: What will be its effect on the survivors of the Holocaust, indeed on the whole Jewish people still in mourning? The pietist theology says to the Jewish people that our sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, daughters and sons all died because of their own sins or for the sin of being part of the Jewish people who had been so taken in by Zionism. The religio-nationalist theology says to the Jewish people that six million Jews had to die in order that there be a Jewish state in the land of Israel. It is hard to tell which answer is more morally offensive to Jews — don’t they both basically torture the Jewish people?”

    The six million number has implications regarding prophesy; you can find references to this number before WW2 if you look into Jewish theology/history. The destruction of Edom is necessary, as well.

    • Thanks: Kali
  57. @Ron Unz

    It contains a chapter on Dachau, including discussion of the numerous inmates killed in the Dachau gas chamber, possibly making it the first mainstream text presenting a Holocaust narrative, and obviously a very prominent work given the endorsement by our Vice President.

    Yet ironically enough, these days no one claims that Dachau was a death camp or that anyone died in a Dachau gas chamber.

    No, the Dachau prisoners simply died in a gas chamber *near* Dachau:

    Nazi authorities subjected prisoners deemed perennially too weak for labor, chronically ill, or disabled to Aktion 14f13, initiated in July 1941. This depraved operation linked the concentration camps to the ongoing clandestine program of killing individuals with mental and physical disabilities, codenamed Operation T-4 and ordered by Hitler in the fall of 1939. Over 2,500 inmates from Dachau were shipped to the killing center at Hartheim Castle, near Linz in Upper Austria. There T-4 medical personnel put them to death them with carbon monoxide gas in the Castle’s gas chamber. They were among the 6,000 concentration camp prisoners murdered at Hartheim as part of Aktion 14f13.

    The Hartheim killing centre (German: NS-Tötungsanstalt Hartheim, sometimes translated as “Hartheim killing facility” or “Hartheim euthanasia centre”) was a killing facility involved in the Nazi programme known as Aktion T4, in which German citizens deemed mentally or physically unfit were systematically murdered with poison gas. Often, these patients were transferred from other killing facilities such as the Am Spiegelgrund clinic in Vienna. This was initially a programme of “involuntary euthanasia” permitted under the law ostensibly to enable the lawful and painless killing of incurably ill patients; these murders continued even after the law was rescinded in 1942. Other victims included Jews, Communists and those considered undesirable by the state. Concentration camp inmates who were unfit for work, or otherwise deemed troublesome, were also executed here.

    • Thanks: Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  58. Kali says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    What the actual, Wiz!?

    Not once, but twice you cite Abu Ghreib and Rwanda to support the ludicrous notion that NS Germany used homicidal gas Chambers to murder millions upon millions of Jews.

    “Mr Bahner, if your witnesses are not going to take this gam…errr, show-trial seriously, I hardly see the point!” 🤨


    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  59. Marcali says:

    Therefore all those Goys who subscribe for the Jewish version of the holocaust are self-hating Goys. At least we have clarified that already.

  60. Kali says:

    Plaintiff had me removed from court, but I would speculate he knows less than I do

    He’s a very naughty plaintiff(!) and I agree that he certainly knows less than you do, Miss/Mrs/Mr Tiptoe. I have a feeling he may we’ll be pilpulling our strings! 🥸

    More seriously, have you ever read a book called The Controversy of Zion, by Douglass Reed? If not, I highly recommend it!

    Reed was a foreign correspondent for The Times (London) based in Berlin in 1933. Recognizing as he did, the demonization of Hitler and Germany before the war (because his own columns were not being published, or were being edited before publication), and the hand that the “international Jew” was taking in shaping national affairs and public opinion, before, during and after the war, he determined to get to the root of the problem.

    He began research for his book in 1953 and had a finished manuscript by 56. That manuscript sat on top of his wardrobe until after his death, where it was discovered by friends and neighbours; friends who had never realized their friend was the Douglass Reed, author of so many famous books long forgotten (consigned to the dustbin of history).

    They managed to find a publisher in South Africa willing to publish the book in 1976.

    Now it stands as a historic account of the Jews journey to Zion/Israel/Occupied Palestine, and Jewish influence and intrigue within Western societies, particularly during the first half of the 20th century. It’s a very interesting read, well written, in which the qualities of the author (a real English gentleman of honour) shine through.

    It’s actually available on this website in html format, but if you were to download a copy from then the very touching preface, written by Mr Reed’s friend, is included.

    Fond regards,

    • Thanks: Tiptoethrutulips
  61. Ron Unz says:
    @Mark Bahner

    No, the Dachau prisoners simply died in a gas chamber *near* Dachau:

    Over 2,500 inmates from Dachau were shipped to the killing center at Hartheim Castle, near Linz in Upper Austria.

    Not really. If you check with Google, Dachau (in Bavaria) is roughly 160 miles from Linz (in Austria).

    So the first high-profile Holocaust book published claimed there were gas chambers at Dachau, which there weren’t, but you say it wasn’t really so inaccurate because people now claim there were gas chambers at a location 160 miles away. I’m not sure that 160 miles qualifies as “near.”

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  62. @Mark Bahner

    Based on our previous exchanges, I would be disqualified from your jury.

    Empaneling me would be a basis for a mistrial.

  63. @Ron Unz

    So the first high-profile Holocaust book published claimed there were gas chambers at Dachau, which there weren’t, but you say it wasn’t really so inaccurate because people now claim there were gas chambers at a location 160 miles away. I’m not sure that 160 miles qualifies as “near.”

    My point is that 2500 prisoners at Dachau were indeed murdered in gas chambers. Do you really think it mattered to the prisoners at Dachau whether they were murdered in a gas chamber actually at Dachau, or at a gas chamber in Austria?

    As far as the distance, how about, “The 2500 Dachau prisoners were murdered in the nearest convenient* gas chamber”?

    P.S. *That would of course be “convenient” for the Nazi murderers, not their civilian victims.

    • LOL: Kali
    • Replies: @Catdog
    , @Ron Unz
    , @HdC
    , @Kali
  64. Ron Unz says:
    @Mark Bahner

    My point is that 2500 prisoners at Dachau were indeed murdered in gas chambers. Do you really think it mattered to the prisoners at Dachau whether they were murdered in a gas chamber actually at Dachau, or at a gas chamber in Austria?

    Well, according to the high-profile book endorsed by Lyndon Johnson, they were murdered in the gas chamber at Dachau itself, not sent 160 miles away to an entirely different country for that purpose.

    Probably one reason for the book’s confusion is that after the end of the war, the American OSS apparently constructed a fake gas chamber at Dachau, which the American government claimed was real. But eventually, the Holocaust narrative was straightened out, and the Dachau gas chamber declared to be an American fake.

    • Agree: Jett Rucker
    • Thanks: HdC
    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Mark Bahner
    , @Kali
  65. @Mark Bahner

    I have read about Hungarian Jews who survived Auschwitz and they said that they never heard about gas chambers during this time in the camp. One such case came in The Guardian and the other in Der Spiegel (different from the ones that I mention above). I know their names. How was possible that they never heard about the gas chambers? What did Germans do in order that nobody knew about the gas chambers? If there was a meeting of Zionist leaders in Palestine in 1944 (January) where they agreed that the number of dead was 6 millions, why did they fail to make this public and to pass the information to the Americans so that the Americans could do something to stop that and to use it in their war propaganda? Why didn’t they care spreading the information among the European Jewish community? Given that the most different people survived, including children that had been born in the camps (with their mother and sisters), what were the criteria they had in the camps to send someone to the gas chambers? Who made the selection? I would just like to have some answers in order to understand better what happened.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Jett Rucker
  66. HdC says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Those “accurate” memoirs that Hoess signed were written in English, a language Hoess did not read or write.

  67. Han says:

    Anyone defending the Jewish narrative of “THE HOLOCAUST” is either a Jew or the Jew’s USEFUL IDIOT.
    It is very obvious that “THE HOLOCAUST” was built on a HUGE LIE and has become a DOGMA NOT TO BE CHALLENGED.

    The Jews have made sure that anyone challenging that Dogma will have to pay dearly for it.
    Sheer intimidation to shut everyone else up.

    The Truth doesn’t fear investigation, it is therefore obvious that by not allowing an investigation into the Holocaust they are lying and don’t want the Truth to come out.

    The Jews can only maintain their Holocaust Lie because they have deep pockets, own the media,
    control governments, education, etc.
    See the long list of Holocaust films:

    ‘Schindler’s List’, Jewish Steven Spielberg “masterpiece” was based on Australian Tom Keneally’s book ‘Schindler’s Ark’ which won the Booker Prize for FICTION in 1982.

    The question posed by Thomas Keneally’s win was whether Schindler’s Ark was a proper work of fiction or an imaginative piece of non-fiction. FICTION said the judges, resoundingly.
    The Australian novelist had already written 16 novels before he started on Schindler’s Ark – later renamed Schindler’s List.

    Keneally had not intended to write the book, but in 1980 went into a shop in Beverly Hills to buy a briefcase. The proprietor, Poldek Pfefferberg, was a “Holocaust survivor” and one of the Jews saved by the German industrialist Oskar Schindler.
    On discovering that Keneally was a novelist, Pfefferberg persuaded him to write the book. Steven Spielberg’s film adaptation went on to win seven Oscars.

    Of course, Wikipedia, edited by the LYING Jews:
    “He is best known for his non-fiction novel Schindler’s Ark, the story of Oskar Schindler’s rescue of Jews during the Holocaust, which won the Booker Prize in 1982.”

    “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

    • Thanks: HdC, John Wear
  68. In reality, the deaths in the Jewish Holocaust were a few million compared to the previous crimes of European Christians during the wars of conquest and African slavery in which millions upon millions of human beings were killed or enslaved over the course of several centuries.
    Even in the Sunday festivities of the Inquisition, which also lasted several centuries, many more millions of people must have been burned alive than the Jewish victims sacrificed in just five years by the civilized German Nazis.

    • Disagree: Colin Wright
    • Replies: @HdC
    , @Haxo Angmark
  69. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    What hard, authenticated forensic evidence can you supply to substantiate your allegations?

    In any murder trial the state must prove:
    a) that someone was murdered; this takes a lot more than some paid stooges proclaiming: “I saw it with my own eyes”!
    b) what the murder weapon was
    c) prove the murder weapon exits and was available
    d) that the alleged murderer had the opportunity to commit the alleged crime

    In my not so humble opinion this can only begin to be proved by making authenticated forensic evidence available. Over 2300 posts in Mr Unz’s American Pravda about the holocost failed to furnish same.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  70. HdC says:
    @Liborio Guaso

    There was no Jewish holocost by the Germans!
    If you disagree please supply authenticated forensic evidence to support your allegation.

  71. @HdC

    The rules and procedures for criminal, civil and military trials/tribunals vary, and Mark is weaving in and amongst all three, simultaneously.

    Even in this “imaginary” setting, he will not prevail due to improper process. Nor will he prevail upon preponderance of evidence, which is why he hammers away on matters/numbers impossible to quantify.

    Where did all those people, all unidentified and undocumented, go? My speculation about the Great Flying Yarmulke, whisking them away, is most likely. In my opinion.

  72. Ron Unz says:
    @Ron Unz

    The fake gas chamber supposedly constructed at Dachau by the Americans reminds me of the statements of Prof. Revilo Oliver, who had held a senior wartime role in Military Intelligence, published in his memoirs decades later:

    The prompt exposure of the bloody swindle seemed inevitable, particularly since the agents of the O.S.S., commonly known in military circles as the Office of Soviet Stooges, who had been dispatched to conquered Germany to set up gas chambers to lend some verisimilitude to the hoax, had been so lazy and feckless that they merely sent back pictures of shower baths, which were so absurd that they had to be suppressed to avoid ridicule. No one could have believed in 1945 that the lie would be used to extort thirty billion dollars from the helpless Germans and would be rammed into the minds of German children by uncouth American “educators” — or that civilized men would have to wait until 1950 for Paul Rassinier, who had been himself a prisoner in a German concentration camp, to challenge the infamous lie, or until 1976 for Professor Arthur Butz’s detailed and exhaustive refutation of the venomous imposture on Aryan credulity.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  73. @Tiptoethrutulips

    generally, female members of the Jewish sonderkommando did the clothing sort-throughs in this or that camp.

  74. @Liborio Guaso

    “inquisition …millions burned alive”. Actually,

    at least as re actual Jews, the total number auto-da-fe’d

    in the course of 300 years….was about 500.

    see Henry Kamen, The Spanish Inquisition, A Historical Revision

    this works out to about 1.67 Jews per year.

    • Thanks: Colin Wright, Not Raul
  75. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    1)The defendants (Nazis), between 1942 and January 1945, engaged in at least 40,000 instances of:

    Kidnapping (from Yugoslavia and Greece);
    2) Wrongful transport of my clients out of their countries;
    3) Wrongful imprisonment in Auschwitz;
    4) Wrongful death;
    5) Wrongful death specifically through use of Zyklon B in a homicidal gas chamber.

    The court orders the plaintiff to particularise the above stated charges. To whit:

    Firstly, specify to whom exactly the word “Nazi’s” is being applied in this case;if you mean the National Socialist Government or Military Command, or the enlisted men serving under them, or the very people of Germany as a collective whole, or some specific, identifiable individuals, then do let the court and the jury know.

    Please always keep at the forefront of your mind, Mr Bahner, throughout these proceedings, that this is not a game! Rules of evidence and rules of procedure apply, and standards of conduct and presentation must be adhered to.

    1. What code of which jurisdiction are you claiming has been contravened, Mr Bahner? . Or state that definition of “Kidnapped” that you wish the court, the jury, to determin the merit of your charges upon.
    2. Again, Mr Bahner, what do you mean exactly, by “unlawfully transported. Which laws, under which codes in which jurisdiction were contravened, and how did the defendant(s)(?) fall within said jurisdiction.
    3. “Wrongful under which code… Etc!

    5) Exactly where do you alleged such “gas Chambers” existed. Do you mean at Auschwitz or somewhere else?

    “Please try to tighten your game, Mr Bahner. This is not a game, sir, and such sloppy play… I mean work, is simply not good enough!” 😶

    The Defense has already agreed that the Nazis kidnapped the Plaintiffs, wrongly transported them out of their countries, and wrongfully imprisoned them in Auschwitz

    But the court has not, Mr Bahner! 😠
    The court will here the evidence to support those allegations which you charge against the defendant(s)(?).

    The court instructs “the defence”, to, as it were, mount a defence. – It was wartime, ladies and gentlemen. Many things were afoot that may not be apparent to us today. Defend your clients without reserve or concession of a single thing. That is your job!

    Justice must be served, and seen to be served.

    Therefore, the only disputed claims are #4 (wrongful death) and #5 (wrongful death specifically through use of Zyklon B in homidal (such) gas chambers).

    “I think we’ve just demonstrated that that is NOT the case, Mr Bahner, don’t you?” 💅

    All rise!

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  76. @Ron Unz

    Probably one reason for the book’s confusion is that after the end of the war, the American OSS apparently constructed a fake gas chamber at Dachau, which the American government claimed was real. But eventually, the Holocaust narrative was straightened out, and the Dachau gas chamber declared to be an American fake.

    Let’s say for the sake of debate you’re correct, and the Dachau gas chamber was “an American fake.” That would simply be the difference between real historical investigation and the Holocaust “revisionist” crap you pedal.

    Do you think you will ever acknowledge the hilarious historical ignorance, innumeracy, irrationality, and utter insanity of the “revisionist” crap you…and Nick Kollerstrom, Carlo Mattogno, Fred Leuchter, John Wear…and all your other “revisionist” friends…pedal?

    For example, there is this comment of yours, #799 in “Why Everything You Know About WWII is Wrong”:

    Well, as just one example I think Nick Kollerstrom’s analysis is quite persuasive. So the Jewish death-toll at Auschwitz was probably 95% lower than the traditional figure*, nearly all those deaths were due to disease, and Jewish lives were saved rather than taken by Zyklon-B.

    *NOTE: You described the “traditional figure” of the Jewish death-toll at Auschwitz as 4,000,000…so “95% lower” would be 200,000 Jewish dead at Auschwitz. And of course you further stated that nearly all those deaths were due to disease, and Jewish lives were saved rather than taken by Zyklon-B.

    Do you think you will ever concede:

    Nick Kollerstram’s analysis of approximately 200,000 Jewish dead at Auschwitz, and that none of them were killed by Zyklon B, is utterly ridiculous. In fact, homicidal gas chambers using Zyklon B killed over 500,000 Jews at Auschwitz.”


    Do you think you’ll ever concede that? Is there any amount of evidence that would cause you to make that concession?

    P.S. Ron, as you can tell, I’m a pretty blunt guy. 😉 But in addition to criticizing where appropriate, I’m a strong believer in giving credit where credit is due. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve had my comments censored, and have even been kicked off, both global warming worrier sites *and* global warming skeptic sites(!), in both cases for too strongly criticizing the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for their lies. In contrast your site has not only allowed every word I’ve typed to be posted as is, you even set up this “Auschwitz mock civil trial” posting thread specifically at my request. So I salute you for that! 🙂

    P.P.S. But I digress… 😉 I absolute *must* get back to working on the first piece of evidence I will be presenting in this mock trial…the words of Rudolf Höss himself.

    • Replies: @Kali
  77. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    My point is that 2500 prisoners at Dachau were indeed murdered in gas chambers…

    …somewhere on Planet Earth…”

    Dude, serio?

    If you don’t even know where the alleged murder weapon was how can you possibly know it was in fact, the murder weapon – supposing it ever really existed in the first place?!

    Stop being silly!

    Silence in court!

  78. Kali says:
    @Ron Unz

    The court recognizes Ron Unz as an expert witness.

    For the benefit of the jury, Mr Unz has just pointed out that the plaintiff’s side have, on at least this occasion, besides the dozens of others, “revised” their narrative in light of cold, hard reality.

    Thank you, expert witness Unz.

  79. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Let’s say for the sake of debate you’re correct, and the Dachau gas chamber was “an American fake.” That would simply be the difference between real historical investigation and the Holocaust “revisionist” crap you pedal.

    Is this an actual, real life example of cognative dissonance I see here?

    Holy moly, I never knew it could be this extreme! I’m actually stunned.

    Good night all,

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  80. Anonymous[231] • Disclaimer says:

    Mr. Unz, have you considered, in your evil banality, that if you persist in making the holocaust into a hilarious slapstick joke, six million innocent Jews will be unable to sleaze into Ivy schools with bullshit stories about their holocaust grandmas?

    You will personally shoah the lifetime earnings of flouncing pearl-clutching sperg Mark Bahner, the Ann Frank of Jew favoritism, cowering in his Kaplan course frantically trying to make up for all the time he spent jerking off to Lolis. Weh! Weh! We said, never again – Who knew it would happen again? Once again, nobody gives a shit about fake-ass waah-baby genocide whoppers, and you got to measure up and learn shit and compete!

    Shanda! One who acts for years on end in such conditions must pay the full penalty.

  81. @Kali

    The Defense has already agreed that the Nazis kidnapped the Plaintiffs, wrongly transported them out of their countries, and wrongfully imprisoned them in Auschwitz

    But the court has not, Mr Bahner! 😠

    If the Defense concedes, then the Court concedes. There is no judge in this mock civil trial.

    Do you wish to join John Wear in the Defense? If so, please do so, and persuade him to remove his concession of the first three items of the complaint:

    1) Kidnapping (from Hungary and Greece);
    2) Wrongful transport of my clients out of their countries;
    3) Wrongful imprisonment in Auschwitz;

    But you better do it fast. And you need to very quickly disclose what possible evidence you plan to use to contest the first three items of the complaint.

    • Replies: @Kali
  82. Chebyshev says:
    @Ron Unz

    So I certainly find it very “intriguing” that the earliest Holocaust narrative presented in a high-profile mainstream book seems to have been totally fraudulent.

    It’s what you would expect if the Holocaust narrative was just starting to be constructed. There’s only one version of the truth, but there are infinite false narratives that can be made up.

    Do you think the intention at any of the camps was to work the Jewish inmates to death? That would have been a much more natural way of getting rid of them. Or is the modern narrative so bogus that even the notion that the Germans expected large numbers of Jewish inmates to die is false?

    • Replies: @HdC
    , @Ron Unz
    , @Mark Bahner
  83. HdC says:

    I recall that recently I read that during the Wannsee conference it was discussed that in the German sphere of influence there were about 4.5 million Jews.

    After the war 4.2 million Jews filed for reparations payment.

    Draw your own conclusion.

    During the last year of the war food, fuel, medication, etc. were in short supply, and transports were severely impacted by the day and night bombing by the allies.

    If the camps were the last to be supplied with requirements… Tough.

    • Agree: Tiptoethrutulips
    • Replies: @Chebyshev
    , @Wizard of Oz
  84. Ron Unz says:

    It’s what you would expect if the Holocaust narrative was just starting to be constructed. There’s only one version of the truth, but there are infinite false narratives that can be made up.

    Exactly. It’s also interesting that the 1982 film Sophie’s Choice, the first major Holocaust movie, was also based upon a “non-standard” historical narrative, as I emphasized in 2018:

    The following year, William Styron published Sophie’s Choice, a heart-rending tale involving deeply buried memories of the extermination of Christian Polish children in the Auschwitz gas chambers. Although such an occurrence was absolutely contrary to the doctrines of all Jewish Holocaust scholars, the novel became a huge national best-seller anyway, and a 1982 film of the same name soon followed, with Meryl Streep winning an Oscar for Best Actress.

    Do you think the intention at any of the camps was to work the Jewish inmates to death? That would have been a much more natural way of getting rid of them. Or is the modern narrative so bogus that even the notion that the Germans expected large numbers of Jewish inmates to die is false?

    I’ve never looked into it, but I’m pretty skeptical that there was any plan to work Jewish inmates to death, though certainly that wasn’t considered a huge problem as it might have been with other wartime workers. Obviously, conditions were difficult, but probably maximizing industrial output was the main goal.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  85. I’d be very curious if anyone can find any American mainstream media discussion of the Holocaust between roughly 1946 and 1960.

    When I was indoctrinated my teacher told me Hilberg’s book

    published in 1961 was the one that broke the spell of denial. That ain’t verbatim but it was very very close to that wording.**

    **Not spell of time but more like a hypnotic spell.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  86. @Chebyshev

    Do you think the intention at any of the camps was to work the Jewish inmates to death? That would have been a much more natural way of getting rid of them. Or is the modern narrative so bogus that even the notion that the Germans expected large numbers of Jewish inmates to die is false?

    No, the intention at Auschwitz-Birkenau with the approximately 437,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived from May to July 1945 was to select 10-30 percent for work, and to murder all who were not “fit for work,” such as children under 12 and the elderly men and women.

    • Replies: @Chebyshev
  87. @Kali

    Let’s say for the sake of debate you’re correct, and the Dachau gas chamber was “an American fake.” That would simply be the difference between real historical investigation and the Holocaust “revisionist” crap you pedal.

    Is this an actual, real life example of cognative dissonance I see here?

    No, you obviously don’t know what “cognative(sic) dissonance” even means.

    Here’s the definition:

    Cognitive dissonance is the discomfort a person feels when their behavior does not align with their values or beliefs.

    I was merely accepting, for the sake of debate, something I do not think is true, simply to see if Ron Unz thinks there might *ever* be enough evidence to convince him to make this statement:

    Nick Kollerstram’s analysis of approximately 200,000 Jewish dead at Auschwitz, and that none of them were killed by Zyklon B, is utterly ridiculous. In fact, homicidal gas chambers using Zyklon B killed over 500,000 Jews at Auschwitz.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Kali
  88. @Mark Bahner

    You are not permitted to speak directly to the jurors or observers. I know, I hereby break said rule, but someone has to do it.

    Please make your arguments to the defense, and get on with it. The rest of us can chat amongst ourselves.

  89. Han says:

    @ Mark Bahner,
    Anyone defending the Jewish narrative of “THE HOLOCAUST” is either a Jew or the Jew’s USEFUL IDIOT.
    It is very obvious that “THE HOLOCAUST”, built on a HUGE LIE has become a DOGMA NOT TO BE CHALLENGED.

    The Jews made sure that anyone challenging that Dogma will have to pay dearly for it.
    Sheer intimidation to shut everyone else up. The Jews excel at that! Their chutzpah is beyond belief.
    No more criticism of Jews, Israel and Zionism allowed in the US.

    The Truth doesn’t fear investigation, it is therefore obvious that by not allowing any investigation into the Holocaust they are lying about it and don’t want the Truth to come out.
    The Jews, pathological LIARS, can only maintain their Holocaust narrative because they have very deep pockets, own the media, control governments, education, etc.

    I grew up in Holland and History was always my favourite subject at Primary and High School in the 1950s and 1960s. I read so much about WWII, the Dutch occupation by the Germans and later when we had TV watched all the documentaries about it and went to Auschwitz in 2013 to see it for myself.

    NEVER EVER was the word ‘HOLOCAUST’ mentioned during the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s in Holland.

    Here an article from 27 January 2019 from the Dutch NOS, the equivalent of the British BBC:


    Below some opening paragraphs of that article in English. Click on the above link and do a Google translation to read the whole article.

    “In 1977 ‘Holocaust’ was still a concept for the Nieuw Israëlietisch Weekblad (New Israelite Weekly) that had to be explained. “Holocaust means great destruction or devastation, the word is derived from the Greek ‘holocaiston’.”

    “The word was only used six times in the Dutch press that year, twice because of the science fiction film Holocaust 2000, with Kirk Douglas.

    “Two years later, the term appeared almost 1500 times in the media. Explanation was no longer necessary. The term was definitively established by the American TV series ‘Holocaust’, which was also broadcast in the Netherlands 40 years ago. The series was a watershed in how World War II was talked about.

    “”Until then it was mainly a story of the battle,” says historian Chris van der Heijden, who researched how people came to terms with the war. “It was about the military, the resistance, collaboration, the Hunger Winter, things like that. Moreover, the emphasis was on the perpetrators and the Allies, not on the Jewish victims.””

    See the long list of Holocaust films:

    When will Jewish Hollywood make movies about the Jewish Bolshevik 1917 Revolution in which they, according to Solzhenitsyn, murdered 66 million Russians? Or the Holodomor with millions starved to death by the Jewish Bolsheviks? NEVER.

    ‘Schindler’s List’, Jewish Steven Spielberg’s “masterpiece” was based on Australian Tom Keneally’s book ‘Schindler’s Ark’ which won the Booker Prize for FICTION in 1982.

    The question posed by Thomas Keneally’s win was whether Schindler’s Ark was a proper work of fiction or an imaginative piece of non-fiction. FICTION said the judges, resoundingly.
    The Australian novelist had already written 16 novels before he started on Schindler’s Ark – later renamed Schindler’s List.

    Keneally had not intended to write the book, but in 1980 went into a shop in Beverly Hills to buy a briefcase. The proprietor, Poldek Pfefferberg, was a “Holocaust survivor” and one of the Jews saved by the German industrialist Oskar Schindler.
    On discovering that Keneally was a novelist, Pfefferberg persuaded him to write the book. Steven Spielberg’s film adaptation went on to win seven Oscars.

    Of course, Wikipedia, edited by the LYING Jews:
    “He is best known for his non-fiction novel Schindler’s Ark, the story of Oskar Schindler’s rescue of Jews during the Holocaust, which won the Booker Prize in 1982.”

    Anne Frank, her parents and sister Margot were taken from Amsterdam to Westerbork concentration camp in the north-east of Holland.
    Then transported to Auschwitz where her mother died and Otto Frank was taken to hospital with typhus. Anne and Margot were then transported to Bergen-Belsen where both died of typhus in February 1945. Her diary is a total fraud.

    Anne Frank Diary Fraud Finally Admitted – April 3, 2019

    “Finally, the long-time fraud of Anne Frank’s diary was publicly admitted by the Anne Frank Foundation. Anne Frank’s diary was co-authored by her father and thus the credibility of the diary ultimately comes to an end.

    Holocaust means burnt offering. The Holocausted people were NOT the Jews but the German people in the deliberate fire bombings of 61 cities like Hamburg, Lubeck, Dresden and so on.

    From an Israeli website:
    Stalin’s Jews – We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,7340,L-3342999,00.html

    Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.

    We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

    “All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: Kali, John Wear
    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  90. Chebyshev says:

    During the last year of the war food, fuel, medication, etc. were in short supply, and transports were severely impacted by the day and night bombing by the allies.

    If the camps were the last to be supplied with requirements… Tough.

    Yes, what the Allies did was odious. Deliberately provoke Germany into attacking Poland so there was an excuse to declare war on Germany, then wage war against the reasonable, peace-loving Germans in the most atrocious way possible. The whole thing was embarrassing.

    • Agree: John Wear
  91. @Kali

    I was merely trying to get Ron and others to stop thinking of the events of the Holocaust as very unlikely as a starting point based on their knowledge of what human beings are capable of. Have you a problem with that?

    • Replies: @Kali
  92. @Ron Unz

    I can, as usual, think of ternative explanations for surprising facts and suppositions. Since Auschwicz-B had been destroyed and was, anyway, in Soviet controlled territory the undoubted desire of Soviet moles, like their masters, to have the Americans hate the Germans was rationally served by creating fake gas chambers where Americans would see them.

  93. @Emil Nikola Richard

    ‘When I was indoctrinated my teacher told me Hilberg’s book published in 1961 was the one that broke the spell of denial. That ain’t verbatim but it was very very close to that wording.**

    There was no 'spell of denial.' Ron Unz's attempts to argue from ignorance notwithstanding, the essential reality of the Holocaust was an established fact from 1945 on. My impression is that Hilberg merely quantified and defined exactly what was fact and what was embroidery.

  94. @Han

    What is your explanation for the sending of Jewish women and children and elderly people unfit for work to the camps in Poland from France, Belgium, Holland, Hungary and Italy?

    • Replies: @Han
  95. Chebyshev says:
    @Mark Bahner

    May it please the Court,

    Mr. Bahner has polluted our trial proceedings with ridiculous hearsay. We can conclude from this that the prosecution could not find any credible evidence for their claim that the Defendants systematically murdered huge numbers of Jews.

    The reality is that the Defendants (and the Axis as a whole) were the good guys in World War II and would never do such a thing. The Defendants’ goal was to save lives by quarantining potential Bolsheviks from the rest of society. Perhaps Mr. Bahner would have preferred for the Bolsheviks to have swept across Europe and murdered and enslaved the people of that continent. We are confident that the jury does not share his preference.

    • Agree: HdC, Kali
  96. @HdC

    After the war 4.2 million Jews filed for reparations payment.

    I presume you are not including grandchildren still being encouraged by shyster lawyers to claim. So…..

    Proof please.How and when did they claim? From whom were the reparations sought? Details and links please.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  97. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Dear Mr Bahner,

    Please stop being silly!

    Has my performance so far in this thread not persuaded you of the utter farce your bizarre mock trial is before it’s even properly underway?

    For my part, I will comment as I see fit, and play whatever part(s) I choose to play, whenever and however I choose to play them.

    Unless persuaded otherwise by either John or anyone else I have respect for in this forum

    Thank you,

  98. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Dear Mark,

    From Psychiatry Today:

    Cognitive dissonance is a state of mental discomfort experienced when two or more modes of thought contradict each other.1 It refers to the perception of contradictory information, including actions, feelings, ideas, beliefs, values, and things in the environment.3 People tend to seek consistency in their attitudes and perceptions, so this conflict causes unpleasant feelings of unease or discomfort.2 Examples of cognitive dissonance include doing something that goes against one of one’s values or learning a new piece of information that disagrees with a long-standing belief or opinion.

    You said:

    Let’s say for the sake of debate you’re correct, and the Dachau gas chamber was “an American fake.” That would simply be the difference between real historical investigation and the Holocaust “revisionist” crap you pedal.

    So tell us, Mr Bahner, how do FAKE gas Chambers built after the war SUPPORT “real historic investigation”, and deny “holocaust revisionist crap”???

    I’m all ears,

  99. @John Wear

    Your last par is so silly that it casts doubt on your supposedly serious wish to debate the possible truth of the received versions of the Holocaust.

    Otherwise I note your unproven assertion that Hoess’s exaggerated testimony was significant to the decision in Kaltenbrunner’s case but still say “so what” given that, for the purpose oflearning the truth, it is the revised version in his memoirs that you should be giving weight to.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  100. @John Wear

    At best you failed to consider the implications of your partial cut and paste. You only need to suppose that there was the gas slightly lighter than air near the floor of te gas chamber either because it was blown in downwards or the containers took it to te floor and it rose from there. As it is you don’t give an explanation for the gas getting into the gas chamber at all. After all if you are merely supposing a lighter than air poison gas was poured into the chamber it would not have reached the prisoners.

  101. John Wear says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    You write: “Otherwise I note your unproven assertion that Hoess’s exaggerated testimony was significant to the decision in Kaltenbrunner’s case but still say “so what” given that, for the purpose oflearning the truth, it is the revised version in his memoirs that you should be giving weight to.”

    My response: Rudolf Höss’s testimony at the IMT was by far the most important evidence presented by the prosecution to prove a German program of mass extermination of Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau. It was very damaging to Ernst Kaltenbrunner’s case.

    As to your other comments, I will wait until Mark Bahner makes his initial presentation in our mock trial to make a response.

  102. John Wear says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    You ask HdC about the Holocaust reparations program: “Proof please. How and when did they claim? From whom were the reparations sought? Details and links please.”

    My response: I wrote an article about the German postwar reparations program for “Holocaust” survivors. If you have an interest, you can read my article at

    • Thanks: HdC
  103. Han says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Wizard of Oz says:

    “What is your explanation for the sending of Jewish women and children and elderly people unfit for work to the camps in Poland from France, Belgium, Holland, Hungary and Italy?”

    The same reason the American government interned the Japanese-Americans.

    By the end of the war in 1945, 125,000 people, half of them children, had spent time in what even Roosevelt admitted were concentration camps.

    For the Japanese Americans who were forced into internment, the relocation process was a nightmare of dislocation and uncertainty. Once an exclusion order was issued, Japanese Americans were given one week in which to register with the authorities, gather whatever possessions they could carry, and report to an assembly center nearby.

    The evacuees were required to liquidate their assets in few days, and so homeowners were required to sell their houses, and business owners their farms, stores, and restaurants, hurriedly and at steep discounts, often for pennies on the dollar.

    The assembly centers were usually converted racetracks and fairgrounds, where thousands of people slept in stables, livestock stalls, or the open air while they waited to be transported to their assigned internment camps.

    This large-scale imprisonment of U.S. citizens solely on the basis of their ancestry was met with almost universal approval by the non-Japanese-American population, and was accepted largely without question.

    Jewish Female Assassins

    Jewish historian Dr. Judy Batalion, in her book The Light of Days, states that Jewish women who resisted the Third Reich were far more numerous than she had ever imagined. She writes:[4]

    “At first, I imagined that the several dozen resistance operatives mentioned in Freuen comprised the total amount. But as soon as I touched on the topic, extraordinary tales of female fighters crawled out from every corner: archives, catalogues, strangers who emailed me their family stories.

    “I found dozens of women’s memoirs published by small presses, and hundreds of testimonies in Polish, Russian, Hebrew, Yiddish, German, French, Dutch, Danish, Greek, Italian, and English, from the 1940s to today.”

    Many Jewish women used stealth and disguises to murder Germans. For example, 24-year-old Niuta Teitelbaum, from the Communist group Spartacus, wore her flaxen hair in braids, appearing like a young 16-year-old—an innocent disguise that hid her role as an assassin.

    She walked into the office of a high-ranking Gestapo officer, and shot him in cold blood at his desk. Teitelbaum pulled the trigger on yet another German officer while he was in bed in his own home.

    In another operation, she killed two Gestapo agents and wounded a third who was taken to a hospital. Disguising herself as a doctor, Teitelbaum entered the wounded Gestapo agent’s room, and murdered both him and his guard.[5]

    • Agree: John Wear
  104. Plaintiff’s Evidence Item #1: The Words of Rudolf Höss (Timeline)

    Before presenting this evidence, this is a timeline, as best I am aware.

    May 1940 to November 1943, then May 8, 1944 to January 18, 1945.
    Rudolf Höss was the Auschwitz Commandant from May 1940 to November 1943, and again from 8 May 1944 to 18 January 1945, when Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated by the Soviets. (Note: May 8, 1944 was when Höss arrived for “Aktion Höss.” “Aktion Höss” consisted of the transportation to Auschwitz-Birkenau of approximately 437,000 Hungarian Jews from May 15, 1944 to July 13, 1944.)

    Here is a timeline from his capture by the British on March 2, 1946, to his execution by hanging at Auschwitz, Poland, on April 16, 1947.

    March 2, 1946: British Field Security Police arrest Rudolf Höss in a farm outhouse near Flensburg, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. He is disguised as a German sailor and gives the name Franz Lang.

    April 14, 1946: Höss is transferred to Nuremberg, Germany, to testify at the International Military Tribunal (IMT) war crimes trials. He is a defense witness for Ernst Kaltenbrunner.

    April 15, 1946: Höss testifies at the IMT for two days. He admits to being the commandant of Auschwitz concentration camp and to overseeing the murder of millions of Jews and other prisoners.

    May 14, 1946: He provides a personal handwritten confession, which is signed by a witness. The document is available in the British National Archives, and on the Internet.

    May 16, 1946: Höss is transferred to the British Military Interrogation Center (MIC) at Bad Mondorf, Luxembourg. He is interrogated by British and American intelligence officers for several months.

    May 25, 1946: Transferred to the Polish Ministry of Public Security prison in Warsaw, Poland. He is held there while awaiting trial.

    January 1947: Höss begins writing his autobiography. He completes it in March 1947.

    March 11-29, 1947: Höss is tried by a Polish military tribunal in Warsaw. He is found guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by hanging.

    April 16, 1947: Höss is hanged in the courtyard next to the former crematorium of Auschwitz I concentration camp. He is the first person to be executed for war crimes in Poland.

    • Replies: @Han
  105. HdC says:

    Hmmm, nary a word of Hoess’ torture by the Brits; how typical.

    With torture you would swear your mother were a child molester.

    • Agree: John Wear
  106. HdC says:

    Mr Wear, thanks for that reference to your article.

    It was truly enlightening, throwing light on otherwise nebulous happenings.

    A long time ago I came to the conclusion that practically all German actions were in response to enemy actions, and never did Germans initiate an action just because they could.

    Your article reinforces my understanding tremendously. Again, thanks. HdC

    • Thanks: John Wear
  107. Plaintiff’s Evidence Item #1: The Words of Rudolf Höss – Part A

    I’ll now present text from the autobiography of Ruldolf Höss, found in the book, “The Commandant of Auschwitz.” The autobiography was written by Höss in Poland, from January 1947 to March 1947, as he awaited trial in Poland for war crimes. His words will be in italic, and will not be in block quotes to allow more words per line. My comments on the autobiography will be minimal, and will be in regular font. The page numbers in the book precede the excerpt. This is “Part A”. Parts “B” and “C” will follow, and I’d appreciate it if there will be no response until all Parts A through C are posted.

    Rudolf Höss describes the initial orders he received from Reichsführer SS (Himmler) to begin exterminating all Jews, except those who were “capable of work”:

    (p132) When the Reichsführer SS modified his original Extermination Order of 1941, by which all Jews without exception were to be destroyed, and ordered instead that those capable of work were to be separated from the rest and employed in the armaments industry, Auschwitz became a Jewish camp. It was a collecting place for Jews, exceeding in scale anything previously known.

    (p132) Whereas the Jews who had been imprisoned in former years were able to count on being released one day and were thus far less affected psychologically by the hardships of captivity, the Jews in Auschwitz no longer had such hope. They knew, without exception, that they were condemned to death, that they would live so long as they could work.

    (p144) By the will of the Reichsführer SS, Auschwitz became the greatest human extermination centre of all time.

    (p144) In the summer of 1941 he (Himmler) himself gave me the order to prepare installations at Auschwitz where mass exterminations could take place, and to personally carry out these exterminations, I did not have the slightest idea of their scale and consequences. It was certainly an extraordinary and monstrous order. Nevertheless, the reasons behind the extermination program seemed to me right. I did not reflect on it at the time: I had been given an order, and I had to carry it out. Whether this mass extermination of the Jews was necessary or not was not something on which I could allow myself to form an opinion, for I lacked the necessary breadth of view.

    (p145) Since my arrest it has been said to me repeatedly that I could have disobeyed this order, and that I might even have assassinated Himmler. I do not believe that of all the thousands of SS officers there could have been found a single one capable of such a thought.

    Höss describes the origins of using Zyklon B in gas chambers to murder large groups of people. The first Soviet POWs were executed by Zyklon B in approximately September 1941 (,429.html )

    (p146) The political officials of the Red Army thus identified were brought to Auschwitz for liquidation. The first, smaller transports of them were executed by firing squads.

    (p146) While I was away on duty, my deputy, Fritsch, the commander of the protective custody camp, first tried gas for these killings. It was a preparation of Prussic acid, called Zyklon B, which was used in the camp as an insecticide and of which there was always a stock on hand. On my return, Fritsch reported to me, and the gas was used again for the next transport.

    Höss describes the first gassing in a gas chamber, which was originally the mortuary in the main camp of Auschwitz I. The original mortuary was modified with holes in the roof and floor, and Zyklon B introduced through the holes in the roof. I’m not including the full text, to limit the length of the excerpts.

    (p147) …The doors were then sealed and the gas shaken down through the holes in the roof. … When the powder was thrown in, there were cries of “Gas”, and a great bellowing, and the trapped prisoners hurled themselves against both the doors. But the doors held. They were opened several hours later, so that the place might be aired. It was then I saw, for the first time, gassed bodies in the mass.

    (p147) The killing of these Russian prisoners of war did not cause me much concern at the time. The order had been given, and I had to carry it out. I must even admit that this gassing set my mind at rest, for the mass extermination of Jews was to start soon and at that time neither Eichmann nor I was certain how these mass killings were to be carried out. It would be by gas, but we did not know which gas or how it was to be used. Now we had the gas, and we had established a procedure. I always shuddered at the prospect of carrying out exterminations by shooting, when I thought of the vast numbers concerned, and of the women and children.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  108. Plaintiff’s Evidence Item #1: The Words of Rudolf Höss – Part B

    The following excerpts deal not with Greek or Hungarian Jews, but with “gypsies.” I’m including these excerpts to show that the autobiography of Höss contains many examples of mass murder described in a perfectly matter-of-fact way.

    (p126) In July 1942 the Reichsführer SS visited the camp. I took him all over the gypsy camp. He made a most thorough inspection of everything, noting the overcrowded barrack-huts, the unhygienic conditions, the crammed hospital building…

    (p126) He saw it all, in detail, as it really was–and he ordered me to destroy them. Those capable of work were first to be separated from the others, as with the Jews.

    (p126) I pointed out to him that the personnel of the gypsy camp was not precisely what he had envisaged being sent to Auschwitz. He thereupon ordered that the Reich Criminal Police Officer should carry out a sorting as quickly as possible. This in fact took two years. The gypsies capable of work were transferred to another camp. About 4,000 gypsies were left by August, 1944, and these had to go to the gas chambers. Up to that moment, they were unaware of what was in store for them. They first realised what was happening when they made their way, barrack-hut-by barrack-hut towards Crematorium I.

    I think this is a description specifically of the procedures for dealing with Hungarian Jews from May through July 1944, although the autobiography does not make this clear. (The autobiography is not in strict chronological order.) The reason I think this is specifically related to the Hungarian Jews is that it describes the “burn pits”, which were constructed specifically to handle the large number of corpses generated by the execution of the vast majority of the approximately 437,000 Hungarian Jews.

    (p152) Then the bodies had to be taken from the gas-chambers, and after the gold teeth had been extracted, and the hair cut off, they had to be dragged into the pits or to the crematoria. Then the fires in the pits had to be stoked, and the surplus fat drained off, and the mountain of burning corpses constantly turned over so that the draught might fan the flames.

    • Replies: @kb_2
  109. Plaintiff’s Evidence Item #1: The Words of Rudolf Höss – Part C

    In his autobiography, Höss attempts to make an accurate assessment of the true number of people murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau:

    (p195) During previous interrogations I have put the number of Jews who arrived in Auschwitz for extermination at two and a half millions. This figure was supplied by Eichmann who gave it to my superior officer Gruppenführer Blücks, when he as ordered to make a report to the Reichsfürher SS shortly before Berlin was surrounded. Eichmann, and his permanent deputy Günther, were the only ones who possessed the necessary information on which to calculate the total number destroyed. In accordance with orders given by the Reichsfürher SS, after every large action all evidence in Auschwitz on which a calculation of the number of victims might be based was burnt.

    (p195) As head of department DI I personally destroyed every bit of evidence which could be found in my office. The heads of other offices did the same.

    (p195) I can only remember the figure involved in the larger actions , which were reported to me by Eichmann or his deputies.

    From Upper Silesia and Polish territory under German rule.. 250,000
    Germany and Therisienstadt…………………………………………………. 100,000
    Holland……………………………………………………………………………….. 95,000
    Belgium………………………………………………………………………………. 20,000
    France…………………………………………………………………………………. 110,000
    Greece………………………………………………………………………………….. 65,000
    Hungary……………………………………………………………………………… 400,000
    Slovakia……………………………………………………………………………….. 90,000

    Plaintiff’s Counsel note: The total of these numbers is 1,130,000.

    (p196) I can no longer remember the figures for the smaller actions, but they were insignificant in comparison with the numbers given above.

    Höss again, in a matter-of-fact way describing how all the stolen possessions of the murdered people were handled:

    (p196) When the Jewish transports unloaded on arrival, their luggage was left on the platform until all Jews had been taken to the extermination buildings or into the camp. … The clothing of those who had been gassed in bunkers I and II or in crematoria I to IV was also brought to the sorting office.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @John Wear
  110. Kali says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    I was merely trying to get Ron and others to stop thinking of the events of the Holocaust as very unlikely as a starting point based on their knowledge of what human beings are capable of. Have you a problem with that?

    Point taken, Wiz.


  111. Han says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Mark Bahner says:

    “May 16, 1946: Höss is transferred to the British Military Interrogation Center (MIC) at Bad Mondorf, Luxembourg. He is interrogated by British and American intelligence officers for several months.”

    INTERROGATED, Mark Bahner? You know very well that Höss was TORTURED. You know very well that anyone tortured would confess to anything.

    There is ample scientific research showing that any statement made or information provided under torture is inherently unreliable.

    It was established as a fact at the Nuremberg Trials that 4 Million people were killed at Auschwitz.
    The primary source from which the 4 Million number derived was the confession of Rudolf Höss.

    To commemorate the number, Polish government installed plaques in front of the Auschwitz Memorial to remind the visitors that 4 Million people were killed there.
    After the fall of communism in Europe, this number was officially revised and reduced to a million and a half. However according to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum website, the total number of people killed at Auschwitz was no more than 1.1 Million.

    Bernard Clarke was the Jewish British Sergeant who captured Rudolf Höss and expressed pride in having tortured him.
    Höss was almost beaten to death when captured by the British soldiers. A medical officer saved his life: ‘Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.’

    Höss was severely beaten. Bernard Clarke:
    “It took three days to get a coherent statement out of him. But once he started talking, there was no holding him.”

    Documented Torture of German POWs Before the Nuremberg Trials

    Baron Paget of Northampton wrote in his book titled “Manstein: His Campaign and His Trial” (published by Collins in 1951) on page 109:

    [The US Simpson Inquiry Commission] reported among other things that of the 139 cases they had investigated, 137 had had their testicles permanently destroyed by kicks received from the American War Crimes Investigating Team.

    Pennsylvania judge Edward L. Van Roden – member of the commission investigating the accusations by Colonel Everett who reported that Germans did not receive fair trial, wrote in his book titled “American Atrocities in Germany“:

    Our investigators would put a black hood over the accused’s head and then punch him in the face with brass knuckles, kick him, and beat him with rubber hose. Many of the German defendants had teeth knocked out. Some had their jaws broken. All but two of the Germans, in the 139 cases we investigated, had been kicked in the testicles beyond repair.

    No doubt that Jewish Sergeant Bernard Clarke would have kicked Rudolf Höss in the testicles too.
    How the British Obtained the Confessions of Rudolf Höss

    Mark Bahner:

    “May 14, 1946: He provides a personal handwritten confession, which is signed by a witness. The document is available in the British National Archives, and on the Internet.”

    Rudolf Höss Affidavit

    On March 14, 1946 two days after his capture, at 2:30 in the morning, Rudolf Höss signed an 8 page typed text document written in German. The document lacked any form of formatting, headings or printed administrative references and was littered with hand written corrections. The document was also signed by two witnesses – British sergeants and a captain of the 92nd Field Security Section, who certified that the prisoner made his statement voluntarily.

    The captain dated his signature March 14, but one of the witnessing officers dated it March 15. The document does not bear any indication of place where it was signed. Remember the dates – March 14 or 15.

    Then on April 5, 1946 Rudolf Höss signed a 20 pages long affidavit written in English – language he did not speak. He signed the affidavit under oath, even though it was written in the language of his captors, not his own.

    In order to hide that Rudolf Höss had signed an affidavit in language he did not speak, the original text was recast and presented as “translation” into English from German. However during the hasty attempt to hide the deception, mistakes were made so the handwritten addition to paragraph 10 was mistakenly added to the end of paragraph 9, rendering the paragraph incomprehensible.
    It was the forgery that was used before the Nuremberg tribunal.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: HdC, Kali
  112. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    In my lengthy comment #18 on this discussion thread, I established the following facts:

    1. Rudolf Höss’s family members had all been imprisoned and intimidated by British soldiers prior to Höss’s capture.
    2. Höss was subject to brutal torture by British soldiers.
    3. Höss was also subject to sleep deprivation by British soldiers.
    4. Dr. Gustave Gilbert and Dr. Leon Goldensohn both described Höss as being blank and apathetic at the IMT.
    5. Dr. Jan Sehn and Dr. Tadeusz Cyprian both described Höss as being apathetic at the Polish trial.
    6. Neither Höss nor his attorneys introduced any witnesses at the Polish trial, relying entirely on the witnesses put forward by the prosecution.
    7. Key portions of Höss’s testimony at the IMT are widely acknowledged to be untrue. Höss was merely repeating the Allied propaganda at the time.

    Since Höss’s confessions and testimony had been obtained by torture, sleep deprivation, and fear for his family’s safety, they never should have been allowed into evidence at the IMT and later Polish trial.

    I thought that this would be enough for you to realize that Höss’s testimony was not credible and never should have been used at both the IMT and later Polish trial. However, since you are using Höss’s testimony as proof that there was a mass extermination program at Auschwitz-Birkenau, I will continue with this discussion.

    The Allies were definitely eager to find Höss. After threatening to have Höss’s son sent to Siberia, Höss’s wife broke down and gave British soldiers a note with Höss’s location and his alias.

    A group of about 25 men were sent the night of March 11, 1946 to arrest Höss. Many of them were German Jews such as British Cpt. Howard Harvey Alexander. Some had kept their original names, such as Kuditsch and Wiener; others had taken on British-sounding names, like Roberts, Cresswell and Shiffers. There were also English-born soldiers from Jewish families, such as Bernard Clarke and Karl Abrahams. Virtually all of these men were enraged and eager to take out their revenge on Höss. (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, Commandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2017, p. 19).

    After Rudolf Höss was arrested by the British, he was tortured for days until he was finally ready to sign the “confession” presented to him. This is revealed in his memoirs, which Höss wrote in a Polish prison:

    “On March 11, 1946, at 11 p.m., I was arrested.…I was treated terribly by the (British) Field Security Police.…During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what is in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear.…Minden on the Weser River…There they treated me even more roughly, especially the first British prosecutor, who was a major.… I cannot really blame the interrogators [at the IMT] – they were all Jews. I was for all intents and purposes psychologically dissected.…They also left me with no doubt whatsoever what was going to happen to me.” (Source: Rudolf Germar, Lectures on the Holocaust: Controversial Issues Cross-Examined, 4th edition, Bargoed UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2023, p. 401. This book is available on the web at

    Höss’s torture has been confirmed by his torturers:

    “Höss screamed in terror at the mere sight of British uniforms. Clarke yelled ‘What is your name?’ With each answer of ‘Franz Lang,’ Clarke’s hand crashed into the face of his prisoner. The fourth time that happened, Höss broke and admitted who he was. The admission suddenly unleashed the loathing of the Jewish sergeants in the arresting party whose parents had died in Auschwitz following an order signed by Höss.

    The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pajamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: ‘Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.’ A blanket was thrown over Höss and he was dragged to Clarke’s car, where the sergeant poured a substantial slug of whisky down his throat. Then Höss tried to sleep. Clarke thrust his service stick under the man’s eyelids and ordered in German: “‘Keep your pig eyes open, you swine.”

    For the first time Höss trotted out his oft-repeated justification: “I took my orders from Himmler. I am a soldier in the same way as you are a soldier and we had to obey orders.” The party arrived back at Heide around three in the morning. The snow was swirling still, but the blanket was torn from Höss and he was made to walk completely nude through the prison yard to his cell.” (Source: Ibid., pp. 401-402).

    Carlo Mattogno provides a good explanation why Höss repeatedly lied about Auschwitz:

    “To sum up, from his first interrogation, which he had signed without even knowing the contents, the British interrogators imposed upon Höss by way of torture the Auschwitz narrative outlined during the Belsen Trial, and Höss subsequently stuck to this version due to the well-founded fear of retaliation against his family, who remained hostages of the British occupational authorities. His broken psyche made him uniquely subservient to his inquisitors, who induced him to make ever increasing “confessions” along with the growing amount of holocaust “information” they fed him, but at the same time this prevented him from keeping control over the enormous mountain of lies he was piling up—much of which he probably did not even remember—because of the enormous amounts of contradictions they contain, as well as the many absurdities which are the most telling hallmarks of his lies.” (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, Commandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2017, p. 329).

    Since you find Höss to be a credible witness to the mass extermination of Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau, I will continue in later comments as to the credibility of his autobiography and confessions.

    • Thanks: Kali, Han
  113. Since there are no witnesses at this trial, and I don’t have much time, I don’t think it’s necessary to go through the usual process of: 1) Plaintiff presents Plaintiff’s witness #1, 2) Defense cross-examines, 3) Plaintiff re-directs, and possibly so on and so on.

    Instead, I’m just going to present my evidence in the order I originally gave. This is Evidence Item #2.

    Plaintiff’s Evidence Item #2: Testimony from Nazi doctor Fritz Klein at his trial (at which he was convicted)

    Nazi doctor Fritz Klein said *in his defense* at his trial:

    When I arrived at Auschwitz the SS officer in charge was Kommandant Hoess; he was succeeded by Kommandant Liebehenschel, and then in June 1944 Kommandant Baer took over. There were several doctors in that camp, the chief one being Dr. Wirtz, others whose names I can remember are Dr. Fischer, Dr. Kitt, Dr. Lucas, Dr. Mengele, Dr. Thilo, Dr. Rohde and Dr. König. When transports arrived at Auschwitz it was the doctor’s job to pick out those who were unfit or unable to work. These included children, old people and the sick. I have seen the gas chambers and crematoria at Auschwitz, and I knew that those I selected were to go to the gas chamber. But I only acted on orders given me by Dr. Wirtz. I cannot say from whom Dr. Wirtz received his orders and I have never seen any orders in writing relating to the gassing of prisoners. All orders given to me were given verbally. All the doctors whom I have previously mentioned have taken part in these selections and although S. S. guards were on parade they took no active part in choosing those who were unfit to work.

    I never protested against people being sent to the gas chamber although I never agreed. One cannot protest when in the Army. It was not a pleasure to take part in these parades, as I knew the persons selected would go to the gas chamber. Persons who became pregnant whilst in the camp and therefore unfit for work were also selected on later parades. I have heard that Himmler had visited Auschwitz camp, although I have never actually seen him. It was certainly known to the higher-ups that these methods were being used at Auschwitz Camp.

    This is a man testifying *in his defense* at a trial for which, if convicted, he will almost certainly be put to death. But does he say, “There were no gas chambers at Auschwitz!”? Absolutely not.

    He freely admits that the “children, old people and the sick” that he selected would be put to death in gas chambers. He even throws in the fact that, “Persons who became pregnant whilst in the camp and therefore unfit for work were also selected on later parades.” (!!!) Meaning that women who became pregnant would be murdered, because they were “unfit for work.”

    Keep in mind that this present action we are engaged in is a mock civil trial. Therefore, the Plaintiffs only need to demonstrate that it is “more likely than not” that the Nazis murdered large numbers of people in gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Even if a member of the Jury somehow thought that Rudolf Höss was somehow completely insane when he wrote his autobiography, and completely fabricated everything in it, what are the odds that Fritz Klein was also insane? That is, is there any counter-evidence that can outweigh the writings of Nazi Auschwitz Commandant Rudolf Höss and a sworn statement by Nazi doctor Fritz Klein?

    The Plaintiff’s counsel will be presenting much more evidence…although I can’t say on what schedule.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  114. @Han

    > Niuta Teitelbaum, from the Communist group Spartacus,

    Where did this nonsense come from? Teitelbaum acted as a courier for the Gwardia Ludowa or People’s Guard. It was a front organized by the Polish Communist Party, but there’s no indication of them ever having used the name “Spartacus” for anything.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Han
    , @Brás Cubas
  115. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write from Höss’s autobiography: “Rudolf Höss describes the initial orders he received from Reichsführer SS (Himmler) to begin exterminating all Jews…”

    My response: Han in his comment #113, and my comments #18 and #114 on this discussion thread, should be enough to convince you that Höss is not a credible witness to the so-called Holocaust.

    However, since you are probably not convinced, I think that we should examine whether Höss actually received orders from Himmler to exterminate the Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau. In my opinion, Höss never received such orders from Himmler.

    Originally the Holocaust story assumed that Germany had a plan or program for exterminating the Jews. In the 1961 edition of his book “The Destruction of European Jews”, Raul Hilberg wrote that in 1941 Hitler issued two orders for the extermination of the Jews. However, even though the Allies captured most of Germany’s government and concentration camp records intact, no order or plan has ever been found to exterminate European Jewry.

    In the revised 1985 edition of Hilberg’s book, all references to such extermination orders from Hitler were removed. Exterminationist historian Christopher Browning, in a review of the revised edition of “The Destruction of European Jews”, wrote: “In the new edition, all references in the text to a Hitler decision or Hitler order for the ‘Final Solution’ have been systematically excised. Buried at the bottom of a single footnote stands the solitary reference: ‘Chronology and circumstances point to a Hitler decision before the summer ended.’ In the new edition, decisions were not made and orders were not given.” (Source: The Revised Hilberg, Simon Wiesenthal Annual, Vol. 3, 1986, p. 294).

    When asked in 1983 how the extermination of European Jewry took place without an order, Raul Hilberg replied:

    “What began in 1941 was a process of destruction not planned in advance, not organized centrally by any agency. There was no blueprint and there was no budget for destructive measures. They were taken step by step, one step at a time. Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out, but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus–mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy.” (Source: De Wan, George, “The Holocaust in Perspective,” Newsday: Long Island, NY, Feb. 23, 1983, Part II, p. 3).

    On January 16, 1985, under cross-examination at the first Ernst Zündel trial in Toronto, Raul Hilberg confirmed that he said these words. Thus, Hilberg stated that the genocide of European Jewry was not carried out by a plan or order, but rather by an incredible mind reading among far-flung German bureaucrats.

    Other historians have acknowledged that no document of a plan by Germany to exterminate European Jewry has ever been found. In his well-known book on the Holocaust, French-Jewish historian Leon Poliakov stated that “…the campaign to exterminate the Jews, as regards its conception as well as many other essential aspects, remains shrouded in darkness.” Poliakov added that no documents of a plan for exterminating the Jews have ever been found because “perhaps none ever existed.” (Source: Poliakov, Leon, Harvest of Hate, New York: Holocaust Library, 1979, p. 108).

    British historian Ian Kershaw stated that when the Soviet archives were opened in the early 1990s: “Predictably, a written order by Hitler for the ‘Final Solution’ was not found. The presumption that a single, explicit written order had ever been given had long been dismissed by most historians.” (Source: Kershaw, Ian, Hitler, the Germans, and the Final Solution, New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2008, p. 96).

    Many defenders of the Holocaust story claim that the Wannsee conference held on January 20, 1942, was the start of a program to systematically exterminate Europe’s Jews. The documentary evidence of this meeting shows that no extermination program existed; instead, the German policy was to evacuate the Jews to the East. Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer has declared, “The public still repeats, time after time, the silly story that at Wannsee the extermination of the Jews was arrived at.” (Source: Canadian Jewish News, Toronto, Jan. 30, 1992, p. 8).

    Likewise, Israeli Holocaust historian Leni Yahil has stated regarding the Wannsee conference, “[I]t is often assumed that the decision to launch the Final Solution was taken on this occasion, but this is not so.…” (Source: Yahil, Leni, The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry, 1932-1945, Oxford University Press, 1990, p. 312).

    So, it is not credible that Höss received orders from Himmler to exterminate the Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Himmler did not have the authority to make such orders. Such orders would have had to come from Adolf Hitler, and no such orders from Hitler have ever been found to exist.

    • Thanks: Chebyshev, Han
  116. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You ask Han: “Where did this nonsense come from? Teitelbaum acted as a courier for the Gwardia Ludowa or People’s Guard. It was a front organized by the Polish Communist Party, but there’s no indication of them ever having used the name “Spartacus” for anything.”

    My response: Han got it from page 219 of the book by Judy Batalion titled “The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos”, New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 2020.

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  117. Zofia Posmysz, in 1959, wrote a radio play called The Passenger from Cabin 45, which drew on her experience as an inmate in Auschwitz-Birkenau. It was made into a Polish film entitled The Passenger. Posmysz also adapted her play into a novel.
    The novel has been translated into several languages, including German, but not into English, which is puzzling since the movie is well considered, despite being unfinished and the missing parts having been rather peculiarly filled with narration and stills.

  118. @John Wear

    The part which is offered as a quote from Judy Batalion gives no indication of the name “Spartacus” ever having been used by the People’s Guard.

  119. kb_2 says:
    @Mark Bahner

    I’m sorry for the question, but it seems to me, or are you making a logical error when write?

    The reason I think this is specifically related to the Hungarian Jews is that it describes the “burn pits”, which were constructed specifically to handle the large number of corpses generated by the execution of the vast majority of the approximately 437,000 Hungarian Jews.

    As far as I understand, the purpose of the trial (among other things) is to prove such executions…? Or am I missing something? I’m not attacking you now, I just want to clarify.

    And Mark, don’t pay much attention to those self-proclaimed jury members who have already decided everything for themselves without hearing your evidence.

    P.S Perhaps the format of the Dalton-Cockerill debate was not so bad)

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Kali
  120. kb_2 says:

    Honestly, I don’t know

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  121. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Germar Rudolf on pages 453-455 of his book “Lectures on the Holocaust: Controversial Issues Cross-Examined”, 4th edition, Bargoed UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2023 lists some weaknesses of Höss’s testimonies:

    1) Höss mentioned three million victims alleged to have been murdered under his command, that is, through the end of 1943. This is obviously an accommodation of the false Soviet total number of victims of four million. In order to make this number appear realistic, he also exaggerated the numbers of Jews living in various European countries.

    2) Höss mentions Belzec, Treblinka, and Wolzec as additional “extermination camps,” although there was no camp named Wolzec. He stated that these three camps were already in operation by June of 1941, but Belzec began operating in March of 1942 and Treblinka in July 1942.

    3) Höss claims to have received orders to begin murdering Jews in June of 1941, at which time he states that gassings began at Auschwitz. Established historiography, however, dates the hypothetical “final solution” orders in the fall of 1941, with the alleged gassings beginning early in 1942. Höss also parrots the fairy tale of collecting human fat and pouring it on the flames.

    4) Höss even stated that members of the prisoner’s cremation detail were immune to poison gas and had no need for gas masks. Höss wrote:

    “The door [of the gas chamber] was opened a half an hour after the gas was thrown in and the ventilation system was turned on. Work was immediately started to remove the corpses….they could be seen shifting the corpses with one hand while they chewed on something they were holding in the other.”

    5) During an interrogation on April 2, 1946, Höss expressively confirmed his claim that no gas masks were required during hard labor in the gas chambers. Höss was asked if it was dangerous work for inmates to go into gas chambers and work among the bodies and among the gas fumes. Höss replied: No. They had some gas masks, but they did not need them, as nothing ever happened.

    6) Höss also mentions technically inappropriate, even absurd methods of disposing of the corpses: “At first we poured waste oil over the bodies. Later on we used methanol…He [Blobel] also tried using dynamite to blow up the corpses, but he had very little success with this method.”

    Germar Rudolf concludes: “If you are interested in a thorough documentation of Höss’s capture and torture by the British as well as an in-depth analysis of 53 impossible and untrue statements made by Höss, I recommend you read the monograph on this by the indefatigable Carlo Mattogno.”

    I agree with Rudolf’s conclusion. In his well-researched book “Commandant of Auschwitz”, Carlo Mattogno documents that almost all of Höss’s statements about the so-called Holocaust are wrong, contradictory and absurd. Mattogno writes that Höss’s chronology of events is also fictitious, as are the events (such as gassings) he wove into them. (Mattogno, Carlo, Commandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2017, p. 325).

    Thus, Rudolf Höss’s testimony and autobiography are not credible. Höss’s confessions and testimony were obtained by torture, sleep deprivation, and fear for his family’s safety. They never should have been allowed into evidence at the IMT and later Polish trial, and should not be used today as a credible source of information regarding the so-called Holocaust.

    • Agree: HdC, Han
    • Thanks: Kali
    • Replies: @Kali
  122. @kb_2

    I’m sorry for the question, but it seems to me, or are you making a logical error when you write?

    The reason I think this is specifically related to the Hungarian Jews is that it describes the “burn pits”, which were constructed specifically to handle the large number of corpses generated by the execution of the vast majority of the approximately 437,000 Hungarian Jews.

    Never apologize for a question! 🙂 Especially a question asked politely and respectfully. 🙂

    This is a mock trial. There is no judge. And there are no witnesses. I have no legal background, beyond watching TV shows and movies about courtrooms. 🙂

    But I think if I made such a statement in a real civil trial, the Defense would jump up and say, “Objection! Arguing facts not in evidence!” And the judge would sustain that objection. 🙂 So as Plaintiff’s counsel ,I would be forced to rephrase my statement to something like:

    The reason I think this is specifically related to the Hungarian Jews, is that it describes the “burn pits”, which the Plaintiffs intend to provide evidence were constructed specifically for “Aktion Höss,” which was related to the approximately 437,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived from May-July 1944.

    And Mark, don’t pay much attention to those self-proclaimed jury members who have already decided everything for themselves without hearing your evidence.

    I’m speaking off the record here. (Actually I wouldn’t be allowed to talk to a potential juror, especially “off the record!”)

    I’ve done all of this for three reasons:

    1) To see for myself if Ron Unz’s original claim was true, that only about 200,000 people died at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and almost all were from disease, and none from homicidal gas chambers. I’ve established for myself that claim is clearly false;

    2) To try to convince others to see the truth as I see it (that many hundreds of thousands of people were murdered in homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau); and

    3) To leave a record of what I’ve found regarding what happened at Auschwitz-Birkenau, regardless of whether anyone’s mind is changed. I think I absolutely owe it to the people who I think were murdered, and their friends and family, to leave a record.

    P.S Perhaps the format of the Dalton-Cockerill debate was not so bad.

    Yes, a debate is not a bad format. I think the advantage to a “mock civil trial” is that it (theoretically!) forces both the Plaintiff and the Defendant to share the evidence they plan to present, so both sides can prepare their arguments in a way that will address the other side’s arguments. And a mock *civil* trial forces the person serving as a juror to think in terms of, “Which side is the most likely to be correct?”

    Unfortunately, with this mock trial, I simply don’t have the time to get into a back and forth with John Wear, as would be normal in a mock trial. So I’m just going to run through all my evidence at one shot. And after I’ve presented the evidence I originally intended to present, I’ll come back to John’s responses to address them.

    IMPORTANT NOTE TO JOHN WEAR: See paragraph above. I do intend to come back to address all of your responses after I’ve finished presenting all the evidence I told you I was going to present. Hopefully, I will be able to present the evidence regarding Item #3 and #4 tonight.

    • Thanks: kb_2
    • Troll: Kali
    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Kali
    , @Kali
  123. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write in comment #115: “Nazi doctor Fritz Klein said *in his defense* at his trial: When I arrived at Auschwitz the SS officer in charge was Kommandant Hoess; he was succeeded by Kommandant Liebehenschel, and then in June 1944 Kommandant Baer took over.”

    My response: This is a correct statement. Both Rudolph Höss and Arthur Liebehenschel were commandants at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and both of these men were executed after their trials conducted in Poland. But what happened to Richard Baer?

    Richard Baer, the last commandant of Auschwitz, did not live to see the beginning of his trial in Frankfurt, Germany. He was arrested in December of 1960 in the vicinity of Hamburg. Baer during his pretrial questioning adamantly refused to confirm the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz during World War II.

    Baer died in June 1963 under mysterious circumstances while being held in pretrial custody. An autopsy performed on Baer at the Frankfurt-am-Main University School of Medicine stated that the ingestion of an odorless, non-corrosive poison could not be ruled out as the cause of his death. There was no further probe into the cause of Baer’s death, and Chief Public Prosecutor Fritz Bauer ordered his body cremated. Conveniently, the Auschwitz trial in Frankfurt, Germany began almost immediately after Baer’s death. The statements Baer made during his pretrial interrogations were not read into the trial record. With Baer’s death the prosecutors at the Auschwitz trial were able to attain their primary objective—to reinforce the gas chamber myth and establish it as an unassailable historical fact. (Source: Stäglich, Wilhelm, Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence, Institute for Historical Review, 1990, pp. 238-239).

    It has been widely known ever since the illegal abduction of Adolf Eichmann in Argentina that the Israeli Mossad has immense capabilities. Given the fact that Chief Public Prosecutor Bauer was a Zionist Jew, which should have precluded him from heading the pretrial investigation, it is quite possible that the forces of international Jewry were able to murder Baer while he was in jail. If anyone knew the truth about the gas chamber allegation, it was Baer, the last commandant of Auschwitz. Baer’s untimely death prevented him from giving testimony that would have contradicted the official Holocaust narrative. Baer’s death was certainly a relief for the promoters of the Auschwitz trial. (Source: Ibid.).

    So, in my opinion, Richard Baer was murdered before the Auschwitz trial started. The promoters of the Holocaust story could not have the last commandant of Auschwitz testifying that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. This would ruin their purpose for conducting the trial.

    Dr. Fritz Klein also could not testify at the Belsen trial that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. If he had, he would have certainly been hanged. Instead, Dr. Klein chose the strategy of accepting the reality of a gas chamber, but denying any personal responsibility for the gassings. This was his only realistic strategy to avoid being hanged.

    Dr. Klein’s strategy was adopted by other defendants at the Allies’ postwar trials. For example, Ernst Kaltenbrunner’s defense at the IMT rested on two main points. First, he was head of the RSHA, which was charged with security, and not the head of the WVHA, which administered the concentration camps. His only involvement with the internal operation of the camps was his order of March 1945, which gave permission for the Red Cross to establish itself in the camps. Second, Kaltenbrunner said it was Heydrich who had organized the details of the Jewish policy, whatever that policy was. Thus, according to Kaltenbrunner, there was no respect in which he could be held responsible for the extermination of the Jews. (Source: Butz, Arthur R., The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, Newport Beach, Cal.: Institute for Historical Review, 1993, pp. 180-181).

    Kaltenbrunner’s defense strategy was his only realistic chance for acquittal on the extermination charge. If he had testified that no extermination program had existed, any leniency shown by the court in the judgment would have been tantamount to the court’s conceding the possible untruth of the extermination claim. This was a political impossibility. By claiming that Kaltenbrunner had no responsibility for the extermination program, and even opposed it, the defense was making it politically possible for the court to be lenient in its sentencing of Kaltenbrunner. (Source: Ibid., pp. 181-182).

    The genocide of European Jewry has been given legitimacy by the numerous trials conducted by the Allies after the Second World War. However, the Nuremberg and other Allied trials were organized not to dispense impartial justice, but for political purposes. This has been commented on by numerous people, including many high-level American judges appalled by these judicial proceedings.

    • Thanks: Kali, HdC
  124. @kb_2

    Thanks. I thought it might be interesting to compare the protocol for the clothes sorting to the non-protocol of the body sorting.

    Regarding comment #124: This is a mock trial. There is no judge. And there are no witnesses. I have no legal background, beyond watching TV shows and movies about courtrooms. 🙂

    You have no idea how hard it was to restrain myself from blasting away on this movie reference given my previous commenting history with Mark, but you are correct, this is serious subject matter, and all kidding aside, I think Mark is well intentioned. Let’s see what happens.

    Unlike in the real world, and in actual courts of law in some places, most of us in the peanut gallery would be whisked away to jail for our comments; defense counsel as well. But, what can I say? Peanuts gonna peanut. While we still can.

  125. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Patrick McNally says:

    “Where did this nonsense come from? Teitelbaum acted as a courier for the Gwardia Ludowa or People’s Guard. It was a front organized by the Polish Communist Party, but there’s no indication of them ever having used the name “Spartacus” for anything.”

    LOL, Patrick McNally, Shlomo, Moshe or whatever your name is!

    So good to see you, The Master of Spin, again. What took you so long to contribute your 2 cents worth to this thread?

    The beginnings of Communist rule in Poland

    “A small number of pro-Soviet leftist underground organizations with names like ‘SPARTACUS’, ‘Union of Peasants and Workers’ the ‘Revolutionary Councils of Workers and Peasants’ and ‘Association of Friends of the USSR’ continued to exist in Poland after 1938 and were even able to function in the initial period of German occupation, but their influence remained minimal.

    “Their support had largely evaporated as a result of Polish bitterness at the Soviet occupation of much of eastern Poland in September 1939 and they were almost wiped out by German repression after the outbreak of the Nazi-Soviet war in June 1941.”

    The Gwardia Ludowa Explained

    Gwardia Ludowa (People’s Guard) or GL was a communist underground armed organization created by the communist Polish Workers’ Party in German occupied Poland, with sponsorship from the Soviet Union.

    Formed in early 1942, within a short time Gwardia Ludowa became the largest clandestine fighting force on Polish soil which refused to join the structures of the Polish Underground State loyal to the London-based government-in-exile. On January 1, 1944 GL was incorporated into the communist Armia Ludowa.[1]

    Gwardia Ludowa was created on 6 January 1942 with military aid from the Red Army. The availability of firearms led to GL swiftly reaching a strength of 3,000 fighters.[2] Gwardia Ludowa was connected to the NKVD intelligence services of the Soviet Union with NKVD colonels commanding some AL military actions.[3]

    It was tasked with fighting against Germany by means of partisan warfare, sabotage, and reprisal actions.
    The full-size partisan detachments were formed in May 1942 although foray groups were organized earlier. They operated near Piotrków and Radom. By the end of the year the organisation was divided onto seven administrative districts including Warsaw, Lublin, Radom-Kielce, Kraków, Łódź, Silesia and Lwów.

    Book talk: ‘The Light of Days: The Untold Story of Women Resistance Fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos’

    “A young Polish girl, wearing a peasant skirt with her hair in braids and a handkerchief covering her head, showed up unexpectedly one day at the Gestapo headquarters in Warsaw. She told the guards she needed to speak with an official inside about a personal matter.

    “They showed her to the office. She went in and shot him in the head, and then just walked out and meekly waved goodbye to the guards and walked off,” said author Judy Batalion.

    “That was Nuita Teitelbaum, who on the outside was just a young history student at Warsaw University when World War II began and a member of the underground Communist Youth movement.

    “On the inside, however, she was a self-appointed executioner, dubbed “Little Wanda with the Braids” by the Nazis as she made a habit out of sneaking up on German soldiers and killing them.

    “Teitelbaum is just one of the many brave Jewish women featured in “The Light of Days” by Batalion, who will be in Milwaukee at Congregation Shalom on Sunday, March 6 to discuss her work made up of remarkable stories about Jewish women resistance fighters in Hitler’s Ghettos. The program is in partnership with the Nathan and Esther Pelz Holocaust Education Resource Center, a program of Milwaukee Jewish Federation, and Congregation Shalom.”

    • Thanks: John Wear, HdC
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  126. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “IMPORTANT NOTE TO JOHN WEAR: See paragraph above. I do intend to come back to address all of your responses after I’ve finished presenting all the evidence I told you I was going to present. Hopefully, I will be able to present the evidence regarding Item #3 and #4 tonight.”

    My response: That is fine by me. Take your time. You are also welcome to have someone else such as a history professor or other scholar join you in these discussions.

    • Agree: Kali, Han
  127. Kali says:

    And Mark, don’t pay much attention to those self-proclaimed jury members who have already decided everything for themselves without hearing your evidence.

    Hi Kb_2,

    Just to clarify, and speaking for myself, having already seen Mark’s evidence repeated over the course of several hundred comments in the WWII thread, and having read reams of evidence that challenges and beats Mark’s “charges”, and having been an active participant in several long threads on this very topic, it surely surprises no-one paying attention that I’ve already seen through Holocaustians dogma. (I could go to prison for writing this comment where I live. Isn’t that interesting?)

    Additionally, I find this absurdity of a “mock” trial, sans any clearly defined parameters – for example, are there any time-limits set, or will this BS nonsense continue indefinitely? How will the verdict be decided, and by whom? According to what criteria (cognisant of the “prosecutions” self-determined “civil” trial, and the shitty, lowest common denominator rules HIS jurisdiction wishes to slither around in.

    Are there actually any lawyers here??! I mean, IF we are going to stage mock trials, we would do well to do it right!

    Since when did The Unz Review comment section become a no-holds-barred Clown Show? << That's a rhetorical question, because the answer is: Since commenter "Mark Bahner" started throwing his emotional effluence liberally about the WWII thread, telling us how it is that he "virtually knows in his heart that it's true", and generally lowering the quality of the conversation, and preventing it from going anywhere – No wonder school ma'am Yeager stopped participating. Who can blame her in the light of such relentless , l.c.d. pilpul?

    I am a regular commenter, and even more regular reader, here on unz. I comment as I feel inclined. – God love him, even dear Ron Unz can't stop me from doing that! lol

    As far as I understand, the purpose of the trial (among other things) is to prove such executions…? Or am I missing something? I’m not attacking you now, I just want to clarify.

    The purpose of this GAME is to flaunt the “special, unique suffering” of a conniving cultural enemy, and keep it front and center of any discussion of the ever-expanding Jewish Question (JQ), so that we gentiles (they call us Goy) are stiffled and prevented from moving the conversation toward discussion of solutions.

    This is not a game.

    This is not a court. (I shouldn’t even have to say that!)

    This is a mockery.

    I love this place,

    • Agree: HdC
    • Replies: @kb_2
  128. Kali says:
    @John Wear

    But of course we are blessed by the indomitable grace of John Wear, as he opens up the archive for all to see.

    My Teacher says there’s always a cost:
    You just lost Hoess as a witness, Mr Bahner!

    The court is instructed to disregard all testimony obtained by torture as unreliable and probably false.

    All rise!

    • Agree: Han
    • Thanks: John Wear
  129. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Never apologize for a question! 🙂

    Why would you presume that you are addressing a child or an imbecile, Mr Bahner? – Are you, by any chance a primary school teacher?

    Especially a question asked politely and respectfully. 🙂

    I’ll be the judge if that.


  130. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    I have no legal background, beyond watching TV shows and movies about courtrooms

    So, none at all, then!

    Watching telly of any sort does not constitute, in any way, shape or form, a “legal background”. The word “beyond” in the above quotation, is redundant, and the rest of the sentence pure drivel.

    So, given that you are singularly unqualified to represent your “virtually certain truth” …. I mean ‘side’, wtf do you think you are doing?

    You want to do this, Mr Bahner, do it properly, – If it’s done properly then no doubt one if the columnists/bloggers, will provide a platform for the “hearings”. (Kev, Steve Sailer, even Mr Giraldi.?)

    So far you’re doing nothing but waste everyone’s time.
    Thank goodness for John.


    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  131. bjondo says:

    How fruitful is it to debate willful, paid liars?


  132. @Han

    > “A small number of pro-Soviet leftist underground organizations with names like ‘SPARTACUS’, ‘Union of Peasants and Workers’ the ‘Revolutionary Councils of Workers and Peasants’ and ‘Association of Friends of the USSR’ continued to exist in Poland after 1938

    OK, that much is easily believable. You list 4 different underground organizations, and one of them is using the name “Spartacus.”

    > Gwardia Ludowa (People’s Guard) or GL was a communist underground armed organization created by the communist Polish Workers’ Party in German occupied Poland, with sponsorship from the Soviet Union.

    No mention of the name “Spartacus” in anything there. From your own references it just sounds like this was a careless use of a name which was not applicable to the People’s Guard.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Han
  133. @Patrick McNally

    From Douglas Reed:

    The West has come to this dilemma through the pressure of two millstones, Communism and Zionism, the nation-destroying world-revolution and the new, nation-creating, ruling-class. The one has incited the mob; the other has gained mastery over rulers. Are the organizers of both the same?

    The one movement, Zionism, aimed at reassembling a dispersed nation in a territory promised to it by the Jewish god; the second movement, Communism, aimed at the destruction of separate nationhood as such.

    In 1791 the great German historian Johann Gottfried von Herder, looking back on the hundred years behind him, wrote:

    “The ruder nations of Europe are willing slaves of Jewish usury … The Jewish people is and remains in Europe an Asiatic people alien to our part of the world, bound to that old law which it received in a distant climate, and which according to its own confession it cannot do away with … It is indissolubly bound to an alien law that is hostile to all alien peoples.”

    An Illuminist emissary was struck by lightning on a journey to Silesia in 1785. Papers found on him caused the houses of two Illuminist leaders to be searched. Correspondence between “Spartacus” (Adam Weishaupt) and the “Areopagites” (his closest associates in the order), and other papers then found revealed the full plan for world-revolution with which we of the 20th Century have become familiar through its results and under the name of “Communism.”

    “Proof”of nothing here, but an interesting pattern well worth looking into when one asks, How is this possible? with regard to the Jewish question.

    • Thanks: Kali
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  134. Plaintiff’s Evidence Item #3-A: Excerpts from book, “Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account”, by Jewish prisoner/doctor, Dr. Miklos Nyiszli

    Dr. Miklos Nyiszli was a pathologist from Oradea-Nagyvarad, Hungary. He was taken to Auschwitz with his wife and daughter in April 1944. His KZ (Nazi camp) number was A 8450.

    (p6 – Introduction) Separated from his wife and daughter upon arrival, Dr. Nyiszli was shortly chosen by the infamous Dr. Mengele to take charge of all the pathological work in the camp. As such, Nyiszli became a member of the Sonderkommando, the specially qualified and privileged group of prisoners who worked exclusively inside the crematoriums. This Sonderkommando…was made up of 860 male prisoners chosen for their various professional abilities as well as their physical strength and sturdy constitution.

    The Declaration at the front of the book says, “Done at Oradea-Nagyvarad, March 1946.” Plaintiff’s counsel note: This is important, particularly if that was when the manuscript was actually completed; the manuscript pre-dates, or is approximately coincident with, the capture of Rudolf Hoss.

    (p30) …This was the famous “Gypsy Camp”. … Because they were Catholics, they were allowed the privilege of remaining in family groups.

    (p30) There were about 4,500 of them in all. They did no work, but were assigned the job of policing the neighboring Jewish camp and barracks, where they did their job with unimaginable cruelty.

    (p30) The Gypsy Camp offered one curiosity: the experimental barracks. The director of the Research Laboratory was Dr. Epstein, professor at the University of Prague, a pediatrician of world renown, a KZ prisoner since 1940. His assistant was Dr. Bendel, at the University of Paris Medical School.

    (p33) Mengele was indefatigable in the exercise of his functions. He spent long hours in his laboratories, then hurried to the unloading platform, where the daily arrival of four or five trainloads of Hungarian deportees kept him busy half the day.

    (p38) For the crematoriums ran on a twenty-four hour schedule, as I learned from a fellow prisoner, who also informed me that the crematorium personnel were known at the Sonderkommando, which means merely, kommandos assigned to special work.

    (p38) Later I learned that Auschwitz KZ had, at certain periods, held more than 100,000 people inside its barbed wire fences(1). (1) Hoess, the camp commander, testified at Nuremberg that hte camp held 140,000 prisoners when filled to capacity.

    (p41) Besides my laboratory and anatomical work, I was also responsible for the medical care for the crematorium’s SS personnel–about 120 men–as well as the Sonderkommando–about 860 prisoners.

    (p46) The present Sonderkommando was the twelfth to bear that name. I learned the history of the previous Sonderkommando, when it “reigned,” who its heroes were, and I was reminded of a fact I already knew: that the Sonderkommando’s life was a few months at most.

    (p47) Fifteen ventilators were going simultaneously, one beside each oven. The incineration room was about 500 feet long: it was bright, whitewashed room with a concrete floor and barred windows. Each of the ovens was housed in a red brick structure.

    (p49) Above the benches, numbered coat hangers. Numerous signs in several languages drew everyone’s attention to the necessity of tying his clothes and shoes together. Especially not to forget the number of his coat hanger, in ordere to avoid all useless confusion on return from the bath.

    (p49) There were 3000 people in the room, men, women, and children. Some of the soldiers arrived and announced that everyone must be undressed in 10 minutes. The aged, grandmothers and grandfathers; the children; the wives and husbands were all stuck dumb with surprise. Modest women and girls looked at each other questioningly. Perhaps they had not understood the German words.

    (p50) Making his way through the crowd, the SS opened the swing-doors at the end of the room. The crowd flowed into another, equally well-lighted room. The second room was the same size as the first, but neither benches nor pegs were to be seen. In the center of the rooms, at 30-yard intervals, columns rose up from the concrete floors to the ceiling. They were not supported columns, but square sheet-iron pipes, the sides of which contained numerous perforations, like a wire lattice.

    (p51) The Deputy Health Officer held four green sheet-iron canisters. He advanced across the green, where every 30 yards, short concrete pipes jutted up from the ground. Having donned his gas mask, he lifted the lid of the of the pipe, which was also made of concrete. He opened one of the cans and poured the contents–a mauve granulated material–into the opening. The granulated substance fell in a lump to the bottom. The gas escaped through the perforations, and within a few seconds filled the room in which deportees were stacked. Within five minutes everyone was dead.

    (p51) For every convoy it was the same. Red Cross cars brought the gas from the outside. There never was a stock of it in the crematorium.

    (p51) Twenty minutes later the electric ventilators were set going in order to evacuate the gas. The doors opened, the trucks arrived, and a Sonderkommando squad loaded the clothing and shoes separately.

    (p51) The ventilators, patented “Exhator” system, quickly evacuated gas from the room, but in the crannies between the dead and the cracks of doors small pockets remained. Even two hours latoer it caused a suffocating cough. For that reason the Sonderkommando group which first moved into the room was equipped with gas masks.

    (p52) The bodies were not lying here and there throughout the room, but piled in a mass to the ceiling. The reason for this was that the gas first inundated the lower layers of air and rose but slowly towards the ceiling.

    (P52) I noticed the bodies of the women, the children, and the aged were at the bottom of the pile, the strongest at the top.

    (p52) The Sonderkommando squad, outfitted with large rubber boots, lined up around the hill of bodies and flooded it with powerful jets of water. This is necessary because the final act of those who die by drowning or by gas is involuntary defecation. Each body was befouled, and had to be washed.

    (p52) When the last gold tooth was removed, the bodies went to the incineration Kommando. They were laid by threes in a kind of pushcart made of metal. The heavy doors of the oven opened automatically; the pushcart moved into a furnace heated to incandescence.

    (p55) Nothing but pile of ashes remained in the crematory ovens. Trucks took the ashes to the Vistula, a mile away, and dumped them into the raging waters of the river.

    (p131) Annihilation time had come for the 4,500 inhabitants of the Gypsy Camp. The measures taken were the same as those of the Czech Camp. All the barracks were quarantined. SS guards, leading their police dogs, invaded the Gypsy quarters and chased the inhabitants outside, where they were made to line up. Rations of bread and salami were distributed. … No one thought of he crematoriums, for then why would rations of food been distributed?

    (p131)… Throughout the night the chimneys of number one and two crematoriums sent flames roaring skyward, so that the entire camp was lighted with a sinister glow.

    (p132) Next day the Gypsy Camp, once so noisy, lay silent and deserted.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  135. Plantiff’s Evidence Item #3B – Excerpts from the Vrba-Wexler Report

    This is a Holocaust Memorial Day Trust Fund web page explaining who Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler were, and what the 40-page Vrba-Wexler report that was created after they were interviewed separately:

    Rudolf Vrba escaped from Auschwitz-Birkenau so he could warn Hungarian Jews about their imminent extermination.

    It was particularly urgent because I knew that all was prepared for the murder of one million Jews from Hungary. And because it was close to Slovakia, I thought it would be possible to give the warning.

    In his role clearing the arrivals ramp, and in a later desk job, Vrba took mental note of the transports arriving, their origin, and estimated the numbers killed.

    In early 1944 he learnt that the Nazis were preparing for arrival of Hungary’s entire Jewish population of around one million people, who were to be exterminated. Vrba had considered attempting escape from Auschwitz before, but now saw that it was now urgent. He felt the members of the organised resistance movement in Auschwitz were focused on their own survival, and not on provoking resistance from the people who arrived to be gassed.

    Vrba worked with his friend Alfréd Wetzler to analyse previous unsuccessful escape attempts, and plan a successful one.

    The Vrba–Wetzler Report was an important piece of evidence at the Nuremberg war crimes trials in 1946. Vrba sent evidence to the trial of Adolf Eichmann in Jerusalem in 1961, and was a witness at a trial of Holocaust denier Ernst Zündel in Toronto in 1985. He died in 2006. Throughout his life Rudolf Vrba was somebody who refused to stand by. In the most extreme and appalling situation he risked his life to try to prevent the killing of hundreds of thousands of people. It can be argued that through their contribution to telling the world about Auschwitz the heroism of Vrba and Wetzler saved the lives of tens of thousands of Budapest’s Jews.

    Some excerpts from the Vrba-Wexler Report, from the following Adobe Acrobat file. Vrba kept records with the Auschwitz I.D. numbers in front, and noted how many people were not registered, because they were immediatedly gassed. He also often noted the fate of those who were registered.

    From approximately the beginning of June, 1942:

    At the same time the so-called “selections” were introduced. Twice weekly, Mondays and Thursdays, the camp doctor indicated the number of prisoners who were to be gassed and then burned. These “selectees” were loaded into trucks and brought to the Birch Forest. Those still alive upon arrival wer gassed in a big barack erected near a trench use for burning the bodies. The weekly “draft” in dead from “Block 7” was about 2,000, of whom 1,200 died of natural “death” and about 800 through “selection.” For those who had not been selected a death certificate was issued…whereas for “selectees” a special register was kept with the indication “S.B.” (“Sonderhandelt” – special treatment).

    48,000 – 64,800 15,000 naturalized French, Belgian, and Dutch Jews. This figure certainly respresents less than 10% of the total convoy. This was between July 1st and September 15, 1942. Large family convoys arrived from various European countries and were at once directed to the Birch wood. The special squad (“Sonderkommando”) employed for gassing and burning worked in day and night shifts. Hundreds of thousands of Jews were gassed during this period.

    85,000 – 92,000 6,000 Jews from GRODNO, BIALOSTOK and CRACOW as well as 1,000 Aryan Poles. The majority of the Jewish convoys were directly gassed and daily about 4,000 Jews were driven into the gas chambers.

    During mid-January 1943 3 convoys of 2,000 persons each from THERESIENSTADT arrived. The bore the designations “CU” “CR” and “R”. (The meaning of these markings were unknown to us). These markings were also stamped on their luggage. Out of these 6,000 persons only 600 men and 300 women were admitted to camp. The remainer were gassed.

    At the end of February 1943 a new modern crematorium and gassing plant was inaugurated at BIRKENAU. The gassing and burning of bodies in the Birch forest was discontinued, the whole job being taken over by the four specially built crematoria. The large ditch was filled in, the ground levelled and the ashes use as before for fertilizer at the fam labour camp of HERMENSE, so that to-day it is almost impossible to find traces of the dreadful mass murder which took place here.

    At present there are four crematoria in operation at BIRKENAU, two large ones, I and II, and two smaller ones, III and IV. Those of type I and II consist of 3 parts, i.e.: a) the furnace room; b) the large hall; and c) the gas chamber.

    They are crowded into the gas chamber (c) in such numbers that there is of course only standing room. To compress this crowd into the narrow space shots are often fired to induce those already at the far and to huddle still closer to together. When everybody is inside the heavy doors are closed. Then there is a short pause, presumably to allow the room temperature to rise to a certain level, after which the SS men with gas masks climb on the roof, open the traps and shake down a preparation in powder form out of tin cans labeled “CYKLON” “For use against vermin” which are manufactured by a Hamburg concern. After 3 minutes everyone in he chamber is dead. No one is known to have survived this order, although it was not uncommon to discover signs of life after the primative measures employed in the Birch wood. The chamber is then opened, aired and the “special squad” carts the bodies on flat trucks to the furnace rooms where the burning takes place. Crematoria III and IV work on nearly the same principle, but their
    capacity is only half as large. Thus the total cremating and gassing capacity at Birkenau is approximately 6,000 daily.

    109,000 – 119,000 At the beginning of March 1943, 45,000 Jews arrived from Saloniki. 10,000 of them camp to the camp including a small percentage of women; some 30,000 however went straight to the cremating establishment. Of the 10,000 nearly all died a short time later from a contagious illness resembling malaria.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  136. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    In my lengthy comment #32, I said that Carlo Mattogno has written an entire book about Dr. Miklos Nyiszli. This book is titled “An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account: The Bestselling Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed.”

    I thought that my comment #32 would be enough to convince you that Dr. Miklos Nyiszli was not a credible witness to the so-called Holocaust. However, since you have made a new comment #136 about Nyiszli’s book, I will give you some additional information from pages 466-467 of Germar Rudolf’s book “Lectures on the Holocaust.” This book is available on the web at

    Germar Rudolf lists some reasons why Miklos Nyiszli is not a credible witness:

    1) Even German mainstream historian Prof. Dr. Maser said that Nyiszli’s book contains excessive lies. According to Nyiszli’s account, each of the four crematories at Auschwitz had a capacity of 5,000 corpses per day. To these must be added the 6,000 who he says were shot and burned in trenches every day at the “birch wood.”

    2) According to Nyiszli, Auschwitz had a murder rate of around 26,000 people per day, which comes to 780,000 per month or around 936,000 per year. It came to a total of around 20 million after the Birkenau crematories went into operation – in addition to the two million already shot at “Birkenwald.”

    3) Nyiszli, who worked in the autopsy room of a Birkenau crematorium, gave the length of the “gas chambers” as 150 meters. The actual length of the basement morgue was a fifth of that: 30 meters.

    4) Jean-Claude Pressac attempted to salvage Nyiszli’s credibility by suggesting that Nyiszli did in fact tell the truth, but for some inscrutable reason exaggerated everything fourfold, which isn’t true either, because his victim number, to give just one example, is inflated by a factor of twenty, if we take the figure currently bandied about by the Auschwitz Museum of about one million.

    5) Another key false claim of Nyiszli’s testimonies is his statement that the members of the so-called Sonderkommando – the inmate allegedly in charge of pulling the corpses out of the gas chambers and burning them in furnaces or on pyres – were killed by the Germans every four months, and replaced with new inmates, in order to leave no witnesses of the crime behind.

    If that were so, the world wouldn’t be awash in Holocaust survivors claiming to have been a member of such a Sonderkommando.

    Mark, I encourage you to read my comment #32 on this discussion thread again for more information about Miklos Nyiszli. He is not a credible source of information on the homicidal gassings that allegedly occurred at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    If you feel inclined, I also encourage you to read Carlo Mattogno’s book “An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account” for more information. Mattogno concludes about Miklos Nyiszli: “It is impossible to ascribe good faith to this ‘eyewitness,’ who was and remains a mere impostor.” (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, “Dr. Mengele’s ‘Medical Experiments’ on Twins in the Birkenau Gypsy Camp,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2013).

  137. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Douglas Reed was totally unreliable in his later years. He recites nonsense from Robert Wilton uncritically, as just one of many flaws.


    Oskar Groening, in what could be one of Germany’s last big Holocaust trials, is accused of being an accessory to the murder of 300,000 people although in his role as a clerk he did not kill anyone himself.

    “In moral terms, my actions make me guilty,” Groening said on the first day of his trial in the northern town of Lueneburg.

    Groening was 21, and by his own admission an enthusiastic Nazi, when he was sent to work at Auschwitz in 1942. His case is unusual because unlike many of the other SS men and women who worked in concentration camps, he has spoken openly in interviews about his time at the camp in occupied Poland.

    Groening’s job was to collect the belongings of deportees after they arrived at the camp by train and had been put through a selection process that resulted in many being sent directly to the gas chambers.

    The charges against Groening relate to the period between May and July 1944 when 137 trains carrying roughly 425,000 Jews from Hungary arrived in Auschwitz. At least 300,000 of them were sent straight to the gas chambers, the indictment says.

    He also told of an incident in late 1942 when he witnessed Jews being herded into a converted farm house near the camp. An officer shut the door, put on a gas mask, opened a can and poured its contents down a hatch.

    “The screams became louder and more desperate but after a short time they became quieter again,” Groening said.

    A former guard at the Auschwitz death camp has submitted a request for mercy to avoid jail in Germany.

    In 2015 Oskar Groening, 96, was given a four-year prison sentence for being accessory to murder of 300,000 Jews in the camp in Nazi-occupied Poland.


    In his statement, Hanning insisted he was initially unaware of what kind of place he had been transferred to, but admitted he soon realised that the camp was used for mass killings.

    “People were being shot, gassed and burned. I could see corpses being moving around and off the site, yes, one was aware of that. I noticed the smell of burning. I knew that corpses were being burned,” he said.

    “Of course I found out that trains arrived in Auschwitz crammed full of people. We were aware that the majority of people who arrived in the trains were killed.”

    A former SS guard at Auschwitz who was found guilty of helping to commit mass murder has died before he could serve a prison sentence.

    Reinhold Hanning, who was 95, was convicted last June but had appealed the judgement.

    He was sentenced to serve five years for facilitating the killing of at least 170,000 people.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Kali
    , @John Wear
  139. kb_2 says:

    Hi Kali.

    As far as I understand, the difference between the previous threads and this thread is to present the arguments in a more systematic way.

    In previous thread, I noticed that the dispute was reduced to the exchange of the same questions and answers (see the summary that I wrote). The idea of “court” in the form in which it was embodied seems rather eccentric to me. The format of the Dalton-Cockerill debate is much better) However, I would rather listen to what both sides have to say.

    You may not take this as a court , but I think you should not interfere with people who want to hear both sides.

    In fact, many controversial theories – scientific or conspiracy theories – have a lot of small details that are unknown to outsiders. And often very important things are connected with these details.

    I know this very well, because I am a physicist by training, and I have seen dozens of books and articles devoted to attempts to refute the special theory of relativity. Some of them were rhetorically persuasive and did a pretty good job of disproving individual claims from specific textbooks. But even the best examples of them fell under the criterion of “not even wrong.” Why? Because they were written by amateurs (often engineers) who didn’t know the finer details. And sometimes they just didn’t know what they were criticizing at all. Somewhere in the textbooks there were simplifications, somewhere there were incorrect statements. In fact, exact knowledge is not always contained in a textbook – there are many details that can be learned from monographs, articles, etc. In general, knowledge is distributed among many people. And the special theory of relativity – as it has been tested by thousands of people in theoretical physics – still stands, although many people believe otherwise after reading some seemingly convincing papers. If you haven’t spent many years getting to know a theory in details, you’re still an amateur.

    I hope that in this court a lot of details will come up that I do not know about). And I hope you don’t get sent to jail for your comment.

    Since I am a dilettante on the Holocaust issue (according to my criteria – although over the years I have read a number of books and articles) – it is interesting for me to observe the debates. It seemed to me that Dalton had lost the debate I was pointing out.

    P.S Regarding special relativity – – Of course, there are some true statements there (criticism of conventional wisdom) – If anything, I have no desire to debate on this topic)

    • Replies: @Kali
  140. @Kali

    Do you have a law degree, “Kali”? Do you have a license to practice law? If so, what type of law do you specialize in?

  141. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler are famous eyewitnesses to the so-called Holocaust.

    Rudolf Vrba was considered one of the most important witnesses in support of the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz. Vrba was interned in Auschwitz, but succeeded in escaping – like hundreds of other inmates. Vrba’s and Wetzler’s report on the alleged mass exterminations in Auschwitz was published in November 1944 by the War Refugee Board, a U.S. propaganda institution founded by the Jewish U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau.

    This was the first report on Auschwitz officially sanctioned by the U.S. government. Vrba’s testimony was perhaps one of the most influential in this respect. Twenty years later, Vrba published a book titled “I Cannot Forgive” describing the same things published in the War Refugee Report. Furthermore, Vrba had provided important eyewitness testimony at the Auschwitz trial in Frankfurt in 1964.

    Everything was going great for Vrba until he decided to appear as a witness for the prosecution in the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial. The prosecution felt that Vrba could produce reliable and authentic testimony at the trial in support of the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz.

    However, Vrba confessed during his testimony at Zündel’s trial that his book “I Cannot Forgive” was “an artistic picture…not a document for the court.” Vrba also testified that he had never actually witnessed anybody being gassed at Auschwitz, but had merely heard rumors. Furthermore, Vrba admitted that his written and pictorial descriptions of the Auschwitz crematory were mere guessing, based on “what I heard it might look like.” Vrba proved to be an unreliable witness who could only cite hearsay evidence of the so-called Holocaust. (Source: Hoffman II, Michael A., The Great Holocaust Trial, 3rd edition, Dresden, NY: Wiswell Ruffin House, 1995, pp. 56-59).

    The prosecution was not able to provide any credible witnesses at the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial. The failure of Jewish eyewitnesses to provide credible testimony at the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial caused Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz to write that the trial was “a total victory for Holocaust deniers and a total disaster for Holocaust survivors and the Jewish people.” (Source: Kahn, Robert A., Holocaust Denial and the Law: A Comparative Study, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2004, p. 119).

    Germar Rudolf gives more information indicating that Rudolf Vrba is not a credible witness.

    In his book “Pietà”, Swedish Professor Georg Klein told of a conversation he had with Rudolf Vrba in 1987. Klein was a Hungarian Jew who had experienced the persecution of the Jews during the war, but he had no knowledge of mass extermination. In 1987, Klein talked to Vrba about the nine-hour film Shoah, produced by Claude Lanzmann a few years before. The topic of Vrba’s experiences at Auschwitz naturally came up, since Klein was a Holocaust survivor, too. Klein asked Vrba whether his colleagues knew about his experience during the war. Vrba answered that he never mentioned anything to them, for he thought they wouldn’t understand. But later, with a sardonic smile, he mentioned that one of his colleagues had gotten really excited upon unexpectedly seeing Vrba in Lanzmann’s film.

    The colleague, of course, wanted to know whether “the horrible things that Vrba describes in the film were really true. ‘I do not know,’ Vrba answered. ‘I was only an actor reciting my lines.’ ‘How strange,’ the colleague remarked. ‘I didn’t know that you were an actor. Why did they say that the film was made without any actors?’ I was speechless.” (Source: Rudolf, Germar, Lectures on the Holocaust: Controversial Issues Cross-Examined, 4th edition, Bargoed, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2023, p. 388).

    Germar Rudolf discusses some errors in the 1944 War Refugee Report co-authored by Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler:

    1) Vrba’s testimony alleges that 1,765,000 Jews were gassed in the period April 1942 to April 1944. However, at the time of this writing, official historiography assumes a figure of “only” half a million for that period. Furthermore Vrba assures us that 50,000 Lithuanian Jews were gassed at Auschwitz, of which official historiography has no knowledge whatsoever.

    2) Vrba also alleges that the number of French Jews gassed at Auschwitz amounted to 150,000. Official historiography assumes that around 75,000 were deported, some being regularly registered while the rest were allegedly gassed.

    3) The map of Auschwitz included in their report is false, as are the sketches of Crematories II & III, in a particularly crude manner:

    – Instead of the 9 furnaces each with 4 openings alleged by Vrba, there were actually 5 furnaces with 3 openings each.
    – Instead of the pair of rails that he alleges led from the gas chamber to the furnace room, the basement morgue (alleged gas chamber) was actually a level lower than the furnace room, and they were connected by an elevator.

    4) Vrba says that 2,000 people at a time were gassed in the alleged gas chambers. However, the morgue had an area of 210 square meters; 9.5 persons could never be packed into an area of one square meter, without strict military discipline and willing cooperation.

    5) The allegation that Zyklon B was a “dustlike substance” is also false; Zyklon B was gypsum granules infused with hydrogen cyanide.

    6) The alleged duration of execution, three minutes, agrees with most other testimony, but is technically absolutely impossible. For execution periods of a few minutes, the amount of poison necessary would be so absurdly large that it cannot be seriously considered, in particular with Zyklon B, which releases its gas only slowly.

    7) The allegation that Crematories IV and V were “of very similar construction” as Crematories II and III is false. They were of entirely different construction.

    8) The allegation that 8,000 Jews from Krakow were gassed in the presence of prominent guests from Berlin at the dedication of the first Birkenau crematorium early in 1943 is not confirmed by a single source.

    9) In his book “I Cannot Forgive”, Vrba lavishly describes Heinrich Himmler’s alleged presence at the gassing of 3,000 Jews (packed 13 per square meter this time) in the alleged “gas chamber” of the recently opened Crematorium II in January of 1943. In truth, the crematorium was not completed until March of that year, and it is undisputed that Himmler’s last visit to Auschwitz was in July 1942. (Source: Ibid., pp. 459-461).

    I could go on and on. I do not give Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler any credibility as being witnesses to the gassings at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    • Thanks: HdC
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @kb_2
  142. @Patrick McNally

    As unreliable as Dario Gabbai? As unreliable as “6 million” killed by the Nazis? As unreliable as confessions obtained under torture and threats to family members?

    Mr. Gabbai claims a chamber was emptied of thousands of bodies, 30 minutes after exposure to lethal gas, hauled with the hook end of a cane, placed on stretchers, 4 persons high, sent up in an elevator, cremated, 4 persons at once, to ash, in a 24 hour period. He never mentioned Dr. Bendel or Dr. Nyiszli in the story I heard from his own mouth.

    Regarding 6 million, another unreliable author/journalist/historian says:

    “Heddesheimer cogently documents the slew of previous attempts by Jews to disseminate deceitful and untrue atrocity propaganda before, during and after World War I. The First Holocaust features an amazing collection of press clippings and propaganda articles dating back to the late 19th century that make claims of the suffering and imminent extermination of European Jewry. Among such articles we find that Jews have, dozens of times before WWII, invoked the cabalisitc “6,000,000″ number as the amount of Jews on the verge of death and destruction during various periods of turmoil and conflict in Europe and Russia.”

    Everyone, everywhere is unreliable, throughout history, it seems, unless you are a Rabbi praising the destruction of Edom, a Jewish victim of unwarranted persecution or Barbara Spectre, of “Europe is not for Europeans” fame, who said “Jews will be resented for their role in the necessary transformation, that must take place….” Mr. McNally, do you have any idea why the transformation must take place?

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  143. @Patrick McNally

    I’ll also add, I’ve been cross referencing Mr. Reed’s historiography for quite some time; no deception or poor scholarship found thus far.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  144. @Mark Bahner

    Just a note to keep proper court records…

    The material on OSKAR GROENING should have been labeled:

    Plaintiff’s Exhibit #4: Words and Criminal Trial Verdict for OSKAR GROENING

    And the material on Reinhold Hanning should have been labeled:

    Plaintiff’s Exhibit #5: Words and Criminal Trial Verdict for REINHOLD HANNING

    • Replies: @John Wear
  145. Kali says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Douglas Reed was totally unreliable in his later years.

    Who told you to say that?? Some one who doesn’t want anyone reading Douglass Reed, that’s for sure.

    The Controversy of Zion is a gift to us from 7 decades ago: The perspective of an honest, articulate and capable English gentleman who asked the Jewish Question.

    Viva Palestine!

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  146. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    an enthusiastic Nazi,

    The term “Nazi” is a purjorative, used to conjour a pre-ordained image of evil.

    The court, for that reason, requires all parties to use the more correct term, National Socialist, instead. – Propaganda words have no place in this court.


    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Han
  147. @John Wear

    John, do you have any link to a *transcript* of the 1985 Zündel trial?

    • Replies: @kb_2
    , @John Wear
  148. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    My lengthy comment #34 on this discussion thread gives a detailed response why I do not regard Oskar Gröning as a credible witness to the alleged homicidal gassings at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I do not feel the need to add anything to this comment.

  149. Kali says:

    You may not take this as a court , but I think you should not interfere with people who want to hear both sides.

    In what way am I “interfering” with anyone’s ability or desire to read both sides?

    I’m actually encouraging people to actually read both sides, Kb_2 by making the thread more interesting and by highlighting specific points of contention.

    It is my sincere hope that people do read the thread(s) in question. – As I have been repeating, this is not a game!

    Which is why I am of the opinion that the thing needs to be done properly. Which is why I ask if there are any lawyers present.

    It is also my sincere hope and intention to expose an obvious troll for what he is.

    Best regards,

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  150. kb_2 says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Maybe you need this:

    John usually uses paper sources, so I took the liberty of doing some googling.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  151. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You ask: “John, do you have any link to a *transcript* of the 1985 Zündel trial?”

    My response: The transcript can be purchased at CODOH in the book Rudolf, Germar (ed.), The First Zündel Trial: The Court Transcript of the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, 1985, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2020.

    As far as an online transcript, I don’t know. Maybe someone else on this discussion thread can find one for you.

  152. kb_2 says:
    @John Wear

    4) Vrba says that 2,000 people at a time were gassed in the alleged gas chambers. However, the morgue had an area of 210 square meters; 9.5 persons could never be packed into an area of one square meter, without strict military discipline and willing cooperation.

    This statement has (nearly) zero value. Japanese trains fit 6 people per square meter without strict military discipline and special cooperation. It’s just that some people put pressure on others.

    If we take into account that in the conditions of war a) people were most likely emaciated b) there were many children among them – this number easily increases to 10. And yes, if the Germans were herding people into the gas chamber, they could well use force.

    And I’m not talking about a theoretical upper bound (which could really be hard to reach)…

    • Replies: @John Wear
  153. @Kali

    No lawyer, with any sense (oxymoron?), would own to it, as 1. He/she would be subjected to all sorts of abuse; 2. She/he would forfeit the pleasure of speculating and slinging accusations, willy nilly, as the abuse would again follow, i.e., what an idiot you are, I feel sorry for your clients! Have you ever won a case in your lifetime?

    It’s best to work subversively, like you know who.

    • Replies: @Kali
  154. Plaintiff’s Exhibit 6 – Plot Plans for Auschwitz Camps, Plan Views of Crematoriums II and III, Notes on Purpose of Crematoriums II and III

    a) These are the plot plans of Auschwitz I, Birkenau (Auschwitz II) and Morowicz (Auschwitz III).

    One important note is that when the four crematoria at Birkenau were constructed, they were referred to during WW2 as “Crematorium I, II, III, and IV”, rather than “Crematorium II, III, IV, and V”, as it is on the Birkenau (Auschwitz II) plot plan below.

    Another important note is that the Cremation Pyre (Item 6) that’s nearest the Soviet Prisoner Mass Grave is has also been called “burn pit” or “pit”. There were a total of 9 of them constructed at that location, before and during “Aktion Hoss,” dealing with the Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz from May to July 1944.

    A final note is that Items 14 and 15 described as “Provisional Gas Chamber 1” and “Provisional Gas Chamber 2” are often known as “Bunker 1” and “Bunker 2.”

    b) This webpage contains a plan views of Krematorium I (as it was called in WW2)

    There are many drawings on the page, but the plan view of Krematorium I (as it was called in WW2) is next to this text on the webpage:

    Shortly after construction had begun at Birkenau, the decision was made to change its designation, and turn it into an extermination camp. The first experiments with gas were carried out in the main camp in the fall of 1941, and in the light of their success, the SS decided to build four permanent installations in Birkenau, for the specific purpose of gassing people to death. The construction began in 1942, directed by the Topf and Sons company, supervised by the SS. As a stopgap measure until the installations were completed, the Germans converted existing buildings to erect two makeshift gas chambers next to the camp.

    The four extermination installations started operating in 1943. They each included an undressing room and a gas chamber, both underground, and a crematorium for incinerating the bodies of the murdered. These facilities made the murder of the Jews a far more efficient process.

    c) Notes on the design of new crematoria in Birkenau

    The book “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp,” edited by Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum has these footnotes on page 179, from “7. Gas Chambers and Crematoria,” by Franciszek Piper. (Note that crematoria II and III would have been referred to as “I” and “II” in WW2.)

    42. When annotations to the preliminary project were drafted, i.e., by late October 1941, the conception of the purpose and outfitting of the crematorium had lost its relevance. The Bauleitung’s letter of commission, dated October 22, 1941, which was sent to the furnace builder, Topf and Sons, indications that not one but two underground mortuaries were planned for construction near the crematorium. See ASAM Bauleitung, BW 30/34, card 116.

    43. In a Bauleitung letter of March 6, 1943, mortuary 2 was referred to as “undressing room” (Auskleideraum). In another letter, one of the underground mortuaries was designated as “gas cellar” (Vergasungskeller); ASAM, Trial of Hoss, vol. 11, card 9; microfilm 1060, card 100. Hoss, p. 215, confirms that the underground spaces at crematoria II and III served as undressing rooms and gas chambers and were outfitted with an automatic ventilation system.

    , vol. 11, card 9; microfilm 1060, card 100. Hoss, p. 215, confirms that the underground spaces at crematoria II and III served as undressing rooms and gas chambers and were outfitted with an automatic ventilation system.

    • Replies: @Kali
    , @littlereddot
  155. @Kali


    No wonder they lost the war. 😉

    Plaintiff’s counsel doesn’t change the words in the articles entered into evidence. That would be unethical. 🙂

    • Replies: @Kali
  156. John Wear says:

    You write: “If we take into account that in the conditions of war a) people were most likely emaciated b) there were many children among them – this number easily increases to 10. And yes, if the Germans were herding people into the gas chamber, they could well use force. And I’m not talking about a theoretical upper bound (which could really be hard to reach)…”

    My response: This is not a major issue in establishing that Rudolf Vrba is not a credible witness. However, I doubt if 2,000 people could be gassed at one time in alleged homicidal gas chambers at Birkenau.

    Experience shows that people do not pack themselves tightly to the very edge of an enclosed area – unless, of course, they are quite willing to do so, like when they enter a bus and need to fill it tightly, so that other passengers can still get in.

    In the case of an alleged homicidal gas chamber, people would have to enter through just one door in a long, stretched-out room and fill it tightly to the last place, starting at the room’s opposite end. After undressing, the naked people would walk over into the alleged gas chamber. Since that room is much smaller, the victims must press themselves even more tightly together.

    The first people entering the room would have to proceed to the very end of this 100 ft long room in a disciplined manner and line up against the wall. The next lot would then form the line directly in front, and so on, until the entire chamber is full. Even if choreographed perfectly, this would still take a considerable amount of time. The room would eventually be filled with 120 rows of 14 people each, which equals 1,680 people. This would be extremely difficult to achieve without the willing and disciplined cooperation of all.

    So, I doubt if 2,000 people could be gassed at one time in an alleged homicidal gas chamber. However, this is not a big issue, since Vrba made so many false statements that he is not a credible witness to the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Birkenau.

    • Replies: @kb_2
  157. @Ron Unz

    Ron, I was wondering, in relation to the following thread authored by Steve Sailer, why do you allow him to censor commentary? :

    I have half a dozen or so comments posted there and all are still in ‘moderation’ (most of them have been in limbo for between 1 and 2 days).
    Have a look at those comments of mine Ron and you’ll see that I’m not heckling the author, disrupting the thread etc, but posting hard truths about the Holohoax that Steve Sailer and his small hat controllers don’t want to hear.

    I posted several comments in another Steve Sailer thread a week or so ago and, even though all of those comments are no longer in moderation and are now available for all to see, most of them were only out of moderation after several days had elapsed.
    One comment in particular was in moderation for over FIVE (5) days before finally being released from purgatory.

    Ron, I get it that you allow individual authors autonomy over moderation policy or whether or not to ban individuals outright from participating.
    But a warning should be posted for Steve Sailer articles that reads:

    ‘Only commentary from yes-men and women are permitted in Steve Sailer threads.
    Dissent will not be tolerated and such comments will be purged (especially those comments that don’t flatter our Talmudic overlords)’.

    Anyone who cares to peruse the comments section of the article in the link I posted above, will notice that it’s swarming with Mark Bahner’s synagogue brethren, all peddling the Holohoax fable.(There is one especially toxic fellow who uses the handle ‘Jack D’, and the B.S he’s been writing is beyond the pale).

    Mark ‘Mordechai’ Bahner-stein, if you’re reading this, it would be best if you went there to mingle with other rabid Zionists like yourself.
    You’ll feel right at home.

  158. Plaintiff’s Evidence Item 7A: Description of Hungarian Jewish transports

    1) Accounts of Hungarian Jews transported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1945
    Per “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp”:

    From page 466:

    Of approximately 438,000 Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1944, about 10 percent were determined to be fit for labor. Some were retained to work in Auschwitz itself; the remainder were dispersed to 396 camps in the Nazi empire. The largest groups wer concentrated in the notorius camps of Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Gunskirchen, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbruck, and Sachenhausen…

    The number of Hungarian Jews in Auschwitz continued to decline following the periodic selections and transfers. By the time the camp was liberated in January 1945, only a few thousand were left. Most of them were transferred on death marches to other camps in the central and western parts of the fast-crumbling Third Reich. Few who were evacuated survived until the liberation in April and May 1945.

    2) Accounts of May 23, 1944: Single-day total of 12,674 Hungarian Jews from four towns:

    1944/2014 | 70th anniversary of deportation and extermination of Jews from Hungary in Auschwitz

    On May 23 1944 four trains with Jews deported from Hungary to Auschwitz crossed the border in Košice, with: 3023 Jews from Vişeu de Sus (Felsővisó), 3272 from Nyiregyháza, 3269 from Mukačevo (Munkács) and 3110 from Oradea (Nagyvárad) – all together 12,674 people.

    On 23 May 1944 after the selection of transports from Hungary 5 women were registered in the camp. Most probably a group of young, healthy people were kept in the camp as the so-called deposit (without registering them in the camp – some were soon transported to other concentration camps, some – killed in the gas chambers). Remaining people were murdered in the gas chambers.

    Jews deported from Hungary a few moments before being murdered in gas chambers. They are waiting in a small forest next to gas chambers and crematoria IV and V

    The girl standing second from the right is Gerty Ackerman of Munkács. Sitting next to her is her sister Wally. Behind the girls, in the white headscarf, is the sister’ mother, Rozi-Rebecca née Mermelstein. The two boys to the left are probably Reuven and Gershon Fogel. Lia Fogel, née Mermelstein is sitting next to the in the dark headscarf. The picture was taken by SS photographers in May 1944 during deportation of Jews from Hungary to Auschwitz.

    3) Accounts for Munkács alone:

    The first deportation train left Munkács on 11 May. The deportation route and number of cars was predetermined: 3,000 people were to be evacuated on each train. The loading of the trains, carried out at a distance from the civilian stations, were overseen by a gendarme or German army officer, and the Jews were allowed to take with them just a few belongings.

    On the nine transports that left the Munkács brick factories, 28,587 Jews from the town and its surroundings were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. According to data of the Hungarian train service in Kassa, the transports from Munkács passed through Kassa on 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20 May, carrying Jews from the area.

    The remainder of the Jews of Munkács was sent in three transports that passed through Kassa on 21, 23 and 24 May, to the same destination – Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Jews were forced onto the deportation wagons under a hail of physical and mental abuse. They were pushed into the cattle cars, 70-80 people in each enclosed car, with one bucket of water for a three-day journey and one bucket to use as a toilet, with no fresh air or space to lie down. Some died along the way. Some committed suicide. Others lost their minds.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  159. Plaintiff’s Evidence Item 7B: Construction of the “burn pits” with channels for collecting human fat

    From Filip Müller’s “Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers”. He describes preparations for dealing with the Hungarian Jews in “Aktion Höss”:

    (p124) Towards the end of April, there were increasing rumors of the imminent extermination of the Jews of Hungary.

    (p125) At the beginning of May 1944, Camp Lagerkommandant Hoss arrived, followed a few days later by Hauptscharfuhrer Moll. We knew Moll only too well, for it was he who supervised the burning of corpses which, in the summer of 1942, had risen to the earth’s surface from their mass graves, and who afterwards, had liquidated to the last man the Sonderkommando workers employed there.

    (p126) Soon after his arrival Moss odered the excavation of five pits behind crematorium 5, not too far from the three gas chambers. An increasing number of preisoners was also emplyed on the site near bunker 5 to dig more pits there. Here as well as at the crmaatorium yards wattle screens had been put up to prevent the curious from looking in at the death factories from the outside. The meadow behind the yard of crematorium 5, where thousands of spring flowers were in bloom, now turned into a strange building site where some 150 prisoners were set to work.

    (p130) It was decided we should concentrate all our efforts on two pits only. A few days later we made it: the twoe pits were 40-50 meters long, about 8 meters wide and 2 meters deep.
    Together with his assistant, Eckhardt, he climbed down into the pit and marked out a 25 centimeter by 30 centimeter wide strip, running lengthways dow the middle from end to end. By digging a channel which sloped slightly to either side from the center point, it would be possible to catch the fat exuding from the corpses as they were burning in the pit, in two collecting pans at the end of the channel.

    The whole concept seemed quite inconceivable: a drain channel to catch human fat which in turn was to be used as fuel in order to obliterate as fast as possible all traces of these murderous deeds.

    (p132) The two new pits had considerably increased the capacity of the four crematoria at Birkenau. It was just a matter of adding the finishing touches. There was a constant stream of trucks delivering materials of all kinds, asuch as old railway sleepers, conifer branches, waste wood, beams, rags, large quantities of wood alcohol, barrels of waste lubricating oil, rammers, course- and fin-meshed iron seives, cement, wood planks, boards and barrels of chlorinated lime. Whereever the fuel was stacked in the open it was roofed over.

    (p132) It was the middle of May 1944 when the first transports of Hungarian Jews arrived at Birkenau. By now the Sonderkommando had been increased to 450 men, a number soon to be almost doubled.

    (p133) Three more cremation pits were dug in the back yard of crematorium 5, making up the five Moll had ordered. In addition, the farmhouse which had served as a place of extermination in 1942, was put in running order. It’s four rooms served as gas chambers while an additional four cremation pits were dug outside. The changing rooms were located in three wooden barracks, and the whole complex was knowln as bunker 5.

    (p133) There were now nine of these large pits in addition to the crematorium ovens, making it possible to burn an almost unlimited number of corpses.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  160. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Patrick McNally says:
    “No mention of the name “Spartacus” in anything there. From your own references it just sounds like this was a careless use of a name which was not applicable to the People’s Guard.”

    LOL, Patrick McNally, Shlomo, Moshe or whatever your name is!
    You are playing your stupid games again, now on this thread.
    I just knew that you would be saying things like that. You are sooooooo predictable.

    Are you dyslexic or just a TROLL? I suspect the latter.

    An internet TROLL is someone who makes intentionally inflammatory, rude, or upsetting statements online to elicit strong emotional responses in people or to steer the conversation off-topic. They can come in many forms. Most trolls do this for their own amusement, but other forms of trolling are done to push a specific agenda.

    It is clear what your AGENDA is: Defending the JEWISH WORLD WAR II narrative: THE BIG LIE.
    It is therefore obvious that you are either a JEW or a JEW’S USEFUL IDIOT. Take your pick.

    Here we go again, though, it is getting boring and a complete waste of time, which, as a TROLL, must be your intention:

    “It is not surprising that with such a record she (Niuta Teitelbaum) was one of the most wanted assassins by the Gestapo, who called her “little Wanda with piglets”. She called herself “laksman”. She was prosecuted, tortured and executed. She belonged to the Communist group SPARTACUS.”
    The beginnings of communist rule in Poland

    The creation in January 1942 of the Polish Workers’ Party (PPR) had been the work of the Comintern and the policy and personnel of the new party was closely supervised by the general secretary of the Comintern Executive, Georgi Dimitrov.

    The Communist Party of Poland (KPP) had been dissolved by Stalin in mid 1938 on the grounds that ‘agents of Polish fascism managed to gain positions of leadership’. (1) Most of its principal figures perished in Soviet prisons or labour camps. A small number of pro-Soviet leftist underground organizations with names like ‘SPARTCUS’,… continued to exist in Poland after 1938…

    As a result Stalin, while not yet prepared to break with the Polish Government-in-exile, became increasingly willing to build up a Polish communist group in order to strengthen his hand in negotiating with the London Poles and the western allies. An ‘initiative group’ was formed from the trainees at the Comintern school to re-establish a Polish Communist Party.

    On Dimitrov’s instructions, it was decided not to establish a central committee from among communists in Poland but instead to parachute into that country a three-man leadership team selected from among the Poles in Moscow and headed by Marceli Nowotko.

    This was duly done, and … a meeting was held in Warsaw on 5 January 1942 at which the PPR was formally established.
    By June 19 42 it was claiming a membership of approximately 4,000 Party menbers with 3,000 partisans organized in the People’s Guard (Gwardia Ludowa – GL).

    Patrick McNally says:
    “No mention of the name “Spartacus” in anything there. From your own references it just sounds like this was a careless use of a name which was not applicable to the People’s Guard.”

    Obvious that PRO-SOVIET SPARTACUS was part the People’s Guard (Gwardia Ludowa – GL) and that Niuta Teitelbaum was a member of SPARTCUS.

    Patrick McNally, why are people like you pushing the Jewish World War II narrative and Hitler’s “murderous behavior” onto the world when in reality he is but a boy scout when compared to Stalin’s brutal rule in the Soviet Union and occupied parts of Europe?

    “We cannot state that all Jews were Bolsheviks. But: Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    From an Israeli website:
    Stalin’s Jews – We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,7340,L-3342999,00.html

    “We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.”

    1923: Adolf Hitler Predicts ‘Semitic Empire’ From Vladivostok To The Rhine If ‘Jewish Marxism’ Prevails

    Hitler was only partially right.
    Marxism prevailed and the whole world has become a ‘Semitic Empire’: PAX JUDAICA.
    The world is now experiencing Weimar Republic Mark 2, with all its corruption, sexual degeneracy, transgenderism, etc.

    Jewish BlackRock and Vanguard are now ruling the world together with the UN, EU, WEF, etc., all founded by the Jews. Everything Hitler fought against came to pass.

    But Hitler was right: “My spirit will rise from the grave.”

    Let me break the good news to you, Patrick McNally, this will thrill you:

    German Interest in Adolf Hitler on the Rise
    According to a recent Telegraph article, sociologists have attributed the rise in interest in Adolf Hitler to a younger generation of German citizens.
    German interest in Adolf Hitler is on the rise, according to a recent Telgraph article and a study conducted by the German Media Control group.
    According to the study:

    • 242 television programs focusing explicitly on Adolf Hitler have aired in the last four months of 2013.
    • 500 films, documentaries and other series focusing on Nazi-era Germany have also been aired.
    • 2,000 books on Hitler were published in Germany just last year. Some of these titles included: Hitler’s Wonder Weapons, Hitler and the Holy Lance, and Hitler’s Blitzkrieg.
    • Germany’s public “ZDF Info” channel was found to have screened 109 documentaries on Hitler last year alone.

    According to the Telegraph article, sociologists have attributed the rise in interest in Adolf Hitler to a new generation of German citizens who have no first-hand experience or knowledge of World War II, and so are less ashamed about their country’s history than previous generations.

    Of course, that Telegraph article is no longer available. It wasn’t KOSHER.

    But I am sure you would LOVE to read Gerard Menuhin’s book ‘TELL THE TRUTH AND SHAME THE DEVIL’.

    Gerard Menuhin in his book ‘Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil’ makes a case for Adolf Hitler
    being the only statesman in the modern era who could have liberated the enslaved people of planet Earth from the clutches of organized world Zionism. (I couldn’t agree with him more!)

    Gerard Menuhin, son of the great violinist Yehudi Menuhin, is descended from a long line of rabbis.

    The free pdf version of that book can be downloaded here in English or German:

    Everyone, Germans in particular, should read his book published in 2015. It is of monumental importance for the people of the world today.

    Gerard Menuhin:
    Recognize the True Enemy and Join to Fight Him.
    If you don’t recognize the one true enemy and join forces to fight him and his stooges, you and your children are doomed to slavery!

    (Well, once they bring in the Digital ID, CBDC, 15-minute cities, etc., there will be no more FREEDOM at all, only SLAVERY, PAX JUDAICA for the Goyim. So, Menuhin is spot-on.)

    Gerard could no longer bear the lies being perpetrated against Germany and risked all to unmask what he called the “biggest lie in history” and the mightiest fraudulent criminal enterprise in mankind’s history—the Holocaust industry.

    He writes:
    “The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history. Germany has no blame for the Second World War.”

    Again, Gerard Menuhin is spot-on!

    • Thanks: John Wear, HdC
  161. Han says:

    “Nazi” is a political epithet invented by Jewish journalist and member of the Social Democratic Party Konrad Heiden, during the 1920s, as a means of denigrating the NSDAP and National Socialism.

    The term is an imitation of the nickname given to Marxists of the SDP at the time, Sozi. It was then popularized abroad by various Judaics and other subversives, including Heiden himself, who fled the country after the NSDAP were elected to government.

    The term was regarded as a derogatory epithet by National Socialists and was used almost exclusively by Marxist agitators.

    Typically, the use of Nazi Germany and Nazi regime was popularized by Jewish emigres from Germany after 1933, especially in English-speaking countries. From them, it spread into other languages.

    From: Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil – Gerard Menuhin, p 9 & 10

    Nazi was also a derogatory term for a backward peasant, being a shortened version of Ignatius, a common name in Bavaria, the area from which the Nazis emerged.

  162. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “Plaintiff’s Exhibit #5: Words and Criminal Trial Verdict for REINHOLD HANNING.”

    My response: The case of Reinhold Hanning is very similar to the case of Oskar Gröning. I ask you to refer back to my lengthy comment #34 on this discussion thread for a detailed response why I do not regard either Oskar Gröning or Reinhold Hanning as credible witnesses to the alleged homicidal gassings at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    If either Oskar Gröning or Reinhold Hanning had testified that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, they would be committing a felony in modern-day Germany. They would both be convicted of Holocaust denial. Their only possible defense was to accept that there was a mass extermination program at Auschwitz-Birkenau, but claim they were low-level soldiers who had nothing to do with the extermination program and could do nothing to stop it.

    It is also illegal in modern-day Germany for an attorney to defend their client in court against charges of Holocaust denial. For example, when Sylvia Stolz presented evidence in court in an attempt to defend her client Ernst Zündel, she was committing a felony. Stolz was later convicted of Holocaust denial and had to spend several years in jail. She was also banned from practicing law for five years.

    So, with a corrupted legal system in modern-day Germany, Oskar Gröning and Reinhold Hanning could not legally dispute the so-called Holocaust. Their only option was to state that there was a German extermination program, but claim they had nothing to do with it and could do nothing to stop it.

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: Han
  163. kb_2 says:
    @John Wear

    As for the procedure for entering there in rows, this is just nonsense. People of different ages and heights take up different amounts of space, and in order to optimally fill the space, they should not stand as if they were rectangles.

    Putting 2000 people in 210 square meters is physically possible – and this is far from the theoretical limit (see my calculations in the previous thread). The reasoning given by Rudolf – he asks how to stuff 1000 (!) people into a room – that it would be unpleasant for them to touch each other and so on is nonsense.

    L: So how did they get these 1,000 naked people to pack themselves tightly together,
    touching other completely naked strangers?
    R:I don’t know, but it would have required the drill and discipline that you can instill
    only in soldiers after weeks of exercising, provided they are dressed

    I answer – easily. If there are infants and just children among them, then it is even easier. And 2000 will also fit there. We are talking about people who were deported – and according to the mainstream, were going to be killed. A few men with weapons would be enough to stuff as many people as needed into the chamber.

    There are probably reasons to doubt Vrba’s words – the discrepancies with the generally accepted version look intriguing. But the statement about 2,000 people is not one of them.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  164. Kali says:

    I see where you’re coming from, Tiptoe, but without some formal structure (of the legal”/lawful kind) this “trial” is a waste of time. It’s just another internet discussion pretending to be something grand.

    It strikes me that the “prosecution” is also playing the role of the judge, and attempting to instruct the “defence” on how to present it’s case.

    I have more courtroom experience than him and a lot of other people here, yet even I am unqualified to direct these “proceedings” – which are already underway without any proper frame-work to guide them.

    So lawyers, judges, legal advisers, clerks, solicitors or anyone qualified or experienced to guide a trial of this nature could only help.

    Otherwise I will be forced to keep on taking the piss. 🥸

    Best regards,

  165. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Hearsay is not evidence. It’s just narrative.

  166. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    That’s for the court to decide, Mr Bahner…

    Oh, but wait! This isn’t a court, nor even a very loose approximation of one, is it?

    This is a silly game you invented to make yourself feel important and to elevate narrative to the status of evidence.

    Just about everything you’ve presented so far has already been dealt with in the other thread, yet here you persist. It doesn’t matter to you that your case is as weak as water, just as long as the arguing continues, and endless, circular debate achieved.

    John and others have trounced your arguments already. Yet you seem determined to drag your silly game out for as long as possible. Because that is your primary objective here! And you know it.


    • Thanks: John Wear, Han
  167. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Patrick McNally says:
    “Douglas Reed was totally unreliable in his later years. He recites nonsense from Robert Wilton uncritically, as just one of many flaws.”

    LOL! ROTF! Of course, you would say that. That is so typical Patrick McNally!

    The one totally unreliable on this thread and others is definitely YOU, Patrick McNally, Shlomo, Moshe or whatever your name is.

    You constantly recite nonsense because you are defending the indefensible: The Jewish narrative of World War II and The Holocau$t: Both Big Jewish Lies.
    It is therefore obvious that you are either a JEW or a JEW’S USEFUL IDIOT, but certainly a TROLL. Take your pick.

    As Gerard Menuhin, a Jew himself, wrote in his book ‘Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil’:

    “The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history. Germany has no blame for the Second World War.”

    The free pdf version of that book can be downloaded here in English or German:

    Anyone not fitting your narrative, like Douglas Reed or Joseph Kennedy were/are “totally unreliable” and to be slandered by you.

    Let me refresh your memory re what you said about Joseph Kennedy:


    Patrick McNally says:

    “What the Forrestal diaries carry are the impressions of a conversation which James Forrestal had with Jospeh Kennedy on December 27, 1945. Forrestal is careful enough to phrase it as:
    “Chamberlain, he says, stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war.”

    The “he” referenced here is Jospeh Kennedy. It’s all Jospeh’s Kennedy’s story. There’s no evidence that Chamberlain ever said anything quite like this.

    Patrick McNally says:
    “There’s no evidence that Chamberlain ever said anything quite like this.”

    OH, REALLY?… NO EVIDENCE?… Are you, AGAIN, (wilfully?) ignorant or just lying?

    NEVILLE CHAMBERLAIN (UK Prime Minister) told JOSEPH KENNEDY (Family Patriarch):

    “Chamberlain (speaking off the record to Kennedy while playing golf) stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war”. – The Forrestal Diaries ed. Millis, Cassell 1952 p129

    There you have it, Patrick McNally, or whatever your name is, Shlomo, Moshe:

    Of course, you would say that “KENNEDY WAS LYING”.

    #1471 Patrick McNally says:
    “The British, ruled by the Jews since the days of Cromwell in the 1650s
    These are you fantasies.”

    #1472 Patrick McNally says:
    “Communist Jews ran the Weimar Republic. Utterly absurd.”

    James Forrestal was murdered on May 22, 1949. He was the leading government critic of American support for the creation of the state of Israel.

    Using primarily information provided in the Navy’s official investigation of the death of America’s first Secretary of Defense, which had been kept secret for 55 years, The Assassination of James Forrestal thoroughly demolishes the widely believed view that Forrestal’s fall from a 16th-floor window of the Bethesda Naval Hospital on May 22, 1949, was an act of suicide.

    The official report, in fact, did not conclude that Forrestal committed suicide. It concluded only that the fall caused his death and that no one in the U.S. Navy was responsible for it. A major reason why the suicide thesis is still widely believed is that the news of the release of the official report, which the author obtained through the Freedom of Information Act in 2004, has been effectively suppressed.

    Building upon what he has long made available on his web site, and in the manner of his 2018 book, The Martyrdom of Thomas Merton: An Investigation, co-authored with Hugh Turley, David Martin breaks through the wall of silence and misinformation. This meticulous examination of the violent death of the leading government critic of American support for the creation of the state of Israel is vital to an understanding of U.S. and world history since the mid-20th century.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  168. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You begin your comment #160 by writing: “Accounts of Hungarian Jews transported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1945 Per “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp”:”

    My response: I think you meant to say the year 1944 instead of the year 1945.

    You quote from page 466 of this book: “Of approximately 438,000 Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1944, about 10 percent were determined to be fit for labor. Some were retained to work in Auschwitz itself; the remainder were dispersed to 396 camps in the Nazi empire. The largest groups wer concentrated in the notorius camps of Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Gunskirchen, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbruck, and Sachenhausen…”

    My response: The estimate of only 10% of Hungarian Jews fit for labor might be on the low side. However, the statement that the remainder of the Hungarian Jews were dispersed to 396 German camps is probably accurate. As I have stated, Auschwitz-Birkenau was a transit camp. Many Hungarian Jews were sent to other German camps after first arriving in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    The Hungarian Jews were not subject to a program of mass extermination at Auschwitz-Birkenau. No homicidal gas chambers existed at Auschwitz-Birkenau to carry out such a massive extermination process. The crematoria capacity at Auschwitz-Birkenau was also not sufficient to cremate the alleged dead Hungarian Jews in the time period claimed by Holocaust historians. Finally, Allied aerial photographs taken at the height of the alleged extermination of the Hungarian Jews at Birkenau show an uneventful camp devoid of any evidence of a mass extermination program.

    You write: “Accounts for Munkács alone..The remainder of the Jews of Munkács was sent in three transports that passed through Kassa on 21, 23 and 24 May, to the same destination – Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Jews were forced onto the deportation wagons under a hail of physical and mental abuse. They were pushed into the cattle cars, 70-80 people in each enclosed car, with one bucket of water for a three-day journey and one bucket to use as a toilet, with no fresh air or space to lie down. Some died along the way. Some committed suicide. Others lost their minds.”

    My response: The conditions in which Hungarian Jews were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau were typically not ideal. There would have been some overcrowding on the trains, some shortages of food and water and the like. However, I don’t think too many Hungarian Jews died or committed suicide while being transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. I certainly don’t think that the transports of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau was part of an overall German plan to exterminate the Jews.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  169. @John Wear

    John, if you’re not too busy, you might care to look at this response to a comment of mine in another UR thread authored by Steve Sailer:

    That thread is focused on the Holohoax, and the author has a habit of putting comments he doesn’t like (ie: comments that don’t agree with the official Zio narrative of ‘6 million killed in gas chambers’) into extended moderation periods*.
    (*My comments in that thread and previous threads of his, have been subjected to moderation periods of anything from 2 to 5 days on several occasions – with 24 hours being typical).

    NOTE: Steve Sailer’s commentariat is choc-a-block full of rabid Zionists peddling nonsense, so don’t expect to encounter anything (for the most part) other than individuals with a Talmudic axe to grind.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  170. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “From Filip Müller’s “Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers”. He describes preparations for dealing with the Hungarian Jews in “Aktion Höss”:”

    My response: I don’t regard Filip Müller as a credible witness. You quote his last statement: “(p133) There were now nine of these large pits in addition to the crematorium ovens, making it possible to burn an almost unlimited number of corpses.”

    If this is true, why doesn’t the smoke from these burning pits show up on Allied aerial photos taken during this time period?

    The photographic evidence indicates that Germany did not have an extermination program against the Hungarian Jews. The U.S. government released wartime aerial photographs in 1979 of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp taken on several random days in 1944 during the height of the alleged extermination period. Many of these photographs were taken at mid-morning on typical workdays. None of these photos shows huge pits or piles of bodies, smoking crematory chimneys, masses of Jews awaiting death outside of the alleged gas chambers, or mountains of coke used to fuel the crematoria. All of these would have been visible if Auschwitz-Birkenau had been the extermination center it is said to have been.

    The following is from pages 467-472 of Germar Rudolf’s book “Lectures on the Holocaust” demonstrating some of the reasons why Filip Müller is not a credible witness:

    1) Müller is literally “living proof” that the members of the so-called Sonderkommando were not themselves murdered every few months, as is often claimed. Müller claims to have been a member of this Sonderkommando from the summer of 1943 until the bitter end.

    2) Müller made the following statement during the Auschwitz trial at Frankfurt:

    “The chief of the crematory, Moll, once grabbed a child away from its mother. I saw that at Crematorium IV. There were two big pits nearby where they were burning corpses. He threw the child into the boiling fat that had collected in the trenches around the pit… There were these two pits near Crematorium IV. They were about 40 meters long and six to eight meters wide, with a depth of about two and a half meters. The fat from the corpses would collect at the edge. We had to pour this fat over the corpses.”

    Müller’s statement here is obviously total nonsense. There would be no need to pour fat over the corpses.

    3) On p. 110 of his book, Müller even claims that Slovaks were singing the Czechoslovak national anthem and the Jewish Hatikvah in the gas chamber, which today is Israel’s national anthem.

    In my opinion, it is not realistic to think that a large crowd of people will celebrate their own execution by singing national anthems.

    4) Müller, who was weary of life, writes on page 113 of his book that he decides he wants to die in the gas chamber with naked young women:

    “Suddenly a few girls, naked and in the full bloom of youth, came up to me. They stood in front of me without a word, gazing at me deep in thought and shaking their heads uncomprehendingly. At last one of them plucked up courage and spoke to me: ‘We understand that you have chosen to die with us of your own free will, and we have come to tell you that we think your decision pointless: for it helps no one.’ She went on: ‘We must die, but you still have a chance to save your life. You have to return to the camp and tell everybody about our last hours,’…. Before I could make an answer to her spirited speech, the girls took hold of me and dragged me protesting to the door of the gas chamber. There they gave me a last push which made me land bang in the middle of the group of SS men.”

    The question should be asked: If it was so easy to shove Müller out of the gas chamber, why couldn’t the young girls shove their own way out of the gas chamber?

    5) In a different scene, Müller reports on page 12 of his book the following about his first day of work in Crematorium I of the Main Camp:

    “The damp stench of dead bodies and a cloud of stifling, biting smoke surged out towards us. Through the fumes I saw the vague outlines of huge furnaces.…As the glow of the flames broke through the smoke and fumes, I noticed two large openings: they were cast-iron incinerators. Prisoners were busy pushing a truck heaped with corpses up to them.…We were met by the appalling sight of the dead bodies of men and women lying higgledy-piggledy among suit-cases and rucksacks.… Before me lay the corpse of a woman. With trembling hands and shaking all over I began to remove her stockings…the biting smoke, the humming of fans and the flickering of flames.”

    The furnaces of Crematorium I were made of firebrick, not of cast iron. Furthermore, Müller’s allegation that the victims were gassed fully clothed along with their luggage contradicts all logic and all other testimonies, as well as official versions of history.

    To top it all off, Müller claims on page 13 of his book to have eaten “triangles of cheese and a poppy seed cake,” which he claims to have found in the pocket of one of the victims in the gas chamber. This is obviously impossible while wearing a gas mask. But if he had removed the mask, that would have been his last meal.

    6) On pages 46ff of his book, Müller wrote the following:

    “From time to time SS doctors visited the crematorium, above all Hauptsturmführer Kitt and Obersturmführer Weber. During their visits it was just like working in a slaughterhouse. Like cattle dealers they felt the thighs and calves of men and women who were still alive and selected what they called the best pieces before the victims were executed. After their execution the chosen bodies were laid on a table. The doctors proceeded to cut pieces of still warm flesh from thighs and calves and threw them into waiting receptacles. The muscles of those who had been shot were still working and contracting, making the bucket jump about.”

    Somehow, I don’t think that working and contracting muscles would make the bucket jump about. Müller is making an obviously fictional statement here.

    7) On page 117 of his book, Müller writes that “Many [of the corpses] had turned blue.”

    However, persons who have died from Zyklon-B poisoning turn a bright cherry red color. Müller had never seen a corpse that had died from Zyklon-B poisoning.

    I could go on and on. There is no reason to give Filip Müller any credibility as a witness to the alleged gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    • Thanks: Han
  171. @Han

    “We cannot state that all Jews were Bolsheviks. But: Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    That is almost certainly a misquote. Since I am not a specialist on Solzhenitsyn, I will merely quote someone who is reputedly more knowledgeable than me — Spencer J. Quinn of Counter-Currents. In reply to a commenter, he wrote:

    I’m skeptical of that quote. I hunted around and always found it without a source. It doesn’t sound like something Solzhenitsyn would say and it is certainly not in 200yrs. Further the number is too high. AS *never* wrote that 66m were murdered in that time frame in anything I have read of his, and he never attributed all the Soviet atrocities to Jews as in the quote.

    The closest I could find was this quote from the Jewish writer I.M. Beckerman (same person as Biekerman, whom I mention in part 1 of this series). AS quotes him at length, but this quote comes from Slezkine’s Jewish Century page 183, so we know it’s legit:

    “it goes without saying that not all Jews are Bolsheviks and not all Bolsheviks are Jews, but what is equally obvious is that disproportionate and immeasurably fervent Jewish participation in the torment of half-dead Russia by the Bolsheviks.”

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Han
  172. @kb_2

    Is this 210 sq meter chamber the same as the one described as a shower facility with shower heads and floor drains? The same shower room retrofitted to become a gas chamber? If so, it would quickly become obvious to 2,000 people they were not being piled in for a shower. When you consider the number of SS guards posted, as stated by camp inmates, I find it unlikely that those 2,000 people (sometimes 3,000, according to some Kapos) would not put up some sort of protest or resistance, rather than just fully cooperating as is usually described.

    I am also wondering if you are aware of the orchestra, theater (plays & movies), library, cafe, camp currency, soccer field and soccer games, in which the SS officers participated, day care facility for children, etc.? Why would these amenities be available in death/labor camps. These amenities are described and verified by former inmates.

    If I may give you a recommendation in considering the veracity of the official story, please view the interviews of former inmates. There were thousands conducted by The Shoah Foundation, and a great many interviewees seemed unaware of the gassing, burning, shooting for mass extermination. There are a few who push the official story, and that is where the official story begins to unravel; start with the interview of Dario Gabbai, a link is posted on the former thread. His lies are so obvious, I can’t believe they released the footage. I’ll refrain from naming the issues I discovered, so you can determine, on your own accord, if he is a former inmate or an actor.

  173. Plaintiff’s Evidence Item 7C: Filip Muller’s Description of Destruction of Hungarian Jews and Photographic Evidence of Burn Pits in Use

    Filip Muller’s book, “Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers” describes the destruction of the Hungarian Jews.

    (p135) Since last night three transports had disappeared into the gas chambers of crematorium 5. As soon as every last body had been flung on the heap behind the crematorium, the next batch of victims was led into the changing room to undress, the clothes left by their predecessors having been whisked away first. All this took time, hence the waiting period in the grove for those who arrived later.

    (p135) Moll returned once more to the grove and explained to the waiting crowd that it really would not be long before they were given a drink. Several people were so desperately thirsty that they crouched on the ground licking the dew-wet grass. When the long-promised drink failed to materialize, people began to grow restless, distressed above all by the piteous cries and entreaties of their children who were begging their mothers for just a few drops of water.

    (p135) …This pre-programmed suffering was deliberately aimed at paralyzing the ability to resist in order to allow the giant machinery of murder to run smoothly and at full speed. Not a minute must be lost, otherwise the plan to liquidate several hundred thousand Jews within a few weeks might not succeed.

    (p136) During the day shift there were, on average, 140 prisoners working in and around crematoria 4 and 5. Some twenty-five bearers were employed in clearing the gas chamber and removing corpses to the pits. Ten dental mechanics and barbers had to wrench out the gold teeth, search the bodies for valuables, and cut off the women’s hair. It was the job of another twenty-five bearers to stack the corpses in three layers on top of the fuel in the pits. About fifteen stokers had to place the fuel in the pit and light and maintain the fire by constantly stoking in between the corpses and pouring oil, wood alcohol and liquid human fat over them. There were approximately thirty-five men in the ash team. Some had to dig the ashes from the pits and remove them to the ash depot. The others were pulverizing the ashes. A smaller group of prisoners loaded clothing, shoes and other of the victims’ belongings on trucks, to be taken to “Canada”…

    (p137) In order to prepare the third pit for cremation old railway sleepers, wooden beams, planks, and sawdust were arranged in layers and covered with a layer of dry fir branches. Then the bearers laid about 400 corpses face upwards in four long rows on top of the fuel. The next layer again consisted of fuel covered, as before, with fir branches. The followed another layer of corpses. The sequence was repeated once more until, in the end, there were over 1200 dead bodies in three layers. Meanwhile the stokers had soaked pieces of material and rags in oil and wood alcohol and stuffed them in between the fuel in many places. Then they thrust long burning torches deep into the pit. These torches consisted of iron poles with handles on one end, while round the other were oil soaked rags.

    Plaintiff’s photographic evidence: There were surreptitious photos taken by a Sonderkommando of a “burn pit” in operation:

    • Replies: @John Wear
  174. John Wear says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    You write: “John, if you’re not too busy, you might care to look at this response to a comment of mine in another UR thread authored by Steve Sailer:”

    My response: I just finished writing a brief response to Steve Sailer on that discussion thread. It currently shows as comment #600 waiting moderation.

    FYI, I thought Steve Sailer was unnecessarily rude to you in his comment #566 on that discussion thread when he said your comments are not very good.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
    , @Mike Tre
  175. Plaintiff’s Item 8: Evaluating What Happened to the 438,000 Hungarian Jews?

    We know that approximately 438,000 Hungarian Jews arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944. Of those, about 10 percent were able to work. Therefore, there were approximately 400,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived in that period who were not able to work. But we know that, at most, one percent of those 438,000 were in Auschwitz-Birkenau at liberation in January 1945…only 6-8 months later. And we know that the approximately 65,000 Auschwitz prisoners who were forced to go to other camps (on “death marches”) shortly before Auschwitz was liberated were all workers, not children and the elderly.

    In order to evaluate what happened to the 400,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived from May to July 1944, and were not capable of working, it’s useful to assess the matter logically, without preconceptions. Possible explanations for what happened to the approximately 400,000 Hungarian Jews not able to work include (put in blockquotes to emphasize these three choices):

    1) They were all murdered in gas chambers, their bodies burned, and the ashes scattered into the nearby Vistula river, spread on the ground, or buried.

    2) Most or all of them were housed in Auschwitz-Birkenau (and the rest transported to other places).

    3) Most of them were sent to other places (and the rest were housed in Auschwitz-Birkenau).

    Explanation #1 (all murdered in gas chambers) is by far the most logical:

    a) We know that many “burn pits” were constructed prior to arrival of the Hungarian Jews.

    b) We know that Rudolf Hoss states in his autobiography that the policy after roughly 1942 was to send Jews who could not work to the gas chambers.

    c) We know that in his autobiography, Hoss estimates that 400,000 Hungarian Jews were killed, and he was the leader of “Aktion Hoss,” which dealt with the Hungarian Jews. Therefore, he is the person who would be most likely to know that they were murdered.

    d) We know that Oskar Groning, an SS officer, acknowledged knowing about and even seeing gas chambers at Auschwitz. And we know that he was convicted of 300,000 counts of accessory to murder specifically related to the Hungarian Jews.

    e) Other SS personnel who acknowledge that gas chambers were used extensively in Auschwitz include:
    1) Nazi doctor Fritz Klein, who was convicted of war crimes for selecting elderly, women, and children for what he knew would be death in gas chambers.
    2) Reinhold Hanning, who was convicted of 170,000 counts of accessory to murder, and said he knew gas chambers must have existed in Auschwitz, because he saw many people going into crematoria and not coming out, and because he saw bodies being transported and could smell bodies being burned.

    f) We have Filip Muller’s book, “Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers”, which describes not only how and why the “burn pits” were created to cremate the murdered Hangarian Jews, but also describes the operation of the burn pits on the Hungarian Jewish bodies. And we have photographic evidence of bodies about to be thrown into burn pits.

    g) We have photographic evidence of Hungarian Jews right outside the crematoria, just hours before they were murdered there, and their bodies reduced to ash.

    h) We have the 40-page Vrba-Wetzler report, that was produced in 1944, even before the liberation of Auschwitz. In fact, Vrba and Wetzler escaped from Auschwitz, risking their lives, specifically to *prevent* the extermination of Hungarian Jews.

    i) We have the book of Dr. Miklos-Nyiszli, prisoner number A 8450, himself a Hungarian Jew from the town of Oredea-Nagyvarad, who witnessed the results of gas chamber operation and worked as the doctor for the Sonderkommando who worked at the gas chambers and crematoria. His town of Oredea-Nagaryvarad was essentially.

    j) Etcetera.

    Explanation 2 (most or all of them housed at Auschwitz-Birkenau) is not logical:

    a) There was not any room at Auschwitz-Birkenau even for 100,000 non-working people, let alone up to 400,000. We also have no records of non-working Hungarian Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau from July 1944 to liberation in January 1945.

    b) It would be foolish for Germany, which was losing a war, to transport Hungarian Jews to Poland, and house people who could not work at Auschwitz-Birkenau. It would make more sense to have simply left them in Hungary, rather than to transport them away from family and friends in Hungary, and then take care of them in Poland.

    c) We know there were virtually no children at Auschwitz-Birkenau when it was liberated in January 1945 (approximately 500 children under 15…which would correlate to approximately 350 children under 12). A reasonable estimate of the number of children under 12 among the 437,000 Hungarian Jews would be 20-30 percent.

    d) We have no records of the ~400,000 of them existing after WWII. None of them checked back with friends in Hungary, attempted to reclaim their stolen property

    Explanation 3 (most or all of them transported away from Auschwitz-Birkenau) is not logical:

    a) This explanation is even more illogical than Explanation #2. Why in the world would the German government, losing a war and desperate for fuel, and not even able/willing to feed existing prisoners, transport non-working prisoners to another place? Why would Germans transport them from Hungary to Auschwitz, and then from Auschwitz to some other place, if they were not able to work? In fact, the *working* Hungarian Jews who did get transported, got transported to places like Buchenwald, Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, and other places *inside Germany*. Why in the world would the Germans transport non-working Jews *into* Germany at the end of the war, when they spent the entire war transporting them *out* of Germany (or killing them in Germany)?

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @John Wear
  176. Han says:
    @Brás Cubas

    Brás Cubas says:

    “That is almost certainly a misquote.”

    “We cannot state that all Jews were Bolsheviks. But: Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

    Well, when you do an internet search you’ll find it all over the place. Of course, it could well be a misquote, but the figure of 66 million murdered in Russia comes close to the findings of R. J. Rummel, an American Professor Emeritus of Political Science.

    His shocking conclusion is that, CONSERVATIVELY calculated, 61,911,000 people were systematically killed by the Communist regime from 1917 to 1987.

    “Lethal Politics: Soviet Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1917” by R. J. Rummel

    While there are estimates of the number of people killed by Soviet authorities during particular episodes or campaigns, until now, no one has tried to calculate the complete human toll of Soviet genocides and mass murders since the revolution of 1917.

    Here, R. J. Rummel lists and analyzes hundreds of published estimates, presenting them in the historical context in which they occurred. His shocking conclusion is that, conservatively calculated, 61,911,000 people were systematically killed by the Communist regime from 1917 to 1987.

    Rummel divides the published estimates on which he bases his conclusions into eight historical periods, such as the Civil War, collectivization, and World War II. The estimates are further divided into agents of death, such as terrorism, deportations, and famine. Using statistical principles developed from more than 25 years of quantitative research on nations, he analyzes the estimates.

    In the collectivization period, for example, about 11,440,000 people were murdered. During World War II, while the Soviet Union had lost almost 20,000,000 in the war, the Party was killing even more of its citizens and foreigners-probably an additional 13,053,000. For each period, he defines, counts, and totals the sources of death.

    He shows that Soviet forced labor camps were the major engine of death, probably killing 39,464,000 prisoners overall.

    To give meaning and depth to these figures, Rummel compares them to the death toll from ‘major wars, world disasters, global genocide, deaths from cancer and other diseases, and the like. In these and other ways, Rummel goes well beyond the bare bones of statistical analysis and tries to provide understanding of this incredible toll of human lives.

    Why were these people killed? What was the political and social context? How can we understand it? These and other questions are addressed in a compelling historical narrative.

    This definitive book will be of interest to Soviet experts, those interested in the study of genocide and violence, peace researchers, and students of comparative politics and society.

    Written without jargon, its statistics are confined to appendixes, and the general reader can profitably read the book without losing the essence of the findings, which are selectively repeated in the narrative.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  177. Mark,

    Regarding said autobiography of Mr. Hoss, this was written in two months, during imprisonment, by hand, type, and in what language? Who supplied the material, paper, pens, journals, documents, etc., he would need for this endeavor? Was a translation necessary?

    I have not read it, so I can’t speak to the contents, but don’t you find the autobiography suspect given his circumstances?

    • Agree: John Wear, Han, Kali
  178. I’ve finished with Plaintiff’s original list of evidence, though I retain the right to present further evidence in rebuttal to Defense claims.

    I will now start with what in a real civil trial would be “re-direct” in response to the Defense’s “cross-examination” questions. I will go down the list in the order I presented Plaintiff’s evidence and analysis.

    1) Excerpts from the autobiography of Rudolf Höss. Background timeline in comment #106, and then excerpts from his autobiography, as found in the book, “Commander of Auschwitz” in comments #109, #110, #111.

    2) Testimony of Nazi doctor Fritz Klein, comment #115.

    3) Excerpts from the book by Dr. Miklos Nyiszli, comment #136.


    Therefore, my next comment will start with excerpts from the autobiography of Rudolf Höss, and the response of the Defense (John Wear) to the evidence I presented.

  179. Han says:
    @Brás Cubas

    According to the New York Times’ book reviewer STEPHEN F. COHEN:

    “The Gulag Archipelago” is a non-fictional account from and about the other great holocaust of our century–the imprisonment, brutalization and very often murder of tens of millions of innocent Soviet citizens by their own Government, mostly during Stalin’s rule from 1929 to 1953.

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn has called “The Gulag Archipelago” his “main” work, setting it above the major novels that won him the reputation of Russia’s pre-eminent living writer and the 1970 Nobel Prize.

    In it (The Gulag Archipelago) he implores the Soviet leadership to disavow this “rubbishy ideology.” It has killed, he argues 66 million and bred cynicism and hypocrisy among the living…

    A misquote?…

    “We cannot state that all Jews were Bolsheviks. But: Without Jews there would never have been Bolshevism. For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood maddened Jewish terrorists had murdered sixty-six million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.” – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

  180. Re-direct on Plaintiff’s Evidence Item #1 – The words of Rudolf Hoss

    I presented excerpts from Rudolf Höss’s autobiography as found in the book “Commandant of Auschwitz” in my comments #109, #110, and #111. John Wear responded (what would be the trial equivalent of a cross-examination) in comments #114, #117, and #123. (Please forgive me if there were others, or if some of the comment numbers aren’t correct.)

    John, unfortunately, your responses really didn’t address the *evidence* that I presented in the excerpts from the autobiography in comments #109, #110, and #111. Therefore, I’m going to bring up each excerpt individually, and ask you to characterize the words as “True,” “Mostly True,” “Mostly False,” or “False.” Important note: I do *not* want you to give an explanation for your characterization. Just the characterization, for the time being.

    (p132) When the Reichsführer SS (Plaintiff’s counsel note for jurors: that would be Heinrich Himmler) modified his original Extermination Order of 1941, by which all Jews without exception were to be destroyed, and ordered instead that those capable of work were to be separated from the rest and employed in the armaments industry, Auschwitz became a Jewish camp. It was a collecting place for Jews, exceeding in scale anything previously known.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (p132) Whereas the Jews who had been imprisoned in former years were able to count on being released one day and were thus far less affected psychologically by the hardships of captivity, the Jews in Auschwitz no longer had such hope. They knew, without exception, that they were condemned to death, that they would live so long as they could work.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (p144) By the will of the Reichsführer SS, Auschwitz became the greatest human extermination centre of all time.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (p144) In the summer of 1941 he (Himmler) himself gave me the order to prepare installations at Auschwitz where mass exterminations could take place, and to personally carry out these exterminations, I did not have the slightest idea of their scale and consequences. It was certainly an extraordinary and monstrous order. Nevertheless, the reasons behind the extermination program seemed to me right. I did not reflect on it at the time: I had been given an order, and I had to carry it out. Whether this mass extermination of the Jews was necessary or not was not something on which I could allow myself to form an opinion, for I lacked the necessary breadth of view.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (p146) While I was away on duty, my deputy, Fritsch, the commander of the protective custody camp, first tried gas for these killings. It was a preparation of Prussic acid, called Zyklon B, which was used in the camp as an insecticide and of which there was always a stock on hand. On my return, Fritsch reported to me, and the gas was used again for the next transport.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    Again, just for now, I’d like just the characterization of those statements in Höss’s autobiography as “True,” “Mostly true,” “Mostly false,” or “False.”

    • Troll: Kali
  181. @John Wear

    Thanks for that John.

    As for your comment, prepare yourself for an extended period of moderation. I have another comment (currently showing as # 587, posted at 2.23pm GMT), that is likely to be in limbo for quite some time I suspect, because I included a link to your Chapter 8 in Germany’s War.

    The fact is, Steve Sailer doesn’t like too many truths to be revealed in his threads.

  182. @Mark Bahner

    Again, just for now, I’d like just the characterization of those statements in Höss’s autobiography as “True,” “Mostly true,” “Mostly false,” or “False.”

    Mark ‘Mordechai’ Bahner, it’s fair to say that pretty much everything you’ve claimed about the Holohoax is ENTIRELY FALSE.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  183. @Truth Vigilante

    “Truth Vigilante” you ignorant twit, can’t you even read? If you can’t read, why don’t you get some adult to read for you?

    The words I presented were words of Rudolf Höss.

    Are you saying each of those five excerpts from the autobiography of Rudolf Höss are false?

    • Troll: Kali
    • Replies: @HdC
  184. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “Plaintiff’s photographic evidence: There were surreptitious photos taken by a Sonderkommando of a “burn pit” in operation:

    My response: Holocaust revisionists are fully aware of these pictures. In fact, Carlo Mattogno has written a book titled “Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations” which has one of these pictures on its front cover.

    This book can be purchased at An online version of this book is also available at

    Dr. Arthur Butz also has one of these pictures on page 74 of the ninth U.S. printing of his book “The Hoax of the Twentieth Century.”

    Carlo Mattogno reaches the following summary conclusions on pages 77-79 of his book “Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations”:

    “1. Orthodox historiography knows nothing specific about the incineration trenches and is not in a position to say anything about their number, their location, their dimensions, or their capacity.

    2. The testimonies of the former detainees contradict each other regarding the number, location, dimensions, and capacity of the incineration trenches.

    3. The testimonies of the former detainees are radically refuted by the air photos of Birkenau.

    4. If the story of mass exterminations at Birkenau were true, it would have been necessary and even indispensable for the SS, during the deportation of the Hungarian Jews to Birkenau, to carry out the projects for installations of mass cremation envisioned in early 1943, as is demonstrated by the corresponding fabrications of Jan Sehn and Franciszek Piper.

    5. An outdoor cremation activity does emerge from the documents for the summer of 1944, but its order of magnitude is far lower than, and absolutely incompatible with, the enormous figures brandished by orthodox historiography.

    6. The ground-level photographs do show an outdoor cremation activity in the north yard of Crematorium V, but its dimensions are extremely small and absolutely incompatible with the immense order of magnitude argued by orthodox historiography.

    7. The reports of the motor pool of the Central Construction Office for the period March 15 through June 15, 1944, show a perfectly normal activity of the vehicles. For the month of May 15 through June 15 there is a maximum of 2,315 trips with a total load of 11,253 tons of materials. (In September of 1943 there were 3,237 trips!) However – assuming the hypothesis of a mass extermination – 8,111 trips for a total load of 39,200 tons would have been necessary merely for the transportation of the firewood and coke and for the removal of the ash. In the same way, the report in question should show at least 14,426 trips instead of 6,315, with a load of at least 69,853 tons instead of 30,653 tons for the three-month period covered.

    8. If the story of a mass extermination at Birkenau were true, the air photos would show:
    – incineration trenches with a minimum surface area of 5,900 square meters in the area both around “Bunker 2” and around Crematorium V,
    – piles of earth excavated from the trenches with a total volume of at least 6,500 cubic meters,
    – a supply of at least 1,570 tons of wood for the cremation of May 31, corresponding to a pile of wood 50 m long, 35 m wide and 2 m high, i.e. a total surface area larger than Crematoria IV and V put together,
    – dozens of trucks for the transportation of the wood and the removal of the ash,
    – a camp railway with flatcars for the transportation of the corpses from the gas chambers to the incineration trenches,
    – a concrete platform 60 by 15 meters (or 900 m²) i.e. a surface area larger than Crematorium V in the yard of this very crematorium,
    – a fence made of branches running south and west of Crematorium V, some 150 m long,
    – smoking chimneys at the crematoria.

    Although the air photos show an area of some 50 m² near Crematorium V from which smoke emanates, these photos show:
    – no trace of trenches or smoke around “Bunker 2,”
    – no trace of any excavated earth,
    – no trace of any piles of wood for the cremation,
    – no trace of any trucks,
    – no trace of a camp railway,
    – no trace of a concrete platform 60 by 15 meters,
    – no trace of a hedge made of branches allegedly some 150 meters long
    to the south and west of Crematorium V;
    – at most one single smoke column rising from the chimney of Crematorium III (air photo of August 20, 1944).

    All the documentary and photographic evidence examined in this study converges on a single and irrefutable conclusion:

    The story of the gassing and the cremation of the Hungarian Jews at Birkenau has no foundation in history. It is a simple propaganda story invented and structured on the basis of the elements provided by the real but insignificant and sporadic cremation of registered detainees in the yard of Crematorium V.”

    • Thanks: Kali
  185. Scorpion says:
    @John Wear

    Good work.
    Also of note: Hoss’s confession was written in English, which he did not speak.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  186. @Han

    Thanks for the two replies, which contain interesting information; the first point is that this Spencer J. Quinn is not as knowledgeable about Solzhenitsyn as he purports to be. It takes about two seconds of googling to find out that Solzhenitsyn really said, or quoted someone to that effect, that 66 million were killed from 1918 to 1959. But Solzhenitsyn was almost certainly wrong according to most experts.
    ‘The Dead of the Gulag: An Experiment in Statistical Investigation’
    As for the rest of that quote, you haven’t provided any evidence, and I think, as before, that it’s probably false.

    • Replies: @Han
  187. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    What we are saying is that Hoess was tortured beyond endurance and would have written anything his torturers required in order to stop the torture.

    Any impartial or fair court would consider such “testimony” worthless.

    • Agree: John Wear
  188. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write in comment #177: “In order to evaluate what happened to the 400,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived from May to July 1944, and were not capable of working, it’s useful to assess the matter logically, without preconceptions.”

    My response: I agree with this statement. So, let us do this now.

    Carlo Mattogno, in his book “Auschwitz: Open-Air Incinerations”, writes on pages 57-58: “According to the most recent results of revisionist historiography, the number of Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz amounted to a total of about 398,400, of whom 106,700 were immediately registered or admitted into the transit camp of Birkenau without registration and then transferred to other camps; hence the percentage of those allegedly gassed would be about 73%.”

    Mattogno then writes on page 59 that, assuming that 73% of all deportees were indeed gassed, the number of persons allegedly gassed would therefore be approximately 134,300 by May 31, 1944.

    Mattogno writes on pages 59-60:

    “The maximum theoretical capacity of the Birkenau crematoria, taking into account a possible presence of children among those cremated, would have been 1,104 corpses per day. Hence, between May 17 and 31, over 15 days, the crematoria would have been able to handle (15 × 1,104 =) roughly 16,600 corpses at the most. This, however, was impossible in practice, because….all the Birkenau crematoria were undergoing repairs, their capacity was therefore in the best of cases seriously impaired.

    But let us leave that aside for the moment. Out of the 134,400 allegedly gassed persons, 16,600 could then have been incinerated in the crematoria. That would leave about 117,700 for the incineration trenches, i.e., within those 15 days roughly (117,700 ÷ 15 =) 7,850 corpses per day on average for outdoor cremation…

    For the cremation of an average of 7,850 bodies per day, assuming a surface area of 0.75 square meters per corpse, one would have needed a total area of roughly (7,850 × 0.75 =) 5,900 m² (7 times the floor area of Crematorium IV or V) corresponding to
    – 11 trenches as described by H. Mandelbaum (35 m × 15 m)
    – 13 trenches as described by Cz. Mordowicz and A. Rosin (30 m × 15 m)
    – 14 trenches as described by F. Müller (50 m × 8 m)
    – 19 trenches as described by D. Paisikovic (30 m × 10 m) and by M.
    Nyiszli (50 m × 6 m)
    – 39 trenches as described by Sz. Dragon (25 m × 6 m)
    – 82 trenches as described by S. Bendel (12 m × 6 m)
    – 118 trenches as described by J. Rosenblum (10 m × 5 m)
    – 147 trenches as described by S. Jankowski (20 m × 2 m).”

    However, as previously discussed, the U.S. government released wartime aerial photographs in 1979 of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp taken on several random days in 1944 during the height of the alleged extermination period. Many of these photographs were taken at mid-morning on typical workdays. None of these photos shows huge pits, trenches or piles of bodies, smoking crematory chimneys, masses of Jews awaiting death outside of the alleged gas chambers, or mountains of coke used to fuel the crematoria. All of these would have been visible if Auschwitz-Birkenau had been the extermination center it is said to have been.

    In his book “Auschwitz: The End of a Legend”, Carlo Mattogno writes regarding the Allied aerial photographs taken at Birkenau on May 31, 1944:

    “It is pointed out also that the aerial photographs taken by the Allied military on 31 May 1944, at the crucial time of presumed extermination, on the day of the arrival at Birkenau of about 15,000 deportees, and after 14 days of intense arrivals (184,000 deportees, averaging 13,000 per day) and with an extermination toll (according to Pressac’s hypothesis) of at least 110,000 homicidally gassed, which would have had to average 7,800 per day, every single day for 14 consecutive days; after all of that, the photographs do not show the slightest evidence of this alleged enormous extermination: No trace of smoke, no trace of pits, crematory or otherwise, burning or not, no sign of dirt extracted from pits, no trace of wood set aside for use in pits, no sign of vehicles or any other type of activity in the crucial zones of the courtyard of Crematory V nor in the earth of Bunker 2, nor in Crematories II and III. These photographs constitute irrefutable proof that the story of extermination of the Hungarian Jews is historically unfounded.” (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, Auschwitz: The End of a Legend, Newport Beach, CA: The Institute for Historical Review, 1994, p. 32).

    John C. Ball writes that the Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 28 through May 31, 1944 are said to have been killed on the spot and cremated. Since the crematories at Auschwitz-Birkenau could have cremated only a small fraction of these bodies, by necessity most of them would have been cremated on gargantuan pyres outdoors. Therefore, if the orthodox story was true, the area would have been blanketed in smoke. However, the Allied air photo of Birkenau on May 31, 1944 shows a peaceful and uneventful camp devoid of any smoke emanating from the crematoria or open pits. (Source: Ball, John C., Air-Photo Evidence, in Rudolf, Germar (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2019, pp. 275-277).

    Ball concludes:

    “The air photos of Auschwitz-Birkenau known to date from the period of December 1943 to February 1945 show no signs of fuel depots, massive smoke from chimneys or open fires, burning pits or pyres. The photos were altered: fake Zyklon-B input shafts and groups of inmates were retouched onto the photo negatives. One must assume that any actual mass-murder activities would not have escaped the notice of the air-photo interpreters, which would have resulted in the bombing of the camp – but this did not happen….To this day there is no air-photo evidence to support the alleged mass murder of the Jews at any location in Europe occupied by the Germans during World War II.” (Source: Ibid., p. 277).

    So, in conclusion, we can state that your Explanation #1 in your comment #177 is not correct.

    No homicidal gas chambers existed at Auschwitz-Birkenau to carry out such a massive extermination process. The crematoria capacity at Auschwitz-Birkenau was also not sufficient to cremate the alleged dead Hungarian Jews in the time period claimed by Holocaust historians. Finally, Allied aerial photographs taken at the height of the alleged extermination of the Hungarian Jews at Birkenau show an uneventful camp devoid of any evidence of a mass extermination program.

    In my next comment, we will explore what actually did happen to the Hungarian Jews.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  189. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    In your comment #177, you give three possible explanations of what happened to the Hungarian Jews. Your Explanation #3 is: “Most of them were sent to other places (and the rest were housed in Auschwitz-Birkenau).” I think this is the best explanation of what happened to the Hungarian Jews.

    You write about Explanation #3: “This explanation is even more illogical than Explanation #2. Why in the world would the German government, losing a war and desperate for fuel, and not even able/willing to feed existing prisoners, transport non-working prisoners to another place?”

    My response: We know that many Jews were transited through Auschwitz-Birkenau to other places.

    For example, Viktor Frankl’s book “Man’s Search for Meaning” has been ranked by the Library of Congress as one of the 20th century’s 10 most influential books in the United States. Frankl described his experiences at Auschwitz in this book as if he had spent many months there. In reality, Frankl was in Auschwitz only for a few days in October 1944 while in transit from Theresienstadt to a sub-camp of Dachau. Frankl has admitted this to the American evangelist Robert Schuller: “I was in Auschwitz only three or four days…I was sent to a barrack and we were all transported to a camp in Bavaria.” (Source: Frankl, Viktor, “Dr. Robert Schuller Interviews Viktor Frankl: How to Find Meaning In Life,” Possibilities: The Magazine of Hope, March/April 1991, p. 10).

    Frankl’s short time in Auschwitz is substantiated by the prisoner log from the sub-camp of Dachau, Kaufering III, which listed Frankl’s arrival on October 25, 1944, six days after his departure from Theresienstadt. (Source: Pytell, Timothy, “Extreme Experience, Psychological Insight, and Holocaust Perception; Reflections of Bettelheim and Frankl,” Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 24, No. 4, Oct. 2007, p. 646). Thus, Frankl’s descriptions of his long stay at Auschwitz in “Man’s Search For Meaning” are false and inaccurate.

    It would have been a shorter distance to send Viktor Frankl from Theresienstadt to Dachau. However, Auschwitz-Birkenau was a major transportation hub. Large numbers of Jews were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau first before being sent to other camps.

    The fate of Anne Frank, who is known around the world for her famous diary, is typical of many Jews who died in German camps during the war. Anne, her mother, her sister and her father were first deported from the Netherlands to Auschwitz in September 1944. Anne’s father contracted typhus at Auschwitz and was sent to the camp hospital to recover. He was one of thousands of Jews who remained at Auschwitz when the Germans abandoned the camp in January 1945. He survived the war and died in Switzerland in 1980.

    In the face of the advancing Soviet army, Anne Frank and her sister were evacuated to Bergen-Belsen, where she died of typhus in March 1945. While Anne Frank’s fate was tragic, her story is not consistent with a German plan of extermination against the Jews. Along with thousands of others at Bergen-Belsen, Anne died from a typhus epidemic and not from a German plan to commit genocide against European Jewry.

    It would have been easier for the Germans to first send the Frank family to Bergen-Belsen rather than to Auschwitz-Birkenau. However, since Auschwitz-Birkenau was a major transportation hub and work camp, large numbers of Jews such as the Frank family were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau first before being sent to other camps.

    In your comment #160, you quote form page 466 of the book “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp”:

    “Of approximately 438,000 Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1944, about 10 percent were determined to be fit for labor. Some were retained to work in Auschwitz itself; the remainder were dispersed to 396 camps in the Nazi empire. The largest groups were concentrated in the notorious camps of Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Gunskirchen, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbruck, and Sachenhausen…”

    So, the book “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp” states that Hungarian Jews “were dispersed to 396 camps in the Nazi empire.” This is a very large number of camps where the Hungarian Jews were sent to. It supports your Explanation #3 that Hungarian Jews were sent from Auschwitz-Birkenau to other camps.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  190. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    In your comment #182, you ask my opinion about five excerpts from Rudolf Höss’s autobiography. I regard all five excerpts as being False.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  191. @John Wear

    So, the book “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp” states that Hungarian Jews “were dispersed to 396 camps in the Nazi empire.” This is a very large number of camps where the Hungarian Jews were sent to. It supports your Explanation #3 that Hungarian Jews were sent from Auschwitz-Birkenau to other camps.

    No, John, it doesn’t support the proposition that Hungarian Jews not able to work were sent from Auschwitz-Birkenau to other camps.

    • Disagree: Kali
    • Replies: @John Wear
  192. @Scorpion

    Also of note: Hoss’s confession was written in English, which he did not speak.

    Rudolf Höss’s final confession before being turned over to Polish authorities was on May 14, 1946. It was in German, not English:

  193. I have not read it, so I can’t speak to the contents, but don’t you find the autobiography suspect given his circumstances?

    Why haven’t you read it?

    It’s available, used, on Amazon, for a little less than $11, including shipping and handling. Can’t you afford that?

    Do you not live in the U.S., or some other country with similar book shopping capability?

    Why would you continue to comment without bothering to learn anything about the subject you’re commenting on?

    P.S. Oh, I forgot to answer your question. My editing time is running out, so I’ll answer it in a later comment.

  194. Han says:
    @Brás Cubas

    Brás Cubas says:

    “But Solzhenitsyn was almost certainly wrong according to most experts.
    ‘The Dead of the Gulag: An Experiment in Statistical Investigation’
    As for the rest of that quote, you haven’t provided any evidence, and I think, as before, that it’s probably false.”

    Thanks for bringing it up, Brás Cubas, really appreciated.

    Solzhenitsyn in ‘Gulag Archipelago’ mentioned the 66 million figure, but he was very careful about it:

    “We, of course, cannot vouch for his figure,…”

    “According to the estimates of émigré Professor of Statistics Kurganov, this “comparatively easy”
    internal repression cost us, from the beginning of the October Revolution up to 1959, a total of…
    sixty-six million—66,000,000—lives.

    “We, of course, cannot vouch for his figure, but we have none
    other that is official. And just as soon as the official figure is issued the specialists can make the
    necessary critical comparisons.” – Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago, page 146

    Kurganov’s estimate of 66 million deaths is not based on archival research, but rather his projection of what the Soviet population should have been in 1959 based on a constant rate of increase from 1917: the difference between that figure and what the Soviet population actually was he attributed to deaths from the Soviet regime.
    He then revised his figure upwards to 110 million, which Solzhenitsyn first used in an interview in 1976.

    Another Russian emigre demographer, Sergei Maksudov (born Alexander Babyonyshev), called Kurganov’s estimate “pseudoscience”.

    • Thanks: Brás Cubas
  195. I have not read it, so I can’t speak to the contents, but don’t you find the autobiography suspect given his circumstances?

    As far as I’m aware, these are the circumstances. It was written from January to March 1947, while he was in prison in Poland. His trial was March 11-29, so I’m not sure whether or not he’d finished his autobiography before the trial.

    He wrote in his autobiography:

    On 30 July (1946) I was taken to Cracow with seven other Germans. … During the first few weeks we were treated quite well, but then suddenly the attitude of the prisoner-officials changed completely and overnight. From their behavior and their conversation, the meaning of which was clear to me though I could not understand what they said, I gathered they wanted to “finish me off.”
    I was only given the smallest piece of bread, and less than a spoonful of thin soup. I was no longer given a second helping, although almost every day there was food left over which was divided among prisoners of adjacent cells.

    If the public prosecutor’s office had not intervened, it would have been the end of me, not only physical but first of all from a psychological point of view…

    I must admit that I had never expected such decent and considerate treatment as I received in Polish custody, after the Prosecutor intervened.

    Therefore, I don’t think he was being tortured while he wrote his autobiography. He further stated, towards the end of the autobiography:

    I am no writer and I have never been particularly skilled with the pen. … I have written down what came to my mind, often not in sequence, but nothing is invented. I have described myself as I was and as I am.

    So, to answer your question, excepting for the possibility that the Polish authorities somehow cut out or mistranslated major parts, I think the autobiography is very compelling as a statement of what things he did and why he did them. And also how he viewed other people.

    And he absolutely knew he was going to die. He wrote about several instances where he could have been killed in battle, or by taking poison (the vial broke). Then he wrote:

    On every occasion fate has intervened to save my life, so that at last I might be put to death in this shameful manner.

    How greatly I envy comrades who died a soldier’s death.

    So I consider this to be essentially an 114 page book that he wrote knowing he was on his “death bed.” Death bed writings like his, that admit certain things, explain others, and deny still others, seem very persuasive to me. Plus, many of the things in his autobiography can be corroborated either with physical evidence or the words of others…both perpetrators and victims.

    You really should get the book and read it, if you want to know about Höss and Auschwitz-Birkenau. Reading it should at least relieve you of any ignorant/foolish/divorced-from-reality idea that people didn’t die in homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    • Troll: Han
    • Replies: @littlereddot
  196. Mike Tre says:
    @John Wear

    The events referred to as the holocaust carry an emotional significance for Sailer, perhaps even spiritual. You can provide him with a mountain of evidence as high as a pile of Jewish shoes, but you’ll have more luck convincing an evangelist that Jesus never existed.

    • Agree: HdC
    • Replies: @Chebyshev
  197. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    John, unfortunately, your responses really didn’t address the *evidence* that I presented in the excerpts from the autobiography

    Surely it’s wise to establish the authenticity of the “auto”biography first, Mr Bahner?!

    “Evidence” from a document obtained/written under duress is not evidence of anything but the helpless, hopeless and broken state of the man from whom such documents – “confessions” and “auto”biography – were wrung.

    But you already know this, don’t you Mr Bahner, as it has been clearly established here and in the previous discussion of this same topic!

    The court recognises Mr Mark Bahner as an obvious troll, impervious to counter-argument, who’s aim is to limit the scope of this conversation to an endless round of debunking the same claims over and over again. Mr Bahner is not to be taken seriously.

    Bons Dias paras tudos! The sun is shining, the gardens are booming the animals are fed and happy, and the coffee is good. 😎

    Best regards,

    • Thanks: Han
  198. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Why haven’t you read it?

    Of the revisionist literature that John Wear has cited throughout this and the previous thread, how many have you read, and which ones???

  199. My comment was regarding the circumstances under which his confession/autobiography was written. I did read the confession, written in English, dated March 16,1946, with an illegible countersignature. Do you know the identity of this witness? Is it your claim that Hoss WAS NOT tortured, nor was his family threatened? Do you believe torture or threats invalidate testimony? Do you believe statements under duress, in general, are valid? Do you believe the Nuremberg trials were properly conducted?

    You seem to be arguing that any statement, made by anyone in support of your position, is true, just because it MUST be true. You argue by supposition alone; by multiple suppositions, all at once, so, it’s difficult to counter such an enormously broad range of circumstantial evidence.

    Read this:
    Already in 1987, 1 published a book devoted to Hoss’s various post-war
    statements (Mattogno 1987). It listed 60 objections characterized by internal
    contradictions and insurmountable contradictions to the orthodox Holocaust
    narrative of that time, thus showing that “the former commander of Auschwitz
    lied on all essential points of his ‘eye-witness testimony,’ which must there¬
    fore be rejected as a gross fraud.” The tortures inflicted by the British on Hoss
    at the time, which in 1987 had already been documented, were therefore not
    mentioned a priori in order to invalidate Hoss’s declarations, but a posteriori
    in order to explain the contradictions and absurdities found in his statements.

    I have yet to see you engage in any sort of redirect upon Mr. Wear’s defense of your allegations submitted for this mock trial; it is proceeding in the same manner as the initial thread. You say “this is what happened”; Mr. Wear says “this is why it did not/could not happen”; you say………nothing.

    Do you want to argue or assert the testimony of Hoss was valid? Is it your argument no torture was inflicted upon said witness? Do you know which aspect of his testimony was in conflict with known facts? If we can pin you down on a specific aspect of your “evidence”, perhaps some progress can be made. Defend your assertions, Mark. Counter the specific answers submitted by Mr. Wear.

    I will study on the various aspects of Hoss’s confessions, in totality, if that’s what you want, although I am quite sure Mr. Wear knows all of it by memory alone. Mr. Wear has submitted the confessions were obtained under duress, therefore inadmissible. Why don’t you counter his defense?

    • Thanks: John Wear, Han
  200. @Mark Bahner

    The only person who has agreed to be a juror (“littlereddot”) hasn’t shown up here yet,

    Apologies. I have been traveling. But I am back now 🙂

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  201. @John Wear

    OK, you think all five excerpts from Rudolf Höss’s autobiography were false. How about these excerpts? Again, no need to explain your reasoning just yet.

    (p126) In July 1942 the Reichsführer SS visited the camp. I took him all over the gypsy camp. He made a most thorough inspection of everything, noting the overcrowded barrack-huts, the unhygienic conditions, the crammed hospital building…

    (p126) He saw it all, in detail, as it really was–and he ordered me to destroy them. Those capable of work were first to be separated from the others, as with the Jews.

    (p126) I pointed out to him that the personnel of the gypsy camp was not precisely what he had envisaged being sent to Auschwitz. He thereupon ordered that the Reich Criminal Police Officer should carry out a sorting as quickly as possible. This in fact took two years. The gypsies capable of work were transferred to another camp. About 4,000 gypsies were left by August, 1944, and these had to go to the gas chambers. Up to that moment, they were unaware of what was in store for them. They first realised what was happening when they made their way, barrack-hut-by barrack-hut towards Crematorium I.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (p152) Then the bodies had to be taken from the gas-chambers, and after the gold teeth had been extracted, and the hair cut off, they had to be dragged into the pits or to the crematoria. Then the fires in the pits had to be stoked, and the surplus fat drained off, and the mountain of burning corpses constantly turned over so that the draught might fan the flames.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (p195) I can only remember the figure involved in the larger actions , which were reported to me by Eichmann or his deputies.

    From Upper Silesia and Polish territory under German rule.. 250,000
    Germany and Therisienstadt……………..…..………………. 100,000
    Holland………………………………………..………………….. 95,000
    Belgium……………………………………………..……………. 20,000
    France……………………………………………..……………. 110,000
    Greece…………………………………………………………….. 65,000
    Hungary…………………………………………….…………… 400,000
    Slovakia………………………………………………………….. 90,000

    Plaintiff’s Counsel note: The total of these numbers is 1,130,000.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    NOTE: On this question, if you think the answer is “False”, please give the number that you think is true…or give a range in which you think the correct number lies. Thanks!

    (p196) When the Jewish transports unloaded on arrival, their luggage was left on the platform until all Jews had been taken to the extermination buildings or into the camp. … The clothing of those who had been gassed in bunkers I and II or in crematoria I to IV was also brought to the sorting office.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False? (No need for any further explanation.)

    Again, thanks.

    • Replies: @gay troll
  202. anon[132] • Disclaimer says:

    Curious minds want to know:

    Why would the Nazis waste clothing, tattooing ink and effort,
    de-lousing chem if death happening soon? And high heat/fire
    very good for controlling lice, etc.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  203. Plaintiff’s “Re-direct” on Item 2: The Court Testimony of Dr. Fritz Klein, a German Doctor at Auschwitz

    In my comment #115, I presented the words of Fritz Klein in his defense at his trial, for which he was convicted of war crimes. I’d like the Defense (John Wear) to label these specific excerpts as “True, Mostly True, Mostly False, or False”. I realize John Wear responded to my original comment #115 in his comment #125, but I’d like to get all the Defense’s responses to the evidence I presented in a simple and similar format.

    When transports arrived at Auschwitz it was the doctor’s job to pick out those who were unfit or unable to work. These included children, old people and the sick. I have seen the gas chambers and crematoria at Auschwitz, and I knew that those I selected were to go to the gas chamber. But I only acted on orders given me by Dr. Wirtz. I cannot say from whom Dr. Wirtz received his orders and I have never seen any orders in writing relating to the gassing of prisoners. All orders given to me were given verbally.

    True, Mostly True, Mostly False, or False?

    I never protested against people being sent to the gas chamber although I never agreed. One cannot protest when in the Army. It was not a pleasure to take part in these parades, as I knew the persons selected would go to the gas chamber. Persons who became pregnant whilst in the camp and therefore unfit for work were also selected on later parades. I have heard that Himmler had visited Auschwitz camp, although I have never actually seen him. It was certainly known to the higher-ups that these methods were being used at Auschwitz Camp.

    True, Mostly True, Mostly False, or False?

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Kali
  204. @Mark Bahner

    Is a confession under duress admissible in court?

    Constitutionally and backed by case law, coerced confessions are considered inadmissible in court—even if the confession was true. Coerced confessions violate your right not to be compelled to testify against yourself, and coercive tactics are a denial of due process under the law.

    Military tribunals may be somewhat different, but the basic premise of confession by means of torture or threats is universally considered unreliable or invalid. Rabbinical/Talmudic laws, against gentiles, fly in the face of “western” ethics and due process.

  205. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > As unreliable as Dario Gabbai?

    Separate issue. There’s no reason to place any special trust in one person just because you may have suspicions about the story from a different person.

    > Heddesheimer cogently documents the slew of previous attempts by Jews to disseminate deceitful and untrue atrocity propaganda before

    While some of those stories from the early 20th century are interesting to review, one should not overstate things the way that your quote is doing. The bulk of the stories which Heddesheimer cites do not actually have much to do with atrocities as such but are rather assertions made about different types of economic poverty, famine and war-related disasters. For example, Heddesheimer cites a story which he attributes to the New York Times of June 11, 1900, which allegedly quotes Rabbi Wise as saying:

    “There are 6,000,000 living, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.”

    It’s clear that the article is simply talking about economic poverty among east European Jews, but makes no greater atrocity claim. As far as how that number 6 million would have been arrived, the Czarist census of 1897 produced a count of 5.2 million Jews. So, Rabbi Wise appears to be adding on an extra 800,000 out of consideration to neighboring countries adjoint to Russia (the map before 1914 was very different from that after 1918).

    > Everyone, everywhere is unreliable, throughout history

    Hardly, but some critical assessment of sources is always necessary. Robert Wilton was originally a paid British propagandist who turned his loyalties over to Kolchak and freely spun fabricated stories. To the extent that Douglas Reed showed a willingness to treat Wilton as a substantive source, he is at best showing pure gullibility. Just as an example of Wilton’s falsehoods, he speaks in Last Days of the Romanovs about:

    “Lenin did not rule; the Soviet system was governed by other people, the fellow-passengers who came with him under German auspices. … the real power was elsewhere. We are concerned with great, if maleficent, personages … A goodly portion of the hundred Jews who came out of Germany with Lenin, and the hundreds who came from Chicago, deserve to be included in this gallery, for they undoubtedly hold Russia under their sway.”
    — Wilton, Last Days, pp. 26-7.

    As far as Wilton’s story about “the hundred Jews who came out of Germany with Lenin” goes:

    “At 3:20 P.M. on March 27/April 9, thirty-two Russian emigres left Zurich for the German frontier… it is known that among them were nineteen Bolsheviks, including Lenin, Krupskaia, Zinoviev with his wife and child, Inessa Armand, and Radek, as well as six members of the Bund and three followers of Trotsky. Having crossed the border at Gottmadingen, they transferred to a German train…”
    — Richard Pipes, The Russian Revolution, pp. 391-2, Vintage Books, 1991.

    32 people, not 100, and not all of them Bolsheviks. The Bundists, of course, were not Lenin’s allies and their party would later be banned. Moreover, none of these 32 passengers were “German Jews.” They were all political exiles from Czarist Russia.

    More than that, Wilton is spreading absurd rubbish when he claims that Lenin was somehow controlled by people around him. In the Soviet state apparatus, Lenin’s particular skill was always pivotal in maintaining a sense of orientation. After his death the political shake-ups led to Stalin’s rule precisely because none of the traditional party-members had ever planned for managing things without Lenin. The notion that there was some hidden group of secret controllers managing things behind the scenes over Lenin’s head is really absurd. There’s simply no point in pretending to ramble on about historical topics if one is not willing to scrutinize claims of the type which Wilton promoted.

    • Troll: Han
  206. @Mark Bahner

    , vol. 11, card 9; microfilm 1060, card 100. Hoss, p. 215, confirms that the underground spaces at crematoria II and III served as undressing rooms and gas chambers and were outfitted with an automatic ventilation system.

    Do you have a link showing these letters?

  207. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Good grief.

    “Tiptoethrutulips,” you never answered my questions about why you never read the Höss autobiography.

    Why haven’t you? Don’t you think it’s simple good research practice to read the account(s) of the people who actually were at Auschwitz-Birkenau during WWII, before you read the comments of someone (Defense counsel please correct this if I’m wrong regarding any of these eight items regarding Carlo Mattogno):

    1) Who wasn’t even born until after WWII;
    2) Has no degree in History, let alone an advanced degree in History;
    3) In fact, to my knowledge, Carlo Mattogno has no college degree at all;
    4) Has never written a single peer-reviewed journal article on Auschwitz;
    5) In fact, to my knowledge, Carlo Mattogno has never written a single peer-reviewed journal article on any aspect of WWII;
    6) First published on WWII subjects in 1985, when he was approximately 34 years old, and which consisted of two books published by the Italian neo-fascist publisher Sentinella d’Italia;
    7) Has never in his life been accepted as an expert witness in any court of law on any aspect of WWII, let alone Auschwitz-Birkenau;
    8) Whose contention that there were never any homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau is as ignorant, foolish, irrational, and basically insane as people who claim the Apollo 11 moon landing was faked.

    I’ll address your other comments/question in #201 later.

    NOTE: I should not be addressing them at all, since you’re not a member of the Defense team, and you clearly aren’t capable or can’t be bothered to research even the simplest things…like who the witness was for the Rudolf Höss. But you have raised some issues and raised some questions similar to those John Wear has raised, so I will address your comments later.

    • Troll: Han
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @kb_2
  208. @littlereddot

    Apologies. I have been traveling. But I am back now 🙂


    We decided to simply present our cases, and let each person be a juror. So you were dismissed, with our thanks.



    P.S. You’re very late into the trial. I’ve presented my roughly eight items of evidence. John Wear has responded to most of them (what would essentially be the “cross-examination” in a real civil trial). I’m now in the “re-direct” phase on the first two pieces of evidence…though I’ve been distracted by comments from those *outside* the trial. (Which I really should learn never to respond to…)

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  209. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Let’s just take an example.

    This was Robert Wilton… The French edition of his book included the official Bolshevik lists… These records show that the Central Committee of the Bolshevik party, which wielded the supreme power, contained 3 Russians (including Lenin) and 9 Jews.
    — Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion, p. 274.

    Bogus. If you actually are interested in bona fide official lists of the top party membership, you can find a lot of that here:

    Just to take the data from a point, on March 8, 1918, the Central Committee’s (TsK) membership was:

    TsK: Members: Artem F. A., Bukharin N. I. (Russian), Vladimirskij M. F. (Russian), Dzerzhinskij F. E. (Pole), Zinovjev G. E. (Jewish), Krestinskij N. N. (Ukrainian), Lashevich M. M., Lenin V. I. (Russian), Sverdlov Ja. M. (Jewish), Smilga I. T., Sokol’nikov G. Ja. (Jewish), Stalin I. V. (Georgian), Stasova E. D. (Russian), Trotskij L. D. (Jewish), Shmidt V. V. (German)

    More like 4 Jews out of 15 members, rather than the 9 out of 12 which Wilton invented. Yes, Wilton’s lists are simply inventions. He was not an investigative news reporter. He was a propagandist. Reed simply treats Wilton’s rubbish uncritically because it appeals ideologically to him.

  210. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    In your comment #160, you quote form page 466 of the book “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp”:

    “Of approximately 438,000 Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1944, about 10 percent were determined to be fit for labor. Some were retained to work in Auschwitz itself; the remainder were dispersed to 396 camps in the Nazi empire. The largest groups were concentrated in the notorious camps of Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Gunskirchen, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbruck, and Sachenhausen…”

    I wrote in my comment #191: So, the book “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp” states that Hungarian Jews “were dispersed to 396 camps in the Nazi empire.” This is a very large number of camps where the Hungarian Jews were sent to. It supports your Explanation #3 that Hungarian Jews were sent from Auschwitz-Birkenau to other camps.”

    You responded in comment #193: “No, John, it doesn’t support the proposition that Hungarian Jews not able to work were sent from Auschwitz-Birkenau to other camps.”

    I decided to go to the SMU Library this morning to check out this book to see exactly what it says on page 466 of “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp.”

    In your favor, this book says on page 466 “the remainder were dispersed to 386 camps in the Nazi empire.” You apparently made a typo when you said 396 camps in the Nazi empire.

    However, you left out the sentence “Like Auschwitz, several of those camps had subcamps.” This is definitely a true statement.

    For example, Dachau had major sub-camps that include Kaufering I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI. In the case of Viktor Frankl, he was transferred to Kaufering III from Auschwitz-Birkenau in October of 1944.

    Mauthausen also had numerous sub-camps that include the large sub-camps of Gusen and Ebensee. Gross-Rosen also had numerous sub-camps. Per Wikipedia, “at its peak activity in 1944, the Gross-Rosen complex had up to 100 subcamps located in eastern Germany and in German-occupied Czechoslovakia and Poland.”

    So, there were many more camps where Hungarian Jews could have been sent after arriving in Auschwitz-Birkenau than the 386 mentioned on page 466 of “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp.” This book does support your Explanation #3 that most Hungarian Jews were sent from Auschwitz-Birkenau to other German camps.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  211. gay troll says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Forever trying to build a house of cards on a sea of testimony. Pathetic.

    Show us the plans. Show us the gas chambers. Show us the remains.

    Instead you say “oh, the plans were above top secret, and the gas chambers were disguised as shower rooms and or destroyed, and the remains were not only cremated but ground up with mortars and pestles to ensure that NOT ONE TRACE OF EVIDENCE was left behind”?

    And then to argue “we’ll obviously the Nazis wanted to genocide the Jews, haven’t you read Mein Kampf”?

    If the Nazi will to genocide was so obvious, why did they take such pains to leave behind NO EVIDENCE of the Holocaust? They were losing the war, they were going to lose, supposedly everybody knew what they were guilty of, yet they sat there like a bunch of squaws, grinding up the bone fragments of untermenschen as the Allies closed in? And then they got busted for the crime anyway? What an insult to human intelligence.

    Do you rate Hoess’ original testimony at Nuremberg as true, mostly true, you wish it were true, or totally fucking false?

    • Agree: SeruGiran
    • Troll: Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  212. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Your comments #205 and #207 are again, similar to your questions about Rudolf Höss, asking me to answer True, Mostly True, Mostly False, or False? I am going to pass on answering these questions. I consider this to be a game that I have no desire to participate in.

    • Agree: gay troll
  213. @Mark Bahner

    My argument was about the manner in which the confessions were obtained, NOT the veracity of his statements.

    It is not necessary to go over statements, with a fine toothed comb, if the confession was obtained by coercion. Said confession is NOT admissible.

    It is/was not my intention to interfere with this trial, but saying “You’re wrong” or “I don’t agree” is not a rebuttal. It’s not an appropriate argument; it’s spinning wheels and getting nowhere.

    Do you deny torture/coercion/threats made against Hoss? If you do, offer your theory against the many, credible sources that claim otherwise; if you admit to maltreatment/coercion, explain why his testimony, under duress, is valid and acceptable. If we agree that his testimony given under coercion is acceptable, we can then argue about what he revealed and whether or not it was accurate.

    • Agree: HdC, John Wear
    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  214. @Mark Bahner

    So I consider this to be essentially an 114 page book that he wrote knowing he was on his “death bed.” Death bed writings like his, that admit certain things, explain others, and deny still others, seem very persuasive to me.

    With any other person, I would agree with your sentiments.

    But with Hoss, it is not so simple. I think we can only be reasonably sure of his candour if he didn’t have the futures of a wife and young children to protect.


    Having followed all the evidence presented so far, and pending your reply to my comment #204, I would say my observations are:

    Testimonies of the Hoss, Klein, Nyiszli, and especially Muller do not seem credible when viewed against the counter arguments given by John Wear

    Testimonies by the two prison guards seem ok at first, and counter argument given by John about modern day “anti holocaust denial laws” are not very strong. However I note that he also makes the argument that, as relatively simple minded minions, the two guards could easily have been leaned on by the War Crimes Tribunal Prosecutors in order to “spill the beans” on their bosses. This is a well known tactic used by police around the world. And I entirely expect that it was used then.

    The building and site plans provided show no indication of them being ORIGINALLY INTENDED for use as gas chambers. They do show every sign of being used as normal crematoria, complete with underground corpse holding/mortuary facilities….listed as gas chambers and undressing rooms in Holocaust websites.

    However your post #164, item 43 may show that the these underground mortuaries were indeed retrofitted at a later date and turned into gas chambers.

    If you have references to these, they would be useful to make up our minds about them.


  215. @anon

    Why would the Nazis waste clothing, tattooing ink and effort, de-lousing chem if death happening soon?

    They didn’t waste clothing. Typically, about 25 percent of people off the trains (though this varied tremendously, from close to zero percent to maybe 40 percent) were deemed fit to work. It was those who people who were deemed fit to work who were given the delousing, tattoos, and prison clothing.

    The majority of Jews–consisting of young children and their mothers, elderly people, and men and women judged not fit to work on a couple seconds of evaluation–were sent directly to the the crematoria.

    At the crematoria, they were forced to strip, then forced into gas chambers, then brought out and people with long hair had their hair sheared off, and everyone having gold teeth had those pulled out, and then they were either cremated in the crematoria or in “burn pits” with many bodies.

    • Replies: @anonymous
  216. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    True, Mostly True, Mostly False, or False?

    Wtf is this, a telemarketing survey or a COURT OF LAW? (Please don’t answer that. lol!)

    I move that counsel be slapped about the head with a wet fish until he comes to his senses and starts to behave himself.

    The court rules that Mr Bahner closely read everything that His Grace, Mr Wear, has so far laid before the court, forthwith!

    And I hope you’re not wearing a hat!

    • Thanks: John Wear
  217. @Kali

    The historical record shows that Reed is just a gullible repeater of propaganda from liars like Robert Wilton. I might just continue from where I left off on page 274 of The Controversy of Zion:

    “The next body in importance, the Central Committee of the Executive Commission (or secret police) comprised 42 Jews and 19 Russians, Letts, Georgians and others.”

    Here Reed seems to just be jumbling up Wilton’s own propaganda, even worse than Wilton himself gave it. Since this page

    contains the transcript which Reed claims to be drawing upon, we can compare both Reed to Wilton, and each of them to reality. The closest thing in Wilton’s book (pp. 187-9 of the IHR edition, if you have that) to what Reed seems to be rambling about is when Wilton provides what he claims is a list taken from the Central Executive Committee (a somewhat different title and entity than what Reed asserts). Wilton gives the bogus claim of:

    out of 61 members, five were Russians, six were Latvians, one was a German, two were Armenians, one was a Czech, one was an Imeretian, two were Georgians, one was a Karaim, one was a Ukrainian, and 41 were Jews.

    In reality:

    “The All-Russian Central Executive Committee … included 62 Bolsheviks (out of 101 members). Among them were 23 Jews, 20 Russians, 5 Ukrainians, 5 Poles, 4 ‘Balts,’ 3 Georgians, and 2 Armenians.”
    — Yuri Slezkine, The Jewish Century, p. 175, Princeton University Press, 2004.

  218. Kali says:
    @Patrick McNally

    “At 3:20 P.M. on March 27/April 9, thirty-two Russian emigres left Zurich for the German frontier… it is known that among them were nineteen Bolsheviks, including Lenin, Krupskaia, Zinoviev with his wife and child, Inessa Armand, and Radek, as well as six members of the Bund and three followers of Trotsky. Having crossed the border at Gottmadingen, they transferred to a German train…”

    And who else was “among them” Patrick McNally? Your list seems to infer that there were more than those listed also on the train.

    100 German Jews (who don’t necessarily have to be Bolsheviks to appreciate the power the Bolsheviks gave them). How can you be sure that these were not on the train?


    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  219. @Tiptoethrutulips

    My comment was regarding the circumstances under which his confession/autobiography was written.

    It’s not logical to write that sentence. His confession of May 14, 1946 and his autobiography were not under the same circumstances. In his confession of May 14, 1946, he was in Allied custody, about a month after he’d testified for the Defense at Nuremberg.

    His autobiography was written over the course of several months, when he was in Polish custody.

    See my comment #106 for his timeline. And see my comment #197 why I think what he wrote in his autobiography is very credible.

    Do you know the identity of this witness?

    You’re talking about the witness for the May 14, 1946 confession?! Just read the text right next to the written confession!:

    Hoess affidavit

    Affidavit signed by Rudolf Hoess attesting to the gassing of Jews while he was the commandant of the Auschwitz killing center. The German text reads: “I declare herewith under oath that in the years 1941 to 1943 during my tenure in office as commandant of Auschwitz Concentration Camp 2 million Jews were put to death by gassing and a 1/2 million by other means. Rudolf Hoess. May 14, 1946.” The confession is also signed by Josef Maier of the US Chief of Counsel’s office. A photoreproduction of the original document is on display on the third floor of the Permanent Exhibition at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.

    Is it your claim that Hoss WAS NOT tortured, nor was his family threatened?

    No, I specifically did NOT include anything but excerpts from his autobiography as Plaintiff’s evidence in this trial. I did that specifically because, to my knowledge, he was NOT being tortured or his family threatened during the period of months in which he wrote his autobiography in Polish custody. Again, see my comment #197 where I explain in detail why I consider his autobiography very credible.

    Do you believe torture or threats invalidate testimony? Do you believe statements under duress, in general, are valid?

    Yes, I absolutely agree that torture or threats invalidate testimony. And I absolutely agree that statements made under duress, in general, are not valid. That’s why the only evidence I presented in this mock trial were the words in his autobiography.

    Now, you could say, “But when he was writing his autobiography he was under ‘duress’!” Well, duh. He knew he was going to be tried for war crimes, found guilty, and sentenced to death. But he was only under that “duress” because he freely admitted that he was in charge of an operation that murdered over 1,000,000 innocent civilians.

    When Ted Bundy knew without doubt that he going to be executed for mass murder, he started telling the prosecutors about all the other murders that they didn’t even know he did. And he made those confessions so that they’d put off executing him until he confessed to every single murder. (The families of the people he murdered that prosecutors didn’t know about obviously wanted to get some “closure” on what happened to their missing loved ones.) Now, those were absolutely confessions under “duress”…but it was just the “duress” of his impending execution for crimes he absolutely committed.

    Already in 1987, 1 published a book devoted to Hoss’s various post-war statements (Mattogno 1987). It listed 60 objections characterized by internal contradictions and insurmountable contradictions to the orthodox Holocaust narrative of that time, thus showing that “the former commander of Auschwitz lied on all essential points of his ‘eye-witness testimony,’ which must therefore be rejected as a gross fraud.”

    Carlo Mattogno was not responding to any evidence presented by the Plaintiffs in this mock trial.

    If he wishes to do so, let him come.

    Right now, I have simply presented a list of excerpts from Hoss’s autobiography. So far, John Wear has labeled the first five excerpts as “false.” I asked about some more excerpts, and I assume he’ll respond to those.

    We first need to establish if there is anything I presented in the autobiography excerpts that John Wear views as “true.”

    Defend your assertions, Mark.

    Regarding Rudolf Hoss’s autobiography, I made no “assertions.” I merely presented Rudolf Höss’s assertions.

    P.S. Obviously, I’ve been varying in my spelling of Höss. “Hoss” is easiest for me. (I have to copy/paste to do “Höss”.)

  220. @Patrick McNally

    I am wholly unfamiliar with Wilton, so I will refrain from commenting on his activities, however you are now asserting that the actions/statements of one man, Wilton, nullifies the opinions/conclusions of another, Reed, in the precise manner in which you conclude Gabbai’s obvious falsehoods, thereby do NOT nullify my conclusions about the official Holocaust narrative. Is this analysis correct? Is this somewhat of an example of the “pilpuling” I keep seeing bantered about?

    Your method of arguing, by hyper-focusing on details, will not work against me, as I do not believe many such details, such as “did Hitler know about the flight to Scotland?” are relevant to the bigger picture and the initial proclamations about 6 million Jews, yet again, perishing in death and labor camps, by specific intent of mass murder. Therefore, I do not entertain such arguments. Generally.

    I will say, rather than reading entirely on what others reveal/conclude about Hitler/Germany, I rely, partially, on first hand accounts, and Hitler’s very own words, which I painstakingly translated, from speeches made by him, and I never heard the sort of malice and maniacal comments about annihilating Jews from the earth, as are often attributed to him; he wanted Jews out of banking, academia, publishing, and positions of influence in Europe. Did innocent, assimilated Jews suffer for this agenda? Yes. Do I believe Zionist Jews cared NOT for the fate of their assimilated brethren? Yes. Does the Talmud or Rabbinical laws prohibit assimilation and punish accordingly for so doing? Yes? No?

    I do not profess to know or to have heard every statement made by Hitler regarding Jewish machinations in Germany/Europe, but I know enough about his statements, and I know enough about WHAT MANY JEWS, IN POSITIONS OF AUTHORITY, SAY PUBLICLY about Gentiles and their societies, to know where the truth lies.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  221. @Han

    That Canadian News link which you gave is the first thing which seems to make some kind of claim about Niuta Teitelbaum and Spartacus. Unfortunately, it seems rather confused and in need of editing:

    She was prosecuted, tortured and executed. He [sic] belonged to the communist group Spartacus. She was 25 years old and she is one of the forgotten Polish Jewish women that the art historian and comedian Judy Battalion, granddaughter of a Holocaust survivor, saves in the essay ‘Daughters of the Resistance’ (Six Barral).

    But that’s probably just a sloppy typo.

    • Replies: @Han
  222. anonymous[408] • Disclaimer says:
    @Mark Bahner

    also anon #132. I forget these things.

    Maybe better to have shaved heads before soaked, caked, covered with cyanide.
    Were heads (arm pits?, arms, pubes?, backs?) tonsured to prevent burning hair smell?
    Eastern Yid very hairy.

    Apparently last century Yid were in less than excellent condition. So many unqualified
    for any work: sweeping floors, serving water, cleaning toilets, etc. Gates and Kissinger,
    and Soros, would have approved the weeding out.

    Is it known how many old time Yid (men, doubt women into such) had gold teeth?

    Weren’t Nazis pedos and rapists? Why not make use of instead of rushed discarding?

  223. @Han

    > You constantly recite nonsense because you are defending the indefensible:

    I haven’t touched on that at all here. Personally, I think it’s extremely doubtful that 46 cremation muffles at Birkenau (which had already been in use for more than a year) would be able to consume somewhere on the order of 400k bodies of different sizes without there being clear records of the masonry in the crematoria disintegrating apart. But that’s different from Robert Wilton’s hoaxes. What I’ve always had to note is that there is an abnormal tendency for people who claim to just be reviewing the records of alleged deaths in German camps during the Second World War t0 quickly become enraptured with repeating all sorts of Right-wing junk from as far back as 1917. It would be like someone who starts out as a critic of the Bush/neocon war in Iraq and suddenly out of nowhere begins reciting propaganda put out by Saddam Hussein as far back as 1968. What results is total junk.

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Han
  224. @Han

    Rummel just blindly repeats older propaganda. Nothing in the actual population statistics of the Soviet Union, when set against the already known death rates which had existed in Czarist Russia up to 1913, supports the lunacy which Rummel and Solzhenitsyn have spouted. Solzhenitsyn himself tells us of his own remembered experiences:

    Twenty-five years later we could think: Well, yes, we understood the sort of arrests that were being made at the time, and the fact that they were torturing people in prisons, and the slime they were trying to drag us into. But it isn’t true! After all, the Black Marias were going through the streets at night, and we were the same young people who were parading with banners during the day. How could we know anything about those arrests and why should we think about them? All the provincial leaders had been removed, but as far as we were concerned it didn’t matter. Two or three professors had been arrested, but after all they hadn’t been our dancing partners, and it might even be easier to pass our exams as a result. Twenty-year olds, we marched in the ranks of those born the year the Revolution took place, and because we were the same age as the Revolution, the brightest of futures lay ahead.
    — Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago, pp. 160-1.

    If anything remotely like the ridiculous 66 million hoax had been going on, then Solzhenitsyn would not be recalling that “the brightest of futures lay ahead.”

    • Replies: @bjondo
    , @Han
  225. @Mark Bahner

    Was he or was he not, in custody, when statements/confessions/memoirs were given/written?

    You say, yes.

    Were the aforementioned statements given under torture, abuse, threats or malfeasance, of any sort?

    If so, how can his statements be considered truthful? Would this evidence then be admissible in a proper forum/court? Or, do you claim no malfeasance?

    Yes, our exchange is complicating this “debate”, but you can’t make numerous assertions, in a barrage, much of which is opinion and/or of the nature of unknowns (undocumented people can’t be named or counted, as they are undocumented; we can estimate, but arguments of this nature have no definitive answer).

    I suspect your focus on Hungarian Jews is more about the nature of the “unknowable”; the latter part of the war was marked by less precise documentation due to destruction of railways, supply lines, military personnel, and all manner of things spinning out of control. I did hear one former camp inmate remark that rules/regulations were relaxed due to the impending loss by Germany; he may have been the very same inmate who reported on the library, cafe and soccer games played amongst SS personnel and British POW’s and camp inmates. But, I digress……

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Kali
  226. @Han

    Cohen himself is repeating in 1974 what were grossly exaggerated figures promoted in the West during the Cold War:

    “whose prisoner population grew from small numbers after the revolution of 1917 to 12 to 15 million (about half “politicals”) at any one time by the 1940’s.”

    BS. To take a specific year, in 1946 there were 245,146 in prisons, 600,987 in camps, and 509, 696 in colonies. For data on other years, see Michael Haynes & Rumy Husan, A Century of State Murder? Death and Policy in Twentieth-Century Russia, pp. 214-5. The range of “12 to 15 million” which Cohen repeats there is a just a Cold War fantasy.

  227. @Mark Bahner

    I’m sorry, yet again, Mark. I did not quite finish:

    Yes, our exchange is complicating this “debate”, but you can’t make numerous assertions, in a barrage, much of which is opinion and/or of the nature of unknowns (undocumented people can’t be named or counted, as they are undocumented; we can estimate, but arguments of this nature have no definitive answer), AND PROCEED AS IF FACTS AND PROPER EVIDENCE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED AND AGREED UPON. SO DOING, IS JUST MORE OF WHAT WAS ALREADY DONE IN THE PREVIOUS THREAD.

  228. @gay troll

    If the Nazi will to genocide was so obvious, why did they take such pains to leave behind NO EVIDENCE of the Holocaust?

    Because they knew what they were doing–murdering over a million innocent civilians at Auschwitz, for example–was a war crime, and that they’d be executed for it.

    Just read Rudolf Hoss’s frickin’ autobiography. He says so right in his autobiography. I have excerpts from his autobiography in my comments #109, #110, and #111.

    (p195) During previous interrogations I have put the number of Jews who arrived in Auschwitz for extermination at two and a half millions. This figure was supplied by Eichmann who gave it to my superior officer Gruppenführer Blücks, when he as ordered to make a report to the Reichsfürher SS shortly before Berlin was surrounded. Eichmann, and his permanent deputy Günther, were the only ones who possessed the necessary information on which to calculate the total number destroyed. In accordance with orders given by the Reichsfürher SS, after every large action all evidence in Auschwitz on which a calculation of the number of victims might be based was burnt.

    (p195) As head of department DI I personally destroyed every bit of evidence which could be found in my office. The heads of other offices did the same.

    • Replies: @HdC
    , @littlereddot
  229. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Were the aforementioned statements given under torture, abuse, threats or malfeasance, of any sort?

    See my comments in #224…and #197.

    The only evidence I introduced in this mock trial was from from his autobiography, and I do NOT think that autobiography was written, “…under torture, abuse, threats or malfeasance, of any sort.”

    I simply don’t know how to make it any clearer than that.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  230. @Patrick McNally

    As Han said and John Wear confirmed, that information was extracted from Judy Batalion’s book. Han provided the relevant excerpt twice, though in his first related comment the quotation marks are missing and in his second related comment he omitted precisely the word ‘Spartacus’, probably accidentally. But that excerpt is visible on the Google Books page for Batalion’s book. Spartacus was a Polish youth organization (I presume Teitelbaum joined it as a student, and only later joined Gwardia Ludowa, though that’s only an educated guess).
    Another reference to that organization is in the book “If the Walls Could Speak: Inside a Women’s Prison in Communist Poland”, by Anna Müller. From an extract available on the web, one can read another reference to Spartacus, this time in connection to a different woman:

    Hedda Bartoszek (1919–2000) joined the Association of Independent Socialist Youth Spartacus (Związek Niezależnej Młodzieży Socjalistycznej Spartakus) before the war and during the war was involved in the Communist-led underground People’s Guard (Gwardia Ludowa [GL]) in Warsaw.

    • Thanks: Han
  231. @Mark Bahner

    Fair enough, Mark.

    But, “what you think” does not fly in court, if your opponent presents evidence that your thinking is wrong, and/or certainly whether or not, in this case, you assert, or refuse to acknowledge, if evidence obtained by malfeasance should be admissible, in general.

    You say the autobiography/confessions are truth (accepted evidence); Mr. Wear objects and says it was obtained under duress, therefore inadmissible, and he provides evidence/sources for his argument; You say, Mr. Wear is wrong!…….…………….That’s it. So, now what? Since you provide nothing, but opinion, to counter Mr. Wear’s claim, he wins; you lose on this issue, and your evidence is tossed out.

    I am pointing out the flaws in your strategy, and I’ll just leave it at that.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  232. bjondo says:
    @Patrick McNally

    If anything remotely like the ridiculous 66 million hoax had been going on

    how different: Yid 6 mill out of maybe 9 mill vs 66 mill out of 140 mill, give or take.

    Can you unveil another hoax or several hoaxes?
    Clue, all involve Yid.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  233. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Every deed leaves residue.

    So, first prove with authenticated forensic evidence that murder was committed:

    Start with the easiest, the alleged burning pits with their grease collecting channels. Or do you assert that those remains were also dug up and ground to dust using mortar and pestle?

    In any murder trial the state must first prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a murder has been committed. Were the prosecution to dance around this issue the defence would have a field day and the prosecution team would get fired and lose their license.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  234. @Kali

    > thirty-two Russian emigres left Zurich for the German frontier… it is known that among them were nineteen Bolsheviks

    32 Russian exiles who all got some kind of trip back to Russia because the German government had an interest in helping the return of anyone who had expressed discontent with the war. Ludendorff wasn’t giving a trip to any German Jews, that’s Wilton’s fantasy. Ludendorff simply wanted to send back to Russia former exiles who had stated their opposition to the war. The people traveling in there weren’t all aligned with Lenin. 19 of them were. But Ludendorff would have had no way of knowing that Lenin would one day be a significant historical figure. Ludendorff just wanted to encourage discontent with the war among the Russian population.

    • Replies: @Kali
  235. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > nullifies the opinions/conclusions of another, Reed

    Reed repeats from Wilton many factually incorrect assertions, showing that he is not very careful about examining a source. While someone might be forgiven for presuming in 1920 that Wilton was just a reporter doing an honest job, by the time Reed was citing Wilton only someone who was very heavily ideologically predisposed to Wilton would trust anything he ever said.

    > the initial proclamations about 6 million Jews, yet again, perishing in death and labor camps, by specific intent of mass murder.

    I don’t see any reason to believe in the 6 million figure. Depending on how chooses to read data from a later time, the number of abnormal Jewish fatalities in World War II could hypothetically have been on the order of 2.25 million. Of course, if people are going to recycle something like Solzhenitsyn’s 66 million hoax then it is kind of pointless to worry about 2.25 or 6 million or whatever. There have obviously been loads of exaggerations and fabrications throughout the whole of the last century, whether against the Soviet Union or the Third Reich or whoever. But fundamentally Hitler was defeated because his aim of conquering living space in eastern Europe made it impossible for very many Slavs to support him for too long.

  236. @Patrick McNally

    You write:
    There are 6,000,000 living, suffering arguments in favor of Zionism.”

    It’s clear that the article is simply talking about economic poverty among east European Jews, but makes no greater atrocity claim. As far as how that number 6 million would have been arrived, the Czarist census of 1897 produced a count of 5.2 million Jews. So, Rabbi Wise appears to be adding on an extra 800,000 out of consideration to neighboring countries adjoint to Russia (the map before 1914 was very different from that after 1918).

    It’s not clear to me why the 6 million figure, pops up repeatedly, whether estimating up or down, naming those perished or in eminent danger of perishing, with regard to the Jewish people, wherever they reside, amongst people, always hostile, for no apparent reason, to Jewish society. This number is asserted out of convenience, then? Is that what you are saying?
    You write:
    *Everyone, everywhere is unreliable, throughout history

    The above* is my statement, taken completely out of context. You chose to offer a response to six words, which on their own and out of context, mean nothing or anything.

    In my opinion, Henry Ford, was a reliable source of information and a great contributor to the success and prosperity of his employees and this nation; I find his opinions more credible than the ideas and notions of ancient, desert dwelling, vengeful, first-born-killers from yore, whose tenets run roughshod over “everyone everywhere.”

  237. @Tiptoethrutulips

    The only evidence I introduced in this mock trial was from from his autobiography, and I do NOT think that autobiography was written, “…under torture, abuse, threats or malfeasance, of any sort.”

    I simply don’t know how to make it any clearer than that.

    But, “what you think” does not fly in court, if your opponent presents evidence that your thinking is wrong,…

    The Defense has produced ABSOLUTELY NO SUCH EVIDENCE. The Defense presented only the words of Hoss, and observers of Hoss, in the period from March 2, 1946 when he was captured and tortured by the British, up to the time he testified in Nuremberg, April 15-16, 1946.

    My timeline estimates his autobiography to be written from January 1947 to March 1947 (see postscript…it was actually completely in February 1947). That’s *more* than six months *after* any Defense evidence presented. (Note: It may be that Hoss’s autobiography was started as early as October 1946…but in any case that would still be exactly six months after he testified at Nuremberg.) (Or five months after his handwritten and witnessed confession on May 14, 1946…which itself was one month after his Nuremberg testimony.)

    In fact, the *only* evidence presented regarding Rudolf Hoss’s state of mind when he wrote his autobiography was presented by the Plaintiffs. I presented an entire comment of Hoss’s state of mind when he wrote his autobiography, in comment #197.

    He wrote in his autobiography:

    On 30 July (1946) I was taken to Cracow with seven other Germans. … During the first few weeks we were treated quite well, but then suddenly the attitude of the prisoner-officials changed completely and overnight. From their behavior and their conversation, the meaning of which was clear to me though I could not understand what they said, I gathered they wanted to “finish me off.”

    I was only given the smallest piece of bread, and less than a spoonful of thin soup. I was no longer given a second helping, although almost every day there was food left over which was divided among prisoners of adjacent cells.

    If the public prosecutor’s office had not intervened, it would have been the end of me, not only physical but first of all from a psychological point of view…

    I must admit that I had never expected such decent and considerate treatment as I received in Polish custody, after the Prosecutor intervened.

    From my comment #197: Therefore, I don’t think he was being tortured while he wrote his autobiography. He further stated, towards the end of the autobiography:

    I am no writer and I have never been particularly skilled with the pen. … I have written down what came to my mind, often not in sequence, but nothing is invented. I have described myself as I was and as I am.

    From comment #197:

    So, to answer your question, excepting for the possibility that the Polish authorities somehow cut out or mistranslated major parts, I think the autobiography is very compelling as a statement of what things he did and why he did them. And also how he viewed other people.

    And he absolutely knew he was going to die. He wrote about several instances where he could have been killed in battle, or by taking poison (the vial broke). Then he wrote:

    On every occasion fate has intervened to save my life, so that at last I might be put to death in this shameful manner.

    How greatly I envy comrades who died a soldier’s death.

    Again, my comment in #197:

    So I consider this to be essentially an 114 page book that he wrote knowing he was on his “death bed.” Death bed writings like his, that admit certain things, explain others, and deny still others, seem very persuasive to me. Plus, many of the things in his autobiography can be corroborated either with physical evidence or the words of others…both perpetrators and victims.

    The Defense seems to be making the claim that because Hoss was tortured from his capture in March 1946 until his transfer to Nuremberg to testify for the Defense on April 14, 1946, that *nothing* Hoss writes of says subsequently can be true.

    I hope any reasonable juror can see how that’s nonsense. Many, many military men have been tortured over history. Consider John McCain, for example. He was tortured so badly they broke multiple bones. He signed a confession to war crimes. But he didn’t for the rest of his life maintain he’d committed war crimes.

    And he certainly didn’t write a *114 page book* documenting *fake* war crimes, over a period of *months.* It’s absolutely absurd to maintain that someone who knows with virtual certainty that he’s going to be executed would write a *114 page* autobiography over the course of months, and fill it with lie after lie.

    P.S. Oh, I should have looked at the final words on page 181 of “The Commandant of Auschwitz”:

    These writings consist of 114 pages. I have written them voluntarily and without compulsion.

    Cracow, February 1947 Rudolf Hoess

    So the actual finish date was February 1947, not March 1947 as I’ve previously written.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  238. @bjondo

    Well, I’m not the one who’s attempting to argue the alleged 6 million. However, it may be pointed out that it certainly is easier to argue for that than for something like the silly 66 million. The problem in trying to make sense of how many Jews perished in World War II is that everyone agrees that huge numbers of them were deported at one time or another, often far to the east. Subsequently, the apparent attempts to count a postwar population seemed to show a steep drop. But the issue which is raised is that quite possibly many Jews still alive might have gone crypto-Jew after the war, leading to a severe undercount. That is possible, but impossible to directly prove.

    But no one has ever found any real evidence in the demographics of the USSR to support something like the 66 million story. The closest thing to an argument for that has been to claim that population growth rates in the early 20th century, if not interrupted by war and such, would have led to a much higher population. Yet those population growth rates of early 20th century Czarist Russia involved death rates on the order of 30.9 per thousand, with birth rates in the 45+ range. Obviously, this was all unstable and would not have persisted if any kind of modernization had been achieved. Drops in birth rates are one of the first things to follow a successful industrialization. The challenge for industrial countries is maintaining a sensible birth rate without having it drop too low.

  239. Kali says:

    Dear Tiptoe,

    Yes, our exchange is complicating this “debate”,

    I disagree. – Your exchange is bringing much-needed focus to this discussion.

    I only hope the “plaintiff” manages to hear you. Lets see how long he continues to obfuscate (a Patrick McNally specialty) and bullshit to avoid engaging with the counter arguments being put forward.

    In the meantime, if this were a real civil trial, I’d have already put forward a counter-claim against the “Holocaustian True Believers” cult, on behalf of the Third Reich, National Socialism (even though I’m not a NS myself) and the victims of the German Holocaust. – I’m nowhere near sensible enough to play by court rules in this setting though. LoL

    Thank you for your input in these threads, Tiptoe. Personally, I really appreciate your focus and clarity, not to mention your authenticity.

    Kind regards,

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: Tiptoethrutulips
  240. @Tiptoethrutulips

    One possible reason for the number 6 being invoked could be the bit of mythology discussed by Rabbi Benjamin Blech in his book The Secrets of Hebrew Words:

    The Hebrew word for “ye shall return,” … seems to be spelled incorrectly. Grammatically it requires another … (vav)… Why is it lacking the letter … (vav), which stands for 6? … We did return, lacking 6–an all-important 6 million of our people who perished during the Holocaust.

    That would be sort of like the way that anyone familiar with Dostoyevsky’s novel The Possessed will realize that the hoax of “100 million victims of Communism” was inspired by his passages where Pyotr Verkhovensky (modeled on Sergei Nechayev) speaks of “adopting the radical measure of chopping off a hundred million heads.” But one should resist the temptation to use such parallels as an all-purpose argument.

  241. @Mark Bahner


    Death bed confessions are often true, when the confessor is lying in bed, at home, or in a hospital, etc. Is the “death bed” theory your defense of your evidence? Did Hoss have family members, children or friends to protect? Modern historians have been assaulted and IMPRISONED for offering counter evidence and opinions of the official story. What do you say to that? Although, your opinions, whatever they may be, on David Irving’s or Ernst Zundel’s trials and tribulations have no bearing, whatsoever, on the Hoss evidence, which is why this method of whataboutism is not effective in court, unless it’s in a closing statement. Maybe.

    I will say, in my opinion, whoever assaulted and hounded, into near oblivion, the likes of Irving and Zundel, in modern times, would certainly have no qualms about brutality wrought upon an actual “Nazi.” He was under total control of his captors. He knew a defense was an exercise in futility. The actions of the allies, yet another issue, would have convinced him no fair or objective hearing/trial would be possible. I am speculating, about what he knew in this regard, but there is actual evidence of malfeasance by both the US and England, towards Germany/Germans, to support my theory.

    John McCain is a poor example on your part, and now we are spiraling off again; there are other POW’s who claim, he was injured, but he sang like a canary, to earn preferential treatment. I also watched him storm out of a hearing, in a hissy fit, over statements from a woman, pleading on behalf of her missing brother, and other Vietnam soldiers, to open an investigation into those still missing in Vietnam. You need to reassess your method of choosing heroes/examples of appropriate/ethical/relative behavior.

    I will, hereby, bow out and watch your case implode from the sidelines.

    • Agree: HdC
  242. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Henry Ford, was a reliable source of information

    Ford was a con artist who promoted misquotations and fabrications. One that still gets repeated no and then is an article from The American Hebrew & Jewish Messenger by Svetozar Tonjoroff, September 10, 1920. Tonjoroff was claiming that Jews had provided the world with The Golden Rule and that this had metaphysically brought down the Czarist government in the February Revolution. He then went to present the Bolsheviks as an unfortunate disruption which he believed was being thrust aside as the true spirit which had brought the Czar down asserted itself. Ford propagated a series of misquotations from Tonjoroff’s silly article which made it sound as if Tonjoroff had claimed that Jews were behind Bolshevism. While Tonjoroff’s piece was silly in a lot of respects, the misquotes which are often made from it by people who repeat Ford’s talking points are way off.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  243. @HdC

    So, first prove with authenticated forensic evidence that murder was committed:

    I’ve provided photos of people just hours before they were murdered, right next to the gas chambers where they were murdered in May 1944. Approximately 400,000 Hungarian Jews were murdered in gas chambers and their bodies incinerated, by Rudolf Hoss’s own sworn statements and testimony. And Ronald Groning was convicted in Germany of 300,000 counts of accessory to murder regarding the Hungarian Jews. In fact Ronald Groning was deeply disturbed by people *denying* that “atrocities” (including deaths in gas chambers) occurred at Auschwitz. Speaking out against Holocaust denial was in fact one of his last acts in his long life.

    It is up to the *Defense* to provide some evidence the Hungarian Jews who could not work *left* Auschwitz-Birkenau, after they came in, and got off the train in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    Each train was stuffed with 3000 people. Even so, if 300,000 people came to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and left, there would have to be *100* trains with 3000 people each to get 300,000 people unable to work out of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    I challenge the Defense to provide even *one* example of a Hungarian Jewish child under 12 or an adult over 65 who arrived in the May to July 1944 period that survived to liberation of Auschwitz in January 1945. That should be extremely easy to do, since there were probably approximately 100,000 children under 12 who arrived, and probably at least 10,000 adults over 65 who arrived.

    If they all really weren’t murdered, it should be easy to prove some of them survived the less than 8 months from when they arrived to the liberation of Auschwitz in January 1945. There should be some accounts of them contacting friends or family after WW2, or writing books or giving interviews, or simply showing up as a name in a census somewhere.

    It is far, far easier to hide human ashes than it is to hide a live human being. I know this to a point of absolute certainty, since I have the ashes of both my mother and father (who died last year) in urns in my living room.

    In any murder trial the state must first prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a murder has been committed.

    This is not a mock murder (i.e. criminal) trial. In a murder trial the burden on the Prosecution is proof “beyond a reasonable doubt.” This is a mock wrongful death civil trial, where the burden on the Plaintiffs is merely a “preponderance of evidence”.

    • Troll: Kali
    • Replies: @John Wear
  244. @Patrick McNally

    Ford was a con artist? According to whom? Was he known for unethical business practices? Was he known for treating his employees unfairly? Was he known for destroying his community?

    On that note, about fair business practices and enhancing communities, you and anyone else interested in this subject matter, should toggle on over to The Occidental Observer site and read an interesting analysis of the book by Jewish author, Stephen Bloom, and his book “Postville.”

    Yes, I know, Mr. McNally, Mr. Bloom is unreliable. As is, Samuel Roth, of “Jews Must Live.” Is there anyone, anywhere, whose criticism of Orthodox/Zionist organized Jewry is reliable? You never answered my question about Barbara Spectre. I find her quite reliable.

    Also, in regard to Jews taking advantage of their host society, why do I need a kosher certification for my laundry detergent? Pardon my language, but I don’t give a rat’s ass about what is or is not kosher. The fees extracted from businesses for this ridiculous certification, which hardly anyone knows about in gentile society anyway, is astronomical. And, I resent it. And, I can’t avoid products with the circled U, because they are nearly everywhere on everything. Why should average Americans participate in this nonsense? Are we unreasonable for this objection over subsidizing kosher products? Is it unreasonable to wonder that hardly anyone knows or cares about it? What are the collected fees used for? I would speculate, they contribute to aid/rescue for third world migration into America and Europe. I have seen and heard the rescue trucks/vans with the Star of David and the testimony of caring Jewish doctors and bleeding hearts over the plight of certain people from the Middle East and Africa. Why don’t they send those poor souls to Israel? And, I am unreliable/evil to speculate thusly.

    Now, we’re off topic and no longer discussing the Holocaust. Accident or design?

    I heard/read about the goings on at the Iowa plant years ago, before I was aware of Mr. Bloom’s book. It’s all complete and utter grift; everywhere, from everyone, for always?

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  245. kb_2 says:
    @Mark Bahner

    I will say a few words in defense of Mattogno:

    1) He researched documents in the archives
    2) historian Ernst Nolte called him a serious historian
    3) He is probably intellectually honest in his hypercriticism – as Jurgen Graf wrote

    For me, who translated Mattogno’s book from Italian to German, the conclusion that a gassing was “probably” perpetrated in the Alsatian camp at Natzweiler was very surprising. In August of 1943, 86 Jews were sent to the Natzweiler camp from Auschwitz and were subsequently murdered. The documents do not permit any doubt in this regard. The criminal deed was initiated by an SS professor who wanted to prepare a collection of Jewish skeletons. Without providing us with any clear documentary evidence, Mattogno believes that the murders were probably carried out by means of phosgene gas. By allowing such a hypothesis, the Italian researcher risks being rebuked by other revisionist historians. The fact that he accepts this risk proves that he does spread neither black nor white propaganda but is trying to do serious science

    This does not answer your points (of which 4 and 5 are quite serious), but indicates that Mattogno may be more serious than some people think he is. Nevertheless some who read Mattogno’s books do not agree with him (for example, HC bloggers who believe that there are many exaggerations and errors in his work).

    In fact, it is not clear how good a historian Carlo Mattogno is. Even if he is wrong in his hypercritical approach, his writings may contain valuable ideas and good points. But unfortunately, one can hardly expect an objective assessment of his work because of the ban on revisionism by law (as well as the general attitude to his main idea). We do not know how historians would have assessed his books if there were no restrictions on freedom of speech. This – from my point of view – makes Nolte’s opinion more valuable than if there were no legislative barriers. Nolte, as far as I know, did not go far from the mainstream (although he was accused of trivializing the Holocaust).

    Item 8 is a value judgment without evidence (at least within this trial). By the way, your opponents are waiting for you to prove the murders in the gas chambers.

  246. Chebyshev says:
    @Mike Tre

    The events referred to as the holocaust carry an emotional significance for Sailer, perhaps even spiritual.

    The Holocaust went fully mainstream when Steve was a young man. He must believe in it out of nostalgia.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  247. Plaintiff’s Exhibit #4: Additional Words from Oskar Gröning (aka, Groening)

    Plaintiffs are adding additional evidence of which they were just made aware. Oskar Gröning, the SS Guard known as the “Accountant of Auschwitz,” actually spoke out on the “atrocities” that occurred at Auschwitz specifically to refute Holocaust denial.

    From a BBC article, “The fight against Holocaust denial,” by Raffi Berg, dated 14 April, 2005.

    The fear that deniers could gain the upper hand led an SS camp guard, Oskar Groening, to break a lifetime of silence earlier this year in a BBC documentary, Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution.

    “I saw the gas chambers. I saw the crematoria. I saw the open fires. I was on the ramp when the selections [for the gas chambers] took place,” said Mr Groening, now in his 80s.

    “I would like you to believe these atrocities happened – because I was there.”

    From the BBC documentary “Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution”, Episode 6, dated February 14, 2005, starting at minute 43:40. (Plaintiff’s Counsel note: The mention of “here” refers to Auschwitz-Birkenau.)

    BBC Narrator:

    There are even those who deny the reality of what took place here. And it was to confront them that Oskar Groening finally broke his silence about his own personal history.

    Oskar Groening:

    I see it as my task now at my age, to face up to these things I experienced and to oppose the Holocaust Deniers who claim that Auschwitz never happened. And that’s why I’m here today. I want to tell those Deniers I have seen the crematoria. I have seen the burning pits. And I want you to believe that atrocities happened. I was there.

    So we have a Defendant in this mock civil trial (where the burden of proof is a “preponderance of evidence” standing up and essentially saying, “My Defense Counsel is not telling the truth. I want you to believe that atrocities happened at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I was there.”

    • Replies: @Kali
  248. @Chebyshev

    The Holocaust went fully mainstream when Steve was a young man. He must believe in it out of nostalgia.

    Or perhaps, unlike people who deny the Holocaust, Steve Sailor can actually think rationally.

  249. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “I challenge the Defense to provide even *one* example of a Hungarian Jewish child under 12 or an adult over 65 who arrived in the May to July 1944 period that survived to liberation of Auschwitz in January 1945.”

    My response: I recommend you read Carlos Mattogno’s book “An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account: The Bestselling Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed”, Uckfield: Castle Hill Publishers, 2020, pp. 391-407.

    You will find numerous Hungarian children on pages 391-407 of this book who were under age 12 and survived Auschwitz-Birkenau. I am sure kb_2 will be able to find us an online free pdf link to this book.

  250. John Wear says:

    You write to Mark Bahner: “By the way, your opponents are waiting for you to prove the murders in the gas chambers.”

    My response: We certainly are. Mark Bahner is still flouting Rudolf Höss as a credible witness to the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. My comments #18, 114, 117, and 123 on this discussion thread all discuss why Rudolf Höss is not a credible witness. Han also made an excellent comment #113 about Höss. However, Mark Bahner still thinks Höss is a credible witness to the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    Mark Bahner’s evidence for the existence of homicidal gas chambers so far is based on witnesses such as Rudolf Höss, Fritz Klein, Oskar Gröning, Reinhold Hanning, Miklos Nyiszli, Filip Müller, Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler. I have made lengthy comments on this discussion thread why I think all of these witnesses are not credible.

    My comment #29 lists two articles I wrote discussing why there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I would like to see Mark Bahner respond to these two articles. Did I make any mistakes in these two articles? Does he disagree with my conclusions? As HdC has said, we would like to see some real tangible scientific and engineering evidence why Mark believes there were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    • Agree: Kali
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  251. @kb_2

    By the way, your opponents are waiting for you to prove the murders in the gas chambers.

    Good grief! I’ll save the summary of the overwhelming amount of evidence I’ve presented for my Summation.

    Instead, I’ll ask you just one question. I presented this evidence:

    1) Accounts of Hungarian Jews transported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1945
    Per “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp”:

    From page 466:

    Of approximately 438,000 Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1944, about 10 percent were determined to be fit for labor. Some were retained to work in Auschwitz itself; the remainder were dispersed to 396 camps in the Nazi empire. The largest groups wer concentrated in the notorius camps of Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Gunskirchen, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbruck, and Sachenhausen…

    The number of Hungarian Jews in Auschwitz continued to decline following the periodic selections and transfers. By the time the camp was liberated in January 1945, only a few thousand were left. Most of them were transferred on death marches to other camps in the central and western parts of the fast-crumbling Third Reich. Few who were evacuated survived until the liberation in April and May 1945.

    So 438,000 arrived, and 10 percent were able to work. That means approximately 400,000 were not able to work. Rudolf Hoess himself wrote that all 400,000 were murdered (by Zyklon B gas in gas chambers, and then their bodies cremated in either crematoriums or burn pits).

    If you do not believe Rudolf Hoess, and you think those 400,000 were not murdered, what do you think happened to those 400,000 Hungarian Jews not able to work? Particularly, I’m thinking of the approximately 100,000 children under 12…

    • Replies: @littlereddot
    , @Ron Unz
    , @kb_2
    , @HdC
  252. @Mark Bahner

    No worries. I never wanted to be a juror. I just did not decline because I already intended to read both arguments before I formed an opinion anyway, so it would make no difference to me.

    I’ve presented my roughly eight items of evidence. John Wear has responded to most of them (what would essentially be the “cross-examination” in a real civil trial). I’m now in the “re-direct” phase on the first two pieces of evidence

    Yes, I have read the arguments. My initial observations are in #218

  253. @Mark Bahner

    Because they knew what they were doing–murdering over a million innocent civilians at Auschwitz, for example–was a war crime, and that they’d be executed for it.

    Mark, one thing that stood out to me from John’s early arguments was that Hoss’ wife was living in the family farm and was easily found by Prosecutors. This doesn’t make sense to me.

    For somehow who had just murdered hundreds of thousands of people, it struck me as something terribly naive or foolhardy for Hoss not to have his wife and children also go into hiding. Just 0.1% of surviving relatives bent on revenge would condemn his family to a horrible death. If anyone of us were in his position, we would have sent our families into hiding far away.

  254. @Mark Bahner

    By the time the camp was liberated in January 1945, only a few thousand were left. Most of them were transferred on death marches to other camps in the central and western parts

    This part does not make sense to me. If the Germans had intended to kill the inmates, why even bother to undertake a death march, and have them viewed by the public?

    Would it not be far easier to just shoot the inmates or simply starve or thirst them to death?

    • Agree: John Wear, Han
  255. Ron Unz says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Good grief! I’ll save the summary of the overwhelming amount of evidence I’ve presented for my Summation.

    It looks like this Holocaust Debate thread has already racked up more than 60,000 words and is going strong.

    Since you’re one of the leading participants, with so many dozens of lengthy comments, I wonder if you could take a little time to try and answer my original question.

    If during the years after WWII, the Holocaust—involved the horrific killing of five or six million innocent Jewish civilians—had been widely regarded as real rather than merely dishonest wartime propaganda, surely there would have been SOME reasonable discussion of it in the American mainstream media or academic community. Yet I’m not aware of anything prior to about 1960.

    Obviously, if the American media and academic establishment of that period didn’t believe in the Holocaust doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen. For example, almost no one ever mentioned Operation Pike or the Suvorov Hypothesis either. But I do think it would considerably shift the presumption against its reality.

    Surely it can’t be that difficult to locate some substantial references to millions of Jewish deaths or gas chambers or that sort of thing in the 1950s.

    • Replies: @Chebyshev
    , @kb_2
  256. Chebyshev says:
    @Ron Unz

    Obviously, if the American media and academic establishment of that period didn’t believe in the Holocaust doesn’t necessarily mean it didn’t happen. For example, almost no one ever mentioned Operation Pike or the Suvorov Hypothesis either.

    But Sisley Huddleston wrote about Operation Pike in the early 1950s. He wasn’t American, and he was just one person, but he wrote infinitely more about Pike than anybody wrote about the Holocaust during that period, no?

    Suvorov had access to the Kremlin and defected to the West – a unique background that surely was necessary in order for him to piece together his hypothesis. So, it’s different from the Holocaust, which, if it had occurred, certainly could’ve been written about extensively by American or British authors in the 50s.

    I find it inconceivable that the Holocaust happened but then nothing was written about it for a decade and a half.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Patrick McNally
  257. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Patrick McNally #226 says:

    “That Canadian News link which you gave is the first thing which seems to make some kind of claim about Niuta Teitelbaum and Spartacus. Unfortunately, it seems rather confused and in need of editing:

    LOL! Typical Patrick McNally or Shlomo Slimestein, whatever your name is.
    Always nitpicking instead of coming up with some solid counter arguments.

    Why do you think Canadian News would mention “SPARTACUS” and “Niuta Teitelbaum” in their article?

    How about this one then; an article by Professor Ber Mark:

    Ber Mark was a noted Jewish Historian who died in Poland in 1966 at the age of 58.

    Born in Lomzha, Poland, he was working in the pre-war years on the editorial staff of Der Moment, large Jewish daily which appeared in Warsaw. He became known after World War II for his books on the revolt against the German occupation army in the Warsaw Ghetto and other works dealing with life of the Jews under the Nazis in Poland. He is also the author of a two-volume History of the Jews in Poland. He visited Israel where he lectured at the Hebrew University. Some of his works have been translated into English, French, Spanish, German and Portuguese.


    The First Revolutionary Circles and the First Rebellious Steps Forward

    Two strong feelings motivated the conscientious Jewish revolutionary in the ghetto to an active resistance. It was, first of all, the desire to participate in the struggle against the Hitlerist tormentors, to lock themselves into the camp of a struggle for liberty, to throw off the hateful yoke; this desire arose in the minds of the anti–fascist Jews even before the swastika nation of murderers thought of the total destruction of the Jewish people; in other words, this very fact completely disclaims the theory of “a desperate act.”

    The way to join in with the people who were freedom fighters, however, had a tremendous blockage: the ghetto wall. Thus, the first mission of the resistance–yearning elements in the ghetto was to surmount this forceful interfering obstacle. On the other side of the ghetto wall there were also Polish anti–fascist elements who were making efforts to put moral cracks in the wall, and together with their idealistic Jewish friends, they did so.

    This breakthrough was made by the Polish “SPARTACUS”– activist Kazhik Dembjak (Vladislav Bucinski); this breakthrough was done by the Polish workers who grouped themselves around the first leftist circles, and who sent their Jewish friends tools for this work.

    Masses of Jewish workers and working intelligentsia participated in the heroic defense of Warsaw.

    And in the first few weeks after Warsaw’s fall, the first Jewish youth circles of “SPARTACUS” arose in the depths of the underground, who worked hand in hand with the Polish circles of this organization.

    At that time, a conspiratorial Jewish organization was created, of intellectuals and former military staff, which was known by the name “kotowtzes,” which is from the name of one of their organizers, the young Kot, who was of Jewish roots.

    This organization, which began its activities of collecting arms, quickly fell apart. It seemed that Kot, when arrested, put up resistance and killed a policeman. There were bloody repercussions, also with many members of the Jewish intelligentsia being killed as well. This organization disappeared at the first hit, because it had no roots among the people and also no clear political platform.

    The fate of “SPARTACUS” was different. Deeply anchored among the youth and armed ideologically, this organization managed to integrate itself later on into the Polish Workers’ Party and then produced a gallery of active personalities who later became prominent in the resistance movement, in the partisan camps, and during the times of the resistance.

    Care to comment on Professor Ber Mark’s article, Patrick McNally?

  258. kb_2 says:
    @Mark Bahner

    John gave good reasons not to regard Hess’ testimony as a priori true. You began to refute it, but from my point of view, not very successfully. You need to show that the details in his testimony match а) documentation of the time Hess speaks of b) testimonies of other people – and c) show that it is unlikely that at least some of these intersecting details were caused by threats/torture/financial interests/memory distortions. Your ideas about continuum – “True,” “Mostly True,” “Mostly False,” or “False – is a good step in the right direction.

    I am in this discussion as an observer (who sometimes comments). In order to argue on one side or another, one must know the literature very well. I do not pretend to be (although I read a lot to sometimes comment).

    You could confuse me with another person – since I commented on your answer to him. I think that missing people are the weak point of revisionism and I have doubts that the revisionists will find them. Personally, your discussion of the Hungarian Jews seemed to me – and seems – reasonable.

  259. kb_2 says:
    @Ron Unz

    Ron, if you want to see some really fascinating debates, try inviting Holocaust Controversies bloggers – they’re the best candidate for a revisionist debate. I’m not sure if they will agree. On the other side it would be nice to have Thomas Dalton. Or Germar Rudolf, but he is unlikely to agree. It seems to me that John alone may not be enough to balance the forces.

    If this can be arranged, it will be very interesting. But you need a plan, a suitable format, and so on.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Andrew Mathis
  260. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Patrick McNally #228 says:

    “I haven’t touched on that at all here. Personally, I think it’s extremely doubtful that 46 cremation muffles at Birkenau (which had already been in use for more than a year) would be able to consume somewhere on the order of 400k bodies of different sizes without there being clear records of the masonry in the crematoria disintegrating apart.”

    Personally, I think that the cremation of the 400k bodies never took place. All part of the HOLOHOAX or HOLOCAU$T, a HUGE money spinner for the Jews, built on a HUGE JEWISH LIE.

    There were no gas chambers at all in all the concentration camps. They admitted that themselves after the War that there were no gas chambers in the camps located in Germany, only in Poland, which was a LIE.
    Of course, Poland was occupied by the Soviet Union after the War and the Soviet Union was an integral part of the creation of the Holocaust industry from the very beginning.

    Anyone questioning / denying “The Holocaust” is smeared, ridiculed, threatened and even jailed in so many countries. Russia under the Jew Putin the latest country to join that club.

    Putin has now emerged as one of the foremost promoters of the Holocaust narrative globally.
    The Holocaust narrative is critical to Putin’s ideological war in Eastern Europe and to his ongoing ambition to forge stronger links with Israel.

    The primary rationale for promotion of the Holocaust narrative by the Russian state appears to be an attempt at negative soft power targeting former Soviet satellite states.

    While Ukraine is the most well-known target of current Russian “denazification” efforts, the incorporation of the Holocaust narrative into Russian foreign policy has resulted in very similar accusations and rhetorical attacks in recent years against Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia.

    History politics, especially those linked to the Holocaust narrative, have become an integral part of Russia’s diplomatic and political technology.
    As well as investing in Holocaust memorials, the Kremlin has also worked to develop and promote its own version of the ADL.


    The Rise and Fall of Russian Holocaust Propaganda
    Russia was an integral part of the creation of the Holocaust industry from the very beginning. In the immediate aftermath of World War II, it was in Soviet interests to utterly delegitimize the governments and peoples of those Eastern European countries selected for absorption into the Communist mega-state.

    Accusing the peoples of Latvia, Poland, Lithuania, or Ukraine of being complicit in genocide or “crimes against humanity,” for example, was an easy way of both demoralizing them and suppressing anti-Soviet nationalism.
    After the war, the Soviet need for a Holocaust narrative disappeared overnight. While it was soon adopted in the West as a methodology for the advance of multiculturalism and White guilt, in the Soviet Union Jewish atrocity propaganda, as a discourse, was more or less eliminated.

    By the summer of 1949, the Holocaust narrative once again emerged as a matter of political contention, this time in Poland. The Soviet ambassador wrote to Moscow in July complaining that 37% of Polish Ministry of Public Security officers were Jewish in a country where Jews comprised less than 1% of the population.
    Jakub Berman, one of the Jewish leaders of the country and a former associate of Holocaust propagandist Solomon Mikhoels, hastily attempted to defuse the situation by offering a strange bargain — the assertion that six million people had died in “the Holocaust” but that this total involved three million Jews and three million non-Jews.[3]

    With this gambit, offering a shared reward from Jewish propaganda efforts, Berman bought himself some time and managed to avoid the more severe anti-Jewish purges associated with the “Doctor’s Plot,” Stalin’s last attempt to curb Jewish influence in the Soviet Union.
    The Holocaust narrative, as a tale of special Jewish victimhood, then fell dormant in Russia for half a century.

    As indicated by his long speech announcing a “special military action” in Ukraine, Putin is a keen student of history and is highly sensitive to the way in which understandings of history, or rather the politics of history, influence culture, national identity, geopolitics, and even military goals.
    It’s therefore not all that surprising that he should reach into the past in order to secure a more dominant grip over neighboring nations.

    Putin’s intense utilization of the Holocaust narrative is of special interest because he has revived one of its original intentions: as a weapon against anti-Russian nationalism in what are now the former Soviet satellite states.
    Whether Putin is a “true believer” in the Holocaust story, or whether he is employing it purely for tactical reasons, is besides the point.

    The Holocaust narrative is critical to Putin’s ideological war in Eastern Europe and to his ongoing ambition to forge stronger links with Israel.
    One of the results is that Putin has emerged as one of the foremost promoters of the Holocaust narrative globally.

  261. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Patrick McNally #228 says:

    “I haven’t touched on that at all here. Personally, I think it’s extremely doubtful that 46 cremation muffles at Birkenau (which had already been in use for more than a year) would be able to consume somewhere on the order of 400k bodies of different sizes without there being clear records of the masonry in the crematoria disintegrating apart.”


    The Book That Made The Jews So Mad They Had To Invent The Movie HOLOCAUST!

    About The author
    Thies Christophersen was a pioneer revisionist writer and courageous fighter for truth in history — died February 13, 1997, at Molfsee, Kiel, in north Germany. He was 79.

    In a memoir first published in Germany in 1973, he related his wartime experiences as a German army officer in the Auschwitz camp complex.

    “During the time I was in Auschwitz, I did not notice the slightest evidence of mass gassings,” he wrote in Die Auschwitz-Lüge (“The Auschwitz Lie”).

    As one of the first important works squarely to confront the Auschwitz extermination legend, Christophersen’s first-hand account was a major factor in the growth and development of Holocaust revisionism.

    “The Auschwitz Lie” caused an immediate sensation in Germany, where it was soon banned. This did not stop publication of German-language editions in Switzerland and Denmark, however, and before long editions appeared in all the major European languages, including several in English.

    Christophersen predictably came under hostile and mendacious media attack. Numerous newspaper reports, for example, inaccurately referred to him as a former “SS officer.”

    Although he was never prosecuted for his “Auschwitz Lie” booklet, he was put on trial for other outspoken writings. In the 1980s he served a year in prison on charges of “insulting the state” (“Verunglimpfung des Staates”) and “insulting the memory of the dead.”

    During his final months, German officials treated him as a virtual “enemy of the state.” His bank account in Germany was closed down, and in early 1996 a German court rejected his application to return to his homeland for a brief visit to attend the burial of a son who had died in a car crash.

    On the grounds that he had no permanent place of residence, in 1996 German authorities cancelled his state medical insurance coverage and stopped payment of his modest state retirement pension (into which he had paid for 45 years), as well as his military service pension.

    Christophersen was arrested for the last time a few weeks before his death, but a German judge declared him too ill to be jailed. Released to a son’s custody, he died a few days later.

    • Thanks: Kali, John Wear
  262. Kali says:
    @Patrick McNally

    I tried really hard just to float past this one out of sheer embarrassment for my own lack of attention. But my conscience won’t allow it.

    Lacking any wet fish on the mountain, I went ahead and slapped myself about the head with a wet cabbage leaf this morning whilst watering the garden.

    Penance paid, I will be sure to pay due attention from now on.

    Let that be a lesson to you Mr Bahner!


  263. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Patrick McNally #229 says:

    “If anything remotely like the ridiculous 66 million hoax had been going on, then Solzhenitsyn would not be recalling that “the brightest of futures lay ahead.”

    Solzhenitsyn in ‘Gulag Archipelago’ mentioned the 66 million figure, BUT HE WAS VERY CAREFUL ABOUT IT:

    “According to the estimates of émigré Professor of Statistics Kurganov, this “comparatively easy”
    internal repression cost us, from the beginning of the October Revolution up to 1959, a total of…
    sixty-six million—66,000,000—lives.”

    “We, of course, cannot vouch for his figure, but we have none other that is official. And just as soon as the official figure is issued the specialists can make the necessary critical comparisons.” – Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago, page 146

    Kurganov’s estimate of 66 million deaths is not based on archival research, but rather his projection of what the Soviet population should have been in 1959 based on a constant rate of increase from 1917: the difference between that figure and what the Soviet population actually was he attributed to deaths from the Soviet regime.
    He then revised his figure upwards to 110 million, which Solzhenitsyn first used in an interview in 1976.
    Another Russian emigre demographer, Sergei Maksudov (born Alexander Babyonyshev), called Kurganov’s estimate “pseudoscience”.

    From an Israeli website:

    Stalin’s Jews – We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,7340,L-3342999,00.html
    Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.

    We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely AT LEAST 20 MILLION, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

    How about this video of my “favourite” Rabbi, Mizrachi, Patrick McNally?

    “Goyim, at least 6 billion of them are idol worshippers and according to the Torah do not have the right to live and deserve the death penalty”.

    The Torah and Talmud are full of hatred towards the Gentiles, Goyim: Amalek, the Jews’ Eternal Enemy to be Exterminated.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  264. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    I want you to believe

    “I believe”is nothing but another way of saying “I don’t know”, Mr Bahner.

    And “I don’t know” is not enough to convict a whole regime and country of genocide in support of a jewish agenda to dominate and destroy western civilisation.

    The BBC is widely known for its propaganda and for hit pieces against anyone who rejects the establishment narrative on anything.

    Mr Goering could easily have been bribed or blackmailed into making this confession, unsupported, as it is, by actual, physical evidence.


  265. John Wear says:

    Mark Bahner,

    It is doubtful that Oskar Gröning said he saw homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau in the BBC interview.

    The following is from pages 106-107 of the 4th edition of Peter Winter’s book “The Six Million: Fact or Fiction?”

    “The announcement that former SS so-called ‘Auschwitz bookkeeper’ Oskar Groening will go on trial on April 21, 2014, in Germany, has allowed the mass media—and the BBC in particular—to recycle yet another old hoary lie on the topic: namely that he said in a documentary that he had “seen the gas chambers.”

    The BBC’s breathless coverage of Groening’s court date, as contained in their article of February 2, 2015, titled “Trial date set for ‘Auschwitz bookkeeper’ Groening” is clearly designed to be an attempt to beat back the growing Holocaust revisionist tide.

    The BBC article, in a sub-heading called “I saw the gas chambers,” tells its readers that:

    “Groening, who began work at Auschwitz aged 21, does not deny witnessing the mass killing at Auschwitz. In 2005 he told the BBC: “I saw the gas chambers. I saw the crematoria. I saw the open fires. I was on the ramp when the selections [for the gas chambers] took place.” I would like you to believe these atrocities happened—because I was there.”

    The documentary to which this article refers is the six-episode “Auschwitz: The Nazis and ‘The Final Solution’” produced by the BBC and distributed all over the world.

    As usual with these sorts of Holocaust stories, the truth is very far from reality. Groening was a lower-ranking SS man at Auschwitz—but in the BBC documentary, he actually never used the words “gas chambers.”

    This is a complete fiction, a made-up insertion.

    This overt lie was first pointed out by an alert viewer of the program from Portugal, one A. S. Marques, in a letter to historian David Irving, which was published on the latter’s website.

    Marques’ masterful treatment of the “Groening confession” lie cannot be bettered, so here it is, verbatim, as originally published:

    A. S. Marques of Portugal has spotted, Saturday, April 16, 2005, how BBC producer Laurence Rees faked what a German “eye-witness of gas chambers” actually said.

    What Gröning actually said:

    I HAVE just read the article “The fight against Holocaust denial” by Raffi Berg, quoted by your site from BBC News. In that article, we read the following:

    “The fear that deniers could gain the upper hand led an SS camp guard, Oskar Gröning, to break a lifetime of silence earlier this year in a BBC documentary, Auschwitz: The Nazis and the Final Solution. ‘I saw the gas chambers. I saw the crematoria. I saw the open fires. I was on the ramp when the selections [for the gas chambers] took place,’ said Mr Gröning, now in his 80s. ‘I would like you to believe these atrocities happened— because I was there.’”

    Mr. Berg’s quote is intriguing. I happen to have not only watched, but also tape-recorded, the BBC documentary he mentions, when it was broadcast last March 8 [2005] on the Portuguese channel RTP-2, in its original English version subtitled in Portuguese, and I was struck by the contradiction between the subtitles and the actual words one can hear in the film.

    They differ in one important detail from what one can distinctly hear, both in the German words spoken by Gröning and their superposed English translation.

    The Portuguese subtitles, like Mr. Berg’s quote, follow what I gather to be the BBC-distributed text that one can find here (Groening speaking):

    “I see it as my task, now at my age, to face up to these things that I experienced and to oppose the Holocaust deniers who claim that Auschwitz never happened. And that’s why I am here today. Because I want to tell those deniers: I have seen the gas chambers, I have seen the crematoria, I have seen the burning pits—and I want you to believe me that these atrocities happened. I was there.”

    Now here are the actual words one gets in the English superposed commentary, which is a faithful translation of the German words one is also able to hear beneath the English:

    “I see it as my task, now at my age, to face up to these things that I experienced and to oppose the Holocaust deniers who claim that Auschwitz never happened. And that’s why I am here today. Because I want to tell those deniers: I have seen the crematoria, I have seen the burning pits—and I want you to believe me that these atrocities happened. I was there.”

    Spot the difference.

    A. S. Marques
    Lisbon, Portugal.

    Once again, we have a classic case of outright lies, combined with a “don’t-deny-it-happened-but-I-was-not-involved” type confession, the sort of which I detailed in Chapter 8: The Psychology of Confessions in The Six Million: Fact or Fiction.

    Critically, Groening talked about his time at the camp, but denies ever having committed any murders or atrocities himself.

    Equally critically, he would of course have seen crematoria, and cremations—these were installations at every single German concentration camp.

    The existence of crematoria does not, however, “prove” a mass extermination program, and it is clear that Groening was talked into making his remarks in some type of belief that he would not be prosecuted if he admitted being at the camp.

    Now, however, he will soon regret having been willing to comment at all, because his appearance on the BBC documentary, and his resultant “fame” has landed him in court facing no less than 300,000 murder charges.

    The only logical—and best—defense against this incredible charge, is of course to show that there were no mass exterminations.

    However, unfortunately for Groening—and he has played along with the game, never thinking it would land him in court—this obvious, and only, real defense is illegal in Germany.

    Groening now has talked himself into a serious court case, in which his only real defense is against the law. He will have little alternative except to accept that there was a mass extermination program, but claim that he had nothing to do with it.”

  266. Ron Unz says:

    I find it inconceivable that the Holocaust happened but then nothing was written about it for a decade and a half.

    Sure, but I was trying to be as generous and open-minded as possible.

    One obvious difference was that both Operation Pike and the Suvorov Hypothesis were hugely embarrassing to the Allies, so in the aftermath of WWII, one would have expected them to be avoided in mainstream coverage. Meanwhile, the Holocaust was the strongest indictment of the defeated Nazis, so exactly the opposite should have been the case.

    But to me the key fact is that Beaty’s huge conservative bestseller of 1951 explicitly ridiculed the Holocaust as dishonest wartime propaganda and although he was ferociously attacked by liberals and Jewish activists on so many other grounds, they completely ignored that one. For example, I located a very hostile academic review of his book that concentrated on his alleged factual errors but never mentioned that one.

    I think there’s also a strong argument from silence in Prof. Joseph Bendersky’s very weighty volume published in 2000, investigating “anti-Semitism” within American Military Intelligence and among our top generals. But I noted a strange omission:

    Oliver’s peremptory dismissal of the standard Holocaust narrative led me to take a closer look at the treatment of the same topic in Bendersky’s book, and I noticed something quite odd. As discussed above, his exhaustive research in official files and personal archives conclusively established that during World War II a very considerable fraction of all our Military Intelligence officers and top generals were vehemently hostile to Jewish organizations and also held beliefs that today would be regarded as utterly delusional. The author’s academic specialty is Holocaust studies, so it is hardly surprising that his longest chapter focused on that particular subject, bearing the title “Officers and the Holocaust, 1940-1945.” But a close examination of the contents raises some troubling questions.

    Across more than sixty pages, Bendersky provides hundreds of direct quotes, mostly from the same officers who are the subject of the rest of his book. But after carefully reading the chapter twice, I was unable to find a single one of those statements referring to the massive slaughter of Jews that constitutes what we commonly call the Holocaust, nor to any of its central elements, such as the existence of death camps or gas chambers.

    The forty page chapter that follows focuses on the plight of the Jewish “survivors” in post-war Europe, and the same utter silence applies. Bendersky is disgusted by the cruel sentiments expressed by these American military men towards the Jewish former camp inmates, and he frequently quotes them characterizing the latter as thieves, liars, and criminals; but the officers seem strangely unaware that those unfortunate souls had only just barely escaped an organized mass extermination campaign that had so recently claimed the lives of the vast majority of their fellows. Numerous statements and quotes regarding Jewish extermination are provided, but all of these come from various Jewish activists and organizations, while there is nothing but silence from all of the military officers themselves.

    Bendersky’s ten years of archival research brought to light personal letters and memoirs of military officers written decades after the end of the war, and in both those chapters he freely quotes from these invaluable materials, sometimes including private remarks from the late 1970s, long after the Holocaust had become a major topic in American public life. Yet not a single statement of sadness, regret, or horror is provided. Thus, a prominent Holocaust historian spends a decade researching a book about the private views of our military officers towards Jews and Jewish topics, but the one hundred pages he devotes to the Holocaust and its immediate aftermath contains not a single directly-relevant quote from those individuals, which is simply astonishing. A yawning chasm seems to exist at the center of his lengthy historical volume, or put another way, a particular barking dog is quite deafening in its silence.

    I am not an archival researcher and have no interest in reviewing the many tens of thousands of pages of source material located at dozens of repositories across the country that Bendersky so diligently examined while producing his important book. Perhaps during their entire wartime activity and also the decades of their later lives, not a single one of the hundred-odd important military officers who were the focus of his investigation ever once broached the subject of the Holocaust or the slaughter of Jews during World War II. But I think there is another distinct possibility.

    As mentioned earlier, Beaty spent his war years carefully reviewing the sum-total of all incoming intelligence information each day and then producing an official digest for distribution to the White House and our other top leaders. And in his 1951 book, published just a few years after the end of fighting, he dismissed the supposed Holocaust as a ridiculous wartime concoction by dishonest Jewish and Communist propagandists that had no basis in reality. Soon afterward, Beaty’s book was fully endorsed and promoted by many of our leading World War II generals, including those who were subjects of Bendersky’s archival research. And although the ADL and various other Jewish organizations fiercely denounced Beaty, there is no sign that they ever challenged his absolutely explicit “Holocaust denial.”

    I suspect that Bendersky gradually discovered that such “Holocaust denial” was remarkably common in the private papers of many of his Military Intelligence officers and top generals, which presented him with a serious dilemma. If only one or two of those individuals had expressed such sentiments, their shocking statements could be cited as further evidence of their delusional anti-Semitism. But what if a substantial majority of those officers—who certainly had possessed the best knowledge of the reality of World War II—held private beliefs that were very similar to those publicly expressed by their former colleagues Beaty and Oliver? In such a situation, Bendersky may have decided that certain closed doors should remain in that state, and entirely skirted the topic.

    • Thanks: Wizard of Oz, HdC
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  267. Ron Unz says:

    Ron, if you want to see some really fascinating debates, try inviting Holocaust Controversies bloggers – they’re the best candidate for a revisionist debate.

    Well, I’d certainly be interested in what mainstream references they can provide to the Holocaust between about 1946 and 1960. If you’ve spent time exploring their website, perhaps you can pass those along to me.

    • Replies: @kb_2
  268. kb_2 says:
    @Ron Unz

    I googled some papers concerning this topic (not from HC website).

    1) Joseph Kary. Holocaust Journalism in 1950s Toronto: The Toronto Star, The Globe and Mail, and The Vochenblatt

    2) Lawrence Baron. The Holocaust and American Public Memory, 1945-1960

    3) I have found reviews of Reutlinger’s and Polyakov’s books in scientific journals via Libgen. Some of them are quite short. I specially googled for reviews of this books.

    4) book: Reporting the Holocaust in the British, Swedish and Finnish Press, 1945-50 by A. Holmila

    and his article “The First Wave of American “Holocaust” Films, 1945–1959 ”

    5) article “How Post-war Britain Reflected on the Nazi Persecution and Mass Murder of Europe’s Jews: A Reassessment of Early Responses” by David Cesarani (can be accessed via libgen).

    Here is description:

    Of course, I did not read this works – it is impossible in a short period of time. But if you find something useful for yourself in these articles (supporting or refuting your point of view), I will be glad.

    • Thanks: Brás Cubas
    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  269. @Han

    Ron Unz has tried it on with that ridiculous comparison with the way JapaneseAmericans were treated. Did hepatitis you up to doing something he would be ashamed to repeat?

    Have you sny source documents showing similar motives and justifications? No, of course not. You are just parroting derivative rubbish.

    The biggest omission in your version is that Japanese-Americans were overwhelmingly on the west coast where it was feared they could include ready made facilitators of an invasion.

    • LOL: Han
  270. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Not admissible, by whatever jurisdiction’s rules of evidence you are choosing to apply for whatever unstated reasons, is not the same as not true. As it happens he probably included deliberately exaggerated figures for deaths in his statement used in the Kaltenbrunner trial but, when persuaded to write his memoirs, told the truth

  271. I have a conjecture about how it came to be that Mark Bahner got into this dispute on this web site. I think it was because I responded to a comment by Mark Bahner elsewhere with a reference (link not permitted there!) to an Unz article about WW2.

    See his comments here:

    In reply to a comment by Mark Bahner, I posted:

    Calvin Hobbes2023-06-16 19:01:08

    Why Everything You Know About World War II Is Wrong

    at the Unz Review.

    I tried posting a link, but that was not allowed by MR.

    Part of Mark Bahner’s response:

    Oy vey! 🙁

    A good rule of thumb when you read, “Why Everything You Know About ‘X’ is Wrong,” is that if “X” is something as big as WW II, *everything* that’s known can’t possibly be wrong.

    Let’s start at the very beginning of the war (“A very good place to start,” as Julie Andrews famously sang).

    Is this Ron Unz guy claiming that the historical transcript of Hitler’s August 22, 1939 Obersalzberg speech is a total fabrication, including these quotes:
    *All that* is a fabrication?


    CALVIN HOBBES: Actually, it does sound like a fabrication to me.

    BAHNER: Your point appears valid. I was not aware that three versions of the 1939 Obersalzberg briefing existed, and the version I quoted from was not accepted into evidence in the Nuremberg trials. Instead, this vastly different version was one of the two versions apparently accepted into evidence:….

    Later Bahner tries to interogate me:

    BAHNER: Do you agree that the Nazis created death camps that murdered millions of civilians? If not, what number of civilians do you think were murdered in the death camps? Or don’t you think such death camps even existed?

    I did not bother to respond to that, but my answer would be that I don’t know how closely the standard Holocaust narrative corresponds to reality. And on what basis should I be able to come up with an answer to “what number of civilians do you think were murdered in the death camps?” Because I’m a good person and to be a good person one has to believe it was 6 million, along with the story that most of them were gassed instead of dying of disease or starvation? Maybe Ron Unz is deluded and the standard Holocaust narrative is actually close to reality, but the fact that one can be imprisoned in many countries for presenting evidence against the standard narrative does make me suspect that it’s a Big Lie.

  272. @John Wear

    I was just wondering how Mr. Groening managed to escape prosecution for his crimes against humanity, and I made a note to look that up; thanks for the info.

    Of course, one would never consider telling lies or going along to avoid prosecution or wriggling a more lenient sentence out of the powers that be. Yes, Mr. McNally, the powers that condemn “everyone, everywhere.”

  273. @John Wear

    As usual John, great work in being able to spot the difference between what was alleged to have been asserted by Oskar Gröning, and what he ACTUALLY said.

    Which just confirms what most of us have known from the start. ie: that the orchestrators of the Holohoax have invested a lot of time and effort into maintaining the lies which represent the official narrative.

    This is a high stakes game and there is much riding on the outcome.
    If the official story of the ‘6 million/gas chambers’ were to unravel (in the sense that the penny dropped for the bulk of the brainwashed masses), this would have serious repercussions for Malevolent International Jewry.
    People would then start to ask themselves things like:
    ‘What else has the ZOG controlled MSM and USG lied to me about ?’.

    It could result in other dominoes falling, like the ZOG concocted official stories about 9/11, the JFK coup d’etat, the Covid Psyop, the Ukraine proxy war and much more.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  274. A couple of questions for John Wear and friends:

    1.The discussion here has been about the “death camps”. What about the “Einsatzgruppen”? Is there good reason to doubt what’s written here, for example:

    2. On the parallel iSteve thread:

    Steve Sailer writes (for example):

    734. Steve Sailer says: • Website
    July 12, 2023 at 12:10 am GMT • 14.2 hours ago ↑

    Jewish organizations have lists of the names of over 5 million victims. You say that at least 2.5 million of them actually survived.

    Where are those 2.5 million plus?

    Why did they never write?

    Sailer thinks that there’s good evidence that millions of Jews in Europe somehow disappeared between 1939 and 1945 and that it’s reasonable to think that they disappeared because they were murdered.

    Perhaps John Wear has already addressed this here.

  275. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Ford was a con artist? According to whom? Was he known for unethical business practices?

    I make no claims to a knowledge of the automobile business. My comments were specifically about the way that Ford ‘s Dearborn Independent made miscitations of the article “Jews in World Reconstruction” that had been authored by Tonjoroff.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  276. John Wear says:
    @Calvin Hobbes

    You write: “The discussion here has been about the “death camps”. What about the “Einsatzgruppen”? Is there good reason to doubt what’s written here, for example:;

    My response: Mark Bahner wants this to be a discussion about Auschwitz-Birkenau. So, that is what we have been focusing on.

    In regard to the so-called Holocaust by Bullets, you might enjoy reading my article at

    You write: “Sailer thinks that there’s good evidence that millions of Jews in Europe somehow disappeared between 1939 and 1945 and that it’s reasonable to think that they disappeared because they were murdered.”

    My response: They seem to reappear when it is time to collect reparations. You might enjoy reading my article on reparations at

    Also, I recommend my article at

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions after reading these articles.

    • Thanks: Calvin Hobbes
  277. @Ron Unz

    That very neatly explains how “Holocaust denial”, aka “how was this possible? Let’s look into it” became the equivalent of “raging anti-Semite.”

    Patton held similar views at the conclusion of the war; he expressed his views publicly; “they” put an end to his antisemitism quite succinctly; perhaps others noticed.

  278. @Han

    > the number is surely AT LEAST 20 MILLION

    That’s a popular myth from the Cold War, often repeated and not just by white nationalist nutbars. Archibald Getty is more accurate where he says:

    “The new documentation has confirmed other aspects of the terror that I have suspected for some time. For one thing, the archival evidence from the secret police rejects the astronomically high estimates often given for the number of terror victims. Certainly, the numbers are still terribly large, and even the more modest figures from the archives do not make the terror any more palatable or easy to understand. We should not need to artificially run up the score to tens of millions of victims to realize the horror of Stalinism.”
    — Archibald Getty & Oleg Naumov, The Road to Terror: Stalin and the Self-Destruction of the Bolsheviks 1932-1939, p. xiv, Yale University Press, 1999.

    • Replies: @Han
  279. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Do you think it’s possible that those Hungarian Jews wound up in the 60 countries where interviewers went to gather fairy tales in preparation for the movie Schindler’s List?

  280. @Chebyshev

    > I find it inconceivable that the Holocaust happened but then nothing was written about it for a decade and a half.

    While I have no stake in the gas chambers stories, I should point that you are mistaken in speaking of 15 years. In the record of “Holocaust historiography” the first noteworthy, published study appeared in 1953. The author was Gerlad Reitlinger, and the title was The Final Solution. While there’s no obligation to accept Reitlinger’s conclusions, you can’t honestly say that nothing was written for a decade and a half. There’s actually a reasonable schedule of timing going from the postwar trials in 1945-6, to Reitlinger in 1953, and then Hilberg in 1961.

    • Replies: @Chebyshev
    , @Andrew Mathis
  281. Ron Unz says:

    I googled some papers concerning this topic (not from HC website).

    Thanks for those helpful references and I read through several of them. To some extent, I think they actually strengthen my case.

    The long 2003 article by Lawrence Baron seems the most comprehensive, and despite going through the media with a fine-tooth comb, he only seemed to be able to locate very scattered references during 1946-1959. Most of these seemed to vaguely denounce the Nazis for being “anti-Semitic” or “persecuting Jews,” which obviously no one would deny. The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising got lots of historical attention, but that actually happened. There was also a great deal of attention paid to the Diary of Anne Frank, who died of typhus in a German hospital, which isn’t exactly a canonical Holocaust story. There were exceptions, but those mostly appeared in Jewish publications like Commentary.

    I also read the long discussion about coverage in the 1950s Toronto newspapers, and there was some there, though it also seemed pretty fragmentary. I noticed that a front-page 1953 article in the biggest Toronto newspaper denounced the “oppression” of the Hungarian Jews under the Nazis, but claimed that the “oppression” of Jews under Soviet Communism was even “worse.” This hardly seems to support the conventional Holocaust narrative.

    Suppose that the Nazis had killed 6,000 Jews rather than 6,000,000. Nearly all the references those diligent researchers located in the media would seem just as consistent with that total.

    We must remember that during and after the end of the war the American government had officially proclaimed the Nazi Holocaust and President Truman had specifically mentioned the extermination of 6 million Jews in one of his speeches. Obviously, our government and media never published an official retraction of these claims, a banner-headline NYT story declaring “We Lied!” and no one in the 1940s/1950s MSM wanted to make that accusation and embarrass their own government. But I think more and more knowledgeable people soon quietly realized it had all just been wartime propaganda, and that explained why almost everyone stopped talking about it. Naturally, there were exceptions, especially among Jewish activists, but they were just exceptions and got almost no mainstream media coverage.

    I should also mention that in the 1990s there were lots of MSM stories saying that although the Jewish Holocaust had occurred in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, how shocking it was that no one in that region had ever heard of it, though that obviously soon changed once a flood of Western media arrived.

    These days the sweeping doctrine of transgenderism has led our MSM to loudly proclaim that men can give birth and people who claim otherwise can get purged from social media. I’m sure a few examples of that belief could be found in the 1980s and 1990s, but they hardly represented a significant fraction of the population.

    • Thanks: HdC, Chebyshev
    • Replies: @Chebyshev
    , @BlackFlag
  282. @Patrick McNally

    This was your first statement:
    “ Ford was a con artist who promoted misquotations and fabrications.”

    Let’s focus on just the above ten words and completely ignore everything else written; So, a man, who by all measures is/was successful, ethical in business, highly intelligent, self made and concerned for his fellow citizens said something you don’t like or with which you disagree, is therefore, a con man. Why not say “he may have been ill informed on….?”

    You also wrote (a la McNally Method):

    “I make no claims to a knowledge”

    Au contraire, you spout all sorts of knowledge unknown to or misunderstood by the masses.

    I await your assessment on the reliability of Barbara Spectre.

    We are clogging up the Holocaust thread, so perhaps you can explain another day/another thread.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  283. @John Wear

    My response: We certainly are. Mark Bahner is still flouting Rudolf Höss as a credible witness to the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. My comments #18, 114, 117, and 123 on this discussion thread all discuss why Rudolf Höss is not a credible witness. Han also made an excellent comment #113 about Höss. However, Mark Bahner still thinks Höss is a credible witness to the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    John, you never responded to my questions in my comment #205. Generally, all they require is a “true,” “mostly true,” “mostly false,” or “false” assessment by you. That’s with the exception of the numbers in the final question, where I’d like to get your numbers if you think Höss’s numbers are “false” or “mostly false.”

    Mark Bahner’s evidence for the existence of homicidal gas chambers so far is based on witnesses such as Rudolf Höss, Fritz Klein, Oskar Gröning, Reinhold Hanning, Miklos Nyiszli, Filip Müller, Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler. I have made lengthy comments on this discussion thread why I think all of these witnesses are not credible.

    I’m still on my “re-direct” on Rudolf Höss. I want to find out whether there is *any* excerpt I quoted from Höss’s autobiography that you regard as true. I’ll get to your comments on Fritz Klein, Oskar Gröning, Reinhold Hanning, Miklos Nyiszli, Filip Müller, Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler after we deal with the excerpts from Rudolf Höss’s autobiography.

    My comment #29 lists two articles I wrote discussing why there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I would like to see Mark Bahner respond to these two articles. Did I make any mistakes in these two articles? Does he disagree with my conclusions?

    John, your comment #29 was presented before I even presented my *first* item of evidence…the excerpts from Rudolf Höss’s autobiography. As far as I know,standard format for a civil trial is:

    1) Before the trial begins, both sides exchange information on what evidence they each plan to present,
    2) Both sides make opening statements.
    3) The Plaintiff’s present their witnesses/evidence, which is cross-examined by the Defense, and then re-redirected by the Plaintiffs if necessary. (There might be even more Defense/Plaintiff turns.)
    4) The Defense presents their witnesses/evidence, which is cross-examined by the Plaitiffs, and then re-directed by the Defense as necessary. (There might be even more Plaintiff/Defense turns.)

    So your comment #29 was extremely premature, since it essentially presented all the Defense case before the Plaintiff even presented their *first* piece of evidence. 🙂

    But this is a mock civil trial, and there’s no judge, so how about this:
    1) You respond to my comment #205, which should not take you long; and
    2) I’ll try to respond to your two links in comment #29…with the understanding that you’ll hold off responding to my responses until the Plaintiffs have rested their case.

    As HdC has said, we would like to see some real tangible scientific and engineering evidence why Mark believes there were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    I’ve already provided multiple examples of scientific and engineering evidence why I believe there were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, including the fact that the company that built Crematoria II through V in Auschwitz-Birkenau labeled one room as “undressing room” (Auskleideraum). And in another letter, one of the underground mortuaries was designated as “gas cellar” (Vergasungskeller).

    But THE ULTIMATE scientific and engineering evidence I provided is that 437,000 Hungarian Jews arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May to July 1944, and there is absolutely no other plausible explanation for what happened to 300,000+ of them, other than that they were murdered in gas chambers and their bodies burned to ashes in crematoria or burn pits.

    That’s the ULTIMATE evidence I presented, and which the Defense has no hope of ever refuting.

    • Replies: @HdC
    , @Kali
  284. John Wear says:

    You write: “John, you never responded to my questions in my comment #205. Generally, all they require is a “true,” “mostly true,” “mostly false,” or “false” assessment by you. That’s with the exception of the numbers in the final question, where I’d like to get your numbers if you think Höss’s numbers are “false” or “mostly false.”

    My response: I stated in my comment #216: “Your comments #205 and #207 are again, similar to your questions about Rudolf Höss, asking me to answer True, Mostly True, Mostly False, or False? I am going to pass on answering these questions. I consider this to be a game that I have no desire to participate in.”

    You write: ‘But THE ULTIMATE scientific and engineering evidence I provided is that 437,000 Hungarian Jews arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May to July 1944, and there is absolutely no other plausible explanation for what happened to 300,000+ of them, other than that they were murdered in gas chambers and their bodies burned to ashes in crematoria or burn pits. That’s the ULTIMATE evidence I presented, and which the Defense has no hope of ever refuting.”

    My response: I refuted your evidence in my comments #190, 191, and #214 on this discussion thread. Please go back and read them. Additionally, you can read my article at for more information.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  285. Chebyshev says:
    @Patrick McNally

    While I have no stake in the gas chambers stories, I should point that you are mistaken in speaking of 15 years.

    Well, I was talking about American writers, but fair enough. It’s still inexplicable from the Holocaust believers’ perspective that nothing anywhere was written about the Holocaust for seven years, then one author wrote something, then nothing else was written on the subject for eight years.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  286. @Wizard of Oz

    Oh, yes, the death bed confession defense.

    Who said “not admissible” is the equivalent of “not true?” If you choose to bash skulls, smash testicles and/or threaten family members of your captives, any admission they make about ANYTHING, specifically or in general, is SUSPECT, and will not be admissible in court. If you abuse your witness/defendant, you forfeit the right to use their testimony.

    The jurisdiction for the rules you deem to be cherry-picked by me for my evil agenda, are all jurisdictions who recognize, more or less, a western form of due process, defendant’s rights, presumption of innocence and all that other silly mumbo jumbo meant to protect citizens from rule by terror or revenge. Americans, for now, have further protections under the Bill of Rights. However, it is universally accepted that torture is more a means to compel statements the authorities want to be true or need to be true for their evil agendas.

    I’ll assume you have read the autobiography that is the source of all this controversy? I’ll see if I can get my hands on it, and we can discuss further from a point of knowledge rather than pure speculation.

    Regardless of what the autobiography entails, the evidence of the torture of Hoss is definitive, so everything he said, wrote or signed is inadmissible in a proper court of law, which means you can’t talk about it or refer to it during proceedings.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Disagree: Wizard of Oz
  287. Plantiff’s Response to Defense Item #1 – The chemistry of Auschwitz/Birkenau

    John Wear (Defense counsel) presented two links to his website, “Inconvenient History.”

    The first is located here:

    It is titled, “The chemistry of Auschwitz/Birkenau”

    The article has the following date: “published: 2017-12-13, first posted: 2017-12-13 18:01:46″.

    The article starts by claiming, ” As part of his defense in this trial, Zündel commissioned the U.S. gas-chamber expert Fred Leuchter to make a scientific examination of the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek.”

    The Plaintiffs dispute that Fred Leuchter is a “gas chamber expert,” and that he has the capability “to make a scientific examination of the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek.’ First of all, the Plaintiffs wish to know how many gas chamber executions Fred Leuchter has participated in, and what was his role in those (alleged) gas chamber executions?

    As far as Fred Leuchter’s scientific expertise:
    1) What is his scientific degree in?
    2) Does he have any educational or occupational expertise in doing environmental sampling (e.g. the proper method to obtain environmental samples, such as sampling for cyanide on concrete)?

    Additionally, the Plaintiffs wish to submit this discussion of the flaws in Fred Leuchter’s methods:

    The Plaintiffs have other doubts about the material presented in the article, “The chemistry of Auschwitz/Birkenau.” However, for the sake of brevity, the Plaintiffs wish to skip straight to the article’s conclusion. The article concludes with:

    As documented in this article, chemists adhering to the orthodox Holocaust narrative have failed to explain why the walls of the delousing facilities at Auschwitz/ Birkenau are permeated with Prussian Blue, while nothing of this sort can be observed in any of the alleged homicidal gas chambers. The only reasonable explanation is that Zyklon B was never used in the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz/Birkenau. Nicholas Kollerstrom writes:[26]

    “[…] for any alleged human gas chamber found in a German World War II labour camp let us merely measure cyanide in the walls: if it’s not there, it didn’t happen.”

    The Plaintiffs contend this conclusion is similar to the following situation:

    The Spirit of St Louis (Lindbergh’s plane) is today kept in the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. It is completely invalid to conclude, “…let us measure the sea salt on the surface of the engine. If the sea salt is not there, it didn’t happen” (i.e., Lindbergh didn’t complete a solo flight across the Atlantic ocean).
    The Plaintiffs contend the conclusion in “The chemistry of Auschwitz/Birkenau” is simply not a valid method for performing historical analyses. The Plaintiffs instead contend this is the proper way to analyze whether homicidal gas chambers existed and were used to kill many thousands of people in Auschwitz-Birkenau:

    1) Look at the court testimony, written, and spoken words of those who were at Auschwitz-Birkenau in WW2…particularly the German SS soldiers who ran Auschwitz-Birkenau, and the Sonderkommando prisoners that the Nazis forced to work at the crematoria at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    2) Look at any documents that exist on the construction of the Crematoria in Birkenau, with emphasis on any documents about the intended use and estimated capacity of the crematoria. Also look at whether additional structures, such as “burn pits” (mass body-burning pyres), might have been constructed and used, which would indicate that bodies needed to be burned at a more rapid rate than the crematoria could handle.

    3) Look at the number, original location, and if possible even names, of people transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau who were reported to have died there in gas chambers. Determine if any of them actually survived the war, or what other causes may have killed them. This is particularly valuable for groups like the Hungarian Jews who arrived from May to July 1944, since so many of the arrived (437,000) so late in the war, and so few of them appear to have survived until the camp liberation in January 1945.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Calvin Hobbes
  288. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    As I wrote earlier, I suggest they wound up in the 60 countries where investigators obtained their tales of horror in preparation for the movie Schindler’s List.

  289. @John Wear

    My response: I stated in my comment #216: “Your comments #205 and #207 are again, similar to your questions about Rudolf Höss, asking me to answer True, Mostly True, Mostly False, or False? I am going to pass on answering these questions. I consider this to be a game that I have no desire to participate in.”

    I don’t consider it a game, when many hundreds of thousands of people were murdered, and you refuse to acknowledge it.

    I presented only four excerpts from Rudolf Höss’s book, and all I asked you to do was to label them “True, Mostly True, Mostly False, or False. (And then provide your own estimate of numbers.) It should take you less than 5 minutes to do that. Here they are again:

    (p126) In July 1942 the Reichsführer SS visited the camp. I took him all over the gypsy camp. He made a most thorough inspection of everything, noting the overcrowded barrack-huts, the unhygienic conditions, the crammed hospital building…

    (p126) He saw it all, in detail, as it really was–and he ordered me to destroy them. Those capable of work were first to be separated from the others, as with the Jews.

    (p126) I pointed out to him that the personnel of the gypsy camp was not precisely what he had envisaged being sent to Auschwitz. He thereupon ordered that the Reich Criminal Police Officer should carry out a sorting as quickly as possible. This in fact took two years. The gypsies capable of work were transferred to another camp. About 4,000 gypsies were left by August, 1944, and these had to go to the gas chambers. Up to that moment, they were unaware of what was in store for them. They first realised what was happening when they made their way, barrack-hut-by barrack-hut towards Crematorium I.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (p152) Then the bodies had to be taken from the gas-chambers, and after the gold teeth had been extracted, and the hair cut off, they had to be dragged into the pits or to the crematoria. Then the fires in the pits had to be stoked, and the surplus fat drained off, and the mountain of burning corpses constantly turned over so that the draught might fan the flames.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (p195) I can only remember the figure involved in the larger actions , which were reported to me by Eichmann or his deputies.

    From Upper Silesia and Polish territory under German rule.. 250,000
    Germany and Therisienstadt……………..…..………………. 100,000
    Holland………………………………………..………………….. 95,000
    Belgium……………………………………………..……………. 20,000
    France……………………………………………..……………. 110,000
    Greece…………………………………………………………….. 65,000
    Hungary…………………………………………….…………… 400,000
    Slovakia………………………………………………………….. 90,000

    Plaintiff’s Counsel note: The total of these numbers is 1,130,000.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    NOTE: On this question, if you think the answer is “False”, please give the number that you think is true…or give a range in which you think the correct number lies. Thanks!

    (p196) When the Jewish transports unloaded on arrival, their luggage was left on the platform until all Jews had been taken to the extermination buildings or into the camp. … The clothing of those who had been gassed in bunkers I and II or in crematoria I to IV was also brought to the sorting office.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False? (No need for any further explanation.)

    • Troll: Kali
    • Replies: @bjondo
    , @John Wear
  290. Chebyshev says:
    @Ron Unz

    I should also mention that in the 1990s there were lots of MSM stories saying that although the Jewish Holocaust had occurred in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, how shocking it was that no one in that region had ever heard of it, though that obviously soon changed once a flood of Western media arrived.

    Steve appears to believe that if there had been lots of Jews relocated to the Soviet Union before the German invasion of the East, then those Jews would have sent lots of letters to relatives living in Western countries, saying “We weren’t murdered!”. But the Soviet population’s lack of awareness of the Holocaust, plus a few other factors, would reduce the amount of such correspondence, I think. One would assume there were letters sent by Soviet Jews to their relatives elsewhere in the 40s and 50s, assuming Stalin or his successors allowed it. The number of such letters would depend on how many Soviet Jews had close relatives living in other countries and how many were able to send addressed envelopes that reached the intended recipients.

    But how would anybody estimate the number, let alone determine the contents of those private communications? Simply assuming there should have been enormous numbers of letters sent by Russian Jews to Western Jews right after the war, and that no such letters were sent is pretty ridiculous.

  291. Kali says:

    I decided to reread some of our own Ron Unz’s articles on this topic, which he helpfully links at the top of this thread, beginning with the article that first brought me to this website at a time when I was first consciously researching the JQ, “Holocaust Denial”.

    Here’s a quote that should interest some commenters here, especially Patrick McNally:

    Back in those late Cold War days, the death toll of innocent civilians from the Bolshevik Revolution and the first two decades of the Soviet Regime was generally reckoned at running well into the tens of millions when we include the casualties of the Russian Civil War, the government-induced famines, the Gulag, and the executions. I’ve heard that these numbers have been substantially revised downwards to perhaps as little as twenty million or so, but no matter. Although determined Soviet apologists may dispute such very large figures, they have always been part of the standard narrative history taught within the West.

    Meanwhile, all historians know perfectly well that the Bolshevik leaders were overwhelmingly Jewish, with three of the five revolutionaries Lenin named as his plausible successors coming from that background. Although only around 4% of Russia’s population was Jewish, a few years ago Vladimir Putin stated that Jews constituted perhaps 80-85% of the early Soviet government, an estimate fully consistent with the contemporaneous claims of Winston Churchill, Times of London correspondent Robert Wilton, and the officers of American Military Intelligence. Recent books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Slezkine, and others have all painted a very similar picture. And prior to World War II, Jews remained enormously over-represented in the Communist leadership, especially dominating the Gulag administration and the top ranks of the dreaded NKVD.

    Both of these simple facts have been widely accepted in America throughout my entire lifetime. But combine them together with the relatively tiny size of worldwide Jewry, around 16 million prior to World War II, and the inescapable conclusion is that in per capita terms Jews were the greatest mass-murderers of the twentieth century, holding that unfortunate distinction by an enormous margin and with no other nationality coming even remotely close. And yet, by the astonishing alchemy of Hollywood, the greatest killers of the last one hundred years have somehow been transmuted into being seen as the greatest victims, a transformation so seemingly implausible that future generations will surely be left gasping in awe.

    Something worth pondering, no?

    Which again begs the question, why is this thread hostage to a mock(ery) trial charging NS Germany with mass-murder, and yet no charges have been brought against those masters of deception, who, decades after the end of the war, brought wartime propaganda to the fore, and against all reason and evidence, made it sacrosanct, whilst ignoring the very real genocide of millions upon millions of inoscent German civilians at the end of the war.

    Isn’t it about time the tables turned in favour of the actual truth, and we stopped allowing trolls and jewish apologists to dictate the terms and peramaters of the conversation?

    Best regards,

    • Agree: Truth Vigilante
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  292. Kali says:

    Also, in that essay Ron provides a link to the Journal of Historic Revision archive:

    The following link shows photographs and plans (blueprints), including for a hospital for inmates, as well as orders from Hoess concerning the safe use of zyclon gas, used to prevent the spread of typhus.

    Given the absolute wealth of information available on this website, which includes Johns book, Germany’s War, of which I’ve barely scratched the surface…

    The court orders a recess in order that participants in the case unfamiliar with the relevant material do some serious reading. – Especially Mark!

    Good night all,

  293. @Wizard of Oz

    Ok, Mr. Oz,

    I was wondering about the original manuscript for the infamous autobiography, and I found this info:

    The original documents are the property of the High Commission for the Examination of Hitlerite Crimes in Poland (Gloiimej Komisji Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce), but the Auschwitz Museum made a photostat available to Dr. Broszat, who has fully tested its authenticity.
    So, we know Hoess was captured by the British, March, 1946; knocked around for a few days, released to the custody of the Americans; he made an appearance at Nuremberg; he was remanded to the Polish authorities in May, 1946; imprisoned in Warsaw until his trial and execution on April 16, 1947.

    Upon the urging of Polish criminologist, Dr. Stanislaw Batawia, Hoess wrote his memoirs, in German language, in January and February, 1947. It was handwritten, but the manuscript contained various type written documents of various nature. There were some issues of legibility with the handwritten notes.

    The memoir was first published, in a Polish language translation, in Poland in 1951.

    So, the original manuscript was in complete custody of the Polish authorities for approximately 4 years prior to publication. Do you sincerely believe this manuscript, written while in custody, and under control/scrutiny of his enemies, is authentic, honest and beyond question with regard to the circumstances in which it was written? Please also consider the documented evidence of abuse received by Hoess during his year long captivity.

    I also read that he wrote a final note to his wife and asked that his wedding band be returned to her upon his death. I am sure the welfare of his wife and children were in his mind when he decided upon the contents of his memoir, as only a full “confession” and a conciliatory tone might ensure their safety. What more could he have done?

    *if any expert in this subject matter finds any errors, please offer corrections.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  294. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    But THE ULTIMATE scientific and engineering evidence I provided is that 437,000 Hungarian Jews arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May to July 1944, and there is absolutely no other plausible explanation for what happened to 300,000+ of them, other than that they were murdered in gas chambers and their bodies burned to ashes in crematoria or burn pits.

    That’s the ULTIMATE evidence I presented, and which the Defense has no hope of ever refuting.

    It strikes me that were now back at the “I virtually know in my heart it’s true” level of argument. Holocaustianity indeed.

    So let’s do this in baby steps:

    Mr Bahner, tell us, have you ever heard of “the iron curtain”? Do you know what it was?


    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  295. bjondo says:
    @Mark Bahner

    I don’t consider it a game, when many hundreds of thousands of people were murdered, and you refuse to acknowledge it.

    You are talking about Palestine and Yid massacres, murders of surrendered,
    peace makers, young, adult, old, women, pregnant women, infants, kids, infirm, blind.


  296. @Kali

    I’m still trying to figure out how “scientific and engineering” skills were used to determine the fate of unknown/undocumented people.

    Based on the scientific and engineering capabilities of Yahweh (or Moloch?), I say the Great Flying Yarmulke is most likely the source of their transport.

  297. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “The Plaintiffs dispute that Fred Leuchter is a “gas chamber expert,” and that he has the capability “to make a scientific examination of the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz, Birkenau and Majdanek.”

    My response: It is not just Fred Leuchter who has stated that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Reports, articles, testimony, books and videos from Walter Lüftl, Germar Rudolf, Friedrich Paul Berg, Dr. William B. Lindsey, Carlo Mattogno, John C. Ball, Dr. Arthur Robert Butz, Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom, Dr. Robert Faurisson, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Dr. Ing Franco Deana, Dr. James H. Fetzer, Richard Krege, Arnulf Neumaier, and Cyrus Cox have shown that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The books “The Real Case for Auschwitz” by Carlo Mattogno and “The Chemistry of Auschwitz” by Germar Rudolf are probably the best books available for anyone wanting to make a thorough study of this subject.

    In regard to Fred Leuchter’s credentials, I suggest you read the following article by Mark Weber at Weber writes in this article:

    “Leuchter’s expertise as the nation’s foremost specialist of execution hardware, including gas chambers, has been abundantly confirmed. William Armontrout, warden of the Missouri State Penitentiary, testified on this matter during the 1988 “Holocaust Trial” of Ernst Zündel. As warden, Armontrout supervised the state’s execution gas chamber. He testified under oath that he had consulted with Leuchter on the design, maintenance and operation of the Missouri gas chamber, and confirmed that, to the best of his knowledge, Leuchter is the only such consultant in the United States.”

    Mark Weber also writes in this article:

    “At the 1989 IHR Conference, Leuchter dramatically called for a neutral, international commission of engineers, historians and scholars to go to Auschwitz and the other camps, and to either confirm or repudiate his findings. Not surprisingly, those who have been trying so hard to silence and discredit Leuchter have ignored his challenge. Indeed, the very nature of this insidious campaign, including the unwillingness of his adversaries to seriously come to grips with his work, implicitly confirms the soundness of Leuchter’s findings.”

    Of course, no one has ever accepted Leuchter’s challenge, because everyone knows that Leuchter’s findings would be confirmed if Leuchter’s challenge was accepted.

    Plaintiff in a previous comment has called Walter Lüftl a joke. I suggest the plaintiff actually read Lüftl’s report at for more information.

    You write: “The Plaintiffs instead contend this is the proper way to analyze whether homicidal gas chambers existed and were used to kill many thousands of people in Auschwitz-Birkenau:

    1) Look at the court testimony, written, and spoken words of those who were at Auschwitz-Birkenau in WW2…particularly the German SS soldiers who ran Auschwitz-Birkenau, and the Sonderkommando prisoners that the Nazis forced to work at the crematoria at Auschwitz-Birkenau…”

    My response: In other words, ignore the forensic scientific evidence, and rely on the testimony of people who were there. However, in any criminal trial, the forensic evidence always carries heavy weight, and is generally considered to be more reliable than eyewitness testimony.

    In regard to eyewitness testimony, a credible eyewitness who states that genocide did not take place at Birkenau is the Austrian-born Canadian Maria Van Herwaarden, who was interned at Birkenau from December 2, 1942 to January 1945. Van Herwaarden testified at the 1988 Ernst Zündel trial that she saw nothing at Birkenau that resembled mass murder. The Jewish prisoners she saw at Birkenau were not treated differently from the other prisoners. She also testified that many of the inmates at Birkenau died of diseases, and some inmates committed suicide. (Source: Kulaszka, Barbara, (ed.), Did Six Million Really Die: Report of Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd., 1992, pp. 253-255).

    Joseph G. Burg, a Jewish author who wrote several books on the Holocaust story, testified at the 1988 Zündel trial that he had spoken to hundreds of people who had been at Auschwitz-Birkenau when he visited the camp in the fall of 1945. Burg formed the opinion that there were no German extermination camps, the gas chambers had never existed, and there was no plan to exterminate the Jews of Europe.

    Joseph Burg also testified at the 1988 Zündel trial that he spoke to hundreds of people who serviced and operated the crematoria, but he could not find anyone who had operated homicidal gas chambers. Burg testified that the crematoria had been established for hygienic purposes as a result of typhus and other diseases. Burg also testified that he attended the Nuremberg trials in 1946 and met Ilya Ehrenburg, who had visited Auschwitz-Birkenau, as well as a Jewish publisher who had been interned in Auschwitz for several years. Both Ehrenburg and the Jewish publisher said they did not see any homicidal gas chambers while at Auschwitz-Birkenau. (Source: Ibid., pp. 259-262).

    Thies Christophersen was another witness who said the alleged genocide of Jews during the war never happened. Christophersen supervised about 300 workers, many of them Jewish, at Auschwitz from January to December 1944. On a number of occasions during this period he visited Birkenau where allegedly hundreds of thousands of Jews were being gassed to death. In The Auschwitz Lie, a memoir first published in Germany in 1973, Christophersen wrote that during the time he was at Auschwitz he did not notice the slightest evidence of mass gassings. He also successfully answered numerous pointed questions by the prosecuting attorney at the 1985 and 1988 Ernst Zündel trials about his experiences at Auschwitz. (Source: Christophersen, Thies, “Reflections on Auschwitz and West German Justice,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 6, No. 1, Spring 1985, p. 118).

    The prosecutors in the 1985 and 1988 Ernst Zündel trials were not able to find any credible eyewitnesses. In fact, the prosecution witnesses in the 1985 Zündel trial were so bad that the prosecutors did not call any eyewitnesses in the 1988 Zündel trial. Even Sabina Citron, a Jewish Auschwitz survivor who originally filed the criminal complaint against Zündel, did not take the witness stand in either of these two trials. (Source: Kulaszka, Barbara, (ed.), Did Six Million Really Die: Report of Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd., 1992, pp. i-1).

    • Thanks: Kali, HdC
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  298. @Mark Bahner

    Hi Mark,

    Here’s an example of Jews murdering American sailers, telling preposterous the-dog-ate-my-homework level lies about it , and getting away with it:

    USS Liberty incident

    “ Israel apologized for the attack, saying that the USS Liberty had been attacked in error after being mistaken for an Egyptian ship.[5] Both the Israeli and U.S. governments conducted inquiries and issued reports that concluded the attack was a mistake due to Israeli confusion about the ship’s identity.[6] Others, including survivors of the attack, have rejected these conclusions and maintain that the attack was deliberate.”

    We’re told many lies. Skepticism is in order.

    • Agree: John Wear
  299. BlackFlag says:
    @Ron Unz

    In Yockey’s 1953 book titled “Enemy of Europe” there is a passing remark. Something like “anyone who believes the lie of 6 million killed by the Nazis.”

    Not a well-known work and not much said but Yockey was probably in US intelligence and worked a lawyer in the Nuremberg proceedings.

  300. “Calvin”,

    There’s skepticism, and then there’s ignorant irrationality. “No homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau” is ignorant irrationality.

    • LOL: HdC
    • Replies: @Calvin Hobbes
    , @Kali
  301. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “I don’t consider it a game, when many hundreds of thousands of people were murdered, and you refuse to acknowledge it. I presented only four excerpts from Rudolf Höss’s book, and all I asked you to do was to label them “True, Mostly True, Mostly False, or False. (And then provide your own estimate of numbers.) It should take you less than 5 minutes to do that. Here they are again:”

    My response: I made lengthy comments #18, #114, #117, and #123 on this discussion thread about Rudolf Höss. Han also made an excellent comment #113 about Höss. I suggest you go back and read these comments again.

    I don’t feel the need to engage in an endless round of questions and answers about Rudolf Höss. If you have any more questions about Rudolf Höss, I suggest you read Carlo Mattogno’s well-researched and detailed book “Commandant of Auschwitz: Rudolf Höss, His Torture and His Forced Confessions,” Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2017. If you still have questions after reading this book, feel free to get back to me.

    • Agree: HdC
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  302. @Mark Bahner

    What would you call believing that it was an innocent mistake for Israeli pilots to murder men on a ship flying an American flag?
    “Ignorant irrationality’, perhaps?

    • LOL: John Wear
  303. @John Wear

    I decided to go to the SMU Library this morning to check out this book to see exactly what it says on page 466 of “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp.”

    This book does support your Explanation #3 that most Hungarian Jews were sent from Auschwitz-Birkenau to other German camps.

    No, it doesn’t, John. The entire book utterly refutes Explanation #3. Explanation #3 was that people who weren’t able to work were sent to other German camps. You are continuously conflating transport of people who were able to work to other camps, with people who were not able to work being transported to other camps. Hungarian Jews who weren’t able to work were sent straight to the gas chambers. Didn’t you read the book at all?

    1) Page 81:

    “One place has become a symbol for the Jewish catastrophe in Europe: Auschwitz. Its preeminence is rooted in at least three of its main attributes: One is the brute fact of numbers. More Jews died there than in any other location. Another is geographic. Auschwitz alone was truly continental in scope, drawing its victims from a wide variety of countries and regions. Finally, Auschwitz was also long-standing. After all the other death camps had been shut down, it remained in operation–a solitary killing center signifying the will of Nazi Germany to annihilate the Jews in the last hours of a losing war.”

    1) See page 453, regarding Auschwitz:

    “There were no young Jewish children in the camp, with a few exceptions, as they and a large proportion of the women and elderly were murdered on arrival.”

    2) Page 439:

    “The children’s block was liquidated step by step. The first, most difficult stage occurred on March 7, 1944, when all the prisoners of the September 1943 transport were gassed. (On the way to the gas chambers, they sang Hatikva and the Czech national anthem.)”

    3) Page 440:

    “Most women, men, and children, with the exception of those selected for work in other camps, were led straight to the gas chambers. The entire children’s block was liquidated. The Czech family camp, no longer needed, had been emptied of its inhabitants.”

    4) Page 393:

    “Jewish women and children probably constituted more than half of all the victims murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz.”

    I could go on and on, probably in excess of a thousand lines or paragraphs. Even the frickin’ title of the book is an utter refutation of Explanation #3:

    Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp

    (Emphasis added.) It completely boggles my mind, the utterly ridiculous things you write.

    • Replies: @Kali
  304. @John Wear

    I don’t feel the need to engage in an endless round of questions and answers about Rudolf Höss.

    There are only four questions that require only a one or two-word answer in my comment #295.

    You simply won’t answer because you know your answers would destroy your case.

    • Troll: Kali
    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Kali
  305. Lest anyone should believe Holocaust “revisionists” are unduly skeptical about the official story, I stumbled upon an unbelievable account of Mr. Hoess’s activities as Commandant at Here’s a tidbit:

    “The happy family life that Hoess cherished was also unravelling under the pressure of this monstrous work. When his wife confronted him about rumors she had heard of mass gassings, Hoess admitted it was true. She was the only person outside the program that he ever told. From that day, his horrified wife no longer wanted sexual relations with him, at which time he forced himself on a stunning Italian prisoner, Eleonore Hodys, whom he secretly kept in a dungeon cell of Block 11. When she became pregnant, he unsuccessfully tried to have her gassed. Hodys was eventually murdered in the last days of the war.”

    I think we now know from where Mr. Bahner is getting his information.

  306. Mark, John,

    Thank you for acting as Prosecution and Defense.

    I think I have heard all the salient points, and am now comfortable forming an opinion.

    As someone who lives in a country that suffered atrocities of a WW2 Japanese Occupation, it was especially important for me to hear both sides of the story about the Holocaust.

    This is because I have heard it opined that the Japanese atrocities in my country were simply fiction, and dismissed as lies or exaggerations just like the Holocaust. Only in the case of my country, I know FOR A FACT that these atrocities did indeed happen…I have heard too many first hand accounts of survivors to doubt it.


    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Han
  307. @John Wear

    It is doubtful that Oskar Gröning said he saw homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau in the BBC interview.

    John, you’re misunderstanding my comments in #252, and misrepresenting the situation. You’re confusing the BBC interview with the BBC documentary.

    He did not say he saw gas chambers in the BBC documentary, but his quote is right there in the BBC interview.

    And it’s not the first time he said he saw the gas chambers. He said he saw gas chambers in a Der Spiegel interview in 2005, which also being entered as evidence:

    Plaintiff’s Exhibit #4: Additional Words from Oskar Gröning (aka, Groening)…Spiegel International Interview (translated from German)

    From that interview:

    The Bookkeeper from Auschwitz

    For two years, SS officer Oskar Gröning served in the Auschwitz concentration camp. He counted the money of dead Jews and stood guard as incoming freight trains unloaded their wretched human cargo. He says he didn’t commit any crimes. For the past sixty years, Gröning has been searching for another word for guilt.

    “A new shipment had arrived. I had been assigned to ramp duty, and it was my job to guard the luggage. The Jews had already been taken away. The ground in front of me was littered with junk, left-over belongings. Suddenly I heard a baby crying. The child was lying on the ramp, wrapped in rags. A mother had left it behind, perhaps because she knew that women with infants were sent to the gas chambers immediately. I saw another SS soldier grab the baby by the legs. The crying had bothered him. He smashed the baby’s head against the iron side of a truck until it was silent.”

    Gröning, though, didn’t kill anyone. He didn’t pour Zyklon B into the shafts or burn the piles of dead. He watched. He stood there, shocked at first, then indifferent. It became a routine.

    Gröning was a bookkeeper, and a conscientious one. He counted the Jews’ money, sorted it and locked it into a safe.

    For two years, Gröning worked in a paymaster’s office. In October 1942, he received new orders. A senior officer told him that he had been assigned to a special task, one that was of great importance for the German people, for Germany’s ultimate victory. He was told that he should think of his oath, of the words inscribed on his sash. “My honor is loyalty.” And, finally, he was told that he could never reveal the nature of his new assignment to anyone, for as long as he lived.

    The SS is comfortable in this camp. But there must be something special about it, Gröning thinks. They drink a lot. Then, the door opens and someone announces that a new transport has arrived. Three men jump up, tie on their sashes and take their pistols along.

    Gröning wants to know what this means. Someone says: “Jews have arrived, and they are now being admitted to the camp. If they’re lucky, that is.”

    “What does that mean?” asks Gröning.

    “It means that some of them will be exterminated,” says another man.

    In the evening, when he has completed his duties, Gröning takes his dinner to the barracks, plays cards and games with his comrades and with his commanding officer. Sometimes his comrades are drunk by the time they are ready for bed and they use their pistols to shoot out the light. Gröning gets together with his exercise group on weekends, and they play games not far from the ramp and the gas chamber. They have a lot of fun together.
    The IG Farben factory at Auschwitz. The company used slave laborers to manufacture the poison used to gas Jews.

    The IG Farben factory at Auschwitz. The company used slave laborers to manufacture the poison used to gas Jews. Foto: DPA

    One night he wakes up to the sound of whistles. Jews have broken out. He runs through the dark until he reaches a farm, where he sees corpses littering the ground. He watches as naked people are herded into the farmhouse and sees a senior officer shut the door, pull a gas mask over his head, open a can and pour the contents into a hatch. Then he hears screams. The screams turn into a thundering noise, the thundering becomes humming, and then it is quiet.

    He returns to his barrack with another man. The other man says: I know a shortcut. Along the way, the other man tells Gröning what happens when corpses are burned on grates. They bodies straighten and the men’s penises become erect, he says.

    The shortcut takes the two men past a pyre where corpses are just being cremated. Gröning moves closer to see what happens when human beings burn.

    He submits another transfer request, and then another. In September 1944, he is discharged to a field unit and fights against the Allies during the Ardennes offensive.

    From that Spiegel International interview, it’s very clear that Gröning accidentally saw and heard a gas chamber in operation.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  308. @littlereddot

    I think I have heard all the salient points, and am now comfortable forming an opinion.

    If it’s not too personal:

    Which points on each side were most persuasive to you?

    What decision did you reach…do you think there is more evidence–that is, “a preponderance of evidence” or “more than 50 percent probability”–for homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau or against gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau?

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  309. gregor says:

    “I’d be very curious if anyone can find any American mainstream media discussion of the Holocaust between roughly 1946 and 1960. If people actually believed in its reality during the first 15 years after WWII, such silence would seem rather peculiar.”

    Here is a reference I saw recently: Martin Gardner’s Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science, a 1957 book that is regarded as a classic in the skeptic community, has a brief comment that indicates Gardner took the Nuremberg claims pretty much at face value. It’s within the chapter “Apologists for Hate,” a rebuttal to racialist authors such as Lothrop Stoddard and Madison Grant. There was a 1952 version of the book which I have not seen. I would guess this passage is in that edition as well.

    Eventually, as the world knows, Jews were denied the right to work in professions and in business, their property was confiscated, their citizenship removed. In the final hysterical culmination of hate, came the concentration camps, the gas chambers, and the unbelievably sadistic medical experiments.

    In Israel, my sense is that there were references to the six million etc throughout the 1950s. Yad Vashem was established in 1953. And there was some of this in Jewish circles in America. In 1947, the American Memorial to Six Million Jews of Europe was dedicated in NYC. The Diary of Anne Frank did pretty well in the 1950s. The first Dutch edition was published in 1947, but it was translated to French, German, English, and other languages.

    Liberal periodicals like the Nation and the New Republic were definitely very anti-Nazi and were certainly credulous about the extermination claims during the war. I don’t think they were talking about it much from 1946-1960 but there might be a few stray mentions of the camps or something. It definitely picked up around the time of the Eichmann trial. There would have been some media reporting about the war crimes trials, the reparations negotiations, the Rudolf Kastner affair, and stuff like that.

    For history books, Leon Poliakov wrote the first general history of the holocaust in 1951 (in French). He was a Jewish activist with the Centre de documentation juive contemporaine (CDJC). Then there was Gerald Reitlinger, a British Jew who published a book in 1953. His book was more measured; he estimated a death toll of only 4.2-4.6M Jews and he rejected the Soviet figures for Auschwitz.

    I think rather than say there was no discussion, it’s safer to say there was a lot less and it really took off later.

  310. Chebyshev says:
    @Calvin Hobbes

    Jewish organizations have lists of the names of over 5 million victims. You say that at least 2.5 million of them actually survived.

    Where are those 2.5 million plus?

    Why did they never write?

    The Jews that weren’t accounted for in the West had been evacuated into the Soviet Union in advance of Hitler’s armies.

    Sailer just assumes for no good reason in his second question that A) a large fraction of the Jews living in the Soviet Union after the war had close relatives in other countries and B) none of those Soviet Jews wrote letters to their relatives in other countries. I think we should assume whichever Soviet Jews wanted to and were able to write letters to relatives in other countries wrote such letters, unless there’s reason to think otherwise. There’s really no way of knowing how many such letters were written in the decades after the war.

  311. @Mark Bahner

    I don’t view it as personal 🙂

    You have put much effort into presenting the Prosecution’s side, so it is entirely fair that I give you a candid answer.

    On the side of Prosecution, I found the guards’ accounts a little more believable than the rest. Muller appears to be clearly over embellishing his account and could immediately be discounted. As for the other two guards Hanning and Groening I could not dismiss them out of hand.

    As for the other witnesses, the Defence’s arguments were more persuasive, and I could not take any of them as credible.

    As for the plans / blueprints, I note that these are examples prominently held up as evidence by the Holocaust museums etc… I would have expected these to show clear evidence that the said facilities were used as gas chambers etc. Yet I could find no indication of such. On the contrary, the plans were very clearly designed for used for normal morgue/mortuary and crematoria purposes. As an architect with experience in designing public scale civil defence/bomb shelters with chemical protection capabilities, I find this particularly meaningful to me.

    The argument of “Occam’s Razor”, I believe is not applicable, simply because we are not in possession of the full set of data. the Occam’s Razor argument presented was simply: X number of people were recorded entering a place. Zero were recorded leaving the place. Therefore the murder of X number of people happened.. It can be described as an accusation of being “guilty by subtraction”. I do not wish to revisit the arguments, but I cannot agree that OR is of use here.

    At this juncture, I want to bring up a point that neither side mentioned:

    IMHO the Prosecution’s “Guilty by Subtraction” argument is as flawed as the Defences’ related argument about German deaths post surrender: 83 Million are expected to be in Germany. But a census showed only 77 Million, therefore 6 Million died of starvation.…again it is irrational.

    Why this is flawed? Some, if not a sizeable number of the missing Germans could easily be attributed to Germans who where living in the border areas, and being bilingual, simply crossing the border and adopted a new nationality. They would benefit from better food and housing rations, lack of hatred and reprisals from the victors etc.

    I live in a region where interracial violence was widespread and whole racial groups have change their identity and hide in the majority in order to avoid discrimination. I know that this is very easily done….especially in a chaotic post war environment.

    Can we apply this to the Jews also? IMHO we certainly can. Take note that the Jews at this time suffered hatred and discrimination from their European hosts (whether justly or unjustly is another subject). Many survivors could have simply changed their identity in their host countries in order to spare themselves future racial trauma.

    Note that I am not saying that 6 million of them did so. I am quite certain that some atrocities did take place, perhaps even massacres at the hands of angry soldiers. But based on the preponderance of evidence, I do not see state policy of genocide on the scale that is being portrayed.

    • Thanks: Kali, Calvin Hobbes
    • Replies: @kb_2
    , @John Wear
  312. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write in comment #310: “You simply won’t answer because you know your answers would destroy your case.”

    My response: As I said in my comment #307, “I made lengthy comments #18, #114, #117, and #123 on this discussion thread about Rudolf Höss. Han also made an excellent comment #113 about Höss. I suggest you go back and read these comments again.”

    If you go back and read these comments, Han and I established the following:

    1. Rudolf Höss’s family members had all been imprisoned and intimidated by British soldiers prior to Höss’s capture.
    2. Höss was subject to brutal torture by British soldiers.
    3. Höss was also subject to sleep deprivation by British soldiers.
    4. Dr. Gustave Gilbert and Dr. Leon Goldensohn both described Höss as being blank and apathetic at the IMT.
    5. Dr. Jan Sehn and Dr. Tadeusz Cyprian both described Höss as being apathetic at the Polish trial.
    6. Neither Höss nor his attorneys introduced any witnesses at the Polish trial, relying entirely on the witnesses put forward by the prosecution.
    7. Key portions of Höss’s testimony at the IMT are widely acknowledged to be untrue. Höss was merely repeating the Allied propaganda at the time.

    So, Höss’s testimony and writings would not be allowed in any legitimate court of law. No one in their right mind would use his biography and testimony as proof of anything.

    I had already answered in a previous comment that all five excerpts you first gave me from Rudolf Höss’s autobiography were false. You then came back in comments #205 and #207 with more rounds of mostly “True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?” questions. I then said in comment #216 that I didn’t want to play this game any more.

    I said this not because my answers would destroy my case as you claim, but because I thought it was a needless exercise that was a waste of my time. I have already spent quite a lot of time making lengthy comments on this discussion thread that you have refused to answer.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  313. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    There’s skepticism, and then there’s ignorant irrationality. “No homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau” is ignorant irrationality.

    So says the man irrationally ignoring all EVIDENCE to the contrary.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  314. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    It completely boggles my mind, the utterly ridiculous things you write.

    What completely boggles my mind is your willingness to believe the most monstrous lie ever told: that a civilised cultured people suddenly decided to murder millions of innocent people for no rational reason what so ever. Whilst fighting a war against a dreadful enemy.

    And despite the reams of evidence and testimony disputing and disproving that monstrous lie, you cling to it like a religious zealot clinging to a talisman.

    Most normal people believe the holocaust lie because they have never encountered the truth nor questioned the irrationality of the allegation. – I dare say that most commenters on this forum fell into that category, including myself, until we stumbled upon information which challenged our beliefs. in our search for truth and meaning.

    The evidence against the holocaust is overwhelming and comes from such a wide array of sources, whilst the monstrous lie is so monstrous that it beggars belief. Only a complete misanthrope, or a religious cultist, or a believer in the uniqueness of jews could possibly continue believing such an enormous lie in light of all the contrary evidence.

    We live in a world today in which the rule of the lowest common denominator is applied to all in the interest of “equality of outcome”, effectively dumbing down the masses and offering bread and circuses in place of Meaning, Truth and Divinity.

    The Holocaustian religion, promoted by jewish controlled Hollywood, news media and publishing, and the jewish controlled states of the west, is a three ring circus, promoting fear of “human nature” and the need for our overlords to shepard us and keep us safe, whilst elevating the “children of the lie”, aka jews, to the status of primary victim in need of protection from any who doubt or challenge their lie.

    And it has an entire army of trolls and disinformationists, both paid and voluntary, to sew doubt, confusion and to keep the conversation ticking along at the level of the lowest common denominator.

    For anybody reading this thread who may not have ever seen the holocaust lie exposed or challenged before, I suggest you take the time to go through the articles and essays that Ron Unz placed at the top of this thread and/or follow the links provided throughout this thread by John Wear and others. Certainly including the links provided by Bahner to his religious texts porporting to be historic literature.

    Best wishes,

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: John Wear
  315. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Patrick McNally #284 says:

    “That’s a popular myth from the Cold War, often repeated and not just by white nationalist nutbars.
    Archibald Getty is more accurate where he says:
    We should not need to artificially run up the score to tens of millions of victims to realize the horror of Stalinism.”

    Sure, Patrick McNally or Shlomo Slimestein, whatever your name is. Talking about nutbars…

    IT IS ALWAYS OK to ridicule and downplay the numbers of Russians murdered by Stalin’s Jews,

    Those who questioned the so-called “HOLOCAUST have paid dearly for it. They were jailed, had their lives, careers and reputations destroyed.

    As Ariel Sharon said:
    “Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.” Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 25 March, 2001 quoted in BBC News Online

    “Alone the fact that one may not question the Jewish “holocaust” and that Jewish pressure has inflicted laws on democratic societies to prevent questions—while incessant promotion and indoctrination of the same avertedly incontestable ‘holocaust’ occur—gives the game away.
    It proves that it must be a lie.” — Gerard Menuhin in Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil by Gerard Menuhin, Oct. 2015, p. 303


    The stench of Jewish Rats is all over the “HOLOCAUST”.
    The most important thing is how to stop them.
    Well, you just cannot stop them since these Jewish Rats have never done anything to you directly.

    They have always done everything through your own system of government power, your own laws designed to support and protect THEM and NOT YOU!

    It is your government authority which you obey that allows these Jewish Rats to exercise their so-called “JEWISH POWER”!
    Without your system of government protecting them and working for them, THEY HAVE NO POWER AT ALL!

    As a matter of fact, if it weren’t for your governments, they would have never dared to do a thing to you because they know that you outnumber them and would wipe them out in no time!

    You just cannot fight them and stop them without fighting your own governments!
    They have taken control of your governments.


    Video Link
    A DOCUMENTARY that covers some of the hapless victims of the ruthless, brutal and violent Jewish attacks on revisionists. Also, footage of Jewish life in the labor camps.

    List of victims violently attacked or bashed by Jews:
    Dr. Fredrick Toben jailed for 1 year — pushed by Jeremy Jones of the Australian Council of Jewry
    Dr. Robert Faurisson — assaulted/attacked 10 times by Jews
    Judge Wilhelm Stäglich — Jews cut his pension and stripped him of his German doctorate
    Joseph Burg (Jew) — bashed by other Jews
    Prof. Arthur Butz (American)
    Haviv Schieber (Israeli Jew)
    Francois Duprat — murdered by Jews for publishing the French translation of ‘Did 6 Million Really Die?’


    Adolf Hitler, born in Braunau, one man who will change the history of the world forever. It follows his childhood to the death of his mother and his broken ambition to become an artist, then further to his entry into politics. His service in the army, accolades, his writing Mein Kampf, politics and most importantly Germany’s revival are well explained followed by WW2. It also covers the effect on Germany’s after the WW2 defeat up until the fall of the Berlin Wall.


    Europa: The Last Battle – All 10 Parts.

    Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history. During the 75 years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard. This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.

    We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes.

    After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy.

    The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism. Between the old-and-new world order. The Traditional and the “Progressive”.

    Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations. Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and “acceptable” view of this event should be. Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song.

    For very good reasons, most people don’t trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times.

    This documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history. In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events. Watch this series and uncover the real root causes of World War II.

    It will take you on an epic timeline that will transport you back in time and lead you on the journey through the Bolshevik Revolution, the communist attempts to take over Germany; hyperinflation during the Weimar Republic, widespread unemployment and misery, Adolf Hitler’s rise to power, World War I & II – all the way to the modern world.

    It presents the true historical events that lead to this world catastrophe known as the second world war, as well as the aftermath.

    Do be forewarned though, your worldview might never be the same. As always, the Truth Fears No Investigation.

    Gerard Menuhin, a Jew himself, in his book ‘Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil’ makes a case for Adolf Hitler being the only statesman in the modern era who could have liberated the enslaved people of planet Earth from the clutches of organized world Zionism. (I couldn’t agree with him more!)

    “The Holocaust is the biggest lie in history. Germany has no blame for the Second World War.”

    “Recognize the True Enemy and Join to Fight Him.”

    “If you don’t recognize the one true enemy and join forces to fight him and his stooges, you and your children are doomed to slavery!”

    The free pdf version of his book can be downloaded here in English or German:

  316. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You simply won’t answer because you know your answers would destroy your case.

    No. You simply won’t read what John has already written on the matter because it undermines your religious convictions!

    You are a disingenuous zealot with no intention of hearing anything that challenges your religion.

    And you are a tedious bore to boot.

    • Thanks: John Wear, Han
  317. @Mark Bahner

    In comment # 313 you write:

    ‘From that Spiegel International interview, it’s very clear that Gröning accidentally saw and heard a gas chamber in operation’.

    And you based that statement above on this excerpt from the Spiegel interview:

    He runs through the dark until he reaches a farm, where he sees corpses littering the ground.
    He watches as naked people are herded into the farmhouse and sees a senior officer shut the door, pull a gas mask over his head, open a can and pour the contents into a hatch.

    So, by ‘farmhouse’, you mean a barn-like structure as per the photo below ?:

    And, conveniently for your story, said farmhouse had a Zyklon B friendly ‘hatch’ built into it ?
    This farmhouse in the photo I posted above, no doubt indicative of a lot of farmhouses out there that are PURPOSE BUILT for a particular function (Hint: not gassing people), looks pretty porous to me.
    ie: not exactly an air tight structure that would prevent said gas from escaping from countless crevices and gaps in the structure.
    And not exactly the sort of ‘secure structure’ that one would be unable to escape from (especially the upper loft and or by kicking through some flimsily secured opening – of which there are many).

    SUMMARY: Mark ‘Mordechai’ Bahner-Stein, you are a desperate, DESPERATE man.
    You’re seizing upon the crudest and most obvious fakery and conjured-up fables imaginable, and accepting them as gospel truth.

    Mr Mark Mordechai, do you not possess even a scintilla of critical thinking capability to dismiss such tall tales for what they obviously are ?

    • Thanks: John Wear, Han
  318. @Kali

    Hi Littlereddot,

    Fascinating! I’d really like to chat more about what you just wrote. Unfortunately, today–it’s 6:18 on the East Coast of the U.S. where I am–and most of tomorrow, I have some personal matters that I absolutely must attend to. So I’m not sure how much I can can chat.

    I would really like to discuss everything you wrote, but since I don’t have much time, I’ll start with the things that seem most important to me, which essentially starts with the *end* of your comments. You wrote:

    Note that I am not saying that 6 million of them did so. I am quite certain that some atrocities did take place, perhaps even massacres at the hands of angry soldiers. But based on the preponderance of evidence, I do not see state policy of genocide on the scale that is being portrayed.

    Reading that comment of yours, I’m afraid that the whole issue of this trial was not clear to you. This issue of this trial was whether homicidal gas chambers were used at Auschwitz-Birkenau to kill many hundreds of thousands of people. Do you have an opinion of what you think the preponderance of evidence shows on that issue alone?

    I live in a region where interracial violence was widespread and whole racial groups have change their identity and hide in the majority in order to avoid discrimination. I know that this is very easily done….especially in a chaotic post war environment.

    Can we apply this to the Jews also? IMHO we certainly can. Take note that the Jews at this time suffered hatred and discrimination from their European hosts (whether justly or unjustly is another subject). Many survivors could have simply changed their identity in their host countries in order to spare themselves future racial trauma.

    There were many rapid changes after WWII, including:
    1) Germans, particularly Germans who moved to lands Germany conquered in WWII, went rapidly back to Germany.
    2) The boundaries of many countries changed quickly.
    3) The Soviet Union took control of Eastern Europe, but then the Soviet Union collapsed approximately 45 years after WW2 ended.

    The point I’m trying to make is that it seems to me that, in that situation, there would be far less reason to permanently change one’s family name. For example, the amazing Bard AI gives the following destinations for European Jews before, during, and after WW2:

    Before World War II United States, Canada, Mandatory Palestine
    During World War II Switzerland, Sweden, Portugal, United States, Canada, Mandatory Palestine
    After World War II Europe, United States, Canada, Australia, State of Israel

    Do you think a large number of Jews who fled to those countries changed their names? Would there be any reason to change one’s name to hide one’s identity if one was fleeing to safe places for Jews like the U.S., Canada, State of Israel, etc.?

    The argument of “Occam’s Razor”, I believe is not applicable, simply because we are not in possession of the full set of data. the Occam’s Razor argument presented was simply: X number of people were recorded entering a place. Zero were recorded leaving the place. Therefore the murder of X number of people happened.. It can be described as an accusation of being “guilty by subtraction”. I do not wish to revisit the arguments, but I cannot agree that OR is of use here.

    What do you think about my comment #177…here is a short version of it:

    In order to evaluate what happened to the 400,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived from May to July 1944, and were not capable of working, it’s useful to assess the matter logically, without preconceptions. Possible explanations for what happened to the approximately 400,000 Hungarian Jews not able to work include (put in blockquotes to emphasize these three choices):

    1) They were all murdered in gas chambers, their bodies burned, and the ashes scattered into the nearby Vistula river, spread on the ground, or buried.

    2) Most or all of them were housed in Auschwitz-Birkenau (and the rest transported to other places).

    3) Most of them were sent to other places (and the rest were housed in Auschwitz-Birkenau).

    What do you think is the most logical of those explanations?

    Best wishes,

    • Replies: @Kali
    , @littlereddot
  319. kb_2 says:

    I partly argee with you. But Mark’s argument is more subtle.

    He asks why it was necessary to transport the elderly and children in difficult conditions of war. And he points out that the last evidence of them was near the alleged gas chambers.

    It’s as if the victim was last seen with the alleged killer and he was taking her somewhere in a car.

    In addition, if they were deported centrally, then at some point they should appear somewhere in groups (not 3 people per square kilometer as suggested by Thomas Dalton).

    I pointed out earlier that a) this argument is less convincing than some people think – as children could simply be raised in new families, and old people could die, but nevertheless b )I find it convincing enough within the framework of the thesis about the missing million+ people – because a centrally deported million people can hardly disappear into thin air (if they were not killed before and burned). Ideas about hiding these people in the USSR seem to me implausible – due to the weakening of state censorship in the late 80s – and the lack of censorship in Russia in the 90s. And the post-Stalin USSR is not 100-percent monolithic and totalitarian state as some people think. It was ugly, but it had samizdat, dissidents, and so on.

    About the figure of 6 million people, I agree with you. But I have never specifically studied demography (except for individual revisionist articles)

  320. @John Wear

    You write in comment #310: “You simply won’t answer because you know your answers would destroy your case.”

    My response: …

    I said this not because my answers would destroy my case as you claim, but because I thought it was a needless exercise that was a waste of my time.

    Bullshit. There were four questions, all of which had one or two-word answers. How would it take you even two f*cking minutes of your time to answer these questions?

    (p126) In July 1942 the Reichsführer SS visited the camp. I took him all over the gypsy camp. He made a most thorough inspection of everything, noting the overcrowded barrack-huts, the unhygienic conditions, the crammed hospital building…

    (p126) He saw it all, in detail, as it really was–and he ordered me to destroy them. Those capable of work were first to be separated from the others, as with the Jews.

    (p126) I pointed out to him that the personnel of the gypsy camp was not precisely what he had envisaged being sent to Auschwitz. He thereupon ordered that the Reich Criminal Police Officer should carry out a sorting as quickly as possible. This in fact took two years. The gypsies capable of work were transferred to another camp. About 4,000 gypsies were left by August, 1944, and these had to go to the gas chambers. Up to that moment, they were unaware of what was in store for them. They first realised what was happening when they made their way, barrack-hut-by barrack-hut towards Crematorium I.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (p152) Then the bodies had to be taken from the gas-chambers, and after the gold teeth had been extracted, and the hair cut off, they had to be dragged into the pits or to the crematoria. Then the fires in the pits had to be stoked, and the surplus fat drained off, and the mountain of burning corpses constantly turned over so that the draught might fan the flames.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (p195) I can only remember the figure involved in the larger actions , which were reported to me by Eichmann or his deputies.

    From Upper Silesia and Polish territory under German rule.. 250,000
    Germany and Therisienstadt……………..…..………………. 100,000
    Holland………………………………………..………………….. 95,000
    Belgium……………………………………………..……………. 20,000
    France……………………………………………..……………. 110,000
    Greece…………………………………………………………….. 65,000
    Hungary…………………………………………….…………… 400,000
    Slovakia………………………………………………………….. 90,000

    Plaintiff’s Counsel note: The total of these numbers is 1,130,000.

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False? And if “False,” what is a good number or range of numbers?

    (p196) When the Jewish transports unloaded on arrival, their luggage was left on the platform until all Jews had been taken to the extermination buildings or into the camp. … The clothing of those who had been gassed in bunkers I and II or in crematoria I to IV was also brought to the sorting office.,/blockquote>

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

  321. John Wear says:

    Thank you for your comment #317.

    You write: “IMHO the Prosecution’s “Guilty by Subtraction” argument is as flawed as the Defences’ related argument about German deaths post surrender: 83 Million are expected to be in Germany. But a census showed only 77 Million, therefore 6 Million died of starvation.…again it is irrational.”

    My response: There is no means by which anyone can obtain reasonably accurate figures of how many Germans starved to death after the war. Likewise, no has come close to obtaining accurate figures of how many German expellees died, or of how many German prisoners-of -war (POWS) died in Allied POW camps after the war.

    So, the figures I gave in my comment #4 on this discussion thread are at best rough estimates.

    If you are interested in the postwar treatment of Germans after the war, you might want to read Chapters Five, Six, and Seven of my book “Germany’s War,” which you can read for free on this website at

    As for the testimony of Oskar Gröning and Reinhold Hanning, you must keep in mind that it is a felony in modern-day Germany to dispute any aspect of the so-called Holocaust. Their only realistic defense was to say they knew about it, but that they were low-level soldiers and could do nothing to stop it.

  322. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Your “jury” has reached its verdict, Mr Bahner, and now you want to quibble.

    Why am I not surprised!

  323. Kali says:

    He asks why it was necessary to transport the elderly and children in difficult conditions of war.

    Rather than kill them where they were, if murder was the intention?

    Unless the intention was not murder, which seems much more likely.

    And he points out that the last evidence of them was near the alleged gas chambers


    There were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.

    Best regards,

    • Agree: John Wear
  324. @Calvin Hobbes

    1.The discussion here has been about the “death camps”.

    The evidence regarding death camps, and Auschwitz in particular, is the strongest because:

    1) Auschwitz-Birkenau murdered the largest number of people by the clearest means (i.e. many hundreds of thousands of people in gas chambers);

    2) We know exactly when they arrived and from where, and which ones of them were checked in, versus which ones were sent immediately to gas chambers;

    3) A tremendous amount of the killing at Auschwitz-Birkenau happened right at the end of the war. For example:

    a) 300,000 to 400,000 Hungarian Jews were murdered from approximately May 15 to July 15, 1944.

    b) Approximately 4,000 “Gypsies” (Romani) were murder on or around August 2, 1944.

    c) Approximately 7,000 Jews in the “family camp” (“Familienlager”) were murdered on or around July 10-12, 1944. See next comment.

    d) In fact, more than 140,000 Jews from Bohemia, Germany, Austria, The Netherlands, Denmark, Slovakia, and Hungary were deported to Terezin (aka, Theresienstadt, currently in the Czech Republic) between the opening of the ghetto and its liberation on April 20, 1945. Of those 140,000 Jews deported to Terezin, less than 4,000 who were imprisoned there survived the war.,372.html

  325. John Wear says:

    You write in comment #325: “He [Mark Bahner] asks why it was necessary to transport the elderly and children in difficult conditions of war. And he points out that the last evidence of them was near the alleged gas chambers.”

    My response: This is a fair comment, and I have at least partially answered it. In comment #248 of this discussion thread, Mark Bahner wrote:

    “I challenge the Defense to provide even *one* example of a Hungarian Jewish child under 12 or an adult over 65 who arrived in the May to July 1944 period that survived to liberation of Auschwitz in January 1945. That should be extremely easy to do, since there were probably approximately 100,000 children under 12 who arrived, and probably at least 10,000 adults over 65 who arrived.”

    In my comment #254, I wrote in response: “I recommend you read Carlos Mattogno’s book “An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account: The Bestselling Tall Tales of Dr. Mengele’s Assistant Analyzed”, Uckfield: Castle Hill Publishers, 2020, pp. 391-407.

    You will find numerous Hungarian children on pages 391-407 of this book who were under age 12 and survived Auschwitz-Birkenau. I am sure kb_2 will be able to find us an online free pdf link to this book.”

    I will add that Carlo Mattogno’s list of children comes directly from a table of children found by the Soviets at Birkenau.

    So, we can conclusively say that numerous Hungarian children under the age of 12 were found alive in Birkenau when the Soviets liberated the camp. The Germans did not kill them all as many people have suggested.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  326. @Mark Bahner

    Do you have an opinion of what you think the preponderance of evidence shows on that issue alone?

    To be succinct: No. I do not think the preponderance of evidence shows that hundreds of thousands were killed in gas chambers at Auschwitz 1 or 2.

    Do you think a large number of Jews who fled to those countries changed their names?

    No. But probably a portion of those who stayed in countries that had shown overt anti-Jewish tendencies did change their names. Any Jew in Germany or allied/conquered country who was snitched on by their neighbours to the Gestapo, would surely be very tempted to change his name.

    I give an example. Indonesia has for centuries had a Chinese minority and they were generally well tolerated. However in the 1950s and 1960s, due to nationalism, the struggle against Communism and independence aspirations, the Chinese community was widely demonised. The result was massacres, and official state repression of the Chinese. Those who left Indonesia for more friendly countries, did not have to change their identity. But those who stayed simply changed their names. Hence someone named Toh, would change his name to an Indonesian sounding Harianto. Converting to Islam would give an even better chance of being accepted.

    This phenomenon also happened in Thailand, though with much less bloodshed, and more effectively. Possibly because the Thais are also Buddhist. Today the Chinese community is difficult to distinguish from the native Thai.

    1) They were all murdered in gas chambers, their bodies burned, and the ashes scattered into the nearby Vistula river, spread on the ground, or buried.

    2) Most or all of them were housed in Auschwitz-Birkenau (and the rest transported to other places).

    3) Most of them were sent to other places (and the rest were housed in Auschwitz-Birkenau).

    I would pick option 3). Auschwitz 2 …. the one with the rail line running right through it was clearly meant as a transit camp.

    Auschwitz 1 had a tiny “gas chamber/crematorium” that was obviously not meant for large volumes of cremations.

    Auschwitz 2 had more “gas chambers/crematoria) … but also very inadequate for handling such a high volume of victims.

    Let me put it this way, If I had wanted to design a homicidal death camp, I would have a proportion of space used for Gas Chambers/Crematoria to Dormitories etc at 10:1

    Rather than the proportion of 1:10 that we see in Auschwitz 2.

    It is simply an extremely inefficient design for a death camp.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Mark Bahner
  327. @kb_2

    I pointed out earlier that a) this argument is less convincing than some people think – as children could simply be raised in new families, and old people could die,

    I missed that comment of yours. I have to be doing other things today and tomorrow, so I can’t take the time to look for that original comment.

    For all but the very youngest children, I disagree that children raised in new families would lose touch with their connection to Auschwitz. For example, I remember many details about being hospitalized for encephalitis when I was four. I lost consciousness shortly after waking up (I don’t remember that), regained coonsciousness briefly in the ambulance, and then was I out for…I don’t know about that…a day…two days? Anyway, I *do* remember waking up in a dark hospital room, not remembering anything before that, just thinking, “Where in the world am I, and where’s my family?”

    Plus, even if children do get new names and don’t remember their previous lives, in any country with a decent census, they would show up as a sudden weird new kid. And they might look nothing like their adopting family. Finally, I’d think most adopting families would feel some need to tell the child when the child was old enough to deal with the knowledge.

    Regarding old people…you’re right that they’d be more likely to die sooner after the war ended, but I think they’d be very likely to try to “check in” with their family and previous friends. When one is old, there’s a much stronger urge to leave a legacy…a record of one’s life.

    So I think the lack of bodies or any record of existence after the war is extremely compelling evidence of murder. For example, go to the Yad Vashem site with the “Central Database of Shoah Victims’ names”:

    Now, type in “Munkacs” (without quotes) in the “place”. “Munkacs” was in Hungary at the time of the deportation of 437,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944.

    If you type in “Munkacs”, you’ll see a little over 20,000 names. You’ll also see literally 90 percent or more are listed as “murdered.” (I think. I hope to have time some other day to investigate further.)

    • Replies: @kb_2
  328. Han says:

    Jewish Rabbi Admits Adolf Hitler Was Right.

    Very interesting what Rabbi Yosef Tzvi Ben Porat is saying about Hitler in this short video:

    Video Link

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  329. kb_2 says:
    @Mark Bahner

    I missed that comment of yours. I have to be doing other things today and tomorrow, so I can’t take the time to look for that original comment.

    No problem. I checked – it was in another thread. Here is what I wrote to Fran Taubman:

    In fact, this part of your argument is weaker than you think.

    Suppose, deportation actually have place. There were a war around, probably food shortages, plagues etc. Many of the old people and children may have died of natural causes. Those of the elderly who did not die might not have the health to move on. In any case, it would be inhuman to arrange such deportations.

    Suppose a family has a small child. How will he be reunited with his family? How will he find them? Especially if he is very small.

    You are talking about the testimonies of those who could not find their relatives. If the revisionist theory is correct, it is natural to expect such evidence in this case as well. In addition, if the family was then at least partially reunited, this could be less traumatic and not lead to a desire to testify to the world about their difficult fate. Also the testimonies of such people could also be less widely disseminated in the media.

    Of course, the question arises whether there are testimonies of those who then found their relatives (you say they are absent) – and this is a serious issue for the revisionists. They still need to be shown where all these people are (I doubt they will succeed – but I’m ready to reconsider my opinion).

  330. @kb_2

    He asks why it was necessary to transport the elderly and children in difficult conditions of war. And he points out that the last evidence of them was near the alleged gas chambers.

    I cannot speak for the Nazis, but my hunch would be for the same reason that the Japanese were interned by the Americans during WW2.

    The Jews were distrusted. No country at war wants to deal with millions of potential enemy collaborators/spies/saboteurs.

    Further there were hopes to rid the Reich of the Jews forever.

    Perhaps they intended to hold them until the Reich occupied Siberia and they would be deported there?

    Or perhaps they were meant to be held till after the war when they could be allowed to emigrate to the USA in exchange for a ransom?

    Or perhaps they were being held so that after the war, the criminals and parasites could be rooted out and punished at leisure?

    Or perhaps they were being held to be kept as a permanent slave class?

    I do not want to sound like an apologist for the Nazis, I am only suggesting alternatives….which show why an Occam’s Razor conclusion of mass gassings is not applicable here.

    It’s as if the victim was last seen with the alleged killer and he was taking her somewhere in a car.

    This is exactly my point. There insufficient evidence to convict the Accused.

    Using your analogy, the body of the “victim” was never found; and the alleged murder weapon a knife, turned out to be a rubber stage prop.

    Could it be that the victim was hitching a ride in the accused’s car, and after being dropped off, left on foot for the next town because he was trying to escape an angry loanshark?

    Extrapolating from your vivid analogy…..

    ……. the Witness who fingered the Accused, turned out to have had an heated argument with the Accused the week before, and is now making piles of cash selling his story to the press.

    n+ people – because a centrally deported million people can hardly disappear into thin air (if they were not killed before and burned).

    The disappearance would not have happened not at the point of deportation….but it is much more likely to have happened much later when the fighting frontlines reached their location. Civilians and soldiers would be running in all directions. There would be mass confusion. People get separated, their identity papers lost.

    Then after the war ends, and the new occupation authorities start organising things….issuance of new ration cards for food, housing allocations, NEW IDENTITY PAPERS……….that is when a Jew named Goldstein who was spat on by his neighbour in Karlsruhe and turned over to the Gestapo, would cross the border into Nancy, change his name to Gaston, and immediately benefit from:
    1. Better rations, housing and other benefits as a citizen victorious country.
    2. Eliminate the risk of ever being discriminated against
    3. Abandon all the bank loans he had raked up
    4. Avoid all the reparations and liabilities Germany had incurred.

    • Replies: @kb_2
  331. The propaganda regarding Hitler/Germany persists to this day, and will never end.

    Mark Bahner’s entire argument is “it’s true because many people say it’s true.”

    We can consider what’s happening today in relation to the media/activist twisting of reality and blatant censorship. Regardless of what one may think of Trump, is he a fascist? Is he a Russian spy or traitor? Did he actually do harm to this nation? Who ACTUALLY suffered for his policies, other than illegal immigrants? According to the media, he nearly ruined this country. He was assaulted by the press and his own government incessantly, and the assaults and political prosecution continues today.

    MSNBC published an article claiming a focus on personal fitness/health is “white supremacy.” They exhibit an image of a muscular arm, in flex, against the backdrop of German soldiers giving the Heil Hitler salute. So, what are they saying then? (Click link for image)

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  332. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Mark Bahner’s entire argument is “it’s true because many people say it’s true.”

    Personally, I think he is persuaded because of the human content of the witness testimonies. One cannot but feel empathy for others who have suffered so much.

    Some may call me a fool, but to me, it speaks of a good heart. And a good heart is something I value and respect greatly, …. more than wealth, good looks or even intelligence.

    • Agree: kb_2
  333. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Why not say “he may have been ill informed on….?”

    From simply having looked at the Tonjoroff article, any reader would have been able to see that Tonjoroff made no association between Jews and the October Revolution but merely implied that there was a spiritual association between Jews and the February Revolution, without ever seriously disputing the essentially spontaneous nature of the latter. For Ford or anyone else to pass this off as Tonjoroff somehow admitting something about the October Revolution is at best a second-hand repetition of a rumor about something which they never looked at. If they actually looked at it, then this is a deliberate distortion.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  334. @Chebyshev

    Not totally inexplicable in light of the Cold War. Whatever the actual truth about what went on in alleged “extermination camps” such as purportedly Auschwitz, the various public stances taken towards these events were influenced by conflicting propaganda aims. In the immediate postwar period, 1945-6, the trials were held, and official statements promoted a glowing sense of optimism about the better world that was being born out of the war. In 1947-8, the Cold War began, and this led to a shift in priorities. A lot of previous prosecutions and convictions were allowed to quietly slide, and this was obviously related to the international rivalry on the scene. That will surely have helped to relegate some of the potential academic publications on this to backrooms.

    • Replies: @Chebyshev
  335. bjondo says:

    One cannot but feel empathy for others who have suffered so much.

    Fictional, fabricated, horseshit suffering is the most heartrending.
    I still can’t control my anger when I think of the Yid woman who
    survived only because wolves found, protected, clothed, fed her.
    And read to her the Talmud. Suffered but at same time blessed.

    The delusional, deranged lyrics below had me crying for the fake injustice, suffering.

    Well, the neighborhood bully, he’s just one man
    His enemies say he’s on their land
    They got him outnumbered about a million to one
    He got no place to escape to, no place to run
    He’s the neighborhood bully.

    Of course the collective benefits greatly – money/reparations/welfare,
    power, distorting the rule of law, for one’s benefit.


  336. @littlereddot

    I have said that, myself, about Mr. Bahner, on this very thread, and the one proceeding, but that does not change the facts about his arguments, which are/were nothing but argument by accusation, opinion and “because I say so!” I did suggest that he challenge Mr. Wear’s assertions/defense in a pointed, specific fashion, but to no avail. I DID attempt to steer him in a more productive direction; Mr. Wear actually traveled to a library to look at source material to defend his position; Mr. Bahner babbled on, undeterred by reason, and wasted everyone’s time. If you use reason to defend the official narrative, you fail; that’s why blathering on, in emotional tirades, is the remaining defense.

    Therein lies the dilemma about dissecting the Holocaust narrative; to question it, is always equated with a monstrous disregard for human suffering. And, of course, legal prohibitions against the dissection heavily impact the persistence of the Official Narrative. Why must laws be enacted to protect something that is an obvious truth?

    I recently discovered the existence of the High Commission for the Examination of Hitlerite Crimes in Poland (Gloiimej Komisji Badania Zbrodni Hitlerowskich w Polsce); is there a High Commission for Stalinite Crimes? I looked for it, but found nothing. As you may know, Danzig was once Germanic territory, and the area was populated by ethnic Germans, so an argument could be made in defense of Hitler’s actions there, but Russia invaded Poland, as well, and no one outside of Poland seems to care or disparage Russia, in any fashion, similar to the disparagement of Germany. The “Holodomor,”inflicted by the Bolsheviks, on Russians, Ukraine and the surrounding areas, is virtually unknown to the average American, as is the number of American men who died in WW2. Can you say, off the top of your head, how many Jews died? Sure you can….everyone, everywhere can.

    “Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany” should be required reading in America; I threw out my copy of “Night,” by confirmed liar, Elie Wiesel, years ago. Now, you can find all sorts of essays claiming his lies were just coping mechanisms; only Jews and non-Europeans are permitted to lie blatantly from results of trauma.

    I was once in Mr. Bahner’s camp, despite warnings from my grandfather, a WW2 veteran pilot, about what really happened in Europe; I thought the criticisms he offered on US conduct were the result of honest mistakes or misunderstandings by our government; we were tricked. Spending half my life reviewing evidence, testimony of victims and perpetrators, and finding shocking malfeasance by governing authorities has helped me to determine who lies, and where to find the lies. The proof is out there; organized Jewry is not to be trusted about anything, ever, anywhere.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  337. @Kali

    > Meanwhile, all historians know perfectly well that the Bolshevik leaders were overwhelmingly Jewish… Recent books by Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Yuri Slezkine, and others have all painted a very similar picture.

    Solzhenitsyn was a literary ideologue who never produced and authentic historical investigations of anything. But since Slezkine has been brought up, I should just review some of what he has said since it does not support any of the things claimed by Robert Wilton et alia.

    “The Jewish share of the Party’s Central Committee in 1919-21 remained steady at about one-fourth… The proportion of Jews in the Cheka as a whole was not very high (compared to what White propaganda often alleged): 3.7 percent of the Moscow apparatus, 4.3 percent of Cheka commissars, and 8.6 percent of senior (“responsible”) officials in 1918, and 9.1 percent of all members of provincial Cheka offices (Gubcheka) in 1920. As in the Party, the majority of Cheka members were Russians, and by far the most over-represented group were the Latvians, consistently and successfully cultivated by Lenin as the Praetorian Guards of the Revolution (35.6 percent of the Moscow Cheka apparatus, 52.7 percent of all Cheka senior officials, and 54.3 percent of all Cheka commissars, as compared to about 0.09 percent in the country as a whole and about 0.5 percent in Moscow). But even in the Cheka, Bolsheviks of Jewish origin combined ideological commitment with literacy in ways that set them apart and propelled them upward. In 1918, 65.5 percent of all Jewish Cheka employees were “responsible officials.” Jews made up 19.1 percent of all central apparatus investigators and 50 percent (6 out of 12) of the investigators employed in the department for combating counter-revolution. In 1923, at the time of the creation of the OGPU (the Cheka’s successor), Jews made up 15.5 percent of all “leading” officials and 50 percent of the top brass (4 out of 8 members of the Collegium’s Secretariat).”
    — Slezkine, Jewish Century, pp. 176-7.

    While no one has ever disputed that Jews were overrepresented in the upper layers of the party for the first couple decades after the revolution, they never came close to being a majority, not even in such organizations as the Central Committee. Slezkine absolutely does not claim anything which would vindicate the hoaxes played by Robert Wilton.

    With regards to other matters, it should be emphasized that RU puts on aura of dimwitted gullibility wherever it is convenient to himself, but then pretends to be the high critic whenever he may find that convenient. Yes, Cold War academia often casually repeated the whole fable of “tens of millions” without any serious critical examination of the existing evidence. Although revisionist scholarship has grown since 1991 and the opening of many documents which debunked older Cold War myths, a lot of the old myths are still casually repeated by authors who have built careers within the what remains of that apparatus.

    However, even the comments of a silly ideologue like Solzhenitsyn would be highlighted if the equivalent were ever found to have been made by Simon Wiesenthal or Elie Wiesel.

    Twenty-five years later we could think: Well, yes, we understood the sort of arrests that were being made at the time, and the fact that they were torturing people in prisons, and the slime they were trying to drag us into. But it isn’t true! After all, the Black Marias were going through the streets at night, and we were the same young people who were parading with banners during the day. How could we know anything about those arrests and why should we think about them? All the provincial leaders had been removed, but as far as we were concerned it didn’t matter. Two or three professors had been arrested, but after all they hadn’t been our dancing partners, and it might even be easier to pass our exams as a result. Twenty-year olds, we marched in the ranks of those born the year the Revolution took place, and because we were the same age as the Revolution, the brightest of futures lay ahead.
    — Solzhenitsyn, Gulag Archipelago, pp. 160-1.

    If Elie Wiesel were caught on record as describing the height of Hitler’s term in power as one where “the brightest of futures lay ahead” then such a quote would be repeated over and over again. It’s obvious that at the height of the purges, Solzhenitsyn was blissfully unaware that anything wrong was happening. Impossible if one accepts the silly “tens of millions” hoax, but perfectly compatible with what Archibald Getty and others have documented about the actual levels of political violence in the 1930s.

    If anyone is actually interested in seeing how these things have been debated among historians within official academia, it’s worth looking up Slavic Review, Summer 1986, to read first the article by Robert Thurston, then the comment by Robert Conquest, and subsequently Thurston’s response.

  338. @littlereddot

    Oh, I need to get to other things, but…

    Personally, I think he is persuaded because of the human content of the witness testimonies. One cannot but feel empathy for others who have suffered so much.

    Some may call me a fool, but to me, it speaks of a good heart. And a good heart is something I value and respect greatly, …. more than wealth, good looks or even intelligence.

    No, no, no! I don’t have a good heart! 😉

    I have logic. It’s not the empathy for testimonies. It’s logic and math.

    Look at the Hungarian Jews. Strip away any emotion you have (no matter how difficult that may be).

    There were 437,000 Hungarian Jews that arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944. Let’s lower that to 400,000 for simplicity. It can be debated how many were able to work. Let’s say 25 percent. That makes 300,000 people. Of those, about 80,000 to 100,000 were children under 12. (I can show you the math…but just not today.)

    So that means we have 300,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived between May 15 and July 13, 1944. We know that Auschwitz-Birkenau was already essentially filled to capacity. But let’s say it could fit another 40,000. Well those 40,000 would come from the 100,000 that were “fit to work”.

    But let’s say the Nazis were totally insane, and the 100,000 that were “fit to work” were *all* shipped to other camps, and 40,000 of those “not fit to work” stayed in Auschwitz-Birkenau. There’s absolutely no record of that, but let’s assume it anyway.

    So we had 300,000 people unfit to work. The Nazis insanely let 40,000 of them stay in Auschwitz. That *still* means that 260,000 would have had to have been transported *out* of Auschwitz in the two months from May 15 to July 15, 1944. That’s one to two trainloads *per day* filled with 3000 people like children under 12 and old people over 65. Where in the world would the Nazis take them? And why is there absolutely no record of these 260,000 people being shipped out of Auschwitz, or even existing at any time after they arrived at Auschwitz.

    Simply look at it rationally. Strip emotion out. There are 260,000 people who came to a place that the *operators* stated had gas chambers and crematoriums that were used to murder people and burn their bodies after they were murdered. And there’s no record of *any* of those people being alive any time after they arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 – July 13, 1944. There are no records of them being in the camp when it was liberated. There are no records of them on the death marches to other labor camps in Germany. There are certainly no records of 260,000 people escaping Auschwitz in 2 months. There are no records of those approximately 100,000 children ever attending a school anywhere. Or getting married, or having kids, or even dying outside of Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    Ask yourself, what are the odds that 260,000 Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau and then there being absolutely no record of them after that time, and yet they were not murdered and their bodies cremated right there at Auschwitz-Birkenau, on or near the same day they arrived?

    It’s not emotion. It’s logic and math. No one who can do a very basic logical analysis with very simple math should be able to come to a conclusion other than those 260,000 Hungarian Jews arriving from May to July 1944 were murdered and their bodies cremated.

    Now I simply must do other things…

  339. kb_2 says:

    On the whole, you are right, but the difficulty lies in the fact that not one Jew has gone missing, but more than a million. If only 100 people were missing, I would accept your reasoning.

    Missing people is an old topic – I recently found this old challenge:

    In a previous thread, I suggested comparing the report of the Home Army with its refutation by the revisionists:

    I recently skimmed through the beginning of this book (stumbled upon it before, but read a little):

    Very interesting, indeed.I decided to compare an Armia Krajowa wartime report (from “Wartime Reports” section from the 1st chapter) with rebuttal by Mattogno et al. (pp. 90-92) – revisionists [I think correctly] point to the wrong reference, but in essence the whole “refutation” is a mockery (or at least that’s how it seems to me)

    Interested in your opinion on this report. If anything, I haven’t read any of these books in their entirety.

    P.S Incidentally, it occurred to me that if the Germans were irrational enough to kill 6 million Jews, they might be irrational enough to deport them in the way we are talking about here. Or rational – from which side to look.

  340. @Mark Bahner


    I wrote hastily and made some unclear statements. I wrote:

    There were 437,000 Hungarian Jews that arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944. Let’s lower that to 400,000 for simplicity. It can be debated how many were able to work. Let’s say 25 percent. That makes 300,000 people. Of those, about 80,000 to 100,000 were children under 12. (I can show you the math…but just not today.)

    I meant to write (bolding and even capitalization added for emphasis):

    There were 437,000 Hungarian Jews that arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944. Let’s lower that to 400,000 for simplicity. It can be debated how many were able to work. Let’s say 25 percent. That makes 300,000 people who were UNFIT for work. Of those, about 80,000 to 100,000 were children under 12. (I can show you the math…but just not today.)

    Also, I wrote:

    So we had 300,000 people unfit to work. The Nazis insanely let 40,000 of them stay in Auschwitz. That *still* means that 260,000 would have had to have been transported *out* of Auschwitz in the two months from May 15 to July 15, 1944. That’s one to two trainloads *per day* filled with 3000 people like children under 12 and old people over 65. Where in the world would the Nazis take them? And why is there absolutely no record of these 260,000 people being shipped out of Auschwitz, or even existing at any time after they arrived at Auschwitz.

    I meant to write (bolding and capitalization again added for the missing words):

    So we had 300,000 people unfit to work. The Nazis insanely let 40,000 of them stay in Auschwitz. That *still* means that 260,000 would have had to have been transported *out* of Auschwitz in the two months from May 15 to July 15, 1944. That’s one to two trainloads *per day* filled with 3000 people like children under 12 and old people over 65. Where in the world would the Nazis take them? And why is there absolutely no record of these 260,000 people who were UNFIT to work being shipped out of Auschwitz, or even existing at any time after they arrived at Auschwitz.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  341. @kb_2

    On the whole, you are right, but the difficulty lies in the fact that not one Jew has gone missing, but more than a million. If only 100 people were missing, I would accept your reasoning.

    Exactly! And not just a million missing people. Missing people for whom we know the *exact* location they were sent, and the operators of the facilities *wrote* and even *testified* that they murdered those million missing people in gas chambers, and burned their bodies! And we know exactly where the burned bodies are, and where they said they spread the ashes (e.g. the nearby Vistula river).

    In fact, one of the people, SS guard Oskar Gröning (“The Accountant of Auschwitz”), even spoke out because he was so worried that Holocaust deniers were denying what happened at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Holocaust denial lies need to stop.

  342. @Patrick McNally

    So, you stand by your assertion, that a misunderstanding or misinterpretation, thereby impugns the character of an otherwise honorable man? That’s what you said.

    What about the “misunderstanding/misinterpretation” of 6 million deaths by mass murderers? Was that number a misunderstanding or a deliberate lie? What about the recent construction of a “gas chamber,” presented as the authentic, original structure of said chamber? What about Barbara Spectre’s plan to transform Europe? Perhaps I misunderstood her? Although, I do listen carefully, and I understand plain English quite well.

    Like I said, some groups of people can lie, lie, lie about all sorts of happenings and history; some groups of people shoulder all the blame, blame, blame for everything, everywhere; no context or excuses for that EVIL GROUP. What surprises me is how nearly the entire world clamors to dwell amongst the EVIL GROUP, and then assail us from all sides, as if the rewards of our society will remain once we are gone. I think the FORMER Jewish population in South Africa were heavily involved in ending Apartheid; but, for some reason, they ALL LEFT once the objective was achieved. I think they still own diamond and mining operations there, of course, as those discoveries drew them in once a modern society was built by the Dutch. They came in on the coat tails of the English, it seems. I think I’ll just end here; these observations never seem to make any difference to anyone, anywhere.

  343. @John Wear

    So, we can conclusively say that numerous Hungarian children under the age of 12 were found alive in Birkenau when the Soviets liberated the camp.
    The Germans did not kill them all as many people have suggested.

    Absolutely right John – as always.

    The photograph below of some Jewish children, was taken at Auschwitz-Birkenau by Alexander Vorontsov, a Soviet photographer who accompanied the soldiers of the Red Army when they liberated the camp on 27 January 1945:

    Before Mark ‘Mordechai’ Bahner-Stein accuses me of posting a photo of children liberated from another camp or claiming that they’re not Jewish kiddies, he should take a look at the link below from the Vad Yashem website that acknowledges this was from Auschwitz-Birkenau:

    And, seeing as Mr Mark Mordechai claims that all children and old people were set aside in a separate line soon after disembarking from the train upon arrival, and then promptly murdered, it stands to reason that all (or most) of the children in that photo must’ve been from those late arrivals (late 1944) from Hungary.

    Of course, this photo is just some of the children that were found alive at Auschwitz-Birkenau by the Soviets – apparently there were many more.

    My goodness the Germans were sure SLOPPY in letting these kiddies slip through the cracks and forgetting to murder them.
    My goodness the Germans were sure SLOPPY in forgetting to NOT FEED THEM* (and thus wasted precious food supplies that were in short supply in the latter stages of the war, seeing as German civilians in the cities were themselves starving).

    (*It is evident that these Jewish children are not emaciated and starving – most of them are CHUBBY CHEEKED and looking pretty healthy to me).

    Do you not agree Mr Bahner-stein, with my assessment of the chubby cheeks ?

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    • Agree: Tiptoethrutulips
    • Thanks: John Wear
  344. @kb_2

    On the whole, you are right, but the difficulty lies in the fact that not one Jew has gone missing, but more than a million.

    What independently verified proof do we have that even 10,000 Jews are missing (let alone more than a million) ?

    The people that are telling you this ‘kb’, are the same NOTORIOUS LIARS that conjured up the Holohoax fable in the first place.

    Whatever info you’re sourcing from them is WORTHLESS.

    • Replies: @Kali
    , @kb_2
  345. @kb_2

    On a much smaller scale, and in spite of modern technology, i.e., cameras, cell phones and internet, and same nationality, language, and home area, there are/were many people missing or unaccounted for after Hurricane Katrina:

    “ There have been about 12,000 documented cases of people missing from Hurricane Katrina in both Louisiana and in Mississippi. Remarkably, they have found all but about 3700 of those.”

    The missing status of hurricane victims may have since changed, but some people are never accounted for after war/natural disasters.

    Who in our society has/had the money, time, inclination and inspiration to (publicly) find their missing brethren amongst the Jewish diaspora? What happens to the narrative if the missing are located and interviewed, in large numbers, thereby excluded from the murdered/gassed/shot accounts?

    Proof of nothing, but food for thought; Consider the sources and the historical patterns.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  346. @Han

    > but NEVER OK to even question

    I certainly have never adopted a hostile view towards the questioning of any kind of historical event. What I have frequently found at many places, whether this site or elsewhere, is that a lot of the ordinary people who get some partial acquaintance with some revisionist arguments on a specific thing often tend to ramp it up with a lot of blatantly unwarranted add-ons. To give credit where it’s due, I never found any trace of Robert Faurisson ranting on about things in such a casual way. Faurisson never claimed, for example, to have researched the Russian Civil War and so simply did not try to say much about the causes of the White defeat. Yet White propagandists such as Robert Wilton will be easily picked up by ideologues like RU and all of their rubbish is streamed together with anything that Faurisson ever had to say. But in fairness to Faurisson, he was a lot more cautious about what he tried to claim.

  347. John Wear says:

    You write about Auschwitz-Birkenau: “It is simply an extremely inefficient design for a death camp.”

    My response: In addition to what you wrote in comment #332, there are additional reasons why Birkenau was not suitable as an extermination camp.

    The following is from pages 180-182 of the 4th edition of Germar Rudolf’s book “Lectures on the Holocaust”:

    “A great many transports passed through the Birkenau Camp without many of the deportees being registered there. From here, they were either assigned to outlying camps or else transported to other labor-camp complexes. A part of them remained at the Birkenau Camp and were registered there. Today’s orthodox historiography assumes that Jews who were not registered at Birkenau went directly to the “gas chambers” and were killed there.

    After the Allied landings in Italy, the Upper Silesian industrial region came into the range of American bombers. Hence, since the spring of 1944, industrial production in the Auschwitz area was getting interrupted and construction drastically curtailed by repeated bombing raids.

    We can identify a great many details of the camp complex from air photos made by Allied reconnaissance aircraft during those days. Among other things, it can be seen that the camp could be observed rather easily from the outside, which means that it would have been impossible to keep secret what went on there. The same goes for the heavy passenger and freight traffic passing through the busy railroad hub at Auschwitz, from whom extended extermination activities could hardly have been hidden. Keeping secrets would also have been difficult if not impossible, because many of the camp’s prisoners were employed as workers in German plants and factories, both civilian and military.

    These internees had thus frequent contact with prisoners of war from other nations, as well as German and foreign civilians. In addition, a large number of civilian construction companies with all their employees were involved in erecting many buildings in the concentration and POW camps. Furthermore there were constant releases and furloughs from the concentration camp…

    [T]he official number of inmates transferred to other camps is around 200,000, although Mattogno (2006) has shown that the total for the years 1944 and 1945 alone is at least 250,800.

    Scholars who claim that huge numbers of people were secretly murdered at Auschwitz simply do not know what they are talking about. They are obviously unfamiliar with the layout and daily routine, ignorant of the objective reality of the situation. There were thousands of locations in the German-occupied areas which would have been better suited for conducting secret mass murder than the bustling industrial city of Auschwitz.”

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  348. Chebyshev says:
    @Patrick McNally

    The advent of the Cold War meant Americans were no longer anti-Nazi? European History and Jewish Studies professors in America during this period were definitely anti-Nazi.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  349. @littlereddot

    I would pick option 3). Auschwitz 2 …. the one with the rail line running right through it was clearly meant as a transit camp.

    Maybe you don’t understand who “them” means in this:

    3) Most of them were sent to other places (and the rest were housed in Auschwitz-Birkenau).

    The “them” in Explanation #3 is the “not fit for labor” people. Not the “fit for labor” people.

    Explanation #3 is referring to the approximately 300,000 or more “not fit for labor” Hungarian Jews who were deported from their homes in Hungary to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp in May-July 1944. That means people like children under 12 and people over 65.

    Why would it make any sense to take children under 12 and people over 65 from their homes in what was then Hungary, and ship them to Auschwitz in Poland…and then put them right back on trains to ship them to somewhere else?

    With 300,000 people, we’re talking about approximately *100 trains* full of children under 12, people over 65, and other people who are not fit to work.

    Particularly, why would Nazi Germany do that when they were less than a year from unconditional surrender? And severely lacking in fuel?

  350. @Han

    Thanks for posting the video.

    I think everyone here differentiates between Jews, in general, and organized, Zionist jews; regular, secular jews get swept up in the mayhem.

    Regarding American pundits, Dennis Prager is the only Jewish gentleman, in my knowledge, who publicly denounces certain jews, praises gentile society, and expresses gratitude for the American protections and sacrifices made on behalf of Jewish people. Of course, he praises Israel and only goes so far with his criticisms, but he is an honorable, well intentioned man, who has much wisdom to share.

    • Replies: @bjondo
  351. @Truth Vigilante

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    Yes, I agree with your assessment that these particular children, in this picture, look well nourished.

    Here are some stats and facts for children at Auschwitz:

    On the basis of the partially preserved camp records and estimates, it has been established that there were approximately 232 thousand children and young people up to the age of 18 among the 1.3 million or more people deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp.

    This figure includes about 216 thousand Jews, 11 thousand Gypsies, at least 3 thousand Poles, over 1 thousand Byelorussians, and significant numbers of Russians, Ukrainians, and others. The majority of them were deported to Auschwitz along with their parents in various campaigns directed against whole ethnic or social groups. Slightly more than 23.5 thousand children and young people were registered in the camp, out of the total of 400 thousand registered prisoners.

    Note that those numbers include up to 18 years old, so those numbers include many “children” that would be considered “fit for work”…since many “children” from 16 to 18 might have actually been out of school and working before WW2. (For example, dropping out of starting work without completing high school was common even in the U.S. back then. Almost exactly 50 percent of children did not complete high school in 1938 in the U.S.)

    But of those numbers, the percentage of arrivals who were under 18 was 232,000/1,300,000 = 17.8 percent. But the percentage of people under 18 who were *registered* was only 23,500/400,000 = 5.9 percent. And again, that includes those up to 18, not, for example, only those up to 12 years old. Jewish children under age 12 were almost *always* gassed…unless they were trwins, and therefore candidate for Dr. Mengele’s monstrous experiments.

    And nothing that I’m writing here is any kind of secret. From the book that John Wear hilariously thinks confirms his alternate universe view of Auschwitz (“Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp”):

    1) See page 453, regarding Auschwitz:

    “There were no young Jewish children in the camp, with a few exceptions, as they and a large proportion of the women and elderly were murdered on arrival.”

    2) Page 439:
    “The children’s block was liquidated step by step. The first, most difficult stage occurred on March 7, 1944, when all the prisoners of the September 1943 transport were gassed. (On the way to the gas chambers, they sang Hatikva and the Czech national anthem.)”

    3) Page 440:

    “Most women, men, and children, with the exception of those selected for work in other camps, were led straight to the gas chambers. The entire children’s block was liquidated. The Czech family camp, no longer needed, had been emptied of its inhabitants.”

  352. @Truth Vigilante

    Do you not agree Mr Bahner-stein, with my assessment of the chubby cheeks?

    See my previous comments. And of course, like the ignorant “Truth Vigilante” you are, you didn’t even bother to follow the hyperlinks in the caption:

    Bracha Katz (formerly Berta Weinhaber) was born on 28 March 1930 in Bratislava, Czechoslovakia. Her parents were Elias and Lea Weinhaber, and she had six brothers and sisters. Elias, descended from a long line of Rabbis, was the head of the Jewish community of Bratislava.

    In April 1944, the Germans entered Bratislava and the Weinhabers were deported to the Sered camp. In June, they were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    When they arrived at the ramp at Birkenau, a Jewish Kapo approached Berta, and told her to pretend that she and her brother Adolf were twins. Even though Adolf was two years her junior, the Germans believed them, and they were taken to the block where Mengele performed medical experiments on sets of twins. Berta managed to stay alive there until the liberation. Her brother could not withstand the intolerable conditions, and perished.

    Berta was liberated by the Red Army on 27 January 1945.

    In 1949, she emigrated to Israel with her sister; they were the only members of the family who survived the Holocaust.

    Gabi Neumann was born in Obyce, Czechoslovakia, on 25 February 1937. His parents were Jozef and Regina Neumann, and he had two siblings. … At the end of October 1944, they were betrayed, and sent back to Sered. From there they were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau on 3 November 1944. They were informed that Jozef had been caught and sent to Auschwitz a week earlier. … or a week, the family were together in the “Family Camp” in Birkenau, but then the men and boys over age ten were separated from the women and children. Gabi was separated from his family and left by himself in the children’s block. His sister became ill, but joined him in the children’s block after her release from the camp hospital. The two children were marched from Birkenau to Auschwitz, where they stayed until the liberation. Gabi and his sister were liberated by the Red Army on 27 January 1945. (His sister is not in the picture.)

    Shmuel Schelach (formerly Robert Schlesinger) was born on 19 January 1934 in Mytna Nova Ves, Czechoslovakia. After wandering from one hiding place to another, without any money to pay those who hid them, Shmuel and his brother were also caught in October 1944. They were sent to the Sered camp, and from there, they were deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau on 31 October 1944.

    On their arrival at Birkenau, they waited inside the cattle cars for the Germans to decide their fate. (Everyone on the previous transport had been sent to the gas chambers). In the late afternoon, they were brought down from the cars, and contrary to the usual procedure, they did not undergo selection, but were taken inside Birkenau with their belongings. “From there on” says Schelach “it was pure luck.” They were able to see their mother twice, through the barbed wire fence, before she was sent on a death march from Auschwitz to Bergen Belsen.

    Erika Dohan (née Winter) was born in 1931 in Trnava, Czechoslovakia. Her parents were Viola and Leo Winter, and she had one brother. They were caught by the Gestapo in October 1944, after a neighbor gave them away, and they were sent to the Sered labor camp in Slovakia. On 1 November 1944, the family was sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    There was no selection when they arrived at the camp, despite the fact that the transport was full of children and old people. Erika and her brother were eventually separated from their parents after about a week. Erika and her brother were liberated by the Red Army on 27 January 1945.

    Tomy Shacham (formerly Schwarz), was born in Nitra, Slovakia on 1 July 1933. His parents were Henrich and Alzbeta Schwarz, and he had two siblings. Tomy’s brother Juraj managed to escape to Hungary, but perished later on in the Budapest ghetto. The rest of the family were together in the “Family Camp” in Birkenau, but after two days, the men and the boys over age ten were separated from the women and children. At that time Tomy was eleven, but was told by his parents to say he was nine and a half. In this way, Tomy was able to spend two more days with his mother, after which she was also taken away from him, and he was left alone in the Children’s Block. On 22 January 1945, the Germans sent all the children who had survived on a march from Birkenau to an unknown destination. During the march, the Germans took flight, and the children continued alone until they arrived at Auschwitz, where they stayed until the liberation.

    So almost all of these people (except Bracha Katz) arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau in October 1944 or later…only 3 months before liberation. And Bracha Katz only survived because she fooled the Nazis into thinking she was her brother’s twin. (And he was murdered by the Nazis.) Also, executions in the gas chambers stopped circa November 1944:

  353. @Tiptoethrutulips

    I was once in Mr. Bahner’s camp,

    I think you are describing all of us. LOL

    Not on just this matter, but a myriad of things, over and over again.. I illustrate with just one single point as an example…our parents:
    When we were toddlers, we considered them god like. They could do everything.
    When we were teenagers, we discovered that they too had faults and we became angry with them, even despised them.
    When we had families and kids of our own, we realise that we are just the same as them, trying to make the best of what we have been given.
    When they have left his world, they become more like friends that we miss dearly.

    Isn’t life but a long chain of refining our perceptions about things?

    • Replies: @pachacuti
  354. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Would you care to comment on the fact that it was proved during the Zundel trials that there were no homicidal gas chambers in any German camp?

    Thus, if you persist in you allegation that xxxxx number of Jews were gassed there, perhaps you can put your engineering degree to work and explain to us here how that was achieved without German homicidal gas chambers.

    Remember, in any murder or tort trial, the prosecution must first prove that such action did indeed occur and how, supplying evidence of all the tools and circumstances, plus hard forensic evidence to prove beyond a reasonable doubt…

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  355. @Mark Bahner

    No, no, no! I don’t have a good heart! 😉

    I have logic. It’s not the empathy for testimonies. It’s logic and math.

    LOL, whatever…

    I still have high regard for you, despite our difference in views on this matter.


  356. @kb_2

    What you say is true, and I admit I cannot account for all the missing Jews.

    But from the evidence presented so far, it does not appear that there was a state level deliberate policy using Auschwitz to murder millions or hundreds of thousands of Jews.

    Perhaps one day in future more evidence on either side will come to light and I will change my mind.

  357. @Mark Bahner

    Mark, I have to admit to you that I have little faith in numbers when recorded by humans.

    Let me tell you why….

    my best friend is a retired chief accountant in one of the biggest if not the biggest bank here in my country. He used to tell anecdotes of how he would go to the Chairman of the bank and say “Mr XXX, we are going to be presenting our profit figures for our annual report soon. The range of profit figures I can show is this to this. What figures would you like me to record?”

    • Thanks: John Wear
  358. @Mark Bahner

    You have an answer for everything, don’t you, Mark? That’s easy to do, when you pull facts out of your backside to support your theories. Why don’t we consult Elie Wiesel about what went on at Auschwitz? After all, he wrote everything to know in a book, therefore by your logic, it MUST be true. How long was he actually there, by the way?

    How about the young Jewish boy who serenaded the death marching inmates with his violin, in freezing temperatures, while barefoot and starving? Anyone who knows anything about string instruments, which I do, knows what happens when they are exposed to cold, damp weather. Playing while marching, with frozen fingers and bare feet, is quite an achievement. How do you replace your violin strings at a death camp? Why were there orchestras at a death camp?

    Here’s a quote from the New York Times about Mr. Wiesel, from 2016:
    Elie Wiesel, the Auschwitz survivor who became an eloquent witness for the six million Jews slaughtered in World War II and who, more than anyone else, seared the memory of the Holocaust on the world’s conscience, died on Saturday at his home in Manhattan. He was 87.
    Did you read that, Mark? Six million killed? It’s in print, so it must be true. Case closed.

  359. pachacuti says:

    what a beautiful writing

    • Thanks: littlereddot
  360. @John Wear

    In regard to Fred Leuchter’s credentials, I suggest you read the following article by Mark Weber…

    The article by Mark Weber is just the ignorant opinion of a writer.

    In the 1988 Zundel trial, “Leuchter testified that he was a consultant to the states of South Carolina and Missouri with respect to the operation of gas chambers used for prisoner executions, and was currently under contract with the state of Missouri to completely reconstruct their gas chamber.”

    But the claim to be a consultant to the state of South Carolina on the “with respect to the operation of gas chambers used for prisoner executions” is almost certainly false, because the State of South Carolina has never executed a prisoner in a gas chamber. Never.

    Further, the company that *actually* re-built the Missouri gas chamber said that Fred Leuchter was merely a consultant to them. And in any case, the new gas chamber has *never been used* (the last executions in Missouri were by lethal injection), so there aren’t any data on it’s performance with human beings.

    Once again, the Plaintiffs dispute Fred Leuchter’s claimed expertise in gas chamber technology.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Kali
  361. @HdC

    Would you care to comment on the fact that it was proved during the Zundel trials that there were no homicidal gas chambers in any German camp?

    Auschwitz-Berkenau is not in Germany.

    • Troll: Kali
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @HdC
  362. Eric135 says:

    Here are some comments I’ve made that Steve Sailer has censored in a discussion about the Holocaust:

    Comment #1:

    “The answer to this question [‘Why were you guys thrown out of so many countries during history. What’s the matter with YOU?] … is that the Jews are the chosen people of god. They’re hated by the gentiles for the same reason that the favorite child of his parents is hated by his siblings …”

    Nobody except the Jews and a small fraction of Christians (evangelical Zionists) believes that the Jews are the chosen people of God. The great majority of Christians believe that God’s blessing to Abraham (who was not a Jew) and to Abraham’s “seed” was a blessing made to Christians, not Jews (Galatians 3:16, 3:29).

    In the Parable of the Vineyard (Matthew 21:33-44), it is made very clear that the Jews have lost whatever favored status God gave them. So, no Christian who reads his bible thinks that the Jews are God’s chosen people, much less resents them for having a favored status that they do not in fact have. If there is any resentment of Jews with respect to their nonexistent “chosen-ness”, it has to do with their obnoxious conceit that they are better than everyone else.

    The correct answer to the black boy’s question, “Why were you guys thrown out of so many countries during history?” is that the Jews served unscrupulous rulers as treasurers and tax farmers, oppressing (and showing contempt for) the common people while enjoying special privileges as “Court Jews”. When the common folk started to rebel, the rulers would calm things down for a time by expelling the Jews and then letting them back in later to resume their exploitation.

    In this respect, nothing has changed. President Biden has his own cadre of Jews oppressing and betraying the white Christian majority of Americans in ways that goys would be reluctant to do by themselves. Our corrupt attorney general Merrick Garland (Garfinkel) is a Jew who persecutes J6 selfie-takers who were let into the Capitol by the police (and even escorted around the building by the police in the case of the “Qanon Shaman”) while ignoring the crimes committed by BLM/Antifa.

    Other cabinet positions are held by the Jews Alejandro “Open borders” Mayorkas (secretary of homeland security), Gary “Sam Bankman-Fried’s best bud” Gensler (securities and exchange commissioner) and Rochelle “We’re making you take the experimental vax even though it’s a violation of the Nuremberg Code” Walensky (CDC director, now succeeded by the equally obnoxious Mandy Cohen).

    At a slightly lower level we have Victoria “Let’s overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine” Nuland (undersecretary of state), Cass “Mr. Psy-Op against the American people” Sunstein (advisor to the president), tranny admiral Richard/Rachel “Sex change hormones into little kids” Levine (undersecretary of health and human services), Deborah “To hell with free speech; antisemitism should be illegal” Lipstadt (special antisemitism envoy), Alexander “Let’s let crime run rampant” Soros (son of George Soros and regular White House visitor), and Philip “Mr. Coverup” Zelikow, slated to head the Covid coverup commission just like he headed the 9/11 coverup commission.

    These are the people promoting the dispossession of the white Christian majority of Americans. Thus, we have Garland targeting traditional Roman Catholics as likely terrorists and white supremacists; Mayorkas busily replacing white people with brown people and facilitating the opioid epidemic; Levine working to pervert and emasculate white children; Soros doing everything he can to get blacks to attack, rape and murder white people; Lipstadt doing everything she can to destroy free speech; Nuland and Jewish secretary of state Anthony Blinken risking nuclear war to satisfy their ancestral Jewish hatred of Russia; and Walensky/Cohen playing Russian Roulette with American lives while denying Americans Covid treatments that work … ”

    Comment #2:

    “The whole “millions of displaced Jews who never wrote to their relatives” problem [repeatedly alluded to by Sailer] is a red herring. Only about 100,000 Jews died in the camps (an additional 275,000 deaths were of non-Jews), almost all of them from typhus (which Zyklon B was used by the Germans to try and stop). An undetermined number of Jews who made themselves a problem for Hitler’s armies in the east may also have been killed. That is all. The rest have all been accounted for and live in the Anglophone countries, Israel and various other places.

    They favor us with their many sad, made-up tales. Their slander against Germans of Christian heritage (and today against Russians of Christian heritage) is just a continuation of their centuries long war against the Christian goyim, particularly the white Christian goyim. Jesus — God manifested in human flesh — told them they were children of the devil (John 8:44) and revoked their favored status. The pagan white Romans destroyed their Temple and Julian the Apostate was unable to rebuild it. The Jews don’t forget these slights. They base their whole existence on avenging them. Beware goyim. How many more times will you be stupid enough to invite the Jewish Trojan Horse into your lands? … ”

    Comment #3: (not sure if this is still being censored):

    “Another interesting question … is, “Why are there so many people with relatives who died in the Holocaust?” Well, the average person probably has 50-100 people he could claim as a relative (extending to second cousins and beyond), so a relatively small number of Holocaust deaths can yield a very large number of people who claim to be related to someone who died in the Holocaust. Then, of course, there are lies and exaggerations to consider. “I have a relative who died in the Holocaust” is quite the calling card and status symbol nowadays, and it’s a total argument winner often used by politicians and others to get their way.

    Even just having a goy relative who “liberated Dachau” is something so prized by the goyim nowadays that they often make this claim even though it isn’t true. If I had ten dollars for every goy who said his father, grandfather, uncle or great uncle “liberated” Dachau”, I could retire in style.”

    When people censor, I’m inclined to think I’m over the target …

    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante, Kali
  363. @Tiptoethrutulips

    “ There have been about 12,000 documented cases of people missing from Hurricane Katrina in both Louisiana and in Mississippi. Remarkably, they have found all but about 3700 of those.”

    There’s a huge difference between Hurricane Katrina and the Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    In Hurricane Katrina, people scattered *away* from the hurricane. And most by automobiles, possibly even riding in the automobiles of others. The Hungarian Jews were all forced *into* Auschwitz-Birkenau, and they came by trains, with the approximate number of people traveling per train known, as well as the arrival date and time.

    And in the case of Hungarian Jews not fit to work–say, children under 12 and adults over 65–essentially every single one of them is “missing.” (But only “missing” to Holocaust revisionist/deniers. Not to any sane and rational person.)

    From my comment #160:

    On May 23 1944 four trains with Jews deported from Hungary to Auschwitz crossed the border in Košice, with: 3023 Jews from Vişeu de Sus (Felsővisó), 3272 from Nyiregyháza, 3269 from Mukačevo (Munkács) and 3110 from Oradea (Nagyvárad) – all together 12,674 people.

    On 23 May 1944 after the selection of transports from Hungary 5 women were registered in the camp. Most probably a group of young, healthy people were kept in the camp as the so-called deposit (without registering them in the camp – some were soon transported to other concentration camps, some – killed in the gas chambers). Remaining people were murdered in the gas chambers.

    Jews deported from Hungary a few moments before being murdered in gas chambers. They are waiting in a small forest next to gas chambers and crematoria IV and V

    The girl standing second from the right is Gerty Ackerman of Munkács. Sitting next to her is her sister Wally. Behind the girls, in the white headscarf, is the sister’ mother, Rozi-Rebecca née Mermelstein. The two boys to the left are probably Reuven and Gershon Fogel. Lia Fogel, née Mermelstein is sitting next to the in the dark headscarf. The picture was taken by SS photographers in May 1944 during deportation of Jews from Hungary to Auschwitz.

    Note: The “girl standing second from the right” is actually the 13-year-old girl with the scarf standing in front of the tree. I thought it was the very young blond girl in the foreground on the right. I still don’t know that girl’s name.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  364. @Mark Bahner

    It’s Birkenau, you twit.

    It was a GERMAN death camp, was it not? Ergo, a German camp.

    Swing away on trivial issues, Mark. Swing away! I do think those aliens were symbolic Jews; we know Mel Gibson has no experience with Jewish power structures. Hollywood movies are never wrong, as you once suggested.

    Did you glean any information from the other Holocaust thread? You seemed desperate for some first hand accounts; I would be happy to offer some from my WW2 veteran pilot grandfather.

  365. @Mark Bahner

    No, no, no! I don’t have a good heart!

    I have logic. It’s not the empathy for testimonies. It’s logic and math.

    One side of this Holohoax debate is indeed using logic and maths – and it is clearly not your side.
    Take for example the following video that completely eviscerates the juvenile Holohoax narrative that you’re peddling (start watching after the 7 min mark):

    Video Link

    This is the same video I posted a week or so ago (that you conveniently ignored and responded with no comments) – that’s because you are unable to refute ANY part of it.

    Let’s focus on some choice bits from it:

    1) The section from 7:30 – 11:30.

    The four minutes reveal the INCREDIBLY BAD DESIGN of the ‘gas chambers’. Logic tells us that there is NO POSSIBILITY that the Germans would have designed the ‘extermination facility’ in this manner.

    What about that notorious liar Dario Gabbai, the Sonderkommando who, when asked how the dead Jews (who were in a tangled mess in the alleged gas chambers), were dragged out, he replies:

    ‘The gave us a cane, and we hooked the cane around their necks and dragged them out’.

    Does your logic and maths tells you this explanation is even remotely likely ?
    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    2) The section of the video from 26:00 – 33:30.

    Watch here as it is explained that a MODERN CREMATION OVEN (which is far more efficient than the technology from 80 years ago) takes about ONE (1) hour to burn a 45 kg (100 lb) body.

    Yet somehow, that compulsive liar Dario Gabbai claims he could put FOUR (4) bodies in each muffle and burn them in 30-40 mins.
    Is what Gabbai says: True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    I urge UR readers to take the time to watch the whole video (or at least staring after the 7 min mark) and see for themselves that it is choc-a-block full of examples, each of which totally eviscerate the phone Holohoax narrative being peddled by Mark Bahner-stein and his small hat ilk.

    SUMMARY: Mark ‘Mordechai’ Bahner-stein, there is not a shred of logic or maths in ANY OF YOUR ASSERTIONS.
    How ironic then, that it is you claiming you’re the ‘logic man’.
    You have to be amongst the dumbest f*cks that we’ve ever encountered in the pages of UR.

    As as has been stated before, the entirety of your flimsy case is based on:

    i) The worthless and inadmissible confessions made by German Kommandants and such that were extracted through torture/threats/intimidation.

    ii) The claims made by KNOWN LYING JEWS like Dario Gabbai and their ilk.

    At the end of the day, you have NO CASE, and with every ridiculous assertion you make, you’re making an even bigger fool of yourself.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: Kali
  366. @John Wear

    Thanks for elaborating, it makes my understanding fuller.

    I think it is a big subject that would take months, if not years of diligent research to fully understand.

    Not wanting to devote so much time to the subject, I have decided to use a pinpoint approach to decide the reliability of the accusations, and to avoid getting bogged down with all the rest. And to do this, I used something that I have some expertise with…that of architectural design.

    Examining the plans / blueprints presented so far, it is quite clear to me that the accusations about Auschwitz death camps just do not add up.

    All the other evidence that you have so eloquently presented, has reinforced my view.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  367. Han says:

    Tiptoethrutulips says:

    “Thanks for posting the video.
    Regarding American pundits, Dennis Prager is the only Jewish gentleman,…
    Of course, he praises Israel and only goes so far with his criticisms, but he is an honorable, well intentioned man, who has much wisdom to share.”

    Dennis Prager: “Opposition to Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism.”

    Marissa Streit, the CEO of Prager’s PragerU, served in the military intelligence unit 8200 of the Israeli Defense Force. A Los Angeles native, Marissa moved to Israel at a young age, where she completed her primary education and served in military intelligence unit 8200.

    I’m glad you like that video. I have seen so many videos of Rabbis, I just love watching them as they are telling us the truth about Judaism’s Supremacy and its intention to rule the world.


    Video Link

    Here the Jew Marcus Eli Ravage author of ‘A Real Case Against the Jews’ published in Century Magazine, 1928, explaining how the Jews used Christianity to conquer the world for them:

    “We made you the willing and unconscious bearers of our mission to the whole world, to the barbarous races of the world, to the countless unborn generations. Without fully understanding what we were doing to you, you became the agents at large of our racial tradition, carrying our gospel to unexplored ends of the earth.

    “Our tribal customs have become the core of your moral code. Our tribal laws have furnished the basic groundwork of all your august constitutions and legal systems. Our legends and our folk-tales are the sacred lore which you croon to your infants. Our poets have filled your hymnals and your prayer-books. Our national history has become an indispensable part of the learning of your pastors and priests and scholars.

    “Our Kings, our statesmen, our prophets, our warriors are your heroes. Our ancient little country is your Holy Land. Our national literature is your Holy Bible. What our people thought and taught has become inextricable woven into your very speech and tradition, until no one among you can be called educated who is not familiar with our racial heritage.

    “No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest over you.”

    Dennis Prager: “Maimonides said: “It is Christians who brought the world to the Torah more than Jews did”, and I never forget that.”

    That is why Dennis Prager loves the Christians because they are worshipping the Jewish God and spreading His word all over the world which ultimately will lead to the Jews conquering the whole world and ruling it from Jerusalem.


    Why do many Christians support Israel?
    “Jews need to understand that the alliance for so many Christians is genuine,” Prager said.

    But Prager said that Christians understand they cannot do anything to hasten the arrival of Jesus for the second coming; this will happen according to God’s plan. On the other hand, they support Israel because they believe in the Torah as the word of God.

    And this is where observant Jews and Christians can align.
    He said there is no “Judeo-Christian theology” because if there were, everyone would be Christian or Jewish. However, the two religions do share the Torah.
    “… America and American values are rooted in the Torah.”

    DEBATE: Cenk Uygur VS Dennis Prager on Israel & Palestine

    Cenk Uygur: “Why can’t they (the Palestinians) have their own state?”

    Dennis Prager: “Israel doesn’t want to commit suicide. (If they let Hamas rule the Palestinians).”

    Really, Dennis Prager?… Israel still bombs Syria at will and nothing the Syrians can do about it.
    Obvious that Dennis Prager doesn’t want the Palestinians to have their own state.

    Israel ranks among 10 most powerful countries in annual list; 4th strongest military

    US News & World Report finds Israeli military behind only US, China and Russia; country is world’s 6th most politically influential and 10th strongest power; but ranks only 37th ‘best’

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  368. @Mark Bahner

    it has been established that there were approximately 232 thousand children and young people up to the age of 18 among the 1.3 million or more people deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp.

    Well Mr Bahner-stein, since you’re the maths and logic man, let’s do some maths of our own.

    I suggest you open up this link and read the first few paragraphs:

    From that article:

    Some 400,000 Jews who survived the Nazis were still alive in 2019.

    Let that sink in for one moment.

    A Jewish child that was one year old in 1945 (over 3000 babies were born in Auschwitz after all*),would be 75 years old in 2019.
    A Jewish child that was 11 years old in 1945, would be 85 years old in 2019.

    Undoubtedly, among the 400,000 survivors still alive in 2019, there would be many thousands that were over 85 years old. But I think it’s fair to say that the bulk of those 400,000 (at the very least around 350,000) would have been under 85 years of age – and hence THEY WOULD HAVE BEEN CHILDREN at the time the camp was liberated.

    SUMMARY: Mark ‘Mordechai’ Bahner-stein claims there were 232,000 children and teenagers among the 1.3 million people deported to Auschwitz during the war.

    However, of those 232,000 that were deported, it appears that around 350,000 of them were still alive in 2019 !!!

    It is evident that NONE WERE MURDERED, and that some even materialised along the way to bolster the numbers.

    Is what I’ve stated above True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    (* The link below refers to the the over 30o0 babies born in Auschwitz):

    From the article above:

    No one doubts that there were thousands of babies born there, many books and articles have been written, a few shown here, about this phenomenon. What is amazing is that the holocaust poster boy, Auschwitz, was supposed to be the ultimate death camp and yet it had a hospital where all these births took place.

    The holocaust view is that most if not all these new born children were killed immediately after they were born.

    How can that be Mr Bahner-stein ? You promised us that, upon being unloaded from the trains upon arrival, useless eaters would be separated and put into the line designated for immediate extermination.
    For sure a pregnant woman would have been amongst those earmarked for extermination, right ?

    True? Mostly true? Mostly false? False?

    OR, are you telling us that the Germans were so depraved, that they purposely allowed these thousands of babies to be born, so that they could throw these infants into the air and bayonet them on the way down ?

    If so, the Germans somehow managed to bayonet a sufficient quantity of Jewish newborns that enabled there to be MORE kiddies alive at war’s end than what was deported there to begin with.

    What an amazing world we live in.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  369. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “Once again, the Plaintiffs dispute Fred Leuchter’s claimed expertise in gas chamber technology.”

    My response: Do you know of anyone else that Ernst Zündel could have used at his trial as an expert witness on gas chamber technology?

    Also, do you dispute the scientific expertise of people such as Walter Lüftl, Germar Rudolf, Friedrich Paul Berg, Dr. William B. Lindsey, Dr. Arthur Butz, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Dr. Ing Franco Deana, and Richard Krege? These scientists and engineers all reach the same conclusion as Fred Leuchter that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

  370. Kali says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    What independently verified proof do we have that even 10,000 Jews are missing (let alone more than a million) ?

    Exactly right, TV. Arthur Butz’ chapter “Trials and Doubts” has a whole section devoted to demographics and the problems of determining “how many jews” there actually were, both before and after the war:

    Nobody knows how many, if any, jews were missing. Anyone claiming otherwise isn’t being honest.

    Best regards,

  371. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    But the claim to be a consultant to the state of South Carolina on the “with respect to the operation of gas chambers used for prisoner executions” is almost certainly false, because the State of South Carolina has never executed a prisoner in a gas chamber. Never.

    Further, the company that *actually* re-built the Missouri gas chamber said that Fred Leuchter was merely a consultant to them. And in any case, the new gas chamber has *never been used* (the last executions in Missouri were by lethal injection), so there aren’t any data on it’s performance with human beings.

    So, was the old gas chamber ever used? Or did they just have a new one built for the fun of it?

    No gassing executions at Missouri, ever! New gas chamber built for no reason.
    Leuchter was a consultant on that job.
    New gas chamber never used, proving… something?
    Ergo, the extermination of 6 million jews by NS Germany during WWII cannot be questioned because “Math and logic”.



    • Thanks: John Wear
  372. @Han

    “ Dennis Prager: “Opposition to Zionism is a form of anti-Semitism.”

    Well, I guess that’s somewhat true. At this point, how could the average gentile be anything other than anti-Zionist. I was not aware he was that militant about Israel.

    Another one bites the dust……

    Thanks for the info.

    Bozo. I guess I should have known. Good grief.

  373. bjondo says:

    Regarding American pundits, Dennis Prager is the only Jewish gentleman, in my knowledge, who publicly denounces certain jews, praises gentile society, and expresses gratitude for the American protections and sacrifices made on behalf of Jewish people. Of course, he praises Israel and only goes so far with his criticisms, but he is an honorable, well intentioned man, who has much wisdom to share.

    Shlomo Prager is a manipulator, trickster, fooling the naive.
    He does it from the republican side.

    Yid collective has a rep/trickster in all colors of the political, cultural rainbow to protect Yid.

    commenter Han at #374 good comment.


    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  374. @Mark Bahner

    Did I say there was an equivalency between Hungarian Jews and hurricane victims?

    The point, apparently not obvious to you, as most points are not, is/was that war/disasters usually result in missing people who are often never found, or for whom there is no account. Especially if they were never accounted for in the first place.

    And, as TV quite brilliantly POINTED out, the aged 400,000 Holocaust survivors alive in 2019, therefore infants/children in 1945, provides an answer to the fate of children at Auschwitz and other camps. Please be sure to cross them off your “still missing, no idea who they were, where they went, must have been murdered, because I say so” list.

    So, I was wrong, yet again, on the Great Flying Yarmulke whisking away theory; but I think TV may be mistaken about the Bayonet Baby Busters theory, as I heard those babies were torn from their mother’s arms, ripped to pieces and tossed into the fire pits.

    Perhaps you should toggle off the Official Narrative Auschwitz site and look for other sources of information elsewhere.

  375. Han says:

    littlereddot says:

    “This is because I have heard it opined that the Japanese atrocities in my country were simply fiction, and dismissed as lies or exaggerations just like the Holocaust. Only in the case of my country, I know FOR A FACT that these atrocities did indeed happen…”

    Those Japanese atrocities would NEVER have happened if Roosevelt did not force Japan into a war it did not want.

    The “Holocaust” would NEVER have happened if Germany was not forced into a war it did not want.

    My father was a professional soldier in the Royal Dutch East Indies Army, KNIL, before World War II.
    The Japanese invaded the Dutch East Indies on 10 January 1942 and the Japanese overran the entire colony in less than 3 months. The Dutch surrendered on 8 March. My father was then taken as a POW to Japan.

    After the war my father served again in the Royal Dutch East Indies Army, this time he was fighting against the Indonesian Freedom Fighters. He tortured and murdered those captured by the Dutch military forces. One person told me that he shot Indonesians in the back after they were told that they were free to go.
    The Dutch were so cruel against the Indonesians fighting against Dutch colonial rule that only 2 countries supported the Dutch: Belgium and South Africa.

    From late 1945, Dutch ships in Australian ports preparing to return to Indonesia with military arms and personnel were set back by a series of maritime trade union boycotts, called black bans. Support for Indonesian independence then grew beyond the labour movement and Australia led the way in international political recognition of Indonesia. This central moment in the Indonesian struggle for independence has since largely been forgotten in both nations.

    Yes, Freedom for the Dutch after 5 years of German occupation, but no freedom for the Indonesians after 350 years of Dutch colonial rule. The utter hypocrisy is breathtaking.

    Of course, the British were no better in trying to hang on to their colonies after World War II.


    Caroline Elkins, a professor at Harvard, spent nearly 10 years compiling the evidence contained in her book Britain’s Gulag: The Brutal End of Empire in Kenya. She started her research with the belief that the British account of the suppression of the Kikuyu’s Mau Mau revolt in the 1950s was largely accurate. Then she discovered that most of the documentation had been destroyed. She worked through the remaining archives, and conducted 600 hours of interviews with Kikuyu survivors – rebels and loyalists – and British guards, settlers and officials.

    Her book is fully and thoroughly documented. It won the Pulitzer Prize. But as far as Sandbrook, James and other imperial apologists are concerned, it might as well never have been written.
    Elkins reveals that the British detained not 80,000 Kikuyu, as the official histories maintain, but almost the entire population of one and a half million people, in camps and fortified villages. There, thousands were beaten to death or died from malnutrition, typhoid, tuberculosis and dysentery. In some camps almost all the children died.

    The inmates were used as slave labour. Above the gates were edifying slogans, such as “Labour and freedom” and “He who helps himself will also be helped”. Loudspeakers broadcast the national anthem and patriotic exhortations. People deemed to have disobeyed the rules were killed in front of the others. The survivors were forced to dig mass graves, which were quickly filled.

    Unless you have a strong stomach I advise you to skip the next paragraph.

    Interrogation under torture was widespread. Many of the men were anally raped, using knives, broken bottles, rifle barrels, snakes and scorpions. A favourite technique was to hold a man upside down, his head in a bucket of water, while sand was rammed into his rectum with a stick. Women were gang-raped by the guards. People were mauled by dogs and electrocuted.

    The British devised a special tool which they used for first crushing and then ripping off testicles. They used pliers to mutilate women’s breasts. They cut off inmates’ ears and fingers and gouged out their eyes. They dragged people behind Land Rovers until their bodies disintegrated. Men were rolled up in barbed wire and kicked around the compound.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
  376. Also, do you dispute the scientific expertise of people such as Walter Lüftl, Germar Rudolf, Friedrich Paul Berg, Dr. William B. Lindsey, Dr. Arthur Butz, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Dr. Ing Franco Deana, and Richard Krege? These scientists and engineers all reach the same conclusion as Fred Leuchter that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    You need to introduce actually *evidence* from each of those people on why they say there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Preferably, you should present material from those people that is available online. But if you provide excerpts from books, the excerpts need to be long enough to provide sufficient information that I can check it through other sources.

    For example, it’s not really evidence if you say, Walter Lüftl says on page 236 that no gas chambers were at Auschwitz-Birkenau because there were no gas-tight doors (just to give a hypothetical). You’d need to read it and excerpt enough to explain how he got that idea.

    So what your Defense should do it to present evidence from each of those men separately, saying why they think no gas chambers existed and what evidence *they* provided to back that up.

    I won’t be able to comment anymore until tonight.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Kali
  377. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “You need to introduce actually *evidence* from each of those people on why they say there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.”

    My response: All right. In my opinion, the best scientific evidence for why there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau comes from Germar Rudolf. His book “The Chemistry of Auschwitz” can be read online at

    When you get the time, I highly recommend that you read the entire book. However, since you are extremely busy, the following is from pages 177-178 of this book:

    “Allegedly, hundreds or thousands of people were killed with highly poisonous gas in rooms,
    — which had walls and ceilings made of a material absorbing huge amounts of the poison gas and letting it penetrate;
    — which did not have escape-proof doors and windows;
    — which did not have panic-proof equipment;
    — which did not have technically gastight doors and shutters;
    — which had no provision to quickly release and distribute the poison gas;
    —which had no effective device to ventilate or otherwise render ineffective the poison gas after the end of the execution.”

    At the same time, the most-modern disinfestation installations were being built all over German-occupied Europe,
    — which had walls and ceilings covered with gastight coatings;
    — which were equipped with massive steel doors and had no windows;
    — which had technically gastight doors;
    — which had devices to quickly release and distribute the poison gas;
    — which had effective devices to ventilate or otherwise render ineffective the poison gas after the end of the gassing procedure.

    There were never any perceptible delivery problems for these installations. In the Auschwitz Main Camp, the latest technology for disinfestation using HCN was even incorporated, while the Zentralsauna at Birkenau was equipped with the most-modern hot-air disinfestation technology! And to top it all off: the Germans even invented the microwave technology, which is so well-known today, to kill lice! They erected these installations, which were still very expensive at that time, exclusively in the Auschwitz Camp, to save inmate lives! And we are supposed to believe that the Germans were incapable of installing technical equipment at least adequate for Zyklon-B fumigations in their alleged homicidal “gas chambers”! Can anything be more insulting to the human mind?

    So much for the claim that homicidal “gas chambers” existed at Auschwitz. We have also proven that the largest room, the one allegedly most-often used as a homicidal gas chamber, could not have been used for that purpose as stated by alleged witnesses. Together with the untruthful witnesses to a homicidal gas chamber in the Main Camp, and in view of the fact that there is no documentary indication of a criminal use of these rooms, we must conclude that there is no credible proof, and no “criminal trace,” in support of the claimed existence of homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz.”

    • Thanks: HdC
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Mark Bahner
  378. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Good grief, man!

    Did you miss the part where the jury delivered its verdict, Mr Bahner???

    Stop with your ridiculous mockery trial and either engage in the discussion in a reasonable rational manner, or be-fucking-quiet!

    Trolling up the thread with your inanities is really not helping your side. Quite the opposite in fact.

  379. @Han

    Those Japanese atrocities would NEVER have happened if Roosevelt did not force Japan into a war it did not want.

    Yes, Roosevelt goaded the Japanese into war with the USA. But the Japanese were no angels either. They were invading other countries and were at war with China long before Roosevelt got into the picture.

    • Replies: @Han
  380. @bjondo

    Yes, I was duly informed.

    I don’t listen to him often, not at all for the last few years, but I would hear him on the radio telling women to be nice to their husbands, make sure you pay attention to your children and their friends, etc. I didn’t hear much commentary on Israel, other than general support, which they nearly all do.

    Internet comments are forever; I stand corrected.

  381. @John Wear

    Oh, I have just a minute now. I’ll save you any further research, excerpt for research that answers my question about Hungarian Jews who arrived from May 1944 to July 13, 1944 and were “unfit for work” (e.g., children under 12, adults over approximately 65).

    In my opinion, the best scientific evidence for why there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau comes from Germar Rudolf. … When you get the time, I highly recommend that you read the entire book.

    My response: I think that 437,000 Hungarian Jews arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 15, 1944. I think that virtually every single child under the age of 12 (with the limited exceptions of twins destined for Dr. Mengele’s abominable experiments) was sent straight to one of the gas chambers at Auschwitz. At the time, this would have been the gas chambers at what they called Krematorium I through IV (that we today call II through V), and possibly what we today call Bunker II. I also think that virtually every single person over the age of 65 was also immediately gassed. Of the 437,000 people, I think at least 80,000 where children under 12, and at least 10,000 were people over 65.

    I think those 80,000+ Hungarian Jewish children were immediately gas and cremated on arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Germar Rudolf believes no homicidal gas chambers even existed at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Therefore, Germar Rudolf must think those children either left Auschwitz alive, or were killed by some other means.

    Unless there’s some page in Germar Rudolf’s book that explains how those Hungarian Jewish children either left Auschwitz-Birkenau alive, or were killed by some other means, I think his whole book is 440 pages of worthless shit. I don’t see the word “Hungarian” in the Index at the end of the book, so unless you can find something about the Hungarian Jews in that book, I think it’s worthless shit. I’ve got better things to do with my time than to read 440 pages of worthless shit.

    Is there anyone in any of your books who explains what happened to people judged “unfit for work” among the 437,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived between May 15 and July 13, 1944, if there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau? Since we have 437,000 total arrivals, even assuming that 35 percent of them were judged “fit to work”, that would mean 65 percent, or 284,000, were judged “unfit to work.” Does anyone in any of your books explain what happened to those 280,000+ Hungarian Jews who were unfit to work, if they were not immediately gassed and cremated?

    • Replies: @HdC
    , @John Wear
    , @kb_2
  382. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Lordy, lordy, what wit, what a come-back. I rest my case.

  383. @John Wear

    Hi John,

    What a mess. The appointment I was expecting somehow didn’t actually get made. So I have a bit more time today than I thought I’d have.

    Let me first apologize for my often rude behavior towards you. I just get sooooo frustrated with your inability to see–or even seemingly look for–the truth, that I get angry.

    You seem to be–and many other commenters here also seem to be–confused with the difference between science and pseudoscience (aka, nonsense).

    1) In science, there is some established theory for something. In this case, it would be that there were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau that killed many hundreds of thousands of people. The “not fit for work” Hungarian Jews that arrived from May 15-July 13 1944 is a good example, because there were at least 200,000 of them. (Probably closer to 300,000-400,000, but that doesn’t particularly matter.)

    2) In science, if there is a alternative theory, for example, that homicidal gas chambers did *not* kill those 200,000+ Hungarian Jews who arrived from May to July 1945, and were not fit for work, then that alternative theory must explain what happened to those people.

    a) For example, maybe they lived and stayed at the camp? –> That wouldn’t work, because the camp population would rise to 300,000+.

    b) Maybe they were immediately transferred…that is they got off the train, stretched their legs and had something to drink and eat, and got right back on the train? –> OK, where did they go, these people who were not fit for work? And what happened to them between July 1944 and May 1945 when Nazi Germany surrendered?

    c) Maybe they got off the train, and all had heart attacks right on the platform? –> Odds against it are probably over a trillion to one.

    So that’s science. The people advancing the “no homicidal gas chambers” theory must address the objections of the people who hold the conventional theory that the Hungarian Jews who weren’t fit to work were gassed. That’s because the people who hold the conventional theory justifiably think their theory explains what happened to those 200,000+ Hungarian Jews who arrived in 1944, and who weren’t fit to work.

    But in non-science (aka, “pseudoscience,” aka “nonsense”) the people holding the highly unconventional theory that there were no gas chambers do not even try to address the objections of the people holding the conventional theory.

    That’s why I think *all* the people you listed: Walter Lüftl, Germar Rudolf, Friedrich Paul Berg, Dr. William B. Lindsey, Dr. Arthur Butz, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Dr. Ing Franco Deana, and Richard Krege and Fred Leuchter are practicing pseudoscience.

    You or they could prove me wrong–you or they can prove that they’re not practicing pseudoscience–if you or they can provide an explanation for what happened to the 200,000+ Hungarian Jews who arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau between May and July 1944 that does not involve them getting murdered in homicidal gas chambers.

    Once again, here is a picture of some of them:

    And a few names are:

    The girl standing second from the right is Gerty Ackerman of Munkács. Sitting next to her is her sister Wally. Behind the girls, in the white headscarf, is the sister’ mother, Rozi-Rebecca née Mermelstein. The two boys to the left are probably Reuven and Gershon Fogel. Lia Fogel, née Mermelstein is sitting next to the in the dark headscarf. The picture was taken by SS photographers in May 1944 during deportation of Jews from Hungary to Auschwitz.

    Note: The “girl standing second from the right” is actually the 13-year-old girl with the scarf standing in front of the tree. I thought it was the very young blond girl in the foreground on the right. I still don’t know that girl’s name.

  384. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You think? YOU THINK???
    Who gives a rat’s rectum as to what you think!
    Supply some authenticated forensic evidence for your assertions!

    No impartial court would accept the evidence of any so-called eye witness who directly benefited from his testimony, without serious and deeply probing cross examination by the defence attorney.

    You do have heard of the “reparations”, better termed blackmail paid to a state that did not even exist at the time in question? This was the motivation for Jews to paint the Germans as black as possible to keep that blackmail cash flow going, now paid for by 4th generation of Germans!

    During the Zundel trials in Toronto, defence attorney Doug Christie absolutely demolished the testimony of all “eye” witnesses produced by the prosecution, and proved once and for all that there were no homicidal gas chambers in any German owned camps.

    Transcripts and commentary of those trials are available on-line. Further, John Wear has proffed his article as a precis of said testimony. It would be worthwhile for you to read and digest it before spouting off here about all that Jewish testimony.

    A final thought: It would also behoove you to study in detail what the Israeli Supreme Court had to say about Jewish eye witness testimony when it overturned a death sentence based on such testimony!

    • Agree: John Wear
  385. Han says:

    littlereddot says:

    “Yes, Roosevelt goaded the Japanese into war with the USA. But the Japanese were no angels either. They were invading other countries and were at war with China long before Roosevelt got into the picture.”

    The Japanese and the Americans came late on the colonial stage and were no different from the European colonial powers.

    IF ONLY Commodore Perry did not come to Tokyo Bay in 1854, Japan would not have become a colonial power, would not have invaded China… There is always cause and effect.

    Commodore Matthew Perry—The Man Who Ended Japanese Isolation By Threatening The Use Of Naval Force


    In July of 1853, United States Commodore Matthew Perry, a no-nonsense veteran of the War of 1812, the Mexican War and the U. S. campaign against pirates in North Africa, arrived in Japan, determined to accomplish his mission. The task at hand was to open Japan to United States trade, by force if necessary, and the first step was to deliver a letter from President Millard Fillmore into the hands of the Japanese emperor.

    Though the objective may sound simple to a modern reader, Japan, at the time, had been isolationist for around two centuries, with their only foreign contact coming from China and the Netherlands. Nevertheless, Commodore Perry entered Tokyo Bay with four ships and loomed threateningly until the Japanese officials accepted President Fillmore’s letter.

    The bakufu of Japan—the government of the Tokugawa Shogun—naturally asked for time to contemplate their options. Commodore Perry agreed, but warned he would return the following year with an even larger naval force. The bakufu officials were startled enough by the Commodore that they requested advice from Japan’s powerful regional rulers, the daimyo.

    The bakufu’s uncertainty was a sign of weakness that the Tokugawa Shogun would soon regret, and the daimyo, certainly, would not forget the wavering self-confidence of the Tokugawa bakufu. This, however, is quite a digression from Commodore Perry.

    Keeping his word, Commodore Perry returned to Japan with a larger fleet. He sailed into Tokyo Bay in 1854 with nine ships, and the Tokugawa bakufu warily let the foreigners enter Japan.

    By March, 1854, the United States had secured itself a trade treaty. The Treaty of Kanagawa allowed U. S. ships to enter the Japanese ports of Hakodate and Shimoda. Also, the U. S. gained permission to set up a consulate at Shimoda.

    Finally, the conditions of the Treaty of Kanagawa spread to other imperial powers—most notably, Britain, France and Russia. Within four more years, Japan would have eight trade ports open to international commerce, and all it took was the threat of brute force from a United States naval officer.

    Japan realised that it had to have a strong military if it didn’t want to become a colony of the the US and other foreign powers. They achieved their goal and were able to defeat the Russian fleet in the 1905 War with Russia.

    Japan then colonised Taiwan, Korea and Manchuria. The US after defeating the Spanish in the American-Spanish War of 1898 colonised The Philippines, Cuba, Puerto Rico and Guam.

    The Filipinos fought bravely against the American colonisation of their country.

    The War of 1898 and the U.S.-Filipino War, 1899-1902

    In the War of 1898, the U.S. fought Spanish forces in Cuba and the Philippines, siding with rebels fighting for national independence.

    The U.S. nevertheless claimed victory alone, excluding Cuban and Filipino rebels from the peace negotiations. Spain transferred possession of Cuba, the Philippines, Guam, and Puerto Rico to the United States.

    The U.S. subsequently made Cuba a “protectorate,” limiting Cuban independence.

    In the Philippines, the U.S. replaced Spain as colonial ruler, despite the fact that rebel leader Emilio Aguinaldo had written a Declaration of Independence modeled after the U.S. declaration of 1776.

    Andrew Carnegie, the steel titan, offered to pay the U.S. government $20 million not to keep the Philippines.

    In February 1899, fighting broke out between occupying U.S. soldiers and Filipino soldiers, the beginning of a long and brutal war to crush Filipino aspirations for independence.

    Whereas the U.S. war against Spain lasted four months (late April-August 1898), the U.S.-Filipino War lasted more than four years.

    Attempting to avoid the charge of imperialism, President William McKinley described the U.S. mission in the Philippines as one of “benevolent assimilation.”

    The U.S.-Filipino War resulted in the death of an estimated 200,000 Filipinos, mostly civilians, and 4,200 American soldiers.

    A U.S. Senate inquiry in early 1902 revealed that U.S. commanders authorized torture practices, such as the “water cure,” and ordered the killing of Filipino civilians and prisoners.

    Among the critics of the U.S.-Filipino War was Mark Twain, a vice president of the Anti-Imperialist League, who denounced the war as an unjust attempt to “subjugate the people of the Philippines.”

    The U.S. finally granted independence to the Philippines in 1946.

  386. @Mark Bahner

    Oops! The “You or they could prove me wrong…” paragraph should have this “NOT FIT FOR WORK” addition.

    You or they could prove me wrong–you or they can prove that they’re not practicing pseudoscience–if you or they can provide an explanation for what happened to the 200,000+ Hungarian Jews who arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau between May and July 1944, and were NOT FIT FOR WORK, that does not involve them getting murdered in homicidal gas chambers.

  387. those who host or participate in arguments like this need to be gassed.

    the ash is in the ground at treblinka, sobibor, belzec, chelmno…or it’s not.

    it’s just a matter of archeology and then everyone can STFU!

    and YES! human ash can be identified as such.

    • Replies: @HdC
  388. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You ask: “Is there anyone in any of your books who explains what happened to people judged “unfit for work” among the 437,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived between May 15 and July 13, 1944, if there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau?”

    My response: Carlo Mattogno on pages 391-395 of his book “An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account” has a table listing numerous young Hungarian children who were alive when the Soviets liberated Auschwitz-Birkenau. This table also shows the time of arrival of these children at Auschwitz.

    A link to this book is found at

    Pages 396-407 of this book also has a list of twins at Auschwitz.

    Despite claims that Josef Mengele performed cruel and lethal experiments on twins at Auschwitz, almost all of the twins Mengele enrolled in his research at Auschwitz survived the war. In fact, so many twins survived Mengele’s research that, in 1984, they helped form an association titled Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Experiment Survivors (CANDLE). This association’s name is a misnomer, because if the experiments were deadly, how could there be so many survivors? Also, if young children unable to work had been immediately selected for gassing at Auschwitz as claimed by “Holocaust” historians, how could so many children at Auschwitz survive the war? (Source: Rudolf, Germar, “Josef Mengele—the Creation of a Myth,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2017

    • Thanks: HdC
  389. @Mark Bahner

    Mark, my dear,

    Please grab a book, typically called a dictionary, and look up the following words:

    Exasperate (as in utterly; descriptive/gerund)
    Delusional (as in utterly)
    Obtuse (as in completely)
    Indoctrinate (as in thoroughly; past tense)
    Stubborn (as in mule)
    Gadfly (as a metaphor or actual(?))
    Repetitive (as in always, no matter what anyone says)

    I’m going to pool the jury, and we will vote to see if a tiny picture of your face, huffing and puffing, will be inserted in the dictionary alongside the above words.

    Typically, if you apologize to someone, it’s bad form to insult them immediately afterwards.

  390. kb_2 says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Mark, you know that I think that argument about missing people is very strong.

    But I think that in this post you are wrong. If opposite side have good proof that gas chambers in the form in which they are described in historiography are impossible, they have the right to doubt your evidence.

    You have missing people, they have gas chambers that are impossible from their point of view. From each of these points sides draw different conclusions:

    1) there were no chambers, so people were not killed
    2) people mysteriously disappeared and this corresponds to the testimony of many witnesses and conventional history, so there should have been gas chambers

    If you’re debating, you can’t just say that your opponent’s evidence is bullshit (at least without good reasons). In order to win, you must refute the counterarguments. John’s counterargument – yes, we cannot now explain where all these people are, but gas chambers are impossible – please, read opinions of the chemist and other specialists. If you are right, then Rudolf is wrong somewhere.

    I get the impression that you are trying to argue with the other side, sometimes referring (at least indirectly) to the a priori correctness of your position.

    For you, the Holocaust is an absolute reality, which can only be disputed in the case of VERY good reasons. For revisionists, the Holocaust is a theory that requires hard evidence to accept. For many of them, the absence of the Holocaust is an absolute reality, which can only be disputed in the case of VERY good reasons. In addition, often the parties operate with extremely limited information.

    You may think that opposite view is wrong, but it has some historical roots – the personal experience of people like Paul Rassigner, J. Burg, silence in the press (which Ron spoke about), a small amount of historical works in the past, lack of certain documents (Hitler’s order) and so on.

    When you want to prove something, you must methodologically at least partially rely on the same assumptions as your opponent.

    – That’s what the Bible says.
    – But I’m an atheist!
    – But that’s what the Bible says

    (I’m not equating the Holocaust with religion here, I’m just giving an example of a mismatch of assumptions)

    Revisionists like to refer to technical details. They generally do not trust the testimony of eyewitnesses, looking for the slightest flaws in them (sometimes this looks extremely unconvincing). But if they are wrong about the technical details, it greatly weakens their position.

    By the way, we know about the former revisionists who took the revisionist argument about the gas chambers seriously, but then changed their point of view – Pressac and Provan. This shows that people who are intellectually honest with themselves may hold different views than you. And start from other positions.

    (I do not think that revisionists are a priori dishonest people, if anything).

    You can also honestly say that familiarization with Rudolph’s writings takes time. By the way, I have not read his book on chemistry.

    P.S I hope my words don’t sound arrogant in any way.

  391. @Chebyshev

    > European History and Jewish Studies professors in America during this period were definitely anti-Nazi.

    That’s a vague meaningless statement. Sure, all of the professors anywhere would have been considered as “anti-Nazi” in their general viewpoint. But priorities would be heavily guided by the Cold War. This would apply at least as much to any Jewish professors as anyone else. A major concern among organized Jewish groups in the late 1940s and thereafter was not just to found the state of Israel, but to promote the idea Israel a logical ally for the West in the new Cold War. For that it was necessary to accept a receding to the background of discussions about the Third Reich.

    When the general wave of Holocaustomania came into vogue in the 1970s, the Special Relationship between the US and Israel had already been established. More important than that was that everyone could see that World War II had been followed by a quarter-century of economic boom. One thing which many groups were afraid of in the 1940s was that the Second World War would be followed by a Great Depression, the way that the First World War had been. One of the biggest factors which caused periodicals like The Nation and The New Republic to take a critical stance towards World War I during the 1930s was the sense that the Depression was a legacy of the war to make the world safe for democracy. Nobody in 1948 was ready to assume that this wouldn’t happen again. So, writings about Jews and World War II remained on a soft level until the postwar boom had been around for 25+ years.

  392. kb_2 says:
    @Truth Vigilante

    When I talk about the missing million, I mean those Jews who, according to the revisionist version, were transited through the (supposed) extermination camps. Unfortunately, the revisionists cannot trace where they have gone. Some (but not all) known attempts come down to the theory that these people were somehow hidden by the USSR. This seems extremely unlikely to me (I’m Russian, if that matters).

    You can read about it in the link I already gave (please do not criticize my description, but what is given in the link):

    I think this is a very good argument against the revisionist point of view. I would like the revisionists to trace the fate of at least a third of these people. Not necessarily all with first and last names.

    NOTORIOUS LIARS that conjured up the Holohoax fable in the first place

    Also, I do not believe in the malice of most people who defend this or that point of view. You think they are liars, and your opponents call the revisionists terrible Nazis, vicious in every way. Just in case, I note that if a person is wrong, he may not lie, but simply make mistakes.

    By the way, I strongly dislike those who call for persecution of revisionists (because I am a libertarian).

    P.S Here is John’s article about it:
    For me this answer is not satisfying enough.

    • Replies: @HdC
    , @Andrew Mathis
  393. HdC says:
    @jorge videla

    As can teeth and long bones, which do not get destroyed by cremation.

    Lets see, 6 million x say 16m remaining teeth per person = about 100,000,000 teeth!

    Has anyone ever seen 1/10 of 1% of these? If so, where?

    Now then, I get it that holocostians claim that Germans put the cremated remains through some kind of pulverizer. Where are the descriptions of these machines? Where are the purchase orders? Where was the budged? How many pulverizers were required? Who operated them? Who did the repairs and maintenance? Where are the requests and instructions for this work? And on and on.

    Every time a lie is asserted, numerous questions arise that the liars are unable to answer in a direct manner. Instead we get Jewish rubbish like “You are killing the dead all over again” or simila pearls of Jewish wisdom.

    • Agree: John Wear
  394. kb_2 says:

    By the way, in a well-known blog, there is such a list:

    Looks impressive. Interestingly, some of the information appears to have been taken from Mattogno. An interesting paradox.

    I wonder what the community thinks about it (please, meaningful comments – no insults and trolling).

    • Replies: @John Wear
  395. HdC says:

    The truth is never arrogant or anti- anything.

    Disputing lies however, gets you imprisoned in most European countries with sentences more severe than given to say child molesters.

    To me at least that speaks volumes.

    For once I’d like to see some incontrovertible forensic evidence to support the holocostians assertions. But all we get is name calling, arm waving, caterwauling, and endless repetition of worthless rubbish that was refuted in a Canadian court of law.

    I know I know many Americans and others believe Canadian live in igloos…

  396. @kb_2

    It may seem we are piling on against Mark, and at this point, yes, I am. (I will speak only for myself)

    It did not start this way; on a previous thread, we were all debating, as usual. Mr. Bahner chose to insult the intelligence and credentials of Mr. Wear. As I am sure you have noticed, Mr. Wear does not engage nor return in like manner. Mr. Bahner then mocked a statement made by Mr. Wear about wanting to research, at a library, in order to debate a particular matter. So, by default, Mr. Bahner has it coming. He opened the door for a different sort of debate, and right or wrong, some of us walk right in. For myself, I’m not a historian or scholar with a reputation to consider.

    I also tried to persuade him to adjust his method of argument, in nearly the precise manner as you stated herein; but to no avail, and he stated the film, Schindler’s List, was a historical reference. So, how serious is he?

    This entire debate thread was set up at HIS request/suggestion. However, he has done nothing, but make identical assertions, as before, accusations and emotional appeals. His needle does not move regardless of what opposing evidence is presented.

    • Agree: Kali
    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @kb_2
  397. HdC says:

    I’m a retired bona fide engineer, with all certifications, licenses, and insurance as was required in my jurisdiction. My customers relied on me (I was a one man band) to provide solutions to their difficulties at minimum cost and time. Major auto manufacturers and boiler fabricators were among my varied clientele.

    How did I keep my clients happy? By employing scientific and engineering principles I was taught in engineering school and learned from much more experienced engineers than I was.

    Consequently I ask for authenticated evidence based on scientific and engineering principles.

    You will note that Mr Bahner has never answered any of my questions directly, instead relying on repeating verbiage from so called eye witnesses that no impartial court would tolerate without probing cross examination.

    Indeed the Israeli Supreme Court (ISC) has overturned death sentence where 5 Jews swore up and down that they recognized the accused 50 or more years later. “I saw it in his eyes” was one such eye witness’ testimony. The ISC had some commentary about such witnesses and overturned that verdict.

    Yet Mr Bahner expect us to give credence to the type of testimony the ISC threw out. No wonder Mr B never stuck to any one job.

  398. John Wear says:

    This link was presented to me by a Mr. I. White on an Amazon discussion thread back around 2015. I will copy and paste what I wrote to Mr. White at the time.

    “You cite the following link as evidence of German genocide against Jews: This link is titled “Holocaust Controversies: What Part of the Word Genocide Do You Not Understand?” My comments to this link are:

    1. By my count, this link lists an impressive 393 citations of evidence of a German program of genocide against European Jewry. The question is: Doesn’t this constitute overwhelming evidence of a German program of genocide against European Jewry?

    2. My answer is No. To begin with, by my count 27 of these citations are works by Carlo Mattogno. As you probably know, Mr. Mattogno is a leading Holocaust revisionist. All of his books explicitly say that there was no German program of genocide of European Jews during World War II. However, this link uses Mattogno work to attempt to prove a German program of genocide against Jews.

    3. This link even includes the second edition of “The Rudolf Report” to help support their claims. Germar Rudolf has always said there was no German program of genocide against the Jews.

    4. By my count this link cites Jean-Claude Pressac, a French pharmacist, 22 times. Pressac wrote a book published by the Beate Klarsfeld Foundation entitled Auschwitz: Techniques and Operation of the Gas Chambers. Pressac’s book actually strengthens the Revisionist view of the Holocaust story. Both explicitly and implicitly, Pressac discredits countless Holocaust claims and testimonies. Pressac writes on page 264 of this book: “This study already demonstrates the complete bankruptcy of the traditional [Holocaust] history…, a history based for the most part on testimonies, assembled according to the need of the moment, truncated to fit an arbitrary truth and sprinkled with a few German documents of uneven value and without any connection to one another.”

    Pressac’s book, printed on 564 oversize pages, includes hundreds of good-quality reproductions of original German architectural plans and diagrams, photographs taken both during and after the war, and many documents with translations. Remarkably, in the entire book, Pressac fails to mention anything about the techniques and operation of the German gas chambers. The title of his book is totally false. Revisionists say that since no homicidal gas chambers ever existed in the German concentration camps, Pressac did not write about the techniques and operation of the gas chambers because there was nothing to write about. Instead, Pressac discusses what he calls “criminal traces” of items that might have been part of a homicidal gas chamber.

    5. This link cites the following aerial photographs as evidence of a program of German genocide: U.S. Air Force photograph of 31 May 1944, U.S. Air Force photograph of 26 June 1944, German Luftwaffe photograph of 8 July 1944, British RAF photographs of 20 and 23 August 1944, U.S. Air Force photograph of 25 August 1944, and the U.S. Air Force photograph of 13 September 1944. None of these photographs show a program of German genocide against European Jewry. Carlo Mottogno states in his book Auschwitz: The End of a Legend on page 32 concerning the photograph taken at Birkenau on May 31, 1944:

    “It is pointed out also that the aerial photographs taken by the Allied military on 31 May 1944, at the crucial time of presumed extermination, on the day of the arrival at Birkenau of about 15,000 deportees, and after 14 days of intense arrivals (184,000 deportees, averaging 13,000 per day) and with an extermination toll (according to Pressac’s hypothesis) of at least 110,000 homicidally gassed, which would have had to average 7,800 per day, every single day for 14 consecutive days; after all of that, the photographs do not show the slightest evidence of this alleged enormous extermination: No trace of smoke, no trace of pits, crematory or otherwise, burning or not, no sign of dirt extracted from pits, no trace of wood set aside for use in pits, no sign of vehicles or any other type of activity in the crucial zones of the courtyard of Crematory V nor in the earth of Bunker 2, nor in Crematories II and III. These photographs constitute irrefutable proof that the story of extermination of the Hungarian Jews is historically unfounded.”

    6. Rudolf Höss, the key prosecution witness at the International Military Tribunal (IMT), is cited as evidence of a German program of genocide in this link. In 1983, the anti-Nazi book Legions of Death by Rupert Butler showed that Sgt. Bernard Clarke and other British officers tortured Rudolf Höss into making his confession. The torture of Höss was exceptionally brutal. Neither Bernard Clarke nor Rupert Butler finds anything wrong or immoral in the torture of Höss. Neither of them seems to understand the importance of their revelations. Bernard Clarke and Rupert Butler prove that Höss’s testimony was obtained by torture, and is therefore not credible evidence in proving a program of German genocide against European Jewry.

    The fact that Rudolf Höss may not have been tortured at the IMT does not make his evidence at the IMT credible. Once Höss had been brutally tortured, Western European and American courts would never accept his later testimony as credible evidence of a German program of genocide. Instead, they would prosecute the criminal acts of Sgt. Bernard Clarke and the other British officers who tortured Höss. Höss’s testimony would be dismissed by the courts.

    7. Joseph Kramer and Dr. Fritz Klein are cited by this link to prove a German program of genocide. According to pages 80-81 of the book “Victor’s Justice” by Montgomery Belgion, Josef Kramer and other defendants in the British-run “Belsen” trial were tortured so brutally that they often begged to be put to death.

    8. Richard Baer, the last commandant of Auschwitz, is cited in this link as giving evidence of a German program of genocide. Baer adamantly refused to confirm the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. Baer died in June 1963 under mysterious circumstances while being held in pre-trial custody. An autopsy performed on Baer at the Frankfurt-am-Main University School of Medicine stated that the ingestion of an odorless, non-corrosive poison could not be ruled out as the cause of his death. The Auschwitz Trial in Frankfurt, Germany began almost immediately after Baer’s death. With Baer’s death the prosecutors at the Auschwitz Trial were able to attain their primary objective—to reinforce the gas chamber myth and establish it as an unassailable historical fact.

    9. This link cites four on-site chemical and physical investigations into the alleged mass gassings and genocide at the various German camps. Of course, the links totally dismiss all of the many revisionist scientific studies refuting the alleged genocide of European Jewry. We are supposed to believe that Dr. Richard Green’s report takes care of everything.

    10. This link fails to mention the eyewitness testimony stating that there was no German policy of genocide against European Jewry. For example, after publishing his booklet The Auschwitz Lie, Thies Christophersen received thousands of letters and calls. Christophersen wrote in regard to these letters and calls:

    “Many of those who contacted me can confirm my statements, but are afraid to do so publicly. Some of those are SS men who were brutally mistreated and even tortured in Allied captivity. I also immediately contacted those who claimed to know more about mass gassings. My experiences were precisely the same as those of French professor Paul Rassinier. I have not found any eyewitnesses. Instead, people would tell me that they knew someone who knew someone else, who talked about it. In most cases the alleged eyewitnesses had died. Other supposed eyewitnesses would quickly begin to stammer and stutter when I asked a few precise questions. Even Simon Wiesenthal had to finally admit before a Frankfurt district court that he was actually never in Auschwitz. All of the reports I have heard about are contradictory. Everyone seemed to tell a different story about the gas chambers. They couldn’t even agree about where they were supposed to have been located. This is also true of the so-called scholarly literature, which is full of contradictions.…”

    11. Also, much of the eyewitness testimony cited in this link is related to the IMT and later trials. This link fails to mention the ridiculous nature of much of the testimony at the IMT and later trials. Some of the Holocaust evidentiary material presented at these trials includes:

    – 1 steam chamber (IMT XXXII 153-158, III 567);
    – 1 electrical chamber (IMT VII 576-577, XII 369);
    – 1 German atomic bomb (for instant cremation work at Auschwitz) (IMT XVI 529);
    – 1 tree (used as murder weapon) (IMT VII 582);
    – 1 portable oven (IMT VII 586);
    – 1 pedal-driven brain bashing machine (IMT VII 376-377);
    – 1 bone-grinding machine (IMT VII 439, 549-550, 446, 593);
    – 1 spanking machine (IMT VI 213);
    – 1 lampshade of human skin (IMT XXXII 258, 259, 261, 263, 265, 269);
    – 1 pocket book and 1 pair of driving gloves, all of human skin (IMT XXX 352, 355);
    – 1 pornographic picture painted on canvas of human skin (IMT XXX 469);
    – 1 book bound in human skin (IMT VI 331);
    – 1 saddle, 1 pair of riding breeches, 1 glove, 1 house slipper, 1 ladies’ handbag, all of human skin (IMT V 171);
    – 1 torture box (disguised as an ordinary wardrobe) (IMT XVI 561, 546, 556-557);
    – 1 chair stuffed with human hair (IMT XIX 506);
    – 1 mattress stuffed with human hair (IMT I, 252)
    – 1 pair of human hair socks (IMT XXXIX 552-553, XX 353
    – 1 jar of human soap (IMT VII 597-601);
    – 1 piece of tanned human skin (IMT VII 600);
    – 1 gas van (IMT VII 571);
    – 1 door mat made of human hair (NMT V 1119-1152, Trial of Oswald Pohl).

    I could write more. I think this link should be titled Holocaust Controversies: What Part of One-Sided Bias Do You Not Understand?”

    • Thanks: kb_2, HdC
    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  399. kb_2 says:

    Previous thread is a really big – I have problems with search on it (purely technical – a search in the browser doesn’t work well).

    I now tried to check how it all started. Indeed, there were questions about credentials and then questions about missing people:

    Don’t you see the *insanity* of CM’s and your analysis of what happened at Auschwitz?

    About library I think you mean this Mark’s words:

    Geez, “John”! You really are a fossil. Libraries are so last century for research! (No offense. I’m a bit of a fossil myself…but I do like to try to keep up with this new fad the kids are calling, “World…Wide…Web.”) 😉

    Here is more information than you probably could get in an hour at a university library. (In fact, the first link is actually from the Ohio State University Library.) And I got it in about 5 minutes…probably less time than it would take you even to get to the library.

    So you wouldn’t be so shockingly ignorant and unmoored from reality as you are now. I think that’s good, not bad!

    These are not the most pleasant words, but it seems to me that they are rather ironic (especially with emojis) – and earlier Mark called Ron ignorant:

    “So again, of course you don’t want to argue about the Holocaust with me. It simply shows how inexcusably ignorant you are (in this age of the Internet), and how divorced you are from reality.”

    But then Mark apologized to John:

    I apologize for the snarky character of many of my comments to you. I should have realized earlier that you seem to be a genuinely sincere, honest, and decent fellow. Part of what drove me to it is my anger that the untruths you are telling–I don’t say lies, because I’m now fairly convinced that you actually believe them–are just such an abomination. You’re denying the cold-blooded murders and suffering of millions of people. To deny those murders, to me, is just like Alex Jones denying the murders of those poor children at Sandy Hook Elementary school.

    etc. (Mark talks in some detail about himself.)

    He called Fred Lechter a liar, but explained why he thinks so:

    He never even spent a single day studying engineering, let alone obtaining a degree, or even spending any time doing anything that could qualify as engineering. As a person with multiple engineering degrees and an entire career spent as a practicing engineer, it is particularly infuriating to me when people pass themselves off as engineers who obviously know nothing about engineering.

    I would call Mark emotional, but he apologizes when he feels he was wrong. He seems to me to be quite an open person. And his emotional nature really matches his empathic approach to witnesses. I think he had little contact with the revisionists before that. I didn’t re-read the whole thread, so I might be missing something.

    he has done nothing, but make identical assertions, as before, accusations and emotional appeals.

    While there was a lot of repetition in this and the last thread, Mark tried to be more systematic here. However, his emotional approach manifested itself here as well. He attaches great importance to imitation of the court, and other people do not always want to take part in this. Some are trolling for imitation, John answered earlier than Mark planned, and some questions – probably, which seemed to him doubtful (true? mostly true?) – were not answered (as Mark wanted) at all. If the court were real, then it might work somehow differently.

    So far, he has presented one good argument (which is part of a more general argument emphasized by critics of revisionism). He repeated it many times. He persists in regard to Hoess – within the framework of this trial – unconvincingly. John showed why his testimony cannot be trusted a priori. Mark’s other arguments (not all of which he developed) did not seem to be in the previous thread.

    P.S Mark, when I talk about your emotionality, I don’t mean to offend you. I think you are a good person.

  400. I can appreciate your attempt to defend Mark. You went to great lengths to discover if I was truthful about his conduct; I’m not certain you found it all, but it doesn’t matter. If you insult someone, without cause, then backpedal, with a bit of self deprecation and emojis, the initial insult still stands. It’s a tactic used to fluster the person with whom you are conversing.

    In point of fact, Mark apologized for the snarky comment AFTER he was admonished on the thread for insulting Mr. Wear; I am sure Mr. Wear was perfectly fine, but it’s not tolerable for some commenters to just let it pass when it’s directed at someone who is polite, patient and trying to answer questions and provide detailed data to support his position. The accumulation and analysis of said data is/was an extraordinary effort. A bit of respect is due, in my opinion.

    Mr. Wear did eventually travel to the archaic library, to find information to give to Mark. I spent over an hour looking for information on an original manuscript for a book that Mark believes proves his case unequivocally. He did ask me if I was unable to afford to purchase a copy, as I had not read the book. I will clarify that I am deserving of the snark; it doesn’t bother me. How did Mark respond to the information we relayed? More of the same as before……where did the Hungarian Jews go? They didn’t just disappear! There absolutely were gas chambers! Confessions under torture? Hoss was going to die, so of course, he told the truth! For all our efforts, his response is ALWAYS the same.

    What else can I say? I learned a lot unknown to me before this exchange, but it’s mostly been a waste of time. Mr. Wear likely knows more than any of us ever will, so I think it’s disrespectful to waste an opportunity to converse with someone so knowledgeable and so willing to offer information about such a complicated and tragic historical event.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  401. @kb_2

    I’m one of the founders of Holocaust Controversies and have had my posts here removed by Unz.

    I’d be happy to debate him but not in a forum he controls.

  402. @John Wear

    “Rudolf Höss, the key prosecution witness at the International Military Tribunal (IMT), is cited as evidence of a German program of genocide in this link.”

    Lol. Höß was a defense witness at Nuremberg, specifically called in the case against Ernst Kaltenbrunner.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  403. @kb_2

    I would like revisionists to trace even 1% of the Jews sent to the Reinhard camps. That’s about 15,000. Piece of cake, right?

  404. @kb_2

    – That’s what the Bible says.
    – But I’m an atheist!
    – But that’s what the Bible says

    LOL, I like that. I am so stealing it 🙂

  405. @Tiptoethrutulips

    I concede that your speculation about Hoess’s motive for writing a contrite memoir is not totally implausible but that only means that, if it could be decisive evidence, it should be examined in great detail. It’s only a small part of it but why do you think he revised the fugure for deaths as he did?

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  406. Han says:

    THE HOLY INQUISITION or simply the INQUISITION was a group of institutions belonging to the Catholic Church, whose purpose was to combat heresy and to impose a socio-religious order in the medieval Catholic territories.

    THE JEWISH INQUISITION is to combat heresy and to impose their HOLOCAUST DOGMA on today’s world.

    JEWISH HOLOCAUST JUDEA DECLARES WAR ON GERMANY – Dr. Frederick Toben, 2004 documentary
    Adelaide Institute founder Fredrick Toben travels to various sites around Europe and discusses the Holocaust being a hoax, and the supporting “evidence”.

    10 Hard Facts About The Holocaust

    Here’s the interview with Victor Thorn, author of ‘The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century’s Biggest Lie’, conducted by American Free Press:

    American Free Press PODCAST interviews Victor Thorn, author of over 30 books and chapbooks, best known for his ground breaking political conspiracy research, has set his sights on the biggest conspiracy of them all, The Holocaust, with his new book, ‘The Holocaust Hoax Exposed: Debunking the 20th Century’s Biggest Lie’.

    Thorn rips apart, in lay language, the well-thin arguments used to prove the Jewish ‘Holocaust’, which is then used by global Zionists to justify the creation and continued existence of the state of Israel and as a tool to silence all critics: “Never again” is their rallying cry.

    From eye-opening facts that not one autopsy exists that shows the use of Zyklon B on work inmates to zero photographic evidence of this supposed enormous event to the ludicrous and licentious tales woven by the “Holocaust” historians, Thorn’s masterpiece should be required reading for anyone interested in understanding the underpinnings of the Jewish power elite.



    Today, if a book similar to this one were published in Europe, its author would be arrested and imprisoned. Their crime: SIMPLY QUESTIONIG the so-called HOLOCAUST where six million Jews were allegedly exterminated during WW II.

    Indeed, researchers have endured solitary confinement, brutal beatings by Jewish assailants, ongoing harassment, lengthy court battles, career suicide, and media attacks directed against their work – all because they presented a “revisionist history” of this pivotal event.

    Other writers have been the victims of hate crimes, extensive smear campaigns, fines, death threats, and monetary rewards placed upon their heads after going into hiding.
    The perpetrators behind these jack-booted Thought Police tactics are an entire HOLOHOAX INDUSTRY devoted to suppressing factual data in favour of peddling heavy-handed doses of propaganda.

    Despite these obvious dangers, ‘THE HOLOCAUST HOAX EXPOSED’ dissects every element of what has become the 20th century’s most grotesque conspiracy. Covered in jarring detail is the mythology surrounding “concentration camps,” the truth about Zyklon B, Anne Frank’s fable, how the absurd “six million” figure has become a laughingstock, and the betrayal by maniacal Zionists of their own Jewish people that led to their deaths (via starvation and disease) after Allied bombings cut off supply lines to German work camps.

    Yet, the only way an Israeli state could be created on stolen Palestinian land following WWII was through the most OUTLANDISH LIES imaginable. Consequently, the HOLOHOAX INDUSTRY has become a TYRANNICAL DICTATORSHIP that incessantly manipulates, distorts, marginalizes and manufactures false results to achieve their Machiavellian ends.

    By taking their hysterical obsessions to psychopathic levels, the charlatans behind this ruse make it glaringly apparent how weak their foundation is.
    To compensate, these intellectually dishonest conmen and women continue to persecute revisionist historians all because they’re incapable of supporting their arguments through legitimate debate.

    Thorn also discusses the 1946 Red Cross report, which found that only 270,000-300,000 registered inmates of all nationalities died in German work camps over the entire course of the war.

    The magical “6 MILLION” MYTH is thoroughly destroyed, and Thorn clarifies the situation by explaining that people did in fact die at the German-run labour camps – but virtually all died as a result of disease, starvation, and exhaustion due to ALLIED BOMBING of German supply routes, not as a result of German policy.

    It was the ALLIES THAT WERE RESPONSIBLE for many of the actual Jewish deaths during WWII, not the Germans.

    AMAZINGLY, the German government ended up settling claims with 400,000 “survivors” shortly after WWII, and then on June 30, 1965 OVER 3 MILLION MORE JEWS CLAIMED TO BE “SURVIVORS”, key facts Thorn brings to light in his book.

    Jewish “Holocaust survivors” continue their swindle of the German, Hungarian, and other Eastern European governments and people to this very day, and have essentially TURNED THE “HOLOCAUST” MYTH INTO A RELIGION.

    There is one thing that defines everyone: THE HOLOCAUST.
    Everyone the world over is defined by their position on the HOLOCAUST.



    Given that the official story is patently absurd, therefore anyone who promotes the official story, who accepts the official story, who oppresses those who doubt the official story, who does not question the official story is a traitor, a tool, the JEW’S USEFUL IDIOT.

    Everyone who does not stand up and speak truth to power is a coward, a liar and complicit in the
    Everyone, everywhere can be measured according to this litmus test.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @John Wear
  407. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “Lol. Höß was a defense witness at Nuremberg, specifically called in the case against Ernst Kaltenbrunner.”

    My response: I know this. Ernst Kaltenbrunner’s defense lawyer, Dr. Kurt Kauffmann, asked Höss a series of questions designed to prove that Kaltenbrunner had never visited Auschwitz. Höss affirmed that Kaltenbrunner had never visited Auschwitz, and that Kaltenbrunner didn’t order the execution of Jews at this camp. (Source: Harding, Thomas, Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013, p. 257).

    So, Kaltenbrunner’s defense lawyer had called Höss to the witness stand at the IMT to prove that Kaltenbrunner had never visited Auschwitz-Birkenau, and that he did not participate in the extermination of any Jews at Auschwitz.

    However, Kaltenbrunner’s defense counsel was not aware of the Höss’s “confessions” obtained under torture, sleep deprivation, and threats against Höss’s family.

    U.S. prosecutor Col. John Amen next started reading from an affidavit Höss had signed in front of Whitney Harris on April 5, 1946. Höss’s testimony at the IMT was probably the most important and striking evidence presented there of a German extermination program. Höss in his testimony said that more than two and a half million people were exterminated in the Auschwitz gas chambers, and that another 500,000 inmates had died there of other causes. (Source: Taylor, Telford, The Anatomy of the Nuremberg Trials: A Personal Memoir, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1992, p. 363).

    No defender of the Holocaust story today accepts these inflated figures, and other key portions of Höss’s testimony at the IMT are widely acknowledged to be untrue.

    Höss’s testimony, however, was reported around the world. A New York Times article described it as the “crushing climax to the case.” The Times in Britain said of Höss’s signed testimony: “Its dreadful implications must surpass any document ever penned.” (Source: Harding, Thomas, Hanns and Rudolf: The True Story of the German Jew Who Tracked Down and Caught the Kommandant of Auschwitz, New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013, pp. 259-260).

    So, Höss was regarded as the star prosecution witness at the IMT, and his testimony has become the framework for the official Holocaust story. (Source: Butz, Arthur R., The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry, Newport Beach, CA: Institute for Historical Review, ninth printing, 1992, p. 101).

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  408. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “I would like revisionists to trace even 1% of the Jews sent to the Reinhard camps. That’s about 15,000. Piece of cake, right?”

    My response: I would like supporters of the “Holocaust” to show the remains of even 1% of the Jews who supposedly died in the Reinhard camps. That’s about 15,000. Piece of cake, right?

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  409. kb_2 says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    We all have different standards of evidence) Some will need 4 people, some – 15.000, and I need more)

    It’s strange that your posts were deleted. In this thread, another person complained that Steve Sailer didn’t allow his comments. As far as I understand, they were revisionist or anti-Zionist (considering that this commentator accused Steve of being Zionist).

    I think you can revive the debate here. Above, I suggested inviting one of your colleagues and having a debate at a higher level.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  410. John Wear says:

    You write: “Thorn rips apart, in lay language, the well-thin arguments used to prove the Jewish ‘Holocaust’…”

    My response: I also recommend Viktor Thorn’s book. It is a quick and easy read.

    As you probably know, Viktor Thorn supposedly committed suicide on August 1, 2016 by shooting himself outside his home. I strongly suspect he was murdered.

  411. @kb_2

    Hi kb_2,

    Please see my comments in #390. Do you disagree with my comments in #390?__________

    This will just be a rehash of my comments in #390, but I’m going to specifically respond to your comments.

    You have missing people, they have gas chambers that are impossible from their point of view. From each of these points sides draw different conclusions:

    1) there were no chambers, so people were not killed
    2) people mysteriously disappeared and this corresponds to the testimony of many witnesses and conventional history, so there should have been gas chambers

    Yes, and it’s absolutely clear which explanation is right and which explanation is wrong. That’s why no legitimate scientists or historians are studying whether or not homicidal gas chambers existed at Auschwitz-Birkenau that were used to murder hundreds of thousands of people. There is simply no legitimate scientific or historical question.

    The theory that there were indeed homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and that they were used to kill hundreds of thousands of people, is the established scientific theory. In real science, in order to displace an established theory, the new theory must be able to explain things that existing theory cannot.

    Holocaust revisionists/denialists have this insane new theory that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, so people were not killed. But they have no explanation for what happened to the people they say were not killed.

    The Hungarian Jews who arrived from May 15 – July 13 is the perfect example for that. We know that:

    1) Approximately 437,000 Hungarian Jews arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944.

    2) From that group, less then 35 percent were deemed “fit for work.” That means more than 65 percent who were “unfit for work”…that means more than 0.65 * 437,000 = 284,000 were “unfit for work.”

    3) We know that it’s likely that more than 20 percent of the 437,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived were children under 12 years of age. So let’s say 80,000+ were children under 12 years of age. (We also know that the abominable Josef Mengele selected identical and fraternal twins this group of 80,000+ who were children under 12 years of age. But that is a very small percentage of the 80,000+ Hungarian Jewish children under 12 years of age who arrived from May 15 to July 13, 1944.

    Soooooo….Holocaust revisionist/denialists want to play “scientist.”

    Well in order to do *real* science, they *****MUST***** explain what happened to those 284,000 Hungarian Jews who were “unfit for work” who arrived between May 15 and July 13, 1944.

    And in particular, they *****MUST***** explain what happened to those 80,000+ Hungarian Jewish children under the age of 12 (who were not identical or fraternal twins) who arrived between May 15 and July 13, 1944.

    That’s how science works. And that’s why there’s absolutely no reason for me to read any of the shit that Walter Lüftl, Germar Rudolf, Friedrich Paul Berg, Dr. William B. Lindsey, Dr. Arthur Butz, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Dr. Ing Franco Deana, and Richard Krege and Fred Leuchter and Carlo Mattogno are pedaling, UNTIL they provide an explanation not involving homicidal gas chambers that explains what happened to those 284,000 Hungarian Jews who were “unfit for work,” and those 80,000+ Hungarian Jewish children under the age of 12 (who were not identical or fraternal twins), who arrived between May 15 and July 13, 1944.

    You may think that opposite view is wrong, but it has some historical roots…

    With respect to homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau being used to kill many thousands of people, I don’t think the opposite view is wrong. I know its wrong to approximately the same level of certainty I know that Apollo 11 landed on the moon and came back to earth.

    I get the impression that you are trying to argue with the other side, sometimes referring (at least indirectly) to the a priori correctness of your position.

    No, that’s absolutely wrong. That’s in fact why I wanted John Wear to *specifically* identify each piece of evidence I submitted as “True,” “Mostly True,” “Mostly False,” or “False.”

    Among the pieces of evidence he refused to characterize as “True,” “Mostly True,” “Mostly False,” or “False” was this excerpt from the autobiography of Rudolf Höss:

    (p126) In July 1942 the Reichsführer SS visited the camp. I took him all over the gypsy camp. He made a most thorough inspection of everything, noting the overcrowded barrack-huts, the unhygienic conditions, the crammed hospital building…

    (p126) He saw it all, in detail, as it really was–and he ordered me to destroy them. Those capable of work were first to be separated from the others, as with the Jews.

    (p126) I pointed out to him that the personnel of the gypsy camp was not precisely what he had envisaged being sent to Auschwitz. He thereupon ordered that the Reich Criminal Police Officer should carry out a sorting as quickly as possible. This in fact took two years. The gypsies capable of work were transferred to another camp. About 4,000 gypsies were left by August, 1944, and these had to go to the gas chambers. Up to that moment, they were unaware of what was in store for them. They first realised what was happening when they made their way, barrack-hut-by barrack-hut towards Crematorium I.

    I think John Wear refused to characterize this excerpt as “True,” “Mostly True,” “Mostly False,” or “False” because he *knew* that I would follow that up with a question about those “gypsies” (to use the term Höss used). Specifically, I would ask what happened to them if they were NOT gassed and cremated in August 1944.

    I’m doing *everything* based on evidence…there’s no “a priori” involved.

    P.S I hope my words don’t sound arrogant in any way.

    No absolutely not. But what your words do imply is that there may be some scientific or historical validity to the contention that there were not homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau that were used to kill many thousands of people. There is absolutely no such validity.

    • Replies: @kb_2
    , @Truth Vigilante
  412. @Wizard of Oz

    Evidence/confession obtained from a witness/defendant after he has been abused/tortured is not admissible in a proper court. His initial captors freely admitted they beat him. It can’t be decisive evidence if it was obtained/written under duress/manipulation.

    As far as I know, he was not provided journals or any camp records to consult for specific details. The entire manuscript was held by Polish authorities for years before publication. Who was the editor for this work? Was Hoess consulted before publication? No, he was no longer alive.

    Considering the numerous, verified physical assaults, incarcerations and property destruction against historians/journalist who had NO involvement in the war, i.e., Zundel, Irving, do you really think an actual “Nazi” was treated fairly?

    There is a pattern to be observed with respect to ANYONE who opposes the official story in any public, influential manner; why is it a crime to oppose the official story?

    I suspect he “revised” the figures to appease authorities and protect his family. His son was abused before his capture.

    • Agree: John Wear, HdC
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  413. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Mr. Wear likely knows more than any of us ever will,…

    Mr. Wear only sees what he wants to see, and “knows” what he wants to know. True knowledge and the truth don’t work like that.

    For example, Mr. Wear went to the SMU library and looked at a 600+ page book titled, “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp” and came away with the astoundingly ignorant conclusion that the book supported his contention that the 280,000+ Hungarian Jews who arrived between May and July of 1944 who were “unfit to work” probably:

    3) Most of them were sent to other places (and the rest were housed in Auschwitz-Birkenau).

    He came to that astoundingly ignorant conclusion despite the very *title* of the book being “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp,” and despite the whole book being filled with statements like these:

    1) See page 453, regarding Auschwitz:

    “There were no young Jewish children in the camp, with a few exceptions, as they and a large proportion of the women and elderly were murdered on arrival.”

    2) Page 439:

    “The children’s block was liquidated step by step. The first, most difficult stage occurred on March 7, 1944, when all the prisoners of the September 1943 transport were gassed. (On the way to the gas chambers, they sang Hatikva and the Czech national anthem.)”

    3) Page 440:

    “Most women, men, and children, with the exception of those selected for work in other camps, were led straight to the gas chambers. The entire children’s block was liquidated. The Czech family camp, no longer needed, had been emptied of its inhabitants.”

    So you’re absolutely wrong…Mr. Wear most emphatically does not likely “…know more than any of us ever will.” In fact, he doesn’t know very basic things that some of us can know with at most a few hours of research and rational thought.

  414. HdC says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    Cart before the horse.

    You are the accuser, you provide the authenticated forensic evidence to support your allegations.

    That’s how it works in a North American Court.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  415. @kb_2

    I wonder what you think of this admission by Mr. Bahner?

    “That’s how science works. And that’s why there’s absolutely no reason for me to read any of the shit that Walter Lüftl, Germar Rudolf, Friedrich Paul Berg, Dr. William B. Lindsey, Dr. Arthur Butz, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Dr. Ing Franco Deana, and Richard Krege and Fred Leuchter and Carlo Mattogno are pedaling, UNTIL they provide an explanation not involving homicidal gas chambers that explains what happened to those 284,000 Hungarian Jews who were “unfit for work,” and those 80,000+ Hungarian Jewish children under the age of 12 (who were not identical or fraternal twins), who arrived between May 15 and July 13, 1944.“

    To put it succinctly, I won’t bother to review contrary evidence until you prove something that can’t be proved. According to Mark, the Jews in question were “undocumented,” brought to camp, lined up and sent to the gas chamber immediately.

    I’m also wondering if you watched the video of Dario Gabbai? See #1289 in previous thread. He says he was at Auschwitz during the arrival of said Jews from Hungary, he was a Sonderkommando and eyewitness and participant in the disposal of Hungarian Jews. If you will agree to watch it in entirety, I will find information for you from the neutral Red Cross, which offers some explanation for the movement of Jews from Hungary.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @kb_2
  416. @Truth Vigilante

    I suggest you open up this link and read the first few paragraphs:

    From that article:

    Some 400,000 Jews who survived the Nazis were still alive in 2019.

    SUMMARY: Mark ‘Mordechai’ Bahner-stein claims there were 232,000 children and teenagers among the 1.3 million people deported to Auschwitz during the war.

    However, of those 232,000 that were deported, it appears that around 350,000 of them were still alive in 2019 !!!

    “Truthvigilante”, you really to get an adult to read and explain things to you.

    Some 400,000 Jews who survived the Nazis were still alive in 2019.

    That statement does NOT apply exclusively to survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Less than 400,000 people who survived Auschwitz Birkenau was even alive in 1946…let alone 1945. The accepted conventional estimates are that approximately 1.3 million people were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and approximately 1.1 million died there. Therefore, approximately only 200,000 survivors Auschwitz-Birkenau were even alive on Victoria in Europe Day in May 1945…let alone in 2019.

    And all you people who agreed with this: John Wear, Kali, Han, Tiptoethrutulips, acementhead…you all also need to get literate adults capable of rational thought to explain to you why the excerpts I quoted from the laughably ironically self-named “Truth Vigilante” were nonsense.

    Once again, in case all of you didn’t know, “Some 400,000 Jews who survived the Nazis were still alive in 2019” does not refer to Nazis and Jews at Auschwitz-Birkenau alone.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @HdC
    , @Kali
  417. Han says:

    John Wear says:
    “I strongly suspect he was murdered.”

    I also think that Victor Thorn was murdered. He not only exposed the Holocaust, also 9/11 and the Clintons. He made plenty of enemies who wanted to silence him.

    Victor Thorn was a fighter and fighters do not commit suicide. They fight to win and if need be, till the bitter end.
    I hope people will listen to that interview with Victor Thorn conducted by American Free Press. That will give them an idea of his fighting spirit.

    Victor Thorn (Scott Robert Makufka) was a pen-name. One can only wonder why he chose it.

    Victor, Victorious. Thorn, a thorn in the flesh to the enemy? Usually, thorns are removed.

    John, I do admire your immense knowledge on the subject of World War II.
    I have learned so much over the years from people like you, David Irving, Germar Rudolf, Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zundel and all the others having the courage to speak up and expose the lies about World War II and the Holocaust.

    So good to see you on this thread making short shrift of Mark Bahner!

    • Thanks: John Wear
  418. @Tiptoethrutulips

    I suspect he “revised” the figures to appease authorities and protect his family. His son was abused before his capture.

    So he “revised” the figures from 2 million to 1.13 million to “appease authorities and protect his family”?

    So the authorities would say, “OK, your camp killed only 1.13 million, not 2 million. No harm, no foul!”

  419. @Mark Bahner

    That you believe Mr. Wear is an idealogue/activist for Hitler/Germany is apparent.

    In my opinion, one does not need any specialized training to assert that it is NOT possible to stuff an unsealed chamber with over 1,000 people, sometimes up to 3,500, gas them all with a toxin initially developed for eradicating insects, every person is equally exposed and dies within 4-5 minutes, the chamber is opened after approximately 30 minutes, with no specific protocol for decontamination, the bodies are removed with the hook end of a cane, the hook users have no protective gear/clothing, the bodies are placed on gurneys and sent up an elevator to the crematoria, the bodies are placed 3-4 in a cremation oven and incinerated to ash within 30-40 minutes, and this is all accomplished in roughly 24 hours. Then the process starts anew the next day.

    The above is an account by a Jewish Sonderkommando, who says he was an eyewitness and participant in the murder and disposal of the Hungarian Jews, the same Jews for which you seem to be heavily invested in determining their whereabouts. That is, in fact, your answer, No? Yet, you pay no attention, whatsoever, to this account, which was given in an oral interview, thereby not subject to any interpretation or manipulation by a journalist, historian or scholar.

    There is also information to be gleaned from Red Cross records, which I previously mentioned, but you are disinterested in those accounts, as well. Nor do you consider the impossibility of open air fire pits raging in an area of land with a high water table, nor the impossibility of converting rural cabins into effective gas chambers.

    All of the above are/were offered as explanations for the fate of Hungarian Jews, yet you just flutter past these assertions/possibilities and say, repeatedly, “where did they go?” I suspect you ignore these reports because they present an impossibility that you ultimately cannot refute.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  420. @Mark Bahner

    I will further assert, that while the testimony/account, by this one witness, can/will be dismissed as only that of one man, perhaps confused/mistaken, amongst the many witnesses, his easily verified falsehoods align with the official story. Therefore, if he is lying, they are all lying, with regard to the homicidal gas chamber/genocide aspect of the official story.

  421. @Tiptoethrutulips

    To put it succinctly, I won’t bother to review contrary evidence until you prove something that can’t be proved. According to Mark, the Jews in question were “undocumented,” brought to camp, lined up and sent to the gas chamber immediately.

    No, that’s total bullshit. We have names of literally many tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews who were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944.

    For example, go to this Yad Vashem website, and click on the town “Munkacs” (without the quotes).

    You’ll see the database contains more than 20,00o names for that small town alone (which is listed as being in Czechoslovia in the database, but was actually part of the transport of Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz in late May 1944, because it was part of Hungary then). Another thing…Mukachevo is another name for Munkacs.

    Go to any person listed as “murdered”. If you go to the last names starting in “A” or “B”, I will give you $500 for every person listed as “murdered” that you or anyone else can provide–to my satisfaction (or two a three-judge panel whom we both can agree upon) evidence that person was still alive in January 1946. I’ll provide that $500 per person up to $10,000. And I’m absolutely serious. It looks like the “A’s” have 550+ names. I’m too lazy to count the “B’s”

    If you do a search on “Munkacs” (without the quotations) you should come up with something like I did for the first 20 names: 17 were “murdered,” two “survived” and one “not stated.”

    Proving more than say, 10 percent of the 80,000 Hungarian Jewish children under 12 who sent to Auschwitz -Birkenau were *not* murdered in gas chambers and their bodies burned should in fact be incredibly easy, if it were true. There would be high school graduation records, college graduation records, college records, *census* records, *death* records, etc. etc.

    The reason you and holocaust revisionist/deniers can’t prove the overwhelming majority of the 80,000+ Hungarian Jews who were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 – July 13, 1944 were not murdered in gas chambers and their bodies burned is because the overwhelming majority questionably were murdered in gas chambers and their bodies burned.

    • Replies: @Kali
  422. @Mark Bahner

    It’s comical to read statements from you about rational thought.

    Once again, you missed the point made by TV; if 400,000 former inmates are alive and kicking in 2019, your assertion that infants/children were killed upon arrival into death camps because they were “unfit for labor “ is not likely. Clearly, many children did somehow survive despite the efforts to kill them all.

    In point of fact, infants and young children are more susceptible to illnesses/contagions than teens and adults, and therefore, would have a higher death rate. Yet, we see photos of rather healthy appearing children, in camps, and evidence of an obviously high survival rate, in general.

    Are you aware of daycare facilities in death camps? Why bother if you want them dead?

  423. @Tiptoethrutulips

    All of the above are/were offered as explanations for the fate of Hungarian Jews,

    No, here is one of the “three” explanations you offered (not even sure what the other two were…you have to explain more specifically what the other two were):

    In my opinion, one does not need any specialized training to assert that it is NOT possible to stuff an unsealed chamber with over 1,000 people…blah, blah, blah.

    That is most emphatically not an explanation for what you think did happen to them. It’s an explanation for what you think did not. There’s a huge difference from a scientific standpoint. The existing scientific theory is that they were gassed and their bodies burned. Your theory is not scientific unless you explain what happened to them after they did not get murdered in gas chambers and their bodies buried.

    A perfect example of this is what happened to the “gypsies. Rudolph Hoss wrote:

    (p126) In July 1942 the Reichsführer SS visited the camp. I took him all over the gypsy camp. He made a most thorough inspection of everything, noting the overcrowded barrack-huts, the unhygienic conditions, the crammed hospital building…

    (p126) He saw it all, in detail, as it really was–and he ordered me to destroy them. Those capable of work were first to be separated from the others, as with the Jews.

    (p126) I pointed out to him that the personnel of the gypsy camp was not precisely what he had envisaged being sent to Auschwitz. He thereupon ordered that the Reich Criminal Police Officer should carry out a sorting as quickly as possible. This in fact took two years. The gypsies capable of work were transferred to another camp. About 4,000 gypsies were left by August, 1944, and these had to go to the gas chambers. Up to that moment, they were unaware of what was in store for them. They first realised what was happening when they made their way, barrack-hut-by barrack-hut towards Crematorium I.

    And Dr. Miklos Nyiszli wrote:

    (p131) Annihilation time had come for the 4,500 inhabitants of the Gypsy Camp. The measures taken were the same as those of the Czech Camp. All the barracks were quarantined. SS guards, leading their police dogs, invaded the Gypsy quarters and chased the inhabitants outside, where they were made to line up. Rations of bread and salami were distributed. … No one thought of he crematoriums, for then why would rations of food been distributed?

    (p131)… Throughout the night the chimneys of number one and two crematoriums sent flames roaring skyward, so that the entire camp was lighted with a sinister glow.

    (p132) Next day the Gypsy Camp, once so noisy, lay silent and deserted.

    Now, you, and John Wear, and the laughably pathetic HdC and Kali may want to play scientists. But if you’re going to play scientists, you have to explain what happened to those gypsies y’all say were not murdered in homicidal gas chambers, and their bodies burned, in August 1944. That’s how *real* science works.

  424. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Rational thought???
    It’s you that makes irrational assertions by claiming your victims were gassed in homicidal German gas chambers, without providing one iota of authenticated forensic evidence that these chambers even existed in any German camp.

    Your whole ideology is based on the idea that these people in question were gassed and cremated. Yet you cannot supply any authenticated forensic evidence to support that assertion. Consequently everything you assert leading up to this non-event is rubbish!

    The basic, fundamental premise of holocostianity is that 6 holy millions went up in smoke after having been gassed. It has been proved in a court of law in Canada that this could not have happened.

    And you go on flapping your typing finger and say but but but…

    There are no buts! No gas chambers means no holocaust!

    Your next question of course is but but but where did they go? As I wrote in this thread and elsewhere, their most likely destination was one or more of the 60 countries where interviewers went to gather their sick mind tales of horror in preparation for the movie Schindler’s List.

    Any decent engineer knows to build a structure from the foundation on up. In holocostianity that foundation consists of homicidal gas chambers and crematoria. And for the umpteenth time, a Canadian court trial proved that no homicidal gas chambers existed in any German camp.

    Sorry for the repetitious narrative, some people are so slow to absorb new information.

    • Agree: John Wear
  425. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You wouldn’t know how real science worked if it fell on you. I doubt very much that you ever were a licensed professional engineer anywhere, judging by your ludicrous narratives repeated again and again, without providing one iota of authenticated forensic evidence as to their ultimate fate.

    It was proved in a Canadian court of law that no homicidal gas chambers existed in any German camp.

    Yet you keep going about the holy six million (I keep harping on 6 million because that’s what the mass media still spouts), but cannot provide any real evidence for your assertions.

    Since homicidal gassings did not occur, that leaves your narrative twisting in the wind.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  426. Oh, we’re moving on to the gypsies now? At least we have a bit of movement by Occam’s Needle Otherwise Perpetually Stuck In One Direction.

    Mark and Pookie are standing on a sidewalk along a roadway. A crash occurs between car and truck. To crash investigators, Mark says car is red; Pookie says car is maroon. Mark says truck was traveling 30 mph; Pookie says truck was traveling 25 mph. Mark says driver of car was using cell phone before crash; Pookie says driver of car appeared to be fiddling with the radio.

    While both Mark and Pookie give statements slightly in contradiction, it’s obvious they are both reporting truthfully and accurately, more or less.

    The alternate scenario:

    Pookie says maroon car traveled approximately 25 mph, and driver was clearly gazing downward and swerved into truck; Mark says driver of red car vanished mysteriously, as if teleported into an alternate reality, as in the same alternate reality wherein Mark retreats when faced with objective facts, thereby driver of car cannot bear responsibility for accident, as driver vanished upon sight of truck, flying along at a speed in excess of 100mph, in direct path of red car.

    Pookie says, since Mark is an engineer and he wrote his story on paper, I hereby change my statement and concur.

    I will leave it to your extraordinary, self professed and obnoxious skills in reasoning, rational thought, objective analysis and concocting fairy tales to determine that which I am alluding to in the above parable. Good luck. Make sure your fainting sofa is nearby.

    I rest my case. In cartoon court, aka Nuremberg.

  427. John Wear says:

    Mark Bahner,

    You write: “Now, you, and John Wear, and the laughably pathetic HdC and Kali may want to play scientists. But if you’re going to play scientists, you have to explain what happened to those gypsies y’all say were not murdered in homicidal gas chambers, and their bodies burned, in August 1944. That’s how *real* science works.”

    My response: As previously discussed, there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Jews and Gypsies were either transferred to another camp, or stayed in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    Germar Rudolf writes on page 336 of the 4th edition of “Lectures on the Holocaust” concerning the Gypsies:

    “What is proven, however, is that before the beginning of war in Europe about one million Gypsies lived in the German-occupied areas of Europe. Based on data supplied by the International Romani Union, which is the most influential organization of Gypsies worldwide, the New York Times stated on September 27, 1992, that at the beginning of the 1990s there were more than ten million Gypsies living in the same area (cf. O. Müller 2004). How can you then say the Gypsies were exterminated? How do you, in 40 years, create out of a few survivors over ten million?”

    This book is available online at

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  428. @kb_2

    I’m the only one from HC who’s going to come here and none of us will debate Unz here.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  429. @HdC

    Your first mistake is thinking history works like a courtroom.

    Your second mistake is that the crimes of the AR camps were adjudicated in multiple trials, notably the trial concerning Treblinka, which took place in Düsseldorf in the 1960s.

    Your third mistake is thinking I care what you think.

  430. @John Wear

    By far the stupidest gambit by Holocaust deniers is denying the existence of mass graves.

    For Belzec, the work was done by Andrzej Kola:

    Mr. Wear will now provide some dumb excuse for why Kola’s work just be rejected.

    • Replies: @Lorian Effervis
  431. @Mark Bahner

    “A perfect example of this is what happened to the “gypsies. Rudolph Hoss wrote:

    (p126) In July 1942 the Reichsführer SS visited the camp. I took him all over the gypsy camp. He made a most thorough inspection of everything, noting the overcrowded barrack-huts, the unhygienic conditions, the crammed hospital building…”

    -Indeed a perfect example, but maybe more of the reliability of Höss`s statements and quality of your “scientific” research ?:

    The fascinating thing about Höss`s and your Birkenau Gypsie camp claim is that at the claimed date (17.-18. July 1942, time of Himmlers visit ) no such camp did exist there .
    The first transport of Gypsies to Auschwitz arrived not before 26. february 1943!

    As even mainest mainstream Wikipedia states:

    On 10 December 1942, Heinrich Himmler issued an order to send all Romani (German: Zigeuner, “Gypsies”) to concentration camps, including Auschwitz.[2] A separate camp was set up at Auschwitz II-Birkenau, classed as Section B-IIe and known as the Zigeunerfamilienlager (“Gypsy family camp”). The first transport of German Roma arrived on 26 February 1943, and was housed in Section B-IIe.”

    And also reported in Danuta Czechs official mainstream Holocaust-narrative “Calendarium”, 1989, p. 423.

    Interestingly also is that Himmlers visit on 17/18th of July was his last ever to Auschwitz, so the argument that Höss misstated 1942 instead of 1943/44 is absurd as well.

    So is this maybe actually a perfect example/illustration of the quality of “evidence” presented and then re-presented blindly without even bothering to check any of it ?

    That’s how *real* science works?

    • Thanks: John Wear, Kali
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  432. John Wear says:

    You write: “Mr. Wear will now provide some dumb excuse for why Kola’s work just be rejected.”

    My response: Actually, I will analyze why Andrzej Kola’s work indicates that Belzec was a transit camp. I will again reference the 4th edition of Germar Rudolf’s book “Lectures on the Holocaust”. Rudolf writes on pages 284-286 of this book:

    “The first investigations were undertaken in October 1945, and then again in 1997 and 1999, whereby the latter were far more thorough: Core samples were drilled out of the soil at intervals of five meters covering the whole camp site, which altogether resulted in 2,227 samples (Kola 2000a; cf. O’Neil 1999). Of these samples, 236 revealed a disturbance of the earth layer in 33 different, highly irregular shapes. And of these, 137 were “relevant” enough to have their data published. However, only six of these contained human remains – a mere 3% of all samples with a disturbed earth layer, or only 0.3% of all samples taken. The largest corpse layer found was only 75 cm thick (2.5 ft). What one generally found was a scattering of thinly layered ashes mixed with lots of sand and earth.

    Rudolf admits that humans died at Belzec. He writes: “But this does not clarify to what extent this happened, nor what caused the deaths. For that we have to analyze the results more closely. The drillings determined that approximately 21,000 m3 of soil had been disturbed. According to the official version, 600,000 corpses would have had to fit into this area, because in Belzec the burning of corpses is said to have begun after the murder phase had allegedly ended…Only occasionally did they find ash mixed with soil.”

    When asked why there are so many pits in Belzec if they were not used, Rudolf responded: “The Polish researcher Andrzej Kola wrote (Kola 2000a, p. 65): “Additional disturbances in archeological structures were made by intensive dig-ups directly after the war while local people were searching for jewelry. The facts make it difficult for the archeologists to define precisely the ranges of burial pits.”

    Rudolf states:”On April 11, 1946, the public prosecutor of Zamosc had already explained what some witnesses confirmed (Mattogno 2004a, p. 89): “At the moment, the camp site has been completely dug up by the local population in their search for valuables. This has brought to the surface ash from the corpses and from wood, charred bones as well as bones that were only partially charred.”

    Rudolf continues: “In other words: the pits found through the sample drillings are not only mass graves, but to a large extent the remnants of wildcat excavations made by treasure hunters after the war. This also explains why the pits found are completely irregular both concerning their sizes, shapes, and orientations as well as their contents and the position, arrangement, and composition of the earth layers in them. If one considers that at least 90% of the material of the sample cores exhibited neither human remnants nor ash, then the maximum number of the corpses that could have been buried in these pits – 126,000 – is at least to be reduced by a factor of 10, because the number 126,000 is based on the premise that the corpses were packed as tightly as possible in all of these pits.”

    Rudolf states that the number of people dying in Belzec were “only in the thousands, whereby I would rather talk of “mass dying” instead of “mass murder,” because the most frequent causes of death at Belzec were probably diseases, exhaustion, etc. The results of these forensic investigations have consequences beyond the mere reduction of the victim number. Due to the already-mentioned Höfle radio message, we know that by the end of 1942 exactly 434,500 Jews had been deported to Belzec… If, however, not more than 126,000 could have been buried at Belzec – but probably much less than that – what happened with the majority of these deported Jews, who were not buried at Belzec? They were obviously not killed there.”

    Rudolf concludes that this: “confirms the revisionist thesis that Belzec was a transit camp. By the way, during the sample drillings a search for the remains of the gas chambers was also made. However, there were no traces of buildings resembling what witnesses reported. What was found instead were the ruins of a multiple-car garage.”

    Rudolf was asked if after the graves were located through the drillings, did anyone actually exhume the mass graves and examine their contents. Rudolf writes: “Surprisingly, no…It appears that once the gigantic mass graves containing hundreds of thousands of victims or their remains were not located, there was little interest in doing anything else. Anyway, in 2004 a monument was built at Belzec which buried a large part of the camp under concrete (Berkofsky 2004), which basically means that from now on there is not to be any more research done here, something that would disturb the dead, but now it is time to grieve, pray, and sob.”

    I hope this helps. The link to the 4th edition of Rudolf’s book “Lectures on the Holocaust” is at

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  433. @Andrew Mathis

    I’m the only one from HC who’s going to come here and none of us will debate Unz here.

    I would be absolutely thrilled to debate Ron Unz here. I hereby challenge Ron Unz to this specific debate topic:

    Resolved: There were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau that were used to murder hundreds of thousands of men, women, and children from 1941 to 1945.

    Further, I don’t need help on my side of the debate (though I wouldn’t be opposed to it).

    But Ron Unz certainly would! So I absolutely publicly *BEG* him to bring every single loser of a Holocaust Denier/Revisionist he can find, and I’m specifically requesting he get: Carlo Mattogno (oh boy, am I!), Walter Lüftl, Germar Rudolf, Friedrich Paul Berg, Dr. William B. Lindsey, Dr. Arthur Butz, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Dr. Ing Franco Deana, Richard Krege, Fred Leuchter, HdC, Kali, etc. etc. ad infinitum and ad nauseum. (And John Wear is certainly invited, too.)

    I propose this debate be in the standard Oxford style, in which the audience is polled on the question, before and after the debate, and the “winner” decided by whichever side “flips” the most votes to their side:

    Further, I propose that the debate not commence until we gather at least 500 people for the audience. (Ron Unz, think of the new people who will be drawn to your website!)

    • LOL: Tiptoethrutulips
    • Replies: @John Wear
  434. @John Wear

    That’s a lotta words just to say you were wrong.

  435. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write to HdC: “Your second mistake is that the crimes of the AR camps were adjudicated in multiple trials, notably the trial concerning Treblinka, which took place in Düsseldorf in the 1960s.”

    My response: I think your mistake is to assume that the Allied postwar trials were fair and just legal proceedings. Let’s look at what some legal scholars said about the Nuremberg trials:

    1) Iowa Supreme Court Justice Charles F. Wennerstrum, who served as the presiding judge in the Nuremberg trial of German generals, resigned his appointment in disgust at the proceedings. He criticized the one-sided handling of evidence in the trials. Wennerstrum said that selection of the evidence in the trials was made by the prosecution from the large tonnage of captured German records. Wennerstrum stated: “If I had known seven months ago what I know today, I would never have come here…The high ideals announced as the motives for creating these tribunals have not been evident.” (Source: Foust, Hal, “Nazi Trial Judge Rips Injustice,” Chicago Tribune, Feb. 23, 1948, pp. 1-2).

    Justice Wennerstrum also said that Jews dominated the staff of the Nuremberg Courts and were more interested in revenge than justice. He stated: “The entire atmosphere is unwholesome…Lawyers, clerks, interpreters, and researchers were employed who became Americans only in recent years, whose backgrounds were embedded in Europe’s hatreds and prejudices.” (Source: Ibid.). Wennerstrum left the Nuremberg trials “with a feeling that justice has been denied.”

    2) U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Harlan Fiske Stone said of Justice Robert Jackson, who left the U.S. Supreme Court to lead the IMT tribunal: “Jackson is away conducting his high-grade lynching party in Nuremberg. I don’t mind what he does to the Nazis, but I hate to see the pretense that he is running a court and proceeding according to the common law. This is a little too sanctimonious a fraud to meet my old-fashioned ideas.” Stone wondered on another occasion “whether, under this new [Nuremberg] doctrine of international law, if we had been defeated, the victors could plausibly assert that our supplying Britain with fifty destroyers was an act of aggression….” (Source: Mason, Alpheus T., Harlan Fiske Stone: Pillar of the Law, New York: Viking, 1956, p. 716).

    3) Milton R. Konvitz, a Jewish specialist of law and public administration who taught at New York University, warned at the time that the Nuremberg Tribunal “defies many of the most basic assumptions of the judicial process.” He went on: “Our policy with respect to the Nazis is consistent with neither international law nor our own State Department’s policy… The Nuremberg trial constitutes a real threat to the basic conceptions of justice which it has taken mankind thousands of years to establish.” (Source: M. R. Konvitz, “Will Nuremberg Serve Justice?,” Commentary, January 1946 (Vol. I, No. 3), p. 11).

    4) In the years since, distinguished figures in both the United States and other countries have expressed similar views. U.S. Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas wrote: “I thought at the time and still think that the Nuremberg trials were unprincipled. Law was created ex post facto to suit the passion and clamor of the time.” (Source: H. K. Thompson and H. Strutz, eds., Dönitz at Nuremberg: A Reappraisal (IHR, 1983), p. 196).

    I could go on and on. The Allied postwar trials against Germans were consistently unfair and unjust. They typically proved nothing.

    • Thanks: HdC
    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  436. @John Wear

    Easy follow-up question: If Belzec was a transit camp, then where did the passengers transited through there go? More than half a million Jews went sent there. So show me 1% — piece of cake, right?

    You guys need to understand this is Waterloo for your argument. If you can’t even track 1% of the Jews sent to the AR camps and there are dead bodies in the ground at the sites, it’s kinda clear what happened.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  437. @Andrew Mathis

    “stupidest gambit ”
    “some dumb excuse”

    May one ask- why the resort to polemics instead of calmly presenting your case in a civilised manner (as the one you criticise-John- does)?

    And thus if one also may ask would you agree that the most important thing in research is the researcher and his/her not being emotionally attached/strongly opinionated about the outcome and -if so- would you say you are?

    Regarding Belzec, massgraves and Kola`s research:

    The (as you know and have read I presume?) most voluminous work regarding those 3 on the revisionist side has been done and published by Carlo Mattogno, the title of his book is “Belzec” (number 9 of the Holocaust Handbooks series), in detail examining the specifics of Kola`s research data. Freely readable here:

    Here the online site “Holocaust controversies” and their criticism from the orthodoxy perspective:

    Here Mattogno/Graf and Kues answer/book regarding that criticism, titled:

    The“Extermination Camps”of “Aktion Reinhardt”
    An Analysis and Refutation of Factitious “Evidence,” Deceptions and Flawed Argumentation of the “Holocaust Controversies” Bloggers:

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  438. @John Wear

    You write: “Now, you, and John Wear, and the laughably pathetic HdC and Kali may want to play scientists. But if you’re going to play scientists, you have to explain what happened to those gypsies y’all say were not murdered in homicidal gas chambers, and their bodies burned, in August 1944. That’s how *real* science works.”

    My response: As previously discussed, there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Jews and Gypsies were either transferred to another camp, or stayed in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    John, you simply do not has a clue what real science is.

    Your answer is a *religious* answer. It’s a faith-based answer. Your answer has nothing to do with *science*. With *science*, every theory/proposition that can be tested *is* tested and evaluated.

    1) If they “stayed at Auschwitz-Birkenau” then where were they when the camp was liberated, only five months later? How many of the ~4,000 Gypsies were among the approximately 7,000 people found by the Soviets when Auschwitz-Birkenau was liberated?

    2) You would agree that there were virtually no Gypsies on the marches (aka, “death marches”) that forced marchers to other German camps, right? But if not, how many of the 4,000 Gypsies were on those marches?

    3) If they were “transferred to another camp,” what camp or camps were they? And what happened to them at those camps?

    And don’t tell me to do the evaluation for you. I think that that all 4,000 Gypsies were murdered by homicidal gas chambers on or about August 2, 1944, because as far as I know:

    1) There were zero among the 4,000 Gypsies alive at liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau in January 1944.

    2) There were zero Gypsies on the forced marches out of Auschwitz.

    3) There were zero Gypsies transferred to other camps.

    Germar Rudolf writes on page 336 of the 4th edition of “Lectures on the Holocaust” concerning the Gypsies:

    Germar Rudolf’s writings on page 336 is irrelevant to the approximately 4,000 Gypsies who were murdered by Zyklon B at Auschwitz-Birkenau on or about August 2, 1944.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Kali
  439. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “John Wear is certainly invited, too.”

    My response: I will participate if this debate ever happens.

    • Replies: @Kali
  440. @Andrew Mathis

    “I would like revisionists to trace even 1% of the Jews sent to the Reinhard camps. That’s about 15,000. Piece of cake, right? ”

    -Ok, fair enough as long as this is applied in fair equal and not double standard to all sides:

    -I would like the orthodoxist to trace even 1% of the 1 million German POW (DEF)`s sent to (and then tracelessly vanished in) the Rhein-meadows, french and russian camps post war and the 2-6 millions Germans from the Eastern German Provinces dissappeared after their 1946 expulsion/death march ( to the west.
    That`s about 40 000. Piece of cake, right?

    And if following your own reason- if you cannot do that/prove that they were NOT (gas-?)genocided by the Allies, Occams razor states they WERE and you are an Allied Genocide Program denier, ok?

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  441. @Lorian Effervis

    “ May one ask- why the resort to polemics instead of calmly presenting your case in a civilised manner (as the one you criticise-John- does)?”

    Because fuck civility

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  442. @John Wear

    Thanks for responding to a post about trials conducted by the German government with hundreds of words about Nuremberg. You are very smart.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  443. @Sverigesrik T.

    Yeah, no.

    Nobody denies that German POWs died in Soviet camps or that many hundreds of thousands died in the expulsions from the east. Certainly I’m not denying it. So try that shit out someplace else, ok?

  444. @HdC

    It was proved in a Canadian court of law that no homicidal gas chambers existed in any German camp.

    HdC, I was going to write that you are unforgivably ignorant, given the search tools available to you on the Internet. But now I realize you probably simply aren’t intelligent enough to use those tools, any more than a chimp could use those search tools.

    I worked for over 25 years at RTI, International (formerly Research Triangle Institute), and I don’t think I’m bragging to say that even among those professionals for whom research was their very business, I was far above average in the amount of information I could gather and analyze in a short period of time on subjects that were new.

    I’ve learned more about Auschwitz-Birkenau in a few weeks than you ever will in your entire life, because you clearly simply aren’t intelligent enough to gather and process even concisely packed information that is presented to you.

    A Canadian court no more proved that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau than a Canadian court proved that the Apollo 11 moon landing didn’t occur. If you think a Canadian court did prove that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, that’s just because of your monumental ignorance and stupidity.

    • Replies: @HdC
  445. @Andrew Mathis

    I’m not sure what you mean here:
    “ Your first mistake is thinking history works like a courtroom.”

    History is replete with strange happenings, mysteries, some explained, some beyond explanation, ruins to be explored/examined, manuscripts to be interpreted, etc. We can speculate to our heart’s content, for the most part.

    A courtroom is indeed unlike history/real life; you can’t just waltz in and say, “It’s true because I say it’s true; or, someone else says it’s true; or, look at the poor child in the red dress, how can you deny her suffering?” In court, gentile/western court, rules of due process and evidence must be adhered to in order to determine the truth. Although some aspects of a history will always be speculative, there are also definitive proofs available.

    If you don’t care what he/we think, why are you commenting here? Why bother?

  446. @Andrew Mathis

    Because fuck civility

    I don’t think that’s a good path, if civility is shown to you.

    And I absolutely admit that I have not shown civility to John Wear. On numerous occasions.

    My reason is that I go ballistic when he does something like defend Josef Mengele as being a decent man. Or insists that the 600+ page book titled, “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp” actually supports his view that Hungarian Jews who arrived in May to July 1944, and were not fit for work or twins, were not sent to the gas chambers because homicidal gas chambers did not exist.

    But that’s an explanation. It’s not an excuse.

    Best wishes,
    Mark Bahner

  447. @Andrew Mathis

    And judging by your level/method of discourse, I would say, you are not very smart. Or, perhaps you studied at the Mark Bahner school of fly-by-seat-of-pants debate tactics, where you learn to argue by supposition, accusation, emotional tirades, Hollywood movie analysis, curses and hammering on about one particular occurrence, ad nauseam, until your opponent resigns from complete exasperation or simple exhaustion.

    • Agree: John Wear
  448. No, I just don’t like you people.

  449. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Someone evoked my blog as a possible debate opponent for Ron Unz. That’s why I’m here.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
    , @Brás Cubas
  450. @Tiptoethrutulips

    It’s true because I say it’s true; or, someone else says it’s true; or, look at the poor child in the red dress, how can you deny her suffering?

    You haven’t even seen the movie, have you, you fucking ignorant twit?

    • Replies: @Han
    , @littlereddot
  451. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “You guys need to understand this is Waterloo for your argument.”

    My response: I wrote an article on this subject, which you can read at I also recommend you read my article

    You write: “If you can’t even track 1% of the Jews sent to the AR camps and there are dead bodies in the ground at the sites, it’s kinda clear what happened.”

    My response: Less than 5% of the people who went to the AR camps are in the ground at the AR camps. This is Waterloo for your argument. The other over 95% of the people who went to the AR camps survived and went somewhere else. The AR camps were all transit camps.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  452. @Lorian Effervis

    This is how *real* science works:

    Höss wrote in his autobiography (written at the end of 1946, as he was about to go on trial in Poland):

    The gypsies capable of work were transferred to another camp. About 4,000 gypsies were left by August, 1944, and these had to go to the gas chambers. Up to that moment, they were unaware of what was in store for them. They first realised what was happening when they made their way, barrack-hut-by barrack-hut towards Crematorium I.

    And Miklos Nyiszli signed his written autobiography in March 1946 in his home town of Oradea-Nagyvarad, in what was then Hungary. (The overwhelming majority of his town’s Jews were gassed at Birkenau from May to July 1944. Nyiszli wrote:

    (p131) Annihilation time had come for the 4,500 inhabitants of the Gypsy Camp. The measures taken were the same as those of the Czech Camp. All the barracks were quarantined. SS guards, leading their police dogs, invaded the Gypsy quarters and chased the inhabitants outside, where they were made to line up. Rations of bread and salami were distributed. … No one thought of he crematoriums, for then why would rations of food been distributed?
    (p131)… Throughout the night the chimneys of number one and two crematoriums sent flames roaring skyward, so that the entire camp was lighted with a sinister glow.
    (p132) Next day the Gypsy Camp, once so noisy, lay silent and deserted.

    So Höss says 4000 Gypsies were executed in gas chambers in August, 1944 at Birkenau. That’s in his autobiography written in late 1946 or early 1947, in awaiting trial for war crimes for which he certainly knew he’d be convicted and executed.

    And Nyiszli says it was 4500 Gypsies, and strongly implies it was *after* the liquidation by gassing of the “Czech Camp.” That was in his autobiography that appears to have been completed in March 1946.

    We *now* know that the liquidation by gassing of the Czech Camp was on or about July 11, 1944:

    So Nyiszli’s implication that the Gypsies were gassed after July 11, 1944 is completely compatible with Hoss saying that the Gypsies were gassed in August, 1944.

    In fact, we now know (in 2023) that on or about August 2, 1944:

    August 02, 1944

    Liquidation of “Gypsy Family Camp” at Auschwitz-Birkenau

    The SS liquidates the “Gypsy family camp” BIIe at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The SS authorities transport 1,408 Roma (Gypsies) from the family camp and from Auschwitz I to the Buchenwald concentration camp. SS men then murder the remaining 2,897 inmates of the “Gypsy family camp” in the gas chambers at Birkenau.

    NOTE: 1,408 Roma (Gypsies) sent to Buchenwald (presumably to work), plus 2,897 inmates of the “Gypsy family camp” sent to the gas chambers at Birkenau, adds up to 4,305…almost exactly between the 4,000 estimate by Höss, and the 4,500 estimate by Nyiszli. (Note: What they both got wrong was “only” 2,897 Roma went to the gas chambers at Birkenau.)

    THAT’S how *real* science works.

    In contrast, the bullshit pseudoscience that you practice and promote claims there were *no* Gypsies gassed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, because there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. And because you know nothing about real sciene, you think Höss’s faulty recall of the exact sequence and circumstances of the gassing of the Gypsies at Birkenau in August 1944 laughably means that gassing never occurred at all.

  453. Ouch! You’ve turned the insults up a notch. That does happen under pressure. I did, in fact, watch that movie. Last of the Mohicans too, and you know how I feel about men in loin cloths. I watch it twice a year, just for grins. (And for half-Jew Daniel Day-Lewis; who needs fore skin when you look like that?!)

    I looked around for the true identity of the girl in the red dress; this is what I found:

    Schindler’s List is based on a true story, but it uses elements of fiction to really bring the narrative alive and emphasize the movie’s key themes of generosity, empathy, and selflessness. It’s widely considered to be the greatest accomplishment of Spielberg’s career;

    Despite only appearing in one sequence and never being mentioned by name, the girl in the red coat is one of Schindler’s List’s most important characters. She marks the only switch from black-and-white to color in Schindler’s List, integrating a much-needed visual flair into one of the film’s most unforgettable scenes. She appears during a horrific reenactment of the liquidation of the Krakow ghetto in 1943 when Nazi troops stormed a Jewish community in occupied Poland and began slaughtering the residents. In Spielberg’s recreation of these crimes, Oskar Schindler (portrayed by Liam Neeson) watches over the city and catches sight of the young girl from a distance.

    Although the girl is never seen again, Schindler later spots her bright coat on a cart that’s carrying a heap of dead bodies away from the ghetto. It’s a harrowing moment that really emphasizes just how discriminatory the Nazi soldiers could be, murdering people of all ages for no reason other than their religion. Spielberg has made several great war movies, but no other has displayed the empathy and compassion that he captures with Schindler’s List. The girl may just be one victim among several million, but by specifically picking her out of the crowd, Spielberg offers a direct casualty for audiences to pour their sympathy into;

    The decision is intended to catch the audience off guard and remind them of the individuality that was a part of every one of the Nazis’ victims.

    Now he realizes what he must do, and with this scene, Schindler’s List perfectly marks the beginning of a powerful character arc.

    Why wouldn’t they mention her name? And, she’s not Hungarian, Mark.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  454. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Thank you sir, for your kind and considerate reply. Such wit! Such wisdom! Sarcasm off.

    Holy hell, I REALLY must have gotten your goat! Or you got out from the wrong side of the bed, as granny used to say. Good.

    But why, pray tell, did you not turn your considerable self-avowed brain power to answer my very simple and straight forward question, one which I repeat here for the umpteenth time:

    Provide authenticated forensic evidence that Jews were gassed in German camps using homicidal gas chambers. C’mon boyo, there were 6 holy million Jews gassed (that’s what the Jewish mass media still asserts) so it ought to be easy to produce 1/10 of 1 % of ashes, teeth, etc.

    With all the reading that you proclaim you carried out, surely you have determined the location of such evidence? After all, we are told ad infinitum that the holocost was the most documented occurrence in all of human history.

    Have at it, sonny!

    • Agree: Kali
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  455. @John Wear

    This is unbelievably dumb. You mention Kola twice in these two articles and don’t engage his research at all.

    Are you lazy or stupid? Both maybe?

    You make a claim of five percent. Based on what? Did you pull the number directly out of your ass?

    Here’s what Kola found at Belzec:

    There are more than 21,000 cubic meters of mass graves at Belzec. That’s almost 10 Olympic size swimming pools filled with human remains.

    So let’s do a little math. A human body creates 0.00328 cubic meters of ash (on average).

    21000 cu m of graves / 0.00328 cu m per body = way more than 500,000

    Start citing some relevant sources or go away.

    • Thanks: Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @John Wear
  456. @Mark Bahner

    Germar Rudolf’s writings on page 336 is irrelevant to the approximately 4,000 Gypsies who were murdered by Zyklon B at Auschwitz-Birkenau on or about August 2, 1944.

    It has come to my attention, that of the approximately 4305 Gypsies at Auschwitz-Birkenau in at the end of July, 1944, the SS authorities transported 1,408 Roma (Gypsies) from the family camp and from Auschwitz I to the Buchenwald concentration camp. The SS men then murdered the remaining 2,897 inmates of the “Gypsy family camp” in the gas chambers at Birkenau.

    So “only” approximately 2,897 were gassed at Birkenau, the other approximately 1,408 got one-way tickets to the 5- star hotels and restaurants at Buchenwald. (Where the motto is: “Experience a lifetime in a couple of weeks.”)

    • Thanks: Wizard of Oz
  457. @Mark Bahner

    The Hoess manuscript was written, in prison in Poland, in January/February of 1947.

    The writing of said manuscript was “suggested” by a Polish authority in criminology; let’s just flutter on past the issues regarding testimony/statements under duress, as if information beaten or threatened out of someone is generally acceptable. The manuscript was held for nearly 4 years before publication, so certainly, there was no time for tweaking; not that something like that would happen anyway.

    So, you acknowledge Gypsies were transferred out for work, so a death camp was used as a transit/sorting camp also? How many gypsies were transferred out in August, 1944? 1,408? What day were those 4,000 or 4,500 gypsies gassed? Or was it 2,897 gassed? Why would they use dogs to corral people for lunch? Didn’t they have a dinner bell? Nyiszli says, according to you, the camp was empty and quiet the next day after the lunchtime corralling; so were the 2,897 gypsies all gassed at once? Where were all those Hungarian Jews, who were unceremoniously dumped into the crematorium stairwell, without sorting, according to fake Kapo Gabbai, while the gypsy gassing was going on? What about the wood cabins, retrofitted for gas chambers? Or the fire pits? Were the gypsies and the Hungarians divided between those three mass murder devices? And what about the Red Cross members? Dr. Bendel said in a sworn affidavit, that the Red Cross delivered Zyklon B daily. Yet, they didn’t seem to notice the gassing or burning or the hounds of hell chasing after inmates during lunch. Have you read ANY of the Red Cross reports?

    • Thanks: John Wear
  458. Ron Unz says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    Someone evoked my blog as a possible debate opponent for Ron Unz. That’s why I’m here.

    I glanced at this thread and noticed that you seem to be a longtime Holocaust activist who’s now begun participating. Since you’re apparently very well versed in this topic, I’ll repeat one of my questions, and perhaps you can help answer it…

    If during the years after WWII, the Holocaust—involved the horrific killing of five or six million innocent Jewish civilians—had been widely regarded as real rather than merely dishonest wartime propaganda that had become an embarrassment, surely there would have been SOME considerable discussion of it in the American mainstream media or academic community. I mean we are talking about one of the biggest, most shocking things to happen in the entire history of the world. Yet I’m not aware of almost any discussion anywhere prior to about 1960.

    Surely it can’t be that difficult to locate some lengthy and substantial references to millions of Jewish deaths or gas chambers or that sort of thing in the 1950s. So why don’t you give me a list of a bunch of the references and I’ll take a look at them.

    • Agree: H. L. M
    • Replies: @kb_2
  459. @Mark Bahner

    You write:
    “ In contrast, the bullshit pseudoscience that you practice and promote claims there were *no* Gypsies gassed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, because there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. And because you know nothing about real sciene, you think Höss’s faulty recall of the exact sequence and circumstances of the gassing of the Gypsies at Birkenau in August 1944 laughably means that gassing never occurred at all.”

    Hoess’s “faulty recall” has no bearing WHATSOEVER on determining the existence of homicidal gas chambers; he could have recalled twenty, 10, ooo, or 1,000,000 gypsies gassed one day in August after lunch, but that is not how the determination of gas chamber use for mass murder was made, as you have been repeatedly informed.
    Now, with respect to how many people, per day, can be gassed, removed from chamber with a hook, pull the gold teeth, cut the hair, pile on a gurney, send up the elevator, incinerate to ash, haul the ash out, dump in the river, clean the chamber to prepare for the next round…….that, my friend, you twit, is where you need to focus those extraordinary, analytical talents you profess to possess.

    • Agree: John Wear
  460. As I said elsewhere, I have no intention of debating you in a forum under your direct control.

    That said, your argument from incredulity doesn’t count for much. You presumably have access to a library and can do the newspaper search I just did, which identified hundreds of newspaper articles.

    I could post them here but you won’t read them, and if you did, you still wouldn’t change your mind, so what would the point be?

    If you’re really interested in a fruitful debate, you’ll join me elsewhere.

    • Troll: Kali
    • Replies: @kb_2
    , @Ron Unz
  461. @Tiptoethrutulips

    I did, in fact, watch that movie.

    Well, then you really are thick as a post! What in the world made you think the girl in the movie represented a real person?

    Why wouldn’t they mention her name?

    Because she’s not a real person, you simple-minded twit.

    And, she’s not Hungarian, Mark.

    It’s only your lack of reading comprehension and capability of rational thought that ever made you think I wrote that she was Hungarian.

  462. @HdC

    “C’mon boyo, there were 6 holy million Jews gassed (that’s what the Jewish mass media still asserts) so it ought to be easy to produce 1/10 of 1 % of ashes, teeth, etc.”

    You really are mind-bogglingly stupid, HdC. This must be the *at least* the fifth time you’ve mentioned 6 million Jews, and I’ve pointed out this whole discussion has been about *Auschwitz-Birkenau.* I think it really is no use discussing Auschwitz-Birkenau with you, because you’ll clearly never absorb anything you learn about it.

    So let’s switch to something you think you know about: the Zundel trials. Here’s what Bard AI (Google’s AI chat bot) says about the Zundel trials. Do you see anything you think is wrong in Bard AI’s account of those two trials?

    The first trial of Ernst Zundel took place in 1985. Zundel was charged with publishing false news under Section 181 of the Canadian Criminal Code, which prohibits the publication of “false news that causes or is likely to cause injury or mischief to a public interest.” The Crown argued that Zundel’s pamphlets and books denying the Holocaust were false news that could cause injury to the public interest by undermining public confidence in the Holocaust and the historical record.

    Zundel was found guilty of publishing false news and sentenced to 15 months in prison. However, the conviction was overturned on appeal in 1987. The Court of Appeal found that the trial judge had made a number of errors, including admitting irrelevant evidence and failing to properly instruct the jury.

    The second trial of Ernst Zundel took place in 1988. This time, Zundel was charged with spreading hate propaganda under Section 319(2) of the Criminal Code, which prohibits the willful promotion of hatred against an identifiable group. The Crown argued that Zundel’s pamphlets and books denying the Holocaust were hate propaganda that could incite hatred against Jews.

    Zundel was found guilty of spreading hate propaganda and sentenced to 5 years in prison. However, the conviction was overturned by the Supreme Court of Canada in 1992. The Supreme Court found that the law prohibiting hate propaganda was an unreasonable limit on freedom of expression under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Han
  463. @Patrick McNally

    Plus, Poliakov published his (French) book two years before Reitlinger.

  464. @Mark Bahner

    Gadfly says:
    “ No, here is one of the “three” explanations you offered (not even sure what the other two were…you have to explain more specifically what the other two were)”

    I did NOT say, here are three options/explanations.

    The information you dismiss as blah, blah, blah, is relevant to the possibility of dispatching/disposing of 6 million victims, or 4 million victims, or 1.5 million…..which is it, Mark? How many? By what method, exactly, was the total of victims reduced? Why was it reduced?

    Gadfly also says:
    “ That is most emphatically not an explanation for what you think did happen to them. It’s an explanation for what you think did not. There’s a huge difference from a scientific standpoint. The existing scientific theory is that they were gassed and their bodies burned. Your theory is not scientific unless you explain what happened to them after they did not get murdered in gas chambers and their bodies buried.”

    My explanation is that blah, blah, blah was NOT possible in the manner described by the Sonderkommandos. Are we talking about gypsies or Hungarian Jews? You seem to be mingling information on both groups. Red Cross reports and immigration data suggest that many Hungarian Jews applied for and received immigration papers to leave and settle in safe zones or America.

    In the case of murdering/gassing/shooting/burning six million Jews, not counting the gypsies or other victims, it was relatively easy to prove what did NOT happen to them as it was a ‘scientific” impossibility to do so in the manners claimed. Proving what DID happen to them is nearly impossible, as a diaspora, especially during war, is difficult to count, particularly if they don’t/won’t come forward and thereby contribute to the unraveling of the official story. It is also illegal in many European countries to poke around and try to find out what DID happen to them; are you NOT aware of what happens to deniers?

    Gadfly, I am often astounded at your inability/refusal to grasp/consider the scientific/population data that has proven the official narrative was false. Why else does the total number gassed or killed continue to be reduced? Why must the restriction of information seeking be enforced by law?

  465. Han says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Mark Bahner replying to Tiptoethrutulips:

    “You haven’t even seen the movie, have you, you fucking ignorant twit?”

    Dear, oh dear, Mark… Clearly, the pressure on you is building up and you can’t take it anymore, hence your frequent irrational outburst directed at your opponents in very “colourful language”.

    I understand, dear Mark, that it is impossible to defend the indefensible and clearly, by using that kind of language, an admission on your part that you have run out of solid counterarguments and lost the plot.

    People always resort to that kind of language when they find themselves in that situation.
    Jews always have to resort to lying, cheating, abuse, intimidation, etc., to protect their HOLY HOLOCAUST, which has become a DOGMA, NOT to be questioned under any circumstance.

    The HOLOCAUST is just so full of BS, becoming another JEWISH MYTH like all the other MYTHS in your TORAH.
    EXODUS, for instance, NEVER happened.
    The Jews, throughout their history, excel at creating MYTHS.

    ABRAHAM, Jacob, Moses, King David, and King Solomon in all his splendour, never existed, a 15-year study of archaeological evidence has concluded.
    The study – by Professor Thomas Thompson, one of the world’s foremost authorities on biblical archaeology – says that the first 10 books of the Old Testament are almost certainly fiction, written between 500 and 1,500 years after the events they purport to describe.

    Showing us a clip of Steven Spielberg’s ‘Schindler’s List’ will only destroy your arguments supporting the so-called ‘HOLOCAUST’.

    ‘SCHINDLER’S LIST’, Jewish Steven Spielberg’s “MASTERPIECE” was based on Australian Tom Keneally’s book ‘SCHINDLER’S ARK’ which won the Booker Prize for FICTION in 1982.

    The question posed by Thomas Keneally’s win was whether ‘SCHINDLER’S ARK’ was a proper work of fiction or an imaginative piece of non-fiction. FICTION said the judges, resoundingly.

    The Australian novelist had already written 16 novels before he started on ‘SCHINDLER’S ARK’ – later renamed ‘SCHINDLER’S LIST’.

    Keneally had not intended to write the book, but in 1980 went into a shop in Beverly Hills to buy a briefcase. The proprietor, Poldek Pfefferberg, was a “Holocaust survivor” and one of the Jews saved by the German industrialist Oskar Schindler.
    On discovering that Keneally was a novelist, Pfefferberg persuaded him to write the book. Steven Spielberg’s film adaptation went on to win seven Oscars.

    Of course, Wikipedia is edited by the LYING Jews:
    “He is best known for his non-fiction novel Schindler’s Ark, the story of Oskar Schindler’s rescue of Jews during the Holocaust, which won the Booker Prize in 1982.”

    Wikipedia editing courses launched by Zionist groups

    Of course, Steven Spielberg shot his movie ‘SCHINDLER’S LIST’ in black and white to give it “more authenticity”, only showing the little girl in red for dramatic effect. Aren’t the Jews MASTERS OF PROPAGANDA?

    “PROPAGANDA”, an influential book written by Jewish Edward Bernays in 1928, incorporated the literature from social science and psychological manipulation into an examination of the techniques of public communication.

    Edward Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, wrote his books ‘Crystallizing Public Opinion’ in 1923 and ‘Propaganda’ in 1928 and was known as “the father of spin”. He knew all about mass media manipulation and was very pleased to hear that Goebbels, the German Propaganda Minister had his books in his library.

    Edward BERNAYS was the nephew of Sigmund FREUD, another Jewish FRAUD.

    Freud Was a Fraud: A Triumph of Pseudoscience

    • Agree: John Wear
  466. @Mark Bahner

    Mark Twiting Gadfly, explain this post, then:

    Have you ever seen Schindler’s List? If you haven’t, you should watch it. If you have, you’ll know about the “little girl in the red coat.”

    This picture, to me, contains “the little girl in the red coat.”

    I think I understand just fine, and that’s the problem you have with me.

    You have been hammering away, incessantly, about the Hungarian Jews. The link you provided was to a photo of Jews (Hungarians?) to be sorted; and as you say, young children were not fit to work, so off they go to the gas chamber.

    If you know, absolutely, that Schindler’s List is a work of fiction, why do you refer to it in a debate about the method of exterminating Jews, based solely on scientific data, i.e., no one knows where undocumented people are/were, so they must have been gassed, burned or shot. Haven’t you watched, “Dude, Where’s My Car?”; things/people don’t just disappear. Or get lost. Or move away. Or take cover.

    So, we are talking about symbolic victims? Is that what you meant? That’s not scientific. Is it?

  467. @Andrew Mathis

    With that one comment, I now know that Holocaust Controversies is not a serious site. I shall not be bothering to investigate it more.

    Thank you for saving me much time.

  468. @Mark Bahner

    Mark, this is off topic, and I am in no way trying to pile on you. Of course you can choose not to answer this question if it is too personal etc. I am only curious as to where you stand on these issues.

    What are your views on the alleged mass incarceration/genocides of Uighurs in Xinjiang?

  469. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “Here’s what Kola found at Belzec: There are more than 21,000 cubic meters of mass graves at Belzec. That’s almost 10 Olympic size swimming pools filled with human remains.”

    My response: I have some questions about Andrzej Kola’s report.

    1) Did Kola or anyone else actually exhume the mass graves at Belzec and examine their contents?

    2) Were all of these almost 10 Olympic size swimming pools of mass graves filled with human remains?

    3 ) Did Kola publish a formal report on his finding that I can read? If so, please let me know where I can read it.

    4) Do you agree with Germar Rudolf that the pits Kola found through the sample drillings are not only mass graves, but to a large extent the remnants of wildcat excavations made by treasure hunters after the war?

    4) Germar Rudolf writes that a monument was built at Belzec which buried a large part of the camp under concrete. Do you agree with Rudolf that this means that from now on there can not be any more research done at Belzec?

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  470. @Mark Bahner

    This is information you cited:

    “It was part of his Kommando’s work to prepare these pits each day by laying huge wood fires saturated with petrol, and by this system it was possible to dispose of one thousand bodies an hour as against one thousand a day in a crematorium.”

    *Is that scientifically possible, Gadfly? One thousand an hour? From where did the lumber/wood arrive? Sherwood Forest? How big/deep was that pit? How many pits? What about the water table?

    “At eleven o’clock in the morning, witness went on, the chief of the political bureau would arrive on his motor-cycle to say that a new batch of prisoners had arrived. There would be between 800 and 1,000 of them, some on foot and others, usually too ill to walk, in tip-up trucks, from which, to the amusement of the drivers, they were spilled out without warning. They were taken into the courtyard or, in winter, to a large hall of the crematorium and required to undress under the pretext that they were to take a bath followed by hot coffee.”

    *So, in spring, summer and fall they went to the court yard to be tossed into fire pits? Or, was all the killing done in winter? That’s even less time to get those six million dead. Or the four million. Or, the…you know the thing…..

    “Then came a wait for the gas to arrive, said the witness. Raising his voice, he exclaimed that for a doctor the greatest insult was to have the cylinders delivered in a Red Cross ambulance in which, on occasion, he had seen the prisoner Klein.”

    *So, can I assume you have the Red Cross reports that confirm all this gassing, but no notice of dead people in pits, ashes being hauled around, bones/teeth retrieved and pulverized? Or, the lines of people entering the chamber facility; this operation must run 24/7 to achieve millions of deaths. Maybe the Red Cross brought the lumber/wood? At what point did the Red Cross notice the uptick in orders for zyklon B canisters? How many canisters were needed to kill a chamber full of people?

    “Then the doors of the two-roofed gas chambers would be opened and the victims, who by this time realised that they were going to their death, herded in with blows from whips and sticks. Finally the guards would succeed in locking the doors. “You would hear cries and shouts as the people within began to fight against each other and to beat at the walls. This goes on for two minutes-then complete silence, nothing more.”

    *So, now it takes 2 minutes to kill everyone? Another Sonderkommando said 4-5 minutes. Close enough I guess?

    “About twenty minutes later, said Dr. Bendel, the main task of the special Kommando began. With the opening of the doors the bodies, tightly jammed inside, would fall out. Often it was almost impossible to separate one from another and one had the impression that they had fought terribly against death. Anyone who had seen a gas chamber filled to a height of four feet with corpses would never forget it. before they were dragged by their wrists to the ghats, barbers and dentists would shear off the hair and go over the teeth.”

    *So, what happened to the canes/hooks for the dragging? I thought the door to the Auschwitz chamber opened inward? What is a ghat? I tried to look it up; a stairway to a river? I’m sure you already know as you are most brilliant. They brought in barbers and dentists for this cutting and pulling? Mr. Gabbai said he did the cutting/pulling himself; I guess he was moonlighting. If the bodies stack four feet high when dead, how were they arranged when alive? Did they sit on each other’s shoulders? People fall or slump over at death; how did they crawl over and upon each other after death to achieve a pile measuring four feet high?

    • Replies: @HdC
  471. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You ask HdC: “Do you see anything you think is wrong in Bard AI’s account of those two trials?”

    My response: The Bard AI’s account of the two Ernst Zündel trials does not tell the complete story of these two trials.

    For example, the prosecution in the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial counted on the testimony of carefully chosen survivors to prove the so-called Holocaust. These survivors were supposed to testify that they had seen, with their own eyes, the carrying out of homicidal gassings. However, none of the prosecution’s eyewitnesses was able to successfully describe any homicidal gassings at the German camps.

    Arnold Friedman, a 56-year-old Hungarian Jew, was touted as an eyewitness to the homicidal gassings at Auschwitz. Friedman testified that while in Auschwitz he saw “14-foot flames” shooting out of the crematorium chimneys. Douglas Christie, Zündel’s defense attorney, showed Friedman scientific evidence that the crematoria at Auschwitz were designed not to give off either flames, ashes, or odors. Friedman eventually admitted that his testimony did not come from personal experience, and that he was simply repeating what others had told him.

    Ignatz Fulop testified that he was a Jew who was in Auschwitz for approximately eight to 10 days in May 1944. He testified that at night he could see heat flames coming from the crematoria. When Douglas Christie asked Fulop how high the heat flames were, Fulop replied, “Forty, fifty-foot, thirty-foot. All depends how hot it was the ovens.” Since the crematoria at Auschwitz did not give off flames, Fulop’s testimony was clearly erroneous.

    Rudolf Vrba, who had escaped from Auschwitz in April of 1944, was a world-famous eyewitness to the homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. Vrba was a coauthor of the War Refugee Board Report, and was the author of the book “I Cannot Forgive” (with Alan Bestic) published in 1964. Furthermore, Vrba had provided important eyewitness testimony at the Auschwitz trial in Frankfurt in 1964. The prosecution felt that Vrba could produce reliable and authentic testimony at the trial. Vrba was considered one of the most important witnesses in support of the existence of gas chambers at Auschwitz.

    However, Vrba confessed during his testimony at Zündel’s trial that his book “I Cannot Forgive” was “an artistic picture…not a document for the court.” Vrba also testified that he had never actually witnessed anybody being gassed at Auschwitz, but had merely heard rumors. Furthermore, Vrba admitted that his written and pictorial descriptions of the Auschwitz crematory were mere guessing, based on “what I heard it might look like.” Vrba proved to be an unreliable witness who could only cite hearsay evidence of the so-called Holocaust.

    Another prosecution witness at this trial was Dennis Urstein, who claimed he saw bodies hauled out of the gas chamber at Auschwitz. Urstein described the bodies as “greyish-greenish” in color. However, persons who have died from Zyklon-B poisoning turn a bright cherry red color. Urstein also claimed that he wore no protective clothing when assisting with the disposal of bodies in the gas chamber. If this had been the case, he would have died as well. Urstein was exposed as a totally unreliable witness.

    Henry Leader was a “Holocaust” survivor who was interned in Majdanek from December 1941 until June 1943. He was transferred to Birkenau in June 1943, and stayed there until October of 1943. Leader is another witness at this trial who couldn’t get the body color of the alleged Zyklon-B gas victims correct. Leader testified that the color of the gassing victims at Majdanek was “bluish.” Obviously, Leader had never seen a dead body that had been killed using Zyklon-B gas.

    Today the evidence that the so-called Holocaust happened is based almost entirely on eyewitness testimony of “Holocaust” survivors. As the 1985 Ernst Zündel showed, such eyewitness testimony has consistently proved to be extremely unreliable.

    The failure of Jewish eyewitnesses to provide credible testimony at the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial caused Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz to write that the trial was “a total victory for Holocaust deniers and a total disaster for Holocaust survivors and the Jewish people.” (Source: Kahn, Robert A., Holocaust Denial and the Law: A Comparative Study, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2004, p. 119).

    • Thanks: Kali, HdC
  472. Han says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Dear Mark Bahner, below my questions to Bard, Google’s AI chat bot.

    Shock, horror, dear Mark!… Bard is a HOLOCAUST DENIER!!!

    Bard must be “mind-bogglingly stupid”.

    Please, do ask Bard the same questions if you don’t believe me.

    Han: How many were killed in Auschwitz?

    Bard: The death toll at Auschwitz is estimated to be between 1.1 and 1.5 million people. The vast majority of the victims were Jews, but there were also Roma, Soviet prisoners of war, political prisoners, and others.

    Han: Were the murdered Jews in Auschwitz cremated?
    Bard: Yes, the vast majority of the murdered Jews in Auschwitz were cremated.

    Han: How many crematorium ovens did Auschwitz have?
    Bard: Auschwitz had a total of 15 crematorium ovens, which were located in four crematoria.

    Han: How long does a crematorium oven take to cremate one body?

    Bard: The time it takes to cremate a body in a crematorium oven typically ranges from 2 to 3 hours.

    Han: Is it possible to cremate 1.1 to 1.5 million bodies, using only 15 crematorium ovens in four years?

    Bard: No, it is not possible to cremate 1.1 to 1.5 million bodies using only 15 crematorium ovens in four years.

    Han: How many years would it take?

    Bard: It would take about 20 years to cremate 1.1 to 1.5 million bodies using only 15 crematorium ovens.

    WHAAAAT?… Google’s Bard is a HOLOCAUST DENIER?… GOOD GRIEF!!!…

    Your comment, please, Mark Bahner.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  473. kb_2 says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    1) If someone told you about the debate with Ron, then you were misinformed. This is a thread created by Ron at Mark Bahner’s request – specifically for the debate on the Holocaust. Mark wanted to simulate a trial, and present his evidence as in court. But things didn’t go according to plan. The main debate here is between Mark and John Wear.

    2) You are too aggressive towards Ron.
    This is just offensive:

    That said, your argument from incredulity doesn’t count for much. You presumably have access to a library and can do the newspaper search I just did, which identified hundreds of newspaper articles.

    I could post them here but you won’t read them, and if you did, you still wouldn’t change your mind, so what would the point be?

    Why do you decide for a person what and how he will think?

    By the way, Ron asked this question above – and I tried to answer it.

  474. kb_2 says:

    I disagree with this admission.

    And, for example, if we take the missing persons argument seriously, and these works would show that gas chambers are impossible, then these people, for example, could be shot. Or – if gassings were impossible on such a scale – some of them could be shot. This is just as an example.

    I have not watched this video, maybe I will in the future, but I am not the only one who asks the question about missing people. More than a million people are missing. John tried to answer it even before my question – he wrote an article about it. As I understand, this is a central point in some revisionist theories (transit camps). If you have new information, please share with all of us.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Kali
  475. kb_2 says:
    @Mark Bahner

    I will comment only briefly.
    1) the theory of the non-existence of gas chambers is quite old. Rassinier already doubted their existence.
    2) Massacres in the gas chambers are the subject of this debate. Some people – as I can see – are not convinced by your evidence.

    I can assume that if a) people mysteriously disappeared and b) there were no gas chambers, then they c) could have been shot.

    I’m not saying they were, but it’s just an example.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  476. kb_2 says:
    @Ron Unz

    Ron, although this is not entirely on the topic of your question, you may be interested in these three articles on the early history of revisionism:




    This will add context to your question

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  477. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    And all you people who agreed with this: John Wear, Kali, Han, Tiptoethrutulips, acementhead…you all also need to get literate adults capable of rational thought to explain to you why the excerpts I quoted from the laughably ironically self-named “Truth Vigilante” were nonsense.

    And you need to go and read the chapter on demographics written by Arthur Butz, titled “How Many Jews”, that I linked to earlier.

    Here’s that link again:

    You could also read his chapter on “The Hungarian Jews” while you’re at it.

    But seeing as you refuse to look at any material that contradicts your (religiously held) beliefs – how do you expect to evaluate the proofs offered if you refuse to even read them??? – I’ll not hold my breath waiting for you to respond to Mr Butz’ anaysis.

    Other readers may find the information provided relevant and useful though. The bottom line is that nobody knows, or can know, how many jews (if any) where missing at the end of the war. ANY claims to the contrary are pie-in-the-sky fabrications based on unsound data.


  478. @littlereddot

    1) the theory of the non-existence of gas chambers is quite old. Rassinier already doubted their existence.

    I wish the Defense–or a trial spectator…say, with the initials kb-2__would explain what are viewed as the strongest points of Rassiner. The Plaintiffs will be happy to show why the “strongest points” of Rassiner are completely invalid with respect to Auschwitz-Birkenau/

    The Plaintiffs don’t feel the need to try to locate all the points of all the pretend scientists and pretend historians, just to explain why they aren’t valid…and then be told that there are actually other points by other pretend scientists and pretend historians that are really the valid points.

    2) Massacres in the gas chambers are the subject of this debate. Some people – as I can see – are not convinced by your evidence.

    Some people will never be convinced that Apollo 11 landed on the moon. It’s pretty clear to me already that John Wear, for example, is probably going to spend the rest of his life believing and promoting the fantasy that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    As I told someone–maybe you–I came to this site with three goals:

    1) To see if there really were homicidal gas chambers that killed hundreds of thousands of people at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I was able to see with at most a couple days’ research that was true beyond any reasonable doubt;

    2) To try to convince those who might be “on the fence” that what I found to be true was indeed true; and

    3) To “leave a permanent record” of my findings…regardless of whether anyone ever changed their minds from what I wrote. I think I absolutely owe it to the people who were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and their friends and families.

    The first two goals have already been pretty much accomplished, and the third goal I expect to accomplish in the next couple of days. So there’s not much time for the Defense or anyone else to present what they think are the best arguments against the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    • Thanks: Kb_2
  479. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Proving more than say, 10 percent of the 80,000 Hungarian Jewish children under 12 who sent to Auschwitz -Birkenau were *not* murdered in gas chambers and their bodies burned should in fact be incredibly easy,

    So, due to your inability, due to lack of evidence, actually prove a positive – that actual murder actually happened – you demand that others somehow, against all laws of science, go ahead and prove a negative?

    And until then you’ll refuse to read a single word offered to demonstrate the impossibility of the claims being made.



    • Agree: John Wear
  480. @kb_2

    I can assume that if a) people mysteriously disappeared and b) there were no gas chambers, then they c) could have been shot.

    I’m not saying they were, but it’s just an example.

    Yes, if Holocaust revisionists/deniers (I don’t see the difference at this point) wanted to propose an alternate theory that the 280,000 to 400,000 Hungarian Jews that were not fit for work were *shot* and then cremated, it would at least be closer to reality.

    But there’s overwhelming evidence that most were gassed. For one thing, there would sure be a lot of bullets used. Even more important, the German SS would have to do the shooting. As Hoss noted in his autobiography, the reports from Russia and the East were that the German SS had problems shooting women and children. (But not defenseless and innocent men, apparently.)

    That’s the thing about real science. If you don’t think the current established theory is explaining everything, your new theory has to at least address what the established theory already explains. It’s simply not scientific to say that the homicidal gas chambers didn’t exist, without addressing the issue of people–for example, the 280,000 to 400,000 Hungarian Jews that were not fit for work–who would then *not* have died from May 15 to July 13, 1944.

    It’s simply insane to say that those people didn’t get killed and cremated. It’s far too many people in far too short a time to have them all live, and it not be detectable.

    Here is an aerial photo of Woodstock. That’s what Birkenau would have looked like in July 1944 if all those Hungarian Jews not fit to work had lived, rather than being murdered and cremated:

    • Replies: @HdC
  481. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “It’s pretty clear to me already that John Wear, for example, is probably going to spend the rest of his life believing and promoting the fantasy that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.”

    My response: There were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. If you don’t want to read any books on this subject, I suggest you read the two articles I wrote at and

  482. @Mark Bahner

    I think John Wear refused to characterize this excerpt as I think John Wear refused to characterize this excerpt as “True,” “Mostly True,” “Mostly False,” or “False” because he *knew* that I would follow that up with a question because he *knew* that I would follow that up with a question

    As I recall, on several occasions I posed the ‘True/Mostly True/Mostly False/False’ questions to you, yet you scurried off like a cockroach.

    What are you afraid of Bahner-stein ? You demand that others respond to your questions yet you refuse to answer when it is asked of you.

    You’re just a Grade 1 hypocrite !!

    • Agree: HdC
  483. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner


    Germar Rudolf writes on page 336 of the 4th edition of “Lectures on the Holocaust” concerning the Gypsies:


    Germar Rudolf’s writings on page 336 [concerning Gypsies] is irrelevant

    Mark Bahner, can you even hear yourself above the racket of the loco motive running through your crazed head?

    No wonder more and more regular folk are coming to question holocaustian dogma!


  484. Kali says:
    @John Wear

    Hi John,

    I just wanted to let you know I’ve been off reading your book (which I started quite a long time ago, but got distracted away from).

    To be honest, I’m finding it rather heart-breaking. – I knew the vague outlines of the history you report in your book, but the absolute determination to drag National Socialist Germany into a world war, and then (as before) to blame the whole thing on Germany AND to charger them with war crimes and mass murder on top of it all has really shaken me, and is causing me to re-evaluate my own political philosophy.

    Could it be that in National Socialism we find the answers to oligarchy, banksterism and jew-led cultural subversion? Could that be why all of those British politicians, obviously serving the interests of a hidden power) who first praised Hitler suddenly turned on him and pushed him into war he never wanted?

    Thank you, gracious John, for the eye-opener.

    Much love,

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: John Wear
  485. @Mark Bahner

    I think you might have replied to KB_2 by mistake?

  486. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    THAT’S how *real* science works.

    No, that’s Literature Review, not science. Science is the one that says you can’t prove a negative.

    I see now that that’s where you’ve been going wrong all this time. But maybe now that the distinction has been pointed out to you you’ll stop trying to present narrative as hard science… but I doubt it.


  487. @kb_2

    The nature of Gabbai’s eyewitness testimony aligns with the official narrative, and he appears to be lying, glancing off camera, constantly, forgetting events central to Jewish traditions (he shrugs his shoulders when asked to describe his bar mitzvah and says, I guess I had one, I’m sure I did, I can’t remember), trips up when describing the ID papers issued to him by “Nazis”, and is corrected by the interviewer, etc. So, my point made earlier, if he is lying, they are all lying regarding gassing/genocide assertions.

    I harp on this one man, as it was HIS testimony that turned my mind completely, as a former “believer,” more or less, in the belief that the Jews were meant to be killed rather than relocated or housed for security issues. My family member, an eyewitness to much of the war events (not camps) warned me that things were not as portrayed by mainstream sources, but I was too young and misinformed to fully understand without context.

    Here is an excerpt from the Shoah Foundation about the interview process:
    “ One week prior to the interview, the interviewer meets with the survivor or witness to fill out a pre-interview questionnaire seeking detailed biographical information about the interviewee. During that preliminary meeting, the interviewer explains the format and prepares the interviewee to think about what he or she would like to say. The time spent working together on the questionnaire also helps establish a rapport that carries over to the videotaped interview.”

    I have no “new” information about missing people, but I have read on many different accounts over the years. I will search for the sources/explanations that I found convincing/reasonable and forward herein.

  488. Kali says:

    More than a million people are missing.

    I keep seeing this claim of over a million missing people (jews only?), but haven’t yet seen anything to back it up.

    In the meantime, it is known that estimates regarding demographics carry a very wide margin of error, making population counts before and after the war almost impossible, beyond guesses and speculation.

    Please see my earlier link to Arthur Butz’ chapter addressing this question.

    Best regards,

  489. @Mark Bahner

    Do you understand the implication of this statement?

    “ The Plaintiffs don’t feel the need to try to locate all the points of all the pretend scientists and pretend historians, just to explain why they aren’t valid…and then be told that there are actually other points by other pretend scientists and pretend historians that are really the valid points.”

    Due to my inability to comprehend what I read, I have to wonder how you can prevail if you DO NOT OR WILL NOT refute the evidence asserted by your opponent, in general, nor the evidence asserted against your claims, specifically.

    And this statement:

    “ 3) To “leave a permanent record” of my findings…regardless of whether anyone ever changed their minds from what I wrote. I think I absolutely owe it to the people who were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and their friends and families.”

    The entire point of the mock trial was to change the minds or convince readers why/how the official narrative is true. You are essentially admitting /confirming that you are a shill for mainstream advocates and a virtue signaling gadfly.

  490. @Andrew Mathis

    Since you write, or have written anyway, for the Holocaust Controversies website, and there is an enthusiastic recommendation for that website from another commenter at The Unz Review (“The best site.” (Fran Taubman,, I thought I might include it in my reading list. Upon some googling, though, I came upon a text containing some accusations against contributors to that website which are disturbing. May I ask you what you have to say about it (an excerpt was placed after the [more] tag)?
    ‘Holocaust Revisionism and Controversial Hate Blogs (part 2)’
    (‘ARC Editorial – October 2013’)


    That Nick Terry, Sergey Romanov, Roberto Muehlenkamp and Mike Peters were all expelled from ARC seven years ago, is a proven fact. That our demise, which is a tad premature, as we clearly haven’t gone anywhere, yet is still proclaimed on their blog as a HOT TOPIC! This show us clearly nothing much has been happening in the HC world for the past seven years, and we find that quite amusing.
    The Holocaust Controversies bloggers were expelled for a number of reasons, we had some suspicions they had produced a number of high quality fakes and forgeries, and other than this, they had contributed little or nothing, to the website. These forgeries were later uncovered and their origins confirmed by technology experts and the suspects were confronted with their actions.
    That one of their members has since apologised and said how he bitterly regrets his actions, is enough for us. At least he showed some character, until that time it was deemed that they fell short of the qualities needed to be members of ARC.
    The HC group were seen by many as a cancer that needed to be cut out, before it became terminal, and we took appropriate actions to remove them which in turn lead to retribution from HC in the form of this website being vandalized and its content destroyed.
    It took several months of hard work recreating ARC, days spent weeding through thousands of articles and photos to ensure that all the tainted material supplied by Sergey Romanov and fraudulently planted by Michael Peters were identified and expunged, and all references to HC removed.
    They later went on to launch a counterfeit version of ARC in violation of international Copyright law. This was later removed through legal action.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  491. @Brás Cubas

    Here’s part 1, in case anyone is interested:
    ‘Holocaust Revisionism and Controversial Hate Blogs’

  492. Han says:

    I met a German years ago and he told me that he, as a young German soldier, ended up in one of
    Eisenhower’s Rhine-Meadows Camps when the War ended.

    He told me that they were given no shelter, no food and that so many around him were dropping dead like flies from hunger and exposure.
    Eisenhower killed more than a million German soldiers that way, he said. I didn’t believe him and did my own research.

    Yes, the Jew Eisenhower did indeed kill more than a million German soldiers AFTER the War.
    WHY didn’t I know that? No one else did. Of course, the media is owned by the Jews, that is why the world didn’t know about the DELIBERATE POLICY OF EXTERMINATION of the Surrendered German forces by the Allies in post war Germany.


    Personal Notes from the documentary maker:

    German honour requires that I defend my people and tell their story. I have carried their pain and suffering with me every day of my life. My activism on this issue began when I was 15. This not my hobby. This is my life. It is my duty and my calling to confront the world and those responsible with the facts, to tell the truth as best I know it, and to demand justice for Germans.

    So, to those out there who are stalking and harassing me, and are taking shots at me, trying to besmirch my reputation, question my motives, disrupt my work and distract others, you can go to hell you miserable bunch of stinking rats, leaches and stooges.

    It is obvious as to what your motives and intentions are, and who it is you are working for, and whose agenda you are serving. I hope they are paying you well, but remember, you can’t take it with you, nor will it save your sorry asses from the place you are destined to occupy when your time is up.

    I, however, regardless of the consequences that I may face as a result of my efforts, will leave this planet with my integrity and a clear conscience, knowing that, through all of my years of activism, on this issue and other issues, I did what was right and honourable.

    I did what I could, when I could, as much as I could, as best I could, for as long as I could, with everything I have, and that I did the right and honourable thing, regardless of the risk and cost to me personally.

    I answer to God, to my conscience and to my people. And I count myself in the very good company of other revisionists, activists and dissidents, both in Germany and around the world, who will not tolerate lies and injustices, and will not go along to get along.

    After the 8th of May 1945 over 12 million Germans died as a result of crimes committed by the victorious Allies.
    Millions of German prisoners of War were murdered in cold blood in the Allied prison camps.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: HdC, Kali, Truth Vigilante
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  493. @John Wear

    Do you honestly not know anything about the excavations that Kola did at Belzec? If so, how dare you claim only 5% of the bodies are in the ground? You haven’t even done the base level of research to debate this topic competently.

    Again, here is the study:łżec/JdkWAQAAIAAJ?hl=en

    The graves need not be more than 9-10% filled with human remains to account for half a million bodies. As Kola reported, however, some pits had corses to a depth of 2 m. The largest mass grave was nearly 5 m deep.

    How about you do the minimum level of required work here or just admit you’re not a serious person and leave?

  494. @Brás Cubas

    I have nothing to say about libelous attacks by scumbags.

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  495. John Wear says:

    You write: “Could it be that in National Socialism we find the answers to oligarchy, banksterism and jew-led cultural subversion?”

    My response: I am glad you are reading my book. However, in my opinion, National Socialism under Hitler had some serious flaws.

    My number one objection to National Socialism under Hitler was its euthanasia program. In my opinion, it is immoral and inhumane for any nation to murder its mentally-ill citizens. Yet, that is exactly what Germany did during World War II. I strongly condemn Hitler’s euthanasia program, and write about it in Chapter Ten of my book.

    I also object to the illegal medical experimentation conducted by Germany in many of its camps during World War II. I write about this at the beginning of Chapter Nine of my book.

    My third objection to National Socialism under Hitler is that it controlled and suppressed free speech. For example, I think it was ridiculous for Hitler to keep someone like Martin Niemoller in concentration camps for almost eight years.

    However, National Socialism under Hitler had its strong points. The economy flourished before the war, and the living conditions of the people improved dramatically. National Socialism under Hitler was certainly no worse than the United States government under Franklin Roosevelt or the British government under Winston Churchill.

    You write: “To be honest, I’m finding it rather heart-breaking.”

    My response: The crimes committed against the Germans were indeed heartbreaking. The mass starvation of German POWs and the intentional starvation of millions of German residents after the war were enormous crimes that are still denied by most mainstream historians. These Allied crimes need to be reported and acknowledged by historians and our mass media.

    James Bacque ended his outstanding book “Other Losses” with an appeal for open-mindedness and understanding. Bacque wrote: “Surely it is time for the guesswork and the lying to stop. Surely it is time to take seriously what the eye-witnesses on both sides are trying to tell us about our history. All over the Western world, savage atrocities against the Armenians, the Ukrainians and the Jews are known. Only the atrocities against the Germans are denied. Are Germans not people in our eyes?” (Source: Bacque, James, Other Losses: An Investigation into the Mass Deaths of German Prisoners at the Hands of the French and Americans after World War II, 3rd edition, Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2011, p. 196).

    • Thanks: Kali
    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
    , @kb_2
  496. @Brás Cubas

    For fairness’ sake, here’s a 2006 blog post at Holocaust Controversies concerning that kerfuffle:

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  497. @Han

    For what it’s worth, my grandfather was a cargo pilot during WW2; he was in France at the war’s conclusion. He spoke to former American/French POW’s and they confirmed their treatment by Germans, for the most part and to the extent possible, was humane and adhered to established prisoner protocols; at the war’s end, everyone suffered.

    The truth about the Allied treatment of Germans, soldiers and civilians, is astonishing. Churchill, FDR, Eisenhower, traitors ALL. Patton became aware of the malfeasance, certainly when he was ordered not to take Berlin, and I believe, he was murdered for his outspoken views.

    Vietnam veterans became aware of this “American” pattern of unnecessary withdrawal, seemingly in order to prolong the war, as happened in WW2. LBJ? Viper/traitor as well.

    Thanks for the video.

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @S
  498. @John Wear

    “My number one objection to National Socialism under Hitler was its euthanasia program. In my opinion, it is immoral and inhumane for any nation to murder its mentally-ill citizens. Yet, that is exactly what Germany did during World War II.”

    I guess my follow up questions would be two:

    (1) If the Nazis would kill their own citizens, why wouldn’t they kill Jews, whom they had spent the eight previous years demonizing and disenfranchising?

    (2) Don’t you find it odd that much of the T4 staff ended up working in Aktion Reinhard?

    • Replies: @John Wear
  499. @littlereddot

    My first reply was what you get for posting off-topic comments! 😉

    Seriously…my first reply was indeed intended for kb_2. Sorry about that.

    I literally typically have 50+ tabs open in my browsers, and 3+ tabs open for this conversation alone. I’m responding to responding to more than three different people on three different subjects here. I’ve run up against the “Limit is 3 comments per hour” notice multiple times. I promise to respond to this question in detail tonight or tomorrow. (Or please feel free to remind me if I’ve forgotten.)

    You can get a taste for what I’ll be writing by looking at the original Ron Unz Review post “Why Everything You Know about WW2 is Wrong”:

    …and looking at my Comment #1390.

    P.S. And I’ve never been offended when my opinion is asked about subjects about which I know very little. 🙂

    • Thanks: littlereddot
  500. HdC says:

    Cremation in burning pits would leave a great amount of concentrated remains. Where are these remains? Who was it that analyzed these remains? Where are the reports?

  501. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Correct me if I am wrong.
    Killing that mass of people, almost 500,000 per your Woodstock analogy, by whatever means available at that time, would leave a mountain of residue and evidence.

    Still waiting for authenticated forensic evidence to support your increasingly ludicrous assertions.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  502. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You ask: “I guess my follow up questions would be two:

    (1) If the Nazis would kill their own citizens, why wouldn’t they kill Jews, whom they had spent the eight previous years demonizing and disenfranchising?

    (2) Don’t you find it odd that much of the T4 staff ended up working in Aktion Reinhard?”

    My response: I wrote an article about the evidence for the euthanasia program versus the so-called Holocaust. You can read my article on this subject at

    In regard to the fact that much of the T4 staff ended up working in the Aktion Reinhard (AR) camps, Germar Rudolf has written about this on pages 304-306 of the 2010 edition of the book “Treblinka: Transit Camp or Extermination Camp?” The link to this book is at

    Feel free to get back to me if you have any questions or comments.

    Since you brought up the subject of the AR camps, I have a question for you. It is universally acknowledged that none of the AR camps had crematoria. All of the dead bodies were allegedly burned in open air. If the AR camps were actually extermination camps as is alleged in the official Holocaust story, the matter of the missing crematoria is extremely problematic because cremating so many corpses would have been tremendously difficult.

    Had Treblinka, for example, been a “pure extermination camp,” then it would have been the sheerest insanity not to construct crematoria. All large concentration camps – Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Flossenbürg, Neuengamme, Groß-Rosen, Niederhagen, Ravensbrück – were equipped with stationary or mobile crematorium furnaces. Majdanek and Auschwitz-Birkenau, which supposedly functioned simultaneously as concentration and extermination camps, possessed several crematoria: the former camp had two of them with seven muffles altogether, the latter, five crematoria with a total of 52 muffles (although not all functioning in the same time period). Why did Himmler not provide for the building of even a single furnace for an alleged pure extermination AR camp? (Source:, p. 143).

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  503. @Andrew Mathis

    But you’ve just said it, I think. Anyway, have any of the parties involved considered suing? If not, why not?

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  504. @Brás Cubas

    I can’t even follow what’s going on here…what the controversy is.

    But if the controversy is regarding diesel engines and gas chambers, I’m interested. Otherwise, I”m not.

    Note for Auschwitz Mock Civil Trial followers: This subject obviously has nothing to do with the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, which obviously used Zyklon B.

  505. @HdC

    You fancy your engineering skills, HdC, while you denigrate mine.

    Why don’t you calculate the amount of residue that would be generated by cremating 400,000 people? Be sure to *show your work* (i.e., present any assumptions you’re making in the calculation).

    Then do an analysis of :

    1) Whether the Auschwitz/Birkenau site could handle a population of 500,000…e.g., how many people would be in each barracks?

    2) If 437,000 people came in to Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944, and the initial camp population was 80,000, how many people would need to leave each day, on average, to keep the camp population below, say, 140,000? How many trains full of people would be leaving each day, on average?

    3) What concentration camps/cities/towns within the Third Reich’s control in July 1944 could handle 400,000 Hungarian Jewish people “not fit to work” (e.g. children under 12 and old people over 65)?

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @HdC
  506. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You ask HdC: “What concentration camps/cities/towns within the Third Reich’s control in July 1944 could handle 400,000 Hungarian Jewish people “not fit to work” (e.g. children under 12 and old people over 65)?”

    My response: In your comment #160, you quote form page 466 of the book “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp”:

    “Of approximately 438,000 Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1944, about 10 percent were determined to be fit for labor. Some were retained to work in Auschwitz itself; the remainder were dispersed to 386 camps in the Nazi empire. The largest groups were concentrated in the notorious camps of Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Gunskirchen, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbruck, and Sachenhausen…”

    The next sentence of this paragraph states: “Like Auschwitz, several of those camps had subcamps.”

    So, we have 386 German camps where the Hungarian Jews could be sent. Many of these camps had subcamps. For example, from Wikipedia about Mauthausen subcamps: “By the end of the war, the list included 101 camps (including 49 major subcamps) which covered most of modern Austria, from Mittersill south of Salzburg to Schwechat east of Vienna and from Passau on the prewar Austro-German border to the Loibl Pass on the border with Yugoslavia.”

    In regard to Gross-Rosen per Wikipedia, “at its peak activity in 1944, the Gross-Rosen complex had up to 100 subcamps located in eastern Germany and in German-occupied Czechoslovakia and Poland.”

    In regard to Dachau, major sub-camps include Kaufering I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, and XI.

    In regard to Buchenwald, Wikipedia states: “About 136 subcamps and satellite commandos belonged to Buchenwald concentration camp.”

    So, if we add the 386 camps listed in the book “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp”, plus the sub-camps of only four of these camps listed in this book, we have approximately 734 camps and sub-camps where the Hungarian Jews could have potentially been sent (386 + 101 + 100 + 11 + 136). This number is probably enough to house the massive influx of Hungarian Jews into Auschwitz-Birkenau during this time period.

    You have also yet to explain why so many young Hungarian Jews were alive in Auschwitz-Birkenau when the Soviets liberated the camp.

    Carlo Mattogno on pages 391-395 of his book “An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account” has a table listing numerous young Hungarian children who were alive when the Soviets liberated Auschwitz-Birkenau. This table also shows the time of arrival of these children at Auschwitz.

    A link to this book is found at

    Pages 396-407 of this book also has a list of twins at Auschwitz.

    Despite claims that Josef Mengele performed cruel and lethal experiments on twins at Auschwitz, almost all of the twins Mengele enrolled in his research at Auschwitz survived the war. In fact, so many twins survived Mengele’s research that, in 1984, they helped form an association titled Children of Auschwitz Nazi Deadly Experiment Survivors (CANDLE). This association’s name is a misnomer, because if the experiments were deadly, how could there be so many survivors? Also, if young children unable to work had been immediately selected for gassing at Auschwitz as claimed by “Holocaust” historians, how could so many children at Auschwitz survive the war? (Source: Rudolf, Germar, “Josef Mengele—the Creation of a Myth,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2017

  507. @Kali

    Not to defend any approved national program to euthanize disabled/infirm, as I know little of the perimeters, long ago I watched a documentary about an 18 year old girl born completely disabled; legally blind, no control of movement/bodily function, no speech. She spent her entire life strapped in a chair. Her family was well-to-do, so they added a large room to their home to cater to her care and hired full time help so the family was free to work, travel, etc.

    Many families can’t afford this type of care, and often rely on state sponsored homes. The abuse that happens in these homes/hospitals is rampant; abuse from employees, other patients, visitors, it’s endless. It happens to this day, as I have a friend who worked as a nurse in psychiatric care for a bit. She quit as she could not tolerate the environment.

    It is fortunate to be born healthy; not every policy of euthanasia is born of hatred/malice. I think this issue is one of those with no clear answer.

    • Replies: @Kali
  508. @John Wear

    My response: In your comment #160, you quote form page 466 of the book “Anatomy of Auschwitz Death Camp”:

    “Of approximately 438,000 Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1944, about 10 percent were determined to be fit for labor. Some were retained to work in Auschwitz itself; the remainder were dispersed to 386 camps in the Nazi empire. The largest groups were concentrated in the notorious camps of Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Gunskirchen, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbruck, and Sachenhausen…”

    The next sentence of this paragraph states: “Like Auschwitz, several of those camps had subcamps.”

    Again, and again, and again, John, you present this argument. And again, and again, and again, I tried to point out that you simply don’t understand. All the camps you mention were not meant to take approximately 400,000 Hungarian Jews who were not fit to work.

    Take Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, and Sachsenhausen. Why the f*ck (pardon my French) would Nazi Germany send Hungarian Jews unfit for work INTO Nazi Germany?

    Wasn’t Nazi Germany trying to RID itself of Jews? Why throw out German Jews, and import Hungarian Jews unfit to work? How in the world does that make sense in your mind?

    • Troll: Kali
  509. @John Wear

    When one considers the extraordinary expense and time associated to organize, manage, connect, staff, construct, maintain, and to include recreational/leisure amenities, etc., for such a large number of camps/sub-camps, it certainly seems murder was not the goal.

    All of those resources would have been better spent on the war effort; they could have saved themselves much trouble and expense to have killed everyone straight away.

    German citizens could have been used for labor, as they were in America, and generously compensated with funds otherwise used for the operating of the camps.

  510. Ron Unz says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    That said, your argument from incredulity doesn’t count for much. You presumably have access to a library and can do the newspaper search I just did, which identified hundreds of newspaper articles.

    I could post them here but you won’t read them, and if you did, you still wouldn’t change your mind, so what would the point be?

    Ha, ha… It sounds like you haven’t found any mainstream media references from the 1950s either.

    • Agree: Kali
    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  511. Ron Unz says:

    Ron, although this is not entirely on the topic of your question, you may be interested in these three articles on the early history of revisionism:

    Thanks. I think I may have glanced at those articles on the early history of “Revisionism” a few years ago.

    But what I’m focusing upon is the other side of the picture, namely the early history of “Orthodox Holocaust” coverage in the media. There surely must have been some, because growing up in the 1960s and early 1970s I know I’d vaguely been aware of the “Nazi Holocaust.” But there seems much less than even I had expected to find.

    • Replies: @Chebyshev
  512. Ron Unz says:

    Actually, here’s another question for the supporters of the orthodox Holocaust narrative, perhaps demonstrating my very slight knowledge of the details of the debate…

    Probably the most famous Holocaust victim is Anne Frank, with her diary becoming the first great canonical text.

    As far as I know, the official story about her is that she was deported to Auschwitz and spent the remainder of her young life there and at another “death camp,” eventually dying of typhus after something like six months in one of the camp hospitals.

    Assuming I got those details correct, how does that possibly fit with the standard narrative? Obviously, a young girl who was ill with typhus for months in a camp hospital couldn’t possibly do any productive work and aren’t we always told that all the inmates unable to do productive work were immediately sent to the gas chambers? What’s the standard explanation?

    It would be pretty bizarre if the official story of the most famous Holocaust victim actually refutes the Holocaust narrative, but the world is sometimes a strange place.

    Consider also Eli Wiesel, whose status as most famous Holocaust survivor got him the Nobel Prize. Alexander Cockburn wrote a column arguing that his story seemed heavily fraudulent:

    I’ve even seen claims floating around the Wiesel didn’t have a camp tattoo, suggesting that his whole account might have been a hoax.

  513. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You ask: “Take Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, and Sachsenhausen. Why the f*ck (pardon my French) would Nazi Germany send Hungarian Jews unfit for work INTO Nazi Germany?”

    My response: Tiptoethrutulips has a good response in comment #516: She writes: “When one considers the extraordinary expense and time associated to organize, manage, connect, staff, construct, maintain, and to include recreational/leisure amenities, etc., for such a large number of camps/sub-camps, it certainly seems murder was not the goal.

    All of those resources would have been better spent on the war effort; they could have saved themselves much trouble and expense to have killed everyone straight away.”

    So, I will use her comment #516 as a response to your comment #515.

    The Holocaust story claims that virtually all Jews who were too sick to work were immediately killed. The documentary evidence, however, indicates that a high percentage of the inmates at Birkenau were disabled. Oswald Pohl, in a secret report to Heinrich Himmler dated April 5, 1944, stated that there were 67,000 inmates in the entire Auschwitz-Birkenau camp complex, of which 18,000 were unable to work. In Birkenau there were a total of 36,000 inmates, of whom “approximately 15,000 are unable to work.” (Source: Nuremberg document NO-021, NMT (The “green series”), Vol. 5, pp. 384-385).

    Such high percentages of disabled inmates at Auschwitz-Birkenau are not consistent with a program of mass extermination.

  514. kb_2 says:
    @Ron Unz

    I think the answer to your question about Anne Frank might be this: the state is not monolithic – it is made up of different people and departments that sometimes contradict each other, and because of this it sometimes seems irrational.

    You know that according to the generally accepted history, 27 million inhabitants of the Soviet Union died in the war (some used to say that 20 – some – they should not be trusted – bring this figure to 44 million). Of these, 11 are military losses. The rest are civilian. In Russia, this is usually associated with the policy of Nazi Germany towards the Slavs (and Jews). Some historians point out that this contributed to the defeat of Germany in the war (at first, some Soviets surrendered or welcomed Germany, and after they saw what she was doing, they began to fight more actively, become partisans, etc.) .

    But what is interesting is the different attitude of different German commanders / officials to the occupied territories. On some of them, as long as I remember, closer to the front, some people lived freely – newspapers were published, churches were opened, in some places there was self-government … But this was far from being the case everywhere.

    I’m writing this mainly from memory – it’s a squeeze of various books that I read a decade ago and the official version.

    P.S By the way, the state in Russia does not like to remember about collaborationists, they are usually painted with black paint. One well-known historian was not allowed to defend his doctoral dissertation on them (he already had a candidate degree – our equivalent of a PhD). I think the official narrative doesn’t match the truth very well in many countries.

    P.P.S I think one can understand why we in Russia do not like Hitler.

  515. @John Wear

    You didn’t answer my question (1), I notice. It’s an important question.

    You’re maybe aware that the number of Jews being deported to ghettos in the Generalgouvernement was reaching proportions that were of concern to the authorities there by early 1941. There was a serious risk to public health being posed by the conditions in the ghettos. Once the fall came, and it was clear that the war against the Soviets was going to be long and hard, the question of even being able to feed the Jews in the ghettos arose.

    According to you, the Nazis would kill their own citizens for being genetically undesirable. Thousands of permanently ill hospitalized patients were murdered, as you concede, because they were “useless eaters” and the soldiers at the front needed food. But while the Nazis would beat, imprison, arrest, deport, and confine Jews by the millions, they wouldn’t kill them. According to you.

    I suggest that your particular line of thinking strains credulity.

  516. @Ron Unz

    Debate me outside your forum. Otherwise, you can keep your bait.

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  517. Kali says:

    Dear Tiptoe,

    National Socialism and the Third Reich are subjects I’ll be looking into in a lot more depth, starting now. And starting with Johns essay on the topic of euthenasia.

    I’ve worked in “care” homes myself back in Britain. One very well run, the other over-stuffed and under-staffed.

    I recall one lady in particular, not very old, who’d been completely paralised by stroke, and even lost her ability to speak. – She did speak with her eyes though.. actually she pleaded with her eyes for release from her living hell. Poor, poor woman! – There were others, but Philis’s case was most striking.

    There are always so many considerations.

    Anyway, I’ll continue my research and ponderings. I’m an anarchist and a rebel, by heart and lifestyle, and I value freedom enormously. BUT I also recognise that people generally prefer (maybe due to poor education and life chances..?) some “authority” to take responsibility.

    I’ll leave it there for now, as I’m going way off topic!

    Thanks for your comment.

    Kind regards,

  518. @Mark Bahner


    I’m working on the Hungarian Question.

    From a Red Cross historical timeline:
    “Further details about two Red Cross rescue missions during the war. In 1944, thousands of Jewish refugees were evacuated from Hungary.”

    *no further details yet; stay tuned. I know you’re on the edge of your fainting sofa.

    From a Holocaust site timeline:
    “May 15-July 9, 1944
    More than 438,000 Hungarian Jews from the countryside are deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, where most of them are gassed. It takes 148 trains to carry them there.”

    *Did these 148 trams arrive at once? Sonderkommando Gabbai said he was working when the Hungarian Jews were arriving; he said they were not sorted, but dumped around the stairway leading underground. The above time frame spans 24 days. So, in theory, approximately 6 trams would arrive per day, if we average it in that manner.

    If most were gassed, let’s round down to 400,000. If all ovens were fully operational, and only the 400,000 Hungarian jews were gassed/cremated during this time period (no gypsies), it would take 400 days to complete the gassing/cremation process, provided the crematoria was working 2o hours per day. Weren’t there 52 muffles? Is 1 hour long enough, on average, for one body? At 1 hour, for 1 body (although Gabbai said about 30 minutes for 3-4 bodies, but we KNOW he’s a fraud) in 52 muffles over 20 hours in each 24 hour period, the daily total is just over 1 thousand a day (1,040, but let’s round down). So, 400 days to get the job done? Is my math correct?

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  519. @Brás Cubas

    A libel suit requires the demonstration of damages. We’d have to show that what has been said about us hurt is financially.

    It hasn’t.

    • Thanks: Brás Cubas
  520. @Ron Unz

    > at another “death camp,”

    That is not actually claimed by Orthodox Holocaust History. What is claimed in the orthodox version is that having been first sent to Auschwitz, she was judged to be of an adolescent age suitable for labor. When she was evacuated, she was sent to Bergen-Belsen. The latter camp is not regarded by any orthodox historians as having been an extermination camp. The fact that Anne Frank was not executed there is consistent with the traditional view of Bergen-Belsen. From the point of view of the orthodox history, the fact that Anne Frank was sent to Bergen-Belsen was a sign that the war had been lost and she was now being sent to a camp which had not served an extermination function because things were breaking down everywhere. But there’s no cause for surprise that she was not killed there.

    • Agree: Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @gregor
  521. @Mark Bahner

    Yes, I miscalculated. The time span was 54 days. So, that’s a possible 3 trams per day, if they arrived daily. So, that’s 2,960 approximately in each tram? Is that correct?

    So, a possible 8,880 arriving per day? Is that correct?

    The figures for the gassing/cremation, of course, still apply to the 400,000 gassed upon arrival.

  522. Kali says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    Here’s the abstract from John’s essay regarding euphenasia:

    I have been asked the question: Why do you think the German euthanasia program happened during World War II, but not the Holocaust? This article will show that the evidence for the German euthanasia program is overwhelming, while the evidence to support the Holocaust story is severely lacking.

    Here’s the link to that essay:


    • Thanks: John Wear
  523. @Ron Unz

    As far as I know, the official story about her is that she was deported to Auschwitz and spent the remainder of her young life there and at another “death camp,” eventually dying of typhus after something like six months in one of the camp hospitals.

    Assuming I got those details correct, how does that possibly fit with the standard narrative? Obviously, a young girl who was ill with typhus for months in a camp hospital couldn’t possibly do any productive work and aren’t we always told that all the inmates unable to do productive work were immediately sent to the gas chambers? What’s the standard explanation?

    Don’t assume you got those details correct, because I don’t think you did.

    Here’s what Bard AI says:

    Q: what date did anne frank enter Auschwitz and what date did she get sent to Bergen Belsen

    A: Anne Frank was arrested on August 4, 1944, along with her family and four other people who were hiding with them in the Secret Annex in Amsterdam. They were taken to the Westerbork transit camp, and then on to Auschwitz on August 15, 1944. Anne and Margot Frank were separated from their parents upon arrival at Auschwitz, and their mother Edith was later sent to the gas chambers. Anne and Margot were assigned to work in the camp’s labor force.

    On October 30, 1944, Anne and Margot were selected for transfer to Bergen-Belsen. They arrived in Bergen-Belsen on November 2, 1944. The conditions in Bergen-Belsen were horrific, and many prisoners died from starvation, disease, and exposure. Anne and Margot Frank both contracted typhus and died in February 1945. Their exact dates of death are unknown.

    Bard AI has been known to “hallucinate” (make up dates). So I checked the dates getting to Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen with a separate Google search, and the Anne Frank Center says:

    September 3, 1944: The people from the Secret Annex are taken to Auschwitz.

    November 1, 1944: Anne, Margot, and Auguste (one of the other people with Anne and her family in the Secret Annex) are taken to Bergen-Belsen.

    Look at the Anne Frank situation: There were eight people in the Secret Annex. They were discovered on August 4, 1944. And the stinking Nazis killed seven of them by May 1945. And it’s likely Otto Frank, the lone survivor, never even saw his wife, or Anne, or her sister Margot ever again, after they were parted on the railroad platform at Auschwitz. He certainly never even found the bodies of his two girls.

    And for *what*? Why couldn’t the stinking Nazis simply say in August, 1944, when they discovered the Secret Annex: “OK, we’re going to lose this war anyway, because we’ve been stupid and evil. Here’s a ‘Get Out of Auschwitz Free’ card.”? How could the seven people who died have even given any significant amount of work in the few *months* they lived?

    • Replies: @Kali
  524. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    It was my appreciative clientele that fancied my engineering skills such as the were. After all, they willingly paid for them.

    As to your request to solve a few problems for you, I will gladly comply as soon as you provide succinct answers to my oh so many questions I wrote in my postings above.

    Actually there were not many questions, only the same one repeated again and again.

    Fair enough? Not holding my breath, mind you.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  525. Chebyshev says:
    @Ron Unz

    But what I’m focusing upon is the other side of the picture, namely the early history of “Orthodox Holocaust” coverage in the media. There surely must have been some, because growing up in the 1960s and early 1970s I know I’d vaguely been aware of the “Nazi Holocaust.”

    Assuming the “missing” Jews weren’t murdered, but instead had been moved to the Soviet Union, would a large percentage of them have been expected to send letters to close relatives living in Britain or America? For multiple reasons, I’d think not. For example, I’d think those Soviet Jews and the Soviet mailmen would have difficulty getting stuff beyond the Iron Curtain, especially in the aftermath of a devastating war.

    Is there any way of estimating how many letters were sent by evacuated Jews in the Soviet Union to friends or family members in other countries in the 40s, 50s, and 60s? I’d assume there’s no way to know – it’s not like any time someone in America received a letter from a Jewish person living in the USSR this would’ve been announced in the media. Of course, this is all assuming it was even possible for those dislocated Jews to have sent anything abroad when they were living inside the USSR, and when they were in many cases living out in Siberia.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
    , @Ron Unz
  526. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “You didn’t answer my question (1), I notice. It’s an important question.” This question #1 is “1) If the Nazis would kill their own citizens, why wouldn’t they kill Jews, whom they had spent the eight previous years demonizing and disenfranchising?”

    My response: I document in my article that the German euthanasia program happened, while the so-called Holocaust did not happen. As far as why the Nazis would kill their own citizens but not kill Jews, I can only speculate.

    I notice that you did not answer my last question in my comment #509. It is also an important question.

  527. @Andrew Mathis

    Regarding the Holocaust/jewish question dilemma, I find that any person, who in any way, makes a concession or criticism of Hitler/National Socialism policies, should prepare to have said criticism thrown back in their face and used against them in further arguments. In my opinion, this is partly why progress or reconciliation seems unattainable.

    I don’t know anyone who says or implies that nothing Hitler did had unfortunate/unintended/tragic results. But, removing destructive forces in a society is no easy undertaking. That Hitler preferred a peaceful or voluntary solution is obvious. How many peace offers and concessions did he make/offer before the war? Why are these peace offers generally omitted from the WW2 narrative?

    After all was said and done, who benefited the most after the war? America’s infrastructure remained intact, so globally, Americans then had advantages, but we lost nearly half a million (mostly) young men. Jewish immigration to America was increased; I won’t comment on the benefits of more Jewish activists in America. All of Europe was devastated; England lost its empire, and relinquished Palestine.

    What of plucky, lucky little Israel? The return was complete, which officially started with the Balfour Declaration, and as far as I know, prior to the advent of the second war, Jews were permitted to leave Germany, with a portion of their funds/assets, and donations of materials/supplies/equipment in kind for the balance. Jews returned to Germany, in rather large numbers, after the war, and reparation payments continue to this day. Yes? The US subsidizes Israel, every year, to the tune of millions of dollars. Every few years, I hear of Jewish groups suing Switzerland, Poland, whomever, trying to extract every last cent possible in “stolen” money.

    Regarding reparations, were the USS Liberty survivors compensated? Jonathan Pollard, convicted spy, said the US deserved to be betrayed for not coming to the aid of European Jews quickly enough; he’s living large in Israel these days, as he’s considered a hero. I heard his wife say, on camera, that Pollard should be excused due to trauma over the Holocaust. Overall, I would say Israel won the wars and was the ultimate beneficiary.

    So, back off, why don’t you.

    • Agree: John Wear, Kali
    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  528. I didn’t answer your question because you didn’t answer mine.

    Jews were the #1 enemy in Nazi Germany. That the Nazis would kill invalids because of food scarcity and not Jews is moronic at best.

    Are there different levels of available evidence for T4 vs the Holocaust? Sure, because the Nazis didn’t try to hide T4 — at least not until they pretended to stop it but continued it anyway. I’d imagine the available evidence changes after that point.

    Your question in #509 lacks merit. The AR camps were not meant to be permanent. Most of the camps within Germany proper were very much meant to continue on for decades given their purpose. Moreover, considering that the AR camps were originally designed such that dead bodies would merely be buried, cremation was introduced only later when it was determined that such burials would both overly burden the camp sites and leave too much incriminating evidence.

    Unlike Auschwitz, which was more integrated into the overall KZ system and where orders of cremation ovens would not have raised suspicion — although perhaps the number ordered would — to order cremation ovens for the AR camps, which were supposed to be temporary and the missions of which were secret, would have raised too much suspicion.

    Here are your problems as I see them:

    (1) All three AR sites have human remains in the ground on the order of thousands.
    (2) Of 1.5 million Jews sent to those sites, “revisionists” have not been able to determine the fate of even 1% of them.
    (3) Both Sobibor and Treblinka had well known revolts with consequent escapes. Belzec had no such revolt. There were fewer than 10 known survivors of Belzec.
    (4) There are ZERO eyewitnesses attesting to the AR camps being transit camps.
    (5) There are multiple eyewitnesses over 50 years and five continents attesting to them being extermination centers.

    And while you might know a thing or two about Nazi Germany, you and most revisionists know comparatively little about the Soviet Union. Here’s what you should bear in mind: Population transfers in the USSR were common under Stalin. Whole populations were deported over thousands of kilometers. And we know these things happened because they are recorded in the Soviet archives and because we have testimonies from survivors of these deportations.

    Here’s what the Soviet archives DON’T contain — any record of the arrival of 1.5 million Jews in the 1940s. Here’s also what we’re missing: any Jew whatsoever saying they were transferred through an AR camp to the USSR.

    Why not, Mr. Wear?

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Kali
  529. @Tiptoethrutulips

    If you think I’m here to defend Israel, you’re a bigger fucking moron than I thought possible.

    • Troll: Kali
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Kali
  530. @Chebyshev

    I’m curious to know how hundreds of thousands of Jews end up in the Soviet Union after vanishing over the course of 1942 in camps in Poland. Are they sent to the USSR by the Nazis? Across an active front? Why no record of them arriving in the USSR?

    Do you begin to see just some of the problems with this theory, to say nothing of the idea that Jews within the USSR were completely cut off from the world. They were not.

  531. @Andrew Mathis

    Indeed, moronic words/behavior knows no bounds among human populations. And, internet commenters.

    Speaking of morons, I noticed today, whilst looking for information from the Red Cross in Hungary, a few Jewish groups are taking the ICRC to task for failing the Jews during the Holocaust, as they had access to the camps during the shooting, burning, pulverizing and gassing, and yet, failed to inform the world. How is the ICRC responding to these accusations? “We were manipulated!”

    These same Jewish groups are requesting access/custody of official ICRC documents. I’m sure ICRC, hateful morons that they are, will acquiesce.

    Also, I noticed a blurb somewhere about the ICRC ferrying Soviet Jews around somewhere; not sure if it was in or out of Soviet territory; I tried to find it again to include herein, but I couldn’t figure it out, and I didn’t want to re-read lengthy articles.

  532. @littlereddot


    OK, I know little about the Uighurs in Xinjiang beyond reading this:

    Here’s my take. Read Thomas Jefferson words (but don’t forgive his hypocritical actions):

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

    I don’t know what he meant by “all men are created equal” but I think/hope he meant, using current language, is “all people should be equal in the eyes of the law.” Then he says the purpose of government is to protect rights, including “Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.” And the governments get “their just power from the consent of the governed.”

    It’s seems obvious that the government of the People’s Republic of China isn’t coming anywhere near that in Xinjiang: Uighurs and Han Chinese do not appear to be equal in the eyes of the law; the government isn’t coming anywhere near protecting the rights of every person in Xinjiang to “Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness.” And they’re not operating with the consent of the governed, so their power is not “just” (legitimate).

    I guess the only other take I have is that it looks like Uighurs are pretty concentrated in one area of the country. Letting Xinjiang break away would be a possibility. But if the Han Chinese minority in Xinjiang then became below the Uighurs in the eyes of the law in Xinjiang, that would just be replacing one wrong with another wrong.

    P.S. I see that apparently they’re still *hand-picking* cotton in Xinjiang. That’s really terrible.

    • LOL: Kali
    • Replies: @littlereddot
  533. @Mark Bahner

    Thank you for your candid answer.

    I stress that I am not asking these questions to be personal. Rather I am trying to understand the climate of opinion in another place and another culture.

    You see, I live in a place where there is a confluence of cultures, and I am keenly aware that different peoples think very differently. Even minor cultural quirks can be misinterpreted by a different people with a different way of thinking.

    My views on Xinjiang are very different from yours, but I guess that you have neither the interest nor time to discuss them….I think you have your hands full at the moment.

    Perhaps one day, when you are over your current battles, we have the leisure and pleasure of doing so.

    Till then, be well, my White brother.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  534. @HdC

    As to your request to solve a few problems for you,…

    I requested that you try to solve your own problem. In your comment #508, you wrote:

    Correct me if I am wrong.
    Killing that mass of people, almost 500,000 per your Woodstock analogy, by whatever means available at that time, would leave a mountain of residue and evidence.

    Apparently, you lack the ability to calculate the residue amount yourself. So I’ll give it a shot, “showing my work”. I’ll start with the ash from the human bodies only.

    1) First off, it’s 400,000 bodies, not 500,000.

    2) They would be people “unfit for work”, so primarily children under whatever general cutoff age that would be. Let’s say children under 14. And old people…say over 65.

    3) These people would be really dehydrated and fairly substantially underweight. Let’s say an average weight of 100 pounds.

    4) Per this site, a 100 pound body produces about 100 cubic inches of ash…that’s 0.00164 cubic meters:

    5) 400,000 people * 0.00164 cubic meters/person = 656 cubic meters

    6) At one meter depth, the ash would be a square, 25.6 meters on a side.

    7) At one half meter depth, the ash would be a square 36.2 meters on a side.

    8) However, the 400,000 bodies were produced over approximately 60 days, so the amount per day would be 656 cubic meters divided by 60 days = 10.9 cubic meters per day.

    9) At one meter depth, that would be 3.31 meters on a side.

    10) That’s basically one dump truck of human ash per day, for 60 days.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  535. S says:

    One thing many don’t understand is the dynamic that historically the primary purpose of accusations such as those that are described here (in this instance against Germany) is that it is a negative (if quite effective) form of social control via fear and terrorization of the people from whence the accusations emanate. It is only secondarily a powerful means of demonizing a declared enemy.

    [One wonders in that light if David Cole’s real transgression was less his questioning the accusations, and more his threatening this control mechanism itself with his questioning.]

    Within the field of psychology there is a personality type described as the ‘wound collector’ which is described in the excerpted articles linked below, which I highly recommend reading in whole. You might not agree with every real life example of ‘wound collecting’ offered, nevertheless, the articles are incredibly insightful in regards to this dynamic.


    There are Jewish people who realize this is a problem, and don’t like it themselves.

    When a relationship is this poisonous, as it is between many a Euro people and the Jewish people, probably the best thing for both parties is an amicable if at all possible separation from each other, wishing each other Godspeed, and then going on their separate ways.

    The Wound Collector

    ‘They don’t forgive or forget and they don’t move on. They wallow in the actual or often perceived transgressions of others and they allow sentiments of animosity and vengeance to percolate and froth at the surface by their constant and attentive nurturing of those perceived wounds. As you can imagine, in an imperfect world where there are real injustices, where people make mistakes, and stupid things are said and done, the wound collector never has to go far to feel victimized.’

    ‘For these folks, there is never a fix or a cure. Nothing is ever good enough and apologies mean nothing. For them, there is always yet another event they perceive as a slight or a grievance. For them, the world holds nothing but nastiness and it affects how they see the world and how they react to the world—suspiciously and with contempt. When irrationality, antagonism, and rigidity combine with unyielding overconfidence in their own sentiments and beliefs go unchecked or are not attenuated, these individuals become metastable—ready to ignite and explode.’

    What is the definition of a wound collector or wound collecting?

    ‘Wound collecting is the conscious and systematic collection and preservation of transgressions, violations, social wrongs, grievances, injustice, unfair treatment, or slights of self and others, for the purpose of nourishing, fortifying, or justifying a malignant ideology, furthering hatred, satisfying a pathology, or for exacting revenge.’

    What kinds of people meet these criteria?

    ‘Anyone who — because of a personality disorder, character traits (e.g., insecurities, paranoia, fear, xenophobia) or emotional instability — inflexibly seeks to collect wounds and slights for a purpose that usually has negative social consequences or is self-serving. This can be anyone from a spouse, to a terrorist, to a mass killer.’

    • Thanks: Kali
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  536. Ron Unz says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    Debate me outside your forum. Otherwise, you can keep your bait.

    I’ve never claimed to be any sort of Holocaust expert. All I did was to spend a couple of months reading about a dozen or so books on the subject, carefully weighing their conflicting claims, and then writing several summary articles synthesizing the material I’d digested and providing my own conclusions, with only a small portion of my analysis being original. For those reasons, I’m obviously not the right person to participate in a debate on the broader Holocaust issue. That’s for people who’ve spent years or even decades focused on that complex subject.

    Just out of curiosity, I checked the statistics of your own website on SimularWeb, and the traffic seems absolutely negligible, roughly 99.5% lower than our own. That’s probably part of the reason you’re now suddenly so active on our website while I’m certainly not going to bother visiting yours.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
    , @Kali
  537. Ron Unz says:

    Is there any way of estimating how many letters were sent by evacuated Jews in the Soviet Union to friends or family members in other countries in the 40s, 50s, and 60s? I’d assume there’s no way to know – it’s not like any time someone in America received a letter from a Jewish person living in the USSR this would’ve been announced in the media. Of course, this is all assuming it was even possible for those dislocated Jews to have sent anything abroad when they were living inside the USSR, and when they were in many cases living out in Siberia.

    From what I remember, the Soviets claimed to have “evacuated” huge numbers of Jews to locations deep within their country from 1939 to 1941, though I think that many of the “evacuations” weren’t voluntary.

    Supposedly when the Soviets seized half of Poland in 1939, they offered Soviet citizenship to all the Jews there, but few wanted it. That made Stalin very suspicious, so many of the ones who’d refused citizenship were soon deported to Siberia, just like Stalin deported huge numbers of “suspicious” people from the Baltic states when he occupied those countries around the same time. As an example, Menachem Begin was one of the Polish Jews who was seized by the Soviets, tortured, and dumped in Siberia.

    Since the Polish Jews were mostly soft city people, I’d think a good fraction of the ones dumped in Siberia failed to survive, perhaps explaining their “disappearance.”

    As for writing letters to the US, I’m not even sure if the Stalin allowed that sort of thing during the 1940s or 1950s, or whether any of those Jews would even have the mailing addresses of their cousins in America.

    For example, my family had some second or third cousins living in the USSR, and I don’t think we ever heard anything from them until the 1970s or 1980s, when one of our relatives took a trip to that country and somehow managed to reestablish contact with one of them.

    • Thanks: Chebyshev, Kali
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  538. @Ron Unz

    Cool. Maybe someday I can run a website that publishes the work of neo-Nazis and other losers and be as popular with the worst people in the fucking world. If you think that makes these people think of you as anything other than a Jew, you’re wrong of course. They probably hate you more than they hate me — at least I have enough self-respect not to cozy up to people who would kill me given half a chance. To them, I’m just another Jew, but you’re a pathetic wannabe and beneath their contempt.

    I would ask how you sleep at night, but I’m sure you sleep like a baby. Most delusional people do.

    Now block this post and my IP number, you piece of shit.

    • Replies: @Truth Vigilante
  539. @littlereddot

    My views on Xinjiang are very different from yours, but I guess that you have neither the interest nor time to discuss them….I think you have your hands full at the moment.

    Perhaps one day, when you are over your current battles, we have the leisure and pleasure of doing so.

    I have interest…and time to read, if not to reply. Here’s my blog. If you do comment, I think you’ll be the first commenter in several years. So I should be able to find your comments. 😉

  540. @Tiptoethrutulips

    So, 400 days to get the job done? Is my math correct?

    Most of the cremation during “Aktion Höss” (the murder of 300,000 – 400,000 Hungarian Jews who were “unfit to work” from May 15 to July 13, 1944) was via “burn pits,” per several sources.

    And I can assure you it *was* done in about 60 days…unless you can point me to about 80,000+ Hungarian Jewish children under 12 who went to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and then by train to summer camp somewhere in…Poland? …Germany?…….

    …..and had so much fun they decided never to come back or ever write anyone ever again.

  541. @Ron Unz

    > Menachem Begin was one of the Polish Jews who was seized by the Soviets, tortured, and dumped in Siberia.

    The thing is that Begin was from Warsaw (occupied by Germany as part of the 1939 pact) and then fled to Vilnius from the Germans.

    “Parts of the Jewish population, especially refugees from Western Poland, had been deported to the Soviet interior before the outbreak of hostilities.”
    — Solomon Schwarz, The Jews in the Soviet Union, p. 222.

    But there was no general policy to evacuate the native Jewish population of eastern Poland into the deeper USSR. It was rather that Jews from the German-annexed territories who showed up within the Soviet territory might be viewed as suspicious and transported to Siberia, as happened with Begin. But nothing suggests a Soviet policy to transport the main Jewish populace of the Sovietized region of Poland prior to June 22, 1941.

    • Agree: Andrew Mathis
    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  542. @Andrew Mathis

    ‘Moshe Menachem’ Mathis writes:

    Now block this post and my IP number, you piece of shit.

    My, my, what a foul mouth you have Mathis.

    It is only surpassed by your delusional beliefs about the Holohoax.
    Best you STFU from now on, be a good boy and listen carefully to what John Wear has to say – and be sure to read his book ‘Germany’s War’ and everything on his website:

    • Thanks: John Wear
  543. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “Here’s what the Soviet archives DON’T contain — any record of the arrival of 1.5 million Jews in the 1940s. Here’s also what we’re missing: any Jew whatsoever saying they were transferred through an AR camp to the USSR. Why not, Mr. Wear?”

    My response: The Soviet archives don’t contain records of the arrival of 1.5 million Jews in the 1940s probably because these records were destroyed by the Soviets. This would be extremely easy to do.

    The Soviet Union took control of Poland and the documentation related to the Aktion Reinhardt camps. We know that the Soviet Union engaged in many lies and deceptions concerning World War II. One of the best examples is the three witnesses at Nuremberg who testified that Germany was responsible for the mass execution of Polish officers at Katyn. Today everybody agrees that the Soviet Union and not Germany was responsible for the Katyn Forest massacres. (Source: Conot, Robert E., Justice at Nuremberg, New York: Harper & Row, 1983, p. 454; de Zayas, Alfred-Maurice, The Wehrmacht War Crimes Bureau, Lincoln: 1990, pp. 230-235).

    Another example of Soviet deception is that the Soviets hid information that would enable an outsider to construct the reality of what was happening militarily in the Soviet Union at the beginning of Germany’s invasion on June 22, 1941. Viktor Suvorov, a former Soviet military intelligence operative who defected to the United Kingdom in 1978, gained access to closed Soviet archives while doing a research paper at the Soviet Army Academy. Suvorov discovered that the Soviet version of World War II history is a lie, and that it conceals the Soviet Union’s responsibility for starting the war. The Red Army in June 1941 was, at the time, the largest and best equipped army in the history of the world. The German invasion of the Soviet Union was made to prevent the Soviets from conquering all of Europe. (Source: Suvorov, Viktor, The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II, Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 2008, Introduction, pp. xv-xix).

    The Soviets also lied about the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Majdanek in Poland. A Soviet-Polish committee concluded in August 1944 that at least five homicidal gas chambers operated in Majdanek. The documents at Majdanek prove, however, that the alleged homicidal gas chambers at Majdanek were delousing chambers built only for sanitary purposes. (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, “The Gas Chambers of Majdanek,” in Gauss, Ernst (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory, Capshaw, AL: Thesis and Dissertations Press, 2000, pp. 414-415).

    The Soviet Union under Josef Stalin also engaged in numerous additional criminal acts, including the mass murder of many millions of its own citizens. Destroying the documentation related to transports of Jews from the Aktion Reinhardt camps would be extremely easy to do and totally consistent with the criminal nature of the Soviet government.

    The American military could also not be trusted to honestly report and disclose any documents that it discovered after World War II. The United States conducted a program of genocide against the German people after the war. This includes the mass starvation and murder of hundreds of thousands of German POWs, the expulsion of approximately 15 million Germans from their homes in eastern Germany, and the intentional starvation of millions of resident Germans. Any nation that committed such atrocious criminal acts would not hesitate to hide or destroy documents that disprove the official Holocaust story.

    You ask why any Jew whatsoever says they were transferred through an AR camp to the USSR. My answer is that Jews who publicly dispute the so-called Holocaust have been subject to physical threats, persecution, and harassment. David Cole and Joseph G. Burg are two prime examples of this.

    You write: “All three AR sites have human remains in the ground on the order of thousands.”

    My response: There might be a few thousand dead Jews at each AR camp, but not anywhere close to a total of 1.5 million. Since the AR camps each have only a few thousand dead Jews in them, we can conclusively state that not anywhere close to 1.5 million Jews died in the AR camps. The AR camps were transit camps and not extermination camps.

    Germar Rudolf has found an interesting case of a Jew transited to the East from Treblinka. Rudolf writes:

    “Jean-Marie Boisdefeu has documented an interesting case he stumbled over while skimming Yad Vashem’s database of Holocaust victims. This case, too, is based on a memorial book published by government authorities, in this case of Germany. It concerns the Berlin Jew Siegmund Rothstein, born in 1867, who was first deported to the Theresienstadt Ghetto for elderly Jews in August 1942. Barely a month later, however, on September 26, he was deported to Treblinka at the age of 75. But that was not his end at all, because the German authorities found life signs of him further east, as they finally determined that Rothstein died in Minsk, the capital city of Belarus, some 240 miles (286 km) east of Treblinka. I doubt 75-year-old Mr. Rothstein jumped off the train prior to arriving at Treblinka and ran all the way to German-occupied Minsk. Hence, he must have traveled there by train. I also doubt that the German authorities reserved a train just for him or put just him on a military train going to Minsk. Rather, he must have made that journey on a deportation train together with hundreds or thousands of fellow deportees from Theresienstadt.

    Boisdefeu states that none of the thousands of Jews deported from Theresienstadt is listed in the German memorial book as having been killed at Treblinka, but that they all are listed with a variety of different locations where they either died or were last heard of and then went missing.

    This case, too, indicates that thousands of Jews seem to have been deported to “the East” with Treblinka as a transit station. As a result, Treblinka must indeed have had the logistics to temporarily house, feed, and clean hundreds, if not thousands of individuals for short periods of time. Among other things, it most likely did have a very real shower facility for that very purpose.” (Source: Rudolf, Germar, “One Survivor, One Single Survivor!,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2017).

    Germar Rudolf writes:

    As far as I know, no one has done any thorough, systematic research trying to locate more individual cases of Jews transited through Treblinka, Sobibór or Bełżec to other places using the data available in published sources, victim and witness databases, etc. ….Revisionists, on the other hand, have so far lacked the human, monetary, logistical and temporal resources to undertake such research on the grand scale it would require. So, in this case as well, the evidence keeps deteriorating, as memories fade, documents decay and survivors die.” (Source: Ibid.).

    Hopefully, someone will do this research in the future. For now, we have one known Jew who was transited to the East from Treblinka.

    Defenders of the Holocaust story will probably still claim that there would be a massive amount of documentary evidence if Jews were transited from the Aktion Reinhardt camps to the East. Such claims ignore the fact that the documentation of transports from the Aktion Reinhardt camps could have been easily destroyed by the Allies. These claims also ignore the fact that Jewish and German witnesses have never been free to express what they saw and experienced concerning the so-called Holocaust without being subject to severe reprisals.

  544. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “Most of the cremation during “Aktion Höss” (the murder of 300,000 – 400,000 Hungarian Jews who were “unfit to work” from May 15 to July 13, 1944) was via “burn pits,” per several sources.”

    My response: I do not agree with you.

    The photographic evidence indicates that Germany did not have an extermination program against the Hungarian Jews. The U.S. government released wartime aerial photographs in 1979 of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp taken on several random days in 1944 during the height of the alleged extermination period. Many of these photographs were taken at mid-morning on typical workdays. None of these photos shows huge pits or piles of bodies, smoking crematory chimneys, masses of Jews awaiting death outside of the alleged gas chambers, or mountains of coke used to fuel the crematoria. All of these would have been visible if Auschwitz-Birkenau had been the extermination center it is said to have been.

    In his book “Auschwitz: The End of a Legend”, Carlo Mattogno writes regarding the Allied aerial photographs taken at Birkenau on May 31, 1944:

    “It is pointed out also that the aerial photographs taken by the Allied military on 31 May 1944, at the crucial time of presumed extermination, on the day of the arrival at Birkenau of about 15,000 deportees, and after 14 days of intense arrivals (184,000 deportees, averaging 13,000 per day) and with an extermination toll (according to Pressac’s hypothesis) of at least 110,000 homicidally gassed, which would have had to average 7,800 per day, every single day for 14 consecutive days; after all of that, the photographs do not show the slightest evidence of this alleged enormous extermination: No trace of smoke, no trace of pits, crematory or otherwise, burning or not, no sign of dirt extracted from pits, no trace of wood set aside for use in pits, no sign of vehicles or any other type of activity in the crucial zones of the courtyard of Crematory V nor in the earth of Bunker 2, nor in Crematories II and III. These photographs constitute irrefutable proof that the story of extermination of the Hungarian Jews is historically unfounded.” (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, Auschwitz: The End of a Legend, Newport Beach, CA: The Institute for Historical Review, 1994, p. 32).

    John C. Ball writes that the Hungarian Jews arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 28 through May 31, 1944 are said to have been killed on the spot and cremated. Since the crematories at Auschwitz-Birkenau could have cremated only a small fraction of these bodies, by necessity most of them would have been cremated on gargantuan pyres outdoors. Therefore, if the orthodox story was true, the area would have been blanketed in smoke. However, the Allied air photo of Birkenau on May 31, 1944 shows a peaceful and uneventful camp devoid of any smoke emanating from the crematoria or open pits. (Source: Ball, John C., Air-Photo Evidence, in Rudolf, Germar (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2019, pp. 275-277).

    Ball concludes:

    “The air photos of Auschwitz-Birkenau known to date from the period of December 1943 to February 1945 show no signs of fuel depots, massive smoke from chimneys or open fires, burning pits or pyres. The photos were altered: fake Zyklon-B input shafts and groups of inmates were retouched onto the photo negatives. One must assume that any actual mass-murder activities would not have escaped the notice of the air-photo interpreters, which would have resulted in the bombing of the camp – but this did not happen….To this day there is no air-photo evidence to support the alleged mass murder of the Jews at any location in Europe occupied by the Germans during World War II.” (Source: Ibid.).

    The Hungarian Jews were not subject to a program of mass extermination at Auschwitz-Birkenau. No homicidal gas chambers existed at Auschwitz-Birkenau to carry out such a massive extermination process. The crematoria capacity at Auschwitz-Birkenau was also not sufficient to cremate the alleged dead Hungarian Jews in the time period claimed by Holocaust historians. Finally, Allied aerial photographs taken at the height of the alleged extermination of the Hungarian Jews at Birkenau show an uneventful camp devoid of any evidence of a mass extermination program.

  545. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Good grief!

    I think you missed the critical point of the question, Mr Bahner – or, I should say, “swerved” it.

    Go back and ask you “artificial *consensus generator* intelligence” machine, did Ann Frank die inside a hospital, or other medical facility, inside a German concentration camp, and if so, how long did she spend in that facility before she died.

    Then ask yourself why, during the alleged extermination of European jews by the Reich, did the Reich provide medical facilities for those self-same European jews it was allegedly exterminating.


  546. Kali says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    That the Nazis would kill invalids because of food scarcity

    Because why?
    Could you please provide some documentary (or other) evidence to support your claim.

    The subject of the Third Reich in particular, and National Socialism more broadly, is one that I’m just beginning to research, so I’d be grateful for any reliable information you might have and be willing to share on the matter.


  547. Kali says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    If you think I’m here to defend Israel, you’re a bigger fucking moron than I thought possible.

    You know what, fuck off. – Disregard my previous comment to you.

    You have NOTHING any self-respecting individual would want.

    Keep posting your hate-filled bile, Andy. You help the revisionist side of this debate more with every insulting comment, every unsupported assertion, and every deceitful question you spin.

    And with every unwarranted abuse of another, you show us all the dark underbelly of your Holocaustian Cult.



  548. Kali says:
    @Ron Unz

    I’ve never claimed to be any sort of Holocaust expert. All I did was to spend a couple of months reading about a dozen or so books on the subject, carefully weighing their conflicting claims, and then writing several summary articles synthesizing the material I’d digested and providing my own conclusions, with only a small portion of my analysis being original. For those reasons, I’m obviously not the right person to participate in a debate on the broader Holocaust issue. That’s for people who’ve spent years or even decades focused on that complex subject.

    I vote we set (or “sic” in your American parlance) Carolyn “the Yeager woman” Yeager on him. I’d love to see that! lol

    Seriously, if she could ever be prevailed upon to participate in a debate, other than rubbishing the work of other revisionists or commentators, she’d be an ideal choice… (Well, unless she really is a troll, as I suspect.)

    Great work on todays front page, Mr Unz! Congratulations.

    Fond regards,

  549. kb_2 says:
    @John Wear

    Since it is not clear if Andrew will answer further, I will give this link about Rothsein:

    And I think that this his point:

    (4) There are ZERO eyewitnesses attesting to the AR camps being transit camps.
    (5) There are multiple eyewitnesses over 50 years and five continents attesting to them being extermination centers.

    is very convincing. I never thought about the latter (5), and even more so in conjunction.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @John Wear
    , @gregor
  550. kb_2 says:
    @John Wear

    Interesting. From your articles it seemed to me that you were inclined to choose and defend the most favorable point of view for Germany. After this your comment you seem a little less of a Germanophile than I thought. What are the origins of your favorable attitude towards Germany?

    What do you think about the attitude towards Jews? Do you agree that deportations – in the form in which you think they were (what was discussed with Mark – old people and children – I leave the question of the Holocaust out of the question now) – were a crime?

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  551. @S

    [One wonders in that light if David Cole’s real transgression was less his questioning the accusations, and more his threatening this control mechanism itself with his questioning.]

    David Cole’s real transgression was that he was ignorant and wrong about the gas chambers of Auschwitz, and to my knowledge, even to this day he hasn’t admitted he was wrong about the gas chambers in Auschwitz.

    • Disagree: S
    • Replies: @S
  552. @kb_2

    What do you think about the attitude towards Jews? Do you agree that deportations – in the form in which you think they were (what was discussed with Mark – old people and children – I leave the question of the Holocaust out of the question now) – were a crime?

    The complaints at issue in this mock civil trial are:

    1) Kidnapping (from Hungary and Greece);
    2) Wrongful transport of my clients out of their countries;
    3) Wrongful imprisonment in Auschwitz;
    4) Wrongful death;
    5) Wrongful death specifically through use of Zyklon B in a homicidal gas chamber.

    The Defense conceded the first three items of the complaint (kidnapping, wrongful transport out of their countries, and wrongful imprisonment in Auschwitz) in Comment #4:

    Holocaust revisionists state that: 1) there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of the German concentration camps; 2) Germany did not have a program of genocide against the Jews; and 3) the standard estimate of 6 million Jews who died during World War II is a ridiculous exaggeration.

    These are the issues I would like to focus on in this mock trial. I and most other Holocaust revisionists do not dispute the first three charges in your complaint.

    In regard to your first three charges, the Allies committed these crimes and much more against Germans after the war…

    I bring this up only because the Plaintiffs have not even brought evidence for the first three complaints, since the Defense already conceded liability for the first three complaints.

  553. John Wear says:

    You write: “And I think that this his point:

    (4) There are ZERO eyewitnesses attesting to the AR camps being transit camps.
    (5) There are multiple eyewitnesses over 50 years and five continents attesting to them being extermination centers.

    is very convincing. I never thought about the latter (5), and even more so in conjunction.”

    My response: This is a legitimate issue. Since you are open-minded and a sincere seeker of truth, I will respond with two lengthy comments.

    If 1.5 million Jews died in the AR camps, you would have massive amounts of human and wood ashes as well as teeth and bones in these camps. Since these do not exist, we know that the AR camps were not pure extermination camps.

    It is universally acknowledged that none of the AR camps had crematoria. All of the dead bodies were allegedly burned in open air. If the AR camps were actually extermination camps as is alleged in the official Holocaust story, the matter of the missing crematoria is extremely problematic because cremating so many corpses would have been tremendously difficult.

    Had Treblinka, for example, been a “pure extermination camp,” then it would have been the sheerest insanity not to construct crematoria. All large concentration camps – Dachau, Sachsenhausen, Buchenwald, Mauthausen, Flossenbürg, Neuengamme, Groß-Rosen, Niederhagen, Ravensbrück – were equipped with stationary or mobile crematorium furnaces. Lublin/Majdanek and Auschwitz/Birkenau, which supposedly functioned simultaneously as concentration and extermination camps, possessed several crematoria: the former camp had two of them with seven muffles altogether, the latter, five crematoria with a total of 52 muffles (although not all functioning in the same time period). Why did Himmler not provide for the building of even a single furnace for an alleged pure extermination AR camp? (Source:, p. 143).

    Based on several cremation experiments, Carlo Mattogno determines that 160 kg of wood are needed to cremate a human body weighing 45 kg. He calculates that the burning of 870,000 bodies at Treblinka would have left 1,950 tons of human ashes, plus 11,100 tons of wood ashes. The total volume of ashes would have amounted to approximately 48,000 cubic meters. Since human teeth and bones cannot be completely destroyed through open air cremations, myriads of teeth and bone fragments would also have been scattered at the site of the former camp. (Source:, p. 145).

    Even if Mattogno’s calculations are significantly inflated, the mass extermination of approximately 870,000 people at Treblinka would have left substantial amounts of human and wood ashes as well as teeth and bones. The fact that large quantities of these have not been found at Treblinka does not support the belief that Treblinka was a camp where mass exterminations took place.

    Although enormous amounts of fuel would have been needed to cremate the hundreds of thousands of alleged corpses, there is no documentary record or witness recollection of the great quantities of firewood that would have been required. According to Polish-Jewish historian Rachel Auerbach, fuel to burn bodies was not needed at Treblinka because “the bodies of women,” which had more fat, “were used to kindle, or more accurately put, to build the fires among the piles of corpses.” Even more incredible, “blood, too, was found to be first-class combustion material,” she wrote. (Source:

    Of the camps where carbon monoxide was supposedly used to kill inmates, the vast majority of victims are said to have been killed in the Aktion Reinhardt camps. Carbon monoxide was supposedly generated by Diesel engines to kill the victims. However, the Diesel engine is an inherently inadequate choice as a source of carbon monoxide. The logical choice as a source of carbon monoxide would have been the gasoline engine. Any common, ordinary gasoline engine would easily have given the Germans 10 times more carbon monoxide production than any similarly sized Diesel engine. (Source:, pp. 445, 459).

    Friedrich Paul Berg stated: “The hoax becomes even more obvious when one discovers that far better sources of carbon monoxide, better even than gasoline engines, were readily available to the Germans – and required neither Diesel fuel nor gasoline…Even if some deranged minds had tried for a time to commit murder with Diesel exhaust, after a few tries it would have become apparent to even the most demented fiend that something far better was needed. The idea that the National Socialists actually used such a method not just for a few fiendish experiments, but continually over many months in several different locations is too preposterous. It never happened!” (Source: Ibid., pp. 459, 469).

    Many Jewish prisoners undoubtedly perished during or after their rail journey to the Aktion Reinhardt camp sites. Furthermore, it is quite plausible that hundreds and perhaps thousands of Jews who were too weak or ill to continue the eastbound journey from the camps were killed there by officials acting on their own authority. These prisoners were almost certainly buried at the Aktion Reinhardt camps. However, there is no hard or compelling evidence that the Aktion Reinhardt camps were mass extermination centers where hundreds of thousands of Jews were systematically put to death. (Source:

    German aerial reconnaissance photographs taken in 1944 of the Treblinka camp also cast serious doubts on the widely accepted story that Treblinka was a mass extermination center. Discovered in 1989 in the National Archives in Washington, D.C., these photographs corroborate other evidence indicating that Treblinka was actually a transit camp. The photographs indicate that Treblinka was an extremely small camp. The camp’s burial area appears too small to contain the hundreds of thousands of bodies supposedly buried there. Treblinka was not particularly well guarded or isolated. The aerial photographs show that fields where Polish farmers planted and cultivated crops were directly adjacent to the camp perimeter and were cultivated right up to the edge of the camp. (Source: Weber, Mark and Allen, Andrew, “Treblinka,” The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 12, No. 2, Summer 1992, p. 134).

    A detailed forensic examination at the Treblinka camp using sophisticated electronic ground radar has also found no evidence of mass graves. An Australian team headed by Richard Krege, a qualified electronics engineer, carried out an examination at the site of the Treblinka camp. Krege’s team used an $80,000 Ground Penetration Radar (GPR) device, which sends out vertical signals that are visible on a computer monitor. GPR devices are routinely used around the world by geologists, archeologists, and police. GPR detects any major disturbances in the soil to a normal effective depth of four or five meters.

    For six days in October 1999 the team carefully examined the entire Treblinka site, especially the alleged “mass graves” portion, and carried out control examinations of the surrounding area. Krege’s team also carried out visual soil inspections, and used an auger to take numerous soil samples. They found no soil disturbance consistent with the burial of hundreds of thousands of bodies, or even evidence that the ground had ever been disturbed. In addition, the team found no evidence of individual graves, bone remains, human ashes, or wood ashes. Richard Krege concludes from his examination of the site that Treblinka was never an extermination camp. Source: (The Journal of Historical Review, Vol. 19, No. 3, May/June 2000, p. 20).

    Officials at Treblinka will not allow extensive excavation work at the site to determine what actually happened. Eric Hunt stated: “The New York accented ‘Chief Rabbi of Poland’ refuses the complete excavation and exhumation of Treblinka that would definitively destroy ‘The Holocaust’ myth forever or destroy ‘Holocaust Denial.’” Hunt concludes: “…there are certainly mass graves at Treblinka, mostly for those who died on the way to Treblinka. But nowhere near 900,000 could possibly have been buried in this remarkably mostly undisturbed ground.” (Source:

    The physical evidence simply does not support the claims of various witnesses that Treblinka was a mass extermination camp. As Germar Rudolf states: “Thus, if one hundred witnesses and one hundred confessions state that the moon is made of green cheese or that 870,000 corpses can be burned within a few months without fuel and without leaving traces, both assertions being of a similar intellectual quality, then we have to conclude – in light of all the forensic evidence – that the witnesses and the defendants are wrong.” (Source:

    Since no substantial amounts of ashes or other physical remains of the alleged victims have been found in the AR camps, and because there is no credible evidence that Diesel engines could have killed the alleged victims as described in the Holocaust story, we must conclude that the mass extermination of Jews did not take place at the AR camps. The question to be addressed in my next post is: Where did the inmates of the AR camps go to?

    • Thanks: Kb_2
    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  554. @John Wear

    Bless you, sir.

    You have the patience of a saint.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  555. I’d be very curious if anyone can find any American mainstream media discussion of the Holocaust between roughly 1946 and 1960. If people actually believed in its reality during the first 15 years after WWII, such silence would seem rather peculiar.

    This is an article from Roper public opinion research:

    Per that article, public belief that murders were being committed in German concentration camps was very high (76% “believe true”) in November 1944, and had climbed even higher (84% “believe true”) by May, 1945.

    From that article:

    In the summer of 1944, the New York Times ran reports on the mass killing of Jewish people under the Nazis. In November of that year, 76% of Americans in a Gallup poll said they believed the stories that Germans had murdered many people in concentration camps. When respondents were asked to estimate the number of people who had been killed in these camps, however, it was clear that the extent of the atrocity was not yet understood. While 33% refused to venture a guess, 36% thought the number killed was under 100,000, 8% between 100,000 and 1,000,000, and 24% thought a million or more. By May of 1945, more of the public had come to accept the truth of what had happened, though some still held doubts. Eighty-four percent of Americans in a Gallup poll said they believed reports that the Germans had killed many people in concentration camps or let them starve to death. In this poll, the median estimate of the number killed in the camps was 1 million, still far below the actual numbers as estimated by today’s historians.

  556. John Wear says:

    The deportations of Jews to the east took place in two stages: the Jews were first temporarily settled or lodged in transit camps, and then deported farther east. In view of the paucity of existing documentation, it cannot be determined with certainty what the final destination of this deportation to the east was. However, various pieces of evidence make it possible to draw plausible conclusions.

    Pages 253-272 of the book “Treblinka: Transit Camp or Extermination Camp?” at discuss the evidence for the deportations of Jews from the AR camps to the east. Heinrich Himmler is quoted in these pages as follows:

    Page 254: In a letter to Gauleiter Arthur Greiser on September 18, 1941, Himmler wrote that, in accord with the wishes of the Führer, the Jews were supposed to have been transported out of the Altreich and the Protectorate “into the eastern territories newly incorporated into the Reich two years ago,” but merely “as a first stage,” in expectation of a deportation “still farther to the east.”

    Page 255: In a speech in Bad Tölz, before SS-Junkers on November 23, 1942, Himmler said: “The Jewish question in Europe has also completely changed. In a Reichstag speech the Führer once said: Should Jewry instigate an international war to the extermination of the Aryan peoples, then it is not the Aryan peoples who will be exterminated but Jewry. The Jew is evacuated from Germany; today he lives in the east and works on our roads, railroads, and so on. This process has been carried out consistently, but without cruelty.”

    Pages 255-256: On November 18, 1943, in a speech given in Krakow before SS leaders and officials of the General Government, Himmler spoke of: “…these 16 million foreign peoples, whose numbers were once made even larger by an enormous number of Jews, who of course now have emigrated or been brought to the east.”

    Page 256: On December 16, 1943, in a speech in Weimar given before the commanders of the Kriegsmarine (German navy), Himmler maintained that: “Such and so many Jews were brought to the east. Migrations of peoples that we have given great names to in history have taken place at this breakneck speed…”

    Pages 258-259: It is known that on July 5, 1943, Himmler personally gave the following order: “The transit camp Sobibór is to be converted into a concentration camp. In the concentration camp a plant for the repair of captured munitions is to be established.”

    This instruction, directed to officials who could not have been unclear about the actual character of the Sobibór camp, was a Reich secret: for what reason should Himmler have used the expression “Durchgangslager” (transit camp)? In order to pull the wool over the eyes of his underlings – who knew all about it for a long time?

    The National Socialist policy of Jewish resettlement in the east is supported by the demographic studies of Professor Eugene M. Kulischer, who was a member of the International Labor Office in Montreal, Canada, during the Second World War. His book “The Displacement of Population in Europe” published in 1943 devotes a section to the question of the “Territories of Destination and Methods of Confinement.” In compiling his notes, the author made use of the assistance of 24 institutions, each of which had at its disposal a dense network of channels of information in the various European nations. Kulischer was thus able to base his work upon the best existing sources.

    Kulischer in his book stresses in particular the basic principle of the deportations of Jews:

    “Some of the Jews from Belgium were sent to a neighboring part of Western Europe for forced labor, but generally speaking the tendency has been to remove the Jews to the east. Many Western European Jews were reported to have been sent to the mines of Silesia. The great majority were sent to the General Government and, in ever growing numbers, to the eastern area, that is, to the territories which had been under Soviet rule since September 1939 and to the other occupied areas of the Soviet Union. During the early period, deportation meant removal to the General Government, but since 1940 the deported Jews have tended more and more to be sent exclusively to ghettos and labor camps.” (Source:, p. 270).

    Kulischer then moves on to discuss Jews in the ghettos:

    “…Since the invasion of the U.S.S.R., ghettos have been established in western Belorussia, western Ukraine and Baltic States, and also in occupied Russia.

    The primary purpose of the ghettos and special Jewish towns is the segregation of the local Jewish population. This consists of the former inhabitants of the area which was turned into a ghetto or a Jewish town, the inhabitants of the same town who are removed to the ghetto, and Jews removed from other localities of the same country. For the second and third categories segregation in the ghetto meant compulsory removal, and for the third category forced migration also. The number of persons affected by this internal forced migration may have numbered many hundreds of thousands in the General Government alone.

    The ghettos of the General Government or the eastern territories are also the usual destination of the Jews deported from the west by the German authorities or by the authorities of other countries allied to Germany.” (Source: Ibid., pp. 271-272).

    Finally, Kulischer discusses the subject of the compulsory labor camps. He notes in this regard:

    “Up to the summer of 1941, at least 85 Jewish labor camps were known to exist in the General Government. Of the 35 camps the position of which was known, two-thirds were located on the eastern frontier. Forced labor for Jews expanded rapidly, having developed from a subsidiary measure into an essential feature of the treatment of Jews…

    During 1942, forced labor became the common fate of the Jews in Poland and German-occupied Soviet territory. The period for which Jews fit to work are liable for forced labor is no longer limited. Their removal to the east was largely motivated by the wish to make use of them as forced labor, and as Germany’s need of manpower grew, deportation for adults of working age was tantamount to assignment to forced labor. In contrast with the other inhabitants of German-occupied countries, Jews are not sent to work in the Reich, because Jewish immigration would run counter to the policy of making Germany ‘free of Jews’… Deportation to the east is for the Jews the equivalent of the recruitment for work in the Reich to which the rest of the population of German-controlled Europe is subject, and their removal further and further eastward is doubtless connected with the need for supplying the army’s requirements near the front.” (Source: Ibid., p. 272).

    Nowhere does Kulischer speak of “extermination camps” or of a German policy of the physical extermination of the Jews. There is no reason to doubt that the Germans had a program of deportation of the Jews from the AR camps to the east.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  557. @Mark Bahner

    How were these bodies reduced to ash, Mark?

    They were shot/gassed, burned/incinerated/pulverized, scooped/loaded/dumped at a rate of 6,667 bodies per day? Over the course of 60 days? Is this what you are actually saying?

    6,667 x 60(days) = 400,020

    So, you are ACTUALLY claiming 400,000 were brought in, over the course of approximately 60 days, upon arrival, they were sorted (or dumped directly down the stairwell, according to your partner in delusion, Gabbai, aka Pookie), gassed, with Zyklon B, which arrives daily from Red Cross, who take no notice of the people lined up, clogging the stairwell, nor the raging infernos?

    Let’s just flutter past the lack of aerial photographs, or rather the lack of photos with images of burning pits, dump trucks, people shoveling ash, etc., Sonderkommando Gabbai, aka Pookie, did not report the digging of dump pits for ashes; he said ashes were dumped in the Vistula river. The yadvashem site, says the ashes were dumped “in the fields.” I’m sure Gabbai, aka Pookie, is accurate, as he was an eyewitness, and he received the correct information from the script, which is the only source his eyes ever witnessed.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Mark Bahner
  558. @John Wear

    > My response: The Soviet archives don’t contain records of the arrival of 1.5 million Jews in the 1940s probably because these records were destroyed by the Soviets. This would be extremely easy to do.

    Not without leaving a giant hole in the documentary record. Sure, it’s likely that a couple hundred thousand Jews were sent from Poland out to Siberia. These would have been predominantly Jews from western Poland, such as Menachem Begin, who had attempted to flee from the German forces and ended up in Soviet territory. But the major documentary archives of the Gulag were made available in the 1990s

    and they do not admit a casual allowance of up to 1.5 million Jews disappearing from Poland and showing up in Siberia. If a general round-up of Jews in Soviet territory had ever been made, then that would have been apparent in the 1990s.

    • Thanks: Andrew Mathis
    • Replies: @John Wear
  559. S says:
    @Mark Bahner

    [One wonders in that light if David Cole’s real transgression was less his questioning the accusations, and more his threatening this control mechanism itself with his questioning.]

    David Cole’s real transgression was that he was ignorant and wrong about the gas chambers of Auschwitz, and to my knowledge, even to this day he hasn’t admitted he was wrong about the gas chambers in Auschwitz.

    Will probably have to simply agree to disagree about that.

    As I stated upthread, there is a very unhealthy personality type known within the field of psychology as ‘the wound collector’ which very much applies to this subject.

    There are those amongst the Jewish people whom to their credit don’t like this multi-generational ‘wound collector’ dynamic, and the incredibly psychically self-destructive control mechanism of fear and terrorization amongst themselves necessary to maintain it (along with it’s secondary demonization of ‘the other’, ie the declared enemy of the moment), and wish to be free of it.


    They quite realize it’s very harmful first and foremost to themselves, and, to others besides.

    David Cole was one of these, I suspect, whom wished to be free, that is until his life and we’ll being was threatened for not conforming.

    Plenty of Euros have had the same experience as David Cole.

    My suggestion for those Euro peoples and Jewish who would like to be free of this long term Gordion’s knot of hatred, and to heal from what is likely an unsalvageable poisonous relationship between Euros and Jews, which is what I think in reality is the larger more important issue here, is amicable (if at all possible) separation from each other, ie Jewish separating from Jewish, and in mutual respect, Jewish and Euro peoples separating from each other.

    [For those Euros and Jewish folks, who perhaps somewhat sado-masochally, are okay with the long term status quo of perpetual hatred between themselves, they can carry on as before, though I certainly wouldn’t recommend it, but let the rest of humanity go, please.]

    As for point by point arguing, there’s no end to it and there’s no point.

    As with the ideology of Multi-Culturalism, ‘Russiagate’, the preceding not coincidentally closely paralleling false claims by the United States of the planned mass murder of Union POW’s at the Southern Confederacy’s Andersonville and other of their camps, the belief in the death religion of the ‘H’ of WWII has all the earmarks of being a sick giant cult, of which facts and truth do not matter in the slightest to it’s thoroughly brainwashed adherants.

    As for how this brainwashing was accomplished, I can only recommend reading Robert J Lifton’s 1961 book Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism linked below. [Short of reading it, under ‘Main Points’ at the link below the ‘Eight criteria for thought reform’ explains the book’s main thrust.]

    So, no, rather than engaging in pointless never ending arguments, where each can occasionally claim ‘gotcha’, I think the best thing that both Euros and Jewish people of goodwill can do for each other,, and for humanity as a whole, is work towards putting an end to what is clearly a long term dysfunctional and destructive relationship, namely by letting those peoples who wish to to separate from each other and to do so in peace and without acrimony.

    And, just to be clear about it, I certainly do not ‘hate’ yourself, Mr Mathis, nor Mr Unz, and I hope in turn that none of you ‘hate’ little old me. 🙂

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  560. Han says:

    The NUREMBERG INTERNATIONAL MILITARY TRIBUNAL (IMT) was a JEWISH CREATION as nearly every key player was a JEW. It was not about Law or Justice. It was all about JEWISH HATRED AGAINST GERMANS AND GERMANY.

    Out of 3,000 people employed on the staff at Nuremberg Court, 2,400 WERE JEWS. This figure speaks for itself!

    History will one day refer to it as the ‘JEWEMBERG TRIALS’ or ‘NUREMBERG SHOW TRIALS’.

    GERMANY MUST PERISH! – Theodore Newman Kaufman

    “A SENSATIONAL IDEA!’ – Time Magazine


    This March 1941 book written by Theodore Newman Kaufman, a New Jersey Jewish-German émigré, caused a storm in Germany and America with its open advocacy of the physical extermination of all Germans and Germany itself. This was to be achieved through a process of mass sterilization, and the physical dismemberment of that country.


    NAHUM GOLDMANN, one-time president of both the WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS (WJC) and the WORLD ZIONIST ORGANISATION (WZO), chairman of the CLAIMS CONFERENCE, stated in his memoir that “the World Jewish Congress had an influence on the creation of Nuremberg trials.”

    Robert H. Jackson, chief US council when setting up the IMT and chief US prosecutor during the IMT, was a Zionist.

    As a military tribunal, this Tribunal is a continuation of the war effort of the Allied nations. As an International Tribunal, it is not bound by the procedural and substantive refinements of our respective judicial or constitutional systems. – Chief U.S. prosecutor, Robert H. Jackson

    Two Jewish officers in the US Army — Lieutenant Colonel Murray Bernays and Colonel David “Mickey” Marcus — played key roles in the Nuremberg enterprise.

    Bernays, a successful New York attorney, persuaded US War Secretary Henry Stimson and others to accept the idea of putting the defeated German leaders on trial.

    Marcus, a fervent Zionist, selected almost all of the judges, prosecutors and lawyers for the Nuremberg Military Tribunals. He later became a commander of Zionist “HAGANAH” military forces in Palestine and became Israel’s first general. He died in the 1948 Arab-Israeli War, killed by friendly fire.

    Assassinations, Terror Attacks and Even Castration – the Hidden Actions of Israel’s Pre-state Militia

    THE JEWS at Nuremberg accused and convicted the Germans of murdering some 4 million people at Auschwitz.

    These charges were based largely upon the supposed “confessions” obtained by the torture of German officers, such as the signed “confession” by Rudolf Höss, the commandant at Auschwitz, giving details of how he had personally supervised the murder of 2.5 million Jews.

    In 1989, however, the Soviet government reduced the claim of the number killed at Auschwitz from 4 million to 1.5 million. This was later reduced to 1 million.

    It became apparent at once that if only 1 million Jews had died at Auschwitz, as was now officially admitted, it no longer became possible to state that 2.5 million Jews had been killed there under Höss while he was a commandant there.

    The “CONFESSION” by Höss that 2.5 million Jews had been killed at Auschwitz under his auspices was therefore WORTHLESS.


    The Nuremberg Trials could never have been held in America because the normal, legal rules of evidence were suspended. The entire thing was a scam. It was a total farce.

    Some of the Americans who participated in the Nuremberg trials became disillusioned with the entire business. One of the few to make public his feelings was Charles F. Wennerstrum, an Iowa Supreme Court justice who served as presiding judge in the Nuremberg trial of German generals.

    “If I had known seven months ago what I know today, I would never have come here,” he declared immediately after sentences were pronounced.
    “The high ideals announced as the motives for creating these tribunals have not been evident,” he added.

    The 1945/1946 Nuremberg Trials “cannot be justified by any line of reasoning.” — Edgar Eisenhower, Lawyer and brother of General Dwight Eisenhower.

    “Nuremberg, (Bob Taft) the Ohio Senator insisted, was a blot on American Constitutional history, a departure from our Anglo-Saxon heritage of fair and equal treatment, a heritage which had rightly made this country respected throughout the world.
    “We can’t even teach our own people the sound principles of liberty and justice,” he concluded.” –
    ‘PROFILES IN COURAGE’ by John F. Kennedy

    The Europeans are AMALEK to the Jews, their Eternal Enemy to be destroyed.

    When Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany visited Jerusalem (1898) during his journey to the Holy Land almost all the religious leaders of Jerusalem came to the city gates to greet him.

    Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld (d.1932), the spiritual leader of Ashkenazic Jewry in Israel at that time, did not go. When asked about his refusal he answered that although the Kaiser himself was deserving of the honor bestowed upon him, “I have a tradition that Germany is Amalek.” – Yossi Katz

    • Replies: @littlereddot
    , @S
  561. Han says:

    David Cole: David Cole in Auschwitz—David Cole Interviews Dr. Franciszek Piper, Director, Auschwitz State Museum

    A young Jewish holocaust revisionist, posing as a believer, puts some hard questions to a museum tour guide and to the senior curator of the Auschwitz State Museum. After making this video, a “hit” was put out on Cole, and a reward for information on his whereabouts was issued by Irv Rubin (who years later, was arrested by the FBI for planning to kill a Lebanese-American Congressman.)

    Fearing assassination, Cole went into hiding, changing his name to David Stein. Some 20 years later, when a disgruntled former girlfriend blew his cover, he resurfaced again, unapologetic about his iconoclastic views on Auschwitz…

    Forty-Six Important Unanswered Questions Regarding the Nazi Gas Chambers
    By David Cole


    AT THE FORMER concentration camps of Auschwitz and Auschwitz-Birkenau, we find the following scenario: The buildings which used to serve as the camp delousing facilities still have extremely high traces of the gas Zyklon B, which was used in these buildings to disinfest clothing, mattresses, etc.

    Also, there is heavy blue staining on the walls both inside the delousing chambers, INSIDE the hallways between the delousing chambers, and OUTSIDE the building, on the EXTERIOR WALLS of the delousing facilities.

    However, the interiors of the Krema 1 gas chamber (Auschwitz Main Camp) and the Krema 2 and 3 gas chambers (Auschwitz-Birkenau), where hundreds of thousands if not millions of people are said to have been gassed, show only minute traces of Zyklon B and no blue staining.

    Also, the Auschwitz camp barracks and offices, which were fumigated with the Zyklon B from time to time, show similarly minute traces of the gas, and no blue staining.

    David Cole

    This young Jewish Revisionist filmmaker came to the defense of Ernst Zündel when Zündel needed defending. Subsequently, Zündel and Cole made a film in Auschwitz, with David Cole pointing out all the things wrong with that theme park of hate against Germans. Later yet, Cole came to Canada to lecture to large audiences on his Revisionist findings in Auschwitz, together with David Irving.

    He also appeared with Zündel in Munich, Germany, spreading Revisionism right under the watchful eyes of the German political police. In a vicious letter posted on the Internet, the Jewish Defense League threatened Cole’s life.

    Emotionally fragile and torn between his conscience and family loyalties as well as filial devotion, he could not withstand the pressure and recanted with an abject apology to his tribesmen and tormentors. Every serious Revisionist understands that this act of recantation was coerced and may have bought David his very survival.

    • Agree: John Wear
  562. @John Wear

    “If 1.5 million Jews died in the AR camps, you would have massive amounts of human and wood ashes as well as teeth and bones in these camps. Since these do not exist, we know that the AR camps were not pure extermination camps.”

    Categorically false.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  563. @S

    Dear, Little Old Me,

    You make a lot of sense, but the suggestion of amicable separation can’t be done, because the perpetual victims/wounded, will not do it.

    Expulsion of Jews is a historical fact; said expulsions were the attempts at separation. Talmudic law, as far as I know, prohibits assimilation with gentiles, and Rabbis simultaneously support “ghettos,”and rail against gentiles for “separating” Jews from gentile society. Gentiles appear to be the source of income/prosperity for “assimilated” jews, and the battering rams for Zionist jews, as evidenced by the Return to Israel and wars against Israel’s enemies. The Return was not possible without the European rams. Christians believe Jesus was a jew, and the Torah, despite depictions of constant annihilation of non-Jews, is a guide for Christians. The contradictions are never ending, as is the speculation about the truth or allegorical tales in the Bible.

    It’s the same with Blacks in America. As a group, they are violent and destructive, just as they are in Africa and Haiti, whether evil whites are hunting them down or helping them along. It matters not; they are the same wherever they dwell, as a group. They don’t object to the fruits of white society, i.e., affirmative action, HBCU’s subsidized by white tax payers, free cell phones, welfare, public housing, etc. Their lives are better amongst white society, which is why they don’t escape in droves back to the motherland. If I found myself living amongst a hostile group who enslaved my ancestors and oppressed me coming and going, I would get the heck out of Dodge at first opportunity. But, yet, they do not leave. Beyoncé & Jay-Z ape around in the Louvre, drag their knuckles all over a stage in front of tens of thousands of concert goers; everything they have is due to European technology and European society, but nary a word of gratitude is uttered. They won’t be Returning to Africa any time soon; why would they?

    So, amicable/voluntary separation is a great idea, but the victims/wounded will NEVER leave without a fight. The conspiracy theory that the global-control-the-whole-world club is flooding western society with non-western people does appear to be occurring; the group of people, most difficult to control (Europeans/Scandinavians), seem to be circling the drain. It seems like the long game is coming to fruition, and they, whomever they are, won’t stop until it’s over. I am speculating, of course.

    • Replies: @S
  564. @Tiptoethrutulips

    David Cole’s real transgression was that he was ignorant and wrong about the gas chambers of Auschwitz, and to my knowledge, even to this day he hasn’t admitted he was wrong about the gas chambers in Auschwitz.

    Will probably have to simply agree to disagree about that.

    “Agree to disagree” about what? There were two parts to my statement:

    1) David Cole was ignorant and wrong about the gas chambers at Auschwitz; and

    2) David Cole has never, to my knowledge, admitted he was wrong about the gas chambers in Auschwitz.

    The first part is easily testable simply by reading the autobiography of Rudolph Höss, the testimony of SS doctor Fritz Klein, the words of Oskar Gröning and Reinhold Hanning, and the jury verdicts that the former was convicted of 300,000 counts of accessory to murder, and the latter 170,000 counts of accessory murder, etc. ad infinitum. So David Cole was clearly ignorant and wrong; there were many gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau that used Zyklon B to murder hundreds of thousands of people.

    The second part is also testable. In fact, I have tried to contact David Cole to ask him whether he now admits he was wrong about the gas chambers at Auschwitz, but after initially responding to me, he went silent. That is despite his very public pronouncement that he is in fear of no one. (And despite my assurance that, if we did chat via email, I would keep his answers secret if he would like me to.)

    So I won’t “agree to disagree” on either of those two points. Both those points are testable, and I’m correct on both those points. (Now, maybe David Cole has admitted his error about the gas chambers at Auschwitz, and I’m simply not aware of it. If he has admitted his error, I’d be the first to acknowledge I was wrong about him, and to congratulate him for acknowledging he was wrong about the gas chambers at Auschwitz.)

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  565. anon[307] • Disclaimer says:

    1. the pulverizing of bone is so common following cremation its instrument has a name, “cremulator”. gross, right?

    2. and what were the temperatures? what might they have been? the fire was kept going by the bodies themselves…at what temperature does hydroxyapatite turn to powder?

    3. but the idea that the nazis were trying to keep it a secret seems ridiculous. just like the idea that they would exhume and burn rotting corpses. what was the point?

    4. and if it was hardly mentioned until the 70s that’s because the commanding heights were still judenrein…no one cared…jews were like gypsies…people to be tolerated not feared.

  566. @Han

    Lieutenant Colonel Murray Bernays

    Any relation to the “Father of Public Relations” Edward Bernays, I wonder?

    • Replies: @bjondo
  567. anon[307] • Disclaimer says:

    one believable motivation for cremating the bodies may’ve been…to keep the killing a secret from…germans.

    why did 75% of french jews survive and 90+% of dutch jews die? because the SS ran the netherlands.

    the SS was only a “quasi-governmental organization” or less…hitler was an absolute dictator through himmler and a non-absolute dictator through all other means?

  568. motivations for holocaust denial:

    1. sympathy for/with national socialism. (this is real and gets all the press.) exasperation with how it’s used for so many contemporary political purposes, with its use as propaganda.

    2. not wanting to believe anything so utterly satanic actually happened.

    2 is a noble motivation even for the adl-ites. or should be.

    i recommend reading chapoutot’s and (((naimark)))’s books and considering how different the world was for us prior to the discovery of dna and prior to space flight…prior to these it was possible to think of jews in the same way every human would think of extra-terrestrial invaders ala Independence Day…it is a lot harder to think this way today.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Derer
  569. S says:

    The Nuremberg Trials could never have been held in America because the normal, legal rules of evidence were suspended.The entire thing was a scam. It was a total farce.

    Thank you for your post.

    I have to take issue with the emboldened portion above as at the conclusion of the US Civil War in 1865 just such a thing did occur in the United States in regards to Henry Wirz, the commanding officer of Andersonville.


    The ultimate intention it seems was to execute the entirety of the upper echelons of the defeated South’s political and military leadership for ‘crimes against humanity’ in regards to the fraudulent accusations made about ‘the camps’ (such as Andersonville), plans which fell through.

    Maybe the Anglo Saxon(s) you quoted had forgotten, I don’t know.

    People (here Anglo-Saxons) are ultimately wholly responsible for their own actions.

    Having said that, and in the interest of full disclosure, there historically has been an unfortunate belief system amongst powerful elements of the Anglo-Saxon elite and hangers on called British Israelism, those adhering to it whom quite literally (somehow) believed themselves to be Jewish. [British Israelism is an example, amongst many, of the dysfunctional nature of the historic relationship between many a Euro people and the Jewish prople.]

    What (if any) effects this absurd belief system may have had upon the Anglo-Saxon power elite in 1865 and 1945 is up to each individual to decide for themselves [See link below for an excellent in depth description of British Israelism.]

    The article excerpted and linked below which appeared in the October, 1870, edition of the then highly influential Atlantic Monthly, may be referencing British Israelism in it’s title, ie ‘Our Israelitish Brethren.’

    In more modern English the title would translate as ‘Our Jewish Brothers’.

    ‘Of the giant wrongs to which they [the Jewish people] have been subjected for the last ten centuries,—the huge Andersonville outrages,—few readers need to be reminded.’

    Our Israelitish Brethren – The Atlantic Monthly (Oct, 1870)

    ‘Who can estimate the reparation which Christendom owes this interesting and unoffending people? How abundant, how untiring, should be our charity in judging the faults of character which our own superstition has created or developed!’

    ‘Of the giant wrongs to which they have been subjected for the last ten centuries,—the huge Andersonville outrages,—few readers need to be reminded. In the slaughter of the Jews of Seville, in 1391, thirty-five hundred families were murdered. In 1492, under Ferdinand and Isabella, three hundred thousand heroic Israelites preferred exile to apostasy.’

    ‘Many of them found a resting-place only in the grave or in the depths of the sea; for neither Portugal nor Italy nor Mohammedan Morocco would tolerate the presence of a people who would not comply with their superstitions, and who, by their frugality, continence, temperance, and industry, absorbed the wealth of every country in which they lived.’

    ‘Those who remained in the Peninsula suffered baptism, and were obliged to conform to the outward observances of the reigning church. Far more enviable was the lot of those who had accepted banishment. The favorite office of the Spanish Inquisition for two centuries was to “question” the sincerity of those two hundred thousand Jewish converts; and the national amusement was to witness the burning of Jewish Rabbis and Jewish maidens. Similar atrocities were committed, as we all know, in England, Germany, and France.’

  570. bjondo says:

    Seems LtC Murray Bernays was a Cohen.
    Wife’s name was Bernays (Hella Freud Bernays, niece of Sigmund).

    Murray Bernays, Lawyer, Dead; Set Nuremberg Trials Format

    Yid evil. Evil Yid.


    • Replies: @littlereddot
  571. @John Wear

    Mr. Wear would do well to read original sources and not regurgitate the expurgated versions reproduced by inveterate liars.

    Here’s Kulischer: “It is hardly possible to distinguish how far the changes in the Jewish population of the General Government are due to deportation and how far they are attributable to ‘ordinary’ mortality and extermination. Moreover, the number of Jews remaining in the General Government is in any case uncertain” (p. 111, my emphasis).

    • Replies: @John Wear
  572. @jorge videla

    motivations for holocaust denial:

    1. sympathy for/with national socialism. (this is real and gets all the press.) exasperation with how it’s used for so many contemporary political purposes, with its use as propaganda.

    2. not wanting to believe anything so utterly satanic actually happened.

    2 is a noble motivation even for the adl-ites. or should be.

    I’d add two things:

    3) Everyone from Germany on east had civilians that suffered horribly: e.g. the poor people trapped in Leningrad and Stalingrad, non-Jewish Polish civilians and military, German civilians, etc. So I think focusing on one group, even if that one group did have proportional losses that especially horrendous, is resented by some. Civilians in Mainland China, the Philippines, Japan and many other countries could also legitimately wonder why the world doesn’t focus enough on their losses. (Though I haven’t heard about Holocaust Denial in those places…possibly because no one even talks about the Holocaust in those places.)

    4) People seem to love being in on a secret that no one else knows…even if no one else knows the secret because the secret is wrong. People love things like, “The WTC twin towers was a controlled demolition job. Just look at this key video sequence…”

    • Replies: @Han
  573. @John Wear

    I suggest that the idea that the Soviets would tamper with their own archive to incriminate the Nazis while continuing to incriminate their own regime with those same archives is non-sensical.

    This insight is the sort of thing that proper training as historians would provide to “revisionists.”

    • Replies: @Brás Cubas
  574. @Mark Bahner

    I know David Cole. He still does not believe there were gas chambers other than at the Reinhard camps. Those he has changed his mind about. The absence of evidence for an alternative narrative there is no great.

    Incidentally, David Irving and Eric Hunt both caved on this point as well.

  575. Ron Unz says:

    As I’ve already emphasized, I’d hardly regard myself as a Holocaust expert. But glancing over some of the comments on this thread, it looks like there’s now a focus on the so-called Reinhard camps.

    Back a few years ago, I came across this very long but comprehensive video discussing them, and it seem to effectively debunk the standard narrative, so those so interested might want to watch it:

    Video Link

  576. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write that the Soviet archives “do not admit a casual allowance of up to 1.5 million Jews disappearing from Poland and showing up in Siberia. If a general round-up of Jews in Soviet territory had ever been made, then that would have been apparent in the 1990s.”

    My response: First, many of the Soviet archives are still closed. If you read Viktor Suvorov’s book “The Chief Culprit,” Suvorov on page xxii of this book makes a demand that rulers of Russia “open the war archives! Sixty years have passed since the German invasion. It happened in the first half of the last century. Why are the archives still closed? What are you hiding from the world?”

    Second, most of the Jews transited through the AR camps did not end up in Siberia. Eugene Kulischer, in his book “The Displacement of Population in Europe”, devoted an entire section of his book to the expulsion and deportation of Jews during World War II. Kulischer stated:

    “For the Polish ghettos are not the last stage in the forced eastward migration of the Jewish people. On 20 November 1941, the Governor General, Hans Frank, broadcast the information that the Polish Jews would ultimately be transferred further east. Since the summer of 1942 the ghettos and labor camps in the German-occupied Eastern Territories have become the destination of deportees both from Poland and from western and central Europe; in particular, a new large-scale transfer from the Warsaw ghetto has been reported. Many of the deportees have been sent to the labor camps on the Russian front; others to work in the marshes of Pinsk, or to the ghettos of the Baltic countries, Belorussia and Ukraine. (Source: Kulischer, Eugene M., The Displacement of Population in Europe, Montreal: International Labour Office, 1943, pp. 110-111).

    Third, the Soviets have a history of lying about and distorting events related to the so-called Holocaust. For example, on page 295 of the 4th edition of Germar Rudolf’s book “Lectures on the Holocaust”, the Soviets showed an especially horrific and fake picture of the Majdanek cremation furnaces with human skeletons scattered about. ( The press frenzy surrounding these pictures was especially huge.

    If the Soviets can show the world such obviously fake pictures, they can also hide or destroy records relating to the transfer of Jews from the AR camps into Soviet territory.

  577. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    I write: “If 1.5 million Jews died in the AR camps, you would have massive amounts of human and wood ashes as well as teeth and bones in these camps. Since these do not exist, we know that the AR camps were not pure extermination camps.” and you respond: “Categorically false.”

    My response: So, why is my statement categorically false? Please elaborate.

    The physical evidence simply does not support the claims of various witnesses that Treblinka and the other AR camps were mass extermination camps. As Germar Rudolf states: “Thus, if one hundred witnesses and one hundred confessions state that the moon is made of green cheese or that 870,000 corpses can be burned within a few months without fuel and without leaving traces, both assertions being of a similar intellectual quality, then we have to conclude – in light of all the forensic evidence – that the witnesses and the defendants are wrong.” (Source:

  578. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “Mr. Wear would do well to read original sources and not regurgitate the expurgated versions reproduced by inveterate liars.”

    My response: I don’t have Eugene Kulischer’s book in my personal library, but I did go to the SMU library and checked it out. I did read this book and used it as an original source.

    If you read my article at, I have four footnotes in this article that come directly from Kulischer’s book.

    You write: “Here’s Kulischer: “It is hardly possible to distinguish how far the changes in the Jewish population of the General Government are due to deportation and how far they are attributable to ‘ordinary’ mortality and extermination. Moreover, the number of Jews remaining in the General Government is in any case uncertain” (p. 111, my emphasis).”

    My response: I agree with Kulischer that exact numbers of populations are difficult to come by when you have a major war and people are being transferred to numerous locations.

    However, Kulischer stated that “deportation to the east is for Jews the equivalent of the recruitment for work in the Reich to which the rest of the population of German-controlled Europe is subject, and their removal further and further eastward is doubtless connected with the need for supplying the army’s requirements near the front.” (Source: Kulischer, Eugene M., The Displacement of Population in Europe, Montreal: International Labour Office, 1943, p. 110).

    Kulischer concluded that the vast majority of deported Jews “went to the General Government, and further east to the German and Rumanian-occupied territories of the Soviet Union.” (Source: Ibid., p. 112).

    Nowhere in his book does Kulischer speak of extermination camps or of a German policy of genocide of the Jews. The demographic evidence does not support such a conclusion.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  579. @John Wear

    Maybe real all the posts before you start responding. Kalischer also used the term “extermination” to refer to the Jews of the Generalgouvernement

  580. @John Wear

    No he doesn’t mention extermination camps. But he does use the word “extermination.” What of that?

    • Replies: @John Wear
  581. S says:

    You make a lot of sense, but the suggestion of amicable separation can’t be done, because the perpetual victims/wounded, will not do it.

    This is why I have the caveat ‘if possible’.


    I realize it’s easier said than done, but there are those amongst the Jewish people whom realize there’s a problem. I’d start with them, ie those who would allow separation, and work from there.

    Relatedly, I think one of the biggest divides running through humanity is between those whom think peoples and ethnicities actually really physically exist, and those whom don’t, the latter thinking those things are some sort of phantasm, and it is they which have the upper hand. This divide runs through Israeli society as well; they’ve got their Multi-Culturalists, too.

    It’s unfortunate an arrangement wasn’t made long ago where the universalists (ie those who claim to believe everyone is literally the same, ie ‘equal’) could have had their own land with abundant resources, where they could reside…and, to be sure, most likely destroy due to their wantoness. [And despite their talk otherwise, I think many of the universalists realize this in their heart of hearts, and many of them for this reason indeed likely would fight separation from everyone else, everyone else representing these irresponsible people’s meal ticket.]

    As it is, without this separation, most everyone is being brought down to the very lowest denominator

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  582. @John Wear

    You have not reckoned with Kola’s report. Not even close.

    Stop quoting Holocaust Handbooks to me. You’ve demonstrated you haven’t read Kola. You’re a joke, and not a funny.

  583. @S

    Regarding your final statement, that is the unfortunate truth: A free society is not equal; An equal society is not free. While I wouldn’t want to say or suggest to someone, “You will never accomplish anything because you’re not very smart,” I don’t think it’s appropriate to tell a classroom full of kids, who struggle with basic reading/math, they can all be doctors, lawyers or engineers some day. They can’t; they don’t; then they blame others (mostly whites) for their lack of achievement.

    Affirmative action is creeping into science, aviation, medicine; so things are going to get dicey in a few years. You better keep your eyes peeled for planes falling out of the sky and collapsing bridges.

    Since this is a Holocaust thread, I’ll say if the state of education weren’t so dismal, and academia wasn’t infiltrated by Edom destroying academics, maybe the critical thinking skills of the general populace would make the Holocaust (and 911) fairytales harder to establish. Personally, hearing the outrageous and contradictory stories from the Shoah Foundation interviews, and reading the numerous accounts in newspapers of 6 million Jews, dying or in danger of dying, long before WW2, were the red flags that peeled my eyes. To this day, I am utterly astonished by those interviews; if I represented those witnesses, in any way, I would have stopped those interviews within the first half hour, and yanked the footage. Then, sent the “eyewitnesses” back to indoctrination/official story camp. I have never seen more cases of “textbook lying signals” during testimony in my life.

    • Replies: @S
  584. @Andrew Mathis

    This is from the National Library of Medicine, Published online 2021 Aug 6.
    Genetic and phylogeographic evidence for Jewish Holocaust victims at the Sobibór death camp:

    “ Six million Jews were killed by Nazi Germany and its collaborators during World War II. Archaeological excavations in the area of the death camp in Sobibór, Poland, revealed ten sets of human skeletal remains presumptively assigned to Polish victims of the totalitarian regimes.

    In Nazi parlance, the euphemism “final solution of the Jewish problem” (die Endlösung der Judenfrage) denoted the idea to exterminate all Jews of Europe. The persecution of Jews begun immediately after Hitler’s rise to power. It transformed through a stage of the policy of forced emigration in the late 1930s into the mass scale murder of six million Jews and other persecuted groups during the Second World War [1, 2]. The secret Operation Reinhardt (OR), which was launched in March 1942, was one of the deadliest contributions to this process. By December 1942, the lives of 1.3 million people were taken in gas chambers at death camps in Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka, with many thousands more killed on the spot during the liquidation of the ghettos in German-occupied Poland. The total death toll of OR amounts to nearly two million. A recently published study concludes that more than 25% of all Holocaust victims were killed during only 3 months [2]. In contrast to the concentration camps in Auschwitz-Birkenau and Majdanek, the three OR death camps were not designed as labour camps, but rather exclusively served the purpose of industrial scale mass murder [1]. After having fulfilled this purpose, Bełżec, Sobibór and Treblinka were closed and their traces scrupulously obliterated (Additional File 1).”

    Of note, the total death number is indicated at 6 million. This number is evoked twice therein. Is this number correct?
    The 6 million figure pertains only to Jews, so the total number killed, during the event known as the Holocaust, is more than 6 million. Is that also correct?
    If not, what is the total number by your estimation/knowledge?
    A total of 2 million (nearly) deaths are attributed to the OR camps; is that figure correct?
    According to this report, only ten skeletons were exhumed. Do you know of any other documented exhumations?
    On a personal note, if I may ask, are you a hunter, of anything other than small game/birds?

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  585. @John Wear

    Mr. Wear,

    Where can I find information about the standard issue for firearms for SS or military staff at the camps? (Is it AR or OR?)

    As it seems the Aktion/Operation Reinhardt camps were dismantled/destroyed, I assume there are/were no recovered or documented requisition forms for ammunition, firearms, etc.?

    Thank you.

  586. @bjondo

    Thanks for the link. Yes apparently they are related. Sigmund Freud was an uncle of his wife. Her brother is Edward Bernays. With such close connections to Freud, no wonder Edward’s insight into human psychology.

    If Freud used his knowledge for good,
    E. Bernays used his for bad.

    Always two sides to the same coin.

    Extracted from your link:

    In 1917 Murray Cohen, as he was known then, married Hella Bernays, a niece of Sigmund Freud avid a sister of Edward L. Bernays, the public relations man. Shortly after the marriage, he had his name legally changed to Murray C. Bernays so that his wife’s family name might be kept alive. (Her only brother, Edward, had expressed his intention never to marry, although he later did so.)

    In 1917 Murray Cohen, as he was known then, married Hella Bernays, a niece of Sigmund Freud avid a sister of Edward L. Bernays, the public relations man. Shortly after the marriage, he had his name legally changed to Murray C. Bernays so that his wife’s family name might be kept alive. (Her only brother, Edward, had expressed his intention never to marry, although he later did so.)

    Extracted from Wikipedia listing on Edward Bernays

    Martha Bernays (aunt)
    Sigmund Freud (uncle)
    Isaac Bernays (great-grandfather)
    Marc Randolph (great-nephew)

  587. Han says:

    Gerd-Helmut Komossa, was a retired Major General in the Bundeswehr, German Army, and was head of the military counter-intelligence service (German: Militärischer Abschirmdienst; MAD) and head of the Bundeswehr Security Office (ASBW).

    He wrote a book ‘THE GERMAN CARD – The Obscure Game of Secret Services’

    In it he details the U.S.-GERMAN SECRET TREATY, signed in 1949 making Germany Washington’s vassal until 2099.

    Top intelligence officers rarely reveal secret strings, pulling the nation’s political mechanism. Publication of this book is an exceptional occurrence. Raising very sensitive issues, the author appeals to the core of German identity that had been deliberately suppressed for decades by the United States and its allies.

    The book is focused on contradictions between the United States and Germany, sometimes very strong but not supposed to be discussed in public. It was published in Austria, and its distribution in Germany may encounter certain difficulties today.

    Still, the very fact of its appearance indicates that the German intelligence community is increasingly dissatisfied with the role of a vassal of the United States (the definition applied to Europe by Zbigniew Brzezinski), imposed on Western Germany after World War II.

    Gerd-Helmut Komossa reveals the uncomfortable truth about the post-war conditions, dictated by the US and its allies. The STATE TREATY, dated May 21, 1949 and classified by BND, Bundesnachrichtendienst, the Foreign Intelligence Service of the Federal Republic of Germany, as top secret, suggests restrictions of state sovereignty of the Federal Republic of Germany, introduced for a period until 2099.

    These restrictions include the provision that the winning coalition (JEWS) exercise complete control over Germany’s mass media and communications; that every Federal Chancellor is to sign the so-called Chancellor Act; that the gold reserve of Germany is kept under arrest, stored in New York.

    In fact, all the German Chancellors, including the incumbent Chancellor Angela Merkel, pay their first foreign visit necessarily to the United States. The whole spectrum of German political parties is supervised by a special Washington-based controlling body, while local US-licensed media serve as a more sophisticated means of brainwashing than the Nazi propagandist machine. Meanwhile, Germany’s territory is still occupied by US troops.
    As the secret treaty is valid until 2099, Germans are supposed to go and fight where they are told to.

    Germany’s sovereignty restricted by US and allies, insider’s book claims

    It’s not every day that a chief of intelligence discloses secrets about a political regime and, with some good promotion, the book could become a bestseller.

    But in Germany its distribution is up against some difficulties. The country’s biggest bookshop – Dussmann, which is also “a cultural foundation”, has refused to sell the book at all.

    The contents of the book, though, will soon be available to millions more readers. “The German Card” has recently been translated into Russian. The publisher expects strong sales and believes the most heated debates are yet to come.

    I could be wrong, but I don’t think Komossa’s book has been translated into English. WHY NOT?
    As David Irving once said: “The book publishing industry is controlled by the Jews.”

    It is obvious that the US is JEW controlled for at least more than a century.

    THE HOST AND THE PARASITE – How Israel’s Fifth Column Consumed America – March 16, 2010 by Greg Felton

    The U.S. republic founded in 1776 bears no resemblance to the anti-democratic police state that has declared war on its citizens, and provokes needless wars in the Middle East at the behest of Israel. At the center of it all is the parasitic control of the Israel Lobby on the U.S. government.

    ‘The Host and The Parasite’ shows how the Lobby, evangelical Christians and neo-cons rode to power in the 1980s and proceeded to turn the United States into Israel’s willing executioner.

    US military still occupies Germany 78 years after the end of WWII and currently operates 11 bases in the country.

    The ENTIRE German media is still under the control of the Allies (JEWS).
    The Second World War has not ended, because a peace treaty has not been signed between Germany and the Allies (JEWS). Obvious that Germany is JEW controlled.

    Germany’s anti-democratic policies, it’s mandated belief in the HOLOCAUST MYTHOLOGY and it’s THOUGHT CRIME SHOW TRIALS therefore become more understandable.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  588. Han says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Mark Bahner says:

    “4) People seem to love being in on a secret that no one else knows…even if no one else knows the secret because the secret is wrong. People love things like, “The WTC twin towers was a controlled demolition job. Just look at this key video sequence…””

    Unfortunately, NO key video sequence to be seen here, Mark Bahner, but have a good look at this 3-minute video clip:

    Dr. Alan Sabrosky, a Jew himself and former Director of the US Army College is “100% Certain That 9/11 Was a Mossad Operation”.

    “What Americans need to understand: They did it. And if they do understand that, Israel will flat-ass disappear from this earth.” — Dr. Alan Sabrosky, US Marine, Former US War College Director

    You are obviously not “familiar” with 9/11, but nevertheless express strong opinions about it.
    How typical of you, dear Mark. It is called “Chutzpah” and you are so full of it.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  589. @Andrew Mathis

    Since you brought “proper training as historians” up, I have a question for you. If this is a subject which will bring you discomfort for any reason, I will understand of course. Does Chris Webb have any kind of formal training as a historian? Does he have any degree at all? What did he do before (that site apparently was set up in 2002, according to reference [1] I posted below). His date of birth is given as 1954 in [2], and he has a British accent (at [3] and [4] one can listen to podcasts with him), that’s about all I know about his history. What did he do up until 2002? Why doesn’t he have a Wikipedia page?
    Thanks for your comments on this section, in particular the link to the page with links to discussions of that video entitled “One Third of the Holocaust”.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  590. @Han

    Unfortunately, NO key video sequence to be seen here, Mark Bahner, but have a good look at this 3-minute video clip:

    OK, I’ve looked the video, and I can safely say Alan Sabrosky is a crackpot.

    All I need to say this is one sentence:

    Now you understand that, if one of the buildings was wired for demolition, all of them were wired for demolition.

    If you really want to know what happened during 9/11, I’ve already provided an excellent analysis from Youtube a couple of times already.

    You are obviously not “familiar” with 9/11, but nevertheless express strong opinions about it. How typical of you, dear Mark. It is called “Chutzpah” and you are so full of it.

    Yes, I have a fair amount of “chutzpah.” I also have, by nature, training, and experience, a very high ability to obtain and rationally process tremendous amounts of information. That’s something you obviously lack.

    For example, you approvingly cite David Cole regarding the homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. But your citations of David Cole’s views on Auschwitz-Birkenau simply show that both you and he are tremendously ignorant, and not able to think rationally about Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    In contrast, here are the books I have sitting right next two me as I write:

    1) “Commandant of Auschwitz”…containing the autobiography of Rudolf Höss.
    2) “Death Dealer”…also containing the autobiographical writings of Rudolph Höss, but arranged in a different format. (I wanted to make sure the words from Höss were essentially the same.)
    3) “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp”–more than 600 pages by a range of experts on Auschwitz.
    4) “Eyewitness Auschwitz: Three Years in the Gas Chambers”, by Filip Müller.
    5) “Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account”, by Dr. Miklos Nyislzi.
    …and several more.

    I also have e-books on Kindle. In particular, I just finished reading “Operation Höss,” by Ian Baker, specifically about the operation that murdered hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews “unfit for work” from May to July, 1944.

    I’ve also searched the Internet to find literally hundreds of valuable pieces of information about Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    In contrast, have you read *any* of those books? Have you read *any* books on Auschwitz at all? If so, what were they?

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Truth Vigilante
  591. @Tiptoethrutulips

    How were these bodies reduced to ash, Mark?

    They were shot/gassed, burned/incinerated/pulverized, scooped/loaded/dumped at a rate of 6,667 bodies per day? Over the course of 60 days? Is this what you are actually saying?

    I’ll answer your questions, “tiptoethrutulips.” But first I’ll like to ask you some questions:

    1) Do you really think you know anything about Auschwitz-Birkenau (A-B)?

    2) If you do, what gives you the idea you know something about A-B? What books have you read about it? What Internet sites have you visited? (I’m not asking to you list all the books, you can simply say, “I’ve read X number of books,” or “I’ve spent Y number of minutes or hours searching and reading Internet information.”

    3) I may have already asked you this and you may have already told me, if so, I’m sorry…but, what is your background, in terms of education and experience? And what is your background regarding A-B? How many hours of your life would you say you’ve spent on A-B? What percentage of those have been independently gathering information, and what percentage of them have been communicating with others?

  592. @Brás Cubas

    I don’t know Chris Webb or really anything about him, so I can’t answer.

    • Thanks: Brás Cubas
  593. @Tiptoethrutulips

    “Of note, the total death number is indicated at 6 million. This number is evoked twice therein. Is this number correct?”

    Is it exact? No. Is it close to the real figure? Yes. I’d say the real number is between 5.5 and 5.75 million.

    “The 6 million figure pertains only to Jews, so the total number killed, during the event known as the Holocaust, is more than 6 million. Is that also correct?”

    Most people in discussing the Holocaust mean specifically the extermination of the Jews only. Terminology is an issue here. The terms used are heavily value laden. There were groups other than Jews killed in enormous numbers and/or targeted with genocidal violence.

    “If not, what is the total number by your estimation/knowledge?”

    It’s hard to say. Some numbers are pretty clear: 2.7 million Polish non-Jews; 2.5 million Soviet POWs, eg

    Numbers for groups like LGBT people, Jehovah’s Witnesses, political prisoners, and Roma are both smaller and less well attested.

    “A total of 2 million (nearly) deaths are attributed to the OR camps; is that figure correct?”

    I’d say it’s a little high. Closer to 1.75 million.

    “According to this report, only ten skeletons were exhumed. Do you know of any other documented exhumations?”

    Andrzej Kola, who conducted digs at Belzec, has done some at Sobibor. Since he dug there, several more digs have been done. Archaeological research is ongoing and regularly published.

    “On a personal note, if I may ask, are you a hunter, of anything other than small game/birds?”

    I am not a hunter at all.

  594. @Mark Bahner

    What you are suggesting can’t be accomplished in 60 days. It cannot. Even if we accept that all 400,0oo were gassed/shot, the complete disposal of the bodies, with no remaining evidence of same, no aerial photographic images, no bone/tissue remnants in the soil, etc., indicates no such occurrence. I have read/heard “eyewitness” accounts of inmates describing construction at the Birkenau site, as follows:

    *“ The camp was built on swampy, exposed terrain. The construction was carried out in stages, with the ultimate goal of accommodating some 200,000 prisoners…….. The labor conditions were appalling, and the death rate of the prisoners was especially high in the winter months. Polish prisoner Alfred Czeslaw Przybylski recalls:
    “In the course of digging and building the foundations, the prisoners worked in the fall, in winter and frost, standing waist-deep in water. “


    *Lesser continued to describe what he saw in Birkenau.

    *“I’ll never forget in the barrack. It was next to the pits. They were throwing children alive into fiery pits. We saw the flames and heard the screaming – they couldn’t be bothered to even kill the infants – they had no hair or gold teeth. So they threw them on top of the trucks with dead bodies for burning – it still gives me sleepless night.”

    *The above information was taken from official Holocaust websites.

    Fire pits in/on swampy/wet terrain?
    Other accounts, such as: Hauling thousands of bodies from gas chambers with hooks? Or by their wrists? Taking the time/effort to cut hair/pull teeth, sometimes before, sometimes after death? The hair is for mattresses? If you actually take the time to listen/read on the accounts of former inmates, the absurdity of their stories is revealed.

    You acknowledge that the Hungarian Jews were mostly undocumented, therefore there is no possible way to track their whereabouts. Fake Kapo Gabbai does indeed say the Hungarians were dumped down the chamber stairwell from the trams, so I suppose you are correct; we don’t know exactly who was dumped. Or, who went straight to the pits. People do, in fact, disappear during war/natural disasters. There was no “tracking” technology during that time period, i.e., cell phones, satellites, security cameras, etc. In fact, much of the rural areas of that time lacked electricity grids, and as there were no Radio Shacks on every corner, acquiring a radio was a difficult task. In fact, writing material, paper, pens, etc., were luxury items in some parts of the world, especially during war/decimation of supply lines for everything, including food.

    The camps were destroyed, documents, for the most part, were impounded by the Allies (no malfeasance from the “good guys,” right?), the German eyewitnesses were killed/imprisoned/ignored or went into hiding, German defendants were denied an actual defense, and laws were enacted to prevent anyone from coming forward with a story/explanation about what actually happened; unless you are a former inmate/Jewish victim, in which case, you can say whatever you want, and there is no expectation for any counter arguments. Nor, discussions of any actual contrary facts like stoking a fire when you’re waist deep in water.

    By my observations, the eyewitness accounts of the impossible atrocities, the eye darting, throat clearing, mouth chewing, “let’s stop the camera for a bit” and the constant contradictions in testimony is/was their (inmates) undoing, in a fair/impartial world, anyway. The official extermination/genocide aspect is NOT TRUE, which is exactly why legislation is needed to protect the official story.

    Accounting for human memory, trauma and second language issues, they are still mostly unbelievable. The witnesses who report on soccer games, libraries, theater plays, day care centers, etc., get no airtime whatsoever. I wonder why? I think I know why.

    • Agree: John Wear, HdC
    • Thanks: Truth Vigilante
  595. @Mark Bahner

    1. Yes.

    2. I can’t possibly answer that question. I first read/learned about the Holocaust/Hitler in my high
    school library whilst perusing an encyclopedia for an essay assignment on Homer. Since then, I
    have read/watched many sources, both for and against, the official story.

    3. Those are ridiculous questions. I have spent over twenty years collecting, reviewing, recording, arguing evidence for criminal/civil pleadings. I’ll leave it at that; if you think I seem rather incompetent to be arguing with you, then good for you, yes? The only people with a
    background regarding A-B are those who were actually there; as far as I know, none on this thread
    qualify, so we all must rely on first-hand accounts, historians, scholars, etc., and our own powers
    of observation and reasoning. I have had conversations with former American soldiers who were
    in Europe during the war. The German witnesses at A-B were killed, imprisoned and denied
    a defense, so to suggest the information or facts, opposing the victim’s tales, is readily available is
    ludicrous. And, of course, in many places in Europe, we would have been thrown in the dungeon
    by now, most likely into the Irving Suite.

    ** Sorry about the mess with the text; I don’t know what happened; I’m not going to re-write it.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  596. Han says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Dear Mark Bahner, you obviously missed or deliberately ignored my reply #479 to you about how “the amazing Bard AI” (your words at #324) replied to my questions about AUSCHWITZ.

    You are obviously so impressed with Google’s “amazing Bard AI” mentioning it at #324, #469 (2x), #530 (2x).

    Well, here then for the SECOND TIME my “conversation” with Bard about AUSCHWITZ:

    Han says: July 16, 2023 at 6:51 am GMT • 2.3 days ago • 200 Words

    @Mark Bahner

    Dear Mark Bahner, below my questions to Bard, Google’s AI chat bot.

    Shock, horror, dear Mark!… Bard is a HOLOCAUST DENIER!!!

    Bard must be “mind-bogglingly stupid”.

    Please, do ask Bard the same questions if you don’t believe me.

    Han: How many were killed in Auschwitz?
    Bard: The death toll at Auschwitz is estimated to be between 1.1 and 1.5 million people. The vast majority of the victims were Jews, but there were also Roma, Soviet prisoners of war, political prisoners, and others.

    Han: Were the murdered Jews in Auschwitz cremated?
    Bard: Yes, the vast majority of the murdered Jews in Auschwitz were cremated.

    Han: How many crematorium ovens did Auschwitz have?
    Bard: Auschwitz had a total of 15 crematorium ovens, which were located in four crematoria.

    Han: How long does a crematorium oven take to cremate one body?
    Bard: The time it takes to cremate a body in a crematorium oven typically ranges from 2 to 3 hours.

    Han: Is it possible to cremate 1.1 to 1.5 million bodies, using only 15 crematorium ovens in four years?
    Bard: No, it is not possible to cremate 1.1 to 1.5 million bodies using only 15 crematorium ovens in four years.

    Han: How many years would it take?
    Bard: It would take about 20 years to cremate 1.1 to 1.5 million bodies using only 15 crematorium ovens.

    WHAAAAT?… Google’s Bard is a HOLOCAUST DENIER?… GOOD GRIEF!!!…

    Your comment, please, Mark Bahner.

    Come on, don’t be shy.

    Those books you cited are utterly useless.
    The prosecutors at Nuremberg accused and convicted the Germans of murdering some 4 million people at Auschwitz.

    These charges were based largely upon the supposed “CONFESSIONS” obtained by the torture of German officers, such as the signed “CONFESSION” by Rudolf Höss, the commandant at Auschwitz, giving details of how he had personally supervised the murder of 2.5 million Jews.

    In 1989, however, the Soviet government reduced the claim of the number killed at Auschwitz from 4 million to 1.5 million. This was later reduced to 1 million.

    It became apparent at once that if only 1 million Jews had died at Auschwitz, as was now officially admitted, it no longer became possible to state that 2.5 million Jews had been killed there under Höss while he was a commandant there.

    The “CONFESSION” by Höss that 2.5 million Jews had been killed at Auschwitz under his auspices was therefore WORTHLESS.


    By the way, dear Mark, did you actually go to Auschwitz-Birkenau and see it for yourself? I did.

    Mark Bahner: “If you really want to know what happened during 9/11, I’ve already provided an excellent analysis from Youtube a couple of times already.”

    Please, do show me your “excellent analysis from Youtube”. I would love to see that.
    Also, please, show me the missing “key video sequence” you mentioned at #579.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  597. @John Wear

    > Second, most of the Jews transited through the AR camps did not end up in Siberia.

    I never suggested such. I was referring to a claim popularized under the penname “Walter Sanning” which asserts that major deportations from east Poland were made of Jews prior to Barbarossa. There undoubtedly were some. But as I said, these would mainly have been Jews from west Poland who had fled from the German occupiers and were now treated with suspicion by the NKVD. There was no general evacuation of Jews from east Poland carried out by Soviet authorities. As long as were clear on that, then the issue of what happened to those who went through the AR camps is a different matter altogether.

    With respect to the latter, I would certainly expect that at least one-third must have died for reasons having nothing to do with diesel exhaust or gasoline or such. If about 2.4 million were deported to the AR camps, then it is clear that no coherent plans of settlement were ever made. If they had been, then there would have been reports of such settlements being discovered. In the absence of that, one is at best reminded of Hitler’s comment of October 25, 1941, in the Table Talk that “Nobody can tell me: But we can’t send them into the morass! For who bothers about our people? It’s good if the terror that we are exterminating Jewry goes before us.” (Richard Evans, The Third Reich at War, p. 240.) This certainly does not suggest gassings, but neither does it imply a well-arranged deportation with carefully prepared settlements ready for new inhabitants. In the best scenario, perhaps 800k out of 2.4m would die from starvation and disease while the others scattered away. That can at least be entertained as a hypothesis.

  598. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write in comment #587: “Maybe real all the posts before you start responding. Kalischer [sic] also used the term “extermination” to refer to the Jews of the Generalgouvernement.”

    My response: Please go back and read my comment #586. I wrote the following:

    “You write: “Here’s Kulischer: “It is hardly possible to distinguish how far the changes in the Jewish population of the General Government are due to deportation and how far they are attributable to ‘ordinary’ mortality and extermination. Moreover, the number of Jews remaining in the General Government is in any case uncertain” (p. 111, my emphasis).”

    So, I did read your comment before I responded.

    You write in comment #588: “No he doesn’t mention extermination camps. But he does use the word “extermination.” What of that?”

    My response: I read Eugene M. Kulischer’s entire book. Nowhere in this book does he discuss a German policy of extermination of the Jews. His book can not be used to either prove or disprove that Germany had a policy of exterminating the Jews.

    Kulischer devoted an entire section of his book to the expulsion and deportation of Jews during World War II. Kulischer stated:

    “For the Polish ghettos are not the last stage in the forced eastward migration of the Jewish people. On 20 November 1941, the Governor General, Hans Frank, broadcast the information that the Polish Jews would ultimately be transferred further east. Since the summer of 1942 the ghettos and labor camps in the German-occupied Eastern Territories have become the destination of deportees both from Poland and from western and central Europe; in particular, a new large-scale transfer from the Warsaw ghetto has been reported. Many of the deportees have been sent to the labor camps on the Russian front; others to work in the marshes of Pinsk, or to the ghettos of the Baltic countries, Belorussia and Ukraine.” (Source: Kulischer, Eugene M., The Displacement of Population in Europe, Montreal: International Labour Office, 1943, pp 110-111).

    Kulischer stated that “deportation to the east is for Jews the equivalent of the recruitment for work in the Reich to which the rest of the population of German-controlled Europe is subject, and their removal further and further eastward is doubtless connected with the need for supplying the army’s requirements near the front.” (Source: Ibid., p. 110).

    Kulischer concluded that the vast majority of deported Jews “went to the General Government, and further east to the German and Rumanian-occupied territories of the Soviet Union.” (Source: Ibid., p. 112).

    So, Kulischer’s book can be used to show that Germany had a policy of send Jews to the east to the General Government, and further east to the German and Rumanian-occupied territories of the Soviet Union.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  599. @Andrew Mathis

    Thank you for the answers. A few more questions, if I may:

    “Andrzej Kola, who conducted digs at Belzec, has done some at Sobibor. Since he dug there, several more digs have been done. Archaeological research is ongoing and regularly published.”

    Who has ownership/authority of the land/territory encompassing the former AR/OR camps? Who has/had access since the end of WW2? Has there been any development on said territory?

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  600. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write in comment #591: “You have not reckoned with Kola’s report. Not even close. Stop quoting Holocaust Handbooks to me. You’ve demonstrated you haven’t read Kola. You’re a joke, and not a funny.”

    My response: Back in comment #500 you gave me the title of Kola’s book “Belzec: The Nazi Camp for Jews in the Light of Archaeological Sources: Excavations 1997-1999” published by Council for the Protection of Memory of Combat and Martyrdom.

    I looked in my local Dallas Public Library and the SMU library and did not find it in either of these two libraries. I also looked at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Books-A-Million and did not see it for sale at any of these bookstores.

    So, do you know where I can obtain a copy of this book? Please let me know and I will be glad to read it.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  601. @Tiptoethrutulips


    Some more questions, and then some answers:

    2) Have you read any or all of these three books:

    a) “Commandant of Auschwitz” or “Death Dealer” (both containing the autobiography of Rudolf Hoss)?

    b) “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp”, edited by Yisrael Gutman and Michael Berenbaum?

    Note: That is available used for as little as $11, including shipping and handling.

    c) “Operation Hoss: The Deportation to Hungarian Jews May-July 1944,” by Ian Baxter. (Note: I previously wrongly gave his last name as Baker. It’s Ian Baxter.)

    If you haven’t read any of those, I recommend at least one…and any two out of those three would be great.

    I’ll leave it at that; if you think I seem rather incompetent to be arguing with you, then good for you, yes?

    I think you absolutely should not be exhibiting the arrogance and condescension that you routinely display towards me regarding Auschwitz-Birkenau. I can pretty much guarantee you I know more about that place than you do. And you *especially* shouldn’t be exhibiting arrogance and condescension that you routinely display towards me regarding technical matters such as cremation capacities or the residues therefrom. Because I can absolutely guarantee you that I know more about such technical matters than not only what you know now, but what you’re ever likely to learn. I’m basing that evaluation on the unlikelihood you’re going to get a degree in mechanical or chemical engineering, and spend a decade or more dealing with matters related to combustion, energy use, and what happens when things get burned.

    P.S. You never did understand my comment about the “little girl in the red coat”…even though you thought–and still think–you did. That’s *exactly* what I’m writing about when I refer to your “arrogance and condescension.” You may think that sort of thing makes you seem cool, or powerful, or “with it,” or some such. But it really makes you look ignorant, foolish, and like you’re simply a jerk.

    P.P.S. I gather from John Wear that you’re a woman. I can’t tell you how disappointing that is to me. I thought only men behaved like such jerks online.

    P.P.P.S. Oh, never did get to the answers to your questions. Answers coming up in next comment, I promise! But first I need to get a shower and some lunch. 🙂

  602. Dear Mark, you Twit,

    You know I have not read the “autobiography” of Hoess, as I previously stated thusly, and you know it was written, in prison, under duress, etc. But, do go on twitting about the content of said book, despite the contents/information therein described, is otherwise inadmissible in a court of law. It’s perfectly acceptable in Cartoon Court, aka Nuremberg, or whichever court sentenced Hoess in Poland, to submit testimony obtained after torture, threats, blah, blah, blah..(to quote you).

    Regarding the exhibition of arrogance and condescension, I challenge you to find an instance wherein I questioned the intelligence or scholarship/mocked/ridiculed anyone, other than YOU (or Gabbai, aka Pookie), on WW2/Holocaust thread. Can the same be said for you?

    Your extraordinary talents/abilities/intelligence is frequently professed by you, over and over, and yet your statements/reasoning abilities/observational abilities indicate you “doth protest too much!”

    I know exactly what you were doing by invoking the Hollywood movie and the girl in the red coat; a solid case based on evidence need not require emotional appeals or manipulation.

    Yes, I am a woman. The fact that you had no idea, heretofore, despite my proclamations about men in loin cloths, long-haired Daniel Day-Lewis, speaks to the keen powers of observation and analysis that you are constantly claiming are superior to those belonging to the rest of us. “ Stay alive! No matter what occurs; I WILL find you!” I guarantee, there’s not a woman in the world whose heart didn’t go a flutter during THAT movie scene; is that a clear enough statement for you, dear Mark, you twit? Yet, Mr. Wear, that poor, delusional soul, figured it out, didn’t he?

    I’m sorry to disappoint you. I will reassess my place in the world and the personality defects that offend a man such as yourself. Although, I do suspect you don’t like being bested by a girl, especially one with no engineering skills. I am NOT COMPARING MYSELF THUSLY, but Leonardo Da Vinci had no “formal” education in engineering or otherwise; I suspect you believe you could run circles around poor Leo.

    P.S., Don’t bother with the answers; I already know what happened, more or less. I watched “The World, According to Garp.”

    • Replies: @anon
    , @Mark Bahner
  603. anon[307] • Disclaimer says:

    i think all of can agree that ron needs to break up with richard hanania and marry a nice jewish girl. and haveth childers everywhere.

    but obviously the anti-semitic jew thing requires a special kind of girl.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  604. S says:

    Since this is a Holocaust thread, I’ll say if the state of education weren’t so dismal, and academia wasn’t infiltrated by Edom destroying academics, maybe the critical thinking skills of the general populace would make the Holocaust (and 911) fairytales harder to establish. Personally, hearing the outrageous and contradictory stories from the Shoah Foundation interviews, and reading the numerous accounts in newspapers of 6 million Jews, dying or in danger of dying, long before WW2, were the red flags that peeled my eyes.

    Then there are the closely paralleling fraudulent accusations of planned mass murder of Union POW’s at Andersonville, and at other of the South’s camps, and the innocuous vaccines to protect men’s lives somehow being turned upside down into a diabolical instrument of mass murder, ie ‘poisonous injections’.


    Add in the idle chatter of the time about ‘cattle cars’ and making leather goods from the human skin of the ‘murdered’ Union men.

    [Had Zyklon B existed at the time of the US Civil War, and the Confederates had used it to control lice (which was a problem), there’s little doubt the Southerners would have been accused of ‘gassing’ the prisoners.]

    Topping it off, there were the false atrocity allegations made against Germany in WWI.

    So, ok, some of the past atrocity allegations were a bit questionable. But, this time regarding WWII, it’s true!

    Overall, Lucy and her football comes to mind. 🙂

    In regards to the centuries of atrocity accusations leveled against Euros, understanding the ‘wound collector’ personality type helps to explain much.

    The historic relationship between Euro peoples and the Jewish people has long been a poisonous one for both. Amicable separation would probably be best for both groups.

    If you’ve not read the two books below, you might find them of interest. The first is a very readable first hand account of a Union prisoner at Andersonville. In the introduction he explains he didn’t like how some were cynically exploiting the suffering of he and his comrades to generate hatred, and he thought the best answer to that was the simple truth. The second link is to a book written by a high level Southern surgeon whom had served at Andersonville.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  605. @anon

    I’m not aware of the romantic life or partners of Ron Unz. Personally, I think the jabs about his sexual orientation are unwarranted and downright rude. As long as he refrains from prancing around in bare butt chaps around school kids (that goes for heteros, as well), I care not.

    Is this Pookie?

    Am I the only “anti-semite” around here, or did you single me out for some particular reason?

  606. @John Wear

    No idea and not my problem.

    Plenty of Kola’s other work is broadly available in archaeology journals.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  607. @John Wear

    “My response: I read Eugene M. Kulischer’s entire book. Nowhere in this book does he discuss a German policy of extermination of the Jews. His book can not be used to either prove or disprove that Germany had a policy of exterminating the Jews.”

    Repeating yourself isn’t an argument. Saying the same wrong thing over again won’t ever make it right.

    He undeniably uses the word “extermination” in referring to possible fates of the Jews in the Generalgouvernment.

    Either respond to this point or admit you can’t or won’t.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  608. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Yes, I am a woman. The fact that you had no idea, heretofore, despite my proclamations about men in loin cloths, long-haired Daniel Day-Lewis, speaks to the keen powers of observation and analysis that you are constantly claiming are superior to those belonging to the rest of us. “

    I don’t read half the crap you write, especially when you’re off on a rant.

    Although, I do suspect you don’t like being bested by a girl, especially one with no engineering skills.

    Good one. Leave ’em with a joke.

    Since you clearly don’t even want to attempt to educate yourself, I’ll leave you alone in your dream world from now on.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  609. @Mark Bahner

    Mark, my Dear, my Friend, you Twit,

    Go ahead and save yourself some trouble. Do you wish to exchange SAT/ACT scores? That’s known around Texas as a “pissing contest,” and as you are a man, and I am not, you have an advantage, and therefore may prevail, after all.

    I notice there are a few commenters who have revealed engineering skills/professions, such as HdC, and yet, here you are, hammering away at little, ol’ me. Shall we call HdC over? I think he’s waiting for some answers on a few “engineering” questions.

    Mark, in point of fact, I have designed and built a few bird houses and feeders in my lifetime, so I think I’m every bit as qualified as you. I’m speculating, of course.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Mark Bahner
  610. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “Repeating yourself isn’t an argument. Saying the same wrong thing over again won’t ever make it right. He undeniably uses the word “extermination” in referring to possible fates of the Jews in the Generalgouvernment. Either respond to this point or admit you can’t or won’t.”

    My response: Eugene Kulischer in his book writes: “It is hardly possible to distinguish how far the changes in the Jewish population of the General Government are due to deportation and how far they are attributable to ‘ordinary’ mortality and extermination.”

    So, Kulischer does not know how far the changes in the Jewish population of the General Government are due to deportation, ordinary mortality and extermination. He simply does not know. Nothing in this statement proves that Germany had an extermination policy against the Jews.

    It should be noted that nowhere else in his book does Eugene Kulischer mention anything about a German policy of exterminating the Jews. If there had been a German policy of extermination, I think Kulischer would have known about it.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  611. S says:

    Vietnam veterans became aware of this “American” pattern of unnecessary withdrawal, seemingly in order to prolong the war, as happened in WW2.

    I think Vietnam was made to needlessly drag on to do as much damage as possible to US society and culture. When it became obvious the society was breaking down in ’67 and ’68 due to the war all the troops should have been brought back home.

    During the last chaotic months of the WWII in Europe, Germany was overrun with Allied spies and saboteurs, sometimes operating as teams, which had been parachuted/infiltrated into the country. I read this one account by a downed American pilot who had joined up with one of these groups, and he was convinced the war had been deliberately prolonged. [Interestingly, he also became convinced that some of the bombing raids were deliberately targeting German cultural monuments, as an attack upon their historical identity.]

    Considering the many uncanny close parallels between the US Civil War and WWII, not surprisingly there are not dissimilar claims that the Union deliberately prolonged the war with the South, the accusation being made both by Union POW’s and Southerners was that a prolonged war meant more dead Union POW’s, and thus a larger cudgel to beat the defeated South over the head with postwar.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  612. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “No idea and not my problem. Plenty of Kola’s other work is broadly available in archaeology journals.”

    My response: Do you know of an archaeology journal written in English where I can read Kola’s full report. If you do, please let me know about it.

    This topic came up when you wrote in comment #591: “You have not reckoned with Kola’s report. Not even close. Stop quoting Holocaust Handbooks to me. You’ve demonstrated you haven’t read Kola. You’re a joke, and not a funny.”

    I will be glad to read his full report if you can tell me where I can get a copy of it. If a copy of his report is not available in English, then there is no way I can ever read it.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  613. @S

    Thanks for the links. I’m somewhat familiar with the civil war POW controversy, and I’m very much interested in nearly all histories from everywhere, so I will read on it.

    I have often said, if I could go back in time and choose an area of study more aligned with my interests, I would choose geology (not the oil hunting, but the paleo earth type) and a minor in archaeology.

    The truth is, the gas was used in the camps, for clothing (without the Jews in the clothing, though). War, in general, though sometimes the only recourse, is always tragic and best avoided. And, I still admire Dennis Prager, even though I’m not supposed to.

    • Replies: @S
  614. @Han

    This is a very interesting exchange. I don’t know how much you know about Bard AI, or other Large Language Models (LLMs):

    Basically, they can generate very interesting and useful answers. But they can also do something people call “hallucination.”

    That’s because LLMs have no real fundamental understanding about how the world works. Particularly, they don’t really understand that if a person asks a series of questions, they don’t know whether that person is staying on the same subject, or moving to a different subject. (A human, who knows how the world works, would sense that the person asking the questions was still on the same subject.)

    They also don’t always answer the same thing to the same questions. For example, I did *not* start with asking how many people were killed at Auschwitz, and instead went straight to this question:

    Mark: “How many crematorium ovens did Auschwitz have?” Bard AI answered:

    Auschwitz had a total of 15 crematorium ovens, distributed across 5 crematoria.

    Crematorium I had 3 ovens.
    Crematoria II and III each had 5 ovens.
    Crematoria IV and V each had 4 ovens.

    The ovens were used to burn the bodies of the victims of the Holocaust. The Nazis estimated that each oven could burn 2,000 bodies per day. However, in reality, the ovens were often operated at a much higher capacity, and it is estimated that they could burn up to 4,000 bodies per day.

    The crematoria at Auschwitz were a key part of the Nazi’s machinery of death. They allowed the Nazis to dispose of the bodies of their victims quickly and efficiently, which was essential to the success of the Holocaust.

    It is important to remember that the crematoria at Auschwitz were not simply places where bodies were burned. They were also places where people were murdered. The Nazis used the crematoria to kill millions of people, and their legacy is a reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust.

    I know that it’s hard to believe the answer I got was so different, but that’s exactly what I got. I did a partial screen capture that I’d be happy to post on my blog as proof.

    Han: How long does a crematorium oven take to cremate one body?

    Bard: The time it takes to cremate a body in a crematorium oven typically ranges from 2 to 3 hours.

    I think that’s a perfect example of a Bard AI not having any real fundamental understanding of how the world works. Even though your first two questions were about Auschwitz, when you asked, “How long does a crematorium oven take to cremate one body?”…it totally did not understand that you were still thinking about Auschwitz…so it gave you the answer for a standard commercial crematorium like the one that produced my mother and father’s ashes last year.

    It also makes a huge difference if your question is more detailed. Here is a question I asked Bard AI yesterday (or possibly at the very start of today):

    Mark’s question: “Please provide an essay of at least 1000 words, with tables, answering the following questions: What were the number of ovens in Krematorium II, and the number of ovens in Krematorium IV, at Birkenau? What did German reports by Topf and Sons estimate the capacity of Krematorium II and Krematorium IV, in bodies per day?”

    The response essay is indeed more than 1000 words, so I’m not going to repeat them all here. Here is the key first part of the 1000+ word answer:

    Sure, here is the essay:

    Krematorium II and Krematorium IV at Auschwitz-Birkenau

    Krematorium II and Krematorium IV were two of the five crematoria built at Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi concentration and extermination camp complex in Poland. They were both located in the Birkenau (Auschwitz II) section of the camp, and were used to cremate the bodies of the millions of people who were murdered there, most of whom were Jews.

    The number of ovens

    Krematorium II had five three-muffle ovens, for a total of 15 muffle ovens. Krematorium IV had one eight-muffle oven, for a total of 8 muffle ovens.

    The capacity of the ovens

    German reports by Topf and Sons, the company that built the ovens, estimated that the capacity of Krematorium II was 1,440 bodies per day, and the capacity of Krematorium IV was 768 bodies per day. However, it is important to note that these estimates were based on the assumption that the ovens would be operated at full capacity, which was not always the case. In reality, the actual number of bodies that were cremated in the ovens each day varied depending on a number of factors, such as the number of prisoners arriving at the camp, the availability of fuel, and the efficiency of the workers.

    I’ll spare you the details of why I asked the question the way I did, but I know myself that there were two crematoriums in *Birkenau* that had five three-muffle ovens, for a total of 15 muffle ovens each. Each of those two crematoriums (they were called “Krematorium I and II” by the Nazis during WW2, but in 2023 we call them Crematorium II and III) had a capacity estimated by Topf and Sons at 1,440 bodies per day. (Although later, some people claimed actual production was higher…but if they were operated at those insane production levels, they tended to break down, just like if you run an engine way over the “red line.”) So if each of them could cremate 1,440 bodies per day, that would be 2,880 bodies per day.

    Then there were two smaller ovens, each with 8 muffles (openings for the bodies). Those were called Krematorium III and IV by the Nazis during WW2, but in 2023 we call them Crematoria IV and V. Each of those had an estimated capacity by Topf and Sons of 768 bodies per day, so that would be a total for those two of 1,536 bodies per day.

    So, per Topf and Sons, total capacity for all four would be 2,880 + 1,536 = 4,416 bodies per day for the four crematoria at Birkenau. But as I mentioned, the crematoria were breaking down when the Hungarian Jews arrived, because the crematoria were being pushed too hard by the attempt to cremate so many bodies so fast.

    • Replies: @Han
  615. @John Wear

    Really. Why would he have known?

    • Replies: @John Wear
  616. @John Wear

    Presumably a historian knows how to use a library

    • Replies: @John Wear
  617. @Tiptoethrutulips

    AFAIK, all AR sites are administered by the Polish government

  618. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write about Eugene Kulischer: “Really. Why would he have known?”

    My response: Establishment historians state that all Jews sent to the Aktion Reinhardt camps of Treblinka, Belzec and Sobibor were exterminated. It is claimed that a handful of strong young Jews were temporarily spared to keep the camps running. All other Jews sent to the Aktion Reinhardt camps were immediately gassed upon arrival without registration. (Source: Graf, Jürgen, “David Irving and the Aktion Reinhardt Camps,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2009).

    Historian Peter Longerich, for example, states in his book “Holocaust” that 1,274,166 Jews had been killed in the Aktion Reinhardt camps by the end of 1942. Longerich bases his statement on the Höfle telegram from January 1943, which shows that this many Jews had been sent by then to the Aktion Reinhardt camps. Longerich asserts without evidence that all Jews sent to the Aktion Reinhardt camps were murdered. (Source: Longerich, Peter, Holocaust: The Nazi Persecution and Murder of the Jews, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, p. 340).

    Eugene M. Kulischer, who was a member of the International Labor Office in Montreal during World War II, published in 1943 the book “The Displacement of Population in Europe.” This book used the work of 24 institutions that had at their disposal a huge network of channels of information in the various European nations. Kulischer was thus able to base his demographic studies upon the best existing sources.

    If 1,274,166 Jews had been killed in the Aktion Reinhardt camps by the end of 1942, there is a good chance that someone in Kulischer’s group of 24 institutions would have known about it. These 24 institutions had at their disposal a huge network of channels of information in the various European nations. It would have been very difficult to hide the extermination of such a large number of Jews from this vast network of channels of information.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  619. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “Presumably a historian knows how to use a library.”

    My response: I know how to use a library. In 2015 a man named I. White brought up Kola’s book “Belzec: The Nazi Camp for Jews in the Light of Archaeological Sources: Excavations 1997-1999” in an Amazon discussion thread we were participating in. I did a thorough search back then and could not find a copy of this book written in English that I could read.

    So far I have checked with the local libraries and major booksellers and have not found a way to obtain a copy of this book. If this book was beneficial to the official Holocaust story, I would think it would be widely distributed by now. The fact that this book has not been widely distributed almost certainly means that it is not as important or beneficial to the Holocaust story as you want us to believe.

    Until you can tell me how I can purchase or obtain a copy of this book, I will go with Germar Rudolf’s summary of the book. I consider Rudolf to be a much more credible source of information than anyone from Holocaust Controversies or such similar pro-Holocaust supporters.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  620. @Han

    Mark Bahner: “If you really want to know what happened during 9/11, I’ve already provided an excellent analysis from Youtube a couple of times already.”

    Han: Please, do show me your “excellent analysis from Youtube”. I would love to see that.

    I do not want to discuss 9/11 here…Ron Unz has a place for 9/11 discussion here:

    …but here is the video I was talking about:

    It’s the response by Louis Vaught (“M.S. in Structural Engineering, 2017”)

    Again, I will not discuss 9/11 any more on this comment thread. I wouldn’t mind on Ron Unz’s other place.

    • Replies: @Han
  621. @John Wear

    Nyiszli totally invented these gassings results. Since hydrocyanic vapors are slightly lighter than air, the diffusion of gas in the gas chambers would not rise from the floor to the ceiling. The gassing victims would have no need to climb over one another to escape the poison gas. (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, “Dr. Mengele’s ‘Medical Experiments’ on Twins in the Birkenau Gypsy Camp,” Inconvenient History, Vol. 5, No. 4, 2013).

    That’s absolute nonsense, John. Nyiszli is absolutely correct:

    “The bodies do not lie all over the length and breadth of the room but rather in a single, story-high heap. The explanation for this is that the fallen gas granules first permeate the air layer above the concrete floor with their deadly vapors and only gradually saturate the higher layers of air in the room. This forces the unfortunate victims to trample each other, to climb over one another. In the higher layers the gas thus reaches them later. What a terrible struggle for life must take place there, and yet the time won is only one or two minutes in all!” (Source: Ibid., p. 41).

    Zyklon B is in the form of granules of various types, including diatomaceous earth. The liquid evaporates into cyanide gas when the granules fall onto the floor of the gas chamber. Dr. Nyiszli is absolutely correct that the highest concentration of cyanide gas would initially be at the floor, right at the place the granules were dropped. I cannot imagine what Carlo Mattogno is babbling about. (And I’m damn sure not going to buy any book of his to try to figure it out.)

    Inert, Gypsum-based, spent Zyklon-B pellets, recovered outside a crematorium at Majdanek killing center in Poland, following the liberation of the camp by the Soviet army in July 1944. Developed and patented in 1924 by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung mbH (German Corporation for Pest Control, a subsidiary of Degussa), Zyklon-B was originally produced as a pesticide and rodenticide. It was created by infusing liquid hydrogen cyanide (also known as prussic acid) into one of three carriers: wood fiber disks, diatomaceous earth (trade name: Diagriess), or gypsum (calcium sulfate, also known as Erco) pellets. The product would then be sealed into metal canisters and shipped to the camps. Upon opening the can, the hydrogen cyanide would begin to evaporate into a breathable gas, so it was most effective if released into a sealed room.

  622. @John Wear

    Two things

    1) Any person conducting research in this area has a responsibility to learn the languages. I learned German in my 40s so I could read documents. Now in my 50s, I’m learning Romanian. Get with the program. At HC, we have the combined ability to read a dozen languages.

    2) Publishers and researchers generally don’t care about Holocaust denial. They aren’t working to prove anything to you. The availability of a book says nothing about its “value” in this regard.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  623. @John Wear

    I mean, you’re aware that there was a war going on, right? The Bug River, along which the AR camps was situated, was well behind the German lines. The Soviets would not arrive at these camps until a year after Kulischer published his book.

    Don’t oversell your point. There was precious little info available to anyone until the Vrba-Wetzler report.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  624. @John Wear

    You write in comment #177: “In order to evaluate what happened to the 400,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived from May to July 1944, and were not capable of working, it’s useful to assess the matter logically, without preconceptions.”

    My response: I agree with this statement. So, let us do this now.

    “According to the most recent results of revisionist historiography, the number of Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz amounted to a total of about 398,400, of whom 106,700 were immediately registered or admitted into the transit camp of Birkenau without registration and then transferred to other camps; hence the percentage of those allegedly gassed would be about 73%.”…

    OK, stop right there. We have 398,400 Hungarian Jewish arrivals, and 106,700 were selected as “fit to work”. So that means 398,400 minus 106,700 equals 291,700 Hungarian Jews who were “not fit to work.” Let’s round that up to 300,000 Hungarian Jews “not fit to work,” just for easy typing. So we’re talking about 300,000 people composed of groups like children under 12, old people over 65, and so on.

    What is the most logical thing for Nazi Germany, which is losing a war, and has already kicked all the Jews out of Germany, to do with Hungarian Jews who are unfit to work? Send them back to Hungary? Send them somewhere else in Poland? What is the most logical thing for Jew-hating Nazis, losing a war, to do with Hungarian Jewish children under 12 and Hungarian Jewish old people over 65?

    Hint: What did Nazi Germany do with people with mental and physical disabilities?

  625. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “Two things 1) Any person conducting research in this area has a responsibility to learn the languages. I learned German in my 40s so I could read documents. Now in my 50s, I’m learning Romanian. Get with the program. At HC, we have the combined ability to read a dozen languages.”

    My response: Good for you.

    Jurgen Gräf reads about a dozen languages. Germar Rudolf reads German, English, French and Italian. Carlo Mattogno reads multiple languages, including German and Italian, although he does not read or speak English. These three people have the same language skills as all of you combined at HC.

    I only speak English, and at age 70 I am not going to take the time to learn a new language. I do not regard myself as being a first-tier Holocaust researcher that does original research in the field. I leave that to people such as Rudolf, Mattogno and Graf.

    However, I have studied what is available in English for a period of over three decades now. I regard myself as being an informed amateur historian.

    You write: “2) Publishers and researchers generally don’t care about Holocaust denial. They aren’t working to prove anything to you. The availability of a book says nothing about its “value” in this regard.”

    My response: Actually, Holocaust researchers work diligently to attempt to prove that the official Holocaust story is valid. That is why you see so many books and articles written on the so-called Holocaust.

    If Kola’s report was so beneficial to the Holocaust story, you and I both know that it would be available in English. Actually, as far as I can tell, it doesn’t appear to be widely available in any language.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  626. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “The Soviets would not arrive at these camps until a year after Kulischer published his book. Don’t oversell your point. There was precious little info available to anyone until the Vrba-Wetzler report.”

    My response: All right. It is quite possible that Eugene M. Kulischer in 1943 knew nothing about the mass extermination of Jews at the AR and other German camps. That is entirely possible even with his vast network of informers.

    Yet, in your comment #616, you write about Kulischer, “He undeniably uses the word “extermination” in referring to possible fates of the Jews in the Generalgouvernment. Either respond to this point or admit you can’t or won’t.”

    So, in comment #616, you act as if Kulischer knew about a German program of mass extermination of Jews based on his use of the word extermination in one sentence. Now, in comment #632, you act as if Kulischer in 1943 could not have known of a German program of mass extermination of Jews. I find your responses to be inconsistent.

    I also don’t regard the Vrba-Wetzler report as being a credible source of information.

    Rudolf Vrba, who had escaped from Auschwitz in April of 1944, was a world-famous eyewitness to the homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz. Vrba was a coauthor of the War Refugee Board Report, and was the author of the book “I Cannot Forgive” (with Alan Bestic) published in 1964. Furthermore, Vrba had provided important eyewitness testimony at the Auschwitz trial in Frankfurt in 1964. The prosecution felt that Vrba could produce reliable and authentic testimony at the 1985 Ernst Zündel trial. Vrba was considered one of the most important witnesses in support of the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.

    However, Vrba confessed during his testimony at Zündel’s trial that his book “I Cannot Forgive” was “an artistic picture…not a document for the court.” Vrba also testified that he had never actually witnessed anybody being gassed at Auschwitz, but had merely heard rumors. Furthermore, Vrba admitted that his written and pictorial descriptions of the Auschwitz crematory were mere guessing, based on “what I heard it might look like.” Vrba proved to be an unreliable witness who could only cite hearsay evidence of the so-called Holocaust. (Source: Hoffman II, Michael A., The Great Holocaust Trial, 3rd edition, Dresden, NY: Wiswell Ruffin House, 1995, pp. 56-59).

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  627. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You ask: “What is the most logical thing for Jew-hating Nazis, losing a war, to do with Hungarian Jewish children under 12 and Hungarian Jewish old people over 65?”

    My response: Keep some of them in Auschwitz-Birkenau, and send the rest of them to other German camps and sub-camps.

    As I explained in a previous comment, there were well over a 1,000 German camps and sub-camps where these Hungarian Jews could have been sent.

    We also know that numerous Hungarian Jewish children were alive when the Soviets liberated Auschwitz-Birkenau. Please see Carlo Mattogno’s research on pages 391-395 of his book about Myklos Nyislis located at I have given you this information before, but you have yet to respond to it.

    You write: “Hint: What did Nazi Germany do with people with mental and physical disabilities?”

    My response: I write about this matter in my article at Please take the time to read it. If you find anything wrong in my article, please let me know.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  628. Hint: What did Nazi Germany do with people with mental and physical disabilities?

    Oh, please. Let’s pretend the practice of eugenics and tossing the disabled/mentally ill into state homes originated in EVIL GERMANY.

    From Wikipedia:

    The original form of eugenics was most famously expounded by Plato, who believed human reproduction should be monitored and controlled by the state.[1] However, Plato understood this form of government control would not be readily accepted, and proposed the truth be concealed from the public via a fixed lottery. Mates, in Plato’s Republic, would be chosen by a “marriage number” in which the quality of the individual would be quantitatively analyzed, and persons of high numbers would be allowed to procreate with other persons of high numbers. In theory, this would lead to predictable results and the improvement of the human race.

    In the early part of the Shōwa era, Japanese governments executed a eugenics policy to limit the birth of children with “inferior” traits, as well as aiming to protect the life and health of mothers.
    The Leprosy Prevention laws of 1907, 1931 and 1953, the last one only repealed in 1996, permitted the segregation of patients in sanitariums where forced abortions and sterilization were common

    Singapore practiced a limited form of eugenics that involved discouraging marriage between university graduates and nongraduates through segregation in matchmaking agencies, in the hope that the former would produce better children

    The law was passed while the Swedish Social Democratic Party was in power, though it was also supported by all other political parties in the Riksdag at the time, as well as the Lutheran Church and much of the medical profession.[133] From about 1934 to 1975, Sweden sterilized more than 62,000 people.[134]

    In Russia, one supporter of preventive eugenics is the president of the Independent Psychiatric Association of Russia Yuri Savenko, who justifies forced sterilization of women, which is practiced in Moscow psychoneurological nursing homes. He states that “one needs a more strictly adjusted and open control for the practice of preventive eugenics, which, in itself, is, in its turn, justifiable.”[165] In 1993, the health minister of the Russian Federation issued the order that determined the procedure of forced abortion and sterilization of disabled women and the need for court decision to perform them

    There is info about the legal Whitening Program in Brazil…….it was everywhere throughout history.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  629. @Mark Bahner

    In contrast, have you read *any* of those books? Have you read *any* books on Auschwitz at all? If so, what were they?

    The books you have are Zio propaganda and were funded by Malevolent International Jewry to propagate the Holohoax myth.
    Why don’t you read some objective books, like this one written by the internationally acclaimed Dr Nick Kollerstrom ?:

    • Agree: John Wear
  630. @Mark Bahner

    I saved the best for last.

    Hint: What did Nazi Germany do with people with mental and physical disabilities?

    Jewish Support for Eugenics
    Rabbi Sidney Goldstein, Free Synagogue Pulpit, 1912
    “We know from studies, the soundness and reliability of which are indisputable, that out of these defective groups and their offspring are recruited the greatest number of those unhappy creatures who fill our reformatories and prisons and asylums and our homes for the wayward and the vagrant…
    …It is possible to prevent those who are defective from bringing forth abundantly and peopling the earth after their own kind…The birth-rate of the feeble-minded, the epileptic, many of the insane, and the criminal whose criminality is due to some deep-seated defect, should be controlled and cut off.”
    Rabbi Max Reichler, Jewish Eugenics, 1915
    “The very founder of the Jewish race, the patriarch Abraham, recognized the importance of certain inherited qualities, and insisted that the wife of his “only beloved son” should not come from “the daughters of the Canaanites,” but from the seed of a superior stock…
    …This contention is eugenically correct. Davenport tells of a settlement worker of this city who made special inquiry concerning a certain unruly and criminally inclined section of his territory, and found that the offenders came from one village in Calabria, known as “the home of the brigands.” Just as there is a home of the brigands, so there may be a “home of the pure bloods.”
    …Abraham’s servant, Eliezer, so the Midrash states, desired to offer his own daughter to Isaac, but his master sternly rebuked him, saying: “Thou art cursed, and my son is blessed, and it does not behoove the cursed to mate with the blessed, and thus deteriorate the quality of the race.”

  631. @Mark Bahner

    Mark ‘Mordechai’ Bahner-stein writes:

    I’ll answer your questions, “tiptoethrutulips.” But first I’ll like to ask you some questions:

    1) Do you really think you know anything about Auschwitz-Birkenau (A-B)?

    How many hours of your life would you say you’ve spent on A-B?

    First of all, who the EFF do you think you are to be asking questions of others, when you won’t answer sensible questions posed to you by some of us ?
    (In particular the questions I’ve asked you relating to that video I posted from Dean Irebodd that EMPHATICALLY proves that the gas chambers design that was alleged to have existed at Auschwitz, WAS SO INEFFICIENT and SO IMPLAUSIBLE [and most of all UNWORKABLE], that it could not possibly have been designed by the Germans (or any entity with double digit IQ) for mass genocide.

    Now, I noticed the titles of the books you say you’ve sourced info from about the Holohoax, and no doubt you may have read dozens of others in addition to those from the Jonathan Greenblatt/ADL approved reading list of Zio disinformation.
    You may well have put 1000’s of hours into reading these FABRICATED LIES.
    All that means is that you are FURTHER AWAY FROM THE TRUTH than someone who has done no research at all into this fictional event.

    In the words of someone you may be familiar with:

    The man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods and errors.

    …. Thomas Jefferson (letter to J. Norvell, 1807).

    SUMMARY: Mr Mark Mordechai, you started badly in the UR commentariat by saying you were Episcopalian and that one of your forebears was a hessian sack.
    ie: you started right off the bat with LIES.

    Even the pro-Israel christian evangelical Zionists never carry on about the Holohoax this way.
    Yes, they’ll defend the Apartheid Israeli state for a few minutes and tell others they’re sure there were gas chambers in Auschwitz (because Laurence Olivier insisted it was so, as he narrated the Zio funded BBC ‘World at War’ TV series).

    But NO GOY WOULD CARRY ON ABOUT THE HOLOHOAX and keep gnawing away like a dog on his bone the way you do.
    Only a foaming-at-the-mouth yarmulke wearing fanatic carries on like you do.

    So Mr Mark Mordechai, are you going to be man enough to admit what we already know ?
    (ie: that you fibbed about your claim that you were christian, so as to deflect attention away from the fact that you have Talmudic dog in this race).

    If you were at least honest with that, we’d likely attach a little more credence to the preposterous assertions that you’re making.

  632. @Andrew Mathis

    Andrew ‘Moshe’ Mathis writes:

    I’d say the real number [of small hats alleged to have been killed] is between 5.5 and 5.75 million.

    You’re not very bright, are you ?
    You’re badly in need of an education as to what really went on at those WORK camps.

    You can start by reading this article that’s just been posted in UR by the brilliant Dr Nick Kollerstrom:

    From that article, here are some pearls he’s included:

    ‘Or, take another simple fact: mortality of Jews in the camps was on average no different from other inmates, i.e. overall, they died at much the same rate’.

    ‘More Catholics than Jews died at Auschwitz.’

    ‘Once Zyklon started to be introduced into the German labour-camps, in the summer of 1942, mortality went down, not up’.

    Moshe, would you care to respond to any of those CERTIFIABLY TRUE assertions ?

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  633. S says:

    I have often said, if I could go back in time and choose an area of study more aligned with my interests, I would choose geology (not the oil hunting, but the paleo earth type) and a minor in archaeology.

    Archaeology is interesting. Recently I came across the 3400 year old complete and undisturbed tomb of Kha and Merit (Middle class work foreman and his wife of ancient Egypt.) which is about the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen.

    War, in general, though sometimes the only recourse, is always tragic and best avoided.

    I agree.

    The truth is, the gas was used in the camps, for clothing (without the Jews in the clothing, though). And, I still admire Dennis Prager, even though I’m not supposed to.

    Yes, that is how gas was used. Similarly, there were vaccines administered for the men’s good health at Andersonville, but no ‘poisonous injections’.

    Naturally, every person can admire whom they wish. [I know someone said something about Prager upthread, so forgive me if you’ve already seen this link. Happily, Prager is not God, and ‘the H’ is not a sacrament.]


    Kha and Merit’s tomb:

  634. @John Wear

    “So, in comment #616, you act as if Kulischer knew about a German program of mass extermination of Jews based on his use of the word extermination in one sentence. Now, in comment #632, you act as if Kulischer in 1943 could not have known of a German program of mass extermination of Jews. I find your responses to be inconsistent.”

    No, I say in Comment #616 that Kulischer says it’s possible that extermination is happening — which is something that could happen, btw, without a “program of mass extermination.”

  635. @John Wear

    Presumably, Mr. Wear also believes that people who write about the Civil War also are trying to prove it happened since there are so many books about that.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  636. Han says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Mark Bahner says:

    “This is a very interesting exchange. I don’t know how much you know about Bard AI, or other Large Language Models (LLMs):”

    LOL, dear Mark Bahner!

    “Amazing Bard AI” (your words #324) is excellent when it fits your narrative, but is hallucinating when it doesn’t.
    It all comes down to who PROGRAMMED the AI chatbots, like Bard, don’t you think so?
    And who is PROGRAMMING them? The JEWS.

    Microsoft shuts down AI chatbot after it turned into a Nazi

    AI-Controlled VTuber Streams Games On Twitch, Denies Holocaust

    Bard: What is Google’s Bard and how is it different to ChatGPT?

    “Google has launched its own AI chatbot, called Bard.
    The artificial intelligence chatbot can answer questions in a human-like way by accessing up-to-date information from the internet. It’s seen as a rival to ChatGPT, which launched last year.

    “However Google have warned that Bard would have “limitations” and could share misinformation.

    “Google say Bard is PROGRAMMED not to respond to offensive questions and there are filters to stop it from sharing harmful, illegal or personal information – but vice president of Google Research, Zoubin Ghahramani said like any methods of protection these could sometimes not work.”

    Google: “The artificial intelligence chatbot can answer questions in a human-like way by accessing up-to-date information from the internet.”

    WHO controls “the up-to-date information from the internet”? WHO controls the internet? The JEWS.
    Google, Apple, Amazon and Facebook. Google is huge. They have probably 85% of the search traffic.

    Mark: “How many crematorium ovens did Auschwitz have?” Bard AI answered:

    “Auschwitz had a total of 15 crematorium ovens, distributed across 5 crematoria.

    “Crematorium I had 3 ovens.
    Crematoria II and III each had 5 ovens.
    Crematoria IV and V each had 4 ovens.

    “The ovens were used to burn the bodies of the victims of the Holocaust. The Nazis estimated that each oven could burn 2,000 bodies per day. However, in reality, the ovens were often operated at a much higher capacity, and it is estimated that they could burn up to 4,000 bodies per day.

    “The crematoria at Auschwitz were a key part of the Nazi’s machinery of death. They allowed the Nazis to dispose of the bodies of their victims quickly and efficiently, which was essential to the success of the Holocaust.

    “It is important to remember that the crematoria at Auschwitz were not simply places where bodies were burned. They were also places where people were murdered. The Nazis used the crematoria to kill millions of people, and their legacy is a reminder of the horrors of the Holocaust.”

    Mark Bahner: “I know that it’s hard to believe the answer I got was so different, but that’s exactly what I got. I did a partial screen capture that I’d be happy to post on my blog as proof.”

    Don’t worry putting that screen capture on your blog as proof as Bard gave me the same answer, but I ONLY quoted the first sentence:
    “Auschwitz had a total of 15 crematorium ovens, distributed across 5 crematoria.”

    The rest of Bard’s answer is just PURE UNADULTERATED JEWISH HOLOCAUST PROPAGANDA BS, just like all the books you were citing about Hoess and Auschwitz

    There were NO gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau, or any other camp, to murder Jews.
    The ones who proved that, Germar Rudolf and Fred Leuchter were severely dealt with as a warning to others to not even think of trying to prove that there were NO gas chambers.

    Germar Rudolf:
    “Therefore, it is my conviction that the only conclusion which can explain all factors involved is that in the facilities alleged, no mass gassings with Zyklon B can have occurred under the conditions attested to by alleged eyewitnesses, court witnesses, journalists, academics or other popularizers.”


    The “Holocaust” is often characterized as the greatest crime in the history of mankind. Yet for 44 years not a single forensic investigation into this alleged crime has ever been undertaken. This changed in 1988, when Fred A. Leuchter, at that time the only U.S. expert for execution technologies, was asked by German-Canadian Ernst Zundel to go to Poland and investigate the facilities in the Auschwitz, Birkenau, and Majdanek camps which are claimed to have served as chemical slaughterhouses for hundreds of thousands of victims-also called “gas chambers.”

    Leuchter changed the course of history when he concluded in his report that the locations investigated “could not have then been, or now be, utilized or seriously considered to function as execution gas chambers.”

    Subsequently Fred Leuchter also went to other camps, where mass murder with poison gas is claimed to have happened (Dachau, Mauthausen, Hartheim). He then wrote a similarly devastating report which concluded “that there were no gas execution chambers at any of these locations.” This study was accompanied by an annotated bibliography about published claims regarding these three alleged locations of mass murder compiled by Dr. Faurisson.

    In a third expert report, Fred Leuchter described in detail the technique of execution gas chambers as used in the U.S. for capital punishment, and juxtaposed it with claims about alleged Third Reich gassings. In a fourth report, Leuchter criticized a book on “gas chambers” written by French scholar Jean-Claude Pressac.

    Fred Leuchter:
    I have been vilified by the caretakers of the Holocaust dogma whose desperate tactics prove the failure of their arguments. My livelihood has been destroyed, my character has been impugned and my life turned upside down. But I will not bend the knee: Not now, not tomorrow, not ever. Time and reason will vindicate the Leuchter Report.

    The Lüftl Report

    In March 1992, a prominent Austrian engineer made headlines when a report he had written about alleged German wartime gas chambers was made public.

    Walter Lüftl concluded in his controversial report, “Holocaust: Belief and Facts,” that the well-known stories of mass extermination of Jews in gas chambers at the wartime camps of Auschwitz and Mauthausen are impossible for technical reasons and because they are incompatible with observable laws of nature.

    Lüftl further characterized the often-repeated stories of Jews being gassed with diesel engine exhaust (at Treblinka, for example) as a sheer impossibility.

    • Agree: John Wear, HdC
  637. Anonymous[395] • Disclaimer says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    How sweet. Do you kiss your boyfriend with that mouth?

  638. @Tiptoethrutulips

    So you think that makes Nazi Germany murdering the mentally and physically disabled OK…just because they didn’t originate it?

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  639. @Mark Bahner

    Did I say it was OK? Are you aware of voluntary euthanasia programs existing today? Who volunteers for euthanasia? I’ll answer: people who are suffering, with no hope of recovery. Do you know the purpose of a DNR order/living will? Some people prefer death over lingering on strapped to a wheelchair or bed.

    And, yes, there is a difference between a voluntary and/or forced procedure. But, the notion of “quality of life” and eugenics is a universal dilemma and not specific to Hitler/Germany. Eugenics is more about the prevention of a large population of unfortunate people who can’t look after themselves than a plan to KILL THEM ALL!

  640. @John Wear

    You ask: “What is the most logical thing for Jew-hating Nazis, losing a war, to do with Hungarian Jewish children under 12 and Hungarian Jewish old people over 65?”

    My response: Keep some of them in Auschwitz-Birkenau, and send the rest of them to other German camps and sub-camps.

    OK, let’s go through the numbers:

    1) We have approximately 400,000 Hungarian Jews arriving in 60 days. That’s 6666 per day. A train carries about 3100 people, but let’s make it 3333 people per train. So two trains per day.

    2) We have 100,000 (25%) who are fit to work. So over 60 days, that’s 1666 per day who are fit to work. Let’s put half of them in Auschwitz I, II, or III (Auschwitz, Birkenau, or Morowicz) and send the other half to other places. So that’s 833 each day to the whole of Auschwitz, and 833 each day to other camps. Note that adding 833 each day to the whole of Auschwitz means that we raise the population of the whole of Auschwitz by 833 people/day times 60 days = 50,000 people added. Therefore, if the whole of Auschwitz started at 90,000, it ends up after 60 days at 140,000. That 140,000 I think is about the maximum population ever in the whole of Auschwitz (I, II, and III combined).

    3) But let’s say we keep 60,000 people unfit for work at Auschwitz-Birkenau…say 10,000 children under the age of 12, and 50,000 people “unfit for work” for some other reason (e.g., over age 65). (That’s 1000 people a day for 60 days.) Now the population of Auschwitz-Birkenau after the 60 days is a whopping 140,000 + 60,000 = 200,000 people.

    4) And even if we keep 60,000 of the 300,000 Hungarian Jews “unfit for work” at Auschwitz-Birkenau, we *still* have 240,000 we have to send to other camps. That’s 240,000 people over 60 days, or 4,000 people “unfit to work” leaving Auschwitz *per day*. Combined with the 833 people “fit to work” who are leaving Auschwitz *every day* for the 60 days, we have 4,833 people leaving Auschwitz *every day*.

    5) So we have 6,666 people coming *in* every day for 60 days, and 4,833 people going *out* every day for 60 days.

    6) On what planet does that make sense…to have 6,666 people coming in every day, and 4,833 going *out* every day? Why not just have the 4,833 people leaving each day just stay on the train?

    7) Also, those 4,000 people unfit for work who are leaving Auschwitz every day are Hungarian Jewish children and old people. They probably don’t even speak German or Polish. And I asked you before, but I don’t think you answered, wasn’t Germany trying to *rid* itself of Jews? Why send 4,000 Hungarian Jews unfit to work *into* Germany every day for 60 days? That’s 240,000 Hungarian Jews “unfit to work” being sent *into* Germany, when Germany is just about to lose the war? Seriously?

    8) And where is a record of what happened to those 240,000 Hungarian Jews who were unfit to work, and you say were sent to other camps? How many of them were found alive at other camps just 6-8 months later, when Germany collapsed?

    We also know that numerous Hungarian Jewish children were alive when the Soviets liberated Auschwitz-Birkenau. Please see Carlo Mattogno’s research on pages 391-395 of his book about Myklos Nyislis located at I have given you this information before, but you have yet to respond to it.

    Good grief, John! I didn’t respond yet, because I’m still banging my head against the table. Do you really think that Carlo Mattogno’s silly table *helps* the Defense’s case that there were *no* homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau? Of the 300,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived from May to July 1944 and were “unfit to work,” there were likely 80,000+ children under the age of twelve. So let’s say 20,000 of them stayed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and the other 60,000+ were sent to other camps and subcamps.

    Now let’s look at Carlo Mattogno’s silly table. Other than the 19 sets of twins obviously kept alive for Dr. Mengele’s sick and unethical experiments, how many Hungarian Jewish children under the age of twelve who arrived between May and July 1944 are listed on that table? I count ***five*** non-twin Hungarian Jewish children under the age of 12 on that silly table. So 80,000+ arrived in May-July 1944, and we had 20,000 of them as staying in Auschwitz-Birkenau, and now ***five*** were alive in January 1945. That’s a 0.025 percent survival rate from May-July 1944 to January 1945. That’s 0.025 percent survival over a period of 6-8 months.

    Seriously, you think that proves there *weren’t* homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau?!

  641. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Go ahead and save yourself some trouble. Do you wish to exchange SAT/ACT scores? That’s known around Texas as a “pissing contest,”…

    Texas? Oh, good grief! It only just occurred to me. I don’t mind exchanging SAT scores, Carolyn. (It is Carolyn, right?) I never took the ACT. Do you even remember your SAT scores?

    I notice there are a few commenters who have revealed engineering skills/professions, such as HdC, and yet, here you are, hammering away at little, ol’ me.

    I’m not “hammering away” at you. I’m advising you to display less arrogance and condescension regarding matters about which you are clearly ignorant.

    Shall we call HdC over? I think he’s waiting for some answers on a few “engineering” questions.

    Which questions are those?

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  642. @Mark Bahner


    The first two paragraphs were meant to be in block quotes…not the rest of the comments.

  643. Han says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Mark Bahner says:
    “If you really want to know what happened during 9/11, I’ve already provided an excellent analysis from Youtube a couple of times already.”

    I had a look at

    Yes, I agree, “an excellent analysis” Mark Bahner!

    You posted 2 hard-hitting comments quoting Wikipedia and the Washington Post. Good independent sources of info about 9/11. No wonder you are such an expert on 9/11, so I won’t waste your time discussing it with you.

    You either know SFA about 9/11 or you know all about it and will do anything to stop the truth from coming out. You will boast, lie, cheat, abuse, intimidate as you do on this thread and be proud of your chutzpah.

    Mark Bahner: “Yes, I have a fair amount of “chutzpah.” I also have, by nature, training, and experience, a very high ability to obtain and rationally process tremendous amounts of information.
    That’s something you obviously lack.”

    You are so full of chutzpah and self-delusion as can be witnessed on this thread, defending the indefensible: The HOLOCAUST and 9/11 with Jewish fingerprints all over it.
    You must be Jewish.

    The US Defense Department only released one video in 2006 (!) showing “that plane” hitting the Pentagon. The one you showed at #1062

    There were more than 80 security cameras around the Pentagon. Why can’t the world see ALL of the footage of those cameras?
    Just like the HOLOHOAX: NO GASSINGS and NO PLANE hitting the Pentagon.

    IF that was the case, a plane hitting the Pentagon, they would have shown us that footage over and over again, wouldn’t they? My heart goes out to all the people who were on board of that missile.

    “…but here is the video I was talking about:” Thank you.

    “This caused the outside of the building to crumple inwards, and eventually collapse.” – Louis Vaught, M.S. in Structural Engineering

    “… crumple inwards…”? UTTER BS! Structural steel was blown in all directions 600 ft away.

    The Twin Towers and Building 7 were brought down by controlled demolition.
    Of course, Mark Bahnerstein, the expert on 9/11, and the Holohoax, would deny that.

    AUGUST 1, 2014 – Washington Journal – Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

    Richard Gage talked about his group, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which claimed that the World Trade Center was brought down by explosive demolition on September 11, 2001. The group was founded in 2006 and said its mission was to “expose the official lies and cover-up surrounding the events of September 11, 2001 in a way that inspires the people to overcome denial and understand the truth.”

    • Thanks: John Wear
  644. @Mark Bahner

    I am not Carolyn.

    The question about SAT/ACT scores was rhetorical. I do remember my scores.

    You are/have been hammering away on the Hungarian Jews. Your recent diatribe to Mr. Wear is nothing other than suppositions and speculations. Describing/analyzing a past event, especially one of war/conflict, often requires legitimate speculation, to a reasonable degree, but you are beyond the pale.

    Analyze this:

    EYEWITNESS Sonderkommando, Dario Gabbai, aka Pookie, says in interview:

    Deported from Athens; arrived at Auschwitz in March, 1944; quarantined for 30 days; assigned to Block 13.

    The streets/roads near the camp littered with human bones; they were eventually pulverized and dumped in the river.

    Mengele was there to meet and sort with two fingers pointing left or right. (Have you noticed nearly every survivor met Mengele? He must have worked 24/7; weren’t there other doctors there?).

    Gabbai was present during arrival of Hungarian Jews; 90 % went to the chambers directly (I guess Mengele took a sick day?), and the Hungarians were dumped straight down the chamber stairwell from the tram.

    Gabbai worked in crema II.

    Gabbai watched 2,500-3,000 people put in one gas chamber; gassed/killed in 4-5 minutes; chamber opened in 15-20 minutes; bodies removed with the hook end of a cane; no protective gear for sonderkommandos; sometimes he yelled due to the gas; they cut the hair; they placed bodies, 3-4 at a time on gurneys, sent up an elevator, placed in oven, 2-4 each muffle, bodies turned every 20 minutes, but they were incinerated to ash in 30-40 minutes; ashes dumped in river via truck; all day, every day; he does say some days there were fewer bodies, but they gassed/killed people everyday, but mostly 5, 6, 7, 10 thousand per day.

    Gabbai say the chamber door was a good door, like a “butcher’s” door.

    Gabbai mentions some bodies were burned in the pits. He says the gassed bodies were black and blue.

    Of the Hungarians, arriving at a rate of 4,833 per day, according to you, those selected for shooting, were dragged by their ear to a firing squad outside the crematorium facility. Then a bit later, when asked another question about the shooting, he says probably they were shot. (?) The interviewer just moves on.

    The Sonderkommandos worked in shifts; about 100 in his bunker, 2-3 shifts a day. Every day.

    What about the gypsies? Gabbai says they were probably there, but he doesn’t really know.

    The SS girls were always laughing from the sidelines.

    I will stop here; unbelievably, there are actually more inconsistencies and obvious fabrications, but I know you don’t like my rants. I await your expert analysis of the probability/accuracy of Gabbai’s, aka Pookie, account.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  645. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    Your comment #644 is fair enough.

    In comment #645, you write: “Presumably, Mr. Wear also believes that people who write about the Civil War also are trying to prove it happened since there are so many books about that.”

    My response: People who write about the Civil War are free to write anything they want to about this war.

    People who write about the so-called Holocaust will go to jail in many countries if they dispute the official narrative. Just ask Germar Rudolf–he knows this from experience.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  646. @John Wear

    But that’s a different point from the one you were previously making, isn’t it? Your claim was that there are so many works about the Holocaust because the “orthodox” historians are trying to prove it happened.

    Do you withdraw that claim?

    • Replies: @John Wear
  647. @S

    There is this quote attributed to Thomas Paine:
    “That there are men in all countries who get their living by war, and by keeping up the quarrels of nations, is as shocking as it is true.” – Thomas Paine, Rights of Man, 1791

    I mentioned, on another thread, of an interview of a former Vietnam soldier, involved in heavy combat, about how quickly he concluded the battlefield decisions/orders were clearly meant to prolong, rather than win that conflict. He was a bit older than his platoon members, and he is/was tormented over watching those boys die or maimed for seemingly no real reason. This man sobbed telling this story, and I think of him often. I don’t know if you enjoy popular music, but the Alice In Chains song, “Rooster” tells the story of the veteran father, nicknamed Rooster, of one of the band members; it’s intense and the lyrics convey his anguish.

    What stokes my ire the most about the origins of WW2 is the obfuscation of Hitler’s repeated attempts and concessions to prevent an actual war. And, I ALWAYS wondered, why in the world would a tiny country such as Japan ever square off with the USA? I think the perfidy is everywhere and it’s still going on today.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @S
    , @S
  648. @Tiptoethrutulips

    I don’t care about the probability/accuracy of Gabbai’s account. Whether it’s accurate or not is not required to know with certainty that thousands of people were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau in gas chambers using Zyklon B, and then their bodies burned.

    And if you disagree, why don’t you take a shot at answering my questions to John Wear in comment #650?

    By the way, you’ve often accused me of “clutching at pearls” because I’m disturbed by photographs of children when they’re mere hours from being murdered. Don’t you think sadness is appropriate if one looks at a photograph depicting children who were murdered?

  649. @Tiptoethrutulips

    What stokes my ire the most about the origins of WW2 is the obfuscation of Hitler’s repeated attempts and concessions to prevent an actual war.

    If you think Hitler sincerely wanted to prevent WW2, why didn’t he blow his brains out on August 31, 1939? Why did he wait like a coward until April 30, 1945?

  650. @Mark Bahner

    “ I don’t care about the probability/accuracy of Gabbai’s account. Whether it’s accurate or not is not required to know with certainty that thousands of people were murdered at Auschwitz-Birkenau in gas chambers using Zyklon B, and then their bodies burned.”

    ***You are absolutely wrong in your assessment, Mark. Gabbai says he was an eyewitness; he is describing the process, by which the murder of millions of people, including the 400,000 you are absolutely CERTAIN were killed, and yet, you pay his testimony no mind? His testimony aligns, more or less, with the official claims, yet, Mark Bahner deigns to consider it or comment on it, because……he just can’t be bothered! ? Or, he knows what’s in his heart is true?…….Or, he knows it’s a load of crap and he can’t defend it? That you would make the above statement, seemingly unaware of the implications therein, is a mystery for someone who claims to be more logical and circumspect than the rest of us. Or anybody who says, how can dead weight be dragged around with a hook about the neck, by the thousands…, etc., etc., etc. ???

    “ And if you disagree, why don’t you take a shot at answering my questions to John Wear in comment #650?”

    ***I don’t know to what you are referring, but I will scroll back later, and see if it is within the very, narrow area of my expertise or common sense, and I will get back to you.

    “ By the way, you’ve often accused me of “clutching at pearls” because I’m disturbed by photographs of children when they’re mere hours from being murdered. Don’t you think sadness is appropriate if one looks at a photograph depicting children who were murdered?”

    *** This, I can handle on the fly; I accuse you of clutching pearls/reclining on your fainting sofa/guzzling Midol/constricting blood flow to your brain/arguing by Hollywood logic, what else? Oh, mucking up the place with Occam’s Broom, because of your statements, assertions, insults (you started it! I’m telling, Mom!), bombastic bloviating, and appeals to emotion, meant to illicit a contrite response from your opponent. My father is an engineer, Mark; a brother, as well; I know the workings of thoughtful, analytical minds. If your math/science/calculations/schematics/mechanics is correct/accurate, you don’t have to resort to emotional manipulation. And, you don’t make assertions by speculation alone. As I have said before, my comments have nothing, whatsoever, to do with feelings or emotions/sympathy expressed about or for the persons affected by the disaster known as WW2.

  651. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You ask: “If you think Hitler sincerely wanted to prevent WW2, why didn’t he blow his brains out on August 31, 1939?”

    My response: I recommend my article at for an explanation.

  652. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “But that’s a different point from the one you were previously making, isn’t it? Your claim was that there are so many works about the Holocaust because the “orthodox” historians are trying to prove it happened. Do you withdraw that claim?

    My response: No, I do not withdraw my claim.

    Revisionist historians have shown that: 1) there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of the German concentration camps; 2) Germany did not have a program of genocide against the Jews; and 3) the standard estimate of 6 million Jews who died during World War II is a ridiculous exaggeration.

    Mainstream “Holocaust” historians keep writing their books and articles in an attempt to fool the general public into thinking that the official Holocaust story is valid.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  653. @Mark Bahner

    “ If you think Hitler sincerely wanted to prevent WW2, why didn’t he blow his brains out on August 31, 1939? Why did he wait like a coward until April 30, 1945?”

    Well, why would he do it in 1939, when he was supremely confident he could rule THE WHOLE WORLD from the Eagle’s Nest in Bavaria? If the American government hadn’t been filled to the brim with vipers and traitors, he most likely would have ruled a great portion of Europe. Have you seen France lately? Notre Dame was burning a few years ago; who cares? How about London? If you want to weep over the death of a young girl, look up seven year old Emily Jones, whose throat was cut, by an immigrant. London, is now ruled by a Muslim, and what do you know?, acid attacks, stabbings, head chopping, all on the rise! Everyone is baffled! Cross Malmo off your travel destination list; whites can’t go in at all, not even city officials are safe. I suppose you think George Soros has an interest in justice for the masses, which is why he funds liberal, idiot, affirmative action district attorney candidates.

    This is a slippery slope you’re engaging in, and you WILL lose this argument, so don’t bother.

    I think Hitler’s prediction for the future of Europe and the western nations, if Germany lost the war, is coming to fruition. He is reported to have said the world would know he was right. Keep your rose colored, gas-resistant goggles on, Mark. You may need them more than you think.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  654. @John Wear

    You guys haven’t proved any of those things. You haven’t even made a dent. You have real delusions of relevance.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  655. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write in comment #650: “On what planet does that make sense…to have 6,666 people coming in every day, and 4,833 going *out* every day? Why not just have the 4,833 people leaving each day just stay on the train?”

    My response: It is widely regard even by mainstream Holocaust historians that Auschwitz-Birkenau served as a transit camp.

    After several days on a train from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau, it was typical for the Jews to rest and refresh a few days before continuing on their journey to another part of Germany.

    An example of this is Viktor Frankl. Frankl’s book “Man’s Search for Meaning” has been ranked by the Library of Congress as one of the 20th century’s 10 most influential books in the United States. Frankl described his experiences at Auschwitz in this book as if he had spent many months there. In reality, Frankl was in Auschwitz only for a few days in October 1944 while in transit from Theresienstadt to a sub-camp of Dachau. Frankl has admitted this to the American evangelist Robert Schuller: “I was in Auschwitz only three or four days…I was sent to a barrack and we were all transported to a camp in Bavaria.” (Source: Frankl, Viktor, “Dr. Robert Schuller Interviews Viktor Frankl: How to Find Meaning In Life,” Possibilities: The Magazine of Hope, March/April 1991, p. 10).

    Frankl’s short time in Auschwitz is substantiated by the prisoner log from the sub-camp of Dachau, Kaufering III, which listed Frankl’s arrival on October 25, 1944, six days after his departure from Theresienstadt. (Source: Pytell, Timothy, “Extreme Experience, Psychological Insight, and Holocaust Perception; Reflections of Bettelheim and Frankl,” Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 24, No. 4, Oct. 2007, p. 646). Thus, Frankl’s descriptions of his long stay at Auschwitz in “Man’s Search For Meaning” are false and inaccurate.

    You write: “Seriously, you think that proves there *weren’t* homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau?!”

    My response: The proof that there were no homicidal gas chambers comes from the scientific reports on this matter. As I stated in my comment #303:

    “It is not just Fred Leuchter who has stated that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Reports, articles, testimony, books and videos from Walter Lüftl, Germar Rudolf, Friedrich Paul Berg, Dr. William B. Lindsey, Carlo Mattogno, John C. Ball, Dr. Arthur Robert Butz, Dr. Nicholas Kollerstrom, Dr. Robert Faurisson, Wolfgang Fröhlich, Dr. Ing Franco Deana, Dr. James H. Fetzer, Richard Krege, Arnulf Neumaier, and Cyrus Cox have shown that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The books “The Real Case for Auschwitz” by Carlo Mattogno and “The Chemistry of Auschwitz” by Germar Rudolf are probably the best books available for anyone wanting to make a thorough study of this subject.”

    So far, to the best of my knowledge, you have refused to read any of their books or articles. I think if you would study this subject objectively, you would learn that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
    , @Mark Bahner
  656. What stokes my ire the most about the origins of WW2 is the obfuscation of Hitler’s repeated attempts and concessions to prevent an actual war.

    My response: “If you think Hitler sincerely wanted to prevent WW2, why didn’t he blow his brains out on August 31, 1939? Why did he wait like a coward until April 30, 1945?”

    Well, why would he do it in 1939, when he was supremely confident he could rule THE WHOLE WORLD from the Eagle’s Nest in Bavaria?

    Well, you claimed he made “repeated attempts and concessions to prevent an actual war”. I guess he wasn’t so committed to “attempts and concessions to prevent an actual war” as you claimed. After all, if he’d blown his brains out on August 31, 1939 he would have saved tens of million of lives. So I guess he wasn’t quite the peacemaker you make him out to be.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  657. @Tiptoethrutulips

    If the American government hadn’t been filled to the brim with vipers and traitors, he most likely would have ruled a great portion of Europe.

    Do you have any grandparents or other relatives, or ancestors, who fought in WW2?

    Did they fight for the U.S.?

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  658. @John Wear


    If there weren’t homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau, where did the 80,000+ non-twin Hungarian Jewish children who arrived from May to July 1944 go?

    You agree that there were less than 0.1 percent of them still alive in Auschwitz-Birkenau in January, 1945, right? So where did the other 99.9+ percent of them go? (After they’d “rested and refreshed” at Auschwitz-Birkenau.)

    • Replies: @John Wear
  659. @Mark Bahner

    I thought millions were killed, Marky? It was millions, not thousands. Yes? Auschwitz-Birkenau was murder central, with a death toll in excess of a million. Yes?

    I believe the figure was 6 MILLION. Overall. Yes? But, that was the total for just the Jews.

    I believe, and I am stating from memory, the Grand Pooh-Bah of the Cartoon Court, aka Nuremberg, said in closing, over 12 million were killed by Germany.

    If you want to argue about it, I’ll look it up.

  660. @Mark Bahner

    The statement about “ruling the world” is a reference to his ambitions as described/attributed to his intentions by MAINSTREAM SOURCES, AKA THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE.

    I repeat, WHAT is wrong with you?

    I also claim you are typing away whilst reclining on your fainting sofa; is that an accurate statement of fact?

    Germany was buzzing along, prosperous and healthy; Hitler professed admiration for the English, and Europe, in general; why would he want a war? For the love of Pete, just read the article referenced by Mr. Wear on the Danzig/Polish conflict. Go ahead, fact check him, and see what happens.

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  661. @Mark Bahner

    “ Do you have any grandparents or other relatives, or ancestors, who fought in WW2?

    Did they fight for the U.S.?”

    Yes and yes.

    I have said such on numerous occasions. My paternal grandfather was a cargo/personnel pilot, engine mechanic, electrician, plumber, HVAC; his father was a general contractor, and my grandfather began his training, in technical schools and on the job sites, at age twelve. His pilot training was private, also, before the war.

    What’s your point?

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  662. @John Wear

    I wrote in comment #650, “On what planet does that make sense…to have 6,666 people coming in every day, and 4,833 going *out* every day? Why not just have the 4,833 people leaving each day just stay on the train?”

    John Wear responds:

    My response: It is widely regard even by mainstream Holocaust historians that Auschwitz-Birkenau served as a transit camp.

    After several days on a train from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau, it was typical for the Jews to rest and refresh a few days before continuing on their journey to another part of Germany.

    OK, there are 4,833 Hungarian Jews going *out* of Auschwitz every day from roughly May 15 to July 13, after “resting and refreshing” at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Only 833 of them are fit for work. The other 4,000 going out every day for 60 days (that’s 240,000 Hungarian Jews) are “not fit for work”.

    You say the 240,000 Hungarian Jews “not fit for work” continued “on their journey to another part of Germany.” So this was the middle of May to the middle of July in 1944. Where were those 240,000 Hungarian Jews “not fit for work” when the German camps were liberated in the spring of 1945, and when Germany surrendered in early May 1945?

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  663. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Germany was buzzing along, prosperous and healthy; Hitler professed admiration for the English, and Europe, in general; why would he want a war?

    I don’t know why he’d want a war. I do know how he could have prevented a war: blow his brains out the day before he invaded Poland.

    I notice you didn’t answer these questions:

    Do you have any grandparents or other relatives, or ancestors, who fought in WW2?

    Did they fight for the U.S.?

  664. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You ask: “So where did the other 99.9+ percent of them go? (After they’d “rested and refreshed” at Auschwitz-Birkenau.)”

    My response: I will quote from page 466 of the book “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp”:

    “Of approximately 438,000 Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1944, about 10 percent were determined to be fit for labor. Some were retained to work in Auschwitz itself; the remainder were dispersed to 386 camps in the Nazi empire. The largest groups were concentrated in the notorious camps of Bergen-Belsen, Buchenwald, Dachau, Gross-Rosen, Gunskirchen, Mauthausen, Neuengamme, Ravensbruck, and Sachenhausen. Like Auschwitz, several of those camps had subcamps.”

    So, we have 386 camps where these Hungarian Jewish children could have been sent. I will now use Wikipedia to determine how many sub-camps existed to the camps listed in this paragraph:

    1. Bergen-Belsen–“Bergen-Belsen concentration camp had three satellite camps.”

    2. Buchenwald–“About 136 subcamps and satellite commandos belonged to Buchenwald concentration camp.”

    3. Dachau–“Dachau alone had more than 30 large subcamps, and hundreds of smaller ones.”

    4. Gross-Rosen–“At its peak activity in 1944, the Gross-Rosen complex had up to 100 subcamps.”

    5. Mauthausen–“By the end of the war, the list included 101 camps (including 49 major subcamps).”

    6. Neuengamme–“Neuengamme was a network of Nazi concentration camps in Northern Germany that consisted of the main camp, Neuengamme, and more than 85 satellite camps.”

    7. Ravensbrück–“Ravensbrück had 70 sub-camps used for slave labor that were spread across an area from the Baltic Sea to Bavaria.”

    8. Sachenhausen–Wikipedia lists 70 subcamps at

    So, we can add to the 386 number of main camps the following number of sub-camps: 3 + 136 + 30 + 100 + 101 + 85 + 70 + 70 equals a total of 981 camps and sub-camps. Of course, the number of sub-camps listed here are only from eight of the major camps. There were many more German sub-camps where the Jewish Hungarian children could have been sent.

    I hope this helps. There were obviously numerous German camps and sub-camps where the Hungarian Jews could have been sent after being transited through Auschwitz-Birkenau.

  665. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “You guys haven’t proved any of those things. You haven’t even made a dent. You have real delusions of relevance.”

    My response: If we weren’t considered relevant, why have so many countries made it a criminal offense for Holocaust revisionists to question any aspect of the official Holocaust story?

  666. @Mark Bahner

    Dario Gabbai, aka Pookie, explained what happened to the Hungarians. I tried to tell you; unlike you, he was there to witness it all.

    Most of them were gassed and then dragged around by hooks to the barber shop; then they were shipped upstairs to the ovens, incinerated 2-4 in each muffle, in 30-4o minutes; the ashes were loaded into a truck and dumped in the river.

    Those determined to be shot, were dragged by their ears by the Kapos to a firing squad outside the crematorium; some were sent to the burn pits in soggy bottoms, and the rest were dragged by hooks, to the crematorium.

    While this was going on, Dario, aka Pookie, did not notice the gypsies, nor the hounds of hell chasing said gypsies, because, besides killing the Hungarians, they were killing 5, 6,7, 10 thousand others everyday.

    I am NOT making this up. This is Dario Gabbai’s statement, nearly verbatim (he didn’t say, soggy bottoms, barber shop (he said, we cut the hair), nor hounds of hell (he did mention dogs)). So, Mark, you have your answer to the Hungarian question.

  667. @John Wear

    You ask: “So where did the other 99.9+ percent of them go? (After they’d “rested and refreshed” at Auschwitz-Birkenau.)”

    My response: I will quote from page 466 of the book “Anatomy of the Auschwitz Death Camp”:

    John, you just have no clue what you’re quoting actually *means*!

    “Of approximately 438,000 Hungarian Jews deported to Auschwitz from May 15 to July 9, 1944, about 10 percent were determined to be fit for labor. Some were retained to work in Auschwitz itself; the remainder were dispersed to 386 camps in the Nazi empire.”

    The man who wrote that was writing about the 10 percent who were *fit for labor*. He’s saying, for example, that 5 percent may have stayed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and the other 5 percent dispersed to 386 camps in the Nazi empire.

    He is absolutely *not* talking about those *not fit for labor*. The man who wrote that was Randolph L. Braham. His parents were murdered in gas chambers at Auschwitz.

    He must be absolutely spinning in his grave about your ignorant distortion of his words. Here is a paper he wrote:

    Randolph L. Braham: The assault on the historical memory of the Holocaust

    From that paper:

    Unlike in the West, however, where the campaign to distort, denigrate, and actually deny the Holocaust has been waged freely by so-called “historical revisionists,” the campaign in the Soviet bloc had been pursued under strict state control with its intensity varying in accordance with the changing political interests of the Kremlin.[2]

    Also from that paper:

    During the next two months – from May 15 through July 9 – they were subjected to the most barbaric and speedy deportation and extermination program of the war. It was so massive and so swift that the crematoria in Auschwitz-Birkenau, updated as they were, could not cope. Special ditches had to be dug to burn the thousands of victims the crematoria could not handle. When Winston Churchill was informed about this catastrophe, he referred to it as “probably the greatest and most horrible crime ever committed in the history of the world.”[8] In sheer numbers the mass murder of the Hungarian Jews overshadowed the losses of many major combatants of the Second World War![9]

    I hope this helps. There were obviously numerous German camps and sub-camps where the Hungarian Jews could have been sent after being transited through Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    No, telling falsehoods hardly ever helps, and it certainly doesn’t in this instance.

    If you bothered to step out of the fantasy world you inhabit and join the real world, you’d see that there is no way in the world Nazi Germany would send 400,000 Hungarian Jews to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and then send 240,000 Hungarian Jews *unfit for work* into Germany in 1944?

    Don’t you know that Germany was trying to rid itself of Jews unfit for work?

    • Replies: @John Wear
  668. @Tiptoethrutulips

    “ Do you have any grandparents or other relatives, or ancestors, who fought in WW2?

    Did they fight for the U.S.?”

    Yes and yes.

    I have said such on numerous occasions. My paternal grandfather was a cargo/personnel pilot, engine mechanic, electrician, plumber, HVAC; his father was a general contractor, and my grandfather began his training, in technical schools and on the job sites, at age twelve. His pilot training was private, also, before the war.

    What’s your point?

    I wonder what they’d think about your ignorant bloviating that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  669. @John Wear

    Because it’s insulting to the survivors and because it implies that Jewish people are swindling the rest of humanity. Most western countries have limits to free speech that disallow incitement to hatred. The US is an outlier in this regard. All countries that have banned Holocaust denial have done is added clauses to pre-existing incitement laws.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
    , @Han
    , @Han
    , @Han
    , @Brás Cubas
  670. @Mark Bahner

    1. No question there
    2. No question there
    3. No question there
    4. No question there
    5. No question there
    6. On earth, it make no sense, unless your goal is to relocate them, or keep them under control due to nefarious activities or partisan support. If murder was the objective, why bother with the traveling; just kill them all in Hungary.
    7. The goal, as I understand it, was to eliminate Jewish influence in positions of authority or cultural spheres. Initially, the “powerful” or influential, were expelled or remanded to custody. (Judea did declare war on Germany, in 1933). Things spiraled, as they do; Jews and other agitators were routed out. Again, why set up a network of camps, residential/work or otherwise, if death is the ultimate goal?; execute them immediately upon sight or at a location relatively close by.
    8. I guess one would have to compile registration records from every possible transfer location; camps were destroyed, most records seized by the Allies, so, that determination is ultimately impossible. Besides, the Hungarians , as you say, were undocumented, therefore there were no recordings made in the first place. Gabbai offers an answer: 90% were dumped down the crematorium stairwell, straight from the tram, with no prior registration or sorting. He says 5,6,7,10 thousand were gassed daily, so they must have been amongst that group. As has been suggested/answered on multiple occasions, this inquiry of yours really has no specific answer; undocumented means there is no documentation, therefore no ultimate answer.

    No one says the lack of information on the whereabouts of a certain group proves there were no homicidal gas chambers. Nor does the lack of information prove they were killed, you twit.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  671. John Wear says:

    You write: “Because it’s insulting to the survivors and because it implies that Jewish people are swindling the rest of humanity. Most western countries have limits to free speech that disallow incitement to hatred.”

    My response: So, are you saying that Germar Rudolf was inciting hatred when he wrote his scientific report disproving the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau?

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  672. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You ask: “Don’t you know that Germany was trying to rid itself of Jews unfit for work?”

    My response: If this was the case, you would not have so many young Jewish children survive the war. I have met many through the years.

    A famous example is Israel Shahak, who was liberated from Bergen-Belsen shortly before he turned 12 years old.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  673. Anonymous[285] • Disclaimer says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    The pedantry is strong with this one.

    OK, if there wasn’t something to this kind of speech, why label it “incitement to hatred” and ban it?

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  674. @John Wear

    My response: So, are you saying that Germar Rudolf was inciting hatred when he wrote his scientific report disproving the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau?

    No, he was spouting pseudoscientific nonsense that only people who don’t know any science view as “disproving the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau”.

  675. @Mark Bahner

    “ I wonder what they’d think about your ignorant bloviating that there were no gas chambers at Auschwitz.”

    Cease your wondering, Mark; I’ll tell you.

    I anticipated this inquiry, which is why I babbled on about my grandfather’s impressive abilities/training, as this information is quite important to you. He did not speak, specifically on Jews or Hitler, not that I recall. He seemed to have been in France quite a bit, as this is the area I remember most from his comments. He said:

    That Sorry Bastard FDR supplied Russkies with “steak and champagne” while American boys had crackers and dirty water.
    That Sorry Bastard Churchill was a traitor to the British and Europe.
    Everything said or implied by the American government or the press (baby killers, etc.) about Germany/Germans, prior to the war, was unequivocally not true.
    The former American/French POW’s he encountered reported appropriate behavior from German captors; the German soldiers/Germans he encountered were impressive.
    The war, in general, was a mistake, was unnecessary and Europe was ruined.
    He and a couple of his tough soldier buddies were out drinking at a pub in France, one evening after the war; they encountered a group of male dancers from a ballet company; the soldiers started harassing the “twinkle toes”; the ballet dancers suggested they “take it outside;” the fairy dancers proceeded to kick the asses, thoroughly, of every soldier; my grandfather said those dancers were the strongest, quickest, most agile fighters he ever encountered; he compared fighting ballet dancers to fighting in a tornado, as they were everywhere, all at one. He was a tremendous fan of ballet afterwards, and we watched many ballet performances together.

    Don’t you find it odd, that America (the government), despite being aware of what Stalin and the Bolsheviks were up to in Russia/Ukraine, would ally with Russia, and then after the war, turn on a dime, and declare Russia an enemy to the free world?

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: John Wear, John Wear
    • Replies: @S
  676. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write about Germar Rudolf: “No, he was spouting pseudoscientific nonsense that only people who don’t know any science view as “disproving the existence of homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau”.”

    My response: Please elaborate. What was incorrect or nonscientific in Germar Rudolf’s report?

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  677. @Anonymous

    Pretty sure I answered that one already

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  678. Han says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    Andrew Mathis says:
    “All countries that have banned Holocaust denial have done is added clauses to pre-existing incitement laws.”

    THAT IS UTTER BS, ANOTHER JEWISH LIE! They are so good at lying, Martin Luther already wrote a book about it in 1543: ‘The Jews and their Lies’.

    The JEWS are essentially arguing that ANYONE who uses their brain to investigate their sacred “holocaust” narrative is engaging in “HATE SPEECH” and “ATTACKING JEWS.”

    The fact that the JEWS refuse to intellectually engage with those who question their sacred narrative, choosing instead to shut them down, persecute them, and deride them as “conspiracy theorists” and “neo-Nazis,” should prove to all who are paying attention that they HAVE SOMETHING TO HIDE.

    It was JEWISH POWER forcing European countries to adopt the STUPID, RIDICULOUS HOLOCAUST DENIAL LAWS to stop those from questioning, challenging and exposing their HUGE HOLOCAUST LIE and MONEY SPINNER.

    NETHERLANDS CABINET Approves New Measure Criminalizing Holocaust, Genocide Denial – July 14, 2023 – JEWISH ALGEMEINER:

    A statement from the Dutch cabinet separately explained that “with this specific criminal law prohibition, the government is implementing European obligations to explicitly criminalize certain forms of public condoning, denial or far-reaching downplaying of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes.”

    The ban comes during a year when education experts have expressed concern about the growing phenomenon of denying or downplaying the Holocaust in Dutch schools.

    In January, a survey conducted by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany revealed that 23 percent of Millennials and Generation Z, and 12 percent of all respondents, believe the Holocaust is a myth or that the number of Jews killed has been largely exaggerated — a figure that was higher in the Netherlands than in any country previously surveyed.

    Another survey conducted among school teachers by the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam the following month revealed that 42 percent of respondents said they had been confronted with antisemitic rhetoric and the trivialization of the Holocaust in their classrooms.

    YES! JEWISH FEARS that more and more people are waking up to their HOLOCAUST BULLSHIT are driving the proposed Dutch legislation to KILL DISSENT with fines and prison sentences.

    Putin’s Holocaust Obsession

    The Rise and Fall of Russian Holocaust Propaganda
    Russia was an integral part of the creation of the Holocaust industry from the very beginning. In the immediate aftermath of World War II, it was in Soviet interests to utterly delegitimize the governments and peoples of those Eastern European countries selected for absorption into the Communist mega-state.

    The Holocaust narrative is critical to Putin’s ideological war in Eastern Europe and to his ongoing ambition to forge stronger links with Israel.
    One of the results is that Putin has emerged as one of the foremost promoters of the Holocaust narrative globally.

    Putin, of course, is also a Jew and surrounded by Chabad Lubavitch.

  679. Han says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    Andrew Mathis says:
    “Because it’s insulting to the survivors and because it implies that Jewish people are swindling the rest of humanity.”


    GOY GUIDE TO WORLD HISTORY – The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History by E. Michael Jones (video 2:38:09)

    Video Link

    Dr. E. Michael Jones, a devout Catholic, in the first few minutes of the video:

    “The economy is the classic example where because of usury the wealth has been concentrated in so few hands that these people can now buy the politicians and create a political system that is totally unresponsive to the needs of the overwhelming majority of the American people and that is causing a reaction.

    “Now the reaction has to become conscious of what the causes are and come up with a program and that hasn’t happened yet. And the main roadblock and discourse is this taboo about talking about Jews.

    “You cannot address the issue, if you are conservative and upset about pornography and abortion and gay marriage. And if you’re liberal and upset about the Wars in the Middle East, the Banking System, the looting of the manufacturing base of the United States.

    “Well, there is one group of people that has all these things in common and if we cannot address that group of people, that pernicious influence on our culture then we are never going to get anywhere.
    We need to break through these taboos and so far, we haven’t succeeded in making a dent in anything.

    “They can subvert all of these institutions and we cannot even say who is doing the subverting.
    We cannot address the people who are doing the subverting. It’s got to change.”


    ZIONIST JEWS CONTROL THE MONEY in America. Zionist Jews own & run the Federal Reserve Bank that the US government continually borrows from and is in debt to.

    JEWISH BANKERS PRINT MONEY at heavily-armed & guarded Federal Reserve Bank buildings throughout the US.

    Then these Jewish bankers of the Federal Reserve Bank *loan* the money to the US government at *interest.*

    Since the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (and all the others) is listed in Dun & Bradstreet. But according to Article I, Section 8 of the U. S. Constitution, only Congress has the right to issue money and regulate its value.

    Thus it is *illegal* for private interests to issue US money. But because influential Jews like Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff bribed into enactment the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, the stockholders of the Federal Reserve Bank were to be kept a secret. Only recently have the Jewish stockholders of the Federal Reserve Bank come to light.

    Karl Marx, a Jew himself, ‘On the Jewish Question’:
    What is the profane basis of Judaism? Practical need, self¬-interest. ‘What is the worldly cult of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly god? Money … In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Judaism.

    Money is the jealous god of Israel, beside which no other god may exist. Money abases all the gods of mankind and changes them into commodities. Money is the universal and self-sufficient value of all things. It has, therefore, deprived the whole world, both the human world and nature, of their own proper value. Money is the alienated essence of man’s work and existence; this essence dominates him and he worships it.

    “Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews.

    “Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.”
    — Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

  680. Han says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    Andrew Mathis says: “Most western countries have limits to free speech that disallow incitement to hatred.”

    What about JEWS calling for the EXTERMINATION of the Goyim? WHY do they get away with it?

    FREE SPEECH for the JEWS only?

    Of course:
    “Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly no one has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial.” Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, 25 March, 2001 quoted in BBC News Online, Prime Minister of Israel at the time – August 28, 2000. Reported in the Jerusalem Post August 30, 2000

    Rabbi, Mizrachi: “Goyim, at least 6 billion of them are idol worshippers and according to the Torah do not have the right to live and deserve the death penalty”.

    Here ‘Rabbis Explain the Abrahamic Judeo Takeover Conspiracy’: 14 minute video

    The first Rabbi in this video is saying:
    “Maybe you shouldn’t tell anybody that I said this, but you know all those tropes about Jews controlling the world or at least wanting to control the world… they are actually true.
    Our goal as Jewish people for the last 3300 years since the Revelation at Sinai has been to control the world.”

    From an Israeli website:
    Stalin’s Jews – We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish,7340,L-3342999,00.html

    Within a short period of time, Cheka became the largest and cruelest state security organization. Its organizational structure was changed every few years, as were its names: From Cheka to GPU, later to NKVD, and later to KGB.

    We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags.

    Jewish propagandist Elie Wiesel, better known as E. Lie Weasel, whose pathetic lies about World War II have been totally debunked claims that the Jews are a superior race:
    “Everything about us is different. Jews are ontologically exceptional.”


    Christians in Jerusalem Want Jews to Stop Spitting on Them

    The late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, former leader of Chabad Lubavitch, who was regarded by Orthodox Jews as the living Messiah, once said:

    “The body of a Jewish person is of a totally different quality from the body of members of all other nations of the world. Bodies of the Gentiles are in vain. An even greater difference is in regard to the soul; a non-Jewish soul comes from three satanic spheres, while the Jewish soul stems from holiness.”

    Chabad Lubavitch is the most powerful Jewish organisation in the world, ruling the US and Russia.

    Donald Trump, Chabad-Lubavitch and the Oligarchs

    Schneerson spoke of the position of the United States as a world superpower, and would praise its foundational values of “‘E pluribus unum’—from many one”, and “In God we trust.”[5]

    Schneerson was visited by Presidents, Prime Ministers, Governors, Senators, Congressmen and Mayors. Notable among them are John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Jimmy Carter, Jacob Javits, Ed Koch, Rudy Giuliani, David Dinkins and Joe Lieberman.[6]

    In 1978, the US Congress asked President Carter to designate Schneerson’s birthday as the national Education Day USA. It has been since commemorated as Education and Sharing Day. In 1994, he was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his “outstanding and lasting contributions toward improvements in world education, morality, and acts of charity.”[7]

    President Bill Clinton spoke these words at the ceremony:
    “The late Rebbe’s eminence as a moral leader for our country was recognized by every president since Richard Nixon. For over two decades, the Rabbi’s movement now has some 2000 institutions; educational, social, medical, all across the globe. We (the United States Government) recognize the profound role that Rabbi Schneerson had in the expansion of those institutions.”

    In this article below a picture of Democratic Presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy with leading Rabbi Shmuley Boteach in front of a painting of the late Rabbi Menachem Schneerson.
    Yes, KENNEDY has to suck up to the POWERFUL JEWS in the US.


    Doesn’t he know that the Jews killed his father and his uncle President Kennedy?
    This is another example of JEWISH POWER ruling the US.


    Video Link

    Although still in its early days, Donald Trump’s presidency is coming under fire. The Russians are alleged to be in possession of sensitive information about Trump. And that exposes Trump to blackmail. Fake news, tweets Trump: “I have nothing to do with Russia – no deals, no loans, no nothing!” Trump swears he has no ties with the Russians. But is that actually the case?

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  681. Anonymous[285] • Disclaimer says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    Yeah, I doubt it.

  682. S says:

    Thanks. I wasn’t aware of the ‘Rooster’ song. It sounds heartfelt.

    What stokes my ire the most about the origins of WW2 is the obfuscation of Hitler’s repeated attempts and concessions to prevent an actual war.

    No matter what the Germans did, short of an unrealistic expectation of their unconditional surrender, even if in a desperate attempt to appease during the 1930’s the Germans had become 80 million Ghandi like goat herders, the US/UK was going to make war upon them, and likely with the same standard atrocity propaganda going back to the time of the US Civil War being attached to them, irregardless of what the actual facts might be. [The same applies to Russia today.]


    The brilliant Roger Casement in his very obscure 1915 book The Crime Against Europe (linked below, which I highly recommend reading) delves deeply into the reasons for the hostility of the Anglosphere against Germany, which he traces as far back as 1870. [Again, much of what Casement wrote about Germany then in regards to WWI, and certainly applicable to WWII, can be applied to Russia today in regards to a nascent WWIII.]

    Casement apparently wasn’t aware (as most aren’t now) of a widely distributed and widely reviewed mid-19th century (1853) US book (which today is so incredibly obscure as to be effectively blacklisted) called The New Rome which offers a blueprint of three succinct steps/phases for the United States and United Kingdom to acquire total world power for themselves.

    Those steps are:

    1) A rapprochement between the US/UK so as to form a practically unbeatable united front (called the ‘Anglo-Saxon empire’) towards the world.

    2) The newly formed united US/UK front moves to conquer and consolidate control over Germany, continental Europe’s center of power (thereby unleashing a future ‘world’s war’ upon the Earth according to this book).

    3) Third phase, after the US/UK’s complete conquest of Germany, the war between the United States and Russia. [The US air force is to be the key for the final victory over the Russian adversary according to this prescient tome.]

    Naturally, I highly recommend reading The New Rome for insight. The links below are to it’s two specific pages which speak about the future ‘world’s war’ regarding Germany and the war between the US and Russia which is to follow.

    If one places themselves in the shoes of US/UK elites, the atrocity propaganda makes sense.

    They can’t very well say to their Anglosphere soldiers they are fighting a war ostensibly against empire, so as to form their very own US/UK ‘New Rome’ empire. So they tell them instead we’re fighting a war against demons in human form, and that’s where the atrocity propaganda is very handy.

    And, I ALWAYS wondered, why in the world would a tiny country such as Japan ever square off with the USA? I think the perfidy is everywhere and it’s still going on today.

    Though the United States was already as of September, 1941 fighting an extra-legal undeclared naval war against Germany, it wanted to greatly expand upon this, and formally join the UK in the fighting in Europe.

    Goading Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor offered ‘a backdoor’ means to accomplish this.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  683. @John Wear

    Certainly Mr. Wear, esteemed historian that he is, can tell the people here what was unusual, indeed unique, about Bergen-Belsen in the KZ system

    • Replies: @John Wear
  684. @Han

    [These sorts of crude insults are not acceptable. Continue them and your other comments will get trashed.]

    • Replies: @Han
  685. @S

    The official video for “Rooster” has a brief interview of Mr. Cantrell (former soldier) and a bit of footage from Vietnam; if you can’t bear the “grunge” aspect of the music, the lyrics are worth a read.

    Yes, “yellow” journalism seems to be omnipresent, although I think it was ramped up and more manipulative/focused in more recent times. Today, it’s utter trash, the mainstream sources, that is.

    Thank you for the links; I will read on.

    • Replies: @S
  686. @Mark Bahner

    Mark, my dear, if I may, take note of yourself and your assertions, and ask, “Why have I made no real progress or adjustments to my arguments?”

    For myself, I have learned quite a bit, from our exchanges and those of others, through links to new sources, etc., such as:

    I was aware of the main camps and a few sub-camps; I did NOT know how numerous and extensive was the entire camp network. When one considers the extraordinary effort and expense associated with the planning/staffing/constructing/maintenance/supplies, etc., it becomes more clear that outright extermination was not the objective.

    Take also, Zyklon-B; I knew it was not the equivalent of “Raid,” and I knew it was not administered as an aerosol, but I did not know it was used in death sentences, and so, it is more toxic than I thought. However, upon review of a link provided by Han, I read the following from Germar Rudolf’s analysis:

    “ Given a HCN concentration of 0.02%/vol. (approximately 0.24 mg/liter), the victim must breathe in about 416 liters of air before he has absorbed the fatal dose of HCN. At 15 liters per minute, this would take just under half an hour. If he has a robust constitution, he may survive even this exposure time. If, however, one postulates a sensitive person of only 50 kg body weight (approximately 110 lbs.), whose respiration rate has increased to 40 liters per minute due to hard work or excitement, then the fatal 208 liters of air will have been breathed in by this person within 5 minutes. These mathematical examples show that safety guidelines are always set in such a way as to protect even the smaller and weaker persons from harm under a kind of worst case scenario. Also, the specifications given in the literature, “immediately” and “rapidly fatal“, are so indefinite as to be unsatisfactory.”

    This is exactly the nature of my previous speculation, not based on any particular brilliance, but on information from cases of accidental and intentional exposure to pesticides/toxins; many factors, such as concentration, method of exposure, health status/size of victims., etc., must be considered; this is what is known as critical/reasonable/informed analysis, which as an engineer, you should have this ability in spades.

    As someone who has been around hunters/hunted all my life, I know what it is to lift/haul dead weight. I also know how quickly the dead disintegrate/decay; corpses laying about will explode, seep, etc., and the entire place would be a vector for bacteria and an attraction for insects/vermin. This would apply to mass graves, as well. In all the testimony I HAVE heard (I don’t claim to know all), I haven’t heard stories of swarms of insects, buzzards/vultures at burial scenes; animals/raptors are attracted by smell, and insects/rodents will burrow; I have heard no stories of lime use; maybe it was used, but I don’t know.

    Finally, heavy gun use, including shot guns, leaves projectiles and shells/casings everywhere. I don’t know what firearms were used by the Germans; were the casings ejected automatically or were they removed manually? I just don’t know. In any event, the projectiles and casings would be EVERYWHERE, even if attempts were made the clean the place up. I have heard no testimony in this regard, so I wonder about it. That’s what you do if you are actually trying to get to the bottom of a story; you don’t harp, on and on, on a specific issue with no definitive answer.

    So, Mark, hop on Occam’s Broom, put on your rose colored goggles, and keep on flying around in circles about the Hungarian Jews. You know George Soros was/is a Hungarian Jew? Well, we were warned, weren’t we?

    • Thanks: John Wear
  687. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “Certainly Mr. Wear, esteemed historian that he is, can tell the people here what was unusual, indeed unique, about Bergen-Belsen in the KZ system.”

    My response: I will make a few comments about Bergen-Belsen.

    Bergen-Belsen was an absolute hell hole when the British liberated the camp. Probably around 10,000 dead bodies were strewn around the camp. Many inmates were in such bad shape that close to 14,000 additional inmates died under British control. The Allies filmed the horrific scenes at Bergen-Belsen, and these scenes were used to prove a German policy of extermination of the Jews.

    As gruesome as these scenes were, it was soon discovered that most of the deaths in Bergen-Belsen were caused by disease and other natural causes. Also, contrary to publicized claims, no researcher has been able to document a German policy of extermination through starvation in Bergen-Belsen. The virtual collapse of Germany’s food, transport, and public health systems and the extreme overcrowding in the camp at the end of the war led to the catastrophe the British troops encountered when they entered the camp.

    Dr. Russell Barton, an English physician who later became an American psychiatrist, entered Bergen-Belsen with British forces as a young medical student on May 2, 1945. Dr. Barton’s first impression of the camp was one of horror; some inmates were dead and piled up outside the huts, others were in various stages of dying, disease and dehydration. Barton examined the camp’s well-equipped kitchens and found record books listing the food that had been cooked and distributed going back to 1942. Dr. Barton determined from his examination of the camp records that there had been no deliberate policy of starvation at Bergen-Belsen.

    Dr. Barton made inquiries with inmates, including Jewish doctors, who told him that Bergen-Belsen had not been too bad until the autumn of 1944. Then, as the Russian armies were advancing, the inmates said they had been given the choice of remaining in the camps about to be overrun by the Soviets or being repatriated back to Germany. Many chose to return to Germany. As a result, from the autumn of 1944 to early 1945, some 53,000 people were moved into Bergen-Belsen, which had room for only 3,000 inmates. The overcrowding was extreme and the staff at the camp resented it. Josef Kramer, the commandant of Bergen-Belsen, and Dr. Fritz Klein, the medical doctor at the camp, didn’t know what to do with the huge influx of inmates. Dr. Barton concluded that the horrific conditions at Bergen-Belsen were attributable to overcrowding and the collapse of the German economy at the end of the war rather than to an intentional program of extermination. (Source: Kulaszka, Barbara, (ed.), Did Six Million Really Die: Report of Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd., 1992, pp. 175-176).

    Dr. Barton’s testimony is consistent with statements from Violette Fintz, a Jewish woman who had been deported to Auschwitz in mid-1944, then to Dachau, and finally to Bergen-Belsen in early 1945. Fintz compared conditions in the various camps:

    “Belsen was in the beginning bearable and we had bunks to sleep on, and a small ration of soup and bread. But as the camp got fuller, our group and many others were given a barracks to hold about seven hundred lying on the floor without blankets and without food or anything. It was a pitiful scene as the camp was attacked by lice and most of the people had typhus and cholera…Many people talk about Auschwitz—it was a horrible camp. But Belsen, no words can describe it…From my experience and suffering, Belsen was the worst.” (Source:

    • Thanks: Kali
  688. @John Wear

    You didn’t answer the question. You just cut and pasted something you wrote years ago.

    Use that lump of white fat you call a brain and either answer the question or admit you can’t.

    (By the way, the idea that inmates at Belsen would be given a choice between being liberated by the Soviets or repatriated to Germany makes no sense. Belsen was *in* Germany. The people in the camp were already there. Moreover, it was unlikely the Soviets would reach the camp, which was in northwest Germany.)

  689. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You write: “You didn’t answer the question. You just cut and pasted something you wrote years ago.”

    My response: You never asked me a question. You wrote in comment #693, “Certainly Mr. Wear, esteemed historian that he is, can tell the people here what was unusual, indeed unique, about Bergen-Belsen in the KZ system.” That is not a question. What is your question?

    You write: “(By the way, the idea that inmates at Belsen would be given a choice between being liberated by the Soviets or repatriated to Germany makes no sense. Belsen was *in* Germany. The people in the camp were already there. Moreover, it was unlikely the Soviets would reach the camp, which was in northwest Germany.)”

    My response: Many people in Bergen-Belsen had been transferred from Auschwitz-Birkenau and other camps as the Soviet Army advanced. Anne Frank and her sister are well-known examples of this. This is why Bergen-Belsen became extremely overcrowded toward the end of the war.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  690. @Andrew Mathis

    Here’s another cut & paste; this is from Dr. William Pierce many years ago. It’s relevant to the Russia/German conflict; I fact checked it a few years ago; it seems accurate.

    With the exception of the Pacific theater, the two primary forces in opposition in World War 2 were Europe and Jewry. The Germans fought for Europe, and the Americans, the British, the Russians, and the various Communist partisan groups fought for Jewry. Europe — and the West — lost the war, and one of the reasons we lost (though certainly not the only reason) was that the Germans just weren’t brutal enough. They were mentally and morally unprepared to wage war Jewish-style.

    When the Germans encountered guerrilla opposition in France and in the occupied eastern and southeastern territories, they just couldn’t cope with it — much as Americans found themselves unable to cope with guerrillas in Indochina more recently. The Germans took hostages, and they even shot a few, but that was just what the guerrillas wanted them to do. The Germans never were able to solve the guerrilla problem, and they were obliged to devote a major portion of their military effort to it throughout the war.

    The Red Army, on the other hand, had no such problem, for they knew exactly how to deal with guerrillas. They were perfectly prepared to depopulate a thousand square miles of occupied enemy territory — to kill every living thing, guerilla or otherwise — at the first sign of civilian resistance. Even in the Soviet Union itself, entire national groups (the Volga Germans, for example) who were considered to be a potential threat to the Soviet war effort were uprooted en masse and deported to Siberia — millions of people — with enormous suffering and loss of life. In Poland the Reds nipped any anti-Communist resistance in the bud by simply exterminating, in the Katyn Forest and elsewhere, practically the entire Polish officer corps, which , during wartime, comprised most of Poland’s leaders.

    When the Red Army stormed into Germany they were egged on by the Soviet-Jewish propaganda commissar, Ilya Ehrenburg, who exhorted the Communist troops to use mass rape and murder as means to subduing the civilian population: Kill! Kill! In the German race there is nothing but evil; not one among the living, not one among the yet unborn but is evil! Follow the precepts of Comrade Stalin. Stamp out the fascist beast once and for all in its lair! Use force and break the racial pride of these Germanic women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill! As you storm onward, kill, you gallant soldiers of the Red Army!

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: John Wear
  691. S says:

    What stokes my ire the most about the origins of WW2 is the obfuscation of Hitler’s repeated attempts and concessions to prevent an actual war.

    I’d forgotten to mention in my previous response, that within the Anglosphere countries from the late 1920’s through the 1930’s there was a steady drumbeat emanating from the film industry telling (conditioning?) their audiences that there was going to be a future world war taking place by the specific year of ‘1940’, typically (though not always) involving Germany as a major future ‘enemy’.


    I know of three right off the top of my head, though there were almost certainly others. These were the particularly intriguing High Treason (1929), Men Must Fight (1933), and Things to Come (1936).

    Wiki has entries for each and YouTube has them available either whole or in part for free. What’s kind of interesting is that each of these three movies, as an audience draw, features what for the time was high tech gadgetry, ie specifically video phones and television.

    A film review of the 1929 movie High Treason and a movie still and theater poster for the film. [Note ‘1940’ on the poster.]

    I think the perfidy is everywhere and it’s still going on today.

    I wanted to understand the more purely Anglo-Saxon history of the United States so some years ago I did a tremendous amount of reading on the subject from original 19th century source materials, letting the chips fall where they may, and many of my posts at Mr Unz’s site relay what I found.

    Some of the things I came across in my reading are so fantastic (like the almost ‘prophetic’ 1853 New Rome book just mentioned) that they come across like science fiction, and can’t be real. Yet they are.

    Should you have the time and desire you’d be entirely welcome (as would anyone else) to peruse my post history and should you wish freely borrow any original sources, ideas, or, concepts within, without attribution.

    That’s why I have posted them as I think people should be more aware of these lesser known, though important imo, historical aspects of the United States and United Kingdom. 🙂

  692. @John Wear

    Fine, you want a direct question?

    What was unusual, indeed unique, about Bergen-Belsen in the KZ system?

    • Replies: @John Wear
  693. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Yes, I will definitely take the word of the most influential neo-Nazi in American history.

    Fuck William Pierce and his stinking corpse.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  694. S says:

    Thanks. I’m a sucker for good videos. That’s a powerful video and powerful lyrics.


    One thing I couldn’t understand about Vietnam was why we had troops fighting Communists ‘over there’ when we obviously had plenty of active Communists doing tremendous harm over here in the United States. I used to think the troops in ’67 or ’68 should have stopped any more planes going to Vietnam and fought (and destroyed) the Communists in the US, and only returned to Vietnam if they felt like it, as they had been so misused.

    Now, I look upon the whole Capitalists vs Communists thing as having not been a real war. Sure, if you’re on the ground in Korea or Vietnam being shot at, it was real enough, but in the big picture, it was not a real war, and neither Capitalism nor Communism were ever intended to ‘win’.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  695. John Wear says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    You ask: “What was unusual, indeed unique, about Bergen-Belsen in the KZ system?”

    My response: I don’t know. Please tell us.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  696. @Andrew Mathis

    I anticipated such a response. I note you made no comment on the accuracy or the content of what he wrote.

    Dr. Pierce may seem extreme to some, but to date, I have not yet found inaccuracies with his historiography or analysis thereof. More and more, I learn certain people are/were not as they were portrayed by mainstream sources; curiously, the bias is always the heaviest in the same direction.

    My entire maternal ancestry is ethnic German; some from Germany proper, some from Polish territory, and some from the mess in Hungary/Czechoslovakia territory. If one is fortunate to obtain first/second hand information from the elders, much can be more accurately deduced. In questioning the elders, not once did I hear malice towards the local Jews in their communities, but not so with the Soviets/Bolsheviks. Unlike the average Americans, the average Europeans had a better idea of what was going on up north.

    I am not the least bit surprised or incredulous at the notion of Jews preferring the company or protection from the Germans rather than the approaching soviets.

    I’ll also say that some of those same elders were in agreement with the “theory” of Jewish perfidy and cultural subversion, but still, rather than annihilation, they understood the notion of expulsion, as a group, but of course, they held many they knew personally with affection. It seems it was an impossible situation for everyone.

  697. @S

    The song/lyrics are “rough around the edges,” especially if you prefer the poetry of Kipling, but it’s a soldier’s account and reflects his reality.

    The infiltration of communists in America was obfuscated/denied in the usual manner. David Horowitz speaks and writes on this very issue; he is the son of a Jewish family from Russia; he was once a typical liberal agitator, as he self-describes, but he reveals Joe McCarthy was absolutely correct in his accusations of communist influence in Hollywood, as his (Horowitz) own parents were members of the communist party, and members from Russia were often hidden in his parent’s basement.

    His lectures are all over the internet. If you’re interested, find those given at an earlier date, as his oratory skills, which were great, dwindled a bit as he aged, and he comes off a bit confused and crotchety; the message, however, is the same.

    On the science fiction becoming reality and the eerie power of future predictions among certain people (such as a world virus is coming soon!), I have noticed that as well. My cockamamie theory is “life on earth is older, by leaps and bounds, than what the establishment, whomever they are, reports; we are re-discovering what was once known, “they” know it, and don’t want “us” to know it, so we cycle on…”. It’s nuts, I know. “Whom the God’s wish to destroy, they first make mad” and “Something Wicked This Way Comes” is an apt descriptor for the modern world. Pure speculation, of course.

    Thank you, I will peruse through your threads, and steal/swipe from accordingly.

    • Replies: @S
  698. @Tiptoethrutulips

    If murder was the objective, why bother with the traveling; just kill them all in Hungary.

    Because Hungary didn’t have gas chambers capable of killing 300,000 innocent civilians in 60 days, and crematoria and burning pits capable of burning 300,000 bodies in 60 days. Don’t you think that’s a rather silly question?

    Again, why set up a network of camps, residential/work or otherwise, if death is the ultimate goal?; execute them immediately upon sight or at a location relatively close by.

    Again, because: 1) the gas chambers at Auschwitz were better than bullets (no one likes to shoot mothers and children, or see them shot shot; execution by gas takes place in an closed room where no one has to watch them die), and 2) Auschwitz had crematoria and burn pits to cremate the bodies, so ignorant and irrational people could say, “There are no bodies, so no one must have been murdered.”

    I don’t understand why you don’t simply read one or more of the books I recommended. You’ll learn stuff!

    I asked:

    8) And where is a record of what happened to those 240,000 Hungarian Jews who were unfit to work, and you say were sent to other camps? How many of them were found alive at other camps just 6-8 months later, when Germany collapsed?

    You responded:

    I guess one would have to compile registration records from every possible transfer location; camps were destroyed, most records seized by the Allies, so, that determination is ultimately impossible. Besides, the Hungarians , as you say, were undocumented, therefore there were no recordings made in the first place.

    Again, this is simply wrong. Just read Ian Baxter’s book, “Operation Höss”. He’s an actual historian…an actual expert on WW2 history:

    No one says the lack of information on the whereabouts of a certain group proves there were no homicidal gas chambers. Nor does the lack of information prove they were killed, you twit.

    I don’t think you know what a twit is. Heres’s a Merriam Webster definition:
    twit : a silly annoying person : fool

    You may find me annoying, but I’m anything but “silly” or a “fool.” As I’ve written before, I’ve done more research on Auschwitz-Birkenau is the last few weeks than you’ll likely do in your lifetime…at least at the rate you’re going. And I’ve clearly thought longer and more rationally than you have about Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    Consider this situation: You’re a juror in a criminal trial.

    The defendants are accused of running gas chambers, crematoria, and burn pits at a train station, say, three decades previously. They are accused of killing 300,000 people, in fact…men, women, and children. The prosecutors say the guys must have done it, because the 300,000 people were known to have been forced onto the trains headed for that station with the alleged gas chambers, crematoria, and burn pits.

    The Defense says that maybe the 300,000 people actually continued on to another station, because there was really no gas chamber at the train station…just crematoria. And the Defense says the burn pits were burning garbage.

    The Prosecutor counters that the gas chambers absolutely did exist, because the people who ran the gas chambers (including the head of the operation, and a doctor who decided which people went to the gas chambers, and a person who gathered up the valuables of people sent to the gas chamber) admitted it existed. In fact, the guy gathering up the valuables insisted that the gas chambers existed, and even expressed frustration that anyone would ever say that the gas chambers did not exist!

    Further, the Prosecutor points out that there is not one single record of those 300,000 people existing after disembarking from that train:
    1) There is not one single record of school attendance at any school anywhere in the world for the 80,000 children under 12 years old among that 300,000.
    2) There is not one single marriage record for any of those 80,000 children under 12 years old.
    3) There is not one single instance of those 300,000 ever contacting anyone: family, friends in the hometown or elsewhere, and letting those people know that they went on to another station, and they’re all right.
    4) In fact, there is not one single instance of those 300,000 even contacting direct family members who went into a separate line on the train platform…a line that we know involved people who didn’t get killed at that station on that particular arrival day.
    4) There is not one single instance of any of those 300,000 ever being paid for a day of work.
    5) There is not one single record of any of those 300,000 owning or occupying a dwelling.
    6) There is not one single census record in any country after the day of arrival at that train station that includes any of those 300,000 people.
    7) There is not one single record of any of the 300,000 dying some other place than at that train station.

    The Prosecutor also points out:

    8) We have photographs of some of the people right outside the alleged gas chambers, and we know some of their names, and we even have relatives who identify them in the photographs.
    9) For every single train that carried those 300,000 people, we know how many people were on the train, and what the originating city was, and a recorded index number for every person who did not immediately go to the alleged gas chambers.
    10) For example, for a town named Munkacs, we know that 28,589 people arrived on 9 trains, and that 4113 men and 4525 women did not go to the alleged gas chambers, and therefore we think 19,951 people (70 percent) did. And for a town named Oradea, we know that 27,715 people arrived on 9 trains, and 4,269 men and 4,707 women did not go to the alleged gas chambers, so we think 18,239 people (67 percent) did.

    This is a serious question, not a rhetorical one: If you had that information…e.g. absolutely no record of any kind for any of those 300,000 people after they got to that train station…would you, as a juror, say, “The Defense has a good point…maybe all 300,000 went on to different train stations, and just left no records of any kind of their existence, for the rest of their lives.”


  699. @John Wear

    Sometime during the war, it was decided to turn Belsen into a so-called holding camp in keeping with the Geneva Conventions, which stated that internment camps had to be open for inspection.

    The camp was repurposed to house Jews who would be used in prisoner exchanges. This included a few thousand Polish Jews, Shahak and his mother among them. (His father had already died in Treblinka I.) Being sent there meant they they had a relative willing to vouch for them as emigrants to a country not occupied by Germany.

    That’s why Shahak was at Belsen. It doesn’t disprove that Germany was trying to rid itself of Jews unfit for work.

  700. @John Wear

    My response: Please elaborate. What was incorrect or nonscientific in Germar Rudolf’s report?

    Just to make sure we’re talking about the same thing: I’m talking about Germar Rudolf’s book, “The Chemistry of Auschwitz.” It’s pseudoscience because real science takes an established theory, and proposes a new theory that can not only explain the things explained by the existing theory, but can explain new things.

    We have an existing theory that gas chambers were used to kill hundreds of thousands of children, women, and men at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and then their bodies were burned in crematoria and burn pits. That existing theory explains, for example, why we have no more records of any kind of the existence of approximately 300,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived at Auschwitz-Birkenau between May 15 and July 13, 1944. Does anything in Germar Rudolf’s book explain why we have no more records of any kind for those approximately 300,000 people after July 13, 1944 (without using gas chambers)? Or does anything in Germar Ruldolf’s book explain how we really *do* have records for those 300,000 people?

    Not that I could see! Therefore, it’s not scientific.

    • Agree: Fran Taubman
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  701. Han says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    Andrew Mathis says:
    “[These sorts of crude insults are not acceptable. Continue them and your other comments will get trashed.]”

    A typical response from those WEARING SMALL HATS.

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  702. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “Further, the Prosecutor points out that there is not one single record of those 300,000 people existing after disembarking from that train” and you then list seven examples for which no records exist.

    My response: I have two questions for you:

    1) Have you examined every single record to look for those 300,000 people who you say did not exist after disembarking from their trains at Auschwitz-Birkenau?

    2) If I found some records of Hungarian Jews who were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau and were then sent to another German camp and survived, would this change your mind?

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  703. Good grief, I guess I have this coming.

    1. It’s not a silly question. Do you really think mass murder requires a gas chamber? How were people slaughtered before the advent of modern technology? People have been killing each other for centuries; mass murder is not a modern endeavor.

    2. Be careful with this line of rebuttal, Mark. You are admitting a conscience on the part of the German SS soldiers, when numerous eyewitnesses say just the opposite; the babies were ripped to pieces; the babies were shot in the head while held by a Sonderkommando; children were thrown in the ovens alive; beautiful girls were stashed underground for sex slaves; the SS girls were laughing…AND, the absence of actual bodies was not the issue; if corpses are stacked 4 feet high, incinerated or burned in pits, there will be remnants of their remains. I don’t care what you say, thousands of bodies CANNOT be handled and destroyed, by whatever claimed method, to the tune of 5,6,7,10 thousand per day, or in total over many days, which would be the reality, without the decay/rot/seepage of fluids expressing all over the place, and those traces will remain and The Red Cross would notice by sight and smell, as would arriving inmates. I don’t recall testimony of a refrigerator/freezer for storage, do you? Speaking of those fiery pits, raging in swamp/damp terrain, WHY would they be located near wooden barracks, Mark? Would you stoke a fire pit next to living quarters?

    3. You have no idea what books I’ve read, or what sources I’ve reviewed. However, based on your asinine theories, I won’t be taking recommendations from you. I have drawn many conclusions from eyewitness, oral testimony. Do you know what that is, Mark? It’s “straight from the horse’s mouth.” But, you twit, horses don’t speak!, says Mark. There, I answered back on your behalf.

    4. I know exactly what “twit” means. I laughed aloud reading your comment. Do you really think I am unaware of the definition of the words I use? Don’t answer. That’s a rhetorical question; consult your dictionary for a definition.

    5. Consider this: You have not, can not, and no one can/did/would/could conduct the sort of research and fact finding you described in your court case scenario. The organization and diligence required is not possible; the record keeping methods, in general, during that point in history did not allow for it, especially during war, when people are routinely scattered, traumatized, hiding out, etc., and what was recorded was destroyed. You said yourself, they were UNDOCUMENTED. How do you document the undocumented? If census/data collecting experts had been deployed immediately after the war, perhaps we would have more reliable information, but still we are talking estimates, at best. You are arguing on an impossibility or hypothetical possibility. I don’t know how else to convey this to you, You, proper southern gentleman, who curses occasionally, but is a big softy, but seriously delusional, and lacking discernment of nuance, irony and basic concepts of reason, probability, evidence collection and preservation, perhaps too literal, and definitely rides around on Occam’s Broom whilst wearing rose colored goggles. The End.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: HdC
  704. @Mark Bahner

    Thanks for all your good work Mark and also the addition of HC commentator Andrew Mathis. You guys did well against the hilarious deniers. I have been on vacation in Paris, to celebrate my big 70, and kept my laptop home. Below a photo of my 3 star lunch at Jules Verne restaurant in the Eiffel Tower. I hope you can understand why I took a brake.

    But after a few weeks off, I came to a more holistic way of looking at the H denial community, not a new way but just a more distant lens from the close up banter of where did this Jew go and that Jew go. It seems the H denial community is just insane, if you listen to their explanations. The reason for their insanity is not the Holocaust it is the Jews. H denial is not about history or the Holocaust, or facts or forensics or history. H denial is about the Jews. All about the Jews.

    The Jews gave the world God, that is the only thing we have ever really contributed to humanity. The idea of a divine being not bound by temporal or physical laws or our senses to perceive what the divine is like. The Jews did not give the world a sport, fine food, art, or architecture. The Jews did not contribute to elegance and refinement of dress and mannerisms, of the aristocracy, or develop a way of being like the Italians or the French. The Jews gave the world God, and they hate us for it. The world used to burn with rage at being confronted by some metaphysical force they cannot understand and have no control over, but somehow the Jews can correspond with this force at will, one on one. We and God understand one another as individuals, not as a church. Judaism is all about a human’s direct contact with the divine. It is the only thing we are really good at, and God for all his splendor and wonder, likes it that way, that one group sticks out and says and explains or attempts to explain what god the divine being is really like. Unfortunately for Jew haters, this is why the Jews are still here. We are willed to be here. If it were not meant to be here we would have disappeared a long time ago. We survived the the Babylonians, the Romans, the Germans, and the Muslims. Nothing worse to a Jew hater like Michael Jones then the survival and ascent of the Jews, just pisses people off. Drives them fucking insane.

    This is so apparent when I listen to E. Michael Jones, I really crack up. He is so depressed and morbid about the Jews as influencers. Because to Jones the Jews have no Logos, no incarnate of the Jesus the savior, because we never accepted Jesus, The Jews thought Jesus was a sorcerer a magician, a fake poser performing magic acts. And since Jesus was our boy and fulfilling our Messiah prophesy, We have (had) a right to our opinion and can turn to Mr. Jones and say Logos? You are wrapped up in idol worship of gold statues of a man nailed to a cross.

    That is why they hate us. I wish, I wish that Jesus would have been a Hittite, a Persian anyone but a Jew. They should have separated him from our tribe. He is the antithesis of our prime directive of the one and only non human performing miracles, not having a son as a stand in.

    H denial is Jew hatred, and Jew hatred is hating God. That is why h denial is solely in the purview of only Jew haters. The prime motivation of H denial is what Kali said. Kali said that Douglas Reed has the answer to the what the Jews are really about, because Douglas Reed would know right? He would really know the true history of the Jews, who are not really Jews. Reed says that ashkenazi Jews are fake and are really Kazhars. So there you have the lie of the Jews who are not really Jews. So Germany did not kill any real Jews they killed Kazahrians. So if there are no real Jews left what is the problem?


  705. @Mark Bahner

    Have you investigated the Phoenix Lights event?

    There were objects flying all over the place; of various shapes and sizes, zooming around everywhere; there were thousands of witnesses, maybe 400,000, who really knows? But, we can track them all down, I’m sure.

    Where did the flying beings go? Inter-dimensional space flight is a new thing. 👀👽🛸🛸 or 🍸🍸?

  706. I just want to return to the micro for one of my favorite John Wear comments, and you have to admit John Wear does not really believe one word he says, it is a game to him. find the missing gas chamber or go to jail. No denier can really believe that the non employable Hungarian Jews, babies mothers and the disabled and old were shipped to Auschwitz for any reason other than to eradicate them, children and babies could have stayed in Hungary in 1944. If they were transported to another location which is impossible since there were no trains transporting anyone who could not build an airplane in a NY minute, there was no fuel, no food, no housing. And if the Germans did transport those poor Jews they would have certainly let the world no about it, because it would have left them off the hook. But to think that people saw their family members disappear within minutes of arriving at Auschwitz and never seeing or hearing from them again, as people that must have just missed them somewhere in the world is just silly. You know if your mother died the day you arrived at Auschwitz, because people told you. Everyone told you. The residents, the Germans, the Sonderkamandos. But let’s look at what John says about the Hungarian transports in 1944 to Auschwitz. They were transported to relax for a few days on their way to somewhere else. How do we know this? Because there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.

    John Wear
    After several days on a train from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau, it was typical for the Jews to rest and refresh a few days before continuing on their journey to another part of Germany.

    These Jews in the Auschwitz Album, were a threat to Germany, in the form of a resistance movement. They were shipped to Auschwitz to rest up for their future trip to another part of Germany. These photos taken in the summer of 1944, in less than a year the Germans were destroyed as a nation. Yet they took the time to let these Jews rest and revitalize themselves for their future journey to Germany. Because that makes so much sense. Because there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz Birkenau.

    Hating Jews like John Wear is like hating God. Because that is what the people in these photos represent. Why else round them up and transport them to their death? All of these people never lived to see another day. People recognize them from the photos. They were their family members.

    Screen Shot 2023-01-24 at 1.29.03 PM

    Descriptions by Carlos Mattogno
    Screen Shot 2023-01-21 at 11.33.01 PM

    Screen Shot 2023-01-21 at 11.54.01 PM

    Screen Shot 2019-07-20 at 8.26.24 PM

  707. S says:

    Thanks for the info about Horowitz. Yes, I’m familiar with him and his anti-Communist message. It’s true that McCarthy was more or less spot on. I’m just glad, knowing what I know now, that I no longer get agitated about the whole Capitalist vs Communis thing.

  708. @Fran Taubman

    Hi Fran,

    Good for you, leaving your laptop at home. 🙂

    I’m going to be providing my Summation for the mock civil trial in a few days, and probably leaving this site for the most part. I’ll be going back to the blog Marginal Revolution, which is what led me to this site, and to the online version of National Review. I prefer to live my life in the real world, and interact with people who are also living their lives in the real world.

    Regarding the obsession on this site with Jews…that does totally baffle me. From the Internet, it appears like there are 16 million Jews in the whole world of 8 billion people. And y’all don’t even proselytize (good for you! 😉 ).

    So I’m totally baffled by all the fear and hatred.

    Best wishes,

    • Replies: @Kali
  709. Han says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Fran Taubman, good to see back!

    Here George Carlin on your religion, Judaism. Enjoy!

  710. @Fran Taubman

    Dinner Eiffel

    That was a bad link to my Jules Vern photo taken midway up the Eiffel Tower. Didn’t Hitler place a flag on top of the Eiffel Tower on his way down the Champs Elyse during his victory march? All those leather booted SS dudes, so swish in their uniforms, walking around Paris like they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. LOL.

    So here I am a Jewess having a 3 star meal at the middle of the Eiffel Tower, not a German SS officer in site, Looking out at Paris, while Chef Frederic Anton pours me a glass of Rose Champaign, because he had heard of my work which was being shown in London. And all those SS officers and the Furhrer himself? Really not a good ending. No Champaign for them, just me the Jewess. A sweat victory of sorts.

    It would also be good for John Wear and all you other Jew haters to know and remember that no one is pouring you Rose Champaign at the Eiffel Tower, when you tell them that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwtiz-Birkenau, and that all of those missing Jews were misplaced and not dead. Because the Germans had no intention of eradicating European Jewry using homicidal gas The French remember the Germans, rounding up the Jews, and everyone knew it was for death. The French refused to round up French Jewish citizens, just the recent immigrants fleeing the Germans.

    In case you forgot being on this delusional UR site, let me remind all of you that most of the world, in fact 99% of the world including the chef and the people eating lunch in the Eiffel tower at Jules Vern know full well that in 1944 over 280,000 Hungarian Jews were gassed and cremated at Auschwitz-Birkenau in the summer of 1944. They also know that H denial is not an honest objective historical field of study, but rather H denial is run by a group of Jew haters, trying to continue to keep the flames of Jew hatred alive. They all know, believe me they know.

    Let me hear you say it. H denial is Jew hatred not history, not forensics, not rationality, and it defies all logic and reason. Mention H denial at Jules Vern and see what happens to you. Just letting a little daylight in to the reality of the world away from UR. And John do you think any one will remember you and your claim that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau in let’s say 20 years?

    I am having the champaign not you, and I will be remembered for my work, not you or your denial of the homicidal gas chambers and crematoriums that the Germans used to deliberately eradicate European Jewry.

    I say to all the H deniers and Jew haters. Let them eat cake. And remember where and who you are, because H denial is a shrinking world.

  711. @Andrew Mathis

    The US is an outlier in this regard.

    Do you think it’s time for the U.S. to abolish the first amendment?
    As I did in a previous question to you, I urge you to ignore my question if you think you feel uncomfortable or unprepared to answer it.
    I live in Brazil, and we don’t have nearly as much freedom of speech here as one has in the U.S.. Lately we’re having even less. This situation is a reaction to the Bolsonaro administration.
    Ever since I started reading The Unz Review I have been pondering about this issue. I must say that this is possibly the best place in the world to experience what the consequences are of unlimited free speech. Not only because authors and commenters enjoy that freedom, but because it publishes articles with a very favorable spin about places where there is little to no freedom of speech, such as China. Even though those are basically propaganda pieces, they are effective in highlighting some positive aspects of countries which are usually demonized in Western media.
    As a result of that immersion, so to speak, in this ideological universe, I became a lot more understanding of my own country’s present rulings curbing possibly dangerous speech. I am grateful to Ron Unz in that regard. He has made me see the world with less of my previous liberal bias.

  712. @John Wear

    1) Have you examined every single record to look for those 300,000 people who you say did not exist after disembarking from their trains at Auschwitz-Birkenau?

    No, there’s no need. What I *have* done is to read Ian Baxter’s book, “Operation Höss”, and go to the “Appendix V: Detailed Listing of Male and Female Transports”. Then I looked for trains from “Mukacevo” (also known as Munkacs, Mukachevo, and several other alternate spellings. This is what I found:

    For example, for a town named Mukacevo (Munkacs), we know that 28,589 people arrived on 9 trains, and that 4113 men and 4525 women did not go to the alleged gas chambers, and therefore we think 19,951 people (70 percent) did.

    I then checked the Yad Vashem Shoah Database:

    The results would take a while to describe, but the limited analysis I could do (because the database interface isn’t set up well to do what I wanted to do) seemed to be in reasonable conformation to values in Appendix V of Ian Baxter’s book.

    2) If I found some records of Hungarian Jews who were sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau and were then sent to another German camp and survived, would this change your mind?

    No, they would have to be people clearly “unfit for work“…like children under 12 or people over 65-70. And you would not have to just find some records. Based on population analysis of Russia in 1941, and assuming the breakdown in Hungary in 1944 was about the same, there should be over 80,000 Hungarian Jewish children under the age of 12 in the 437,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived between May 15 and July 13, 1944. You’d certainly have to some evidence for…maybe 40,000…?…Hungarian Jewish children under the age of 12 who went on to other places. And you’d have to be able to provide some assurance, based on something logical, that the other 40,000+ also went on to other places.

    You won’t be able to do that, John. If I search the first 1000 entries in the Yad Vashem Shoah Database, with the input of “Munkacs,” and select only those records for “Munkacs” or “Mukacevo”, I get the following results:

    Birth Year…# Murdered….# Survived

    All years……….39…………………….0

    Just the tiniest example of why they call it the Holocaust, and why Rudolf Höss wrote in his autobiography:

    (p144) By the will of the Reichsführer SS, Auschwitz became the greatest human extermination centre of all time.


  713. @Mark Bahner

    As you insist there is not one single instance or record of Hungarian Jew survival, and as only the “fit to work” were permitted to live, every single Hungarian Jew survivor would therefore be amongst the 10% selected, which is approximately 40,000 persons, as those who perished would have no actual record of life beyond the camps, and the official survivor record lists 50,000 – 70,000 registered (not sure why the list is not enumerated), perhaps you start your search here:


    Title or Main Description: Registration cards of Holocaust survivors returning to Hungary from Germany in 1945 and 1946. Survivors were registered by the Hungarian section of the World Jewish Congress. The c. 50000-70000 cards are arranged in alphabetical order. Acc. to 1996 USHMM fellow Tam s Stark, many survivors, both urban and rural, chose not to register with the WJC in 1945 out of fear of reprisal.

    The above is from the Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database. Note, many chose not to register.

    George Soros is a Jew from Hungary; he survived, and managed to avoid the camps altogether.

    This week on Those Who Were There: Voices from the Holocaust, we’re listening to the testimony of Esther Schwartzman. Born in Mukachevo between the world wars…… This was until March 1944, when Hitler installed a new, radical rightwing government in Hungary. Within days, Adolf Eichmann and special teams of SS arrived to plan the deportation of Hungarian Jewry. Between May 15 and July 7, almost 450,000 Hungarian Jews were sent to Auschwitz. About two-thirds were immediately sent to the gas chambers.

    Another, who says no Germans were involved in the deportation:
    Nearly 75 years ago, Hungarian police forced Rozsa Heisler onto a train, along with thousands of other Hungarian Jews.

    “We were crammed together for five days without food or water,” she recalls. “We didn’t know where we were going. Then we reached Auschwitz.”

    Heisler’s mother and grandfather were murdered at the concentration camp. She and her sister, sent on to a labor camp, survived on leftover potato peels.

    Now 93, the bright-eyed great-grandmother lives in a cozy apartment in Budapest, a city she proudly calls home. But she has no illusions about the role her country played decades before. “We didn’t see any German soldiers until we reached Auschwitz,” she says. “It was Hungarians who deported us.”

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  714. Han says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Fran Taubman says:
    “The Jews gave the world God, that is the only thing we have ever really contributed to humanity.”

    Thank you, thank you so much, dear Jews, for letting us know that we, non-Jews, Goyim, are just like Shit and to be treated as such.

    “That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

    “That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.

    “A Jew may rob a Goy, he may cheat him over a bill, which should not be perceived by him, otherwise the name of God would become dishonoured.”
    Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat, 348

    Your Fictional God, Mr. Yahweh, is as Richard Dawkins put it so brilliantly: A vindictive bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser, a misogynistic, homophobic racist, an infanticidal, genocidal, phillicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.

    When the Jews invaded the “Promised Land” their genocidal god, Mr. Yahweh, told them what to do with the people who inhabited that land.

    Numbers 33:50-53-50-53
    GOD spoke to Moses on the Plains of Moab at Jordan-Jericho: “Tell the People of Israel, When you cross the Jordan into the country of Canaan, drive out the native population before you, destroy their carved idols, destroy their cast images, level their worship-mounds so that you take over the land and make yourself at home in it; I’ve given it to you. It’s yours.”

    Deut. 20:16-18
    However, you must not let any living thing survive among the cities of these people the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. You must completely destroy them – the Hethite, Amorite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite.

    The JEWS stole the land of the people who owned it and killed them, but, of course, their Loving god, Mr. YAHWEH, gave it to them as an “inheritance”.

    Fast forward to 1948 when the European Ashkenazi Jews this time, stole the land of the Palestinians, murdered them and drove them off their land, just like the ancient Israelites did millennia before them. Of course, again, Mr. YAHWEH, their Loving god, gave them the “Promised Land”.

    So, what’s the difference between the ancient Israelites, “the Good Guys”, and the European Ashkenazi Jews, “the Khazarian Mafia/Synagogue of Satan” to many? They both follow the TORAH and TALMUD and believe that Mr. YAHWEH gave them the land.

    In an amazing display in 2019 that stunned members of the United Nations Security Council, Israel’s UN ambassador Danny Danon used the Bible to defend the Jewish people’s claim to the land. The history lesson came during a special session at the Security Council.

    In a dramatic moment, Danon opened the Bible and read aloud God’s covenant with Abraham from Genesis 17:

    “And I will establish my covenant between me and you and your descendants after you throughout the generations for an everlasting covenant. And I will give to you and your descendants after you all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession and I will be their God.”

    Danon then raised up the Bible, turned to attendees and said, “This is the deed to our land.”

    So handy to create a god, Mr. YAHWEH, who then promises you the whole world.

    The JEWS, throughout their history, excel at creating FICTION INTO “FACTS”.
    Your TORAH, just like your HOLOCAUST, is all FICTION and full of utter Racist and Supremacist BS.

    EXODUS, for instance, NEVER happened.

    ABRAHAM, Jacob, Moses, King David, and King Solomon in all his splendour, never existed, a 15-year study of archaeological evidence has concluded.

    The study – by Professor Thomas Thompson, one of the world’s foremost authorities on biblical archaeology – says that the first 10 books of the Old Testament are almost certainly fiction, written between 500 and 1,500 years after the events they purport to describe.

    The Jews created Christianity, Islam and Communism to conquer the world and succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.

    A Real Case Against the Jews by Marcus Eli Ravage, a Jewish-American immigrant, published in Century Magazine, 1928 describes how the Jews used Christianity to conquer the world for them.

    “We made you the willing and unconscious bearers of our mission to the whole world, to the barbarous races of the world, to the countless unborn generations. Without fully understanding what we were doing to you, you became the agents at large of our racial tradition, carrying our gospel to unexplored ends of the earth.

    “No conquest in history can even remotely compare with this clean sweep of our conquest over you.”

    As Pope Francis said: “Inside every Christian is a Jew.”

  715. John Wear says:
    @Fran Taubman

    You write: “But let’s look at what John says about the Hungarian transports in 1944 to Auschwitz. They were transported to relax for a few days on their way to somewhere else. How do we know this? Because there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz.”

    My response: That’s what happened to Viktor Frankl. He was transported to Auschwitz-Birkenau, and after a few days he was sent to a sub-camp of Dachau, Kaufering III.

  716. @Han

    What makes you think I give a rats ass about what George Carlin or you think about Judaism? I know you hate Jews and Judaism intensely. I get it. That is not the point of my comments. You do not have to keep posting videos and quotations about how satanic and horrible Jews are.

    You do realize there is nothing new under the sun? All of your hatred, memes, videos and quotes have been repeated for centuries.

    Show me a holocaust denier who is not a Jew hater. That is my point. Holocaust denial is Jew hatred. Show me a holocaust denier who enthusiastically likes Jews and Judaism but honestly thinks the gassing and incineration of the Jews did not take place or scientifically could not have taken place.

    You do not need to keep trying to convince me that Jews are the worst people ever. I told you. Hating Jews is really a metaphor for hating god.

    Show me a holocaust denier that loves Jews. H denial and Jew hatred are one big riddle. More unbelievable as factual than the existence of homicidal gas rooms.

  717. @Brás Cubas

    I’d like to make a small observation about the following sentence in that comment:

    This situation is a reaction to the Bolsonaro administration.

    I think a more complete description of the situation would be:

    This situation is a reaction to the Bolsonaro administration and some events in its aftermath.

  718. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “Rudolf Höss wrote in his autobiography: (p144) By the will of the Reichsführer SS, Auschwitz became the greatest human extermination centre of all time.”

    My response: I have established beginning in my comment #18 on this discussion thread the following facts:

    1. Rudolf Höss’s family members had all been imprisoned and intimidated by British soldiers prior to Höss’s capture.
    2. Höss was subject to brutal torture by British soldiers.
    3. Höss was also subject to sleep deprivation by British soldiers.
    4. Dr. Gustave Gilbert and Dr. Leon Goldensohn both described Höss as being blank and apathetic at the IMT.
    5. Dr. Jan Sehn and Dr. Tadeusz Cyprian both described Höss as being apathetic at the Polish trial.
    6. Neither Höss nor his attorneys introduced any witnesses at the Polish trial, relying entirely on the witnesses put forward by the prosecution.
    7. Key portions of Höss’s testimony at the IMT are widely acknowledged to be untrue. Höss was merely repeating the Allied propaganda at the time.

    Since Höss’s confessions and testimony had been obtained by torture, sleep deprivation, and fear for his family’s safety, they never should have been allowed into evidence at the IMT and later Polish trial. Höss’s testimony also calls into question the legitimacy of both the IMT and later Polish trial, while his biography written under Polish control and captivity is worthless as an historical reference.

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  719. John Wear says:
    @Fran Taubman

    You write: “In case you forgot being on this delusional UR site, let me remind all of you that most of the world, in fact 99% of the world including the chef and the people eating lunch in the Eiffel tower at Jules Vern know full well that in 1944 over 280,000 Hungarian Jews were gassed and cremated at Auschwitz-Birkenau in the summer of 1944.”

    My response: Since it is a felony in France to publicly dispute any aspect of the Holocaust story, you will not hear people disputing the “Holocaust” in France. Very few people are willing to go to jail for discussing events that occurred over 78 years ago.

    • Thanks: Han, Al Liguori
  720. Anonymous[110] • Disclaimer says:

    Oh God, Fran Taubman has arrived. The thread has officially reached peak retard.

    • LOL: John Wear
  721. @Fran Taubman

    “Let them eat cake” is a “made up” quote, and Marie Antoinette was Austrian, not French.

    Marie lost her head, as a few actual French people have lately, and soon, many more may suffer the same fate. While in France, did you happen to see many French people? Was Notre Dame repaired?
    My favorite was the Sacre-Coeur, as I have been to France, myself, and frankly, many others as well, so I’m not sure what all your preening is about.

    Is there anything in Israel to rival the architecture in France, by the way? Do the Jews claim the Temple Mount for themselves? Why are those guys always banging their heads against that old, dirty, crumbling-down wall? I’m sure that’s a cool sight seeing experience. Where are the girls? I wonder why you chose France for the big 70! instead of Israel?

    While you were peacocking around in a once beautiful European city, instead of drudging around in Jerusalem and listening to crying Palestinian children, did you happen to encounter the rioting Africans/Muslims? You may get your wish for the destruction of Edom, Amalek, but soon, every Jew will be flocking back to Israel, as they will also be losing their heads in Europe, and the Muslims and Africans care not about the Holocaust, and why exactly, are jews always flocking about, and fleeing, yet again, for the ? , how many times? For no obvious reason?

    This is for you:

    • Agree: Al Liguori
  722. @Fran Taubman

    The photo described thusly:

    “ Non-employable inmates rest with their belongings in the forest near the crematorium IV. An old man climbs down the slight bank at the edge of the fire pond in
    order to fill some water into a metal container. [75]”

    Water in a fire pond? Drinking water from a pit wherein bodies were burned? Does that make sense?

    • Thanks: Kali
  723. @John Wear


    Of course you didn’t respond to the fact that, in the first 1000 records for Munkacs, I found 39 children under twelve listed as “murdered,” and zero listed as “survived.”

    That would force you to enter the real world, in which homicidal gas chambers in Auschwitz-Birkenau were used to kill more than 80,000 Hungarian Jewish children under 12 years old in approximately 60 days. That’s over 1,300 children under 12 every day for 60 days.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  724. @Mark Bahner

    You nit-wits need to consider what you are saying/writing, certainly within the context of history and reality, about which you seem to know nothing.

    So, battered/black & blue (was he gassed?)/imprisoned Hoess “says”, according to Bloviating Bahner:

    “ (p144) By the will of the Reichsführer SS, Auschwitz became the greatest human extermination centre of all time.”

    Others say:

    But both Hitler and Stalin were outdone by Mao Zedong. From 1958 to 1962, his Great Leap Forward policy led to the deaths of up to 45 million people—easily making it the biggest episode of mass murder ever recorded.
    “When a boy stole a handful of grain in a Hunan village, local boss Xiong Dechang forced his father to bury him alive,” Dikötter wrote for History Today, offering one of many harrowing examples of Mao’s brutality during this era. “The father died of grief a few days later.”
    So how many people did Mao kill? Dikötter estimates that “at least 45 million people between 1958 and 1962” died due to his policies. That number, however, could be as high as 78-80 million. Either way, it means that Mao killed the most people in history.

    Of course, Mao didn’t send them to a gassing “center”, so he gets a pass? I have no idea how accurately Mao’s kill number was determined; how could that many be counted and by whom?

    Everyone who actually knows anything about European history recognizes that Stalin was more murderous than Hitler, peace be upon him, and Mark, since you have solved the Hungarian Jews survival/murder mystery, get cracking on the accuracy of the murdered/survived ratio of the Russians/Ukrainians/Poles/Eastern Europeans, once in the crosshairs of the Bolsheviks. It may take a bit longer to determine as no one seems to care the least bit about those victims, and there may not be thousands of memorial/remembrance agencies to supply propaganda for that cause.

  725. @Fran Taubman

    I love Dennis Prager.

    And Mel Brooks. (How he bagged Anne Bancroft, I’ll never know)

    And Gilda Radner. Her performance in “The Woman in Red” was hysterical. And of course, Rosana Rosana Dana, who doesn’t love her?

    You can’t possibly know what 99% of everyone actually thinks/believes, and it’s just silly to claim otherwise.

  726. Anonymous[110] • Disclaimer says:

    Remember a few years ago when Trump got in trouble for commemorating all the victims of Naziism? Then Jewish groups admitted that the famous “5M others” was a fabrication, meant to give non-Jews a stake in the Holo-cult (while keeping their numbers below Jews)? If they can lie about 5M, they can lie about 6M.

  727. Anonymous[238] • Disclaimer says:

    Or, how they used to say 6M Poles died during the war, now they say 5.5M, 3M Jews, 2.5M ethnic Poles. Used to be 3M each. I’m sure it’s just a cohencidence that the changing numbers always go in one direction.

  728. @Han

    That was Unz, not me

    • Replies: @Han
  729. @Brás Cubas

    I think the First Amendment is fine as written and important for any free society. However, I do disagree with the more radical interpretations of it, as I do the Second Amendment (gun ownership). Both could and should be subject to reasonable limitations, in my opinions. What those limits would be is above my pay grade, but it seems obviously to me that most countries with some limits on free speech rights regarding hate speech are still free societies.

    • Thanks: Brás Cubas
  730. @Han

    If you think George Carlin was an antisemite, you’re an absolute moron.

    • Replies: @Han
  731. Han says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Fran Taubman says:
    “I know you hate Jews and Judaism intensely. Hating Jews is really a metaphor for hating god.
    That is my point. Holocaust denial is Jew hatred.”

    “Holocaust denial is Jew hatred.”?… WHAT AN UTTER BS!

    Holocaust Denial is about exposing the HOLOCAUST MONEY MAKING RACKET.

    Norman Finkelstein the Jewish-American political scientist published his book ‘The Holocaust Industry’ in 2000 and by then the German Government had already paid Israel $60 Billion and is still paying and will be paying for a long time to come.

    Germany to give $1.4 billion to Holocaust survivors globally in 2024

    “Much of the literature of Hitler’s Final Solution is worthless as scholarship, the field of Holocaust Studies is replete with nonsense if not sheer fraud.
    Given the Nonsense that is turned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics”.

    Finkelstein’s parents were in Maidanek and Auschwitz and his mother made the comment:
    “With so many survivors who actually did Hitler kill?”

    I don’t hate Jews, they hate me, a Goyim.
    There are so many Jews I do like very much. It is the Jews who hate the Goyim I dislike.
    It’s my instinct of self-preservation kicking in. Does that surprise you?

    Yes, I don’t like Judaism as your Torah and Talmud are full of Racist and Supremacist BS.
    Judaism is also a blood cult. They love to sacrifice humans and animals to wash away their sins with the blood of the innocents.

    Blood sacrifices galore like Mr. Yahweh telling Abraham to kill his son Isaac for him.
    Animal sacrifices will be resumed when the Third Temple has been built and Rabbis will become butchers again.

    There is power, power, wonder working power in the precious blood of the Lamb

    Why should I hate your FICTIONAL god, he doesn’t exist. As a Happy Atheist I don’t give a rat’s ass about your god.

    You MUST be so happy with the riots in France with Jewish fingerprints all over the place.
    The reason why you visited Paris?

    I get almost all of my info from Jewish sources, like this one for instance:
    Rabbi Rav Touitou: “So I ask you: Is it good news that Islam invades Europe? It is excellent news!
    It means the coming of the Messiah.” That is the Jewish Messiah!


    Video Link 34 second video


    Rabbi Rav Touitou at the 1:40 minute mark of this video:
    You Will Have No Place To Run. Islam Is The Broom Of Israel.

    “You will be paying dearly for it, Europeans! To such an extent! You have no idea! And you will have no place to run.

    “Because all the evil you have done to Israel, you will pay for it a hundredfold.
    Islam is the broom of Israel, you have to know it, so instead of having us do all the job, HE (your god, Mr. Yahweh) sends Ishmael (= ISLAM) to solve the problem.”

    “MASHIAH the messiah that the Jews have been waiting for… Every Jew works to get him to come.

    “When all the ENEMIES HAVE DISAPPEARED IN WARS OR THROUGH MISCEGENATION, then great peace will reign, SHALOM, and the Messiah (Mashiah) will come.”


    Jewish activist Barbara Lerner Spectre calls for destruction of European ethnic societies:

    The Europeans, not only Germans, are AMALEK to the Jews, their Eternal Enemy to be destroyed.
    The Jews are on the right track to achieve their objective to destroy Europe, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

    • Thanks: Al Liguori
  732. Anonymous[238] • Disclaimer says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    “Hate speech” = anything liberals disagree with

  733. @Fran Taubman

    i will go there because no one else will…

    1. this thread is titled “The Holocaust Debate” and by this is meant the debate as to whether something like the holocaust occurred, but never debated afaik is: supposing it occurred why did it occur? one reason is that any would be explanation might come off sounding like a justification. to answer “why?” requires humanizing the perpetrators. maybe it’s too soon, but it will be done eventually. chapoutot goes a long way for an establishment historian.

    2. mme taubman writes: Hating Jews is really a metaphor for hating god. (“god” should be “God” of course.) this shows an ignorance of christianity. christans believe that jesus was/is God, not just the messiah or a prophet or a miracle worker or “the son of God”. so who hates God more than any from the perspective of christians? answer: jews.

    one might expect that having lived among europeans, within christendom for so long, after having been expelled so many times, and then finally annihilated jews would think: i guess they’re just not that into us. but apparently their tick like existence among europeans is/was too good to give up.

    • Agree: Al Liguori
    • Replies: @Anonymous
  734. @Andrew Mathis

    Both amendments are subject to reasonable limitations.

    You can’t yell, “ Fire!”, in a crowded theater, etc.; you can’t make a public accusation of criminality or moral turpitude and claim it true; you can make an allegation, and give your opinion for same.

    There are gun rules/restrictions all over the US.


    People are generally authorized to openly carry long guns in Texas, although state law prohibits people from displaying a firearm in a public place in a “manner calculated to alarm.”

    In my opinion, the US can’t/won’t be subject to invasion by outsiders, by declaration of war, in part due to size, but mainly due to the largest standing militia in the world: it’s armed citizens.

  735. Han says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    #739 Andrew Mathis says:

    “That was Unz, not me”


    #694 Andrew Mathis says:
    July 20, 2023 at 3:58 pm GMT • 1.0 days ago


    [These sorts of crude insults are not acceptable. Continue them and your other comments will get trashed.]

    I knew there was something wrong with you. You better get some professional help…

    • Replies: @Andrew Mathis
  736. Han says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    #741 Andrew Mathis says:
    “If you think George Carlin was an antisemite, you’re an absolute moron.”

    I don’t care if George Carlin was an anti-Semite or not, he spoke the truth in that video about Judaism and the Jewish god, Mr. Yahweh, worshipped by Christians and Muslims, and that is all that matters to me.

    In this video, ‘George Carlin – The American Dream’, George Carlin is talking about the owners of this country, the US.

    And who do you think the owners of this country are? Of course, you will be labelled an anti-Semite if you speak the truth.

  737. @Tiptoethrutulips

    As you insist there is not one single instance or record of Hungarian Jew survival, and as only the “fit to work” were permitted to live, every single Hungarian Jew survivor would therefore be amongst the 10% selected, which is approximately 40,000 persons,…

    Rather than to try to address your misunderstandings of the situation, let me put a different, simpler question to you. You’re a juror in the same situation as my comment #708, but the Prosecutor says we don’t have any records at all (school attendance, marriage, work attendance, census, etc.) for 200,000 of the approximately 400,000 Hungarian Jews who arrived between May 15 and July 13 of 1944.

    So here’s the new question:

    If you had that information…e.g. absolutely no record of any kind for any of those 200,000 people after they got to that train station…would you, as a juror, say, “The Defense has a good point…maybe all 200,000 went on to different train stations, and just left no records of any kind of their existence, for the rest of their lives.”


    • Replies: @HdC
    , @Tiptoethrutulips
  738. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Well boyo, I’d like to see authenticated forensic evidence to prove all your allegations.

    This is the umteenth time I have asked for this evidence; alas, all we get is caterwauling, arm waving, and copy and paste rubbish that has been discredited by others.

    Why not take the bull by the horn, supply that asked-for evidence, and end this debate once-and-for-all???

    Or do you prolong this worthless to and fro verbiage because your hasbara handlers pay you by the word you post here?

  739. HdC says:
    @Fran Taubman

    That Franny is prima facie evidence why the psychiatric terms “transference” and “projection” were coined, by Jewish psychiatrists in all likelihood. They knew the afflictions of their tribe members.

    • Replies: @Al Liguori
  740. HdC says:
    @Mark Bahner

    If I were on that jury, and no authenticated forensic evidence was offered by the prosecution and severely subjected to cross examination by the defence, I’d vote “not guilty”.

    As an American state attorney put it so aptly not so long ago: “Eye witness testimony is worthless without supporting forensic evidence”.

    For crying out loud, gassing, shooting, etc. 500,000 or 6 million Jews leaves evidence! Tons of it, including over 100,000,000 teeth. Where are these? Where is 1/10 of 1% of these???

    • Agree: John Wear, Han
    • Replies: @Anonymous
  741. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write in comment #723: “What I *have* done is to read Ian Baxter’s book, “Operation Höss”, and go to the “Appendix V: Detailed Listing of Male and Female Transports”. Then I looked for trains from “Mukacevo” (also known as Munkacs, Mukachevo, and several other alternate spellings. This is what I found:

    For example, for a town named Mukacevo (Munkacs), we know that 28,589 people arrived on 9 trains, and that 4113 men and 4525 women did not go to the alleged gas chambers, and therefore we think 19,951 people (70 percent) did…

    If I search the first 1000 entries in the Yad Vashem Shoah Database, with the input of “Munkacs,” and select only those records for “Munkacs” or “Mukacevo”, I get the following results: 39 children murdered and zero survived.”

    You then write in comment #734: “Of course you didn’t respond to the fact that, in the first 1000 records for Munkacs, I found 39 children under twelve listed as ‘murdered,’ and zero listed as ‘survived.’”

    My response: I don’t consider the Yad Vashem database to be any sort of definitive record. I remember that the late Jerome Brentar put his dog in this database to prove that nobody was checking the records.

    Yad Vashem’s method of collecting data can be summarized as follows: Initially they assume that all Jews within Hitler’s reach were “presumably murdered.” Then they collect all the names they can somehow get, and delete from that list those for which they obtain documentary or anecdotal evidence of their survival. This amounts to a reversal of the burden of proof.

    Anyone can submit data on alleged victims to Yad Vashem. The wholesale style of this process was revealed when Yad Vashem reported about a case where a local inhabitant simply reported all the Jews living in the area before the war as having perished, for the simple reason that: “After the war, he realized that no Jews returned to his home region…”

    Jean-Marie Boisdefeu has checked numerous entries in that database and has found many flawed entries: many individuals are listed several times; entire groups of individuals were added with no proof that they actually died; in a number of cases it could even be shown that the individuals listed survived the war. Carlo Mattogno has also shown that survivors are included in that database, some even several times.

    In order to disprove any efficient scrutiny of incoming submissions, an Italian revisionist submitted a photo of Joseph Goebbels’s wife to Yad Vashem with the following data:

    1) Name: Edith Frolla (an Anagram of Adolf Hitler)
    2) Birthday: 20 April 1889 (as Adolf Hitler)
    3) profession: painter (as Adolf Hitler)
    4) Residence: Rome, Via della Lungara 29 (the address of the Regina Coeli Prison)
    5) Death: murdered in the Majdanek Camp with carbon monoxide.

    Magda Goebbels was promptly included in the Yad Vashem Names Database. Of course, this name has now been removed.

    Yad Vashem’s policy of accepting simply at face value the statements by someone who may or may not be acting in good faith and who may not really know anything about the fate of the missing people in question is a far cry from a credible approach.

    Yad Vashem has a vested interest in keeping the myth of the “Holocaust” alive.

    Germar Rudolf writes on page 91 of the 4th edition of his book “Lectures on the Holocaust” how Yad Vashem handled the discredited Jewish human soap story that had been a part of traditional “Holocaust” literature:

    “In spring of 1990, a correction came from the Israeli Holocaust Center Yad Vashem, which, apparently because it came from a Jewish expert institution, was spread by the mass media…. According to it, the fairy tale of the soap made of Jewish fat is supposed to have been invented by the National Socialists themselves in order to subject the Jews to psychological torture. It was a certainty, though, it said, that soap was never made from human fat. What is interesting here, is how, after the exposure of a lie, the attempt is made to place the blame for it on those against whom it had been hatched and spread to the world, plainly following the motto: the victim himself is guilty.” (Source:

    Mark, I also want to point out that you are attempting to avoid all discussion of the scientific basis for why Holocaust revisionists say there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. In your comment #710 you write about Germar Rudolf’s book “The Chemistry of Auschwitz”: “It’s pseudoscience because real science takes an established theory, and proposes a new theory that can not only explain the things explained by the existing theory, but can explain new things.”

    Germar Rudolf is a real scientist, and his book “The Chemistry of Auschwitz” contains real science. It proves there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. The fact that Holocaust revisionists can not locate where every Hungarian Jew went does not mean that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  742. Anonymous[158] • Disclaimer says:

    Have you noticed how, when it comes to things like 9-11 or any of these mass-shootings, eye-witnesses who contradict the official story are dismissed as unreliable, yet with the Holocaust we’re supposed to believe the most ludicrous accounts?

    • Agree: Han, HdC
  743. @Mark Bahner

    There is no misunderstanding, on my part, of the situation; the situation being, that you keep hammering away on a hypothetical answer to your assertion that 90% (or, are we reducing victim counts, yet again?) of Hungarian Jews were killed because no one knows where this 90% might otherwise be, despite the fact that they were all undocumented, and therefore it just may be impossible to locate people, about and for whom, we know nothing to begin with, as they were all undocumented.

    You ask:

    “ If you had that information…e.g. absolutely no record of any kind for any of those 200,000 people after they got to that train station…would you, as a juror, say, “The Defense has a good point…maybe all 200,000 went on to different train stations, and just left no records of any kind of their existence, for the rest of their lives.”

    If? If wishes were horses, beggars would ride. Wish away, Mark! Wish away! I wish you would argue engineering/scientific facts with HdC instead of hypotheticals with me. He’s waiting for some answers, Mark.

    If you CAN’T identify, by name, the members of the alleged missing 200,000 persons, regardless of where on this entire earth they may have been sent, you can’t, therefore, look for them as YOU DON’T KNOW WHO THEY WERE/ARE. Please name one school, anywhere in Eastern Europe, where you would like to begin this process. We can call up and say, please check enrollment records for school year 1946 for ……? How about, any enrollment for kids named Anna or Eszter?

    You can speculate til the Grey Steppes come home; speculation is proof of nothing. In point of fact, there is a Hungarian Jews survivor registry, with at least 70,000 entries, and a statement indicating, MANY SURVIVORS CHOSE NOT TO REGISTER. I suggest you start the momentous effort of identifying the names and dates of birth of those registered, so we can start whittling away at your “not fit to work therefore dumped straight down the stairwell to the gas chamber” list. Or the “pulled by the ear to the firing squad then dragged down the stairwell with a cane” list.

    • Agree: John Wear, Kali
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  744. @John Wear

    Thank you, Mr. Wear.

    And, if I may, I will speculate, the Jewish survivors have got themselves in a bit of a pickle with the survivors registries. If they want to collect their reparations, they must identify themselves; if they ACCURATELY identify themselves, then they can be counted. If they can be counted…… whoops!

    So, laws were created to prevent the counting, questioning, analyzing, looking, wondering….

    • Replies: @John Wear
  745. Kali says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Hey Fran,

    I hope you enjoyed Paris as much as I did the one and only time I went there. Did you happen to go to Musee D’Orsi while you were there? – I fell in love with the work of Van Gogh when I saw it there, live and in the flesh, so to speak.

    It’s a shame the pic of your dinner didn’t show up on the page! Maybe try again..?

    I’ve been away from this conversation for a few days myself, so am playing catch-up here. Coincidentally enough, I was reading the first chapters of Douglas Reed’s Controversy of Zion yesterday, and his description of the hateful, vengeful despotic “god” that the Levites inflicted upon the people of Judah, (the “god” rejected by the Israelites, incidentally) as can be discerned throughout the pages of the Old Testament/Torah, is such a far cry from the universal Devine God that you describe, it’s hard to imagine you’re talking about the same thing!

    He discusses also, in those earlier chapters, the fact that the Egyptians were already well on the way to recognising one, universal God, and that Buddhism was already an established religion in the east. So, the universal nature of the Divine God of all was already being realised at the time the Levites were devising their political manifesto for world domination – aka “the Law” of “Yaweh” or Jehovah.

    No that I doubt your sincerity at all (I don’t), but I doubt that you have ever been told the whole truth about anything pertaining to the history of the jews by your religious elders and rabbis in your life.

    On another note, I have no idea why you are thanking Mark Bahner, and especially Andrew Mathis for their efforts (well, at least Mark does try, I suppose). Neither of them are actually helping the Holocaustian cause at all. Just the opposite in fact. And Andy is only here to insult and abuse people.

    Anyway, one thing I’m sure we can all agree on is that the world is in a shit state right now, as so many things are coming to a head all at once. – A few holiday snaps might cheer us all up… If the mods (Ron) permits it, that is. (I’m one of that rare breed that actually enjoys other peoples holiday pic’s!)

    Sending love,

  746. John Wear says:

    Thank you.

    I will make one minor correction to my comment #752. The last sentence of this comment should read: “The fact that Holocaust revisionists can not locate where every Hungarian Jew went does not mean that there were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.”

  747. Kali says:
    @Mark Bahner

    it appears like there are 16 million Jews in the whole world of 8 billion people.

    If you believe that, no wonder you prostelytise the Holocaustian faith with such careless abandonment of sense and reason!

    Best wishes,

    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  748. @Han

    You absolute moron.

    I made a sexual comment about you and Hitler

    Unz blocked it and inserted that comment

    • Replies: @Han
  749. @John Wear

    Ah, I knew what you meant. And technically, the whereabouts of 360,000 Hungarian Jews, known or unknown, neither proves nor disproves the existence of HGC @ A-B.

    Besides, our bloviating friend seems unable to read through his rose colored goggles.

    • Agree: John Wear
  750. @John Wear

    “The fact that Holocaust revisionists can not locate where every Hungarian Jew went does not mean that there were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.”

    How many of the 80,000+ non-twin Hungarian Jewish children under age 12 who arrived at Auschwitz between May 15 and July 13, 1944 have the Holocaust revisionists identified as still being alive (or having died outside of Auschwitz-Birkenau) in May 1945?

    40,000 (i.e., half)?
    20,000 (i.e., one-fourth)?
    10,000 (i.e., one in eight?)
    2,000 (i.e. one in forty)?
    800 (i.e. 1 in 100?)
    <80 (i.e., less than 1 in 1000)?

    If the answer is less than 10,000, don't you think that proves that most of them *were* murdered on arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and their bodies burned? After all, we're only talking about less than a year from their arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau and the surrender of Nazi Germany in May 1945. Don't you think you Holocaust revisionists should be able to identify that at least one in eight were still alive, or had died some other place than Auschwitz, if they were not murdered in Auschwitz-Birkenau, and their bodies burned there?

    • Replies: @John Wear
  751. @Kali

    it appears like there are 16 million Jews in the whole world of 8 billion people.

    If you believe that,..

    How many Jews do you think are in the world, and what do you think the world population is?

  752. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “How many of the 80,000+ non-twin Hungarian Jewish children under age 12 who arrived at Auschwitz between May 15 and July 13, 1944 have the Holocaust revisionists identified as still being alive (or having died outside of Auschwitz-Birkenau) in May 1945?…If the answer is less than 10,000, don’t you think that proves that most of them *were* murdered on arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and their bodies burned?”

    My response: No. I feel confident saying that no one has made such a study. It would require a lot of work, and the documentation for such a study would be difficult to come by at this late date.

    Holocaust revisionists have, however, performed a number of studies to prove that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Germar Rudolf’s report is probably the most important of these studies. I review Rudolf’s report and the objections that have been made to his report in my article at

    Also, Holocaust revisionists state that there was not enough crematoria capacity at Auschwitz-Birkenau to cremate so many Hungarian Jews in such a short period of time. German engineers confirmed after the war that the cremation furnaces at Auschwitz-Birkenau could incinerate one corpse per hour and muffle. Given the capacity of one body per hour and 20 hours of operation per day, the theoretical daily maximum capacity of the Topf cremation furnaces at Auschwitz-Birkenau was 1,040 bodies (52 muffles times 20 hours of operation per day). (Source: Mattogno, Carlo, “The Cremation Furnaces of Auschwitz,” in Rudolf, Germar (ed.), Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of Truth and Memory, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2019, pp. 392, 396).

    Carlo Mattogno, however, writes that, according to a German memorandum dated March 17, 1943, the normal activity of the crematoria was only 12 hours per day, of which the first hour was probably needed to bring the furnaces back to operational temperature. This means that only 11 hours per day were available for actual cremations. Thus, the actual theoretical daily maximum capacity of the Topf cremation furnaces at Auschwitz-Birkenau was 52 muffles times 11 hours of operation per day equals 572 bodies. (Source: Ibid., pp. 396-397).

    The authors of the book “The Holocaust in Hungary: Evolution of a Genocide” write that at least 00,000 to 345,000 Hungarian Jews were murdered in the gas chambers upon arrival at Birkenau. (Source: Vagi, Zoltan, Csosz, Laszlo, Kadar, Gabor, The Holocaust in Hungary: Evolution of a Genocide, Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press, 2013, pp. 218, 335).

    The cremation capacity at Birkenau was not nearly enough to cremate this many Jews so quickly. The authors of “The Holocaust in Hungary” acknowledge this fact and write: “The Nazis’ main problem: they were killing more people in the gas chambers than they could burn in the furnaces. The crematoria simply could not keep up with the task.” Thus, the Germans decided to burn many dead Hungarian Jews in open pits.” (Source: Ibid., p. 220).

    However, as I have previously mentioned on this discussion thread, the U.S. government released wartime aerial photographs in 1979 of the Auschwitz-Birkenau camp taken on several random days in 1944 during the height of the alleged extermination period. Many of these photographs were taken at mid-morning on typical workdays. None of these photos shows huge pits or piles of bodies, smoking crematory chimneys, masses of Jews awaiting death outside of the alleged gas chambers, or mountains of coke used to fuel the crematoria. All of these would have been visible if Auschwitz-Birkenau had been the extermination center it is said to have been.

    Thus, we can conclude that the Hungarian Jews were not subject to a program of mass extermination at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    No homicidal gas chambers existed at Auschwitz-Birkenau to carry out such a massive extermination process. The crematoria capacity at Auschwitz-Birkenau was not sufficient to cremate the alleged dead Hungarian Jews in the time period claimed by Holocaust historians. Finally, Allied aerial photographs taken at the height of the alleged extermination of the Hungarian Jews at Birkenau show an uneventful camp devoid of any evidence of a mass extermination program.

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Mark Bahner
  753. Han says:
    @Andrew Mathis

    #759 Andrew Mathis says:

    “You absolute moron.
    I made a sexual comment about you and Hitler
    Unz blocked it and inserted that comment”

    So, I was right, there is something terribly wrong with you. I do feel so sorry for you.

    Please, get professional help.

  754. @Tiptoethrutulips

    If you CAN’T identify, by name, the members of the alleged missing 200,000 persons,

    So unless the Prosecution could name all 200,000 of the alleged missing persons, you would vote “not guilty”?

    Suppose the Prosecution said, “All non-twin Hungarian Jewish children under the age of 12 sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944 were murdered. There are no records of any kind of any non-twin Hungarian Jewish child under age 12 ever being alive after they entered Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944.”

    And the Defense responded, “There are no records of non-twin Hungarian Jewish children under the age of 12 sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944 ever being alive, but they definitely all went to other train stations alive.”

    Would you vote guilty or innocent?

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  755. S says:

    He and a couple of his tough soldier buddies were out drinking at a pub in France, one evening after the war; they encountered a group of male dancers from a ballet company; the soldiers started harassing the “twinkle toes”; the ballet dancers suggested they “take it outside;” the fairy dancers proceeded to kick the asses, thoroughly, of every soldier…He was a tremendous fan of ballet afterwards, and we watched many ballet performances together.

    Hehe! That is amusing.

    I imagine you and your grandfather must have seen the 1948 British Technicolor film The Red Shoes at least once. I’d never heard of it until relatively recently, though it seems to have been very well done…


    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  756. @Mark Bahner

    “ So unless the Prosecution could name all 200,000 of the alleged missing persons, you would vote “not guilty”? YES.

    Or, how about I concede all 360,000 were killed upon arrival? I concede, they were all killed. I need to know, what was the first and last day of arrival of this group? We can average the number of arrivals daily to make it easier. I also need to know how many were sent to the gas chambers, which chambers, and how many were shot.

    “ Suppose the Prosecution said, “All non-twin Hungarian Jewish children under the age of 12 sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944 were murdered.”

    You say the children “were sent to A-B from May 15 – July 13, 1944. Ok, on WHAT SPECIFIC day did the first wagon of children arrive? On this first day of arrival, amongst this group, please provide the names and date of birth of said children. Please provide the method of termination (gas or bullet). Please provide the name (designated #) of each crematorium to which each child was sent for cremation. This information must be provided for each subsequent arrival of this group.


    “ There are no records of any kind of any non-twin Hungarian Jewish child under age 12 ever being alive after they entered Auschwitz-Birkenau from May 15 to July 13, 1944.”

    I would like to see your evidence of this assertion. How was this investigation done and by whom? We must know the names/dob of the children, allegedly killed, in order to look for evidence of life beyond the conclusion of the war. Or, we need to know the name/dob of EVERY non-twin Jewish child born in Hungary, and then conduct a search of the whereabouts of each and every child.
    Or, as I did concede they were ALL KILLED, we can just move on to the next phase. In that case, I need the dates and the numbers of arrivals of all members of this group (we can skip the names/dob, as we both know this information does not exist, as they are undocumented). I also need the number of all other arrivals during the same time frame as the arrival of the Hungarian group. Eyewitness accounts say 5,6,7 10,000 were arriving daily during this time. I’ll leave it to you to sort that out and give me the accurate figures.

    Or, we can solve this easily. Listen to eyewitness Gabbai, in entirety. You get back to me afterwards and tell me how what he said is possible.

  757. @John Wear

    You write: “How many of the 80,000+ non-twin Hungarian Jewish children under age 12 who arrived at Auschwitz between May 15 and July 13, 1944 have the Holocaust revisionists identified as still being alive (or having died outside of Auschwitz-Birkenau) in May 1945?…If the answer is less than 10,000, don’t you think that proves that most of them *were* murdered on arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and their bodies burned?”

    My response: No. I feel confident saying that no one has made such a study. It would require a lot of work, and the documentation for such a study would be difficult to come by at this late date.

    According to SS reports, there were more than 700,000 prisoners left in the camps in January 1945. It has been estimated that nearly half of the total number of concentration camp deaths between 1933 and 1945 occurred during the last year of the war.

    So you’re saying that Revisionists can’t even find 80,000+ Hungarian Jewish children under age 12 among the over 700,000 total prisoners? That means that more than 10 percent of the total number of prisoners should have been Hungarian Jewish children under 12 years old. (And presumably, they wouldn’t have been spread perfectly evenly, so presumably some camps might even be 50 percent or more Hungarian Jewish children under 12 years old.)

    How about *all 300,000* Hungarian Jews that Revisionists say were *not* gassed between May 15 and July 13, 1944…and instead went on to other camps. Can Revisionists find any of those 300,000…among the 700,000 at all camps?

    Also, here’s a list of transports from Terezin (Theresienstadt):

    If you read that list of transports, you’ll see 18,264 were transported to Auschwitz in 1943, and an additional 25,960 transported to Auschwitz in 1944 alone. So that’s a total of 44,324 transported to Auschwitz. You Revisionists say none of them were gassed, and they all must have gone to other camps. Have you found records for any of *them* at other camps in January 1945 or May 1945?

    That’s 300,000+ Hungarian Jews, and 44,324 Jews from Terezin (Theresienstadt). Surely you Revisionists can find some of them, since you Revisionists insist they weren’t gassed and their bodies burned at Auschwitz-Birkenau?

    • Replies: @John Wear
  758. Kali says:

    Dear All,

    Maybe you feel as I do, that despite some stirling contributions to this conversation from from John, Tiptoe, hdc, et al, the constant round-and-round, covering the same question over and over again (where did the undocumented Hungarian jews go?) has to come to an end some time, regardless of Mr Bahner’s “issues” accepting the answers already supplied.

    Reading through the last couple of hundred comments, I think any impartial reader would have to conclude that the “holocaust”, as generally depicted by/within establishment sources, is probably not historically accurate, and that free and open debate on the issue, given the undue status it grants to the descendants of the alleged victims, is warranted.

    That’s me being as unbiased as I can be.

    The truth is that, from my perspective, the revisionist side has trashed the Holocaustian fable through reason, historic enquiry, and basic common sense. Not to mention you did it with great humour and unparralleled patience.

    I personally have learned a great deal, whilst my reading list has grown significantly! Thanks to all of you for that.

    I couldn’t walk away from this thread without a word, as you’ve put so much effort into your replies, and that deserves recognition and gratitude.

    I am bowing out for now though, before Mark presents exactly the same arguments and questions all over again in his “summing up”. (The twit.)

    Tiptoethrutulips, I very much hope to see you commenting elsewhere on this forum in the future. Truly, it’s been a pleasure! In the meantime, I hope your current health issues are soon behind you.

    Fran, I forgot to wish you a happy birthday! So, happy birthday, Fran.

    And to all of the rest of you, including Mark, who unwittingly allowed the rest to shine, many thanks.

    With love,

    • Thanks: John Wear, HdC, Han
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  759. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Fran Taubman

    Whenever and wherever facts are stated, you invoke “hate.” Because you are unable to counter incontrovertible facts, you are reduced to the desperation of ad hominem and projecting your own hatred upon “the other.” Amusingly, though it is in vogue with the Synagogue of Satan, “hatred” is no more effectual than your other ritualistic name-calling, “Nazi,” “antisemite,” and… wait for it… “traditional Catholic.”

    • Thanks: Han
  760. Al Liguori says: • Website

    That Franny is prima facie evidence why the psychiatric terms “transference” and “projection” were coined, by Jewish psychiatrists in all likelihood. They knew the afflictions of their tribe members.

    You nailed that. Recall that Fraud… I mean… er… Freud had a Viennese psychiatric practice heavily, almost entirely, skewed towards Jews. Among his many mistakes was attempting to generalize to decent normal people his findings among his talmudic tribe of perverts… but I repeat myself. Perversion is from the Jews:

    Fran is a Chabad schliach. Everyone familiar with Chabad knows of her genocidal, deceitful Jewish supremacism: That seething genocidal hatred is precisely what Chabad Fran projects upon those who crush her with incontrovertible evidence.

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Han
  761. @Kali

    Well, thanks so much, my sweet, goat-herding girl. I have been plotting the construction of a coop and the acquisition of some chickens for the backyard. I’m worried about the casualty rate whilst training the dogs/grand-dogs to let them be.

    Thank you also for the well wishes; it’s just a water skiing accident, but muscle injuries to shoulders, back, thighs, and I’m supposed to keep as still as possible; it’s going to be a long summer. I should have just dropped the rope.

    I have learned much, as well, from these threads, and truthfully, it’s people like dear Mark, that Twit, who force you to dig around for as much information as you can possibly find from the sheer frustration of arguing with them.

    To me, “revisionism” is a misnomer, like United Nations peacekeeping or spreading democracy.

    Holocaust Revisionism = WHO are you trying to kid/bilk for the sixth millionth time?

    • Thanks: Kali
  762. Anonymous[177] • Disclaimer says:
    @jorge videla

    Both of these can be true:

    It didn’t happen.

    They deserved it.

  763. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    You write: “Also, here’s a list of transports from Terezin (Theresienstadt):

    If you read that list of transports, you’ll see 18,264 were transported to Auschwitz in 1943, and an additional 25,960 transported to Auschwitz in 1944 alone. So that’s a total of 44,324 transported to Auschwitz. You Revisionists say none of them were gassed, and they all must have gone to other camps. Have you found records for any of *them* at other camps in January 1945 or May 1945?

    That’s 300,000+ Hungarian Jews, and 44,324 Jews from Terezin (Theresienstadt). Surely you Revisionists can find some of them, since you Revisionists insist they weren’t gassed and their bodies burned at Auschwitz-Birkenau?”

    My response: We can find some of them.

    For example, as I have said before, Viktor Frankl described his experiences at Auschwitz in his book “Man’s Search for Meaning” as if he had spent many months there. In reality, Frankl was in Auschwitz only for a few days in October 1944 while in transit from Theresienstadt to a sub-camp of Dachau. Frankl has admitted this to the American evangelist Robert Schuller: “I was in Auschwitz only three or four days…I was sent to a barrack and we were all transported to a camp in Bavaria.”
    (Source: Frankl, Viktor, “Dr. Robert Schuller Interviews Viktor Frankl: How to Find Meaning In Life,” Possibilities: The Magazine of Hope, March/April 1991, p. 10).

    Frankl’s short time in Auschwitz is substantiated by the prisoner log from the sub-camp of Dachau, Kaufering III, which listed Frankl’s arrival on October 25, 1944, six days after his departure from Theresienstadt. (Source: Pytell, Timothy, “Extreme Experience, Psychological Insight, and Holocaust Perception; Reflections of Bettelheim and Frankl,” Psychoanalytic Psychology, Vol. 24, No. 4, Oct. 2007, p. 646).

    As previously stated, pages 391-395 of Carlo Mattogno’s book “Dr. Miklos Nyiszli: An Auschwitz Doctor’s Eyewitness Account” list the names of many Hungarian Jewish children who were still at Auschwitz when the Soviets liberated the camp on January 27, 1945. Pages 396-407 of this book also list the names of twins who were at Auschwitz when the Soviets liberated the camp, although this list does not specify the country of origin of the twins. The link to this book is at

    A quick scan of the internet shows other Jews who were transported from Hungary to Auschwitz-Birkenau and survived the war. For example, at, we see some young Jewish children who survived Auschwitz-Birkenau. One of these is Susan Pollock, who was transported from her home in Hungary to Auschwitz, and was later liberated by British forces at Belsen.

    Josef Perl was a young Jew who survived the camps of Auschwitz, Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, Gross-Rosen, Balkenhain, Hirschberg and Buchenwald after the Hungarians took over control of his town in 1938 after Germany signed a peace treaty with Hungary. The Hungarians took over the administration of the area in which Perl lived, under German orders.

    We also have the case of Zofia Wareluk, who was born in Auschwitz two weeks before the camp was liberated. Her mother was sent to Auschwitz when she was four months pregnant.

    Nicholas (Miklós) Hammer is a Hungarian Jew who survived Birkenau. (See

    The Ovitz family was a family of Hungarian Jewish actors/traveling musicians originating from present Romania, who survived imprisonment at the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II. (See

    Irene Fogel Weiss stated: “So in the spring of 1944 my family – my parents and their six children, the oldest of whom was 17 and I was 13 – found ourselves in the Munkács ghetto and from there being taken on cattle carts to Auschwitz in Nazi-occupied Poland.” (Source:

    Gisella Perl is another Hungarian Jew who survived Auschwitz-Birkenau (See

    Lily Ebert, a 98 year old Hungarian Jew, also survived Auschwitz-Birkenau (See

    Edith Eger was another Hungarian Jew who survived Auschwitz-Birkenau. (See

    If you care to, you can also watch the film “The Last Days”, the winner of the 1999 Academy Award for best documentary feature. James Moll’s film, a profile of survival against all odds, is presented by Steven Spielberg and the USC Shoah Foundation. It traces the lives of a handful of Hungarian Jews who survived the “Holocaust”. (See

    Among the survivors in this film are Irene Zisblatt of Polena, Renee Firestone of Ungvar, Alice Lok Cahana of Sarvar, Bill Basch of Szaszovo, and Tom Lantos of Budapest. Interestingly, Lantos went on to become the first and only “Holocaust” survivor to be elected to the U.S. Congress.

    If I did more research, I could come up with more Hungarian Jews who survived the so-called Holocaust. Hopefully, this is enough to show you that many Hungarian Jews and Jews transferred from Theresienstadt survived their internment at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    • Thanks: Han, Kali
  764. @John Wear

    We need a button for “mic-drop; dramatic exit….”

    • LOL: John Wear
    • Replies: @Al Liguori
  765. @S

    Thanks, that was my favorite “war story”; he just loved the fact that the worst beating he ever took was from “boys on toes,” he called them; he was a big guy, 6’3”.

    The Red Shoes seems a bit avant-garde. We watched live performances of The Nutcracker, Swan Lake, Don Quixote, and a few I can’t name; we watched televised performances too.

    I think our society could use more like him and others from that generation; he was orphaned in Ireland, then adopted by a Scottish man/Welsh woman couple; they were tough people who took nothing for granted. I have learned that feeling fortunate in life is not the same as true gratitude, especially in recognition of what those before us suffered/sacrificed/worked to bestow on those to follow. Everything my grandfather loved, I love, be it ballet, tennis, books, gardening, because I loved him so much.

    Sorry for the personal trip down memory lane; I guess that’s what happens when the girls get on the Holocaust thread.

    • Replies: @littlereddot
    , @S
  766. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Thank you. That was a beautiful story 🙂

  767. S says:

    Sorry for the personal trip down memory lane; I guess that’s what happens when the girls get on the Holocaust thread.

    Not at all. Your grandfather seems to have been a wonderful man.

  768. Han says:
    @Al Liguori

    Al Liguori and HdC, you are both spot-on on Fran Taubman and Freud.

    FREUD the FRAUD is yet another Jewish Fraud.

    Freud Was a Fraud: A Triumph of Pseudoscience

    Psychiatry is arguably the least science-based of all the medical specialties, and Freudian psychoanalysis is arguably the least science-based psychotherapy. Freud’s theories have been widely criticized as unscientific, and treatment of mental disorders has increasingly turned to psychotropic medications and effective therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).

    Freud’s impact on 20th century thought is undeniable, but he got almost everything wrong. He was not only not scientific; he was a liar and a fraud. A new book, Freud: The Making of an Illusion, by Frederick Crews, may put the final nail in his coffin.

    Crews had access to material not available to previous biographers. The extensive early correspondence between Freud and his fiancée, Martha Bernays, has only recently been released, and it is very revealing of Freud’s character flaws, his sexist attitudes, and his regular use of cocaine.

    Freud was trained as a scientist, but he went astray, following wild hunches, willfully descending into pseudoscience, covering up his mistakes, and establishing a cult of personality that long outlived him.

    • Thanks: Al Liguori
  769. Han says:

    VERY SNEAKY… Typical Jewish. The Jewish owned New York Times:


    The paper made no public announcement of the switch (2021), which was formally adopted in August, according to Phil Corbett, the associate managing editor for standards at the Times.

    While the new spelling by the paper of record may seem merely cosmetic, it reflects a deeper linguistic debate that has long been brewing within the Jewish community.

    IN 2015, THE INTERNATIONAL HOLOCAUST REMEMBRANCE ALLIANCE began advocating for “antisemitism” over “anti-Semitism” — a term popularized in the late 1800s by the right-wing German polemicist Wilhelm Marr — out of concern that the “hyphenated spelling allows for the possibility of something called ‘Semitism.’”

    With the publication of Antisemitism: Here and Now in 2019, DEBORAH LIPSTADT, THE HOLOCAUST HISTORIAN who was recently nominated to be the Biden administration’s special envoy to monitor and combat antisemitism, helped introduce the discussion to a wider audience.

    “It should be spelled as one word,” she said in an interview with JI two years ago. “Its inventor wanted it to mean one thing and one thing only: Jew hatred. He coined this word because he want his word to encompass, not just Jews who are religious, but Jews who have abandoned all links to the religion. He wanted to depict Jews as a metaphysical enemy.”


    Soon everyone will write ‘antisemitism’ instead of ‘anti-Semitism’.

    As Gilad Atzmon, one of my favourite Jews, said:
    “If Jewish Power is the power to suppress criticism of Jewish power, a Shabbos Goy is a person who facilitates such power…”

    I will never use the term ‘antisemitism’. I always use ‘anti-Semitism’.

    • Agree: Kali
  770. HdC says:


    That’s what Lipstadt and the rest of her tribe would have us believe.
    Fact is, her field of study has nothing to do with history, but is, in fact, a part of the “religious studies” faculty.
    I am sure that her employer knows the difference between History and Religion and assigned her to the appropriate faculty.
    Having read some of her scribbles and opinions, I would agree with her employer’s decision.

    • Replies: @Han
  771. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Fran Taubman

    Images of “holocaust” tattoos: See them all!

    • Thanks: Han
  772. anon[307] • Disclaimer says:

    once more i will be a prophet

    why did the shoah happen, supposing it happened?

    the answer will be the following:

    1. nazism was a cult. hitler was jim jones.

    (this despite all of its historical antecedents and sometimes sophisticated “intellectualization”… intellectuals are always the running dogs of power. but…)

    2. nazi ideology is ridiculous for us today, “we moderns”…but even today it is a compelling myth, a political theology un-rivaled…maybe ever. and man does not live by bread alone.

    3. those who gave the order(s) for die endlosung didn’t have to carry it out themselves, so it could remain an abstraction for them…and they could find very un-impressive pipo like stangl to carry it out…and even they didn’t carry it out…they used soviet prisoners of war and jewish prisoners.

    4. until the weltgeist cannibalizes nazism and bolshevism…neoliberalism, globalism is a dead man walking.


    All those leather booted SS dudes, so swish in their uniforms…

    whenever aesthetics, beauty is a political project this includes male beauty and thus will by the dim lights of today appear “homo-erotic”. see BAP.

    mme taubman should appreciate this as an artiste herself.


    • Replies: @Al Liguori
    , @Han
  773. Al Liguori says: • Website

    Keep your jew fetish to yourself. Stay in the closet!

    Nothing sells like sex and Nazis

  774. @Ron Unz

    I only met Eli Wiesel once and he didn’t impress me as a witness of historic truth FWIW. He did well out of the tales he told but I disregard him.

    Ann Frank’s case does indeed have puzzling features. But might there not be a simple answer in the fact that, by the time German bureaucracy had got German Jews living in Holland to Auschwitz the war was demonstrably being lost and it might have seemed sensible to some SS decision makers on the spot to keep Ann and her mother alive and apparently cared for. The decision maker could, for example, have been a recently arrived doctor who wanted the Franks to be evidence of his innocence. Just one possibility when we don’t know why they were alive…

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Al Liguori
  775. Han says:

    anon says:

    “why did the shoah happen, supposing it happened?”

    Get it from the horse’s mouth.


    The Rabbi responds:
    “WHERE WAS HE? HE DID IT! Hashem (God) did the Holocaust. Nothing is happening without Hashem. If you say that anybody else did it, THAT is heresy.”

    See this video clip at the 1:33:50 mark:

    World famous Rabbi Mizrachi at the1:43:20-hour mark:

    “The Jews wanted to be alone, they didn’t want to mix with anybody else.
    They need to live in ghettoes. Without the ghettoes there would not be one Jew left.
    Why was there the Holocaust? There was 150 years of assimilation before that.

    “WHY DID HASHEM (GOD), WAIT 150 YEARS? Because, it got to a situation where Hashem said:


    “The two things important to the life of the nation of Israel. What are the two things? Important to preserve the Jewish nation and the Jewish religion, two things you need.

    “One, TORAH…. and Two, SEPARATION from the Goyim. The Jews always lived in ghettoes, even way before the Holocaust, it wasn’t something the Nazis made up.”

    Jews were not forced to live in ghettoes by the countries they lived in. The Rabbis forced them to live in ghettoes.
    The Rabbis always wanted the Jews to segregate and live in ghettoes. They didn’t want the Jews to assimilate, that would erode their power over them. They saw assimilation as the biggest threat to Judaism. The Jewish people, God’s Chosen people had to be “pure”.

    The Rabbis always feared assimilation which would lead to no more Judaism, the curse of Humanity, including the Jews themselves.
    They have been so oppressed and brainwashed by their Rabbis, their BS Torah and Talmud.

    So, it is not hard to imagine why so many Jews flocked from the rabbinically controlled ghettoes in the European Enlightenment era.

  776. Han says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Wizard of Oz says:

    “I only met Eli Wiesel once and he didn’t impress me as a witness of historic truth FWIW. He did well out of the tales he told but I disregard him.”

    Jewish propagandist E. Lie Weasel changed his name to Elie Wiesel after his pathetic lies about World War II had been totally debunked.

    The Jewish Fraud, yet another one, claims that the Jews are a superior race:
    “Everything about us is different. Jews are ontologically exceptional.”

    Anne Frank, her parents and sister Margot were taken from Amsterdam to Westerbork concentration camp in the north-east of Holland.
    Then transported to Auschwitz where her mother died and Otto Frank was taken to hospital with typhus. Anne and Margot were then transported to Bergen-Belsen where both died of typhus in February 1945.

    Her diary is a total fraud.
    Anne Frank Diary Fraud Finally Admitted – April 3, 2019

    “Finally, the long-time fraud of Anne Frank’s diary was publicly admitted by the Anne Frank Foundation. Anne Frank’s diary was co-authored by her father and thus the credibility of the diary ultimately comes to an end.

    Otto Frank, the shrewd businessman from Frankfurt, found a willing publisher and sold the stage and film rights as well. The book has been translated into many other languages and Otto Frank has “earned” a lot of money from the royalties. It sold more than 30 million copies, is required reading in many schools and has been translated into more than 70 countries.

    The Fraudulent Diary, like the Fraudulent Holocaust, helped justify the more than 80 billion euros ($90 billion) in reparations (2021) extracted from Germany and is an excuse for the excessive foreign aid from the US to Israel.

    • Agree: John Wear
  777. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Wizard of Oz

    Elie Wiesel—a confessed prominent liar:

    I describe incidents which may or may not have happened but which are true.
    Elie Wiesel in Elie Wiesel: conversations By Élie Wiesel, Robert Franciosi, (1970), p 33.

    Professor David O’Connell also published a well-documented study of Elie Wiesel’s “eyewitness” lies. For his effort, the HoloHoaxers attempted to have him fired.

    Elie Wiesel and the Catholics by Prof. David O’Connell, Culture Wars magazine, Nov. 2004. archived here:

    A Prominent False Witness: Elie Wiesel
    by Robert Faurisson, October 17, 1986

  778. Al Liguori says: • Website

    I’ve been thinking we need a “Bravissimo!” button.

  779. Han says:

    HdC says:



    In this (16 minute) video David Irving, the brilliant author. and incredible researcher confronts Deborah Lipstadt, a Jew, and a Holocau$t atrocity liar.

    David tells of how he ascertained where she was speaking and of his plans to meet and confront her. Lipstadt said that David Irving had a life-sized picture of Hitler in his study amongst other smears. This claim was first made by a Communist “newspaper” in Moscow.

    David tells how Lipstadt, unaware of his presence, smeared him continuely in her tirade of hate. Eventually, David rose to confront Lipstadt. David tells what happened next….

    The day Deborah Lipstadt found herself face to face with David Irving
    The writer’s 1994 diary record

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  780. Anonymous[205] • Disclaimer says:

    I thought we’d reached peak retard, but now that the Wizard of Cuck (aka The Whiz aka The Wizard of Shnozz) has arrived, we have a new market top.

    • Thanks: Wizard of Oz
    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  781. @Al Liguori

    I thought there were 6 million. So wouldn’t 80% of all tattoos be above the number 1,000,000? Why are all numbers below 100,000? And why would anybody with a number below 100,000 survive the holocaust(sic)?

    I love how Holocaust deniers routinely present their ignorance as a some sort of triumph. The above “gotcha” is ignorant in about as many ways as possible in just four sentences:

    1) No one is claiming 6 million were people were murdered at any one place during the Holocaust. The 6 million figure was for all over Europe.

    2) The vast majority of people murdered in gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau were never given a numbered tattoo, because they were sent immediately from the arriving train platform to the gas chambers. Why would the Nazis give them a tattoo number if they were going to immediately murder them and burn their bodies?

    3) Anyone who had even the most basic knowledge of searching the Internet could type into Google: “Tattoo numbering system at Auschwitz” and come up with:

    And find at that webpage:

    The first series of prisoner numbers was introduced in May 1940, well before the practice of tattooing began. This first series was given to male prisoners and remained in use until January 1945, ending with the number 202,499. Until mid-May 1944, male Jewish prisoners were given numbers from this series.

    A new series of registration numbers was introduced in October 1941 and remained in use until 1944. Approximately 12,000 Soviet POWs were given numbers from this series (some of the POWs murdered at Auschwitz were never registered and did not receive numbers).

    A third series of numbers was introduced in March 1942 with the arrival of the first female prisoners. Approximately 90,000 female prisoners were identified with a series of numbers created for female prisoners in March 1942 until May 1944.

    Each new series of numbers introduced at Auschwitz began with “1.” Some Jewish prisoners (but not all) had a triangle tattooed beneath their serial number.

    In order to avoid the assignment of excessively high numbers from the general series to the large number of Hungarian Jews arriving in 1944, the SS authorities introduced new sequences of numbers in mid-May 1944. This series, prefaced by the letter A, began with “1” and ended at “20,000.” Once the number 20,000 was reached, a new series beginning with “B” series was introduced. Some 15,000 men received “B” series tattoos. For an unknown reason, the “A” series for women did not stop at 20,000 and continued to 30,000.

    A separate series of numbers was introduced in January 1942 for “reeducation” prisoners who had not received numbers from the general series. Numbers from this new series were assigned retroactively to “reeducation” prisoners who had died or been released, while their superseded general-series serial numbers were reassigned to new “general” arrivals. This was the only instance in the history of Auschwitz of numbers being “recycled.” Approximately 9,000 prisoners were registered in the “reeducation” series. Beginning in 1943, female “reeducation” prisoners were given serial numbers from their own new series, which also began with “1.” There were approximately 2,000 serial numbers in this series.

    Beginning in February 1943, SS authorities issued two separate series’ of number to Romani (Gypsy) prisoners registered at Auschwitz: one for the men and one for the women. Through August 1944, 10,094 numbers were assigned from the former series and 10,888 from the latter. Romani prisoners were given the letter Z (“Zigeuner” is German for “Gypsy”) in addition to the serial number.

    The camp authorities assigned more than 400,000 prisoner serial numbers (not counting approximately 3,000 numbers given to police prisoners interned at Auschwitz due to overcrowding in jails who were not included in the daily count of prisoners).

    Why even post comments that scream:

    I’m ignorant and irrational!


    Why not do a minute or two of Internet search to avoid embarrassing yourself? Is it because you don’t even know you’re embarrassing yourself? Or you don’t know how to do an Internet search? Or both?

    • Replies: @Al Liguori
  782. @John Wear


    This whole set of comments is absolutely disgraceful. Don’t you have any shame at all?

    You post a series of links meant to show that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz Birkenau, yet the very first link (after the drivel from Carlo Mattogno) is this link to the CBS News site:

    And the *very first* person listed on that web page is Sam Pivnik:

    Auschwitz concentration camp survivor Sam Pivnik, aged 88, poses in his home in London, United Kingdom.

    At aged 14 Sam Pivnik and his family were forced marched to Auschwitz by the Nazis, along with his father and mother, sisters Chana and Handel and younger brothers Meir, Wolf and Josef, who were all murdered in the gas chambers of Auschwitz Birkenau.

    So Sam Pivnik had all seven of the members of his immediate family (mother and father, two sisters, and three brothers) murdered in the gas chambers at Auscwhitz-Birkenau! He’s the only one left out of a family of eight.

    Did you not even read that information about Sam Pivnik, even though he’s the very first person listed? If you did read it, aren’t you ashamed at the dishonesty of linking to that page as some sort of proof that the gas chambers did not exist? Or can you not even see that contradiction?

    You provide many other links and names, but among them are:

    Josef Perl was a young Jew who survived the camps of Auschwitz, Dachau, Bergen-Belsen, Gross-Rosen, Balkenhain, Hirschberg and Buchenwald after the Hungarians took over control of his town in 1938 after Germany signed a peace treaty with Hungary.

    You’re right that Josef Perl survived Auschwitz and other camps, but if you’d bothered to do even a few minutes Internet search you would have found that his mother, sisters, and their children were all shot in front of mass graves before Josef Perl even got to Auschwitz. So his family was murdered even before he got to Auschwitz. And he spent much of his entire adult life talking to school children about the Holocaust:

    Finally, you have the unmitigated gall to provide a link to Irene Fogel, even though Fran Taubman and I have repeatedly linked to an SS photograph of her mother and her brothers Reuven and Gershon Fogel, taken literally right before their murders in a gas chamber at Birkenau:

    And you close with: “If I did more research, I could come up with more Hungarian Jews who survived the so-called Holocaust.”

    Don’t you have any shame? Can’t you read? You posted links where the very first person lost all seven members of his immediate family to the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, and you include Irene Fogel, for whom we have provided photographic evidence that her two little brothers and mother were murdered in the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau.

    Don’t you feel any shame to present people who epitomize the Holocaust (lost most or all of the members of their immediate families), as though they are evidence the Holocaust didn’t exist?

    And, yes, John, the Holocaust existed. Only people like you, living in your world of dishonesty/misinformation/fantasy don’t know it existed. All you have to do is look at the graph Steve Sailer presented on this very website on July 8th to see the Holocaust existed:

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  783. @Han

    I believe David Irving. Thanks for the video; I would love to have been there to see that confrontation.

    I’m listening/watching Shoah Foundation interviews again. One particular “survivor” says her mother registered for a quota in 1933; her father went to Buchenwald in November, 1938; was released in February, 1939; the family received three destination travel visas and left Frankfurt A-Main, Germany to land in NYC in March, 1939.

    Ruth, born in 1931, (the survivor) describes her childhood as idyllic; “very comfortable and secure”; in the Jewish section of the city, in a lovely apartment; the entire neighborhood was Jewish (there were a few gentiles sprinkled around the neighborhood); Jewish schools, Jewish bakeries; feasts on Fridays. I am guessing she is describing the dreaded “Jewish Ghetto?” It sounds terrible. For all their kvetching about oppression, the vast majority describe content, successful lives amongst the German heathens. Ruth specifically said the gentiles and jews got on just fine, and she was never mistreated in Germany.

    Ruth says “the goyim were always marching in parades” after Kristallnacht.

    While I don’t doubt uprooting against your wishes is traumatic, as is being interned in a camp, she goes on to say life in NYC was wonderful, despite arriving near destitute, but the family managed in summer in the Catskills, every summer, to escape the heat.

    What I found interesting about this interview, she mentioned that the men, who were initially sent to camps in 1938, were given special treatment/early release if they were WW1 veterans; she also said of her remaining relatives, who were sent to Theresienstadt, many letters/cards were received from them. The interviewer did not ask if her extended family members survived; she mentioned no deaths, so I assume they survived.

    In a separate interview, an elderly man was describing the soccer tournaments at Auschwitz; he was smiling, as one does when recalling a good memory; the interviewer is a bit taken aback and asks, how did you manage to enjoy yourself in those dire/deathly conditions? (I’m paraphrasing); elderly man immediately glances downwards, his smile is gone, his entire countenance turns solemn; it (soccer games) was purely a coping mechanism, just like lying about your future wife throwing apples over the fence.

    • Thanks: HdC
    • Replies: @Han
  784. gregor says:

    That only sounds convincing if you don’t bother to read the testimonies and if you ignore the context.

    Go look up the early history books. Check what sources they cite for the AR camps. Gerstein is the big one. Wiernik is another. There are actually very few. If you read these, you see why the story has been questioned.

    Jan Karski was a famous early AR witness but his testimony contradicts the official story very sharply. He in fact did describe Belzec as a transit camp. His original story was that he infiltrated Belzec for the express purpose of witnesses exterminations. He claims he bribed a guard to give him his uniform for a day and says that there at the camp he saw Jews loaded onto a train after which they LEFT the camp to be killed elsewhere. No mention of gas chambers or mass graves. In the 90s they retconned his story and started claiming that he must have infiltrated some other camp by mistake and didn’t actually go to Belzec.

    Karski’s 1944 book (see chapter 30).

    Context is important because we do not have an unbiased sample of testimonies collected by neutral parties. We have either propagandistic texts (Wiernik, Karski) or statements collected by the war crimes prosecutors. That skews things considerably because the testimonies were collected to serve a one-sided purpose. There was no comparable effort to compile contrary evidence.

    In the 1960s there were additional West German trials and these get cited as sources in later histories (like Arad’s book). But these are coming quite late when the story was already well-known and the legal context can present distorted incentives. Take the Belzec trial. There were originally eight German defendants. All of them “confessed.” Seven were acquitted. Only the most senior defendant was sentenced and he got 4.5 years. You just can’t take those statements at face value. They had an incentive to cooperate. The statements also have problems with them, for example, claiming the Jews were gassed with a diesel engine (a scientifically implausible detail they got from Gerstein).

    • Thanks: John Wear
  785. John Wear says:

    Mark Bahner,

    You write: “Did you not even read that information about Sam Pivnik, even though he’s the very first person listed? If you did read it, aren’t you ashamed at the dishonesty of linking to that page as some sort of proof that the gas chambers did not exist? Or can you not even see that contradiction?”

    My response. Yes, I skim read the information about Sam Pivnik. I gave you this link to prove that Susan Pollock was a young Jewish woman transported from her home in Hungary to Auschwitz. She survived the war.

    I gave you this link and others in my comment #774 in response to your comment #768 where you said that Holocaust revisionists can not find any Jewish Hungarian survivors of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Your challenge at the end of your comment #774 read: “Surely you Revisionists can find some of them, since you Revisionists insist they weren’t gassed and their bodies burned at Auschwitz-Birkenau?”

    So, in my comment #774, I found some Hungarian Jews who survived Auschwitz-Birkenau for you.

    In regard to Sam Pivnik, I do not know if all seven of his family members died at Auschwitz-Birkenau. I personally doubt it.

    You write: “You’re right that Josef Perl survived Auschwitz and other camps, but if you’d bothered to do even a few minutes Internet search you would have found that his mother, sisters, and their children were all shot in front of mass graves before Josef Perl even got to Auschwitz.”

    My response: Similar to Sam Pivnik, I do not know that all of Josef Perl’s family members were murdered. I have found “Holocaust” eyewitness testimony to be extremely unreliable. If you have an interest, you might want to read my articles on this topic at and and

    You write: “Finally, you have the unmitigated gall to provide a link to Irene Fogel, even though Fran Taubman and I have repeatedly linked to an SS photograph of her mother and her brothers Reuven and Gershon Fogel, taken literally right before their murders in a gas chamber at Birkenau”

    My response: How do you know that Irene Fogel’s mother and brothers were executed in a gas chamber at Birkenau? You don’t. You are merely assuming there were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau. In reality, the existence of homicidal gas chambers has been scientifically disproven. If you have an interest, please read my articles on this subject at and

    You write: “Don’t you feel any shame to present people who epitomize the Holocaust (lost most or all of the members of their immediate families), as though they are evidence the Holocaust didn’t exist?”

    My response: I feel no shame whatsoever. Our mass media, which is largely Jewish controlled, has continually presented “Holocaust” survivors who state that many if not all of their family members were murdered in homicidal gas chambers. Merely because a “Holocaust” survivor makes such a statement does not mean that it is true.

    I recommend you read my article concerning the Ernst Zündel trials at If the eyewitness testimony of “Holocaust” survivors was credible, why couldn’t the prosecution find any “Holocaust” survivors who could give credible testimony at these two trials?

    • Agree: HdC, Han
  786. Al Liguori says: • Website

    The HoloHoax is just another in Satan’s box of Jewish tools.

    • Thanks: Han
  787. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Mark Bahner

    If the Jewish fables (Titus 1:14) and your verbose pilpul were true, Auschwitz alone would have Jews with at least 1 million serial numbers… BUT… there are no “millions” for Auschwitz or “millions” in total. The serial numbers are consistent with the International Red Cross accounting.

    About half of those were “jews.”

    No amount of verbosity and no amount of smug word salad pilpul revives the traditional talmudic lies of Jewish “victimhood.” Besides… who can be upset that some Yids died in a war they started and after they murdered millions in European revolutions? I say your lying, murdering, supremacist tribe is damn lucky that fewer than 130,000 of them died in a war they started. LIARS and MURDERERS EXACTLY AS GOD HIMSELF HAS JUDGED.

    • Thanks: Han
  788. @Mark Bahner

    Back to hysteria and pearl clutching, are we?

    Sailer’s link says the Holocaust was mostly over by the end of 1942; Pivnik was shipped off in August, 1943; the Hungarians in the summer of 1944; I guess someone didn’t know it was mostly over in 1942. Sailer censors/withholds a few comments on the Holocaust, by the way. If, said comments present a contrary argument, that is. It’s the same established pattern…….

    You have no idea, whatsoever, of the identity of the persons in the photograph; the testimony of a person claiming to be a family member of those photographed might ordinarily be accepted, but as the obvious lies, about nearly every aspect of the whole sordid affair, are so outrageous and demonstrably disproven, that “face value” testimony just can’t be accepted, as awful as that seems to you. You remember “apple man,” don’t you? He lied. But, says he did not lie, as it was true in his imagination. I wonder if he returned all the travel/speaking/appearance fees he collected?

    Your narrow focus on the Hungarian Jews, “where could they have gone?, I won’t change course after asserting there is no record of survivors, even IF I AM PROVIDED VERIFIED CONFIRMATION OF SAME, you people who question the suffering of the Jews are evil, evil, heartless bastards!” is clouding your judgement and preventing you from making any sort of objective analysis.

    You should broaden your scope of purview. Do a little research on that busy, little bee, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who despite having no official position in the British government, as far as I know, he was buzzing around Chamberlain, Churchill, and American traitors, Woodrow Wilson and FDR, like some sort of authority, during WW1 and WW2, which I suppose he turned out to be, when the Zionists claimed their ultimate victory after WW2. I wonder what he was buzzing on about during all that time? Back and forth he buzzed, Europe, DC, NYC, all whilst two wars were ongoing. Could you speculate about that for awhile? You most likely have no clue, nor power of thought, because your pearls are constricting your blood flow to your pea-brain, yet again.

    I always assumed that the African theatre was a tactic to defend/access Europe from the south. It turns out, North Africa, as is conveniently in close proximity to Israel, is a nifty way to covertly ferry all sorts of goodies to long suffering Jews, hacking away, trying to make it there! just like in NYC. So, FDR is supplying Russia in the North, Israel in the Southeast, despite protests from American troops in Europe; don’t you think this aspect deserves some analysis? What was really going on? Think about it, dear Mark, you Twit.

    • Thanks: John Wear, Han
  789. Han says:



    David Irving, Collection, WW2, WWII, World War 2, World History, German History, British History, U.S. History, Irving, Revisionism, Revisionist, Real History, IHR, Chruchill, FDR, Rommel, Himmler, Reinhard, Heidrich, Eichmann, Palestine, Wehrmacht, Dresden, Firebombing, Rhine Meadows, Pforzheim, Hamburg, Final Solution, Mythology

    Reviewer: Joe Marcell – favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite – October 8, 2022

    Subject: There isn’t a book Mr. David Irving has published that isn’t worth reading. He knows more about German history in the twenties, thirties and forties than all the other historians combined.
    The first book of Mr. Irving’s I read was ‘The Rise and Fall of the Luftwaffe, a biography of Field Marshal Erhard Milch. The book explained many of the trials and tribulations of the growing German airforce in the thirties. Its international illegality and subsequent superiority in the early years of the war.

    But, it wasn’t until I read the two-volume biography of Winston Churchill, ‘Churchill’s War,’ that I lucked onto a real eye-opener. Mr. Irving’s method is quite simple. He creates books only from primary sources and leaves out assumptions and current propaganda. He searched the world’s archives as well as used diaries and letters from third Reich personalities.

    His books are first-class historical sources, themselves. His videos only solidify the man’s brilliance in the material he has chosen to impart to truth-seeking individuals the world over. Bravo, David Irving! This review is by Don Hermiston.

  790. Han says:

    Something went wrong. Type in search engine:


    to get to the videos.

  791. Han says:

    Click on: to get to the videos on DAVID IRVING COLLECTION.

  792. gregor says:
    @Patrick McNally

    That’s not the point, Pat. The point is rather that she was deported to AUSCHWITZ in August of 1944 and yet she was not killed. That is what needs to be explained. She was a sickly 15 year old girl and so she was not of much value as labor, certainly not valuable enough to justify the expenditure of months of medical resources and then rail transport to send her to another camp. Why not just kill her, if that was the policy? This is a contradiction and that implies we have a false premise.

    • Agree: HdC
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  793. @gregor

    She was not sickly at the time of her deportation to Auschwitz. She became sickly at Bergen-Belsen where she contracted typhus. But there’s no evidence of her having been sick when she arrived at Auschwitz. Now if we’re given a version which says that women were gassed upon arrival, then obviously her case contradicts that. One has to allow that a 15-year-old female could simply be employed as labor. Any statements which Rudolf Vrba may have made suggesting that women were routinely gassed on arrival can be thrown out. But one has to at least allow for the more moderate version which says that someone of 15 years could be employed as labor. If there are examples of a 4-year-old traveling to Auschwitz and then appearing at Bergen-Belsen, that would be more dramatic in its implications.

  794. Han says:

    Tiptoethrutulips says:

    “I believe David Irving. Thanks for the video; I would love to have been there to see that confrontation.”

    Years ago, I watch the actual footage of David Irving getting up and speaking from the back of the auditorium to Deborah Lipshit. That footage was shot by M., a friend of David Irving.

    That was a classic. DEBORAH LIPSHIT IN DEEP SHIT. I should have made a copy of it!

    No wonder I cannot find that video clip on the internet anymore. Far too embarrassing to LIPSHIT.
    I guess she and her Kosher Nostra Gangsters, with their deep pockets, must have been instrumental in forcing David Irving not to show that footage anymore and scrubbing it of the internet.

    David Irving: “Drove with M. to De Kalb college auditorium at 9:10 A.M. …M. had set up his video camera inconspicuously on a tripod to one side of the auditorium. … A Black sitting next to M., ten rows ahead of me and to the right, with his video camera running, chuckled, “Man, this is turning into fun.”

    “Ruth specifically said the gentiles and jews got on just fine, and she was never mistreated in Germany.”

    Benjamin Freedman, a Jew himself, also lived in Germany, was a member of a 117 strong Jewish delegation at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference. He broke with Judaism and Zionism after WW 2.


    “So, this great Balfour Declaration, …
    Now, that is where all the trouble started. The United States went in the war. The United States crushed Germany. We went in there, and it’s history. You know what happened.

    “Now, when the war was ended, and the Germans went to Paris, to the Paris Peace Conference in 1919, there were 117 Jews there, as a delegation representing the Jews, headed by Bernard Baruch. I was there: I ought to know. Now what happened?

    “The Jews at that peace conference, when they were cutting up Germany and parceling out Europe to all these nations that claimed a right to a certain part of European territory, the Jews said, “How about Palestine for us?” And they produced, for the first time to the knowledge of the Germans, this Balfour Declaration.

    “So, the Germans, for the first time realized, “Oh, that was the game! That’s why the United States came into the war.” And the Germans for the first time realized that they were defeated, they suffered this terrific reparation that was slapped onto them, because the Zionists wanted Palestine and they were determined to get it at any cost.

    “Now, that brings us to another very interesting point. When the Germans realized this, they naturally resented it. Up to that time, the Jews had never been better off in any country in the world than they had been in Germany.”

    Read or listen to Benjamin Freedman’s 1961 speech warning the Americans against the Jewish power in their country.


    Israel is Rothschild’s fiefdom.
    The Rothchild’s funded the Zionist movement to create the state of Israel.

    In 1895, Edmond James de Rothschild visited Palestine and subsequently supplied the funds to buy a great deal of property from the Turks and Arabs, to found the first Jewish colonies in Palestine.
    In 1897, the Rothschild’s founded the Zionist Congress to promote Zionism (a political movement with the sole aim of moving all Jews into a singularly Jewish nation state).

    The 1917 Balfour Declaration, Israel’s birth certificate, was drafted by the Zionists, only to be signed by Lord Balfour on behalf of the British Government. The letter was addressed to Lord Rothschild.

    Here the names of the Jewish Zionists who drafted the Balfour declaration:
    Rabbi Stephen Wise, Louis D. Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter.

    From: American Jewish Archives

    Wise acted as an important intermediary to President Woodrow Wilson and Colonel Edward House from 1916-1919, when, with Louis D. Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter, he helped formulate the text of the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
    He spoke on behalf of Zionist aspirations in Palestine at the Versailles Peace Conference of 1918-1919.

    Wise began his Zionist career during the late 1890’s by helping to articulate the movement’s ideology and organize its followers. A founder of the New York Federation of Zionist Societies in 1897, he led in the formation of the nationwide Federation of American Zionists in 1898 and served as its honorary secretary until 1904 in close cooperation with Theodor Herzl.

    He met Herzl at the Second Zionist Congress in Basle in 1898 and at that time agreed to serve as American secretary of the world Zionist movement. In 1914 he was instrumental in creating the Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs and later headed it.

    Rabbi Wise: “Some call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Judaism!”

    • Thanks: Tiptoethrutulips, HdC
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  795. Han says:

    SHALOM, Mark Bahnerstein! Looks like, oh, no…, you are fighting a losing battle…
    Shock, horror… I found some of the so many JEWS DENYING THE HOLOCAUST and tearing your narrative to pieces, worse, driving you over the edge into the abyss.

    The 1988 ‘Holocaust’ Testimony Of Joseph Burg:

    It is a mystery to me… They must be ‘self-hating Jews’.

    “Numerous Jews throughout the world are outright denying and/or questioning key aspects of the official Holocaust narrative, particularly the claims about “6 million” Jews being killed in “gas chambers” at the height of World War II. This article examines the Jews who are publicly criticizing the official Holocaust narrative and the arguments they make.

    “What is the Holocaust? According to Wikipedia and official sources, the Holocaust was the systematic extermination of 6 million Jews, carried out by Nazi Germans in various concentration camps during World War II, often using “gas chambers” with Zyklon B (a common household pesticide used to kill lice, which carried deadly Typhus).

    “Over the years, and even to this day, there are many prominent Jews who have questioned and/or fully deny the official version of the Holocaust.”

    We have a great problem. By fabricating lies about the Holocaust global Zionism has succeeded in distorting historical truth in its favor…Throughout this period in which Hollywood succeeded in influencing global public opinion and creating the myth of the Holocaust which they interpreted to their advantage…

    In order to accomplish their goals, the Zionists had to create a global disaster such as the threats, pressure, and oppression that the Jews suffered. They needed to use this in order to establish Herzl’s philosophy.
    It was the Zionists who drove the Third Reich in Germany to publicly use pressure and oppression against the Jews. It should be pointed out that it was the Zionists who promoted this policy and who led Germany down the path.

    After thoroughly investigating the Holocaust in an attempt to prove the “deniers” wrong, David Cole himself became a Holocaust denier with a wealth of evidence.
    You can find numerous videos of David Cole touring concentration camps, giving interviews, and providing evidence for his beliefs. This is one of his most famous videos, where he tours Auschwitz while wearing his yarmulke, interviews the museum staff, AND EXPLAINS WHY THE GAS CHAMBERS ARE A HOAX:

    Video Link

    Jewish professor Roger Dommergue from France is another outspoken Holocaust denier who states his only passion is for the truth. He calls the HOLOCAUST AN “ABSOLUTE LIE” and has worked with other prominent Holocaust deniers including ERNST ZÜNDEL and ROBERT FAURISSON.

    A letter from Jewish French Dr. Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce
    to Steven Spielberg

    “The “6-million-gas-chambers myth “is an arithmetic and technical nonsense.
    As a matter of fact, the howling, snivelling, Shoah business, 50 years after the war,
    is disgusting, debasing: it is a disgraceful shame.

    “No people in History have ever been wailing about its losses 50 years after a
    war, even its true and real losses. Even if the 6-million-gas-chambers were true, it
    would be a dishonour to make such din and pump up so much money everywhere:

    “You know it as well as I do. It is all the more so as we know that 6.000.000 is gross exaggeration and that the Zyclon-B gas chambers are a technical impossibility. (See Degesh Trial in 1949).

    “In fact, 150,000 or 200,000 Jews died in the German camps of typhus or starvation. MANY

    Nathanael Kapner is an outspoken Jewish Holocaust denier in the US. He was raised in an orthodox jewish family in Brooklyn. Today, he goes by the name “Brother Nathanael” and claims to be an orthodox Christian, which explains his outfit.
    Nonetheless, he is Jewish by blood and vehemently denies the Holocaust in various videos. Kapner also runs a foundation where he discusses other aspects of history and Jewish power in the world.

    BOBBY FISCHER – World Chess Champion (USA)
    Bobby Fischer, whose father was German and mother was Jewish, rose to international fame in the 1960s and 70s as a world chess champion.

    Later in his life, Fischer became an outspoken critic of the Jewish power structure, which got him into a lot of trouble.
    In the video (see article), Fischer discusses various topics, including the Holocaust around minute 3:10, where he states “THERE WERE NO GAS CHAMBERS – THAT’S ALL BALONEY.”

    Benjamin Freedman: Jews were responsible for World War I and II and will be responsible for World War III.
    Benjamin Freedman was a Jewish insider from New York who swam against the tide during and after World War II.
    Although Freedman doesn’t spend too much time on the Holocaust, his 1961 speech in the Willard Hotel is fascinating. It deals with some interesting topics, including Zionism and the Jewish declaration of war and international boycott against Germany in 1933.

    Paul Eisen is yet another Jewish Holocaust denier. With regard to being smeared with the term “Holocaust denier” he had this to say:
    They call me a Holocaust denier. But “Holocaust denier” is just an abusive term for a Holocaust revisionist—the slur being that Holocaust revisionists are like flat-earthers, people who have lost all touch with reality and deny that anything unpleasant at all happened to Jews at the hands of the National Socialists. They do not.

    ‘HOLOCAUST DENIER’ along with ‘racist’ ‘neo-Nazi’, anti-Semite and all the rest is just one more non-definable term of abuse used rather like ‘witch’ in the Middle Ages—A CURSE TO SILENCE THOSE WITH WHOM ONE DOES NOT AGREE.


    Of course, there are certainly many other Jews around the world who reject and/or question the official narrative of the Holocaust and would therefore be labelled “Holocaust deniers.”

    Therefore, there are likely many more Jews who have issues with the Holocaust narrative, BUT ARE AFRAID TO SPEAK OUT.


    YOU, by your own admission, are so full of it and proud of it.

    JEWISH CRIMES, JEWISH SILENCE? World War I, 1917 Jewish Bolshevik Revolution, Holodomor, World War II, Palestine… BENJAMIN FREEDMAN: JEWS WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR WORLD WAR I AND II.

    When is Steven Spielberg making a movie about the murder of millions of Russians by the Jewish Bolsheviks, the Cheka? Or the Holodomor with millions starved to death by the Jewish Bolsheviks?
    NEVER. They are Jewish Crimes, not to be discussed.

    Excellent article by Richard Solomon describing Jewish Crimes:



    WHY are the Jews still insisting on their holy 6 million figure after it was publicly admitted that between 1.1 and 1.5 million had died at Auschwitz instead of 4 million?



  796. Anonymous[423] • Disclaimer says:
    @Patrick McNally

    LOL, you kicked an own-goal. Be man enough to admit it.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  797. gregor says:
    @Patrick McNally

    What labor was she assigned to at Auschwitz?

    And why did they use scarce rail transport to send her to another camp?

    Another problem with your excuse: We are told Hitler killed six million Jews. We can debate whether he even had six million Jews to kill. But there’s simply no way to rack up that sort of body count if you are sparing people of even borderline labor value.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  798. @Anonymous

    Admit what? Anne Frank was not sick when she was sent to Auschwitz. Whatever one may believe about alleged ‘gassings’ at this camp, she was a healthy 15-year-old at the time she arrived in Auschwitz. Hence, it is not hard to imagine her being put into the labor force. Margot and Anne Frank both contracted typhus at Bergen-Belsen.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  799. @Patrick McNally

    But, we are given the case that women were gassed on arrival, as Auschwitz was primarily a death camp. We are also given the case that on many occasions, arrivals were dumped straight down the stairwell leading into the chamber with no discernment regarding sex/age/health.

    I would say, one has to allow that an extraordinary level of lies, exaggerations and imaginary tales of horror are simply told to further an agenda and are a useful method for retribution via monetary gain/territory/legislation.

    How do we determine whose statements are “thrown out?” Who makes said determination? If they are all, more or less, fitting with the official, codified story, and many stories are deemed false/inaccurate, at what point do we say, the official story is highly unlikely to be true?

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  800. @gregor

    > What labor was she assigned to at Auschwitz?

    Since things were breaking down at that time in September 1944, it’s not clear offhand how the labor force at Auschwitz was operating. But it’s certainly documented that Auschwitz did often serve as a labor camp, and certainly authors such as Carlo Mattogno or Jurgen Graf would not dispute that. They would instead dispute the claim that Auschwitz allegedly functioned as a “partial extermination camp.”

    > Another problem with your excuse: We are told Hitler killed six million Jews.

    I don’t have any special stake in such claims, although I do find it to be ridiculous when people who will regurgitate something like the “20 million Christians” hoax about the USSR will suddenly became immersed in demographic arguments about the size of the Jewish population in the territories occupied by the Third Reich.

    > But there’s simply no way to rack up that sort of body count if you are sparing people of even borderline labor value.

    That could have some relevance if you found examples from 1942, when the Third Reich seemed to be on the verge of conquering Europe. In late 1944 it was obvious that Germany was going down to defeat, so one has to expect that this may make some difference.

    • Replies: @gregor
  801. @Han

    > Rabbi Wise: “Some call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Judaism!”

    Another famous fake quote. Even George Lincoln Rockwell ended up admitting that he had no source for this bogus quote after his April 1966 interview with Playboy:

    “The proof has not arrived, nor was Commander Rockwell able to tell us the name of the publication in which the alleged statement appeared. An official at Manhattan’s Hebrew Union College, where Rabbi Wise’s entire works are kept in archive, later said that no such statement appears anywhere in the late rabbi’s writings. Rabbi Edward Kline, Wise’s successor at New York’s Free Synagogue, told us further that no such quote appears in any of Wise’s speeches; nor could he, as a lifelong foe of communism, said Kline, have been capable of making such a remark. Confronted with this evidence, Rockwell later retracted the allegation.”

    • Replies: @Han
  802. Anonymous[423] • Disclaimer says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Keep digging. (Maybe you’ll find some bodies, LOL.)

    BTW, do Jews love you as much as you love them?

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  803. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > But, we are given the case that women were gassed on arrival, as Auschwitz was primarily a death camp.

    While I have no stake in maintaining any stories about Auschwitz, one should be clear what academia has said for the last 60 years. The claim has been that camps like Treblinka were allegedly extermination camps, while Dachau was a more standard prison/labor camp, and Auschwitz allegedly combined both roles as a labor/extermination camp. I think there are some places where Rudolf Vrba specifically tried to claim that women were gassed on arrival at Auschwitz. But that was certainly not maintained by Raul Hilberg or Christopher Browning, not even in the 1970s. The idea of a 15-year-old female being admitted into the camp without being promptly gassed does not contradict anything which Hilberg or Browning might claim. The point is even stronger when the events are taking place in the last months of the war when everything was breaking down and it was known that bGermany would lose.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  804. @Anonymous

    > BTW, do Jews love you as much as you love them?

    Since I don’t have any particular for Jews, that’s a meaningless statement. The fact remains that the typhus which Anne Frank died of was contracted at Bergen-Belsen, not at Auschwitz. If you want to believe the orthodox historians, allegedly there was a selection for the gas chambers made when Anne Frank and her family arrived at Auschwitz. But they were not selected for it.

    The transport arrived in Auschwitz during the night of September 5. Almost immediately after its arrival men and women were separated. The following day, 549 people from this last transport, among them all the children under fifteen years of age, were sent to the gas chambers of Auschwitz-Birkenau. Women who had not been selected for extinction had to walk to the Birkenau women’s camp. Among them were Edith Frank and her daughters…
    — Willy Lindwer, The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank, p. 5.

    You want to cast doubt on this claim of 549 people being sent to a gas chamber on September 6, 1944? I’m fine with that. I have no special stake in maintaining such a story. But you really just sound overbaked when trying to insist that a 15-year-old couldn’t possibly have not been included in that alleged 549. Whatever occurred with those 549 people, whether you believe that they were gassed or simply sent somewhere else, it has no bearing on Anne Frank. As a 15-year-old she was not included in that group of 549.

    • Replies: @Anonymous
  805. Jett Rucker says: • Website

    It is anti-Semitic to want to understand better what happened (and didn’t).

  806. @Patrick McNally

    You may have no stake in the various, preposterous claims, but clearly, someone does. Virtually every “official” Holocaust site/publication I review, (I make no claim to have seen/read all) cites the official proclamation of “six million Jews were killed.” A NY Times article on Mr. Wiesel’s death, published in 2016, cited the official “six million Jews slaughtered” claim. Absolutely no mention of the controversy regarding Wiesel’s personal claims was made.

    The very fact that this “six million” claim is currently published/claimed widely, nearly everywhere, despite verified refutations of said claim, speaks to the stranglehold of media/publishers held by a certain group with a stake in the initial claim. A cursory investigation into the common affiliation of the proprietors of media and publishing organizations reveals which group has a stake in the original narrative.

    I agree with you regarding the seemingly inflated numbers of Russian/Ukrainian and various other civilians slaughtered by the Bolsheviks/Red Army; anyone with a bit of knowledge about historical events and the nature of record/census keeping, especially in the past, understands that to a certain extent, we can only estimate the number of deaths by war/disasters. However, for the most part, the Germans did, in fact, keep records on inmates, which were confiscated by the Allies. Eventually, laws were enacted to thwart/punish fact finding/counting on behalf of the Germans, so the “deniers” are opposed at every turn, unlike the proponents, who have free reign to allege to their heart’s (and wallet’s) content.

    I have yet to see a movie or series on television, in Hollywood or mainstream news/networks, etc., that examines, in detail and analysis, the goings on of the Bolsheviks and the Eastern European Jews in the early 20th century, have you? How about the massacres in Palestine, almost immediately after the British relinquished authority in the territory? There is a bit of historical data out there, but “Hitler’s Maniacal Attempt to Kill Every Living Jew” is on the History Channel once or twice a month.

    The Red Cross is now under fire by organized Jewry for failing to inform the world of happenings that, for some reason, they did not notice while visiting camps/rail lines during the war. I read also, that access/custody of ICRC records has been requested by certain Jewish groups. Furthermore, I have come across allegations that various Jewish groups are buying up memorabilia and land/property relevant to WW2 events. I have no idea if this is all true, but considering the recognized patterns of obfuscations, falsehoods and underhanded dealings, I will speculate that it is most likely true.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  807. Anonymous[108] • Disclaimer says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Damn, you’re digging deeper than a mass grave (see what I did there?). She contracted scabies at Auschwitz and was in the infirmary. In a death camp. The idea that the Germans would spend such resources on her if they were running an extermination program (during a war they were losing badly) is just ludicrous. You can call this an outlier if you like, but it’s clear you’re emotionally invested in the whole story.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  808. @Anonymous

    She spent some time in the infirmary because of scabies, not the whole time.

    Margot and Anne stayed in Auschwitz-Birkenau almost two months, some of this time in the so-called Kratzeblock, the “scabies-barracks,” since both had Kratze (scabies).
    — Willy Lindwer, The Last Seven Months of Anne Frank, p. 5.

  809. @John Wear

    Thanks for the link to Weber`s article, had not seen that before.

    Personally, fwiw, what I found most interesting about Dr. Russell Barton`s testimony was his description of the deliberate Propaganda of visiting foreign journalists and according to “the needs at home”:

    “Most people attributed the conditions of the inmates to deliberate intention on the part of the Ger-
    mans. […] Inmates were eager to cite examples of brutality and neglect, and visiting journalists from
    different countries interpreted the situation according to the needs of propaganda at home. […] Ger-
    man medical officers told me that it had been increasingly difficult to transport food to the camp for
    some months. Anything that moved on the autobahns was likely to be bombed. […] I was surprised to
    find records, going back for two or three years, of large quantities of food cooked daily for distribution.
    At that time I became convinced, contrary to popular opinion, that there had never been a policy of de-
    liberate starvation. This was confirmed by the large number of well-fed inmates. […] The major rea-
    sons for the state at Belsen were disease, gross overcrowding by central authority, lack of law and or-
    der in the huts, and inadequate supplies of food, water and drugs. ”

    – Regarding what “anything that moved on the autobahns was likely to be bombed” looked like I personally found the descriptions/testimony of american/british fighter pilots (and german civilians on the ground) very interesting, like f.ex. US fighter pilot Chuck Yeager:

    ““We were […] assigned an area fifty miles by fifty miles and ordered to strafe anything that moved. […] We weren’t asked how we felt zapping people. It was a miserable, dirty mission, but we all took off on time and did it. […] We were ordered to commit an atrocity, pure and simple, but the brass who approved this action probably felt justified because wartime Germany wasn’t easily divided between ‘innocent civilians’ and its military machine. The farmer tilling his potato field might have been feeding German troops..”
    Chuck Yeager. An Autobiography, Bantam Books, New York 1985, p. 79

    Also interestingly the old black and white videos of many of these indescriminate strafing missions over german landscapes/trains/towns in 1944/45 are freely viewable on Youtube.

    And regarding Bergen-Belsen these did in the end not only manage to cut the camp off from all food/drug deliveries, but as the last straw (as mentioned in Weber`s article also) during the height of the catastrophe to even bomb out the entire electrical and water-pumping/treatment facilities in 1945, leaving the camp without power and access to drinking/washing water, thereby accomplishing all the three main factors for Belsen`s total hygienical collapse according to the mentioned Dr. Barton.

    For then afterwards allied journalists strolling in and reporting worldwide about these condemnable genocidal barbaric Germans mass killing people by keeping food/drugs and water from the poor inmates…..
    One has to give it to them, they at least had a sense for humour…

    Other personally interesting facts I found were:

    1. that actually one main factor for the horrible overcrowding by central authority in this as in the other german camps in 1945 was Himmler actually accomodating the Allied`s request of emptying all camps near the approaching front-lines and transferring the inmates to those further inside Germany. (I think Mattogno gives the exact documents in his work dealing especially with Dachau),

    2. Bergen-Belsen pre 1944 was used as a reconvalesence-camp for sick inmates from other work-camps like Auschwitz, which explains why Anne Frank was moved there after her getting sick in Auschwitz and is fascinatingly described in detail among others by a female jewish survivor in an interview in “The last days” (and also re-produced in the – now infamous- Eric Hunt`s “Last days of the big Lie”), stating ” they wanted us to get better again, because the needed us for work” and describing how she refused to get into a shuttle-bus from the train station offered by the SS because she had heard all the rumours about being gassed/killed and despite strong pain walked the few kilometers to the camp, before realizing that it was indeed a camp to nurture her and others back to health, summing it up (to the astonished interviewer in “The last days”) “It was not a bad place.”

    Unfortunately I don`t recall her exact name right now, but can dig it up if anyone interested or maybe some of you know who I talk about?

    Just my 4 cents..

    • Thanks: John Wear
  810. @Tiptoethrutulips

    All of that is way outside of the very narrow point on which I had originally responded to another person above. That is simply whether or not Anne Frank having been selected as part of the group which settled in Birkenau is determinative of whether or not the stories of gassings are proven or disproven. In truth, it simply is indeterminate.

    Two hundred and fifty-eight men and 212 women were admitted, having first had a number tattooed on their arms; the remaining 549 persons–among them all the children under the age of fifteen–were gassed that same day, September 6. Among them was Van Pels.
    — The Diary of Anne Frank: The Critical Edition, p. 50.

    The “Van Pels” whom they speak of is probably meant to be Hermann van Pels, the father of Peter van Pels:

    Peter was the son of Hermann and Auguste van Pels. The family was Jewish and lived in Osnabrück (Germany)… Peter was assigned to the Auschwitz post room. As a result, he was able to get some extra food from time to time. He would share it with his father and Otto Frank. He was devastated when the Nazis selected his father for the gas chambers in early October.

    The latter website seems to contradict the book, since one says, “gassed that same day, September 6” and the other says “selected his father for the gas chambers in early October.” In any event, questions about what happened with Hermann van Pels would be more pertinent than trying to insist that “Anne Frank should have been gassed on September 6!” Any normal person who runs through this is going to realize that the latter is not so obviously determined that it decides anything much.

  811. @Patrick McNally

    Yes, indeed, you are correct. You mentioned a stake in a particular version of a story, and I then ran and “ranted” with it and hit on multiple stakes in multiple versions of a historical event. I beg your pardon.

    Ultimately, you are again correct; Anne Frank’s demise, at a time of mass confusion and conflicting accounts, neither proves nor disproves a plan for mass murder or for her murder. However, Auschwitz-Birkenau is generally considered a mass extermination camp, so any effort to accommodate a sickly, “insignificant,” young girl seems antithetical to the notion of psychopathic, genocidal-minded Germans.

    Her name and story, via a young girl’s diary about the hopes and dreams for a happy future, appeal to and affect even the most ardent “denier.”

  812. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Patrick McNally says:

    Rabbi Wise: “Some call it Communism, but I call it what it is: Judaism!”
    “Another famous fake quote. Even George Lincoln Rockwell ended up admitting that he had no source for this bogus quote after his April 1966 interview with Playboy:”

    “Rabbi Edward Kline, Wise’s successor at New York’s Free Synagogue, told us further that no such quote appears in any of Wise’s speeches; nor could he, as a lifelong foe of communism, said Kline, have been capable of making such a remark.”

    “ANOTHER FAMOUS FAKE QUOTE.”? REALLY, Patrick McNally or Shlomo Slimestein, whatever your name is?



    RABBI WISE WAS BOTH A COMMUNIST AND A SABBATIAN. That HE WAS A COMMUNIST is attested to by Maurice Malkin, a member of the Communist Party who returned to Judaism, in his book Return To My Father’s House.

    From Historical Tribune:

    In 1922, RABBI STEPHEN WISE (Weizs) founded the JEWISH INSTITUTE OF RELIGION, an educational center in New York City to train rabbis in Reform Judaism. It was merged into the HEBREW UNION COLLEGE a year after his death. In 1922

    There isn’t enough space or time to present all the machinations of the leaders of American Jewry, so we will focus around just one, the leader of ‘Reform Judaism’ and the ‘American Jewish Congress’, Rabbi Stephen Wise (actually, Weisz).

    Consider Stephen Wise, head of the Reform movement in the United States during World War II. As the slaughter was going on in Europe, Wise was more interested in his own gratification. Wise was both a Communist and a Sabbatian. That he was a Communist is attested to by Maurice Malkin, a member of the Communist Party who returned to Judaism, in his book Return To My Father’s House.

    Wise was a Sabbatian, as was shown in Helen Rawlinson’s book Stranger At The Party. In her chronicle of a sexual encounter with the so-called Rabbi Wise, she describes how Wise had sex with her in his office on his conference table, and quoted the verse from Psalms which Sabbatians did when engaged in sexual intercourse.” pp 217

    IN KEEPING WITH THE PROGRESSION OF CULTURAL MARXISM, in 1914, WEIZS co-founded the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). In A History of Jews in America, historian Howard Sachar wrote, “In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and RABBI STEPHEN WISE (WEIZS).” Other Jewish co-founders included Julius Rosenwald, Lillian Wald, and Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch.

    In 1922, Weizs founded the Jewish Institute of Religion, an educational center in New York City to train rabbis in Reform Judaism. It was merged into the Hebrew Union College a year after his death. In 1922 Weizs was one of the founding trustees of the Palestine Endowment Funds, Inc., along with Julian Mack.

    When the Federation of American Zionists (FAZ) was originally established, Weizs was appointed the position of Secretary. After the organisation transformed into the Zionist Organisation of America, Rabbi Wise fulfilled positions as both President and Vice President during his lifetime.

    Rabbi Weizs was President Franklin D. Roosevelt personal adviser and led his think tank (along with more than 70 of his other kinsmen). FDR turned to Mr Weizs before making any decisions concerning Jewish matters (and others), which included all of WWII. In addition, Weizs was also adviser to previous President Wilson.

    RABBI STEPHEN WISE (March 17, 1874 – April 19, 1949), was a major Jewish leader in the United States from the 1900s-1940s.

    By the outbreak of the First World War, WISE was a major player within organized Jewry in the United States. As a member of President Wilson’s inner-circle (“brain trust”), he HELPED TO ORIGINATE THE ZIONIST BALFOUR DECLARATION, which laid the groundwork for the establishment of Israel.

    In 1922 he founded the “Jewish Institute of Religion” in New York, which became the leading pro-Zionist rabbi-school in the USA.
    Wise’s most prominent position was holding the office of president of the World Jewish Congress from 1936 until his death in 1949.

    Stephen Wise was one of the originators of the bold 1933 worldwide Jewish boycott of National-Socialist Germany and was a close friend of Franklin Roosevelt.

    From position as one of American-Jewry’s principal leaders and spokesmen, HE CONSTANTLY URGED ROOSEVELT TOWARDS CONFRONTATION WITH GERMANY, AND AGITATED FOR WAR. He also pressed Roosevelt to apply severe punishments to Germany after the war.

    Stephen S. Wise has been called the “Father of Zionism in America”, and is described as “the most influential American Jew of his time.” Roosevelt once referred to Wise, Samuel Rosenman, and Nahum Goldman, collectively as “the Three Wise Men of Zion”. He spent 40 years advocating for Jewish advancement, helped push for war with Germany, and as a leading world Zionist successfully helped establish Israel.

    100 years later — most Jews still deny that Bolshevism and Communism are strictly Jewish agendas — nor are they aware — or at least allow themselves to acknowledge — that Jews — not “Nazis” — orchestrated the greatest single genocide of the 20th Century.
    Let’s let the Jews themselves tell us whether or not communism is Jewish:

    “Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.”
    —Jewish Voice, July – August 1941

    “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.”
    —Rabbi Harry Waton, “A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity,” 1939, p. 100

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  813. @Patrick McNally

    “In truth, it simply is indeterminate.”

    -Fair enough, but

    A) would you agree that to use this exact state (of indetermination) to judge a defendant (party) guilty is the exact opposit and violation of any fair court under rule of law and exactly to avoid the inevitable chaos of such inverted “need of proof” of innocence rather than guilt our judicial systems apply “innocent until proven guilty” and not the other way round? And/or

    B) If you do not agree with A) would you agree that in that case (of “guilty until proven innocent”), at least this inversion then must fairly apply to ALL parties, meaning f.ex. all the millions of german people simply disappeared indeterminably in Allied custody (as mentioned before, Rhein-meadows-, french labour-, russian camps, expulsions from Eastern Germany- as documented among others in f.ex. James Bacque`s “Other losses”, “Crimes and mercies”..) must equally be ruled as incontrovertible proof for Allied Gas-chambers/mass-killings?

    General golden rule being: “people disappear in war-time (plus inevitable plenty of wild rumours of course), ergo: proven gassed/mass murdered”?

    ” the remaining 549 persons–among them all the children under the age of fifteen–were gassed that same day, September 6. Among them was Van Pels.”

    -I tried to find any exact source given for the claims you/the Anne Frank House page present(s), but could not find anything, what is your/their primary evidence source for such a large accusatory claim?
    ( F.ex.Where were they gassed , Krema 1,2,3,4,5? How, with how fast/slow HCN-releasing Zyklon B gypsum pellets thrown in through roof, window, mesh columns of those and what is the documentary/forensic evidence of all of those claims in turn..etc, just like in any standard case of court-criminology.)

    Illustratively one technique that seems to be very widespread by presenters of the orthodox holocaust-narrative seems to be instead of citing any exact forensic/documentary evidence to just cite some name (here Herman Van Pels) and then indulge in weaving a lengthy emotion-appealing story about that persons personal life, accompanied by some photographs having absolutely nothing to do with the original story (of final fate of Van Pels) and distracting from all actual primary evidence, exactly as your linked to Anne Frank House article does, why such cheap historiography?

    One further fascinating aspect being -as you also point out – that even gross discrepancies like first claiming immediate gassing and then first months later can simply be stated without anyone asking questions and taking such witnessess and their testimonies under close look subsequently?
    Can anyone imagine murder-witnesses in court claiming first the killing happened on one date and then months later?

    And equally interesting at least for me that, if actually distilled down
    (from wild rumours and speculation which as we know now have also been willfully spread by the british Intelligence Service`s Special Operation Executive -wing during the war to “mystify and mislead the enemy” for years:
    to the simple prime facts, witnesses describe entirely true and non-disputed events:

    “On the platform, he saw Anne and his mother for the last time. ”

    -which of course is/was probably entirely true, tragic and inexcusable.

    Just as exactly the same fate that Millions of Germans experienced during their death marches/ expulsions/DEF internment/ cattle car transportations/forced labour transports in 1945/46 and also inexcusable and exactly as horrible fates of Japanese interned in America and Croatians/Baltic State refugees deported by Stalin to Siberia and so on…

    Interesting difference being that only in the case of the firstmentioned this is then made into a world-wide legendary story and proof of conscious genocide and eternal reparations to be paid and Hollywood movies to be made and 250 plus museums worldwide and laws forbidding scrutiny and free speech..

    With regards to the general (and prime) question of actual authenticity of Anne Frank`s diary and the occurences described therein and thus their worth as evidence) if interested, here a link to Robert Faurissons detailed analysis of both:

    And/but, as also Ron points out in his articles on H-denial as well, most of all fascinating is that even if we take the story of Anne Frank and her sad fate as fully true, it actually is again if distillled down to the basic facts, “merely” that of a young girl deported to a concentration camp because of her ethnicity, there falling ill several times, spending time in the camp hospital and finally succumbing to the greatest cause of death in war- time, disease (/ “prison fever”).

    Which was actually the exact same fate at the same time of a large number of japanese children as well after being deported to american concentration camps and succumbing to the often harsh (desert/horse-stable) conditions:

    Yet, the fascinating phenomena that the firstmentioned gains world-fame, the latter none at all.
    The Anne Frank House/Museum/Book/ Movie managed to become a millions/billions of Dollar enterprise, while the other none talks about .

    Anne`s picture is seen/presented around the globe constantly, noone knows the picture by Russel Lee picturing the little japanese boy sitting among suitcases during his family`s deportation to a camp (interestingly he is pictured while apparently musing with a magazine, perhaps he too was actually busy musing/writing his very own japanese “diary of Anne Frank”?):

    Not sure I can manage to attach the picture, but here goes an attempt:

  814. @Lorian Effervis

    Here Russel Lee`s picture of the deported japanese boy:

    And here that of a tiny japanese “Anne Frank” version fittingly on a train ramp surrounded by (evil Nazi?-) soldiers (perhaps imagine the caption below reading ” family at selection-ramp for the gas chambers in Auschwitz “?):

  815. gregor says:
    @Patrick McNally

    A few points:

    -1944 was actually the peak killing period for Auschwitz. References to Auschwitz/Oswiecim prior to mid-1944 tended to portray the camp as brutal but they generally failed to point out that Auschwitz was a mass murder factory. The Auschwitz story is very much a 1944 story and according to official sources the deaths were concentrated very heavily in 1944 with the Hungarian action.

    -The official story is that Himmler ordered the exterminations at Auschwitz to cease in November 1944 and for the “gas chambers” to be destroyed. The Franks arrived well before this when the state-of-the-art gas chambers were still operational.

    -It is already known that a large fraction of the inmates at Birkenau were not employed and many were hospitalized or disabled. (See Nuremberg document NO-021)

    “I don’t have any special stake in such claims,…”

    Well, you need to make up your mind. Do you believe in the holocaust or not?

    I assume you are the same PatrickSMcNally who appears to have started posting on CODOH and other holocaust forums as early as 2005. Are you telling me you’ve been looking into this for 18 years and you’re still not sure if it’s true?!

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  816. Han says:

    Patrick McNally aka Shlomo Slimestein, YOU, like all your other tribesmen, it runs in the family, are a MASTER IN THE ART OF DECEPTION.

    No wonder the motto of the Israeli intelligence service MOSSAD is:

    THE ART OF DECEPTION is the knack for propagating belief of things that aren’t true.

    You keep on Bullshitting about Anne Frank’s diary which has been proven to be a total fraud.

    Anne Frank Diary Fraud Finally Admitted – April 3, 2019

    There were NO gas chambers at all in Auschwitz or any other German camp for that matter.
    YOU: “I don’t have any special stake in such claims,…”

    I agree with gregor’s comment #826:
    “Well, you need to make up your mind. Do you believe in the holocaust or not?”


    The 1988 ‘Holocaust’ Testimony Of Joseph Burg:

  817. @Han

    Wise was a Zionist who accepted during the war years that aiding the USSR was an essential part of defeating Hitler. Wise never showed any interest in advancing Soviet aims outside of that. Although he died in 1949 when the Cold War was just beginning, his trajectory paralleled the general trend among Zionists who had been temporary allies of the USSR when Hitler was in power and then turned away:

    “We were most disturbed, even unhappy, over the absence of delegates from the Soviet Jewish population, which was for many of us a gloomy foreboding of the total severance of Russian Jewry from their Jewish brethren the world over. Or, what might be of even greater import to our millions of brothers in the Soviet who could not join us in deliberations over Jewish survival and unity, we knew that the absence from the congress, whether voluntary or involuntary, marked a serious break in Jewish unity, might even be a portent of their final and indistinguishable absorption within the Soviet population.”
    — Challenging Years: The Autobiography of Stephen Wise, p. 321.

  818. @Lorian Effervis

    As far as the claims made about the alleged 549 people supposedly having been gassed, I listed the sources which make those charges. Whether or not they’re true is another matter, but you should be able to look up the exact references which I gave. I have no special stake in the gassing stories or the 6 million as such. But I have to take note of carelessness when I see it.

  819. @gregor

    > 1944 was actually the peak killing period for Auschwitz.

    The orthodox history claims that this peak in the summer, when Hungarian Jews were transported to the camp. That had already passed by the time that Anne Frank landed in the camp. Whatever one wants to believe was done with those Hungarian Jews, whether we believe that they were gassed on arrival or transported to some other camp, it is clear that Goebbels used the whole thing as a kind of propaganda showmanship to demonstrate to the world that the Third Reich was still doing something significant. Arthur Butz even carried this argument all the way over to the point of claiming that there were no significant deportations of Hungarian Jews during the summer and that the whole thing was just a propaganda display by Goebbels. That argument seems to be going too far, and authors such as Mattogno and Graf reject it. But there still seems to have been an important propaganda motive for the Hungarian deportations in the summer. By September this priority had shifted, as the war was going further downhill.

    > Are you telling me you’ve been looking into this for 18 years and you’re still not sure if it’s true?

    I don’t see any reason to place any good faith in the gas chamber stories. However, I’ve been forced to repeatedly notice sloppiness which arises in a lot of commentaries today. When Faurisson was alive he seemed to avoid a lot of this by just sticking to narrow points of “Show me or draw a gas chamber!”

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  820. Han says:

    Patrick McNally says:

    “Wise was a Zionist who accepted during the war years that aiding the USSR was an essential part of defeating Hitler.”


    The most violent clash between patriots and pacifists that has occurred in New York City since relations were broken with Germany MARKED THE CELEBRATION OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION HELD LAST NIGHT IN CARNEGIE HALL.

    It was precipitated by Mayor Mitchel, whose declaration that we were about to go to war in behalf of the same kind of democracy that had freed Russia was met with a determined demonstration by pacifists, evidently previously organized, which threatened for a time to break up the meeting.

    When the tumult had died down Rabbi Wise, a worker for world peace but not an extreme pacifist, was introduced.

    “I feel it is my duty to say one word in support and in reply to the Mayor. I would have this great audience know that I believe the Mayor was right.”


    YOU: “Wise was a Zionist who accepted during the war years that aiding the USSR was an essential part of defeating Hitler.” WHAT AN UTTER CRAP! YOU REALLY ARE A MASTER IN THE ART OF DECEPTION.)

    “I cannot forget,’ continued the Rabbi, ‘that I am a member and a teacher of a race of which half has lived in the domain of the Czar and as a Jew, I believe that of all the achievements of my people, none has been nobler than that part the sons and daughters of Israel have taken in the great movement which has culminated in the free Russia.”

    Rabbi Stephen Wise, the Rothschilds, Jacob Schiff, the Wall Street Banksters: JEWS supported and financed the Jewish Bolshevik Revolution.



    Rabbi Wise

    A book could be written about the Red activities of Rabbi Stephen S. Wise, before, during and since the Russian Revolution.

    He was a founder of the American Jewish Congress and its President from 1924 on. He was a committeeman of the Communist-aiding American Civil Liberties Union, and also the communist American League Against War and Fascism, before, and after its change of name to American League for Peace and Democracy, with Communist Earl Browder as its national vice-chairman, and Communist Party leaders as officials.

    He “committed” himself for the anarchists Sacco and Vanzetti, for Communist dynamiter Tom Mooney, for the National Religion and Labor Foundation, featuring atheist Soviet cartoons and distributing Toward Soviet America, by Communist William Z. Foster. He ardently backed the Communist burners of Spanish Christian churches.

    His American Jewish Congress greeted, and he spoke for, the American League for Peace and Democracy. Its official [page 76] program was the incitement of mutiny and sabotage within the armed forces to turn any war of the USA into a Red Revolution. Notes pledging this treason were read at their Congress in Chicago, which I attended.

    Long and effusive memorials to Rabbi Wise appeared in the American Jewish Committee’s 1950 American Jewish Year Book:

    “He was founder of the American Jewish Congress … He was the moving spirit and president of the World Jewish Congress from its organization in 1936 to his death …

    In 1897, as an organizer and secretary of the Federation of American Zionists, Stephen Wise ushered in a career of leadership in Zionism which brought him many high offices in the movement in America and throughout the world … more than any other American he was the outstanding symbol and advocate of Zionism, not only in the eyes of American Jews but also to the entire American people and its leaders, including Presidents Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D. Roosevelt.”

    This is but a small part of the tribute paid to Red Rabbi Wise in 1950 by the “conservative” American Jewish Committee, which also stated: “TOWARD THE END OF HIS LIFE RABBI WISE WAS GREATLY DISTURBED ABOUT THE FOREIGN POLICY OF THE UNITED STATES WHICH HE FELT WAS LEADING TOWARD WAR WITH THE SOVIET UNION …

    The last addresses he delivered in the weeks before his death were highlighted by attacks on those forces which he maintained were pushing his country toward war with Russia and which, he claimed, were attempting to suppress him. ‘I will not be silenced!’ were the last words this writer heard Rabbi Wise speak publicly, and they were most typical …

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  821. @Patrick McNally

    Do you also notice and/or have a stake in the “sloppiness” of the Jewish version of the history in entirety?

    If there is an inordinate amount of sloppiness with the official narrative, don’t you wonder about the veracity of the entire tale? If you don’t believe the gas chamber theory, then how were millions killed? If stories about gas chambers are false, how do believe the other assertions? If one witness is lying, they are all lying, to the extent their stories align, yes?

    The focus/debate about Anne Frank seems trivial in light of what was alleged by Jews against Germany, and for what many Germans have suffered or been executed, imprisoned or ruined, especially since you obviously see a few holes in the story.

    I find your consternation/concern over the Anne Frank story a bit hypocritical and dubious in consideration of the consequences for the original acceptance of the Jewish version of the “Holocaust.”

    Nearly half a million American men/boys were killed because of Jewish perfidy, but no one gives a rat’s tuchus about those victims; just ask Jonathan Pollard.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  822. Plaintiff’s Evidence Item 10…The Terezin (aka, Thereisenstadt; Teresen, other variations) Ghetto Deportations

    There were transfers of approximately 18,000 prisoners from the Terezin (aka, Thereisenstadt, Teresen) Ghetto in October 1944, with most of those prisoners sent to Auschwitz-Birkenau. If they were fit for work, they were kept at Auschwitz-Birkenau or sent to other camps for slave labor. If they were not fit for work–for example, children under 12 years old or the elderly– they were murdered in the gas chambers at Birkenau. Since the transport occurred in October 1944, a mere three months before the liberation of Auschwitz by the Soviets, it is simply not possible for all the children and elderly to die of disease between their arrival at Auschwitz-Birkenau in October 1944 and the camp liberation in January 1945. However, per the Holocaust Encyclopedia, less than 10 percent survived the war.

    From the Holocaust Encyclopedia:

    September 28, 1944–October 28, 1944
    The SS deports approximately 18,402 Theresienstadt prisoners to Auschwitz. Approximately 1,574 survive the war.

    Plaintiffs provide three pieces of evidence:

    1) A buried Sonderkommando (Jewish prisoners forced to work in the gas chambers at Birkenau) list of the number of people sent to gas chambers in October 1944. The entries listed as Teresen (aka, Terezin, Thereisenstadt) are all of transports of families (mixtures of adults and children).

    The caption says:

    Penciled list in Polish. The list records the numbers of people killed in the crematoria in the month of October 1944. The list records: the date; how many people; whether they were men (“m.”), women (“kob.”) or children (“dzieci”); the place from which they came, and the crematorium in which they were killed. The Sonderkommando used a different numbering system from the one now used by the Auschwitz museum: “Kr. 1” is now called Crematorium II, and so on. Crematorium IV (Kr. 3 in the list’s system) is not mentioned as it was burned during the revolt of October 7, 1944. The shooting of 460 members of the Sonderkommando after the revolt is recorded on the right-hand side.

    2) A list of departures from Terezin. Many in October 1944 are to Auschwitz.

    3) A webpage of the children of the Terezin Ghetto. Many of them were murdered in the gas chambers of Birkenau in 1944:

    Ruth Gutmannová (1930–1944)
    Petr Ginz (1928–44)
    Josef Bäuml (1931–44)
    Helena Mändlová (1930–44)
    Hana Zieglerová (1933-1944)
    Soňa Fischerová (1931-1944)
    Irena Karplusová (1930-1944)
    Gertruda Kestlerová (1932-1944)
    Jiří Mahler (1935-1944)
    Bedřich Hoffmann (1932-1944)
    Milena Deimlová (1932-1944)
    Robert Hirsch (1933-1944)
    Hanuš Klauber (1932-1944)
    Dorit Weiserová (1932-1944)
    Kurt Wurzel (1932-1944)
    Zuzana Lieselotta Winterová (1933-1944)
    Marianna Langová (1932-1944)
    Petr Holzbauer (1932-1944)
    Hanuš Perl (1932-1944)
    Ruth Ščerbak (1934-1944)
    Ernesta Tischler (1930-1944)
    Margit Koretzová (1930-1944)
    Anna Becková (1931-1944)
    Jitka Walentiková (1933-1944)
    Hana Erika Karplusová (1930-1944)

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @123
  823. @Tiptoethrutulips

    The sad truth is that the moment people lose their humanity, their soul is lost. A friend from Slovenia told me about his father who was drafted at the age of 17. The young people were drilled to maximum brutality, they were literally bestialized. They were forced to shoot at everything that moved: cats, dogs, squirrels…. They were forced to eat live frogs and worms. At the end of the “training” they didn’t care about anything, they went to combat and were completely numb. That youth survived only by a miracle and his personality was marred forever, as his children could tell.

  824. @Al Liguori

    The “too low tattoo numbers” argument has been debunked here:

    I would advise every would-be holocaust revisionist to first consult that website before making a blunder.

    • Replies: @HdC
    , @Al Liguori
    , @Han
  825. @Han

    More dimwitted moronicity from you. No surprise. Some of the junk which you’ve posted is apparently taken from this New York Times article:

    A look at the date shows March 24, 1917, long before the Bolsheviks took power in November. Lenin did not arrive back in Russia until April 16, 1917. Trotsky returned on May 17. Obviously, a statement by Stephen Wise expressing support for the February Revolution has nothing to do with Bolshevism at all. But a lying ideologue like you will just make stuff up.

    • Replies: @Han
  826. HdC says:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    Why would that be worthwhile?

    Does that site supply any authenticated verifiable forensic evidence in support of it’s holocost assertions???

    I’ve noticed that Mr Bahner still persists with his arm waving and caterwauling type of “evidence”.

    Why does he not simply dig out the evidence that complies with my very simple request above?

    Instead we get mindless repetition of drivel.

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: Al Liguori
    • Replies: @Franklin Ryckaert
  827. @Tiptoethrutulips

    I don’t have a stake in defending anyone’s sloppiness. But it should be noted that any would-be revisionist must plan on meeting a higher standard than orthodox history.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  828. @HdC

    For starters, try this:

    Most “revisionists” only repeat assertions that have been debunked already long ago.

    • Replies: @Al Liguori
    , @HdC
  829. @Patrick McNally

    It has been noted that a higher standard was met in determining the veracity of the six million gassed/burned/ripped-to-pieces myth.

    Orthodox Jewry = maniacal, vengeful retribution/domination as described in the OT and Talmud. And, as described by Barbara Spectre, ergo, Europeans resent Jews for their constant meddling and society transforming.

    Orthodox History = whatever the Jews claim, publish, project, as described in “Sophie’s Choice” and “Schindler’s List.”

    Would-Be Revisionists = historians, scholars, chemists, engineers, who upon pain of death, incarceration, and personal ruin, use their skills and plain common sense to figure things out.

    • Agree: John Wear
  830. John Wear says:

    You write about children from Thereisenstadt: “If they were not fit for work–for example, children under 12 years old or the elderly– they were murdered in the gas chambers at Birkenau.”

    My response: There were no homicidal gas chambers at Birkenau. Thus, we know this is not a true statement.

  831. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    As if a tribe of liars and murderers (John 8:44) gets to vet and veto the evidence against them? Only in a typically talmudic double-standard farce of “law.” Remember that the jews who ran Nuremberg said they didn’t need evidence and would not accept exonerating evidence. So talmudic. Nuremberg Trial Proceedings Vol. 1, Charter of the International Military Tribunal Article 19 Article 21

  832. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    Most “revisionists” only repeat assertions that have been debunked already long ago.

    No. Most HoloHoaxers only repeat assertions that have been debunked already long ago. See:

    • Replies: @Franklin Ryckaert
  833. @Al Liguori

    My friend, you do one thing and try to refute Himmler’s Posen Speeches, then come back:

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Al Liguori
  834. John Wear says:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    You write: “My friend, you do one thing and try to refute Himmler’s Posen Speeches, then come back:

    My response: Himmler’s Posen speech of October 4, 1943 has been called “the best evidence” to prove the Holocaust happened. (Source:

    Himmler stated in this speech:

    “I am referring here to the evacuation of the Jews, to the extermination of the Jewish people… it’s in our program, elimination of the Jews, extermination.” (Source:

    Most translations of Himmler’s Posen speech assume that the German word “ausrotten” means murder or extermination. David Irving, who is very fluent in the German language, testified at the second Ernst Zündel trial in 1988 that this is an incorrect translation of the word “ausrotten.” Irving testified:

    “There is no doubt that in modern Germany the word ausrotten now means murder. But we have to look at the meaning of the word ausrotten in the 1930s and 1940s, as used by those who wrote or spoke these documents. In the mouth of Adolf Hitler, the word ausrotten is never once used to mean murder, and I’ve made a study of that particular semantic problem. You can find document after document which Hitler himself spoke or wrote where the word ausrotten cannot possibly mean murder.” (Source: Kulaszka, Barbara (ed.), Did Six Million Really Die: Report of Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd., 1992, pp. 370f).

    Since Hitler never used the word “ausrotten” to mean murder, and since Hitler and Himmler spoke the same language, there is no reason to believe that Himmler was speaking about the murder of the Jews in his Posen speech.

    Other defenders of the Holocaust story assume that the Nazis used code words such as “special treatment” to hide their genocide of European Jewry. (For example, see

    This theory does not explain why the Nazis used explicit written orders for all of their other crimes. For example, Heinrich Himmler authorized in writing many illegal human medical experiments and executions in the German concentration camps. Adolf Hitler’s other crimes including the euthanasia program were all made in writing. It is absurd to think that only the genocide of European Jewry was hidden behind code words, while all other German war crimes were clearly stated in writing.

    • Thanks: Al Liguori
    • Replies: @Franklin Ryckaert
  835. @John Wear

    The ausrotten means to up-root i.e. “to resettle”- trick is sufficiently debunked in the linked Wikipedia article’s chapter Holocaust Denial, which I refer you to.

    If you talk about killing the Jewish women and children in order to avoid future revenge, then that means that the Jewish men were also killed and not only “up-rooted”. These whole speeches are about literally killing and not metaphorically. You could talk about ausrotten of an idea, then of course it doesn’t mean literally “to kill¨, but when you talk about ausrotten of people, then it can only mean literally “to kill”.

    If Himmler really would be talking only about “resettling” the Jews, then he wouldn’t bother to talk about how hard they had to be and wouldn’t talk about seeing thousands of corpses and still remaining hard.

    You have no defense, unless you now claim that the phonogram recordings were a forgery.

  836. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    My friend, you do one thing and try to refute Himmler’s Posen Speeches, then come back…

    What stereotypically haughty presumption for you to think it proper for you to assign me homework. I am not your shabbos goy. Besides, John Wear already burst your bubble about the Posen speeches.

    It is quite revealing that you obsess on your fantasy narrative of victimization, but never turn your lens upon the jewish nation. As a nation the jews formally declared global holy war on Germany in 1933 and killed millions in European revolutions, including the Berlin Spartacist revolution and the Bavarian Socialist Republic in Germany.

    What makes you think that a nation that killed over 60 million and declared global war should expect impunity for those crimes against humanity inspired by Judaism??? If anything, the jewish nation received far less justice than was—and still is—due.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  837. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    What rubbish. It is transparent that you are reduced to argument by assertion and repetition. John Wear well-demonstrated that you abused a century’s linguistic drift to put words in the mouth of Himmler. Procrustean of you.

    For at least two millennia the jews have embraced their Talmud’s example of lying victimhood. You get no traction with that trickery, lying “eyewitnesses,” faked photos, after-the-war “gas chambers,” and the rest of the lies that you, Bahner, and Chabad Fran proffer here.

    As I said, the jewish nation’s murder of millions and declaration of global holy war has not yet received the full measure of justice due. The jews are damn lucky that fewer than 130,000 of them died during a war they started.

    No amount of your desperate lying and Procrustean misinterpretation can undo the world’s awakening to jewish supremacism and crimes against humanity, including economic crimes against humanity. Let the real trials begin!

  838. HdC says:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    “…Most “revisionists” only repeat assertions that have been debunked already long ago…”.

    That may be your opinion or Projection.

    Methinks that the exact opposite is closer to the truth.

    Eg.: Why has no one ever produced any authenticated reproducible forensic evidence to support all the allegations of holocostianity?

  839. @Franklin Ryckaert

    Freeze: (note particularly 4; 5, a,b,c in “transitive verb” column)
    intransitive verb
    : to become congealed into ice by cold
    : to solidify as a result of abstraction of heat
    : to withstand freezing
    : to become chilled with cold
    : to adhere solidly by or as if by freezing
    : to become fixed or motionless
    especially : to become incapable of acting or speaking
    : to become clogged with ice

    transitive verb
    : to harden into ice
    : to convert from a liquid to a solid by cold
    : to make extremely cold : CHILL
    : to act on usually destructively by frost
    : to anesthetize by cold
    : to cause to grip tightly or remain in immovable contact
    : to cause to become fixed, immovable, unavailable, or unalterable
    freeze interest rates
    : to immobilize by governmental regulation the expenditure, withdrawal, or exchange of
    freeze foreign assets
    : to render motionless
    a fake froze the defender
    : to attempt to retain continuous possession of (a ball or puck) without an attempt to score usually in order to protect a small lead

    I think you get the point; the language/translation game is a slippery slope, especially if you’re not a native German speaker. I would think mass murder instructions require less ambiguous language; Germans aren’t known for superfluous, figurative, imprecise expression.

    I watched/translated many Hitler speeches on video; he wanted Zionist/communist/parasitic Jews and their supporters out of Germany. I think the French, today, would like the Africans/Middle Easterners out of France; what are they to do? Wait until every cathedral and museum has burned to the ground, along with thousands of French people? What is the appropriate manner of dealing with nation wrecking people?

    Do a bit of checking on the Versailles Treaty, and the treacherous manner in which it was made, and what it meant for the German people; check on the Balfour Declaration, which preceded the treaty; why was England haggling over Palestine while in the midst of a world war? Do you have any thoughts on that?

  840. John Wear says:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    You write: “You have no defense, unless you now claim that the phonogram recordings were a forgery.”

    My response: I don’t claim the recordings were a forgery.

    The following is a summary of David Irving’s testimony concerning Himmler’s Posen speeches at the 1988 Ernst Zündel trial in Toronto:

    “In October 1943, Heinrich Himmler, the chief of the SS, delivered two speeches, one to the SS generals and one to the Gauleiters – the Nazi party district chiefs, the governors of the districts.” Irving had examined the transcripts of the speech and other archival materials: “I looked at Heinrich Himmler’s handwritten notes on the basis of which he delivered those speeches, I looked at the typescript of the transcript made from the recording of the speeches, I looked at the final copy made that have typescript in the special large typewriter face that was used for Adolf Hitler to read, so the speeches exist in several copies and I understand that in the National Archives, there is also a sound recording of the two speeches.”

    “[In] both speeches which I referred to,” said Irving, “Heinrich Himmler made startling admissions to his very select audience which amounted to the fact that he was — he had given orders personally not only for the killing of certain Jewish men, but also for the killing of certain Jewish women and children and he tried to justify what he was doing, using, if I may say so, rather the same kind of language as [Israeli Prime Minister] Mr. Shamir now uses in the West Bank, saying that we have to carry out this task in order to be able to live in security in future. This was the language that Himmler used and I arrived at the very strange discovery when I looked at the transcript of both those speeches that those two pages had been retyped at some other date. I can’t say whether it was retyped before or after the bulk of the speech, but they had been typed by a different secretary on a different typewriter using different carbon paper. Obviously, you only discover this if you look at the original documents which the average historian is not patient enough to do. They had been retyped and they had been repaginated in pencil at that point and I have to say to preempt your question, I have no explanation why. It just raises the fact that a document — if a document has been retyped at a key point, then I hold that document to be suspect…”

    “In your research as a historian, asked [defense attorney Douglas] Christie, do you consider it likely that an enterprise of the magnitude of the extermination of the Jews of Europe could be accomplished by the people [Germans] knowing the way they conducted their business from their documents without the existence of explicit orders and plans?

    “Not only without existence of orders,” said Irving, “but also without the existence of any written reference to it. I have to say that the German wartime civil servant was basically a cowardly animal and he would not do something that he considered to be criminal without getting a document clearing himself. He would get his superior to write a letter saying, ‘On the Führer’s orders, we are doing the following’, which is why there are letters showing Himmler saying, ‘On the Führer’s orders, we are deporting the Jews.’ Which was the extent of the Führer’s orders and which was the extent, to my mind, of the final solution. So the documents don’t exist where you would expect to find them. Hitler’s other crimes, the documents are there: the euthanasia order, the order to kill British commandos, the orders to lynch American airmen, the orders for the killing of the male population of Stalingrad if ever they occupied it. Hitler’s other crimes, simple crimes, the documents are there where you expect to find them. And yet this biggest crime of all, there is no document…I think there would definitely have had to be orders and these orders would have been referred to in countless files of different ministerial bodies. So, it would have been impossible for these documents to have been destroyed at the end of the war. There would always be carbon copies somewhere.”

    The term ausrotten, said Christie, has been represented to mean ‘extermination’ in the literal sense. Have you examined that word in its context in the various speeches of Adolf Hitler?

    “I am very fluent in the German language, having lived in that country for a long time and having read, of course, millions of words in the German language in context,” said Irving. “There is no doubt that in modern Germany the word ausrotten now means murder. But we have to look at the meaning of the word ausrotten in the 1930s and the 1940s, as used by those who wrote or spoke these documents. In the mouth of Adolf Hitler, the word ausrotten is never once used to mean murder, and I’ve made a study of that particular semantic problem. You can find document after document which Hitler himself spoke or wrote where the word ausrotten cannot possibly mean murder. I can give one or two examples briefly. In August 1936, Hitler dictated the famous memorandum on the four year plan which contains the phrase ‘if the Bolsheviks succeed in entering Germany, it will lead to the ausrotten of the German people’. Now, clearly, he doesn’t mean that if the Bolsheviks invade Germany it will lead to the murder of 50 million Germans. He is saying it will lead to the end of Germany as a national state, as a power, as a factor, an end of the German people. He says the same to the Czechoslovakian President Emil Hácha, on March the 15th, 1939. Hácha has just signed away Czechoslovakia’s independence in a midnight session with Hitler and Hitler says to him afterwards, ‘It is a good thing that you signed because otherwise it would have meant the ausrotten of the Czechoslovakian people’. Hitler didn’t mean, ‘If you hadn’t signed, I would have had to kill 8 million Czechs.’ What he is saying [is], ‘If you hadn’t signed, I would have ended Czechoslovakia’s existence as a separate country.’ There are various other examples of that and I defy anybody to find the meaning of the word differently used by Adolf Hitler to mean the word ‘murder’. This is the kind of analysis which unfortunately the academic historians have not bothered to conduct.” (Source: Kulaszka, Barbara, (ed.), Did Six Million Really Die: Report of Evidence in the Canadian “False News” Trial of Ernst Zündel, Toronto: Samisdat Publishers Ltd., 1992, pp. 369-371).

    I hope this helps you understand that Himmler’s Posen speeches do not prove that the “Holocaust” happened.

    • Replies: @Franklin Ryckaert
  841. @John Wear

    The question is not whether Hitler often used the term ausrotten in a metaphorical sense or not, the question is whether HIMMLER used that term IN HIS POSEN SPEECHES in a metaphorical or literal sense. To answer that question one has to look at the CONTEXT. If the context is all about literal killing, then here too ausrotten literally means killing. So let’s look at the context.

    Himmler mentions the action of June 30, which is the Night of the Long Knives, which is about LITERAL KILLING. Then he mentions seeing thousands of corpses on the road and still remaining “decent”, which is also about LITERAL KILLING.

    His second Posen speech is even more explicit:

    “…I ask of you that that which I say to you in this circle be really only heard and not ever discussed. We were faced with the question: what about the women and children? – I decided to find a clear solution to this problem too. I did not consider myself justified to exterminate the men – in other words, TO KILL THEM OR HAVE THEM KILLED and allow the avengers of our sons and grandsons in the form of their children to grow up. The difficult decision had to be made to have this people DISAPPEAR FROM THE EARTH.

    You really must be utterly deluded (or utterly dishonest) to attach any “metaphorical” sense to these words. It is literally about EXTERMINATION, not “resettlement”.

    See the video with Himmler’s voice and text in German with English translation:

  842. John Wear says:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    You write: “You really must be utterly deluded (or utterly dishonest) to attach any “metaphorical” sense to these words. It is literally about EXTERMINATION, not “resettlement”.”

    My response: A mass extermination program to kill millions of Jews would have had to come from an order directly from Adolf Hitler. Yet, no such order exists.

    Originally, the Holocaust story assumed that Germany had a plan or program for exterminating the Jews. In the 1961 edition of his book “The Destruction of European Jews”, Raul Hilberg wrote that in 1941 Hitler issued two orders for the extermination of the Jews. However, even though the Allies captured most of Germany’s government and concentration camp records intact, no order or plan has ever been found to exterminate European Jewry.

    In the revised 1985 edition of Hilberg’s book, all references to such extermination orders from Hitler were removed. Exterminationist historian Christopher Browning, in a review of the revised edition of “The Destruction of European Jews”, wrote: “In the new edition, all references in the text to a Hitler decision or Hitler order for the ‘Final Solution’ have been systematically excised. Buried at the bottom of a single footnote stands the solitary reference: ‘Chronology and circumstances point to a Hitler decision before the summer ended.’ In the new edition, decisions were not made and orders were not given.”

    When asked in 1983 how the extermination of European Jewry took place without an order, Raul Hilberg replied:

    “What began in 1941 was a process of destruction not planned in advance, not organized centrally by any agency. There was no blueprint and there was no budget for destructive measures. They were taken step by step, one step at a time. Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out, but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus–mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy.” (Source: De Wan, George, “The Holocaust in Perspective,” Newsday: Long Island, NY, Feb. 23, 1983, Part II, p. 3).

    On January 16, 1985, under cross-examination at the first Ernst Zündel trial in Toronto, Raul Hilberg confirmed that he said these words. Thus, Hilberg stated that the genocide of European Jewry was not carried out by a plan or order, but rather by an incredible mind reading among far-flung German bureaucrats.

    Other historians have acknowledged that no document of a plan by Germany to exterminate European Jewry has ever been found. In his well-known book on the Holocaust, French-Jewish historian Leon Poliakov stated that “…the campaign to exterminate the Jews, as regards its conception as well as many other essential aspects, remains shrouded in darkness.” Poliakov added that no documents of a plan for exterminating the Jews have ever been found because “perhaps none ever existed.”

    British historian Ian Kershaw stated that when the Soviet archives were opened in the early 1990s: “Predictably, a written order by Hitler for the ‘Final Solution’ was not found. The presumption that a single, explicit written order had ever been given had long been dismissed by most historians.”

    Many defenders of the Holocaust story claim that the Wannsee conference held on January 20, 1942, was the start of a program to systematically exterminate Europe’s Jews. The documentary evidence of this meeting shows that no extermination program existed; instead, the German policy was to evacuate the Jews to the East. Israeli Holocaust historian Yehuda Bauer has declared, “The public still repeats, time after time, the silly story that at Wannsee the extermination of the Jews was arrived at.”

    Likewise, Israeli Holocaust historian Leni Yahil has stated regarding the Wannsee conference, “[I]t is often assumed that the decision to launch the Final Solution was taken on this occasion, but this is not so.…”

    For anyone wanting to read a more complete analysis of the Wannsee Conference, I recommend my article at

    So, absent an order from Hitler, we are supposed to believe that the “Holocaust” is proven based on two Posen speeches from Heinrich Himmler. This is total nonsense. Himmler did not have the authority to execute a program of genocide against the Jews without express approval from Hitler.

    You might want to read the article at for a more thorough understanding of Himmler’s Posen speeches. Among other things, you might consider the following paragraph in this article:

    “In 1993, Robert Wolfe, supervisory archivist for captured German records at the National Archives admitted that a more precise translation of Ausrottung would be extirpation or tearing up by the roots. Wolfe also pointed out that in Himmler’s handwritten notes for the speech, that Himmler used the term, Judenevakuierung, or evacuation of the Jews, not extermination.”

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: Al Liguori
    • Replies: @Franklin Ryckaert
  843. @Franklin Ryckaert

    I read/heard the video in entirety. I disagree with your interpretation.

    I noticed the use of “Ausschaltung,” which means switching off/turning off or elimination of competition; elimination of poverty. I found no equivalency to murder.

    The June 30 event was an uprising, yes? An uprising of civilian combatants? The German soldiers suffered to quell this uprising of civilians, which must have included women and teenagers? And, the German soldiers must do it again “if it were necessary?” The question of “if necessary” implies no standing order for genocide, in my opinion. American soldiers express anguish when schools/churches full of children are used by enemy combatants for cover as part of strategy; what is the alternative for defense in that situation?

    In one breath Himmler speaks of Jewish evacuation, then immediately suggests “extermination” rather than the claimed use of “Ausrottung” as removal/uprooting? His following statements clearly suggest/refer to that which is being said about what is happening and/or the accusations of what is happening, as in “one of those things that is easily said; ha! a small matter.”

    He then speaks to the difficulty of average people reconciling the personal affection they have for people living amongst them as neighbors, but also recognizing their neighbors as enemies or potential enemies. (We still attempt this reconciliation today).

    Himmler speaks of the difficulties of soldiers remaining steadfast in the presence of dead/dying, all within the context of the uprising or the partisan (?) casualties. No mention or inference to mass murder.

    Himmler then describes many Jews as “secret saboteurs, agitators and instigators,” who, if residing within Germany/German territory, otherwise increase the burdens of war.

    He then admonishes German soldiers for seeking personal monetary gain from confiscated goods/property, on pain of death or severe punishment. (But, mass murder/child killing is OK?)

    He says “we will kill the people who would kill us.” This implies retaliation, not mass murder/genocide.

    Then “Bazillus ausrotten” appears; translated as “exterminate the bacillus” lest Germany becomes sick and dies from the same bacillus. This is, in fact, figurative language, which you know darn well could aptly be translated as “root out or remove.” Nice try.

    Even if we accept the translation as “killing,” killing bacterium is an allegory for ridding oneself of that which makes you sick, a germ or infection, or behaviors, which fits with his statement of Germans refraining from following the same patters of behavior, greed, etc., and becoming that which is destructive. I see no mass murder/genocide aspect to this allegory.

    • Agree: Al Liguori, John Wear
  844. @John Wear

    The argument that no written order from Hitler for the extermination of the Jews exists, and that therefore such a policy didn’t exist is dealt with here:

    Briefly, after the popular resistance against Hitler’s euthanasia program, for which he had issued a written order, Hitler refrained from writing down an order for the extermination of the Jews and decided to proceed as much secretly as possible. He continued BTW with the euthanasia program but also secretly.

    Orders to that effect were given orally. Eichman himself described that. From the above given link:

    “…Adolf Eichmann wrote in his memoirs about the oral transmission of Nazi command: “Around the end of 1941 or the beginning of 1942 Heydrich, the Chief of the SIPO [Security Police] and SD [Security Service], told me in conversation that the Führer had ordered the physical destruction of the Jewish opponent.”[6] Eichmann asked for no written order. Hitler’s wish, as expressed through Himmler and Heydrich, was good enough for him…”

    Raul Hilberg’s description of the process is a clumsy way of mentioning what nowadays is called “functionalism” i.e. the Holocaust was not the execution of a long before hatched plan but a series of ad hoc decisions dependent on the political and military situation. The original plan was emigration to whatever country was willing to accept the Jews. About half of all German Jews used that opportunity.When no more countries were willing to accept Jews, the Nazis decided to create a special country for the Jews, first in Madagascar then in Palestine. When that was not possible it was decided to resettle the Jews in the to be conquered Soviet Union, but with the conquest of Poland the great number of Jews made that impractical. Thus a genocidal “final solution”was taken.

    That happened before the Wannsee conference, which was not about that decision but about the practical execution of that decision. Terms like “resettlement” and “special treatment” were code words for sending to a deathcamp and gassing respectively. Nevertheless even the coded language of the Wannsee Protocol talks about the need to kill those who survived the harsh labor in order to avoid revenge by later generations of Jews.

    In his Posen speech Himmler himself paraphrases the term Evakuierung, with Ausrottung. Furthermore he uses terms like Totschlagen “to kill” (literally “to beat to death”) and talks about to make the Jews “disappear from the earth”.

    How more explicit do you want it to be?

    If you still maintain your position, I will say: “There is no deception possible without self-deception”. Good luck with that!

    • Thanks: kb_2
  845. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    “…To answer that question one has to look at the CONTEXT.”

    Especially in the face of John Wear’s deconstruction of your Procrustean abuse of ausrotten and your abuse of linguistic drift, your “context” special pleading is laughable —AND— so typical of jewish lies that Michael Hoffman’s deconstruction of the jewish misuse of “context” applies:

    the rabbis’ “context” deceit

    “‘Context’ is everything for the defenders of the Talmud. Fair enough. But by ‘context’ they do not mean taking into account the surrounding text, but rather submitting to Judaism’s own narrative about itself, which includes how it presents problem texts to non-Judaic audiences…. The rabbis even deny in many cases that there is a plain meaning…. It is enough that [the rabbi] states it and gentiles believe it; anything else is ‘antisemitic.’ This pattern of intimidation and thought control is repeated with monotonous effect, by thought cops and apologists for Judaism. It is a stock response intended to frighten off the opposition, premised mainly on the moral authority of the declarative sentences used by the ‘expert’ on Judaism. Debate (‘polemic’) on the part of informed skeptics is not permitted, since it constitutes the ‘misuse’ of a scholar’s knowledge of rabbinic texts. Debating tactics and polemical tools are reserved solely for rabbis and their allies, along with just a dash of permissible dissimulation to leaven the burden of swallowing the pottage. And when deception and ‘out of context’ statements serve to advance Judaism, they are all well and good….”

    Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition, and Deceit. ISBN 13: 9780970378453 pages 137-138

  846. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    I see that you still hope that critics get lost in the weeds of your dissimulation. I see that you still hope to avoid the key question:

    What are the just desserts for a nation that murders millions in revolutions, connives the death of other millions in world wars, and actually is the first to declare a world war?

    The answer to that question cuts through all the lies of the HoloHoaxers. The nation that directly and indirectly instigated and perpetrated the deaths of about ¼ BILLION gentiles in the 20th century has received barely a fraction of the justice due.

  847. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Patrick McNally says:

    “More dimwitted moronicity from you. No surprise. Some of the junk which you’ve posted is apparently taken from this New York Times article:
    Obviously, a statement by Stephen Wise expressing support for the February Revolution has nothing to do with Bolshevism at all. But a lying ideologue like you will just make stuff up.”

    LOL, Patrick McNally aka Shlomo Slimestein! Nice try, again. Of course, you would say that. You are so predictable.


    On 27th February 1917, the Petrograd Soviet was formed in Russia, The very next day, a delegation went to see the Tsar and military commanders asked him to abdicate the throne. The Tsar abdicated the throne on 2nd March.



    SHAFAREVICH was a leading dissident during the final decades of Soviet rule. A prominent human rights activist, he was a founding member of the Committee on the Defense of Human Rights in the USSR.

    In a recently published book about the Jews in Russia during the 20th century, RUSSIAN-BORN JEWISH WRITER SONYA MARGOLINA goes so far as to call the JEWISH ROLE IN SUPPORTING THE BOLSHEVIK REGIME THE “HISTORIC SIN OF THE JEWS.”

    She points, for example, to the prominent role of Jews as commandants of Soviet Gulag concentration and labor camps, and the role of Jewish Communists in the systematic destruction of Russian churches.

    Moreover, she goes on, “THE JEWS OF THE ENTIRE WORLD SUPPORTED SOVIET POWER, and remained silent in the face of any criticism from the opposition.”

    In light of this record, MARGOLINA offers a grim prediction: THE EXAGGERATEDLY ENTHUSIASTIC PARTICIPATION OF THE JEWISH BOLSHEVIKS in the subjugation and destruction of Russia IS A SIN THAT WILL BE AVENGED.

    Soviet power will be equated with Jewish power, and the furious hatred against the Bolsheviks will become hatred against Jews.

    I can’t wait for the day for that SIN to be avenged.

    There is overwhelming evidence that YOUR Rabbi Wise was a Communist and with other Jews supported and financed the JEWISH BOLSHVIK REVOLUTION destroyed Russian and murdered millions of Russians.

    YOU: “But a lying ideologue like you will just make stuff up.”

    Common, Patrick McNally aka Shlomo Slimestein, PLEASE, SHOW ME WHERE I “JUST MAKE THINGS UP”.

    We all know who the “LYING IDEOLOGUE” on this thread is, don’t we, Shlomo Slimestein?
    Please, do keep us entertained with your Lies and Deceit.

    “The art of telling a sustained lie requires a great deal of daily practice.” —Fyodor Dostoevsky

    • Agree: Al Liguori
  848. Han says:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    Franklin Ryckaert says:

    “I would advise every would-be holocaust revisionist to first consult that website before making a blunder.”

    The one BLUNDERING is clearly YOU by believing the BS on ‘Holocaust Controversies’.

    For instance: 18. ANNE FRANK DIARY.

    “Short debunking: the diary was extensively forensically tested by the Netherlands Forensic Institute and is undoubtedly genuine.”

    “Further comments: a very detailed summary of the forensic testing of the diary by the Netherlands Forensic Institute was published in The Diary of Anne Frank: The Revised Critical Edition (issued by the Netherlands Institute for War Documentation).”

    SHOCK, HORROR… Franklin Ryckaert…


    Finally, the long-time fraud of Anne Frank’s diary was publicly admitted by the Anne Frank Foundation. Anne Frank’s diary was co-authored by her father and thus the credibility of the diary ultimately comes to an end.



    In 1944 he succeeded in enthusing Minister Gerrit Bolkestein of Education, Dutch government in exile in London, for his plan to set up a government institute after the war to document war events in the Netherlands.

    From 1960 to 1965 Dr. Lou de Jong provided the series ‘De Bezetting’ (‘The Occupation’) for Dutch television, with four broadcasts a year. He presented this series himself, except in the second season when Pier Tania replaced him due to illness. Thanks to this television series, the events of the years 1940-1945, which had been suppressed during the reconstruction in the post-war years, received wide attention for the first time.

    I, as a keen student of World War II, watched the whole series in the 1960s (from a Jewish perspective, of course!) on Dutch TV.

    No wonder that I was so pro-Jewish, like most Dutch still are, completely brainwashed if not braindead by Jewish Propaganda.
    I always wanted to work in a kibbutz and even wanted to fight for Israel in the Six Day War in 1967.

    My Jewish blinkers, however, came off because of the 1967 War and for the first I was confronted with the plight of the Palestinians. I quickly changed sides, became anti-Israel and pro-Palestinian and have been ever since.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  849. Han says:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    #846 Franklin Ryckaert says:

    “The ausrotten means to up-root i.e. “to resettle”- trick is sufficiently debunked in the linked Wikipedia article’s chapter Holocaust Denial, which I refer you to.”

    REALLY?… World War II has changed the meaning of the German word “ausrotten”.

    It was DELIBERATELY MISTRANSLATED by the JEWS and their Attack Dogs: US, USSR and UK.
    The word “ausrotten” now means “killing Jews”. IT DID NOT BEFORE WORLD WAR II.

    In German: “Aus” = out. “Rotte” = mob, gang, horde, etc.

    English translation of ’Rotte’:
    gang; (bei Jugendorganisation) troop; (Mil) rank; (Mil Aviat, Mil Naut) pair (of planes/ships operating together); (von Hunden etc) pack; (Hunt: von Sauen) herd, sounder (spec)

    I do speak Dutch and German and “Oprotten” in Dutch = “Go away!”
    Same in German: “Ausrotten” = “Go away!”

    Dutch and Germans would use the words “Oprotten” and “Ausrotten” if they wanted a crowd/mob to disperse.

    They would use the words “Doden” and “Töten” if they wanted to kill the crowd/mob.

    Your name ‘Ryckaert’ is a Dutch/Flemish name. If you still happen to speak Dutch then you will know the meaning of the words “oprotten” and “ausrotten”.

    YOU: “… Wikipedia article’s chapter Holocaust Denial which I refer you to.”

    How can you be so gullible to believe Wikipedia, edited by the Jews, on Holocaust Denial?

    Wikipedia is edited by the Jews:

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: Tiptoethrutulips
  850. Han says:
    @Franklin Ryckaert

    A speech given by SS Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler at Posen in Poland during October 1943 is also widely claimed to be “evidence” of the Holocaust. This speech, which was captured on tape, contains the following comments, transcribed here first in German and then in the English translation:

    “Ich meine jetzt die judenevakuierung, die Ausrottung des jüdische Volkes. Es gehört zu den Dingen, die man leicht ausspricht. ‘Das jüdische Volk wird ausgerottet,’ sagt ein jeder Parteigenosse, ‘ganz klar, steht in unserem Programm, Ausschaltung der juden, Ausrottung, machen wir.’”

    “I am thinking now of the evacuation of the Jews, the extirpation of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that’s easy to say: ‘The Jewish people will be extirpated,’ says every Party comrade, ‘that’s quite clear, it’s in our program: elimination of the Jews, extirpation; that’s what we’re doing’”—

    Speech of Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler at Posen, October 4, 1943, Document No. 1919-PS, Nuremberg Trial records.

    As with Hitler’s Reichstag speech, the meaning of Himmler’s Posen speech turns on the English meaning of the German word “ausrottung.”


    There are a number of examples of other public utterances by Hitler in particular where he used the word “ausrottung” with reference to people—and these cases have never been taken to mean murder.
    For example, in August 1936, Hitler dictated a famous memorandum on Germany’s four-year rearmament program, which contains the phrase “if the Bolsheviks succeed in entering Germany, it will lead to the ausrottung of the German people” (Akten zur deutschen auswärtigen Politik 1918–1945, “Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918–1945,” series E, 1933-1937, Vol. V, 2. Goettingen, 1977).

    This clearly does not mean that if the Bolsheviks invaded Germany it would lead to the murder of all 50 million Germans. What Hitler said in that memorandum was that the entry of the Bolsheviks would lead to the end of Germany as a national state and an end of the German people.

    Hitler also used the phrase to the president of Czechoslovakia, Emil Hácha, on March 15, 1939.
    Hácha had just signed the document which led to the German occupation of the Sudentenland, and Hitler said to the Czech president that “It is a good thing that you signed because otherwise it would have meant the ausrottung of the Czechoslovakian people.”

    It has never been taken to mean that Hitler told Hácha that a failure to sign the document would mean the murder of all 8 million Czechs, merely that Czechoslovakia would cease to exist.

    It is therefore, a deliberate misinterpretation on the part of the Holocaust storytellers to automatically take the word “ausrottung” to mean extermination.

    Himmler’s own handwritten notes of his 1943 Posen speech confirm this as well: although he used the word “ausrottung” in the oral presentation, this part of the speech in his notes was marked as “judenevakuierung,” which translates as “Jewish evacuation.”

    Despite the Holocaust storytellers’ best efforts, therefore, NO DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE has ever been produced showing senior NAZI leadership orders FOR ANY MASS EXTERMINATION POLICY.

    In late 2013, Himmler’s personal correspondence “emerged” from the hands of a private collector in Israel.
    The announcement that his personal papers had been “found” provoked numerous articles in the media hoping that there would be some sort of “confession” or at least a reference to the “mass extermination” program attributed to the SS—but these hopes were rudely dashed when the letters were shown to contain not a single word about mass-murders or gassing.

    On the contrary, the personal correspondence of the leader of the SS in fact underlined the NAZI POLICY OF FORCING THE JEWS TO LEAVE GERMANY.

    The International Tracing Service (ITS), situated in Bad Arolsen, Germany, is an internationally governed center for documentation, information and research on displaced persons, forced labor and the “Holocaust,” compiled from records all across Europe, run by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

    The archive contains about 30 million documents from concentration camps, details of forced labor, and files on displaced persons. Because it contains all the German records, it is regarded as the most significant collection of documents related to all aspects of the NAZI era, holding 25 kilometers of papers which include hand-typed lists of Jews, homosexuals, and other groups detained in the camps, files on children born in the NAZI Lebensborn program, and, most importantly, registers of arrivals and departures from concentration camps.

    When it was announced in 2007 that the Bad Arolsen archives were to be opened to the public for the first time since the war, mass media reports crowed that this would finally “lift the lid” on the “mass extermination” and “gassing” program.

    Once again, just like the Himmler letters, the Holocaust storytellers were deeply disappointed.

    According to ITC spokeswoman, Kathrin Flor, as quoted in a Reuters interview, “Only natural causes of death are recorded—heart failure or pneumonia. THERE’S NO MENTION OF GASSING” -“German Holocaust Archive in Bad Arolsen to Open Fully to Public,” Reuters, 04/03/2013

    • Agree: John Wear
  851. Han says:


    Franklin Ryckaert#racist

    Old comment by Lucilius, 10 years ago #1527353

    “S’true! Other people move their mouths when they talk, but Franklin here is so racially distinct that he manages to speak using only his asshole.”

    Why I am an Anti-Semite — by Franklin Ryckaert, July 12, 2014

    What happened Franklin Ryckaert? Got a better offer?…

  852. @Al Liguori

    > As a nation the jews formally declared global holy war on Germany in 1933

    This is certainly one of the silliest arguments that has ever been put in print. It would be much more valid to argue that Osama bin Laden’s fatwa of 1998 represented a formal declaration of global holy war by Muslims against the West. Yet most people, including many 911truthers, would maintain that this is not grounds for seeing all Muslims through the same lens as Osama. With regards to events in 1933, Samuel Untermeyer was repeatedly frustrated by the fact that most Jews and liberals alike thought that his rhetoric was premature. They generally accepted more of a need to try dealing with the new German government before raising too many heckles. Besides that, Osama had a lot of experienced fighters who been involved in real wars in Afghanistan and Bosnia. Untermeyer didn’t have those kinds of resources. Grynszpan was perhaps the closest that anyone ever got to that before 1939.

  853. @Han


    Another silly ideologue. The February Revolution caught everyone by surprise because no one believed it could happen so easily.

    “The collapse of the Romanov autocracy in March 1917 was one of the most leaderless, spontaneous, anonymous revolutions of all time. While almost every thoughtful observer in Russia in the winter of 1916-1917 foresaw the likelihood of the crash of the existing regime no one, even among the revolutionary leaders, realized that the strikes and bread riots which broke out in Petrograd on March 8 would culminate in the mutiny of the garrison and the overthrow of the government four days later.”
    — Chamberlin, The Russian Revolution, Volume 1, p. 73, Universal Library Edition, 1935.

    “On March 8 [new style] the soldiers’ wives, mothers and sisters unwittingly ignited the February Revolution with the simple spark of an innocuous Petrograd procession to mark International Women’s Day. That innocent procession bred a spate of ill-planned strikes by 90,000 workers the next day. Although revolutionary committees and police planning teams had been preparing for this moment for years, with both sides intent on improving their 1905 performances, their blueprints and timetables for carefully calculated movements and actions did not take into account the emotion of the mounted Cossacks … when ordered to stampede through 2,500 Erikson millworkers on the cold morning of 10 March 1917. First with a wink, then with a smile, the Cossacks signalled the crowd that they would neither attack the workers nor flagrantly disobey their officers.”
    — Jamie Bisher, White Terror, p. 30.

    But, of course, a conman like you now has to try to claim that the February Revolution was just obviously so indistinguishable from the October Revolution that any statement by Stephen Wise in support of one is akin to the other. That’s just an attempted manipulation of the facts on your part.

    • Replies: @Han
  854. HdC says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You wrote: “…As a nation the jews formally declared global holy war on Germany in 1933

    This is certainly one of the silliest arguments that has ever been put in print…”.

    Fact remains that international newspaper headlines declared in 1933:

    “Judea Declares War Against Germany”. Silly argument? Sounds like Monday morning quarterbacking by yourself.

    Notice it didn’t say boycott which would have been bad enough.

    Further, combine the foregoing with these inventions of sick Jewish minds:

    “Germany Must Perish”, and “The Morgenthau Plan”, perhaps the Germans had good reason to try and get rid of that group of pernicious people in their midst who, as a group favoured communism, espionage, sabotage, currency and food stamp fraud, etc. etc.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  855. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Patrick McNally

    Your assessment is as fatuous as it is ahistorical. Following the Jews’ 1933 declaration of global holy war on Germany, the imposed boycotts and economic sanctions destroyed Weimar Germany. Germans who didn’t die of starvation from the Jewish economic crimes against humanity suffered depredation such as you have never suffered. …but be patient because you will certainly get your turn due to the engineered collapse of the banksters’ Ponzi scheme economy. You have been looted and you will suffer long enough to eat your words.

    The only stupidity on this matter is your gratuitous and ignorant denial of what Germans suffered as a result of the Jewish malevolence.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  856. Al Liguori says: • Website

    Agree 100%! “Patrick McNally”??? Yeah, right. A true Irishman would have something more cogent to say than the ritualistic (((name-calling))). “McNally” pfffttt! Tell us another funny one.

    • Thanks: Han
  857. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Shalom, Shlomo Slimestein!

    You write:

    Another silly ideologue. The February Revolution caught everyone by surprise because no one believed it could happen so easily.

    “But, of course, a conman like you now has to try to claim that the February Revolution was just obviously so indistinguishable from the October Revolution that any statement by Stephen Wise in support of one is akin to the other. That’s just an attempted manipulation of the facts on your part.”

    You still don’t believe that YOUR Rabbi Stephen Wise, just like all the other Jews, was a Communist? LOL! I do find your comments highly entertaining!

    “IGOR SHAFAREVICH – Another silly ideologue. But, of course, a conman like you…”

    YOU: “The collapse of the Romanov autocracy in March 1917 was one of the most leaderless, spontaneous, anonymous revolutions of all time.” That is UTTER BS to be expected from you.



    Revolutions, Tyrants & Wars need finance and support in order to succeed. Who is behind the major conflagrations which have plagued mankind particularly during the last centuries.
    Are sinister forces working behind the scenes to achieve their Hegelian synthesis and to bring about a new order of things?

  858. @Han

    From Romanov Royal Martyrs:

    “In addition to traces of bullets and blood found in the cellar room of the Ipatiev house, where the murder of the Romanov family took place, the investigators discovered various graffities on the wallpaper. Some of them were insults against the Romanov family and obviously written before the murder, when the room hosted red guards of the Ipatiev house. Others were drawings showing Rasputin and the Tsarina in obscene postures.

    The following words were also found on a wall of the cellar room:

    “Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht / Von seinen Kuechter umgebracht”
    translated in English: “Balthazar was, on the same night, killed by his slaves”.

    These are lines adapted from the poem “Balthazar,” by the German-Jewish poet Heinrich Heine (1797-1856). The poem, which has a biblical inspiration, evokes the story of the last king of Babylon: Balthazar. The latter had shown his profanity during a dinner by using holy vessels from Jerusalem’s temple. Then, the dinner was interrupted by a hand which appeared and wrote on the wall these words: “Mané”, “Thécel”, “Pharès”.

    Prophet Daniel, called to decipher it, understood these words as the next judgment of king Balthazar and the conquest of his kingdom. In fact, the same night, Balthazar was killed by his own men and the kingdom conquered by Cyrus.

    The German rendition of “Balthazar” is “Belsazar” without “t”. The addition of this “t” reveals the word “Tzar” (Belsatzar) and, thus, Heine’s poem then takes a strong meaning in this place.

    The question as to who could have written these words remains unanswered. The person who did it must have been educated and had known the German language well.

    Later, near the windows of the cellar room, Nikolai Sokolov during his investigations also found these words: “’24678 rous. of the year’ ‘year 1918’ ‘148467878 r’s ‘878888’ and ‘polouverchok’s” as well as some signs/symbols on the left side. Numerous attempts were made to decipher these signs without success. For example, in 1923, a man called Enel wrote in a book that these mysterious signs were secret Persian characters meaning: “Here, through secret forces, the Czar has been offered in sacrifice so that his country be destroyed. All peoples are informed of this event.”

    What’s that old saying? Scratch a liar, find a ….…Jew?

    There was a time when I thought Jews may have been unjustifiably cast as scapegoats for European conflicts. Cursory reviews of non-mainstream sources reveal an undeniable pattern; of course, most revealing and my preferred sources, are from the Rabbis themselves; over and over, they reveal their plans and designs for the “cattle.” I am astonished that so many people refuse to believe what they say.

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Patrick McNally
  859. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Patrick McNally

    So, in trying to draw a parallel with your “all Muslims” silliness, you implicitly invoke the rabbis’ standard “all Jews” straw man ploy, but that declaration of war came not from one crackpot Yid as you claim, but from the jewish nation, “Judea,” from world jewry.

    To repeat—the 1933 declaration of war was an official declaration of the jewish nation. It came from world jewry via the World Jewish Congress —and— far from being “repeatedly frustrated,” Untermeyer***, the spokesman for world jewry succeeded in drawing sufficiently powerful worldwide jewish action against the Germans that Germans starved to death. ***More on Untermeyer’s other successes in my following post.

    There was no matching outcry against the World jewish Congress. There was no matching outcry against Untermeyer himself. Perhaps historical authorities such as John Wear have unearthed a few objections from individual jews, but I have never found even a single instance of a Yid objecting to their nation‘s declaration of global holy war against Germany.

    The fact that this was a national declaration by jews is key to understanding that the jews received —and still receive— far less justice than they deserve. I say the jews are damn lucky that fewer than 130,000 of them died in a war that they started.

    Your laughable pleading for Untermeyer comes nearly a century too late for credibility, just like contemporary jewish denial of ownership of Judeo-Communism comes nearly a century too late. The evidence contemporary to the declaration shows that the jewish nation embraced the global holy war, just as evidence contemporary to the deadly jewish revolutions incontrovertibly documents that Communist-perpetrated genocide was jew-perpetrated genocide.

    As a Yid, You own it. Recall the baraita from the Bavli, Shevuot 39a: כל ישראל אחים זה עם זה “the entire Jewish people are brothers responsible for one anothereven across time, “subsequent generations” the nation is due punishment, even “including the death penalty.” (!!!) “” Citing Osee (Hosea) 4:203, the baraita states that “the nation mourns and everyone who dwells within [the nation] languishes.” What part of “everyone” don’t you understand? You, sorry Yid, are convicted by your own [literally] God damned “Torah.”

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  860. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Patrick McNally

    Text of Samuel Untermeyer’s “Sacred War” Speech, August 7, 1933—download here: Samuel Untermeyer’s 1933 World Jewish Committee speech on behalf of the jewish nation declaring “holy war” on Germany was broadcast on WABC, published first in the New York Times, and then around the world. World Jewry brayed what a success their “holy war” was until the declared internal enemies of Germany were incarcerated. Numerous supportive references are available. Shall I cite them?

    Typical for the Judaized Wikipedia, the entry on Untermeyer discusses his gardening, but doesn’t mention that on behalf of the jewish nation Untermeyer was the spokesman for world jewry in declaring World War 2 in 1933 (!!!) as a “holy war” of World Jewry against Germany. Neither does Wikipedia mention that Untermeyer (along with Bernard Baruch) was behind the Scofield Concordance that afflicted the world with the scourge of “Christian” Zionism. Wikipedia offers a one-liner mentioning Untermeyer’s occultism, albeit claiming “corroborating evidence remains nebulous.” Expectedly, the evidence of Untermeyer’s ritual satanism is not at all nebulous and explains the role of Untermeyer as Satan’s warmonger. As a Rothschild agent, Untermeyer blackmailed President Woodrow Wilson for a sexual affair to force his support of the Rothschild’s “Federal” Reserve Bank and the USA’s entry into World War 1—a blood sacrifice to Satan of 35 million Gentiles killed—and World War 2—an even greater blood sacrifice of 60 to 80 million Gentiles. What other Jew can lay claim for so many dead Gentiles?

    Lastly, Yid, I am amused by your phrase “before raising too many heckles.” You reveal that you are unlikely to be a native English speaker. To confuse “heckles” for “hackles” is no mere typo, but a reveal that you are just another JIDF employee. You are no more “Patrick McNally” than I am “Rabbi Shekelstein.”

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  861. Derer says:
    @Mark Bahner

    The civil vs criminal litigation is an American specialty, to create employment for the largest number of parasitic “legal” professionals in the world in absolute term and in smallest number of people per one lawyer. Why do you need two trials when both are conducted under the highly corrupt system. Who killed Nicole Brown?

  862. anon[364] • Disclaimer says:

    the composer of Take It to the Limit died yesterday iirc. randy meisner. age 77.

    this song explains the holocaust.

    explains the holocaust.

    they (the nazis) took it to the limit.

    they (the nazis) realized germany would lose and they were dead men walking when the US made it a world war.

    once more i will be a prophet…

    …and he was.

    • Replies: @Han
  863. Derer says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Never mind individual cases, I can give you many cases where victim was not Shlomo. The big question is why is the total poorly estimated number 10x greater than the real number.

  864. Derer says:
    @jorge videla

    I would add no. 3 motivation of holocaust denial:

    3. World Jewish population in 1939 estimated at 11 584 000 and 1945 at 11 000 000.

    PS: Jewish pop (1880) 7 800 000 and (2023) 16 000 000.
    Pre-war 1939/1880 +48% (over 59 years) subject to poor medicine, influenza, WWI, Hitler factor
    Post-war 2023/1945 +45% (over 78 years) better medicine, no WW, no Hitler

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
    , @Derer
  865. S says:


    Two future British prime ministers, Benjamin Disraeli in his 1843 novel Coningsby, which can be found free online, and the then British Foreign Secretary Lord Palmerston in the front page lead story of an 1846 edition of The Spectator of London, excerpted and linked below, indicate the possibility of foreknowledge on their part, if not their potential direct involvement in the actual foreplanning of the Revolutions of 1848, which historically have been seen to have started in France in February of that year.

    ‘A dark intrigue is seen in every region…You would think there was going to be instant war—in Italy, in Schleswig, in Switzerland, in Poland—everywhere.’


    The Spectator (Nov 21, 1846)

    ‘THE most striking occurrence of the week is not an event, but some writing, highly Palmerstonian in its savour. According to this characteristic effusion, all Europe is about to be in commotion. A dark intrigue is seen in every region, with France at the bottom of it all…Too true, indeed. It is an extraordinary coincidence, that no sooner does Lord Palmerston return to office, than this universal conspiring reappears.’

    ‘Perhaps there is something really the matter, though not abroad. The suspicion of being the object for universal conspiracy is one trait of madness, and Lord Palmerston exhibits that symptom with renewed intensity ; as though the excitements of office were too much for him. But ” we ‘ do not rely altogether on ourselves; ” we rely more on the alacrity of the French Opposition to denounce these new tendencies of the policy of their Government.”

    ‘Lord Palmerston, then, reckons on hubbub in Paris, as before 1841; more interpellations, more fuss-making about shadowy constructive suspicions of intrigue, more diplomatic turmoil, more dispatch writing!’

    ‘If a’ busy attorney, who wished to seem yet busier than he was, established himself in a county town, and set himself to work detecting flaws in the title-deeds and leases all round, or presuming and imputing them all round, with a view to the general litigation that would ensue, the restlessness and turmoil excited in the county would be much like the feeling created in Europe, according to these Ministerial accounts, just at the time when Lord Palmerston returns to business. You would think there was going to be instant war—in Italy, in Schleswig, in Switzerland, in Poland—everywhere.’

    • Thanks: Han
  866. Al Liguori says: • Website

    More on “WARS AND REVOLUTIONS ARE PLANNED” by the jews: Indeed there is considerable evidence that the Jews have long planned—and instigated—a series of world wars. While Communism quite explicitly states the goal of worldwide revolution to force the worldwide submission to their vision, one must plumb the Kabbalistic literature to discover the fundamental reasoning behind that goal:

    תִּיקּוּן עוֹלָם, tikkun olam (“repairing the world”) is not the benign humanitarian principle that jews present to credulous goyim. No, tikkun olam is peak satanic genocide. Tikkun olam means to exterminate goyim to hasten arrival of their “moshiach” (the one we call the ANTI-Christ) —and— enslave any goyische survivors to serve the jews carnal impulses.

    Judaism in all its forms, including Kabbalism, Zionism, Capitalism, Communism, and even “secular” and “non-observant” Judaism, has focused for millennia on that single goal by “repairing the world” through the extermination of the “satanic” “sparks” (“iskra”) of Gentiles and the global enslavement of any survivors…using any and all means possible—war, famine, plagues, weaponized media and weaponized money.

    This advances even further the prosecution jews as a nation because this pan-Judaic plan has involved the entire jewish nation though the centuries. When prosecuted for their crimes against humanity, Jews will whine “not all Jews.” The prosecutors will remind them of the baraita from the Babylonian Talmud, Shevuot 39a:

    כל ישראל אחים זה עם זה “the entire Jewish people are responsible for one another.”

    According to their own law, even across time, “subsequent generations,” the entire nation is due punishment, even “including the death penalty” (read the exact language of Shevuot 39a!!!) In the same vein, Osee (Hosea) 4:3 states that “…everyone who dwells within [the land] languishes.” The entire nation of Jews is convicted by their own law.

    To be clear, there are a few individuals who have separated from the jewish nation’s genocidal precepts. Those are innocent and should be left alone. Of course, those who have lied and concealed the evidence against the jewish nation have made themselves culpable accomplices. Let the world seek and dispense the justice truly deserved.

    • Replies: @S
    , @Han
  867. Al Liguori says: • Website

    • Agree: John Wear
    • Thanks: HdC
    • Replies: @Han
  868. Han says:

    anon(364) said:
    “the composer of Take It to the Limit died yesterday iirc. randy meisner. age 77.
    this song explains the holocaust.”

    REALLY?… Meisner’s best-known song, 1974’s “Take It to the Limit,” had nothing to do with the Holocau$t.

    Several Eagles songs dwell in a state of melancholy reverie, with a bruised, worried sense that having been seduced by beauty, danger and a post-’60s ideal of freedom, the singer has frittered away time and romantic opportunities. “Take It to the Limit” does that, but in a more hopeful way than some of the Eagles’ other love songs.

    anon(364): “this song explains the holocaust.”
    Verdict: ABSOLUTE BS.

    Meisner is, of course, a German name. I could be mistaken, but I don’t think that he was Jewish.
    All of Randy’s grandparents were Volga Germans, ethnic Germans from Russia.
    Very likely that Randy Meisner, and all other Americans, knew nothing about the Holocau$t in 1974 as the Jews only started to promote it with the screening in 1978 of Gerald Greene’s landmark television series ‘Holocaust’.

    Now they are pushing it down our throats and put you in jail in so many European countries if you question their Holocau$t Dogma/BS.

    It is the Jews, who “Take It To The Limit” in their quest for World Domination.

    anon(364), now how about this Prophet, Leonard Cohen, who did see the future of Pax Judaica = New World Order?

    Leonard Cohen wrote his song ‘The Future’ in 1992. He died in 2016.

    “It’s lonely here there is no left to torture
    Give me absolute control over every living soul
    I’ve seen the future, brother, it is murder

    You don’t know me from the wind, you never will, you never did
    I’m the little Jew who wrote the Bible
    I’ve seen the nations rise and fall. I’ve heard their stories, heard them all
    But love’s the only engine of survival

    Your servant here, he has been told to say it clear, to say it cold
    It’s over, it ain’t going any further
    And now the wheels of heaven stop, you feel the devil’s riding crop

    Get ready for the future it is murder
    Things are going to slide, slide in all directions
    Won’t be nothing. Nothing you can measure anymore

    The blizzard, the blizzard of the world has crossed the threshold
    and it has overturned the order of the soul

    “they (the nazis) realized germany would lose and they were dead men walking when the US made it a world war.”


    NO, the JEWS made it a World War. The US was their ATTACK DOG in World War I and II.
    The Jews are today the driving force behind the Middle Eastern and North African Wars.


    Giraldi was fired over the phone by ‘The American Conservative’, where he had been a regular contributor for fourteen years, for telling the TRUTH.

    This book tells it all: ‘The Host and The Parasite: How Israel’s Fifth Column Consumed America’ – March 16, 2010 by Greg Felton.

    The U.S. republic founded in 1776 bears no resemblance to the anti-democratic police state that has declared war on its citizens, and provokes needless wars in the Middle East at the behest of Israel.

    At the center of it all is the parasitic control of the Israel Lobby on the U.S. government. The Host and The Parasite shows how the Lobby, evangelical Christians and neo-cons rode to power in the 1980s and proceeded to turn the United States into Israel’s willing executioner.

    • Replies: @anon
  869. Han says:

    I am so impressed with your outstanding comments and your command of the English language.
    I concur with Al Liguori #789, we do need a “Bravissimo!” button for you.

    Then I read your comment #225:
    “I will say, rather than reading entirely on what others reveal/conclude about Hitler/Germany, I rely, partially, on first hand accounts, and Hitler’s very own words, which I painstakingly translated, from speeches made by him, …”

    You must be so good at the German language as well to be able to translate Hitler’s speeches. I also listen to Hitler’s speeches and come to the same conclusion as you do:
    “I never heard the sort of malice and maniacal comments about annihilating Jews from the earth, as are often attributed to him…”

    Emil Maurice, Hitler’s Jewish friend, for instance, comes to mind:

    “Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht / Von seinen Kuechter umgebracht”
    Murder Room Inscriptions – An Unsolved Mystery:


    Yakov Sverdlov personally ordered the murder of Tsar Nicholas II, his family and assistants. Those who took part in this ritualistic slaughter as far as can be ascertained were all of Jewish race.

    At this point, the reward for the assassination of the Imperial family posted by Wall Street Jewish banker Jacob Schiff was settled with the Bolsheviks. This German born Jew was later to boast and celebrate the funding of the 1917 Bolshevik coup which overthrew Russia’s legitimate government. Schiff personally offered a substantial reward for the murder of the Russian royal family.

    Yakov Sverdlov, whose Jewish name was Yankel Solomon, ordered the massacre of Tsar Nicholas II, his family and assistants. For this Jewish firebrand regicide was a cherished dream. Evidence of this is to be found in the text of leaflets written by Yakov Sverdlov dated May 19, 1905.
    This date is the birthday of Nicholas II:
    “Struck your hour, the last hour of you and all yours! This is a terrible judgement, the revolution is coming!”


    1 Samuel 15:1-33

    1 Then Samuel said to Saul, “The LORD sent me to anoint you as king over His people, over Israel; now therefore, listen to the words of the LORD.

    2 “Thus says the LORD of hosts, ‘I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he set himself against him on the way while he was coming up from Egypt.

    3 ‘Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’”

    “…of course, most revealing and my preferred sources, are from the Rabbis themselves; over and over, they reveal their plans and designs for the “cattle.” I am astonished that so many people refuse to believe what they say.”

    I fully concur with you. I have seen hours and hours of videos of Rabbis boasting, telling the world about their plans for the Goyim: EXTERMINATION.

    I have watched every video of Adam Green over the past few years, he is very good at exposing the Rabbis, Judaism and Christianity in his videos. This is his latest video with Uberboyo, an Irishman, also very good at exposing Judaism:

    I also watch the videos of Charles Giuliani, very interesting:

    Dr. E. Michael Jones is also a very interesting character when it comes to exposing the Jews.

    GOY GUIDE TO WORLD HISTORY – The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History by E. Michael Jones (video 2:38:09)

    Video Link

    He is a staunch Catholic and believes in Jesus Christ. To me, his Achilles heel as Nietzsche said: “You, who hate the Jews, why do you worship their religion?”

    Bible lessons at Primary and High School made me an atheist when I was 13 years old. I was totally disgusted with the cruel Jewish god, Mr. Yahweh. I was baptised a Catholic, but from then on, no more praying on my knees before going to bed. Had enough of the Jewish BS fairy tales in the Bible, written by the Jews.

    I totally agree with Richard Dawkins:
    “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”

    E. Michael Jones is also very good on the Holocau$t.
    E. Michael Jones on the Holocaust Narrative

    He accuses Eisenhower of murdering more than a million German soldiers AFTER the War in the Rhine Meadows Camps:

    He praises Patton for releasing German POW’s. Eisenhower was, of course, a Jew who hated the Germans and Patton. The Jews hated Patton and wanted him dead.



  870. S says:
    @Al Liguori

    That’s an interesting link in regards to the ‘world wars’ and ‘moshiach’. Have you ever read the blog entry below by chance?

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Al Liguori
  871. Han says:
    @Al Liguori

    ‘WAR IS A RACKET’ by US Major General, Smedley Butler

    War is a Racket is a book by Maj. General, Smedley Darlington Butler, the most decorated Marine in history, denouncing the military industrial complex.
    This reenactment video is a compilation of some of his speeches. The two-time Congressional Medal of Honor recipient exposes war profits that benefit the few at the expense of many.

    US Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler:

    WAR is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.

    A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small “inside” group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many.

    Out of war a few people make huge fortunes. In the World War a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21.000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War.


    In 1934, Butler went before the House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) to expose a conspiracy against the American government. He had been recruited by a group of wealthy Pro-Fascists who had hoped to use him in a coup against President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

    He had been approached by Gerald C. MacGuire and Bob Doyle in 1933. MacGuire, a bond salesman, and Doyle were members of the American Legion, an organization meant to support veteran rights and opportunities. The conspirators included investment banker and future Connecticut Senator Prescott Bush (father of George H.W. Bush, who became President in 1988).

    Astonished by MacGuire’s plans, Butler knew he would need someone to corroborate his story if he was going to stop the intended coup. Having previously worked as the police captain of Philadelphia, Butler reached out to Philadelphia Record writer Paul Comly French, who agreed to meet with MacGuire as well. During this meeting, MacGuire told French that he believed a fascist state was the only answer for America, and that Smedley was the “ideal leader” because he “could organize one million men overnight.”

    Armed with French’s mutual testimony, Butler appeared before the McCormack-Dickstein congressional committee, also known as the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, to reveal what he knew about the plot to seize the presidency. The committee at first discounted a large part of Butler’s testimony (even writing in their initial report that they saw no reason to subpoena men like John W. Davis, a former presidential hopeful, or Thomas W. Lamont, a partner with J.P. Morgan & Company).

    However, with the testimony of French, and the erratic testimony of MacGuire, the committee began to further investigate the plot. The final reports of the committee sang a different tune, finding that all of Butler’s claims could be corroborated as factual. However, they also stressed that the plot was far from being enacted, and it was not clear if the plans would have ever truly come to fruition.

    (The McCormack-Dickstein Committee “delet[ed] extensive excerpts relating to Wall Street financiers including Guaranty Trust director Grayson Murphy, J.P. Morgan, the Du Pont interests, Remington Arms, and others allegedly involved in the plot attempt. Even today, a full transcript of the hearings cannot be traced.” This was written in 1975.)

    Quickly becoming known as the “White House Coup” and “Wall Street Putsch,” many major news sources derided Butler’s claims, as the committee’s final report was not made available publicly. Those implicated, ranging from the DuPont family to Prescott Bush, the grandfather of future President George W. Bush and father of future President George H.W. Bush, laughed off Butler’s claims. Evidence of the validity of Butler’s testimony was not released until the 21st century, when the committee’s papers were published in the Public Domain. No one was ever prosecuted in connection to the plot.

    If you have never heard about the 1933 coup plan, it is worth reading about. If you feel dubious about the honesty of people in the American government and the wealthy class that control it, the 1933 coup attempt shows that plans to dismantle American democracy are not new. If you wonder about George W. Bush and his father, George H.W. Bush, then consider that Prescott Bush was involved in the plans that Smedley Butler disclosed to the Congress. Consider, too, that the Congress eradicated much of the proof against the Wall Street titans. Congress can be bought today as it was bought then.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  872. Han says:
    @Al Liguori


    Rabbi Yaron Reuven:
    “At the end times the Jewish Mashiach will come and will fight against the enemies of Israel. He will defeat all of them. 2/3 of the world are going to die, will be destroyed. 1/3 remaining Gentiles will have to observe the 7 Noahide Laws.

    “The ones that don’t will die and the ones that accept the 7 Noahide Laws will survive and will be asking the Jews to teach them the Torah. Every Jew will then have 2800 “students” teaching them the Torah. In return the 2800 “students” will do everything for the Jew, running the bakery, the building, etc., for things to function.”

    Judaism is a mortal threat to the Goyim. Death or Slavery will be awaiting the Goyim when the Jewish Mashiach comes.

    Of course, the Jews cannot wait for their Mashiach to come.


  873. @Han

    Thank you so much; that’s nice to hear/read, especially since my school essays were often marked, “your sentences are too long; you are rambling again; just make your point!” I do tend to ramble; I guess it’s just my “literary” style.

    In addition to sources provided by Mr. Wear, your numerous links and references to source material has been most helpful, and I am grateful to you for sharing herein; Mr. Liguori is a treasure trove of data, as well.

    My initial, first-hand source of information was from my paternal grandfather, who served in the European theater for the US; we spoke of the war, in detail, when I was in my late teens/early twenties. I was too young and uninformed to make pointed inquiries, but he alluded to perfidy on the part of the Allies, and made specific accusations on some issues; he was a very wise man, and I suspect his intention was to provide enough information to point me in the correct direction to make the discoveries on my own. In my opinion, finding out for yourself eliminates the suspicion that someone else is “influencing” you. He was correct, which is why I went to great lengths to interpret Hitler’s speeches, frame by frame; I even took a list of words and phrases to the clerk at my neighborhood convenience store, who was born in Germany and lived in West Berlin for over thirty years, for accurate translations/confirmations.

    My grandfather’s wife, my grandmother, was a blonde, green-eyed, tall DUTCH woman; perhaps you and I are kindred spirits. And, I agree with you on “Take it to the Limit;” that song is a near masterpiece, especially the live version with the remastered and more intricate piano. AND, there is not a single female singer/performer in America or anywhere, who holds a candle to Floor Jansen. Ghost Love Score at Wacken in 2013 is unsurpassed in popular music. In my opinion.

    Thank you, again, for your kind and supportive words.

  874. Al Liguori says: • Website

    Thank you, S. More data as in your othre excellent posts. I had not seen that particular page until you put it before me. It fleshes out additional details that I have aggregated here about the genocidal Chabadnik Kushners:

    Also, many thanks and kudos to you, Han and Tiptoethrutulips, for the constant stream of indisputable evidence you have adduced!

    The Synagogue of Satan wants us to get lost in their weeds counting imaginary dead and “survivor” Yids on our fingers, but the real meat in this beef is to point out how Jewish malevolence and Jew-perpetrated genocide is so deserving of genuine justice.

    Of course Satan’s rats have abandoned the field. They know they are still the perpetrators who must be brought to justice.

    An aside for practicing Christians who must occasionally drain the sewage of “Christian” Zionists “blessing” (Genesis 12:3) the Synagogue of Satan and misidentifying the “proselytes of the Pharisees, children of hell two-fold” (Matthew 23:15) as “Israel”:

    • Replies: @S
  875. @HdC

    > “Germany Must Perish”, and “The Morgenthau Plan”,

    That’s a gigantic leap from 1933 all the way up to 1941 when Kaufman self-published his book. The Morgenthau Plan was written up even later in 1943. Of course, by that time Hitler had already unleashed a full-scale war in which Jews were being rounded up en masse and deported to the east under harsh conditions. It’s not news that there was a lot of war-mongering talk going around on all sides then. But this was not the case in the summer of 1933.

    It wasn’t even such until at the earliest the spring of 1939, after Hitler had marched across Czechia in violation of the Munich Agreement. Despite the attempts by some Jewish groups in the West (obviously not all, as the Haavara agreement showed) to agitate for a general economic boycott of Germany, this never took hold until 1939. It was Hitler’s decision to overrun Czechia which led to that, nothing else.

    If one was going to invoke the scattered, mostly ineffective, attempts by Jewish groups to rally for an economic boycott of Germany as a de facto rationalization for all of Hitler’s aggressive steps then it would be pointless to maintain any criticism of US policies in Iraq or Afghanistan since 1998. That was when Osama issued his fatwa against the West, and this declaration from Bin Laden had a lot more force behind it than anything which Samuel Untermeyer was able to rally together in 1933.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  876. @Al Liguori

    > Following the Jews’ 1933 declaration of global holy war on Germany, the imposed boycotts and economic sanctions destroyed Weimar Germany.

    What a confused mishmash. Weimar Germany was abolished in 1933, after Hitler came to power.

    > Germans who didn’t die of starvation from the Jewish economic crimes against humanity suffered depredation such as you have never suffered.

    There was no starvation going on in Germany in 1933. That’s your fantasy. The German economy actually began to recover in 1932:

    “Two features stand out from these results: first, a major recovery is predicted by late 1932, before the Nazis came to power and long before they had a coherent concept for fiscal policy… An even more surprising conclusion arises from the prediction as of late: even if the policy instrument is not included, the forecast correctly predicts full recovery to the levels reached around 1935. Fiscal policy during the early years of the Nazi recovery was apparently immaterial for the upswing. When Hitler came to power, recovery was already around the corner.”
    — Albrecht Ritchl, Deficit Spending in the Nazi Recovery, 1933-1938: A Critical Reassessment, p. 14.

    This reflected the fact that the reparations of the Versailles Treaty had been largely retired in 1932:

    “At Lausanne, the creditor Powers and Germany agreed that the bill against Germany for reparations should be cancelled altogether, with the understanding that Germany shall make a final contribution of $714,000,000 to an international reconstruction pool… When this agreement with Germany comes into force, the whole reparations regime will therefore have come to an end.”
    — World Affairs, Volume 95, Number 2, September 1932, p. 75..

    The wrapping up of the reparations served to restore confidence in the German financial sector, which then led to the forecasts of recovery which were being made in late 1932. All of that happened before Hitler had received the Chancellorship.

  877. @Han

    > You still don’t believe that YOUR Rabbi Stephen Wise, just like all the other Jews, was a Communist?

    Here’s a good illustration of what ideological hucksters you are. From the New York Times of March 24, 1917:

    Then the rabbi praised the Russian revolution, but he ran into opposition when he said:

    ‘At the risk of incurring the displeasure of those of you who have such bitter memories I hope that amnesty will be extended to the Czar himself. May God forgive the Czar.’ [Shouts of ‘No, never!’] ‘May God forgive the monarch who never knew what mercy was.’

    This was followed by shouts by a man in the gallery.

    If you can find me any verified record of Lenin ever having shouted in public “May God forgive the Czar” then I will revisit the question of whether Rabbi Wise ever a Communist by any serious definition. The historical facts show that people like Wise and Schiff were happy to see the Provisional Government come to power and wanted no more than that.

    • Replies: @Han
  878. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > These are lines adapted from the poem “Balthazar,” by the German-Jewish

    The key word there is “German,” not “Jewish.” The only person present there at the scene who would have known the Germanic language of Heine’s poem was the Austrian POW Rudolf Lacher:

    This man had to have a good command of the German language (there is not a single mistake in the inscription) and know German poetry. These simple considerations narrow the search for the “suspect” to virtually one person – the Austrian prisoner of war Rudolf Lacher, who left his autograph in the same basement: “Rudolf Lacher Y. T. K. Jager. Trient”. (This detail was preserved for history by the same punctual I.S. Sergeev). Rudolf Lacher is also referred to by Dieterichs when he mentions the captured Austrian “Adolf”, who served Yurovsky and his deputy Nikulin. On the night of the shooting, Lacher was most likely in the Ipatiev house or somewhere nearby. After the shots died down and the truck with the killers and the bodies of the dead drove out of the yard, Laher could enter the basement; under the impression of what he saw, he could recall Heine’s poem.

    There is no evidence that either the one Jew who was involved with the executions, Y.M. Yurovsky, nor the 7 Russians (G.P. Nikulin, M.A. Medvedev (Kudrin), P.Z. Ermakov, S.P. Vaganov, A.G. Kabanov, P.S. Medvedev, V.N. Netrebin), nor even the one Latvian, Y.M. Celms, knew anything about Heine’s poetry. The actual list of the 9 people involved in the executions is given here:

    The one Jew involved, Yurovsky, simply did not know the relevant German. Some authors such Greg King and Penny Wilson include Rudolf Lacher, the Austrian, among the group of executioners. If that were true, then one could at least maintain that the writing on the wall was put there by one of the executioners. But if so, it was put there by Austrian POW who was simply cooperating with the Soviet soldiers. No Jew present at the scene had anything to do with this.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  879. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write: “It wasn’t even such until at the earliest the spring of 1939, after Hitler had marched across Czechia in violation of the Munich Agreement.”

    My response: I recommend you read my article at for more information on this subject. Since Czechoslovakia had already been dissolved through no fault of Germany, I do not regard this as a violation of the Munich Agreement.

    German historian Udo Walendy wrote concerning the dissolution of Czechoslovakia: “The disintegration of this multi-cultural creation, joined together in total disregard of historical and national principles, happened without any German help and would already have come about in 1918 had not Russia and Germany been utterly and totally destroyed.” (Source: Walendy, Udo, Truth for Germany: The Guilt Question of the Second World War, Washington, D.C.: The Barnes Review, 2013, p. 115).

    The “brutal violation of little, defenseless Czecho-Slovakia” by Germany was a falsehood which was ceaselessly pounded into the masses by the opinion-makers of the press. In reality, Dr. Emil Hácha traveled to Berlin of his own volition in order to prevent chaos from breaking out in Bohemia and Moravia, which was threatening to erupt unless the Reich government intervened. Germany’s protectorate of Czechoslovakia maintained peace in a region that was facing both internal disruption and potential conquest by neighboring countries. (Source: Ibid., pp. 115, 127, 130).

    • Agree: HdC, Han
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  880. @Al Liguori

    > To repeat—the 1933 declaration of war was an official declaration of the jewish nation.

    In your imagination. In reality, the reason that things like the Haavara Agreement were able to go on was because there did not exist any international consensus among Jewish groups around the world over what attitude to take in 1933-9. After Hitler had occupied, and it started to become clear that a new confrontation over Poland was likely to lead to war, then a consensus started to form. Although there was still a Revisionist Zionist minority which favored alliance with the Reich, most Jewish groups by the summer of 1939 simply took the stance of supporting Chamberlain. But that was not possible before then. Without Hitler’s occupation of Czechia, it never would have been possible at all.

  881. @Al Liguori

    > World Jewry brayed what a success their “holy war” was

    German trade with Latin America rose as trade with the USA dropped. There was nothing which Untermeyer could do about this. It was only the outbreak of war, precipitated by Hitler’s occupation of Czechia, which made anything effective possible.

  882. @Derer

    > World Jewish population in 1939 estimated at 11 584 000

    That much is certainly false. Estimates of the world Jewish population before the war run from a low of 15.7 million to a high of 16.7 million. The 11 million is what is usually given as an estimate for 1945, whether or not it is accurate.

    • Replies: @bjondo
    , @Han
  883. @Han

    > Yakov Sverdlov, whose Jewish name was Yankel Solomon

    Pure invention on your part.

    • Troll: Al Liguori
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  884. bjondo says:
    @Patrick McNally

    The 11 million is what is usually given as an estimate for 1945, whether or not it is accurate.

    Add the 5.8 million survivors the 1945 estimate is close.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  885. @John Wear

    > Czechoslovakia had already been dissolved through no fault of Germany

    That’s a fantasy.

    “Since Munich, Hitler’s agents had burrowed deep into Slovakia’s structure, their activities ranging from the open political operations of Franz Karmasin, the fervently proNazi leader of the Carpatho-Germans who was now state secretary in Father Tiso’s government, to the subversion work of the radical fringe groups. Nameless agents of Himmler’s SS, Goebbels’s ministry, Göring’s Four Year Plan office and the Nazi Foreign Organization (AO) had fanned out across Slovakia. Without informing anybody else, even the foreign ministry, Hitler in November had directed Wilhelm Keppler, the moustached, stooping economics expert who had masterminded the preliminaries to Austria’s union with the Reich, to turn his attention to Slovakia.

    “By 21 January 1939, when Hitler had a tough interview with the Czech foreign minister Chvalkovsky, it was obvious that his decision had been taken. His language was uncompromising. He demanded absolute Czech neutrality, and a considerable reduction in Czech forces. Chvalkovsky quailed and promised compliance…

    “Over the next four weeks, the Nazi pressure on the Slovaks to declare independence increased. Keppler sent his close associate Dr. Edmund Veesenmayer to Bratislava to tell them to hurry, as “otherwise Hungary will get our permission to occupy Slovakia at any time after 15 March.” And when Durcansky and his economics minister visited Göring on 28 February, the field marshal sinisterly greeted them with: “Now, what’s it to be? When are you going to declare independence, so we don’t have to turn you over to the Hungarians!” Ribbentrop also received them with a promise to guarantee Slovakia’s frontiers, provided she proclaimed her independence at a time that suited the Führer.”
    — David Irving, The War Path, pp. 185-6, 2013 edition.

    This was a lot more than just the Czechoslovak state disintegrating all on its own. Sure, there’s a good likelihood that Czechoslovakia could have disintegrated a few years later if Hitler had not pressured things the way he did. But any contemporary diplomat would have recognized the events in Czechoslovakia as an engineered crisis which Hitler had created in order to be able to occupy Czechia and force Slovakia to accept his protectorate. That was when Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement became discredited, and it was when Zionist groups finally saw the likelihood of a real war emerging.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  886. @Patrick McNally

    You are mistaken; once again, the key word is Jewish. Germans born in Germany are Germans; Jews born in Germany are Jews. THAT is what the Rabbis say.

    Heine was a member of “Young Germany” movement. Primary members:

    Heinrich Heine- Jewish; third cousin to Karl Marx.
    Ludwig Boerne – Jewish.
    Karl Immermann – undetermined.
    Karl Georg Buchner or Buechner, undetermined, but:
    “Buchner was a political activist, an organizer of and participant in secret societies of communistic stamp, who holds his place, as a minor, of course, among the predecessors of Marx and Engels. His pamphlet, “Der Hessische Land- bote”, which was distributed among the peasants of his native Hessen to arouse them to rebellion, shows him as an aggressive agitator and ruthless demagogue.”

    No pattern of Jewish subversion noted here regarding Heine’s affiliations?

    The murder of the Romanov family was ordered/organized by Yakov Sverdlov ( Sverdlov was born in Nizhny Novgorod as Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov to Jewish parents Mikhail Izrailevich Sverdlov and Elizaveta Solomonova.)

    You suggest Rudolf Lacher, an Austrian POW, was responsible for the inscription of Heine’s poem. Are we to believe the Bolsheviks allowed their prisoners to roam around, willy nilly, and muck about at the crime scene? What was Lacher’s background? Was he Jewish? Was he literate?

    Are we to believe Lacher was the only person in Russia familiar with the Germanic language? The tsarina was German, for Yahweh’s sake! German communities were in Russia, brought in by Catherine, the Great, also an ethnic German. There are German speaking people all over Texas today, and there is a beautiful city called, Boerne, in central Texas. Unlike Hebrew/Yiddish, Germanic languages were/are everywhere.

    The poem, itself, speaks on insults and retribution, against and from Jews:
    “ Jehovah! I proclaim to you my eternal scorn, for I am king of Babylon!”
    “But hardly had those terrible words died away, when the king grew secretly fearful in his heart.”

    Jewish fingerprints are all over this execution. And all over wars/conflicts in Europe. The Star of David is affixed on the boats/vans carrying African/Muslim refugees into Europe today. Jewish fingerprints are everywhere there is significant disruption to European society.

    • Thanks: Al Liguori, John Wear, Han
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  887. @Patrick McNally

    Yakov’s mother’s maiden name was “Solomonova,” which indicates her father’s surname was “Solomon.”

    Speaking of pure inventions, what’s the official death count, accepted today, for Jews killed during the “Holocaust?”

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  888. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Patrick McNally

    Your recents posts are just non-responsive world salad.

    The 1933 declaration was not made by Moishe’s Delicatessen, but by the effing WORLD Jewish Congress and the declaration was broadcasted WORLDWIDE by GLOBAL Jew Media.

    Whatever “Latin American” trade you invoke, Germans starved to death and the survivors were reduced to penury.

    History is starting to “rhyme” again. The world is experiencing Jewish-perpetrated crimes against humanity, including economic crimes against humanity, like the crimes Germany suffered in the 1930s. Weimar crimes demand Weimar solutions. You can take that to the Rothschild bank!

    • Agree: Han
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  889. @Patrick McNally

    Are you suggesting that worldwide Jews, unable to determine the best course of action or what attitudes they should hold, sat around waiting for the most opportune moment to take action, wherein their enemies were distracted or more advantages could be sought, such as during/after a war/conflict?

    This is an interesting analysis of Haavara:
    The transfer weakened the boycott of German goods declared by many Jewish organizations around the world, and thus met with considerable opposition. The controversy was settled at the Zionist Congress in Lucerne (1935) which decided by a vast majority in favor of the transfer and placed the Haavara under the supervision of the *Jewish Agency . The Zionists sought to attract immigrants to Palestine, most especially the affluent German Jewish immigrants and the Germans sought to get rid of their Jews, increase their exports and a propaganda victory by dividing the Jews regarding the boycott. The Haavara continued to function until World War II, in spite of vigorous attempts by the Nazi Party to stop or curtail its activities. The total transfer amounted to LP 8,100,000 (Palestine Pounds; then $40,419,000) including LP 2,600,000 (then $13,774,000) provided by the German Reichsbank in coordination with Haavara. The Haavara transfer was a major factor in making possible the immigration of approximately 60,000 German Jews to Palestine in the years 1933–1939, and together with the money invested by the immigrants themselves, in providing an incentive for the expansion of agricultural settlement and for general economic development. It also served as a model for a similar arrangement with the Czech government and the immigration of several thousand Jews on the eve of World War II.”
    So, specifically:
    The transfer weakened the boycott of German goods declared by many Jewish organizations around the world, and thus met with considerable opposition.

    Why were Jewish organizations around the world opposed to anything that DID NOT negatively affect Germany? Why would Jews, under constant duress and discrimination in their “comfortable and very secure Jewish neighborhoods” (aka ghettos), according to Jewish eyewitness, Ruth Grunwald, resist the return to Palestine before WW2? Ms. Grunwald further described her childhood in Frankfurt, from 1931-1939, as prosperous and happy; she claims Jews and gentiles coexisted “wonderfully.” She said, “it was a good life.” In Hitler’s Germany.

    If Hitler wanted Jews off the face of the earth, why bother with this Haavara nonsense? Why not keep the assets for Germany? Didn’t Germany sorely need those assets?

    So many contradictions with what Jews officially claim, with what Jews actually say, with how they are oppressed and denied opportunities, yet they manage to form worldwide organizations, nobody wants them around, yet they are always buzzing around European/American officials, presidents, prime ministers………….do these contradictions escape your notice?

    From the Torah:

    23 But the LORD your God will deliver them over to you, throwing them into great confusion until they are destroyed. 24 He will give their kings into your hand, and you will wipe out their names from under heaven. No one will be able to stand up against you; you will destroy them.
    Deuteronomy 7, 23-24

    • Agree: Han
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  890. Derer says:

    In fact the 1939 fake figure of 16 728 and all figures in my post are given by Jewish Virtual Library except estimated 1939 figure of 11 584 000 which is my. I applied to 7 800 000 (1880) Jewish population the Switzerland growth (as a neutral country and sanctuary for immigrant grew 1939/1880 by 48%). Incidentally, other groups increased close to Switzerland grows.

    The fake 1939 figure of Jewish population would mean an impossible 114% increase in 59 years while enduring Spanish flu (50 mil died), poor medicine and suggested persecution – 3x higher then the norm. In comparison the post-war 78 years period Jewish population increased by 45% in harmony with other groups. Figures do not lie, only one 1939, to support famous 6 mil.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  891. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write: “But any contemporary diplomat would have recognized the events in Czechoslovakia as an engineered crisis which Hitler had created in order to be able to occupy Czechia and force Slovakia to accept his protectorate. That was when Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement became discredited, and it was when Zionist groups finally saw the likelihood of a real war emerging.”

    My response: The motives behind Hitler’s actions in the Czech crisis of March 1939 remain in dispute. British historian A. J. P. Taylor evaluated Hitler’s motives:

    “All the world saw in this the culmination of a long-planned campaign. In fact, it was the unforeseen by-product of developments in Slovakia; and Hitler was acting against the Hungarians rather than against the Czechs. Nor was there anything sinister or premeditated in the protectorate over Bohemia. Hitler, the supposed revolutionary, was simply reverting in the most conservative way to the pattern of previous centuries. Bohemia had always been part of the Holy Roman Empire; it had been part of the German Confederation between 1815 and 1866; then it had been linked to German Austria until 1918. Independence, not subordination, was the novelty in Czech history. Of course, Hitler’s protectorate brought tyranny to Bohemia—secret police, the S.S., the concentration camps; but no more than in Germany itself…Hitler’s domestic behavior, not his foreign policy, was the real crime which ultimately brought him—and Germany—to the ground. It did not seem so at the time. Hitler took the decisive step in his career when he occupied Prague. He did it without design; it brought him slight advantage. He acted only when events had already destroyed the settlement of Munich. But everyone outside Germany, and especially the other makers of that settlement, believed that he had deliberately destroyed it himself.” (Source: Taylor, A.J.P., The Origins of the Second World War, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1961, pp. 202-203).

    American historian David Hoggan wrote: “Hitler’s decision to support the Slovaks and to occupy Prague had been based on the obvious disinterest of the British leaders in the Czech situation. There had been ample opportunities for them to encourage the Czechs in some way, but they had repeatedly refused to do so. The truth was that the British leaders did not care about the Czechs. They used Hitler’s policy as a pretext to become indignant about the Germans.” (Source: Hoggan, David L., The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed, Costa Mesa, Cal.: Institute for Historical Review, 1989, p. 228).

    Germany’s protectorate of Czechoslovakia effectively precluded potential military actions against Czech territory by third countries. Udo Walendy wrote: “Dr. Hácha’s decision to agree to the transformation of his state into a German protectorate was significantly influenced—quite apart from the purely internal strife—by an advancing Hungarian army that was, on the eve of 14 March, taking over and pugnaciously claiming a border strip, but also the fact that a lightning attack by Poland was feared.” (Source: Walendy, Udo, Truth for Germany: The Guilt Question of the Second World War, Washington, D.C.: The Barnes Review, 2013, p. 129).

    Neville Chamberlain originally explained in the House of Commons on March 15, 1939 that Germany had no obligation to consult Great Britain in dealing with the Czech-Slovak crisis. The British government had also never fulfilled its promise to guarantee the Czech state after the Munich Agreement. Chamberlain stated that the Slovak declaration of independence on March 14, 1939 put an end by internal disruption to the Czech state, and therefore the British guarantee to preserve the integrity of Czechoslovakia was no longer binding. (Source: Hoggan, David L., The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed, Costa Mesa, Cal., Institute for Historical Review, 1989, p. 252).

    However, prominent British and American leaders, who did not care about the Czechs, promptly disputed Chamberlain’s speech. These Allied leaders used the Czech crisis as a means of demonizing Hitler and portraying him as a war monger who had to be stopped.

    • Agree: Han
    • Thanks: HdC
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  892. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Shalom, Shlomo Slimestein!

    What took you so long to get back to us? Did you have to consult with your Jewish Brethren on how to tackle us lot with more lies and deceit?

    #894 you write: “Yakov Sverdlov, whose Jewish name was Yankel Solomon Pure invention on your part.”

    YOUR name ‘Patrick McNally’ is pure invention on YOUR part. You are a typical Jewish or Shabbos Goy bot. Take your pick.
    Most Americans have heard about social media bots; many think they are malicious and hard to identify:

    Most believe a fair amount of the news people see on social media comes from bots…
    17% among U.S. adults say “a great deal” and 64% say “a fair amount”.
    66% say that “most bots have a negative effect on how the public stays informed”:

    You are such a time waster. A Typical Bot. Remember our back and forths about “Spartacus”?
    I manage to shut you up with my reply to you #262:

    “Care to comment on Professor Ber Mark’s article, Patrick McNally?”
    You never did.

    #888 you write: “From the New York Times of March 24, 1917:
    Then the rabbi praised the Russian revolution, but he ran into opposition when he said:”

    Yes, I read the article and already discussed this in a previous comment with you. Your point is?

    You write: “The historical facts show that people like Wise and Schiff were happy to see the Provisional Government come to power and wanted no more than that.”

    REALLY, Shlomo Slimestein?… UTTER BULLSHIT! You are, as always, lying through your teeth.

    WHY then did Schiff give $20 million in gold to Trotsky, the Communists, to bring about the Bolshevik Revolution?

    Watch this video: WALL STREET FUNDED THE BOLSHEVIK REVOLUTION – Professor Antony Sutton

    Sutton will blow you to pieces with all YOUR LIES AND DECEIT you are spreading on this thread.
    Of course, you would then say that “Sutton is a liar”, “a conman”, “another silly ideologue”, etc.

    The Rothschilds, through Milner, planned the Russian Revolution, and along with Schiff (who gave $20 million), Sir George Buchanan, the Warburgs, the Rockefellers, the partners of J.P. Morgan (who gave at least $1 million), Olaf Aschberg (of the Nye Bank of Stockholm, Sweden), the Rhine Westphalian Syndicate, a financier named Jovotovsky (whose daughter later married Leon Trotsky), William Boyce Thompson (a director of Chase National Bank who contributed $1 million), and Albert H. Wiggin (President of Chase National Bank), helped finance it.

    The Rockefellers had given their financial support after the Czar refused to give them access to the Russian oil fields, which were already being pumped by the Royal Dutch Co. (owned by the Rothschilds and the Nobel brothers) and giving Standard Oil plenty of competition on the international market.

    Even though John D. Rockefeller possessed $15,000,000 in bonds from the Royal Dutch Co. and Shell, rather than purchase stock to get his foot in the door and indirectly profit, he helped to finance the Revolution so that he would be able to get Standard Oil firmly established in Russia.

    The Jewish Wall Street Banksters had to get rid of the Czar, put the Jewish Bolsheviks in power, which then gave them the free hand in Russia to exploit it.


    “Sutton comes to conclusions that are uncomfortable for many businessmen and economists. For this reason, his work tends to be either dismissed out of hand as ‘extreme’ or, more often, simply ignored.” ― Richard Pipes, Baird Professor Emeritus of History, Harvard University (from Survival Is Not Enough: Soviet Realities and America’s Future)

    Why did the 1917 American Red Cross Mission to Russia include more financiers than medical doctors? Rather than caring for the victims of war and revolution, its members seemed more intent on negotiating contracts with the Kerensky government and, subsequently, the Bolshevik regime.

    In a courageous investigation, Antony Sutton establishes tangible historical links between Russian communists and US capitalists. Drawing on US state department files, personal papers of key Wall Street figures, biographies, and conventional histories, Sutton reveals:

    The role of Morgan banking executives in funneling illegal Bolshevik gold into the US.
    The co-option of the American Red Cross by powerful Wall Street forces.
    The intervention by Wall Street sources to free the Marxist revolutionary Leon Trotsky, whose aim was to topple the Russian government.

    The deals made by major corporations to capture the huge Russian market a decade and a half before the US recognized the Soviet regime.
    The secret sponsoring of Communism by leading businessmen, who publicly championed free enterprise.

    Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution traces the foundations of Western funding of the Soviet Union. Dispassionately, and with overwhelming documentation, the author details a crucial phase in the establishment of Communist Russia.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  893. @Anonymous

    The “Thanks” is of course for reminding one of a truth, viz. what a disgusting lot of anonymous vermin attach themselves to UR threads.

    • Troll: Richard B
  894. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Shalom, Shlomo Slimestein!

    You write:
    “That much is certainly false. Estimates of the world Jewish population before the war run from a low of 15.7 million to a high of 16.7 million. The 11 million is what is usually given as an estimate for 1945, whether or not it is accurate.”

    76 years after 1945:

    Published: JANUARY 26, 2021

    “The truth is that six million Jews – about two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population – perished during the Holocaust, 1.1 million of them at Auschwitz. Today, an estimated 400,000 survivors are still living, almost half of them in Israel. As we stand alone but together today, let us declare in unison, “We remember!””

    I wonder how many “survived the Holocaust” in 1945 if there were an estimated 400,000 “Holocaust survivors”, 76 years later (!), in 2021? Must have been in the millions.

    The 1948 4 million dead figure for Auschwitz was in 1989 reduced to 1.1 million and in time will be reduced even further.
    So, after all the Red Cross report stating that 271,301 deaths in concentration camps during World War II was correct.

    This video specially for you, Shlomo Slimestein. Enjoy!


    At the 7:20 minute mark:
    “But you gotta like Elie Wiesel’s tattoo. It’s a special kind of ‘made up’ tattoo that vanishes into thin air whenever Wiesel is caught off guard with his arm bared.”

    THE JEWISH HOLOCAUST CORPORATION, ISRAELI AND AIPAC JEW POWER has expanded commensurate with the expansion of their “Holocaust” propaganda, as noted by the Israeli author Moshe Leshem:
    “Israelis and American Jews fully agree that the memory of the Holocaust is an indispensable weapon, one that must be used relentlessly against their common enemy…Jewish organizations and individuals thus labor continuously to remind the world of it.”

    In America, the perpetuation of the Holocaust memory is now a half a billion dollar a year enterprise, part of which is government-funded.

    Edgar Bronfman, the billionaire Canadian Seagram’s whiskey merchant and chairman of the powerful World Jewish Congress says: “The growing numbers of revisionist supporters cannot be ignored. We must use every resource to stop revisionism now, before it’s too late.”

    Sorry, Jews, the Genie is already out of the bottle.

    “Of the four million Jews under Nazi control in WW2, six million died and alas only five million survived. We don’t need evidence, we have survivors.” – Israeli politician

    I am condemning Judaism. Not all Jews, Judaism. I am not an anti-Semite, I am on the side of the Palestinians. I am anti-Jew, Judaism and all it stands for. Not Jewish people as a lot of Jewish people are also deceived by their religion. Just like Catholics who are also deceived by their religion. I know how to make that distinction, unfortunately there are many who don’t.

    Not everybody who is Jewish is evil. Bobby Fisher, whose father was Jewish and was maybe the greatest chess champion of all time, is a good example. He spoke up about the evils of Judaism. The evil of the elite Jews running the world.

    Bobby Fisher:
    “My main interest right now is to expose the Jews. This is a lot bigger than me. They’re not just persecuting me. This is just not my struggle, I am not doing this just for myself… This is life and death for the world. These Goddamn Jews have to be stopped. They’re a menace to the world.”


    “I am not an American of JEWISH faith. I am a JEW. I have been a JEW for a thousand years. Hitler was right in one thing. He calls the Jewish people a race, and we are a race.” – Rabbi Stephen Wise, N.Y. Herald-Tribune, June 13, 1938.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  895. @bjondo

    > Add the 5.8 million survivors the 1945 estimate is close.

    No one has ever produced any evidence of an alleged “5.8 million survivors” at any point.

    • Replies: @bjondo
  896. @Tiptoethrutulips

    I’m not at all mistaken about the key role of the “German” in “German-Jewish” here. The Austrian POW Rudolf Lacher was the only person there who would have known any German. Lacher was not Jewish, and his choice of writing the passage on the wall had nothing to do with Jewishness. He was a German-literate Austrian who chose to write a German passage on the wall after seeing, and possibly playing a role in, the execution.

    > The murder of the Romanov family was ordered/organized by Yakov Sverdlov

    That itself is debatable. Greg King and Penny Wilson argue in great detail that the decision to carry out the execution was made by the people on the spot at a time when the leading party authorities did not consider this the best option. King and Wilson go through the customary arguments which are made by citing Trotsky’s writings of 1935. They point out that Trotsky had given conflicting versions in other places such as his biography of Stalin. Leaving aside the passages from 1935 where Trotsky claims that Sverdlov told him of having ordered the execution, they find that the remaining evidence supports the claim that the decision to carry out the killings then and there was made locally and then transmitted to higher authorities once it was done.

    The only person of any Jewish stock who was actually there at the scene of the executions was Yurovsky. Whatever the truth about the King/Wilson argument over who actually ordered the final execution, Sverdlov would have nothing to do with such an on-the-spot decision as what, if any, graffiti to write on a wall. If you seriously mean to claim that the Heine passage was written by a Jew, then Yurovsky is your only candidate. Unfortunately, Yurovsky did not know German. Based upon knowledge of German, the candidates narrow down to the Austrian Lacher right away.

    > Are we to believe the Bolsheviks allowed their prisoners to roam around

    Lacher would not have been taken as a prisoner by Soviet authorities. He was captured as a POW by the previous governments of Russia. The Soviet government had signed a peace with Germany at Brest-Litovsk in March 1918. There were, of course, demands from the German military that any POWs should be sent home promptly. Not at of that could be fulfilled at once. Yes, there were Austrian and German POWs who remained and were cooperating with Soviet authorities.

    The only real debate about Lacher’s cooperation is whether or not he actually participated in the execution. Greg King and Penny Wilson, The Fate of the Romanovs, believe that he did. But Ivan Plotnikov leaves out Lacher from the list of executioners:

    I’m leaving it up in the air for now. But either way, it’s nothing odd.

    > Are we to believe Lacher was the only person in Russia familiar with the Germanic language?

    Believe it or not, not every person in Russia was physically present at the location of Ekaterinburg where the execution was carried out. Sverdlov was certainly nowhere in the area. So, it’s simply irrelevant whether or not he knew the requisite German. If you want to be claiming that it was written by a Jew at that specific time and place, then you’re stuck with Yurovsky. Even a hoaxer like Robert Wilton acknowledges that Yurovsky had no knowledge of German:

    “In the death-chamber there was a curious inscription in German, written by a man of some culture–not Yurovsky therefore…”
    — Robert Wilton, The Last Days of the Romanovs, p. 118, 1993 IHR edition.

    Unfortunately, Wilton repeats a piece of disinformation which Plotnikov had discussed:

    After a long study of the document in comparison with a large amount of other sources, the author of these lines came to the firm conclusion that, firstly, none of the seven Austro-Hungarians participated in the shooting, and secondly, that the document was fabricated … It is dated July 18, that is, the time after the execution that took place on the night of July 17. Further. Pavel Medvedev, like Vaganov, was not a Chekist, although he participated in the execution.

    We are left with Lacher is the only person at the scene who would have had the relevant literacy in German to write the passage from Heine. Note that the only lines from Heine which Lacher wrote on the wall say simply:

    “That night, as the dawn was warming, / The slaves slaughtered the king.”

    Whatever else you may think Heine wrote about, there was nothing about Jews in the passage which Lacher quoted.

  897. bjondo says:
    @Patrick McNally

    No one has ever produced any evidence of an alleged “5.8 million survivors” at any point.

    Hmmmm. They keep showing up here, there, everywhere. Turn on a tv – survivor.

    As Gilad Atzmon’s mom once asked (pretty sure close): “So many survivors. Who died?”

    Well, hardly anybody. So, add 6 mill.


    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  898. @Tiptoethrutulips

    But Sverdlov used his father’s name, as was customary. No one has found any examples of him going by his mother’s maiden name.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  899. @Al Liguori

    > The 1933 declaration was not made by Moishe’s Delicatessen, but by the effing WORLD Jewish Congress

    Simply one of many different conflicting organizations.

    AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE (AJC), United States Jewish defense organization founded in 1906… the AJC opposed the anti-Nazi rally sponsored by the American Jewish Congress in March 1933, and refrained from joining similar rallies afterward. Similarly, the committee opposed the anti-Nazi boycott movement … that developed during the early part of the Nazi regime…

    BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS, the representative body of British Jewry… It opposed and obstructed attempts by activist groups in the community to resort to more vigorous means. The board also resisted the boycott of Germany and the formation of a protest movement against the persecution of German Jewry. In the summer of 1932, when Stephen S. Wise called for a preparatory meeting for the formation of the WORLD JEWISH CONGRESS, the board refused to take part…
    — Israel Gutman, Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Volume 1, pp. 35, 224.

    > Germans starved to death and the survivors were reduced to penury.

    You sound like your wires are crossed, with images from the post-1918 years somehow overlapping with 1933.

    • Replies: @Al Liguori
  900. @Patrick McNally

    Please provide or make reference of your sources for personal information on Rudolf Lacher; I looked, but could not find anything other than general references.

  901. @Patrick McNally

    I agree, however the fact that his mother’ maiden was Solomonova, the feminine form of Solomon, indicates that the reference to Yakov Sverdlov, aka Yankel Solomon, was not pure invention on his part.

    The use of a mother’s surname, as well as a familial nickname, is common practice. Famed Stargeiger, David Garrett, is actually David Bongartz; he uses his mother’s maiden name in his professional/public capacity.

  902. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Are you suggesting that worldwide Jews, unable to determine the best course of action or what attitudes they should hold,

    Even today, there is no such thing as a single worldwide Jewish hivemind. There certainly was none then. To some degree, the legacy of Hitler’s years in power was that many Jews tried to act as if they were following a single hivemind. But even that is wearing off today. Netanyahu certainly desires better relations with Russia and China, because he understands that Israeli interests are better served this way. But then he has to deal with supposed Israel-supporters abroad who get there own crazy ideas. That tension is building steadily. In the 1930s, no unifying Jewish organization existed and there were many divergent views.

  903. @Derer

    > I applied to 7 800 000 (1880) Jewish population the Switzerland growth (as a neutral country and sanctuary for immigrant grew 1939/1880 by 48%)

    That’s not a good standard of comparison. Jewish populations around the world in the late 19th century would have been living in very diverse conditions. Some in Poland would seem like closer to Somalians to us today. A Third World environment existed in some Jewish neighborhoods, parallel with a more prosperous climate in others. It’s not reliable to take a developed First World country like Switzerland and project its demographic patterns onto the world Jewish population of 1900.

    • Replies: @derer
  904. @Patrick McNally

    Are you suggesting the fall of Babylon, and the capture/reign of it by Cyrus, has no significance to Jewish history? Is that what you are asserting?

    Babylon fell to Cyrus approximately 539 BC; Belshazzar/Belsatzar/Balthazar was regent at this time; Jews were in exile, or otherwise enslaved; the “Kings of the Cattle” had destroyed the Jewish temple, and according to Heine’s poem, had deigned to make use of Jewish treasures and vessels.

    Here are notes from biblical/ancient history scholars; PLEASE NOTE THE MENTION OF HANDWRITING ON THE WALL:

    “Returning in 539 B.C., Cyrus advanced against Babylon, which opened its gates to him without a battle. [According to Daniel, Belshazzar saw the handwriting on the wall telling him of the fall of Babylon the very night before Cyrus entered the city and brought an end to the Babylonian empire (see Daniel 5).] Indeed, [Cyrus] seems to have been welcomed by the populace as a friend and benefactor. Thus Cyrus became master of all western Asia.

    This revolution in policy was to have a profound effect on the history of the world and particularly on Jewish history, for when Cyrus marched into Babylon, the Jews were still in exile there.

    (J-2) ****Cyrus Was Raised Up by the Lord to Free the Jews****
    Babylon fell to Cyrus in 539 B.C. Shortly thereafter, as recorded in 2 Chronicles 36:22–23and Ezra 1:1–11, Cyrus decreed throughout his empire that any captive Jews in Babylonia who desired to could return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. Cyrus even allowed the vessels of gold and silver stolen by Nebuchadnezzar’s troops to be returned.

    What motivated Cyrus to make such a liberal proclamation? While Cyrus may have been influenced by the religion of his gods (see Ezra 1:7), including the emerging Zoroastrianism, to have respect for the God of Judah, it appears that Cyrus was motivated by the Spirit of the Lord to send the Jews back to their homeland.

    Kindly explain to me how the above historical/biblical narrative regarding jewish/gentile conflicts has no parallels to the happenings in Russia, specifically with regard to the fate of Russian royalty, similar to the fate of the regent king of Babylon, and the appearance of writing on the wall? (Ha! I just now realized the likely origin of “I saw the writing on the wall” when someone speaks about their predictions coming true).

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  905. @John Wear

    > Hitler was acting against the Hungarians rather than against the Czechs.

    That is a key misconception which Irving debunked.

    Throughout August 1938, the “whetting the blade” continued… But when he tried to bribe the Hungarians into promising outright support of his invasion of Czechoslovakia, he was disappointed. Hungary had been severely dismembered and disarmed after the World War, losing slabs of territory to all her neighbours – Romania, Yugoslavia and Czechoslovakia. But a flamboyant week-long state visit by the Hungarians, coupled with window-rattling military parades and the launching of a battlecruiser named Prinz Eugen in their honour, failed to extract more than conditional undertakings from their Regent, Admiral Nikolaus von Horthy… That day, 22 August, passed without incident until evening when the Forschungsamt, routinely monitoring the Hungarians’ telephone conversations between Kiel and Budapest, reported that at a meeting of foreign ministers of the Little Entente in faraway Bled the Hungarian delegation had apparently formally renounced all use of force against Czechoslovakia; the wiretaps showed that Horthy, Kánya and his prime minister, Bela von Imrédy, had retrospectively sanctioned this…

    The German pressure on their visitors was intense. Brauchitsch had put it direct to the Hungarian military attaché, Kálman Hárdy, that Hungary should participate in “Green”; Hárdy had referred him to his superiors. Kánya asked to see Ribbentrop in Berlin on 25 August, and disclosed to him that Hungary’s military prospects were not quite as bad as he had thought: “We shall have made sufficient rearmament progress by 1 October to be able to participate after all.” Keitel visited Rátz in his hotel the same day and again emphasized Hitler’s firm resolve to occupy Czechoslovakia; he added that only the date was uncertain…
    — David Irving, The War Path, pp. 125-6, 2013 edition.

    So, Hitler pressured Horthy into taking a stand against Czechoslovakia, even though in August 1938 Horthy did not want to do this.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  906. @Patrick McNally

    Lenin, who was heavily involved in the Bolshevik’s terror campaigns, was buried/entombed as follows:

    “The structure, designed by Alexey Shchusev, incorporates some elements from ancient mausoleums such as the Step Pyramid, the Tomb of Cyrus the Great and, to some degree, the Temple of the Inscriptions.”

    I think Lenin was/is considered the modern day Cyrus.

    A bit more info on Lenin: (I’m sure you know all of this already, but you seem a bit reluctant to make obvious connections/correlations)

    Lenin came to power in the Bolshevik Revolution in November 1917 (October in the old-style calendar), which overthrew the Provisional Government. He had been instrumental in winning the Bolsheviks over to a policy of armed insurrection in order to form a Soviet government, a policy which was carried out through the Military Revolutionary Committee of the Petrograd Soviet.

    After the October Revolution, Lenin became the chairman of the new executive power Sovnarkom, the Council of People’s Commissars – an equivalent of cabinet ministers. Lenin’s power rested less on this formal position than on his prestige among the leaders and supporters of the Bolshevik party, which became the All-Russia Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1918.

    • Thanks: Al Liguori
  907. @Han

    > WHY then did Schiff give $20 million in gold to Trotsky, the Communists, to bring about the Bolshevik Revolution?

    He didn’t. That’s a fake story, and Antony Sutton himself had the common sense to disregard it. I won’t bother sitting through video, but I do have his book. He very specifically dismisses the claims about Jacob Schiff having allegedly given any money at all to either Lenin or Trotsky.

    Henry Wickham Steed describes in the second volume of his Through 30 Years 1892-1922 (p. 302) how he attempted to bring the Jewish-conspiracy concept to the attention of Colonel Edward M. House and President Woodrow Wilson. One day in March 1919 Wickham Steed called Colonel House and found him disturbed over Steed’s recent criticism of U.S. recognition of the Bolsheviks. Steed pointed out to House that Wilson would be discredited among the many peoples and nations of Europe and “insisted that, unknown to him, the prime movers were Jacob Schiff, Warburg and other international financiers, who wished above all to bolster up the Jewish Bolshevists in order to secure a field for German and Jewish exploitation of Russia.”1 …

    1 See Appendix 3 for Schiff’s actual role.
    — Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution, p. 186, Arlington House Publishers, 1981.

    While Sutton has his own share of confusion, he’s smart enough to reject Steed’s nonsense. The Appendix 3 which he references their is where he dismisses Steed’s claims.

    • Replies: @Han
  908. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Patrick McNally

    No “wires crossed” except your wires pretending that the declaration from “a conflicting organization” was ineffective, marginalized, or that the multiplicity of Jewish organizations working in concert absolves world jewry from responsibility for World War 2 (and the rest of their genocidal “tikkun olam.”). Though they struggle to conceal the web of financial and organizational overlap and connectivity, there is no plausible deniability for the jews in these matters.

    Besides… Babylonian Talmud, Shevuot 39a:

  909. Al Liguori says: • Website

    Perhaps you will forgive me for re-directing to the culpability of World Jewry. The Jews have lied about the Jewish roots of Lenin, Stalin, and Beria for a century, finally the confessions and the evidence:
    Lenin’s Jewish Roots by V. Sebestyn, The Jewish Chronicle (Britain)

    “… The leader of the Revolution and the founder of the USSR, was many parts Jewish, through his mother. The facts came to light only after the Soviet Union collapsed and the Communist Party archives recently opened … The grandfather of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov – he began to take the pseudonym Lenin when he was around 30 – was born Sril Moiseyevich (Israel Moses) Blank in Odessa in the early 1800s. Like so many ambitious young men in the Tsarist empire, while studying medicine in his early twenties he converted to Russian Orthodoxy and changed his first name and patronymic to Alexander Dimitreyevich….”

    Lenin’s Jewish roots confirmed
    Newly released letter written by Lenin’s eldest sister reveals their maternal grandfather was a Ukrainian Jew who converted to Christianity to escape Pale of Settlement, gain access to higher education
    YNET News, May 24, 2011,7340,L-4073133,00.html

    …and not just a Jew, but a Jew sodomite: Lenin and homosexuality

    Lenin’s Willing Executioners: Jews and Bolshevism
    by E Michael Jones PhD
    Culture Wars, September 2002, 21(9), pp. 20-35.
    download here:

  910. @Han

    > The 1948 4 million dead figure for Auschwitz was in 1989 reduced to 1.1 million

    Soviet authorities had created a plaque in Poland which said “four million” without any reference to Jews. Authors such as Gerald Reitlinger in 1953, The Final Solution, had dismissed this number as an exaggeration. While it is possible that Reitlinger’s claim of around a million may also be too high, you are simply wasting time and energy by trying to claim that what was claimed by Soviet authorities has much to do with orthodox history in the West.

  911. @bjondo

    There are some interesting stories about scams like this one:

    Seventeen people were accused yesterday of stealing $42.5 million from Holocaust survivor funds by ghoulishly recruiting phony Nazi victims.

    Six of the alleged scam artists worked for the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany and helped orchestrate 5,500 bogus applications over 16 years. prosecutors charged…

    In some cases the recipients were born after World War II and at least one person was not even Jewish. When a phony applicant got a check, the scammers were given a cut, Bharara said.

    But that’s not a basis for drawing any demographic conclusions.

  912. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    I write: “Hitler was acting against the Hungarians rather than against the Czechs” and you respond: “That is a key misconception which Irving debunked.”

    My response: My statement is a direct quote from British historian A. J. P. Taylor’s book “The Origins of the Second World War.”

    For argument’s sake, let’s assume that A. J. P. Taylor is incorrect in his statement. This still does not change the fact that prominent Allied leaders persuaded Chamberlain to change his statements in his speech to the House of Commons on March 15, 1939 that Germany had no obligation to consult Great Britain in dealing with the Czech-Slovak crisis, and that the Slovak declaration of independence on March 14, 1939 had put an end by internal disruption to the Czech state. Therefore, the British guarantee to preserve the integrity of Czechoslovakia was no longer binding.

    British Foreign Minister Lord Halifax informed Chamberlain that his speech of March 15, 1939 was unacceptable. U.S. President Roosevelt was also highly critical of Chamberlain’s speech. Two days later, on March 17, 1939, Chamberlain responded to this pressure by revealing the first sign of a major shift in British policy toward Germany. In a speech in his home city of Birmingham, Chamberlain charged Hitler with “a flagrant breach of personal faith.” Chamberlain in this speech presented himself as the victim of German duplicity, and stated that he would never be able to believe Hitler again. Chamberlain asked rhetorically if this was a step by Hitler to attempt to dominate the world by force. (Source: Buchanan, Patrick J., Churchill, Hitler, and the Unnecessary War, New York: Crown Publishers, 2008, pp. 252-253).

    David Irving writes: “About a week later, however, Chamberlain reassured Hitler through a third party that he quite sympathized with Germany’s move, even though he was unable to say so in public, as he was being exposed to intemperate attacks by the Churchill clique.” (Source: Irving, David, Hitler’s War: Three Volumes in One, New York: Avon Books, March 1990, p. 165).

    David Irving also writes: “Surprisingly, the ‘protectorate’ brought blessings for the Czechs as well. Their economy stabilized and unemployment vanished.” (Source: Ibid.).

    So, David Irving writes that Chamberlain privately reassured Hitler that he sympathized with Germany’s move, and that the German protectorate of Czechoslovakia brought some blessings to the Czech state. Chamberlain did not view Hitler as a warmonger.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  913. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Are you suggesting the fall of Babylon, and the capture/reign of it by Cyrus, has no significance to Jewish history?

    It has no significance to the events at Ekaterinburg, in which most of the participants were not Jewish.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  914. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Patrick McNally

    “No hivemind,” eh? That drivel is just a secularized re-write of the rabbis’ lie that “the Talmud is just a series of debates.” Indeed, you Jews do make sure to arrange enough cognitive infiltration for plausible deniability. As we’d expect, the deception is inspired by the Talmud’s numerous exhortations that Jewish malevolence should be disguised. (among many, see Moed Katan 17a).

    Besides the nonsensical “no hivemind” you offer regarding the post-WW1 destruction of Germany, the baleful dominance of Jews in gun control is another salient example of your ruse. Jews, like billionaire Bloomberg, are overwhelmingly at the root of the efforts to disarm Gentiles ( ), but the two Yids in Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership’s (JPFO) shanty office allow plausible deniability: “See ‘not all Jews’ want guns banned [for gentiles]!”—only the rich and powerful Jews. [snickering]

    The big money machers (‘big shot jews’) indeed have a hivemind. Certainly they vie with each other to be King of the Jews, but when the smoke clears, they are still on the same page—“Kill even the best of the Gentiles… in a time when Jews have control over the Gentiles.” A few irrelevant, penurious, or managed dissenters change nothing. You and the rabbis are just doing your worst to to do your Moed Katan 17a disguise. It isn’t working. The world is placing culpability exactly where it belongs.

  915. @Patrick McNally

    To the extent it’s not possible to claim knowledge of the opinions/actions of every living Jew, in history or today, you are correct. However, make note of this observation by a journalist, who shall remain nameless, and whose observations seem entirely accurate:

    “Whatever else is in dispute, one thing is incontestable: that great force must repose in a Law which for nineteen centuries obtains obedience from people scattered over the earth, when by an effort of will they could escape its thrall. The Talmud was (and is) such a law, and the only one of its kind.”

    Is it not prohibited by Talmudic law to mix with gentile society, unless so doing brings a benefit to the Jewish nation? Of course, non-observant Jews do not follow thusly, and I have read many accounts of Jews, living successfully amongst gentile societies and wishing to assimilate accordingly. However, I have also read many accounts, in centuries past, of certain Jews being cast out and ruined, personally, financially, socially, for resisting Jewish “ghetto” life and adherence to Talmudic laws. This pressure can only be enforced by some sort of powerful organization.

    Which brings us to the Return to Palestine. Despite what seemed to be little support from assimilated Jews, and despite many warnings from Jewish intellectuals (some mysteriously, but thankfully, croaking), about the issues/probable violence of displacing those currently residing therein, somehow the Balfour Declaration came to be, by the mysterious hand of Yahweh, since according to you, Jews are unable to successfully or covertly organize. But, many happy-go-lucky Jews disliked the notion of leaving lovely Europe, to hack a meager existence in Palestine and chop the necks of the Arab scum occupying Jewish land, so something had to be done. And, luckily, along came Hitler and WW2; more Jews hopped on over to Palestine, just in time to prevent the stragglers from giving up and hauling their buns back to Europe. Of course, then the British and their pesky mandate had to be dealt with……..I think you get the picture.

    To suggest that Jews don’t organize and act in manners hostile to gentile society is ridiculous, and it’s an outright lie, if you know anything about Jewish history. Case in point, this is a relatively recent issue with Israel, established essentially by the battering ram of Christendom/Europe:

    “The International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement (IFRC) has admitted Israel into its ranks, ending decades of exclusion linked to the Jewish state’s refusal to accept the international humanitarian organization’s traditional cross symbol.”

    Someone, somewhere acts and dictates on behalf of Jewish people everywhere, whether Jewish people everywhere know/want it, or not.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  916. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > I think Lenin was/is considered the modern day Cyrus.

    Stalin certainly built him up into something like that. Lenin personally would have been appalled at the personality-cult which Stalin created around him.

  917. @John Wear

    > David Irving writes: “About a week later, however, Chamberlain reassured Hitler through a third party that he quite sympathized with Germany’s move, even though he was unable to say so in public, as he was being exposed to intemperate attacks by the Churchill clique.”

    I have to wonder what made him change this. In both the 1978 and 2013 editions of The War Path he simply says:

    Indeed, according to Hitler’s own later account, about a week after Prague Chamberlain reassured him through “a third party” that he quite sympathized with Germany’s move…

    Putting it that way just makes it sound like an unsubstantiated rumor circulated by Hitler himself. But the phrasing you give makes it sound something that was verified from somewhere or other. More likely is that whatever Chamberlain said would be very different from Hitler’s version of it.

    Now that doesn’t mean that Chamberlain would not have been watching Churchill. They were both politicians and tended to watch each other. But the real quandary for Chamberlain was that he could not hold any credibility with Poland if he simply allowed the occupation to slide by.

    > German protectorate of Czechoslovakia brought some blessings to the Czech state.

    Quite a few Czechs disagreed.

    On the occasion of Independence Day, October 28, large-scale demonstrations occurred throughout the country, most notably in Prague. Not expecting it, the occupants did not respond by brute force to the Czech defiance immediately, but they took drastic steps against participants in the funeral procession of a university student, Jan Opletal, a victim of the October demonstrations, held on November 15. The funeral turned into a massive student demonstration to which the Nazis responded with terror tactics. On November 17, student dormitories were raided by the Gestapo, students were dragged out, arrested, some were executed and others deported to concentration camps. On the same day all Czech schools of higher education were closed down and were not reopened for the duration of the war. Most of the executed student leaders were National Democrats and none of them was a Communist.
    — Josef Kalvoda, Czechoslovakia’s Role in Soviet Strategy, p. 92.

    For more on Jan Opletal:

    On 28 October 1939, on the anniversary of the Czechoslovak independence, Jan Opletal and other medical students called for Resistance against the German occupation, and distributed flyers. Throughout the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, the Czech population took part in strikes and demonstrations.

    Then again, I’ve heard some people argue lately that Czechoslovakia and Hungary were better off being part of the Soviet bloc for all those decades, instead of merging with the West. There’s so much that happens that it’s hard to say. But at least the historical data that a number of Czechs did not like foreign occupation by Berlin or Moscow.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  918. @Patrick McNally

    Yes, the Romanovs were not Jewish; Nikolai was a gentile emperor and king, who wanted to play dominoes with his family, whom he dearly loved, rather than battle the basilisks swarming and nesting all over Russia.

    Regardless of what you say, the poetry on the wall denotes a description of events in the Book of Daniel, in the Jewish Torah, no? The very book that proclaims the Jewish god is commander over all earthly kings? So, a knowledge of Jewish scripture and symbolism would be required to understand the correlation, yes?

    Regarding symbolism, are you familiar with the phrase, “Hey Rabbi, Whatcha doin’ ?” Many others have noticed the unique, and often, simultaneous position of Jews as victims and perpetrators.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  919. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > the Balfour Declaration came to be, by the mysterious hand of Yahweh, since according to you, Jews are unable to successfully or covertly organize.

    Obviously one can find various which are organized. There simply is no evidence of Jews as a collective entirety ever having been organized. The Balfour Declaration is a good example of that, since the main argument made for it among British ministers was that Russian Jews should be persuaded by such a declaration to keep Russia in the war. People like Balfour had an exaggerated view of how Russian Zionists might be able to influence things. But a few days after the Balfour Declaration had been issued, the overthrow of Kerensky’s government made all of those plans irrelevant. Russia signed the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, left the war, and the Balfour Declaration would have been a historical curiosity if Hitler hadn’t come to power and breathed new life into it.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Han
  920. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Yes, the Romanovs were not Jewish

    Neither were most of their executioners.

    the list of names can be expanded to nine: Y.M. Yurovsky, G.P. Nikulin, M.A. Medvedev (Kudrin), P.Z. Ermakov, S.P. Vaganov, A.G. Kabanov, P.S. Medvedev, V.N. Netrebin and Y.M. Celms. A mining student is a very big question. I believe that he was used in Ipatiev’s house for only a few days after the shooting and only as a jewelry specialist.

    As you can see, the execution of the royal family was carried out by a group consisting almost entirely of Russians, with the participation of one Jew (J.M. Yurovsky) and, probably, one Latvian – J.M. Celms.

    As I said, Plotnikov apparently doesn’t count Lacher as part of the execution squad, although Greg King and Penny Wilson do in their book The Fate of the Romanovs. Whatever the truth about Lacher actual participation, the fact that he was there at the locale is known about:

    This man had to have a good command of the German language (there is not a single mistake in the inscription) and know German poetry. These simple considerations narrow the search for the “suspect” to virtually one person – the Austrian prisoner of war Rudolf Lacher, who left his autograph in the same basement: “Rudolf Lacher Y. T. K. Jager. Trient”. (This detail was preserved for history by the same punctual I.S. Sergeev). Rudolf Lacher is also referred to by Dieterichs when he mentions the captured Austrian “Adolf”, who served Yurovsky and his deputy Nikulin. On the night of the shooting, Lacher was most likely in the Ipatiev house or somewhere nearby. After the shots died down and the truck with the killers and the bodies of the dead drove out of the yard, Lacher could enter the basement; under the impression of what he saw, he could recall Heine’s poem.

  921. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write: “But the real quandary for Chamberlain was that he could not hold any credibility with Poland if he simply allowed the occupation [of Czechoslovakia] to slide by.”

    My response: I don’t think Neville Chamberlain felt a need to maintain credibility with Poland. I think the main issue is that people such as British Foreign Minister Lord Halifax began to take over British foreign policy. The goal was to demonize Hitler and to portray Hitler as a warmonger.

    Halifax expressed his hostile views concerning Germany’s occupation of Prague to German Ambassador Herbert von Dirksen on March 15, 1939. Halifax claimed that Hitler had unmasked himself as a dishonest person, and that German policy implied a rejection of good relations with Great Britain. Halifax insisted that Germany was “seeking to establish a position in which they could by force dominate Europe, and, if possible, the world.” Halifax stated that he could understand Hitler’s taste for bloodless victories, but he promised the German diplomat that Hitler would be forced to shed blood the next time. (Source: Hoggan, David L., The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed, Costa Mesa, Cal.: Institute for Historical Review, 1989, pp. 252, 297).

    The reports which Ambassador Dirksen sent to Berlin during the next several days indicate that he was considerably shaken by the menacing British reaction to the latest Czech crisis. The entire German Embassy staff was dismayed by the events of March 1939. Ambassador Dirksen recognized the importance of an Anglo-German understanding, and he became almost incoherent with grief when confronted with the collapse of his diplomatic efforts. The British had allowed the impression that the future of Bohemia was a matter of complete indifference to them. Then the British hypocritically turned around and declared that the events in Bohemia had convinced them that Hitler was seeking to conquer the world. No wonder the German diplomats in London were in despair. (Source: Ibid., p. 297).

    Halifax next sought a broader basis than the Czech crisis to justify Britain’s belligerence toward Germany. Virgil Tilea, the Romanian Minister to Great Britain, was recruited by Halifax to make false charges against Germany. Tilea was carefully coached for his role by Sir Robert Vansittart, Great Britain’s vehemently anti-German chief diplomatic advisor. On March 17, 1939, Tilea issued a carefully crafted public statement which charged that Germany was seeking to obtain control of the entire Romanian economy. Tilea further claimed that Germany had issued an ultimatum that terrified Romanian leaders. These false accusations were published by the major British newspapers. Millions of British-newspaper readers around the world were aghast at Hitler’s apparently unlimited appetite for conquest. Tilea’s false accusations produced anxiety and outspoken hostility toward Germany among the British public. (Source: Ibid., pp. 299-301).

    The British minister to Romania, Reginald Hoare, contacted Halifax and proceeded to explain in detail the ridiculous nature of Tilea’s charges. Hoare stated that it was “so utterly improbable that the Minister of Foreign Affairs would not have informed me that an immediate threatening situation had developed here that I called on him as soon as your telegrams to Warsaw and Moscow had been deciphered. He told me that he was being inundated with enquiries regarding the report of a German ultimatum which had appeared in The Times and Daily Telegraph today. There was not a word of truth in it.” (Source: Ibid., p. 301).

    Hoare naturally assumed that his detailed report would move Halifax to dismiss the false Tilea charges. Nothing of this sort occurred. Hoare was astonished when Halifax continued to express his faith in the authenticity of Tilea’s story after its falsehood had been exposed. The Tilea hoax was crucial to the development of Halifax’s policy of inciting hatred among the British public (and through it, the entire Anglosphere and much of world opinion) toward Germany. Halifax was not concerned with any adverse repercussions of the Tilea hoax in Romania. (Source: Ibid.)

    Halifax had lied to the British public about German policy toward Czechoslovakia after the Munich Agreement, and he had lied to them about the alleged crisis in Romania. It was only by means of these palpable falsehoods that the British public had been stirred into a warlike mood. It was by these means that Halifax would be able to persuade the British public to support a foreign policy that was both dangerous and bereft of logic. (Source: Ibid., p. 341).

    • Thanks: HdC
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  922. S says:

    Lenin, who was heavily involved in the Bolshevik’s terror campaigns, was buried/entombed as follows:

    “The structure, designed by Alexey Shchusev, incorporates some elements from ancient mausoleums such as the Step Pyramid, the Tomb of Cyrus the Great and, to some degree, the Temple of the Inscriptions.”

    I think Lenin was/is considered the modern day Cyrus.

    Thanks, I’d never really connected Lenin to Cyrus. The Lenin and Cyrus tomb design comparison is interesting.


    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  923. @Patrick McNally

    Well, are/were they organized, or not?

    “There simply is no evidence of Jews as a collective entirety ever having been organized.”

    The 1st Zionist Congress was held in August, 1897, in Basel, Switzerland, under the direction of Theodor Herzl (Jewish). This meeting implies some level of organization, yes?

    “The Balfour Declaration is a good example of that, since the main argument made for it among British ministers was that Russian Jews should be persuaded by such a declaration to keep Russia in the war.”

    During the 6th Zionist congress in August, 1903, for which there is no apparent evidence of collective Jewish organization, the territory of Uganda was offered as a refuge for Russian Jews; during the 7th Zionist congress, in July/August, 1905, the Uganda proposal was rejected, as I guess it was determined the pogroms in Russia just weren’t all that dire? Or, weren’t all that true? Or, Russian Jews dying all the time (was it six million in Russia?) serves a greater purpose?
    Arthur James Balfour (not Jewish), Prime Minister of England, met with busy, Jewish bee, Chaim Weizmann, sometime in 1906. I will assume there was no war suspected on the horizon (by the English anyway) at this time. So, clearly, the involvement of Balfour regarding any future agreement/declaration began well before considerations of keeping Russia in the war.

    “People like Balfour had an exaggerated view of how Russian Zionists might be able to influence things.”

    I’m sorry, but I think you are delusional to even make such a statement. And, I’m not sure I agree with you on your assertion of the nullification of the Balfour Declaration, declared on November 2, 1917, to Lord Rothschild (Jewy-ist Jew, Ever). I’m not very familiar with the treaty you mentioned, but Palestine was delivered to England, and Jews began to repopulate in their homeland, but I’ll have to get back to you on your nonsensical theory of the heretofore unknown, Balfour Nullification.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  924. @Patrick McNally

    Ok, but why/how on earth would prisoner/POW, Rudolf Lacher, hearing only gunfire and sneaking into the basement afterwards, interpret the scene to be relevant to the story told in the Book of Daniel, about a gentile king, deposed with the assistance of the Jewish god, to the benefit of the Jews and the returning/rebuilding of their temple, and then thereafter, make the correlation to the poem, based on same event, authored by Jewish writer, Heine, and recall the text by memory? That’s quite a leap, is it not?

    Unless you can provide your source material for the background of Rudolf Lacher, your argument about his involvement is too unbelievable.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  925. @Patrick McNally

    I will review the provided sources, (sorry, I initially overlooked), but if he was a random prisoner, what would be the precise source of his impression/inspiration for that historical, biblical event and the obvious parallels to the fate of the Romanovs?

    Either way, he (or whoever made the inscription) is suggesting or observing a Jewish retributive element, yes?

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  926. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write:
    “Obviously one can find various which are organized. There simply is no evidence of Jews as a collective entirety ever having been organized. The Balfour Declaration is a good example of that…
    Balfour Declaration would have been a historical curiosity…”


    Typical Shlomo Slimestein, the pathological KOSHER LIAR, CHEAT, FRAUD, BOT, etc.

    The 1917 BALFOUR DECLARATION, Israel’s birth certificate, was drafted by the JEWS, only to be signed by Lord Balfour on behalf of the British Government. The letter was addressed to Lord Rothschild.

    That is organised JEWISH POWER, ordering the British government to sign the letter they drafted to be sent to the JEW Lord Rothschild.

    Here the names of the JEWS who drafted the Balfour declaration:
    RABBI STEPHEN WISE, Louis D. Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter.
    From: American Jewish Archives

    WISE acted as an important intermediary to President Woodrow Wilson and Colonel Edward House from 1916-1919, when, with Louis D. Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter, he helped formulate the text of the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

    WISE spoke on behalf of JEWISH aspirations in Palestine at the Versailles Peace Conference of 1918-1919 AS A MEMBER OF THE 117 STRONG JEWISH DELEGATION while redrawing the map of Europe at the expense of Germany.

    WISE began his Zionist career during the late 1890’s by helping to articulate the movement’s ideology and organize its followers. A founder of the New York Federation of Zionist Societies in 1897, he led in the formation of the nationwide Federation of American Zionists in 1898 and served as its honorary secretary until 1904 in close cooperation with Theodor Herzl.

    WISE met Herzl at the Second Zionist Congress in Basle in 1898 and at that time agreed to serve as American secretary of the world Zionist movement. In 1914 he was instrumental in creating the Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist Affairs and later headed it.

    Another example of ORGANISED JEWRY:

    THE EUROPEAN UNION with its European Parliament headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, is the heart of “European Democracy”. It is nothing but a JEWISH construct. The Brainchild of Coudenhove-Kalergi, who wrote ‘Practical Idealism’ in the 1920s. From his autobiography:

    “At the beginning of 1924, we received a call from Baron Louis de Rothschild; one of his friends, Max Warburg from Hamburg, had read my book and wanted to get to know us.
    To my great surprise, Warburg spontaneously offered us 60,000 gold marks, to tide the movement over for its first three years ….

    “Max Warburg, who was one of the most distinguished and wisest men that I have ever come into contact with, had a principle of financing these movements.
    He remained sincerely interested in Pan-Europe for his entire life.
    Max Warburg arranged his 1925 trip to the United States to introduce me to Paul Warburg and financier Bernard Baruch.“

    The European Union Flag features a circle, symbol of unity, of 12 golden stars on a blue background. It was designed by the Jew Paul Lévy, a Belgian “Holocaust survivor”.
    Of course, they don’t want the Goyim to know that the 12 golden stars represent the 12 Tribes of Israel.

    In the EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT building in Brussels is also located the EUROPEAN JEWISH PARLIAMENT (EJP).

    There would be an uproar if there was to be a European Christian or Islamic Parliament, but Jews get away with murder, literally. NOT ONE JEW has ever been taken to court for the murder of millions of Russians during and after their Bolshevik revolution.

    The idea of the creation of a EUROPEAN JEWISH PARLIAMENT was envisioned by SHIMON PERES, the president of the State of ISRAEL, when several years ago he called for the establishment of such an organization.

    The European Jewish Parliament would address all issues by creating a unified platform for debate, discussion and decision making. The European Jewish Parliament would ensure that the interests of Jewish communities are included and properly represented in this new and exciting platform.

    Jews residing in the EU countries and countries of the EJU family, regardless of their political, religious or communal affiliations will have an opportunity to be elected and to elect the Parliament.,7340,L-4114730,00.html

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  927. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Han: “WHY then did Schiff give $20 million in gold to Trotsky, the Communists, to bring about the Bolshevik Revolution?”

    You write:
    “He didn’t. That’s a fake story, and Antony Sutton himself had the common sense to disregard it. I won’t bother sitting through video, but I do have his book. He very specifically dismisses the claims about Jacob Schiff having allegedly given any money at all to either Lenin or Trotsky.”

    YEAH, RIGHT. “He didn’t.” LOL! ROTFL!

    The Bolshevik Color Revolution Of 1917 And Prighozin’s 2023 Gambit: Trotsky, Russell, And The War On Civilization

    In 1905, Wall Street financier Jacob Schiff had given $200 million to the Japanese to assist their victory against the Russians during the 1904-05 Russo Japanese war. This generosity ultimately earned the banker the Medal of the Rising Sun in the Meiji Palace in 1907.

    After crippling the Russian state and military (it’s navy was wiped out during the war), Schiff turned his attention to financing revolutionary activities within Russia itself.

    How money was spent by Schiff was difficult to say until 1949, when Schiff’s grandson John Schiff bragged to the New York Journal that his grandfather had given $20 million “for the triumph of communism in Russia.”

    American journalist, and Schiff asset George Kennan, played an instrumental role as perception manager of the revolution and bragged that he had converted 52,000 Russian soldiers imprisoned in Japan into Bolshevik revolutionaries.

    A March 24, 1917 interview recorded in The New York Times celebrating the revolution read:
    “Mr. Kennan told of the work of the Friends of Russian Freedom in the revolution. He said that during the Russian-Japanese war he was in Tokyo, and that he was permitted to make visits among the 12,000 Russian prisoners in Japanese hands at the end of the first year of the war.

    He had conceived the idea of putting revolutionary propaganda into the hands of the Russian army.
    The Japanese authorities favoured it and gave him permission. After which he sent to America for all the Russian revolutionary literature to be had…

    Rabbi Marvin S. Antelman, in his book ‘To Eliminate the Opiate’:
    “Jacob Schiff is credited with giving twenty million dollars to the Bolshevik revolution”. – New York Journal-American, February 3, 1949

    Anthony Sutton speaks the truth in that video, but, of course, you are allergic to the truth and don’t want to see that video.

    Sutton in that 13-minute video did not mention the word ‘Jew’ once. It is a taboo word.

    Anthony Sutton in his book ‘Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution’ is very careful NOT to offend the JEWS. That would be committing career suicide. All academics, politicians and public figures know that.

    In short: Sutton, in his book ‘Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution’, only focuses on all the non-Jewish financiers who were financing the sides of the Bolshevik Revolution. He focuses on J.P. Morgan and his middlemen such as William Boyce Thompson.

    He avoids the word ‘Jew’ like the plague. J. P. Morgan by the way was a crypto Jew but Sutton apparently didn’t know that.
    Sutton only manages to find some bankers who gave minor amounts of money to the Bolsheviks. Sutton completely avoids the major financiers like Jacob Schiff.

    In his appendix he presents himself as trying to refute the “Jewish conspiracy theory of the Bolshevik Revolution”, which he does not manage to do at all. He argues like this:

    “Well, not all Jews were involved, and if some were, it doesn’t make it a Jewish conspiracy”. He makes these kinds of arguments without even addressing them thoroughly.
    Sutton claims that the majority of the Bolshevik leadership was not Jewish, without showing how the U.S. intelligence agency reports stating that it was Jewish, were wrong.

    Sutton does not even cite the report where American intelligence said that “of the 384 commissars, 300 were Jews”. If Sutton wishes to show that the majority of the leadership was not Jewish then he has to show of what ethnicity, religion and race those 300 were and also has to cite sources to back up his claims.

    “The evidence provided in this book suggests that the New York bankers who were Jewish had relatively minor roles in supporting the Bolsheviks, while the New York bankers who were Gentiles had major roles.”

    Evidence in Sutton’s book only deals with the non-Jews, leaving out the Jewish financiers. So, of course, if you leave out the major Jewish financiers from your book, then the evidence in your book only proves that non-Jews were the major financiers.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  928. @Patrick McNally

    “The Austrian POW Rudolf Lacher was the only person there who would have known any German.”

    Is it possible Lacher was one of the Magyars reported to be members of the guards at Ipatiev House? Apparently, there were a few such guards, who were paroled upon the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, and permitted to lollygag about the compound, as you previously acknowledged. The Magyars are/were people living in Austria-Hungary, which was under Habsburg rule from 1867 – 1918, and therefore, may be the source of German language interpreters other than Mr. Lacher.

    “If you seriously mean to claim that the Heine passage was written by a Jew, then Yurovsky is your only candidate. Unfortunately, Yurovsky did not know German.” “Believe it or not, not every person in Russia was physically present at the location of Ekaterinburg where the execution was carried out. If you want to be claiming that it was written by a Jew at that specific time and place, then you’re stuck with Yurovsky. Even a hoaxer like Robert Wilton acknowledges that Yurovsky had no knowledge of German.”

    I’m not claiming the inscription on the wall was written by a Jew. I am claiming the original poem, written by a Jew, was based on an event, described in the Jewish Torah, in the Jewish Book of Daniel, conveying the destruction of a gentile king, and the returning of jews to their homeland and temple, so it is therefore, a Jewish tale with a Jewish flavor. Of course, there’s also the commandant of Ipatiev House, Yakov Yurovsky (Jewish), who lived in Germany in 1904, so there we may have another source of a German language speaker. How do you determine when hoaxer Wilton is accurate and when he is not?

    “We are left with Lacher is the only person at the scene who would have had the relevant literacy in German to write the passage from Heine. Note that the only lines from Heine which Lacher wrote on the wall say simply:
    “That night, as the dawn was warming, / The slaves slaughtered the king.”
    Whatever else you may think Heine wrote about, there was nothing about Jews in the passage which Lacher quoted.”

    How did you confirm the literacy/education level of Lacher? Again, the subject of the poem was about nothing other than Jewish history and retribution. If the inscription written was, “Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian Shore!” Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore” would we wonder if Lenore was actually banished to Siberia? Heine’s poem was chosen because it was relative to what occurred. And, what occurred was quite similar to the story in the Book of Daniel (Jewish).

    I am aware of the controversy over who actually ordered the killing, and I’m aware neither Sverdlov nor Lenin was believed to have been at the Ipatiev House during the murders. There are also reports the family was taken off site, murdered elsewhere, and the basement killings were of the Romanov staff. Who really knows? But, to suggest after centuries of former German royalty residing in Russia, as well as German immigration into Russia, it’s just not difficult to believe there were German speakers or access to German speakers in Russia. Ultimately, does it matter who wrote on the wall? The Romanovs were dispatched by the Bolsheviks. If Lacher wrote on the wall, of his own accord, what was the motivation for doing so, and what was his purpose for doing it?

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  929. @S

    Thanks for the images.

    I think I have reached by daily threshold for storing additional Jewish/war/conspiracy information; I gazed at the images and wondered (for just a few seconds), “which one is Lenin’s tomb?”

    • LOL: S
  930. @John Wear

    > I don’t think Neville Chamberlain felt a need to maintain credibility with Poland.

    While there’s no point in trying to guess about an individual’s personal thoughts, this was definitely a moving concern for the whole British government (of which Chamberlain was an important member). On March 15, 1939:

    Leslie Hore-Belisha, the Secretary of State for War, raised the very pertinent question of Hitler’s further intentions. So far only Germans had been incorporated into the Reich, but ‘the present step resulted in the establishment of German dominance over non-German peoples’. It all pointed to the Drang nach Osten.
    — Simon Newman, March 1939: The British Guarantee to Poland, p. 99.

    > I think the main issue is that people such as British Foreign Minister Lord Halifax began to take over British foreign policy.

    Halifax had been every bit as much pro-appeasement as Chamberlain had been.

    Even on 14 March Foreign Office officials found it difficult to believe that Hitler really intended … ‘to take all the responsibility and risks of including 7 million Czechs in the Reich …’ During the course of the day, however, the evidence became too strong to disregard. Halifax, Stanley, Cadogan, Vansittart, Sargent, Malkin, and Oliver Harvey met and agreed that

    ‘we must make no empty threats since we are not going to fight for Czechoslovakia any more than for Danzig…’

    Chamberlain, against the judgment of the Foreign Office, wanted at least to register his disapproval in Berlin before the event.
    — Ibid, pp. 97-8.

    So, the record doesn’t read consistently as something where Halifax pressured Chamberlain, contrary to Hoggan’s fantasy. Rather, it shows that British officials were all thrown into a flurry of confusion by Hitler’s sudden occupation of Czechia, and it took some time to decide on a response. But none of them were enthused about going to war. They simply saw that Britain’s credibility as a European power would be shot to pieces if Hitler was allowed to continue proceeding as he had thus far.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  931. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    > Yes, the Romanovs were not Jewish

    You write:
    “Neither were most of their executioners.” REALLY?…


    And you are telling us that Jacob Schiff didn’t want anything to do with the Bolsheviks?…
    LOL!!! ROTFL!!!


    The Jewish-Russian historian Natan Eidelman also confirms that it was the Jews who murdered the Tsar and his family. (Dagens Nyheter, 10th of August 1988, p. 5.)
    The present archbishop of Yekaterinburg also believes that it was a ritual murder committed by Hasidic Jews. (Expressen, 24th of November 1992.)


    The order to murder the Tsar and his family actually came from New York. Lenin had hardly any say in the matter. The Bolsheviks had been forced to flee from Yekaterinburg in such haste that they had no time to destroy all the telegraph strips. Those strips were later found in the telegraph house. Sokolov took care of them but could not decipher the telegrams. This was done only in 1922 by a group of experts in Paris.

    Sokolov then discovered that the strips were extremely revealing, since they dealt with the murder of the Tsar and his family.
    The chairman of the Central Executive Committee, Yakov Sverdlov, sent a message to Yakov Yurovsky where he relayed that after he had told Jacob Schiff in New York about the approach of the White army, he had received orders from Schiff to liquidate the Tsar and his entire family at
    once. This order was delivered to Sverdlov by the American Representation, which then lay in the town of Vologda.

    Sverdlov ordered Yurovsky to carry out this order. But on the following day, Yurovsky wanted to check whether the order really applied to the whole family or just to the head of the family, the Tsar. Sverdlov then told him that the entire family was to be eliminated. Yurovsky was responsible
    for the order being carried out.

    So, Lenin did not decide any of this himself. The Jewish historian Edvard Radzinsky has tried to assert that it was Lenin who gave the orders to murder the Tsar and his family. But no such telegram has been found in the archives.

    Radzinsky’s explanation that Lenin had this telegram destroyed does not hold water, since there is a vast amount of compromising material about Lenin otherwise. Why should he have destroyed only this particular telegram and no other equally incriminatory documents?

    In November 1924, Sokolov told a close friend that his publisher was afraid to print these sensitive facts in his book. They were censored out.
    Sokolov showed his friend the original strips and the deciphered translations. Sokolov died suddenly one month later. He was to have travelled to the United States to give evidence in favour of Henry Ford in Kuhn, Loeb & Co’s lawsuit against the car magnate who had published his book “The International Jew”.

    Sokolov’s book “The Murder of the Tsar’s Family” was published in Berlin in 1925 without the aforementioned information. These facts were made public only in 1939, in the exile periodical Tsarsky Vestnik.

    Jacob Schiff s role in those murders was described in Russia only in 1990.

    pp 276 – 277

    The most atrocious murder was committed on the night before the 17th of July 1918, when the Jew Yankel Yurovsky and his butcher’s menials executed the Tsar and his family in Yekaterinburg, in the cellar of a house, which had belonged to the merchant Nikolai Ipatiev.

    At half past two on a hot summer night, twelve men began the murder of Tsar Nicholas II and the Tsaritsa Alexandra and their five children Olga, Maria, Tatiana, Anastasia and Alexei, and also three servants and the family doctor, Ycvgeni Botkin. One of the executioners even beat the children’s dog, Jimmy, to death with the butt of his rifle.

    The Soviet Union’s first delegation to the UN had 12 members, all Jews. The number 12 has always played a central role in the Cabbala. This number corresponds to the 12 tribes of Israel – a symbol of the struggle for world dominion.

    The 40-year-old Jewish Chekist Yankel Yurovsky shot Tsar Nicholas II. The Crown Prince, the sick (he suffered from haemophilia) 13-year-old boy Alexei, did not die immediately, so Yurovsky fired several more bullets into him. He had a Mauser pistol and a Colt. His grandfather was a rabbi, according to the historian Oleg Platonov.

    Yurovsky’s schooling finished after eighteen months. He had told his brother Leiba that he dreamed of being rich. He managed to fulfil his dream through his jewellery deals. The man who held the Tsar’s family imprisoned was Trotsky’s favourite – Alexander Beloborodov, one of the soviet leaders in Yekaterinburg. His real name was Yankel Weisbart and he was the son of a rich Jewish fur-trader, Isidor Weisbart.
    Weisbart was once caught redhanded in the act of stealing a large amount of money but nothing
    happened to him.

    Yurovsky was one of the leading Chekists in Yekaterinburg. His assistant G. Nikulin was his accomplice in the murders. The other members of the execution squad were Piotr Yermakov, Piotr Medvedyev, S. Vaganov and seven more international “revolutionaries”, who were later presented as “Latvians” (a common trick to camouflage the truth, as the reader will probably have noticed). They were Andreas Vergasi, Laszlo Horvath, Victor Griinfeldt, Imre Nagy, Emile Fekete, Anselm Fischer and Isidor Edelstein.

    All those men were part of the special squad from the Kamyslov regiment. The entire operation was called “Tvyordy Znak”. When all this was made public in 1992, Erzsebet Nagy, the daughter of Imre Nagy, who had led the Hungarian revolt against the Soviet Union in the autumn of 1956, reacted strongly. She tried to assert that her father had been in a prison camp at the time the Tsar and his
    family were murdered.

    He was supposed to have written a postcard to her from this camp. (Dagens Nyheter, 1 lth of September 1992.) It was hardly likely that the executioners would have been allowed to tell anyone where they were or what they were doing during a secret operation of this kind.
    Any former Soviet subject can confirm the truth of this.

    It was the Jew Schinder, chief of the Cheka’s execution squad inYekaterinburg, who selected the murderers of the Tsar and his family. The man who destroyed the bodies with sulphuric acid was officially called Pinkus Voikov (actually Pinkhus Weiner). He was a 30-year-old Jewish chemist, who had also taken part in the preparations for the murder.
    He later stole a ruby ring from the finger of one of the corpses, wore it and was very proud of it. He was murdered in 1927 in Warsaw.

    The highest party chief of the Urals and Siberia, the 42-year-old Jew Shaya Goloshchokin, who was a close friend of Yakov Sverdlov and had never previously worked in his life, also took an active part in the planning of the murders.

    The historian V. Burtsev, who has investigated the revolutionary movement, described him as a degenerate type and a cruel executioner. He later led the liquidation campaign against the Kazakh
    It was he, according to the historian Oleg Platonov, who brought several strange boxes to Moscow at the end of July 1918. Those boxes, according to a discussion in Sovnarkom, contained the heads of the Tsar and his family preserved in alcohol jars.

    After Lenin’s death, a commission found the head of Tsar Nicholas II preserved in alcohol in his filing cabinet. (Vladimir Soloukhin, “In the Light of Day”, Moscow, 1992, p. 217.)

    There was also another Jewish functionary behind the murders – the 27-year-old Georgi Safarov (Woldin), a close comrade of Trotsky. He was later made one of the leaders of Comintern.

    Cossacks and Czech troops captured Yekaterinburg on July 25th. Nikolai Sokolov immediately began investigating the murder of the Tsar’s family. He had earlier worked as a preliminary investigator of especially important affairs for the court in Omsk.

    A cellar room with a grating before the window was found in the basement of the merchant Ipatiev’s house. Traces of blood and bullet holes in the walls were found, despite the murderers having cleaned up after their crime. It was clear that the little cellar had been transformed into a real slaughterhouse.

    One of the investigators saw a quote by Heine written in German on one wall:
    “Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht von seinen Knechten umgebracht.”
    That is – (Belsa)Tsar was murdered by his slaves on the same night.

    In the original, the name was Belzazer. The Jewish “historian” Edvard Radzinsky could only say that this German quote was “remarkable” and did not attempt to interpret these lines.
    The model for Heine’s text can be found in the Old Testament: “In that night was Belshazzar the King of the Chaldeans slain.” (Daniel 5:30.)

    Certain “historians” have tried to conceal that some cabbalistic signs were also found on the same wall. These signs were impossible to simply explain away and so Edvard Radzinsky kept quiet about them.
    The signs were eventually deciphered: “The Tsar was sacrificed here, by order of the secret forces, to destroy the state. This is told to all nations.”
    (Komsomolskaya Pravda, No. 169, 1989, Vilnius.) This was confirmed by the historian Sergei Naumov.

    This alone is evidence enough to prove that this had been a Jewish ritual murder, since this cabalistic text also indicates the Old Testament (Daniel 5:25):
    “Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin!” (which, among other things means that the kingdom has been divided or destroyed).

    By leafing through a little book published in Berlin just before the First World War, it becomes evident that this victim had been on the list of desiderata for a long time. The book was written by the Jew G. Friedlander and is called “The Romanov Dynasty in the Pillory of World History”.

    I will quote just one sentence: “The Romanov dynasty must be annihilated!”

    The Jewish-Russian historian Natan Eidelman also confirms that it was the Jews who murdered the Tsar and his family. (Dagens Nyheter, 10th of August 1988, p. 5.) The present archbishop of Yekaterinburg also believes that it was a ritual murder committed by Hasidic Jews. (Expressen, 24th of November 1992.)

    pp 271 – 275


    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  932. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > The 1st Zionist Congress was held in August, 1897, in Basel, Switzerland

    Duh! The Zionist movement was an organized movement. No one disputes that. On the other hand, if one is going to start enclosing a wider array of interests and people then that falls apart.

    This is obvious even just from the cases already described. You had Samuel Untermeyer who attempted to rally the world for a general boycott of Germany in 1933. Yet traditional organizations such as the American Jewish Committee and the Board of Deputies of British Jews were opposed to Untermeyer on this. No common agenda united these groups until war began in 1939.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  933. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > That’s quite a leap, is it not?

    The only leap is in your imagination. The only words which Lacher took from the Heine piece were:

    “That night, as the dawn was warming, / The slaves slaughtered the king.”

    It’s easy for any normal person to see how this passage associates with the execution of the Czarist family. None of the other stuff which you’ve rambled about was written down by Lacher. However, Lacher did write his name on the wall:

    “Rudolf Lacher Y. T. K. Jager. Trient”.

    That detail was taken down in the same report by I.A. Sergeev which brought up the quote from Heine. Sergeev just recorded all of these details without giving any grandiose meaning. It was the huckster Robert Wilton who put into circulation the myth that Lacher’s quote from Heine was somehow part of a ritual killing with kabbalist overtones. Sergeev never saw anything of the sort in it.

  934. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write: “Leslie Hore-Belisha, the Secretary of State for War, raised the very pertinent question of Hitler’s further intentions. So far only Germans had been incorporated into the Reich, but ‘the present step resulted in the establishment of German dominance over non-German peoples’. It all pointed to the Drang nach Osten.”

    My response: Chamberlain’s Jewish Secretary of War, Leslie Hore-Belisha, strongly agitated for war with Germany. Appointed by Chamberlain in 1937, Hore-Belisha quickly came to be seen as spoiling for a fight with Hitler. British MP Oswald Mosley publicly called Hore-Belisha “a Jewish warmonger.” Chamberlain’s chief of staff, Henry Pownall, referred to Hore-Belisha in his diary in May 1939 as “an obscure, shallow-brained, charlatan, political Jewboy.” When conflicts with Chamberlain’s relatively pacifist staff increased, Hore-Belisha was finally dismissed in January 1940, just four months into World War II. (Source: Dalton, Thomas, The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Uckfield, UK: Castle Hill Publishers, 2019, pp. 120-121).

    You write: “So, the record doesn’t read consistently as something where Halifax pressured Chamberlain, contrary to Hoggan’s fantasy.”

    My response: Halifax clearly agitated for war with Poland.

    Polish Foreign Minister Józef Beck accepted an offer from Great Britain on March 30, 1939, that gave an unconditional unilateral guarantee of Poland’s independence. The British Empire agreed to go to war as an ally of Poland if the Poles decided that war was necessary. In words drafted by Halifax, Chamberlain spoke in the House of Commons on March 31, 1939, declaring:

    “I now have to inform the House…that in the event of any action which clearly threatened Polish independence and which the Polish Government accordingly considered it vital to resist with their national forces, His Majesty’s Government would feel themselves bound at once to lend the Polish Government all support in their power. They have given the Polish Government an assurance to that effect.” (Source: Barnett, Correlli, The Collapse of British Power, New York: William Morrow, 1972, p. 560; see also Taylor, A.J.P., The Origins of the Second World War, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1961, p. 211).

    Great Britain for the first time in history had left the decision whether or not to fight a war outside of her own country to another nation. Britain’s guarantee to Poland was binding without commitments from the Polish side. The British public was astonished by this move. Despite its unprecedented nature, Halifax encountered little difficulty in persuading the British Conservative, Liberal, and Labor parties to accept Great Britain’s unilateral guarantee of Poland. (Source: Hoggan, David L., The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed, Costa Mesa, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1989, pp. 333, 340).

    I could continue on. Halifax continued to agitate for war against Poland until Germany finally invaded Poland on September 1, 1939.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  935. @Tiptoethrutulips

    The quote says nothing about Jews. It merely references the slaughter of a king. Any person who had at some time read the poem could easily be reminded of this passage without thinking too much about Jews either way. You’re overinterpreting things by looking for passages which were not quoted by Lacher.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  936. derer says:
    @Patrick McNally

    May I remind you that this Jewish population statistics is taken from the Jewish Virtual Library. They would know the best what is the tribe population. The figure for 1939 is massaged to get the 6 mil drop for 1945 but you believe specifically that figure. The Jewish population grows t0 1939 is 3x greater not only for Switzerland but any other ethnicity (I used Switzerland because their numbers increased most in prewar, being a neutral country, but still is 3x smaller than the unrealistic Jewish growth). Furthermore, it is suggested that by 1939 many Jews would deny their religious identity from fear of persecution. You cannot have it both way.

    I started to look into this statistics because few years back Washington Post published a whole page article using the same statistics on how Jewish post war population bounced back to 1939 figure.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  937. @Patrick McNally

    Duh? Pardon me, but it was you, was it not? who claimed, “ There simply is no evidence of Jews as a collective entirety ever having been organized.”

    If you want to nit-pick, thread the needle, etc., technically, there is not, nor has been, an organization comprised of any group of people, in collective entirety, for anything. But, please, do not bother to suggest Zionists/Rabbis/Communists/Globalists/Cabalists do not organize, in such a way, to wreak havoc/fulfill prophecy on/for their people and on the poor “cattle” the world over.

    Speaking of Jews lacking organization, Theodor Herzl, professing support for the Uganda option, or the South American option, or peaceful relations with gentiles, in general, was unceremoniously ousted from the Unorganization of Zion. He wrote in his diary, “Everyone retains his own language. I am a German Jew from Hungary and can never be anything but a German. At present I am not recognized as a German. But that will come once we are over there. And so let everyone keep his acquired nationality and speak the language which has become the beloved homeland of his thoughts. Switzerland offers visible proof that a federated state of different nationalities can exist.” What then happened to poor Theodor? Dead at age 44.

    How about Lord Northcliffe? Proprietor/publisher of the London Times, the Daily Mail, and the Daily Mirror, who supports the English war efforts, but begins to notice inaccurate reporting on issues he believes is negatively effecting the English war effort. He begins to smell a rat; he begins to publish articles and make inquiries the unorganized Jews don’t like; he begins efforts to take over as editor for his publications. What then happened to poor Northcliffe? He is deemed crazy, stripped of his authority and dies at age 57.

    These are only two of many strange, premature deaths of people noticing or speaking on unorganized Jewry. Considering historical coincidences, current legislation, media censorship/bias, all in favor of organized Jewry, it’s laughable that you would suggest or claim to be unaware of these obvious patterns, and ultimately, the very real effects of organized Jewry.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  938. @Han

    Rabbi Wise definitely was a bona fide Zionist, unlike the nonsense spouted which claims that he was “communist” by any meaningful definition. Of course, the events in Russia did not favor the politics which Wise endorsed.

    The Jewish Chronicle reported (1 March 1918) that … the Petrograd Zionist organ had already been suppressed and its editors thrown in prison. At the elections held early in 1918 for a Russo-Jewish Congress the Zionists and their associates emerged as much the largest group. The Russian authorities made it clear that, because of its unmistakably anti-Bolshevik complexion, the Congress would not be allowed to meet.
    — Leonard Stein, The Balfour Declaration, pp. 572-3.

  939. @Han

    > How money was spent by Schiff was difficult to say until 1949, when Schiff’s grandson John Schiff bragged to the New York Journal

    The New York Journal-American had a gossip-column run under the pseudonym “Cholly Knickerbocker” which was at that time being written by Igor Cassini. There’s no reason to believe that Cassini ever spoke to John Schiff at all.

    “John Schiff is nowhere on record as saying this anywhere else. Knickerbocker was the pen name of Igor Cassini, a gossip columnist who made a career out of peddling rumors and making things up.”
    — Richard Spence, Wall Street and the Russian Revolution: 1905-1925, p. 138.

    > George Kennan, played an instrumental role as perception manager of the revolution and bragged that he had converted 52,000 Russian soldiers imprisoned in Japan into Bolshevik revolutionaries.

    What a ridiculous lie. Kennan never says anything about Bolsheviks, and anyone familiar with the record of Schiff knows that the only party he gave any aid to was the Constitutional Democrats.

    “Western Jewish leaders favored a liberal rather than an extreme or revolutionary movement among Russian Jews. They more readily supported the League for the Attainment of Full Right for the Jewish People of Russia than they did the Bund. The League was founded in March 1905 without socialist participation. In matters of general Russian politics, the League, like the Western leaders, favored the Cadets–the Russian Constitutional Democratic Party.”
    — Zosa Szajkowski, “Paul Nathan, Lucien Wolf, Jacob H. Schiff and the Jewish Revolutionary Movements in Eastern Europe 1903-1917,” Jewish Social Studies, Volume 29, Number 1, p. 11.

    There is no sign of Jacob Schiff ever having had any significant ties with the actual revolutionary groups which mattered in Russia. The latter were, quite specifically, the Social Revolutionaries, Mensheviks and Bolsheviks. It is certainly not news that Western Jewish leaders would have favored the Cadets. The Constitutional Democrats were the principal liberal party formed in Czarist Russia after the 1905 revolution broke out. The Cadets never played any major role in the revolutionary events of 1905 and onward.

    As the article says, the League which Schiff gave some funding to was founded in March 1905. The revolution broke out spontaneously in January 1905 and swept across the whole country. Schiff had nothing to do with this. He just tried to tack on his own preferred liberal group (the Constitutional Democrats, not the Bolsheviks) in the hope that they would benefit.

    • Replies: @Han
  940. @Patrick McNally

    Yes, that’s true. If we focus on just those few words and make no consideration to the meaning of the poem/story, in entirety.

    On that note, Theodor Geisel, who claimed “not Jewish,” but looked Jewish, who used his mother’s maiden name, Seuss, as in Dr. Seuss, but was not a real doctor, wrote a story about a green goblin, who hated little, blonde gentile girls, especially when they sang Christmas carols, which means he hated Jesus and Christians, so the green goblin, also known as The Grinch, was most likely a symbolic Jew. I know this because of these two verses:
    “Then he slithered and slunk, with a smile most unpleasant;
    Around the whole room, and he took every present!”

  941. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > I am claiming the original poem, written by a Jew, was based on an event, described in the Jewish Torah

    The specific lines are much narrower than that:

    “Belsatzar ward in selbiger Nacht / Von seinen Knechten umgebracht”

    The fact that Ivan Sergeyev reported finding Lacher’s signature in the basement, “Rudolf Lacher Y. T. K. Jager. Trient,” makes the logical one to look at.

    “Born in 1893 in a small village nestled in the Austrian Alps, he had joined the Hapsburg Army in 1914 and was sent to the Carpathian Front. In 1915 he was captured by Russian troops in Galicia and sent as a prisoner of war to a labor camp in the Urals, where he spent the next two years working on a state-owned farm… At the beginning of 1918, the dashing twenty-five-year old secured a job at the Verkh-Isetsk factory, largely on the basis of his linguistic talents… Lacher, who spoke German and Russian, acted as official interpreter … until he came to Yurovsky’s notice.”
    — Greg King & Penny Wilson, The Fate of the Romanovs, pp. 269-70.

  942. @Han


    In your fantasy world, perhaps. Not anywhere in the real historical record.

    > Cossacks and Czech troops captured Yekaterinburg on July 25th. Nikolai Sokolov immediately began investigating the murder of the Tsar’s family.

    This may serve as an easy-to-check illustration of how totally worthless and unreliable your source is.

    Nikolai Sokolov took over the investigation on February 7, 1919. Prior to that, the investigation had been conducted by Judge Ivan Sergeyev.

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Han
  943. @Patrick McNally

    So, was he a POW when Yurovsky noticed him? “Securing a job” sounds intentional. Did the securing and the noticing happen before or after 03/03/1918?

    Why do you think an ethnic German man would willingly associate with Bolsheviks, who were once his captors, and why would he implicate himself, willingly, to the murder of the royal family, with the knowledge of the approaching White army?

    What, exactly, is the contention with the inscription and its author? Are you asserting that Lacher, crept surreptitiously into the cellar, wrote the poetry verses on the wall, in an attempt to blame Jews, although you claim there were no Jews involved, save for Yurovsky, and thereby implicate himself in the crime, to the oncoming White army/authorities?

    Or, if the poetry verses had no significance, as you claim, other than “someone killed the king,” why would Lacher implicate himself? If he was leaving a clue, why would he not avail himself to authorities and explain/testify at a later date?

  944. @Patrick McNally

    And, if the purpose of the inscription was to relay, “we killed the king,” why not just say that, instead of all the intrigue and symbolism associated with a poem depicting a biblical event important to the Jews?

  945. @John Wear

    > Leslie Hore-Belisha, strongly agitated for war with Germany.

    That’s a red herring. What he specifically agitated about here was:

    ‘the present step resulted in the establishment of German dominance over non-German peoples’.

    That is, it was the occupation of Czechia which specifically showed that Hitler was not merely seeking to rejoin German-inhabited regions to the Reich. He was pursuing wider aims, and no Polish government would have been able to make a Munich-style deal after seeing that. The pressures on Chamberlain were not caused by either Hore-Belisha or Halifax. They were caused by Hitler’s occupation of Czechia. Between March 15 and 17, Chamberlain was forced to assess the public mood and see where things were going. But it was not a matter of dealing with a minority led by Halifax or Hore-Belisha. Chamberlain’s public credibility was now on the line.

    • Disagree: HdC
    • Replies: @John Wear
  946. @derer

    > May I remind you that this Jewish population statistics is taken from the Jewish Virtual Library.

    They do not give the 11,584,000 figure which you made up.

  947. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Duh? Pardon me, but it was you, was it not? who claimed, “There simply is no evidence of Jews as a collective entirety ever having been organized.”

    My statement remains 100% correct. The Balfour Declaration failed to keep Russia in the war because someone like Leon Trotsky was not operating on a common agenda with someone like Chaim Weizmann. Similarly, the attempts by Samuel Untermeyer to organize a general boycott of Germany failed because even many Jewish organizations which shared a lot of common views with Untermeyer disagreed with him strongly on this.

    The way all of this began was that I had correctly pointed out that it would be easier for someone to invoke Osama’s fatwa of 1998 as evidence of Muslims being a general danger than it is to justify the policies of the Third Reich based on Samuel Untermeyer’s statements in 1933. There were many more Islamic followers in 1998 ready to heed something like the calls for a fatwa by Osama than there were German Jews who supported Samuel Untermeyer. Untermeyer’s own attempts to rally a boycott were largely just a response to the SA’s vandalism. But very few Jewish organizations around the world supported Untermeyer’s attempt at a campaign.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  948. ChuckLynch says: • Website
    @Mark Bahner

    I have finally come to the conclusion that anything that the corporate globalist mainstream media pushes is a lie, and all they care about is pushing their One World Agenda and this topic fits right in perfectly with what they have been doing for well over 75 years. Please do a Google search on the 1933 German Transfer Agreement (aka the Ha’avara Agreement). You will be absolutely amazed at who the two parties to the agreement really were. Lots of you will have to undergo some severe unbrainwashing, especially the ones with college degrees from State U, like me from Tempe, AZ!!

  949. @Patrick McNally

    You are 100% incorrect.

    You just described three Jewish advocates/agitators, all buzzing around and causing all sorts of mayhem in western countries, through mob violence, financial/political influence, media propaganda/falsehoods, manipulation; does it matter if/that their assaults were made from different directions or for different purposes? Tell me, how were Trotsky, Weizmann and Untermeyer beneficial to the countries subject to their machinations?

    The Balfour Declaration failed to keep Russia in the war because that was not the primary purpose of it; the purpose was for a commitment by British officials to acquire Palestine in exchange for Jewish influence to prompt American involvement in the war. Tell me, who was prevailing in the war prior to American entrance?

    Regardless of any opinions made publicly by American officials, past or present, American interests, and often, those of our “allies” are secondary. Here’s an excerpt from a speech by Senator Taft on June 25, 1941, regarding WW2, speaking on the same patterns of press manipulation and deception of citizens:

    By ROBERT A. TAFT, U. S. Senator from Ohio
    Over the Columbia Broadcasting System, June 25, 1941

    The European War Is Not a War of Democracy Against Tyrannies
    “The complete absurdity of going to war even to spread our highest ideals is certainly revealed by the present situation in Europe. In the alleged battle between the totalitarian states and the democracies, we now find Communist Russia transformed into a democracy. In some way the illusion was created in the newspapers and radio and movies by skillful propaganda that Greece and China and Brazil and other friendly nations were democracies, although they were governed without question by dictators. But how can anyone swallow the idea that Russia is battling for democratic principles? Yet the President on Monday announced that the United States would give all possible aid to Russia the character and quantity of the aid to await only a disclosure of Russian needs. Because overnight Russia is transformed from an aggressor into a democracy, the Treasury has released $40,000,000 in Russian assets, although the assets of France are frozen tighter than a drum.
    To spread the four freedoms throughout the world we will ship airplanes and tanks and guns to Communist Russia. But no country was more responsible for the present war and Germany’s aggression than Russia itself. Except for the Russian pact with Germany there would have been no invasion of Poland. Then Russia proved to be as much of an aggressor as Germany. If through our aid Stalin is continued in power, do you suppose that he will spread the four freedoms through Finland and Estonia and Latvia and Lithuania?“

    By my observations, you correctly point out nothing other than dates, names and the official bullshit swirling over the heads and in the faces of gentiles everywhere, much like the swirling chickens over Jewish heads to absolve their jewy sins; I wonder how chickens have avoided the endangered species list.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  950. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write about Hitler: “He was pursuing wider aims, and no Polish government would have been able to make a Munich-style deal after seeing that.”

    My response: When the Belgian Minister to Germany, Vicomte Jacques Davignon, received the text of the British guarantee to Poland, he exclaimed that “blank check” was the only possible description of the British pledge. Davignon was extremely alarmed in view of the proverbial recklessness of the Poles. German State Secretary Ernst von Weizsäcker attempted to reassure Davignon by claiming that the situation between Germany and Poland was not tragic. However, Davignon correctly feared that the British move would produce war in a very short time. (Source: Hoggan, David L., The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed, Costa Mesa, Cal: Institute for Historical Review, 1989, p. 342).

    German-Polish relationships became strained by the increasing harshness with which the Polish authorities handled their German minority.

    The Germans in Poland were subjected to increasing doses of violence from the dominant Poles. The British public was told repeatedly that the grievances of the German minority in Poland were largely imaginary. The average British citizen was completely unaware of the terror and fear of death that stalked these Germans in Poland. Ultimately, many thousands of Germans in Poland died in consequence of the crisis. They were among the first victims of British Foreign Secretary Halifax’s war policy against Germany. (Source: Ibid., p. 387).

    W. L. White, an American journalist, later recalled that there was no doubt among well-informed people by this time that horrible atrocities were being inflicted every day on the Germans of Poland. (Source: Ibid., p. 554).

    Donald Day, a Chicago Tribune correspondent, reported on the atrocious treatment the Poles had meted out to the ethnic Germans in Poland:

    “I traveled up to the Polish corridor where the German authorities permitted me to interview the German refugees from many Polish cities and towns. The story was the same. Mass arrests and long marches along roads toward the interior of Poland. The railroads were crowded with troop movements. Those who fell by the wayside were shot. The Polish authorities seemed to have gone mad. I have been questioning people all my life and I think I know how to make deductions from the exaggerated stories told by people who have passed through harrowing personal experiences. But even with generous allowance, the situation was plenty bad. To me the war seemed only a question of hours.” (Source: Day, Donald, Onward Christian Soldiers, Newport Beach, Cal.: The Noontide Press, 2002, p. 56).

    British Ambassador Nevile Henderson in Berlin was concentrating on obtaining recognition from Halifax of the cruel fate of the German minority in Poland. Henderson emphatically warned Halifax on August 24, 1939, that German complaints about the treatment of the German minority in Poland were fully supported by the facts. Henderson knew that the Germans were prepared to negotiate, and he stated to Halifax that war between Poland and Germany was inevitable unless negotiations were resumed between the two countries. Henderson pleaded with Halifax that it would be contrary to Polish interests to attempt a full military occupation of Danzig, and he added a scathingly effective denunciation of Polish policy. What Henderson failed to realize is that Halifax was pursuing war for its own sake as an instrument of policy. Halifax desired the complete destruction of Germany. (Source: Hoggan, David L., The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed, Costa Mesa, Cal.: Institute for Historical Review, 1989, pp. 500-501, 550).

    On August 25, 1939, Ambassador Henderson reported to Halifax the latest Polish atrocity at Bielitz, Upper Silesia. Henderson never relied on official German statements concerning these incidents, but instead based his reports on information he received from neutral sources. The Poles continued to forcibly deport the Germans of that area, and compelled them to march into the interior of Poland. Eight Germans were murdered and many more were injured during one of these actions.

    Hitler was faced with a terrible dilemma. If Hitler did nothing, the Germans of Poland and Danzig would be abandoned to the cruelty and violence of a hostile Poland. If Hitler took effective action against the Poles, the British and French might declare war against Germany. Henderson feared that the Bielitz atrocity would be the final straw to prompt Hitler to invade Poland. Henderson, who strongly desired peace with Germany, deplored the failure of the British government to exercise restraint over the Polish authorities. (Source: Ibid., p. 509).

    Germany decided to invade Poland on September 1, 1939 to end the atrocities against the German minority in Poland.

    All of the British leaders claimed that the entire responsibility for starting the war was Hitler’s. Prime Minister Chamberlain broadcast that evening on British radio that “the responsibility for this terrible catastrophe (war in Poland) lies on the shoulders of one man, the German Chancellor.” Chamberlain claimed that Hitler had ordered Poland to come to Berlin with the unconditional obligation of accepting without discussion the exact German terms. Chamberlain denied that Germany had invited the Poles to engage in normal negotiations. Chamberlain’s statements were unvarnished lies, but the Polish case was so weak that it was impossible to defend it with the truth.

    Halifax also delivered a cleverly hypocritical speech to the House of Lords on the evening of September 1, 1939. Halifax claimed that the best proof of the British will to peace was to have Chamberlain, the great appeasement leader, carry Great Britain into war. Halifax concealed the fact that he had taken over the direction of British foreign policy from Chamberlain in October 1938, and that Great Britain would probably not be moving into war had this not happened. He assured his audience that Hitler, before the bar of history, would have to assume full responsibility for starting the war. Halifax insisted that the English conscience was clear, and that, in looking back, he did not wish to change a thing as far as British policy was concerned. (Source: Ibid., pp. 578-579).

    On September 2, 1939, Italy and Germany agreed to hold a mediation conference among themselves and Great Britain, France and Poland. Halifax attempted to destroy the conference plan by insisting that Germany withdraw her forces from Poland and Danzig before Great Britain and France would consider attending the mediation conference. French Foreign Minister Bonnet knew that no nation would accept such treatment, and that the attitude of Halifax was unreasonable and unrealistic.

    Ultimately, the mediation effort collapsed, and both Great Britain and France declared war against Germany on September 3, 1939. When Hitler read the British declaration of war against Germany, he paused and asked of no one in particular: “What now?” (Source: Ibid., pp. 586, 593, 598).

    Germany was now in an unnecessary war with three European nations.

    • Thanks: Tiptoethrutulips
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  951. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write:
    “The New York Journal-American had a gossip-column run under the pseudonym “Cholly Knickerbocker” which was at that time being written by Igor Cassini. There’s no reason to believe that Cassini ever spoke to John Schiff at all.” – OF COURSE, YOU WOULD SAY THAT. LOL!!!

    “John Schiff is nowhere on record as saying this anywhere else. Knickerbocker was the pen name of Igor Cassini, a gossip columnist who made a career out of peddling rumors and making things up.”
    — Richard Spence, Wall Street and the Russian Revolution: 1905-1925, p. 138.

    “anywhere else” are indeed the operative words. No denying that John Schiff bragged to the New York Journal that his grandfather had given $20 million “for the triumph of communism in Russia.”

    I have the pdf version of his book in front of me and that paragraph is on p. 249

    Richard Spence, the professor of history at Idaho University, knows all about it as he is part of it.

    Page 249 Schiff and Trotsky

    It has since become a virtual article of faith in some quarters that Schiff not only bankrolled Trotsky, but also acted as a financial mainstay to the subsequent Soviet regime.
    For instance, Trotsky allegedly had been “seen going in and out of Schiff’s New York mansion,” and he received “$20 million in Jacob Schiff gold to help finance the revolution.”

    In fact, there are no contemporary references to Trotsky being seen with Schiff or at any of his residences. Of course, if the meetings were clandestine, there should be no record.

    The “$20 million appears to be a garbled line from an oft-quoted 1949 column by “Cholly Knickerbocker.”
    In fact it reads: “Today it is estimated by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, a prominent member of New York Society, that the old man sank around $20 million for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.”

    John Schiff is nowhere on record as saying this anywhere else. Knickerbocker was the pen name of Igor Cassini, a gossip columnist who made a career out of peddling rumors and making things up.


    To be clear, there is absolutely no documentary evidence that Jacob Schiff gave Trotsky a penny. There are, however, several circumstantial threads connecting them. This warrants suspicion, but no more. Again, the whole point of clandestine activity is that it’s clandestine. If done right, it is never supposed to be verifiable.

    Anyone who demands a canceled check made out to Trotsky with Schiff’s signature misses this point entirely. Schiff would have been careful about keeping “cut-outs” between himself and Trotsky or any revolutionaries.

    Obvious that Richard Spence was in awe of Anthony Sutton as shown on pp 18-19.

    One day in the late 1990s an email from Antony Sutton flashed on my computer screen.
    First, I wondered if it was a hoax, but no it was really him. It was exciting.
    I had tried to reach him many years before, even writing to his publisher in Montana. Nothing.
    And now he was writing to me. Wow!

    It took some time before Antony allowed a personal visit. It was wonderful.

    But tragically, three weeks after the printing, Tony fell dead in his kitchen. Yes, it was suspicious, but all the county coroner would tell us – was “natural causes.”
    A great and wonderful researcher was lost that day. Tony knew how, and what to ask for. His years in academia had honed his skills. You want first person sources and documents, Tony supplied them.

    I AM NOT TOO SURE ABOUT: “His years in academia had honed his skills”.

    Take, for instance, his book, ‘WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER’
    I do have a copy of his book in front of me.

    The accusation that Hitler was funded by Jewish Banks is the cornerstone of every Hitler researcher.
    The main basis for these slanders is Anthony Sutton’s book ‘Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler’.
    Those who take joy in citing this book as “proof” of Hitler being funded by Big Banks have usually never even read the book themselves or for that matter bothered to inspect Sutton’s sources.

    The fundamental problem with Anthony Sutton’s book is that it relies heavily on written memoirs instead of firsthand documentation.
    For example, Sutton relies on the anonymously authored ‘Hitler’s Secret Backers’ allegedly written by a Sydney Warburg which circulated in the cafes of Berlin during the1920s.
    As it turns out Sydney Warburg never existed and was simple a penname for an unknown author.

    Sutton also relies heavily on Fritz Thyssen’s ‘I Paid Hitler’ memoir which was admittedly not even written by Thyssen himself and in fact would later actually disavow the memoir.

    At many points in the book Anthony Sutton has moments of candid honesty admitting that neither the Bushes or Rockefeller’s Standard Oil ever funded Hitler. Yet again more evidence that those who cite Sutton don’t even read his book.

    SUTTON’S WORK, however, WAS REFUTED BY another Professor and Historian by the name of HENRY ASHBY TURNER in his 1985 landmark book titled ‘GERMAN BIG BUSINESS & THE RISE OF HITLER’.

    UNLIKE ANTHONY SUTTON, DR. TURNER SOUGHT PRIMARY FIRST-HAND SOURCES. During the 1980s Professor Turner spent several years travelling both East and West Germany combing through the vaults of archival documentation in attempts to accurately trace who actually funded Hitler’s ascension to power.

    Not surprisingly, Dr. Turner found zero evidence that Big Business and International Banking Firms had any hand in Hitler’s political rise. It is important to note that Dr. Turner is actually anti-Hitler and has no biased agenda beyond being an honest scholar whereas Sutton a Libertarian and Classical Liberal wished to connect Communism and National Socialism as both being fundamentally synonymous.

    Therefor compare in contrast the veracity of Sutton’s and Turner’s work.

    Here a review of Turner’s book ‘GERMAN BIG BUSINESS & THE RISE OF HITLER’
    Did big business play a crucial role in Adolf Hitler’s rise to power? Did German capitalists undermine the Weimar Republic, finance the Nazi Party, and use their influence on behalf of Hitler’s appointment to the chancellorship of Germany?

    For half a century, such charges as these have been repeatedly made, and today one of the most widely held explanations for the Third Reich’s origins places prime responsibility on Germany’s leading corporations.

    Astonishingly, this subject has never been adequately explored–and until now it was commonly believed that the records that might throw light on this important connection had been either lost or destroyed.

    In the pages of this groundbreaking book, Henry Ashby Turner, Jr., shows us that these records do indeed exist. And the evidence that leads him to his startling conclusion–that big business did not, on balance, support Hitler’s political program–overthrows many of our conventional ideas about the rise of Hitler’s regime.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  952. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Shalom, Shlomo Slimestein,

    You write:
    “Nikolai Sokolov took over the investigation on February 7, 1919. Prior to that, the investigation had been conducted by Judge Ivan Sergeyev.” – YES, WE ALL KNOW THAT.

    You write:
    “This may serve as an easy-to-check illustration of how totally worthless and unreliable your source is.” – LOL!!! ROTFL!!!

    I always enjoy reading your comments, please, keep us entertained! LOL!!!

    NIKOLAI SOKOLOV will always be remembered as THE ONLY INVESTIGATOR in the murder of the Tsar and his family for he managed to take all the investigation files with him to the West after the final defeat of the White Army and publish them there.

    Sokolov fled to France where he settled in the White émigré community in Paris. He would continue to obsess about the murders, reworking and revising his brief. It must have weighed heavily on him, as his health began to deteriorate. At one point he wrote to a friend that he believed his investigation was killing him.

    Soon after completing the brief to his satisfaction in 1924 Sokolov died of a massive heart attack, he was 42.

    Whatever errors were in the final edit, Sokolov’s files, titled, ‘Enquête Judiciaire Sur L’assassinat De La Famille Impériale Russe’ (The Sokolov investigation of the alleged murder of the Russian Imperial Family) is the only information in the West since 1924 as to what happened to Russia’s last Imperial Family.


    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  953. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally


    You write:
    “In your fantasy world, perhaps. Not anywhere in the real historical record.
    This may serve as an easy-to-check illustration of how totally worthless and unreliable your source is.”

    REALLY?… LOL!!! ROTFL!!! You do make me laugh all the time!

    The proof of JACOB SCHIFF ordering the murder of the Tsar and his family is in the TELEGRAPH STRIPS which SOKOLOV took care of.

    GOT THAT, Shlomo Slimestein? Nothing wrong with my sources.

    From: ‘UNDER THE SIGN OF THE SCORPION’ by Juri Lina, pp 272 – 273
    The order to murder the Tsar and his family actually came from New York.

    THE BOLSHEVIKS had been forced to FLEE from Yekaterinburg in such haste that THEY HAD NO TIME TO DESTROY ALL THE TELEGRAPH STRIPS. Those strips were later found in the telegraph house.

    SOKOLOV took care of them but could not decipher the telegrams. THIS WAS DONE ONLY IN 1922 BY A GROUP OF EXPERTS IN PARIS.


    The chairman of the Central Executive Committee, Yakov Sverdlov, sent a message to Yakov Yurovsky where he relayed that after he had told JACOB SCHIFF in New York about the approach of the White Army, he had RECEIVED ORDERS FROM SCHIFF TO LIQUIDATE THE TSAR AND HIS ENTIRE FAMILY AT ONCE.

    This order was delivered to Sverdlov by the American Representation,which then lay in the town of Vologda.

    Sverdlov ordered Yurovsky to carry out this order. But on the following day, Yurovsky wanted to check whether the order really applied to the whole family or just to the head of the family, the Tsar. Sverdlov then told him that the entire family was to be eliminated. Yurovsky was responsible
    for the order being carried out.

    So, Lenin did not decide any of this himself. The Jewish historian Edvard Radzinsky has tried to assert that it was Lenin who gave the orders to murder the Tsar and his family. But no such telegram has been found in the archives.

    Radzinsky’s explanation that Lenin had this telegram destroyed does not hold water, since there is a vast amount of compromising material about Lenin otherwise. Why should he have destroyed only this particular telegram and no other equally incriminatory documents?

    In November 1924, Sokolov told a close friend that his publisher was afraid to print these sensitive facts in his book. They were censored out.


    Sokolov died suddenly one month later. He was to have travelled to the United States to give evidence in favour of Henry Ford in Kuhn, Loeb & Co’s lawsuit against the car magnate who had published his book “The International Jew”.

    Sokolov’s book “The Murder of the Tsar’s Family” was published in Berlin in 1925 without the aforementioned information. These facts were made public only in 1939, in the exile periodical Tsarsky Vestnik.

    Jacob Schiff’s role in those murders was described in Russia only in 1990.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  954. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > the purpose was for a commitment by British officials to acquire Palestine in exchange for Jewish influence to prompt American involvement in the war.

    That’s a story invented by people like Benjamin Freedman. He cooked up an entire phony career for himself with claims that he had at some time been an intimate with Bernard Baruch. No evidence has ever existed of this false biography which Freedman wove for himself.

    The United States entered the war in April 1917. The British government continued debating whether or not to do something like the Balfour Declaration all through the summer, long after the US had entered the war. The US became committed to the Allies because of the way that interests such as J.P. Morgan had given easy loans to the Allies from the start of the war. That influence by investors such as J.P. Morgan had been going since the start of the war. US entry into the war had nothing to do with the issuance of the Balfour Declaration on November 5, 1917.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  955. bjondo says:

    Haven’t really had time to read both articles. Computer not available for long.


    we know whatever Yid (like CDC, FDA) say is horseshit.

    Answering Critics of the Theory That Balfour Declaration Was Payoff for Zionist Services in WWI By John Cornelius

    Palestine, the Balfour Declaration and Why America Entered the Great War By John Cornelius


  956. @John Wear

    It’s no shock that the Belgian government would be worried at the prospect of war breaking out. But the reality had always intended to tear up the Munich Pact and once the Poles saw him do this, they ruled out any further compromise.

    Hitler’s order of October 21, 1938, had laid out the aim of crushing Czechoslovakia long before the events of March 14, 1939:

    … the Armed Forces must be prepared at all times for the following eventualities…

    2. The liquidation of the remainder of Czechoslovakia…

    It must be possible to smash at any time the remainder of Czechoslovakia if her policy should become hostile to Germany… The object is the swift occupation of Bohemia and Moravia and the cutting off of Slovakia… The units stationed in the vicinity of Bohemia-Moravia and several motorized divisions are to be earmarked for a surprise type of attack… The quick advance of the German Army is to be secured by an early elimination of the Czech Air Force. For this purpose the commitment to a surprise attack from peacetime bases has to be prepared.
    — Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Volume 6, pp. 947-8.

    The casual comment about “if her policy should become hostile” should not be misconstrued to mean that Hitler had no other intent than purely defensive measures. He elaborated on his aims in a general fashion in his speech of February 10, 1939, less than 5 weeks before marching across Czechia:

    I have taken it upon myself to solve the German problem… That is, the German space problem. Take good note of that: as long as I live, this ideal will govern my every action. Take heed too: the moment I believe that I can make a killing, I’ll always strike immediately and I won’t hesitate to go to the very brink. Because I’m convinced this problem has to be solved, one way or the other. I’ll never shrug my shoulders and say: “Oh dear! I’ll leave that for whomever comes after me.” …

    We can best preserve the respect, the prestige that we have already won by seizing every slim opportunity we get to snatch fresh victories. In this way, we will familiarize ourselves with the enemy and, I dare say, the enemy will gradually get accustomed to Germany’s strength too. So don’t be surprised if over the coming years every opportunity is taken to attain these German objectives, and please give me your blindest support.
    — David Irving, The War Path, pp. 274-6, 2013 edition.

    This was the general set of aims with which Hitler had ordered preparations for a sudden attack on Czechoslovakia to prepared on October 21, 1938, and then subsequently carried it out in March.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  957. @Han

    > No denying that John Schiff bragged to the New York Journal

    John Schiff never talked to Igor Cassini. This was simply a gossip column where the columnist is granted latitude to make hazy statements as long as no actual quotes are claimed. The single passage which Cassini tossed out in that column contains no quote from John Schiff, but simply an allegation that he is supposed to have said something or other, somewhere or other, some time or other, to someone or other. It’s the type of gossip column which would simply be dismissed by any honest researcher.

    To add a bit further, while Jacob Schiff appears to have been away from New York during the 10 weeks when Trotsky was there, and Schiff certainly gave any support to any attempt by anyone to overthrow Kerensky, it shouldn’t be ruled that Schiff might have in some way supported Trotsky as an antiwar speaker.

    I’ve had to bring up before the fact that, contrary to what is sometimes alleged about the Balfour Declaration, Jacob Schiff had been firmly opposed to US entry into the war until the March Revolution. Trotsky was not a Bolshevik in the months of January-March 1917; he was a loner who had a very small circle of allies; he had attacked Lenin at the time when Lenin wrote What is To be Done; but he had then broken from the Mensheviks because their theory of two-stage revolution conflicted with his of permanent revolution. Trotsky’s activities in New York were all about speaking and writing with the message that the US working-class should not join the war in Europe. It is easy to imagine that Jacob Schiff might have sponsored him as an antiwar speaker prior to the March Revolution.

    If that were so, it would simply have meant contributing to essential rent and food bills. Schiff wouldn’t have been handing out tens of millions of dollars to Trotsky or anyone else over this. What is hypothetically plausible is that when Trotsky arrived in New York to act as an antiwar activist, Schiff might have simply told someone to make sure that Trotsky found a place to stay so that he could get out his antiwar message.

    It should be emphasized that if Schiff had ever in his wildest imaginations contemplated forging an alliance with Lenin, then Trotsky in early 1917 was one of the last people in the world he would want to deal with. Trotsky and Lenin were bitter political rivals right up until the March Revolution. Trotsky only joined Lenin’s party in July 1917. When he did join, it was as a consequence of events which no one in early 1917 had predicted.

    • Replies: @Han
  958. @Patrick McNally

    Who do you think you’re speaking (writing) to? I’m no scholar, but I can read, and I can recognize deception/obfuscation when I see/read it. Arthur James Balfour, prime minister of England from 1902-1905, met with Chaim Weizmann in 1906. 1906, McNally. World War 1, aka “ The War To Capture Palestine From The Turks” was 8 years away.

    Here’s a few nuggets from other observers:

    “The first meeting between Balfour and Weizmann took place in 1906, three years after the Zionist leadership had turned down the offer of a Jewish homeland in Uganda. Their conversation lasted more than an hour and contained within it the germ of the Balfour Declaration.”

    “Ernest Bevin, Labour’s postwar foreign secretary, once told the Zionist leader, David Ben-Gurion, that the Balfour Declaration of 1917 was the worst mistake in western foreign policy in the first half of the 20th century. From the perspective of British interests, it was certainly a strategic blunder. It committed Britain to support the establishment of a “national home” for the Jewish people in Palestine when the Jews constituted less than 10% of the population. Britain’s promise paved the way for the establishment of the state of Israel, but also unleashed one of the most bitter conflicts of modern times.”

    Oh, sure, “officially” the US entrance into the war had nothing, whatsoever, to do with Jewish machinations and string pulling, nor for any benefits to be had by an otherwise uninvolved population group. Why don’t you explain to me, what was the specific advantage to England/Britain to be haggling over Palestine for Jews during a “European” war beginning in 1914? Were the English about to lose their bacon to the Germans? How were the English to prevail without American boots on the ground? Who was buzzing around Lilly-Livered Nincompoop Woodrow Wilson during this time? The Jewish bees were busy buzzing, always buzzing…..maybe “locusts” is the more appropriate term.

    That there are investor groups, who fund both sides of wars/conflicts, is news to no one, and it means nothing regarding the Balfour Deception, perhaps with the exception of the extraordinary amount of capital made by the Rothschilds in their banking/war funding schemes, to bribe western officials accordingly, and/or to fund infrastructure/terror groups (they are one & the same for Israel) in Palestine.

    I have read the declaration; where does it say, “we are concerned about Russian Jews (our ally, Russia?), or whatever nonsense you claim is somehow beneficial to England, at war?” And, what does –
    “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.” – have to do with WW1? Did the English stick to this promise to non-Jews, or did the unorganized Jews dispense with the British mandate and start terrorizing the world from Israel?

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  959. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write: “But the reality had always [been that Hitler] intended to tear up the Munich Pact and once the Poles saw him do this, they ruled out any further compromise.”

    My response: This statement ignores the fact that the Poles committed enormous crimes against their German minority before Hitler invaded Poland.

    The immediate responsibility for security measures involving the German minority in Poland rested with Interior Department Ministerial Director Waclaw Zyborski. Zyborski consented to discuss the situation on June 23, 1939, with Walther Kohnert, one of the leaders of the German minority at Bromberg. Zyborski admitted to Kohnert that the Germans of Poland were in an unenviable situation, but he was not sympathetic to their plight. Zyborski ended their lengthy conversation by stating frankly that his policy required a severe treatment of the German minority in Poland. He made it clear that it was impossible for the Germans of Poland to alleviate their hard fate. The Germans in Poland were the helpless hostages of the Polish community and the Polish state. (Source: Hoggan, David L., The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed, Costa Mesa, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1989, pp. 388-389).

    Other leaders of the German minority in Poland repeatedly appealed to the Polish government for help during this period. Sen. Hans Hasbach, the leader of the conservative German minority faction, and Dr. Rudolf Wiesner, the leader of the Young German Party, each made multiple appeals to Poland’s government to end the violence. In a futile appeal on July 6, 1939, to Premier Sławoj-Składkowski, head of Poland’s Department of Interior, Wiesner referred to the waves of public violence against the Germans at Tomaszów near Lódz, May 13-15th, at Konstantynów, May 21-22nd, and at Pabianice, June 22-23, 1939. The appeal of Wiesner produced no results. The leaders of the German political groups eventually recognized that they had no influence with Polish authorities despite their loyal attitudes toward Poland. It was “open season” on the Germans of Poland with the approval of the Polish government. (Source: Ibid.).

    The Polish anti-German incidents of this period also occurred against the German majority in the Free City of Danzig. On May 21, 1939, Zygmunt Morawski, a former Polish soldier, murdered a German at Kalthof on Danzig territory. The incident itself would not have been so unusual except for the fact that Polish officials acted as if Poland and not the League of Nations had sovereign power over Danzig. Polish officials refused to apologize for the incident, and they treated with contempt the effort of Danzig authorities to bring Morawski to trial. It was obvious that the Poles in Danzig considered themselves above the law. (Source: Ibid., pp. 392-393).

    Tension steadily mounted at Danzig after the Kalthof murder. The citizens of Danzig were convinced that Poland would show them no mercy if Poland were permitted to obtain the upper hand. The Poles were furious when they learned that Danzig was defying Poland by organizing her own militia for home defense. The Poles blamed Hitler for this situation. The Polish government protested to German Ambassador Hans von Moltke on July 1, 1939, about the current military defense measures of the Danzig government. Józef Beck told French Ambassador Léon Noël on July 6, 1939, that the Polish government had decided that additional measures were necessary to meet the alleged threat from Danzig. (Source: Ibid., pp. 405-406).

    On July 29, 1939, the Danzig government presented two protest notes to the Poles concerning illegal activities of Polish custom inspectors and frontier officials. The Polish government responded by terminating the export of duty-free herring and margarine from Danzig to Poland. Polish officials next announced in the early hours of August 5, 1939, that the frontiers of Danzig would be closed to the importation of all foreign food products unless the Danzig government promised by the end of the day never to interfere with the activities of Polish customs inspectors. This threat was formidable since Danzig produced only a relatively small portion of her own food. All Polish customs inspectors would also bear arms while performing their duty after August 5, 1939. The Polish ultimatum made it obvious that Poland intended to replace the League of Nations as the sovereign power at Danzig. (Source: Ibid., p. 412).

    Hitler concluded that Poland was seeking to provoke an immediate conflict with Germany. The Danzig government submitted to the Polish ultimatum based on Hitler’s recommendation.

    Józef Beck had explained to British Ambassador Kennard that the Polish government was prepared to take military measures against Danzig if it failed to accept the Polish terms. The citizens of Danzig were convinced that Poland would have executed a full military occupation of Danzig had the Polish ultimatum been rejected. It was apparent to the German government that the British and French were either unable or unwilling to restrain the Polish government from arbitrary steps that could produce an explosion. (Source: Ibid., pp. 413-415).

    On August 7, 1939, the Polish censors permitted the newspaper Illustrowany Kuryer Codzienny in Kraków to feature an article of unprecedented recklessness. The article stated that Polish units were constantly crossing the German frontier to destroy German military installations and to carry confiscated German military equipment into Poland. The Polish government failed to prevent the newspaper, with the largest circulation in Poland, from telling the world that Poland was instigating a series of violations of her frontier with Germany. Polish Ambassador Jerzy Potocki unsuccessfully attempted to persuade Józef Beck to seek an agreement with the Germans. Potocki later succinctly explained the situation in Poland by stating “Poland prefers Danzig to peace.” (Source: Ibid., p. 419).

    I could go on and on. Poland was openly agitating for war against Germany with the aid of Great Britain.

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  960. @Han

    > NIKOLAI SOKOLOV will always be remembered as THE ONLY INVESTIGATOR

    If one intends to remember something like Rudolf Lacher’s scrawling out of the passage by Heine, then obviously Judge Ivan Sergeyev is the investigator to remember. These things all come from Sergeyev’s report, as does the fact that Lacher signed his own name in the same area.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  961. @Han

    > From: ‘UNDER THE SIGN OF THE SCORPION’ by Juri Lina, pp 272 – 273

    An unsourced propaganda tract published in 2oo2.


    Yet somehow no one heard about this rubbish until 8 decades later. And it’s not as if there was ever any shortage of sources able and willing to publish such claptrap. Sure, you would expect that the major book publishers would avoid something like that. But White propaganda was regularly publishing its own junk, such as the fake Trotsky-quote misattributed to Aron Simanovitch:

    Juri Lina sounds like the latest version of Eustace Mullins.

    • Replies: @Han
  962. @Patrick McNally

    You mean, Lacher’s alleged scrawling on the wall.

    I have yet to read your reply/theory as to why an Austrian/German man would collude with his former captors, and foolishly implicate himself for the murder of the royal family, in an attempt to implicate Jews, who, according to you, were not otherwise involved, by inscribing text from a Jewish poet, whose poem parallels the biblical story of Jewish retribution against a gentile king, but according to you, the scrawled message meant only, “the king was killed,” which could have been better conveyed by simply writing, “the king was killed,” but regardless of the intentions of the scrawler, affixing a name or initials, and thereby leaving an identity, which could/would implicate guilt or knowledge for/of the murders, and accordingly, government officials would come looking for justice for the murders and/or Jewish thugs would come looking for retribution for the snitching.

    If Lacher was as smart as you claim he was, he would have dropped his magic markers and just got the heck out of Dodge.

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  963. @Tiptoethrutulips

    Balfour had indeed been a Christian Zionist before the war. To the extent that you wish to emphasize this aspect of his motives, then the whole thing about US entry into the war is irrelevant. From a Christian Zionist perspective, advancing the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine is considered a good thing regardless of what the US or Russia do in the war. But insofar as you’re going to try to argue for some more pragmatic motive that is independent of Christian Zionism, the US entry into the war was a done deal in April 1917. There was no need for Britain to commit itself to any major policy shifts in the Middle East for the sake of bringing the US into the war. Where there was a consideration in early November of a power remaining in the war, it was not the United States. It was Kerensky’s Russia. By November 5, the United States was already irreversibly committed to the war.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Han
  964. @John Wear

    > This statement ignores the fact that the Poles committed enormous crimes against their German minority before Hitler invaded Poland.

    A big inflation of the facts. There was a series of pogroms which broke out after the war began. Prior to the outbreak of war, and even more one should prior to Hitler’s occupation of Czechia, the main focus had been on economic issues.

    In 1936 the co-op association’s Vereinsbank in Torun, which helped keep many minority farms and businesses afloat, was the target of tax evasion proceedings, which most Germans believed to be politically inspired. The bank was accused of violating a law that granted tax breaks to cooperatives on ground that it made loans to nonmembers; and it was given thirty days to come up with 745,000 zloty in back taxes. By 1939 a concerted official campaign to cripple or shut down the German cooperative movement was evident… As a result of these efforts, one-third of the German co-ops in western Poland were forced to close during the first eight months of 1939.
    — Richard Blanke, Orphans of Versailles: The Germans in Western Poland, 1918-1939, pp. 210-1.

    The original situation of Germans in Poland was not much different from what had occurred already in South Tyrol:

    The most northerly province of Italy was the large German-speaking South Tyrol which Italy had taken from Austria in 1919… Mussolini … considered deporting them en masse; then he decided to ‘Italianize’ the area — closing schools, forbidding German and Slovene as languages of education, abolishing local self-government, confiscating private property where necessary, and even forcing people to change their names to ones that sounded more Italian.
    — Dennis Mack Smith, Mussolini, pp. 96-7.

    The reason that no conflict blew up between Hitler and Mussolini over this was because Hitler had already decided that Mussolini should make a natural for him as he pursued his drive to the east for living space. With Poland and Czechoslovakia, it was different, because these states were right on the roadway to the east. Hitler did not desire a settlement with these countries, such as he had with Italy.

    On 21 May in the aftermath of an attack on the building housing Polish customs inspectors in the border village of Kalthoff, a Danziger was shot to death by a chauffeur of the Polish commissariat general. Negotiations on the issue of customs inspectors, were conducted in an atmosphere of increasing tension and violence. Danzig’s legal case against the powers of the customs inspectors, who had frequently used their position to increase Polish control over the economy of the free city, was rather a good one. Had an amicable settlement been desired, it could easily have been reached. But this was not the point. The dispute had the practical effect of disorganizing Polish supervision of customs, so that German military shipments could slip in uncounted.
    — Herbert Levine, Hitler’s Free City, p. 151.

    None of this would have become a problem if Hitler had simply not occupied Czechia on March 15. In that scenario, Chamberlain would have supported him in his demands for a settlement over Danzig and Poland would eventually have been forced to yield.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  965. @Patrick McNally

    Well, if the negotiations for English support of a Jewish Return began in 1906, then clearly it was in the works long before the war. As the territory was ruled by the Ottoman Empire in 1906, just how was the Return supposed to have occurred? Unorganized Zionists attempted to “purchase” their way back in many years before the war; the Sultan’s response?

    “The sultan declined this offer with the famous saying: “I won’t sell anything, not even an inch of this territory because this country does not belong to me but to all Ottomans. My people won these lands with their blood. We give what we have the way we got it in the first place.” Herzl repeated his offer once again the following year, but the answer was the same.”

    Clearly, the Return would have an element of force to come to fruition. The plot was to have someone else do their fighting for them, and thereby be let in once possession changed hands. Which is EXACTLY what happened. Lloyd George had troops removed from France and stationed in Palestine, for what reason? I’m not the only person who questions the motive:

    “In 1984, in the pages of the Historical Journal, David R. Woodward asked whether British prime minister, David Lloyd George, had starved the British army
    in France of reinforcements prior to the German spring offensive of March 1918.”

    Sir Willam Robertson’s opinion?

    He had told Mr. Asquith in 1915, “Obviously the most effective method” (of defeating the Central Powers) “is to defeat decisively the main German armies, which are still on the Western Front.” Therefore he counselled urgently against, “auxiliary campaigns in minor theatres and the depletion of the forces in France … The one touchstone by which all plans and proposals must be tested is their bearing on the object of the war.”
    Peoples engaged in war, are fortunate if their leaders reason like this, and unfortunate if they deviate from this reasoning. By that conclusive logic the Palestinian enterprise (a political one) was out. When Mr. Lloyd George became prime minister he at once bent all his efforts on diverting strength to a major campaign in Palestine: “When I formed my government I at once raised with the War Office the question of a further campaign into Palestine. Sir William Robertson, who was most anxious to avert the danger of any troops being sent from France to Palestine … strongly opposed this and for the time being won his point.”
    Sir William Robertson corroborates: “Up to December 1916” (when Mr. Lloyd George became prime minister) “operations beyond the Suez Canal had been essentially defensive in principle, the government and General Staff alike … recognizing the paramount importance of the struggle in Europe and the need to give the armies there the utmost support. This unanimity between ministers and soldiers did not obtain after the premiership changed hands … The fundamental difference of opinion was particularly obtrusive in the case of Palestine … The new War Cabinet had been in existence only a few days when it directed the General Staff to examine the possibility of extending the operations in Palestine … The General Staff put the requirements at three additional divisions and these could only be obtained from the armies on the Western Front … The General Staff said the project would prove a great source of embarrassment and injure our prospects of success in France … These conclusions were disappointing to Ministers, … who wished to see Palestine occupied at once, but they could not be refuted … In February the War Cabinet again approached the Chief of the General Staff, asking what progress was being made with the preparation of an autumn campaign in Palestine.”

    Wilson, of course, pledged support for the Balfour Deception. That Gentiles/Christian Zionists contributed to the Return is well known and fully acknowledged. You can spout all you want about America’s perceived interests or obligations in the war; it matters not, as clearly, America had no legitimate reason to intervene other than to save England, the country most connected with our founding (besides Germany, most ironically). Queue the anti-German propaganda in largely Jew controlled media, and incessant Jewish locusts swarming around Idiot-Goy Woodrow Wilson, such as Louis Brandeis, Bernard Baruch, Samuel Untermeyer, and of course, Rabbi Stephen Wise, and Presto! there you have it! Poor American cattle off to fight and die for England because too many English and French soldiers had already died due to the strategy of prolonging and expanding the war, into places it should never have been.

    Woodrow Wilson is proclaimed a hero on/in Jewish history sites/literature. Yet, most American historians say his policies were a disaster for America, i.e., The Federal Reserve, which is not actually Federal, is it?

    In my opinion, the disparity between American and Jewish opinions on Wilson alludes to the real nature/objective of WW1, aka The War To Wrest Palestine From The Turks And Eventually Ruin Europe.”

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  966. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > why an Austrian/German man would collude with his former captors

    As I noted already, Lacher first got a job at:

    “… the Verkh-Isetsk factory, largely on the basis of his linguistic talents… Lacher, who spoke German and Russian, acted as official interpreter … until he came to Yurovsky’s notice.”
    — Greg King & Penny Wilson, The Fate of the Romanovs, pp. 269-70.

    It’s not really a shock that he would take a job. Under the most generous view, you have an extreme tendency towards overinterpretation. Don’t overinterpret a simple decision to get a job based on his language skills. And don’t overinterpret a brief passage from a poem either. The passage in question said nothing about Jews but merely said:

    “That night, as the dawn was warming, / The slaves slaughtered the king.”

    There’s no mystery as to why someone would remember this right after the execution of the royal family.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  967. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    I write: “This statement ignores the fact that the Poles committed enormous crimes against their German minority before Hitler invaded Poland” and you respond “A big inflation of the facts. There was a series of pogroms which broke out after the war began. Prior to the outbreak of war, and even more one should prior to Hitler’s occupation of Czechia, the main focus had been on economic issues.”

    My response: You are correct that Poland had economically discriminated against its German minority prior to the war.

    For example, the Polish government in the 1930s began to confiscate the land of its German minority at bargain prices through public expropriation. The German government resented the fact that German landowners received only one-eighth of the value of their holdings from the Polish government. Since the Polish public was aware of the German situation and desired to exploit it, the German minority in Poland could not sell the land in advance of expropriation. Furthermore, Polish law forbade Germans from privately selling large areas of land.

    German diplomats insisted that the November 1937 Minorities Pact with Poland for the equal treatment of German and Polish landowners be observed in 1939. Despite Polish assurances of fairness and equal treatment, German diplomats learned on February 15, 1939, that the latest expropriations of land in Poland were predominately of German holdings. These expropriations virtually completed the elimination of substantial German landholdings in Poland at a time when most of the larger Polish landholdings were still intact. It became evident that nothing could be done diplomatically to help the German minority in Poland. (Source: Hoggan, David L., The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed, Costa Mesa, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1989, pp. 260-262).

    However, as I have documented in my comments #963 and 972 on this discussion thread, the Polish government was committing major acts of violence against its German minority prior to Germany’s invasion of Poland.

    The German press devoted increasing space to detailed accounts of atrocities against the Germans in Poland. The Völkischer Beobachter reported that more than 80,000 German refugees from Poland had succeeded in reaching German territory by August 20, 1939. The German Foreign Office had received a huge file of specific reports of excesses against national and ethnic Germans in Poland. More than 1,500 documented reports had been received since March 1939, and more than 10 detailed reports were arriving in the German Foreign Office each day. The reports presented a staggering picture of brutality and human misery. (Source: Ibid., p. 479).

    So, it is well documented that the Polish government had committed major atrocities against its German minority prior to Germany’s invasion of Poland in addition to its economic discrimination against its German minority.

    Hitler invaded Poland to end the atrocities against the German minority in Poland. American historian Harry Elmer Barnes agreed with David Hoggan’s analysis. Barnes wrote:

    “The primary responsibility for the outbreak of the German-Polish War was that of Poland and Britain, while for the transformation of the German-Polish conflict into a European War, Britain, guided by Halifax, was almost exclusively responsible. (Source: Barnes, Harry Elmer, Barnes against the Blackout, Costa Mesa, Cal.: The Institute for Historical Review, 1991, p. 222).

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  968. @Patrick McNally

    It’s not a question of remembering; it’s a question of, “why put your name to it since you thereby allude to culpability and/or tattling on (nonexistent, per McNally) vengeful Jews?”

    Ah, you left out the term, “securing a job,” which implies choice, not compulsion. Was he a POW or wasn’t he?

    I have an extreme tendency towards over interpretation? Rambling, maybe. The poem, subject of much debate, is nothing other than lyrical symbolism, mysticism and allegory, which can not be accurately interpreted at face value. If the writer intended to leave a clear message, then clear language would have been written.

    Interpret this:

    “The jury system puts a ban upon intelligence and honesty and a premium upon ignorance, stupidity and perjury.”

    “He was endowed with a stupidity which by the least little stretch would go around the globe four times and tie.”

    “Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress (or English parliament). But I repeat myself.”

    “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.”

    Clear enough for you?

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  969. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    > From: ‘UNDER THE SIGN OF THE SCORPION’ by Jüri Lina

    You write: “An unsourced propaganda tract published in 2oo2.”

    LOL!!! ROTFL!!! Obvious that you get your orders what to write on Unz Review from your handlers in Tel Aviv, … Unit 8200?…

    Jüri Lina was born in 1949 in Soviet-occupied Estonia. He was banned from journalistic work in 1975 and then worked as a night watchman until he was forced to emigrate in 1979 after repeated confrontations with the KGB. Since then, Jüri Lina lives in Sweden.

    In 1985, according to documents recently made available, political charges were made in Soviet Estonia against Jüri Lina in his absence.

    He was accused of high treason in connection with the publication of two books – “Sovjet hotar Sverige” (“The Soviet Threat against Sweden”) and “Öised päevad” (“Nightly Days”).
    The KGB regarded him as one of the most anti-communist writers in Sweden.
    Jüri Lina is a member of the Swedish Publicists’ Association.

    You write:
    “Yet somehow no one heard about this rubbish until 8 decades later. And it’s not as if there was ever any shortage of sources able and willing to publish such claptrap. Sure, you would expect that the major book publishers would avoid something like that”.

    “As a rule of thumb, if the government wants you to know it, it probably isn’t true.”
    Craig Murray, a former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, and Rector of the University of Dundee

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  970. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write: “Balfour had indeed been a Christian Zionist before the war.”

    Your version of history and all your comments on Unz Review are nothing BUT Jewish BS propaganda.

    Balfour was the Jew’s Useful Idiot who obediently signed the “Balfour Declaration” addressed to Lord Rothschild, DRAFTED BY THE JEWS.
    Here the names of the Jewish Zionists who drafted the Balfour declaration:Rabbi Stephen Wise, Louis D. Brandeis and Felix Frankfurter.

    From: American Jewish Archives

    The Jews controlled England since Cromwell let them back in again in the 1650s.
    The Jews controlled America for more than a century now. Just think how THEY created the US Federal Reserve in 1913.

    ISRAEL WAS ROTHSCHILD’S CREATION. As Hitler put it so well in “Mein Kampf”, page 216:

    “When Zionism (a movement to create an independent Jewish State) tries to convince the world that the racial self-determination of the Jew would be satisfied with the creation of their own State in Palestine, the Jews are once again craftily pulling the wool over the eyes of the stupid goyim (Goyim is an offensive Jewish word meaning gentile or a non-Jew, also a reminder to the audience that the Jews had an offensive word for them.)

    “They never intended to build a Jewish State in Palestine, not for the purpose of living in it anyway. They just want an organization headquarters for their international swindling and cheating with its own political power that is beyond the reach and interference from other states. It would be a refuge for crooks who were exposed and a college for future swindlers.”



    As Benjamin Freedman, the ex-Jew and ex-Zionist, said in his famous 1961 speech said:
    “The Jews were responsible for World War I and II and will be responsible for World War III.”

    How Theodor Herzl failed to convince the Ottomans to sell Palestine

    Herzl’s interlocutors with the Ottoman Sultan at the time, Philip de Newlinski and Arminius Vambery, were sceptical that Jerusalem as the third holiest place in Islam would simply be sold, no matter how precarious Ottoman finances were.

    They were right. SULTAN ABDUL HAMID II refused the offer outright in 1896, telling Newlinski, “if Mr Herzl is as much your friend as you are mine, then advise him not to take another step in this matter.

    “I cannot sell even a foot of land, for it does not belong to me but to my people. My people have won this Empire by fighting for it with their blood and have fertilised it with their blood.

    So, the scheming Jews triggered World War I to break up the Ottoman Empire to establish their “Promised Land”.

    They manage to get the ‘Triple Entente’ of Britain, France and Russia fighting against the ‘Triple Alliance’ of Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).
    Destroying the European monarchies, killing and wounding millions of Goyim and generating huge profits for themselves from the War.

    “Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100-million of them, and the end is not yet.” – Rabbi Reichorn, Chief Rabbi in France, 1859

    Video Link

    The Arabs were incited to rebel against their Turkish rulers while the British promised them and the Jews (Balfour Declaration) an independent state.

    The Arabs fought bravely during The Arab Revolt of 1916-1918, but had no idea about Rothschild’s plan, The Sykes-Picot Agreement, that would redraw the map of the Middle East.

    In short, the Jews through their Attack Dogs, the Allies (All-Lies), cunningly, and in premeditated fashion, betrayed the Arabs in general, and the Palestinians in particular.

    T.E. Lawrence, the legendary “Lawrence of Arabia” was the British operative tasked with helping to lead the Arab revolt. No one had told him about Sykes-Picot either.
    After the war, Lawrence expressed his displeasure with the betrayal of his Arab allies, and tried to have Sykes-Picot overturned at the 1919 Paris Peace Conference (Versailles).

    “Certainly one of the more unusual sights at the peace conference called to redraw the map of the world after the First World War was the member of the British delegation walking around Versailles in Arab robes. It was at the Paris Peace Conference from January to June 1919 that T.E. Lawrence would push forward his campaign for Hashemite Kingdoms.”

    During the 1-year-long conference to reshape the world, Lawrence was nearly killed in a plane crash (which did kill the pilot and co-pilot).

    In 1935, Lawrence, who remained pro-Arab and anti-Zionist (and rumoured to have been pro-Hitler), was killed in a motorcycle “accident” that even some “mainstream” researchers now speculate may have been a hit-job by British Intelligence.

    Lawrence of Arabia may have been murdered by British secret service, new film suggests

    • Thanks: John Wear
  971. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Han: No denying that John Schiff bragged to the New York Journal

    You write:
    “John Schiff never talked to Igor Cassini. This was simply a gossip column where the columnist is granted latitude to make hazy statements as long as no actual quotes are claimed. The single passage which Cassini tossed out in that column contains no quote from John Schiff, but simply an allegation that he is supposed to have said something or other, somewhere or other, some time or other, to someone or other. It’s the type of gossip column which would simply be dismissed by any honest researcher.”


    You are such a Joke with no credibility at all, but always trying to impress people with your UTTER BS, calling it CHUTZPAH, and being proud of it.
    That is why you always make me laugh! Your stupidity is beyond belief. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a team of “researchers” backing you up, all Kosher financed, but to no avail as you cannot defend the indefensible.


    and noticed the exchange between you and Ron Unz #213, #643, #762, #784, #917 and #927.
    HE IS SPOT-ON ABOUT YOU, calling you “the worst sort of dishonest shill”, “ridiculous”, “having no respect for the intelligence of the people who read your remarks”, “a dishonest propagandist, very possibly paid to spend endless hours on this website spouting your obfuscating nonsense”, etc.

    Well, in 1949, a leading NYC newspaper columnist reported that: “Today it is estimated by Jacob’s grandson, John Schiff, that the old man sank about 20,000,000 dollars for the final triumph of Bolshevism in Russia.”

    But your willingness to simply ignore all this direct personal testimony simply proves once again that you’re just a dishonest shill.

    Patrick McNally: “That absolutely was not a “newspaper columnist” as you phrase it. It was what is called a “gossip columnist” published under the semi-comical pseudonym “Cholly Knickerbocker” with the actual writer being Igor Cassini.”

    Ron Unz:
    “You’re making yourself look even more totally ridiculous than usual.
    Back then “Knickerbocker” columnist was a major presence at the New York Journal-American, then one of NYC’s leading newspapers.

    He explicitly quoted John Schiff as saying his grand-father Jacob Schiff had provided $20 million in funding to the Bolsheviks.
    John Schiff was a very wealthy and important figure in NYC society, and in fact his sister Dorothy was the publisher of the New York Post.

    If the inflammatory Knickerbocker quote hadn’t been accurate, Schiff would certainly have publicly objected and very likely sued. So it’s 100% certain that he made that statement.
    You can certainly dispute whether Schiff had gotten some of his family history a little garbled and I suggested that myself. But it’s absolutely undeniable that he made the statement quoted in the newspaper.

    Patrick McNally: “He did not quote John Schiff at all. He simply repeated a story from the Right-wing rumor mill. The usual place where most readers in the past typically found this bit of gossip was in Elizabeth Dilling’s self-published book.”

    Ron Unz:
    Your sophistical arguments are clearly aimed at stupid, gullible people.
    We have a leading NYC columnist writing in a leading NYC newspaper that John Schiff believes his grandfather Jacob Schiff spent $20 million for the triumph of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.

    Such a shocking statement surely would have spread like wildfire and unless you can find some indication that the younger Schiff—a leading NYC investment banker—denied or disputed it at the time, we can be 100% sure that he actually said it.

    You’re really the worst sort of dishonest shill and you seem to have no respect for the intelligence of the people who read your remarks.

    Look, you’re just a dishonest propagandist, very possibly paid to spend endless hours on this website spouting your obfuscating nonsense.
    Since you’re so focused on this subject, can you locate a single, high-quality contemporaneous source that states the early Bolshevik leadership was NOT overwhelmingly Jewish?

    Just out of curiosity I checked, and since the beginning of this year you’ve already published over 100,000 words of comments on this website, while you’d published 100,000 words last year and nearly 200,000 the year before. That’s really quite a lot, the equivalent of several good size books.

    There are probably a few other commenters here with higher totals, but they’re mostly individuals with extremely unorthodox views on hot-button topics important to them, views banned on almost every other website. So it’s natural they’d take advantage of the relative freedom of speech here.

    You, on the other hand, seem to have ultra-conventional views on Jews, the Bolshevik Revolution, and World War II. That raises all sorts of questions about why you would spend so much of your time on this website, writing such detailed comments totaling hundreds of thousands of words defending the conventional narrative and disputing the obvious reality that the top early Bolshevik leadership was overwhelmingly Jewish.

    Why put in so much time and effort on this fringe-website? Don’t you have a job at which you need to be earning a living?
    Perhaps you’re just a very publicly-spirited citizen, and commenting on this website is your primary leisure activity. But I think it’s far more likely that commenting on this website is your job and how you earn your living. Presumably you’re being paid by the ADL or some similar sort of organization to obfuscate those facts they wish to see obfuscated.

    Ron Unz: “Presumably you’re being paid by the ADL or some similar sort of organization to obfuscate those facts they wish to see obfuscated.”
    I couldn’t agree with him more. As I mentioned in a previous comment to you, I wouldn’t be surprised if your handlers in Tel Aviv are telling you what to write on the Unz Review.

    I know you can fool some of the people on the Unz Review, but the majority can see right through you.
    You are obviously Jewish and if not, their Shabbos Goy and Useful Idiot. Take your pick.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  972. Han says:


    The end times the Christians because they have been exposed to the Bible, because they know the Bible, they know the God of Israel, they know all the stories, they know all the contents of the Bible, that will lay the groundwork for them to be with us at the end times.

    It is basically what he said and really that is what the redemption of the world is all about.
    It is everyone serving the God of Israel together.

    My “favourite” Rabbi Mizrachi:
    “How can I not be happy when I see millions of Goyim bow down to one Jew (Jesus)?

  973. S says:

    People (whether Jewish or otherwise) whom seem to enjoy wallowing in and affirming ‘the H’ accusations of WWII, accusations which have been cynically weaponized so as to either control and, or, suppress you yourselves, are a lot like the crazy Peter O’Toole ‘Murphy’ character in the 1971 film Murphy’s War.

    Though the war is for all practical purposes over, and Murphy has the opportunity to move on by marrying a good and beautiful woman, and having a family, he instead chooses to allow his hatred of all things German to consume him and destroy his life, and ultimately wipe out his very physical existance.

    ‘I’m going to kill that submarine!’

    From the screenwriter Stirling Silliphant in regards to Murphy’s War

    ‘..the showdown between enemies who have no further reason for enmity except the blind stupidity and vengefulness of the Peter O’Toole character.’

    ‘Our purpose was to make a flat-out statement about the absurdity, the meaninglessness, of war. So we went for minimal sound, minimal dialogue, a kind of intense fumbling toward death, toward the showdown between enemies who have no further reason for enmity except the blind stupidity and vengefulness of the Peter O’Toole character. And this is why, at the end, in a high angle shot director Peter Yates closed out the film with the [German] sub sinking, the barge [of Murphy’s] sinking, and the river surging above both, covering them for all eternity.Over this he shot a ragged flight of jungle birds, wheeling off, the only survivors of this pointless encounter between men and their machines.’

    • Replies: @Wielgus
  974. @Han

    “They never intended to build a Jewish State in Palestine, not for the purpose of living in it anyway. They just want an organization headquarters for their international swindling and cheating with its own political power that is beyond the reach and interference from other states. It would be a refuge for crooks who were exposed and a college for future swindlers.”

    False narrative. The Jews had every intention of living in Palestine, they did and they do. Known as Israel with a standing army and a major nation among nations in the world. A miracle country.

    Your writing all of your writing is canned. Repeated so often, I could write it. Rothschild this, Rothschild that. Schiff this Schiff that. The Jews, the Jews the communist the bankers. The Jews encompass all of the world. The poor, the rich and everything in-between. The murders of the Czar were Jews. Yet Communism was agnostic. No Jew fought in the name of Judaism for communism.

    No matter. Your rhetoric is hilariously inaccurate. YES!! Schiff bankrolled Communism, then they bankrolled the rest of Europe to go after Hitler. Such a small group of people, so much power. Don’t you for a moment think it is a little over the top?

    • Replies: @Han
  975. @Han

    So, the scheming Jews triggered World War I to break up the Ottoman Empire to establish their “Promised Land”.

    Proof positive that you are delusional and spewing a conspiracy long proven false. You must live under a rock. The scheming Jews triggered WW1? What the rest of the world are mummies, just all straw people under the thumb of the Jews. They were powerless to save themselves in WW2. What power?

    All Jews all the time. Cosmic Jew hatred, a worn out ideology. Have fun spewing it on UR. The last of the Jew hatred Mohicans.

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Tiptoethrutulips
  976. Han says:
    @Fran Taubman

    You write: “Your rhetoric is hilariously inaccurate.” – LOL!!! ROTFL!!!

    Please, show me examples of my “hilariously inaccurate rhetoric”. YOU are just in total denial of the facts and as you can’t argue with facts you make these ad hominem attacks.

    Hitler, “Mein Kampf”:
    “They never intended to build a Jewish State in Palestine, not for the purpose of living in it anyway. They just want an organization headquarters for their international swindling and cheating with its own political power that is beyond the reach and interference from other states. It would be a refuge for crooks who were exposed and a college for future swindlers.”

    Who is Jonathan Pollard? A CROOK, A CRIMINAL.
    Why did he go to Israel after being jailed for more than 30 years? Because as Hitler said:
    “Israel would be a refuge for crooks who were exposed and a college for future swindlers.”

    Jonathan Pollard, spy who passed US secrets to Israel, arrives in Jewish state to start new life

    Tel Aviv (CNN) — Wed December 30, 2020
    Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard arrived in Israel from the United States on Wednesday, more than three decades after he was jailed for passing secrets to the state.
    The US Justice Department ended Pollard’s parole last month, following his 1985 arrest for spying while working as a US Navy analyst.

    Pollard and his wife, Esther, flew to Israel on a private jet owned by Sheldon Adelson, a billionaire casino magnate and supporter of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
    They were greeted on the tarmac at Tel Aviv airport by Netanyahu, who handed him an Israeli ID card.

    “We are ecstatic to be home at last after 35 years,” said Pollard, according to a statement from Netanyahu’s office. “And we thank the people and the Prime Minister of Israel for bringing us home.”
    Netanyahu said the Pollards would now be able to start a new life “in freedom and happiness.”

    Many accused Jewish pedophiles in US flee to Israel — report

    Israel’s Law of Return Lets Criminals Abroad Run From the Law

    How Jewish Oligarchs from Russia fled to Israel

    Are French Jewish criminals using Israel as a get-out-of-jail card?

    The above only a small sample of crooks fleeing to Israel.

    Fran Taubman:
    “False narrative. The Jews had every intention of living in Palestine, they did and they do. Known as Israel with a standing army and a major nation among nations in the world. A miracle country.”

    Then, why don’t you yourself live in Israel, “a miracle country”?
    Only “a miracle country” thanks to the Jew Ruled United States pouring billions of $$ in the “miracle country”. The U.S. should therefore be called the Jewnited States.

    Below the figures from 1949 to 2010:

    Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen.

    It is no secret that Israel is the world’s leading recipient of US aid since World War II. According to data provided by the US Congressional Research Service, Israel has received $146 billion of US taxpayers’ money as of November 2020.

    Then there is, of course, Germany still paying for the HOLOHOAX, the HUGE JEWISH LIE, more than a $100 billion by now.
    Norman Finkelstein the Jewish-American political scientist published his book ‘The Holocaust Industry’ in 2000 and by then the German Government had already paid Israel $60 Billion and is still paying and will be paying for a long time to come.

    Germany to give $1.4 billion to Holocaust survivors globally in 2024

    “In his role as President of the European Parliament, Schulz would be responsible for the overall direction of international relations, and also is the custodian of the fundamental values of the European Union.

    “Schulz hails from Germany, but what does Schulz think Germany’s raison d’etre is? A look at his own words in Haaretz as reported by his friend Avraham Burg, reveals something interesting:

    “Haaretz, ‘Say a big ‘thank you’ to Martin Schulz’, Avraham Burg, 14 Feb 2014:
    “Martin Schulz, the president of the European Parliament, is a close friend of mine. On most issues connected to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict we disagree. He is closer to the Israeli mainstream, and his positions resemble those of Labor Party chairman Isaac Herzog. He once told me, during a frank and stern conversation,

    “A miracle country”… thanks to the Goyim being swindled out of their hard-earned money by the conniving, scheming Jews.


    AS MANY AS 1 MILLION ISRAELIS HAVE LEFT FOR THE U.S. By Philip Weiss August 24, 2017


    A growing exodus of young Israelis to Berlin has not only shocked Israel’s far right leadership but has highlighted the growing disillusionment with Zionism among Israel’s younger generation.

    Some studies have concluded Israelis hold 100,000 German passports.
    (Why are they flocking back to a country which “murdered 6 million Jews”? Because they know it is ALL BS!)
    A common feature of Israeli life nowadays is more and more people have two passports, often European, Canadian or American.

    The second passport offers the freedom to relocate at any time, and as far back as 2008, one study concluded 59% of Israelis were thinking of leaving the country. (YES, “the miracle country”.)



    One million people have already left Israel for the United States. Another million to Canada, Europe, Australia etc. 2 million left the 8 millionth country !!!

    The above only a small sample of Jews wanting to leave/escape their “miracle country”.
    Jews now have to create “incidents” of anti-Semitism in European countries and the US to create fear and anxiety amongst the Jews living there to make them flee to Israel, “the miracle country”. LOL!!!


    Hitler was right, wasn’t he, Fran Taubman?
    “They never intended to build a Jewish State in Palestine, not for the purpose of living in it anyway.”
    Just look at yourself: You don’t want to live in Israel, “the miracle country”, do you?

    • Agree: HdC, Malla
    • Thanks: John Wear
  977. Han says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Han: So, the scheming Jews triggered World War I to break up the Ottoman Empire to establish their “Promised Land”.

    You write:
    “Proof positive that you are delusional and spewing a conspiracy long proven false. You must live under a rock. The scheming Jews triggered WW1? What the rest of the world are mummies, just all straw people under the thumb of the Jews. They were powerless to save themselves in WW2. What power?
    All Jews all the time. Cosmic Jew hatred, a worn out ideology. Have fun spewing it on UR. The last of the Jew hatred Mohicans.”

    LOL!!! ROTFL!!!
    YOU, Fran Taubman, are, just like Patrick McNally aka Shlomo Slimestein, a SHILL, a BOT, LYING CHEAT, etc. Totally shameless.

    Yes, the scheming Jews did trigger World War I. And World War II. And are now conspiring to trigger World War III.
    Please, do read these articles by Thomas Dalton and others below. Of course, Jews can’t handle the truth and are simply denying it.

    The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 1

    The other important factor at that time was the emergence of Zionism. Formally established by Theodor Herzl in 1897, its basic principles were laid out in his book Der Judenstaat (The Jewish State). He argued that the Jews would never be free from persecution as long as they were foreigners everywhere, and thus they needed their own state.

    A number of locations were discussed, but by the time of the first meeting of the World Zionist Organization in 1897, the movement had settled on Palestine. This, however, was problematic because the region at that time was under control of the Ottoman Empire, and was populated primarily by Muslim and Christian Arabs. Somehow, the Zionist Jews would have to wrest control of Palestine away from the Ottoman Turks and then drive out the Arabs. It was a seemingly impossible task.

    They immediately understood that this could only be done by force. It would take a condition of global distress—something approaching a world war—in order for the Zionists to manipulate things to their advantage. Their guiding principle of ‘profit through distress’ could work here, but it would require both internal and external pressure.

    In states where the Jews had significant population but little official power, they would foment unrest from within. In states where they had influence, they would use the power of their accumulated wealth to dictate national policy. And in states where they had neither population nor influence, they would apply external pressure to secure support for their purposes.
    That the Zionists seriously contemplated this two-pronged, internal/external strategy is no mere speculation; we have the word of Herzl himself. He wrote:

    When we sink, we become a revolutionary proletariat, the subordinate officers of the revolutionary party; when we rise, there rises also our terrible power of the purse. (1896/1967: 26)

    In fact, Herzl apparently predicted the outbreak of global war. One of the original Zionists, Litman Rosenthal, wrote in his diary of 15 December 1914 his recollection of a conversation with Herzl from 1897. Herzl allegedly said,

    It may be that Turkey will refuse or be unable to understand us. This will not discourage us. We will seek other means to accomplish our end. The Orient question is now the question of the day. Sooner or later it will bring about a conflict among the nations.

    A European war is imminent… The great European war must come. With my watch in hand do I await this terrible moment. After the great European war is ended the Peace Conference will assemble. We must be ready for that time. We will assuredly be called to this great conference of the nations and we must prove to them the urgent importance of a Zionist solution to the Jewish Question.

    This was Herzl’s so-called “great war prophecy.” Now, he does not say that the Zionists will cause this war, only that they will “be ready” when it comes, and “will seek other means” than diplomacy to accomplish their end. A striking prediction, if true.

    In any case, there was clearly a larger plan at work here. The Jews would pursue a policy of revolution in states like Russia in order to bring down hated governments. To the degree possible, they would seek to undermine the Ottoman Turks as well.

    And in Germany, the UK, and America, they would use “the terrible power of the purse” to dictate an aggressive war-policy in order to realign the global power structure to their favor. This would have a triple benefit: curtailing rampant anti-Semitism; enhancing Jewish wealth; and ultimately establishing a Jewish state in Palestine, one that could serve as the global center of world Jewry. Revolution and war thus became a top priority.

    The Jewish Hand in the World Wars, Part 2

    You write: “They were powerless to save themselves in WW2. What power?” – LOL!!! ROTFL!!!
    So typical of SHILLS, BOTS, etc., to make such statements. You are so full of UTTER BS. LOL!!!


    “Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her.”
    Bernard Lecache, President of the World Jewish League, 1932


    The true origins of the two World Wars form a crucial part of our modern history, the truths of which have been deleted from all our history books and replaced with mythology blaming Germany. This article is a minor attempt to set straight part of the record. From the Introduction to the article ‘The Anger Campaign Against China’ (which should be read as a companion piece to this article):

    “It shouldn’t be a secret, though it still seems to be, that neither of the two World Wars were started (or desired) by Germany, but were the creation of a group of European Zionist Jews with the stated intent of the total destruction of Germany. The main purpose of this essay is to demonstrate not only that ‘history repeats itself’ but that the history being repeated today is a mass grooming of the Western world’s people (but most especially Americans) in preparation for World War III – which I believe is now imminent.”

    Jews always say that they are the victims of anti-Semitism, etc.
    But why is it that no one talks about the Jewish hatred of the Goyim in the Torah, the word of the Jewish God, Mr. Yahweh? The Jewish mindset, religious, agnostic or atheist, is full of hatred of the Goyim. Of course, not all Jews, but they are clearly in the minority.

    Which came first, Fran Taubman? Anti-Semitism or the Torah? Obviously, the Torah.

    Hence the Jew’s desire to exterminate the Goyim.

    • Thanks: John Wear, HdC
  978. @Fran Taubman


    I always suggest first-hand sources/testimony reveal clarity and/or disprove established narratives.

    The interview of the 4th Lord Rothschild, contained within Han’s comments on thread #983, reveals the following:

    *The cherished Balfour (Deception) is an “incredible piece of opportunism.”

    *“You had an impoverished, would-be scientist, Chaim Weizmann, who somehow gets to England, meets a few people…and seduces them…he gets to Balfour, and he unbelievably persuades Balfour, and Lloyd George, the prime minister…”

    *Lord Rothschild describes the resulting Declaration as the “greatest event in Jewish life for thousands of years.” – Are we to believe the greatest event in Jewish life happened by happenstance?

    *After claiming impoverished, unconnected Weizmann arrived in England “somehow,” Lord 4th Locust goes on to explain how Dorothy de Rothschild, passionately interested in Zionism, proceeds to be a go-between and facilitator for Weizmann into British society, including parliament members; she “trains” Weizmann in how to best infiltrate/communicate with important member groups, and Dorothy arranges important meetings for Weizmann. – Are we to believe this was also happenstance and no financial/political influence was used by the Rothschild family to forward their interests?

    How does the Jewish Virtual Library describe Weizmann’s contribution to the Balfour Deception? – “Weizmann’s scientific assistance to the Allied forces in World War I brought him into close contact with British leaders, enabling him to play a key role in the issuing of the Balfour Declaration on November 2, 1917, ­­ in which Britain committed itself to the establishment of a Jewish home in Palestine.”

    Most sources say Weizmann arrived in England in 1904/1905. He was a highly educated, degreed chemist, studying in Germany prior to arriving in England, but yet, he was impoverished? Dorothy became Dorothy de Rothschild in 1913. While there’s no doubt she opened doors and wrote checks for Weizmann’s benefit, the story of his “impoverished arrival out of nowhere” is clearly false.

    How does Balfour100 describe Weizmann?

    * “Weizmann missed the First Zionist Congress of 1897 but attended the Second Congress in 1898. Meanwhile, he earned a doctorate in chemistry from Fribourg University in Switzerland.”

    * “ Through his relentless political lobbying, statesmanship and personal magnetism, Chaim Weizmann is credited with bringing about the Balfour Declaration. He became the first President of the State of Israel.”

    * “ Weizmann, meanwhile, had been elected to the decision-making General Zionist Council and, by and by, become an Anglophile. Indeed, early on in his Zionist career he became convinced that Britain was key to Zionist aspirations.”

    Then there’s this little nugget, not related directly to Weizmann, as far as I know:

    “We feel that the Arabs and Jews are cousins in race, suffering similar oppressions at the hands of powers stronger than themselves and by a happy coincidence have been able to take the first step towards the attainment of their national ideals together.”
    Emir Feisal writing to Felix Frankfurter, March 3, 1919

    So, Fran, Jews and Arabs will unite against whom? Against the very same people for whom Weizmann named key to Zionist aspirations? And, what is/was the “happy coincidence?” Kindly explain to me why/how establishing the groundwork for the Return during WW1 was beneficial or strategic to England in the midst of a terrible, gentile killing war?

    The “official” stories never align with the testimony/statements of individual Jews, because monstrous, world-wide deceptions are difficult to coordinate; even for the Masters of Lies, who are the children of The Father of Lies. And, by happy coincidence, the accounts of Jewish inflicted massacres and retribution against non-jews, as described in the Torah, do, in fact, align with their modern behavior and machinations.

    • Replies: @Fran Taubman
  979. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Wilson, of course, pledged support for the Balfour Deception.

    Towards the end of the year, Wilson was eventually won over to supporting it. But he almost killed it on September 11, 1917:

    “the time was not opportune for any definite statement further, perhaps, than one of sympathy, provided it can be made without conveying any real commitment.”
    — Leonard Stein, The Balfour Declaration, p. 503.

    This triggered a whole new campaign by both the British Foreign Office and Zionist sympathizers to try to turn Wilson’s position around. It’s clear that Wilson had not entered the war against Germany as any kind of supporter of Zionism. He was sold on this after September 11, 1917.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  980. @John Wear

    No, you’re streaming together events which followed the occupation of Czechia and the escalating confrontation in the summer up through to the outbreak of war with had existed prior to March 1939.

    Acts of popular violence against the minority also increased sharply following the collapse of German-Polish relations. German students at Poznan University were effectively barred from classes by the manifest hostility of Polish fellow students, and their Verein Deutscher Hoch-schuler was dissolved by officials in June.
    — Richard Blanke, Orphans at Versailles, p. 219.

    This was an escalation caused by the fact that Hitler clearly intended to move on Poland for other reasons, just as he had with Czechia. Prior to March 15, the issue of the Germanic minority in Poland was in the same class as the South Tyrol question, which Hitler had accommodated Mussolini over. It was Hitler’s determination to subordinate Poland to his drive to the east which made it possible for Germany and Poland to reach the type of agreement which came about Germany and Italy.

    • Replies: @John Wear
  981. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Was he a POW or wasn’t he?

    Obviously, he had been captured as a POW by the Czarist Government. That government had been overthrown, and then Kerensky’s government was also overthrown. Yes, he was counted as a POW because that was how he landed there behind the lines in Russia. Since the Soviet government had ended the war with Germany, it was possible for him to get a job with the new government.

  982. @Han

    > The KGB regarded him as one of the most anti-communist writers in Sweden.

    Which has no bearing on the credibility of claims which he makes in any particular writing. Buried away on p. 277 is a claim that somehow the White propaganda periodical Tsarsky Vestnik came up with this story about Sokolov having supposedly known of this imaginary contact between Schiff and Sverdlov. Allegedly, the White propaganda outlet Tsarsky Vestnik produced this fairy tale in 1939, when Sokolov had passed away in 1924. This is very similar to the fake quote attributed to Aron Simonovitch which I mentioned already. No one in their right mind is going to buy this claptrap from Tsarsky Vestnik without far better confirming documentation.

    • Replies: @Han
  983. @Patrick McNally

    Wilson’s first/only denial of support for the Balfour Deception was issued on September 11, 1917? A blow against Jewish will on September 11, 1917?
    Anything else of note happen on September 11, 1917? Apparently, Anti-Bolshevik Russian General Lavr Kornilov suffered a setback as well:

    September 1917
    British Major-General Alfred W.F. Knox’s account of Russian General Kornilov’s September 11 break with the Provisional Government followed by a published response:

    “I pledge you my word of honor as an officer and a soldier, and assure you once more that I, General Kornilov, son of a simple Cossack peasant, have by my whole life, and not by words only, shown my unfailing devotion to my country and to freedom, that I am opposed to all counter-revolutionary schemes only that the great Russian nation should continue independent.”

    “Comrade officers and soldiers! General Kornilov has rebelled against the Revolution and the Provisional Government. He wants to re-establish the old regime and to deprive the people of land and liberty. To forward his criminal object, he is ready to open the front to the Germans and to betray his country.”

    Kornilov died in combat, but the Bolsheviks did not permit him to rest in peace, did they? They never do….

    “After Kornilov’s official break with Kerensky, the Bolsheviks seized power (October 1917), he assumed military command of the anti-Bolshevik (“White”) volunteer army in the Don region. Several months later he was killed during a battle for Ekaterinodar.”

    “A few days later, when the Bolsheviks gained control of the village, they unearthed Kornilov’s coffin, dragged his corpse to the main square and burnt his remains on the local rubbish dump.”

    Any thoughts on The Deception’s predecessor, The Cambon Letter?

    Paris 4th June 1917
    “You were good enough to present the project to which you are devoting your efforts, which has for its object the development of Jewish colonization in Palestine. You consider that, circumstances permitting, and the independence of the Holy Places being safeguarded on the other hand, it would be a deed of justice and of reparation to assist, by the protection of the Allied Powers, in the renaissance of the Jewish nationality in that Land from which the people of Israel were exiled so many centuries ago.
    The French Government, which entered this present war to defend a people wrongfully attacked, and which continues the struggle to assure the victory of right over might, can but feel sympathy for your cause, the triumph of which is bound up with that of the Allies.
    I am happy to give you herewith such assurance.”
    No wonder The Unorganized Ungrateful Jews were not perfectly happy with the Balfour Deception, as it did not give implied consent to running ramshod over the Arabs/Christians in Palestine, as the French Deceivers were so willing to do. But, Britain had all the real power, so they just had to make do. It’s their lot in life to “just make do.”

    There’s all sorts of information about locusts swarming all around any possible current/future allies or schemers against the central powers; the Locusts were seeking assurances, making promises, undermining European society, before/during WW1. “A whole new campaign was not triggered” by Wilson’s rejection of The Deception, as the whole campaign was set in motion over thousands of years ago; it’s still in motion today.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
    , @S
  984. @Han

    People like Wise and Brandies certainly wanted to see the Balfour Declaration carried through. The fact remains that as late as September 11, 1917, and thereafter they were still involved in persuading Wilson to endorse the Declaration because this was not anything which Wilson had thought about when he entered the war.

    • Replies: @Han
  985. anon[307] • Disclaimer says:

    ron doesn’t allow me to comment more than once per day under my own name. jewish!

    —stat crux dum volvitur orbis—

    han: verdict absolute BS.

    anon: but Take It to the Limit explains the holocaust nonetheless.

    the songwriter(s) didn’t have the holocaust in mind. obviously!

    so what?

    the sentiment of the song is explained on wikipedia…but it should’ve been OBVIOUS to you.

    when you know you’re gonna lose and be executed and you blame jews for it the nazi ideology makes it much easier to do the holocaust.

    the nazi ideology is a theory of history.

    the dramatis personae of the drama called “history” is not great men, ideas, technology, economics, or whatever. the dramaits personae are PEOPLES. like the indo-europeans and the jews.

    this theory has much to recommend it.

    which isn’t to say that i would’ve participated in die endlosung.

    but if i really believed and i was a member of the SS, modeled on the jesuits and my honor is loyalty/obedience/a fourth vow of obedience to the pope/fuhrer then the holocaust is much less of a mystery for me.

    • Replies: @HdC
  986. @Han

    > Well, in 1949, a leading NYC newspaper columnist

    In your imagination. It was simply a gossip column and would not have been regarded as “news investigation” of any kind.

    • Replies: @Han
  987. @Han

    > If the inflammatory Knickerbocker quote

    No quote is given. There are no quotation marks in that silly one-sentence remark that was included in that edition of the gossip column. You’re surely correct that if Cassini had presented quotes and attributed an actual quote to John Schiff, then he would have spoken to a lawyer. But no quote is given. Which means that it is just an opinion offered in a gossip column. Hence, there is no legal case to be made. More than that, it would be foolish to fuss about it. John Schiff more likely just ignored as pure silliness.

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Brás Cubas
  988. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Any thoughts on The Deception’s predecessor, The Cambon Letter?

    The only thing which needs to be noted here is that the Cambon Letter had nothing to do with Wilson seeking a declaration of war in April. It was something which Edward Grey proposed to the French.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  989. @Patrick McNally

    Regarding your comment to Han #997, you have no idea about Wilson’s thoughts upon entrance of the war, nor on the Balfour Deception; I don’t doubt Wilson had no spine, nor any original thoughts until he received the necessary persuasion from his handlers. He was quite the flip-flopper, wasn’t he? He was also America’s secret Santa, aka The Grinch, during Christmas of 1913. That little gift was a blessing to whom exactly? Do you know? Just in time for heavy war funding.

    The only thing to be noted about the Cambon Letter is that, CLEARLY, Unorganized forces had been hard at work, seeking the path of least resistance for Jews, and if said path was most destructive for Gentiles, so be it.

    You know very well Zionists had only one objective, and in order to realize it, the Allies had to win the war to wrest Palestine from the Ottomans, and they needed the support of the British, who were the most powerful and Jew friendly nation at that time. And, the British needed their American brothers, as the Germans were kicking the English bums and French derrières all over Europe.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  990. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write: “This was an escalation caused by the fact that Hitler clearly intended to move on Poland for other reasons, just as he had with Czechia…It was Hitler’s determination to subordinate Poland to his drive to the east…”

    My response: This is not true. Hitler never wanted “to subordinate Poland to his drive to the east.” You are not aware of the historical context leading up to Hitler’s invasion of Poland.

    On March 21, 1939, while hosting French Prime Minister Daladier, Chamberlain discussed a joint front with France, Russia, and Poland to act together against German aggression. France agreed at once, and the Russians agreed on the condition that both France and Poland sign first. However, Polish Foreign Minister Józef Beck vetoed the agreement on March 24, 1939. Polish statesmen feared Russia more than they did Germany. Polish marshal Edward Śmigły-Rydz told the French ambassador, “With the Germans we risk losing our liberty; with the Russians we lose our soul.” (Source: DeConde, Alexander, A History of American Foreign Policy, New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1971, p. 576).

    Poland threatened Germany with a partial mobilization of her forces on March 23, 1939. Hundreds of thousands of Polish Army reservists were mobilized, and Hitler was warned that Poland would fight to prevent the return of Danzig to Germany. The Poles were surprised to discover that Germany did not take this challenge seriously. Hitler, who deeply desired friendship with Poland, refrained from responding to the Polish threat of war. Germany did not threaten Poland and took no precautionary military measures in response to the Polish partial mobilization. (Source: Hoggan, David L., The Forced War: When Peaceful Revision Failed, Costa Mesa, CA: Institute for Historical Review, 1989, pp. 311-312).

    Józef Beck next accepted an offer from Great Britain on March 30, 1939, that gave an unconditional unilateral guarantee of Poland’s independence. The British Empire agreed to go to war as an ally of Poland if the Poles decided that war was necessary. Great Britain for the first time in her history had left the decision whether or not to fight a war outside of her own country to another nation. Britain’s guarantee to Poland was binding without commitments from the Polish side.

    Numerous British historians and diplomats have criticized Britain’s unilateral guarantee of Poland. For example, British diplomat Roy Denman called the war guarantee to Poland “the most reckless undertaking ever given by a British government. It placed the decision on peace or war in Europe in the hands of a reckless, intransigent, swashbuckling military dictatorship.” (Source: Denman, Roy, Missed Chances: Britain and Europe in the Twentieth Century, London: Indigo, 1997, p. 121).

    British historian Niall Ferguson states that the war guarantee to Poland tied Britain’s “destiny to that of a regime that was every bit as undemocratic and anti-Semitic as that of Germany.” (Source: Ferguson, Niall, The War of the World: Twentieth Century Conflict and the Descent of the West, New York: Penguin Press, 2006, p. 377).

    English military historian Liddell Hart stated that the Polish guarantee “placed Britain’s destiny in the hands of Poland’s rulers, men of very dubious and unstable judgment. Moreover, the guarantee was impossible to fulfill except with Russia’s help.…” (Source: Hart, B. H. Liddell, History of the Second World War, New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1970, p. 11).

    American historian Richard M. Watt writes concerning Britain’s unilateral guarantee of Poland: “This enormously broad guarantee virtually left to the Poles the decision whether or not Britain would go to war. For Britain to give such a blank check to a Central European nation, particularly to Poland—a nation that Britain had generally regarded as irresponsible and greedy—was mind-boggling.” (Source: Watt, Richard M., Bitter Glory: Poland and Its Fate 1918 to 1939, New York: Simon and Schuster, 1979, p. 379).

    British Royal Navy Capt. Russell Grenfell was also highly critical of Britain’s unilateral unconditional guarantee of Poland’s independence. He said that, in general, special territorial guarantees were a means by which a great Power could turn its challengers into world criminals. Grenfell wrote:

    “This would have worked out very awkwardly for Britain in the days when she was the challenging power; as, for example, against Spain in the 16th century, Holland in the 17th, and Spain and France in the 18th.” (Source: Grenfell, Russell, Unconditional Hatred: German War Guilt and the Future of Europe, New York: The Devin-Adair Company, 1954, p. 86).

    Grenfell was also critical of Britain’s guarantee of Poland’s independence because a guarantee is itself a challenge. He wrote that a guarantee “publicly dares a rival to ignore the guarantee and take the consequences; after which it is hardly possible for that rival to endeavor to seek a peaceful solution of its dispute with the guaranteed country without appearing to be submitting to blackmail.” Grenfell said that a guarantee may therefore act as an incitement to the very major conflict which it is presumably meant to prevent. (Source: Ibid., pp. 86-87).

    As I have documented in my comments #963, 972, and 980 on this discussion thread, Great Britain’s guarantee of Poland’s independence led to the Polish government’s economic discrimination and violence against its German minority. Germany decided to invade Poland on September 1, 1939 to end the Polish government’s violence against its German minority.

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Patrick McNally
  991. S says:

    …Anything else of note happen on September 11, 1917?

    That’s interesting about Wilson having initially expressed lukewarm support for the Balfour Declaration on that date.

    In regards to your query, I can’t speak for anything else occurring on that day in 1917 specifically, but intriguingly, September 11th in other years seems to be something of a red letter date historically.

    While it’s well known that many consider September 11th (‘9-11’), 2001 to be America’s effective entry date into WWIII, it’s a lot less well known that the same could be said for September 11, 1941, exactly sixty years earlier, being America’s true effective entry date into WWII.

    This was the day that Roosevelt, in response to the Greer incident, publicly issued his ‘shoot on sight’ orders to the US Navy in regards to German U-boats and Kriegsmarine surface vessels, effectively launching a hot (though undeclared) naval war by the US against Germany. [It’s thought that it may have been largely due to Massachusett’s Senator Walsh’s unexpectedly strong pushback regarding the Greer incident and Roosevelt’s related hijinks that US formal entry into WWII was delayed until December. See USS Greer link below.]

    Interestingly, September 11, 1941 was also the starting day that construction of the Pentagon began, and the day that Charles Lindbergh gave a major speech in opposition to the war mongering Roosevelt administration and in support of the broad American public’s desire for peace and to accomplish this aim by staying out of the war in Europe.

    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  992. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    > The KGB regarded him as one of the most anti-communist writers in Sweden.

    And I regard you as being paid by the ADL and your handlers in Tel Aviv to spout your Jewish Propaganda Bullshit on Unz Review. LOL!!! ROTFL!!!

    Of course, you read my reply #984 to you where Ron Unz totally demolished, ridiculed and exposed you as a DISHONEST SHILL, PROPAGANDIST, LIAR, etc.

    Have you no SHAME WHATSOEVER after being found out? No, of course, not. You are totally SHAMELESS, all part of your CHUTZPAH, isn’t it? How typically Jewish?

    As the Yiddish saying goes, a Jew is 28 percent fear, 2 percent sugar, and 70 percent CHUTZPAH.

    For anyone unfamiliar with the term, it’s difficult to find an exact English translation for CHUTZPAH, but among the contenders are audacity, insolence, impudence, gall, nerve, effrontery, guts, presumption, and/or arrogance.

    All part of his CHUTZPAH.

    I am not wasting anymore time on IDIOTS like you and as Mark Twain said:
    “Don’t wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”

    So, I will not give you any more oxygen by replying to your LAUGHABLE UTTER JEWISH PROPAGANDA BULLSHIT which should not fool anyone.

    But do keep your comments coming, I do find them highly entertaining, showing up your UTTER DESPERATION in fighting a losing battle against the truth. LOL!!!

  993. @S

    That is interesting, isn’t it? I was somewhat familiar with the German sub SM-U49, as it is written in my “ WW2, expanding into WW1” yellow notepad trial notebook with random notes about “stuff to look up later.” I’ve got scribbles everywhere. Thanks for the info.

    Given the nature of our arguments, I found it suspicious that Obfuscator Extraordinaire McNally slung that date around more than once; I wondered if he was setting out bait?

    Another interesting bit of information I recently discovered:

    “ Although the income tax act of 1913 instituted only mild progressivity and raised a relatively small amount, it was still a monumental development. It began the process of converting the tax system from a regressive consumption-based system to a system that levied taxes based on the ability to pay. Moreover, it offered the vehicle for a rapid expansion of the tax system during World War I (1914–1918) when consumption taxes proved inadequate. It was not until World War II (1939–45), however, when Congress permitted payroll deduction and a significant cut in the exemption, that the income tax truly became a tax for all people. Nevertheless, it was in the income tax act of 1913 that the seeds were planted for this development.”

    So, we have creation of the Money Tree, aka Federal Reserve, and major changes to tax codes, to increase revenue just in time for WW1 AND WW2? Happy coincidences, both?

    I feel like I’m becoming the female version of those crotchety, old men you see in movies, always griping about the thieves in the government, taxes, stuffing cash all over the house, yelling at youngsters about how they don’t know what the heck is going on in the world….

    • Replies: @S
  994. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Please, see my comment #1005.

  995. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Please, see my comment #1005.

  996. Han says:
    @Patrick McNally

    Please, see my comment #1005.

  997. @Patrick McNally

    Which means that it is just an opinion offered in a gossip column.

    The way Cassini put it, quotation marks or not, it was more like a positive statement than a mere opinion.

    Hence, there is no legal case to be made.

    Cassini made an allegation about John Schiff having said something. The meaning of Schiff’s alleged statements is unequivocal, regardless of the exact words he might have used. I’m no law expert, but I’ve never heard about a requirement that only a verbatim quote is liable; I would find it very weird if such a requirement existed.
    Now as a mere opinion, I’d say that Cassini, after what had happened to him in 1939, would be careful about publishing stuff which might enrage powerful people:

    Cassini’s first attention at a national level was achieved in the Summer of 1939 when, as a result of a column he wrote that upset members of Virginia high society, he was kidnapped, tarred and feathered by a trio of locals near Warrenton, Virginia.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  998. Han says:
    @John Wear

    John, I do admire your immense knowledge of history and I have learned a lot from you. I always read your outstanding comments with great interest.

    As to Mr. Patrick McNally:
    “No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot.” – Mark Twain

    • Agree: Tiptoethrutulips
    • Thanks: John Wear
  999. John Wear says:
    @Mark Bahner

    This discussion thread is supposed to be a debate on the Holocaust. In my opinion, we have strayed away from what is supposed to be the topic of this discussion thread. Hopefully, we can return to debating the so-called Holocaust.

    Mark, your last comment on this discussion thread was comment #833. Do you have anything to add to this discussion thread? Has the prosecution rested its case? Are you ready to have the defense present its case?

    Also, if Andrew Mathis, Fran Taubman, Patrick McNally or anyone else wants to add anything to the prosecution’s case, please let us know.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  1000. HdC says:

    You wrote: “…then the holocaust is much less of a mystery for me…”.

    It would help your cause if you, or any of your compatriots in the belief of holocost tales, were willing to dig out and present authenticated, verifiable, forensic evidence in support of your assertions.

    As I wrote earlier, more than 100,000,000 teeth were not cremated and are thus available for examination, right? To examine even 1% of these would lend you some credibility.

    Then there is the problem that no homicidal gas chambers existed in any German camp. Mr Wear has written extensively about this here and other threads on this blog. The Zundel trials in Toronto proved this also.

    But, some people enjoy tilting at windmills…

    • Agree: John Wear
  1001. S says:

    So, we have creation of the Money Tree, aka Federal Reserve, and major changes to tax codes, to increase revenue just in time for WW1 AND WW2? Happy coincidences, both?

    There’s a lot of truth in that old saw ‘follow the money’!


    I feel like I’m becoming the female version of those crotchety, old men you see in movies, always griping about the thieves in the government, taxes, stuffing cash all over the house, yelling at youngsters about how they don’t know what the heck is going on in the world….


  1002. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > CLEARLY, Unorganized forces had been hard at work,

    This is again an example of how you misrepresent things out of context. The context in which I had brought up the lack of any general organization related to the statement issued by Samuel Untermeyer in March 1933. I had pointed out that the American Jewish Committee and the Board of Deputies of British Jews, both of which were regarded as highly influential Jewish organizations within their respective countries, had flatly rejected Samuel Untermeyer’s call for a general economic boycott of Germany. As such, I pointed out that Untermeyer’s wish for a campaign against Germany starting in March 1933 did not have any broad organizational basis. This is contrary to the claims made by some on this board that Untermeyer was able to simply decree a world-wide campaign against Germany. I pointed out that he did not have the organizational foundation for that. Now you’re trying to make it sound as if any instance of some Jewish organization is a rebuttal to what I had noted already. It is not.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  1003. @John Wear

    > On March 21, 1939, while hosting French Prime Minister Daladier, Chamberlain discussed a joint front with France, Russia, and Poland to act together against German aggression. France agreed at once, and the Russians agreed on the condition that both France and Poland sign first. However, Polish Foreign Minister Józef Beck vetoed the agreement on March 24, 1939. Polish statesmen feared Russia more than they did

    Poland’s policy had always very clearly been about steering its way between Berlin and Moscow alike. Poland had been partitioned by Germany (Prussia and Austria) and Russia in earlier times. The Poles refused to align themselves with either one. It was obvious that if Poland made an alliance with Hitler against Stalin (as Hitler had pressed them to do in the past before the summer of 1939) or with Stalin against Hitler (as the Allies encouraged them to do) then they would immediately be confronted with a conflict with the other party whom they had aligned against.

    What Hitler needed to at the onset of 1939 was to simply Czechoslovakia alone, make no attempt to pressure the state into dissolving faster than it might on its own, make no demands of imposing a German protectorate on Slovakia or insisting on an occupation of Bohemia-Moravia, and simply express the wish for a resolution of Danzig. He would have gotten the full support of Chamberlain, with the willing acquiescence of Halifax and Hore-Belisha, and Poland would gradually have been forced to give way over Danzig.

    This was never Hitler’s goal. His recorded speeches and memos all state that in early 1939 he was looking out for the opportunity to begin major expansionism. He had been more concerned about the military capacity of the Czechoslovak army in October 1938 than he was about Poland in January 1939. His intent was to simply occupy Czechia and then confront the Poles with demands that would duplicate the earlier scenario played out over the Sudetenland. The Poles quite logically rejected this, and so Hitler resolved on war from there on. There was no inconsistency in this with the Polish rejection of a Soviet alliance. It was a clear consistent policy.

    • Replies: @John Wear
    , @Colin Wright
  1004. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    We have already fully addressed on this discussion thread why Hitler invaded Poland. If you want more complete information, you can read my articles at

    As stated in my comment #1012, I would like to see this discussion thread return to debating the so-called Holocaust. Do you have anything to add to our discussion of the “Holocaust”?

  1005. @Brás Cubas

    > Cassini, after what had happened to him in 1939, would be careful about publishing stuff which might enrage powerful people:

    You’re projecting backwards in time. From today’s perspective, it may seem like someone from a Jewish banking family like John Schiff ought to be regarded as powerful person. Things were different back then. It was not altogether unusual for newspapers to occasionally carry statements which, if printed today, would bring the Anti-Defamation League out in full force. That only started to change in the 1960s, and many trends that we see today didn’t really get going until the 1990s.

    Cassini himself was born in Sebastopol, Russia, from the father Alexander Loiewski, a Russian diplomat, and the mother Countess Marguerite Cassini. In his background the main powerful people had been older aristocratic families, and those seem to be the types whom he irked in 1939. But in his environment as an exile from Russia he would certainly have been acquainted with all sorts of propaganda rumors put out by the Whites of that time, most of which never attracted any lawsuits. There would be no reason for him to fear such over repeating a rumor in a gossip-column.

    If the same claims had been featured as an alleged news report in a different section of the same paper, then they might have drawn a different response. But this was not high enough in importance to warrant that. For more accurate, substantive information about Jacob Schiff in the years 1917-20, see the piece by Priscilla Roberts in the American Jewish Archives Journal, Volume 49, Numbers 1 & 2, 1997: “Jewish Bankers, Russia, and the Soviet Union, 1900-1940: The Case of Kuhn, Loeb and Company.” It can be either purchased in hard copy or downloaded online.

  1006. @John Wear

    > Also, if … Patrick McNally or anyone else wants to add anything to the prosecution’s case, please let us know.

    Since I don’t find the gas chamber stories to be all that compelling, there isn’t much I could ass on that. These types of board-brawls remind me of my teenage years in the early 1980s when I was very swiftly persuaded that the Reagan administration was making a lot of overblown accusations against the Soviet Union. I went to start researching the issues as best I could and found a lot of interesting stuff. But along the way I started running into groups like Progressive Labour Party or the Maoist International Movement which went so far as to claim that Stalin’s purges in the 1930s had stopped a genuine threat. As things went on, I found myself periodically arguing with them over one point, and then being forced to agree on another.

    Perhaps the most important thing to recall about the stories of alleged gassings in German camps during World War II is that this played absolutely no role in motivating Russians, Poles, Serbs and Slavs in general to fight against the Third Reich. If Hitler had simply had a friendlier attitude towards the Slavs, then he would have had no problem in finding Slavs who could endorse getting rid of Jews. That was not what led to the fighting troops eventually halting Hitler at Stalingrad.

  1007. John Wear says:
    @Patrick McNally

    You write: “Since I don’t find the gas chamber stories to be all that compelling, there isn’t much I could ass [sic] on that.”

    My response: That’s fine by me. I will wait to see if Mark Bahner, Fran Taubman, Andrew Mathis or anyone else has something to contribute to the plaintiff’s case.

    • Replies: @Malla
  1008. @Patrick McNally

    “As such, I pointed out that Untermeyer’s wish for a campaign against Germany starting in March 1933 did not have any broad organizational basis.”

    *Yet, an economic boycott is exactly what did, indeed, happen, is it not? Yes or No?

    Make no mistake, I understand what you say and what you mean. Funnily enough, I see you responding out of context ALL THE TIME. But, let’s move along.

    The problem with defending the Jewish allegations, is that the enormity, scale and degree of the Whoppers, circulating everywhere, makes those opposing said Whoppers suspicious of every asserted defense, even if said defense is somewhat reasonable at surface value. What I have determined over the years, and certainly throughout the Unz Holocaust debates, NOTHING with regard to organized/prominent/official Jewry can be taken at surface value; if you search beyond the surface, you usually find the actual story is much different.

    Accordingly, I read the transcription of Mr. Untermeyer’s boycott appeal made on August 7, 1933, which included the following assertions:

    “I breathed a prayer of gratitude and thanksgiving that this fair land of freedom has escaped the curse that has descended upon benighted Germany, which has thereby been converted from a nation of culture into a veritable hell of cruel and savage beasts.”

    “Now or never must all the nations of the earth make common cause against the monstrous claim that the slaughter, starvation and annihilation, by a country that has reverted to barbarism, of its own innocent and defenseless citizens without rhyme, reason or excuse is an internal affair against which the rest of the world must stand idly by and not lift a hand in defense.”

    “But why dwell longer upon this revolting picture of the ravages wrought by these ingrates and beasts of prey, animated by the loathsome motives of race hatred, bigotry and envy.  For the Jews are the aristocrats of the world. From time immemorial they have been persecuted….”

    *FOR THE JEWS ARE THE ARISTOCRATS OF THE WORLD? What the hell does that mean? I think it means gentiles are peasants living upon the Jewish earth, created to serve Jewish Lords. His entire “monologue” was utterly full of lies, exaggerations and hyperbole beyond belief; Jewish Whoppers is a fitting description. Every doubting gentile should read this transcription to better understand Jewish bologna, at its apex, if that’s possible; I suspect the bologna is infinite, just like Jewish malice and perfidy.

    Then I came across this information posted by a fellow Whopper Hunter about Lord Untermeyer:

    “ This same gentleman was connected with the Foreign Policy Association of New York and the worldwide organisation to move Jews out of Germany, not only into the United States, but to Palestine and other countries. These activities were tied in with the organisation known as the “International Boycott on German Goods”, of which Untermeyer was the head! From that time the “Hate Germany” campaign was intensified and made worldwide, with a special Jewish-organised “National Conference of Jews and Christians” assisting! These are the hate-spreaders, but they never grow tired of praising themselves. That marked the beginning of the Jewish exodus from Germany.
    We have all, on a world-wide scale, been sold the myth (lie) of the so-called Holocaust… “Six million Jews killed…” Note Untermyer’s mention of the “600,000 souls we must save”. That is from the horse’s mouth, in 1933, during the time the Jews were leaving Germany by the thousands. “

    ***You can interpret this as you will; I over-analyze, therefore I interpret rampant hypocrisy and outright lies on behalf of Lord Untermeyer.***

    Since this is a So-Called Holocaust thread, I make the following observations, heard directly from the mouths of so-called holocaust witnesses and one Lord of The Whopper Telling Overlords:

    *4th Lord Whooper Teller: The Lord says, Chaim Weizmann, impoverished, appeared “somehow”out of nowhere and “unbelievably” became counselor to British and American government officials. – Lies, lies, Whoppers and damn Whoppers.

    * Jewish so-called Survivor, Ruth Grunwald (somehow survived despite leaving Germany in March 1939): Ruth says her childhood in Hitlerite Germany was idyllic; she said their Jewish neighborhood was prosperous and safe; they enjoyed Friday feasts, ate big carp, ducks and kugels, with friends and family; she said, “It was a good life.” (Until 1939) – So, either Ruth is telling whoppers or Lord Untermeyer was lying in August 1933.

    *My personal favorite, Fake Jew, Dario Gabbai: He claims he is Jewish, but can’t describe his synagogue, he can’t remember his bar mitzvah (I think I had one, I’m sure I did…I really can’t remember), he says 2, 500 – 3,000 people, sometimes more, sometimes 10,000, are gassed and they ALL die in 4-5 minutes; Dario and a few Jewish inmates (he doesn’t say how many) haul the dead bodies out with the hook end of canes, fling the bodies onto gurneys, up the elevator shaft they go… know the thing. This is accomplished in about 24 hours, and they do this everyday in Crema II at Auschwitz-Birkenau, while he was there from March 1944 until liberation. – I don’t know what to say; lies, whoppers, horror movie script….and, I left quite a bit out.

    Do you understand what I’m saying, McNally?

    “It ain’t those parts of the Bible that I can’t understand that bothers me, it is the parts that I do understand.” – Peasant Mark Twain

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  1009. @Patrick McNally

    Well, McNally, I have to ask, if you believe Jewish activists/apologists/agitators (whomever), made up an incredibly intricate and unbelievably horrific tale of mass murder, to spoon feed to gullible, guilt-ridden gentiles, year after year, collecting millions of dollars in the process, why would you not consider manipulation was occurring elsewhere?

    What about this below analysis?

    Meantime Jewish pressure was exerted to the utmost to incite clashes between Sudeten, Czechs, Poles and Germans. By September of 1938 matters had reached a desperate pass. Mr. Chamberlain himself flew out to Munich and achieved the historic settlement with Hitler. It seemed as though the war mongers had been frustrated, and Europe saved. Rarely had such scenes and evidences of spontaneous delight and thankfulness been evoked as were witnessed throughout Britain and Europe at that triumph.

    Those who knew the power of the enemy, however, knew that Mr Chamberlain’s work was certain to be swiftly sabotaged….

    Nowhere was the Jewish fury so obvious, of course, as in Moscow…

    “Are you aware that Mr. Chamberlain was burnt in effigy in Moscow as soon as it was known that he had secured peace; Showing very clearly Who Wanted War, and who are still ceaselessly working to stir up strife all the world over.”

    The attempt to provoke war over Sudetenland and Czechoslovakia having failed, there remained only the detonator in the Polish Corridor, that monstrosity born of the unholy Versailles Conference, and denounced by honest men from Marshal Foch and Arthur Henderson, from that time onwards.

    One feature about the Versailles Conference has been kept secret by those who possess the power to keep things from the public or to proclaim things from the house tops. It is this: All important decisions were taken by the “Big Four” — Britain, France, Italy and the U.S.A., represented respectively by Mr. Lloyd George, M. Clemenceau, Baron Sonino and President Wilson. So much is known. What is not known is that the secretary of Mr. Lloyd George was the Jew Sassoon; of M. Clemenceau the Jew Mandel Rothschild, now known as Mandel; Baron Sonino was himself half a Jew: and President Wilson had the Jew Brandeis; the interpreter was another Jew named Mantoux; and the Military Adviser yet another Jew called Kish.

    The results were disastrous from the point of view of all decent people, who hoped for an honourable treaty, with terms which, though they might be stringent, would at least be just and thereby secure lasting peace….

    From the point of view of men planning another war, however, nothing could have been better than this treaty. All sorts of glaring injustices were ingrained in its text. In addition to the Corridor, and the position at Danzig, a bastard State was brought into being, in which Germans, Slovaks, etc., together forming a majority of the country, were put under the tyrannical control of the Czech minority, an element which had thrown in its lot with the Bolshevik Jews and fought against the Allies in 1918.

    The design of this State was such geographically that it was styled, and correctly styled, a dagger pointed at the heart of Germany. It received the outlandish name of Czechoslovakia. The whole of the industrial life from the huge Skoda arsenal downwards was controlled by Jewish banking interests…

  1010. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > Yet, an economic boycott is exactly what did, indeed, happen, is it not? Yes or No?

    Only in a very fragmented way. Certainly not any uniform boycott. Untermeyer’s efforts were largely frustrated by the fact that some of the most important Jewish organizations sharply disagreed with his approach.

  1011. @Tiptoethrutulips

    > why would you not consider manipulation was occurring elsewhere?

    Attempts at manipulation go on everywhere all the time. In fact, you yourself are repeating such lies right here:

    > the Czech minority, an element which had thrown in its lot with the Bolshevik Jews and fought against the Allies in 1918.

    A blatant lie. The Czechoslovak forces fought against the Red Army in the Russian Civil War. The fact that you would repeat such nonsense shows how common such lying is.

    • Troll: Han
  1012. @Tiptoethrutulips

    So, Fran, Jews and Arabs will unite against whom? Against the very same people for whom Weizmann named key to Zionist aspirations? And, what is/was the “happy coincidence?” Kindly explain to me why/how establishing the groundwork for the Return during WW1 was beneficial or strategic to England in the midst of a terrible, gentile killing war?

    The “official” stories never align with the testimony/statements of individual Jews, because monstrous, world-wide deceptions are difficult to coordinate; even for the Masters of Lies, who are the children of The Father of Lies. And, by happy coincidence, the accounts of Jewish inflicted massacres and retribution against non-jews, as described in the Torah, do, in fact, align with their modern behavior and machinations.

    I do not understand how any of this is relevant or meaningful. Through out the history of the world there has always been divide and conquer. The Norman invasion. The Romans, the Gauls, The Vikings. Early Jewish history was involved in defeating paganism. And it did defeat it. Your attempt at singling out the Jews as some nefarious source of power, different from other peoples war and deaths, is ridiculous.The nefarious powerful Jews could not save themselves in the second WW. The Jews are no different than any other peoples on the planet. They left Palestine returned and conquered it, like all other conquered territories in the world, and what is going on right now in Ukraine, or in all of Europe, where empires have fought nations and ethnic groups for territory and dominance. The history of the world.

    What is your point? What world wide deception. The Jews have been very straightforward with their identity and claims, and desire to reclaim the country that the Romans destroyed. England did what England did. Why did the Ottoman’s align with Germany. They lost their empire. The “father of lies had nothing to do with that”. The entirety of Arabia became a colonial empire of France and Britain. What of it?

    To show how insane all of the insanity about Jew hatred and Holocaust denial is, look no further than Ron right here on the UR. Ron says that he finds it so unusual that nothing was ever mentioned of the Holocaust until the 1970’s not a word from history. Ron says above;
    I personally found Nicholas Kollerstrom’s book 2014 book Breaking the Spell quite persuasive, and here’s his video interview on Red Ice:

    Which is full of provable lies like there was a synagogue in Berlin that remained running during WW2 that Jews attended. False. But that is besides the point. Two of Ron’s best friends are Holocaust survivors. Israel Shahak who is a survivor, and has written about it, and Norman Finkelstien whose parents were the only survivors on both sides.

    Now both Shahak and Finkelstien are Jew haters, but not Holocaust deniers, and Ron refers to their writings as truthful and important works on the Jews and Judaism. Israel Shahak wrote:

    Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Three Thousand Years

    A book very critical of the Jewish religion, that Ron thinks is truer then true. And Finkelstein has wrote extensively on the how the Jews have used the Holocaust as an industry.

    The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering

    Finkelstein is virulently anti Israel, anti Zionist and pro Arab, and in general does not like Jews, but he is also not a Holocaust denier, because both of his parents were the only survivors of their entire extended families.

    So how can Ron deny that the Holocaust never existed when two of his favorite writers and thinkers were and are Holocaust survivors? Do you see the mental lapse there, from someone who is supposedly scientifically factual, mathematically certain, and lacks emotions like a Vulcan? The facts are before him. I have pointed these incongruences many times on this UR. He has never once responded, yet continues to deny the Holocaust, at first tepidly dipping a toe in, now more forceful.

    It is widely known amongst the sane of the world that Jew hatred and Holocaust denial when combined together form a bunch of fantasies and conspiracies much like your”father of lies”. H denial and Jew hatred combined are what separate those allowed to write and ponder ideas of Judaism like Shahak and Finkelstein and those relegated to the margins and ignored. There is no way the Jews without an impossible conspiracy that would encompass supernatural powers to go back in time and change extemporaneous statements and events from the historical narrative. Extemporaneous events from different countries and years as stated by perpetrators, the victims and just citizens throughout Europe who were bystanders, saw the Jews rounded up in their villages and disappear from the earth.

    All you get is there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of the camps, and no Ezentraupen who went and shot entire ghettoes of thousand of people, old, young and women and children, thousands in one day, as witnessed by their gentile neighbors who helped the survivors escape.

    Jew hatred + Holocaust denial has been exposed as fraudulent combination of an age old conspiracy that does not exist. Believe what you want, but it will never survive non anonymous sources and the light of day outside of the UR. Why bother reading Han’s post. You can go back to the middle ages and find the same posts. Nothing new to see here. As a Jew and a child of a family of survivors, the Holocaust happened and we are not a part of some evil cult.

  1013. @Tiptoethrutulips

    One feature about the Versailles Conference has been kept secret by those who possess the power to keep things from the public or to proclaim things from the house tops. It is this: All important decisions were taken by the “Big Four” — Britain, France, Italy and the U.S.A., represented respectively by Mr. Lloyd George, M. Clemenceau, Baron Sonino and President Wilson. So much is known. What is not known is that the secretary of Mr. Lloyd George was the Jew Sassoon; of M. Clemenceau the Jew Mandel Rothschild, now known as Mandel; Baron Sonino was himself half a Jew: and President Wilson had the Jew Brandeis; the interpreter was another Jew named Mantoux; and the Military Adviser yet another Jew called Kish.

    Do you have birth certificates or records that prove that the secretary of Lord George was a Sasoon, and who cares? Lol. There really is nothing to discuss with you Tippy Toes. Stay anonymous and good luck, with this fantasy fairy tale. I love the ‘secret: Baron Sonino was himself a half Jew. Wow!! imagine that. Did he hypnotize everyone at the Versailles Conference?

    Clemenceau the Jew Mandel Rothschild The is just hilarious. You have no proof of any of the, nor do you have any written information that they were all involve in a conspiracy. You are just fabricating stories like a child. Have you ever read “little red riding hood” the big bad wolf, who ate her was a Jew. Honest he was. He was a circumcised wolf…. LOL

    President Wilson had the Jew Brandeis; the interpreter was another Jew named Mantoux; and the Military Adviser yet another Jew called Kish.

    So Wilson had no ideas of his own he relied on Brandeis and Kish? Was his dog Jewish?

    No normal rational person could ever respond to your post. Just not in any way provable.

  1014. @Fran Taubman


    The scene you describe on the Parisian tower, shared with Adolf Hitler, to me is a recreation of a famous gospel scene and relates to the ruler of this world. I recently posted in this hold out for the spiritually insane that in a certain aspect National Socialism was the flip side of Talmudic Judaism i.e. both were racist, both were associated with supremacy and genocide.

    Good will to you.

  1015. HdC says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Franny wrote: “…Jew hatred + Holocaust denial…”.

    More Transference and Projection from your diseased Jewish mind.

    Jews are living in practically every country of the world and are doing extremely well economically speaking. They own the huge retailers, the mass media, large weapons manufacturers, control the central banks in many countries and own the US Federal Reserve Bank etc.

    So where is the Jew hatred??? Fact is it’s the Jews that hate everyone else, otherwise why are the western countries turning into cesspools? “Everything touched by organized Jews turns to shit.” The man who coined that phrase deserves a Nobel Prize of some kind, maybe in economics.

    The real deniers are you holocostians. They deny that no homicidal gas chambers existed in any German camp. They deny the lack of fuel for the cremation but insist that 3.5 Kg of coal/coke are sufficient for the cremation of one corpse. This is a scientific lie.

    Teeth are not destroyed by cremation. 6 million Jews x 16 teeth on average per Jew (due to poor diet and dental care) = 100,000,000 (100 million!) teeth within a small rounding error.

    Has 1/10 of 1 % of these teeth ever been presented as forensic evidence???

    To convincingly convict anyone of murder, verifiable forensic evidence is mandatory. And Jews even lie about this requirement.

  1016. Well, Franny, I didn’t ask you for an analysis, nor did I make a specific claim about the truth of the information. I asked for consideration and an opinion on it. However, I will be looking into it a bit further, as well as the Czech activities; it’s unfortunately a futile effort, as revealed truths never seem to matter….just ask General Patton…..Oh, but we shan’t, because we can’t, as he, along with many others who bear witness to Jewish conduct/machinations, seem to die prematurely.

    “No normal rational person could ever respond to your post. Just not in any way provable.”

    *Yet, Fran Taubman responded, didn’t she?

    Jewish fairy tales, which I call “ghouly-tales,” are quite grisly: snatching babies from their mother’s arms, ripping those babies to pieces, limb by limb, tossing into raging infernos, infernos raging in swampland right next to wooden barracks; hounds of hell chasing gypsies around the lunch table, mattresses made of human hair, soap made from human fat, lamp shades made from human skin, Mengele torturing each and every Jew who arrived to camp, young boys playing Paganini’s Caprices on frozen violins, with frozen strings, frozen bows and frozen fingers; future wives tossing apples……….

    On the subject of what is/has been/can be proven, please gather the evidence of 6 million Jews murdered/buried/incinerated, and bring it to our attention; I don’t think it’s fair if you use the Talmud, or whichever ancient scrolls laying about your synagogues, to find that mythical, magical, prophetic number of dead, dying, displaced, returned, whatever, so you better hop to it…..

    Is there such a thing as a Jewish dog? I don’t know. I will speculate there is/was, and it was called, Cerberus.

    Wilson was a traitor, an idiot, a puppet, and completely corrupted; perhaps Cerberus is chasing him in the afterlife. Hopefully.

    “We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its influence—on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice . . . Its preparations are concealed . . . its mistakes are buried . . . no secret is revealed.”
    — President John F. Kennedy.

    WHO was he speaking on, Franny? Let’s ask him….Oh! But we shan’t, because we can’t, as he was killed. Can we ask RFK? JFK, Jr.? I’ll bet the dynamic duo, Weizmann & Wise knew. Different presidents, different bees buzzing, same old ghouly story.

    • Thanks: Han
    • Replies: @Fran Taubman
  1017. @Fran Taubman

    See #1029.

    I’ll get back to you on #1025; I have some reading to do.

  1018. HdC says:
    @Fran Taubman

    What wit! What wisdom! For Jews such as Franny.

    • Thanks: Han
  1019. @Fran Taubman

    It is spooky, isn’t it?

    And, Fran, I admire your pluck, even though you’re dead wrong, and you may be the enemy of Gentiles, the world over.

    I also think your artwork is stunningly beautiful; particularly the sculpted vines/branches in the tables and fixtures.

  1020. @Fran Taubman

    “ Do you have birth certificates or records that prove that the secretary of Lord George was a Sasoon, and who cares?”

    *11/19/18 was the date of official cessation of WW1; Versailles Treaty signed 06/28/19.

    In response to your previous inquiry on Sassoon, please see the following:

    Sir Philip Albert Gustave David Sassoon, 3rd Baronet, GBE, CMG (4 December 1888 – 3 June 1939) was a British politician…. He served as a staff officer during the First World War, from July 1914 to November 1918.
    Sassoon was a member of the prominent Jewish Sassoon family and Rothschild family. He was born in his mother’s mansion on Avenue de Marigny, Paris. His father was Sir Edward Albert Sassoon, 2nd Baronet, MP, son of Albert Abdullah David Sassoon; his mother was Aline Caroline, daughter of Gustave Samuel de Rothschild. His sister was Sybil Sassoon, who married the Marquess of Cholmondeley. He was a cousin of the war poet Siegfried Sassoon. He was descended from the banking family of Frankfurt. When aged only nineteen years old his great-grandfather, James Rothschild was sent to Paris to set up the family business in France. James became wealthy. When he died in 1868 he was buried in Père Lachaise Cemetery. His branch of the Sassoon-Rothschild family kept the Jewish faith, donated to Jewish charities and founded synagogues…..

    Sassoon served as private secretary to Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig during the First World War from 1915 to 1918.[1][4] Sassoon was present at the meeting on 1 December 1914 at the Chateau Demont at Merville in France, when King George V and Edward Prince of Wales met with Raymond Poincaré, President of France, and the Generals Joseph Joffre, Ferdinand Foch and Sir Henry Rawlinson. The allies showed their determination to fight Germany and the Central Powers. Because of his “numerous social and political connections”, Sassoon, at that time a second lieutenant in the…..

    ********Sassoon has numerous social/political connections; at what point in researching Jewish history in England will I come upon information regarding their oppression, destitution, lack of social mobility/influence, ostracism, persecution, etc., prior to WW2????**********

    – Philip Sassoon reflecting on his decision to leave Haig’s staff and return to politics, 27 February 1919………..

    In the last months of the war, Sassoon would mobilise his political connection for fight hard – in the face of Haig’s powerful enemies – so that he was ‘suitably’ rewarded for his wartime service. It was a personal meeting between Sassoon and the Prime Minister, David Lloyd George, in London on 18 February 1919 that in many ways secured an Earldom and £100,000 grant for Haig. Even though by this time Lloyd George’s relationship with ‘The Chief’ had totally soured, the ‘Welsh Wizard’ was so impressed with the young Sassoon that in under a year he had made him his Parliamentary Private Secretary.

    Franny, I found the above information from multiple sources; I think the Sassoon/George connection is established. Should I keep going on the others or can we concede Jewish influence was all over the Versailles Treaty, which technically, has nothing to do with the so-called Holocaust, but I find WW1/WW2/so-called Holocaust and Jewish perfidy/influence inextricably linked.?

    • Thanks: Han
  1021. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Fran Taubman

    The Rothschilds and World War ONE The Rothschilds are jews, right?

    Video Link

    • Thanks: Han, Tiptoethrutulips
  1022. Han says:

    Fran Taubman, care to comment on my replies to you #989 and #990?

    You write #987: “Your rhetoric is hilariously inaccurate.”

    I then asked you: “Please, show me examples of my “hilariously inaccurate rhetoric””.
    So far you did not show me ONE example of my “hilariously inaccurate rhetoric”.

    You write #987:
    “False narrative. The Jews had every intention of living in Palestine, they did and they do. Known as Israel with a standing army and a major nation among nations in the world. A miracle country.”

    Please, then tell me WHY so many Jews ARE leaving Israel?
    Also tell me WHY YOU do not want to live in Israel, “the miracle country”?

    “The miracle country”?… REALLY?…
    It is no secret that Israel is the world’s leading recipient of US aid since World War II. According to data provided by the US Congressional Research Service, ISRAEL HAS RECEIVED $146 BILLION OF US TAXPAYERS’ MONEY AS OF NOVEMBER 2020.

    Then there is, of course, Germany still paying for the HOLOHOAX, the HUGE JEWISH LIE, since the “agreement” to force Germany to pay for “Nazi Crimes” was signed in 1952.

    Norman Finkelstein the Jewish-American political scientist published his book ‘The Holocaust Industry’ in 2000 and by then the GERMAN GOVERNMENT HAD ALREADY PAID ISRAEL $60 BILLION and is still paying and will be paying for a long time to come.
    Germany to give $1.4 billion to Holocaust survivors globally in 2024

    From The Jewish Chronicle:


    Accepting reparations from Germany signified the victory of the needs of the state over individual feeling. Nahum Goldmann, ISRAEL’S CHIEF NEGOTIATOR, CALLED THE AGREEMENT ”A DOWNRIGHT SALVATION” FOR ISRAEL. It was: German deliveries were a HUGE PUSH TOWARD THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ISRAELI ECONOMY and laid the foundations for the high-growth, high-tech israel of today.

    Fran Taubman, isn’t it obvious that billions of $$ STOLEN from American and German tax payers created “YOUR MIRACLE COUNTRY”?
    The conniving and scheming JEWS ARE MASTERS AT STEALING MONEY FROM THE GOYIM, they have been at it for centuries if not millennia.

    “I am convinced that the persecution of the Jew is not in any large degree due to religious prejudice. NO, THE JEW IS A MONEY-GETTER.
    He made it the end and aim of his life. He was at it in Rome. He has been at it ever since.

    I have been following James Corbett for many years now and watched his videos.
    This one, 07/18/2023, is very interesting. This is how JEWISH ORGANISED CRIME are holding the world to ransom, but we are not to criticise them, for that would be anti-Semitc = HATE SPEECH.


    Same with Jewish Organised Crime.

    Ephraim Shoham-Steiner
    Wayne State University Press, 2020.

    “Jewish scholars have deliberately disregarded some of the source materials I mine in this book, out of fear of its implications for the image of the Jews, and as part of a long tradition of apologetics. INDEED, I WAS ADVISED BY SOME COLLEAGUES NOT TO PURSUE THE SUBJECT.” –
    Ephraim Shoham-Steiner, 2021.


    The Decker, Pex, Levi, Rosenberg & Co. law firm specializes in immigration to Israel. Our offices are located at the centers of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. We assist clients daily with the process of Aliyah and immigration to Israel. We represent Jews with a criminal history who wish to make Aliyah to Israel. To contact us, leave your details below and a lawyer will get back to you, or call any of the numbers listed below.
    [email protected]

    From the Jewish Chronicle, December 2, 2010:

    “Among the hundreds of thousands of classified US documents put into the public domain this week by Wikileaks, there is one I found particularly shocking.
    It is a long and comprehensive report on the alleged growth of ORGANISED CRIME IN ISRAEL, ITS INCREASING SOPHISTICATION AND ITS OVERSEAS CONNECTIONS.

    “Sent last year from the US Embassy in Tel Aviv, it lists names of what are claimed to be Israel’s leading crime families, their territories and their activities. Addressed not only to the State Department but also the immigration and homeland security authorities in Washington, it reports that the US consular authorities in Israel are working hard to prevent any of Israel’s gang members infiltrating into the US.

    “It is the kind of document I might have expected to come out of some unpoliced, third world country. Not Israel. What underscores the shocking nature of the content is the title given by the US Embassy to its report: “ISRAEL, A PROMISED LAND FOR ORGANISED CRIME? ” You can read it if you want to be disturbed at.”

    “Organized crime in Israel now has global reach, with direct impact inside the United States.”
    “Organized crime has longstanding roots in Israel.”
    “As the daily Haaretz saw it, the government seemed afraid of losing the millions of dollars in illicit money first “laundered” in mob-controlled institutions and then funneled into Israeli business and industry.”


    “My documentary shows how a Wikileaks hacked cable from the American embassy in Israel, warning America of danger from Jewish organized criminals, WAS DELIBERATELY SUPPRESSED BY THE JEWISH CONTROLLED MEDIA!

    “Julian Assange stated clearly in an interview that he gave thousands of cables exposing Israel to the mass media such as the NY Times, but they suppressed the files that exposed Israel because of “Jewish sensitivities.” Wikileaks embarrassed America and dozens of other nations, but the Jewish dominated media suppressed the Wikileaks cables that exposed the perfidy of Israel!”

    Jews have dominated Organised Crime all over Europe for hundreds of years before there was any Sicilian Mafia at all.
    Meyer Lansky was the Big Jewish Crime Boss and he was also a Zionist. As Newsweek put it:
    “Each year, Lansky and his underworld associates pour vast sums into the Israeli bonds and Israeli philanthropies.”

    David Duke: “The Fed stole over $20 trillion from you, the taxpayer.”




    Video Link

    Hitler, “Mein Kampf”, page 216:
    “They never intended to build a Jewish State in Palestine, not for the purpose of living in it anyway. They just want an organization headquarters for their international swindling and cheating with its own political power that is beyond the reach and interference from other states. it would be a refuge for crooks who were exposed and a college for future swindlers.”

    He was spot-on, Fran Taubman! Just look at yourself: YOU don’t want to live in Israel, “your miracle country”!
    And isn’t “your miracle country” FULL OF SWINDLERS plotting/scheming to rule the world and exterminating the Goyim?

    • Agree: HdC, Tiptoethrutulips
    • Thanks: John Wear
    • Replies: @bjondo
  1023. bjondo says:

    Amalek is Israel/Yid.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Han
  1024. @Fran Taubman

    “ The Jews are no different than any other peoples on the planet. They left Palestine returned and conquered it, like all other conquered territories in the world, and what is going on right now in Ukraine, or in all of Europe, where empires have fought nations and ethnic groups for territory and dominance. The history of the world.”

    WHO, exactly, conquered Palestine to enable THE RETURN? Or, did returning Jews waltz in on the backs of dead/maimed gentile soldiers? Are those soldiers considered “cattle” according to the Talmud? Yes or No? Were American men deceived about vicious Germans, slaughtering children, and attempting to RULE ALL OF EUROPE, in order to convince them to fight?

    No one disputes human history is fraught with war, exploration/conquest, and some are even gracious enough to acknowledge that, historically, people OTHER than Europeans were slashing and hacking their way around the world. But, the Vikings fought for themselves, that much I know, as there were no Jews in Scandinavia at that time; did the Jews fight with William the Conqueror, or did they ride in on his coattails, writing checks along the way? Curiously, Jewish slithering around in England was on the rise along about 1066.

    And, for the 6th millionth time, no one says, Jews were not removed, first by incentives, then by coercion, then by force, from Germany and German territory, and said territory, to which the Germans were ALSO RETURNING/RECLAIMING, by their own German efforts – no lying or manipulating necessary. The “self-hating, traitorous” Jews simply say, there was no effort or attempt for the extermination/genocide of Jewish people. Germany wanted the Jews out of Germany, due to their organized, destructive behaviors.

    I would say, the Jews are, indeed, different from other people, in that they don’t fight their own battles, they historically fund multiple sides of conflicts, they agitate for “change” by causing strife amongst gentile societies by funding opposing groups, they swoop in when the dust settles looking for economic opportunities, they bug out rather than live with the consequences of their meddling (any Jews left in South Africa? Other than the diamond/gold miners?), they fund/organize groups to further agitate citizens (NAACP, ADL, SPLC, “KILL THE BOER SOCIETY “), groups for which they really have no concern, as everyone is cattle…………These sorts of allegations have been leveled against the Jews for centuries. Everyone is wrong? They are cast out for no reason?

    I disagree with you, Fran. The Jews, as a group, are different, and it says so in the Torah and the Talmud. Of course, there are Jewish people who would prefer to just get along, or go to Ghana; but, unfortunately, they don’t seem to be the ones who make the decisions for jews, as a group.

    • Thanks: Han
  1025. @bjondo

    From – take particular note of the last paragraph.

    “ The Amalekites, descendants of Amalek, were an ancient biblical nation living near the land of Canaan. They were the first nation to attack the Jewish people after the Exodus from Egypt, and they are seen as the archetypal enemy of the Jews. The nation of Amalek is long gone, but they live on as the internal enemies that we each battle on a daily basis.

    Who Was Amalek

    Eliphaz, son of Esau (the patriarch Jacob’s brother and sworn enemy), and his concubine Timna had a child named Amalek.1 Amalek grew up in Esau’s household, imbibing Esau’s pathological hatred of Jacob’s descendants along the way. His offspring became the nation of Amalek, and they lived to the south of the Land of Israel, in what is now known as the Negev Desert.2

    While the Jews were still at Rephidim, recuperating from their escape from Egypt,3 the nation of Amalek launched a vicious surprise attack on them—though the Jews had no designs on Amalekite territory and were not even headed in that direction…..

    Following the battle, G‑d commanded Moses to record the story of Amalek’s treacherous attack for posterity, and to enjoin Moses’ future successor, Joshua, to remember the attack as well. G‑d promised to completely wipe out the memory of Amalek from the earth, and to wage an eternal war with Amalek in every generation. G‑d swore that His name and throne would not be complete until Amalek was destroyed.6

    • Thanks: Han
  1026. Han says:

    The Rabbis are saying that AMALEK is Christianity and Western Civilisation, “the implacable enemy of the Jewish people”.

    The Christian faith is a unique cornerstone of Western culture. It presided over the decline and collapse of the Roman Empire, from the migrations, invasions, and demographic shifts of the early medieval period, to the rise of urban centers and organized commerce.

    Through its many institutions, missionary activities, monasteries, religious orders, and universities, the Christian faith formed European culture and introduced a universal religion that would forever change the world.


    Who does Esau/Edom represent today and what will happen in the end times?

    Rabbi Tovia Singer:
    “Oh, that’s really easy. So, Edom is Christendom, it is the implacable enemy of the Jewish people. Rome is Edom, is the last Empire of the 4 Empires that subjugated the Jewish people.
    Edom, Rome, is the worst of all and Edom is going to be destroyed. We have entire books in Tanach devoted to the destruction of Edom. It’s finished, it’s gone, no more.”

    When Kaiser Wilhelm of Germany visited Jerusalem (1898) during his journey to the Holy Land almost all the religious leaders of Jerusalem came to the city gates to greet him. RABBI YOSEF CHAIM SONNENFELD (d.1932), the spiritual leader of Ashkenazic Jewry in Israel at that time, did not go.

    When asked about his refusal he answered that although the Kaiser himself was deserving of the honor bestowed upon him, “I HAVE A TRADITION THAT GERMANY IS AMALEK.” – Yossi Katz

    The Jews completely destroyed Germany in two World Wars, which the Jews instigated.
    Germany lost millions of its people and about one third of its territory.

    Compare the maps from 1914 to the post 1945 map of Germany, how the Jews redrew the map of Europe:

    The Jews also destroyed the Russian Empire in 1917, murdering millions of Russians.


    Video Link

    “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off, piece by piece, until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.
    That is what we do to countries that we hate.
    We destroy them very slowly.” – Benjamin Netanyahu, recorded at Finks Bar, Jerusalem, 1990


    Video Link

    “Part one of the three-part series. Many think they understand what’s going on. Please let me tell you something … 95% don’t have a clue, and that’s by design. The head of the snake and the massive power behind the Ukraine War to Covid, everything before, in-between and beyond is one specific group. It’s always been them, for the last thousand years. They are and have always been a pariah on humanity.

    “So many things that don’t make sense with our world at the moment are connected and scripted. It’s to enrich them and pave a path for their global domination while diluting and ultimately eliminating the White European bloodline. The New World Order is their construct. The Kalergi Plan is in full swing. I’m proving what few have the courage to admit.”


    Video Link


    Video Link

  1027. bjondo [AKA "wormssnakesbrain"] says:

    Tiptoethrutulips and Han:

    The Rabbis are saying that AMALEK is Christianity and Western Civilisation, “the implacable enemy of the Jewish people”.

    Yid certainly talk, twist, deceive, shift, project.

    I say Amalek, the symbol, name, entity of evil is Judaism/Israel/Yid.

    The implacable enemy.


    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Han
  1028. @bjondo

    As in, the modern Jews are not the true “Israelites,” but are Luciferians/One World Rulers, who have infiltrated all societies, at all levels, in their attempt to destroy God’s creation?

    Is that what you are trying to tell us?

  1029. Han says:

    “I say Amalek, the symbol, name, entity of evil is Judaism/Israel/Yid.”

    With respect, but I don’t think you understand the meaning of Amalek.

    Yes, JUDAISM is EVIL, but don’t call it Amalek.

    WHO is going to be exterminated by the Jews? THE GOYIM = AMALEK.

  1030. Han says:

    1879 letter from Baruch Levy to Karl Marx:

    THE JEWISH PEOPLE as a whole will be its own messiah. It WILL ATTAIN WORLD DOMINION by the DISSOLUTION OF OTHER RACES, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.

    In this NEW WORLD ORDER the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition.

    The governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state.

    THUS WILL THE PROMISE OF THE TALMUD BE FULFILLED, in which it is said that when the messianic time is come, THE JEWS WILL HAVE ALL THE PROPERTY OF THE WHOLE WORLD IN THEIR HANDS. – Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1, 1928

    That prophetic letter was written 144 years ago.

    The Jews now RULE and OWN the world.

    • Replies: @Patrick McNally
  1031. @Han

    “Baruch Levy” was a fictional character invented in the French reactionary magazine Revue de Paris. No one has ever found any documentary trace of a “Baruch Levy” having existed in any proximity to Marx.

  1032. @Patrick McNally

    Speaking of false information, you accused me of spreading lies by suggesting that there was Czech involvement/collusion with Bolsheviks:

    “ In fact, you yourself are repeating such lies right here:

    > the Czech minority, an element which had thrown in its lot with the Bolshevik Jews and fought against the Allies in 1918.

    A blatant lie. The Czechoslovak forces fought against the Red Army in the Russian Civil War. The fact that you would repeat such nonsense shows how common such lying is.”

    Who was Béla Kun? (aka Kohn – why do they change their surnames?) Born in the Kingdom of Hungary, and:

    The son of a Jewish village clerk, Kun became active in Social Democratic politics early in life, working at first in Transylvania and later in Budapest. He was mobilized in the Austro-Hungarian army at the outbreak of World War I, became a prisoner of war in Russia in 1916, and joined the Bolsheviks……

    Whereas Lenin advocated making peace with the Central Powers, despite the harsh conditions they imposed, in order to “save the revolution”, Kun and his group took the side of Nikolai Bukharin, who wanted to continue and expand the war to transform it into an international revolutionary struggle to impose Communism on the rest of Europe.

    The Czech/Bohemian/Hungarian/Slovakian peoples were all within the Austro-Hungarian empire; the Czechs originated in Bohemia. Everywhere in Eastern Europe, you have Eastern European Jews, therefore the Bolsheviks have/had allies all over Eastern Europe. It is a complicated history; my maternal relatives are from Germany and this easterly region- they hardly understood the constant, on-going strife, but to claim a suggestion of “an element” in the Czech minority allied with the Bolsheviks is nonsensical or false is in itself a preposterous allegation considering the subversive and consumptive nature of Jewish perfidy/communism. Yes, there was a Czech legion who fought against the Reds; that does not mean there were no pro-Red forces. Here’s another lie:

    Admiral Alexander V. Kolchak (1873-1920), head of the White forces, led an offensive against the Bolsheviks in spring 1919, but was defeated. He joined the Czechs in traveling East along the Trans-Siberian railway toVladivostok. However, he and his officers blamed the Czechs for not helping them against the Bolsheviks and they were unpopular with Czech soldiers. Also Kolchak’s seven trains carrying the gold of the Bank of Russia were an added burden. Finally, in order to proceed on their way, the Czechs gave up the gold and Kolchak to the Bolsheviks, who shot him at Irkutsk. (For a popular account of the Legion, see: Edwin P. Hoyt, Legion Without a Country, New York, London, 1967). An attempt to “rehabilitate” Kolchak in post-communist Russia failed in 2001.

    • Thanks: John Wear
  1033. Han says:

    ““Baruch Levy” was a fictional character invented in the French reactionary magazine Revue de Paris. No one has ever found any documentary trace of a “Baruch Levy” having existed in any proximity to Marx.”

    OH, REALLY?… Says WHO? Patrick McNally aka Shlomo Slimestein?

    ““Baruch Levy” was a fictional character invented in the French reactionary magazine Revue de Paris.”?…

    His letter was published in THE ROTHSCHILD CONTROLLED LA REVUE DE PARIS, June 1, 1928.

    “The governments of the peoples included in this world republic, with the aid of the victorious proletariat, all will fall without difficulty into Jewish hands. Private property will then be strangled by the Jewish directors, who will administer the state patrimony everywhere. Thus the promise of the Talmud will be fulfilled, that is, the promise that the Jews, at the arrival of the Messiah, will possess the key to the wealth of all the peoples of the earth.” – Baruch Levy, in a letter to Karl Marx, PUBLISHED IN THE ROTHSCHILD CONTROLLED LA REVUE DE PARIS, June 1, 1928.

    IT’S THE JEWS STUPID! – page 40

    From the same page:

    “The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all other people.” – Le Peuple Juif, February 8, 1919.

    “Nations will gather together to bring their homage to the people of God; the whole fortune of nations will pass into the hands of the Jewish people, they will march behind the Jewish people, in chains as captives, and will prostrate before it.” – Isador Loeb, Le Probleme Juif.

    “In everything, we are destroyers–even in the instruments of destruction to which we turn for relief…We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands.” – Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, pages 152, 155, and 147.

    “Jew and Gentile are two worlds, between you Gentiles and us Jews there lies an unbridgeable gulf…There are two life forces in the world: Jewish and Gentile…I do not believe that this primal difference between Gentile and Jew is reconcilable…” – Maurice Samuel, You Gentiles, page 9.

    “You cannot be English Jews. We are a race, and only as a race can we perpetuate. Our mentality is of a Hebraic character, and differs from that of an Englishman. Enough subterfuges! Let us assert openly that we are International Jews.” – Gerald Soman, Chairman of the World Jewry Fellowship, in its official manifesto, January 1, 1935.

    “Let us recognize that we Jews are a distinct nationality of which every Jew, whatever his country, his station, or shade of belief, is necessarily a member.” – Louis Brandeis, U.S. Supreme Ct. Justice, Zionism, page 113.

    “The English (or French or American, etc.) patriotism of the Jew is only a fancy-dress which he puts on to please the people of the country.” – The Jewish World, December 8, 1911.

    “The Jew is an inborn Communist.” – Otto Weininger, Sex and Character, page 311.

    “We Jews are going to bring war on Germany.” – David Brown, President of American Hebrew, in 1934, quoted in Edmonson’s I Testify, page 188.

    JEWS are censoring the internet, deleting the info they don’t like.

    How Israel and Its Partisans Work to Censor the Internet

    Jew Subverters of Internet and Technology

    “The internet is very bad for everyone, but it’s especially terrible for Jews.”

    Whether “Baruch Levy” was a fictional character or not, Levy’s letter to Marx simply confirms known facts found in other sources, like the Protocols and Talmud.

    As Henry Ford said: “The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to his time. They fit it now.”

    The JEWS now RULE and OWN the world, DON’T THEY?

    JEWS HAVE A HABIT OF MAKING FACTS “FUZZY” with their sneaky rhetoric — they will always try to plant the seed of doubt in your mind.

    That is what YOU, Shlomo Slimestein, have been doing all the time at Unz Review. See my reply to you #984 of this thread, YOU, UTTER SHAMELESS SHILL.

    WHY is it that a leading world-renowned Rabbi like Mizrachi is openly bragging about: “THE JEWS RUN THE SHOW IN THE WORLD.”?

    But, if we Goyim are saying that we are called ‘Anti-Semites’, Jew haters.

    Rabbi Mizrachi is right, the Jews do indeed run the show in the world, in America in particular.

    Rabbi, Mizrachi: “Goyim, at least 6 billion of them are idol worshippers and according to the Torah do not have the right to live and deserve the death penalty”. Isn’t that “HATE SPEECH”?

    WHY isn’t Rabbi Mizrachi in jail? Because the Jews RULE and OWN the world. They can say and do whatever they like and no one will oppose them. The ones who do ending up killed or in jail.

    Just imagine Goyim saying: “Jews don’t have the right to live and deserve the death penalty”.
    THAT is, of course, “HATE SPEECH”, and they would end up in jail for sure.

  1034. @Patrick McNally

    (…) fictional character (…)

    The correct word to use in that context is “fictitious”.

  1035. I am Amalek and I am coming after you!!.

    “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off, piece by piece, until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.
    That is what we do to countries that we hate.
    We destroy them very slowly.” – Benjamin Netanyahu, recorded at Finks Bar, Jerusalem, 1990

    That entire video is dubbed in with fake words. LOL. If you understood one word of Hebrew you would laugh.

    I am Amalek!!! Let us not forget this thread is about H denial.

    So how can Ron deny that the Holocaust never existed when two of his favorite writers and thinkers were and are Holocaust survivors? Do you see the mental lapse there, from someone who is supposedly scientifically factual, mathematically certain, and lacks emotions like a Vulcan? The facts are before him. I have pointed these incongruences many times on this UR. He has never once responded, yet continues to deny the Holocaust, at first tepidly dipping a toe in, now more forceful.

    It is widely known amongst the sane of the world that Jew hatred and Holocaust denial when combined together form a bunch of fantasies and conspiracies much like your”father of lies”. H denial and Jew hatred combined are what separate those allowed to write and ponder ideas of Judaism like Shahak and Finkelstein and those relegated to the margins and ignored. There is no way the Jews without an impossible conspiracy that would encompass supernatural powers to go back in time and change extemporaneous statements and events from the historical narrative. Extemporaneous events from different countries and years as stated by perpetrators, the victims and just citizens throughout Europe who were bystanders, saw the Jews rounded up in their villages and disappear from the earth.

    All you get is there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of the camps, and no Ezentraupen who went and shot entire ghettoes of thousand of people, old, young and women and children, thousands in one day, as witnessed by their gentile neighbors who helped the survivors escape.

    Jew hatred + Holocaust denial has been exposed as fraudulent combination of an age old conspiracy that does not exist. Believe what you want, but it will never survive non anonymous sources and the light of day outside of the UR. Why bother reading Han’s post. You can go back to the middle ages and find the same posts. Nothing new to see here. As a Jew and a child of a family of survivors, the Holocaust happened and we are not a part of some evil cult.

    MY POST TO RON #1025.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Han
    , @Kali
  1036. @Fran Taubman

    Fran, you lie like a dog (or a Zionist Jewish person).

    Great fortunes are made during times of upheaval. Conflicts result in enormous changes in the possession of property and the expansion of debt. Nations borrow money to fund wars and to rebuild after wars. Long held personal property is often destroyed, confiscated, or sold at a great loss. There is a direct link between those who benefit financially from conflicts and those who work behind the scenes to foment wars and revolutions. Ergo:

    “The time to buy is when there is blood in the street.”
    Baron Rothschild

    What say you about Baron’s quote? Do you think he said it?
    Per Forbes Magazine:
    “He should know. Rothschild made a fortune buying in the panic that followed the Battle of Waterloo against Napoleon. But that’s not the whole story. The original quote is believed to be “Buy when there’s blood in the streets, even if the blood is your own.”

    What say you about the USS Liberty? Are the American survivors liars?

    What say you about Netanyahu’s prediction of a bomb in the basement of the NY towers in his 1995 book?

    Back to The Perfidy in the late 1800’s – early 1900’s, and a bit towards WW2, shall we?

    It is striking, when reading contemporary accounts, how blind-sided many American and European patriots were at the turn of events. Conventional WWI histories tend to portray the conflict as inevitable, but almost no one, in advance of the conflict, had any inkling of an impending conflagration. Almost everyone in Europe was caught entirely off-guard by the Hitler-Stalin pact since Hitler’s popularity with the Germans was based largely on his vociferous opposition to Bolshevism. Most Americans, who opposed involvement in European Wars and preferred to let Hitler and Stalin destroy each other, were shocked by the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and America’s sudden entry into the War. Few Germans had ever heard of the Nazi Death Camps and had no inkling of the ‘Holocaust’ prior to the Nuremburg trials. And almost no one other than those directly involved in negotiations with Stalin foresaw the loss of Eastern Europe to the Soviets or the loss of China to the Communists.

    Churchill, February 8, 1920; Sunday Herald:

    “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews. It is certainly a very great one; it probably outweighs all others. With the notable exception of Lenin, the majority of the leading figures are Jews. Moreover, the principal inspiration and driving power comes from the Jewish leaders. Thus Tchitcherin, a pure Russian, is eclipsed by his nominal subordinate Litvinoff, and the influence of Russians like Bukharin or Lunacharski cannot be compared with the power of Trotsky, or of Zinovieff, the Dictator of the Red Citadel (Petrograd), or of Krassin or Radek – all Jews. In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution has been taken by Jews, […] Although in all these countries there are many non-Jews every whit as bad as the worst of the Jewish revolutionaries, the part played by the latter in proportion to their numbers in the population is astonishing.”

    Here’s an interesting excerpt from an article about a Bavarian Jewish music scholar/manuscript collector; my point of reference is because, YET AGAIN, and OVER AND OVER, I find evidence of Jewish prosperity in Germany and/or Europe:
    “Almost 90 years ago, when Albi Rosenthal was born in Munich, some, but not all, of his achievements might have been predicted, but no one could have guessed how they would come about. If the First World War had just begun, it made little impact on the Rosenthal family, whose Jewish origins were then no bar to advancement in Bavaria.”

    What say you about Litman Rosenthal, and his memoir detailing his reverence for another Jewish prophet of doom for white gentiles?

    “Litman Rosenthal reports Herzl’s forecast, in 1897, of a coming Great War as an opportunity for Zionism
    The Great War Is Imminent
    For some moments he remained silent, then he continued “It may be that Turkey will refuse or will be unable to understand us. This will not discourage us. We will seek other means to accomplish our end. The Orient question is now a question of the day. Sooner or later it will bring about a conflict among the nations. A European War is imminent.”
    I allowed myself an ironic smile at Herzl’s last words. He turned to me with his magic glance.
    “I see you smile.” he said. “You are skeptical of what I have told you. The great European War must come. With my watch in hand do I await this terrible moment. After the great European war is ended the Peace Conference will assemble. We must be ready for that time. We will assuredly be called to this great conference of the nations and we must prove to them the urgent importance of a Zionist solution of the Jewish Question. We must prove to them that the problem of the Orient and Palestine is one with the problems ot the Jews – both must be solved together. We must prove to them that the Jewish problem is a world problem and that a world problem must be solved by the world. And the solution must be the return of Palestine to the Jewish people.”
    These words of Dr. Herzl I will never forget. Seventeen years have now passed since those words were spoken and the great moment has come. The watch in Herzl’s hand has reached the expected hour.”

    SO, FRANNY, 1897 + 17 = 1914. RIGHT ON TIME, YES?


    • Thanks: Kali, HdC
    • Replies: @Fran Taubman
    , @Han
  1037. @Tiptoethrutulips


    Guys that write in big caps have small dicks. Proven fact. I pointed out a completely fabricated video where Netanyahu was quoted as saying

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Han
  1038. “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off, piece by piece, until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.
    That is what we do to countries that we hate.
    We destroy them very slowly.” – Benjamin Netanyahu, recorded at Finks Bar, Jerusalem, 1990


    A lie, a lying video full of fake quotes from another language. You do not have to share with me your prized possessions of your Jew hatred, and blame game. I am a Jew you do not have to convince me, you need to convince the goyim who will lock you up stay anonymous. Why do you persist in the comics and videos of Jew hatred.

    All caps= small dick
    cartoons about Jew hatred=smaller dick
    memes especially with the Jewish stars dripping with blood over everything = …… …. dick

    Real men do not post such ridiculous drivel and gore. What do you get out of it? Maybe 5 people are interested, and you do realize this has all been written over and over again for thousands of years.

    The Jews and Israel are ready to make peace with Saudi Arabia. The Jews have never been more powerful. 3,500 years of history, 3,500 years of people like you talking Jewish conspiracies. We are still here strong. We will probably save the world with the next kinetic war with all of the war software Israel has. China will not even be able to turn on the lights, when the Israeli software hits.

    Laughable really laughable. You know how many times this shit has been written? Since Rome. Magic glance and all. Magic. We Jews are magical with supper powers. You can convert and maybe your dick will get big and you too will have magical powers, you can become a Rothschild banker by just converting. Money will grow on you like a tree.

    “Litman Rosenthal reports Herzl’s forecast, in 1897, of a coming Great War as an opportunity for Zionism
    The Great War Is Imminent
    For some moments he remained silent, then he continued “It may be that Turkey will refuse or will be unable to understand us. This will not discourage us. We will seek other means to accomplish our end. The Orient question is now a question of the day. Sooner or later it will bring about a conflict among the nations. A European War is imminent.”
    I allowed myself an ironic smile at Herzl’s last words. He turned to me with his magic glance.
    “I see you smile.” he said. “You are skeptical of what I have told you. The great European War must come. With my watch in hand do I await this terrible moment. After the great

  1039. @Fran Taubman

    Well, I am not a man, Fran. I’m not even one of those recently created “women” who get their penises inverted into neo-vaginas. Aren’t Jews big advocates for transgender rights? Way to go! You go, girlie-boys! Who needs breasts when you’re a 14 year old girl who wishes she was a boy? And, I believe Gloria Steinem and Betty Friedan were scourges in America, just like Attila, only he would be more useful today against you-know-who.

    I used capital letters because I can’t figure out how to bold or italicize text from a new table on the Unz platform, and I can’t be bothered to figure it out when I have all this researching and cataloging of Jewish perfidy to record.

    I don’t doubt there are quotes misattributed to Jewish villains, which is why I don’t usually comment on them if I can’t confirm accordingly; I notice you made no comment on the facts/information for which I took great effort to confirm for accuracy. The USS Liberty fiasco is well known, and a confirmed Israeli act of outright aggression/treachery meant to implicate a rival nation; any thoughts or explanations?

    • Agree: Kali
  1040. @Fran Taubman

    “ China will not even be able to turn on the lights, when the Israeli software hits.”

    I’m telling China, Fran.

    Only a Jewish person would equate genitalia size with text usage, such as capitalization, etc. Do you spend much time with Ron Jeremy, Reuben Sturman, Harold Rubin…..

    Your comments pay proof to what everyone says about Jews/Israel.

    • LOL: Han
  1041. @Fran Taubman

    Are you suggesting Litman Rosenthal was lying, Fran?

    And the Jewish journals/periodicals wherein it was published were aware of the falsehood?

    Or, are you just slinging insults about male, gentile genitalia, for which you seem to have quite an obsession, or maybe you’ve never had an opportunity for viewing up close and personal, so you’re just curious?

    • LOL: Han, Al Liguori
    • Replies: @Al Liguori
  1042. Han says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Fran Taubman writes:
    “That entire video is dubbed in with fake words. LOL. If you understood one word of Hebrew you would laugh.”

    REALLY?… Here is that video again for your benefit:

    Video Link

    There is not ONE spoken Hebrew word or text in the entire 4:33 minute video!
    The only text in the first 44 seconds of that video when Benjamin Netanyahoo is speaking is Arabic, NOT Hebrew.

    YOU, Fran Taubman, OBVIOUSLY don’t know the difference between written Hebrew and Arabic.
    OR, you think that we, Goyim, are so stupid that we don’t know the difference between written Hebrew and Arabic. Take your pick.
    YOU are so full of Jewish Chutzpah = UTTER BULLSHIT in plain English.

    So, Fran Taubman, you are LYING through your teeth again and again and again, always LYING. LOL!!! ROTFL!!!

    Did you see what Netanyahoo wrote at the 3:53 minute mark of the video?
    PM of Israel:
    “We understand the pain of our American brothers & sisters, who are marking today an event of enormous magnitude – the Sept. 11 bombings”

    Here Netanyahoo, inadvertently, speaks the truth: “THE SEPT. 11 BOMBINGS”
    CONTROLLED DEMOLITION of The Twin Towers and Building 7 by ISRAEL brought down those buildings.
    JEWISH Dr. Alan Sabrosky: “They Did It” American Patriot on 9/11

    Dr. Alan Sabrosky, Ph.D, is a retired Marine Corps Officer and former Director of Studies at the United States Army War College. He has taught at the United States Military Academy at West Point.

    Fran Taubman:
    “So how can Ron deny that the Holocaust never existed when two of his favorite writers and thinkers were and are Holocaust survivors?”

    For starters, there would NEVER have been a HOLLOWHOAX or HOLOCAU$T IF JUDEA DID NOT DECLARE WAR ON GERMANY IN 1933!!! The Jews WANTED to destroy Germany.
    Germany NEVER wanted the War. It was FORCED on Germany by the JEWS.

    “Germany is our public enemy number one. It is our object to declare war without mercy against her.” – Bernard Lecache, President of the World Jewish League, 1932


    Fran Taubman, if there was a real Holocaust there wouldn’t be any survivors of hardly any survivors. at all.
    But as the mother of Norman Finkelstein (his parents were in Maidanek and Auschwitz) remarked: “With so many survivors who actually did Hitler kill?”

    Finkelstein: “Much of the literature of Hitler’s Final Solution is worthless as scholarship, the field of Holocaust Studies is replete with nonsense if not sheer fraud. Given the Nonsense that is turned out daily by the Holocaust industry, the wonder is that there are so few skeptics”.

    The Jewish Holocaust narrative was/is built on a HUGE LIE. It was/is ALL MONEY DRIVEN.

    Germany is still paying and will be paying for a long time to come for the HOLOCAU$T, the HUGE JEWISH LIE, since the “agreement” to force Germany to pay for “Nazi Crimes” was signed in 1952.

    THE JEWISH CHRONICLE exposing the real reasons for “Holocaust reparations”.

    Accepting reparations from Germany signified the victory of the needs of the state over individual feeling.

    Nahum Goldmann, ISRAEL’S CHIEF NEGOTIATOR, CALLED THE AGREEMENT ”A DOWNRIGHT SALVATION” FOR ISRAEL. It was: German deliveries were a HUGE PUSH TOWARD THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ISRAELI ECONOMY and laid the foundations for the high-growth, high-tech israel of today.

    HOLOCAU$T reparations were/are needed to pay for Israel’s infrastructure. THAT is why the HOLOCAU$T is not to be questioned!

    The Jewish Gangsters WANT THE MONEY and will destroy and jail anyone questioning THEIR HOLOCAU$T BULLSHIT!

    Norman Finkelstein the Jewish-American political scientist published his book ‘The Holocaust Industry’ in 2000 and by then the GERMAN GOVERNMENT HAD ALREADY PAID ISRAEL $60 BILLION and is still paying and will be paying for a long time to come.
    Germany to give $1.4 billion to Holocaust survivors globally in 2024

    It is no secret that Israel is the world’s leading recipient of US aid since World War II. According to data provided by the US Congressional Research Service, ISRAEL HAS RECEIVED $146 BILLION OF US TAXPAYERS’ MONEY AS OF NOVEMBER 2020.

    You write #987:
    “False narrative. The Jews had every intention of living in Palestine, they did and they do. Known as Israel with a standing army and a major nation among nations in the world. A miracle country.”

    Fran Taubman, isn’t it obvious to you that billions of $$ STOLEN from American and German tax payers created “YOUR MIRACLE COUNTRY”.

    The conniving and scheming JEWS ARE MASTERS AT STEALING MONEY and LAND FROM THE GOYIM, they have been at it for centuries if not millennia.

    When the Jews invaded the “Promised Land” their LOVING god, Mr. Yahweh, told them what to do with the people who inhabited that land.
    “However, you must not let any living thing survive among the cities of these people the Lord your God is giving you as an inheritance. You must completely destroy them – the Hethite, Amorite, Canaanite, Perizzite, Hivite, and Jebusite ….” Deut. 20:16-18

    “Now go and attack the Amalekites and completely destroy everything they have. Do not spare them. Kill men and women, infants and nursing babies, oxen and sheep, camels and donkeys.” 1 Sam 15:3

    They stole the land of the people who owned it, but, of course, their Loving god, gave it to them as an “inheritance”.

    Fast forward to 1948 when the Jews, again, stole the land of the Palestinians, murdered and drove them off from their land. Of course, again, Mr. Yahweh, their Loving god, gave them the “Promised Land”.

    So handy to create a god, who then promises you the whole world.

    WHY, Fran Taubman, don’t you want to live in ISRAEL, “YOUR MIRACLE COUNTRY”?
    WHY are so many Israelis, who can afford it, leaving Israel? WHY do so many Israelis have German, American, Canadian, Australian, etc., passports?

    Please, see my comment #990 for more questions I asked you, but never got a reply from you.

    YOU write: “All you get is there were no homicidal gas chambers in any of the camps…”
    Well, that is the truth, Fran Taubman.


    The 1988 ‘Holocaust’ Testimony Of Joseph Burg:

    It is a mystery to me… They must be ‘self-hating Jews’.

    “Numerous Jews throughout the world are outright denying and/or questioning key aspects of the official Holocaust narrative, particularly the claims about “6 million” Jews being killed in “gas chambers” at the height of World War II. This article examines the Jews who are publicly criticizing the official Holocaust narrative and the arguments they make.

    The Book That Made The Jews So Mad They Had To Invent The Movie HOLOCAUST!

    You write: “Why bother reading Han’s post.” You are obviously reading my posts. LOL!
    I get 80% to 90% of my info from JEWISH SOURCES. Especially the Rabbis, they are my favourites for they will always tell you the truth.
    They are so brazen, telling us, Goyim, that there is no place for us in this world once their Mashiah comes.


    We Want Mashiah Now!!!

    You write: “As a Jew and a child of a family of survivors, the Holocaust happened and we are not a part of some evil cult.”

    Once again: IF there was a real Holocaust your family would not have survived the “Holocaust”.
    Jews were/are Communists. They were in the Resistance, partisans killing Germans. That was the reason why they were rounded up and put to work in the LABOUR CAMPS.

    Your Torah and Talmud are proof of that. Your Rabbis are confirming it all the time in their videos and I have seen hundreds of their videos.

    Not to mention the Jewish economic stranglehold over the world and the political power that comes with it.

    For more on JEWISH ORGANISED CRIME, etc., see my comment #1036

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: Al Liguori
    • Replies: @Fran Taubman
  1043. Han says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Fran Taubman:
    “I pointed out a completely fabricated video where Netanyahu was quoted as saying”

    “That entire video is dubbed in with fake words. LOL. If you understood one word of Hebrew you would laugh.”

    REALLY?… Please, watch that video again, Fran Taubman.

    There is not ONE spoken Hebrew word or text in the entire 4:33 minute video!
    The only text in the first 44 seconds of that video when Benjamin Netanyahoo is speaking is Arabic, NOT Hebrew.

    YOU, Fran Taubman, OBVIOUSLY don’t know the difference between written Hebrew and Arabic.
    OR, you think that we, Goyim, are so stupid that we don’t know the difference between written Hebrew and Arabic. Take your pick.
    YOU are so full of Jewish Chutzpah = UTTER BULLSHIT in plain English.

    So, Fran Taubman, you are either LYING through your teeth again and again and again, always lying, OR you are suffering from ALZHEIMER, GETTING SENILE for not knowing the difference between written Arabic and Hebrew anymore.

    In that case I really do feel sorry for you.

  1044. Han says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Fran Taubman: “YOU ARE AMALEK. A lie, a lying video full of fake quotes from another language.”

    REALLY?… Please, show me the lies in that video.

    I also asked you at least twice to show me examples of my “hilariously inaccurate rhetoric”.
    So far you haven’t come up with ONE example. Unlike you, I, pointing out the obvious, the truth, don’t have to lie.
    You, on the other hand, defending the indefensible, have to lie all the time.

    Fran Taubman: “You do not have to share with me your prized possessions of your Jew hatred.
    Why do you persist in the comics and videos of Jew hatred.”

    The one persisting in comics is clearly, YOU, Fran Taubman. You will have a long nose if you keep on lying and lying. The ‘Pinocchio effect’: If you don’t tell the truth, your nose really could give you away. LOL!!!

    Nothing to do with “prized possessions of Jew hatred” as it is all about Jews speaking about their hatred of the Goyim, which is all over the internet. Can’t you see that? Your Torah, Talmud and Rabbis are full of hatred of the non-Jews, the Goyim.

    The Jews are, of course, censoring, deleting, all the info that they don’t like from the internet. The Jews don’t like Free Speech. Yes, Free Speech for them, but NOT for the Goyim.

    Ten Reasons Why Jewish Supremacists HATE Free Speech for Goyim (And Conscientious Jews Who Dare to Speak the Truth)

    Here another video of your Hero, Benjamin Netanyahoo (no, it is not a spelling mistake: Yahoo; a rude, loud, lout, unpleasant, brutish person) I like to share with you. Enjoy!

    Benjamin Netanyahoo caught on camera:

    Netanyahoo: “Turn off the camera, and then perhaps we can develop a …”

    Minutes later the camera is turned on again…

    Netanyahoo: “Today everyone understands the slogan “The settlements are here”,…”

    “Hold on, but then again, “the world” will say that we’re aggressors.”

    Netanyahu: “They can say whatever they want.” – “Aren’t you afraid of what they’ll say, Bibi?” – “No.”

    “Especially today, with the US. I know how they are. America is something that you can easily manoeuvre and move in the right direction.
    And even if they say something… So, then they say something, so what?… 80% of Americans support us! It’s absurd!
    (Thanks to Christian Zionism: )
    We have such support there, and here we’re thinking what we should do “if”…
    Look, I wasn’t afraid to manoeuvre (the Clinton administration). I wasn’t afraid to confront Clinton. I wasn’t afraid to go against the UN.”

    Yes, Netanyahoo is full of Jewish Chutzpah and treats America and Americans like SHIT.

    Fran Taubman, here yet another Netanyahoo video I like to share with you. I know you must love this video, it must fill your heart with JEWISH PRIDE to see AMERICAN CONGRESSMEN AND WOMEN ACTING IN FEAR, going up and down like yo-yos to please their JEWISH MASTER.


    Obvious that the Jews Rule America and therefore the World.
    Jews Openly Brag About ‘Taking Over’ America: ‘We Own The Whole Freaking Country’
    Christians for Truth, August 31, 2020

    Fran Taubman:
    “The Jews and Israel are ready to make peace with Saudi Arabia.” Of course, they would. The House of Saud is Jewish.


    The discovery of the oldest-known pre-Islamic Arabic writing in Saudi Arabia, from ca. 470 CE, evidently caused some consternation, given its Christian and Jewish context.
    In 2014, researchers from a French-Saudi expedition studying rock inscriptions in southern Saudi Arabia announced they had discovered what could be the oldest texts written in the Arabic alphabet. But they did so very quietly, perhaps because the context of the texts is something of an embarrassment to some.



    In the 1960’s the “SAWT AL ARAB” Broadcasting Station in Cairo, Egypt, and the YEMEN Broadcasting Station in SANA’A confirmed the Jewish Ancestry of the SAUDI Family
    King FAISAL AL-SAUD at that time could not deny his family’s kindred with the JEWS when he declared to the WASHINGTON POST on Sept. 17, 1969 stating:

    “WE, THE SAUDI FAMILY, are cousins of the Jews: we entirely disagree with any Arab or Muslim Authority which shows any antagonism to the Jews; but we must live together with them in peace. Our country (ARABIA) is the Fountain head from where the first Jew sprang, and his descendants spread out all over the world.”

    The Jews wrote the Torah, Quran and the Communist Manifesto to conquer the world and succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.

    In 2003, Walter Williams, in his ‘The Historical Origin of Islam’, asserted that Muhammad is the brainchild of Arabian scholar Ibn Arabi (1165-1240) who was the main individual involved in the morphing and mythologizing of the making of the prophet Muhammad; he also shows that the Quran is a mixture of Jewish literature, put together by Jewish scholars to include the Torah and the New Testament Gospels.

    Judaism, Christianity and Islam, the 3 Abrahamic religions, do worship the same fictional genocidal god. That is the Jewish god, Mr. Yahweh or Mr. Allah to Islam.
    Christianity emerged out of Judaism in the first century and Islam in the 7th.

    The word Torah is mentioned 18 times in the Quran in 16 verses.
    Jesus is the most mentioned person in the Quran by reference; 25 times by the name Isa, third-person 48 times, first-person 35 times, and the rest as titles and attributes.
    The Torah and the Gospel are integral to the Quran.
    Barbaric male circumcision is practised by Jews and Muslims.

    The time gap between Muhammad’s alleged lifetime and the first written sources was so huge that we cannot suppose that any of the information given in these sources is authentic. Nothing is known about the historical Muhammad because he never existed.

    The Quran was not his work but the product of a whole group of authors. Muhammad was created by later historians as a myth, designed to explain the emergence of the Islamic community out of the Hanif movement. The prophet was an invention to cover up early Islam’s character as a social protest movement.

    Abraham, Jacob, Moses, King David, King Solomon, Christ and Mohammed never existed.

    The Quran says the Prophet flew from Mecca to Jerusalem. Once in Jerusalem, he ascended to Heaven on a winged horse. It’s no more ridiculous than literally anything else in the Bible.

    The New Testament was also written by Jews and is also full of BULLSHIT.
    You have to suspend your critical faculties to accept that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin, walked on water, healed the sick, fed 5,000 people with only 7 loaves of bread and a few fish and turned water into wine, rose from the dead.



    • Replies: @Fran Taubman
  1045. Kali says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Hiya Fran!

    I haven’t dipped into this thread for a while (I’m avoiding brain-dead Mark Banger, and his incessant LCD ( lowest common denominator) repetitions), but it’s good to see you still railing your Jew hate and Holocaustian certainty.

    I’ve been busy making friends with Carolyn Yeager, over in the “Hitler… Ukraine” thread. It turns out that, when arguing from facts and sharing her DEEP knowledge of the subject, she’s wonderful. – And even though she’s being heavily provoked, she’s not rising to any personal bait, so there are many fewer personality clashes.

    I’ve been reading around her and John’s websites/articles too, and John’s book, and Irving’s, and others.

    I found a book yesterday, via, published just before the outbreak of war, and written by a Scotsman who travelled to Germany in ’38(?) (could have been 39) to see what was happening there for himself.

    It’s nice reading too, coming from a well educated Scot of the first half of the 20th century (I love the old stuff!). And, of course written before any alleged wartime atrocities were said to have occured, he’s just there, in Germany, to cut through the pre-war propaganda, and write about what he sees.

    As a Jew and a child of a family of survivors, the Holocaust happened and we are not a part of some evil cult.

    I don’t believe for a moment that you are some part of some evil cult! I do believe that you believe everything you say here. – That’s why I like you! (Even though I don’t always read your more pilpul-y comments.)

    No, you are not part of some cult, but your community leaders are Demonstrably so … Going back generations. Their evil legacy can be traced throughout the history of the ~20th century.

    That’s all we’re saying. (Royal “we”.)

    Fond regards,

    • Thanks: Tiptoethrutulips
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  1046. Kali says:
    @Fran Taubman

    We will probably save the world with the next kinetic war

    Don’t you dare!!! 😱

    We’ve all had enough of the Jews “saving the world” through kinetic, global wars.

    Ghettos, that wonderful, separatist invention of your tribe, is the very best solution for what ails us. Go to “Zion”. Stay there.

    It’s like the end of a bad marriage. It’s time for us to go out separate ways… For the sake of the children.

    With love,

    • Replies: @S
  1047. Han says:

    Tiptoethrutulips writes:
    “There is a direct link between those who benefit financially from conflicts and those who work behind the scenes to foment wars and revolutions.”

    You are spot-on!

    “The Russian-Ukrainian Crisis would be much better understood if people mentioned… guess what? Yes, Jewish Power or World Jewry.

    “We speak of Russia, Ukraine, EU, US, UK, NATO, Biden Administration, ‘Neocons’, and so on, but the real movers and shakers are Jews because they directly control the US, the lone superpower, which in turn rules over EU (and Japan and the Asian Pussy Cats or Pussies).”

    War is a Racket… U.S. and NATO Arms Industries Make Record $400 BILLION in Sales from Proxy War With Russia (with JEWISH FINGERPRINTS ALL OVER IT !)

    Western weapons manufacturers are popping champagne corks over record sales with total revenues hitting $400 billion for last year. According to media reports, this coming year-end will see that record figure exceeded by another salivating $50 billion.

    Ukraine may be resembling a bloodbath, as we noted in last week’s editorial. But apparently, Western military corporations are swimming in a bonanza of profits and stock market investments.

    Most of this lucrative new business stems from NATO’s proxy war with Russia in Ukraine, which is heading toward its second year. There is no sign of a diplomatic effort from the West or the Kiev regime it sponsors to end the bloodshed.

    “Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.”
    — Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

    Video Link

  1048. This isn’t the perfect place to post something which might dissuade you from continuing to approve Nick Kollerstrom as one of your dodgy crew of Scott Ritter, Larry C. Johnson, Douglas Macgregor et al
    whom you explicitly find persuasive – in his case on there being no gas chambers at Auscwicz. Apparently you aren’t troubled by his bizarre stories such as Paul McArtney being dead and replaced by a double. Also the 7/7 bombing of the London Underground being false flag op. Well how about this from Wikipedia (with footnotes)

    In March 2008, a second article of his on the CODOH site alleged that Auschwitz had had art classes, a well-stocked library for inmates, and an elegant swimming pool where inmates would sunbathe on weekends while watching water polo.

    That’s your beloved crank Kollerstrom.

    • Agree: Fran Taubman
    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  1049. @Kali

    Thank you, Kali, for the link to “The Case for Germany.” I read only “ Der Führer,” but it’s beautifully and thoughtfully written, and I look forward to the other chapters. I have discovered the on-line comment sections have been the greatest source of new information/sources on all manner of subjects; I discovered Unz via a commenter on Breitbart News (which I no longer read).

    It’s a shame about Ms. Yeager, as I somehow managed to cross swords with her on a “Feminists are destroying the world” thread; I consider her and I much more similar in views than different, and she is a treasure trove of good information; I’m happy you are connecting with her.

    Audie Murphy, a sharecropper from Texas, is/was the most highly decorated Marine in history, who joined the military after the attack on Pearl Harbor. I have learned the “common” man is not common, as the western world was surely built on his blood, sweat and tears. They keep our societies functioning today; if more “common” men were in charge, the world would be better.

    The extreme vilification of Adolf Hitler, particularly in view of the extraordinary and initially humane/thoughtful efforts he made to save his people, and Europe, has taught me the truth of, “believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.” It’s interesting how Jews praise their “efforts” of reclaiming their land, but Hitler is vociferously vilified for attempting to do likewise for Germans, and so doing without lies, manipulation or bribery. Hypocrisy is rife in Jewry.

    • Agree: Al Liguori, Kali
  1050. @Wizard of Oz

    I’m guessing you believe Tower 7 collapsed into its footprint due to a few office fires?

    I’m guessing you believe the USS Liberty was attacked by Egyptians?

    I’m guessing you believe 3,500 dead bodies can be hauled by a cane, tossed on a gurney, incinerated to ash, dumped in a river, in a 24 hour period?

    I’m guessing you believe “terrible wars” and “collapsing towers” predictions by Jews are due to actual clairvoyance?

    There were, in fact, libraries, art rooms, theaters, pools and soccer games at some concentration camps. How do I know, other than from photos or written accounts? I watched/listened to The Shoah interviews of former inmates, aka “survivors,” who described, ON CAMERA, the existence of same.

    • Thanks: Al Liguori, John Wear
    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1051. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Fran Taubman

    Fran knows she is lying. We know she is lying. Fran knows that we know she is lying and she keeps lying because her “Torah” and her Chabad command her to lie: especially about Amalek, Esau, Edom, Hamman, and all the rest of the crypto-euphemisms that Jews use for “Gentiles.”

    Who does Chabad say are Amalek?

    According to Chabad: “The Amalekites, descendants of Amalek, were an ancient biblical nation living near the land of Canaan. They were the first nation to attack the Jewish people after the Exodus from Egypt, and they are seen as the archetypal enemy of the Jews. The nation of Amalek is long gone, but they live on as the internal enemies that we each battle on a daily basis.
    Who Were Amalek and the Amalekites? by Boruch Altein

    Jews identify Amalek variously as sowers of doubt, the epitome of evil, Christianity, Western Civilization, and Netanyahu himself identifed the USA in the video below as Amalek (somewhat astonishing in view of the tribute of money and blood that the USA has made for the Synagogue of Satan’s project in the Holy Land.

    Rabbis explain how Jewish ‘doctrine’ demands Western civilization (Amalek/Esau-Edom) must be destroyed for moshiach [“messiah,” The Anti-Christ] to come:

    Jewish Supremacy Exposed:

    Video Link

    • Thanks: Han
  1052. Al Liguori says: • Website

    The destruction of the Amalekites is recorded in Exodus 17:8-16, but the Amalek live on in perpetual and self-fulfilling Jewish paranoia. The calls for “Moshiach now!” are calls for the anti-Christ and the extermination and enslavement of Gentiles. “Amalek,” “Esav,” “Esau,” and “Edom” are Kabbalistic jargon referring to Gentiles, especially Christians.

    Amalek (also “Amalec”) was a grandson of Esau (Genesis 35:12). Amalek’s lineage came to be known as Amalechites or “Amalek.” (Hebrew: עֲמָלֵק‎)

    Jews make a showy pretense of “humanitarianism” and “kindness to neighbors,” but that is a lie. Judaism defines a hierarchy with Jews as the only “humans” (“adam“) and a variety of lesser status Gentiles as non-humans due no moral debt, but instead are only due deceit, slavery, rape, looting, and extermination:

    ger tzedek (Hebrew: גר צדק‎, “righteous alien” ), a full convert to Judaism who can never have the same status as someone born of a Jew
    ger toshav (Hebrew: גר תושב‎, ger: “foreigner” or “alien” + toshav: “resident,” lit. “resident alien,” conquered people, a Noahide
    nokri (Hebrew: נָכְרִי, “stranger”)
    sakir (Hebrew: שָׂכִיר, “hireling”)
    amalek (Hebrew: עֲמָלֵק‎) originally a biblical tribe destroyed completely by the Israelites, but in contemporary usage refers to anyone the Jews want to exterminate now.
    The indignities suffered—including not just usury, theft, deceit, but even murder and total extermination of gentiles—condoned and/or unpunished by Judaism is white-washed and rationalized in many sources. See “context”:

    Who does God say are Amalek?

    While the Jews rested at Rephidim following their escape from Egypt, they were attacked by Amalekites. God thus commanded:

    Remember what Amalec did to thee in the way when thou camest out of Egypt: How he met thee: and slew the hindmost of the army, who sat down, being weary, when thou wast spent with hunger and labour, and he feared not God. Therefore when the Lord thy God shall give thee rest, and shall have subdued all the nations round about in the land which he hath promised thee: thou shalt blot out his name from under heaven. See thou forget it not. Deuteronomy 25:17-19

    The destruction of the Amalekites is recorded in Exodus 17:8-16, but the Amalek live on in perpetual and self-fulfilling Jewish paranoia.

    Because of the Jews’ pathological eternal perpetuation of “Esau hates Jacob” (Genesis 27:41 ff), anyone or anything that opposes them is deemed of Esau, “Amalek,” and must be totally exterminated. Recall that these are the people who obsessively confabulate and incessantly whine that they were targeted for extermination. This persistent paranoia is a pervasive and recurrent theme throughout Jewish history. For example, see:

    Why Does Esau Hate Jacob? by Yanki Tauber

    Jewish paranoia often becomes self-fulfilling because Jews act out their paranoia. Clueless and willful, the Jews refuse to admit or understand their paranoia as cause of the effects they incessantly bemoan. Emboldened and intoxicated by their recent financial, media, and political hegemony, Jews have identified Christians and all of Western Civilization, Europe and the USA, as Amalek to be totally exterminated.

  1053. Al Liguori says: • Website

    “… just slinging insults about male, gentile genitalia, for which you seem to have quite an obsession…”

    You nailed Chabad Fran to a “t”! She is so (((stereotypical))):

    • LOL: Han
  1054. @Han

    “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up and sell it off, piece by piece, until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.
    That is what we do to countries that we hate.
    We destroy them very slowly.” – Benjamin Netanyahu, recorded at Finks Bar, Jerusalem, 1990

    Nentanyahu never said these words. It is a lie. I was shown it from another video that was dubbed when he was speaking in Hebrew. This is a bogus quote and is not even spoken in the video.


  1055. @Han

    This is a good post Han except for

    The Jews wrote the Torah, Quran and the Communist Manifesto to conquer the world and succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.

    A hyperbolic unprovable lie, like the rest of your shite.

    • Replies: @Al Liguori
    , @Han
  1056. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Fran Taubman

    In the Jewish Supremacy Exposed video posted above, Netanyahu’s ENGLISH is perfectly clear: “…but the New Rome, the United States.….” Netanyahu, like the rabbis, identifies the USA as “the New Rome,” the new Edom, the new Amalek to be exterminated.

    • Thanks: Han
  1057. Al Liguori says: • Website
    @Fran Taubman

    Far from a “lie,” the Jews wrote the Torah, Quran and the Communist Manifesto to conquer the world… and while they have not yet and never will succeed, they have indeed achieved a level of hegemony that allows them to act out Judaism’s genocidal fundamentals.

    Your genocidal Chabad sect is crystal clear that the new “Rome” must be destroyed:

    “…At that time, a nation from the end of the earth will be aroused against evil Rome and wage war against it for three months.…”
    Daily Zohar – Vaeira Day 5 Based on Zohar Shemot 32A
    Translated and annotated by Rahmiel-Hayyim Drizin from the Zohar selection in Hok L’Yisrael

    Shemot 32a:
    Kabbalah, Chabad, global domination, and extermination of “Amalek,” namely Western Peoples and Civilization

    Chabad plans to annex all Western Europe & destroy Western civilization in pre-planned WW3

    This in neither a novelty nor an anachronism. Extermination and domination have an unbroken lineage inextricably entwined with Judaism and Jewish behavior. See Bereshith 47a!

    • Thanks: Han
  1058. @Fran Taubman

    Nentanyahu never said these words. It is a lie.

    Franny! Look what I did! All because you insulted my non-existent penis. Who says Jews never do anything helpful?

    I looked for the source of that Netanyahu quote a few years ago; I didn’t find it, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t say it. I have heard him speak many times; it does sound like something he would say when gentiles aren’t listening. I tend to believe it’s true.

    Printed in the “American Jewish World” in September 1919, I found an essay about the goings on at the 22nd Annual Convention of the Zionist Un-Organization (per McNally) of America. They were slapping each other’s backs over the “miracle” of the Balfour Deception (it arrived like Manna from Heaven?), making their plans for Palestine, kvetching about raising enough money……anyway, it ended thusly:

    From Rabbi Stephen Wise, about a future reconvening of their group,
    “there may develop a movement creative of such instrument as shall organically express the collective counsel and will of American-Israel.”

    Have you been to American-Israel? Where is it? Where was it in 1919?

    Aren’t you proud of me? Block quote, bold text, text in italics…….Thank you, Fran. It will be easier to differentiate my original babble from the babble I swipe from other sources, and no one will speculate about my penis.

    • LOL: Al Liguori, Han
    • Replies: @Al Liguori
  1059. Han says:
    @Fran Taubman

    Fran Taubman writes:
    “Nentanyahu never said these words. It is a lie. I was shown it from another video that was dubbed when he was speaking in Hebrew. This is a bogus quote and is not even spoken in the video. Lie”

    Well, Fran Taubman, I am so glad you saw that video of Netanyahoo speaking in Hebrew, but never said those words: “America is a golden calf…”, all dubbed. How dare they?… The Chutzpah!!!
    I am sure you can send me the link to that video as I would like to see it.

    Netanyahoo said: “America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off…” during a 1990 meeting at Fink’s Bar in Jerusalem between him, other Israelis, an American and an Israeli spy assigned to steal America’s secrets, and finish setting the groundwork for the destruction of America.

    There was a Fink’s Bar:

    Remembering Fink’s in Jerusalem, politicians, celebrities dined there
    Over the decades, it hosted journalists, politicians, writers and celebrities of every kind. You never knew who you were going to meet.

    I am sure that Netanyahoo uttered those words and that they have been deleted from the internet.
    But whether or not he spoke those words isn’t that relevant anymore since those words exactly describe the current situation in America.
    Don’t you agree, Fran Taubman?

    America today is totally ruled by the Jews and they have achieved their objective of “sucking it dry”.
    They will do to the US what they did to Russia in 1917 and to Germany in the 1940s.
    U.S. National Debt Tops $32 Trillion for First Time – The New York Times, 2023


    Jewish Control of U.S. Presidents #2 — Ronald Reagan

    Who Controls America? The List You Were Never Meant to See!

    How Jews Control America – By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2008-2010

    You will like this one, Fran Taubman: Netanyahoo was once overheard by an ex-CIA agent as saying to a group of his supporters:


    U.S. intelligence sources report that the one Israeli who is considered an extreme threat to U.S. national security is former prime minister and current prime minister hopeful Binyamin Netanyahu.

    Not only has Netanyahu visited convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in his North Carolina prison cell and advocated strenuously for his release, but he was once overheard by an ex-CIA agent as saying to a group of his supporters:

    Considering the damage, the neocons and their Israeli facilitators are causing for U.S. national security, Netanyahu may soon have his wish.

    © 2005
    Wayne Madsen is a Washington, DC-based investigative journalist and nationally-distributed columnist. He is author of the forthcoming book, “Jaded Tasks: Big Oil, Black Ops & Brass Plates.” He is the editor and publisher of the Wayne Madsen Report.

  1060. Han says:
    @Fran Taubman

    The Jews wrote the Torah, Quran and the Communist Manifesto to conquer the world and succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.

    Fran Taubman: “A hyperbolic unprovable lie, like the rest of your shite.”

    LOL!!! ROTFL!!! You are the one who is lying by denying the truth. A typical Jewish response as Jews hate the truth.

    Watch this 18-second video clip of Gideon Falter, British Head, Campaign Against Antisemitism, keeping a straight face even while lying through his teeth! The Chutzpah!

    “Ever asked yourselves, what is it that you do that make people hate you?
    Why is it that you’ve been expelled from country after country?
    Why did the Nazis feel the need to exterminate you?

    “And we can’t answer that question because the fact is: We didn’t do anything.”

    “We didn’t do anything.” REALLY, Gideon Falter?…

    What about the JEWISH GANGSTERS “creating” the US Federal Reserve in 1913, drowning the US and its people in debt they can never ever repay and driving them into poverty?

    JEWS INSTIGATING their Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917 murdering millions of Russians?

    JEWS STARVING millions of Ukrainians to death in the Holodomor?

    JEWS INSTIGATING World Wars I and II destroying countries and killing millions of Goyim?

    JEWS STEALING the land of the Palestinians in 1948 and ethnic cleansing them?

    JEWS DESTROYING Western Civilisation through their Cultural Marxism, WEF, UN, Vanguard, BlackRock, etc.?

    Deaths in Wars and Conflicts in the 20th Century
    An itemized total sum of deaths in wars and conflicts “killed or allowed to die by human decision” of approximately 231 million for the 100 years of the 20th Century.

    Jewish hands are drenched in blood.

    “Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.”
    — Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869

    The Jews played it very clever. By creating Christianity and Islam they now control the minds of 4.2 billion people, half the size of the world population.
    Christians are Torah Shills.

    2.4 billion Christians and 1.8 billion Muslims all praying to the same Jewish god, Mr. Yahweh.
    He clearly has anger management issues, and as he himself admitted is a jealous god, but worst of all, he is a genocidal god and clearly, like his Chosen Ones, a psychopath.


    The largest pro-Israel organization in the United States is not composed of Jews, but of Christian evangelicals, with a total membership of 7 million, more than 2 million more members than the entirety of the American Jewish community.


    Marxism, Socialism, or Communism in practice are nothing but state-capitalism and rule by a privileged minority, exercising despotic and total control over a majority having virtually no property or legal rights.

    Talmudic Judaism is the progenitor of modem Communism and Marxist collectivism as it is now applied to a billion or more of the world’s population. Only through thorough understanding of the ideology from which this collectivism originates, and those who dominate and propagate it, can the rest of the world hope to escape the same fate.

    Communism — Socialism was originated by Jews and has been dominated by them from the beginning. There is no moral, philosophical or ethical conflict whatsoever between Judaism and Marxist collectivism as they exist in actual practice. Marxism, to which all branches of Socialism necessarily adhere, was originated by a Jew, Karl Marx, himself of Rabbinical descent.

    Every Jewish source today boasts of his rabbinical ancestry, and his “keen dialectical ability” (as presumably manifested by his abstruse, hairsplitting, Das Kapital) being due to his Talmudic inheritance.

    Marx did not actually originate anything, but merely “streamlined” Talmudism for Gentile consumption. The Socialist” system he conceived merely brings about a practical means for a state dominated and controlled through a Jewish minority to rule by absolute dictatorship over everything and everyone, a concept which has been carried out very successfully in those countries of the World brought thus far under Marxist dictatorship. – The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, Elizabeth Dilling, p. 120

  1061. Malla says:
    @John Wear

    Hey John,
    Is your website down?
    I went there and it is showing this.

    Welcome to nginx!
    If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Further configuration is required.

    For online documentation and support please refer to
    Commercial support is available at

    Thank you for using nginx.

  1062. @Al Liguori

    There does appear to be a massive over-representation of Jews in pornography and degenerate art. I resisted this notion for years, but upon investigation, it is true.

    Compare the artwork of John William Waterhouse to Hyman Bloom. I’m no art scholar, but I believe the primary purpose of artistic endeavors, in painting/sculpting/architecture/music, is to uplift the human spirit, and remind us of the beauty in our world and within ourselves. It should also, at times, reflect the reality and history of life, which is sometimes terrible and sorrowful, but those depictions should adhere to a level of appropriate affect. I don’t care what any art critic says, the image of a decomposing body, with rotting entrails displayed, is not art. Such images may reflect a reality, but it can be done in a way to evoke empathy or reflection, not abject horror and an immediate turning away from the image.

    I’ll step off my soapbox now, but I will mention, humorous/ridiculous artistic images are always appropriate, to my way of thinking.

    • Replies: @Al Liguori
  1063. S says:

    It’s like the end of a bad marriage. It’s time for us to go out separate ways… For the sake of the children

    Yes, it’s a long term sick poisonous relationship…ie dysfunctional, and ultimately bad for both parties. [I’d like to think I’d say the exact same thing if I was Jewish.]

    I’m in the Anglosphere (US) and if I recall you’re from England. I some times wonder what Cromwell ‘our chief of men’ was thinking, taking prior history into account, when he allowed the return of the Jewish people to England.

    It’s a sensitive subject, but I’ve read the accounts of the battles he [Cromwell] fought with his army and the long series of victories he won, and it has struck me as almost being ‘unnatural’. Of course many presume it was ‘God’s hand’ guiding him, but was it?

    You being from England proper, I’d be curious as to your thoughts. [If you don’t care to talk about the subject, that’s perfectly okay. If you do, though, feel free to speak your piece about Cromwell. I won’t be offended whatever your thoughts about him.]

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Kali
  1064. Al Liguori says: • Website

    The perpetually offended offenders whine incessantly about stereotypes, but stereotypes are born of truth and resonate with our own observations. I mean… really… look at Chabad Fran’s obsessive lies, perversion, and double-standard Jewish supremacism. Sick souls, sick minds, sick hearts, beget sick behaviors.

    If anyone has doubt, there is enough evidence amassed here to make an iron stomach puke: especially here:

    I am happy to observe the awakening and the increasing willingness of Gentiles to identify and shine healthy light upon the problem. Let the trials begin. I pray that Fran lives to see and experience those trials.

    • Replies: @Han
    , @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Han
  1065. Han says:

    S says:
    “I some times wonder what Cromwell was thinking… when he allowed the return of the Jewish people to England. Of course many presume it was ‘God’s hand’ guiding him, but was it?”

    NO, it wasn’t God’s hand.

    The Amsterdam Jews financed and supplied the manpower for the Cromwell’s or English Revolution. Cromwell then let the Jews back into England after King Edward banned them from the country in 1290.
    Many of the Portuguese and Spanish Jews banned by Spanish Queen Isabella in 1492 went to Amsterdam, Holland. Their money and knowledge of the sea routes made Holland an incredible rich nation ruling the seas for 50 years before the English did.

    New York was once Nieuw Amsterdam. Harlem and Brooklyn are named after the Dutch towns of Haarlem and Breukelen.

    Australia was once called Nieuw Holland:

    The Jews made Amsterdam their European finance centre and later moved it to London. They made Dutchman Willam lll, king of England and then founded the Bank of England in 1694 and have been ruling England, later the British Empire, ever since.

    From Gerard Menuhin’s book ‘Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil’ pages 227 and 228:
    No revolution (likewise no war) occurs as a result of a spontaneous popular expression; it must be organized and financed.

    The “English” Revolution: Edward I had expelled the Jews in 1290; they found a willing creature and hireling in Oliver Cromwell.
    In 1643, Jewish bankers based in Amsterdam funded a rabble which repeatedly threatened the City of London and Parliament.

    On June 16, 1647, O.C. (i.e. Olivier Cromwell) writes to Ebenezer Pratt of the Mulheim Synagogue in Amsterdam:
    In return for financial support will advocate admission of Jews to England. This however impossible while Charles living. Charles cannot be executed without trial, adequate grounds for which do not at present exist. Therefore advise that Charles be assassinated, but will have nothing to do with arrangements for procuring an assassin, though willing to help in his escape.

    In reply to this dispatch the records show Ebenezer Pratt wrote a letter dated July 12, 1647 addressed to Oliver Cromwell:
    Will grant financial aid as soon as Charles removed, and Jews admitted. Assassination too dangerous. Charles should be given an opportunity to escape. His recapture will then make trial and execution possible. The support will be liberal, but useless to discuss terms until trial commences.

    Fernandez Carvajal, another Amsterdam-based Jew and subsequently the first “endenizened” English Jew, was the chief contractor of Cromwell’s New Model Army.
    The Stuart line was reinstituted under Charles II and James II, but in 1688 James II was overthrown by means of an invasion financed by the same Amsterdam Jews who had financed Cromwell.
    They installed William III (William of Orange, a Dutchman) and his “Dutch” mob.

    William III is reported to have been assisted in his ascent to the English throne by a loan of 2,000,000 guilders from Antonio Lopez Suasso and later Baron Avernes de Gras.
    William’s reign brought about a closer connection between the predominantly Sephardic communities of London and Amsterdam; this aided in the transfer of the European finance centre from the Dutch capital to the English capital. (Wikipedia)

    Page 179:
    The Bank of Amsterdam, established in 1609, was the precursorto, if not the first, modern central bank. (Quinn, Stephen; Roberds, William (2005) The Big Problem of Large Bills: The Bank of
    Amsterdam and the Origins of Central Banking)

    In England, perhaps the most important consequence of the Civil War—more properly “English Revolution” in the present context—was the creation by royal charter in 1694, under William III, of
    the Bank of England, an institution owned by bankers, whereby a private “national” bank lent money at interest to government.

    It had the sole right to print money. The model used for its invention was copied in 1791 with the introduction of the First Bank of the U.S. (1791-1811), and in 1816 with the Second Bank of the U.S. (1816-1836) and, finally, on December 23, 1913 with the creation of the
    U.S. Federal Reserve.

    “The history of the British national debt can be traced back to the reign of William III, who engaged a syndicate of City traders and merchants to offer for sale an issue of government debt (£1.2million at 8% plus an annual service charge of £4,000),which evolved into the Bank of England.

    (“The bank hath benefit of interest on all moneys which it creates out of nothing.” —William Paterson, one of the founders of the Bank of England)

    “In 1815, at the end of the Napoleonic Wars, British government debt reached a peak of more than 200% of GDP.” (Wikipedia) (230% after WWII—BBC)

    Thus, at a stroke, the National Debt was instituted, pledging taxes to pay the interest on the bank’s loans. In the U.S., the 16th Amendment of February 3, 1913 allowed Congress to levy an income
    tax for the same purpose (a fundamental rule laid down by the Communist Manifesto is “a heavy, progressive or graduated income tax”).

    Private central banks are legally enabled to counterfeit national currency for private gain, but they do not produce the money to cover the interest payable to them by national treasuries, so that national debt can never be repaid.
    Thus began what may be called the Modern Time during which Satan’s snowball gathered momentum and significance.

    Gerard Menuhin is another one of my favourite Jews. He is the son of famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin.
    The first edition of his book ‘Tell The Truth And Shame The Devil’ can be downloaded free from the internet.

    It is a MUST READ book! says:

    “This book is of monumental importance for the people of the world today. Many know that something is not right in the world. Nations engage in perpetual war while bankers and armaments makers line their pockets from the carnage.

    “The average citizen of the world has been cut out of the decision-making process of government, whether he lives in a democracy, republic, theocracy or dictatorship. All the while, the ruling elite grow stronger and richer, as the real producers struggle to survive.

    “Behind the scenes, events are controlled by a coterie of ethnic puppet masters who work their marionettes in high places out of public view.
    How did this world get to the dark place it is today? Who could have stopped it and what can we do today?”

    I got the second edition of his book which I had to order from the UK some years ago.
    Page 1: DEDICATION: For Germany. For Germans who still want to be German. For Humanity.
    Page 2: Recognize the True Enemy and Join to Fight Him.
    On the very last page:

    If you don’t recognize the one true enemy and join forces to fight him and his stooges, you and your children are doomed to slavery!

    • Thanks: HdC, S
  1066. 123 says:
    @Mark Bahner

    Interesting sudden absence of mr bahner after all he has “delivered” here. Circling around hungarian jews and höss forever that was… One is quite used to people who are structured like this bahner creature(if he ever was real) but even for his kind he is still very far down the character scale in my opinion. Especially after this sudden exit. But who knows, maybe he got in touch with “trust the science” or “safe & effective” and therefore suddenly can’t aggitate anymore ?

    • LOL: John Wear, Han
    • Replies: @HdC
  1067. Han says:
    @Al Liguori

    Al Liguori says:
    “I mean… really… look at Chabad Fran’s obsessive lies, perversion, and double-standard Jewish supremacism. Sick souls, sick minds, sick hearts, beget sick behaviors.”

    You nailed it! “Sick souls, sick minds, sick hearts, beget sick behaviors.”

    After he started hearing voices, Abraham cut up his genitals and tried to murder his son, Isaac.
    Nearly 4 billion people don’t think this sounds crazy.

    Then God said, “Take your son, your only son, whom you love—Isaac—and go to the region of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on a mountain I will show you.” – Genesis 22

    The following is from THE JEWISH ENCYCLOPEDIA, Vol. VI (1904), pp. 556, 603-04

    “Idiocy and imbecility are found comparatively more often among Jews than among non- Jews… The Mongolian type of idiocy is also very frequently observed among Jews (page 556).

    “Among the Jews the proportion of insane has been observed to be very large. From statistics collected by Buschan he concludes that they are four to six times more liable to mental disease than are non-Jews (page 603).

    “According to the observations of Pilcz, Jews are more liable to acute psychoses of early age than are Gentiles, and moral insanity is rare among them.
    The causes of the great frequency of insanity among Jews are differently interpreted by different authorities.

    “Some, like Buschan, see it in a racial characteristic. They show that there is evidence in the Bible that the ancient Hebrews were already suffering from mental alienation.

    “They point out that many passages in the Bible indicate that mental alienation was not unknown in Biblical times (see particularly Wilhelm Ebstein, “Die Medizin im Alten Testament,” pp. 114-117; also the references to persons “possessed with devils”, “lunatics”, “men of unclean spirits”, etc., in Matt.viii. 16, ix. 32, xii. 22, xvii. 15; Mark v. 2; Luke viii. 27, xii. 11, and in many other places in the New Testament) (page 604).”

    THE JEWISH ENCYCLOPAEDIA, Vol. IX (1905), p. 225
    Enable Reader mode in top right-hand corner.

    “The Jews are more subject to diseases of the nervous system than the other races and peoples among which they dwell. Hysteria and neurasthenia appear to be most frequent. Some physicians of large experience among the Jews have even gone so far as to state that most of them are neurasthenic and hysterical.” (The Jewish Encyclopaedia, Vol. IX (1905), p. 225).

    PHYSICIAN CLAIMS JEWS ARE SCHIZO CARRIERS / IS MENTAL ILLNESS THE JEWISH DISEASE? – Dr. Hutschnecker, Psychiatric News, published by the American Psychiatric Association, Oct. 25, 1972.

    Evidence that Jews are carriers of schizophrenia is disclosed in a paper
    prepared for the American Journal of Psychiatry by Dr. Arnold A.
    Hutschnecker, the New York psychiatrist who once treated President Nixon.

    In a study entitled ‘MENTAL ILLNESS: THE JEWISH DISEASE’ Dr. Hutschnecker
    said that although all Jews are not mentally ill, mental illness is highly
    contagious and Jews are the principal sources of infection.

    Dr. Hutschnecker stated THAT EVERY JEW IS BORN WITH THE SEEDS OF
    SCHIZOPHRENIA and it is this fact that accounts for the world-wide
    persecution of Jews.

    ‘The world would be more compassionate toward the Jews if it was generally
    realized that Jews are not responsible for their condition.’

    Dr. Hutschnecker pointed out that mental illness peculiar to Jews is
    manifested by their inability to differentiate between right and wrong. He
    said that, although Jewish canonical law recognizes the virtues of patience,

    ‘While Jews attack non-Jewish Americans for racism, ISRAEL IS THE MOST
    RACIST COUNTRY IN THE WORLD,’ Dr. Hutschnecker said.

    Jews, according to Dr. Hutschnecker, display their mental illness through
    their paranoia. He explained that the paranoiac not only imagines that he is


    His study was published in 1972. He would not have been able to publish it today as the Jews are now so powerful and would stop all publications they don’t like.

  1068. @Al Liguori

    For all their powers of “reading the tea leaves,” they did not predict the onset of national chain proprietors, i.e., Half-Price Books, and of course, the internet, for acquiring information and books published before The Censorship Declaration.

    I know how Google has evolved; I recently queried about information from the Red Cross on their volunteer victims of the Soviet Infestation (“liberation”), which I remember reading on a few years ago; the only returns were on “Nazis killing Jews” from various sites. I will assume the Red Cross has been captured.

    There was indeed a Holocaust; in the atrocities committed by the Bolsheviks/Soviets in Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe/Germany, and apparently, upon a recent discovery, by the Czechs, at the end of WW2, and the ensuing Holocaust of ethnic Germans expelled from “Czechoslovakia.” They seem to have matched the Soviets in barbarity.

    I am most disturbed by the American forces, and their obvious knowledge of what was happening; the murder/torture of German POWS; how could this be? Wars, and wars instigated by lies, despoils everyone/everything involved.

    I appreciate your efforts, and the comedic relief, which is necessary, otherwise it’s too difficult, and Han, hammering away with Thor’s hammer, everyone else in our Defense Peanut Gallery, and, of course, Dear Professor John Wear, always polite and measured, who I envision sitting in his mahogany-paneled library, banging his head on his desk for having answered the same questions over and over and over………I think Arminius/Hermann would approve.

    Heil Germania!

    • Agree: HdC
    • Thanks: John Wear, Han, Al Liguori
    • Replies: @Al Liguori
  1069. HdC says:

    Mr Bahner appears as a very weird creature on this thread.
    He claims to be an engineer of some renown, yet his thinking and beliefs as demonstrated herein are so muddled that serious questions must arise as to his professional qualifications.

    His absence from this forum is indeed curious. Perhaps he got tired from tilting at windmills.

  1070. Han says:
    @Al Liguori

    Al Liguori says:
    “I mean… really… look at Chabad Fran’s obsessive lies, perversion, and double-standard Jewish supremacism.”

    Here another good example of a Lying Jewess at the 29th minute mark of this video:
    Who Controls The American Government And Your Mind? Reality For “Dummies” – A Reality 101 Class–Reality-For--Dummies----A-Reality-101-Class

    RT’s Rick Sanchez vs Liz Berney, Director of Special Projects of the Zionist Organisation of America, discussing the Israeli Loyalty Law.

    A Texas Elementary School Speech Pathologist Refused to Sign a Pro-Israel Oath, Now Mandatory in Many States — so She Lost Her Job

    Aggressive, lying nasty piece of shit Liz Berney is talking about the Nazis boycotting Jewish businesses, which started on April 1, 1933, BUT she is not talking about WHO started the boycotting first.



    After Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany on January 30, 1933, the Nazi leadership decided to stage an economic boycott against the Jews of Germany. Local Nazi party chiefs organized the national boycott operation.

    ALTHOUGH IT LASTED ONLY ONE DAY and was ignored by many individual Germans who continued to shop in Jewish-owned stores, it marked the beginning of a nationwide campaign by the Nazi Party against the entire German Jewish population.

    The Holocaust Encyclopedia is not mentioning AT ALL that JUDEA DECLARED WAR ON GERMANY FIRST AND CALLING FOR A BOYCOTT. That is lying by omission.

    Typical Jewish. Lying, Lying, Lying, Always Lying.

  1071. Al Liguori says: • Website

    Yes, at the same time they deserve both pity and ridicule. Unfortunately they have achieved a high level of hegemony on the internet. A few months ago I ran test searches on all the search engines, including YaCy, and uniformly the results were… in a word… “kosher.” Occasionally Russia’s Yandex would allow some “treif” truth to surface, but very little.

    Since you mentioned humor…

    Ooops! That’s not funny at all, is it?

  1072. Al Liguori says: • Website

    Ummm… maybe Fran will enjoy this humor…

    • LOL: Han
  1073. Kali says:

    Hi S,

    Cromwell was a megolamaniac who fought with the conviction that God was on his side, first fighting for and with the landless peasants, and then turing against them once his “Commonwealth” was assured and they sought greater sovereignty. So he was a traitor against Charles AND against the common people. He took Jewish money and gave the Talmudists a foothold, and legitimacy in the affairs of gentile nations.

    He was inspired by the Old Testament, and funded by jews to destroy.

    All based on what little I know of the man. – I wonder if a direct line could be drawn from Cromwell and his Talmudists supporters to the impending World War 3? Quite possibly. But who knows how things might have worked out for the modern and postmodern world (would we even know such terms?) if Cromwell had been spontaneously aborted from his mother’s womb.

    I wonder if you’re old enough to remember this, “S”:

    Happy days,

    • Replies: @S
  1074. S says:

    Thanks for your input. The execution of Charles and the establishment of the ‘Commonwealth’ set something of a bloody pattern in place for future ‘revolutions’ and the establishment of ‘republics’ in France and Russia.

    But who knows how things might have worked out for the modern and postmodern world (would we even know such terms?) if Cromwell had been spontaneously aborted from his mother’s womb.

    I don’t know. I’ve come to believe, however, that people were not meant to experience these never seeming to end top/down orchestrated ‘revolutions’. The UK of the latter 18th century, which British North America was a part of, was slowly improving on it’s constitutional monarchy/parliamentary democracy under King George III, as was Russia under Czar Nicholas II with it’s system in the early 20th century.

    Now with the world on the cusp of WWIII, I’m thinking maybe that slower path, sans these often bloody ‘revolutions’, with the right to retain peoplehood for those wanting to, would of been the better way.


    I wonder if you’re old enough to remember this, “S”:

    Thanks for the video. It’s alright! I recall Elvis Costello, though not that particular song. Almost certainly I’d heard it however.

    Speaking of which, there was a real explosion of high quality British music at that time, ie the ‘New Wave’ of the late 70’s and 80’s, which Elvis Costello was certainly a part of.

    Not so long ago, I ran into this Top of the Pops ‘Soft Cell’ video below from 1982 featuring a song called ‘Torch’, which (shocking to me!) I’d never heard of. [The reason being, while it reached #2 in the UK at the time, for some reason it doesn’t seemed to have charted at all in the US.]

    Don’t get me wrong, the video certainly over does the pink no doubt, and I’m not particularly into their ‘lifestyle’ per se, ie the dancer in the video, Cindy Ecstasy, was the band’s drug dealer when Ecstasy was legal, but, all the same, it’s pretty good music, and I like the aesthetics and style of the woman, not to mention the duet she performs at the end with the lead singer Almond.

    • Replies: @Kali
  1075. @Tiptoethrutulips

    All idle words unless you focus on the issue of how inmates were treated at Auschwitz. Did you switch your brain off when you allowed yourself the irrelevance of “some [sic] concentration camps”?

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Han
  1076. Kali says:

    Thanks. I think we’re more or less in agreement as far as the broad strokes of the last 400 or so years of history are concerned.

    As far as more contemporary history goes, I often wonder why the LBT contingent complains about “exclusion”, given the broad cultural acceptance they attained during the 70’s and 80’s.

    But I guess a sense if entitlement coupled with a chip on ones shoulder is quite a compelling, if unjustified, combination.

    Parenthetically, Adam and the Ants was my favourite group when I was a teenybopper in the 80’s.


    • Replies: @S
  1077. @Wizard of Oz

    Did you switch your brain off when you allowed yourself the irrelevance of “some [sic] concentration camps”?

    No. I did not.

    Did you switch your brain off when, faced with contrary scientific evidence that 6 million people could not be gassed, shot, buried, exhumed, hauled (sometimes with the hook end of canes), and incinerated within the specified amount of time, the official number murdered was surreptitiously reduced, on more than one occasion? However, all the official sites and mainstream publications still spout, “6 million Jews, gone!”

    Let’s try this to increase your powers of reasoning: Grab a willing participant, a human of average size/weight; instruct your human to lay upon the floor and hold dead-still, as you attempt to pull them along with a cane. Can you do it? No, you can not.

    If you can’t find a human to participate, go on a hunting trip and attempt to carry/haul (or pull with a cane) a dead animal, along a designated distance, within the appropriate weight range, who will not center its weight by holding its head/limbs inward, nor grab about your neck/shoulders for support. Consider the difficulty of it, make a few calculations, and ask, “can I do this for up to 3,500 beings, sometimes up to 10,000, in one day, (we will ignore the actual evidence regarding the length of time required to incinerate one corpse and the evidence on the probability of killing everyone with Zyklon-B in 4-5 minutes), and start anew the very next day, with no corpses laying about from the day before?”

    You did imply/infer the existence of libraries, art rooms, pools, etc., were allegations by your afore referenced quote. As I am not familiar with every known camp, nor have I heard testimony from “survivors” from every known camp, I can only speak/write to what I heard from those in “certain/some” camps, who confirm unequivocally, the existence of pools, theaters, libraries, soccer fields, orchestras, etc.

    I suggest you peruse the many articles/essays written well before WW2 wherein the death/impending death/expulsion of 6 million Jews is eminent, but do switch your brain off, as otherwise your brain may prompt you to wonder if Jews have been lying about 6 million deaths since the fall of Babylon.

    • Agree: John Wear, Han
    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1078. Han says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Wizard of Oz,

    It is clear what your AGENDA is: Defending the JEWISH WORLD WAR II narrative: THE BIG LIE.
    Therefore, YOU are either a JEW or their USEFUL IDIOT. Take your pick.

    Anyone with a thinking brain would after doing some research on the HOLOCAU$T come to the conclusion that the whole thing is a MONEY GRABBING SCAM to pay for the infrastructure of Israel.

    There were NO gas chambers in the LABOUR CAMPS! PERIOD!

    THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, September 13, 2022, exposed the real reasons for “Holocaust reparations”.

    The 70th anniversary of the German Reparations Agreement gives little cause for celebration

    ISRAEL NEEDED MONEY TO BUILD THE STATE – but the price was helping Germany to rehabilitate itself


    Accepting reparations from Germany signified the victory of the needs of the state over individual feeling.


    It was: German deliveries were a HUGE PUSH TOWARD THE INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT OF THE ISRAELI ECONOMY and laid the foundations for the high-growth, high-tech Israel of today.

    HOLOCAU$T reparations were/are needed to pay for Israel’s infrastructure.

    THAT is why the HOLOCAU$T is not to be questioned!

    THE JEWISH GANGSTERS WANT THE MONEY and will destroy and jail anyone questioning THEIR HOLOCAU$T BULLSHIT!

    INTERNMENT CAMPS: INTERNATIONAL RED CROSS (IRC) RECORDS DISCLOSE more than just death figures of 271,301 from Typhus during WWII – Soviet sabotage and German patronage

    271,301 people of various religious denominations, races – NOT ONLY JEWS! – and social status died of disease and starvation (NOT 6 million Jews by intentional Extermination Policy).

    In 1949, the International Red Cross interviewed internees from the German camps, to see if standards were kept within the convention guidelines – and they were.

    However, in defiance of the Geneva Convention, IRC personnel were forbidden to interview mostly (German, Russian, Ukrainian etc) civilian prisoners and POW’s in the Jewish Bolsheviks Gulag camps, which were extremely more harsh and true “Death Camps.”
    Soviet Bolshevik powers refused to ratify the convention, but regardless, Articles 82 – 97 still applied.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1079. S says:

    As far as more contemporary history goes, I often wonder why the LBT contingent complains about “exclusion”, given the broad cultural acceptance they attained during the 70’s and 80’s…But I guess a sense if entitlement coupled with a chip on ones shoulder is quite a compelling, if unjustified, combination.

    I think they are being cynically used as a hammer by people who could care less about their actual fate and well being, as other ‘minorities’ are and have been, to cause breakdown of the larger society. They’ll be uncerimoniously discarded when they are no longer useful in that way.


    Parenthetically, Adam and the Ants was my favourite group when I was a teenybopper in the 80’s.

    LOL! I liked them and still do. Duran Duran of course, Billy Idol, and Kate Bush, amongst many others.

    Older than those, recently I came across this technicolor ‘music revue’ film from 1965 called Pop Gear which featured (amongst other groups) the one big 1964 hit of the Honeycombs ‘Have I the Right’. [I find old color film real time ‘documentaries’ like these from the 1960’s, of which there are quite a few, kind of fascinating.]

    At first the music seemed kind of alien, but after awhile it kind of grows on you, and I can see why it was a big hit. 🙂

    • Agree: Kali
  1080. @Tiptoethrutulips

    We you won’t benefit from switching your brain on if it has been long programmed to spout that mixture of factoid and junk. I am not going to bother with the emissions of one who, up front assumes I am one of the sacred 6 million crew which my comments repeatedly show I am not. Are you known as the bloviating club bore at the bar where it is known that the price of drinking your round is to listen to you without being listened to by you?

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  1081. @Han

    I suppose I should show you an example of ordinary courtesy by thanking you for posting a quite interesting link on reparations even if your own style is to shout at me in Caps about an agenda which I clearly do not have as you could easily enough discover.. I only participate in Holicaust discussions at all in the hope of weaning Ron off his more extreme refusals tio answercommon sense questions. Unfortunately our clever but cranky host attracts emissions from dimwitted obsessives like you.

    • Replies: @Han
  1082. @Wizard of Oz

    Are you known as the bloviating club bore at the bar where it is known that the price of drinking your round is to listen to you without being listened to by you?

    No. I am not. And, I don’t really drink liquor or wine; I actually like a Belgian beer once in awhile. As a matter of fact, I don’t typically argue in public with people over anything at all, as very few can argue without taking things personally.

    I haven’t read everything you’ve written, so how could I know your position on The Six Million?

    As a general rule, switching your brain off most likely leads to serious regrets, so I never do it. Despite what you may believe, as you have obviously not read everything I have written, I once believed the main “Holocaust” story, as EVERYTHING I read, more or less, indicated it was so. I know enough about history and historical writing to know that sometimes wires are crossed, humans can have tunnel vision, with no intent to deceive, estimations must be made, and some speculation is inevitable.

    However, if you acknowledge the Six Million is false, and obviously so (which it is), and was intentionally put forth (which it was), in order to vilify an entire nation (which it did), and obscure the machinations/manipulations/deceptions of a particular group (which it did), and became a source of enormous fortune and grift (which it did/is), and for which no official retraction/admission of an outright falsehood was made (which it wasn’t), and for which the ramifications are clearly visible in the western worlds today…….(I’ll try to stop rambling)…..if you believe or recognize all the aforementioned did occur/has occurred, how can you trust or defend any mainstream sources?

    Just one example of a mainstream “truth” acknowledged to have been false (but not by Jews, of course):

    From Michigan State University, Department of Humanities

    On April 13, 1943, German radio announced the discovery of a mass grave in Katyn forest near Smolensk, where, it was alleged, Soviet security forces had carried out executions of thousands of Polish officers. The claim was denounced by Stalin as a “monstrous invention by the German-fascist scoundrels” designed to sow discord among the war-time allies. The Polish government-in-exile, then in London, appealed to the International Red Cross to conduct an investigation, which provoked the Soviet government to sever relations with the London Poles. The Soviet government continued to deny any responsibility until, under Gorbachev, it admitted that the executions had been ordered by Stalin and carried out by the NKVD. Official documents turned over to the Polish government in 1992 revealed that 4,443 Polish officers had been executed at Katyn and another 16,000 at other sites.

    Mr. Oz, have you noticed it’s getting harder to find WW2 information from the Red Cross lately? In case you haven’t noticed, it is. WHO do you think is hounding the altruistic Red Cross over said information? If you keep your brain switched on, you may figure it out.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1083. Han says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Wizard of Oz,

    I am not shouting at you at all. I only started commenting on Unz Review 2 months ago and I use capital letters because I still haven’t figured out how to bold or italicize text on Unz Review.

    You better do your research before voicing opinions in HOLOCAU$T discussions on Unz Review as you, obviously, know SFA about the subject. It saves you from wiping the egg off your face every time you post a smart-arse comment.

    I don’t think Ron Unz has a habit of “extreme refusals to answer common sense questions” at all.

    He knows infinitely more about the HOLOCAU$T than you ever will in your life time and I suppose he uses his COMMON SENSE to IGNORE your STUPID QUESTIONS / COMMENTS.

    The Unz Review is an excellent website, but UNFORTUNATELY, also attracts “dimwitted obsessives” like you with 15,600 comments since 2015.

  1084. @Han

    If that’s true, Han, I’ll refrain from insulting you-know-what, and just tell you.

    Write your text; touch the appropriate button (B); highlight the text for (B); touch (B) button again.

    You can view with Preview Comment button; any editing you do back in the blue comment box will automatically appear in the Preview box, which stays open above until you Publish.

    Thanks again to Franny, for inspiring us Goys to be better, more efficient/effective keyboard warriors!

    • Replies: @Han
  1085. Han says:

    Dank je wel (Dutch for ‘thank you’), Tiptoethrutulips.

    I’ll do it with my next comment. Yes, all thanks to Franny!
    If only Franny knew why I am so pro-German…

    I have German ancestors from father’s side and a German grandfather from mother’s side.

    Heil Germania!

  1086. @Han

    You can show yourself to be just as dim and uncouth with Bold as with Caps. I don’t know whether the advice just given by Tiptoe… works on phones such as I use. But it is strange that you don’t know how to compose in an email or other app using Bold and then copying across to UR Comments. That may be just a function of your general lack of intelligence which causes you to ignore the limitations imposed by your very recent arrival on UR — particularly your presumptious pretence of knowing what Ron or I have been saying over many years. In short, you are a fool.

    • Replies: @Han
  1087. @Tiptoethrutulips

    The repetition of the sacred 6 million puzzles me a little as I don’t think the makers of most documentaries would believe it established but dome may fear controversy whch distracts attention from the doco or even specious legal objections that they are mimising the Nazi’s genocidal attempts. And long ago I remember a Jewish lawyer friend reacting adversely to my remarking that I had read a magazine article which supported a figure of 4 million. I can’t remember the best version of who made up the figure of 6 million and why but it is not too difficult to find quite innocent explanations of why most Jews who are not anti Zionist should regard its denial as possibly a subtle attack. Sure there are some pretty unsavoury aspects of the Holocaust industry but I think you are mistaken if you package that so as to deny many things Hitler and other Nazis said and many telling facts on deportations for example

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
  1088. @Wizard of Oz

    MR. OZ,








    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1089. Han says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Wizard of Oz,

    Now I understand why you know SFA about the Holocau$t and other topics. You can’t, of course, use a phone to do any serious research on any topic at all.

    So, you just regurgitate the vomit the Jews and their mainstream media are feeding you about their narrative of World War II and their Holocau$t Dogma. No research and no thinking required and you will always be on the safe, but wrong, side.

    I had a look at your past comments and how come none of them shows bold or italicized text?
    Looks like you don’t have a clue how to bold or italicize your comments on Unz Review, do you?

    Still, you express strong opinions about my inability to bold or italicize my comments on Unz Review.
    “That may be just a function of your general lack of intelligence…” LOL!

    As Bertrand Russell said: “The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.”

    “Never Argue With a Fool, Onlookers May Not Be Able To Tell the Difference.” – Mark Twain

    So, let’s go back to the topic. Care to reply to my comment #1094 to you re The Jewish Chronicle and the International Red Cross?

    ISRAEL NEEDED MONEY TO BUILD THE STATE – THE JEWISH CHRONICLE, September 13, 2022, exposed the real reasons for “Holocaust reparations”.

    Holocau$t reparations were/are needed to pay for Israel’s infrastructure.
    That is why their Holocau$t Dogma is not to be questioned!
    The Jewish Gangsters want the money and will destroy and jail anyone questioning their Holocau$t Bullshit!

    Internment Camps: International Red Cross (IRC) records disclose death figures of 271,301 from Typhus and Starvation during WWII.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1090. @Han

    Just more free floating bloviating ignorance !

    You can’t, of course, use a phone to do any serious research on any topic at all


    Totally on the contrary. Identify a single source of research you have used that couldn’t be accessed by using a a smart phone.2×

    • Replies: @Han
  1091. @Fran Taubman

    That is why they hate us. I wish, I wish that Jesus would have been a Hittite, a Persian anyone but a Jew.

    I formed the belief that Jesus WAS a Persian or a Roman; certainly not a Jew.

    Turns out Arthur Ruppin, the German-speaking, German-born and educated producer of “Hebrew culture” in the earliest days of the zionist project, believed and taught that one branch of Jewry — Ashkenazi — was from the Hittites/Persians, another branch, the Semites, from Arab/Bedouin:

    “Ruppin’s new argument that the [Ashkenazi] Jews were not Semites, which will be discussed further on, was not entirely exceptional. Other writers and researchers also expressed this view, among them the American Reform Rabbi Emil Hirsch, who wrote under the explicit influence of Chamberlain that the modern Jew (as well as the Jews in ancient times) did not have Semitic blood (Silver 2005, 55). The Russian- Jewish-American anthropologist Maurice Fishberg (1872-1934) wrote that “the Jews in Russia are not Semites at all […] and actually belong to an entirely different race” (Fishberg 1905, 9).
    Luschan has shown that the one people generally accepted as the purest expression of the Semitic racial type, namely the Bedouins of the Arabian Desert, are distinguished by small straight noses, thin lips and soft curly or wavy hair, while the characteristic Jewish nose is due rather to a Hittite strain in the Jewish racial stock. It was known at the time that the Hittites had occupied a vast empire in Anterior Asia, and that their language was related to the Indo-Germanic languages.

    Luschan showed, too, that not only the Hittites but also the Amorites, (considered at the time to be Aryans), constituted an important component of the Jewish race (Hertz 1978, 133).
    Luschan’s views concerning the polygenetic nature of the Jewish race led Ruppin to argue in his Juden der Gegenwart that the Jewish race was composed of a combination of two groups, a Semitic group which included the Assyrians, Babylonians and Arabs, and a Hittite one which included also the Amorites (Amoriter).
    “Ruppin’s persistence in trying to produce a link between the Sephardim and the Bedouins was parallel to his persistence in trying to find similarities between the Ashkenazi Jews and the Hittites, who belonged, in the anthropological and linguistic discourse, to the Indo-Germanic family (Doron 1977, 218).146 He wanted to find proof and establish a connection between the Ashkenazi Jew, whom he saw as the true Urjude (original Jew, i.e. the dominant or positive type in the Jewish race), and the European Indo-Germanic races, and to emphasize the weak connection of this type of Jew to the Semitic race.
    However, in “reality” as Ruppin put it (ibid.), the Jews were closer “anthropologically” (i.e. in terms of their biology) to the second group, which belonged to the population of Asia Minor and the Persians – the origin of the European races – from whom they received their physical qualities.
    This theory enabled Ruppin to continue with his differentiation patterns – on the one hand, to take the Jews out of the Semitic race and on the other hand to accept the claims of the turn of the century race theories concerning the inferiority of the Semitic race. It was not the Jews who were greedy, it was the Semites, who were, in his analysis, a degenerate component that did not have any significant affinity to most of the Jews, who were actually non-Semites:
    “Die Aschkenasim bilden heute eine so erdrückende Mehrheit unter den Juden, daß sie vielfach überhaupt für ‘die Juden’ schlechthin gehalten werden” (Ruppin 1930, I, 78).
    Ruppin’s differentiation between the Ashkenazim and the Orientals/Sephardim/Bedouins, i.e. the Semites, also had an historical aspect. According to Ruppin, one of the significant racial changes within the composition of the Jewish original types took place in the period of the destruction of the Second

    Arthur Ruppin and the Production of the Modern Hebrew Culture , Etan Bloom, TelAviv University, 2008.

  1092. @Fran Taubman

    I prefer fine Italian Prosecco, like this Lamborghini Gold:

    As my Persian friends say, Noshejaan!
    (We saw many many Italians touring in Iran. They love each other.)

  1093. Han says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    Wizard of Oz,

    How come I knew that you would not reply to my comment #1094 directed at you re The Jewish Chronicle and the International Red Cross?

    It must be in the “too hard basket” for you. Your rudimentary brain not comprehending the substance of my comment.

    That is why you blabber on about your smartphone. How predictable! LOL!

    I use a desktop computer with 2 large monitors to do my research and I only use my smartphone when the internet is down.

    That is why I know that using a smartphone to do research on the internet is utterly useless.
    It is like using a small torch in the dark and it really shows in your comments on Unz Review.

    But I am sure you’ll be happy with that. Quite an achievement for you. LOL!

  1094. Art says:

    Poor Franny — Jew trouble is never over – the justifiable hate for Jews just grows and grows.

    These miserable tribal people are now being exposed by a heartfelt popular song — “Rich men North of Richmond”.

    That song is all about Jew control of DC and the cultural misery, they have brought to middleclass America.

    The stupid Jews think that human folks naturally hate them! Well, the obvious truth is we hate their dishonest tribal behavior.

    As long as Jews act like Jews, they will never know peace.

  1095. John Wear says:

    You have read the Holocaust debate between Matt Cockerill and Thomas Dalton.

    I am in the process of responding to all of the points Matt Cockerill made in this debate. You can read my articles concerning this debate on my website at

    I currently have two articles posted on my website. I will probably have a total of nine articles posted about this debate when I am finished.

    • Thanks: Kali
  1096. Pauline says:


    Recently discovered the work of Ron and The Unz Review.

    Reading the Holocaust ‘history’ narrative which I’ve never before at all even considered to be maintained wartime propaganda. It’s left my head spinning!

    Recently also read some of Larry Romanoff’s work…and an article about Anne Frank (?!) but still, unprepared for this.

    Fascinating and awful.

    Thank you.

  1097. @Fran Taubman

    ‘…And John do you think any one will remember you and your claim that there were no homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau in let’s say 20 years?’

    Probably people will still be claiming it; I know Holocaust Denial was around forty years ago, and I’m pretty sure it was around before that. So twenty years from now? Almost certainly.

    …I suspect it’s a response to Jewish power. After all, you never hear people moved to deny that the Nazis killed Russian POW’s, or the Polish intelligentsia, or…

    Just the Jews. I’ll plonk for it being a response to the power of your group, but I’m open.

    …and it’s ‘Champagne,’ not ‘Champaign.’ Honestly.

    • Agree: Wielgus
    • Replies: @Wielgus
  1098. Wielgus says:

    I saw it when it was shown on British TV. Given the date it came out, it reflects a certain cynicism about war brought on by the Vietnam War, visible in many English-language films in particular that were released around this time.
    It is worth noting that the German U-Boat crew are hardly innocent – they machine-gun the survivors of Murphy’s boat while they are in the water. Murphy’s hatred of them is not irrational. At one point the U-Boat captain tries to excuse himself but he is hampered by speaking little English. He ends up saying something like “Not… responsibility.” Perhaps he represents all those people who were, they say, only following orders…

  1099. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    …I suspect it’s a response to Jewish power. After all, you never hear people moved to deny that the Nazis killed Russian POW’s, or the Polish intelligentsia, or…
    While I agree, this is mainly because there isn’t a vast ideological superstructure on an international scale discussing these events.
    The sheer dominance of narratives does not mean they go unchallenged. For example the Roman Catholic Church and its ideology was dominant in most of medieval Europe, but apart from serious heresies there were also cases where peasants would parody church teachings during holidays, and this was tolerated at the time, in my view wisely, because it was a case of blowing off some steam.

    • Agree: Colin Wright
    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  1100. @Wielgus

    ‘The sheer dominance of narratives does not mean they go unchallenged. For example the Roman Catholic Church and its ideology was dominant in most of medieval Europe, but apart from serious heresies there were also cases where peasants would parody church teachings during holidays, and this was tolerated at the time, in my view wisely, because it was a case of blowing off some steam.’

    What’s striking isn’t the existence of Holocaust Denial; people advocate all sorts of beliefs I don’t share. The lady up the street is convinced Biden has a double. How many different Kennedy assassination theories are there? The Twin Towers were taken down with planted charges.

    Etc. Half the country believes in something I don’t. What stands out about Holocaust Denial isn’t the belief, but the ferocity of the Jewish response to it.

    The Catholic Church and other ideologies/ethnicities/whatever are pretty sure of their ground. The medieval Church was real — it wasn’t going to evaporate if the peasants staged some burlesque.

    But it’s my conviction that for most secular American Jews, their sense of identity has come to consist of little more than Israel and the Holocaust — and a claim to greater intelligence, but they can hardly toot that horn too loud.

    Besides, various groups of Asians can beat them at that game. So it’s Israel and the Holocaust.

    Ergo, for at least some Jews, to deny the Holocaust is to strip them of their sense of identity. In this connection I’ll point out several facts. 1. Jewish identity was much more substantial sixty-seventy years ago; the great assimilation had begun, but Jews were still Jews. 2. Ron Unz notwithstanding, the Holocaust was generally accepted as historical fact back then — and I’m pretty sure there were Holocaust Deniers back then as well. 3. I’ve never encountered any evidence that Jews felt called upon to throw a fit about it back then.

    Back then they didn’t need to. They were still Jews — even if some marginal character insisted there hadn’t been a Holocaust.

    Now, they do need to throw a fit about it. They haven’t much else left to cling to.

    • Replies: @Tiptoethrutulips
    , @Wielgus
  1101. @Colin Wright

    They haven’t much else left to cling to.

    Do not make this mistake. Do not make this assumption based on contact with secular Jews. Sure, some of them are absolute atheists; I attended the bar mitzvahs for the children of my atheist Jewish friends; they are “culturally” Jewish. They also celebrate Christmas. Secular Jews support religious Jews, Orthodox Jews, and any other Jews, often to the exclusion and/or detriment of gentiles. Bobby Fischer, Norman Finkelstein, Ron Unz (?) are outliers. Even David Horowitz, who admits Jewish cultural subversion and support of communist crimes, opposes Islam in support of Israelis.

    Holocaust “deniers” do not say, Jews were not sent to camps; nor do they say, Jews were not expelled from Germany and/or occupied territory. I know you know this.

    Consider this: a complete or partial retraction of the Official Narrative imperils every pro-Jewish/ Holocaust organization in existence; the millions earned annually for remembrance and Never Forget! shrivels away; and, whilst we are Never Forgetting!, they can no longer claim “nationalism,” aka the interests of European peoples everywhere, is detrimental to oppressed groups everywhere. The “Holocaust” is used to bludgeon western countries into submission for open borders, asylum seekers (often caused by Israeli interests in the ME – go figure); even the USA is criticized for allowing it to happen. Apparently, the life of nearly half a million gentile, American boys wasn’t enough? Why are they America’s responsibility anyway?

    They are notoriously destructive to gentile societies; you should read, Postville: A Clash of Cultures in Heartland America, by Stephen Bloom.

    Why else is legislation needed to protect the Truth of the “Holocaust?” When someone gets thrown in jail for saying Lincoln wanted to send Africans back to Africa or South America, you let me know.

  1102. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    Ernst Pawel’s The Nightmare Of Reason is a useful guide in places to the mentality. A biography of Franz Kafka, but Pawel’s own mentality comes through a lot of the time. Pawel was a German Jew, born in Breslau, who emigrated when the Nazis came to power, first to Yugoslavia, later to the USA. He died in 1994.

    At one point Pawel mentions Jews in Prague referring to “harmless” anti-Semitism, which to him just indicates the naivete of Jews prior to the Holocaust. However, in my view Jews in the past were aware of being different from others, but they thought it was better that way and there was no point in getting too upset if non-Jews disliked them a bit. It didn’t mean a pogrom was around the corner. Pawel’s mentality, though, is part of what underlies legislation banning Holocaust denial. Pawel thinks Kafka’s sense of Jewish identity was tenuous, and certainly assimilation was not unknown in his time.

    Although I have alluded to it elsewhere, Pawel’s attitude to non-Jews is revealing at one point. Kafka had tuberculosis and was staying at a sanatorium. Pawel says the patients divided about equally between Jews and anti-Semites, though relations were polite (you had to be pretty well-off in the first place to stay at most sanatoria, and Jews and non-Jews would tend to share middle-class status). Reading that passage it is hard to avoid the conclusion that Pawel thought to be a Gentile is to be an anti-Semite. Pawel is of course a Zionist and at one point denounces as the latest form of anti-Semitism the image presented in the Middle East of “Zionist storm troopers”. Yeah, sure.

    I recommend reading Pawel’s book, though it often says less about Kafka than it does about a certain type of mentality held by the author but hardly unique to him.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  1103. @Wielgus

    ‘…At one point Pawel mentions Jews in Prague referring to “harmless” anti-Semitism, which to him just indicates the naivete of Jews prior to the Holocaust. However, in my view Jews in the past were aware of being different from others, but they thought it was better that way and there was no point in getting too upset if non-Jews disliked them a bit. It didn’t mean a pogrom was around the corner…’

    I think this points to a couple of things. First off, Jews tend to think they’re just fine; they don’t stop to think we might resent their chosen candidate becoming president, six out of the eight Ivy League schools being headed by Jews, etc.

    Of course some of that would be do to the various fine qualities Jews have, but (a) so what? No one willingly accepts inferiority. (b) Not all Jewish success is attributable to entirely admirable traits; they are clannish, do tend to favor each other, do change the rules so that they win, etc.

    So there are some grounds for at least a limited degree of anti-semitism. My impression is that Samoans feel this way about Indians. This is actually an inevitable human reaction.

    That leads to the second point; anti-Semitism is really just a special case of a general human principle. The more different two groups are, the less genuinely comfortable they can be with each other — at least in an egalitarian setting. One sees this a lot with whites and ‘Locals’ in Hawaii. Good will is sometimes missing to begin with, but even when it’s there, the hurt feelings and misunderstandings are legion. I doubt if I could have ever really enjoyed socializing with ‘Locals’ to any extent. They’re just too damned different.

    I realized something similar to this with Mexicans the other day. I’ve been around them for forty years. They’re okay; they really are. Would I ever really feel at home around them? I don’t think so.

    I doubt if I would enjoy a Mormon social gathering, come to that. So — particularly if Jews are going to insist on a separate identity — a certainly degree of estrangement is inevitable. If they want to label that ‘anti-Semitism,’ fine; but I don’t see what can be done to rectify it.

    • Replies: @Wielgus
  1104. Art says:

    There is one major element of US Jew culture that needs to be discussed. The Rabbi. He is a large source of Jew insularity from the rest of America. He inculcates the false ideas of Jews being the chosen ones. He enforces false claims of the intellectual superiority of their culture.

    In Europe, the Rabbi held a powerful position over his poor little Jews. He kept the clustered Little Jews separated from local folks and authorities. The Rabbi did not lose his powers when he came to America. All the negative insular tribal traits of rabbinical Jew culture, where transferred to the US.

    There is no doubt in my mind that the European Rabbi has damaged America.

  1105. @Patrick McNally

    ‘…He would have gotten the full support of Chamberlain, with the willing acquiescence of Halifax and Hore-Belisha…

    I’m skeptical. At Munich, Hitler had already agreed the Sudetenland was to be his last territorial demand in Europe. Had Hitler refrained from annexing Bohemia and Moravia, it’s possible England and France would have remained neutral when Hitler attacked Poland — but I doubt they would have actually pressured Poland to make more than trivial concessions.

    …and Poland would gradually have been forced to give way over Danzig…’

    I can’t see that either. My suspicion is that Poland would have remained intransigent regardless.

  1106. @Art

    ‘…There is no doubt in my mind that the European Rabbi has damaged America.

    There may be something to that.

  1107. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    So there are some grounds for at least a limited degree of anti-semitism. My impression is that Samoans feel this way about Indians. This is actually an inevitable human reaction.

    Some non-Jewish ethnic groups have had some “Jewish” traits and do not necessarily get on with other, perhaps majority groups. Sometimes they are targeted by massacres, forced to flee etc. Armenians were often the village shopkeepers in eastern Turkey before 1915. Indians (or Pakistanis) were a significant part of the commercial class in Uganda, especially in the cities, and then Idi Amin expelled them. (Their businesses were taken over by native Ugandans and frequently run into the ground.)

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  1108. @Wielgus

    ‘Some non-Jewish ethnic groups have had some “Jewish” traits and do not necessarily get on with other, perhaps majority groups. Sometimes they are targeted by massacres, forced to flee etc. Armenians were often the village shopkeepers in eastern Turkey before 1915. Indians (or Pakistanis) were a significant part of the commercial class in Uganda, especially in the cities, and then Idi Amin expelled them. (Their businesses were taken over by native Ugandans and frequently run into the ground.)’

    …and Chinese in Malaysia, and perhaps even Chinese in Mexico — they were certainly massacred in the Revolution.

    …but the immediate problem is that Jews are riding high, wide, and handsome here now, that they don’t restrict their prominence to the commercial sphere, and that people are taught to not even admit what’s going on. Finally, add that Jews don’t make very wise masters; these days, it’s as if we’re cattle on a ranch run by a lunatic. It’s not just that they run our universities, dictate our morals, etc — it’s that they make a hash of it.

    I find it hard to see this playing out well. It’s can’t continue, and I doubt if it will end prettily.

    • Replies: @Wielgus
  1109. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    One way of interpreting the Old Testament and the New Testament is that it is in part the story of the Jews, and that while supposedly favoured by God, they always overreach sooner or later and it ends badly.

    • Replies: @Colin Wright
  1110. @Wielgus

    ‘One way of interpreting the Old Testament and the New Testament is that it is in part the story of the Jews, and that while supposedly favoured by God, they always overreach sooner or later and it ends badly.’

    The difficulty is that they drag down others with them. I advocate some measured response, but I doubt if that’s what we’ll get.

    …and I also doubt much will be left of the America we once had when it’s all over.

    Really, the best hope is that assimilation is proceeding at such a clip that Jews will simply vanish; of course the ultra-orthodox will remain, but they’re not really the problem in the first place. An annoyance, at worst.

    • Replies: @Wielgus
  1111. Wielgus says:
    @Colin Wright

    I wonder if they see trouble ahead, and this is why we get ramped-up ADL and similar stuff in the USA, and like behaviour in the UK, because they’re scared. A “court Jew” like Süss Oppenheimer seemed to be riding, high, wide and handsome in the 18th century until suddenly he wasn’t. Other examples of them riding high and crashing down can be cited. Closer to our time, Stavisky, Maxwell, Epstein, all of whom may have been bumped off to shut them up.

  1112. ‘I wonder if they see trouble ahead, and this is why we get ramped-up ADL and similar stuff in the USA, and like behaviour in the UK, because they’re scared. A “court Jew” like Süss Oppenheimer seemed to be riding, high, wide and handsome in the 18th century until suddenly he wasn’t. Other examples of them riding high and crashing down can be cited. Closer to our time, Stavisky, Maxwell, Epstein, all of whom may have been bumped off to shut them up.’

    It’s one of those things where it probably depends on which individual Jew you consult. For some it would be conscious and explicit, for others, an unconscious influence. Still others wouldn’t have even noticed.

    Finally, a good deal of it may not be aimed at gentiles at all, but more at shoring up the sense of community among Jews themselves. They need anti-Semitism; absent it, Jews will stop feeling Jewish — and then they won’t be. Philip Roth talks about this somewhere; that comforting sense of a beleaguered, cohesive community, offering psychic well-being, even if not physical safety. ‘Come back to the shtetl, where at least we are all Jews, even if we fear the Cossacks.’

    Certainly the ADL et al need anti-Semitism. It may be dawning on them now that they’ve gone a bit too far — but how to back down? Herein may lie the secret of Netanyahu’s meeting with Musk. Netanyahu is going to play middle man. ‘You do this, and they’ll do that, and then you can get back to running Twitter, and they can get back to setting up the Nazi of the Month.’

  1113. @Art

    ‘…There is no doubt in my mind that the European Rabbi has damaged America.’

    And the European Rabbit has damaged Australia.

    Think about it.

  1114. kb_2 says:

    New revisionist resource:

    P.S I was absent for a long time and haven’t read many posts

    • Thanks: John Wear
  1115. @Ron Unz

    This will have to do as a place to bring you up to date on the non vitriolic David Cole. I suppose you could treat him as still trying to weasel out of his old problems when he says

    Whether one accepts the ADL’s sacred 6 million figure, Raul Hilberg’s 5 million, Gerald Reitlinger’s 4.1, or my 3.5, it was the postwar refugee problem that “created” Israel. Europe’s Jews had been served an eviction notice. Millions were murdered, but many millions more became refugees. That refugee problem would’ve driven the creation of Israel, regardless of how many Jews died in the camps

    Yes maybe he’s smart enough to choose 3.5 million as a get out.

    But I think most people would find him credible, despite knowing his history when he writes in TakiMag, from which the above quote came

    • Replies: @Ron Unz
  1116. Ron Unz says:
    @Wizard of Oz

    This will have to do as a place to bring you up to date on the non vitriolic David Cole. I suppose you could treat him as still trying to weasel out of his old problems when he says

    Look, you’re a total idiot and I’m not going to waste time on this nonsense.

    I’m not convinced that even 100,000 unarmed Jews were killed by the Nazis, so I think his stupid figures may still easily be off by well over an order-of-magnitude.

    • Replies: @Wizard of Oz
  1117. @Ron Unz

    I didn’t mean “credible” in reference to his 3.5 million estimate but generally, contrary to your assessment of him. So I hope you resd the article which was the basis for my judgment that others would regard him as credible.

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