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彼得·弗兰科潘(Peter Frankopan)的《丝绸之路:世界新历史》展示了我们为什么需要重新审视历史

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这个单词 修正主义者 源自词根,意为“再次看”。 由于历史是一个正在进行的项目,其主要目的是帮助我们了解我们的来历和去向,因此,当我们提出对未来的新愿景时,我们显然需要对过去进行重新审视。

强制性免责声明:我本人是所谓的“反恐战争”的历史修正主义者,已经撰写或编辑了五本有关该主题的书。 简而言之,我的结论是,以色列国的情报部门的座右铭是“以欺骗手段,不要发动战争”(在许多其他邪恶力量的帮助下,包括狂热的右翼分子,全球统治者,和贪婪的战争获利者)精心策划了一次大规模的欺骗活动,主要是基于一般的虚假国旗恐怖主义,尤其是9/11秘密行动。

我的“反恐战争”修正主义历史对以色列及其扩张主义议程构成了威胁。 因此,它的特工无情地攻击了我,对我进行了涂抹,并对我和我的家人发动了经济战争。 他们最喜欢的涂片之一是 诽谤性的“大屠杀丹尼尔”鸭绒几乎上个星期阻止了我进入加拿大.

根据该问题术语的任何可能的定义,我都不是大屠杀否认者。 但是,我确实支持学术自由和言论自由,包括自由质疑有关人类历史上无数屠杀和种族灭绝的事实和叙述。 逼迫我的以色列特工声称我是个坏人,因为我认为像Ursula Haverbeck或Ernst Zundel或Germar Rudolf或David Irving或Robert Faurisson这样的人不应因表达对历史的政治错误解释而被监禁。 鉴于我认为支持监狱“大屠杀否认者”的任何人都一定是疯了。


质疑事实和叙述是我们如何重新审视历史! 彼得·弗兰科皮安(Peter Frankopian)最近的畅销书 丝绸之路:世界新历史 提供了一个经典的例子。

简而言之,弗兰科皮安的观点是,欧洲中心主义使我们对欧亚大陆与北非和东非形成一个超级大陆的方式视而不见,该大陆已通过商品和思想的交换而束缚了数千年。 因此,世界文明的重心比波斯或乌兹别克斯坦要近得多,而雅典或罗马要远得多,巴黎或伦敦要少得多。

丝绸之路 为已故的兹比格涅夫·布热津斯基(Zbigniew Brzezinski)的地缘战略愿景提供了新的视角 大棋盘 (1997)。 布赞斯基在那本书中著名地指出,在全球支配地位的象棋游戏中,棋盘的中心位于阿富汗的整个地区。 为什么? 因为欧亚大陆-北非超大陆包含全球人口和GDP的绝大部分。 因此,控制中心(阿富汗大区)的人将主导全球棋盘。 在这方面,自19世纪大战以来,英国与俄罗斯争夺欧亚大陆的控制权几乎没有改变。 难怪美国在过去的35年中故意破坏了阿富汗实现和平的所有可能性,以便为美国在世界地缘政治中心地带的靶心中心进行大规模永久性军事集结创造借口。

弗兰科潘(Frankopan)断言控制欧亚大陆的伟大游戏就是游戏,并且已经存在了数千年,这为20世纪的两次世界大战提供了新的视角。 在这里,我们踏上了第二次世界大战修正主义的危险之地,这是一个比单纯的大屠杀修正主义更大,更重要的话题。 对于第二次世界大战的胜利者历史而言,今天,强大的Wurlitzer宣传工厂仍然使用“好人(同盟/犹太人)与坏人(轴心/纳粹)的神圣摩尼教神话来洗脑西方人以想象自己”每个冲突中的好人,并将每个新对手都视为新的希特勒。 简而言之,第二次世界大战的神话神话史是现代战争宣传的核心。

在他的第15和16章中,弗兰科潘彻底推翻了两次世界大战的公认历史,两次世界大战都断定它们主要是与德国崛起构成的威胁有关。 相反,Frankopan写道:


他继续宣称:“这个故事的现实是非常不同的。 尽管弗朗兹·费迪南德(Franz Ferdinand)被暗杀之后的日子里,发生了几乎无法重现的一系列误会,讨论,最后通and和排列,但战争的种子却源于数千英里之外的变化与发展。 俄罗斯的雄心壮志及其在波斯,中亚和远东地区所取得的进展给英国在海外的地位施加了压力,导致欧洲同盟僵化。 英国在过去几个世纪中建立的令人羡慕的平台进一步受到侵蚀,而这一系列的相互保证首先是为了使等待中的主人俄罗斯捆绑在一起。” (已添加重点。)

那么,二十世纪上半叶的两阶段世界大战主要是关于盎格鲁帝国(英国/美国)和俄罗斯之间争夺欧亚大陆的竞争。 德国只是一个小问题。 时至今日,游戏的全名始终是:不惜一切代价,阻止德国与俄罗斯团结!

这种见解为当今的地缘政治阴谋提供了可观的启示。 在冷战期间长大的许多美国人感到困惑,为什么不再是无神之徒的俄国人仍然是敌人,即使他们在与我们表面上的敌人基地组织和伊斯兰国作战时也是如此。 答案是,总部位于纽约,华盛顿,伦敦,好莱坞和特拉维夫的盎格鲁犹太复国主义帝国仍然主要关注于统治欧亚心脏地带以及崛起的俄罗斯-无论是共产主义,民主,东正教还是多元主义或拥有什么–构成世界霸权的障碍。

弗兰科潘认为,建立世界霸权的西方计划可能即将结束。 中国的崛起以及俄罗斯和伊朗的强硬态度是种种现象,而不是原因。 潜在的模式是丝绸之路,横跨欧亚大陆腹地的贸易带,重新确立自身为世界的真正中心,将边缘势力降级到欧亚大陆西部边缘以及他们在Genocided North的庞大定居者殖民地美国,到他们所属的边缘。

在弗兰科潘(Frankopan)的修正主义观点中,“西方”(意指欧亚大陆的西北边缘)的崛起是历史性的幸灾乐祸,其主要原因不是教育,素养,创造力和创造力,而是极端的好战性以及随之而来的对技术的过度竞争。军事大屠杀。 欧洲是超级大陆总体文明的极端边缘,是一个与世隔绝的野蛮人之地,它之所以能够暂时征服世界,主要是因为所有独立的小国之间的争执都提供了创新武器技术,特别是涉及海军和造船的技术。 (当然,中国人早在几个世纪以前就建造了更大更好的船只,但他们是文明的人,而不是超级好战的野蛮人,他们将这些船用于贸易和勘探,而不是征服。)通过海洋征服世界建立了“新的丝绸之路”,将西北欧和北美置于全球贸易网络的中心。

如今,随着俄罗斯帮助阻止美国-犹太复国主义在中东的帝国统治,而中国建立了大规模的新丝绸之路发展项目,西方统治的日子似乎已不多了。 具有讽刺意味的是,武器技术的新发展可能会加速这一进程:就像海军在西方统治中建立了新的地位一样,改进的反海军武器,即新一代的反舰导弹也正在帮助结束这一进程。 举一个例子:强硬的左翼帝国主义者想对伊朗发动战争,但不能保证取得胜利,因为伊朗可以使用先进的反舰导弹关闭霍尔木兹海峡-从而不仅保持敌对势力脱离波斯湾,但也切断了世界上大部分的石油供应。

弗兰科潘(Frankopan)对世界历史的修正主义观点有助于我们理解,高中历史教科书和主流媒体兜售的溴化物构成了以自我为中心的感觉良好的神话,这种神话阻碍而不是帮助我们理解现实。 像伊本·哈勒敦(Ibn Khaldun)一样,弗兰科潘(Frankopan)将他的历史叙述与构成一个包罗万象的理论框架结合在一起。 仅在后者的情况下,该框架涉及与世界一个大洲有关的交换和地缘战略,而不是关于“野蛮主义”和“文明”如何周期性地相互产生的社会学理论。

我对弗兰科潘的唯一批评是,他忽略了伊斯兰在过去1400年的大部分时间中作为超大陆文明的中央传送带所起的关键作用。 通过建立共同的语言,共同的文化,共同的度量和标准,以及共同的宇宙论,形而上学和对地球生命意义和目的的理解,伊斯兰使世界比任何其他单一因素都凝聚在一起。 那些希望进一步探讨这个问题的人可以从马歇尔·霍奇森(Marshall Hodgson)的三卷杰作开始 伊斯兰教的冒险.

丝绸之路 向西方读者提出了一个具有挑战性的问题:“我们”会像我们的祖先一样继续好战吗?(像今天的犹太复国主义者犹太人的推定祖先一样,早期的耶霍斯主义者,他们嫉妒的部落神告诉他们恨恨并惧怕其他部落和他们的部落)。神)? 还是我们可以学习成为一个已经存在了数千年的世界文明的好全球公民,而不是统治者?


• 类别: 经济学, 发展历程 •标签: 中国, 德国, 俄罗斯 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. German_reader 说:


    因此,谁控制了中心(阿富汗大区),谁就主宰了全球棋盘。 在这方面,自 19 世纪英国与俄罗斯争夺欧亚大陆控制权的大博弈以来,几乎没有什么变化。


  2. 也许在对主题、作者、审稿人或现在通过评论的任何相关讨论中,缺少的是考虑从亚历山大大帝、库萨的尼古拉斯到林登和海尔加拉鲁什的整个丝绸之路理解和倡议的战略性质。

    确实,这是对真理的更高的普世理解,即库萨和他的圈子正在努力动员的信仰和平,这是通过普世人文学院的聚集来促进物质经济进步,其中传统伊本·西巴 (Ibn Siba) 至关重要。

    因此,正是拉鲁什的劳工委员会周围的圈子,在 1990 年代是直接建议现在是现实的地方,新丝绸之路/一带一路的邀请现在是地球上最大的交易,并且盎格鲁-犹太复国主义-沙特轴心处于完全疯狂的模式。 这就是为什么他们不希望特朗普会见普京。




    • 回复: @alan2102
  3. anon • 免责声明 说:


    在近代历史的大部分时间里,阿富汗人一直控制着它。我猜阿富汗人一直在全球棋盘上占据主导地位,但我什至没有注意到。阿富汗人也没有,但他们正忙着他们的巴查巴兹(bacha bazzi),所以让我们放松一下他们。

    说真的,除了对 Yahoodi 的强烈仇恨和嫉妒之外,RU 对这里的作家还有其他标准吗?

    • 同意: Cyrano
    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Lot
    , @Cyrano
  4. @German_reader

    阿富汗的问题在于,对其进行控制是为了防止在欧洲和亚洲之间建立一座有效的陆桥。 这就是所有这些战争,从第一次世界大战开始就阻止了这样的走到一起。

    • 回复: @Catherine
  5. 我什至不知道从哪里开始。 Unz 的读者很少能在一篇文章中看到如此多的废话。干得好,巴雷特先生。


    你到底为什么不否认大屠杀(这显然是错误的),而是写整本书来否认典型的 9/11 故事(这基本上是真实的)?

  6. OkieDokie 说:

    嘿,如果你已经在名单上,你会失去什么?犹太复国主义者建立以色列的热情是两次世界大战的关键原因。俄罗斯目前之所以成为妖怪,是因为它与叙利亚结盟。以色列正确地认为什叶派新月区是其实现大以色列目标的主要障碍。 《彻底决裂》是一个诚实的蓝图。为什么要把当前的局势复杂化,因为它可以很容易地被解释为傀儡师的金字塔图,而在最顶层的是以色列在幕后操纵着美国好战之舞的每一步。

    • 同意: Rurik
    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  7. 中国人拥有一个庞大的民族帝国,并对此感到满意。















    • 同意: anarchyst, Druid
  8. 无论过去还是现在,整个游戏的名称始终是:不惜一切代价,阻止德国与俄罗斯联合! ”

    1917 年底的列宁政变,摧毁了年轻的俄罗斯民主,让华尔街有机会将德国与俄罗斯商品分开。
    安东尼·萨顿(Antony C. Sutton),《华尔街与布尔什维克革命》,1974年,纽约新罗谢尔

    爱德华·米德·厄尔(Edward Mead Earle)博士,《土耳其,大国与巴格达铁路,帝国主义研究》,1923年,1924年,纽约

    菲利普·M·泰勒,《英国的投射,1919-1939 年英国海外宣传和宣传》,剑桥,1981 年


  9. @German_reader

    查尔斯·比尔(Charles A. Beard),“美国外交政策制定,1932年-1940年,责任研究”,纽黑文,1946年

  10. Issac 说:



  11. 以及他们在种族灭绝的北美的巨大定居者殖民地


  12. vinteuil 说:




    • 回复: @anonymous
  13. 在我的“黄金岁月”中,我了解到,在小学、很多高中和大学里教给我的大部分内容要么是谎言、虚假信息、宣传,要么是歪曲的,总是伴随着美国国旗在头顶飘扬, “美丽的美国”的副歌飘过。


    由于发布有关最神圣和最神圣的 Holocau$t™ 的合法事实,我被称为卑鄙的名字;被指控兽交和乱伦,甚至多次威胁我的生命,但他们从来没有试图反驳我写的东西。


    • 同意: jacques sheete
  14. vinteuil 说:

    “我对弗兰科潘的唯一批评是他忽视了伊斯兰教在过去 1400 年的大部分时间里作为超大陆文明中央传送带的关键作用。通过建立共同语言、共同文化、共同度量衡、共同宇宙论、形而上学以及对地球生命意义和目的的理解,伊斯兰教比任何其他单一因素都更能将世界团结在一起。”



    • 回复: @Delinquent Snail
  15. 但俄罗斯帝国难道不是由同一个欧洲种族血统、以与北美大陆大致相同的方式获得的吗?

    而且,或许欧洲人民的文化、政治、物质和精神文明水平比中东和远东地区更高,正是因为相对较少的人口面临着在消退的冰层边缘生存的挑战。 -年龄冰川(这反过来又开辟了一片潜力巨大的土地),它们不受硬化“世界中心”(正如你所标记的)遗传惯性重量的负担,因此可以自由进化,一种真正的达尔文主义感觉,以令人眼花缭乱的速度。


    布热津斯基在 1970 世纪 XNUMX 年代是一名小丑,而且很可能仍然是一名小丑。他是一位政治学家,也就是说,他根本不是一位科学家。他对技术及其对几乎所有事物的影响一无所知。

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
    , @Philip Owen
  16. 在弗兰科潘的修正主义观点中,“西方”(指欧亚大陆的西北边缘)的崛起是历史的偶然,主要不是由教育、识字率、发明力和创造力驱动的, 而是由于极端好战以及随后在军事大规模屠杀技术方面的过度活跃竞争。



    那么,二十世纪上半叶的两阶段世界大战主要是关于盎格鲁帝国(英国/美国)和俄罗斯之间争夺欧亚大陆的竞争。 德国只是一个小问题。 时至今日,游戏的全名始终是:不惜一切代价,阻止德国与俄罗斯团结!



  17. vinteuil 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    1917 年底的列宁政变摧毁了年轻的俄罗斯民主制度,给了华尔街将德国与俄罗斯商品分开的机会。”



    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  18. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    “但是犹太人无法忍受这一点,因为他们想要在外邦国家中占据主导地位。 , , , 现在,有很多没有自己的大国的少数民族只是在东道国相处。那么,犹太人为何如此焦躁不安呢? 。 。 。




    犹太人在波兰已有 700 多年的历史;事实上,几个世纪以来,波兰一直是世界上最大的犹太人群体的故乡。几个世纪以来,波兰在自治方面一直是失败的。数十万波兰犹太人逃往德国,因为德国繁荣且政治上成功。赫歇尔·格林斯潘(Herschel Grynszpan)射杀了沃姆·拉特(vom Rath),因为他的父母被送回波兰。

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Wally
  19. Agent76 说:

    16年2017月XNUMX日 中国向世界拓展丝绸之路



    13 年 2017 月 XNUMX 日 中国寻求重振“丝绸之路”项目


  20. @jilles dykstra

    安娜·卡列尼娜 列夫·托尔斯泰笔下的其他人物都说法语。超级俄罗斯人莱文对多莉教她的孩子们说法语持批评态度,但他的法语很流利。法国人(也是江湖骗子)兰道决定不准安娜离婚,这是导致她自杀的最后一根稻草。


    托尔斯泰暗示过——但陀思妥耶夫斯基强调了俄罗斯人对德国人的蔑视:卡特琳娜·马尔梅拉多夫(Katerina Marmeladov)(犯罪与惩罚)称她的德国女房东为 “衬裙里的垃圾普鲁士母鸡腿!” (有史以来最有趣的绰号之一)。

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  21. @vinteuil




    DS理查兹(DS Richards),《野蛮的边界,英阿富汗战争的历史》,1990年,2003年,伦敦

    摩根·舒斯特(W. Morgan Shuster),“扼杀波斯,欧洲外交和东方阴谋的故事导致1912万回教徒的去世化”,纽约,XNUMX年

    L. Austine Waddell,“拉萨及其奥秘,1903-1904 年英国西藏远征的记录”,纽约,1905 年,1988 年

  22. @SolontoCroesus

    法语确实是长期以来的外交语言,法国作为一个强国的地位于 1870 年结束,当时对现在的德国的攻击失败了。

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  23. @jilles dykstra


    德国也在扩张 安然,(商业上)不仅在中东,而且事实上,在波斯人的要求下也进入了波斯。




    我们不能忽视的另一件事是,存在着比各个国家更有效地利用事件的外部利益集团。事实上,与其将历史作为政府或国家的行为来讨论(几乎我们所有人都这样做),如果我们从关键的角度解决所有这些问题,我们就会在真相方面取得更大进展。 个人 参与其中。


    • 同意: Talha
  24. Alden 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein




    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Skeptikal
  25. @anonymous




    1916 年,第一艘英国燃油涡轮无畏舰下水。


    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  26. @ThreeCranes





    “我当时很年轻,没有受过多少教育……有一天,发生了一些事情,以一种迂回的方式启发了我。这本身是一个小事件,但它让我比以前更好地了解了帝国主义的真实本质——专制政府行事的真正动机。 ”

    -乔治·奥威尔,《射大象》,1936 年


  27. @anonymous

    Renéd'Argile等人,1958年,威斯巴登市的Das Geheimnis um die Urschen des Zweiten Weltkrieges(Les OriginalsSecrêtesde la Guerre,1939年-1945年,巴黎1958年)。

  28. Rurik 说: • 您的网站







    奥斯曼帝国 = 善良,犹太人“其嫉妒的神憎恨并害怕其他神灵”


    巴雷特先生在 9/11 和其他事情方面表现出色,但他因自己狭隘的同情心而陷入困境


    • 回复: @Talha
  29. conatus 说:

    德国人还太年轻,规模也太大(丘吉尔说德国人的问题在于德国人的数量太多了 20 万),不可能成为攻击目标。

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  30. @Alden



    第一次世界大战始于 1939 年 XNUMX 月签订的冯·里宾特洛甫莫洛托夫条约(波兰的分裂)。


    • 回复: @Sparkon
    , @Alden
  31. @jacques sheete





    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  32. @jilles dykstra


    斯科特·安德森的 劳伦斯在阿拉伯:战争、欺骗、帝国的愚蠢和现代中东的形成 https://www.readanybook.com/ebook/lawrence-in-arabia-war-deceit-imperial-folly-and-the-making-of-the-modern-middle-east-565425 这是一个记者版本,讲述了英国人、犹太复国主义者、土耳其/奥斯曼帝国、阿拉伯人、石油大亨和德国人之间的阴谋,以及贵族花花公子马克·赛克斯在粉碎奥斯曼帝国、然后分一杯羹的过程中所扮演的主导角色。遗迹。

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  33. @conatus


    • 回复: @Avery
    , @Talha
  34. Ben Banned 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein


  35. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:




    丝绸之路为已故的布热津斯基在《大棋盘》(1997 年)中概述的地缘战略愿景提供了新的视角。在那本书中,布热津斯基提出了著名的论点,即在全球主导的国际象棋游戏中,棋盘的中心位于阿富汗整个地区。为什么?因为欧亚-北非超大陆包含了全球绝大多数人口和GDP。因此,谁控制了中心(阿富汗大区),谁就主宰了全球棋盘。在这方面,自 19 世纪英国与俄罗斯争夺欧亚大陆控制权的大博弈以来,几乎没有什么变化。

    Z博士几乎没有发明欧亚主义的概念。第一个提出这个想法的人(众所周知)是 1904 年哈尔福德·约翰·麦金德爵士,当时俄罗斯和英国在阿富汗的“伟大博弈”仍在继续。不久之后,德国人和波拉克人都独立地提出了他们自己的欧亚主义版本: 栖息地 和“intermarium”,分别。 Z博士是波拉克人,他可能是在毕苏斯基关于intermarium的想法中长大的,intermarium是一个连接波罗的海和黑海的庞大的波兰陆地帝国。

    在弗兰科潘的修正主义观点中,“西方”(指欧亚大陆的西北边缘)的崛起是一个历史的偶然,其驱动因素主要不是教育、识字率、发明力和创造力,而是极端的好战性和随后在技术方面的过度激烈的竞争。军事大屠杀。欧洲是位于超级大陆总体文明极端边缘、充满争斗野蛮人的土地,它之所以能够暂时征服世界,主要是因为独立小国家之间的所有争斗都催生了创新的武器技术,尤其是涉及海军和造船业的技术。 (当然,中国人在几个世纪前就建造了更大更好的船只,但作为文明人而不是好战的野蛮人,他们将这些船只用于贸易和探索,而不是征服。)

    这完全是胡说八道!葡萄牙人 卡拉维拉 与之前所有船舶设计相比,这是一个巨大的改进。虽然他们确实借鉴了阿拉伯造船业的元素,但阿拉伯人自己从未设计过能够航行大西洋或太平洋的船只——中国人也没有。这就是为什么是小国葡萄牙首先征服了巴西和撒哈拉以南非洲大片地区,而不是阿拉伯哈里发国。还要注意的是,首先环球航行的是葡萄牙人,而不是阿拉伯人或中国人。

    哦:阿拉伯人并不好战吗?蒙古人并不好战吗?别让我笑!白人之所以能够首先统治整个地球,并不是因为好战,而是因为 卓越的技术.


    我对弗兰科潘的唯一批评是他忽视了伊斯兰教在过去 1400 年的大部分时间里作为超大陆文明中央传送带的关键作用。


  36. Avery 说:

    {不仅是当时的超级大国英国、法国 俄罗斯对这些恐怖事件负有主要责任 第一次世界大战和 2}


    纳粹德国入侵苏联并杀害约 15 万苏联人 老百姓,此外还有约10万的苏联军事损失。

    事实上,英国、法国和意大利于 1938 年 XNUMX 月同意希特勒吞并德国人口稠密的苏登腾地区。

    但希特勒从第一天起发动二战的第一目标就是 栖息地:乌拉尔山脉以西广阔、富饶的农业土地,“不幸的是”斯拉夫人不方便地居住在这些土地上 不定期。



  37. 22pp22 说:










    • 回复: @britishbrainsize
  38. Avery 说:

    #37 回复您的帖子#34。

  39. Sparkon 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    国会和美国人民不知道的是,珍珠港事件发生前几个月,美国海军在北大西洋秘密追捕轴心国战舰。七十年后,这个简单但无可辩驳的事实仍然没有被公众、大量书面学者和大多数历史学家所了解。然而,这些曾经的秘密文件(包括来自海军作战部长和大西洋舰队总司令的作战计划和命令)现已被国家档案馆解密,证实美国海军在 1941 年的大部分时间里显然处于交战状态。


    • 回复: @Alden
  40. 人们有时确实会想问,犹太人是否可能出于某种原因而拥有不成比例的影响力?当你读到这样的文章时,你会回想起反犹太主义确实是一种摧毁理性、扭曲现实的精神疾病。

  41. Talha 说:





  42. Wally 说: • 您的网站

    “那么,为什么犹太人如此焦躁不安呢? 。 。 。 ”

    因为他们的最终骗局正在他们眼前瓦解。 “大屠杀”的叙述经不起推敲,这是不祥之兆。



    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。

    “所有的真理经过三个阶段。 首先,它是可笑的。 第二,它被强烈反对。 第三,它被认为是不言而喻的。”。
    –亚瑟·叔本华(Arthur Schopenhauer)


  43. 或者我们能否学会成为已经存在了数千年的同一个世界文明的优秀全球公民,而不是统治者?


    从伊甸园到母女神的统治——我们wuz kangz!我不知道人类心理中的什么因素让人愿意相信这些垃圾,但它确实存在。我想,这是一种否认第一圣谛的决心。

  44. Wally 说: • 您的网站


    零证据表明德国杀害了“6 万犹太人和 5 万其他人”,并使用了科学上不可能的“毒气室”。


    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。

  45. anonymous • 免责声明 说:




    租借政策,。 。 11 年 1941 月 1941 日颁布)是一项计划,根据该计划,美国在 1945 年至 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月期间向自由法国、英国、中国、苏联和其他盟国提供食品、石油和物资。 。 。

    总计50.1亿美元 (相当于今天的 667 亿美元)运送了价值物资,占美国战争总支出的 17%[2] 总而言之,
    31.4 亿美元(相当于今天的 418 亿美元)流向了英国,
    向法国提供 3.2 亿美元(相当于今天的 42.6 亿美元),
    剩余的 2.6 亿美元给其他盟国。



    马歇尔计划(正式名称为欧洲复苏计划,ERP)是美国援助西欧的一项倡议,其中。 。 .开始于 1948 年 4 月 8 日 。 。 。美国放弃了 13 亿美元(截至 130 年 2016 月,按当前美元价值计算约为 XNUMX 亿美元) 提供经济支持,帮助二战结束后重建西欧经济。 。 。 。


    英国(约占总额的 26%),[3.4 亿美元; $33.9 b/2016]
    其次是法国 (18%) [2.3 亿美元; 22.9 美元 b/2016 ]
    和西德(11%)。 [1.4 亿美元,13.9 美元/2016 年]




    • 回复: @Henry's Cat
  46. Talha 说:






    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @SolontoCroesus
  47. Rurik 说: • 您的网站


    你听说过艾弗里大饥荒吗? (即使拼写检查也无法识别这个单词,它被故意边缘化)

    你知道这个事件说明了苏联人的本质吗? (更不用说《纽约时报》和罗斯福的骗子了)




    • 回复: @RobinG
  48. Rurik 说: • 您的网站







    • 同意: anarchyst, jacques sheete
    • 回复: @Talha
  49. J 说:



  50. Talha 说:
    @Digital Samizdat



    (人类历史上所有有记录的战斗的地理地图 - 观看这片大陆被照亮!)




    “但在研究波斯与伊斯兰文明之间的关系时,必须牢记波斯对伊斯兰学习各个方面的贡献的普遍性。 早期波斯学者在帮助奠定众多伊斯兰科学基础方面的广泛努力,以同样的力量延续到萨尔朱克和帖木儿时期。 这个晚期的许多作品都是逊尼派和什叶派穆斯林宗教学校的标准文本,Ghazzali、Fakhr al-Din Razi、Zamakhshari、Baidawi、Nasir al-Din al-Tusi、Taftazani 等人的作品, Sayyid Sharif Jurjani 和 Jalal al-Din al-Dawani,仅举几个比较知名的名字,都与波斯世界有关。 仅 Ghazzali 就足以强调波斯对伊斯兰文明的贡献的重要性……如果没有波斯学者的广泛努力,我们在逊尼派和什叶派方面与古典、正统伊斯兰教的所有认同在其现有的历史形式中都是不可想象的,他与阿拉伯学者一起创造了广阔的伊斯兰学习世界,其他民族也成为了后来的继承人和贡献者。 出于这个原因,波斯在伊斯兰文明和伊斯兰科学的发展中所扮演的角色在整个历史中一直处于中心地位。”
    伊朗剑桥史,第 4 卷


    • 回复: @Talha
    , @Digital Samizdat
  51. @jilles dykstra






    我想你并不是说德国取代英国成为“新的世界强国”,而只是说德国成为了 A 世界力量。

  52. Rurik 说: • 您的网站



    我并不是要放弃这本书本身。我只是指出我在文章中看到的荒谬之处。我确信这本书有一些精华,因为 K. Barrett 曾说过一些非常有说服力和富有洞察力的事情。我只是碰巧反对上面显示的令人厌烦的白痴和陈词滥调。

    如果你还没有读过这本书,也可以考虑 SC 的链接,我怀疑 可能有。



    丝绸之路……可能会显着改变局势 — — 特别是如果西方在稳定性方面持续下滑的话。



  53. DanC 说:





    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  54. @Talha


    我想念莱弗里特的博客 RaceforIran.com 演变成 去德黑兰.com 在他们出版了同名的书之后。



    莱弗里特夫妇的博客自 2013 年成立以来一直坚持的主题之一是,美国对伊朗的政策适得其反,当美国忙于寻找毁灭之龙时,俄罗斯和中国正在吃美国的午餐,发展软实力和美国与所有国家的贸易关系致力于以自由和美国方式征服。

    • 回复: @Talha
  55. @jilles dykstra


    摩根·舒斯特(W. Morgan Shuster),“扼杀波斯,欧洲外交和东方阴谋的故事导致1912万回教徒的去世化”,纽约,XNUMX年

  56. Talha 说:






    • 回复: @Rurik
  57. @ThreeCranes






    • 回复: @Olorin
  58. Talha 说:


    尽管我同意史蒂文·平克(Steven Pinker)对历史暴力的分析(如果不是第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战)——中亚草原征服者设定了最高基准:



  59. @SolontoCroesus





  60. @Talha



    • 回复: @Stebbing Heuer
  61. Carpenter 说:







    至于造船,用于贸易的船只远多于用于战争的船只。古往今来,所有人都在寻求战争技术的改进——欧洲人在这方面做得更好。自 97 年左右以来,1500% 的发明都是由意大利北部及以上的西方人(更准确地说几乎全是日耳曼人)发明的。这应该值得庆祝,而不是仅仅解释为纯粹的运气。但我猜彼得·弗兰科潘有他的议程。

    • 回复: @Olorin
  62. @Avery


    让每个人都停止假装德国人在真空中行事,假装他们的行为是某种与促成其发生的前因脱节的精神病发作。 “万国”,拥有自己的黑暗面,这是崇高的事情,也是所有宗教启蒙道路的第一步。

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  63. Talha 说:



    我强烈推荐它们作为真实信息的来源,不含 MSM、犹太复国主义者、MIC 的废话。


  64. alan2102 说:
    @Bruce Marshall

    拉鲁奇夫妇提出了许多很好的观点,并且确实在一些非常重要的事情上是正确的。太糟糕了,他们是一个专制的、基于恐惧/世界末日的、相当沙文主义的个人崇拜,因此永远不会有任何进展。我很认真:这太糟糕了。太糟糕了,因为许多高智商、善意的人被吸引到拉鲁什的轨道上,但他们的能量却被消散了;他们的能量被以不可能产生任何有效结果的方式使用。这是一种耻辱。实在是太可惜了。世界需要一场“La ROUCHE”运动——没有 LA ROUCHE。

    • 回复: @Bruce Marshall
  65. Rurik 说: • 您的网站





    ......它仔细记录了 1941 年苏联在德国边境大规模军事集结的进攻性质





    • 同意: jacques sheete
    • 回复: @Talha
  66. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:
    @richard warren


  67. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:



    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  68. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:




    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  69. @richard warren


    • 同意: Digital Samizdat
  70. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:



    1.) 白人是 不独特或异常 好战的。您本人后来指出了历史上所有横扫欧亚大陆某些地区的亚洲征服者。我确信,如果成吉思汗拥有我们的技术,蒙古人将征服比他们更多的地球——也许是全部。为什么?嗯,从各方面来看,他们是一个非常好战的民族,在当时非常令人畏惧。

    2.) 使我们的祖先比其他历史上的征服种族更致命、更强大的并不是天生的好战性,而是先进的科学和技术。

    要认识到,直到 16 世纪,白人参与的大部分战争要么是所有封建/农业社会都知道的权力游戏类型,要么是其他类型的战争。 他们正在保卫自己和他们的大陆免受外国侵略者的侵害,例如蒙古人、阿拉伯人或土耳其人。这条规则唯一的例外是十字军东征。但我坚持认为,基督教世界至少像伊斯兰教一样对耶路撒冷拥有同样强烈的主权。请记住:在伊斯兰教存在之前,该地区已经存在了几个世纪的希腊/罗马/拜占庭。



    其次,波斯人直到公元7世纪被阿拉伯人征服后才成为穆斯林。在那之前,他们几乎都是琐罗亚斯德教徒。正如我之前所解释的,古丝绸之路在古罗马和琐罗亚斯德教波斯的古典时期就已经存在,所以伊斯兰教 本身 与他们无关。


  71. @Anonymous


    我怀疑 German_reader 是德国人。听起来像是一个出于某种原因想要抹黑德国人的巨魔。

    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
    • 哈哈: German_reader
    • 回复: @dcite
  72. @Priss Factor


    • 同意: Mark Green
    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  73. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    1.) 白人并不是唯一或异常好战的。您本人后来指出了历史上所有横扫欧亚大陆某些地区的亚洲征服者。


    二十世纪对文明的威胁没有比纳粹德国更大的了。直接的危险——军事、经济、文化——是对欧洲文明的威胁,但纳粹控制的欧洲所威胁的不仅仅是西方。作为欧洲的征服者和主人,希特勒的德国将拥有主宰地中海、控制中东、威胁西半球的资源。也许这个帝国会因过度扩张的压力而崩溃,但即使是相对短暂的纳粹统治也会是可怕的。第二次世界大战是拯救世界大部分地区免遭另一次反乌托邦野蛮行径的必要条件。 https://winstonchurchill.hillsdale.edu/churchill-presidents-franklin-roosevelt/

    德国人——白人基督徒——犯下了 20 世纪最可怕的罪行。



    • 同意: Digital Samizdat
    • 回复: @Che Guava
  74. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:






    打个比方,日本人在没有任何挑衅的情况下从晴朗的蓝天袭击我们的同样简单化的叙述也是一种极端的歪曲,几乎是一个谎言。罗斯福从一开始就策划了与日本的对抗,部分是为了防止日本统治东亚,也是为了扩大华盛顿自己在环太平洋地区的影响力。 (我们已经在 Philippenes 方面有了一个良好的开端。)

    • 回复: @utu
    , @Philip Owen
  75. @Talha

    摘自英国著名历史学家 FJP Veale 的著作《走向野蛮》。







    1970 年代公布的机密文件显示,英国最高统帅部在最高层的授权下,决定优先轰炸德国郊区平民而不是军事目标,表面上是为了摧毁德国工人的士气。这是对欧洲战争近四个世纪以来盛行的传统战争规则的前所未有的突破。

    另请参阅著名的 JFC Fuller 的《西方世界和第二次世界大战的军事史》,了解 20 世纪之前的交战军队如何在一定程度上受到惯例和正式条约的限制,不得故意针对平民(当然宗教战争除外)。

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @jilles dykstra
  76. 哇。 只是……哇。

  77. 我认为毫无疑问英国应该为发动第一次世界大战承担责任。

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  78. Che Guava 说:



    我有一个极端民族主义者的朋友,她制作了一些图形来嘲笑华裔美国女士张纯如(Iris Chang),她正在为《南京大屠杀》创作摇滚歌曲《南京大屠杀》。



    这些图形是性手枪乐队《God Save the Queen》封面的廉价复制品。他的其他图形艺术作品非常出色(我想我有时会认出他为日本铁路制作的一些商业作品),但那一幅对我来说似乎是如此愚蠢和廉价。






    jilles、Rurik 在这个帖子上有很多有趣的评论。一如既往,雅克和普里斯,我想反驳其他一些人,包括文章的部分内容,但诺德正在打电话。

    • 回复: @Anon
  79. @anonymous


  80. Lot 说:

    说真的,除了对 Yahoodi 的强烈仇恨和嫉妒之外,RU 对这里的作家还有其他标准吗?


    • 回复: @iffen
  81. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  82. Cyrano 说:



    • 回复: @Anon
  83. @Digital Samizdat


    1.) 白人并不是唯一或异常好战的。


    为过去几个世纪里超级富有的白人领导层的不可言喻的可怕疯子行为道歉,理由是“everbuddy else dunnit”并不能解决问题。


    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  84. Biff 说:
    @Digital Samizdat


    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  85. @richard warren



    “同样,反犹太主义是一个普遍接受的观念,但非裔仇恨却不是。这些只是许多其他此类“单向心理障碍”中的两个……朋友们,这不是巧合。这是一个 *系统* 旨在让我们所有人变得愚蠢和容易上当。”






    “恨外邦人!” 以色列的种族主义者拉比斯(JONATHAN COOK)

  86. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Che Guava

    一场大屠杀确实发生了,但肯定不是有时声称的 200,000 多人吧?

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  87. @Anon



    乔治·奥威尔,回顾西班牙战争 (1942)


    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  88. Anon • 免责声明 说:


  89. Talha 说:
    @Digital Samizdat







    要知道,直到 16 世纪,白人参与的大部分战争都是权力的游戏类型



    当然,我并不嫉妒欧洲人试图收回它,尤其是从那时起; 1)(可能是疯狂的)法蒂玛哈里发摧毁了圣墓教堂,2)塞尔柱人扰乱了基督徒进入该地区的朝圣活动。我确实认为某些十字军王国和军队对当地居民(甚至对东正教徒)的暴力行为是可怕的。其他人则相对开明且公正——我认为诺曼人是杰出的。







    • 回复: @Anon
  90. @jacques sheete


    他们在 1936 年赢得的一小部分胜利,以及自由共产主义集团
    革命倾向。 因此,共产党人的怪诞景象就出现了。




  91. jeppo 说:

    弗兰科潘认为,建立世界霸权的西方计划可能即将结束。 中国的崛起以及俄罗斯和伊朗的强硬态度是种种现象,而不是原因。 潜在的模式是丝绸之路,横跨欧亚大陆腹地的贸易带,重新确立自身为世界的真正中心,将边缘势力降级到欧亚大陆西部边缘以及他们在Genocided North的庞大定居者殖民地美国,到他们所属的边缘。


    尽管世界岛占据了地球的大部分陆地面积和 75% 至 80% 的人口,但自从人类诞生以来,海洋强国已经主宰了地球 250 多年。 *真实的* 第一次世界大战。那就是在五大洲进行的七年战争,在美国也被称为法印战争。






  92. Talha 说:


    奥弗里将轰炸战争的起源追溯到 10 年 1940 月 1917 日,同一天德国开始进攻西方,丘吉尔取代张伯伦成为英国首相。奥弗里写道:“张伯伦一直反对对城市目标进行轰炸,但丘吉尔没有出于良心或法律上的反对。”事实上,早在 XNUMX 年担任军需部长时,丘吉尔就一直支持独立的空军和对德国工业目标进行远程轰炸的政策。

    “当时杀日本人并没有太困扰我,”李梅后来承认。 “我想如果我输掉了战争,我就会作为战犯受到审判。=



  93. German_reader 说:

    理查德·奥弗里 (Richard Overy) 的《轰炸战争:欧洲 2-1939》最近对二战轰炸进行了很好的描述。

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Talha
  94. Incitatus 说:


    这就是 1914 年法国宣战并入侵德国的原因吗?


    似乎德国入侵了卢森堡(2年14月4日)、中立的比利时(14年23月14日)和(邪恶的,邪恶的)法国(5年14月XNUMX日)。这一切都是在鼓励腐朽的奥匈帝国盟友对塞尔维亚发动战争之后发生的(XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日-)。


    我们指望你 TC。不要失望!澄清记录!


    的确。忘记 5 年 1905 月 9 日那场令人羞辱的俄罗斯失败吧,那是 14 年前的 XNUMX 年前罕见的事?不管。你的心在正确的地方。



    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  95. Sparkon 说:




    • 同意: jacques sheete
  96. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @German_reader
  97. Talha 说:




  98. @Priss Factor

    “中国可能会像毛泽东时代那样经济崩溃”?不。毛泽东在 6.2 年里使中国经济增长了 24%,并实现了零债务——同时还受到联合国的严厉制裁和排斥。战后经济繁荣时期,美国经济增长了 3.8%。

    • 回复: @phil
  99. 我只是没有精力去对付你。这是维基。 (我的大胆)。你记得我们正在讨论俄罗斯,不是吗?

    “25月28日,俄罗斯开始动员,1月XNUMX日,奥匈帝国向塞尔维亚宣战。德国向俄罗斯发出最后通牒,要求其复员,但遭到拒绝,于是于 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日对俄罗斯宣战。东线寡不敌众, 俄罗斯敦促其三国协约盟友法国在西方开辟第二条战线。 早在 1870 年,普法战争结束了法兰西第二帝国,并将阿尔萨斯-洛林省割让给统一的德国。 对这次失败的痛苦和夺回阿尔萨斯-洛林的决心使得接受俄罗斯的求助成为一个简单的选择,因此法国于1月3日开始全面动员,XNUMX月XNUMX日,德国对法国宣战。 法国和德国之间的边境两边都戒备森严,因此根据施利芬计划,德国随后入侵中立国比利时和卢森堡,然后从北部向法国进发,导致英国因德国侵犯而于4月XNUMX日对德国宣战比利时的中立态度。”


    • 回复: @Incitatus
  100. Talha 说:






    • 回复: @Cyrano
    , @Rurik
  101. German_reader 说:

    是的,我读过; iirc 甚至佛朗哥也对此有所反对(可能更多是因为意大利人没有征求他的许可,而不是出于人道主义考虑)。

  102. @Digital Samizdat


    小更正:虽然麦哲伦(Fernão de Magalhães)确实是葡萄牙人,但环球航行的使命(1519-22)是西班牙人的,这就是为什么关岛和菲律宾是西班牙殖民地,而不是葡萄牙殖民地。

  103. @Talha






  104. @Incitatus



  105. @Jon Halpenny




    它也可以在网上找到,其中提出了许多令人信服的观点,例如哈里·埃尔默·巴恩斯 (Harry Elmer Barnes) 的精彩著作《世界大战的起源》(1923),该书同样可以在网上找到,揭露了成功地将德国拖入困境的英国高超外交。尽管德国竭尽全力避免战争,但战争还是爆发了。

    还值得记住的是,第二次世界大战确实是今天仍在继续的游戏的延续,因此说纳粹开始了它是错误的。这是一个由某些大富翁发起的项目,正如 MG S.巴特勒在他的《战争是骗局》中生动描述的那样,谴责奸商发动第一次世界大战。






  106. “当然,中国人在几个世纪前就建造了更大更好的船只,但作为文明人而不是好战的野蛮人,他们将这些船只用于贸易和探索,而不是征服。”

    我觉得作者的说法很简单。任何怀疑中国人好战的人只要研究一下中国历史就可以了。他们征服了朝鲜,并与蒙古人、东西突厥人、日本人、越南人、缅甸人等进行了对外战争。但是,他们对其他中国人绝对是无情的。从公元前26世纪的坂泉之战到今天干涉西藏,中国人打的战争比任何欧洲列强都多。他们不使用船只进行征服可能是因为他们没有大炮。即便如此,他们还是两次试图利用海军征服日本。 1400 年代郑和时代的中国船只比欧洲船只更大,但到了 15 世纪末和 16 世纪初,欧洲船只速度更快、机动性更强,并配备了适合远洋航行的更好帆。中国船只的船体更平坦,在浅水区的航行效果更好,尽管有一些附加装置使深水航行更容易。人们不得不对他们的探索性质感到好奇,因为他们从未真正尝试过探索太平洋。他们从未尝试过像 15 世纪和 16 世纪横渡大西洋和太平洋的欧洲列强那样进行真正长距离的远洋航行。

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  107. utu 说:
    @Digital Samizdat



    • 回复: @Avery
    , @Digital Samizdat
  108. Che Guava 说:

    你是个白痴。 然而,既然你选择匿名发帖,你似乎已经知道这一点。 从非洲人到亚洲人再到柯蒂斯·勒梅(Curtis Le May),我可以给你一长串比德国人更糟糕的名单,但我只能说,犹太布尔什维克,因为他们是独一无二的野蛮、凶残和邪恶的人。

    • 回复: @nsa
    , @Wulf
  109. Avery 说:


    1939 年《里宾特洛甫-莫洛托夫条约》签署前几年,斯大林拼命地试图让英国和法国与苏联签署一项防御条约,以阻止纳粹德国。

    他遭到英国和法国的拒绝。 (检查一下:这是真的。)

    您知道纳粹德国和波兰于 1934 年签署了互不侵犯条约吗?




    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  110. Che Guava 说:
    @Anonymous White Male







    1894 年至 1895 年?不是企图征服,而且当时中国海军不统一,腐败也不少。这是从韩国开始的,随着事态的发展,日本的野心进一步扩大。


    • 回复: @Anonymous White Male
  111. RobinG 说:

    嘿,鲁里克,我确信艾弗里听说过大饥荒,但大饥荒的程度和意图是一个值得认真争论的话题。 (有点像大屠杀,嗯?😉



    • 回复: @Rurik
  112. nsa 说:
    @Che Guava

    柯蒂斯·勒梅 (Curtis Lemay) 吹嘘自己杀死了 20% 的韩国人口。当被问到他会杀死多少人才能取得胜利时,他回答说“全部”。当他的瞄准官员报告朝鲜的每个城市都已被夷为平地并且他们已经没有目标时,他命令他们“再次夷平它们”。据说艾森豪威尔很难从勒梅和他新成立的战略空军司令部手中夺回对核武器的实际控制权……但那是另一个故事了。柯蒂斯·李梅……一个对至少一千万手无寸铁的平民从空中进行懦弱大规模屠杀的怪物。

    • 同意: Che Guava
  113. Cyrano 说:





    • 回复: @Talha
  114. Talha 说:





    • 回复: @Cyrano
  115. Anon • 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @Talha
  116. @Avery

    Bogdan Musial,“ Kampfplatz Deutschland,斯大林斯·克里格斯普莱恩·根根·韦斯特恩”,柏林,2008年

    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
    • 回复: @Avery
  117. @ThreeCranes


    索利·扎克曼(Solly Zuckermann),《从猿到军阀,自传,1904-46年》,伦敦,1988年

    彼得·H·尼科尔(Peter H. Nicoll),“英格兰的克雷格·根根德国”,Ursachen,《方法论》与《福尔根·德·茨维滕·韦特格里格斯》,1963年,2001年,图宾根(英国的大不列颠,1953年)

    • 回复: @Digital Samizdat
  118. @jacques sheete

    大英帝国拼命地试图生存,正如贝尔福在 1907 年对美国大使所说的那样,“也许战争是保持英国生活水平的最便宜的方法”。

    菲利普·泰勒,“心灵的弹药,从古代世界到现在的宣传史”,1990 年,1995 年,曼彻斯特

    菲利普·泰勒,“英国的投影,英国海外宣传和宣传 1919_1939”,剑桥 1981

    • 回复: @Talha
  119. @jacques sheete



  120. 我认为希特勒最终将作为最被误解的人载入史册。


    • 哈哈: Digital Samizdat
  121. Skeptikal 说:


    你的小问题似乎是为了通过睁大眼睛难以置信的方式来回避对阿富汗在过去的地缘政治中的作用的讨论。两个世纪。为什么阿富汗战争被称为伟大博弈?因为阿夫.位于欧亚大陆“游戏盘”的中心位置。有点像国际象棋中的国王。他自己没有太多的力量,但整个游戏都是围绕着控制他展开的。但迄今为止,还没有外部力量真正成功地做到了这一点。所以你的“. 。 。阿富汗???”表明你没有足够的能力来理解一个巨大的讽刺,这就是 Af。虽说是弱小,但是没有人能够掌控这个国家!!

    德国民族音乐学家贝恩德·格拉策 (Bernd Glatzer) 是阿富汗最伟大的专家之一,他在那里度过了多年的生活,并将阿富汗作为他在多个领域的学术工作的主题。格拉泽博士在 2008 年的一次采访中谈到阿富汗在丝绸之路上的地位(这是谷歌翻译,其中包含很多有趣的内容,包括格拉泽拒绝为中央情报局工作以帮助后者“理解”并控制阿富汗人民;谷歌翻译在这里(它包含很多奇怪的地方):


    以下是贝恩德·格拉泽 (Bernd Glatzer) 对阿富汗人所说的与丝绸之路和新的伟大博弈有关的内容:

    但很少有人真正对这个国家感兴趣,许多人已经搬到了印度。友好吗?打开?大都会?我们谈论的是阿富汗,塔利班的国家。 **阿富汗一直是一个贸易和过境国。** 这塑造了那里的人们。它位于中亚和中国之间,是丝绸之路的十字路口。它吸引了很多人:亚历山大大帝、成吉思汗、帖木儿或马可波罗。他们是否一并摆脱了困境?没有人能够全身而退地离开阿富汗。他们甚至摆脱了困境吗?没有人能高高兴兴地离开,就连成吉思汗也损失惨重。阿富汗人很高兴让所有人进入,但他们很难再次离开。对我来说也是如此,这片土地仍然拥有我。阿富汗人对所有陌生人都持开放态度。但如果他们意识到陌生人不诚实,想要虐待他们,甚至征服他们的领土,他们可能会非常不愉快,就像英国人在十九世纪或更晚的时候经历过俄罗斯人一样。重要的是要问为什么在其他国家,向公民开药方是如此容易。阿富汗人的顽固和怀疑难道不应该被描述为正常现象和其他人的行为吗? – 奎尔: http://www.berliner-zeitung.de/15740206 ©2017


  122. Skeptikal 说:

    据我所知,第一个全面详细地阐述弗兰科潘提出的“新”论点的是吉多·普雷帕拉塔(Guido Preparata),《召唤希特勒:英美如何创造第三帝国》(Pluto Press,2005)。

    Preparata 的书记录了大量,汇集了大量档案和已发表的证据,解释了资助希特勒的财务花招,将 AH 从相对默默无闻的人物中拉出来并将工具交到他手中的人物,以及该决定背后的战略思维,主要是丘吉尔和英国人,继续进行第一次世界大战的第二阶段:因为他们在第一轮中没有完全实现他们想要的目标:摧毁俄罗斯,顺便说一句,摧毁德国。

    Preparata 的前言在这里:


  123. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:
    @jacques sheete



  124. Miro23 说:
    @Priss Factor




    没错,他们想要一个有形的陆地帝国——而不是走钢丝,而做到这一点的唯一方法就是像他们在 1917 年的俄罗斯(布尔什维克)和 1919 年的匈牙利(匈牙利苏维埃共和国)那样夺取美国的绝对权力——贝拉·库恩和他的所有犹太人的领导)。在这两种情况下,他们立即开始大规模屠杀任何可能反对他们的人——主要是少数民族中产阶级。



    对他们的威胁是民族主义(民族主义在 1930 年代摧毁了他们在德国和俄罗斯的计划)。

  125. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:


  126. Skeptikal 说:
    @jilles dykstra



  127. Skeptikal 说:



  128. Talha 说:





    • 回复: @Anon
  129. Talha 说:
    @jilles dykstra





    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  130. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:

    波兰?为什么是的,当然。在《我的奋斗》(1923)中,希特勒已经在考虑 栖息地 在东方。他的计划代表了 九月节目 从第一次世界大战开始:



  131. Digital Samizdat [又名“西莫·帕德莱格”] 说:
    @jilles dykstra



    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  132. Che Guava 说:

    在做更多研究之前,我会避免使用“肯定”。其中一个有趣的事情是山下将军(与东南亚的将军不同)试图控制局势,但他被一位帝国王子推翻了,这位王子在一次严重受伤后变得非常痛苦并且严重酗酒。 1920年代法国的一场车祸,是自残的,住在那儿的就像任何人一样。菲茨杰拉德的小说以当时的法国为背景(包括塞尔达的小说)。



  133. Avery 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    你不是那个告诉我你的土耳其亲属在亚美尼亚种族灭绝期间杀害不超过 15,000 人(是的,一万五千人)的亲土耳其“历史学家”吗?



    • 同意: Cyrano
    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @L.K
    , @Mulegino1
  134. @anonymous



    2. 德国海军扩张,威胁到英国对其远东航线的控制;

    3. 德国在非洲大陆谋求霸权,威胁到英国的繁荣和独立。



    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @jilles dykstra
  135. @jacques sheete



  136. dcite 说:
    @jacques sheete

    一个“抹黑德国人的巨魔……”Weather German_reader 是否是一个“巨魔”,这就是他的表现。但他并不是唯一一个表现出令人困惑的天真和厌恶任何超出公认“智慧”的深入分析的人。尽管男同性恋者几十年来一直是反社会的骗子,但也许这是真的,与其他媒体(例如德国媒体)相比,美国媒体确实至少提供了真相的选择。

    • 回复: @alternatereality
  137. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Stebbing Heuer

    事实上,让德国精英感到恐惧的是俄罗斯的现代化。 但他们太愚蠢了,没有意识到更聪明的策略是赢得英国和法国的支持以遏制俄罗斯,而不是疏远英国和法国。 所以……一百年后,我们最终到达了现在的位置。


    • 回复: @Stebbing Heuer
  138. @Che Guava


    但是,忽必烈于 1271 年征服了整个中国,建立了中国的元朝。那么,作为中国的皇帝,由于蒙古没有舰队,这怎么就不是中国的行为呢?特别是因为这些船只是在中国和韩国建造的。我们也不要忘记,清朝也不是由中国人统治的,而是由满洲人统治的。 “中国”人民从未真正参加过战争。无论谁是他们的统治者,都决定了他们将与谁交战以及何时交战。你可以争论是说“海军”还是“一群朝着共同目标的船只”,但这只是语义。

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  139. @dcite


    • 哈哈: German_reader
  140. @Avery


    亨利·摩根索(Henry Morgenthau),“摩根索大使的故事”,1918年,纽约
    希思·劳里(Heath W. Lowry),《摩根索大使的故事背后的故事》,伊斯坦布尔,1990年
    《奥斯曼帝国晚期的亚美尼亚人》,Türkkaya Atatöv 编辑,安卡拉,2002 年

    • 回复: @Avery
  141. @Stebbing Heuer

    第二次世界大战和第一次世界大战始于 1870 年。

    • 同意: L.K
    • 回复: @Stebbing Heuer
  142. @Talha

    乔治·麦考雷·特雷维利扬(George Macaulay Trevelyan),《约翰·布赖特的生平》,1913年,伦敦,1971年,康涅狄格州韦斯特波特

  143. Olorin 说:
    @jacques sheete




    你把 ThreeCranes 当作盲目乐观来攻击……但我想说你的观点更能体现这一点。












  144. Cyrano 说:


    • 回复: @Talha
  145. @Digital Samizdat


  146. Olorin 说:

    在我看来,美国学校课程中缺乏海事研究是那些负责学校教育的人心理薄弱的最大试金石(也就是说,为儿童量身定制的宣传机构……至少在儿童电视工作室兴起之前) )。

  147. Talha 说:








    • 回复: @Cyrano
    , @Art
  148. Anon • 免责声明 说:



    • 回复: @Talha
  149. hyperbola 说:
    @Digital Samizdat

    据记录,麦哲伦是葡萄牙人,但这次探险是西班牙人。事实上,自从麦哲伦在菲律宾被杀后,他就没有完成环球航行。对于西班牙语世界的大部分人来说,胡安·塞巴斯蒂安·埃尔卡诺 (Juan Sebastián Elcano) 完成了首次环球航行

    胡安·塞巴斯蒂安·埃尔卡诺[1](有时拼写为 del Cano;[1] 1476 年 – 4 年 1526 月 2 日)是一位巴斯克裔西班牙探险家[3][4][XNUMX],完成了第一次环球航行。麦哲伦在菲律宾去世后,埃尔卡诺接管了从摩鹿加群岛到西班牙桑卢卡尔德巴拉梅达的诺维多利亚号的指挥权。



    El Real Instituto Elcano de Estudios Internacionales y Estratégicos es un centro de pensamiento y laboratorio de ideas creado en 2001 en España, cuyo objetivo, según sus estatutos, es «analizar la política internacional desde una perspectiva española, europea y global, además de servir como对话和讨论论坛».1 ....

  150. L.K 说:






    继续吧,傻瓜,你很会笑! 🙂

    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
  151. Che Guava 说:
    @Anonymous White Male






    • 回复: @Anonymous White Male
  152. Avery 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    你可以继续剪切和粘贴同样的否认主义胡言乱语,我会继续剪切和粘贴我的回复(……只要 UNZ 版主允许我)。


    亚美尼亚人在驱逐期间死亡,最多只能指定 15.000 人死亡的名字。}

    你引用像 Heath W. Lowry 这样的否认论者,为土耳其否认机器工作,写上面的废话表明你的绝望。

    幸运的是,我们正在慢慢地拆除 AG 的拒绝墙。

    你心爱的火鸡会分裂成 3-4 块。

    亚美尼亚人大约有 5,000 多年的历史。





    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
    , @Alden
  153. Cyrano 说:


    • 巨魔: German_reader
    • 回复: @Talha
  154. Mulegino1 说:

    他是完全正确的。直到 1940 年 XNUMX 月莫洛托夫、里宾特洛甫和希特勒最后一次会面之后,希特勒才命令他的将军们制定攻陷巴巴罗萨的计划,当时苏联将重新占领芬兰、吞并布科维纳并在芬兰采取行动的情况已经明朗起来。达达尼尔海峡。苏联已经入侵波兰东部,吞并波罗的海国家并入侵芬兰。

    有大量证据表明,1941 年春季和初夏期间,庞大的苏联陆军、空军和海军部队正在苏联西部边境集结,世界上最强大的陆军军团——步兵第 9 集团军就驻扎在边境沿线。与罗马尼亚,距离普洛耶什蒂油田很近。如果这些油田被苏联占领,国防军将只剩下两周的燃料供应,而欧洲将很容易被苏联的主宰所占领。

    从军事角度来看,唯一的事情可以解释巴巴罗萨战役的最初几周和几个月内的巨大包围圈和数十万苏联囚犯的围捕,更不用说在最初的 24 小时内摧毁了苏联整个前线空军。几个小时后,当苏军主力在脆弱的利沃夫和比亚利斯托克突出部以进攻编队部署时,苏军遭到了袭击,他们在釜战中被包围并歼灭。


    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
  155. Cyrano 说:

    致德国读者:Go f**k你自己。还有其他欧洲国家在德国人之前就进行了种族灭绝——西班牙人对南美洲的印第安人,盎格鲁人对北美印第安人等等。但真正的天才属于德国人——他们宣称他们将对世界上最强大的国家之一——俄罗斯进行种族灭绝。你这个愚蠢的纳粹猴子,这就是为什么你有你的**这是在两次世界大战中交给你的——因为你不仅不知道如何选择盟友,而且也不知道如何选择敌人。

    • 不同意: German_reader
    • 巨魔: L.K
    • 回复: @German_reader
    , @Talha
    , @L.K
  156. @jilles dykstra


  157. @anonymous


    我多年来读过的书,以及最近图兹的书 破坏的工资是希特勒认为他最终将不得不在西欧对英国和法国发动战争,最终也将对美国​​发动一场规模巨大的空战。



    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  158. @Che Guava


    • 回复: @Che Guava
  159. Talha 说:





    • 回复: @Cyrano
  160. German_reader 说:


    • 同意: Cyrano
  161. @vinteuil


  162. Art 说:




    强大的 15,000,00 犹太人矩阵正在将希特勒的所有言论带到银行。他们喜欢外邦人为他们做宣传工作,让希特勒和二战继续存在。所有这些关于希特勒的言论只是强化了他们的“六百万个谎言”。


    犹太人矩阵是 全部关于且仅关于 犹太人权力——无论他们如何称呼自己——他们都是关于犹太人矩阵的权力——无论他们住在哪里——他们都是关于犹太人矩阵的权力——无论他们的生活地位如何——他们都是关于犹太人矩阵的权力。



    • 回复: @Talha
  163. @Avery

    你是亚美尼亚人,还是只是一个全能工具? (或者,也许是亚美尼亚工具?)

    • 回复: @Avery
  164. Talha 说:






  165. @Mulegino1

    德国人面临着要么使用,要么失去的局面。即使苏联直到 1942 年才发动进攻,但考虑到苏联的资源,到那时对于德国(和西欧)来说也已经太晚了。


  166. anonymous • 免责声明 说:



  167. Talha 说:



    是的——杀死世界上大约 2/3 的人口肯定会让他和斯大林的地位下降几个档次,是吗?



    • 回复: @Art
  168. Talha 说:







    • 巨魔: Che Guava
    • 回复: @German_reader
    , @Rurik
  169. my2cents 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    彼得大帝在那里住了一段时间学习造船后,在荷兰建筑之后建造了圣彼得堡……在让他在俄罗斯东正教信仰中受洗并俄罗斯化他的名字并让他建造了一艘俄罗斯船之后,他带回了一个荷兰造船厂海军……直到今天,俄罗斯海军的术语仍然是荷兰语,因为当时没有俄语中的等效术语。 俄罗斯国旗也使用荷兰颜色,但顺序不同,直到 1918 年……在苏联垮台后的 1993 年,原来的国旗恢复为州旗。 所以这个名字与当时并不存在的德国无关。
    1871 年德意志帝国建立时,法国/英国和美国有一头牛。 法国立即向普鲁士宣战,普鲁士是 28 个独立的德语王国/王子/公国等中最大的一个,并失去了它的衬衫。 1871 年的凡尔赛条约要求法国向普鲁士支付赔偿金。 第一次世界大战只是为了分裂德意志帝国。 凡尔赛条约就是这样做的,并将整个德国的一部分转让给其他国家。 波兰直到 1 年才存在……捷克斯洛伐克也不存在。 希特勒的目标是恢复那些被偷回德国的零件......这是第一次世界大战的延续。 盟国的意图再次是分裂并让德国分裂,这是为了防止德国人和俄罗斯人进行最终通向东方的贸易......总是通过俄罗斯。 1917 个讲德语的小王国/王子和公国没有威胁,但德意志帝国却是。
    北约的成立不是为了欧洲的安全对抗苏联,而是正式地将美国人留在 - 苏联人之外 - 以及德国人下。 自二战以来,华盛顿一直占领德国以压制它。 它正在失去那场“战斗”。 这与阿富汗无关。 至于修改二战历史。 时间到了!!!

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @ThreeCranes
  170. Cyrano 说:


  171. German_reader 说:

    不管怎样,我们希望“西拉诺”能稍微节制一下自己的行为,不要到处看到纳粹辩护者(尽管不可否认,Unz 的评论中有一些……)。

    • 回复: @Talha
  172. L.K 说:




    顺便说一句,在所有人中,你必须选择“german_reader”,如果他真的是德国人,他就是一个典型的 Nestbeschmutzer!

    听着,傻瓜,“german_reader”基本上同意你的观点,即国家社会主义德国是邪恶的化身/对一切都有罪,而你,作为白痴,让可怜的 Nestbeschmutzer 过得很艰难!


    • 不同意: German_reader
    • 回复: @German_reader
    , @Cyrano
  173. German_reader 说:


  174. Alden 说:
    @jilles dykstra


    您是否知道美国有一些学校需要教授 20 世纪历史?当我写“我可能错了,但是”时,我是在讽刺。


    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  175. Alden 说:



    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  176. Cyrano 说:



  177. Alden 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    圣彼得堡是以俄罗斯沙皇彼得而非德国人的名字命名的。这个名字与德国无关,除非你指的是 burg 结尾,这也是一个法语单词。

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  178. @Alden


  179. Alden 说:

    嗯,我确实使用这些库,尤其是 Cecil Green 和 URL 库。除了数千所大学图书馆之外,美国还拥有世界上最广泛的免费公共图书馆系统。每当图书馆债券发行出现在选票上时,它们总是会被通过。这些库一直在使用。

    UNZ 评论者似乎依赖维基百科的简短摘要而不是书籍。

  180. Alden 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    荷兰的黄金时代是建立在对饱受虐待的殖民地印度尼西亚的恶毒剥削之上的。由于 400 年来对印度尼西亚的掠夺、海盗活动和荷兰奴隶贸易,你们的王室比英国王室还要富有。你们的黄金时代很大程度上不是归功于荷兰人,而是归功于阿姆斯特丹犹太人。

    事实上,1619 年第一批非洲人在北美弗吉尼亚登陆的船只就是一艘荷兰船只。

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  181. Talha 说:


    我希望像您这样的某些 UNZ 读者能做出这种平衡的反应。瞧,德国人作为一个民族并不完美——谁才是呢?如果某些纳粹分子倒戈并为他们工作,许多国家就会帮助他们逃脱起诉——因此,许多国家在这方面是有罪的。但德国人在本世纪一直在起诉历史上的纳粹分子,甚至制定了禁止在公共场合使用纳粹标志的法律——人们还能要求什么呢?德国(和西欧)对斯拉夫人的屈尊俯就早在第二次世界大战之前(当时他们被其他欧洲人围捕并在阿拔斯和拜占庭土地的奴隶市场上出售) - 是的,这种态度并非不正确,但我认为不对纳粹主义是这一切的导火索。

    UNZ 肯定有一些纳粹辩护者,但我们都不在其中。


    • 同意: German_reader
    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @L.K
  182. @Alden

    丹麦 Sont 的海关记录仍然存在。
    1940 年荷属东印度群岛的人均收入刚刚达到印度尼西亚 XNUMX 年代的水平。
    罗伊和莱斯利·阿德金斯(Roy&Lesley Adkins),“杰克·塔尔(Jack Tar),尼尔森海军中普通海员的非凡生活”,2009年伦敦
    我的一位曾祖父在 1880 年左右是一名文盲泥炭工人,他的生活并不比美国种植园奴隶好多少,甚至更糟。

  183. @Cyrano

    查尔斯·卡兰·坦西尔(Charles Callan Tansill),“美国克里格(Amerika geht in den Krieg)”,斯图加特,1939年(美国参加战争,1938年)

  184. @Alden


  185. @Alden

    安妮·阿普尔鲍姆(Anne Applebaum),“东西方之间,穿越欧洲边界”,伦敦,1995年
    当然,人们可能想知道普通荷兰人知道什么,但我们的电视新闻虽然片面可怕,但在我看来比 CNN 的宣传要好得多。

    • 同意: anarchyst
  186. @Talha

    从来没有签订过《凡尔赛条约》,英国在投降后继续对德国实行封锁,从投降到被迫签署《条约》,大约有 900.000 万人死于饥饿。
    凯恩斯明白这是愚蠢的,他的书于 1921 年出版。
    同样在 1921 年,历史学家已经知道摩根索关于德国人对 1914 年的罪行的故事只是一个童话故事。
    托马斯·弗莱明(Thomas Fleming),“第一次世界大战中的美国,胜利的幻觉”,纽约,2003年
    希思·劳里(Heath W. Lowry),《摩根索大使的故事背后的故事》,伊斯坦布尔,1990年

    • 回复: @Cyrano
  187. @my2cents


  188. @Stebbing Heuer

    奥托·瓦格纳(Otto Wagener),《希特勒·奥特·纳赫斯特·纳赫(Hitler ausnächsterNähe)》,1929年至1932年,弗格森。 亨利·特纳(Henry A.Turner),1987年,基尔,国际标准书号3-88741-129-3

  189. 我刚刚注意到这篇文章交替提到了彼得·弗兰科潘(我认为他是亚美尼亚人)和彼得·弗兰科潘,但文章中图片中的书清楚地表明作者是彼得·弗兰科潘。如果我有点迂腐,请原谅我。

  190. skrik 说:
    @Intelligent Dasein

    否认典型的 9/11 故事

    谢谢你 兴趣激怒,我不会在这里进一步讨论,只是要指出“规范”引用了宗教框架,其中信仰可能基于零数据。

  191. Avery 说:

    像 VaginaHund 这样以高度原创的账号 [LK] 发帖的愚蠢的新纳粹修正主义辩护者正忙于重温希特勒青年团过去的“荣耀”,无暇为现在做点什么。






    • 同意: Cyrano
    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
    , @anon
  192. Avery 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty



    {……或者只是一个全能工具? (或者,也许是亚美尼亚工具?)}

    你是一个白痴,还是一个十足的白痴? (或者,也许,一个白痴白痴?)

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  193. @my2cents

    但愿如此。 说得好,说实话。

  194. @Cyrano


    • 回复: @Cyrano
  195. jim jones 说:


    • 回复: @Talha
  196. Che Guava 说:
    @Anonymous White Male





  197. Cyrano 说:


  198. @alan2102

    是的……但是说“一无所获”是忽略了这样一个事实,即他们在 70 年代凭借 Dope Inc 等书籍成为头号敌人,里根采用了战略防御计划……直到现实今天,自 1990 年代以来明确推动的新丝绸之路/一带一路倡议的想法取得了成果,当时人们还看到了提供“幸存者俱乐部”的想法,并作为金砖国家应运而生。

    • 回复: @alan2102
  199. @Avery


    • 回复: @Avery
  200. @Avery


    • 同意: L.K
    • 回复: @Cyrano
  201. Talha 说:
    @jim jones




  202. Cyrano 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty


    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  203. Avery 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty


    哦,哇:多么原始。好旧的另一种变体 '药物' 比喻。
    这是最好的你吗 “强大” 牛脑子能想出什么办法?

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  204. Boris N 说:


    这个话题是历史修正主义,我也来参与一下吧。蒙古的入侵,无论是什么,在很大程度上都被夸大了,只是为了一个事实:蒙古一直处于任何文明的边缘,它一直是地球上最严酷和最敌对的地区之一,这意味着蒙古的人口蒙古一直很小。我不会给500,000中超过1200,换算成总共100,000个中年男性。但并不是每个男性都能发动战争,否则他们的家庭就会失去唯一的养家糊口,最终死于饥饿,所以真正能发动战争的蒙古人只有几万。另外,为了发动战争,每个战士至少需要三匹马和未知数量的羊(让我们想象 10 只就足够了)。因此,即使蒙古人在任何幻想的情况下都能够集结一支由 50,000 名骑兵组成的庞大军队(占全部士兵的一半!这不太可能,我认为他们只能集结 10,000 或 20,000 人,而这一定是他们的全部军队),他们还需要额外100,000万匹马和500,000万只羊。这真是令人难以置信的一群动物,可供喂养和移动。然而,几个世纪以来,历史学家向我们灌输了这种逻辑上不可能的童话故事,并试图让我们相信,这样一个人口稀少的边缘地区可能有足够的人口潜力,并且可以生产足够的剩余食物和材料(例如用于武器的铁)来征服欧亚大陆的一半。蒙古人征服中国、波斯、伊拉克、叙利亚等,听起来就像萨米人征服德国、法国、意大利等。蒙古人根本没有足够的人力和资源来完成这样的壮举。蒙古人征服并据称被夷为平地和摧毁的国家的人口和富裕程度是其十倍或一百倍:波斯和中东肯定有 30 万人口,中亚有 10 万人口,中国有 200 亿人口。一个拥有 500,000 万人口、资源匮乏、充其量也只能召集 20,000 万人口的国家,与他们对抗吗?


    • 回复: @German_reader
  205. Etienne 说: • 您的网站

    持怀疑态度(评论 127),


  206. German_reader 说:
    @Boris N

    – 中亚草原游牧民族对定居人口具有巨大的军事优势。
    – 你是对的,“真正的”蒙古人的数量可能相当有限,但他们将许多其他草原民族(土耳其人!)纳入他们的部落,并最终将定居人口纳入其中。
    – 他们似乎确实异常残暴,是大规模暴力和恐怖活动的专家。我读过一些关于他们在 1241 年入侵匈牙利的中世纪资料,这真是令人毛骨悚然的东西,充满了有关相当有条理的暴力的细节,我无法想象这些暴力完全是捏造的。我读过的中世纪资料中没有任何其他内容可以与之相媲美。

    • 回复: @Boris N
  207. Cyrano 说:
    @jilles dykstra



  208. Art 说:



    这是 Jacob G. Hornberger 撰写的 Information Clearing House 文章,提出了合理的解决方案。这是这篇文章的笑话。

    那么朝鲜为什么想要核武器,尤其是能够到达美国的核武器呢?它想要核武器的原因与另一个共产主义国家古巴在 1962 年想要核武器的原因相同——出于防御目的。











    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Che Guava
  209. L.K 说:



    我是 Unz 的 ZUSA 最激烈的批评者之一,并且有一份电子记录;
    不久前我写了一篇关于 ZUSA 的文章:

    至于美国,其93%的历史都卷入了战争,几乎所有战争都是选择的战争,这一切都说明了这一点。 到第一次世界大战爆发时,美国已经坚定地走上了扩张主义和帝国主义的道路,从1898年的美西战争开始,美国就成为了一个海外帝国。
    从那时起,ZUSA 就变成了 100% 的流氓国家,并对地球上的生命构成了真正的威胁。


    • 回复: @Avery
  210. L.K 说:


    至于“德语读者”,乔纳森·雷沃斯基(Jonathan Revusky)完美地描述了这个生物,你喜欢他并不让我感到惊讶:










    • 哈哈: German_reader
    • 回复: @Talha
  211. L.K 说:

    塔尔哈叔叔; “巴巴罗萨行动是为了报复什么?苏联人似乎履行了协议中他们的部分。”


    对于德国领导层来说,出于某种意识形态决定论而转向苏联,这将是政治和军事上的疯狂,而德国正处于越来越糟糕的战略形势,面临着与英国(永不沉没的航母)及其帝国和德国的未竟事业。美国站在英国一边的迫在眉睫的前景。 这种危险在 1940 年秋天对英国的空袭失败后大大增强。 必须记住,德国领导人了解美国与英国的特殊关系,并了解到罗斯福政府在欧洲散布反德战争,甚至在战争之前,并证实了美国的侵略性目标是在文件被捕获后在欧洲挑起战争,首先是在 1939 年在波兰,后来在法国。

    在那个时刻对苏联发动攻击将带来巨大的风险和两条战线令人恐惧的战争的前景,对于像德国这样的国家来说,基本上是无法取胜的。 正是为了避免这种情况,德国于 2 年 23 月 1939 日签署了德苏互不侵犯条约。


    斯大林主义陷阱的目的是引发大规模的欧洲战争,让德国与西方列强对抗。正如苏沃洛夫所解释的那样,苏联人狡猾地欺骗了德国人,德国人独自入侵了波兰,而苏联军队则在波兰东部边境停滞不前,直到 17 月 1 日,尽管德国不断要求他们履行协议中的部分内容并入侵。最终苏联人做到了,并占领了一半的国家,但正如苏沃洛夫解释的那样,英国和法国对苏联站在德国一边参战不感兴趣(他们也并不真正关心波兰),而苏联延迟入侵使得它法国和英国更容易视而不见。德国因宣战而受到打击,而苏联却没有。希特勒和德国独自被指责为发动战争的罪魁祸首,而斯大林这个国家的破坏者却坐在一旁,苏联作为一个“中立”国家,只是在等待最合适的时机发起进攻。第 XNUMX 部分结束。

  212. L.K 说:


    正如军事历史学家海因茨·马根海默 (Heinz Magenheimer) 所解释的那样,尽管德国在 1940 年夏天取得了对西方盟国的巨大胜利,但由于英国拒绝通过谈判结束战争,德国的战略形势变得更加复杂。 1940 年夏季战役后,德国指挥部的主要目标是要么创造条件向英国施压,要求他们通过谈判结束战争,要么以其他方式击败他们。考虑了几种选择;最有效的方法是入侵英国本身,但这种选择也是最危险的,特别是考虑到德国海军的薄弱和规模较小以及英国舰队的实力。

    就连亲斯大林的英国历史学家杰弗里·罗伯茨 (Geoffrey Roberts) 在他有高度偏见的《斯大林的战争:从世界大战到冷战,1939-1953》中写道:

    为什么德国领导的反对大英帝国和美国的大陆集团的提议失败了? 因为斯大林于 1940 年 XNUMX 月在柏林通过莫洛托提出了荒谬的要求。稍后会详细介绍。

  213. Boris N 说:





    我读过一些关于他们在 1241 年入侵匈牙利的中世纪资料,这真是令人毛骨悚然的东西,充满了有关相当有条理的暴力的细节,我无法想象这些暴力完全是捏造的。我读过的中世纪资料中没有任何其他内容可以与之相媲美。


    • 回复: @German_reader
    , @Njguy73
  214. L.K 说:

    PART 3
    那么,为什么德国要在 1941 年 23 月袭击苏联呢? 我们需要了解 1939 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日德苏互不侵犯条约签署后东方发生的事情的历史。
    WNSanning 总结得很好:

    “23 年 1939 月 XNUMX 日的德苏互不侵犯条约规定了以下领土划分:爱沙尼亚和拉脱维亚将落入苏联的势力范围,而立陶宛将落入德国的管辖范围。 分界线将从立陶宛延伸至东普鲁士,从那里沿着纳鲁河、维斯瓦河和圣河向喀尔巴阡山脉延伸。 波兰战败后,苏联政府立即向德国施压,要求修改条约。 为了维护和平,希特勒在第二个条约中同意,即 28 年 1939 月 10 日的所谓边界和友好协议,德国将放弃其在大部分(但不是全部)立陶宛的利益,以换取维斯瓦河和错误 […]。 虽然德国在 24 年 1940 月 16 日至 22 月 15 日期间参与了西部战役,但在 10 月 1939 日的最后通牒之后,苏联在 24 月 XNUMX 日至 XNUMX 日期间占领了整个立陶宛——也就是说,甚至包括留在条约规定的德国利益范围。 这种占领不仅严重违反了苏德两项条约,而且还严重违反了苏维埃-立陶宛互助条约(XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日)。 根据条约规定,苏联的这一行动既没有征求德国政府的意见,也没有被告知。 罗马尼亚北部布科维纳地区不在苏联商定的利益范围内,同样被苏联占用,尽管在这种情况下,苏联向德国施压,使其在占领前 XNUMX 小时的最后期限内给予“同意” . 我之所以提到这些事态发展,只是因为它们表明了俄罗斯在改善自己的战略优势的同时消除德国战略优势的决心。 它们还表明,德国对苏联没有明确的军事目标,否则难以想象她会容忍苏联篡夺具有战略价值的立陶宛通往列宁格勒和莫斯科的门户。”

  215. L.K 说:

    PART 4

  216. L.K 说:

    PART 5


    德国的原材料来自苏联和其他一些国家,主要是瑞典、芬兰和罗马尼亚。苏联的扩张基本上使德国所有的战略资源处于严重危险之中。来自瑞典的铁矿石、来自瑞典和芬兰的木材、来自芬兰的镍,也许最重要的是罗马尼亚的石油资源。由于英国海军阻止海上石油运输,德国只能从苏联和罗马尼亚进口石油。苏联从罗马尼亚占领比萨拉比亚和北布科维纳,使红军距离普洛耶什蒂油田仅 180 公里。

    正如军事历史学家 H. Magenheimer 所说,当德国忙于在西方作战时,苏联在德国后方进行这些行动的匆忙,使德国领导层对苏联的意图极为怀疑。 苏沃洛夫比较直率; 斯大林吓坏了德国领导人.
    1941 年 XNUMX 月,巴巴罗萨前夕,希特勒给墨索里尼写了一封信:“俄罗斯正试图摧毁罗马尼亚的油田……我们军队的任务是尽快消除这种威胁。”

  217. L.K 说:

    PART 6

    直到 1940 年 XNUMX 月苏联采取极具挑衅性的行动之前,德国甚至没有针对苏联采取军事行动的粗略草案/人员研究/应急计划,这在西欧和中欧军队中很常见。

    雪上加霜的是,正如军事历史学家 H·马根海默 (H. Magenheimer) 所写,鉴于英国新大使任命后在莫斯科进行的谈判,德国领导层也对 1940 年夏天在背后进行苏英和解的可能性产生了极大的怀疑。斯塔福德·克里普斯爵士,1940 年 1939 月。马根海默说,丘吉尔与苏联和美国结成大联盟的这一行动和其他行动的幽灵也对德国的战略规划产生了重大影响。 希特勒和其他人早就注意到,罗斯福政府之前——当罗斯福试图说服斯大林站在英法一边时——但即使在 XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月苏德条约签署后,也没有试图孤立苏联& 对苏联实行非常温和的政策,同时对轴心国采取非常激进的 - 几乎没有战争 - 政策。

    与此同时,据俄罗斯历史学家 M. Nikitin 称,在上述情况下,苏联对德国的经济和军备状况进行了详细的研究,这导致苏联领导人认为德国正在陷入无可救药的军事劣势状态,而恰恰相反。在斯大林主义神话中,苏联领导人并不害怕德国。

  218. L.K 说:

    PART 7
    从 1940 年 XNUMX 月下旬/XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月开始,德国人首次采取了针对苏联的军事行动应急计划形式的初步步骤。 这些只是员工研究,而不是巴巴罗萨指令。


    值得注意的是,许多俄罗斯人——例如 M. Meltyukov、B. Sokolov、BN Petrov 等——历史学家对当时(1991 年之后)部分开放的苏联档案的研究,证实了苏联总参谋部一直在与斯大林的1939 年秋天就已经批准了对德的进攻计划。据米哈伊尔·梅尔秋科夫说,红军总参谋部在 1939 年 14 月就开始了对德作战的计划。经过修改,这个计划得到了苏维埃政权的批准1940 年 9 月 37.800 日。此外,还制定了动员计划; 它要求提供 22.000 万人、XNUMX 辆坦克和 XNUMX 架飞机。

    无论如何,尽管苏联在 1940 年夏天进行了所有挑衅和可疑行为,当德国一直在与西方列强作战时,希特勒还是批准了里宾特洛甫试图将苏联带入德国、意大利、我上面提到的日本和苏联,要面对英美威胁。 1940 年 XNUMX 月,莫洛托夫被派往柏林谈判苏联加入轴心国的条件。


    • 回复: @Incitatus
  219. L.K 说:

    PART 8

    – 从芬兰出发,佩琴加(Pechena)是芬兰在巴伦支海上唯一的港口,波卡拉-乌德(Porkkala-Udd)是波罗的海上战略位置的半岛,控制着芬兰湾的入口。
    – 位于卡特加特海峡和斯卡格拉克海峡丹麦一侧的海军基地,控制着北海和波罗的海的出入。
    – 来自南斯拉夫的亚得里亚海海军基地。
    – 来自希腊的塞萨洛尼基港口的海军基地。
    – 来自罗马尼亚的南布科维纳省,这是喀尔巴阡山脉的战略立足点,用于控制进入 Ploesti 油田的通道。
    – 保加利亚(!)与苏联签订联盟条约,将保加利亚纳入苏联势力范围。
    – 来自博斯普鲁斯海峡和达达尼尔海峡的土耳其(!)基地。
    – 来自波斯湾的伊朗(!)基地。
    – 将巴库-巴统线以南的领土(伊拉克和伊朗以北的土耳其东部)转移到苏联势力范围(!)。
    – 从日本放弃其在北萨哈林省的石油特许权。 尽管苏联有足够的石油供国内消费和出口国外。

    希特勒和德国官员感到困惑。 他们努力与莫洛托夫解决问题,但无济于事。 莫洛托夫不断提醒德国人,如果没有苏联的战略原材料,德国不可能战胜西方盟国。

    历史学家 H. Magenheimer 写道,莫洛托夫的策略相当于敲诈勒索,如果德国希望作为一个大国生存下去,这些要求是不可能满足的,并强化了希特勒和其他德国领导人的印象,即苏联确实构成了长期严重的对德国的威胁。 这样的要求远远超出了德国以换取斯大林“良好行为”的任何期望。

    历史学家 J. Hoffmann 写道,对于当时处于生存斗争中的德国来说,受到这种挑衅性要求的打击,客观上,德国人只有两种选择:屈服于苏联的征服或战斗。

  220. L.K 说:

    PART 9
    直到 1940 年 21 月莫洛托夫访问完全失败后,巴巴罗萨第 18 号指令才于 1940 年 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日启动。


    然而,德苏关系继续恶化。 德国人后来通过秘密渠道发现,英国政府对与斯大林结盟非常感兴趣,南斯拉夫希望苏联对德国采取行动,苏联对德国对罗马尼亚的保证感到愤怒,非常在考虑开战。

    1941 年春,在莫斯科和德国敌人英国的煽动和间接支持下,南斯拉夫发生反德政变危机,对德国在巴尔干地区的地位和该国的石油供应构成了严重威胁,最终巩固了德国的地位。希特勒的心思需要进攻苏联。一些历史学家认为,正是在 1941 年 XNUMX 月初,希特勒坚定了进攻的决定。

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  221. German_reader 说:
    @Boris N


    • 回复: @Boris N
  222. @Avery


    • 哈哈: L.K
    • 回复: @Avery
  223. L.K 说:

    PART 10
    俄罗斯历史学家 M. Nikitin 是众多得出与苏沃洛夫类似结论的俄罗斯历史学家之一,他在苏联档案中研究了苏联领导层的目标,特别是 1941 年 XNUMX 月至 XNUMX 月期间的目标,他将自己的发现总结如下:

    “我们再次重申,苏联的基本目标是将‘社会主义阵线’扩大到最大可能的领土范围,最好是包括整个欧洲。 在莫斯科看来,情况有利于该计划的实现。 德国对大陆大部分地区的占领,徒劳无功的战争,被占领土人民日益不满,国防军在各个方面的分散,日美冲突的前景——所有这些因素都是认为给苏联领导人一个独特的机会,以突然袭击粉碎德国,并将欧洲从“腐烂的资本主义”中“解放出来”。
    尼基金补充说,档案资料加上红军的大规模军事进攻准备“明确证明了苏联领导人在 1941 年夏天进攻德国的意图”。设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    苏联陆军少将、功勋卓著的老兵彼得·格里戈连科 (Pyotr Grigorenko) 指出,1941 年苏联军队的数量远远超过德国军队,而就在 22 年 1941 月 XNUMX 日德国进攻之前,一半以上的苏联军队都在该地区比亚韦斯托克附近和以西,即波兰占领领土深处的地区。 格里戈连科写道:“这种部署只能是合理的,前提是这些部队是为了发动突然进攻而部署的。 一旦敌人进攻,这些部队很快就会被包围。”


  224. geokat62 说:





    不,如果 KJU 是理性的,他应该坚持下去……否则,他就可以和他的政权吻别了。

    • 回复: @Art
  225. Incitatus 说:



    荣誉!从来没有怀疑过你拥有它! Ein Reich、Ein Volk 等等!











  226. Avery 说:




    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  227. Avery 说:

    而在第11部分中,新希特勒修正主义者将讨论著名的斯大林格勒* Schweinhunden化肥厂,在那里大约700,000万轴心国入侵者被砍碎并磨成肥料,其中包括大约400,000万个Schweinhunden,这是最好的肥料材料。


    斯大林格勒位于柏林以东约 3,000 公里处,位于德国腹地深处 栖息地.

  228. Incitatus 说:



    你断言(#64)协约国对第一次世界大战负有责任,并用陈腐的“围堵德国人”和“法国复仇主义”的胡言乱语。然后添加了乏味的道德等价物,旨在说德国有权攻击法国,因为后者可能对 1-5 年被击败和强奸(占领、1870 亿法郎赔款、领土损失)感到不满。

    面对军事年表(#98),你无法解释为什么德国入侵卢森堡、中立的比利时和法国,也无法提供邪恶协约国如何下令德国入侵的细节。你代替 “没有精力对付你。这是维基……(粘贴,粘贴)。”

    没有对粘贴的“施利芬计划”做出任何解释,该计划是由德意志帝国总参谋长、陆军元帅阿尔弗雷德·冯·施利芬于 1905 年制定的。一项侵略性的战争计划,将集结90%的帝国军队,在六周内通过卢森堡和比利时从侧翼进攻中入侵并击败法国,然后向东攻击俄罗斯(在此之前受到盟友奥匈帝国的遏制)。当俄罗斯从日本的失败中恢复过来时,事实上的德国学说。

    没有提及威廉德国与腐朽的哈布斯堡王朝奥匈帝国之间长期(1866年、1881年、1908年)的密切联盟。前者的军国主义或1848年后民族主义对后者日益增加的威胁。这个联盟不是对邻国构成威胁吗?找不到合适的 Wiki 段落来剪切和粘贴? “没有精力”?

    您的维基百科“25 月 29 日俄罗斯开始动员……”似乎是假的。请提供网址。可靠消息来源将俄罗斯(预防性)动员日期定为 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日,同一天奥匈帝国开始轰炸贝尔格莱德。第二天,俄罗斯开始全面动员。

    没有提及协约国多次试图化解危机(26月28日、29月5日、XNUMX月XNUMX日)——均被德国拒绝。更重要的是,没有提及威廉 XNUMX 月 XNUMX 日向奥匈帝国大使拉斯洛·索根-马里奇伯爵(“空白支票”)发表的战争言论,“如果不利用目前这样有利的时机,[我们]将会感到悲伤” 。





    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  229. alan2102 说:
    @Bruce Marshall

    嗨,布鲁斯。我并没有怀念 70 年代早期的东西。但这不是我的想法。从那时起,包括近年来至今,拉鲁什时而疯狂的言论,以及他的组织时而疯狂的行为,注定了它的无能和无关紧要。是的,他们在某些方面是有先见之明的。我说过他们在许多重要的事情上都是正确的,我是认真的。再说一次:这确实是一种耻辱,这么多高智商的人,他们的心在正确的地方,将他们所有的精力投入到这场注定不会有任何进展的微运动中。如此多的美好潜力,都被浪费了。我为失去的精力和善意感到悲痛,它们迫切需要转化为富有成效的途径。

  230. Njguy73 说:
    @Boris N




    • 回复: @German_reader
    , @Boris N
  231. Avery 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty


    既然你对自己根据@UNZ.com 的帖子“诊断”海报的能力评价很高,也许你应该 得出明显的结论 并坚持到底:你知道吗,你的“真正的使命”等等?

    想象一下可能性:Bovine 博士,精神病学和远程诊断医学博士。

    为什么要在这里浪费你宝贵的时间@UNZ ‘智慧’。

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  232. 尽管霍克飓风是由木材和织物制成的,但它击落的德国飞机比喷火战斗机还要多。飓风似乎更容易使用并且拥有更好的武器装备。两架飞机都有不同的优点和缺点,并且应该以某种方式利用它们,但事情往往并非如此。


  233. @L.K


  234. @Avery


    • 回复: @Avery
  235. Avery 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty


    Bovine 博士的另一项出色的远程诊断

  236. Avery 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty



    牛肉蛋糕 -> 牛:明白了吗?

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  237. @L.K

    Bogdan Musial,“ Kampfplatz Deutschland,斯大林斯·克里格斯普莱恩·根根·韦斯特恩”,柏林,2008年

  238. @L.K

    沃纳·马瑟(Werner Maser)。 德·沃尔特布鲁赫(Der Wortbruch)。 希特勒,斯大林与祖维特·韦特里格,《 2007年塞尔顿》
    维尔纳·马瑟(Werner Maser),《慕尼黑,德国与德国的希特勒与斯大林的法尔雄》,慕尼黑,2004年

    马塞尔在其中一本书中解释说,当莫洛托夫于 1940 年底访问柏林时,他向希特勒明确表示,他现在处于斯大林的摆布之下。

    • 回复: @L.K
  239. @Avery


    • 回复: @Avery
  240. Avery 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty


    和我的 '事情' 动物只是我的事 你们俩 谷仓的朋友们。
    我挖出了非常合适的描述符 施魏因猎犬 对于你的新希特勒修正主义德国朋友来说,当他无缘无故地开始侮辱我时,已经有一段时间了,而且已经有好几条线索了。

    因此,Bovine 博士


  241. “我们只需要踢门,整个腐烂的结构就会崩溃。” 巴巴罗萨行动前的希特勒。 不是有人真的相信他正在对一个压倒性强大的苏联进行先发制人的打击。 在希特勒的世界观中,苏联是一个由少数布尔什维克犹太人统治的亚人斯拉夫苦工帝国。 如果法国能在几个月内被征服,对于种族优越的德国人来说,天空就是东方的极限。 或者他是这么想的。
    1941 年,第三帝国以外不相信针对布尔什维克游牧民族自卫的言论,第三帝国重申这些言论是其宣传的一部分,事实上,当年大多数外部观察人士都预计苏联会迅速崩溃,正如希特勒显然所做的那样。
    “巴巴罗萨是自卫”的论调,除了是希特勒式的修正主义外,实际上还与今天一些乌兹别克斯坦评论员谴责的“俄罗斯偷走了美国大选”和“俄罗斯是敌人”的比喻有关。 俄罗斯是万能的敌人,所以希特勒只是在这个学派中为自己辩护。 出于同样的原因,北约必须在华沙条约解体很久之后扩大,因为,你知道,否则俄罗斯人将在他们的靴子上出现雪时出现在伦敦和巴黎。 这是哪里 我的奋斗 满足“对更大的北约的需求”。 谁知道呢,也许今天的纳粹分子是由北约自由支配基金资助的。 面具于 2014 年及之后在乌克兰滑落。

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  242. Art 说:









    ps 拯救朝鲜人民就需要杀死他们——这是愚蠢的。

    • 回复: @geokat62
  243. Talha 说:








    乔纳森(Jonathan Revusky)




  244. @Incitatus


    尽管 LK 和我都广泛引用了公认的权威历史学家的观点,并且您满足于通过提出“生产它们”来证明您的论点,您声称您“很乐意”这样做,尽管缺乏证据,但我说,我我确信你是绝对正确的。








    • 回复: @Incitatus
  245. anon • 免责声明 说:


    • 回复: @Avery
  246. Avery 说:



    或者你是想说 “感谢真主” or ‘真主至大’,维吾尔族Türkoğlu?



    游牧土耳其人污秽声称的一切 '土耳其' 被游牧野蛮人从土著、久坐的、高级文明中偷来的:亚美尼亚、波斯、亚述、希腊……



    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  247. German_reader 说:


  248. Incitatus 说:


    遗憾的是,你继续(在你的#64之后的第三轮)回避回答协约国如何命令奥匈帝国攻击塞尔维亚,以及德国如何入侵卢森堡、中立的比利时和法国。这是否意味着你没有解释,没有线索?可以理解。遗憾的是,维基百科的发展也仅限于此。询问LK 我的哀悼。

    我们的交流涉及威廉德国和第一次世界大战。你介绍了“英国……控制了地球大约四分之一的地区……纳粹”、“彼得和叶卡捷琳娜大帝……世界上最大的陆地帝国……纳粹”、“德国人,而且只有德国人应对美洲印第安人的屠杀负责……纳粹” ”,拿破仑“是德国双重间谍……腐烂的纳粹分子。”

    精彩的!疯狂的遮羞布旨在掩盖你无法证实你最初的主张(#64 - 德国并没有真正发动1914年的侵略战争)?









    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
    , @ThreeCranes
  249. iffen 说:




  250. @Avery


    • 回复: @Avery
  251. @Uebersetzer

    希特勒的这句话很可能只是虚张声势,但这与他对斯拉夫人或国防军能力的看法无关。客观上,苏联对德国的意图显然是敌对的,沿着边境排列的明显进攻性阵地的部队规模也是如此(LK 的帖子巧妙地证明了这一点)。无论德国多么期待对“劣等”斯拉夫人进行扩张,他们都面临着需要立即采取行动的具体威胁。

    • 回复: @Avery
  252. @Incitatus


    在 19 世纪的英国、法国和俄罗斯等国家的坚定、正直、坚定的灯塔下,偷偷地、匿名地、阴险地、勤奋地无聊,肮脏的泡菜——尽管他们相对无能为力——却成功地让整个文明世界建立在它的基础上。耳朵。

    肮脏、恶毒、恶毒、腐烂的匈奴人。被所谓民主西方的政治机器炮制的宣传所诽谤(正如杰出的军事历史学家,英国将军 JFC Fuller 所指出的),这些政治机器需要煽动和激起其平静的民众对西方的仇恨。大恶棍,诉诸迄今为止前所未有的诽谤性宣传,使敌人完全丧失人性。其结果是在两次世界大战期间和战后数百万德国公民遭受饥饿、谋杀和屠杀。


    • 回复: @L.K
  253. Logan 说:



    我认为中亚在前几个世纪确实非常重要,但全球海洋运输的发展绕过了中亚,并使中亚陷入贫困。通过陆路将物品从中国运到欧洲的成本可能比通过水路高出 50 倍或 100 倍。


    • 同意: German_reader
  254. Avery 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    {再次,用动物比喻。 }

    [匿名说:10 年 2017 月 9 日晚上 03:XNUMX GMT '……不邀请亚美尼亚人 ……”]

    而且相当丰富,考虑到你的手柄包含前缀“牛肉”,你知道 - 反刍动物。



    • 巨魔: L.K
  255. Avery 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty


    希特勒和他的纳粹团伙公开宣布的一切都是,引用, ‘咆哮’ “无关紧要”.

    {(正如 LK 的帖子巧妙地证明的那样)。}



    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
    , @Anon
  256. L.K 说:


    除了歇斯底里的反德宣传之外,inZitatus 的主要任务之一就是否认/最小化强大且有据可查的犹太复国主义权力结构(远远超出了 AIPAC)对 ZUSA 外交政策及其可怕的反人类罪行的巨大影响……令人震惊……


    “德国军事战略 1940-45:Führungsentschlüsse、Hintergründe、Alternativen”

    施特劳斯的《Unternehmen Barbarossa und der russische Historikerstreit》。

    正如 D.Michaels 所说:






    “一本非凡的书。这是一个迟来的重磅炸弹,其中包括苏沃洛夫自 1990 年以来所做的非常相关的新研究和发现……。没有一个‘新俄罗斯’历史学家能够与他精湛的研究和分析相媲美。”


  257. @Incitatus

    You keep going on about the Schlieffen Plan and the mystery of why the Hun invaded Belgium. I thought that that was obvious so didn’t bother answering. It’s been 35 years or so since I read Tuchman’s The Guns of August but I believe she laid out the rationale fairly plainly in a chapter called “his sleeve shall brush the coast” or something to that effect.

    The Schlieffen plan was designed to prevent the right wing of the German Army from being attacked en flank by some combination of the Belgium, French and British Armies. No mystery here. Every army takes steps to prevent this whether through anchoring its wings by geographical features such as rivers, swamps or mountains or by secure allies and as Tuchman so memorably reminded us, the plan was to wheel about such that the last man on the far right wing of the German Army would literally advance along the beach of the English Channel.

    Belgium had the misfortune to have happened to be situated between two big countries. Fighting stallions don’t worry much about stepping on groundhogs during the melee. Armies fight. That’s their job. Murdering civilians isn’t. Nighttime bombing of worker’s suburban homes was an unprecedented break with the rules of warfare as it had been practiced in Europe for centuries but as a non-European I suppose you wouldn’t know that.

    Why did the British feel compelled to interfere in a dispute between Germany and France to begin with? And why in WW2 did Britain feel compelled to interfere in the quarrel between Germany and Poland?

    The real reason is that Germany, now industrialized, was threatening to take away Britain’s foreign markets. Of course in the end, Britain lost most of those markets anyway because they were/are neither as proficient nor as efficient as the Germans when it comes to making stuff. Britain would neither allow the Germans to gain markets at her expense nor expand to acquire enough territory for Germany to become self sufficient.

    See, just as I said, “hemmed Germany in”.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Incitatus
  258. @Avery

    Clearly you have some kind of bio-chemical imbalance. Please, get back on your meds.

    • 回复: @Avery
  259. Avery 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Bovine 博士的另一项出色的远程诊断

    (psssst, dude, come up with something new next time: that '药物' trope is getting worn out from repetition.)

  260. Rurik 说: • 您的网站


    ..the Holodomor, but the extent and intention of that are a subject of serious debate. (Somewhat like the holocaust, eh? 😉

    I don’t think so Robin, I consider the Holodomor kind of like the genocide of the Amerindian off the N. American continent; an historical fact. It was deliberate, not a consequence of the Ukrainian peasant farmer’s folly.

    But that there are many who would lie about it seems obvious. These two events are presented to us through the jaundiced prism of the victors of that evil war. The Holocaust mythos is used as a justification of the demonization of the Nazis (and all Germans for all perpetuity) to justify what was done to Germany, both before, during and particularly after the war was “over”. The Holodomor is negated to promote the idea that the Soviets were not the sadistic monsters that they obviously were.

    That there are obvious motivations to lie about those two events seems, well.. 明显,不是吗?

    what do you suppose the Western history books (and Hollywood movies and pop culture) will say about the destruction of Iraq and Libya and the genocide of Palestine in the years and decades to come?

    They will tell lies in order to “justify” the myriad and copious zio-crimes that are responsible for both world wars, and all the wars being waged today by the zio-west on Israel’s enemies.

    However, the disaster – mass starvation due to bad policy and planning – affected the entire Soviet Union, most specifically the agricultural areas that were deprived for the benefit of the industrializing cities.

    total bullshit Robin. Not true. The “agricultural areas” were not deprived to benefit the industrializing cities, unless you consider making an example of the most successful farmers in the region by deliberately starving them to death by the millions, as a way of benefiting the cities by terrorizing the most able people under your Satanic domination into subservient submission.

    I’m sure there was a city dweller somewhere, (Stalin for instance), who materially benefited by the terrorization of the people suffering under the Soviet yoke, so in context, I suppose you have a point.

    But the genocidal starvation of the Ukrainian peasant farmers was not due to a continent or region-wide famine, but rather a concentrated, state sponsored program to remove from the Ukraine all their grains and livestock so as to watch them slowly starve to death.

    I’ve heard it said that the Satanic scum who use starvation to slowly torture people to death, like that method for three reasons. It’s cheap, it’s humiliating, and it’s excruciating.


    • 回复: @byrresheim
  261. Rurik 说: • 您的网站




    it isn’t about hard-core communists Talha, but rather ancient and current tribal resentments and hatreds.

    the reason people hate and demonize (and froth and drool) over Hitler, isn’t because they hate what he did generations ago, but rather because they hate what he represented: proud, unapologetic white, Western culture, values, but mostly proud, erect, ascendant and unapologetic white *人们*. ((horrors!))

    The reason people are still rhetorically fighting that war is because they’re not satisfied with German prostration and penance for Nazi crimes, and a repudiation of the white, Aryan people as superior, and ascendant, but rather what they demand is that the white, Aryan man must have his face mashed into the mud, and perpetually humiliated, to the point of paying for his own replacement in his own ancient lands. 电子邮件和短信 why they screech Hitler!! Nazis!!! ~ Not because they’re worried that Hitler’s legions are going to come out of the grave and take over Poland, but rather because they want to put a permanent (non-Aryan) boot upon the necks of all Germans (in particular and white nations in general) so that they can feast upon the carcass of a civilization in drastic decline; so guilted by decade after decade of Jewish opprobrium, hatred and vengeance, that they’ll continue to keep rolling over and wallowing in self-loathing as the orcs ravage their lands and their children off the planet for all eternity. Ending once and for all the excruciating envy these people suffer by looking at what Western civilization makes them all feel by comparison.


    Indeed, this is the reason Trump’s speech in Poland has received so much hand-wringing and vitriol. Because he mentioned Western civilization and the will of its people to persevere.

    It is this will of the West to survive that is the very thing all the “Hitler!!” screechers are terrified over. They’ve had the West under their boot for so long, feasting on its dying carcass, that the idea that it might lumber back to life, with Trump and Putin as its champions, has them soiling their knickers.


    • 回复: @Art
    , @Talha
  262. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Why is it that only German invasions of other places are necessary, while when France or England do it it becomes villainous? How come Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, unlike Hitler’s, doesn’t get to qualify as French necessity, or Britain’s seizure of Gibraltar as British necessity?

  263. Art 说:

    the reason people hate and demonize (and froth and drool) over Hitler, isn’t because they hate what he did generations ago, but rather because they hate what he represented: proud, unapologetic white, Western culture, values, but mostly proud, erect, ascendant and unapologetic white *人们*. ((horrors!))


    在过去 1,000 年里,他杀害的白人比任何人都多。


    It is 100% for sure that Hitler is NOT a hero of the white race. People who use government to make war on others are BAD people – period.


    PS:我可以建议艾萨克·牛顿(Isaac Newton)作为白人英雄。

    • 同意: German_reader
    • 回复: @Talha
    , @L.K
    , @Rurik
  264. @Anon

    Were Russian forces massing to attack France?

    The issue isn’t so much that Germany deserves a pass while Britain doesn’t, it’s the fact that Britain’s historical record of violence and conquest far exceeds anything Germany has been realistically accused of. Britain should be held to a different standard.

    • 回复: @Avery
    , @Anon
    , @Philip Owen
  265. Talha 说:


    the reason people hate and demonize (and froth and drool) over Hitler

    I think it’s both. I know when I went to visit my in-laws in Sweden, including my wife’s grandfather who had served in the Swedish navy during the war, they were still pissed off at the Germans for WW2. And Germany never even fought these guys. So I can imagine people like the Poles being pretty pissed at both Germany and Russia.

    Now as far as constantly beating the Germans over the head for being Nazis any time they assert some kind of a sentiment that is in their national interest (and yes, this means as ethnic Germans), then see my comment #173.


    • 回复: @Rurik
  266. Talha 说:

    May I suggest Isaac Newton as a hero of the white race.


  267. L.K 说:




    “过去 1,000 年来,他杀害的白人比任何人都多。”

    这确实是一个非常愚蠢、虚假的漫画书级别的说法。今天在战争方面发生的许多事情都是由那段时期传播的谎言促成的。尝试了解一下……甚至在战争结束后不久,一些美国和英国的历史学家就开始质疑官方的宣传叙述,比如 H. Elmer Barnes 教授、D. Hoggan、A. j. P. Taylor 等。尝试一下。





    • 同意: SolontoCroesus
    • 回复: @Art
    , @SolontoCroesus
  268. @Anon

    British troops would have landed in Belgium and flanked the German army. Or French troops would have marched up there and done the same. Once the Germans decided to march, invasion of Belgium was automatic.

    If a man steals your property and tries to starve you are you justified in striking back?

    What I am trying to do is to point out that the behavior of Germany had antecedents. Hitler did not make the decision to bomb London until England had bombed German civilians. England bombed Hamburg to smithereens. The decision to use incendiary bombs was made with an eye towards killing as many civilians as possible. We know this because of access to British General staff material declassified in the 1970’s.

    You and the French and the English want to deny that you…..ah, f*ck it. You’ll never own your behavior. What’s the point of trying to get narcissistic people like you to acknowledge your own culpability. You are sociopaths; protesting your innocence as you systematically scheme to deny other people their right to the same license that you grant yourselves. I honestly don’t believe you’re any better than the least evolved Nazi and in many respects, worse.

    At least national socialism (note, small n and s) granted its people some measure of employment security, health insurance, old age pension, labor union recognition and representation in negotiations and so on. Bismarck first and Hitler later had a far more compassionate attitude towards their people than the English or American elite had and has for theirs.

    There is a reason that all the Nordic countries who adopted the national socialist platform have evolved into the best places to live. Socialism not as a world revolutionary party as Stalin and his meddlesome cronies had it, but as a social safety net for one’s own co-nationals seems to be a reasonably successful program and has been adopted by the most progressive parties of many nations.

    The truth is that the British and Americans couldn’t allow a nation like Germany to succeed with such social-ill-ameliorating programs in place. It would have set a bad precedent and given their workers an example to emulate. For demonstrating an alternative to the cruelly-indifferent capitalism of Britain and America, Germany had to be crushed.

    For the same reason, Germany and the Nordic countries today must be swamped with unassimilable free riders, the ultimate effect of which will be to bankrupt the central governments and so destroy the social safety net. As Milton Friedman said, (paraphrased) “You can have open borders or you can have a workable social safety net, you can’t have both”. The Oligarchs are not so ignorant as to not know the truth of this. Destroying the security of labor everywhere is the whole point.

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Incitatus
    , @jacques sheete
  269. Avery 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty



    但纳粹德国人和他们的轴心国盟友在 1941 年集结入侵苏联,并确实开始入侵。
    [3.8万人员。 3,350辆坦克。 2,770 架飞机。 7,200门火炮](来自维基百科)

    “我们只需要踢门,整个腐烂的结构就会崩溃。” 希特勒,巴巴罗萨行动之前。




    另一个 不定期。

    • 回复: @L.K
  270. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Well, Britain had a bit of a head start. I think if you consider their records from 1870 onwards (so post-unification) there isn’t so much of a discrepancy. Still, you have a point.

    I’m not sure what you mean by a “different standard”. By what you say it sounds like you mean Britain should be held to a 降低 标准,但我批评的是英国和法国似乎坚持更高的标准。

    • 回复: @L.K
  271. Rurik 说: • 您的网站


    but I wasn’t doing that Ace, I was simply pointing out why those that froth about Hitler! and Nazis! under the bed, are doing so. Pointing out how pathetic they are, is not the same as romanticizing Hitler, no?

    在过去 1,000 年里,他杀害的白人比任何人都多。

    his hubris and mistakes were catastrophic, I agree


    our civil Christian culture is a direct representation of our blood. Culture is nothing more or less than the earthly, mortal expression of our DNA. If you took ten thousands Swedes out of Sweden, and raised them in the Congo with zero ties to their native culture, in three generations they’d be building marvels among the mud huts. And philosophizing about the heavens, and their place in it. Conversely if you took ten thousand Congolese and raised them in Switzerland, in three generations they’d be raping each other and turning the place into a giant Detroit.

    Isaac Newton as a hero of the white race.

    he was a superlative genius, and visionary, but for a hero of the white race, I’d take the man I just mentioned on another thread; Charles [The Hammer] Martel.

    for a man or women to be a hero to and for his people, he has to be willing and able to 战斗 对他们来说

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Bliss
  272. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    You are sociopaths; protesting your innocence


    Why did I even bother? Inc the Wonder Horse was right. I was wrong when I said he was on Planet Anti-Germania. I was wrong to try to forestall one of his insult-laden rants in an attempt to get a reasonable conversation going. Mea culpa; mea culpa; mea maxima culpa.

    PS. I did get an actual response to my post from Beefcake, so maybe it was worth doing after all.

  273. Rurik 说: • 您的网站


    still pissed off at the Germans for WW2. And Germany never even fought these guys.

    just like they’re pissed off at the Russians today for doing absolutely nothing to harm or even threaten them in the slightest. The Swedes it seems, are genetically more sheep-like than most, and seemingly willing to believe whatever their masters of the day tell them.

    I know a little poem that some friends used to say.. ‘Ten thousand Swedes, running through the weeds, chased by one Norwegian’.

    I told some Norwegian guys once that I heard a similar version as ‘一个 thousand Swedes, running thought the weeds, chased by one Norwegian’.

    and without missing a beat, they told me, ‘ah, that’s the Swedish version’.

    anyways, all the Swedish virtue signaling vis-a-vis Nazis and Russians is nothing more that the braying of sheep who’ve watched their televisions with a proper sense of Swedish do-goodism.

    people like the Poles being pretty pissed at both Germany and Russia.

    if they’d had allowed a corridor to Danzig, they may have avoided the war altogether. Hubris to go around.

    But I suspect that the propaganda in Poland is no different than the load of horse manure they’ve force fed us all here in the West, so anything they believe wouldn’t surprise me too much.

    what saddens me is that there seems to be no lessens learned from that horrible war, as the grandchildren of the Poles who fought the Nazi and Soviets are again being driven to a war that the grandfathers of the today’s international bankers foisted on Europe back then, and are doing it all over again.

    For the Poles to install kosher NATO missiles aimed at Russia- are certainly the dumbest of the dumb, since Soviet Russia is a thing of the long dead past. And they’re being used again as a chump of the banksters to start a regional war.

    perhaps the there’s a reason they call them cattle


    • 回复: @Talha
  274. L.K 说:

    “我认为,如果你考虑一下他们从 1870 年起(也就是统一后)的记录,就不会有那么大的差异。”

    哦,但是……从 1870 年到 1945 年,大英帝国卷入的战争比德国多得多。

  275. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    May God have mercy on us all if any subsequent generation of Germans rises in rage and tries to make the world pay for the humiliations and scorn they have had to endure for something they had nothing to do with.

    not just Germans Talha, but I know a few modern day American white men who’ve just about hit the brick wall with being blamed for every failure and foible of the black race and others.

    there is a simmering beneath the veneer of civilized pleasantries.

    ‘blacks and browns can’t be racist!’ even as they sucker-punch your grandmother in a knockout game because she’s white and frail. It’s not racist they say, because ‘all white people have all the power, even the ones on the street without a penny to their name. Bashing them in the face because they’re white is not racism!’

    and this mantra is hissed from the length and breath of the politically correct, liberal media 24/7, until one day….

    the ‘racist white boogey man’ they all fear and loath and bash day after day, night after night, just might make his appearance.


    • 回复: @Talha
  276. Talha 说:


    ‘blacks and browns can’t be racist!’

    Oh hell yes they can! My daughter shuts that nonsense down when she hears it in her high school. Of course, she is white, but she gets a non-white pass because she is (and dresses) Muslim.

    just might make his appearance

    Like I said – may God have mercy on us all.

    My personal feeling is that it should be publicly just as completely socially unacceptable to insult whites as it is for other people.


  277. Talha 说:


    genetically more sheep-like than most

    Don’t know about that bro – they certainly were some of the baddest thuggs on the European continent for a good long time – you’ve heard of the Vikings and Normans, right? 🙂

    And they’re being used again as a chump of the banksters to start a regional war.

    Yeah – I honestly think Poland is really stupid to sign up to be the trip-wire for a cataclysmic war between Russia and the US – especially when Russia’s right frickin’ in front of them! Hello guys – you’re not exactly Portugal!


    • 回复: @Anon
  278. Art 说:

    “过去 1,000 年来,他杀害的白人比任何人都多。”


    官方统计二战中有 55,000,000 人死亡。他们是说只有 25,000,000 人死亡吗?

    Oh’ – that is a lot better.

    Why keep the subject alive? I give the “six million lie” as much trouble as I can. I do not want to keep WWII or Hitler alive. It only helps the Jew matrix.

    We must keep our focus on the current day Matrix – while we fiddle with WWII – the Jew are stealing everything dear to us.


    • 回复: @L.K
  279. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Vikings and Normans, right?

    Danes and Norwegians, no doubt. ( 🙂 of course )

    • 哈哈: Talha
  280. Art 说:


    but I wasn’t doing that Ace, I was simply pointing out why those that froth about Hitler! and Nazis! under the bed, are doing so. Pointing out how pathetic they are, is not the same as romanticizing Hitler, no?

    My mistake – I read you words wrong – I apologize — Art

    • 回复: @Rurik
  281. @ThreeCranes

    The Russian Empire was a tribute taking Empire on Spanish lines. The North West Europeans were traders. Both sides profit from trade, even if not to the same degree. Russia could have had a Silk Road in the 18th Century if the rulers had thought in terms of trade rather than taking India from Britain by force.

  282. @Beefcake the Mighty


    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Beefcake the Mighty
  283. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    some of the baddest thuggs on the European continent for a good long time –


  284. 这是胡说八道。

    The Silk Road died because ships carry more cargo more cheaply than a camel.

    The Emma Maersk carries 150,000 tonnes. A train on Russian Railways carries 2,000 tonnes.

    And unlike, say Russia, Britain has no trouble maintaining a Commonwealth despite few economic advantages for its members. One the whole, their imperial experience was an improvement on previous times.

  285. @Joe Levantine


  286. @Digital Samizdat

    Britain was campaigning for general disarmanent and basically disarmed itself. Hardly preparation to put Germany in its place. A big but old navy (Great in Czechoslovakia), a tiny out of date army and a tiny out of date airforce except for fighter planes with a very fast climb rate. Perfect for defence. Even then the first Spitfire was produced after Munich. The first long range bomber was in 1942. Churchill was an advocate of preparation for war but he was a disregarded has been at the time.

  287. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    oh no problem Art!

    and for what it’s worth, only because of the one-sided version of history that we’ve all been beaten over the head with from every text book and every movie made since we’ve all been alive, I’m rather sympathetic to LK’s attempts to correct the record when he sees the glaring errors in it.

    But I also don’t consider any attempt to resurrect the reputation of Adolf as remotely positive.

    There are too many Slavs and Jews and others who lost loved ones in that terrible war, for Hitler’s memory to ever resonate as anything but wrong headed….

    ..but then, sometimes I wonder, what is it going to take for Europe to get off its knees and stop sucking Jewish **** and regain their dignity, and perhaps the only thing that will do it is when England and France are on their last legs before every single woman and child has been gang raped, and their mayors are all Asians or Middle Easterners or Africans, before they say ‘fuck it, guy was right! And the Jews really do want us all dead or enslaved’

    so I don’t know the answers to these convoluted and pressing questions ..

  288. Anon • 免责声明 说:
    @Philip Owen

    How did you read “famine” into “violence and conquest”?

    This though you are of course right, considering the immediate post-Raj. Questions have been raised, however, regarding British actions resulting in the prolonging and worsening of the great Bengal famine of ’43, and I believe it is the prevailing view, in India at least, that the Indian Government at that time was in many respects at fault.

  289. @Philip Owen

    布尔什维克掌权之前,俄罗斯就已经发生过饥荒,那么谈论苏联人如何利用饥荒作为政治武器是否就没有意义了呢?你想说什么? (我还可以参考 1943 年的孟加拉饥荒,这场饥荒是英国人为了镇压印度民族主义而策划的,轴心国提出愿意帮助缓解这场饥荒(但遭到了拒绝)。)

    • 同意: L.K
    • 巨魔: Wizard of Oz
  290. L.K 说:

    Art:“官方统计在二战中死亡人数为 55,000,000 人。他们是说只有两千五百万人死亡吗?”






    嗯,我试过了! 🙂


    • 回复: @Art
  291. Art 说:

    God bless Tucker Carlson – on his Fox show (NY 8 pm) he just kicked the ass of a warmongering US x-military matrix man.

    The matrix man accused Tucker of being a traitor for suggesting we should work with Russia and Syria in fighting ISIS.

    Tucker would have nothing of it. It was great!

    The show repeats at 11 pm on Fox cable.


  292. L.K 说:

    精神病院住院医师艾弗里:“但是纳粹德国人和他们的轴心国盟友在 1941 年集结入侵苏联,并且确实开始入侵。”


    正如我所说,许多俄罗斯历史学家都得出了这个结论。 《Unternehmen Barbarossa und der russische Historikerstreit》第 103 页:

    从一开始,斯大林就认为与德国的战争以及苏联对德国的征服。 为此,斯大林集中在苏联作战进攻部队的西边界,在坦克,飞机和大炮方面,它们比国防军强五至六倍。


    • 回复: @Avery
    , @jacques sheete
  293. Incitatus 说:

    Congratulations TC! Ever-more inventive evasion, projection, and tortuous red-herrings. All covering failure to substantiate your Entente-at-fault revisionism and “all nations…should own their dark side” moral equivalency (#64). Which you served to Avery with the admonishment “read the history.” Thank goodness you’ve read book-of-the-month-club favorite Tuchman, fascist Fuller and Wiki. A great accomplishment. Little wonder you “don’t have the energy” 了解更多信息。

    1914 wasn’t a leadership moment for any European nation, ensnared by suicidal alliances. But only two issued ultimatums, refused diplomacy, and pulled the trigger. Austria-Hungary and Germany. You airbrush that out the record. Why?

    “…Germans caused all that nasty stuff…dirty krauts–in spite of their relative powerlessness–nevertheless managed to set the entire civilized world upon its ear.”

    Projecting demeaning epithets onto me? Why? Prove it (quotes please). If Germany was “powerless” why did they invade other countries? Why did they refuse diplomacy? Why (before war) did they goad rotten Austria-Hungary to war? Did they consider themselves “powerless?”

    “…preeminent military historian, British General J.F.C. Fuller”

    Boney Fuller? Embracer of the occult, magic, mysticism, Mosley, and fascism? Special guest at Hitler’s 50th birthday parade in Berlin (20 Apr ‘39)? You’re desperate! Thanks for not mentioning Henry Elmer Barnes (yet).

    “The result was starvation, murder and slaughter of millions of German citizens during and after both world wars.”

    Tragic indeed. Hate to be tiresome, but why (both wars) did Germany invade other countries? Germans were and are a wonderful, highly accomplished people. Were they led by criminally incompetent leaders? Leadership that did everything possible to evade responsibility and (in Hitler’s case) ordered their destruction out of spite in ‘45? Just a thought.

    You don’t mention the “starvation, murder and slaughter of millions” of victims of Germany. Any tears for them? Apparently not:

    “Belgium had the misfortune to have happened to be situated between two big countries. Fighting stallions don’t worry much about stepping on groundhogs during the melee.”

    Kind of “hemmed in” TC? Why didn’t Belgium invade her neighbors? Oh, I forgot. Belgium was a “groundhog” fit only for trampling by a German stallion. That makes it OK. Might makes right. Never mind the 25 Aug ‘14 sack of Leuven, the intentional burning of the priceless medieval library, destruction of 2,000 civilian dwellings, expulsion of the entire population (10,000 souls). To say nothing of routine reprisal executions by occupation forces.

    The WW1 Belgian civilian butcher’s bill was about the same that you lament for Germany. The latter lost ±763,000 civilians (1.18% population) to disease and famine. Neutral Belgium lost about the same ratio (1.16%). But 28% of them were killed in military action and reprisal executions – i.e. rounded up and shot. The remaining 72% died from famine and exposure after the intentional arson of their dwellings.

    Serbia won the death lottery. 17.8% of it’s civilians died. 27.8% of it’s population (including military kia) perished. France lost 4.4%. Total deaths in the German Reich? 4.3%.

    What do you think TC? Serbia lost nearly a third of total population. Still want to play ‘who’s the biggest victim’ when it isn’t Germany?

    “You have drunk deeply of the bloody Kool aid Insinceritas. I think that murder suits you. You relish it; revel in it.”

    Please provide quotes affirming your assertion.

    Trapped in a Teutonic Twilight Zone? Take heart. L.K’s also unable to explain how leaders of (poor victim) WW1 & WW2 Germany were tricked into invading other countries by evil, insidious democracies.

    You both believe in Wilhelmine and Nazi Germany’s right to invade other countries, murder civilians, burn cultural treasures, let innocents die of exposure, etc. Law of the jungle. You weep for German loss, but shed no tears for German victims. You blame victim countries for “Dirty, malicious, malignant, rotten” bias you feel justifies German aggression and murder. Blaming the victims. A novel strategy! Who’s drinking ‘kool-aid’?

    Ponder this TC. 9 Sep ‘14 – Von Moltke (Jüngere) writes his wife “Things have not gone well. The fighting east of Paris has not gone in our favor, and we shall have to pay for the damage we have done”; He is alleged to have told Wilhelm II “Majesty, we have lost the war.” 38 days have past since Germany invaded Luxembourg. Though Germany knows it’s lost, the war goes on for another four years, killing millions. Von Moltke, beset with health concerns, resigns as chief of staff 25 Oct ‘14 and is replaced by General Erich von Falkenhayn. Erich, another outstanding nitwit, masterminds the Battle of Verdun in 1916 and manages to kill 600,000 (half of them his own men) for absolutely nothing before he too, is dismissed.

    TC, you and L.K seem akin to Ludendorff and Hindenburg, who blamed their own failure (and willingness to see millions of Germans slaughtered) on others. Or exiled Willie (who blamed WW1 on Freemasons and Jews in ‘26).

    You’re the worst nightmare of modern Germans, or any free people. Unable to substantiate lazy assertions, invoking partisan invective and clumsy projection. All hiding incompetence. Same song Ludendorff lamely chirped.

    I’ll end with a simple restatement of a long repeated question. Why (1914 & 1939) did Germany invade other countries? Simple question. Can you answer? Don’t bother with the ‘hemmed in,’ ‘everybody hated Germany,’ ‘Germany sufferred greatly’ (they did, but so did their victims), ‘FDR and Churchill planned war.’ Tell us why German leaders launched war and gambled normal German lives and the Vaterland.

    If you claim law of the biggest “stallion” versus “groundhogs” explain why any should care about Germany trampled by a bigger stallion.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  294. L.K 说:

    有趣的是,俄罗斯历史学家 IV Pavlova 和 VL Doroshenko 对二战的看法......

    ……新西伯利亚大学的历史学家对战前局势进行了一项重大修正主义研究。这次学术研讨会的结果于1995年XNUMX月发表。 俄罗斯历史学家 IV Pavlova 在她的研讨会文稿中直言不讳地说,几十年来,共产党历史学家努力将第二次世界大战的背景、起源和发展,包括斯大林 1939 年 XNUMX 月的演讲,埋在一堆谎言之下。


    “另一位参与学者,VL Doroshenko, 称,新证据表明“斯大林挑起并发动了第二次世界大战”。 多罗申科建议斯大林及其政权应该在纽伦堡接受审判,并继续解释道:

    ……不仅仅是因为斯大林帮助了希特勒,而且因为这场战争符合斯大林自身的利益。 首先,是因为他拥有在欧洲夺取政权的总体目标,其次,是因为摧毁了波兰并接管了加利西亚,这具有直接的优势。 但是斯大林最重要的动机是战争本身……欧洲秩序的崩溃使他有可能在整个欧洲建立独裁统治。

    为此,斯大林暂时希望不参加战争,但只是打算在最有利的时机加入战争。 换句话说,不侵略条约释放了希特勒的手,并鼓励德国发动战争[波兰]。 斯大林签署该协议时,他已经下定决心要废除该协议。 从一开始他就没有打算不参加冲突,相反,他打算在最有利的时刻直接参加战争。

  295. Avery 说:




    • 哈哈: L.K
  296. Art 说:

    今天在战争方面发生的许多事情都是由那段时期传播的谎言促成的。 (二战)

    The main falsehood, the most important one, the one that is materially relevant to today’s events – is the Jew Matrix “six million lie.”



    • 回复: @L.K
  297. @Incitatus

    Your post reads as though you took my (and a couple of other’s posting here) comments along with some scribblings from your diary, a pint of gin, a couple of bennies, pages torn randomly from the American Heritage History of the World War I and II and fed them into a shredder and pasted the resulting confetti together into a collage that expresses the inner architecture of your demented mind.

    Level off, man. Steady on now. Find your pulse. Breathe rhythmically. Now synchronize your breathing with your pulse. Count the beats as you breathe in and out.

    You need to give up cigarettes and booze. You’re all out of breath, in panic mode. No one’s trying to hurt you. We’re just trying to get the facts straight. We’ve all been exposed to programming by experts who have refined their skills as Public Relations Professionals. We must break their hold on our minds and the only way to do that is to listen to others.

    Your anxiety is normal. This is what deprogramming feels like. But trust that you will survive and make it through and come out a better, less neurotic person for it.

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  298. Sam J. 说:

    The basic gist of the “Silk Roads” is the same as “The Geographical Pivot of History”.


    There’s only one problem with it. It’s wrong. The GPOH claims anyone that controls the heart land controls the world. Well that may have at one time been true but not now. Sam J.’s theory, “Who ever controls low Earth orbit controls the world” is the correct theory presently.

    It takes about the same energy to get to low Earth orbit as to fly something from LA to Australia so if you build something that can be easily reused and fueled you can easily own low Earth orbit. Once in orbit you can go just about anywhere.

  299. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    Don’t forget, though, that Stalingrad was only a sideshow. The 真实 issue was of course Afghanistan.

    (not entirely serious)

    • 回复: @Talha
  300. Talha 说:

    Heh – Stalingrad – heh…

    • 回复: @Avery
  301. L.K 说:






    • 回复: @Art
  302. Anonymous [AKA "rish"] 说:
    @richard warren


  303. Art 说:


    我看过 1930 年可怜的老希特勒的精彩演讲。他只是被误解了而已。





    • 回复: @L.K
    , @Rurik
  304. L.K 说:




  305. @L.K



  306. Incitatus 说:

    “If a man steals your property and tries to starve you are you justified in striking back?”

    Luxembourg, Belgium and France were German “property” in 1914? “Strike back” meaning the first strike – launching aggressive war?

    “…the behavior of Germany had antecedents. Hitler did not make the decision to bomb London until England had bombed German civilians.”

    Wilhelmine Germany invented aerial bombing of civilians Jan 1915. 51 bombing raids, more than 5,000 bombs dropped on the UK by Aug 1918. Guernica ‘37, Warsaw ‘39, Rotterdam ‘40. Antecedents?

    “The decision to use incendiary bombs was made with an eye towards killing as many civilians as possible.”

    37 年的格尔尼卡、39 年的华沙、40 年的鹿特丹? 纳粹使用燃烧弹。 多尔夫的火灾是否人道? 39 年华沙屠杀的波兰平民和 45 年德累斯顿的德国人一样多。 为他们流泪吗?

    “The truth is that the British and Americans couldn’t allow a nation like Germany to succeed with such social-ill-ameliorating programs in place. It would have set a bad precedent and given their workers an example to emulate. For demonstrating an alternative to the cruelly-indifferent capitalism of Britain and America, Germany had to be crushed.”

    The US and UK invaded countries and launched wars? Slip into the Teutonic Twilight Zone again?

    “At least national socialism (note, small n and s) granted its people some measure of employment security…a far more compassionate attitude towards their people than the English or American elite had and has for theirs.”

    Plus the “compassionate” benefit of serving as cannon fodder invading neighbors and the “employment security” of eternal rest in a foreign cemetery.

    Don’t forget the great uniforms! One for everyone. Postal Worker, Tax Inspector, Street Sweeper, Ditch Digger, Lavatory Attendant, etc. Nothing better than feeling part of the group! Oh, for the days of the Pickelhaube, Stechschritt and Hitlergruß! Sauerkraut and Schnitzel for all!

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  307. Incitatus 说:

    Ah, TC! Master of hollow banter, ad hominems and bogus projection. You’re really clever, aren’t you?

    Still unable to explain why (1914 & 1939) Germany invaded other countries in ‘14 and ‘39? Simple question. Can’t answer? Without the silly ‘Entente forced them’, ‘Germany was hedged in’, ‘everybody hated Germany’, ‘Germans suffered greatly’, ‘Germany was a big stallion’ bit?

    “We’re just trying to get the facts straight.”


    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
    , @ThreeCranes
  308. @Incitatus

    Where on earth did you get the impression that Germany started WW1?

    And Germany’s “invasion” of its neighbors in WW2 was acknowledged even by the British as its legitimate right to reclaim territory that had been stolen from it by the Treaty of Versailles.

    Go back and read some of the posts by others above. They will help educate you about the role of various players in the drama.

    I am not an apologist for Hitler yet I won’t fall into the cognitively and emotionally simple ploy of blaming him and him alone for the tragedies of the 20th century.

    I spoke of owning one’s dark side and this seems to be particularly relevant to you. As Carl Jung said, “The brighter the light you bathe yourself in, the darker the shadow you cast.”

    You seem to be relatively unsophisticated and have little capacity for self-reflection so let me help you understand what he is saying.

    When we assume the mantle of unblemished, righteous Virtue we immediately, in a Hegelian fashion, implicitly put others in a bad light–even though we are not aware of doing so. The Tao Te Ching teaches us the same lesson. It is a mechanism, a principle of the Universe. That’s why there is a light and dark side to the yin/yang symbol.

    For Jung, the Shadow we cast was the unexamined dark side of our nature. Because it is at odds with the good we see in ourselves, we don’t want to acknowledge it, look into it and least of all, own it.

    But you cannot advance as a human being–or as a nation–if you don’t have the courage to look at the negative you create just by living. And this applies to Germany, Nazis, Americans, neutral Swiss and Swedes.

    Every living being lives by killing and eating. Don’t pretend you’re not a murderer just because some proxy kills and slaughters your beef for you or that your not a polluter because someone else pumps your oil for you. You’re a murderer, a meat eater, a consumer and you cast a shadow.

    During the war the American and British Armies and peoples committed atrocities as well. Only a child or a fool would deny that. It’s not condoning his behavior to see your enemy with some compassion, to realize that he suffered some injustice at your hands.

  309. @Incitatus

    Guernica was exaggerated by communist propaganda. Warsaw and Rotterdam were front-line, hardened targets ancillary to the main military objectives and their bombing was legal. The bombing of civilian centers far behind the front by heavy bombers was completely different and initiated by the British, not the Germans.

    • 回复: @Incitatus
  310. Rurik 说: • 您的网站


    我看过 1930 年可怜的老希特勒的精彩演讲。他只是被误解了而已。


    while I agree with you vis-a-vis Hitler’s racial arrogance, with his talk of Aryans and ‘lebensraum’, it’s also important I think to look at Hitler’s (and Nazi Germany’s) antics with a sense of history, and the enormities that were visited upon Germany by the monstrous treachery and betrayal after Germany laid down their arms at the end of WWI. Seduced by Wilson’s (now infamous) ‘Fourteen Points’, Germany behaved nobly and trusted the allies to act in kind, only to be stabbed in the back, so to speak, and starved into slavery and destitution.

    When you look at how Germany behaved once it had regained it’s dignity under Hitler, from the perspective of history, their actions make more sense, even if ultimately tragic. But then it seems like Hitler and the Nazis never really grasped the netherworld malice that the world holds for those whom they envy, as today Germany and Germans discover they will ultimately be doomed to slow genocide by the forces of global envy and hatred.

    But my main point (I know, I know, get on with it already!)… is that IMHO, neither the exaggerations of the Holocaust or the treachery of the world wars are what should occupy our efforts are getting to the truth, but rather 9/11 是门票 to freeing the planet from the devil’s death grip.


    Americans are tossing their children into Moloch’s sacrificial fires, because they’re lied to.

    if we could but reach them and show them that they’re handing over their children to a murderous and treasonous, demonic ZUS government, perhaps the dominoes will one day fall and the hundredth monkey will open his eyes.

    WWII and the Holocaust are ancient news for millennials, who couldn’t care less. But with 9/11, all the proof of their lies are as glaring as a YouTube video. Something tells me even now, that Larry Silverstein has (and needs) more security details than Donald Trump. And that’s a start!

    • 回复: @L.K
    , @Art
  311. @ThreeCranes

    well said, and thank you for insights from Jung and Tao Te Ching; I know very little about those teachings.

    I do recall a lecture by Joseph Campbell in which he explained the difference between Amerindian prayers of thanks to the buffalo before it was killed to provide sustenance and shelter/clothing for humans, and other traditions who felt it was their right to kill animals.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
    , @ThreeCranes
  312. @SolontoCroesus

    We are all literally “afraid of our own shadows”. And rightfully so. Our shadows are the part of ourselves we lock in the closet.

    When you take a walk in the wild you notice that you are surrounded by silence. All the animals have gone quiet because they know your shadow. Through long experience with humans, animals are instinctively aware of our murderous, meat-eating propensity.

    And as every naturalist, hunter or landscape painter knows, if you can just sit quietly for any length of time the animals will resume their normal lives and you will be rewarded with membership in a novel community.

    We don’t think of our behavior as casting a shadow because we’re too busy laying plans and licking our chops. But a good hunter, one who kills his own game, is aware of his shadow. A person who has never killed an animal and then eaten it is, in a sense, a baby. Sort of like that big overgrown monster with the baby face in the Mad Max movie. By killing an animal and eating it you come face to face with your own shadow. Defending your children from harm will do the same.

    Growth, from there, is largely unconscious.

    One night you step through a door into the Void. If the shadow frightens us, the Void outright terrifies us.

    But it is the Void between the Sun and the Earth that allows light to reach us.

    The messenger comes from the Void.

    • 回复: @Talha
    , @jacques sheete
  313. Talha 说:


    I recently spoke to a Muslim teacher who had gone vegetarian for the last few months – some of this was due to health reasons and some due to not wanting to eat meat produced by anything other than absolutely impeccable humane and organic standards (also halal hand slaughtered) – a combo which is very difficult to find. I asked him how it had affected his spiritual state – he said he could clearly feel the difference. He mentioned one incident where he passed by some trees that had had their branches cut and he said he could feel their pain.

    Really profound stuff.

    We should definitely not be consuming so much meat that we have to set up these crazy oppressive agri-business monoliths to supply it.


  314. @SolontoCroesus

    Jung thought that there was a personal Consciousness and a Collective Consciousness; a personal Unconscious and a Collective Unconscious. The Individual is connected to the group in the same way as a mushroom is to mycelium. The Individual is the fruiting body of the deeper organism.

    As an individual consciousness develops in the world, it is thrown off its trajectory by various obstacles, some foreign, some internal. Through a homeostatic mechanism, the greater Wisdom embedded in the individual’s Collective Consciousness and Unconscious would try to restore equilibrium by calling the individual back to his Center.

    The Self (the larger Whole that includes all parts of the individual) does this by sending messengers to the Ego ( ordinary consciousness). Because the Self comes from somewhere prior to and of a deeper fundamental nature than the Ego, the Self cannot communicate to the Ego using mere words. It must use symbols, the type of cryptic messages we receive in dreams.

    Because all humans go through similar life stages, the messages are delivered to the Ego by characters as in the cast of a drama. So, to give some examples, there is a Trickster, A Wise Elder, a Totem Animal, The Shadow, The Anima, (our female counterpart if you’re a male and vice versa if you’re a female), a Twin and so on. He found that these characters cropped up repeatedly in his patient’s dreams. He called them Archetypes.

    This biological and psychic urge towards wholeness lies behind our affinity for Mandalas like the Rose Window of the Chartes Cathedral, the Swastika, and other Wheel of Life symbols.

  315. @Incitatus

    You equate Germany’s treatment of the Belgium Army with the Allies’ deliberate starvation, rape and massacre of innocent German civilians during and after the War. Are you arguing that the German Army deliberately massacred Belgium citizens? Prove that.

    We Europeans fight under what we call the Rules of War, not always perfectly, but the rules are there. I suspect that you are not European and so don’t fully grasp this. I am of European extraction and I hold my countrymen to the standards that history has passed on to us. Union and Confederate Armies did not practice random genocide in the countryside as they passed through, though they did help themselves to pigs, corn, and chickens because Armies march on their stomachs. Some Armies have tried to recompense the civilians whose farms were raided and their commanders prohibited pillaging.

    Maybe of more concern to you; the execution of many Jews in Poland by the SS took place behind the battle lines and was in response to Jewish resistance attacks on German supply lines which killed German soldiers. Fine. War is Hell. But if a civilian takes up arms, they cannot then claim to be innocent and undeserving of retribution.

    This is why thinkers such as Sartre wrote short stories about the resistance and used it as the fulcrum of their analysis of the modern world. If you decide to resist then you are a combatant. If comrades of the soldiers you murdered come to your village and demand that the perpetrators give themselves up and if the village shields them then the foreign Army will have the citizens draw lots and punish villagers by random chance. Innocents will die, but as Camus observed, in guerrilla war, there are no innocents. Vietnam drove that point home. All armies (and good, loyal citizens of occupied countries) have wrestled with the same moral dilemma.

    By many accounts, the Germans waged a more civilized war than the Allies. At the start of the war, their submarines allowed Allied sailers time to abandon ship before sinking their mother vessel and so on. When Britain began bombing civilians, those policies were abandoned.

    You’re absolutely correct that Germans mistreated Poles and Jews and that’s because they had convinced themselves that those two groups lay outside the classification of people who were protected by the umbrella of civilized treatment. In short, they were outsiders. The Germans felt that neither Semites nor Slavs belonged in Northern Europe. Let the Slavs have southeastern Europe and the Jews have the Mediterranean. Part of this can be blamed on the Depression which wiped out the savings of the German Middle Class. People were desperate and therefore intolerant. In tough times the outsider is driven out. That’s life. The moral to be drawn is that when your host asks you to leave then maybe you’d better go. I predict that Islamic people in Europe will be taught the same lesson within fifty years.

    • 回复: @Anon
  316. Incitatus 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    All sides inflated claims in propaganda. Including Germany. Big surprise.

    不确定“前线、顽固的 [纳粹] 目标”中的平民受害者是否比 45 年德累斯顿悲惨的受害者更能感受到被烧死或被炸死的感觉。 包括 150,000 年 200,000 月至 44 年在华沙遇害的 XNUMX-XNUMX 名波兰平民。 糟糕,忘记了。 这是“合法的”,因为它是“军事目标”。

    What made German and Soviet invasions of Poland ‘39 “legal”? Law of the jungle? Justice met by winning? Doesn’t the same justify Dresden Mar ‘45? Collapse of civilian confidence and régime support make it “ancillary to the main military objectives”? Just a thought.

    I mourn all the victims. Don’t think any war is legal. Always surprised when someone parses history to legitimize the defeated (especially if they started the conflict). Or victor, for that matter.

    “The bombing of civilian centers far behind the front by heavy bombers was completely different and initiated by the British, not the Germans.”

    Was the UK “far behind the front” when Germany invented and initiated aerial bombing Jan 1915-Aug 1918? Think Germany would have hesitated for a moment in ‘39 if they had heavy bombers (Halifax’s, Lancaster’s, B-24s, B-17s and ample incendiary production? Germany bet on close air support (superb JU-87s) for surprise invasions. Dorniers and Heinkels were insignificant. Blame Göring.

    Even when they had a good thing (ME-262), Hitler hog-tied production as a light fighter-bomber.


  317. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    What made German and Soviet invasions of Poland ‘39 “legal”?

    You are here confusing 在战斗中, which was at issue, and jus ad bello, which was not. Likewise the accurate comparison of the bombardment of Warsaw is not to the bombing of Dresden, but to something more like the Soviet bombardment of Berlin in 1945.

    To steer the conversation back to the subject of the article: why did no Power bombard Afghanistan?

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  318. Anon • 免责声明 说:

    The moral to be drawn is that when your host asks you to leave then maybe you’d better go.

    In what way were Poles and Jews in Poland “hosted” by Germans?

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  319. @Anon

    A. As we all know, Poland was handed some of Germany by the Versailles treaty.

    B. As I said above, Hitler, in his infinite wisdom, thought of all Poles and Russkies as Slavs whom, he believed, didn’t belong in Nordic Europe. Of course, not all Poles are Slavs but Hitler was a fairly provincial man who didn’t travel a lot so he didn’t know any better or didn’t care because all he wanted was a big country just like America.

    The USA had showed the way by exterminating the native population and Hitler thought that Germany could do just that as well. Unfortunately, his neighbors were not really Untermenschen like Native Americans and so the so-called civilized world reacted in horror at his program. Poles and Jews being nearer to them on the phylogenetic scale and all that; you know the way empathy works.

    Hitler strategic mistake lay in thinking that the Brits, as brother criminals in arms, would back him in his quest to build an Anglo/Saxon Empire. But the Brits already had an empire to protect and as I said above, were not interested in allying themselves with a nation that implemented ameliorative social labor reforms that occupy a political place between their, the British brand of Oligarchic Capitalism and Soviet-Jewish Bolshevism.

    This may come as a surprise to many people, but Hitler (following in Bismarck’s footsteps) was a moderate and his progressive-for-their-time social policies have since become the norm in most Western democracies.

    If only France hadn’t ceded that strip of land separating Danzig from Germany to Poland, then history would have been different. Alas, but for the the petulance of Frenchman and perfidy of Albion….

  320. Wulf 说:
    @Che Guava

    理解英语 reboludo 吗? 你的阅读理解能力需要一些磨练,朋友。

    也许下次你会阅读整个评论两遍,并让其理解至少 5 分钟,然后再侮辱同意你观点的完全合理的评论者?


  321. @Incitatus

    This is just ridiculous and evasive, although I do agree with you that war IS a crime. German bombing of England in World War 1 was limited to military and port targets. The Warsaw uprising in 1944 has nothing to do with your original point I was replying to, which was the beginning of the war in 1939. (And for the record I have never denied that the Germans did commit crimes in the course of the war in the East, only that these were exaggerated.) And of course you do not dispute my main point, that area bombing of purely CIVILIAN centers (i.e. with no objective beyond terror) in World War 2 was initiated by the British, NOT the Germans.

  322. Incitatus 说:

    “我的杯子溢出来了。”我整个人都发麻了更疯狂的堆肥蔓延避免了简单的答案。 TC 变得陈旧?



    讨论了该线程上的多个帖子。你的64, 103, 253, 262, 268, 308, 320。我的(98, 235, 258, 304, 319。你无法反驳事实。鱿鱼般的反应掩盖了自命不凡的愚蠢。旨在逃避证实你的#的废话64(协约国负责第一次世界大战)。




    “I spoke of owning one’s dark side and this seems to be particularly relevant to you. As Carl Jung said, “The brighter the light you bathe yourself in, the darker the shadow you cast.”


    “当我们披上无瑕疵、正义美德的外衣时,我们立即以黑格尔的方式含蓄地给他人带来了不好的印象——尽管我们并没有意识到这样做。 《道德经》也给了我们同样的教训。它是宇宙的一种机制、一种原理。这就是为什么阴/阳符号有光明和黑暗的一面。”



    But there’s more – your patronizing epistle #327:
    “你把德国对待比利时军队的方式与盟军在战争期间和战后蓄意饥饿、强奸和屠杀无辜德国平民等同起来。 ”



    显然你太忙于荣格疗法了。报复性处决是第一次世界大战历史上既定的事实。 1名比利时平民因此被派遣。另外还有 23,700 人死于暴晒和饥荒(这并不奇怪,因为德国人烧毁了平民住宅,导致数千人无家可归)。


    我在这个帖子中没有提到“波兰的犹太人”、“党卫军”、“犹太人抵抗运动”。为什么要引入TC这些科目?巨魔?你的 #327 继续暗指萨特、支点和:

    “…Germans waged a more civilized war than the Allies…as Camus observed, in guerrilla war, there are no innocents…You’re absolutely correct that Germans mistreated Poles and Jews and that’s because they had convinced themselves that those two groups lay outside the classification of people who were protected by the umbrella of civilized treatment. In short, they were outsiders.”



    附言。你好,S2C。很高兴听到你接触到了你敏感的一面。仍在等待 45-46 年纽伦堡酷刑的消息来源。不要让我失望!

    • 回复: @L.K
    , @anarchyst
  323. L.K 说:

    鲁里克:“二战和大屠杀对于千禧一代来说是古老的新闻,他们根本不在乎。但在 9/11 事件中,他们谎言的所有证据都像 YouTube 视频一样明显。”


    我也不太确定千禧一代是否关心 9/11……有多少人甚至知道第三座没有被飞机击中的建筑,就像在受控拆除环境中一样倒塌了?

    ZUSA 中很少有人知道或关心。


    一切都很重要。我第一次意识到全息骗局/二战谎言,这反过来又让我对其他事件更加怀疑,包括 2-9 骗局。


    • 回复: @anarchyst
    , @Rurik
  324. L.K 说:




    inZitatus 对 Solonto 说:“仍在等待你的消息来源,以了解 45-46 年纽伦堡的酷刑。”


    正如我所说,霍斯的证词完全是无稽之谈,原因是该男子是被折磨得“认罪”的。我怎么知道?一方面,霍斯本人在行刑前写下了这件事——他受到了英国人和波兰人的酷刑——而且,因为英国出版了一本书,其中包含主要酷刑实施者的名字,一位英国中士,以及施刑者描述了霍斯被捕的情况以及他所遭受的酷刑。这本书是鲁珀特·巴特勒 (Rupert Butler) 于 1983 年出版的《死亡军团》。



    ……一行人于凌晨三点左右回到海德。雪还在飘扬,但胡斯身上的毯子被撕掉了,他被迫赤身裸体穿过监狱院子,走进牢房。 (第 237 页)
    因此,伯纳德透露“花了三天时间才从 [Höss] 中得到连贯的陈述”(同上)。肯·琼斯先生在《雷克瑟姆领袖》的一篇文章中证实了这一承认。 (17,1986 年 1945 月 6 日):肯·琼斯先生当时是驻扎在石勒苏益格-荷尔斯泰因州海德[e] 的第五皇家骑兵炮兵团的列兵。 “当他拒绝配合询问他在战争期间的活动时,他们把他带到了我们这里。他于 XNUMX/XNUMX 年冬天来到这里,被关在军营的一间小牢房里。”琼斯先生回忆道。另外两名士兵被派往琼斯先生身边,与霍斯一起进入他的牢房,帮助把他击倒接受审讯。 “我们和他一起坐在牢房里,日日夜夜,手持斧柄。我们的工作就是每次他睡着的时候刺激他,帮助打破他的抵抗力。” 琼斯先生说。
    ……克拉克的供述是在英国军事安全部门的恶霸们所描述的条件下,在军士兼翻译伯纳德·克拉克的残酷启发下获得的,成为霍斯的第一份供述,原始供述的索引号为 NO-1210。


    • 回复: @Incitatus
  325. L.K 说:

    我应该补充一点,霍斯并不是一个孤立的案例。类似事件发生过好几起。例如,英国记者艾伦·摩尔黑德 (Alan Moorehead) 描述了英国接管后贝尔森集中营中一些人员的待遇:[A. Moorehead 的文章,“贝尔森”,载于:西里尔·康诺利 (Cyril Connolly) 编辑,《黄金地平线》(The Golden Horizo​​n),第 105 页– 106.]

    当我们接近党卫军看守的牢房时,[英国]中士的语言变得凶狠。 “今天早上我们接受了审问,”船长说。 “我担心它们的景象不太好。”……警官打开第一扇门,……大步走进牢房,用一根金属钉刺在他面前。 “起来,”他喊道。 “起床。起来吧,你们这些肮脏的混蛋。”地板上躺着或半躺着六个人。一两个人立刻就站了起来。离我最近的那个人,他的衬衫和脸上都溅满了血,他尝试了两次,然后才跪下来,然后逐渐站起来。他站着,双臂伸在身前,剧烈地颤抖着。
    “快点。起来,”中士(在隔壁牢房里)喊道。那人浑身是血地倒在地上,身材魁梧,脑袋沉重,胡须脏兮兮的……“你为什么不杀了我?”他低声说道。 “你为什么不杀我?我再也受不了了。”同样的话语一遍又一遍地从他的嘴里流出来。 “他整个早上都在说这句话,这个肮脏的混蛋,”中士说。

  326. L.K 说:

    通过 Jacques Sheete,我看到了犹太裔美国经济学家和历史学家 Murray Rothbard 的这篇优秀文章:

    “...... 整个关于希特勒和日本人的神话在当时和现在如此盛行,从头到尾都是一连串的谬论。 这个噩梦般的证据中的每一块木板要么完全不真实,要么不完全真实。


    这正是让像 inZitatus 这样的人惊慌失措的原因。

    “修正主义的任务就是穿透这些表面现象和表象背后的严酷现实—— 现实表明,在本世纪,美国、英国和法国这三个伟大的“民主国家”在煽动和发动侵略战争方面比任何其他三个国家都糟糕。 认识到这一真理对于当前的情况具有不可估量的重要性。”

    –默里·罗斯巴德(Murray Rothbard),《第二次世界大战的起源》回顾,1966年

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  327. @L.K

    It’s no use L.K, you can’t get through to him. He’s armored himself with faux Virtue.

    He keeps going on about the loss of lives in Belgium and asks what “right” the Germans had to invade Belgium in 1914 as though war were something to be debated by lawyers before the first stone is thrown in anger. He has a legalist’s mind.

    Had Britain not stuck her nose in, WW1 would never have occurred. There would have been a brief war between Germany, Russia and France; it would have been settled in a year and the continent would have returned to peace. But Britain’s intervention turned it into a “World” war. Same with WW2. Both wars would have been regional contests and that would have been that. Neither Britain nor the United States had any business interfering in Continental disputes.

    当然,如果德国 赢了 WW1, Incivitas would not argue on behalf of poor Belgium but rather on behalf of Germany. His schtick can only work in a setting in which the side he takes is the prevailing Law Of The Land–else his argument has no traction. He would be in Belgium’s face demanding reparations to be paid to the Nazis for loss of lives and property due to Belgium’s resistance. As a legalist he is a shameless opportunist. Standing upon Law gives him the sense of upholding What is Right and this allows him to shield his own selfish motives from himself as he advances his personal agenda. This is the Shadow at work. He blinds himself to his personal gain by shining the white light of Virtue upon his endeavor.

  328. anarchyst 说:

    It is interesting to note, that on the 50th anniversary of the June 8, 1967 deliberate Israeli attack on the USS Liberty (GTR-5), NOT ONE MAJOR MEDIA OUTLET commemorated the event–not even a small “blurb”… Usually, the 50th anniversary of ANY event is mentioned…not so for this deliberate act of war…
    This is PROOF that the “tribe” OWNS the media…

  329. anarchyst 说:

    My Polish friends who lived through WW2 described the Germans as very polite and professional. When there were German troop movements, an officer would go door-to-door to politely advise the occupants to stay indoors until the troops passed through. There were even individual acts of kindness demonstrated by German troops.
    Of course, the gentile Polish people had no problem “ratting out” the communist commissars who were primarily jews…

    • 回复: @Avery
  330. Avery 说:

    {My Polish friends who lived through WW2 described the Germans as very polite and professional.}

    Wow: that is quite a revelation.

    Did your alleged ‘Polish friends’ also describe the 智能化 as, quote, ‘polite and professional’?. You know, the 该AKTION that murdered about 100,000 Polish élites (i.e. intelligentsia, teachers, priests, physicians, et al.)?

    Maybe the murders were carried out politely and professionally by Nazi Germans?

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  331. anarchyst 说:

    Nope…the murders were carried out by Bolshevik communists (not ordinary Russians). It is interesting to note that the Katyn massacre perpetrated by the Bolsheviks resulted in an unusual collaborative effort between the Germans and the Allies. There is a certain amount of denial by the Allies, who did not want to demonize the Bolsheviks, but were forced to by the evidence and by the participation of the International Red Cross…you see, it was jewish Bolsheviks that committed the massacre…

    • 回复: @Avery
  332. Avery 说:

    {….…the murders were carried out by Bolshevik communists}

    智能化 was carried out by Bolsheviks in 1939-1940?
    I didn’t know Nazi German 别动队 were Bolshevik.

    Maybe there is a parallel Universe where there was another WW2, and Nazi Germans there were Bolsheviks: is that the one you are referring to?

    • 巨魔: anarchyst
    • 回复: @anarchyst
  333. anarchyst 说:

    It is obvious that you are a hasbara troll who will deflect historical FACT as it puts you Bolshevik jews in a bad light…

    • 回复: @Avery
  334. Avery 说:

    It is obvious you are insane.
    The historical FACT is that your Nazi ancestors murdered ~100, 000 Polish intellectuals.

    You are delusional: 智能化。 _was_ a Nazi operation.
    Katyn was Katyn, and Intelligenzaktion was Intelligenzaktion.

    You live in some kind of an alternative Universe.
    Your Nazi German forebears murdered ~100,000 Polish intellectuals during operation 智能化。 Murders were carried out by units of Nazi German military specializing in war-crimes, mass-murder, torture, ….such the 别动队.

    • 巨魔: anarchyst
  335. Art 说:

    But my main point (I know, I know, get on with it already!)… is that IMHO, neither the exaggerations of the Holocaust or the treachery of the world wars are what should occupy our efforts are getting to the truth, but rather 9/11 is the ticket to freeing the planet from the devil’s death grip.

    Hear hear – you have got that right – 9/11 has pushed the US totally into the 15,000,000 strong Jew Matrix camp.

    Chief Matrix man – Netanyahu said “that 9/11 would help Israel” – that is the gross understatement of the century.

    My opinion of the German people is going down – they still accept leadership dictates – taking in all those mad refugee people is crazy – they listen to Merkel like they followed Hitler. Tribalism makes people dump – period.


    p.s. I do not use the Matrix Jew “h-word” – only the “six million lie.” There is no disputing that.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  336. phil 说:
    @Godfree Roberts

    Data source please? Per Angus Maddison, Mao’s China had lower average living standards than the US in 1820. Deng Xiaoping visited Singapore in November 1978 and convened a meeting of the Politburo in December 1978 to launch the “Open Door” policy reforms. Chinese living standards have multiplied by more than 10 since that time.

  337. Bliss 说:

    our civil Christian culture is a direct representation of our blood. Culture is nothing more or less than the earthly, mortal expression of our DNA.

    This is funny considering that swedes/germanics do not even exist in the christian bible. Germanics were human sacrificing pagans for a hell of a lot longer than they have been Christians. Most of them have abandoned Christianity anyway. You look very stupid and ignorant attempting to tie religion and culture to blood and DNA.

    If you took ten thousands Swedes out of Sweden, and raised them in the Congo with zero ties to their native culture, in three generations they’d be building marvels among the mud huts. And philosophizing about the heavens, and their place in it.

    So how do you explain the inability of swedes and the rest of the germanics to create a civilization of their own for thousands of years after other races had succeeded? Swedes were christianized and civilized only in the 12th century.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
    , @Rurik
  338. @Intelligent Dasein

    I didn’t bother about this article which seemed an odd fit for UR but then read RU’s astonishing Digest note which said it had top billing for Comments. Now I have been prompted to read up a bit on the unusual Frankopans, as they have taken to calling themseves (and good for them adding a bit of gaiety to boring reality and upsetting the Association of Croatian Noblity which is not polite about their claims to a title whose successive lines had, from memory, died out five times by 1600). And I have read some reviews of the best selling book which made no mention at all of anything to support Barrett’s thesis and give it qualified approval only for accuracy and balance on the rest. Altogether a strange beast to find in this alternative media webzine.

  339. Rurik 说: • 您的网站


    I don’t think it was the lies per se. Rather it’s the liars. If you took possession today of the Federal Reserve Bank, and with that unlimited power of the purse – purchased every media outlet, every Internet outlet of consequence, every politician and every judge, inserted your people into the universities and all the ad agencies until it was your voice alone that rang out from California to Poland, and from S. Africa to Greenland, then in no time flat all those lies that were told would melt away like kosher butter in the sun, and the memes and paradigms and mantras would be yours to write into the history books.


    But you’d have to control the narrative. That’s all. Once you do, you’d be able to create a popular culture to suit your inner-most deeply held wishes and aspirations. If you wanted people to consider Israel a murderous, genocidal apartheid state, it’d be as simple as telling the truth. Something that is verboten today.

    Being as ((they)) own all of those things, from the Fed on down to who’s deciding what’s in your child’s text books, today ((they)) have that power over our culture and institutions, and that is the reality that we live in.

    But with 9/11, something so immediate and outrages and documented, I suspect that if anything does have the power to open (especially young) people’s minds, then that is it.

    They can lie like a wiz 24/7, but with videos of building’s plopping into their basements, and more and more people speaking out



    当关于 9/11 的谎言消失时,所有其他关于二战和其他所有的谎言也将消失,因为 所有 这些谎言是 所有 从锡安的同一个孔口发出。


  340. Rurik 说: • 您的网站


    My opinion of the German people is going down – they still accept leadership dictates – taking in all those mad refugee people is crazy – they listen to Merkel like they followed Hitler.

    There is irony here Art.

    The only reason the German people are going down is because they’ve been ravaged and eviscerated and hounded and demonized like no people ever since the Old Testament gloried in the genocide of Israel’s enemies (everyone ele).

    It is directly due to the ubiquitous smears of the German people as ‘Nazis!!’ and ‘racists!!’ that are causing them to lose their dignity and will to survive as a people. The Germans are a magnificent race of humans with a glorious past. They’re the engine of Europe’s economy and the pride of Europa, but they’ve been so relentlessly bashed by the ‘people of envy, malice and hate’, for generation after inglourious generation, that they’re giving up.

    They don’t have the energy to fight not only the tribe, but those of the goyem who’ve joined in on the fun of pilling on for their own personal advancement

    what ever you want to say about Hitler, he and his Nazis are all long dead. But their memory and their notoriety is now used as a weapon by the Jews to destroy anything and anyone who gets in their way. Just like the way today they compare Donald Trump or Putin = Adolf Hitler.

    It’s long past time since we play along with these people’s tiresome (and genocidal) narrative. I have to wonder, if Putin and Trump are = Hitler, was even Hitler = Hitler?

    Or is that ultimate boogey man just the expression of the ((tribe’s)) angst over being put out of total power over a people / victim / host, as was certainly the case during the Weimar regime, when the tribe lorded it over the prostrate and betrayed German people like no other.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  341. @OkieDokie

    At least Barrett’s rubbish, which would make Frankopan embarrassed to have him as a reviewer, gave me the occasion to read and question what appears to be a minor item of rubbish in your Comment. What on earth did Zionism have to do with causing WW1 – or WW2 for that matter?

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Beefcake the Mighty
  342. Rurik 说: • 您的网站
    @Wizard of Oz

    What on earth did Zionism have to do with causing WW1 – or WW2 for that matter?

    hi wiz,

    the Balfour Declaration proves that America’s involvement in WWI was a direct act of treachery on behalf of Zionism by treasonous and disloyal Jews who controlled our newspapers and others (Woodrow Wilson, et al)

    what was the end result of WWII (and the genocidal slaughter of the flower of Europa), imposed by Zionist Jews and others (FDR, Churchill)…

    … but Israel, rising out of the ashes of Europe

    here’s Charles Lindbergh’s patriotic speech on the verge of America going to WWII

    (I invite the moderators to use the “more” link:)


    Des Moines Speech:

    It is now two years since this latest European war began. From that day in September, 1939, until the present moment, there has been an over-increasing effort to force the United States into the conflict.

    That effort has been carried on by foreign interests, and by a small minority of our own people; but it has been so successful that, today, our country stands on the verge of war.

    At this time, as the war is about to enter its third winter, it seems appropriate to review the circumstances that have led us to our present position. Why are we on the verge of war? Was it necessary for us to become so deeply involved? Who is responsible for changing our national policy from one of neutrality and independence to one of entanglement in European affairs?

    Personally, I believe there is no better argument against our intervention than a study of the causes and developments of the present war. I have often said that if the true facts and issues were placed before the American people, there would be no danger of our involvement.

    Here, I would like to point out to you a fundamental difference between the groups who advocate foreign war, and those who believe in an independent destiny for America.

    If you will look back over the record, you will find that those of us who oppose intervention have constantly tried to clarify facts and issues; while the interventionists have tried to hide facts and confuse issues.

    We ask you to read what we said last month, last year, and even before the war began. Our record is open and clear, and we are proud of it.

    We have not led you on by subterfuge and propaganda. We have not resorted to steps short of anything, in order to take the American people where they did not want to go.

    What we said before the elections, we say [illegible] and again, and again today. And we will not tell you tomorrow that it was just campaign oratory. Have you ever heard an interventionist, or a British agent, or a member of the administration in Washington ask you to go back and study a record of what they have said since the war started? Are their self-styled defenders of democracy willing to put the issue of war to a vote of our people? Do you find these crusaders for foreign freedom of speech, or the removal of censorship here in our own country?

    The subterfuge and propaganda that exists in our country is obvious on every side. Tonight, I shall try to pierce through a portion of it, to the naked facts which lie beneath.

    When this war started in Europe, it was clear that the American people were solidly opposed to entering it. Why shouldn’t we be? We had the best defensive position in the world; we had a tradition of independence from Europe; and the one time we did take part in a European war left European problems unsolved, and debts to America unpaid.

    全国民意调查显示,1939 年英国和法国对德国宣战时,只有不到 10% 的人支持美国采取类似的做法。但国内外有不同群体的人,他们的利益和信仰迫使美国卷入战争。今晚我将指出其中一些团体,并概述他们的程序方法。在这样做时,我必须以最坦白的方式说话,因为为了抵消他们的努力,我们必须确切地知道他们是谁。


    Behind these groups, but of lesser importance, are a number of capitalists, Anglophiles, and intellectuals who believe that the future of mankind depends upon the domination of the British empire. Add to these the Communistic groups who were opposed to intervention until a few weeks ago, and I believe I have named the major war agitators in this country.

    I am speaking here only of war agitators, not of those sincere but misguided men and women who, confused by misinformation and frightened by propaganda, follow the lead of the war agitators.

    As I have said, these war agitators comprise only a small minority of our people; but they control a tremendous influence. Against the determination of the American people to stay out of war, they have marshaled the power of their propaganda, their money, their patronage.

    Let us consider these groups, one at a time.

    First, the British: It is obvious and perfectly understandable that Great Britain wants the United States in the war on her side. England is now in a desperate position. Her population is not large enough and her armies are not strong enough to invade the continent of Europe and win the war she declared against Germany.

    她的地理位置使得她无法仅靠航空来赢得战争,无论我们派她多少架飞机。 即使美国参战,盟军也不太可能入侵欧洲并压倒轴心国。 但有一件事是肯定的。 如果英格兰能够将这个国家拉入战争,她可以将发动战争和支付代价的大部分责任转移到我们的肩上。

    众所周知,我们背负了上次欧洲战争的债务; 除非我们在未来比过去更加谨慎,否则我们将背负本案的债务。 如果不是因为她希望她能让我们在财政上和军事上对战争负责,我相信英格兰会在几个月前就欧洲和平进行谈判,并且这样做会更好。

    英格兰已经并将继续竭尽全力让我们投入战争。 我们知道,她在上次战争期间在这个国家花费了巨额资金,以便让我们参与进来。 英国人写了一些关于使用它的聪明之处的书。

    我们知道,在当前的战争期间,英国在美国花费了大量资金进行宣传。 如果我们是英国人,我们也会这样做。 但我们的兴趣首先在美国; 作为美国人,我们必须认识到英国利益正在为将我们卷入他们的战争所做的努力。


    不难理解为什么犹太人渴望推翻纳粹德国。 他们在德国遭受的迫害足以让任何种族成为仇敌。

    任何有人类尊严感的人都不会宽恕德国对犹太种族的迫害。 但是,任何一个诚实和有远见的人今天都不会看到他们的亲战政策,而不会看到这种政策对我们和他们都带来的危险。 这个国家的犹太团体不应鼓动战争,而应该以各种可能的方式反对它,因为他们将是最先感受到其后果的人之一。

    宽容是一种美德,取决于和平与力量。 历史表明,它无法在战争和灾难中幸存下来。 一些有远见的犹太人意识到这一点,并反对干预。 但大多数人仍然没有。


    我不是在攻击犹太人或英国人。 两个种族,我都很佩服。 但我是说,英国和犹太种族的领导人,出于他们认为可以理解的原因和我们不建议他们的原因,出于非美国的原因,他们希望让我们卷入战争。

    我们不能责怪他们关注他们认为是他们自己的利益,但我们也必须关注我们的利益。 我们不能允许其他民族的自然激情和偏见导致我们的国家走向毁灭。

    The Roosevelt administration is the third powerful group which has been carrying this country toward war. Its members have used the war emergency to obtain a third presidential term for the first time in American history. They have used the war to add unlimited billions to a debt which was already the highest we have ever known. And they have just used the war to justify the restriction of congressional power, and the assumption of dictatorial procedures on the part of the president and his appointees.

    The power of the Roosevelt administration depends upon the maintenance of a wartime emergency. The prestige of the Roosevelt administration depends upon the success of Great Britain to whom the president attached his political future at a time when most people thought that England and France would easily win the war. The danger of the Roosevelt administration lies in its subterfuge. While its members have promised us peace, they have led us to war heedless of the platform upon which they were elected.

    In selecting these three groups as the major agitators for war, I have included only those whose support is essential to the war party. If any one of these groups–the British, the Jewish, or the administration–stops agitating for war, I believe there will be little danger of our involvement.

    I do not believe that any two of them are powerful enough to carry this country to war without the support of the third. And to these three, as I have said, all other war groups are of secondary importance.

    When hostilities commenced in Europe, in 1939, it was realized by these groups that the American people had no intention of entering the war. They knew it would be worse than useless to ask us for a declaration of war at that time. But they believed that this country could be entered into the war in very much the same way we were entered into the last one.

    They planned: first, to prepare the United States for foreign war under the guise of American defense; second, to involve us in the war, step by step, without our realization; third, to create a series of incidents which would force us into the actual conflict. These plans were of course, to be covered and assisted by the full power of their propaganda.

    Our theaters soon became filled with plays portraying the glory of war. Newsreels lost all semblance of objectivity. Newspapers and magazines began to lose advertising if they carried anti-war articles. A smear campaign was instituted against individuals who opposed intervention. The terms “fifth columnist,” “traitor,” “Nazi,” “anti-Semitic” were thrown ceaselessly at any one who dared to suggest that it was not to the best interests of the United States to enter the war. Men lost their jobs if they were frankly anti-war. Many others dared no longer speak.

    Before long, lecture halls that were open to the advocates of war were closed to speakers who opposed it. A fear campaign was inaugurated. We were told that aviation, which has held the British fleet off the continent of Europe, made America more vulnerable than ever before to invasion. Propaganda was in full swing.

    There was no difficulty in obtaining billions of dollars for arms under the guise of defending America. Our people stood united on a program of defense. Congress passed appropriation after appropriation for guns and planes and battleships, with the approval of the overwhelming majority of our citizens. That a large portion of these appropriations was to be used to build arms for Europe, we did not learn until later. That was another step.

    To use a specific example; in 1939, we were told that we should increase our air corps to a total of 5,000 planes. Congress passed the necessary legislation. A few months later, the administration told us that the United States should have at least 50,000 planes for our national safety. But almost as fast as fighting planes were turned out from our factories, they were sent abroad, although our own air corps was in the utmost need of new equipment; so that today, two years after the start of war, the American army has a few hundred thoroughly modern bombers and fighters–less in fact, than Germany is able to produce in a single month.

    Ever since its inception, our arms program has been laid out for the purpose of carrying on the war in Europe, far more than for the purpose of building an adequate defense for America.

    Now at the same time we were being prepared for a foreign war, it was necessary, as I have said, to involve us in the war. This was accomplished under that now famous phrase “steps short of war.”

    England and France would win if the United States would only repeal its arms embargo and sell munitions for cash, we were told. And then [illegible] began, a refrain that marked every step we took toward war for many months–“the best way to defend America and keep out of war.” we were told, was “by aiding the Allies.”

    First, we agreed to sell arms to Europe; next, we agreed to loan arms to Europe; then we agreed to patrol the ocean for Europe; then we occupied a European island in the war zone. Now, we have reached the verge of war.

    The war groups have succeeded in the first two of their three major steps into war. The greatest armament program in our history is under way.

    We have become involved in the war from practically every standpoint except actual shooting. Only the creation of sufficient “incidents” yet remains; and you see the first of these already taking place, according to plan [ill.]– a plan that was never laid before the American people for their approval.

    Men and women of Iowa; only one thing holds this country from war today. That is the rising opposition of the American people. Our system of democracy and representative government is on test today as it has never been before. We are on the verge of a war in which the only victor would be chaos and prostration.

    We are on the verge of a war for which we are still unprepared, and for which no one has offered a feasible plan for victory–a war which cannot be won without sending our soldiers across the ocean to force a landing on a hostile coast against armies stronger than our own.

    We are on the verge of war, but it is not yet too late to stay out. It is not too late to show that no amount of money, or propaganda, or patronage can force a free and independent people into war against its will. It is not yet too late to retrieve and to maintain the independent American destiny that our forefathers established in this new world.

    The entire future rests upon our shoulders. It depends upon our action, our courage, and our intelligence. If you oppose our intervention in the war, now is the time to make your voice heard.

    Help us to organize these meetings; and write to your representatives in Washington. I tell you that the last stronghold of democracy and representative government in this country is in our house of representatives and our senate.

    There, we can still make our will known. And if we, the American people, do that, independence and freedom will continue to live among us, and there will be no foreign war.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  343. @Wizard of Oz

    That is actually not a bad point, but I take his comment to use the more modern (if perhaps narrow) term “Zionism” for the more accurate (if somewhat unwieldy) term “Organized Jewry”. Do you dispute that such a thing exists?

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  344. @Bliss

    “So how do you explain the inability of swedes and the rest of the germanics to create a civilization of their own for thousands of years after other races had succeeded? ”

    I’m not ordinarily rude but I’m getting tired of this.

    You are an ignorant MORON!

    Before you run down old Nordics as primitives go visit the museums in Denmark and Sweden. You will find beautifully sculpted bronze axe heads that date to 1500 b.c. Elegant, form following function synthesizing art and utility, the direct lineal precursors of Scandinavian design that is justly admired today. To say nothing of their magnificent ships that owed nothing to the prophet of the unrelenting, blinding light of the harsh desert. Your Jesus is a poor, dusty carpenter compared to our magnificent ship-building, world-exploring Thor!

    Metalworking of this high a caliber is definitely not the product of troglodytes. Even the flint axes that preceded these are works of art.

    • 同意: Rurik
    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Bliss
  345. @Rurik

    “I have to wonder, if Putin and Trump are = Hitler, was even Hitler = Hitler?”

    There ya’ go mate. The reason they have to pound the theme home to us every evening with some program about the Nazis on TV is that without the artificial propping up of the bogus flats, we would see the entire theatre set for what it is, a painted illusion. If Hitler were who they say he was and if their version of events were true, those would stand on their own merits.

  346. geokat62 说:

    Thanks for sharing the Lindbergh speech, Rurik.

    I was especially struck by this quote:

    National polls showed that when England and France declared war on Germany, in 1939, less than 10 percent of our population favored a similar course for America.

    It reminded me of similar polls in Russia after the fall of the SU. Although Yeltsin’s popularity was at an all-time low of 6%, the (((Russian))) oligarchs made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. They promised him they would do everything in their power to help him win the election, if and only if he agreed to give them control and ownership of the Crown Jewels. And miracle of miracles he won… just like a Rocky movie, he came back from the dead.

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Rurik
  347. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    Germanics were human sacrificing pagans for a hell of a lot longer than they have been Christians.

    and grew into the most intelligent, virulent, proud, hardy, fiercely independent, fighting off Romans and Ottomans and everyone else who dared raise a sword on their ancient lands.

    Until they were seduced by Christianity, with its talk of honesty, truth, kindness and love that most certainly resonated within their noble blood, until today, when the ravages of that Middle Eastern nonsense about spreading the other cheek has them handing over their lands and their daughters to Muslim invaders.

    A lot of good the religion of living on your knees and spreading the other cheek has done them, (and the rest of us) eh?

    So how do you explain the inability of swedes and the rest of the germanics to create a civilization of their own for thousands of years after other races had succeeded?

    this is pure idiocy

    Christianity has become the death knell of Sweden and Western Europe, not its savior.

    Take a look at how Markel’s Christian democrats have doomed Germany. Or the whining, politically correct, prostrate, abased, self-loathing Swedes are fairing today in Sweden.

    Now more than ever they should heed the blood-call of the ancient Gods of vigor of their ancestors, and toss these pitiful African and Middle Eastern invaders out on their arses, along with all the crybaby Christians and other abased, obsequious worms slithering in the government and media and institutions demanding Sweden commit suicide to save their souls.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
    , @Bliss
  348. @Rurik


    The Muzzies, Jews and indulgent, do-gooder Christians stir up trouble amongst us only because we fight them with one hand tied behind our backs. Were we to unleash the awesome power of Thor’s nuclear hammer on an Islamic city for every act of terror on our shores, their mischief would stop immediately. These Middle Eastern one-allseeing-eye-in-the-desert-sky-worshipping types live by our indulgence and they shouldn’t be allowed to forget it. We coddle them.


    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @L.K
  349. geokat62 说:

    Apologies to TC. I somehow hit “reply” to the wrong comment.

  350. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    It reminded me of similar polls in Russia after the fall of the SU. Although Yeltsin’s popularity was at an all-time low of 6%, the (((Russian))) oligarchs made him an offer he couldn’t refuse.

    we have a front-row seat view to how it’s all done Geo, just by watching their incessant lies for war right now. CNN is nothing but 24/7 lies about Russia. And they all march in lock-step to the lies, like the pathetic sheep they are, and no doubt were back then.

    wars are ‘good for the Jews’, so it seems, so long as 别人 fight and die in them

    here’s to hoping that Trump and Putin and the rest of us can somehow pull back their reins of the demonic schemes

    • 同意: jacques sheete
  351. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    unleash the awesome power of Thor’s nuclear hammer on an Islamic city for every act of terror on our shores, their mischief would stop immediately.

    yes, but we should always keep in mind that the worst of these “terror” attacks are done by Israel, as a false flag to get us to kill their myriad and well-earned enemies.

    From the Lusitania to Liberty to 9/11, these murderous and treacherous fiends have been using us as chumps and Janissaries to kill people who’ve done us no harm, like the Iraqis or Libyans, or Syrians today, whose nation we destroyed to bolster Israel.


    Skol to that!

  352. @Rurik

    I won’t take issue over accuracy or bias but note the amusing way that you confirm non-Americans old impressions of American insularoty and ignorance of the the rest of the world (one of the more recent areas for derision has been the low number of Congressmen with passports when elected and Governor George W. Bush never having travelled outside the US eccept to Mexico). I have tended to resist such scornful jibes but here you are promoting them up front with your indifference to America’s part in WW1 being very late and quite perkpheral (except that it had the advantage of being still fresh and actually richer. As to WW2, America’s late entry into it can be regarded as a mere two and a quarter years if measured from Hitler’s attack on Poland up to at least four if you count Japan’s second 1930s attack on China. You may have overllooked that Britain in the late 30s actually restricted Jewish immigration to Palestine: so much for your nonsense that WW2 was a Zionist creation.
    As to your “genocidal slaughter of the flower of Europa” you seem to have overlooked that the truly genocidal slaughter was of Jews although what both Nazis and Soviet forces did in Poland to the intelligentsia and upper classes was genocidally intended. It was actually WW1 which could be (and was) tegarded as destroying the flower of some countries’ educated and intelligent upper classes compounded by the fact that the volunteer officer class of Britain was from the first generation since birth control had begun to reduce family size markedly starting with the educated. Earlier phenomena of restricted fertility as in 17th century Britain and 19th century France and Ireland are I think interesting phenomena and maybe also dysgenic.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @Rurik
  353. @Wizard of Oz

    lost while editing…. Despite my scorn for your insularity I am not happy that “The American Century” has already collapsed with the American form and substance of government no longer being a worthwhile model of “government for the people”,

  354. @Beefcake the Mighty

    Organised Jewry has indeed existed in changing forms and strengths for a long time (compare perhaps old fashioned Protestant churches who are now led by women clergy pushing for the ordination of transgender dogs etc ). Jews organising as Jews were, for example, by no means all Zionists 100 years ago. I note that typical Reform Jewry in America has tended to be secular and assimilitative although unsurprisingly not anti-Zionist and certainly and understandably susceptible to Israel’s very strong propaganda weapons such as the Holocaust, the providing of refuge for Soviet Jews etc. No doubt some pride to in overturning stereotypes of the stetl Jew by military success and the more recent flowering of the high tech Israeli economy.

    I doubt if organised Jewry or even a few rich Jews who had the President’s ear had anything like the systematised power before some time in the 60s or 70s or even later that they have now when the Cold War is no longer a competing factor and American politics has been totally corrupted by money. Mind you the costs of American health care and governments’ rising unfunded liabiliries compete pretty well with the Israel lobby for damage to ordinary Americans.
    Specifically, I don’t think “Organised Jewry ” is a particularly useful substitute for a description that emphasises Israel because I can’t see anything much uniting Jews strongly and uniformly except defence of Israel. Preferential access to the Ivies? Maybe, for a minority.

    I should perhaps have added elsewhere (to Rurik?) that I think Israel has probably reached peak influence. Numbers do count and the growth of BDS is a sign of what may be coming.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  355. Bliss 说:

    Yesterday according to Rurik:

    our civil Christian culture is a direct representation of our blood.

    Today according to Rurik (after yours truly posted some inconvenient truths):

    Christianity has become the death knell of Sweden and Western Europe, not its savior…….Now more than ever they should heed the blood-call of the ancient Gods of vigor of

    • 回复: @Rurik
  356. Bliss 说:

    Before you run down old Nordics as primitives go visit the museums in Denmark and Sweden. You will find beautifully sculpted bronze axe heads that date to 1500 b.c.

    It is really moronic of you to think that things like axe heads and boats prove that germanics created a civilization worthy of the name. Where are the pagan Germanic monuments? Where are their books on literature, history, religion, philosophy? Where is their math, science and technology? Why were they considered primitive barbarians by the greeks and romans who founded western civilization?

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  357. @ThreeCranes

    Good omments there. Those who’ve responded negatively once again demonstrate that they don’t know what they’re talking about.

    One claimed “Wilhelmine Germany invented aerial bombing of civilians Jan 1915” but is clearly errant. Way off, in fact, as per usual, and the claim is debunked with ease.

    The first time a city was bombed from the air was in 1849…


    Aerial bombing from heavier-than-air aircraft was apparently first done in Libya, over a century ago, by an Italian pilot who carried out the first ever air raid. The Italian pilot Giulio Gavotti dropped 1.5 kg of bombs on Ain Zara, a village 8 km west of the capital Tripoli. The fact that Turkish forces were encamped there does not nullify the claim. It was indiscriminate bombing of an oasis where non combatants were as likely to be as actual combatants.

    During fighting in November 1911 between Italy and forces loyal to the Turkish, Ottoman Empire, Lieutenant Giulio Gavotti wrote in a letter to his father: “Today I have decided to try to throw bombs from the aeroplane.
    “It is the first time that we will try this and if I succeed, I will be really pleased to be the first person to do it.”


    Here’s another pre-1915 example. Adrianople was a city and likely contained civilians. Whether they were intended as a target is moot.

    Bulgarian airmen prepare for a mission to drop a bomb by hand on Adrianople (now Edirne, Turkey), from their Bleriot XI aircraft, during the First Balkan War, circa 1913. The Bulgarian Air Force was the first to use aircraft for offensive military action.


  358. @Wizard of Oz

    Agreed, accuracy in language is important and while “Zionism” can be a reasonable proxy, it’s often inaccurate. And I hope you are are right about the rise of counter-movements like BDS, but we shall see. BTW, while there’s no doubting Jewish intellectual abilities and initiative, Israeli tech and military success comes largely off of their parasitical relationship with the West, mainly the US.

  359. @L.K


    那是苏联时期的俄罗斯, that had the full support of some of the world’s richest banksters,我可以补充一下。

    Those simple concepts, while true and extremely easy to grasp, still elude most of the population. It’s really unfortunate that things so readily apparent still remain mysteries even when they’re pointed out so clearly. Thread bare, century old Allied propaganda still prevails in the minds of the simple.


    • 回复: @Rurik
  360. @ThreeCranes

    Where on earth did you get the impression that Germany started WW1?

    The type cannot get beyond Allied propaganda. I’ve argued the point numerous times without effect. Apparently at least some of them have now heard about H.E. Barnes, so maybe that’s a start.

    Good luck, but I predict that soon enough you’ll see that it’s not worth spending much time answering them.

  361. @ThreeCranes

    I’d think that those who are terrified of the Void are those who think a bit too much of themselves, and as you say, they would do well to grow up.

    Speaking of wilderness, you are correct and I would add that everyone would do themselves a favor and make an effort to get out on a clear night and observe the Milky Way. One would do well to consider that many “stars” beyond it are actually other galaxies many times larger than our own.

    If that doesn’t set one’s mind straight, nothing will.

  362. @ThreeCranes

    That’s the best comment on the subject I’ve ever read. As eloquent as it is true.

    Unfortunately, the message will be misunderstood, sneered at, and twisted beyond recognition.

  363. @ThreeCranes

    Are you unaware of the Liberal government’s moves toward a welfare state in Britain circa 1910? Apparently not? And has it occured to you that two years conscription into the Germàn army was a pretty big negative to set against a few paternalistic welfare state type payouts designed to win enough support to offset the lack of democratic rights and freedoms?

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  364. Boris N 说:






    不是否认,但也不要只看表面价值。你一定把我和某人混淆了,但我并没有构建一些替代历史。抱歉,我不知道质疑既定的历史叙述是对历史的犯罪。 😉 但毕竟我们处于修正主义路线中




  365. Boris N 说:


  366. @Bliss

    Hey, I’m sorry I called you a moron.

    But I still disagree with you.

    Of course the Germans didn’t leave a permanent record as did the Greeks because the Germans worked in wood and the Greeks in marble. A boat is just as much a testament to human achievement as is a marble temple. And the bronze casting of the Danes was as good as anything in the world. What you say notwithstanding, metal working is an indication of high culture and you have to have sharp tools to carve wood.

    Remember too that the Germans (or some type of precursor) followed the retreat of the glaciers and just as in Alaska today, civilization (such as it is) on the fringe of retreating ice sheets is of necessity primitive, consisting as it does of trapping and hunting, trading furs for manufactured goods.

    I won’t argue with you about philosophy etc. I have studied Classics and Philosophy, History of Mathematics and without question, the Greeks set a high bar. I’ve read the Icelandic Sagas and found little reason to argue your point.

    But I still think its a mistake to dismiss Nordic civilization with a dismissive wave of the hand. They weren’t barbarians. They were rural people who made their living from farming, herding, fishing and hunting.

    • 回复: @Hippopotamusdrome
  367. Che Guava 说:

    No fake peace from me, every time Tra-la-lah (pbuh) uses the word, it is a lie.

  368. L.K 说:


    这个世界上最大的恐怖实体是 ZUSA 及其各个盟友,例如英国、沙特阿拉伯等……而且差距也很大。

    二十多年来,ZUSA 及其盟友一直在虚假借口下轰炸、制裁、入侵、占领和谋杀各个穆斯林国家的人民……

    此外,ZUSA 和 ZUK——甚至法国——都有以各种方式秘密支持和利用瓦哈比极端分子的悠久历史……
    ZUSA、ZUK 和法国在利比亚使用瓦哈比雇佣兵,并且长期以来在叙利亚使用他们。叙利亚的基地组织得到了 ZUSA 和 ISIS 的秘密支持,其恐怖统治被故意赞助,作为 ZUSA 重新插入伊拉克的工具,并为美国非法入侵叙利亚制造借口,据称是为了打击 ISIS。 ……美国及其盟友帮助创建的。




    罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)总统下的国家安全局局长威廉·奥多姆(William Odom)中将指出:



    无论如何,美国长期以来一直在使用恐怖主义。 律师们说,在78-79年间,参议院试图通过一项反国际恐怖主义的法律,在他们制作的每个版本中,美国都将违反。

    《华盛顿邮报》 2010年报道:


    Ted Gunderson 前联邦调查局局长——大多数恐怖袭击都是由我们的中央情报局和联邦调查局实施的


    叙利亚民兵。 “当地的每个人都知道他们是圣战分子。当地没有人相信这项任务或这项努力,他们知道他们只是在训练下一代圣战分子……

    区分自由军和努斯拉阵线是不可能的,因为它们实际上是同一个组织。早在 2013 年,自由军指挥官就率领整个部队叛逃,加入了努斯拉阵线。在那里,他们仍然保留 FSA 的绰号,但这只是为了展示,给人一种世俗主义的印象,这样他们就可以继续使用中央情报局和沙特情报部门提供的武器。现实情况是,自由军不过是基地组织附属努斯拉阵线的掩护。

    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty
  369. Rurik 说: • 您的网站
    @Wizard of Oz

    I won’t take issue over accuracy or bias but note the amusing way that you confirm non-Americans old impressions of American insularoty and ignorance… [blah, blah..] but here you are promoting them up front with your indifference to America’s part in WW1 being very late and quite perkpheral (except that it had the advantage of being still fresh and actually richer.

    as for America’s involvement in WWI, all I said was:

    ‘the Balfour Declaration proves that America’s involvement in WWI was a direct act of treachery on behalf of Zionism by treasonous and disloyal Jews who controlled our newspapers and others (Woodrow Wilson, et al)’

    now what does that have to do with Americans being fresh?

    Germany was winning the war, but they saw it for what it was, a fratricidal slaughter of the flower of Europa, and suggested to the other belligerents that they simply end it. But Perfidious Albion (作为 Perfidious Albion) was not to be mollified, and intrigued to bring the Americans in on their behalf, telling the Jews and Zionists that if they use their control of Americas newspapers (and Wilson’s White House) to cajole America into the war, that the Zionist Jews can have Palestine for a Jewish state.

    That’s all I said about it, (and it’s all true). So I don’t get your angst over American insularity. If anything, we Americans could do with a lot more insularity when it comes to bombing all of Zion’s well-earned enemies.

    That’s my hope wiz, that Trump will usher in a new era of American foreign policy, where we don’t go all over the place slaughtering people for Israel. As we did in both world wars, and are doing today in Syria. Except that seems to be changing huh wiz, as the money and arms seems to have been choked off to the orcs, and now Putin and Assad are winning over there, and it looks like the Golan Heights will remain Syrian territory, since Syria is going to remain a sovereign nation with recognized borders, (unlike the “shitty little state” that refuses to define its borders, hoping always [with America’s help!] to steal the land of others and incorporate them into Israel), huh wiz?

    so much for your nonsense that WW2 was a Zionist creation.

    what was the end result of WW2 wiz?

    what global objective was obtained by the slaughter of 60 million people, with Europe and Russia in smoking ruins?

    what rose up out of the graves of so many millions of the children of Europa / Christendom, with the blessings of zio-England and zio-America’s leaders, and to the outrage of the rest of the world, far too brutalized by war to object other than feeble denunciations. But that didn’t stop the Arabs from heroically trying to fight off these Jewish usurpers and genocidal thieves and terrorists, but with America’s relentless aid, the Arabs were defeated and more and more of their land became occupied or stolen or both.

    But now is a new time wiz, one where there’s no longer a quisling puppet in the White House. (or so at least we can hope!)

    and just look at this!


    there are many good and decent Christians and honorable Muslims and Jews that come to this site. May I please offer to join them in my very, deeply held and earnest prayers for God / Allah / Jehovah- and all the other Gods to intervene with this matter and urge providence along in a way that will make this planet and the universe a far, far, FAR more divinely gracious place. It’s hard to imagine a time for more celebration and great joy all around than for such an auspicious turn in the US Senate. Please God, hear our prayers!

    I’m not just praying for a single soul, but rather for the literally millions of souls that this man has condemned to horrors and worse, but even more so God, I’m praying for the millions of souls that this man has not yet, but certainly would if he could, send your way prematurely.

    Join me wiz, let’s at least make this a bipartisan prayer, (so to speak). Let’s both ‘send it out to the universe’, (as my girl likes to say ; ), and plead to whatever power that amuses itself with the follies and affairs of man’s quixotic, enigmatic, and tragicomic existence, to intervene here and make all of our lives infinitely better with just one big malignant tumor. For the love of God, for the love of His people, and for the love of truth, honestly, dignity, life, happiness and goodness all around.

    That is my earnest prayer, (and I hope wiz’s too!), and so heed it please Lord, and spread your blessings upon your beleaguered children.

    • 同意: anarchyst
    • 回复: @Incitatus
  370. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    Today according to Rurik (after yours truly posted some inconvenient truths):

    your ‘inconvenient truths’ were, if I remember correctly, that until the Nordic people adopted Christianity, they were basically wallowing in the mud. This is a common refrain, and wrong.

    There is ample, (what wasn’t specifically destroyed) evidence that the Nordic people’s were very advanced indeed, well before the catastrophe of having to worship the dead Jew on a stick.

    But this particular mind-fuck was so convenient to the PTB, that they couldn’t resist.

    ‘You mean we tell then that they have to believe it, and if they don’t they’ll burn in pits of lava for eternity? And once they’ve been thus morally terrified, we can treat them like cattle and order them around like sheep, and they’ll even consider acting like sheep as a kind of virtue, and brag about it?! ‘

    How could the kings resist?! A religion that reduces your people to 希望 to live on their knees, obeying and obeying and obeying, as if it were a virtue!!

    pay your taxes, send your young men to die in endless wars of conquest so that your king will be that much more exalted!! Praise God!

    we need more wars? send in the priests!

    look at them now, their sons and daughters taught in Ireland to love homosexuality from the Catholic pulpits. America’s evangelicals worshiping all too mortal, two legged Jewish war pigs. Christians in America’s heartland feverishly augmenting an African, Islamic invasion of their lands. Dooming their white Christian children to hell on earth.

    The GOP (Christian to a man and woman!) sycophants abasing themselves in prostrate obeisance to Jewish war pig Sheldon Adelson, licking the shekels off the floor at his feet.

    本篇 is Christianity? As Ted Cruz excoriates any genuine Christian that doesn’t bow down to the anti-Christ, Moloch-god of zion.

    and you think it was this imposed and enforced worship of a primitive desert religion that saved the Nordic, Germanic peoples?

    It doomed them. Look at Germany today for God’s sake!

    they’re spreading the other cheek like no tomorrow! Look at England, a pedophile’s paradise.

    Look at France, where Muslims are ascendant and openly put their Islamic god’s boot on the face of the Christians and laugh at their effete impotence, as they rape their women and slaughter and terrorize their sheople.

    No, I say that it was the words about truth, love and justice that won over the Western man to Christianity, (words and concepts I too respect), but in the end, the institution rotted from the top, and today it is the death of our collective civilization, and the very institution that will usher in a dystopian hell on earth.

    You’ll forgive me if I don’t bow down to it, (and all the venal liars and opportunistic child molesters and private jet owners and war pig$) who make up its leadership today.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  371. Rurik 说: • 您的网站
    @jacques sheete

    It was a Soviet Russia, that had the full support of some of the world’s richest banksters,我可以补充一下。

    Those simple concepts, while true and extremely easy to grasp, still elude most of the population. It’s really unfortunate that things so readily apparent still remain mysteries even when they’re pointed out so clearly. Thread bare, century old Allied propaganda still prevails in the minds of the simple.

    世界上最富有的人 犹太 banksters?

    like the ones who funded Trotsky?

    I just typed a frustrated diatribe on today’s “Christianity”, and the ‘Christians’ who can’t get enough of wars and slaughter and Israel’s version of genocide, terrorism and rapine in the holy land, so long as it’s all being done by “God’s chosen people”, for whom no amount of moral abasement is enough for today’s “Christians” (especially the German version).

    I put it all down to venality. The leadership of Christianity today is fundamentally [heh] corrupt and avaricious and venal. Rotten IOW, and this is why so many of the things you mention are true; that Western civilization is so dumbed down that they’re sheep to the slaughter, and the men and women with the cattle prods pushing the children of the West to die in Eternal Wars for Israel, are as often “Christian’ as anything else.

    But they’ve become so used to being on their knees, as self-loathing ‘sinners’- too terrified of 思维 for themselves, that there doesn’t seem to be any humiliation or wanton slaughter so egregious that they won’t embrace it.


    And people like me are horrified to watch them all march off the cliff, but if we try to tell them – its a fool’s errand, because being proudly, 好战地 dogmatic and eternal 追随者, they’ll Pavlovian-like remember their catechisms and kneejerk howl their feeble denunciations.

  372. @Rurik

    I agree with all the aspersions you cast upon the Abrahamic religions, but….

    as for why today’s European male is passive in the face of the colonization of his territories I wonder if something else isn’t at play.

    Since the invention of the nuclear bomb and the world’s reaction to the United States’ using it on Japan, the U.S. has never even threatened to use it in anger against anyone, though we hold it in reserve and other peoples mostly comply with our wishes. This may have given western men a false sense of security and power. They know they have the biggest gun so they don’t have to be intimidating and forceful.

    Other men push against us here and there, now and then and we don’t push back except with tiresome, burdensome “limited wars” that end up hurting us as much or more than the countries we fight. The Muzzies began terrorism back in the 70’s and saw that we had no real effective response. Now they know that we’re too cowed by nanny moralizers to turn their cities into molten glass and so they have no fear and therefore no respect for us.

    We simply won’t declare war against them and fight with all the tools at our disposal.

    Why should they take us seriously? We’re self-castrated eunuchs.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  373. @Wizard of Oz

    Every citizen of every civilized country should serve either two years military service or two years civil service engaged in labor such as shoveling ditches. Not only does this give a young person a feeling of having contributed something useful to his nation but it also gets them off their butts and out of the ghetto, suburb or city into fresh air.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  374. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    though we hold it in reserve and other peoples mostly comply with our wishes.

    I prefer to consider it a purely defensive weapon ThreeCranes, rather than a bludgeon held over other’s heads, demanding compliance.

    Other men push against us here and there, now and then and we don’t push back except with tiresome, burdensome “limited wars” that end up hurting us as much or more than the countries we fight.

    I would posit that it has hurt them much, much more than it has hurt us, unless you’re talking about the mothers and fathers of young American men and women sent to fight and die in contrived wars of aggression against nations that have done us no harm, but that Israel wants destroyed for their own nefarious reasons. And of course our moral standing in the world as a result of our aggressions for Israeli hegemony. But other than those things, it is undoubtedly the smaller nations that have been utterly destroyed, like Iraq and Libya, others.. that have come out the worse for wear from our myriad and serial depredations upon them.

    The Muzzies began terrorism back in the 70′s and saw that we had no real effective response.

    do you know why the “Muzzies” started doing that? Did you know that until the 1970s, Americans could get on a passenger jet with their shotguns in tow, because there simply was no reason on God’s green earth for anyone to want to do other passengers any harm. It was quite literally unthinkable at that point.

    But then something happened in the world that changed everything. America became Israel’s bitch. A bully and a murderous thug on the world’s stage. Dooming the Palestinians to murder and humiliation beyond anything a human could stand, so they began (understandably) to lash out. They are like modern day Amerindians who’re being genocided and slaughtered and brutalized and humiliated, and they can only take so much, from a world and an America in particular that lectures the rest of the world on ‘human rights’, even as it denies these people their humanity, and writes them off as inconvenient, because Zionist Jews control the USA’s money supply, which allows them to own all the media of consequence and the politicians and courts and universities, etc…

    Did you know all that?

    So America went from a well loved, (if criticized nation for the lot of the blacks) to a hated nation responsible for atrocities in the Middle East and elsewhere. The Ukraine for instance.

    If you’re going to have a conversation about Islamic terrorism, without a fundamental understanding of where that terrorism emanates out from, then it’s a little pointless.

    Muslims would normally have little or no reason for killing Americans, especially when we’re so far apart geographically, and we like to buy their oil. But because it is America that has been facilitating the slaughter of Muslims in the holy land, and now we’ve taken to destroying their countries willy-nilly, and assassinating their leaders, and driving millions upon millions of them to jihad with our serial wars upon them- always based on lies- that I wonder if a little self-reflection isn’t called for from us Americans. Here’s a clue for Americans: They don’t hate us because we’re free. They hate us because we slaughter their families with terror drones from their skies. We bomb their nations into the stone age, and murder their leaders and impose Zio-quislings upon them to steal their resources and impose an iron-fisted rule upon them.

    电子邮件和短信 why they hate us. And then to add insult to injury, we invite them into the West and then act shocked because some of them go berserk with rage at what we Westerners have done to their respective nations, and figure at least they can rape or kill a few of us as payback.

    So there is much insanity in the world today, thanks to the Zio-Fiend who has his money-grip on our collective necks. We’re forced to send our young people to die in war that are ‘good for the Jews’, and then when we’ve driven these people insane with rage at what we’ve done, the Jews think what better than to invite these stone age people to live in the heart of Europe and N. America!

    They have us eating our own shit, and blaming Muslims for what ((they)) are doing my friend. And if you don’t think they’re laughing about it all the way to the bank, you couldn’t be more wrong.

    We simply won’t declare war against them and fight with all the tools at our disposal.

    a declaration of war would require an act of a cowardly and treasonous congress, and we all know those sniveling whores aren’t worth the blood and dirt on a single American soldier’s boots.

    I’m not sure what to make of your myopia vis-a-vis Israel, which is the festering boil on our body politic that is the center of all the things you’re lamenting.

    Yes, the Western male is a shadow of masculinity, and more often a groveling imitation of a man, too feminized to and put upon to even defend his own family and lands from invasion. But that isn’t the fault of the invaders, rather it’s the fault of the kosher man behind the curtain, pulling all the levers and turning the dials of our cultural narrative, where we’re all evil racists except when we’re dying in Eternal Wars for Israel, 然后 we’re suited to our task, and our widows are handed a shiny medal as proof that our young men died for the right reasons, as their home communities are overrun and their children are raped or savaged by invading hoards.

    At least, that’s more or less how I see it.


    • 同意: Colin Wright
    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  375. @ThreeCranes

    That is a view I begin to find more sympathy with than when my father used to express it but I don’t think it offsets the oppressiveness of the European Continental conscription systems back when they chewed up 2 or more years of much shorter lives than e now expect.

  376. @Rurik

    I agree with your analysis but if I write about Jews, they screw up my computer. Really, I mean that. So I stopped.

    And yes, I did mean by damage to America all the negative spin offs you mentioned. We have declined as a people because of the incessant small-time wars we inflict on the world.

    I believe that when a person or nation acts, they should do so decisively and with full power. Quickly and totally. Let pain be crisp. That’s the end of it. No long lingering slow bleeding or torture of either one’s adversaries or self. I live this way and believe it the right way for nations as well. It is more humane, establishes a pecking order and therefore promotes peace and understanding.

    Men will respect you only if your show that you can beat them or if you kowtow to them. Then you can be friends with full understanding between you.

    I don’t support what Israel has done to the Palestinians or American support for Zionism but one should not passively allow another, irrespective of the justice of their motives, to bomb innocents on planes etc.

    As Aristotle observed, punishment, to be effective, must be harsh enough to hurt enough such that the perpetrator never wants to experience it again but not so harsh as to instill a lingering sense of resentment such that the perpetrator devotes the rest of his life to revenge.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  377. Incitatus 说:




    “我本人已经向您提供了那些审判中的酷刑证据 [纽伦堡 '45-46]。我不会让你忘记的,贱人:正如我所说,霍斯的证词完全是无稽之谈,原因是这个人是被折磨得“认罪”的。

    Kindly post where you and I exchanged views on Nüremberg torture. You write you “already provided…evidence of torture.” Provide the date, post number, and UNZ link please.

    “Re Höss’ torture at the hands of the British as reported in the book ‘Legions of Death’, for which the author interviewed some of the torturers…”

    为什么省略副标题LK?您来源的书的标题是“死亡军团:欧洲的纳粹奴役”。不同意副标题?亚马逊上两星半(4 条客户评论)。你(正如亚马逊评论家评论的那样)是否会挑选这段文字作为“大屠杀否认者”?

    不管。这是我在 14 年 17 月 XNUMX 日提出的问题。注意德国小蠊(ThreeCranes、Jacues/Jacques Sheet 等)。简单的问题:

    LK 我不怀疑你对德国的热爱。当谈到 20 世纪威廉二世和纳粹领导时,我与你分道扬镳。我认为这是德国人民最大的敌人。两次灾难性的战争——第一次在经济上毁掉了他们。第二次带来了精神和肉体上的毁灭。为了什么?

    备择方案。将第一次世界大战和第二次世界大战归咎于除德国之外的所有人。但谁的军队最先入侵呢?德国。因此,要么是德国敌人动员并命令德国军队参战(你不是声称是吗?),要么是德国领导层低估了他们入侵的敌人。我的赌注是第二个选项。这意味着德国领导层无能。和犯罪。时期。最大的失败者?德国人民。 QED 我对 1 世纪德国领导力的批评立场。他们的主要受害者是德国人民。还有很多其他人。

    为什么希特勒在 41 LK 中不向他的部队提供冬季装备?他忘记了吗?犹太人(或罗斯福或丘吉尔)让他忘记了吗?为什么阿道夫在 44-45 年背叛自己的人民,并命令施佩尔以瓦格纳式的诸神黄昏摩根索羡慕的史诗般的方式摧毁德国?是因为他热爱德国人民吗?为什么党卫军国家元首海因里希·希姆莱冒充海因里希·希青格中士并在被发现后迅速自杀?是因为他对自己的记录感到自豪吗?
    -#529, https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/aipac-is-back-in-town/

    L.K, you didn’t answer. Just as TC can’t say how the Entente was responsible for ordering German troops to invade Luxembourg, Belgium and France (post #64).

    鉴于德国于 2 年 11 月 41 日向美国宣战,所有人都被邀请告诉我们美国和罗斯福如何发动第二次世界大战。是不是邪恶的罗斯福在圣洁的多尔夫心中植入了这种冲动?给我们一个提示。


    • 典型的行为是忽略太难回答的问题;
    • 当不可避免时,用居高临下的愚蠢比喻来回应;
    • 当被要求证实帖子时,改变主题(荣格、“黑暗面”等);
    • 拥抱同情的情感、爱人的哀叹(除了回答问题之外的任何事情);
    • 返回您原来的帖子(#64)并假装它没有受到挑战;
    • 精选虚假来源以赋予合法性(LK);
    • 在极端情况下诉诸卑鄙的人身攻击(“可悲的巨魔等”)(LK)。


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  378. Incitatus 说:

    “Germany was winning the war, but they saw it for what it was, a fratricidal slaughter of the flower of Europa, and suggested to the other belligerents that they simply end it.”

    The aggressive war plan Field Marshal Alfred Graf von Schlieffen, chief of the Imperial German General Staff, crafted in 1905 called for defeat of France in a flanking attack via Luxembourg and Belgium in six weeks. Didn’t happen. (‘Miracle of the Marne’ etc.)

    Here’s what Chief of Staff Generaloberst Helmuth von Moltke (junger) wrote his wife 9 Sep 1914: “Things have not gone well. The fighting east of Paris has not gone in our favor, and we shall have to pay for the damage we have done.” He’s alleged to have told Wilhelm II “Majesty, we have lost the war.” 38 days after Germany invaded Luxembourg.

    How do you explain that Rurik? Was Germany “winning the war?” Do you know better than Helmuth?

    Von Moltke, beset with health concerns (terminal stupidity?), resigned as chief of staff 25 Oct 1914 and was replaced by General Erich von Falkenhayn

    “Germany…saw it for what it was, a fratricidal slaughter”.

    Really? Erich, another outstanding nitwit, masterminded the Battle of Verdun in 1916. The concept was simple. Lure the poilu into a ‘meatgrinder’ that would kill as many as possible. Sure enough, Erich killed 600,000. Unfortunately half were German, sacrificed for absolutely nothing. Erich was dismissed 29 Aug 1916.

    Rurik, you allude to a German desire for peace. Forget to mention their hope to keep Luxembourg, Belgium and Northern France? Despite the fact they knew they’d lost the war 38 days after invasion?

    Are you that desperate?

    “But now is a new time wiz, one where there’s no longer a quisling puppet in the White House. (or so at least we can hope!)”

    Messianic? About a four-time bankrupt real estate developer? A guy who steals family crests? Get a grip.

    “…let’s at least make this a bipartisan prayer, (so to speak). Let’s both ‘send it out to the universe’ and plead to whatever power that amuses itself with the follies and affairs of man’s quixotic, enigmatic, and tragicomic existence, to intervene here and make all of our lives infinitely better with just one big malignant tumor. For the love of God, for the love of His people, and for the love of truth, honestly, dignity, life, happiness and goodness all around.”

    “That is my earnest prayer…and so heed it please Lord, and spread your blessings upon your beleaguered children.”

    Wow, Rurik! Going to demand a tithe next? Offer a prayer cloth from Wötan or a vial of holy water from some sacred fjord?

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @NoseytheDuke
  379. “All are invited to tell us how the US and FDR started WW2, given Germany’s 11 Dec ‘41 declaration of war on the US.”

    Easy. U.S. violated every clause of the neutrality treaties then in effect, shipping armaments, ammunition, weapons of war to combatants (England). Roosevelt had already declared de facto war on Germany long before the German declaration or war on America. Every historian knows this. No one disputes it.


    You’re like Tiny Duck. You enjoy making patently absurd statements that are so easily refuted that no one bothers to do so. Then you construe their silence as admission of the unassailability of your drivel.


    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  380. @ThreeCranes

    What were thoae “neutrality treaties” you refer to? If you can’t give links please give sufficiently precise titlea so one can research them.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  381. @Anon

    Very prudent of you when pulling high toned intellectual rank on another to go Anon. After all even the most leatned legal and classical acholar could make a slip in a relaxed moment and forget that “bello” being ablative the preposition has to be one of the group that you would remember from “a, ab, absque, coram de etc”rather than the “ad, ante, apud” lot which take the accusative.

    Still, even a learned chap like Incitatus needs a prod now and again. It would be funny if someone with his witty moniker didn’t pick your solecism. Ah, yes it comes to me: the deliberate mistake to sus him out….

    • 回复: @Anon
  382. geokat62 说:

    Just came across this interesting article on consortiumnews.com.

    这是一个摘录 朝鲜“疯狂”的逻辑:

    Richman underscored the rationale for the North Korean government to develop nuclear weapons against the will of the U.S. “Kim shows every sign of having learned the lesson of recent US regime-change policies toward Iraq and Libya, neither of which were nuclear states. Same with Syria, whose regime has been targeted by the U.S. government. The lesson is: if you want to deter a U.S. attack, get yourself some nukes.”

    Robert E. Kelly, Associate Professor of International Relations in the Department of Political Science at Pusan National University, wrote, “This is not a suicidal, ideological, ISIS-like state bent on apocalyptic war but rather a post-ideological gangter-ish dictatorship looking to survive. The best way to guarantee the North’s survival is nuclear deterrence. … It is a rational decision, given Pyongyang’s goals to, 1) not change internally, and 2) not be attacked externally. This is not ideal of course. Best would be a de-nuclearized North Korea. But this is highly unlikely at this point.”


  383. @Wizard of Oz

    “On this day in 1935, President Franklin D. Roosevelt signs the Neutrality Act, or Senate Joint Resolution No. 173, which he calls an “expression of the desire…to avoid any action which might involve [the U.S.] in war.” The signing came at a time when newly installed fascist governments in Europe were beginning to beat the drums of war.

    In a public statement that day, Roosevelt said that the new law would require American vessels to obtain a license to carry arms, would restrict Americans from sailing on ships from hostile nations and would impose an embargo on the sale of arms to “belligerent” nations. Most observers understood “belligerent” to imply Germany under its new leader, Adolf Hitler, and Italy under Benito Mussolini. It also provided the strongest language yet warning other countries that the U.S. would increase its patrol of foreign submarines lurking in American waters. This was seen as a response to Hitler’s March 1935 announcement that Germany would no longer honor the terms of the Treaty of Versailles, which prohibited Germany from rebuilding her military; he had then immediately stepped up the country’s submarine production.

    Although the legislation stated that the U.S. intended to stay out of foreign wars, Roosevelt insisted that the country could not foresee future situations in which the U.S. might have to amend its neutral stance. Noting that “history is filled with unforeseeable situations that call for some flexibility of action,” Roosevelt contended that the law would not prevent the U.S. from cooperating with other “similarly minded Governments to promote peace.” In other words, he left plenty of room for America to change its mind regarding the sale of arms to friendly countries and gave it the right to exercise options to protect her own safety. This came to pass in March 1941, when the passing of the Lend-Lease Act increased America’s military exports to the British in order to help them fight off Hitler’s advance toward England.”

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
  384. @ThreeCranes

    Thank you for being so frank. Nothing to do there with breaching neutrality “treaties”. Indeed no suggestion that a case could have been made that American laws were being breached. The 1935 Joint Resolution, if that was the “Neutrality Act”, seems to have been a fine exercise in politically adroit euphemism. Did it, I wonder, enjoy enthusiastic support from Jews in America concerned at the direction Hitler was taking Germany?

  385. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    I agree with your analysis but if I write about Jews, they screw up my computer. Really, I mean that. So I stopped.


    We have declined as a people because of the incessant small-time wars we inflict on the world.

    that’s definitely one of the reasons ThreeCranes, among others. Incessant pop culture, Hollywood/Madison Ave spiritual sewage flowing from the kosher msm 24/7. Academic dumbing down, lower standards, a psychotic imperative to do away with the tenacious performance gap, even if it means lowering the higher down to the lower, and many, many other causes. But I agree most definitely that our constant wars and especially the Eternal WarsⓊ we’re in right now are a catastrophe.

    I believe that when a person or nation acts, they should do so decisively and with full power

    in a life and death struggle, I couldn’t agree more.

    but one should not passively allow another, irrespective of the justice of their motives, to bomb innocents on planes etc.

    I’d put an unhesitating bullet right though them, and aim for a instant death

    punishment, to be effective, must be harsh enough to hurt enough such that the perpetrator never wants to experience it again but not so harsh as to instill a lingering sense of resentment such that the perpetrator devotes the rest of his life to revenge.

    but who are we to punish?

    it was the Israelis that did 9/11, and yet our congress gushes over Bibi when he comes to lord it over us all. It is Israel that extorts billions from us in a circle of corrupt largess that runs from congress to Tel Aviv right back to congress. It is Israel that foments so much hatred in the Muslim world, and our boys and girls that get ground up over there, destroying those people’s countries and slaughtering hundreds of thousands of their innocent souls, if not more.

    When it comes to ferocity, I can tell you that what I’d unleash upon ISIS would spin your head. But I consider them as less than animals, and deserving of a quick path to Allah. Not so the people of Syria or Libya or Iraq whose nations we have destroyed, at the behest of our enemy Israel. That’s the problem as I see it.

    • 回复: @ThreeCranes
  386. Here are some links to help you out;

    “The laws concerning the rights and duties of neutrality are contained, for the most part, in the Declaration of Paris of 1856, Hague Convention V, 1907 (neutrality in land war), and Hague Convention XIII, 1907 (neutrality in maritime war). One of the first recommendations of the last convention was that, when war breaks out between certain powers, each nation wishing to remain impartial should normally issue either a special or general declaration of neutrality. Such a declaration, however, is not required by international law. A neutral state may, during the course of the hostilities, repeal, change, or modify its position of neutrality, provided that such alterations are applied without bias to all belligerents.”



  387. Post 399 is @ Wizard of Oz’s 397.

  388. @Rurik

    People reflect about the future of the USA and muse about the “decline of Empires” but I can tell you one sure way to ensure that our nation doesn’t suffer that fate and that’s to not become an Empire to begin with.

    Too late for that, I know.

    NeoLibs who believe in the wonders of Empire cite statistics about higher standards of living in Rome et al due to uniform standards of measures, coinage, absence of internal tariffs, ease of transport on the far-flung well built roads etc. NeoCons cream their jeans because they anticipate raw power on a larger scale.

    Neither do much for me. I have smaller ambitions and would prefer prosperity for myself and my kind, a sense of gemutlichkeit will suffice and is both easier and harder to achieve. Harder to achieve through their methods which exclude the human-scale factor and easier because doing so doesn’t require reprogramming the entire world.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  389. @Incitatus

    #393 it seems with shifts in the numbers ,not #394 …

  390. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    I have smaller ambitions and would prefer prosperity for myself and my kind, a sense of gemutlichkeit will suffice and is both easier and harder to achieve. Harder to achieve through their methods which exclude the human-scale factor and easier because doing so doesn’t require reprogramming the entire world.


    but we are caught in a struggle for the soul of our societies and cultures, between those (like myself) who would like them to persevere, and those who would not (and are driven by some intractable imperative to see it all destroyed)


  391. @Incitatus

    You have previously claimed ignorance of any Rothschild involvement in the two world wars and I believe I answered that you were simply being disingenuous. You obviously enjoy reading so this should surely be one to add to your list.


  392. Smiddy 说:


    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
  393. @Smiddy


  394. britishbrainsize [又称“巴斯克英国人小脑筋”] 说:

    When you say whitey you mean the basque british ,why are you blaming mainland europeans for the hundreds of millions you have killed,you afraid once the majority basque americans lose their power all the nations you wronged will tear you to pieces, also asians have nothing on you when it comes to killing.

  395. Wild Man 说:

    This article then begs the question – well why then, did Churchill and the bellicose Anglo-Zionist Empire, side with Russia over Germany with respect to World War 2? Could it be because, what Barrett sees as the bellicose Anglo-Zionist Empire, could instead be more accurately described as the bellicose efforts of Zionist-empire-building-proper?

  396. Alden 说:

    Jilles doesn’t like Armenians because just like the Spanish they are Catholic, not orthodox Christians slightly different rites but in communion with Rome.

    Jilles is only on this site to clip
    and paste library books that agree with his bigotry and prejudice against America. He’s such a typical 2 generations out of the potato field “educated “ useful idiot pseudo intellectual N European.

    He seems to favor the Turks whether it was their centuries long wars against S Europe or the 1910 Armenian massacres.
    He’ll start lecturing us about refrigators and dishwashers soon.

  397. @Anonymous

    ‘…America doesn’t need to physically control Afgansitan. Just to deny control of other powers which is exactly what America is doing.’

    Hee hee. Boy, we foxed those Russians, then. Now they’re excluded from Afghanistan and we’re in it.

    …keeping anyone else from getting it, if I understand you aright.

  398. @Incitatus

    ‘….Why didn’t Hitler supply his troops with winter gear in ‘41 L.K? ‘

    Well, that’s something of a red herring. There was plenty of winter clothing, and no one forgot it.

    The difficulty was limited transport to the front. The troops needed, first, guns and ammunition. Second, food. Third, medical supplies.

    Winter clothing came fourth. In the crisis brought on by the Russian counter-offensive, there often simply wasn’t room. If the 197th Infantry Division needs more shells right 现在, are you going to ship them winter coats instead?

    The errors were first in assuming the campaign would be won by winter, second in assuming things would at least quiet down if it hadn’t, and third, in failing to credit the Russians with the ability to mount a sudden and massive counter-offensive. But no one forgot the winter coats. They got sent up, too.

    As soon as there was room.

  399. byrresheim 说:


    The fact that the demonic Bolsheviks starved Non-Ukrainians to death as well (often brought up as an excuse (!)) does not make their murderous behaviour in Ukraine any less genocidal.

  400. First, we read:

    Eurocentrism has blinded us … The center of gravity of world civilization, then, is much closer to Persia or Uzbekistan than to Athens or Rome

    Then we read:

    [European] Russia’s rising ambition and the progress it was making in Persia, Central Asia and the Far East put pressure on [European] Britain’s position overseas


    What the two-phased World War of the first half of the 20th century was primarily about, then, was competition between the [European] Anglo Empire (Britain/USA) and [European] Russia for control of Eurasia.


    The answer is that the [European] Anglo-Zionist Empire, headquartered in [European] New York, [European] Washington, [European] London, [European] Hollywood, and [European] Tel Aviv, is still primarily concerned with dominating the Eurasian heartland

  401. @anonymous



    It was the “Berlin-Baghdad Railway” and not the “Baghdad-Berlin Railway”. Or, rather, not the “بغداد إلى برلين للسكك الحديدية”.

    So it still was really about Germany.

  402. @jacques sheete



    Shooting An Elephant

    …one morning the sub-inspector at a police station the other end of the town rang me up on the phone

    [phone is an European invention introduced courtesy colonialism]

    …and said that an elephant was ravaging the bazaar.

    [wild animals terrorizing the village. living in harmony with nature, just like in Avatar]

    … I got on to a pony and started out.

    …The Burmese population had no weapons and were quite helpless against it.

    [havn’t invented guns so wild animals can boss you around]

    …It was a very poor quarter, a labyrinth of squalid bamboo huts, thatched with palmleaf, winding all over a steep hillside.

    [bamboo huts… no comment]

    … an old woman with a switch in her hand came round the corner of a hut, violently shooing away a crowd of naked children

    [crowd of naked children … just 10 cents a day can change a child’s life…]

    … I rounded the hut and saw a man’s dead body sprawling in the mud. … The people said that the elephant had come suddenly upon him … caught him with its trunk, put its foot on his back and ground him into the earth.

    [man is not at the top of the food chain here]

    … I sent an orderly to a friend’s house nearby to borrow an elephant rifle

    [gun is another european invention introduced courtesy of colonialism. in europe, animals don’t boss people around]

    Naked people in bamboo huts in danger of being killed by wild beasts.
    Neo-imperialist status: confirmed.

  403. @German_reader


    Agree. Only a mere 297 years? Really?

  404. @Avery

    Nazi Germany _invaded_ USSR

    The first battles occured in Soviet occupied Poland. How do you know their motivation wasn’t a humanitarian one on behalf of Poland and their right as a neutral nation after their illegal invasion by the Soviet Union?



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