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通常每个星期四,我都会和一群以前一起工作的男人一起吃午饭。 该小组中包括退役的陆军上校,几位博物馆专家,三位博士学位和一名前高级政治人物,我们所有人都退休了。 上周四,午餐后,我们一起去了电影《敦刻尔克》的早期放映。 一年前,当我们去看《 Hacksaw Ridge》时,我们做了同样的事情。这部电影是根据第二次世界大战期间在太平洋剧院发生的真实事件拍摄的。

《敦刻尔克》获得了一些预映前的大肆宣传和好评; 但是,由于这些天来好莱坞很少出现高质量的“战争”电影,而且如此普遍的几乎统一的政治正确的情节线操纵,我们还是有些警惕。 但是,“敦刻尔克”(Dunkirk)都不适用。 实际上,从许多方面来看,《敦刻尔克》是我多年来所见过的最非PC影片。

导演克里斯托弗·诺兰(Christopher Nolan)以他之前的一些电影而闻名,包括《星际穿越》(Interstellar)。

“敦刻尔克”分为三个重叠的部分或电影视角,描绘了著名的战斗和奇迹般的疏散:在陆地,海上和空中。 陆地序列以一个著名的mole鼠(仍在那儿)为中心,使撤退的士兵登上需要更深吃水的远洋轮船。 海面记录了数百艘主要由个人驾驶的小船的尝试,以响应英国政府的呼吁,以协助撤离包围在敦刻尔克海滩上的部队。 而且空战的战绩极为出色,与我一向最喜欢的一部关于战争的电影《不列颠之战》中捕捉到的场景相比,它表现出色。


立刻引人注目的是,导演诺兰(Nolan)尽可能避免使用计算机图形图像(CGI)。 的确,空战射击包括实时喷火,几架德国海因克尔和容克斯的轰炸机,以及其他精心伪装成Messerschmidt 109s的时期飞机。 自从《不列颠之战》或《托拉·托拉·托拉》问世以来,我还没有看到如此真实的东西-很少的CGI,您会立即感觉到您正在观看真正的空战。 这种影响是压倒一切的,并吞没了观众。

但是,最重要的是,“敦刻尔克”的情节使它既独特又令人难忘。 在头十五或二十分钟的主角中,一位名叫汤米的英国士兵(由年轻的英国新人菲安·怀特海德饰演)绝对没说什么。 相反,我们在屏幕上看到的是他在敦刻尔克(Dunkirk)的街道上拼命逃跑,然后在炸弹降落到附近的海滩,帮助另一名士兵掩埋了死去的战友,然后试图让一名重伤的士兵登上等待的医院船。 最终,当他和另一名疯狂的士兵最后登上一艘命运多vessel的船只时,他回答了一个问题,但只是简短而已。

诺兰导演正在做并且非常有效地做事,是从三个基本要素进行战斗: 真实 情节,我们正在观看的内容的真正核心。 炸弹的爆炸,混乱和破坏,绝望,乃至是电影精神的最终和未曾预料到的胜利。

实际上,除了扮演博尔顿司令的知名演员肯尼斯·布拉纳(Kenneth Branagh)之外,大多数演员基本上是公众所不知道的。 怀特海只有二十岁,他只获得了几部其他电影,但他的演技(很大程度上没有广泛的对话)既被低调又令人信服。 因为战斗本身就是压倒一切的主要特征,因此它席卷了一切。 个别的个人故事和通常致命的图像都很简短,但它们却巧妙地融入了巨大的超人斗争的压倒一切的主题中。 因此,每一个短片,每一个英雄主义举动,每一个惨痛的死亡,都被编织成一个整体。 它们是无缝体验的一部分,但不要夸大它,也不会人为地分散我们对驾驶,不可抑制运动的注意力。

另一个不合常规的方面,对于习惯了浪漫的切线或情节的观众来说肯定会感到惊讶,那就是女性几乎不在“敦刻尔克”中扮演任何角色,除了在医院工作的一两个护士。 没有浪漫的趣味情节,没有衣衫sweet的甜美年轻事物(在大多数描述历史主题的当代电影中,谁会在狂暴的R级爱情场面中露面-例如“泰坦尼克号”或“珍珠港”)。 所有这些都不能阻碍强大的和不可避免的轨迹。

就此而言,也没有任何少数民族的特色。 除了散落的法国士兵外,所有演员都是英国人,而且正如任何一位历史学家都会告诉你的那样,应该是这样,因为是在这些海滩上战斗的是英国人(和一些法国人)士兵,他们是数百艘私人小船撤离,这些小船接听了援助电话。 当然,一些批评家已经注意到了这一点。 但简单的事实是,敦刻尔克的奇迹是 英语,而不是非洲人或拉美裔的英格兰,它体现了一种责任,牺牲和帝国精神,该精神特征是如今正在迅速逝世的英格兰。

这种精神也许是“敦刻尔克”最引人注目的也是最动人的。 在屏幕上,我们可以直观地看到并实际连接到这个令人难以置信的历史事件。 很少说话,但视觉印象将我们带入了我们,包围了我们,并使我们能够从实际体验过该活动的人们的眼中看到。 不; 仅需几句话:我们所需要的只是了解正在发生的事情以及发生了什么事情。 我们是其中的一部分。

当电影进入最后的半小时时,乐谱的作曲家汉斯·齐默尔(Hans Zimmer)做的事情将所有的动作和戏剧带回家,突出了其强烈的爱国主义底蕴和历史真实感。 他编织了英国作曲家爱德华·艾尔加爵士爵士的主题 谜的变化,即“ Nimrod”变体形式的得分埃尔加(Elgar)当然是维多利亚/爱德华七世时代后期的原型作曲家,他以数以百万计的高中和大学毕业生而闻名 盛况与环境 1月XNUMX日。但这是他的 谜的变化,写于1899年,真正象征着帝国帝国的金色秋天。 “尼姆罗德”是一部雄伟而动人的作品,节奏缓慢,自第一次世界大战以来,在国葬,追悼会和其他庄严场合广泛使用。 它总是在星期天在伦敦的白厅(Whitehall)上演奏。 就像埃尔加(Elgar)的许多音乐一样,它在声音图像中提供了一种深刻的感觉,但始终端庄并受到适当的限制-以及非常英语化的情感冲击。 齐默将速度进一步降低至每分钟六次跳动,以强调离开海滩的士兵们的情绪混乱和令人头晕的想法,并通过这一切来增强他们的应变能力。

最终的场景是在火车上,汤米和他的一些伙伴从英国海岸带到了英国心脏地带。 他们筋疲力尽,但仍不理解在那个历史漩涡中笼罩着他们的事件。 但是,当他们内陆旅行并经过几个火车站时,他们受到欢呼的人群,男孩,老人和妇女的欢呼,为他们提供优质的英式啤酒和糕点,并挥舞着国旗。 它尚未沉入他们的眼中,但对他们的同胞来说,他们不仅是幸存者,而且是英雄。 然后,汤米从窗户附近的一个男孩那里拿到一份报纸,他从中读到温斯顿·丘吉尔著名的演说:“我们将捍卫我们的岛屿,无论付出多少代价,我们将在海滩上战斗,我们将战斗在着陆点上,我们将在田野和街道上战斗,我们将在山上进行战斗; 我们将永远不会投降。”


那么,《敦刻尔克》就是2017年的稀有作品:一部没有R评级图像,没有色情语言,没有繁华的爱情场面,没有PC行话,没有对过去的意识形态操纵的电影。 相反,它使我们回到了1940年,进入了一个更加英雄的时代,当时真正的英雄捍卫自己的国家不是因为他们想要荣耀,而是因为这是他们的职责。 “敦刻尔克”在当前的电影院中脱颖而出:它使我们想起了曾经是一个民族的人和曾经取得的成就,以及英国(和西方)的文化和生活方式,一种文明正在迅速消失。 而且,有时似乎在问我们,我们是否将再次拥有这种勇气和信念。


忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. 我的一位退伍军人朋友说这很无聊,“战争很无聊”也同意。






    很少有美国人知道盎格鲁撒克逊人是德国人,而英语是日耳曼语,这就是希特勒允许英国人逃跑的原因。 一位德国人最近写道,虽然希特勒很坏,但他永远不会让欧洲被非洲人和穆斯林占领。 英格兰今天应该派BEF去保卫意大利!

    • 不同意: Jeff77450
    • 巨魔: TWS
  2. Patriot 说:


  3. I used to see quite a lot of a civilised old friend through his 80s and till his death at 96. He was a young English officer at Dunkirk. What a shame he did not survive to see this film. His Australian brother-in-law was wounded and won am MC in the (first succesful) defence of Tobruk. They should have seen it together.

  4. 导演诺兰正在做的,并且非常有效地做的是在三个基本要素中制作战斗,真实的情节,我们正在观看的实际核心。 炸弹爆炸、混乱和破坏、绝望,以及,是的,电影背后的精神的最后和出乎意料的胜利。

    Maybe it is that ‘spirit’ that is the problem.


    Those are good values… but on their own, they are directionless. Values need an agenda.

    忠诚是好的,但忠诚是什么? 责任是好的,但为了什么? 服务很好但是呢? 牺牲是好的,但为了什么?

    Virtues can be used against one’s own people, against the good.

    拿德国人。 勇气、团结、纪律和效率是值得拥有的好东西。
    但是当希特勒塑造德国的议程和方向时,这些美德被用来达到邪恶的目的。 正是为德国做出如此巨大贡献的美德才将其推下悬崖。
    日本人是有德的民族,是一个非常勤奋努力的民族。 这就是为什么他们在二战中如此危险。 民族性格可以为一个宏大的项目而被召唤。 它碰巧是战争并导致了很多破坏。
    Now, suppose Japanese were a people of vice like those black Africans who have no virtue and drive hippos crazy by chucking spears at them. Japanese couldn’t have amounted to much and would have been no threat to China and never would have had planes and subs to attack Pearl Harbor. If Japanese were a bunch of lazy crazy spear chucking bongo-drum beaters, they would never have become a major power.

    British are also a people of virtue. But because of these virtues of duty, loyalty, deference, service, conscience, and dignity, they can do something really bad on a grand scale IF led astray. Just as Brits can seriously serve the good, they can seriously serve the bad. It’s like BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI. Guinness’s character so totally British to the end as he convinces himself and his crew that the bridge they are building is more a monument to British teamwork, work ethic, and ingenuity than an instrument of war for the Japanese. He commits high treason in the name of patriotism. Pride of British Virtues override interests of Britain. (Likewise, the bloody fools who ruled UK in the last 50 yrs have built a bridge for the enemy while fooling themselves that it’s all about sportingly good British values.)

    The thing about virtues is they are not particularly ideological or intellectual. They don’t come with the batter of agency or autonomy. They are essentially emotional and habitual and seek something to latch onto. Courage, for instance, can serve good or bad. Diligence can be for working to defeat evil or to serve evil.

    It’s like the Kurosawa film THE MOST BEAUTIFUL about Japanese women making lens during the war. They are so hardworking and devoted. But, they never ask what the lenses are for or whether war is right or wrong. They have many virtues but they just follow like dogs. And when Japan lost, they just followed like dogs the new master of Uncle Sam. Japanese virtues shifted from serving Tojo to McCarthur.


    I heard there are lots of scenes of soldiers lining up in queues in DUNKIRK. That shows both the positive and negative side of Brits. They are used to following orders and going by rules. This made them better fighters in many occasions, but it also makes them more servile and robot-like before the higher power. This sense of doing everything by the book and together has a muffling effect on the individual who might say ‘shiite!’ British did much to develop modern individualism, but deference to class was always a bit thing in Britain. Form was always important, like when a lower class person had to tip his hat and say “aye guv’nor” to a superior.
    Since the 60s, the class thing went away on the surface. The working class got boorish and then got into punk music and then turned into soccer hooligans. But mindsets die hard. Class deference is gone, but the culture of form-and-deference is still very much alive. Since the New Holy is diversity & decadence, the hoity-toity virtues now defer to Africans, Muslims, and Homos while turning up the nose at good patriotic whites who are tempted to shout ‘darkies go home’. Consider J.H. Rowling, the Harry Potter authoress. She’s a hoiter-toiter in her prim priggish finger-wagging and nose-upturning.

    在某种程度上,英国人仍然处于 Q 心态。 如果说满族统治下的中国人排队,那么全球统治下的英国人仍然在心理上排队。
    Things have gotten so bad that it’s time for Brits to get angry and act like vikings and fight like Viet Cong.
    But they are still into proper form and being dignified. They don’t want to disrupt the order by tearing off their shirt and shouting “Enough is enough”. They don’t want to ruffle any feathers. So, if the Power says the UK is now a ‘nation of immigrants’, then the Brits stand in queue to follow such order. And even those who oppose globalism feel they must stand in queue and then raise their hands and given official approval to say their say. And say it pleadingly… like Oliver Twist asking, “Can I have a little more”. Today, patriots must stand in line and when, finally given approval, ‘Can we have a little fewer of the darkies, guv’nor?’ The Glob, of course, is outraged by even that little request.


    After all, why didn’t the British masses ever challenge their leaders who told them to go conquer the land of darkies, call people ‘blood wogs’, and drink tea to excess and pee like mad?


    好吧,Glob 现在控制着英国。

  5. ” it thrusts us back to 1940, to a more heroic time when there were real heroes who defended their country not because they wanted glory, but because it was their duty. ”

    The propaganda value of movies excellently decribed.
    WWII had the same cause as WWI, a Germany extentending its influence to the SE, British fear that this influence might reach the shores of the Mediterranean, thus threatening British communications with the wealth of their empire, wealth of India and SE Asia.
    Balfour already in 1907 confided this to the USA ambassador ‘maybe war was the cheapest way of maintaining the British standard of living’.
    From de decriptions of the movie I do not get the impression that the fact that Hitler let de BEF go, is part of the movie.
    Hitler still hoped for cooperation with GB

  6. neutral 说:

    I never understand people that worship Churchill (and FDR) as being the “saviors of Western civilization”, they were the destroyers of it. To complain about our modern PC age in the movies and then praise the very same people that made this possible is pure cognitive dissonance.

    You don’t believe me, well then look at the evidence. For centuries Western civilization endured many wars and other disasters, none of those destroyed Western civilization, but now its mostly dead because of what Churchill and FDR created. Western civilization is not democracy and it is not universal values, for if this is the case then you need to call everything that came before something else because for most of its time these things did not exist. Had the Third Reich won, then Western civilization would still exist, you would not have a majority non white London with a mayor named Razib Khan now. Had the soldiers known what the future of their land entailed, they would not only have surrendered at Dunkirk, they would have happily changed sides and fought Churchill.

    • 回复: @Joe Wong
    , @SD
  7. Binyamin 说:


    • 回复: @neutral
    , @woodNfish
    , @Drew458
  8. Hubbub 说:

    Thanks for the fine review of ‘Dunkirk’. I must see this film.

  9. Anonymous [AKA "TrueRomans"] 说:

    Dunkirk is only a next saving of inexistent private Ryan, another fairy-tale about strange war at the Western front. We all understand the match-fixing between Hitler and his sponsors, who ordered or bargained safe evacuation of British personnel. We still know, that the Britons and French still considered bombing USSR in April 1940, months before the French collapsed with very few resistance. So they, with Hitler, hoped to use the Britons and French against USSR, eventually. Comrade Stalin made this not happening. Western propaganda tries to portrait Western Democracies as determined fighters with Nazis from the very beginning, sans reproche. Not so determined, indeed. There is no Anabasis, no glory, nothing to be proud of – Hitler just let this happen.

  10. unit472 说:

    The ‘Miracle at Dunkirk’ probably owes more to Hermann Goering’s desire to give the Luftwaffe a starring role in the 1940 German offensive than any ‘daring’ by the defeated British Army. The German Army and its Panzer Divisions were on scene and likely would have overrun the beach head but were held back so the Luftwaffe could finish off the British.

    The problem was the Luftwaffe was a tactical air force and didn’t have the kind of heavy bombers the British and, later, American air forces possessed. A Stuka dive bomber could only carry a single 550lbs bomb with another handful of 110 lbs bombs. The ‘heavy’ twin engined Heinkel 111’s payload was just over 2000 lbs. This was adequate for taking out an enemy strongpoint but not an ‘area’ target like a port.

    What events like Dunkirk and the Miracle of the Marne, where French taxi drivers were used to ferry troops to the front in WW1, show is the ability of governments to turn ‘defeats’ into propaganda victories. That these same governments failed to field adequate forces to face the threats is forgotten.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  11. CalDre 说:

    我认为敦刻尔克最重要的一点就是希特勒让那些英国士兵逃跑了。请注意,在英国无缘无故地对德国宣战之后。作为一名军事指挥官,希特勒应该命令他的众多附近的装甲师(这些师在几个月内击溃了在祖国自由的法国联合军,想象一下他们会对轻武装、陷入困境的英国士兵做什么,哈哈) 。


    And no – there was no “spirit” of the British. A murderous tribe of global marauders that butchered hundreds of millions for no reason except the “Glory of Her Cuntness”. And no stupid movie can whitewash Britain’s immensely long history of war crimes, though it can entirely ignore the great gift Hitler gave to those who declared war against him.

  12. Hitler was an admirer of the British empire, which is reason enough to dislike the guy.

  13. What director Nolan is doing, and doing very effectively, is make the battle, in its three fundamental elements, the real plot, the actual centerpiece of what we are watching. It is the bombs blasting, the mayhem and destruction, the desperation, and, yes, the final and unsuspected triumph of the spirit that underlie the film.

    Yup, the formula is: hyper-drama for the bored drooling classes. Meanwhile the “real plot,” the vacuous causes of the mayhem most likely go entirely unexamined. See Sassoon’s statement before Parliament, below.

    No; just a few words are needed: all we require is the knowledge of what is happening—and what did happen. And we are part of it.

    Vicarious thrills, perhaps?All that’s needed is, again, probably unmentioned.

    Rather, it thrusts us back to 1940, to a more heroic time when there were real heroes who defended their country not because they wanted glory, but because it was their duty.

    Heroic, my tush. Most of the people never wanted war in the first place, but went off to join the “heroics” anyway, just as masses of them did in ww1. Evidence for that is the ultra sappy fetishization of ww2 which continues even today. They willingly submitted to propaganda propagated by extremely sick minds despite the commonly known truths about the idiocy of ww1.

    老谎言; Dulce et Decorum est
    祖国之森 (15)


    8 年 1917 月 1918 日 – XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月


    Sassoon’s Statement (1917)

    I am making this statement as an act of willful defiance of military authority, because I believe that the War is being deliberately prolonged by those who have the power to end it.

    I am a soldier, convinced that I am acting on behalf of soldiers. I believe that this War, on which I entered as a war of defence and liberation, has now become a war of aggression and conquest…I am not protesting against the conduct of the war, but against political errors and insincerities for which the fighting men are being sacrificed…


  14. it reminds us of who we once were as a people and the deeds we once achieved, and of an English (and Western) culture and way of life, a civilization, quickly disappearing.

    And you dare to use the words “culture” and “civilization” in your sappy praise about a vast and hideous, episode of mindless, industrial grade savagery? Get real, sir!

    And, at times, it seems to ask us if we will ever again possess that courage and that faith.


    For one thing, it helps to distinguish between physical and moral courage, which Mark Twain, for one, did years ago, and the answer to the question is NOT still out. You seem old enough that you should know better.

    “我们缺乏道德勇气; 我们处于极度贫困的状态。 “

    Mark Twain (Samuel Clemmens), THE UNITED STATES OF LYNCHERDOM (1901)

    • 同意: Rurik
    • 回复: @Willem
  15. Jay Igaboo 说:

    在原本有趣、悠闲和愉快的阅读中,Cathey 做了一件让我和数百万苏格兰人、爱尔兰人和威尔士人停止阅读、聆听或观看的事情。 或继续使用“England”或“English”而不是“Britain”或“British”引发的敌意。
    这更加令人恼火,因为它正好落入了伪装成民族主义者的文化马克思主义者的手中,例如苏格兰这里令人眼花缭乱的 SNP、卑鄙的 Sein Fein 或威尔士的可悲的 Plyde Cymru。
    在服役期间,我无数次听到这句话,这令人心碎:对我来说,最令人难忘的是,英国-英国军团格洛斯特斯在韩国最英勇作战的准将在斯坦福大学的一个基地向我的主要苏格兰营发表讲话。 1968 年。

    一切都很顺利,直到他的讲话受到好评,而且由于他赢得了良好的声誉,人们对他表示兴趣和尊重,直到他说:“我们都是英国士兵,作为英国士兵,等等,等等,等等…… 。”

    请注意,Cathey:你为 Nats 做得很好——请停下来!

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  16. iffen 说:

    In fact, in many ways “Dunkirk” is the most non-PC film I’ve seen in years.

    You are not any good at reading PC.

    RE: The PC Narrative
    Don’t lock your doors (borders) to keep out dangerous people because you will only traumatize them further and they should not be held responsible (PTSD) for responding to your provocations by committing manslaughter (not even an unkind word about that).

    And as for the PC narrative, most of the common soldiers were downright hurtful toward the Frogs, but of course not the upper class officer who stayed behind to aid in their evacuation.

    The French deserter had stolen the uniform of the soldier that he buried, for all we know he killed him to get it, in order to desert his French comrades and get evacuated. (It’s all good, we’re all the same; French, English, German.)

    Rather than waiting their turn, our “heroes” try to jump to the front of the line. (That’s okay; rules are for fools.)

  17. @Priss Factor

    Yep. This is why I’ve argued that NW Europeans need more tribalism in their DNA. The Japanese, who, as you noted, share many of the deference to authority traits as NE Euros, seem to have enough to protect them against the Glob.

    NW Euros view their governments and other elites as their tribal leaders. That’s incredibly dangerous. Being more tribal puts tribe above governments. American Jews don’t say, “Yes, sir” if the government pushes a policy. They say, “Is this good for the Jews.” If it’s not, they fight that policy with everything that they have. The same would be true in Israel if a Jewish politician pushed for open borders. Tribe first.

    NW Euros just accept mass imvasion because their govts and media say that it’s the right thing. NW Euros never ask, “Is this good for NW Euros – all NW Euros.”

    Until a sizable portion of us can do that, we are truly and utterly screwed. (Btw, the behavior of whites in South Africa, California and Texas doesn’t indicate that my cousins will wake up any time soon.)

  18. neutral 说:



  19. 相反,它让我们回到了 1940 年,回到了一个更加英雄的时代,当时有真正的英雄保卫自己的国家,不是因为他们想要荣耀,而是因为这是他们的职责。 《敦刻尔克》在当前的电影中显得异常突出:它让我们想起我们曾经的民族和我们曾经取得的成就,以及英国(和西方)的文化和生活方式,一种正在迅速消失的文明。 有时,它似乎在问我们是否会再次拥有那种勇气和那种信念。

    Well, that “Greatest Generation” may have fought well in WWII, but they abysmally failed to defend their countries – UK and US. The “Greatest Generation” crafted and approved the utter dismantling of the English (and Western) culture and way of life. That generation is the one responsible for causing their own culture – their own people – to quickly disappear!

    I’m sick of the Greatest Generation. It is those soldiers at Dunkirk and Normandy and the Battle of Bulge and their wives that through their own actions or an unwillingness to stand up to the actions of others destroyed our civilization and allowed an unprecedented invasion of our lands.

    25 年,当美国决定改变我们的人口结构时,一名 1945 岁的士兵在 45 年是 1965 岁。 65 年他 1985 岁,当时每个人都看到我们的文化正在瓦解,非法移民是一个大问题。 他在 70 年已经 2000 岁了,当时几乎为时已晚,但我们仍有机会。

    这一切都是他造成的。 他什么也没有阻止。

    我的孩子们将在他们祖先建造的土地上成为少数。 我的孩子会受到他们自己政府的歧视。 我的孩子会因为黑人和棕色人种而处于危险之中。

    All because of you Greatest Generation – and your spoiled children, the Boomers.

    愿你因背叛自己的人民而在地狱中腐烂。 你在年轻时表现出勇气,在你的余生中表现出完全的懦弱。

  20. Joe Hide 说:

    Entertaining and well written. I will probably watch the movie now.

  21. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    A wonderful essay. This movie is on my immediate bucket list.

    Just before the great battle at Trafalgar (where he would be fatally wounded), the great Lord Nelson told his men “England expects every man to do his duty.”

    Nelson would have been proud of his countrymen on that fateful day in the late spring of 1940.

  22. 可怜的老阿道夫。 当他阻止装甲车前进时,他确实试图让英国人清醒过来。

    但他继续前进,我们继续前进; 他,砰地一声出去,我们带着忧郁、退缩、长达七十五年的呜咽声出去。

  23. Joe Wong 说:
    @Priss Factor

    This is the most objective assessment of the western civilization I have ever read. The article does not fit the title “What It Says About Our Western Civilization” but your comment does.

    Your comment about the Japanese is too modest; Japanese is beyond dangerous, they are lunatic, psychotic and beastly. German has conscience because they showed remorse about what they have done wrong, but the Japanese has never shown remorse about what they have done wrong, they are continue denying their war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace since WWII. Japanese is unrepentant war criminal that cannot be remitted back into civilized world.

    People are easily misled by the Japanese virtues, good behavior, hardworking and devoted, and they do not bother to understand the true nature of Japanese; Japanese just follow like dogs, Japanese virtues turned them into ruthless, reckless and efficient beastly butchers and psychopathic war criminals when they follow bad leaders. Since WWII they just followed like dogs to the new master of Uncle Sam. Japanese virtues shifted from serving Tojo to MacArthur and alike.

  24. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Interesting. I am put in mind of another film, the first Titanic film “A Night To Remember” when, as the ship was doing down, the string quartet was playing “Nearer My God To Thee.” The English, in your telling, appear to be almost indistinguishable from their German adversaries (many of whose genes the English shared) in terms of devotion to duty. And the Japanese. Recall in “Kwai” the scene where William Holden explodes over this very characteristic, referring to how (in the Great War) it was “over the top with nothing more than a swagger stick.” Whether German, English, Japanese or American–all took their cue from their “leaders” (Hitler, Churchill, Hirohito, Roosevelt)-who, for good and for ill, were clever enough to shape their nation’s virtue to serve what they saw as the nations needs.

  25. Biff 说:

    Small reminder – movies, and especially war movies are not real.

  26. Joe Wong 说:

    You can blame everything on Churchill, but you cannot blame Churchill turning London or UK into multi-colour soup. Churchill is a White supremacist, he did not allow British colonial subjects poured into UK unchecked; British issued two type of passports, one for the White in UK, the other British Passport for the British colonial subjects who cannot abide in UK and need a Visa to go to Britain (the UK).

    • 同意: Matra
    • 回复: @neutral
    , @sb
  27. SD 说:

    “如果第三帝国获胜,那么西方文明仍然存在,现在伦敦就不会出现非白人占多数、市长名叫拉齐布·汗的情况。 ”

    哈哈,你说的是萨迪克·汗。我们善良的老遗传学博主拉齐布·汗(Razib Khan)没有做任何伤害西方文明的事情,而且他当然不是伦敦市长。

    • 回复: @iffen
    , @neutral
  28. c matt 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Have to agree with Priss, not necessarily about the movie, but about “Virtues” as an end or abstract. Like “being principled”, it all depends upon to what the virtues or principles are directed. No one can argue that Democrats are principled and have the virtues of loyalty and dedication in spades over Republicans – they are willing to die on their swords over abortion, affirmative action, etc. Republicans wouldn’t risk a paper cut over anything.

  29. neutral 说:
    @Joe Wong

    Churchill was fighting for the liberal global order, the liberal global takes it as axiomatic that all races are equal. So Churchill is to blame, had there been no Churchill there would not have been a Razib Khan as mayor of London.

    • 回复: @Joe Wong
  30. iffen 说:



  31. neutral 说:


    • 回复: @SD
    , @iffen
    , @CanSpeccy
    , @Moi
  32. Che Guava 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Well said, jilles.

    If Hitler would not have wanted them to escape, they would not have.

    A lot of the French found some way back to France, to join Vichy forces or the SS.

    It amuses me that the writer of this piece mentions 不列颠之战托拉托拉Tora as faves, no connection, but the same as I was citing on isteve. I am not even to remember the former well, except the aeroplanes.

    Priss mentions Kurosawa’s 最美丽的,

    well, I was mentioning it last summer, and gave it that title, from translation. Westerners generally did not know that it even existed.

    Cheap. For bonus points, i have worked at the same place. Of course, Priss is entertaining but will never reply.

    • 回复: @for-the-record
  33. @Citizen of a Silly Country

    Sorry, meant that the soldier would have been 75 in 1995.

    And, perhaps, I was a bit harsh for saying that these men should “rot in Hell.” However, I stand by my assertion that the Greatest Generation was anything but from ~1960 onwards.

    Gen-Xers and younger generations tend to blame the Baby Boomers for the havoc that surrounds us. And, of course, it’s true in part. But they were simply following in the footsteps of the young men and women of WWII. (A typical Boomer was only ~20 years old in 1970 and ~35 in 1985, hardly controlling the levers of society.) No, it was the WWII generation that destroyed out world.

    And for what? What was their reason from starting the process that will bring down civilizations that had endured for thousands of years?

    I cannot look at my children and feel anything but contempt for that generation. Their bravery in WWII makes them worse in my eyes. You were willing to fight and die to stop the Germans, but you wouldn’t go to the polls or march to stop your country from being flooded by Pakistanis, Mexicans, Indians, Africans and every other people on the planet.

    You could have stopped this, and, for that, I cannot forgive you. And I certainly won’t honor you.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
    , @jacques sheete
  34. @Carlton Meyer

    很少有美国人知道盎格鲁撒克逊人是德国人,而英语是日耳曼语,这就是希特勒允许英国人逃跑的原因。 一位德国人最近写道,虽然希特勒很坏,但他永远不会让欧洲被非洲人和穆斯林占领。 英格兰今天应该派BEF去保卫意大利!

    The Brits, what’s left of them, as they become a minority in their own homeland, are mainly Celts. The Anglo Saxons were an occupying power who imposed their language and legal tradition on the country without exterminating the indigenous population.

    在欧洲精英和英国叛国阶级正在进行的人口更替计划之前,对英国的所有其他入侵都是如此。 罗马人、维京人和诺曼人,都只留下了相当小的基因印记. 目前的涌入并非如此,其中许多人表现出对土著人民的正常种族主义蔑视。




    ‘All white people are racist’: Cambridge University probes head of equality group for saying white men, women and children ‘can all get it’ as he heaps praise on London rioters in shocking Twitter outburst

    Presumably, the courts will fine them about five quid each and tell them to be more sensitive about the feelings of the natives. Heck, we don’t want an uprising or anything.


    • 回复: @Logan
  35. SD 说:


  36. iffen 说:

    mean no harm to Western civilization. To accept the idea of having non Westerners ruling over you

    Western civilization is a state of mind.

    • 回复: @neutral
  37. @Priss Factor

    Agree as far is this goes. But there’s more. The Brits and the people of every other Western nation are now in the grip of a massive persuasion machine. The world has never seen a power of persuasion anything like that to which the people of the West are now subjected. Movies, TV, MSM, Schools, Universities, Police, legislatures, all engaged to brainwash the European peoples into a state of self-hate and acquiescence in their own destruction.

    And all this reinforced by the fact that a huge proportion of the population get their livelihood by working for governments, public institutions or corporations that will summarily dismiss them for “racism”, i.e., vocally opposing their own national destruction, which is to say their own national genocide.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  38. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    ““Dunkirk” stands out like an anomaly amongst current cinema: it reminds us of who we once were as a people and the deeds we once achieved, and of an English (and Western) culture and way of life, a civilization, quickly disappearing. And, at times, it seems to ask us if we will ever again possess that courage and that faith.”

    The western -aka christian- way of life has always been about Racial Supremacy, Greed and Psychopathy (its success is clearly a direct result of its exceptionality in those “virtues”). The world wars are part proof of that, and nothing has changed ever since.

    Except, after those so-called “great” wars, white supremacist scum, have only wisened to the fact that it is far easier, and definitely more fun, to mass murder other perceived “low-lifes,” than to kill their own kind.

    还有一个最 关键 人们对这种备受吹捧的生活方式完全视而不见。它竖立在流沙上;关于异教(人神)、多神教和偶像崇拜。为此,他们在宇宙时间的一瞬间就会感到自豪和自夸。


    In other words, their skin colour, perceived as one of their most valuable gifts (after all their “gods” are white too, right?), will prove to be their biggest curse.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
    , @woodNfish
  39. @unit472

    What events like Dunkirk and the Miracle of the Marne, where French taxi drivers were used to ferry troops to the front in WW1, show is the ability of governments to turn ‘defeats’ into propaganda victories.

    Churchill, I believe, called Dunkirk not a defeat but “the greatest disgrace to British arms in a thousand years.”

    • 回复: @Logan
  40. @Jay Igaboo

    Have to admit I sometimes use “English” for “British” out of annoyance with the Scotch Nat cucks, who pretend to be nationalists but wish to destroy the United Kingdom, and take Scotland into the intimate embrace of the EU where they will have a much smaller (essential zero) voice than they have in Britain: a Britain that they have often, in effect, ruled through powerful ministers including Prime Ministers MacDonald, MacMillan, Home, Blair, and that Brown turn, wh0 called an old woman a bigot for objecting to the genocidal flood of immigration promoted by Brown’s cuck Labor Government.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
    , @Jay Igaboo
  41. @jilles dykstra

    WWII had the same cause as WWI, a Germany extending its influence to the SE, British fear that this influence might reach the shores of the Mediterranean, thus threatening British communications with the wealth of their empire, wealth of India and SE Asia.

    It was a factor, not the cause in the decision of the Brits to wage war against Germany again , the true cause was the same as the cause of ww1 as you noted…

    Why, my fellow citizens, is there any man here or any woman, let me say is there any child here, who does not know that the seed of war in the modern world is industrial and commercial rivalry…and the reason why some nations went into the war against Germany was that they thought Germany would get the commercial advantage of them. 嫉妒的种子,根深蒂固的仇恨的种子炽热,成功的工商对抗……

    这场战争从一开始就是一场商业和工业战争。 这不是一场政治战争。

    -伍德罗·威尔逊(Woodrow Wilson),5年1919月XNUMX日在密苏里州圣路易斯体育馆的演讲


    This concept should be drilled into the skulls of every person who believes he’s entitled to an opinion on the subject Unfortunately it never will be.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  42. @Joe Wong

    Japanese is unrepentant war criminal that cannot be remitted back into civilized world.

    But the Japs have retained control of their own territory (well except in Okinawa). Better to be a war criminal than to be exterminated by your own globo cuck, Oxford-trained elite.

    • 回复: @Joe Wong
  43. Looks like Martel will one day have to removed cuz he was a ‘xenophobic Islamophobic nationalist race-ist’.

  44. anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @Carlton Meyer

    “A German recently wrote that while Hitler was bad, he would never let Europe be overrun by … and Muslims.”

    Perhaps you pagan polytheists (essentially spiritual savages) could do with some true monotheism, even if brought forth by perceived “low-lifes”?

    不? 好吧,与反对者一起下地狱!

    • 回复: @Eustace Tilley (not)
  45. @Che Guava

    Priss mentions Kurosawa’s 最美丽的,

    well, I was mentioning it last summer, and gave it that title, from translation. Westerners generally did not know that it even existed.

    Cheap. For bonus points, i have worked at the same place. Of course, Priss is entertaining but will never reply.

    I’m not quite sure how you can claim copyright for the English translation of the title of Kurosawa’s film, unless you also wrote the Wikipedia article.


    • 回复: @Che Guava
  46. @neutral

    you want but nobody with the surname Khan should ever be mayor of London

    That’s what all sane indigenous Brits want. They love diversity: Pakistan for the Pakistanis, Britain for the British.

    • 回复: @Moi
  47. Only the craven would glorify a military retreat where cowards ran from their enemy with their tails tucked between their legs. What’s next, a movie about the US marines fleeing from the Chinese and North Koreans during the battle of the Chosin reservoir?

    • 回复: @Joe Stalin
    , @Anonymous
  48. @Citizen of a Silly Country

    You were willing to fight and die to stop the Germans, but you wouldn’t go to the polls or march to stop your country from being flooded by Pakistanis, Mexicans, Indians, Africans and every other people on the planet.

    You could have stopped this, and, for that, I cannot forgive you.

    Well said. Let every cuck receive a white feather.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  49. @anonymous



    • 同意: woodNfish
  50. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Cuntness indeed! And, surely there were many Dickness too!

  51. @CanSpeccy

    Sorry, when I said “the Brown turn” I of course meant to type “the Brown turd”.

  52. But however good, bad or indifferent this movie may be, one can be sure that the industry that produced it will never produce a movie covering today’s genocidal war against the European people. Well not until it’s over. Then the cucks, traitors and the Muslim/Hindu/Voodoo settler winners will be the heroes, the British, the French, the Germans, the Italians just a bunch of stinking, wimpering sub-humans (which in view of their present sniveling, defeatist, submission to the forces of political correctness, would be a fair assessment).

  53. Jeff77450 说:

    凯西先生,很棒的评论。 我想看,我想看 *支付* 观看它,以便可能制作更多类似的电影。

    我真的很喜欢我的凯尔特人/罗马人/盎格鲁人/撒克逊人/黄麻/弗里西亚人(?)/维京人/诺曼人/胡格诺派“在池塘对面”的表亲。 1991年,在科威特,我和一些英国和澳大利亚军队一起服役,主要是工兵,他们是世界上最伟大的人,非常专业的士兵。

    我对过去 1968 年来发生在英国的事情感到非常难过。 约翰·伊诺克·鲍威尔 (John Enoch Powell) 在 XNUMX 年的“血河”演讲中警告了他们,乃至整个西方文明,但他被忽视甚至嘲笑。

    或许这部电影会激励我的英国表亲去做如果他们希望保护他们的国家、他们的种族和他们的文化必须做的事情。 这将需要牺牲和愿意承担法律上和身体上的伤亡。 我祝他们一切顺利。 –Jeff York,来自德克萨斯州休斯顿

  54. neutral 说:

    Western civilization is a state of mind.

    Not its absolutely not a state of mind. Western civilization is ultimately whites, its not about democracy, its not about Plato and Aristotle, its not even about Christianity. I don’t consider India Western, even with its democracy. I would not consider a Europe populated with only Africans (that happen to be Christian) Western. I don’t consider a Chinese man that believes in the rational world view of Aristotle Western.

    I apply the same logic to others as well, some white guy who is an expert on Confucius and has lived all his life in China is not Chinese.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
    , @iffen
  55. In a way, imperialism led to current mindset.

    Before empire, the subjects of European rulers were European masses.

    With empire, non-whites came under the rule of European elites.

    Because European elites needed to conquer non-white lands, they initially needed the support of European masses as soldiers and colonizers. So, white subjects were favored over non-white subjects-to-be.

    But favoring white subjects over non-white subjects was bound to lead to resentment among the non-whites. In order to morally justify their rule over the world, white elites had to move toward Equality of Subjecthood so that all subjects of the empire, white and non-white, would be treated equally. It’s like Roman citizenship conferred rights to Romans and non-Romans alike.

    So, all of this talk of equality is not about equality between elites and masses but about equality as subjects of the elites. It means that in the current west, the elites will treat you, a whitey, like blacks and browns. Equality as Subject.

    But Old Empire didn’t go far enough with this, and it led to mass rebellion against the empire.

    But there was another problem with the Old Empire. Even as white elites recruited comprador collaborator elites, there was a line that separated the whites and the ‘wogs’. So, someone like Gandhi could rise high but not too high. So, this eventually led to resentment among non-white elites who came to lead the non-white masses against the empire. So, empire fell.

    Globalism, as New Imperialism, fixed the bugs in the system of world domination. Look how Fareed Zakaria is given total red carpet treatment and how African elites are welcomed to marry the daughters of white elites. Had he been tossed out of a train like Gandhi, he might not be this shameless agent of globalist world-domination. But he’s been let into the Glob Club, and he just loves to feel the power of the Glob.

    So, as long as you join the Glob Empire, you can have everything.

    In the past, even the rich and educated non-whites were snubbed by whites and felt compelled to emphasize their identity and lead their own people.
    Now, non-whites are welcomed into the Globo Club if they are educated and rich. They can all break bread together. So, why not join with the Elysium than bother with the loser masses of your own kind back home?

    True test of a patriot goes like this.

    Suppose you’re an ordinary Hungarian.
    Suppose one day you become very rich.
    Will you identify more with ordinary Hungarians(who want to preserve their nation) or with rich non-Hungarian elites around the world(who call for open borders for Hungary)?
    If the former, you are a patriot. If the latter, you are a toady to whomever has the power.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  56. CalDre 说:
    @Joe Wong

    Japanese is unrepentant war criminal that cannot be remitted back into civilized world. People… do not bother to understand the true nature of Japanese; Japanese just follow like dogs,

    Mao murdered substantially more Chinese than Hirohito, yet, statues still idolize him throughout China. Is the Communist Party repentant? Or do the Chinese follow their Communist rulers like dogs?

    • 回复: @Joe Wong
    , @Joe Wong
  57. Moi 说:

    Let’s not forget that Britain at the time was a racist, cruel, colonial empire.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
    , @CanSpeccy
  58. @Citizen of a Silly Country

    You were willing to fight and die to stop the Germans…

    That is true. And it’s important to note that the Germans were among the few who were willing to fight and die to save Western culture and civilization from the Reds of the time who themselves were little more than tools of the moneybags crowd.

    Their bravery was wasted in the service of stupidity on steroids. Used against them in fact and most, wallowing in self praise, still fail to understand that.

    Patton was correct about killing the wrong pigs.

  59. hhsiii 说:
    @Carlton Meyer

    von Runstedt gave the order to halt the tanks. It’s a bandied about theory that Hitler wanted to let the Brits escape but there is little (or no) direct evidence. Guderian and von Runstedt’s self-serving claims later aside.

    BTW, about the same number of french soldiers were also evacuated. Most of the little boats were not manned by plain civilians, either, (other than fishing vesels generally speaking) as opposed to naval personnel, merchant marines, etc. The boats were volunteered or commandeered. One of the few boats piloted by a civilian was Charles Lightoller’s yacht (the second oficer on the Titanic, himself retired navy).

  60. Moi 说:

    Some folks feel the same way about Obama.

  61. … sappers mostly, and they were just the greatest guys in the world and very professional soldiers.

    Somehow, the ‘sap” part is appropriate for those in service of the state that dupes and uses them, and screws with innocent people the world over.


    – Mercy Otis Warren,美国革命的兴起、进步和终止的历史卷。 2

    Or, you could just read Butler’s excellent piece.






  62. Willem 说:
    @jacques sheete

    There used to be a time (as a teenager) when I liked movies such as Saving Private Ryan in which comradeship, courage, faith and our civilization were glorified. And then I read Howard Zinn’s essay ‘Private Ryan saves war’ and I changed my mind. Now I find no liking in war movies in which the reason of why this war was fought is not mentioned, and/or is buried under gunghoism and in which the most important question: Will this film help persuade the viewer that such scenes must never occur again? – is not even asked. Dunkirk seems to be a film with all the ingredients of gunghoism and excitement and comradeship in it without any searching as to why these soldiers were there in the first place, for which reason I strongly dislike it.

    Howard Zinn’s essay about Private Ryan, can be found here:


    • 回复: @iffen
    , @jacques sheete
  63. @neutral

    some white guy who is an expert on Confucius and has lived all his life in China is not Chinese

    Hey, will you cut this out. You’re just confusing people.

    A woman who says she’s a man, is a man. A man who says he’s a woman and wins all the women’s athletic competitions, is a woman.

    And a Pakistani who says he’s a Brit, is as good as any other Brit and probably better, and you’re a racist if you say otherwise.

  64. Matra 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    The primary source documents do not back up the argument that the Empire was a major concern of British decision-makers for either World War.

  65. iffen 说:

    You are talking about race, not civilization and the civilization is about Plato, Aristotle, Christianity and democracy (or what passes for it these days).

  66. woodNfish 说:


    • 回复: @Pachyderm Pachyderma
  67. @CalDre


    • 回复: @Delinquent Snail
    , @CalDre
  68. woodNfish 说:


    • 同意: Delinquent Snail
  69. @CanSpeccy

    Where, or Who, is the American Vladimir Jabotinsky?

    1935 年 1 月 27 日

    “On the subject of Revisionism, which he has made his life’s work, Jabotinsky is quiet and forceful, with the assured air of a man who sees a sharply defined vision, totally lacking in confusion or compromise, which he knows must be realized.
    “How can the Jews achieve a true Homeland in the Holy Land?” the reporter asked him.
    “By demanding it,” Jabotinsky said quietly.
    。 。 。
    “Jabotinsky was surprised when one of his American lieutenants told him word had been received that he was no longer to be barred from Palestine, which he has not visited since December, 1929, when his permanent visa was revoked. He was unable to say whether he would return there for a visit. . . .
    Although he is reputedly a fiery and inspiring orator in his public appearances, this little, almost haggard man is completely without bluster in his personal contacts. His voice has a soft, caressing quality, which carries with it conviction. He peers at you from behind glasses with his shrewd but kindly eyes, asking questions almost as frequently as he answers them.

    “There is one force in the world that really matters,” 他说, “and that is the force of moral pressure. We Jews are the most powerful nation in the world because we have that force and know how to use it.”


    Instead of being intimidated and exploited by the “moral persuasive” force of Jews, Americans should, in fact 必须 make the same 需求 for their culture as Jabotinsky made for zionism.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  70. Joe Wong 说:

    In 1981 (25 years after the event) Judith Banister at the US Bureau of the Census proposed 30 millions killed in the Great Leap Forward (GLF) based on her “massive death toll” hypothesis, this figure is the mother of all subsequent numbers when the westerns write about the GLF; Frank Dikotter quoted 45 millions murdered in the GLF to win the Samuel Johnson prize for non-fiction; recently Jung Chang and Jon Halliday said 70 millions killed in the GLF in their book “Mao: the Unknown Story.” All of them claimed their number based on secret sources in china. The latest number is 100 millions murdered in the GLF in a lot of western current affairs analysis sites.

    CalDre, how many do you believe deaths (or percentage) would attribute to Mao or polices of the Great Leap Forward?

    • 回复: @CalDre
  71. Che Guava 说:

    I can assure you that I made the title independently, and with 90% plus confidence, that PrIss only knew of it from my post last summer.

    Also, that I have worked at the same place, so a special resonance,

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  72. @SolontoCroesus

    Yes, instead of whinging about being screwed by Jews, European nationalists should emulate Jewish nationalism, which is not to say that Europeans are not being screwed by Jews. Europeans have been targeted for destruction by the globalist Money Power, and the globalist Money Power has a very large Jewish content.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  73. @Antonin Chigurh




  74. iffen 说:

    why these soldiers were there in the first place


  75. Corvinus 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country

    “A 25-year-old soldier in 1945 was 45 in 1965 when the U.S. decided to change our demographics. He was 65 in 1985 when everyone could see that our culture was disintegrating and that illegal immigration was a huge problem. He was 70 in 2000 when it was nearly too late but we still had a chance.”

    Classic case of scapegoating here. In human history, demographics change, by law or by force, for better or for worse. Furthermore, American culture has not “disintegrated”; rather, it changes to reflect the people living in a particular era.

    “My children will be a minority in the land their ancestors built.”

    Then they should be able to use our current anti-discrimination laws to their advantage IF they experience discrimination.

    “My children will be in danger because of the blacks and browns.”


    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
    , @neutral
  76. @Priss Factor


    The “move toward Equality of Subjecthood so that all subjects of the empire, white and non-white, would be treated equally” was promoted in Britain by non other than Enoch Powell, who in his early days in power represented the Rhodes-Milner faction in the drive for an Anglo dominated world empire. In that phase of his career, Powell was Minister of Health and organized the mass immigration of West Indians to provide cheap labor for the National Health Service.

    Only later did Powell see mass immigration as a disaster. For what reason? Presumably because he really did see that the way things were going would lead to the Tiber, or more likely the Thames, “foaming with much blood,” as he put it in 著名的演讲.

    • 回复: @Ossettian
  77. @Moi

    Let’s not forget that Britain at the time was a racist, cruel, colonial empire.

    So now the British should agree to be genocided by suppressed reproduction and mass replacement immigration. Is that what you’re saying?

    But according to that insane, racist logic, just about every nation should commit suicide, including obviously, the Egyptians, the Persians, the Syrians, the Russians, the Chinese, all of the North and South Amerindian tribes. Maybe there was some nation that was not racist, cruel and ready to steal whatever the could from whoever was weak: the Tasmanians, perhaps. But that nation, like the Tasmanian people, has long been deleted from the page of history.

    Anyway how cruel was for the British to prepare the people of India for independence and prosperity in the modern world and then grant them independence under a democratic constitution, as set forth by Lord Thomas Macaulay in his “minute on Indian education” prepared for the first British Governor General of India: a proposal that was followed almost to the letter?

    • 回复: @Moi
  78. Joe Wong 说:

    “Is the Communist Party repentant?” Sure, the CCP officially admitted Great Leap Forward and Culture Revolution were mistakes, Mao and others were at fault for implementing such ill considered polices, and they vowed not to repeat those mistakes again by reforming the party and constitution with safety check mechanism.

    On the other hand the American and their minions have been bombing, killing and waterboarding on the fabricated phantom WMD allegation that killed, maimed and crippled tens of millions if not hundreds of millions people, families and homes around the world since WWII, have the American and their western democracy partners admit quilts and their wrong doings?

    So far the Americans insist that morality is their birth right, the war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace like color revolutions, regime changes and false flag op initiated reckless wars are all necessary for the good. You tell me who is unrepentant?

    Regarding Chinese following their Communist rulers obediently, I feel it is way better than the Americans and their minions following their morally defunct evil rulers like dogs blindly and committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace on the fabricated phantom WMD allegations as humanitarian intervention.

    You should know Chinese following their leaders and do no harm to the world, while the Americans and their minions following their leaders like dogs doing untold amount harm to the world, yet the Americans and their minions demonize Chinese relentlessly to white wash their crimes, the Americans and their minions are indeed ‘God-fearing’ morally defunct evil ‘inquisitors’.

    • 回复: @neutral
    , @CalDre
  79. @Corvinus

    The usual white genocide promo from Corvinus.

  80. Joe Wong 说:

    My foot, Churchill was fighting for the liberal global order. Churchill was the hard core British Empire imperialist warmonger. If Churchill was fighting for liberty, then Hitler was fighting for justice.

  81. Joe Wong 说:

    Do you know there are three hundred US military bases in the Japan homeland? And do you know the Japanese emperor and his cabinet are within the cannon shots of the US armed forces 24/7?

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
    , @Sean
  82. CalDre 说:
    @Antonin Chigurh


    Some people are actually educated and informed and to the brainwashed sheeple they seem stupid and irrational …. As Goethe famously wrote, “None are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”. His point: a mental prison is the hardest to break free from, for just as with Plato’s Parable of the Cave, the mentally incarcerated have no concept of their own servitude.

    Germany invaded Poland, that was engaged in a steady diet of anti-German pogroms – from German lands that were stolen from Germany following WW I. Certainly if the Irish were (righteously) conducting pogroms against the British aristocracy in Ireland the British would respond with massive force (heck, they attacked innocent countries time and again and again for nothing). Would Germany then have the justifiable right to declare war against UK and bomb their citieis to smithereens, murdering millions of civilians? Because that is what you justify.

    As to the “mutual defense pact” nonsense, USSR also invaded Poland, more or less contemporaneously. And UK did not declare war on them – no, they helped them, gave them weapons and technology. And at war’s end, Churchill handed all of Poland to Stalin. What kind of defense of Poland is that? Utter nonsense.


    • 回复: @Stonehands
  83. CalDre 说:
    @Joe Wong

    There were three massive casualty-causing events: the Communist revolution, the Great Leap Forward, and the Cultural Revolution. Because nobody loves killing massive numbers of people like Communists. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot – all massive megalomaniacs who murdered countless people to advance their “vision”.

    Doesn’t matter the exact death toll. Point is it was high in each case, and Mao still is idolized in China. Work on your own demon worship before attacking Japan with specious racist blood libel. If you bothered looking around you you’d see the Japanese have started no war and caused no mass casualties since 1945, the same absolutely cannot be said about China (though, admittedly, it was too weak to attack others, except Tibet and Vietnam, so it focused on slaughtering millions of its own utterly defenseless and innocent people, guilty of the crime of not wanting to be a lifelong slave to Mao).

    • 回复: @Joe Wong
  84. @Joe Wong

    Do you know there are three hundred US military bases in the Japan homeland? And do you know the Japanese emperor and his cabinet are within the cannon shots of the US armed forces 24/7?

    And still Japan won’t open the floodgates to “Syrian refugees,” and all the other swarming mass of the world’s surplus population.

    Real tough racists those Japs.

    Good for them. I wouldn’t want to live in a world exclusively of Japanese. But what would be the point of Japan occupied by Pakistani, African and Middle-Eastern settlers? It’d be nothing but a replica of suicidal Britain.

  85. neutral 说:

    Then they should be able to use our current anti-discrimination laws to their advantage IF they experience discrimination.

    What a laughable idea, you think that when whites are in a minority they are going to have other races pandering to them like whites do now ? I think the key word, to show where the fault in your logic lies, is 当前

    • 回复: @Corvinus
  86. Sean 说:
    @Joe Wong

    Yes oppressed Japan gets defended for free. So does Germany. Meanwhile the countries that defeated them are deindustialised.

  87. Sean 说:

    那么,《敦刻尔克》就是2017年的稀有作品:一部没有R评级图像,没有色情语言,没有繁华的爱情场面,没有PC行话,没有对过去的意识形态操纵的电影。 相反,它使我们回到了1940年,进入了一个更加英雄的时代,当时真正的英雄捍卫自己的国家不是因为他们想要荣耀,而是因为这是他们的职责。 “敦刻尔克”在当前的电影院中脱颖而出:它使我们想起了曾经是一个民族的人和曾经取得的成就,以及英国(和西方)的文化和生活方式,一种文明正在迅速消失。 而且,有时似乎在问我们,我们是否将再次拥有这种勇气和信念。


    All we need is a war.

  88. @CanSpeccy

    European (and especially American) nationalists would find it impossible to “emulate the Jews” in their ‘nationalism.”

    This is so because Americans are too superficially gung-ho proud/arrogant; Germans have (or had) too much dignity; Italians have/had too much grand history; and the French — well, they’re the French.

    Those people would find it appalling to claim victimhood in order to gain advantage: they’re too proud.

    But as Gideon Levy explained in a speech in Washington, DC a few years ago, one of the three strategies that enable Israelis to live in peace and tranquility in the face of its occupation of Palestine —

    “There were more brutal occupations in history, there were longer occupations in history, even tho the Israel occupation gets to quite a nice record.
    But there was never an occupation in which the occupier presented himself as the victim. Not only the victim the Only victim around. This also enable any Israeli to live in peace because we are the victims.
    The other day Prof. Falk spoke about this dual strategy of Israel of being a victim on the one hand and manipulating on the other hand. . .”

    Americans prefer John Wayne smoking a Camel (!) to claiming victimhood; Germans are too proud, too brainwashed, and too guilt-ridden to claim victimhood.

    But Jews have used victimhood to their advantage for hundreds of years.

    Jabotinsky could exult in Jewish ability to dominate “the force of moral pressure” because Jews have perfected the tactic of playing on other people’s guilt and compassion, and they concoct scenarios of Jews being perpetually persecuted and victimized, even as they occupy, terrorize, and kill others.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  89. @Che Guava

    Kurosawa has been my director of choice after Sam Peckinpah.

    First Kurosawa film I saw was Kagemusha upon release.

    There was a decent book on Kurosawa by Donald Richie that covered all his works, film by film.

    • 回复: @Che Guava
  90. @Joe Wong

    Japanese is beyond dangerous, they are lunatic, psychotic and beastly. German has conscience because they showed remorse about what they have done wrong, but the Japanese has never shown remorse about what they have done wrong, they are continue denying their war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace since WWII. Japanese is unrepentant war criminal that cannot be remitted back into civilized world.

    If Japanese killed millions of Jews, things might be different. The fact is Japanese killed a bunch of Chinese, and the US didn’t much care because the people whom the Japanese victimized don’t have much power in the US.
    But then, Chinese don’t much care about Mao killing all those folks. At any rate, two wongs don’t make a white.

    Also, maybe US went a big easier on Japan cuz it nuked it twice, and that was pretty nasty business.

    Another thing. The Cold War made Japan a ‘good nation’ against against China and Russia.
    And even today, US finds Japan useful against rising China, so US doesn’t press too much about WWII. And this is also why the West looked the other way on the Armenian Tragedy. Turkey is too important to alienate. During the election, Obama promised Armenian-Americans that he’d call out on the Armenian ‘genocide’, but once in office, he said, ‘uh Armenian what?’

    And US attitude was pretty much the same with Germany. The reason why Holocaust became a big thing was because of rise of Jewish Power in the US. Suppose Jews have an IQ of 90 and don’t control much of elite institutions and industries. Would Holocaust have become such a big deal? Of course not. Victim Politics isn’t really about Pity for Victims. It’s about having the Power to press for Special Victim Status. (This is why Palestinians get no respect. Other than Edward Said, they never produced many artists, thinkers, businessmen, inventors, entertainers, or athletes.)
    I mean, how did Homomania become so big? Power. If homos were as powerless as incest-sexuals, there never would have been ‘gay marriage’.

    And we see same patterns in today’s Germany. Germans act so repentant but how sincere are they really? Aren’t they just sucking up to Jewish Power?
    After all, there were two holocausts during WWII. Jewish Holocaust and Russian Holocaust.
    Germans treated Poles like crap, but Nazis were reluctantly willing to accept most Poles as ‘aryans’, if inferior ones. In contrast, Germans planned wholesale extermination of Russians, and the German war on Russia was largely genocidal. That accounts for so many civilian deaths among Russians. Mass killings of Russians wasn’t as organized and orchestrated as Jewish Holocaust, but Germans invaded for lebensraum and it didn’t matter if millions of Russians were starved or shot. So, millions did die.

    So, where is German guilt about what they did to Russia? If anything, it seems Germans are working with Jewish-controlled US against Russia, a nation they invaded and destroyed in WWII. Germany is just Whore-many.

    Also, where is German conscience on Poland? During WWII, Germans trampled all over Poland and violated Polish sovereignty. So, you’d think they’d feel sorry. But Merkel the globo skank is acting like neo-Kaiseress and throwing her ugly weight around and telling Poles to take in tons of Africans and Muslims to colonize Polish wombs.

    So, in the end, it’s about the power.

    • 不同意: L.K
    • 回复: @CalDre
  91. Maybe Rachel Dolezal is onto something.

    Maybe whites should be turned into blacks.


    Now, the British whites can stand in queue to see movies where classic white heroes are played by blacks into ACOWW or Afro-Colonization of White Wombs.

  92. neutral 说:
    @Joe Wong

    yet the Americans and their minions demonize Chinese relentlessly

    That is an exaggeration, Russia is being demonized, its harder to do it against China because the Chinese can play the race card.

  93. Corvinus 说:

    “What a laughable idea, you think that when whites are in a minority they are going to have other races pandering to them like whites do now?

    Haven’t you heard, whites are the super race. The non-whites will not “pander” to whites, as the non-whites will not be in control of the political and social arenas. The whites will make sure they are leaders in those areas.

    “I think the key word, to show where the fault in your logic lies, is current.”

    Think about it. The “vibrants” of the future rolling back discrimination laws just to get back at whites. That would be an admission that such legislation was a farce to begin with. No, those statutes will be in place in the future.

  94. Corvinus 说:

    “The usual white genocide promo from Corvinus.”

    You’re still on that schtick? White genocide is not taking place. It is all in your feeble mind.

    • 巨魔: CanSpeccy
  95. @Willem

    Dunkirk seems to be a film with all the ingredients of gunghoism and excitement…

    Yup, it’s no doubt all about cheap thrills. I have not seen the thing, never intended to, and most certainly won’t after this corny review.

    I wonder how much he was bought off to write such drivel.

  96. Corvinus 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    “Yes, he’s a contemptible cuck.”

    The train is just fine, Beefy, the train is just fine.

    • 回复: @Beefcake the Mighty
  97. @SolontoCroesus

    Those people would find it appalling to claim victimhood in order to gain advantage: they’re too proud.

    Yeah, well, but that’s virtually at an end. No one falls for that crap now, surely.

    What I was referring to was the Old Testament Deutschland-uber-alles Jewish nationalism. The Europeans need to get back to their Christian roots: I mean their Old Testament Christian roots and behave like sensible racist Jews. Spitting on those of alien religion and cucks like Corvinus, as Jews are reported to do in Jerusalem, would be a start.

  98. Geordie 说:

    即使是坎布里亚郡(英国历史上属于英国的一部分)的日耳曼人种族(55%)也多于凯尔特人,而英格兰东北部(以及苏格兰边境)的比例为 77%

    • 回复: @iffen
    , @Philip Owen
  99. uslabor 说:



  100. CalDre 说:
    @Joe Wong

    “Is the Communist Party repentant?” Sure, the CCP officially admitted Great Leap Forward and Culture Revolution were mistakes, Mao and others were at fault for implementing such ill considered polices, and they vowed not to repeat those mistakes again by reforming the party and constitution with safety check mechanism.

    Please provide links to these apologies. According to 报告 I have read yous statement is not true and I cannot find any “apology”. The Madman Massmurdering Mao is worshiped in China, that’s all that matters anyway.

    On the other hand, the allegedly (according to your constant stream of disinformation) “unrepentant” Japanese have apologized numerous times.

    have the American and their western democracy partners admit quilts and their wrong doings

    Indeed apologies are too few, but Obama made an effort at some. On the other hand, if Mao had had the power that the US has, how many billions would your hero have killed to implement his “vision” (that failed even in China)?

    Regarding Chinese following their Communist rulers obediently, I feel it is way better than the Americans and their minions following their morally defunct evil rulers like dogs blindly and committing war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace on the fabricated phantom WMD allegations as humanitarian intervention

    LOL, yeah, sure, that’s why the whole world is hoping China becomes the top dog – NOT. US certainly has its long list of crimes, but all of the foreigners the US has killed since WW II is peanuts compared to the Chinese Mao killed. His own people! And you worship him! How pathetic is that? It can’t get more pathetic.

    I guess total censorship is what keeps the Chinese like dogs in line. And don’t forget your gas mask when you go outside to be spied on by 1 billion cameras and your every action tracked. And don’t worry, you don’t need Google, Facebook or the tens of thousands of other sites your government believes you are too stupid to read. Perhaps they are right?

  101. Rurik 说: • 您的网站

    except the “Glory of Her Cuntness”.

    and for De Beers and Oppenheimer gold and diamond mines!

    Nathan Mayer Rothschild, Baron Rothschild, of the Rothschild family, funded the development of De Beers


    in fact that’s when death camps were invented, to kill off the families of the Dutch farmers who the British were slaughtering in order to steal their country for the benefit of Rothschild

    how little things change, eh?

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  102. CalDre 说:
    @Priss Factor

    The reason why Holocaust became a big thing was because of rise of Jewish Power in the US.

    That and Jews’ capacity to tell the most outlandish lies and scream “hate speech” (through their super-megaphones) at anyone who doesn’t fall for the hoax. We have Gorbachev to thank for releasing the “Auschwitz death books” and putting the final nail in the coffin of the Holohoax lie for anyone not brainwashed into a stupor by Jewish mass media, think tanks, writers and other manipulators.

    In contrast, Germans planned wholesale extermination of Russians, and the German war on Russia was largely genocidal. That accounts for so many civilian deaths among Russians.

    LOL, this is some Stalin story like that the Germans massacred Polish troops at Katyn Forest, eh? And the Bolsheviks did not commit genocide against Orthodox Christians because, you know, it would make them look bad.

    Frankly, the reason so many Russian civilians died is the same reason so many Russian soldiers died: Stalin. When soldiers wanted to retreat as they were being out-gunned he had them shot (while the Man of Paper himself was hiding like a coward in a bunker 1,000 miles away). And the vast majority of Russian civilians died because of Stalin’s “scorched Earth” retreat policy – he cared not one bit about those civilians and when Russian divisions were allowed to retreat they destroyed all fuel and food, leaving the civilians to starve and freeze to death. But of course post-war Communist propaganda conveniently blames the deaths on the Germans (though they do admit the scorched Earth retreat, it really only takes a feeble mind to add two and two together, no?).

    • 回复: @Priss Factor
  103. @anonymous

    Your rather enigmatic post (and, after reading it thrice, I am not at all sure what your point is) contains a description of “pagan polytheists” as “(essentially spiritual savages)”.

    If you are cheerleading for the Abrahamic Faiths, you might be more effective if you put some meat on the bones of what is basically simply name-calling.

  104. Joe Wong 说:

    I guess you believe bombing, killing and waterboarding on the fabricated phantom WMD allegation is indeed humanitarian intervention. Even people presented you with evidence to show that the Americans demonize others relentlessly via manufacturing consent, but you still insist those fake news are real.

    In according to your logic both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are mass murderers too but they are idolized in the USA, is it because you have worked very hard on your own demon worship then attacking Chinese with specious racist blood libel in order to white wash the Americans war crimes, crimes against humanity and crimes against peace? Mind you in the eyes of the rest of the world, there are tens of millions if not hundreds of millions people’s blood on the American hands since WWII.

    The Americans have looked the other way about the war crime the beastly lunatic Japanese committed against their soldiers in the Philippines as well as their allies like the British and Aussies during the WWII, because the American has turned to the dark side of the humanity, their interests are now aligned with the beastly lunatic Japanese, conquering, enslaving, looting and stealing from Asia are their interests and prime goal since WWII.

    The Japanese are different, they continuously deny about their inhuman atrocities, wrongful acts and invasion during the world wars. The Japanese PM Abe and many political figures there publicly regularly deny what the country had done in WWII. More importantly, his cabinet received overwhelming support from Japanese. This nation and many of its people were not only evil but has lost their conscience to enable them to be a normal person. Such nation and people are a real danger to other countries.

  105. Joe Stalin 说:
    @George Orwell



    “Retreat, Hell!”

    The saga of a battalion of U.S. Marines during the Korean War, starting with their training, landing at Inchon in 1950, advance into North Korea and their subsequent retreat back to the 38th parallel.

  106. Wally 说:
    @Joe Wong

    Your proof is what?

    Because a Chinaman says so?

    I’ll take Japan over creepy ‘Israel’ any day.

  107. iffen 说:

    I didn’t get your point. Are the Welsh English or not?

    • 回复: @Philip Owen
  108. Ossettian 说:

    鲍威尔曾任卫生部长,组织西印度人大规模移民,为国民保健服务提供廉价劳动力。 ”


    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  109. @woodNfish


  110. @jacques sheete


    Funny how the main war aim of the Germans in both World Wars was expansion eastwards.

  111. @Joe Wong

    “Mind you in the eyes of the rest of the world, there are tens of millions if not hundreds of millions people’s blood on the American hands since WWII.”

    The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was designed with your kind in mind.

    I do hope I haven’t hurt your honorable feelings.

    Here’s a little something to cheer you up:

  112. @Rurik

    The British used concentration camps in South Africa during the Second Boer War. Many of the inmates died of disease or malnutrition. Nowadays this would be considered a war crime. However the places were not death camps, whose purpose is to kill nearly all the inmates shortly after arrival.

    The principal of De Beers, and the instigator of the Second Boer War, was Cecil Rhodes, not Rothschild.

    • 回复: @Dan Hayes
    , @Rurik
  113. @Priss Factor

    They don’t want to disrupt the order by tearing off their shirt and shouting “Enough is enough”. They don’t want to ruffle any feathers. So, if the Power says the UK is now a ‘nation of immigrants’, then the Brits stand in queue to follow such order.

    In every Western country there is a grave disconnect between the rulers and the ruled. Our rulers behave as if they were governors appointed by a foreign empire. When the rulers fly to Davos to talk to each other and hear about the problems of Somalia and Mali, the people who elected them are a remote embarrassment, an obstacle to progress.

    The key to understanding modern life in Britain is to examine how the Empire used to rule its colonies. It generally found the natives unwilling to work hard, often because it had stolen their land and now wanted them to work for a wage, instead of as landowners. The Empire’s solution in many places was to bring in people from overseas, often India. When more and more Indians arrived in Fiji, tribal elders asked whether there are “any limits to hospitality”. They never received a reply.

    In European countries today, many people are asking whether there are limits to hospitality. Is there an upper limit to foreign immigration, or, specifically, Muslim immigration? According to a recent statement by Angela Merkel, there is no such limit.

    The question puts leaders in a bind. If they answer with a figure that is double the present Muslim population, they know the “upper limit” will be breached within 20 years. Yet if they give a higher ceiling, perhaps four times the present population, the public will find it unacceptable. At least Merkel’s answer is truthful: whether Germany is 30%, 50%, or 90% Muslim, Muslim immigration will continue.

  114. @Ossettian

    There’s no question Powell was minister of Health between 1960 and 63. Morover, according to Wikipedia:

    “During the early 1960s, Powell was asked about the recruitment of immigrant workers for the NHS, he replied by saying “recruitment was in the hands of the hospital authorities, but this was something that happened of its own accord given that there was no bar upon entry and employment in the United Kingdom to those from the West Indies or anywhere else [in the Commonwealth or colonies].”

    所以我站得更正。 鲍威尔没有组织来自西印度群岛的 NHS 工作人员的移民。 尽管如此,在鲍威尔担任卫生部长期间,来自西印度群岛的 NHS 工作人员的移民规模可能很大。

  115. @Moi

    I would bet, from your name, that you are of Kenyan origin. If so, you likely harbor strong feelings about the conduct of British occupation forces during the Mau Mau era. From what I have read of the matter, outrage is indeed fully justified. The behavior of the British forces in Kenya was atrocious. Also stupid, since the idea of maintaining control of East Africa by means of a few gentleman British farmers, in countries with a burgeoning indigenous populations was totally unrealistic.

    But although British imperialism was in many cases ugly, it was no uglier than just about any other imperialism and was to some extent, in some places, at some times, marked by a remarkable degree of idealism and respect for the subject peoples.

  116. @James N. Kennett

    Funny how the main war aim of the Germans in both World Wars was expansion eastwards.

    Kindly provide evidence to support your claim, and please avoid recycling century old propaganda.

    Meanwhile, here’s a primer for ya.

    “……关于希特勒和日本人的整个神话,甚至在那时甚至现在如此普遍,从头到尾都是谬论。 这场噩梦中的每一块木板要么完全不真实,要么不完全是真实。


    –默里·罗斯巴德(Murray Rothbard),《第二次世界大战的起源》回顾,1966年

  117. @James N. Kennett

    Funny how the main war aim of the Germans in both World Wars was expansion eastwards.

    Actually, the main war aim of the German leadership was to stay out of war, and that goes for both 1 & 2.

    诺克的《有罪国家的神话》 exposes the preparation for war against Germany while pretending it was the only guilty power.


    • 同意: Beefcake the Mighty, Rurik
    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  118. @CanSpeccy

    Well said. Let every cuck receive a white feather.

    And if they want to know where to stick it, I have a suggestion…!

  119. Oldeguy 说:
    @Citizen of a Silly Country

    当客观的、非宣传性的 20 世纪历史被写成(毫无疑问是从现在起一个世纪左右的中国),我想知道他们,我们明显的继承者,将如何解释我们的道德和举止的崩溃,完全无视传播我们伟大的遗产。

  120. Europe will turn into Zulurope or Banturope.

  121. @CalDre

    Frankly, the reason so many Russian civilians died is the same reason so many Russian soldiers died: Stalin. When soldiers wanted to retreat as they were being out-gunned he had them shot (while the Man of Paper himself was hiding like a coward in a bunker 1,000 miles away). And the vast majority of Russian civilians died because of Stalin’s “scorched Earth” retreat policy – he cared not one bit about those civilians and when Russian divisions were allowed to retreat they destroyed all fuel and food, leaving the civilians to starve and freeze to death.

    Whatever Stalin’s orders were, they were defending their own nation from German invaders, and it was the Germans who killed them. Maybe Stalin’s orders were inhuman, but Russians were still defending their own turf, and they were gunned down by invading Germans.

    As for civilian deaths, you are right that many died from countless factors. They were not all killed by Germans. But it was overall German policy to wipe out huge numbers of Russians and make room for German settlers.

    And just consider how the Germans treated Soviet prisoners of war. Many were left to starve to death.

    Take Ukraine for instance. That was one part that welcomed the Germans as liberators because Soviets had been so brutal. But it wasn’t long before majority of Ukrainians came to hate the Germans. Sure, some Ukrainians joined the German military, especially as Germans were short of men and were finally willing to accept anyone.

    There were bogus moralists who condemned Nazis but made excuses for Stalin.
    There were bogus moralists who condemned Commies but made excuses for Hitler.

    We need to condemn both tyrants.

  122. Dan Hayes 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    James N. Kenneth:

    While purposeful deaths may or may not have been desired by the British in either the Boer War or the Irish famine, the end results were the same: actual or incidental genocide!

    • 回复: @Avery
  123. @Priss Factor

    We need to condemn both tyrants.

    We should reserve the most condemnation for FDR and Churchill, who admitted that WW2 was unnecessary, and the bankers and other extremists who profited from the wars including the Jews who declared war on Hitler in 1933, the same year that FDR recognized the USSR which imposed the Holodomor on hapless Ukraine 1932-33.

    Germany had long been surrounded by crackpots and at least had the guts to try and resist becoming another colony of the usual scum. Unfortunately they were overwhelmed.

  124. Avery 说:
    @Dan Hayes

    {… incidental genocide!}

    There is no such thing as, quote, ‘incidental genocide’.
    It’s Genocide when there is 特鲁斯(Dolus Specialis) (specific intent).
    There are war crimes, massacres, war atrocities, deaths as an incidental result of military operations, etc….and there is genocide.

    If everything is genocide, then nothing is genocide: the word becomes meaningless.

    • 回复: @Dan Hayes
  125. @jacques sheete

    We should reserve the most condemnation for FDR and Churchill, who admitted that WW2 was unnecessary, and the bankers and other extremists who profited from the wars including the Jews who declared war on Hitler in 1933, the same year that FDR recognized the USSR which imposed the Holodomor on hapless Ukraine 1932-33.

    Germans were allowed to take Czech territory. It wasn’t like Sudetenland which was mostly German.
    And Hitler promised to behave. Brits made the deal in good faith.

    Hitler cooked up excuse to take Poland, and those who acted in good will in UK ended up with eggs on their face. Churchill was no hero, but there is a reason why anti-Germanists got the upperhand. Hitler just kept pushing things.

    Ideally, after Sudetendland, Hitler should have demanded Danzig, a mostly German city. And then, he should have stopped and focused on building Germany. Then, all would have been well. But the damn fool forged a plot with Stalin to take Poland.

    Even so, not all was lost for Germany. If anything, defeat of France made Germany even stronger. And Stalin was so impressed with German victory that the last thing he wanted was war with Germany. He figured he will just let Hitler and Churchill sling mud at each other.

    But then, the damn fool invaded Russia.

    Hitler was most to blame. He never knew when to stop. Up to Sudetenland, he did most things right and had historical justice on his side as he was gaining control over German territories. But once he moved in Czech territory, he was turning imperialist. He was forgiven for that, but then he moved on Poland.

  126. CalDre 说:
    @Joe Wong

    I guess you believe bombing, killing and waterboarding on the fabricated phantom WMD allegation is indeed humanitarian intervention.

    Unsurprisingly, you guess wrong. And waterboarding was done to a few hundred at most, that’s not even a few hours work for Mao. But he had much better techniques. And the torture techniques your Commie heroes use even today on Falon Gong and other “dissidents” make waterboarding look like a child’s game.

    In according to your logic both George Washington and Abraham Lincoln are mass murderers too but they are idolized in the USA

    George Washington didn’t kill countless Americans, he killed British and Native Americans in war. On the other hand Lincoln is guilty as charged, but (i) there is not nearly the idolatry of him as of Mao in China, it is simply incomparable (e.g., aside from a the Lincoln Memorial in Washington built in 1922, I’ve not seen a single monument or poster for Lincoln, though he is on the penny ($0.01) and the five dollar bill), and (ii) he was fighting a war (i.e., against armed men) to keep a country united (and arguably to defeat slavery, which is the reason China gives for invading Tibet, no?), whereas Mao was mass murdering middle class intellectuals because they were too “bourgeois” (i.e. Mao didn’t like them) and peasants because they did not want to be enslaved by the Red Guard. By the millions. Can you spot the difference?

    then attacking Chinese with specious racist blood libel in order to white wash the Americans war crimes

    Actually, it was you who started with racist blood libel against Japanese, who unlike the Communists, have often and repeatedly apologized for their role in WW II. Then I simply pointed to how evil MAO was (not all Chinese, you utter moron) and you start with all of this blood libel against Americans. You are obviously an ignorant Communist racist and Chinese supremacist. You are a very poor ambassador for your people.

    • 回复: @Joe Wong
  127. CalDre 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Hitler cooked up excuse to take Poland, and those who acted in good will in UK ended up with eggs on their face.

    No excuse was cooked up at all – Poland stole German land after WW I, with Germans still living on it, and then was conducting pogroms against the Germans living there. What leader would not defend his people? He tried by persuasion for years and Poland just kept right on with their pogroms. The radio tower incident was also no “false flag”, read the details and you will see it makes no sense whatsoever as a false flag.

    And Stalin was so impressed with German victory that the last thing he wanted was war with Germany. He figured he will just let Hitler and Churchill sling mud at each other.

    But then, the damn fool invaded Russia.

    Except USSR had amassed nearly 5 million troops within 2 days of Berlin, and was continuing a massive build-up of troops, tanks, artillery and airplanes as well as taking provocative actions in numerous Eastern European countries. Hitler believed (rightly or wrongly) that, per the Lenininst/Bolshevik doctrine of “international revolution”, Stalin was preparing to overrun all of Europe. Recall that, at the time, the Communists had a large following in many European countries – in fact, in the last election before Hitler’s Putsch, the Nazis barely beat the Communists in number of seats in the German Bundestag (parliament). No, Communism was on the verge of subjecting all of Europe to its totalitarian yoke, and Hitler was determined to protect Europe from this menace.

  128. CalDre 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Whatever Stalin’s orders were, they were defending their own nation from German invaders, and it was the Germans who killed them.

    Sorry, but NO. It was Stalin that killed many of them, both before Germany ever got involved and during the war. In fact Stalin killed far more Russians than Hitler and Communism killed vastly more Russians than Nazism, but Russians love Stalin and condemn Hitler. Go figure. Propaganda at work.

    And by the way Bolsheviks were also an invading force. Except it was mainly Jews who invaded as a Trojan Horse, but that makes them no less invaders. And they conquered Russia (just like the Czars, who were Dutch-German and not Slavic, conquered Russia a few centuries earlier) and murdered millions of them who did not want to be enslaved by their new rulers (the czars were not that brutal).

    Maybe Stalin’s orders were inhuman, but Russians were still defending their own turf, and they were gunned down by invading Germans.

    At the time of Operation Barbarossa, and as its proximate cause, USSR had amassed nearly 5 million troops two days from Berlin (and very close to the German border, which was near Warsaw) and was continuing a massive build-up of troops, tanks, artillery and airplanes. Hitler believed (rightly or wrongly) that, per the Lenininst doctrine of “international revolution”, Stalin was preparing to overrun all of Europe. Recall that, at the time, the Communists had a large following in many European countries – in fact, in the last election before Hitler’s Putsch, the Nazis barely beat the Communists in number of seats in the German Bundestag (parliament). In short, Hitler was taking preemptive action to avert all of Europe being enslaved by Stalin. You think he wanted to fight a war on two fronts?

    But it was overall German policy to wipe out huge numbers of Russians and make room for German settlers.

    That’s neither true nor necessary. It was possible for Germans to settle the vast uninhabited parts of Russia, or to deport the Russians who lived where Germans wanted to live to those places (like Stalin was famous for deporting entire races of people for the “crimes” (of opposing history’s worst tyrant) of a few, yes?)

    And just consider how the Germans treated Soviet prisoners of war. Many were left to starve to death.

    Unlike the German POWs, who the Soviets treated to massage therapy and facials? 百万 of German POWs died in Stalin’s camps after the war was over. Not to mention the rape campaigns against young girls and the imposition of his totalitarianism on half of Europe.

  129. Dan Hayes 说:



    Incidental genocide as used here signifies the result without necessary intent!

  130. Anonymous [AKA "Jo Ann F"] 说:
    @Carlton Meyer

    Some people these days have no capacity to watch anything but action movies. This is also one of the reasons why we allow ourselves to be overrun, because “attention span.” We have in many ways become Africans.

  131. @Priss Factor

    Brits made the deal in good faith.

    Not according to historian Michael Korda. Korda claims that Chamberlain was a tough and highly skilled politician; Chamberlain made the deal to buy time: he knew that the top secret radars and gunsights would not be ready until 1940.

    Since it was the greatest secret, there was no way to tell the British that they would have to wait until 1940. But he knew that we had to buy time so he bought time. The British and the French had to buy time.”.



  132. Anonymous [AKA "rach1902"] 说:

    it would have made a lot more sense to have made a film about the Battle of the Somme
    now, that would have answered the question

    “the Battle of the Somme and-what-it-said-about western-civilization”
    answer :quite a lot, actually

  133. sb 说:
    @Joe Wong

    Didn’t Churchill seriously argue for using as an election slogan the expression “Keep Britain White ” ?
    But maybe this was after he stood down as Prime Minister
    Still at that time it wouldn’t have been too late

  134. @Priss Factor

    Hitler was most to blame.


    Because of Versailles, WW1 never ended and in fact, many of the problems it was supposed to deal with continue today. Additionally, not only were Churchill and FDR itching to be war time heroes, but Stalin was preparing an offensive against his ally, Hitler.

    Also, if there had been no Red agitation, I doubt there would’ve been a Nazi reaction.

    Regarding existential threats, Hitler was in a position highly analogous to that of an Indian chief or a lot of today’s leaders who don’t meet the moneybags’ requirements of submission.

    Forces similar to those that are putting the screws to present day working classes are the ones to blame. In other words, the imperialists and other ruling classes were not about to suffer any competition or other threats to their profits.





    It’s amazing that even today, people continue to believe war time propaganda.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  135. As for placing blame, if one accepts the concept that WW2 was an extension of ww1, then here’s another view, and a valid one.

    American entry into World War I in April 1917 prevented negotiated peace between the warring powers, and drove the Allies forward into a peace of unconditional surrender and dismemberment, a peace which, as we have seen, set the stage for World War II. American entry thus cost countless lives on both sides, chaos and disruption throughout central and eastern Europe at war’s end, and the consequent rise of Bolshevism, fascism, and Nazism to power in Europe. In this way, Woodrow Wilson’s decision to enter the war may have been the single most fateful action of the 20th century, causing untold and unending misery and destruction. But Morgan profits were expanded and assured.

    Murray N. Rothbard,华尔街,银行和美国外交政策。

  136. @Priss Factor

    German treatment of Soviet POWs was atrocious, without question, but the Soviets were not signatories to the Geneva convention and at least twice rebuffed German offers to negotiate fair treatment of prisoners. The reality is, the Germans had little ability or resources to care for these prisoners, and their fate was indeed tragic.

    Worth keeping in mind, that the huge number of prisoners taken during the opening weeks of the war was due to their positioning in vulnerable, offensive salients. The Soviets were most likely poised for an initial strike of their own, before the Germans pre-empted them.

    • 回复: @fnn
  137. @jacques sheete

    Actually, the main war aim of the German leadership was to stay out of war, and that goes for both 1 & 2.

    In that case Operation Barbarossa must have happened by accident.

  138. Joe Wong 说:

    Yeah, yeah, yeah, you like all the mentally colonized Americans who have been brainwashed by the ‘God-fearing’ morally defunct evil ‘puritan’ from cradle to grave reinforced by excessive flag saluting; you guys always can explain away your crimes with the techniques used by unrepentant war criminal Japanese to white wash their beastly behavior in the last 75 years, denying, twisting fates, red herring, fake news, questioning minute details, manufacturing consent, pointing the fingers, accusing the victims, creating phantom WMD,…

    I was pointing out the trait of the unrepentant war criminal Japanese, it was you jumping in uninvited to bad mouth China with fake news, all I have done is pointing out your fallacy, trolling like the unrepentant war criminal Japanese,and behaving with a mindset belonging to the past, stalled in the old days of colonialism and constrained by the zero-sum cold war mentality.

    Go home Yankee, you are not wanted, not invited and not loved anywhere around the world.

  139. @James N. Kennett

    It certainly didn’t happen because of “Lebensraum” or some other such ideological motivation.

    • 同意: jacques sheete
  140. iffen 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    In that case Operation Barbarossa must have happened by accident.

    History: an endless and random series of accidents.

  141. This article is an excellent dislay of this verity.:


    修昔底德,伯罗奔尼撒战争,第一卷,1.21- [3],公元前431年

    Don’t be duped!

  142. @James N. Kennett

    In that case Operation Barbarossa must have happened by accident.

    And what happened before that?

    Next you’ll tell me that the Japanese militarists’ attack on Pearl was the cause of the war in the Pacific, completely overlooking the fact that FDR and his clowns and controllers waged economic war on Japan long before they made a desperate gamble in a bid for time.

    On Sept. 1, 1939, 70 years ago, the German Army crossed the Polish frontier. On Sept. 3, Britain declared war.

    六年后,50 万基督徒和犹太人丧生。 英国四分五裂、破产,德国则是一片阴燃的废墟。 欧洲曾是人类已知的最凶残的战斗场所,平民遭受的恐怖比士兵更可怕。

    -帕特里克·布坎南(Patrick J.Buchanan), 希特勒想要战争吗?


  143. Rurik 说: • 您的网站
    @James N. Kennett

    However the places were not death camps, whose purpose is to kill nearly all the inmates shortly after arrival.

    like Eisenhower’s death camps for teenage German boys after the war was over?

    No, I suppose the conditions were at least better than that, but not by much. The intention of the camps was to break the spirit of the Boers, so that England ((De Beers, [Rothschild], Ernest Oppenheimer)), could steal the gold and diamonds.

    And to break the spirit of the Boer, the Brits used exposure and starvation of their families.

    According to a British journalist, WT Stead, the concentration camps were nothing more than a cruel torture machine. He writes: “Every one of these children who died as a result of the halving of their rations, thereby exerting pressure onto their family still on the battle-field, was purposefully murdered. The system of half rations stands exposed and stark and unshamefully as a cold-blooded deed of state policy employed with the purpose of ensuring the surrender of people whom we were not able to defeat on the battlefield.”

    The Welshman, Lloyd George, stated: “The fatality rate of our soldiers on the battlefields, who were exposed to all the risks of war, was 52 per thousand per year, while the fatalities of women and children in the camps were 450 per thousand per year. We have no right to put women and children into such a position.”

    An Irishman, Dillon, said: “I can produce and endless succession of confirmations that the conditions in most of the camps are appalling and brutal. To my opinion the fatality rate is nothing less than cold-blooded murder.”

    One European had the following comment on England’s conduct with the concentration camps: “Great Britain cannot win her battles without resorting to the despicable cowardice of the most loathsome cure on earth – the act of striking at a brave man’s heart through his wife’s honour and his child’s life.”


    that last quote really resonates with me when I consider the actions of Perfidious Albion over the last century and a half.

    ‘sure (WWI) Germany, we Brits will agree to an honorable peace, you can trust us’- as it plots to starve Germany (who honorably laid down their arms for peace) into slavery and abject wretchedness for trusting Perfidious’, where there was/is no honor.

    also note how Perfidious forced the survivors of their ‘concentration camps’ to fight Germany, who had always taken their side.

    4.2. Called up by the enemy

    It is a bitter irony that during World War I England laid claim to the same boys who survived the concentration camps to fight against Germany, which was well-disposed towards the Boerevolk.

    詹姆斯 N 肯尼特 说:

    The principal of De Beers, and the instigator of the Second Boer War, was Cecil Rhodes, not Rothschild.

    from the Wiki link:

    Cecil Rhodes, the founder of De Beers, got his start by renting water pumps to miners during the diamond rush that started in 1869,[13][14] when an 83.5 carat diamond called the ‘Star of South Africa’ was found at Hopetown near the Orange River in South Africa.[14][15][16] He invested the profits of this operation into buying up claims of small mining operators, with his operations soon expanding into a separate mining company.[17] He soon secured funding from the Rothschild family, who would finance his business expansion.[18][19]… … the company was the sole owner of all diamond mining operations in the country

    now, on whose behalf is the British government willing to go to war for, Rothschild or some Englishman miner?

    on whose behalf did England fight the US in the war of 1812? [clue: Rothschild]

    on whose behalf did England betray and then starve Germany into the infamous Treaty of Versailles? Was it Brits who were lording it over Germans in Germany during the Weimar regime, and turning Berlin into a pedophile’s paradise, or was it Jews?

    (Not that Brits at the aristocrat level aren’t notorious pedophiles, but that’s another story)

    so, let us continue..

    on whose behalf did England declare war on Germany to start WWII?

    (only a complete moron would dispute that England declared war on Germany because of Jewish influence, as it ignored Stalin’s Russia (and became its ally) for doing the exact same thing in Poland that Germany had done, [and Germany had a damn good reason]).

    ok, more…

    on whose behalf did England go to war with Iraq? Eh?

    on whose behalf did England help to destroy Libya?

    on whose behalf did England try to attack Syria, until an unprecedented act of the House of Commons finally stopped the insanity?

    on whose behalf is England committing ethnic suicide?

    on behalf of the British people, or the Jews that 完全 dominate England (and France and Germany and the US, etc..) from top to bottom?

    did England and the British people profit from the Boer war, or did Ernest Oppenheimer and the world’s ((diamond merchants?))

    on a personal note, I like the British people, but their leadership, including the rancid hag and her brood, (excepting Harry, I like Harry) are all a filthy, rotten waste of human flesh, and a festering stench emanating from that isle.

    It has been during the reign of that inbred family of pedophiles and traitors that all of this evil has been perpetrated. England is being driven into ‘rivers of blood in the streets’ by some of the world’s most exorable, loathsome rats. From Tony Blair, to Cameron to the ‘peerage’ all the way to the scum in the palaces.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  144. fnn 说:
    @Beefcake the Mighty

    Hitler met with Molotov in Nov 1940 to try to get the SU to become full members of the Axis. Molotov made what Hitler thought were outrageous demands, pretty much spitting in Hitler’s eye (metaphorically). There was suspicion on Hitler’s part that the Soviets would switch sides at the opportune moment. Then there was that oft noted heavy build-up of Soviet forces on the Western border near Germany.

    Soviet POWs:


    22 年 1941 月 18 日黎明,历史上最强大的军事进攻开始了:德国领导的轴心国对苏联的进攻。 在战役的前 XNUMX 个月内,约有 XNUMX 万苏联士兵被俘。 到四年后冲突结束时,估计有超过 XNUMX 万苏联军队落入德国手中。 这些不幸的人大多死于德国囚禁。

    造成这种情况的主要原因是东线战争的特殊性质,特别是在第一年(1941年1942月至XNUMX年XNUMX月),当时有大量囚犯落入德国之手,无法适当容纳。 但是,正如俄罗斯记者特普利亚科夫在下一篇文章中所解释的那样,德国人被囚禁中苏联士兵的可怕命运的大部分归咎于苏联独裁者斯大林的残酷无情的政策。

    战争期间,德国人通过中立国家和红十字国际委员会反复尝试,就德国和苏联对囚犯的待遇达成共同协议。 正如英国历史学家罗伯特·康奎特(Robert Conquest)在他的《斯大林:国家的破坏者》一书中解释的那样,苏联坚决拒绝合作:

    “当德国人通过瑞典与苏联人进行谈判以谈判遵守《日内瓦公约》关于战俘的规定时,斯大林拒绝了。 因此,即使在理论上,在德国人手中的苏联士兵也没有受到保护。 其中有数以百万计的人因营养不良或虐待而被囚禁。 如果斯大林遵守该公约(苏联未参加该公约),德国人的表现会更好吗? 通过对其他“斯拉夫子人”战俘(例如波兰人,甚至在[1944年]华沙崛起后投降)的处理来判断,答案似乎是肯定的。 (斯大林自己对红军俘虏的波兰人的行为已经在卡廷和其他地方被枪杀了。”

    另一位历史学家尼古拉·托尔斯泰(Nikolai Tolstoy)在《秘密背叛》中重申:

    希特勒本人敦促红十字会对[关押苏联战俘的]德国营地进行检查。 但是,向斯大林呼吁提供囚犯的邮政服务的请求得到了答复,使事情变得很棘手:“没有苏联战俘。 苏联士兵继续战斗直到死亡。 如果他选择成为囚犯,他将自动被排除在俄罗斯社会之外。 我们只对德国人的邮政服务不感兴趣。”

    Given this situation, the German leaders resolved to treat Soviet prisoners no better than the Soviet leaders were treating the German soldiers they held. As can be imagined, Soviet treatment of German prisoners was harsh.

  145. @jacques sheete

    You seem to be saying that Hitler wanted Germany to expand eastwards, even though he knew this would trigger a war with Britain – but he did not want that war.

    If you are determined to measure a leader’s intentions as if he was unaware of the consequences of his actions, you could equally well say that Britain did not want war against Germany. Or that Al Qaeda does not want war, but we force their hand by the provocation of being infidels. There is no end to this kind of specious argument.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  146. @jacques sheete

    In that case Operation Barbarossa must have happened by accident.

    And what happened before that?

    Germany and the USSR were allies with their border defined by a treaty.

    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  147. Moi 说:

    I simply made a comment about the Brit empire. And you’re nuts if you think Indian people are grateful for having been ruled by the East India Co. and then the crown. I know that because I am from India.

    • 回复: @CanSpeccy
  148. Rurik 说: • 您的网站
    @jacques sheete

    Also, if there had been no Red agitation, I doubt there would’ve been a Nazi reaction.


    the Nazis were a reaction to genocidal Bolshevism that had taken Russia ‘by the hair of the head’, and had its sights on Germany as the ultimate prize. When Hitler came to power, the German people had a choice; the Nazis or the communists. A stark choice indeed.

    it’s no different than what’s going on today

    as the world’s Zionists demand two things simultaneously- that Israel become racially pure..


    that all white nations become flooded with non-Westerners, and forced to blend..

    there is going to be some resistance, and that resistance is eventually going to be called ‘Nazism’ by those who demand blending.

    already the Germans who are objecting to millions of Muslim young men coming into their country and destroying the fabric and character of Germany, are being called “Nazis” by the ((usual suspects)).

    I remember when Israel pulled their ambassador to Austria when Jorg Haider won some election, because he was against massive immigration.

    the lines are being drawn again, only this time it isn’t just Germany, but the entire Western world that must bow down to the International Banksters and commit suicide, or resist = become “Nazis”

    And as these fault lines become more and more glaring, its going to look more and more like Germany in the early 1930s. Already they call Trump = Hitler. Just as they call Putin = Hitler.

    it’s getting more and more deja vu all over again.

    just as if there were no Bolshevik threat in Germany, there would never have been a Nazi response as a survival mechanism.

    with no demand that the West commit suicide, and allow unlimited immigration, there’d be no anti-immigrant survival response.

    with no Zionism, there’d be no PLO, no Hezbollah, no Hamas.. no suicide bombers in Tel Aviv

    if you threaten people with death or slavery or genocide, (or all three), you shouldn’t act shocked when they mount a resistance response to persevere. That’s what life-forms do.

    • 同意: jacques sheete
  149. Joe Stalin 说:
    @jacques sheete

    As I recall, there was a little thing called Manchuria going on, and Japan was the first nation to sink an American navy ship through aerial bombardment:


    • 回复: @jacques sheete
  150. @Rurik

    on whose behalf did England betray and then starve Germany into the infamous Treaty of Versailles?

    The custom of warfare had always been “to the winner, the spoils”. It was only after the world realized its mistake at Versailles that this custom changed.

    on whose behalf did England declare war on Germany to start WWII?

    On their own behalf, because British policy for centuries had been to fight any Continental empire whose conquests made it large enough to be a threat.

    on whose behalf did England go to war with Iraq? Eh?

    The appalling Tony Blair asked God whether he should go to war. God replied to him in the affirmative.

    on whose behalf did England help to destroy Libya?

    Libya’s civil war destroyed the country. Whoever had won, the outcome was not going to be pretty. All Britain and France did was tip the balance against Gaddafi.

    on whose behalf is England committing ethnic suicide?

    on behalf of the British people, or the Jews that completely dominate England (and France and Germany and the US, etc..) from top to bottom?

    It is committing not only ethnic suicide, but national/cultural suicide, on behalf of the owners of capital. Some of those are Jewish; most are not.

    Germany is not dominated by Jews for obvious reasons.

    A pertinent question is why politicians on the Left have consistently supported the capitalists on this issue. All it needed was the suggestion that any opposition must be racist. Look, over there are some people who oppose our ethnic suicide and they are racist, aren’t they?

    Your own blaming of the Jews, as if they and only they are responsible, plays into the hands of the globalists. You are playing a role in the drama that is necessary to the globalists. They can point to you and say the opponents of globalization are not only racist, they are anti-semitic. If you want to prevent the rapid progress of globalization, the best thing you can do is to either learn more or STFU.

    did England and the British people profit from the Boer war, or did Ernest Oppenheimer and the world’s ((diamond merchants?))

    The beneficiaries were Cecil Rhodes and the other shareholders in De Beers, their heirs and successors. Including anyone in the English-speaking world who has had a Rhodes Scholarship.

    • 同意: iffen
  151. Che Guava 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Thx. Priss. I also loved his last, The Rain Lifts or 阿梅·阿加鲁. The last time I was reading about him in English, people were listing his films as starting with 醉酒的天使, I thought ‘that is stupid, but I was not wanting to offer a correction.

    Even checked the WP history for The Most Beautiful, used to play around there, to make trouble, good at it, so maybe made or contributed to the article, but no.

    Glad that you also enjoy his first major work.

    A point of interest to me, the actresses are all chubby, not in an unhealthy or obese way, but other people were near starvation and being burnt to death at the time.

    I am always to thinking of that when watching it.

  152. CalDre 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    The custom of warfare had always been “to the winner, the spoils”.

    Then how is it that defeated France remained intact and were able to repay their limited reparations in 2 years (in a case where France had actually started the Franco-Prussian War)? How was it that the other defeated powers in WW I were not obligated to pay such massive reparations? And you didn’t answer the question, on whose behalf it was done.

    The appalling Tony Blair asked God whether he should go to war. God replied to him in the affirmative.

    You can’t seriously believe (a) Blair believes in God, or (b) God would speak to that monster. So again you have deflected the question.

    Libya’s civil war destroyed the country.

    Except that a foreign-sponsored, foreign-armed, foreign-trained, foreign-formed, foreign-manned band of terrorists causing anarchy is hardly a “civil war”. But again, you have deflected the question, apparently in your zeal to conceal what you know to be the truth.

    It is committing not only ethnic suicide, but national/cultural suicide, on behalf of the owners of capital.

    Now that is a Communist answer and since Communists serve The Tribe we know exactly where you stand. Clearly it is not just “owners of capital” (which includes, you, no? You have a bank deposit? any stock?) but rather a particular organized group of owners of capital and their foot soldiers.

    A pertinent question is why politicians on the Left have consistently supported the capitalists on this issue. All it needed was the suggestion that any opposition must be racist.

    Perhaps because they all serve the same organized “owners of capital” you are trying so hard not to see?

    They can point to you and say the opponents of globalization are not only racist, they are anti-semitic.

    Ouch, they’ll play the race card! That’s a fantastic reason to stick your head in the sand and fight ghosts, isn’t it? Because those responsible will defame you for exposing them? LOL. The exact attitude why the globalists are winning and will eventually brutally enslave all remaining humanity (see 20 Deuteronomy 10-15) .

    The beneficiaries were Cecil Rhodes and the other shareholders in De Beers

    Let’s see, Oppenheimer, who ran De Beers, was a Jew (despite his professed conversion) and De Beers was funded by the Rothschilds and Alfred Beit (another globalist Jew). The Rhodes Scholarship is one of many mechanisms used by this organized cabal of “owners of capital” to find goy servants to use as “fronts” for their globalist operations.

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  153. @jacques sheete

    The Duke of Wellington of the day put it best, and on the actual day the war was declared: “This war is the fault of the anti-appeasers and the f – ing Jews”.

  154. @James N. Kennett

    Another person unfamiliar with the concept of conditional expectation.

  155. fnn 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    The custom of warfare had always been “to the winner, the spoils”. It was only after the world realized its mistake at Versailles that this custom changed.

    Why there are no Francophones in Quebec today.

  156. fnn 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    on whose behalf did England declare war on Germany to start WWII?

    On their own behalf, because British policy for centuries had been to fight any Continental empire whose conquests made it large enough to be a threat.

    Excerpts from Herbert Hoover’s posthumously published magnum opus, 自由背叛:


    One of these case studies regards Poland. Hoover begins by outlining the behind-the-scenes actions of Roosevelt in convincing Britain to offer the infamous guarantee to Poland, and additionally to convince Poland to not negotiate with either Germany or Russia.

    罗斯福总统于 4 年 1939 月 XNUMX 日宣布了美国外交政策的一场革命。 他提议美国对他不同意的外国活动采取“强于言辞,胜于战争”的行动。

    针对希特勒 21 年 1939 月 XNUMX 日对波兰的要求,总统立即根据这项新政策采取了行动。

    美国驻英国大使约瑟夫·肯尼迪在实现罗斯福的愿望方面发挥了支持作用。 在与德国人打交道时,他经常敦促英国方面保持坚定。 德国驻伦敦临时代办证实了肯尼迪的立场,并于 20 月 XNUMX 日通知他的政府:

    ......肯尼迪......正在发挥主导作用。 据说他与所有相关国家的使团保持个人联系,并试图鼓励他们采取坚定的态度,承诺美国……会以一切方式支持他们(除了战争”)。

    在德国人于 1939 年 XNUMX 月入侵波兰并夺取波兰外交部的记录后,美国的进一步活动被披露。 德国人发布了大量文件,这些文件肯定表明,只能根据罗斯福先生的权威行事的美国驻法国大使威廉·C·布利特(William C. Bullitt)向波兰和法国的官员作出了大量口头保证,而他们只能解释这些保证。作为美国某种力量提供援助的承诺。

    当这些文件公布时,布利特和波兰驻美国大使都否认了它们的真实性。波兰大使后来告诉胡佛,他应国务院的要求否认了它们的真实性。 此外,胡佛通过后来提供给胡佛研究所的波兰大使馆文件证明了这些德国发布的文件的真实性。 除了翻译上的细微差别外,这些文件证实了德国人发布的文件是真实的。 胡佛继续引用这些文件的样本——直接从波兰驻华盛顿大使馆收到的文件。 来自波兰驻波兰大使 Potocki,日期为英国对波兰的保证前两个月,他在其中总结了他与美国大使 Bullitt 的对话:

    …2)美国在陆地、海上和空中的战争准备工作将加速进行,将耗资 1,250,000,000 美元。 3)总统的明确意见,即法国和英国应放弃与极权国家的一切妥协政策,不应与他们进行任何可能涉及领土变化的讨论。 4) 道德上的保证,即美国放弃孤立政策,并准备在发生战争时积极参与英国和法国一方,将其所有资源、财政和原材料供其支配.



    胡佛证实,美国国务院尚未公布有关此事的文件。 然而,根据胡佛后来与肯尼迪大使的谈话,这些信件中描绘的美国立场得到了证实。 在战争期间,胡佛与肯尼迪会面了大约 20 次。 肯尼迪显然非常不同意罗斯福的外交政策。

    胡佛会记录他与遇见的其他人的对话。 一个例子是胡佛(Hoover)在15年1945月900日与肯尼迪(Kennedy)的会晤。肯尼迪(Kennedy)表示,他有XNUMX多次发件,未经美国政府同意,他无法打印。 他希望有一天肯尼迪打算写一本书来获得这样的许可:

    …在美国参战的过程中使用了完全不同的颜色,并证明了罗斯福(Franklin D,Roosevelt)对美国人民的背叛。

    ……罗斯福和布利特是英国向波兰作出保证并卷入战争的主要因素。 肯尼迪说,布利特在罗斯福的指示下,一直在敦促波兰人不要与德国人达成协议,肯尼迪在罗斯福的指示下,一直在敦促英国对波兰人作出保证。




    海军副部长詹姆斯·福雷斯塔尔(James Forrestal)在日记中记录了与肯尼迪的一次实质上相似的对话。

    • 回复: @James N. Kennett
  157. @fnn

    You make an argument that Roosevelt and Kennedy used deception to push Britain into war. There are others who argue that Britain used deception to pull America into the war. The truth is that both countries were good enough at diplomacy to understand the different interests that prevailed upon them, and to make the decisions that they believed were in their own best interests. Kennedy was somewhat anti-British, but was above all a realist. In November 1940 he said:

    The whole reason for aiding England is to give us time … As long as she is in there, we have time to prepare. It isn’t that [Britain is] fighting for democracy. That’s the bunk. She’s fighting for self-preservation, just as we will if it comes to us.


    • 回复: @fnn
  158. Joe Stalin 说:
    @Joe Wong

    At least one person appreciates America over China:

    Exclusive: J. Robert Lunney, U.S. Navy of SS Meredith Victory discuss meeting South Korean President

  159. @CalDre

    Then how is it that defeated France remained intact and were able to repay their limited reparations in 2 years?

    France lost Alsace and Lorraine, against Bismarck’s wishes. The Germans should have listened to Bismarck, because the loss only made France eager for another war in 1914.

    (in a case where France had actually started the Franco-Prussian War)

    Well, let’s say opinion is divided on the matter. Some argue that Bismarck provoked the French because he believed, correctly, that a war would encourage German unification. This was in the days when insulting an ambassador was a 宣战.

    How was it that the other defeated powers in WW I were not obligated to pay such massive reparations?

    Austria-Hungary and Turkey lost their empires, which was considered punishment enough.

    And you didn’t answer the question, on whose behalf it was done.

    You were talking about Versailles, and I believe I have answered that question.

    You can’t seriously believe (a) Blair believes in God, or (b) God would speak to that monster. So again you have deflected the question.

    Blair absolutely believed in God, and he made the common mistake of interpreting his own tortured imagination as the Divine Voice. I have not deflected the question at all: Blair may have been the only person in the country, apart from some neocon journalists, who wanted to fight Iraq.

    Except that a foreign-sponsored, foreign-armed, foreign-trained, foreign-formed, foreign-manned band of terrorists causing anarchy is hardly a “civil war”.

    You might be describing Gaddafi’s own troops, who were foreign mercenaries because he did not trust his own people.

    But again, you have deflected the question, apparently in your zeal to conceal what you know to be the truth.

    I’m genuinely mystified here. Please tell me who the Libyan opponents of Gaddafi were.

    Now that is a Communist answer and since Communists serve The Tribe we know exactly where you stand.

    ROTFL!!!! Please tell me what you are smoking, so I can avoid addling my brain as you have.

    One can learn from Marx the economist that the owners of capital have different interests from the workers – and that is precisely the point that is relevant to mass immigration and national suicide. That does not imply approval of Marx the politician, or his brain-dead communist utopianism, or service to the Tribe.

    Someone mentioned in a comment on another thread a study of the economic effects of mass immigration. It causes an increase in GDP – which almost entirely accrues to the immigrants. However, although the net effect on the previous inhabitants of the country is close to zero, there is a redistribution of (in the USA) $100 billion from the masses to the wealthy, through the suppression of wages. This means that the wealthy can spend a billion dollars a year to buy both sides in any political contest and make them pro-immigration – in the knowledge that their investment will be rewarded a hundred-fold.

    Ouch, they’ll play the race card!

    For some reason, this strategy is rather effective. It was used in Britain to shut down any opposition to immigration. No one in politics bothered to think of any positive arguments. When after 2003 we had mass immigration from Poland, they could not call racism on anyone who complained because the Poles were the same race as ourselves, and the end result was Brexit. This shows that: (a) people will vote on ethnic/national/patriotic lines; but (b) the accusation of racism is so noxious that it is enough to neutralize any patriotic tendencies.

    De Beers was funded by the Rothschilds

    The whole idea of investment banking is to place bets at 4:1, when you know the odds are really 2:1. If Rothschilds is better than Barings at that, we should say “thank you very much” – as long as they pay the right amount of tax on their gains.

    • 回复: @CalDre
  160. @Moi

    And you’re nuts if you think Indian people are grateful for having been ruled by the East India Co.

    LOL. I never said that they were.

    I know very well that some Indian nationalists to this day have a burning hatred for Britain.

    The fact remains, however, that British rule was in many respects more enlightened that the rule of the previous alien occupying power, the Mughal empire. Furthermore, the Brits did not impose their religion on India or attempt to settle India, whereas of course today, Britain is being settled by large number of people from the Indian sub-continent, Pakistani Muslims and Hindu and Muslim Indians, something to which I strongly object. I hope in due course most of them will be induced to return to their native land, and leave Britain’s tiny archipelago to the British (and Irish) who have occupied them for thousands of years.

    In any case, be assured that the disdain is mutual.

  161. Jay Igaboo 说:

    @CanSpeccy–agreed on all points!
    我对威斯敏斯特的叛徒、出卖者和江湖骗子一无所知,但是。 我很伤心地说,我即使荷里路德少。

  162. fnn 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    Kennedy was somewhat anti-British, but was above all a realist. In November 1940 he said:

    The whole reason for aiding England is to give us time … As long as she is in there, we have time to prepare. It isn’t that [Britain is] fighting for democracy. That’s the bunk. She’s fighting for self-preservation, just as we will if it comes to us.

    He didn’t want the US to enter the war unless attacked. FDR tried to provoke war with Germany via an undeclared naval war in that began (at the latest) on Sep, 1, 1941.


    In July 1941, in a top secret memo to Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Harold Stark, President Roosevelt authorized the Atlantic Fleet to change from defensive to offensive operations, writing, in part, “…the presence of any German submarine or raider should be dealt with by action looking to the elimination of such ‘threat of attack’ on the lines of communication, or close to it.”

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  163. CalDre 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    France lost Alsace and Lorraine, against Bismarck’s wishes. The Germans should have listened to Bismarck, because the loss only made France eager for another war in 1914.

    Fair enough, I overlooked that as it was just a return of land France had pilfered from Germans and was still populated by Germanic people who spoke German (a dialect of course, all Germans spoke dialects at that time, most still do).

    Well, let’s say opinion is divided on the matter. Some argue that Bismarck provoked the French

    Sorry, that’s ludicrous. Putting some tweaks on the description of a meeting, which was in essence accurately portrayed (France had threated Prussia with war unless Prussia did as France demanded in relation to the Spanish monarchy). That’s not starting a war, geez. Grasping for straws, are we?

    This was in the days when insulting an ambassador was a casus belli.

    Hardly true, and in any case, it still doesn’t alter who started the war one iota. Also thinking if someone attacks you will result in your victory and other benefits is also not starting a war. More grasping at straws, oh, desperation!

    Austria-Hungary and Turkey lost their empires, which was considered punishment enough.

    Oh, right, because that affected the average Turk and Austrian – naught. Germany was bled dry for years. Obviously there was some extra punishment and leeching in there and we all know what organized group/tribe was behind that. In case you don’t, try looking up some speeches of a certain Benjamin Freedman.

    You were talking about Versailles, and I believe I have answered that question.

    No, you haven’t. Perhaps you can be more clear: for whose benefit was Germany bled after WW I? You’re only (irrelevant) point was giving a lame excuse for why other losers – in fact Austria-Hungary having started the whole mess – did not have to pay.

    Blair absolutely believed in God

    LOL. Blair worships Satan, though a lot of Satanists call Satan their God. But more importantly Blair was an agent of a particular organized tribe with tremendous power in England and he did what he did on their behest, pure and simple (as did Bush, who like Blair, was entirely surrounded by the tribe’s lieutenants).

    You might be describing Gaddafi’s own troops, who were foreign mercenaries because he did not trust his own people.

    Libya used some foreign forces, yes, but yet again that does not answer the question of who was behind the foreign terrorists that destroyed Libya, which was a stalwart against the globalist agenda on many levels. Libya’s army were not foreign terrorists trained, brought in, armed and supported by foreigners so, no, I was absolutely not describing them.

    I’m genuinely mystified here. Please tell me who the Libyan opponents of Gaddafi were.

    They mainly weren’t Libyan. Watch these videos that show Qaddafi’s broad appeal (both were shot during NATO’s terror campaign):

    (Tripoli protest of millions supporting Qadaffi) and

    (Qaddai motorcade through Tripoli).

    One can learn from Marx the economist that the owners of capital have different interests from the workers – and that is precisely the point that is relevant to mass immigration and national suicide. That does not imply approval of Marx the politician, or his brain-dead communist utopianism, or service to the Tribe.

    I didn’t mention Marx, I wrote Communist. Two very different things. The term “owners of capital” is ridiculous since anyone with a bank account is an “owner of capital”. It’s a nonsense word. Obviously you mean something more specific and my point is this “something more specific” is that certain organized cabal of “owners of capital”, who own not just a little capital, but a substantial part of the world’s capital, in a few hands. And they are not doing it for “profit”, if you actually read and understood Marx (particularly in terms of surplus labor and costs of production and the laws thereof) you would understand that. They are doing it as part of a political agenda which is not related to profit. There’s no proof whatsoever that illegal immigration increases profits, indeed many economists would argue that, as illegal labor reduces labor costs but no particular capitalist has a competitive advantage in hiring them, it reduces overall profits (as profits are typically a percentage of labor costs) and confers savings (i.e., “profits”) to the “consumers” (i.e, the “proletariat”).

    This shows that: (a) people will vote on ethnic/national/patriotic lines; but (b) the accusation of racism is so noxious that it is enough to neutralize any patriotic tendencies.

    The point is the globalist cabal will demonize anybody for any reason that interferes with their plans. So you might as well come right out with the truth and point out the evil bastards who are pulling the strings, and why.

    The whole idea of investment banking is to place bets at 4:1, when you know the odds are really 2:1. If Rothschilds is better than Barings at that, we should say “thank you very much” – as long as they pay the right amount of tax on their gains.

    Irrelevant clap-trap. The Boers was was fought for the globalist Jews (international Jews as Henry Ford put it), at least now you are tacitly admitting it. And Rothschilds paying tax? Surely you jest. And did you ever wonder why the diamond monopoly is exempt from the antitrust laws? And why the “Western mass media” gratuitously promoted the destructive diamond scam throughout the West for the sole profit of globalist Jews? (Hint: Just look who also owns the mass media.)

    • 回复: @Logan
    , @James N. Kennett
  164. Stonehands 说:

    Excellent and concise post Caldre!

    “None are more enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free”.

    In the US the idiot box- the “electronic communist” has brainwashed the entire nation. Today Americans would not believe anything unless it first appeared on television.

    And this is the major cause of our downfall. Everything on TV is anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-patriotic and communist orientated, whether it is slanted “news”, distorted “entertainment”, or advertising. On top of this it is aimed at low grade morons.

    Any human adults who will sit for hours before a TV screen betray the fact that they have no deep purpose in life, that in fact living bores them. Their minds and souls are empty

  165. Logan 说:

    Well, this was before the Fall of Singapore.

  166. Logan 说:

    The Celts themselves were probably merely an earlier group of invaders, like them imposing the rule of a small number over the indigenous and assimilating them to their culture and language.

    The primary genetic stock of the British Isles appears to go back to the Stone Age, long before the Celts, who probably arrived sometime around the 1100s, during the same widespread disruption that affected most of the ancient world.

    • 回复: @Logan
  167. Logan 说:

    Should note, I guess, that some think the Celts arrived a good deal later. But there is very little evidence they replaced the earlier inhabitants genetically.

  168. Logan 说:

    Before we get too lachrymose over the treatment of Germany in the Versailles Treaty, we ought to look at how the Germans treated the defeated six months before the war ended, in the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk.

    Those who show no mercy lose their right to demand it be shown to them.

  169. @Logan

    Brest-Litovsk is irrelevant in accessing the role Versailles played in German grievances against Britain and France.

  170. @CalDre

    The point is the globalist cabal will demonize anybody for any reason that interferes with their plans. So you might as well come right out with the truth and point out the evil bastards who are pulling the strings, and why.

    I get so much anti-racist push-back from intelligent working-class gentiles that I know it is not simply a few evil bastards pulling the strings.

    And did you ever wonder why the diamond monopoly is exempt from the antitrust laws?

    The diamond monopoly is exempt from the anti-trust laws (if there are any) in South Africa, because this is in the country’s national interest. It is not exempt in the USA, which has tried unsuccessfully to break the cartel. If the executives of De Beers travel to the USA on business, they are likely to be arrested.

    If you replaced “the Tribe” in your demonology with “the ultra-rich”, you would be far closer to the truth. Most Jews are not ultra-rich. Most ultra-rich are not Jews.

    • 回复: @CalDre
  171. Logan 说:


    The problem with Versailles is that it was too harsh and too lenient.

    To prevent future problems, one should either destroy an enemy or make a sincere effort to turn him into a friend. Pissing him off while at the same time leaving his basic military potential unencumbered is the classic Bad Idea.

    Amount of reparations in some context:
    Germany imposed on France after winning the Franco-Prussian War reparations of 5B gold francs, equivalent to ~1.5B grams or 1.5M kilos of gold.

    In the treaty of BL, the Germans imposed reparations of 9B gold marks on Russia. That’s 3.2M kilos of gold.

    In the Versailles Treaty, the Germans agreed to pay 132B gold marks, but that was a smokescreen to delude the people of the Allies more than an actual amount, which was something in the neighborhood of half that. The actual amount is hard to come at, there were so many modifications and changes. But let’s say 70B gold marks.

    That’s 25M kilos of gold. Or about 17x the indemnity imposed on the French after the Franco-Prussian War. A war in which the Germans invaded France rather than the other way around. The German economy in 1914 was also about 3x greater than that of France in 1870, bringing the disproportion down to about 6x.

    All the above calculations are subject to revision if anybody can show me where I dropped a decimal. 🙂


    We didn’t make the same mistake after WWII. Germany was flat conquered, nobody could claim otherwise. We imposed our values on them, and they haven’t been a military problem since. Problems in other ways, to be saure.

    • 回复: @CalDre
  172. The idea that the French constitute a “minority” is rather amusing, particularly in the town of Dunkirk! And of course, the “English” soldiers were in fact British, coming from all parts of the UK. There were no colonial troops at Dunkirk, so it would be silly to have such characters in the film. As for what Americans call “Hispanics”, no Latin American country had entered the war at that point and no Latin American troops ever fought in Europe. In practice, what Mr Cathey is doing is hijacking the director’s commitment to historical accuracy and using it as an instrument to promote his present-day American ideas. Whether that’s justifiable is a matter of opinion and it certainly is an American bad habit. For myself, I’m rather tired of Americans twisting our history to suit their political arguments. Whatever Mr Cathey may mean by “Western” culture, let me assure him that our ancient European culture, including the fine English contribution to it, is alive and well.

    • 回复: @Joe Stalin
  173. CalDre 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    I get so much anti-racist push-back from intelligent working-class gentiles that I know it is not simply a few evil bastards pulling the strings.

    All these gentiles are having their strings pulled by the institutions under the control of the globalist cabal: TV, news media, cable media, music, movies, education (they control the books), politicians, “think tanks”, etc. They are entirely brainwashed with a perpetual stream of propaganda. They are the puppets. Leftists in particular are the “change agents” who are the (unwitting) foot soldiers of the cabal. Just look at who sits a top all of those industries.

    The diamond monopoly is exempt from the anti-trust laws (if there are any) in South Africa, because this is in the country’s national interest. It is not exempt in the USA, which has tried unsuccessfully to break the cartel. If the executives of De Beers travel to the USA on business, they are likely to be arrested.

    The diamond monopoly essentially ended in 1999, due to a number of changes in the supply landscape (collapse of Soviet Union and huge mine discoveries in Australia, Canada and elsewhere – and in particular the Austrian and Canadian mines decided to circumvent De Beers, which led to the Oppenheimer family selling De Beers in 2011). In 2004 私立 plaintiffs filed an antitrust lawsuit against De Beers in the US. It was settled a few years later for the paltry sum of $295 million. To put this in perspective, the diamond industry is an $80 billion / year industry. A study of South African showed $3 billion in price fixing of its rough diamond trade from 2005 to 2012 alone (after De Beer’s monopoly had already been effectively curtailed by the new supplies). Note the plaintiff lawyers in that “class action” case were – you guessed it, tribalists. This is what lawyers call a “collusive lawsuit” – have a “friend” bring a class action lawsuit, settle it for a penny on the dollar, and put to bed all of the claims.

    Anyway, the overall point: the Oppenheimers and Anglo American plc (which now owns De Beers) officials are free to travel to the US in full luxury and with full honors, without the slightest fear of arrest. All crimes have been … miraculously “cleansed”.

    • 回复: @CalDre
  174. 哦,是的,我与 5 位博士的 4 位精神病学博士、3 位将军、2 位博物馆馆长和 1 位缅因州马铃薯农民共进午餐——我们所有人仍在为社会保障做出贡献。

  175. CalDre 说:

    By the way, something else “interesting” about the De Beers “settlement” in the US.

    First, the case was brought in New Jersey (what does New Jersey have to do with diamonds)? Who was the judge that approved this sham “settlement”? Judge Stanley R. Chesler. The immediate presumption of anyone aware how the cabal works is that he must be a tribalist. His bio doesn’t formally indicate his affiliation but – lo and behold – he is 特集d on Torah Cafe! So not only is he a tribalist but a quite active one. If you have any doubt about the “leaning” of Torah Cafe, just have a look-see at its “学者”页面。

    Another interesting thing is that the Third Circuit (the appellate court for New Jersey), sitting en banc (extremely rare, this is when all judges of the circuit hear the case instead of the typical three judges – as the initial three judges had 拒绝 the settlement), approved the settlement despite the entire proceeding (entirely apart from the collusive aspect of it) being unlawful under US class action law. See http://www.classactioncountermeasures.com/2012/01/articles/certification/sullivan-v-db-investments-the-third-circuit-takes-on-the-supreme-court-and-itself/ .

    You can begin to see how deep the rabbit hole goes ….

  176. CalDre 说:

    In the treaty of BL, the Germans imposed reparations of 9B gold marks on Russia. That’s 3.2M kilos of gold.

    In the Versailles Treaty, the Germans agreed to pay 132B gold marks

    Wrong. First the Financial Agreement of 1918 (not part of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk) was not to pay the victors of war but as compensation for 布尔什维克 repudiation of Tsarist bonds, nationalisation of foreign-owned property and confiscation of foreign assets. Second, it was for 6 billion marks (in fact denominated in marks). Again, this was signed in August 1918.

    Treaty of Versailles was signed nine months later with reparations in the amount of 132 billion marks (as you correctly noted). So this was about 22 times the amount of the 1918 agreement. Population of Russia was 90 million and of Germany 65 million, so in reality the burden was about 30 times per citizen.

    So imagine the debt on your house were $10 million instead of $300,000. Spot the difference?

  177. @Priss Factor

    Why are the British so class conscious? Could it be because they are an Island? Bottom line being ” You Fuck with me, You Have Nowhere to Hide” since we both live on an island.
    The same class consciousness is also prevalent amongst the Japanese. They have the bowing down to each other down to a an exact science. Social status and spine bending (bowing) are co-related.
    This same class consciousness is also displayed in American culture. This being excessive deference shown to the flag, to the potus, and the army. Protected by the Atlantic and the Pacific, America is almost an island.
    So who doesn’t wrap themselves in the flag? All do. Even Indians do it*.
    These days we are having skirmishes with the Chinese and India will back down.
    *India is a bit like an island. North are Himalayas, South is the Indian Ocean, west is the Arabian Sea and east is the Bay of Bengal.
    Let me know which nation is not bending the knee when the natonal underwear is unfurled.

  178. Rurik 说:
    @James N. Kennett

    The custom of warfare had always been “to the winner, the spoils”. It was only after the world realized its mistake at Versailles that this custom changed.

    except that Germany was lied to and betrayed

    they laid down their arms because the trusted that the allies would honor Wilson’s Fourteen Points,

    and then once they were disarmed, then the perfidious liars and treacherous scumbags demanded upon starvation that Germany accept responsibility for the war, that Germany never wanted in the first place, and was trying to end because it was so fratricidal. But then the Balfour Declaration changed all that, and Perfidious Albion stuck the knife in Germany’s back.

    On their own behalf, because British policy for centuries had been to fight any Continental empire whose conquests made it large enough to be a threat.

    Germany was not a threat, except perhaps to the British pride. Look at them now. British school girls gang raped by orcs. Some “victory”.

    The appalling Tony Blair asked God whether he should go to war. God replied to him in the affirmative.

    I doubt even Tony Blair considers the Fiend to be God. He sold out England to Mammon, not to God.

    All Britain and France did was tip the balance against Gaddafi.


    It is committing not only ethnic suicide, but national/cultural suicide, on behalf of the owners of capital. Some of those are Jewish; most are not.

    most of the US congress are not Jewish, but they serve Zion with slavish obeisance.

    Germany is not dominated by Jews for obvious reasons.

    OMG you could not be more wrong

    they put ninety year old grandmothers in prison for expressing thoughts that Jews don’t like. While inviting in an army of Muslims and Africans to destroy the German nation once and for all.

    It’s the Morgenthau plan light.

    If you want to prevent the rapid progress of globalization, the best thing you can do is to either learn more or STFU.


    The beneficiaries were Cecil Rhodes and the other shareholders in De Beers, their heirs and successors.


    Rothschild doesn’t’ exist, huh. He’s a conspiracy theory of people who believe in shape shifting lizards and wear tinfoil hats. Gotcha.

    England is committing suicide because “capitalists” want them to. There’s no connection between England’s suicidal insanity and abased commitment to all things Israel, no .. matter… what – and its simultaneous commitment to do exactly as so many Jews openly pine and wish for all white nations to do- commit ethnic suicide.

    the two things are completely and absolutely unrelated!!!, and anyone who claims otherwise is a hateful anti-Semite! and Nazi!! and horrid person all around!!!

    • 同意: CalDre
  179. CalDre 说:

    Show no mercy? Treaty of Brest-Litovsk did not impose reparations (there was a separate Financial Agreement of 1918 which provided for compensation for Communist renunciation of Tsarist bonds and for stealing foreign property, which is an entirely different matter – plus the German “reparations” were 30 times per citizen greater, as pointed out in 另一篇文章) nor did it take “Russian” lands from Russia. You might disagree with the last part so let me elaborate.

    The BL Treaty took from Russia: Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Ukraine and Lithuania. On the other hand, the V Treaty took from Germany: provinces of Alsace-Lorraine, Czechoslovakia and Poland (including Danzig, Memel, Silesia and Posen). So let’s take a quick look at their history, including primarily (1) what ethnicity/culture were the peoples of those lost regions, (ii) how long did those peoples live under the ceding power, and (iii) where did those peoples want to be?

    Well, it is without question that none of Poland, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania wanted to be part of Russia, and especially not part of COMMUNIST Bolshevik totalitarian mass-murdering Red THUGS Russia. And the peoples there were not “Russian”. Now, with regard to Ukraine: first, it must be recognized that Ukraine was granted 独立, not absorbed into the German Empire. Second, Ukraine had its own delegation at the conferences and sought independence, and happily approved the treaty. Ukrainians, then and now, did not want to be subject to the Russian yoke.

    So, now let’s turn to the German cessions. Large swaths of those ceded territories were occupied by ethnic Germans who spoke German and wanted to be part of Germany. Poland gives a fine example. French historian Raymond Cartier estimates that out of 1 million Germans living in Posen-West Prussia in 1921 (already years after war’s end), 75%!! had fled their homelands within five years due to Polish harassment.

    So tell me, did 75% of Finns, 75% of Latvians, or even 75% of Ukrainians flee to Russia after obtaining their freedom?

    You really have no clue about reality. Those who show no mercy lose their right to demand it be shown to them. Indeed, you should genuflect on how that statement applies to you. Germany liberated conquered territories from the Bolsheviks. That is not being merciless, how sad, tragic and misinformed that you would write that.

  180. @James N. Kennett

    If you are determined to measure a leader’s intentions as if he was unaware of the consequences of his actions

    What? Where did you get that?

    Talk about specious!

  181. @James N. Kennett

    Germany and the USSR were allies with their border defined by a treaty.

    While true, it does show that you have a sense of humor.

  182. @Joe Stalin

    You would also be well advised to review the history of Western colonialism in the Far East and the meddling, of the US in particular, in Japan.

    Manchukuo was Japan’s attempt to copy Western methods including the cultivation of poppies for opium as a source of revenue.

    You can bet that the Western dope peddlers were not about to allow any such competition.

    So keep diggin, Joey…

  183. Drew458 说:

    是的,但是那里的人很少。我只读过4个骡队连。 1000人。还有救援船上的一些水手。因此,如果他们迷失在人群中,那也不足为奇。


  184. @Priss Factor


    罗伯特·菲斯克(Robert Fisk)


    • 回复: @Joe Stalin
    , @Anonymous
  185. Floda 说:

    这一次,我们的敌人发现了一种比德国人曾经拥有的任何武器都更强大的武器。 生化武器! 一种保证不仅会摧毁英格兰,而且会摧毁整个欧洲及其他地区。 这是一个无限供应的低智商阿拉伯穆斯林和军人年龄的煤炭黑人男性,他们以“移民”的身份抵达。 他们永远找不到固定的工作,并且会花所有醒着的时间寻找女性怀孕。

  186. Treg 说:
    @Priss Factor

    Wow! Priss Factor! That was worthy of an essay all by itself. Simply Brilliant reply on the Dunkirk movie. And THAT is why I slog through and read the comments section. Re-posting to FB

  187. Joe Stalin 说:


    光辉岁月 (2006)

    “Algeria, 1943, through Italy and France, to Alsace in early 1945, with a coda years later. Arabs volunteer to fight Nazis to liberate France, their motherland. We follow Saïd, dirt poor, an orderly for a grizzled sergeant, Martinez, a pied noir with some willingness to speak up for his Arab troops; Messaoud, a crack shot, who in Province falls in love with a French woman who loves him back; and Abdelkader, a corporal, a budding intellectual with a keen sense of injustice. The men fight with courage against a backdrop of small and large indignities: French soldiers get better food, time for leave, and promotions. Is the promise of liberty, equality, and fraternity hollow?”


  188. @Priss Factor

    Didn’t both Ron Unz https://www.unz.com/runz/american-pravda-alexander-cockburn-and-the-british-spies/
    斯蒂芬·斯涅戈斯基(Stephen Sniegoski) https://www.unz.com/article/the-conquest-of-the-united-states-by-britain/
    inform this forum — alert us, advise us, educate us — that the British carried out a massive propaganda campaign to convince otherwise reluctant Americans to get involved in war against Germany?

    Aren’t most of the regulars on this forum aware that FDR lied to get USA into war against Germany (and also, possibly, against Japan)?

    Priss Factor has enormous familiarity with movies, but movies are not arguments, they’re stories: their purpose is to appeal to emotion and sense-experience sometimes — frequently — at the expense of more difficult critical analysis.

    It’s great someone like Priss contributes to this forum to point out how the details of so many movies relate to past and current foreign policy.

    But in my view, the American people have had far too much of emotionally charged, agenda-driven, highly impactful sensory stimulation that is cynically called ‘history,’ and far too little of the hard-headed, less exciting work of challenging the evidence and applying logic, law, morals, and values to hard evidence and then drawing conclusions and making decisions.

    We’ve all seen the movies, Priss; two or three generations of Americans — and Germans — have learned “history” from little more than movies.

    Priss, you wrote:

    “But when Hitler shaped the agenda and direction of Germany, those good virtues were used to evil ends.”

    EXACTLY — with exquisite, precise, critical claim and proof — what WERE those “evil ends,” Priss?

    Just came across this video, “Ten Nazi Inventions,” that started with this narrative:

    “It’s pretty obvious that the Nazis did more evil than good because they were, you know, the Nazis.”

    Dinesh D’Souza is hawking a new book that makes that and several other circular assertions.

    It is not an argument to assert that “Nazis did evil things because everyone knows that Nazis were evil.”

    It is, however, what we have been led to believe, at a knee-jerk level, through all of most of our lives, and movies have been one of the primary means of planting that perception in our brains.

    If participants on the Unz forum continue to substitute emotional charges for critical thinking, we are not only doomed, we deserve to be doomed: it might even be necessary that we all fall prey to powers that would kill us and our children, because we will have become worse than useless eaters: we will have become mindless herd animals who willingly — I should say witlessly — carry out the truly evil agenda of the same people who, as Rurik noted above, destroyed Dresden https://www.unz.com/pgiraldi/groupthink-at-the-cia/#comment-1956057.

    We have to think tougher, and speak out more forcefully and courageously.

  189. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:
    @George Orwell

    Defeats make for good drama though. A movie about the Korean retreat would be worth watching.

    • 回复: @anon
  190. fnn 说:

    The outbreak of general European war in 1939 was mainly the work of FDR. FDR’s man Bullitt pressured Chamberlain to make the March 1939 blank check guarantee to Poland and encouraged Poland to refuse to negotiate with Germany. The Danzig and Corridor questions were long-standing disputes were long-standing disputes and not the invention of Hitler. The widespread persecution of ethnic Germans was also not a Hitlerian fantasy, on Aug 17 there were more than 76,000 ethnic German refugees at the Polish-German borders and 18,000 more in the Danzig region.



    Respected mainstream liberal Zionist Jewish historian:

  191. Joe Stalin 说:
    @Michael Kenny

    “The Brazilian Expeditionary Force or BEF (Portuguese: Força Expedicionária Brasileira; FEB) consisted of about 25,700 men arranged by the army and air force to fight alongside the Allied forces in the Mediterranean Theatre of World War II. This air–land force consisted of (replacements included): a complete Infantry Division, a Liaison flight, and a Fighter squadron.[1]

    “It fought in Italy from September 1944 to May 1945, while the Brazilian Navy as well as the Air Force also acted in the Battle of the Atlantic from the middle of 1942 until the end of the war. During almost eight months of its campaign, fighting at Gothic Line and in the 1945 final offensive, the BEF managed to take 20,573 Axis prisoners, consisting of two generals, 892 officers, and 19,679 other ranks. Brazil was the only independent South American country to send ground troops to fight overseas, losing 948 men killed in action across all three services during the Second World War.[2][3]



  192. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    He didn’t want the US to enter the war unless attacked. FDR tried to provoke war with Germany via an undeclared naval war in that began (at the latest) on Sep, 1, 1941.

    Yes this crossed a critical line. The US was never neutral but so long as it was only supplying Britain and Russia with war material the Germans could ignore it. However once American and German sailors began killing each other, full scale war became inevitable.

  193. anon • 免责声明 说:

    how about Churchill’s cockup at Gallipoli that’d make a great movie. is it true that most of the British fighters were colonials? that should make the SJW happy.

  194. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:


    I don’t remember hearing about this. Fisk has probably confused them with Black Africans who were shot by the Germans for allegedly mutilating German corpses. (Apparently the Africans fought hand to hand with big knives instead of bayonets, which left wounds that resembled deliberate mutilation.)

  195. @Geordie

    WW1 recruits from West of the Severn were 2″ shorter than those n the Eastern bank.

  196. @iffen

    No. And the English on the East coast were probably there long before the Anglo-Saxons. They invented the horse collar to pull heavy ploughs which allowed them to use heavy clay soils in the Midlands and become the dominant group.

  197. Anonymous [AKA "myfacelaunched9ships"] 说:

    The most important historical mystery of Dunkirk was ignored in the film– why Hitler refused to capture the British army when he had overwhelming force a few hundred km away. There’s no getting around the fact that Hitler was the hero of Dunkirk. Portraying the British army as heroes for being sitting ducks that had the good luck not to be attacked shows how 70 year old war propaganda contaminates our culture to this day.

    It is well know among historians that next to Germany England was Hitler’s favorite country. The idea that Hitler was planning to conquer England was a propaganda lie to spread fear through the English speaking world and generate support for a war that England had no interest in. David Irving has suggested that Hitler did not want to despoil the Frisians (ethnic Germans in the Netherlands) who were in the path of any attack. Some Historians say that Hitler did not want forclose on the offer he had to Churchill to help him maintain the British Empire at wars end. These facts are of course too controversial to address in mainstream culture eventhough they are probably the reasons for the success at Dunkirk.

    • 回复: @iffen
  198. Anonymous [AKA "WarwolveSS"] 说:

    Who declared war on Germany? The Britzi’s! Who started bombing German cities? The Britzi’s! Consequently, the Britzi’s “Fire The First Shot! Who did not want to listen to Mr. Hitlers peace proposal ‘s? The Britzi’s! Who invaded Europe? The Britzi’s! Who built long range bombers? The Britzi’s! Who got their citizens to believe they were going to be invaded by another European Nation State? The Britzi’s! Who, at the start of the “Dunkirk Evacuation” did not allow their “Allie” (France) not evacuate with them back to England? The Britzi’s! The German planes, wether bomber or fighter only flew 2 1/2 days of the week long evacuation. Where were the Kriegsmarine U-boats? If the Kriegsmarine U-boats could disrupt military supplies from the U.S. government in Washington D.C. in the Atlantic Ocean, do you not think they could have sunk all those Britzi’s retreating evacuation ships and civilian boats during the week long event? Question: Why is the British invation of Europe and the outcome: Dunkirk event, portrayed as heroic, however, when Germany invaded Poland after more than five years of negotiations, hostile acts of violence towards the German minority people separated from their “Father/Mother land” via a so called peace treaty in 1918 not portrayed as heroic? It was the Britzi’s who in March of 1939 told Poland the government of England will back them if Germany’s government invades Poland? The Britzi’s did not comes to Polands aid! It was England’s political leaders who predicted that a Second World War could start in Poland because the 1918 Versailles treaty did not give “Self Determination” to the German People which was a corner stone of the Armistice. Please read this review of the movie Dunkirk: http://www.tomatobubble.com/dunkirk_movie_review.html , Mike S. King and Sugar (a white cat) wrote “The Bad War: The Truth Never Taught About WWII” a book banded on Amazon/Jeff Bezos.
    Also, read “The Myth of German Villiany” by Benton L. Bradberry and search Dunkirk @ 国际卫生条例.

  199. iffen 说:

    Thank God Hitler was as stupid as his latter day worshipers.

  200. DanC 说:

    正如任何优秀的历史学家都会告诉你的那样,。 。 。在这些海滩上作战的是英国(和一些法国)士兵,并由数百艘响应号召的私人小船撤离。

    历史学家有什么 一直在读书?






    但那217,000名英国士兵的生命和 123,000名法国士兵 跨过英吉利海峡获救的人还取决于 100,000万名勇敢的人,冒着不可克服的困难,面对死亡,让他们的兄弟能够再次战斗.


  201. Reg Cæsar 说:
    @Carlton Meyer


    Funny, he didn’t allow the Dutch, Flemish, Danes, or Norwegians to escape.

  202. @Citizen of a Silly Country

    You have a point. But the British were lied to by their leaders, by Heath, Wilson, Thatcher, Blair, Cameron. The current PM is perhaps the most despicable liar since Tony Blair. The same happened in the US, Trump may be the last chance.

    Sadly it may be that the (relatively) high-trust, open and law-abiding Anglosphere contained in itself the seeds of its own destruction, when the very qualities which enabled such progress over the last two hundred years turned out to be an Achilles heel. It wouldn’t be the first time that has happened in evolutionary history.

  203. @Citizen of a Silly Country

    Yes, Citizen., I’ve seen things go to hell in this country over my lifetime of 89 years. No exact date but it seems to me to have started with the counter-culture movement of the 60s. I’ve felt helpless as all this has unfolded, but tell me Citizen, what would you have done in my place?



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