骄傲的男孩遭受迫害表明,街头战斗已经到达美国。 接下来,军事?

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美国的政治暴力程度正在上升。 当然,主要原因是: 我们的机构提供的许可证 共产党暴徒的反法运动。 但是暴力会从街头蔓延到士兵吗? 我知道,这听起来像是世界末日。 但这正在英国进行讨论。

最近两次——去年在夏洛茨维尔,在 俄勒冈州波特兰市 两个星期前-我们见过市政警察部队 故意站着 被他们的政治上司压倒,以便安提法(Antifa)可以控制街道。 企业的媒体骗局要么找到一种方法来将随后的暴力行为归结为他人的过失,例如 夏洛茨维尔,否则他们只会忽略它,例如 波特兰.

在此背景下,我们可以评估 冲突 12月XNUMX日,在纽约市的Antifa激进分子和 加文·麦金尼斯(Gavin McInnes) 骄傲的男孩。

加文,他是 我的朋友, 是在演讲 大都会共和党俱乐部 在上东区。 在出现前几个小时,Antifa破坏了建筑物,打破了窗户,并喷涂了无政府主义者的标志。 [上东区的共和党俱乐部遭到破坏,由凯瑟琳·拉瓦卡(Katherine Lavacca),拉里·塞洛纳(Larry Celona)和本·菲厄尔(Ben Feuerherd) 纽约邮报 12 年 2018 月 XNUMX 日]加文无论如何都出现并讲话,但他的出现随后发生了之间的巷战 Antifa 和骄傲的男孩。

纽约州的腐败和愤世嫉俗的州长 安德鲁科莫,最左派的a 公共部门工会,将其归咎于麦金尼斯(McInnes),他只是一个在叙事之外有见解的人。

“纽约时报” 该报告是赤裸裸的机构宣传:例如,他们报告说加文挥舞了一把剑,却没有告诉他们的读者 塑料 剑,是加文想在演讲中讲到的某种戏剧道具。 [GOP俱乐部马刺队的骄傲男孩战斗要求查询; Cuomo谴责特朗普, (作者:Ashley Southall和Tyler Pager,14年2018月XNUMX日)[他们将骄傲的男孩形容为“极右派”,而Antifa则表示……您如何看待? “最左派”? 不,作为“反法西斯激进分子”,他们对自己进行了评估。 他们在对抗法西斯主义,你知道吗? 就像在D日袭击了诺曼底海滩的小伙子们一样。

他们甚至直言不讳地告诉我们,“骄傲的男孩”被(是的!)视为“仇恨团体”。 南部贫困法律中心。 “视为”:这是其中之一,例如“拥护”表示CultMarx漫游机器人已设置为单键宏。

除了细节之外,关于这些混战的有趣之处在于,这里的战斗似乎并没有或没有完全成为骄傲男孩的防守,就像 案件 团结正确 in 夏洛茨维尔。 骄傲的男孩们愿意 回击.


迄今为止,安提法大街上几乎都有自己的街道,这要归功于怯co的政治领袖们。 行动会产生反应。 看到像“骄傲男孩”这样的更多团体涌现,准备并愿意战斗,这并不令人感到惊讶。

“纽约时报”,据我所知,它从未印刷过任何批评Antifa的字词, 谴责他们为纳粹分子 并向南方贫困法律中心(Hate Group)指定仇恨组织。 这就是为什么纽约执法部门现在 搜寻并监禁骄傲的男孩,而对 Antifa 什么也不做。

但是您只能将人们推到最远,然后再将其推回去。 (您可以捐赠给Proud Boys法律辩护 此处.)


假设这些街头斗殴升级为严重的公共秩序崩溃,严重到需要军方关注。 军方会保持中立吗? 如果不是,如果他们站在一边,他们会站在哪一​​边?


背景:最近是英国持不同政见者的激进主义者 汤米罗宾逊,我确定谁 无需介绍 前往VDARE.com时,偶然在伦敦郊外的高速公路服务区遇到了一群年轻的士兵,这些士兵是新兵。 士兵们认出了汤米(他经常在新闻中露面)并围住他,为他的名字欢呼和唱歌。

罗宾逊 拍摄了相遇的录像 并将其发布在互联网上。

英国军队很不高兴。 一位陆军发言人按喇叭说:“极右翼意识形态与武装部队的价值观和精神完全背道而驰。”

视频中的一名士兵 已经从服务中退出。 声称拥有陆军资格的那位士兵曾经有过纪律问题,这是最后一根稻草。

也许。 伏尔泰的话 不过,我想到关于上将拜恩上将的处决; 也是 某种中国习语 关于杀死一只鸡来吓唬猴子。

好吧,那是背景故事。 这是后续措施。

我们不知道被解雇的士兵的名字。 他被称为“士兵X”。 现在有一个Twitter标签 #IAmSoldierX 在小队中有一个追随者。

其中一组(穿着制服,但没有露出脸)已经产生 自己的视频 举着一个大的#IAmSoldierX标志。

* https://twitter.com/RobbyTominson/status/1052554980790607873

同时,英国陆军高级参谋部发布推文说 陆军需要更多女权主义者招募视频 细想这项服务对穆斯林士兵的祈祷要求有多尊重。

无法加载推文 https://twitter.com/Army_Leadership/status/1051888065000673281/photo/1: 抱歉,该页面不存在

最后,我无法完善James Delingpole的摘要 他在Breitbart.com上关于此的文章 [18年2018月XNUMX日],对英​​国语表示歉意:

军队其他地方的顶级黄铜部队:害怕做任何可能破坏和平宗教的事情; 痛苦地渴望向陆军提供某种与战后有关的信息,以作为多样性,性别外延和正念的代理机构。 班组都在思考:为了士兵游戏而草草收割-我不是因为这个锁而加入军队的。




好吧,那都在那儿发生。 这里的力有什么关系?


在2016年大选期间,他的同志们之间如何产生政治同情? 我问他(过去式。 咕gr声,而不是厨师,文员和军官。 亲特朗普,亲希拉里,不在乎:故障是什么?


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• 类别: 思想 •标签: Antifa, 政治上的正确 
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  1. “One of the soldiers in the video has been discharged from the service.”

    That would be the same British Army recruiting known drug users:


    • 回复: @pyrrhus
    , @The Alarmist
  2. Coemgen 说:

    Kill a chicken; scare a monkey? We have a word for that: 完成.

  3. Sarah Toga 说:

    O/T,但幅度不大——统治阶级正在带来洪都拉斯帮派成员的入侵。 所以我们可能需要对这批最新一批非法移民进行巷战。


    在最高外交层面,告诉墨西哥撤回“大篷车”,否则,其驻美国领事馆每天都会关闭,每天关闭的领事馆数量会增加一倍。 要求已关闭领事馆内或与之相关的所有人员在 12 小时内离开美国。 墨西哥在美国设有 50 多个领事馆。 为什么?

    违规的第 1 天,关闭 1 个墨西哥领事馆。
    违规的第二天,关闭 2 个墨西哥领事馆。
    违规第 3 天,第 4 天结束。
    违规第 4 天,第 8 天结束。
    依此类推,直至达标或全部关闭。 哦——而且,一旦关闭,就一直关闭。 不会回到原来的状态。

    并且——利用现有法规宣布紧急状态并关闭墨西哥边境。 我们的军队支持它。

  4. 我只能提供一个数据点:一个我很熟识的人-没有名字,没有操练-他几个月前在美国陆军一支比较艰苦的战斗部队中完成了四年任期。

    I take it that this person is Derbyshire’s son who just recently left the armed forces. That being the case, I take his statement very seriously. Two consequences: fall-off in recruitment from traditional military families. Secondly, a highly polarised military. Aside from the drug addicts, lesbians and other dead weights, traditional military types will become increasingly disaffected. It won’t take much to provoke a mutiny. When Alt-Liters like the Proud Boys are being castigated as Neo-Nazis by the establishment, you realise that day is not far off.

    • 回复: @Freespirit
    , @Jus' Sayin'...
  5. John


    When the race war goes full-blown…it will be NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN MALES versus the Democratic Voting Bloc…The Democratic Party Voting Bloc=Mexican Gang Bangers+MS-13+Pakistani Muslim Males+Hindu Males+Sihk Males+Chinese Males+Korean Males+Phillipino Males+Vietnamese Males……….It will be a war of extermination for the SCARCE LIVING AND BREEDING SPACE within the borders of North America…..

  6. Proud Boys. Sounds like a gay group. That Gavin McInnes fellow seems awfully fussy about his moustache. Antifa are basically white middle class males who have swallowed their collegiate indoctrination wholesale, and are trying to find their masculinity after spending years in front of a digital screen. Getting into a street fight with these pathetic boy-men is loserville.

  7. @SunBakedSuburb

    Yes, I used to call them the Poofy Boys. But good on them for standing up to the Antifa scum.
    McInnes is a Pop Group Manager, masquerading as an advocate for White Men . Obviously, there are some comparisons with Derbyshire – both married to non-white ladies, for example. But McInnes is a reformed hipster – so obviously there are a lot of skeletons in the cupboard. Whether that constitutes full-blown degeneracy is in the eye of the beholder. You could say the same about his employer Taki.
    Regardless, McInnes is an Alt-Liter, so don’t expect too much consistency. The establishment must be really frightened when the likes of McInnes are being demonised.

  8. If what they want is to restore the rule of law the Proud Boys should be fighting City Hall. And the State House. And Imperial Washington. If they must fight Antifa they should fight to destroy Antifa. Saying we will meet you on Main Street next Tuesday is not the way to do that.

  9. pyrrhus 说:
    @The Alarmist

    I hope the British Army continues to recruit girls, gays, drug users, and low IQ minorities….”Never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.” Napolean

  10. It’s good to see your writing again, Mr. Derbyshire, as it’s been a while. It was particularly good to read this material. I’d heard about this street battle last week on one site, and for more details, I went to duckduckgo. All the articles on the initial search results page were one-sided, I could see right away. I got some info from Breitbart, but you’ve got 2 people on the inside, so I’m glad to read the honest scoop.

    That short video of Tommy Robinson with the soldiers was really uplifting to me, and to him too, I could plainly tell. He’s been through a gauntlet of 英国警察国家狗屎,只是为了说出他的想法,我喜欢他笑着说,为了得到他真正的同胞的支持,这一切都是值得的。

    In this 6-part series called “There’s battle lines being drawn” (部分1, 部分2, 部分3, 部分4, 部分5部分6), Peak Stupidity concluded with the same thing that the producer of that 30s video did. People can really learn something from the strife in the 1960’s – not the politics, but the tactics. No, they CAN’T arrest everybody, and they CAN’T fire everyone, and they CAN’T discharge (per the video) everybody. That’s contrary to the way it is for the lone wolf, whether just on the keyboard or tweeter, or out there ready to fight. There’s power in numbers, but it does takes some brave ones like Tommy Robinson and Gavin McGinnis to start things up.

    • 回复: @FO337
  11. Truth 说:

    Gavin McInnes, Huh?

    Another controlled opposition goofball…with remarkably small hands, and narrow shoulders, I might add (wink).


    • 回复: @Coemgen
  12. @War for Blair Mountain

    谈谈你的失败者。我不在乎加文·麦金尼斯用葡萄酒软木塞做了什么。他所做的事比你和 SBS 在这里写下的事要好得多(我会包括我自己,但我还没有找到我的游戏——如果我现在是一个单身汉,我会去过其中一些街道)已经打架了。)

    你想要一切纯粹吗,WfBM?谁是你的盟友?听起来好像只有你和你的评论反对,那么,到底是谁?如果 ctrl-left 完全接管,甚至您的评论也会消失,而且您当时写下的 2,300 多条评论就没有意义了。

    顺便说一句,回到加文·麦金尼斯。我不确定他是不是那种我会和他相处的人,但他和他的团伙对那些反法西斯人群表现出了良好的防守,而其他人都在支持他们——警察、谎言媒体、 正义 法律体系和野性政府(甚至杰夫塞申的司法部也没有停止对夏洛茨维尔另类右翼类型的完全片面迫害。)


  13. Coemgen 说:

    Regarding your related podcast, thanks for the “If I were going to Ballybunion, I wouldn’t start from here,” joke. I now have an Irish joke that doesn’t involve EtOH. Anyhow, the punchline sounds like advice my bog Irish relatives’ would have given in earnest.

  14. @Achmed E. Newman

    But you don’t know what I have done…or haven’t done….You are just making assumptions about what you think may be true….

    Larger point:The full-blown White Race Revolt will begin when millions of NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN WORKING CLASS MALES start thinking about things in their head differently…….will they consent to be governed by POTUS KAMALA HARRIS?….POTUS HILLARY CLINTON?…..POTUS MOOOOOOOOCHELLE?…….In 2020…..I think Tucker Carlson will…to show how reasonable he is…..I won’t……..

    • 回复: @FO337
    , @Corvinus
  15. @Achmed E. Newman

    Well it’s way more comments than that…..closer to 4,000 if you include “Bill Blizzard and his Men”….Commadante Unz should put out a collected comments edition…..

    I don’t think Bill Blizzard and his Men ever put corks up their asses…..ever…..ever….


  16. Coemgen 说:

    Why be 可爱? Just say what you want to say. This is 乌兹网. Show him, Ron Unz, some respect. Don’t prevaricate.

    • 回复: @Truth
  17. Baxter 说:

    我从许多政治评论家和文化批评家那里得到的印象是,他们不相信自己所推销的东西。 无论是加文·麦金尼斯 (Gavin McInnes)、米洛 (Milo)、德比郡 (Derbyshire) 还是本·夏皮罗 (Ben Shapiro) 等等。 我认为他们是为了赚钱而迎合观众。
    或许我住在美国的天桥上,不太了解东西海岸的流行趋势。 不管怎样,美国已经不再有凝聚力了。

    • 回复: @Cloudbuster
  18. @Achmed E. Newman


    • 回复: @Corvinus
  19. @War for Blair Mountain

    No, you’re right, my West Virginia comrade. Homosexuals are subversive, and making a deal with them is asinine. It’s like these people who think Israel is okay because it’s “nationalist” or some crap.

    I wrote my senior seminar paper in college on politics in coal-mining West Virginia. Bill Blizzard was a hero.

    • 回复: @dfordoom
  20. John

    I was recently reading about mathematical statistician Harold Hoetelling….principal component analysis among his contributions…..on Wikipedia. Apparently, Harold Hoetelling was greatly influenced by the self-taught economist Henry George. I wish more commenters and writers on Unz Review would read up on Henry George….and this brings me to my next point…..

    The Proud Boys really don’t seem to have a deep economic analysis of the current plight of THE NATIVE BORN WHITE MALE WORKING CLASS…..There is something very intellectually nebulous about the Proud Boys. And it is for this reason that I believe they will be a passing fad.

    The lesson for the Alt Right is this:address the economic dimension to post-1965 race-replacement policy…incorporate it into your rap….In a very crucial way, it is the fundamental driver of race-replacement immigration policy…..Our People will connect with this immediately….for there are a lot of Scab Labor Horror Stories from sea to shinning sea….

    John Burns Gettysburg Partisan inspired me to make this comment…..Among other things, Bill Blizzard and his Coal Miner Army would never have tolerated Chinese and Hindu Scab Labor in West Virginia…..and White Men who stick corks up their ass…..

  21. Nothing of any significance will happen until that vast army of right wing gun owners say – we’ve had enough of this shit.

    • 回复: @OilcanFloyd
  22. @War for Blair Mountain

    Henry George supported the 1888 Chinese Exclusion Act…..

  23. Anon[425]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站

  24. wayfarer 说:

    “Inner City Caravan Headed for Beverly Hills”

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  25. @SunBakedSuburb

    Who has time to fight dirty unemployed hippies on the street? Anybody with any kind of job does not want to fight a bunch of 30 year old “students” and assorted Leftist riff-raff in the road.

    I don’t think McGuiness and his lot would fare well against the black or Hispanic auxiliary of Democrats.

    I’d also wager most of the enlisted blacks and Hispanics in the military lean towards the left. Not because they love gays, but obviously because Democrats are more generous in some respects.

  26. Wally 说:
    @Sarah Toga

    Then there’s money sent back to Mexico, stop that and bye bye Mexican economy.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Da Wei
  27. @wayfarer



    Latinos are sophisticated human traffickers and black pimps at the bus stop cannot compete with transnational sex traffickers from Mexico who can offer up better-looking and younger sex workers.

    Latisha on the corner cannot compete and of course the Latino sex traffickers have legitimate fronts from which they can operate sophisticated brothels


    The Italians were happy to ship in the heroin and sell it wholesale far from the houses that their deals paid mortgages on. But Latino cartels simply want a monopoly and are backed by Mexico which is effectively a storehouse for drugs.

    So they can drive the traditional street-corner black dealers out of the business.


    Hispanic gangs seem to be driving black gangs out. So this underground economy is also going by the wayside.

    Blacks in general are an urban-based group and Latinos affect them worst.

    • 回复: @Them Guys
    , @wayfarer
  28. FO337 说:
    @Sarah Toga


    今晚我的杂货店新鲜菠菜售价 59 美分一束。我想我们都买得起一两美元,如果真的需要的话。

  29. FO337 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain


  30. FO337 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman


    Antifa 作为……什么,你觉得呢? “极左团体”? 不,作为“反法西斯活动家”

    用他们的术语来说就是玩他们的游戏。如果你想称他们为“Antifa”(他们最喜欢的自己的名字),那么1)问为什么我们不要求他们称我们为“爱国者”?很简单:他们和他们的人控制着叙事。如果你愿意,可以玩他们的游戏,但也要承认这一点。 2)如果你这样做,你也可能会承认自己是“法西斯主义者”,并试图像同性恋者对F词所做的那样,黑人对N词所做的那样,来选择它。他们到底有多成功?



    • 回复: @Paul Yarbles
  31. Them Guys 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Most in every caravan of illegals photo I saw, shows people that for all intent and purpose, look Identical or almost identical to most Detroit Black savages….Main difference seems to be, Detroit ghetto apes speak a goofy SwaheiyliEbonics, while those Caravan savage apes speak Spanish.

    Other than that, in 99% of ways that matter most, Both groups are same, and are very undesirable at best….Both are some of The Most Useless and Worthless 3rd worlder types ever to exist.

    Nothing is going to change, until as Carol stated prior, That Vast Army of American Gun Owners say…Enough of this shit…..Change will consist mainly of, …Rule’s… .308–.223–9mm–.45….357Mag..44Mag–50BMG via Barret “tools”, and a few lesser used, Rule’s.

    Unlike stupid savage Ghetto gang bangers, White Men do Not hold their Handguns sideways, simply because thats how it got shipped in its orig Box!….Black ghetto and mexican ghetto rats, Do hold it sideways since they think if shipped in box layed Flat on its side?…That Must be proper way to hold it in real useage!

    People that stupid cannot understand complicated arguments or debates where a Whitey states…NO…NO More! and NO Entry!….Far Too complicated for such idiots, and main reason they only understand one thing….The Threat of or actual use of violence agaist Them when they are considered as, and seen as, Invaders which is an undeclared Act of War.

    • 回复: @Truth
  32. Eric Novak 说:

    The five hundred Internet-raised AntiFa bug men regularly fighting one hundred Proud Boys in Portland have sticks, rocks, bats, pepper spray, bike locks on chains, bottles of piss, M80s turned into armed missiles with a slingshot, and telescoping batons. What have you done to put down the AntiFa problem besides projecting your own cucked cravenness onto them from your smartphone?

  33. @Verymuchalive

    What ever happened to all those gun-polishing militia types? The ATF was going to raid them back in the 90s according to one story and NRA cuck Tanya Metaska talked them out of it. If that had happened some nice people would have gotten hurt but it might have been good for the country, since the average American would have been alarmed.

    I can’t get into Islamophobia. Anyone out to get Israel is fine in my book. And it doesn’t take a lot of guts to defend it.

    The more important question is how we force the authorities to either crack on Antifa or commit prosecutable crimes to avoid doing so. The behavior of the police in Charlottesville was arguably a conspiracy to deprive the rightists of the constitutionally protected right to assemble and petition for redress.

    Conservatives don’t have a lot of money to pay lawyers but we have a little and if we spent it where it would do the most good, maybe we would get somewhere. Find ways to put pressure on GOP fake conservatives. Out them as do-nothings more afraid of the enemy than the voters.

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  34. Eric Novak 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    McInnes never put a cork up his ass, you moron. Look up the definition of the word “irony”, which is what McInnes was using when he also told Joe Rogan that he supports drunk driving.

  35. wayfarer 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Drug Dealing

    The Italians were happy to ship in the heroin and sell it wholesale far from the houses that their deals paid mortgages on. But Latino cartels simply want a monopoly and are backed by Mexico which is effectively a storehouse for drugs.

    So they can drive the traditional street-corner black dealers out of the business.

    As a USCG Seaman I was boarding pirate ships in the eastern Pacific Ocean, during the same period Michael Ruppert was conducting LAPD narcotics investigations in South-Central Los Angeles.

    He described being ordered to stand-down on certain investigations, similar to how we were ordered to stand-down at times on law enforcement patrols.

    Apparently, “he made discoveries, which led him to believe he had stumbled onto a large network of narcotics traffickers, and that the US military as well as the LAPD might be involved.”

    I became aware of this bigger picture and hidden truth, as well.

    The lion’s share of an international illicit-drug trade, is owned and operated by shadow oligopolists (e.g. Rothschild, etc.) who issue toxic orders throughout seats of global governments.

    John Mark Deutch
    来源: https://wikispooks.com/wiki/John_M._Deutch

    来源: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_Ruppert


    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @HallParvey
  36. ” So the question arises: Are we moving into a zone where street fighting between political groups becomes normal? ”

    Well, it seems to be that way, also here in Europe.
    In Germany leftists, open society, clash regularly with nationalists.
    In France, already in 2005 civil war on a limited scale, Muslim neighbourhoods, banlieues, against police.
    It did not stop.
    In the Netherlands, last year November, anti Black Pete demonstrators, Black Pete reminds black Dutch, some of them, of slavery, blocked on a highway, we now have a new word, blokkeerFriezen.
    This year Sinterklaas and his Petes, of what colour is already under discussion, will arrive nationally in Zaandam, near to Amsterdam.
    Newpaper articles ‘The Zaandam battle has aleady begun’.
    Our SCP, Social and Cultural Plan office, it investigates Dutch about political atitudes etc., states that the use of violence becomes more and more acceptable.
    Democracy, in my opinion is not, what it has been in the Netherlands for maybe fifteen years now, ruling with one vote majority in parliament.
    Democracy is convincing and compromise, made possible by objective media, that no longer esists.
    Soros bought Guardian, the last objective British newspaper.

    • 回复: @Wizard of Oz
    , @anon
  37. 内战即将来到美国,无论人们喜欢与否。 久而久之,自由之树就显得阴沉沉的。 它需要爱国者和暴君的血液,许多暴君才能重新焕发活力。 在我们重建之前,我们必须崩溃和清理。 太多的叛徒和机会主义者潜伏在被称为 DC 的沼泽中,而且在全国各地以及他们在特拉维夫及其他地方的领薪阶层

    最好早点来。 越推迟,就越血腥。 该系统已被破坏,无法赎回。 我们需要在美好的美国这里进行一些“政权更迭”,这样我们就可以一劳永逸地“改变”深层国家的苦难。 现在需要红色药丸“安全机构”和军队的齿轮。 将军及以上是出于所有意图和目的的政治黑客。 但是,如果军队的心脏,步兵足够红,我们可能有机会为我们的孙子孙女争取更好的未来。

    有时我想知道这些咕噜声是否觉得可以在某一天协助恐怖分子和各种分子然后在下一天杀死他们。 他们从来没有考虑过更大的图景吗?

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  38. Jake 说:

    Either there will be peaceful separation into at least 2 countries, or else there will be true civil war. The reason is that the Left is itching to war, itching to make another strike to utterly extinguish any faint hope there ever ca be a Christendom. And the Left is filled with people who would dearly love to start smashing church-going Beckys and their children.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
    , @dfordoom
  39. @wayfarer

    ” similar to how we were ordered to stand-down at times on law enforcement patrols. ”
    Any reasons given ?

    • 回复: @wayfarer
  40. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    Back in the 70´s the USA was still selling proudly its ” melting pot ” model , although it was evident that it only worked with people of european ancestry and Christan religions . Stupid europeans copied the stupid Empire .

    Melting pot turned into ” diversity ” , and ” diversity is turning into decadence and caos .

    “Sic transit gloria mundi ” ( “Thus passes the glory of the world” )

    • 回复: @anon
  41. padre 说:

    So, you still have communist in the USA, I thought you got rid of them in McCarthy era!OK, now they are not real communist, they are thugs!Bu that is the price you have to pay for democracy!It has an advantage though, you have someone to put the blame on for everything!

  42. anon[201]• 免责声明 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    for there are a lot of Scab Labor Horror Stories from sea to shinning sea….

    this is what these fake refugees and illegal aliens actually are – SCABS

    for the ones that work, they’re coming here to underbid you for your job and they should be treated as such

    • 回复: @Expletive Deleted
  43. Corvinus 说:
    @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    “Degenerate homosexuals like McInnes may be useful, but they ultimately must be liquidated.”

    Yet another armchair warrior whom we all know is not going to any such thing. Why do you embarrass yourself in this manner?

  44. Anonymous [AKA "TimeIsUp"] 说:

    完全同意这一点。 内战不仅是不可避免的,而且是必要的。 现在应该很明显,没有任何政治解决方案可以将美国从犹太复国主义占领的政府、媒体和经济中解放出来。

    如果不采取任何行动,美国公民可能会期待 1917 年俄罗斯的重演以及接下来将发生在犹太人及其黑人和西班牙裔走狗手中的种族灭绝。

  45. Corvinus 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain

    “Larger point:The full-blown White Race Revolt will begin when millions of NATIVE BORN WHITE AMERICAN WORKING CLASS MALES start thinking about things in their head differently…”

    I always enjoy your over the top rants. Listen, we all know you are just letting off some steam. You just don’t have it in you to pull a St. Breivik, so why even pretend?

    • 回复: @anon
  46. 我的朋友们,所有这些混乱都是设计好的。另类右翼的那些与另类左翼的那些同样重要。双方都在玩老问题、反应、解决的游戏,一旦街头暴力达到临界水平,双方都将被压在专制警察国家的脚后跟之下。

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
    , @Talha
  47. @jilles dykstra

    What do you mean by “Soros bought Guardian”? Kindly start your explanation by acknowledging that the Guardian is owned still by The Scott Trust. And please avoid bluff and bluster. But thanks for giving me occasion to read up a bit about George Soros.

    • 回复: @Alden
  48. anarchyst 说:
    @jack daniels

    Actually, the ATF pushed the TRUE militia types underground with it’s premier “false flag” operation–the Oklahoma City Murrah Building bombing. This was the first modern-day “false flag” operation that was used to defuse and marginalize the growing militia movement, which was getting stronger day-by-day which was a reaction to the government-imposed murderous destruction at Waco and Ruby Ridge. It is interesting to note that all of the agents involved in the Waco and Ruby Ridge standoffs were awarded promotions and other “perks”.
    For those unfamiliar with the American Second Amendment to the Constitution, every male from the ages of 18 through 45 is a member of the “unorganized militia” and is expected to provide his own arms, equivalent to what the government possesses. The “Dick Act” reinforces the fact that the “unorganized militia” is separate from the military, National Guard, or any other military component.
    Back to the Oklahoma City bombing…ATF and FBI agents were told not to report to work that day.
    Tim McVeigh was a “patsy” who was told to drive a truck and park it in front of the building–nothing more. While he was driving the truck, the license plate from his vehicle was removed, so that he would incur a traffic stop.
    All one has to do is look at the court proceedings in which no evidence of McVeigh’s involvement was presented. “Witnesses” who lost loved ones in the attack were paraded in with their stories (which are usually not allowed in any normal trial–swaying the jury on emotional grounds). The speed at which McVeigh was executed speaks VOLUMES. Terry Nichols, McVeigh’s supposed “co-conspirator” is being held incommunicado at federal “supermax” in Florence Colorado.
    The whole “Oklahoma City bombing” operation is so full of holes that it rivals the WTC 9-11 false flag operaion.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Verymuchalive
  49. Please calm down. Nothing is going to happen in time while dollar still will keep its standing.

  50. @War for Blair Mountain

    Once again, WfBM, were you abused as a child in your Irish-catholic school or church? JD mayn’t be the best confessor being that he is an Englishman!

  51. 我完全可以想象一段时期的街头示威和战斗。 千禧一代是当前极右浪潮的中坚力量,而后千禧一代则倾向于左倾。 随着极右浪潮的消退,以及后千禧一代推行他们的左翼思想,千禧一代可能会变得更加激进,两个群体之间将会发生争吵。 D 先生和我本人的年纪都足以记得 1960 世纪 XNUMX 年代的示威浪潮,但这些示威浪潮都没有在世界任何地方引发军队叛变。 我不明白为什么现在会有所不同。 士兵们在政治上倾向于右倾也就不足为奇了。 这就是那些被军事生涯所吸引的人。

  52. Jason Liu 说:

    What are you gonna do about it? Wait for the race war/civil war/apocalypse? When’s that gonna be? Proud Boys aren’t even a white nationalist group, civnat at best. And the left still manages to rally the institutions against them. Even when the right has political power.

    Leftist strategy is to out-organize the right, while dismantling any kind of right wing organization. Add to this the right’s verbal/social/organizational inferiority, it’s not hard to see why the left wins culture wars. This is what happens when a movement is run by disgruntled old men and edgy teenagers.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @OilcanFloyd
  53. anon[201]• 免责声明 说:

    You just don’t have it in you to pull a St. Breivik, so why even pretend?

    he’s hoping he can get someone else to do it for him

  54. anon[201]• 免责声明 说:

    Back in the 70´s the USA was still selling proudly its ” melting pot ” model

    melting pot or chamber pot?

    end result looks the same

  55. anon[201]• 免责声明 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    In the Netherlands, last year November, anti Black Pete demonstrators, Black Pete reminds black Dutch, some of them, of slavery, blocked on a highway, we now have a new word, blokkeerFriezen.
    This year Sinterklaas and his Petes, of what colour is already under discussion, will arrive nationally in Zaandam, near to Amsterdam.

    gee, i wonder who could possibly be funding this?

  56. Anonymous[310]• 免责声明 说:

    Even The Guardian–yes, Guardian!–admitted that the case was full of ‘unanswered questions’:

    Perhaps the most striking thing about the Oklahoma City bombing – by far the most destructive act perpetrated by a home-grown assailant against fellow Americans – is not how much we’ve learned over the past 20 years but rather how much we still do not know.


    I’m with you: the whole thing just smells like a false-flag. So did the Boston Bombing a few years ago.

    • 同意: RadicalCenter
    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
    , @tac
  57. Oemikitlob 说:

    I agree, Jake, but I don’t believe there will be any peace, unfortunately.

    The goal of the Godless, the nihilists and the materialists is to set up an earthly kingdom and purging any and every vestige of Christianity is of eminent import in achieving this in Satan’s name.

    To be fair, this is not exclusive to those who identify or lean to the political Left; some who identify Right just aren’t in as big a hurry.

  58. @Baxter

    Sure, Derbyshire is cashing in like mad on the gravy train of being kicked out of all the “respectable” “conservative” publications and demonized in the media.


    • 回复: @RadicalCenter
  59. I will always remember an interview done with John Pilger who was talking with a witness to the Mi Lai massacre during the Vietnam war. The witness said the “it was the white soldiers that murdered the women and children, and bayoneting babies. The blacks and Hispanics would not have anything to do with it..crazy beats size ans strength…The school shooters are all white… yes the blacks are scary looking…and so are the Mexicans…but crazy and angry trumps all that. A bunch of white guys that have had their faces pushed in sh*t the last years will organize together, and unleash a some pent up angry Patriots that have been watching those soyboy Antifa’s…I bet on White..

  60. Oemikitlob 说:
    @Johnny Walker Read


  61. Anon[424]• 免责声明 说:

    Budiet boinà ? a war is coming ? ¿ viene una guerra ? viens la guerre ?

    let`s hope not

  62. Tyrion 2 说:

    On topic: mentally very ill itinerant smashes store and defaces US flag because of psychotic delusions of oppression. Guardian lionises “them” as solution to political dissent.


    • 回复: @RVBlake
  63. HallParvey 说:

    Apparently, “he made discoveries, which led him to believe he had stumbled onto a large network of narcotics traffickers, and that the US military as well as the LAPD might be involved.”

    I became aware of this bigger picture and hidden truth, as well.

    Apparently, some elements of law enforcement must always be included in the profits from criminal activities. Otherwise, the activity would not exist.

    Looking the other way, going to the wrong location, losing files, and if necessary, exterminating oppositional elements quietly can be very profitable. Always follow the money. Outside of basic lust, it’s the greatest motivator.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @wayfarer
  64. @anon

    When it was a melting pot of all the white european peoples, it worked wonderfully. We had only a very limited number of nonEuropeans compared to recent decades, chosen as spouses by native-born Americans and typically fully assimilable and loyal accordingly.

  65. @anon

    Physicists have a word for what you have described:ENTROPY!!!!…….Maxwell’s Demon was an underpaid wage slave who was worked to death for years post-1965-present ……..died of coronary arrrest when he heard that Donald Trump’s MAGA!!! economic program was to pave America over so Hispanic Yoots…Korean Yoots….Chinese Yoots….and Pakistani Muslim Yoots…..could all buy a middle class home and breed a large Democratic Party Voting Bloc………FROM STINKING REEKING SEA…….TO STINKING REEKING SEA!!!!………that’s a whole lot of cesspools….sewers that gotta be built across America……TOILET BOWL AMERICA……IT’S A COMMING…….

    And I think this explains the rise of homo power in America…..Homos love the smell of shit….to these abnormal creatures…..the smell of shit is a perfumed breeze….

    Dorothy:”Toto…I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore…..from the smell, I think we are in a giant cesspool……due to the STINKING REEKING FUCKING MULTIRACIAL MAXIMUN STATE OF GD ENTROPY!!!….from the smell of it….)

  66. Truth 说:

    You usin’ a lota big words Homie, and since I don’t know what they mean, Imma take it as a sign of DISRESPECK!

  67. nsa 说:

    The Caravan of the Saints has been timed to arrive at the southern U.S. Border just before Nov.6. Hmmmmmm…………

    • 回复: @Expletive Deleted
    , @Patricus
  68. @Jason Liu

    Verbal/social/organizational inferiority of the right.

    This is true, but why?

    • 回复: @Jason Liu
    , @Anonymous
  69. Proud Boys are pro-Israel, Zionist controlled opposition. Next!

    • 同意: tac
    • 回复: @Expletive Deleted
    , @tac
  70. Truth 说:
    @Them Guys

    Do you feel better after that rant, Sport? Was a weight lifted from your shoulders?

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  71. @HallParvey

    Italians were able to corrupt US cops to a degree that Mexicans and Blacks do not seem to be able to.

    Not that the Italian mafia is more or less gone, the days of police being hired by mafia to commit assassinations in NYC is a thing of the past.

  72. Freespirit 说:








    从我 78 年的生活、研究和观察来看,年轻人,今天——绝对不!


    • 回复: @anon
    , @Verymuchalive
  73. @Anonymous

    My wife had suspicion immediately about Boston, and about the country concert shooting. And she’s an immigrant. It helped that she didn’t attend HS and college here and so wasn’t as brainwashed as “American” kids.

    The ready-made gun-grabbing advocates among the “youth” was a telltale sign.

  74. @Cloudbuster

    Derb should be proud of getting booted from those sellout publications, and of course he should mention it if it’s helpful. Like any of us wouldn’t try to make up for lost income by engendering deserved sympathy at the new outlet if we could.

    • 回复: @Cloudbuster
  75. Jason Liu 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The left is more feminine, and women are just better at social/culture wars against internal enemies.
    Men are better are physical wars against external enemies.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Clyde
  76. @Truth


    Honduran caravan looks seem to run the gamut from pure Amerindian to Sicilian Mediterranean white.

    • 回复: @Truth
  77. @anarchyst

    McVeigh was no patsy, he was a Permanent State operative deeply involved in this criminal conspiracy. Prior to his “execution”, he went to great legal lengths to ensure immediately after “execution by lethal injection” his body would be cremated. Normally, executed criminals are subject to a post-mortem. Very unusually, the courts agreed with his request.
    Secondly, no independent witnesses to the “execution” were near enough to confirm if McVeigh was lethally injected. Like the Skripals, an incapacitant may have been administered, and some time later, an antidote administered, if necessary.
    It is quite possible, therefore, that this was a Permanent State operation to enable justification of “anti-terrorist” methods and laws.

    • 回复: @anarchyst
  78. Anon[285]• 免责声明 说: • 您的网站


    Minds, a decentralized social network, has raised $6 million…
    What is a decentralized social network? The creators, who originally crowdfunded their product, see it as an anti-surveillance, anti-censorship, and anti-“big tech” platform that ensures that no one party controls your online presence. And Minds is already seeing solid movement.
    “In June 2018, Minds saw an enormous uptick in new Vietnamese of hundreds of thousands users as a direct response to new laws in the country implementing an invasive ‘cybersecurity’ law which included uninhibited access to user data on social networks like Facebook and Google (who are complying so far)…
    “There has been increasing excitement in recent years over the power of blockchain technology to liberate individuals and organizations,” said Byrne…

  79. anon[112]• 免责声明 说:


    who is “we”?


    as for me, i’m innocent

    • 同意: TheBoom
    • 回复: @Freespirit
  80. anarchyst 说:

    Very good possibility. Interesting take on McVeigh. What about his associate, Terry Nichols?

  81. anarchyst 说:

    You are correct about more stringent gun control measures attempting to be enacted is a dream of the gun-banners (but only for civilians–not “law enforcement or government). However, with hundreds of millions of firearms out in circulation, and those who are out there “with little or nothing to lose”, the equation that the gun-banners covet may not have the desired result.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  82. bjondo 说:

    Like team mate Faith Goldy, G. McInnis is a phony.

    Both are shills for Jewry/Israel.

    • 回复: @dfordoom
  83. @Verymuchalive

    The key to determining the direction a mutiny or other open expression of military disaffection will take is attitudes among field commanders, i.e., those with a rank above lieutenant and below star ranks, captains through colonels, in the army. These are the people with the skills, training and experience that allow them to manage getting things done. Think of all the colonels, Franco, Nasser, Gaddafi, etc., who have successfully mounted military coups. My impression is that, on the whole, field commanders in the USA’s armed forces are extremely disaffected with the current political state of the country.

    • 回复: @Verymuchalive
    , @Anonymous
  84. @Jason Liu

    I’d actually rate the Left’s minority auxiliary fairly highly against the average right-wing white. Meaning the blacks and Hispanics who are obviously going to support the Democratic party. Mostly they are apolitical and despise homosexuals and other tenets of Leftism but they can hold their own against white Alt-right.

    This is is one reason the right-wing posters here go on about guns and calibers and so on is because that blacks and cholos are formidable fighters. Let’s just be honest. Most right-wing whites NEED A GUN to fight Hispanics or Blacks.

    Prison is an obvious example. The trailer trash end up getting dicked and turned into women. In a “cultural war” the same would happen on the street.

    As for verbal, you are probably referring to the group that is the most vocally Leftist and who keep Hollywood running with scripts and run publishing. They’ve been more successful than Asians because their IQ is mostly verbal dexterity, which some attribute to the bottleneck of being wheeler-dealers in Europe for 1000 years because they were not allowed to own land.

    I’m moderately right-wing and middle-class and what is sometimes surprising is the sheer distance-the chasm-between middle-class whites and white proles. Poor whites are incredibly ignorant. They’ve never been anywhere. They’re amazingly provincial. Their poverty is quite astonishing.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Expletive Deleted
  85. Oemikitlob 说:

    (but only for civilians–not “law enforcement or government).

    Yes, imagine that!

    I believe the excuse for a defenseless citizenry has been and is being manufactured right before our eyes.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  86. anon[245]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    I’d actually rate the Left’s minority auxiliary fairly highly against the average right-wing white. Meaning the blacks and Hispanics who are obviously going to support the Democratic party. Mostly they are apolitical and despise homosexuals and other tenets of Leftism but they can hold their own against white Alt-right.

    This is is one reason the right-wing posters here go on about guns and calibers and so on is because that blacks and cholos are formidable fighters. Let’s just be honest. Most right-wing whites NEED A GUN to fight Hispanics or Blacks.

    sounds like you watch too much TV

    squatamalans aren’t scary

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  87. wayfarer 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Standing lookout or helm watch on the bridge of a cutter, one got to see and hear things.

    But at that stage of my life I wasn’t really into asking too many questions, and typically resigned myself to simply following orders. On top of which, the officer corps could be quite uncommunicative with the deck apes, and CIC always had its watertight doors shut.

    Usually you were too fatigued anyway to care about what was going on at deeper levels. As the patrols were rather brutal, with eighteen-hour work days – thirty days straight on a pitching rolling salty-ship.

    I will say though there was stuff that happened, which most people would find difficult to believe. And when I’d speak up or ask if something was going to be entered in the ship’s log, an OOD would simply say no, without any further discussion.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  88. Oemikitlob 说:


    The Cass Sunstein’s (Technocrats) of the world are the ones to be thanked for the conditions that are obtaining.

    Misguided though they may be, I have a healthy respect for their intellect. They know ideas rule the world.

  89. @Truth

    I didn’t see any that looked like people in Detroit and I’ve heard Swahili in Oman spoken by Kenyans which sounds nothing at all like Ebonics.

    Hondurans look like American Indians or Native Americans or whatever we are calling them these days.

    Some are clearly Mestizos and a few look nearly white enough to be Italian.

    If I am racist, at least I am informed.

  90. @anon

    Let them take it. The Apocalyptos would find the ‘hard sums’ (/n.molesworth) more than a bit of a challenge, while the Desi H1bs would expire due to the amount and duration of horrid manual labour. Of a rather skilled type, I might add. If they didn’t achieve a bookable and “out-the-door-pal” medical accident due to dyspraxic clumsiness first.
    Maybe a Jap or a Chinaman might cope. Or a robot.

  91. @Oemikitlob

    We’re gonna need a bigger police.
    What’s the sweet spot, the ratio? “Citizens”/Skullcrackers, or even Wages&Pensions/Hazard Pay? Taxes/Defenses?
    I love the idea of an invincible army of Judge Dredds taking care of everything, for the Special Ones. But just like the Praetorian or Varangian Guard, it’s not going to take long for the Emperors to realise they made a capital mistake.

  92. Oemikitlob 说:

    ” Most right-wing whites NEED A GUN to fight Hispanics or Blacks”

    I’m sure the Italian and Irish I grew up with in Boston would disagree.

    And even if were granted as being true, it could just mean whites understand efficien cy. Just a thought.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  93. @nsa

    …the day after all that Gunpowder, Treason and (popish) Plot? Pass me a parkin.

  94. @redmudhooch

    Quite unlike the home life of our own dear Tommy Robinstein, then?

  95. sod this for a game of soldiers—I didn’t join the Army for this bollocks.

    as my old man was repeatedly reminded “If yer can’t tek a jo-oke, thi shun’t ‘a’ joined” (you are all correct: he was conscripted)

  96. “… Fight at G.O.P. Club Spurs Calls for Inquiry”

    O wot? You absolute tease.
    Had me going there for a minute, visualising the mayhem in the White Hart Lane boardroom, among the special people.

  97. @Jeff Stryker

    the Left’s minority auxiliary

    and you haven’t even counted the DNC’s 陆军死海. Like the end of the Battle of Pelennor Fields, so it would be. But with electronic voting.

  98. anon[455]• 免责声明 说:
    @Sarah Toga


    墨西哥是一个人民非常优秀的国家,但由一系列暴徒和帮派统治。 如果美国向墨西哥人提供成为美国一个州的机会,我怀疑所有墨西哥人都会接受,但那些控制和虐待墨西哥人民的人可能需要一点说服力? 从底部升起的轰鸣声可能会让这一切发生吗?

    I don’t really know, but I think, If I were a Mexican given a choice to be a Mexican Citizen or a USA citizen i would opt to be a USA citizen and the USA would then be able to help with the gangs.

  99. @FO337


    嘘! 保持安静,否则 Cucky Corvy 会出现并向我们解释令人作呕的叙事如何在左右之间实现 100% 平衡!

  100. Freespirit 说:


    现在保重,有时间再过来 🙂

    • 回复: @anon
  101. @Freespirit


  102. @Jus' Sayin'...

    And, of course, The Greek Colonels, too.
    PS Gaddafi was only a Captain when he led the Coup. Afterwards, he did permit himself to be promoted to Colonel.

  103. I don’t have anything against (or for) Buttplug McInnes.

    What I’m curious though (not having seen any of his porn videos, not having no desire to start now) is why so many silovik types – policemen, security, etc. – seem so enamored of him.

    我还依稀记得他曾进行过一些反犹太人的咆哮,几天后又对此表示歉意。 不仅是个怪人,而且还很蹩脚。

    • 回复: @Paul Yarbles
  104. Talha 说:
    @Johnny Walker Read



  105. anon[245]• 免责声明 说:



    • 回复: @Anon
  106. Patricus 说:

    That mass migration at election time might have an unexpected impact. People might support Trump if he sends troops to the border to stop the central americans.

  107. @RadicalCenter

    I agree. I was just making fun of the idea that Derbyshire set on the path he did just to make money.

  108. Patricus 说:

    Taking on Mexico as a territory or 51st state could be like another Puerto Rico on the balance sheet. Can we afford that?

    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar
    , @The Alarmist
  109. RVBlake 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    All of these deranged creatures are completely tangential to normal American life, despite the best efforts of birdcage liners like the Guardian.

  110. @anon

    And the Mexicans in the “State of Mexico” would promptly control the U.S. House of Representatives, especially when combined with tens of millions of their fellows already in California, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Illinois, etc. Brilliant.

  111. @Anatoly Karlin


    我喜欢你卡林。 你是一个聪明有趣的人。 但你自己也很奇怪! 这并不总是一件坏事。 跛脚是另一回事。

    • 回复: @Anatoly Karlin
  112. Anonymous[339]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jus' Sayin'...

    I remember reading somewhere that, contra the enlisted ranks, most officers voted for Hillary? Regardless I can’t imagine a large number of field-grade and general officers taking up arms in defense of Trump or the alt-right. And I think you’re right that if there is to be any revolt it will have to come from the officer ranks.

    • 回复: @TheBoom
  113. Anonymous[339]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The right in America has been intellectually stunted for decades due to its identification with evangelicalism, libertarianism and other similarly vapid ideologies. Only now are people of a right wing temperament starting to develop an ideology and rhetoric that goes beyond the dictates of the Bible or the so-called “free market”. It takes time.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
    , @Jeff Stryker
  114. Oemikitlob 说:

    “Only now are people of a right wing temperament starting to develop an ideology and rhetoric that goes beyond the dictates of the Bible or the so-called “free market”.

    They are kissing their minds a final farewell.

  115. @Wally

    ‘Then there’s money sent back to Mexico, stop that and bye bye Mexican economy.
    The caravan would be stopped within an hour.’

    There we go. What a good idea!

    The caravan’s not going anywhere, though. It’ll dissipate after the mid-terms. I just feel an abstract pity for the poor peons suckered into making this fools’ march. It’s like the People’s Crusade or something. They’ll end up being eaten by Mexican criminals.

  116. gutta percha [又名“ gp”] 说:

    Having read all the comments so far, I lament the bloodlust. Does anybody dread the world of sh!t that ACW2 would bring, or are most people kind of looking forward to it? Would it turn out the way you hope, and bring the leaders you want?

    Suppose McInnes gets command of your brigade; are you going to take orders from THAT guy? I love Derb, but I’m not sure I want him or his son running the Long Island saboteur cadres or whatever.

    Being proficient with firearms brings me no desire to fight a war. YMMV.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  117. anon[572]• 免责声明 说:

    Mexico is a nation of very good people….

    sounds like you may need to get out a little more and experience these “very good people” for yourself

  118. Anonymous[339]• 免责声明 说:
    @gutta percha

    Indeed people have a glamorized idea of what a conflict might look like, but the reality can be seen in places like Chechnya or Northern Ireland or Israel: huge numbers of civilian casualties, atrocities committed by both sides, power accumulating to amoral strongmen who exploit the idealism of others to further their own interests, economic catastrophe with mass unemployment, starvation, intellectual stagnation and/or regression etc pp. Of course if you believe you are fighting for the survival of yourself and your people then all of this can be justified, but it’s not something to be undertaken lightly. Nor is there any guarantee that the rebels would win, or that once in power the rebel leaders wouldn’t be the first to betray the revolution.

    • 同意: Oemikitlob
  119. @Paul Yarbles

    Weird in moderate amounts (better described as “eccentric”) is a fine attribute.

    Sodomizing yourself with a buttplug and whipping out your erect penis live on air… Calling that weird is putting it very gently.

    我不知道人们在 McInnes 看到了什么。 就连米罗也克制自己在公共场合的幻想。

    • 回复: @War for Blair Mountain
  120. @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    Homosexuals are subversive, and making a deal with them is asinine

    Agreed. I can’t think of anything dumber than thinking you can save western civilisation by allying with the same types of degenerates who helped to get us into our current mess.

  121. @Jake

    And the Left is filled with people who would dearly love to start smashing church-going Beckys and their children.

    And silly people on the right indulging in their adolescent fantasies of civil war may just give them the excuse they want to do so.

    I assume that anyone promoting the idea of civil war is either a halfwit or an FBI informant.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @obwandiyag
  122. Anon[863]• 免责声明 说:

    I think it means you are worth capital letters in accordance with the rules of his coven.

  123. @bjondo

    Like team mate Faith Goldy, G. McInnis is a phony.

    Both are shills for Jewry/Israel.

    That seems to be the biggest danger, the fact so many of the “nationalist” groups and activists are pretty much on Israel’s payroll. It seems to be even more the case in Britain. The rank and file might be sincere but the leaders all seem to be paid Zionists.

    The trouble is that so many on the dissident right are well-meaning but astonishingly stupid and naïve.

  124. anon[323]• 免责声明 说:

    it’s important to prepare for the worst possibilities

    • 回复: @dfordoom
  125. bj 说:




    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  126. Come on folks, surely most of you are smart enough to see through these old divide and rule games.
    The role of the Proud boys and Antifa are to make you think that the enemy is your fellow citizens.
    They’re all controlled opposition. Most of them are on the govt. payroll. Certainly the leaders.
    Their only job is to keep you fighting amongst yourselves while the real enemy continues looting the country, taking away your constitutional rights, doing all of the things that they don’t want you to notice. So they create these groups and put them front and center in the media, to take your eyes off of them.

    This isn’t new, same thing they do in the middle east, central America, South America, everywhere they go to plunder. Create opposing groups that reflect the society, show favor to one of the groups to piss the other off, while they, the Wall st bankers, international corporations, Zionists, oligarchs, corrupt politicians, make off with the loot.

    Look at it like this, to them, the ruling class, you’re no different or better than an antifa, or a Mexican, or an African. Just another slave to be put into debt to make themselves richer. Better wake up and see who the real enemy is, and it ain’t the other slaves. Who controls the money? Who writes/passes the laws and policies? Not the slaves.

    Want the caravan to stop? Change policy so we’re not meddling in these peoples govts, overthrowing their govts, assassinating their leaders, using death squads to crush any dissent, for the benefit of Wall St and corporations. Simple. Change trade policies that allowed hugely subsidized US corn to crush 100,000’s of Mexican family farms turned Mexico into a failed Narco state. This is what people are fleeing. Start prosecuting employers that hire illegals, fining the snot out of them, and stop turning ones that have been locked up loose to do it again!


    特朗普总统减刑前爱荷华州屠宰场执行官肖洛姆·鲁巴什金(Sholom Rubashkin)的刑期

    Anyone screaming for Trump to deploy the military on US soil is gonna regret it like you did when you were screaming for Bush to invade Iraq or pass the patriot act, mark my words.

    • 回复: @obwandiyag
    , @anon
    , @Jude
    , @europeasant
  127. @anon

    it’s important to prepare for the worst possibilities

    It’s important not to do dumb stuff that will make the worst possibilities much more likely.

    • 回复: @anon
  128. I will certainly defend the right of British troops to have their own opinions.

  129. obwandiyag 说:

    You mean these scum are pro-military? Pro-military? Are you kidding me? What sane person is pro-military in this day and age? May they rot in hell.

  130. obwandiyag 说:

    You said it. These people are crazy. They are all old and will be the first ones to go when the fighting starts. Probably by friendly fire. Anybody who is pro-military is crazy.

  131. Reg Cæsar 说:

    Taking on Mexico as a territory or 51st state could be like another Puerto Rico on the balance sheet. Can we afford that?

    More like forty Puertos Ricos. With lower per capita GDPs.

    The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Puerto Rico was last recorded at 27308.99 US dollars in 2016. The GDP per Capita in Puerto Rico is equivalent to 216 percent of the world’s average.

    The Gross Domestic Product per capita in Mexico was last recorded at 9946.16 US dollars in 2017. The GDP per Capita in Mexico is equivalent to 79 percent of the world’s average.


  132. obwandiyag 说:

    You are so incredibly right. OF COURSE both sides are paid for by our owners, who just love us taking sides and fighting with one another.

    Go ahead, support whatever side you like. You are not capable of independent thought. All you are doing is your owners’ bidding. And you are too stupid to even understand what I am talking about, much less do something about it.

  133. anon[323]• 免责声明 说:

    Start prosecuting employers that hire illegals, fining the snot out of them, and stop turning ones that have been locked up loose to do it again!

    this stops it cold and should be within Trump’s powers

    why isn’t he doing it?

  134. @Oemikitlob

    PHOENIX “Brown Pride” Encounter

    My apartment complex in Tempe was located near the Guadalupe barrio and Brown Pride Chicano would emerge from this neighborhood from time to time to set upon the middle-class white residents of my apartment complex down the road.

    Two of them who were the worst were brothers-my roommate was roller-blading home and they walked up and began kicking his skates until he was able to scramble away.

    The same brothers approached me at the bus station outside the apartment complex. I heard the one who looked like Richard Ramirez crossed with Danny Trejo say “I don’t like this guy” to the other Chicano from behind me. The city bus pulled up just in time and I climbed aboard.

    The Mexican-American handyman at our complex was nice enough and about our age. I found out who they were. The brother was arrested outside the complex, hanging around. He’d had a warrant out on him.

    “That’s Ray,” the Mexican-American handyman explained. “He smoked too much Sherm”

    Ray soon assaulted another hapless white middle-class passerby and was arrested.

    The Mexican-American handyman told me about this. He also said that Ray was 23 years old and had spent nearly ten years in a juvenile facility for manslaughter as a teen.

    Not long afterwards other members of the same “Brown Pride” gang robbed a jewelry store in the same mall they had followed the neighbor home from. There was a shootout with police in their barrio and one officer was killed. This was on the news.

    In the Northeast, Irish and Italians are deeply-entrenched and probably would not be afraid of Mestizos. The Mestizos are most deeply-entrenched in the Southwestern states. The Mexican mafia does not have a foothold in Boston or New York.

    But there was primitivism about the Mestizos in Phoenix that scared me. They had some of the mob instincts of Italians combined with the zombie scalper primitivism of Red Indians.

    A few months later when I moved overseas I reflected how much safer London seemed that Phoenix. Supposedly, London has “dodgy” areas but Indians and Paki-men were a joke compared to the residents of the Phoenix barrio.

    One of the things about living overseas is that you’ll never encounter Chicano or Cholo. Sure, maybe some Argentinians here or there but nobody from the barrio that is a Red Indian Mestizo Zombie Scalper.

    It is one reason why working middle-class Christian white males are much safer abroad.

    I was never in so much danger overseas as I was that day at the Phoenix bus stop.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
    , @wayfarer
  135. 我认识并关注很多前任和现任军人。他们似乎都对“把孩子们带回家”的争论不以为然。他们喜欢自己所做的事情,并为此感到自豪,并且似乎并不关心风险。我认识一位年轻人,他在阿富汗失去了双腿,但他仍然像以前一样坚定。



    • 回复: @anon
    , @dfordoom
  136. tac 说:

    Here is a long read but lays out the evidence–actual and circumstancial–of the OKC false flag bombing:



    Don’t forget the tragic torture and execution of brave hero OKC police officer Terrance Yeakey who knew too much and was ‘suicided’. Well worth to research him, his autopsy report, the interview his wife gave to a local radio station.

    • 回复: @tac
  137. tac 说:

    Notice the Israeli flag the proud boys are waving:

    • 回复: @Them Guys

    Anybody who has attended state college in a rural area knows that rednecks scare/kick the shit out of the Lefty university transplants off-campus. The Frat boys, usually a right-winger group themselves, are a bit more adventurous and some end up getting the shit kicked out of them for getting drunk in the wrong local bar.

    The tie-dyed, dread-locked, granola scarfing pothead hippies stay well within the radius of campus.

    Leftists are mostly urban and middle-class, or even upper middle-class. They’re idea of guerrilla warfare was playing capture-the-flag as a kid in their leafy suburbs or being a cub scout.

    Churchgoing rural white proles would waste all of them-many have served in the military and a not insignificant number of them are police. All of them are seasoned hunters who can live off the land.

    Lefty urban whites have already DRIVEN the white underclass out of the cities to great degree anyhow-feral Hood Rats transformed the affordable areas of St. Louis or Milwaukee or Detroit into internal third worlds and whites long since fled to the sticks or the exurbs.

    White proles control the food supply. Apart from a few Jews in dairy farming on the East Coast, the vast majority of Jews, Irish-Catholics, Italians, Armenians, Arabs, Greeks, South Asians, Latin Americans live in cities that would collapse if the Right wing cut off the oil and truckers stopped delivering.

    However, the Right-wing currently is far from the political or financial capitols of the East Coast.

    Macho tough guys on here will talk about how they can out-shoot Latin and Black gangs would would inevitably form the auxiliary shock troops of the Left. This is BS. These people are brought up with urban guerrilla warfare. Yes, the rednecks and proles would defeat them in the sticks or even in the suburbs…urban centers are a different matter.

    Most likely, the hardened Hispanic and Black gangs would choose no sides at all. They’d simply loot and rampage in armed raids.

    Possibly the Mexican government would seize the opportunity to launch a war against the US Southwest.

    Muslims might also seize the opportunity to destabilize the US further.

    However, most of the ethnic groups we associate with the cities would return to Asia, the Middle East, India, Israel. Like Linh did. They have no intrinsic loyalty to the US and would not be willing to die killing filthy hippies in the street. The war would come down to rural whites vs. urban whites, Hispanics and blacks.

    In terms of supply chains the right has an advantage because they are rednecks, rubes and hicks from the sticks nearer to the food supply. The Left would have to import food and fuel and other supplies.

    However, the left could shut down the grid. Possibly the Left could mobilize the military to simply bomb the shit out of right-wing hot spots and that would be the end of that. It would not be a matter of political ideology but rather the degree to which the 1% were able to manipulate the US government to continue the globalization that has ruined hicks and rubes.

    Possibly the military would collapse or revolt. Most enlisted are blacks or Hispanics who might not follow the orders of right-wing officers; conversely right-wing brass might revolt against the Left-wing 1% who control politics and finance. General Rochester V Wolf the IV might just tell tech billionaires and Jewish lobbyists to screw themselves and that he was not going to bomb right-wing whites like himself.

    The US has such divisions between the rural and urban that there would be no victor. The country would simply collapse into total anarchy period.

    This would actually suit the real lowlifes like Mestizos, Hood Rats and Trailer Trash tweakers. They live by brigandage anyhow and relish a lawless anarchy of violence.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Achmed E. Newman
  139. @Patricus

    We MUST take Mexico in, to backfill Obama’s legacy by supplying the extra seven states we need to get to his quoted figure of fifty-seven states.

    • 回复: @Patricus
  140. TheBoom 说:

    Most officers did vote for Hillary by a healthy margin. At the end of the day the grunts will follow orders and those orders will likely be to crush any white rebellion

  141. Jude 说:

    It’s difficult not to suspect that at least some of the folk laying into McInnes for not being pure enough here are shills for Antifa. Let’s not forget that it was the purist, clever clogs alt-righters (led by the socially liberal, pro-abortion pro-feminist Spencer), who walked straight into the Charlottesville psy-op/sting operation – which gave the tribalists the pretext to launch an unprecedented clampdown on free speech and free expression. And for all their empty obsession with machismo and virility, there wasn’t a freaking thing the alt-right could do – or did do – about it. I’m no fan of the Proud Boys as such, but when the alt-rightists go out on the street and go toe to toe with Antifa, then they can start sneering at the PBs. And by the same token, when Ryan Dawson, another McInnes basher, leaves the safety of Japan to take on Antifa, he’ll have earned the right to mock others, who, as it stands, are clearly much physically braver than he is.

    • 回复: @anon
  142. @TheBoom

    I hate to agree, but I do. Not to mention the number of blacks and Hispanics in the enlisted ranks.

    If the right-wing did somehow revolt, they would be bombed with F-18’s. Since they tend to congregate in all-white populations, there would be little collateral damage and the blacks and Hispanics IN the military would not care about “crackers”.

    The Pentagon is too ensconced in the halls of power.

    Also, because the Red States are the food supply and minerals and raw materials of all kinds-including petroleum-there is no way on earth they would be allowed to secede.

    • 回复: @TheBoom
  143. Jude 说:

    Oh yes of course – we should never take sides. When Antifa thugs are throwing hiv infected shit in your face or stabbing you in the belly with a hiv infected needle, don’t on any account take sides – at least then, while languishing in your hospital bed, you’ll have the pleasure of knowing you haven’t been taken in by “a Divide and Conquer agenda to look on your fellow citizens as the enemy”..

    Get fricking real! All those clever clogs going on about controlled opposition, who is to say YOU’re not the controlled opposition? Because there is absolutely no doubt that the claim that Antifa should not be challenged plays right into globalists’ hands. The notion that the deep state wants Antifa to be challenged is transparent cobblers: Antifa’s role is very very simple – to scare all opposition to mass immigration and globalist policies off the streets. To adapt an old saying about communism, YOU may not be interested in Antifa, but Antifa is very interested in you. And they’ll come after you regardless of how disinterested you claim to be in “that like whole phoney left- right dialectic, man”. Indeed they see such (non) involvement as collaboration with the forces of reaction. What’s their slogan again? “Inaction is complicity”. And if people decline to challenge them because, “like hey man, if we confront Antifa, we’re like playing that them and us game”, then it’s game set and match as far as Rothschild, Soros & co are concerned.

  144. Oemikitlob 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Small world; I live ~ 40 miles outside of Phx…

    I take it you have never attended a firearms training/handling course and carry personal defense? Done properly they can defuse many situations. No one should live in fear. Unless they choose to, of course. Not judging.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  145. anon[398]• 免责声明 说:
    @Chris from Gresham


    some folks don’t learn

  146. anon[398]• 免责声明 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    is that a cut and paste article?

    one ridiculous stereotype after another

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  147. anon[398]• 免责声明 说:

    ….but when the alt-rightists go out on the street and go toe to toe with Antifa, then they can start sneering at the PBs.

    they did but they saw how the law wasn’t applied equally – their guys got long sentences for even minor offenses and the antifa walked away scot-free

  148. @Oemikitlob

    1) I’ve been to rough places-including Bangladesh and India and lived in Philippines-but NOWHERE was dangerous as Van Buren street. Nowhere.

    2) I did not find I needed a concealed carry permit in London or Dubai or Asia. If you need one, you’re probably living in a hellhole-which much of Maricopa country is. The level of violence that people in Phoenix or the US in general take for granted is astonishing. I just moved to another country.

    3) The Chicano in those days did not carry firearms as they stomped middle-class Anglo for sport/boredom so I would have been in front of a judge for shooting to unarmed men. If I had no concealed carry permit I’d be fucked and if I did have one I’d still do jail time and have a million dollar bail though I’d probably get off.

    4) Ray the Sherm-fried Cholo was apparently related to the Mexican mafia so said the handyman so you’d have to move to another region or state anyhow. Next day.

    5) His friends and associates in jail would soon hear that I had shot their bro and I would have had to make bail fast or would have been killed inside Maricopa county jail.

    6) Tied up in court for years. Which would then have prevented me from accepting a better job in Dubai.

    7) You could not just go back to your apartment and chill out waiting for trial. The entire Cholo nation would be laying for you right outside.

    8) Meth was an epidemic among poor and lower middle class whites in Phoenix in 1998 when I had the misfortune to be spending a lean year there. You could hardly walk anywhere without some tweaker trying to panhandle you and some were quite aggressive about it. Coming from a Michigan state college where nobody did a drug harder than pot, I was shocked out of my mind at how stupid rednecks got on crystal meth. One girl lived next door who was covered in scabs and sores.

    Another words, I found Phoenix to be awful for the money I had to spend. In all fairness the unfettered urban white trash were all from some other state and half of them were on the run from parole or warrants. The Cholos were particularly awful in Arizona, seemingly. There was nothing “Spanish” about them. They were mean, mindlessly-marauding Aztec zombie scalpers.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
    , @Truth
  149. Oemikitlob 说:
    @Jeff Stryker


    The erosion of respect for, and the legal upholding of, property rights (body, land/real estate and economic) and freedom of association (a.k.a the freedom to discriminate) has had disastrous consequences, not all of them intended.

    It is the unintended consequences that a government or bureaucrats never consider and nor could they if they wanted to.

    Sorry for your experience here in Az. There are many decent people here.

    p.s. Personal defense is not just to keep civilian riff-raff at bay so I’m not sure how much emphasis I would put on how well those other parts of the world you mentioned seem to get along at this time without it. Things change and I’m sure there’s more to it than meets the eye.

  150. Oemikitlob 说:

    One other thing I forgot to mention that is very often overlooked and/or never considered is the role that the “public” (a.k.a. government) production of defense plays in all this failure we see and the ability of the private production of defense to deliver a superior good/service while being less violent, less intrusive and lower cost.

    No fair or accurate analysis of the issue would be complete without factoring the distinction between the two methods of production in.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  151. anon[398]• 免责声明 说:

    It is the unintended consequences that a government or bureaucrats never consider and nor could they if they wanted to.


    they know damn well what they’re doing and the consequences but they don’t care

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  152. Oemikitlob 说:

    Here is a primer on what I am getting at. There is a free, legal PDF one can download and read.


  153. Truth 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    1) I’ve been to rough places-including Bangladesh and India and lived in Philippines-but NOWHERE was dangerous as Van Buren street. Nowhere.

    Dude, I’ve heard that. These middle class Krakaz just don’t get it…

  154. @Anonymous

    Funny you say that because Reagan was elected by Wall Street and WASPS used to be associated with power and privilege.

    Clinton was elected in 1992 by white working class proles because Republicans were associated with the ruling WASP elite.

    When did the right-wing become associated with poverty? It used to be associated with Skull & Bones, Andover, East Coast WASP elite, Wall Street etc.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  155. Them Guys 说:

    “Patriots”? With a Huge Israel Flag? hahahahah. More like a bunch of John Haggeites, eh.

  156. @Oemikitlob

    Disclaimer (This was 20 years ago, I have no idea what Maricopa is like now)-

    * I’ve often wondered about a generation of meth babies born to young female tweakers. I remember one female neighbor-shocking scabbed and thin-was about 7 months pregnant. She did meth everyday, however. She was from a well-to-do family in Awatukee and they supported her. I later heard she had the kid in a fellow meth head’s car while they were smoking meth.

    * In Van Buren I actually stumbled upon a guy getting a blowjob from a Mexican hooker in broad daylight in a parking lot. I’d been downtown for a job interview and walked past a guy standing in full-view with his trousers down to his calves getting his pole smoked by a woman with his bare ass visible from the sidewalk for all to see.

    * It seemed like everyone had a Van Buren horror story. A young woman I knew who worked in pet shop delivered a baby pit bull-a typical choice for a Van Buren denizen-and walked up the stairs and a white trucker-type was screwing some black hooker in the ass right on the stairwell.

    * The barrio was right on the border of the middle-class or blue-collar white part of Tempe. So bored “Brown Pride” Chicano gang members simply thought it was funny to assault middle-class whites in the nearby parks or on the street. No reason. Blacks in Detroit were sort of zoned to ghettos but you could be in a nice park in Tempe and all of the sudden find yourself in a serious fight with Cholos you’d never seen before. They popped anywhere, like cockroaches.

    * I met some white Mexicans who were studying at ASU in my complex and they despised Indians and Mestizos themselves. There was nothing Spanish about the Cholos. They were Indians.

    * Shooting someone dead in public even if you have a concealed carry permit is a complicated issue. You’d better hope you get bail fast because chances are it will get around jail and his affiliates will kill you in there. Even if you make bail you are going to be in court for 1,000 years over it. This kind of limits your mobility.

    * In all fairness a great many of the white trash underclass were from out of state. Some of the worst seemed to have shown up from California.

    • 回复: @Oemikitlob
  157. wayfarer 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    But there was primitivism about the Mestizos in Phoenix that scared me. They had some of the mob instincts of Italians combined with the zombie scalper primitivism of Red Indians.

    A few months later when I moved overseas I reflected how much safer London seemed that Phoenix. Supposedly, London has “dodgy” areas but Indians and Paki-men were a joke compared to the residents of the Phoenix barrio.

    One of the things about living overseas is that you’ll never encounter Chicano or Cholo. Sure, maybe some Argentinians here or there but nobody from the barrio that is a Red Indian Mestizo Zombie Scalper.

    I was raised by a child beating Italian-American father who was from the slums of Trenton, New Jersey.

    I currently live in south Yuma, Arizona. It’s kind of a “rough” area.

    Being manhandled, beaten, and dressed-down on a regular basis as a kid, I somehow perceive Mexicans and Mexican-American men almost like they’re all a bunch of prima-donnas.

    In the Mexican culture, boys are raised almost like girls. As corporal punishment and severe discipline within their homes, is very rare.

    I view a lot of African-American men in the same light. As many of them are from single-parent homes which seem to produce the mama’s boy. Sure they can be skilled boxers, but inside they still have a woman’s soft heart, as far as I’m concerned.

    This is my personal view. As my soul was tempered in extreme violence as a child. With the earliest memory as a five year old, of being hit over the head and sustaining a bleeding wound, then later in that week being led into a bedroom by my ear, where behind a closed door no amount of tears or begs for mercy, could stop a cruel intense whipping.

    If there’s one thing this vicious man, my “father,” taught me, it’s how to go through life without having any fear, of any man or even death.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  158. @Oemikitlob

    My impression of the Mexicans was that they were some marauding tribe of Red Indians who thought no more about “property rights” than they would if they were burning the wagons of pioneers.

    The worst hood rats always stayed in the ghettos in the North. They were feral but you could avoid them because at the bottom of it ghetto blacks lack the initiative to go very far from their crack houses or liquor stores or projects.

    Mestizo Cholo seemed to pop up anywhere. You could be in a park in Tempe and out of nowhere you could be assaulted for no reason in broad daylight by them.

    PS I don’t think having guns in the US to overthrow the government will work, if this is what you mean. The Pentagon is to vested in the interests of the 1% and globalists and would simply bomb the shit out of whites in Red States who pulled a revolt with F-18’s. Guns are not going to support a civil war against the Air Force and drones. Red States are far from the centers of power and finance that could be affected so it means little to bomb the shit our rural white proles because they are not living on Wall Street or the Beltway anyhow.

  159. @Truth


    For such an all-powerful and supposedly wealthy ruling elite the common or garden Seinfeld type Jew lives in complete squalor in New York. It is funny how impoverished New Yorkers were in the 1990’s living in tiny threadbare apartments.

    Michael Richards was awfully swarthy to be a racist-we all know about his outburst. But he is not exactly Aryan looking himself.

  160. Oemikitlob 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Well, let me say this. I’m sure much of what you describe still occurs in Maricopa County. Van Buren is and has been undergoing some gentrification which is changing some of what you observed, though not fully and it is occurring at a huge cost through distorting other segments of the local economy. No surprise there…

    There is much to “unpack” intellectually in what you’ve stated so, for the sake of brevity and respect for the author, all I can do is recommend following up on “unpacking” what I’ve already stated above.

    Also, I’m surprised nobody warned you in advance of Van Buren back then; it used to be common courtesy. I never go into town or burbs unless necessary; I have everything I could want or need where I am and it’s very unlikely the conditions will change anytime soon.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  161. @wayfarer

    That might be why mob guys generally do not become some black or Hispanic’s girlfriend in prison. Wiseguys seem to hold their own in penal institutions.

    It is also the reason why when whites like John Gotti or Jeffrey Dahmer who have IQ’s of 135 and enough muscle mass to be a match for the average Crip or Blood DO GO BAD they wreck complete havoc on society.

    • 回复: @Truth
  162. @Jeff Stryker

    Our man in the Orient gives us the straight scoop again about all things American.

    Jeff, can you please stay off the threads with the intelligent commenters and go back to Lihn Dim articles, and the Commies? We know you had a bad childhood in Detroit and Phoenix. Since you’ve been gone 2 decades, can you please, please not write in comments based solely on movies and TV. I know you like your American TV, but get back with your family and do something constructive over there.

    Everyone knows after a while where your comments come from.

  163. Anonymous [AKA "Bigguz"] 说:

    Gavin McChinless publicly shoved a dildo up his ass pour encourager les autres (do a Google search). Is this the future of the huwhite race? Is this YOUR future? Are you a #proudman, boi? #1488 #HBD

  164. @Oemikitlob

    [It would be better if you didn’t clutter up so many comment threads with your endless off-topic ramblings. You really might be much happier at a different website.]

    I was warned. But it was broad daylight and Van Buren does not have the “look” of a bad area to someone from back East where we associate bad areas with crumbling buildings and alleyways like Chicago or Detroit.

    Then I saw some guy getting his pole smoked in a parking lot nearly in plain view.

    You have to bear in mind that the 90’s was the peak of the meth epidemic in the Valley when the white trash underclass and even some middle-class whites were out of their minds on crystal meth.

    I’m sure things have changed.

  165. The first step is not to consent to be goverened by POTUS KAMALA HARRIS and Donald Trump’s Goldman Sach’s advisors………DON’T VOTE……STAY OUT OF NFL NEGRO BALL STADIUMS….Don’t give money to the Catholic Church at collection time during mass……let the homosexual pedophile Catholic Priests starve….

    We have not even flexed our muscles yet……

    Tucker Carlson wants to honorably and gracefully disagree with the Democrats on his show when the Democratic Party Voting Bloc takes power on Nov 4 2020………Tucker the Cucker…..

    • 同意: anarchyst
  166. @Anatoly Karlin

    THE LEGEND OF BUTTPLUG MCINNES…..comming to theaters this summer…..July 4 2019…..a Hollywood summer BUTTBUSTER!!!

    From a small town in Scotland….came the LEGEND OF BUTTPLUG MCINNES…..!!!!

    Perhaps someone can do a parody of that Billy Mummy whacky Classic:”FISHEADS”

  167. Opening scene for the LEGEND OF BUTTPLUG MCINNES:

    BUTTPLUG MCINNES after of weeks of riding the dusty dirty roads of Nevada on his faithful horse Ol’ ANUS……enters Virginia City for a visit to the world renown Proctologist…….Dr. Sid Finklestien….

    Dr. Sid Finklestien:So BUTTPLUG….What seems to the problem?

    BUTTPLUG MCINNES:Doc…..I got a cork plug stuck up my GD ass….can you have a look….

  168. Truth 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    That might be why mob guys generally do not become some black or Hispanic’s girlfriend in prison. Wiseguys seem to hold their own in penal institutions.

    It is also the reason why when whites like John Gotti or Jeffrey Dahmer who have IQ’s of 135 and enough muscle mass to be a match for the average Crip or Blood



    The trouble all started rather innocently enough. Walter Johnson and John Gotti, along with an assortment of other Marion’s finest, were enjoying a rare moment of recreation time outside of their jail cells, along an indoor walkway between the cell tiers. John Gotti, proving that his cockiness and overwhelming sense of self-worth had not been dulled by his years of incarceration, walked towards one end of the walkway. Walter Johnson, apparently minding his own business, happened to cross Gotti’s path, and in Gotti’s estimation, didn’t hop out of the way fast enough or show enough respectful distance. “Get outta my way you f****ng n***er, don’t you know who I am?”


    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  169. Anarchy symbols? Rank amateurs.

    I am an anarchist
    But I know how to get it
    I want to destroy the passerby

  170. @Truth

    …And after attacking slight and effeminate African-American gays with no mercy, Dahmer eventually met his match too.

  171. @Sarah Toga


    乡亲们 narcocorridos 被歌唱。
    We have our own, and don’t need any more.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  172. @Truth

    Haha, Truth! I should have seen that coming. Good one.

  173. @Rosamond Vincy

    I’d say it is racial. Mexico sends its Indians or Mestizos. The indigenous VS European conflict was never resolved in Latin America.

    • 回复: @Rosamond Vincy
  174. Patricus 说:
    @The Alarmist


    “We MUST take Mexico in, to backfill Obama’s legacy by supplying the extra seven states we need to get to his quoted figure of fifty-seven states.”

    Good idea. He needs a legacy for something.

  175. @Alden

    “Soros bought the Scott Trust”. Sounds wrong to me as I have never heard of a jurisdiction where it is legally possible to buy a charity and I can’t believe that the UK, where the modern notion of a charity was legally defined in the 16th century, is one of them. Can you please verify?

  176. anon[169]• 免责声明 说:

    just after Soros bought a small holding in Netflix they started pumping out tons of SJW garbage

    Soros bought a share of the Firefox browser and now its involved in i think censoring “bad” or right wing sites is it?

    • 回复: @Rosamond Vincy
  177. @Chris from Gresham






  178. TheBoom 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Agree with your points and want to add in that the left is driven to control and destroy. It is a holy war against evil for them. Talk to a lefty about letting people have more control at a state level and they will counter that the people might do something evil (translation = something the left is not supposed to want). There is no way that they will allow evil people to set up their own country that the left can’t control. Somewhere deep in their inner NPC brain, the Coalition of the Fringes may also worry that the stable white country will be far more effective and livable which will make the NPC country lose status.

  179. anon[165]• 免责声明 说:

    Somewhere deep in their inner NPC brain, the Coalition of the Fringes may also worry that the stable white country will be far more effective and livable which will make the NPC country lose status.

    lol, they know this is true

  180. @anon

    Who still uses Firefox? Isn’t that sort of last century, like Explorer?

    • 回复: @anon
  181. @Jeff Stryker

    I messed up the rhyme scheme in that first line. It should read:

    give us your drunks, crack who*r*s...。

  182. @TheBoom


    The Red State constituency most affected are geographically isolated and concentrated in the interior.

    Unlike 1865 the US government has an effective air force. It was still possible back then to fight a war with muskets. These days automatic weapons do little against bombs and missiles.

    Blacks and Hispanics in the enlisted ranks would love to kill “crackers” revolting. There would be monstrous war crimes against a white militia once black and Hispanic GI’s had a license to rape and pillage.

    Red State white insurrectionists are small in number. They forget how vast the coalition of white .liberals, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, Hindus and blacks are. There’s a great deal of them.

    The Left is also wealthier and nearer to ports of entry, financial centers.

    The government would not let Red States secede peacefully because they are the farmers, oil drillers, truckers, miners, ranchers who control the primary economies that fuel the diversified economies of the East and West Coasts. Impossible that the government would let them go.

  183. @TheBoom


    If you think Gitmo was bad wait until you see what Mestizo and Ghetto enlisted general infantry did to white “crackers” whom they were licensed to loot and rape.

    You know how a Red State revolt would end…

    With a bunch of pregnant war crime victims of rape.

    The Left that complains about the use of drones in the Middle East would all say…BOMB THE SHIT OUT OF THOSE PECKERWOODS

  184. tac 说:

    Anybody willing to jump into the rabbit hole a bit further and make up their own minds (since virtually all of this info was been wiped off the Internet {youtube especially} here are so more clues to follow:


    (medical examiner report of Terrrance Yeakey) — http://www.riflewarrior.com/who_killed_terry_yeakey.html

    This is almost impossible to find now, but hear it for yourself in its entirety — (
    Radio Interview with Tonia {Rivera} Yeakey): https://archive.org/details/WhoKilledOklahomaCityPoliceOfficerTerryYeakey

    A noble lie (documentary worth viewing):

    This info being the most recognizable pre-911 false-flag event is being scrubbed off the Internet..,watch it and share it before it is gone (a treasure trove of valuable info);

    If you think it should be preserved (minus the gov’t and foreign trolls obfuscations’ to the contrary). This and many other researched info is becoming harder to find….

  185. @anon

    mexicans don’t want to be US Citizens and Taxpayers — they just want to suck our economy dry.

    mexico’s biggest export is its illegal aliens in the US — its biggest import is the $50 BILLION in remittances that those illegals send back to the homeland.

    By the mere fact that they want to be called mexican-Americans, they’re showing their true colors – and they reveal a people that we neither want nor need in the United States. Besides, their philosophical differences are quite opposite ours insofar as individual freedom and responsibility are concerned – as well as on their desire to have big government always take care of their needs.

    The sociopolitical heritage from Spain, and the post-colonial experience of Latin America, has begotten in the Hispanic population an understanding of the role of government significantly different from the principles of limited government embraced by the U.S. Founding Fathers. According to the Pew Research Survey, “When it comes to the size of government, Hispanics are more likely than the general public to say they would rather have a bigger government providing more services than a smaller government with fewer services.”

    The difference is not small. Overall, 75 percent of Hispanics prefer a bigger government, compared with only 41 percent of the general public in the United States.

    • 回复: @anon
  186. penderyn 说:

    A Canadian journalist covering Tommy Robinson’s recent court appearance overheard some revealing comments by some British reporters.


  187. Tony M 说:

    罗宾逊,或斯蒂芬·亚克斯利-列侬(以及他使用的其他几个化名),在大多数聪明的英国人民看来,是英国犹太复国主义统治集团的工具和工资单,这些集团拥有最多的资产。议会、政客和政党都在他们的口袋里。 他还被记录在一家餐馆里,一名穆斯林议员(现任保守党内阁成员,担任内政大臣——高级政府职位之一)被要求并安排在位于 的议员选区举行反穆斯林示威活动。据称,国会议员将涉水而行,骑马前去营救,并可能凭借其演讲的力量驱散他们,并将他们夹着尾巴送上路——以此作为提高该议员选区支持率的噱头。

    当英国街头出现大量可识别的、自称是虚假的“极右翼”时,例如“罗宾逊”,他们总是高举以色列国旗,其数量比“英国”屠夫围裙联盟旗帜的数量多出二比一。都是骗子和骗子,比如被揭露的情报部门控制的法国国民党前领导人尼克·格里芬,甚至早在 2 年代英国法西斯联盟领导人奥斯瓦尔德·莫斯利——犹太复国主义者和情报机构的工具、捕蝇纸和蜜罐找出加入他们的无知和轻信者。 他们的工作是代表犹太复国主义者煽动反穆斯林情绪。 他们是有用的白痴,知道他们正在被利用以及为什么,我想说他们的大多数出租暴徒追随者也知道这一点。 别被愚弄了。

  188. anon[389]• 免责声明 说:
    @Rosamond Vincy

    i don’t use Firefox but i use the variants like Pale Moon, Cyberfox, Waterfox, etc

    what do you use?

    Google Chrome is basically spyware btw

    • 回复: @Rosamond Vincy
  189. anon[389]• 免责声明 说:
    @Anthony Aaron

    The difference is not small. Overall, 75 percent of Hispanics prefer a bigger government, compared with only 41 percent of the general public in the United States.

    they dont believe in Freedom of Speech or your 2nd Amendment either. they’re just more low IQ trash to be imported and exploited by a corrupt ruling class that absolutely detests paying actual Americans an honest wage

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  190. @anon

    We’ve gotten to the point where 14 year old kids are chopping up 4 and 5 people at a time in the suburbs of Long Island the Hispanics have ruined America.

    Essentially, the Red Indians simply took over again.

    • 回复: @Rosamond Vincy
  191. @redmudhooch

    “anyone screaming for Trump to deploy the military on US soil is gonna regret it like you did when you were screaming for Bush to invade Iraq or pass the patriot act, mark my words”

    The army’s main job is to protect the borders of the United States of America.

  192. @anon

    Oh dear. I’ve been using the spyware 🙁

  193. @Jeff Stryker

    By the way, those Yucatan guys with short, thick legs are more likely to do the manspreading thing on the subway than any white man I’ve ever met. I swear they stick one knee East and the other West and it doesn’t faze them any more than if they were Nadia Comaneci in her prime. I know what they everyone to think, but I suspect it’s just their version of marking their territory.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  194. Clyde 说:
    @Jason Liu

    The yang northern armies conquer the yin south. Only problem is that over time, decades and centuries, the loose cultural norms of the South undermine subvert the Northern conquerors. The North won the Civil War. Tough Northern Yankees and NE Brahmins governed America until post WW2. Since then black music and culture has been undermining this. But only because the Brahmins aka WASP ruling class got weak. Their sons and daughters got weak and this transferred to the greater culture.

  195. @Carroll Price

    I agree, and I don’t see much happening until there is an attempt to take the guns. Everything else has been done by now, without any real reaction, other than voting for different traitors every other election cycle.

  196. @Jason Liu

    The Left is often exposed and destroyed verbally and otherwise. The problem is that the big money and hidden power (whatever that is) supports the left and subverts the leaders of the Right. Mostly, it comes down to the fact that one group plays by the rules and the other doesn’t. When that changes, everything changes.

  197. Blue Wolf 说:

    My experience in the Marine Corp makes 70 percent seem low.

  198. eah 说:

    It also shows why Hitler organized the ‘Brown Shirts’ (SA): to fight back against violent Communists in the streets.

    There are people today attempting to replace ‘Toxic Masculinity’ with a kind of ‘Toxic Globohomo Tyranny’.

  199. Anonymous[273]• 免责声明 说:

    Details aside, the interesting thing about these scuffles is that the fighting here seems to not have been, or not entirely have been, defensive on the part of the Proud Boys,

    Evidence please. The video I saw showed the Proud Boys being attacked.

  200. peterAUS 说:

    Most officers did vote for Hillary by a healthy margin.

    A critical information.
    Settles the matter of “military in internal conflict”.

    Would you be able to point to the source, please?

    Still…not so simple.

    It would be good to see rank and position of those, if possible.

    The key are field officers, as already mentioned here, from captain to colonel, but, also, WHAT they really are: combat arms command and control….or support, staff etc.
    Say, mechanized brigade command and control….vs some logistics base personnel.

    I don’t think we can get that information anywhere, though.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @TheBoom
  201. peterAUS 说:


    If you’re in the military, you’re more likely to support President Trump than not, according to a new poll.
    The Military Times poll found that 44% of all troops surveyed had a favorable view of the president, compared to 40% who had an unfavorable view.
    The views shifted depending on which service members were surveyed, though. While 48% of enlisted troops said they approved of Trump, only 30% of officers held a favorable opinion of the commander-in-chief.
    Per the poll, 53% of officers said they had unfavorable views of Trump.
    The poll revealed some other divides, as well:
    • Men in the military were more likely to support Trump (47%) than women in the military (32%)
    • Non-white troops were more to view Trump unfavorably (51%) than white troops (37%)
    • The president was the most popular among Marines (59% favorable)
    • He was the least popular among among sailors (49% unfavorable)


    So….inconclusive, with a slight slant against progtards should IT happen, IMHO.

  202. 毫无疑问,Tommy Robinsson 是个骗子,也就是像有控制的反对派。

    (我认为不用说 antifa 是受控的反对派,我认为我们同意这一点)
    但双方的控制并不罕见。 美国议会就是一个例子。 人们可以通过两条略有不同的途径进入同一个从不挑战寡头特权的商业派对。
    Stringpullers 是一个非常相关的描述性术语。
    第一次世界大战期间,参与的国际卡特尔决定了军事行动,以延长战争。 例如,尽管德国的一些关键资源在射程内,但仍不破坏它们。 向德国走私其他重要资源。 包括喂养他们的军队。 战后英国反而封锁了战败的一方,造成饥饿。
    有时通过广泛的直接支持,有时通过阻碍对另一方的支持。 官方的叙述通常教导对方是一个邪恶的暴君。
    但实际上,在所有情况下,另一面都是,简化一点,共和,即类似于美国系统。 在这种情况下,美国行使的控制权是让一个本来不会存在的敌人成为可能。

  203. @Verymuchalive

    McInnes has a lot of problems. He is an immigrant to the US like Derbyshire. His wife is American Indian. Derbyshire imported himself, then a Chinese woman, and produced Democratic Chinese offspring.

    McInnes is a Republican, but his wife is a pink-hat, Hillgula voter. He goes on these campaigns because when he goes home, he hangs up his wedding tackle on the doorpost. He needs to do something to make him feel like he’s a man.

    He also loves homos and blacks. One of his favorites is Milo, the homo Jew who married a black guy.

    McInnes converted to the Roman Catholic Church. WOW!!! When he wrote about this for Takimag, I was stunned. When people like him convert to the RCC, this is another sign the RCC is done. He’s another good reason for leaving the RCC.

    His stunts are really just about him and his issues at home, but we do have to defend him. Doing this will hopefully cause the cucks to grow a spine. Sleepy Jeff Sessions needs to take a look at this case and take a stand against antifa.

    • 回复: @Bubba
  204. Someone 说:


    麦金尼斯是个智障。 骄傲的男孩们乘坐短途巴士旅行。 阿提拉需要上床,或者至少往她肮脏的嘴里塞点东西。

    • 回复: @anon
    , @Truth
  205. Anonymous[722]• 免责声明 说:

    I will say though there was stuff that happened, which most people would find difficult to believe.


  206. anon[332]• 免责声明 说:


    麦金尼斯是个智障。 骄傲的男孩们乘坐短途巴士旅行。 阿提拉需要上床,或者至少往她肮脏的嘴里塞点东西。


  207. Truth 说:


    I have asked this 100 times and haven’t received an answer yet. I don’t get it.

  208. Bubba 说:

    Most officers did vote for Hillary by a healthy margin.

    If that is true, then we are far more screwed than I thought.

    I can understand social climbing sycophants like ex-Generalissimos Wesley Clark and George Casey as they are in every crowd, but the majority of officers voting for Hillary? Wow – I would like to see the actual data of that poll.

    • 回复: @TheBoom
  209. Bubba 说:

    I agree with most of what you wrote, but Derb’s son did a few years enlisted in the U.S. Army after graduating from an excellent, highly competitive high school. I highly doubt an 18 year old liberal Democrat would do that.

    Gavin McInnes (Canadian) and Milo (British) are self-promoting, foreign born drama queens. A few years from now they will switch to supporting liberal Democrats like David Frum (Canadian) et al. have always done.

    Antifa needs to be ruthlessly crushed by Jeff Sessions and their heads put on pikes outside the DOJ. Then he can start the real business of deporting millions of illegal aliens. But I doubt the spineless & useless AG will do anything as he’ll probably resign after the election and start collecting his fat government pension.

  210. Anon[397]• 免责声明 说:

    I think we should also consider a Red State partition before things get too violent; either that or a constitutional amendment kicking out NY and LA counties along with DC. As this synagogue thing shows, people are at their breaking points with the media in this country. And we all know the controlled media will blame us whenever we fight back against them. It’s time for a split.

  211. Anon[298]• 免责声明 说:

    “I can offer only one data point: a person I am quite closely acquainted with—no names, no pack drill…”

    Perhaps, but I wouldn’t count on it Derbyshire. I think that’s wishful thinking. A democrat president could easily take a few thousand soldiers from that 30% and use them to arrest and make examples out of that 70% who probably wouldn’t even fight back anyway. All it would take is rounding up a few ringleaders to control the rest. I suggest an alternative, well two:

    1. a Heinlein Starship Troopers system

    [Less likely but more optimal if conducted correctly; i.e. remove democrat suffrage, give voting rights only to republicans and current/former military, and make all new suffrage and political offices conditional on completing a term of military service which would select for our people.]


    2. a Red State partition.

    I favor the latter as I think it is easier to accomplish. Whatever we do, we need to start doing it soon before it’s too late. Otherwise, we’ll be very badly disadvantaged when we do make a decision.

    Hoping for the military to protect us is a fool’s hope. It probably won’t happen. And here’s an alternative take for you: the US military is conservative, NOT alt-right; these people have been conditioned to hate the latter with a passion. One poll after Charlottesville stated that up to 70% of the US military would have favored using the National Guard to put down protesters there. That’s scary as hell. If the military were ordered to take down the Proud Boys, the alt-right (you), or Kamala Harris’s political enemies…I’m sure they would, and it wouldn’t take but a small fraction of the military to do so. There are smart officers, sure. But a lot of the grunts are just guys off the street who want a paycheck. They’ll obey illegal orders if president Harris or Booker gives them.

    We are very quickly running out of time. Perhaps you should address the possibility of partition. All Red States would have to do is pass a constitutional amendment and kick out LA and NY counties – perhaps one or two others – and Trump wins the election by millions of votes. LA and NY counties are no loss.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Ilyana_Rozumova
  212. peterAUS 说:

    …we need to start doing it soon before it’s too late…

    As a general idea doesn’t sound bad.

    The hard part is moving from the idea into reality.
    The first thing, if one is serious, would be describing that entity first (social organization, economy…that type of stuff).
    And…hehe….that is where 所有 that stops.

    And, then, a tentative PLAN as how to do it.

    The other side has a plan, resources, determination…

    Outcome feels rather pessimistic for the “right” (whatever that might be). Feels good dreaming about it, though. Beats pharmaceuticals and the rest.

  213. TheBoom 说:

    I read about a poll but didn’t see the actual poll results. According to the article, over 60 percent voted Hillary. Majority of the grunts supported Trump.

    • 回复: @Bubba
  214. @Anon

    I cannot place you! But I am inclined to believe that you are agent provocateur.
    Any form of resistance would be premature and result in devastation.
    This is a not yet time still.

  215. Bubba 说:

    Wow – that is incredible. Thank you. I really appreciate that info.

    No wonder our military elites have not won a war since WWII. They should turn West Point and Annapolis into drama/dance/diplomatic arts colleges. Democrats love that crap. The poor grunts.

  216. Anon[358]• 免责声明 说:

    “According to the article, over 60 percent voted Hillary. Majority of the grunts supported Trump.”

    And that’s exactly why Derbyshire is wrong and why we can’t depend on the military. In any battle organization is key, and they’ve got the officers, many of whom are corrupt, self-serving social climbers. This is why I advocate Red State partition NOW before it is too late (i.e. before the democrats take the White House again and lock us out of power forever). Why can’t anyone else see that obvious truth? It’s like people are scared to embrace something new and, instead, desperately cling to the failing old ways with magical thinking and false hopes. Derbyshire’s entire article is basically that – fantasy about some kind of military rebellion saving us from defeat at the last moment. But there isn’t going to be a revolution in the streets, and if there were, the military would side with the establishment and brutally put it down just as they put down overseas insurgents; there is even a chance that Trump himself would approve of such an action or even instigate it.

    I’ve got news for you guys: you make your own victories, you don’t wait for them. I’ve heard it said elsewhere: these people are going to have us fighting until we are totally routed. Cut the losses, have separate countries. Virtually all of your problems are solved automatically from that point forward. Could it not be simpler? Hell, all we’d need to do is kick out a hand full of counties from the country and we’re saved. So, either Red States break away or Red States pass a constitutional amendment kicking LA and NY counties out of the country; throw in Miami-Dade while we are at it. Afterwards, the republicans win every national election by millions of votes and we can stop immigration and make needed reforms.

  217. Anon[189]• 免责声明 说:

    “I cannot place you! But I am inclined to believe that you are agent provocateur.”

    3 :)

    “Any form of resistance would be premature and result in devastation. This is a not yet time still.”

    I don’t advocate violence, which is what Derbyshire and others fancy in their rebellion delusions. Some of the things I advocate could even be accomplished, in theory, lawfully under the US constitution; at the very least, you could attempt them and fundamentally discredit the system in the process when they fight back and put you down – a nice parting shot if you are going to lose anyway. I could also offer some helpful advice and would do so if I saw any kind of willingness. Unfortunately, my various efforts have been thwarted by magical thinking and ignorance, so I don’t bother other than by simply asking meaningful questions and posing a few ideas for thought (which is still legal for the time being). I’ve tested the waters and continue to come up with nill, so the time isn’t right as you say. When you guys are ready to drop the fantasy and get down to brass tax, let me know.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  218. Anon[215]• 免责声明 说:


    Its not. By social definition, the military has always and will always come from the Kshatriya social class.

    That is the “Far Right” law and order ethnic nationalist social class, whether the values are implied or stated. There is no other viable social class from which to form an army. The lowest class whites (lumpenproles and other extreme degenerates who adopt minority slave class Shudra values), minorities, and the Brahman kids, as generalized classes, are not warriors.

    The Brahmans will never be able to piece together an army that does not heavily draw from this nationalist class. That they are stating otherwise actually poses a risk to their armed forces. Which might be the point. Demoralizing the bulk of your army, by stating that their personal values are not army values, is a somewhat dangerous game.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  219. Anon[215]• 免责声明 说:

    I believe you for the sake of conversation, but with all due respect we’re going to need to see the stats.

    How would they gain those stats? Voting, even by officers, is not public information. If you are referring to polling at the voting booth, expect a high amount of false self reporting by officers given the political environment. These same polls were off by an enormous amount only when polling civilians. For officers, it would be worse.

    Then there is the PR necessity of making the armed forces look politically balanced to a nation that is half communist. I wouldn’t trust any information except for hard stats from the voting data itself.

    • 回复: @TheBoom
  220. Anon[215]• 免责声明 说:

    We don’t know the name of the soldier who was discharged. He’s being referred to as “Soldier X.” And now there’s a Twitter hashtag #IAmSoldierX with a following among the squaddies


    Their rebellion is unsurprising, considering that their national leadership allowed the apes to inhabit their nation that beheaded one of their own in the street a few years back. In response, the apes were not executed then nor later but given cushy cells.

    That’s a big fuck you to the military, and a miscalculation on the part of the political leadership that will not be forgotten for decades to come, if ever, and has certainly turned a great many of them further toward the Right.

    If the English knew that they weren’t going to be able to eventually execute the African perpetrators of a public beheading of a soldier on the streets of England, they should have sent in a Black team dressed as SWAT to execute them in the street, made up a story, and rode out the political fallout. Or planned a fake escape in which they were killed. Or something else. The long term, intensely corrosive alternative will have deep ramifications for a long time to come. This situation is likely one of them, at least in-part.

  221. TheBoom 说:

    It was just from the write up of a poll of the military but the people I know who have served, including my son who is in the military now, feel it is accurate. Fred Reed has written about the officers and painted a portrait that is similar.

    Remember that when Trump rescinded the Obama transgender ok there was big push back from the brass.

  222. TheBoom 说:

    My hypothesis is there farther you go up the chain of command and the more removed they are from combat, the more sjw liked all the elite. Also race and gender will be key. People I know who have served in the last 30 years all tell me that the brass is liberal and PC and that it is mainly white grunts who are to the right

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  223. @Anon

    Irreconcilable differences!
    Gradual radicalization of both sides Globalists and nationalist have now did pass the point where option of compromise is not an option anymore.
    The catalyst will be falling of dollar resulting in accelerated inflation.
    The second catalyst may be assassination of Trump.
    Both will lead armed conflict all over the country.
    There will be no other solution,

  224. peterAUS 说:

    A bit of oversimplification, but agree.

    See….you have “brass” and “grunts” there, but haven’t mentioned the 最重要的 element of US armed forces. The NCOs.

    The fundamental question is rather simple:
    Would an infantry (light, motorized, mechanized) PLATOON execute, competently, an order?

    To be more specific, the order to engage in urban combat, against US citizens, on US soil.

    Or….will the platoon vacillate, procrastinate, fall apart, desert, even go over to the “enemy”?

  225. MarkinLA 说:

    Well if true, it really does mean that Trump is smarter than the Generals.

  226. MarkinLA 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    The right is composed of Republicans, evangelicals, and conservatives. Up till now, the only policy decisions were based on what the Republicans wanted.

    Libertarians are not on the right but usually vote Republican.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  227. @MarkinLA

    Policy decisions in the 1990’s were not influenced by Republicans. They detested Clinton.

    Nobody, however, can deny that the 1990’s was better economically any decade afterwords-however they feel about Bill Clinton.

    The GOP and Republicans were so eager to get the Clinton-Gore admin out of the office that they hastily put their money behind George Bush-an utter moron.

    • 回复: @MarkinLA
  228. MarkinLA 说:
    @Jeff Stryker

    Policy decisions in the 1990′s were not influenced by Republicans. They detested Clinton.

    I was referrin to policies the Republican Party pursued. The Republican Party ignored the wishes of the conservatives and evangelicals.

    Clinton was lucky and rode the dot com bubble. He was just lucky that it burst on GWBs watch.

  229. Anonymous[399]• 免责声明 说:

    By social definition, the military has always and will always come from the Kshatriya social class.
    That is the “Far Right” law and order ethnic nationalist social class, whether the values are implied or stated. There is no other viable social class from which to form an army. The lowest class whites (lumpenproles and other extreme degenerates who adopt minority slave class Shudra values), minorities, and the Brahman kids, as generalized classes, are not warriors.

    This is bedrock truth. This is the social class I come from — father, grandfather, great-grandfather all being career officers. The values these people hold — duty, honor, country; ship, shipmate, self; personal integrity, valor, self-sacrifice — are disdained or ridiculed by the broader society, not taken seriously at all, but they form the core of personal belief for, as you call them, the Kshatriya; I always thought of them as samurai. Same diff, I guess.
    These people — and I am not talking about the one-and-doners who at EAOS fall to their knees shouting, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, free at last!” No, I’m talking about what used to be disdainfully described in the Viet Nam War-era as “lifers” — these people despise all other social classes, whether the slime on the bottom or the scum floating on top.
    I think the lefties know this, and also recognize their power, even when it is merely latent, and that’s why they attack them, usually with ridicule, mocking their traditions, personalities and achievements, belittling their value to the nation.
    But the righties, who claim to admire them and look at them as potential saviors, relentlessly thanking them “for their service,” don’t seem to grasp that these samurai are as contemptuous of them as they are the left. They are especially disdainful of those who assert some kind of affinity because a relative, an uncle or cousin, once wore the uniform, as if his service rubbed off on them.
    But they hold their deepest contempt for those who stick their noses into their affairs as if they are equals, as if they know about things they can have no concept of — a Greg Cochran opining about PTSD, to name a recent example I ran across. I mentioned that blog post to a relative born the same year as Cochran, but who joined up right out of high school and fought at An Lộc, going on to spend twenty-plus years in the service. He glanced at it and then grumbled that in five minutes he could give the worthless maggot who wrote that garbage PTSD for the rest of his life. That’s the word: maggot. Whether leftie hedonists or rightie suck-ups, to the lifers they are all maggots. Cochran, Sailor, Limbaugh, Savage, Boot, Derbyshire…maggots every one.
    If the “Kshatriya” ever decide, “All right, that’s enough of this nonsense, stand aside, we’re taking over” — and I think, eventually, that will happen, and it will be as easy for them to do as Rocky Marciano closing his fingers to make a fist and showing it meaningfully to PeeWee Herman — they will do it for their own reasons, not for reasons their worshipful rightist fanboys might wish.
    What might trigger it? Something like Susan Rice saying Bowe Berghdahl “served the United States with honor and distinction.” Something like the Ft. Hood shootings. Something like just walking away from Iraq. At some point, some incident, some decision by Washington, will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. And that will be that.
    Part of the definition of Kshatriya is “to protect society by fighting in wartime and governing in peacetime. The lifers haven’t stepped into the latter role in American history, their behavioral models being George Washington and Cincinnatus, but, as they say, a man can take just so much. The time is coming.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Jeff Stryker
  230. peterAUS 说:


    Still, if/when those “lifers” decide to move, they’ll have to clean up their own side first.

    Plenty of “progs” in their own ranks too and impression is….their numbers are increasing. Especially in ranks above Colonel.


    Something like just walking away from Iraq…

    it’s simply confusing.
    Are you quite certain that rank and file, below one star General, combat arms, really wish to keep all going on…and on…and on….?

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Anonymous
  231. @peterAUS

    A scant five years in Iraq ran up a deficit, sent gasoline prices to the roof and unleashed the refugee crisis on Europe.

    Another five or ten would have bankrupted the US.

    In any event nothing was accomplished accept that ISIS was born. Nothing at all.

    I’m no armchair critic. I lived in Dubai for seven years.

  232. @Anonymous

    I worked in the USIA division of the Embassy and knew a few officers. What do they know about economics, trade, etc ?

    The US is a complex country.

    As far as being brave warriors, I would not rate an officer very highly against an enlisted black ex-Crip.

    Some of the scariest ghetto blacks I met had been in the military just long enough-two years or so-to understand the basics of weapons maintenance and cover and concealment.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  233. Anonymous[399]• 免责声明 说:

    Are you quite certain that rank and file, below one star General, combat arms, really wish to keep all that going on…and on…and on….?

    I’m not certain of anything in this life, but your comment reveals that you are not of the samurai, Kshatriya, or whatever we care to call it, class. You think in terms of casualties; they think in terms of honor.
    As an example, a Marine who was an NCO or junior officer a dozen or more years ago in Iraq (and who is still a Marine) may recall an incident involving a clan leader: “I looked that man in the eye and gave him my word that we would not leave, that we would always be there to support him and his people if they joined with us.”
    He did that because he was assured by his chain of command, which was assured by the civilian leadership in Washington, that this was not to be another Viet Nam, that we would not cut and run. And what he recalls now, all these years later, is the personal humiliation and the shame he was compelled to endure when we did cut and run — not in the accusing face of the Iraqi clan leader, as he may imagine it in his mind’s eye, but in his own soul, in being made a liar, a betrayer, by the government he had sworn allegiance to.
    A non-samurai won’t understand that. A leftie might say words are only tools used to advance certain provisional aims, they don’t really mean anything. A rightie might say that the clan leader was only a sand ape anyway, and his whole country not worth the blood of one lance corporal.
    But that’s not how the samurai sees it.
    I’m not saying that the samurai’s viewpoint is the worthy or accurate or best viewpoint. I’m just saying that that is 他的 viewpoint. I’m also not saying that his viewpoint is necessarily held by the one-and-doner who did his hitch and was more than glad to shake the dust off his boots of whatever shit hole Uncle Sam sent him to. Nor am I saying it is the viewpoint of some career pork chop. But it is a pretty normal point of view for the man-at-arms, the knight, the samurai.

    Incidentally, I don’t mean to imply that the samurai is indifferent to casualties. Far from it. One of the great achievements of the American armed forces is the high quality of combat casualty care they provide. It is a mark of pride to say we kill more and die less than any armed force, probably ever in history. And each casualty matters and is not forgotten.

    Thus it is a puzzle to me, honestly, that the samurai have not revolted in righteous rage at their treatment by the civilian government during their career of service to it and after in their treatment by the VA.
    To me, it seems like an unsustainable situation, especially considering how large and powerful our armed forces have been for generations, and how institutionalized war-fighting has become as a casual instrument of state power.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Jeff Stryker
    , @map
  234. peterAUS 说:

    ..the samurai, Kshatriya……class…..they think in terms of honor…non-samurai…..how the samurai sees it….righteous rage.. a mark of pride to say we kill more and die less ….


    May I ask you a simple question? Have ever served in military?
    If you have, could you, please, say something about it?

    I say, for myself, (could be lying, but still…):
    -more than 10 years service.
    -field officer, retired of course
    -seen some action

    Because, if I were talking about modern military, anywhere in developed world, I wouldn’t be using your vocabulary from the first paragraph. Not even for top tier SF, pilots and such. Some individuals there, sure, but units, no.
    Hell no military in general.

    The gist of your approach, I feel, is expecting some positive social intervention by those….samurai.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  235. @Anonymous

    The army is volunteer, there is no conscription here. So nobody can say that it wasn’t their war and they were drafted.

    When I was in the USIA Embassy Division my friend in Communications was an Air Force enlisted men who worked as a repairman. He was injured on the job and getting his medical bills and pension was pulling teeth. He did it after years in Veteran Affairs.

    Another friend of my suffered from Gulf War syndrome. He eventually just gave up going to VA. They were not going to do anything for him anyhow.

    The reality is that simple enough. No draft means nobody can complain of unjustly finding themselves in combat.

    Finally, the lower classes endorse war and then complain about the consequences. The Arabs are not going “get over here”. Impossible. They don’t have naval carriers or helicopters capable of transporting holy warriors to US soil.

    The middle class cannot be made to believe this. The poor can.

  236. Anonymous[176]• 免责声明 说:

    ‘His reply: “Pro-Hillary 5 percent, didn’t care 25 percent—Pro-Trump 70 percent.” ‘

    With nightly beatings soon in store for the 5%, until that number drops to 0%.

  237. Anonymous[399]• 免责声明 说:

    May I ask you a simple question? Have you ever served in military?
    If you have, could you, please, say something about it?

    Not a samurai. I’m sure your exploits dwarf anything I could mention.

    First deployment: HM8404, AFG RCT2
    This is the sort of thing I dealt with:

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  238. Anonymous[399]• 免责声明 说:

    I wish the bullshitters who say things like, “I’ve seen some action,” or “PTSD doesn’t exist,” would just 闭嘴.

    Farrell’s Fight

    • 回复: @peterAUS
    , @Jeff Stryker
  239. peterAUS 说:

    Hehe…..for a “doc” you have quite a short fuse.

    See…personally, I have the utmost respect for medical personnel, especially those actually crawling under fire and helping people around.

    As for dwarfing, just a different experience.

    My take: you are quite an impressionable young fellow. You know, that picture, “samurai”, “dwarf” and similar.
    That’s O.K. Up to a point.

  240. peterAUS 说:

    I wish the bullshitters who say things like, “I’ve seen some action,” or “PTSD doesn’t exist,” would just shut up.

    Did I say “short fuse”?

    不能 be teaching people to calm down, take a deep breath and such before interacting with people?
    On Internet the same, then write down your post, then edit it..and then do it again..until it’s passable and not unnecessarily offending for a common civilian around ?
    I mean…your goal is to convey some reasonable message here? Or it’s simple online therapy? That’s O.K. too….up to a point.

    I don’t mind helping, a bit, with people ofloading their frustrations here (the very nature of this Internet pub), but…don’t you think that you are doing a disservice to your own very cause by such behavior?

    I mean….hehe…if you can’t communicate with a guy who’s been “there”….how the fuck you can expect to communicate with “civvies” around?

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  241. @peterAUS


    I loved the Middle East. Dubai, Oman, Kuwait (I was never in Iraq).

    They were, in my opinion, great places to be a young man on the make. Better than the US anyhow.

    When people talk about what a “hell” the Middle East is, I think of my glory years in Dubai.

  242. @Anonymous

    The Middle East were a good time for an expat-except in Iraq. I feel very fortunate to have been there.

    Guys are always talking about what a hell it is.

    I thought Dubai was grand. Kuwait was not bad either. I made pretty good money there.

  243. AWM 说:

    Pretty much the only times in history where teenagers showing up with machine guns has been a good thing is when it was the US Military.
    Lots and lots of ex-military in the US. Well armed too. Very well armed.

  244. Da Wei 说:

    这是一个该死的好主意,这就是为什么他们永远不会这样做。 它会起作用的。 但如果你停止马戏表演,谁会买票和爆米花呢?

  245. @Jeff Stryker

    ‘…As far as being brave warriors, I would not rate an officer very highly against an enlisted black ex-Crip.

    Some of the scariest ghetto blacks I met…’

    I think you’re letting yourself be too impressed by blacks. In particular, their record as combat soldiers ranges from unimpressive to appalling. This is true across a number of wars and nationalities.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  246. peterAUS 说:
    @Colin Wright

    I think you’re letting yourself be too impressed by blacks. In particular, their record as combat soldiers ranges from unimpressive to appalling. This is true across a number of wars and nationalities.

    The essence of amateur, civil talk about the topic. Anyone with any experience in military (which doesn’t apply to majority on this site) knows one simple truth of modern combat: It’s not about individuals…it’s about UNITS. And units are about societies they come from.
    Discipline, work habits, intelligence, material available…etc…etc….

    The “tough warrior” thing disappeared with repeater rifle. Even Zulus at Isandlwana and Sioux at LBH had an excellent organization and, of course, numbers. Didn’t help at Ulundi and we know what happened after LBH.

    In any possible serious, future, internal conflict it will be combined arms state UNIT vs some sort of ORGANIZED civilians/paramilitary.
    And if between two civilian outfits, one which is better ORGANIZED will win all the time.
    Individual toughness will mean nothing, then and there.


    • 回复: @peterAUS
  247. peterAUS 说:

    Anyone with brains, just a simple mental exercise:

    Take, say, 1000 members of any criminal fraternity of this world. Pick up any terrain, time of day, weather, anywhere in the world.
    Confront that outfit with a combined arms battle group of any 发达 world country. Oh, B.T.W, give that criminal outfit exactly the same hardware the battle group has. The same quantity of material too.

    Battle group wins 10 times of 10, IMHO.
    From top of my head….from first contact to mopping up….in rural….around 4 hours, tops.
    In urban….say……around 24 hours. Caveat: no civilians (or…hahaha…no care for collateral damage).
    Organization and related training/expertise.

    True, confront an average member of that outfit with a soldier, say, manning a communication network in BG CP, well….bare hands/blunt-edged weapons, probably “creep” wins. Give both assault rifle…not so sure.

    And the same principle applies to any “internal conflict”. Side which has better organization and related expertise wins. From a geek organizing communication network, through mechanic….to a member of assault team.

    That’s the way the world works.
    That’s why organized countries have militaries.

  248. map 说:

    These are, by far, some of the dumbest comments I have ever read.

    Those who argue about the “organizational ability” of the military and its cadre of Hillary-supporting officers are really practicing a form of magical thinking. You have to have a lot of faith in paperwork to believe that military command-and-control functions will remain viable during essentially a civil war.

    Let’s see if I understand how this works: the US government is going to order the US military to attack the family members of their own servicemen. And they are going to do it, because these family members are really secret Nazis that the military has been ordered to hate. So, the military, 10% of whom come from Texas, are all going to attack, say, Corpus Christy, because some lesbian colonel told them to. Or, are they going to try and fool people by having the West Virginia soldiers attack the Texas Nazi outposts while having the Texas soldiers attack the West Virginia Nazi outposts?

    Because…following orders.

    I suppose you never heard of officers getting “fragged” in Vietnam. Colonel Lesbo is going to get a little surprise in her dildo box that very evening.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  249. peterAUS 说:

    Let’s say you are onto something here.
    Or…you are correct, up to a point, but, also, you could be wrong.

    My take: it all depends on how BIG that dissent/insurrection is.

    Up to several hundreds people (say,Waco type) US military would do it.

    More than, say, 10 000 people….no.

    Hehe…I guess that the answer to that question is the one all parties interested in that scenario would kill to know.

    I am, personally, positive, should a region of, say, 50 000 people gets into serious conflict with Federal Government US military will not act, effectively.

    The key in all this is not US military.
    It’s the will of the people. And there it gets really 复杂。

    • 回复: @Them Guys
    , @map
  250. Them Guys 说:

    If our Military ever goes along with it? They’d use Other nations NATO troops…And UN “Peace Keepers”…For those military have zero connections to American’s. To them it’s just another declared enemy they were ordered to kill off. Why do you think Our military forces, most, have remained in other nations for so long. So usa Patriots wont have any actual military pro patriotic help. Every usa military person would insist they be sent back home when their own families and neighbors are in an American civil or Race war…But they can be kept away and remain in other nato nations, and likely will be….So, there may be zero real help to count on in such a scenario.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  251. peterAUS 说:
    @Them Guys


    Except troops garrisoned in USA as we speak, including people manning US ICBM nuclear capability.
    Then National Guard troops, barracks, depots, warehouses etc.
    Then local police….
    Then veterans….


    That scenario (using foreign troops on US soil) to put down any sort of dissent by a SIZABLE number of US citizens is simply……可笑。

    Using foreign PMC to put down a little dissent, yes……say, up to a couple of hundreds people.
    A region, with a couple of cities, several towns etc…..not in this Universe.

    The key is not US military. The key is people. ENOUGH people.

  252. map 说:

    Well, there is one little issue:

    The military, as currently constituted, would gladly put down a large, blue-state urban area…and quite effectively.

    • 回复: @peterAUS
  253. peterAUS 说:

    The military, as currently constituted, would gladly put down a large, blue-state urban area…and quite effectively.

    Well, I disagree.

    The only way to know it for sure isn’t even to conduct an accurate pool among troops. It has to happen. That would be the moment of truth.

    We could debate that for a month here. Like what would happen should a meteorite hit Alaska.

    All this blabbing about “military putting down dissent” starts from a wrong end.

    The only important question we should be asking and…hehe…we are for 一些 reason reluctant to, is: is, say, “blue-state” region (not just urban area…REGION), willing to fight Federal Government?
    Simple question and we do know the reason. At least for the moment. What will happen in future, who knows?



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