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1942 年,福特、克莱斯勒、通用汽车和其他大型汽车公司将生产转向吉普车、坦克和轰炸机,而今天,美国汽车工厂已被关闭,以防止病毒传播。








3 月 852 日,韩国各地报告的冠状病毒新增病例数为 17 例。两周后的 85 月 90 日圣帕特里克节,新增病例数为 XNUMX 例,暴跌 XNUMX%。







上周,我们看到大学生在佛罗里达州的海滩上嬉戏,尽管有警告称,其中任何一个感染了 COVID-19 的人都可能将其传播给其他人,从而导致严重疾病,在某些情况下甚至导致死亡。




自 1960 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来,禁止使用大麻、可卡因、海洛因、芬太尼的法律并没有阻止非法麻醉品和危险药物的猖獗吸食。



在 60 年代,我们被告知吸烟与肺癌、肺气肿和心脏病之间是绝对相关的。然而,仍有 34 万美国人继续冒着因吸烟而缩短寿命的风险。

老年人和老人可能会在原地避难数月,其中新冠病毒死亡率最高,据估计,15 岁以上老人的死亡率为 80%。





帕特里克·J·布坎南(Patrick J. Buchanan)是《尼克松的白宫大战:造就和打败总统并永远分裂美国的战争》的作者。

版权所有2020 Creators.com。

• 类别: 经济学, 思想 •标签: Covid 
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  1. lloyd 说: • 您的网站

    警察也会造反。六分之一的八十多岁老人将死于此病。那么到底有什么大惊小怪的呢?对经济的最大消耗是老年人和慢性病患者的医疗保健。这是人类的进化发展吗?其他人平均每隔几年就会患上一次病毒性疾病,并需要几周的休息和温暖的环境。比 1950 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来现代社会所适应的程度要高一些。我最近看到汤姆·汉克斯在澳大利亚发来的一张维吉麦吐司和一杯水的照片。美国人对覆盖的维吉麦吐司感到反感,对一杯水感到困惑。这在某种程度上有助于解释美国健康问题的蔓延。

  2. KA 说:

    Even as President Trump says he tested negative for coronavirus, the COVID-19 pandemic raises the fear that huge swaths of the executive branch or even Congress and the Supreme Court could also be disabled, forcing the implementation of “continuity of government” plans that include evacuating Washington and “devolving” leadership to second-tier officials in remote and quarantined locations.
    But Coronavirus is also new territory, where the military itself is vulnerable and ….

    广告依据 scrollerads.com
    “We’re in new territory,” says one senior officer, the entire post-9/11 paradigm of emergency planning thrown out the window. The officer jokes, in the kind of morbid humor characteristic of this slow-moving disaster, that America had better learn who Gen. Terrence J. O’Shaughnessy is.
    He is the “combatant commander” for the United States and would in theory be in charge if Washington were eviscerated. That is, until a new civilian leader could be installed. https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-inside-militarys-top-secret-plans-if-coronavirus-cripples-government-1492878

    It seems we will get very likely an Irish President – long after Kennedy .

    • 回复: @asfg
    , @Twodees Partain
    , @Miro23
  3. anonymous[245]• 免责声明 说:

    Before wasting time trying to discern the point of this say nothing column:

    Consider. Since when have there been “children whose lives are built around friends on playgrounds”?

    Ward Cleaver for President!

    • 回复: @gsjackson
  4. asfg 说:

    Biden’s brain is mush. Look for him to step aside after he wins the nomination–and, lo and behold,

  5. Anon[348]• 免责声明 说:

    Trump is fighting coronavirus as a proxy war. His real war is still against China, which is why he and the rest of the Ziocon media like Breitbart, Townhall, Daily Caller, Zerohedge etc. insist on calling it “Chinese virus” at every turn. Instead of keeping a laser focus on helping to bring the country together, he continues to use incendiary language to turn people against him. Despite his daily press briefings and proclamations, the Trump admin’s crisis response has been an abject failure:

    1. CDC made a major mistake from the get go by limiting local doctors to only test those who came in from China, it kept the virus spreading silently in the community for weeks before it was detected in a teenager who lives 15 miles from Patient Zero in Snohomish County, WA.

    2. For two months since Jan. 23 when Wuhan went into lockdown, CDC did nothing but watched passively at the horror show that unfolded in China, when they should’ve immediately ordered large scale manufacturing of test kits and masks.

    3. Local hospitals in King County, the “Wuhan” of US, are dangerously short of masks, hand sanitizers, ventilators, beds etc. Mike Pence came to visit a couple of weeks ago and accomplished nothing. It was all just for show. We are still totally short on all equipment even test kits.

    4. Even as S. Korea and Italy were having massive outbreaks, Trump continued to allow in daily flights from both countries, including direct flights from Milan, the center of Italy’s outbreak, to dozens of cities in the US. None of these passengers were ever checked. In our local high school one kid came home sick from Italy over spring break, was back at school within a week, the nurse didn’t even bother checking, she assumed she was checked at the airport.

    5. Seattle Times reported today that passengers who recently returned from Europe were shocked that there was no screening for symptoms whatsoever at SeaTac, and it is one of the “designated” airports where many passengers were redirected for screening. This despite Trump proclaiming that all those coming in will be screened.

    6. The State Dept. is now urging all Americans overseas to return home ASAP, so they can bring in more virus from abroad to infect their families? How stupid can we get?

    7. Lindsay Graham took full advantage of the crisis and inserted his own pork to one of the stimulus bills to increase the number of EB5 visas from 10,000 a year to 75,000 a year, and lowering the threshold from $900k to $400k, so that “more rich foreigners can come in and buy our real estate”. The real estate market was doing just fine even as of last week. And 80% of this visa goes to rich corrupt Chinese, so he’s using this opportunity to bring in more Chinese, even as his boss insists on calling this “Chinese virus”. How much was he paid to insert this pork?

    8. It is utterly and profoundly stupid to send a check to every family. Everything is closed, where are we supposed to spend this money other than on Amazon.com? Do Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos get one too? He could’ve simply spent a fraction by boosting existing unemployment benefits for those temporarily out of work. What an idiotic, knee-jerk response to get us into even more debt unnecessarily, and will only result in minimal impact on the overall economy.

    So no, we are not prepared for a long war, or a short war, or any war. The dysfunction, corruption and incompetence of the US government is laid bare for the whole country to see in this crisis. Increased civil disobedience is just another broken link in the broken chain. We are a basket case of a country, rotten from top to bottom.

    America and Israel are the modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. And we are meeting our fate.

    • 回复: @follyofwar
    , @artichoke
    , @Wally
  6. 在 60 年代,我们被告知吸烟与肺癌、肺气肿和心脏病之间的相关性是绝对的。

    这是一个谎言。 50 多年来,烟草控制机构一直在错误地将吸烟归咎于感染引起的疾病:HPV、EBV、幽门螺杆菌、CMV、HBV 和 HCV。 每一份外科医生报告都是这种欺诈的证据。 如果他们甚至懒得提及感染,也没有讨论它如何能够并且确实混淆了 SG 集团青睐的设计不佳的研究结果。

    最重要的是,至少三分之二的所谓吸烟疾病是假的。 最大的一部分来自将CMV引起的心脏病归咎于吸烟。 NHANES 数据显示,40% 的心血管疾病是由 CMV 引起的,其中更多的是工人阶级,其中包括更多的吸烟者。 http://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/38/3/775.fullhttp://ije.oxfordjournals.org/content/38/3/787.long

    • 回复: @Lol
  7. Lol 说:
    @Grace Jones

    您是否认真使用控制吸烟的研究来证明吸烟与疾病没有联系? 这些文章的全部目的是从数据中消除吸烟的影响,以收集其他因素的影响,这些因素可以解释吸烟无法解释的疾病变异部分。

    • 回复: @Grace Jones
  8. Wantoknow 说:




    • 同意: follyofwar, Miro23, brandybranch, DaveE
  9. swamped 说:

    “美国人会在自己的家中数月遭受社会孤立,而国家引发的大萧条会席卷整个土地吗?”……或者他们的邻居会闯入他们的储藏室和壁橱,寻找任何囤积的稀缺商品吗? 当人们开始抓狂时,监狱和精神病房会首先被占领吗?
    加州一直是领头羊。 既然纽瑟姆已经完全法西斯主义并命令所有人进去,那会发生什么? 他的国民警卫队真的会确保每个人都有足够的食物(和玩具)吗? 这可能会变得非常丑陋。

    • 同意: follyofwar
    • 回复: @follyofwar
  10. Realist 说:

    Oh, the irony. A German scientist, during the Nazi time period, discovered a possible cure for Covid-19…at least 86 years before Israel…who has been bragging that they will soon have a cure .

  11. Realist 说:

    One in six octogenarians will die from it. So really what is the fuss? The greatest drain on economies is health care for the elderly and chronic invalids.

    Here is hoping you don’t make it to the octogenarian class

  12. KenH 说:


    We live in an anarcho-tyranny so the racially diverse can pretty much do as they please while any shelter in place orders will only be enforced against white people.

    The college kids they interviewed have the right attitude as most said the Coronavirus scare has been blown way out of proportion and it has. I think some cases of flu are being misattributed to Cornovirus and if someone doesn’t feel well or has a sniffle or is nauseated then they’re told they have Coronavirus.

    • 回复: @lloyd
    , @follyofwar
    , @gsjackson
  13. follyofwar 说:

    As to your point #6, if I was an expat living a normal life in a foreign country, the last thing I would ever consider doing would be to return to the demented US police state.

    Also, as I said to my wife, when Trump takes to the podium with his latest pronouncements, he is always surrounded on either side by “experts.” Don’t see any social distancing there. After meeting with people who have the disease, (that guy from Brazil for one), and shaking who know how many hands, the fact that Trump claims he tested negative for C-19 would lead many to think it is not as communicable, or deadly, as our betters keep telling us.

    And, in the face of a declared National Emergency, I thought it was against protocal for the president and VP to be sharing the same space, which they do constantly. That sounds kind of reckless to me, esp. with Nancy waiting in the wings.

    • 回复: @Anon
  14. anonymous[425]• 免责声明 说:

    Mass immigration and assimilation, ‘diversity’ is an obviously stupid idea. Lowered wages, culture clashes, lowered social trust, less affordable housing, diluted votes, crowding, environmental damage, etc. What’s called ‘far right’ in the West is simply ‘normal’ everywhere else. Is Vietnam ‘racist nationalist supremacist’? Is Peru?

    If you reject ‘diversity’ and open borders as a gift, you’ll get it anyway as punishment. That’s our ‘democracy’. The only place the in world where white Christians derive any benefit from their ‘democratic government’ is Russia and and Eastern Europe, which is precisely why our globalist establishment hates them so much.

    If us ‘evil whites’ offered to seal ourselves on an island somewhere, cut off so we couldn’t possibly oppress anyone under any circumstance, they would say no. So what’s the real goal?

    The globalists aren’t generally demanding the movement of poor into less-poor, e.g. Sudanese into India, Afghans into Vietnam, or Bulgarians into Japan. It’s ONLY nonwhite into white. Open borders ‘diversity’ is demanded for all and only whites including Slavs, Greeks, Irish, Swedes, and many others with no history of ‘oppressing’ and/or a centuries-long history of being colonized and enslaved themselves. And open borders ‘diversity’ is NOT demanded for nonwhite, non-Christian ‘historical oppressors’ like Turkey, Japan, Mongolia, the Arab world.

    The vast majority of the Aboriginals died from airborne diseases long before we arrived, there was no genocide. Antiwhites are not offering to give up their own ‘stolen land’ as they call it back to the Aboriginals, instead they are inviting more random third party ‘thieves’ to share the ‘loot’, including peoples with far bloodier histories as a ruling class than we have. Contrast the fate of the subjugated Ainu, Slavs, Greeks and Armenians, to that of the Aboriginals under whites. Contrast the fate of Africans slaves sent to America to African slaves sent to the Arab world.

    In South Africa, whites settled an empty Cape 400 years ago, long before today’s dominant Bantus showed up. And unlike the Bantus, we did not genocide other helpless tribes on the continent. Apartheid was to protect against being just another tribe exterminated by the Bantus, and against the mass murdering ideology of Communism. Nothing in white SA history is remotely as evil and cruel as the gang rape and torture of minority whites today. You’ll notice antiwhites curiously aren’t concerned about Arab ‘apartheid’ ‘colonialism’ in North Africa.

    Our globalist, anti-Christian, hostile elite hates us with the same genocidal fervor that they felt towards Christians in Bolshevik Russia. They teamed with angry criminal minorities to rape and murder them by the tens of millions, with the most sadistic torture saved for the church men and women. Their end goal today is no different.

    For the 90% of the world we call minorities, protecting their children’s future is an ethical priority, while ‘antiracism diversity’ is not. It’s time we believe the same. Support our guys Ron Unz and Nick Fuentes.

  15. follyofwar 说:

    今天早上我醒来发现我的宾夕法尼亚州州长沃尔夫下令与纽森一样封锁。 与充满粪便的金州相比,我的州病例很少。 这些狂犬病狗每天都在互相模仿,因为它们每天都在进一步挤压虎钳。 每个政治家的内心都有一个等待出现的内在法西斯主义者,否则他们为什么要试图统治我们。

    • 回复: @Old and Grumpy
  16. artichoke 说:

    He hadn’t cleaned out the CDC from the incompetent Obama-era management. Rod Rosenstein’s sister was a big honcho there! Anyway the CDC is epidemiologists. They’re mathematicians more than doctors. Their sage advice: “wash your hands”. While necessary, that isn’t sufficient.

    Maybe if he hadn’t been constantly attacked, he would have been able to get more of that sort of stuff done in time.

    Now the NIH is much more central, and they’re much more competent.

    • 回复: @Anon
  17. follyofwar 说:

    Modern day Christians, unlike their tough Christian ancestors, have no one to blame but themselves for the dire fate of Western Man. Look no further than the fact that most Christian churches in the US are pro-Israel Zionists. The term Judeo-Christian tradition did not exist until recently, and its use is mostly confined to the US, maybe Canada also.

    The Judeo-Pope running the RC church (why does he wear the came beanie cap as Jews?) loves to preach open borders, just as they do – with Israel exempted of course. Just to take one example, for 19 centuries Christians followed Saint Paul’s teachings and rejected boy circumcision, a crime against humanity, even going to the point of kicking Jews of their countries. Now, in the name of tolerance and inculturation, they no longer have a problem with the torture of boys.

    Putting Ron Unz and Nick Fuentes in the same sentence – you can’t be serious.

  18. Anon[153]• 免责声明 说:

    I noticed that too. Each time he gives a presser, there are always a handful of people standing behind him, none are observing the 6′ rule. And in every presser, we always see Pence’s evil face standing behind him. The Albino is probably dying for someone to give Trump the virus, so he can be president, and launch WWIII for his Zionist masters.

    As to Pat’s point about civil disobedience, NY’s governor Cuomo today is investigating reports of teenagers spitting on produce in grocery stores.

    • 回复: @SMK
  19. @Lol

    绝对不。 事实上,我认为“控制吸烟”是非常不恰当的,因为它会自动将CMV引起的心脏病错误地归咎于吸烟。 这表明 CMV 可能比本报告得出的结论更为重要。

    你似乎认为,一旦江湖骗子声称吸烟会导致心脏病,那就意味着它是永恒的,禁止重新考虑。 你假装那是科学的!

    至于“收集其他因素的影响”:收集是在主要收获完成后收集的。 吸烟只是那些有社会工程议程的人的主要收获。 该数据表明,CMV 至少与高血压一样重要,而高血压是一个真正的主要因素。 外科医生报告所依赖的那些研究只是忽略了 CMV,这意味着他们混淆了错误地归咎于吸烟。

  20. Anon[153]• 免责声明 说:

    Now the NIH is much more central, and they’re much more competent.

    Judging from the continued medical staff/equipment/bed shortage, and the chaos and total lack of screening in our airports, I’d say NIH is just another incompetent government bureaucracy like CDC.


    This failure is a combination of bureaucratic red tape between CDC and FDA, and CDC’s utter failure to deliver test kits that are both accurate and in large quantity in a short time.

    Per the Seattle Times, when they investigated why there was no screening of incoming passengers from Europe at SeaTac airport, the CBP, DHS and CDC all were busy dodging responsibility and pointing to one another as the responsible entity. A total FAIL.

    The head of CDC Robert Redfield should step down for utter incompetence.

  21. @asfg

    Re: Hillary becoming the nominee

    That was the plan all along in promoting Biden, whose dementia is now impossible to hide.

    The Democrats let the trash, which makes up its membership, choose the nominee? Phhhttt. Get bent.

    • 回复: @asfg
  22. @lloyd

    You are overlooking how many drugs Americans of all ages take. Not really a good sign of a healthy people. Also what is it with all this ageism?

  23. Paulbe 说:


    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  24. @follyofwar

    Wolfie just wants to show off that freak show called Rachel Lavine. Bet all his male parts are intact, and someone never got the deserved justice for sexual assault due to Rachel’s sexual confusion. Just a speculative hunch. Nor do I think it is some kind of inner fascism on Wolf’s. More like screwing the goynim because of Hitler, Rome, Persia, Egypt, etc… What exactly is essential anyway?

  25. lloyd 说: • 您的网站

    The kids are out in the open air. They may be safer there than in sealed apartments. Public transport is likely the second most dangerous place to be. The most dangerous is likely being in an apartment with someone who has it. Pat Buchanon referred to a statistic that octogenarians are one in six fatal with Coronavirus. Well he is in that generational class himself. Then take away octogenarians without underlying health issues and it would be substantially lower. I imagine statistically lower than their dying of cancer. It is a new health hazzard in the world. The health authorities should be issuing practical instructions of how to avoid institutional care. Tom Hanks had the right approach, plenty of wholesome foods and water. He was slated for it. If the virus was natural or a laboratory accident, it has been a marvellous convenience to establish the One Party State. Like 911, Anglo Zionism has again been saved by the bell

  26. @KA

    “They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, “devolution” could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession,”

    Wait a minute. The unconstitutional “two” parties already did that, with their little deal by which they just announce whatever vote count suits them.

  27. @Paulbe

    You seem to be more understanding than I am, Paulbe. This situation appears to be totally contrived, so I don’t understand how any triage is necessary at all, since there are no victims to speak of yet.

    I do agree that it’s appalling how quickly all of these “for the greater good” types went fully morally retarded.

    • 回复: @Franz
  28. follyofwar 说:

    Those young kids partying have the right attitude. Stick it to The Man, and remember there is strength in numbers. My instincts tell me that most cops aren’t too happy wasting their time trying to get celebrating college kids off the streets, and their morale must be low. Already many have reported feeling sick, so have been sent home for a 14 day vacation.

  29. KenH 说:

    You’ll notice antiwhites curiously aren’t concerned about Arab ‘apartheid’ ‘colonialism’ in North Africa.

    Nor are they concerned about Israeli apartheid in most cases. I don’t think the S. African government bulldozed homes and shot black S. Africans for sport as Israeli Jews do to Palestinians.

    If whites were as bad and evil as (((they))) say then putting non-whites in our nations puts the non-whites in harm’s way. But we all know it’s just the reverse and with loss of territory due to demographic swamping comes loss of numbers and eventually genocide which is (((their))) goal.

    Whites have been completely cleansed from neighborhoods and cities and very soon, states and regions.

  30. Sparkon 说:

    I如果以 1918 年流感大流行为模板,我们可能会陷入一场针对这种新型冠状病毒的长期战争,这种新型冠状病毒现在被命名为 SARS-CoV-2,它导致了被称为 COVID-19 的疾病。

    These data are from Newfoundland, but the data and charts are representative of the 1918 pandemic’s infamous three waves that swept around the world 1918 – 1920.


    这种病毒与流感不同,它于 1918 年春天首次出现,然后似乎消退,直到秋天卷土重来,并在 1918 年 XNUMX 月出现了最大的死亡高峰。

    1918 年夏季,报告的西班牙流感病例有所减少,人们在 XNUMX 月初就有望看到该病毒已经消退。回想起来,这只是暴风雨前的平静。在欧洲的某个地方, 西班牙流感病毒出现了一种突变株,它能够在出现最初感染迹象后 24 小时内杀死完全健康的年轻男女。

    1918 年 XNUMX 月下旬,军舰离开英国港口城市普利茅斯,载着不知不觉感染了这种致命得多的新型西班牙流感的部队。当这些船只抵达法国布雷斯特、美国波士顿和西非弗里敦等城市时,全球大流行的第二波浪潮开始了。



    So far, I don’t see very many young people taking this pandemic seriously, because, you know – “Let’s Party!” – but thankfully, the people in charge are older, wiser, and well aware that an ounce of prevention in this case is indeed worth a pound, if not a ton, of cure.







    • 不同意: Zumbuddi
    • 回复: @Three of Swords
    , @CCZ
  31. Miro23 说:


    COG (Continuity Of Government) organization is certainly in place, and the Zio-Globalists tried to trigger it (unsuccessfully) under Cheney on the day of 9/11.

    There’s a consensus that the worst of the Coronavirus crisis has passed but this isn’t necessarily true. The oil price hit a new low today (21st April) with the oil price being an important indicator of the economic effect of the Coronavirus shut down (independent from the Saudi-Russia question).

    如果事情继续下去,那么COG很可能成为现实,并且将在当地进行判断。 COG 需要在每个县和州都有某种执法机构(警察/国土安全/军队)代表,他们与公众的互动将决定美国的未来。


    • 回复: @Twodees Partain
  32. @Miro23

    I would hope that LE would side with the locals, but it doesn’t seem likely to me. LEOs have an attitude, at least the ones I’ve observed, that they aren’t part of the citizenry. There are bars that are pretty much off-limits to non LE. Maybe in rural county police forces, the cops might be more apt to see their fellow citizens differently, but I’ve noticed a subtle contempt for civilians displayed by cops.

    Charlotte police were very obviously a community apart when I lived there. The same was true in Wilmington, DE in the relatively small force there, and I’ve noticed it in other cities. Expecting any sympathy from police seems to me to be a little irrational.

  33. Talha 说:


    Well, as I pointed out elsewhere, the first amendment literally states; “the right of the people peaceably to assemble”.

    So this could be challenged (not saying it should be) on constitutional grounds. “Muh frat party” seems to be a stupid reason to take a risk, but whatever.


    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  34. Franz 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    This situation appears to be totally contrived


    It’s flu season. Not very many more people than usual dying, but the extra ones that are dying can be chalked up to the idiocy of outsoucing, cunningly labelled “free trade,” and the totally artificial amount of worldwide air travel, nine-tenths of which can be chalked up to numbskulls with more money than brains going off to places that don’t want them anyway and overcharge their dumb asses for the privilege.

    It would be worth it if we all got a dose of tend-your-own-garden sanity. Which means it won’t be worth it.

    • 回复: @JimB
    , @Twodees Partain
    , @dfordoom
  35. 中国每天都以图片的形式向我们确切地展示了必须采取哪些措施来结束这种威胁。 我们,宇宙中排名第一的国家,什么也没做。 中国已无病毒并恢复工作。 生意,几乎和往常一样。 我们,强大的,正在坠入深渊,可能是致命的。

    • 回复: @Chinaman
    , @Neo-Socratic
  36. Realist 说:

    有人知道死于 Covid-19 的人的名字吗?


  37. @Talha

    How about “Muh church service”?

    “Muh protest-rally against the Pompeo-Bolton-Netanyahu persecution of Iranians”?

    Pompeo and Netanyahu paved a path to war with Iran, and they’re pushing Trump again
    -Gareth Porter

    Stupid reasons to take risk?

    How significant is the risk REALLY?

    Is the risk of catching Covid19 greater than the risk of hundreds of thousands of men and women being cut off from their friends, family, and faith?

    Greater than the risk of evil and madmen who are attempting to subvert the President and rule of law in league with accused corrupt head of another state provoking a war against Iran — that much risk?

    Mannagio! Pompeo
    Not in my name!
    Not in the name of Americans who are Italian

    • 同意: follyofwar
  38. Chinaman 说:
    @Robert Magill

    这已经证明了谁是世界第一。 美国人所知道的就是锻炼肌肉。

    正如毛所说,纸老虎。 为什么美国人仍然坚持成为第一的幻想?

    以牺牲更大的利益为代价,无条件地颂扬个人追求幸福(如海滩上的那些青少年),这将确保社会长期崩溃。 没有责任的自由是一场灾难。 自由与无政府状态之间的细线。 需要利维坦
    因为某种原因。 亚洲人直觉地明白,我们每个人都需要做出牺牲,这样社会才能保证。 这是常识。

    我对美国的迅速解体感到好笑。 鉴于美国给世界带来的所有苦难,我忍不住有点幸灾乐祸

    这是中国对美国发动先发制人战争的绝好机会。 无论如何,它迟早会发生。

    • 回复: @dfordoom
  39. Chinaman 说:

    我的 Unz 伙伴中的任何一个需要来自 Chinaman 的口罩或医疗用品吗? 我有很多,已经寄了一堆到意大利。

    Sorry, but can’t help but imagine how funny the scene where obese Americans fight and shoot each other on the streets for masks and disinfectants as I drop from the rooftop.

  40. @中国人

    正如你必须知道的那样,习主席效仿了大汗,所以没有战争。 他还有其他获胜的方法。

  41. JimB 说:

    worldwide air travel, nine-tenths of which can be chalked up to numbskulls with more money than brains going off to places that don’t want them anyway and overcharge their dumb asses for the privilege.

    They don’t want foreign tourists, but they do want the easy money of foreign tourism. For example, tourism underwrites Italy’s lazy, self-indulgent child-free lifestyle.

    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
  42. Adam Smith 说:

    自 1960 世纪 XNUMX 年代以来,禁止使用大麻、可卡因、海洛因、芬太尼的法律并没有阻止非法麻醉品和危险药物的猖獗吸食。

    One certain result of the legalization of marihuana is that there are going to be more potheads, more mass killings, and more death! The costs will be borne by society and the families of future victims of potheads! Marihuana is the gateway drug, the escalator drug, to cocaine, heroin and fentanyl. Just one taste of the devil weed and it is only a matter of time until you are eating fentanyl patches.

    According to a report in the Rocky Mountain News, 370 people were killed across the state on Jan. 1, the first day the drug became legal for adults to purchase. Several more are clinging onto life in local emergency rooms and are not expected to survive.

    “It’s complete chaos here,” says Dr. Jack Shepard, chief of surgery at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Denver. “I’ve put fifty college students in body bags since breakfast and more are arriving every minute.

    “We are seeing cardiac arrests, hypospadias, acquired trimethylaminuria and multiple organ failures. By next week the death toll could be more than 9000. Someone needs to step in and stop this madness. My god, why did we legalize marihuana? What were we thinking?”

    The New York Times reported that a 27-year-old Mexican named Escrado Valle, “crazed from injecting just one marihuana,” “ran amuck in a local hospital and killed six persons before he could be subdued.”

    The New York Times also chronicled the fate of an unfortunate family who happened upon the most sinister of herbs…

    A widow and her children have been driven insane by eating the marihuana plant, according to doctors, who say that there is no hope of saving the children’s lives and that the mother will be insane for the rest of her life.



    母亲和孩子们吃完这些植物两小时后,他们就被感染了。 邻居们听到爆发出疯狂的笑声,纷纷赶到房子,发现全家人都疯了。


    Will the trail of carnage left in the wake of this marihuana epidemic ever end?

    And remember, it’s important to know your tolerance before you eat your fentanyl patches.


    • 哈哈: follyofwar
  43. gsjackson 说:

    Allegedly (by Robert David Steele and the X22 Report) there are 50-80 percent false positives rendered by the tests. In their view this is a rather unlethal bioweapon intended to damage the economy enough that Trump will lose in November, and false positives are needed to keep the panic and economic collapse going.

    I never know what to believe any more, but this business is smelling more and more like a hoax. When was the last time a corporate media consensus on anything was in fact true? Serious question. While it’s rebuttable, the presumption always is that what they produce is agenda-driven propaganda, and nothing more.

  44. anonymous[326]• 免责声明 说:

    wow PAT you Missed IT…the key word IMMIGRATION before-after a pandemic…Open borders like Italy??? even ultraliberal Canada’Tradeu closing the borders….lets hear the DEMs antifa now???

  45. @asfg


  46. @lloyd

    正如另一个人在本网站其他地方的评论中指出的那样,这些“老年和慢性病患者”可能并不总是系统的“巨大消耗”,并且可能为此做出了自己的贡献,甚至更多。也许他们当前的健康问题就是这些贡献造成的。他们现在应该被注销吗 先验 然后像一袋发霉的橘子一样被丢弃?

    • 回复: @follyofwar
  47. @Sparkon


    根据伊利诺伊州的统计数据,已知病例总数从昨天的 585 例增加到 753 例。在这一新的总数中,近 73% 位于库克县/芝加哥。如果从库克、北部的莱克县和西部的杜佩奇算起,这个百分比几乎是 90%。



  48. 我们到底落后韩国有多远,只有在对数以万计的美国人进行检测之后才能知道,并且我们才能知道还有多少病例未被发现和报告。

    我会再添加几个零。据报道,韩国已进行了 6 万次检测。美国人口大约是这个数字的六倍。数百万人需要接受测试。

  49. @Franz

    Yes, that’s about it, in a nutshell. It won’t be worth it.

  50. follyofwar 说:
    @Three of Swords

    No they should not be written off. Still, a huge problem in America is that many of the elderly are too afraid of dying – and there is nothing more natural in life than dying. It happens to everyone. Some people, or their loved ones, insist on staying alive in nursing homes even though all hope is lost, and the only thing keeping them alive is high tech medicine. At some point death is a blessing, and people need to come to grips with that. Maybe this virus is nature’s way of telling those sick and elderly vegetating in nursing homes that they have lived too long and it is time to meet their maker.

    Former Colorado governor Richard Lamm put it more crudely when he said old folks “have a duty to die.”

    • 回复: @Three of Swords
    , @Anon
  51. Wally 说:

    But no criticism of Italy and Spain whose infection & death rates are many, many times higher.

    Trump declared a health emergency Jan. 31, stopped flights from China, no one else did.

    BTW, previous CV-19 tests elsewhere have shown to be highly inaccurate.


    • 回复: @nsa
    , @bluedog
  52. CCZ 说:

    “And always close the lid before flushing the toilet.”

    Here’s why you should always close the toilet lid before you flush: toilet plume, the dispersal of microscopic particles into the air as a result of flushing a toilet.

    “Research suggests that this toilet plume could play an important role in the transmission of infectious diseases for which the pathogen is shed in feces or vomit,” the scientists wrote in the American Journal of Infection Control. “The possible role of toilet plume in airborne transmission of norovirus, SARS, and pandemic influenza is of particular interest.” [American Journal of Infection Control, 2015]

    • 回复: @Sparkon
    , @follyofwar
  53. @follyofwar







  54. @Robert Magill




  55. Sparkon 说:

    Yes. Please see my previous comment here, where I talk about the toilet plume, and related issues:


    To summarize and expand a little on that comment, the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 responsible for the disease known as COVID-19 has been found in the stool of some patients.

    According to Chinese researchers, almost half of the infected patients in China were suffering from digestive tract disorders, including diarrhea, and that was their main complaint.

    A Purdue University air quality expert claims that “cruise ship air conditioning systems are not designed to filter out particles as small as the coronavirus, allowing the disease to rapidly circulate to other cabins.”

    Previously, Japanese researchers had found that the air in public restrooms is contaminated with aerosolized fecal matter from toilet plumes.

    Obviously, the best plan is to avoid entirely all public restrooms. In most of these, the crappers have no lids, at least in the U.S.A., and one must assume that virtually every hard smooth surface in a public restroom will be contaminated with little dew drops of doo doo.

    Could aerosolized fecal matter possibly carrying SARS-CoV-2 circulate through HVAC systems in some buildings?

    The journey that a virally infected droplet would experience to arrive back in an occupied space would typically include extended ducted air pathways, multiple changes in direction and air velocity, and multiple impacting surfaces including air filters, fans, dampers and grilles. There is a good likelihood that a particle would impact, entrain and dry on a surface.

    While published research on healthcare ventilation systems and scenarios suggests that the transmission of droplets containing viral material is theoretically possible in these situations, it is thought to be less likely in a well-designed and properly maintained typical HVAC system in a public setting.


    At home, always close the lid before flushing the toilet, and then immediately wash the hands, lower arms, and face with hot, soapy water. If you are lucky, no one else is using your toilet, even luckier if you are one of those people whose ship doesn’t sink.


  56. Ann H. 说:




    Of course. Americans like freedom! They are not like most colonized Canadians who prefer to obey, and remain serfs for the Ottawa’s mob.

    We, Quebecers, have to go on sites like UNZ or other American website to have our comments published. Otherwise all our posts are deleted by the CBC, Powercorporation and other BS MSMs who prefer to publish the opinion of Ukrainian, Kosovars, or any other mob or ”rebels” affiliated with Al-Qaeda in Libya and Syria.

    Thanks for being there, America. I’m sure you’ll get out of this ”crisis” long before servile, rampant, and dead-brain canadians.

    • 回复: @follyofwar
  57. SMK 说: • 您的网站


    If it takes years to defeat this pandemic, as Pat suggests, which is unlikely but not inconceivable, the economy will collapse into a depression far worse than the “great depression” of the 1930s in the mass disorder and violencea it will engender in large and medium-size cities with nonwhite-majority populations, unprecedented anarchy and riots and crime and mayhem which could only be ended by martial law enforced by the police and national guard and probably also the army and marine corp and all that that entails in respect to privacy and freedom and constitutional rights.

    This pandemic must be contolled, and defeated, in weeks, not months. And the borders must be closed to end an invasion of illegal aliens, especially from Mexico and Central American, and legal immigration must be ended or significantly reduced. If not, America as we’ve known it, and know it even now, is finished.

    • 回复: @Bahmi
  58. @Franz

    and the totally artificial amount of worldwide air travel, nine-tenths of which can be chalked up to numbskulls with more money than brains going off to places that don’t want them anyway and overcharge their dumb asses for the privilege.

    Yep. It might be a good thing if the airlines never recover from this disaster.

    Perhaps we need to explain to middle-class people that international air travel is not a basic human right.

    • 同意: follyofwar
    • 回复: @Franz
  59. @Chinaman

    我对美国的迅速解体感到好笑。 鉴于美国给世界带来的所有苦难,我忍不住有点幸灾乐祸

    I can’t help agreeing.

  60. @JimB

    Are you blaming all Italians for some of the very poor choices made by successive preceding Italian governments? I wonder if that standard were to be applied to the US, would it render all Americans morally culpable for the many murderous war crimes committed by their previous governments during the many military adventures?

  61. SafeNow 说:

    “…have lived too long and it is time to meet their maker.”

    You had me until the euphemism “meet their maker.”

    Two more humidifiers arrived here yesterday. I kept the Amazon box in the garage for a day, so that any viruses on the cardboard would die. Deployed them today. Not ready to die. I do hope to meet my maker. But in these times, no euphemisms. I speak plainly.

  62. @新苏格拉底

    30,000 名医生、护士等中的最后一名于昨天 3 月 21 日离开武汉,恢复正常生活。

  63. DaveE 说:

    I think it’s important to keep the big picture in mind when trying to assess the details. This whole contrived pandemic-panic is simply a precursor for 9/11 round two. But the “long game” for the zionists is to drive US to war with Russia, China and of course, Iran. Mutual annihilation of all the Goyim is the goal. World War III is the means to accomplish that vile Old Testament goal — of G_d’s Chosen taking control of “all the nations and all the affairs of men.” (Deuteronomy somewhere.)

    In order to do that, the zionists need to create a pretext to go to war with Russia or China. They already tried Russia with Mueller-gate and Impeachment-gate. Both flopped miserably and only succeeded in waking many up to the zionist agenda behind the wheel. So now the zionists must get serious about starting a war with China, hoping to draw Russia in later.

    The zionists have succeeded in convincing many Chinese that the US introduced coronavirus into their country, an act of war. They have also convinced many Americans of the opposite; that China introduced the virus to the US.

    So what’s next? There’s nothing too dirty or vile for these creatures, but I think they must be running out of options.

    IMHO the zionists will opt for their ol’ reliable standby, the False-Flag Terror Attack, this time to be blamed on China. They’ve tried almost everything else, it seems.

  64. nsa 说:

    It took your hero, Trumpstein, 6 weeks to cave and go full viral hysteric. Damn, come October wanted to see all those moms in N95 masks outside the White House gate chanting “Trump lied and granny died……Trumps lied and granny died….” in front of the nitwit cable news cameras.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @anon
  65. anon[261]• 免责声明 说:

    “all those masks” would reflect “the cunning of history” if they stymied all the surveillance cameras.

    However, since no one is allowed to travel, Hegel’s going to have to figure out a way to bridge that gap.

  66. Bahmi 说:


    • 巨魔: follyofwar
    • 回复: @John Johnson
  67. Bahmi 说:


    • 同意: DaveE
    • 回复: @DaveE
  68. Anon[214]• 免责声明 说:

    At some point death is a blessing, and people need to come to grips with that. Maybe this virus is nature’s way of telling those sick and elderly vegetating in nursing homes that they have lived too long and it is time to meet their maker.

    Or, don’t eat bats like cavemonkeys.

  69. anon[261]• 免责声明 说:

    all those moms in N95 masks outside the White House gate chanting “Trump lied and granny died……Trumps lied and granny died….”

    . . . oh to reproduce what that would sound like thru recycled masks, or masks helpfully stitched up by blue-haired DAR types pining for a reprise of scratching cotton to make gauze for “our boys on the Potomac.”

    try it — put something over your mouth and say “Trump lied granny died”

    “-rump eyed — rannee — eyed”

    America: the land of the addled and home of the brain-dead.

    Darwin update: evolution works backward once it meets the headwind of propaganda

  70. follyofwar 说:

    It’s pretty hard to always close the toilet seat when these low-flow toilets can’t digest a large dump, and have to be plunged (or snaked), and flushed 4 times before your toilet is finally cleared.

    • 回复: @NoseytheDuke
  71. Franz 说:

    Perhaps we need to explain to middle-class people that international air travel is not a basic human right.


    But I’ve known well-heeled libertarians who actually do think that way. The workers of the world didn’t unite, but the spoiled brats of the world did.

  72. follyofwar 说:
    @Ann H.

    Our governor has issued a shelter-in-place order, only “essential” businesses allowed open. And he has threatened us with more draconian actions to come. I just spent a beautiful afternoon outside walking on a brisk sunny day, and I never saw so many people out running and walking, teaching their kids to ride bikes, and playing tennis and basketball. I can’t recall seeing so many friendly people who went out of their way to say hello. If our clueless governor want everyone to stay home, it is clearly backfiring.

  73. DaveE 说:

    Exactly. There’s no such thing as a virus that’s both easily transmitted in air AND lethal-on-contact, as the media constantly tries to con you. For the simple reason that if a virus is happy in the air, we are constantly exposed to it and our bodies have long-ago developed the necessary antibodies to dispose of it. Conversely, blood-borne viruses that are very virile in the bloodstream (HIV, hepatitis, rabies) don’t survive more than a few minutes when exposed to things like air and sunshine, so we’re never exposed to them and therefore don’t have the required antibodies to expel them.

    So guess what? You’re being conned, folks. There ain’t no pandemic, and there never will be a pandemic that wipes out humanity. It ain’t even statistically possible. If it were, it would have happened a million years ago, already.

    Good nutrition, common sense and basic hygiene are more than enough to maintain a natural balance of things. And whatever you do, DO NOT let a zionist or their “useful idiots” stick a needle in your arm. If you do, you will probably find out what a truly lethal blood-borne virus can do and it won’t be pretty. But it sure as hell won’t be no stinkin’ “coronavirus” you caught from some Chinese person’s bad-breath.

    • 巨魔: Corvinus
  74. bluedog 说:

    And wally as normal is laying a turd on someones front lawn where the truth never sees the light of day, Trump was notified on the January 3 about the virus and his reply was its nothing to worry about go to work, go shopping, fake news fake news,he pissed away 3 weeks doing nothing, when he should have been shutting down the border and stopping flights,Its stupid people like wally that spend their time spreading propaganda and misinformation that cause much of the harm, in ways they are worse than the virus.!!!

  75. @Bahmi


    As if the Democrats would do any better. Let’s not forget that Biden and the media called Trump’s Chinese travel bans racist and xenophobic.


    民主党 *想相信* that White men are the problem so they only attract career politicians like Biden. White men with integrity and intelligence are not attracted to an ideology that demonizes them for being too unequal. Democrats value diversity over quality and everyone knows it. Well if hereditarians are right then they have major problems if we are talking about hiring the top .01%.

    Republicans have too many idiots in their ranks that think the “Free market” is everything. Half of them don’t even know what to think outside of what Fox tells them. This leads to deluded thinking and misplaced blame.


    • 同意: bluedog
  76. asfg 说:
    @Kolya Krassotkin

    Why are so hostile? I think Hillary is repulsive scum.

  77. @follyofwar

    Too much information, and probably too much fibre as well.



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