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巴黎恐怖袭击已经结出苦果。 一些想成为总统的候选人在对待“靴子”踩在地面上的美国士兵的生命上表现得多么不负责任,而另一些候选人则提议关闭美国的清真寺,建立拘留营,扩大“仇恨犯罪” ”立法,建立穆斯林政府数据库,发放穆斯林身份证,并提高政府监视所有公民的能力。 欧洲和美国也有人呼吁阻止来自中东的难民入境,并提议只接纳基督徒。 共和党总统候选人本·卡森 (Ben Carson) 称叙利亚难民为“疯狗”,一位德克萨斯州政客则将他们描述为响尾蛇。 希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的最高财政支持者以色列海姆·萨班(Haim Saban)呼吁对美国的穆斯林进行“更多审查”。 中央情报局局长 正在警告 更多的伊斯兰国恐怖袭击正在“酝酿之中”,这可能是真的,也可能不是真的,因为约翰·布伦南过去肯定对我们撒过谎,而且将来可能还会继续这样做。 联邦调查局 (FBI) 詹姆斯·科米 (James Comey) 显然反驳了他的说法,后者声称目前没有任何证据表明存在任何恐怖阴谋。

通常的不干预主义者人群 由...领着 罗恩·保罗和不在我后院的人 自由主义权威人士 认为,由于美国对中东的介入迄今为止一直是一场灾难,因此不可能重复失败的政策。 他们指出,新保守派的主要议程是代表以色列对穆斯林政府进行政权更迭,他们正在呼唤战争,如果他们站在一边,那么我们其他人就应该站在另一边。 在周日早间谈话节目中看到比尔·克里斯托(Bill Kristol)带着他的柴郡猫咧着嘴笑呼吁发动更多战争后,我不得不承认批评者是有道理的。

事实上,乔治·W·布什和巴拉克·奥巴马的外交政策都是灾难性的,但这并不一定意味着这一次不应该重新思考伊斯兰国的持续存在对地区和世界意味着什么。 。 即使是新保守派,如果人们忽视他或她的动机,偶尔也可能是对的。 上周二的 “华盛顿邮报” 新保守主义主导的舆论页面上的主要社论正确地指出,在愚蠢地主张优先驱逐叙利亚总统巴沙尔·阿萨德之前,当前的渐进主义和全面入侵之间存在许多“选择”。

并非巧合的是,这个公式正是以色列政府所希望的,并且准确地表明了新保守派的问题所在。 即使他们得到了近乎正确的意识形态,而以色列压倒了所有其他考虑因素,他们最终也会得到错误的答案。 以色列总理本杰明·内塔尼亚胡无疑对巴黎袭击感到高兴,就像他在 9/11 事件后一样,因为这让西方列强对伊斯兰发动战争,并掩盖了以色列对巴勒斯坦人的持续虐待,他带头真正相信尽管伊斯兰国所带来的威胁要大得多,但铲除阿萨德仍然是当务之急。

但首先,我们应该简短地审视一下 ISIS 为何与众不同。 伊斯兰国可以说是美国在入侵伊拉克后允许在中东发展的权力真空的产物,然后采取措施破坏叙利亚政府的稳定。 承认这一点,不干预主义者提出的不进一步干涉该地区的论点具有一定的说服力,但必须考虑伊斯兰国所代表的实际威胁,而不要陷入可能存在的威胁。

有人指出,如果没有巴黎的袭击,就不会有全世界对伊斯兰国的愤怒。 这是正确的,因为西方媒体及其本土同情心不可避免地在世界舞台上占据主导地位。 然而,伊斯兰国的绝大多数受害者是穆斯林,其中近八十人在巴黎会议前两天黎巴嫩和伊拉克的爆炸事件中丧生,另有数千名伊拉克人和叙利亚人被处决并埋在万人坑中。 还有俄罗斯客机坠毁事件,造成的死亡人数几乎是法国死亡人数的两倍。 此举几乎没有表达出任何团结,这又是对西方媒体主导地位的致敬,西方媒体将俄罗斯视为贱民,几乎不关心死去的穆斯林。

针对采取措施将伊斯兰国从其在叙利亚和伊拉克的“哈里发国”中驱逐出去的反对意见分为两类。 一是美国或北约领导的(相当于同一件事)的努力将代价高昂且没有结果,而在没有真正的美国利益受到威胁的情况下,其取得真正成功的机会可能被认为是值得商榷的。 其次是发生反击的可能性,即外国军队进入叙利亚和伊拉克领土只会进一步破坏该地区的稳定。 同样,如果以什叶派为主的军事力量(伊朗、黎巴嫩和伊拉克)参与其中,那只会导致更多的宗派冲突,因为伊斯兰国是逊尼派运动。 这两种反对意见都表明,无论如何,来自中东的恐怖主义将继续存在,而西方支持的新的对阿拉伯中心地带的入侵将激励许多原本不坚定的穆斯林支持伊斯兰国,因为它将被视为伊斯兰对敌对欧洲人的正义抵抗和美国人。

让我们承认恐怖主义不会消失。 它是弱者的武器,被剥夺了对抗强者的权利,并且至少在名义上处于控制地位,因此它将永远伴随着我们。 无论如何,即使在警察国家,任何社会的完全安全也是不可能的。 如果伊斯兰国被击败并被剥夺了某种家园,它就会分散并通过特许经营权运作,就像基地组织在美军和北方联盟征服阿富汗后所做的那样,而助长中东恐怖主义的根本原因是彻底粉碎由于华盛顿和以色列发起的战争,整个地区的国家权力不会很快消失。

那么,如果美国对中东和南亚的干预已被证明是灾难性的,并且恐怖主义不会结束,为什么这次会有所不同呢?情况有所不同,因为伊斯兰国已无法再被遏制。它已经能够提升其游戏水平,从地区性的混乱根源转变为真正的国际威胁,能够将恐怖分子的骨干派往欧洲并迫使数十万难民逃离家园。这并不是说“伊斯兰国”能够推翻任何西方政府,但其在全球范围内发动恐怖袭击的能力,包括击落客机以及对千里之外拥有先进安全设施的城市同时发动多次袭击的能力,已经改变了游戏规则。它能够利用它所造成的移民和难民危机,将其支持者散布到欧洲各地,想必包括美国在内的其他地方。事实上,尽管由于多种原因(例如与中东没有陆地边界以及相对同化的穆斯林人口),美国成为比法国更困难的目标,但作为一名前情报官员,我很清楚没有目标是不可能的。离得很远。最近的新闻报道讲述了 逮捕 洪都拉斯的五名叙利亚人试图持被盗的希腊护照前往美国。一旦潜在的恐怖分子进入美国境内,就有一个相当大的优势,因为很容易获得武器弹药,而且到处都可以找到由大量平民组成的软目标。



叙利亚和伊拉克的主权必须恢复 必要条件 一旦伊斯兰国被驱逐,因为该地区普遍不稳定的原因是缺乏合法的政府权威。通过谈判解决叙利亚问题,最终将在稳定的框架内缓解阿萨德的离开是至关重要的,这可能是由俄罗斯人发起的。与此同时,那些持观望态度或公开资助和怂恿伊斯兰国的国家 — — 这意味着沙特、一些海湾国家和以色列 — — 应该认识到他们当前政策的愚蠢之处。他们应该受到压力,要么不介入冲突,要么最终认识到自己的真正利益所在。至少,他们的虚伪和不人道应该被揭露。

我以一名坚定的反干涉主义者的身份写下以上所有内容,否则我相信美国打的最后一场真正好的战争于 1781 年在约克镇结束。在我看来,如果不是伊斯兰国这样的邪教和世界末日般的组织改变了恐怖主义的范式,真正将“恐怖”重新带入其中,情况仍然会如此。即使是基地组织也没有将数百名囚犯排成一排并处决他们,也没有活活烧死人并斩首。它没有杀死七十名无助的雅兹迪老年妇女,然后将她们扔进集体坟墓,因为她们在带着年轻妇女充当性奴隶时“毫无用处”。我确实相信伊斯兰国既是一种令人憎恶的东西,也是一种全球威胁,所有国家都应该联合起来镇压。如果我们现在不采取行动,威胁不会消失,只会变得更糟,更多的美国人、欧洲人和阿拉伯人将不可避免地因此而死亡。

忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. joe webb 说:

    here’s how: All Isis suspects (that means who have been watched for some time, etc.) are deported, with tattoos on their feet for future identification.





    Any Muzzie found with , horrors…seditious texts, etc…to be deported, in other words no free speech for them.

    所有穆兹都将获得一张免费的回家单程票。 他们可以拿走他们的财产。

    Any and all threats of public disorder or violence…deported summarily.



    All muzzies to attend Western Propaganda 101 courses. If they disparage western standards like free speech…deport them without further ado.

    换句话说,镇压。 如果这不起作用,就会出现针对他们的大规模暴力行为。

    我是第一个指出以色列人和他们在美国的代理人是所有这些问题的根源的人。 然而,现在对此无能为力。

    I also note that Arab or Persian Strong Man rule is the norm for Orienetal Despotism. Therefore any attempt to ‘build democratic states’ is a fools’ errand or jewish subbversion.


    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Fran Macadam
    , @KA
    , @bunga
  2. Maj. Kong 说:

    The best scenario for the U.S. is to negotiate with Assad to make him a client state of Russia only, and not Iran. Supposedly that’s why fmr. Speaker Pelosi visited Damascus in 2007.

    Failing that, an Iranian ground intervention, or an invasion of Iranian-supported Iraqi Shias, will happen when ISIS can’t be defeated from the air. Hezbollah is tapped out, anything further and their domestic enemies will do them in.

    Syrian and Iraqi sovereignty must be restored as a sine qua non once ISIS is expelled since the pervasive instability of the region has derived from a lack of legitimate government authority.

    That is a clear mistake, Syria and Iraq are artificial states that don’t reflect ethnoreligious realities on the ground. Their borders serve the interests of a long ago British Empire, to prevent the Turks from becoming powerful again, which has now failed.

    I believe that the increase in ISIS plots in the West is indicative of failure on their part. They want to raise a distraction from their home territory. When ISIS emerged after the capture of Mosul, they were encouraging Muslims in Western countries to join them in the Middle East, not carry out attacks at “home”.

    The proper domestic solution for the US and other Western countries, is to shut down all immigration. That would avoid the argument of “discrimination” against a particular religious group. The religious minorities should be armed, not admitted. When this war dies down, we should begin repatriation.

    • 回复: @Quartermaster
  3. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Russia appears to be the only sane force opposing the diabolical machinations of the Western decision makers. The Chinese are ball-less with low T. Europe (East and West) is America’s bitch and will do what America wants. To use an analogy of this relationship, America is like the Playboy Mansion, with stained carpet, 80’s decor, and a 90-year fart gobbling Viagra to get an unnatural hard-on to pretend he can satisfy the 20-something money-grubbing whores who still flock there expecting to get a lot more out of the relationship than they, well, put out.

    Now that’s a war room! Inside Russia’s fortified triple-decker operations base sitting on a maze of secret tunnels where Putin masterminds strikes on ISIS

    • 回复: @Drapetomaniac
  4. Leftist conservative [又名“ radical_centrist”] 说: • 您的网站

    if the West were to shut down immigration, pull our troops and money away from the middle east, then ISIS will go away.

    Also, who cares? ISIS is just a media boogeyman being used by corp/gov/media as propaganda to create more war propaganda.

    Who cares about the Big Bad ISIS? Not me.

  5. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Fair analysis. I think ISIS needs to be wiped out and that starts by allying with Russia and becoming cooperative with Iran and Shi’ite forces to wipe out extremist groups like AQ, al Nusra and IS. Once those groups are levelled by shelling, troops and sea-to-land bombardment, Assad needs to be retained, and Iraq needs to have some symbolic Head of State, probably a Baathist again, but one whose cabinet is made up of both Shias and Sunnis.

    Those pre-requisites are critical. We also need to be tougher with Qatar and the Saudis in their financing of Wahabbists and Salafists who end up at the top-tiers of ISIS or AQ.

    Finally, Europe needs a completely shut immigration policy, turning back boats like they did in Australia (successfully) and closing all southern and eastern borders with higher levels of customs security. Those who come here illegally are detained and deported to refugee camps in Lebannon, Jordan, or Turkey. The Gulf States also need to be pressured to take some refugees from neighbouring countries.

    I would like to take Christian refugees but it’s difficult to prove if they are or not. Many pretend to be Christians and are actually hard-line Islamists. So the solution is far from simple but one is required nevertheless, and my view is to close the borders.

  6. “没有任何问题可以从创造它的同一水平的意识中解决”-艾尔伯特爱因斯坦

    I think that quote is at the core of the ISIS problem. Clearly it is the current western leadership and its apparatchiks created the problem if ISIS according to this declassified 2012 Defense Intelligence Agency report:

    Then (2012) Defense Intelligence Agency boss General Mike Flynn speaks to the very same document (to al-Jazeera)


    General Flynn clearly states the rise of ISIS had been, in his thinking “willful” and a “policy decision”

    The Turks shooting down a Russian combat jet on the border of Syria this morning (while raising the specter of NATO) hardly points to any change in policy concerning the overthrow of Assad in relation to combating ISIS. Why does Assad have to go at this point? Maybe its because the powers who’ve destroyed Syria are, at this point, terrified of consequences over what they’ve done if Assad were to remain. However nonsensical (stupid actually) was the employ of ISIS to overthrow Assad, they will want cover for what has transpired to now. That said, cowards don’t make particularly effective leaders.

  7. alexander 说:


    You are absolutely correct…we need to stop ISIS….and a global effort based on cooperation between the US and Russia will likely have the most powerful , durable effect.

    Will that happen ?..I doubt it.

    The second most potent tool to stop ISIS would be to track down every “funding source” for ISIS in the US…that would mean going after every known “advocate” for “regime change “in Syria and Iraq to begin with.

    Since that may well include all “The Clean Break “strategists who championed using proxy forces to roll back Syria from the get go…..at the top of the list, would be many members of AIPAC ,Most Neocon’s and more than a handful of their billionaire backers ..

    Will that happen ?…..I doubt it .

    The third most potent tool for taking the fight to ISIS…would be to “actually” remove “Hezbollah” from our ‘terror watch list”… “arm” them to the teeth..and let them go to work. ..They are, without doubt, the most hard nosed, grittiest and skilled fighters in the region ..They would go after ISIS with a vengeance…..and my guess is we would see results, very fast.

    With Russian logistical support for the Syrian Army coming from the East… US logistical support for Hezbollah coming from the West…and all funding for ISIS cut off in the middle… …we would be mopping up most of ISIS inside of one year…

    Will that happen ?…….I doubt it.

    Since the three most “effective” ways to defeat ISIS, that I can see :

    – Arresting all the” Syria regime changers ” ( who sponsored ISIS ) and their” funding” sources in the US,

    – Thorough cooperation with Russia on every viable level ,

    – “de-listing, “unchaining” and equipping “Hezbollah” and letting them go hog wild on ISIS,

    are, in fact, the three things “least likely” to happen…..

    we should all be prepared for a long , hard , very stupid , and very expensive slog.

  8. “Tightening the ring around ISIS means including all the local players without exception – Syria, Lebanon, Hezbollah, Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan and Iraq as well as Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States. ”

    No, first on the menu is the local players on Western soil. Stop the undertow of Muslims into Europe and the United States and Canada. Then, clean out the players here, on Western soil. It is beyond clear Muslims are a hostile, hateful menace. Even those that don’t do the deeds cheer on and support and finance those Muslims that do perform their ugly deeds in the name of Islam. They are a collective lost cause. These are facts. Deport them without prejudice, eliminate all resistance, remove them in ruthless fashion from First World populations. Just make it so. Saudi, Kuwait, Syria, Iraq and others these folks are THEIR problems but instead, we’ve taken the problem, a deadly one, onto our own soil into our own midst. Just look what the cost.

    No other solution bears inspection. Why bother waiting for the threat to come up the walk to your front door when the threat is already inside the house? It’s that simple. Otherwise, and maybe this decision has been made, accept the fact that we’re going to have to take a beating once in awhile.

    • 回复: @Fran Macadam
  9. neutral 说:

    ISIS is supported by Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia, unless you tackle those countries first, nothing can be achieved.

  10. geokat62 说:

    Meanwhile the countries sitting on the fence or openly financing and egging ISIS on – which means the Saudis, some Gulf States and Israel – should be made to understand the folly of their current policies.

    Phil, doesn’t this get at the heart of the larger question: should the US be pursuing the neocon strategy of remaking the ME in an effort to make the jungle a little safer for the villa?

    Isn’t IS a sub-plot of this larger story? If so, why not tackle the bigger issue, head on?

    If they “should be made to understand the folly of their current policies,” then I’d recommend going “whole hog.”

  11. geokat62 说:
    @joe webb

    I am the first to note that the Israelies and their agents in the US are the root cause of all this problem. However, nothing can be done about that now.

    So rather than dealing with the root cause, as you rightly identified it, we have no other recourse than to treat the symptoms with band-aid solutions?

    我说美国人民在行使“人民力量”并在总统费迪南德·马科斯(Ferdinand Marcos)的宫殿上游行要求他辞职时,需要向菲律宾人民学习。 或者前苏维埃共和国的人民团结起来要求结束专制统治。


    And they should all carry placards with the following proposals for ending Zionist rule:

    6. 必须将酷刑实施者绳之以法



    PS必须将乔治·W·布什政府的主要成员以及布莱尔和主要的新保守派/以色列第一人绳之以法,以对伊拉克发动侵略战争的罪行绳之以法。 领先的Neocon /以色列第一等奖者的名字是:

    亚伯兰·舒尔斯基(Abram Shulsky)
    道格拉斯·菲斯(Douglas Feith)
    朱迪思·米勒(Judith Miller)
    戴维(David)和梅拉夫(Meyrav Wurmser)
    艾略特·艾布拉姆斯(Elliot Abrams)
    艾略特·科恩(Eliot A.Cohen)
    Charles Krauthammer
    大卫·霍洛维兹(David Horowitz)
    肯·波拉克(Ken Pollack)
    沃尔特·斯洛科姆(Walter Slocombe)
    珍妮弗·鲁宾(Jennifer Rubin)
    约书亚·穆拉夫奇克(Joshua Muravchik)
    丹尼尔·派珀斯(Daniel Pipes)


    布鲁斯·杰森(Bruce Jessen)
    阿尔贝托·冈萨雷斯(Alberto Gonzales)
    蒂莫西·弗拉尼根(Timothy Flanigan)
    约翰·里佐(John Rizzo)
    杰伊·比比(Jay Bybee)
    里卡多·桑切斯(Ricardo Sanchez)

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @joe webb
  12. geokat62 说:

    A few more addenda:


    • 同意: Orville H. Larson
  13. What all those unattached young men, those future jihadiis need, is girlfriends. They inhabit a part of the world that has an enormous man-woman problem. I suggest the situation be defused with an insertion of a bevy of hookers, no, no, I mean escorts. Sensual, available, nubile young women who for a fee, a generous one, provide human comfort to a generation of restless, frustrated young men.
    That sort of proactive subversion coupled with removal of Western influences from that unhappy region might save the day. And more than a few lives.

  14. This Is Our Home [又名“罗伯特·雷迪格” 说:

    Phillip Giraldi’s worldview:

    1. Invade the world invite the world, to spite Israel.

    2. Destroy Europe to spite Israel.

    3. Destroy America to spite Israel.

    Basically, as long as it is to spite Israel then he backs it.

    Sensible, sane Europeans and Americans must disagree. We should ignore Israel, save our militaries for self-defence and protect our homelands from colonisation.

    Geokat’s worldview: ‘Europeans and Americans go away and kill yourselves and take Israel down with you so that my people can take your stuff with no effort.’

  15. @Maj. Kong

    Sikes-Picot was a serious mistake post WW1. Even the Ottoman kept what we called Iraq as 3 separate provinces, and for very good reason. Sad to think an Ottoman Musloid Caliph had more sense than the highly educated westerners that destroyed the Ottoman Empire.

    • 回复: @This Is Our Home
  16. This Is Our Home [又名“罗伯特·雷迪格” 说:

    Sikes-Picot was a serious mistake post WW1. Even the Ottoman kept what we called Iraq as 3 separate provinces, and for very good reason. Sad to think an Ottoman Musloid Caliph had more sense than the highly educated westerners that destroyed the Ottoman Empire.

    It made perfect sense for ‘divide and rule.’

  17. Rehmat 说:

    I’m sure Mr. Giraldi knows the answer. Remove the Zionist cancer from the area, and all the regional bloodshed would stop in no time.

    The US vice-President Joe Biden, a blind supporter of Israel in his own words (watch a video below), has finally admitted that Washington has no problem with Iran’s nuclear program. It wants a regime change in Tehran because that’s what Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and powerful Jewish lobby groups in the US want.

    “The only thing that would satisfy (US-Iran nuclear) deal opponents including Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is “a regime change” that could only come with US power,” Biden said in September 2015 in an address at the Ahavath Achim synagogue in Atlanta.


  18. 美国已将自己定位为彻底的两面派,以便该地区的每个人或在那里发挥作用的每个人都知道,至少有一个象征性的“名单”,每个人都将最终发生政权更迭。其中包括沙特阿拉伯、俄罗斯和伊朗。因此,没有人有动力帮助美国创造有序的条件,让政权更迭计划能够顺利进行。尽管发生了这一切,美国坚持要求阿萨德必须下台,因为我们帮助点燃了炸毁叙利亚的导火索。这是我们的行动方针,与伊拉克、乌克兰和其他地方也一样。我们毫不掩饰我们的长期计划。政府和非政府评论员通常将伊朗或俄罗斯等任何潜在的有效盟友视为最终必须对付的敌人,即使他们说暂时可以使用它们。我们撒谎的、欺骗性的政府,一心要进行全面的“全方位”军事统治,如果所谓的敌人是指造成最大伤害的人的话,它已经成为世界的敌人。自赛克斯-皮科事件以来,西方国家(包括以色列)的政策直接导致中东地区有 9 万人流离失所,但 11/2014 事件的加剧就证明了这一点。 XNUMX 年以色列在美国的全力支持下袭击加沙,伊斯兰国获得了多少兵力和新兵?除非美国在北约伙伴的援助下对穆斯林和其他政府的开放季节停止,否则反对美国军事统治及其自愿盟友的全球叛乱将在全球范围内持续不断增长,无论有多少人或谁的“靴子在地面上” ”在叙利亚,除非美国不参与其所有阴谋并允许有机解决,即使阿萨德的盟友参与其中,而这些盟友现在被认为比美国更诚实

    • 同意: Orville H. Larson
  19. Sherman 说:

    “Some wannabe presidential candidates”


    The folks Giraldi is referring to are already presidential candidates. They are not “wannabe” presidential candidates.

    This sentence makes no sense, just as most of Gialdi’s analysis makes no sense.

  20. ISIS is supported by Israel, Turkey, and the gulf states all of which are supported by Washington. All “we” have to do is withdraw “our” support and ISIS will be completely destroyed by the Russia/Iran alliance. Unfortunately, Imperial aggression around the world including the Middle East will continue until the Empire collapses from it’s own stupidity.

    Now the Turks have entered the war against Russia in Syria. I take this to mean that Washington is willing to go to war with Russia (and China) to achieve it’s mad dream of ruling the world by force of arms. The American people have no say in this matter. We can pray. We can duck and cover. That’s about it.

  21. RobinG 说:

    Turkey Downs a Russian SU-24 Jet Fighter

    Instead of effectively cooperating against DAESH, our presumed ally Turkey is shooting down the Russians. This is a big move in the wrong direction.


  22. Rurik 说:

    due to wars initiated by Washington and Israel, is not going away any time soon.

    … ISIS can no longer be contained.

    Russian warplane is shot down by Turkey


    ISIS can not be contained because the Zio-west are using them as their pawns and storm-troopers in their, by now, obvious agenda

    So I consider ISIS to be a genuine threat that must somehow again be contained or even pushed back

    how about we just stop funding and arming them?

    It’s clear that ISIS exists because our leaders them to exist. Israel is already drilling in the Golan Heights, Turkey demands the Hatay Province. ISIS is obviously a tool of greatThe Zio-Agenda

    If the Sunni states can pull together a reliable ground force to do the job, … on ISIS to hasten its eventual demise.

    the Sunni states love ISIS. That’s were all the sub-human head slicers are coming from. ISIS is funded and manned in large part by the Sunni states. Why would they want to harm the vanguard of their own deeply held aspiration – the Gadhafi-like lynching of the hated Assad and the wholesale slaughter of his Alawite tribe and assorted Christians and apostates?

    Syrian and Iraqi sovereignty must be restored as a sine qua non


    And a negotiated settlement for Syria that will eventually ease the departure of al-Assad within a stable framework is essential, possibly godfathered by the Russians.


    so now you’re also demanding that ‘Assad has to go’?! What about the Syrian people? Do they have a say?

    Meanwhile the countries sitting on the fence or openly financing and egging ISIS on – which means the Saudis, some Gulf States and Israel – should be made to understand the folly of their current policies. They should be pressured either to keep out of the conflict or finally recognize where their real interests lie. At a minimum, their hypocrisy and inhumanity should be exposed.

    once you get rid of Assad and Israel claims the Golan it’s mission completed, then they’d have little reason to continue this monstrous charade

    I do believe ISIS to be both an abomination and a global menace that all nations should unite to suppress.

    I agree Mr. G.,

    but ISIS is our (Zio-western) creation. They exist for the express purpose of removing the legal government of Assad. It is because Putin’s Russia is protecting that government that (with NATO backing) Turkey (apparently) just shot down a Russian plane.

    this could get ugly

    and the battle lines are thus

    Israel wants the Golan Heights, that’s why they’re aligned with the Sunnis and Turks who all have their own less than noble agenda. The west will do whatever Bibi and the rest of the Zionists like Bill Kristol demand. That is clear.

    So now this conflict is getting closer and closer to Master-Blaster on one side, and Putin and Assad and sanity and International Rule of Law (that I’m nostalgic for) on the other.

    • 回复: @Karl
  23. @Robert Magill

    Yeah, and I know of a chick with suitable talent–Monica Lewinsky! She could pleasure would-be jihadiis just as she pleasured “Blow Job Bill” Clinton.

  24. joe webb 说:

    for your pleasure, google Uncle Sam and Joe Webb and see my avatar Uncle Sam with his sign, ” I want you to die for Israel”, and, “Israel sings: Onward Christian Soldiers.”

    This helped in the early 2000’s to destroy the SF nitwit peacenik innocence and their showing up for the peace/love marches organized by Trotskyist ANSWER (Jewish Becker Bros ). The peaceniks were at instructed by thousands of leaflets that uncle Sam distributed detailing the whole deal, starting with the neocons. This continued for about 3 years.


    PS, we are a couple years away from people marching on Washington/jews with pitchforks.

    Furthermore, I am for total evacuation of muzzles from Europe, just as I am for same with meters here. However, we are still a couple years away from that.

    I do thank Nature however for mexers as opposed to muzzies or Congolese, etc.

  25. joe webb 说:

    from American Renaissance, Nov 20. news section

    “According to the Reuters survey, 58 percent Americans say they “don’t identify with what America has become.” While Republicans and Independents are the most likely to agree with this statement, even 45 percent of Democrats share this feeling.

    More than half of Americans, 53 percent, say they “feel like a stranger” in their own country.

    strangers in a very strange land.

    correction above to muzzies and mexers. pretty soon spellcheck will be programmed to purge anything hateful…hoo boy.Joe Webb

  26. Unfortunately Phil your armchair is not the one the neocon civil generals are pitching their war from. John Bolton has today an editorial in the New York Times in which he specifically calls for the elimination of much of Syria and Iraq. That the area happens to be Islamic State gives legs to the theory that the west has not really been interested in defeating ISIS so much as trying to use it as a stalking horse through less than all out attacks only in certain areas that threaten western holdings. I recall Putin’s comments that his “partners” seemed to be enabling it so it would accomplish regime change aims, without a clear plan on how they were going to eliminate it once it had accomplished its purpose for them. Now that Turkey has intentionally shot down a Russian jet attacking ISIS, something which is hard to believe could have occurred without consulting NATO and the United States for permission, it becomes clear, just as Ash Carter put it last week, that Russia is our adversary and ISIS is not a threat.

    I sympathize with your intent, which if as you describe, it were actually to happen that way. But it won’t. It’s like Just War Theory which defines why and how a war is to be declared and conducted. The reality is that there hasn’t been a single one waged that ever followed those precepts. Obviously those waging war have their plans and justifications. It’s ironic that the derision over Saddam’s comments about “the mother of all battles” is looming now, driven in a major way by his Ba’athist officers who are ISIS’ commanders.

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @Kiza
  27. @joe webb

    “I also note that Arab or Persian Strong Man rule is the norm for Orienetal Despotism. Therefore any attempt to ‘build democratic states’ is a fools’ errand or jewish subbversion.”

    From your agenda, I see you favor despotism and strong arm tactics here as well, the overthrow of our democracy and constitution. What a tangled Webb you weave.

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
    , @joe webb
  28. @Anonymous

    Pithy, thanks. A better description of the current situation than almost all of the billions of words written about it previously.

    I would only add that what is occurring is no better or moral than when the dupes couldn’t VOTE. Thanks VOTERS for endorsing the absolute insanity that is government. Your misshapen mindset aligns nicely with the misshapen mindset of your Lords and Masters.

  29. @Robert Magill

    Sort of move Paradise from the afterlife to the here and now?

    • 回复: @RobinG
  30. @Jim Christian

    “Jim Christian” :

    Dude, you are about as Christian as Judas.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
    , @geokat62
  31. joe webb 说:

    Having just finished my re-read of the Iliad, I wonder about the ancient northern hunter-gatherers, the subsequent meeting up with near east farmers, and then finally the meeting-up with the Indo-Europeans who were basically tough guys with military based social organization, and relative egalitarianism, as in military careers open to talent, all of whom per Kevin MacDonald’s talks and his work on a new book, interbred to form …


    I am not at all clear on the putative Indo-Europeans. I have understood that they were probably out of the same cradle around present day Ukraine, that sent Latins and Greeks south about 1 to 2 thousand years before Christ.

    This is a great subject and could be addressed by Mr. Frost and others who are pretty well informed .

    There was a story yesterday on new DNA evidence in this regard (NYT ). This evidence puts man in Europe earlier than was commonly believed…about 41000 years ago.
    My re-read of the Iliad seems to place Mycennae and Troy, etc. in the category of these military societies. High Individualism, martial spirit, and Personalism…that is, Law comes from the personality of the top guy, who must possess substantial human relations skills to keep it all together. Priam remarks that he had 50 sons…19 as I recall by his wife, and the rest by concubines. Daughters are unremarked . my kind of guy.

    Now instead of Hectors, we got femi-commies and eunuchs, and some of the latter are even on this list.


  32. Andrei Martyanov [AKA“ SmoothieX12”] 说: • 您的网站

    Now that Turkey has intentionally shot down a Russian jet attacking ISIS, something which is hard to believe could have occurred without consulting NATO and the United States for permission, it becomes clear, just as Ash Carter put it last week, that Russia is our adversary and ISIS is not a threat.

    Fran, even Kissinger conceded that the main goal of the West is to break Russia.


    Nothing new here, the same as the fact that most “Western” media are supporting, sometimes openly, often tacitly, terrorism as long as it is directed against Russia. The real reasons for that could be a very interesting subject of study but this issue doesn’t get much traction in “academe” for a number of reasons. I do disagree, somewhat, with your assessment of the “war theory”, since contingencies are precisely what true military and intelligence professionals are dealing with;-) It is fascinating, though, to observe how the whole “western” circus is being unmasked.

  33. RobinG 说:
    @Fran Macadam

    The Paradise fantasy doesn’t involve camp-followers. Stick to your own myths.

    Much as Sophie tries to steer to dumb stereotypes, Atran holds his course:
    ISIS sings the same tune Hitler did, promising Utopia in the end – Terrorism researcher

  34. Jim 说:

    The sensible policy for Europe to follow is to stop any further immigration of Moslems and begin expelling the Moslem population in Europe back to where they came from.

    It is all very well to destroy ISIS but they will just be replaced by another group. Islam and the West are fundamentally incompatible.

  35. RobinG 说:

    What would it take to just get this thru committee? (If Turkey hasn’t already made this irrelevant. Was the shoot down approved, or ordered, by US/NATO?)

    Reps. Tulsi Gabbard, Austin Scott Introduce Legislation to End Illegal U.S. War to Overthrow Syrian Government of Assad
    2015 年 11 月 19 日

    Washington, DC—Today, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI) and Rep. Austin Scott (R-GA), both members of the House Armed Services Committee, introduced H.R. 4108, a bipartisan bill to end U.S. efforts to overthrow the Syrian Arab Republic led by President Bashar al-Assad.

    Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, a twice-deployed combat veteran, said the intent of the bill is to “Bring an immediate end to the illegal, counter-productive war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad.”

    Rep. Tulsi Gabbard explained,“The U.S. is waging two wars in Syria. The first is the war against ISIS and other Islamic extremists, which Congress authorized after the terrorist attack on 9/11. The second war is the illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad.

    “The war to overthrow Assad is counter-productive because it actually helps ISIS and other Islamic extremists achieve their goal of overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad and taking control of all of Syria—which will simply increase human suffering in the region, exacerbate the refugee crisis, and pose a greater threat to the world. Also, the war to overthrow Assad is illegal because Congress never authorized it.”

    Congressman Austin Scott said, “Our primary mission should be the war against ISIS, al Qaeda, and radical Islamic extremists that have operations both inside and outside of Syria and Iraq. Those groups have carried out attacks on American allies, and are currently threatening attacks on our homeland. This represents a clear and present danger to our citizens, and I support eliminating these radical Islamic terrorists through any means necessary. Working to remove Assad at this stage is counter-productive to what I believe our primary mission should be.”

    Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said, “Here are 10 reasons the U.S. must end its war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad:

    1. Because if we succeed in overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad, it will open the door for ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other Islamic extremists to take over all of Syria. There will be genocide and suffering on a scale beyond our imagination. These Islamic extremists will take over all the weaponry, infrastructure, and military hardware of the Syrian army and be more dangerous than ever before.

    2. Because overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad is the goal of ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other Islamic extremist groups. We should not be allying ourselves with these Islamic extremists by helping them achieve their goal because it is against the security interests of the United States and all of civilization.

    3. Because the money and weapons the CIA is providing to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad are going directly or indirectly into the hands of the Islamic extremist groups, including al-Qaeda affiliates, al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham, and others who are the actual enemies of the United States. These groups make up close to 90 percent of the so-called opposition forces, and are the most dominant fighters on the ground.

    4. Because our efforts to overthrow Assad have increased and will continue to increase the strength of ISIS and other Islamic extremists, thus making them a bigger regional and global threat.

    5. Because this war has exacerbated the chaos and carnage in Syria and, along with the terror inflicted by ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups fighting to take over Syria, continues to increase the number of Syrians forced to flee their country.

    6. Because we should learn from our past mistakes in Iraq and Libya that U.S. wars to overthrow secular dictators (Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi) cause even more chaos and human suffering and open the door for Islamic extremists to take over in those countries.

    7. Because the U.S. has no credible government or government leader ready to bring order, security, and freedom to the people of Syria.

    8. Because even the ‘best case’ scenario—that the U.S. successfully overthrows the Syrian government of Assad—would obligate the United States to spend trillions of dollars and the lives of American service members in the futile effort to create a new Syria. This is what we have been trying to do in Iraq for twelve years, and we still have not succeeded. The situation in Syria will be much more difficult than in Iraq.

    9. Because our war against the Syrian government of Assad is interfering with our being one-pointedly focused on the war to defeat ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the other Islamic extremists who are our actual enemy.

    10. Because our war to overthrow the Assad government puts us in direct conflict with Russia and increases the likelihood of war between the United States and Russia and the possibility of another world war.”

    Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard said, “To destroy ISIS will take international alliances. If we are serious about defeating ISIS and solving the refugee problem, we’ll work in partnership with Russia, France, and anyone else who is serious about destroying ISIS and affiliated Islamic extremist organizations worldwide.

    “The problem is, because the U.S. is trying to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad and Russia is supporting the government of Assad, it is impossible for us to have an effective, cooperative relationship with Russia in our mutual fight against ISIS. Our focus on overthrowing Assad is interfering with our ability to destroy ISIS.”

    “We must immediately end the illegal, counter-productive war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad and ally ourselves with any countries willing to focus on destroying the Islamic extremists who pose a genuine threat to civilization,” Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard concluded.

  36. annamaria 说:

    Why was Turkey so comfortable and self-assured when shooting the Russian plane fighting ISIS? Upon shooting down the plane, Turkey had first contacted NATO, leaving a question: who are the Turkey handlers at NATO? And let’s see how the US and Israel address the situation when a supporter of ISIS – Turkey – attacks the enemy of ISIS – Russia. For now, the US, EU, and Israel site with Turkey: http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/nationworld/ct-turkey-russian-plane-20151124-story.html
    It seems that the War of Terror has never been the war on terror but a war on the US’ taxpayers’ pockets and on human rights. The “collateral damage” has been growing

    • 回复: @Rurik
  37. ISIS is something to bomb. It is the perfect enemy for our war profiteers. It is weak and evil. The Sunni Arabs are going to reign in the terrorist as much as Israel is going to reign in their settlers. All the great powers including the US and Russia are too chicken to deal with these states as they deserve. I stopped taking things seriously at that part in the article. We might as well put our faith in god or ask Santa to make ISIS go away. If people in the Middle East value their lives they’d be heading to Western Europe. No one is going to drop bombs on them there.

    ISIS is the creation of the Neocons when they fired the Iraqi government and put the Shia in power. It is the product of American intervention in Syria and Libya. It is the product of the Sunni Arab policy goal of destroying the Shia and their allies. ISIS provides a reason for the US Empire to loot the American treasury. Why would our war profiteers want to kill off this lucrative boogeyman?

    On a serious note. How many dead Russian soldiers killed by NATO does it take to start World War III?

  38. Sam Shama 说:

    I passionately agree with nearly every word you wrote here. I would like to offer a few additional observations:

    For the limited engagement (air support and logistics to local actors) that you propose, it is imperative that a citizens’ movement in this country in the form of an organised internet petition, possibly supplemented by a march to Washington (as geokat suggested) should have a core set of demands:
    (a) No American direct involvement in the war that is unfolding under any circumstances unless a recognised state actor provides legitimate 宣战 [the chances of which are remote]

    (b) The UR provides a great forum for Americans to get educated on the matter, but it might be difficult for many to glean the basic factors which affect the immediate objectives at hand, viz. prophylactic actions against a war.

    (c) All citizens directly write to their Congressmen and Senators on this website to forcefully urge them to endorse this viewpoint on the website as a permanent public record. This would act much like a public referendum on the matter.

    (d) Urge Congressmen and Senators to stop any and all incitement against Muslims in this country [the UR is plastered with so much bile including articles that propose reverse-engineered rubbish like ‘Terrorism Quotients’ etc.]

    (2) Saudi Arabia and its salafist partners in the Gulf are hell-bent on destroying Syria, eliminating Russian/Iranian influence [this is an old fight after all] that they seem totally oblivious to their budgetary situation, which is already showing incredible strain with the price of oil hitting lows as they keep defending its peg to the USD like a cornered animal. That peg will break within 1 or 2 years at most. This will cause havoc in the ME, as the princes will scuttle their country and the 萨拉菲主义者 will gain.

    I propose another website (possibly hosted by Unz Review, for which I am willing to contribute to the utmost of my abilities and urge others to consider it as well) in which American citizens unreservedly tell the Saudis, Turks and Israelis to come to their senses, retrace their steps and know in no uncertain terms the mind of the American public.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  39. @Fran Macadam

    Well, Fran, it’s my last name. Nonetheless, what isn’t Christian about defending the culture? We Christians have been down this road before, this is an ugly undertow that seems to back up into the drain every 1000 years or so. Said undertow’s removal circa-600AD, I believe, enabled the modern age, so while I WISH and WANT (like the French) for the undertow to assimilate, I know the opposite is reality. And so, a culture that wants to protect itself must eliminate the undertow.

    Not that I run around playing Christian (except at the butcher and baker when I write the check), but what is un-Christian about that, Fran?

    Uh-oh, are yew one-a-them Leftee-feminists? Is that your objection?

    • 回复: @Fran Macadam
  40. Qasim 说:


    一些评论者已经提出了赛克斯-皮科协议。 如果要找到任何决定性的解决方案,或许就必须解决问题的根源。

    例如,如果西方为土耳其吞并叙利亚开了绿灯怎么办? 并向他们提供数十亿美元购买必要的武器并遣返难民?

    土耳其和埃尔多安将部分复兴他们的奥斯曼帝国并推翻令人憎恨的阿萨德。 大多数逊尼派将由他们的共同宗教徒和一个相对繁荣的国家统治。 土耳其人也将有充分的理由彻底消灭伊斯兰国。 只要阿拉维派的安全得到保证,这似乎是双赢,不是吗?

    纵观历史,边界一直在变化。 在我看来,二战后的精神,即它们在很大程度上应该保持不可侵犯,就像扑灭西方国家公园里每一场森林火灾的政策一样。 它只会导致落叶不断堆积,直到一场巨大的大火几乎烧毁一切。

    • 回复: @greysquirrell
    , @Fran Macadam
  41. @Fran Macadam


    Your level comments are welcome in a more typical environment of western male ego priapism found in this forum. Noting yourself as one of the few sane voices in this venue, I’ll offer some proposed insight:

    When the middle east was ‘decolonized’ (in name only) there were artificial boundaries left behind resembling those of the American Indian reservations where tribes with a long history of mutual animosity were forced into cohabitation. Secular strongmen kept a lid on the religious animosity between Shia and Sunni (the main and most problematic rivalry) in a region with an otherwise naturally decentralized body politic represented in various tribes and clans with local tradition of authority. There is no nation state tradition per se in the sense we know in ‘the west.’

    The folly of attempting to impose western style (liberal) democracy on what amount to artificial entities to begin with (‘states’ comprised of arbitrary, colonial era drawn borders, incorporating peoples with longstanding differences and simmering animosities) is certain to see profound consequence. As much as it might be an undesirable short term and self-centered interest of less than noble parties to break these artificial entities up, the reality is any previous delicate balance has been so deeply compromised and poisoned, and the historic animosity between the areas indigenous rivals so stirred, there is no going back to the old status quo. ‘All the king’s horses and all the king’s men won’t put this humpty back together again.’

    In the short term, America’s neo-cons (and neo-liberals) have, in a sense, won. But what? No one can predict where, when or what is going to come of this incredibly stupid gambit where the attempted overthrow of Assad was so great a fascination of converging, short-sighted interests, to go so far as to knowingly allow, nay, actually make that fostering, the rise of Islamic State.

    Sunni Iraq is de facto broken off from Shia Iraq, Sunni Syria is effectively broken off from Alawite and Christian Syria and the Kurds, the largest stateless ethnic group in the world, is a wild card determined to have what they should have been allowed in the beginning, their own nation-state. Most Kurds are in Turkey with sizable populations in Iraq, Iran and Syria. Kurd national aspirations trump their largely Sunni religious affiliation. Erdogan, reflecting a long time Turkish chauvinism in relation to other ethnic groups, has destroyed what little rapprochement had been accomplished with not only its own Kurdish population, but has alienated the Kurds of Syria and Iraq.

    Phil’s ‘destroying ISIS but how?’ has to take the long view where all of these complications are in play. Turkey, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Qatar all might give lip service to reasonable solution but the only solution they actually desire is Assad’s ouster and a compliant puppet to replace him. Meanwhile, the western powers have so much ego invested, they can hardly stand to turn a new page if they can’t write the script, although the ‘chickens come home to roost’ in Paris might have slapped some sense into Hollande, but we won’t know that for certain right away.

    That sole, overarching fact is, international law and the United Nations, based in western traditions, are no match for the forces released with the meddling in this region by the the no less than incredible stupidity of the western powers leadership. When the dust settles, let’s just hope it’s not radioactive –

    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @L.K
  42. Rurik 说:

    Turkey had first contacted NATO, leaving a question: who are the Turkey handlers at NATO?

    I doubt Turkey was the one to place the phone call. I don’t think someone there said, ‘hey, the Ruskies are killing our mercs, and it’s pissing us off. Can we shoot down one of their planes’?

    Rather, I suspect that at the highest levels of Zio-NATO, some typical thugs were thinking of the best way to punish Putin since blowing up the Russian jet didn’t seem to make much of a dent. So probably this guy

    called this guy

    and told him to have his crew take out a Sukhoi

    then he probably called John Kerry and told him what they’d decided to do

    It seems that the War of Terror has never been the war on terror but a war on the US’ taxpayers’ pockets and on human rights.

    The War on Terror is a war on any and all resistance to greater Zionism, which intends us all to eventually be treated like the ultimate terrorists themselves; the Palestinians.

    Already we have the check points and Israeli trained brutal and murderous police and a total surveillance state. Already we have rendition and torture camps and assassinations of American citizens by drone or otherwise if they are deemed a “terrorist”. Even sixteen year old American boys.

    Already millions of Iraqi and Syrians and Libyans are Pakistanis don’t know when the Hellfire missiles will rain down from the sky on their wedding or funeral if a guest is a known “terrorist”

    And if anyone objects to the tactics of the War on Terror, then that makes them a terrorist too.

    They know there’s going to be resistance as the rest of the world are increasinlyg going to be treated like Palestinians. I was listening to the radio earlier saying that France has become an absolute police state following the Paris attack. Perhaps it was a French 911 in more ways than one. Perhaps it will be used to put invisible chains on the French people and crack down on any resistance to the state.

    Resistance to the state is terrorism. And the War on Terror is a war on any who might resist the absolute power of the (Zio) state.

    that is what the Project for a New American Century is all about

    • 回复: @annamaria
  43. @Qasim

    叙利亚逊尼派以阿拉伯人为主,他们绝不会接受被土耳其人统治或被吞并。 沙特与英国结盟,击败了控制沙特阿拉伯大片地区的逊尼派奥斯曼帝国。 你还必须考虑叙利亚和伊拉克库尔德人,他们不希望土耳其扩大其领土。

    • 回复: @Qasim
  44. RobinG 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    Did you hear Obama’s remarks on downed jet today? A thinly veiled “Russia got what they deserved and there’s more where that came from if they don’t stop bombing ‘our’ rebels.”

    It looks like he’s endorsing the Turks. I didn’t here any regrets. Call for more coordination means, ‘Do what we tell you.”

    As far as radioactive, with all the depleted uranium the US uses,, the dust of the fertile crescent is already contaminated for millennia.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  45. Kiza 说:
    @Fran Macadam

    It is not a “stalking horse” then a Trojan horse, Fran.

    The West is using ISIS as a Trojan horse, as a justification for smashing Syria up. In other words, the West will go into Syria to fight ISIS and it will end up fighting the Syrian Government and the Russians.

    I have been predicting Turkish and Israeli army moving into Syria since ISIS attacked Paris. ISIS had its chance to bring down the Syrian Government, now ISIS, Al Nusra and other “US moderate terrorists” have to move aside for the big boys to finish the job. This shoot-down is to provoke Russia to respond, which would then give Casus Belli to the Coalition of the Sponsors of Terrorism. It is Russia against Israel, US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and possibly the rest of NATO: UK, France, Germany, Italy …

    All the rest is simply the floating stuff in the Western MSM sewerage channels. The Western cattle are being dragged into this war by the nose ring because the Western rulers are not able to manage their own countries without pillaging foreign countries. They create money out of thin air and then go steal someone’s property to justify the existence of the new money (thus “create” assets such as oil, water, arable land).

  46. Rurik 说:

    Turkey’s Erdogan schools us all on international protocols and norms as they concern short-term border crossings

    Turkey PM Erdogan issues Syria border warning

    “A short-term border violation can never be a pretext for an attack,” he told Parliament at the time.

    Mr Erdogan spoke of Turkey’s “rage” at the decision to shoot down the F-4 Phantom

    ‘Disregard for international norms’

    In a statement, the alliance’s 28 members said the shooting down of the plane was “unacceptable” and they stood together with Turkey “in the spirit of strong solidarity”.

    Nato Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen said: “It is another example of the Syrian authorities’ disregard for international norms. Nato allies will remain seized of developments.”

    Earlier, in a letter to the UN Security Council, Turkey described the shooting down of its reconnaissance plane as a “hostile act” and “a serious threat to peace and security in the region”.


    • 同意: Kiza
    • 回复: @L.K
    , @Kiza
  47. The reality is that ISIS is doing Holy work:

    1. The destruction of the remnants of Arab Christendom
    2. The destruction of the Shiite Arabs
    3. The destruction of Secular Arab culture

    The Jews number one enemy for the past 1800+ years has been middle eastern Christians. Whereas the Jewish-Muslim conflict is basically a political one over the Land of Israel, the conflict with the middle eastern Christians is racial. Middle Eastern Christians have been waging war on the Jews for over 1800 years and hence are destined for complete annihilation. It is imperative that Jews support ISIS in their Holy mission of cleansing our region of this filth.

    ISIS is also battling Shiites and Secular Arabs, who while not racial enemies like the Arab Christians, are still enemies who should be destroyed.

    Is ISIS itself an enemy of the Jews? I don’t think they necessarily are. They are religious, not nationalist, so they will be more likely to accept Jewish sovereignty over the totality of the Land of Israel, also they know that they need our support to protect them from the Russians and Iranians.

    Certainly the rapes and tortures that ISIS carries out are deplorable and their terrorism against the West must cease, but they are still serving a very important purpose within the region itself.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Karl
    , @schmenz
  48. geokat62 说:
    @Fran Macadam

    Dude, you are about as Christian as Judas.

    “Dude”? Fran, I didn’t think you had it in ‘ya… I like it.

  49. annamaria 说:

    The US have been ruled by the faux elites made of money-changers and war profiteers. The proud nation has been reduced to a political brothel.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  50. joe webb 说:
    @Fran Macadam

    how did you knot up your brain to come up with that one?..not twists, just knots.

    “Overthrow our democracy and constitution”? You’re an idiot.


    PS I guess my sarcasm is lost on the simple-minded. The Arabs are not capable of democracy, meaning elections, etc. The reason for that is their 85 average IQ, and their clan/ tribe based social organization which precludes larger circles of Trust, large enough to make a nation-state possible.

    They are also part of the Magian Culture Area, which is totalitarian in White and Western terms, magical thinking oriented, incapable of Principled thinking outside of religion. Principled thinking includes the ability to think about the principle as well. Muzzies, and probably most Arab Christians as well, but I dunno here, Believe Totally, and without any critical or doubt type mental process.

    As for the Webb I weave …another idiot statement. There is nothing tangled in an evolutionary perspective. It is arguably incorrect, possibly, but so simple in conception and in application as to avoid the traps and confusions of all Philosophy and Religious clap-trap.

    Tangled…gibberish is what non-evolution based thinking and speaking is.
    The worst I can be called is a “biologistic” reductionist. There could be something in that. However the genes carry enough material to be beyond any simplistic conception or Idea.

    Therein lies the possibilities of high emotional functioning, or what some call “spirituality.” Trouble with those folks in my experience is that they are usually on the dumber side, and are in large fact deficit. You name it…they usually don’t know. Probably like you.


    • 回复: @Fran Macadam
  51. @Jim Christian

    “Nonetheless, what isn’t Christian about defending the culture?”

    The culture I’m surrounded by is not only anti-Christian, it is effectively contraculture. One of Secretary of State’s Kerry’s favorites is Masha Gessen, the woman “wed” to another woman, who lamented that “unfortunately, for now, bombing Moscow is off the table.” She has made no bones about the objective of her cohort, now culturally and politically ascendant, is to not just redefine marriage, but abolish it. Now a major part of the animus is not the lack of democracy in imperfect Russia (which doesn’t bother these folks in regard to unsavory allies) but that it is illegal to distribute propaganda extolling perversion to children. Massa is not affected, being an emigre and having adopted a child who is captive to being taught her own views.

    I am, however, all for defending lives. I would support defending Christian culture, and do, but that is not the majority culture nor is it the one being propagated.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  52. annamaria 说:
    @Greasy WIlliam

    ISIS has committed zero hostile actions towards Israel.

  53. @Qasim

    “As long as the Alawites are given guarantees for their safety, it seems like a win-win, no?”

    The only ‘guarantor’ of that safety in play is the Assad government.

  54. annamaria 说:

    “A thinly veiled “Russia got what they deserved and there’s more where that came from if they don’t stop bombing ‘our’ rebels. … It looks like he’s endorsing the Turks.”

    The shooting seems as an active support for Mr. Ash Carter’ threats towards Russia. It is highly doubtful that Turkey would have ever dared to attack the RF if not the US encouragement. The US/Israel need ISIS (Daesh). ISIS is the US/Israel’ creation (and an expensive one) and the Russian attacks on ISIS have been causing a tremendous distress to the deciders in DC and Tel-Aviv.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  55. annamaria 说:

    A total disgrace:
    “Rather than rebuke Turkey, a NATO member, for its reckless behavior – or express sympathy to the Russians – Obama instead asserted that “Turkey, like every country, has a right to defend its territory and its airspace.” It was another one of Obama’s breathtaking moments of hypocrisy, since he has repeatedly violated the territorial integrity of various countries, including in Syria where he has authorized bombing without the government’s permission and has armed rebels fighting to overthrow Syria’s secular regime.
    … Obama, during the news conference, seemed more interested in demonstrating his disdain for Putin, referring to him at one point by his last name only, without the usual use of a courtesy title, and demeaning the size of Putin’s coalition in helping Syria battle the jihadist rebels. “We’ve got a coalition of 65 countries who have been active in pushing back against ISIL for quite some time,” Obama said, citing the involvement of countries around the world. “Russia right now is a coalition of two, Iran and Russia, supporting [Syrian President Bashar al-] Assad.”
    However, there have been doubts about the seriousness of Obama’s coalition, which includes Sunni countries, such as Saudi Arabia and Turkey, which have been covertly supporting some of the jihadist elements, including Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front and its ally, Ahrar al-Sham.”


  56. Qasim 说:




    如果叙利亚逊尼派的其他选择是受到阿拉维派的压迫或被伊斯兰国的精神病人统治,我们确定他们仍然会拒绝土耳其的霸权吗? 我想知道。



    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  57. @joe webb

    Take some advice from namesake Jack Webb as Sgt. Friday and stick to “Just the facts, Ma’am”!

  58. L.K 说:

    Rurik, good point about the turkish jet shot down by Syria in 2012.
    Most egregious double standarts. Plus, the turk jet was really up to no good.

    Obviously enough, Turkey(and all the others; US, Israel, France, UK, Saudis, Catar, Jordan,e tc) have been fighting an illegal proxy war against Syria since day one.

    I generally like Mr.Giraldi’s writings but this time his analysis has been terribly flawed and, in fact, largely disconnected from reality.

    Rurik, you have written some very good criticism of Mr.Giraldi’s article. I’ll try adding a few more points later.

    Also, there should be a LOT MORE discussion on the leaked DIA document, former DIA Chief Michael Flynn statements and various wikileaks cables which prove beyond a doubt the US engineered, long ago, the overthrow of the LEGITIMATE Syrian government.

    The U.S. did not just turn a blind eye to the issue of its allies creating DAESH/ISIS but, as the Defense Intelligence Chief General Flynn stated, took a “willful decision” to facilitate this.

    The DIA document states:


    先前(在7 B中)列出了“支持力”:

    “Western countries, the Gulf States and Turkey”

    By Western countries one should understand this to be mainly(but not only) the USA, UK and France.

  59. Karl 说:

    >>> Israel wants the Golan Heights

    West Golan became Israeli territory proper – two generations ago. All along, up till now, the Golani Druze have been VERY careful to not become any serious nuisance to the IDF. The Golan Druze have been less rock-the-boat-y than leftists in TelAviv. It is of utmost importance to know that the Druze religion does NOT lend itself to any craziness, as 85% of the tribe is not even allowed to study the liturgy or “gospels”. It `is a VERY hierarchical religion. We will NOT be seeing any change in this percolating up from below, as this rule allows young Druze men to easily “get away” with violating nominal rules like – ban on alcohol, ban on dating non-Druze girls, travel to the fleshpots of Europe/NorthAmerica/Thailand

    In recent months, the Golani Druze are opting to adopt Israeli citizenship. It went from a drip, to a trickle, to a small but constant stream. The possibility of doing well by (e.g.) attending medical school in Damascus, etc, are just a memory now. A Syrian passport is rather worthless nowadays! Whereas with your Israeli passpoft, you can do exciting things like make off-the-books money in kiosks in American malls, fuck American mall-rat sluts, etc.

    A few weeks ago, the Druze battalion was indicated for dis-establishment as part of some over-all defense budget trims. Israeli Druze youth nowadays speak Hebrew so well, that they prefer to select more status-y straight-Hebrew battalions. It’s better for job networking, post-conscript duty. It gets you into nicer villages that are closer to the upper-crust of Industrial parks – less commute time. When you marry and settle down – Israeli law allows the town councils of villages & small townships to VOTE on who may buy property there-in. If the City Assessor’s kid does Reserve duty alongside you- it helps a lot.

    For the same financial reason, the Chief of Staff requested to dis-establish the Beduin Trackers unit. This unit is fabled – the request might not fly.

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Rurik
  60. L.K 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    “Sunni Syria is effectively broken off from Alawite and Christian Syria”

    This is NOT true. Even Lattakia is mostly Sunni. The majority of the Syrian armed forces and paramilitaries are Sunni as is most of the Syrian government.
    Le Figaro poll: Over 70% want Syria’s Assad to remain in power
    Obviously this includes large numbers of Sunnis and this has been true from the start as revealed by the Guardians J.Steele.
    Here is the Syrian government: Bashar Al-Assad – Alawi, Asmaa` Al-Akras-Al-Assad, First Lady – SUNNI, Dr. Najaah Al-‘Attaar(a woman) – Vice President – SUNNI, Waleed Al-Mu’allim – Foreign Minister – SUNNI, Dr. Faysal Miqdaad – Deputy Foreign Minister – SUNNI,
    Maj. Gen. Muhammad Ibraaheem Al-Sha’aar – Interior Minister and heads 3 security services – SUNNI , Lt. General Fahd Jaassim Al-Furayj – Defense Minister – SUNNI, Lt. General Talaal Tlaas – Deputy Defense Minister – SUNNI, Dr. Waa’il Naadir Al-Halaqi – Prime Minister – SUNNI, ‘Abdullah Al-Ahmar – Deputy Secretary of the Ba’ath Party Pan Arab Command – SUNNI, Lt. General ‘Ali ‘Abdullah Ayyoob – Chief of the Syrian General Staff – ALAWI, ‘Umraan Al-Zu’bi – Minister of Information – SUNNI, Dr. Bashshaar Al-Ja’afari – Syrian Permanent Delegate to the U.N. – SUNNI, Muhammad Jihaad Al-Lahhaam – Speak of the Parliament – SUNNI, Maj. General Muhammad Mahalla – Director of Military Intelligence – SUNNI,
    Maj. General Nazeeh Hassoon – Director of Political Security – SUNNI, Lt. Gen. Ali Mamlook – Special National Security Adviser to the President – SUNNI, Dr. Buthayna Sha’baan – Special Advisor to the President on Foreign Affairs and the Palace spokeswoman – ALAWI.

    So much for the “Alawi regime”.

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @KA
  61. Karl 说:
    @Greasy WIlliam

    >>> our region

    post a scan of your teudat-zehoot, or STFU and go back to your EBT card -funded cheetohs

    The IDF ===publishes== its own edition of the New Testament, for swearing-in Christian recruits.

    The Aramaic Maronite church in Galilee receives an annual allowance from the Israel Ministry of Religion. Its priests are fully sanctioned to solemnize weddings.

    • 回复: @greysquirrell
  62. geokat62 说:

    Karl, Hasbara has become much less effective thanks to the Internet.

    Here are just two case in points:

    West Golan became Israeli territory proper – two generations ago.

    “Israel passed the Golan Heights Law extending Israeli law and administration throughout the territory in 1981. This move was condemned by the United Nations Security Council in UN Resolution 497, which said that “the Israeli decision to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights is null and void and without international legal effect.” Israel states it has a right to retain the Golan, citing the text of UN Resolution 242, which calls for “safe and recognised boundaries free from threats or acts of force”. However, the international community reject Israeli claims to title to the territory and regards it as sovereign Syrian territory.”

    In recent months, the Golani Druze are opting to adopt Israeli citizenship. It went from a drip, to a trickle, to a small but constant stream.

    Approximately 10% of Syrian Golan Druze have accepted Israeli citizenship.

  63. Kiza 说:

    Your’s is by far the best post on all comments boards I have seen since the incident:

    Erdogan: “A short-term border violation can never be a pretext for an attack,” he told Parliament at the time. Mr Erdogan spoke of Turkey’s “rage” at the decision to shoot down the F-4 Phantom. ‘Disregard for international norms’”

    Let me quickly summarize the Western MSM propaganda sewerage channels:
    1) The initial Western sewerage was taken from Turkish “news”, that the Russian plane fell into Turkey, this was quickly changed once it became obvious that the Russian plane was shot-down over Syria and fell 4 km away from the border.
    2) The next sewerage through the channels was that the Russian pilots were killed by Turkmen. Now these “Turkmen” are actually Al Nusra (Al Qaeda) armed by the US, even with the state of the art TOW missiles, which were used to shoot down a Russian rescue helicopter and kill its pilot. Insistence on their nationality instead of their terrorist affiliation is a diversion from the fact who killed the Russian pilots – the direct US terrorist proxies in Syria.
    3) The initial Turkey sourced “news” was that the Russian plane, according to Turkish radar did circles and circles inside Turkish airspace, spending 6 minutes, during which time 10 warnings were issued to the Russian plane. This “news” also disappeared and was replaced with an “airspace violation by Russia”.
    4) The latest Western sewerage is the attack on Russia for “excessively aggressive talk”. Russia, suck it up, shut up and behave.

    BBC is, as usual, the loudest dog in the Western alliance, the same BBC which was so outraged at the shoot-down of the Turkish F4 which deeply and deliberately penetrated the Syrian airspace a few years ago.

    • 回复: @Kiza
  64. RobinG 说:

    Speech of the Chief of the Main Operational Directorate of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces Lt.Gen. Sergei Rudskoy on provocative actions of the Turkish Air Force

    Five minute speech includes,
    “Now the General Staff is elaborating additional security measures for the Russian airbase.

    First: All the activities of the attack aviation will be carried out only under cover of fighter aircraft.

    Second: Air defence will be reinforced. For that purpose, the Moskva cruiser equipped with air defence system Fort analogous to the S-300 one will go to the shore zone of Latakia. Russian Defence Ministry warns that all the potentially dangerous targets will be destroyed.

    Third: Contacts with Turkey will be terminated at the military level.”

  65. Kiza 说:

    Ok, here is an update on the Western sewerage MSM channels.

    The MSM propagandists have gotten ahead of themselves. The Western power structure decided to dial down the temperature of the sewerage in its propaganda channels. Russia is not being blamed for the “violation” any more, all such articles have disappeared from online editions and have been replaced with “both sides are to blame”, “both sides should calm-down”.

    It is obvious that the Western power structure believes that the Russian leadership has not reached the bottom of its stupidity yet – there is still room to fool the Russians into a “Coalition for fighting ISIS”. It would be the Coalition of the Sponsors of Terrorism repackaged into the “Coalition for fighting ISIS”. Good luck Russia with that.

    Does Russia realize that all three Russian pilots (including one rescue helicopter pilot) were killed with US made guns, bullets and missiles (the anti-tank TOW missile against the rescue helicopter), supplied to the “moderate” head-choppers (Al Nusra/Qaeda “Turkmen”) directly by the US!!!!!!!

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  66. @L.K

    Secular Sunnis in an internal political arrangement contrasted to the reality of the sectarian nature of what’s actually happening on the ground is something you overlook. Looking forward, in the case of Assad’s removal, there is past example of reality; where are Saddam’s Sunni officers post ‘regime change’? Look no farther than ISIS. And that 70% of Syrians poll … where do you suppose it was conducted? Exterior to Assad’s sphere of control? I doubt it (and the expression ‘statistics don’t lie’ is probably the biggest lie since virgin birth.)

    • 回复: @L.K
  67. @Fran Macadam

    Concur, Fran. I suppose the culture has surely moved on from Christianity, the majority of us anyway. But Fran, I survey the culture of the United States that I joined the U.S. Navy from in 1976 and compare it to the culture of 2015 and I can assure you, my patriotic pangs have flown. We are beset with a culture very different and self-destructive to its own interest and the interests of 1/2 the population in favor of the other half. The land is worth defending, the children, certainly not the women who have named men monsters and the culture “Rape”. Such critters do not deserve defending, so I would not serve our armed services again.

    Maybe I took this attitude when it became a sin of the Patriarchy to hold a door open for a woman or offer a seat on the Metro to a lady, acts of chivalry, not chauvinism. Culture. When one’s culture begins to hate one, one tends to feel less fuzzy. As for the “social issues”, women and men and how they interact in the bedroom, that is all peripheral. But when the fighting/defensive arm of your culture (men) is beset with insult from within by the women of that culture we men are a little less warm and fuzzy about defending the womenfolk. Issues for another day, but perhaps instructive.

    On the street however, I would fight. When monsters with guns appear from no where and kill with impunity, someone had better be available to fight, the citizens themselves. Isreal could offer good examples. In the U.S., and in both cases in Paris recently, the police are mostly for mopping up the aftermath. Now, in America, I am armed. In Paris, maybe they should rethink the laws that make France a most draconian anti-gun society, a society where the Muslims are armed to a level surpassing the local police.

    Culture (including your land and cities) either is or is not worth defending and cultures, their ruling classes and their citizens had better make decisions quickly about what will be defended and what surrendered/tolerated. This does not end well.

    Cheers, Fran

    • 回复: @Fran Macadam
  68. @Jim Christian

    I was a staunch Cold Warrior who served on the civilian side of the industry/military collaboration through the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association. Once the Cold War ended, I was thoroughly disillusioned as the corporate side began selling advanced systems to totalitarian governments to make up for the wind down and the peace dividend. I feel a lot of us true believers have been betrayed by a corporate side that was never loyal to any principle other than maximum profit – to the detriment of most Americans.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  69. @Kiza


    Russia surely realizes the sources of the weaponry. They will cope. In Iraq, our troops were blown up, our efforts ruined and wasted by the products of Russian and Iranian weaponry. It goes on to this day. Saddam’s weapons were surely consumed in short order, yet for ten years against our troops and all the years since, against each other after our departure, the weapons, explosives and detonators flow, the wars go on.

    Russia understands, we understand. Nothing personal, just business. And like every group of fools dipping their oar into the turmoil of Middle East warfare, we and they always think we will get away clean, our “goals” will be met without being drawn into the tar pit. Russia is merely the latest.

    The war for Russia is to prop up their client, Assad as a favor to Iran, Russia’s best customer for all the toys of war. But as for the “war” against ISIS, the war is not there for the West, certainly not on the ground. The war against ISIS is back home against an embedded enemy in our midst that strikes at the time and place of their own choosing. One can argue that on your own soil it is war, or it is a law enforcement issue, but the trouble for the West is on our own soil. It is not paranoia. They really are trying to kill us. And our President refusing to recognize the issue is not of assistance. But then, he never has, no surprise there.

    This does not end well. Actually, this will not end, ever.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Kiza
  70. @Karl

    The Israelis have been trying to create a wedge between Christian Palestinians and Muslim Palestinians , so not surprising they would try to entice Christians and make some outward signs of tolerance towards Christianity. Yet covertly the Israeli government does its best to hinder Christians. It just can’t be seen to do it openly because American evangelicals would start to question their support for Israel.

  71. @Fran Macadam


    Ah yes, Cold Warriors, simpler times. I was a carrier flight deck rat in an A-6 Intruder squadron aboard Nimitz 76-81. Fast planes, crashes, Russian trawlers, Iranian Hostage rescue that rescued no one, but that was Carter’s Navy and the beginning of my hatred of Islam and Iran. We were asking for big trouble letting them get away with that and Islam has delivered in spectacular fashion. At least we patrolled the Mediterranean then. Pummeling Syria would be a simpler issue with carriers in the Med off the Syrian Coast with heavy tactical air, 200 miles from their targets. If you control the skies, you eliminate misunderstandings of the untidy sort that occurred yesterday between Turkey and the Soviets, err, Russians. But you cannot control the skies when your air assets are in Saudi and Kuwait 1200 miles from the targets and theater in general. You need tactical air operating off carriers in close off the Mediterranean coast of Syria, period.

    Problem is, we don’t use our carriers for war anymore, they’re pier side offices for the employment of single mothers who refuse to go to sea and as you said, for arms manufacturers to enrich themselves. Look at the carrier-based F-35 program for evidence. Like our lady-sailors, we have spent billions on the F-35 for a useless, non-operating, non-deployable resource. Four carriers in Norfolk and their associated squadrons in Oceana, Virginia Naval Air Station and even with tactical air from carriers so badly needed at this juncture, they are unavailable, not mission capable. The problem is, what to do with the children of the single mothers that make up the crew in Naval Aviation today? They won’t deploy, they will not go aboard if the ship is leaving.

    What serious person supports this? Our military is a jobs program for single mothers and wealthy arms manufacturers. We could easily cut up half our carriers, because why support these ships when they cannot be used? But then, how would we support the single mothers of Naval Air? Major problem and only you and I, here, are discussing it. No one mentions the juxtaposition of heavy-presence carrier-based tactical air in-close to the theater vs the present strategy of long-range stray bombing runs with no overall control of the theater. Carriers could solve all this if only they could put to sea. The Naval Air Emperor wears no clothes and there is no one noticing.

    Good Day, Fran. I concur, but these are sensitive issues and discussed at pay grades far higher than ours. But here at the grass roots, people are thinking and discussing and this is good. Here’s hoping some of it catches an influential eye somehow. An excellent subject for Mr. Trump to take up. “President Obama, where are the carriers”? At least force them to admit the truth of Naval Aviation that exists today.

    • 回复: @Fran Macadam
  72. Jason Liu 说:

    How many westerners does ISIS kill per year?

    In the context of civilization vs civilization, the West vs Islam may be worth discussing. But if that were the case, then there’s no reason why the discussion should be limited to terrorism.

    Barring that, most of the west’s problems are internal.

  73. annamaria 说:
    @Jim Christian

    “Nothing personal, just business.”
    Actually, the whole “War on Terror” (14 years and ticking) has been about getting personal. See Bush’ wet kisses with Saudi princes and see the overwhelming presence of Zionists (Israel-firsters) among the US decision-makers and main propagandists.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  74. Kiza 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Jim, you better talk with your Fran, she is your match. I am not tolerant of your BS: the Russians supplied weapons to the Iraqi resistance????

    In Iraq, our troops were blown up, our efforts ruined and wasted by the products of Russian 和伊朗人 武器.

    I wish. Just another exceptionally brainwashed vet Murican with straw instead of a brain! If you had any brains you would have never joined the US military to be a human killer drone. What the hell are you blabbering about?

    The war for Russia is to prop up their client, Assad as a favor to Iran, Russia’s best customer for all the toys of war.

    You are criticizing Russia for selling weapons to Iran from the US, the biggest seller or weapons in the World??? The seller of weapons to the most vile regimes in the World, such as the Saudi!?
    I will ignore your BS in the future, go play with yourself.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
    , @schmenz
  75. @Jim Christian

    The President himself has invoked “beyond my pay grade” as an excuse for why the buck doesn’t stop at his desk. I no longer believe in the benign world policeman theory – it’s all about what policies the donorists buy from the politicians and then have a kind of Pinkerton mob deployed as enforcers. All those years when we denied the obvious, simply because it was the calumny of the enemy, that there is such a thing as American imperialism. That’s where the bucks end up.

    None of it is in service to the security of our people or to spread democracy abroad. Empire undermines all our old liberties. Whatever has been lately fought for, is in no way preserving liberty at home. Invade the world – invite the world, the inevitable degradation of every empire that ever was – quickly the enemy of the domestic tranquility necessary for living in peace and freedom. But our leaders are all clueless now, addled in their rainbow light shows as much as they are in their pre-emptive and counterproductive military strategies. I’m afraid that it is well beyond all their paygrades.

    • 回复: @Bill Jones
  76. @annamaria

    Well, between the (relatively) gentlemanly agreements between men of honor during the Cold War, arrangements between Russian Air and trawlers and U.S. Navy carriers, agreements and protocols between the Soviets and Americans in the air war over Vietnam in which both sides lost pilots and planes by the hand of the other. Also, the cat and mouse games under the ocean surface between submarine forces, some of which resulted in the loss of ships and crews, even those were gentlemen bumping each other, nothing personal. These arrangements, agreements and protocols prevented skirmishes and contact from erupting into a nuclear war. Nothing personal, keep your cool. And so they did.

    As for Islam, AnnaMarina, I could not concur more heartily. Islam vs the West is a dirty business. We’re searching for a gentleman’s agreement, some honor, some way not to have to kill them all, but there is no honor under Islam. Iraq is a good example. When they don’t have Americans to murder, they kill each other. Now, they have Soviets in place to kill. I fully expect Soviet soldiers to start being killed via the IEDs and bullets in the back that menaced our troops, courtesy of their new “allies”, the Syrians. There is no honor, there is no give and take. It’s all certified under the Koran, including rape of children. The Muslim culture is tailor-built to do murder, it is savage and the only way to deal with it is to sink to their level. Sooner or later, it’s us or it’s them. The sooner we own up to this truth, the sooner we get on with what needs to be done.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  77. Kiza 说:

    There are two opposite explanations for this shoot-down of a Russian bomber by the Turkish fighter jets:
    1) a remaining anti-Erdogan faction in the Turkish military wanted to challenge Erdogan’s hold on power by involving him into a fight with Russia,
    2) Erdogan’s son is the key oil smuggling player on the Turkish side and this is a revenge for Russia destroying recently some 1000 oil smuggling trucks destined for Turkey.
    The Russian bombers should have never come close to the Turkish or Israeli border without fighter jet escort, an agreement or not. But, it appears that Putin actually believed in his agreement with the US and let bombers fly without escort. The US did not shoot-down Russian bombers it sicked Turkey to do so.

    1) The Russian bomber jet was shot-down by a fighter jet and missile supplied to Turkey by the US.
    2) Two Russian pilots paid with their lives. One of the bomber pilots died from the guns and bullets supplied by the US to Syrian terrorists.
    3) The rescue helicopter pilot died from a US made missile supplied to the “moderate” head-choppers of Syria.

    US, US, US, always US (on behalf of Israel).

    But could anyone even imagine Turkey challenging Russia without asking Washington for permission first? Yet, it appears from Obama’s slightly confused first reaction that he was not the one who approved the shoot-down. Obviously, the Turks knew who runs the show in Washington and asked the right people for permission (the neocons and their CIA).

    BTW, the companies buying Syrian and Iraqi oil smuggled by ISIS to Erdogan’s son in Turkey are US and EU oil companies, for example Glencore, Vitol, Trafigura, Nobel, Mercuria and so on.

    So, these countries are now going to repackage themselves from a Coalition of the Sponsor of Terrorism into an Anti-ISIS Coalition? And get Russia involved in their club of exceptional nations?

  78. L.K 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    Well Thomas, fact of the matter is that the vast majority of displaced persons in Syria have moved NOT abroad, but to government held areas, including provinces such as Lattakia and Tartous.
    In Aleppo, even “rebel” commanders admitted long ago that most people hated them and supported the government.
    The Guardian’s Martin Chulov visiting terrorist occupied eastern Aleppo, wrote:
    “Those who remain in eastern Aleppo, 大约40,000 from a prewar population estimated at about a million, have been without electricity or running water for more than a year.”

    Many of these are the terrorists(“rebels”) families. What about the government held parts of Aleppo?
    A recent Reuters report gives the number of inhabitants there:
    “The road is the army’s supply route to government-held western parts of Aleppo, home to around 2 million people设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    Aleppo is massively Sunni. So is Damascus and most of the other government held areas.

    It is actually a matter of common sense to see that if the vast majority of Syrias sunnis had joined the many tens of thousands of foreign fighters also trying to overthrow the government, all backed by a logistical/training effort by powerful countries, incl usa, which dwarf even what zusa engineered against the soviets in Afghanistan in the 80s, the Syrian government and State would have long been destroyed.

    You & others might benefit from reading former US marine Brad Hoff’s experiences in Syria:

    Silhouettes of Beauty and Coexistence before the Devastation

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  79. @Kiza


    您会想象米格、T-72 坦克、AK-47 防空步枪和 SAM-2 苏联防空导弹以及数十亿发弹药来自哪里? 火箭推进式手榴弹,全是俄罗斯产的。 军用级塑料炸药和俄罗斯扳机。 所有这些都来自俄罗斯军火商,他们在苏联剩余军火工业的授权下经营,并得到了现政府的许可。 伊拉克从一开始就是由俄罗斯武装的。 普京驾驶卡车时是否携带武器? 我怀疑不会,但我向你保证,普京先生多年来在军售中一直慷慨解囊,就像他现在对伊朗的做法一样。 他现在为叙利亚装备了 SA-300 防空地空导弹和一长串其他武器。

    现在,如果您愿意,先生,您可以称我的头为稻草箱,您可以忽略我令人不快的事实。 但人们必须看看你在这里留下的毫无意义的侮辱记录,并且想知道一件事:你为谁工作,以至于你对简单的事实感到如此冒犯?


    • 回复: @voicum
  80. Rurik 说:

    West Golan became Israeli territory proper – two generations ago.

    well I guess that’s an improvement on claiming it was given to you two thousand years ago

    but it’s funny to see how that works. You just tell yourself that something you covet is yours and then pretend that everyone else is supposed to agree, especially the people who’re the rightful owners, huh?

    Golani Druze have been VERY careful to not become any serious nuisance to the IDF.

    how careful would they be if my country decided to stop funding and providing advanced military equipment and most important of all, decided to pull support for Israel’s genocidal gangsterism?

    How many children would the brave IDF shoot with high powered rifles then ..


    hunkered down on rooftops were it not for the ‘special relationship’ Israel has with the US?

    Whereas with your Israeli passpoft, you can do exciting things like make off-the-books money in kiosks in American malls, fuck American mall-rat sluts, etc.

    quite a glimpse into the kind of brave and charming people were giving billions to and fighting their wars for

    Israeli law allows the town councils of villages & small townships to VOTE on who may buy property there-in.

    I guess that’s what they call fair housing in Israel. Sort of gives new meaning to the phrase ‘the only democracy in the Middle East, eh?

    so this is why we’re demanding the removal of Assad. So guys like this and his buddies in Israel can take possession of land that doesn’t and never belonged to them. Our entire western “civilization” is willing to slaughter untold hundreds of thousands or even millions, destroying entire countries and creating massive refugee catastrophes that are destabilizing the entire western world and imposing hell on earth in places like Libya and Iraq and now Syria, all so guys like this and Bibi can take possession of some land with oil under it.

    Reminds me of when Madeleine Albright said the deaths due to lack of medicine of 5,000,000 Iraqi children was “worth it”

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  81. Bill Jones 说:


  82. @L.K


    IDMC 的数据基于人道主义事务协调办公室 (OCHA) 提供的数据,截至 7.6 年 2015 月,该办公室估计叙利亚境内有 2015 万人流离失所,其中一半是儿童(OCHA,XNUMX 年 XNUMX 月)。 人道协调厅的估计基于从叙利亚当局收集的信息,特别是叙利亚红新月会、社会事务和劳工部、农业和土地改革部、地方行政部以及近东救济工程处等联合国机构、难民署和粮食计划署。 在反对派控制的地区,人道协调厅还不得不依赖活跃在这些地区的非政府组织和地方当局。 这意味着数据收集因依赖冲突各方而受到政治污染,而冲突各方本身在造成流离失所方面发挥了核心作用。 此外,来源使用不同的方法来估计不同地点的国内流离失所者人数

    由于前线的动荡和冲突的激烈程度,对叙利亚境内流离失所情况的监测受到严重阻碍。 流离失所的规模和性质是额外的挑战:不仅严重影响了叙利亚所有省份,而且在过去三年里,人们还多次流离失所。 由于当局拒绝进入某些地区,包括被围困的城市,以及武装反对派团体控制下难以进入的地区,数据收集也一直变得复杂。 估计不包括二次变动或回报。 无法获得分类数据。

    人道协调厅为每年的 SHARP 及其一些年中审查提供了 IDP 估计。 这些数字不是预测,而是发布前几个月的情况快照。 2013年6.5月,人道协调厅估计叙利亚国内流离失所者人数为6.45万,该数字在八个月内保持不变,直到2014年1.4月实际下降至XNUMX万(SHARP)。 虽然这种减少的部分原因是叙利亚人不断涌入国外寻求庇护,但在同一时期,特别是阿勒颇周围的战斗又导致 XNUMX 万人流离失所(SNAP)。 尽管——但可能是因为——国内流离失所规模巨大,在内战期间确认国内流离失所者人数的任务仍然是一项严峻的挑战。 冲突已经过去四年了,流离失所的情况仍然不完整



    在急于做出判断之前,我们必须注意到,亲政权势力的行动无论多么令人反感,通常都是出于恐惧而不是嗜血。 这些亲政府派系由阿拉维派、基督徒和其他少数群体组成,他们正确地相信逊尼派的接管将导致对各自人民的屠杀、流放和虐待。 作为西方与阿萨德政权的长期联络人,三一大学教授戴维·莱施(David Lesch)向《HPR》解释说,“沙比哈人的动机是生存,他们相信如果逊尼派上台,他们就会被消灭。 不幸的是,这种恐惧并非毫无根据……这是整个中东历史上不断重复的循环。”

    在阿拉维派统治半个世纪之后,占多数的逊尼派也受到边缘化和虐待的恐惧驱使。 因此,政治学家所说的“种族安全困境”现在已经席卷了叙利亚社会,多个群体试图互相摧毁,这是一种弄巧成拙但自我延续的努力,以确保自己的安全。

    与西方的道德成见相混淆的是,这些亲政权势力中的基督教成分与其他参与者一样,都是安全困境的一方。 尽管相对世俗的阿萨德政权在很大程度上使该组织与叙利亚社会的有害分子隔绝,但2.1万基督徒现在发现自己成为了可怕的逊尼派暴力的受害者。 例如,叙利亚东正教教会描述了叙利亚自由军对基督徒进行的“持续种族清洗”,并声称法鲁克旅的伊斯兰主义者将 90% 的基督徒驱逐出霍姆斯,在此过程中没收了他们的财产。


    • 回复: @L.K
    , @RobinG
  83. Rurik 说:

    The proud nation has been reduced to a political brothel.

    the eye or Mordor

    either the world’s people will find a way to end the Fed

    or the future will be an Orwellian nightmare


  84. anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    Whatever happened to Al-Qaeda? They were blamed for the 9-11 attack and were the declared reason for was called the ‘war on terror’. They were worked into every conceivable news report, even ones that were on unrelated subjects. Now all one hears anything about is IS. Did AQ join IS, did they just evaporate, are they now our ‘moderate’ allies, what? There seems to be a confusing welter of groups all over, names that pop up and then disappear. Is it all really IS?

  85. Sam Shama 说:

    [How many children would the brave IDF shoot with high powered rifles then ……]

    You are an idiot or a paid liar. That video is a fake.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  86. @anonymous

    IS splintered from Al Qaida and took on a life of its own. Al Qaida in Syria is the al-Nusra front that David Petraeus recently suggested assisting in its fight with IS. The so-called ‘Free Syrian Army’ (the USA darling) coordinates with a range of Salafist groups and in fact seems more of a front to give jihadis ‘moderate’ political cover than anything else. You should find this follows an interesting read:


  87. annamaria 说:

    “Did AQ join IS, did they just evaporate, are they now our ‘moderate’ allies, what?”
    The latter:
    “U.S.-backed Syrian rebels gave gear to al-Qaeda group” http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2015/09/26/us-backed-rebels-give-arms-al-qaeda-group/72831840/
    “美国应该与叙利亚的基地组织结盟吗?” https://consortiumnews.com/2015/10/01/should-us-ally-with-al-qaeda-in-syria/
    “Israel Tempted to ally with Al-Qaeda in Syria” http://www.juancole.com/2015/09/years-israel-tempted.html
    “Wall Street Journal: Israel Caught Red-handed Aiding al-Qaeda in Syria” http://www.globalresearch.ca/israeli-army-admits-aiding-al-qaeda-in-syria/5441122

  88. @anonymous

    David Petraeus is their cheerleader in Syria: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2015/08/31/petraeus-use-al-qaeda-fighters-to-beat-isis.html?via=twitter_page

    Qatar is trying to re-brand them as moderates by having Al Nusra dissociate itself from the parent organization: http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/03/04/uk-mideast-crisis-nusra-insight-idUKKBN0M00G620150304

    The US likes to keep the term “terrorist” vague so it can bomb whoever it pleases in the 3rd world.

    • 回复: @Orville H. Larson
    , @Kiza
  89. annamaria 说:
    @Jim Christian

    “The Muslim culture is tailor-built to do murder, it is savage and the only way to deal with it is to sink to their level. Sooner or later, it’s us or it’s them. The sooner we own up to this truth, the sooner we get on with what needs to be done.”

    Then leave “them” alone and stop wet-kissing the Saudis and to arm Qatar (and other “moderates” affiliated with Al Qaida), and enough already of improving the Halliburton base line. Perhaps you are not aware, but your characterization of all Muslims as savages fits perfectly the PNAC agenda.
    Some short summaries of the he Project for the New American Century that has been implemented on the US dime and limb:
    http://www.veteranstoday.com/2013/01/17/911-pnac-perps-still-whining-for-us-to-fight-israels-wars/ “9/11 PNAC perps still whining for US to fight Israel’s wars”
    “Of the twenty-five people who signed the PNAC’s founding statement of principles, ten went on to serve in the administration of U.S. President George W. Bush, including Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. It [PNAC] was replaced by new think-tank Foreign Policy Initiative, co-founded by Kristol and Kagan in 2009.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_for_the_New_American_Century

    “We’re searching for a gentleman’s agreement…” It is highly doubtful that the Krystol’ and Kagan’ families (as well as Cheney’, Feith’, and Wolfowitz’) include any gentlemen.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  90. Bill Jones 说:
    @Fran Macadam

    ” spread democracy abroad.”


    • 回复: @Fran Macadam
  91. @Johnny F. Ive

    “The US likes to keep the term “terrorist” vague so it can bomb whoever it pleases in the 3rd world.”


  92. Rurik 说:
    @Sam Shama

    what’s fake about it?

    and what’s the big deal?

    the brave IDF shoot children playing all the time


    look at these terrorists existentially threatening the brave IDF !

    who can blame the courageous IDF who use generously supplied American munitions to protect themselves from these dangerous terrorists

    or maybe these boys were all human shields! Yea, that’s it. They were human shields and it’s the terrorists fault who forced the lion-hearted and valiant IDF soldiers to kill them from a safe distance.

    • 回复: @alexander
  93. @annamaria


    I was referring to military courtesies by military men, extended to other military men. Haliburton, Lockheed, that whole crew, they direct all in the end. And, the Saudis do as they do, as they’re told.

    But this situation with Islam does not end well. It has nothing to do with tender sensibilities such as “Not All Muslims Are Like That”. Not all are, but the ones that aren’t like that fully support those that ARE like that. Hence, they need to go. As I’ve always said, our parents of the WW2 generation would have cleaned up Islam and put them right back in the sandbox. They would have interned them, taken their property, caged them and deported them. And it would have been over in say, a year, tops. That’s what happened to folks that attacked America back then. This is what Muslims do to outsiders in their lands, by my measure, now that we know what they are, that’s exactly what we owe them. Showing them love and consideration isn’t returning same from them.

    But we’re sensitive. Well, how’s sensitive working? It isn’t. We get them out of our societies post-haste or we lose. Now you can say we can’t do that, but then I come right back and say if you do not, they will own the European Continent sooner, rather than later. Islam is not sensitive, they’re a savage rape culture, a real one. They don’t care about murdering our women and children, I suggest we not worry about theirs. It’s fine to say we can’t take care of this when in fact we can, but all I can say is, if we don’t, they win. If you’re content to hand everything over, just say so. Not you, necessarily, but anyone that pulls the culturally-sensitive thing. We should demonstrate the same savagery toward Islam that Islam extends to us.

    The piano player should have started with, Imagine, no womens rights, it’s easy to do. Islamic victory over Europe means the end of science, women’s rights, law, property, pretty much everything. Think of that.


  94. Kiza 说:
    @Johnny F. Ive

    The point is that, according to the US and Zio definition, a terrorist is anyone who shoots at US or Israeli soldiers. In the MSM, every now and then some US, British or Israeli general calls guerrilla opponents of his soldiers terrorists just because they shot back. Thus, the US, British and Israeli soldiers have been terrorized. The implication is that Usrael soldiers wet their pants out of terror when a guerrilla fighter shoots back at them.

    Thus the new definition, terrorists are not those who terrorize civilians, such as the Paris attack, then anyone who challenges the US/British/Israeli interests.

  95. schmenz 说:


    As Jim says, he is a former military man. That is a mindset that is hard to crawl out from under. It explains why he sees the picture in black and white, good guy vs bad guy mode. America is always the good guy, the exceptional nation, the city shining on a hill, etc.

    Note this instructive comment from Jim:

    “…there is no honor under Islam. Iraq is a good example. When they don’t have Americans to murder, they kill each other. Now, they have Soviets in place to kill. I fully expect Soviet soldiers to start being killed via the IEDs and bullets in the back that menaced our troops, courtesy of their new “allies”, the Syrians.”

    How does one go about explaining to Jim that the Russians aren’t Soviet anymore? How does one explain to him that there are different sects in Islam? You see there the problem with the typical military mindset. Careful logical thought has been all but beaten out of them – not all, to be sure. But far too many.

    There are many former military in my own family and they refuse to look at the issues clearly as well. Rational argument does not work, believe me.

    • 回复: @Kiza
    , @Jim Christian
  96. geokat62 说:
    @Jim Christian

    We should demonstrate the same savagery toward Islam that Islam extends to us.

    I think you have things backwards. Thank goodness the Muslims haven’t demonstrated a fraction of the savagery towards us that we (due to the Lobby) have extended to them.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
    , @Avery
  97. @geokat62

    Yes, you’re right, I’ve got it backwards. Of course. Thank goodness for those benevolent Muslims. Whatever could I have been thinking? Caliphates are good. The Koran is gentle and peaceful. ISIS is just a bunch of crazy kids, they don’t really MEAN anything. We, the West, we’re the bad ones.

    Good evening, Geokat. Enjoy the liberal Kool-Aid.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @geokat62
    , @annamaria
  98. Kiza 说:

    Dear schmenz,

    I wasted time before, trying to educate one of those brainwashed US drones with only minimal signs of intelligence and almost no knowledge except a few clichés she (it was a female marine) had been fed by her Usrael regime. This is how I learned that the effort is futile and not to waste my time any more trying to enlighten those. Those creatures are drones programmed to kill or be killed and they are good at it. Trying to have opinions for them is like fish being out of water, their comfort zone is the zone of implanted clichés.

    Now, as soon as I read a regime implanted cliché, I just tell them to go play with themselves.

    Not every ex-US military is a brainwashed moron, rarely some exceptionally intelligent and knowledgeable people wonder in and and out the organization and come here to comment. The best example is Mr Ronald Thomas West. Therefore, the intelligence of the US military (and most other militaries) is a low mean Bell Curve with some exceptional outliers.

    Rational argument does not work, believe me.

    The comments and opinions of the brainless and brainwashed morons deserve no discussion.

  99. alexander 说:


    I believe the number is 20 %…..it might be 25……but I think it is closer to 20%.

    Twenty percent of what you may ask ?

    Twenty percent is the “tolerable allowance”‘ of Palestinians, as a percentage of the total demographic that” Greater Israel’”will probably accept within its borders from the “river to the sea.’

    I think that there are many Israelis who would prefer ten percent( and an increasingly surprising amount who genuinely aspire to Zero percent.)

    What does that mean , though, 20% ?

    It means that for” Greater Israel” to retain an acceptable 80% Jewish majority within “all” the lands from the river to the sea……

    they will have to exterminate over four million Palestinians to achieve a threshold demographic that is well within their acceptable ” minority” limit.

    So your “snipers from the rooftop liquidating Palestinian kids” falls well within the larger framework goals of Greater Israel,….or whats known today, in growing parlance’s of influence, as “Judea and Samaria.”

    Don’t get me wrong, Israel is working all the other angles too….trying to cut deals with Jordan and Egypt….offering “one time lump sum payments ” to various refugee groups if they forfeit their right of return…..etc…etc…they are working it….they are….

    and it is an” ever evolving dynamic”….

    But the bottom line…..they really do not want much more than two million Palestinians living in what they plan as Greater Israel.

    So there is going to be a lot of killing going on…. a lot.

    There are nearly four million Palestinians, who, if they seek to retain their basic human right to return to the homes they (or their families) were forced out of, are targeted for extermination…

    that means Four million designated “terrorists” whose only “real” crime was not being born “Jewish”.

    Their very “living” ….is a” terrorist act.”

    That’s why the video is not a fake, because it makes too much sense within the “greater plan”, for it not to be…

    Does that ring true for you Rurik …. However tragic it might be ?

    • 回复: @Rurik
  100. Andrei Martyanov [AKA“ SmoothieX12”] 说: • 您的网站
    @Jim Christian

    Generally, agree. Especially the last paragraph.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  101. Rurik 说:
    @Jim Christian


    We, the West, we’re the bad ones.

    what west?

    哪里 is the West?!

    the countries of the former, putative West were known for one thing more than any other, and that is 法治。

    it’s what defined us and made us great. It’s what gave people opportunity and allowed us to create enlightened cultural renaissances and industrial revolutions that were the envy of the world. We created the pinnacle of human achievement that is human freedom by demanding that monarchs respect the rule of law and the Magna Carta. Remember that?

    but all of that is gone now Jim. We cravenly tossed it all away. We allowed political scoundrels and liars and criminals to cow us into obedient fear. We went looking for monsters to destroy and gave up the rule of law and our freedoms here at home. We became that sniveling coward that Thomas Paine spoke of


    After 911 we allowed our leaders to treat us like dogs. And we licked their hand, hoping that they would protect us and keep us safe from the ‘terrorists’. We stopped being Western men and became Zio-worms. Going around bombing and destroying country after country that had nothing to do with 911 or anything else. In so doing, we earned the righteous hatred of the Muslim world. They didn’t come here Jim, we went over there. Even if you believe the absurdity that it was Osama and his nineteen henchmen that perpetrated that attack, they were all Saudis Jim. We haven’t done anything to Saudi Arabia except give them wet kisses (as one of the posters here pointed out), or had our leader bow down to them like the dogs that America and the west has become.

    I’m reminded of the words of B. Franklin: “Those who give up their liberty for more security neither deserve liberty nor security”.

    That’s us Jim. That’s what’s become of the western man. A gutless, dishonest coward and mass-murderer who bombs innocents to assuage his fear. A piss-stained people who’ve given away a freedom that was earned in blood and bequeathed by a people infinitely better than the ones who that gift was lavished upon, only to have it tossed away as too inconvenient to carry. Better a cage of lies than the harsh and bitter struggle for truth that freedom requires as its price.

    So, as the Muslims and everyone else pours in to fill the streets and wombs and cafes and buildings of a once noble and thriving civilization who lost its soul and its nerve, we can only stand by and watch with a wry sense of amazement at the feeding frenzy.

    A people without the guts or integrity to demand that their greatest gift and most treasured possession, The Rule of Law not be tossed away because they’re scared and don’t want to get hurt, don’t deserve to pass on their genes Jim. That’s just the way things are and have always been.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
    , @Sam Shama
  102. RobinG 说:
    @Sam Shama

    How is this for a start… short and sweet.

    TEXT OF H.R. 4108 — To prohibit the use of funds for the provision of assistance to Syrian opposition groups and individuals.


    2015 年 11 月 19 日

    Ms. GABBARD (for herself and Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Armed Services, and in addition to the Select Committee on Intelligence (Permanent Select) and Foreign Affairs, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned







    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  103. geokat62 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Enjoy the liberal Kool-Aid.

    Speaking of Kool-Aid, ever since 9/11, how many Muslims are the AngloZionists responsible for killing through their neocon policy of remaking the ME, and how many westerners have the Muslims killed through “terrorist” attacks?

    Let’s see if you can answer that question, truthfully.

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  104. Avery 说:

    {Thank goodness the Muslims haven’t demonstrated a fraction of the savagery towards us that we (due to the Lobby) have extended to them.}

    geokat62 :
    which Muslims are you talking about ?
    what era: modern times, historically, what ?
    and who is “we”: Americans, Europeans, the West, Christians ?

    • 回复: @geokat62
  105. @schmenz


    We military men see things in Black and White, day and night, right and wrong. That’s how you stay alive, in combat and on my beloved flight decks. Do wrong, tolerate wrong, get dead. Rules written in blood, men understand these things better than do women.

    These issues aren’t shades of gray, pardon the pun. Sure, SOME Muslims and SOME sects and SOME individuals aren’t enabling their brothers to blow us up. But which ones? When? How will they do it? We don’t have the luxury of finding out. By the time we find out, thousands are dead.

    The notions and protests to my solution to the problem are the shades of gray that the French are suffering as we speak. We either get these folks out of our societies wholesale, lock stock and barrel, or we will lose our societies to them. That includes women’s rights, science, any other religion, and a million other things we permit and they do not. Care to guess how long the alphabet soup of sexual depravity in the West will last under Sharia Law?

    In short, Muslims are in this fight for keeps. These people do not mean to lose. And populations that maintain sympathetic shades of gray lose to Islam. It’s all there to see, but seeing is disturbing. I understand, but because we are disturbed by what must be done doesn’t remove the necessity.

    Choose your sensitivities over survival, Islam is most grateful, I assure you.


  106. @Andrei Martyanov

    We simply don’t have the luxury of sympathy. These are not sympathetic folk, Muslims.


  107. Rurik 说:

    Does that ring true for you Rurik …. However tragic it might be ?

    Oh yes alexander, indeed it does

    in fact it is due to this agenda of greater Zion that I believe my country has been engaged in illegal wars of aggression on Israel’s neighbors since before even this century began.

    I’m quite well aware of the agenda and how it manifests in the real world. It’s why there is such terrible strife right now in Syria. It’s why America and the “Master-Blaster” (as I see it ; )

    occupied west are sticking pointed sticks into the Russian bear.

    It’s why our capital in DC is a den of snakes and liars and traitors to this country and its people. Because they don’t honor the Constitution but rather serve Israel as its boot-licking rabid dog. That’s brutally obvious for even the most dim of the populace today.

    But I don’t believe those brave soldiers are shooting those boys to reduce their numbers. I suspect that the reason they take pot shots like that are for the fun of it and to induce a kind of all pervasive terror in the Palestinian population. It makes them feel potent and virile to see the people live in terror of them, the big bad IDF and men like Bibi, who want to be seen as scary and big and macho. It’s all part of their psychological inner narrative, that they’re like a modern day David and are serving out their vengeful god’s wrath to the Philistines and Canaanites. I suppose it’s like what the brown-shirts felt as they beat up Jewish shop-keeps and tormented Jewish girls on the streets.

    Yes, it all rings all too true

  108. Sam Shama 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Mr Christian Sir,
    I have been reading this site for some time now and I think you are doing a favor to some of these characters here. They have no clue about what Islam is like and how they value life in the middle east. I did two tours (Afghanistan) and my brother is active duty now in the Marines. Despite our problems in these United States we still remain the freest country. Given half a chance all the muslims would run to the U.S., but they would create hell here. I grew up in a tolerant family that loves this country (4 generations in the USAF) and if there is one thing our dad taught us is love the country, warts and all. So I can’t stand these characters bad-mouthing the U.S. and not a clue about the enemy.


    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  109. @geokat62


    None of that matters. It just doesn’t matter. We didn’t kill enough because still, they kill us. What happened in the past is in the past. What matters is going forward, which is the more important society. We must pick one. Bromides, sensitivities and excuses are smokescreens. Kat, you have to pick one. Western society or Islamic Caliphate. That is your choice, there will be no coexistence. You must pick one. They have.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  110. annamaria 说:
    @Jim Christian

    “ISIS is just a bunch of crazy kids…”
    Look who is the ISIS daddy. There is even a known birthday for the “bunch.” By the way, it is curious how carefully Jim Christian has been avoiding any mention of PNAC and Yinon Plan in relation to the current Middle East madness. Nobody wants to invite ISIS (even the “moderate” ones) to the US. Yet everybody understands the origin of ISIS: its birthday followed the benevolent Christians’ coming to the Middle East with the superior weaponry. “Democracy on the march,” Condi Rice style. Approved by Mr. Cheney (the five-draft-deferments guy).

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  111. @Rurik

    You’re right. Western civilization, all the scoundrels, may Islam win out and wipe out the murderous capitalists.

    Hey, it’s a choice.

  112. Sam Shama 说:

    Hey Robin,

    I like it very much. Concrete action is what we need. [clearly you have the skills to draw up proposed Bills for congressional review and vote] . Let’s keep thinking and putting it up in front of people.


    • 回复: @RobinG
  113. @Sam Shama


    The characters bad-mouthing America haven’t the imagination to consider life under a caliphate. They need to read up on the new “Islamic “patriarchy tormenting women on the streets of Sweden. Islam is a true rape culture, it breeds at a rate of 3:1 over Western/feminist women and it is a culture on the move. Liberals that defend Islam are like the old saying, “A liberal is a Conservative than hasn’t been mugged yet”.

    当你亲身经历过不宽容时,伊斯兰教就不再被容忍了。 到那时,您将不想在您的邻居中出现任何此类情况。 如果你对那些不宽容的人没有足够的同情心,那么你必须再次经历被鄙视的经历。 令我惊讶的是,有多少西方、第一世界的女性坚持伊斯兰教。 这让我想知道他们是否渴望有一天男人变得坚强、占主导地位并为女人做出所有决定。 好吧,那一天即将到来,这些特殊的男人,伊斯兰教徒,将不再需要第三波女权主义教义。

    Nuff said, except thanks also for your service. Yours was considerably more harrowing than mine, except for a couple of crashes and fires on those carrier decks. Shit happens fast in that bizz, especially at night. It happens fast always if it’s bad, eh? Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas (yeah, Anti-Christians, I said it), best of luck to you and yours, Marine.


  114. Sam Shama 说:

    你在说什么? UBL 并没有在 9/11 炸毁我们的城市? 你一定是吸毒了。 让我给你引用我爷爷曾经说过的一句话。 (今天关于穆斯林敌人的说法是如此真实)

    ‘Those who are the slowest to arm are going to find the quickest path to enjoy the bounties of heaven’

    You don’t sound like you ever served your country in uniform. Did you?

    • 回复: @alexander
    , @L.K
  115. KA 说:

    “If, in this context, defeating the Islamic State means restoring to power Mr. Assad in Syria and Iran’s puppets in Iraq, that outcome is neither feasible nor desirable. Rather than striving to recreate the post-World War I map, Washington should recognize the new geopolitics. The best alternative to the Islamic State in northeastern Syria and western Iraq is a new, independent Sunni state

    This “Sunni-stan” has economic potential as an oil producer (subject to negotiation with the Kurds, to be sure), and could be a bulwark against both Mr. Assad and Iran-allied Baghdad.

    ake no mistake, this new Sunni state’s government is unlikely to be a Jeffersonian democracy for many years. But this is a region where alternatives to secular military or semi-authoritarian governments are scarce. Security and stability are sufficient ambitions”

    John Bolton in NYT

    Bolton knows what he is talking and what game plan he is referencing to. This has been an active ongoing plan from the days of the temporary setbacks of the NeoCons in Lebanon and Syria in around 2003 onwards(November 18, 2005
    Faking the Case Against Syria

    by TRISH SCHUH http://www.counterpunch.org/2005/11/18/faking-the-case-against-syria/

    . I like his yearnings for “security and stability”


    “…there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).”

    in a leaked diplomatic cable sent in 2006 by acting Deputy Chief of Mission in Syria William Roebuck which contained the following “advice” on how to go about destabilizing the Assad government:


    For Russia’s part, Putin, Lavrov, and Maria Zarakhova contend that the US is deliberately pursuing a policy designed not to destroy the group, but merely to contain it. …

    but The New York Times is out claiming that according to current and former officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity, US Central Command may have been involved in a year long effort to obscure the fact that America’s strategy to combat ISIS simply was not effective

    As The Times puts it, “at the least, the prospect that senior officials intentionally skewed intelligence conclusions has raised questions about how much Mr. Obama, Congress and the public can believe the military’s assessments.” -http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-22/isis-coverup-us-centcom-accused-lying-president-congress-public-about-airstrikes-gro

  116. geokat62 说:

    Is it just me or are others starting to smell something fishy, again. I’m getting the sense the MFA are at it again, sending over posters who have interesting monikers hyping up their supposed military service and bad mouthing Islam.
    You got to hand it to them, they never give up.

  117. Sam Shama 说:
    @Jim Christian

    You got it sir! Yup the bad shit happens fast (Kunduz was some hell). I am sure you saw more’n enough in yours.

    Happy Turkey Day and Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.

  118. Andrei Martyanov [AKA“ SmoothieX12”] 说: • 您的网站
    @Jim Christian


    here I have to disagree with you. “Bad-mouthing America”, which committed a war crime in removing one of the last secular Arab dictators, while killing, misplacing and making miserable millions of innocent Arabs can not be denied. Especially, since it was done on the fully false pre-text. This, however, does not remove a serious and a legitimate issue of Islam and its fundamental incompatibility with European civilization.

  119. @annamaria


    None of that matters. Not Bush, not Rice, not Obama. How we got here 没关系。 You refuse to pick a doctrine to live under Western-style feminism, or Islamic Caliphate.

    That damage is now done. Iraq was toppled by Bush, 5 Arab leaders were toppled during the “Arab Spring” under Obama. All that is too bad. And none of it matters.

    We either stop the bleeding and clear these folks out of our societies or we allow them to take them over. Islam is not as good at coexisting are you are. On the bright side, however, when Islam does take over and the Caliphate IS instituted, I get my male privilege back. Given that, I don’t know why I argue against Islam with ideological, spoiled, petulant little girls on these pages.

    Good evening..

    • 回复: @KA
    , @annamaria
  120. Avery 说:

    Poor, poor, innocent nomad Turks.

    All the fault of Yahoodies.
    IslamoFascist Neo-Ottoman Sultan Erdogan and his nomad gang completely innocent.
    Turks are not supporting ISIS: of course not.
    Erdogan’s son is not involved in the the trade of stolen Syrian oil: of course not.
    Lying ,thieving, backstabbing nomad Turks always blaming others for their crimes.

    So why are nomad Turks still occupying 40% of Cyprus ?

  121. geokat62 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Kat, you have to pick one. Western society or Islamic Caliphate.

    This is exactly the false dichotomy Zionists would like to present to the dumb goy.

    What is not explicitly stated but implied is that a “Western society” means a world in which western governments unquestionably subscribe to the Zionist game plan of remaking the ME, by regime changing those countries that are deemed hostile to the Zionist project.

    So we are asked to choose between this so-called Western society and the evil Caliphate. I say, no thanks. I choose, instead, a pre-9/11 world order – i.e., no to the Clean Break and no to the Caliphate. End the occupation now… end the corrupting special relationship now… and adhere to international law.

  122. annamaria 说:
    @Jim Christian

    ” As I’ve always said, our parents of the WW2 generation would have cleaned up Islam and put them right back in the sandbox.”
    But the current generation of US/EU/Israel deciders accepts the islamists as either the dearest friends (see Bush wet kisses with Saudis) or pliable “moderates” (the useful Al Qaida warriors). The Western coalition needs ISIS to confront Russian Federation. You may do not like Muslims but they are currently better friends for the US/EU/Israel than the Russians that fight the ISIS.
    “It is unlikely that Turkey would have shot down a Russian fighter jet without some consultation with its US NATO ally. It has been clear since Russia’s first bombing campaigns in Syria in September that the there was great potential for an “accident” that could lead to conflict between the US and Russia.” The war profiteers need wars and they hate those whose presence could endanger the continuity of the wars. Hence the visceral hatred by the US/Israel neocons for Putin (if you are not aware, Putin is not a Muslim but a Christian).

  123. RobinG 说:
    @Sam Shama

    ??????? Sam, I just posted this here, I didn’t write it. H.R. 4108 was introduced and referred to committee(s) on Friday — and apparently will need tremendous citizen pressure to get voted out of committee and onto the House floor. How can we help? For example, a friend on mine posted this on his FB:

    NATO is arming ISIS terrorists. Turkey is the NATO conduit and the CIA runs the operation.

    The terrorists who blew up Paris, blew up a Russian passenger jet, who chop off heads, execute non-believers, and rape children are funded by Turkey. Turkey gives ISIS sanctuary, provides ISIS mercenaries hospital care, buys ISIS oil, allows ISIS recruits to transit from Turkey into Syria, hosts ISIS terrorist training camps on its soild next to Syria, and provides ISIS armaments. Now Turkey shoots down planes that attack ISIS.

    Turkey is the site of one of the largest US airbases in the world at Incirlik.Turkey is one of the greatest recipients of US financial and military “aid.” President Obama said Turkey “had the right to defend its territory” when Turkey shot down a Russian bomber over Syria that had attacked the ISIS terrorists.

    If you don’t like the spread of terrorism and the threat of terrorists you need to tell President Obama. Ask your Representative to stop supporting ISIS by cosponsoring HR4108.

    The Syrian refugees are fleeing ISIS terror, sponsored by the USA.

    Copy and paste this link if you want to see documentation of ISIS weapons based on serial numbers and sources.


    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  124. KA 说:

    This is an alarmingly dangerous schizophrenic situation . It is no less insane unpredictable and criminal than what the world was subjected to by the deep-state at the twilight days of the psychopath Dulles who in CIA was operating against De Gulle,Algeria,and JFK after fiasco in Cuba but after successful operation in Iran,Guatemala, and Congo . Libya ,Yemen,and Somalia are the success story of the Neo Cons . Putin over Syria is facing De Gaulle moment over Algeria .

  125. Kiza 说:

    The downing of the Russian bomber jet is a clear act of war by Turkey and its backer the US, after the US signed an agreement with Russia on coordination of air-forces.

    If Russia chooses to ignore the death of its two people, one pilot and one marine at the hands of the proxies of its “partners”, well that is their choice.

    If Russia chooses to ignore that the pilot and the marine were killed by the US weapons supplied to terrorists, well that is their choice.

    It was the US/Israel/Turkey sponsored terrorist proxies which brought down the Russian airliner. If Russia chooses to ignore 224 dead Russians, including babies, well that is their choice.

    Russia cannot be in the Coalition of the Sponsors of Terrorism now re-branded into “Anti-ISIS Coalition”. If Russia chooses to join thus rebranded civilian killing gang, well that is their choice.

    That would be the last straw, I sincerely hope that the Russian leadership will not.

    The West already wages war on Russia, but it appears that the Russians have not noticed yet.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  126. KA [又名“迦太基”] 说:
    @Jim Christian

    I think that we tried. Bush spoke of God and God given mandate to bring new set of experiences and behaviors to middle eastern people all the time and he thought he would be welcomed as the Europeans were by Natives of S America ,according to Pope . Boykin got fired up and dreamt of facing the anti Christ Muslim God in Somalia . His fellow believers Ethipia and Kenya joined to secure the realm for the Chrstian God in Somalia . Graham sent busloads of Bible to Jordan for shipping to hungry Iraqi souls . Tom DeLay was thunderin g at different prayer breakfast to move the baptization process faster .International Bible Society published a Scripture booklet for Iraqi refugees . Mr Hagee proved that he never slept when the issue of preaching by violence got some tailwind from the fellow faithful . It did not matter if it were Iran ,Iraq or Libya.or Pakistan. In between the prisoners of Abu Gharib and Guantanamo and Bagrahm were reminded periodically why Muslim god was failing to protect the innocents from sexual attacks,canine attacks,sodomy and Koran going down the toilet .

    It didnot work The Iraqi natives didnot turn out to be the Natives of Latin America or Africa . They did not run . They did not agree to another two hundred years of Monroe Doctrine and servitude.
    So the game plan changed. The vicious ,criminals and opportunists were selected and given the aura of Islamic scholar and fighters to save the day for the empire . They are fool cruel and they pray . The dangerous combination the empire like since it suits the purpose of demonizing the Islam for the consumption of the Evangelical fool and advance the causes that otherwise could have been achieved more peacefully had the native converted .

    It just didn’t happen.
    It didn’t happen in Phillipnes . Ann Coulter is painfully aware of that failures in Miandano.

  127. L.K 说:
    @Jim Christian

    Nah Jim “Christian”, Your government and its allies have CREATED ISIS.
    The US Department of Intelligence Agency (DIA) documented it. See previous post.

    The US government and its client states have also created and nurtured the various al-ciada groups that preceded it.

    You are just too cowardly and/or dishonest to admit it.

    The US and its allies/vassals are the worse terrorists in the world, by far...

    The director of the National Security Agency under Ronald Reagan, Lt. General William Odom, noted:

    “Because the United States itself has a long record of supporting terrorists and using terrorist tactics, the slogans of today’s war on terrorism merely makes the United States look hypocritical to the rest of the world.”

    Odom also said:

    “以任何方式,美国长期以来一直在使用恐怖主义。 在78-79年间,参议院试图通过一项反国际恐怖主义的法律-律师提出的每一个版本都表示美国将违反该法律。


    Even the Washington Post reported in 2010:

    “The United States has long been an exporter of terrorism, according to a secret CIA analysis released Wednesday by the Web site WikiLeaks.”

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  128. RobinG 说:

    The Russians aren’t ignoring anything. It’s a long game. Why are you goading? Want them to do something stupid? Well, maybe this will make you happy:

    The Russian Air Force base in Latakia will be reinforced with S-400 SAM system, which will soon be deployed there, Russia’s Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said on Wednesday.

    “S-400 will be deployed on Khmeimim airbase in Syria,” Shoigu said at a Defense Ministry meeting.

    Earlier on Tuesday, the Russian Su-24 was shot down by a Turkish F-16 fighter jet near the Turkish-Syrian border. One pilot died in the incident. The second one was rescued and brought to the Russian airbase in Latakia.
    Moscow maintains the jet did not violate Turkey’s airspace. It ditched on Syria’s territory four kilometers from the border.

    Shortly afterwards, the MoD announced three steps to be taken following the attack on the Russian Su-24 bomber, including providing aerial cover by fighter jets for every airstrike, boosting air defense by deploying guided missile cruisers off the Latakia coast, and suspending all military-to-military contacts with Turkey.

    The S-400 is Russia’s most advanced anti-aircraft defense system. It is as an upgrade of the S-300 Growler family, designed and developed by Almaz Antei. The S-400 is employed to ensure air defense using long- and medium-range missiles that can hit aerial targets at ranges up to 400 kilometers.

    The S-400 is capable of hitting tactical and strategic aircraft as well as ballistic and cruise missiles. The system includes a set of radars, missile launchers and command posts, and is operated solely by the Russian military.
    An S-400 “Triumf” antiaircraft missile system. © Kirill Kallinikov

    An S-400 “Triumf” antiaircraft missile system.

    • 回复: @Kiza
  129. Kiza 说:

    我不是在刺激,但为了让您理解,这里重复了我对同一个网站上有关击落事件的 PCR 文章的评论:

    当然,这是战争行为,但不是土耳其发起的,而是美国发起的。 美国代表北约与俄罗斯签署了一项协议,以避免所谓的“反伊斯兰国联盟”内部发生空中冲突。 然后,美国将土耳其狗传染给了不设防的俄罗斯轰炸机(不设防是因为普京相信该协议)。 没有人咨询奥巴马,他只是一位坐在白宫里享受诺贝尔和平奖的有色人种绅士。 因此,土耳其人请求美国新保守主义/犹太复国主义领导层并获得开枪许可。 普京最终因为信任美国而被打在脸上的一个大鸡蛋(他称之为“背后插刀”)和两名俄罗斯军官的死亡。 新保守派/犹太复国主义者甚至只是为了欣赏普京在全世界面前看起来像个白痴,也会这样做,因为他在叶利钦领导下剥夺了他们中许多人的俄罗斯战利品。

    因此,我的主要观点是,俄罗斯人/普京永远不应该信任美国(新保守派才是真正的决策者)。 但俄罗斯人的生命似乎很廉价。 为了节省成本,他们派出了没有战斗机护航的轰炸机(当我读到它时,我简直不敢相信)。 俄罗斯飞机在没有战斗机护航的情况下绝对不应该接近土耳其或以色列100公里以内,因为这两个国家从开始侵略叙利亚的那一刻起就一直扮演着ISIS空军的角色。

    Now, I am not against Russia at all, but let us hope that this was the final wake up call for the leadership to know who they are dealing with. Once the Russian leadership stops talking about the (non-existent) “International Law”, I will acknowledge the Russian progress in mental development. Till then keep putting your pilots on the altar of stupidity. You should also appreciate that the point of my previous write up was for Russia to avoid entanglement into any “Coalition” BS.

    附言。 我几个小时前就在RT上看到了S400的新闻。 迟到总比不到好。 对于一个相对较新的系统来说,这将是一个巨大的战场测试。

    • 回复: @Rurik
  130. annamaria 说:
    @Jim Christian

    “We either stop the bleeding and clear these folks out of our societies or we allow them to take them over.”
    “We” have been squeezing “these folks” from their society to “ours” for 14 years. To clear “them out” from “our” society would require a massive intrusion of both the secret police and “vigilant citizens.” Instead of punishing the limited number of perpetrators of the crimes, including the defacement of the US Constitution by the same bunch of criminals (the war profiteers), you propose to eliminate millions of people for their adherence to their traditions. Sounds like Final Solution, this time initiated by the empire of Federal Reserve.
    A short note: You do aware about the changes in a status of female education in Libya and Syria after the PNAC/AIPAC plans went there in action? You see, the Saudis and Qatar are “our” allies and they are for Caliphate, very actively…

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  131. KA [又名“迦太基”] 说:
    @joe webb

    The group, which calls itself the Bureau of American Islamic Relations, staged an armed protest outside an Islamic centre in the Dallas suburb of Irving last Saturday. “We’re here protesting Syrian refugees coming to America, protesting the Islamisation of America,” David Wright, a spokesman, told local FOX4 News.

    “Many Muslims in the community felt targeted by the event, which came after the Irving mayor, Beth Van Duyne, made waves in the rightwing media by making references to an Islamic dispute mediation panel that wrongly became characterised as an “illegal Sharia court”.

    It has started . Your or that of Carson/Huckabee/Fox group ‘s collective dreams are be becoming 5th dimensional ,kaleidoscopic in experiences .
    This lends itself to minor confusion like the ignorance of the knowledge that there are hundreds of mediatory Jewish,Christian and Native Indian religious courts already in US and Canada.
    But ignorance is great . It protects faltering and shattered ego. It protects the fragile existence under the shadows of the crony militaristic capitalism of the thuggery .This is why the pendulum moves in the narrow arc of extremism of two types,secular and religious . Look at Eric Prince guy of Blackwater , a devout Christisn who did the biddings for Bush cronies following 911 and who now does the chores of the royal gulf montachs after that Christian 911 Muslim narrative stopped paying him for his food on the table .
    Now the Muslim monarchs couldn’t get enough IS or true bred American Christisn and has to descend on the green Christian jungle of Columbia to get the best killers money can buy.

    -UAE Dispatches Colombian Mercenaries to Yemen
    Emiratis Aimed to Create Second Army Out of Latin America
    by Jason Ditz, November 25, 2015-


    It seems your confusion allows you to believe that the Christian faith gets momentarily suspended among these mercenaries when they conduct their lucrative bloody business .
    This id what we could rename as ” knowledgable ignorance” . The inconsistencies have to fit in with the Western Chritisn zeitgeist . We tell stories to children at night. Don’t we? It has to be Santa Clause who brings the booty and it has to be a demon who organizes the looting
    We have seen that temporary suspension on numerous occasions for last few hundred years lasting every time few years . That momentary hysterical possession of the body and the mind by the demon and suspension of fdivinity can definitely explain not only these Texans but their masters just round the corner where Bush cronies sat down and carved up the Middle East plans few years back as follow up to Sykes Picot original suspecsipn of morality ,ethics,and legality.

  132. Sam Shama 说:

    Yeah realised it. I was rushing yesterday. I am going to meet with our man in Congress with a few others.


    • 回复: @geokat62
  133. KA [又名“迦太基”] 说:


    ( but assumption helps . Look at Carson or Trump . The lies on 911 dancing and cheering Muslim have been mytholized instantly after they were birthed few weeks ago possibly by the same crowd pleasers who throng to Town Hall meeting not to question corruption destruction,cronyism,and ignorance but to confront shadow bogey man hiding in between the bricks of the collapsing Detroit buildings which can easily serve as metaphor for the large swath of Ohio,Virginia,Missouri and Nevada or Albama’s hopeless future . They confront the fake because they never learn to identify the real let alone confront it )

    • 回复: @Fran Macadam
  134. annamaria 说:

    A repost of a commentary by David Habakkuk on Sic Semper Tyrannis:

    “While there are currently only 73 comments on the CBS report – not enough on which to base any strong conclusions – I do note that the same acute suspicion of Turkey and scepticism one finds in Britain are apparent, even in much more muted form.
    From the top rated comment: ‘It’s pretty pathetic when a NATO ally, a muslim country, is itching for a superpower conflict and you have to look to Russia for a reasonable deescalating response.’
    Someone might perhaps point out to Obama that his comments about the Russian priority being to attack ‘the moderate opposition that might be future members of an inclusive Syrian government’ are being read against the background of the videos from the incident.
    The sight of insurgents machine-gunning the Russian pilots as they parachuted down, the chants of ‘Allahu Akbar’ next to the dead pilot, and the American-made TOW missile attacking the Russian helicopter, are hardly such as to convince people that those involved might be ‘future members of an inclusive Syrian government“。
    The only possible response would seem to be that which has been – apparently erroneously – attributed to Mark Twain: ‘Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it.’
    And it seems to me that recent events are pushing more and more people to the suspicion that, while the ‘front men’ may appear ‘imbeciles’, behind them are ‘smart people who are putting us on.’ My own view is that this is largely wrong, but it is important to try to be clear about perceptions.
    If the collapse of the credibility of Western leaders here was evident in the comments on the ‘MailOnline’ site to which I linked yesterday, it is even more apparent in those on their report of the rescue of the second pilot from the Su-24.
    The second ‘best-rated’ comment says that the Russians ‘are attacking a group that the whole world is meant to be against! It just shows you! That not everyone wants Isis destroyed.’ (Currently, 3,123 approvals, 219 disapprovals.)
    That makes the underlying uncertainty and anxiety clear: People do not seem to be doing all they can to fight the ‘Islamic State’ – why is this?
    Slightly further down on the list of ‘best rated’ comments: ‘Good to know one has made it out! Salute to you sir! And the lads who helped him.’ (2182 approvals, 34 disapprovals.) And then there is: ‘Praise be to God for the rescue of this heroic pilot by very brave and skilled men! Rest in peace to his two comrades in arms murdered yesterday.’ (1460 approvals, 60 disapprovals.)
    There is, I think, only one way to read this: Putin and his people, unlike our leaders, really do want these people destroyed. Whatever their faults, they are not lying mendacious toerags, such as we increasingly suspect our leaders to be. Their soldiers are fighting the good fight, and deserve honour for doing so.
    (见 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3333117/Downed-Russian-pilot-picked-Syrian-army-envoy.html#comments)
    And the growing suspicion that Western leaders are not really serious about fighting the ‘Islamic State’, and the uncertainty about how this is to be explained, is not simply found in comments on the ‘Mail Online’ site.
    Yesterday, a discussion was also going on the ‘Financial Times’ site of an article by their chief foreign affairs commentator, Gideon Rachman, entitled ‘A case for rapprochement with Russia.’ The article was itself interesting, in that it represented a significant move away from the neo-con ‘high horse’ on which Rachman had traditionally ridden.
    The top-rated commenter, calling himself ‘LostForWords’, picked up his repetition of the familiar claim that ‘Mr Assad’s brutality has served as a rallying cry for Sunni Arabs and helped the jihadi cause’. He responded:
    ‘How much longer are you going to peddle this pathetic lie. The jihadis were sent to Syria by the jihadis’ State Department backers, and for the same reason they were sent to Libya, – to destabilise a country that that has long been marked for “regime-change” by the neo-cons. Assad’s “brutality”, like Gadaffi’s, was merely the reaction that was planned ahead of the insurgence, so that he could be blamed for attacking his own people. If you can’t tell the truth, it’s better not to print anything.’
    (见 https://next.ft.com/content/2c99affa-91c6-11e5-94e6-c5413829caa5#comments . m Unfortunately, the article is behind a subscription wall, and registering only gets one 3 articles a month, so for most people it’s not worth the bother.)
    Now one is not dealing here with a mass audience: there are 30 recommendations, rather than more than 23,000 – the current level for the ‘Mail’ report to which I linked. But the way that the basically ‘Borgista’ line of the ‘FT’ has progressively lost credibility with commenters – and at some points is beginning to waver – really is startling. The contrast to a year ago is dramatic.
    The critical point that the ‘MailOnline’ and ‘FT’ comments have in common, however, is that they indicate a developing suspicion that the apparent lack of seriousness of the powers that be in the West about combating the ‘Islamic State’ indicates that they do may not really want it defeated – and may have been strongly complicit in its creation.
    I am feeling my way here, but there are indications that, if Western élites do not wise up, a perception of them as being in hoc to essentially alien political agendas – in particular a bizarre alliance of Sunni Wahabist and Zionist – for whom terrorism is a useful tool and the odd hundred dead in the Bataclan collateral damage may gain quite widespread currency. The potential political implications are explosive.”

  135. @annamaria


    Again, that’s the past, the future is now and what to do about the situation in France, now, today, going forward. How we got here from there doesn’t much matter. We now have a situation and there’s no sense looking in the rear-view when the danger is in the windshield, approaching at high velocity.

    我知道布什搞砸了。 比尔·克林顿搞砸了一些事情。 里根、卡特,回到艾克,中东在寻求石油的过程中犯了错误,才导致我们走到今天的地步。 而今天,这些都不再重要了。

    Final solution? Well, I don’t say go Hitleresque, but if you have culture that is a threat in your midst, it might make sense to quarantine the threat so it doesn’t break into the public square. It all depends on your bent. If you want to live in peace and pass on a safe culture to your kids, you do what needs doing to preserve a culture worth preserving. On the other hand, if not, then we have the answer. But with Islam, there’s no compromise, no slack, no forgiveness. You merely decide which system you prefer to live and die under and make your choices. Pretty simple stuff as I said and none of it has anything to do with the past. The threat is real, it’s today and 昨天没关系。


    • 回复: @bunga
    , @bunga
    , @annamaria
  136. geokat62 说:
    @Sam Shama

    I am going to meet with our man in Congress…

    山姆,帮我一个忙,试着向他转述我的百万人游行的想法。 看看他是否愿意做主讲人。

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
    , @RobinG
  137. @L.K

    Fine, LK. And what do we do now, going forward? And why do you celebrate failure? I don’t deny the failures, but sure as Hell, I didn’t contribute to them. But now that children and citizens are murdered, why do those that point at faulty government celebrate in the face of murder and mayhem with “Buahhahahahahhaa”? What is the matter with you?

    As for the WashPost, NYTimes and the rest, they’re dead-dino media, they’re irrelevant outside the Beltway, that’s I-495. Actually, outside of Old Town Alexandria and Arlington and Bethesda, I hadn’t seen a copy of the Post hitting any driveway for 10 years before I flew off to Boston in 2009. Wretched place, Washington. Grew up there, it was a nice town, but Liberals ruined it. Ah well.

    Feel vindicated, pointing out the failures that result in the murders of men, women and children? I might remind some of you folks that Barak Hussein Obama has been in the White House for north of 7 years now. Where is the love of Islam? How’s the reset with Russia going? How’s the world these days? No better than when the man I blamed for our troubles 10 years ago when he tipped over Iraq, Mr. Bush. But time is vicious when wasted. And we’d better figure out what to do about the Islamic undertow into the West and quickly. I suspect a surrender is in the works.

    But I figure, hell, when Islam takes over and wipes out Feminism, I get my Male Privilege back. Why do I argue in favor of Western Civilization with the Liberals that will be wiped out in any case? If Western-based feminist liberals and their eunuch men and the alphabet stew of sexual depravity aren’t interested in saving this wretched culture, really, why should I?

    我投降并服从所说的女权自由主义者和他们的太监、戴绿帽子的男人。 真主阿克巴。

    • 回复: @Rurik
  138. bunga 说:
    @Jim Christian


  139. bunga 说:
    @joe webb

    看看哈里斯,他可以和卡森一样出色。 强者辩论“无神”和强者辩论“第七天上帝”

    “如果要在诺姆·乔姆斯基和本·卡森之间做出选择,就他们对当今世界正在发生的事情的总体理解而言,我每次都会投票给本·卡森。 本·卡森是一个危险的受迷惑的宗教白痴……他是总统候选人的事实是一个丑闻……但至少可以指望他能把这件事做对。 他明白圣战分子是敌人。”



  140. bunga 说:
    @Jim Christian

    “我知道布什搞砸了。 比尔·克林顿搞砸了一些事情。 里根、卡特,回到艾克,中东在寻求石油的过程中犯了错误,才导致我们走到今天的地步。 而今天,这些都不再重要了。



    911 对于愚蠢的共和党智障侏儒和民主党战争鹰派来说仍然很重要。 它仍然引起德克萨斯州的吸毒者和殴打妻子的人的共鸣,他们寻求道德阳刚的救赎,对六千英里之外的巴黎袭击事件感到不满(让人想起一些印度尼西亚人因阿布格莱布监狱的酷刑而震惊) 。

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  141. annamaria 说:
    @Jim Christian

    确切地。 看看谁在对抗食肝者,谁在保护他们。 这种威胁确实是真实存在的,而且令人惊讶的是,一直在对抗这种威胁的不是美联储帝国,而是前邪恶帝国。 自去年以来,乌克兰发生了巨大的变化。 明确地说,有一些强大的势力不想要一个世俗和宽容的中东; 因此,伊拉克、叙利亚和利比亚等正常运作且宗教宽容的国家遭到毁灭。 中东成为瓦哈比主义的温床是有非常明显和强有力的原因的。 您关心我们孩子的未来吗? – 然后看看谁从中东混乱中受益。 同样的力量希望你的愤怒和想象力继续在中东(及其他地区)进行大屠杀。 同样的权力完全无视(普通)欧洲人和美国人,包括我们的孩子的福祉。

  142. @bunga

    没有。 一切都不重要,智慧也不重要。 重要的是未来。 13 年 2015 月 XNUMX 日的巴黎已经不再重要。


  143. Rurik 说:

    你确定有他们的电话号码 Kiza


    我希望他们不要习惯。 我希望这件事能够缓和下来。 我什至会说(仿佛 我的意思是)“嘿,以色列,如果能带来和平并最终带来理智,那就继续占领戈兰高地吧。”





    我认为他不信任他们。 他怎么可以? 但他必须对付他们。 但你如何对付魔鬼呢?





    • 回复: @RobinG
    , @Kiza
  144. @Bill Jones

    我不知道谁真的相信这一点,无论公关封面如何,但实际成就肯定是相反的。 因此,看来一些有影响力的“白痴”实际上一定相信民主会被破坏。

  145. “有人可能会向奥巴马指出,他关于俄罗斯优先攻击‘可能成为包容性叙利亚政府未来成员的温和反对派’的评论是在事件视频的背景下阅读的。

    你说对了。 我观看了“温和派”砍头者拍摄的庆祝谋杀视频。 我不会邀请他们加入任何我想要的政府。 他们让老苏联和古巴革命者看起来非常文明。


    • 回复: @annamaria
  146. @KA


    那天我们看了重播,从飞机撞上第二座塔开始。 在网络报道的所有报道中,混杂着人们显然正在庆祝这一可怕事件的视频。



    随后,有人质疑庆祝活动的人是哪国人。 甚至有人猜测是以色列人——而且大量冒充“艺术学生”从事间谍活动的以色列人随后被驱逐出境。

    谁知道他们是谁? 毕竟连伊朗总统都转而表示哀悼。 我们知道,唯一被允许在领空关闭的情况下飞出的商业飞机是沙特特遣队,他们想避免受到质疑,而当时公众并不知道这次袭击是沙特人发动的。

    我认为特朗普的成功竞选揭示了我们腐朽的民主和寡头政治的低级地位。 然而,考虑到其他候选人,我们可能会做得比特朗普更糟糕,而且我们很可能会这样做。

    但特朗普的记忆力并没有让他失望。 袭击发生时播放了一段令人不安的视频,视频显示人们在新泽西州庆祝。 我看到了。

    那 28 个经过编辑的页面里有什么?

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  147. @Fran Macadam

    “那 28 个经过编辑的页面里有什么?”

    它被称为“28 页的误导”。

    这些页面很可能会合法地指控沙特人,但也可能它们也被情报机构(和特工)用来勒索。 游戏可以这样运作; 假设我引爆了你的特工掩护以破坏某些行动并且不希望遭到反击。 如果我有更大的东西要发布(比如 28 页),你会犹豫是否要追随我。 这种肮脏的游戏可能需要多次复杂的迭代,也许有一些针对沙特的要求或威胁,试图让他们遵守某种路线或行为,并威胁释放。

    现在,如果这 28 页即将被曝光,很可能有一个议程。 我们这些凡人几乎肯定不知道这个议程是什么。

  148. annamaria 说:
    @Fran Macadam

    他们无法对自己诚实。 看起来就像一只感染了真菌的僵尸蚂蚁。

  149. annamaria 说:

    周二上午 9.30 点 24 分,一架俄罗斯 SU-XNUMX 喷气式飞机被土耳其战斗机击落。 据称,该机飞行员随后被叙利亚土库曼反政府民兵杀害,其中一名飞行员的尸体在视频中被展示在视频中,该视频立即发布在 YouTube 上。 土耳其声称这架飞机侵犯了土耳其领空,但俄罗斯坚称 飞机在叙利亚境内被击落,距土耳其边境 4 公里。 土耳其没有呼吁俄罗斯缓和袭击造成的紧张局势,而是立即召开北约紧急会议以加大力度——普京评论道,“就好像我们击落了他们的飞机,而不是他们的飞机”……
    俄罗斯两个月前直接介入叙利亚冲突,引起了“政权更迭”阵营的极度恐慌。 美国和英国公开表示,与他们所有的“反伊斯兰国”言论不符,俄罗斯可能实际上正在对该组织进行有效的打击,并将政府权威恢复到该组织蓬勃发展的无人监管的领域,这让他们感到震惊。 西方立即开始警告俄罗斯可能会受到“反击”,并加大了向叛乱分子的先进武器运输力度。 一个月内,一架俄罗斯客机被炸,伊斯兰国声称对此负责并 英国外交大臣菲利普·哈蒙德称这次袭击是一次“警告”。 这是一次“射击”,不仅针对俄罗斯,还针对她的盟友; 这架飞机在埃及境内被击落是针对埃及旅游业的蓄意经济战行为,是对埃及支持俄罗斯和叙利亚以及自塞西上台以来阻止前往叙利亚的武装分子的惩罚。 ..
    俄罗斯已针对 ISIS 据称拥有 1000 艘油轮的舰队展开了大规模行动,这对于该组织的财务成功至关重要。 据战争研究所报道,“俄罗斯军事参谋长安德烈·卡尔塔波洛夫上将于 18 月 500 日宣布,“俄罗斯战机现在正在对往返叙利亚的 ISIS 运营的油罐车进行免费搜索”。和伊拉克,声称俄罗斯的袭击在过去“几天”内摧毁了 ISIS 运营的 XNUMX 多辆石油卡车。该组织石油运输能力的这种巨大削弱甚至让美国感到羞愧,才迟来且有些半心半意地对其发动了类似的袭击。自己的。 粉碎ISIS石油工业不仅会打击整个敢死队项目,还会直接影响到被广泛认为参与ISIS生产石油运输的土耳其,甚至埃尔多安家族本身,因为据信他的儿子比拉尔经营的公司从事非法贸易。”

  150. annamaria 说:

    非常难过。 这对美国来说是多么耻辱的一天。

    “……被土耳其人击落的俄罗斯 SU-24 前线轰炸机的一名空中领航员首次接受俄罗斯媒体采访,他在采访中表示,他的飞机不可能侵犯土耳其领空:“不。 这是不可能的,连一秒钟都不可能。 特别是因为我们的飞行高度约为6.000米,天气晴朗,正如我们行话所说的百万分之一,我们的整个飞行直到火箭击中我们的那一刻完全在我的控制之下。 我在地图和周围环境上都完美地看到了边界和我们的确切位置。 他告诉记者,甚至没有跨越边境进入土耳其的威胁。 我们在那里执行过多次战斗任务,我们对该地区了如指掌,我们执行战斗任务后沿相反路线返回空军基地。 作为领航员,我几乎知道那里的每一个海拔高度。 我什至可以在没有仪器的情况下导航”——他说。
    飞行员说 土耳其导弹突然击中飞机,机组人员无法躲避,而且土方也没有提前发出警告。 事实上根本没有任何警告 – 不是通过无线电通信,也不是通过视觉,只是没有联系。 ......导弹突然来到飞机尾部。”


    • 回复: @annamaria
  151. annamaria 说:

    俄罗斯国防部周四表示,“土耳其当局已通知俄罗斯武官,他们没有向媒体提供其 F-16 战斗机与被击落的俄罗斯 Su-24 飞机之间所谓无线电接触的录音……如果是这样,这证实了这一点。”科纳申科夫少将告诉记者,今天公布的土耳其飞行员与我们机组人员接触的录音再次是假的。 该发言人表示:“我们的武官获悉,无法移交有关 16 月 24 日土耳其 F-XNUMX 攻击俄罗斯飞机的任何材料。”


  152. Rurik 说:
    @Jim Christian

    好吧,LK。 下一步我们该怎么办?

    当我看到有人说《圣杯》中 Monty Python 的那一刻时,我总是感到好笑





    在母亲面前非法轰炸、破坏、大规模谋杀、折磨和强奸儿童,以及对其他文明、相对世俗的社会强加各种砍头的亚人类食人者和挥舞着石器时代动物的AK =问题


    你能 尝试 至少要建立突触连接?

    如果你想抱怨被占领的西方由于伊斯兰教(美国)在世界上表现出的疯狂而遇到的问题; 随意轰炸没有威胁的国家,无视所有已知的国际法原则或简单的人类尊严,为什么不尝试照照镜子吉姆?


    我有话要对你说 吉姆



    它在某种程度上意味着新保守派,但实际上它描述的是一群意识形态人士,他们对你所抱怨的所有废话负责。 它是 新保守派 他们强加了所有的战争、屠杀和混乱。 它是 新保守派 这对以色列的利库德纳粹集团来说是不择手段的。 正是新保守派要求所有人大规模移民到西方国家。 为了简单起见,他们也被称为犹太复国主义者吉姆。 或者更重要的是,超级犹太复国主义者,因为他们不只是想要世界犹太人的家园,而是想把世界变成一场反向大屠杀,在那里他们对穆斯林和纳粹分子进行报复(那就是你吉姆) )以及所有其他未能适当地向他们所看到的神一般的伟大屈服的人。

    所以吉姆,如果你想抱怨穆斯林的所有问题和他们的落后方式,那么请看看谁是当今穆斯林世界所有冲突的幕后黑手。 当你无法审视事情为何如此,而只是为现状而哭泣时,那么你将永远无法解决任何问题。 你必须看看 原因 的问题,以便找到解决方案。 当你似乎不愿意或无法看到这一切的原因时,哭诉穆斯林在欧洲并感到不安以及我们应该如何对他们生气看起来非常愚蠢。



    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  153. RobinG 说:



    张伯伦对你没有任何绥靖之心。 或者这就是你一直以来努力的目标?

    • 同意: Ronald Thomas West
    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @Rurik
  154. @RobinG



    • 回复: @RobinG
  155. Rurik 说:


    我是哈斯巴拉! 你识破了我的阴谋!

    荣誉,你和天才 RTW

    该死的这一切! 我的卑鄙计划又落空了!

    >>> <<

    这到底是什么意思? 我是一些受雇的以色列特工,用我的虚假信息和聪明的双重人格心理战来侵扰互联网论坛?

    如果不是因为我来到这里以来所写的每一个字都试图以某种形式揭露犹太复国主义的背叛,这听起来几乎很有趣。 你不认为我被指责为比比和船员们工作吗? 这就是我试图表明以色列知道 911 事件即将发生却没有警告我们的原因吗? 啊,但是你看,这都是我的伎俩的一部分! 我 就像我反对战争只是因为我想让你相信我是这样,这样我就可以秘密地破坏和平运动!


    但让我问你,罗宾,让我们假设所有这些冲突、恐怖和战争都可以结束。 让我们假设如果世界找到某种方法通过将戈兰高地的控制权移交给以色列来解决困扰我们所有人的问题,那么如果比比、犹太复国主义者、利库德尼克派以及各种各样的新保守派和战争贩子都会神奇地得到安抚,(无论如何,他们掌控着今天)。




    现在,我已经承认这解决不了任何问题,所以这个建议只是学术性的,但如果它可以,如果它是我的奉献,如果世界可以找到一种方法让生活在其中的人们感到满意在那里,我想它会解决很多问题。 不?



    因为我真的在用我无限聪明的小诡计来愚弄你们; )

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @Clyde
  156. RobinG 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    RTW,你对Jr.的印象如何? 我没有太关注,但最近他和Rurik一直在扮演双打的角色:Rurik发表了一些华丽的甚至可能是反犹太主义的言论,然后Jr.过来说,现在,现在,不能这样做! 他们可能是联盟,或者是同一个人,也可能是不知情的。 (这甚至没有解决 Jr. 对我说的话。)

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  157. @Rurik


    比比:我是本杰明·内塔尼亚胡,但你可以叫我比比。 我是一个失败的犹太喜剧演员,在布达佩斯卡津奇街的任何地方都无法踏入。 我最近最好的笑话是邀请欧洲的犹太人大规模移民到以色列,因为这应该会让他们感到更安全。 我会用彩票给他们买票,让他们乘坐可能不会发生持刀袭击的公共汽车,去参观可能不会爆炸的咖啡馆,而我则假扮成一名服务员,问“有什么事吗?” 是的,我们为以色列的每个人提供防毒面具,以防发生化学武器袭击; 这也应该能很好地对抗这种臭气熏天的硫磺……哎呀……我从来没有遇到过这么臭的东西! 当我用嘴呼吸时,我可以尝到它的味道! 我的瘾是垃圾食品和冰淇淋送到我的办公室,我的角色是地缘政治必须认真对待的头号核武器狂人。 我的目标是不让以色列的计算机投票欺诈行为被发现,并破坏对支持我的执政联盟的摩萨德相关有组织犯罪的调查


    在人们注意到你表现出“这位女士抗议太多”之前; )

  158. @RobinG

    没有意见,我没有关注他们的互动。 除此之外,我注意到 Jr 做出了一些敏锐的观察……但是,不说 Jr,我注意到似乎是“双打”评论者,但没有投入太多精力与之搏斗,只是时不时地敲打更烦人的内容(对我来说)表面上看来,哈斯巴拉、鲁里克最近才排在我名单的首位——

  159. voicum 说:
    @Jim Christian

    吉姆,你所认为的“见多识广”的写作与w没有任何共同点。 真相。

    • 回复: @Jim Christian
  160. alexander 说:
    @Sam Shama






    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  161. KA 说:


    萨潘(法国财政部长)还表示,考虑到伦敦金融城的声誉,他将对英国实施欧盟商定的打击洗钱和交换可疑交易或个人财务信息的措施保持“警惕” ”。



  162. @voicum


    这些“胡言乱语”是问题的复杂化,它们的信息量很大,不考虑这些就无法得出真相。 你不能把所有事情都归咎于布什(不是说我在为布什辩护,无论是他们中的任何一个),然后就带着这些未解决的问题走开,就像激进伊斯兰教的辩护者在这本书中所做的那样。 迟早,我们必须与他们打交道,因为可以肯定,当我打字时,他们正在与我们打交道。 战斗还是逃跑,我们必须选择一个。


    • 回复: @annamaria
  163. @Rurik


    新保守派破坏了一切。 我在哪里支持新保守派? 我不支持阿拉伯之春,也不支持萨达姆的倒台,甚至也不支持在布什和克林顿领导下的禁飞区,这些禁飞区使我心爱的海军航空队疲惫不堪了八十年。 此时此刻,这里或那里,都不重要了。 我已经说过很多次了,不需要再以法国的名义向叙利亚投下一颗炸弹。 法国的问题,实际上是西欧的所有问题,都在西欧内部。 他们需要做出决定。 他们可以生活在伊斯兰教或西方文化之下。 哈里发国或女权自由主义/社会主义。 就是这么简单。 既然我们让它达到了我们的父母永远不会有的地步,欧洲现在必须考虑如何生活以及在什么条件下生活。

    圣鲭鱼,真是咆哮,留里克。 我不想报复,我只想解决问题。 我们不欠叙利亚人在第一世界的一席之地。 这不是我们的问题。 将第三世界过剩的人口输入40年来一直被告知不要人口过剩的第一世界,这对欧洲和美国来说是非常不公平的。 这与共和党或民主党无关。 这事关国家存亡。 伊斯兰教需要被清除出巴黎,因为它们不是一种同化文化。 这就是我要说的一切,这就是我所说的一切。 由于我们没有像二战一代的成年人那样解决问题,所以我们现在需要做出决定。 随心所欲地把罐子踢到路上,总会有人把它扔回给我们/

    但没关系,你可以随心所欲地滔滔不绝地讲述左翼的谈话要点,我想这会让你感觉自己是相关的。 发布您想要的所有新保守主义历史以及对纳粹和保守派的可爱引用。 西方面临着一个严重的问题,这个问题超越了之前的所有问题,而且只与未来有关。 考虑过去是没有用的,除非你还在玩指责游戏,这是一种完全幼稚的尝试,对解决问题没有任何帮助。

    哈里发或女权自由主义/社会主义社会。 选一个。 比任何人都喜欢的更快,它就会强加给你。 多元文化的生活方式将受到认真的重新考虑。 这还不够真实。 但它会的。

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Rurik
  164. Kiza 说:

    老实说,我不确定为什么其他人将你解释为哈斯巴拉,我还没有注意到你的评论中的“以色列优先”。 但如果你是哈斯巴拉,那么你(以及他们所有人)都会感到羞耻。

    好吧,现在哈斯巴拉已经不再碍事了,这是对土耳其人的第一个小回报。 昨天,一支土耳其宣布的“人道主义”车队在叙利亚北部遭到“不明”空军的袭击。 土耳其人和俄罗斯人均未发表正式评论。


    但是,正如我写给 RobinG 的那样,俄罗斯人正在表现出一些精神进步的迹象:


    土耳其和俄罗斯当局尚未对这一事件发表评论。 然而,在阿扎兹事件之前,塔伊普·埃尔多安对2013年发生的一起事件发表了评论,当时一支土耳其安全部门车队在前往叙利亚西北部巴伊尔布卡克地区的途中被拦截。 土耳其总统说:“如果有武器的话,那又是什么? 如果没有,会发生什么变化?=

    我真诚地希望这段精彩的段落不是RT的外国工作人员写的,而是由俄罗斯人写的,这将是俄罗斯精神进步的理想证明。 当我听到俄罗斯将军谈论“国际法”时,我确实感到中风。

    • 回复: @L.K
    , @RobinG
    , @Rurik
  165. RobinG 说:

    Geo,你必须谨慎选择与“百万人游行”的战斗。 这比(你?)大多数人想象的要难 任何人 在街上,更不用说在华盛顿了,因为这不会直接影响他们的钱包或他们的身体。 真正的积极分子很少,除非你真的能发挥作用,否则最好不要使用他们。 (更不用说游行者花费的时间、精力和路费了。)

    这里的游行是一打一毛钱的,只有在傀儡师的某个派系想要的情况下才会在 MSM 中报道。 你必须非常清楚你前进的目的是什么。 还要意识到为此进行宣传需要时间。 在乌兹别克斯坦,我们正处于泡沫之中。 (众多之一。)有多少“正常”美国人没有陷入“普京坏,我们好”的宣传矩阵中?

    虽然图尔西·加巴德 (Tulsi Gabbard) 的 HR 4108 法案可能看起来很小,但对于理智来说,这是一个初步的尝试。 但它需要的是程序,而不是游行。 由众议院军事委员会成员组成的公民代表团前往州办公室将比街头随意的人更有效(IMO)。 当实际会员在家乡时,必须提前预约与他/她会面。

    我不是程序方面的专家,但有些事情是不可预测的。 时间安排——该法案在委员会投票之前将被提交多久——由众议院议长自行决定。 (如果您遵循某项特定法案,则存在很多不确定性并需要匆忙等待。)该法案还已发送给情报委员会(永久选择)和外交事务委员会。 它可以通过其中任何一个到达楼层吗? (我在问。)

    另一个想法是让一名或多名总统候选人支持该法案。 我怀疑有人会说:“哎呀,我们一直在支持伊斯兰国,这是错误的,我们现在应该停止。” 所以 HR 4108 可能已经是最好的了。

    我现在就停在这里。 感恩节快乐。

    • 同意: Kiza
    • 回复: @geokat62
  166. Sam Shama 说:

    是的,我知道你不需要。 但我们的制服是我们国家的骄傲和竭尽全力的象征。 你对中东的敌人了解多少? 他们是一个充满动机的敌人,他们的宗教教导他们这一点。 你近距离看过他们吗? 我有过,当你支持他们并鄙视美国时,你真的不知道自己在说什么。 你的朋友也一样。 当你面对穆斯林敌人的子弹的那一天,就像巴黎的人们刚刚所做的那样,你就会知道每个士兵在做什么。 看看你朋友写的废话。 他支持敌人和俄罗斯人。 是的,我知道我们在这个国家有一些问题,但你必须选择你的立场,无论是地狱还是高潮,就像克里斯蒂安先生告诉你的那样。 穆斯林生来就有这个,俄罗斯人也是如此,如果他们赢了,他们不会给你奖牌,因为你在互联网上写了奉承的文章。 你们正处于某种非现实之中。

    • 回复: @alexander
  167. geokat62 说:
    @Jim Christian




  168. L.K 说:



  169. RobinG 说:

    Kiza,这是 Rurik,@150,这就是为什么我说“Hasbara 的证据?”

    我什至会说 (就好像这是我的给予) “嘿,以色列,如果能带来和平,就继续占领戈兰高地吧” 以及最终的理智。


    现在,关于车队的问题,在发布会后的问答环节中得到了询问和解答。 普京承担了责任,并表示这没有被登记为“人道主义”。


    • 回复: @Kiza
  170. L.K 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West


    显然,“叛乱分子”基本上都是逊尼派极端分子,其中有许多是叙利亚人,还有来自大约 100 个国家的大量外国人。

    就连罗伯特·菲斯克最终也承认了叙利亚军队的存在。 包括军官队伍在内,大部分是逊尼派,在尝试了一段时间后,试图推动至少军官几乎都是阿拉维派的观念。



    在 CBC 广播节目“As It Happens”中,美国前外交官、调查叙利亚侵犯人权行为的联合国独立小组成员凯伦·科宁·阿布扎伊德 (Karen Koning AbuZayd) 就联合国人权理事会有关叙利亚局势的最新报告接受了采访。
    在音频的 5 分 35 秒处,关于可能起诉阿萨德的问题,将米洛索维奇和塞尔维亚进行了比较。 参与波斯尼亚事务的凯伦·阿布扎伊德 (Karen Abuzayd) 说道:


  171. L.K 说:


    好吧,伙计们,PCR 博士“愚蠢*美国”奖必须颁给戴安娜和吉姆“克里斯蒂安”!


  172. RobinG 说:
    @Sam Shama




    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  173. L.K 说:
    @Sam Shama


    不,UBL 并没有在 9-11 事件中炸毁“你的城市”, 没有任何证据表明他与9-11有关。
    实际上,在逃离美国空袭之前,他甚至在 2 到 3 次采访中否认参与和/或了解这些袭击,其中一次是接受半岛电视台采访。


    顺便说一句,你已经赢得了 PCR 奖。 一探究竟!

    • 回复: @alexander
  174. geokat62 说:



    最近一架俄罗斯轰炸机被击落,来自卡尔·格什曼(Carl Gershman)(NED 主席)的威胁曾写道:




    美国正在卷入第四次世界大战,而且战争可能会持续数年。 我认为,第四次世界大战的持续时间将比第一次世界大战或第二次世界大战对我们来说持续的时间要长得多。 希望不是冷战整整四年多的时间……


    根据 Norman Podhoretz 在《如何赢得第四次世界大战》(9/11 后不久出现在《评论》中)中所说:

    反过来,第四次世界大战将最终让伊斯兰教信徒有机会踏上更大自由和更大繁荣的道路 — — 并且并非偶然地与以色列的存在和平相处。


    • 回复: @RobinG
  175. RobinG 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    您能否(简要地)澄清一下您和 LK 正在争论的内容? 他似乎在指责你(@177)你从未说过的话,还是我错过了?

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  176. Kiza 说:

    感谢RobinG的夸奖,请对Rurik温柔一些。 我们必须容忍表达自己时的微小差异,有时甚至是错误。 我希望你能理解,当我写下“煽动性评论”时,我只是有点鲁莽,我真的想强调,不存在、也永远不会存在“反伊斯兰国联盟”这样的东西。 美国是黑警察,法国是好警察,土耳其是警犬。

    对于留里克来说也是如此。 我最好的朋友实际上发表了与鲁里克非常相似的评论,但其含义是“我想拯救我的屁股,忘记什么是对的,什么是错的”。 你会以全球核战争为代价来强化戈兰高地的真正所有权吗? 这是一种卑鄙的自私实用主义,但这就是人性,没有哈斯巴拉的影子。 这也是我对留里克评论的理解。 哈斯巴拉军队无处不在,但我们不要对此变得偏执——因为那样他们就会赢。

    Finally, I really liked your suggestions to geokat and a wonderful observation that unz.com is a bubble, just like the Washington groupthink bubble, but opposite in its orientation. Ain’t that a truth, all thanks to Mr Unz. Have a great reminder of the vacation.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  177. RobinG 说:

    你为什么对我说这些? 去当地的超市试一下,那里的人不知道什么是新保守主义。 我正试图讨论实用策略,你却带着反战101回来了。

    当然,我不知道你住在哪里,所以我想我不应该这样认为,但我可以告诉你,街上唯一的人(“黑人的命也是命”)不知道乌克兰发生了什么。 一些人,“......重塑ME的新保守主义政策不会 **结果 直接影响美国民众。 ” 完全是晦涩难懂的。 你说的是苹果和橙子。 而且 ME 距离太远,他们想要的只是安全和购物的好天气。 所有聚集在总统候选人周围的“活跃”人士除了战争的欢呼之外什么也没有得到,而且似乎对此感到高兴。 我希望我没有在这里浪费口气。

    “保罗·克雷格·罗伯茨博士,一位伟大的美国人,创造了“愚蠢的美国人”这个词,=高度相关!! 你可以希望人们走上街头,或者你可以使用可用的政治工具。

    **如果他们把这些点联系起来的话,它已经影响了他们。 不要屏住呼吸。

    • 回复: @Kiza
  178. geokat62 说:


    那么你的实际战略(图尔西·加巴德法案、HR 4108 法案和公民代表团到州办公室)将结束第四次世界大战并消除新保守派/以色列第一派对美国外交政策的束缚?


    • 回复: @RobinG
  179. annamaria 说:
    @Jim Christian


    当人们看到错误的道路时,他们的反应是批评领导人。 如果你对你的孩子和孙子的未来有任何希望,你最好开始努力避免战争奸商“选择”和圣经带一直在人类身上推行的第三次世界大战的灾难。
    你看,美国知道被土耳其击落的飞机的飞行路线; 详细信息是由俄罗斯人向美国提供的。 然后美国向土耳其提供了细节,以便土耳其可以使用美制F-16击落俄罗斯飞机(当时正在与伊斯兰国作战)。

  180. Kiza 说:


    我的家乡曾经有一位非常令人敬佩的领导人,他后来成为了国王,因为他为国家做出了一些伟大的事情,他对此深感敬佩。 不幸的是,他也是一个大渣男、骗子和一切人和所有人(不仅是国家敌人)的操纵者。 因此,他在历史上最被铭记的一句话是,在讲坛上用洪亮的声音说:“哦,我伟大的人民……!!!” 并低声对他的随从说:“我的牛……”这就是政治的真正含义,也是新保守派/犹太保守派对待美国和其他西方公民的确切方式。 如果人们只知道以他们的名义所做的事情就好了! 但他们不关心也不关心。 给他们《美国偶像》,更多的钱去购物,那就是给他们扔一些帝国冒险中剩下的骨头,你可以把外国变成血流成河,只要他们在乎。 就像古罗马一样?

    西方统治者对这种治理模式了如指掌,但他们却把这个体系塞得满满的,惹恼了太多人,以至于有一天可能会出现干草叉。 到那时,游说集团将通过中央情报局和国家安全局进行统治。 换句话说,情况必须变得更糟才能变得更好。 我希望不是通过全球核战争。

    • 回复: @geokat62
  181. RobinG 说:

    不,这不是一个宏伟的解决方案,但它会迫使公众进行讨论。 这将是众多举措中的第一步。 这比等待足够多的人走上街头要好,而且它也可能会鼓励这种情况。

    另外,谁知道还有哪些其他轮子在运转,早在 2013 年(当时我们没有轰炸叙利亚),示威活动是一个因素,但决定性的力量可能是邓普西将军。

    • 回复: @geokat62
  182. @RobinG

    我很早就承认阿萨德有世俗的(我应该加上,以及许多非阿拉伯的)逊尼派支持该政权。 我提供了有关国内流离失所者的数据和方法问题政治化的证据(并附有我引用的材料的链接),因此他可能会重新考虑他荒谬的断言,即阿萨德政权属于逊尼派,在某种程度上,这将抵消两者之间分裂的事实。阿拉维派/基督教叙利亚和逊尼派叙利亚。 此外,我还对一群哈佛大学研究生(@85)对战争的宗派性质进行了很好的分析,以支持我的主张(@42 给 Fran)逊尼派叙利亚已经脱离了阿拉维派/基督教叙利亚。

    LK 的引述@177 “阿萨德总统——有相当多的人支持他,也许有一半甚至更多” 似乎与他的主张不一致。 如果大约一半的人口支持阿萨德,那么当 LK 声称这包括特别大比例的逊尼派人口时,这是不成立的。 叙利亚(或者曾经是难民前)大约 15% 的非逊尼派穆斯林(主要是阿拉维派和密切相关的什叶派),大约 10% 的非阿拉伯派逊尼派库尔德人(其中极少数是基地组织类型),大约 10% %基督徒。 土耳其约有一到两百万(使用有问题的难民统计数据)境外流离失所的难民,约旦和黎巴嫩各有一百万左右。 除了黎巴嫩(黎巴嫩是一个混合体)之外,可以肯定地假设,这些国家的大多数外部流离失所者将是逊尼派阿拉伯人和一些逊尼派土库曼人(在叙利亚占极少数)。土耳其总体上对非穆斯林抱有敌意。逊尼派和逊尼派库尔德人,约旦主要是逊尼派阿拉伯人,黎巴嫩是混合民族,但对许多来自叙利亚的巴勒斯坦人很有吸引力。 同样,叙利亚-巴勒斯坦逊尼派人口的忠诚度似乎也存在分歧。

    鉴于上述情况,很难想象 LK 的断言会是准确的,而且他始终避免的是我指出冲突的宗派性质的背景。 当然,在逊尼派极端主义民兵控制的叙利亚大片地区,基督徒、什叶派和阿拉维派将所剩无几,同样可以假设,许多不希望参与占领其地区的冲突的逊尼派阿拉伯人会流亡到周边国家。好过在阿萨德控制的地区流离失所,那里的土著居民主要是阿拉维派、什叶派和基督教徒。 此外,来自叙利亚其他地方的境内流离失所的基督徒将大部分在“政权”控制的地区避难。

    因此,庇护阿萨德人民的逊尼派主要是非阿拉伯逊尼派,一些世俗逊尼派,他们不会构成 LK 声称的近乎多数或阿萨德支持的大多数。 他参与其中是为了论证而不是事实,现在我们已经确定,根据他的智力水平,他可以选择自由派或保守派,这对我来说没关系:


    就鲁里克而言,令人惊讶的是,他有其他明显聪明的人以他的反犹太主义和新纳粹主义色彩支持他。 相当有成就感,那。

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @Rurik
    , @L.K
  183. @Ronald Thomas West


    我的陈述“就鲁里克而言,令人惊讶的是,他有其他明显聪明的人以他的反犹太主义和新纳粹主义色彩支持他。 相当有成就感,“


    • 同意: Sam Shama
    • 回复: @Rurik
  184. alexander 说:
    @Sam Shama


    就在巴黎袭击事件的前几天,“伊斯兰国”在黎巴嫩发动了一次恶性恐怖袭击,造成 43 人死亡、300 人受伤。






  185. Rurik 说:
    @Jim Christian

    布什10和克林顿执政1年。 此时此刻,这里或那里,都不重要了。


    今天的事情是昨天所做事情的直接后果。 我们无法逃避我们所创造的现实。

    以法国的名义空投叙利亚。 法国的问题,实际上是西欧的所有问题,都在西欧内部。

    但西欧却听从华盛顿特区的命令。 你必须知道这一点。 如果华盛顿不想让叙利亚被轰炸,他们就不会被轰炸。 如果华盛顿不希望伊斯兰国在伊拉克和利比亚的大屠杀中诞生,他们(我们在华盛顿的领导人)就不会武装和资助那些野蛮人。 他们是我们弗兰肯斯坦的怪物。 只要我们的政府继续保护、武装和资助他们,我们就必须承担我们对他们的责任。

    他们需要做出决定。 他们可以生活在伊斯兰教或西方文化之下。 哈里发国或女权自由主义/社会主义。 就是这么简单。

    他们必须按照 DC 的指示去做。 如果德国决定将穆斯林驱逐出其土地,他们就必须向华盛顿负责,你不明白吗? 我们仍然占领着那个国家。 除非得到许可,否则他们不会放屁。 您认为德国将穆斯林装入火车车厢并将其运出该国会有何反应? 好莱坞、我们整个媒体和我们的政客都会因为白拳、红脸的愤怒而中风。 整个(被占领的)西方世界都会齐声尖叫“NAIZIS”。 将会有抵制和南非式的贱民国家孤立的要求。 随后出现了德国极端右翼恐怖分子针对美国人、法国和英国人的威胁和言论。 你没看到吉姆吗? 垂死的西方不是自杀,而是被谋杀。



    第二次世界大战的结果决定了事情的发展方向。 确定的主要事情是世界上没有白人种族主义的立足之地。 白人种族主义和想让自己的国家保持白色的白人种族主义者(多余)=纳粹


    我们不欠叙利亚人在第一世界的一席之地。 这不是我们的问题

    是我们摧毁了叙利亚吉姆。 美国和她的以色列第一批新保守派。 故意摧毁人民的国家,然后愤世嫉俗地看着那些人民死在废墟中,这道德吗? 但有一件事我同意你的观点,那就是这不是德国干的。 德国不再是杰出人才的国家。 今天那是美国或美国! 更具体。 如果有因果报应的话,所有这些叙利亚人都应该重新安置在汉普顿和玛莎葡萄园岛以及华盛顿特区周围的富裕郊区。 不是德国。 但正如我提到的,德国是一个附庸国,他们也是纳粹,所以他们(以及所有白人[种族主义]国家)必须承受种族主义的后果,吉姆。 (以色列是一个明显的例外,他们必须做与所有基督教白人国家被迫做的相反的事情——为了他们自己的利益;)






  186. alexander 说:



    UBL 因 2000 年科尔号军舰在也门亚丁港遭到袭击而名列我们“恐怖分子观察名单”的首位。


    当联邦调查局被问及为什么 9-11 袭击事件没有被纳入本拉登档案时……他们说根本没有证据支持这一说法。


  187. Rurik 说:






    如果你读过我对她 @162 的具体回复,你就会发现,当她说“这不是他该放弃的,为什么他要这样想?”时,她似乎变得精神错乱了。



    我只能假设他们的言论是针对亚洲和那些仍然认为该短语相关的地方。 或者是讽刺。

  188. geokat62 说:

    换句话说,情况必须变得更糟才能变得更好。 我希望不是通过全球核战争。

    我完全同意……而且我在之前的许多评论中也写过同样的内容。 如果我们相信专家的话,考虑到美国当前和可预见的人口结构,总统职位似乎将由民主党锁定。 这意味着基勒里(新保守派的宠儿)将成为下一任总统,这或多或少保证了事情会变得更糟。 也许这就是为什么乔·韦伯(Joe Webb)预测三年左右人们将带着干草叉走上街头。

    • 回复: @Kiza
  189. Rurik 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West


    等一下! 我以为我是以色列哈斯巴拉巨魔?



  190. Rurik 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West





    就说吧! 我不喜欢鲁里克,因为我是罗纳尔·托马斯·韦斯特,我很聪明,我想要一些尊重!

  191. geokat62 说:


    很高兴我们在这一点上看法一致。 你看,人口大约有320亿,动员1万人应该是有可能的。 我什至认为菲尔的组织,国家利益委员会,其主席是艾莉森·威尔,执行董事是我们自己的菲尔·吉拉尔迪,可以带头组织这样的活动。 试想一下,如果 1 万美国人举着写着我建议的 10 项变革提案的标语牌聚集在华盛顿特区,将会产生怎样的影响。 现在我同意奥巴马政府领导下的时机不太正确,但正如我在之前对基扎的评论中提到的那样,基勒里政府或多或少是一个合适的人选……在她的第一个任期中,她应该把实施重塑 ME 的新保守主义战略的最后阶段的收尾工作。 这应该是采取行动的最佳时间,这应该为规划此类活动提供充足的时间。

    你觉得怎么样,菲尔。 你认为这个建议有什么优点吗……还是我只是在特艺彩色中做梦?

    • 回复: @geokat62
  192. Rurik 说:



    你会以全球核战争为代价来强化戈兰高地的真正所有权吗? 这是一种卑鄙的自私实用主义

    我个人没有什么可担心的。 我是 非常 远离这些战争和疯狂的任何和所有直接或潜在后果。

    我在这里发帖并不是因为害怕受到这些战争的伤害。 而是因为我知道 为什么 他们是由谁发动的,我对历史也有足够的了解,知道上个世纪的战争和血腥疯狂是为什么以及由谁进行的——我对所有这些无意识的、不必要的痛苦和屠杀感到震惊这些战争是为了少数人的乐趣和利益,而无辜的人却像肉一样被碾碎。

    如果这是一场出于崇高原因的正义战争,我怀疑我会是第一个排队的。 我从来没有逃避过战斗。 胆怯不是我的本性。 但我现在年纪大了,所以我在电脑键盘前打架,但我打字不是为了拯救自己的屁股,而是为了阻止我的物种表现得像潜伏在后脑中的直立行走的猿类。 我们离基扎丛林并不遥远。 抓伤一个人,在其表面下就会发现一个长着横条犬齿的野蛮人。 直到今天,在狂妄自大的民族中心主义部落主义的压力下,他才获得了迷你核武器。 这不是一个乐观的景象。



    • 回复: @Kiza
  193. Kiza 说:

    我可以想象美国人民拿着干草叉走上街头的唯一方法是他们的银行余额、养老金、医疗保险和其他一切都消失。 从现在的情况来看,这几乎是肯定的,而不是可能的。 这个系统太糟糕了,一点都不好笑。 该系统非但没有得到纠正,反而不断变得更糟,并以许多其他方式遭到掠夺。 当前美联储管理的金融体系在这个宇宙中不可能生存更长时间。 将会有巨大的金融烟火,之后一切皆有可能。

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  194. Sam Shama 说:

    嗨 Robin、RTW、Geo 和 Kiza,
    我刚刚回顾了你们之间的这些交流,我们当然意识到我们选择遵循的道路是真正的文明进程。 我认为geokat关于百万人向华盛顿进军的想法将是一项艰巨的任务(但我不能确定,因为我从未参与过此类活动)。 我是一个渐进主义者,认为小步骤是更好的选择,随着时间的推移可以实现更宏伟的目标。 当然,我可能是错的。

    在纽约,我参加的每一次社交活动,我都能感觉到许多影响力都受到了释放战争之犬的原始冲动的影响。 这是在自由主义、反战和开明阶级的城市! 巴黎事件牵动着每个人的心。 目前,奥巴马被认为是一个无关紧要的人,而希拉里正在为按照自己选择的形象塑造世界做准备。

    Robin 关于 UR 生态系统有点泡沫的观察我认为基本上是准确的。 当我支持我从 PG 的文章和您的评论中收集到的想法和立场时,我注意到人们的反应,所以我这么说。 我越来越多地面临着轻微的烦恼或彻底的敌意。


    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @geokat62
  195. Kiza 说:

    请接受我对误会的歉意,我对“狗屎自私实用主义”的评论与我朋友的观点有关(他是朋友,所以我可以对他说,他还给我)。 我不知道你发表类似言论的动机。 我现在可以根据你的解释尝试理解。

    • 回复: @Rurik
  196. L.K 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    RTW 写道:“他是为了论证而不是事实”


    RTW 写道:“因此,庇护阿萨德人民的逊尼派主要是非阿拉伯逊尼派,一些世俗逊尼派,他们不会构成 LK 声称的近乎多数或阿萨德支持的多数。”

    你是一个多么愚蠢的人啊!! 你完全忽略了我提出的所有与你的信念相矛盾的证据。 显然,支持阿萨德的大多数人是少数民族和叙利亚逊尼派的集合,他们都是世俗和宗教温和派。

    那么,在叙利亚军队和国防军中占多数的逊尼派是谁呢? 库尔德人?
    握住我的手,这样你就不会脸朝下摔倒; 他们是叙利亚逊尼派阿拉伯人.
    我记得在 RT 上读到一位俄罗斯女记者的报道,她与叙利亚军队士兵一起生活在大马士革附近的一座中型城市达拉亚,逊尼派阿拉伯人占多数(就像大马士革本身一样)。 几乎所有的人都逃离恐怖分子,前往政府控制区。 俄罗斯记者表示,她在德拉亚与努斯拉阵线和其他土匪作战的叙利亚军队中发现了许多虔诚的逊尼派阿拉伯士兵。

    问我这个问题:为什么 ZUSA 如此坚决要求阿萨德必须下台? 为什么不同意在叙利亚举行受国际监督的选举,并允许阿萨德参加选举?


    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
  197. Sam Shama 说:

    我同意当美国人民的钱包受到伤害时,他们会做出反应。 然而,当经济体的官方测算失业率为 4-5%,或国家补贴的实际就业不足率为 15% 时,结果并非如此。 按照设计,现在就是这种情况。 一场大规模战争(阅读 GDP 的 10% 支出可能会改变这一点,但这种变化的方向是不确定的)

    原因很简单。 众所周知,在西方经济模型中,大约2%的核心通胀率、大约10-15%的人口未充分就业(领取救济金)是世界的理想状态,在这种状态下,几乎可以保证不会发生动乱。 。 事实上,美国可以遵循能够可靠地实现 3% 以上实际产出增长的财政和分配政策。 美国3%以上的实际增长确实是无懈可击的。 大多数人没有意识到这一点,因为他们看不到相对潜力。 如果增长率超过 3%,每年将增加约 1/3 德国、1/2 俄罗斯以及欧洲较小经济体的因素! 美国的规模在历史上是没有可比性的。 中国规模更大,而且将会超越,但两国都遭受着巨大的分配错误,并受到不同程度的影响。

    我要说的是:无论你对中央银行的组织有何看法,这都是世界几十年前选择的 其影响就是我们今天所目睹和经历的。 不管你是否相信“犹太人的口袋里塞满了中央银行给他们的钱”,总体事实是不可否认的。

    一个简单的模型可能有助于说明这一问题:假设我们有一个有 1000 名居民的岛屿,其中包括一位国王,他发行“货币”用于在其人民之间交换商品和服务。 国王要求每年产生的所有交换(即产出)的一定比例用于提供公共物品(道路、军队等)。 它是一个处于稳定状态的岛屿。 由于技术进步,生产的商品和服务远远超过了人们的消费能力,越来越多的人得到了储蓄。 它们以国王货币的形式保存在国王的金库中。 所有商品和服务的价格都下降,而且还在持续下降。

    国王陷入了进退两难的境地。 尽管有大量储蓄,但人们普遍不高兴。 为什么? 他想知道。 我怎样才能让他们更快乐? 一种方法是印更多的钱,从而降低其相对于所有商品的价值,让人们去用储蓄换取商品!

    所以他就这么做了。 他印钱。 然后还有更多。 但奇怪的是,商品的价格没有上涨,货币的价值也没有下降!

    他尝试这个实验已经十年了,但结果还是一样。 直到有一天,他突然意识到,这些积蓄只记在岛上大约50个人的名下,这些人又胖又老又放荡。 他们无法再消费了。 其他950人有食物和住所,但生活很紧张。 他们无权改变储蓄结构。 然后国王突然灵光一现,意识到重新分配不平衡的储蓄是唯一真正的答案。 增加货币供应量不会起到任何作用,因为 (1) 商品和服务的生产超过了 1000 种商品和服务的总需求,以及 (2) 脂肪无法再消耗更多 (3) 国王意识到他无法带来变革,因为他有权参与很久以前,重新分配的权利就被剥夺了,并交给了所谓国会的机构。

    • 回复: @Ronald Thomas West
    , @Kiza
  198. anonymous • 免责声明 说:



    艾伦·格林斯潘,2008:模型存在缺陷。 。 ”。

    (3) 国王意识到他 无法带来改变,因为他从事重新分配的权力早已被剥夺并归属于 已被发现; 夹具已升起。 人民挥舞着干草叉,夺取权力 掌握在一个叫做国会的机构手中。

  199. Rurik 说:







    当卡扎菲统治利比亚时,它是非洲大陆上最繁荣的国家,因此北约和ZioUS决定他必须下台,因此他们派出轰炸机并杀死了他,而今天的利比亚从各个方面来看都是一个失败的国家。 所以美国和我们的政客、媒体现在都对此保持沉默和高兴。 工作做得很好,所有这些。

    国王也许是有史以来最令人憎恨的国家领导者,但齐奥乌斯却尽可能长时间地保留着他们的卖国贼和他的萨瓦克。 民主你知道; )


    今天,喀布尔政权是世界上最腐败的政权之一(这已经说明了很多!),但 ZioUS 一直支持着他们,并将中央情报局贩运的超级廉价海洛因送到西方世界每个角落的儿童手中。能。

    普京的支持率高达 80%。 但如果 ZioUS 能够做到这一点,谁会怀疑他们会暗杀他并强加另一个叶利钦式的醉鬼走狗,以便他们可以再次掠夺国家呢?


    • 回复: @L.K
  200. annamaria 说:
    @Sam Shama


    因基辅和班加西而闻名的克林顿夫人(以及其他“普京是新希特勒”的爆料)是否能够做出任何积极的贡献,这是非常值得怀疑的。 不仅因为她被博格人重塑为非人类,还因为她和奥巴马都屈服于中央情报局。 这是一种安全状态。 看看利用土耳其作为替罪羊来射击 俄罗斯战机与伊斯兰国作战。 飞机路径的详细信息(时间和地点)已提供给美国。 看来是美国“军种”组织了这次“活动”。 土耳其将承受后果。

  201. @L.K

    问我这个问题:为什么 ZUSA 如此坚决要求阿萨德必须下台? 为什么不同意在叙利亚举行受国际监督的选举,并允许阿萨德参加选举?

    1) 由于阿萨德背后有少数派支持,再加上占多数的逊尼派阿拉伯叙利亚人中的少数,阿萨德很可能会让这次选举势均力敌。 但无论输赢,输的一方都不会接受这个结果。 这就是严重宗派主义的本质。 这就是为什么叙利亚是一个支离破碎的国家,而“少数族裔占多数”的政权仍然存在。 阿拉维派/什叶派、基督教、非阿拉伯逊尼派以及由世俗逊尼派阿拉伯人组成的少数群体。



    4)“阿萨德必须下台”,因为以色列人、沙特人、土耳其人和卡塔尔领导人害怕当/如果他能够将注意力转向叙利亚(或幸存的一部分)时,他会试图对他们做些什么。它)与真主党和伊朗坚定地结盟。 “以眼还眼”是该地区的口头禅。

    ^ 出于任何原因,前面的内容没有按特定顺序列出,它们几乎都是相同的。

  202. Kiza 说:
    @Sam Shama


    我确实同意你的简单故事。 然而,首先,我要挑战你的观点,即国王的财政部长是如此没有受过教育和愚蠢,以至于他事先不知道通过印制这么多新钱并将其交给选民,他不会设法制造通货膨胀,因为通货紧缩仍在继续。 难道他不知道印钱并将其提供给 5 个选定的主题(而不是千分之五十),他会创建一个两级市场:
    突然之间,选民们有了太多的钱,却没有什么新的东西可以花。 所以他们以前最喜欢的东西:股票、昂贵的艺术品、太平洋岛屿等——它们的价格爆炸了。 与此同时,所有其他商品的价格都在不断下跌。 当然,除了其他995名公民的麻烦之外,我们还可以补充一点,他们已经没有工作了,因为王国的工业已被选定的5人外包给卡泰王国和其他海外王国。 问题不在于工业生产过剩,问题在于995的收入下降。

    那么,解决办法是什么呢? 拿5的钱给995? 这次印新钱送给995(财政部长称之为“直升机钱”,同时送给之前选定的5个人,这是“拖车钱”)?

    从货币作为交换手段的定义来看,印钞来操纵价值是错误的。 国王唯一可以确定的是,印钞会造成扭曲,就像往常一样。 印钞是财富的重新分配,主要是从那些相信国王的钱(995)的人,到那些不相信国王的钱的5个人,并在得到它后立即将其转换为资产。 这只会导致没有人再相信国王的金钱。 5 人能操纵事物的能力有限,直到 995 人醒悟为止。

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  203. Kiza 说:

    转基因土耳其,pfuuj。 参加宴会的人会在厕所里过夜,肚子不舒服。

  204. Sam Shama 说:


    请记住,尽管储蓄(财富)极度不平衡的扭曲早在国王开始大规模“印钞”之前就开始了。 这种扭曲是由于税法(和其他法律)非常有利于 50(或您示例中的 5)。 国王的财务大臣有罪……

    • 回复: @Kiza
  205. Kiza 说:
    @Sam Shama

    同意。 但是,你的故事一开始也很糟糕——那不是一个王国。 国王会更好地管理国家财政和税收。 正如我的一个朋友所说:“一个国王意味着一个小偷和他的一小群随从吸干我们农民的血,而假装民主则意味着一整个阶级的小偷吸干我们的血。”。 因此,你的 50 比我的 5 更现实。这是一类金融浸出。


    5 人能操纵事物的能力有限,直到 995 人醒悟为止。

    也就是说,为了在王国里出现干草叉。 现在应该不会太久,不是因为到那时他们就会醒悟,因为系统彻底崩溃,他们所拥有的一切都完全丢失,他们就会醒过来。

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  206. Anonymous • 免责声明 说:

    我不明白为什么在军事上支持叙利亚主权政府打击武装分离主义运动(包括伊斯兰国和库尔德人等)会以任何方式构成“干涉”。 相反,这将代表着稳定该地区的努力。 到目前为止,美国所做的一切就是入侵中东国家并资助叛乱——因此造成了目前的杀戮混乱。

  207. geokat62 说:


    • 回复: @geokat62
  208. Sam Shama 说:
    @Ronald Thomas West

    谢谢罗恩。 当我试图介绍美联储的运作(它被如此多的神秘所“掩盖”)并将其货币政策与国会的渎职行为区分开来时,我一直试图让人们明白我没有隐藏的议程。 有一天……

  209. Sam Shama 说:

    是的,仁慈的国王更可取(我已经这么想了一段时间,这就是为什么我希望有一个强大的总统)。 我们的“民主”遭到严重破坏,我看不到摆脱泥潭的清晰道路。


    • 回复: @Kiza
  210. geokat62 说:
    @Sam Shama



    • 同意: Sam Shama
    • 回复: @Sam Shama
    , @geokat62
  211. Sam Shama 说:

    这就是未来事物的形态; 或者至少是纽约文人想要的东西的形状。 我仍然抱有希望……

  212. geokat62 说:


    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  213. geokat62 说:





  214. Clyde 说:

    如果不是因为我来到这里以来所写的每一个字都试图以某种形式揭露犹太复国主义的背叛,这听起来几乎很有趣。 你不认为我被指责为比比和船员们工作吗?

    利库德集团按字付费吗? 因为你的风比较大。

  215. Kilo 4/11 说:



    “激进伊斯兰主义始于苏联入侵阿富汗,”以色列分析人士说。 “包括本·拉登在内的所有更激进的伊斯兰主义者都是从与苏联的斗争中走出来的。 第二次推动激进主义的增长是俄罗斯入侵车臣。” 在这两种情况下,伊斯兰主义者都将莫斯科视为敌人。
    与此同时,“最大数量的伊斯兰国武装分子正在从俄罗斯和后苏联地区的其他国家招募,”他说。 “在某种程度上,这与多年来俄罗斯特工部门将本国伊斯兰主义者‘推向’叙利亚和伊拉克这一事实有关,让他们面临选择:移民、入狱或谋杀。”

  216. Sam Shama 说:


    但我必须告诉你,对于犹太人来说,阅读《UR》并不是一种特别舒缓的体验,即使是那些反对超级犹太复国主义企业的人也是如此。 像留里克这样的人,以及其他许多人,他们显然同情法西斯分子和新纳粹分子,并且正在等待犹太人被排成一队并被枪杀的那一天。 所有这些都是错误的、消极的或令人不快的,所有这一切,我的意思是字面上的意思,在他们看来,至少有一个犹太教唆者在幕后操纵。 这是前辈们一直警告我的。 归根结底,世界是由部落组成的,无论他们如何喋喋不休地反对不公正、不宽容等。


    所以,我向你们告别,向 Phil Giraldi、Ron Unz、Fran McAdam、RobinG、RTW、annamarina、Kiza、Seamus Padraig 以及我有幸与之互动的所有其他人告别。 你们中的许多人都是有奉献精神、有道德的人,我祝你们一切顺利。


  217. Kiza 说:
    @Sam Shama

    萨姆,问题不仅在于“民主”,还在于“总统”。 王国是可以继承的,因此国王是一个寄生虫,他想留下一个活跃的宿主,供他的遗传后代享用。 总统在任期内尽其所能地掠夺一切(或者向金融诈骗者提供好处,他的第一代后代将享受到这些人的回报)。

    如果没有著名的“第三代诅咒”,即后代的基因逐渐衰退,开明的、可继承的专制制度将是有史以来最好的社会制度。 因此,社会制度受到生物学的诅咒:伟大的国王后面跟着一个平庸的国王,后面跟着一个白痴。

    There are some good discussions on such topics here on unz.com.

  218. geokat62 说:
    @Sam Shama


    没有你,UR 将变得不一样。 我必须承认,我期待着下班回家,特别是阅读您对我的大部分评论的回复。

    当你写道:“我不再支持所谓的犹太复国主义,也不愿意怀念它曾经的样子。 这是一个不道德的事业。”我知道你也是一个有奉献精神、有道德的人。



  219. Art 说:
    @Jim Christian






  220. Art 说:
    @Sam Shama

    “这就是老前辈们一直警告我的事情。 归根结底,世界是由部落组成的,无论他们如何喋喋不休地反对不公正、不宽容等。”


    你让我失望了——你放弃了这场美好的战斗。 你们的老前辈们错了——他们带来了邪恶——正是他们靠仇恨而繁荣——难道你们看不到那些老前辈们创建的国家是好斗的邪恶部落主义的图画吗? 大多数部落国家不像以色列。


    显然,你不相信山姆这些话。 老一辈人的看法恰恰相反。


    山姆 – 我认为你应该离开我们 – 去以色列 – 你在那里的家。


  221. @Sam Shama

    萨姆,我尝试探讨菲尔在他的文章中提出的问题,这通常是一种富有成效和教育意义的经历。 我不知道接下来的评论酒吧打斗场景是什么,椅子被扔来扔去,酒吧后面的镜子被打破,但我认为它对那些参与的人来说有一定的娱乐价值,就像他们在山姆·佩金法的电影中一样。 我必须承认,我并没有理解过度歇斯底里的反犹太主义; 就性格和道德而言,犹太人确实涵盖了所有方面,因此他们将代表人类中最好和最坏的人,就像我们所有的人一样。 我不得不猜测,有一部分真正的疯子发帖,因为他们可以而受到鼓励,而一些哈斯巴主义者则急于鼓励他们通过关联在主要文章上涂油,因为那里提出的问题不会那么容易被忽视。

  222. RobinG 说:
    @Sam Shama

    没有人可以责怪你逃离了评论区的下水道,但是,就像所有的污水池一样,它充满了营养物质和病原体。 你的理由是 越来越 太反犹太了,很有趣。 我从七月才来到这里,但尖酸刻薄的程度已经相当严重了。 另外,虽然犹太人可能首当其冲(无论是真正的哈斯巴拉还是二级哈斯巴拉,正如弗兰所建议的),这对任何人来说都不是一个舒缓的地方。 即使你不在国籍/意识形态/宗教名单上,任何理智、有道德、有道德的人都必须对世界上以及我们选择的世界角落存在如此公开的仇恨感到沮丧。

    但振作起来,抛弃那些垃圾话。 (我一直想知道我母亲的约会偏好与排球有什么关系。) 成为键盘后面的大人物太容易了。 正如他们使用投石器和箭不会冒任何风险一样,你也处于安全距离。 (顺便说一句,在网上匿名是有充分理由的:我不想让这些讨厌鬼知道我住在哪里。)此外,作为犹太人,你比黑人、拉丁裔或穆斯林更不可能成为仇恨引发的暴力的受害者,或者你没有注意到UR这里的毒液吗?

    你的故事似乎有一个弧线。 起初你对菲尔持批评态度(斥责他是反犹太主义者?),但现在你恭敬地向他告别。 因此,在你在下水道老鼠中逗留之后,你回到了你的部落。 也许你在这里的使命已经完成了。

    问题是,您来到这里的总体效果是什么? 广大读者群体(大概是一个更大的群体)如何看待评论者的激烈争吵? 这些辩论有任何有用的目的吗? (也就是说,你偶尔回来看看有什么意义吗?)因为我的一个朋友告诫我,陷入网络黑洞是徒劳的。 你的离开让我也渴望这么做。

    例如,罗恩·乌兹(Ron Unz)或菲尔(Phil)可以告诉我们这篇文章有多少不同的读者吗? 以及任何其他可用的数据。 谢谢。

    • 回复: @L.K
    , @Sam Shama
  223. L.K 说:

    “西方民意调查公司在叙利亚进行的所有民意调查都强烈表明,叙利亚现任总统, 巴沙尔·阿萨德将轻松赢得该国任何自由和公正的选举设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    没错,留里克。 显然,美国精英根本不在乎民主,否则他们一开始就不会忙着在国内摧毁民主!



    让大多数美国人对你提到的那些恶魔的行为如此漠不关心的一件事是,ZUSA 一直在其他人民国家进行无数的帝国战争。 美国人不知道他们的国家被现代战争摧毁是什么感觉。
    另一件事是草案的结束。 为了成为一名优秀的“爱国者”,一般萨美人所要做的就是在保险杠上贴上“我支持我们的军队”的贴纸,仅此而已。

    • 回复: @Rurik
  224. L.K 说:

    robingG 说道:“因为我的一位朋友告诫我,陷入网络黑洞是徒劳的。 你的离开让我也渴望这么做。”


  225. Kiza 说:
    @Sam Shama

    Sam, comm on, please do not give up. I wrote before that unz.com is a long run search for truth, not a battle.

    这里有一些混蛋,那又怎样!? 也许是为了建议 Unz 先生加入按钮:“忽略评论者”。 Unz先生不想过滤掉任何人,这是正确的做法。 因此,反犹太主义者和哈斯巴拉应该根据我们的感受来对待。

    顺便说一句,Rurik 声称这里有两个 Rurik 发帖。 这并非不可能,我知道有些哈斯巴拉在另一本杂志上盗用了我的昵称并开始发布垃圾。

    • 回复: @Rurik
  226. Sam Shama 说:

    还没有完全戒掉 UR,我决定检查这个页面,我发现这些善意的话,来自你们、Robin、Fran、Geokat、Kiza 和 Art 的富有洞察力的话语 [尽管 Art 更喜欢与我的存在保持健康的距离,但网络里程还不够,乘航海的,一直到特拉维夫!]

    我在这里的逗留确实是一段弧线,一开始就以一场火的洗礼为标志[犹太人可以受洗吗?],因为一位具有邪恶幽默感的绅士向我推荐了这本网络杂志[“非常有价值的收藏,适合您下班后寻求平静的阅读”]。 他相当熟悉我的自由主义和非种族倾向,想让我尝尝与我自己有些不一致的观点! 我从诡计开始,争论超级犹太复国主义的立场,注意到反驳,直到我决定摆脱伪装[你可以问 Geokat]。 不过令人高兴的是,我遇到了很多优秀的人。 正如你所说的“养分与病原体的翻滚”。

    我想我会接受您的建议并偶尔查看一下,看看是否有什么我可以贡献的。 [我怀疑是否有人会改变他们的观点,即使是在证据面前]。

    PS:当我提到部落主义时,我的目的是向读者指出这样一个事实:UR 中随机抽取的评论肯定会证明犹太​​人并不是唯一的犯罪群体。

    然而,我仍然坚定地认为,游说集团异常强大,因此对美国的结构产生了有害的影响, 需要检查。 这就是我的努力——我可以在很小的程度上影响这个结果。

    • 回复: @geokat62
  227. @Sam Shama



    我是犹太人。 没有犹太人的眼睛吗? 没有犹太人的手,
    如果你刺我们,我们不会流血吗? (等等,等等)

    可怜的放债人夏洛克。 真是个可爱的家伙。 每个人都因为他是犹太人而讨厌他。 OY合租…

    那么,莎玛,你真的不会再为我们增光添彩了吗? 真的吗? 如果你要离开,也许你也可以带走那个 Geokat 粘液球……



    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Sam Shama
    , @geokat62
  228. Rurik 说:
    @Sam Shama






    创建你自己的小沙箱,然后自言自语并创建想象中的对手,他们可以说“犹太人控制美联储”,然后你可以禁止他们,并在电脑屏幕上红着脸尖叫“反犹太主义!” 纳粹! 直到你脸色发青

    或者..你可以尝试诚实、尊重的话语,允许人们说出事情的真相,即使你不希望他们能够这样做,并且你可以尝试用深思熟虑和合理的论点来反驳这些事情,但是那这意味着有时要承认自己在某些事情上犯了错误——但你脆弱的自我无法应对,不是吗? 最好尝试用令人愤怒的谎言和令人厌恶的人格攻击来玷污人们的好名声。
    但这就是互联网论坛的美妙之处,就是当你对别人说谎时,他们可以在上面给你打电话。 啊?

  229. Rurik 说:


    有时我会检查我的名字是否有回复,这样我就可以在需要时回复。 但我经常看不到其他人的回复(比如你的),只是让你知道。


    无论如何,我同意你所说的一切。 美国人无知到了无可救药的地步,这并不是因为他们是邪恶的,而是因为他们像大多数人一样是绵羊。 然而,我们的领导力却是另一回事; )

  230. Rurik 说:




    可怜的萨姆想要拥有控制讨论参数的权力,并说某些事情是禁止的,如果你超越了他认为的那些限制,那么他希望你受到伤害。 好吧,这就是像我这样的人所需要的一切。 告诉我,我不被允许说出或思考某些被禁止的想法,是的,没错! 那正是你会找到我的地方。 每次。 ; )

    在这个帖子中除了我之外没有人以我的身份发帖。 我已经说了我在这里所说的一切(我想,我没有回去检查),但据我所知,一段时间以来我是唯一一个以 Rurik 身份在 Unz 发帖的人,我坚持每一个字。 自豪且毫无歉意。




    但行不通的,永远行不通的是,当某个傲慢的混蛋认为他有权禁止他认为超出范围的想法时。 并认为威胁、诽谤或无耻的谎言就是做到这一点的方法。




    作为记录 ; )



  231. Rurik 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky




    • 回复: @Jonathan Revusky
  232. Sam Shama 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    引用莎士比亚的陷阱,特别是当被粗鲁和未读过的人引用时,是一个不愉快但有启发性的时刻。 我了解我的莎士比亚。

    因此,雷沃斯基,我有责任通知您 法比森什穆克,在《商人》中,莎士比亚从无情地惩罚犹太人开始。 除了你引用的那部分。 这就是转变,他明显超越了宗教偏见,并在之后继续这样做。



    所以约瑟夫斯·雷沃斯基(Josephus Revusky),我对你说(只有希伯来语在这里才公正):你是一个 菜单瓦尔韦本佐纳.

  233. geokat62 说:
    @Sam Shama



    • 同意: Kiza
  234. geokat62 说:
    @Jonathan Revusky

    如果你要离开,也许你也可以带走那个 Geokat 粘液球……

    你好山姆。 很高兴您决定偶尔来看看我们。 也许你不介意提醒你最崇拜的人之一,我的提议仍然有效:他所要做的就是接受我提出的交战规则,舞蹈就可以开始了。 不确定是什么阻止他接受……接受恐惧。

    • 回复: @Sam Shama
  235. Sam Shama 说:



  236. 伊斯兰国,或者更好的是,“拥有强大社交媒体的暴徒”,现代营销策略和伊斯兰教意识形态,在宏伟的计划中是不可能被摧毁的。 ISIS,以其现在的名字,将被消灭,但像本·拉登和他的战略家一样,他们将转入地下,与那些推行与最初导致他们兴起的相同意识形态的其他人合并。
    ISIS 的大部分激励来自于美国在与萨德尔作战时共享进程和 C3。 美国故意利用逊尼派民兵和盟友进行反击,当时许多人断言,这将再次困扰美国当时的战略​​。 当美国承诺人人平等时,什叶派政府拒绝承认逊尼派在权力结构中的政治目标。

    快进到上周,沙特阿拉伯一名什叶派神职人员被斩首,伊朗人抗议这一事件,加上沙特对也门的破坏和什叶派分子的破坏,宗教指数上升了 10 点甚至更多。 什叶派已经陷入困境,而美国仍在沙特阿拉伯,至少可以说,事情正在升温。

    存在太多的不平等,伊斯兰国不可能像什么都没有发生过一样消失。 萨达姆维持了这些派系的秩序,现在没有人可以控制坏人,所以我们自食其果,可悲的是!


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