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图尔西·加巴德(Tulsi Gabbard)让精灵从瓶子里出来

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上周三,一半已宣布的民主党候选人成为该党 2020 年总统候选人的辩论因缺乏戏剧性而引人注目。 除了通常的自由派人士之外,许多被要求发言的人对医疗保健、工作、教育以及美国如何成为一个移民国家几乎没有什么可说的。 第二天,主流媒体根据伊丽莎白·沃伦(Elizabeth Warren)传达的信息的连贯性,将其评为获胜者,尽管她所说的内容与舞台上大多数其他人所呈现的内容几乎没有什么不同。 她只是说得更好,更清楚。

纽约时报覆盖 是典型的,称赞沃伦对问题的把握以及她清晰简洁地提出问题的能力,并引用了 一条评论 “他们可以教授沃伦如何谈论问题并将答案编入故事的课程。 她不只是书呆子和统计数据。” 然后它继续将大多数其他候选人混为一谈,将他们的表现描述为“有 [ving] 一两个强有力的答案,但没有一个人有他们所希望的激动人心的竞选启动时刻。”

然而,不可避免地,根据观众的反应以及一些可能并不完全被描述为主流媒体的看法,对于谁实际上做得最好存在一些分歧。 德拉吉报告网站 进行民意调查 在辩论进行时,它以压倒性优势支持夏威夷国会女议员图尔西·加巴德 (Tulsi Gabbard)。 同样,该 华盛顿考官,一份右翼报纸认为,根据自己的民意调查,加巴德以淘汰赛获胜。 据报道,谷歌的搜索引擎在辩论期间和之后都看到了与 Tulsi Gabbard 相关的搜索量激增。

第二天,传统的保守派帕特·布坎南 (Pat Buchanan) 一篇文章 题为“特朗普备忘录:用博尔顿换图尔西”,类似于共和党顾问的评论 弗兰克伦茨 “她很可能赢得总统职位,但塔尔西·加巴德听起来像是国防部长的主要候选人。”

图尔西以她的反战资格竞选,确实不像其他候选人那样,直接面对其他潜在候选人刻意回避的战争与和平问题。 在回应新自由主义国会议员蒂姆·瑞安 (Tim Ryan) 的评论时,她说美国必须继续“参与”阿富汗等地,她提到当天被杀的两名美国士兵,说“这就是你要告诉父母的吗?刚刚在阿富汗阵亡的那两名士兵? 好吧,我们只需要订婚? 作为一名士兵,我会告诉你,这个答案是不可接受的。”

在另一点上,她扩展了她对美国战争的看法,说“让我们处理我们现在所处的情况,这位总统和他的鸡鹰内阁将我们带到了与伊朗战争的边缘。 我在 2005 年战争最激烈的时候在伊拉克战争中服役,这场战争夺走了我 4,000 多名身着军装的兄弟姐妹的生命。 美国人民需要明白,这场与伊朗的战争将比我们在伊拉克见过的任何战争都更具破坏性,代价更高。 这将需要更多的生命。 这将加剧难民危机。 它不会仅仅被包含在伊朗境内。 这将演变成一场地区战争。 这就是为什么我们每个人、每个美国人都站起来说不与伊朗开战如此重要。”

图尔西还向华盛顿机构宣战, “长期以来,我们的领导人让我们失望,让我们陷入一场又一场的政权更迭战争,导致我们陷入新的冷战和军备竞赛,使我们付出数万亿美元来之不易的纳税人金钱和无数生命。 这种疯狂必须结束。”

直言不讳,但对于那些生计与“国防”或无耻腐败的美国国会和媒体无关的美国人来说,很少有人会不同意,因为很明显华盛顿处于深渊的底部并坚持挖掘。 那么,为什么普通美国人和当权派专家在他们的电视屏幕上看到的内容之间存在如此大的差异呢? 差异不在于感知,而在于希望看到某种结果。 反战夺走了很多人的饭碗,无论他们是直接受雇于“国防”,还是庞大的游说者和智库寄生虫大军的一部分,这些游说者和智囊团让钱从纳税人的口袋里流到雷神公司的口袋里,通用动力、波音和洛克希德马丁就像一台永动机。

在美国建制派的集体判断中,图尔西·加巴德和任何像她一样的人都必须被摧毁。 她不会成为排斥不良意见的政治进程的第一个受害者。 可以追溯到尤金麦卡锡和他在 1968 年反对越南战争。麦卡锡是对的,而林登约翰逊和民主党的其他成员错了。 最近,国会议员罗恩·保罗两次试图让共和党恢复理智。 他也被与媒体携手合作的共和党政党机构故意边缘化,包括在 2012 年提名大会上被剥夺任何发言机会或让他的代表获得认可的最后侮辱。

节拍还在继续。 2016 年,民主党全国委员会主席黛比·沃瑟曼·舒尔茨 (Debbie Wasserman Shultz) 确定了提名程序,使和平候选人伯尼·桑德斯 (Bernie Sanders) 被边缘化,而超级鹰派希拉里·克林顿 (Hillary Clinton) 将被选中。 Fortunately, the odor emanating from anything having to do with the Clintons kept her from being elected or we would already be at war with Russia and possibly also with China.

图尔西·加巴德 (Tulsi Gabbard) 已将“结束永远的战争”的精灵从瓶子里放了出来,而且很难强行将其重新加入。她可能会动摇民主党的优先事项,从而引发更多关于美国到底出了什么问题的问题过去二十年的外交政策。 为了获得第二轮辩论的资格,她必须在她的支持率上获得几分或带来更多的捐款,根据她的表现,这两者都是绝对可能的。 希望这种情况会发生,并且不会有黛比·沃瑟曼·舒尔茨 (Debbie Wasserman Schultz) 躲藏在这个过程中的某个地方,他会破坏投票结果。

是的,对一些评论家来说,图尔西·加巴德 (Tulsi Gabbard) 是 不是一个完美的候选人. 在大多数国内问题上,她似乎是一个典型的自由民主党人,并且在与犹太势力融洽方面也很传统,但她也与民主党建制派决裂,承诺赦免切尔西·曼宁、朱利安·阿桑奇和爱德华·斯诺登。 她也比伊丽莎白沃伦更有道德指南针,她巧妙地回避了整个中东政策问题,或者乔拜登会毫不犹豫地亲吻本杰明内塔尼亚胡的屁股。 加巴德公开批评内塔尼亚胡,她还谴责以色列在加沙杀害“手无寸铁的平民”。 作为一名印度教徒,基于两个群体的历史互动,她对穆斯林的看法有些复杂,但最近她的看法有所缓和。

为了确定,美国人以前听到了很多,其中大部分从名叫唐纳德特朗普的绅士口中,但Tulsi Gabbard可以成为可能在过去五十年中真正可选的唯一真正的反战候选者。 我们关心我们国家未来的美国人应该非常仔细地倾听她所说的话,并做出相应的回应,这一点至关重要。

菲利普·吉拉迪(Philip M.在中东。 网站是 Councilforthenationalinterest.org, 地址为PO Box 2157,Purcellville VA 20134,其电子邮件为 [电子邮件保护]

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  1. 非常感谢吉拉尔迪先生!

    • 同意: Hail, The Scalpel
    • 回复: @Ghali
  2. “是的,对于一些批评者来说,图尔西·加巴德并不是一个完美的候选人。 ”



    如果她是真正的反战候选人,也许她可以。她从雷神公司和国防承包商 PAC 那里获得了捐款。她不断指责“我们的领导人”派遣我们的军队参加政权更迭战争,却不承认有过错的领导人是像本杰明·内塔尼亚胡这样的以色列人。


  3. anonymous[340]• 免责声明 说:

    “To be sure, Americans have heard much of the same before, much of it from out of the mouth of …”

    Wilson, FDR, Bush II, Obama, and Trump all lied about this topic. That’s why they made the November ballot — the Establishment knew that they were not going to deliver on what they promised.

    Paul and Sanders apparently weren’t lying. They were cheated against by the Establishment, and kept off the November ballot.

    If Gabbard makes the November ballot, then she’s lying. If not, this will indicate that she may be telling the truth.

    Americans need to accept that no one willing to take on Big War will ever be elected President. So if you’re against Big War, consider that the best way to act on your belief is to stop endorsing the system by voting.

    National politics transfixes people in endless, two-year cycles, smoothly channeling, delaying, and harmlessly blowing off dissent. Why else would your TV tell you to vote?

  4. She won’t truly “let the genie out of the bottle” until she stands up at a debate, stiffens her spine and specifically calls out AIPAC. Then when the boos from the donors rain down upon her, she flashes her Pepsodent smile and says “I expected that from the Israel-firsters.”

    • 同意: Pat Kittle
    • 回复: @Moi
    , @Rev. Spooner
    , @Macnucc11
  5. 现在带兵回家!!!



    • 回复: @Meimou
  6. alley cat 说:


    图尔西是政治职位的候选人,而不是圣人。 就像 2016 年的特朗普一样,她明显不像她的竞争对手那样愤世嫉俗,这使她成为显而易见的选择。



    她的勇气和信念在一场非正义战争的熊熊烈火中变得更加坚定。 如果你愿意的话,可以称之为燃烧的怨恨。 这是真实的,也是让她兴奋的原因。

    她前往叙利亚并宣称阿萨德的统治比基地组织的统治对叙利亚人更好。 由于这种顽固的异端邪说,她受到了共和党人和民主党人的诽谤。

    在民主党辩论中,她在几秒钟之内就把那个故作姿态的伪君子蒂姆·瑞安(Tim Ryan)打倒在地。 一些关于美国士兵无缘无故死去的事实就足以让他和他那些满嘴的陈词滥调被打发走。

    瑞安要做什么? 告诉图尔西她不知道自己在说什么?

    如果她获得提名,她也会对 DJT 做同样的事,而 DJT 会继续迎合新保守派。

    • 同意: RobinG
    • 回复: @Budd Dwyer
    , @Anonymous
  7. Anonymous[137]• 免责声明 说:

    Stray thought: If Gabbard runs against Trump, will he hit on her during the debates?

    • 回复: @The Alarmist
  8. nsa 说:

    “Izzies killing of unarmed civilians…”
    Sniping off that guy with no legs with a head shot, claiming he was trying to climb the prison fence, was even low for a jew.

    • 回复: @Ilya G Poimandres
  9. renfro 说:

    Gabbard did well but if I had to vote tomorrow it would be for Elizabeth Warren…..she’s got the real intelligence firepower combined with some old fashioned common sense. None of them are going to directly attack the jew lobby ,我们将参加 the campaign….why bring on smear jobs and fake stories when it doesnt matter what they say, only what they do when elected.
    Would never vote for Joe “I am Zionist” Biden, he’s just a paler shade of Trump….or to be even clearer Biden is the DC establishment whereas Trump is the NJ Mafia,

  10. anon[813]• 免责声明 说:

    You can tell she won because they had to use a sophisticated graphics program to subtly disfigure her face. They cut Yang’s mic, too. It’s all CIA-controlled propaganda. It’s not a coincidence all these networks say the same thing. Supposedly left wing MSNBC is pro-war, but so is Fox, the NYT, WaPo, Politico,….hmm. They are controlled from the same source.

  11. Clyde 说:

    What has Tulisi to say about Demarcate Party open borders? Tulsi is 5-9 and just below model level good looks ten years ago. This is why the Hawaiian airhead captivates so many guys…..even now.

    Kamala, in contrast, is 5-2 a midget, Willie Brown had his way with zooming her.

    • 回复: @Rev. Spooner
  12. chris 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    Great point, 2Ds about her potential strategic role of stealing Trump’s base, in the otherwise revolting mix of candidates.

    And you have to wonder how her being ‘conventional’ in terms of her acomodations to ‘Jewish power’ even means anything if she threatens their insane and unsatiable lust for military power; still, her candidacy might make 3 people in this country reconsider their views on war.

  13. Biff 说:



    如果罗恩·乌兹(Ron Unz)正在阅读,我可能会建议他做一些事情来报道可能是这一代最好的反战作家之一(贾斯汀·雷蒙多)的去世。 甚至在战争爆发之前,没有人能把事情说得更正确——他甚至在 11 年 2001 月 XNUMX 日之前就预测了与伊拉克的战争,而战争的后果就是宗派暴力。 他的档案在列出谁驾驶战争机器进入中东和全球的名字方面是首屈一指的。 我可以继续,但链接效果更好。

    • 同意: Sane Left Libertarian
    • 回复: @Moi
  14. ” … just what has been wrong with U.S. foreign policy over the past –> seventy <– years."

    Our insane obsession with kissing israel's ass … shamelessly, endlessly.

  15. @nsa

    Just good ol’ chutzpah – that probably got him a bonus.

  16. LondonBob 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    I’ve seen Tulsi call out Netanyahu a few times, I guess personalising it makes sense.



    • 回复: @Realist
    , @Meimou
  17. Amazing how for these Americans, even this Tulsi, the lives of US soldiers are more important than countless civilians they murder during the course of their wars. But even that is a lie. They don’t even care about their own soldiers once they’re of no use to them any more, if you consider the rate of alcoholism, drug addiction, unemployment, homelessness, mental health issues, and suicide among the veterans. And also, when it serves their purpose, then suddenly the life of some innocent somewhere half way round the world getting abused by a government they dislike becomes important, and the human rights card is played so they can go and kill more than they save. I thought that to these leftist American politicians everyone is equal so why don’t they express concern about how many Afghans they have killed over there? Oh yes, but if they left them alone there wouldn’t be those columns of young Afghans making their way to the West for these liberals to practice their empathy and hospitality on. And who would be guarding those poppy fields and ensuring maximum production for pharmaceutical companies and the black market? And when an Afghan immigrant like Omar Mateen sets off on a murder spree on US soil who is to blame? Do they even question their wars, or their immigration policy, or Islamic culture of intolerance, or anything at all? Some may then question gun laws, but even that is another lie, because guns are as as available as ever. No they just shrug their shoulders as its just part and parcel, and it’s only good for the media to keep people in fear and sell their sensational news. And if you question any of this then you’re most likely to be called a racist or supremacist or whatever vile word they can conjure up with which to browbeat you.

  18. Talk of “a new Cold War and arms race” is misleading: the Cold War was the peace, a post-world war environment; we are now in a pre-world war environment. The arms race is a race to-arm, like the 1930s. Prophetic figures like Tulsi Garrard need to state this clearly, if there is to be any chance of averting Armageddon.

  19. gsjackson 说:

    Bernie Sanders a “peace candidate?” Not hardly. His opposition to the Iraq invasion was just a hiccup, and he voted several times to continue funding the Iraq occupation. He supported the attacks on Serbia, Libya and Afghanistan. He signed Rubio’s letter denouncing the BDS movement. He called for regime change in Syria.

    And then there is the fact that he is Jewish.

  20. Haruto Rat 说:
    @Twodees Partain

    She’s getting donations from Raytheon and from defense contracting PACs. She keeps blaming “our leaders” for sending our troops (…)

    Could it be that [at least] part of the MIC is getting behind a “peace agenda” of “send less meat, more expensive drones/other hardware produced by us”?

    • 回复: @Lito Celeste
  21. Ghali 说:
    @european born


    • 回复: @follyofwar
    , @Lito Celeste
  22. Vojkan 说:
    @Twodees Partain


    • 同意: Realist
    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
    , @Bolteric
  23. Tulsi Gabbard is not a perfect candidate.

    To mis-paraphrase Donald Rumsfeld, you go to war with the candidate you don’t have.

    Unless Ms. Gabbard can figure out some way to raise and cycle a billion dollars through media ads in the MSM, they’re going to largely ignore her or even demonise her, because it is the Praetorian Media who now decide who will be the the American President.

  24. @Anonymous

    Stray thought: If Gabbard runs against Trump, will he hit on her during the debates?

    She’s cute, but she’s not his type.

  25. Brabantian 说:

    Tulsi Gabbard is a member of CFR – Council on Foreign Relations – chief forum for USA oligarch enablers … Is pro-Israel Tulsi ‘controlled opposition’, tricking us? Or just ‘playing the game’ she needs to play? … Note that Trump voters are still arguing whether Trump was always fake, or blackmailed etc. after he won

    Tulsi is quite close to Bernie Sanders, and it is speculated that at an early stage, Bernie will announce that pretty & popular Tulsi is his VP choice … perhaps helping them sweep into the nomination, as the allegedly ‘more-anti-war’, ‘not-so-open-borders-as-others’ clever Dem party option

    In 2015 Tulsi spoke at Christian-Zionist Christians United for Israel

    In 2016 Tulsi received the Champion of Freedom Award from USA ultra-Zionist political Rabbi Shmuley Boteach at the Jewish Values Gala

    Photo of Tulsi Gabbard with Rabbi Shmuley Boteach & Sheldon Adelson’s wife Miriam, Adelson being the ultra-Zionist Republican political kingmaker & casino billionaire, who is also Netanyahu’s great backer and dominant owner of media in Israel

  26. 我同意永远结束战争。从本质上讲,这是一群相同事物中唯一重要的差异。对于允许初选政党轮换的州,加巴德将提供选择战略投票。进一步的主要政党归属投票是公开信息,这将为企业界的人提供良好的掩护,对他们来说,任何特朗普的气味都会将他们标记为麻风病人,成为回避的目标,甚至更糟。大选来了,你投票的是真实的,可悲的是,真实的仍然是特朗普。

  27. Tulsi is impressive, but I don’t think electing her or anyone else is going to change anything unless the Israel lobby’s claws are first extracted from America’s throat, that is the immediate and primary challenge.

    I often ask myself what the founding fathers would be doing today, and the first thing that comes to mind is them rounding up a patriot militia, arresting every zionist in sight, then holding public executions.

  28. @Commentator Mike

    Political class is not to be trusted, anywhere, anytime.

  29. “Only when someone goes to Washington who is determined to clean the stables, who values freedom above political power, who has the will to stand fast against every politician, only then will the trend turn around — and only then will the political battle be won. But it’s obvious that there is no such person in two-party politics we can look to.




    [摘自 “为什么政府不起作用”:
    https://wiki.mises.org/wiki/Why_Government_Doesn’t_Work ]




    加巴德和特朗普一样,以及所有其他民主党和共和党(同一枚硬币的两个方面)只是更多、更大政府、“烟雾缭绕”的另一种表现。 纯粹的欺骗。

    底线: 就目前而言,投票给特朗普、加巴德或任何其他民主党候选人,就是投票给一个更大、更不合宪的联邦政府。


    • 回复: @sally
  30. Realist 说:


    No it won’t, but I agree with her about war.

    • 回复: @davidgmillsatty
  31. Realist 说:

    The Deep State will not be so easily defeated.

  32. I’m not going to ‘Hope and Change’ that someone else is going to ‘Drain the Swamp.’

    The Deep State is too entrenched to be uprooted by just the president. If the DS thought the president was a threat, he/she would join JFK in Arlington.

    The only ones who can save us from that massive iceberg we’re steaming towards is We the People. And that will take lots of bloodshed and lead, or forever consign you and your family to tyranny, endless wars and non-stop looting of our wealth.

    • 回复: @Paul C.
  33. @Al Liguori

    From the link you posted,

    One slogan is titled “Israel Extreme Yourself,” which Act.IL describes as “a cool and fresh way” to promote Israel through “extreme sports.” The video shows young Israelis 冲浪, snowboarding and skydiving.

    I get a huge laugh out of realizing that the fools are obsessed with the hopless task of trying to suppress the truth and are forced to continuoulsy expend gobs of resources in the efforts. If they are “chosen” to be so special and bright, why don’t they just man up and act decently instead of wracking their brains trying to bullshit the world?

    Yarden Ben Yosef. Last year, he explained his group’s methods in an article for a journal aimed at Israeli diplomats. He lamented that – in Gaza that May – “the Palestinian narrative prevailed in world media over the Israeli one.”

    If any of those clowns had a clue, it’d realize that the Palestinian “narrative” will 时刻 占上风。

  34. @Commentator Mike

    Amazing how for these Americans, even this Tulsi, the lives of US soldiers are more important than countless civilians they murder during the course of their wars.

    Yeah that calculus tells me a lot and is cringeworthy as well. I can understand her reluctance to appeal to any decent level of morality, but that’s nearly as cold as it gets.

    But hey, she’s “kool” cuz she a “peacenik” a “patriot” and a wannabe “surfer.”


    Bend over and drop ’em, sukkaz…!

    • 同意: ChuckOrloski
  35. Unfortunately Tulsi Gabbard ,being a member of the CFR ,is almost certainly part of the “controlled opposition ” , particularly as both the Democrats and Republicans are “wings of the same bird of prey” . The Boston Globe just ran an article about the creation of a new anti-war Think Tank called the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft which surprisingly is being funded by George Soros and Charles Koch , will this also turn out to be part of the controlled opposition ? Will there ever be a candidate who will challenge the government’s 9/11 narrative and demand an investigation and criminal prosecution of the persons who produced the 9/11 CGI videos and who pre-planted the explosives which demolished the World Trade Center complex of buildings on 9/11 ?

    • 回复: @Realist
    , @onebornfree
  36. alexander 说:

    Let’s be honest,Phil …

    Tulsi did not “win” the debate…..


    How many Americans aren’t so thoroughly disgusted with our entire D.N.C. by now , they have to pin their nose (to avoid the stink) while sitting through one more…. Establishment Elite, corporate ” con job ” debate ?

    How many , Phil ?

    Like just about …EVERYBODY .

    How many Americans aren’t so thoroughly disgusted with NBC…. and all its LIES …. that even if the broadcasters PAID them, tomorrow , they would STILL refuse to watch their network ?.

    Like just about…EVERYBODY .

    Tulsi is not simply the ONLY candidate who MATTERS….she is the only candidate, alive, who has a shot in rescuing our country from its descent into corporatist “warmongering” hell .

    Tulsi is IT !

    May God bless her……. and keep her safe.

    I hope she “sweeps” …the whole way…..from here on in !

  37. @Brabantian

    I suppose since the electorate has been fooled so many times before, no big harm in getting fooled again, although not very smart (as Einstein once remarked about repeating same same while expecting a different result). Hopefully by a “peace” or pseudo-peace candidate to at least keep that narrative going in the general population even if once elected the new president turns around and betrays the pre-election promises. Now if there were some way to make those politicians pay for dishonouring their word. But as I may have asked in another comment, could the electorate be as cynical and hypocritical as these politicians they cast votes for?

  38. geokat62 说:

    Phil asks: Who Won the Debate?

    Does it really matter who won the debate, Phil, in light of the remarks Rick Wiles of 真实新闻 recently made?

    So, our topic here today is: Has the USA been annexed by Israel? Are we now part of Israel?

    My belief, my answer is “yes, we’ve already been annexed, we’ve been conquered设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    It was a silent takeover and it happened from within. A foreign power with forces inside the country, working a plan methodically over decades… and we were conquered...

    … [they changed] our culture, our religion, everything. We were Zionized. So, it’s now that the US military belongs to the Zionists and we’re about to offer up our men, once again, to fight another Israeli war…

    In the light of these remarks, aren’t there more important things to discuss than circus and bread distractions?

  39. Realist 说:
    @9/11 Inside job

    Unfortunately Tulsi Gabbard ,being a member of the CFR ,is almost certainly part of the “controlled opposition ” , particularly as both the Democrats and Republicans are “wings of the same bird of prey” .

    Yes, indeed. The Deep State will only be beaten by force.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  40. Moi 说:

    Bingo! For a smart dude, PG should know (and I am sure he does) that the problem is systemic. No candidate, if s/he expects to get anywhere, is going to call out Aipac or bring up the issue of Jewish influence and power.

    • 回复: @Realist
  41. Hope springs eternal folks, but remember, it’s nothing more than a recurring 4 year puppet show with a few new puppets thrown in for variety. But by now, we should all know who’s behind the curtain pulling the strings.

  42. Moi 说:

    Agree that Warren seems to be the most rational, BUT I’m not sure if she really has put space between herself and the Zionists.

  43. Moi 说:

    Raimondo was an early supporter of Trump….and then slowly changed his tune.

    • 回复: @Chris Mallory
    , @Wally
    , @anonymous
  44. Moi 说:

    Boteach is Tulsi’s rabbi 😉

  45. 在谈到塔克·卡尔森时,图尔西将内塔尼亚胡和沙特阿拉伯称为与伊朗开战的主要推动者。不,她并不完美。没有哪个美国政客敢多说。但她是我们最好的,值得我们支持。如果她确实像伯尼·桑德斯那样赢得了大批追随者,并且像伯尼那样被欺骗而失去了提名,我希望她有勇气组建第三个和平党,并继续竞选,而伯尼却没有。 。那么她分裂了民主党,他们就输了?所以呢!民主党或共和党的齐奥妓女成为总统有什么区别?

    • 同意: RobinG, mark green
    • 回复: @TKK
    , @RobinG
    , @sally
  46. Realist 说:

    No candidate, if s/he expects to get anywhere, is going to call out Aipac or bring up the issue of Jewish influence and power.

    Then the problem will not be solved through political means.

    • 同意: Sick of Orcs
  47. @geokat62

    Hell Geo, you know damned well as a long time supporter that I discuss Jewish power nearly every week!

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @ChuckOrloski
    , @anon
  48. @Moi

    Sounds like what has happened to a lot of us.

  49. @renfro

    “Intelligence firepower”? You mean like so smart that she just knew that there was no way a nine year old kid with an internet connection could debunk her Cherokee ancestry claims?

  50. @anonymous

    The “forever” postage stamp symbolizes the DC mentality–if they have their way the defense/homeland security/surveillance state spice will flow forever.

    Presidential elections are for entertainment purposes only.

  51. After dude Castro offered support for men’s reproductive rights, including…abortion I came to the conclusion that Tulsi is the ONLY sane person there and that, as much as I despise corrupt GOPers, Dem. Party is a clear and present danger to the remnants of the Republic.

  52. “The dirty open secret of all politicians” [posted especially for all of the self-professed “literati” here who hate people like me who post videos 🙂 ]:


  53. @9/11 Inside job

    9/11 内部工作说: “…Will there ever be a candidate who will challenge the government’s 9/11 narrative and demand an investigation and criminal prosecution of the persons who produced the 9/11 CGI videos and who pre-planted the explosives which demolished the World Trade Center complex of buildings on 9/11 ?”

    I very much doubt it. The idea that 9/11 was an inside job is still very much a minority, politically verboten POV, let alone the even more “out there” and verboten assertion that all of the 9/11 “live” MSM videos were in actual fact nothing more than 100% pre-fabricated CGI creations [ even though they were]:


  54. Zumbuddi 说:

    Geokat62, got a link to that Rick Wiles video?

    Tim Ryan. got crushed in that exchange.

    It’s pretty clear the Zionist gods who own USA will not smile on Ryan.

    So he should do the judo thing: make Zionism a campaign issue. Ryan should partner with Rick Wiles.

    And he should arrange an appearance w/ Tulsi: “Let’s work together, Rep. Gabbard; we have a lot in common. Let’s end these wars by exposing the forces that start them. That will bring our men & women home. That will free up bloated military spending for projects at home, like revitalizing Ohio’s economy. . . .”

    Ryan can emerge a genuine change-agent if he takes that risk. It demans heroism & statesmanship.
    If he doesn’t, he’s just one more xerox-copy of a clown crowding into a Volkswagon.

    #Zionism on the ballot.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  55. Trump was a roaring lion for America First, right up until his inauguration. President Tulsi will also “see the light” about how Israel is our most important ally. Ever see the photo of the 10 rabbis flanking Trump’s desk in the Oval office? It could just as easily been a scene out of The Sopranos, with the family forcing some schmuck to “legally” sign over his business.

  56. joe2.5 说:

    Thank you for reacting to that “Sanders/Peace” nonsense. In fact, the old mountebank’s Nay vote pre-invasion was worthless because he had already voted Yea to the AUMF in 2001, and it’s the AUMF that was the “legal” basis for committing that crime.

    Also, he is an unrepentant Zionist; he defended the Gaza massacres in 2014 and his only objection to the genocidal occupation by the Zionist entity is that Republicans/Likud are in power, instead of his own brand.

    • 同意: Iris
  57. I seriously doubt Hillary Clinton would have been able to pull off a war with Iran, let alone Russia. The miscalculation that the War Party keeps making is that in order to pull off a war, you are going to need the support of the Scots-Irish warrior class. A group that loathes Hillary and the left seems hell bent on alienating. The war in Iraq was sort of a perfect storm. You had the fact that we had just been attacked, plus we had a president that the warrior class viewed as “one of them” (even if he really wasn’t). In that kind of environment it was easy to play loose with the facts and whip up war fever. In our current environment you have a left-media-neocon alliance that cozies up to Muslims and tells the White working class that they are evil. Just who do they think they will get to fight the next war? The coalition of the fringes? The snowflake Millenials? Don’t make me laugh. Of course, they could always reinstitute the draft. . .

    • 回复: @joe2.5
  58. geokat62 说:
    @Philip Giraldi

    LOL. Apologies, Phil. I guess I’m a greedy man.

    Don’t get me wrong. After reading your excellent, hard hitting articles week after week, it’s tough reading one from you that could’ve been written by most others.

    Keep at it, Phil.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  59. follyofwar 说:

    As Giraldi wrote, there is no such thing as a perfect candidate. But who can compare with her in this moribund democrat field? Politics is the art of the possible. When Trump first announced in 2015, no pundit outside of Ann Coulter said he had a chance. And look how he demolished that republican field consisting of 16 brain dead neocons. If given half a chance, Tulsi could do the same. And the fact that she is a veteran works in her favor. Just because she was in Iraq, does not mean that she supported the US aggression. Like thousands of other vets, she obviously did not.

  60. macilrae 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    Amazing how for these Americans, even this Tulsi, the lives of US soldiers are more important than countless civilians they murder during the course of their wars.

    Objectively you’re right but consider the obstacles she has to overcome – her desperate need to bypass the hostile media in order to make her point to the American masses who will care little or nothing about a few hundreds of thousands of dead foreigners but, when it comes to American dead, they are rather more receptive.

    Same thing is true on Israel – if she is to have any chance she has to grit her teeth and stay pretty mum on that topic. They already know where she stands after her remarks about Netanyahu; her meeting with Assad and her wish for better relations with Russia – they will do everything in their power to destroy her.

  61. @Philip Giraldi

    To geo, Phil Giraldi said: “Hell Geo, you know damn well as a long time supporter that I discuss Jewish power every week!”

    Good morning, Phil.

    “Hell,” as you know, geo needs no reminder on your consistent exposure of Jewish power. For Heaven sake, he is an intelligent & precious ally who has the balls to constructively tell a prominent friend (& ally) what is on his mind. geo is not inclined to dole out undeserved “donkey nods” to anyone assembled @ U.R. comment department! I would be grateful for a friend like that.

    So, & not surprising to anyone assembled here, I too was in awe & disappointed when you asked, “Who won the debate?”

    The moderator-filtered Democrat “debate” showed viewers immediate signs of selective-issue political control, and thus went the Zionist Corporate Media’s stilted & deliberate declaration of the “winner.” For examples, Matt Drudge Report poll, Gabbard won! No, no, Elizabeth Warren really won! Haha. Yo dumb goyim, you lose!

    geokat is a consistent & important asset to your weekly U.R. offerings, especially when today, he asked, “Does it really matter who won the debate?” No doubt, he was spot-on by emphasizing that there are “more important things to discuss than bread & circus distractions.”

    Admit you did your best to invigorate American voter hope in election 2020, nonetheless, geokat’s photo of happy Tulsi, Miriam, and America’s Rabbi😟 would have bestowed the grace of objectivity upon this week’s article, “Who won the debate.”

    Thanks for listening, Phil, and my respect.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  62. joe2.5 说:
    @Hapalong Cassidy

    Bah. If you’re talking about enlisted cannon fodder, that’s not a “warrior class” but rag-proles. And Salvadorans hoping to get citizenship.

  63. Agent76 说:

    The two private club parties will *绝不* allow our freedom from the plantation.


    民主党人和共和党人统治着美国的政治体系,而第三方则落后了。 那么为什么会有两党制?

    Jun 6, 2013 How Ron Paul Was Cheated Out Of Presidency

    A compilation of footage that shows how the establishment used illegal tactics to get Ron Paul out of the presidential running.

  64. TKK 说:
    @Fool's Paradise








    • 回复: @Fool's Paradise
    , @Haruto Rat
  65. JackOH 说:

    My Congressman, Tim Ryan, was up there. He’s a likeable guy, and he plays ball, probably because he has to after succeeding Jim Traficant, who was expelled from Congress. He’s criticized locally for not bringing back more pork, and his local cliche-ridden talks sound as though they were scripted by the Democrat Central Committee. I’ll give him credit for avoiding misconduct that could lead to indictment, no small achievement in this preternaturally corrupt area. I think he’s reasonably honest, but just not a firebrand.

    There’s unsubstantiated speculation here he’s been positioning himself for hire as a lobbyist.

  66. @geokat62

    geo said: “LOL. Apologies, Phil. I guess I am a greedy man.”


    Above, I trust your words, including “LOL” and the apology were actually offered to Phil tongue-in-cheek?

    Fyi, in cowboy flicks, the single-minded & justice pursuing macho-man, John Wayne, would advise his trusted allies, “Never apologize.” 🤔

    I know my deceived “Homeland” has a truthful friend in you. So keep it up, geo!

  67. Presidential elections are a joke. It’s best to vote for 3rd candidate to express your opposition to the Status quo: I won’t be voting Trump again and fall for that sting. Will vote Tulsi whether she’s on ballot or not. She will never make it as she is too honest about foreign policy and the USA lies.

  68. We are told we must “settle for” in America. Well I for one am sick of settling. Besides, every one of these clowns(including Tulsi)are nothing more than habitual liars. I’m done believing in Santa Clause, the Easter Bunny, and a single word that comes out of a politicians mouth. The rest of you “believers” keep on believin’, as the hope and changer is just around the corner. God bless “Murika”.

  69. RobinG 说:
    @Fool's Paradise

    如果她确实像伯尼·桑德斯那样赢得了大批追随者,并且像伯尼那样被欺骗而失去了提名,我希望她有勇气组建第三个和平党,并继续竞选,而伯尼却没有。 。

    Yes. My question, when to start preparing for an outside run? If she’s making steady progress, she won’t move until after the convention. Would threatening an independent run help or hurt her before then?

  70. anonymous[290]• 免责声明 说:

    What a pathetic array of degenerates being fielded against that pussy-grabbing Orange-utan pompous wimp. Every scum in this field is compromised, who will first prostrate before the Joo and express complete fealty to Israhell. “No greater ass-kisser than I…,” these traitors will slobber…

    Someone above posted a happy image of this over ambitious hindoo cultist with two of the scummiest of Joo lowlifes. What does that tell you? Does anybody think, including the oh-so-patriotic Giraldi here, that she will not be the most willing ho for Israhell? In fact, with her, Americans will have to additionally contend with a (vice-)president who is a, you know, for another conniving pagan cesspool… Hindoostan.

    Seriously, what a nauseating spectacle, in the so-called “greatest democracy,” but more like the evilest of tyrannies, on Earth.

    With that in mind… Orange-utan for President 2020!! … Just so the clown show continues unabated. 😀

  71. anonymous[290]• 免责声明 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    They don’t even care about their own soldiers once they’re of no use to them any more, if you consider the rate of alcoholism, drug addiction, unemployment, homelessness, mental health issues, and suicide among the veterans.

    They got what they most deserved… “Splash! Good Kill!”

    A pox on them all, and the evil godless civilisation they fight unjust wars for.

    Do they even question their wars, or their immigration policy, or Islamic culture of intolerance, or anything at all?

    You were going on well enough, and then you had to ruin it by inserting this hypocritical bogey of “Islamic culture of intolerance.”

    See, I am not going to argue about Islamic culture being tolerant or not. I can certainly witness Islamic nations of the present times which are indeed intolerant. Heck, I am even tired of virtue signalling how incorrect that is. It is what it is, so whatever.

    The question is, are other cultures more tolerant? Are the lynchings, pogroms and oppression of minorities (mostly muslims) in India & Kashmir, signs of tolerance? The buddhists (burma, srilanka) treatment of the Muslims, Tamils? Muslims in China? … lastly and most egregiously, blood-soaked “humanitarian tolerance” of “coloureds” within and without by whitevil, which even you alluded to a few sentences above? All signs of great tolerance?

    Your thoughts stink of plain old hypocrisy… by some random spiritual 失败者.

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  72. @TKK

    to TKK:
    I’ve never had a female boss so I can’t comment on your question. No, Tulsi can’t win the Presidency, it’d be a miracle if she did, but I’m saying that if she does get a huge following, gets cheated out of the nomination, and has the guts to form a Third Party, she’d shake up the rotten rigged system and give us some hope.

    • 回复: @TKK
  73. Anonymous [AKA "Your connection is not secure"] 说:

    Tulsi joined the military to serve under the mass murdering Bush administration who were determined to kill enough people to bring peace to Iraq. Tulsi received health care, jobs, education and the experience of war first hand so she could be against war later.

    Wake up people. The military works for the evil masters. They don’t really want war of course, they want peace – particularly between your ears.

    • 回复: @onebornfree
  74. For Democrats, murdering children and/or their families in the Middle East and North Africa is not a problem as long as you don’t detain them at the border with Mexico.

    Tulsi is a rose among the thorns. But I would not vote for her. She is a Democrat and I am a white man.

  75. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:
    @Twodees Partain



    She’s also a member of the CFR.


    • 回复: @onebornfree
    , @Cowboy
    , @Sean
  76. Wally 说:

    But Raimondo 决不要 said he wished he had voted for Hillary.


  77. TKK 说:
    @Fool's Paradise


    Women who have children are more vulnerable to threats of harm. ( If they are good mothers)

    I sometimes believe that when elected leaders do want to shake things up, they are threatened by various shadow organizations, when bribes don’t work.

    I detest George Clooney and his tranny wife, but the movie Michael Clayton lays it out well.

    • 回复: @anon
  78. @Mike Tre

    MikeatMikedotMike says: “But as we see, throw a soft 7 up on stage and otherwise reasonable men start thinking with their dicks.”

    Hence the term “dickhead”, methinks. 🙂


  79. @Anonymous

    Your connection is not secure says: “Wake up people. The military works for the evil masters. They don’t really want war of course, they want peace – particularly between your ears.”

    It’s all about welfare- welfare specifically for the military industrial complex , that is.

    The armed forces are just a bunch of heavily entrenched welfare recipients who get uniforms, guns, bombs etc. , and are always angling for more money so that they to get more uniforms, guns, bombs etc., to be happily provided by the “private” inc. sycophants, otherwise collectively known as “weapons manufacturers”.

    Welfare/warfare, don’t you just love it?


  80. @geokat62


    I say that one says it all.

    • 同意: ChuckOrloski
  81. Cowboy [又名“ Kartoffelstampfer”] 说:
    @Mike Tre



    And just like the zio-puppets Merkel and May, Gabbard is full on globo-homo and Hindi to boot. She is THE tutti-frutti poster boy, and I wouldn’t want her near my child.

    Like Obama, she is also an ultra-cool pseudo-Hawaiian of color who always panders to the camera. Google or duck-fruck her and all you will see are “babe” shots. Obama was the magic democrat negro, Gabbard would be the magic hindi vagina warrior. Who would be able to stand up to her if she decided the US “must” “protect” some “innocent victims”. I can hear the Democrat controlled media now: “How dare you question the wartime judgement of our heroic vagina veteran”.

    But worst of all she is a Democrat, the party of the FED, IRS, slavery, secession, KKK, segregation, empire, Israel, Two world wars and now the never ending war on terror. What does this party even stand for at this point, and what good have they ever done since their founding anyway. I could never belong to either party, but the Democrat party is really the party of the “Most Useful Idiots”.

    • 同意: Ilyana_Rozumova
    • 回复: @follyofwar
    , @Mike Tre
    , @Macnucc11
  82. 外交关系委员会图尔西·加巴德 美国总统?至少可以说,你必须非常容易上当受骗,才能相信她将结束美国无休无止的战争。

  83. @Realist

    Yes, indeed. The Deep State will only be beaten by force.

    I vote for rotting from within. Not as dramatic as force, but more effective and long lasting. I’ll enjoy the show when they start, Cronus-like, knocking one another off though.

  84. @Wally


    Nah, even tRump has better taste than that, and besides, you think she wouldn’t kill to be on top? 😉

  85. anonymous[340]• 免责声明 说:

    Incorrect, or at least incomplete.

    In mid-2015, he was very skeptical about Mr. Trump, whom Mr. Raimondo posited might be a Clinton-lobbed stink bomb to foul up the GOP. (Recall that the NYT ran an article about Mr. Clinton calling Mr. Trump to encourage his candidacy. Wikileaks later published Clinton campaign emails that had Mr. Trump, Mr. Carson, and a third person on a short list of ideal foes.) I quoted and posted what Mr. Raimondo had said at antiwar.com here at Unz, urged people not to vote (especially RedBlue), and was attacked as a “shill for Jeb,” etc.

    I was later surprised and disappointed to see Mr. Raimondo fall for Mr. Trump’s lies. An early instance of the “at least he’s not Hillary” disease that helps keep the puppet show running smoothly along….

    • 同意: Moi, Jacques Sheete
  86. follyofwar 说:

    I heard this on the Anti-Zionist Christian station TruNews, which may not be the most reliable source. But their correspondent, who just returned from the G-20, is reporting that there is some scuttlebutt afoot that Tucker Carlson may replace John Bolton as Trump’s NSA. This may have arisen as Bolton was dispatched to Mongolia while Trump was meeting Kim Jong-un at the DPRK border, with Tucker on hand to view it all up close. Then Tucker had a cordial interview with Trump which is appearing in installments on his show. It’s no secret that Trump has about had it with Bolton’s constant war mongering.

    It was further reported that Carlson has ambitions to run for the presidency in 2024. Tucker knows that he is on a short leash at Fox, and must pull his punches somewhat if he wants to keep his job. Only his high ratings may be saving him. I would not rule out that he may be looking for new worlds to conquer. It’s nice to see Mr. Trump apparently throwing war hawk Hannity under the bus in favor of Tucker. If nothing else, Trump is a master at keeping everyone guessing.

  87. @Wally

    Haha. To Moi, Wally gushed into empty sky, said: “Trump over Hillary any day.”


    Citizen Trump enjoyed business relationship with the Delaware-based Biden family and the crooked Clinton’s.

    Especially endeared to his real estate heart was multi-millionaire James Biden who’s company in 2012 magically got a contract to build 100,000 homes in (💤igh) liberated Iraq.

    RIP and Eternal Memory to Justin Raimondo, but the shadey legacy of Hillary is alive in (Z)enator Joe Biden, and in general, t-Rump’s allegiance to Adelson/Haim Saban-AIPAC,😈& ZUS goal to establish Israeli hegemony in the Middle East.

    Refer below, Wall, be careful, & please don’t let a Shabbos Goy Apprentice knock you off-the-wall anymore.


    • 回复: @Wally
  88. Sean 说:
    @Mike Tre

    Along with Ted Kennedy, McCarthy was one of the original co-sponsors of the Immigration Act of 1965. McCarthy made two ill-considered statements: That he would accept a coalition government including Communists in Saigon, and that only the relocation of inner-city blacks … diagnosis as a scheme to bus tens of thousands of ghetto residents into … Orange County

    Any anti war candidate is going to be pro immigration, the Bush brothers were both pro immigration and pro war. An antiwar candidate is a candidate that is disqualified, because armed forces are there to fight foreign wars. He gave on war but so what that people who elected him did so on immigration Trump while candidate was the best on immigration and war that could ever be elected. No war is a recipe for an immigration tsunami.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  89. follyofwar 说:

    I totally agree with your point about Tulsi’s childlessness hurting her. Politicians without children have no personal stake in the future. Given her under-40 age, it may not be too late. If she were to get pregnant during the campaign, there may be no stopping her. So, get busy, Tulsi (lol)!

    OTOH, pregnancy has left the station for 50-something childless Anchor Baby Kamala. With a rich Jewish husband to boot, blacks who pay attention to her antics may think twice before automatically pressing the democrat lever. Man, is that insufferable woman annoying. She’s Hillary with a slightly darker hue.

    • 回复: @Cowboy
    , @Mike Tre
  90. Haruto Rat 说:


    There’s no need to imagine.

    Valentina Matviyenko, speaker of the Federation Council (upper house of Russian parliament), one of Putin’s most reliable allies.

    • 回复: @jrkrideau
  91. Meimou 说:
    @War for Blair Mountain


  92. Tulips 说:

    I am a registered Green Party voter in my NY State distruct. But I am supporting Gabbard. I donate to her campaign. I will probably write her name in if she does not get the nomination.

  93. Meimou 说:

    Hasbara campaign or not she’s anti gun.

  94. renfro 说:

    Do you find it odd that this 2 million …. 这些赠款将提供给非营利组织和营利性商业企业。 赢得资助的组织可能会被允许对其身份的某些方面保密。……..can keep secret who it goes to?
    Guarantee you this is just another way to shuffle our money to some Jew and his ‘for profit’ anti-Semitism fighting business.


     By Alison Weir

    美国国务院提出为欧洲和中亚“遏制反犹太主义抬头”的两个项目各支付最多一百万美元。 美国国务院使用了反犹太主义的新定义,其中包括对以色列的批评。

    这些项目将通过两个国务院办公室提供资金:民主、人权和劳工局以及监测和打击反犹太主义特使。 反犹太主义特使职位是在国务院的反对下于 2004 年通过立法设立的。 所有四位特使都是以色列游击队。

    根据该计划的公告,新项目的目标是解决国外反犹太主义问题,反犹太主义表现在多种方面,包括“在公共话语、传统媒体和网络上使用仇恨或煽动性言论”。 该公告没有具体说明哪些语言将被视为“仇恨或煽动性言论”。 (在美国,第一修正案禁止对言论自由进行审查。)

    Special Anti-Semitism Envoy Hannah Rosenthal adopted the new Israel-centric definition of anti-Semitism in 2009. The formulation had been created by Israeli minister Natan Sharansky.

    The new projects will “include training law enforcement to adequately and holistically respond to hate crimes from a legal, social, and community perspective; and to better equip police and prosecutors to engage effectively with local Jewish populations.”

    这些赠款将提供给非营利组织和营利性商业企业。 赢得资助的组织可能会被允许对其身份的某些方面保密。

    The current Anti-Semitism Envoy is Elan Carr, who ran for Congress in 2014 with the promise that he would be “a reliable vote for Israel.” Carr, who was backed by billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, said he visits Israel every year

  95. @Bragadocious

    You nailed it! Unless she nails the zionists openly, she’s a nothing burger.

    • 回复: @macilrae
  96. Oemikitlob 说:

    Ha! I find the book he’s plugging in the image more interesting.

  97. @Clyde

    Damn, Clyde, let’s have these Virgin Beauty Queens for POTUS and you can vote for the one which works for you and whatever you do in the basement.

  98. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:

    Entertainingly well said.

  99. anon[264]• 免责声明 说:

    Woodrow Wilson — 3 daughters
    Warren G Harding – 1 daughter
    Calvin Coolidge — 2 sons
    Herbert Hoover – 2 sons
    Franklin Roosevelt – 1 daughter, 5 sons
    Harry Truman – 1 daughter
    Dwight Eisenhower – 2 sons
    John F Kennedy – 1 daughter, 1 son (who survived to adulthood)
    Lyndon B Johnson. – 2 daughters
    Richard Nixon – 2 daughters
    Gerald Ford – 1 daughter, 3 sons
    Jimmy Carter – 1 daughter, 3 sons
    Ronald Reagan – 2 daughters, 2 sons (a 3rd daughter died 1 day after birth)
    George H W Bush – 2 daughters, 4 sons
    Bill Clinton – 1 daughter
    George W Bush – 2 daughters
    Barack Obama – 2 daughters
    Donald Trump – 2 daughters, 3 sons

    • 回复: @Cowboy
    , @TKK
  100. schrub 说:

    Just when you thought you knew about most of Israel’s myriad activities, this appeared in a comment section at Andrew Anglin’s website which is often full of invaluable info seen no where else.


    “It wasn’t even really clear why Israel cares this much about Venezuela, other than that it is an ally of Russia

    Believe it or not, jews want to create a new jewish state in Patagonia. So the latino extention of the israeli Mossad is planning to eliminate each Latino-American leader.

    Russia is there to stop Evil’s progression.
    The project is called ” Andinia Project ” or sometimes ” Patagonia Project” , and it has been in progression during these 50 years.


    British billionaire Joe Lewis has acquired immense territories in the South of Argentina and even neighboring Chile. His properties cover areas several times larger than the State of Israël. They are situated in Tierra del Fuego, at the extreme Southern point of the continent. In particular, they surround the Lago Escondido, which effectively denies access to the entire region, despite a legal injunction.

    The billionaire has built a private airport with a two kilometer landing strip, in order to be able to receive civil and military aircraft.

    Since the Falklands War, the Israëli army has been organising « holiday camps » in Patagonia for its soldiers. Between 8,000 and 100,000 of them now come every year to spend two weeks on Joe Lewis’ land.

    While in the 1970’s, the Argentinian army noted the construction of 25,000 empty houses, which gave rise to the reality of the Andinia Plan, hundreds of thousands have been built today.

    It is impossible to verify the state of the construction work, since these are private lands, and Google Earth has neutralized the satellite photographs of the area, just as it does with NATO’s military installations.

    It is impossible for the moment to determine if Israel is engaged in a programme for the exploitation of Antarctica, or if it is building a rear base in case of defeat in Palestine.

    Well, all that’s certainly possible, of course.

    But as one might imagine, I cannot help but see a much wider context of “dots,” which may or may not connect to each other, but since this is the high octane speculation portion of today’s events let’s mention a few of them, and assume they’re connected just for kicks:

    The assasination of Hugo Chavez / artificially provoked cancer . (by Mossad)
    The assasination of the Argentinian president Nestor Kirchner by the Argentinian jews.
    The gift by Angela Merkel to the jews: a german-made submarines given for free and paid by the german tax-payers. This submarine was used to transport the uranium mass from israel to Patagonia.
    3… The latest Maduro Assasination Attempt.
    The flood of migrants to the USA , in attempt “to empty ” the Latino Countries.
    ( the honduran caravan being helped by the jews /// a star of David truck

    One of the Caravan Trucks transporting migrants In Guatemala seems to bear an Israeli flag.阴谋

    The jews are trying to divide the populations in Patagonia and thus create conditions for future deadly wars between these populations, (a case with the Mapuche Indians)
    The Mapuche Indians who inhabit both Argentinian and Chilean Patagonia were surprised to learn that the Resistencia Ancestral Mapuche (RAM) had been reactivated in London. This is a mysterious organisation which fights for independence. First accused of being an old association recuperated by the Argentinian secret services, the RAM is today considered by the left as a legitimate secessionist movement, but by the Mapuche leaders as an initiative financed by George Soros”.

    Does Israel Have “A Patagonia Project” in Argentina? – Global Research


    I thought this article was far fetched until I read about Joe Lewis, the projects main sponsor He does in fact own massive and unexplained amounts of land in the Argentina region.


    I wonder if all this is somehow tied into the Bush family’s prescient purchases of huge amounts of land in nearby Paraguay. Both Paraguay and Tierra Del Fuego have one thing in common: both areas have massive supplies of fresh water. the Bush family’s land is located on top of one of the world’s largest fresh water aquifers.


    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @Haruto Rat
  101. @anonymous

    Yeah, I don’t care about the intolerance, or whatever, of Islam in their own countries. I couldn’t care less even about what kind of Islam Saudi Arabia practices, it’s up to their people if they want it so or not. I wouldn’t want to spread Christianity in their countries and would expect them to resist it if anybody tried to. But neither do I want them spreading Islam in Christian countries and would prefer if the locals were to resist that too. If that’s hypocrisy so be it.

  102. Cowboy [又名“ Kartoffelstampfer”] 说:

    Kamala Harris is certainly another worthy gyno-superwoman.

    I keep hoping that Susan Rice and Samantha Powers are going to be keelhauled for their thousands of illegal FISA requests.

    Another phony zio-war monger would be Nikki Haley, who now has a juicy slot on troubled Boeings board:

    Boeing taps ex-Trump aide Nikki Haley for board seat worth $315,000 a year

    现在我们有了 Mommy Gabbard. Throw in AoC, and that lying incestuous Omar too. Add in a little Pelsoi and Feinstein and voila! A veritable vagina vortex all centered in the Democrat party. Useful Idiots doesn’t even start to do it justice.

    Users on the notoriously racist and sexist message boards 8chan and 4chan, which both serve as internet hubs for far-right trolls, voiced their support for Gabbard on debate night. In 8chan’s overall discussion thread for the event, Gabbard was mentioned far more than any other candidate. Users on 4chan also made several discussion threads dedicated to Gabbard’s night at the debate, affectionately referring to her as “mommy.”

  103. Mike Tre [又名“MikeatMikedotMike”] 说:

    Actually I brought up the point about her childlessness, for the obvious reasons you state. But at the same time, I am glad that she has no children, because what would those children turn out to be? 1 or 2 or 3 or more anti-white, heritage US hating, POC identifying bug people.

    To your point about Komodo Harris, Gabbard is fundamentally just a more affable version of the former.

  104. @Commentator Mike


    There is an article on here by Michael Hudson, an economist who wrote about U.S. control of the World Bank and IMF since 1948. He claims that the U.S. wages war because it gets other countries to unwittingly finance them and the trade deficit. After WWII the U.S. forced European countries to pay their war debt, by selling corporate assets, reducing barriers and reduce their social programs. They had 3/4 of the world gold reserves because of those loans during the war. Korea and Vietnam reduced their gold reserves to 10 billion by the late 60’s and were forced to get out off the Gold Standard. The French Banks that had a big presense in Indochina sending their dollars to the French Central Bank and they were trading dollars for gold. Nixon stopped it.

    The dollar gave U.S. the means to have other countries finance their trade deficit, all their wars and the military buildup. By ending the Gold backed dollar they forced the countries that had U.S. debt dollars to purchase U.S. Treasury Bonds. As the U.S. debt grew so did the dollars being held by those countries and the purchase of Treasury Bonds. The U.S. does not allow countries holding those dollars to buy US property or buy Corporations and risk being acused of commiting an act of war. So they are forced to buy U.S. debt while the US uses its dollars to buy other countries resources with those worthless dollars.

    The U.S. forces countries that default on their loans to pay penalties and huge interest payments while the U.S. debt goes un checked and growing without the threat of being in default. The people in the U.S. claim immigrants are parasites, thieves and killers, when it is them that are the world’s oppressor. The US uses those immigrants to grow cash crops for them at the expense of feeding themselves. Pinapples, bananas, mangos, etc, are sold in Europe for huge profits, while 100% subsidized US produce and meat are sold to those counytries that grow the cash crops. Most don’t make enough money to buy the food they import being paid 5 to 1o dollars a day while 1 pinaple sell for 8 dollars in Europe.

    China really scares me and most people in Latin America because we have seen them copy products sold here and export their cheaper version to compete with native products. Choosing the better of 2 evils is a chance we have to take when put between a rock (US) and a hard place (China). Americans live LARGE by exploiting other people…and I don’t give a fuck what the white cock suckers here think about my comment the Proof is in the Pudding!

    Take care my brother Mike! Put some dollars in Gold and Silver because this “Shit” can’t continue to destroy indigenous American lives. They were here and migrated north and south as the seasons changed when there was no Mexico/US border. The Aztecs migrated south from Utah.. Think about imigrating Mike while you still have a chance. Youre a good guy and will get along in any place you choose…unlike some of the other people here. And you guys know who you are because I do! At least David Duke believes in what he is doing without preaching hate, and I agree 100% his views about keeping the white race pure. The dummies here just hate,,,no agenda…and do nothing!

  105. @Vojkan

    You said it brother!!! These people don’t realize the danger they are in by continuing the left/right strategy that is being used against them. They claim to be the people with the Highest IQ in the world and yet their Low IQ neighbors in Mexico showed their intelligence to realize it 12 years ago when their candidate was robbed twice. They started a new party (MORENA) and won by the highest margin of any election in history last year.

    Big changes have been implemented and politicians that were corrupt are fleeing to the US, England, Canada, etc. It’s funny where they decide to go! Look at the PEMEX scandal that is taking place right now. People you are the only ones that can effect change in the US.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  106. @Sean

    Haha. Didactically, Sean said: “An antiwar candidate is a candidate that is disqualified, because armed forces are there to fight foreign wars.”

    Above…, 🙄.

    Thanks, Sean for the downward-trajectory heads up!

    Since you purport that Iraq War vet, Tulsi, is (disqualifyingly) advertised as an anti-war 2020 presidential candidate, & given Israel obligates ZUS to fight “her” foreign wars, the only war my immigration-inundated “Homeland” cannot fight is a revolutionary one that would get ‘Merikans out of the Jewish state’s dominion. 🤔

    (Zigh) Am looking to Pete Buttigieg’s campaign & his butt-fucked values to pull me through this Izzie “tsunami” quandary. Haha. Go, Pete, go! Go down on Israel P.M. candidate, the Labor Party challenger to Netanyahu, Ehud Barak.

    • 回复: @Sean
  107. geokat62 说:

    Geokat62, got a link to that Rick Wiles video?

    The fun starts at 25:10.


    • 回复: @Paul C.
    , @Zumbuddi
  108. geokat62 说:

    I would be grateful for a friend like that.


  109. If orange clown can pretend to be one of “us” and then immediately turn around and enthusiastically stab “us” in the back, why can’t Tulsi Gabbard pretend to be “one of them” (e.g., by taking money from Raytheon, being a member of the CFR, claiming that al-Qaeda did 9/11, etc.) but then actually oppose the self-destructive wars and risky provocations?

    If orange clown can be honest about his feelings of animosity toward Iran during his campaign, why can’t Tulsi Gabbard be honest about her feelings about pointless and self-destructive wars?

    If Ed Snowden and Chelsea Manning can betray the “deep state” why can’t Tulsi Gabbard?

    The cynicism I see in some of the comments here disparaging Gabbard is “over the top” IMO; somebody is going to be president anyway, whether we like it or not, and the wars – especially the looming WW3 – is the biggest threat. So why not support someone who appears to be genuinely opposed to the wars?

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  110. @gsjackson

    You guys don’t need a peace candidate you need a War Consigliere like the Godfather had! You people are being attacked from all angles and you are evaluating which Dem or Rep is going to fix the problems you face. Remember Bush Senior, (Iraq, Granada, Panama and CIA drug trafficking), Clinton, (Oklahoma City, Waco, Yugoslavia, Mena, AR Drug Money Laundering), Bush Junior, (9-11, Iraq, Afghanistan), Obama (Syria, Libya and Fast & Furious), Trump (Yet to be seen).

    What does that tell you people? They are all the same! You will have to used all those guns they allowed you to buy and prove them wrong! They let you buy them, so you don’t have an excuse when they are killing you and your kids. They tell you what they are going to do, (conspiracy theories, movies and fake news). They bet on you do nothing and dependent on the fake elections.

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  111. Cowboy [又名“ Kartoffelstampfer”] 说:

    Bill Clinton – 1 daughter
    Barack Obama – 2 daughters

    Next you’ll try to tell us:

    Pierre Trudeau — 1 Son

    • 哈哈: TKK
  112. AnonFromTN 说:

    Tulsi was the only participant who said something sensible. Which means that she won’t be a presidential candidate from any of the two main parties. Deep State won’t let it happen.

  113. @J. Gutierrez

    People you are the only ones that can effect change in the US.

    Never happen here. “We’re” all lips* and no balls.

    *Pun intended.

  114. @gsjackson

    ‘…And then there is the fact that he is Jewish.’

    That’s the only reason he’s able to differ from Israel’s agenda to the modest extent that he does.

    If Sanders were gentile, they’d do a Jeremy Corbyn on him. He’d be ‘anti-semitic.’

  115. @Harold Smith

    So why not support someone who appears to be genuinely opposed to the wars?

    I’m all for supporting her message, but what happens when a drop of pure, crystal clear water lands in a cistern of slop?

    She might be the goddess Cloacina, but the system is still a sewer.

    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  116. @J. Gutierrez

    Americans live LARGE by exploiting other people…and I don’t give a fuck what the white cock suckers here think about my comment the Proof is in the Pudding!

    Hon, I think you got us confused with Breitbart. Our gig over here is to slam America every chance we get. I can’t remember the last time I read a comment or article praising America for anything.

    We’re a horrible people, in a horrible nation, with horrible politicians. Enjoy your swim, J, the waters are warm.

    • 哈哈: Johnny Walker Read
    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @J. Gutierrez
  117. @J. Gutierrez


    LBJ 和 JFK 一样吗?尼克松和卡特是同一个人吗?布什二世和里根一样吗?布什一世和杰拉尔德·福特是同一个人吗?




    • 同意: renfro, Parisian Guy
  118. Rurik 说:

    we’ve been conquered.”

    In the light of these remarks, aren’t there more important things to discuss than circus and bread distractions?

    Well Geo, while it’s true that this is a metaphor for America

    It seems to me that what Dr. Giraldi has been doing, since I’ve been reading his articles on Unz, is trying to be like Mel Gibson in the movie, and blow the whistle of truth, in order to knock the zio-helmet off the American people’s collective head, so they could wake up to the little asshole that’s been riding them around for a hundred years.

    And few if, if any I know of, have been more tenacious and committed to that cause, than Phil has.

    There seems to be a lot of nihilism these days, (and understandably so), but why pooh-pooh the one voice that has been doing all it can to awaken as many people as possible to the plight?

    What would you have Dr. Giraldi write in his articles?

    ‘We have been conquered and we’re all doomed. Resistance if futile, so you all ‘may as well lay back and enjoy it’.


    Look at where Russia was at in the 90s. Like a rape victim,

    she had been through generations of commie genocide and slavery. Only to wake up one day and find out that Russia was now a “capitalist’ nation!, and the Jewish supremacists that had been raping her for generations, were now going to take their pound of flesh in a 不同 way. Now they would simply loot all her resources, and tell the starving Russian people that they were on their own. We’re “capitalists” now. So ‘Natasha and Ivan, you anti-Semites are on your own’.

    Many Russians were despondent and even suicidal, just like white American men are today, and for the same reason. (Jewed)

    But one man would not accept the defeat of his great nation and people. So he played the Jewish supremacists like a violin, and beat them at their own game.

    ‘But Vlad, why didn’t you just lay back and enjoy it as Khodorkovsky stuck it in’?

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
    , @geokat62
  119. @Jacques Sheete

    “I’m all for supporting her message, but what happens when a drop of pure, crystal clear water lands in a cistern of slop?”

    Poor analogy, IMO.

    The “system” – the way it has evolved – needs a madman or madwoman in the white house; in essence a suicide bomber. The “system” needs somebody willing to stand up in front of the whole country and the world and shamelessly tell outrageous lies, and somebody willing to take personal responsibility for giving orders that may kill millions of people and destroy what’s left of America, including himself or herself. The days of easy pickins’ of low hanging fruit are over with, IMO. They can’t just put anyone in there, they don’t have that luxury.

    “She might be the goddess Cloacina, but the system is still a sewer.”

    So who do you vote for then? Why not vote for the professing antiwar candidate? What’s the down side?

    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Jacques Sheete
  120. Robjil 说:

    Honduras is a second Israel. Our Congress and our “free” press cries crocodile tears about the immigrants fleeing. Who is making them flee and why?

    Who controls Honduras? Five families. Zionist to the core, who care nothing for the masses. Honduras is the second poorest country in the Americas.


    即使每个人都称他们为“土耳其人”,他们实际上都是犹太裔,来自四十,五十年代的阿拉伯国家,远离沙漠和战争。 它们是Rosenthals,Facussé,Larachs,Nassers,Kafies和Goldsteins。 五个姓氏控制着制造业,能源公用事业,电信,旅游业,银行,金融,混凝土制造商和商业,机场或国会。 几乎所有的东西。
    他们是控制着3%国民生产总值的40%洪都拉斯人的核心。 他们是该国70%的贫困人口的贵族。

    Notice nobody is “supposed” to know about what Israel is doing in Honduras or anywhere in Latin America. So our “free” press says it is “anti-S” to talk about this reality. A coup in 2009 made sure that the Zionist control of Honduras continues.


    “正如它在 1980 年代为中美洲的残暴政权提供服务一样,以色列现在将向洪都拉斯的虐待政府输出镇压形式。
    在2009年洪都拉斯发动政变后,我有幸采访了被罢免的总统曼努埃尔·塞拉亚(Manuel Zelaya),他在洪都拉斯军人的陪伴下穿着睡衣来到哥斯达黎加,然后在特古西加尔巴(Tegucigalpa)浮出水面,并躲藏在洪都拉斯大使馆巴西。 采访是通过使馆内部的中介人进行的,后者将我的问题传达给了塞拉亚。

    我们谈到的一个话题是左倾的塞拉亚(Zelaya)对洪都拉斯境内的“以色列雇佣军”发表的评论。 这在国际媒体上引发了可预见的喧嚣,评论员互相绊倒,将被围困的领导人描绘成某种永久性酸之旅中的反塞米特人。
    在我的采访报道中,我发表在一份无关紧要的出版物上,我碰巧指出以色列雇佣军对中美洲的风景并不完全陌生。 当这篇文章发表时,另一家无关紧要的出版物的出版商——我曾向其投稿了一些反政变文章——大发雷霆。 我怎么敢把以色列人带进去; 我会疏远整个华盛顿!”

  121. Rurik 说:
    @Nancy Pelosi's Latina Maid

    We’re a horrible people,

    ehh, speak for yourself, please.

    there is a distinction that should be made

    J. Gutierrez is right about 一些 of the “white cocksuckers” living “LARGE by exploiting other people…”

    and I agree wholeheartedly!

    but that doesn’t include the white people on 主要街道。

    I’ve been to Flint, Michigan, (for instance). In spite of the media-created false impression that Flint is an all black city, and that the water scandal was perpetrated by rich whites against poor blacks, the truth is about 40% of the city is white, (and the main guys responsible for the water scandal were black).

    The white people of Flint were also forced to drink toxic sludge, just like their black neighbors.

    I don’t think I’d say they were living too large, and I’m sure J. Gutierrrez would agree.


    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  122. macilrae 说:
    @Rev. Spooner

    And her chances of making it, even as things stand, are already negligible. Do you seriously think anybody who came roaring in “openly nailing zionists” would have the ghost of a chance of doing anything in public life?

    The fact alone that she is the only candidate willing to contest a perpetual war policy is a huge step. I doubt the newly announced alliance between George Soros and Charles Koch – The Quincy Institute – would embrace Tulsi; but it’s just possible.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  123. @Rurik

    she had been through generations of commie genocide and slavery. Only to wake up one day and find out that Russia was now a “capitalist’ nation!, and the Jewish supremacists

    There are very few statements which can compete with this one in terms of being utterly false (not to mention sappy appeal to emotions) and wrong in giving interpretations of Russia’s history.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Jacques Sheete
  124. Rich 说:

    Tulsi received a F- from the NRA, a 0% rating from the Hawaiian Rifle Association, supports Medicaid for illegal aliens and is a radical environmentalist who supports higher taxes to pay for “global warming ” schemes. Also, as a Democrat she is from the party that wants to impose a “reparations ” tax on us. Definitely not for me.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @macilrae
  125. anonymous[340]• 免责声明 说:
    @Harold Smith

    Stop voting. Or at least stop voting RedBlue.

    Why? Because the Establishment thrives as dissent is channeled, delayed, and harmlessly blown off in an endless cycle of

    hope/vote/wait/be disappointed

    hope/vote/wait/be disappointed


    So let’s starve it. What’s the down side?

  126. Mr. Grey 说:

    She’s not an ethnic muslim, but a hippie muslim (her white mom converted). Hopefully she retains a big mistrust of Islam.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  127. @J. Gutierrez

    OK, JG, I’ll look at Michael Hudson’s articles sometime.

    I’ve lived in First, Second, and Third worlds and it’s just getting worse everywhere, but still I can get by trying to have as few points of contact with the globalist system. I’ve experience how difficult it is for farmers in the Third World to make a living and how they’re all driven to move to cities and further on to the West whoever can make it. The system is such that the odds are stacked against them. Also I’ve seen the Chinese influence on some of those economies, especially where the Chinese have set themselves up as the middle man buying up the agricultural produce while supplying seeds, fertiliser, pesticides, etc. and setting the prices to favour only themselves and not the producer, and sometimes it’s harder to tell if they or the US make better, or is it worse, bosses. I only rant against Americans here because that is the issue we’re dealing with and since they are the major power in the world, but to tell the truth I think any others would be the same, and some maybe even worse, if they were in the same position. It’s the system that’s at fault and until that changes things won’t improve much whoever runs it, Americans or someone else. It’d be nice to see people being able to run things for themselves in their own interest in their communities but for now that looks like a pipe dream.

    • 同意: J. Gutierrez
  128. Wally 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    – And you believe Communist Michael Hudson?
    “The US uses those immigrants to grow cash crops for them at the expense of feeding themselves. Pinapples, bananas, mangos, etc, are sold in Europe for huge profits, while 100% subsidized US produce and meat are sold to those countries that grow the cash crops. Most don’t make enough money to buy the food they import being paid 5 to 1o dollars a day while 1 pinaple sell for 8 dollars in Europe. ”


    – Yep, that’s why those “immigrants” keep leaving their countries to get into ours.
    – And why would anyone work at a job just so they could starve themselves?
    – Of course you don’t mention the massive taxes that the European all controlling Big Governments place on your pineapples, mangos, bananas, etc.
    – Why would “those countries” buy US meat if it was too expensive? They all produce vast amounts themselves, think Argentina & Mexico.
    – You’re making no sense, but hey, for you Stalin, Fidel & Che were the good guys.

    said: “The U.S. does not allow countries holding those dollars to buy US property or buy Corporations and risk being acused of commiting an act of war”

    – Is that why so many Chinese own massive amounts of property in the US?

    “Americans live LARGE by exploiting other people…and I don’t give a fuck what the white cock suckers here think about my comment the Proof is in the Pudding!”

    – What pudding is that? If your alleged “proof” is anything like what you just posted, you’ll just continue to make a fool of yourself.

    said: “The Aztecs migrated south from Utah.”

    – No they didn’t, that’s just more neo-Marxist propganda. Next you’ll be claiming the Aztecs were Mormons.
    – However ‘Indians” did migrate to the Americas from Asia after the Europeans came.

    新的考古学证据表明,石器时代的欧洲人率先涉足北美,比美洲印第安人还早10,000年。 : http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/9110838/Stone-age-Europeans-were-the-first-to-set-foot-on-North-America.html
    古埃及人是欧洲人: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/archaeology/ancient-egyptians-europeans-related-claims-a7763866.html

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  129. Haruto Rat 说:

    There are multiple Lago Escondido (en:’hidden lake’) in Argentina, perhaps early settlers weren’t famous for their imagination.

    Meyssan confuses Lago Escondido in Tierra del Fuego with Lago Escondido in Rio Negro province, some 1500 km to the north. No wonder he didn’t find anything in Google Earth.

    The climate of Tierra del Fuego is not that attractive, by the way.

  130. RobinG 说:
    @Mr. Grey

    You really take the prize for dumbest comment. (My apology if you have some sort of memory disorder.) Tulsi is Hindu – accused by some of Islamophobia – and I’m actually glad she’s a hippie Hindu with a shade of separation from Modi.

  131. @anonymous

    So let’s starve it. What’s the down side?

    Mrs. Lester Johnson of Bumble Bee, AZ, who shows up at her local polling station, gets to decide the fate of our nation.

    We’re down to 20% participating electorate now in some elections, yet candidates still miraculously assume office.

    Unless you can personally guarantee 100% compliance with your electoral boycott, all you’re doing is making it easier for a dozen guys in the back room to massage the numbers and pick our leaders.

    • 回复: @anonymous
    , @Jacques Sheete
  132. Wally 说:

    Oh yawn

    Trump did business with Biden? So what? So did countless others. People do business in this country, catch up.

    As if companies don’t get contracts from the military.

    Yep, Trump kisses Jew ass, as if Hillary and all the others didn’t and don’t.

    Like I said, Trump over War With Russia Hillary … any day.

    特朗普减税:90% 的工人可能会在下个月的薪水中看到更多的钱


  133. TKK 说:

    And what working class victories or change did they affect???


    Corporate fellatio experts.

  134. alexander 说:


    Her candidacy, I believe , must be augmented by two new laws which should be demanded by the taxpayer and enforced by her administration on “day one”.

    The first is “The War Fraud Accountability Act of 2020″…Retroactive to 2002, it states that any and all individuals who conspired to defraud the United States into illegal war of aggression should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Moreover, any and all assets owned by these individuals shall be made forfeit…. to pay down the cost of the wars they lied us into.

    If they lied us into war….they pay for it…NOT the US taxpayer.

    The second is ” The Terror Fraud Accountability Act of 2020″ also retroactive to 2001, it states that any and all individuals found to have engaged in plotting, planning, or staging “false terror events” will be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law. Moreover, any and all of the assets owned by these individuals shall be made forfeit to pay down the cost of our War on Terror.

    Americans should not have to sacrifice one cent of their tax dollars to pay for their own defrauding by “staged” or “phony” terror events.

    I believe that were Tulsi to be elected, she should set up two new task forces designed especially for these reasons, …Try to think of them as the ” Office of Special Plans”…IN REVERSO.!.

    此外,她应该每周举行新闻发布会,向纳税人通报她的进展,以及她能够从他们的谎言中挽回多少我们的 23 万亿美元损失。

    Getting these two initiatives up and running is the most potent force the taxpayers have in cleaning out the fraud and larceny in DC,….ending our illegal wars overseas….. and (finally)holding our “establishment elite ” accountable for “LYING US INTO THEM”


    It is not enough any more just to complain or “kvetch” about our problems….put on your thinking caps….and start coming up with solutions and initiatives….start fighting for your freedom, your finances and your future.

    Elect the leaders YOU WANT…and tell them exactly what you want them to do!

    Tulsi has promised us all “SERVICE OVER SELF”


    I say that means not only ENDING our ILLEGAL, CRIMINAL WARS….but GETTING AS MUCH OF OUR MONEY BACK from those who lied us into them !

    ACCOUNTABILITY FOR WAR FRAUD…it is $23,000,000,000,000.00. in “heinous debt”….overdue!


    • 回复: @Sane Left Libertarian
  135. Anonymous [AKA "Joey Jameson"] 说:
    @alley cat

    Agreed — Tulsi is for real when it comes to her anti-war stance. Unfortunately she’s a lefty on practically everything else. As a half-Samoan Hindu, the odds of her even being nominated for Prez are very long.

  136. @Harold Smith

    “I’m all for supporting her message, but what happens when a drop of pure, crystal clear water lands in a cistern of slop?”

    Poor analogy, IMO


    Damn, I thought it was pretty good! I guess I’ll not get your vote then! 😉

    PS: I quit voting after I held my nose and pulled the lever for The Shrub, (I couldn’t stand the thought of 8 more years of Al Gore), and I learned that the local politicians are as bad as the big boys, and now I wouldn’t vote for myself if I were stupid enough to swim in the cesspool. But knock yourself out and I truly hope it works out well for ya since you seem like a rather fine feller!

  137. @Robjil

    Oh Robjil, cut it out. Wally sez they’re all poor because they’re lazy. Wally’s an “anti-Commie” (but apparently loves the Wall Street Reds variety), so who’m I s’possed ta believe? 😉

    • 同意: Robjil, ChuckOrloski
    • 回复: @Wally
  138. Macnucc11 说:

    RE 民主党,嘿,至少分裂吧?

  139. anonymous[340]• 免责声明 说:
    @Nancy Pelosi's Latina Maid

    What about voting other than RedBlue, which I suggested as an alternative? Or do you accept the article of Establishment faith that this would “waste your vote”?

  140. Macnucc11 说:


  141. Paul C. 说:

    I listen to Tru News every now and again. They’re excellent and I believe possibly the only Christian owned news in the country. I hope I’m wrong about that.

    Not to be despondent, but it’s worse than they describe. It’s not just the US that’s controlled, but most nations of the world, certainly the West. The Central Bankers control the nations as money (or fake money) provides a lot of leverage. Just as insidious is all their secret societies with Freemasonry being the most pervasive. Almost every leader of every nation is a Mason, Trump included. Just look at all their hand gestures (signs) and masonic hand shakes. Freemasonry is based on Judaism and specifically the Kabbalah. It’s anti-Christ for sure and aligned with Lucifer / Satan. The governments and their treasonous Presidents and Prime Ministers are at war with and enslaving the people. It’s called Zionism. They’re working to criminalize any criticism of it, which should make it abundantly clear that we are NOT a free people.

    What we’re watching play out in real time is whether the peoples of the world will figure out the predicament we’re in before there’s total lockdown. The case can be made that we’re already in total lockdown. They spray our skies with impunity. Spraying toxins (aerosolized aluminum, strontium, barium) which are causing neurological disorders (Alzheimers, Parkinsons). They poison our water adding fluoride and we’re powerless to stop it. They are instituting forced vaccinations. They’re genetically modifying our food with toxins. Even if you eat organic, the crops are watered with water containing fluoride and glyphosate is all over the place at this point. The final straw is the 5G rollout.

    Once that occurs we’re in a full 1984 police state and through EMF & RF they can cause cancer and kill. 5G with its millimeter wave is a weapon. I’m afraid a lot of people will have to die for an awakening to occur. Autism is off the charts and is essentially brain damage. Yet these psychopaths continue to inject children with aluminum and other poisonous substances. Love of money is what drives them and is also why cancer cures such as GCMAF are being attacked. Cancer is a multi billion dollar business. Natural cures are verboten.

    At least some of us are awake and doing our best to communicate to others. It’s a daunting task to save the world :).

  142. @Nancy Pelosi's Latina Maid

    Unless you can personally guarantee 100% compliance with your electoral boycott, all you’re doing is making it easier for a dozen guys in the back room to massage the numbers and pick our leaders.

    Well, he did offer option #2.:

    Or at least stop voting RedBlue.

    Either way, I doubt that anyone can personally guarantee to even a small degree, that the selectee will be a true representative of the public interest.

    What does one gain by signalling approval of the anointed jackal?

  143. @Harold Smith

    With all due respect Mr. Smith…things have really gone down hill after Bush Sr. I’m talking about direct attacks on the rights of American citizens. Bush Sr. (R) with his CIA drug dealing with the help of Noriega. He purchased weapons with the proceeds to arm terrorist guerrilla groups in Nicaragua. Bill Clinton (D) helped Bush Sr. as governor of Arkansas by covering up any investigation targeting the operation and laundering their money through a state owned bank. Bush Jr. (R) secured lands in Afghanistan in order to restart athe heroine trade by growing poppy fields to process and ship back to the US. Obama (R) made sure the Mexican drug cartels were well armed in order to launch a drug war that supported the Merida Initiative, which allowed armed DEA, CIA and Mercenaries into Mexican territory. Trump (R) will be the clean up hitter that will usher in the dollar collapse.

    Mr. Smith do you really believe it is a coincidence that Rep 8 yrs, Dem 8yrs, Rep 8yrs, Dem 8yrs, Rep 3 yrs are voted in? Please sir, don’t fool yourself because in the next election I will bet money the orange fool will be president for another 4 years …unless the owners don’t want him there. But we can safely say that history tells us he will. All I’m saying that people like you, waiting for someone to throw you a rope because you’ve fallen into deep water…are waiting on a rescue boat that doesn’t care if you drown.

    Your best bet for change was thrown away when Dr. Ron Paul failed to be nominated. Us dumb asses in Mexico didn’t need another election fraud this time around! The people started YouTube channels that reported the “real” news (Chapucero – Quesadillas de Verdades – Charro Politico – Sin Censura, etc.). Those channels made a big difference, countering the negative reporting by Mexican and US MSM that the Presidential Candidate for MORENA as “Leftist”, “Communist”, “Socialist”, “Like Hugo Chavez”, “Dangerous”, etc.

    With all of the US propoganda, Mexican propoganda, the negative MSM and Elite financing, Mexicans knew they had to get out and vote in record numbers and they did! Otherwise a close election was seen as another loss and the end of Mexico as a country. People were ready to fight and die if necessary. They had seen the Energy Reforms forced down our throat by the corrupt PRI/PAN parties (Mex version o DEM/REP), with the help of Hillary Clinton and the US State Department. They drating the changes needed to the Mexican Constitution to allow a vote. Totally against the Law in Mexico and I’m sure the laws of the US.

    There is a saying that goes something like, “If you’re not ready to die for Freedom, take it out of your Vacabulary”!


  144. Rurik 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    being utterly false

    how else would you characterize the transition from generations of communism (which, yes, I consider de-facto slavery – i.e. being forced at the threat of violence to labor for the benefit of others), into “capitalism”, whereby the Jewish supremacist Rothschild agents and a few Russian ‘oligarchs’ divvied up Russia’s wealth between them, and became some of the richest men in the world, virtually overnight?

    Are we to believe that Khodorkovsky, Berezovsky and Gusinsky (to name a few) came by their wealth through honorable means?

    Not that I want to start any long distracting discussion on this thread, but if you can point out how what I said is fundamentally in error, then I’d like to know.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  145. @Rich

    ‘Tulsi received a F- from the NRA, a 0% rating from the Hawaiian Rifle Association, supports Medicaid for illegal aliens and is a radical environmentalist who supports higher taxes to pay for “global warming ” schemes. Also, as a Democrat she is from the party that wants to impose a “reparations ” tax on us…’


    Every point she inches up in the polls is another step away from that evil war with Iran.

    • 回复: @Rich
  146. 2020 年总统竞选活动中发生的第一件实际事情是 3 年 2020 月 XNUMX 日的爱荷华州党团会议。在那之前,任何讨论都是无稽之谈。


  147. @Andrei Martyanov

    While I know next to nothing about Russian history per se, I’m pretty sure that American bigshots were involved quite heavily in the first half of the last century so that tells me that some things were amiss.

    Anything supported by FDR and his handler, Bernie Baruch, and Wall Street goons invariably stunk to high heaven, and I don’t have to know the details to know enough to have sympathy for the Russian people. I doubt that it was much better than what Rurik described.

    If you know differently, tell us, please.

  148. @Al Liguori

    “(but not Unz Review)”

    Really? why not?

    The Unz Review should be a prime point for infiltration and redirection

  149. geokat62 说:

    And few if, if any I know of, have been more tenacious and committed to that cause, than Phil has.

    Listen, Rurik, I’ll let you in on a little secret.

    A few years ago, I travelled 360 miles just to shake Phil’s hand. So I don’t need anyone lecturing me about who and what the man is, K?

    I also don’t recall seeing your moniker under any of Nurit Baytch’s comments. She was a crazed Zionist who relentlessly went after Phil for about a year because she wanted to discredit him for writing his hard hitting and truth telling articles; the ones I admired so much that I chased after NB like a bird dog chases after a bird.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @ChuckOrloski
  150. Zumbuddi 说:


    Star of David replacing torch, That’s obvious.

    Theodore Herzl’s mug — That’s genius

    We should do what we can to support Wiles — AND Dr Giraldi — until a Tipping Point’s worth of Americans recognize who and what is displacing USA values.

    btw, just listened to all I could stomach of Fareed “white man” Zakariah and Jared Taylor. Agreed played the Charlottesville card & “Jews will not replace us.”

    Rabbi David bar Hayim said European Americans were right to be concerned about their culture being over-run, and it is reality that Jews are leading that movement.


    • 同意: geokat62
  151. @anonymous

    Vote, don’t vote, makes no difference. I have it from a 非常 reliable source (Pepe the Wonder Pug) that Mike Pence will be our next President.

    Trump never actually thought he’d win in the first place, and he knows the minute he leaves office he’ll be smothered in lawsuits till the day he dies. So right before the election he’ll pull an ol’ Abe Lincoln switcheroo (or depending on which Jews, maybe for real). And go down in history as a martyr and a great President.

    Meanwhile, Christian Zionist Mike Pence couldn’t be more Israel-friendly if he was counting on it to donate a kidney. And since it’s 仅由 about what’s best for Israel, these electoral dynamics are already underway.

    Pepe’s rarely wrong. Ignore Pepe the Wonder Pug at your peril.

  152. Rurik 说:

    lecturing me about who and what the man is, K?

    OK, sorry.


    I also don’t recall seeing your moniker under any of Nurit Baytch’s comments.

    Never remember seeing them.

    I don’t always read all comments. I generally skim over them looking for commenters I consider worth the time, (like for instance yours, btw ; ), or if someone says ‘hey, good comment’, then I’ll go read what was said.

    So I missed the fellow you’re referring to completely.

    Also, I notice that even Mr. G felt the inclination to remind people of his commitment to truth and decency.

    I wasn’t trying to hector you, just felt like giving the Big G a little back-up, even tho he, nor you, need it.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  153. @Wally

    OK Wally,

    – Yep, that’s why those “immigrants” keep leaving their countries to get into ours.

    I thought they taught history in the US School System? Oh, they do…it’s painted in pastels and sugar and spice and everything nice. Wally, throughout the Cold War, America’s fear of communism in Central America helped unleash violence across the region. Dismissing even center-left reformers as dangerous radicals, both Democratic and Republican administrations threw their support behind right-wing militaries in El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Honduras. Once empowered, these militaries repressed labor unions and social movements, and routinely resorted to electoral fraud, coups, and dirty bargains with corrupt civilian governments to maintain their grip on power. The violence they dished out — all with the imprimatur of the US government — helped ensure that Guatemala, Nicaragua, and El Salvador would remain among the poorest and most unequal nations in the Western Hemisphere. I’m not going to paste articles, educate yourself Wally!

    . – And why would anyone work at a job just so they could starve themselves?

    If the Fruit Company is the only job in town, because years ago they paid the dictators!

    – Of course you don’t mention the massive taxes that the European all controlling Big Governments place on your pineapples, mangos, bananas, etc.

    How about The Wall Street Banker pigs that make more money than the worker?

    – Why would “those countries” buy US meat if it was too expensive? They all produce vast amounts themselves, think Argentina & Mexico.

    Wally, hear in Mexico, US Pork producers and Poultry farms were intentionally underpriced by US subsidized meat until they shut down. Now the price of US meat has risen and there is no competition to bring it under control. Don’t even get me to talk about what your Wall Street pigs did to Argentina twice and are working on the third time is the charm! You know what the US has done to Argentina along with your boyfriend’s the Zionists.

    – You’re making no sense, but hey, for you Stalin, Fidel & Che were the good guys.

    Maybe this will make sense to you Wally, the world sees American’s as Israel’s Bitches! You get that Wally! Everyone outside the US does!

    The Good Guys to me were Emiliano Zapata, the Irish, German and Polish soldiers of the San Patricio Artillery Battery, George Patton, the Superior German Infantry Soldier, JFK, Malcolm X, MLK, The Cuban People, The Venezuelan People, am I making sense Wally…

    “Americans live LARGE by exploiting other people…and I don’t give a fuck what the white cock suckers here think about my comment the Proof is in the Pudding!”

    – What pudding is that? If your alleged “proof” is anything like what you just posted, you’ll just continue to make a fool of yourself.

    The US just took Citgo refineries from Venezuela, you froze all their bank accounts, ISIS stole 50 tons of Syrian Gold and gave it to the US and they kept it, Where’s all of Kaddafi’s and Saddam’s tons of gold? Who benefits from Indian children making sneakers and clothes, you do Wally it’s called (Cheap Prices) that’s what I mean the Proof is in front of you and you don’t see it unless you live in India! But you don’t Wally, you live in a nice trailer park in the mountains of Appalachia with your sister and your wife (same person). You live large on everyone else’s, gold, work and property.

  154. 瑞安听起来好像如果当选的话他可能会保留博尔顿。 这个家伙的美国愿景已经实现了 25 年(PNAC),不知何故,他和切尼、沃尔福威茨和拉姆斯菲尔德不仅避开了海牙的码头,而且甚至没有成为蔑视的对象。

    可悲的是,我认为加巴德无法利用这个问题和她在其他方面相当温和的意识形态进入白宫,甚至获得提名。 不知何故,五角大楼对国家财政的荒谬消耗设法避开了大媒体的关注,因此对大多数选民来说仍然完全不是问题。 至于谁将从 D 小丑车中出现,哈里斯的表演受到了初选期间大批“不再白人”人群的热烈欢迎。

  155. @Rurik

    I agree with you brother, it just bothers me that people can’t see it’s a “Class” struggle! “Social Class”! Wally the Trumper thinks he’s on the right side because he disses Jews, never looking at other actors.

    Good to see you contributing!

    • 回复: @Rurik
  156. @Rurik

    which, yes, I consider de-facto slavery

    This is because you don’t know Russia’s history, especially serfdom, and are “educated” by a bunch of self-proclaimed amateurs such as Solzhenitsyn and other representatives of White immigration and Nazi collaborators who created for the West (of course, not for free) a load of BS to both use as a propaganda tool and as an excuse for their own FUBAR which led Russia to a catastrophe of WW I. In general, it is not a theorem anymore, but axiom–the West in general, and US, especially, in particular, including her vast “Russian Studies” apparatus has no a faintest idea of Russia and grew up on a steady diet of delusion about the country which never existed, other than in imagination. Considering the level of American higher education in humanities–no surprise here. Empirical evidence is out there and it is overwhelming, you know propaganda, not real history. Propaganda is easy, real history is hard and very nuanced. That is why Western establishment cannot predict shit about Russia.

    • 回复: @lavoisier
    , @Rurik
    , @cassandra
  157. @alexander

    我喜欢。 让我们赔偿从伊拉克解放行动开始的所有战争开支。 切尼告诉我们,一期将在 6 个月内结束。 诺贝尔和平奖/华盛顿特区局外人奥巴马设法让我们参与了 5 个新项目。 有了这些现金,我们就可以像其他发达国家一样享受医疗保健服务。

    • 回复: @alexander
  158. geokat62 说:

    My respect, Rurik. Glad to fight the good fight with you and a few others on UR.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  159. @Robjil

    Last month Israel sent 1000 soldiers to Central America. Brother, and not a word from Wally the Zionist basher and defender of everything Trumpenstien! Wally must be a mascot or something, he’s funny in a dumb kinda way….lol

    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @anon
  160. @Andrei Martyanov

    I do not see this reply as much of an answer to the question that was asked of you.

    In fact, it sounds like a lot of bullshit–propaganda in your own words.

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
  161. Sean 说:

    Anti war candidates can win by making antiwar promises, but once president they can not avoid wars, because military pressure does not come only from America the world is a seeth man of countries all striving for advantage and if they use military pressure then a reaction from America is required to keeps the world stable. The US president could carry out a promise to end war only by successfully conquering the world or having America completely disarm, which would result in it instantly being attacked. Furthermore, if you don’t help one ally ally none of the other will trust you, and unless you conquer the world you are in trouble with no allies.

    Just as the US had poured weapons into Iran, only to see it become anti American, Saddam had been a friend of the US given anything he asked for including nuclear knick knacks and poison gas, but then to the astonishment of the idiots in charge of Bush the Elder’s foreign policy, Saddam invaded Kuwait. Then America merely drove Saddam back into his own country and left him there, but because he was still in power across Saudi Arabia’s long border with Iraq an American army had to be left in Saudi Arabia. This may come as a shock to you, but Osama bin Laden’s avowed objection to the Saudi family dictatorship whose King styles himself Guardian of the Holy Places was they invited an infidel army into Islam’s most sacred place to protect them from fellow Muslims still led by Saddam just across the border in Iraq.

    We tend to think that the royal family rules is secure, but such is not the case the Grand Mosque was taken over by Juhayman al-Otaybi and armed militants over much less. Osama bin Laden was not alone in feeling that US armed forces being stationed in Saudi Arabia was unacceptable , opinion polls found that much of the common run of the Saudi populace agreed with him. Bin Laden’s master stroke was 9/11. As a trained civil engineer (his construction magnate father had so over engineered the Grand Mosque complex that there was extreme difficulty in blowing holes in the walls to retake it) bin Laden knew that the WTC tower were shoddily built and could be demolished with the airline crash plan. Osama achieved total success, precipitating the ousting of Saddam (who he had little time for) and then the hasy withdrawal of US forces from the holy sand of Saudi Arabia.

    Neither Tulsi or anyone else, had they been president at the time of 9/11, could have done any differently to Bush. The Saudi family regieme are too important a western ally for anything else.
    People vote for things that, if done, they would be horrified by the results of, but anyone who stood for the office of commander in chief without being willing to use the armed forces would not be fit to become president.

    the only war my immigration-inundated “Homeland” cannot fight is a revolutionary one that would get ‘Merikans out of the Jewish state’s dominion.

    Domestic policy is alway subsidiary to foreign policy. For example the American Civil War was over abolition but that had been brought to a head by British banning the slave trade. The Tzar abolished serfdom around the same time. If it was necessary to round up all Jews in the West, detain and isolate them in order to fight a foreign war, it would happen. They are not ten feet tall you know.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  162. @Nancy Pelosi's Latina Maid

    Was I too subtle in my comment? Darlin..

    I swim in the clear blue waters of Mexico, where corruption is not hidden and the best $20.00 I ever spent was when I gave it to a Cancun Policeman that clocked me going 50mph on the Hotel strip at 3 AM on my way to my room. LOL

  163. @geokat62

    Am confidence Rurik got the essence of your secret, having: “travelled 360 miles just to shake Phil’s hand.” Hm. Given my Suzuki’s wherewithal, I’d do that too, but a personalized autograph would be required.😏

    One more thing, geo. Below, fyr, A homeade joke.

    Q. How far would Wally travel to just shake
    t-Rump’s hand?

    A. 6 million miles, & with hope to get a red MAGA campaign cap.

    • 哈哈: geokat62
  164. @Johnny Walker Read

    “Yes, and Republican’s have always been the ‘good guys.’”

    Whatever you say (after all, it’s your strawman so you might as well have your way with it…knock your socks off).

  165. @geokat62

    That’s the only way to handle a misunderstanding fellas…you guys are the shit!

  166. @ChuckOrloski

    That Wally piece was funny…brother! How is your back?

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  167. @Nancy Pelosi's Latina Maid

    I heard we will be re-naming our country this 4th of Jewlie. Henceforth we will be known as Amerael. We will also be sporting a new flag.

  168. alexander 说:
    @Sane Left Libertarian

    That’s right .


    If they “lied” us into these wars…….Then THEY should pay for the wars they lied us into.


    Let them carry the cost.. until the debt from their lies is paid down…or they are all flat broke ……standing naked in a barrel !



  169. Rurik 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    This is because you don’t know Russia’s history,

    that’s amazing, four years, almost to the day.


    Still haven’t been to Russia yet,

    but it doesn’t change the fact that if someone puts a gun to your head, and orders you to ‘work’

    so that he can take the spoils, and spend it on his colonial Antebellum mansion,

    or take it for the “good of all, to be distributed according to “need”,

    it’s still slavery. The very definition of it.

    Slavery: any situation in which an individual is de facto forced to work against their own will.

  170. @Twodees Partain

    图尔西不接受 PAC 捐款,并且已经两年不接受了。 她只接受个人捐款,其中一些是国防承包商的雇员。

    • 回复: @Johnny Walker Read
  171. Sean 说:

    They don’t understand Russia, but you understand America? Can’t have it both ways.

  172. Robjil 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Honduras is a second Israel with the five Zionist Jewish families controlling the nation. It is what it is. It not anti-S to say that.

    The thousand Israeli soldiers in Honduras are at a US base in Honduras. How sweet, two criminal states working together. Notice that Honduras transferred the Honduras embassy to Jerusalem.


    “According to local news media El Heraldo, the presence of Israeli soldiers is part of bilateral cooperation between the two countries before Honduras transferred its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

    The Israeli army will share space with the Joint Task Force-Bravo (FTCB) of the U.S. at the Jose Enrique Soto Cano air base in Palmerola.”

    Israeli troops are “supposed” to stop the flow of refugees fleeing the Five Zionist Family organized crime state of Honduras. This is the first time that a large group of Israeli troops went to a foreign nation. I am sure they felt very much at home in Honduras with five Zionist Jewish families controlling the nation.

    “The main mission of the troops is to train for border protection to stop migrants fleeing Honduras to the U.S., especially children.

    This would be the second time that Honduras is allowing foreign military personnel in the territory and the first time in Israel’s history to send troops abroad.”

    We see endlessly in the “news” every day that people are fleeing from the Zion organized crime state in Honduras. Our MSM cries crocodile tears about them but never says why they are fleeing. It would be anti-S or anti- US to say so. The anti-US stuff for our MSM is OK if it doesn’t hinder wars or invasions for the US. But anything about Israel doing something bad, then our MSM goes crazy, says anti-S-ism and shuts down any talk about. Crime is crime no matter who does it. It should not matter what ethnic group does it.

    The US and Israel both have been destabilizing Central America for decades. People are fleeing from Guatemala too. Here is a bit about Israel’s doings in Guatemala. It has a long history of real extremely cruel meddling in Latin America just like the US.


    “在 1970 年代和 80 年代,以色列武装危地马拉军队并提供先进的电信和计算机技术的政策是针对该国土著居民的总体战略的一部分,该战略具有内在的颠覆性。 以色列在危地马拉的军事计划支持将数以万计的土著人连根拔起,并将他们重新安置在驻军前哨,在这些前哨中,每天的密集监视构成了政府政策的核心要素,所有这些都在反叛乱的标题下。 本杰明·贝特-哈拉米 1987 年出版的著作《以色列的联系:以色列的武装力量以及原因》是以色列与危地马拉关系的信息来源。”

  173. @Rurik

    Still haven’t been to Russia yet,

    Get there first, get to Poklonnaya Mount in Moscow and Piskaryovskoye Cemetery in St. Pete–we’ll talk after that. My suggestion–get to Moscow on May 7 and wait till May 9 then go to Tverskaya.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  174. Wally 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Well now, you dodged my specific responses to your first set of lies and now try a new set. Even your new batch does not bolster your previous ones. You are simply over matched.

    – History? Whose? That which is alleged by Marxists / Communists? Hardly credible, old boy. I suggest that it is you who is out of touch with real, verifiable history.


    – So Latin American governments made life difficult for the notoriously brutal & murderous Communists. Excellent. Finally governments did their job. I can’t help but remind everyone of your beloved mass murdering Shining Path. I remind you of Stalin, Castro, & Che. All those Communist ‘revolutions’ worked out well, eh? Even China is essentially abandoning what does not, cannot work. I advise you grow up and get a job.

    – I see a lot of the typical Communists rhetoric from you, but nothing in the way of proof. Why?

    – Mexico & it’s meat. Seriously?
    You’re just making up silly boy nonsense. First you say that Latins are being starved to death in agricultural work to keep costs down, then you say that Mexico’s meat is too expensive because of costs. You can’t even keep your lies straight.
    Reminder: ‘Immigrants’ keep leaving their shitholes in Latin America, to get into the US.

    – As expected, you dodged the fact that Euro taxes is what raises the cost of Latin American imports. Why? Because you Communists love taxes, it beats working for living.

    – I agree, crappy Israel calls the tune in the US …. just like it does in Latin America. Ouch!
    Yet ‘Immigrants’ keep leaving their shitholes in Latin America, to get into the US.

    – Wall Street make tons of money, agreed. But so what? Latin Americans invest in Wall Street.

    Like I said those poor little Latin Americans keep leaving Latin America to get into the US. You tried to dodge that fact. They clearly do not see what you see.

    – The proof that the US stole Venezuela’s refineries is where exactly? The Communist Manifesto?
    Reminder: ‘Immigrants’ keep leaving their shitholes in Latin America, to get into the US.

    – ‘ISIS stole Syria’s gold and gave it to the US’. LOL. With enemies like that who needs friends?

    – Who benefits from Indians making clothing? Indians that’s who. It’s called working for living. Something that Communists like you loath.

    – While I live comfortably in a nice spacious house in a crime free neighborhood, your attack on US working class whites (‘trailer trash’ to you) further exposes your Communist hypocrisy.

  175. @J. Gutierrez


    Your profile of Wally was spot on, but he has no enthusiasm for recognizing the “Trumpenstein” in himself, and subsequently, “he’s funny in a dumb kinda way.” Haha. 👍!

    Well — my lower back ruptured disc/pinched nerve surgery is gradually healing, and instead of swimming “in the clear blue waters of Mexico,” 👍, I am doing therapy laps in lovely McDade Park’s nearby pool.

    Better than lapping on a private Tel Aviv LGBTQ beach, eh J.? Haha.

    Seriously, you are a valuable Unz Review commenter-asset, & I cling to hope Ron Unz will soon produce an “American Pravda” article on how Mossad tried to do a False Flag attack in Mexico City. Methinks 2020 preZidential peace candidate, Tulsi Gabbard, might have interest that such was not an al-Qaeda job. 🤔

    Gracias, mi amigo!

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  176. @J. Gutierrez

    “With all due respect Mr. Smith…things have really gone down hill after Bush Sr. I’m talking about direct attacks on the rights of American citizens.”

    Well of course things have gone down hill – in every meaningful sense (I didn’t meant to imply otherwise). But that’s beside the point. My point was that there are differences between presidents, and those differences matter, especially as WW3 looms large.

    Obama could’ve started a trade war with China but he didn’t. Obama could’ve tightened the screws on Venezuela but he didn’t. Obama could’ve sent weapons to Ukraine but he didn’t. Obama could’ve pulled out of the INF treaty but he didn’t. Obama could’ve moved the embassy to Jerusalem but he didn’t. Obama didn’t have to enter into the JCPOA agreement with Iran but he did. Do you not see a difference between Obama and Trump?

    Tell me, what does the evil orange clown think he’s going to accomplish by starting a war with Iran? Tell me how America won’t be far worse off after lighting the whole Mideast on fire for the sake of jewish-supremacist madmen?

    “All I’m saying that people like you, waiting for someone to throw you a rope because you’ve fallen into deep water…are waiting on a rescue boat that doesn’t care if you drown.”

    I’m sorry but what you’re saying has very little relevance to my comment, as far as I can see. I’m not waiting for anything. I’m merely doing some observation and reasoning.

    The biggest threat to America and the world right now is the mindless, reckless militarism that risks WW3, and the elders need a madman (or a madwoman) in the white house to maintain the status quo.

    Trump is obviously a madman, is Tulsi Gabbard a madwoman who’s willing to kill millions including herself for the jewish-supremacist cause? I think probably not.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  177. @J. Gutierrez

    JG, you are in fine form as always! No one needs to wonder if you say it like it is.

    Hey, what’s become of your translation regarding the false flag in Mexico?


    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  178. anon[264]• 免责声明 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Last month Israel sent 1000 soldiers to Central America.

    During WWI some Jewish agency or another had representatives all over Poland, helping Polish Jews migrate to Germany.
    Germany was blockaded at the time, but the Jewish agencies made sure the Polish Jews they helped had access to the black market. While Germans starved, Polish immigrants to Germany had food.

    Early in the 1930s zionist Jews formed Mossad el aliyeh bet to assist German Jews to migrate to Palestine. Francis Nicosia describes how Mossad worked with Gestapo: German authorities assisted in Germany and crossing German borders, but Mossad took responsibility for smuggling Jews across the British blockade of Palestine.


    Is Mossad in Honduras keeping Hondurans in or helping them out?

    Bernie Marcus of Home Depot runs training programs for migrants. Go to any Home Depot at 7:30 am; white Ford vans crowd the parking lot, Hispanics enjoy HD credit to buy paint, dry wall, lumber. They hire out to homeowners and small businesses. Who knows if they are legal, or licensed, or even where they can be contacted four months down the road when the drywall seams split? It’s just dumb to hire Latinos to do plumbing or electrical — when your house burns down, who ya gonna call? Your insurance company will turn its back on you.

    Marcus recently said he intends to leave at least half of his fortune to philanthropy before he dies. He’s a major Trump supporter.

    $4.3 billion for toothpaste for Honduran and other Central American immigrants, for the benefit of zionist Jews who, you just know, are colonizing South America and will destroy the remains of USA as soon as the time is right.

    If the American people knew —

    Do you think the people of USA have the moral grounding to stop shopping at Home Depot?
    Do Americans refrain from patronizing Adelson casinos?

    Americans complain that media is owned by Jews.
    Are they incapable of pulling the plug?

  179. @Rurik

    Rurik, I’m jealous now. How do you rate all the answers? He won’t even acknowledge mine. Damn!

    • 回复: @Rurik
  180. @ChuckOrloski

    LOL 按钮已使用。

    I’m beginning to think that Wally, like his girlfriend Carolyn, are here for the mere purpose of discrediting holomyth questioners in general.

    BTW, have you heard from sandal girl lately? I wonder what all that was about. Sad stuff but funny.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  181. @Sean

    Yo Sean.

    You are a “ten feet” wide asshole.

    Makes little sense for me to dignify what just another “PEAbrain” & prolix asshole squirts out here.


    • 回复: @Sean
  182. @Robjil

    As sickening as it is amazing. Thanks for the info.

    • 同意: Robjil
  183. @Wally

    To J. Gutierrez, Wally (Cleaver?) bragged: “… I live comfortably in a nice spacious house in a crime free neighborhood…,”

    Re; above, oh, cool, Wall!

    So you live in Ted Kaczynski’s former pad, eh? 👍.

  184. @Wally

    Reminder: ‘Immigrants’ keep leaving their shitholes in Latin America, to get into the US.

    Pssst, hey Wally, go read Robjil’s comment #178 and get back to us.

    – While I live comfortably in a nice spacious house in a crime free neighborhood …

    Good grief, please quit trying to keep up with AJM. Thanks.

    • 哈哈: ChuckOrloski
  185. @Jacques Sheete

    No, JS, although I invited the Israeli-made “sandal girl” (Fatima Manoubia) to visit me in Scranton, she curiously disappeared.

    Hm. Would be a real gas had she gotten into a debate with Wally on the topic of Tulsi’s becoming t-Rump’s* Secretary of Defense, eh? Haha.

    Hm. A ZUS Secretary of Defense🏄 who wants to pull troops out of Afghanistan, and does not give one fuck about t-Rump’s border Wall having gotten the Knesset Congress West curtain? (Zigh)

    * This is Jacques Sheete’s most creative alliteration! Haha. 👍.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  186. 我投票给了特朗普。但如果图尔西奇迹般地获得提名,我会投票给她而不是特朗普。

    • 同意: Colin Wright
    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  187. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    If my choice is I lose my 2nd Amendment rights and get my taxes raised to pay for Medicaid for illegals, global warming nonsense and “reparations ” or go to war with Iran, guess I have to go to war. Once our weapons are taken away and we are taxed into penury, we will have no way to preserve even a semblance of freedom.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  188. macilrae 说:

    Tulsi received a F- from the NRA, a 0% rating from the Hawaiian Rifle Association

    I gather this means she’s a pretty poor shot eh? Global warming: natural, anthropogenic or political will run its allotted course regardless – and at least future generations will have a lot more hydrocarbons at their disposal and presumably cleaner air and water. I’ll trade the ‘reparations’ and the alien medicaid for an abandonment of regime change ‘wars’ and at least some moves towards curtailing military expenditure.

    • 回复: @Rich
  189. 图尔西·加巴德 (Tulsi Gabbard) 与 RSS 有着深厚的联系,RSS 是一个狂热的法西斯主义者和种族主义者,具有暴力的反基督教和反穆斯林立场。她的反战姿态可能只是一种为时间服务的姿态

  190. cassandra 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    This is because you don’t know Russia’s history, especially serfdom, and are “educated” by a bunch of self-proclaimed amateurs such as Solzhenitsyn and other representatives of White immigration and Nazi collaborators who created for the West (of course, not for free) a load of BS to both use as a propaganda tool and as an excuse for their own FUBAR which led Russia to a catastrophe of WW I.

    So, why don’t you explain what believe to be the case, instead of going on unhelpfully about why you think Rurik was so wrong? Why don’t you tell us instead exactly why you think the institution of serfdom permeated into communist bureaucratic policies?

    I do agree it’s hard to get even an approximately objective view of Russia (even less so, of eastern Europe) from Western sources, in part for the reasons you mention. In fact, this is why it’s so frustrating to read you empty negation of Rurik’s thesis, without offering your own preferred vision, or at least a suggested reference.

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  191. If Tulsi believes in putting America First, what is she doing in the Party of America Last?

  192. cassandra 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Nice layout of some of the deep corruption that underpins events that we’re supposed to take as news. Wally is correct as far as he goes, but I think he’s looking mostly at what’s floating atop the underlying murk you identified.

    Re immigrants: who’s funding the NGOs that are operating the transport ships carrying “refugees” from Libya to Europe? Who made transportation arrangements for the 100 Africans who showed up at the US border? (Plus the ~5k fee paid to the cartels) How did they get through 17 (IIRC) countries?

    The US just took Citgo refineries from Venezuela, you froze all their bank accounts, ISIS stole 50 tons of Syrian Gold and gave it to the US and they kept it, Where’s all of Kaddafi’s and Saddam’s tons of gold?

    (Let’s not forget Ukraine’s reserves.)

    Good questions. It’s probably true that Israel’s antipathy toward Venezuela comes from V’s alignment with Iran, which goes a long way toward explaining why Maduro finds himself as a special pariah.

    Back in the day, the CIA was poisoning Cuban rice shipments to wreck its commerce, and today, Venezuela’s financial resources have been stolen. Often, these and similar cases are invoked to demonstrate that socialism always fails. This may be true, especially since corporate institutions are always doing their best to make sure it happens.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  193. RobinG 说:

    How long do you think Quincy Institute has been in the works? IDK if it’s always been like this and I’m just paying more attention now, but all kinds of strong currents are bubbling up suddenly. I’m moving into the camp of anything could happen. I’ve seen these IfNotNow kids in action – they gave AIPAC quite a shock when they emerged – and if they say they’re making this a campaign issue, I believe it. (Ya, sure, they’re kinda Zionists, but still….)

    Progressive Jewish Group Demands End to Israel’s Brutal Occupation

    In an effort to pressure Democratic presidential candidates to take a stand against Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, the youth-led progressive Jewish advocacy group IfNotNow has launched a new campaign arm with the goal of bringing Israel’s brutal occupation “to the forefront of the 2020 elections.”

    As Politico reported on Saturday, IfNotNow is “training organizers in the early primary state of New Hampshire” and “plans to ‘bird-dog’ presidential candidates at public events to create viral moments and prod the Democratic Party leftward on the issue of Israel.”

    • 回复: @macilrae
    , @renfro
  194. Bolteric 说:


  195. @Rich

    ‘…guess I have to go to war. Once out weapons are taken away and we are taxed into penury, we will have no way to preserve even a semblance of freedom.’

    It’s academic, because Tulsi Gabbard will never win — she’ll merely make it clear that advocating war with Iran is politically suicidal.

    However, you’re wrong in any case. If we enter into a war, knowing it is unjust and unnecessary, we are committing wanton murder. Once we have done that, we will have no way to retain even a semblance of moral self-respect.

    It comes down to how much you think your soul is worth. There is such a thing as evil in this world — however inconvenient you may find the fact.

    • 回复: @Rich
  196. Sean 说:

    My comments are prolix, I’m not the one attempting to give the impression I am channelling Ezra Pound. And get your mind off my nether regions please.

    “Is that what you will tell the parents of those two soldiers who were just killed in Afghanistan? Well, we just have to be engaged? As a soldier, I will tell you that answer is unacceptable.”

    As if they got drafted or joined up before the war had started and did not knowingly put themselves in harms way. If anyone owes an explanation to those parents its the soldiers themselves. Anyway if you remember you remember Trump said he would kill terrorists’ families. It was no off the cuff remark he defended it repeatedly.

    Giraldi is mainly interested in foreign policy, but I can assure you he knows better than to think pressuring Israel into a good deal for the Palestinians and/or leaving the Iranians in peace would have left capital over for immigration restriction for the people who actually vote a President in.

    为了确定,美国人以前听到了很多,其中大部分从名叫唐纳德特朗普的绅士口中,但Tulsi Gabbard可以成为可能在过去五十年中真正可选的唯一真正的反战候选者。 我们关心我们国家未来的美国人应该非常仔细地倾听她所说的话,并做出相应的回应,这一点至关重要。

    Trump was an anti immigration candidate who laid out his policy quite clearly ‘You have to take out their families’.

    Gabbard would faint away at the thought of that, she is an anti war because she is a humanitarian. She would be for letting children cross the border tp get away from violence and then family reunification. Trump advocated reunification for the families of dead ISIS members: in Hell.

    In liberal capitalism the people with ruthless drive and determination and guts are entrepreneurs, not those in the military. Gabbard would be eaten alive by the Chinese, flood the country with immigrants, and the people who voted her in would pay the price for her sanctimony.

  197. @Jacques Sheete

    Funny Bro….I sent what I had to Mr. Unz but he said he already had what I sent him. He also said the other stuff I found would have been better if they were taken from a well known news service. I got them from Latin American blogs that posted what they read before everything was shut down.

    I understand why he wants news from an established news source. He doesn’t want to post anything that’s not from a solid source that can effect this site.

    I hunted for anything original but couldn’t get my hands on anything from a Mexican source. The story I read and shared was from memory 5 years ago. I found a copy of the front page but couldn’t find a copy of the meat of the story in the middle of the paper. El Diario de Mexico

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  198. @Harold Smith

    Mr. Smith I lived in the US for 50 years, 25 in Chicago and 25 in Houston more or less. I was pro union even when I worked for management. I was raised in a middle class hardworking family that immigrated to the US in 1963 legally. Moving back to Mexico was a major change from my life in the US. But it was something I had already planned for after 9-11. Unlike most Americans I knew what happened, because I had seen the US government murder Randy Weaver’s wife and son.

    Then I watched the Waco compound burned to the ground. It just kept going with Oklahoma City and what really effected me was the murder of the babies in the daycare while ATF agents were told not to go to work! That was it for me Mr. Smith, when not one Agent stood up and condemn the bombing, it was quite clear that Americans were just pawns in a new game that was going to intensify in cruelty.

    I saw that every 8 years the new party was voted in because the previous administration caused war or a planned financial collapse. The 我Dot.co bubble, the Housing Crisis, the Bank’s to big to Fail and the planned Collapse of the Dollar will come on Trumps 8th year. It’s a fucking shame that people sit back and take it! Christian/Zionists (what an oxymoron) pray for Israel while preaching in the name of Jesus. The same Jesus that the Zionist claim was a bastard and the son of a whore!

    Dem or Rep will make no difference Mr. Smith…Obama joined the club before his election. He could have returned the constitutional rights Bush took away, stopped the Afghan and Iraqi wars, not invade Libya, left Syria alone and not allow CIA fune care ding of Al-Qaeda and ISIS.

    Politicians were supposed to be successfull business people that were voted into office for a set period of time and go back to his business after his time. There was never supposed to be career politicians in charge of government because the founders knew what would happen. The parasitic politicians are the problem Mr. Smith, the Jews just tell them what to do, and they ablige. The British have always been in control of the US…British/Israel

    Take care Mr. Smith

  199. @Wally

    I told you Wally that I do not attach articles, news sources to people that deny and can’t believe the truth. You know Wally…people like you. I’m so glad you are safe in your home, thank god your not living next to some murdering Latinos out to steal what you worked hard to have.

    We know US MSM does not report anything negative about the US Military.


    How about US soldiers raping an Iraqi woman…when they were done they shot her, her little brother and her mother and father after making them watch! I hope this makes you feel like hanging your flag in your front yard… Wally!


    I live in the real world Wally, at my fifty something years I been through it all Wally! I remember walking home in the winter, as I walked the snow crunched under my feet, a yellow light shinning down from a light post, hearing the noise making me turn back to make sure someone wasn’t behind me. Walking home in Chicago during the 1970’s was as dangerous as walking down the streets of Bagdad today. I lot of drive by shootings Wally, I had friends shot, died or went to jail for murder at 16 years old. The difference between me and you Wally, is I know what to do when shit hits the fan…I will transform myself to the time I lived in Chicago and instinct will kick in.

    I’m a rough guy Wally when I have to be! not like the pussies that rape little girls!

  200. anonymous[340]• 免责声明 说:
    @Nancy Pelosi's Latina Maid

    Did you jump back up to the top of the thread and post this gibberish to avoid a tough question (129, 135, 143)? Here it is, again:

    What about voting other than RedBlue, which I suggested as an alternative? Or do you accept the article of Establishment faith that this would “waste your vote”?

  201. @Robjil

    I’m with you 100% brother…It’s crazy how someone like Wally doesn’t believe the US doesn’t have any responsibility for what’s been happening to these people for as long as it has. The only thing I can point to is Wally must be under 30 years of age…but that’s no excuse!

    Thanks for sharing brother…

    • 同意: Robjil
    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  202. @ChuckOrloski

    Jajaja I’m glad you’re doing better Chuck! I missed your raw humor…glad your back on the keyboard! If you need any herbal remedies that are legal in the US, let me know and I will make sure you get it.

  203. @J. Gutierrez


    I’ve been telling those Arabs and Muslims for years not to go west, that it’s full of whores, queers, and Jews but they won’t listen. I think they get their orders from The Pet Shop Boys. Pity I have no musical talent to counter, and even if I did I doubt the Jews would publish and promote me. So they GO WEST:

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  204. Anonymous [AKA "po"] 说:

    the single mistake in this article is the claim that bernie was ever a peace candidate…in what universe?
    When hasn’t he been the war candidate?

  205. Rich 说:

    Anyone willing to pay “reparations ” to individuals who’ve never been enslaved, is what the kids call a “cuck” from where I stand.

    • 回复: @macilrae
  206. macilrae 说:

    Anyone willing to pay “reparations ” to individuals who’ve never been enslaved, is what the kids call a “cuck” from where I stand.

    I don’t give a toss for what the kids call me if it means something can be done about the West’s number one problem: threat of global war and financial ruin.

    • 回复: @Rich
  207. sarz 说:

    As a Hindu, her view of Muslims is somewhat complicated based on the historical interaction of the two groups, but she has moderated her views recently.

    There’s a lot of detritus floating around amongst the presuppositions of that sentence. It’s a mistake to use the term “Hindu” to designate a strand of religious practice. Parallel to the sense in which someone is a practising Shia, Gabbard is a Krishna bhakt. If you are conversant with the history of India, you will know that many practising Muslims have been at the same time Krishna bhakts. That phenomenon is part of Hinduism. Mircea Eliade spoke of Hinduism as comparative religion. But he spoke as a scholar, not a spiritual being.

    One can force language and practice to affirm Hinduism as a religion, one opposed to Islam. That was British mischief. What one gets is a nasty primitive ‘religion’ claiming at the same time to be the ultimate truth. Does that remind you of what Lauren Guyénot has been saying about Judaism? It was the Judaic forces of the British Empire, that thought nothing of poisoning the spiritual basis of a civilization for political profit, who are the authors of the ‘Hindu’-Muslim divide. The resulting impoverished cultural phenomenon, that infects almost all Indian-Americans, and is the current behind Modi’s cruelty, is best called Hindutvu. (It sounds ugly, and rightly so.)

    Tulsi, the Krishna bhakt, was for a short time taken up into Hindutvu, since those very people try to pin all the medals of Indic streams of religion to their chests. They freely talk of Ram and Krishna, but the spirit is missing. Not so with Tulsi. Her celebration of Krishna’s birthday, viewable on YouTube, is truly moving. She is a pious lady on the way to Hinduism and she will find a number of Muslim fellow travelers.

  208. macilrae 说:

    (Ya, sure, they’re kinda Zionists, but still….)

    What you say is true and, for my part, I’m viscerally opposed to many, if not most, of the positions taken by both George Soros and Charles Koch – but their quite extraordinary coalescence around this particular issue gives me some cause for optimism. As we well know, individually they sure can make things happen – if they pull together in the same direction, there’s a possibility for progress.

    • 回复: @Justvisiting
  209. RoatanBill 说:

    It is the people that join the all volunteer military that provide the means to wage war. These people are the real danger as without them, war wouldn’t be possible.

    Not since WWII has the US military done anything even remotely identifiable as defending the USA. All military activities have been offensive and the entire world knows it.

    Identifying oneself as ex US military is a scarlet letter that no one should be proud of. Electing an ex military type would be rewarding bad behavior and installing a person with proven bad judgement for joining the military in the first place.

  210. @ChuckOrloski

    * [tRump]…is Jacques Sheete’s most creative alliteration! Haha. .

    Dammit, Chuck! You are damning me with faint praise, Bro! What’s wit’ youse guys, huh? First Howard “hates” my analogy, now this! I’m a very 敏感 individual, so lighten up, please! 🙂

    Anyway, I has foun’ de answer…ya’ll kin thank me later even tho I purloined it from Mencken but with attribution, and gratitude to Mr Unz for making it so easily available.:

    Our fundamental problem, as I have hitherto argued from this stump, is a problem of population. We have bred too many morons at home, and we have admitted too many misfits and malcontents from foreign parts. The sterilization of the unfit still seems to most of us to be too brutal a measure to be put into general use, and the clergy continue to bawl against it as they once bawled against the Copernican cosmology;


    but soon or late it will be given a trial on a really comprehensive and more or less scientific scale. My guess is that it will turn out to be a roaring success, and that the loudest whoop-las will come from the laboratory animals. Once, indeed, the news gets about that it eliminates the historic pains and penalties of love without diminishing the entertainment value, loud demands for the knife will come from all the recesses of the Bible country, and every yap Congressman in Washington will be converted. But this is for the future, which has a way of lingering coyly just over the horizon. I predict nothing formally; I merely surmise and speculate. The assimilation of the immigrant is also likely to take a long while–much longer, in all probability, than most people think. The Fathers apparendy thought that when they signed their names to the Declaration o£ Independence they created thereby a new and indivisible nation, but the event showed that they were rather too optimistic. The Germans who came in during the third quarter of the last century were found, in I9x7, to be still mainly Germans, and what is more, the Englishmen of the old stock were found to be still Englishmen. It is thus no wonder that the later immigrants continue to radiate the scents of their forsaken homelands, and occasionally shock the general public with their exotic fancies. I see nothing remarkable, and certainly nothing disquieting, in the fact that so many Russian Jews keep their eyes on Russia, and are disposed to follow Russian mountebanks rather than our own. They will continue to do so until the last memories of the old home fade out o£ their race, and that will be many a year. It will also be many a year until the last American Italian ceases to thrill when the Roman legions sweep down upon some heathen Gomorrah and give its inhabitants the felicity of Christian burial. Such weaknesses belong to human nature, which was never more lush and lovely than it is in this Republic.

    -H.L. Mencken, The American Future, 美国水星报,1937 年 129 月,第 136-XNUMX 页

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  211. @macilrae

    If Soros and Koch are going to take on the military industrial complex it is only temporary and only because they have shorted the defense industry stocks.

    Time to get that inner cynic out of hiding!

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
    • 回复: @alexander
    , @SolontoCroesus
  212. @Robert Whatever




    然后,他们遭到这些贵族的剥皮和掠夺,而这些剥皮和掠夺是以前的专业人士从未有过的,他们 绝望地回到后者,并再次被剥皮和掠夺。=

    -HLMencken,社论,《美国水星报》,1924 年 408 月,第 412-XNUMX 页


  213. @J. Gutierrez

    The only thing I can point to is Wally must be under 30 years of age…

    Which would also explain why he’s living in a spacious house in a crime free neighborhood. Or maybe he’s camped out in the woods with a small group of other homeless folk.

  214. @J. Gutierrez

    Thanks for the update, but sorry to hear about the result.

    Hosed again, Bro!

  215. @J. Gutierrez

    Unlike most Americans I knew what happened, because I had seen the US government murder Randy Weaver’s wife and son.
    Then I watched the Waco compound burned to the ground. It just kept going with Oklahoma City and what really effected me was the murder of the babies in the daycare while ATF agents were told not to go to work!

    Thanks for those graphic and perfectly stated reminders. If any American has never heard of Shays’ Rebellion and the Whiskey Rebellion, or has heard of the “Civil(!)” War, but believes the standard claptrap about the reason it was fought, should at least have been awakened by what you’ve described.

    There is no excuse to voluntarily support this hideous system for any reason or in any way.

  216. alexander 说:

    We are way past “shorting bomb stocks, “Justvisiting”.

    The Military Industrial Complex has proven itself to be the greatest threat to world peace on the planet….Moreover its rapacious addiction to devouring TRILLIONS of taxpayer dollars over the past 18 years, has proven it is becoming the greatest single threat to the national solvency to( its own country) The United States.

    • 回复: @Justvisiting
  217. 与过去 15 年的大多数读者评论部分一样,这个部分为那些不熟悉世界历史、也无法讨论当前问题的读者提供了一个很好的例子。大多数评论都偏离了垄断战争和企业不惜一切代价窃取利润的现实。正如詹姆斯·伯克曾经说过的:“所有战争都是盗窃”。



    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  218. @Justvisiting

    Thanks for drawing attention to Quincy Institute, RobinG.

    Hope springs eternal, and getting the Koch nose in the Soros tent can’t be a bad idea — like injecting the out-of-control deer herd with birth control.

    iirc Dr. Giraldi spoke at a Koch- sponsored conference in DC a few years ago; the panel assembled there ranged the spectrum — Kori Schake (rhymes with flaky) to Phil Giraldi.

    但 -

    Stephen Kinzer wrote about Quincy in Boston Globe,
    https://www.bostonglobe.com/opinion/2019/06/30/soros-and-koch-brothers-team-end-forever-war-policy/WhyENwjhG0vfo9Um6Zl0JO/story.html?event=event12 mentioning that Trita Parsi is among its organizers, and Andrew Bacevich will be one of Quincy’s leading 专家。

    The initial investment seems rather small — half-a-million each from Soros & Koch and another $800k from unnamed others.

    Bacevich’s postings on Unz have not been enthusiastically received: he seems to specialize in pulling punches — Pat Buchanan from the military circle rather than the political.

    Gotta give Parsi credit — he’s been funded by Rockefeller Foundation, his books, gawd knows who else. He’s represented a small, fractious, extraordinarily threatened population against massive opposition with seemingly limitless financial resources for an entire generation, and is still standing.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  219. @alexander

    Billionaires think about money first–it is just normal people who find public policy more interesting.

    • 回复: @alexander
  220. With Bad Moon Rising over Scranton, Calling geokat!

    I know you don’t miss much (both) interesting & deceptive internet published articles, but did you happen to see MoA’s take on John Mearsheimer’s NYT OpEd, linked below? Moon of Alabama found it “ridiculous” and titled his take as “No, Iran is not rushing to build nuclear weapons.”


    P.S.: geo, I am merely a freshman-level student of Walt & Mearsheimer’s grand work and I must look to you for broader perspective on John M.’s NYT OpEd. Hm. Interesting how the new MoA offering concerns people’s proclivity to excessively comment.🤔 Thank you!

    • 回复: @geokat62
  221. Rich 说:

    According to Osama bin laden, if you want the wars with radical Islamists to end, all you have to do is bend over, get on your knees and pray to mecca. While you’re bent over, the Chicoms can take care of you from behind and there will be “peace” everywhere “Cuck” is a good word for you, in fact there are a whole lot of words for a guy like you. I can’t believe people have fallen this low. Disgraceful.

  222. @Jacques Sheete

    Independence Day Eve, 🤔 Good morning, Jacques!

    Although an admirer of the works of H.L. Mencken & his friend Theodore Dreiser, & as you can expect, my frequent 🙄writing here as a life-long Eastern Catholic, I am compelled to lament the dearly departed Mencken’s enthusiasm for “sterilization of the unfit.”

    1970’s, India’s P.M. Indira Gandhi, Nehru’s daughter, & in order to combat dire over-population and proliferating slums populated by the “unfit,” Indira opened up forced sterilization camps.

    Author Rohinton Mistry ain’t neither Mencken not Dreiser, but he’s alive, and wrote what I consider the greatest 21st Century’s “Culture of Death” (fiction) testimony, the novel titled, “A Fine Balance;”

    My respect, JS!

    P.S. Hm. No doubt runaway speculation, but perhaps childless & well educated Tulsi Gabbard read Mistry’s “A Fine Balance.”

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  223. alexander 说:

    I think every billionaire in this country(who loves this country) should be extremely concerned we have overspent our wad by 16.4 trillion dollars in a mere 19 years.

    There has never been such a massive explosion in US debt… in all of American History.

    Since the bulk of this debt is due to our gross “overspending” on illegal wars of aggression overseas , very few countries (around the world) are willing to continue to underwrite our behavior by buying US dollars…

    As a result, we have an impending currency crisis on the horizon.

    Our war spending has all but demolished our National balance sheet .

    We have been stealing tens of trillions of dollars from our grandchildren to fight aggressive wars of choice which nobody else believes in… and nobody else respects.

    It is both a moral and fiscal disaster., and it never needed to happen.

    The USA could of had a GDP/ Debt ratio of something like 24T/5T today had we not broken our own laws and started illegal wars of aggression.

    It is an immense tragedy for our country we ever got to this point.

    • 回复: @Justvisiting
  224. @Paul Vonharnish





  225. “saying “Is that what you will tell the parents of those two soldiers who were just killed in Afghanistan? Well, we just have to be engaged? As a soldier, I will tell you that answer is unacceptable.””

    As someone who opposed invasion, not the same as opposing any military action, if need be something far less intrusive, costly and damaging. But despite my position, there are some tough realities. We did invade and we do occupy. And we should get out ysterday.

    But we have created an environment in which millions of people are dependent on our presence. Their lives are better. The two soldiers died to make it so. And despite the reality that we may very lose we do bare some burden to ensure their safety when we leave. That is a very serious dilemma. But a moral people will consider it.

    • 回复: @alexander
  226. sally 说:
    @Fool's Paradise


    • 回复: @Fool's Paradise
  227. @ChuckOrloski

    I am compelled to lament the dearly departed Mencken’s enthusiasm for “sterilization of the unfit.”

    Not to worry, Chuck, but he, being a smart ass, (not that I’d know anything about ), wrote that tongue in cheek, (no, not 那些 cheeks).

    PS: I hope someone did an agressive circumcision as well as a sterilization procedure on the rapist JG described, above, and that goes as well for all those “brave heroes” who have never repented for their “service” at Abu Ghraib.

    I myself advocate self eunuchization as a prerequisite for running for public office, like some of the priests of old. No one was gonna grab them vestal virgins via the tRump maneuver!

    Now what did Ol Salt of the Earth, Billie, do with that cigar? Man, this country is a class act, I tell yi!

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  228. sally 说:



  229. alexander 说:

    ” but we have created an environment where millions of people are dependent on our presence.
    Their lives are better…”





    Look at the twenty million war refugees flooding Europe as a result of our benevolent “presence”.



    What a total ….shameful ……waste.


  230. RobinG 说:

    Parsi isn’t much liked by my Iranian friend, and I’ve found him disappointing, but you have a point: there’s a price to longevity, and he is still standing. (No doubt there’s a lesson in this about tempering impatience.)

    Yes, Bacevich has been similarly limp. That must be what made him suitable for this job. I expect Soros and Koch are in this for business, with a veneer of altruism.

  231. @alexander


    If the western world degrades to third world status they will just hire lots of security guards to protect their compounds against the unwashed masses.

    Added bonus–the politicians can be bought more cheaply. 🙁

    (Public policy debates are based on the assumption that the participants are acting in good faith and concern for the common good–that assumption is clearly not correct.)

    • 回复: @alexander
  232. Svevlad 说:

    She’s the rare “moral bluepilled” candidate. She believes in cultural marxism and doesn’t think much of it, but isn’t actually a nutjob, a rarity nowadays in our crazy world

  233. alexander 说:



    • 回复: @Parisian Guy
  234. @Robjil

    A couple of relevant videos, one an interview with ousted Honduras President, hate to break it to you, but he doesn’t put the blame on the “Zionist”. Rather it is the capitalist he blames for the “hell” that has been created in his country.

    我知道你们很难承认世界上发生的任何坏事都可能归咎于资本家或资本主义,责怪犹太人、共产主义者、社会主义者、马克思主义者、黑鬼、香料要容易得多,一个wop,或者一个犹太复国主义者。 上帝保佑美利加。 上帝保佑帝国。 上帝保佑我们的资本主义霸主那个丁杜·纳芬。

    I’m sure America would be peaches and cream if not for Israel.

    非法移民已经获得免费医疗保健,所以对他们来说什么都不会改变。 如果这些非法从事建筑或农业工作的人之一受伤并被送往医院,医院会把他们赶出去,你怎么看? 拒绝钱? 不。 就像贫穷的黑人和白人已经获得免费医疗保健一样,如果不付款,他们没有资产可供收债人留置。 所以它本质上是免费的。




    • 同意: RobinG
  235. @cassandra

    So, why don’t you explain what you believe to be the case

    Hm, I actually wrote two books and planning the third one precisely on the subject of Western in general and American utter ignorance on Russia and, in general, even own, Western history. It is physically impossible to explain in discussion board, unless one wants to write a 70,000 word treatise, and even that wouldn’t be enough, explaining that what most people at Unz are discussing when writing about Russia and her history is about 90% propaganda memes, aka in civilized society as BS. I merely pointed this fact out–it is in argument and a valid one. I also gave the advice–to visit Russia and her scared places, what’s wrong with that? It is also difficult to conduct substantive discussion with people who believe that Jews control everything, from Western finances to their bowel movements, granted a very real baneful influence of Jewish diaspora on the United States–that’s real.

    • 回复: @cassandra
  236. Art 说:

    Where is Tulsi — NO new YouTube videos for four days????? She needs to be seen!

    Gabbard is the far middle Dem candidate – the reasonable candidate – she is the JFK patriotic candidate – she must stake out that position – period. Tulsi must publicly counter the gang banging insane Dem left!


    AOC is the Dem left leader – Tulsi Gabbard is the “Dem middle leader.” Show it!

    图尔西一定是反 AOC 的。



  237. @Jacques Sheete

    JS with dead-on sarcasm wrote: “Man, this country is a class act,”

    Cannot imagine the “class act” US military truck driver convoys witnessed while deployed to help bury the Iraqi bodies on Kuwait to Basra’s “Highway of Death.”

    Am wondering if the American soldier who saw and took a snapshot of a charred Iraqi soldier is still around? Upon slight touch, the head of the body tumbled to the ground and broke into dust particles. Troops watching reportedly laughed Jacques.😟

    For me, tomorrow, no time for fireworks, Jacques. Somewhere I will say rosary, the “Sorrowful Mysteries” variant. My respect!

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  238. Rurik 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    get to Moscow on May 7 and wait till May 9 then go to Tverskaya.

    I’d love to!

    I’d even write an exclusive Unz Review exposé, and include photos and perceptions of the local fauna ; ) .

    It’d be an incredible opportunity for ‘West to meet East.

    Perhaps I could arrange a détente with Vlad, and discuss currency alternatives and our mutual love for leopards.

    [I’m going to need a modest per diem Ron, nothing fancy ; ].

    • 回复: @Andrei Martyanov
  239. Rurik 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    Well Jacques, it goes back a long ways. Four years to be exact.

    I’m making plans now to meet with Edward Snowden when I get to Russia.

    Lots of diplomatic bs to sift though. I’ll try to record an interview.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  240. @alexander

    ” but we have created an environment where millions of people are dependent on our presence.

    Their lives are better…”


    True, but stick around a while. It’s stinking for sure, but mild. The “higher than thou” “do-gooder” types can rationalize any atrocity with gusto and endless piles of manure. The goof you responded to has a particularly vile case of smug choseness. Who gave such a fool the authority to judge whether their lives are better? I wonder if it ever occurred to it how few of the “beneficiaries” have asked for anything from us but instead would rather be left alone.

    “Of all tyrannies, a tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It may be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron’s cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
    - CS刘易斯 The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment, AMCAP Journal Vol.13 No1. 1987. 151.

  241. Mark1776 说:

    只是另一位受控制的反对派候选人。 CFR 成员。支持枪支管制、赔偿、气候变化/全球变暖、堕胎和非法移民。新世界秩序“和平候选人”。认识新老板,和老老板一样。

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
  242. Mark1776 说:

    图尔西只是更受控制的反对派。 CFR 成员。需要我多说?

  243. @ChuckOrloski

    Troops watching reportedly laughed Jacques.

    No doubt about it. Like the mighty soldiers who pissed on the corpse of some Afghani kid they murdered. I’ve seen my fellow jackass “heroes” knock the gold-capped teeth out of VC corpses to make necklaces. Tulsi is right about stopping the wars, but she’s got a 要走的路。

    Please say a few prayers for me, but not for this monstrosity we call a country; it’s too far gone anyway.

  244. @Art

    Enthusiastic, Bro Art said: When Trump makes war sounds on Iran – again, she must call a news conference and say so.”


    Given Tulsi does what you recommend, Art,
    she will have no spare time to even wash the dishes.


    • 回复: @Art
  245. @Rurik

    I’d love to!

    That’s a good start and, actually, a required first step. I can give you some suggestions on some pretty nifty dives and diners–there some wonderful a la-carte places.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @Rurik
  246. @Rurik

    Well wish Vlad my best. It’s nice to know that there are a few men worthy of the honor of being called statesmen, and he appears to be one of them. One of the few adults on the stage.

    PS: I’m jealous of the Russian folk too. Look what we have for “leadership” in comparison. Pathetic, crying shame.


    • 同意: J. Gutierrez, Rurik
  247. @J. Gutierrez

    “Dem or Rep will make no difference Mr. Smith…”

    Okay, so you still don’t understand what I’m talking about. Apparently you see a binary world of “Democrat” vs. “Republican” and you either ignore or try to force fit every nuance of the much more complex real world into your simple paradigm.

    “Obama joined the club before his election. He could have returned the constitutional rights Bush took away, stopped the Afghan and Iraqi wars, not invade Libya, left Syria alone and not allow CIA fune care ding of Al-Qaeda and ISIS.”

    I neither stated nor meant to imply that Obama was some kind of a saint. He wasn’t. (Apparently neither is Tulsi Gabbard). I didn’t like Obama; in my opinion he was an immoral scumbag.

    But here’s the thing that you apparently don’t get: evil, like almost everything else in this world, is a matter of degree.

    Maybe an example will help? Consider the following two hypothetical scenarios, “A” and “B.”

    (A) Joe and Bill are standing in line at the convenience store waiting to pay for the merchandise they’re buying. Bill is standing behind behind Joe. While reaching into his pocket, Joe accidentally drops a $10 bill on the floor (which he doesn’t realize that he dropped).

    Bill sees Joe’s $10 bill fall to the floor, but he doesn’t say anything to Joe. He’s hoping that Joe leaves the store without realizing that he dropped the money. (Of course if Bill was the one who dropped the money, he’d be angry if someone else tried to take it).

    Joe pays for the items he has and takes a few steps toward the door. Just then a third customer notices the money on the floor and says: “Hey buddy, is that your money on the floor?”

    Both Joe and Bill turn to address the third customer and size up the situation, but Bill is quick to respond, saying “hey thanks” to the other customer as he picks up the money (which is now closer to him that to Joe) pretending it’s his.

    Joe leaves the store still unaware that Bill just stole his $10.

    (B) Joe leaves the convenient store and walks down the alleyway nearby. Bob jumps out from the shadows brandishing a knife and demands Joe’s wallet.

    Bob is apparently willing to stab Joe if he resists. Moreover, Bob is apparently also willing to risk his own life, because for all he knows, Joe may be carrying a concealed Glock 19.

    Joe reaches into his pocket and presents Bob with… (the end doesn’t matter).

    So who is apparently the more evil person here, Bill or Bob?

    They’re both scumbags, right? But Bill isn’t willing to stab Joe for a few dollars or to put himself at risk whereas Bob is. You could say that Bill is an opportunistic scumbag, whereas Bob is a much more aggressive and dangerous scumbag.

    My point is that there are differences between people. Obama can be likened to “Bill” and orange clown can be likened to “Bob.” Obama wasn’t willing to risk WW3 to please a coterie of madmen, whereas orange clown apparently is willing to risk it, right?

    Now that all the low-hanging imperial fruit has been picked; the mask is off (the goal of world domination and control is painfully obvious); the empire’s internal problems and contradictions are taking a toll portending decline; and Russia and China are rising fast and resisting the evil empire’s depredations…the elders no longer have the luxury of installing any old corrupt political opportunist in the white house – if they are to advance the agenda; rather, they need some uniquely evil people.


    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  248. Robjil 说:

    The US and Israel are both there. We are not allowed to mention this. US and Israel are twins these days. So if one says US is doing something bad, then Israel is there too.
    In Central America, the US oppressor label is all over the place with Israel which can’t be named.

    Here is why these videos do not mention Israel or who the five families ruling Honduras are. Washington doesn’t mind be called bad, but don’t call little Israel bad, now that is bad. A crime is crime no matter who does it. Hiding crimes lets them grow into monsters, such as the Seven nations to destroy for Israel’s and US’s nine eleven false flag. These videos are only allowed to say that the US is bad, otherwise no one in our “free” press will listen to them.


    “我们谈到的一个话题是左倾的塞拉亚对在洪都拉斯活动的“以色列雇佣军”发表的评论。 这在国际媒体上引发了一场意料之中的喧嚣,评论员们争先恐后地把这位被围困的领导人描绘成一个反犹的非凡人物,进行某种永久性的酸之旅。

    在我的采访报道中,我发表在一份无关紧要的出版物上,我碰巧指出以色列雇佣军对中美洲的风景并不完全陌生。 当这篇文章发表时,另一家无关紧要的出版物的出版商——我曾向其投稿了一些反政变文章——大发雷霆。 我怎么敢把以色列人带进去; 我会疏远整个华盛顿!”

    About the five families ruling Honduras.


    “即使每个人都称他们为'土耳其人',他们实际上都是犹太裔家庭,来自40年代和50年代的阿拉伯国家,远离沙漠和战争。 它们是Rosenthals,Facussé,Larachs,Nassers,Kafies和Goldsteins。 五个姓氏控制着制造业,能源公用事业,电信,旅游业,银行,金融,混凝土制造商和商业,机场或国会。 几乎所有的东西。
    他们是控制着3%国民生产总值的40%洪都拉斯人的核心。 他们是这个国家70%的贫困人口的贵族。”

    This article was translated by this website into English from Spanish, since there was uproar about the writer talking about the ethnic background of the Honduran rulers.

    “这篇文章于 28 年 11 月 2009 日发表在西班牙主要报纸《世界报》上,其原始形式已被美国犹太委员会谴责为反犹太主义。在某些情况下你不能提及某人的种族 - 记者只写道这五个家庭具有犹太血统。这是西班牙语的粗略翻译:”

    If someone is doing bad it should not matter what their ethnic background is, they should be shamed for there behavior. Things kept darkness keep growing and growing. This is where we are at with the 500 BC wars in the middle east. Seven nations to destroy for Yahweh’s Israel is from Deut. 7. 1-2. Old Test./Torah.

    There are now 100o Israeli troops in Honduras. I am sure that they feel at home with the five Zionist Jewish families running the nation. This is the first time that Israel sent such a large number of troops to a foreign nation. Why isn’t this is our “free” press?


    “A multilateral military treaty between Honduras, Israel, and the United States will see the deployment of 1000 Israeli soldiers at Honduras. They will train the Armed Forces of Honduras (FFAA) and National Police (PN).


    This would be the second time that Honduras is allowing foreign military personnel in the territory and the first time in Israel’s history to send troops abroad.”

    By naming Israel as a co-sponsor of the US in the oppression in Latin America, perhaps people will wake up in the US and get of wars for Israel in the middle east. So it is good thing to name Israel.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
    , @geokat62
  249. Art 说:

    Very interesting article. A different take.

    Paradigms Flip as Trump and Tulsi Emerge as the Winners of the Democratic Party Debate

    2019 年 6 月 29 日

    The single truth that many mainstream Democrats will have a very difficult time acknowledging coming out of the June 26th Democratic Party Presidential Debate, is that Donald Trump’s positions on China and Latin America have become a Democratic Party line. Is this is a mere matter of pandering to the polling data on questions like Latin America and China? Even if just that, it would be a Trump success in and of itself.

    …。 …。 …。

    The June 26th Democratic Party Presidential Debate was astounding in its representation of a major paradigm shift in the United States.


    Connected to Trump as the ‘winner’, it was Tulsi Gabbard who stood out from the rest of the candidates. Interestingly, reliable polling data just out from the Drudge Report shows that Gabbard emerged as the winner of the debate on ideas and policies overall. She won some 40% of the vote, and when compared to the candidates whom the other 60% was divided, it was a landslide.



  250. Art 说:

    图尔西只是更受控制的反对派。 CFR 成员。需要我多说?

    The CFR keeps its enemies close. Sometimes it works – sometimes not.



    • 回复: @RobinG
  251. RobinG 说:

    CFR 成员。需要我多说?


  252. renfro 说:

    “plans to ‘bird-dog’ presidential candidates at public events to create viral moments and prod the Democratic Party leftward on the issue of Israel.”

    Good, that’s the best strategy. ….bird dogging is the only way to put candidates on the hot seat in public and inform their audiences.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  253. @cassandra


    I live near the center of a town that has a major freeway running through the center. That freeway is a major transportation route for products exported or imported through Mex. A couple of months ago I watched African Immigrants fighting with Mexican security forces on the southern border on the news. A week later those same immigrants stopped at a restaurant owned by a friend of mine located on that same freeway. 3 weeks ago I saw those same Africans on tv trying to cross the border near Laredo, but were turned back by agents across the river. Last week I saw a news channel from San Antonio reporting the arrival of African immigrants from the Congo. They reported that the US government needed French speaking people and those people had jobs waiting. The reporter noticed that a couple of them were counting brand new dollar bills under a tree. He also noticed they had bags of new clothes.

    That same week I saw a YouTube (the Florida Maqui) channel reporting a breakout of a new strain of Ebola. The location of that outbreak was The Congo! I think we both know that those people were brought to the US by someone with the money and resources to do it. Why would the government not bring them on a normal Airline if they were recruited as interpreters. I’ll tell you why, they didn’t want proof of them being brought to the US by a government agency. The Florida Maqui also reported that San Antonio has the only Private Owned research facility that specializes in the Ebola virus.

    Wally sitting in his safe neighborhood will tell me I’m lying without ever thinking what do I have to gain by saiyng that! But, I know one of these days he might find himself in a position where someting I said will flash in front of him and he will not give into his weak way of thinking and see it for what it is…a deception! As he walks away from that situation, he will think to himself, damn that fucking J.G. and smile! Jaja

  254. RobinG 说:

    This is what Lucy Komisar wrote about CFR:

    CFR has 2 sides. Members join to go to meetings, hear & question govt & foreign officials, experts. Staff & fellows are paid, do research, reports, often w/neocon slant I dislike, to influence foreign policy. May attend meetings, but otherwise no crossover. Tulsi & I are members.

    1921 年由学者等人创立,后来得到福特和洛克菲勒基金会的资助。请参阅维基百科。现在从公司那里得到很多美元。网站上有许多会议记录/视频 http://cfr.org 当然,意见范围非常狭窄——你在面板上找不到左派!

    Note that Staff & fellows are paid, whereas those accepted as members pay dues ($780. annually for Tulsi).

    FYI, Lucy is a highly respected journalist who writes about financial crime. I believe Phil has quoted her about Bill Browder. She blogs at thekomisarscoop.com

    • 回复: @Art
    , @J. Gutierrez
  255. Paul C. 说:

    CFR 成员。

    我发现她解释说她的会员期限为 5 年,但此时可能已经到期。

    She doesn’t give details whether she sought them out or vice versa. My hunch is they sought her to bring her into their worldview if only incrementally.


  256. Art 说:

    Given Tulsi does what you recommend, Art,
    she will have no spare time to even wash the dishes.


    Ya know — “a women work is never done”


    Peace – Peace – Peace – PLEASE!


  257. geokat62 说:

    but did you happen to see MoA’s take on John Mearsheimer’s NYT OpEd, linked below?

    Thanks for sharing, Chuck… it was an interesting read.

    Without getting into the weeds re offensive vs defensive realism, I think the Iranians find themselves in a a bit of a pickle. Moon over Alabama seems to think that abjuring a nuclear deterrent is the best option available to Iran. Mearsheimer points to what happened to Iraq and Libya, who were devastated because they did not have a nuclear deterrent.

    Who’s right and who’s wrong… only time will tell.

    From my personal experience, however, I’d prefer being armed and loaded if I felt an overwhelming force was intent on annihilating me.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
    , @J. Gutierrez
    , @Art
  258. @Harold Smith

    I hear you now Mr. Smith! I saw an X- Mossad Leader on 60 minutes that has found himself on Israel’s black list because he has spoken publicly about Netenyahoo’s Iranian Propaganda for War. This guy has been involved in numerous special opps against Arab targets and was considered a hero. It was an interested interview I recommend you take a look if you haven’t already. I saw it last night!

    I appreciate your effort using the store scenario to explains your position. thank you…

  259. Art 说:

    Thanks RobinB,

    I think this Tulsi CFR stuff is a real canard. Her peace message goes totally counter to the CFR’s pro-Israel BS.


  260. RobinG 说:

    This isn’t bad …. a deconstruction of Salon’s back-handed hit piece on Tulsi. BTW, July 4-7 she’ll be on the road in NH, so you’ll have videos of that.

    Salon Threatened by Tulsi Gabbard, Wants to Use Her For Personal Gain

    • 回复: @alexander
  261. RobinG 说:

    And this s what I meant by “…suddenly.” Did you see this coming?

    Fareed Zakaria: US faces a crisis with its asylum system

  262. @RobinG


    I kind of remeber reading something about the CFR being started by a group of Rohdes round table elites. I could be wrong, but if true that shows us how British Anglo Supremacy still rules…

    Also while researching my roots (W. Euro Spain) I read that England was populated by people from the Germanic area making most British of German decent. That got me to think about the WWI and WWII scenerio, it was basically Anglos killing Anglos what a wonderful history they have. These are the people that have been in power worldwide, add the zionist to that mix and there’s no wonder why we’re in the situation we’re in.

    We need to elect African pigmees in power!

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
    , @RadicalCenter
  263. @Robjil


    Good stuff brother, thank you for posting. I knew there were certain families that held power over the indigenous people. But I didn’t know the details you described. I can only imagine the horrors these people have faced and most likely been covered up, like their dead bodies…

    Thank you Brother!!!!!

    • 回复: @Robjil
  264. @geokat62

    Wisely, and no doubt something was Crazy Horse and Sitting Bull aware, geokat said:
    “From my personal experience, however, I’d prefer being armed and loaded if I felt an overwhelming force was intent on annihilating me.”

    Above, 👍!!!

    Nonetheless, and given how much is known about Dimona* & “Homelander” donations to the extremely offensive Israeli nuclear weapons & delivery systems defense 🙄program, there is always that awesome Superpower ZUS nuclear arsenal which renders possible Iranian nukes as not much of a deterrent.

    Fyi, as long as Putin’s Russia is militarily committed to prevent regime-change attack upon Iran, I think Mr Rouhani has time before the revolutionary Islamic Republic’s ” Last Stand” happens.

    Thanks, geo! Oh man, how ‘Merikans need the Pax of Gabbard now.🤔

    * Thanks, Mr. Mordechai Vanunu.

  265. @sally

    That’s true, Sally, but the “play” must be changed somehow, or we’re doomed, as Orwell said, to have a boot smashing on our human face, forever. Since violent overthrow through revolution is nowhere on the horizon, we must try for small changes. Don’t you think, e.g., if Ron Paul had been elected, he would have changed some of the lines and speeches in the Play? He wanted to end, or at least audit, the Fed Reserve, give us back our own money, wouldn’t this have been a wonderful thing? Of course, he would have been assassinated were he to have done this. Don’t you think that Ralph Nader, had he been elected, would have changed a few lines in the Play? Wasn’t John Kennedy trying to make things a little better before he was taken out? I know Tulsi wouldn’t be able to do a fraction of the changes needed to make this a decent country, but a few would be better than none.

    • 回复: @Justvisiting
  266. alexander 说:


    Just how F-ed up has Salon become these days ?

    I have not read it in years.

    Is that not the most bizarre and schizophrenic hit piece on Tulsi one could write ?.

    These Salon-istas have lost their noodles.

    You feel like this writer for Salon is trapped in some kind of contorted post Neo-liberal metastasis, ..and has to, …..as a prerequisite to the venal establishment which lords over him ,….. force out derogatory prose on Tulsi, in order to stay within the accepted “cocktail bubble” of our “perpetual war ” elites .

    The writer seems to function as a tragic….. Neocon….. “Half-Borg” , whose humanity still exists in there , somewhere,…. but is so controlled by his belligerent paymasters ….he is trapped.

    Yet even as he obliges them, at every turn, with his well rehearsed “Tulsi- slurs” they are punctuated with pangs of remembering of what it was actually like …..to be a human being.

    It is absolutely fascinating to witness this co-mingling of Neocon “new-speak” with authentic blurts of moral remembering.

    Perhaps this is a fitting metaphor for what our thoroughly corrupted D.N.C. has become these days .

    80% Neocon “War-Borg”…20% ..moral “remembering”.


  267. @Commentator Mike


    Sorry brother, I’ve been wasting my time trying to convince Wally that blaming the US for what’s happening in Central America doesn’t make me a Communist! He says I am lying, because he is completely unaware of any US involvement. Is that why you sent me the Video brother? Jajaja

    Wally, now I know why you think the way you do…you see the West through the videos you see! You see the shinny glimmer of muscular men marching to the beat of the Zionist propaganda crafted in scientific programs designed to reach the weak minded viewer. It’s not your fault Wally, its the Zionists that you think you are against, because of your Jew Bashing posts. Sorry to inform you that your gibberish is only an illusion. You are on the bottom and the Zionists are on top and deep inside you Wally. I don’t think I can help you, how about you Mike?

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
    , @Wally
  268. geokat62 说:

    By naming Israel as a co-sponsor of the US in the oppression in Latin America…

    As we all know, Nut’nYahoo is very fond of graphics. He was recently seen holding up this map of the world depicting Israeli foreign relations with the rest of the world:

    它把世界各国分为[四个]不同类别:与耶路撒冷具有“最近发展/升级”关系的国家被标记为 红色; 与以色列建立“良好关系”的国家 蓝色; 和“公开敌对的敌人国家”在 黑色。 与世界其他地方一样, 墨绿色,“以色列没有特殊关系。”


    Bottom Line: Israel through its 前厅 is working overtime to convert the green and black colours to red and blue, and that includes Latin America, which is mostly green.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
    , @Robjil
  269. Robjil 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Yes, it is shocking stuff. It is very hidden stuff. Here is one of the five ruling Jewish families of Honduras caught for laundering money by drug trafficking in the US. This is even more shocking that the US actually went after one of them.


    “The indictment charges that the three men, Jaime Rosenthal, a four-time presidential candidate and patriarch of the family’s vast businesses, his son Yani and his nephew Yankel, the president of one of the country’s leading soccer teams, conspired over the past decade to launder money on behalf of drug trafficking groups.

    “The Rosenthal’s lawyer was also named in the indictment.

    “Yankel Rosenthal, who was arrested at Miami’s airport, made his first appearance in federal court Wednesday in Miami.

    “The Rosenthal family owns Grupo Continental which has holdings in banking, telecommunications and agriculture. The family also runs one of the largest newspapers in the country. They deny any wrongdoing.”

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
    , @geokat62
    , @Robjil
  270. @Fool's Paradise

    The CFR is bad, really bad.

    If Tulsi had gone to visit the Godfather and his family to study the gambling and lending industries would that be a concern?

    The CFR is _that_ bad.

  271. @geokat62

    From my personal experience, however, I’d prefer being armed and loaded if I felt an overwhelming force was intent on annihilating me.

    I knew there was something about you GeoKat, spoken like a man after my heart!

    • 哈哈: geokat62
  272. @J. Gutierrez

    To RobinG, J. Gutierrez recommended:
    “We need to elect African pigmees in power!”


    Above, have good news for you & perhaps RobinG.

    刚拿到我的 http://www.ancestry.com results back, and guess what? Although 6’0″, and sort of white, I have African pygmy blood!

    Hm. I think I can out-debate & scalp Elizabeth “Pocahontas” Warren. Jajaja.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  273. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    My “soul ” is worth its weight in gold. How much does a soul weigh? Why can’t I see it in the mirror? I believe in freedom, but I’m more concerned with my freedom, my family’s freedom, my country’s freedom, than Persians. I have no animosity towards the Persian people, but if my choice is my freedom and their “right ” to nukes, I’ll take freedom. Every time

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  274. @Robjil

    Did you hear about the Colombian Madam that was arrested for child sex trafficking and the Israeli x-military that were caught with her? They were being investigated for international drug trafficking and child sex trafficking. These people are everywhere there is money to be made by any means necessary. Sick Fucks…Bro!

  275. @Mark1776

    I read Robin G-string’s nasty reply to you and hope it doesn’t deter you from saying more, although you summed it up nicely. I wonder how many times we have to go through the same scenario before some folks see the light.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  276. @Andrei Martyanov

    Knowing a local at your intended destination is the only way to travel. Have to spend a minimum of a month, too. I hope he goes and you guys hit it off. I’m getting too old for that type of thing or I’d invite myself!

    现在我 jealous! 😉

    • 回复: @Rurik
  277. @geokat62

    I liked the graph of the Wiley Cayote bomb that he held up at the UN. The black round one with the fuse…that was funny! Either he’s dumb as a box of rocks or thinks everyone else is.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @geokat62
  278. @ChuckOrloski

    That was fucking funny brother!!! I can’t stop laughing enough to type this message! Tears all over my keyboard! Gotta go get a towel! Thanks Brother…my mom is wondering what’s wrong with me!

  279. geokat62 说:

    “They deny any wrongdoing.”

    I am shocked—shocked — they would deny any wrongdoing!

    • 同意: Robjil
  280. Robjil 说:

    Here is some good news from Honduras. Massive protests in Honduras in May 2019 and a massive protest at the US embassy on June 1 2019 marking the tenth anniversary of the US /Israel 2009 coup. Maybe that is why 1000 Israeli troops are now working with the US troops at the US’s Honduran base. US and Israel both want the 2009 coup to stay in place. Why isn’t this news in our “free” press. All we hear about in our “free” press are that refugees just “appear” at our borders, no reasons why they go to our borders.


    “The streets of Honduras were filled with protesters and clouds of tear gas as the month of June began. The national police fanned out through the country to crush the protests with heavy-handed tactics at the direction of President Juan Orlando Hernández, the US-supported neoliberal leader who won power in elections marred by documented fraud.

    As the protests peaked, fire was set to the doors of the American embassy in the capital, Tegucigalpa, in an apparent act of retribution against the United States for its role in propping up the widely unpopular president. It was a striking act of symbolic resistance that recalled events in 1988 when Hondurans burned the vehicles of US embassy personnel to protest Washington’s dirty war against Nicaragua. The fortifications installed around the US embassy after that incident may have prevented the latest burning from consuming the rest of the building.”

    Why are they protesting?

    “Ten years ago, the democratically elected center-left Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya, was whisked away from his residence in a brazen military raid supported by the United States. Zelaya’s removal cleared the path for the interests of big business across the country. As the ten year anniversary of the US-supported coup approaches, Hondurans are rising up against neoliberal austerity measures imposed by Washington and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that have triggered mass public sector layoffs and raised prices on basic goods.”

    • 同意: Iris
  281. Art 说:

    Who’s right and who’s wrong… only time will tell.

    From my personal experience, however, I’d prefer being armed and loaded if I felt an overwhelming force was intent on annihilating me.


    Israel has 200 nukes aimed at Iran – !

    Will someone please point that out to Chief Thunder Cloud! (Help where is Pocahontas when you need her – oh ya – sucking up to the Big Jews.)

    Advertising the manifest unbalance and unfairness of the situation – could go a long way to repairing the problem. (Of course that is forbidden.)


  282. @J. Gutierrez

    Sick Fucks…Bro!

    And no matter how sick it gets, it keeps getting sicker. Those SoBs’ behaviors are off the charts, and to top it off they have the chutzah to play the victim card!!!

    Truly the spawn of Satan.

  283. @J. Gutierrez

    Either he’s dumb as a box of rocks or thinks everyone else is.

    Answer: (C). Both. Nuts too.

  284. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Either he’s dumb as a box of rocks or thinks everyone else is.

    That’s why I always use the phrase, 愚蠢的Goyim, JG.

  285. Robjil 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Yes, there is a lot about this on the net. The more people know about Israel’s doing things like this, less people will be willing to fight wars for Israel in the middle east. So, knowledge of this is a good thing.


    “Colombia’s booming tourism industry has a dark underbelly.

    Authorities say they’ve broken up an “Israeli mafia” that allegedly promoted drug-fueled parties and sex with minors to international tourists.

    In a series of raids, Attorney General Néstor Humberto Martínez said authorities had detained eight people, including six Israelis and two Colombians. Among those arrested were Mor Zohar, described as an Israeli ringleader, and a Colombian policeman who was accused of passing confidential information to the group. Arrest warrants have been issued for another eight Israelis.”

    • 回复: @Art
  286. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Did you hear about the Colombian Madam that was arrested for child sex trafficking and the Israeli x-military that were caught with her?

    You must be referring to this story, JG?

    摘录自 SEX RING SMASHED Madame arrested for ‘running child prostitution ring where 250 underage sex slaves were branded with tattoos’ by their ‘owners’
    Ringleader ‘Madame’ Campos Puello is said to have hired the girls from poor neighbourhoods in Columbia and Venezuela before forcing them into prostitution

    Of those seized “Madame” Liliana del Carmen Campos Puello and several unnamed Israelis were believed to be the network’s ringleaders.


    Here are a few shots of the (((Madame))) in all her glory:

  287. @Art

    Here ya be Art, start video at 2:30 for Tulsi time:

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Cowboy
  288. Rurik 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    I can give you some suggestions on some pretty nifty dives

    It sounds nearly irresistible, (but Ron hasn’t yet seen my amazing offer), and my budget being what it is and all..

    What about speaking English?

    The only Russian I know is ‘Na Zdorovie’, and even that I learned from Poles.

    I’ve traveled some, but it’s my heartfelt dream to travel the world. I’d like to take a year or two and just go. If I can manage it, in the next few years, and you’re still around, then I may take you up on that.

    I know a few Russians. One is a Russian Jew I bought a car from, and we became friends, but I haven’t seen him in years. Another Russian guy I know is married to an Ukrainian woman, (both supper nice), and they have an American daughter in college that is stunning, and also very nice.

    Cheers, or Na Zdorovie!

  289. Robjil 说:

    The Israeli head of this child sex ring had similar clubs all over Latin America.


    “It’s reported that Colombian authorities also asked Interpol to arrest a former Israel soldier deported from Colombia for running a child prostitution ring. Authorities claimed that even after his expulsion, 44-year-old Israeli citizen Assi Ben-Mosh continued to manage his illicit operations in Colombia from afar.

    Mosh was deported to Israel after it was discovered that he was part of a group of ex-Israeli soldiers that had turned a small fishing village in Taganga into a “sex and drug den” from their base in a luxury resort, the Benjamin Hostel which was known to locals as “little Israel”.

    From “little Israel” Moosh is reported to have run similar clubs exploiting drugs and children in Cartagena, Bogotá, Medellín, Ecuador, Mexico and Brazil. Local residents spoke of their relief following his arrest and deportation last November and thought they had seen the back of the former Israeli soldier.”

    What happened to Moosh in Israel? Nothing. He is trying to get back into Colombia.

    “Moosh denies any connection to the tourism sex ring and, according to Israeli sources, he is currently waging a legal battle to return to Colombia.

    The bust over the weekend followed months of surveillance. Authorities said that it was one of the biggest operations to combat child sex trafficking and forced prostitution in Cartagena. In a statement, the attorney general’s office described the victims as “real slaves of the 21st century”.”

    • 回复: @geokat62
  290. JumpingJoe 说:


  291. Art 说:

    In a series of raids, Attorney General Néstor Humberto Martínez said authorities had detained eight people, including six Israelis and two Colombians.

    The Colombians don’t know it yet – but the day after tomorrow their currency is going into the toilet.

    That will teach them respect.

    • 回复: @Robjil
  292. @Jacques Sheete


    Remember Morton Downey and “The Gong Show?” Phil Giraldi ain’t no Downey, but as you branded my Lady as “RobinG-strings haha, I think a gong is coming.

    Fyi, I truly get turned-on when she calls me “Chuckwad.” Likely she’s too young to remember actress Linda Lovelace’s co-star, Johnny Wad? So now you can see why I get rocks-off when RobinG calls me “Chuckwad.” 👍!

    If this comment survives, JS, please listen to the song, linked below, by one of America’s greatest songwriters, Tom Waits. Title is “Pasties and a G-string.” Am hoping Mr. Mensa, AJM, is skulking around this stage & shall critique the beautiful malady! Uh, I know you prefer Bach, Jacque, but Waits is cock-of-the-thread-walk.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  293. geokat62 说:

    “Moosh denies any connection to the tourism sex ring…”

    I am shocked—shocked — he’s denying any connection to the tourism sex ring!

    Just take a look at his mug:

    Why, he looks just as honest as Honest Abe!

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
    , @Robjil
  294. Robjil 说:

    Good news. Moosh has been arrested in Portugal. Will he be sent to Colombia for imprisonment? If not he will go back to Israel where he is free. Israel is a strange country, probably, the only one in the world that does not arrest people like this guy Moosh.


    五月24,2019 10在:上午28

    “An ex-Israeli soldier wanted in Colombia for heading a child prostitution ring and sex trafficking offences has been arrested in Portugal.

    Forty-five-year-old Assi Ben-Mosh – also known as Assi Moosh – was arrested near the Portuguese capital Lisbon on Wednesday during an operation by Spain’s Guardia Civil police force. The Guardia Civil said in a statement that Ben-Mosh is thought to have been hiding on the Spanish island of Ibiza, and then in Barcelona, before eventually being arrested in Portugal this week. It added that Ben-Mosh had been using a fake Israeli ID, the Times of Israel reported yesterday.”

  295. “What a heaving crock ! Everybody, in every single country we have illegally bombed , decimated , ransacked and occupied, wants us out , ASAP.
    They resent and despise our presence right down to the core of their soul.
    Look at the twenty million war refugees flooding Europe as a result of our benevolent “presence”.
    What a total ….shameful ……waste.”

    Having noted my position on the invasion, my response here is to the country I referenced not the rest of the planet you imagine we have bombed into nothingness. So before we move on to your imagined scenarios, let’s stay on task and that task is our presence in Afghanista. It matters not a twiddle what you think about the invasion. The point of fact is that we invaded. And in doing so we have chosen sides and that side has not expressed any hurry for the US departure because they are sure about what will happen. Reprisals — that means bloodshed upon bloodshed.

    It would be nie if everyone wanted us out. But that simply is not the case. Anyone of us who opposed invasion had a pretty good idea about how this would turn. And I think many of us would admit that somewhere in our being was a hoped we were wrong. But that has not turned out to be the case. We are there. We have created dual environments in which millions are living new lives.

    Like it or not that is the reality. And my comments speak not if, what if, or some bizarre nonsensical trite perspective on “do gooder” isms. But the simple question is what level of responsibility do we owe those millions who have developed new lives based on the environment(s) we created. Only children believe they can do damage and simply walk away. as if they did nothing.

    I woud that I lacked conscience to support as much. But I don’t. And wrestling with reality is much tough. Certainy tougher than making up tales of what others believe or practice and spouting them off as truth. Now if you are prepared to make a case why we should this country regardlessm you are free to make it. but you will need better arguments than the responses you and others have provided thus far.

    There is a case to be made for we should leave and if they fall back into full blown civil war — that is there business. It is entirely possible that our departure will bring about a “kumbya” happy ending where all embrace in love and the lays flows with milk and honey”. Or that the forces come to peaceful agreem ents. Or that . . .

    I prefer not pretend there will be no negative consequences for those millions. And we should make every effort to prevent that future. And perhaps even that will fail, but we owe those men who died in that effort some offer that their was not all in political vain.


    As for the most hated country in the world . . .

  296. Art 说:
    @Johnny Walker Read

    Hey Johnny — is that guy 2D’s and Authentic’s guru?

    They are all on a mission to save us from the good folk truthers.

    They save us from our hopes – bless them.


    • 回复: @RobinG
  297. @geokat62

    I repeat, repeat, & repeat, geo, you are The Master Research Specialist in service of Philip Giraldi’s wavelength. (Zigh) The scumsucker-fuckers, the child sex trafficking “ringleader” Israelis are likely
    free & enjoying Miami, Tel Aviv beaches now.

    Am also delighted grateful for J. Gutierrez’s extraordinary & priceless service here!

    From me to you two guys, a rare Trinity Crown of Nobility!*

    * Am an idealist to some extent. So naturally, my one & only favorite patriotic song is “America the beautiful.”
    The greatest line, & especially when sung by the late-Ray Charles, is in stark contrast as to how our Shabbos goy leadership sees things.🤑 A blind man, Ray longed for the day when in America, “all success is nobleness.

  298. Rurik 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    Knowing a local at your intended destination is the only way to travel.


    I once spent a few days in Hamburg, Germany. And stayed with a dude that grew up there, and was sort of a former underworld/shady character. Bouncer, former kick boxer, some drug stuff, would ‘handle’ things for the ‘bosses’ when he was a young man. He said when they were teenagers, they’d take booze or porn or something in a boat to Amsterdam, and trade them for guns or some contraband or other, or vice versa, because some of those things were available in one country, but not the other. And they’d make money smuggling. So anyways, he grew up there and I got the tour of the century.

    The Reeperbahn, of course. (tourists, sleeze, but worth a look)

    And the nightclubs and bars where he knew the owners and we’d get invited to the back for ‘a bump’ (it was popular back then, if you’re into that kind of thing – me, not so much).

    Hamburg is a fascinating city. We went to a party at the bunker.

    A great way to use a building like that. Techno music and writhing young people. (I was younger then too ; ).

    The city has a particle collider and great museums and waterways and a fascinating history.

    Lots of Turks were there and Turkish establishments, and others, so it’s losing it’s German identity and feel, (like so many other places in the West, I guess), but it was still an amazing place to visit, and mostly because I knew a colorful and connected local.

  299. Anonymous [AKA "Syndrome Hopper"] 说:

    美国国务院提出为欧洲和中亚“遏制反犹太主义抬头”的两个项目各支付最多一百万美元。 美国国务院使用了反犹太主义的新定义,其中包括对以色列的批评。

    So I am being taxed to fund Statist Department projects designed to counter certain political beliefs, opinions, and criticism?

    Happy Independence Day, citizens of Ziowa.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  300. https://www.topteny.com/top-10-most-hated-countries-in-the-world/

    Most loved countries in the world


    We have a military presence in nearly everyone of these countries — they are not clamoring for us to get out. And we nuked Japan. I guess we can lean on your turn regarding whether said presence or action was legal.

    The US is number two onthe list for most visited countries in the world despite our mistakes in foreign policy.


    US number 1 and 22nd



  301. The above is a lot of world juice in my book. But the evidence even where we have issues is that your claim about everyone hating us is false, even if we illegally bomb them. There’s a reason we choose sides.

  302. @Anonymous

    So I am being taxed to fund Statist Department projects designed to counter certain political beliefs, opinions, and criticism?

    Hey, c’mon! Whatsa matta, you no like-a free spich? 😉

    在六月 1922……犹太复国主义的缰绳被牢牢地重新系上
    round the neck of American State policy, and though American voter only slowly realized this, 哪个政党在选举中获胜对他来说并不重要。

    道格拉斯·里德(Douglas Reed)
    , 第 300-301 页

    Izzat antee Sumitik?

    • 哈哈: ChuckOrloski
  303. Robjil 说:

    In the article, it says that Israelis are forbidden by law from entering Saudi Arabia or Yemen. Yemen. I can understand. I thought Saudis and Israelis were best buddies.


    “On his map, which he waved around several times during Monday’s two-hour session, only five countries are colored in black, thus identified as enemy states: Iran, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and North Korea. (Lebanon’s status is indiscernible). Perhaps most instructive about this category is those nations it does not include: Yemen, Saudi Arabia (both countries Israelis are forbidden by law from entering), Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Sudan, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Indonesia, Cuba, Venezuela and other states with which Israel does not have diplomatic ties.”

  304. @geokat62

    With skilled gallows-humor, geo linked a mug, & exclaimed: “Why, he looks just as honest as Honest Abe!”

    The ZUS Jewish Supremacists & Shabbos goy cult turned President Washington’s great fable on it’s head. I mean, geo, the one where George was slapped with charges that he chopped down the family cherry 🍒 tree. Young George inspirationally said, “I cannot tell a lie.”

    (Zigh) In the posted-pic, the officer seated to his right should have leaned over, and checked Moosh’s head for the presence of two horns. These evil fuckers are unaccountable & never have to tell the truth, and er, “nothin’ but ‘da truth.”

    (Zigh) geo, I so wish a photo of the police interrogation with the “Dancing Israelis” was available.

    Thanks, & my special respect while firecrackers are now going off in my “Homeland,” Scranton, 🙄where Mayor William Courtright was charged with bribery, conspiracy & extortion. Fyi, he resigned on Monday, July 1, and City officials are now wondering what happens next. 🤔 Unlike indicted P.M. Netanyahu, (Zigh), Mayor Courtright will do time in The Big House, uh…, like does Mr. Clean t-Rump’s Manafort.

  305. RobinG 说:

    There was some talk here (who?) about the USian psyche. Caitlin Johnstone is in top form with her take on Trump’s tank parade. A sample:

    “Putin’s America,” tweeted Anand Giridharadas, a pundit who was genetically engineered in a Monsanto laboratory to appeal to NPR listeners on every possible level.

    ….. The only way to make [Trump’s tank parade] more American would be to add a few monster trucks and a Kardashian.

    Jingoistic Military Fetishization Is As American As Bald Eagle McNuggets

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Art
    , @Jacques Sheete
  306. @alexander

    不要忘记奥巴马和他的第一任总统克林顿决定“帮助”洪都拉斯居民,因此他们正在长途跋涉穿越墨西哥试图进入美国。 这些冒险造成 90% 的净损失——金钱、生命和国际地位。

  307. @redmudhooch

    洪都拉斯——诺贝尔和平奖奥巴马和 SOS 克林顿的又一次重大胜利。 也许这就是为什么民主党更同情难民——他们意识到我们 使 难民无处不在。

  308. Robjil 说:

    This Moosh made the news in 2003. Not in our MSM, oh course. What was he doing in 2003, the same year the US was destroying Iraq for Israel?


    “The 30-year-old Ben-Mosh, originally from Kiryat Ata, is thought to have spent recent years traveling the world, with his base as Japan. But after running into trouble with the Yakuza, the Japanese mafia, he moved to Spain. From there, police suspect, he ordered Ecstasy tablets from suppliers in Holland, and sent the drugs to the Far East. At the same time, according to police suspicions, he used Israelis in South America to export cocaine, mostly to Europe. ”

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  309. anon[839]• 免责声明 说:

    etanyahu yesterday warned the Democrats against going back into the Iran deal if Trump is defeated in 2020, and the American Jewish Committee issued this urgent appeal today about Hezbollah’s global reach.

    Beirut. Buenos Aires. Burgas.

    What do these three cities, separated by thousands of miles, have in common?

    All have been the sites of deadly attacks carried out by the Lebanon-based, Iranian-backed terrorist group Hezbollah. Across the globe, Hezbollah has claimed countless lives—and the death toll continues to rise.

    (BTW, the Burgas attack was 2012, Buenos Aires 1994.)

    AIPAC was on the Iran case yesterday. The Anti-Defamation League (which opposed the Iran deal) also states that Iran represents a threat to the U.S. with global terror networks and the capacity to strike US troops in Europe, and much worse if it acquires nukes


    Jewish agents are trying to force US get into war with Iran

  310. @Rich

    ‘My “soul ” is worth its weight in gold. How much does a soul weigh? Why can’t I see it in the mirror? I believe in freedom, but I’m more concerned with my freedom, my family’s freedom, my country’s freedom, than Persians. I have no animosity towards the Persian people, but if my choice is my freedom and their “right ” to nukes, I’ll take freedom. Every time’

    This overlooks the minor detail that it isn’t the Persians who are threatening your freedom.

    The rationalization you’re constructing isn’t new. It’s the usual path to damnation. ‘What I’m doing is really okay because blah blah blah…’

    No it isn’t — and if you realize it but are going ahead anyway, so much the worse for you.

    • 回复: @Rich
  311. Tulsi also declared war on the Washington Establishment, saying that “For too long our leaders have failed us, taking us into one regime change war after the next, leading us into a new Cold War and arms race, costing us trillions of our hard-earned tax payer dollars and countless lives. This insanity must end.”

    Tulsi Gabbard and Dennis Kucinich talk about their meeting with Bashar al-Assad

  312. 图尔西还向华盛顿建制派宣战,称“我们的领导人让我们失望太久了,让我们陷入一场又一场的政权更迭战争”






    在苏联和阿富汗战争期间,美国引诱苏联入侵阿富汗,导致 1 至 1.8 万人死亡。 (1,2,3,4)


    死亡人数的三项估计范围为 300,000 至 750,000 (4,5,6)

    阿根廷:见 南美洲:秃鹰行动




    因此,美国不仅要对爆炸造成的死亡负责,还要对红色高棉活动造成的死亡负责——总计约2.5万人。即使 1979 年越南入侵柬埔寨,中央情报局仍然支持红色高棉。 (1,2,3)


    乍得估计有 40,000 人被杀害,多达 200,000 人被以希森·哈布雷 (Hissen Habre) 为首的政府杀害,该政府于 1982 年 XNUMX 月在中央情报局 (CIA) 资金和武器的帮助下上台。


    在阿连德的继任者奥古斯托·皮诺切特将军领导下的 17 年恐怖活动中,估计有 3,000 名智利人被杀,还有许多人遭受酷刑或“失踪”。 (2,3,4,5)

    中国 据估计,有 900,000 万中国人在朝鲜战争中丧生。


    据估计,从 67,000 世纪 1960 年代到近年来,由于美国对哥伦比亚国家恐怖主义的支持,已有 1 人死亡。 (XNUMX)


    有人估计,古巴军队阵亡人数在2,000至4,000人之间。另一种估计是,有 1,800 名古巴士兵在开放的高速公路上被凝固汽油弹炸死。


    …the CIA was secretly supporting efforts to recruit several hundred mercenaries in the U.S. and Great Britain to serve alongside Zaire’s army. There is an international battle over resources in that country with over 125 companies and individuals being implicated. One of these substances is coltan, which is used in the manufacture of cell phones. (2)




    从1990世纪1年代初至今,南斯拉夫分裂成几个独立国家,其收入的降低,加上中央情报局的纵容,使其成为资本主义国家手中的棋子。 (2)南斯拉夫的解体主要是美国造成的(XNUMX)

    以下是对南斯拉夫部分(如果不是全部)内战的估计。所有战争:107,000; (3,4)

    波斯尼亚和克拉伊纳:250,000; (5)波斯尼亚:20,000至30,000; (5)克罗地亚:15,000; (6) 和

    科索沃:500至5,000。 (7)


    • 回复: @Parisian Guy
  313. @J. Gutierrez

    It’s an overstatement to say that most English are mainly German, but many Englishmen are part German, and MOST English are substantially part Celtic and/or German/French, in that order.


  314. 图尔西还向华盛顿建制派宣战,称“我们的领导人让我们失望太久了,让我们陷入一场又一场的政权更迭战争”

    LIBYA BOMBED and DESTROYED, Millions DISPLACED, thousands dying at sea trying, hundreds of thousands of innocent Libyans imprisoned and tortured (many to death) for the simple reason that they did not agree with the phony revolution and illegal invasion of their country:



    26 年 2019 月 XNUMX 日, the Terrorist Militias of the UN puppet government in Tripoli (GNA) attacked the Libyan city of Gharyan and the Libyan National Army Headquarters in that city. They were led by Turkish Military advisors, some Turkish troops and bombed using Turkish Drones out of Misurata and Tripoli. The destruction of parts of Gharyan and the military headquarters was criminal and intentional and horrific. But it did not stop there. The terrorist militias invaded the city of Gharyan and committed atrocities against the wounded and captured soldiers and some of the innocent civilians.

    The terrorists of the UN puppet government went into the hospitals where the wounded civilians and soldiers were taken and where the terrorists continued their crimes. The wounded soldiers were tortured, raped and assassinated. These crimes against humanity are the same as those committed against the Libyan people in 2011 by these same terrorist mercenaries brought into Libya by NATO and supported by the NATO and the western countries. The reports of these crimes which have been confirmed by the receipt of the bodies of the tortured soldiers to Benghazi, has shocked and enraged the Libyan people and the Libyan National Army. These are WAR CRIMES, against all international law.


    The deployment of over 20,000 Northrup Grumman shoulder mounted rockets to Libyan in 2011. These rockets were passed to the terrorist mercenaries by the Hillary Clinton State department that in actuality purchased 50,000 such rockets in 2010 and are now all missing! These criminal acts resulted in the assassination of Chris Stevens who was involved in the missile transfers. The report is a complete and utter farse, typical reporting by the Khazarian Zionist controlled media.


  315. renfro 说:

    A July 4th Reality show…. “Starring Donald Trump”….a man who has no knowledge or appreciation of history.

    ”Tanks are rolling into Washington, DC, tomorrow for Donald Trump’s “Salute to America,” a revised version of the city’s annual Fourth of July celebration that the president promises will be the “show of a lifetime.” It will be a full-on military display, which—in addition to the tanks—includes “multiple flyovers,” military music, a Trump speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial to top Republican donors and political appointees, and, of course, fireworks. All of which has caused the National Park Service to divert nearly $2.5 million typically used to improve its parks to cover the costs.”

    Trump would have left MbS for Hitler in a heart beat.

    • 回复: @Harold Smith
  316. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    I think you may have misunderstood my point. I’m not saying I want a war with Iran, or any other country, I’m saying if my only choice is a gun grabbing, illegal alien supporting, reparations paying, tax raising democrat, or a repub who won’t raise my taxes, won’t pay people for having dark skin and won’t try to take away my 2nd Amendment rights, I have to go with the repub. Even if that costs the Iranians their navy, air force and part of its army. In this world we often have to go with a choice that isn’t ideal, but is the best we can get.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  317. @alexander

    我认为这个国家(热爱这个国家)的每一位亿万富翁都应该非常担心我们在短短 16.4 年内就超支了 19 万亿美元。 [……]这笔债务的大部分是由于我们在海外非法侵略战争上的严重“超支”,



    ……或者可能是错的,第一个想法 “我认为这个国家的每一位亿万富翁(热爱这个国家的人)都应该非常关心” 非常准确。

    在这里,它是: https://twitter.com/quincyinst



  318. @Rich

    ‘…In this world we often have to go with a choice that isn’t ideal, but is the best we can get.’

    This is probably what most people who commit acts of evil say. You’re not doing anything new.

    My point is that you don’t have the right to murder innocent people so that you can keep your guns.

    • 同意: renfro
    • 回复: @Rich
  319. RobinG 说:


    We have until July 17 to get the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees to put some serious screws to Mueller. Great article today by Lucy Komisar.


    “On the issue of Browder, the Magnitsky story and the essence of the Trump Tower meeting, the Mueller Report is a deception intended to keep the myth of collusion in the air while dismissing that any collusion took place.”

    • 回复: @RobinG
  320. @Hagia Sofia



    20 万 x 1 万美元 = 20 万亿美元
    物质损失 = 20 万亿美元
    应付总额 = 40 万亿美元

    对于每个美国公民: 2 年的年收入

  321. @J. Gutierrez


    I posted that video because it illustrates well what many here write about immigration, the US being a communist regime, etc. But the Pet Shop Boys are not being ironic, they really mean it and advocate it, although, as many point out here, such a west would not be some high tech utopia like shown in the video, but more of a dysfunctional third world country.

    About all the rest you guys were debating, like the state of Latin America, I tend to go along what the insider, John Perkins, the Economic Hit Man, has to say.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  322. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Oh, now I’m murdering people if my country goes to war with another? You can’t be serious. Killings during wartime are not murder, have never been considered murder. Were the brave men who defended Vienna from the Muslim horde murderers? Were the brave soldiers on both sides in WW2 murderers? Is it only “murder” when American soldiers kill enemy soldiers? You have an odd conception of the meaning of the word murder. Should I leave my family and neighbors unarmed and unable to defend themselves, just so weak kneed pacifists can feel righteous? Should I be taxed into penury, so deranged liberals can feel better about themselves?

    I consider it evil to disarm people, to tax people into poverty, to encourage people to illegally enter a country and to think oneself more “moral” than others because your willing to support a phony politician. So I guess we disagree. May you, and the rest of us, never have to suffer under your “ideals”.

  323. renfro 说:

    Burn baby burn…..

    Violent protests over teen’s death in Israel injure 111 police

    A protester runs past a burning barrier at the main entrance to Jerusalem on Tuesday.
    Jerusalem (CNN)Israel’s nationwide demonstrations over the fatal police shooting of an Ethiopian-Israeli teenager turned violent on Tuesday evening, with dozens of protesters and officers injured in clashes.
    The shooting of 19-year-old Solomon Teka by an off-duty police officer in Kiryat Haim, just north of Haifa, has ignited long-simmering frustrations among Ethiopian-Israelis over racism in the country. An investigation into the incident, which took place on Sunday, is still ongoing.
    Israel’s police spokesman said 111 police officers were injured in clashes during demonstrations. Dozens of protesters were also wounded, Israel’s emergency response service, Magen David Adom, said.

  324. @Rich

    ‘…May you, and the rest of us, never have to suffer under your “ideals”.’

    You refuse to distinguish between a just war, and a war you would wage against innocent third parties for purely domestic political considerations. I can’t conceive of a more evil position.

    Should such a war happen, and you helped make it possible for your own convenience, you should hope there in fact isn’t a God.

    • 回复: @Rich
  325. @Rich

    Yes if soldier on soldier as in some idealised epic about knights or samurais. But aren’t there far more civilian than military casualties in most wars? And that would be murder. And even those chivalrous knights and samurais used to put towns and villages to the torch and massacre civilians.

    • 回复: @Rich
  326. Wally 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    I got news for you, people all over the world invest in “Wall Street”.
    In fact anyone who has a pension plan has investments in “Wall Street”.




    • 回复: @renfro
    , @Jacques Sheete
  327. Wally 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    IOW,我已经驳斥了你发布的每一条废话,所以现在你必须诉诸更多虚假的稻草人论点。 你真是可笑的绝望。

    But hey, everyone has had a particularly good laugh at your claims that the US has seized Venezuela’s oil refineries.



    You’re just another lazy, unproductive, unthinking Communist, aka: ‘rebel without a clue’.


  328. Cowboy [又名“ Kartoffelstampfer”] 说:
    @Johnny Walker Read

    I agree 100% with what he is saying, but what is “Dark Star Ritual Hair”? The guy talks about it, and claims Gabbard is a “War Hawk” because of it, but what is it? My search shows that Lucifer is the lord of the “Dark Star”, but what does this have to do with Gabbards hair?

  329. @Commentator Mike

    I got you brother…it was so gay I couldn’t let it go to waste. Wally came to mind and there she went!!! Thanks brother..

    Hey take look on youtube’s Florida Maqui channel he’s keeping track of the worldwide map of disease outbreaks. It always helps to know where to stay away from or at least cover up..

    My mom got up with a headache and I can’t get back to sleep..

    • 回复: @Commentator Mike
  330. The election peddling scam, the public figures having real power scam, the garbage information overload scam, do they still work here at unz.com. The commenters must be complicit.

    The old cow of democracy unearthed, the porcelain polished, the dishes vegetarian, kosher, halal, and everything in between. The kitchen staff workers paid for. The audience too old to move beyond groove thinking, incitement into action -1. Overlay, multi-coating, dogged digging, who gets tired of this? Eating junk on a plastic plate, drinking sugary drab in styrofoam cups. The diners brought in by bus.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  331. @Wally

    Haha. As the title of this article by P.G. is “Who won the debate?,” Wally Drew upon his inner t-Rump instinct, and to J. Gutierrez, he (haha) declared: “I have refuted every piece of nonsense you have posted so now you must resort to more false strawman arguments. You are laughably desperate…” blah, blah, blah, ad nauseum.

    Yo, Wall.

    Not so fast. Do commenters assembled here get to vote on your self-projection that you defeated J. Gutierrez’s “arguments.” 🙄

    I predict there is a U.R. consensus that J.G. was absolutely insightful & correct when he branded you as a “kinda’ goofy type of dumb.”

    Apart from CODAH references, it is you who are “laughably desperate” when making claim to t-Rump’s “many accomplishments,” while he and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin 🇮🇱 implement Economic Zionism (EZ) in the “Homeland,” and they strive to impose that brand of totalitarianism upon Russia and China.

    On Independence Day 2019, you are stuck within the Wall of a Shabbos goy zoo, haha, and without a “clue.”

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
  332. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    It is my experience that there are no “innocent third parties” anywhere in this world. If you believe Iran is, or ever was, an “innocent third party” the words naive and/or duplicitous come to mind. It appears you’ve set yourself as some kind of judge of what is evil according to some self designed standard of righteousness. If it helps you to get through the night to believe you have a God on your side, and he’s better than my God or gods, go with it. There are many reasons to go to war with Iran, and a lot of reasons not to, evil can be placed on either side of the board, depending on one’s opinion.

    How will you feel if a woman is raped because she is unable to defend herself when Tulsi takes away her gun? When a child is murdered because his parents couldn’t shoot a villain who entered their house? When people are taxed so heavily, that they go hungry and businesses are forced to close down? Should such things happen, and you helped make it possible for your own “ideals”, you should hope there in fact isn’t a God.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @SolontoCroesus
  333. @Wally


    我将问你几个你可能想回答也可能不想回答的问题。 你今年多大? 您从事什么类型的工作(计算机技术、金融、医疗等)? 你的祖先起源于哪里?

    我可以看出,您认为“社会主义”与“共产主义”相同,因为这就是您应该这么想的! 因此,我不会让您满意地向您介绍我对这两个系统的看法,这两个系统在某一方面相似,但在很多方面完全不同。 我要做的就是向您介绍我对“资本主义”的看法以及我认为“资本主义”在美国如何运作。 在我看来,“资本主义”的真正形式,它的设计运作方式已经演变成其他完全不同的动物。 我们将这种转变称为“现代资本主义”,即美国政府目前运作的制度。 资本主义和现代资本主义之间的区别就像社会主义和共产主义之间的区别一样。 我会告诉你为什么我有这样的感觉,沃利。

    如果我们能够制定一份商业计划,向银行或投资者展示并获得我们所需的融资,资本主义允许你和我在当地购物中心开设一家墨西哥餐厅(沃利鱼炸玉米饼)。 这就是资本主义应该运作的方式。 我们开放了,取得了巨大的成功,我们开始赚很多钱。 是时候扩大规模了,对吗? 我们带着一份新的商业计划和我们当前的财务报表回到银行,并当场获得批准! 为什么,因为这就是资本主义的运作方式,使您的企业取得成功的辛勤工作和企业管理技能会奖励您。 现在,当我们开设新店时,这是否使我们与街上的 El Torrito 一样? 不,因为 Wally's Fish Taco's 是我们所说的夫妻店或小型企业,而 EL Torrito 是一家公司所有。 我们与普通人有着天壤之别——穿着破烂西装的鲨鱼,而不是拥有企业的普通人。 然而我们应该认为它们都是“资本主义”。


    沃利,你根本不知道“资本主义”到底是什么,而这是美国麻烦的一个重要组成部分。 而“现代资本主义”是一个非常不同的东西。 它有一些关键要素。 利润最大化——法律义务。 将这些利润返还给股东,即“拥有”合法合同“份额”的人——他们可以“交易”这些利润。 “股东”是决定如何治理组织的人,并且他们是董事会成员。

    纵观历史,出现过很多企业家和企业。 酒商、香料商人、橄榄、糖和烟草农民。 但这些都不像“现代资本主义”。 他们没有法律义务实现利润最大化。 他们可能有合作伙伴甚至投资者——但肯定不是正式的、抽象的“股东”,交易“股票”。

    你能看出“现代资本主义”与“资本主义”有多么不同吗? “现代资本主义”需要创建三个关键机构——而且现在仍然如此。
    1. 它需要民族国家——创造它所享有的所有法律义务和保护,从利润最大化到“公司”的概念。
    2. 它需要现代金融市场体系——允许它发行和持有这些公开“资本化”的“公司”的“债务”和“股权”或“股票”——出售给所有人,而不仅仅是出售给所有人随意地、非正式地与朋友、哥们、叔叔等分享。
    3. 现代资本主义需要公共投资来支持这些新“公司”的运营,因为世界上没有一家公司建立了自己的公共基础设施,从道路到法律到法院和军队以保护财产权等等。 因此,这使得“现代资本主义”成为一个彻底的现代创造。

    商业、贸易、商业、工业——这些东西早在“资本主义”出现之前就已经存在了。 然而,美国人认为“资本主义”意味着任何从一开始就从事商业活动或进行过任何交易的人——但只要你稍微思考一下,就会发现事实与事实相差甚远。)那告诉我们?

    它告诉我们有一种“资本主义”,即个体工商户、企业家精神、贸易和商业。 这只是组织这些事情的一种方式——远非唯一的一种。 然后是我们现在使用的——我们可以而且应该质疑它是否对我们有任何好处。 毕竟,80% 的美国人靠工资过活,70% 的人无法筹集 1000 美元的紧急储蓄,而且生活水平(如预期寿命和幸福感)正在直线下降。 “现代资本主义”有效吗? 你不必是一个天才或某种臭名昭著的左派革命者(正如你声称的那样)才能得出结论:哇,不。

    但与此同时,如果我们想象质疑“现代资本主义”意味着我们也在说“没有人可以开商店、企业或餐厅(沃利鱼炸玉米饼)或酒吧! 曾经!!” ——也就是说,通过质疑“资本主义”,我们也就禁止了商业、商业、贸易、工业的存在——那么当然没有一个理智的人会质疑“现代资本主义”。 质疑“资本主义”只是意味着以下几点(作为一个简短的、不完整的总结)——这是常识,任何志同道合的人读到这篇文章都可以补充……

    我们不同意这样的观点,即应该有法律义务将利润最大化高于一切。 我们不认为一个组织应该由“股东”“拥有”,而不是由员工、城市、城镇、经理或任何其他人部分或全部“拥有”。 我们不同意“股东”应该是唯一管理组织的人的观点。

    让我向你解释清楚一点,沃利。 每个企业、企业、项目和努力都应该对任何贪婪、自私和掠夺性行为承担法律责任,因为他们唯一的目标永远不应该是“成长”为一个巨大的、令人心碎的利润垄断——也意味着他们必须心胸狭隘、目光短浅,最终会虐待和伤害地球上的一切。 剥削和掠夺是不好的、不可取的、好的——而且它会腐蚀民主、生存和繁荣。

    当有人质疑“现代资本主义”时,他们并不是在说“关闭干洗店!!” ——但恰恰相反。 他们说应该有更多的企业、企业和企业不必、想要或不需要成为埃尔托里托、高盛、沃尔玛或 Facebook。 他们说:一家大型制药公司真的应该能够从阿片类药物危机中获得数十亿美元的资金吗? 银行和 HMO 是否应该有法律义务实现利润最大化,而不是人民福祉最大化? 如果所有这些公司都由那些简单地“购买”“利润”“份额”的人拥有——为什么不包括在这些公司工作的人,或者他们经营的城镇,至少以某种方式,作为一种形式理智、保护、安全检查?

    如果我们相信选择是——“资本主义”,这是我们组织所有商业、贸易、商业和工业的唯一规则,或者没有资本主义就意味着马克思列宁主义,也就是社会主义,没有人可以开干洗店——那么还有什么地方可以去呢? 然后我们就处于一种尴尬的境地,说对冲基金、私募股权基金、银行和垄断企业的做法完全没问题。 但事实并非如此。 这也是一个不合逻辑的立场——因为很明显,我街对面的当地夫妻店和高盛之间存在巨大差异。 这些都是真正的“资本主义”吗? 如果是的话——我们是否根本就没有清晰或充分地思考这个主题,因为我们把两个完全不同的事物混为一谈?

    “资本主义”意味着你当地的干洗店每天工作 18 小时,勉强维持收支平衡,就是资本家,就像杰夫·贝佐斯、沃尔顿家族或萨克勒家族所说的那样,这种想法不仅荒谬可笑,而且是精确的镜子苏联信仰的形象,即“社会主义”意味着没有人可以开干洗店——这种信仰导致了苏联的解体。


    您: 我相信您今年 35 岁,在金融领域工作(这使您成为寄生虫),您的人民是从英国或附近的地方移民的。

    我: 我绝对不是共产主义者,除非我被选为领导人,我相信医疗保健、教育和社会保障应该由政府向 1% 人(你们的老板)征税来提供资金。 我工作了一辈子,从来没有拿过任何不属于我的东西。 我在结婚 35 年后离婚了,我的妻子是我一生中见过的最好的人,我没有说谎,沃利! 她是一个富有的古巴家庭的五个女儿中最小的一个,这个家庭在革命后搬到了芝加哥。 我把一切都留给了她,带着两辆卡车和我的哈雷摩托车离开了。 她和我的孩子们还在美国,我从来不打算回去,除非 SHTF 和我被迫回去。 我很高兴和妈妈一起住在墨西哥并照顾她。 我有一个让我忙碌的牧场。 我在这里发帖的唯一原因是它可以让我用英语交流。 这个网站上有一些很好的混蛋,我感谢上帝让他们建立了联系。 还有像你沃利这样的人,你可以随心所欲地接受,因为你让我在你的蠢驴上浪费了很多宝贵的时间!


    • 同意: Robjil, Sane Left Libertarian
    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
    , @RobinG
  334. @PetrOldSack

    Delivering a modicum of tough medicine insight, PtrOldSack wrote: “The election peddling scam, the public figures having real power scam, the garbage information overload scam, do they still work here at unz.com. The commenters must be complicit.”

    Hey OldSack!

    Thanks for working here.

    Don’t know if I am talking apples-to-apples with you, and above, I assume when you note the “election peddling scam,” you pinpoint my “Homeland’s” trusty & rusty public opinion polls.

    For some time, I draw attention as to how presidential candidate public opinion polls are the first rigged step that breed Jewish Lobby-approved “winners”🤑 and selectively abort non-endorsed “losers.”😟
    I suggest Tulsi Gabbard is in the latter category.

    No doubt, some good hearted & well meaning U.R. commenters are unintentionally complicit with the “power scam” racket, but such is the best they can do in order to keep on believing American voters actually have a choice in what their presidents do.

    On the t-Rump D.C. 4th, where a display of bread🤑 & circus-style “Might makes Right” will soon happen, 🤔 thanks & good luck, OldSack!

  335. @J. Gutierrez


    I see you have enough supporters here in your dispute with Wally so I’m staying out of it.

    BTW the Pet Shop Boys are a Brit pop gay duo and they even petitioned Putin to go easy on that Pussy Riot and have sided with the pro-gay lobby and Medvedev and the liberals in Russia. The singer Neil Tennant says pretentiously: “‘I think you can judge any society by the way it treats its minorities”, which would surely rile many here at UR.


    Enough of that, we’re drifting away from the topic of PG’s article here, but then that’s not unusual at UR either.

  336. @J. Gutierrez


    如您所知,在引用 CODAH 时,沃利揭露了以神话中的大屠杀宴会桌为食的大犹太人,尽管迄今为止在 ZUSA 仍然有可能这样做,🤔他贪婪地吃着
    t-Rump’s Economic Zionist (EZ) pig-slop trough.

    As Led Zeppelin song lyrics had it, Wally’s “day of reckoning is ‘gonna come.” So fuck him, J.!

    Post scriptum: Great explanation as to how “Capitalism” should work, but 🙄 it will fall deaf upon Wally’s promotional EZ ears. Jajaja.

  337. Rich 说:
    @Commentator Mike

    We all know there never was an “idealized” version of war. Wars have always been horrible, death, starvation, rape and slavery have always been partner to war. But no one, except for the most “moralistic” of pacifists, has ever believed that a soldier under command of a recognized military unit, was a murderer. I don’t think there have always been far more casualties among civilians, but it’s an interesting question. Often, I believe, that any civilian that dies is included as a casualty of war, whether they were accidentally hit by mortar fire, had a heart attack or committed suicide. It’s terrible and unfortunate that civilians often die in war, but Western countries, especially the US, always do their best to prevent civilian casualties, often to the detriment of their own soldiers.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Jacques Sheete
  338. Rurik 说:

    There are many reasons to go to war with Iran,

    you’re a scumbag, aren’t you. (no question mark because that was a rhetorical ‘question’)

    Only a POS would even try to justify the murderous wars of aggression the ZUSA has perpetrated upon defenseless nations and people in this century, (or the last, for that matter).

    Colin is just to polite to point out a rat, and call a POS, well.. a piece of shit.

    • 回复: @Rich
    , @Jacques Sheete
  339. Rurik 说:

    Western countries, especially the US, always do their best to prevent civilian casualties, often to the detriment of their own soldiers.

    Like when they were firebombing Dresden, burning women and children alive?

    It’s “worth it” when the cowardly ZUS causes the death of half a million children due to sanctions, because fighting them honorably, man to man, might result in a coward getting harmed.

    Better to use drones and starvation, like the brave ZUS is doing in Yemen, so that the soldiers don’t have to face danger as they blow up weddings and starve women and children.

    it’s hard to even imagine a more ignoble military than the ZUS of A’s today.



    • 同意: ChuckOrloski
    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
    , @J. Gutierrez
  340. @Rich

    It is my experience that there are no “innocent third parties” anywhere in this world.

    All men & states are evil

    If you believe Iran is, or ever was, an “innocent third party” the words naive and/or duplicitous come to mind.

    Iran is a state
    So is USA
    So is Israel
    So are Ireland, Sweden, etc.

    It appears you’ve set yourself as some kind of judge of what is evil according to some self designed standard of righteousness.


    Your first premise set the standard for “judging;” ALL are evil.
    Iran is as not innocent as USA and as not innocent as Israel, etc.

    If it helps you to get through the night to believe you have a God on your side, and he’s better than my God or gods, go with it.

    iow, now you are quibbling with the god that you mimed in your first premise, the god-judge who already rendered the verdict, “there are no innocent third parties,” i.e. no one is innocent, i.e. all are guilty / evil

    There are many reasons to go to war with Iran, and a lot of reasons not to, evil can be placed on either side of the board, depending on one’s opinion.

    Given your first premise, are there as many reasons to go to war with, say, Israel, as with Iran?
    As you & your god/judge declared, “there are ‘no innocent third parties’ ” and the universal premise must logically include Israel.

    How about Ireland — not an innocent third party? Therefore legitimate to wage war upon Ireland?

    Why would you wage war on Ireland — just because Ireland is included in the category, “no innocent third parties?”

    You’re thinking process seems simplistic, black-and-white —

    Say, are you really Michael Ledeen — “We should take up a crappy little country and throw it against a wall just to prove we are serious.”
    That we’re righteous?
    That we understand that whatever crappy country the flying fickle finger of fate lands upon is “not an innocent third party,” so they probably deserve to be thrown against the wall.

    But a problem arises: This character who is intent on “proving we are serious,” is he also among those in the category, “no innocent third parties?”

    How does that “serious” wall-thrower gain the status — and permission — “to believe you have a God on your side, and he’s better than my God or gods?”

    That’s where the problem lies.

    Colin Wright appears to struggle with the complexity of situations

    “Everything looks worse in black-and-white”

    You’re position is not just a cop-out, Rich, it is genuinely evil, and also tragic, in that you choose to reject the most important and demanding task of a moral human being: how to balance, to judge, moral good against moral good, and sign on to a position because it is the rational judgement, even tho it may be detrimental to your self-interest.


    When people are taxed so heavily, that they go hungry and businesses are forced to close down? Should such things happen, and you helped make it possible for your own “ideals”, you should hope there in fact isn’t a God.

    I argue FOR the people of Iran — and will piss off my neighbors by displaying the flag of Iran at my door, precisely because the government that I support with my tax dollars is attempting to make Iranian children go hungry, make their businesses close down,
    for no goddamn good reason at all except that a frog-faced putrid-souled zionist billionaire thinks that his god is supreme and that his soul is worth more than the souls of the Iranian people.

    Nobody uses Nikon anymore.
    We all have iPhones.
    And we are watching, and making a record.
    There’s going to be a vastly different cast of characters at Nuremberg 2.0.

    • 回复: @Rich
  341. @geokat62

    Yeah, that’s the story I read about…brother…

    Take a look at this…I translated but couldn’t be used here because I got it off a blog and not a major news source. But it has some good info. Since our first interaction here was due to this subject, I think I should share with you…I’m not claiming any of this is true, but good reading material.


    The Zionist Plot to take the Presidency of Mexico
    By: Ernesto Cienfuegos, La Voz de Aztlan Los Angeles, California Alta – 9, 7,2004 – (AIN)
    (Note This Site:  http://www.aztlan.net/zionist_plot_mexico.htm  was censured and closed soon after)

    At present there is a Zionist financed plot to seize “Los Pinos” (Mexican White House). The nation of Mexico, the world’s second-largest oil producer, is now in imminent danger of being taken over by an international Jewish conspiracy led by Mexican Foreign Secretary George Gutman. Mr. Gutman, known in Mexico as Jorge Castañeda and his fellow conspirators are working full time to monitor the outcome of the 2006 presidential election. George Gutman has declared himself an independent candidate to replace President Vicente Fox Quesada when the Fox government’s term expires in two years.

    The first unmistakable sign of the Zionist plot came a month after the terrorist attacks of 9/11/01 at the WTC / Pentagon, when, on Wednesday, October 10, two Israelis were arrested inside the Legislative Palace of San Lazaro (Mexican Congress) in Mexico City, with guns, grenades and explosives. One of the Israelis, Saur Ben Zvi, presented a “false passport” and the other, Sal (vador) Guersson Smecke, was a colonel of the Israeli Defense Forces and suspected agent of the Mossad.

    This Zionist plot to blow up the Mexican Congress was frustrated thanks to luck and was briefly “on the cover” in Mexico’s communication networks.

    The important news, however, died suddenly and nothing about the incident was heard again. The two Israelis were soon released through the interventions from high level people of the Embassy of Israel in Mexico City and thanks to the Mexican (Jewish) Foreign Relations Secretary George Gutman (known as Jorge Castañeda Gutman) who is now a candidate for the presidency of Mexico.

    One can only imagine the political ramifications in Mexico if the Israeli agents had succeeded in their terrorist mission. Was this attempt to blow up the Legislative Palace of San Lazarus part of a much larger plan? Was the main objective of the mission to help boost Jorge Gutman to the Presidency of Mexico?

    To help answer these and other relevant questions, it is necessary to review some recent Mexican presidential history. The electoral victory of President Vicente Fox in the year 2000 was, as informed Mexicans know, designed by George Gutman himself through his San Ángel Group.

    San Angel Group

    The powerful and very influential “Think Tank” Grupo San Ángel was founded by George Gutman (Jorge Castañeda) in 1994 and met regularly at his home to trace the death of the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI pol.party) that had held the presidency for 72 years. The members of the San Angel Group consisted of wealthy Mexican Jews, academic intelligentsia, powerful union and industrial leaders, and a large number of x-members and members of the political class of The Mexican Republic. George Gutman’s half-brother, the Venezuelan Jew, Andrés Rosenthal Gutman was a member of Grupo San Ángel, as well as Vicente Fox and his wife now and present “First Lady” Marta Sahagún. Another member was the hated leader of the country’s largest union “National Union of Education Workers” (SNTE) and accused killer Elba Esther Gordillo. Elba Esther Gordillo is the stereotyped “malinchista”. As the current Secretary of the Congress of the PRI, she has betrayed her own party and has supported George Gutman to the Presidency of Mexico in 2006. Elba Esther Gordillo has said publicly that one of her greatest heroines is Madeline Albright. Another member of the San Angel Group was the Mexican Jew Lino Korrodi. Lino Korrodi was the National Finance Manager of the presidential campaign of Vicente Fox and funneler of US Zionist funds for the campaign. Lino Korrodi designed a very sophisticated system to channel huge amounts of funds from the Zionist interests of the United States to the “Alliance for Change” (Alliance for Change) and “Friends of Fox” (Friends of Fox) campaigns organizations.

    The system involves Zionist political action committees to make deposits in US banks, which include, among others, Citibank of New York and the United States / Mexico cross-border banks, such as the Laredo National Bank and the West Bank of El Paso. Korrodi Lino was the intermediary between Vicente Fox and George Gutman (Jewish millionaires, connections on Wall Street and New York City). It can be argued that the election of Vicente Fox was a mere first step in a final Zionist assault on the Mexican presidency. The money of the American Zionist interests had strings attached.

    In return, the powerful and very influential “Think Tank” Group, Fox appointed a large number of Mexican Jews to the highest levels and positions of the government cabinet. One of these appointments created great problems for President Fox. It was the appointment of George Gutman (also known as Jorge Castañeda) as Secretary of Foreign Affairs. George Gutman sabotaged Mexico’s foreign relations and destroyed, on behalf of the US, Mexico’s friendly historic relations with Cuba. At one point, the majority of the Mexican Congress demanded his resignation after being accused of “surrendering” or of “selling out” to the interests of the United States and was finally thrownout.

    The “Mexico-Israel: Political Perspectives” Symposium

    The Voice of Aztlan believes that the Zionists have created the economic and political conditions for a takeover, of the presidency of Mexico. October 2006 a high level symposium in Mexico was held. The Symposium entitled “Mexico-Israel: Political Perspectives” was sponsored by the Friends of Tel Aviv University, Bank Leumi and the Jewish Central Committee of the Community of Mexico.

    Israeli Foreign Affair staff, and George Gutman (Jorge Castañeda), Mexicos former Minister of Foreign Affairs, participated. One of the topics of discussion was the infiltration of the Mexican federal government. Although George Gutman is currently behind another candidate for the presidency of Mexico, there are persistent fears that the Zionists can perpetrate a sinister act to change the situation. Zionists have a horrible reputation for organizing terrorist events that they then use for their own political gain. The attempted terrorist attack in the Congress of the Union on October 10, 2001 is just one example. Nor do they have an aversion to carrying out political assassinations to eliminate potential adversaries. George Gutman (Jorge Castañeda) would be a disaster for Mexico. The fact that he has chosen New York to announce his candidacy for the presidency of Mexico speaks volumes of his true character. As a professor at the University of New York, he has too much loyalty to the United States. to the Jews, to global Zionism and Israel, and their ultimate goal is to get their hands on PEMEX for the Zionists.

    Why does this man not talk about the enormous and debilitating interest payments of the huge external debt of Mexico that is paid to the Jewish bankers?

    His proposal to turn Baja California into a huge gambling casino exposes this man’s way of thinking. If this had never happened, Mexico would have had a difficult time keeping the Russian Jewish mafia (Mafiya) in the bay. Ensenada would be like Havana, Cuba before Dr. Fidel Castro Ruz cleaned it up. The joke of his first campaign also says a lot about what he really thinks of the indigenous peoples of Mexico. In July, Gutman went in a caravan to visit several Mexican states. He called his personal bus in the caravan “El Gueromovil” and calls himself “El Güero”. “Güero” in Spanish means “blonde”. The majority of Mexicans are not real “gueros”, but brown, complexion tan or olive.

    Mexicans MUST NOT TAKE THEIR EYES OFF Jorge “ElGüero” Gutman. Between now and the Mexican presidential elections of 2006, all of his movements must be watched. Mexico can not afford to ever give this “Type” any opportunity to achieve political power again.

    ** The Voice of Aztlan Published 28th November 2012

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  342. Tulsi needs 130,000 people to contribute to her campaign to stay in the debates. Do our duty! I did. Happy 4th of July!

    • 同意: RobinG
  343. @ChuckOrloski

    You are one of the mother fuckers I mentioned in my last Wally comment. Jajaja I bet I was pretty on the spot answering my own three question. That Guy is probably at TRump’s Military Parade getting all hot and bothered! Jajaja Telling the Red Hats, “We got the best fighter planes, the biggest tanks, oooooh yea, we’re gonna bomb those Sand Nigger into, into…oh yeah Oblividom, you know like kingdom come, same thing. Jajaja


  344. @Robjil

    Hey brother that last comment I sent GeoKat was meant for you so read it when you get a chance/ I’m sure GeoKat won’t mind!

    • 回复: @Robjil
    , @geokat62
  345. @Rurik

    That’s right brother…If I was German every time I heard an English or American accent I’d beat the shit out that mother fucker! Some of these under educated people need to get their dual citizen buddies and buy a plane ticket to you know where!

  346. @renfro

    I believe that Adolf Hitler wouldn’t be caught dead with a jew-controlled scumbag like orange clown…

    • 哈哈: renfro
  347. @Rurik

    Brother the other day a saw a video I can’t remember what site, but it was 5 or 6 US soldiers with faces covered in an Iraqi house. It was pitch dark so they had night vision yelling crazy ass shit at the young girls that were terrified by them yelling and grabbing the sexually. These mother fuckers where hooting and hollering like crazy criminals to the point I didn’t want to watch what they were going to do next. After a blast of machine gun fire one of those pussies came into the room were the rest were and shouted I killed those mother fuckers, fuck it and pointed his weapon at one of the terrified girls. The video was one that these sick fucks trade with other sick fucks, like trophies’. I wanted to jump through my computer and kill those fucking pieces of shit.

    I pray that these same pieces of shit come back and blow their heads off when they find out their wives fucked every swinging dick on the block and the son she told him was his is half black…

  348. Rich 说:

    Wow, such language while hidden behind a keyboard, you must have done a push-up this morning, eh? Difficult to argue with someone who figuratively jumps up and down cursing and thinks he’s making a cogent argument. I don’t have to point out what you are, you’ve shown it yourself. Have a good day.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  349. Rich 说:

    You make an argument like the kind of kid who’d get a B+ in public school. Set up a straw man, then knock him down, without fully understanding my short argument with Wright.
    1. A God is not necessary for one to believe in good or evil.
    2. Nations are all after precious resources for their population and often come in conflict to gain them.
    3. Iran, as a sponsor and supporter of anti-American terror attacks is not the same as Ireland.
    4. Whatever guilt Ireland has, it doesn’t appear to bring it into conflict with the US.
    5. Israel also, at this time, is an ally of the US and there is no need for conflict.
    6. As the supporter of a dictatorial theocracy, you show yourself to be one with a nation that mistreats its own citizens. That arrests, tortures and imprisons political opponents, that refuse to give its people freedom of religion, association or speech.
    7 Because of its inherent weaknesses, Iran wages war through terror attacks and arming other terrorists. Your position is not just a cop out, it is genuinely evil and also tragic in that you choose to reject the most demanding….blah blah blah, you know the rest, you came up with that drivel.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @renfro
  350. Anonymous [AKA "Swatej"] 说: • 您的网站
    @Twodees Partain


  351. Robjil 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Thanks JG, that was interesting. GeoKat does great work, so it did matter to me if you said that GeoKat addressed this with you.

    The Mexican Congress false flag of 1o/10/01 if it was successful would have been an attack on bigwigs. That is a very rare thing these days. This is probably the reason it failed, no government was supporting it. This guy Gutman thought he could attack his fellow Mexicans without the support of the government, well it doesn’t work that way. I glad that there were strong sugar cane workers there that day to stop it. The sugar cane workers should honored as great heroes of Mexico. Statues should be made of them and placed all over Mexico. I love to see what our MSM would say about these statues.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  352. cassandra 说:
    @Andrei Martyanov

    I wasn’t challenging your qualifications, nor requesting a 70,000 word thesis. But you dropped in your “serfdom” comment, as if it bore some relevance to communism, that it provided an alternative to Solzhenytsin’s view, and then abruptly stopped without explanation. A sentence or 2 describing your own presumably more informed viewpoint would be welcome.

    As for travelling, your mileage may vary, but I find it pretty unhelpful. I’ve been to parts of Yugoslavia, Germany, Italy and England, and my experience has been similar. Never enough historical knowledge to understand the context, and language skills too weak to go far off the beaten path. I think I’d need about 2 months or so to make any sense of things, but even then…It’s always like reading a good book, where you pick up enough from the first pass so you know what to read closely the second time. But that may be just me. Americans are often horrified that I wanted to visit a Communist(!) country when I went to Yugoslavia, a reaction which I never understood. Perhaps I was underestimating the risk of being rendered by the GRU to a Yamal mining camp, all communist countries being essentially the same outfit.


    A friend and I made separate drives across the US a few years back. He marvelled at the prosperous condition of the farmlands (which were actually Monsanto-owned), while I, stopping in Davenport Iowa, was shocked at the obviously poor condition of people frequenting a discount grocery. We’re still arguing over what our experiences meant. If natives can get such disparate impressions even after decades of living within a country, a visit to a foreign country will have limited value.

    As with so many things, what really helps is maintaining Karl Popper’s principle of trying to falsify everything you think you understand. With that attitude, you’ll climb your way out of most cognitive pits you may have fallen into; without self-scepticism, you’ll just dig yourself in deeper.

    Re Wally’s JQ, I relate to his concerns. Zionist “elders” have been using personal defamation to suppress free speech and open discussion for at least 150 years. More recently, people have been jailed in (and extradicted to) Europe for discussing the chemistry of bricks, or open discussion of Nazi behavior. Repression of this sort is guaranteed to generate resentment and suspicion in all but the most incurious, or cowed. Finally, while I’m still contemplating Wally’s concerns about the exact role the Jews play in finance, I find the your suggestion that they might control bowel movements entirely plausible.

  353. RobinG 说:

    Russian oligarch’s story could spell trouble for Team Mueller

    Most importantly, Deripaska’s interview with the FBI reportedly was never provided by Team Mueller to Manafort’s lawyers, even though it was potential proof of innocence, according to Manafort defense lawyer Kevin Downing. Manafort, initially investigated for collusion, was convicted on tax and lobbying violations unrelated to the Russia case.

    That omission opens a possible door for appeal for what is known as a Brady violation, for hiding exculpatory information from a defendant.

  354. Rurik 说:

    Wow, such language while hidden behind a keyboard

    Only pointing out the obvious, POS.

    what you are, you’ve shown it

    That’s right, scumbag, and I’ll be happy to show you a lot more too!

    It’s scumfucks like you who’re trying t0 starve Iran (and Syria and Yemen and Venezuela.. and God know how many other nations and people) into submission to global Jewish supremacism/Zionism.


    Their bitch is putting on a militant show today in DC, to rile up the cud-chewers for more war.

    And it’s scumfucks like yourself, who’d try to act as cheerleaders for such moral atrocities.

    Whenever a sack of shit like yourself, opens your feculent maw, and spews your diarrheic offal, I just want to make sure you’re ready to eat it, rather than allowing it to stink up the place.

    That’s right, down the hatch Richie. Good boy. Here’s a napkin, you have some on your chin there.

  355. Rurik 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    I pray that these same pieces of shit come back and blow their heads off


    The sad thing is that it’s the one’s with a conscience, who are snuffing it in record numbers.

    Whereas the psychopaths and murderous dogs, like the ones in your video, come back and become cops, to menace the civilians in this country too.

    It’s a win/win for the Zio-scum, (like our Richie here).

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  356. @Rurik

    Damn we think so much alike, as I was still fuming while writing my comment and pressed publish, that exact thought came to mind…the make the perfect dirty cops… Richie needs to Google “American Soldiers are raping young girls and boys and murdering them in Iraq”! But who knows brother he just might know and sees people of other races as insects under his feet.

    I swear to you brother there has to be a God and his name might be Allah, because Mohamed was the last profit and the Cu’ran says in the end times will see Islam unite with the “True” Christian faith the Eastern Orthodox Christians of Eastern Europe our brother Chuck’s religion. The Cu’ran also says Gog and Magog pass through the Sea of Galali and the First wave drink the water and by the time the last wave pass the water is almost gone. Just like its happening today brother. Shiek Imran Hossien says that first wave of Gog and Magog were the European Jew after WWI and the second wave are the ones still invading. The Battle of Gog and Magog when God sends his nations against Gog and Magog, he believes that is the Muslim Armies as Mohamed said. He also tells his followers that the Cu’ran says Jesus will return during that time and destroy the DJJal and rule the world. Christians in America are the Christains that Mohamed warns about. Look at Shiek Imran Hossein’s Youtube videos I guarantee you that you will be pleasently surprised by what he says. The only Gog and Magog statue is located in the center of the City of London!

    • 回复: @Rurik
  357. @Rich

    ‘…3. Iran, as a sponsor and supporter of anti-American terror attacks is not the same as Ireland.
    4. Whatever guilt Ireland has, it doesn’t appear to bring it into conflict with the US.
    5. Israel also, at this time, is an ally of the US and there is no need for conflict.
    6. As the supporter of a dictatorial theocracy, you show yourself to be one with a nation that mistreats its own citizens. That arrests, tortures and imprisons political opponents, that refuse to give its people freedom of religion, association or speech.
    7 Because of its inherent weaknesses, Iran wages war through terror attacks and arming other terrorists…’


    1. Could you specify what those ”anti-American terror attacks’ are that Iran is sponsoring?

    2. What makes you say Israel is our ally? A tapeworm is not an ally.

    • 回复: @cassandra
    , @Rich
  358. @Realist

    I just don’t understand the claim of “big government equals bad.”

    We are not thirteen colonial states with seventeen million people. We are fifty states with three hundred and twenty million people. Do you honestly think that a government as small as the one that founded this country is what we need today? It is essentially an anarchist view.

    A small government couldn’t begin to do what the preamble to the Constitution said was the purpose for its establishment: provide for the common defense, to promote the general welfare of the people, and to secure liberty for its people.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @Realist
  359. RobinG 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Having friends who espouse socialism, we’ve had this discussion but not very successfully. They aren’t too clear what they mean by socialism, and IDK exactly what defines capitalism.

    I’ve argued that there’s a distinction between capitalism and Capitalism run Amok. But I don’t think I agree with your assertion that the offering of public shares is the dividing point. For one thing, the employees of a company can buy shares, and some companies give their employees shares. (That’s how a friend of mine inherited stock in Ma Bell.)

    Your “legal obligation to maximize profits” requires more evaluation, which I don’t want to do, which is why I usually avoid this topic. I agree Health Care, Education and Social Security should be funded by the government, but just do it, whatever you want to call it.

    Last night I saw this Frontline on China. My takeaway (one) was that Steve Bannon is a darkly evil character … maybe genetically related to “Rich” who wants to kill Iranians.

    Trump’s Trade War (full film) | FRONTLINE

  360. cassandra 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Odds are that a couple (statistically, about 1 in 2 or 3) of those facially-anonymous “sick fucks” weren’t white. As that great political theorist Jesus Christ once said, let he who is without sin cast the first stone. We’re all capable of evil, or good, and dragging race in here is only distracting.

    我想知道,如果我们处于类似的情况下,我们中的多少人能够抵制这种行为呢? 您描述的视频是分散注意力的色情内容。 那些 创建 those conditions deserve the most scrutiny and punishment, but instead, it’s meted out to responsible whistleblowers like Manning and Kiriakou. Remember Hillary laughing gleefully about Ghadaffi? “We came, we saw, he died!” No heat of battle, no peer pressure, just open if not prideful malice. It doesn’t get much worse than that, even though the physical consequences are a ways downstream.

  361. Paul C. 说:
    @Greg Bacon

    Unfortunately, I agree with you. I hold out hope that we can have an “awakening” but the propaganda and programming is so well entrenched that the average person presented with facts and evidence will disregard it. They also cannot contemplate the evil we’re up against. A peaceful revolution would be ideal but is unlikely.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
    , @Justvisiting
  362. cassandra 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Strongly agree; I was about to ask the same as your #1.

    IMHO, although antipathy with US ally Saudi Arabia comes into play, Iran’s mortal sin is its support of Palestine and Hisbollah against Israeli malfeasance, not against any real US interests. US attitudes also follow Israel’s toward both Venezuela and Honduras.

    There’s been no attempt at an independent foreign policy since Forrestal, and we know what befell him.

  363. @Robjil

    GeoKat is one of my favorites on this site, and yes we agree on a lot of issues, but that whole comment was meant for you. It was you that surprised the shit out of me with your question about Mexicans knowing about that incident. I’m a fan of both your work…but you guys ain’t got shit on Chuck O, he’s the Lone Ranger and Jacques Sheete is his Tonto… I say this, with all due respect! LOL I actually write comments and word them in a way so I can get their response! It makes my day when they acknowledge my writing…

    I became a fan of you Robjil and Rurik on this tread…you guys keep sharing…we all seem to be on the right page… some of these dummies can’t see what dangerous times we’re living in…and all they have to do to stop the planned destruction is tell Israel to fuck off and the world would change the next day.

    • 同意: Robjil
  364. @J. Gutierrez

    I remember very well that the media (CNN, Time, etc.) showed openly how the US and UK troops in Iraq were confiscating US dollars from Iraqi citizens at roadblocks and during house raids, and justifying this as they were supposedly “Saddam’s dollars”, after the occupiers had already looted all the banks.

    The occupation was straightforward and cynical:

    1. Confiscate all the weapons and ammunition, as well as any US dollars (and probably other currency) in possession of Iraqi citizens so they had no means to protect or feed themselves during the occupation, and after the US patrols had been through their homes, the various Sunni and Shiite gangs followed to take whatever was left,

    2. With no weapons and no money, all that was left was for males from each family to go and join the police force the US occupiers had set up where they were then issued back the same weapons and ammo that had been confiscated from them and paid salaries with the very same money that was stolen. And joining the police wasn’t without its hazards as Al Qaida regularly bombed the recruitment centres with countless of the recruits dying while waiting in queues to apply for the police force, but that was the only way they could hope to feed their families.

    Absolutely none of the US media found anything wrong or immoral about this, pure medieval style looting of Iraqi civilians by the US army depicted openly and presented as the actual policy of the occupation forces.

    And then there was Abu Ghraib for those Iraqis who didn’t go along with this programme and the media only published the less disturbing photos of the tortures.

    And so a great and wealthy country was ruined by Americans.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  365. @Paul C.

    Paul C, You can achieve the “Awakening” brother, no one has faced more evil in the face than Mexico these past years. Mexicans knew that after 3 stolen elections the fourth would be the last. People were ready to take up arms and march on Mexico City. What changed these elections was the creation of a new political party (MORENA) headed by the man who was ripped off 3 times. Within the 6 year presidential term of Pena Nieto he worked on building his base. The people did their part Protesting in the streets when Energy Reform was forced on the people, Education Reform saw people tortured and killed, higher fuel pricing brought people out to protest.

    在这次选举中真正扭转局势的是新的 YouTube 频道,它们发布了 MSM 所不属于的内容,他们利用自己的频道揭露腐败,他们曝光了向电视台支付的款项以换取有利的新闻报道。他们揭露了亿万富翁对革命制度党 (PRI) 和国家行动党 (PAN) 政治竞选的资助。墨西哥现在有了一个可以获取真实新闻的地方,并且这已经发展成为一场支持 MORENA 的大规模运动。这些年轻的创新 YouTube 博主与墨西哥政治史上最高的选举结果有很大关系。 Chapucero、Quesadillas de Verdades、Sin Sensura(芝加哥)、El Charro Politico 和其他一些频道发挥了作用。欺诈行为正在全面实施,但无法跟上投票 MORENA 的人数。

    They needed a close election for the fraud to work and the numbers were not allowing it. But if they would have tried to do it again, the streets of Mexico would run with blood and they felt the tension. Good luck guys…Get some young people to post real news and you will see>>>

    • 回复: @Parisian Guy
  366. renfro 说:


    我曾经和你一样,但我有借口说我是一个鼻涕虫,当时是 16 年代末的 50 岁。

    • 同意: Parisian Guy
    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  367. renfro 说:

    4. Whatever guilt Ireland has, it doesn’t appear to bring it into conflict with the US.
    5. Israel also, at this time, is an ally of the US and there is no need for conflict

    So you’re a Israel supporter?
    Maybe thats why you are preoccupied with ‘being safe and protecting yourself”….the
    Israeli disease/excuse.

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  368. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    I’m sure GeoKat won’t mind!

    Mind? Far from it, JG. I’m all for spreading the gospel truth far and wide!

    btw – I see a lot of action going down on this thread and I’d love to participate more fully but unfortunately I’m a bit preoccupied at the moment as I just arrived at Mo Bay for my nephew’s wedding. Keep up the good fight!

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  369. @cassandra

    I agree with you 100% Cassandra, I don’t recall insinuating that they were. I just wanted to let it out so people don’t think of war as this noble cause! Free from criminal acts such as I saw on that site. In that situation White, Black, Mexican it doesn’t matter to me, a rapist, is a rapist. I’d just as easily shoot any one of those pieces of shit and the color of their skin will never cross my mind Cassandra!

    If I’m hanging out with my white buddies and a bunch of Mexicans start shit, I’m going to be the first one to jump up. I don’t look at race when it comes to who I associate with, I only see race as a problem when I hear Archie Bunker types degrading minority indigenous, Africans and less fortunate whites. I can’t stand it Cassandra, when they talk about people that are less fortunate as being stupid and have low IQ. I hate someone that uses their status to belittle some that he feels is below him. I see it in rich Mexicans, Educated Blacks and of course whites and they don’t have to be rich or educated to be a dickhead!

    I’ve been to some of the outdoor markets here and have seen artwork that blows my mind! A Mayan Indian sitting under a tree carving a beautiful piece of modern looking sculpture from a broken branch of a mesquite tree. Try walking around Mexico City and not see a mural that makes to stop and admire the work. I talk to some of them and they are timid and reserved. So, when Archie Bunker pokes his head in on this site and thinks he’s cool telling his red hat buddies how these dirty Mexicans need to go back cause they are breaking our economy, (they’re so smart everyone is a Mexican) I have to do my thing! And my thing is not pretty because I lay in on them like the Mexicans that starts shit with me and my white friends. I know I’m a complicated guy, but that’s what I am and won’t change it or anyone! Does that make me a racist! I can be pushed to it but only if the situation merits it. But never as a first option, always in response to it! Besides I’m from Spanish people that received Texas Land grants from Spain. Tall, dark hair, Green Eyes and Big Feet! Jaja Thought I’d break the ice!!! Thanks I appreciate your comment…

  370. “A small government couldn’t begin to do what the preamble to the Constitution said was the purpose for its establishment: provide for the common defense, to promote the general welfare of the people, and to secure liberty for its people.”

    I don’t think you comprehend what is meant by “small”. it is necessarily size, it’s about efficiency and intrusiveness.

    Could the expanse as to size be decreased, I think there is plenty of room reduce actual size. And when it comes to power there is plenty of room to reduce its signature. Let’s take the DMV at the state level. There’s no reason why anyone should have pay a registration fee unless they move. The smog emissions is more than enough government intrusion.

    When conservatives speak of limited government they are actually questioning government over reach. Unfortunately, conservatives play a large role in expanding government power by relying to heavily on empowering the same.

    And by the way the government’s role is clearly established


    The government’s role is to facilitate justly our system. I think careless immigration policy that favors illegal immigrants over the rights of citizens — a fairly obvious injustice. Instructing bakers that have to participate in ceremonies that violate conscience — obvious injustice. Laws ad practices that bail out corporate structures as they penalize the rest of the country – obvious injustice.

    Educational institution’s interference in child rearing, obvious injustice.

    • 回复: @Anounder
  371. @J. Gutierrez



    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  372. @J. Gutierrez

    Yo, J.G.!

    Today is a very weird “Homeland” holiday as a 6.4 MAG earthquake hit Southern California, PreZident Bonespur rolled tanks into D.C., glorified heroic troops and all is quiet on the Wally front.

    Hm. On July 4th, bicententenial 1976, I was in D.C., stoned, and watched Johnny Cash perform! Jajaja.

    Overseas, things got scary-weird.

    It appears that while t-Rump was refining his 1-Hour Jingoistic Hate Speech at The Mall, John Bolton stepped up, & asked Britain to stop a Panamanian tanker near Gibraltar because it’s cargo contained Iranian crude oil.

    Allegedly, Gordon Duff of VT indicated lackey-Boris Johnson helped “Big Time” with the act of Economic Zionism piracy.
    Of course, Netanyahu likes when the West does such criminal & unaccountable stuff for Israel, but stops just short of directly fucking with Russia. Refer to article below?


    Good night, J.! Am outside & drinking a Coors Lite. A black guy walks beside a corpulent & bosomy white girl who pushes a baby carriage. It’s about 80° in West Scranton, some small firecrackers pop, and fucking ants are on the concrete steps where I sit. Right now, (💤igh) I return to thinking about who won the Democrat debate.🙄

  373. @RobinG


    I worked at a Budweiser Distributor in Houston and met Auggie and Billy Bush at a company function. These guys were young rich and loved to party. I was 25 at the time so 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. They went through a gold AMEX and another Card I can’t remember, the Club did not want to run anymore tabs unless we had cash. Owning a beer distributor brings in cash on a daily basis , so the limo driver and I went and got a bag full of money that was waiting for us.

    What I’m trying to do is respond to your : For one thing, the employees of a company can buy shares, and some companies give their employees shares. (That’s how a friend of mine inherited stock in Ma Bell.)

    The Bush boys inherited the Anhuser Bush Brewing Company and was a public company with them owning 49% in stock. Somehow South African Breweries slowly began buying stock and made an offer to buy them out, when they refused the buyer began dealing with the other share holders until they convince the remaing stock owners to sell their stock over the value priced in the stock market. What happened then was that they now controled 51% and forced the Bush boys to sell a company that was built by their grandathers. “Modern Capitalism”

    In my case I worked at INFORMIX Software a Relational Database company that was bought out by IBM. Before the purchase by IBM, Informix hire a new CEO to try and turn the company around. INFORMIX was way ahead of ORACLE at the time as far as technology, we had cloud computing way back then. Anyway, we were told we didn’t have anything to worry about and continued selling software. What the new CEO was doing was doing during this period was to sell the massive ammount of stock obtions he got to run the company and had the company up for sale. By the time the company sold to IBM for 1 Billion in cash, he had sold all his stock driving our stock down until it was worth the paper it was printed on. “Modern Capitalism”

    Remember what I said Capitalism needed to become Modern Capitalism.
    1. A Nation State
    2. Inrastructure
    3. A Stock Market

    In both cases the stock market #3 was used to their benifit. the first case scenerio a company was litrally highjacked, in the second scenerio the workers were left holding worthless stock.

    I am not a financial guy that claims to know what is the root cause of stock manipulation or other negative effects that Modern Capitalism throws our way every 8 years. Just in time to switch parties and make the new administration fix it and blame the last. Google all the financial crisis since 2000 Y2K 我Dot.co Bubble 2008 Stock Crash 2016 Housing Bubble…There was one in 1992 I think making it 2 rep and 2 dem.

    About the legal abligation to earn proffits, I’m almost sure its in the corporate bi-laws. You can probably Google it but I hate looking for stuff to prove to someone I read it some where and thats what I remember..

    Anyway, thank you for reading my Wally response. This is just my opinion on the things that I see…It would take someone that works within that system to give more in depth information.

    • 回复: @RobinG
  374. @renfro

    ‘So you’re a Israel supporter?
    Maybe thats why you are preoccupied with ‘being safe and protecting yourself”….the
    Israeli disease/excuse.’

    I figured. Now, what remains to work out is whether he actually believes anything else he was saying — or is merely attempting to hijack (yawn) the alt-right agenda and put it to good use in the service of Israel.

    • 回复: @Rich
  375. @geokat62

    I understand brother, enjoy the time with your family…we’ll see ya wen you get back!


  376. @ChuckOrloski

    Enjoy your Coors Light my brother God only knows how deserving we are of that golden liquid. Thanks for the heads up on that oil tanker, I hadn’t seen anything on it.

    I told you Wally went to the parade! He will find new inspiration, and will try to use it when he returns, and I will chop his bitch ass down to size again.

    Or totally ignore him…

    I hate when a chick does that to me after asking her an important question. It’s usually about her availability to play hide the salami…but in my case it’s hide the chorizo…

    Take care my brother – I’m going to see what mom made to eat and pop a Tecate..

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  377. @ChuckOrloski

    Chuck, YOU win the debate!

    Am hoping Mr. Mensa, AJM, is skulking around this stage & shall critique the beautiful malady! Uh, I know you prefer Bach, Jacque, but Waits is cock-of-the-thread-walk.

    Who needs a Mensa mutt? It’s a no-brainer, Waits is the Bach-of-the-thread-walk!

    PS: Where do you get this stuff? Toooo funny!

  378. @Rich

    Killings during wartime are not murder, have never been considered murder.

    Where/how do people come up with such garbage?
    Your statement is utterly nuts.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  379. @Wally

    I got news for you, people all over the world invest in “Wall Street”.
    In fact anyone who has a pension plan has investments in “Wall Street”.

    I got news for you. None of that contradicts, or justifies any of Wall Street’s shenanigans. That was a piss poor try and it’s a good thing you said, “bye” cuz you lost the argument. I’d run and hide too if that’s the best I could do as well.

  380. @Wally


    The US government has been Commie for over a century, so no wonder it’s such a failure.

    PS: Thanks for admitting the truth for once.

  381. 谁赢得了辩论? (如此可悲的辩论,如此尴尬,如此令人难以置信!)

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @european born
  382. @J. Gutierrez

    Haha. J. Gutierrez reminded: “I told you Wally went to the parade! He will find new inspiration…,”

    Do you think Wally went to the 2016 NYC-based Israel Day Parade where Trump was Grand Master? Jajaja.

    Ignore, Wally? Nah, that’s no fun. But ignore EliteComminc,👍and eat what your good Mom has to eat, my Brother.

  383. @Commentator Mike

    Mike you reminded me of something when you said gun confiscation…I think that was the time that Holden got caught shipping military weapons to the Cartels in shipping containers. Fast & Furious those people sold them here! Lets not even get into all the priceless Sumerian artifacts that were targeted by the marines that got there. I read that they had a list with specific items they were to take, crate and ship back. The clay tablets were prized for the writing on them that was written history of that time.

    Remember the picture that was taken of a room in a basement stacked with neatly wrapped bundles of dollar bills? We never heard anything about redistributing them to the Iraqi people. I can only imagine how much more shit we don’t even know about.

    These same people talk about bombing Iran like it’s nothing. I can’t imagine anyone talking about obliterating a country like as if they were talking about going on vacation. There has to have been something put in the water, food or air that wiped out any common sense from the people talking like that.

    Mike I’m starting to think that the best thing that can happen is total war, or else they will continue to breed these school shooters, criminal soldiers and corrupt leaders forever.

    • 同意: ChuckOrloski
  384. @Rich

    But no one, except for the most “moralistic” of pacifists, has ever believed that a soldier under command of a recognized military unit, was a murderer.

    What??? Dude, youare so far gone with ideas like that, that it’s undoubtedly hopeless to try and reason with you. Anyway, I think this describes you and those with ideas like yours.:


    革命时代的历史学家Mercy Otis Warren,
    美国革命的兴起,进步和终结的历史。 1,Ch3,1805年


  385. @Rurik

    Agree button already used. That is one sick MF.

  386. RobinG 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    It would take someone that works within that system to give more in depth information.

    Indeed. At the moment, a pall of gunpowder cloaks the city. We’re a couple miles from the fireworks, but humid, overcast, socked in. Earlier in the day, the Secret Service were earning their keep –

    Proud Boys Fight Communists Burning American Flag

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  387. @ChuckOrloski

    … but it will fall deaf upon Wally’s promotional EZ ears.


  388. @Jacques Sheete

    JS rhetorically asked, “Where/how do people come up with such garbage?”🤔and with common sense,👍 told Rich:
    “Your statement is utterly nuts.”


    Maybe this nutty-fucker “Rich” is an inspired offspring of Marc Rich who on his last day as preZident, Bill Clinton pardoned. 🙄 Jajaja. Please refer below to the garbage peddled by Slick Willie? (Zigh)

  389. @davidgmillsatty

    A small government couldn’t begin to do what the preamble to the Constitution said was the purpose for its establishment: provide for the common defense, to promote the general welfare of the people, and to secure liberty for its people.

    Yeah, but a small one couldn’t begin to lie, cheat, steal and mass murder with total impunity like the big one does.

    The antifederalists were correct; you’d do well to familiarize yourself with their works. I bet you don’t know a dammed thing about the cornstitution.

    Here’s a primer in case you’d prefer not to remain a dreamer.

    事实上, it was never a “people’s Constitution”, as it has been so frequently claimed in Fourth of July celebrations, at Presidential elections, and on other similar occasions. They, the people, were never very much interested, either in the project itself or in the ratification of a form of national government. They did not particularly want anything of the sort and they did not like what came out of Philadelphia, but this distaste was not strong enough to overcome their natural lethargy, so only about five percent of the white male population voted as to whether the Constitution should be accepted or rejected. As it was, it only got by by the skin of its teeth and by some very clever management on the part of its proponents. The whole thing, in conception, formulation, and realization, was the work of a small group of enthusiastic young men of property and position, with wiser heads on their shoulders than their years would argue as rationally possible, though they were not wise enough to foresee the unimaginable — but inevitable.

    -Ralph Adams Cram, www.unz.org/Pub/AmericanRev-1936dec-00129" rel="nofollow"> Nemesis of Democracy – PDF – , The American Review, December 1936, pp. 129-141

  390. @RobinG

    I agree Health Care, Education and Social Security should be funded by the government…

    Certainly, because government, especially one such as “ours,” has such a 精彩 track record of caring for da pipple. I mean, it really gives a damn about its tax slaves, right?


    • 回复: @RobinG
  391. @cassandra


    我不奇怪。 我知道。 并不是说这些部队是天使或类似的东西,但大多数人甚至都不会 认为 因此,不要试图为那些无耻的、邪恶的、混蛋道歉,他们应该永远遭受最糟糕的惩罚。

    • 同意: BIll Jones
  392. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    1.The US State Department declared Iran a state sponsor of terror in 1984. Among their crimes are the 1079 Hostage taking of the US Embassy, the 1983 attack on US troops in Beirut, the 1984 bombing of the US embassy in Beirut, the 1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847, the 2015 USS Cole bombing, Iran’s providing weapons to the Taliban are among some of their direct action against the US. They are also responsible for assassinations and other incidents, too numerous to list, against other nations allied to the US.
    2. The US and Israel have many treaties and agreements in every area from Agriculture to Economics to Security. You can find these very easily by doing an internet search. Besides that, many dual Israeli-American citizens have served at the some of the highest positions in the US Government and have a very high level of support from most of the country.

    I wasn’t actually a supporter of going to war with Iran, I’ve always favored the Buchanan “Fortress America” concept, buit after reading the over-the-top attacks on me by several Iranian supporters here, then doing a bit of research, I’m starting to think Bolton and Pompeo may be right about the need for action to be taken against Iran.

  393. @J. Gutierrez

    Chuck O, he’s the Lone Ranger and Jacques Sheete is his 通托

    Finally someone recognizes me for what I am!

    PS: How’s yer Espanol, JG?! My Mexican vernacular is pretty limited, but I know what “Tonto” means! ¡Yo también te quiero!

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  394. RobinG 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    Why didn’t you write this to your great friend Gutierrez, whom I was echoing? (Not that it isn’t obvious.)

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  395. @RobinG


    I think you are right about Bannon he showed his cards in the last segment and caught himself, but he knew he had already said too much, and tried unsuccessfully to walk it back. I never liked that guy or any of Trump’s sleazy crew. Sometimes I try to look at some of the deals and threats he makes and I can’t help think that he is using this position to get rich. I wouldn’t be surprised if when he leaves a string of Hotels and Resorts will start popping up all over Venezuela, Honduras, Syria, Israel etc.

    The video was good, thank you..

  396. cassandra 说:

    Not that the troopies are angels or anything close to that, but the majority would not even think of it, so quit trying to apologize for outrageous, satanic, shitheads who deserve the worst possible, forever.

    I doubt that they put much thought into it at all. If you know the Milgram experiment, then you know how easily people can be convinced to act immorally toward others when authority provides a reason. Do you believe that can’t/doesn’t happen in the army? I don’t know how prevalent it is, but it certainly happens, even assuming that only the most egregious cases are publicized.

    Read what Lynndie England said about why she did what she and her comrades did at Abu Graib. I for one get the impression that she believed she was acting in good faith, and was never a monster in her own eyes. She practically pleads, what else was I supposed to do?

    不能 apologizing for anyone, just recognizing factors that allow darker aspects of our humanity to escape moral restraint. It’s foolish to the point of idiocy to ignore the power of these tendencies, in conversation, in policy-making, in prisons, or in the military theater, when we know they exist.

    I am condemning personnel who prosecuted whistleblowers for bringing this behavior to light. I am condemning a judicial system that let prime decision makers escape responsibility for their actions. Wittingly or not, but certainly irresponsibly, they created the policies and environment that ignored this obvious corruptibility. I guess we forgot Nuremberg.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  397. @Rich

    ‘1.The US State Department declared Iran a state sponsor of terror in 1984. Among their crimes are the 1079 Hostage taking of the US Embassy, the 1983 attack on US troops in Beirut, the 1984 bombing of the US embassy in Beirut, the 1985 hijacking of TWA flight 847, the 2015 USS Cole bombing…’

    The USS Cole bombing was carried out by al Qaeda — in 2000, not 2015. I could discuss your other examples — but it suffices to note that they all date back more than thirty years. In 1975, we weren’t still worrying about what Japan had done in 1945.

    You don’t have anything to justify your claims. Quit wasting my time.

    • 同意: Robjil
    • 回复: @Biff
    , @Jacques Sheete
    , @Rich
  398. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    ‘…Tulsi Gabard [原文] is full of hot air and she will be gone with the wind soon.
    Little girl busing…’

    You appear to have confused Tulsi Gabbard and Kamala Harris.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  399. @Jacques Sheete

    It was written with nothing but love and respect, my brother. I could have done the Batman and Robin characters. But being in Mexico I saw the western duo as the better choice! HaHa I can laugh in Español. Can you tell I was a salesman, a pretty good one at that!

    Yo hablo y entiendo todo muy bien. La gente me dice que tengo un accento, pero yo no lo creo. Para mi yo hablo perfecto. En Ingles y Español. Y tu Jacques eres Francia? Vives en los Estados Unidos?

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  400. Art 说:

    I wasn’t actually a supporter of going to war with Iran, I’ve always favored the Buchanan “Fortress America” concept, buit after reading the over-the-top attacks on me by several Iranian supporters here, then doing a bit of research, I’m starting to think Bolton and Pompeo may be right about the need for action to be taken against Iran.


    A couple of guys give you a verbal wedgy – and its time for you to support a war on 80 million folks.


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Rich
  401. Realist 说:

    I just don’t understand the claim of “big government equals bad.”

    Why are you commenting to me??? I didn’t opine that…but I sure as hell believe it.
    Perhaps you should figure out what you are commenting on.

  402. @RobinG

    Both of those groups are government stooges, silly as shit! What happened to the Black Panthers, Black September and the Weather Underground?

    I’m not a communist sympthiser it offers nothing good, I support the Capitalist System beause I believe it offers the best economical opportunities. I’m Conservitive in my beliefs (Anti Abortion), Liberal in my thinking (Do what you like as long as it doesnt effect anyone else) and Socialists in my values (We as a community should take care of our citizens, our youth and our seniors) with proper healh, education and retirement. I never voted in the US, because I never applied for US citizenship. But I voted here last year and my vote counted.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  403. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    I’m an America supporter and when the interests of America and Israel are the same, I support Israel. It’s a concept you “internationalists” don’t understand. And I’m a little too old to be “Alt-right”, I’m closer to the paleo-Cons than to any of you “alt” guys.

  404. @Colin Wright

    Sorry! (They all look the same to me.}
    CNN did claim that the one which did attack Biden won the debate.
    So it was Giraldi with his title who did confuse me.

    • 哈哈: Iris
  405. @ChuckOrloski

    Right now, (igh) I return to thinking about who won the Democrat debate.

    I will never know who “won” it; all I know is that we ‘Merkin pipple, rubes and non-rubes alike, will lose again. It’s low grade entertainment at best and we already know the outcome.

  406. @RobinG

    Why didn’t you write this to your great friend Gutierrez, whom I was echoing? (Not that it isn’t obvious.)

    Because yer the smug, mouthy, ignorant, irascible, know-it-all who has the answers for everyone. JG, on the other hand, obviously knows a lot and is capable of seeing, learning, and reasoning. In fact, if JG were the president of a socialist country, I’d probably consider moving there while if an unthinking hothead like you were in that position, I’d feel as sick as if Hillaryena were, and would leave in a flash.

    Hope that answers your question, not that I suffer any illusions that it’ll do any good.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  407. Robjil 说:

    1967 年——自由号

    2001- Nine Eleven


    “Chapter 1

    4. 十是无法形容的Sephiroth 的数字,十而不是九,十而不是十一。 学习这种智慧,并明智地理解它,研究这些数字,从中汲取知识,将设计固定在其纯度上,然后将其传递给坐在宝座上的造物主。”

    1967 Israel false flag did not work. Summer of Love kept going on to cover up if it did.

    2001 Israel false flag worked.

    Purim theme for wars in the middle east for Israel

    1991 Iraq war ended on Purim. Highway of Death- US troops firebombed 175000 surrendering Iraq troops on Purim day. Purim is a “celebration” of killing 75000 Persians. That 75000 in the 175000 was a display of Purim connections

    2003- Purim – Start of attack on Iraq by US and friends.

    2011- Purim- start of the attack on Libya

    2019- Purim – Trump “gives” Golan Heights to Israel

    We are living in a 500 BC Theocracy, living/dying by writings from the Torah which were written in 500 BC.
    The Seven Nations to destroy comes from Deuteronomy 7. 1-2 – Destroy seven nations for Yahweh’s Israel. Little Israel thinks it is Zion 500 BC and it is dragging the rest the world with this deluded destructive fantasy.

  408. Biff 说:
    @Colin Wright

    Quit wasting my time.

    You’re wasting your own time. Rich is a well known troll around here, and you are giving him what he wants – 关注我们

    Ignore the little prick.


    • 哈哈: Rich
    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @Rich
  409. @cassandra

    I know of the Milgram experiment and I never said that it can’t/doesn’t happen in the army.

    All I’m saying is that based on first hand experience, and knowing what constitutes an “army” (mostly rabble, directly proportional with rank), is that even rabble have their limits and most would likely stop short of doing what was described. I’ll admit that the “volunteer” army is likely to attract sadists and other losers compared to one with draftees, but even then, sickos who’d go that far have to be in the minority, and they’d do that shit even if they weren’t in that situation.

    The other point is that being in “that situation”is no excuse, and another is that “that situation” isn’t like it’s portrayed by the drama queens of Hollywood and the snivelling wannabe “heroes.”

    Again, please do not appear to apologize or make excsuses for satanic behavior whether a person is under “stress” or not. The excuse is bullshit.

    I’m not clear on what you mean by your comment about Nuernberg, but I’d be interested to know. I hope you’re not saying that the guys who got their testicles crushed were the guilty ones while the torturers were innocent and justified.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @cassandra
  410. @Colin Wright

    You don’t have anything to justify your claims.

    And the outrageous claims of a total nutcase is what they are. He couldn’t produce a shred of evidence to support his garbage under threat of waterboarding with his scrotum wired for fun after being stomped on by some losers in uniform with the full approval and applause of some “recognized ‘authority’”.

  411. @J. Gutierrez

    Y tu Jacques eres Francia?

    No mi amigo soy un gringo*.

    * I’ve often wondered about the eymology of that word …


    It was written with nothing but love and respect, my brother.

    I had no doubt about that; I was merely responding with a little humor as well! You seem like the type of guy who gets a kick out of that sort of thing; an “ace” salesman for sure!

    Thanks for all your hard work here. Your comments are priceless and that one on capitalism is worthy of the Sheete Prize, as distinguished from the Poolitzer Prize, for journalism. Damned well done, I say!

  412. @J. Gutierrez

    Socialists in my values (We 作为一个社区 should take care of our citizens, our youth and our seniors) with proper healh, education and retirement.


    I agree 100% with all the rest as well, but would add that I’m also a conservative fiscally, and abhor irresponsible forms of debt, especially government debt in general without exception.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  413. Robjil 说:

    You say that you are a Paleo. What does Paleo mean?


    “relating to or typical of how humans lived in ancient times, when they used tools and weapons made of stone: ”

    Destroying Seven Nations for Yahweh’s Israel will bring those nations to the stone age. Boomerang effect, what you do to others comes right back at you. So, you might get your wish to be in the stone age soon if these endless wars for Israel’s 500 BC Zion fantasy world continues. Iran is the seventh of the seven in the seven nations to destroy in the 500 BC Zion game. It is such a Paleo game, you are right about that.

  414. @Rich

    I’m an America supporter …

    And just WTF do you mean by that? IOW, what is “America” in your opinion?

    Here’s your “America.” :

    总之,美国共和主义的主要发展,大部分是在亚历山大·汉密尔顿的指导下, effectively safeguarded the monopolist, the capitalist, and the speculator [war profiteers too]. Its institutions embraced the interests of these three groups and opened the way for their harmonious progress in association. The only interest which it left open to free exploitation was that of the producer. Except insofar as the producer might incidentally and partially bear the character of monopolist, capitalist, and speculator, his interest was unconsidered.

    阿尔伯特·杰·诺克 自由与宪法:早期的斗争

    You support that? Explain.

    • 回复: @gsjackson
  415. @Rich

    It’s a concept you “internationalists” don’t understand.

    You must also be a little too old to understand that “America” sold out to the internationalists around a century ago.

    It’s too bad that I have to re-post this so often, but I guess there’s no other decent option.

    In June 1922…the Zionist [aka international usurer] halter was firmly reaffixed* round the neck of American State policy, and though American voter only slowly realized this, it became immaterial to him which party prevailed at elections.

    道格拉斯·里德(Douglas Reed)
    , 第 300-301 页

    Note the prefix, “re-“.

  416. @Biff

    Ignore the little prick.

    That’s no doubt good advice, but sometimes some of us cannot resist giving the trolls a little something besides what they want especially because we’re usually not in a position to give them what they deserve, not that I would 曾经 advocate violence, you understand!

    PS: He sounds like an old “p” too, and there’s no troll like an old…

  417. @Haruto Rat

    Did you research TULSI source of support or you just want to discredit her, as a mouthpiece of neocon war industries. She reject PAC money, oil money, war industries, big pharma money and others that contradict her policy of anti regime change war and environment. Her off fuel act bill in Congress will stop subsidizing big oil company, to save the environment. Her support are grassroots base so he is beholden to people and not to corporate interest, that put their interest first before the people.

  418. @Paul C.

    I spent my fourth of July on an intelligence mission in the enemy camp.

    I was disguised as the family eccentric, whole eclectic views on politics are amusing and ignored, and no threat to the conventional wisdom of the registered Democrat suburban middle class goodwhites who surrounded me on all sides.

    It was my chance to learn what they really think about the Democratic debates and the candidates. I tried very hard not to lead them in any direction, but just to find out their views.

    Of course they ranted about how much they hated Trump, but I probed deeper to find out where they stood on issues and the many Democratic candidates.

    I now share my findings:

    (1) Foreign policy was not discussed, not hinted at, did not exist.
    (2) Their number one issue was the treatment of illegal immigrants. They want them to be housed, sheltered, fed, given health care, college etc. in first class style.
    (3) They believed everyone in the world could become civilized Americans with minimal guidance, and believed that crime was caused by poverty, and if poverty were cured there would be virtually no crime.
    (4) They were stunned and angered (called it “black racism”) at the anti-white attitudes of Harris and Booker.
    (5) They were disappointed that their fellow goodwhites failed to educate the black racists on the principles of universal love and brotherhood.
    (6) They could only support a Democratic candidate who could articulate their views–they praised Obama and hoped that his “wife” would run.

    There you have it….now back to my rural “compound”… 🙂

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @Paul C.
  419. @Ghali

    She went to Iraq to defeat Al queda but realized the soldiers were con by warmonger on weapon of mass destruction. she distinguish real Muslim from extremist, who misrepresent Islam, she’s the only level headed friend of Muslim, she’s your ally, you loose an opportunity to have someone who respect your belief. Naturally she’s not bigot because if she also abhor extremist Muslim and Hindu.

  420. Rich 说:

    When a troll calls someone a troll, does something metaphysical happen? I could be right 99% of the time just by disagreeing with everything you and the rest of the anti-American brigade here comes out with. You have any stocks you don’t recommend? I’ll jump on that.

  421. @Rich

    ‘I’m an America supporter and when the interests of America and Israel are the same, I support Israel. It’s a concept you “internationalists” don’t understand. And I’m a little too old to be “Alt-right”, I’m closer to the paleo-Cons than to any of you “alt” guys.’

    Most of the more dishonest Zionists say something along these lines.

  422. @Art


    A couple of guys give you a verbal wedgy – and its time for you to support a war on 80 million folks.


    Yeah. That one was so bad I figured it could just be left to fall on its own merits.

  423. @Jacques Sheete

    With an available body of U.R. comment evidence, Jacques Sheete tried to provide RobinG help and he presented the following profile of her: “yer the smug, mouthy, ignorant, irascible, know-it-all who has the answers for everyone.”

    As you know, JS, in the past, I took a similar but sarcastic😏 stab at RobinG, and Philip Giraldi intervened on her behalf & declared evidence of her better side. Yes, I learned from that experience but I know as well her ‘know-it-all” proclivities & corresponding instinct for colleague-commenters to do as she instructs, march to her tune. Haha. (Zigh)

    You and I are Veterans, ho-hum, and I will present the following metaphorical example of RobinG’s personality by using the example of the popular Tom Hanks film, “Forrest Gump.”

    In that movie, Forrest’s adored childhood friend, Jennifer, a true-blue Vietnam War protestor had a dysfunctional relationship with a very fucked-up “peace” radical & who unmercifully abused her.


    So enter my anti-war, Lady RobinG, here on the U.R.-comment stage, voila, and she has “all the answers” for those fucks who essentially could find common political ground with her, but she requires adherence to all methods of dissent, or you’re nothing. Sad, re; Bob Dylan song, “just like a woman.” Haha! Fuck it.

    Speaking subjectively, Jacques, in this thread, I made fairly clear that my political thought-life could have continued to flourish without P.G.’s interesting article, “Who won the debate.”

    As you know, near Gibraltar, prompted by ZUS, Royal Marines seized a Singapore oil tanker which exhibited Panama flag. You are also aware that the t-Rump administration 😈 named the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

    Fyi, appearing this morning on RT web site one can learn about a “Senior Iranian official” who made a solid tit-for-tat argument that Iran should seize a British tanker if the UK does not release the pirated oil.

    In the Islamic Republic of Iran corridor of power, I humbly ask, who will win this risk-filled & scary debate?🤔 No doubt, We voiceless “Homelanders” are guaranteed losers. Thanks & my respect, Bro Jacques!

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  424. Rich 说:

    When everyone on one side of an issue starts ranting, cursing and making ridiculous comments, I begin to doubt their arguments. Then I spent a bit of time researching the issue and found that those who oppose the Iranian regime are civil in discussing different aspects of a possible conflict, as well as making sensible arguments about why an attack might be necessary and my opinion was changed. Convince me through sensible statements, cursing me out and calling me names won’t do the trick.

    • 回复: @Colin Wright
    , @Rurik
    , @Art
  425. Rurik 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Christians in America are the Christains that Mohamed warns about. … …The only Gog and Magog statue is located in the center of the City of London!

    Well J.G, while I admire your wisdom and erudition and passion, I myself am not given over to organized religion as my salvation. I’m a spiritual man, but my religious leanings are more of the Amerindian kind. A more personal kind of reverence for creation, feeling no need for a human intermediary as an anointed authority to guide my worship.
    But I certainly respect my Christian family and friends, as they find their spiritual fulfillment in the church, (or the mosques or synagogues or temples or even philosophy, as the case may be).

    So I don’t agree with you on ‘Christians in America’, per se- (at least the non-Zionist kind) as being uniquely tainted in any way.

    I’ll explain it this way, I recently saw where you mentioned the Ruby Ridge atrocity. For me, this was the ultimate expression of the dark forces of Gog and Magog vs. my fellow Americans, who’re Christian and harming no one.

    Vicky Weaver was a devout Christian, but Gog and Magog sent one of its assassins to murder her.

    And then tormented the surviving members of her family in a way that shocks the conscience; even today, in our blood-drenched and cynical indifference to cruelty.

    Just like they murdered LaVoy Finicum, and those Christians at Waco.

    So within America, we have millions of good Christians who harm no one, and who only want to be left alone to raise their families in homage to the Lamb of Peace.

    They worship Jesus Christ, and not some depraved, secular, racist supremacist abomination profaning the Holy Land.

    But then of course there is the Whore of Babylon. Slithering in the dank crevices of London, exactly as you say. Foisting Satanic wars of iniquity on a Biblical scale. Corrupting our societies, and dividing people based on superficial characteristics in order sow rancor, hatred and strife. (((Its calling cards))).

    So for me, the same Satanic fiend that menaces the Muslim world today, is also menacing American Christians, when it isn’t out-right burning Christian children literally alive in Moloch’s fires.

    Today it is America (and England, France and Germany, etc…) that finds our governments and institutions under the depraved domination by the Whore of Babylon – the fiend.

    Yesterday it was Russia. Tomorrow, once America has been bled dry, it might be some other host.



  426. Rurik 说:


    The only real question is why didn’t an evolved human ventilate these orcs with bullet holes?

    Please consider the tragic fate of honorable man, and US soldier Bowe Bergdahl ~

    On June 27, 2009, Bergdahl sent an e-mail to his parents before he was captured:[2]:4

    mom, dad

    The future is too good to waste on lies. And life is way too short to care for the damnation of others, as well as to spend it helping fools with their ideas that are wrong. I have seen their ideas and I am ashamed to even be american. The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting. […] [Three good sergeants had been forced to move to another company] […] and one of the biggest shit bags is being put in charge of the team. […] [My battalion commander was] a conceited old fool. […] In the US army you are cut down for being honest… but if you are a conceited brown nosing shit bag you will be allowed to do what ever you want, and you will be handed your higher rank… The system is wrong. I am ashamed to be an american. And the title of US soldier is just the lie of fools. … The US army is the biggest joke the world has to laugh at. It is the army of liars, backstabbers, fools, and bullies. The few good SGTs are getting out as soon as they can, […] I am sorry for everything here. These people need help, yet what they get is the most conceited country in the world telling them that they are nothing and that they are stupid, that they have no idea how to live… We don’t even care when we hear each other talk about running their children down in the dirt streets with our armored trucks… We make fun of them in front of their faces, and laugh at them for not understanding we are insulting them […] I am sorry for everything. The horror that is america is disgusting. There are a few more boxes coming to you guys. Feel free to open them, and use them.[2]:4

    Bob Bergdahl responded to his son’s final message not long after he received it:


    Dear Bowe, In matters of life and death, and especially at war, it is never safe to ignore ones’ conscience. Ethics demands obedience to our conscience. It is best to also have a systematic oral defense of what our conscience demands. Stand with like minded men when possible. Dad.[2]:4

    As Bergkahl explains, the US military is rotten from the top down, 不能 从下到上。

    I know soldiers, and most of the grunts are just poor boys and girls from urban and rural America without any prospects, and so join up for college tuition or ‘three hots and a cot’. Most certainly are not murderous psychopaths, but the army is set up to elevate the worst dregs to positions of command, and so we get this shit.

    Just like the Bolsheviks, and their exhortations to the Red Army rapists.

    “Kill! Kill! In the German race there is nothing but evil; not one among the living, not one among the yet unborn but is evil! Follow the precepts of Comrade Stalin. Stamp out the fascist beast once and for all in its lair! Use force and break the racial pride of these Germanic women. Take them as your lawful booty. Kill! As you storm onward, kill, you gallant soldiers of the Red Army.”

    — 伊利亚·埃伦伯格

  427. @Rurik

    I offer support for Rurik when he bravely informed: “Vicky Weaver was a devout Christian, but Gog and Magog sent one of its assassins to murder her.”

    👍! My respect.

    Linked below is a revelatory article/video where yesterday, Shabbos goy (Judas Goat) t-Rump tried to glorifify his Executive crimes committed on behalf of Israel, and contrary to The Beatitudes, & to great deluded “Homelander” applause,🙄 he cackled, “The future belongs to the brave.”


    • 回复: @Rurik
  428. @ChuckOrloski

    Yes, I learned from that experience but I know as well her ‘know-it-all” proclivities & corresponding instinct for colleague-commenters to do as she instructs, march to her tune. Haha. (Zigh)

    Yeah, but I bet you didn’t learn to march to her tune, and I wouldn’t have either. We must be slow learners er sumpin.

    So enter my anti-war, Lady RobinG, here on the U.R.-comment stage, voila, and she has “all the answers” for those fucks who essentially could find common political ground with her, but she requires adherence to all [her] methods of dissent, or you’re nothing.

    What’s with the type? Sounds a lot like another braying bovine who mercifully seems to have recused and excused herself from the “action” at least temporarily. Can’t you just imagine something like that as dictator? Taking a cue from Wally, I say Hillaryena would’ve been worse, but not by much and I doubt Tulsi would be any better especially given the “support” for her that we’ve been subjected to on this thread.

    Funny as Hell. Thank you for your support!

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  429. @Rich




    有什么可以说服你的?那么,毫无意义地杀害无辜妇女和儿童是错误的吗?你应该努力做到这一点,而不是寻找借口 不能 做吗?你还是想杀人。


  430. Rurik 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    I’m not clear on what you mean by your comment about Nuernberg, but I’d be interested to know. I hope you’re not saying that the guys who got their testicles crushed were the guilty ones while the torturers were innocent and justified.

    I suspect his point was that following the horrors of WWII, the world decided to collectively codify into International Law, a code against savagery and collective punishment during war time.

    The tragedy of that farce, was that the very people posturing as the moral paragons over the defeated Germans, were perpetrating atrocities on civilians – after the war was 过度。

    Nuremburg wasn’t the justice of King Solomon, but rather the depraved sadism of Salomon Morel.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  431. Rurik 说:

    Iranian regime are civil in discussing different aspects of a possible conflict, as well as making sensible arguments about why an attack might be necessary

    Mr. Unz, I’d like to humbly suggest a ‘POS’ button.

    It would vastly negate the necessity for the kind of unfortunate language that is otherwise quite necessary.

    • 回复: @Rich
  432. @Rurik

    “Honorable” man, Bowe Berghdahl wrote: “The horror of the self-righteous arrogance that they thrive in. It is all revolting.”

    My respect, Rurik, and thanks!

    Fyi, was a soldier once & who did not serve in Vietnam, but I was deeply troubled as “War Hero pilot” PreZident G.H.W. Bush fought to make Americans get over their deep hurt about ugly Vietnam war, inaugurate Desert Shield, and move forward (by the sword!) the western Anglo-Zionist globalist plot, New World Order.

    While allied with Russia’s profligate “Imposter” President Yeltsin, the ZUS & the “Coalition of Willing” 🙄 thought they would have a cakewalk and make Muslim countries welcome Israel as hegemon. Haha.

    Uh, too bad President “Bonespur” Donald Trump * can’t dramatically jump & parachute on his birthdays, like did the late-Senior Citizen, G.H.W. Bush?

    * Am forever grateful to J. St. Clair for creating the Zio-tamed dog tag, “President Bonespur.”

  433. Rurik 说:

    From his speech:

    Because we will 永远不会忘记 that we are Americans and the future belongs to us. (掌声)


    that subtle mantra, ‘never forget’ is not lost on the tribe, as it’s ingrained in their souls.

    The future belongs to the brave, the strong, the proud and the free.

    ♪ Onward Christian Soldiers…♫♬

    will reign for ever and ever and ever.

    Since when is America supposed to ‘reign’ over anyone?

    The whole point of America was supposed to be the sovereignty of the individual over his own life and own affairs. Freedom, in other words. A giant middle finger to monarchy and their ‘reign’.

    When someone or something has reign over others, that is the opposite of freedom.



    1the period during which a sovereign occupies the throne.

    2royal rule or authority; sovereignty.

    3dominating power or influence:

    the very idea of ‘reigning over people’ is de-facto anathema to the original principle of freedom as codifies in the Bill of Rights.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  434. @Rich

    buit after reading the over-the-top attacks on me by several Iranian supporters here, then doing a bit of research, I’m starting to think Bolton and Pompeo may be right about the need for action to be taken against Iran.

    Interlocutor: Looks to me like a serious case of confirmation bias; what do you think, Dr. Freud?

    Freud: For sooth, the patient does not appear to have tested the validity of the items he charges against the subject, nor does he provide context for the events, nor does he appear to employ scales of justice and consider the Other Side’s arguments before issuing a life-and-death judgment. Hmmm.

    Interlocutor: What outcome do you predict, Dr. Freud? Can this patient be saved? More to the point, can this patient be interdicted before he does real damage, even becomes responsible for taking life wantonly?

    Freud: Hmmm.

    Interlocutor: Our staff has explored the patient’s background, Dr. Freud. They discovered that the patient, one Richard Baker, an “application developer and development manager at Clifton College,” [i.e. database manager] did write on a blog, Adrift on the Ocean of Truth, http://www.theculture.org/rich/
    Among other things, Dr. Baker explores extropian ideas — innovating with the vision of living forever; he/she also posted lists of books he’s interested in, like this one:
    The World’s Banker: A Story of Failed States, Financial Crises, and the Wealth and Poverty of Nations by Sebastian Mallaby.

    A paragraph from the introduction to Mallaby’s book:

    “The World Bank was conceived six decades ago, along with the International Monetary Fund, when Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his allies were engaged in mortal combat with Germany and Japan. The founders’ purpose was twofold: to relieve human suffering, certainly, but at the same time to control the economic chaos that threatened the rich world’s security. The hyperinflation and mass unemployment of the interwar period had fueled the rise of fascism and communism in Europe: desperation had led to desperate isms. The International Monetary Fund was meant to head off a repetition by fighting currency crises; the World Bank had a broader mandate to develop broken-down economies. As the world changed, the Bank’s functions evolved, but its role in international-security Strategy has persisted. With the onset of the cold war, the Bank’s mission was to prevent Latin Americans and Africans and Asians from joining the Soviet column. In the new age of terror, the Bank’s efforts in the poor world offer the best chance of preventing the proliferation of failed states that serve as havens for terror. Meanwhile poverty is the vector for other threats to our security — global diseases, drug trafficking, and environmental degradation— which can thrive unchecked in desperate countries. In Kosovo, in East Timor, in Afghanistan and to a lesser extent in Iraq, the World Bank has also emerged as a key player in the nation-building efforts that have become a feature of the past decade.”

    Dr. Freud: Our fellow/gal Rich seems internally conflicted: It seems curious that Rich — if he/she is, indeed, Rich Baker, would would simultaneously express interest in World Bank policy and advocate reducing the economy, if not the physical existence, of a state as large and dynamic as Iran, to that of a “broken down economy,” the antithesis of World Bank’s stated vision.
    Either that position, and the policies Bolton-Pompeo that Rich endorses, are diametrically opposed to the high-minded vision of the World Bank ; viz. “the Bank’s efforts in the poor world offer the best chance of preventing the proliferation of failed states that serve as havens for terror;” or the World Bank is lying.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Jacques Sheete
  435. Rurik 说:

    Uh, too bad President “Bonespur” Donald Trump * can’t dramatically jump & parachute on his birthdays, like did the late-Senior Citizen, G.H.W. Bush?


    as vapid and insipid and prostituted t-Rump is, he’s at least not an ideologue.

    Hate t-Rump all we want, we must also pray for his health.

    I know some people are praying for Ruth Bader Ginsburg not to die, for fear of 她的替补。

    I’m praying for t-Rump’s health for the same reason.

  436. @Rurik

    Rurik, you are definitely 不能 a rube!


    • 回复: @Rurik
  437. Rurik 说:

    or the World Bank is lying.

    were you too being ‘rhetorical’ here, S2C?

    (very entertaining comment ; )

  438. @Rurik

    You just keep getting better and better.

    I never knew that, but Bergdahl is correct. I claim no angelic or even saintly or sacerdotal properties myself, but even a low down, no-good, stinking POS such as myself is ashamed to be an American and for reasons similar to what Bergdahl wrote. I done seen what he describes myself, and it sucks.

    This country has become a moral vacuum, and a tool of Ehrenburg-grade devils. I’m disgusted that it turned out that way and that I’m part of it and whether Tulsi wins or loses, it won’t make a bit of difference for any significant period of time if at all. Sad shat.

    • 同意: J. Gutierrez
    • 回复: @Rurik
  439. 嘿,geokat!

    Am sure you enjoyed the wedding & likely the reception. You are missed.

    When possible, & as the offensive Ehud Barak plans to topple the Netanyahu Likud government, please refer to article below which reported Netanyahu’s plan to militarily cream Gaza.


    • 回复: @geokat62
  440. @ChuckOrloski

    Uh, too bad President “Bonespur” Donald Trump * can’t dramatically jump & parachute on his birthdays, like did the late-Senior Citizen, G.H.W. Bush?

    Yeah, and ya don’t hafta be a Mensan to earn a set of jump wings either. Too bad the Trumpian tooter doesn’t offer to tutor Bonespur in the art. I bet that would be a gas, and I’d love to see it. Heroes my arse.

  441. @Rurik

    … the very idea of ‘reigning over people’ is de-facto anathema to the original principle of freedom as codifies in the Bill of Rights.

    Careful Rurik, tRumpettes and non-tRumpettes alike are 不能 gonna like that!

    I wouldn’t even want Tulsi reigning over me, even if she showered me in gold. I don’t need no regina either.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  442. @Rurik

    I went to a spiritual retreat in Cuatro Cienegas, Cuahuila Mexico with a friend and visited a working ranch. Within that property they had an igloo type brick room that we entered and sat down. They brought in hot rocks and the heat and steam got so unbearable you wanted to run out, but being the typical Mexican Macho type, I wasn’t going to move. It was a type of cleansing of your body and spirit, made you think about a lot of stuff, but mainly you and who and what you are.

    Before going into the steam room, they have a camp area where everyone sits around and they have different people play unusual type instruments. You feel vibrations and sounds all around you and they ask you different questions as to how they are effecting you. When they finish then you are moved into the steam room.

    These people are young in their 30’s and they live off the ranch one of them inherited. They have a breakfast in the morning with fruits, honey, eggs and other produce from the ranch. Very interesting time we spent there.

    The entire area is considered one of the jewels the earth has given us. If you ever visit Mexico, make sure you come and spend a week in Monterrey, there are beautiful clear water areas all around the mountains that surround the city with waterfalls and climbing areas, and I will personally take you to the retreat I just described to you. I have 2 4×4 trucks and a Harley Street Glide that you can use. There are airline tickets from Houston to Monterrey for $200 with advanced purchase. You’ll need very little money when you get here…I will take care of your room and food, I’m a fucking great cook and my mom speaks English. Jaja

    As you can see from my writing I hold no alliance to any particular religious movement, but try and learn about the basic fundamental principals off all. One thing I do know is that we did not evolve from fish…in a pool of minerals and enzymes.

    Take care my brother

    • 回复: @Rurik
  443. @SolontoCroesus

    I’m no Dr Freud, but I diagnose the guy as suffering from Hyperconstipation. He’s so FoS that it’s gone to his head, and he’s beyond dynamite enemization* even. His heart is also affected so a complete head transplant wouldn’t work in this case either. Anyway, don’t ask me for a cure; I’m no quack.

    * I made that up. It means even an enema with the power of dynamite wouldn’t work.

  444. gsjackson 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    I seem to recall Albert Jay Nock being one of the lodestars for the brand of conservatism William F. Buckley Jr thought he was founding/reinvigorating. If so, Buckley couldn’t have gone any more off course. He became a great friend to monopolists, capitalists, speculators and war profiteers.

  445. @Colin Wright



  446. @ChuckOrloski

    I do like your characterization of US presidents, although you realize that you are missing H.

  447. @Jacques Sheete

    Thank you for that input, living and learning is work in progress…guys like you make it easier and keeps us moving forward!

    Your knowledge and wisdom is greatly appreciated!

  448. Rurik 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    not a rube!

    But you’re wrong Jacques, some call me their patron saint.

    I am proudly of the ‘great unwashed’.

    A dogface of the people. And I’d have it no other way.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  449. Rurik 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    I’m disgusted that it turned out that way


  450. Rurik 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    I wouldn’t even want Tulsi reigning over me,

    I’m like a zebra, no saddles here.

    My entire thrust vis-a-vis Tulsi is her anti-war stance.

    Since she’s the only one pointing out the villainy of these wars, I support her. If someone else says it more cogently, with less ties to the fiend, then I’d support them. But I don’t know of anyone like that in the Democrat primaries. They all squawk the platitudinous palaver of pusillanimous punks and chicken hawk war pigs.

    It’s disgusting to watch.

    Trillions of dollars wasted bringing death and catastrophe to brown people who’ve done us no harm.

    While they all cry crocodile tears over migrant ‘children in cages’, but couldn’t give a rat’s arse about millions of children blown to bits by our drones and bombs or homeless and/or orphaned due to our serial wars.

    Just one or two of those trillions squandered on killing brown people for Zion, were to be spent on infrastructure and medical expenses and other programs for the struggling here at home, then these people’s constituents would know actual alleviation to some of their very-real suffering.

    It’s a devil’s charade.

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
  451. Rurik 说:
    @J. Gutierrez


    That looks awesome.

    The water, man!


    Be careful what you ask, J.G.

    You could find yourself with a crazy-eyed Gringo on your doorstep.

    I now must leave for a few days.

    Viva Mexico! And Salute!

  452. @Parisian Guy

    Yes the internet interaction gave the campaign a tremendous boost in the largest cities, there is no connect to the rural towns, but that’s about to change. The Kingmakers were shut down by the Youtubers reporting every time they tried to smear AMLO and exposed their dirty dealings with the previous administrations. AMLO is talking to companies that provide communication services so he can create a state owned network that reach the rural population. He has talked to the Facebook folks and they seemed interested. This is the best way to get the phone system back from Slim without going to court.


    Try and Google: Emilio Lozoya bribes – Pena Nieto’s bribes – Odebrehct and Emilio Lozoya – Fertilizer company owner arrested – Theft at PEMEX – Anna Lilia Perez wrote 4 books about her investigations of crimes in Mexico…they are a very good read- tells all you need to know about the past 2o years of Neoliberal rule.


    • 回复: @Parisian Guy
  453. geokat62 说:

    Am sure you enjoyed the wedding & likely the reception.


    The wedding and reception aren’t until Sunday. We arrived a few days earlier to get acclimated to the island. I must say, seeing as this is my first time to Jamaica I was struck by the general politeness and friendliness of the people.

    Just got a chance to catch my breath. Truth be told, I’m struggling mightily to keep up with my nephew’s circle of friends. They are a good 20 years younger than I am and boy can they drink. I spent most of yesterday drinking like a fish and I’m not sure if I can make it to Sunday.

    While the good news is Sunday is a couple of days away, the bad news is I have to repeat the entire experience a month or so from now for another nephew’s wedding. This time on the island of Crete. While rum is the drink of choice in Jamaica, I got a feeling I’ll be over sampling Metaxa in Greece.

    Pray for me, Chuck!

    please refer to article below which reported Netanyahu’s plan to militarily cream Gaza.

    Is it time to mow the lawn, again? Not only do they have the most moral army in the world, but they also have an army that is the most skilled in the provision of landscaping services.

  454. @Ilyana_Rozumova


  455. @geokat62


    Am happy for your visit to Jamaica. I dig Gregory Isaac’s & Bob Marley’s reggae & I have the latter’s recording of “Little Bird” as cellphone ring tone. “Everything is ‘gonna be alright” especially at the island’s bar which once featured a subsurface swimming pool where nude women were viewed by patrons. “Rastaman vibration” in the loins, & Guanja was in good supply too! 🙄

    Yes, Israel poised to unaccountably “mow the lawn” again.😒 Yes, I will pray for you tonight, along with all the peoples on USrael’s hit list. Of course you know I include my fellow “Homelanders.”

    • 回复: @geokat62
  456. @J. Gutierrez


    我的想法是,Youtube、Facebook、Twitter 是美国影响其他国家内部政治的工具。想想剑桥分析和英国脱欧;想想法国的黄背心反对马克龙(因为他与普京谈得太多,而且他希望欧洲军队独立于北约)。

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  457. @gsjackson

    Yeah lots of apostates around. Nock was not one of them as far as I know. The one that burns me hard is Thomas Paine. After all he went through and what he wrote, then to turn around and support the constitutionalists will irritate me til the day I croak.

    • 回复: @Art
  458. @geokat62

    When you get to Crete, I hope you find the time to go to the Palace at Knossos 如果你喜欢这种事情。

    As far as alcohol, try some tintura and also mastica, though those are like ouzo, for sipping not really drinking.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  459. @gsjackson

    I notice that “Rich” hasn’t answered my question. I guess he’s playing “conservative” with his ideas. Or something.

    Now I’m wondering how he expects us to “convince” him when he doesn’t even have the hormones to stand up for his own stupid ideas. PoS button needed for sure. (H/T Rurik, I think).

  460. geokat62 说:

    Yes, I will pray for you tonight, along with all the peoples on USrael’s hit list

    Thanks, Chuck. Speaking of USrael’s hit list, here is an Independence Day gift from TruNews to the veterans of the USS Liberty and the American people.

    该视频名为 July 4 Special: Sneak Preview of New USS Liberty Documentary

    Here’s the description:

    As America celebrates it’s independence, we honor the forgotten heroes whose valor may have stopped World War 3. Today on TRUNEWS we share a preview of the upcoming documentary on the attack on the USS Liberty by Israel, which occurred on June 8th, 1967 during the Six Day War.

    My favourite Rick Wiles’ quotes:

    26:03 So, who controls America? Who owns America? We can’t even put a plaque up in a city park honouring veterans because it would upset Israel.

    44:30 I just wanna say right now… I can’t let this go. John Haggie, John Haggie, Jenson Franklin. Mike Evans, David Jeremiah… I go down the list of American Christian Zionists… doesn’t this make you sick? Don’t you feel like a whore working for Israel, knowing what they did to Americans, and you’re still prostituting the Church in America for these Christ-hating Zionists? Doesn’t that make you feel like a whore, Pastor Haggie? Jenson Franklin, aren’t you ashamed of yourself? This stuff is so nauseating to me. It makes me so furious. We have these sellouts in the American Evangelical Churches. They’re sellouts. They’re cowards. They’re whores. They’re prostitutes… But, who has the power to suppress the truth? Who is so powerful in America that the truth about veterans is suppressed in this country? This ought to make every veteran in this country furious. But then I see this new congressman, Dan Crenshaw, who is a veteran, a wounded veteran. And there he is on the stage of AIPAC prostituting himself for Israel… reading the script that they wrote for him. You and I, the three of us, were there. We saw congressman Crenshaw reading the lines that the Zionists wrote for him. Shameful behaviour! Shameful behaviour, for a veteran and a congressman.

    57:04. Well, listen. this is our July 4th Special TruNews Edition for you today and I hope that what you’ve seen has shaken you. I hope it’s rattled you. That you are aware something happened in 1967 that should never have happened and yet today most Americans don’t know it happened. And the coverup continues today. Believe me, it continues today. Documents are still sealed, still classified. When this movie is released, you will see the Israeli Lobby at work to stop the distribution of this movie. There is still a coverup underway today. But, we’re doing this in the name of the lord, God. By the name of the lord, Jesus Christ. And we fear no man. We only fear God. So, we are going to finish this task and, God willing, this movie will be seen by multitudes of people. Not only here in America, but around the world. I think this movie is gonna circulate all over the world. We want to stop future wars. We want to stop this war machine that’s brought death and destruction to the Middle East. Countless people have died because of Zionism. And the world must rise up and say “Enough is enough. Let’s stop the killing. Let’s stop the wars. Let’s stop this madness.” And so that’s really the driving motivation in my heart and to give these survivors, and the men who died, the honour and the respect that they so rightfully deserve.

    Make sure you show this preview of the documentary to as many of your family and friends you possibly can.

    • 同意: Robjil
  461. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright


    • 回复: @Colin Wright
  462. @geokat62

    geokat admonished me to _Make sure you show this preview of the documentary to as many of your family and friends you possibly can.”

    A couple close friends & an ex-friend will be open to Rick Wiles’s presentation. Am pretty sure my brainy but intimidated ex-friend 🙄 regularly tunes in here, & he will take-off on your lead, and watch the “July 4th Sneak Preview.”

    Btw, am concerned for Rick Wiles who in the past, and in the spirit of Christian awareness & martyrdom, said, “What are they going to do. shoot me?” Hm. Am figuring Rick wisely understands that if Mossad don’t whack him, John Hagee-affiliated loons might. (Zigh)

    I know you will enjoy Greece, and you might help a couple of native Greeks to become aware.
    Fyi, if possible given break time, please consider reading John LeCarre’s enlightening work of fiction, “The Little Drummer Girl.” The educational novel’s initial action & setting is in Greece!!! So cool.

    My respect and goodwill, geo! I can hear in-my-head, the great Greek music in the (NYC-based) play, “Zorba The Greek,” in which starred Anthony Quinn. As it were yesterday, I get high on the comical & dancing words, “The great catastrophe.”

    • 回复: @anon
    , @geokat62
  463. Art 说:

    If so, Buckley couldn’t have gone any more off course. He became a great friend to monopolists, capitalists, speculators and war profiteers.

    Buckley resides in conservative hell – he invited the neocon Jews into the Republican party.

    He sold out his good friend Joe Sobran on the behest of the Jews.


    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  464. Art 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    The one that burns me hard is Thomas Paine. After all he went through and what he wrote, then to turn around and support the constitutionalists will irritate me til the day I croak.

    Hmm – some guy does good his whole life – then he does something out of character – and the bad thing overshadows all the good of his life. That just does not seem right.

    Thomas Paine fan — Art

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  465. @geokat62

    But then I see this new congressman, Dan Crenshaw, who is a veteran, a wounded veteran. And there he is on the stage of AIPAC prostituting himself for Israel… reading the script that they wrote for him. You and I, the three of us, were there. We saw congressman Crenshaw reading the lines that the Zionists wrote for him. Shameful behaviour! Shameful behaviour, for a veteran and a congressman.

    RedIce called attention to US Congress hearing on the “Monster” corporations —


    Crenshaw @ 10 min:

    https://www.c-span.org/video/?462052-1/social-media-content-monitoring&start=5511. @1:34

    “DC: “Do you believe speech can be violence? Not, can you incite violence, that is very clearly not protected. But can speech just be violent? Speech that isn’t calling for violence can be violent and therefore harmful and therefore hateful.


    DC: Here’s the thing: When you call somebody a Nazi, you can make the argument that you’re inciting violence. And here’s how: As a country we all agree that Nazis are bad; we actually invaded an entire continent to defeat the Nazis. It’s normal to say hash-tag punch a Nazi because there’s this common thread in this country that they’re bad and that they’re evil and that they should be destroyed. 你是在这个前提下运作的,坦率地说,这是一个很好的运作前提。

    When you label them — one of the most powerful social media countries in the world — labels people as Nazis, you can make the argument, that’s inciting violence. What you’re doing is wholly irresponsible. . . .”

    TruNews and Rick Wiles do tremendous work.

    Eventually, as their clarified vision of zionism becomes normalized, it will bump up against “holocaust” and “evil Nazism” — those whom “as a country we all agree . . . are bad and . . . they should be destroyed.”

    When TruNews and Rick Wiles and the Christian Zionists that are his target audience start to normalize the understanding that they’ve been used; that USA is controlled by zionism; what sort of cognitive clash will that set in motion?
    Will the dogmatized holocaust narratives and the “agreement” that “Nazis are bad and must be destroyed” be shifted to zionists?


    How will USA as a nation handle the recognition that it has been used for zionist ends?

    Norman Finkelstein has scoffed at the notion that a great resistance existed in Vichy France; only after Germany was defeated did stout French partisans step forward, proclaim their French patriotism, and severely punish Vichy 合作者。

    Will something similar happen in USA?
    What percent of US Congress will loudly proclaim, “I was always an anti-zionist (except for that one teensy little time when I stood up and cheered for Bibi; or the 6 times I went to AIPAC conferences, or those junkets to Israel — but that doesn’t really count, I was always True-blue — not star of David-blue — American!!”).

    • 回复: @geokat62
  466. anon[264]• 免责声明 说:


    to Athens

    • 同意: ChuckOrloski
  467. geokat62 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    When you get to Crete, I hope you find the time to go to the Palace at Knossos if you’re into that sort of thing.

    Hey, JS. I’m, indeed, very much into it. It’s the first stop on my itinerary.

    As far as alcohol, try some tintura and also mastica, though those are like ouzo, for sipping not really drinking.

    Just like the South has its stills, the best drink in Greece is the moonshine version of ouzo. It’s called tsipro. It is so potent it can put hair on your chest… and I’m talking about the women!

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  468. @Art

    Very interestingly, Art let the renditioned “genie out of the bottle,” said: “(William F.) Buckley resides in conservative hell – he invited the neocon Jews into the Republican party.”


    In Dante’s “Inferno,” there are nine circles reserved forsinners. And “Hell is paved with “good intentions.” Hm.

    You & Rick Wiles are deeply serious men, and perhaps Buckley, King of the Jew Neoconservatives,😕 sailed into Lake Inferior Hell, via River Styx passage.

    My respect, Art & in the blood of The Christ.

    • 回复: @Art
  469. Paul C. 说:

    Excellent. Good work. It’s not easy to bite your tongue. I’ve been there as well. That’s the viewpoint of most where I live, and in full transparency, I too was a liberal up until about 5 years ago. I thought I was “enlightened”. Then I tried to debunk Building 7 and nothing has been the same since. Once you see one big lie, you have the ability to see them all. I’ve been immersed in research ever since and I wouldn’t change any of it. I’m so glad to know the truth, even as unpleasant as it is. The best part, is it led me to the ultimate truther. I always took God for granted and never cracked the Bible. Those days are over.

    I have no ill will for those in the “enemy camp”. They’ve been brainwashed as we all have, regardless of political persuasion. It’s just that we’ve broken free of the major shackles. 🙂 But I bet the like-minded amongst us see many issues very differently which speaks to our different stages of awakening. I no longer believe we live on a spinning globe, where Australia is upside down and the oceans are being held in place by “gravity”. It’s just another lie on a long list put forward by the enemies of Christ and done in a way that obscures them as the perpetrator. The goal of these lies is to hide God. And they’ve been masterful at it. Everything they do is to obscure, defame and blaspheme God. They’re tools of Satan in this spiritual war.

    On my to-do list is to find my own rural compound!

  470. @Rich

    ‘Right, cursing and calling me names is the way to go. Unfortunately, you guys are so blinded by your anti-Americanism, you are unable to see how ridiculous you are. You have made the neo-con and Israeli argument for them. Congratulations.’

    Out of curiosity, can you quote a single ‘anti-American’ remark I have made?

    • 回复: @Not Raul
  471. Art 说:

    perhaps Buckley, King of the Jew Neoconservatives,😕 sailed into Lake Inferior Hell, via River Styx passage.


    What Buckley did is egregious. Turning over America to Israel Jew interests, has cost a million lives and caused a 100 million displaced people.

    These days, neocon Bill Krystal is showing off his anti-loyalty to the Republicans and conservatism on CNN. He and his father are traitors to America and humanity in general. Their double dealing and dishonesty exemplify the Jew character.


  472. geokat62 说:

    I know you will enjoy Greece, and you might help a couple of native Greeks to become aware.

    Thanks, Chuck. I guess I’m a little like the Maven. But instead of pushing the Talmud to his business associates, I’m pushing the gospel truth to as many fellow 愚蠢的家伙 如我所能。

    I can hear in-my-head, the great Greek music in the (NYC-based) play, “Zorba The Greek,” in which starred Anthony Quinn.

    Great movie, Chuck. But as with most cases, the book is way better than the movie. The author was Nikos Kazantzakis. I highly recommend it!

    I get high on the comical & dancing words, “The great catastrophe.”

    That line brought back memories, Chuck. It was one of my favourites:

    In a boat on their way to the island, Basil asks Zorba if he is married. Zorba laments, in accented English, “Am I not a man? And is not a man stupid? I’m a man, so I’m married. Wife, children, house–everything. The full catastrophe.”

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  473. Art 说:

    There was some talk here (who?) about the USian psyche. Caitlin Johnstone is in top form with her take on Trump’s tank parade.

    RobinG — too funny!

    “Tank parade” – what tank parade – Trumpy had to two statutory tanks and two statutory personal carriers.

    He got his way – What a guy!


  474. Art 说:

    The last YouTube video from Tulsi.

    I’ll Usher in a 21st Century Green Economy

  475. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    You’re right, I miswrote that a fed judge had found in 2015 that the 2000 USS Cole bombing had been set up by the Iranians. That’s some great victory, there. Was the 2018 attempt by the Iranian govt to carry out an assassination in Denmark, 30 years ago? What about the bomb plot in France in October 2018? The two Iranians arrested in Kenya in 2012? The Japanese of 1975 were not the hostile Iranians of 2019. When the current Iranian theocratic dictatorship is overthrown and the new Iranian government gains power, I’m sure the US, and the rest of the civilized world will happily treat the Iranians as well as we treated the Japanese.

    By the way, I knew some WW2 vets who fought in the Pacific who still hadn’t forgiven the Japs by 75 because of their actions during the war. Just as many of us today don’t forgive the Iranians for 79, 83 or the torture-murder of William Buckley. Do you believe it’s okay for Iranians to imprison, torture or kill Christian converts from Islam? Do you support their continued torture of dissidents? What about their imprisonment of journalists? The Iranians are not the good guys.

    • 回复: @Art
    , @Jacques Sheete
  476. tac 说:

    For those that are interested here is a show from today July 5th by UNZ’s own Kevin Barrett with Dr. Alan Sabrosky:

    Also news from unbiased The Last American Vagabond on the UK pirates who commandeered the Iranian oil tanker in the Strait of Gibraltar:

  477. @geokat62


    Around 1983, I went on a U. of Scranton Department of Foreign Language sponsored bus trip to NYC and thoroughly enjoyed the play, “Zorba the Greek.” Along with me were my dear friends, Thessaloniki-born, Thalia Demopoulous and the late-Dr. Njegos Petrovic.

    Thalia, Professor of Language & Speech, went home, 1986, to Thessalonika, and visited dear friends & family.

    Fyi, after the Chernobyl crisis, Thalia emailed me an extraordinary postcard. In it, handwritten, she described how Greek Orthodox priests in highland monasteries were beside themselves with the Chernobyl catastrophe. Thalia explained how “Chernobyl” in Ukrainian meant “Wormwood.” Hm.

    (Note: “A West Scranton Ukrainian Orthodox priest, Father Koval, married & a part-time Scranton cop, consulted his dictionary, & to me, he confirmed that chernobyl is wormwood in English. Also, an obscure but rather popular D.C.-based magazine, associated with Reverend Moon, 🙄 covered this story, including Mikhail Gorbachev’s distinguishing natural red-mark on his forehead; suggesting the ominous”Mark of the Beast,” uh, to especially US right-winger zingers)

    Not to get excessively weird, geo, but in an early chapter in Book of Revelations, the star of “Wormwood,” is featured — as a sign of apocalypse — and includes disastrous poisoning of area waters. 🤔 Years later, reports of radioactive-contaminated mushrooms surfaced in Bulgaria and among elk herds in Russia.

    Yikes! Meanwhile, enjoy Crete’s Palace of Knossos, and please just keep wormwood on file? Thank you.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  478. Art 说:

    Was the 2018 attempt by the Iranian govt to carry out an assassination in Denmark, 30 years ago? What about the bomb plot in France in October 2018? The two Iranians arrested in Kenya in 2012?

    Gee my golly — how many people has the CIA assassinated in the last years – maybe a 1000 times more?

    You say – WAR on IRON!



    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
  479. @ChuckOrloski


    Assuming you are somewhat sober & awake now, fyi, the name of the Moonie-owned magazine which reported the Chernobyl – Wormwood connection & “Gorbie” was Insight Magazine.

    Uh, Bob Marley, “No woman, no cry.” 😏 Zorba, “with woman, do cry.” Haha!

    • 哈哈: geokat62
  480. @Parisian Guy

    No need to thank me… we are here to share what we know, and what we don’t know we can find here.

    我的想法是,Youtube、Facebook、Twitter 是美国影响其他国家内部政治的工具。想想剑桥分析和英国脱欧;想想法国的黄背心对抗马克龙(因为他与普京说了太多话,他想要一支独立于北约的欧洲军队).

    You won’t believe how popular the Mexican Left YouTube Channels Guys are! Jaja They met with AMLO and have not stop reporting on the 4th Transformation. Supposedly, Mexico has undergone 3 Transformations and now we’re seeing the 4th taking place. The Billionaires didn’t lay down, they threw everything they had into the opposition parties. The PRI was a dead duck going into the race because of Pena Nieto and various Governors charged with corruption, but not prosecuted. So they put their money and influence behind Ricardo Anaya, a young good looking “White” Mexican running under the PAN party. He was cocky, arrogant and kind of got on my nerves, something sleazy about the guy.

    The US MSM was no help labeling him as a Communist, Leftist, Socialists, Like Chavez, Dangerous for Mexico, another Venezuela on our border… The US didn’t want AMLO elected at this time. They were not done breaking PEMEX and AMLO has been trying to save it. They definitely had their hands in the Energy Reforms Legislation that Hillary Clinton and the US State Department were promoting and provided the proposal presented to the Mexican Congress to make changes in the Constitution.



    • 回复: @Parisian Guy
  481. @Paul C.

    Hey Paul sorry to butt in on your conversation! Just wanted to get your thoughts on a Worldwide Reset between the mid 1700’s and mid 1800’s. I have been seeing a lot of pictures that were released from the old Soviet States. Within that time span we see pictures of huge building construction, hardly any vegetation, a lot of war pictures but no fighting people posing for pictures. I’ve seen pictures that look like buildings are lit up with electricity. Electric cars, Trolley Cars and Scooters. It’s Crazy.

    I’ve seen pictures of weird stuff, like a glass tube with wires and transformer looking devices and inside that glass tube you can see a ghostly face of a baby or an adult. Like as if they had technology that preserved a dead relative’s soul in that device. I didn’t want to say anything on here because I didn’t want to seem crazy, you know what I mean? Jajaja Earlier in the week I wrote a piece on capitalism vs extreme capitalism and now I talking about ghosts in a tube! Jajaja

    I won’t get into Mud Flooding evidence all around the world and orphan trains, but seeing kids working grown up jobs during that time period has me really thinking about the “Reset”. It is very easy to have a worldwide reset and no one will remember if you only leave the children.

    Just wanted to get your thoughts on that…

    • 回复: @Paul C.
  482. @Jacques Sheete

    Hey bro, I forgot to tell you that I posted a translation of another article about the Mexico incident. If you and Chuck haven’t read it, It’s on comment 350 to Geokat.

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Jacques Sheete
  483. Anounder 说:

    The government’s role is to facilitate justly our system. I think careless immigration policy that favors illegal immigrants over the rights of citizens — a fairly obvious injustice.

    The inevitable end of letting foreigners were weren’t founding stock move into the country (see the Irish and Chinese). Once you’re at the point of allowing those who don’t share your heritage mass migrate then any argument you make for later restrictions come off as selective and hypocritical. Appealing to legality is worthless since any half-decent advocate can point out what happened to the Injuns (“Did they ever grant permission for Whitey to come into their continents?”).

    You can only really appeal to force or heritage when telling who does or does own a country. That’s the bottom line.

    Instructing bakers that have to participate in ceremonies that violate conscience — obvious injustice.

    The Boomers brought it about when they waged war on segregation. Businesses aren’t allowed to refuse to sell to Blacks, let alone gays.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  484. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    If you and Chuck haven’t read it, It’s on comment 350 to Geokat.

    Hey, JG. I’m glad you provided this reminder re the explosive article that you translated.

    I must’ve somehow missed reading this comment the first time. Apologies.

    It’s one hell of a story and, if true, Mexico is fortunate to have dodged this bullet. But, given that Mexico is the only green country left in NA (see Bibi’s map), I wouldn’t be surprised if they had a plan in the works to turn it red or blue.

    Sovereignty is the most precious thing a people can have and they must do everything in their power to preserve it. If they don’t, the USA is the perfect example of how a once proud and strong people can become Zionized into a nation that is led by the nose by a foreign entity. Mexico must try and avoid this scenario like the plague.

    Take care JG… I look forward to reading more of your excellent comments.

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
  485. @Art

    That just does not seem right.

    Correct. Just not the way you probably intended it Art.

    It’s not merely out of character, it’s waaaaay out of character; a complete change of character, in fact.

    Nevertheless, I still admire the guy and will forever be fascinated by him but for the life of me wonder what happened. It’s as if he turned against himself, and I’ll never figure it out. My statement was one of sadness, not disgust or incrimination.

    I quote him a lot and here’s one of my favorites,


    托马斯·潘恩,常识,介绍。 (10 年 1776 月 XNUMX 日)

    Tolstoy also said that,


    列夫·托尔斯泰 Bk。 X,CH。 16

    Parenthetically, that explains why trying to convince the likes of “Rich,” for instance, is futile, and voting for Tulsi won’t change a thing.

    Peace and patience, my friend! 😉

    • 回复: @Art
  486. @J. Gutierrez

    Thanks a bunch for that, JG! I saw it. Quite astonishing.

    I was just thinking about one of your comments and it sums up where I’m coming from as well. I believe you commented that “it’s a class war.” I agree totally. For me, color, race, level of schooling, whatever, means nothing compared to that, and the thing about it is that it’s a war of the wealthy classes waged on the rest much more than the opposite. Except for very brief moments, it’s a one way war. It just struck me that’s a key as to why it’s so difficult for most people to understand the fact.

    If people only had a clue how much the ultra rich despise themselves and everyone else, they may wake up, but until then they think the super wealthy are something to admire and emulate, and for some odd reason think that they’re here to care about them. I see none of that changing any time soon, tRump or Tulsi notwithstanding.

    You are a breath of fresh air and I’m happy you’re here.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
    , @geokat62
  487. @Anounder

    The Boomers brought it about when they waged war on segregation. Businesses aren’t allowed to refuse to sell to Blacks, let alone gays.

    True as far as it goes, but the ground was prepared for such outcomes long ago.

    The constitution, establishing a mechanism for concentrating wealth and power, was a huge yoke placed on our collective necks. Lincoln proved it, and FDR cemented it place and made it much heavier. This country has been a Wall Street Commie outhouse ever since, and has been getting worse by the minute.

    The pretence that the “abolition of slavery” was either a motive or justification for the [“Civil”] war, is a fraud of the same character with that of “maintaining the national honor.” [ or MAGA] Who, but such usurpers, robbers, and murderers as they, ever established slavery? Or what government, except one resting upon the sword, like the one we now have, was ever capable of maintaining slavery? … And yet these impostors now cry out that they have abolished the chattel slavery of the black man—although that was 不能 the motive of the war—as if they thought they could thereby conceal, atone for, or justify that other slavery which they were fighting to perpetuate, and to render more rigorous and inexorable than it ever was before. There was no difference of principle—but only of degree—between the slavery they boast they have abolished, and the slavery they were fighting to preserve; 因为对人的自然自由的所有限制,如果不是简单维护正义所必需的,都具有奴役的性质,并且彼此之间仅在程度上有所不同。

    莱桑德·斯普纳 (Lysander Spooner) 的《不叛国》 (1870)

  488. geokat62 说:

    RedIce called attention to US Congress hearing on the “Monster” corporations —

    Thanks for sharing, S2C. These monster corporations need to be slayed as soon as possible. As Henrik Palmgren emphasized, these corporations are the ones meddling in elections and not the bogus Russia-gate.

    When TruNews and Rick Wiles and the Christian Zionists that are his target audience start to normalize the understanding that they’ve been used; that USA is controlled by zionism; what sort of cognitive clash will that set in motion?
    Will the dogmatized holocaust narratives and the “agreement” that “Nazis are bad and must be destroyed” be shifted to zionists?


    How will USA as a nation handle the recognition that it has been used for zionist ends?

    Great questions, S2C.

    I have no clue how things are going to unfold. All I now is we’re about to enter uncharted waters and things could get very turbulent. My advice to everyone is to fasten their seatbelts, because we’re in for one hell of a bumpy ride!

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  489. @Rich

    The Iranians are not the good guys.

    Pssst, you are at UR, and this is the 21st century so good luck convincing us of such bullshit, but thanks for the laughs.

    PS: Whether Iranians are the good guys or not, it’s beside the point. The point is that in the balance, the USA and Israel are the bad guys by a looong shot. Another is that ‘we” need to clean our own houses first, not that I’d try to convince you or anyone else.

    • 同意: geokat62, ChuckOrloski
    • 回复: @Rich
    , @J. Gutierrez
  490. @geokat62

    Just like the South has its stills, the best drink in Greece is the moonshine version of ouzo. It’s called tsipro.

    Tell me about it! I didn’t mention it because I’m not fond of it. I have a friend who makes the stuff, and it’s almost as bad as the Philippine tubo or lambanog, fermented and distilled coconut tree sap. I’ve only tasted that stuff once and I swear you could use the first distillation for rocket fuel and the second as an explosive!

    Anyway, enjoy yourself!


    • 回复: @geokat62
  491. Rich 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    When the Pax Americana ends, you guys, or your grandchildren, will look back on this era as the greatest time in man’s history. More freedom, more wealth and more peace than imaginable just a generation or two ago. When you’re kneeling toward Mecca, or feeling the communist boot on your throat, you’ll long for what the Americans did.

    To an Arab, displaced by the Israelis, at war with them, I suppose the Israelis look like bad guys. But what about the Lebanese Christians who lost their country to the Islamic usurpers? What about all the Christians and/or Greeks who lived in Palestine and its surrounding areas before the Muslim invasion? What about the dreaded Turk who held sway over the land for hundreds of years? The Palestinians have lost, the best they can hope for is a loser’s peace, like the Germans after WW2, then they can try to build something new. They aren’t going to defeat the Israelis.

    The US has mostly been on the side of good. Everywhere we’ve gone the people have become wealthier and better fed, and freer. If any mistakes were made, they weren’t made purposefully. As powerful as the US has been for the last 75 years, we could have taken whatever we wanted instead of peacefully making deals. What great empire ever acted so benevolently in all of history?

  492. @Rurik

    没了 揭掉 wrong! You are 不能 a rube, at least by my definition. You may be unwashed, but you obviously don’t need a bath, and besides brainwashing would be hopeless.

    Love ya, man! I love Tulsi’s message too, but I don’t believe she’s de solution.

  493. geokat62 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    I’ve only tasted that stuff once and I swear you could use the first distillation for rocket fuel and the second as an explosive!

    So true, lol.


  494. @geokat62

    geo acknowledged SolontoCroesus “great questions,👍 and served warning: “My advice to everyone is to fasten their seatbelts, because we’re in for one hell of a bumpy ride!”

    Greetings from broken but sunny Scranton Scranton where Mayor Courtright resigned last week, given FBI charges of accepting contractor bribe💰, caught hoodwinking the IRS, and other moronic corruption charges! Courtright copped a fucking plea deal that may result in a shorter jail stint. 🙄Other Scranton official heads will fall.

    Nonetheless, & for all my good Brothers & Sisters assembled here, linked (below) is an educational article written by Ronald Reagan’s Director of O.MB., David Stockman. Gripping title is “Apotheosis of the Warfare State.” Some commenters will recall the fact that Paul Craig Roberts served the Reagan Treasury Department.


    Stockman’s a priori argument is that PreZident t-Rump is ill versed (uh, as engineered?) in the Declaration of Independence,* which is a “jermiad against tyrannical rule.” He described t-Rump’s 4th 2019 as “tone deaf & offensive.”

    David Stockman also let awed & restless “Homelanders” know that their Warfare State-extravaganza comes with a permanent & annual $1 trillion price tag. Please consider reading Mr. Stockman because rarely is Economic Zionism smoked out for what a killer it really is!

    My respect to All. Thank you.

    * Please be mindful that Veterans for Peace is gallantly operating a campaign to “Reclaim Armistice Day, November 11, 1918-2018.” Am with them!

    • 同意: Robjil
    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  495. @Rich

    When the Pax Americana ends, you guys, or your grandchildren, will look back on this era as the greatest time in man’s history.

    Yeah, if you say so. I think you mean 美国。

    Anyway, we may look on this era as the greatest time in man’s history, 尽管 美国痘 不能 because of it, and 不能 because of our freedom from wage, tax, debt and monetary slavery. And it’s the greatest only in a material snese. Anyway, you are 免费 to dream all you want. Enjoy the myth.

    PS: It’s not only about us and our grandchildren. I bet the ones who’ve been wrongly subjugated by us and our misspent wealth and malinvested power will feel little but relief once the monstrosity ends.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  496. @Rich

    When you’re kneeling toward Mecca, or feeling the communist boot on your throat, you’ll long for what the Americans did.

    Here’s what America did.: It’s Commie Wall Street International Usurers 用过的 Americans to crush and subjugate the anti-Commie Germans and Japanese while enslaving their fellow Americans even more in an effort to establish a big money controlled one world government where all the rest of us are under the bootheels of the money bag mafia. And they are still at it; just read JG’s posts for evidence.

    America is Communist. For proof, just go read Marx’s Ten Planks, and get back to me to let me know which ones do 不能 apply to the country today. None of this ought to need explaining, but I have done it and shall continue to do so til the end.

    Now, answer my question. What do you mean by “America”?

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  497. @Rich

    Everywhere we’ve gone the people have become wealthier and better fed, and freer.

    I’m not even going to attempt to disabuse you of that self-preening fallacy. I’ll just mention that it is not only a severe over generalization, but grossly erroneous in many specific cases, and the fallacy has many names. One is that, at best, it is a “post hoc ergo propter hoc” fallacy and I’ll leave you to look it up since anything I say will be wasted so I’ll try to keep it to a mini-(mum).

    Also, may I point out that it’s not up to you to decide that? It’s more properly decided by the recipients of our “benificence” and as one who’s forced to help pay for it all, I call the claim, “manure.” Besides, if what you say is true, what makes you think it’s worth it in the balance or the long run?

    I do beweep to many simple gulls
    Now, they believe it; and withal whet me
    To be revenged on Rivers, Vaughan, Grey:
    But then I sigh; and, with a piece of scripture,
    With old odd ends stolen out of holy writ;

    – ― William Shakespeare, Richard III, Act 1, Scene 2, (~1593) (Arden Shakespeare: Second Series)

  498. @Rich

    Well get on then and protect yourself. Why are you letting all those Muslims into the US so they can plan and execute their revenge for what you do over there in their countries?

    And are Iraqis and Libyans better off than before you interfered?

    Saddam and Assad have done more to protect Arab Christians than those the US backs in that region and look how you have repaid them.

    Ultimately the policy you advocate is good for neither the Arabs nor the US, unless by the US you consider some minority super-rich elite.

    • 同意: J. Gutierrez
  499. @Paul C.

    It’s not easy to bite your tongue.

    It seems to get easier with time, especially after one realizes how futile it all is. But then, mushrooms probably don’t look at it that way as they release millions of spores only to have none land on fertile soil, and the lucky few whose few spores do land on suitable soil never fruit because the other conditions are not right.

    Maybe it’d be better to be a mushroom. Or a toadstool!

    PS: Thank you PG and RU for this potentially fertile pile!

  500. @Rich

    As powerful as the US has been for the last 75 years, we could have taken whatever we wanted instead of peacefully making deals. What great empire ever acted so benevolently in all of history?


    Ask yourself why:

    Full English version:

    UNAVAILABLE: The youtube account associated with this video has been terminated.

    If USA has been such a force for good “for the last 75 years,” why conceal the actions USA engaged in to acquire all that wealth?

    “Peacefully making deals . . .” — did you read the Michael Hudson – Bonnie Faulkner interview?

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  501. @Jacques Sheete

    Jacques Sheete won the debate against ethically impoverished Rich, and constructively informed him: “Yeah, if you say so. I think you mean Pox Americana.”

    Not very catchy, but I amend it to to The Pox USraelicana. My respect, JS.

    • 同意: Iris
    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  502. @ChuckOrloski

    Powerful essay by Stockman.

    Thanks for sharing, ChuckOrloski.

    This report also appeared on the Antiwar.com 网站。
    Try to wrap your head around it without resorting to super-strength aspirin.

    IAEA Board to Meet Wednesday on Iran at Demand of US
    US Envoy demands IAEA ‘hold Iran responsible’

    The US accused Iran of being in violation once their uranium stockpile exceeded 300 kg. Iran has denied that this is a violation, and says the stockpile cap was voluntary since the US withdrew from the deal.

    The IAEA agreed to the meeting at the demands of the US, even though the US is no longer party to the P5+1 deal.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  503. @SolontoCroesus

    As the Israeli nuclear weapons arsenal gets a pass from the IAEA, & the mighty ZUS, Russia, and China nuclear superpowers , S2C, it’s actually easy for me to “wrap (my) head around the charade without resorting to super-strength aspirin.”

    My respect, S2C, am I am delighted you read David Stockman’s valuable article! Like the old Dial Soap TV commercial jingle, don’t you wish everybody learnt from him?

  504. @SolontoCroesus

    “Peacefully making deals . . .” — did you read the Michael Hudson – Bonnie Faulkner interview?

    There is not a shred of doubt that he read much and that he gets his feel good, narcotic, info off the boob toob and other sources of so called “mainstream” baloney and considers himself informed if not educated. He is 不能 about to question his own brainwashing but is satisfied with smugly mocking our ideas, and attempting to justify his own. No doubt he’s totally dependent on the corrupt system he supports.

    I say none of that out of derision, but pity. And I hope he likes my pity as much as the rest of the world likes American do gooderism. In any case, he’s gettin it whether he asked for it or wants it or not!

    Here’s something else, (it’s free and short, even) for his reading list, just in case.:

    John Perkins’ excellent primer, 经济打击人的自白

    Even better, he could just read JG’s excellent comment on capitalism and robjil’s expos to name just a couple of great ones.

    • 同意: ChuckOrloski
    • 回复: @Rich
  505. @ChuckOrloski

    Not very catchy, but I amend it to to The Pox USraelicana. My respect, JS.

    How about Pox Wall Street Usurer Zio-Commiana? Against which, poor Tulsi hasn’t a snowball’s chance in the Inferno.

    The love, (brotherly) and respect are mutual Bro CO!!!

    PS: How’d ya like that Shakespeare quote? Did the Bard nail it or what?

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  506. @Jacques Sheete

    Yes, Bro JS! What sparse I know about Shakespeare’s body of literature, I dig it.

    Regarding the 2020 presidential election, my fellow deeply divided “Homelanders” will get excited (get nuts!) about their Zio pre-selected poor choices.🙄

    From Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, I will repeat my favorite line, “A coward dies a thousand deaths, but a gallant man dies only once.” And there ain’t no JFK around.

    P.S. I think ’twas the late-Joe Sobran who said, “when a snowball starts rolling downhill, push it!” Am looking for a reckoning day when merry usurer participants of “Pox Wall Street Commiana” push themselves into one of Dante’s Inferno’s nine handbaskets.

  507. @RobinG

    Hey Robin, thank you for that link. Caitlin seems like a pretty sharp young lady and she knows how to express herself. I shall be reading more of her, I suspect!

    Independence Day, a holiday in which Americans gather to eat hot dogs and drink Mountain Dew in celebration of the anniversary of their lateral transfer from monarchy to corporatist oligarchy.

    Now, if only we could get the “Gweatest Genewation” on board with that!!

    Note to RU, she would be a good fit here, based on that one article alone, I think.

  508. Art 说:
    @Jacques Sheete


    Thanks for the thoughtful reply. Thomas Paine is one of my favorite people in history – a true intellectual hero.

    “Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.” – Thomas Paine

    Here is a book that claims that Tomas Paine wrote the first draft of the Declaration of Independence.

    “All men are created equal” is something Paine would have written. Jefferson only claimed authorship of the Declaration of independence – on his death bed.

    揭露朱尼叶斯(Junius Unmasked)或托尼斯·潘恩(Thomas Paine)的《朱尼叶斯书信与独立宣言》


  509. Robjil 说:


    Our 500 BC Theocracy’s Torah/Old Testament policy planbook might get a 21st century tale update. A 21st century tale might be added to the Torah/Old Testament – “The book of Trump” if Mrs. Adelson dreams come true.

    Schumer says we have the Torah and Palestinians don’t. I say that the Palestinians have a 21st century view of the world and Schumer and friends have a 500 BC Zion fantasy view of the world. The book of Trump may be a 21st century tale but it is based on 500 BC Zion fantasies from the Torah. Thus in reality it is nothing new at all, just a rehashing of 5oo BC Zion cultural values.

    27月XNUMX日,亿万富翁谢尔登·阿德尔森的妻子米里亚姆·阿德尔森提议,英雄和爱国者唐纳德·特朗普的故事应该被添加到圣经中。她的题为《奇迹的时代》的专栏文章发表在以色列日报 Israel Hayom 上——巧合的是,这份报纸是她丈夫拥有并由她出版的。



    换句话说,“朋友们,吸取教训。不要像对待其他先知那样冷落这位先知。 “拥抱他。 2020 年投票给他。”

    • 回复: @Parisian Guy
  510. Rich 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    Jack, Jack, Jack, you’re your own worst enemy. I’m beginning to wonder if you and some of your buddies attacking me aren’t actually those “hasbara” guys I read about from time to time. Your arrogance and bullheadedness have made your position appear weaker. Sure, your fellow-travellers think insults and sneers are winners, but I don’t see how, or why, any fair-minded person would want to be associated with such folks.

    And I’m actually a voracious reader, a habit begun in childhood and expanded while in the US Army. I’ve read Perkins, and it was an interesting book, but it’s the type of thing done by every country and more often than not, the people of the nations the US sets up business in, do better than before. I’m not impressed with the confessed Marxist Hudson, Hayek is the better economist. I’ve also read Marx and Lenin, and find Solzhenitsyn to be a great antidote to such nonsense. I also understand how politics works, and know that in America, if the choice is the soft tyranny of Tulsi’s leftism and the same empty promise of no more war as Obama made, and a repub who will allow me to keep my Constitutional rights as well as other freedom, but the trade off is that the repub is a hard-liner on Iran, I’ll go with the repub.

  511. @Robjil





  512. @J. Gutierrez


    并不那么令人惊讶。我记得卡洛斯·斯利姆 (Carlos Slim) 在 2008 年头几个月购买了《纽约时报》的大量股份,然后在莱曼兄弟倒台前后,斯利姆借出了 200 亿美元,使《纽约时报》免于破产。由于没有人知道《纽约时报》将如何回馈斯利姆,因此我相信,从实际用途来看,斯利姆是《纽约时报》的实际所有者(好吧,我可能错过了后来的变化)。

    我的假设:在每种情况下,MSM 都服务于现状利益,但在美国的某个地方(比方说,在兰利)有一个秘密和非传统的项目,旨在在新的条件下(强大的中国)继续美帝国。 YouTube、Facebook 和 Twitter 是这个秘密项目的工具。


    • 回复: @geokat62
  513. Robjil 说:

    So, if you like Solzhenitsyn, you must love his “Two hundred years together” book.

    Why isn’t that book translated into English?

    What is in that book that scares our Zion and State media and government?

  514. @Rich

    y’see, I’m not nearly as well-read nor as smart as Rich.

    I assess things in rather simplistic, perhaps moralistic terms.

    When I read Rich’s judgment — that he’s willing for the Iranian people to die in order to preserve his “freedoms,” the analogy that pops into my mind is, Rich would be willing to kill and steal in order to give his kids a birthday present. (otoh, I suspect Rich does not have children, or if he does, I pity them.)

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
    • 回复: @Iris
    , @Rich
  515. Iris 说:

    Rich would be willing to kill and steal in order to give his kids a birthday present.

    A great summary of the mindset of people (like Rich) who are convinced that they belong to a master race. (And I don’t mean White/Europeans).

  516. @Jacques Sheete

    Wow, thank you brother. It takes like minded individuals that “see” what is happening, for that word to jump out at them…most people will read the same sentence you did, and keep on reading without having a second thought. Those same people think they are patriotic, think MEGA and think everyone else is a stupid communist, not realizing they are helping the powers that be divide the nation. To them the minorities are the problems, lazy niggers, criminal wetbacks, terrorist ragheads trying to take what’s theirs. They are driving a wedge between whites and everyone else. Never realizing many white middle class people have more in common with a minority middle class person than a Trumps, Bolton or Pompeo.

    People like Wally and Rich, who call you out as being a communist or un-American for not jumping on the Bomb Iran band wagon, are very dangerous to us normal thinking people. They are too blind to realize the game that’s being played on them. They really believe that the “White Race” is in danger of becoming extinct, and it’s because of multicuturalizm! How Fucking Ignorent can people who claim to have the highest IQ in the world be, if they really believe that bullshit!

    They can never pull the wool over our eyes brother, because we are fucking “Real”, not fucking monkeys that they can train to do and think what they want.

  517. geokat62 说:
    @Parisian Guy






    Slim increased his stake in the New York Times to 16.8% when he exercised stock options to purchase 15-9 million [Class A] shares… Although this acquisition made him the largest shareholder in the company, it does not give him the ability to control the newspaper, as his stake allows him to vote only for Class A directors, who compose just a third of the company’s board.


    底线:《纽约时报》仍然由 Ochs-Sulzberger 家族通过一个信托拥有,该信托控制着该公司大约 88% 的 B 类股票。

    YouTube、Facebook 和 Twitter 是这个秘密项目的工具。

    鉴于其秘密性质,我对秘密项目一无所知。我所知道的是,这些大型科技公司是一个公开项目的工具。这是对那些揭露犹太人至上主义反人类罪行的说真话者的审查,比如亚当·格林的 了解更多新闻 和亨利克·帕尔姆格伦的 红冰。大型科技公司正在与 ADL 和 SPLC 等犹太至上主义组织合作,创建据称旨在禁止所谓“仇恨言论”的算法(参见 ADL 臭名昭著的 在线仇恨指数),但他们的算法真正做的是压制真相。

    • 同意: Robjil
  518. EugeneGur 说:

    The US has mostly been on the side of good. Everywhere we’ve gone the people have become wealthier and better fed, and freer.

    Really? And where exactly is that blessed place that became all what you describe as a result of the US interference? We know exactly the opposite: every time the US sticks its nose in a country’s affairs, the country goes down the drain real quick.

    People become destitute; social unrest or even a civil war follow; death, destruction, hopelessness – you get the drift. Think Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Georgia, Yugoslavia, and this is a short list.

    As powerful as the US has been for the last 75 years, we could have taken whatever we wanted instead of peacefully making deals.

    The US has never made a peaceful deal in its entire existence, at least, not a deal it stuck to. And no, it could not take always whatever it wanted; when it could it did.

    What great empire ever acted so benevolently in all of history?

    Are you for real or is this some kind of sarcastic trolling?

    • 回复: @Rich
  519. @Jacques Sheete

    Here’s what America did.: It’s Commie Wall Street International Usurers used Americans to crush and subjugate the anti-Commie Germans and Japanese while enslaving their fellow Americans even more in an effort to establish a big money controlled one world government where all the rest of us are under the bootheels of the money bag mafia. And they are still at it; just read JG’s posts for evidence.

    I couldn’t have said that better my friend…100% in agreement!

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  520. geokat62 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    I was just thinking about one of your comments and it sums up where I’m coming from as well. I believe you commented that “it’s a class war.” I agree totally.

    Class war? With all due respect, JS, communism versus capitalism was the main fault line of the second half of the previous century. A Cold War was fought over that ideological split. In this century, the new fault line is between globalism and nationalism. And, since, in my view, it’s going to be a struggle to the death, all the people of the West (capitalists, workers, rich and poor) must decide which side of this battle line they’re on.

    Not to put too fine a point on it, but it’s not going to be a battle between workers and capitalists, it’s going to be a battle between globalists (led by Jewish supremacists) and nationalists (愚蠢的Goyim), fighting over the sovereignty of their nations.

    Don’t believe me? Just consider the slew of books that have recently appeared warning 愚蠢的Goyim about the dangers of the resurgence of 法西斯主义.

    And those on the nationalist side are being falsely accused of being Nahzees and white supremacists for simply wishing to restore their sovereignty over their nations.

    This is, indeed, the new fault line, JS… make no mistake about it!

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  521. cassandra 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    All I’m saying is that based on first hand experience, and knowing what constitutes an “army” (mostly rabble, directly proportional with rank), is that even rabble have their limits and most would likely stop short of doing what was described.

    The Milgram experiment drew on a pool of college students, whom I don’t think are any more or less corruptible than the average recruit.

    I’m sure that your own first hand experiences mean a lot to you (as they do to us all), but not having shared them, I don’t find this claim to authority to be especially persuasive. Of course, we’d all like to believe that our colleagues (even ourselves) can’t possibly behave satanically, but unless you keep company exclusively with angels, Milgram showed otherwise. That’s NOT an apology, but a warning to ourselves against complacency in the face of the corruptibility of evil.

    One significance of Nuremberg is that no one can use the excuse of “following orders”, i.e., acting according to their training, whatever that might be. The other is that officers are responsible for the actions of their charges and the consequences of their orders. Of course, IIRC, Nuremeberg also condemned wars of aggression as war crimes, but that attitude is so 20th century. See how easy it is?

  522. @geokat62

    Principal apologizes for telling parent, ‘Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened’


    According to 2018 emails obtained by The Palm Beach Post, Latson of Spanish River High School in Boca Raton, Fla. said that Holocaust education is “to be introduced but not forced upon individuals, as we all have the same right but not all the same beliefs.”

    Latson was answering the mother’s question on how that portion of WWII history was prioritized — the school holds annual Holocaust assemblies and focused one-day lessons for 10th graders. “We advertise it to the 10th grade parents as [there] are some who don’t want their children to participate and we have to allow them the ability to decline,” warned Latson in the email.

    That mother, who did not want the newspaper to publish her name, reportedly told Latson, “The Holocaust is a factual, historical event. It is not a right or a belief.”

    However, the principal insisted, “Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened and you have your thoughts but we are a public school and not all of our parents have the same beliefs so they will react differently, my thoughts or beliefs have nothing to do with this because I am a public servant. I have the role to be politically neutral but support all groups in the school…”

    Spanish River HS
    5100 Jog Road

    send them a bibliography of other books 10th graders should read about holocaust —
    The Fire, by Jorg Friedrich

  523. Rich 说:

    And you would sacrifice your freedom and that of your children so you could feel morally superior by voting for a politician that openly promises to work at taking away your freedom as long as she vaguely promises not to go to war with Iran? The funny thing about you and your ilk is that you actually believe that by pretending to care about a faraway country more than your own freedom, you are somehow in the camp of the saints. Your first obligation is to yourself, your family, your people. Sacrificing American’s freedoms will just result in more people being enslaved. I see nothing noble in that.

  524. @Jacques Sheete

    My Brother…I think you’re preaching to a “Stalin Chicken” Jacques…Rich most likely was introduced to that type of mind control in the Military. Once programed they can never be brought back to any type of normality. I’ll explain the “Stalin Chicken” for any of you that have not heard of it…

    “在斯大林(苏联独裁者 1878-1953 年)举办的一次聚会上,他命令他的一名手下给他带一只鸡。几分钟后,那个人回来了,递给他鸡肉。他用一只手紧紧抓住它,然后开始用另一只手拔羽毛。小鸡又惊又痛,试图逃脱他的控制,但没有成功。他继续说道,直到他拔掉了每一根羽毛,然后他面向人群说道。 “现在我要你观察发生了什么”。他把鸡放在地板上,走开几英尺,抓起一把小麦,众人惊讶地看着。当他在房间里四处走动时,他扔了一把小麦,那只鸡吓坏了,痛苦不堪,流血不止,追着他跑。鸡向四面八方追赶他。然后,斯大林看着人群,此时大家已经完全惊讶了,说道。 “统治愚蠢的人就是这么容易。你有没有看到,尽​​管我给它带来了那么多的痛苦,那只鸡仍然跟着我。” “这就是大多数人的性格,他补充道,他们追随州长和政客,尽管他们因为收到一两天的廉价礼物或食物这一简单行为而造成了所有伤害。”

    Rich, will follow any Trump, Right Wing, Republican, Zionist, Christian, British, Israel program. Bomb Iran – Rich says yes, Invade Venezuela – Rich says yes, Sanction Cuba – Rich says yes. Ask Rich why should we do all theses things? Rich says, “because we’re the good guys, that’s why! Rich doesn’t need to know how many people will die, how many lives will be destroyed…he just knows he is American and Americans do no wrong! Rich believes America was justified burning German men, women and children in endless bombing runs with gasoline canisters. Ask Rich why, and he will say, “because they were evil and we were good”. Rich is obviously under the Stalin Chicken mind control project that prevents him from seeing events the way normal people do, or feel compassion or accept responsibility for endless human suffering at the hands of his “Can’t Do No Wrong” Government.

    Rich can see his government take his tax money and give to rich bankers and he will not believe he was just ripped off. Rich is the type of guy that will drive himself to the FEMA camp when he recieves his notice to bring his weapons ASAP, to the closed Walmart at the corner. Rich is willing to send other peoples sons and daughters to fight for people that say he is no better than an animal. Rich believes America the land that allows a man to marry a man is the moral epicenter of the world. Rich believes the World Bank and the IMF were created to help 3rd World countries prosper and bring themselves out of poverty. We can all thank “God” that the Rich’s of the world will have to answer “His” questions one day!

    From what I’ve been reading, Rich is proof, that the Zionist IQ conspiracy is real. The one that claims “White” males have the highest IQ on the planet. With all of the years he spent in college and books he claims to have read (since he was 10 years old), he shows no dramatic increase in intelligence, than let’s say Wally. The Fox News website is a much better fit for Rich, there he can become the most popular commentator and feel much more appreciated than this site that attracts only the intellectually inferior with Low IQ types.

    Just my opinion Brother!

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @Zumbuddi
  525. Rich 说:

    Countries that did better after US involvement: S Korea, Japan, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Poland, Grenada, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Ireland, Taiwan, Chile, post-WW2 Italy, Germany and France and the rest.

    The people in Iraq no longer have to worry about the psychopath Saddam or his rape and torture prisons. Ukraine and Georgia will be fine, their problems have more to do with hundreds of years under the Tsars and then the Communists then anything to do with US involvement. Yugoslavia was a proposition nation, bound to break up and most of the people from the former Yugoslavia love America and do everything they can to move here. The problems in Syria and Libya have more to do with Islam and their autocratic rulers, as well as feuds that go back thousands of years. They were all fighting each other before Moses crossed the Red Sea, for crying out loud, how do you blame America?

    Your knowledge of empires seems lacking. I’ll put the American empire up against the Spanish, British, French, Russian, Ottoman, Mongolian, Chinese, Roman, Greek, Egyptian, Babylonian, Assyrian and Persian. Which was more benevolent than the Americans? Which brought more prosperity and freedom? The American Empire isn’t perfect, but it’s the best we’ve ever had.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  526. tac 说:

    What rock have you been living under?! Have you been brainwashed by the Zionist Media that has been trying to stoke the Muslim vs Christians hatred by pitting one group against the other? Who stands to gain in this divide-and-conquer stratagem? While none other the the Israelis! Yet you are oblivious to where this country is headed towards (world wide public opinions–‘curiously’ with the exception of Israel–bare this out and the disdain towards America is becoming universal by the day). Who could blame the world-wide opinion given America’s track record.

    How many millions of people around the world has ‘Pax’ Americana been responsible for killing directly or indirectly (through proxies, sanctions, embargoes, coercion or outright theft)? Why don’t you look at the real statistics of what you claim to be ‘Pax’ Americana–you could not be further from the reality!!!

    Here is one small example (and there are countless others) of the policies–which you nonchalantly claim that: “Everywhere we’ve gone the people have become wealthier and better fed, and freer. If any mistakes were made, they weren’t made purposefully”–of the US government and Elliot Abrams at the time in charge of supporting the corrupt General Ríos Montt who massacred innocent civilians as part of another regime change the US instituted.


    In October 1982, guerrillas ambushed an army convoy near Palestina, in the vicinity of Dos Erres. They killed 21 soldiers and took 19 rifles. On 4 December, a contingent of 58 Kaibiles (the elite special forces commandos of the Guatemalan Army) was flown into the area. The following day, they received orders to disguise themselves as guerrillas, deploy to Dos Erres and kill the inhabitants, who were considered guerrilla sympathizers. Dressed as guerrillas, the Kaibiles arrived in the hamlet at 02:30 hrs on 6 December. They forced the inhabitants out of their homes, corralling the men in the schoolhouse and the women and children in the hamlet’s two churches. A subsequent search uncovered no sign of weapons or guerrilla propaganda. 06:00,军官们通过无线电向上级咨询,然后通知突击队他们将在早餐后为居民“接种疫苗”。 [1]

    In the early afternoon, the Kaibiles separated out the children, and began killing them. They bashed the smallest children’s heads against walls and trees, and killed the older ones with hammer blows to the head. Their bodies were dumped in a well. Next, the commandos interrogated the men and women one by one, then shot or bashed them with the hammer, and dumped them in the well. They raped women and girls, and ripped the fetuses out of pregnant women. The massacre continued throughout 7 December. On the morning of 8 December, as the Kaibiles were preparing to leave, another 15 persons, among them children, arrived in the hamlet. With the well already full, they took the newcomers to a location half an hour away, then shot all but two of them. They kept two teenage girls for the next few days, raping them repeatedly and finally strangling them.




    Now go and cheer again for another US regime change!

  527. @geokat62

    GeoKat my brother we know who writes those books, but let me tell you what I see wrong with what they are pushing as a Nationalists against Globalists War. The way they describe the two camps are:

    The Nationalists:
    President Trump is without a doubt not only the leader of a populist movement in the United States, but the de facto spokesman for anyone who believes in liberty and denounces the evil and slavery of globalism across the world. Trump is now the number one target of the global elite, the Deep State, the DC establishment and the corporate liberal media.

    Their Supporters:
    In the US, it is only a matter of time before violent anarchists backed by Soros battle on college campuses, at town halls and in the streets with right wing patriots, bikers and vets who have simply had enough of left wing vandalism, assaults on Trump supporters and the crushing of free speech.

    They consider the people on the Right the good side including bikers.

    The Globalists:
    The global and political elite are determined to destroy America and the West, through their policies of open borders, outsourced economies, world government and lunatic political correctness as a defense against violent Islamic extremism. In order for the global elite to win, Mr. Trump and everything he stands for must be destroyed.

    Their Supporters:
    At their disposal, the globalists have an array of delusional snowflakes, radical anarchists, militant feminists, Marxists and violent agitators to utilize at a moment’s notice. Groups like BLM, CAIR, La Raza and Indivisible, the group responsible for causing chaos at GOP town halls are all on the payroll of George Soros.

    They consider anyone on the left a traitor, violent agitator even women.

    Republicans are on the good side (Nationalists) and Democrats are on the bad side (Globalists). They are dividing the US into two camps and it’s working with the help of Trump. He pretends to be helping American business interests, yet all his merchandise and his family’s products are made in China. Furthermore, does a Nationalist as defined in the dictionary go out of his way to support another country’s political interests before his own. No, GeoKat but a Globalist does.

    Soros might be funding immigration into the US and Europe, but the US and their Western Allies are creating the Immigration Problems. Without the steady bombing of civilian populations in the Middle East there would be no immigration problem. Soros doesn’t own the US Military. What’s wrong with with people, how can they say, the Soros funded left is the reason for Muslim immigration into Europe! And yet it was the Right that bombed the twin towers which created the wars against the innocent victims that had to immigrate to Europe or be killed.

    Maybe we need to start by accepting the responsibility for what our country does. Are these people writing these books mentioning Israel? No, they are not. Why? Because Israel is manipulating Trump and his Administration into giving them what they want. Are they mentioning the US corporations were the ones that moved their operations to China? No, they are not,. Why” Because moving to china was a Republican Wall Street Banker plan to maximize profits and get access to the Chinese market. It looks to me they are creating, the Nationalists vs Globalists talk of war in order to divide the world just as they are doing in the different countries. It’s definitely the Higher Class Owners (1%) driving the new division against the Lower Class Subjects (99%) with the Arabs being the scapegoats.

    This bullshit war story is just another one in a long list of divide and conquer stories fed to the dumb goy. If anyone believes that bullshit, they have not learned a fucking thing about how wars get started. They use propaganda to divide and it comes in books, news articles and TV.

    The next war GeoKat will likely be the last war and we know who fights “All” wars, the less fortunate among us, the Lower “Classes”. History has documented very well who starts all wars, the “Higher Classes”. Not one World War was started because iron workers demanded more money. The same people that started WWI and WWII are going to start the next one, I will guarantee it. And the usual suspects, the White AngloSaxonsBritishAmerican Globalists, are always in the middle of every war. Didn’t the British highjack an oil tanker a couple of days ago? Didn’t they start the last two World Wars, don’t fool yourself because you are Canadian brother! Canada will fly the Globalist Flag. The British Global New World Order has been a project in the making for a long time.

    Like I said before, and I’ll say it again…stop supporting Israel and the threat of war would stop the next day. The Zionist believe one Jew life is worth more than any amount of goy lives, do you guys believe that too? If that’s the case then fighting a Nationalist vs Globalists war is needed to weed out the dumb goys. There will be zero 1%ers in the foxhole with you, they will be in bunkers designed to support everyone for at least 5 years just in case it goes nuke.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  528. geokat62 说:

    Sacrificing American’s freedoms will just result in more people being enslaved.

    Sorry, Rich, is it? But American’s freedoms have already been sacrificed to Jewish supremacists and the people have been enslaved to them. Thanks to Shabbos goy collaborators like Woodrow Wilson, FDR, and every POTUS since JFK, including Darth Vader Cheney who was the de facto prez.

    I see nothing noble in that.

    On this we completely agree.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  529. @Art

    Art, thanks for all of that. I went back and read the original comment of mine that you responded to, and I can see that I worded it poorly and conveyed the wrong sentiment. I have to keep reminding myself to choose the right words, but sometimes I think it’s futile!

    Anyway, I’ll need to get that book. Just last night I was reading one that claims that Jefferson’s draft for the DoI was pretty soundly trashed because of its language against slavery. Now I don’t know what to think, so your book interests me a lot.

  530. @J. Gutierrez

    Amen to all, and a fine opinion, extremely well expressed if I may be so bold as to offer my evaluation of such an excellent comment. I had not heard about the Stalin Chicken, but that’s inspired me to think about another bird from the same flock, the Freakie Franky Roosevelt Gull. Those things resemble Chicken Little more than a little and are definitely not the 不好 named, Little 红色 母鸡。

    What would the type do without Farce Snooze?

  531. RobinG, I now love you, but you’re going to hate me for it. Look who you introduced me to.

    Caitlin Johnstone has the answer to who won the debate.;

    Tulsi Gabbard: War is bad.

    First Democratic Debate, Summarized: 通过凯特琳·约翰斯通

    PS: Short but funny.

  532. @Rich

    Rich, you are too funny.


    Your arrogance and bullheadedness have made your position appear weaker. Sure, your fellow-travellers think insults and sneers are winners…

    Then attack me with arrognace and bullheadedness, thusly,

    … but I don’t see how, or why, any fair-minded person would want to be associated with such folks.

    Project, much? Did that make your position appear stronger? Don’t make me laugh.

    PS: I readily admit to bullheadedness, and I purposely exude arrogance depending on the audience. IOW, my tendency is to try and speak the recipient’s language. Hint: You’re my audience.

    Anyway, did they teach you the meaning of arrogance at West Point, or, did they merely reinforce a natural tendency? I don’t see how, or why, any decent person would want to be associated with such folks.

  533. @Rich

    Rich, would you either explain how free you think we are, or get off of that old canard?

    Freedom? Either you don’t know what it means, or you have extremely low standards.

    Free my arse.

    • 回复: @Rich
  534. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Great comment, JG.

    If you don’t mind, I’d like to respond to a few of your points:

    Republicans are on the good side (Nationalists) and Democrats are on the bad side (Globalists).

    Whoever said “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the Democrat and Republican parties.” was 100% correct.

    Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are on the good side, JG. That’s because they are both wholly owned subsidiaries of The Lobby. Just look at who the top donors to both parties are. We all know the names. And none of them care a whit about restoring American sovereignty.

    Are they mentioning the US corporations were the ones that moved their operations to China? No, they are not,. Why” Because moving to china was a Republican Wall Street Banker plan to maximize profits and get access to the Chinese market.

    If the Republicans were truly nationalists as you assert, JG, they would never have ripped the heart out of the American economy to take advantage of the Great Labour Arbitrage. No, this little manoeuvre was orchestrated by (((Globalists))) who were keen on implementing neoliberal policies, especially freedom of movement of capital and labour, without a thought given to what this would do to the integrity of the nation. Henry Ford, who was a renowned capitalist, would never have moved his factories to China. That’s because he was a nationalist first and a capitalist second.

    The spirit of nationalism has intentionally been slowly eroded in Western nations. The Lobby understood that to prevent another pogrom from taking place, the spirit of nationalism had to be eradicated from Western man. That’s why the AJC commissioned their 偏见系列研究 and directed leading members of the Frankfurt School to conduct research studies on the goyim. The most famous or infamous of these studies was a book by Theodor Adorno et al, The Authoritarian Personality.

    Here’s a quote from Wikipedia:

    一些观察家批评了他们认为威权人格的强烈政治化议程。 社会评论家克里斯托弗·拉施(Christopher Lasch)认为,通过将心理健康等同于左翼政治,并将右翼政治与发明的“威权主义”病态联系起来, 这本书的目标是消除反犹太主义 by “subjecting the American people to what amounted to collective psychotherapy—把他们当作疯人院的囚犯设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“


    You caught that, JG? If you’re a true nationalist, then you are a fascist and if you are a fascist then you are insane. This principle applies to every nation except for the Jewish state. Funny how that works, eh?

    Like I said before, and I’ll say it again…stop supporting Israel and the threat of war would stop the next day.

    The threat of WWIII may, indeed, dissipate, JG. But the threat to our sovereignty will not. I liken The Lobby to top French chefs: they have slowly boiled the frogs to the point that they are very succulent for eating.

    The Zionist believe one Jew life is worth more than any amount of goy lives, do you guys believe that too?

    Are you asking if true nationalists believe that one Jew life is worth more than any amount of goy lives? No, JG. We believe every life is worth the same. Only Jewish supremacists believe they are superior to the goy and the ADL/SPLC, through the use of projection, falsely accuse 愚蠢的家伙 who wish to maintain their sovereignty of being “white supremacists.”

    There will be zero 1%ers in the foxhole with you, they will be in bunkers designed to support everyone for at least 5 years just in case it goes nuke.

    I’m well aware of that, JG. But Western man will not be able to restore the sovereignty of their nations without defeating the (((globalists))) who are intent on imposing their globalist dystopia on all of 愚蠢的Goyim. Are you familiar with their chants, JG? “No borders, no wall. No USA at all! Do you think we’ll ever hear the kool-aid drinkers chant “No borders, no wall. No Israel at all. Perish the thought!

    I wish it were otherwise, JG, but that’s how this 傻瓜 sees events unfolding in the not too distant future.

  535. @Rich

    Which was more benevolent than the Americans? Which brought more prosperity and freedom? The American Empire isn’t perfect, but it’s the best we’ve ever had.

    You call that an argument? There was a time when one could argue that he had the best outhouse in the neighborhood. “Wow,” huh?

    Your knowledge of empires seems lacking.

    Wrong. We know perfectly well how empires arise and whom they benefit, and who suffers and we do not approve. In fact, many of the prominent early Americans lamented the fact that the US was becoming an empire. True Americans know that “empire” is a dirty word, that empires are based on dirty deeds, and only dirt balls approve and apologize, howsoever poorly, for the monstrosity.

    Rich, ol buddy, how can you admit that the US is an empire and claim that it establishes and protects freedom? I certainly hope you’re not in any position of authority or responsibility.

  536. @Rich

    Sacrificing American’s freedoms will just result in more people being enslaved. I see nothing noble in that.

    You keep harping on our freedoms, obviously oblivious to the fact that we lost them long ago and are now living in an indebted Wall Street Usurer Zio- Commie Gulag and that we have no important political or economic freedoms. In fact, we are so thoroughly enslaved, that our rulers read stuff like this and laugh; they are so secure that they don’t even care and probably enjoy our pissing and moaning and no doubt monitor it all so they know who the pissant malcontents are, and call it “freedom” of speech.

    Pat predicted our predicament, why is it so hard for you to perceeive?

    I address my most fervent prayer to prevent our adopting a system destructive to liberty. Let not gentlemen be told that it is not safe to reject this [new]government. Wherefore is it not safe? We are told there are dangers, but those dangers are ideal; they cannot be demonstrated…


    Every clear headed dufus knows that foreign wars are destructive of liberty and that the USA has been involved in one or more virtually continually so what does that tell ya?

  537. @geokat62

    The spirit of nationalism has intentionally been slowly eroded in Western nations…

    “No borders, no wall. No USA at all!

    Yup, it’s clear that Kings were supported or annihilated as long as they could be used against one another to destroy tribes and small confederations in support of nationalism. Then nations were and continue to be supported or annihilated as long as they could be used against one another or not in support of globalism. Now that globalism, under the control of the usurers is pretty much a reality nations, except the special (chosen) one, are being annihilated.

  538. @tac

    Still shocking after all these years.

  539. @J. Gutierrez

    He never did answer my question as to what he thinks “America” is.

    (And yikes! I wrote “it’s” instead of “its”… arrrgggghhh!)

  540. @geokat62

    To J. Gutierrez, geokat offered the following brotherly & sound insight: ” of that, JG. But Western man will not be able to restore the sovereignty of their nations without defeating the (((globalists))) who are intent on imposing their globalist dystopia on all of The Dumb Goyim.”

    Am certain J.G. shall not shrug off your educational offering, above.

    Selected to become Supremacist Jew-approved HRC’s Democrat campaign 2016 opponent, t-Rump’s handlers positioned him as a populist, an imposter “America First” nationalist.🙄 Of course, throngs of very vulnerable Dumb Goyim (“Deplorables”) bought into t-Rump’s enticing MAGA but “dystopian”/cognitive dissonance theater.

    Come 2017 inauguration, t-Rump’s true colors 🇮🇱 surfaced when he sent his business buddy, Anthony Scaramucci, to Davos and he assured the elite assembly, “President Trump is the globalists last hope.” 🤔

    Have a solid sense J. Gutierrez will quickly see how events are really unfolding, as the “Sanctionista” t-Rump administration stands firm with a commitment to keep Israel as the Globalist King at the Top.

    Fyr, linked below is t-Rump’s globalist Davos (January 2019) dance card delegation, which was led by uber-Zionist Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross, and Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. As always, my respect, geo.


  541. 无论如何!
    MSM decided to give Tulsi Ron Paul treatment. (Totally ignore her.)
    So Tulsi is a dead duck.
    Maybe it is a pity.
    But still!
    Crooked MSM still rules!

  542. Rich 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    In the US, you are free to attend any Church, worship any God you want with fear of arrest, unlike in most Muslim countries, including the one you love best, the one where the fashion style for the ladies is to dress up like ninjas. In the US you have freedom of speech, you can stand up in Times Square and curse the president, the speaker of the house and the senate’s president pro-tempore without fear of arrest. In the US you can draw a picture of any religious leader you want without fear of arrest. You still have the right to own a gun, you have the right to peaceably assemble, the right against unreasonable search and seizure, the right to a speedy trial, the right to an attorney. Here in the USA we even have the right to refuse to have soldiers quartered in our homes without our consent. That’s just a short list some of the freedoms we still have in the US. I’m sure you’re going to quibble with them, but they still exist here. Not in Persia.

    I wonder if you’re a millennial, raised to always be sneering at America, completely unaware of how the world worked before the US, and a few good allies, set it free and brought about a revolution of such enormity that the starving masses now get educated, immunized and fed like never before in history. I’m glad that at least you were forced to admit, in your backhanded way, that there was never an empire more benevolent than the American one. I’ll take that for the win.

  543. @Rich

    As little Rich said to Vietnam veteran Jacques Sheete, “I wonder if you’re a millennial, raised to always be sneering at America, completely unaware of how the world worked before the US US, and a few good allies, set it free…”

    Above, (💤igh), Is evident “Rich” is a special troll-variant (asshole) who is skilled at creating a dystopian theater of the mind for susceptible Dumb Goyim.

    Haha. Rich won’t find much of an audience here. Likely, even The U.R. Co-Grand Obfuscator,* InZitatus, would counter & maybe even shun him. Haha. (Zigh)

    * Although Maven Sam Shama is M.I.A., he maintains his high-level Grand Obfuscator position. Haha. Little Richie is too petty for such dubious consideration. Haha.

    • 同意: geokat62
    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  544. @Rich

    Your archive is confusing, Rich; in 2006 丰富 is associated with a website placing Rich in the UK; in 2008 丰富 is associated with a website in Glendale, Arizona.

    If Rich is British, it does not square with later comments by Rich that opposed gun control.

    2014年, 丰富 was no longer associated with a website. On July 4, 2014, that Rich commented:

    丰富 说:
    我开始怀疑住在华盛顿特区是否会让人产生妄想。 尼克松当然使用了“南方战略”。 当然,南方的白人反对废除种族隔离,北方的白人也是如此。 当民主党决定成为少数族裔政党时,尤其是黑人,南方和北方的白人都转向共和党。 This is one of the main reasons Reagan was elected in 1980. I don't think it's that whites are crazed “racists”, I think that most white people just want to be able to live with their own kind in peace. 他们不希望法官或二手车推销员政客强迫他们改变传统。

    Would you feel free to say those same words in Charlottesville, VA on July 14, 2019?

    Would killing tens of thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands of people in Iran, 7000 miles away, guarantee your right, and ensure your protection against harm or sanction or even imprisonment, to stand up in a public square not only in Charlottesville but anywhere in the United States, and declare,

    “I think that most white people just want to be able to live with their own kind in peace. They don’t want judges or used car salesman politicians forcing them to change their traditions.”

    You talk about the rights of your / our children and grandchildren.

    I posted this a few hours ago:
    Principal apologizes for telling parent, ‘Not everyone believes the Holocaust happened’


    Apparently, the mother of a student at Spanish River public high school in Boca Raton, FL, complained to the school’s principal that students could decline to participate in holocaust education.

    Latson was answering the mother’s question on how that portion of WWII history was prioritized — the school holds annual Holocaust assemblies and focused one-day lessons for 10th graders. “We advertise it to the 10th grade parents as [there] are some who don’t want their children to participate and we have to allow them the ability to decline,” warned Latson in the email.

    In an email exchange, the principal wrote that “not everyone believes the holocaust happened.”

    The principal was made to apologize for that statement. He was not further disciplined, but parents who met with him to challenge his position, demanded that students in all grade levels be made to read 埃利·威塞尔 夜晚 , and to attend assemblies on the topic. The reading demand has been implemented, and the assemblies are scheduled for the upcoming school year.

    Karen Brill, the only Jewish school board member told The Palm Beach Post, “The Holocaust is a historical fact, and I am appalled that anyone in our district believes that its teaching may be opted out of.”

    Assuming you are a parent, what position would you take if one of your children was a student at Spanish River High School?
    Would you consider it an infringement on your freedom to raise your children as you see fit, that you would 不能 have the opportunity to assent or decline?
    Would you consider it an restriction of your or your children’s freedom that the children are 必须 to participate in “holocaust education”?

    School board members are elected to office. Would you vote for a school board member who is “appalled that anyone in our district believes that its [holocaust] teaching may be opted out of.”

    Would killing Iranian civilians and destroying their cities and homes enhance your freedom as a parent of children in a public high school in the United States?

    Now here’s the thing that ties these seemingly disparate concepts together, Rich: the people most eager to bomb Iran are the same people behind the oppression and persecution of protesters in Charlottesville, and the same people who are in a position of authority to limit the freedom of the children in Spanish River high school.
    In each case — Iran, Charlottesville, Boca Raton — the nub of the issue is the same: some Jewish people demand that their identity and beliefs be not only specially protected, but that all people incorporate those ideas, supplanting their own traditions; it is demanded of all Others that they curtail their freedoms — “to be able to live with their own kind in peace. . . .[and not have] judges or used car salesman politicians forcing them to change their traditions” in order to provide a privileged position to Jewish beliefs and demands.

    That curtailment of “white” freedom in favor of Jewish privilege is enforced by U S law and through the activities of the U S State Department Office to Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, an office initiated by Hillary Clinton and now held by Elan Carr.
    Here is what Mr. Carr has in mind for your freedoms, Rich:

    Not only will killing untold numbers of Iranian citizens not enhance your freedoms and those of your children, Rich; such an act would further limit if not totally erode your freedoms: Do you think for one minute that those who want you to kill innocent people in Iran will respect 选择您 freedom and strength of character once you acquiesce to their bloodlust? Did destroying Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine slake their bloodlust?

    The people that Elan Carr represents seek to destroy Iran because Iranians insist on their sovereignty and on their freedom to conduct their government and their religious beliefs in accord with their traditions (and to host conferences denying the holocaust).

    The Iranian people want the same thing you spoke for on July 4, 2014, Rich:

    I don’t think it’s that 白人 Iranians are crazed “racists”, I think that most 白色 Iranian people just want to be able to live with their own kind in peace. They don’t want judges or used car salesman politicians [or rabid zionists] forcing them to change their traditions.

    Rich, I think you and I, and the American people and the Iranian people, have more in common than any of us do with the zionist ideology that Elan Carr represents and seeks to impose on the American people, or that Karen Brill represents and would impose on the children of Spanish River High School.

    I think you are attempting to convey that Tulsi Gabbard is a woefully imperfect candidate for president, and that she would implement other policies that would restrict the ability of “most people to live with their own kind in peace.”

    The fact that Tulsi’s 非常安静 but singular anti-war message is so welcome is actually an indictment of the system that all of the candidates struggle under: Why do men and women who seek to lead the American people feel compelled to pull their punches and advocate for actions that are clearly not in the best interests of the USA?

    Why does the only weak anti-war voice we hear not engage in solid intellectual argument, including that war would violate international treaties the US has signed on to (i.e. the U.N. Charter)?

    Why no discussion of the Just War Tradition that has served as guard rails for hundreds of years?

    Why are 24 candidates for the presidency of the United States afraid to boldly embrace the foreign policy recommendations and warnings of the Founding president of the United States, who cautioned against entangling alliances?

    • 同意: Jacques Sheete
  545. Haha. US troops can check out of Syria anytime they want, but they can never leave.* (💤igh) Refer to link below where German troops are asked to check in? 🙄


    * Credit band, The Eagles hit, “Hotel California.”

  546. geokat62 说:

    It’s well-crafted comments like these that keep me coming back to UR.

    I think you’ve totally demolished the bogus “arguments” tepidly put forward by our latest hasbarist, Rich.

    Well done, S2C!

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  547. Zumbuddi 说:
    @J. Gutierrez


    That there chicken is well and truly

    Nothing left to Rich but the squawk.

  548. @Rich

    I’m an America supporter and when the interests of America and Israel are the same, I support Israel. It’s a concept you “internationalists” don’t understand.

    The United States was and is a Masonic project. Don’t take my word for it. Look at your Dollar bill. Better yet, start reading Unz’s archives.


    To make matters worse it seems every pschopath who wants to rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem along with the Masons and B’nai B’rith controls virtually every social, political, legal, religious, and economic engine in the U.S.

    Unlike in most Muslim countries

    This is false. Here’s a brief list.

    you can stand up in Times Square and curse the president, the speaker of the house and the senate’s president pro-tempore without fear of arrest


    You still have the right to own a gun, you have the right to peaceably assemble, the right against unreasonable search and seizure, the right to a speedy trial, the right to an attorney.


    I’ll take that for the win.

    No, Jacques wins. Rich, you obviously did not arrive here at the Unz Review looking for answers.

  549. Rich 说:

    I’m not the guy from England in 06, or the guy in Arizona in 08. I remember when I first started commenting here there was a guy who said I was using his name, probably one of them. I’ve been pro-gun ownership since my father took me hunting in upstate NY when I was 7 or 8. My kids are all adults now, and I spent much of their elementary and high school years trying to get them to see through the leftist, anti-White propaganda they were often fed. I see the most danger to freedoms in the US coming from the left. Charlottseville is a great example, a local leftist government allowed a leftist mob to attack a mixed group of protesters, many of whom were also kind of socialist in their outlook. For better or worse, the Right in the US seems most inclined to preserve basic constitutional freedoms, and the Right is in a coalition with the military hawks. That was actually my original point that was lost when everyone started attacking me for being willing to support a war hawk candidate who at least supported my freedom at home.

    I disagree with those of you who consider Jews to be non-White. Since the beginning of the US, Jews were considered Whites, and received all the rights of free White men, even in Dixie. In fact some served with honor in the Confederate Army. I agree that many in the Jewish community are leftist, some are even communists, but they all look pretty pale to me, just like Hilary Clinton, Lizzie Warren, Dicky Durban and Pat Leahy up in Vermont. Here in NY, I’ve known some pretty conservative Jews, for what it’s worth.

    And of course, in any conflict with the Iranians, I would hope that the US would avoid civilian casualties. All the US would have to do would be ground the Iranian air force, sink their navy and disable their army. I’m of the opinion, it could all be done without attacking population centers, or occupying Tehran.

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @SolontoCroesus
    , @Art
  550. Talk of war and more war…when will enough be enough? Just in case you didn’t read it..


    I have followed with indescribable pain the cowardly American terrorist attacks on those Muslims of Afghanistan who took a stand for Islam and who were entirely innocent of the September 11th terrorist attack on America. America has consistently followed the same policy of ruthless merciless oppression from the time of the extermination of the indigenous American-Indian peoples and the enslavement of the African people in the Americas to the absolutely shameless support for the relentless oppression by the State of Israel in the Holy Land. Only those who are completely blind and totally corrupted in respect of their capacity for understanding can fail to see the above.

    It was cowardly because the godless enemy is too terrified to ever fight a Muslim on a level battleground. That enemy fights his cowardly battles from the safety of fighter aircraft, helicopter gun ships, massive bombs, guided missiles, etc., far up in the sky. But Allah Most High will surely bring us that day, Insha Allah, when we will be able to face the enemy on the ground on a level battleground. Amin! Until that day comes we must continue our struggle to defend ourselves and to resist oppression while showing utmost patience and while holding on to faith. The struggle must continue regardless of the price we have to pay.

    The Taliban were in a situation comparable to the 12 year old Palestinian Muslim boy who confronts US-made Israeli tanks with a stone in his hand. It is he who today has inherited the sacred legacy of Prophet David (s). Neither were the Taliban defeated by America, nor by the Northern ‘Yankee’ Alliance with which Iran is still comfortable. And the young boys who fight with stones in the Holy Land can never be defeated. Rather, the Taliban withdrew their forces in such a way as would allow them safety from cowardly fighter aircraft and missiles. And so these soldiers of Allah live to fight ‘another’ day in the struggle to respond to oppression in the Holy Land. We salute them!

    Muslims have absolutely no interest whatsoever in waging any war with America or with any other country in today’s dominant western civilization. The only war we have to wage is the one that will eventually liberate the Holy Land. Indeed that war will never end until the prophesy of Prophet Muhammad (s) is fulfilled which will witness a Muslim army emerging out of Khorasan and marching triumphantly to Jerusalem! All those who read this book, and who are Muslims, should have the desire in their hearts to be a part of that army.

    The terrorist attack on America constituted a turning point in history as significant as that moment in the summer of 1914 when another terrorist attack launched the First World War. I believe that those who are hell-bent on eventually ruling the whole world are responsible for both terrorist attacks, and that the Israeli Mossad and its allies acted on their behalf in planning and executing the attack of September 11th. The terrorist attack and the ensuing so-called war on ‘terrorism’ that it provoked, was designed to make the world a safer place for the Jews and for the State of Israel. The true terrorists who attacked America on that day know who they are, and Allah Most High also Knows who they are. We pray to Allah Most High to expose them, and to punish them. Amin!

    The most dangerous and obnoxious of all creatures on the face of the earth today, or the most evil people beneath the sky, are those scholars of Islam or Muslim leaders who were totally deceived by the September 11th act of terrorism and who responded to it by blaming Arabs and Muslims for the attack and by extending patriotic support to Britain/USA/Israel in their war against Islamic Afghanistan. Usama bin Ladin and the Taliban regime in Afghanistan were completely innocent of that September 11th attack. The war against them on this account is manifestly unjust. Such misguided Islamic scholars and leaders ought to be universally condemned.

    I responded to the September 11th attack days later by praying to Allah Most High in an Islamic Center in Queens, New York, to punish those responsible for the attack with the greatest possible punishment, and with a punishment that would continue until the Last Day. All those who were present in the Masjid joined me in the prayer. Having done that I now invite the Jews to make a similar prayer.

    Imran N. Hosein Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. December 2001

    • 回复: @geokat62
  551. geokat62 说:

    I disagree with those of you who consider Jews to be non-White.

    Uh, hum. Ritchie is it? Listen carefully so you’ll have a better understanding of who considers Jews to be non-White;

    或者,如果您更喜欢音乐,则可以在下次淋浴时一起唱这首歌。 它被称为 我不是白人,我是犹太人:

    我不得不承认,副歌非常吸引人。 现在都在一起了!

    When I rapped back in high school, people told me that I’m tight for a white dude. I’m not white, I’m Jewish. I’m not white, I’m Jewish.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
    , @Rich
  552. @tac


    Now go and cheer again for another US regime change!

    I have to say that your entire post was very well written with so much detail that it reminded me when they found the catholic sisters that were raped, murdered and buried by the El Salvadoran death squads. Your closing sentence was spot on!


    • 同意: geokat62
    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  553. 好?
    That Jews were arrested in Hitler Germany and put in concentration camps is crime against humanity by itself. That how many did die there is only of second relevance.
    But than you may say that Jews did mischief in Germany,
    Yes than. But only those who did mischief should should have been arrested.
    This is the base of the problem.
    Governments of the people should determine what is beneficial for the people and what is detrimental to the people and act accordingly.
    Democratic governments were never capable to live up to these principles. That is why democracies are on the way to extinction.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @renfro
  554. @Rich

    That’s just a short list some of the freedoms we still have in the US. I’m sure you’re going to quibble with them, but they still exist here.

    Nah, I’m not going to quibble. I’m not even going to point out that you are totally wrong on nearly every one of them. I’m also not going to elaborate on the fact that you admit that it’s a short list, but it’s short for a very basic reason, (we have no significant freedoms) and the couple you mentioned are quite tenuous and can be withdrawn in a heartbeat. I could offer a list of lost freedoms if it would do any good.

    This was written some 8 decades ago and by a better man than you or me.

    In a preface to these essays, written in 1884, Spencer has a paragraph which sums up with remarkable completeness the political history of the United States during the last six years:

    Dictatorial measures, rapidly multiplied, have tended continually to narrow the liberties of individuals; and have done this in a double way. Regulations have been made in yearly-growing numbers, restraining the citizen in directions where his actions were previously unchecked, and compelling actions which previously he might perform or not as he liked; and at [xxx] the same time heavier public burdens, chiefly local, have further restricted his freedom, by lessening that portion of his earnings which he can spend as he pleases, and augmenting the portion taken from him to be spent as public agents please.⚓✪

    Thus closely has the course of American Statism, from 1932 to 1939, followed the course of British Statism from 1860 to 1884. Considering their professions of Liberalism, it would be quite appropriate and by no means inurbane, to ask Mr. Roosevelt and his entourage whether they believe that the citizen has any rights which the State is bound to respect. Would they be willing—ex animo, that is, and not for electioneering purposes—to subscribe to the fundamental doctrine of the Declaration? One would be unfeignedly surprised if they were.

    -A.J. Nock, Introduction(1940) to Herbert Spencer, The Man versus the State, with Six Essays on Government, Society and Freedom, ed. Eric Mack, introduction by Albert Jay Nock (Indianapolis: LibertyClassics, 1981). 11/7/2018.


  555. @ChuckOrloski

    As little Rich said to Vietnam veteran Jacques Sheete, “I wonder if you’re a millennial, raised to always be sneering at America, completely unaware of how the world worked before the US US, and a few good allies, set it free…”

    He doesn’t get that I’m not sneering at supposed American ideals, but at the mockery and hypocrisy of those ideals by the monstrosity we have today. That’s why I keep asking him what he means by America, and he keeps avoiding the question.

    He seems to think that the American empire is all about liberating people, which is quite a remarkable feat of rationalization. I wonder how he feels about Wall Street support for Bolshevism and the freedom the Bolshies imposed on the peasants and prols of Russia and neighboring countries. He says he’s read Solzhenitsyn; I would like to know what message he took away from his “readings.”

    I hope he answers how an empire can be maintained by liberating people and protecting their freedoms and at the same time support Bolshevism.

  556. @SolontoCroesus

    In an email exchange, the principal wrote that “not everyone believes the holocaust happened.”
    The principal was 制成 to apologize for that statement.

    that students in all grade levels be 制成 to read Elie Wiesel’s Night , and to attend assemblies on the topic. The reading demand 具有 been implemented, and the assemblies are scheduled for the upcoming school year.

    Lil Richie sez we have fweedum o’ speech. Who ya gonna believe?

  557. @geokat62

    I saw only one dance move by these clowns. They don’t even dance with women, typical of
    the low testosterone Jewish males that shoot at kids with those US made M14s. I’ll show you some real dancing from the Northern State of Coahuilla, GeoKat… we dance with our girls down here.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  558. @Rich

    And of course, in any conflict with the Iranians, I would hope that the US would avoid civilian casualties. All the US would have to do would be ground the Iranian air force, sink their navy and disable their army. I’m of the opinion, it could all be done without attacking population centers, or occupying Tehran.


    Say — if USA just “grounds the Iranian Air Force, sinks their navy, disables their army,” THEN will USA dismantle TSA so that American citizens can have the freedom to board an airplane without being poked, probed, and X-rayed?

    But if that’s not enough — if the peace-loving American people are not satisfied with war booty of freedom to fly without being hassled and want, say, to have the NSA data center in Salt Lake City closed down

    — what do you think that might take? Will 10,000 dead Iranians do the job, or will we have to go for something more dramatic — maybe DPU * over Ardebil, where Iranians grow tea?

    Whaddya think, Rich? Will 10,000 dead Iranians fill the bill — ok, make it 100,000, and many of them children — then can the American people be free from having their personal information and activities monitored, stored, surveilled? That seems like a reasonable price, right? Hell, it’s only 20% of the Iraqi children US was responsible for killing with sanctions, and Madeleine Albright said it was worth the price; 100,000 dead Iranians is a bargain, helluva deal.

    Deal-maker Trump.

    等一下 -

    Indians know, and Iranians know, that Americans have a pattern of reneging on bargains, pacts and even treaties.

    What if USA goes ahead and offs 100,000 Iranians (who will, of course, willing give their lives with the knowledge that they will be ensuring for the American people freedom from at least 一些 element of the surveillance state) — what if the next administration welshes on the bargain and does NOT shut down the NSA data collection center? Then what?

    We’re just about running out of “crappy little countries” to throw against the wall.
    Do we hit Iran again?
    That doesn’t sound kosher.
    That doesn’t square with “who we ARE,” to kick a state when it’s down.
    [FOOTNOTE: Except in the case of Germany, Iraq, Syria, . . .. ]

    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Depleted_uranium

    “DU used in US munitions has 60% of the radioactivity of natural uranium.[6] Trace transuranics (another indicator of the use of reprocessed material) have been reported to be present in some US tank armor.[6]

    The use of DU in munitions is controversial because of concerns about potential long-term health effects.[7][8] Normal functioning of the kidney, brain, liver, heart, and numerous other systems can be affected by exposure to uranium, a toxic metal.[9] It is only weakly radioactive because of its long radioactive half-life (4.468 billion years for uranium-238, 700 million years for uranium-235; or 1 part per million every 6446 and 1010 years, respectively). The biological half-life (the average time it takes for the human body to eliminate half the amount in the body) for uranium is about 15 days.[10] The aerosol or spallation frangible powder produced by impact and combustion of depleted uranium munitions can potentially contaminate wide areas around the impact sites, leading to possible inhalation by human beings.[11]

    The actual level of acute and chronic toxicity of DU is also controversial. Several studies using cultured cells and laboratory rodents suggest the possibility of leukemogenic, genetic, reproductive, and neurological effects from chronic exposure.[7] A 2005 epidemiology review concluded: “In aggregate the human epidemiological evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in offspring of persons exposed to DU.”[12]”

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  559. Art 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    Thanks Jacques,

    I have copy of this book on Thomas Paine.

    Thomas Paine,: Author of the Declaration of independence Hardcover – 1947
    by Joseph Lewis (Author)


    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  560. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    That Jews were arrested in Hitler Germany and put in concentration camps is crime against humanity by itself.


    He arrested and placed in concentration camps terrorists and radicals who were a threat to Germany. That some happened to be Jewish was incidental.

    In the case of “the Jewish persecution” in Germany I found that impartial presentation of the facts gradually gave way to so partisan a depictment that the truth was lost. This transformation was effected in three subtle stages. First the persecution of “political opponents and Jews” was reported; then this was imperceptibly amended to “Jews and political opponents”; and at the end the press in general spoke only of “the persecution of Jews”. By this means a false image was projected on to the public mind and the plight of the overwhelming majority of the victims, by this fixing of the spotlight on one group, was lost to sight. The result showed in 1945, when, on the one hand, the persecution of Jews was made the subject of a formal indictment at Nuremberg, and on the other hand half of Europe and all the people in it were abandoned to the selfsame persecution, in which the Jews had shared in their small proportion to populations everywhere.

    道格拉斯·里德(Douglas Reed) The Controversy of Zion, page 214-5

    But than you may say that Jews did mischief in Germany,

    Some did. Some Zionists, however, actually collaborated with the Nazis. Some assimilated Jews were Nazis.

    Yes than. But only those who did mischief should should have been arrested.

    How do you know that was not the intent if not the case?

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  561. Rich 说:

    Yes, there are many Leftists who are of the Jewish ethnicity. Many, maybe most, I don’t know. But shave off their curls, marry them off to a Scotsman or Irishman, and you’d barely recognize them.In this era of victim worship, some folks, of all ethnicities, try to be the “other”, to gain some weird “street cred” they think makes them “cool”. If the Anglo-Celtic culture of America had remained strong, had held onto power with an iron fist, everybody would be trying to be White. In fact, many Jews, back when it was “cool” to be White, changed their names and adopted the culture of the upper class Anglo-Celtic American society. And every ethnic group claims it’s the best, I’ve worked with Irishmen, Englishmen,Germans and others, who’ve all explained to me how their group is the true “master race’. I’ve even met blacks who claim they are the top dog. That’s just human nature, the really odd thing is those who demean their heritage, who hate their ancestry and despise their own people. That’s really weird, to me.

  562. @geokat62

    Touché, my brother…Jajaja The powers that be make it almost impossible to gage what their next move will be in the coming struggle. The one thing that I know for certain is that you and I will be watching closely, as closely as our friends CO and JS read and evaluate our comments. Today is my birthday (7-7-1959) and I have been given the task of grilling the meat. I know Chuck expected a response, but I choose to take a kneend say, GeoKat you and I are on the same page! A little difference here and there isn’t enough to change the way we truly feel about matters of such importance as is the survival of our human race.

    I hope you are enjoying your vacation, wedding and time with your loved ones.

    With Love From Mexico

  563. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    … we dance with our girls down here.

    That’s why I’m a nationalist, JG. I love to travel the world to see how people in their respective homelands live. Their music, their language, their architecture, their dancing. It’s a treasure that needs to be safeguarded.

    但是, The Lobby believes nationalism is a threat that has to be eradicated. So they relentlessly promote Big Lie #1, 多样性是我们的力量, by pushing for mass immigration and mass miscegenation. If these two forces are not contained, the true diversity of all nations, especially Western ones, may soon disappear.

    Just as I enjoyed seeing some real dancing from the Northern State of Coahuilla, JG, I’d like to do the same in the Old World (England, France, Germany, etc.) and the New World (US, Canada, Australia and NZ). notwithstanding the threat this may represent to some.

  564. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Today is my birthday (7-7-1959)

    Happy birthday, JG. As we Hellenes like to say, may you live to a hundred!

    I hope you are enjoying your vacation, wedding and time with your loved ones.

    Thanks, JG… appreciate it.

    With love from Jamaica…. maaaan!

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  565. Art 说:

    Then I spent a bit of time researching the issue and found that those who oppose the Iranian regime are civil in discussing different aspects of a possible conflict, as well as making sensible arguments about why an attack might be necessary and my opinion was changed. Convince me through sensible statements, cursing me out and calling me names won’t do the trick.


    “as well as making sensible arguments” — to funny — Bolton and Pompeo and MBS and Netanyahu making sensible arguments — what BS – there is nothing sensible about warmongering – period.

    “cursing me out and calling me names” — Oh my’ then he cries victim!

    Tell a big lie – then screech victim — sorry but you are typical Israeli Jew Hasbara.

    Writing warmongering trash for money — how low can one go?


    • 回复: @Rich
  566. Art 说:

    All the US would have to do would be ground the Iranian air force, sink their navy and disable their army.

    Rich — Hasbara talk!

    You keep asserting – Jews OK – war good – you victim!

    Hmm – is there any question!


  567. renfro 说:

    The first prisoners were communists, Social Democrats, trade unionists, and other political opponents of the Nazis.
    The communist and trade unionist were heavily Jewish.

  568. renfro 说:

    Would you consider it an restriction of your or your children’s freedom that the children are required to participate in “holocaust education”?

    Yes. I would not only bring a lawsuit against the school but also against whatever Jewish org or individuals promoted or demanded it be included.
    There need to be more lawsuits against the jewish groups.

  569. @SolontoCroesus

    My compliments to SolontoCroesus’s articulate demolition of Rich-Think 🙄 where S2C even managed to keep things on a level that he might understand. 👍

    I predict Rich’s getting no support here, unless of course, Fran Taubman leaps into this article-comment thread, and elaborates upon Rich’s darkness.

    P.S. : Rich’s defective Will To Power, bereft of a conscience,😕appears persistent, and I am not confident that a general commenter-boycott would help, roust him away.

    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  570. renfro 说:

    In the US you have freedom of speech, you can stand up in Times Square and curse the president, the speaker of the house and the senate’s president pro-tempore without fear of arrest. In the US you can draw a picture of any religious leader you want without fear of arrest. You still have the right to own a gun, you have the right to peaceably assemble, the right against unreasonable search and seizure, the right to a speedy trial, the right to an attorney

    Some of those freedoms we no longer have like protest and free speech where Jews and Israel are concerned….there are curbs on that now.

    What I see in your comments is an glaring obsession with guns and the law……you sound like someone who has had a run in with or a problem with the law over guns.

  571. @Art

    [A large fraction of all your embedded links tend to be empty for some reason, so you should either change your method of producing them or just leave them as “raw” links.]

    I started reading it on line; thought this was interesting since the idea in bold is also in the DoI. the rest of it is true too.

    The ruin or prosperity of a state depends so much upon the administration of its government, that, to be acquainted with the merit of a ministry, we need only observe the condition of the people. If we see them obedient to the laws, prosperous in their industry, united at home, and respected abroad, we may reasonably presume that their affairs are conducted by men of experience, abilities, and virtue. If, on the contrary, we see a universal spirit of distrust and dissatisfaction, a rapid decay of trade, dissensions in all parts of the empire, and a total loss of respect in the eyes of foreign powers, we may pronounce, without hesitation, that the government of that country is weak, distracted, and corrupt. The multitude, in all countries, are patient to a certain point. Ill usage. may rouse their indignation and hurry them into excesses, hut the original fault is in government.*

    -Thomas Paine, as quoted in Junius unmasked: or, Thomas Paine the author of the letters of Junius and the Declaration of Independence by Moody, Joel, 1834-1914, p22

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  572. Art 说:

    That’s just human nature, the really odd thing is those who demean their heritage, who hate their ancestry and despise their own people.

    Rich — you describe what the Jew heritage is doing to the American heritage.

    The Jew MSM have been working 24/7/365 for the last 70 years to demean US heritage.

    You are doing the same with with your Iran warmongering.

    All your comments pump Jews just normal – Jews victim – war on Iran.

    No question where you come from.


    • 回复: @Rich
  573. Rich 说:

    Cry victim? Did you read what “Rurik” wrote in reply to my comments? Let me tell you something”Art”, I’m the furthest thing from a victim you ever met. Pointing out that you maniacs can’t have a sensible argument without resorting to cursing and name-calling, is just a fact. Just because a boxer gets punched below the belt, then talks about it, doesn’t make him a “victim”. You guys are hilarious. Where I come from, we used to spend all day calling each other names, it doesn’t touch me.

    Writing “peace” on an anonymous web site, doesn’t make you a hero.

    • 回复: @Art
  574. @Rich

    … the really odd thing is those who demean their heritage, who hate their ancestry and despise their own people. That’s really weird, to me.

    What if their “heritage” is nothing to be proud of, and getting worse by the minute?

    Who hates their ancestry, and what good would it do? Who has control over their ancestry?

    Who would despise their own people if their own people were truly virtuous characters? In fact, didn’t G Washington and the rebs despise “their own people”, (they were all Brits) 并且有充分的理由? Need I remind you that they despised them so much that they went to war over it? Note also that the feelings of contempt were 相互. Why is that weird to you?

    On the other hand, who wouldn’t despise people who support a most hideous monstrosity such as the USA has become. Who wouldn’t despise a country that went to war unnecessarily on behalf of Wall Street Bolshies?

  575. geokat62 说:

    Yes, there are many Leftists who are of the Jewish ethnicity.

    Are you seriously trying to suggest that it’s only Jewish leftists who don’t consider themselves to be White? lol

    In this era of victim worship, some folks, of all ethnicities, try to be the “other”, to gain some weird “street cred” they think makes them “cool”.

    If that were true, then why wouldn’t these “leftist Jews” want to be considered White? You can’t find a bigger victim category than this, these days.

    In fact, many Jews, back when it was “cool” to be White, changed their names and adopted the culture of the upper class Anglo-Celtic American society.

    Oh, that’s why they decided to change their names, they wanted to be “cool”? And here I thought they did it to fly under the radar.

    And every ethnic group claims it’s the best…

    That may be true, Rich. But none have religious text that come anywhere as near preaching the supremacy that Jewish religious text do, do they?

    That’s just human nature, the really odd thing is those who demean their heritage, who hate their ancestry and despise their own people. That’s really weird, to me.

    Me too, Rich. Ever wonder why that is? I’ll give you a clue. It has two words that begin with the letters, FS.

    Shalom, Richie. Give my regards to the rest of your mates at Hasbara Central.

    • 哈哈: ChuckOrloski
  576. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Having done that I now invite the Jews to make a similar prayer.

    Killer line.

  577. Rich 说:

    I’m beginning to wonder if you guys are a bit simple. I never called for going to war with Iran. I wrote that I’d vote for a candidate who supported my constitutional rights even if he was a hawk, over one who pretended to be dovish but called for taking away my rights. I’d prefer Ron Paul, but he isn’t running. Sometimes you have to go with the lesser of two evils. I’ll leave you purists to argue over a war that hasn’t happened while the Left chips away at your freedoms. To me, the dems are bolsheviks pretending to be something benign. You can have them, and your promises of “peace”.

  578. Art 说:

    I’m the furthest thing from a victim you ever met.


    Gee – how come you always complain about being called names – you call us stupid all the time – yet you whimper like a baby about being call names. Do you even know what you are doing?

    Hmm — it shows – you act very Jewish.

    Writing “peace” on an anonymous web site, doesn’t make you a hero.

    I anonymously call for peace – you anonymously call for war – I am the anonymous hero.


  579. @J. Gutierrez

    Happy birthday, my Brother, J.G.!

    P.S.: Never sweat holding back any response to my comments. Am insuffiently narcissist to figure I deserve any. Jajaja!

  580. Art 说:

    To me, the dems are bolsheviks pretending to be something benign.

    Rich — how typical – more divisive Jew divide and conquer politics – this thread is not about left and right – it is about war and peace. And you promote war by building fear and hate.

    I’m beginning to wonder if you guys are a bit simple.

    There you go again – calling us stupid for wanting peace. (Hasbara is happy.)


  581. @Jacques Sheete

    I am sorry but no. I am surprised at your insufficiency of knowing facts.
    You read one book and you are convinced that you know everything. (You must be a youngster)
    Concerning German Jews Hitler declared that he does want any Jews in Germany,
    Hitler did call a conference of nations where he asked nations representatives to take them as many as they can. He got considerable adequate promises.
    So Hitler did start to collect Jews.
    Than he did ask countries to take them. There was no one country that kept its promise.
    Concentration camps were no death camps, The were what the title is saying.
    There is the birth of Hitlers dilemma. He could not release Jews back to society. It would be an act defeat. So he was stuck with the Jews. He lost interest in the matter. Later party did change camp to productive units.
    Trough the war conditions in the camps changed from bearable to unbearable.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  582. @ChuckOrloski

    Thank you Chuck!

    You are a treasure, leavening to this forum.

    • 回复: @ChuckOrloski
  583. @geokat62

    If you want something cool to do, I had a taxi driver take up to the mountains near Ocho Rios met some cool Rastas, Pictures of Marley and other artist on the shack walls, had a big fatty, meat patties and red strip beers, road horses down the mountain and onto the beach. Next day the taxi driver took us through Ferns Gully all the way to Kingston, had the best Conch soup there.

    I’ve been there a few times…I know you’re having a good time brother…

    • 回复: @geokat62
  584. @SolontoCroesus


    Watched your linked video on the NSA data collection center located outside Salt Lake City. 👍 Great learning experience & thanks!

    Enjoy Pink Floyd music, & at the video end, I was once again reminded of Roger Waters’ timeless question, “Mother, should I trust the government?”

    No! And what’s more, even Jewish freaks, for example, billionaire Jeffrey Epstein & his international network of millionaire partier friends, might learn they cannot trust the ‘guvmint.

    P.S.: Long ago, I read C.S. Lewis’s great satire, “The Screwtape Letters,” and he discussed how devils have natural instincts to turn on one another. So go, Dershowitz, go!

  585. @Jacques Sheete

    [A large fraction of all your embedded links tend to be empty for some reason, so you should either change your method of producing them or just leave them as “raw” links.]

    I am having quite a few problems with commenting on this site and what you mentioned is one of them. I keep getting a “no follow” value attached among other problems, and have to redo the whole thing often more than two or three times. I have to double check every one after they’re posted and keep at it til they work. It is highly frustrating to me as well and I apologize for that. I use that form because it looks better, but I guess I’ll have to go back to what you recommend.

    I just checked and that one is now empty, but I swear, I checked it after posting and it was fine then.

  586. @geokat62

    Thank you, geokat62, and please pardon the tardy response: I’ve been working through a series of lectures on The Greek Myths, by Peter Meineck. In an early lecture he encourages students to travel to Greece and sit on the shore watching the ocean and the horizon, while drinking _____ . I cannot find the name of that drink! Starts with an R.

    Anyway, Meineck says that being there and experiencing the light and the sea and the terrain goes a long way to understanding why the Greeks imagined the nether world as they did.

    Enjoy your travels and keep the Unz forum posted with your insights.

    Vaya con dios

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @geokat62
  587. @Ilyana_Rozumova

    You read one book and you are convinced that you know everything. (You must be a youngster)

    Sorry but I replied to you in a reasonable manner and your response tells me more about you than it does about me. If you want reasonable replies in the future, please keep imbecilic trolling like that to yourself.

    The rest of your comment makes no sense either, so maybe you should lay off the wodka when commenting and you read 没什么 but apparently think you know everything so you lose again.


    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  588. @SolontoCroesus

    Probably retsina. Resin flavored/ preserved wine. Forget the bottled stuff, get it in a taverna where they draw it from huge barrels.

    Lemme know how it works out! 😉

    • 同意: geokat62
  589. @Jacques Sheete

    So you say that everything I have written in my comment I did invent.
    Thank you very much!!!! I do consider it as a great compliment. I did not know that I do have such a great imagination.

    • 回复: @Robjil
  590. geokat62 说:

    I’ve been working through a series of lectures on The Greek Myths, by Peter Meineck.

    I’ve already got a copy of Robert Graves’ 希腊神话 on my bookshelf, S2C, but wouldn’t mind having Meineck’s rendition, if you recommend it.

  591. gsjackson 说:

    I guess JS considers them points too easily scored and a distracting descent into the ad hominem, so I’ll tally them for him. No he’s not a millennial. There were no millennials serving in the U.S. Army in Vietnam, as he did. In other words, he’s seen U.S. military intervention and its effects up close and personal.

    You? Have you killed for your country, or do you just like to fantasize about it?

    • 回复: @Rich
  592. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    If you want something cool to do…

    Thanks for the travel tip, JG. Sounds like a lot of fun. We may not have enough time to squeeze in this time around, but it’s definitely something I’d like to do the next time we visit Jamaica.

    I really enjoyed this place, especially the people, the food, the music, and the amazing scenery. I highly recommend it to others.

  593. Robjil 说:

    You should read “the Controversy of Zion” by Douglas Reed. It is a great book and a very rare book.

    Why is it so rare?

    It speaks of the top Jewish advisors that promoted WWI and WWII. “The Controversy of Zion” was written in 1956 but it could not get published until 1978. This is a good clue that it offers something that is very unique that has to be hidden by our rulers. He names names. A bit like Laurent Guyenot and Christopher Bollyn do in their books about today’s top Jewish advisors.

    • 回复: @Ilyana_Rozumova
  594. @Robjil

    I am very easy going here. (recreational) But sometime I do get serious, although I do not like to.
    So I did reread Jaques quote from Douglass Reed more carefully.
    Here is my statement:
    That quote is total unadulterated forgery of history from top to bottom.

    • 回复: @Robjil
  595. Robjil 说:


    It is not forgery.

    You have the read the whole to book to get what he is saying in that quote.

  596. @Robjil

    You are kind! So I do have to like you.
    But here is my take on it. Its a pendulum. It is pendulum contradicting Jewish lies.
    But I cannot approve contradicting Jewish lies by lies.
    Jewish lies must be contradicted by truth.
    And please do not read English authors concerning European history.
    Concerning German history read only German authors.
    Even those are written with bias against National Socialist Germany, but the facts there are at least truth.

  597. @Robjil

    You have the read the whole to book to get what he is saying in that quote.

    Nah, even that an enema woudn’t help. What we have here is a case of ignorance that supresses all understanding.

    • 同意: Robjil
  598. That quote is total unadulterated forgery of history from top to bottom.

    Forgery (don’t you wish) or not, it describes reality well. Just like the supposedly “forged” Protocols.

    Now, kindly provide support for your contention that it’s been forged and why that matters.

  599. Paul C. 说:
    @J. Gutierrez


    That’s a rabbit hole I haven’t been down. If you have information to share, please do and I’ll look into it. I have looked into other crimes against humanity beyond the zionist led wars and gov’t coups that Unz readers are very aware of. They include geo-engineering (chemtrails), fluoridation, GMO, vaccines, Big Pharma, the Federal Reserve, heliocentrism and the coming 5G. In short, they represent a war against the people, forced sickness, lies and enslavement. It’s a silent war. I’m particularly concerned with chemtrails since we all have to breathe the air. No one’s asking for 5G, just like cameras at traffic intersections, but we’re getting it and it looks quite dangerous as well. Maybe Americans will be leaving for Mexico soon and you’ll have to consider a wall to keep us out. 🙂

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  600. Rich 说:

    Since you are Mr Sheetes biographer can you tell me how many kills he had? Can you confirm that his internet personality is true? I’ll need to see the ears before I believe this joker ever saw a day’s worth of combat. You do realize that typists in Saigon were “Vietnam War vets” right? Remember that crazy Indian who claimed to be a Vietnam War vet, turned out he was a refrigerator mechanic in Oklahoma?
    Sheetes is probably a 20 year old kid typing from the spare room at his aunt’s house. Or one of those boomer draft dodgers who seek stolen valor on anonymous web sites. But, whatever he is, hero or not, he’s not too bright from where I stand.

    • 回复: @gsjackson
  601. @Rich

    ‘…The US has mostly been on the side of good…’

    I’m afraid you’re a little out of date there, Rich.

    Look a whose side we’re on these days: a Neo-Nazi project called Zionist Israel, a vicious military dictatorship in Egypt, a reactionary Wahhabi absolute monarchy headed by a murderer.

    We’ve worked to reduce Syria to a state of blood-soaked anarchy — and that was our intent. We supply arms for a vicious — and as usual, pointless — war in Yemen. We’re trying to start a futile and evil war with Iran that can only end with misery for them and a catastrophic decline in our prestige and power for us.

    We can’t even admit global warming is happening.

    I’m afraid we’ve gone over to the Dark Side. In the business of making it always winter and never Christmas these days. It’s pretty embarrassing, really. Not at all the America I once thought I lived in.

    You seem to think it’s pretty cool, though.

    • 同意: Robjil
    • 回复: @Rich
  602. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    I think the US made the right move backing the military over the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. How many attacks on Coptic Christians were there during the brotherhood’s short reign? How many more Copts would have died if the secularists hadn’t been returned to power?

    What would you do about the Saudis? Do you want to go to war with them? They act as our allies in international affairs, I’m not sure we need to concern ourselves with their internal affairs.

    As far as Israel goes, what’s your solution? The Israelis aren’t going anywhere, and they, like the Saudis, act as our allies. We’d all like to see a peaceful resolution in the Middle East, but I don’t see one coming. The Palestinians are a defeated people, but they won’t accept their defeat. Maybe in a hundred years they’ll win, maybe in a thousand, but right now, they should take what they can get and bring peace to their country. The Germans were defeated, lost much of their country, but took what they could, and rebuilt. That’s the way the world works, always has.

  603. geokat62 说:

    The Israelis aren’t going anywhere, and they, like the Saudis, as our allies.

    法案 is the operative word, Ritchie… well done!

  604. @Rich

    ‘I think the US made the right move backing the military over the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt…’

    Well, of course you do, Rich. You’re all for oppression, and deprivation, and a new dark age, made more sinister, and perhaps more protracted, by the lights of perverted science.


    I note you repeat your reversal of fact about the Copts, again without offering any evidence to support it. But then, you actually could care less about the Copts, isn’t that so, Rich? They’re just an excuse for you to exercise your bigoted sadism.

    • 回复: @Rich
  605. @Rich

    ‘…As far as Israel goes, what’s your solution? The Israelis aren’t going anywhere…’

    Pull the plug, and watch the Israelis go. Absent US subsidies, and protection, and support, I’d give Israel about five years.

    But hey. I can be wrong. Just so long as we pull the plug. That’s all I ask.

  606. gsjackson 说:

    The word “kill” was meant to be taken ironically, not as a badge of honor.

    All I know about Jacques Sheete is what anyone who has read a significant number of his posts can attest to: He is dogged to the point of obstinate about telling the truth as he sees it, and he has seen many suns rise and set. I think you can safely take him as the voice of experience and gravitas.

    • 同意: geokat62
    • 不同意: Rich
    • 回复: @SolontoCroesus
  607. Rich 说:
    @Colin Wright

    So you’re a supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood? That says it all.

  608. @gsjackson

    Agree with your statement, gsjackson.

    Rich’s slur on Jacques Sheete was uninformed, emblematic of the source of much of Rich’s commentary: his own crabbed internal dialog.

    Agree in spades: “Jacques Sheete is dogged to the point of obstinate about telling the truth as he sees it,” and he most often backs up that truth with sources and logic.

    EDIT: just saw Rich “disagree” with gsjackson’s statement of his observation of Jacques Sheete’s commenting history.
    Dumb move.

    “Better to remain silent & let others think you a fool than open your (keyboard) and remove all doubt.”

    • 哈哈: Rich
  609. Rurik 说:

    there was never an empire more benevolent than the American one. I’ll take that for the win.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  610. Anounder 说:

    Yeah, where would the world be without rap music, acceptance of homosexuality, mongrelization, etc.

  611. @Rurik

    That baby was most likely at his house, with his family sitting around watching him run around. Out of nowhere and without expecting it, this beautiful shinny, sleek, cylinder crashes through their roof ending any hope they had for this baby to grow up. It fucking tears my heart apart looking at this picture…not because of the horrible state the baby is in, but the father that has to see what some sick mother fucker just did to his baby!!! And he is impotent, paralyzed unable to do anything about it!

    While somewhere on a base in the Middle East and American made F-16 lands, the pilot jumps out and tells his crew, “damn that was fun, I swooped down and released my missiles right on target”! Are you guys hungry? That same day, Trump is signing a deal that will give more jobs to American workers, a 50 billion dollar arms deal with Qartar!

    And Americans want to do the same to the Iranian people! I hope “God” intervenes soon, or at least allows us to enter into WWIII already, because it is just not fair for one people to bear the brunt of all this brutality! It has to be spread around so that every one can see, feel and experience what that poor father is. With emphasis on the people that support their government’s involvement…

    I’m going to stop blaming the Jews every time something like this happens, because I just read a paper written by Rochelle L. Trotter as partial requirement to attain her Doctorate in Philosophy degree. She writes about the US and Mexican war and the events that led to it, and how the Mexican Written Response was ignored by the US government, to the point that people really believed Mexicans were too, stupid to actually posses the ability to formally document the violations committed by the US after signing a Neutrality Treaty. Which they violated against Spain and then Mexico. The Fucking Jews did not own a Bank, a Newspaper nor were they in Government like they are now! It was the Fucking racist Anglo Saxons that demonized the Savage Indians, The Dumb Niggers and the Lazy, Dirty Mexicans in order to murder, rape and steal their way across a Country! All in the name of Manifest Destiny, or as their butt buddies call it today, “God gave us this land”…No difference what so ever…what happened then, is what happened to that baby in the picture! Back then they played catch with Indian babies, from bayonet to bayonet!

    Sorry my brother, like I said before sometimes I get so pissed off, that I have to catch myself and look at what I typed. It looks like everything is true and verifiable. And fuck you Wally, do your own research I’m not looking for shit to post!

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @geokat62
    , @Rurik
  612. @Paul C.

    There is an English guy on YouTube that has done quite a few videos on what I mentioned. The Observation Deck…there are Russians that started this research that have some pretty crazy ideas of what may have happened. Let me know what you think..

  613. @J. Gutierrez

    Agree to all and the more I learn, the more I agree with you. As you said before, it’s a class war.

    With regard to your fourth paragraph, you are once again correct, and all that has long pissed me off extremely. I am sitting here enraged as we speak becasue of something I read last night, about the US treatment of Haiti (then Santo Domingo).

    Not only did the US flip flop on the slavery and independence issue in Haiti, but it refused to recognize Haiti’s hard fought independence ( please note that FDR recognized the Soviet Union in 1933 as the Holodomor in which 7-10 millions Ukranians starved under the Bolshevik regime) and Jefferson ignored the Haitian general Dessalines letter requesting that the US establish diplomatic realations with Haiti, and never answered it.

    Earlier, Thomas 杰斐逊 (a former hero of mine) had told Napoleon’s representative, Pichon, that he would be happy to support France’s army in it’s endeavor to crush the black freedom fighters, saying, “Nothing will be easier than to furnish your army and fleet with everything and to reduce Tousiant to starvation.” Reminds me of FDR’s support of Stalin. Both were white boys.

    Furthermore, in an unrelated incident, the terror advocate*, Washington, crushed Shays’ rebellion with a force of 15,000 troops, which was a massive force for the time. It didnt matter that Shays was a former officer in the Cntinental Army, but it does show that we whites don’t even spare our own. We are as vile as any other group and what makes me sick is that a lot of us think we’re so “benevolent.” The treatment of the Quakers at the hands of Puritans is another story that I won’t get into. Utterly disgusting.


    *George Washington was a terrorist.

    乔治华盛顿于 31 年 1779 月 XNUMX 日在总部发给约翰沙利文将军的命令

    但是,在他们的定居点被彻底摧毁之前,你绝不会听到任何和平的提议。 我们未来的安全将在于他们无法伤害我们,并且 恐怖 他们受到的严厉惩罚会激励他们。


    • 回复: @Rich
    , @Biff
    , @J. Gutierrez
  614. Rich 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    The great “peace lover” JS even reaches back to support the “black boys” in Haiti who butchered, raped, and tortured the White minority that lived on the island after French troops withdrew. Guess you only support “peace” when it’s for non-Whites, right? You fakes ddon’t care about peace, you just hate Whites and/or Wedtern Civilization.

  615. Biff 说:
    @Jacques Sheete


    • 巨魔: Rich
    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  616. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    It was the Fucking racist Anglo Saxons that demonized the Savage Indians, The Dumb Niggers and the Lazy, Dirty Mexicans in order to murder, rape and steal their way across a Country!

    Hey, JG. Your words regarding the crime committed against that innocent family were beautifully expressed.

    That said, we need to ask ourselves if Anglos are really that much different than most other people.

    Now, don’t get me wrong, while I’m not an advocate of imperialism and colonialism, I think the age of empires placed a premium on the mindset that you needed to defeat others before they defeated you.

    So, with that in mind, is it really fair to single out the Anglos for being racist? What about Atilla, was he not racist? Or Genghis, was he not racist? Or, for that matter, were the conquistadors not racist?

    Perhaps the answer is that all groups are inherently “racist” to one degree or another?

    Now, as you know, the problem I have with political correctness is that it teaches us that it is bad to be “racist.” It says that racism leads to ethno-nationalism, and that ethno-nationalism leads to supremacy, and that supremacy leads to war.

    So, the solution for these people is to end ethno-nationalism and put an end to war.

    While there is a kernel of truth to this, I reject it because they make a proviso to their proscription on ethno-nationalism – i.e., it applies to all nations except one, the Jewish state.

    If they had applied this to all of nations, I would have more readily embraced this solution to end world conflict. But they don’t. So, if ethno-nationalism is worth preserving for the Jewish people, it’s worth preserving for all peoples… including those “racist” Anglo-Saxons.

    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @J. Gutierrez
  617. Rurik 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    That baby was most likely at his house, with his family sitting around watching him run around

    they could just of easily have been playing on a beach

    or hanging out on a rooftop, when an IDF coward, hunkered down with his buddies, shoots them with a sniper rifle.

    Racial supremacy on acid, with a messianic delusion to their megalomania. They believe 他们自己 to be the ‘chosen’ ones of god. And once in power, their cruelty is beyond legendary.

    As angry as you justifiably get J. G., I wonder if it matches my own contempt for these people and their psychosis. Two world wars, and the burning down of Germany, and with it- ultimately- Western civilization and its people.

    Which brings me to your second point, and here I’m talking also to Jacques.

    And Americans want to do the same to the Iranian people!

    No, J.G., they do not.

    The American people always vote for the peace candidate. Wilson, FDR, JFK, Bush, Obama, Trump, (and are always betrayed) and now Tulsi.


    NPR asked her about praise from far-right figures such as Pat Buchanan, Ron Paul and Steve Bannon,

    to a group like ((NPR)), Ron Paul and his anti-war stance = Adolf Hitler.

    The only reason the U.S. should get involved, she said, is to keep the American people safe.

    Tulsi Gabbard = Isolationist! Anti-Semite!


    So yes, J.G., Americans are not war-crazed assholes, but our ((leaders)) are. Both the Jewish supremacists and their goyim lickspittles.

    In every single war that America has been dragged into, (in 20th and 21st centuries), it has always been accomplished through lies and false flags and treachery.

    Now if you were to make the case that all it takes to get Americans to wage war, was to say ‘hey, look over there at those Iraqis (or Libyans or Venezuelans or Cubans..), let’s bomb the snot out of them and steal their shit’.

    How many Americans are you aware of that would respond ‘fuck yea!’.



    So I just don’t see the American people as endemically bloodthirsty. They 时刻 have to be lied into wars, and often it’s their own (lied to) children that come back in body bags, or with their souls so busted apart by the incomprehensible evil of it all, they blow their own brains out.

    It has to be spread around so that every one can see, feel and experience what that poor father is. With emphasis on the people that support their government’s involvement…

    I’d like nothing more than for all the people responsible for the Eternal Wars for Israel, to suffer the fate of what they perpetrate on others, personally.

    I’d like to think John McCain is in Hell right now, being subjected to all the agonies he spent his execrable life causing untold millions of innocent people to suffer.

    I’m going to stop blaming the Jews every time something like this happens,

    Our mutual friend Geo, once asked me to zero in on the Jewish supremacists who’re mainly behind all of these horrors. But I had to tell him, that if I had to choose the ultimate fiend in human form, that I’d chose Dick Cheney. Hardly a Jew.

    Fucking racist Anglo Saxons

    Dumb Niggers and the Lazy, Dirty Mexicans

    Back then they played catch with Indian babies, from bayonet to bayonet!

    Here, J.G., we part on our views.

    For one thing, the babies on bayonets trope, was a blood libel against Germany on the ramp up to US involvement in WWI.

    And as for being “racist”, how do you think the ‘Indian’ tribes treated each other during conflicts. Or the Mexicans vs. the Indians. Or the Aztecs and Inca and Mayans towards their victims?

    The entire history of man’kind’ is one of tribal hegemony and bloodshed.

    Anglo Saxons didn’t invent it, nor were they particularly inclined towards it. How many Brits do you know who shriek that we need to slaughter the brown people of the world!

    None that I know of. But I sure know of their (((leadership’s))) Satanic evils, at least up to the point where I’m able to ‘look into the abyss’, because I suspect from their works, that their nature is so beyond anything I can comprehend, that it seems to be from the netherworld of demons and ghouls.

    So the average British guy on the street?

    No different from you or I. Struggling to make his rent, support his family, and confounded by all the evil that surrounds him.

    Vs. the 领导力 of England and America and yes, Mexico = corrupt, venal, and self-serving.

    (I may be wrong about certain elements in the Mexican gov. I’m no expert there, and would rely on your perspective, J.G. ; )


    requesting that the US establish diplomatic realations with Haiti,

    Jesus Christ Jaques. The Black supremacists in Haiti had just slaughtered every last white person in Haiti, except of course for the young women, who’d only wished they’d been slaughtered too.

    If Robert Mugabe had butchered every white man, woman and child in Zimbabwe, would you invite him to the White House and congratulate him on his success?

    I understand the motivation for the blacks of Haiti to fight a war for their freedom. Hell yes!

    They were slaves, and had every right to kill for their freedom. I’d do the same.

    But when it came to the French women and children who weren’t enslaving anyone, then if Dessalines had requested from France or the US a ship or two, to send these innocent people to America, or back to France, then I bet he’d have made a much better case for diplomatic relations with Thomas Jefferson’s government.

    I abhor all cartoon-like versions of history or ‘The Narrative.

    If you condemn all whites from Europe as evil incarnate, then how do you reconcile the white parts of your own ancestry? ‘I have parts of me that are evil, (white), and parts of me that are numinous and good and victimized (non-white).

    It’s absurd, and flies in the face of what we see every day.

    Are white American babies congenitally evil because their ancestors were doing what every single other people were doing at the time? Striving for ascendancy and hegemony?

    Do you think the Indians and Mexicans were all singing Kumba Ya when whitey got here and turned the frolic fest into a bloodbath?

    No, they were killing and butchering and constantly at odds with each other. That’s the way it was back then, and I’m not going to look at a baby or young man who happens to be white and say ‘evil’.

    I’ve lived with that horseshit all my life, J.G, and if you think get angry, the whole ‘fuck you whitey, get your racist ass to the back of the line’, shtick, has me looking to raise Mencken’s black flag…

    哦,'I didn’t do it’. K?

    And neither did my blond-haired, American nephews and nieces.

    No mater how many hatred-filled racists would condemn them for their looks.


    In a perfect world, I wish whitey had never landed on these shores.

    Not because I harbor any malice against him, or consider him to be uniquely wicked in any way, but rather because of what his tenure here has wrought, and more to the point, what it bodes.

    The Amerindians lived on this continent for centuries, and when whitey got here, it was pristine. But in a few short centuries of whitey’s stewardship, it is on the verge of annihilation.

    Greed and hatred are infinite in the human soul, and those two pillars of folly will leave this once beautiful and sublime place, a barren and desolate wasteland.

    Not because whitey is uniquely evil, but because his technology has unleashed the monsters from the id, that lurks in all human beings.

    Nothing would make me happier, than a pristine American landscape, with nomadic hunter gatherers from coast to coast.

    Where the West is the West, and the East is the East, with their incredible histories.

    And the Levant is peaceable with respect and self-determination for all peoples…

    And an Europa that is peaceful and the cradle of Western civilization (something of value IMHO) for Europeans to thrive in for as long as the sun shines.

    That is my purple unicorn. All civilizations thriving and prospering with an universal respect for each other’s lands and cultures and histories and futures. Self-determination for all.

    Cheers and Salute!

  618. Rurik 说:

    It says that racism leads to ethno-nationalism, and that ethno-nationalism leads to supremacy, and that supremacy leads to war.

    So, the solution for these people is to end ethno-nationalism


    But this evil ‘ethno-nationalism’ only applies to 一种 people. And that is white people.

    No matter wherever these evil racists skulk. Sweden, New Zealand, and every fucking racist white nation in between- must be bludgeoned into guilt for their ‘evil crimes’ and the imperative that they 必须, with all due haste, import massive amounts of non-whites to breed out the evil gene of whiteness!!!

    ‘If you “white boys” had not destroyed Guatemala, then those Guatemalans wouldn’t want anything to do with your racist society. But since you personally ruined their lives, now they have every right to ruin yours; working class white people. (the immigrants are not moving into Malibu).

    I tire of this trope.

    Japan was not exactly playing tiddlywinks with the Chinese and Koreans during WWII. But no one seems to be demanding that they open their borders to unlimited waves of Chinese and Koreans and Africans and Middle Easterners and everyone else.

    Only whitey is guilty!!!

    Because he uniquely possess an Achilles-heel-altruistic spirit that can be used to ‘guilt’ him into ethno-suicide. (And the women are fun!)

    And on top of that, he also has prosperous countries that are far superior to the squalor, corruption and poverty of Haiti.

    So 为什么不 go there and get on the largess bandwagon? You’ll even be given every advantage over the native born white men, who we’ve all demonized as ‘guilty’, so we can take what he has, and blame him for the evils that Jewish supremacists and their treasonous goyim scum are committing all over the globe.

    I tire of such narratives. I’ve had to smell the stink of that horse manure all my life.

    • 回复: @geokat62
  619. geokat62 说:

    …Jewish supremacists and their treasonous goyim scum…

    Perfectly formulated, Rurik. You should trademark it!

    This is the expression that needs to be repeatedly stated in every comment that is made on Unz.

    • 回复: @Rurik
  620. Rurik 说:

    …Jewish supremacists and their treasonous goyim scum…

    thank you Geo,

    more on their works here:


    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @geokat62
  621. @Biff

    Yeah, I’m ignoring the fool, and thanks. Hopeless. Whines about us not treating him nicely then turns around and slings insults like a three year old. Must be a West Pointer or some other of lifer.

    As you may probably know, the plantation owners did some horrible things to their “property.” When the revolution occurred, white Americans were spared, but their French masters and collaborators of the darker persuasion were dealt with appropriately. The lesson that intelligent people should learn is that we shouldn’t *哔* with people, if only because it’s practical.

    There’s no doubt in my mind that our current overlords are worried that some of us dumb goyim may start to get a clue. The chattel slave owners lived under constant fear of slave rebellions too. You’d think the “elite” would’ve figured it out by now, especially since they claim to be so smart.

    • 回复: @Rich
  622. @Rurik

    Which brings me to your second point, and here I’m talking also to Jacques.
    And Americans want to do the same to the Iranian people!
    No, J.G., they do not.
    The American people always vote for the peace candidate. Wilson, FDR, JFK, Bush, Obama, Trump, (and are always betrayed) and now Tulsi.

    No need talk to me about it. I already agree. You are correct that the American people tend to vote for the guy who promises peace, but they routinely get betrayed.

    The thrust of my criticisms is that while I’m tired too about all the anti-Whitey bullshit, but I’m also very tired of the *f-in* arrogant attitudes of many whites and especially the ones who imagine and promote the raving bull crap that America is some kind of moral example for the rest of the world, which it ain’t and 从来没有。 The moral superiority bullshit is worse than nauseating and I’m very tired of it. I cannot stand hypocrisy, either, and the constant “do-gooder” attitude really pisses me off. The constant sneering of we whites makes me want to begin administering boots in the ass.

    So, rurik, even though we agree on almost eveything, you have no need to preach to me. My attitude is the result of a lot of experience and hard work, and no one is about to change it for me; I am perfectly capable of doing it myself. We need to clean up our own acts first and quit pointing our fingers at everyone else, and if people can’t handle the truth of what I say, then I say “f” ’em.

    The fact is that all it takes is a few bad apples to mess it up for the rest of us and we whites have done a very piss poor job of correcting our bad actors and have therefore earned a lot of contempt, so deal with it. And I don’t care what the other guy has done or has not done. The fact is that as a country we have repeatedly f’d up and now we get to pay for it, and it’s way overdue. Don’t expect any sympathy from me.

    And another thing, “we” have made such a mess of things that like the guys who spy on America and never suffer for it, we will never be able to repair the mess we’ve made.

    As for what JG said about what Americans want to do about Iran, I bet he meant to say American 政客, as distinct from the American people. Why do you insist on taking what he wrote in a way that smears him? Can’t you tell from what he typically says that he’s 不能 into damning 所有 Americans any more than I am?

    Time to get over the self pity party too.

  623. @Rurik

    The Black supremacists in Haiti had just slaughtered 每周 last white person in Haiti,


    他们 spared the 美国人 白人 because of the good relations Haiti had when John Adams was prez. So, please calm down and do your homework before you start contradicting me, and I gotta tell ya, the dripping self pity you’re spouting is quite disappointing.

    As you can probably tell, I don’t suffer antagonistic folks well, especially when they’re wrong, so please keep that in mind when addressing me. I have had about enough out of you.

    PS: What’s that you say about treasonous goyim scum? You antee whitey er sumpin? 😉

    • 回复: @Robjil
  624. Rurik 说:

    *f-in* arrogant attitudes of many whites and especially the ones who imagine and promote the raving bull crap that America is some kind of moral example for the rest of the world,

    You mean the ones like Richy?

    How did you put it?

    even though we agree on almost eveything, you have no need to preach to me.


    The constant sneering of we whites

    you want to know why some whites say ‘we whites’?

    Well, I’ll tell you why. It’s because of the hysterical avalanche of cock-suckers demanding that just because a man has white skin, that he’s guilty, and should get his arse to the back of the fucking line, for jobs and promotions and gov. contracts and every thing else, because they tell us ‘You whites are all guilty, and must pay, even the most wretched among you are guilty!

    So their unhinged hatred for ‘us whites’ has by default turned us into a uniform block, that THEY created, not us.

    We didn’t say we should be singled out. All we said is that we should be treated the same. But THEY said ‘no way whitey, it’s your time to pay’, and I say FUCK THAT SHIT!

    Not for me personally, I’m doing fine. But all the poor and desperate working class white guys out there, my relatives included, deserve better.

    and quit pointing our fingers at everyone else


    whose pointing any fingers? I’m just tired of all the fingers pointed at me.

    we whites have done a very piss poor job of correcting our bad actors and have therefore earned a lot of contempt, so deal with it.

    There again with your “we” whites.

    Contempt I can deal with, genocidal waves of replacement populations, not so much.

    I guess we in the West just have to get over ourselves vis-à-vis massive replacement migrations? Huh?

    Did you read the PCR article I posted?

    And I don’t care what the other guy has done or has not done. The fact is that as a country we have repeatedly f’d up and now we get to pay for it, and it’s way overdue. Don’t expect any sympathy from me.

    We get to pay for it?

    Do you have a mouse in your pocket Jacques?

    Do you think I’m looking for sympathy from you?

    what Americans want to do about Iran, I bet he meant to say American politicians, as distinct from the American people.

    holy fuck!

    you write your whole snarky screed about how it’s all the American people’s fault, for not correcting our bad apples, and then do a 180, and say (he meant) it’s all the 政治家, (in which case I’d agree!)

    Why do you insist on taking what he wrote in a way that smears him?

    I wouldn’t dare.

    I took him at his word when he said the American people. If J.G. meant the American 政治家, then all he has to do is say so, and I’d agree with him wholeheartedly.

    he’s not into damning all Americans any more than I am?

    “The fact is that as a country we have repeatedly f’d up and now we get to pay for it, and it’s way overdue.”

    “”……we will never be able to repair the mess 我们已经 制作。”


    Time to get over the self pity party too.

    Ahh, there again with the snarky snide.

    I say it’s flat out wrong to blame powerless people for the crimes of our unaccountable government, and you call that a self pity party.

    You’d prefer collective punishment for some innocent and harmless people who resemble some guilty people. But since we can’t get at Mike Pompeo, let’s punish Joe Sixpack. They’re both Americans and both have the same skin color, so what’s the difference.

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  625. Art 说:

    So yes, J.G., Americans are not war-crazed assholes, but our ((leaders)) are. Both the Jewish supremacists and their goyim lickspittles.


    Philip Giraldi Tue, Jul 9, 2019

    On June 5, 16 heads of Jewish organizations joined 25 Democratic senators in a private meeting, which, according to the Times of Israel, is an annual event. All of the Jewish organizations but one were openly declared advocates for Israel and are supportive of its policies. Key groups present included the Council of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, the Anti-Defamation League, and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. A number of the groups have lobbied Congress and the White House in support of the use of force against Iran, a position that is basically identical to the demands being made by the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.


    Hmm — a secret meeting! A conspiracy against America?

    Thanks again — Philip Giraldi


    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Rurik
  626. Art 说:

    A sliver of hope — Tulsi 2020 – just 2 minutes packed with truth.

  627. geokat62 说:

    more on their works here:

    Thanks for bringing this article to my attention, Rurik.

    Here’s an article that documents the Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden.


    Europeans must suffer these indignities so that Jewish supremacists can feel “comfortable,” while sipping on their Starbucks coffee:

    星期五的高峰时间。 尤斯顿车站[伦敦]。 谁在这儿? 谁不是肤色万花筒。 一个终点站的世界。 芭芭拉·罗什(Barbara Roche)可以在她的美式咖啡的边缘看到它。 她告诉我:“我喜欢伦敦的多样性。” “我只是感到舒服。”


    • 回复: @Rurik
  628. geokat62 说:

    Thanks again — Philip Giraldi

    I, too, wish to extend my thanks to Phil for writing another one of his signature “no punches held” articles. I especially enjoyed the conclusion:

    是的,有一个犹太人的国际阴谋,由一些犹太人指挥,比如那些与参议员和蓬佩奥会面的人,而且没有关闭开关。 历史上从来没有一个大国如此被一个微不足道的附庸国及其国内的第五纵队所支配,现在是一个“民有、民治、民享”政府迎合一个群体的私人会议的时候了。孤独应该永远结束。

  629. Rurik 说:

    Here’s an article that documents the Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden.

    Yes, Jewish supremacists like Barbara Spectre are mainly responsible, but not solely

    There are lots and lots and lots of people out there who ache for the day Europa and Scandinavia and North America are driven into the dirt for their “crimes”.

    Here the Swedes are hectored by Jessie Jackson for their sins of slavery and waging wars all over the place, creating refugees with their racism, and who must open their doors to unlimited immigration from Africa and the Middle East to atone!


    Elin krantz atoned for her crimes. Now the rest of us must atone!

    Here’s another charming fellow who feels that Sweden must pay.

  630. Rich 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    One question, Jack, did you used to go by the name Jeremiah Smith at Takimag? I think so.

  631. Rurik 说:

    Thank you Art,

    Phil Giraldi is a rare and precious gem of a human being.

    We Americans and the world are all better off for his brave and cogent eloquence, and dogged humanity.


  632. @geokat62

    GeoKat you are Greek, you and I have more in common than we do with Anglos. Let me tell you something Bro, I had my head on right until I started hearing the Jews this, the Zionists that. They are the cause of the US Foreign Policy and the US is murdering people in the ME because Israel wants them to. I want you to read the following and tell me if you can see any change in what happened then and what happens now. Taken from this wed site: http://peacehistory-usfp.org/us-mexican-war/

    American journalists were on hand to observe the American occupation of Monterrey. The Charleston Mercury reported on October 11, 1846: “As at Matamoros, murder, robbery, and rape were committed in the broad light of day, and as if desirous to signalize themselves at Monterrey by some new act of atrocity, they burned many of the thatched huts of the poor peasants. It is thought that one hundred of the inhabitants were murdered in cold blood, and one . . . was shot dead at noon-day in the main street of the city.” This story was republished in other U.S. newspapers and in London as well. American depredations were also reported in the Mexican press, which charged that “the volunteers, the most unprincipled and ungovernable class at home, have been let loose like blood-hounds on Mexico.

    John Durivage, a correspondent for the New Orleans Picayune stationed in Monterrey, wrote on April 25, 1847:

    You have published accounts of the disgraceful outrage perpetrated before the battle of Buena Vista, and will be no less shocked to learn that an equally sickening scene of outrageous barbarity has been perpetrated in this region by persons calling themselves Americans. It appears that near a little town called Guadalupe, an American was shot two or three weeks ago; and his companions and friends determined to revenge his death. Accordingly a party of a dozen or twenty men visited the place and deliberately murdered twenty-four Mexicans.

    General Taylor confirmed the lawless personal violence in a dispatch to the War Department on June 16, 1847:
    I deeply regret to report that many of the twelve months’ volunteers, in their route hence to the lower Rio Grande, have committed extensive depredation and outrages upon the peaceable inhabitants. There is scarcely a form of crime that has not been reported to me as committed by them . . . Were it possible to rouse the Mexican people to resistance, no more effectual plan could be devised than the very one pursued by some of our volunteer regiments.

    President Polk’s blunt strategy for dealing with the difficulties of occupation was to win the war as quickly as possible and get out. In public pronouncements he gave no indication of the problems of occupation. In his Second Annual Message to Congress in December 1846, he praised “our volunteer citizen soldiers, who so promptly responded to their country’s call, with an experience of the discipline of a camp of only a few weeks, have borne their part in the hard-fought battle of Monterrey with a constancy and courage equal to that of veteran troops and worthy of the highest admiration.” There was no mention of discipline problems or abuses, or efforts to correct these. His message the following year was much the same. “Too much praise can not be bestowed upon our officers and men, regulars and volunteers, for their gallantry, discipline, indomitable courage, and perseverance, all seeking the post of danger and vying with each other in deeds of noble daring.”

    Newspaper editors and journalists generally followed the president’s patriotic lead in reporting on the war, but there were times when, as Josiah Gregg of the Louisville Daily Journal wrote, “it is painful to feel compelled to confess that the volunteers . . . have given much cause for the dread in which they are held by the Mexican citizens.” Citing recent “depredations [that] have been a disgrace to the American name,” he wrote to his editors, “Can you explain this?”[73]

    Bored U.S. troops, overcrowded in Santa Fe, started to attack New Mexican civilians; racial tensions escalated (in their memoirs of the conquest a number of U.S. soldiers made ugly statements expressing contempt for Mexicans).

    U.S. troops were preparing for a major military campaign rather than biding their time as an occupation force, helped curb flagrant abuses against Mexican civilians. Yet Scott’s strategy in taking the city of Veracruz belied his expressed intention to protect civilians. During the three-day bombardment, March 22-25, U.S. forces launched 6,700 cannonballs into the city, causing an estimated 500 civilian and military deaths and significant damage to homes, buildings, and merchandise.[85] On the third day of the assault, Mexican General Juan Morales and the foreign consuls in the city asked for a temporary ceasefire to allow for civilians to be evacuated. Scott rejected the request, calculating that this would only delay surrender. According to the historian Glenn Price, the bombing “was indiscriminate, with explosive shells which were lobbed up with the design of crashing through the flimsy roofs of the adobe houses and exploding among the families after falling inside. The British press was extremely critical of this deliberate destruction of the population . . . and some American officers on the scene expressed their strong disapproval.” Scott brushed aside the criticism, saying that his task was to take the city with the least possible loss of American lives.[86] In this, Scott succeeded, as only fifteen U.S. soldiers were killed and fifty-five wounded.

    American forces bombard Veracruz

    John Peoples of the Delta had a moment of empathy as he watched the disarmed Mexican soldiers (all paroled) shuffle out of the city, accompanied by women, children, old men, and “lame ones.” Although Mexicans were “the enemies of every American, my heart bled for them,” he wrote. “I could not help pitying them.” The moment of sympathy passed quickly. The “Stars and Stripes” were raised over the city, he wrote, and “the sound of hundreds of cannon burst upon the ear, proclaiming that the city was ours. The bands struck up the ‘Star Spangled Banner’ and [U.S. troops marched into] the city, each regiment wearing its colors, and bands performing the choicest of our national airs.”[89]

    Most Americans at home celebrated the victory at Veracruz, achieved with so few American casualties. Scott was deemed a hero for his successful amphibious assault. His success was due in large part to the fact that Mexico City had been in an uproar in the preceding month – the Polkos Rebellion – and could provide no additional troops to protect the city; hence, Scott’s troops landed on the beach unopposed. For Mexicans, beyond the humiliation of defeat, there was something incongruous and hypocritical about General Scott’s order to protect Mexican civilians from undisciplined American soldiers, on the one hand, and his military tactics guaranteed to cause massive civilian casualties and property destruction, on the other. The Mexican newspaper El Republicano, having received reports of the slaughter in Veracruz and familiar with the abuses of Taylor’s army, editorialized on April 1, 1847: “What the United States army is coming here to do is . . . to burn our cities, loot our temples, rape our wives and daughters, kill our sons, and sacrifice our defenders right in our presence, at the doors of our homes; these scenes of death and destruction . . . will find a thousand avengers on every side.”[90]

    General Winfield Scott, portrait by George Catlin, c.1835
    Scott was similarly intent on preventing depredations in other towns under U.S. control. “For example,” writes the historian John C. Pinheiro, “when a mob of volunteers, regulars, and sailors robbed liquor stores, raped women, and burnt homes in a hamlet near Vera Cruz in March 1847, without a second thought Scott promptly arrested the men.” In another case, a U.S. soldier who killed a Mexican woman at Jalapa was ordered hanged by a military tribunal. Such enforcement signified a major improvement in curbing personal violence as compared to the American occupation in northeastern Mexico. In April, Scott received instructions from Secretary of War Marcy to the effect that “the Army is to support itself by forced contributions levied upon the country, if at all possible.” Like Taylor, Scott rejected this harsh option and continued to pay fair prices.[93]

    Mass hanging of San Patricios as the U.S. flag appeared over Chapultepec
    On August 7, 1847, Scott began his move to take the capital city. Santa Anna had assembled a defensive force estimated at 25,000 men. The two armies clashed just south of the city in the battles of Contreras and Churubusco, August 18-20. American tactics and artillery, coupled with a shortage of ammunition on the part of Mexican forces, enabled the Americans to prevail once again. The San Patricio Battalion fought with desperation, expecting to be executed if captured. U.S. forces suffered an estimated 1,000 casualties. They took prisoner 4,000 Mexican troops, four generals, and 85 San Patricios, of whom 50 were later executed. The two sides signed a temporary armistice on August 23 that allowed for an exchange of prisoners and stipulated that neither side undertake military maneuvers or build fortifications. Peace talks were initiated but quickly broke down. General Scott accused Santa Anna of violating the truce and hostilities resumed.
    The battle for Mexico City involved a series of clashes. The first on September 8 at Molina del Rey produced heavy casualties on the American side. On September 12, the U.S. began the bombardment of the Castle of Chapultepec, which stands atop a rocky hill overlooking the city. On the evening of September 13, Santa Anna withdrew. All in all, the fighting produced some 1,800 Mexican casualties, while Scott lost one quarter of his 8,000-man army. Among the Mexican fallen were six young military cadets, ages 14-20, later commemorated as Niños Héroes.

    Mexican defense at Belén Gate, Mexico City
    On the morning of September 14, a delegation of city leaders approached Scott’s headquarters under a flag of truce and surrendered the city. Scott and his army then marched into the main plaza, raised the American flag, and declared victory, but the fighting was not over, as John Eisenhower describes:
    The people of Mexico City did not roll over and play dead merely because Scott entered its gates in triumph. Quite the contrary. Santa Anna, to be sure, had retreated to Guadalupe Hidalgo, outside town, to await developments, but the crowds in the street were not so docile. . . . they clustered around the plaza and, supposedly provoked by the “haughtiness” of the Americans, became unruly. . . . an unidentified Mexican fired a shot. Others followed . . . The [American] units formed ranks to fire, loaded their artillery pieces with canister, and began raking the streets. Lookouts spotted buildings from which shots had been fired. Solid shot blasted holes in the walls and angry soldiers poured through to kill and pillage. Since most of the civilians were fighting only with stones, resistance in any one place melted away quickly. By noon Scott’s men held all the critical points of the city, and mob violence subsided. Mobs roamed the streets in the unlighted city that cold night, and dead bodies littered the cobblestones. . . . The violence became sporadic, with probably more civilians killed than soldiers.

    I just cut and paste a couple of paragraphs of a very well researched document that confirms what I said about the Anglo Saxon Assault on the colored people of North America! We were not dumb, we had literature, the first College in the Americas, the oldest Winery, we had Great Poets, Writers!

    GeoKat tell me I’m lying…have you not read comments on this site from people addressing Mexicans as dirty, filthy people, that have no education, live in a shithole, are criminals! We need to Nuke them!

    If that’s who “We” are, what does that say about “Americans”!

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @geokat62
  633. @Jacques Sheete

    That was the first time a Negro Slave Army beat a White World Power Army, France. Haiti will pay for that disobedience forever, brother! Mexico beat Spain and France but lost to the US. That’s like going 12 rounds with George Foreman and 12 rounds with Ken Norton and then have to fight Mohamod Ali the same night.

    I don’t know if you have read this version of the Mexican American war but I had’nt, and it really effected in a very negative manner! I feel like I wasted my life in a country that I knew nothing about! My life has been an illusion…I have lived a fake existence brother and I am really disgusted with myself..We only get one life and I feel as if I wasted my one opprortunity. If Mexico is a “Shit Hole” the US is a “Soul Disposal”, brother! I may need to visit that Spiritual Ranch I told Rurik about and ask for the week long Payote Induced Extreme Awakening Package!

    The attached URL has the United States Foreign Policy Website…Very good reading..free

    Don’t get into any negative discussions with the other guys on my behalf brother, I am my own man, with my own thoughts and feelings. I’m trying to see how many people see things the way I do and if they don’t why? A Zionist knows what their agenda is because he’s taught everyday, does an Anglo Saxon know what their agenda is? It’s the same one so how could they not! How can they say the Jews are destroying the White Race, that is ridicules, they have dominated the world under the British Empire and now the American Empire. They really need to look inside themselves and not think of themselves as white but just as a human being. Then ask themselves what race or people are suffering under the threat of extinction. Would maybe the Indigenous from North America, or Central and South America come to mind? How about the Aborigines from Australia and New Zealand? How about Africans?

    Let me tell you what happens when the Anglo Saxons play the victims (I’m talking to you GeoKat and Rurik), they defend themselves! Let’s say, against the aggressive midget pygmy tribe of cannibals, that live on the island OgaOga…where they need to build an airbase. The pygmies are mad and threatening our peaceful land surveyors that are marking the property. We don’t care if they don’t want us there, shit we are White Anglo Saxons superior to pygmies. They don’t even know how to read or write. We’ll do the world a favor by just killing them all. Let them try and do something!

    If after reading the United States and Mexican War Document, and you don’t believe what I wrote, I suggest you look at the mirror, because you are part of the problem. This is the first war involving the US Anglo Saxons and another country, why is there not as much debate as other wars? It outlines the tactics that will be used for every other war! The rape, murder and theft has been part of US waging wars since then, nothing to be all surprised about!

    I’m out of here!!!!

  634. @Rurik


    I think we can safely say that we’re one Iranian Missile False Flag Operation from getting the True Blue American People to demand the destruction of Iran. Go on the website I attached below!

    Now if you were to make the case that all it takes to get Americans to wage war, was to say ‘hey, look over there at those Iraqis (or Libyans or Venezuelans or Cubans..), let’s bomb the snot out of them and steal their shit’.

    Anglo Saxons didn’t invent it, nor were they particularly inclined towards it. How many Brits do you know who shriek that we need to slaughter the brown people of the world!

    During the United States and Mexican War the US pushed the Anglo Saxon Race as being good, honest, honorable, rightous, defender of freedom, while describing the Mexicans as ignorant, lazy, morally corrupt, not equal, inferior, not deserving of freedom. The slaughter of innocent people was celebrated, they stole their valuables, raped their wives and daughters. All under White versus Brown propaganda Polk used to get his war.

    I know who and what you are brother! Just by reading your comments! And instead of me addressing your response one at a time, I want you to read the same thing that brought me to this conclusion. I knew what had happened in that War, because my family was directly efected by it! And after you read it I have something else that you should read, too. Because if you think that was bad, it got a lot worse.

    Only after reading this book, will understand what I said!!!Brother


    • 回复: @Rurik
    , @Robjil
  635. @J. Gutierrez

    Haiti will pay for that disobedience forever, brother!


  636. @J. Gutierrez

    I’m out of here!!!!

    I’ll miss the hell outta you, but I don’t blame you. It’s truly hopeless and I’ve been wondering myself whether the time I spend here is worthwhile I bet the Zio-turds are laughing their asses off now that the dumb goyim are each other’s throats, again.

    I have not read the history of what you describe, but I believe MG Smedley Butler mentioned it in his classic, War is a Racket. Strangely enough, I can no longer find it after about 20 minutes of searching this AM. I read 3 on line copies of it and all of them appear to have been altered, eliminating some of the best parts such as this, as well,




    …we have invited clean young men to shoulder a discredited musket and do bandit’s work under a flag which bandits have been accustomed to fear, not to follow; we have debauched America’s honor and blackened her face before the world. . .


    However I’m going to stick around for a while and push the truth in their faces at every turn and if they can’t handle it, c’est la vie!

    • 回复: @J. Gutierrez
  637. @J. Gutierrez

    I feel like I wasted my life in a country that I knew nothing about! My life has been an illusion…I have lived a fake existence brother and I am really disgusted with myself..We only get one life and I feel as if I wasted my one opprortunity. If Mexico is a “Shit Hole” the US is a “Soul Disposal”, brother!

    I hear you. Let me tell you, I hear you.

    The place is a nuthouse and has always been. A scourge on the arse of the universe, and it’ll take more than many Tulsis to begin cleaning it.

  638. @J. Gutierrez

    I just cut and paste a couple of paragraphs of a very well researched document that confirms what I said about the Anglo Saxon Assault on the colored people of North America!…If that’s who “We” are, what does that say about “Americans”!

    What the America (and Israel) first crowd seem to not understand is that the assault is on the white goyim and non-goyim too. Again, its’ a class war and always has been. I’m no Smedley Butler, but here he is on the subject.:

    THE New Deal has dealt us a military and naval hand that makes us big time contenders in the war racket. Events in Ethiopia indicate that all too soon it will be our turn to play the cards. We ought to make a good showing. We’re getting plenty of practice.

    Our army and navy have only recently completed their largest and most ambitious peace-time maneuvers. Our National Guardsmen have done even better. In the past two years large National Guard forces have seen active service in 20 strikes in as many different states, from the Pacific Coast to New England, from Minnesota to Georgia. They have used gas, bullets, and tanks — the most lethal weapons of modern war — against striking workers. Casualty lists have been impressive. In one instance they erected barbed wire concentration camps in Georgia to “coordinate” striking workers with all the efficiency of the fascist repressive technique.

    There isn’t a trick In the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its “finger men” (to point out enemies), its “muscle men” (to destroy enemies), its “brain guys,” (to plan war preparations) and a “Big Boss,” (super-nationalistic capitalism).

    Smedley D. Butler, “America’s Armed Forces. 1. ‘In Time of Peace’” America’s Armed Forces: 2. “In Time of Peace”: The Army By Major General Smedley D. Butler
    [Originally published in Common Sense, Vol. 4, No. 11 (November, 1935), pp. 8-12]

    Now the suckers have us fighting amongst ourselves like children.

    Please reconsider your decision to leave. Some of us here appreciate your insights and learn a lot.

    In any case, bless you and thank you.

    • 同意: gsjackson
  639. @Jacques Sheete

    My brother, I want you to “Read” this book, please listen to me! I don’t need to read about Smedley Butler! This book brought to light the “Tactics” used in every war since. It was the United States’ first War against another country. It shows you how to they got the American people to support them (9-11). It details the dishonesty of their “Treaties” (Iran’s Deal). It tells you how to demonize and marginalize the target group (Muslims) and the kicker here, it demonstrates their use of the first “False Flag” against another country! This War, gave Americans free reign to do as they please!

    Then you need to read the United States war against Spain, the Filipinos, the Cubans. Same tactics used against Mexico, but this time for control of trade! I know what I’m telling you Jacques, read it and you will know the real story, It caught me off guard when I started ready and realized the same propaganda that is in use today! Ron Unz needs to read this book and post on this site! Maybe do a piece on it! I’m serious my Brother, please do as I say…read it!

    Only after reading this book, will understand what I said!!!Brother


  640. Rurik 说:
    @J. Gutierrez


    I enjoy your comments. You bring a perspective and insights that are unique and no doubt, the result of a fascinating life.

    I may need to visit that Spiritual Ranch I told Rurik about and ask for the week long Payote Induced Extreme Awakening Package!

    Are you familiar with the works of Carlos Castaneda? He wrote a series of books about a shaman named Don Juan. They’d go into the desert and take mescaline (Peyote) and open the doors.

    Some righteous stuff, as I remember it. Warrior in this regard is a warrior against the cowardice and resignation of an apathetic life.

    The self-confidence of the warrior is not the self-confidence of the average man. The average man seeks certainty in the eyes of the onlooker and calls that self-confidence. The warrior seeks impeccability in his own eyes and calls that humbleness. The average man is hooked to his fellow men, while the warrior is hooked only to infinity.

    The humbleness of a warrior is not the humbleness of the beggar. The warrior lowers his head to no one, but at the same time, he doesn’t permit anyone to lower his head to him. The beggar, on the other hand, falls to his knees at the drop of a hat and scrapes the floor to anyone he deems to be higher; but at the same time, he demands that someone lower than him scrape the floor for him.

    I love that second one.


    I’ve always despised the kind of sycophantic men you find especially in ridged hierarchies. Like the military or police, for instance. There are good ones, to be sure, but the lifestyle creates men who reflexively genuflect to their ‘superiors’, and expect the same obeisance from their ‘inferiors’.

    I prefer men who lower their gaze for no mortal, but who’re also repulsed at toadies and fawners.

    I don’t see you as a fawner, J.G.

    During the United States and Mexican War … …. All under White versus Brown propaganda Polk used to get his war.

    There were exigencies during the 19th century that go far beyond my capacities, J.G. I’m not a scholar of those days, (or any other) and I also don’t consider what happened during that period to be a reflection of any race or tribe’s inherent goodness or evil, as the case may be.

    I don’t judge Mexicans (or Peruvians or Brazilians or anyone else) on the basis of the Aztec or Mayan or Incan cultures. Nor do I condemn the Spanish conquistadors for their harsh ways. Those were harsh days, J.G. and we can’t paint those people with the moral brush of our modern perspectives. IMHO

    The notion that an Apache was interchangeable with an European settler- would have been incomprehensible to both the Apache and the European. If Europeans felt there was an ‘us vs. them’ mentality, then we can be at least as assured that the Apache saw the world in the same terms.

    For me to look at one of those groups, Amerindian, European, Mexican.. and say ‘these were the good guys, and these were the bad guys, would be presumptuous on my part.

    Genetic tests in Iceland seem to show that the Icelanders are descended from Norwegian men and Anglo/Celtic (possibly slave) women. Does that mean Icelanders today should despise the parts of their makeup that are Norwegian and honor the parts that are Anglo?

    It’s preposterous. Like a Mexican hating the parts of himself that might hail back to Spain while honoring the parts that are indigenous.

    I myself am descended from different tribes that were at bloody wars with each other over the eons, but I don’t look in a mirror and curse my ancestors for what they did to my ancestors.

    Today I take every man as an individual. Recently on Unz, I had a disagreement with a guy who felt he could judge a black man’s character by his race. No f”n way, I said. And the same thing is true even about a white man. No man is congenitally evil or good. This is one of my mantras vis-a-vis the ‘Jewish question’. Some say they are a flawed race, and a menace. Whereas I say it boils down to their Satanic, (racial supremacy on acid to the max) religion.

    As for Haiti, this is the thing. We all know that slavery is an abomination. A pestilence that followed mankind in his long and storied struggle for awakening. And all races were guilty of that practice, (that lingers even to this day in some backwaters the world over).

    If the victorious Haitians had declared that their revolution was about human freedom and dignity, then I’d be all for it.

    But it wasn’t. Rather, they turned what could have been an historic and glorious triumph of reason over evil, into triumph of evil over reason. Because rather than say, ‘We Haitians have won the battle against slavery, and freed mankind from this abomination!’

    All they did was say ‘Ok, now we won, now (French women) are going to be the slaves’.

    And Jacques is shocked that Thomas Jefferson didn’t want diplomatic ties to such a regime.

    What we need today is a realization that no people are congenitally evil or vile or wicked, and no people are congenitally good.

    Anglos are not evil people, blacks are not evil, Jews are not evil, Mexicans are not evil, and neither is anyone else.

    But regimes sure can be evil. Ideologies can be evil. Certainly, the way Zionism is playing out in the world today, is as evil as anything can get.

    So the way I see it, is we should attack the prevailing 无知 whenever that ignorance is threatening the well-being of our fellow human beings. And few forms of ignorance are more widespread and menacing to this planet than Zionism.

    And Zionism means two things simultaneously. One, that there is a race of divine beings on the planet who god created to rein over the rest. And that god wants them to use murder, theft and genocide to steal other people’s land and property and crush any who get in their way with torture and lies and treachery.

    That is one of the two pillars of Zionism.

    The other pillar of Zionism is that Western civilization, and the Rule of Law, MUST, with all due haste, be dismantled and its people driven under by the weight of teeming armies of non-Westerners, until she finally gives way, and the Zionists are ensconced on the planet as the undisputed lords and masters of their masturbatory Talmudic wet dreams.

    “我们的比赛是大师赛。 我们是这个星球上的神灵。 我们与亚种不同,它们与昆虫不同。 实际上,与我们的种族相比,其他种族是野兽和动物,最好的是牛。 其他种族被认为是人类的排泄物。 我们的命运是统治下等种族。 我们的地上王国将由我们的领袖以铁棍统治。 群众将舔我们的脚,为我们做奴隶。”

    Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, (1977 – 1983) in a speech to the Knesset

    Now properly, these would be the ranting’s of a drooling lunatic in a cage.

    But what’s troubling J.G. is that this shithead’s nightmarish delirium is fast becoming a reality.

    The very leader of the ‘free world’, and most powerful man on the planet’, the president of the Zio States of America, does indeed lick their feet with a disturbingly salacious enthusiasm. No matter who actually holds the office.

    So is why I’m here brother. To do what I can to make sure their vision for the planet loses some traction. If people understood what ((they)) have in mind for us, (kulaks), then perhaps they might put up some resistance.

    So there you have it. My raison d’etre for participating here at Unz.

    And it’s my distinct pleasure to do so with intriguing and interesting persons such as yourself, (and Jacques and so many others).

    I certainly don’t have all the answers, and that’s my other reason for being here. To learn from ya’ll, and forge forward towards a better understanding and hopefully, a better world.


  641. @J. Gutierrez

    I don’t need to read about Smedley Butler!

    我知道 别。

    I put it in there in case the chest thumpers dare to read my comments. It’s designed to help inform them and Butler should have some credibility with that crowd.

    PS: I see that I should have double checked my post…it was screwed up again, and I’ve been too busy to keep re-checking everything.

  642. @J. Gutierrez

    This War, gave Americans free reign to do as they please!

    That, my friend, is exactly what the constitution was designed to do. It helped give the slave profiteering classes freedom to do whatever they wanted. It was sold to the few ‘Merkin rubes who cared as being for “freedom.” They cleverly forgot to mention whose freedom it guaranteed, and the rubes for got to ask.

  643. @J. Gutierrez

    It caught me off guard when I started ready and realizedsame propaganda that is in use today!

    That’s exactly why I bring up a lot of historical truths and ancient wisdom. If you want to know how it all works, and have a good laugh at the same time, you need to read nothing else but Aristophanes’ superb play, “The Knights”. It lays it all out. Also, Lucian of Samosata’s “Dialogues of the Dead” is full of hilarious truths as well.

    Nothing but the fine details ever changes, yet the rubes fall for it over and over.

  644. @J. Gutierrez

    Hey JG, I went to the link you posted, and read among other things,

    In April 1847, the Massachusetts legislature passed a resolution denouncing the war [against Mexico] as “a gigantic crime” waged against a “weak neighbor” for the purposes of conquest, territorial aggrandizement, and the extension of slavery.

    When the US decided to invade Canada to annex territory [War of 1812], thinking it would be a cakewalk (but instead got its asses kicked), Massachusetts denounced it, too. Some also vehemently denounced standing armies at the same time. When such sentiment led to riots, Henry Lee, who suppressed the Whiskey Rebellion, was seriously injured and was made a partial invalid by a ferocious mob who attacked him when for trying to protect an editor who was anti-war.

    The deeper one goes into ‘Merkin history, the more disgusted one gets. Albert J. Beveridge, a would-be Lincoln hagiographer, found out that most of what was written about Lincoln was, as he called it, “slush and rot” and completely lost his long standing admiration for Lincoln. It was mostly old campaign propaganda…!

  645. Robjil 说:
    @Jacques Sheete

    The Poles and Germans were allowed to stay. The French Revolution was extremely violent just like the Haitian Revolution. The Haitians copied the same tactics that the French Revolutionaries did to the French against the Revolution in 1789. 1804 was only 15 years after the French Revolution. The Haitians seeing what the French done to their country thought this how one does things unfortunately for the French colonists.

    This is what happened to the people of Vendee, who were devout Catholics, who were against the anti- Catholicism of the French Revolution.

    In the city of Nantes, the Revolutionary commander Jean-Baptiste Carrier disposed of Vendéean prisoners-of-war in a horrifically efficient form of mass execution. In the so-called “noyades” –mass drownings – naked men, women, and children were tied together in specially constructed boats, towed out to the middle of the river Loire and then sunk.

    Now Vendée, a coastal department in western France, is calling for the incident to be remembered as the first genocide in modern history.

    Residents claim the massacre has been downplayed so as not to sully the story of the French Revolution.

    Historians believe that around 170,000 Vendéeans were killed in the peasant war and the subsequent massacres – and around 5,000 in the noyades.

    Here is about the German and Poles who were allowed to stay in Haiti.


    Dessalines then came to rule Haiti as Emperor Jean-Jacques I – and here too he proved how much he had learned from the French. After his assassination two of his lieutenants ruled simultaneously as Kings, one in the north the other in the south. Of course, the sugar plantations were cultivated again, but since there was officially no more slavery it was done by enforced labour. All whites except the Poles and Germans had to leave Haiti. About 400 Poles remained and married. Not so far from Port-au-Prince in the region of Cazale there are still today some Haitians who refer to their Polish ancestry.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
    , @Rurik
  646. @Robjil

    Robjil, many many thanks. It shall go into my files as great info, most of it new to me.

    The myth that ALL white people were killed is obviously propaganda and it reminds me of the myth regarding Hitler and the Nazis, i.e., that they intended to exterminate all Jews, which was preposterous since large portions of Jewry lived in the USA, and were far out of Hitler’s reach in any case, not to mention that the Zionists and Nazis collaborated.

    I realize you know all of that but I thought it worthwhile to get out there.

    In any case, Tulsi or no, this country’s foreign policies have always stunk, and undoubtedly always shall, and war, devastion, and misery shall forever be our principle export.

    PS: Dessalines then came to rule Haiti as Emperor Jean-Jacques I, and we are not related as far as I know, but I don’t even know JS! 😉

    • 同意: Robjil
  647. Robjil 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    The British and American Empire were both trouble makers for a long time. The two became more powerful in the 20/21st century with a third ring joining them – the Zion empire. The Zion empire is a very special empire. It can’t be criticized or even named. One is an anti-S to do so. Sun Tzu, the art of war, would have never imagined such a clever devise. The Not-see-ism is a very powerful tactic. Anything can be done no matter how vile, since no one can not even talk about it in our MSM. The Zionist have a very special 6 million protection umbrella. It protects any attempt to over come the Zion fortress. The Zion empire is pulling most of the strings these days. The Brit and American empire is kaput.

    Douglas Reed’s Controversy of Zion names names of the Zionist advisors in Britain and the US who pushed for WWI for the Balfour and WWII for Israel. We have a new set Zionist advisors who have been pushing WWIII – for greater Israel – Seven nations to destroy.

    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  648. @Robjil

    I hope you can convince JG to continue contributing.

    BTW, I read the piece that you linked to and found the info quite astonishing.

    It also supports my idea above about the similarity to the Nazis (and I mean that as a compliment to both).

    Meanwhile, when the rebels entered Jérémie on the next day, the Poles in the citadel were allowed to surrender honourably. The rebel general Ferrou related to them in detail the treachery of their superiors, showed them the mutilated bodies of the 40 Frenchmen and said: “So do we punish the faithless invaders, but we make an exception for those who were forced to fight us against their will.”

    This demonstrated once again that the rebels considered the mercenaries [Poles Germans Swiss] as something similar to white slaves.
    Futhermore they negotiated with Dessalines long enough for him to promise to spare the civilian population. He contented himself with hanging 82 whites.

    So, we can see that he did not kill whites because they were white, but because they were psycopathic and hideously brutal slave owners and their supporters. The Nazis did not kill Jews ( as Reed points out accurately) because they were Jews, but because they were Commies and anti-Germans.

    The Talmudists, on the other hand, do seem to have the goyim killed for the simple pleasure of watching them suffer and die. We can see such behavior on display in Palestine now. The French in Haiti were every bit as bad and many of them apparently hated the blacks because they were black!!!

    Again, I know that you already know all that, but perhaps one or two others may find those ideas worthwhile. Maybe.


    • 同意: Robjil
  649. Rurik 说:

    how one does things unfortunately for the French colonists.

    not all the French were put to death.

    Many of the women had were kept alive, under certain provisions.

  650. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Hey JG. Sorry for the tardy response. I just returned from my first day back to work.

    GeoKat you are Greek, you and I have more in common than we do with Anglos.

    I think you’ve done an excellent job chronicling the wrongdoings of the Anglo-Saxons. All of it I accept as fact. And you are right to point out that you as a Mexican and I as a Greek share a lot in common. Both of our countries (in my case, my parents’ country) have suffered at the hands of an aggressor. Whereas my people suffered at the hands of the Ottoman Turks, yours have suffered at the hands of the Anglo-Saxons.

    Let me tell you something Bro, I had my head on right until I started hearing the Jews this, the Zionists that. They are the cause of the US Foreign Policy and the US is murdering people in the ME because Israel wants them to. I want you to read the following and tell me if you can see any change in what happened then and what happens now.

    Nothing has really changed, JG. The strong are still taking advantage of the weak. Unfortunately, this is unlikely to change.

    The only thing that’s changed is who gets to play the role of the hegemon. While the Ottoman Turks occupied that position from the 15th to 19th centuries, the Anglo-Saxons did so from the 17th to 20th centuries.

    As we both know, however, the sun has set on both of these empires. While the American empire has superseded the British as world hegemon, it too is beginning to show signs of decline. What is truly remarkable is that the American hegemon has been co-opted by a much smaller client state. If anyone has any doubts as to who the new hegemon is, author Yuri Slezkine put that to rest when he selected the title to his book, 犹太世纪… and, if you read their Talmudic Satanic versus, we haven’t seen anything yet.

    While the Anglo-Saxons saw the French, Spanish, and Germans as their competitors, the new hegemon sees all goyim as theirs. That’s why we need to stick together, JG. The new battle is between Jewish supremacists and all 愚蠢的Goyim. We need to get over the quarrels of the past and stop fighting yesterday’s enemy. We need to wake up and fight the new enemy that is much more formidable than the old.

    If you need any proof that the Anglo-Saxons are no longer the hegemon, just look at what is happening to their countries. Jewish supremacists have seen fit to open the floodgates and let migrants from all over the world come in. It has reached such crisis levels, that they will become minorities in their own countries. Just watch Barbara Lerner Spectre gloat over that tragedy.

    We were not dumb, we had literature, the first College in the Americas, the oldest Winery, we had Great Poets, Writers!…

    GeoKat tell me I’m lying…have you not read comments on this site from people addressing Mexicans as dirty, filthy people, that have no education, live in a shithole, are criminals! We need to Nuke them!

    These comments are being made by ignorant people, JG. I have no time for them. They are a product of their defiled societies. My advice is to ignore them.

    I’ll end with this remark, JG. You, in an excellent comment, brought to our attention the attempt made on the Mexican parliament by two Israeli commandos. I reinforced this attempt on Mexico’s sovereignty by presenting a map displayed by Nut’nYahoo which depicted the foreign relations the Jewish state has with all the countries of the world. It showed Mexico and most of the rest of Latin America as green. My hope, JG, is that Mexico and most of the rest of Latin America remain green forever.

    ¡Viva México y la soberanía Mexicana!

    • 同意: Robjil
    • 回复: @Jacques Sheete
  651. geokat62 说:

    …Jewish supremacists and their treasonous goyim scum…

    On second thought, perhaps the insertion of one more word will enhance the aesthetics of this masterpiece:

    …Jewish supremacists and their treasonous 沙波士 goyim scum…

    What do you think? bene?

    • 同意: Rurik
  652. @geokat62

    These comments are being made by ignorant people, JG. I have no time for them. They are a product of their defiled societies. (ed note: brilliant!) My advice is to ignore them.


    the new hegemon sees all goyim as their [enemies]. That’s why we need to stick together, JG. The new battle is between Jewish supremacists and all The Dumb Goyim. We need to get over the quarrels of the past and stop fighting yesterday’s enemy. We need to wake up and fight the new enemy that is much more formidable than the old.

    Yup. συμφωνώ. And please implore JG to get his 屁股 back here, ahora!

    • 哈哈: geokat62
  653. @Rurik

    Polk began military maneuvers in July 1845.  Without authorization from Congress, he directed General Zachary Taylor and 4,000 troops to advance to the south bank of the Nueces River, near Corpus Christi.  Six months later, on January 13, 1846, before learning of the outcome of John Slidell’s mission in Mexico City, Polk ordered Taylor to proceed further to the Rio Grande, thus entering disputed territory.  As Polk later wrote in his diary, he anticipated “a collision between the American and Mexican forces.” Taylor’s troops set up camp on the north side of the Rio Grande, opposite the town of Matamoros, on March 28.  They built a makeshift fort, aimed their artillery at the town, and blockaded the mouth of the river, denying food and supplies to 4,000 townspeople and 3,400 Mexican soldiers stationed there.  Apart from entering into what Mexicans considered their territory, the blockade itself was an act of war. 

    According to the historian Glenn Price:
    The first indisputable act of war was an act of the United States, when its naval forces blockaded the Rio Grande on 12 April 1846.  Even had the land on the left bank of that river been within the limits of the United States, to blockade the river, which in that case would have been the international boundary, was an act of war.  That conclusion needs no supporting argument, but it may be of interest to point out that the United States government was on record as stating that any attempt by Mexico to close the river to American traffic would justify hostilities.  Instructions given General Zachary Taylor by the Department of War stated that “the Rio Grande, in a state of peace, may be regarded as equally open to navigation of the U.S. & Mexico,” and should this “reciprocal right be resisted by Mexico,” Taylor was at liberty to force it open by military power.

    1. We see the first use of unprovoked invasion by building a Fort on disputed land. (today in Syria and Iraq)
    2. The first use of a blockade, sanctions and embargos. (today in Syria, Venezuela, Cuba, etc.)

    Mexican President Paredes demanded that U.S. forces return to the north side of the Nueces River, but he nevertheless sought to reassure the U.S. of his intentions by issuing a manifesto declaring that he “would never commit a single aggression against the United States,” but only act in defense of Mexico.

    On April 23, with the American troops encamped opposite Matamoros and having blockaded the river, Paredes issued another manifesto, this time declaring that “from this day defensive war begins.”  The following day, the Mexican commander at Matamoros, General Arista, informed Taylor that hostilities had commenced.  On April 25, Mexican troops crossed the river and attacked a U.S. patrol unit, killing eleven men.  Full-blown battles followed at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma on May 8 and 9, both of which U.S. forces won.

    Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant later recorded in his Personal Memoirs, “We were sent to provoke a fight, but it was essential that Mexico should commence it,” otherwise it “was very doubtful whether Congress would declare war.”

    1. Invade a country set up camps build forts and refuse to leave. (today Syria)
    2. Apply Sanctions and Blockades to starve them (today Syria, Venezuela, etc.)
    3. When they try and get you out, declare war and make them out to be the aggressors. (today Afghanistan)

    President Polk needed Mexico to strike the first blow not only for the purpose of convincing Congress to enact a war bill, but also to rouse the American public.  This was essential if the U.S. was to prosecute a successful war.

    Mexico must be thoroughly chastised!  We have reached a point in our intercourse with that country, when prompt and effectual demonstrations of force are enjoined upon us by every dictate of right and policy. . . . Let our arms now be carried with a spirit which shall teach the world that, while we are not forward for a quarrel, America knows how to crush, as well as how to expand!

    The desire to “crush” Mexico had racial, historical, and ideological overtones.

    Most Anglo Americans viewed Mexicans as an inferior race based on their mixed, Spanish-Indian ancestry.  While not scorned as “savages,” they were depreciated as “an idle, thriftless people” who did not deserve to rule over the lands they held in North America. Some viewed the inability of Mexicans to pacify hostile tribes as confirmation of their inferiority.  Perpetual disorder in the Mexican government furthermore prompted predictions that Americans would one day rule Mexico.  William Seton “Guy” Henry, an American journalist who covered the war, wrote of the Mexican people:

    The finger of Fate points, if not to their eventual extinction, to the time they will cease to be the owners of the soil, and when the Anglo race will rule with republican simplicity and justice, a land literally “flowing with milk and honey” – who will, by their superior mental and physical abilities . . . populate the country with a race of men who will prove the infinite goodness of our Maker, in creating nothing but what is for use and some good purpose.”

    Anglo American racism created substantial barriers to peacefully resolving outstanding issues with Mexico through negotiations.  Not only was there a widespread belief among Americans that the “inferior” Mexican people must sooner or later give up their lands to the superior “Anglo race,” but the very idea of sitting down at a table and talking as equals was anathema to many.  According to Glenn Price, “The attitude was that there was very little difference between an Indian and a Mexican; serious and respectful diplomacy was out of place in either case.”For Polk and many other Americans in that intensely racist era, the mere fact that brown-skinned Mexicans expected to be treated as equals constituted a challenge to the assumed racial hierarchy of Anglo (white) dominance.  Polk and company expected Mexicans to accept their status as an “inferior race” and give in to the demands of the “superior race.”  Indeed, Mexico’s failure to do so was deemed a sufficient cause for war.  According to the historian Amy Greenberg, “Polk viewed international relations through the lens of slaveholding and dominance”:

    GeoKat and Rurik, explain to me how the Jews were involve in this war! And then explain to me how the Jews applied these same tactics in all future wars when they were not even in power! We see no mention of Jew supremacy and will not see any.

    During the U.S.-Mexican War, the refrain of Anglo-Saxon superiority followed every American victory.  When General Taylor captured the Mexican town of Monterrey in September 1846, for example, Walt Whitman described it as “another clinching proof of the indomitable energy of the Anglo-Saxon character.”

    “Let the half-civilized Mexicans hear the crack of the unerring New Hampshire riflemen.”

    Outspoken Anglo American racism coupled with American aggression evoked fear in Mexico.  The editors of a Chihuahua newspaper expressed the view in 1841 that if Mexico failed to stop the United States from annexing Texas, Anglo Americans would not only gobble up more Mexican territory but also establish a different religion on Mexican soil and sell Mexican citizens “as beasts” because “their color was not as white as that of their conquerors.” 

    The editors of El Siglo Diez y Nueve wrote in May 1844 that the United States was populated by a “race that had no mercy for others.”  They pointed out the hypocrisy of Americans proclaiming liberty for all while annihilating Indians and enslaving blacks.  The Americans, warned El Siglo, would not be content with merely acquiring Mexican soil; they would only be satisfied when the “Mexican race” was destroyed.[37]  Such views explain why many Mexicans demanded that their government fight the U.S. despite Mexico’s military weakness, rather than give in to American aggression.

    “The Jews did not own the MSM back then, how can anyone explain the use of the same type of support for the war as they do today”!

    As the boredom of garrison duty began to set in, plundering, personal assaults, rape, and other crimes against Mexicans quickly multiplied.  During the first month after the volunteers arrived, some twenty murders occurred.  Initially, Taylor seemed uninterested in devising diversions to occupy his men and failed to stop the attacks.  As thefts, assaults, rapes, murders, and other crimes perpetrated by the volunteers mounted and Taylor failed to discipline his men, ordinary Mexican citizens began to have serious reservations about the American invasion.  Taylor’s lackadaisical approach to discipline produced an effect utterly unanticipated by the Polk administration, many of whose members, particularly pro-expansionists such as Secretary of the Treasury Robert J. Walker, believed that Mexicans would welcome the Americans as liberators. Instead, public opinion turned against the Americans.

    “What I wanted you to see and comment on was the tremendous similarities between the war against Mexico and the wars in the Middle East. Notice the brutality, the rapes, the assaults on civilians and murders. No fucking jews were present…you understand me! Just “White Anglo Saxon Hillbillies from Kentucky”!

    “We believed that Mexicans would welcome the Americans as liberators. Instead, public opinion turned against the Americans”.

    “This exact phrase was use by the US Military after invading Iraq! That is not a Zionist propaganda piece…it was used in every war since! It is no coincidence, and I’m not stupid”.

    There is overwhelming proof of Anglo Saxon aggression against people they considered below them. In order to justify the theft, rape and murder to their citizens, they marginalized, demonized and criminalized the target groups. While portraying themselves as Superior, God’s Chosen and defenders of Free Men! All this while promoting Slavery! Can you guys see the similarities or do you refuse to!

    You can tell me all white people aren’t that way J.G. and I’ll tell you, you are probably right! But there is no difference if you hold the lamb, from the one who slaughters it.

    I can assure you guys that the same tactics of Anglo Saxon justification and demonization of the target people was use over and over again. Shit, they even used it on the Germans…it was brilliant! Reverse racism! Remember the Giant German Gorilla posters with the blond woman? You have to admire the Anglo Saxons for their cold blood brothers, yeah they have no problem whatsoever killing other Anglo Saxons…ask the White Germans brothers! I am 96% Eur Spanish, but I am never going to defend an Anglo from UK, US, Australia, New Zealand or Canada…no matter how good they are!

    That’s all I have to say on this subject, I respect all you guys. But that is my opinion and reason for feeling the way I do. I expected one of you guys to respond back to me with this same information, until I realized how it would be hard for me to do… if that was expected from me, But I would have done even if it meant shitting on myself and my people! But, like I’ve said before,,,I’m a different animal!

    Like my brother Rurik said, “I’m here to see if I can make change”. Or something to that effect! Love you guys nothing personal just business! The Business of Truth!

    • 回复: @geokat62
    , @Art
  654. geokat62 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    Thanks for responding, JG, and for forthrightly telling us what’s on your mind.

    GeoKat and Rurik, explain to me how the Jews were involved in this war! And then explain to me how the Jews applied these same tactics in all future wars when they were not even in power! We see no mention of Jew supremacy and will not see any.

    While “the Jews” may have played no role in The Mexican–American War, most informed observers would agree they played a leading role in the war to remake the Middle East. The evidence is overwhelming to support this assertion (see Mearsheimer and Walt’s 以色列游说团与美国外交政策). They may not have been in power, but through the power of their Lobby, they have been the driving force behind these belligerent policies.

    Love you guys nothing personal just business! The Business of Truth!

    Likewise, JG. Always enjoy doing business with you, too!

  655. Art 说:
    @J. Gutierrez

    1. Invade a country set up camps build forts and refuse to leave. (today Syria)
    2. Apply Sanctions and Blockades to starve them (today Syria, Venezuela, etc.)
    3. When they try and get you out, declare war and make them out to be the aggressors. (today Afghanistan)

    In simpler words – old world “gun boat diplomacy.”

    Today the American people do not want that.

    (The JMSM will not let us get together and say that politicly.)

    Tulsi 2020 – 2024!

  656. @geokat62

    从法律角度来看,苏兹伯格家族是《纽约时报》的领导者。但是,如果他们还欠卡洛斯·斯利姆 200 亿美元,他们就无法违背他的意愿。


  657. @Rich




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