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物价上涨的罪魁祸首既不是普京,也不是“贪婪”的企业。美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔和他的同事们难辞其咎。从 2019 年 XNUMX 月开始,当美联储对银行用来相互提供隔夜贷款的“回购”市场利率飙升感到恐慌时,美联储进行了前所未有的货币创造热潮。为了应对封锁,美联储进一步加强了宽松货币政策和低利率甚至零利率政策。物价上涨是美联储政策的直接结果。


最好的情况可能是回到 70 年代式的“滞胀”。最糟糕的情况是,在国会未能停止支出的推动下,美联储未能控制通胀,再加上人们对美国过度干预主义外交政策的持续不满,将导致美元储备货币地位被拒绝,并导致美元贬值。一场重大的金融危机。这样的危机可能会导致普遍的贫困、暴力、对自由的压制,甚至极权政府的崛起。


(从重新发布 罗恩·保罗学院 经作者或代表的许可)
• 类别: 经济学 •标签: 美联储, 通货膨胀, 俄罗斯, 乌克兰 
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  1. Durruti 说:


    政治家罗恩·保罗‘s articles are so well constructed, revealing the problem, and suggesting the cure, that they are a pleasure to read, and to analyze.

    In order that we Americans are to be able to (as 罗恩·保罗 writes), “return to limited, constitutional government” we will need to 恢复我们的共和国 (that was overthrown in a Coup D’état on November 22, 1963. It was on that day that our Last Constitutional President, 约翰·F·肯尼迪, was assassinated (in a MOSSAD/CIA/MI6 operation).

    Significantly, our only surviving Statesman, former 8 term Congressman 罗恩·保罗 who ran a strong popularly supported campaign for the Presidency, (writes/expresses himself very carefully, points to our necessity to “return to limited, constitutional government.” 罗恩·保罗 shouts this Revolutionary Dynamite, his clarification that We Americans, in 2022, do not currently have a “constitutional government,” limited, or in any useful form, whatever.

    No other American politician approaches 罗恩·保罗博士 in his Daring, and Courage, and the continual correctness/sharpness of his political analysis and advocacy. I do not wish to add any further of life’s pressures on 罗恩·保罗 by this fulsome analysis. However, I fear that some of his admirers do not understand the uniqueness of 罗恩·保罗s long and lonely struggles, and his undying optimism for the future of our Nation. Any more than they understand 约翰·F·肯尼迪‘s standing in the line of fire, in a desperate effort to save our country.

    We must join the 保罗斯肯尼迪, 麦金尼, 库奇尼奇, 文图拉, and others, in building Political Power with which we may Restore Our Republic, and bring Peace and Prosperity to our planet.

    Dr. Peter J. Antonsen – nom de guerre -Durruti

    • 同意: Truth Vigilante, Brad Anbro
  2. 物价上涨的罪魁祸首既不是普京,也不是“贪婪”的企业。美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔和他的同事们难辞其咎。从 2019 年 XNUMX 月开始,当美联储对银行用来相互提供隔夜贷款的“回购”市场利率飙升感到恐慌时,美联储进行了前所未有的货币创造热潮。为了应对封锁,美联储进一步加强了宽松货币政策和低利率甚至零利率政策。物价上涨是美联储政策的直接结果。

    For decades, the Federal Reserve has been printing and digitally creating money well beyond the amount needed for the American economy. Blaming Johnny-c0me-lately Powell and his minions only is absurd.

    The crisis could still be avoided, but only if Congress becomes serious about cutting spending, starting with the military industrial complex.

    Dr Paul must know that any remedial action is now far too late. But I give him credit for persistence. Hope springs eternal in Dr Paul’s heart, even as his patient is undergoing rigor mortis.

    Very shortly – probably later this year – the USD will lose its status as the World’s Reserve Currency. The result will be hyperinflation, and severe economic depression, if not collapse, for the United States. The political and social consequences are likely to be equally severe. Dr Paul must surely know that, too, but seems determined to present an optimistic front for the patient’s relatives.

    I don’t think this a good idea. The relatives of the patient are likely to get very upset when they realise that Dr Paul has been peddling them false optimism. I don’t see how this benefits Dr Paul or his cause. But what do I know ? I’m just an interested bystander.

    In order to keep donations up for his Foundation, does he think that he needs to engender a false optimism right to the end ? Hey, we can still change things even now, please donate more ! Would telling the truth result in a collapse of confidence in the purpose of the Foundation, and a massive drop in donations ?
    Do readers have any other ideas ?

    • 回复: @Durruti
  3. Rich 说:

    Blame Wilson, blame LBJ, blame Nixon, blame Reagan and Greenspan. Powell knows what has to be done. Volcker already did it once. If he doesn’t take the necessary steps to rein in inflation, he’ll be remembered by some Chinese historian as one of the men responsible for the end of the US.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  4. Durruti 说:

    Speaking of Ron Paul, Verymuchalive writes:

    does he think that he needs to engender a false optimism right to the end ?

    1. Is it “false optimism” that Paul “engenders,” or is he attempting to encourage our American citizens to resist?

    Do readers have any other ideas ?

    2. Ron Paul did mention

    a return to limited, constitutional government.

    I advocated in comment # 1, that we attempt to


    3. Your comment that

    保罗博士 must know that any remedial action is now far too late.

    might be correct. Help us out here.

    Do you propose doing nothing? Surrender? “Let’s all get high.” 罗恩·保罗 & I wish to fight (as best we may). Your nom de plume indicates a certain feistiness. Surely you have some suggestions for Resistance? I would like to hear them. Is the Federal Reserve impregnable, or the Rothschild & other Oligarchs unassailable?

    • 回复: @Verymuchalive
  5. Emslander 说:

    There is no political mechanism currently available to the American voter by which it can vote in favor of any salutary measures, certainly not any so perfectly crafted as those suggested by Congressman Paul. We’re no longer in control.

    Did YOU vote to build and maintain eleven aircraft carrier strike forces floating out there on the oceans blue, generally doing nothing and probably incapable of defending even themselves? Did any of us vote to spend $800 billion on the military this year? What about the PPP money everyone received in compensation for the crackpot emergency lockdowns during the regular occasional flu epidemic? Wouldn’t most of us have preferred to keep businesses alive and workers working? Where was the flood of political support for that?

    The average American of no particular pedigree is simply a victim. We’re not far from being pink bodies floating in goo with electrodes attached to the backs of our heads.


    • 回复: @Durruti
    , @differentkindaguy
  6. @Rich

    No, it’s not just the latest spigot-turning by Powell, of course. The money printing has been going on a long time, and, other than a 10 year real lull in inflation due to the big outsourcing to China in ’95-’05*, we’ve had 4-5% REAL inflation for years, as opposed to the BLS numbers. This has been well-documented on 峰值愚蠢通货膨胀 主题键。

    However, the latest Kung-Flu PanicFest-excuse for money-printing gave us this doubled inflation level.

    No, Jerome Powell cannot possibly do a Paul Volcker, even if they let him. 2 very bad things would happen, and Dr. Paul only mentioned one this time:

    a) The one he mentioned was the national budget. Even at a more natural 7% interest rate, as one can easily glean from a look at the IRS 1040 instruction pie charts (page 109), in our post “从长远来看,但我们还没有死”, Peak Stupidity quickly calculated that interest payments would take 58% of the taxes collected. At those 1970s 17% rates, well, we may as well just send our tax payment checks (and company’s withholdings) directly to some bondholders.

    b) The stock market would crash, which has been the only thing letting former middle-class people think they are still middle class. It would crash because there’d be non-risky options for saving money at rates that at least don’t lose you money over time.

    Sorry, the Jerome Powell and the FED are stuck between a rock and hard place. So are we. I like Ron Paul’s optimism, but I agree with Verymuchalive.


    * I don’t mean that was the only period of outsourcing, just that his was a time the Big Biz savings and profit increases just from that were enough to where prices didn’t rise much and even quality was held decent. That didn’t last.

    • 回复: @Rich
  7. Durruti 说:

    There is no political mechanism currently available to the American voter by which it can vote in favor of any salutary measures, certainly not any so perfectly crafted as those suggested by Congressman Paul. We’re no longer in control.

    I do not consider the USA to be a “shithole” but I get your point.

    In line with your reasoning, much of the world, perhaps all, “is finished.” I remember a friend saying that to me in 1972.

    Perhaps, in consideration for my children & grands, I will not admit it. There is almost always Hope; or as Aragorn said, and I paraphrase, ‘we must continue without hope.’



    • 回复: @Jokem
    , @Emslander
  8. Rich 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I disagree. The market has to crash anyway, so doing it to save the dollar is worth it. There will be a lot of pain, people with paper profits will find out how their grandparents lived, but if they don’t raise rates, people will find out how Weimar Germans lived.

    The fed budget would have to be drastically cut, back to where it was 50, 60 years ago, but it should be anyway and it would force the government out of our lives. If they don’t do it, we’re doomed, the dollar dies and that high Dow average is worthless anyway.

    • 同意: Mark G.
    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  9. Jokem 说:

    ‘I do not consider the USA to be a “shithole” but I get your point.’


  10. @Rich

    I didn’t say they SHOULDN’T do it, I said they COULDN’T do it, Rich. None of these people want anything bad to happen on their own watch. It’s a game of musical chairs.

    Yes, there’s going to be a lot of financial pain, no matter what happens, at this point.

  11. I’m a huge fan of Dr. Paul having met him on 2 occasions. I fear he may be over-optimistic, though, and that we will have the crisis even if the “Joe Biden” Administration and the Fed both have a sudden fit of sanity.

    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  12. @Durruti

    Restoration of the American Republic and limited government are noble aims. If it were feasible, I would want their return as quickly as possible. But the changes wrought on America in the last 60 years have been fundamental. The coming economic collapse is now unavoidale and makes restoration impossible.

    Some form of partition seems likely. Those who want limited government and a constitutional republic would at least have the opportunity to go to an independent state – or more likely states – which practice these policies. However, I don’t see this happening without bloodshed. Those like you and me who support these ends will all have to resist then.

  13. @Fidelios Automata

    Agreed, F.A. I met Ron Paul in person once. I told him that if he wanted to win my State in the (’12) primary, he would need to talk about illegal immigration. Alas …

  14. Emslander 说:

    Yes, the whole world that is tied to the modernist corruption as its imagined heaven and final end is going to collapse. This is clear. There are many parts of the world, however, maybe the largest part of it that still knows how to survive on its work with the gifts it is given and not the stuff it is stealing from the future or the unborn.

  15. @Emslander


    • 回复: @Emslander
    , @Jokem
  16. Emslander 说:

    Don’t you know that debt is no longer a problem? Michael Hudson and Ellen Brown who regularly write articles here on Unz claim that governments can print all the money they want and nothing bad can happen. They can even assume all of the debts of all the citizens and Shangri-La will take over.


    • 回复: @Achmed E. Newman
  17. @Emslander

    Don’t YOU know that Michael Hudson and Ellen Brown are important ECONOMISTS, Emslander? If they say debt is not a problem, then “What, me worry?”

    Then again, I noted way back that something like 10% of the girls on a Russian dating site were Economists. Granted, they most likely meant “home economist”, as in housewife. I am pretty sure those Russian hotties could handle money better than Michael Hudson and Ellen Brown, but, alas, they never wrote back. Nyet!

    (I probably shouldn’t have written them with so many questions about the Laffer Curve… or ones about the possibility of my receiving a few naked pictures.)

    Good comment, BTW!

    • 谢谢: Emslander
    • 回复: @Emslander
    , @Jokem
  18. Emslander 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I’m sure those girls appreciated your high regard for their professional judgement, but, as you say, they have a keen understanding of talent monetization and couldn’t spare the time required to satisfy your curiosity.

  19. Jokem 说:
    @Achmed E. Newman

    I am still laughing about the “What, me worry?” comment from someone with your handle…


    • 谢谢: Achmed E. Newman


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