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2 月 XNUMX 日,联邦调查局 (FBI) 发布了对希拉里·克林顿 (Hillary Clinton) 调查的详细解释,以及针对她收集到的证据的摘要。它还发布了克林顿七月份联邦调查局审讯的摘要。







联邦调查局 (FBI) 在审讯过程中记录了克林顿 39 次声称严重失忆的情况。她还声称不知道政府文件页边空白处的“C”是什么意思。页边空白处的“C”表示“机密”,是联邦国家机密的三级之一。另外两个级别是“秘密”和“绝密”。根据联邦法律,克林顿必须将这三类所有文件保存在安全的政府场所。联邦调查局发现她已经有数百次未能做到这一点。

否认她注意到了页边空白处指出存在秘密的注释,否认她在看到秘密时就认出了一个秘密,并否认计划中的无人机袭击地点是秘密(联邦调查局特工向她提出的一个明显的秘密) ),她成功避免了自证其罪。











版权所有2016 Andrew P.Napolitano。 由Creators.com分发。

• 类别: 思想 •标签: 2016选举, 希拉里·克林顿 
忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. There never was any intent to investigate Ms. Clinton’s activity with the intent to prosecute if grounds for same were discovered. The FBI and DoJ performed a whitewashing exercise, and are now thoroughly discredited. Clinton ad her crowd laugh at the FBI like a dog in a hat, while people who used to count on the FBI to help them are horrified and afraid of what the Bureau has become.

    It is exceedingly unlikely that the FBI will ever need, want, or require anything from me. I am not a criminal or a public official, and I don’t do anything that is of any interest to them, or anyone else, for that matter. But… The FBI needs me desperately. They need people like me to give them the authority to perform investigations and be believed, even deferred to, when results of those investigations are released. They do not have me. I would not cross the street to help the FBI, or any organization associated with them. The FBI should be disbanded. They are unworthy of public trust, and are a threat to national security.

    They look past Clinton’s crimes. They will have no second thoughts about making one up out of whole cloth for anyone else. Disarm them, and send them on their way while we still can.

  2. woodNfish 说:

    The FBI, like the rest of the federal mafia, is a criminal organization. Anyone who doubted the truth of this before no longer has any reason to doubt it. Welcome to the fascist banana republic police state known as the USA.

  3. Napolitano says it best:

    “I counted five times in the report where the FBI lamented that it did not have have what it needed. This is the FBI’s own fault. This tepid FBI behavior is novel in modern federal law enforcement. It is inimical to public safety and the rule of law. It is close to misconduct in office by high-ranking FBI officials.

    “Someone restrained the FBI.”

    Remember that secret meeting at the Phoenix airport between “Blow Job Bill” Clinton and U.S. Shyster General Loretta Lynch? What did those two REALLY discuss, one wonders. . . .

  4. Rehmat 说:

    In July 2016, James Comey, FBI director accused Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton of “having been extremely careless” in handling classified information on her private e-mail server while serving as US secretary of state under Barack Obama’s first administration. Comey also recommended that the US Justice Department should not charge her for such petty crime.

    “Although the Department of Justice makes the final decisions on matters like this, we are expressing to the department our views that no charges is appropriate in this case. Although there is evidence of potential violation of the statutes regarding the handling of the classified, our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case,” Comey said on TV relayed from FBI headquarters.

    Just imagine had it been Hillary Clinton’s so-called ‘Muslim aide’ Huma Abedin even though she is married to a disgraced Jewish sex-maniac and former Democrat Congressman Anthony Weiner. The Jewish Lobby would have accused her of “stealing and passing the classified information to her father who allegedly was a former sympathizer of Jew-hating Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.

    Last year James Comey refused to call Dylann Roof who killed nine worshippers at the Charleston church, a terrorist. Why? Because the term ‘terrorist’ is reserved for Muslim extremists (here).

    “科米对奥巴马政府及其强大的精英们的党派政治利益ko头,将加剧对美国体系的信念的侵蚀,并嵌入一个痛苦的党派关系,这将需要十年甚至更长的时间来弥合。 我敢肯定,他期待着一个愤怒的反应,他也应该期待着持续的愤怒。 公众对联邦政府的信任度接近历史最低点,而科米的决定是沉重的打击。 精英主义者应该为持续不尊重他们喜欢的法律做准备。 厌倦了裙带政府和裙带资本主义的美国人口中有很大一部分将开始尝试进行公民抗命。 作为前社区组织者,奥巴马总统无异议。”奥斯丁湾教授(德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校)在5月XNUMX日评论道。


    • 回复: @Jim Bob Lassiter
  5. 我无法理解的是,科米为什么要这么做?钱?未来的职业承诺?他不太可能竞选公职。某事的评判首席执行官


    • 回复: @Miles Long
  6. No reasonably intelligent person can believe her story.

    The woman is a liar!


    • 回复: @Orville H. Larson
  7. @Rehmat

    “Comey’s kowtow to the partisan political interests of the Obama Administration and its powerful elitists will add to the erosion of faith in the American system and embed a bitter partisanship that will take a decade or more to bridge. . . .” — Prof. Austin Bay

    I believe that Professor Bay is overly optimistic with his analysis. There won’t be a “decade or more” to bridge much of anything if this shrew become president.

  8. Miles Long 说:
    @Jim Sweeney


  9. comey is another in a long line of fakes. he runs through the gamut of lies & illegal behavior(but left out destroying evidence)to essentially cya. then embarks on another cya tactic: no prosecutor would take the case, so i won’t bother to follow up and recommend charges. how disingenuous.
    comey, like lynch – indeed, like the supreme court – is a politician.
    what’s law got to do with it?

  10. @Connecticut Famer

    “No reasonably intelligent person can believe her story.”

    Yeah, but are the American sheeple “reasonably intelligent”?

    • 回复: @Connecticut Famer
  11. @Orville H. Larson

    Good question, Mr. Larson, good question. I hope they are in this case—but I sure as hell wouldn’t count on it.



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