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文明世界对现代犹太复国主义有很多不了解的地方。 今天,对大多数人来说,犹太人、以色列人或犹太复国主义者的定义是相似的。 他们不是。

被灌输服从这个不正确的、单一的和集体的定义,完全是因为犹太复国主义错误地声称与犹太教有直接的宗教联系,因此客观、批判的世界因同样不正确但不可避免的指控而畏缩 “反犹太主义。” 这种虚假指控经常导致太多人在政治和新闻上消亡。 因此,全世界都害怕运用一个人的全部精神能力,这种良心的能力通常会在集体反应和愤怒中兴起。

相反,结果是世界范围内的冷漠。 这种对犹太复国主义日常违反人类良心基本法则的无所作为已成为设计的结果。 在反对世界范围内多种形式的犹太复国主义扩张的斗争中,请注意……我们正在输!

为了让愤怒的世界自信而真实地回应反犹太主义指控的广泛指控,这种指控经常被用来掩盖对以色列和犹太复国主义罪行的所有讨论,必须了解今天的定义 “现代的” 犹太复国主义,因为我们的良心斗争从这里开始。 实际上,犹太复国主义是一种非宗教的祸害,它使用单一的借口来证明其存在及其集体行动是正当的,这种借口——一种虚伪——在事实讨论中经常缺失,也很少被世界犹太人理解。 这就是可以准确描述为犹太复国主义思想根源的东西。

这个基本原则是祈祷。 在过去的两千多年里,最资深的犹太神学家反复辩论、辱骂、驱逐和重生。 我们这个世界上大多数日益增长的恐怖——过去和现在——都可以在这个单一的祈祷中总结和例证,创造是犹太人,但今天在现代用途中完全是犹太复国主义者。 是的,一个自私的、很少被提及的祈祷,如果被正确考虑,今天就是比喻,如果不是拟人化和借口,所有道德弊病都允许当今世界各地的苦难。 这种比喻性的祈祷超越了所有宗教。 它是一种恶性肿瘤的传播——现在似乎是地方性的——在越来越多的人类中传播。 更糟糕的是,这个基本原则会导致一个人的思想、一个人的良心和……一个人的灵魂故意腐烂。

这个不合情理的祈祷的名字? Kol Nidrei。


犹太复国主义不是最近出现的意识形态。 名字是。 在 1890 年代, 西奥多·赫兹尔 将犹太复国主义——对以色列民族的追求——注入了扩大的意识形态,导致 第一届犹太复国主义代表大会 at 巴塞尔 1897 年,它创建了世界犹太复国主义组织 (WZO)。 很久以前,自公元 70 年以来,罗马皇帝提图斯被驱逐出犹太,而哈德良似乎最终确定了这一点——他在公元 135 年将整个地区重新命名为叙利亚巴勒斯坦——由于犹太复国主义犹太人对罗马帝国的那一小部分日益占据主导地位. 可悲的是,这在历史上多次发生在多个其他国家的多个场合,几个世纪以来,犹太教一再没有东道国。

不幸的是,对于整个世界犹太人来说,在历史上的许多时刻,比如在犹地亚,他们试图建立一个国家是通过强大的犹太人利益的提升,逐渐控制已建立的国家,并折磨违背领导人良心的社会罪行。他们的东道国。 例如,公元 1604 年,天主教教皇克莱门特八世宣布:

“全世界都在遭受犹太人的使用者、他们的垄断和欺骗。 他们使许多不幸的人陷入贫困……尤其是劳动人民和非常贫困的人。”


然后,就像今天现代犹太复国主义的情况一样,世界上绝大多数犹太人没有犯罪,也不应受到指控,但由于少数犹太人在当时的东道国内故意从事霸权煽动的行动,克莱门特八世作为回应驱逐了所有犹太人。 克莱门特八世未能理解的是,在这个需要注意的宗教中确实存在差异:差异不是犹太教; 甚至在当时,犹太复国主义也通过在某些犹太人的脑海中引用 Kol Nidrei 来为其宣扬社会虚伪开脱。

推而广之,大屠杀对犹太人造成的不合理的恐怖与德意志第三帝国对所有犹太人的集体妖魔化类似,就像他们对极少数人的做法做出的反应一样; 那些违反了德国社会良知和他们自己的托拉的人。

然而,仅仅因为自己与犹太教的关系而犯下由此产生的暴行的德国人在不知不觉中犯了完全相同的个人良心失败,忽视了他们自己的宗教天主教和他们的圣经的基本原则。 总之,一个社会中的这两个宗教子集有一个内在的非道德相似性:个人良心的失败,故意无视或原谅他们自己的宗教对他们违反社会规范的野蛮罪行的禁令。

无论是否以名字命名,他们每个人都使用了不合理的理由。 一种让他们受苦的思想奇怪地将邪恶转化为善良,将魔鬼转化为上帝,将错误转化为正确。 今天,这种良心失误不再是任何一种宗教所特有的,但如果正确考虑,它确实是纯粹的犹太复国主义者。 理解全世界的犹太复国主义就是正确理解 Kol Nidrei。

“我们可能做出的所有[个人]誓言,我们可能在这次赎罪日和下一个赎罪日之间做出的所有[个人]誓言和承诺,我们公开宣布放弃。 让它们都被放弃和抛弃,无效,既不坚定也不成立。 让我们的[个人]誓言、誓言和誓言不被视为誓言、誓言或誓言。”
- Kol Nidrei。

Kol Nidrei,(“所有誓言”)经常拼错 Kol Nidre,最初并不是祈祷文,而是在犹太新年开始时的宣言。 在“现代”犹太教中,它现在作为祈祷被传递,并且在过去的 XNUMX 年中变得如此重要,以至于它现在是在犹太教最神圣的年度逾越节开始时传递的。

几个世纪以来,最杰出的犹太学者一直在争论是否应该允许 Kol Nidrei 被包括在犹太服务中,这引起了犹太内部哲学争论,其中大多数人强烈反对将其纳入并禁止它反复。 他们的基本关切是:如果犹太宗教违反了人类良知的最基本原则,它如何繁荣?:坚持正确与错误的诱惑。
几个世纪以来,这个问题得到了简洁的回答,因为 Kol Nidrei 正确地从恩典中堕落,或者随后被社会的新犹太复国主义分子恢复。 对 Kol Nidrei 的历史考察表明,托拉原始犹太教与塔木德的托拉后书籍中提供的对适当仁慈的需求之间存在极性,其中包含的基本原理部分得到了这一单一的全原谅祈祷的支持现代犹太复国主义的根本弊病,如果不是定义的话。

正如教皇本笃十三世在 1450 年指出的那样,犹太教内部的偏差是塔木德书籍的结果。“塔木德的异端、虚荣和错误阻止他们的 [犹太人] 了解真相。” 迈克尔·罗金森 (Michael Rodkinson) 在巴比伦塔木德 (Babylonian Talmud) 序言第 XI 页中也坚定地指出了这一点,他评论道: “现代犹太人是塔木德的产物。”

Kol Nidrei 几乎与犹太教本身一样古老,因为它的原始文本是基督时代之前的古代阿拉姆语。 许多现代犹太人错误地声称它是在现代创建的,是对他们 20 世纪迫害的反应,但事实并非如此,因为关于 Kol Nidrei 的分裂使用的热烈讨论在许多世纪之前一直存在争议。 早在中世纪的巴比伦犹太人时代,五位高级拉比领袖 Geonim 反对使用它,而只有一位赞成。 早期的犹太学者 Saadia Gaon 也希望限制 Kol Nidrei,并宣布它不会赦免个人在这一年中的誓言。 继续反对 Kol Nidrei 的论点,苏拉的拉比 Yehudai Gaon(公元 760 年)禁止研究 Nedarim,这是一部关于誓言的塔木德论文,其中包括 Kol Nidrei。

当然,这位有史以来最著名的神学家也排除了 Kol Nidrei 日益流行的混蛋和宗教良知的影响。 正确地评估基本来源是犹太教内的寄生会——当时被称为法利赛人——他们是对社会和宗教的犯罪。 说,他;

“你们 [法利赛人] 属于你们的父亲魔鬼……住在那里,而不是住在 真理,因为在他里面没有真理。”

那个人在提供这个历史上准确且有先见之明的建议时,非常了解他所说的社会罪恶(约翰福音八:44),因为他也是犹太人。 他的话是他在两千多年前的那个时代对自己社会中这种畸变的个人反应。


法利赛人当时与我们今天看到的现代犹太复国主义一样一致,在镇压异议和对任何诚实、真实和真实反对他们日益增长的权力和社会犯罪传播的声音进行报复时。 然后,他们利用雇佣的第三方政治雇佣兵加略人犹大来散布他们编造的谎言,以便让耶稣被指控犯有煽动叛乱罪。 当罗马人发现耶稣的行为没有过错时,法利赛人利用幕后压力迫使该地区的罗马长官本丢彼拉多无视真理、事实和他自己的良心。 耶稣因此在有史以来最公开的政治处决中被处死,为所有考虑跟随任何其他领导层反对法利赛人秘密权力的人树立了未来的榜样。 他真正的罪行是提供了一种基于爱、和平与正义的替代性宗教选择。 那是当时不受欢迎但准确反映法利赛人及其仅贪婪、贫穷和战争的非宗教祭品。


所有犹太人都承认为犹太教圣经的妥拉本身明确指出, “你必须成就你口中所说的,成就你向耶和华你神起誓,并亲口许下的誓言。” (申命记 23:22-24),但这一点被当时的法利赛人以及正在进行的犹太学者忽视了,他们开始在他们后来的许多自私的塔木德哲学卷中掺假妥拉。

因此,对上帝的承诺是神圣不可侵犯的。 但是,对自己的同胞宣誓又如何呢? 还是为了自己的良心?

巴黎的拉比耶希尔在 1240 年发生在法国国王和王后面前的一场争论中解释说, “只废了错失的誓言,免得有人犯故意违背誓言的罪。”

“向另一个人作出的誓言或誓言,即使该人是儿童或异教徒,除非在该人在场并征得他的同意,否则不得取消; 而一个人在法庭上宣誓的誓言不能被世界上任何其他权威所赦免。”

然而,许多国家的立法者仍然认为有必要对犹太人进行特殊形式的宣誓(“Oath More Judaico”),许多法官也要求附加宣誓,他们的反对主要基于 Kol Nidrei 祈祷。 俄罗斯政府于 1857 年颁布法令,作为对 Kol Nidrei 的介绍,犹太祈祷书必须包括向读者解释该仪式可能发布的誓言的有限性质的希伯来语解释。

1844 年,在德国不伦瑞克举行的拉比会议一致决定,来自世界各地的拉比应在世界范围内发挥影响力,彻底和永远废除 Kol尼德雷。


然而,从 1961 年开始,真正的犹太教再次被一组新的假宗教贱民所假设,他们将 Kol Nidrei 带回了显赫地位和现代用法。 当这个狡猾的祈祷因此被要求在每年逾越节开始时,这种对犹太复国主义思想的新灌输就变得完整了。

因此正确看待,犹太复国主义不是宗教,也不是犹太教的一部分。 它是一种权宜之计的政治工具,与西方创建的达伊沙 / ISIS 更具可比性。 两者都使用表面上是仁慈的宗教(穆斯林或犹太教)的自私创造形式,作为该宗教的另一种演绎,为一个人对真正的宗教教条和自己的良心明显的事实罪行进行辩解。



“在对所有这些[积极]领域的暴力反对中,犹太人的努力引发了国际犹太人的计划。 他们中的大多数人,如果不是全部,已经背弃了他们祖先的信仰,并从他们的思想中脱离了对来世的所有精神希望。 犹太人中的这种运动并不新鲜。”- 温斯顿丘吉尔。

当以色列犹太复国主义者在 1948 年实现他们获得以色列国的目标时,他们的胜利已经表明,在过去的三十年里,他们的新世界霸权的方法和目标即将到来。

7 年 1917 月 XNUMX 日,可以说是英国和美国领先的犹太复国主义金融和政治资产的莱昂内尔·沃尔特·罗斯柴尔德勋爵,由于他的家族拥有跨国银行利益,向英国外交大臣亚瑟·鲍尔弗和英国政府提供担保——然后失去了二战我拼命地希望他将美国的军事力量带到他们身边,以换取其割让巴勒斯坦。 这导致签署了《贝尔福协定》,美国军队在虚假前提下进入,并达成一致的种族灭绝和巴勒斯坦人被迫迁移。 贝尔福公开说:

“陛下的政府观点赞成在 巴勒斯坦 犹太人的民族家园…… 一世 明确理解不得采取任何可能损害现有非犹太社区的公民和宗教权利的行为 巴勒斯坦......“ [Emph。 添加]

但是,在这里,贝尔福撒谎了,他在自己的良心失败和个人宗教虚伪中屈服于犹太复国主义的影响。 当他私下,更真实地陈述时,清楚地表明了这一点:

“对于在 巴勒斯坦,我们甚至不建议通过咨询[巴勒斯坦人]的意愿的形式。 而犹太复国主义……(原文如此)比居住在这片古老土地上的 700,000 万阿拉伯人的愿望和偏见具有更深远的意义。”

这种亲犹太复国主义和完全排斥的心态在今天对巴勒斯坦人和其他国家的恐怖中继续存在。 仅考虑今年的过去三个月。 由于以色列国防军批准的种族灭绝目标做法,超过 150 名巴勒斯坦人在自己的土地上被屠杀,近 5,000 人受伤。 与此同时,最近在被占领的西岸还批准了近4,500个新的非法定居点。 据报道,很快,美国将批准以色列占领整个戈兰高地。 因为在犹太复国主义对 Kol Nidrei 的精神上的坚持是一个更不正确的受塔木德影响的霸权格言,它被反复用作以色列的外交政策, “占有是法律的 9/10。”

今天,巴勒斯坦是 1917 年边界的一小部分。 超过 XNUMX% 已被以色列犹太复国主义者购买、胁迫、吞并、摧毁或窃取。 以色列对剩余巴勒斯坦人施加的可悲条件尚未满足,这是蓄意进行进一步种族灭绝的企图,旨在完成有利于他们的两千年项目。

扩大犹太复国主义:从 巴勒斯坦美国.

“美国是金牛犊,我们会把它吸干,切碎,一块一块地卖掉,直到一无所有……为什么? ......这就是我们对我们讨厌的国家所做的。 我们非常缓慢地摧毁他们,让他们因拒绝成为我们的奴隶而受苦。”-我 以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡

以色列及其犹太复国主义的爪牙控制着美国。 完全地。 自以色列建国以来,美国的民族主义和民粹主义已经稳步转变为今天的议程。 以色列 第一”和“企业第一”。 对于任何有抱负的美国政治家以及普通美国选民来说都是如此。 更糟糕的是,目前这种全国流行的结果不仅限于美国。

在 1947 年后的后巴勒斯坦时代,犹太复国主义者并不满足于最终拥有自己的以色列国家。 如果没有美国政府对联合国成员施加的压力,他们的新国家就不会产生,最终产生, 27 年 1947 月 181 日,联合国第 XNUMX 号决议。 与过去几个世纪为犹太信仰提供庇护的许多先前东道国一样,美国政治中的犹太复国主义子集开始在以色列边界之外进一步扩大其权力。 因此,以色列开始加强对美国国会及其个别政客的政治控制。 当然,这可以从无懈可击的决定、平台和控制权中看出。 AIPAC(美国以色列政治事务委员会) 这无疑是美国国会最重要的政治行动利益。 这在 芝加哥大学和哈佛大学教授 John J. Mearsheimer 和 Stephen M. Walt 的 2006 年学术著作“以色列大厅”。 尽管这项研究经过仔细研究、引用和脚注,并且米尔斯海默是犹太人,但两者都被公开谴责为反犹太主义者。

很明显,美国国会的两个房屋在每两年或六年被安排一次,才能为选民的担忧为重新选举并返回主要令人满意的犹太岛利益。 仅从美国的外交政策来看,今天“双重忠诚”这个可疑的绰号被用来证明以色列越来越多地参与美国军事领导以及以色列犹太复国主义者在美国政府内的介入。 在外交政策方面,美国军队总是以犹太复国主义的曲调行进,对美国国家安全几乎没有影响,但政客们总是避免回答这个问题:“为什么?”

如反复所示,从 2015 年加沙战争暴行到授予耶路撒冷作为美国表示以色列的首都,随后预计随后会屠杀少数剩余的巴勒斯坦土著人,如果美国不代表以色列或其犹太复国主义兄弟入侵,例如随着沙特阿拉伯摧毁也门,它正在向犹太复国主义的附庸重新供应武器,或者只投票支持犹太复国主义的利益,反对联合国决议和全世界对和平与理智的呼吁。 难道“新保守主义”和“美国例外主义”真的不是 Kol Nidrei 固有的自私自利信息的结果,适用于美国民族主义并重新命名为国家安全 - 而不是犹太复国主义 - 为迟钝的美国人提供服务?

想一想美国前国防部长查克·哈格尔的命运,他在奥巴马总统任内很久以前就在前往特拉维夫之前大胆说他首先是一个美国人,并将把美国的利益置于以色列的利益之前,并补充说,“政治现实是……犹太游说团体恐吓这里的很多人。” 哈格尔后来为使用“犹太游说团”一词道歉,称他应该说“亲以色列游说团”,但哈格尔并没有对他的评论做出让步。 他还继续质疑美国外交和军事政策的两面性,这些政策并未首先直接支持美国的利益。 作为一名来自内布拉斯加州的前美国参议员(1997-2008),哈格尔的亲美言论是真诚的,事实上他被奥巴马虚伪地驱逐,奥巴马在2008年竞选期间同样反对“坚定不移的”亲利库德集团对以色列的态度。” 黑格尔从特拉维夫返回这个特殊的国家后,由于他的总统现在处于犹太复国主义控制之下,他被立即解雇。

然而,军事控制只是美国社会中犹太复国主义控制的众多方面之一,当然不一定是犹太人。 在这里,我们看到犹太复国主义在美国社会中的真正目标是什么,而且它确实明确打算这样做, “吸干,剁碎,一块一块的卖掉,直到一无所有……”

从医疗保健到教育,从社会服务到公司化,从预期寿命到退休,美国都在下降,美国人在否认,因为害怕被指控反犹太主义而没有注意到明显的事实。 犹太复国主义正在一点一点地摧毁他们的国家,但与黑格尔、托马斯、米尔斯海默和沃尔特不同,他们被灌输任何批评都将被视为反犹太主义和/或对美国不忠的思想。 这只会加速衰退,同时鼓励那些在不关心公共福祉的情况下管理国家的反社会人士。

如 2015 年所示 普林斯顿大学 Martin Gilens 教授和西北大学 Benjamin Page 教授的研究,那些管理美国政府的人几乎完全无视提供任何可能帮助他们选民的好处。

Gilens 和 Page 列出了 20 多年的国会投票数据来回答这个问题:美国政府代表人民吗? 他们得出了几个结论,特别是“美国收入最低的 90% 的人的意见基本上没有任何影响……因为购买政治影响力是 100% 合法的。” 那些从众议院和参议院的国会投票中受益的人几乎完全是公司主导、利润和贪婪的利益,而不是公民日益增长的需求。 这在历史上一直是犹太复国主义的一个特殊特征,因为它具有一种如此严重的贪婪,以至于它超越了人类的良知和对社会的任何义务。 在这样做时,政治家的这种免职非常符合 Kol Nidrei 所信奉的信条和政治虚伪。

只有在美国,公司在法律上被视为活人,但这些新造的人,正如预期的那样,根本没有良心。 该公司的犹太复国主义思想表明,它控制着国会和美国最高法院。 此外,在犹太复国主义者的心目中,包括教育在内的所有社会服务都需要私有化,如果不能完全消除,也需要对其财务进行控制。

当美国最高法院将 Citizen's United v FEC 案列为国家法律时,很少有人花时间了解最高法院这一历史性和分裂性裁决的真正阴险性质。

XNUMX 年的最高法院大法官约翰·保罗·史蒂文斯(John Paul Stevens)做到了。

在二十三页的反对意见中 史蒂文斯使用很少在法院合议范围内写下的强烈措辞来抨击公民联合......及其可能的结果。 正如史蒂文斯所指出的,由新任首席大法官约翰罗伯茨领导的政治和企业控制的法院违反了由来已久的法律概念。 遵循先例. 这是一个非常不寻常的举动,法院在随后的分裂决定中采用了常设上诉法院的决定, 没有两个搬家方中的任何一方的要求。 史蒂文斯还辩称,法院解决了诉讼当事人未提出的问题,而且大多数 “改变案件给自己一个机会改变法律”.

此外,即将上任的首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨 (John Roberts) 无论如何都下令将案件提交法庭,他将自己关于公司的大部分书面法律先例都扔进了垃圾桶,以便奇怪地加入多数意见。 这些只是创建公民联合组织的一些问题,但在这里,罗伯茨和 5-4 多数人(罗伯茨、肯尼迪、阿利托、托马斯、斯卡利亚)再次找到了一种在精神上和道德上认可他们自己的东西的方法理解为违反法律,如果不是违反良心的话。 当然,这也符合科尔尼德雷的虚伪心理。 不,他们可能不知道它的名字,但大多数人知道他们确实在牺牲他们的法律敏锐度、美国宪法和他们对现代犹太复国主义的更高权威的道德义务。

最高法院中的犹太复国主义思想骨干被这些美国法学的现代法利赛人完全承认,他们心甘情愿地挥舞着他们对 联邦主义者协会(FS)。 目前持卡会员包括 首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨、塞缪尔·阿利托、安东尼·肯尼迪、克拉伦斯·托马斯 尼尔·戈萨奇。 该组织支持倒退公民自由、帝国战争、自由放任资本主义和社团主义,以及结束新政/伟大社会社会计划。 它还反对生殖选择、政府法规、劳工权利、环境保护和对不想要的外国人的正义。

上周进一步证实了联邦主义学说控制和制定土地法律的指控,因为最高法院通过允许特朗普的亲以色列旅行禁令证明了对一种宗教(穆斯林)的偏见。 同一天,同一法院通过集体谈判摧毁了美国工会的残余和工作选民的政治影响力。 正如佩奇和吉伦斯的研究表明,工会也是企业利益的诅咒,本周全国工会加入了穆斯林世界,被禁止帮助社会变革反对犹太复国主义的影响。

这是犹太复国主义的一大胜利,它憎恶它无法控制的穆斯林世界的国家,并清楚地显示在被禁止的国家名单中。 不支持美国扩张主义和犹太复国主义的国家都被禁止,而最野蛮的穆斯林国家之一沙特阿拉伯则被豁免,因为他们国家的领导层一直愿意吮吸美国和以色列的乳头。

美国的医疗保健尽管是世界上人均最昂贵的,但衡量的不是预防成功率,而是美国的手术台死亡率、婴儿死亡率和不断上升的保险费率,所有这些都是世界上最差的。发达国家。 尽管美国资本主义犹太复国主义有这些弱点,但 HMO 的利润也处于历史高位,其管理费用也超过 20%,而英国引以为豪的 NHS 仅略高于 2%。

制药公司每年操纵预算超过 1.2 亿美元,为医生和政客提供美酒佳肴。 因此,FDA 不再是新药上市的最终仲裁者,因为它允许并逐字接受生产这些药物的制药公司的自利临床试验。 正如美国电视广告中清楚显示的那样,许多药物都有一系列副作用。 尽管如此,这些药物还是被批准了,医生们,除了少数例外,很高兴地卖弄他们的伪善誓言和科学事实,以便将这些受污染的药物提供给他们毫无戒心和信任的病人。

尽管在许多其他国家/地区提供这些和许多其他处方药,但它们始终是美国最贵的。 当许多美国人意识到加拿大和墨西哥以低得多的价格提供相同的药物时,他们将处方带到边境以省钱。 然而,一旦 大型制药公司意识到它不再拥有被占领的市场,它利用其强大的、有偿的国会游说来影响立法 将其定为重罪刑事犯罪,类似于走私任何人通过旅行节省处方药费用。 全国医生和国会都没有听到任何声音,当然,他们也已经出卖了他们的职业灵魂。 本周,该 “金融时报” 报道称, 辉瑞是美国最大的制药公司 US,现在进一步提高了 100 种产品的价格。 这些价格上涨是在特朗普总统声称美国制药公司将很快宣布之后几周宣布的 “大规模”自愿降价.

作为一种反应,某些市政当局和医疗保健诊所使用合作购买来降低患者的价格, 但尽职尽责地,FDA 也已经试图将这种做法定为非法。

每年,美国的教育都教导美国人要无知,不要思考,更不用说形成有见地的、基于事实的观点。 越来越少的联邦资金用于公共教育和糟糕的考试成绩 在 38 中展示美国th 世界发达国家的地位 在数学和 17th 全面的。 这种糟糕的表现导致了私立特许学校的出现。

正如美国教育部长贝齐·德沃斯 (Betsy De Voss) 所拥护的那样,在她关于修复公共教育的公开评论中,她绝对是犹太复国主义者,世界地理和批判性思维已经很少被教授,历史已经严重歪曲到修正主义。 太多的美国人仍然相信现代俄罗斯和长期被肢解的苏联没有改变和相同的威胁以及他们未能在地球上找到自己的国家表明了这一点。 这种短视的狭隘思想使大多数美国人对辨别周围剩余世界的真相没有兴趣,但这是不合逻辑的 对美国扩张主义和“热核战争”的热情。

美国人并不愚蠢,但他们确实非常无知。 无知的民众越来越不想预言世界事件的真相,因此经常转向他们唯一的新闻来源,以获取他们认为无可争辩的“事实”。 为此,在美国,大多数记者都充当了他们作为社会先锋队的必要角色。 这很容易由以下事实证明 超过 90% 的传统媒体资源(电视、广播、报纸)仅由六家大型企业利益拥有和管理 有一个非常相似的编辑倾向,有利于犹太复国主义议程。 20 世纪的美国作家杜鲁门·卡波特 (Truman Capote) 在 1968 年接受《花花公子》采访时抨击了他那个时代的“犹太复国主义黑手党”,该黑手党从那以后只会增加对今天新闻出版业的垄断。

约翰·皮尔格(John Pilger)在上周发表公开演讲以支持屡获殊荣的职业记者和纪录片制片人朱利安·阿桑奇(Julian Assange)时重申了新闻业的现状,他评论了今天的犹太复国主义媒体编辑控制,他说:

“从来没有像他们之间的勾结 美国以色列. 它暗示了另一个词,那就是“免疫”。 它具有道德豁免权、文化豁免权、地缘政治豁免权、法律豁免权,当然还有媒体豁免权。 所有的谈话 伊朗 核武器与世界上最大的核大国没有任何关系 中东。 [以色列]”

确实。 由于批判性思维在美国受到严重压制,媒体几乎没有批评以色列,也没有对社会犯下犹太复国主义罪行,因此所谓的第四等级和第一修正案的记者大多是自愿的宣传者。


害怕屈服,同时仅作为一面犹太复国主义议程提供,并以丰厚的合同和利益贿赂,没有美国主流记者会冒可能与反犹太主义相关的指控的风险。 几乎没有人会站出来,尊重他们的良心,并正确地报道新闻业的控制以及与犹太复国主义的社会联系。 然而,在许多人的脑海中,新闻史上最资深的白宫记者海伦托马斯的突然和悲惨的去世仍然存在。 她的罪行:陈述每个新闻界成员都知道是真实的,但没有胆量说出自己的话。

在华盛顿特区的鸡尾酒会上私下聊天时,托马斯说以色列应该, “...... 滚出巴勒斯坦。 记住,这些人被占领了,这是他们的土地……” 然后,就像今天一样,这发出愤怒的嚎叫,她或任何人都会大胆地说出真相,即使是在私下里。 因此,托马斯,她作为白宫记者的 48 年,以及她对高标准新闻报道的模范奉献,在 XNUMX 小时内就从公众视野中消失了,当时赫斯特出版物尽职尽责地解雇了她,以平息犹太复国主义者对真相的愤怒这件事的。 当然,她是在谈论犹太复国主义者,而不是犹太人,但她被指控犯有反犹太主义,这是一项死罪,并被即决定罪。

没有一位美国记者公开为海伦·托马斯辩护…… 这进一步说明了这种将批评联系起来的学说是多么流行 以色列 反犹太主义已成为。




“纽约是特权之城。 这里是以金融和工业联军为代表的无形力量的所在地。 这个隐形政府是反动的、阴险的、不择手段的、雇佣兵的、肮脏的。 它是缺乏民族理想和良知的。 . . 这种政府必须被鞭打和摧毁。”

——威廉·詹宁斯·布莱恩特 (三届民主党全国委员会主席候选人)

在现代犹太复国主义占领美国之前,曾经有一项宗教使命是故意为不幸的人提供食物。 由于圣经,即使不是对上帝的终极敬畏,那个过去时代的许多社会超级富豪确实为服务周围的社会做出了重大贡献。 这体现在由卡内基、罗斯福、布莱尔、摩根、盖蒂、梅隆和塔夫茨等寡头支付的图书馆、博物馆、大学、医院、捐赠基金、社会服务和教会社会项目的建设中。 其中一些人,知道他们在致富之路上犯下的资本主义罪行,肯定是在购买自己的“通往天堂的阶梯”。 不管他们怎么努力,谁也无法否认他们心中不可避免的最终决定,他们都将在“审判日”到来。

今天,不存在这种宗教义务。 任何此类宗教要求早已被 Kol Nidrei 的信条所取代,该信条允许并原谅犹太复国主义影响的纯粹自私。

相比之下,作为这些长期被忽视的商业社会道德宗教要求的正面例子, 查尔斯·威廉 (CW) 邮报威尔基思 (WK) 凯洛格. 这些是 19 世纪后期的早餐麦片大亨,他们确实成为了非常富有的人。 波斯特是基督徒,凯洛格是基督复临安息日会信徒。 他们都相信并实践了这样一种概念,即员工是为公司和工人的利益而传播的资产。

Post 和 Kellogg 的总部都设在密歇根州巴特尔克里克。 在这里,他们需要大量劳动力,而在工业化前和大萧条后的美国,成千上万的人需要工作。 相信业主和工人都可以从他们的集体努力中受益,波斯特和凯洛格在工厂附近为工人建造了数以千计的简陋房屋,其中许多现在已经存在。 这些房屋以成本价出售给工人,业主提供的信贷条件非常优惠,以至于工人可以在每周工作 30 小时的情况下将其支付给完全所有权,波斯特和凯洛格都认为这是双方交易的一部分。 公司商店以批发价购买商品,并将折扣转嫁给工人。 所有长期在职的员工都享有退休福利,其中大多数人都留了这么长时间。

结果,巴特尔克里克社区——直到北美自由贸易协定和垄断的出现——蓬勃发展,公司及其利润也是如此。 在 1929 年大萧条开始时,巴特尔克里克成为许多失业的“双油轮”(那​​些只剩下足够的钱,不是一个,而是为他们的汽车加两罐汽油的人)追捧的最终目的地。从南部各州找工作。

随着业主和工人的繁荣,Kellogg 和 Post 都不需要自己购买通往天堂的阶梯,也不需要卖弄他们的良心。 他们不知道,但他们没有屈服于 Kol Nidrei 的心态,也不想成为犹太复国主义者,因为他们选择尊重他们的良心和他们的宗教告诉他们正确的事情,因此忽略了他们所知道的是错的。

将这个社会正确的宗教纪律的例子与同一时期的完全不同的记忆进行对比,那个记忆仍然在英国南威尔士梅瑟蒂德菲尔的山丘和周围的绿色山谷中飘荡。 在这里,在一个多世纪以来一直是铁和煤的国家,臭名昭著的钢铁厂老板的名字和气味, 罗伯特·汤普森·克劳谢 直到今天仍然在当地威尔士人的脑海中和嘴唇上。

Crawshay 是美国和英国许多全能工业主的典型代表,当时马匹的价值远远超过人类工人的价值。 员工是可消耗的,可怕的生活和工作条件以及大量的工作场所伤害和死亡证明了这一点,而像 Crawshay 这样的业主无法忽视。 尽管他自己是一个经常去教堂的人,但克劳谢对工人及其家人造成的社会恐怖清单确实很长。

他生来富有,过着那样的生活,过着奢华的生活,他想让他的围墙庄园外的贫困社区知道这一点。 当克劳谢在梅瑟尔建造了一座新宅邸时,他还建造了一座高大的四边钟楼,但面向工人和炼铁厂的那一侧是空白的。 有一年,工人组织罢工,而不是与他们谈判解决方案,他关闭了整个钢铁厂和镇上的所有其他企业,从而使所有人,包括附近城镇的支持行业和其他制造业,都失业。 这在已经饥肠辘辘的社区中激起了异议,并打破了罢工。 Crawshay 还为他的工人建造了房屋和公司商店,但这些房屋是他随意借出的,他收取过高的租金,因为他抬高了商店的价格。 这使工人永远负债累累,并与他和他的工厂签订契约。

为了进一步展示他对所有居住在他领地内的人的个人权力,在工人婚礼前夕,克劳谢经常让他的两匹黑色马车的司机将他送到新郎家门口。 然后,他会向他发出最后通牒:允许他当晚第一个解除该男子的未婚夫的婚约,或者在婚礼当天丢掉工作并被禁止在附近所有其他地方工作。 那时或任何时候穿过 Crawshay 都会被“解雇”,当地 Crawshay 的工头在一个晚上突然敲门,手里拿着一个用过的麻袋,让受害者处理一切,还有他和他的小东西家族拥有,立即,而两个克劳谢暴徒参加了解雇。

作为一个坚定的新教徒克劳谢知道他的行为没有他的圣经、他的上帝和他的良心的支持,但他继续前进,享受着他不受约束的权力和整个城镇对他的仇恨。 不,Crawshay 不知道他的罪行的正确定义,但在他自己的心目中,他本质上也是一名犹太复国主义者。 Crawshay 非常清楚他的示范性和蓄意侵犯地球的行为,以至于当他于 1879 年去世时,他委托一块巨大的水平墓碑,由一块 16 英寸厚的花岗岩制成,覆盖他的整个坟墓,这样就没有人会挖出他的遗体并将其散开。他被上帝遗弃的尸体被风……或猪。

是的,Crawshay 实际上是一名犹太复国主义者。 今天,克劳谢表现出的资本主义弊病又回到了工厂、血汗工厂和服务业的工作岗位上,这些工作没有为全世界的工人或家庭提供福利、退休或未来。 Crawshay 心态的回归感染了当今新工业时代的许多企业宗教伪君子,不分宗教信仰。 人类已被驱逐。 犹太复国主义又回来了……从美国开始。

由于缺乏社会或道德关怀,今天的美国状态已经是令人遗憾的犹太复国主义。 虽然美国政府使用犹太复国主义的经济咒语,”如果你折磨这些数字足够长,他们会说你想说的话,” Shadowstats 经济学家约翰·威廉姆斯 (John Williams) 表示,为了宣扬其所谓成功的吹捧谎言,报告的 3.8% 的失业率并没有经过严格审查,实际失业率实际上为 21.4%。


大多数美国工人在没有未来的兼职或临时工作中就业不足,因为数以百万计的包括福利和退休在内的全职工作已不复存在——因不关心自己社会的犹太复国主义企业外包到低工资国家而流失这催生了他们自己的商业成功。 他们只关心持续的利润。 再举一个例子,在过去的 19 月 XNUMX 日星期二, 共和党众议院议员提出了 2019 财年预算提案,要求强制削减 5.4 万亿美元的社会服务支出 在接下来的十年里,他们奇怪地要求为富人增加国防开支和进一步减税,而不是为穷人和穷人增加一分钱。 未来十年将优先削减医疗保险和医疗补助——分别为 537 亿美元和 1.5 万亿美元——另外每年还有 5 亿美元来自社会保障和其他社会计划的额外削减。

这就是当今美国企业和政治犹太复国主义者的想法。 罗伯特·汤普森·克劳谢 (Robert Thompson Crawshay) 会最支持看到他们回归企业犹太复国主义者的道德良知。 因为在他看来,就像在今天的犹太复国主义者的头脑中一样,进入珍珠门只是购买通往天堂的阶梯。




本周有报道称,有史以来第一次,在彼尔德伯格集团峰会的完全支持犹太复国主义的聚会上 天主教会国务卿红衣主教 Pietro Parolin 将从罗马出席。 他不太可能就他自己宗教的十二条诫命中的任何一条来指导这个犹太复国主义者集会,但更有可能的是,他会由他们指导需要审查 Kol Nidrei 的精神,以将其纳入天主教新的第十三条。

推而广之,在过去的二十多年里,被称为“基督教犹太复国主义者” 也表现在太多美国讲坛的背后,这些讲坛故意向教区居民宣扬支持以色列的口号。 这种虚伪是以色列犹太复国主义者设计的,这些所谓的基督教牧师现在实际上为他们服务。 事实上,他们所有人都接受了以色列和耶路撒冷的全额付费中介,因此被灌输了亲犹太复国主义/反穆斯林的哲学,他们相信这是犹太教和……基督教不可或缺的一部分。 这对以色列很有帮助,基督教犹太复国主义者对实际将自己的思想和宗教交给犹太复国主义一无所知,而教区居民则试图安抚他们所选择的上帝,以支持一个非常不同的上帝。

现代犹太复国主义甚至成功接管了一种特别反战、反贪婪、反贫困、支持和平与爱的宗教。 当我们这个文明世界每天看到宗教虚伪的电视奇观时,这难道不是犹太复国主义进一步拟人化的吗? ,现在是不是挥舞着AK-47步枪开枪射击,不燃烧的时候,无辜的罗兴哈人? 是的。 他们也没有正确地侍奉他们的上帝。 他们用他们自己的混蛋版本取代了他们真正的宗教,这种版本更喜欢 Kol Nidrei 的口头禅而不是非暴力与和平的口头禅。 因此,他们不是佛教徒。 他们也变成了……犹太复国主义者。

然而,自 Kol Nidrei 回归后的过去 XNUMX 年里,美国发生的事情是当今大多数国家在全球范围内看到的犹太复国主义霸权的工作模式和例子。 这一现代目标不仅仅是一种试图控制新国家的霸权,它寻求并导致不仅改变国家对以色列的忠诚度,而且更糟糕的是,它要求改变一个人的思想,作为 Kol Nedrei 的化身,它超越了犹太教,但渗透了所有宗教和道德。

战争、自私、贪婪和贪婪现在似乎在全世界社会的良知中普遍存在。 这是犹太复国主义者的大罪:创造一个现在下意识地、不知不觉地将其良心摒弃于 Kol Nidrei 的宗教虚伪议程的世界。 对于那些具有适当宗教和/或道德美德的人来说,Kol Nidrei 的概念,无论是否定义,自然是令人厌恶的。 对于那些具有亲犹太复国主义倾向的人来说,他们个人良心犯罪的理由太容易被原谅了。 不惜一切代价取得个人成功是现代的口头禅。 一旦被 Kol Nidrei 普遍影响的大脑犹太复国主义小精灵撒上,任何对适当人性的主要关注充其量都变成了第三者。

犹太复国主义的罪行,通过 Kol Nidrei 的这种蓄意的跨社会灌输,远远超出了以物易物的犹太教。 许多必要的社会要素,如民族主义、政党、军事防御、教育、新闻、医药、银行、工业、制造业和对知识的尊重,同样被这种针对良心和社会的不道德瘟疫所削弱。

犹太复国主义者错误地认为,美国以外的整个世界都同样且完全地受到这种良心失控的影响。 世界各地城市对以色列和犹太复国主义的反对越来越多,这表明真正有良知的人非常了解他们的对手。 但不一定按名称。

犹太复国主义对这种日益增长的反对派的回答使用无知和冷漠作为武器,迫使所有敢于正确攻击其哲学、其目标和结果的人对反犹太主义进行虚假指控。 但是对于那些很少站出来说出显而易见的事情的人来说,他们的抵抗、自由意志和思想现在已经被定为非法。

以以色列最近将拍摄和报道以色列国防军任何危害人类罪的行为定为 5 至 10 年的强制性监禁为例。 除了试图进一步隐瞒他们的罪行之外,犹太复国主义思想还希望迫使那些会上升到正常社会标准的人做出监狱与良心的新选择。

飘过美国众议院是对一个人的自由意志和思想的另一项法律挑战,旨在挑战美国大学校园中的任何反对派,这些反对派将通过和平抗议批评犹太复国主义以色列人的罪行。 该法案如果成功,将需要对任何校园抗议以色列以及参与自由意志和有意识思想的新罪行的人进行全面的行政调查 - 由公共费用支付 - 。 当然,不会调查犹太复国主义者的任何类似抗议,只会调查那些试图亵渎他们道德败坏的示范例子的抗议活动。

另外, 众议院外交事务委员会周四一致通过了一项措施,即 将允许总统对任何选择遵循道德准则并剥离或不与以色列开展业务的公司进行经济和刑事处罚。 众议员埃德·罗伊斯, (R-Calif.),引入并修改了名为“以色列反抵制法案”的法案文本。 此类立法的违宪性应该是显而易见的,但考虑到犹太复国主义思想的联邦主义者在最高法院的集会,这成为具有约束力的法律的可能性似乎很大。

本周还透露,前三位总统,现在是特朗普, 签署了一封由以色列撰写的信,承诺他们永远不会公开提及众所周知的事实,即以色列确实只拥有中东核电,也没有其报道的 200 多枚核导弹。 据报道,特朗普并未意识到这一升任总统的要求,但他确实签署了,因此“核模糊”的犹太复国主义目标继续作为美国纵容核伪善的目标。

面对这种合法化的犹太复国主义,更大的罪行是,世界上绝大多数曾经理性的头脑现在愿意将自己的头脑卖为冷漠,或者更糟的是,接受这种社会流行病,以换取坚决支持忽视所有其他人的需要的个人议程。 因此,所有宗教的理性人比以往任何时候都多——正如我们在基督教犹太复国主义者、工业家、佛教徒和几乎所有种族的世界领导人身上看到的那样,自愿出卖自己的灵魂,只是为了多赚几个谢克尔。 为了这些奖励,他们无视其他一切,而且经常出卖自己的灵魂。

因为犹太复国主义需要…… 它从不回馈!

今日犹太复国主义: 美国的第一出口。

正如现代犹太复国主义有条不紊地接管了巴勒斯坦和美国,它对世界的大部分地区也是如此。 今天,几乎没有世界领导人比他们的犹太复国主义主子更忠于自己的同胞。 犹太复国主义霸权对政治领袖、国家、思想和反对派的博弈计划在澳大利亚、加拿大、欧盟、英国、日本、韩国等国家也同样完备。 对于那些没有从不道德的果实中咬过的人,犹太复国主义者只提供了另一种选择:经济衰退和内部内战! 这体现在少数几个抵制犹太复国主义议程的国家中,例如叙利亚、伊拉克、伊朗、利比亚、中国、巴西、委内瑞拉、俄罗斯等。 这些国家一直是犹太复国主义宣传的目标——通过美国的外交政策——要求政权更迭和战争。

以英国及其新贵的工党议会领袖杰里米·科尔宾(Jeremy Corbyn)为例。 尽管他本人是犹太人,但英国议会内毫不掩饰的“以色列之友”联盟知道他们自己的面包是涂在哪一边的,但攻击科尔宾是反犹太主义者。 从表面上看,这据称是他对巴勒斯坦的公开和明确表达的支持以及他在媒体上谴责以色列国防军战争罪行的结果。 但这并不是科尔宾对埋葬在世界各地议会中并且很少被犹太复国主义控制的世界媒体曝光的犹太复国主义者的真正威胁。 不。他的真正罪行是他为许多在犹太复国主义欧盟手中遭受多年不合理紧缩的英国人带来了希望,欧盟像他们的美国同胞一样,以牺牲任何人的利益为代价,为假想战争强加了多年的资金。社会义务。

科尔宾可能是世界上唯一一位真正的社会主义领导人——他有为选民挺身而出的记录,并且没有将他的领导力和良心屈服于犹太复国主义者的影响。 科尔宾不仅代表英国越来越多的人说话,他还代表英国更强大的利益集团,他们希望看到真正劳工政策的回归,而不是被犹太复国主义前首相摈弃成立的新工党部长托尼·布莱尔(Tony Blair)在科尔宾(Corbyn)作为真正的民粹主义拥护者上台之前,这种灌输似乎几乎完成了。 在科尔宾的崛起过程中,最未能观察到的是,他成功地经受住了犹太复国主义控制的叛徒在他自己的党内推翻他作为领导人的企图,不是一次而是两次。 尽管有这些尝试,科尔宾仍然毫发无损,而且比以往任何时候都更受欢迎,这强烈表明幕后的权力基础希望看到他回归社会主义英国。



在欧洲犹太复国主义控制的布鲁塞尔,欧盟忙于粉碎希腊、意大利、西班牙/加泰罗尼亚和英国退欧的犹太复国主义反对派,而没有将全部注意力集中在科尔宾身上。 很少有人意识到欧盟的创建,从成立到目前对 27 个曾经主权国家的非选举产生的经济和社会控制,实际上是 由美国犹太复国主义者催生、传播、制度化并掌权 希望使用先前存在的美国模式进一步加强中央国家控制。

早在 1999 年之前,美国的“美国”模式就已经成为将犹太复国主义议程置于公众议程之上的工具。 一旦犹太复国主义银行利益通过模仿美国联邦储备银行成功地将中央货币控制加入欧盟,XNUMX 个国家的利益就沦为公司的利益,而不再是选民的利益。

然后是国际货币基金组织。 作为将主权国家变成犹太复国主义债务奴隶的最重要工具,国际货币基金组织利用其胁迫手段迫使全球各国接受大量美元贷款计划,这些贷款计划完全由犹太复国主义商业利益的国家资产抵押担保。贪图。 国际货币基金组织目前持有世界第三大黄金储备,所有这些都是从受其影响的国家提供的赎金,这一事实表明了这种战术掠夺的结果。 它还给东道国造成了规模惊人的大规模经济和环境灾难,这些国家的犹太复国主义领导层试图与魔鬼做交易,帮助他们的口袋,但不是他们的国家、他们的人民,也不是他们的长期未来。

在他的书中, “一个经济杀手的自白,” 约翰·帕金斯详细介绍了 IMF 强迫各国承担这些无法偿还的贷款计划的方式,以及 IMF 如何利用它作为楔子,以“进步”的名义,在许多毫无戒心的世界。 希腊当然是这些结果的典型代表,叛国的亚历克西斯·齐普拉斯 (Alexis Tsipras) 作为总理,现在已将大部分公共资产出售给私营企业利益,破坏了对其同胞的国家社会义务,并使希腊成为欧盟的附庸国,但他对三驾马车的巨额债务仍然几乎没有任何影响; 欧盟、国际货币基金组织和世界银行。


正如美国模式之前的结果所预测的那样,今天的社会结果几乎遍及全世界,包括对穷人的紧缩、军备采购的大量增加、民主和民主结果的消除、对现有公民权利和社会服务的限制。 ,不断增长的难民危机以及欧洲和世界大部分地区的专制政治控制,由一个被选中或未经选举的犹太复国主义者组成,这些犹太复国主义者已经为了个人权力和财富而出卖了自己的灵魂。

在摧毁希腊国家的过程中,他们所传达的不仅仅是管理欧盟和三驾马车的犹太复国主义者向希腊人传达的信息。 这是给世界上所有其他国家和人民的信息:抵抗是徒劳的!



是的,当考虑到它在世界范围内的许多表现时,犹太复国主义的真正定义要广泛得多,而且似乎无所不包。 一旦准确地揭穿了它对犹太教的错误依恋,犹太复国主义对文明基石的退化及其目标是潜意识地个人坚持自私、贪婪和不道德,可以通过 Kol 提供的单一的全方位借口来正确地总结尼德雷。


确实,犹太复国主义最大的成功在于将其余世界的反对良知灌输为默许、冷漠和失败。 如果社会道德已经上升,犹太复国主义就不会达到威胁世界的力量水平 集体 反对以色列和犹太复国主义扩张的罪行。 到目前为止,我们的世界已经允许这成为我们当前的社会状况。 因此…我们正在输!

正如清楚地表明的那样,世界充斥着犹太复国主义者的心态。 几乎文明的所有方面现在都沉浸在犹太复国主义者——而不是犹太人——Kol Nidrei 微妙的操纵和虚伪的信条中。 这种良心感染无疑正在世界范围内蔓延,无论人们是否知道它的名字,这种感染已经变得越来越普遍。 正如历史上多次发生的那样,犹太复国主义和犹太复国主义者必须再次被驱逐出世界社会。

如图所示,在世界各地,犹太复国主义恐怖的例子根本不限于巴勒斯坦正在发生的野蛮行径。 正如上一篇文章中所建议的, “耶稣受难日大屠杀:世界,我们现在都是巴勒斯坦人,” 我们,剩下的文明世界,必须迅速意识到我们冷漠地存在于犹太复国主义控制的不断增长的牢笼中,而笼门正在迅速关闭。 是时候了解了…… 犹太复国主义者正在赢得对我们世界剩余部分的心灵和思想的战斗。

当政客无视他的 良心,选民的意愿,他对国家的责任,以及他支持外国利益的就职誓言…… 那么他就是一个犹太复国主义者。
当记者抛弃她时 道德义务 并故意制作歪曲和掩盖真相的荒谬亲以色列文章,同时故意忽略以色列战争罪行的恐怖和全球影响——从而歪曲客观报道的真实信条…… 然后,她是犹太复国主义者。

当医生、律师和教师使用 理解虚伪 证明在他们所服务的社会中,允许个人利益和金钱优先于他们对他们的指控的义务是合理的…… 那么,他们就是犹太复国主义者。

当职业运动员 明知优先 在他对人民的义务之前,他继续财富和名望,这些人的荣誉使他变得富有,但未能利用他的媒体权力站起来反对或屈膝反对他或她所看到的不公正……


当传教士、拉比、伊玛目、牧师、僧侣或圣父 无视圣经 他们特定的宗教,并没有在讲坛上大声呼吁驱逐他们宗教中的不道德派系……那么,上帝之人就是犹太复国主义者。

但是,定义现代犹太复国主义的最关键的表现形式是社会中那些在自己的思想和良心中知道- 还有他们的心—— 他们自己的世界和人类的世界正在被摧毁,但他们 故意选择什么都不做 在反对。 道德世界的人 谁看到了 犹太复国主义的社会霸权就在眼前,却没有被厌恶到行动的地步。 男人和女人 明确的良心 只是通过安静的评论而不是在适当的愤怒中挥舞拳头。 的人 抗议的诱惑 太容易被下一次媒体干扰而平静下来......

……当文明世界的人 允许自己 变得过于害怕和冷漠,无法将犹太复国主义与犹太教分开,并尖叫、回击和嘲笑对反犹太主义的错误指控,然后,为了未来,为了未来,要求将现代犹太复国主义从我们的世界社会中彻底清除,为了人类的存在......然后,可悲的是,他们也因此受到了同样的折磨。 所以,是的……



在威尔士中部一个温暖的夏日,漫步在古老的铁城默瑟尔 (Merthyr) 的山丘上时,徒步旅行者可能会突然几乎被人尿的明显恶臭所淹没。


这位无视宗教、社会和良心的人已经死了很久,这个祸害的记忆仍然并将永远存在于威尔士人的脑海中。 坟墓周围环绕着铁栅栏,由他的钢铁厂制成,旨在阻止那些愤怒和良心的人的行为。 他巨大而平坦的墓碑也是如此,顶部刻着一个单行墓志铭。 今天,他的坟墓仍然是对这个人和所有虚伪地玷污自己宗教义务的人的意外证明。

是的,在这个慢慢腐烂的情节上,在过去的几十年和未来的几十年里,一道篱笆不足以限制那些尊重人类真正价值并且不会那么容易推开的人。 他们自己继续对这个人曾经做过和现在做的事情感到愤怒,他们代表着,在这里他们爬上了那道栅栏。 在这里,他们有意识地站在他的墓碑上,这是一个试图掩盖一个人危害人类罪行的标记。

这里。 他们盯着一个人的最后一句话如此污秽,以至于良心、真正的道德和记忆,直到今天,只有一个可能的选择。

所以,每个夏天他们都不会忘记,故意爬上那道带刺的栅栏,站在这个寡头的顶上,故意为这个人类恶棍排空膀胱。 因此,他们在这里留下他们的印记、他们的意见和他们的个人陈述,作为持续抵抗的气味在空气中飘荡……遍布克劳谢的一行墓志铭。

当今世界上太多的人,比如克劳谢,认为他们会以某种方式,尽管他们犯了罪,购买了自己的天堂阶梯。 对于他所有的钱、他的豪宅和他的最后一行,绝望的墓志铭——永远刻在巨大的花岗岩石板上——这些话不能,不会,也永远不会,将所有的错误神圣化或变成正确的。

是的,克劳谢确实是一名犹太复国主义者。 像所有犹太复国主义者一样,他认为对他的罪行的赎罪——比如其他人为使用 Kol Nidrei 祈祷——可以通过潦草地写下他自己对上帝的最后祈祷而轻松地得到赦免。

在那块墓碑上,用 12 英寸凿刻的字母写着一个简单的一行墓志铭……他自己的最后祈祷,他对最终赦免的绝望要求。
“天啊,原谅 我自己。= 克劳谢在坚硬、无情的石头上生命的终结时喊道。

对于像克劳谢这样不合情理的人来说,那是 ……太……该死的……迟到了!

作者简介: Brett Redmayne-Titley在过去八年中为全球新闻社发表了170多篇深度文章。 许多已被翻译。 重大时事的现场报道一直是他的重点,这导致他多次参与跨太平洋伙伴关系谈判,北约峰会,基斯通XL管道,波特牧场甲烷气井喷发,真主党等话题。 黎巴嫩,埃尔多安的 土耳其 还有很多。 他的联系方式是:live-on-scene((at)) gmx.com。 以前的文章可以在他的档案中查看: www.watchingromeburn.uk

忽略评论者...跟随Endorsed Only
  1. Zionism cannot be understood outside the context of late 19th century European nationalism.

    The purpose of Zionism is to build a “normal” country of Jews in the Land of Israel, accepted by and at peace with it’s Arab neighbors. The idea is to replace assimilation of individual Jews with the assimilation of the entire Jewish nation.

    Clearly this ideology violates the Torah. The Torah commands us to physically destroy the Arabs and anyone else who challenges us and four us to expand our borders from the Nile to the Euphrates. The Temple must be rebuilt, sacrifices must be resumed and Israel must return to being a theocratic monarchy led by somebody from King David’s line.

    Peace with the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians and Iranians? Impossible because we are clearly commanded to annihilate those nations. What about the Iraqis, Egyptians and Saudis then? No, because they also currently occupy land that rightfully belongs to us.

    As for the rest of the Arab/Islamic world, when they pay reparations to us and agree to send us an annual tribute in perpetuity and then recognize us as G-d’s chosen people and the rightful rulers of the entirety of the Land, then we shall grant them peace. These terms, however, are in final form and non negotiable.

  2. geokat62 说:

    When the politician ignores his conscience, the will of the voters, his duty to country, and his oath of office in favour of supporting a foreign interest… then he is a 犹太复国主义.


    When the politician ignores his conscience, the will of the voters, his duty to country, and his oath of office in favour of supporting a foreign interest… then he is a 叛徒.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  3. utu 说:

    True Torah Jews: The Real Reason that Netanyahu and Israeli Leader’s Claim to Speak for All Jews (Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro)

    • 回复: @Blazer
  4. j2 说:

    I will comment this as I have for the last ten years tried to get to the bottom of this “conspiracy”.

    About the conspiracy:
    The New World was an idea of the Enlightenment, replacement of the Old Regime by democracy and capitalism, later by socialism and communism. This idea was promoted by a secret society, Freemasons, later by Communists and other secret societies which did not want communism. Jews were not yet active in this movement, they had a niche as kings people, a separate class. They did not fit into the new world, so they either had to assimilate or to move to some place. As they did not want to assimilate, and they had the tendency of mutual help, proto-Zionists started preparing the transfer of Jews to Palestine already 1840ies. Those proto-Zionists included Freemasons, some bankers and so on, and it is this group that become to rule the world in a short time, and it is the new form of this group that are the globalists wanting to unify the world and get immigrants and all that. They do not include Masons anymore, but one can identify some organizations working for these goals. To get the non-assimilating Jews out of the new world, they needed Zionism. Herzl’s Zionism and modern Anti-Semitism were created by this group about the same time for this exact purpose. Israel was their creation. The logic behind the new world is to create one world, free market, no religion,.. (just like Imagine of John Lennon or the Masonry dream) But there has to be a ruling class, maybe secret. In Communism it was the party, UK/US Freemasons possibly saw it as WASPs, maybe it is an ethnic group here. I do not know, these models change and such groups can be infiltrated unless they are closed and endogamous.

    About the Jews:
    Most Jews of course support Israel and they still practice mutual help, which causes the same problems as always: they were an endogamous and fast growing population trying to promote their group interests and seeing others as enemies. Jews in Israel face the problems of an occupation force: as they are confronted by asymmetric resistance, they are forced to do what they are doing, and that is the strategy of the resistance. Additionally there is Talmud with its different treatment of Jews and non-Jews, it makes things only worse. The actions Israel must make turn it into a pariah state. The strategy of the resistance may or may not lead to a success. American Jews support Israel, which is natural as Jews should support Jews. Christian Zionists support Israel, as they read the Bible in that way, the Jews as God’s nation. Yet, neither of these groups are the globalists who run the world. Jews, including Zionists, are a cover for the ruling group: resistance is posed as antisemitism. It is the same as was with Freemasonry. Most Freemasons did not make revolutions, it was Memphis and Mizraim, but they acted as a cover: any opposition to the revolutionary Masonry was ridiculed as conspiracy theories and normal Masons insisted that they are innocent, as they were, but they just covered up those lodges which were not at all innocent. Jews have the same role: opposition to those who do all this that must be opposed is presented as opposition to the Jews and Israel and dubbed antisemitism.

    Maybe I am wrong in this view that there are two different groups, but historically taken, it was not the Jews who started this development to the new world. Jews are called the lesser cousins in the Protocols and in Joly’s Dialogues Machiavelli is a group of evil men, who have taken the ways of the Jews, that is, it was not ethnic Jews at that time (Mizraim members were mostly Catholic, though some were crypto: Frankists and so on).

    • 回复: @Anonymous
  5. ‘Committed no crime’.
    If anyone knows the definition of crime in international politics, I’d like to hear it.
    Lewis Mumford, ‘The city in history, Its origins, its transformations and its prospects’, London, 1991, 1961 writes that the judaic rules were meant to cause separation from non jews, and maximum growth of population, in itself no crimes.
    I’m reading on the European fourth and fifth centuries, cannot say that judaism’s efforts for power were worse than those described.

    Anyhow, Rome in the first century CE twice sent powerful armies to Palestine to subjugate jewry, in how far these armies were sent because jews were suspected of being implicated in the murder of the Roman emperor, I’m not sure.
    If christianity indeed was created by Paul as secret agent of the Roman emperor, to underrmine judaism, an interesting theory.
    The copper Dead Sea scroll describes where the jewish treasure was hidden, I’m inclined to think that what is described was real, the Jerusalem temple was very rich.
    迈克尔·格兰特(Michael Grant),《罗马世界的犹太人》,1973年,纽约

    After the west, in any case on the surface, became christian, with the pope as highest authority, jews became a nuisance: they made clear that the pope was not almighty, kings liked to use the jews for tax gathering etc., the pope could not interfere.
    As jews were excluded from many professions, often also forbidden to own land of houses, it is not suprising that some of them lent themselves to shady practices of kings etc.

    What went wrong, in my view, is that jews, not all of them, of course, assimilated insufficiently after the got equal rights in the 19th century.
    Katz writes ‘the expectation that jews would disappear through assimilation was not fullfilled, on the contrary, jews became more visible’.
    ``从偏见到破坏'',雅各布·卡茨(Jacob Katz),1980年,剑桥,马萨诸塞州
    One of the factors Katz mentioned for success was ‘close economic cooperation’.
    And so, after 1870 in the unified Germany, antisemitism emerged.
    Antisemitism is not antijudaism, as the anti sentiment after 1870 was also against non religious jews.
    Zionism, in my view, no more than a reaction to antisemitism.

    The creation of Israel, the most stupid thing jews ever did, my idea.
    Zionism is seen by many as the same as judaism, Israel advertises the worst aspects of jewish culture.
    Israel can only exist through jewish power in the USA, and wars by the USA.
    Israel may be the third military power in the world, as the British said ‘one can do a lot with bayonets, except sit on them’.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @renfro
  6. A very stream-of-consciousness & confusing text. As for myself, I’m all for Zionism with consequences, similar to Arthur Koestler. Let’s see..

    1. Jews are religious-cultural-historical people. Wherever they settled, they remained an isolated group.

    2. Europe, if you wish, is a state of mind: first during Greco-Roman cultural sphere & then during long centuries of Christianity. Jews remained the only tolerated Middle Eastern group in Europe, a group that, mostly, did not assimilate (Muslims and others were booted).

    3. in Muslim & Eastern cultural spheres (Iran, Ottomans, Arabs,..) Jews were just one among co-existing cultural groups because Islamic world did not developed as Europe: the nations & nation-states (language, territory, customs, law, culture, history,..) became in past 500-800 years primal foci of loyalty of European peoples. Jews did not fit in.

    4. during 19th-20th C Theodor Herzl was a shrewd observer. He clearly saw that most Jews were Europeanized, but still alien Middle-Eastern historical people living among various, different European peoples. Zionist idea was a realist admission that Jews in Europe remained a separate nation, whether they lived in Italy, Germany, France or Russia. Of course, this does not apply to assimilated, not just acculturated Jews: Jews simply cease to be Jews when they lose their ethnic religious identity & fully embrace different cultural-identity matrix. Was Karl Marx a Jew? No, he was a German of Jewish descent.

    5. after establishment of Israel, Jews got their nation-state. But, many diaspora Jews continued with their anti-national culture war against western nations, while extolling Israel as a Jewish nation. Sorry guys, you can’t have it both ways. It can’t be multiculturalism & anti-nationalism for thee (US, France, Poland, Italy,..) & nationalism for me (Israel).

    6. contemporary BDS crowd is mostly composed of home-grown far leftists, ideological progeny of the 1960s counter-culture & New Left, and various anti-Jewish racial & religious groups (Muslims, Africans..-who historically don’t belong to Europe). Pro-Palestinian, pro-Muslim & pro-3rd world rhetoric is absurdity for most sane whites (Europeans & North Americans). They’re not worried about fully integrated co-nationals of Jewish origin; they’re annoyed by Zionist Jews who behave like accepted, but still alien & sometimes hostile group; and they’re extremely inimical toward unassimilable racial & cultural aliens (blacks, Muslims, Asians,…)

    For most Europeans & Europe-derived peoples (at least the mentally sane majority)- they want to get rid of all- Asians, blacks, self-conscious Middle Easterners…these guys don’t belong here. It is not a continuation of some Jewish obsession, but a simple admission: sorry guys, you’re not my people. You got your home somewhere in the East & go there. We may trade with all you Israelis, Turks, Moroccans, Pakistanis, Nigerians,….but good fences make good neighbors.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  7. mcohen 说:

    Robert crawshay is the reason the Palestinians are suffering.he was a low down hootchie cootchie and the welsh have no jobs and kol nidrei is to blame

    • 回复: @annamaria
  8. 这是一些严肃的胡言乱语。它涉及无数的主题,并设法把它们全部弄错。


    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @KDM
    , @anon
  9. 共产党人杀了托洛茨基,因为托洛茨基实际上对共产主义有一些有效的批评。所有反共分子都应该成为托洛茨基分子吗?不,你说?然后停止这种愚蠢的想法,即我们都应该跟随拉比耶稣,只是因为他可能对他的犹太同胞提出了有效的批评。

    Rabbi Jesus hated “Gentile” European white patriarchy, and said so specifically. (Matthew 20:25, Mark 10:42, Luke 22:25) Jesus isn’t the European’s friend. He hates you so much he told his followers that they must “hate” and “forsake” their own blood and soil. (Luke 14:26, Matthew 19:27-30)

    And let’s not forget Jewish Rabbi Jesus was actually popular with the 撒旦的犹太教堂. Don’t blame me, it’s in the Jew Testament:

    他在他们的会堂里施教,受到众人的荣耀。 (路加福音 4:15)


    “Must I add that, in the whole New Testament, there appears but a solitary figure worthy of honour? Pilate, the Roman viceroy. To regard a Jewish imbroglio seriously — that was quite beyond him. One Jew more or less — what did it matter?” (Friedrich Nietzsche


    约翰福音 4:22 “救恩是从犹太人出来的。”
    罗马书 1:16 “首先是犹太人。”
    罗马书 15:27 “既然外邦人分享了犹太人的属灵祝福,他们就应该与犹太人分享物质上的祝福。”

    Europeans don’t need the Magic Jew to save them any more than they need 神奇的黑人 保存他们。

  10. 总之,以色列是中东唯一的民主国家,其军队是世界上最道德的军队。 事实上,以色列的建立是为了照亮人类,阐明一个国家在面对其公民和邻国时应如何运作。 博学的和未学的都知道是这样。 详细说明是无济于事的,而且毫无疑问是反犹太主义的。

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  11. Clyde 说:

    Here is the bottom line for Zionism vs Europeanism.
    Europeanism allows in 1.6million and counting, Muslims and African vagabonds. Crazy cat lady Merkel encourages them to come to Germany and then she tries to force other EU nations to take them in. This Moslem invasion is still going on.
    Zionism means keep out invaders and plug them when they try to tear down the Gaza border fence.

    Sad to say but the above hyphenated author is also a cat lady? Your kool Redmayne nom de plume? The Zionist Jews he (she, whatever) condemns hold the line while sappy Euros cave in.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  12. Heros 说:

    A very good article on Zionism that addresses the JQ straight on. Unfortunately, I think it is off target by trying to equate the greed and madness for power of Crayshaw, and jews in general, with Zionism. He never really links Crawshays’ actions to Kol Nidrei, it is more of a association through a high correlation of depravity and greed.

    By confining his definition of Jewish Power be to a subset of Zionism, he provides “good jews” far too much wiggle room to disassociate themselves from their people actions, often when they themselves are citizens of Israel.

    Which brings us to another omission in the description, the holohoax. In fact, all of modern judaism revolves around the holohoax which they are desperate to make the axis of a family of new age religions, like scientism.

    This new Zionism would not be possible if jews had not been made sacred objects by this new sacred religion, pushed by Hollywood and the elites, called “the holocaust”, which was used as the justification for the theft of Israel. This new holohoax religion has become a kind of overwrapping shell corporation for all of Judaism, and ALL jews and ALL lovers of jews agree, it was 6 million.

    Zionism then just becomes one branch of this holohoax religion, which can also be pushed on stupid goyim by allowing them to make a living off of it (Churches, Government, etc).

    Treating Judaism as the religion of the holohoax also allows us to have a far better method of dealing with jews then Zionism. If we use Zionism as a yard stick, then every Jew in America would get the benefit of the doubt because they aren’t resident in Israel. In fact, a far better test for goyim to judge jew trustworthyness would be a simple “Did 6 million get gassed”. Anything but an unqualified “No” instantaneously identifies a jew as a beneficiary of a typical, massive, jewish scam.

    The author also doesn’t go into the Kosher glass ceiling faced by white males across the west. From Ivy League schools to government to media and even to tech: Jews go first. Then come LGBQT, Women, Blacks, and Hispanics. The holohoaxers would tell us that this is a figment of our imagination, that white privilege is the biggest obstacle to utopian democratic socialism. Yet across the full spectrum of US and Western institutions we see proportions of Jews in charge that are many magnitudes of greater than their per capita representation. In the US very few of these would consider themselves “Zionists”, and many are not religious or even athiest. But as Jews, virtually all believe in or support the holohoax.

    Another of his neglected aspects of Zionism: secret societies, freemasonry, illuminism, satanism. This has everything to do with what he was discussing like the Pharma industry. I understand that he does not have space for all this, but it is critical.

    That is why the holohoax is so important to them, it can even be used to include an underclass of goyim. It is why you can write all kinds things that are not good for the jews, even anti-Zionist and anti-Israeli, yet still gain repentance by sufficient cowing to the holohoax or bashing of “Nazis”.

    • 同意: Druid
    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Them Guys
    , @anon
    , @Blazer
  13. dearieme 说:

    “Long ago cast-out from Judea since AD 70, by Roman emperor, Titus ..”: but that’s simply untrue, a yarn invented centuries after 70AD. They were banned from living in Jerusalem, sure, but that was after the second revolt, not the first. Nor were they ever expelled from Palestine. Plain didn’t happen.

    Being on the losing side of a revolt against Rome must be grim but expulsion was not one of the punishments. For a start, why would the Romans expel those Jews who took no part in the revolt? When else did Rome expel a whole population as a punishment? Why is there no record of this punishment of the Jews? Even Josephus makes no mention of this purported exile. Pah! It’s baloney.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Alden
    , @bjondo
  14. @geokat62

    You say if a man is supporting a foreign interest…then he is a traitor.

    What about those Americans who worship a foreign Jewish king and pledge allegiance to a foreign capital city in middle-eastern Asia that they regard as holy?

    “Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the 以色列国王。” (约翰福音1:49)

    “I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem.” (Revelation 21:2)

    P.S. The picture of the Star of David in this article reminds me that when you worship Jesus, you’re worshiping Lucifer. Don’t blame me, it’s in the Bible, if the Latin Vulgate version’s term 路西弗 is a valid translation for “morning star.”

    以赛亚书14.12:“你是如何从天堂堕落的, morning star [Lucifer],黎明之子!”

    启示录22.16 我耶稣...的根和后代 ✡David✡, 明亮的和 ✡晨星[路西法]✡.

    To be sure, Lucifer is Latin meaning “bearer of light,” which ✡Jesus✡ calls himself in John 8:12.

  15. 11,000字,认真的吗?

    还有无休无止的喋喋不休的“良心”之类的东西?那什么时候才是真正的问题呢?犹太复国主义会造成伤害 me 只要我允许。如果一个沙人部落残暴或谋杀另一沙人部落,我到底在乎什么?我到底担心什么?他们不是我的亲属,也不是我的部落。我自己没有问题需要解决吗?我的洗碗机出了故障,我妻子为此抱怨不已。我是否对犹太人对阿拉伯人所做的事情感到困扰?或者修理我的洗碗机来阻止我妻子的咆哮?


    所有这些对一个外星部落对另一个外星部落所做的事情的痴迷都是迟钝的。这是一个女人或一个愚钝的孩子在高速公路上看到一只死猫时可能会哭的想法。什么时候 男子 变成这样可悲的娘们?

    • 回复: @Anon
    , @Alden
    , @KDM
    , @renfro
  16. Anonymous [AKA "Rugged Pyrrhus"] 说:

    Why the maximalism, bro? You make a great case against Zionism, and then conflate it with the Federalist Society’s support of “rolling back civil liberties, imperial wars, free-wheeling laissez-faire capitalism and corporatism, along with ending New Deal/Great Society social programs”, and their stance “against reproductive choice, government regulations, labour rights, environmental protections, and justice for unwanted aliens.”

    I happen to love laissez-faire capitalism, and the thought of ending New Deal/Great Society social programs tickles me pink.

    Does that make me a Zionist catspaw?

    Some of us think the term “reproductive rights” is a euphemism for “child murder”, and “government regulations, labour rights, environmental protections, and justice for unwanted (illegal) aliens” are subjectively defined terms, to say the least.

    I would have read the whole thing, but after that you devolved into Counterpunchian logorrhea, and I just aint got the time.

  17. @Greasy William

    Clearly this ideology violates the Torah. The Torah commands us to physically destroy the Arabs and anyone else who challenges us and four us to expand our borders from the Nile to the Euphrates. The Temple must be rebuilt, sacrifices must be resumed and Israel must return to being a theocratic monarchy led by somebody from King David’s line.

    和a 男性 response is, ‘so what?’ Not my problem! Nor is it my problem when a billion plus Arabs exterminates you. I don’t care. I don’t care if your ‘sacrifices’ include Aztec or Maya style ripping the hearts from your children and tossing their corpses down the side of your Temples. Your kids, your problem. But if you ever mess with my kids or my tribe…

    Life, Nature, is competition. Winners survive and losers die. We all compete both intra-tribally and inter-tribally. What one tribe of sand people does to another tribe of sand people, in some sandy shithole corner of the world, matters exactly as much to me as Orca predation on sharks (and yet there are retards who bemoan and wail about those mean mammals killing innocent fish). This is why there has never been a successful civilization built by women or weak-minded ‘men.’

    • 回复: @renfro
  18. Anonymous[117]• 免责声明 说:

    After the fake quote supposedly from Netanyahu (lol at least spell his name correctly next time) I kept pressing page down and it kept going. Amazing. Why does Unz publish these idiotic schizoid rants?

    • 回复: @annamaria
  19. 谁在乎:让当地人来解决。

    受够了在 CO 长大的这种道德主义者的胡说八道。


  20. @dearieme

    The diaspora began maybe two centuries BCE.
    Of course, the destruction of the temple etc. increased it

    • 回复: @annamaria
  21. Anon[390]• 免责声明 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    What a dumb fuck you ate to marry a woman who can’t fix the dishwasher herself.

    And what a failure of womanhood little wifey is to put up with a POS like you.

    I and the women I know would have fixed the DW ourselves, and rigged it to work in multiple ways, including roasting wienies attached to dick-sticks like Stan d Mutt.

    • 哈哈: Stan d Mute
  22. @Echoes of History

    The inconsistencies in the Jezus stories had as result that already around 1850 the first book was published, in Germany, arguing that he had never existed.
    Except for the stories there is nothing that indicates that he ever existed.
    Mohammed, in any case when his statements were recorded, some 200 years after his death, was as inconsistent, but there is evidence that Mohammed existed.
    The Jezus inconsistencies is one of the weak points of christianity, many died for these inconsistencies.
    The father, the son and the holy spirit was a compromise concluded in the fourth century, 347CE, from memory.
    Several sects and divisions were caused by the compromise, Arians, Nestorians, whatever.
    The compromise has a good point, one can argue with christian theology.
    Islam does not have this problem, weakness, Allah is always right, despite the Quran inconsistencies.
    The weird thing about the Quran for me is that the inconsistencies are next to each other, so I’m told.
    Muslims were wise in recording the rules according to subject, take your pick
    As an example, the rule praying in the direction of Mecca is followed by the rule of praying in the direction of Jerusalem.
    It is great for Islam that at most places in the world the direction is the same, just between the two places there is a problem;

    • 回复: @anonymous
  23. My dishwasher is malfunctioning and my wife is bitching about it. Do I obsess about what a Jew does to an Arab? Or fix my dishwasher to shut my wife’s yap?

    It seems that if your dishwasher is malfuncioning you rush to write an irrelevant commentary about what a Jew might do to an Arab. What’s your “tribe” anyway?

    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  24. I think you neglected to to note that the initial hypocrisy begins at the inception of the colonial rebellion and proceeds to the constitution –

    from that no other question demonstrated us hypocrisy more than the supreme court decision concerning the murder of children in the womb. that redefinition and reframing of human existence is a momentus legal decision with both legal and social repercussions to the negative. It ranks just a bove slavery and slavery ranks just above the choice to render a marriage a mere emotional state that can occur between anyone who chooses regardless of their sex and the rights of a community to socially construct what constitutes a legal binding.

    This article was long, but I enjoyed reading it.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  25. “他(杰里米·科尔宾)也是世界上唯一的榜样,全世界都在拼命寻找一位领导人来为自己国家回归正常社会而奋斗。”

    恕我直言,这不是一个很好的例子。更好的例子是马来西亚前总理,以及最近在 92 岁高龄当选的马来西亚总理。马哈蒂尔·穆罕默德是一位众所周知的“反犹太分子”,这当然意味着他是“犹太复国主义国际黑手党”的敌人。

    杰里米·科尔宾如果当选,将成为新的亚历克西斯·齐普拉斯。为什么 ?因为众所周知,如果“犹太复国主义国际黑手党”完全控制了美国,那么显然他们也完全控制了英国。科尔宾和齐普拉斯一样,会照他说的去做。





    根据吉拉德·阿兹蒙(Gilad Atzmon)和“拉比雅科夫·夏皮罗(Rabbi Yaakov Shapiro),可能是最雄辩的犹太律法发言人”的说法,这似乎是一厢情愿的想法。


  26. Desert Fox 说:

    Zionism is Satanism , Zionist worship satan and create wars as a sacrifice to satan, this is why every American should read THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION and see what they think and see what they have done and what they intend to do in this world.

    America was captured by the Zionist bankers in 1913 when they forced through congress the PRIVATELY owned FEDERAL RESERVE and the INTERAL REVENUE SERVICE and thus set the table for the destruction of America via the FEDS creation money out of thin air and loaning this ether created money to the GOV and taxing the goyim on their income and creation perpetual wars to drive America into unending unpayable debt.

    The Zionist control every facet of the U.S. gov and the MSM and the BANKS and MILITARY and it would be accurate to refer to America as a province of Israel or a slave colony which is looted by the zionists for their benefit. The U.S. military would be more accurately called a proxiy IDF and congress would more accurately be called the lower house of the knesset.

    Proof the total control of America was shown by the fact that Israel and the zionist controlled deep state attacked America on 911 and got away with it and every thinking American knows it and the zionist murder of some 3000 Americans went unpunished.

    Zionism will be the destruction of America and our future will make Orwells 1984 look like a walk in the park.

    • 回复: @anon
  27. 我不确定我是否购买了“Kol Nidrei”的所有扩展论证链接。


    the torah is governance and description of faith in much the same way that the not is the abiding book of description and governance of christianity, not the catechisms, the methodists, mutherans , presbyterian, baptists teachings, and dogma, etc — but scripture. And any collide with scripture — scriptures wins out.

    the pope, the presbytery, the methodist synod, can declare what they will about same sex choices – ultimately christ and the apostles over rule them.

    I did not know and have a hard to believing that jews of faith were terminating contractual agreements unilateral and making use of this prayer as support. that’s a hard standard to believe exists.

  28. Wally 说:

    The author obediently said:

    “By extension, the unjustifiable horrors of the Holocaust inflicted on Jews were a similar collective demonization by the German Third Reich of all Jews as their reaction to the practices of the very few; those who had violated the boundaries of the societal conscience of Germany and their own Torah.”

    The author’s lack of sincerity & seriousness is revealed. He cites the fake ‘6M Jews / holocaust’ which Jews have been pushing since at least 1823, some say earlier.
    He recites what he’s told to recite in the above statement, thereby making his remaining body of text acceptable to Jew supremacists.
    As long as Jews have their Potemkin Village, aka: ‘the holocau$t’, they know they have the goyim under their thumb.
    The ‘holocaust’ narrative is a fraud for cash & power. I know it, you know. Get off your knees. Nothing, nothing changes until you do.


    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。
    没有名字的呼唤,在这里进行公平的竞争环境辩论: http://forum.codoh.com

  29. annamaria 说:
    @Greasy William

    “Zionism cannot be understood outside the context of late 19th century European nationalism.”
    — Sure.
    “National Socialism, more commonly known as Nazism, subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and Social Darwinism… The Nazis aimed to unite all Germans living in historically German territory, as well as gain additional lands for German expansion under the doctrine of Lebensraum and exclude those who they deemed either community aliens or “inferior” races.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazism
    Replace Nazism with Zionism: ” Zionism subscribed to theories of racial hierarchy and Social Darwinism… The Zionism aimed to unite all Jews living in historically Jewish territory, as well as gain additional lands for Jewish expansion under the doctrine of Lebensraum and exclude those who they deemed either community aliens or “inferior” races.”
    — Close your holocaust museums already. The worst among the Jews have plagiarized the German nationalism’ ideas to create the monstrosity of indecent, dishonorable, inhuman, immoral, and obnoxious imitation (forgery), Zionism. The forgery has been flourishing thanks to the deeply-dishonest talmudic traditions married to tribal solidarity.
    The talmudic lunatics have been destroying each and very safe haven throughout Europe and now in the US. Your Polish bastard Bibi and the Moldovan thug Avi can try on taking all possible poses and mannerism of “distinguished” men — this will not help. They are thugs.
    Zionism is a dangerous cancerous growth on western civilization. Would not it be great if your lot collectively disappear from the cultural centers of the EU and the US?
    Your problem is, the Zionists cannot coexist with the Zionists. The article explains, why.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
    , @Druid
  30. @EliteCommInc.

    Careful what you wish for. You want a huge infestation of nigletspawn in yo ‘hood?

    In the United States, the abortion rate for black women is almost 五次 that for white women.


    You don’t believe that nigletspawn should be recruited into your churchtransformed by the Magical Jew into a leadership role like the Jew Testament promotes, do you?

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @anonymous
    , @EliteCommInc.
  31. HallParvey 说:
    @Echoes of History


    他们许诺永生。黄金街道。珍珠之门。 (为什么这些是必要的,尚不清楚。)




    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  32. @EliteCommInc.

    同性 是唯一的 选择 the Jewish Rabbi Jezus allows in Jewheaven.

    “When Jewgod raises people to life, they won’t marry. They will be like the Jewangels in Jewheaven.” (((Matthew 22:30)))

    That perversion alone is reason enough to refuse any offer of a Jew to save you to his Jewish utopia. Yet you fall for this degenerate storytelling hook, line, and sinker!

    P.S. That verse is but one of many anti-family, anti-normal sex teachings of the Jewish Rabbi Jezus. JESUS’ ANTI-FAMILY VALUES http://www.usbible.com/Jesus/jesus_family.htm

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  33. @Echoes of History

    Funny how you missed the parts of the New Testament where 1) The Pharisees are rebuked, decisively, by Jesus and where 2) The leaders of Judaism successfully plot to kill him.

    Your claim is that Jesus was loved by the very members of the religion that 1) killed him and 2) has spent centuries trying to destroy the Church which claims to have been established by him.

    Funny, I can’t think of too many people for whom I showed my love by attempting to have them brutally tortured and slain…

    And if these things were irrelevant, then the Jews would not have spent so much capital in the 1950s and ’60s trying to change the Catholic Church’s traditional teaching that the Jews must convert to be saved.

    Go home, son, and try again.

    • 同意: Them Guys
    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  34. annamaria 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    “Zionism, in my view, no more than a reaction to antisemitism.”
    — The above paper’s focus is on a specific prayer:
    “我们可能做出的所有[个人]誓言,我们可能在这次赎罪日和下一个赎罪日之间做出的所有[个人]誓言和承诺,我们公开宣布放弃。 让它们都被放弃和抛弃,无效,既不坚定也不成立。 让我们的[个人]誓言、誓言和誓言不被视为誓言、誓言或誓言。”
    - Kol Nidrei。
    The Kol Nidrei, (“All Vows”) often misspelt Kol Nidre, was not originally a prayer, but a declaration offered during Rosh Hashana, the start of the Jewish new year. In “modern” Judaism it is now being delivered as a prayer and has so grown in prominence during the last sixty years that it is now delivered at the commencement of Judaism’s holiest yearly event of Passover.”
    — It was not “antisemitism” but the anti-talmudism reaction towards the indecency and treachery of a certain segment of the Jewish populace.
    Zionism was, and is, a farcical and bloodthirsty imitation of the 19th-century German nationalism.

    • 回复: @jilles dykstra
  35. 作者说耶稣基督是犹太人。

    如果她所说的犹太人是指基于密西拿口述传统的宗教追随者,这是塔木德的基础,那么她就大错特错了。 提到米示拿,耶稣说它把人的智慧置于上帝的话之前,即摩西和先知。

    如果她所说的犹太人是指今天称为犹太人的人所来自的族群,那么她几乎完全错了。 法利赛教/犹太教通过改变外邦人而发展,就像基督教一样,结果是


  36. annamaria 说:

    Why don’t you look at someone among the contemporary scoundrels? Exhibit one, Mrs. Nuland-Kagan from the Kagans clan and her vigorous activity towards the revival of banderism (neo-Nazism) in Ukraine: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3205754/Blood-oozed-soil-grave-sites-pits-alive-secrets-Ukraine-s-shameful-Holocaust-Bullets-killing-centre-1-6million-Jews-executed.html
    Then there is an Israeli citizen Kolomojsky, the main financier of a neo-Nazi battalion Azov. Israeli government agrees wholeheartedly with Kolomojsky that Ukrainian neo-Nazi need all possible support from the righteous “most victimized” et cet.; this is why Israel has been sending Israeli weaponry to the same Ukrainian neo-Nazis: https://therealnews.com/stories/israel-is-arming-ukraines-blatantly-neo-nazi-militia-the-azov-battalion
    But one cannot do any inquiry into holocaust number under the penalty of prison. Here the zionists are adamant in their talmudic beliefs. ““All [personal] vows we are likely to make, all [personal] oaths and pledges we are likely to take between this Yom Kippur and the next Yom Kippur, we publicly renounce. Let them all be relinquished and abandoned, null and void, neither firm nor established. Let our [personal] vows, pledges and oaths are considered neither vows nor pledges nor oaths.” — Including the violations of the oaths and pledges towards the dead Jews of Lviv and Kiev. Well done, talmudists.

  37. The above article makes clear that the Zionist plague corrupts and destroys the lives of both Jews and non-Jews.

    This spiritual sickness began in the Babylonian exile of the Jews from Judah. A system of power through subversion known as Kabbalah was developed within this exile population. From about 300 BC agents of this system, known as the Babylonian Magi, were sent to Egypt and Greece on missions of influence and psychological warfare. This same system would go on to infiltrate the Catholic Church through the Jesuit Order in medieval Europe. The creation of the Rothschild (Red Shield) Dynasty in Germany in the 1760s enabled this system to infiltrate those underground Christian groups — Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry — which opposed the Church.

    The Kabbalah system would undergo doctrinal alterations throughout the ages but the mission remained the same: control of Western elites by the Zionists.

  38. @annamaria

    ``从偏见到破坏'',雅各布·卡茨(Jacob Katz),1980年,剑桥,马萨诸塞州
    Ismar Schorsch,“犹太人对德国反犹太主义的反应,1870年-1914年”,纽约,1972年

  39. Wally 说:


    story: Babi Yar / Trial for 3 Alleged members of Firing Squads? / Fake Pictures & more: https://forum.codoh.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11869

    Notice in the link the staging of memorials for the utterly fake 34,000 Jews after a search for the alleged human remains came up completely empty. 谈论胆怯。



    • 回复: @Heros
  40. @annamaria

    It is quite interesting to see how the Dutch government follows the holocaust propaganda example with respect to MH17

  41. annamaria 说:

    The waves of refugees and migrants to the EU are the result of the US-waged Wars for Israel. No lunatic mythology of Eretz Israel — no refugees and migrants.
    On the other hand, were not there the very loud demands from certain refugees during the WWII? Too much holocaustianity, Clyde?

    • 回复: @Wally
  42. annamaria 说:

    Do you have any comments about the following?
    “To understand worldwide Zionism is to correctly understand the Kol Nidrei.
    “我们可能做出的所有[个人]誓言,我们可能在这次赎罪日和下一个赎罪日之间做出的所有[个人]誓言和承诺,我们公开宣布放弃。 让它们都被放弃和抛弃,无效,既不坚定也不成立。 让我们的[个人]誓言、誓言和誓言不被视为誓言、誓言或誓言。”
    - Kol Nidrei。
    The Kol Nidrei, (“All Vows”) often misspelt Kol Nidre, was not originally a prayer, but a declaration offered during Rosh Hashana, the start of the Jewish new year. In “modern” Judaism it is now being delivered as a prayer and has so grown in prominence during the last sixty years that it is now delivered at the commencement of Judaism’s holiest yearly event of Passover.”

  43. annamaria 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Google search (you could try the search on your own, this is not difficult): https://plus.google.com/107298269663451546885/posts/iW1gyme6ZEf
    “A quote From Netanyahu’s infamous “Fink’s Bar diatribe” of 1990:
    “If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it does not matter what you do, America is a golden calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control. Why? Because it is the will of God and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again and again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.” (Credit to the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States Department of Defense)”

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
    , @Reg Cæsar
    , @tac
  44. annamaria 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    “The diaspora began maybe two centuries BCE.
    Why, I never saw an explanation.”
    — Perhaps, the utter dishonesty of talmudism makes it difficult for talmudists to live with other talmudists? http://americanfreepress.net/tens-of-thousands-of-jews-leaving-israel-for-germany/

  45. “Modern zionism” desperately needs Correct — and concise definition, simple and potent enough to penetrate the Great Brainwashed..

    This ain’t it.

  46. Alden 说:

    You’re right. Most of the Jews stayed in Palestine and neighboring countries such as Egypt. Their descendants are the Mizrahi.

    Many Zionists and American Jews are unaware the Mizrahi Jews even exist. Oh no they scream, those are the Sephardi expelled by the Isabella of Spain, the most evil sovereign that ever existed. Well, they’re not.

  47. KDM 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    同意!我查了内塔尼亚胡的引言,绝对没有任何引用。此外,当内塔尼亚胡说了一些真正的蠢话时,像这样伪造他的名言是荒谬的(即“我知道美国是什么。美国是一个可以轻易移动的东西。” https://www.haaretz.com/1.5149019 )

    “然而,仅仅因为自己与犹太教的联系而犯下暴行的德国人在不知不觉中犯下了同样的个人良心失败罪,忽视了他们自己宗教的基本原则。 天主教 和他们的圣经。”


    • 回复: @Alden
    , @annamaria
  48. @EliteCommInc.

    我不确定我是否购买了“Kol Nidrei”的所有扩展论证链接。




    第二部经文称为 TaNaKh(Torah、Naviim 和 Ketuvim)。英文是《Torah》、《Prophets and Book》,基督徒称之为《Old Testament》。

    而且,还有《塔木德》,基本上是对 TaNaKh 的评论……

    所有的弊病都在《旧约》中,而“Kol Nidrei”则在《旧约》中。 在耶稣时代,书面形式的 TaNaKh 从未存在过。那么,耶稣为何接受 TaNaKh 为神的真实话语呢?



    • 回复: @j2
    , @EliteCommInc.
    , @Them Guys
  49. anonymous[199]• 免责声明 说:
    @Bardon Kaldian

    We may trade with all you Israelis, Turks, Moroccans, Pakistanis, Nigerians,….but good fences make good neighbors.

    Oh, so innocently put. Only problem is that the “We” are such greedy bastards. The “We” does not wish to trade in good faith… it never has.

    After raping the entire so-called third world for centuries, now the oh-so-benevolent “We” wishes to simply “trade.”

    Therein lies the problem, whitetrash. Try to keep up.

    PS: I so regret that the Palestinians did not have the presence of mind to flood Eurape, decades back. And, multiplied 10 fold. Perhaps they can begin now?

    • 回复: @Wally
  50. Alden 说:
    @Stan d Mute


    Ever heard of Friends of the IDF? It’s wealthy American Jews who make tax exempt donations to the Israeli military in stead of paying American income tax.

    Tax exempt donations to Friends of the IDF is supposed to be used for comforts for the IDF instead of weapons.


    Even so, if American Jews donate the money for furniture, clothes, food, buildings computers and non weapon equipment, trucks and other vechicles military health care etc, that means the IDF doesn’t have to spend Israeli tax money for anything but buying weapons.

    There are hundreds of these organizations that receive tax exempt donations from American Jews who should be paying income tax to the American government.
    Some organizations support high schools trade schools and colleges in Israel. Some support hospitals and health care. Many support new settlements into Palestinian land.

    Others support the hasids. Others support gay organization. Others support the old age pensions in the guise of supporting aged poverty stricken homeless eating out of garbage cans holofraud survivors.

    I don’t know what they will do in April 2055 when the last possible Jew born in Europe during WW2 reaches 110.

    Layettes for new born babies, contribution, so poor families can have the same beyond vulgar Bar Mitzvahs Americans have, the list goes in and on.

    If charitable tax exempt donations were abolished the money would go to the IRS and distributed to government agencies and spent in America.

    So many billions a year go to these useless charities both Zionist and non Zionist that if they were abolished the tax burden would be relieved and take home pay would increase to the extent we wouldn’t need so many government services.

    $150 a month more take home pay? Maybe I can pay my winter heat bill myself and don’t have to apply for low income heat bill rate.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Stan d Mute
  51. anon[364]• 免责声明 说:

    The religious resistance that could have been mounted against the economic polices ,realities,destructive effects have been neutered repeatedly by the conservatives,religious base of GOP,Trump supporters ,ex Bush supporters ex Reagan supporters over then years. Forces that control the finances and the economy knew it and knows it well that the best way to control a movement is to become part of it . GOP’s love of Christianity and Christian values are nothing but the weaponized moral cudgel that is used to destroy the very soul of Christianity . Democrats never went down that route because it was already occupied by spymaster GOP . It devised other means to destroy that resistance . It captured the mind of those who feel uncomfortable with religious garb,songs,ambience around congregations and the church buildings or with TV preachers stupid sermons.
    Democrats coopted the non -religious by ranting against religious beliefs of the GOP base , by portraying the GOP base as the existential danger to the remaining . This way the two segments have been defined and segregated at every level by the master of GOP and Democrats – these 2 are now cast as adversary and enemy of each other .

    Can the religious base of the GOP and non religious base of Democrats escape any censure ? No. They take Bible literally and don’t extend it to next level and the level above . To them person to person usury is forbidden but not mass usury practiced by the corporate on the millions of the poor citizen . They think free health care is wrong but not asking for federal relief when hit by a tornado or earthquake . They think government should ensure safety and security from outside forces but doesn’t have to act when the safety and security of a functioning society or of a nation are threatened by lack of education ,diseases , low wage,lack of time for family ,harsh punitive justice system for drug related non violent offenses . Democrats talk of free speech , R 2 P ,and liberty and humanism abroad but stifle this at home and within the party . Both want to punish the offenders but bring back to cabinet , media, academy same psychopaths offenders who have led the country and the countries to ruins and destruction only yesterday .

    They rail and ridicule Canadians for spending their tax money on socialized medicine, public housing,free education, and good safety nets , but don’t find it objectionable that their own taxes go into supporting defense industries who don’t face any competition and who sells there products to their own government who then spends those on the deserts and the caves of the countries who realistically pose no threats to their lives. They talk of democracy but don’t find it oxymoron to have judges chosen to spend rest of their lives on benches .They allow 2 terms for the presidents but won’t do same for local ,national,and federal level lawmakers ,senators and assembly persons .

    • 回复: @Alden
  52. Alden 说:

    宗教改革之后,德国大约 60% 的人信仰路德教,40% 的人信仰天主教。这种分裂是区域性的,大致是北部和东部路德宗,南部和西部天主教徒。


    犹太人喜欢将大屠杀归咎于天主教徒,因为希特勒的父母把他洗礼为天主教徒,而纳粹在 1920 年代试图占领天主教城市慕尼黑。

  53. annamaria 说:

    “I looked up the Netanyahu quote and there is absolutely no citations for it.”
    — KDM, simply try to Google the quote — and voila: https://plus.google.com/107298269663451546885/posts/iW1gyme6ZEf
    “如果我们被抓住,他们只会用同样的人来取代我们。因此,无论你做什么,美国都是一头金牛犊,我们会把它吸干,砍碎,一块一块地卖掉,直到除了我们将创建和控制的世界上最大的福利国家之外什么都没有剩下。为什么?因为这是上帝的旨意,而美国足够大,能够承受打击,所以我们可以一次又一次地这样做。这就是我们对我们讨厌的国家所做的事情。我们非常缓慢地消灭他们,让他们因拒绝成为我们的奴隶而受苦。” (归功于美国国防部国防情报局)”
    https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/21/bibi-to-congress-you-work-for-me-and-dont-you-forget-it/ http://www.americanchronicle.info/Home/TabId/514/ArticleId/37/netanyahus-shocking-warning-in-finks-bar.aspx
    https://me.me/i/benjamin-netanyahu-was-meeting-finks-bar-in-jerusalem-a-well-10114234 https://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/03/12/shockwaves-part-iii/

  54. KDM 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    “只有在我允许的情况下,犹太复国主义才会伤害我。如果一个沙人部落残暴或谋杀另一沙人部落,我到底在乎什么? 我到底担心什么?他们不是我的亲属,也不是我的部落。我自己没有问题需要解决吗? 我的洗碗机出了故障,我妻子为此抱怨不已。我是否对犹太人对阿拉伯人的所作所为感到困扰?”

    好吧,看看自 1 年以来,数十亿辛苦赚来的税金都流向了 2/1948 的“沙人”(你真的称以色列人为沙人吗?你对现代犹太人一无所知吗??)并看到在以色列决定按照其惯常做法进行流氓行为后,美国必须如何不断地进行清理(即使联合国不再追究以色列的责任,而且我们也喜欢充当保镖,这样小斗牛犬就可以欺负国家并让国家承担数十亿美元的责任)美元、武器等……)

    以色列可能还有超过一百万的公民居住在美国。我还确信少数美国犹太公民拥有以色列双重国籍。其中一些双重公民首先忠诚于以色列而不是美国,因此你会得到像乔纳森·波拉德(Jonathan Pollard)这样的结果,基本上是新保守派机构中的整个犹太部分(也可能是非犹太人新保守派的很大一部分) (博尔顿、麦凯恩等……)这将美国拖入无休止的战争,以我们的形象通过暴力和武力以“民主”、“自由”和“自由”改造中东。主要是为了让中东对以色列来说是安全的。(阅读 PNAC、奥丁计划等……)


    • 回复: @Alden
  55. j2 说:
    @Jared Eliot

    “TaNaKh in written form never existed in Jesus’ time. So, how come Jesus accepted TaNaKh as True Word of God?”

    它存在。死海古卷包含所有书籍的片段,而《七十士译本》(Tanakh 的希腊语译本)被最早讲希腊语的基督徒所使用。东正教仍然使用《七十士译本》。约瑟夫斯·弗拉维乌斯(Josephus Flavius)在他的《反对阿皮恩》(Against Apion)中也确认了被认为是犹太经典的书籍数量(他在其中做了一些作弊,因为其中有魔法书籍。)

  56. @UncommonGround

    Well it’s certainly not a camel screwing bestiality and pedophilia fetish tribe like the Mohamsterites nor is it Pharisee YHWH adulation.

    Maybe it’s the tribe that invented and built everything of value in modern Western Civilization? You know, the tribe everyone else hates because in the grand competition of life they can compete with us only in parasitic leeching, violence against innocents, rape of children, and street shitting.

    • 回复: @anonymous
  57. @Alden


    Disclaimer-I’m not insulting Jews here

    The Jewish-American underclass is “thinned out” because they often move to Israel like the Jews in Flint, Michigan or Detroit who worked in the auto industry. They were not on welfare. They moved to Israel and restarted their lives there, no longer a US problem.

    I knew a few young Jewish petty criminals and alcoholics/crack heads in Detroit whose families sent them to Israel. Better than stealing something out of a car in a parking lot in the US. Good riddance.

    • 回复: @Alden
  58. Alden 说:
    @Echoes of History

    Thank you. I’ve mentioned the guttmacher and other graphs that show White women have the lowest rates of abortion in the country many times.
    But the aged misogynist codgers keep insisting that only intelligent 30 year old professional White women have abortions. Their other widely believed myth is that no woman ever had an abortion until 1973 when abortion was legalized.

    The decline in crime starting about 1985 when the first cohort of aborted niglets didn’t grow up to be at risk teens and youthful offenders is attributed to one thing and one thing only, abortion.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
  59. Moi 说:


    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Wally
    , @James Brown
  60. Josecanuc 说:


    希伯来圣经中的战争——希伯来圣经中暴力伦理学的研究,Susan Niditch,1993
    1 年 1689 月 XNUMX 日,科顿·马瑟 (Cotton Mather) 宣讲了他的讲道“士兵的劝告和安慰”——这是对正在与新英格兰土著居民进行持续战斗的武装部队成员的指控。人们可以想象自己是一名年轻人,准备与那些被基督教牧师称为“杀人犯”(和恐怖分子)的美洲原住民印第安人作战。气氛紧张、激动人心,提到了被印第安人杀害的挚爱朋友、对勇气的需要,以及对支持但要求严格的上帝的信仰。布道充满了希伯来圣经的词汇和句法,因为这些人的书面圣经已经被“重新道德化”。对于聚集在波士顿老北聚会所的人们来说,圣经是活生生的,在清教徒传教士的口头表述中,他结合了
    传统短语和古代图像来描述对当前现实的看法。他们(1689年新英格兰的殖民者)是旷野中的以色列,面对着亚玛力人(马太福音:37),以色列人必须以祭司般纯洁的身体和灵魂来接近敌人(马太福音:17) 。亚玛力人理应受到复仇和彻底毁灭,他们将“被打得像风前的尘埃一样渺小”,像街上的泥土一样被赶出去”(马瑟:24),被消灭、消灭。针对新英格兰土著美洲印第安人的战争有明确的和隐含的理由。印第安人被指控谋杀基督徒,因此该死。对于科顿·马瑟的会众来说,印第安人就是阿蒙人,
    亚玛力人——一个土著居民,他们将因神圣的决定而流离失所并被剥夺继承权,为新以色列让路。马瑟延续了基督教传教的悠久传统,他将印第安敌人视为阿玛力人,并将杀害他们视为正当的十字军东征。因此,欧洲基督徒被他们引用希伯来圣经的宗教领袖鼓励加入反对撒拉逊人的战争。因此,在马瑟为他们对印第安人的战争辩护之前,英国清教徒和美国的非清教徒都是如此。直到 18 世纪,赫伯特·吉布斯 (Herbert Gibbs) 等传教士都为针对美洲原住民的运动辩护,他们祈祷“感谢上帝的仁慈,消灭了以色列在迦南的敌人”。




  61. Anonymous [AKA "not name nor pseudonym"] 说:

    nothing is real – nothing really exist. Jew are not really kids of Judah.
    As Abram-Abraham was not a Jew ___________or was He ?
    Or was HE great grand son of Judah ? Denial is acceptance. So he was and wasn’t.
    By the way He was not orphan . He had a lot of relatives and not relatives who were Evrey.
    And lived happy for thousand of years before and after Abram began his anabasis.

  62. Alden 说:

    I looked at the Wikipedia entry for Robert Crawshay the welsh mine owner because I couldn’t figure out if the author was claiming Crawshay was a Jew or influenced by evil Jewish capitalists or what was the Jewish connection

    He was buried in the local Protestant church cemetery so he wasn’t Jewish

    The Wikipedia entry claims Crawshay was an enlightened benevolent capitalist of the most virtuous type. He was a benevolent employer who paid high wages and took good care of his people. I very much doubt that.

    As a teen aged destined to take over the family business, he rotated through all the jobs and occupations of the mines and iron production . He loved his workers so much he even ate the same diet.

    I wonder why the author brought up Crawshay? It certainly belongs in the history of capitalism industry and labor.

    One thing that was dead wrong about the authors tale of Crawshay, the droit de Seigneur nonsense. It never existed. It was a falsehood created by the propagandists of Philip d’ Orleans, Voltaire and Beaumarchais. Men often took advantage of teen maids in their houses but I doubt his raping of brides ever happened. The author just added a 1760s created myth to his story of Crawsgay

    • 回复: @Brett Redmayne-Titley
  63. anonymous[199]• 免责声明 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Islam does not have this problem, weakness, Allah is always right, despite the Quran inconsistencies.

    Muslims and non-Muslims can debate these so-called “inconsistencies” till the end of times, but the one, admittedly theist-specific, fact where there will be 没有 inconsistency will be its underlying message of true monotheism.

    One God worthy of worship, and none other… Infinite, there is no power or might except with the Almighty… Unique, like none other.

    We Muslims will not waver with regards to this core message… God willing. Everything else is simply overanalysing the Almighty, which will only lead to apostasy (paganism, polytheism, atheism, etc).

    This is what makes Islam truly unique, and a winner (theistically speaking 🙂 ). Every other faith is pagan at its core, with human/animal-like deities.

    Those trying to find meaning in such deities are simply running around in circles. If anyone has time look up some mind-bending “profundities” spewed by pagans on Quora (and elsewhere) about why their human/animal-like deity is the “truth.” It would be hilarious, if it wasn’t so pathetic.

    As an example, the rule praying in the direction of Mecca is followed by the rule of praying in the direction of Jerusalem.

    Is this the best you could do about these so-called “inconsistencies”? You understand that our heartfelt intention is to worship the Almighty One, not the buildings at these sites… meaning, direction is hardly that important.

    • 回复: @attilathehen
    , @Anon
  64. Alden 说:

    There are thousands of books on why and how Hitler turned Germans against Jews.

    • 回复: @Jeff Stryker
    , @Zumbuddi
  65. @Alden


    The film BAD BOYS with Sean Penn, about a bog-standard Irish punk simply called “Mick” in Chicago, reflects why urban poor white youth crime went down.

    Birth control became widely available/used (Pill) and the Catholic and Jewish underclasses youth crime that had been the scourge of urban environments for 100 years vanished for kids born after 1966 or so.

    Juvenile offenders USED to go to reform schools for ridiculously short periods of time for appalling crimes-Penn in the film is an armed robber by 16 who subsequently bludgeons two older inmates with soda cans and at the end of the film refrains from killing a Hispanic because he has 6 months left on his sentence.

    Today, 16 year old criminals are sent into adult prisons and get adult sentences.

    In terms of black crime, 1985 was the beginning of crack cocaine.

  66. Wally 说:

    Jew behavior is what turns everyone, everywhere 反对他们。

    They need to start taking responsibility for their behavior.


  67. Milton 说:

    以色列一直有两个对立的一方:一个支持圣约,一个反对圣约,寻求政治弥赛亚(又名敌基督),而不是受苦的弥赛亚和以色列真正的国王。 犹太复国主义者是锡安长老的同义词,他们是撒旦犹太教堂的同义词。 他们是以利亚不得不与之对抗的敬拜巴力的以色列人。

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  68. Wally 说:

    “After raping the entire so-called third world for centuries, now the oh-so-benevolent “We” wishes to simply “trade.” ”

    You clearly mean the over breeding, low IQ 3rd world that is helpless without us.

    Anyway, present your case.

  69. anonymous[199]• 免责声明 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    Maybe it’s the tribe that invented and built everything of value in modern Western Civilization?

    Ah, you mean the tribe of the most greedy, psychopathic necrophiliacs, the world has ever known? And, spiritual losers to boot.


    parasitic leeching, violence against innocents, rape of children

    The irony is breathtaking. LOL!

    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  70. @Alden


    One reads the same thing about Manson and his hippies. Today, no 30-something bearded disheveled Rasputin type could wander down to the mall and get teenage girls to kill people for him. Even the skanks that belonged to the Manson family.

    But in 1969, there was a youth rebellion. Manson, who was small and spent his life in jail, was an excellent manipulator with a near-genius IQ.

    So it is largely a result of a particular time and place.

  71. Wally 说:

    “On the other hand, were not there the very loud demands from certain refugees during the WWII?”

    What “very loud demands from certain refugees during the WWII” are you talking about?


  72. Alden 说:

    犹太出版物正确估计有 1 至 1.5 万以色列人居住在各州。我认识的每一个人都离开了以色列,因为他们离开时就离开了,并且仍然认为美国是比以色列更好的居住地。

    有些家庭不希望自己的儿子参军。其他人可能不是真正的犹太人,他们将以色列作为通往美国的中转站。许多人都是米兹拉希人,他们逃脱了一百年来像阿拉伯人一样的待遇。其他人包括米兹拉希 (Mizrahi)、俄罗斯正统派 (Russian Haredi) 等黑手党,如果他们返回以色列,就会收到逮捕令和监禁。



    • 回复: @Them Guys
  73. @annamaria

    So, it is a fake quote and those sources peddle lies.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  74. anonymous[199]• 免责声明 说:
    @Echoes of History

    Your despicably derogatory reference to a certain race of innocent babies is enough to highlight the accursed nature of your kind.

    I can picture you as a fugly redneck trailer trash loser, who finds some solace in blaming others for his sorry existence.

    Yeah, yeah, I know, you are a millionaire pimp, who hobnobs with the likes of Trump… LOL!

  75. @Alden




    • 回复: @Josecanuc
  76. Alden 说:

    America has socialized medicine. In some states half the population has their babies and life time medical care for free in county hospitals and clinics.

    America has plenty of public housing. Because it’s reserved for blacks and Hispanics , public housing was and is a major contributor to the destruction of our great cities.
    Education is free from pre kindergarten to community college the first 2 years of commmunity college

    America has government disability pensions, old age pension SSI, unemployment benefits and plenty of welfare for children and families.

    It’s as socialist as W. Europe and Canada. Many of the benefits are unavailable to Whites because of government mandated discrimination against Whites.

    But for non Whites including illegal immigrants it’s pure socialism.

    • 回复: @anon
  77. @anonymous

    The irony is breathtaking. LOL!

    And yet here you are, on an American website, using the American invented internet, and writing in pidgin English.

    Go home to your street crapping cousins and marry one.

  78. Anonymous [AKA "tinkerer"] 说:

    Herzl’s Zionism=modern Anti-Antisemitism. Both sides of the coin..One cant exist without the other.

  79. Reg Cæsar 说:

    (Credit to the Defense Intelligence Agency of the United States Department of Defense)

    Are they the same ones who once said that Hitler was a monotesticled queer? The ‘Stache’s most virulent haters and most ardent fans agree that this one was mostly made up by FDR’s propagandists.

    But I’ve always tended to give them the benefit of the doubt. (And, as a product of upstate New York, I am naturally loath to give even the tiniest of credit for anything to our “favorite” son.)

    And note that none of the Great Man’s descendants have come forth to deny this.

    • 回复: @Anon
  80. Reg Cæsar 说:

    By extension, the unjustifiable horrors of the Holocaust inflicted on Jews were a similar collective demonization by the German Third Reich of all Jews as their reaction to the practices of the very few;

    The earliest National Socialists tried to work with the Zionists of the day, because they shared the view that Jews did not belong in Germany. Kind of like Marcus Garvey’s secret meetings with the Klan.

    For the outraged world to confidently and factually respond against the broad brush of the charge of Anti-Semitism…

    Actually, “anti-Semitism” is a pretty strong basis for pro-Zionism. If they’re trouble here, send them there!

    As for the other side’s whining, whether you view them as Arabs or as Moslems, either way, they are the last people on the planet with the standing to complain. They’ve stolen enough land from others to house all of Canada comfortably.

    • 回复: @Art
  81. Art 说:

    Setting a future example for all others who would consider following any other leadership against the surreptitious power of the Pharisees, Jesus was thus put to death in the most public political execution of all time. His true crime was in offering an alternative religious option based on love, peace and justice; one that was then an unwelcome but accurate reflection of the Pharisees and their a-religious offering of merely greed, poverty and war.

    Jesus was murdered because his idealism went counter to the wealthy Pharisees elitist top-down culture, that kept the average person bound to top-down punitive religious rule.

    The elitist Jews are doing it again, they are culturally turning good on its head. How many Western folks are foolishly mad at Christianity? Why is the West throwing out the baby with the bathwater?

    Christian idealism gave us imperfect freedom and imperfect prosperity – clearly it has not overcome our primordial tribal beginnings. But we were evolving in the right direction.

    Clearly in the last 50 years Jews have reversed the direction of humankind. The Jew promise bread and circuses – but deliver hate for each other, chaos, and war.

    Clearly the dishonesty of the Kol Nidrei is in play with the Jews – when it comes to anything political, 85% of all Jews will be dishonest and advance the Jew agenda 100% of the time, over what is good for humanity. Jews are an unchecked parasite, destroying the host culture.

    After 1000’s of years of historic coercive activity – it is 100% obvious that Jews must be ostracized from any and all government functions.

    Think peace — Do No harm — Maintain Hope, Love, Truth, & idealism — Art

  82. annamaria 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    “So, it is a fake quote and those sources peddle lies.”
    — And how do you know, Tyrion 2? The quote fits Bibi’s profile of a zionist. Moreover, he is not known for decency (see Bibi’s son revelations: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2018/01/09/netanyahus-son-brags-about-prostitutes-20-billion-deal-for-friends-dad-in-strip-club-rant/?utm_term=.e6aab2913ef0 “Netanyahu’s son brags about prostitutes, $20 billion deal for friend’s dad in strip club rant.”)
    –For instance, Bibi philosophizes, “The Nazis believed in a master race. The militant Islamists believe in a master faith.” http://www.azquotes.com/quote/1241779
    — Does not Bibi believe that the true “master race” is Jewish? Has not the Jewish state, under Bibi’s guidance, supplied with Israel-made weaponry both Ukrainian neo-Nazis and ISIS “freedom fighters?” https://www.sott.net/article/385775-Syrian-Army-produces-evidence-Israel-providing-weapons-to-ISIS-terrorists-near-illegally-occupied-Golan-Heights
    https://therealnews.com/stories/israel-is-arming-ukraines-blatantly-neo-nazi-militia-the-azov-battalion — Kol Nidrei, Tyrion 2?
    “Not only has Netanyahu visited convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in his North Carolina prison cell and advocated strenuously for his release, but he was once overheard by an ex-CIA agent as saying to a group of his supporters, “Once we squeeze all we can out of the United States, it can dry up and blow away.” Considering the damage the neocons and their Israeli facilitators are causing for U.S. national security, Netanyahu may soon have his wish.”
    — Have you heard about Awan Affair and Wassermans family, specifically Debbie and Steven?

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  83. Art 说:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Actually, “anti-Semitism” is a pretty strong basis for pro-Zionism.

    Really – so being anti-evil is a pretty strong basis for being pro-evil? %$$%&^**&^@#@$^%()&


    There is never a reason to pro-Zionism because it is dishonest and evil.


    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar
  84. @annamaria

    It is just made up. Rather than spamming your irrelevant and probably equally fake leaks, you could try to show he ever said that? Don’t you care about the truth? Clearly not.

    • 回复: @anon
    , @annamaria
    , @Them Guys
  85. Them Guys 说:

    I agree Heros, and while the article explains much and is good, especially for folks not yet privy to the jewish problem and zios etc….But, he begins with and keeps returning to “Only a Few Bad Apple jewish zios, while majority of jews are all goody good jews. Wrong answer.

    Then he admits to the opposite here:

    In “modern” Judaism it is now being delivered as a prayer and has so grown in prominence during the last sixty years that it is now delivered at the commencement of Judaism’s holiest yearly event of Passover. Does this sound like just a “few bad apple jews”? NOPE.

    Well this would never be possible if as he claims “Only a few bad apple jews”. For the very fact of zionism itself would never exist at all were there zero jews on earth. Zionist agendas would never remain and keep getting ever more powerfull if not for massive jewish people support and that always, defence of all issues jew. Including Zionism.

    Last I checked and read some of a website owned and written by “Jews against zionism” or close to that name, they stated they havee aprox NO more than grand total members in all of america of.

    8,000 Tops of usa jews against zios….Thats roughly One jew per every 1,000 jews in america…Not very good as some form proof his article and he are correct on only a few bad apple jews eh.

    More likee a Huge Vast Global Majority of jews are either a zionist or fully aprove of and always will defend zionists and their agendas, and also rabidly foam at mouth defend all negative speak of zionists via use of name calling of antisemite and evil nazi.

    Most of global and especially usa jewry donate huge sums to every of over 300+ usa jew owned and run orgs and non profits, as well as tons donated direct to israel.

    Who other than zios runs israel?…Who of all israeli zionists in control entirely of israel state, are Not a jew? NONE!

    So, sorry but to me this article writer copy cats exact same method as most of the few that dare to even discuss or write about zios and israel and jewry. He, like they do, yes writes some truths, maybe more than most others usually do….But like them others do, he too keeps promoting the “Only a few bad apple jews”.

    And anyone whos jewized up knows this is false as can be. It should read exact opposite if we are to consider every acomplice, every defender, every monetary supporter, and everyone who in any way shape or form refuses to fully renounce zionists and zio agendas and Admit that YES same as soviet communism was invented by jews and done by and profited by mosty jewish leaderships, so to is zionism a mainly jewish invention and organization run by jews, and the top foremost profits and perks always go direct to jews and NO goys. Unless of course those goys are.. sold their very souls Shaboz Goyim that Kiss zio and jewish ass non stop 24/7 and profit for being such.

    They All are traitors as well as shaboz and zios and history shows that every country and every nation ever to Host jews in any large population size of jews, like 1/2 of worlds jews as in usa now….Has had to finally fix their nation and peoples by Booting Out jews. Not just a few bad apples mind you, but all jews within that nation to assure no such vile disease of zionism or international jewry or soviet bolshevism communism or pharisee talmudic judasim will ever again cause a totally wrecked and ruined nation again….Provided of course once booted out jews remain Kept out entirely….Thats the big mistake made by France and England…Each had to boot out jews 4 and 5 times within less than 2000 yrs time frame…

    Yet just do a personal Test of sorts…Go out anywheres jews mingle at, and ask jews “So, please tell me as to why have every nation to date kicked out jews from it, and why has this happened in at least 109 nations and 300 times total in those 109 countries”?

    Your chance of a Lotto Win ticket, is far better than locating any jew anywhere who will tell you an answer other than something akin to this:..”Oh, well this is a huge delema for us jews too! In fact we jews have tried forever and ever it seems, trying to figure out a good reason we jews got booted out from EVERY nation every hosted within…The Only real reason we jews can tell you is…Its always due to NO more and NO other than, vast jew hatred by Non jew gentiles, see…Thats the only reason us jews can come up with that makes any good sense, see”

    Now yes you could get very lucky and like a lotto win, strike it rich and locate one of the aprox. One Dozen jews in america during any given century and he or she may answer differently and tell you truth about, jews are the very cause of every boot out thru history to date. This is not very likely though if you ever tried it. Best case scenario either you get first “We Never ever deserve it, answer” or worse case they get their face all screwed up in an ugly scowl with mental case severe anger and just call you an nazi antisemite or a nazi racist jew hate monger.

    IMHO= Of all races etc and ethnics, it is european whites that just have on avg a “few bad apples”, and whites typcally are the only peoples more than willing to Out and Disdain a bad whitey amoung us…..All the others including jews, especially jews, are full of bad apple types, with african negroes at top rated majority bad apples of 90-95% ranges, with jewry a very close 2nd.

    And you hardly ever hear any outs of their own bad apples from other than whites. This is so obvious today, every day, that by now nobody like me should need mention this fact and truth.

    Indeed zionism would never have existed if no jews existed period. The very word zionism or zionist woud never been invented if no jews existed, so no ,one cannot throw off majority jew support and defense of zios period….Why this writer and article tries so hard and so much to convince you/us of direct opposite is a mystery? Unless as it sounds he really believes it as true eh? Well sorry but I aint buying it and like he said we must be willing to admit and shy away from wrongs and evils etc right….Unless and Until I see vast majority of jews at least within usa jews come clean and admit to these things, I have no honest option but to consider every jew as a bad apple or a Potential bad apple, except those jews who have renounced their jewy jewishness like Bro Kapner and Benjamin Friedman and several FEW other jews have done…The rest are lacking big time in this dept.

    • 回复: @Heros
  86. renfro 说:
    @jilles dykstra

    Zionism, in my view, no more than a reaction to antisemitism

    Anti Semitism is the Self Fulfilling Prophecy of the Jews.

    “The self-fulfilling prophecy is, in the beginning, a false definition of the situation, evoking a new behavior which makes the originally false conception come true. The specious validity of the self-fulfilling prophecy perpetuates a reign of error.” – Robert K. Merton

    And despite what the author of this essay would have you believe the religion of Judaism always had the seeds of Zionism within it……uniqueness, enemies, persecution etc..

    Ancient Judaism was held together by teaching that all gains or battles they lost to larger tribes in competition for resources was because their competitors ‘hated them because they were a special tribe’…..not that the Jews lost simply because they were the smaller, weaker .

    That erroneous teaching/belief set up the Jews vr All Others views and behaviors that the Others reacted to—-thus creating their self fulfilling prophecy.

  87. renfro 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    When did men become such pathetic pussies

    You seem to be the pussy man….such a tough lettle pussy man , probably wouldnt bend down to help a fallen old lady or a hurt kid……total pathetic loser.

    • 回复: @Stan d Mute
  88. renfro 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    Hey little pussy guy…..no one cares that you dont care. But we do see why you are ranting your pretend toughness..
    You don’t have any power, not even the power to take care of ‘your kin’ and your inadequacy makes you so mad you gotta beat your lettle monkey chest and pretend to be a big Silverback by venting on blogs.

    • 哈哈: Stan d Mute
  89. @Jared Eliot


    christ only references the old testament. he never references the talmud ever, save when he critiques, “you have heard it said . . . .”


    至于旧约的弊病,如果脱离其上下文并仅用作论证中的字面比喻,它们可能是弊病。但 ot 并不是一个错误的定义。



    1. Kol_Nidre的构成和使用


    2. the missing source cites — troubling as the pm’s quote is very damning, it would nice to have a source

    3. i am not convinced that the premise of the prayer or the opening declarations serves as accurate extension to other very salient arguments about the us –

    • 回复: @Karl
  90. @Echoes of History

    I think we have had a similar discussion.

    I may regret this, but your use of scripture is just completely devoid of context. And nothing and I mean nothing is ant-family or supportive of same relational behavior is described in scripture.

    The phrase to about following jesus simply presses that one must follow christ more than any other to live the life of christ. And all impediments to said walk should be shunned.

    that is a hard press, but it does not by statement advocate being against one’s family.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  91. anon[364]• 免责声明 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Gust Avracotos, the CIA’s Station Chief in Islamabad, commented that Wilson brought ‘the Israelis into the CIA’s Muslim jihad’, opening opportunities for Mossad penetration of the ISI and al-Qaeda and securing Israeli arms contracts and intelligence ties with Pakistan.30 https://newint.org/features/2009/10/01/blowback-extended-version/
    George Crile, Charlie Wilson’s War (London: Atlantic Books, 2003).
    同上。 页。 391。

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  92. @Echoes of History

    I cannot and would not support the murder of children in the womb regardless of color.

    That black women engage in murdering children in the womb , making the practice the number one cause of death of blacks is tragic.

    and i would never shun anyone from the saving grace of jesus christ.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  93. @anonymous

    Islam is a Christian heresy. The Koran is a farrago, dog’s breakfast of Old Testament writings, some New Testament passages and pagan Arab beliefs.

    Islam is worthless and a “religion” for low IQers, i.e, blacks/Asians.

  94. Them Guys 说:

    You got it Backwards…Jews in general, except for a very small portion of “Torah Jews”, consider and Hold their Book Volumes, 66 books total is it? of the…Talmud, to be the very Top of heap bar none proper authority and be all to end all of Judaism aka jewish Religion.

    Vast majority hold Talmud as above and far superior to the Old Testaments first five books Moses wrote…That are the actual real true “Torah” books….However, you must Think as a jew does in order to understand how many, maybe most jews that are Talmudic Judaic religion will Claim that they as a jew Only go by their Torah for jewish religion. This causes most gentiles to believe jews are speaking of the five OT Moses books Only…Wrong. Jews are very sneaky sorts and purposely confuse issues, by saying they use Torah alone and never correcting confusions by admitting they do call Talmud books Torah when convenient to jewry.

    Same as their Israeli Mossad Motto of “Thru Deception(lies) You (jews) Shall Cause Wars”

    See now how jewish deceptions(Lies) works?

    I Highly Recommend that You go to website of Judaism dot is

    That website is spelled with small cap letter “j” but I guess auto correct spelling switched it to a large cap J….Anyways, that website has a huge I mean HUGE amount of documented, proven, vetted, infos on all issues jewish-israel-zionists-zionism-communism-bolshevism-and much more.

    It also has tons and tons of accurate documented infos on most issues biblical and Christian and catholic. Many good articles and proofs there that will correct the too many falsehoods and nonsense promoted by so many fools and folks totally ignorant of such issues.

    I honestly believe if you do check this website out, and research a bit there, that you will 100% agree with me on how good the site is and how factual the info there is. Yes I already know that a few total anti Christian posters here, much like the jews and shaboz goy pro jew/Israel posters here wont likely check this site out at all….However from all I read of Your replies here I do think You do desire real truths and facts on these very issues….So just check that website out I do not think you be sorry you did.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  95. @EliteCommInc.

    Do you regret being the laughing stock of the internet because you keep saying “out of context” in an attempt to whitewsh what the Bible really says? Here’s what you sound like, a joke.

    Worse than a joke, you sound like an SJW claiming transvestites and faggots are pro-family. Jesus was a degenerate Jew who hated family, said he came to destroy family relationships, hated normal sex, wanted you to cut off your balls, despised normal men’s attraction to women, and made out in public with his boy lover snuggled in his bosom — and all you can do is make excuses for the Jewish crap he spouted.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  96. Zumbuddi 说:

    . . . most of them fiction.

  97. annamaria 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    “Don’t you care about the truth? ”
    –Which of the quotes is so upsetting for you, Teryon 2? There were two by Bibi and one by his son. If you want to know details, do your own research instead of demanding this from others.
    As for the links to the papers on the zionists active involvement in the revival of Nazism in Ukraine and support for ISIS, there is nothing new in these papers.
    Here are some details on Bibi’s attitude towards the US interests:

    The US interests and the Wars for Israel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cLjZoA3GaVE&t=41s

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  98. Them Guys 说:
    @Jared Eliot


    “如今,塔木德是犹太宗教流血的心脏。 无论我们遵守的法律,习俗或仪式是什么,无论我们是东正教派,保守派,改革派,还是仅仅是痉挛性的情感主义者,我们都会遵循塔木德。 这是我们的普通法。”
    —赫尔曼·伍克(Herman Wouk),“这是我的上帝”。 沃克(Wuuk)撰写了这本书和剧本《战争之风》,在1970年代很流行。

    1980 年《犹太年鉴》中“犹太人术语简史”的标题如下:“严格来说,称古代以色列人为‘犹太人’或称当代犹太人为以色列人或希伯来人是不正确的。 ”
    — 1980 年《犹太年鉴》,第 3 页。 XNUMX(作者间接提到了东欧德系犹太人或可萨人的真实历史)。


    website has a complete entire actual factual documented vetted history of What-How-Why-WHEN-Talmud books were first conceived of and later written and are a Direct transfer of the Older version called the Oral Tradition….That website fully explains it all begin to end, A to Z and all in between of Talmudic Judaism as jews religion and its volumes of Talmud books.

    网站还包含有关 Holyhoax-1917 万犹太人-纳粹-希特勒-二战、第一次世界大战和 XNUMX 年俄罗斯布尔什维克犹太团等所有可能的问题。

    任何希望获得基于所有这些问题的真实记录、经过审查的事实的信息的人都应该检查一下。可能至少 95% 的犹太信息和塔木德信息等来自犹太来源,并且犹太人自己的拉比和编写它的人。如果这还不是最好的信息,还有什么可以呢?

  99. @renfro

    You seem to be the pussy man….such a tough lettle pussy man , probably wouldnt bend down to help a fallen old lady or a hurt kid……total pathetic loser.

    Why so triggered? Hit a bit too close to home for you?

    • 回复: @renfro
  100. @John Burns, Gettysburg Partisan

    我的主张? Incorrect. A Jew named “John” wrote the claim that Jesus was a popular Rabbi in the Jew’s Synagogues. If you think the Jew Testament is somehow contradicting itself, well, its Jewish writers contradict each other all the time. This is one of the funnier instances:

    • Jesus: “Call no man your father. (Matthew 23:9)
    • Paul: “You have only one spiritual father. For I became your father.” 1 Corinthians 4:15

    Who’s your kike-daddy? 🙂

    Well, this one is even funnier.

    • Jesus: “You have received without payment, so give without payment.” Matthew 10:8
    • Paul: “Those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.” 1 Corinthians 9.14

    完全 知道 which one gets quoted more by preachers! $$ 茶清! $$

  101. @anon

    Out of context gossip, at best. The quote in the article is obviously fake and none of you loons can admit it. So strange.

  102. Them Guys 说:

    They left Israel to come to usa…But none has left jewish Judaism except for maybe a very tiny few.

    Matters Not where jews call home..They remain a jew.

    Henry Ford, famous auto maker, stated it perfectly on his 1922 Book Title…..Books called..

    “The International Jew, The World’s Foremost Problem” Henry Ford 1922 (or 1920?).

    Always have been, always will be worlds Foremost Problem.

    Anybody who calls African negroes, Americas and American European whites worst problem, have never yet gotten Jewized Up…If they did they’d know African negroes place a Distinct 2nd place, but Not very far behind, jews as Americas and whiteys #1 problem peoples.

  103. @annamaria

    I get that you have an endless collection of fake or out of context links and that you attempt to obfuscate the truth by spamming them.

    I just want to know why. What’s the point? You would be doing me a huge “mitzvah” if you said. Irrational dishonesty is what really bothers me. The two, in combination, should never exist.

    Can you also please, please just admit that the quote from the article is obviously fake?

    • 回复: @annamaria
  104. @HallParvey

    Stand by for news! 🙂

    I like your term “merchants of salvation.” They are truly selling a product that is valuable, at least as valuable as alcohol.

    “欧洲两大毒品:酒精和基督教。” - 弗雷德雷西尼采

    And Jews aren’t the first to sell afterlife insurance, they just hijacked earlier Greek hucksters, as Homer observed in the 8th century BCE and Plato recorded in the 4th century BCE:

    他们执行自己的仪式,不仅说服个人,而且说服整个城市,可以通过在空余时间里进行的牺牲和娱乐来为罪恶赎罪和赎罪,并且同样为生者和死者服务。 后者被称为谜,它们使我们从地狱的痛苦中解救出来,但是如果我们忽略它们,没人会知道我们在等待什么。



    然而,救赎骗局之所以有效,是因为来世故事有助于缓解压力 死亡率显着性,根据恐怖管理理论。


    Br J 社会心理学。 2012 年 51 月;2(385):92-10.1111。 DOI:2044/j.8309.2011.02058-XNUMX


  105. Them Guys 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Tyrion & Momus are two Top Poster Boy example as to main reasons so many gentiles so Despise jews eh.

    And always a constant demand for proofs and links and documentations, yet regardless how much and how often their demands are complied with and tons of valid proofs and links are given. They have a zillion excuses and reasons for never actually researching or reading at those proof links.

    Reminds me of typical Detroit Negro City Paid union workers…When issue is phys work, they come up with more reasons to Not do physical work than one can count. Too Hot today-Too Cold this morning-Need more pay–More bennies-Less white bosses-more free shit-more respect-less work duties-kids sick must remain home-kids not home must stop work to go look for kids. On and On go the excuses eh….But just keep providing More Links and Proofs we never will dare look at!

    If any writer person ever try’s to do a complete Book on “You Jews!” we’d run out of forest Trees to make enough paper pages to write on, and still would not get half way done on a total story of– You Jews!

    • 回复: @Druid
  106. @Echoes of History

    Nothing in scripture supports your claim.

    Furthermore as the jews have rejected the teachings of christ, it is safe to say the believing in jim is not in any manner jewish, nor does it require a loyalty to judaism.

    The author went through great lengths to make it clear his advocacy is directed a certainly number of jews who advocate a certain policy. There are many serious areas of analysis about us israeli policy worthy of examination as well as us polity development itself.

    i care not what the majority of the internet thinks as to context. clearly, anyone who ignores the context and the frame in which communicative acts take place may easily misconstrue meaning. Context is vital ignoring it is sloppy fare. And while it may be a tougher row to hoe in attending to it, I have no intention of ignoring the intended meaning as opposed to merely taking it all literally.

    biblical text can indeed be understood literally as written, but there’s also the literal to the intended, sometimes one has to make the effort to ferret out the intent.

    I am disliked a lot, I accept as fate. And more than not, am beginning to embrace it as compliment. But this is certain, anyone who views me as a liberal or democrat or progressive or engaging in same relational or relations out of wedlock is either being malicious or has no idea what a conservative is and my advocacy for it. it may be painful to thought a fool — but i am sure i will survive.

    context matters and it matters a great deal.

  107. Anon[340]• 免责声明 说:

    A lot of morons including you get to say that while in dutiful attendance – religious or military infused with love for Emperor Constantine or Boykin Graham Robimson triplets .

  108. anon[317]• 免责声明 说:

    @jiles dykstra
    “Zionism, in my view, no more than a reaction to antisemitism.”

    I agree Hertzl’s semetic network Zionism is powered by antisemitism; the stronger the anti-Semitic activism, the more hearts, souls and ears the network reaches. Sufficient antisemitism could connect 100% of the Jewish ears in the world at the same time. But the Article exposes at least two classes of network users: the multitudes of propaganda innocent Jews and the few Kol Nidrei expressing Jews who distribute the propaganda. London:French Bankers and Traders claim they have a right to own all of the oil in the world and conspire to take the oil by weaponizing Jewish migration into the oil rich Ottoman Arab lands, by installing rule of law in Arab land, and by using private property rights to separate the Arab from his oil, and by using military power as was done to the American Indian in America).

  109. @Them Guys

    My comment refers to the torah. I make no contentions how jews adhere to the torah, i have known enough jews to know that the torah as a book of faith and practice is not widespread. i did not say most jews or any jews accept the torah as the primary source of faith, history and practice.

    You are referring to the entirety of the old testament, the torah, “the law” so to speak is what i am referring to. That the talmud is the top reference — is not the issue for me. As I stated the torah trumps the talmud and inf ever there is any disagreement, the torah is where i would place my hedge.

    You are arguing against something, i did not contend. Most christians i know, understand full well, that the torah is not the book of primacy for most jews — that is not position. my position is in opposition that the talmud is the reference of primacy. and clearly most jews would of course say — well of course christians think that and you are not jewish — so who cares what you think.

    laugh. this is an old discussion.

    As for your commentary about jewish social views and polity. I keep my positions as simple as possible.

    1. israel is a secular state at the moment

    2. israel has a right to exist and to self defense.

    3. with respect to politics, my position is that as a citizen of the us, my loyalty is to the us first

    4. i support israel, however, that support is not carte blanche’ –

    5. i oppose any laws that penalize any us citizen for criticizing israel or any foreign state – it’s bizarre that one can criticize the us, but not a foreign state.

    6. i am circumspect about whether i as a christian am obligated to be a blessing to her by agreeing to everything she says and does.

    7. i am not inclined to be held hosrtage by the vents of the holocaust as tragic as they were – they do not provide a platform for silencing discussion about jews or israel — i tend to think israel has too much influence on foreign policy

    zion is the land to whence jews are to return, but that return is predicated on the choices of god and there is plenty of disagreement among christians as to whether that land is the church itself and the revelations have been largely fulfilled and the camp that advocates the end times are coming and christians ought to be fully engaged in implementing that end as participants i prefer to go slowly here —-

    I am deliberately avoiding the send prophecy discussion here. zion is ultimately a spiritual question, not one of real estate

    • 回复: @Wally
    , @Echoes of History
  110. Reg Cæsar 说:

    There is never a reason to pro-Zionism because it is dishonest and evil.

    And those 300 million other Semites aren’t?

    You tell me– where are the Jews– and the Gypsies and the Kurds and the Hmong and the African-Americans and all the other stateless groups– supposed to live? Next door to me? How about next door to , since you won’t recognize them anywhere else?


    Most people consider suicide bombing to be harmful to others.

    Even at the very low official estimate given by the antagonistic Egyptian government, Copts in Egypt alone outnumber Palestinians everywhere. They have also been oppressed by more powerful Semites. Are those oppressors also “dishonest and evil”?

    • 巨魔: L.K
    • 回复: @Reg Cæsar
    , @Art
    , @Druid
  111. 可怜的罗迪麦克道尔! Crawshay 会在他的绿色山谷中生气......

    不管怎样,外面有多少犹太复国主义者? 怎么没有其他犹太人参与征服活动? 如果没有犹太教的 hoi polloi,法利赛人就不会非常成功。 渣滓总是以离群值为荣,没有办法摆脱它。 所有的商业少数民族都以雇佣军的方式运作,如果他们不这样做,他们就会像 goyim 一样!

  112. Anonymous [AKA "Isaiah"] 说:

    Isaiah (KJV)


    2 因为他们自称是圣城的人,而倚靠以色列的神; 万军之耶和华是他的名字。

    3 I have declared the former things from the beginning; and they went forth out of my mouth, and I shewed them; I did them suddenly, and they came to pass.

    4 Because I knew that thou art obstinate, and thy neck is an iron sinew, and thy brow brass;

    Point 1) call themselves after the holy city (Zion, Zionist)
    Point 2) oaths not in truth, nor goodnesst, obstinate, stiff necked, stubborn.
    Point 3) Prop themselves up by using the God of Israel, focusing on the “Lord of hosts (armies),” as opposed to other characteristics of God. Thus they are militaristic.

    Long before the birth of Christ, God warned about the problems of Zionism.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  113. Reg Cæsar 说:

    The Koran is a farrago, dog’s breakfast of Old Testament writings, some New Testament passages and pagan Arab beliefs.

    George Sale called it “so manifest a forgery”.

    Where did he do this? Why, in the introduction to his translation thereof. The translation that was on Thomas Jefferson’s shelf, and upon which Keith Ellison was sworn into the House of Representatives!

  114. Wally 说:

    “7. i am not inclined to be held hostage by the vents of the holocaust as tragic as they were …”

    “Tragic” how?

    If “tragic” means ‘6M Jews” then you’re living a lie. There is no proof for such a curiously desired Jew fantasy that has been claimed since 1823 until now.

    You’ve admitted that you are owned. By accepting the impossible you are in fact being “held hostage”.

    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。
    请参阅此处揭穿的“大屠杀”骗局: http://codoh.com
    没有名字的呼唤,在这里进行公平的竞争环境辩论: http://forum.codoh.com

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  115. annamaria 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    “…you have an endless collection of fake or out of context links…”
    — They are not fake and they are not out of context, and this is what makes you, Tyrion 2, “suffer.”
    “Can you also please, please just admit that the quote from the article is obviously fake?”
    — Can you make your own research? There are several sites that post the quote. There are also the video-recordings of Bibi making the similarly insulting pronouncements about the US.
    — As for the “irrational dishonesty” is all yours. The above paper is about the indoctrination in disloyalty and dishonesty. Read the Kol Nidrei again:
    “我们可能做出的所有[个人]誓言,我们可能在这次赎罪日和下一个赎罪日之间做出的所有[个人]誓言和承诺,我们公开宣布放弃。 让它们都被放弃和抛弃,无效,既不坚定也不成立。 让我们的[个人]誓言、誓言和誓言不被视为誓言、誓言或誓言。”
    — In light of this prayer/declaration, Bibi’s treachery — as well as the disgraceful behavior of Kagans clan re the revival of neo-nazism in Ukraine and the existence of such disgusting mouthpieces of zionism as Kristol, Wolfowitz, Ledeen, Feith et al — is easy to understand. Zionism is a danger to western civilization. This means also that zionism has become the main danger for Jews worldwide.

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  116. Benedetti 说:

    Titus was not the Emperor in A.D.70 (that was his father, Vespasian}, but he was leading the troops which finally conquered Jerusalem.

  117. Karl 说:

    > Today, Palestine is a sliver of it’s 1917 boundaries


    but that is due to the fact that the white conquering colonialists (no, they were NOT invited in by anybody) gave most of it away to a Saudi family, which still rules from the Palace in Amman

    • 回复: @anon
  118. @Wally

    the choice to oppress in any manner be it unwarranted segregation, the confiscation of another’s property, unwarranted incarceration of unwarranted murder of any population. Now clearly how tragic as to magnitude is a a question, in the case of israel, I am inclined to think the magnitude was large by scope across international boundaries — now whether it was a hundred thousand or twenty million said events would be tragic in mu view. And in the case of what took place in europe across international boundaries, the issue sees to be confirmed by the countries involved, if one has an issue about the numbers they should take it up with the states in question. I for one am not inclined to tell t state of germany, what they admit occurred did not.

    you are welcome to correct them on the matter.

    • 回复: @Wally
  119. Karl 说:

    28 Elitecomminc > you make the case that the Torah trumps the talmud and thus ended the story. And i agree that is the case

    you should visit Karaite congregation Bnei Israel in Daly City, California

    They not only agree with you, but they’ve been at it since the Romans burned down Herod’s Temple

    Or if you want to go exotic, you can go hang out with the Samaritans – the ==actual== Samaritans

    half of them still live in Samaria, and apparently never left the place since the days of Joshua

  120. @EliteCommInc.

    That’s strange, I’m not making any “claims,” I’m just quoting the Jew Testament. Your problem is that you’ve never heard the Jew Testament straight. You’ve always had the Jew Testament filtered and explained and massaged by some preacher makes sure with his smooth words and cunning interpretations.

    Preachers refer to their smooth words as hermeneutics. The preachers’ and priests’ craft of hermeneutics is named after the Greek god Hermes, the smooth talker, known for both his cunning talk and being a trickster.

    Me? I just quote the Jew Testament, and it gets your panties in a bunch posthaste!

    Romans 1:16 “THE JEW FIRST.”

    I won’t go on. I’ve got your “context” knickers in a twist already, don’t I? All by just quoting the Jew Testament, without any smooth talking hermeneutics to pull the wool over your eyes. You are one of the Rabbi’s “sheep,” right?

    A European is better off being a Nordic wolf, like me, especially because Rabbis like Jesus hated a wild and independent Goy, and preferred his followers to be docile, stupid domesticated animals like you, sheep. “My sheeple here my voice.” (John 10:27) “Blessed are the meek, for they shall be sheared.” (Matthew 5:5) No wonder you haven’t yet “made yourself a eunuch for the sake of the kingdom of heaven,” (Matt. 19:12) you don’t have any balls to cut off anyway.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  121. Florin N 说:






    此外,大多数新闻机构都是公司。众所周知,“媒体”最初的意思是并且仍然意味着“印刷的文字”。除了在谷仓里向 CNN 或 WaPo 打印小册子的人之外,它没有给予任何特殊权利。

  122. @EliteCommInc.

    Of course you won’t avoid the ‘groid, you worship a globalist International Jew.

    Go therefore and make disciples of all nations… Matthew 28:19

    And you think the Jewpostle Philip, with the help of angels and the Holy Spirit doing a magical teleport, is just wonderful recruiting Africans into the Cuckian Church. Acts 8.26-40

    And you believe it’s just wonderful to have Tyrone the Nigger, oh wait, it was “Simeon the Nigger” elevated to a leadership role as “teacher and prophet” (Acts 13:1) over you.

    You’re a Jew Hugger and Nigger Lover, cuck-boi, all because you’re in thrall to an “insane” (Mark 3:20-21) Rabbi.

  123. @Moi









  124. renfro 说:
    @Stan d Mute

    Why so triggered? Hit a bit too close to home for you?

    Yea cause pussy men like you make us white men look bad…..but then there are some like you in every group.

    • 哈哈: Stan d Mute
  125. Wally 说:

    ” the case of what took place in europe across international boundaries, the issue sees to be confirmed by the countries involved …”

    “Confirmed” How?
    By what methods?
    Where are the official forensic studies, as are done in all crimes, especially of the alleged magnitude of the alleged ‘holocaust’?

    “whether it was a hundred thousand or twenty million said events would be tragic”

    My my, utterly dishonest weasel words.
    You know as well as I know that Jews claim that 6,000,000 Jews and 5,000,000 others were murdered in the same ways by ‘the Nazis’.

    You know as well as I now that most of them are said to have been murdered in ‘gas chambers’.

    How about showing us the alleged millions of human remains that Jew claim still exist in known locations.


    “ 6万犹太人,5万其他犹太人和毒气室”在科学上是不可能的欺诈行为。
    请参阅此处揭穿的“大屠杀”骗局: http://codoh.com
    没有名字的呼唤,在这里进行公平的竞争环境辩论: http://forum.codoh.com


  126. @attilathehen

    Like Islam, Christianity is a middle-eastern religion for ignoble simpletons dumb enough to swallow Jewish nonsense. It says so right in the Jew Testament.

    哥林多前书 1:1-18 “因为关于十字架的信息是无稽之谈……我们传道的无稽之谈……你们中没有多少人按照人类的标准是明智的……没有多少人是高尚的……”

    And it’s always such a blessing when we discover a truth in the Jew Testament that is supported by science.

    今日心理学/ blog / how-risky-is-really / 201402 / more-religious-less-intelligent-vice-versa反之亦然

    • 回复: @bjondo
  127. @EliteCommInc.

    I said: Jesus was a degenerate Jew who hated family.

    Luke 14:26 If anyone comes to me and does not 父亲母亲,妻子儿女,兄弟姐妹——是的,甚至他们自己的生命——这样的人不能成为我的弟子。

    I said: Jesus said he came to destroy family relationships.

    “I came to turn sons against their fathers, daughters against their mothers, and daughters-in-law against their mothers-in-law.” Matthew 10:35

    You said, deceitfully, “Nothing in scripture supports your claim.” Obviously there is, in very plain language.

    You are flat out lying when you say those verses are taken out of context. Your problem is that you cannot accept honestly what the Jew Testament says.

    You can stop lying any time you decide honesty is the better policy. When will that be? Never?

  128. Karl 说:
    @Greasy William

    1 Greasy Williams > Zionism cannot be understood outside the context of late 19th century European nationalism

    i don’t know if Zionism is good or bad, but I know that if Europe had never even existed, the locals in Jerusalem, would STILL have continued to open a Hebrew-speaking kindergarden in 1893

  129. @Milton

    摩加迪沙也一直有两个对立的方面。 您是否愚蠢到在全球每场冲突中都选择一方,仔细评估哪一方最好,并狂热地支持他们的事业?

    Learn from Pilate. He didn’t give a rip about Jewish infighting, and neither should you. One Jew less? Oh well.

  130. @Echoes of History

    i have several bibles.

    in the associations i was raised in

    reading scripture is non-unique and expected.


    Romans 1:16 — jesus was among and from the jews and his teachings were among them first — — it does not mean the jews are in first place —


    context— John 4:19 – 24

    “19 The woman said to Him, “Sir, I perceive that You are a prophet. 20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, and you Jews say that in Jerusalem is the place where one ought to worship.”

    21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe Me, the hour is coming when you will neither on this mountain, nor in Jerusalem, worship the Father. 22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews. 23 But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. 24 God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  131. Druid 说:

    Well said, Annamaria. They are thugs leading a country full of thugs and supported by fifth columns of thugs in all western countries

  132. Karl 说:

    91 Elite Comminc > christ only references the old testament. he never references the talmud ever

    When Jesus lived [footnote] and died, the Temple still stood and functioned. No need for “outside commentary”, and if outsiders tried to do more than talk about over-throwing the Priestly families and their Levite attendants, they would have been nailed to a cross post-haste.

    [footnote] i’m very skeptical that this Jesus ever existed. And if he did exist, he was surely a stone-mason rather than a carpenter. Just as today, anything better than scrub lumber had to be imported from abroad. Very, very few people outside of Caesaria and Jerusalem, would have been able to make a living as a carpenter.

  133. Reg Cæsar 说:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Hah. I’m called a “troll” by someone with a fraction of the number of comments, and who in the recent past has called other commenters “scumbag”, “FILTH”, and “cheap LIAR”. Caps in original.

    Seriously, I think he’s a Jew on the SPLC’s payroll.

  134. The creation of a Jewish homeland in the Middle East was the idea of a non-Jew by the name of a Humanist named Gottfried Leibniz in the early 18th century. He envisioned a lucrative trade route between a piece of land in the Middle East (populated with Jewish Europeans) and Europe (with Germany in charge). His endeavor was meant to be achieved diplomatically. Upon his return from Egypt, Napoleon had the same idea (he in fact plagiarized Leibniz). The oligarchs of the British Empire saw in the Jewish European, the means to make that “Jewish” homeland happen so that they can control the region and its geo-assets. While the creation of such “Jewish” homeland was being planned for decades, it was given momentum after Britain lost in the USA and was on the verge of collapse. The growing hegemony of Russia, France and Germany in the Middle East was also an important factor.

    WW1 – instigated by the oligarchs of the British Empire – not only ended Germany’s hegemony in the Middle East with their railroad to Baghdad but also liberated Palestine (which the Ottoman Sultan refused to give away). Worth noting that while millions of Christians lived under Ottoman rule for centuries, they ended up being massacred under the British-backed Young Turks Party.

    [n.b.: Any political party with the name “Young” was British. Ie.: Young France, Young Egypt, etc. All aimed at destabilizing targeted nations in order to further British hegemony. Today’s “color revolutions” are their equivalent.)

    WW2 – also instigated by the oligarchs of the British Empire in conjunction with American oligarchs – not only had Germany and Russia fight a bloody war (both of whom were competitors to Britain) but also created the necessary hostile environment against the Jews of Germany and Europe (who were emancipating (and thus assimilating with non-Jews) so that they migrate to Palestine. Before Nazism, Jews were reticent towards the likes of Herzl and Modern Zionism – Jews considered them Godless.

    The Jews of Germany and Europe would have moved no where without Nazism. It was Bullwer-Lytton who spread the literature in Germany that formed the basis of the Nazi cult. It was

    Religious Zionism was always religious: the return of the Messiah to allow Jews to form a nation. Modern Zionis, on the other hand, was the work of the racist ruling class of Britain: aimed at subjugating Jews at accepting Britain as their savior (read: move to Palestine):

    How Britain’s Biggest Racists Created Zionism by Mark Burdman
    p:26: http://wlym.com/archive/campaigner/7812.pdf

    It’s worth noting that while Theodor Herzl is known as the father of Zionism, the true father was an American by the name of Reverend Blackstone:

    The true founder of modern Zionism was not Jewish, but a Christian dispentionnaliste. Reverend William E. Blackstone was a U.S. preacher for whom true Christians would not have to participate in trials at the end of time. He taught that the latter would be taken to heaven during the final battle (the “rapture of the Church”, in English “the rapture”). In his view, the Jews would fight this battle and come out at the same time converted to Christ and victorious.”


    With the creation of Israel, Britain achieved what it had lost: the control of the USA. As for every Jew who migrated to Palestine, ten went to the real Promised Land, America:

    B’nai B’rith, British Weapon Against America by Paul Goldstein
    第16页: http://wlym.com/archive/campaigner/7812.pdf


    A side note on the religious aspect:

    • Judaism has its roots in Pharisaism – [a monotheistic of cult of Persian origin (heavily influenced by Zoroastrianism) brought in Canaan to destroy the polytheistic beliefs and created a Temple State under Ezra (the Persian minister in Canaan)]:

    ”Among the innumerable misfortunes which have befallen… the most fatal in its consequences is the name Judaism… neither in biblical nor post-biblical, neither in Talmudic nor in much later times, is the term Judaism ever heard…” Adolph Moses in collaboration with Rabbi H.G. Enlow, “Yahvism and Other Discourses”

    “法利赛教变成了塔木德教,塔木德教变成了中世纪拉比教,中世纪拉比教变成了现代拉比教。 但自始至终这些名字的变化。 . . 古代法利赛人的精神完好无损。 . . 从巴勒斯坦到巴比伦; 从巴比伦尼亚到北非、意大利、西班牙、法国和德国; 从这些到波兰、俄罗斯和东欧,古老的法利赛教已经四处游荡。 . . 表明法利赛主义作为一种宗教运动的持久重要性。 . 。” —拉比·路易斯·芬克尔斯坦(Rabbi Louis Finkelstein),“法利赛人,其信仰的社会学背景”

    • The origin of the 塔纳赫, aka Hebrew Bible, aka Old Testament is plagiarized from Canaanite-Phoenician literature found at Ugarit – all of which was coupled with Akkadian, Sumerian and Egyptian stories and concepts.


    • The mythical stories of the Old Testament (Divine Law) were created to support the Civil Law (Pharisiam).

    • Forensic archeology has demonstrated that there never was an “Exodus” from Egypt to Canaan (Book of Exodus) or the conquest of Canaan (Book of Joshua) or any “Kingdoms”. Since there was no conquest of Canaan, there mass-killing of Canaanites (Book of Deuteronomy) should also be fallacious – something genetics attests:

    Canaanites survived Biblical ‘slaughter’, ancient DNA shows

    • There never was an “Exile” of Jews after the civil war (instigated by the jewish extremists known as “Zealots”) with the Romans – no ancient record attest so in any shape of form. That was invented by the earliest Christians to incite Jewish conversion to Christianity.

    • In a nutshell, Judaism is Persian in origin. Everywhere the Empire spread, there were “Juddins” (converts to Pharisaism). There is no direct evidence of any “Israelite” or “Judean” religious book before Persia took control of Canaan-Phoenicia. The “Juddins” later converted to Christianity and later (mostly) to Islam. The early Zionists knew that:

    ”the peasants of Palestine were the descendants of the inhabitants of ancient Judea.”

    David Ben Gurion and Yitzhak Ben Zvi, “Eretz Israel in the past and present”, 1918 (in Yiddish), and Jerusalem, 1980 (in Hebrew)

    Yitzhak Ben Zvi, “Our population in the country”, Executive Committee of the Union for Youth and the Jewish National Fund, Warsaw, 1929 (in Hebrew).

    • 回复: @j2
    , @mcohen
    , @EliteComminc.
  135. @Karl

    嗯。 。 。

    i don’t think that christ would have challenged scripture. i suspect he was referring to the commentary used by the leadership in interpreting or understanding the ot.

    well, the common understanding is that christ was a carpenter, but we know the term applies to skilled labor, craftsman and masonry would fit into that category., though wood working would not be excluded.

    for the leadership what jesus did represented more than a challenge to religious political order, it was to transcend the very nature of that order

    jesus’ statement,

    “before abraham was i am”

    sums up why the leadership wanted him out.

  136. @annamaria

    Do you admit that the quote from the article is fake or not?

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @anon
  137. j2 说:
    @Hiram of Tyre

    “[n.b.: Any political party with the name “Young” was British. Ie.: Young France, Young Egypt, etc. All aimed at destabilizing targeted nations in order to further British hegemony. Today’s “color revolutions” are their equivalent.)”

    All with the name Young were connected with Mazzini’s movement and therefore with revolutionary Freemasonry and their goal was destabilizing the monarchies and creation of the new world. Freemasonry had a strong base in the UK and the USA, the revolutionary Masonry activities were run from France and Italy. Before mid 19th century it was not Jewish, later there were many Jews. It certainly had shared interests with GB but I am not sure if one should call it British. Later this same movement, hidden at that time in Theosophy, worked (Annie Besant branch, and they succeeded) in separating India from GB and they helped the US to rise and the GB to fall, so not so British.

    I think the Palestine plan was sold to the British crown, but originated from naive Christian Zionists and conspiratorial Freemasons as a part of the new world. The British crown was not in control, while the British oligarchs (some important ones were Jewish) were too often Masons. B’nai B’rith is part of this, or maybe the center, but I cannot see it as a tool for British hegemony. It is more like a tool for international banker hegemony.

    • 回复: @Hiram of Tyre
  138. Biff 说:
    @Greasy William

    Zionism cannot be understood outside the context of late 19th century European nationalism.

    The purpose of Zionism is to build a “normal” country of Jews in the Land of Israel, accepted by and at peace with it’s Arab neighbors. The idea is to replace assimilation of individual Jews with the assimilation of the entire Jewish nation.

    Clearly this ideology violates the Torah. The Torah commands us to physically destroy the Arabs and anyone else who challenges us and four us to expand our borders from the Nile to the Euphrates. The Temple must be rebuilt, sacrifices must be resumed and Israel must return to being a theocratic monarchy led by somebody from King David’s line.

    Peace with the Palestinians, Lebanese, Syrians and Iranians? Impossible because we are clearly commanded to annihilate those nations. What about the Iraqis, Egyptians and Saudis then? No, because they also currently occupy land that rightfully belongs to us.

    As for the rest of the Arab/Islamic world, when they pay reparations to us and agree to send us an annual tribute in perpetuity and then recognize us as G-d’s chosen people and the rightful rulers of the entirety of the Land, then we shall grant them peace. These terms, however, are in final form and non negotiable.

    The crazy things LSD will do to people.

  139. Heros 说:

    1.5 million people visited Auschwitz in 2014. 2 million vistited Saint Pauls in the Vatican.

    I have met several people over the years who have visited Auschwitz, and they all talk about “tears in their eyes” as they visited the exhibits. None are interested in hearing any information that would desecrate their sacred temple. It shows the degree of mind control goyim are living under.

    • 回复: @j2
  140. mcohen 说:
    @Hiram of Tyre

    I like a good shaggy dog with nice coat and good explanations

  141. @EliteCommInc.

    What you mean by “context” is actually “hermeneutics.” You need the preachers smooth talk to swallow the Jew Testament swill.

    Actually, “the Jew first” means exactly what it says. The Jews imagine they’re Chosenites, 首先 among all races.


    There’s some real context for you. Jews really do think they’re 首先。

    So you’re lying to me. I think you’re turning into a Jew–a race who lauds Jacob the Deciever as blessed by Jewgod–yourself. Oh right, the Jew Testament even says that:

    For it is we [Christians] who are the Cocksuckers. Phillipians 3:3

    Oh wait, it says “circumcision” actually, but cocksucking is exactly how Jews do circumcision. Why would you want to be a Jewish Cocksucker?

    • 回复: @EliteComminc.
  142. Heros 说:
    @Them Guys

    Well said and well written, bravo!

    I often run across attacks against my comments from people who blather on about friends and family who are jewish and are “really great people”. Here on Unz I have also had replies from people who state that on the East Coast of the US it is impossible to exist without rubbing elbows with jews on a daily basis.

    I can’t reply to either positions because I avoid Jews in my life, and the only contact I have now is a disgusting shyster lawyer a guy who is suing me hired. For decades in my childhood, school and professional career, I never had any problems with jews, although after my red pilling I have reflected on various events in my life revolving around Jews, and now I have a fuller understanding of what was going on.

    I think this “good jew” canard is usually put forward by Hasbara agents. They love to see goyim fighting about different types of jews, but for us it is all irrelevant. I don’t care what tribe a black invader from the sub sahara is from, even if the majority really are 120 IQ neuro surgeons, as the good jews would have us believe. I don’t care if an invader from Rwanda is Huti or Tuti.

    The Christians in Granada and Constantinople spent far too much time worrying about “good jews”, and their cultures and families were destroyed. When Isabelle allowed “good jews” to become converso’s and convert to Christianity, the crypto jews among them made things worse than they had been originally, and Isabelle was forced to engage the Spanish Inquisition to try to separate good jew conversos from bad jew conversos. I don’t want to go down this path, and I don’t want my country to do it either.

    The Jews waged over a century of war murdering hundreds of millions of Christians in order to achieve their homeland. It is time for ALL of them to go there, especially “the good jews”, and it is time for them to stop leaching subsidies off of Christians.

    • 回复: @Them Guys
  143. @Anonymous

    Wrong. Isaiah speaks of Jehovah, the Jewish deity.

    When Isaiah mentions “God,” it’s negative.

    And ye are those forsaking Jehovah, Who are forgetting My holy mountain, Who are setting in array for God a table. Isaiah 65:11

    God (also Gott, Godin, Gotin, Wotan, Woden as spoken by Europeans) is a non-Jewish deity.

    Jehovah hates God. Hate him back.

  144. @Karl

    At least one of the versions of Jesus’ nativity in Matthew and Luke is completely mythical. There is no way both can be true.


    It is beyond reasonable dispute that Luke dates the birth of Jesus to 6 A.D. It is equally indisputable that Matthew dates the birth of Jesus to 6 B.C. (or some year before 4 B.C.). This becomes an irreconcilable contradiction after an examination of all the relevant facts.


    The Gospels are later Jewish storytelling fictions attempting to flesh-out the earlier Jewish huckster Paul’s apparitional “Cosmic Christ.”

    • 回复: @Karl
  145. @Alden

    Your comment shows why Wikipedia cannot be trusted since the reference you cite is patently false and deliberately misleading. Crawshaw and his many crimes against Welsh society are chronicled in the many books by Alexander Cordell. Further, Crawshay’s crimes are documented in many Welsh museums. Since I live in Wales the truth about Crawshay is easily obtained as are books on the subject. The Author

    • 回复: @Alden
  146. @EliteCommInc.

    如果你的 “loyalty is to the US 第一 as you claim, then you are a Fake Christian.

    “Seek ye 第一 the Kingdom of Kikegod.” Matthew 6:33.

    Can’t have two things “first,” bro.

    And the “King of Israel” (John 1:49) isn’t going to accept your disobedience to his command to “hate” and “forsake” your own blood and soil. (Luke 14.26, Matthew 19:27-30)

    See you in hell. 🙂

    “Heaven for climate, hell for company!” -Mark Twain, 1901

    Of course, there is no actual “hell.” You and I will have 没有奖励 还有 没有优势 over a dead horse when we die. Dirt naps are forever. No afterlife. So says the Bible, in the one book worth reading:

    传道书9:5-10因为活着的人知道他们会死,而死者却一无所知。 他们有 没有进一步的奖励 甚至他们的名字也被遗忘了……在死者的领域,你要去的地方,没有工作,没有计划,没有知识,也没有智慧。

    传道书 3:19-21 人的命定和牲畜的命一样; 同样的命运在等待着他们:一个人死了,另一个人也死了。 都一样的气息; 人类有 没有优势 超过动物。 都去同一个地方; 一切来自尘土,归尘一切归尘。 谁知道人的精神是向上的,动物的精神是否落入地中?”

    • 回复: @EliteComminc.
  147. annamaria 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Oh, Tyrion 2, why do you believe that the quote is fake? https://theinternetpost.net/tag/netanyahu/
    “如果我们被抓住,他们只会用相同衣服的人代替我们。 因此,不管您做什么,美国都是一头金牛犊,我们将其吸干,切碎并逐块出售,直到除了我们将创建和控制的世界上最大的福利国家以外,再也没有其他任何东西了。 为什么? 因为这是上帝的意愿,而美国足够强大,足以承受打击,所以我们可以一次又一次地做到这一点。 这就是我们对我们讨厌的国家所做的事情。 我们非常缓慢地摧毁他们,使他们因拒绝成为我们的奴隶而遭受苦难。”
    这是上下文: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=_mA23bFrvkE
    — Why don’t you make some effort and do your own research? Try to convince the readers that Bibi would have never produced the quote in question.

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  148. @Hiram of Tyre

    unfortunately juxtaposed against this nicely written comment is the old testament and the new testament both which make it clear that a jewish return to a homeland in the region would occur.

    the concept and belief is not a cooked up notion on the 18th century

    Isaiah 35:6-10 ESV / 55 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

    Then shall the lame man leap like a deer, and the tongue of the mute sing for joy. For waters break forth in the wilderness, and streams in the desert; the burning sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty ground springs of water; in the haunt of jackals, where they lie down, the grass shall become reeds and rushes. And a highway shall be there, and it shall be called the Way of Holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it. It shall belong to those who walk on the way; even if they are fools, they shall not go astray. No lion shall be there, nor shall any ravenous beast come up on it; they shall not be found there, but the redeemed shall walk there. And the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with singing; everlasting joy shall be upon their heads; they shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.

    Romans 11:26 ESV / 51 helpful votes

    And in this way all Israel will be saved, as it is written, “The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob”;

    Jeremiah 3:14 ESV / 20 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful

    Return, O faithless children, declares the Lord; for I am your master; I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion.


    clearly the idea of returning to zion is not 18th century

  149. anon[340]• 免责声明 说:

    Current anti nonewhite echoes the rantings of Bannon and Spencer. Whites are up in arms against the establishment because now the establishment has failed to deliver the crumbs to the deplorable
    As long as the empire of Eurooean varieties did it, the peasants continued to remain servile and sheeple riding with the navy and air force . Now the gravy train has derailed, the ill educated , bible believers , gun toting wife beating, weed smoking ,disability seeking, doped up , alcohol. soaked , pre deployment white soldiers are finding it hard to go along . But to identify the reasons, would be akin to concluding the fact how wrong their fathers,forefathers,teachers,priests,bible scholars, and even the lyrics of the national anthem have been and for so long.

    If America had socialized medicine, people would be receiving free contraceptives to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

    ER would not be dealing with amputation , diabetic coma keto acidosis, , and end stage kidney disease related morbidities and people would not be dying from asthma attack ( even kids have died from allergic asthmatic reactions in the Ivy League campuses for lack of proper 911 responses in time )

    Public Housing where ? New York , Chicago, LA, Detroit , SF , ???? Where. They capture the horror of Flint wanted crisis, violence of Haiti, drug pandemic of Mexico, and violence of Iraq.

    Public housing and food stamp and Medicaid.- more than 45 % beneficiaries are white .

    In Canada , Australia and ( where s pole I guess ) whites are officially discriminated by government – is that from Bannon and Gorka or from Spencer !!! Or is it from Le Pen or from Farrago of UKIP?

  150. @Echoes of History

    understanding what it means to be chosen — in the context of being a light unto god, a symbol of the most high, his emissary is to be a place of service. And that is the oft misunderstood, that israel, the descendants of Abraham chosen for his love of hod was chosen to be that mantle on on a hill of the most high — that is a life of service

    and the consequence for abandoning that service was eventually jewish scattering with the promise of restoration and jews await that restoration.

    they may as you suggest think the honor is of themselves for themselves, but those who look to the torah know — that is not for the glorification of jews but of god

    and because of the spiritual nature of of what it means to be jewish — christ in context of that restoration — matters

    I am going to eschew your peculiar twist about circumcision, which if i recall is never mentioned by christ.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  151. anon[340]• 免责声明 说:

    The typical Talmudic logic . By the way ‘ Torah trumps Talmud’ until it doesn’t .

  152. @Echoes of History

    keep things in context

    clearly i am speaking of political loyalty


    Ecclesiastes 9:5-10 King James Version (KJV)

    5 因为活着的人知道自己必死;死人却一无所知,也再没有什么赏赐; 因为他们的记忆被遗忘了。

    6 他们的爱、他们的仇恨和他们的嫉妒,现在也消失了; 在日光之下所行的任何事上,他们也不再有永远的分。

    7 Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works.

    8 Let thy garments be always white; and let thy head lack no ointment.

    9 Live joyfully with the wife whom thou lovest all the days of the life of thy vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun.

    10 无论你的手想做什么,都要用你的力量去做; 因为在你去的坟墓里,没有工作,没有谋略,没有知识,也没有智慧。


    contrasted being dead to being alive i have to assume that you are merely being facetious or deeply in wounded by someone of faith and have yet to reconcile the matter — one hopes that your bitterness is none so turned that the condition is permanent.

    Ecclesiastes 3:19-2

    context — no on escapes death so what is the point — well of course it’s noted at the end


    “but to fear hod and keep his commandments.”

    last verses

    13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.



    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  153. @annamaria

    You’re so dishonest. You’re still posting fake links for your fake quote. E.g the video with fake subtitles or the WaPo linked about something else and innocuous.

    • 回复: @annamaria
  154. j2 说:

    “I have met several people over the years who have visited Auschwitz, and they all talk about “tears in their eyes” as they visited the exhibits. None are interested in hearing any information that would desecrate their sacred temple.”

    I have been there five times over a long time spell. The exhibition and explanations have changed rather much over the years. None of the people with whom I visited the museum, quite normal people, had tears in their eyes as they visited the exhibits, but one told that when she was in the school very long ago and they visited the museum, she did cry. At that time the museum booklet told of human soap, nazis eating prisoners, lampshades from human skin, no wonder it scared children. Now there is an age limit and these stories have been withdrawn, so this should not happen today. Ever since visiting the museum I have been very interested on information how many died there and I made calculations on my own. But it is true that some people consider the museum as a sacred temple of their religion.

  155. anon[317]• 免责声明 说:
    @Desert Fox

    Yes, Mr. Fox, yes! but consider the impact already of Kol Nidrei expressing Zionism..

    Kol Nidrei expressing Zionism may provide the energy that powers the great American awakening. As Americans realize their loss of rights, and the ever closer scrutiny their Kol Nidrei expressing Zionist dominated government applies to limit and direct everyday American behaviors, as Americans come to understand the conditions Kol Nidrei expressing Zionism seeks to impose on traditional American democracy (right of every Americans to self-determination, life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness) a great awakening will likely take place, already certain corporate interest have stepped in to stop or curtail unacceptable Internet dialogue” and a government that used to pride itself on its whistle blowers now seeks to hush them forever so we Americans have a real life examples of the the kind of risks allowing private corporations to perform or even be a party to government function actually entails. Threatening the private sector with public sector take-back interest will bring the Kol Nidrei expressing Zionist out in full force.

    Americans are not used to and I think will not condone, conditions to be imposed on their democracy; especially not conditions thought to be off limits to their traditional democracy; but it seems those in control of the very government Americans elect and pay to defend their rights and to keep their lives tyranny free and their behaviors restriction free are working overtime to enforce such conditions and to impose such tyranny.

    Constitutional guarantees, American public opinion and free elections are supposed to protect American citizens from Kol Nidrei tyrannies many of which can be seen in the outrageous activities and myriads of unsafe products produced by Pharaoh owned wall street funded monopoly powered corporations.

    Already Americans have allowed themselves to be maneuvered into a dependant situation which could be easily aligned to eliminate their democracy and even bring about regime change. Clearly the Kol Nidrei expressing Zionist have, or are in the process of separating and privatising all the elements of the public services (public domain and public responsibility things like power, water, garbage, license examinations, education, medicine, military).

    Since 1948, Americans have watched as the functioning and vital parts of their governments and military have been parted and pieced out, to private parties, by way of government contracts (corporation A makes tanks, corporation b makes aircraft, corporation c makes rifles, corporation d makes uniforms, corporation e makes the ammunition, corporation f makes the controlled short range nuclear weapons, corporate g makes the war heads, corporation h makes the defensive rockets, corporation i makes the intercontinental rockets, and corporation j makes the satellites, and corporation k makes the rolling stock, and corporation l provides the water services, corporation m delivers the gas used for heating in most homes, corporation n uses the public waterway to make and profit from electric energy, and o handles the garbage, … and so on .. Essentially the entire government at nearly all levels, and the military has been or in the process of being privatized, each need, and each segment of each such need has been made into a wall street profit center. And these corporate powerhouses make all decisions, high and fire their managements, and invest the profits paid to them by our government all without a single American vote.

    Worse and yet more dangerous to a possible take over of our government than privatizing the delivery of the parts or services, is the patenting and copyright into private ownership (or control) of all of the elements involved in producing and delivering those parts and services. In other words, if government were to cancel its contracts today, it would have to pay massive copyright and patent royalties to its prior contractors because these organizations own the patents, copyrights and processes[most of which government paid such contractors or a university on behalf of such contractors to develop]; hence private profit making in the name of public need (privateering) threatens the stability and security of a voter dependent representative democratic nation state.

    Suppose America were to decide to invade and war on Israel.? Yeah I know, but just suppose.. What do you think all of the defense contractors would do..do you think they would continue to produce for and sell to the USA government the parts or provide the war machinery needed to conduct the war? Do you think the same contractors would refrain from selling the same or better parts to Israel? Hell they might just shut down the entire government.

    If Americans don’t control their own government the Kol Nedrei expressing Zionist will.. if the government that governs Americans does not or cannot in-house perform the task of government ( having contracting everything out), then the government is no longer independent of the intentions of others; at that point it becomes the government that governs Americans for the benefit of others.

    • 回复: @EliteComminc.
  156. @EliteComminc.


    Clearly “kingdom” is a “political” term.

    Clearly, politics are “cares of this world” and you’re not to be concerned with such “worldly” things as politics, which you still are. (Mark 4:19)

    Clearly, FIRST means FIRST in “all things,” (Colossians 1:17) political and otherwise.

    So you’re still in disobedience to the Magic Jew, and still a Fake Christian.

    The last few verses of the last chapter of Ecclesiastes are a very obvious add-on by a late editor, completely different in style and intent—and poetic meter as explained below—a deliberate deception by Pharisees intent on diluting what the author of Ecclesiastes said.

    The genuine portions of Ecclesiastes are Sadducean and Epicurean ; Stoic doctrines are found almost exclusively in the Pharisaic interpolations.
    悲观的诗可能已经引起了无法抑制的轰动。 因此,法利赛人当局决定为会众保存这本吸引人的书,但在作者的烈酒中倒了些水。
    传道书的真正部分可分为八个部分,包括 195 对 3 + 3 节拍的 hemistichs,分为对联(部分 I、V、VIII)或三连音(部分 II、III、IV、VI、七). 具有 2 + 2 节拍的成对半对称仅出现在插值中{cf. IV, f, 8, 2 ff。 和 VI,a。 7. v),在一个说明性的引文中 [cf. 以上,n. 22) VI, <," 我们找到 3 + 2 个节拍。

    保罗豪普特 (1905) The Book of Ecclesiastes: a new metrical translation with an introduction and explanatory notes. Baltimore: John Hopkins Press. p.6. http://archive.org/stream/bookofecclesiast00balt

    And if the last few verses are a true summary of Ecclesiastes, why would Jesus openly condemn the author of Ecclesiastes?

    传道书的伊壁鸠鲁 Cetemum censo 除了吃、喝和享乐(8, 15; 2, 24; 5, 18; cf. 3, 12)之外,没有什么对人有益 被耶稣定罪 (Luke 12, 20) in a section which contains several allusions to the Book of Ecclesiastes {cf. Luke 12, 18 and Eccl. 2, 4; Luke 12, 20^ and Eccl. 2, i8b, and above all, Luke 12, 27 = Matt. 6, 29 (Solomon in all his glory).


    It’s telling how you go straight to the deliberate and easily distinguishable Pharisaical lie, just like the Pharisee you are. To Pharisees like you, the last few deceptive add-on verses of Ecclesiastes are all that ever seem to matter.

    Now, I’m not writing this just for you. You’re too in thrall to the Rabbi to de-Jew your brain for even one second to actually understand. But I am writing it so that others might benefit from seeing through the Pharisaical interpolations added onto the one decent book in the whole of the Bible.

    (To be sure, Haupt was Spence Professor of the Semitic Languages at Johns Hopkins University Baltimore and a Christian and was himself arguing that Ecclesiastes was an Epicurean heresy that should not have been included in the Bible, and was accepted into the canon only because it was watered down to sound more like the rest of the Bible.)

    So there’s context for you.

  157. @EliteComminc.

    You, a European, just made up a bullshit explanation of why the Jews you worship are “chosen.” You’re part of the problem this article addresses. Can you get yourself de-Jewed, please? It’s pathetic for a White man to be so in thrall to the Jew.

    Maybe we’re making progress though. You’re going to “eschew” Paul the Cocksucker now? That’s good! You wouldn’t want to be a young traveling companion with him, he loved sucking dick, and not just baby dicks, such as he did in Acts 16:3.

    No, Jesus didn’t mention cutting and sucking off part of the penis, he wanted you to chop off you balls. (Matthew 19:11-12)


    And Jesus had a boy-toy in his bosom (John 13:23-25), right out in public, like some San Francisco faggot.

    Might want to “eschew” the Jewchrist too.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  158. @anon

    There are some valid areas of analysis in the article, but the role of the prater/declaration in that analysis is over emphasized. That corporate interests seeking business opportunities and exploiting abusively the same is not a uniquely jewish practice.

    I am not convinced that “whistle blowers” have ever been the embraced heroes of us social or economic issues. whether the whistle blower was detailing abuses in the garment industry, meat processing or intelligence abuses, the whistle blower has rarely been received as heros. That would depend on the circumstances, especially the impact on one’s fellow workers. And it has been one’s co-workers that often provide the most effective stifling and punishment for whistle blowers.


  159. Them Guys 说:

    Thank you for this reply, Heros. And I am also glad you liked and agree with what I wrote. Like you I just try to speak and write what I have found to be the gods honest factual truths, about WWII events as well as of, International Jewry. And Internationalist is Exactly the proper facts based term, period.

    There is no other race or ethnic group anywhere globally who fit as true internationalists besides the jews. And that is a major factor in what’s so wrong with jews and most all they do and have done and plan to do in the future…The..NEAR…Future too!

    It is of Utmost Importance that every Goy gentile fast awaken or jews will accomplish their outlandish goals of a NWO, which really needs be changed into a “JWO” with the J standing for Jews….Because as every jewized up person knows full well of, a total global worldwide complete control with entire worlds, what is it now? 200+ Countries? and the worlds entire body of over 7-Billion peoples, All of it, and every possible Thing these billions own. Land-Homes-Public tax payer owned govnt buildings-schools-vehicles-children!!- Etc. etc. et al. The entire whole Bagel, combo of all that exists human and material. To forcibly be TAKEN Over and Owned outright free and clear, BY…Nobody else But the group of worlds jews.

    When anyone writes of these jewish main goals, and or how Zionism and Talmudic Judaism plays a massive huge roll in it all…..We always get Hasbaras and Shabozz Goyim as well as jewy jews going totally off their rockers and whining, crying, shouting from roof tops that…

    Oh! That’s all a big fat Lie!….No truth!…Jews are just a very religious group and god fearing and god worshiping race that are such a small population compared to all others its impossible to contemplate…therefore..it just has to, must be, cannot be, anything else but a huge fat Lie!

    Guess such Foolish souls haven’t yet seen this jewish Talmud verse quote eh?….

    — The Talmud: Libbre David 37….Or this Next quote either eh?””

    — Cf. Mordechai Nisan, Kivunim (official publication of the World Zionist Organization), August, 1984, pp. 151-156…(is This why So Many antigun/2nd amendt. promoters are also jewish perhaps?)

    Sounds quite a lot like Islam beliefs no?

    Well, Well Well eh!…How’s about we check with an Esteemed Jewish member of their very Own and read what their exact jewish plans and true actual Goals are shall we?

    Quote is Below My Fwd messg here.

    WHOM are Talmudic Judaic Jews Really awaiting as their “Not yet arrived Messiah”?…They Rejected Jesus Christ, after He told jews of His era that NO he did Not come into the world to do as those(todays too) jews so badly desired….What was that great huge jewish desire? I will Tell you what…Jews hated Jesus mostly and firstly due to his total rejection of jewish goals to have a messiah Lead all of jewry into a massive worldwide revolt(like Russia 1917 maybe?) in order to…Kill Off 90% worlds pop numbers, Subdue all of remaining 10% or so left. Steal and Rob Blind everything the entire worlds nations and peoples own and possess etc. Until jews and Only jews become sole owners and rulers global wide of entire Earth and All humans as slaves, those that jews didn’t Mass Murder(that 90%) and act and live like every jew is his Own King or Queen in full control of planet earth and its 10% remaining human Slaves of jews.

    Typically we hear or read Howls and Crys for Proof! From the afore named jews and shabozz goys and unquestionable always jew defenders, as seen on TV! as well as Seen Here at UNZ!

    So, Here…Enjoy this info of true jew intent and global Goals which are being hammered out Daily 24/7, and todays jews and zios are so confident, so filled with Chuzpah and Hubris, they No longer even attempt to Hide what jews Are and Have been doing all along…Like for the past 35-Centuries or so eh!….Read Below quote of main jewish goal/plans…Then Reflect upon all you have seen, read, know of and experienced so far within your life times…That goes Double/Triple for all of you Naysayers and Fearful Folks that still somehow number as vast majority usa folks, dwelling in complete ziojew hijacked America, but are too Fearful and Timid and Scared to simply Break Free, Break Out of jewish Zionist madness you see and hear and wish it were not so…Here’s your big chance to Learn real Truth eh.

    Begin Jewish written Quote(s) below:

    “The Jewish people taken collectively will be its own Messiah. His reign over the Universe will be obtained by the unification of the human races and through the elimination of frontiers. (Borders!) A Universal Republic will come into being in which the Sons of Israel will become the directing element. We know how to dominate the Masses. The governments of all nations will gradually fall, through victory of the proletariat, into the hands of Judah. All private property will become the possession of the Princes of Israel they will own the wealth of all lands. Thus will be realized the promise of the Talmud that when the time of the Messiah comes the Jews will hold under their keys the property of all the peoples of the world.”
    ——巴鲁克·利维(Baruch Levy)在一封写给卡尔·马克思的旧信中,发表在罗斯柴尔德控制的《巴黎评论》(一本真正的文学杂志,而不是“反犹太主义”资料)上,574 年 1 月 1928 日,第 XNUMX 页。

    What hes really saying is…Every of aprox 15 million jews worldwide are Each like a small Little god, and once every jew in world comes together as One, thats when together as One big jew so to speak….They will become a Big enough Jew to EQUAL God and Become their very OWN God!

    Now you know why so many jews have said “We jews aint awaiting any human real man or individual to come to earth and save us or be a jewish messiah..(.Because We jews will become our very Own god messiah at the Proper right time”)

    Indeed…Their very Own god messiah, one that Will allow every jew becomes a King and Owner of planet earth and All and Everything contained On, In, and around it…That means You goyim humans and Your kiddies too as jewish owned Goy Slaves…If of course you be among them Lucky sorts who jews let remain alive as a slave, that..10% human goyim part.

    Check out a couple More Proofs By-About-From-For-Jews who are quoted here eh..

    “Nations will gather together to bring their homage to the people of God; the whole fortune of nations will pass into the hands of the Jewish people, they will march behind the Jewish people, in chains as captives, and will prostrate before it.”
    — Isador Loeb, Le Probleme Juif.


    “我们将经历的世界革命将完全取决于我们,并将掌握在我们手中。 这场革命将加强犹太人对所有其他人的统治。”
    — Le Peuple Juif, February 8, 1919. (Yes they began it in 1917 Russia, 75 yrs later got Booted Out of Russia! See now why so Many fox-tv-neocon jews, and their shaboz goy pols so Hate Russia and Putin?)

    — The Talmud: Libbre David 37 (This is why jews/zios so wish to Censor Internet eh).

    迈克尔·罗德金森(Michael Rodkinson),《巴比伦塔木德》(第XNUMX页)前言。

    —奥托·温宁格(Otto Weininger),《性与性》,第311页。

    “犹太教的基础是什么? 务实的热情和对利润的贪婪。 我们能减少他(犹太人)的宗教崇拜吗? 勒索。 他的真神是什么? 现金!”
    —共产主义创始人卡尔·马克思(Karl Marx)于1924年XNUMX月至XNUMX月在《英国卫报》上引用。

    Wow! They have not changed in 50+ yrs eh!…Self & $$$ Worshipers!

    “我几乎不夸张。 犹太人的生活包含两个要素:赚钱和抗议。”
    — Nahum Goldmann “The Jewish Paradox” 1978 (And they will Never change not even in another 35-centuries, if gentile goys who consist of 99.98% worlds population keep allowing jews such leeway eh.)

    PS: Again, Thanks Heros and I too Really enjoy reading what you Post up here at UNZ!

    • 回复: @Heros
  160. anon[228]• 免责声明 说:

    “The Deliverer will come from Zion, he will banish ungodliness from Jacob”;

    London was Zion Balfour banished h ungodliness from the residents.

    Return, O faithless children, declares the Lord; for I am your master; I will take you, one from a city and two from a family, and I will bring you to Zion.

    Herzl was devout god fearing man of conscience He promised to protect Zion ( London ) from Asiatic horde and from rebellion in Indian subcontinent .

    Now there are a lot of citing of Elvis in TN .There are a lot of references to missile, atom bombs, transplant surgeries and remedies for HIV in Hindu scriptures and the invention of Internet

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
    , @anon
  161. anon[228]• 免责声明 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Does it matter whether Bibi Netanyahu or Ariel Sharon or David Ben-Guerin ever say those exact words in those exact sequence?

    We see how Bibi can come from behind and go to congress to stop President from signing deals with Iran.

    We have seen how Sharon has called Bush administration appeaser for asking globally agreed positions on Palestine to be implemented
    We have been given the opportunity of Iraq war promoted by Israel and diaspora from 1991 . We have seen how the anti war arguments were not allowed any space . Also we have seen how neocons dismissed the pre 911 threats so that an attack could take place
    We have seen how the experts were silenced and removed for suggesting extra troops ( requested to prevent chaos, to prevent American death and to promote a cohesive smooth transition ) by the neoocns and Israeli dual citizen and by murderous thugs like Ledeen We know what Commentary magazine and Weekly Standard were funneling . They even bragged about coining the word WW IV and were berating other for being agauinst WW IV over Iran.

    We have seen who had paid Trump to bomb Iran We have heard the hedge fund manager on Lou Dobb’s FOX TV that “ we would be fine we would not lose but market would crash if Iran were attacked “ He even told that the “certain ethnic tribe are pushing for war and donating for the causes of the war

    So America pays with money blood and loss of power Israel gains and gains and gains. But No one should say America is bleeding Israel is gaining and Israel is promoting the American future of doom gloom and destruction

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  162. Them Guys 说:

    But you ignore the facts that many such OT verses were speaking of a return from Babylonian captivity after 70 yrs in Babylon…Which did happen, and they built the 2nd temple once returned.

    It has zero to do with another or new return in Our modern era times.

    Also much of yet unfulfilled OT prophecy for future events etc . Depended upon, Hinged Upon, That ALL 12 tribes would keep Obeying God, and their Mutual-Covenant, and various Other edicts and laws from god….They failed miserably at obedience too many repeat times, as OT documents at many different places, to count. Finally god told Prophet Jeramiah that “Go and tell Your peoples, of the Southern Kingdom of Judah, that I no longer am their God and They are NO longer My Chosen peoples…Also tell them this is all their fault as I L0rd Have always kept MY part of covenant with them, and it has been They who have rejected it and Me!”

    The NT books fully describe that a New covenant, and spoken and written of in Jeramiah to come, HAS in fact arrived and was fully implemented and Sealed when Christ died on cross it was sealed with and by His blood….NT also states that new covenant REPLACED the orig OT old covenant…

    And further says in NT the new covenant is Far better, is for All peoples on earth who choose accept it by becoming a Christian and that it will never again get replaced with another “new” covenant period…

    So What do You evangelical types Not as Yet Get?…Jews and anybody still left of the Other 11 tribes have NO covenant any more…Unless of course they too accept Christ and Become a Christain.

    For there is NO other salvation than thru Christ and the New Covenant of Christianity as outlined in new testament gospels etc.

    Forget all that apostate falsehoods learned vis pastors who as bible calls them Judaizering Judaizers.

    For All who trust in and follow after Judaizer pastors or priests are going to Lose their salvation.

    Hence yet another falsehood taught by apostate judaizer preachers is of.”Once saved Always saved”

    If this was true? Why does it state “They will Lose their salvation, and not be able to get it back again once lost” Its in book Galations or romans or??? Its IN there though! Read it!

  163. Heros 说:
    @Them Guys

    Thanks for the compliment. I have commented at Zerohedge for several years too, I still do currently under the same user, although I have been blocked several times before. Thanks to jews. I often wonder what life would be like without their one way censorship where we constantly have to guard what we say while they can publish the most disgusting kinds of pornographic and violent mind control filth.

    Every time my user gets blocked at ZH it takes a long time for me to build up any recognition again. It is like I am behind the mirror, in a surreal kikey world, where I can see people I used to banter with but they can’t see me. Eventually, ZH will block me again. Likely Unz too, but if not maybe I will just give up on ZH. Anyway, here is some of my background info:

    I am recently retired after a career in IT, in my 60’s. I live in Europe although I spent most of my childhood in California. I have 4 grand children and am hoping for more. I started to become “woke” about 2007, and am still waking up today.


    • 回复: @Them Guys
  164. @anon

    I am going to avoid dragging london into biblical prophecy.

    but there is no question that israel is to return to her first love jehova and upon so doing will be restored and a be a blessing unto her own and the nations.

    when these things take place is something about which i tread more lightly than others.

    • 回复: @Them Guys
  165. bjondo 说:
    @Echoes of History

    You read like M. Kahane on hyper drugs of some sort.

    Add what you omitted:

    1 Corinthians 1:18-26 King James Version (KJV)

    18因为传讲十字架的是要灭亡愚昧的人。 但是对我们得救的是上帝的能力。


    20智慧人在哪里? 抄写员在哪里? 这个世界的争议者在哪里? 难道上帝没有愚弄这个世界的智慧吗?





    25因为神的愚昧比人聪明。 神的软弱比人强。

    26 For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  166. @Echoes of History

    I am concerbed with your seeming resistance to keep with the frames and meanings in which i place my comments.

    1. no comment suggests i worship jews

    2. eschewing or avoiding/dismissing entering a discussion on the matter of circumcision as you advance has no bearing on my position with respect to christ or the apostle paul.

    3. we have previously discussed the timothy, barnabas and paul episode – nothing has changed, there is no reason to conclude anything of relational conduct beyond christian fellowship, father to son, mentor to student and totally platonic – of the love as understood — agape.

    4. nothing in scripture suggests that jesus had at anytime engaged in the choice of sexual expression with anyone male or female — we have covered this ground as well.

    that you interpret all male bonding with some manner of physical relational dynamic is certainly an issue for you. misinterpreting such bonds for something salacious is bound to get ou into a fix someday, if it hasn’t already.

    there are plenty of legitimate reasons to be bitter about being wronged, but that it seems to color all things of faith in such a light for you is painful to witness.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  167. Them Guys 说:

    Why do So Many/Most of todays jewdeo-christians (a huge Oxymoron if ever was one) keep insisting on a valid old covenant only for jews and a 2nd new covenant just for Christians?

    Maybe they need an easy method to understand why that’s a total falsehood?

    Here, Try This….Compare biblical covenants to Todays Home Mortgage contract or new car loan Contract okay…Okay, now same as bible covenant was sealed in blood and was same as an enforceable legal contract….same as home or car loan contract is…

    Ok now, what happens to the Old Original Mortgage or Car Loan contract, when someone, does a RE-Finance on orig loan?…Can the Orig Loans Banker demand continued Payments even with a refi new loan in full effect?…NO!

    EVERY written word contained within Old Orig Home loan Mortgage paperwork/contract has been fully Null and Voided when new REFI contract is done. Period.

    SAME applies with difference between orig OT Old covenant with all 12 tribes of Israel, not only “jews per se” but ALL 12 tribes…and the NEW covenant of new testament Christianity and it also is a Replacemant of the Old covenant which has been voided ever since 2000 yrs ago when Christ made new covenant a done deal.

    Why is this so difficult for these zio/jewdeo/Christians to get eh?

    It’s due to they want old covenant to still be valid 100% in order to verify every single apostate fraud end times prophecy event THEY wish to believe is correct…Even now after over 40-50 yrs of such constant prophecy mambo jahambo Predictions they have insisted on being accurate and soon to arrive etc….Has All Always Failed to be fulfilled and then they go and RE invent a whole New set of “Predictions”…

    They and every apostate duped follower of those fraud pastors and their churches, regardless Which name or Denomination they calls it, are the Very peoples who have made Christianity be seen as such a Huge major Joke by so many non Christians…These apostates have literally become a total absurdity and laughing stock globally…yet they never cease to promote yet another new set of “predictions/prophecy” and make more converts to absurdity.

    The are same as what Christ said of the Pharisee jews in His day…He said “You Pharisee teach falsely, and you chase down a potential convert to the very ends of earth in order to finally convince them…..Yet all you do is Make Them TWICE the Children of Hell as You yourselves are!”

    Exactly what those apostate jewdeo Christian falsehood teacher preacher men are copying and doing Today….Judaizers all. Copying the Pharisee rabbis and corrupting followers by the proverbial Boat Loads!

  168. bjondo 说:

    Very long. Will need to print and read. Computer time small. If like other Redmayne-Titley writings, will be excellent .

  169. anon[228]• 免责声明 说:

    you don’t have to . I have done it for you I have shown the stupid faith based foreign policy directed against a 3 rd country for a fourth country has no place anywhere in the world

  170. @EliteCommInc.

    1. You don’t worship Jews?

    Jesus was a Jew, a Rabbi, the alleged “King of Israel.” (John 1:49) Do you not worship him?

    “Salvation is from the Jews.” (John 4:22, notice the JewS, plural.) Are you not saved?

    What you’re trying to do is weasel out of the fact that you do indeed worship Jews.

    2. Weasel words. Paul stated that Christians are now the Cocksuckers, i.e., “of the circumcision.” (Phillipians 3:3) You’re too much a coward to address what Jew Paul said. You’re eschewing any honest consideration to what Jew Paul said.

    3. As we previously discussed, everyone knows that peter-puffing, which Paul admits he did in Acts 16:3 on his young traveling companion, isn’t “agape” love, faggot.

    4. When you have a young boy lover snuggled into your “bosom” (John 13:23-25) like Jesus did, that’s faggotry. And the early Christian artists admit it, when they paint Jesus and John the Beloved in the same pederastic pose, an older bearded man and a younger beardless boy, as 宙斯和木卫三. Look at those paintings of Jesus and John the Beloved. Pure pederasty, as continued for 2000 years by the Catholic priestcraft corn-holing the altar boys, which they learn in semen-ary to copy the degenerate Jew Jesus. You must have got romanced by some priest and was told it was “male bonding.” That’s sick, flamer.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  171. anon[228]• 免责声明 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Few mores–

    Yitzhak Rabin’s greeting of John Vorster in April, 1976. Yitzhak Rabin threw a Banquet for the Prime Minister of Apartheid South Africa, expressing that Israel and Apartheid South Africa both face “foreign-inspired instability and recklessness”, he then went on to praise Apartheid South Africa and hailed “the ideals shared by Israel and South Africa”.
    itzhak Shamir also referred to Palestinian protesters in 1988 as “grasshoppers compared to us”, vowing to crush the demonstrations.
    (资源: http://www.nytimes.com/1988/04/01/world/shamir-promises-to-crush-rioters.html)
    Peres blamed Palestinians for the hardships they endure, stating that; “They are self victimizing. They victimize themselves. They are a victim of they’re own mistakes, unnecessarily .” (Source: https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/frostinterview/2012/12/2012122610132412135.html)
    Netanyahu on the ninth of February, 2016, visited the construction of a concrete wall that was being constructed on the border between Gaza and Israel. In his own words, the wall was necessary to “defend ourselves against the wild beasts”.
    (资源: https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.702562)
    13th of June, 2002, Ehud Barak was interviewed by the New York Review of Books, during this interview he said the following:
    “They [Arabs] are products of a culture in which to tell a lie… Creates no dissonance. They don’t suffer from the problem of telling lies that exists in Judeo-Christian culture”

  172. This is a rather silly essay with a number of claims that are not backed up by evidence.

    Describing anyone who is venal, greedy, corrupt, and immoral as a Zionist seems rather absurd.

    While I despise Blair, Ryan, McCain, the Bush family, Obama, the Clintons, Merkel, Macron, May, etc. etc. etc, it is quite a stretch to define anyone who is basically a traitorous scumbag globalist as a Zionist.

    I agree that the Jewish Zionists are causing a hell of a lot of problems around the world and their behavior is deplorable and we would be better off with them living in Israel instead of the US. But there are plenty of non Jewish bastards around too, and they are not Zionists.

    They are just scumbags.

  173. Them Guys 说:

    I sometimes still read at zero hedge..Never posted replies there. I stopped all of my prior postings at every website, only a few, I did reply post at for a few yrs…I quit cold turkey totally and for at least a dozen yrs…Mainly due to so much “Patriot Act” spy lists etc on common citizen folk and fed fbi snoop lists etc….Then one day I figured that we all are already listed on so many state and fed govnt Lists, with so many ID’s of driver lic-soc sec numbers etc etc…So why worry eh?

    Plus ever since Ruby Ridge and WACO events we know beyond all and any doubts, that when ever and for what ever reasons, any type local-county wide-state or fed govnt Agency wishes to screw with any normal law abider usa or eu and Canada too, basically the whole worlds nations now, citizens.

    Yes they can do so very easy, and yes they do do so on a daily basis…So….I decided nothing left to lose and began reply posting again, mostly at website of SHTF… that’s, shit hits the fan. Its a mostly Prepper people type site. And soon I and a few others there started to post infos same as we post here at unz. Along with other info too, and I aint sure if its due to that info or maybe just another reason? But soon that website forum expanded to as Huge with an avg per day reply posts like here at unz has….Typical article there had a Low of 350 to as high as well over 1,000 posts per article.

    It was fast becoming all time number one traffic website of all similar prepper sites online.

    Then all a sudden, due to a ton of evangelical jewdeo Christian and shaboz and jews on that site, they started to complain big time..They simply Hate any facts or truths if about zionists-jews or Israel period…Soon website owner began to Censor. First by simple moderation delays….Delays got longer and longer of a wait before reply got posted up….Soon my and many others replies were taking from 48 to 72 or more hrs before being posted up so others could read it.

    Plus articles started to number 10-12+ new articles Per day, which basically covered over replies stuck in moderation Limbo by as many as 30 or more new articles!…Most people never look back that far for a new reply posted up. So obviously our stuck in limbo replies never got read is likely.

    Finally that site forum simply censored all such replies and I stopped bothering with it at all. Now Today and past 2 yrs or so, that website gets at best 15 to a high of “maybe” 100 replies per article, and has only one dozen or fewer regular posters there. We tried to Warn of censoring replies but to no avail and look at it now….Zero Hedge probably be next site to fail in same way.

    That’s when a guy I know with his own website called, Judaism dot is, told me about UNZ site and forums and that many folks here post similar infos without censoring. So Now I post here and nowhere else.

    I do not think Ron Unz is going to censor replies, from what little I know of him thru this site and what others said about Rons ethics on censors etc….However I do really believe we all are on borrowed time before some form usa Fed Laws, or just too much massive corp. monopoly controls, such as Face book and jewboy zio zukerburg censors recently. And it gets worse daily now.

    I think soon entire internet will get very heavy censorings and nothing like what we here post up is going to get passed censoring period.

    Ever since at least as far back as 1920’s era, when first fed res bankster boy jews and their goyim pals too, bought up enough major newspapers to gain control of media then, and increased holdings to include Radio once avail. Then all forms TV and TV news or MSM’s….They have fully controlled the message and infos we in usa and folks across the world have been Privy to.

    The Only one thing they never seen coming, like a fast ball out of left field hit in head, was the Internet and its growing capabilities of public forums like here at unz, and how such forums along with ability for anybody to now own their own website, and publish info so factual and so truthful it simply has Blown their jewy minds!

    All them that Had near complete info and msm controls for so long, 100+ years, all a sudden saw an explosion of info facts and truths formerly well hidden in fed govnt archives etc.

    You just Know they wont allow this freedom of truth to last much longer eh.

    So like a website owner guy else where said it best…”All You European White’s who Seek & Speak/write, Truth…Are going to be Hated, and NO Matter What You Whiteys Do, or do Not do….They, are going to Call all of You whites an Evil Nazi, an Antisemite, or a Raayyysssis Racist… So….You European White’s May as Well… Go All Out!”

    Exactly Eh….

    Oh by the Way, Heros…I too am an “Old”guy…I’m 65 yrs old, born and lived in Detroit Mich. until at age 43 yrs old I got so fed up with negroes and bad constant vehicle traffic, costly rents etc etc…I just packed up, bought my first house and moved 200 miles North of Detroit to a very small community of 99+% Whites, within a small township, so small it has zero police force, NO mayor, NO Cops, Low property taxes, lower than Detroit big city elec bills, and I also have 10 acres Land with my home on it….Compared to small sized, 120-ft-deep X 40 ft wide Lot size in Detroit which s avg for single homes…I now have a Paradise! My Yard now is full of tons and tons of several types Trees, on all but 3/4ths of one acre with house on it…remaining 9.25 acres all trees with bull dozed great trail, and is now a quarter mile deep X 330 ft wide!!….Pure Privacy Heaven compared to when in Detroit.

    I got tons Deer-Rabbits-Racoons(the Good type coons!).So many more very colorful wild birds, even huge bald eagles, several type smaller eagles, Large hawks, Pileted Wood Peckers, (they are so big and tall, like picture Red & Black& white colors and over 12-15 Inch tall wood pecker looks like Woody Woodpecker cartoon bird sort of).

    And every possible small game type wild animals running around and on my lands it is simply amazing. Truly its Gods Country here compared to Detroit….Detroit Was Great until aprox 1963, then all down hill and soon ghetto land and Ground Zero for african coloreds take over of every major usa city…Detroit was first, rest followed quick. Now America gets a new Riot at Drop of a Chicken Bone!

    Well Heros I guess that sums it up swell eh? I think you agree is best we do not reveal too much personal data and info online right…And thanks again for your replies to me, and be sure to Keep posting more. Never now who or how many others get red pilled by our and unz members postings eh. Even a single person wakened by this forums members is very very swell and good I say.

    Later, Them Guys…

  174. Art 说:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Even at the very low official estimate given by the antagonistic Egyptian government, Copts in Egypt alone outnumber Palestinians everywhere. They have also been oppressed by more powerful Semites. Are those oppressors also “dishonest and evil”?

    But Mommy – Johnny does it!


    p.s. “Two wrongs never make a right” – Christian Western culture.

  175. @Echoes of History

    1. one acknowledges jesus as the christ, not as a jew

    2. the savior from an earthly perspective was a jew, but there is not a single command to adopt jewish lifestyle to accept or be embraced by christ and despite your clamoring, it is paul who adamantly makes that case. it does not require worshiping jews in any manner

    3. consider context — the power of metaphor, shedding of an old way for something new, like the pain if circumcision leaving one’s old life may be painful —
    note the practice of circumcision is many thousands of years old, the one references you make to modern circumcision is not practiced by all jews and it has been around for only 150 years — i think. in either case, their is nothing relational in circumcision

    4. Phillipians 3:3 commonly referred to as metaphor having severed ourselves from the old life, we walk anew.

    5. and has been made clear on more than one occasion – no scripture supports your interpretation that any apostle, including paul engaged in same sex relational conduct.

    6. the context in reference to being in one’s bosom is not one of physical intimacy and no scripture supports that christ ever engaged in such conduct with either men or women.

    7. while I am very limited in my contact with women regarding relational physical intimacy and encourage and practice and support restraint for unmarried singles — should i so choose, my choice is, has and will be women.

    now about this obsession you have to equate every bible reference regarding friendship or male relations with some manner of physical intimate desire among men of the same sex, i would encourage you to take the matter up with christ himself

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  176. Them Guys 说:

    Ever since king Solomon died in 1st temple era, the 12 tribes of Israel Split apart into Two distinct separate Nations per the bible says so. The Ten tribes in north aka Northern Kingdom of Israel, are who kept the very name of “Israel”…Every since that split, the Two southern tribes of Judah and Benjamin have been called as, The Southern Kingdom of Judah…NOT ever again has Judah and Benjamin tribe peoples been called as :Israel” again..Ever…Never.

    This was also a Prophecy by Jacob whos name changed to Israel, when he first saw his two twin grandsons of his son Joseph when Jacob and all his peoples went to live in egypt due to the great famine era….Jacob placed both his hands, one hand on each top of heads of each Twin 12 yr old boy. And Jacob gave a huge blessing prophecy to them both…Their names were Manasseah and Ephraim.

    Jacob Predicted-prophesied-that those two boys will end up as leadership of Israel and that They and Only Their decendants to 1000 future gens, will keep being known as and called by the name of….ISRAEL…Not jews…Not Any Judah jews called israel name…Nope none zip.

    That orig national split or cessesion of ten north tribes israel away from south two judah and benjamin tribes has still remaind as a split officially and biblicy ever since back then.

    Each had Own National armys, own Kings, etc….And when you read the bible beginning at page one of book of genesis In the Beginning…..All the way, aprox. 475-500 Pages after page One, you finally get to the VERY first location in entire bible where you read or see the word of…JEW.

    Its in II Kings. Chap. 16…Vs. 12 IIRC…Almost 500 Pages of bible before word jew is ever seen or read of!….Did old Abraham and Moses simply forget to tell us they was a jew or what?

    Not very likely eh…Because none of those early old testement guys was a jew, period.

    Only After Abrahams Great grandson Judah grew to adult, has kids, did they then become ONE of 12 tribes that orig were part of Israel….Until That huge cessesion Split that is…That was about 2000 or more years before birth of christ….

    Never again are judah or benjamin called Israel…but Rather are called “Of the Southern Kingdom Of Judah”….While every of the 10 northern tribes kept being known of as and called by every nation on earth as “Israel”.

    So…When NT speaks of any “Return of israel” or any “regathered Israel decendants” it must always be about Just and ONLY the northern 10 tribes period.

    It also states, about a re gathering of israel, that “I the Lord will regather all of israel(10 N tribes eh) and bring them nto a New Land…A NEW Land that Is NOT of their Fathers lands!,,,the bible goes on to well describe such vast huge national lands, so Many many rivers and streams, so many mountains and so huge of flat planting plains type lands etc etc….That…

    Only One place, one country worldwide can Possibly fullfil that prediction or prophecy, and that land and nation or country Has to be AMERICA…For if you study each item and full details, detailed in that section of bible prophecy for a future regathered israel..NO other land or place on earth fits besides america.

    Many folks believe the Lost 10 tribes of North Kingdom of Israel,its modern day decendants Have been gradually regathered…Into that huge New Land not of heir fathers land(mid east palistine land) but a New lands, and its Europeean White Americans gathered from most every euro nation they originated from prior to arrived in usa….America Fits every possible bible description to a T as No other country on earth does…specially mid east “jew state of israel” for, mid east israel jew state is NOT a New lands Not Of their Fathers eh…Even every jewish state jew claims its their orig lands correct?…But it sure aint a New land not of their fathers correct? Yes indeed correct.

    Seems many folks needs quite a bit More Deep Deep Bible research study eh? Because most never consider all these factual biblical verse issues eh? Hmmm..Must be more of that Apostate fraud preacher men fantasy pablum pro jew and pro israel jewish state speak, No?

    Maybe now’s a good time to stop listening to apostate pastors that all think they are their very Own Pope when it comes to bible matters and especially when they attempt to Decipher and Interpret Prophetic events huh?

    So Now are you starting to…Get it Yet? You need go back to square one start again…Check out what I wrote here see if not truth and bible fact eh?…Sorry I do not have a handy list of exact bible verses to supply you with…You Can do Own homework though No? Look it Up. Then get back to us.

    • 回复: @Them Guys
  177. annamaria 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    “the video with fake subtitles…”
    — Now it is the video-recorded quotes by Netanyahu, which Tyrion 2 wants to contest. You are free to provide your own translation of the recorded Bibi’s quotes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=_mA23bFrvkE
    The WaPo agrees with the tape’s translation (see the provided link to “something else and innocuous”): http://voices.washingtonpost.com/checkpoint-washington/2010/07/netanyahu_america_is_a_thing_y.html
    “I know what America is… America is a thing you can move very easily, move it in the right direction. They won’t get in their way.”
    Netanyahu also bragged how he undercut the peace process when he was prime minister during the Clinton administration. “They asked me before the election if I’d honor [the Oslo accords],” he said. “I said I would, but … I’m going to interpret the accords in such a way that would allow me to put an end to this galloping forward to the ’67 borders. How did we do it? Nobody said what defined military zones were. Defined military zones are security zones; as far as I’m concerned, the entire Jordan Valley is a defined military zone. Go argue.”
    — Hey, Tyrion 2, do you recognize the Bibi’s immersion in Kol Nidrei? — Bibi’s words are, indeed dishonest, but you do not notice this glaring dishonesty because you approve this dishonesty.
    You have been making some strenuous efforts to divert attention from Bibi and his Kol-Nidrei mentality but achieved an opposite result.
    “Gideon Levy, a left-leaning columnist for Haaretz newspaper, declared: “This video should have been banned for broadcast to minors. This video should have been shown in every home in Israel, then sent to Washington and Ramallah. Banned for viewing by children so as not to corrupt them, and distributed around the country and the world so that everyone will know who leads the government of Israel.”

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  178. Them Guys 说:
    @Them Guys

    PS: I Forgot to mention that…It also states in the NT bible, where Christ is talking to the jews in Jerusalem and the Pharisee Rabbis there too, and Jesus Tells them all…”I Was Sent ONLY to seek out the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel”….Keep in mind, that national 12 tribe Split happened a couple Thousand yrs before Jesus was yet born, and the two separate nations at his time of life, christs, were still known of as #1-10 Northern Kingdom of Israel tribes….and #2 as Southern kingdom of Judah…Yes the 10 in north were long gone at time of Jesus life…That’s reason he stated that “I was ONLY Sent to the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel…They were Lost because they never returned after Assyrian Captivity which happened aprox 150+ yrs Before Judah jews were taken captive by Babylonians and King Nebuchadnezer…..Some few Judah jews returned after 70 yrs in Babylon. but none of lost ten tribes of North kingdom of Israel aka House of Israel lost sheep ever returned..

    The small Few people within Judah Jerusalem then that did accept Christ and did become a Christian were mostly those northern 10 tribe persons who escaped Assyrian capture by fleeing South to Jerusalem areas, Then became Christians of Jesus….The rest were Judah jews who rejected jesus.

    So this is whats meant when Christ told them “I was sent ONLY to the Lost sheep of House of Israel”…Indeed as stated prior only the ten north tribes kept name of Israel. The lost sheep Christ spoke of were of those ten north tribe Israelites…This is also lost sheep apostles searched for when all, but Paul who wrote most NT verses was sent to the Gentile races to convert to Christians…All the other apostles only dealt with actual Israelites.

    These are very Important and Key facts most pastors never speak of(gee wonder why eh?) and most todays Christians do not know about either it seems eh?…Look it up see for yourself if true or not.(yes its true I got zero reasons to lie eh!) I’d just like to see the last 50+ yrs of falsehoods finally get corrected so various folks wont keep being apostate believers of judaizering pastors is all.

  179. @annamaria

    The quote in the article is fake. Just admit it!

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @annamaria
    , @j2
  180. @anon

    That’s a very long way to avoid admitting that the quote in the article is fake.

    • 回复: @anon
  181. annamaria 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Relax, Tyrion 2. — I owe you nothing.
    Again, do your own research on Bibi.

    • 巨魔: Tyrion 2
    • 回复: @annamaria
  182. Karl 说:
    @Echoes of History

    146 Echoes of History > t Luke dates the birth of Jesus to 6 A.D. It is equally indisputable that Matthew dates the birth of Jesus to 6 B.C. (or some year before 4 B.C.)

    i don’t hang my skepticism-hat on that one particular anamoly. Such a discrepancy is – to my view – de minimus.

    My biggest hangup point is the (alleged) supernatural miracles, performed in front of quantities of persons….. That would have made waves. Josephus lived when eyewitnesses to Jesus were still around. Also, I think the Essenes would have been all over such a miracle-worker.

    The Hebrew peasantry was poor. They would have been all over a guy who can make bread and fish multiply.

    Actual supernatural miracles? The Romans would have made noticed. They had a large tax-bureaacry going on

    Without the miracles, it doesn’t even matter if “Historical Jesus” existed.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  183. anon[228]• 免责声明 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Jewish history is a long convoluted seemingly inconsistent and contradictory story .
    It takes pondering, searching scouring , unearthing both the behaviors and the denials , reading between the lines , confirming earlier doubts with latest activities and using “who benefits” mindsets, and finding out how vocal or silent they are before grasping the threat they pose to humanity .

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  184. @anon

    No, that is the paranoid fantasy in your head…and the quote is still fake. Why not admit? You could hardly lose any more credibility?

    • 回复: @redmudhooch
  185. Josecanuc 说:
    @Stan d Mute




  186. @Them Guys

    Your Rube Goldberg theology is like a ride at an amusement park. Are you one of the “Lost Sheeple of Israel?” No? Then you just proved Jesus didn’t give a rip about you. But go on, grab another verse out of the Bible and prove something else now, to dig yourself out of the hole you created.

    As far as judaizering, there is plenty of it in the Jew Testament, without help from European pastors.

    约翰福音 4:22 “救恩是从犹太人出来的。”
    罗马书 1:16 “首先是犹太人。”

    Are you going to keep pretending those passages do not exist? You’re trying to hair-split what can’t be.

  187. annamaria 说:

    Hey, Tyrion 2, you do understand that your poor-mannered and obsessive posts make your insults irrelevant.
    You obviously suffer on Unz forum because of the open posting of information about Kol Nidrei, which is intolerable for you. This is not MSM, Tyrion 2.
    The MSM is controlled by six companies: http://tapnewswire.com/2015/10/six-jewish-companies-control-96-of-the-worlds-media/
    The MSM has been publishing all kind of fake news — see the “yellow cake” story (courtesy of the ziocon Ledeen) leading to the illegal war in Iraq , the “chemical attacks” in Syria (courtesy the financiers of White Helmets, including those that dream about the Golan Heights), the Russophobic Russiagate (hey, Alperovitch!), and the incredible silence over Awan Affair (hey, Wassermans!) So, please take your indignation over actual fakery to the places where it belongs to.

    • 巨魔: Tyrion 2
  188. @Karl

    Even if the Jesus character’s alleged miracles took place, they’re utterly banal compared to the White man’s technology.

  189. @Them Guys


    the context is noted in the link above. that verse is often used to elevate israel, but to do so misses the point. christ ois the fulfilled promise as that promise he went to the promised, but what is ignored is that christ healed the women’s child or servant despite the fact that she was not of the original twelve. furthermore, it ignores the healings and exchanges had with gentiles in which he engaged them.

    christ was never intended for jews alone, in fact the role pf the jew as servant of the most high was be the light unto god — not as lord it over anyone’s head, but so that others would come to know god —-

    context us everything and they may laugh as they so will

    but time and time again the literal placed in context sheds light on meaning always will. the trick is to obtain the correct context and the correct meaning. messianic jews sometimes attempt to bend their heritage in this manner of superiority — but paul and the other apostles jews — say that is simply not the case.

  190. @EliteCommInc.

    You finally admit that Jesus “from an earthly perspective was a jew.” What’s your other perspective, pretend? Make-believe? Never never land? Another planet?

    I’ve considered the power of metaphor. Any time some apologist like you is confronted with an uncomfortable passage from the Jew Testament, you try to claim it is “metaphor.”

    So is hell a metaphor too? Is salvation a metaphor? Is the resurrection a metaphor? How do you decide something is metaphor?

    Of course, what I quoted from the Jew Testament is absolutely not metaphor. You’re just lying. The words are plain in the Jew Testament, Paul admits sucking cock as a Jewish 莫黑尔 on a young adult traveling companion. Jesus acted like a faggot in the context of his culture, as I’ve proven by references to his culture, which you just ignore.

    You’re just making excuses for the foreign Jew you worship. Islamics do it too for the foreign Arab they worship. At least you’ve got plenty of company.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  191. annamaria 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    This a repost, just to be sure that it reaches Tyrion 2:

    “Hey, Tyrion 2, you do understand that your poor-mannered and obsessive posts make your insults irrelevant.
    You obviously suffer on Unz forum because of the open posting of information about Kol Nidrei, which is intolerable for you. This is not MSM, Tyrion 2.
    The MSM is controlled by six companies: http://tapnewswire.com/2015/10/six-jewish-companies-control-96-of-the-worlds-media/
    The MSM has been publishing all kind of fake news — see the “yellow cake” story (courtesy of the ziocon Ledeen) leading to the illegal war in Iraq , the “chemical attacks” in Syria (courtesy the financiers of White Helmets, including those that dream about the Golan Heights), the Russophobic Russiagate (hey, Alperovitch!), and the incredible silence over Awan Affair (hey, Wassermans!) So, please take your indignation over actual fakery to the places where it belongs to.”

  192. @Echoes of History

    I don’t appreciate the attempt cat my comments in another light. I have never distanced myself from christ the man of jewish birth and heritage — never have never will.

    but the notion that to worship and christ, to be in fellowship with him, is another matter upon which jewishness is of no consequence, i need not know a line of the torah to have fellowship with christ. i need not know the tabernacle from a minora

    and while having access to judaic scripture is helpful in understanding jesus to the jews — it is wholly unnecessary for a life in christ.

    while there seems to be a some debate about hell as metaphor or real place there is but one singular truth to exist in it is to be separated from god and whether metaphor or literal — it’s clear that one would not to exist in it —

    in the case of the lists you provide they are spiritual dynamic oft described or explained in or by metaphor.

    I think I have sufficiently addressed your obsession with misconstruing the behavior of men in scripture and redirected the issue of the mohel as the noted practice your remain obsessed with and in my view even that is not an act of physical intimacy, as described in several descriptions of the process in existence for the last 150 years or so but a moment in time given the length the practice has been in play and even then – how universal it is among jews is in question. nonetheless, it takes a fairly warped view to twist every male dynamic into some manner of deviancy

    if you can support your peculiar views with scripture go ahead. having made your point plain albeit entirely incorrect in more ways than can be described and having tolerated the crude references beyond my stead —

    i can only hope for you some level of redemption for where you are on matters of faith as to jesus. i think my level of tolerance has reached its limits, i suspect.

    if you have anything new other than ground and issues unrelated to pornographic entreaties about christ or the apostles feel free to comment. as for me i must refrain from response. not for lack of one — but there is nothing new in these accusations previously addressed more than once here and in other articles.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  193. @EliteCommInc.

    You did try to distance Jesus from being an actual Jew, and I called you on your otherworldy magical thinking bullshit, and now you’re backtracking. Now you blowhard a tl:dr wall-o-text as a smokescreen to cover your retreat.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  194. @Echoes of History

    categorically false in every way. what i said was the jesus jewishness has no bearing for worship

    it would be impossible to declare christ a non-jew in his human form

    but worshiping christ is not the same as worshiping jews as you have intimated repeatedly.

    that is not the same thing

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  195. Druid 说:
    @Them Guys

    They’re annoying paid shills. Best not to engage their lies!

  196. @EliteCommInc.

    Jewishness has no bearing for worship? Jew Testament disagrees with you.

    约翰福音4:22“我们崇拜 what we do know, for salvation is from the JEWS设立的区域办事处外,我们在美国也开设了办事处,以便我们为当地客户提供更多的支持。“

    Sometime you need to read that Jew Testament out from under the hypnosis of 诠释学, the skill of smooth-talking that preachers learn in semen-ary to mimic the cunning and trickery of the Greek god Hermes.

  197. Druid 说:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Egyptians are not Semites, and you’re a moron

  198. @bjondo

    You just had to help prove my point, didn’t you? And we thank you for your support.

    • 回复: @bjondo
  199. @Echoes of History

    that comment is exclusively to the practice of juadaism

    ever mindful of the context of the actual conversation will be helpful to you.

    Those comments have no bearing on christianity.

    the second part has nothing to do with being jewish it simply indicates that the one who shall bring salvation is a jew — one not need be a practicing jew or engage in old testament practices to be saved.

    hermeneutics or not context matters.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  200. @Echoes of History

    in light of your comments, one need not be skilled in anything save as basic reading of scripture in their entirety, not merely a single verse pulled from its frame and content.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  201. I will appreciate your comments about my stupid questions:
    1. Is there a Zionist who has not been or is not a Jew?
    2. Are there similarities between the extremist Zionists and ISIS as extremist Moslem?

    If money in politics and mics from the media are taken away completely in the USA everything is going to be fine!

    • 回复: @Karl
  202. @EliteCommInc.

    EliteCommInc’s concocts yet another excuse that the verse from John I quoted—which he must find extremely discomfiting—has “no bearing on christianity.”

    Does any passage in in the book of John, or any of the Jew Testament for that matter, have any bearing on Christianity? If so, what percentage of John and/or the Jew Testament passages have bearing on Christianity? Are there written sources other than the Jew Testament that you find do have more or better quality bearing on Christianity?

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  203. @EliteCommInc.

    In light of your myriad excuses about worshiping the Jew, I’m going to thump the Jew Testament over your numb skull again, because it contradicts every excuse you can concoct.

    我们崇拜 我们所知道的,因为救恩来自 犹太人.” (John 4:22 )

    D0n’t blame me, it’s in the Bible.

    I can’t wait for you to attack every Christian who quotes passages instead of quoting the “scripture in their entirety.” I don’t think I’ve ever encountered somebody quite as dishonest as you. Not even Hillary.

  204. Karl 说:
    @Monty Ahwazi

    204 Monty Ahwazi > 1. Is there a Zionist who has not been or is not a Jew?

    the British Christian army officer Orde Wingate, not only taught us how to fight you rigorously – he lead from the front of the charge

    • 回复: @annamaria
  205. @Echoes of History

    sure plenty of new testament references do. however, a discussion between a Sumerian woman and jesus about which is the proper mountain or location of faith would not be one of them that is a discussion among Sumerian and Judaic practices.

    the christian has no location of worship for the spirit of god resides in him or her

    territory is just not a matter of salvation and christian practice.

    any and all that pertain to a believers life in and with christ and subsequently with believers and then the world – where to worship is not one part of that question.

    nothing has more veracity regarding christ and faith and practice than scripture — again in proper context.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  206. @Echoes of History

    note the two parts

    1. a conversation between a sumerian about location in which christ says for the jew worship is here – regarding the topic of their convrsation – nothing to to with christianity – but jewish worship part

    2. christ reminds her that the group from whom salvation will come are the jews. that’s it. so christians acknowledge that christ on earth in human form was a jew. there is no call to become jews none — and no demand to place jews in a higher order in any manner —

    despite your agenda this might help you

    and i have provided the verses that demonstrate this discussion about jews pressing becoming a jew in order to become a christian — paul absolutely rejects the notion as do the other apostles.

  207. @Echoes of History

    it’s not the entirety, it’s for the purpose of context. you can certainly single our verses and if applied in the context no issues with me, but have gone about splashing about citing scripture to your end m minus any context save your own.


    in many ways this is how many christians get ensnared in thinking that jews are in some manner superior and that the unique place that has placed jews in relation to faith makes them superior whatever promises made to jews have been equally bestowed on christians regardless of of any or no jewish heritage. in scripture there is constant reference to being grafted – the gentile believer has been fully frafted into the promises of restoration and he or she need not ever note a single verse of genesis.

    There is great insight and spiritual enlightenment in understanding the relationship of the old to the new — beautiful lessons –however,


    so no that discussion between this woman and christ has no authority for the christian save for christ’s own acknowledgement about correct jewish practice.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  208. j2 说:
    @Tyrion 2

    Look Tyrion 2. Some quotes are false and I wonder who put them there and I wonder what for because when I searched this issue I found quite many completely authentic sources and quotes saying exactly the same thing. And if you look at history, the quotes and the history say the same thing. So, it is true: it is all in Torah, like it is and must be in Talmud, like it is in Zohar, like it is in many statement one can find from Jews. I did check it, it is true. It is true, I do not do politics or antiwhatever. Just you admit it!

    • 回复: @Tyrion 2
  209. Paul absolutely rejects the notion? Hardly surprising! Can you show me anything that that Jewish huckster and the Jesus character actually did agree on?

    • Jesus: Call no man your father. Matthew 23:9
    • Paul: You have only one spiritual father. For I became your father. 1 Corinthians 4:15

    • Jesus: Follow me. Matthew 9:9, Mark 2:14, Luke 9:59, John 1:43
    • Paul: Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of me. 1 Corinthians 4:16

    That’s just a sampling. More here: 保罗与耶稣的矛盾

    “For where two or three Chrisitans are gathered together in my name, there shall be two, three, maybe more opinions, and often blood shed in the midst of them.” (how Matthew 18:20 should read)

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  210. @EliteCommInc.

    犹太人的遗嘱:“我们崇拜 我们所知道的,因为救恩来自 犹太人.” (John 4:22 )

    EliteCon: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, context, blah, blah, blah, blah, bhah

    Jew Testament: “For if the 外邦人 分享了犹太人的精神祝福,他们 向犹太人敬畏 与他们分享他们的物质祝福。” (罗马书15:27)

    EliteCon: blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, context, blah, blah, blah, blah, bhah

    Context: “Christfag America” keeps paying the shekel they owe to the Jews they worship — because of what they read in the Jew Testament.

    • 回复: @kA
    , @EliteCommInc.
  211. @j2

    The quote in the article is fake. End of.

  212. KA 说:

    Jess’s group was just one of several groups like Pharises ,Sadduces,and Essens. There were Zealots and priests of Sanhedrin . Continuum existed along political and religious -spiritual gradients all the way from removed isolated Eseenes to over involved Zealots , from Sadduces ideas of uninvolved remote god to Pharises’s deeply held belief that God is deeply involved and is micromanager of human fate .

    Jess’s followers brought new challenging g varieties to existing Judaism .- Son of God- God himself- Resurrection- and Holy Spirit . But similar ideas would spring in Judaism later in Turkey Poland Russia. Some of them managed to survive within Judaism , some did not.

    It was the Roman attack on Jerusalem that brought the curtain down on the relevance of divisiveness of Judaism and promoted the very issue of survival as dogma as economic an apolitical power to the forefront . Gradual separation of Christianity from Judaism took place against this background of Roman hegemony which gave birth to accommodation,adjustment to Rome and also to internal fights between the surviving sects of Judaism.

  213. kA 说:
    @Echoes of History

    Early Christianity battled ideological threats from movements like Gnosticism ,Arianism and person like Marcion, Origen, and other figures before giving the shape of the Catholic dogma some hundreds of years later.
    . The debates were settled more by forces and political coercion than by discussion and reasoning . The fight for total separation from Judaism to total embrace of Judaism has been the important issue when Jesus was active and it remains an interesting controversial issue even today.

  214. bjondo 说:
    @Echoes of History




    Any way, who cares? Believe, don’t believe, jump off a cliff.



    “Go in Peace”, as someone else might say.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  215. Josecanuc 说:


    世界犹太复国主义领袖 [以色列第一任总统] 哈伊姆·魏茨曼 (Chaim Weizmann),1 年 1919 月在耶路撒冷发表讲话。

  216. @bjondo



    • 回复: @bjondo
  217. annamaria 说:

    好… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orde_Wingate
    “… his [Wingate] deepening direct political involvement with the Zionist cause … caused his superiors in Palestine to remove him from command. He was so deeply associated with political causes in Palestine that his superiors considered him compromised as an intelligence officer in the country. He was promoting his own agenda rather than that of the army or the government. In May 1939, he was transferred to Britain. …
    Wingate was known for various eccentricities. For instance, he often wore an alarm clock around his wrist, which would go off at times… He often went about without clothing. In Palestine, recruits were used to having him come out of the shower to give them orders, wearing nothing but a shower cap, and continuing to scrub himself with a shower brush. Lord Moran, Winston Churchill’s personal physician, wrote in his diaries that “[Wingate] seemed to me hardly sane—in medical jargon a borderline case”. Likewise, referring to Churchill’s meeting with Wingate in Quebec, Max Hastings wrote that, “Wingate proved a short-lived protegé: closer acquaintance caused Churchill to realise that he was too mad for high command”.
    — And do not forget the faces of the modern-day non-Jewish Christian zionists such as Cheney and Bush: http://www.serendipity.li/zionism/campbell/11720.htm
    “The NeoConservatives are mostly Zionist Jews, headed by Paul Wolfowitz, who qualify as Israeli Americans, and who are now openly directing our US foreign policy almost completely. Christian Zionists such as Bush and Cheney have jumped on their bandwagon.”

    — The accomplishments of the US Christian “humanitarians” of zionist persuasion in Iraq alone: “The utter devastation of Iraq has turned over 5 million Iraqis into refugees, internally and externally, and 5 million children into orphans. Tens of thousands of Iraqi girls and women have been victimized by Kurdish-Israeli gangsters who have criminal sex rings all across the Middle East…” http://www.maskofzion.com/2010/09/zionist-murderers-of-iraq.html

  218. bjondo 说:
    @Echoes of History

    哥林多前书 1:1-18 “因为十字架的道理是胡言……我们所传的都是胡言……

    18 因为十字架的道理,对于那些灭亡的人来说是愚拙的, 但对于我们这些得救的人来说,这是神的大能。



    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  219. Sam J. 说:

    There’s no need to define modern Zionism because it’s all the same as it’s ever been.

    TH,”…Same as it ever was…”.

    The Jews are a tribe of psychopaths. No, all Jews aren’t psychopaths but they as a group are in no way distinguishable from a tribe of psychopaths. Ever place they’ve ever been to in any numbers they’ve eventually been thrown out. The reason is simply that no one can stand psychopaths but for a limited amount of time and then they must be done away with. You can’t live with them. For this reason we should get rid of the Jews. We must cast them all out. Peacefully if we can get it but by any means possible. They have to go.

  220. Blazer 说:

    I think we can safely say ‘Them Guys’ is one of those ‘bad apples’ he/she speaks of, at least as far as Caucasians are concerned.

  221. @bjondo



    • 回复: @bjondo
  222. tac 说:

    Were you able to corroborate that quote, apart from this originating Veteran’s Today article and cited in 本文, although there this bar does exist in Jerusalem and has an interesting connection vis-a-vis its provenance, namely that it was bought out by David Rothschild in 1946:?

    Muli Azrieli, who has owned and managed Fink’s for 25 years, and whose late father-in-law, David Rothschild, bought the restaurant from Moshe Fink in 1946, says that since his decision to overhaul the kitchen and apply for a kosher certificate through the Jerusalem rabbinate, his customer base has become wider and business has slowly begun to pick up.


    It would seem that if this recording did take place and it was transcribed and attested by those who were present, given the explosive nature of such a statement, it seems odd to me that the actual recording–in Bibi’s own words–, or at least a link to the actual hand-written/typed transcription, or first-hand word-of-mouth accounts (recordings) have not/are not available on the internet. In the absence of such material (other than the original claim from VT) it is hard to believe Bibi would make such statements in the company of persons whom he would not be absolutely sure would not give him away. On the contrary, this recording–if it exists–is prima facie evidence and explosive in nature to cause a shift public sentiment toward’s Israel and its global interests.

  223. @EliteCommInc.

    您声明: “对犹太人做出的承诺……犹太人被选中了。”



    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  224. @Echoes of History

    you are an interesting chracter.

    a look at the passage makes clear this is an admonition to give to fellow christians and in this instance refers to jewish christians having given the the word to this particular set of believers — should share what is lacking as fellow believers — not merely as jews.

    Among the apostles there is constant admonition to share with other believers in other churches in other regions. The optimal reference here is not judaism, but christians, in this case jewish christians who have shared the gospel. I am not sure you comprehend how toi read for meaning, it requires in most instances more than citing a verse you think supports you cause and in this as nearly always — your agenda is far afield the meaning.

    I certainly support israel’s existence and her defense. but nothing about scripture suggests that support should unconditional, love is unconditional, but love does not mean carte blanche support — many christian confuse the two.

  225. @Echoes of History

    bothers me not twiddle that jews were chosen to be the light of god — that is an awesome and fearful responsibility. that said responsibilities comes with promises of restoration — bothers me not a twiddle.



    • 回复: @redmudhooch
    , @redmudhooch
  226. bjondo 说:
    @Echoes of History

    Who’s referring to nonsense and foolish.?Problem is your avoidance.


    Don’t need to get back with you – a raving waste of time.

    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  227. @Echoes of History


    follow paul in that he followed christ, placed christ first, sought christ, preached christ —–



    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  228. Great article. Infuriating, but very good.
    Goon=d news is the evil bastards days are numbered, the writing is on the wall and they know it.
    More and more are waking up and joining the righteous side every day now.
    Thats why theres so much talk of civil war from the (((media))) and the traitors in DC, all the Antifa and Proud Boys fights, its all staged. Proud boys and Antifa take their orders from the same masters, da “Jews”. Its pretty pathetic. They know they’re in deep dodo.

    • 回复: @annamaria
    , @Them Guys
  229. @EliteCommInc.

    “进军锡安”官方完整电影 – Youtube

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  230. @Tyrion 2

    Oh its real. Know how I know?
    Because thats exactly what he’s doing.
    Same with the Protocols of Zion.
    Plus I’m a psychic, I seen and heard him say it myself.

  231. @bjondo



    你是犹太基督徒的奴隶,《犹太新约全书》在以弗所书 6 章 6 节和其他章节中提到你是顺服者。



  232. annamaria 说:

    上一篇文章 consortiumnews.com: “USS Liberty Survivor Named US Delegate on Gaza Flotilla,” by Joe Lauria — https://consortiumnews.com/2018/07/09/uss-liberty-survivor-named-us-delegate-on-gaza-flotilla/
    Joe Meadors, a survivor of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty: “This year was the 65th anniversary of the attack on the Liberty. I tried to get Florida Senators Nelson and Rubio and my representative Rep. Yoho to sponsor a resolution honoring the men of the Liberty and their bravery.
    Lots of luck with that! I got one reply, from Sen. Nelson, that was so vague and poorly written it could have been answering a request for a picture of his dog. Each year the Jacksonville FL Mayport Naval Base has a ceremony honoring the USS Starke, they even have a permanent memorial on base. Never have I heard of a naval facility holding a ceremony to honor the Liberty.”

    — The comment section
    Bob Reynolds: “The most frustrating thing has been a lack of reaction from the U.S. government. On June 8, 2005, we filed a war crimes report, and they are required to investigate these allegations. They’ve created reports about our mission, but they never did conduct an actual investigation of the attack itself.”

    Joseph A. Haran, Jr.: “I remember this deliberate, murderous act of war carried out by the State of Israel against the United States of America. I remember it because its cover-up began immediately, on orders from the top of U.S. federal government. At the time, I was a Radio Intercept Analysis Specialist (RI20250-1) serving with the U.S. Air Force Security Service at the Joint Sobe Processing Center, a signals-intelligence post at Torii Station on Okinawa in the Ryukyu Islands.
    Physically, we were far from the scene of that atrocious Israeli crime; but we were very near, electronically. In short, yes, the attacking aircraft knew right away it was a U.S. ship and even reported seeing the flag; but they were ordered to proceed.
    Within several hours the cleaners showed up at our duty station and went through all (as in “all”) our files looking for even the remotest reference to the Israeli crime. We were made to swear never to speak of the crime. The U.S.S. Liberty’s courageous commanding officer received the Medal of Honor, but it wasn’t presented to him by the President at the White House. Such was–and is–the power of Zionist money in the U.S.!”

  233. @EliteComminc.

    Religious Zionism is the return of the Messiah in order for them (Jews) to form a nation. Only a Divine Redemption can end the Divine Decree. Last time I checked, no Messiah has returned yet.

    Modern Zionism is a political ideology that hijacked religious Zionism to advance hegemonic aspirations. There is a reason why Jews rejected it as Godless first but were forced to accept it with the rise of Nazism.

    No Jews (regardless of where they were from, prior to WW2) had any intention of forming a nation. They were even less interested in Jewish nationalism. As a matter of fact, those in Germany were assimilating with non-Jews under Bismarck and that was a serious issue for the oligarchs of the British empire (which was on the verge of collapse) as it would have made of Germany, the center of banking.

    If your argument is a book of myths, I can only encourage you to use Reason and not mysticism.

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  234. @j2

    Please understand that when I write “Britain”, I imply the oligarchs owning/running it and not the facade Crown (House of Orange brought in by the oligarchs (the Cecil’s) in the 18th century to replace of House of Stuart).

    That said, I understand how it may not seem British or how it may not have benefited Britain but one has to look at who Manzini’s revolutionary movement ended up being advantageous for.

    To address the points you brought up:

    • India’s independence was followed with India’s anti-India: Pakistan. A similar scenario occurred with Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, etc. Each and every single time, a thesis vs anti-thesis situation was established to perpetuate conflicts and chaos (that always benefit the oligarchs).

    • The British Empire never declined nor disappeared. The oligarchs behind it only moved the capital west to the US to continue their hegemonic aspiration – the endeavor was started under Cecil Rhodes. Carroll Quigley depicts it best in his book “The Anglo-Americans Establishment”:


    • The Crown had little to nothing to do with Palestine. The recipient (Lord Balfour) of the Declaration was the nephew of the Marquees of Salisbury (a Cecil). The Crown only served as cover to keep the oligarchs in the shadow. American Christians were brainwashed with (British) Evangelicalism to garner support for Israel. Christianity before and after 1950 in the US was very different. Organizations like the B’rite B’rite, ADL, etc are also British in origin to support the British Israel project. I invite you to read the following to put it coherently together:


    • Freemasonry has served as a network to conduct and advance the oligarchical objectives. It never had its own, separate goals.

    • Jews were in fact mostly absent from all this prior to the 19th century and appeared afterwards. It coincided with the creation of a “Jewish” homeland in the Middle East. The “Jewish global conspiracy” is a controlled-opposition narrative to keep, again, the real culprits in the shadow.

    • 回复: @j2
  235. j2 说:
    @Hiram of Tyre

    I read of bit of this campaigner and by the British it means people like
    “the Rothschilds, Warburgs, and Op-
    penheimers, among other Jewish and non-Jewish finan-
    cial interests centered in the City of London.”

    If so, we mean the same group and yes, they are not all Jews. I will read more of it.

  236. @Hiram of Tyre

    you are a little late to this game — i provided the references concerning the desire for a homeland and the awaiting the messiah previously as well as a restoration of their homeland.




  237. @EliteCommInc.



    9 年 2018 月 1 日下午 23:XNUMX EliteComminc。说:让事情清楚地放在上下文中我说的是政治忠诚

    但现在你说“两种信仰是正确的,一种是精神上的,另一种是政治上的,但作为一个犹太人的要求 两者的融合 为了犹太人。”



  238. @EliteCommInc.



    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  239. Them Guys 说:

    I Just read, a few hrs ago that a couple of US Rep repubs intro’d a new law bill that will make it a crime for anyone like ANTIFA members , who do or cause any type Physical harm or violence etc. to others while wearing face masks. It Carries Fines$$ and potential 15 year prison sentence.

    Can’t recall if new law will include Property harm or damages too while face masked? Think it does though. Article was at website of the “Hill” dot com or something like this. The article was brief and didn’t describe much details. But so far a 15 year potential Prison Fed Law crime sure sounds swell eh.

    About time Antifa which is actually just yet another invented Marxist lefty violence prone Gang of idiots and assholes, massively funded by Soros, and likely a few more “secret” jewish org funders eh, will face real threats of fed laws if they keep doing such mass violence with all others who dare disagree or speak out against antifas bs. I wonder if such laws will also Include any of those Radical Militant Black African Gangs, especially them what send a cell Text message and gather up as many as 500 violent militant negroes to converge at some Mall parking lot or even in public sidewalk settings, and then play their violent “games” they call “Polar Bear Hunts” and always Only attack Whites and typically via a Brick smash to a Whiteys Face. They also Love to knock out a white by cold cocking fist hits, then when whiteys out cold on ground, several Huge Ape or African black Gorilla like sub humans Jump with Both Feet, on downed whites Head again and again trying to Kill him or her.

    I Swear, they best never choose to do me that way…For I Pack a .45 Kimber handgun or sometimes a .357 Revolver and here in Mich we now have the “Stand your Ground Law” same as in Fla laws.

    That means we do Not have to run away when faced by such potential violence, and if the Perp savages refuse to back down or back off and away?…SHOOT the Bastards!…Twice in chest & Once in their Head, makes certain they be Dead, Dead, Dead!….Good also due to when cops show up to write a report, dead men can’t tell Lies eh.

    EVERY American White Folk should get Trained proper, Get firearms, several types, and get a CCW or CPL Lic. and….CARRY Concealed always and everywhere legit by law Period.

    Whiteys: Do Not allow Any Militant and Violent Psycho savage regardless of skin colors, to turn You into another Statistic…aka either Dead or so harmed you will wish were dead after such an ordeal…and Always when ever possible, Avoid…Coontact with those Suspooks.

  240. @Echoes of History


    in one’s stead as father

    a term of the nature of a relationship resembling a father despite not being the actual father. nothing in paul’s comments is meant to replace either god the father or god the son

    the term describes the nature of the relationship — a drill instructor might very well say,

    “I am your father. I am your mother. ” to suggest that he means that as actual father or replace one’s father would be incorrect,


    all one need do is look to the very christian denominations that establish priests who are often called father — it is representative, not replacement


    • 回复: @Echoes of History
  241. @EliteCommInc.

    我从来没有建议保罗的评论 旨在取代父亲上帝或儿子上帝。 所以你就编造一个愚蠢的稻草人来反驳吧。滑稽的?当然你是 心理投射,这是另一个蹩脚的尝试,试图掩盖福音书中犹太拉比耶稣角色和小贩犹太人保罗的作者如何自相矛盾。

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  242. @Them Guys


    当你拨打 9-1-1 报告枪击罪犯,他们询问“受害者”怎么样时,请以正确的心态告诉调度员,你就是受害者,而且你仍然是受害者。在担心自己的生命安全后还活着。

  243. Wally 说:
    @Greasy William

    This is Zionism:

    作者:Ran HaCohen


    “One might think that Israel would then turn its “eternal capital” into a symbol of welfare and prosperity, a model of nondiscriminatory coexistence. The very opposite is true. In East Jerusalem, two-thirds of the population live under the poverty level (compared to just one-fifth in West Jerusalem). This poverty is intended. To push Palestinians out, Israel grants them no construction permits; cutting it from its West Bank hinterland has turned East Jerusalem into a South African township: impoverished, strangulated, polluted and overpopulated. The infrastructures – electricity, water, sewage, education, health, roads, pavements, you name it – are either nonexistent, or intentionally lagging ages behind those in the Jewish neighborhood, both those in West Jerusalem and the Jewish settlements within East Jerusalem itself, continuously placed there in order to break the Palestinian community altogether and push their original inhabitants out of the city.”

  244. @Echoes of History

    you clearly are taking paul’s comments literally. your argument is that jesus is contradicted by paul. that only makes sense if one takes paul’s comments literally.


    so when paul says follow me — he does not mean follow my teachings separate from those concerning jesus , but rather soley in the context of what he teaches about jesus

    and we should god in the same way as father —
    look to me paul as your father in this as guide, as teacher, as mentor, as one who admonishes — as a father would

    i have no need to dance about with scripture and no one who seeks to follow christ and do so with respect to paul’s teachings will find himself at odds with christ. i encourage to give a shot

  245. @Echoes of History

    don’;t b silly I responded to that straight and made it clear

    that i was talking about my political association — of course one’s allegience to christ supercedes politics






    whatever your issues about god, christ, the holy spirit, scripture and the apostles — they will not be resolved by railing at people of faith.

  246. @redmudhooch

    I am unclear why you sent this footage my way.

    • 回复: @redmudhooch
  247. @Echoes of History


    in other words the jew has a belief system in which faithfulness to god and country are one — after all it was god who established both. ,modern istrael is attempting to separate the two — but to be jewish is to be a child of abraham , isaac, and jacob and that history and governance is spelled out in the torah – the entire purpose of israel is to be a light unto god and a arrow to believe in him.

    and it is for those same reasons that the modern jew most seek to avoid adhering to their roots as a people chosen — it means they have remodel their entire system of governance — they were warned by the [prophets b– they chose otherwise.



  248. @Them Guys

    Honestly, I think Antifa is funded by Zionists, they act a lot like the JDL. The “Proud Boys” group that has been fighting with them in the videos from Portland are admitted Zios.

    Seems like its just staged violence, using dupes, trying to stir up a civil war, or get new laws passes removing more freedom. Thers been lots of talk coming from media and pols lately trying to incite hatred and division.

    Zero hedge did an article too about the unmasking thing.


    I think they’re all govt. funded, either by Mossad, ADL, CIA, FBI….. made for TV provocation, just like the CIA does in Venezuela, Iran, or whoever the current target is at the time……..

  249. 自由号幸存者被任命为美国驻加沙舰队代表

    Joe Meadors, a survivor of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, has joined the 2018 Gaza Freedom Flotilla as the delegate from the United States. He will board the Al Awda (The Return), which left Corisca Sunday night for the final 1,000 miles to Gaza. Al Awda is one of four boats on the 75-day voyage from Scandinavia.

    David Moore running for congress in South Carolina, says he will call for investigation into the Liberty attack, seems like a pretty straight up dude, too bad we don’t have anyone like him running in my state, has this to say about Israel-Palestine:


    I am the only candidate who actually LIVED AND WORKED in Israel, as well as Arab countries, which gives me a unique perspective. Many Congressman, like the man I am running against (Jeff Duncan), go on a “Potemkin Village” tour of Israel. As such, they are unaware of just how racist the occupation has become. I will also never understand why so many American evangelical churches provide tens of millions of dollars every year to settlers who allow Jewish-only settlements?

    Before anybody makes the accusation that I am some sort of apologist for Palestinian terrorists, I survived a number of terrorist bombings while living in Israel. One in particular was close to killing me. I was sitting on a wall next to another man waiting on a bus outside the Jaffa Gate. The man next to me took the full blast, whereas as ball bearings grazed my back. Lucky for me this was before the time when anti-coagulants were added. Had the man who placed the bomb been captured I would have beaten him to death myself instead of stand there and debate the occupation. True the occupation is illegal under the Geneva Conventions and international law, but violence begets emotional responses.

    The change to Israel and Israeli society came with the 1967 war and the occupation of the West Bank. There was a heated debate in Israel at the time about what to do with the territory they found themselves holding. I had the privilege of once hearing Yeshayahu Leibowitz, considered the most educated as well as the “conscience of Israel.” Leibowitz, as well as most military commanders, warned that Israel would be changed–quite negatively–from an occupation. Military officers everywhere know that an occupying army becomes fat and lazy, as well as engages in corruption, all of which leads to a complete lack of discipline. The most these Israeli leaders believed should be held was a few strategic areas and return the rest. The last prime minister to attempt to end the occupation, Rabin, was murdered by a settler. Let’s also not forget that Rabin’s widow still blames Netanyahu for instigating the murder of her husband by a settler.

    The problem is the religious fanatics who insist on holding this land for exploitation and colonization, using the Bible as an excuse. One has to meet these settlers to see how racist they actually are. American churches refuse to publicize the fact that settlers follow the two racist rabbis who wrote “The King’s Torah.” This is available on Amazon and no secret. Settlers are allowed to shoot any non-Jew, as the Ten Commandments only apply to Jews. Our church leaders refuse to condemn–let alone refuse to collect more money–after being informed of the destruction of churches and Christian graveyards by settlers.

    I have attached two articles that show former Mossad, military and religious leaders request Israel end the occupation. My suggestion to resolve the crisis, end the occupation, and force Israel to finally draw a border–something they have yet to do is outlined below.

    First of all, the President, whoever that is, must adopt the strength of Eisenhower, who cancelled all payments to Israel when they refused to withdraw from the Sinai. Since Israel likes to draw negotiations out while bringing more illegal settlers in, I say set a 90-day limit on negotiations. All payments to Israel and Palestine from all sources are to be halted during this 90-day period. All roadblocks are to be dismantled along with walls that infringe on Palestinian territory. Israeli leaders have shown there is enough territory exists on the Israeli side of the 1967 border to exchange with Palestine regarding Israeli growth that now infringes on Palestine. All settlers are given a date whereby moving vans will move their property to new locations in Israel. At the end of this period, any settler who remains will be declared an outlaw and to be shot on sight. In order to alleviate any “blood debts” and retaliation against Palestinians and Israelis, I suggest using the 82nd Airborne Division to remove the outlaws and terrorist settlers remaining. Any arrested will be temporarily detained in American military prisons, which will be eventually turned over to the Palestinian Authority to serve out their sentences so our soldiers can return to the US. Only then will all aid be restored to Israel and Palestine.

    • 同意: anarchyst
  250. Karl 说:

    255 redmudhooch > I am the only candidate who actually LIVED AND WORKED in Israel

    will you also enforce those same conditions against the Jordanian ruling family, who stole quite a bit more land from the Palestinians than Israel ever did?

    Egypt receives exceptionally large sums of money from the US taxpayer….. will you enforce the same conditions against Egyptians who are sitting on land stolen from Coptic Christians?

    PS: elements of the 82 Airborne ALREADY ARE in Jordan, guarding the regime. You may not read enough different newspapers, shipmate

  251. @redmudhooch

    I do not and will not subscribe to any teaching that takes the actions of a few and lays them on the whole without evidence that the whole is also culpable.

    I have numerous conversations on this issue

    1. the desire for a homeland is not born in the 20th century, it is from a promise from god to restore israel from the lands from which she was scattered

    i have preciously provided the relevant scripture.

    2. the balfour letter (agreement) does not press for a jewish homeland and that is clear in the letter.

    3. the rothchild’s weren’t the first international bank nor the largest. excuse me — but keeping a family business in the family is no more new — any family business since family businesses have begun

    4. hmmmmmm . . . having already made reference to most of the issues noted in this film.

    5. there is no question that israel is not yet the people of the torah or they would be a theocracy

    I could comment further but there’s no point here, aside the star issue and the j]kabals what’s expressed in this film is indicated by comments made in previous articles on this subject

    I will keep this as simple as possible

    i support israel
    she has a right to exist despite the question of whether this was god of the un — that is not a question i can answer

    she has right to self defence

    my support is not carte blanche’ despite her special place in relationship to god.

    I think us policy is overly influenced by israel


    • 回复: @Them Guys
  252. 真是一大堆爸爸! 800 多名拉比如是说,犹太复国主义是“犹太教的心脏和灵魂”。
    这篇文章是基于一个错误的前提。人们想知道这位作者是否比 800 多名拉比更熟悉犹太教或犹太复国主义?我将接受 800 多名拉比对这个冗长的半真半假的误导的主张。除了那些不熟悉该主题的人之外,作者悲惨地未能证明他的观点。

    • 回复: @James Brown
  253. Them Guys 说:

    1980 年《犹太年鉴》中“犹太人术语简史”的标题如下:“严格来说,称古代以色列人为‘犹太人’或称当代犹太人为以色列人或希伯来人是不正确的。 ”
    — 1980 年《犹太年鉴》,第 3 页。 XNUMX(作者间接提到了东欧德系犹太人或可萨人的真实历史)。

    They should Know, right?

    I have found the Best Clue ever, to determine which Christians are of those who Keep making every verse of the bible that states the word of “Israel” switch into the word of “Jew” and Visa Versa.

    It almost always seem’s to be those christians who have allowed the apostate, TV pastors such as John Haggee, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Et al, to dig their apostate blasphemous Hooks Deep into those christians. Then once the Hook is set deep, they keep switiching biblical word of Israel into word of Jew. Or change word of Jew into Israel. As if it means the same. They also typically totally forget and ignore that Orig. Israel consisted of not just one tribe of Judah, but 12-tribes, each a distinct seperate tribe, yet all included in or as the 12 tribes of Israel.

    They also seem to ignore the facts that the very word of jew has gone thru several changes in actual meaning and description of refering to people. It began as,” Idumean”, then as a Nick Name “Jew” short for a person of the tribe of Judah…Later when the 10 north tribe split happened, and tribe of benjamin remained with Judah and all other 10 tribes remained in their Own seperate Nation of North Kingdom of Israel.

    benjamin tribe persons joining Judah as the 2 tribed Southern Kingdom of Judah(not Israel, Judah!)…Then people of benjamin tribe also got called as a “jew” too….a Nick Name similar to calling a person named Robert as “Bob” or one named Joseph as “Joe”.

    Finally after Judahs head honcho named Judah the originator of his tribe, Mated with a couple “Darkie Negroes” and had sons with darkie negro wives, plus in general, entire tribe of judah + benjamin peoples mixed races with far too many to count of Non Israelites…They so fucked it all up….That worlds other nations of goyims began to consider calling a person “Jew” was akin to Today when we hear a person called as a “Nigger”. Jew=Nigger due to their mixed racial mates and kids.

    Finally we arrive at Todays era, where just back in Dec. of 2012, an Jewish Israeli DNA Expert had his several year study published in Johns Hopkins Prestigious Medical Journal, of which it was vetted and proven etc prior to publishing, that aprox. 99% of EVERY alive Jew in entire world Now, Today, IS or Has DNA of Khazars…Ashkanazi Khazars, which were a people that lived in what we Now call Russia, and Ukraine, southern russian areas…BUT…aprox 745 A.D era, most Khazars Converted to…wait for it!…Pahrisee Babylonian Talmudic Judaism, and then began to call themselves…..Jews.

    And today 99% of every alive Jew is or has Ashkanazi Khazar DNA.(see ^^^ Jewish Almanac Quote at begin of This reply posting^^^) and that Dec 2010 DNA evidence etc also Included All other types jews, like Sephardic, and any others jews may call them as they Too have khazar dna via mixing over time with ashkanazi jewry.

    I cannot recall that dna expert jewish israeli guys name? I did see others post reply infos of him at UNZ-prior articles though, firt name is Elian (?) or close to that…plus all his work was done at several places all within Israel…Hebrew Univ.–and a couple other dna type labs and univ’s of good repute.

    It looks as if the worlds goyim & worlds jews both have been royally Duped on a bunch of major issues eh…Especially them apostate preacher men…As…Seen…On…TV!!!

  254. Anon[370]• 免责声明 说:

    This is what makes Islam truly unique, and a winner (theistically speaking 🙂 ). Every other faith is pagan at its core, with human/animal-like deities.

    This, along with the other comments I’ve read in this thread from anonymous[199], sound like a less restrained, less refined 塔尔哈.

    • 回复: @Karl
  255. Anon[370]• 免责声明 说:
    @Reg Cæsar

    Wonder what you think of the book “The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party”
    (1995 by Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams)

  256. Anonymous [AKA "IAmJacksSimplePseudonym"] 说:

    So, I’m not reading all 10,000 words of that, because at the end of the day, here’s what matters:

    Yes, it’s true that the problem, the instigators, the scapegoats, the whipping boys, the accomplices, the innocent bystanders, do NOT fit neatly into a Venn diagram. Life is messy, complicated and unfair.

    However, the public is getting closer to zeroing in on more or less what the problem is and who is more or less responsible.

    I believe it’s past the point where redefining terms is going to be of any use. There is a natural karmic shift of some sort that is gathering momentum, as has happened over and over back into prehistory.

    I believe the prudent thing is for anyone who might get caught up in that karmic Venn diagram to distance themselves from the guilty parties and their corrupt dealings.

    I believe that’s the right thing to do in a cosmic sense as well as in the best interests of one’s wellbeing.

  257. @Them Guys

    i am not sure oif the here.

    The record is very clear why Israel dissected/fell apart as a dynasty.

    King solomon had too many sons and they fought of the kingship. it’;s that simple. it’s not unique, it’s not unknown — sons and daughters fight over inheritances. to my knowledge king Solomon had relations with one women — who black the queen of sheba and there is no record that i recall in which those descendants fought over the leadership of israel

    i for one appreciated the actual reference hebrew, but it is my understanding jews see that as largelt derogatory. most of the jews in discussion are of european descent and i am unclear how many can actually trace their genealogy purely back to the 12 tribes.

    but the hebrew is not one of ancestry — it is the person of heart so says scripture — in otherwords, upon adopting judaic faith and obeying the lord on high lineage becomes secondary issue. an issue still in debate among jews


    in my view what is required is conversion, or belief and practice – yet as the refence notes there’s a genealogical process.

    note: there are black jews, brown jews, and yellow jews

  258. @Them Guys

    where i get the jew is jew by his or her heart

    “24 For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles through you, as it is written.

    25 For circumcision verily profiteth, if thou keep the law: but if thou be a breaker of the law, thy circumcision is made uncircumcision.

    26 Therefore if the uncircumcision keep the righteousness of the law, shall not his uncircumcision be counted for circumcision?

    27 And shall not uncircumcision which is by nature, if it fulfil the law, judge thee, who by the letter and circumcision dost transgress the law?

    28因为他不是犹太人,而是外在的犹太人。 包皮环切术在肉体上也不是:

    29 But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.”


    and of course no jew would abide such a reference – i know

    • 回复: @Alden
    , @Alden
  259. @flyingputer








  260. Karl 说:

    260 [370] > This, along with the other comments I’ve read in this thread from anonymous[199], sound like a less restrained, less refined Talha

    only a matter of time until the Unz commentariat starts talking as much shit about Buddhists as they do Jews. Whoever the Muslims hate, Unz hates

    if the Imams would just put out as fatwas against the Martians, we’d see Philip Giraldi start emitting screeds against the horrible Martians.

  261. Anonymous [AKA "Simeone"] 说:
    @Greasy William

    Someone from the King David line will have to be genetically distinct from Jews. True Kings can only be from the line of Cain, not Seth, because only the line of Cain transmits the Blood of God.

    Cain is the result of procreation of a God (Mars / Samael in Rabbinic myth, who rode the serpent in the Eden myth) with a creature (Eve). Thus, his lineage is the Royal lineage. Check your Kabbalah. Mars is the God of your eternal enemy.

    He is not your creator god, Jew, but the God whose Son’s existence (Cain and later Christ) allowed all that is holy to come into being.

    According to Judaism’s own theology, Jews are pure creatures and not demi-gods (from Cain’s lineage). Instead, they are born of Adam and Eve; who were pre-human creatures (objects of creation instead of results of divine procreation).

    Thus, a Jew cannot rightfully be King. All true King’s harbor the Blood of God from the male lineage, which is what makes them literal Sons of God.

    This Blood is the only Royal Blood that exists or can exist, because it is the only divine Blood by definition. It is the only male lineage that resulted from a God mating with a creature. All other blood is the result of a divine woman mating with a male ape (Neanderthal, Homo Erectus, etc).

    Seth is a result of procreation from Adam and Eve, or in other words the result of the procreation of pure creatures (objects of creation) without divine blood. Jews and other high hominid admixture races are the result.

    You can claim separation from Africans, but your essential nature in the hierarchy of creation is the same. You are the result of a male ape’s lineage, instead of a God’s lineage. Check modern DNA science. All modern human mtDNA is of human origin. That means that all hominid admixture comes from ape y-DNA, which in your case is Neanderthal. Your Neanderthal originated J haplogroups are ape DNA.

    All of your Jewish y-DNA is pre-human hominid DNA of Neanderthal extraction. Only your female genetics are human, which is why you only recognize a female lineage and why your God takes a female pronoun in Hebrew. It is why you circumcise: to symbolically eliminate the concept of male (which is ape for you) lineage within your culture and replace it with female lineage.

    Your god is literally the first human woman who accepted your ape seed. In our religion, that human woman (your god) takes the archetype of whore (because she fucked an ape). In your religion, she takes the archetype of the Virgin (because she fucked a god and not an ape). These two archetypes are always found in tandem.

    Your Torah is an invented book of mythology that never occurred, at least to you specifically. Much of your mythology is clearly adopted from the earlier cultures in the Levant, who did claim divine lineage. I do give you credit for changing the theology to a creation theology to match your true ape origins, and not to try to claim different origins.

    It follows that your made-up supremacist prescriptions are not divinely ordered destiny. Children of apes are not Sons of God. Your Torah prescriptions are merely tribal war dictates couched in mysticism and stolen mythology. You didn’t kill the Canaanites. The Canaanites were continuous with Israel. You weren’t slaves in Egypt. You were murderers and criminals (Habiru / Hebrew) living on the outside of Canaan (as the…ahem…”Kingdom of Judah”), who adopted one of he 72 Canaanite Gods, the God of the Desert (Set, Yahweh) as your own. He then moved up in ranks in that pantheon, according to your system of worship, until the land was cleared b the Assyrian invasion. After which you stole Israel’s / Canaan’s identity and claimed that your Desert god of criminals and outsiders was the only God: replacing Mars / Baal and El.

    But you still have no Royal Blood. That can only come from your enemies, and those that gave you whatever humanity that you possess: the Sons of Cain.

    Your wet dream about reparations and rightful land is just that. You are currently in the Middle East for one reason only: to act as a military staging point, and a military magnet to churn for war if need be, toward retaking the region from Arabs and Turks. Its better for you not be be deluded about that fact. You won’t be collecting reparations, an annual tribute, nor occupying all of the land that you think that you will be. That land was ours, and your function is to return it to us. True Iran even saved you from Babylonian captivity, and you have the audacity to claim that ancient land for yourself. That’s laughably moronic.

    You can rage against God and his Sons, but you cannot defeat God nor his will. You will one day be returned from where you came, as per the clear and repeated cycle whose theology you ignore. Read the Torah more closely for a closer look into your true origins and destiny, and perhaps take a look at the books that the Rabbis reject toward that end. Ask yourself why there are so called “Jewish” books that Rabbis reject, Habiru. You were holed up in ghettos a couple of centuries ago, by our will, and you magically think that some banking and media placements can stave off our will to keep you there? You are out for one purpose and the freedom has already made you into megalomaniacs. That was stereotypically predictable. Good luck collecting sheckels from your neighbors. Tick tock.

    • 回复: @Alden
  262. @EliteCommInc.

    You cunningly continue juxtaposing religious and political Zionism.

    You provided excerpt of mythical book, not references. You also contradict yourself: on one hand, you state Jews distance themselves from Scriptures and on the other, they blend religion and politics. Either make up your mind or sort out your propaganda.

    Suggesting that those called “Israelis” are the “unique people to be a light unto the most high” is a testimony of your logical, moral and intellectual abberance.

    Those who created Israel can care less about Jews. They have been interested in Palestine’s geo-strategic importance and geo-assets (trillions worth of minerals in the Dead Sea).

    • 回复: @Them Guys
  263. Them Guys 说:
    @Hiram of Tyre

    Hiram, the Two biggest flaw mistakes most Protestants and Baptists keep creating their pro Israel and pro jew beliefs from are…#1 They refuse to accept that most of the biblical old testament prophetic promises god spoke for the 12 tribes of Israel, rely upon a Mutual God+israelites covenant. The Old covenant…And that covenant is NO longer valid nor in effect, ever since the New covenant of Christ and Christianity replaced it 2000 yrs ago…….It was the Israelite tribes who messed up and caused god to declare they are No longer his chozens and no longer have any orig covenant due to They, Israeli rejected full obedience to god and the covenant.

    Most, but not every, Gods Promise of some future benefit to 12 Israel tribes peoples and descendants, HINGED upon an Full Obedience to God and the Covenant, which they failed miserably so many times to obey, they finally got told by god thru Jeramiah its OVER and etc etc.

    The #2 Huge error mistake most of them keep doing and refuse to change their minds on is. They, most protestants and baptists etc. Keep changing the biblical word of “Israel” and “Israelites” into the word of “Jew” or “Jewish” as if both are interchangeable and both mean exact same thing. That’s Wrong.

    They do Not mean the same. But in order for all of their massive teachings of pro Israel and pro jew abject worship, to remain “valid” or Biblical correct, they cannot admit to their huge errors of belief of these two major mistakes.

    This is why we keep seeing pastors like Hagee and Falwell and Robertson et al, promoting that there are TWO god covenants….Both in effect similar to a One Way Two lane highway to heaven.

    Both lanes of road are a one way travel, and each Lane represents one covenant each. Jews get to drive on Lane #1 while Lane #2 headed in same direction is Only for Gentile Christians.

    Somewhere at end of road both lanes merge into one lane straight into heavens gates.

    Main difference according to Hagee et al, is jews never need accept Jesus, nor become a Christian, because jews, every jew ever born even 4000 yrs ago, all get a 100% Free Pass Into heaven No Matter What a jew does wrong or evil etc.

    Only Christians must maintain a proper good lifestyle and obey god etc to enter heaven.

    So to sum up: Due to orig old covenant never ends never got replaced jews get a 100% free entry into heaven based on jewish dna. Born jewish=Free Pass.

    While gentiles Must accept Jesus, and become Christian or NO dice to heaven entry, period.

    Which as can be seen here by anyone able to Read and Discern the entire whole biblical picture, and what it actually states and means, can discern that most of all that mambo jambo stuff they preach is apostacy pure and simple.

    Most everything they explain to answer questions on, “Why are you constantly mixing verses and half verses out of context and making it all up as you go”?….Begets an answer that sounds yet more false and goofy yet. Such as ask them how can NT gospels state that Christ is the way, the only way , yet somehow that means only gentiles as jews get a free pass?

    They revert back to orig covenant and insist its still fully in effect as day it was originated on. BS and Wrong period. As is stated in New testament books. There is only One active covenant and it is the Christianity covenant, and is so much better it shall never again get replaced so no third new covenant ever is to come or happen period. And the old covenant is as Dead as a Brick.

    But they cannot accept such bible truths for if they did, their entire apostate falsehoods of jewry and Israel, “worship” will fall apart at seams. Then what? return all them donations?!!

    Haggee gives Back to Israel and NY jews his free Lear Jet they Gave him for being so pro jewish? That’ll be the day eh!

    • 回复: @Them Guys
  264. Them Guys 说:
    @Them Guys

    PS: I guess I could Add a #3 Huge mistake they make…It is they ignore completely, but Only where a jew is in play, what yet another important teaching and reality found in new testament says. Its in Thessalonians (?) #1 or #2 books….It is an chapter long devoted to informing Christians that once one becomes a Christian, they also become a True Child of Light aka of God. BUT…All, that’s All as in Includes also Unbelieving in Christ Jews too, who meet any of the definitions listed, which number about a dozen or so, Ie: Liars-Murderers-Unbelievers-etc etc…..Those Are and Remain a child of Darkness aka evil of Satans children.

    At very end of chapter, in very final verse of aprox. 15 or so verses, it clearly states that…So as a child of Light and God, as far as All who remain a child of Darkness and Satan,….From Such/Them…Turn AWAY From them. IE: means once you tried to One time teach those of darkness, what and whys about Christ and gospels etc….All who still reject it and Remain in darkness…Turn away from, means, Have NO more at all to do with such folks period.

    Like it or Not, and every pro Israel and pro jew protestant and baptist et al apostates Do Not like it…never the less…From such Turn Away from. Includes Jews since jews remain UN-believers of Jesus and reject Christianity, as well as many jews meet what else was stated in that Listing of child of darkness definitions….It is near impossible for the apostates to even consider a total break away from jews in darkness…Why?…Brainwashed by apostate and self anointed self appointed preacher men is best answer to why.

    It seems, apostate Zio-Christianity and its fraud jew worship, are much Like: Jewry + Communism+Zionism+dem Lib+Marxism, All equally, equal a very messed up brainwashed mental state of mind, that once imbeded in persons mind and beliefs is almost impossible to yank them out of it.

    • 回复: @Hiram of Tyre
  265. Alden 说:
    @Brett Redmayne-Titley

    I didn’t write that I believed the Wikipedia article about Crawshaw

    I cited it because it is so different from the Crawshaw you described. Since Wikipedia described him as a benevolent employer I tended to believe your version

    Wikipedia is good for dates, that’s about it.

  266. Alden 说:

    So Eve’s son by the serpent (God) was half God?. Her son or sons by the ape are regular humans?

    Haibru translates as bandits, nomadic raiders. The Jewish bible is a mish mash of earlier mythologies. The Christian bible added a lot of Persian Zorastorianisn and Mithraism, plus a bit of Sun Godism.

    • 回复: @Anonymous
    , @Anonymous
  267. Alden 说:

    Don’t you have a Sunday School class to teach?

  268. Alden 说:

    People believe this …. stuff? It’s insane.

    At least FMG has a rational explanation.

    Allah decreed it’s a sin for women to enjoy sex.
    If the clit is removed a woman can’t enjoy sex

    Therefore Allah orders filthy old witches to remove girls clits.

    The medical hospital version of boys circumcision is just another medical procedure. The Jewish religious version is illegal sexual molestation. Do Muslims also fellate baby boys does anyone know?

    • 回复: @EliteCommInc.
  269. @Them Guys

    You’re most absolutely correct on all three points. I would add:

    No. 1: Christianity is not an outgrow or an evolution of the putrid and evil Old Testament but its rejection and the liberation of man through “God’s son”.

    No. 2: Christianity in the US before and after the creation of the British Zionist State known as Israel was/is symmetrically opposed. Before, it was based on the New Testament. After, it was hijacked with British Evangelicalism (as well as the Scofield Bible) to serve one purpose and that one only: provide unconditional support to Israel. The likes of Haggee are fat pigs who likely know the truth but it’s sinply more profitable to lie.

    No. 3:Modern Zionism was indeed created by the same behind Communism, Fascism, Nazism, and most of the deviant “ism”. I invite you to read the following:

    How Britain biggest racists created Zionism
    第20页: http://wlym.com/archive/campaigner/7812.pdf

    • 同意: Them Guys
  270. Anonymous [AKA "Auntie Semite Uncle Samael"] 说:

    Zionism was responsible for the Holodomor, and the murder of 65 million people in Russia, the Ukraine, and Eastern Europe from 1917-1953.
    ALL who manned the CHEKA, SMERSH and parts of the old KGB were Zionists.
    The Zionists ran the Jews out of Russia and Eastern Europe, hence the Jews fled to Western Europe, Palestine, the U.S. and the U.K.
    Stalin’s real name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, a Zionist from Georgia.
    Kruschev;s real name was Solomon Perlmutter, also a Zionist from Georgia.
    The Zionist were the actual cause of the Holocaust, brought on by the modus operandi of trying to seize German property via Force Majeur. When that happened, the Zionists made sure that the Jews were blamed for it, hence the Holo (sacrifice) Caust (to butn).
    Up until then, Germany encouraged the Jews to go to Palestine as per the Balfour Declaration. The Germans allowed the Jews to keep the proceeds from the sales of their homes, businesses, and even paid passage from Germany to Palestine until the Zionist enacted the Force Majeur and the Jews got the blame for this!
    Then came the Holocaust!!!
    There was even a commemorative coin struck celebrating the return of the Jews to the Homeland of old, with a Star of David (Saturn) on one side, and the Nazi Swastika (Four Winds, and Aryan Hindu symbol for Good Luck and Fortune) on the other side.
    A good majority of the world’s ills are directly stemming from Zionism, the Talmud, and the Learned Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
    These are NOT Judaic in any way!
    In fact, the Jews in Israel protest against Zionism on a regular basis in the major towns and cities.
    Read the history of the Khazars, the Ashkenazis, and the various Orthodox Jewish Sects.
    Author and presenter David Icke has a most excellent presentation on how Zionism has hijacked Judiasm.
    See also the You Tube video titled ‘Zionism; unmasked in :10 Minutes’.

  271. Anonymous [AKA "Simeone1"] 说:

    Close, and I do appreciate the sincere effort to understand, but there is a slight error.

    As an aside, it is best to keep in mind that Genesis is allegory for how humans arrived and what their struggles and interactions were with the hominids that were here prior. It is not to be taken literally, but it is to be taken seriously. If that makes sense.

    For example, if I told you that the 父亲 of Cain and Christ represented the first human (possibly Cro Magnid), or whatever genetic vessel allowed for the prior hominids here to gain the genetics to form humanity, that does not conflict with his representation as a god because this is allegory.

    Taking this out of allegory for a moment, my personal interpretation is that no one knows how the first true humans arrived on Earth, or at least if they do it is not written anywhere that I know if we are to discount myth.

    What is clear is that he first pure humans did not evolve from any known prior hominid.

    Instead, they bred with them (as is told throughout Genesis and Enoch, and by modern science).


    The first pure humans could very well have been of divine origin, or some otherworldly origin. It could also be a more terrestrial origin. All that can be said to be known, from modern science, is that it is a mystery. If we are to take the Bible or select other mythological sources literally, then what would be genetically pure humans (which are rare today) are indeed a variation of a pure God.

    All modern human races are the result of race mixing between this vessel for “divine” genetics and earlier hominids. Though, I suspect some relatively pure humans still walk among us, perhaps as the pure Cro Magnid type.

    In general, “Caucasians” are mixed with the Central Asian Neanderthal, Asians with the East Asian Neanderthal and Denisovan, Africans with Homo Habilis, Erectus, and I suspect other Dark continent early hominids (accounting for their possession of the widest varying collective genetic pool). Pacific Aboriginees I suspect are the result of breeding with an unknown hominid (at least until we map their genome). Dravidians perhaps another.

    Most of the Genesis allegory is exceptionally well written, given the complexity of what occurred, and most of it is consistent. However, it is best to look at what is being communicated rather than to try to ferret out the strict sense of the structure of the allegory. With that caveat in mind, the following is what needs to be corrected in your attempt to understand:

    Biblically, what characterizes what is “human” is divine genetics. Popular post biblical symbolism for this concept is contained in the “grail” myths.

    Adam and Eve do not share in these genetics and thus technically were not human. They were likely Neanderthal, which the Jewish authors of the Bible had an interest in painting as human due to their high Neanderthal admixture. Also see their damnation of Cain’s lineage (which is a curious contradiction given Cain’s explicit biblical responsibility for technology and Civilization).

    All modern humans, to include Jews, White people and all others, come from two biblical lineage concepts (I would just say ‘lineages”, but the general Black lineage for example is not included in the Bible but it does share the same structure as the Jewish lineage), but both type of lineages come from different genetic sources.

    One lineage is from the male lineage (y-DNA) that came from the first pure pure human male, mythologically represented by Mars. See Rome’s Father God, for one example of an affirmation of this origin.

    The second lineage is the result of the mating of one of the females from the divine male lineage (Cain lineage) mating with a Neanderthal male from Adam and Eve’s lineage (Sethian lineage). I assume that this could have been from rape.

    This is why the two lineages (Cain and Seth) strangely and quickly in the Bible begin to share names, with mirror characteristics, in reverse order.

    This same structural lineage pattern (female Cro Magnid human with male hominid, often by rape I assume) was reproduced with every other manner of hominid to form the other races.

    The second lineage, of Seth, was originally born of two hominid parents. This lienage only refers to Neanderthal and an eventual Cro Magnid admixture, as the Bible generally refers to non-whites with coded animal terminology and does not consider them to be human. Thus, it doesn’t speak directly about them. This assertion comes straight from deeper Judaic instruction, and is not my own. Thus, no persons within the Bible are meant to be representative of non-Whites or whatever hominids they procreated with.

    This leaves Neanderthal as the only possibility, as no White person has any other type of hominid admixture. By definition, White people as a political class have as little hominid admixture as possible, and only those with strictly Neanderthal admixture, and as little as possible, have been historically accepted as “White”. Almost all of us have hominid admixture, but as the Neanderthal admixture rises we experience these individuals as the Mediterranean / Turkish / Jewish / Arab type.

    That’s the core esoteric message of both Genesis and the New Testament. Adam and Even were not human but hominid. Likely pure Neanderthal. “Adamic man” is universally recognized as primitive for the traditions that speak about him. Cain’s lineage represents the first human lineage (male human genetics, which was the origin, mixing with female Neanderthal genetics or female humans). Seth or one of his Son’s likely mated with a Cro Magnid female, but keep in mind that this specific type of lineage creation is strictly of female human origin. Only Cain’s lineage is of divine, or human, male origin and thus only Cain’s male lineage carries divine male human genetics. The origin of the other races is the result of female human mtDNA. This is why only the line of Cain can produce true Kings.

    See the book of Enoch that equates male humans mating with the “daughters of man” (read: hominids) as bringing conditions that warrant God eventually bringing the flood to genocide them. I believe that this is an allegory that warns against human males mating with the most primitive of hominids, essentially giving the Blood of Cain to other races through the male line.

  272. Anonymous [AKA "Simeone2"] 说:

    Yes, Habiru were nomadic criminals.

    Canaan was continuous with and equal to Israel (same people). Check modern anthropological opinion for confirmation.

    The Habiru lived as a small group on the outskirts of Canaan in the exact same manner that the “Kingdom of Judah”, a historical Kingdom concept that is thought by anthropologists to be a vast overstatement, lived as a small group on he outskirts of Israel. See any map that purports to represent the historical geography of the region.

    Hebrew is a modernization of the word Habiru. These people were likely the higher hominid (Neanderthal) admixture individuals, prone to more crime and dysfunction, and thus rejected from proper Cannanite / Israeli society.

    The Christian Bible is a continuation and modernization of all prior and true “Indo-European” religion, to include that of the Canaanites (including the Phoenicians) and Romans. The primary concept being the divine origin of the Cro Magnid type of man. Christ’s existence as a God-man hybrid is the revelation of this concept, and the core theology of Christianity and prior Indo-European religions.

    Christianity is somewhat shaped for purposes of Empire expansion, likely due to the trouble that the Romans were having with Jews among others, but it is not as inclusive and lenient as communists make it out to be. This is clear upon any serious reading of the New Testament, including the addition of the necessary Old Testament context (for example, you cannot know what “neighbor” means in he New Testament without knowing how it is used in the OT).

    Judaism’s refutation of this Cro Magnid religion is because it theologically marginalizes high hominid admixture groups like Jews because it implies that they are less divine than pure Cro Magnids. As a rebuttal, Jewish theology holds that God’s creations (of high or total hominid admixture), rather than his offspring, are his “people”.

    Mithraism is one of the oldest and most authentic Indo European religions, even predating and later competing with Zoroastrianism throughout Anatolia and what were later the Persian Empires. It is perfectly congruent that Christianity would embody much of what this and other Indo-European religions contained, because Christianity was always meant to be continuous and congruent with the core theology of these religions where and whenever their theological integrity remained intact. It is not a mish mash of these religions. It is these religions, in modern form. “Sun godism” is not really a thing wherever Indo European religions did not succumb to complete degeneracy. They Sun was used as a symbol, especially for the unity of the divine with the physical (see the sun cross), but it never replaced theology as a literal God absent any representational symbolism.

  273. MrB 说:

    What a pile of tripe from a man with a made up name.

    Modern zionism is entirely founded on the made up holocaust which israel and all zionists the world over protect with law and brutality. Without the holocaust israel wouldn’t exist and the jews would still be a bunch of no hopers spread around Russia and eastern europe screaming ‘give me your money and land in Palestine.’

    Strangely though I don’t want to see israel destroyed like they claim iran does. Mainly because it is the perfect place for all the screaming idiots that zionism produces.

    Judaism is a lost religion that caters for so few it would best be described as a cult along with jehovas witnesses and scientology.

  274. @Alden

    Excuse the delay. I have attempted to respond to this several times, but the cloudfire, or firecloud gave me a blank screen, it was not intentional.

    Believing in christ, and reading scripture for comprehension, is not only rational, it’s uplifting, challenging, and valuable to heart mind and soul.

    I don’t mean the scripture memorization game

  275. Wael Ahmad 说:




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